The daily Georgian. (Savannah) 1835-1847, January 08, 1836, Image 2

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■ !l* CSORCIAN n SrNriiiiAi* n. BULtooH. et'ensua* •>* •»*» :.*«■ or tut rm<*. i. r*7sr»«* . . . jTT” »*i i n^nr 0.H-I.4H* • 1 *! Ait Adrift!*' •nrieitnppeot a U^tk pnfiti | /■'nun lAt l‘utlland Ailtrrtutr. Ilal'nnf llora?* *u« ftont D'*etnr Jo. Uttin Du jj'^y. \V« •(■nuUfi't wotnUr now if he areaMifitoiiAw #.r other, rallied lo oor old ! Irt'lfd Mr. John IUK-*t|*-—•• Any how ymi can Ul H," In* talk* lik* we wu*( there i fnrn Ukn ||i« aamr liberty with ilia Doctor# I letter* that we hair In-re'otnre taken wi'h Mr 1 Handle'#— publish tU« in;—ahut* a gin a. T VO PS 4 «. JK* O V, 9 • HU All. j •' ‘ IM.V >« « • PIOPIrCriuM LI) 1 l'ON—I'pl.Mi'l, nrd tn »>im' a 13| I lir to good, t.'l* m ll| rru: n. 15 a l.'i| l* ft I’Un.l, d? a 4 ) Stained, RIP I* -tiifbrbr lo good. £ i CJ a ^3 03, FUM'll—flowanlffl.. CJ 50 u *|, Ml PIIRV - Retail, :n a 75 ct*. II \Y--$1 37 a 1 M M MIHKKV-lVr gallon, Ithd* X Mils 38 » l?c- IM’M—New England, per gallon,-lO. UIN -NmUinnt, jft't gallon, 4" a 4<i. Tuit \(’(ll)— Manofm. 10 * 15. .Maniilarturud, J«» n 95. MACKEREL—Nu. 1. h 7 *. U.Hl 3. •'*. TAU/1W- IVr Ih. lu a 11 I*'IKK -Mn*a. $jn, IIACON —« a lo onula, HAM*—lu a Uvmu. L\RD—10 a I'J^mi.u. HITTER—Husiidfi. lo i HI VI* YuRa*. 4 a 7 i«ml- l IIKEBE—9 a 10 cent*. CA.N'lMilli)—Northern Moo 1*1, Npnnttar i'll. '15 a 3<» ivnt*. Georgia, |li hunt*. 1.1’MnBU- Yellow I’hm* R uiL'ing Tlinlir 1(1, blnolii S twed, fel'i . Flooring 11 18; lli.i r Luiiihvr, liuanta, Flunk uini Scantling,I" 1*4; Muirterul,l| inch Floor- lug UuHrna,Rl 11 Mia lit Wlutii Pint* nlcar, K9Ju 93; Mi r« hui'jhk, a;I 5. lUul Uak Mavr a, li mo ; While tlak Males, £30 ft 35 , Hlnnvl*' . 81 ft ft. 34 uanic. man, yot lint lha ra»nl» all ' CliiMran mnr know n a niva ran i Jo 1 T< JlAGGl.NG- lie.,,. 93 OvNAlH a II BRANDI - Ola re, Daipair A ‘ns brand, I i'l a‘4<IO; ritlmr bran.l* 140 a 137. GIN -IlnUatul, Oil a 119. SAl.T—Cargo a* lea 3H . Hank*, a i h'J a I 7 ' HUtlAK— Havana, White, 13. I* Rion H>4 ■ II Brown, !'J a III; Mum-.ivailn, none; Hi ( full, 10 a 11 ; .'i * I >rlt'unr. M i a 0| i U*i limil la- I. 15 a lH ; l,tiiuti, 15. POKKKK—19 a 11J 1'itiiia. llyaon. lit! I. 1.3 , . 1(1 \f.—Jmiiaica, lOrl n lid. Wort Judin*, H(» 4 !llj rnif*. M01.A8HKH—W...I In.!,,. New OiliMn*,{iM>nr. tii'oiuia, nmu'. Id IN HON roiri Kft—*3, |H r down. I n. II. i hi. fe.74 (M*r iliocii, 11U)N — Mwodea, ij'.ot j»t i,.m k x « II ft ft o a 1 On KvWUtin—m Nkw Voaa— 3,i .lu)», 1 1 I jtrf rl.iljaroimt. t»il iltijra, 11 .1 14 1" 1 ••••fit ci.* omit. 1I«nn ( nr* a*—mi .*».«% Y.iiiJ'iiiuuKUiiit nnil llAi.riMi.Ni — 1’ 8 llawa Nuia» par < kvriui llaNa, am* Aioi vta Hank*—pur. < ii«ai»ni>a tin.- |.ar,l per ul di*. UaH'ka lUaa Hit La, |«yaolu jl llianoii In r>nVM.iliali, (Nil. l»AHira Hawk Him a, pavaMn al I'ririuipul bank in ll.iiii'ii, 4 pur ut. dm. Olliai ItranuliOH, 1 (mo 1 uni ill c.'UMl l>Afta Htatit u» •.»' a..,a H.1.1 a, .n.uMo at lliunri. in Ao^uhtu, liar; utlirr lirui.ulnia I 1 an tft'll' dial’, Macui, 13n i'M </> and I IaWKiNavu iji ilAftft (kvita^—I (at. o> 11 iIiihm nit. I Durtai JutK'tm Pingltif l» Ih* 1’illLr a/ lit A'»tr*/.ft(«r ia PurtUtud. Sia — Y"'*r lollur came nlo to hand, hot orm I .1"ii than |>ing|» hml tl.a li'»l oa,' >.f it. Ila ia 1 ini i«hli«A to me, ilmu|h ho •jk.II* Ina iiauir I atmilar, and go ho took Win .nllar out of tho pnat • lli I.r »ny , hy nnilakr Than ho niailo | ilt» mufalr ut showing 0 to all lua nolghlmr., ^ and anolhar iiiiaiAkii liranghl it it.lo inv Imi^a. T. c I*.nit Maator w#a not in blame If* 1^ lamed not t» hove hit a|K,ra I*J him, and ha •I* n't roud hand writing any l«o o.«/. •• MM'ikr* will h ipfion. hot if nrighlmur U. i.gU Im.I n t •• kftwn float fnnri.n it. 1 rather : iliinft ha would h .vo looked twirn before ho rook it lie i» not lha m ’o lu h.ol out and plank down In* i.i. efa'ii. e, by inml ika. The am,1 and of yur lot rr aeein 10 |m>, to dealru me In dr-p you a line, unco in a while, anil give you Ilia in wa front lhaao par'a |..rynur nr'iil. You have enrreapondanta, )..n • ay, 111 rraaeo anil England, and the city of IV ia ingti.n, hihI it )oo only had aoolher local e.| m I Ilia MU-liou, y«u Would lie lixed. I nndr'iAialid t hi* well enough, hut ihrro mud be two wnrda In that bargain. You urr a lol. l •Iratigm 11 mo, unil im ufToiico—-you edilnra of iM W*|i4|e'r« are thought in lie lucky. All fair enough though: it i* a part ot^ y.-ur ■ rail*. T ero are Iricka in my trade loo. Ilownvor 01 y n- igl.bnre—all that got *igh! of ymir hitter, hy mi* ake, erg ».-, (tie lima I have to do with you tho Iretier. They ray tho teller ia a trap — llim it mnana more than it auya— aemuthing Ycmriug Hoard*, 1 do Hut I know my nnghhorii. Homo folk* ulwuy* have thin' imime in the gr. imd, moling about for niiachief; litil, they 0811*1 nr.ire nit*. M»nl •» Mr. John Heodle anenkf loleffthlu well ol'yoU ; and my wife ia for hiving mo t..ko hold I ol iho iiu»ii|' » , tvhailior «>t no. Hhe wouta to I *00 my in print. .My wiiW waa fttirnal, j loilor • rlie Vaa married, of (Jruul Cornur. l’or- imp* you know the Uruela. I'heie may loi aninotliing deop in the Inter, but my wife and 1 together, have read ii ovrr nnu ov r again, and turned and *iP*'>l it thruugli ( and through, ovniy and .yllihle, and we mn find no murder any where. My wife hog g led a lit'lo at the name lignednt the hoi. to 11. •• K.lwurd " you we. it i» a nliria'iiiii name, 11 re in Hie country, and rha *ai<l, a* like aa nol, you torgol, 111 your hurry, to wnluyour airuaine. ' Hut J nriaao further into a inilludon* linn klio r .ii, I know that peuplo inflihe niiw»|io|e.r line ate n< t at all parliculir ah.uit kignmg their iiAiiira ; and one lialTthe tune they d 'li't get txi. vood tho II *t letter. Any wuy to dodge the law. If you had pul in Nod, it Would have come to llii* buiiiii thing. I know lot* of fellow* of your names 1 nitm awapped lioraea with a III in hy the muna of Nid l*ild*ury—I wonder if ho waa any rolation lu you 7 Hut I auppow y»u capout me to Bak no ipiuatioll*, n* you p nd the puatuge. Kiimigh aid, then; you w 11 lot tiiu cut out of the bug whan you get ready. You 1 tj«it cry of my ahiliti** ia plea*ing| anil I iMro a..y I might a .y the anmn of you in your oalling. Hut w hat put it into yuitr h*k<l to pitali ufmn me a* more likely than any Imdy e|*« in tha town, tu he at the bottom oft lung* ? It »howa Hiai you are no fool at giica*ing, any how. I 1 mippoae I do got Hie kn«w ledgu of wh d i* going on, '.bunt aa .plick aa any body—without it ia 1 old Auol Hu/y ; hut ah*’a n<>t worth nimilinn log. N' t ttiut 1 go about prymg into fiber pen ,'U'a cmieorna, aa rnoiin f.dkkd >. I .11 bo it from me. t »n the ron'rary, Hi"re 1* nothing you can *>4y Hut will pu' me out q 1 eV r Himi to u..|l m<> amiddler. Hut p.itiema will talk, you know, and bow can 1 Im Ip it 7 It dnea them good, n tin * * fni" yell, ami all Waa over. '• TdofO, in J lad, a-J* f, I hem*# a tooth »ba» never will eeh*; •'"! when ynn grow up in be a mao. y»oi will ,r Biemfier Poctnr l>lngt"y.“ halo*! me like p'd#»>n, Wb»t ia f'*'d Cut them. J r'in < iri.^a ik iiily 1 branched nif among Ilia neighbora. Friend J**ali preached my d**- trine and prataed ,ny .kid every where It mi In* mi. real to dn mi. My board wa- ru ning on at Ilia rate ef four and »ii|*cncn a wcee. ami lie had not oovu tl.u of HIV money Jh'l. Ilf off 'rod to tail that llortor Dingcv would pull a .until in |**a tm»e, and with one iwlf la*» pain—he bad a good mind In aay thr u quar tore—than any oilier Doctor, in the Mate of M .me •• lie i» nu rnlatiun lu mu, aeye lie. but I w.ll*peak the truth.** Hut drafting leeth at mnepence p r grinder, and aiipenra per *u't r, waa amall |» taloe*. coo w ill -ay. Well, the point ol th* w- 3a# «i||.i i n Im* ami 111 lha ainalbu the lad tea, if it ia well tapered and g eeatd. I nlwaya had a tongue f«.r tho worn* 11, and I let the man kn< w Hmt produce and Dado would anawer my torn, ina'ejd of uuali. Tim cnnaeqilenre Wu«. tint oAnn, wlien 1 went oil*, a toot' pu fug, I cam" hack lighliT hy kouift drnpa of parig»rio, or a portion of aalta 01 rhobird or aiicli a no.Iter. Then at- ppod in lock •« help conlrivance^- Th" euciiiuhor ■oaa»n turned out f.mou»ly. and an d .1 gr-ou *p|i'e« | anJ In cr wn the who'a, A ml Sniy fell ■ ui with the old Doctor and look lue under her wing, out of purr ep ta Mho and. died horanlfupou mo then, and I h ivo in V T been aide to kn k liar oil'10 ihiaday- Kroin line* beginning* 1.took a rtirt, and kcrabbl'd nml pu licd along, till by the lime tho "lid ef the year c ina 1 mind, I found my elfin t l.-rablo good bruatl. I p .id up Joah tlartor, Willi corn mid oal8. to the |;i«t chalk ; and he brought in and tro lled lik« a malt. Wir,—Here la ih» if- e atnle of my naan ; and I cannot nuiko lip my mimJ to »ey ye« or no to you at till* prraaut, Hut y 11 in iy takn thia ami chiw upon it till next week, nml I will talk to my wife and c< n*idar; end let y 11 know the Upah.-t, by th'-n. Th a io.'.or you will nay. ia long enough, any hnw. The irotli ia, ii 1- nut "lien that I act down In write, hut when 1 got hold ..fu good pun,and once gut in wr tehing away a' a'p, a-you imy any of mo aa they aanl of the old bor*e tlial runaway with with three fat Uiweon girl*— 0 when hr got fairly l" g ung h» waa too lazy to atop.** There, now | have »ot you to laughing, am! f in iy aa null bite off, being your friuiid and well wi*hor. DoctorJOTIIAM DINGM'.V* Nil. If you alinuld write ugim plu.iao pul d-o c doc. 1.0 r tor, ill lull, to prevent inure mia t >kea & v 4. ar n *.m% FRIDAY MORNING, JAN. 8. In'll they are on the ninid. Aunt Hmy In lliu advau.age ofm«, bcuuu e alir uurie* all amt nnu k. I my ptlnwta, and »<>mn more of her uwn, buaidci |*i tftTKfta* Ham,- aaleafur £H0pald In. I nuking hur*ulf bu*y "Tory ft line. M wi'r IM. I'lkK Iftai’HA'M.K Ham,—£60 I IMiuw. 1 call bur Am,t hut aim ia no kin to for (tbO paid in. Oi". I deeirn to I*, tlmnkAil. Kvrv body calla IIa.vk Siaic or t > 1 iikoi, jjiICO for flint ' Urr A-i'll ; aim ia the town granny ; and the wo Jianl in. , ilirn *>i>t every thing l»y her nml think, there 1* Hash nr Danikn - £03. 10. il.'tog witliuul her. II any thing goer wmng, poo! j I a II DM. To I who Iml Aunt Huzy can right it ’ If tlm aoap l»r cotton: I wont oonui - i w ay f, r Aunt Huay ; and if the l or Itico ( bread worn ri*e they think of Aunt Smy, I do Fttliliairi'h—T«. I.i Havre I i 111 per lu, t o.N Y'ork,4 • | for liicu, •> I 4 a 4--To lluaton, | I1I4.—To I’iiiI ,ili lplu.1 1.1 00(1011 ; l'i>r K lunie —To i'ruvidui 11, | ul fur Cuttuu ; ft 5H lor llioe. "'Tu Die tlm-tpuitglcd burimr,oft,long may irurr "O’er Ihr land uf I hr the homr t>f Ihr ftrurr.*’ “ DEMOCRATIC NOMIXATIOX I OK rni:sn)n*T. ?IAIITIN YAN HI IIKN, ur arw voKH, roll VICE MESWEST, lilt II \UI> ,n. JOHNSON, or KKvrt'cKv, Mr. Dnlariiu do V ill* rut, I'uiuul ol l'ruucu in thia city, ho* l*onn iioininatod Trench Cunaul to Utcluuuiid, Virginia. From the Straw ih Skipping and Cunvher. rial bill, Jim ,m C’ortoe—Arrived #'iio» 3l -l nll*' I.M htl'-a t»|dand wild I r*7 i*a e* ■"* |a|*nd ; ngp <1 lea led 10 ttiw kfttttft Imtu imU,» upland, ami *’t» t>at*a aoa ia.and , leaving a atm k on lomd imduaivi. ol ill. o atup bu.uu iiuti'lK'rod on tiiu 7ih mat i'.tW.t3 oxtua upland, and M l l t>»lca **a j-lmnl. *1 >• drooping a ale ul' Uni unttun timrkiit advor- ted to lo ilUrl'l*! review, OOlllilllli'il uq.ll I'rd iy fttftli l»lvftr pm l dale a tv» ttw bth N"V. WMw te. veivi'd, anil w lilt'll being of a ili i'ide.hy nmre fa. to 1 able 6 nopleiioii Ih.ii pruvinuaaocmitla had led to th AivieapAtton «>f. an act>va uwpnry vtt aued and ha* Coiilinuud Inru igll the wuek, "lift- giiling holder*, owingolii.'l'iy to tlm uuuip*r>- li\« am .11 stock ti<r mI«, tu niIi/i an avivwucw in uplund* ol 4 • | i-leperib ami in amnu in. aluiicok I ci per Ihov.-r the p/Ksaacurrent when live mark't wa* at Urn lum»l pvnn'. ‘live vl<w of the wtuk Will amount to atmut 50UII bale.*, p |...r> ui ra wf which ar« a* follow a; 7 at 13, I I'd at 1UV37 at 194,;: ,t 13. ^*t Lli. UlUfti v , • . 1 i 311-1 I 14 I*. 41 13,. 3vl 1:14, at ! ^ H|*v»aka«iK ofyour roncrrna - your 8 | buH at M. 441 at N4, llilliit Ii J Hi, gg • l 111. 1337 at 144.-S3 el M|. 3I<> at 144 4 l ftt 14|. %7at 15,910 at 1A|, M3 el 1A4 I„ awa i'i mu thrill qg* team more ni.juiry tin* weok hut tiiu prinve a»k"U being above the ten (fpuiehaaeia generally, »u can only np..n k.,le» ol 911 b<luk wt me I'dlov, m.* pr>r. •; 3 a \ 2ti. 3 -t 97. I at '4tt, 9rt, 6 .1 «». lu? ai ,lu, *J *1 *11, 13 at 3'44, 33 at 34, 4,'» at 35, b at Id. Receipt* uf cuttuu at lUo •lu t t'ctubui Ul, lullnwtng placet 1835 1834 S ivaunuli, J hi. 7 fljlti'l ( itarlesiun, Du*, 31, OtlBI 890121 Mobile. Due. -b 4'.t5li'l 7tiU47 .Ni-w-Orhun*. D.-u. '.’ti 13 ,t»J9 1931)91 Virginia, Dtw. 12, till 5 3 1 luml*. Nov. IQ. 1(1*35 3t> fti'J'J — cutuni uu Itainl, at the reapoutn re places iiRinu.l; ! Savannah,Jan, 7, 3i 137 3118 5 j ( liar lest on, Due 31 , nr. hi 93450 Mobil*. Due.9'1, VJ«79 578*1 Now.Orluan*, Due. 2d, tit.; 42 b5U'J* i Virginia, Dec. 12, 1J.M Macoti, iW i. 4elj \'igusla and Hamburg, Jau. 1, Ip355 3239a j I’liil ibdpl'ii. Due. iy. IliUU N.W.Voik, lUv i-.. 33t>0 i .'000J R'i 1 - The ilamand continue a fair and the ! arlea aiu fully v"U<l tu toe rceeipta. Tho aalea aj'iee our la*\ are ab-dt llklOca*k>, at all pn. or* from 9 75 a 3 19. princi|vallv at ^*3 « .'» uf. it* —UoUliaUeb to d< I ni'. Kilnni Mil bbla Upward »t« at 7 02, 500 hi!. Pin to arrive, at 7 37. In U-ual we hear ui* no traliucl on*. C'uas—Rvta.I* it ur 1 d .1 na.—8 a of aniull pa ire * l'.ir'n Ruo at 11, St. Cr«ix a* M4. N. (lrl»auv »• ^ Id. Corret—iluu in-ca heavy. Wo be ar of no Bale* of any cnaequcnre. Snail,.—In douiekiic the aa'e* are quito email. Halt —SaSca of about 35J »a 'ka I. r rr, l 75. Slalcmenl tj fu T 1 " ol at Stuck on hand, l«t (> Hoccivod Una Lbcoivcd prcviou* ., l. Jan. 7. fi.l'da, ►71 s r I .Vi js; 1 J»3 I! a Girted thia we Do. pruvion* k, r-o/7 y, 5tbS:i: btuuk on hand, including all on khip board not eli4i.ej, on the “th |Det„ (’ream Ale. 4 rilF.SH aupply ni (Vain Ale, for a vie by doc til* CL Ml HORN .v, WOOLS l-alievc, ticlim) uniptuia, Su ahe ia in every b. dy'a inea* ; -lid tiaa tlm run of every Imn-u, nud aculue and rip* from oellar to garret, aa loud na II kha wa* — nol Aunt—but mi*trj*a of the lam- lint she in a thorn in my *ide— Lunl Hu/y. lu O'auuf aiekmaa, aim 1* ju»i aa auro to boa*u' tor, a* the doctor liinnmlf. Him livna in a little hut, right .'ppnaiUi mu on the coimnon ; ami I never hear n ruttling at my door, at mid' ighl, III t i» not aot'ii tollowml up by a liangiiig ul Aiiui S vy'a. Ur, if it alorum, or the man 1* m a burry, l.u Bkkn tlm tat or of lie*. » And 1 any Doc 1 or, Jliruugli mv keylv le)—What nuw 7— My tylfo waiiln yd, juat to bring Aunt Hmy along, in your allay." Thi* i«thu itk.igu I gi", at tin* curnur ; bevidca wanting me to dm tof lor nothing nndllud pliyelc. Hut I have iiulh- Ing again*! Aunt Huty. Not I I wi*h her vvoll. Ah I aik of her in, to mind hrr uwn bu*- iiiPM, and not alwaya lm interfering, wlmn I tneaoriTte utadteine. Kneping up bur aturnil clack funavr and evurlimtUig, aud Ji»pi|iing ,.m! t ontivh 'ti.ig uie, at avnry time, aa if aim knew fVftry 'tnng pud I uohody. |lu> tiow 1 run uu —Aa if you cared for Aunt Suiy. Speaking of vnur eoneerna— your aim. Mi I Kdwuril, or wh-t veryuur uanu i*,—tlmro ia ti mun in AinericA inoni willing in uhliga than 1 alii—1 go any length* to oblige. Hut, circuit at n -d aa 1 aim, I mu*t walk m tho path* 1 J prudom e. Now, I dont mind tlm writing ol letter, but tu I»avo it pot into print, and aent a. j broad all oviiT tha World, to ho atmaed or Iniigh. ad at, according to the humor* o| people, i* nu | trdln It atandia mao m Hand to mind hi* p’» A I q'a now wdaya. DioUuDiirii'aditf.'r; and every I word Iota tw nieaninga. Supporo I writo you ] a lettor, today. tjttM4nothing i.m good will and kindm •» to my Wflilmr. Well, you print it — ^t goua tho round*, and the next thing, it omuni ■krk to me, turned all into ‘pita and malice, [wont l"ll mv ! Tlift* arc ■hiim men that can I inuke mi ik.a nut of hnrae Ii Now 1 will tell y>>ti how 1 am cirrum lanced. Wboii I canmtn tin* town 1 wuaaa pour aa Job. 1 lud ( travi ll.'d all over tho State of Maine, to . find an ojmnlng. and etoelinled to aottle down liere, at Squarh t'oTlie*, 8o e.illml from tha (•real Hqna»|i, u>ai niu.ln «o much noiar in the World iNfiitn the War. It Wn* raiaod hy Dea. eon Carpenter. I dare iay you a«w it, fur jt »an ami ted ahmu aa a ah .w, lit liver Ihc coin, try. I thuught thia a tiett> r clmnoe than H.nb r. r. Corner, «t the north rml <>f tlm tovan, on ae. . ••not of I Ii o doctor, Imre, being old aud tiou. bhsl with rheiimat'ca With aait<!t" baga, full of nuulicina, ovrr my •Imolder, and Tlmnta*’ I’ranice niubir n»y arm. 1 w i'ki 1 into Joahua Cartor'a tavorn, one day, and int ro *ai op my tabi-rnarlo It waa aoou lioi'ctl Abroad, that a in w duu'v,' hml eoinc, ' and tho neighbor* dropped in from all quarter*, to !ouk at ioc, and take my loeaeorv ; but that 1 coat them nothing; without it might |m» now I and then » a!mg. 1 waited for radii, iljy after ! d .jr—week atler vvt-ek.*and iliev If me wait <»n. ! l\ :»p e are apt to be *hy uf a new doctor -be. •>daa, it waa a dreadful healthy w^aon. Never ' wa* auch a one kn iwn, by the id.|"»t inhabitant —*vr. If lb«r« Wfta, ho hail forgot it. In abort, VhimM vauic to that p*i«, tl»n\ I nnut either J give up phy-m aa a bad .poc. and ga back to tho ploug'n f..r a living or make uae of comri- vtiwo. So 1 concluded tu try emt tit ante iir»t; and began l.» pra.ching up l>« J„»l. farter and hla w il", the advaiitugvauf cultivating children** ttelh. They had fourteen young onea, »)| with while head* and red lave*. No chance of Mcknae* among tVn. but eomo tooth puliing might be got 1 |oTMiaih 5 JoaIi and luawi;^ that tlm cuuao of leeth growing jig ng .ml rut. Rag. •>* leasing them to Watore. Hajr' I, “ vi Ii 4 etippUMiig you were to l»avo )«>nr corn » .1 cabbage* 10 grow according to nature? W hat tori of rowa would you find them atari.!, i 1 ir, n and w a a< it "fa lo»kiug fi"’d and gar. den would you liavo 7 Anawor me that.“ Thi* w«a enough b.r Juah Fart, morning he would catch oi.e of hia bov* and hold him down in a H.air, *ipi<vlmg like a rig in a gate, while I print open hi* taw*, and ta* tumid my knitipca us-m the brat euapiomu' ftmkii g uuOi. T cn you ‘roarii one hor<i!r| Tho f.illowing arc llie olli.or* uloc-bal yealer. day, l>y Cuunvil for the vukitiug year, Surrry ir —C. HtepbOl.a, TrenfUrei — I*. Ilouatoun, Martial- 1*. M. Stunt. Clnls-M Myere, Mniengir and keeper nf Cnanl IToute — T. II. IN tlllUIIIN. Clerk of Markrl—J. Miller, Sttinn—II. L'lthrop. Suptrinlendanl of Sheeti and Lanes—A- Harmon, Sujinintendiint of City WahK—X. flar man. Deputy Suprrinlendant—!•'. fl. Tebcnu. Seigeanl't of City Watch—Tho*. II. NVil. Iiama, and J. H'lrthnlmcaa. Keeper nf Magatiiie—John ITmpt. Chimney Contrurlur -3. T. Snider. Viet Waidtnt—John Uuo'vr, L llirl, J- n Mill*, J. M FerUno, and \V. P. Claik. Kreprr of City.Clar k—J *tl. JonO*. City Gauger— M. II. Mcl.oo.1. I" Jwiu lliu pLupU «'f T< Aa* in dofondmg that Turrit, rf agama* tin D '»eul of Mexico, l.aV.'iff-rm* wi'h them for t"at jKirpoae. An c* m.inution ml" the elfcuinalancne oi thia affair 1* -iKuitto take place |imn"diat«ly; wo can them, f re «t proHim givo im further porhctil ir» rogar- ai <g 11. Dec 19—Wa atnted in mir 1 aet th* arrival her", la cli rgu id'll. M. II Ig Surpuot. of tlm krigan i c Matawamheag, under t*in aceuawti m • g Umbd at l>u her . amne pa»*ongnra mi*, w ... had Iwn guilty uf aiHItn impn.. uductl. ward* tha mVa 'iUn i there - the pa**enaura found nn h >ird tlii* Vuraol nr n aiid to i>o ah iul 180 m uuiidwr, L.igliah, A meric <na, I'. and Herman*, who ba«o b*en all landed, amloxo pl aumo wl.uuru otB'S r*. hive be"li placed umiftr u.ditaiy guaida—liie ouo a*‘umlliK tho eoniiiia"'! i» L'ulunel Stanley, a man of haudaolllu app, arance, and Z«mi!«manly addroaa—the Oiammatlmia ut lli* Colrmiil anil oth"i* weru going on for tli« laal two d .ya, at Iho Police Olli oft, bu' ef which lit tle i*v"t known—ft.' have not heard ofuuy fur ther cvid ..'oa ugAiaal tho.r peraoua being rocoi- a .’.I from Klcuueii, cx'tpi llut puhli-lud L»t Saturday- Tho jOlluouer Anna, which had It. on armei^Mid afnt ulTlaat •toV,i*tunrc4jm l"fd y, Men a amall ta1 *j| aunt tlir.'i nr fmirilay* ago for Iho recall of llio forcu •out to Kl'Ulhert—lliu* tha affair remain* at prckcnt, hi for ua wn linvelatrii ultlu to lo iril. I»». I'J.—Wo cann 1 y*t give ter tin •«. rounlk of the proccding* m pp'grcaa regarding tile do on ten af the Hri/a ine M itawanikoag. w ill. a part ol'tiia *• luub-vra bound to Toxa*. or New O Iftan*, aa haa Imiiui aaiil. Two duy* a^o, »iiUie |M>ra..m arrived from Kleutlier-r. u» fti- nceaca to prr.tre tha proceeding* nfCol. Stanley mid liia ii»"ii at tliat l*land,uii«rninatiutia at tho I’uli.m ofllca Siniundiatftly cnmnienund, l»ul what may In*vu tioen ftlioileJ at llioito, wo aru not yot ni'ini liuted with, further proceeding* have, li'.wcvar reiultcl Iroui lln-m. ■■* auveral nf tha Toxiuna wurccummiitud to lliu cutiunon Jj I. Ycatord »y aflernnon, a cnnddurahlo number of prlaonrr*. iu ohargft of the lligli too»luble a«»t-led by a military guard, w- ro conveyed to Jail, more in number lh>n, apparently, could bo khrlioruii within lla w .11*—Ui«'*e were in a • tori time rciuovwd to a nixie commodioua place and threo clioura on ro.ching tho o|>cu at rent on their way thither, In time nfpr t.-und pi-Mcn, ill* un uii|irrco. deolid apoct irlc, to ut^orve f.r"igu piiaoner*, with a militnry vtcert, paraded througli tlm atronta and in auch nunihcrN too; f»r an lutolli- gent individual among them »lat-• tln-ir limn. I»..r at ouo hund.ud aid eighty. Wo fell every mmAdftnctiin Hi" nmrgy ami pr.iinptitmle of the Fzecutiva (Jovotnn eul. and »:nrt rely h |>o all there proceeding* may end well. The l.igh'iat Inqucat of the Colony ja non in ae-aimi, and we have every thing lu expect from it* collective wiadnui, ill whut'iiovurronci'riia the I’uMic »af". ty and iwace, *0 far aa ita power* extend. Thu (lUXotto uf iho 93J. 9Clh and 3dth, con. tain* n<% further editorial tiolico of thu nil ur. Tho Culonial lA'ginUturo was in aua-ion, ha- ving met on tlm Ptii nil. On the 3l*t nil. Lieut (Joveruor L'nlhruok Iriinainiued Uiu following niu«i>age to the llou«e of Aracinh'y. Mr. Speaker and Centhuirn of the lluute of Aoteinldy. Tho act of A*’ < "mbly 45 (4cn. 3, chop, 23,tor tho inor.) ell'uotu .l trial uf offence* comiuiUud on the High Soaa, having provided that a Sea. - alon of oyer mi.t lanmnur ahuulil liu held in o'icli 1 ymt, on Uiu lunl Tuvaday ».V February and Juno, and the fir*t Tueaduy of November, and tlmro being at thia limn an uuuaual number of prUiui. nr* for trial in that Court, the delay of which to the n uni term Would bu uttundad with ooVb on* incoiivuniuii' ", I avail niya.'lf of your being in Soiioii to inf irm you tlm 1 have m con*ul. t.ili»n with the Jmlgna wlm arn inumhora of the I ."gi»UliV" Council, aulinuliod to tliul Ibaly, the cxjie neney of originating mmra nmnauTt) to nit. llmrile an curlier inontiugol'ilin Court, in thia und oilier cuica when it tu*y lie dcairwhln tn pro- vnlo fur a mura prumpN autmuialrutiun nl'ftJn*. Hoo. You will readily appreciate the object 1 have in pToporing tin* ohangu in the Law. to which I re.|UU‘tyour alluiilion. NVm. M. C. COLFUROOKE. flnvcmment Hnn*c, | D cmiber 91.t 1835. > Tho ((nu lla of lha 3dt!i atate* that «n the •4dlh '»hi« oaoalloncy wa* plcakc.l u. give In* Aa nent to tho two fullloiving Ae<» 1. An ant \u nnimd an act. ntitl.-d, an art for the hollar and more offl'flluut trial of offuncoa committed on thu High He .a *4. An act for miking a Revenue fur 'ha imp. port "l lho (iu urumiMit of the iiuhuiiu Ikl.nda, and f»r ulhor purpoaoa. Tho net it*ulf ia not ptihlifhed. Tlit'ce pipcra contain imtlnng Into from any ufMieotliir hritifcU Weal India LluuL Thft Liout. Governor in hia opening apeacli to tho I.cgialatiiro aaya :—'• 1 »iucor"ly congrn. tulatoyou on tlm tranquilly w hich *o generally prevail* I ountimm tn ru.'eivu tho muat favor, allc roporta from tlm local M: gi-tmte*. Tho circuni‘trtnoc* which Inivo occurred tu retard I I.U completion nf tho rirroil* of the Special Jua. ticoa h-vu luudcd to atronghten the cunfidciiee, I frit iu the general diapoaiimn of all clvaaca to aiiftporl thft Law* and to nrnil llicmaclvea ul thft advantage* yon have hold uni to them. The H"«ton Courier aaya—•* (Jon. Ilarrtar.n aan tiuver gat an chietorjl voto Nurlh of Penn, aylvania, If .Mr. NVobator 0nnn.1t cairy tho Whig Vnti'« of the North und Fu*t, there ia nu man oppugn tu tho adimniattatiun that can do it.** From the A’ V .Journal of t'unirurrce 21 »t ull. LATE AND IMPORTANT FROM LU ROPE. fly tho packet *!'p Poland, Copt, Anthony, wo liuvo rcooivod I'-rid and ll.vro paper a boin to Saturday evening N<>v. 2l*t, contuinmg l. indun dulea to the evening uf Iho IHtli. Mr' Dartmi hail uut yt loll Pari*, though it ia annnuucod in tlio Davie Juurn.l of the 9l*t, llnil In* had taken hia pauugnnn bo-rd llie pack , 11 ahip Albany, which waa tu oail un lliu Jat of Dc< cmhur. Our ri'lutiun* with Fiance occupy a largo in the papera U.furu ua, from which wn hive ttilinn ua liberal quotation* aa uur lime would pc 1 mil. A andden change ha* emm over tho prospect* uf Luropo, 011 kccuunt ufamno dcmonairation* made by the Fm|H)ror uf Kucuia. parucularly a anvago speech which ho put forth ut Warsaw, a eopy ul which may be found below-. U<>lh the French ami Lugluli paper* uro fi led with liiiligiiuti'iii ut lliu tuno nsauine.l by thetT.i, mid a war between lluaftia and France 1* rep. le«* than flOO.OUO more are require,I in re»*nU)d »<• hy no nman* improbable. It 1* u topi" oven limn’ fmi'lul nf di*cua>i<in in the Frcm li and Lug)tail piper*, than the American The Funoriil Oiiacquin* of thu lute Senator Smith were performed at New Haven mi Mon. day, 2Dt tilt. The body arrived thoie from NVaahington on Saturday The Wilmington Free Pr;«**ay* . •• Wo arc much gratified in being nblo to announce, that Stock lo upward* of §.’00,0(J0 hua Iwon »ub- acrihf'l to the NVilmiogioti and Ruan<>ko Rail Road Cuinpuny, iu thia town alone, in the apace of itireo ilaya. When 3<i0,0tHl are anb. •cribad, the Company will he furmed, for w h>ch purp, the ivlmle State, when the Stockholdcra oulli d tugulbcr, und the work COIlinioilCe.1." The le'giaUitire ol Maryland a-*emlded a* Annapolia nn Turailay, 93lh nit It. I., tlunlt, waa Heeled Shaker of the H.iumv ..f Delegate*, and Joint C*. Chapman, Speaker of tho Senate. I.ATK FROM NASSAU. Faiticulara about the Texm Volunteert, unet ted at the Fy the Ur.Stf’irtonnr PoiuiMin Cipt. Miller, wa have received flic* uf the R.) •! t.a.'oilc to the 3t)th ult, The following pvragraph* from the Gnette, throw*, light on the rucout report llmt aorne A- meric m Vuluntr,t* from Tcxai, h .d tak< 11 hy a llntiali veeatl «t* \V ar. Nitijr, Dec 2, 1835. In la»t Saturday* Cn/eito we puldi*hod the account received by hia excellency tho Lieut (•nvrmor, of depredaluma on ili«* luml and on a ve**el, at the cait and ot Klu'hora. hy ^ I'irati- cal brig, about eight duy* ago, and 'he aa.ling nn Friday la*t of tha a. homier Anna, with a N«.v ilttti'l Military force, in ci'ieat of tint ma. randera Who had bonn guilty of the outrage* rc proanvlatad tn have bom thu* committc'l Tho wind, and we• liter having ien.lcred it imprac. ticvl«li', fit 11, M.Brig ScT|^n\,Capt Ncpoani', to get over the ber until Sunday lunrning, when it lv>coiuiug uior* moderatr, tne S.rpinl wa* wavped o«t to 'cu, '.n»l tailed, in acarch tit tlicre d.'prvdatinn*. 1 In* uiorniog Mia Serpent re turned, ri ti an Amc'ican llrig.lmo in cmnpa- •nd avert I "y. »">* of twa-'ty which hail boon b’-ard d *i e • Sunday, an«* which provoa tube that which had been at FluHi'-ni T'u* ve«- ae\ i- the MaWwaniko'g Jeremiah IL> lor from New York bound m T» iia, with a m rnVr ufmen, whu arc ni'l to Nj now h v.«* quaalion. The meeting nf the French Chatnber* i» pnat. polled fiotu thu 2Sth December (0 the 12th Jan- 11 -ry. The funeral of Adininl Do R gncy waa cel (.brntndon tho IIlli, with great pump. The Sp.imah Ci-rtee have 4‘kcinldeil, and their rftv»i"ii w i*u(i<<ned by a aatiafactoiy api-cch iVnin the men. Then h-v* heen nn important m »voment* in the North of Spain, lliougtt in goriKrul the c«u*e ot'Don Carlo* appear* to bu declining Report •*id that liutau unJ it* aasucialu pow era wr-rc prepirmg tn u**i»t him (•allignam'k Mc»M*ug.'r of tho 19 h aaya, •• Wo have been lead into error In announcing the departure of Mr Uirlon, the American Charge d’Atlblre*. He 1* atill in Pari*. Iln hu*. Im we vor, fur tame time quitted the Hotel "I the American legation, and no longer Irana act* Imainea* m anoflieial capacity. Mr. Brent thu Cunaul of thu United outer, now aigna pa*aporta, and porf cinn the r^mtinc hu«inck* ” Pari*, NVcdmailny, Nov. 11—Tho Mettuger any* The Charge d'Affiire* of the l'miod Sutaa of America, having demanded hi* para, porta, recuivud themycaterday morning at h o’clock, and iinnudiainly alier ordered prepa- r itinna to ho made fur hi* departure on Satur. day* All tho pnpera of the Legation had be. fore bivn »eut < fl'to the LiiiU 0 State#, and per. •on* woli infurmod otlhe atato of ihinga r iy, that lb- period of tha a/nval uf tin p. «-a| that i* conveying them, wul detarimn* tho ton« of the Prvai lent'.* Mi>aaage at the opening of Con. graaa. It theao docuiuunU arrive in tune, Gan Jaekann « dl throw out Hie and flatno Hgiiinvt tho French Govarnmcnt, whom it will accu*c of theiofraetion of ireatiae; in llie contrary ca*e, ho will luerply announce 10 CungruM that ho i* waiting for tha aivawertn the note deliv ered Iy hi* order* to tho Cabinet of the Tuilc- Pari*, N»*v. II, tK.wtitng )—I'ue alttrnwnl of tlio I liaige d'Affaire* of America have r-.- cHved hi pa*apur'» i» eniiflr»uedj i» curiae, quanc" the I'ni'li Charge d'ALiw* will be ra- catleH from WaaliingUHi. ’I he Impartial *iale*. that wlion Mr. Union. tl'oCt aige d'Affurvift vifttve Utti'ed Sta» a, d.> m mded hia pa*-purta, they were given to him, umic -oinp imed by any c«pre amii -f regret at hia d"p iTtvirv, or any wwlws for a mure |vamn" tone lining .idup;cd on t'i" part of hi# U"Vern. incut f. eppiovea of thia; ainca any imlica ii 1. uf ' ai uf thft com* queue#* of hikdejiartuio w'ailiJ Im a^oompiomik* of the uati n-l digoitf. At Hie a-.inr lime there ia nu fear uf*» iumtedl- ate roptmt. and tho c.huieo of* wice®**«ot 1,1 Nh* warlike Jackaon a.II r -move nna'. ‘»f the difli culi.e in tlm way of iiCguliitiun. However it may turn out, v-guu appn.hvn*iuiv< arc fttiU raiivid by thi* offvir, and it i* nn»aibla tlial bu*. ill* a* in <y lx. M.riuu ly alToot.u by it. Pari*, Nov 12—It i* ftfitruved theta Cum- mlitre 1 f Inroranco Br kera h 1 vo d' terntinod, in c'liiM'ipiciK-a uf lliu lurrt in the relation* of France with tt e United State*; that they will ign no more rinjur* Je rjarne a launee under 5 per c ill f*«r a year'# navigation. Thia C< nt- mitt 00 i» eonip.i'(nl of the he ul* of vevcral uf the hirgoNt lioUMj* in the capital, whn ln‘t week would nut have h'-‘it .ted tu >ign thu«e aame riakaat ! r..t'lj per cent. Speech of tlir Emperor Xichulat. ari , Nov. II. Mon i n ua* be. u erveral tun"# 111 >do hy the tiorm in p qft'Ta ufaapecch iiddrc»*".l bv tlio Lui|iftr<ir Nich- L# to the dejHi. talidn i.r M'lllieipa llmly of War uW, upon ii • hit" vi 1* tu t • at cpy, which Wfta only remark*- ble fur i'r extronie *everity and iiritating rliar- ■dor. All hough th«ift) piperahuvftnot pubhali. cd thi* document, thu I -il .wing ia aaid to be ai. authentic copy, which, from ila tone and apirit, vve an- led tu w-mh m .y be apuriiMi- “Gentlemen!—l^knnw titat yon have rviahod tn nd.I.'Oka mr, ami am ur.qiidiiilo l with the cun writ* of your iniwmlt-d uddrea*} but, tu‘(mro you from delivering lalkch-md, I deaire that it may not be prunoum-ud. Yea, G"iilloinru, it is to mv" you from I'-Dchood ; lur | know that your arntiuioiita uro rml auch .m you wi-hto intkn me bolievi-them to he. I1..W can I put faith ill tlmiii, when y >u lu-M Die r-iiio language to inn on tho cVu ot the rnvnlutiun 1 Am you nol thu a line p*-r-on* who Ulkud tu imk f.v • and ei^hl yea ra ag« of tid.dily gagl d.ivnUHlm-k*, ami muda tun 'he finu»t protoa^m *i.r of utt'ichirtvnt, and yi*t, in a very few- d..v«aficr, you violated your o.itiiH, and cuiumillou Hi" nu.vl violent nc li'inal Thu Kinpi-nrA'uxandcr, who.ilmuro for you Ihmi any Eni|ierur of Uu*aia ought lu have dune, wlm h aped Lunclili' upon you, who favored you mure than hi* own kohiecta, and who rendered your miliun the tluuriahiiig and happy ; thu Emperur AI xandcr waa treat ed with thu hlni'ki-kl ingratitude. You naver n"tild rnuko ymirai-lvoa contented wi'h your mad aitvanlgou* |Hiaitu n, mill, in tho und, bocnimiu the duairoyura of ynur own hap pineaa. I thu* toll you tlio truth in order lo throw a true light upon our r>-|,.live positinna, und lint you may It 11 >w up'ui what you luvo tu depend, li-r I am now ftm-ii.g ami «|»i >king tu you for tin l*i timuNineu tlm iliultirbauee*. Gon. tluiiiL-ii, we require action* uud nut in roe wnid>; n<pi-nt*n"e ‘hould cume Mum tho heart, I «i»cik to you without ungi r, und you must perceive I am perfectly calm ; 1 have no lanr.oir, and I will do you good evon in apile of your ulvea*— The M irkhall who Hiand* bofnre you' f.ildUmy i iiciitiuna • "und* ,11 my vriuwa,aud ulau watch 0* fur vuur wclfait)." At thone wuril* the niom- l»era ul'tlio deputation bnwud lu thu Mu,*!i ,ll •* Welt, tii-i.ili-inni, hut whut ‘igniflo' IIic*ohii. Iiltainna 7 Tin. Aral duty in lopci li.iui oiii.'a till, ty nud conduct nurvclte* like Imncatiiiun, You hove, tienilumcn, tn chuo*e helwenn tw o niter- native* ; either to pi-nih-l ill your illusioua, na l.i an illdft)iftlidniil in of i’ol* ul, or to livo tranquilly u* l ithful »uhj»ota under my 4• <.v If you pi r-iel in your ure uii* of a di-tiiicl nationall y, ol llio inde|iei)ilciiQO of l*u- luml, and ut alltho.He ehimi-raa, you wi.l only diaw down upon y.iuraelve* atill greater mi fur- tune*. I have raised thi* oiiadtd, and 1 ducluro that un the ulighitjil insurrection, 1 will cauat- lta cannon 10 thunder open the eity. Warsaw shall Iw «lu»t 1 o,«).l, and certainly khall nuicr b rebuilt in my limn. lit* iftufu lo mo to rpmk tlm* to you—it iaalway piulul tu asuvuruigu tu treat hi* - ut-. jccu thu* but I do it for your own good. It i« f*>r you, goiitloinon, to dovuivo an ublivinn of tlm pa 1; it iu only for your u|» J ■ non t. my Guv. runieiil that you can obi in thia 1 know Unit lli.-m i* u coaiexpondonAu ahr- a I, and ti ut h.oiiu i» riI iriga are kcnl lioru for II e pur. ptiaa of prevu. ting the min i* ofllio pouplo.— Tho beat police in li e word, with auch a Iron, tior ua youra, eantml prevent c| nde iiuo roln. imna. li ia for you to eAcrci-e ynur own p li.-o uiui keep Hie evil away. It ia t-y Fringing up your cliil.irmi properly, hy uiNtillmg thorn into the pn iciph'k . froiigion and tidi-lily to tlnur Sov. reign. Hi t you cun keep in tlio 1 iglit path. Aim iig tliodi.-iurl.anroa wl i hag.late Lumpe, und U|u.u duct tinea which hlmke the anciil erti. lice, Riishin al.mii ha* remained strong und in fact, beliuVe mo, Geuilemeu, that it 1* a real to belong to thi* c< uni y, uud enjoy i a protection, If you conduct yuuraolvcs vvull if you purfiirm all your duties, in j paternal wdici. tude will bo oxtt-mlud over you, and nolvvith. aUnding which Ini* paaaeii, mv Government will a I w ay* watch over ymir Wel'furi*. Rcmum. her well all tint 1 have now noid t. you.", Tlio Journal do* Drlml*, Mini t.-n.l paper, give* the »put-ch attributed 4 tn tha Emperor of llu aia inltioMuneip 1 Deputation . f\V..rMW, and fay* that many m >nuacript uupi.-aof.t have been circulated at Vicuna, Berlin, mid Paris one uf which it p ocured. It rxiiri^i « * doiiUta as to it* au'lienlicity, ond wi-lu* 1h.1l it may not bu 1 run ; it urgui a mat n* tlio muiiiei. pal ofiicera o| Waraaw uro .il i.ominted by the Emperor, and, no doubt from the Foli a must devoted 1 lo hi* |icr*uii, tu addre** «ucli language lu Hi it body w ould lx? to d'>tr..y all llie fouling of reconciliation and kiudin-»* winch umy have boon brought uimul l.y tune. It add* Hut the pjblm will, nu doubt, hoitato before believing auch a document, and promise* u.,t tu ►pare it* comments upon it.ihuuld it* autheuto city bn proved. The National *nya, that from the letter of Mr. Livingstone addruaaodtn tho Duke do Broglie before he loft Paris, it nppeara, a* was said be lurchai'd hy tin* journal, that tho American Constitution dues nut admit ol any other means of making aatmihetion tor tho word* of General Jackson, than l.i- modifying or explaining thnm tu his next M amigo lu Cungr''(8, the l’,cai- dent'* S|M-ach l»« iiig hmked upon a* that of a private individual, over which liu Con-re** hi* no pow er. M de Hregliu^ when ha accepted the amendment uf M. Yatuie, ought lo havu explained to tlio Chambers wlial aorlol auti*. fuelhm might ha i-xpectoil. Thing,., therefore, have com" to thia point, that unless General Jj.-li on, in hia next Speech to Congr.-aa, e». plains III* former words the French Govern ment iunvoa to tho Amen-an tho reaponaihility of tieginning iho measures of action by which il intend* forcing tlio accomplishment of tlio tie tty and no 01m who knows Gon Jacioon cm exjM-ct tlial he will do any thing 0 f the kind. ‘l lio Connliluliom I ..Lu iinlico* the letter left by Mr. Livingklon lur the Due do Brolie, and axy# that it 1* uii|K>rtant to know w hat the an •wer of llio J roiich Ministry liu* been. The Amh»«.ador* have boon withdrawn from the two countries, but the Charge* d’Affaire* re mained; and that the inlercnurso uf the two countrlea waa not interrupted. Now, however, these ftinctionare* aro withdrawn ; and it m iy bo asked, wh it has been done during thi* inter val 7 The Ministers give no information which yet la of gras l importance to tha ahipnwnor.i snd merchant* in older that their calculation* may be mado accordingly. In tho obtoncoof sucti information, the letter of Mr. Livingston is the only document to which application can lie made. Hi* argument i* a str uign one, that one nation haa no right to take notice of the in’ernal deliberation* uf another, ivhtco are *up. posed tn tnko place w-ilh closed door*. To which it liny be replied in the *amo manner, nn insult is not to bo considered aa one unless actually oif.-red to a man before hi* f ac c; a ‘(rang* article thi*, t« be in* if led in llio code of honor ll'it be said th*t it is u> be the in- lerest of governnionts, that tin* kind uf umiertUimhiig should bu oduplml, bo- c mse they id way a sfiuak openly in pulilic, while deapovic stale- carry on their del.beration* in the aecresy of couiudla; it may bu answered that ronft'itu'innal government* know very well that, when they *|ieak, they are listened to hy ftvroign power*, and that they sliou'd b* •arcfui wh«( they #..y. A* to Muthcr point urge.!; that "xplanaMon* were given hy Mr. La- ving»l 11 tw-foiu ll'vy w ra demand, d, the letter* he dd'lrusnd In hi gov- runiriil are print"d and distributed to tin- ChainL r« before the difteu*- *10.1 of Hie law, and Jtftt Hte Chamber* thi uglit that it vvua b' uud to adopt l'>e amondiueut »f Hi nwral Vat ,**. 'J'lieau rxpLnaiuma, then*, f.ire, wc Ihvu ovety rc *011 to presume are con. sid red I- lieinsnfn n nt. 9 Thu C- urior Fr "'L«i my- Hut in tlm rr-' t nf 1 war wi ll Atinrn-.., E gliiid wi-uld Leone th" intrep'it f.r tho rommer « of 'he t»vu na; o is -nd 111 s<> fir - ould bo a gniuer; hu< Hml and it is highly pro! ahb* Hist Coiigreas wnl nut nd pt tlm WMiiike Viowa uf llie I’ro-iik-n'. unless lliu ina. jortty baemnas Tiny ntueli cliangnd in their n pinions. A declaration uf non.IntorcoUfK would Ik> folluvvod i<y tlm *to: page of that trad", winch i* now c-tri'd on in 3<>d American res M-I*,and whi<-h brings into Franco sixty millions of pound* of c tion. Tlm Southern Sial.-s, i' is known, are all ugiinst a rupture Hut would ru HI them; ami tho principal towns, 11 lr"-i»ty threaten'd by I he abolition uf Hm Bank*, as not at m 11 inclined to admit Hint the oati mat honor ia engaged in the affair ul lliu twenty.fivo million*. ‘I hu 'rumps hlames thu Ministry fur tlunr in. discretion llirouglinut Hie whulo nf tho Amerl. can nff ir, nml mya tlial oil or they »lu.uld '• .ve tic Iul. tl Uw •it» n .l * of the treaty m* w, and have established iu a more duci lod manner da Im»is— ami then, if "iil.vAlnd in the CliumLir, have r< - oummewdol . n»\v system . f m-go latinos, by which tho riiilnJua to Aniorii'll, and tho lionor ami const iIiiii.imuI forms ol Fraiiec. cmiW liavo liK’n ro»l»'lilwl I i>? wLe, Hmy should have nmdi; tlioii ininiat. rial nxistnnre d.-p.-ml upon th" pa*, sing of llie treaty hy ilia Chambers in an uiunii til iieil form, and even w ithmit the nmnmhnrnt "f M Ynl'ixn ll Hus lunl been dune, mini'tvrs could havo held n morn vigornux pnaiiion both wi'h regard to Frenne and tin: I’ oiled States. A* it i*. Iho country baa Iwnn burdened with 95 millmris of debt, a quarrel w it li Aoi'-riea lia« not boon ovokted, and the ci inR'orciul world is kept in the dark. 'I’ll" Temps h"pc* that tho new eh-cti- ns in Anfftrien Will help the two roll-trie* 1 nut of the quarr-l, which h«» arisen lYum difli. cullies that could nut huvo* hom rur»-u< 11, mid which have been caused entirely hy llie Admin, isttalior The Jmirnnl d>i Cmnnierce sny* that lour fniilts Im vo h nu commiliKd l.v the FrftnrliGnv. cmmi iii in tli« Americ n First, t.ituvn rnrog <j-zod thu debt ut all, which wa* not nt. I"mpt"d under Hie Kuipiro. nor under the Res. tnratinn ; in-xt, tn li ivo omitted m the treaty to mnko a alipiil I'inn, reserving llie right* of the Legislature. Ti.i* was tl«.no in enolln r troaly. intulo at tlinnmn time, concerning Greece;but Hum Knuland was J parly mil, otlft-rwii-e thu .Ministry would have ; otml the aame in tint e»Ro. 'l'ho third fault i*-, to have d.-hyed till 1833 m iking any application ft r the money, win n. o Hm I'nih-d Hla'ia inferred lit it llioro was bad fuiHi existing on lliu port nf Frauen. The fonrtli fault wuh, that, ut tlm commence, ment oft lie la**, session nn nolir-e of thi* treaty vvns taken m tho speech 1'ioni the Throne, nor in the diaeus* on on ilia Addieaa Tlm .Mmia. ter* ought to Iiuvr ftircauon the langn.-igo likely In lisvi-Lmn hold hy U10 Fresident J .cli>on; Itud llu-n nn adj'iiirriinent of Ihu qiios'imi till then' xt si-si.'ii would Imvu>s|im| (lo wound ed p ido ol France, and Imv given limn to the I’ cs limit to relr.m' or modily hi* language. I'r 111 I. -ndnn Fap<r- lo Nov, I'J.u, “ Tho onuAdart • pievailing aiili reg.iril t<> thu political trump.i iiy „f Europe, nud the opinion that llio payment "ftlio Fr< ir*li iruluni. nly m the G'ivi ru >.rnt .ft., L'.iiled Hlaiu* w ill l>" evunl .ully mudfl vvi'hnut any warlike domon-lratinr.s, haa by un mo.iua diiiiiiiini*ed, and thu preeamiunnry inrnauiu* which l 0 Krot,eli Government liuve taken toar-i-um their few Weal India coh-uie* uud |im>*c»ioiis ut the Balcarin Llvnns hme ire-lid no nddituuiul alarm—no ft nre of any auUial rupture bclwuou tho iwn gnveriHii' i.ts —rflleial 1.) "Thu departure ..I the A Charge il'Affaire* i* prcilur.'iVo of' uimoy auce to the French C-ahincI, not su much on account of their learu.g me coiisoquencoa of oitlinr noii-iiitercourae or war. hui that it m uu. po iible, in auch a t .to of things lo dispense with prepara'i'Ui in the sou purls, i.octi-situ. ling couaid. r ibl-j export Jiture, Tlie inci ting an ccowuiniaal Chamber of Dcputi a wi h such nil item, growing out of a blum-e , is Iy no incauslikc I.—(Chronicle ) L> xnun. Nov. 27. - Fr. in 0 ia prop"red to hurl di-liunc" in tko too h of Rus.ia ; und there i* nut a relic tmg mind in R'irop.i i* nut o d l ut u war wjilt Rusnu is tiiu only thing (h t will lir nly lix Hm 1 irlcsnn' dynu*iy oftho II r nn if franco. Tnat c u ury cun have nu national intme.-t in Hus m-t cr, w.iioh ia not cninrnoii to England. Fahi-Stock Exciianui;,\.>v 13,-Thia ImHilo article ol tbe Journal <Jes Do. agaiim II t in and tlio lOlutinii* of Franc/ will, tile U.nto-i Stuloa, liuve hi" 11 the ubjcct i-t ganerni cotivur. fali'in aili ng S|K). ulatnr. and .Mil to have chocked lliu advance* which lliu F -nd* .r ight l*« I'xpecinl to lake from tuo abmi ano , f capi. 1.1 in (lift Maikut, and toe inipn.voiiient in tiiu Lundi n Fn ula. Thu pi ice of Stuck* ha*, m I'-Ct rtcc'.ll d. Fvhi* Sroc-K ExciitM.-k, Nov 11, half past 4 M,—The arliUt-Hugaiiisi Russia, sl.. d hat u by thu Duh its, Imv. g v u rise to the 11. euol.ii*. has a is. 11 between the Fu-ndi nienl uud dial of Si tWraburgh which hu* produced n deprevkion in t liu inonuy inurkut, him tu thi* coii-ii iaaltiijulod a light d«clino limt hs* taken pi ice in iln- price ..f Stock*. U K l:\ciiANOK, Nov IS, lh.lf pmt four o' chrl... - I'M funds were extremely Im.-.vy nt tho nponing of thu Market, nut 11 demand aii'ing kUbsiiq'iontiy, ihu p.iio of Stn -k* nnpr -ved.-- Ibis ruiiill 11 all'itnit'4 lu aaiiat'aulu'y iuh-ili- gunc- asid to liavo L 0.1 reeniveil fr..m 1 liu L'..i- lod Sint' s, and lo tlio spee»:h d'llivcre.l |»y Hm Quean ufHpnin at the ..|nMiiug ul the »u-kuii of lli*' Corlu* on the I2Di. Four o'clock—L'ou ol* for Account cl. « d at 914. I’aiu*. Nov. I I.—" \Vu lu liovo we nro war. ranted in uase tin^, n aiy* tlm N itimiul, •• th.-ii ordora have b ■ n i* -. cd fur ii tmg out a naval of 15 shi n, which will in) un-ier H10 c.iiiuiaiid of an Adini al und two Rear.Admiral ; and fur. ther, Hist lha Hu.Jgot lb- tho Marino D p.rti ment mlo prc-ciitad at tho next kOramii i» noiv preparing upon the fooling of a war establish ment," Fain*. Nor. 13.—V cc.Admiral tie M ,kau in appointed to Hid coinimiiid of a aqundrun now bum fitiud out at Brest fur toe protuciiou of (he French commerce in Hie An.ilh aaud the A iuon Soa*. ToiluV, Nov. 9.—"Groat event* ecein In he in embryo L t'er- f.'in Gen a. .'»'cd thu 3j inal. speak of cons Jerahlo -.ruidiiients na g ing on in that port. I*, rnuiia who are likely to "e well mformcil. express great fear* ft r lliu con. liuaaiico of punco. Il is gein rally thought at Genua that tho vcsael* whi:h are’ being tuned will hejuui'd by tho Hub i m q ia lr -ii.-vnicli i* imnioui .t-ly expected in the bi y of Falnia. Tlm n ival divisiun thus augmented, is rep rted t'i Go destined fur the of Don Carina in Spi n All this loads us to believe that tlio d<ci i na of Ttt'pld* arc not'very favnra'di to ilia ('. nati. liiti'.rial tl' vernmoute of Wuateru Europo. W.i h"po that France w.ll lake care that tho Frcn h flag will bo roapoeted m the Molitorramun. ’— Another letter of tha -nmo Hute, ft-o'ii Toulon, ■ •ya •'—“ R’ P"Ha have boon spread at Malls. Corfu, and Z.nto, that a Russian squadron L on lliu point of untori'fg thu Muditerrane in from the Biltic- 1'hi* sqnidron is ‘aid tu bu expected at ( aglhp in Hur.linis, and be ai least nsalrniiga* the Britivh squndrun in the I*, vant. It is a*aert.-d 1 li t the intention nf Ru*. aia L to protect the endu.ivora of Don Miguel ond Don Corlu*." Tiib L'mru Statm axp Fat* T ie Swabian Mnruiy of l.m8thinst. line the foil w. ing nf the l*t fruu liorlin :—•• I. .at run ions imvu Leu sent lu llio Fmssian Miuiaiur tu the U." 0<l Smtoi.directing him tn annniinco the i'l - nliun of our Monarch lu regulate our cninmo.cinl m. lorcuursu wuh iho Kistuk by un advantage -ua iroaiy, which eniire.uiiication ha* been fnvnora bly received by l’residant Jackson. Sinco the arrival ul M. VVliuutun, a* American Ch.rgcd*. All ire* jt Berlin, negotiations have iicon op-in. ed, but the question i* not tn regulate tho com. incrciul rclaliuiia of tho United Sinto* with Prussia «l ui", but with thu whole Guroiniic Ouiifc loralion. Several other American Con. mils aro likewise axpectevl in diffwrmil parts of Germany. Tin* United 8tef0« will probably urge that ri.-e and tob.u cn p ,y two high dutiu* In onler In slim-Halo cninmurce ai d risvigition n Frussi ii puri*i>tjha Baltic, nrd in ardar tu ntlra.-i G-i- "«au (hqiplrif to Stettin, Da ittick, anil .M .•.nt I. Mm Prussim Gnverniiient bus ru. dll' f I l a duty nn Anu ri' an article* 25 pur cent upon Mi* tariff. Thi* real tn«a 10 Hi* German ic L7. ion ofCuft will lie in d" u,> ft.mi t'la R'.y.H Treasury nf Pru-sia. Thi* f.vuur haa n- l yri heen "ignaliXed hy great advantages. Thft Ain-"ii ftns, whn freight ship* fur Kti and IJainhnrgh, perlu-m tlinac v.iyagus ihrcm er four Hiii"» a year, whereas they g- t. ilia Baldc hut twrico T""*u wlm go to Bremen a ol llaiubnrg iiaie tlm a lqpui <gu uf n t paving thu dudes ul ike .Sound. il ITII CO.HGST SESSION. IN SENATE—Dec SI. Mr. Hendricks prmmulnd th« tmunnrial nftho General Aa»cmhlv "f the Stale of Indiana, praying for He Ksiithlislirncnt nf lm*piiR|* un tlm Ohio and Mi*«L*ippi rivers ; nnd after *01110 reniuik* from Mr. il., the iiiemoriftl was refer, red 10 ilieCi.inuiiUno . u Cnmrnun-o. v Du moti«>t« .if Mr Wiiglil, The Comiuilteo of Fiutl'Cft waa discharged rruui thu further onuaiilcratinn ofllio unuiiuri- f al Dr. William B'-auiunnt, asking ooni|iuii*ft. lion fur certain expurimunta |H)rlbrmcd by him ral .livo t.i llie gastric juicn, and Ilia samu wae referred tu the S« led C'uiiiiiutlie, np|K.intcdlo cunsidi-r lliu un rial of Dr. Buyd Uitay. On muliunnf .Mr- Grundy, Ordered, That when lliu Senate adjourns, it ddi.iurire to meet on M< inlay n< xl The Senate adinurnud ..vor to Monday navt. HOUSE Ol REPREM;NTAT1VE8, Tuk*dvv, Dec. 91), 1835. Mcavra. Claiborne Dickson, uf Miaaiv. ftipiii, appear, d nnd were qii .iifled. Mr, C«vo J ihm.utt, by i.nuuim(Mt* consent,- MiliiuiUid the ft ll'iwing rcsulmion. which wun cun irh-n-U andugru d In. Ilrtoltfd, That thu Secretary of tlm Tfcaau- rv transmit tu Hi|a (iotuu, llio tubular ttutrrm'nt oxhibiHng tlm auiu* yearly paid undn> each ma. t ri d expenditure tjvnn iHlfliu lt>3t inclusive, (•'furred to in hi* report on llio finances ul the Ml instant. Mr. Watdvroll remarked that hu had anmo days *11100 givi-u i.otio 1 ..f un iutuiiiiun to aub- mu a motion prohibiting, |n future, tho use uf tlio ll Hi of K"pru»owtwtive* a place of public worship. Hu now nsked tlm unanimous consent oft Im I louse tu litis iiintion. Objection Lon g mado, Mr. Ward well moved lo snsjiiuid the rule l\lr. Craig asked for tho yea# and nay*, which not ordered. Tlio mm inn to -u pmd llio rule waa then nog a lived willmui a count. Mr. T'ltrriU, bv oineunt. Riilnnitted a motion that when tlm ll.mse udjniirna t"-duy. it will adjourn to uicet uguin on Monday next, which Ww* agreed le. The H n-n Hi n W'l-nt into the ennaidcMtion of the jMliiit-n* liftin' scvoral Hanky in tho Div. trict «»l C -Ft « ix praying for an oxtuii*iiii of their clmr ore. After mueli dehatn th >y worn roferrad to a Ri'b ot eninmiltt-o w ivb inatMictmns. The liuuso ailj.iurnud lu thu Monday follow. I ’Is- rt.N AGT To cnrnpi'irenln Magi Irate* and Constables ft.r wrvice* require of ilium which is unprnvid. oil ft'r Iy law ; and liuvu no pnqiorty iu ae,/.a opnlt f"t payment nf coala. lit it enacted by the Senate and Houte of Kept eaentalirn uf the State uf Gnugia in (ir' n ral Aeseutbly met. and it it hereby enacted by the authority |afninaid. That, from an 1 after the paseagn of this nil, Magi train* nnd. Co Hlubli's (for thu county or *lau>) -hull, i. ml. ( ililiun to thn f os already alluwid r.-civu tlm following ft'im ft.r ourvicea hereinafter inert- li net), that i* In say. Jiixticrii nt tlin Poore, taking examinations of persona charged w uh c in itial • ff nea * an l witnnsM's, twunty.fivu <e<i's< aeli ; l‘Hiiiug niiiii- iiiuun to Magistrate* In aituiiil on tho trial of slave* or free p remu of oulor, twui.t v-fivo mints end) ; Magistrate AllC.ulirig a»id ’tr.ul, provide I tlm Court conuxt* ul' uui m«.ru than tlireu, to Imi cliurg.-d si-vun-y five cent* each. Presiding, With a jury, t» thenffunco of forcible a ■ try and .1. miner undor lliu 15 Ii M'cti'.u nt i.u !) It divi.iuu, of iho Fuiml Code, aovonty-Hv-u ci nts, lor isauing -umniuno th" parly rlufun. dant, I runts ; drawing jury ami mnk. iugout vntiire, fifty con's For i-suing prime « •I'" cr Hie act to amend Hi • rent law* of tlnv * a u, i-usmuI DocnmlMir, 1827, tjl (1°, C'uu*iubl«M ailoniling ut n Mugi-tiat* * ofliro ••••ring H10 rxiniiuatiun of a |H)ra«n chargud with u rriiuitml ofll'iieu,M'v'enty.(lvae«nt*; n ro i- g siiininuna un Magisiritu* to attend trial# of ■lavra nr ftuo person of ei>|uur,twenty live c-unta. Bringing up priumcra I’ruui tlin jail tor tu»l ur ex iinimiti m, fifty cunts. Altnmliug nu Hm Superior or Inferior Court, while in session, diy* ultundaiic 1, noi u.xcuudiug ftwir Conattide*, on min d>y, .mo dollar. Sum. l • I5lh *0 lion of tlm I).It divi-i. n ..I ihu I* - ..: Co le, nnadoUur. And be it further enacted, hy Hin authority aloreaitid, llqil all law a, ur part* uf laws mill a. ting ug inal tliis act, bo aud the aame L hareby rupuulcd. JOSEPH DAY, Speaker of tlin Muusu of Kenruauniativc*, ROBERT M. ECHOLS, I'rnsidrut nftho Senate. Assented to UG1I1 D cumber, 1835. NV I I.I.IA M St'Lli EY, Governor. Se rr'ary of Ft 1 re Ojjic} Millrdf>eviUe % Januuiy la/, 183(1. s. The wit bin ia a true copy Iroui tlm ciirftticd bill of tile in this nlllcu. ^ M A. PEN Nil f.1'7. Secretary. to n n 1: H€ I »L H1 < 0 i< it. I. 90. Sucunuah Ininartt, Januaty T. Fur brig Mugurot, from MalauXaa—22 lilids. Mnluueft. Per brig Harry, from Matanzac—107 liluix. Mo! uses and u quantity of Fruit. y Sntannah Export*, January 7. r.-r barque Oxford, for Greenock—823 balca Upland Cotton. C/ t ni Ireton fmporle, Jan. 5. Livenrooi,.—Rr. brig Suib.ry—810 sucks Salt, IUU tons Urrel Coal, 238 bu Irela Futaluua IG II* bars and 8 bundlus uf B r Iron, 6 crate* ■ml 7 Ittnl- E inborn Warn, U ca*>-» iMerchan- dizo, 31 cask* Huca.ll bundles Spadua, 10 Cvak a 5 cases, und 2 ci a 1 in ol Hard Ware, It* unli-a ('..liun Bagging, 5 ern oa Hollow Ware, and duuifne*. Charleeton Ex par It, Jan. 5. ^ New Y irk—LLo ahju Auguiiqiio—5l3bales f/iiti' n, I0U ca -k* Rico, ill casks TubacCu,uud Sundrioa. Ai-ui-rta, Jin. C — Colon—Thi* nrljrle eon. Iiiiin a in improve in price. Tho quantity n >w coining in is vorv light, ami iihiuIb with resdy *alo, at 12 a 114 ct*. per lb., a fancy articlu would b ing more. Freights—To Savannah fur Cotton. 75 c’a per Lulu—to Charleston $1. CtriBi.XRT'i.y, Jan. 6.—Cotton.—!The in irk at fur Upland* *inro nor last weekly report, baa been very good, particularly fur the fiiiur quuli- iins, and iraiisac.i.ius of that description liavo L un male at an udvanco of from \ to 4 ct*. Tha ■ .lua have probably ainnunicd lo iipwardftuf3000 bil.-N. principilly from 14J t» lfi|—nne c' uice lot y..«terday brought I54. In L 1 ng C .Lotts tho markei cmitinue* entirely quiet. Rice.—In tlii* article ala», ihuro haa liecn an advinco in the strictly prime and choice quail, tic. sever il iile having been uiS'lu at ft., it $34 to 3 9 Hi. The inquiry fur oilier do-.crip- Muns cntitiinina fair—principal sale* lot if"ou ta prime §34 a 3!• N*v Oxt.fANa Dec. 10— Cotton-■ Sales of J-a nrd y » • : 2 1IJ.1 ale Mm i-.ipp , itij a*. TlLnJ.i It. J , 239 do d • 15 ; 57 do T. x - 134; 150 tl*- do Loumima. l(i|,6t do do t«4 ; 300 du Mississippi and L ui.mii-, lt»4 ; J0A uo Choico, I8j. Groeeaitt and Product— Sugar ;n|d,04 k 10 now, 840. (’ iffnc ; Havana I3j a 11, Ui... 12 a 13 - ; Flour 8J (I pn* ; c'invna*e<l, 10 x 124 ; UKC .nva-R. il, Bultur ; Gnsh*n; 3 1 a 35c. Bagging; Kentucky, 25 ; Scnn.h 22 a 23.j. Uo|H). 12 a 14c. Fork ;mess, 18 ; pnmo. Hi; bulk, 84'. Ro*-f ; mM*. 12; puma, IQ all. Lend, ff0U24. L id. Jl a l2c Wh.skoy, 48a 50c I "bar":.'; vr y little in markul unsold ; fc alo-, f| "4 3 84- Bacon ; sidua, 9q.