The daily Georgian. (Savannah) 1835-1847, January 27, 1836, Image 2

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TJJIir GEORGRANV GftOftO *AW * BT a. uauuoou, WU.IUIS* Of «'« 0' ™f ' BIUIIT IM.|4>SS ; mr o»m.aa*. fi>r ousts, i liU.fnl pro rhit m)'". ■ * Cr »r*v _ l~ r ,ill Adtertiseinentsappeut 'abuth pnnet.. 1 ll.- I> .-•/./» r •• oi ■ b ■ THE VOU'NTEKT18, AC. Too •rr*ii*- nwi.l* for the droarniMi of »lm gad.,a- * ••Inn*•••• r * Xp"dltl'»n l« Florida, nr. r.i. p.,l|y progm-mg, m.l will •- nilirrjjr romp... Uiofor» ..V “•k f.i- wl..;n M... , *.i! ••«»«*•» IH- Wlittf. for li* i; ,|iti, in ill" .1 W» h ogton, wlii. il lit- I11 challared ht *b" * "innil • t '0, ••«prt* ly lor till* (iut;rti»e. a' the nlo ■ I oils x o dollar* (ia h man—ton company oon.irlii.g . i liffi unraiber*. Tliiriy Inl'.-r- i «r »•"> •Uo iioon vnitnJ by llm onooniil' r tp*. ah. ni.bUnkot*. Arc. tumid' »i«i ne fur camp equipage, *t ,,r "-, <»■" or -. »-*- C"pi anal. u» will '*■ p nvided I*' 1 "I l-i"d*ay. t in|t||inl I 0111014 mliot a' the U. 8. Aris'ii * I. v IhIh* taken no acllv*, w«rm. -md gnm ral in. I treat in I In*, ami grimily "'l'l'*il to the go. value mid perfc'inn “f )*" equipments, and ihn onn«io|iii*ni ufll’iency «flhn coma. *H. rlniit, if vr, ha* any vnl'iniwf «nrp* Ron# Inin •-.Tv -a ltd tor rq i||Kiil, ho'tef will rtrml. or com. I> .tod of a finer l. .dy of man —I ‘•fry ‘bii'g has bj'.n don * lor it, hy Mm! tlm in at g o. r r oia tnd ■iilh'J-iatii; internal In wall ra . mill poa ih!v did t I'.viirv pna*ihln a uriti a )m4 liomi inada by ilia mediant a. o|iii*f*,in their (>u*inn»‘. u. miuomage Miliar loan rostraiii, ilia diapnailion Infnlunlaar; ind. thu nurmlier* being i n ii .ii'i-ily i>* 0 t!io liuainnaa mtora-i mr Ilf pto tii’-. f thu inuuiiHi.l omit inning b'lai. nut-, M ilmr . wivt-, and viators. have nobly riuircasfld or wipndaway tlnn) in.ira lu m. yl.inm- knlvoa wiili nuiy prnpiiraiinii mill'd »n llimr darn ; and llio faumlc pirt of Mm coinonininiiy generally—ulw ya loroinial in all in gnnn i .in, iflui iioii.iin, and paliioiiii -liauu ann n«i I, tcndi* e I tin ir #• r»*i oa wlmr> vr an oppunu. i ity ouvurrmJ. ’i'«ko it allogollior. ll itnuipn in omo of Hie iiioal Inoior-ililn mid diHiii»g)ii*ljril nn kf of ihn grmTil pairintiarn and pul.lio .|oril of A*ign»la, wo Have I'Woi known, and wo lni|*j will nam fir it i puld.o oliaranlor wiiicli il will alway* Im ulilinUi' l.i-rmiOfr to anal • iit bild ini proto. I'jv-T)iliii.g iiiov di*|M*iida upon llio oorpa r«i*la, In wliioli, collnolivi ly anu individually, vn Jmvo ilo* liiglii'ai ooiifiilniiro, in ominii n wiili tlio aiilirn **ity, mnJ fool nmnrod lnl In in' or will a rjvo 'o llio nlnin t to fulfil llio a iximi’- liopi a noil an*i'‘ ii lu* iiiniiir.'il. Il will omry wiili il llio Im t wi .lma ami fliiitinni pnynranl tin* onliro couun.iii.iy, Wl ioli will ar-xinUi-ly look for nvory iiitrlligi'orn df ila niiivaiui'iila. and parlioularly iliai w inch i oiionriia ila lianfillnnaa, Inumr, nod wolfurc. 'ilia r 'il|owing ia a li**i of it* nlllnor* Sc iiiumbora. r. M KOlIKUTnON, (^aplur .* D.HTVUNF.s I»l liiciiioiiuiii * \\ W. M. MaIH'IN, 'Jo l.n'iitonaiM * f* i:. WII.'II.N, :m | I, • liKN. DOIHJI, \Sri M. II A-at. Hupcn. J.VS. A M DAlil), AcIr. A fat Cmm'n • T..I. Hill IW N. Nl Hitr. ant • t* II. M AII n.V SfiR-ni • W. W. MANN lird Horgi. hi'.* J. IV. NT*»V. III! •*<«!*...*n*. * 4. II. I'A'l I’ll Kill., la' (inrpoml* M. I* ^ rnVAM., tld t'orp r,l* J'llIN hll.’hl'AT|ll« K. 3i1 Corpnml • WM, IJ. AliCM AKI., In C I'ttlVATKN. ****** Audep-'n • J ..-r tiloy.l, l j im A A lmi, I ui I on* l'HA'I y II. L.Iuim.,,* ].. A. I. H i cl it.* C C I,.Min r. viduul wh.itn y<m hava »o jiidicinm-Ty and hull orjlilv rIiomui ». vmtr If. ncr, 1ml lot it ni'cii'l In l.i* •Ililalti-rn mid In ' ll llio riiTRc.iiit* and (•'nr pm .]» of * lie or.mi.nd.—IV im tiie liigli mipolica which Imvn urged ymt m < Ila. youi arvionr nn til la nr on imi, limucrcd l*y lhat a*, al'rd iia.uplme whiOh Imooliid- llio I'dlriot Hoi ilmr, | i ntiiilnin a aangiimc rnnvu tion that tlm Sinra ui.ii Hiri|fN o|'ymir fomiiry, which u i*" w ivail over nianv i h id of vio'nry, will Iw uli - Ivcn.uimilloij l i tiia ol.argn ol llio Voluiito. r> nl A'lgusla. WM. MNDSAV, Col. 3.1 Art’/. Annacf > r Cut, \\ »i. Comhino ffrtitJemt n Yalnnlenn \ I tin uitiii'd, a* one formerly oriRnRed in n vorvico aonilar to your own, tu nfl'nr y m noiiim ••■RRnali iia of nlvirn, on tie-ocmsimi, nn full .1 m'nrnrt. Tiny will ho few, for fnw can ho needed liy lio n 11k>> y ur-elvu* InJaci', purta kiojr Mu- unit' r-jl fueling nf tin. eniiiiiiiinjiy, for rallicr would I lender ymi pni>aa than noun •nl. I’nrmil mo, huwevef, with rnapoclfiil fi ion ahlpi lo dliecl y or iitlnntioo to nnn point whidi i« amoHenea undarv .luo<l in the fervor nf youth, though a mnlter of Mm liiglicvt uu i moat auluinti iinporUiicn—I refer '<• military di-"i plmo—Vour nublo .iloi i - i fli.'ii'iitly to Mirvu ynur eoiiniiy and to acini vn jjl >ry for youi. Bi’lvea, III Ilia puroiit ol liioao ohjecla,’ wliatnv er nnty he your individmil prowo*., you can on y bo aiiereaaful na a corpa—.* n uorpa, yon ran only lioeoiiHi ofllelive, by it riel obedience to ynur < llimr*. Kn'iodmiition ia (he buam of iliaciplino' wrlmul winch, I' u la ge-t aa*i mhl.i. Rea nf men ia u iimro rulmln, unrily repelle.l by urn moat inaigiiifie-iiil rnomy ; while a a li >dy, aiiim ucil andRuidml hy (lie ■' K'Runlie, irrn-nli'h il or. Ui... fl/r/.V. at ruiill' I" 3 Thai our UuIrR'ile in Congf* 'I to nan h a Ihihi •ii'rlinna to noli raaa bo re'|" .... aierlinna to obtain appenpria- Ilona for ihn iiniuiidixia payment of 'lie iionp*. u il!cd inlo mi.itary amriee for llio I'O-'lic di • In.ita fur llio nine air-adv fnial, ami lor tier lulnio paveeii*, in>uiilil nr hi-ninnl'ily wiula lliuy aimil bo coulinnad i». aueli aer* i 1- " 3 That nur bn id ttcIcRaiia iw al"‘» rooniwt d tiii|*eli|« n let rlir.naln iTneurO the i! i)o*. a go of n I .w, providin'.' if po *i' lo for •*iloi ) u t • cninpo' aalinn In I'm ci'ii 'tiv nf Jflonda, wlm*a piaul-uiuiiN or • .flier pr .p riy hia litam I'calmy- ed or 11lien liy tfio ioremii.ry and Uwloa-* rofiny that ha* la an innaod upon them ; or diul. in re. aped lo (hia intARW (or ui ittor, he l.ikaa aueh ■•'her omirae aa in hi" jiniRiiicnt ahull Imibonicd he*I auilod lu oo*uro iiltiio.ila paynifiil of ll^-ir loaaiu iv tliu govirnioenl of the L'lulril Statei, •I Tn .1.1.1*. I, omiiii, Tlm" U ugU', led Clark, Uavni leivy, and f>. h. Il-na, ' e a emu- niilttHi oh irjj.’O in lu h iJf"of tlim mealing t*> drnft and prepare » »iiiiiittla irininnrial for ( niigre»a, praying fur the appropriaiiiina and llio pn-aago o u luw poraiiaui to the foregoing roenlniioii— and timi aaid (hunini't'O li i. n power to nlloat tiie aninn, for th|i mcnling in tii« numo ol'iia Chairniuii and Hecro'iiry--.nd to irm-iml it without delay, In our Deliigatu in Cnngre « 5 That llm thank* nf’iiii* iinn ting h* preaent ed to the Inteiidun', Wardnna mid* of Charleston, N. tf.—oml lo tin* ol Kuvnn. n .h, Geo., for the kindues. ,yid -ynpuiiy iinini- fuatud by Ilium loWurda our fell w citixona in liua trying emargeii'-y, and for ihn aid a., prompt, ly mid gciiortiu iy londmo : by tlm forniur, and ill'nrduil by llm Utlur in nur di*iru »cd c inmu. n.v. by the order of llm omnniiMre JOS. In s.Mil'll PAtiKNAU, SAih January 1B3G. | of ahoni 20 men from Hamburg, under the com At, n*nt,rft'i. *nJ WMl.ll. con. 1 m.nil Ijliani, wlm ..i.rchpd Into . . ,, the rou.ii announced ineiiin lie# na l arolina *«• vened nl il.e l x h .nge tl.iv m ruing, hy a call , iintecrs trru(l!rod Ull!ir .,, rV| , OM , 8 „d woie «o from the M yor, M M McAliiater, Laq. waa called to the C'nu r . and Mr O.davu* Cohen ap. pointed Hccntvy. The Chair proceeded to read tlm ro . Imiona paaaed bj Council on Sun. Jay; eftur which, he addro.aed Hr nnnt.iig in u ui.'*t eloquent manner, upon tho .ovnlu'iona. \V. w. a .rJon, B q Mayor of Hie oily. ad. (jreaHt'd tlio meding, and pro»outud tho following Utter from J. Ilannliou, Ch-innan of l o I’ro. viaioiiiil Cuinuiilluo of tho (‘itizona of Clurloa toil! Cluirhttnn, Jon, 22. IFUfl. Hi,—Ido niyaell the honor of lraii*iiuU i«g you « paper cniitainiiig llm proceed! ng* ol •* nieiiti. g of tlio ('i'ixuiia of (harlovlon held yea. teniav, the 21*1 |ii*lant. i.pli-d is i'h joyon* a cl iina. mn*—aim ng them was a youth of ah' Ut II yera of age, who, we Uiiih i -land ci old not Ui raaliaiiii'd fmin j'UUing in the i xpedi mn, uy ihe mu*t u .rneel outrun* lira, Cap', rinlry'a Company will cnnrti'ufc a rnrp* nf Light A"illerv, Cnpl. R..vcnel'a and C pt. fuiuiiitghaiii'v * ill act a* il.ili.-luCo, and (.' .pi. 'i'iuuod’i. aa Infantry. Tne Volunteer* wo unUor^tand will aaaemblr tl.i. day, til 1U ••'•dock, nt tlio l i'v II I . for in* • pool ion, mid will to morruw in t" n eioain boat Santoo, which hu* lnoo chortired for that purpi*e. They wuiihi nave embarked te-day. hut f r the loiupt’aiuoiia him! rainy woaihor, , w i b ha* prrvonud Hiu on.uitili-'it and-uppli a from g- i- g on board. C-pt. Aligritli. own"! of tho atonmboat An- glint i, with h putiothm worthy of tho occa«iuii, j voluntarily tendernd tlio iwo of that bout to ihe V..u will permi... Hut I an. MMlK'pn , Mi " “" d 17 11 K »C i:n ”"U' ("'"“'I “"J l ' 1, " l ‘ l1 ... the rui'U'ite nuiilhor ol v l'inticra) to convey an ImmKlI.'n o»tm.|i.nnlonoii will, lliu" ‘ 8 , Antu.tmo, f,n» <.f nxi."n.Oi ami . Auguati would hiinaolfaoonioporiy them, and b mg b .ok, without charge, uiiy wom- n and chiidrou Mint iniglit bo divpu oil lo leave tint pliicO. I will Im Mien by tlm above, tha* wo wort* not mirtokoo in Hiu Itcliof, tlul C.iirloatou W ii|dnoi bn wanting wlinn Diee00ii*iou (.ailed, mid wo Idol a ■ ridu in cniniuunicuiiog 'be lu> l* a ho vc related- ill Mm ile and Now O.loins, nwrtlngo I ave be "il held, In take ineaauroN to ntfird Mariatniiou t.. tho sullc'er*; ui the fnrruur | la 1- , i - ii atat d that’near 200 v< l'Jiitaer» hud nfldrod. (. R It It rl ' J'o ror UI 'd^oM, t> f Hr uingtoo, s W D«i«i, II HIiiiii, J.C Hi rl let I, ti n It Chytoii, ir J l» A'In non, W T \ i iiiim, 8 P I'dg.r, J N ope ami,* N iiiiuul C uilph II, II ' O'ark. I* • I*ink Crow n, II It l jaoy, J It IJ. vi ,• O.ivui tlnugl'iaa, I* I liiinri ., Dwiiioi tV Dill, l) 1) w A li IV r rre.f, 1. J V Fu.t., t\ hi v • Bw, J il t • it n ft Nt .or, I Ht.l on, \V It IJrlniua, (» limtaii. Win i> C si or, II my .1 tn, N Hull mil, C A 41 irdw O’kil, J d 11 ay wood, J'din IIoIjoiiiIio, Pliil.p lluppol, ll n i Jo.aup, It tl "Beil, Jo* *r t' J I' kvnll, P A King ' Jon A Reek, II til'd mi A iCuiUkh Jh* A Fulotmr, Ji W I nlrlier. * Old .Mombars. Ja M II*,i, N fl Hr rUN, M J V .li .R. Smiinul Milling, Il s M W nortor, I'D Hi.II, \V (! Mu gmve, Wm M Liiignl.n, Thomas M' ,M Her, Jnanph M.ii>bull, In ivia Munonel', J.inm-i Ma In* r, N iruunl (f Muktin, It Il'Tl N l-'KIl, II T O'Noil, I M Park, tt m !•' I'l uilierton,* Wm Plnll.p-, l.t 1'uar.ui'i, I ilunok P.ylar, \\ ui A Ituhurikoii,* .A iron Roll', Nulmiiiiii |(.i«h, .M V NinviiH,* \V V S.indii.jid, Win W Raid, '1H uiiu. Rnbu ta, Ci II WiI.oii, II < Me ilea K il W.itaiui,* J II 'Vll*-hi, M N 1*. ft ih"rt Webb, C'lnrlo. Weiner, A C W ilk. r.', W T Tb iiipiodn, J iiiion JfoAtierly, \\n-ter Henry, Wm II Ha, us T S Btyliim 1) Abraiuiui, AN ADURBSS, fftllvtftd tn Iflr Kii hmiind IHun, by Cuhittfl l.tiidn.iy, aflrr intp.ction, Acudsta, tito. J iii. 'J.'l l, 2c?’IG: ) Special (Jidrn. ( In miH^rrieg ymt Into thu serviuu nf tlm tlni. trd N afna, I have purlnrmoil unr of llm proud, rai dll'iea nf my ini'if ary lif>. I’m mil me t.> •uy that tiie *p* i f r.le w hich you ex, ih re. fr. bmg lu llm mi ul ol'lliu jinirint mid ex illiug t> tl n hiinian rhniaoinr. At 'nr call nf ymn cu mry,you have ri'linquiehud your individual I'Mmnt", wfmtlmr of internal, ni huii.i, -.r duty, and nUhrcd up u' tn« a riim of Imr Mufuty mid honor y- ur lives and your d ialed aeiviee*. Many ofyou '.avs broVnu lauii'ler Ibo tii|idor«'*t •lid iiionI endearing'ira of luiiii ui afleo'inn — many of you have .ncnlicod tho fir t row inla f honorablo pml'e *inno| o*«riions, up .u which r.'Oii llio friends from whnili y*>n will ,urf, have relied; and all of you w II oxelungu lliu en i . fort* and ihu luxunoN of lioma fur ill" rough fare of a cunp, mid the ardumi* and Utiap.iring d il es nf Hie Soldier. And upon what ncc *i.iii Ji.vo tynu inula tli'*e lender, f your aervires? Nut in form tlm gnitoriiiR pigeatit I a civic instivnl nr toawul tlm pomp nt j niiiit iry pir. adr ; but to rcscuu a •mnkiiig md demd t’u ft no. tier from tne tomahawk and ho scalping Jinili% of the ruthb * 'aavago! to H i to tho succour ui tho brave, iv Im uro Iminuioil in and sure bead; and 'o savu from inu*aacro and butclmry the Imipleaa female uu.i infant, who equally with tlm wirrinr in arms, are cut down by he bloodv fm you am to meet. \V||«n I lank at tho log' and ex died fulling wliion ll v- proiiipmd you tn )hi« act nobly tin I say you li ve rodcomod tlio pl*-dgu given ny our rcv diitnuiury fnrot Hiora, and prim liy if. I proclaim, that the roll of the Align ta V lim otm i* added to tho dritlili ..* *n i imperishable list of tlio hnve. Vo*, tho prajrc a ol tlm good and virtuous, will ascend j' r your wrlfim an I y ur nifnly, llio lilonaing* of thu patriot will light upon your unblo md hardy outer,•■ in i, and lOnveall, Im cniisciou* im ns in your iwii hos >ma 'hit ymi aro perform in < nn aei of g nerou* and hemic self-devotion, nt I'm na!t ol your country, will amtain ymt in I in h'gh path of d i'y wlii 'li you htvu chnaon. II < viiig a ii I t' us much, il heeouioa my itnp"r-i- live duty to roimud you of the imcmi- it v of nu- bordmuti >ii md implicit a ib ni-aiun lo the c in maud »H'ym aupariori. AH and oaeli of you mu t lorge’ tlut you wen tho o.pials • f yc-tor il iy. If oK'didueo to tho e iiiintaoii of u -uperiur Imexacto i by tho in ialiinoiil of a r g or* g-iititation, how iituoli ui re is it nilh-o for aa a saciod and per nipmry .lulv f m V.ilimtoer*. wti . Uivo had tb« clfiiae nt their orti. era. nnd who have choaen thorn for tho very ipnlt-it. wtimh wo ild Md'uro ••xclnnic • n: tlio *iatiun of coiimiaad. Ho "» iiIht that in ub- y ug vmir *upur or y.»u am not oh«ving him in vt individ. o*l hu* «• the nrgio of tb'I law whinn arran. g ■*• «.ieh of volt in your r«'*|iecti'*i NtN'i uis, sod aapwu nfo-ieb-if yon, vei» rcivoiivo riiilmi' and 1st not this foolfhg 6« conituaU to (tio mdi! eipliue, iliaciphnr ia your slrr.ngtl y air glory Withnut il you c ii nph. Hul you will nuiutuiu i:—ymt will tri. ii'iiph I liu ti.nn geoor.'U'i voluntcefN! V’mw coun'ryniun arc blending under tlio hand of the mlli.ii Seminole ; a whole tenitory i* nr on cod w ith deva'taiion, by tlm moat barbarous offoea. M rch In thu rnscuo! Marnli, a* miniaturs of tlm jmt vetigeiinee ol'your country! Fit ruw nil! mid ro'iiumher m thu Hour of Im tin, thu thou, sands ofhitarl* far away, Unit urn hinting for your aiicofl-a—heurti'lint wil( awoll wi'li ex. tilting joy, to meet you again on thi aliorn win re now we pari, returning grucod with the laurel* uf honor and vir.tnry ! PUD Lie MBB n.NU', At n Piihlm Molding of tlm citixena ,.f Si. Augiialini', to ooitpidnr thu dung rn winch litre it- on Mils ecy and the adjacent country, tho do- ‘ruulli ii of propurtv, ami tlm aiilfeiiug* of tlm eplo, oiiu-cd hy tlm ho tilo oporutuuiN of tho ■•linn enemy upon our buhlur* lo Id at tlm Ih'url Hun e on Hiiurdty, llio !llli io.t.. t!i.. lion Ju-lg (i .uld was npp iiiimlCbialrniaii, miJ David R. Diinham, Henri toy. Afor a few pTlimuil rnm irks hy Judgo Smith,., noumii'teu 'ton i ting -'f ho folluWiiig nine guulloinnn was appoiitlnu to r«p rt to lliu inuetuig lo.inm row .il. lO'il'ion at lime o'clock, v / : J. I,. Smith I’uroher, J. S. Nanolu /, I, >n (’lark, Tims I* nigh)*, Judge Strung, (’ol U. ,S. R,- UM| Chu», Du v mug, and A NV it son The e.-munition were iutliori*od lo cull on (Sen. Ilemun- "* for mfuriii.ittoil, ll wn. ul o HcKulrrd, That the con.mitloo lie rripmatud lo "Xjiiovn iii a miiluhlo innunor, Mm th ink* of this i.tly to tlio nl tune ChurloNloii for tlcir \.riiiiit l and lUNun.ioiiumu conduct in ull'uiding IS r. Ill f. Adjourn d to tho ovuning of tlm lOtb liutanl, Sunday. Sixniv, J ui. HI In cotiHiqiiunee of the in. ili-p.i I of Judge (• old, F. Wnudoii, B><{ .May- or of tho i it/ w a called to the cliuir. Tim ('oiiiiiiilteu m ole u ruporl: Urtnlml. That llm pn iiiiilila and rnunlutioua drawn up hy thu cuiuiinltuu bu accepted by the in- olmg lunoh'id, Tliu' Clipica of tlm pr'nouuihliga lie forwnrdud go tne Dnh g mn m C-ogres* —the Intend'o' uf llm City ol (lliarloulmi, mid lliui tn.y hu pu il.silt'd in llm St. Augii*>mn Herald, Ja 'k« uivillii (biiirn r, (.'iiariualnn .Vlureury, ami SaVdUiwtll Huorgiau. Adjourned to Wedneaday evening, nt four o'oliiuk. R. II. GOULD, ('huirman. D. I(. IKmI'M, Seen tary UK PORT. The omiiiililtea appointed hy thi* inneting, tn cuuriilei tlm 0.Uigur* wm h ilirualun |hi- city mid tho adjacent cUiiiry, III" iJeMriluiloii ol pr pei'y, and tlm aolliring* .film punplo, . aua ud by mu boMilii operitiouanl lie onomy • ui ourhordur , and to repnri thu iuu..ii»llnil may uu adopted lo avert ur tiling ilo tllUMiUlila. «K.'Hti!mu,r hlChmuunu. That fur the relief ..f tlm ponrfanii. 'ie* ol ihi*oidu.iimiily iMilniigmg to ttiu country, •vlmau dwelling*, pmvi inna, nnd muuim ol mui- "i'cuco ha vu i a) tin Inn nl, dm troy ml or nb.nd n. d, ami who Inve ll tl lor refugn liaru Tout fir lliu rulmf a|*u ol ti.u poor uml null' ring t.niii lion of liua eiiy, who depeiuled tor llimr daily nread, iipmi lie d .ily lunuur of iliuir liitlim*, ii' Nhauda, and aims, wl o Have been l.ikmi fruin Mi m, for the g utor l dofounn, and who are now lied, md in u*t he conliiiuuU on that -inV'euj in b hull'••(', ami hy the authority oi tni* Torri-oiy md of Urn I'ui ml Status, tor llm prole, inni of It that iantnv. do-ir, lheir uml our Ijioilies and ine*i . a—finil ith ii.e•« Million g peraoua, tion. li riiaml'i. now in entiiiiianil Im ri'quoaUnl to eau>e MjItMium oo-Ulo nl pinvt'ioiiM fur their re. In t from titu public »inru<; and that wo soon a* uu olUnur of the Uuimd Staioa army, now mo mv'iitly px|« etivl, having pu. Im iirru i-j uih in his o mirol, aliail ariivc, tliui hu ul*o bo uarnvNtly •will' iloil lo aid, hy • lioir dUlribuiinn, in thiu work of uuty and ehnrily. Tun cniiiiiiiUen further recommend the eon • luuanro of llmaeiivn uharitioaof t u luiiidiuaof thv ciiy, win imi hi'iiovolunee and iimana united, have d um much to *ui>luio those, w Im otlmrwiac would huvu .-ulli rnd iiioal a v. rely from want, to this timo nfc ilaiiiity uml dial tom; and to the publi uii'horiliea, lit object* lor tlm rulmf r.. commended. *1 he co.niiitiiteo also rocommend that lor lh" Govuiinuoiii, uml too Coiigrua* nl ihn limtoil St.,.o , a mcuiorial bo prepared, und our Dele. p . t* roquuM oil I., urgo iip-ui C'oiigiora; up n tliu projmr ImaiL of I lupwrlnii-iit, and upoti tlio l're»i. uoiii, III!) o nly l oiiNidorali'-n id (im unl.iuiitiuv and mill m wInch many of our ciiixeu* have lien intidviul he llm ravage, of an uiiiii.tiaiind hiiv ige Inc. -And i pi.illy that hu u.u hi* best, aiiJeveiv i x- r inn, Hi obi tin iuiinedialo appro- priatiioi, f r t .e p iyui. nl of ti.u tMop*, ci izum- id'Florid i, oill. d and u uiuiumil in aervico fur tlio public defence, ti*r the tuna they h ivo alrua. dy moil*" ompl y. d ; .iinl niuii'hly nr bimioiitii ly Air the Into u, while ilmy limy y et bo bold iii that *mvim\ Tney roe muieiid thin mea.ure, convince.I of its mmcrtily anil |uMic«, ht-u.iuiHi llm giuuterparl of our f Ilo » oil i/eua uomp ni.ig Ir.uip*, are idpi el ikN.dipeU dug foi tl,air own auhsi leuei uml that of their luiuibo upon their daily earn- m &Y A M> N A JK « H RDNRNUAV MOUMNG.JA.N 27, IHilG Tl.o inl"Hig"ne.ii below, from llm scat < f tho Indian war .ii Florida, will be read with ib op iiitoroni. Tlio *tate of ulfiirH there it deplor.i. Ida, ami im liediato moa*uiea aiu imli ponaublo for tb« protoction of iho wlndn of B.isiJ Flo. '* '77* the nlnr-ip.inylril Ininnrr, "/», long vuiyit “O’m the land of ihr ftrr and the home of the In n\ •." DliMOCKATlC .VO.V/.V.IT/OxV tOR VRRMDRNT. JIAKTIN VAN UI KU.1, UF NKW TURK. FOR VWK rRF.SIPF.RT, KM II.V It I> ill. ilOMIISO.1, ur KKNtrc'Kv. gj* No pa porn yoaloiilay north ol Charleston. qWo will give tn.morrow the dneiimanla accompanying llio Preaidioit'a Snuoinl Mousago ("inrloa'on i- about to n«ml a oomnanv of Volunteers to Florida Bee extract fruin ( bar lesion Courier. Wo have no doubt that a force will soon he usaoinhlfl l in Florid *, sufficient to avenge tho nsmoa of mir murdered brethren. Till Ricks.—The annual llanos nf thnfia. vaniinh Joiikov Cluhoommonco this ilnv There me not in nmny horaea on ihn ground aawre eipeelod, hut ilm-o that aro liaro are very good oi.i.a, and a* llio interest of a raeo ilepe- da more on its close competition, than nil the number of horaea. good sport may be anticipated ns aeon lest will tako place every day. For iItia day, 'wo rnilo lianla, the following ho runs nro entered : (nipt P Shirk’* hr. in. Fllmrnk six year* old hy Bumpier, dam by Hcdford. Rider’s dn*H* green ft ml grey Cl I John Crowell'* gr. f. Hnlivi r. four years n!d, hy Bolivar, dam Cnnatilulioii—droa* blue and Idee niilborl'l'a ofSnvn nub, Miggeatmg that any rc ami ee*, either of mon or aiippli-.*', that your ci’y or any other purtiou “f Unorgi-1 pa-sing tliri ugh Savinmih miglil rend to tlio aid or a*' liatuiii.uof our follow ci ix iiHin Floii h, should Ihj cnneuntrjteu on tlio St. Johns, and that we would send our aid and relief lo St. Augiialinr i with which we c in with g*. it prouiptitude com* iiiumcalo by a mvigati'li of tlm opnu »o i. The account, which we receive from holli qn.flora aro of the innsi dlalr(.s*ing nlinructor, md wu ahi'uld have nn lined to divide tlio V 1. untcor fi.reo wo aio orguni*ing fm Florida, and muiiI di lMi'lnil«'tita lo both points il wo had no; , ,, mr me prnieciiun oi mo wmua m d.irii i io. bnon nppri-od tli .t vulun'eor had boon recently j rji , a fr , J||t ,| l0 ,| OV astaiionH of tlm iufuri iivd *ont fruin Savannah to Picolitu, und tout a vnl* ' Siminolos, aided aa they nro by binds of runa. untoer force was n<-w on its wav to llioS.. w. y negroes, and auppnried a* il ia bolieved, - I Im ei.i/ -ii** ofCiiaile.tnn cnt ml wi u P r ". m0 „ t w | 10 »wurio uninterruptedly along iho viHioni ami inonitiun. of war to St Augustine, ^ u „n.t. pr-. idol tlm pro opt tnu-por'uti m of : M j >r Gen r- l fJalnea of the United Slates Army, reach' d thiscit< yc*lcnli<y, on his w.»y to P. nsacola, whom lie expects t i obl.iin tho .ia-isiaiico of aonio vuwm’Is of w..r, lo cn.i.pcr to with the lut'd force-, and gut nfT (hu commute.), tinu of the Imli'.ns wiili i)te*o foreigners. A »ingli) Indian Ciiie* i* *ind to be ui pus es. ion of IllYy enska u powder. Thi tr- ffi" miiHt be si- p. pi<l immediately, and for the purpu-e, si.ine miiu'.I armed vea.uU must bo despatched to tho c net, t*» command all the appro .olio* by w.iti r- G"ii. Gninos, who li-r umitoly inu* on a tour of inspeouon, when the lain intclliguneo was re. coived, tick i niiU'di.ito m«a*uruN tor ile.*p.i'ch ing all ti.e ai l in Iiih power, to the Fort at Taui. pa Hay. Orduanco, "ubsi mice, Qtwter \1<" tor* itnroi dtc. were *ent fr. in Uab n R ug" and will t>o mi Hour way lomurroiv. 1< is ix pm led that the Gth r giment uf Inf uhry nl Jef. foraoii Harraek', will lie iimiiuiliauhy ordered hy the Departin' nt ai Washington, t" Now Or. leans, and thence under eniiimaiid of ('ob nel Twigg", Gen. Atkinson being ill, to Fhiridi Tin* present force of iho (ith is about u50 i"im- ndded lo llmsc which can lie npurtnl from Hut' ii Rouge—the whole aid from that qnaiter will he about Cot) tegular*. Gon. Game* ha- in ad- ditinii, ulilreused a letter to Governor Wliilo ol pig. Tll«'ir daily earning. Iiavo censed ; and want ai d Ji'trc*. nave fuiiowu.l; which m iy Im aver- Iml ctiliClU liy, by tlm interp* wit inti ol (• tern ilinill in Ilo: 10 de rcc OiMiumKil. Tin. eo.iiiiii’ti o also (urliier icuoiU'iioii'l, Hi il mir Delegate do also n*n ins besi oxiirli.uis to procure tlio imim-di .ti' pu»Mgo of a, lor tne compensation (full and adoqu .In, if poa-inie,) of thu*u vviimu plaliUliou* or other pmpeiiy ha* boon do.truyod or taken f'oni them by tun law. Iu*s and ineeniliny I'Bciny ; that Diarchy tliu coiiuiry ui y no iiibj«uro be re-tored and *avml frniii ruin; and taut our tullmv citixen* who form s cmiipiitoueo acquired liy industry and |»er*cvomig eiiter.uis", n.iv.i in many in. .lance* ink-u auddunly (iv rvvht'lmodwitn absolute poverty, and 'he dcHpo.l .o truss, wmio living m coiihduneo under the pledged prut • " imi of men goternment, which ha* not *«vod 'hem, may b- received, and tliu*u d' |N>nilmg upon tosui be stVP'i from the agony of threatened waul. Tim comiiiilioo do Ihornfore roco.iiuiend tlio adopti >ti by tin* nieulmg Ihe following re*ulu tmuH : 1. Thi* Hrigudicr (Sun. Ileinundcz oinii’an-'. ing ti'O militia ami other troup* in tiii- city oa*t ..ftlit* Si. Jolin’* river, lie nn|ue.tod to «**ue pr- . visions Inun ilia public stores *ulft -ient for the relief of aueli iwr* ns as »ro in imnitwli.ite want, hv reason of tho de* rueliqti of their means of .iilwiaienctt ny the s.iv.go • nemy, or by reason . if 'Iio ib-Oliee, lo llu> publio vrirvico, of their liu haiuL, *ona or father*—and tlial -o *• on *» an I'fltcorof the U. S. Army shall arrive, having public provisions in.d- r Ids iiiinlml, dial ho also ^ reipiestsil >u 4(<i III lilts t.e **♦«•.* act of Juan. iy ami du>y- j I'.,rtor, winch Gnu. Bud hi del ached from Ilia command, in Iii" harbor, and by Monday or Tunsd iv we liopo 'o despatch another stoamhoal will supplies, munition, ami a Vulunb or I'on:''. Wu deapalnti till* evening by a fast uuilt"V vocsol, 100 Herons of Ri o, 2 '0 barrels of Ril Itread. 500 bu.hels of Corn, 25 barrels of I’ork^ 35 uf Beof, and a supply of Mod cinos, Banda g. s and Lmt, and wi'li all a Su goon, togstlio with 3 field piue.OH. fnr.ii.lied )>y Gon. Enslis, Mippliud with » proper quantity • f roUuJ and ■ aiumoers, nnd likewise with 500 round* of hull nod buckshot cartridge* from oui Si a. irsc* rial, for the i niiiodia'ii u*cui>d relief of the Posts on the St. J.'Iium. In tlm mean time wn nro or. gauiz ng, with all pos*i'i|u du*p»tch, the nuin- dor ol volunteer* ivhich tin: C'ornmaniJ.inl of the I’. 8. Troop* in ihi* harbor dooms amply ntitli e.iont for llm security of St. Augustine. Al dial ciilior S.iv nosli * r Churlosioii in thu pro. _ ^ ... sunt cxig' n.ay can do, is lo cover ti.u I'u.dn now j LoUfaiaiia,—asking for oiglit cmpuiiio* of vol* ooeupiud by the auHuring inhabitants of R isi j untoer* to bo held i i readinos-'. , , .... i.ii I Tli" Indian furco is ostiinatnd at 2500. Moridu, nnd protect the wmiien nnd children „ , . 1 l Though tho niiisMicro at Tampa Bay took irom Ilia torn di.wk and sculping knife, until j place in December, it does nut upimur that il Hie Gouoral Government sli- il I aiu timv to col 1 was known al Jacksonville.on tlio 7'li i*if' l Active .md thorough measure* am culled for Tlio Now Grimms piper* furnish u* wi'h tha following, aa tlio fiOli Imll'iliilg in tho Mi* is- aippi 1,-gi 1'iUirn,—electing Robert J Walker, ihn D.'innoratiu lumlidale lo tho United Status' Somite. F'.r Walk r It rinminer 19—IMndcxtor 7 This a substantial victory fir tho admiuiatr i- linn, i- full of tlm happiest uiiHMia, add w ill b lull..wild hy tho happiest re.ohs. in giving nn ad'iiitri*tral ion ui .j uily in the Sumtu of tho U St itus. MI >8 HA UN KS' IIKNBFIT. Tiik Wikk.—Tlio nio.1 crowded lion o thi* sruisi p hero on Monday eight tosli. mony*»f the pnpulurily of Miss Dames. To Iiavo written t'"» such play* as •• the llunclth-ick" and ••Tlm Wile" is “glory c. nntigh" fur on - Drama ist, and Knowl-a, lenv. ing out "film qunalion Virginiua and Wi.Tiam Toll, could well .ifiiird to recline oil his hinrels. H ih of thnse |>l .ys are of the liigiie.t merit. High an nur expectation had been r dsej on peru ing "Tlio Wife" wn conf»as that it was .urpasNcd on H' ciog it anted. Mariana is on.- nftlio'O dramatic i r alimta which roq 'irn all the energin* oftt superior actress to it. Iii the hands of uiiordinary one, one hdf it* he tu ies w mild be hi Hit’ll from v civ. This uc clival ion could not obtain with Miss Rarnns. Her distinct cminciniiott (which so Iiavo e. fore mitieedy made every syllable f.U with in irked distinctness on tliu oar. Her aeijon war sttpnri r. Several timo* by tha mere force of ultilu.In rIiuelicited the mnst rapturous ap. plau.o I’Jvovy one pro out will rooollent whon St. I'iorro hringH in tho written proof of her innocence, juat as shu had turned away from Form nil i wi*h despair on hor coimleunnlie, Imw suddenly her face liglUsd with joy, she snatulr . s tho pa;Hir from her Imahaml and with t r in in - phut exul atimi exlnhits it to her cntifcssur An. tniiio, slrvtelling it toward, him with one hand and pointing to (lie page witit thu other with most significant gnstu e. To ho Ini*'f. wh think Mi-* B.rnn*proved her. self fully equally the character, and that is say. ing every thing, The whole play went of very well. Wo must Uu tho Comp mv the jiistic to •.v that tho parts generally ware well mini, milted and well sustained. Mr. Young ac'ed tlio Confesaor Antonio dxtremely well. When wo -no ability it atF-rds us pleasure to pay a tri- hutoto it. Mr. Jiidali’* St Finrro was certainly a good pioco of acting. It i* a fino character, ind afl’.ud* an ample field fbr display, Mr Jo. dill su*taimnl it with great etTnot. .Mr Bailey quite turpriHijd us in Ferrur lu. Ilo was never at fault in hi* part ami acted the whole part with much judgment. Wo Iiavo nh.erv«d that lie alwsyr knows his part; It ia tiie rir-t step to rising i'i Id* pt<*f«.-siuu When ono ac tor is at fault, it goner illy puts tha ro*t out. Tit** last act of “ The Wife” wo think equal tn nny wu h iv* aver soon. Incident crowds upon Im-idonl and the all.ui imi is cunsUtitly k pt on the aim t. T -a mpresoiitalion of it on Mmid .y drew down the most rapturous ap- pl-iuM) W* oxpn»*a the wi-h of many when wa say we k.qm tlu» play * 1.1 be /. pu ce. loot th" roqni -ilo f rco for an clfi. iont emopaign in tliu (i Id iigiinsl llm Buiniuotus. * 1 i ia vu tliu honor tn reiiiiin, sir, V ry roipuclfully, you "Ii di nt anrvant, J HAMn.'O.V, rii .irinati'.ft' e Proi’isiouul Comrniitoo, of tlio "itizi iis of Charleston II.ui. Mr. Gordon, Mayor uf tho city of 8a. vuiiiihIi. After tlic applause with which thi-* letter was roeoivi'd hud subsided, tho Mayor, W. W. G'or* don, nfibrud llm fdlotviug resolutions, seconded by ll ui. J. M- He rion, who supportod ihem in, ii i loi.ui'i't address l’lmy passed thu inui'ling with unanimity of feeling. Rriulvetl, Til it in llio iipinion of this moot, ing, it bee* lima tlio citizen* "f .Savannah to as sume the respniisibiliiy of furnishing diut aid to ui fellow.citizen* in Florida, which the crisn (buiiHi'da, nmi that t' nu-il he uuthori*ed lo bur. row wh»t funds may ho ni"!CM<ary for tliu pur pose, uml to place Hie same- in the hands ol tlf Coinmiltuo. n minuted on Saturd y last, tn hr dispenscil asoc-c inn nny require. Resulted, Tint the same Im a ohirgo on tlic Trea»ury of lid* city, unless ru.iinbii'Std by t, v. II.HI nl. Rt sulir.l, Tnnl till* meeting highly nppreci. it- s llio patriotic Cuursn of the sever. 1 H nks ol t. is eiiy in tendering funds for llio n ; hut tnal it i* rig"t and proper that the uuces.nrv advances *linul(l tm Hindu fruin ti.u general trea sury of tha city in n oil e a lien* no rcqiii.ition (ms ln’i-n m'l'lo, and when,, ro in.bu s.. umnl cannot ho called for as a matior of right. The following gentlemen addma-ed the nine!, ing feelingly oml eloquently: W. II. Bulloch, Wni Dee, nnd U Iph Kmg, E*q». Tliu following rc ulutiun was ll en ntfirrod by P. Houston, Ksq, and *tconded by Bi-nj. Bur. rniigha. Resulted, That the thank* of thin meeting b" tendered to our follow citizens who no gal. Active to scour tho whole P uni-ula, and subdue ami piioisii Bummari'y 'he mirao-ling mnnlii'ira. Mobile Register, 19/A inst. fnso, but the ditfi' ulty of prornring emplovnient hs« not in tin rliguesi cu.iue niinnuslieo. Gur iiort i* mom cr-i.'il. d nnv ihsti it eve-Ima b> en In ret"fore, w ith v a- r !" f every ixe uml (Imoh. initiation—tlio ii**"ter 'hat are laying i I" iniprrceiienti'iUy larg-, and so duentirngoig i* Mie prepent n in inn ,,f ot.t.ii'iing Krvig i-.lnni some l< vi lresiiy l« It in bade.I, mu ollit-r* *'e |.r pu.n g i,. f.dl. ft. I l.iMiriuiol, cotlnii |ier tb. ^d.—To Il.vro '4 cunt—To Now Ymi. £14 . £2 uoiii btWtin-at nt Cotton. Bale-. Slock on hand'lst UcloLcr, 1835, 4842 A i rived this week, IFF Cl Arrived pruviuu ly, 1041)37—183501 I8'3i3 2 9 Hi tlJod lO'-tiOD Exported thi j wm k, Kxp 'ili.iJ previously Stock mi liuinl, bi 111 Matanzv*. Jan 1G.—Gur Inst reaped* were dun d I2t i in *. io wi.i' h ph-a-n »of- r. V\ e r> • grot in sta " 11 it a* yoi ym.r ori.or for Mns'-o. vsiio rniiiams uiihxccu'i.d : uneniiro crop ha* hoc i • dd sincuour tnrnn-r letlur, nl 12 rid* nil rniint— at preteni tiiore is nut a hud if Sugar in mwii f.r salo. Wo ahull koop oil ihu alert, •u d hope tux' week luaceuiH « pi reel, tint shall have 'o pay I2j ri d* for tho superior kind. Prices ofel.yu : Sugars have not yet opened, Dm ll a 15 In 12 i lGD"sk"d. Coffee bunk, ^12 u 13, middling to prime g'con .!/'«/• g'-es vi ry senr o, 5J n 5| per Img lijefringe on N - w i u k 2 per ct dis. Tlm e rg of Uu:. per J hu 'J Gullioun sold at II h r la. Jam 17 — I bo rice per ('ullmiin sold at 1 i | Our pruiloce is still fi tiui ig i i a fsrlln r ad n tago, an I Molass s now-oils ..t G ria>. Thor. is yoi great x. ul (i r .Muse V .ih *—• tie plan or lias sold hi i r p, •• known i rami, ’ at )'J rt i«, ind i- ilu-liued for Now Y u K, I iipprolien * tlial .ait u very li.oi’o I <|U.ntiy wll fiui* its way tn yeur market lliia season. Box Sug ir-, middling quality, fr in 10 n 11 to 11 a 15, mil (Mile, prime 12J a 13, iofeuor .ugii.ul 10 a 12. FOR LIVERPOOL. MT". . 1 new Itr ship RICHMOND, MsCtwS f”‘l't M'hvlo, has part of her cargo en. 6 , ‘""I “ B! bare quick ilmpatcli. For freight ef liOd bn|, • U"tlwn, apply to j"‘ 27 JNO A JAS RFID. FOR A L'H YORK—(-eua. link ) * iC' Th" regular puckot bug GEORGIA, J*^Cnpt Sberw ed, will have dotpaloh — M^vi^I «r freigbi r pa-sag", having oxcollci.t .iCO"Utmodaii"ii., S"plv on hoard or 'o PADBLFORI*, FAY A CO. T Im aebr Exact, will soil tomorrow, and cm tr.k" 59 bd s i'oii"i, nn d' ck, lor which, or pu. rat'd, apply ns idmvo. j - n 07 I'uH Augusta. The Bieainb-at (7E()R. (»IA, C’.pt HiiIiio'n, will leave THIS DAY wi'li vv hosts For fn iglit P h~ gu ipply ai ilie Stoaiuhoni Office. H j'»«^7 wm. taylor. FOR NEW YORK _ Tho fn-l sailing-ohr DELAWARE^ \Capt. Mil'on wills,id tlm day afinr to. ti.itiMiorr' iv. For freight or nns.agw study t -tlio lobster on b »ard nt 4"ilnr«nii’a wha»f, or l '» COHEN &. MILLER, jan 27 Ton DAUfllN 'Jxn <tr MAtlVS:— The l op ANN. apt Latham, will I''"VC for lie nil" vo pi,era This APcr. :?ifSSnooii, at 4 nVluck. F t freight or pu*. Ijf • "^’bly nn board at MnOgins upper wharf. PORtHAdl'N. Tho Rieamor DARI EM Capt having nn. dergnn • .1 ihorougb repair, guild received a now engine, will I live fur tlm 'hove place in nix nr «rron day*. For Iraight apply lo E BLISS. j«n 27—t, SAVANNAH JOCKEY CLUB. Tlm midor*igneJ cun lie found ut the Gour* giu 11 ofilct'betvvnen Hi" hours of 9 und II, liy thosu mouibur* who have not obtained tickets. RICHARD D. ARNOLD, Tr'usurer Savannah Jockey Club. Ii* A imii’li.ig of flic SaVaiimili Jockey Clun will bo hold I'm • Evening at the Gi y Hotel, it 7 o'clock precisely. Punctual utionduuco is pirttcuhiriy leqilestud. i titiAl. )\u au . •UN KltOv* 6 53 »UM *KT1.. 5 U8 Hlilll WATKR AT SAVANNAH ... ...02 57 1* HIT 91' S.V it , i it........ .JAN 2? ( (El HllHtl AL RM'tHfB, I. V I LS I IIATKS XROM I.IVRRruoL.. LvTKH't' IMTHSKRO'i IIAVHI i.DKC. 18 uoc. 8 Siitantiali Hxports, January 2G. Per Br. brig Clurimlu, fur 8t. K'li— 50',2lb fed Scant I illy. Iloiriiaand Plank i 10,237 feci Timber; 7700 It G Staves, , Per brig Clius. Joseph, for It ston—812 li.lnn U|*!a rd, and 10 bale* Sea |Maud Cultoii; !iU eaklis iituo, 8 p .ekages .Meniliamiiro. Charleston Exports Jan. 23. Havre.—Brig i'l.oiiuis M Lyon—10 bales 8 1 anil 517 hales Upland, Cott"ii. Ilainlnng,—Brig Grand Turk—981 tiorcos Itic", 250 null’* Uphimi C-'ltun, 10 ton* Fustic, uml 10 tons L gw Nassau, N P—Br sclir Nimble—56 tierce Ru e, II, -195 toot Lumber, Am:- Jacksonville, K F.—Sclir Georg* &■ Mary— 101 tiorcos Ri o M"b lo— 0. ly Daiighlur—20 bids Li. q'lors,2J bbis Tar, and Sundiies St Augustine.—10 tierces Rico, 200 hag* Corn, 2') sucks Salt,80 bids Fimir and Suiulrna Ilivunu.—8Jtr Tliteu Friends—704 ticicu* R‘"0. From n. iijamin Levy's AVie Oi leans Prices Curient, January 16.—Cotton—Arrived suie.e lh" Win inst, IH.dlii. Cin.irod iii the *amo time 21,916 hales ; making a rmiuctinu in slock of 3092, ami leaving on hand, in lu-ivo i.f nil on aliipbonnl not cleared on 1 liu I Ith in bi 11 nl, 1, •loch i.ffcl lit Ildus. T.u: Coltmi m rk'T, at all tunes very fluc'ualiiig and cuprieimis, has been po iioarly an iliii season ; so much so in- dund. that even tlmsu who arc untitled by their Ojip"rtunitioK tn have very eorrect views on nil subject, relating to it, cr , under present cir cumstances, unable In conjecture, with any do. I,inlly and patri'di''olly volun e.-red fur the res | gri o of probability ono day what tl.o next may I PiC'datn, nnd now lo.nuiii nt that post to 1 bring forth, and ur" equally at 11 loss to account protect it from tlic inv ision (.J savage*. The me ting then adjourned. .AI ll. M. ALLI&TER, Chairman. Octavus (’"IIKN, Secretary. From the Cha 1 lesion Courier, Ja 1. 25. Florida volunteers. Iii the Courier of S'tiurduy, n call was mud" fm a mcoting 01 that ovoning, of all I'oraons who bail Vnluotoonid. or veroilt-posed 1,1 volun- tner, lor the dnfuiicn ol our fallow-citizcn* in Florida ; ami wu lire highly pleased lo say that tho "id! was responded to 111 a m.iiiuar that bo- cam" lh" citizuit* of Charle*ton. The uiuotiog w i- organized by c tiling Gen. Iluyn* lu tiie Chair—an cnlliusiuain wurlhy of the occasion prcv ii ftd, and afler ihe objoc of the mooting w i»* cl, lists of V"!uiit"urn, al ready organized worn handed in, amply satli- uiuut 10 incut .hu object desirod, whi 'h was do elured (o he tho defence of 8’.. Augustine ; and ihoiufere, any others present, di.po-cd lu en. gigo in Hie aulerprra ', imul.l not he received, lilt' pnrpift!# of tlic incotiug having baeit uccuiii plili'd ll is believed tint fine hundred turn could hnve lie 11 eu'olli*d, lu.d it Inuui net ess y, ss a disposition was shown by many other* to viilutiloer, wtiH'h wu# only reprn-sed t»y tho an- nuiineumnit Hilt Hie r q li-ite numixT inn] been obtained To slii'W iliai we are suafiineil in "Ur a*auinptiou, wu wnl slaia that llio Surnter Guards emi Irish Volunteers made an . ir*r of their service* yesterday, and were anxious lu lake u p rl in the enter, roe, but it w.s a.del t.> : tlmm til t a* thu enuip omon' of men vv.i« cun- ! pleto, tlu*y could not Ie received. Wo lo rn that-"■!« "I th' iiiniolmr* .<1 iliuao C .mpuniu Ii ve detormined tn priicoeu t<. tlio »eenc of ac- uon under any eircuuiMonens. The cniiipmics that came forward, andbv their prumptnesa rendered furtimr call unncco". *ary, de*ervu liunorabl" im ntnui. Tn aniumii- oing Ibe-n. weem only * y Hint tliu merit of promptness is K li lhoy can claim—to this thev ! am jo lly 1 n i bid. *"d tilt* ivo fieely and glad, i |y accord t‘ om. A mui*o "f teeling which can- not bo repruiwi'l, iinpuU 11s to suy, that there i- no company, tint there ure no men among us, who will shrink whon thair services are required for the defcurn of t'i«ir follow citixena, let thu fun Im. whniii it may. Tlm number of iit' ii who go on thin rxpeili- tion. wil it ia »up|i" ed, am imt t" from 120 to 150, and ,rc composed of t e Washington Vo uloer* ('apt Finley; thu Germ n F’uhili.-r^ (’apt Timrod ; and I'to Washington I. ghl In fant')'. ('apt ttsvenol. In the coti'vo nf the evening, while th" meet, ing was preceding with tln-ir hu*ii" a , they were fno‘1 ur.rx; cctadly ji.;M.’ by - G iRpatir antisfuulnrily for the caune* that havn oporatod a change, f r none calculated to hui" much hearing present iIiouimoIvcs La t week, tiie tiiurkm was dull, hut during tlic pro^uit, witli out as rvu have la l' re said, any visible Cause, it hu * li""" very animated, tlms .l"* uinuuntii'g t» In ly 16,000 b l«i* ami as tuny wm iuuijh a', h g.'ier rate* uni quot 1' ions have b-ori udvauceil ace udingly ; tin* improvement i* umm purlieu- I irly ili'ceruiblc in tho qn.-iliiins ranging from middling fair 10 good fair. I f-ri r Cotton* when ofi'ornd alone am ruliicr uu*.iluablo, amt wo uudoist mil thu receipts htcly abound in thi du'cription fine consequently, is scarce, and good proportionality *<> ; hunc.u thu great dispa. rity in prices. Tho "took mm lining inti -t hands is not large—we annex im *..!«* a* fol lows, viz: n*'L msium snd .Vti*siHrjppi 100 at 15J ; 7 1, Ibl ; 70.), 15 ; 143, 1»>J ; 831. Hi* a 17 j . 183 ,24 : 810. 16; 2 10 1, ld| ; 1720,1 .1 1 ", Iff; 93. 17; 936. 154 ; 36, 17 ; 135. 16; 399 174 ; 139, 16J ; 120, 164 . 1711, If-l ; 109;., I5J ; 700, 1.74 ; 115 Itij ; 70. 1?4 ; 1788. 154; 2mJ, 18 mot*—of Alubi.u 2hnal UiJ ; 85, |i,j ; 151 174 cents—of Western District 3 7, l.jj ; 7 16, 11; 118, 114 cants ; und 57 Florida at I64 c.’lUa pur Ib. Liverpool Glassification.—Ordinary, 12 a 13; Middling, 114 a 15; For, 154 .1 16 Go al Fair Hija 17; Good and Fine 174 u 18—fair do nitiid. Sugar— 1 Tlio prif e of Sugar in tlm city has not 1 ""Uiitially vaiiod *inco mir lust ; a uiajori ly of the sale* coniimic to range ,r >m 94 to 9J ecu -, though .mail lo. are occn-innully, solo ho h bulow and .ilmvu these r ile*—the demand is neither aciive n r dull. On pliiitatiou fur* rner i.ilos, 9 94 cts. am qoolud ulxn ; die sales wilhin our knowledge, aimuiuting lo ubuut 5U0 hint- In vu been at tnu last price Molasses—Wo hoar of nothing important do. i g nn n ; and tliough iim Lcveo is vc ry well Mippliud, Iraiisaetioii* mlliu city aru li mited. The rate*in both tvw u and country arc lower. Flour—Thoro is no extensivo ntovemonts in the Flour market; tho price though lower, be. ing "till to high fur exportation, cud for Immo w unis supplies are taken ve ry • paringly. l\.r biker* brands §8 00 it asked. Shipping is tel. ling at 7 75 per blit. Fork—O 11 former quotation*', Alcaa S20 00 Prime $17 00 u lo 0»» aru still sireuU"Ualy in. *i*ted upon ; but sale, aro very limited.und must uutdiiiue to i-o so us long us these prices gov ern. Reef i. very dull, and price has declined to ®I2 00 for lie*-, Prime 9 (10 per hrl, Wfuskty lus exporieuci-d a vligbt improve, mem, 5) - 51 cut* per g dlon being now tie cur rates Thu m• knt i.nntmut'* veryb .ru. Freights —Tn i re, tain he lime ,* be CLIiA RED Dr. brig ('lurinilu, Walker, St K'ta. Cohen .{• Miller. Brig Charles Jo*opli, Frost, B rt n Wood tn idg e «f May ARRlVEh, Rtoarnhnnt Fie. Trade, Y uing Angus a, with bout" 5 ami 13 inC F Mills. 1-137 bah * Cotton mid other Merlihncdi 1 to .1 S 1 o.mibs Pni.'izy Ale Govi in, > D Cml.itt, J K S J dm A Cu. Puck A'. C... Adams A Burroughs P .dulf.ird, Fay A Co. C Lippi-1, K llabershuin, M B lliill' i h. M LA T TO SEA 8|iip Caroline Aug.i-t i, |, b'i«iy,(?avr*, Stiip Queen Ad* hu ie. B rlutc 1, Ship Sti rling C um, Live pool. Br. brig Ku.rvilt", D.-ug. s», Wi.ming 0.1, N C. DEPARTED. Steamboat Win. Scabm /k, Dubois, Charles, ton. Steamboat John Stoncy, Curry, Cliurluaton. M E u n R t V /' 4 CIIARLEST* ’N, J in. 25 —At ship. Tro , \'lon, Liv.trpi.iil; S 0 .man, llard.nn. Bo ton ; barques Arc.'di 11, Br. Au rl, Green " k; Lnu- iru, .Nichols, P - uiuuih, (Ki.g.)- 3d nmi. hit. 31 10. Ion 65, -p 0 ui M uv, fr in Satan moA for LivQ'poid, 7 dayi nut. T u I, ha . pcr.cnccd very h"is'rou* weatii.u during iho pas- sac, -ho 1 nt an imc .or uud ouhlu "if tiio bar yc*tnrduy morning. Il.umib'I, Br. Bl'tiev,Lite Druimnnns, I.ivnr. pool lO.imll hit 46 4.), Ion 23 22, Cani.ii J Druinuion* jumped overboard in a fit ofm-uni ty nd wiis i!r"Wneil. Br rig Miliuan, Arnold. Bnl'aat—nil" 1 4 Dec. I. ft rcudy, Br siiip* Mi unluincer mid Cimycabrnox. fur N Orh ann. 181I1 in.-i in h tinlph Mreant, *P"k" Brna'quc IL n" nd. t'J day* (rnm (me n ck. for this p..r ; 17 1 I I t •16 16. I 27 13, lo.l i" wi h t o wreck of B liarquc Brit'iinuia, r f.Vc p rt, timh r 1,d uud wato logged—p r-n. on h"a.d ; |*ji., imt El 44 Hi, i.m 'a9 11. full in will- tliu w c k ofa brig, w <tur loLgun—11111111111*1 g.uiu by tlio daak, her Ibr ma t under the top—no p. ruin < h board—-Im hud painted ports could n n difcnv. er Hor n um-; 2d inst la. 31 37, I n 57, up. fo* a,-h. EIizda H e Hay . f ; undy, l-cn down to Sablu 1-land, wr: king and wan Mown ofTiVom his • no .0.- , 13l.i Dec ; * n Im l.-st her t'api. 8.ili*uidii, Chip Cnop'-r and G S li*muu, who were op .zed m Im amall brial While am douvcring to End on l*luml j .he hnl nn bunli wlien spoken, J P Bi- kcra ami J Mi.lcr, b dotiguig to thu C'us i.m IIhiim'—auppiiud tier ivi h w iter, hoof, Ii uud a .d lighis. M»o intun (led lu pu into Antigua Brig* Uutavia, Cm*. , M.itanr.vs; Elm, II n. ry. do; Lmg'lo.i Clmvo-, B liter, P il nimp., u; Lootiidu*, Frost, P"r imi..t , N II.; *chrs William Fr.ibt.ilo; M ,rv Aim, Eth rGgu. Eli. zanctli (. ity, N. C. W l ji in*l.8 m■ os eiM of Gh.irluntmi Bar, nt anchor, spoke "hiji N' W England,D.ivm, fmin B *lnu f"r 1 iii. p«rt,i" by, woo report* . mil no Ind struct* -m Bail* B « nk- evs, "ii llio night f .no 23d in t. S iuedav,"ir I I'e", *poR" Bi.sihr Alirgiroi, 50 days fm Turns 1 urn I't W il.ningtnn Schrs Uiin n, I' .iiui, Elixah Hi City, N. Two Brother-, Uwonsmi;'iuntb Auaintu, Pumit, Suviiiinali; E.twau, >a*surii, do. Clef red, slop Niagara, B - her, .Now Y rli : brig* Grand Turk, Chase, H.m.urg; Toom.ii. M. Lyon, Ch i*e, Ilavie; linn ,M ui .11, C nip muti, Bulliiniirv; *cbr" lNuunio, Hr. (IuiIhiui, N vsiu, N.P; Thro F 1 11 is. D,v. *.ui, II... v .na; Guoigu A. \| ry, Willoy, vitlc.E F.t Oclv Daughter, Stoddard, Mnbjiu ; 8 8 .Mill*, 8 uihwick, 81 AugiiMine. t I» 'l* 0 “fit gi br slop Albion, Brown Si, John, N ft; ship Caravan, from N York. llio "hip New Englm D'Vi , IVmit D'liton. is al am |;nr oil lliu bur, leal, v, having struck -iii Bulls lire ikurs, mi the night of lliu 2lxt. The liftg (tally, froui New York, for Satnn. II ill, uud barque Circu-sian. from tlio N- rili f -r do, wa* *p de 11 oil'the liar 22d inst by thu pilot boat Wntor Witch- NGRI'GLK, Jan. 18.—Cleared,brig Tribune, Bousli, New Gr|uan9. J AN. 19—Arr. "Iiip Woodlitirv, Ta'o, L"n. dun; brig Casket, Davis, Pernambuco; cclir* •Mary, Br. Dawson, Tobngo; Industry, II ill, Jai-mcl 5 Uuiilc , B nitiail, New Gi loans. S.ilrd, brig 1'iMuou, Itcu h, New Orleans. ( tt( /i' n 1 )eck. O RAG8 w - iited for thu brig CHARLES JOSEPH, for B '-tmi Apply 10 j't" 27 WGGDBHIDGE A: MAY. M i*8lllg. J. SMALL box cm.tu ning machinery, rrnik ed"A Smith, U irlford, ’ landed from ship Celia Any inform 1 ion respecting it, would bu 1 hank fully received hv jan 27 TUPPBR & 3ISTARE, Landing and Jbr sale. BRLS Luther Felton’- Rum <*3 -* • H» blids prime P» rto Ric Sugar 20 hrls No I Macknrel, 29 .1" 2 do 2: 4 * H k* Penpurmint Cordial 2(1 boxes D uli'tlu’* Soap 3 ib bars 29 - » 21b bar* 10 ) cu ka Na.l", a«*nr(eil jan 27 L BALDWIN A. CO I ! 4 1 T n.iin e. g. .veil • I|her*ll." n»« .1 pm 27 with • lie Bitbscriber'i • Too finder will in Ol. rc II.( i g it. rich \ld d a:;v"l » For Sale. A HIGH Bio. d,(l und fine form .Stud Cult, 4 year" old. Appli to R (i TAVLOR, jan 27 p Went Broad street. I’r •v.sions, Arc. -■•Jcjj jfc M. IL* B-icon, a H.uicd, now ' 10 liaskel • Sweet 0-1. | .tiding and fnt ».iln by jitn 27 W 11 UIOAI I\>ON A CO. Norton & Fuller .1 ; AN E on hand, and "(|.-r for sal • nt reilue . d price*, 640 pc* I, ndon Dufll • Him k* »*..! )O0 ya d Ncg-o fl tl,* T ey a vo .Is a g.,.„| iihsi-rtiiient af S oplu and Fancy GuoG "Uit d»|" for spring a car. j; n 27 Aloxandi'ia und Npnnirdi SStgart-s. i s 4 * t i A fc A ""Srh' Negara 59,01)0bos 1 Spanish d 29,000 half ,1„ d.. Ju:9 received by t' e list arrival-', and for sal l, y CLAGHOILN &l WOOD, j 1 n 23 THIS EVENING. J NN. 37. Will tic nrcHOillr-d the fu-liionnb|c f nniedy o( ttrft R E 1. L E'S S TRA TA O E M . 01(1 Durdy, Mr. Burno*. Dnricourt, Judah. Let it in Hardy, Mi-* (’. Barnes. Mr*. Racket, Mrs. Barnes. I/’dy Frances, Mr*. Hart. To cin-lud’ with the Force oft ho TV R N PIKE U A TE. Crack (with tongs.) Mr narnsg. - J' in 37 Lyceum //«'/. corner of Broughton Street, ILDIAVOLO ANTOMO »ff(»ST.R If.,liy bag leave tn inform tha . T B. L »(Iio- and Gonllcinen of 8uv.‘inua!i and it- vicini y H ut Im has ho. n induced hy several citizens, l" givn 11 few evening- p"rfnririnnc.i „t llm ball r« um, pievi.m* to bi* ilnpartiire fr..rn this ci;y. tbercfnre Signor Antonio hu* p oasure in *t 1 ing io them Mint THIS EVENING. JAN. 27th The Celebrated Family of IL D I A V O L O A iV TON IO, Fr"in til Tl outre R val, Drurv Lane, and Cuvont G.i.en, mil the Parr Tha,tro N.V. 1 'ill .gain Ii-Vc ilic lirniui of re nppuar ing h"f.rr t in Knvmiiah aniuucu;a military Baud will ntt 1 d. ( Ad .11 mu 50 uout*,—Children under ten ye ■ 1 h "* age 25 cent* Door* open ,,i 7 and til" pjiliiin a.ico lo coiiiini'iice ut half past 7 ..’chirk, UTCoWod persons not admitted. F r 'ull particulars soe hills ol the day. lds«rillllinn. S IDE firm of J. B HERBERT & CO w-m dism.'io l "n the26th instant, l.y il* d,, a th f D. luiiili. uml the alii ira ..ft bo sumo will 1* close: by the under, jgned, who tondorg tn si"' en* thunks to tho friend* u. the late con. n 'TH l"«' pa 1 roiingn they *„ liberally confer, oil. and mfo ms them th 1 lie has trmsfcrnid the bn*in **i" Air. F. W. lli'inoniuiiii for wiiom Im eu : 0.1 ly loq-.o-i* a coni ir name nftl.cii L. vi'r*. ^ WAI f fREN,-HAW, j "* 27 Surviving Copartner. A"cti-in ai'd Commission Busiensg. rHVIEu dcr* gi.ed having a coecd 'd the lat« JI Hrm of J. II. IJERREU'C &(:(),, 1. li-ng Hi a " ii 'go '■ r. toi'oro , x nndc.l t . it, also of hi fii.-nd* 11111I1 hop bi . nd o ua by hit . mitti 1 t"ini"n und - n.’ui.y, i<,, Mt , r it thu -•... pro ntio’’ of thiiso who in ,y favor him with bs* incus ii will make liberal uilvuiuc* on won 1 euirnsicd 10 ni* cure. i»" 37 F. IV. IIKINEMANN. Rofereiices. I.n. (’mnming A S ..,, Wm.GnMon, 8. B I' rkman &. Co., Jo*, f iiinmiiig, I'M I hrd. Fay Co., R & W. King, G B liuuiur, * “ j n 27 L R 81, John A Co, Shovels (Nl toii-a, PA IR liras* Shovels unit Tongs. 50 jir bras* head do. for sale liv j"" " N. B. &, 11. WEID. Fu.tmi Market Be of. '• y, flH ALF barrel* F Al. Beef (?• >)• IU11 do Hidngnn 8uu*aged 100 *iii' kerl Tongues 2 barrels {Smoked Beef Just received per Win Taylor, fur Hide hv j"" 7 GAD DU Y i LECUIEL. Hay, liny! J) 2 RIME Hoy for Mile at retail for $1 .TA ii by CI1AGIIORN A WOOD, jan W C(>partneraiii|>. fHlHE undcr-igned having tormeiln Copurt. 9 nersliip, v ill continue the \Vh<Ji)*i>lt> Dry Good bu-in-s fnt tlm former stand of William Waring) under the firm of Waring & Foster. william waring, M I ELI AM W. FOS PER. Savannah, Jan. I, 1838. jqn t S|’ccluclc8. J? 4k, DO/.. Sp.-ct .cleH consiMing of Green ■ • '3 k anil Grey double Glasses in light frames, White Glasses oval and qtiuro uub'irlod age* in German silver und ‘lu ll frames, Also, 30 d«z low priced Metal Fr lines, just received ami for saluliy A. R K N A IT At. Ct). dec 16 Adjoining llm City Hofei. I'«»r Sale or iluv. 4 NO horned Bull five yeu " old next April, well grown utid of (imt form, lie ia from tli" full Blooded Bull B inquo of Win Gibhom, E q. And 11 very superior nn In rued cow, now owiioil by Col. J, J. .Maxwell uf .Savannah, ho ir a tir.iuiii'ul roan c .lor, and his looks and size H'ou.M recommend him to any good judge. The price is two II .ndred Dollars. It'll" i- not sold by the first of April next, ho wmildbo liinid for Fifty D-'llir* to tlm first of J ininry next, p'ljd 111 adv men, nnd • lie man who lures him being in:c->untublu f.r t,i. sale return tn me. He i" imw nn (finis's Neck, whern Imran Igi iiicii 't HUV ' < ... Vt Vi. D CM I AM.