The daily Georgian. (Savannah) 1835-1847, January 28, 1836, Image 2

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TUP GEORGIAN, cfCOH a iJitfw BT WIUilAM U. BHHOtH, n'si.imrs or tm* raws or mr "wmi. • tn r rsrra, t l t t t t . Ill ri«.».r WU4M c ’-r*r r.rra. ' *' r f'rAti Adrrrlurw nttuppeur In hoik paper* < r 0 £ \» <•& U 4. & « TIH II«I»AV MOIIN1NG. JAN.'-PL |m;W. in front bowed to th* C«'»rt on being disehar- gi-d Iherofiom. The 8p*ni»h brig Han Andre*, from llafan* to S inlander, in ."ipiin, arrived h«ie on i Ik GHi und , hiving ta-eii nil alinlu near C-«l K©y» i and win* umji.frt»y snnory **rooklog vm>«Ii—In bd 1 **t—vvssul nol injured--Juan dn tint a, III"*- fur. ••'Tit the itar.tpnngled banner, oh, lung mat/il retire •• OVr the land of ihr free and Ike hnmr of ike I,rare.” DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION I'OK runs i iii:nt. n.lHTIN VA1 HI It ILK* or nrw vork. rn/t via: freswf.nt, Ul( II A It 3> .11. nr kriti'crv. If By the Htnuiiihonl Ktiwun, from • iiur to", wo yesterday received tliu Connor and Mummy in advance of (Jib mail. Tilt Htoainlmai Dolphin, Cap*. King, srrf'nd |**t night from f'liarle* ton, wiili 140 Volunteer" imdortlin ooiniii ind of Captain Finloy. of the Washington Volunteers, At f'apt It ivrnel of ill* DOCUMENTS ACCOMPANYING THE I*ItKHIMENTH MI'.SHACiK. Below, WO p'O -out tho correspondence bo tweon tin- Fro ich and Auiuriean Authorities, relatiro to iltoi liidniiinity. Can any American teud il und ind *ay that the cuunm of Anuhkw J*i'KRnN hir Imho «■ an demanded ul * Patriot and an American. No. I —Mr. F rti/ih In Mr Harlan. Dmrrvrs or Sixth, Wathingtnn .Inna 38, 1*35. Tliomaa I’ flarlon, K q. Ate A..:. I Sir—Mr. Living* oi arrived Imre thn day 1m* I torn yn tnrdjv lly Ili«> mail of yoslordsv, ynir lotter of the 7th May, with a copy of M'. Li viiiglisloll's Inal unto to tliu Duke do Broglie, wa* received. Alter ail attentive ninininatinn of Mr. Living, alnn'a corro»pniidein'(i with thia department hiiiI llm (invuruiui'iit of Fi'inoo, clueidatod by In* vcrlml explanations, thn Pn «id lit liaa dirneled me in any to you that thn Muaar*. Do Kollo-* cliiltl have Isien au'li'TilcI liy llm Treasury !)<•• I ■ irl netil to receive lint iimni'y duo under the I treaty with France. Of I h ia authority limy wil , .K* directed to gun n lice l" the Frunch Govern. ii.miI, wiliioiit demanding payment. hor your, -a ('. you will, if inn lull ot iiiduiiiinty i> rejouted. li'llnw Mr. liivingRlun to tho United Slates. Il J tliu innnny i* placed at tlui disposal of • Im Ki <g, i ' ondilinnally, by iln- Legislature of Franco, you will await further order* from tho U. Htulua.hul inainluiu a guarded silence on tho aulijnct of tho Indnuuiity. If approached by tho Government of Franca, diron'ly or md.recly, you will Inar what ii aaid, without a reply, atalo what ha* or. curred in lull to tho Dopartimmt, and await ith instructions. ft i« thn deairo of tho President that you Will n"t make nvon a rofiireilCO to llm aiihjeut of tho treaty in your inleioutirMi witti lie I'Ve noli Government, until tho eourao in. nndi'd to Im pur muni i» di'iini'ely explained to Washington Light lutaiitry. hound to St. Au the United Hiatus. Whatever may l, a aaid to , i a ,i i .i o ho Mna*r*. R"lh«child, it will bo their duty to .ml prnc™.Ud on. rain, *> 3, T ,o..,,ry Do. o'clock __ _ | i'«rtin*<il, and, whanuvnr tlmy convorae with you OSMRTMI 01 in V"i' mi rn MgPlMlPA I 1.- r rmnd, d that II !• I UpM u-.l tlltj . ... , , . | will wait tor (ixiife** notrc'u troru the Unvern. —At iiinn o'clock yo.tcrday moriiing, llm Au | (Il0n| p r4nca r || ml it j, r „ a ,i r lo pty 1>0 ,„ r0 m „ guata Volunteers wi-rt eacrlod to llm Htonin. boat Florida by thn V. H. Troop* under com. Iimnd of ('apt. Mo'chanl. A large n**cinM ige witiina.nd their departure ; na tliu boat* luO the wharf, llm gallant volunteer* wnro aalutnd with lmld huixa*. Tlmv carrimf with lhaui tliu boat wi‘hur ol* the wlioluuninniunitv* MURK SAVANNAH volunteers. Yo tcrday at 4 • Vlnek, a large dotaclimuiil of Qlt of tlm IMiuiiiix Kill’<nou of 'hi* city, with up Wards <<f 100 "ihor Volunte<ir*, loft hero in thn John David M <ngin, lor Pin<<la'a. Thrir gono_ r il purp*»*e ia to aid the Fieri li ill*. Their im. Iimdiitu «lo*li istioo ia St. Jxltii'* It.vrr. Tim Marrgtn in ef'iie I, c<( iip,m<l and provi-ionoil fur acijve •ervj. n in llm watnra of that river and it* 1 trih'itariea. Wu understand that tho Imut, her I Birn nnanl and all tlm Volunteer* nro lo ho repor- | t<'il t<< tin ii. Clinch .i ml to rumuin auhjoct to lit« j order. I Tho above arrangementa were matin In pur- I ■U nienof ;lm ro*< lu<ionaofllio ci'i/onaoii Salur. day Let. Savannah ha* llm*, not only hoeu content with p| •neoriug llm way in tending aid to tlm i FI widiaii*, but haa l*<l|nwo<l it up l»v *nnl«u-ly 1 rivalling her aiatnr niliua in all inoaaiire* raluuln. I toil to atr<<rd them .uhainiilial naM*tauro. Tim Vulunti’era atirlud in Dim spirits, flofnru | tlmir dopanure, at tho request of llm Cninuiitleo tlmy were tddto*tod by M. II. McAllister, I- in lua applinulinii I' r pnyinuiit ia uiuilii. '1 Im eourao ttdup'nd by Mr. I.ivingalon hua Imtoii Duly approved; and llm hope ia indulged, Him' Iiin ropreauli'alioiia Ii ivo hail Ihuir ju*t in. Ihmiico on llm nil the council* ol tlm Kmg of Franco. IlnWcvor llm may he, |ku President'* ilotiirminaiiim is, that the term* upon which llio two (*nV0riiinunta arc to aland lownnlaoiah •<• llmr ‘Mill Im regulated, »o far a« hit cottelilu- Ilona I power extend*, by France. » A packet from (ho Treasury, .ddro-aed to the Mu**r* Kullo-child, and containing III" m*lruc. tiruia'of llm Sccretury, accompanied by n special puwiir appointing Ilium llmugeula of tlm Unit ud Stuli'N fu receive the piyumiitx due umlor the trua'y of lh.'JI, ia forwarded lw< with. Tliu’co. py of a letter from tin* Department In .Mr. Pa. goal, i* also enclo-cd for yout porusil. I all), Sir, fnur oUodioHl eo/runt, joiin l oasYTii* No. 0—Mr T'nreylk In Mr. Ilnrlon. JliCI'AllTMV.Nr «<r S |»IR. Wtiehinglon. Sept. II. 1835, "I’limna* 1*. Hartoil, l>i|. Ac Ac Ac. Sir:—S.i in .tell time w ill have el ip*cd Imloro hi* doNpaluh cun reach yoii.ainee tlm passage <<fllm law by the French L'liainlicra p aring at I Inti d».pn*j||/m of llio King Ihr fund* In fuJ/JJ tho i treaty with thu Umlcd Si a lua, Hut it ia prc*u- < mud i e intention of the Frcnuli (l .vurunmnt 1 will liavenuun by that p< reel <li c|n<cd. It D J proper, i Imre fore, in llm opinion oi llm l*r «*i dent, that you should rui’oive yur Dal iii'truc ll.tiiB ill rulilinli to il. It lua always been Ilia intention that the legation of llm Uniied Stale* ! xlmulil leave Franco il thctrniiy wuienol lii til old. You have heoii aull'erud to remain nf'er I ihn ilt'ii ■ruin/ >d Mr living ion, umlor tlm «* I mill .ii.rit-Klirrln, m.nnn.' I V ••■*«»» <h.l . , . . „ , , , I hud ill all Ill’ll lua occurred it* nldlgalptll lo Inolu.lii'ii Urn A' V..lnntm>, tiojrly i |ir ,,„|, i„|r.| ul'... u........ iii rn |i ft thia uily yeaterday fur Fbirpla. j a* land* wur* placed in i<a In ml*. If thia ex W" under .land that (’apt. Meiehani departs ; parlolmn ia iluippointod, you imi»t a»k fir your i ..-umuy tipi Drat | purau ol* $301), j 1 jiaaaporla, mol reluin to llio United .Staler, If I no movonioul lua been unde on the p.<rt ol Friincn, and no mtiinatinn given to you, or to the banker of tlm Umlcd Slate*, who im tliu au thorized iigriil of the Trnxury, In rnnnivo tho . niaiiiliimnt* dim, of llm lime that payment* will Im made, you aru iiiatruuto.l to c.»|| up<m tho j Duke de liioglio, ami request lo ho in. fumed what aru tlm iutrulioiia of tlm (»ov i rmuuiil in rulutinii to it xl.niug tliul you do «o hv order* ul your Unvornmunt, und with a view ttorrguDlu y--ur uoiiducl by the mforuia-ioii you nny recuivu fr.mi him. In llm pruauul ngi. , luted atalo uf Franco, il is the paitirular deairo ■il'Ihr IVti'iJ. m liittt your np(diu>iti«ii ah old Im onde in the iiiuat onimiliutory tone, und your mtorviow with 'Im DuUo unrked by uxprea-iona a* coining from our (tovonmtunl, of groat per- | annul luapuct ful Unit Miuiatur, utttl of all unx- ; nm* deairo lor the aioty of tho King ol Franco, a very intercut , If the Dilku alt mid inlhriii you that tiio muitoy mg race bvtwueu auidlo mig* will cum* if, nl / ia to lie puiu on any fixed day, you will rein itn n„.o e l. *0.1.11* I,up.,,!.., v lian boon t.oii.o.l r.o <" F’."" 1 . u«l»r»i» you will «|>l>ly <"> y»“< ih.,.,»*..i 1 puaanorta, and alntc tliu reason to bo that tlm ’ I I • a| alt wet it two who treaty of Indemnity hut nol been cx.ouWd by ar.> to In* on ter cl. France. For thia ituy* iscu (ha following ImrMoa are 1 Tho Prcaideiitrapeoi ftlydirooD that vou almuld enforod. comply With tlmao iltalru.'tlniia an ourly that the i ll i'm -..n . , , , niault in ay ho known here buforo tlm .Melting " enter* In* b. c. B. 11 Austin, i ufCongrua*, wliioil tnkca|ilaco on tho 7th ol foui yoafa old by Bertrand, dam Tiumlenn. Hi- Deuomlair noxl, dur'ailruiw, blue and *duo 1 am, air, your mod obodlnnt a»rvnnt, 1 JOHN FOUsYTII. to d iv wi’li Hi • |i. s Tr’op*. HxVRNhAH JnOKKV t'l.bU day Itiioo, R nnle hem* f ca no >f. Tlm cnntaat war botwnon (’apt. Sliink* KI br>< ak, and Cul. Crowell's llidivn. Tlm pur-u wiii won by Hullvut in two ImuK Time ol firai hail, t m.'Jil heal, 4 m. I * Tlm fii*llie.ii wa* won hy about two luiigtlia, tIt - second hy about I leuglha. After tho regular race* there wu* au inter e • mg rice m* a ul lie nag«, a mile out, tvliioh w a* uloaoly aonlOsteil. Plirou horai's entered for in* pur *, which wan .von hy Mr. Huuder a..ii'a Tig a. To day we umloratand that I aaid, •• I am al» m«trri2'ed lo inquire of yur Uxrnllnncy whether Ilia Majesty'* Government i ready to piy tlm-u fund* 7 And you ruturimd tins nn*wor: •' Yea. •'» •I'" term* nfthn deepale ." 1 added, "Ian ioatrurliMl to a*k aimthor •|ue*.mii—Will Hi* Majesty'* (J«.Virement name toy filed dJhriionala purio.l wiicu they will Im di-n"*cd to pny th<<ao fund* 7" To thi quoafion, tlm following waa yo i r < x oellunry* anaw< r, a* I understood it: "To. morniWf, ifnuec.ijry j when tlm (Jovoriiomot of tho IJoi'i-d Sia'<!« shall, hy a writlun urticial cnmnieiiiuRtion, h-ivu eapruiMid it* regrot at the mi-under*'ending which has taken p'aco between 'll" two (t/jviiriitiieiil* ; aasiiring u* that thi- mi*. uii(l«r*tnuding w'ii* limnded on an erior, Hut d ■lid not in i’ii i to o il! in question tho go’d lai'li of III* Miniaty (•overnomiil ; tlm find* urn 'hero woarereidy to pay. fn tlm de<p<itnfi to M. Pagnol, •• n gav- ill • views ol'oiir (JoVurn* nieiit on tlija question .Mr. Foin.V'Ii not hav. mg thoo"lii prui er t<< accept * copy of that des patch, and having a >id that tlm (iovuiiinient of tho United Slate* could not receive n roininuni. cation in suuli a form, <vu nothing to add I tin forced to entrench iny elf he ind thitdu*. •mleli. || the (•iivoroiui'iii of i)m Uni'id 8'ate* lion* not give lhi« a*sU'auee, wo ahull !m nhlig. nd l-i think that I hi < rni-<inder<( Hiding mini' the result of an error, nnd the Luainea* will atop llieru " To your exiolleney's nfTer to Rnmmiiiiieiile 'o mo the D"*pitrli In ,M. Pa gent, f replied that, a my iiiRtr'iC.iona had no rofmencu t" that ijueaiion, I did not think inyaelf aulhori*ed to dlsCU** it. After Rome minute*, 1 rose, ami aaid. " In short limn I shall have the honor of * r ting to your Excellency." Yon answered, *• 1 rIibiI, nl ill time*, receive with pleasure any enrninuiiieulion uddruased to mo on tlm part of the Uovermnunt of tho U 'od Stwti’a," and our cmiverri'ition ended. Sucij, M’liiaimir lo Dun, a* far n« my memory aorvea mu, are llm literal uxprea-imi* ompl<>y< d li^r both of u«. Should you discover any in .ecu. rinio* hi the reliti m which I huvu tlm honor to •obmit to ynii, it will give mu pleasure, ii will be my duty (o correct (hern. if. on t cmi rury, this relation imuld appear In you a very roapeet conformable to tho truth, I take tlm him ty of claiiiiing from y ur kimlno-w oonfiriua mu of it Ibr llm raiioii* which 1 liavo <■ Ir.-M'ly. I hulii-vw, *ntli< i«n'ly oxplnimd. I eiguily avail myawlf of thi* ouuaaioii. Mon- -imir lo line, to r. new llio assurance of very iiign uonsider.itmii with which I have tho honor lo he, Your oxnollfiicy'a iuo*t oheuiunl, and huuiblueorv'inl, TlKirt. P. BARTON. No. 4.— The Duke dt llinglir, lo Mr. Itarton. [ III A.NNI ATiON j — K Tune, Oct. QG, IH35. To T. P. IDrluii, Charge d'.Ufprua of tlm United State*: — Sir;—| have received thn letter which you did llio honor to addicaa to urn on tiro tilth of thia month You are dcsjrmia l« g vu your (•nveriimont a l*.i11liliiI account of tlm uuvuraition w'lioh you Imd wilhino on tlmtlOth; whilecnnimuincating lo nm u atalrniant of tint roiivorsaliun, you re. quiiat me to iodioato tlm involuntary error* which I may remark in it I appreciate thn inolivi'R which inlluonoeyou, end tlm importance which you ii 11 licit to llm uxuctnosa of thi* stale- nients und I tlmruforo hasten to point mil three error* winch hive found tlmir way into your report, acknowledging, at the niuiic time, it* perfect conformity on'all oilier point*, with the uxplin.itinns interchanged hot vei n u* Iii reply to your question—VVIm'lmr thn King's (iovernunmt would uunm any lixe-l and deteriniiinrl poiiod at which it would he disp iscd to pay tliu twenty-live inillloiiH7 you make mu say, •‘To.inorrnw, if necessary ; ivli -ii tlm (*o. vurnnmnt of tho United States ah.dl hy a writ, ton ofiiciil ooiniiiunioation, liava exjirnaaoil it* regie! at the misiind' ralainling which has taken place hoi iveun tlm t wo (Jnvorniu .’lit* , assUiing ua (h it this iniNiiiulurateiirling ia founded on un error, it did not intend to cull in queation In-good futlh of his M ijuaiy', Govuinmeui." (*ifu. Sliiolt eii'ore hia b. in. Molly Long, U yo r. old by Sumpter, d.iui Sojiliy Winn hy { No i liDckburo'a Uoizard. KideiadreM gn wn and I grey. -Mr ILirtnn to the Duke de Broglie, iTRANH A VION ]—I). littUATioN or rur. II. >. <<r Ami rioa Farit, 3-l/A Octnhci, 1835. Tho August* ('onalitiiii’ u f Tuesday * Hi* Eacelloneyilm Duke Do Uroglio. -y—“ a>, f„.,„ D.I a:i.l i „ ll'iiiil.r /ur C-r.i s „ .IjflUf.. ,, . " Monsii ur i.t Dii’:—Having executed lo tlm mat limn a Highly roapuciublo source, to n gon i i„ Uurl „„ | Uh t mat uulinn* of my Govoriimunt. Human in thia oily, say*— 1 • u report ha* luuclu-d ' in <h« inlorview whialt I had tin* honor to have u. thia evening, tliul tliu In liana ln<Ri luknnone w^h your KxooUunny un tho tllHhof thi* niniitli our b.f,im Ioj.m mi,I, „,„. k . to tif.. h.rlb.r to e...ii|.ly tbo.» .ii.lrua- ..... Holla, I Mill *1* ’lit III ruturn t • the Uni'ed Mates. "« - li»V <■' "ur b-fo.c lubvmg Kt.iico. I.owcv..., I l,.v,.tl.,.ugl.t lower count ,e«, to protect llm ei'itonii of thn. 1 tliul it tiiigh Im .It-giber uaele<* to add revs Statu, fr-un tho iiilru.iou* of the Uruok Indima, , V’-ur Exuolloin y. and to auliimi In yu tlipcmi. who aru eohimiUing depredation* almost duilv. : v, ' rH; ' l V' n wlin ti tlmn took place k’lw. on ua, void lor Word, as I urn] lain al it. In puiaumg Now, thi* ia what I realty aaid : “To-morrow, day. immediately, if llm Gnvuruiuuiit of llm United Statin I-r oly oil its pirtto declare to ua, hy addressing i'* claim (reclamation) to us officially hi wr.img, that it regret* tho iui«un. Jordan ling which lias aiiaen hutweiui the tw < couiilrios; that this niiMiiulcrutuud ug is founded upon a iniHiitko. and that it never outer d into it* in oiitiou (prusee) to cull in question thu mil fuilli of the Fienoli (»"V. rnmont, n><r to ke a iimnaeing il'itude lowarda Frunoa." By llm terms of your repmt, I am modo to have continued lltust “In the doupdolt to M Paguot, wo g&ve tho views our Government mi ttiia qnostio'i. Mr. l'orsyih, not having thought proper to uccont a copy of thit de*- pilch, and huvittg aai" that the Govoinincnt ol the United Statou could not reouivo llm column- nie.ili' ii in that form," &.Q. Tint waa not n h it I -aid, liecuu-o m il was not the language „f Mr Forsyth lo M. P'geot. On refusing tho onpy oil* red lo him hy that Charge U'Aifuiroa, Mr. Forsyth gave ua tho only reason, that it mat a document of whick he could make no nee ; .•nil ilia* wa* the phrase repealed by mo. Mr. Forsyth made n > objection in tlm form wliiuh I had adnp e I to commmiiaulo to the Federal Govuinmonl tlm viuwa uf the King's Guvarnmont • in fmli ""l only iathcro 'nothing utmauul in tint lorm ; and nut only is it cm ployed in tho inloroourse kuiwuun nnu Govern, moilt and another, »h never tlmro i* u desire to avoid the irritili m which might involuntarily arlso from nn exe.hango of emilrndiclory notes in u dire t nontrnver-y, but rellaotion on thecir cumatuiiues aiel tho re-puclivo povitimiu of llio two nonidrie) will clearly -how that it tvaa cho sen proem-ly in a spirit id* conciliation and re gnrd for the Federal G<ivurninent. Finally, sir, after having aaid, “ If llm Govern- iik nl of Iho United Slate* docs not give this as auruitce, wu all,ill lie obliged lo think til it this iniahudcrstunding is not thu rc*ult of an error,” l dii| noludih " mid the hU'inenti will at -p tliuru." This last error is, lio.vevcr, ot' so lit do impor tance, tli <1 I hesitated lo m.lice it. Ruuuivn, air, thu usk’irnnce of my high con sideration. V IIUOGL1E. United Nlals* and Hi* M ijeaty the King of the Ficncli ; and that the Pru-idant hua gr inted a "imrial power lo thoaid M«*ara. da Itothsehild liroilmr* a'lthorixiog and umpowurmg them, upon tlm due receipt of tlm same, to give the iitcosaury ucquittancoa to the French Govern, meet, according to the provi ioii-oI ihocuiivun. lion referred to. The power tflv n to the M’ «*ra. de Rothaobild will Im prrkciiiud by them wfieuuvpr (fie French GriVornment is ic..d) to make tlm puymtnla. 1 fiavo the honor to he, sir, yonr obedient *er. vent, JOHN FOttSY'Ul. No. 8 —M, l > ugeot to Mr. Fortulk. jTIl lS»f.AT|ON.] IV/nhington, June 20, 1835. To tlm lion. Mr For*nil, Herrriary of Stain Sir : I have received Kin lutfei which yen ■lid mo tlm honor in add e** to me thi* day. and hy which you eoinmunMatnto me, lor Hi" in- fo'in i * ion of mr Government, that Hie Secro • •try of llm Treasury, in virtue of llm od of (*oi,gro»a of July 13ih, IKU, haa appointed M<-« r*. d fin'll child, Brother*, at Paris, a- goo's for receiving a* limy heroine duo, tlm several payuumia > f tho Miim atipululnd aa domuific .lmn. by the convontion coiichuli’d on the 4ili of July, 1831, fret ween Hi* M »ja»t y tho Kmg of the F rcucii ami thu United Status uf America. 1 mat no tiino, sir, in transmitting thi* com. tnmiiuution to my Government J and I embrace this opportunity to ofl’ir /<•<! toe u».-uranco of llm higli cmisidoration wit , which I h-ivu tho honor to bo, your inoul Im "hie und < hetlionl, A. PAG KO1*. No. 9 —M Fa grot to Mr. Forty th. [than I.AlloN.j Wuthmgton, Dec. 1, 1835 To the lion. Jons Fob ) rn, S.-crelary ol State of llm United St.lea: Sit: Dii till-util of September lust I had the honor, aa l_wu* authorized, lo read yon da-pat- Ii whicn In* execlluney llio Minialor^ Foruign All’rinw had addro-sed to mo on tlm 17th p-uviou-, rosjiectiug the ar tin of tlm relation* IreitvoMii I'ranco and >ho I'nittnl Sl<itva Jim objeo* of this aoiiimuuiuition wa* lo make known t | Im Usbinrl of Washington, in u form often oinployod, tlm point of view from which King's Government rugnrdud tlm nilliuullie» Ire- tii’ueu the two (t"im rii*, and t<r indicate the mean*by " liloh io U* lit y tnlghl Im 'orininuted in i in inner liooor alrlu to Im h Gov •’rii'iiiniU. 1 was uUu authorized lir allow you, in ca so yon should deairo it, to take o copy of t'lit di aira'ah } hut,contrary in Dm tixpocialion diploiilitio u*ag« in such caeca jHjrimt to I me to entertain, )o'l thought proper lo re- fuse 'll rcqllOMl it. I regretted tin-re-ehition of yours, *ir at the iiin«, beeauae, inlim first place, il uppesrod l<» Ire at Virianeo with (t’erni er de) tliul concilia. lory spirit whicn s<> particularly churaeteriz-d llmcoiiiiiiunicalion Jnat made to you; and next, as il scumod in u manner to deprive tlm Cabinet ■if Washington of tlm ineaim of kiiowing; in tlmir full extent, 'ho views ..f the King’s Gov ernment, of which nil attentive examination of the Duke lie II ■ glut’s letter o-.iild alone huvu unaided it to lonn a jnat oalimnlo. Those re- grols, sir, have not diminialiod, anil at llio mo ment when llm Pruaidi’nt in about to comninui- o.itii to CongroR-tlm Btato .,f the rotations lie een France and llm United Statos I con-id. it useful and neeuH.s.iry, for tlm interest of aJJ, In endeavor to place him in possession of all tliu facts winch umy nlloi.l him the inu.naof giving uii ox io' accou it of tlm real disposition* und view of thu Kiug'* Govoinincnt ol*tho ez- •ling dillicultinH. With Hits mlenlion, and from a deairo to ne glect nothing wliioh hy oflering to tlm Ainuri- c.m GoVurnoiOnt mi.Alinr opportunity- ot ina. mg itself acquainted nimu'uly with tho highly conciliatory uuiiliniuiita of Hi* .Vl ijoa'y’s Gov- ernuwnl, in >y coiitrt ln'e lo roatoro g -od under stait'ling helwcon the C! ibmot* of Pinu und WushiiigHm. I hive llm honor to trummt t<i you a copy of toe Duke do Broglie's dospateh, und to ri'ipjoat you to piece It U.tdT til. eyo ol the President. I omh aeo thi* opportunity, *f to renew to you tlm nssuru’mo of tlm high eonsiduration with woiuli 1 Ituvo tho honor, A . A PAG KUl. Too eport is very credible. The Governor ia in men, including the V"lunto« j Hit- co'ir-c, I .mi pioinplud hy a d at Ido motive , issuing orders for threo thousand fivo hunJioU | first. i>y a amcero Uosiru to avoid eveu tliu aliglit- Fro* NamnMK — thackargr o, ail ;k. Term Volunteer! hut ttreu.- Hy tlm acl.r Hploudid • .pi Miller ws have received file* of the Roy.,| f'azc to j»d Argus to tlm ]«Hi in*t. \\\ perceive nothing of importance except - I*.’.towing from llm Gazelle of tho iGth, •- th* late informal mu of ti, u Texas isiiiiilur'Uiiiiliig ua to tint prei iso muunmg ol any I'XptQssion us.-d nil sillier Jiart, and nUo with a Vn " ir. pmcnling inyselflo my (•■•vero ment, to fumi-h in lispn' ilile proof of my lid-'li. ly ill execo'iug tho instructions with which I hud llm honor to bn charg' d. Tut* lu»l motive Muiisenr le Due. does n o interest yon poraou ally,hut tlm tir«l, I mil stiru, will nut apiaur without importance in your '’ye-, II ivmg -uid Hi*t I ous m articled to employ both language and manner Hie in»*l nuneili.ilu* ry, 1 hugged you lo ! oVv*’, should any tiling up* jioar t" you out to p irluko of Hint c aruotcr, that the fault must ho u'lrintited to tin alum, und not to my G "Veriun ot, u- t i tint case l should Im certain that 1 noilhor rcptesunUHl its to '!*• xua, aftor "'in" of thmn Ii ,d laudn<ron KI. ! deposition* or obeyed ii* rd. rs. outlier-, wlioro it i* slated, they n ul Ih«,.|| guilty I b gan the uonversa ion hy infunniog you nl smii Mipii'i'ri'iti s, and oro ilnd m -all alarm I tint I had requcstml an mlcrvisw h> ortlrr oliny lli< Ii ii r llio V'hn'f Jo'lioo. Preaiitont n| i| m Government, and Hiji on tlm resuli of Dial in fo ir’. o i ii the (troud Jury at some length, lorview wnunl ilepund my future niovomoiit*. I an 1 » B JI ot Indieliouiil for 1'iracy waa hand. J aaid that I was nrdorod to convey to the French -nl hy liie Ac:mg Attorn -v Gaoenl to Hiu F' re | Governnmiit asRurnnce* "I* llm very lively satis, who, with tliu other me ubnrs rut ire.I to faction fi It hy tho President on ic-eiviog tliu \ u'*au. Jan III Adin" • tr Si’s-iooa Kami Stanley and — Yesterday the Court of met, lor the trial of Co. •tio other piPions who U .mine toe witoemaa two ii in thn oaa n . .Vmnt ono '"luck tho Grinil Jury relumed into Go iri,* .th .ho I .dictuio„f, .gainsi ( fu r |e* Sla Hey ami (Iters, tu the numbor of 174, „ n . dorse.I •• No Bill,"and il was ordered Hut the wind'! ho diae'iargod hy Pro<4 i nati.oi in tho tl*ual form, with Uio oxeapfi m of(Jol. Sianluy and Ul 'tliupa, who are detained m pri mi lo Vto hei- (rial for fulony, in thu Central C»un, Wnieh maoit* on Tnaaday u-xt. A c'Misidsrahlp pumtier "f iho«v wh-i had boon confined under Mihl rv gu«rd, and who unders-nol Rn-.q were then hiougltt into C urt and disolia'gn l '; ano soon a) nr wards, llm Pol-* «nli f|n<ir lion! nun worn brought li rward and di charg’d in like in inner. Toe u hole of ih -se p«ra . .a ho. hasytl widi uy** r di<gr«m ul|iferAum, aiftl (\,%e news and eoiifinouti.’ii of the King's safety ; and that I was further instrucliHl hy Hiu Sucre, tary “f Statu lo sasii oyou per-’nilly of Id* high cuni-idor* imt After an obliging answer of your excellency, I h id tlm noimr to *ub nit Uie following question : “l am insliuetcd hy my Govnrnmeut to in. quirn of your F.MD'lli’ooy what an 1 tlm inlentinns of Ilia M jokiy's GoviTiiiteut ot rulati oi to Hie fund* Voted hv tho (*h tinhurs t" Ami ( Oiidoralood you tu uuko tho following answer: •• Having written a do-pitch to Iln Majesty's Charge d'Affairoe at Waihmgtou, with mstruc. lions to emniuunic .to it to Mr. Fo ryth, and M. P gout having re "I it m Mr. For tHi. I have iioihiog io .-ay in addilftm to that deliratch " No , .17.. Bolton tu the Duke de Broglie. I. til ATION '!»• TIIK U S or Amirira. Farit, November t>, 1«35 MoNhikur i.k Die: Having mmn recalled hy my G 'vernmoot, I liavo thn honor to roqnnsl Dial your exeelluncy will he pleased to vau-o passports to Ire prrpired, to enable me lo pro. coed to Hav rn, Ihonco to embark for the United States, ami for my protection during tho tiino I may lind it imc ssuiy lo remain in Paris. 1 um instructed to gi vu as a reason for my departure llm non exeemion on tlm part of His .Mijusty'* Government of the convention of Ju'y -Mi, 1831. I nviil myselfofllila opportunity, Mnndeur le D m, to renew the DR>urani-.('a of very high eonddora'i >n with which I liaru Hie honor to ho your excellency's iiiu-I ododiont, humhlo sor. -ant. THUS P. BARTGN. Hi* Excellency llm Duka du llrngle. Mi m tin t aj Foreign Ajf aire, d-c. No. 6.— The Duke de Broglie to Mr. Burton. [translation-] To Mr. Barton, i'hargc if Andros uf tliu United States of America : Farit, Nuvemh r S/A, 1835, Sir: Having taken Ins M ije.-ty’s stdora with icgard to your uoiiiiliiitiie ition of tliu filli insi . I have tho honor lo aril I y«m herewith the pass ports which you requested of me. A* to tlm reaioiis which ymi h iv«< bouu charged to auvrocv in axpUnati'i'i ol yi ur departure, I liavo noth. »«iiff to srv, (Jr n’ai point n m'y arrtlrr.) The Gov. riuii"iit of the I'miod Sisli-a, sir, know- Hist upon it*cK dcpi’oii* Imimeldrwurd tlm t-xo. culi.mi of thu trcjly of July 4th, lKil. Acc pt, sir, tue a»iuraime of mv nigh consid eration. V. BKUGLIK No. 7.—Mr. Forty;k to M Fagoet. Ukfartmrnt ok Statu. Waahingleu, ‘J9/A June. 1835 M Fa. rot. Charge iTAjJairts, (ft. ij-c. Sir: 1 luvnl iu lmii"r to .leqiumt you, for tho infoniiRiion ofymir G .vormoeni. hit the Acorolary of <h** Iro.aury has, m conformity Wit i the provisions of (ho act of ('ougrus.. of Hi I.'I’Ii July, I83J, designat 'd thn Mus*r* do K“HiM}luld, Hr"tliur*, oi Paris, n» agent* to ro. dove ho payiiien'* imui timo to time due to thi' Goyeruin ot under tlm stipula'ions of llj^ convention of the -Tih July, 1831, between h # y 0 |0 —Mr. Foray!h to il/. Fag-ot. Ditr.-aTMKNT nr Statk, Wathinglon. 3d Dec. 1835. Sir: Iliad ynsted y tliu honor to receive yi’tir noio of tho 1st instuni, with llio auciinp i* paper, purporting to he u copy of u lut'cr, address nl under d:H0 nfthn l7"iol June lust, hy Ins I'Xcellcucy tlm Duke d. Ilroglm, Minister of Foreign Affaires of France to ynursolf- Al'icr referring to c hat occurred m our in terview ofllmllHi of Soptomhcr, in regard to loo original lollor, and QxpresMiig your regreta at tlm course 1 then full it my duty to lake, yon rnqiie-l mo to place llm copy oiicl-isad in your letter under tlm eyo uf llm In allowing V "U, during Hint mtcrvm’v, to read to mo tho Duke ale Broglie’s do pa'eli, wlihsh I c Hour fu Hy did, you aru on tided lo aviil yourself of that informal mndo of apprizing thi* Department of tho viow* of your govormnctil in tho full oxt' itl auiliorizu lbylipl'im itic usage. The question whether or not 1 should -»>k a un. py of Hi it despatch, course,left us il hIiuuM Snvoluiun hy your Govurninuut, exclusively to my discretion. My reasons for not iiiaKing Hi it request worn frankly stated to you ; found ml oil u conviction that, tlmt, in tun oxisting stain nftho relations hetwoou tlm two oountrins, tlm Piuaiil'iit would think it moat proper that evry ooni'iiuiiicatioil upon tliu auhjeel in dif. fnroone Imtwcon them, (liiHignod to intluunnco his qpuduul, should, before it wa* auhmittcd to Ilia coiisidera'ion, lio mado to nsouina the ufii. o'ml form hclungmg to a direct comoiunicatiirn from one G'vornnmot to anollmr, by w'nicli a lone he could Ire enabled to naimo u suit Hilo rn. ply to ha givsii to it, and to submit ii, idinulit Riich a step bncoiim necessary, to his nsNooiates ill Hiu Govurnmen'. I had also tlm honor at tho anno timo, to nsMiro you, that, any ill. reel communication I torn yourself, so llm rep. rosenlBiivoMif tlm King's Governin'n', to me, (unbracing the contents of this dcqi tell, nr any other in liter you might bo authorized to com. municute in th i aucua omnd inode would ho laid without duly boforo tlm President, nud would ut.duiilitodly recuivu from him aa early mid juH eonaiderdtion. It cannot have escapml your reflections that my duty required Hi it llm circuiimluuc.os of ifie interviiiw lielwi cii US ah'iuhl bo reported lo the President, and llut llm discovery of any ertur on my part in representing Ins view* of tho course pr'ipor to o pursued on Hint occusmn Would, without fail, li ivc been promptly coni, mimic Ho to you. I’hat dti'y waa performed —Tin* aubsUnco “f our iutorview, and llio ro.t. son* by which my eourao in il had bnen goid. ed, wnro iminediuUdy coniuinnic t d to, and loitiruly approved by Imn. I could not, llmru- have anticipated Hint after so lung a p •- nod had nl.ipsed, ami without any change m tlm condition of aflair-, you slt uild navu rcgardoJ it as useful or proper to ruviva llio su ijncl at llm li no -ind in llm form you liuva seen lit to adopt.—Cordii ly recipr citing, however, tlm couciliu'ory *o<ili nnota expr smd in your notn, ami io delfi reime to your request, I have again uniiRullod tlm Pioaiileot on Um subject, and am iiiRlructcil to inform you that tho opinion ex. pressed by mo io Hi > interview botwrnn us and subsequently confirmed ny him, rum iin* un- chaiiged ; and I therefore respectfully restore H* you tlm copy of tho Duke do Broglie's letter, IN I caii'iul iii ike th© u-o of it wliicii you de-i. rod. I nm also instructed to say that tho President entertain* n decide.I n viuiimi III it a dup trtiiio, •n the prorent cose, (Vnm the ordiniryand uc. cuatoumd nictlMd of tntnrnatioiMl communlea. tiou is c ilcul ii"d to incrcaHo, r-itlior th in to di. uiiniali. tlm ditfii’liltioa unhappily existing he. tween Franco and tlm United St iles, and that its observance in Hour fii'u a inlurcourae will be most likely to bring about tlm amicable aditi«t. ment oftho-o difllcultiQH on term* honorahlo to both pa'tio*. Such a result is sincerely do-irad hy him; and lie w.ll omit nn’hing cnn*ift”nt with the fiithfnl diarharg* of hi* duties to tho U iitod State*, by which it may ho promotod. In tbi« «piiit I am directed by him to repast *tn you the asRiirance unde io our mtvrviaw in Scp'vni. tier last, ill it iny ufimial conimiinieati"n ym may tliink proper to address m n-i- Government, will promptly receive such Consider ition as may b > duo to itM conlcnt*, and in the imprest, involved in the subject to which it may refer tho oiirpote of preventing any miaconreptimi in this roapi'cl, Hut my hIciicoiii regard to its con- leotn is nut to be conairued aa idmiuing thn *c- curacy of any of Hie Stxieiimnl* or ru iaomngs co itoiuud io it. 1 have the honor to renew, Ac. JOHN FORSYTH. No. 11 —-.V Pageut lo Mr Fortyth. i raaxsi. • Tl'iN j To the Ifon John For«yth, Secri'ary of Hiata of Um Unit’d State*. H athmgiun, Drc. 5, 1835. Sir : I yesterday evening received llm letter winch you did mo the h mor to writo to me on the 3d of Uii* inootli ; with il, vou return to urn the copy of a du.pilch which l ha< tranaiiutU’d to you two days before, and the origin d of which wa. addre»Ncd in incon tlm 17th of June I ot. by iiis excellency thu Minister of Foreign A ir.iir*. 1 will not seek, sir, to ifi.guiai from you the ialoni»lini(iiii produced iii mo liy llio ruturn of* d'icimiuni an very iuip r am in the present state of ilie relations bolwuuti tho two countries ; neither will I midorlukr to reply to tho ruaaun* on wliioh thia determination of your* i" b-mod. My intention in cmnmuuiculiug this document to y«»u. io a f'lrm nut illy aano'ioiiod hy the di. plum alia utagv* nl’ull nali-ni- and uii ngos, hut a I mo tlm most direct which I cnuid p"S*ib|y nave chosen, wa" tu maka known H"- real di*. pnailtoiiR ol* my Government t" tlm Pruridout of llm UititOd St i oa, and through him lo^oogrosa and tho American People i coociiiviiig Hut, to tlm uxialing aitnulioo of the two countries, it wa* e-MMHiil thatoacli Giivurinneiil should fully uuinprohniul the intention* of dm other. Torn consider tiiuti nppoiired to me paramount to all other-. Y"U hum judged otherwise, Hr? and. yon Inve thought Hut, wlnHever might lie llie importation of a coniuiumualion, it was propor, Ixif ro receiving it, loexmniuo whether the form in which it caul" to you word atrictlv accord int with ttiou.ngus necessary, in your opininion, to he oh-ervnd iii diploniiiic tinnsactimiN with the (•iivoriinmnt ol the Iti-puhlic. I will not iommi fa'ther I liavo fulfilled a|l llm duties which appeared to bo proncrihcd fur me, hy llio spirit ol recnnulintinn in conjiwclinii wiili tho re.pccl duo by mo to oil eniiiniuiijoalioiia from my Hu. v-riimont ; nnd nolhing mure romainv for mo, than to expresa my deep rogrui that Hie tniaiin- iliTHtaii'ting between the two Governments, al. ready so serious, should ho kept up, not hy weighty difficulties which involve Iho iuiercaih and llio dignity of tho two countries, but hy qima'i'iiiR“f form, as unenrtain in thoir principle as doubtful in thuir ai'plicajiun. I liavcthe honor, sir, In renew to you tho atom, ranees of my high ouiimderutioii. A. I'AGEOT. No. 12,—M. Pageut to Mr. Fortyth, [tranhi.a ito.v.] Wuthiiijfloii, Jan 2, 1830. To tho I! m. Mr. John Fur*yili, Socreiury of State: Sir: I have the honor to nnnounoo to you tluit, in coiiHcqnenco nftho recall of Mr Barton, llm King's Government has given me orders to lay down the character of Charge d’Alfiiros of His Majesty the Government of Hiu Um. id States. I shall, therefore, immediately be gin thu prepar'lions for my return to Franco; hut, in tiio meantime, 1 think proper lo claim the p'otection of tlm Podorul Government, dur ing tlm puri xl which I may consider it necessa ry In remain in the Uniiml Stile*. I have t lie honor lo lie, with Hiu most dn-tin- guished consideration, Sir, your most humble and obedient servant, A. PAG EOT. No. 13 —Mr Fortyth to M Pa geo t. Dkpartmk.nt ok Stats, Waihinglini. Jan. 2, 183C. M. Alplmnao Pagoot, Ac. Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge ymir note of tills day's dmo, in which yu an- ununco that y<>n have tiio order of your Govern- ment, given in consequence of llm recall of Mr. Hart m to lay asidn the character of Charge d'- Alfeires of the Kmg of-ho Fran- h our the Guv eminent fiho United Siuie.’, Th© protection of tlm Fedor .1 Government is duo, nnd will, of course, ho extended to you, during tlm timo ua -airy fur your preparations to re urn to Franco I uni, air, with grout cnnaiclnrutimi, your uhc omul Mjrvnnl, JOHN FOUSYTII Rice—Carolina Continue* to ««'|| to a mode. rate extent—fair to g ,.,u quality 3| . 3| • p -r |h Um*. 'Tin’sales > tlm week proiiauly e ■ . brace 200 cam i. Rum— The inert”- -< A demand for New Eng- land notic'd in our I, »t, |,«. onlinncd throu/'i^ ol l c wo. K and szln* ’o a coo*i erbla extent made at 33c Gms, fend 3^*c cash—bt Croikauli* at quotations. Sugar—Th© tale, (he past week have been very am ill and uoiniportint—'.ho market re mains the snuic hm noticed in our lest; lieuvy, and no demand ©Toopt hy retail, wnioh i- am iM. Salo* of about 15tJ box •« Havana hn-wnlO a |(ljc per lb, 4 iml fi mi* By aocti >n the I2<h, 10 hex- •■* Havana brown, fair s pur lb, cash—small baba Bnzilhrowti 8c; new crop while 1UJ u lh|", and old crop |0c |Mir lo, G um. SAVANNAH JOCKEY CLUB. The undersigned can he found at tho Guni- giun ullico beloein the Imurs of 9 und II, by those member* who have not obtained tickota. RICHARD I). ARNOLD, Treasurer Savannah Jockey Club. Jf A mooting of (lie Savannah Jockey Club will he bold 5’Jiia Evening s' the City Hotel, at 7 o'clock precisely. Punctual attendance is particularly requested. W'M P. WHITE, Secretary. n \ U ii: hm it i i. siin risks G 51 i son skt* .....5 U9 limit WATRR AT SAVANNAH (13 44 I'GltT OF SAVANNAH. ..I VN. 20 t'O IIJIKIICI IL RECORD. _ LATCH r OATHS KllUAl UhC. 18 I.ATK8T OATHS KRIIII IIAVRK .... OK'’. 8. S iviiiinah F.rputts, January 27. Per ship HriiUimio, for Liverpool—17514 Upland, and 72 bales Si a Island Cotton. Charletlon Import«, Jan. 23. Matanzas.—B'ig Elm—53 lihda Sugar, 10 hhls .Mol issc*, 2(1 liercoa lluimy, 15 iibls do 21 boxes white Sugar, Ar.o. , Havana.—Brig Catharin—102 lilids Mulaw* ses, and a quantity Fruit. a Jan. 25 Livkhpool—Br. ship Bounty—2575 hh-Ivs Salt, 50 Inna Pomberton Cual, 10 tun* Orrol Coal, 15 norco* hi’Hlad Porlorancl Ale,17 cask- and eases Hard "'are, 10 case* Mdz 2 halo* Padding, 5cask- (’hams, 3oa*n* Steel, 50 bun dlus tloop Iron, 200 liumpur- und 100 bitHimls Pot .lno*. 75 canisters preserved Salmon, lGhxs Ling Fish, Ac—Br barque Hannibal—2 hlids und 31 crates Eirthern Ware, 27 casks and I case ll'Uil.Ware, 30 cases Mdzo, 7 bales Osnu. burg*. 2892i tons Salt, (_in bulk .) (JltKKN'iCK—Br. Imrque Acadian—13 erntes Earlhoiiw.iro, 10.) inn* Coal, 40 hhl- und 100 Hamper* Polotoos, 35 half und 10 qr kegs Her- rings, 20 huudloa Fish, 48 ouiiisiers Silmun.lQ kog* spill Pu is, 12 keg- Peurl Barley, 2 bills do and IGcaskM Alo. BKt.rA-f.--Br. brig Millman—2538 bumper-. Potatoes, 1 ca-k Shoes and Boots and 17 k' gs Herrings, and 21 Af*os. Matanzas.—Brig Oclnvia—9G hhds 4 tierces and 2 bids Mol la-U", 10 ic lloimv, 7 hags Cof. lev, 30 Iduls Muscovado Sugar, and a quuutiiy Fruit. Charletlon Export* Jan. 25 Rnt'KK.—Fr. birque Indu*triid—819 bales Uphml ('"ttnii,and I halftierec Itn-o- N-.iw York—Ship Niagara—338 hales Cot. tun, 139 whole and 23 lull bids Rico. Boston. -Itig Cervantes--480 hairs Cotton, and 350 hhls Rice.- Schr. I’olly—282hale* Cotton. St. Auoustink.—Schr. S S. Mills—10 bids Rico. From the Chorleitrn Courier 25/A inrt. Wc liavo been I'umish d witn tue following Comparative Statement of Imports and Dutios on vcreol* otilaring llio Port of Charleston, du- ring the two last yi-ars : From i*t Oct. 1833, ;o 30th Sc|it. 1P3|. Am ’rican vusacls. 877.41 Foreign do 908,575 1.785,995 Duties Revived. $45G,113 From l»t (bit. 1831, lo 30th Sept. 183,> American vossol*, 1,131,431 Foreign, do 7G0.37I 1,891.805 Duties Rccoivcd. $ 155,290 Boston, Janl'J—Coffer—M uo animation ha* beon mauileatod in tlm market tlm pant weok th n fur several weeks previous. Tho opera tion* omhrco about 1510 bags Java, green, new, I2je. and a parcel of old brown do ot superior quality. 14c. Saloof5HU bag*. St Domingo 11 J ; 100 dn St Jr go He Cuba 11 jo, and 450 do Rio l'?J a 13'! per lb G inua. Cotton—Tho whole s'o-'k al market now does no excood 5110 halo*. There are hut u few *ali.* purchaser* holding hack, antieipuling a lower price Small Upland 17 J a 18c for corn, uion to fuir qinlny, Molattet—Wc had no arrivals since our la*t of any kind. Tlic stuck i* very mu ill, and mar- ket leavy. There his Ixten a silo of a few Hun dred lihda Havan i for di* 1 filing, at 2~$ a 29a per gaP, G ms, which leaves the market nearly bill©. S.i lea of 40 lilids “ Bilker*" Trinidad 33Jc; 100 do Tiin dad 32c. and 30 a 40 do tart, 30" ; sal" of 40 lilids do sour and sweet togclli- ©r 314c per gall. G ms By auction yesterday 44 hhds Po-to Rie-», 30J i 3ljc js'r gill, ci h. Tho above sales show a slight reduction on 1 ist weak'* price* Mackerel—But littlo doing in litis article; the principal part in m rket are hold by spceitlatiors All Hie »vie we h ive to notice is one faro, which w.. - Liken at $8, 7 and 5. for N >s 1,2 and 3 A- th© eimlo*od paper is not considered the j All in market ure hold considerably above our ifhjcct of reply, you wjll allow in«' to adit, i'm qnotationa. d. FARED Ship Briltannia, Harding, Liverpool. (Jordan Sewell, ARRIVED, Mr. Ship Isabella, Wood, Liverpool, sailed 8th Dec. Salt t>» J J. Ri nd. Br. barque Isabella, Auhl, Greenock—sailed 1 Gilt Den. Bi lnst to (J Barnsly. Schr Splendid, Miller, Nassau, Salt and Fruit to Sen-1 A Balfour. Steamboat Eliwan, i*ass - ird, Charleston, to W Duncan. Steamboat Tontnchichi, Burden, Darian. 474 hales Cotton to K F But's, E Bliss, il ll.iritcr, B W Debima-er A Co. IIELOW LAST EVENING, Br. ship Gran idu, »hip* Ure'er, and Quintin Lcilch ; also Br b'iu Grenada. DEPARTED. S'e-iinboat J im D. Mougin, Curry, St. Johns rivor. Sluamhnai Florida, flebbard, Picoluta. •V E M O It AN D A CARLE-TON, Jan. 2G.—Fr. barque Indus trial, B'i*qui", Rouen. In the Otfiog, ship Caravan, Nichols, I'm. N York. BALTIMORE. Jan. 2(1.—Arrived, brig Gmi Sumter, Bennett, Charleston. On 'tie 9ili, 10th, 11th and 12'h iust expnrinncud a succ , s*ino of heavy gales and sustained much damage, siil , rigging. «tc ; Inst part of dcckloa l of i o ton, slorn boat, davits, • ml sprung the mainmast On tho evoning of the 12th ins', disc vered tlie wreck of Hie schr Columbus. Capt. W ite, of ami from Baltimore, hound to Santa M irlhn, and took oll'Capt. White und uno m n, Hicnnly survivor". Schr Virgin! i, Mnrgm, P rt nu Prince. Cleared, brig Outuvi.i, Monro, Nat«au, N. 1'. The ship Evnrhard, from Bromon, und brig Oglethorpe- fr in Savannah, are in tho hay. Thn ship Charlotte, I’.rkur, for Mobile, went to sen on Sunday. PHIL\DELI'IIIA, Jan. 20—Below, ship* Algonquin MiuicUun. Li orpoul; Syb-lla, IP Pearce, do; Bremen brig Augi^lc Si Melin-, Bremen. Navigation still obstructed in the Delaware, hy floating ic ’—at 9 o’clock ln*t evening, e ld increasing—wind ligti' fr " NW—eh ur. From the Exchange Bo k < ('ark Island Jan IG, IP3G. Mr. C"fiec: Si-—T c pilot ■ ut l.e miil.n- nr. rived here fm a cruise—repo ts b a ding the ship Sybclla, of Livmpnol—iho ship *uil.’d io co. with thn Algonquin. The L hoarond llio ship 40 mite* E.i§( of Capo I/cii/npeii. T o J. alsohuardnd 'ho brig Sylph, and a fore and aft schr both hound up, Sinco thn "lorm of tlm 7th nod 8:li mats, which was very snvoro on tho om-t.ibo turn f a to-si'l w th tho ti'imc of Napn o n, i.fN Y rk, mi it, a hog nud two hats cam - on shorn on B ire i.on's Bauch—no other inform ition rek. peeling the wrdvk. Ymir*, J. MILLER, P. 31 NEW YORK, J,in. 18.—Cleared «lnp Sri. vie de Gro-se, Wuiihirnoldt, Havre; harquo •Mareell.i. Silvos'or, Mussina ; br gs Sarah iV Pm'fio, I) ihhidge, St Johns, N F: Mary,Brown, Mobile; Embiom, II itch, P osucoli; Cu bic - Memlell, Neuvitas; Condor, H itch, Ponm-; olympua, Cluplnm, do; K"ii'ucUy, Carver, M it.n-z i-; schr* Nile. Kully, J.icmel; Forrest, er, Ru-sell, Now Orleans; ilorvest, Elli*, Apa lachicola. Arrived, thi * M«, Chaplin, London ; Columbus, Cobh, l.iveipool; Sar-ib Slmab-,.M' r- ry, B-ll’ist; Jefferson, Rain©>, Newport,Wales; Now York. Wachtor, Bremen. JAN. 19.—Cleared, ships St Jamn*, Seabor, London ; Indiana, Churchill, Apalachicola ; Sliakspi’are, Collins, New Orleans ; hugs Ma- ria, Morton, Ligmyra. A *••, Prince, Mohilo. Arrived, ship Sully, Foibos, Hivro; brigs (Catharine, Gladding, Port an Prince; Clunti. cleor, Moure, dn: Fataey II III ■tint, S/iatt, St Cutbannes; Doln«, Turley, 8t T'loma*; Midi son, llnlkpiy, Savannah ; schr Odeou, liowus, C.ipe llayti. Below, ship Vn-ksherg, from Now Orleans. Sailed, ships Silvia dc Grasse, Weidorh dt, II tvro ; N'T'iin, Barton, Havana, nnd oliinrs. Sp kan, 3 I insl. Int. 32J, long 7 I, schr Char- latte, Imnco for Savannah. NEW BEDFORD, Jan. 13.—Sailed, brig Juno, Wing, New Orleans. PORTLAND, Jan. 16.—Cleared, ship Tiger, Blanchard, Charleston. Sailed, “hips North Anioricu, Matanzas ; Ti gor, Cnn'icBlun PROVIDENCE. Jan 15.—Below, a harquo supposed to bo the Hazard, J ukmui, fin Turks Island. BOSTON, Jan. 14—Arrived, brig Tlmosa, Power", Smyrna JAN 15.—Arr. barque Chief, Charleston; Pi- lot. Port no Price. Below, ship Hogarth. Crocker, front Liver, pool JAN- 10.—Cleared, brig" Attention, D-unc- r«ra| Criterion,|Mtusamlj ; Mexico, Mirno ham. GLOUCESTER, Ian 14 —Sail d, brig Sa. rub Ann, Surinam. PORTSMOUTH, Jan. 16.—Arr. brig Leon, id is, Charleston. rnEATlijEL MRS BARNES R. npeciftiily mrbr.ns her irionds atiJ 'ho public that hnr BENEFIT will uka plain ro-MORROW EVENING J\N.29. "lieu will he prosuuteJ Iln no's celebrated i'ra. gedj of DOUGLAS, OR THE NOBLE 811 El’llF.RD. The part ol Douglas hy MIssC BARNES* L"'y Randolph, Mrs. BARNLS. Mil''. BARNES, will, hy particular request rucito Collint't Ode on the Poaiiont. Mr. Barnes will sing 'ho Coiuin 8ung of the Tidy It ife, or the effect t of Novel Reading. After which. Will ho produced, for the fi,at time in S.i van on Ii, Shakspoaro's V V M E D Y OF ERRORS, OR TUB TWO DUO Ml OB. Dremio of Syracuse, as performed hy him up. wards of 2(10 nights in Now Y rk. ^ , M. BARNES. Dniinio of l.phcMis, Mr. Hart. Adiiann, {first time and for this nigbtonly.) . Mis* C. BAitNES. Lud""*. Mrs. Hart, jan 28 Lyceum Hall, earner of liiuug/ifon St reel, IMHAVOLO antomo O^i; Ilesp-ctfully hrg leave in inform the L i.ln’» and (jiiiitli'tiicii of SuViiimih and It- violin v that ho has hem induced by several ciliz. ns, to give a few evening- performance ut Hi© hall room, previous t„ hi* departure from this city, therefore Signor Antonio has much pleasure m staling lo tliiim (hut THIS EVENING, JAN. ggtli The Celebrated Family 0 f IL I) I A VO LO ANTONIO, Fr"." ",n T* Dn.r» Uno, ,nd Covent Garden, and Hm Park Theatre N Y tl-y "ill again havu Him lionnur of r © upp.-nr' ing lioforo tlm Suvannuli auuiouce ; a military Band will ntt ml. } ion 50 cents,-Children under ten yes is ul ago 25 cent* Door* op,,,, ul 7 Ull)f Hm performance in commence at half ,, u *t 7 o’clock, ' O*Colored perrons not ndinilted. I - " r full particulars soo lull., ol tliu d«y. j m 28 Cauti ut. LL persons or-' ferhn. to trust my wife Klizu"Mih M. Diw-oy, o iny account as I will nm p <y any dubt of tier cn r-rtmg J 1 ' 1 2* VO imVGRY Ciiictiiiiali Bacon. ' LBS Shoulders In primo • ) A* /. order nud for sale by j-'"28 COHEN Sl MILLER. IWtMWtlHlh No. 1 BttC'l’. * »* BRL8 No 1 Brnf. F r sale by »«> EN8WUIITH &. WAY. jan 28 ltiic.UwliiMit uiul 1{\« I'l'illr. f,« QR brls Buck wheat Flour a r 25 do Ut 0 ii.. Also, n fresh sup; ly “f Soda, W iter, nutter, il Sued Bi<cui s. Ju.-.t r*’©©iv«d md for «ale ly C L M0NI8II. jan u8 ning a 1 7 o’clock, board or to jan 28 FOR AUGUSTi. The stoam pachot GEO. WASHINGTON, Cnpi Nock, w 11 leave for tin* iboVo pluce This Mor. For passage, apply on Notion. \ tr. ILL 1» s Id -<d 1 at llio (’•■urt Ilonen in '• ' Bull rb © luniy on Hie first 'I'onsdiy in A|ird " x . 'ii tiio usoil hours of solo Ono Tr-rt - I Pin" l.o d, belonging 10 ihn Eel ate of Aaron Cnno ib-ce iR-d, containing Four Hun. dro l nd Seven'v Five seres, sold by order of (’nor' for the hcni'li' of llio b"irs. Tonus twolvo month* credit jan 28 JAM'•’‘a * t)\E. j BARBER CONE. J AdmVs. ALLE x JON E8 S Administrator’s Smo. il, s. Fill Ul hick «y co. ■ the lir-t Tuesday in February next, will . W bn sold hy prruiis*inn of tho Justices of tho Inferior Court of Challi uii county, wliilo sitting for ordinary purposes, holiirn tlm Court llou-M door in tlm city nfSavaiinan,between thn usual hours of sale,tlm fillowing property, viz: all those plantations or tract" of land, "iluati-, ly mg and being in tlm (’minly of Chatham, and Stale of Gcorgi , to wit: ill that pi .illation 011 tho Groat Ogcecimn River, lining tin* western half of all that plantation, known by tlm imuio of t o Upper Point Plantation, formerly llio property nl tlm osluli! of Thomas Savage, llio n dcr, dica-cd. wlnuli half part of "lid planta. lino, cootuiiis two hutulrcd A eighty one acres, more or loss.boiiiidciJ on Hm Rnuthwes'.wusl and northwest, by llm Great Ugcocltoo Rivor, and land late of Sti-plmo Elliott, now os'uto D. Bl ike’s; on the northeast hy land lute Dr. D. Mucl 'od ; arid on llm cast by llm olhor moiety of said tract, late 1*10 property nfustalo Thomas Suvngn. now estate D. Bl ike’s, which plantation of two hundred Ae.nighty.oiia acres, was convey, nil to th" said Daniel Bl ike, hy thn Imirs of Bun nmin Savage—uLo all that tract of land, call, nd tlm Lower Point Plantation, containing two bundled and ciglny.oim unro*. more or ln>s, of swamp land, u iiully called rieii L.nd, in Chat, ham County, four miles below llio ferry, hound, od on llm west hy tbo Upper Point Plaotntioii just dp*i-rilici|, on thocsst hy llm Nnwhopn Plan* i iti ui, thn pro|Mirty ol tin- Elliotts and others ; S"iiHi(>a*t und noiiHi hy Llm Ogenchno Bivkr ; noth hy I nuls of Hm ©stain of 1). M-iclood; nnd ills • two liutidri'd and fifty acres of pin" bind appertaining 1 boro to; which ln*l mentioned pinntRtion'and pinn land iippoHuming llmrelo, waa conveyed to llm lam Daniel B aku, hy Mary Snvngo, ailm'x of estate Thomas 8avnge. Al- ko al- that tract of land, Minute, lying and being on tlm north lido of the Great Ggceclino River, in llm County of Chatham, hinting and bound* ing to tlm nurlhw<!*t, hy hind of William and II. E. Elliott, Huy Mount Prosper Plantation ; In llm northeast hy thu Upper Point Plantation already desuriliod ; and tn tlm snulhwu t by llm Groit Ugcuclieo River, containing nhout eleven hundred acres, lie thn same morn or less, gener ally known hy the name of Valloinhrosa, includ. mg Hie suhordioati! ►etlleuients of Plainfield and Pine I (land, which tract is part of a largo tract of land on the Ogoochoo Rivor, belonging for. merly lo the e* ate of William Elliott, the elder, and conveyed I" Dmini Blake, by the lit" Sto. plimi EliiotU-attncliod to this tr-ict is u largo Knowl, and a high bind settlement, with dwul. ling hnuso, negro houses, and oilier necessary oiil-huildings for a huge gang of nogrnns, being thn properly of Daniel Blake, deceased, und Mild lor the benefit ol Hu heirs and creditors of suid "state Rt)DT. H ABERsIIAM, jan 28 Adui'r. of eBtule Duuiol Blake. JOHN W. LONG. HE membersofthe Georgia f!iis«ars will I attend a company meeting of llm c rps to b« hold at Luddington’" Tin- Evening ut 7 o’clock, punc.iial attendance i de-ired as busi. n< a* of iui|.or'unco will tbon bo broug it oi fure ih© corp*. Dv • der of P. 51. Kmiock Lt. Comdt. j*n 28 G BEIlN te 1st Scrgt. Now Goods. HE Rulmcrihera are now opening, received by recent arrival*. Rich figured, col red Silk*, (.1 few putlerns, light color, fur evening dresses, Black Poult DeSoi, Black Gro DuHwiss Dark and light English and French Prints do do low priced American do do do pi • in and embus aid Cambrics A lew nieces rich Dripoty .Muslins Rich Furniture Cliin'zes Worsted Damask .various color*) Lin 11 Stnir Cloth (u new a iulo f.-r covering) Stair Carpets do Cross bre ed Cainbrick* ai d Muslins Figured Swiss Muslin*, plain C'amhricks Linen Cambric Ildkfs corded (\nibricks Irish Linens, Canton Flanm ls, V.-lvit Ribbons Liii"ii Tutilu Dunask md Napkins Birds eye Diaper 3 4 and L I wide D.nnask Tatilo Cloths A {largo .issortment of colored Cotton and Linen 'l'uhlj Cover* ALSO, A few pieces 4 -I India Matting Ami, 4 cu*o" of I) 'Oie«tic Goods, consn-tlng of 3 4 7 8 nnd 4.1 Cotton Checks 3-1 nd 14 l’|.lids and 8tripe» Which makes their assortment very corn- ploto, all of which 'hey offer for salo on tho moil re.t*oiiablc term" jan 23 J. Ar E. INGERSOLL.