The daily Georgian. (Savannah) 1835-1847, January 30, 1836, Image 2

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i m oBoao^f' c 1 ^ •onaoin or tut t*w ,,r r "‘ JJ J ; ... ...Ml tit •HlttT (>. I**"* aajgiJL. ■ <7>i niiiiri'-' 1 ' in l '' 1 ’" ■' T 44X11 (0«OHt»-l'*t SESSION IN SENATE—J»»- 18. President's Mtssags. wid-m’* Message with Pm» Pebite on th Tlm motion to f. fur Inn Pn S.'r.mS-r'T.Xr M.| uiuttir coll!••»». M Hue lanan iiudi anuta remark* iu "PP* 0 - Y .1 . f lliO [Them remark* hive already boon g' fun ' n to. regular Win'll ] ... Mr. Calhoun t»n«l hwn tinn-trained In l«mr thin with f.r.l.n* 1 tV"wexpreaaed by tlm Senator » ‘ > Y*ni', (Mr. Buchanan.) Tlm ,l "- dared tint h« hul in*vo orcitlwr ploaanra Fur "v i—* e , ] iiovnr heard .ilia with morn prnfnu id i>i i.t I' llm . in f' 1 "' """I" "" ... I.' llfld. n l .«",«• >“ .11.111.1 „"• of mo •..vs.aitfU uwn,tal«• 1 .ialii.n III.' I'.. • *•«*“" rt.tit illy—ii'.i 1.0""" I', n ’ \ | ; .'in ,111.11. of ........ .ol.init OJHU-.t. I '.t I ..l 11,10...... W..1 tor 1W 'I.» . al tin** enlightened l” • I In (mold not look Krjur.i' tiefora Mil* information could hi* had ? Would ifiui'lnninii aieworl It *»• r.nrt'tndy * in illnr ot'o nr oili l In* ahould direo' mir L'argn to rout .III until till* ■Iiliirtl uiamniK*' WHC roemv. I'd III i'r illlfO |l l«>ll*llllj 4 (Uatlttl **l i.oiiim] * ho nl.oulil iu»lHiiid linn ii»e»« • (C«. wluoli w m certainty u ward** one. until •»•* '‘a 0 linnnl bow thn nw » w«* incmted m Franc*. II it il tin. nii Mitn ro < lu*d l' remre b. (<>'" tin* 1' deiofiiiiiin'lnii Iiim> nind" there, he Mr.l • feared t'mi Ilia wnr*t would happen. 4,1 -l calami'in , no |.*,reri n war with Frei"'*. Cio p iut * at ienue between tho two (•unnlrle»i im .i|. i.fllin (rr*'i» , ni*l that omild befal u*. ’’ go to war. enid hr*, for lltli — ' .lull ran jr »4«* .11 I KDAV HOIlSIMi. J ■ hoard • nniMiagu with Illy part, auid Mr. ing iiudni c n* it, to In* phi aged m'" w ,r ' n tli mii;.II in guitida of »h« d •"V ,,| »“'J* Hint th« nit rent" frivo'ou mi*"* coiitrovo - .v, i..<iui«i"i »"• h "i“ ""‘f. 1 l.u' ooloinili™. " "" » l,h : r,i „,iiy r. i.ii..n.......i.i 10 iw ; ... ti.,0 ||, w, : null .8" .pooch II," f> Ponnoylv.oU ho.l oimtlnn. .1 U,„ i[.|.rnli«,- oiot.o il " II" W..1.I.I ""‘“{ ' V' ri.,0. ,.f ii," i!»"'* * a* ** r,*„, „ of 0 .on roll nil.oii 1., Ion, Iwoi, ‘"''f , due. III.I romlll II" «... , - *.";■» do'luontipi worn "• ""*"^ ^l' 1 V?- Korn ni..,«llllill iu 1 „7h on ■ It d lli„„ U.V0 o' on.l I l»"l» l J4 » ,, «orolli».„ilo,r. ofil. "" lo.w |.-i„f„l H *•*.•»• ' J,'* il .i iml on n.i, ;, J “ h " , [l"wMjg.l. noon 0...I ...o,vo,.loo,"| „,l. r ..o„ 1 l. , .f-TjjN-S**|Tta iiii|)ull**d him t" wi**h I r .Hiuce-iU-iin.*, n e .moor of lit* ii-U"n. "'I 1 “' u I,,lu>clM of 11,0 onoo.ry »,,» . ..O'.ly l.l»;.lvod. I|o ivo .Id if" no fartlmi Unfit linn "" tr "‘y !v,lh Fran"., t" .l.«w h-.w l.u - eg. t «o.o Wl , to mvulvi' ti.e coifitiy m •* w^.r. I very hminnim* f tli« imt(oti«th..ia, afmr tho y I/.1 ,1 |.’ . iniio to III" ihrmm, tho ^ nch Mini try »-t k tlfgioiind.tlwt •‘hlmugh t.iii.nauWoa were woll di»P««'*l l " |'*'y thu in.lum , nv touru worn aomu uppraht nuone ill »l 'hi Id. I-l.UVH ChumiK..- migol ny hu wining «'» „i iko ilia n.iii y api»i»P«ml" , n '' m mhar, .Mr t- . Uial l*'""' ‘ " l "l'l' n luniooiiio inm,> m |"-|'ulii • . —i .i... niau win. hud cuiio tinnural Luluyut'o* Hut from llm vu.y worn wnric t'hnii'Hra migi.t not Tin* won not nil- l" Tim reaaoim ilia* 1 voioo fur war, ii - v fivo million*, "tid i. ,1 , ■ Uriol.UlO ? Tl.o r„«l , " 01,00 11,„t I* fir-d, will >h" n tre !*»• in full, tlinug In* cni,i|inll'd in Imiinr to u-ntinm* tho war on til Ihn iln* • i« i» iid, or nnko a di luon.r • • " rn. \\ Inch nati n . an I,"Id nnt llm I* in il.n rnutnat. or win-h will i.fT-r lh-'mm» 7 moan nf annoy .mo iu Ffanoo worn iiorhai.- o»|iial t» Fruiio** uguiint u* {but the • on. ln»l would ooat Franco hut lit'ln, wlulo K o„uM nna* m, nmuli. We would on Franco hut litlh) injttiy wliilu almenuM inflict on ua a uron-t ilnnI Mr. t’. r.'gardnd a war wiili l rim:o «»» grualer »vil a war wi'h Kngland. M • ooiild ji.flicl greater Injur n* on Fngland than „n Friini'o W’liat gm. tur niihimlly old '*ohil u*, than a war wilii Frauen, while F.liglund r*. tniinod untilr .17 By our nnutr • lity while* k.n. gl ml wua |ihing"d in war. nur ('• imnnrno wa« In,i't up ; und In tho *om« w;iy, if wm g" lo w * r with Fr.nco, will nur • omui.'r'o par* into • he Itnuda ul IJnuhind, mill In r n vigoling ilitProet will la, l.uill up at nur napm.ii. In a wur n.-. rcaary for the hoitnr of thn nountry, ho would |,m ,ill ihu*u cm idnralinne eaidc*; It wim in .Ill'll .1 war tint tho mn-clua and aim w* of a eoiinlry, elumid let alrui.-hwd l • llm ulm uil; hul iu Mii'h a war wliem tlm difllciiltiea in tli" wav of niiiioiitilu uljtl*t,n»'tit woroeo fntfuloil*, «hrro ilie Mini of mu'iuy withhold, wee only five mil* ,u. nl dollar*, aliall w •, «« d Im, |>ul in J""P»r* dy our rnoat impnitant inter -t 7 Hhall tvo, earn lie, nt a lime when mir iimtilu'iuna aro in dan* ^or, wlu'ii ilia an |iii|»nrlttiil to mniiHajn them, I, ,x..rd a wnr with a foreign power 7 Tlmre no ur i* a tium, lio auid, wlion a wur would be ,o ouluiiiitnii* to till" country, ua tlm present If l.u truly um'oretn-.d theduugur* in wliich our won. inaolve.l, lot war lint ext'tvu. g ut in aiiyiug 'h it, if wo go into wjt, it m >y end lit tlimr (leatruction. lie wuh onnlont to rofor tlm umaange and dnj. nun'i.i* iu tlm ('ninnnltoiion Foruigu Keluiion*. and ho hoped that limy would c n id.-r it w ill (lie ul., l cuM, und tie nhlo u. rec.iuumiul »r>ui" eoiiruo liy wluoli tlm ponce nf Um oo’intry migl.t Im, (irnaorvod. lie wmild remind them, howev er, of oim thing : that, to arm, would urn unit to u, declaration of wur; il would put ii" iu a linn- lilo uUiniiln toward. Franca. Frunco hud *«lil i,ut u II 'ill. hut hIih h id mil iuinndoil il n» u hm, 11|u niu.umn*; und if wo roguided inn nxprusHiune in tlm oflluiul p.ipnr« of her (Jovnrmimnt, w« ahould Hen I hat *hn liuhovud thorn was im login inn'e .'.in i, Ho, Mr. C. ruguded thn niluui inn in winch I lie pirlinn*t"od. Aahi*cn|o (Mr, i’realun; hud nli«ervod tho olhor d >y, why ahould tho dolbudant im tlm first to lonimil fill art of aggron-ion 7 II wn arm, ail id Mr. (’, Frunco will liirlhm artnjnnd b'twoon llm lw«’cnuiilrioa .inning, then: will la- further c.i.ian f..r wur. Ho omiTil not, Im auid, ail "till in Ilia ptuou, aflnr linnrmg n nmaang.i of 'll,l e.har nUitr. und nOor wit >t had been an id tiy tho gei.llentun from Pom, ylvunia, without utnking the*" few r m irk*. Ho trusted lluti war would not take pi#*’.«, ntid he doemnd it duo to Itiu atu. lion thoro, to *ny thul ho did not boliovo there. wam.i loginmuto enuue for it. Mr. C'lthhort ohsnrved, Jlhni in tho cnnelnd ittg reinat ka of iho w’to had j ‘*l ,n - •Vi* l hr ilnr-tpnngled hnnnn, oh, long may it iflTthr hlit'l"f /""• «,,,< <*« l "‘ , " r °S ll '' brat > ■" UHMOOKATIC NOMINATION fOH rllKSWHNT. Jivilll.t VA.1 IUIHH*. or NP.W YORK, meeting weoeallod, «n* ,on Tua*day. P«c- 8 ' J *'• | Capt.C. »t phen*nf tl.o Chnthain Artillery, I with two field piece*, end forty volunteer*, from - - 1 Huvunuah, left ho... in the uteeiiitwat Ftnndu for ‘ Pioolata, wlieni ihoy uirived on llm 31at, and have fort.find, and held that imporunt pu.l to the pr«<ont time. Hy till* il will appear, that l»ut four day* ala peed from tl-e receipt, at S.ivanmih, of the j new. nl Indian hoallUtm*. before PicoleU waa under the protection n| tho cannon of the Clmt- ham Artillory. .nun.iod by 8-vatmuh voluutoira. Huhaoquenlly, hut prior to the fining up of Hio John I) Moitglu.—eefcntoen additional folun. tner* from Savuniiuh, wcio eonl to reinforcu Captain Stephen*. TJIt m y not bo improper lioie t» remark, that tho Suvunnah VoluitUwra, under llm oo.n.nand nf Opt. Sloven*, wore on duty In Florida thiee wrtki before any b-dy of volunteer., lof' n.ihor, for tho euceor of the row vice I'RKswusr, lUillAHI) .71. J0II,\k03l, nr KENTUCKY, principle-, and llm very Irt’Hilod to lit» obivitii ii, w.i our warmu-t Irmud. lira! opening "f too ""gnlijiU-."". oil dial die lAgm!**' inuk.t tho upprupriitio"- 11,«* 1.1*1 MlUg.t of 1110 nog lull Wh.u. Mr. Kvoo w«oiflll„o I ll,„ 1.0,1,. I,„ «»■ ...I, i, u ii...v ,1,0 r. mill o.,,,* 1 ,1,0, '".I,"‘O ... ,,,,11,01! .1,0 '"I lw„ oouoirw* „|, • Horn ,rn-„.llv fi„.l,n*. tl„,v l"V0l<„H ' i " |„ .till on ,ku .lUB. uil, » i '""J 1 !"* 1 In ,i:l„',.b,'r. urui.l.l u„i ,i„.k«tl,«"|,|,t"|,' l ''l' 1 ;,* ,rooty ,010 ofloi l. ll bo Mr l ‘ carry tu, I hut dune i,„i ,o,i i•,« .I,,"lo" «*i w > ilil Im ■, il,- 1 no." 1 Mo-' ‘K'i • "I lion |,r,'|,"«n „• oo..«,v mill" lio,n J v.,rli.i„,,, I ,"ll »• " » ", j' 1 I.... II f,„ "« I' ,.ho. ' '** *" J* (l .ifnran Ii cirfUliietaiiei *, til.' I "..ell Mini ter boggcl Mr. llivo- to will until the J i,.iii li I’hainiHjr* were uoiiaul j*d, hoinro^ eluding the treaty. Hu' li ves wne not willing i« |t I i ev ry ina" nf Ituitnr, tie- trm y, ul tho tint ,i stance" wi* did, >ve did m diiimi 'h •' 'he i r-’ t't" nppropn Hum reqneut .Mr. ac do. Now lie pu< whotliur, hi ,icooping ul umlur die i-ireuiii« I l.lke II Willi til 1 ' onii. ■ t’!|.iiiiiN*ra w ,uUl make ? . lie auh nided il to me ludlier till - w i* nut die in •mem ofevry min, whether dn vvis iminif eAluid oftlm uhligdi n* ufdm I're eh Ministry Wnut w»* leu implied 1 Atruin i " "ul wa* mu impiwM "bligtiiun H art 7 Ii w * Hi it muuipiuit'"' m ahunld y ,.f a treaty nndu unuer Itn' nu anoner tlm ill"iwn in d;o •uch cirnuniatuncoK. tn' >'y made, Ih«n mir Minister makee a emnniu m alien to lhi« U vornmonl, in which he fpeuk* in the meat oxudmg of Ida ucoo*a l In* was. luirhep-, n ttuMl ; hut whui d««* "... I.v . Clive, a-kml M» t-' He putdi-llOC >1.1* om m - ».ndenoe le dm world. th-roUy cmating dm In at I- i nr.ttcmle imiMuluiieuI in tho way of oMmi Freu. h Chain, h t'li.iiii .Sucre'my km (Mi. t'ulnoU") Im had auid did •• w tr uiiiai iiiovd ililv follow dm udoptinnuf dm aimiauro ttropuaud in llm niiwaago nl tlm l’ o«i .1. ni." War inuat Inllnw ; ami Imw did Hie gon- tleman exprt's" Ilia aoiitluienl* wiili regard t«' i ins rot nil. If von anil, * ml dm gentium ill, wnr i* to foil nv Thun an Aomrinan l*’gi-l turn was told dial we tliual to nain in n *luto • f pi»- aivn ni ic'ivityuiMlfer n tiion arming! that lor tlm defoticu nur tinimmil honor and inter. t ,.(, vvo d.ri) n"l >um le ai wir might follow. Did nut the hlnud luul in every American ho. •..ini wlmn •t'liiiuiuiit* hiicIi u* lliosu were lieird in an Amurie in LogialaiumT What! net arm when a powerful llo*t wu eppmacl.iug mir ooi.hIh I .N.■ i arm when the r glut* and dignity ut llm enuntry were mvlvuil I Oh! nh • m •, ..I,.,ni", tli it sin'll I ingiiugc ahunld bo heard from i|mi t. iig'ie wlinsii glowing nli.ipienco onoo km died a pairiulic flimn inbvory loan !• rnmn, win ii the rigid* of In* country wore 4*a*ilnd as iii,.y iv. II c Iiitl mil Hit sii "till nil hn ailitnt when Im lioaidauell Im gu igecoming from stiul, ii ipiattor. Mi. lliieli.inui anict. when hn made tlm nh*oc. v id ion* which lied nailed f.di dm mm.irk^nf i ,n gnnt euiii't fr.uii Smith t'lruhnu (Mr. t el- |, Im liu-l linli 'Vu l die lllea* go In he the Ii .ruing, r • fpe .ee am! n d of war. Th|. w.»* Still hi* npini >n. In thi* rc-|icl lie dill, miirnly frmn dm g. nlhuiian, prv**i"ii, lie h ol dmn ri dial nonsidoriug dm pn.vooalion which wu ha icnniveil llm line, dm opiiit, amlllm roomniimi. it,di mis' dm Pr«*id«nt worn mil mid prurient, and went well calculated lo make .hi iiiiprn** | in upon Frauen ami to render Imr [ MMisibiuof ll«r iiij-mt in" I |t had lieen far ftmn hi* iidontinn to nxcitn « general dnbnto upon dm French ipieatimi U* Tl.o umSari ignod Commitioo of k" „,o„l will „„,«l -l tl,« B«o1,o,,«o 10 "’''"'V Till, Moriiliiu, t„ roc,vo >"» "* m “* ™ ,,. ileo,re to onrol Ihooioolvo,. „,J '« do.- lirnulo llm Sovo.,1 oo'"P«" iM - , ‘ J MARSHA!,!,, \VM. uASTON. I ). IV HENRY, | M m. T. WII.I.IAMS, i jos. CUMMINB. | No p,|H,r mod yooiordoy north oi Olmthi. inn. Savassa.i Jockkv f!,."i —-Yo,toid*y ilio pu.Mi fur *700 -I ii,do homo WO" w„" "f c: °' Erow- |j.,dy N..livill«, I’-I.oy IV.Hoc,, liav,"E | "..oil draw,, llio oooi'od lio„t. olio liaviotf I'rnkc-n I till, plolo oil "or loft him! fool °» «"• «“'• “ ml primg n on llio oll.or- I'oKop nu ov.donlly on fit. Tim first ho .1 van yum i» 8'»* ,0: '' Aftor llm main rnco there w»* an extremely inli,roiling rnco ontriio'd onlurod, a mllo oul. II »«• ‘' lr - r,<>k - uni’s bn refoul cull. Time Vim. Tlm following Imr*** uru ontorod lur today’* Rum. Mho Im it* beat 3 in 5 ptiroo $200. Onl. C owcll’s Bolivia to.:urry U7 lb*. Capt. Sliiek’s Bllmrak t" car^ 8b lb*. C.ipt. Miller, of tlm Hr. cho"H"r Splendid which, arrived Imre on Wednatday afternoon la*t, from Nunriiii, (N. 1*.) inform-ua that Col. S.unluy, with all tho T-xian Volunleora won. ruloaHod, juil boforo ho Hailed, and mo brig Mi. luwankcng, waa taking in Water and I'roviaiona o proceed immodiatoly on Imr |»««gu l«* Tex. a ,. Uo also utforiii* u* thut the Captain of tlm M. In* entered a proeeoutinn againat tho Coin Niamlor of tho Hr. Hoop of Wnr, for $51100 da. niugea. MISUI'.l’UKSFNTA'TION COUllECTRD. .* Fi ciHiitA — In enollmr column will ho found Home extract* taken from tlm J mksm.villo Com tier, h-o'iulit hy tlm Htoam pae.ket Honda. In oar next wo will endeavor to give otlmr extract* from llm Savannah (Jonrgian. • • The citit*"'* of Sa van unli, wo nrn sorry to .till ulUiig ob oil "ending volunlooro lo l-'l.iridn ! Wo would odvi.n lliym, il tl'Oy ho ofnriy oorvioo. 1„ Rillow i!„; ojomplo «ol ,, v \„,t,i.iA. On Tnooduy llio Id!" ,n„l ll Id Al ,, niil.llo ",•■■1,1,1! "f ,»*» h ” ld 1 , 8.,lnrdny III" dd,l, »t l"n,o I’ M 0or humlreJ inni (.* Iiwivo of ll,o oflionr-) proporlv or,nod olid oqoil.pod, ivoro on Ilnur w„y lo Horld»— Out t„ ,ovy,I for/Airly Mild >/w/y '/".V*, " llt |„„o u. Ilii-U ooryloo. worn i.ooow.ry—not "■ nt,y T pool, tall 1" go wbnto duly r,11. 11,0,11. Tloooor" tl,o kind of ydm.toor. Elorido otnnd. in nood of, anil .iio cuunol goi them too anon." Tlm ebovo paragraph i* taken frun the Au giisla Con*lilOil»nttl»at of Wcdnu-day last. I« i- -uiaidurod hy uh end our clliaona us illiberal, ,(fd—illiberal on it* very ft Augusta or Floridian*. ().. llio **mo day tho A'lg'fl* V .l-in’ocr* loft Savannah. Urn steamboat John David .Mwngin ul«o loft Savinnah, for the Hi. J"hn*. nrnia.l pruvi-ionod, ...d og„,|""l i„ M* '""*' cffll:l *" 1 moi.not. for »,,}■ tl,o d,„n„,«„dor ol l"o U. S.foroi'ii,, Flondo, loop r, ,l-,i o, »„d "cry ing „n additionol fordo of U„o lluodrvd ood Thirty iimii- Wdl III" Ed,lor of Iho e»n.tll«ll„n« | l'l do Kbv.oiimI, tho joolico lo pi -hi" t"o ►»»,„ l„, r , tl.o llopoM of 11,0 C„m„f-l»o «lilr,l-loU will, 111" do.pi- I, of lhi« or,,it I Wo hidhly-pprooiato tin, noble opirlt of tlie Angela VoWlllooro. hot jortu o l„ ,ho„, duo. not rcpiirn auol, roinaikooi iho Editor of tlm , .„„,i,ol„,„.li«l Im* thought proper lo imluigo. SAVANNAH- ."Tvo. f ,r .uoi, parpo-o, ivlto olial! iw organiaod m me .unio tii.iioor a. pro.ciloid in the aoooiid ruaolution. Heiuhtd, That tie'Conipauioa formed accord ing to these resolution* alull bo c*hod tlm Chal’i im Legion Heiuhtd, That when two, or more Comp*, ni a of tlm l^gi"ii almll bo i.rgamxod, they aiial| (•led u Coimiiaiiilaol. Hutlted, the Committee ho in*’, rue ted t. apply to tho Mayor and Alderman f«r Ilia arm* and tqu ipmonta of the Legion. Iletolved, That before tho urganix ition of tho different oorp*, the Cuuiinltico will *»ti-fy them- selves oi to the character of llio enrolod, and re. lect all who nro not known in liiia coniiiluni'y a* worthy of slich trust. In auoordanco wuh tlm fir*t roeolution, tho following gentlemen wore appointed a Commit ileo: -Jt aepli Cum niog, J-!’• Henry, ''in !• Wtllurn*, Win. Gaalon, and Juno* M trahall. 'l'ltcy thereupon proceeded to receive tho naim ■ of tlm»e pro-cut, when about !iU0 wore cnroled oil tho spot. The meeting then adjourned. J. M WISH ALL, Chairman. Fkbdkiuck A Topukr, Secretary. ■A from warohnnmtH as t'nr a* ihry have # nur knowledge, >v> r, as t How : ♦'C'J rent .21 at 11, 37 "4 21 .1 2. at 121. 102 at 13 C» n* 13*. 10 * »»!• 131.1J at 13$. 12) H 15 ut M|. >? J 1 *4' 8 ... I4J. I«3 it 15. 3Jul " ch uee l"t nl'29 Italo*, fuvunie brand, L>4 r unis. » " eoiiliinie I" quo e. inlbrior 11 • i'H ; fair i good, 124 a I3J ; very go- d and prime 1» * * choio*-, L r > a i.«i cauia—lair dumaiid. I'rrightl—Ti' Savinli th, have been rodueeil in 50 e. nU Iter bah—to C.urluaiun, Hoad, ii 110 boat* up- jATIthi-:. by R til ' Too fltoam packet John Stonoy, h»« b"cn bartnrml 10 proceed to Sinitlivillo ami fiomifort (N. C.) to bring on U. S. Troop*, duatuiud to aid ilm Fi»ridinn*. luroRTANT I’Hi'PcairioN.—Tho Haiti.m>ro Cbpoiicle, stales that it 1* propced offuring to the proaint stookholdur* of ilia II ink of tho United State*, a state charter to the amount of itn pioseiil charter. A.lverliver con Iton. W IV'. Gordon, Mayor of the City of Huvannuh. fg, H __Ti,o umlorsigned Cnmmittco of tho ci*-ixnn" of Savannah appointed to procure a Htoomhoal »„.l Jo.polol, hor Willi nn nmunmt into tl.o SI. Johns Rivor. Eoot ri„ri,i« ; «"<l t“ cnli.l moll for tho dofuiioo of Jnvk.onvillo nml I'icnlnlo, mi,] to pofforin any olhor wiiviefl- no- cn.-ory 10 .00„oi our Mluw-olliiom in Eu-1 Eli,rhl.—llio Mum >" ho plMod umlor Iho ooo. tr„i of tho Oommiinilor of iho Uotloil Stato- forces in FI .ritla. Report to you, That they luvoch rtnroil tho Stoamhoat Jno Havid Mongin. Captain Curry, a- |.r. chart 1 party horowith marked No. 1-lhat tliny have put on board mM boat two nine pound carro- nade*. with mi.nilion*, and Implomente com- pinto—that they have accepted the anrvice- of a (loliiohmfliii of twonty five-of the Phmnix llifl - . men epeciatly atlaohod to auid boat, and eulisb cl ninety inon for Iho term nf sixty day*, for the delknceof Jaeitvoiivilleond Pioolata, or any olh. er sorvioo that may bo required of thorn ; that ihoy liu vo pul nn hoard said boat f .rty riflua and ninety muvk ri* wi'h implouicnU complete—and , PIX pound field j>ice.o for tlm use of tho inhnhi- inuts of J tokaonv lie—mgethor with ainuni ion nnd provisions hb dotailoJ horowith in slutc- incut, marked .N". 2. That in addition to tho boat* crow—the Pho.*. »i:. Riflemen, and the n.noty onli-tcd men, a nombur of volunleora were al*o roeelved on board sa id boat, nnd tho who c d *p»teh< d on Wed noMlay, under tho elurge of Capt t • M. biouo to the »t- John’* River. Capt. Stono i* directed n* tho Agent of thi* Committee tudolivor his aliargo to Capt. Stovori at Pioolata, and CLipt. Steven.1 is dime nd to re- iinjnal. nml unfit port tho anuiu to Hm Commanding Otficor of the U S. Army in Florida—o copy of tlm in-truc 1,,n,s to Capt Stevens aro herewith presonted, marked N’u. 3. Your Committee nl*o reported thi* armament, its deitiiiatiau and obji'ct-*, toCapi. Murohaui ol the U. S. Army lioro, and requo-tod him to cominunioaio their report to the Commanding Oftioor in Florida. Ill tint haste ot'doipatchiiig thin boat and ro I co.ving toon to the last hour, a complete return Tlm Now Y-> k Morcantilo in,dm llio following Extnct of u lollnr from Pa- •• There In* lately boon published Imr" churls of our whole Soa Coast und especially •ecurato mips of llio ontranco of every Imr- bor on llm Gulf of Mexico. Tlu- Chart of Pun sucda give* tho Cnaiiuo), p aitiou of tlm Fort*, and Navy Yard, und is beautifully executed. Iu llm cvi lit of u war between Franco und the U Siale*. tlm alution of the French fleet will be ilm West Indie*, and their lir*t ultempt will be lo tnlio P.’ii-acola, and coininuid llic commerce of the Mississippi. Admiral .Mackuu understand* the position of thing* in thut qu irtor. ami may look to thi* a* the point of the greatest niomont in annoying Ihocominorc of sixty millions, which now pass., u* through tho Gulf of Florida” U. s. Bank S ock at Now York on the 2l*t inst tales 10-14 shares, 115* 117 ; 450 do 40 day* 1174 O.i the 23J mat. 50 do 117 ; 100 d - llTj on tiuio. I The Hal imora Guxot'o says, Mr George Ro bin*, tho colobralod auctioneer in London, hoje n greao a «lo of 105 000 acres of land near tli - Rlk river in Virginia on the 3d f December — The 1 iml wu* put in lots of from 50 ’ to 5000 acre*, which produced from two and six-pousc to six shil'.iug* (sterling) the aero' There aro hundreds of ihnuamda of ncre* of land in Virginia, not vvnrth one (tout un acre. ,nd wo think it qu to likely that John Hull ha„ been buying a pig in a poke. The brig Aurora, Taylor from M ' New York, ntuto* that the crow ami passenger* of tlm American aohoener Hannah Sc Ehxa I,olh, which wu* chasnd uahore and c.iptured, by tlm Mexican nnned *choonnr Bravo, hud boon eonvuyed inron* lo Metainnrai, whore Ihoy ro inained when Capt T loft. IIavui. Doc 15.-C hire IiimI « M' demand for St Domingo ut ■ small improvement .,0 our laal quotation Salo* have he n a* ml- |„w*: 40 hugs good ord-r St IVomingo, re -al". fit*|| 921 pnr Indcpendmt, Gh$ ; 12‘J'I P" Industrie■(ic l |2S4 "rd to gunri••••( do, re-"l »>»4• 330 good ord Si I) miing . 7-1; GOI) dumugoJ, d" mild publicly, duty paid, oi If I I a ll IS. Colton—'Tlm aalo* of new Upl-tiida to arrive have ceased ; shvoi vl parcvl* of tlioso Colton* "f good fair qu"|py I Hiding frmnahii.* in pori.h tVH t'<mild buyer* ai fl45;1476 aow L.mi-iana a«n. veil from Now Orleun* hy too Rubicon, nf which U i,nul 5D0 have .horn *old withmit qiurao ce nf quality for Iho a hole, nl 1171 53. 1" "' hor Iran-actions which have takon pLoo, there bus been no cl align in price*. Tip. .ul* s from llm 7th to iho I4'h in* m c'n-ivo, nimmnt to 7G45 biles, cun’dating '»• 2573 ''..le- Lou ainna at fl 10 50 to fIG.» j -111*0 hall * Uph 'd Mobile, Aluhama nnd To.incaai'O it iftH In fl It) (iln* formur price f**' 1 w Tom.o* sun ni 1 thn lait r I'-ra small I**' «f 15 "jl * •»** Upi nds;) 2H7 h .le* Pern unhuen, at I'LtHl" *«' 5(1; 7H bales ft.hi *, nt 135 5 und 12!) b-.l«e St Doming' , al fl35, tho whole duty paid. I j"* nrrivul* within tlm sumo period, have Imim bale* ; «.f w:,i"ii 3014 Italo i United State* Col ton*, nnd 108S bdo* Hr zils Rice -Thn lran*i.cti"ns loivo boon cmifumd to 50'inree* Cur lin 1, of vory goo I quiliv ■' 32l'd .ty mid. Wo h ivo rcc ived no R ''*by the Augusta, fr< in Charloaloil, and only 12 is* by Frnoci« l)ep-u. Dko IG.—Corona have ben in go- d dmn ilia up to within 11 day r two, and t'*o s 1I0* 'or llm woek exceed 7.5H0 bale*. Nuw Upland* liuvo b oil folly m iiotninod for parcel* on tlm *p t. Doulnr* donlino buying lo urrivo. except al n eunsiderahlo deelilm, to which, for the preen', importer* ir- not di*prwnil lo autunit. About 1500 bales now omp Lnui-iana have boon mkeii i,t 1-174 and *0 lar t?»« quality turn* oul but ul. tie bettor than fdr. Previously tlm *auw n«nli tin* of,,hl Colton would havu comm.indod lot) a 153. Sonin low cotton* have gone down t» 90c. Tho stock of U S in murket is small, amt comprize* bin litdo good. Tlm unrkot I* b .ro in Rica, und tlm impor tation* of. new crop will prnbiildy bring high pri-uB. Cutfe • i* doing hotter, St Domingo ut Li»t appennineo ut Mr. mill Mr*, and Miu Cnarlot'e i'ame-r. THIS F.VRNING, J AX. 39. Will uu p.nunited Im 'I'r igu.iy . f the •St TR A SULll. S'rangor, Mr. Judah. P'der, Ba'iitf*. Mis lluller, Mr*. I? .rues. To nonchtib* wi'h the Farce of tho iv /; n u 1N ri i) .1 r. Sir A'!atn Con cs , Mr. Barnoa. LulyC) t ', Mi-- (’. U.irne*. MR. 11ART’S tttnefll on M-nriay. l',,ik ;iml IV, I. pr Bl.rt I’r'me Pork N Y*»rk ci'y 31) Id* Mo-a tin do do Lilt Ills Me** und Pr me no L ni .ittg and for alo >v j'in 3D ••• •• \V\| II THOMPSON St CO .4, 430 permit oloc AL it l 'iu va i voral CMun'ia ofi S l)co 17.—Sales of Cotton this day, 260 PKNFIELD MARINER’S CHURCH. (13* Divine *ervi«*." will »e poriormo iu tins Cuurch Tomorrow Morning and Evening — Capt tin* ni vessel*, their Oiliuers und Seamen aro invited to attend. SAVANNAH JOCKEY CLUB. The nndnraigMod cun ho found ul tl o Genr gian offico between tlm hours of 9 -md H. hy lliosu inoiiibors who have not o'ttaiimd 'iokuts. RICHARD I). ARNOLD, Treasurer SaVniio-ih Jnc'.ev Club. ■j /* A niimting of ilm S ivannali Jockey Ciu > will ho hold Thi* Evening at the O.'y Hotel, at 7 o’clock precisely. Punotnal aUendanoo is particularly requested. WM P. WHITE, Secretary. red 11 inter this int. moralv In remark. —unjuil, boa.iiHU it tend* to doprivo the lira vo joonld not bo made mil, but it will be turnished hand ot volunteer* from Savannah, who have %y Capt. Slone, Ciior.KHA in An.tsiA.—Wo find, (any* tho N- Yi.rk Cum. A-lv. of *a*t Saturday,) tlm following frightful account of tlm ravages of tho cholera, in a (iibnUer Chronicle, received this morn ing.— Tito last caravan attacked by the cholera at Mecua, worn down with fmigitn and destitute «f wa'er, almost wholly perished. No less than •10,DUG pilgrims were loft behind in tho duvort. Tlie dust of tit • du*erl surrounding Mcjcu is.iu fact tho dual of men. )ft \1u1t sun mans 6 49 -un Ilian WATER AT SAVANNA It POUT OF S V VVVi 1 • - CLEARED. 5 ll 06 94 ...j v.\ ;)a. «n I principle iinpediment ing h. appr.qirtati"ll* fro bor.. Wh t I Ih'tme tlm I bor- hid appropriated tho money, • tft c TreiiMi y drew .1 lull fur lhq»hr*l instil monl .film in.n>, knowing tu,.t tlm Chu n. b. iv '< *tl not pass' d llm appropfla'n.u hill, and knowing tho dr -ft must Umr loro, me -a. r,h b" protested. Under I hose oircuili- st.iimea l e 'real)' ass to night b.T r ’ tin'' *"»“'• beta, .lid il'ttT a uit.Kt punerl 1 .lin_gl-, lb" Mi.>ii 'o'* h»»l tltc approprut! 11 bill »v dmut pi 'l. v tU'E { u faul easily aucmtntoil f"r by the Jlllbl lUldnnl lie drawn Into it nn.vby th«remarks .if too Senator iVmn S .utli Carolini. Ilo must, however, I* permitted lo ray, lie was miry, very mrry, Ilia' the gmillcinun hud pne'lai'itn,lethal if war -honhl come, we are \ho author* of that w, r; and it tvmild l»" the fault, lint of thn V’.uurh. hot of tlm Aimui"ao (L'vormiiunt.— Sunii u diH'laraliut prm'feling from such n -uiiro",hroiii a voice *0 powerful mil so puldit would bo Im trd upon thn other side nf tho At lantic, slid there might produce a most injtiri oil • ell’uit. lit; w <* nappy to *uy, that this son Ilium' tin- (Inertly at w..r with that of utu u; Foreign mlu'ion*, who in their f „|,ori uf last *r«s|uu, had • X|tre**cd their (loci, du.l opinion that the Aumnean Government, nh,1,dd ii lifuniiio noc*iss»ry, mitsl insist upon the ev culioii of llm treaty, it was at wur tt|i|| the on iniinoUH resolution of the IIoiiko ••! Ilepieseii- l.ilivnv of llm * tme *• *'ion, dfclarmg Unit llm ironiy niu«t bo nuintuinnd. He tiellevud that it ■ \t «* equally ut war with tho footing* and upin | inn* oftlm Amerieao I'nopln. I WiliUt he exproesod til* ho|tn nnd hi* belnf ,|. e Due de Uruglie ioincd ! that thi* Utoseagn would pMVn t<» he Um "l.v- hraiioh of pnaoe ; -till there was so much tin- crlainlv in ill" event, that il now became our imperative duty t" prepare for tho worst Slial! we, ani l Ml. H. wlillal a poworiul fleet i* jut v<>ri■ i- along mir *oiilhem eomd, in a menacing null ii to, oil tier", mi withhold from Urn Prr.-i. dent tho mean* whinti are uiwnt-aiiry to plafn toe country in a state of d"foneo 7 Hu trusted this would never, m vrr ho tlr rn*o. I’lie •mtraign and donumeii'H wine then refer- red to the Cniumiltee on Forein R«l.uion* „„„„ ol ",,0 uiontl. l„ !■'l,,rid,, o„il w" . .„!! oil duly ul Viculata, oi l!," |,ru,«o ll.oy juhlly ili'wMVo—uuluuudfd llio ooo.l.o. lion of III"ir Mill lulling of Bi'ilJiog „l'i 1„ El"" I .."Min 0|| ,i„M I"- Mi"* rSoMli. ,111", wlton wo l,,i*ojiMl»!iot* , l 'l"li« oor(*i o! I, ur „i,iii'ii. Iioo l,«,„i 00 iluij 0110 mui.lh. ,,,.l ,1, now Ml,11,0 ivliuii"'! !i,o oilitno. ol EluriJ. 1,0*0 ll.oollil Ih il 11,0 oitixooo of* ,*«»■ ,„,h CM,flood tllOOI-oWiU 10 \ulkulg. A ijluiicc ,1 nur Ul IH allow Hull Hi" Jjokoonttillo Connor "«« H.vor-ll 11,1100 ll llldoomolj 0,llll|,lllllOlllOli llm Sovoniioti Voloiili'orH- r of mon nod tho quantity of oritio, hoard llio John At a meeting ,.f oil ileus of St A gusl inr, 'Ir. Rivp-’ eorrn pond i'lin Cnamh r* li"t having nmdu llie «)qno- P n..ti„n, wim «»• reapm.aibh' ft r ‘he tad ... ivru,„l. 11 it"* E.0,,0" Mi„i'M'-i for »" d;- Mtioiood MOIO tho. -11 thi. milloi, ami of .0 h a a* it cmi'i'lored that tne .'linistry "tf >«•“" imp ri i no wim di**"'- ... . f r .in ertine. Tho French Ministry Ii und again acknowlcdgn.l that there w«* an un. ;m nuc avorsi m in ‘he ChauUiers t" unkmg tlm treaty, we liuUlil have m .dn g "at ttlmw m> "« fir tlmir situ.,turn; ,t w.»* «ur uty to apolugi- ,• >va , „,ir duty to sustain tlm Fmiioli Mimst.y . lull m toad of this, «' tlm opening nf lim next Cnngrosa w,t* dial uof ‘dmn u men*ago, •vhli b lia* created mo pro out dilfi ally.. It xivomd tlm *tronge*l moaauro ilex' to * ,r, 'o •'••mpul the French to make tlm p.ymen; The Fi»noli Ciiamb n limn ma lo t»" •ppreptiali.m, wi'h Di. unudiuon annexed, thut this Mo an go slemld b- cxplainwi by nur G*'v-rnumui. He M'.t ., r ground that this eundttum h i* burn lu- rtud in itic opprupriati nh.ll. and tun French Mm h or creilu not liajualitVed in uconphng it, hot i.v tnu b ind'Unit without it. the appropriation lint Im made, "'bat then had been tint of our F.xneu’tvo under -uch oir- ruinsUfOu* 7 He would not under. .He. on such v. luniilimi* doMiment* •» ha* ju»l b-mil road, I. , makeup an opinion at unco, lie bad not tlm advantage p"*»c»»nd by tint ."-cu vor frmn PeuimylTan.a, (\l.. Buchanm.) of being ne- quuntwl wim Ina Conionta ol loose d"CUnmnt» befunhand Horn Mr. Huchannn -aid, h- had no ot ier innau* ..f'HMitg t-quainied w th the conU-ut* ..f tlm (lO'*'inm 't*, Ut n tlio<o pwosn-and by tne gen- 11** i tie ■ t f South Carolina—tlw bearing tueiu re re from tlm Secretary’* tab'".] Mr. (' continued. H" wnunl atupc'id bl« (tpitui'tn for the present { bat lit re were cireum J. .,,,. -• -I wl ti tin* 'Message, to winch there could 1*0 no dilfi ' illy In rriorring. lie was di-wati-fmd «' U«l having the lellCr Ir on llm French Charge, rofor n i t- uy tlm Wl.v had thev nut bon.i t”" "' po**ea*""> ol a copy of it 7 it Wia a must letter, and he regretted that they had it not. I here ..... ii.„>iia,nrv ii. '.avert lo. held on the 9lh mat. ami publi*hed in Wo-ine*. Jiy’a Gourgiin, among oUww, Uio lullo ting re. ). luti'iit wa« passed : • • That the lit mk* nf thin menti'tg pro-en. i,.,| to the Intendant, W rdnn* und Citizen* ol Rliarl.'*'"". » I’ ->»'« l “ ll,B 0,1 * u "' ! '“ V "! n th, (•'«"• fur thn kimlnoa* und atniyathy monl. tne tod hy thorn toward* »ur foil' ” ■" ihi* tryingomorguttey. nun l"r tho uut *«• pr-mipt . VHI ‘,V rmialy (vode.ti/hy tho foru.or, and afforded by tho lalinr to "Ui dutioased omiunu- rt’ijv iho unuutimma order ol the committee. • “Jos. L. Smith." Mntloim Wim’. rnqllF. undersign d Agent nfthewell known 1,1.11*0, of L>ml <Si Arunjo, of Madeira, i* d„vv ready 'n receive Muh*e'iption fur Winn nf the be*t growth tho Inland can ^produce. One «f the part nor* hoing hero any frmn him can bo obtained. Winn* now order, ed will l*> deliver' d here about the latter put of | next summer, mul waironled to lie equal to any that li t* !'V*r boon sent from tlm i*ltud to llioae United Slate*, j IUI i.. FR \ NV1S SORR Rl._ i'orlNiumith No. 1 Boel. rx URLS No 1 He'd*. F r **le by 4 ENSWORTU Sc \V \Y. jan 28 ('umlortaLifs. wriy, OVERCOATS; t l.OAKS; CAM V III.ET WRAFPF.RS; ORIENTAL RO. HKS; UNDER 'HI I RTS and DM \W ERS nf nil kind* i and u Urge assortumnl ol Faahiona- bio Iteiulv Made Garments of tho be* qnality and wnrkinanahip; which will he so’." at the"lnwe>t ci*)i pri O*. bv_ nee 4 ... „ ..nolhor niro'imatanoo neor*-ary to advert i». TufMh.1 i„illo.iWJ i..-lii. tl. .111,0 n, ,1,0 ,,0,»'„l «». I"" 1 "O' |,L,ue. tool "0 Erooo" „"U"I ,,-v 1 wl.v iimn «<• not tlm communication then l*'* lor* them Withh -ld un'il He heir,I Ii c'rmtau J4ftfcrp|p"itl ne- ived In* »peni u*gpl i ’* Du«a that look a* if Savannah had cmifiuod liorooif lo lulling t Tl» »„o> > fillioolo' I, oic-o. inilly ‘ll-llinotl o" 1 ' niliploinK 1 - Al 1'itfuliu worn oil U'-"- CliiioliV |i™«i«i„"», ,villi,. lotto .|U»i,tity •■! t"« mouill •o* "f nu \Vil ofliul" o,l.tauoo who,"or i"«ho Eoli ,„ „„l ill", too tan* "f l"« 1,.,'talo ' u ““ ,l,o .."lot ufllio l!on.tituli„nal,.l t"i„k it ,j ,y ,v„, k, fir 111,1,1 utiu.wi in ooch b„oi»««., will, limi, ,v„ to ,,1,-kot n po-tT Ttaro wan „i,i„ ft.,,,1 S»vm.ii,ili ol Fioolau, ivl". iiorllupo, lur iIm firol l,uio ill llioir liviw, liondluil ,i t-podo mid ax '- Rui the editor waa "too quick on trigger ” any l,o .v thi*. the report of tho iimoliug held Imre on Saturday. muH have cum meed him that lie tin* done foul injliMiee to our ei'y. Wilt Urn editor do our oltixona the justico to I copy Uii" 7 Woapi«al to tho impa.i.Juy of Lew I dm Connor to give this ataiomom an im-orumi. Wo refer to the report nf the committee be low, winch we request tho Cuiietilulionnlial to publish. Since writing tho almvo, llm following c.mi- inumeatien frmn •• one who knows," has boon handed ua: FuR TUB OKOROIAM. Will tho Editor oftlm Augu-U Constitution, allot do Savannah thejuaHro tu publish ti.o I d- lowing ataloinont of lacta, and with it, ro pub lisb the remarks lm did Svuaunah tlm injuitir- The nitinh' nmunition and store*, put on L>ivid Muiiglu, were equal to her utmost **api- oiltf „t’ lrii,i.pol‘W,i"Hi onditwlllta noitOHS ity il,,t ,"e ali-.>il-l "o promptly folluwod "y un od. ililinniit supply of P ( " V ' S ' 0,,B ' \Jp In t"i* ti."" >ll“ •!>>*'»• Suvan.uh |,nvn ennlribnlod ", "i" ur lhoir ,wi *' 1 ' bora in Fluriila •> follow.-.--On tin 2»tli !)•- .omls-t, Cnpl-SWVdns was dospotnllod wit" lw„ .neons ,f Arulli.ry on,' ('."y *„ln„ti»r»—,ind -ovnntoen additionol inon !",vo boon .onl ", min. furco hi,n sinco. Ti,oJoh„ U-' i.l Mnpgin. with I,nr srmsmsol m l ■»«>, '3' >"«" «d,l,t,„n to wbidi, o niltnbor of vnlnntosrs wont in t"o Slnnniboit Florida, wl.ioh worn lint roporlod In y„nr Co,.mint™. A onnsidombto nu,liter "o. lunging to nur volunteer onmpanioa nro now ready and s-dioitmi* to go at a moments warn. i„ e , bill who,, wo roltioi i"« 'I'” *>•"• .«„10tem.!.nnn.r,iurth •"«"> r ." l ‘ of this oily, nnd is grout,'r limn tiio dr.i(\ whin" wtiulil In, roquirnd hy o»ta.‘| v o of U lim pnsts wllioll liavo boo" os-tHtod trolll l"i. junior, "sing il Is "oiinvod snlli i„„tly pmlool. „d, ii is llwrufnm qU’Slionfthlo wunthor any fur- thor fomo slinuM ", <0"‘, «»'•■• n “‘ v otnorgenoy Simula ••iso. or su ll fnruo slisll b« r,„i„iiud fot Olib.isivu oporultons in tlm Indi*,, \> lion. A fracas, («ay«thc Now York Mar \ Iv of lust Thursday,) took place in front nf our ollleo botween Mr Wubb, d ill" C urior Sc Enquirer, and M. Bennett i»f llm I Inruld. We did not wit- neat the eng •gomont, but understand that ill. Bunuo t was knocked down with a cano. Hr wa<:u-si led into tIlia nfii"0, A. wo found thut he was wounded in his h ad- After remaining n moment, ho walked away to procure surgical aid. Richmond Humans — I’lio following are the Officer* nf the Richmond Hu*-sr-Samut'l Bonn*, Captain {Calvin Willey, 1st Lieutenant; J iiuiih T Gray, 2nd Lieulenant; Joseph Collins, Curnul. Ci,pi. Bone* hn*, wo understand, received orders to march to Picohlu, us infantry, and wul proceed immediately, Wo arc requested in state Unit the Company will meet this morning, ul*ld n’olnck, liofuc I lie United States ILtol t. r llm purpaso of drilling. a< which "Ur volunteers W ill he received. A lin will also Ihi found at tlie United Statu* II 'tnl, wtie e • licit peraons a* are do inai- of joininu ill - Co'p*. cm re,i*'«r tlioir name*.—Augmta Cunstilutionaliil, 2Hthimst. Nuw Ont.KAN.s, Jan. 14.—Wo lo ur ihe voter, an General T'luinaa and Major Mnrgun of Ha. ton Rouge, Itavo advised tho Governur ol tlmir icadintN* to prcooed to Florida I) •)’, with a furco nf fifty vol mb'Ora, ill order lo oppo»«i the Indian*. Wo have not leatnud whoiher ni* Ex- cullency has accepted llio oflor or mtends duiug PRICE A MAI.1RPV Notice. ■ qflR Suh»erih«r* ro*p"ctfnlly^n<T'r if tho 27.h instant, j proceed « \V. B. BULLOCH, S I) PARKUVN, ivi n. McAllister, R KING, NV M DUNCAN. G I) LAMAR, PL l$l.1C MEETING. . inoo'in^of ciiisous "slJ ,.l llm Ex C lm„ e o ,c,„,,Uy oi l M- C..1 Js," M.,rs"«]l. WUH culhul lo llm Cluir, uud F to". A- I "PP 0 ', appointed Secretary. Tho object of thn moating wt* explained by llm I'buir. Im wus l'ollow»a by jos. Cum. ,„i„o \V T. W.lliunm, \V. W.UorJtm, IV.ii, |„'„d 11 K suluo, Esq., in sup,,on of llm f..U.,wi„ii rusululinns wliicl, wsro esmod unon,. no u*'.y. Iletoired. TU»I lie appointed to rocoivo, of ,11 ui,i„„l» subject "■ du'y, OH wo I » l"u.0 who sro oxumped from onluitiy du.y, for llm purpum of formmg o V-luntarr l..giun, f r llm pr.,io«li"i, cily „t Savon nab ot llm prvsont pimuliar crisis. llitnlvtd, Thai on >"• enrolinont of tho „f Um fust fifty clUions, Ihoy shall bo dn siuuolud a. Company A, und shall immodialoly i Cmnmittea of fivo citixcn* und enrol iho iiauius, nf honor might In I their urtment ->f Fur *n I Cluth Ci|»s to Vol. ii„imr, for Fl-rld. ,m fsilgim dnty-or soy In make in hi* piper such au apology as one man make to another, fur an unpremeditated injury? : On Sunday, thn 27th of Deuaipbor, the atom) j Picoluta, brought ti.e first intelligence of sori us danger to ol b'|n,iria> ami that the public stores deputed tho alectinn of Officer*, which shall Jd, an« 3d Lioutmnnta, four bo a Captain, !*' s«r t, „nd four Corporals, »"J on llm c, rulumnl of oocl, .„bsc,|„«nt fifty, >"• >•“.«•" e ,„,x,ti„n oliall be .fi„p'o«, -"d ‘hoy slmll "„ thn oilier urttcle coil. Sluio for the name purpose, at HAMILTON, HOUSTON 4t CO. I IX'U' ' ’’V II. . NN uy w*a egr Cluige rdtallud .i«jn ;*n. packet Florida, irom i u.-»r,......... . » . , • - tho inhabitants denominated, Company u, ’ ’ ro.W, Tout in addition to the foregoing, „ ,i„ : cavalry. Artillery, or Rifle men vl Kuululu. ou which tho support of G.uorol ] C„».p„„.o. "f >, bo Cliuob's r,.re. dopu„,!o.l, wsro w„"o,l. prolov. •"‘■‘'•'‘“I ■‘ * ,rt f ( ‘ r ,n. On Monday, Dec«ini»or 2dtU, a town al Uio disoreti o Brig Romulus, Maurm, Pntvitlenco. Ritdeifurd, Fay (J- Co Brig Cotes, Blanchard, Havre. b J. Ante dr Co llrig Noma, Dull, Liverpool. .4 Low tj- Co. Brig Nun, Nnrri*. West, I" iu*. Topper ($• Sislare. Brin Abigail Richmond, Hard" •, New Y ,ik b JR Richmond. gohr Exact, Nichols, New Y rk. Radelford, Fay if- Co. ARRIVED, .Sloop Amorim, B- ll*. Riinhorough. 211 hnle* Cultun Sugar and Mnlf-Mi* t. it A. " Kin'A Co. G Andoixm AS >n, S'on,, Wash bur”A t:... R H.itarsh.m, A L*w A Uiy- ard A llnnter, E Rat'd, J Com.mug. On 'lur*. day ufternooil ithoui4 n’idnek tiic btu liiihaal J D M iigtn, frinii Savann ill, with v luntuer* lot Florida, pmuod through Rum ley AI .rail. WENT TO A LM. Sclir Exam, Niehol* Now York. DEF I ((TED. Steamboat Eliwan,*ar«i, Charlestons M F. If O K ) N I) A Brig Charlotte, for tho Weal Indies, from this port, -truck on * reef of rock* near Groen Tor. liu Ke* mi tin- Hi ll rest, and wu* totally loM. Ctl ARLES’I ON, Arrived,brig Cuurim, Hull, Now York ; Hclir Ri ini. Dr ike.Duii n : roam, packet Colnmbii, C dfi-y. Now York. Cleared, brig* Pnoihroko. Meuco.ii, Copnnha- gen; Masanaoil, lligginsun, Havre; Alexan. dri i, Evan*, Wes' Indio*. In iho Oflittg, a *hip mil brig, il-o a sclir su;’ posed the Lovely Kozin from Nla.nnzi* FOR LIVERPOOL. i-j-.V: The-plondid iiua llfilish *lnp M \ L- V'Q-’Vz;. NBAR, Capt. Fruln*'<er, lias iliree. fSurilr of hoi c irgn already eng ig-d, und will hn luudori immediately For fr igni nf 4tl() bag* ofCntiuii, apply lo ANDREW LOW ACU jan •N uce, I Orncr In n Steam Boa" Compak», I Anguita, Janu uy 2G, IB3G ( MEETING ofthe Stockholders, will bo held at Hi! nfllce, >m Monday the 15 h of February next, at 2 o'clock P. M.. to consider the Into net of tump.Tu'unt, nnd ulool a Uuuid of Dir c or* for tho i i nning By order of 'he Huanl, j hi do g McLaughlin, sec. a iwr. Phillip T. Sch'.cy, Attorney nt I.nNv, ,1 rf AS *• t'ul p niMiiontly in < > lu dm-, (G.i) i, !i nndl'tldurs ina ser.lcos lu 111* flitted* and the |i'i l c IF w ill practice in tho aev. tal cni.n'i-!* “f llio ('u itlali'ui'lion einuiit and the ig (!"u'ilioB in (lie Slute of.Al ib unu. J ■» sn-pt ; An Act. :i ,n • fur C Imi 'ls to he hold is election prouinel* ill tlio su. ni* Slate. I. ID it enacted hy the. Senate nnd of Represent i/in n nf the Stale of Georgia in general iiNumbly met, and it n hereby enacted by the. authority of the some, Toil from ami ivv Hindi;! rely (i ter llio p:i**agn of ihi* nut, R ..nail nnd may bo lawful for all election* fur colon is to be Intld it tho various election prooi' in this Statu my law, u-nge or custom tu the eon. truly oolwiihblundiiig. JOSEPH DAY, Spuuker of tho Mourn of R"|>i()Keiii.i'ivu*. ROBERT M. Ei IIOLS, Prowi. ent uf the Samtio. Assented to, Decenitmr 22. 1835. WILLIAM SC FI I EY, j tn 30 -o Governor, An Act, raqo presr.rilio and point oul llio mode of • *J. .S. lecting ouroiior’s fu03 in the several coun ties of this Stum Wle ro is, tho laws uf this State defining t! o duties nfnorunor* in taking i quo-'* < n thn ho. dy nf a doiid per o.i, mid al*" defuii'i'ig their fi n*, h,vo out {iniutod out any inodofur tho col. lee.linn of tiiuao fees ; for renin,ty whuronf, Soc. I. He it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representative* oj the State of Gear, gia iu general nasemlily me. and it is hriet.y enacted hy the authoiity of the same, Tout fn ni und after h< pa--ago id* Ins uut. it - hull and may die in wiili hr the coroners in this Stale, to i huo au execution ig in-titie proper'y of ilia per on or es, ate, wim by tho exist ing laws .ir« 11uI>1'• in a-u id iriqu’t-iti'-ii for tlio mmmnt hCj his fee . in * >id casn, u liirii slmll )>o directed lo' amlleviud by u cnii-tublo of thn county, under tne -uiiioniUis and r> gnl ition* a* provided injus. ticca court, in thi* S ate. Soc. 2. And he further enacted by the author, ity afore ’said, T .at tlio coroner slmll ho enti, Ued to It.iriy one und a fourth coni* for is-iung said OXei'Utfuil. .km'. 3. And he further enacted by the author, ity of >iesaid, T ii I w ■ p; - t' laws, iiii-i ating agaiu-t this act, be und the name me Imrcby repealed JOSEPH DAY, Spuakor ofthe House nf Repro-cnt ilivcs. RUiiERT M. ECHOLS, President of tho Senate. Assented In, December 22. i8.')5. WM SCHLEY. Govur nor. jan 3ft -n An Act equaulhoriso il.oJudgcotTlie superior eouria U> IdtiitCItL KIXOKI). lvi'Kst u\ i'bs i'kus uvaurou ,ATKST ntTKS PHO'MIAVKK FUR LIVERPOOL Tboooppen'd -hip OGLE''I IIORPE, 4y^(‘mil June* Milt«r, ha* GOO hag- Col- tun ,o (Iv to go nn bourn, 'Utd ho' Ituitimn ho. ing iiulv 101*0 Img*. slio will * o ready ft r ho.i in ton d ,y*. F t freidt/ of ‘ apply "* AN DREW LOW A CO jan 30- ,. DKC. 17 •V ivannuh Exports, January 29. p„r lirig Rcmnlu*, for Providence—650 bn lei Upland.and 53 hale* Sea Island Cot'on; 43 halo* Wool; 100 bu*hoH Groundnut*; 1 cask Rice. Por lirig Ceres, fur Havre—G36 b il«* Uplmd nml 107 bale* Sea island Cotton { 299 casks lii-ce; 200 Staves. Per l)r. brig Norna, f.r Liverpool—-873 balos Upland Cotton. Por brig Nun, for tho West Indies—101,347 font pitch pi c Lumber; 22 700 Shingles. Pur brig Abigail Richmond, fur New York 0200 culm: fuel Live O tk. Pur Snbr Exact, for New York—150 bile* 0.i;tun • 25S na*k* Ilico; 33 ‘ bushnft Groun.'. nut-; 97 nrl* Flour; 4 b ties Skins ; 10 packages Mer. lundise. Charleston Exports Jan. 27. Coponhigen.—Bng Pomhruke—7 baba Up. land Cotton, ami G9 14 tea Rmo. Havre.—Brig Ma*aasuil— 1G9 bales S I and 117 Upland Cotton New York.—Brig Mnsca—2874 bbls Rico, 203 btlo-Cotton ami Mdxo. Beaufort, N C.—Sclir Su-an Benjamin—10 tierce* Rice and •undriea. Aitgosta, Jnu. 2S.—Cotton—Since nur last review iltero lias been a good demand for this jxrliol - ip mir mark, t, and pricos ore ab-mt tho • line as la-t no ;ccd. The receipt* continue li^lr fur tlio season, and very liitln Cuming in is finu Fulton. Prim* and druce continue scarce ;i re much sought aftor nnd moot with ready salo at. onr hi«he-t quotation*—common and mi l. ,||i„g ar" plenty and aim in fair demand,—the quantity oil ring i- very limited The sale* FUR AUGUS TA The Sut.nnboat TIJGA. LO, C»pt 'Vray, will do. pa.t T o- F.vouiug with I i\v hoot*, fur freight or tim utoamhoat ofliue NV \l TAYLOR, i>. s. it co. FOR AUGUSTA The Iron Sto rn boat C minin'.’* Sloamor JNO RAN DOLPH.Capt Cre-s reel', vt ill depart ft r tlio above pluco THIS DAY, 30lli instant, witii two tow boats. For fr i"!** apply to 30 C F MILLS, Agont. lilt! h.'voral cmintiuH hereiimller name,I, ku 411M1 . al | ucuuiiiiis f"r cost* .red ullior loci, dental ox|,o„,, ,.s | 'o :| ., | ,|l. ; ■* •">• **"•«; of CtiuroUce limi t ••*, u luor Um c I, VI» ul Un* St.t", and l«i provide lur the pay. men' ol iti" s ime. .See 1 //•-• it enacted hy the Semite and Houst uf lie prase nt a lives «/ the State oj Georgia ni genual utsi ml'.y mel, audit is hen by enacted by the. authority uf the same, Tha Im.u aim ut- • r tlio p i-.-ugc of Ihi* util, llm Judge of tho Sii. permr cour •• of iho inaiitiiis ••! C. iirekee, Cam, C nu. F.uyd, F u*y h. Giimcr, Paulding, Lump, kin. More’-y’ Um u nml tV.ilkurbo, and ho is hereby uuiiioriX' d, u' any court bold in tlio unU'iliii* ul' r< *ii lg lo .nidi' ami liquidate all uc G'lUlllS Ilguillbt thi; OoUllllOrtufolOKUi'l, lot - CosiS in criminal can •* (w lieu there is m indictment f umi ojmihi an I mil n mid lie shall bn unable to pay too sumo,) arising out of the iirrost nr prosecution of any Cour kce Iiiuiun in llioir r". Kpnctivn eounties, provided, ihat iho sumo bo done according to tlm fee iml uf tins State. Sue 2. And be il farther enacted hy the au. t/ioiily aforesaid, Tout all the account* nr bills for tins.s liquidated us utmo-iiid, und signed' til- ci illy hy the judge “1 tho respect live ciunniv afort-ai'd* iliull be pre*euli!d to the governor, who i* hninby authorized to draw hi* warrant up n i||i- ir.-u ury for ilm same, pay .hie ouloi any fu. d nut uihnrwiso appropriuicd. Soc 3 And be it further enacted by the. an thority aforesaid. That nil law*, and par's <»I I w* milituliu ’ againsi .lu» and ho and Um sau.o uro hirohy repealed . JOSEPH DAY, t Speaker of llm House m Rnproserttativcx* RUBER I’ M. ECHOLS. Pro idiuit of the Senate. Ai*ontvd to. Dncumlior 22, 1835 NVILi I AM SCHLEY, Governor, jan 30—n Brought lo Jail, « N the 21*1 J -iiiiury. JOHN, about 20your< ofugn, 5 It'*** 8iuuh'* high, who say* no linlnng* in Mrs. John E. Pope, living on Hill n Head l*l.ind, S. ('. jan 22 Y. S. PICKED. Jailor. Mess ami Prime Pork. yr i; ECRIVED by the brig Gcorgit and sclir. DiU- Exact 100 bill* Prime Pork 25 do M - do 10 half bids do do, am! f r salo hy jan 23 CLAGUORN Sc NVOuD. Currants, Salt, Brum s, tfec. DDLS fresh Currants, 100 bx* table Suit jan FuR CHARLESTON. Tim bplciiriiil steam pack- oi WM.SE NBROUlv, Uuhoi*, Muster, wi'l leave ^ i.i* fur llio a ho vi'i in Mon. day M'lruing u 9 o’eluck, preciioly Forfroigh or passige, apply jan 30 hoard, nr tn CLAGUORN & WOOD. Notice. A I.L persona having < laim* on tho under . yL signed Commit- e f r jriicle* lurni-liod fur'he equipment of troops .m Fl'Tidn, in pur. aunnne nfilie rnanlutiona adopted ut tne meet, ing ofoitixonson Saturday last are req'.tireil to have tiioir bill* presented to either oftlm Co'*»- milten, piovioun to 12 u’cl<>' Thi* Day.— The arc unit* tt ill then hu tin.liy olnaod, and no larlher nivinent* will li * made. R ' Ill’ll KING, l c , t G. B. LAMAR. [ " ‘ NVM. DUNCAN. ) 1 ° - HulHc. rnVlIS E-aningut ilm City lletolsomo splon. H dill 0.1 Panting*. A low cli.ncea r remai reto b« r filed tor. jin 30 40 bx*. Prune*, Gil lb-. Cocoa 150 lbs Allspice, 108 do .Madeira Nuts 150 do Brazil d", 210 do Ahuoudu 1 DtJ Ii x<>* superior brown Soap 10 dn “James Rivor" Tobacco 3ft do Sperm Candle*, just, received and lor sale hy C. L. MCNISH. jan 13 (Jdtton »u Dock. - 415x1; Ni.S w nted for 'ho brig CHARLES *17 JOSEPH, for Heaton Apply "■ jan 87 NVOODBH1DGE Sc MAY. Missing. 4 SMALL hex containing machinery, irn-k* ml "A Smith, Hartford," landed from ship Celia Any inter n i'ion roapeotmg il, would be thankfully received hy jun 27 TUP PER & S1STARR. (.'ream Alo. C DHLS Mounrcy’* Creuin Ale. Finding „„d for sale by MICHL DILLUN. jnu 23 I’rancis Sorrel | f OFFERS for Halo landing from tchr. Marion 4 P front B diimore : Iftft BFILS Rock spring «*'in 10ft bid* Howard Struct Flour 5-1 keg* Ia*«'' Lard jan 19 Havana Segars. ,M Il'ivnna Sogar* of superior qual ity and choicH brand*, for sale in 10 lot* to suit p r. Lia: rr, hy G R HENDRICKSON