The daily Georgian. (Savannah) 1835-1847, February 02, 1836, Image 2

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I T9IT OffORGIAN, auonGiAir. , » wililiut It. r"»lt*HKU or THK I.AWI ru.ui nuts •• s r i 'h r nT r.'M'ii. : LUbUCU, of T'I*C IKIO’I. : LI'JIIT DOlA.ilW s rive imi.i.aM. I rMl Adrtr tierin' nttappr*' ii i.oth paper* .< | Major Itrnton'a '• ami* ir Jrllfl gi*/ rrpirt of th* di»a*tron$ '•} fro I nf l hr J.lUrhmmt »( >hf l.'n-frd State* | tr ■*>/»• under the aalUnt Motor Dade. of lhr 1 6,* Jfolffmrrt of Infantry, whuh*^«n rj, 2*/l»/ U.r.mhr, '] In d* »' Inn lit r«in»i«*C'l of Ms)'** »’"»> » P-ooimov of Lifsniry. Cspl Fratnu'* minijiiny „l l!nUj Regiment ofArl'IIory. and *'»!»*• »• ■'• uincr'i mitijiit' V of thu 2d Arijllnry, Iwing ■«. tr niil"ii i n tlm line of maroh fr*>m ‘I •i , »»| ,t * J*■»v i ««ft r f l- wrl King, to I'moi # junrtioii willi Gem r 1 *1 Cl,rirli, no (Im WithUcinHjfuio This an- • ■ :n*. thro® «f«r- b ' ,r " r " ‘7 n. Cl.nrli cunrusndod, of which j Ihi* dead null wcundud, worn u*ed against them; o or..-* Hut out 0urn u su.'ce**um o.’ir'i|hiii»t I *1 tlii* fine*, from which forty nine round* worn j fund—-Iho gun (••(,in^im trum burnt, arid ill® „'irm Mink in n pmd. A war dan™ war hold i mi lli® ground—-m my rirgr.aia wnr,* in llwfieldi hot no scalps were taxon by Urn Indiana, lull Hi® negro®* ' cruel) . ph-root. tlm tlirou s ■ f ill. who.® Iond cries and g'osns showed tin; pnffor of ljt#» i . im ym .trmg Tho «urvi»nr» wife pru-arvnd hy ir«ji ii»o*t ilouth, cxeopiing Thomas, who »v .* puijy stiff d, «iid bought hi* Im Ihr it dollar**, and in hi* enemy rneogtilteU an wltwaia*® Ii® hid helved a fi w d iy* halnr® ntlhU pu-t. Annul one hundred In Uu* cera wall mo’mied, nuk"d, slid |»iiol<*d. The It l iiuii who c iinn m brought a tint® IruttiCap- l on 1'raZor, sddrnmod to M jnf .Moiintloid, which was t'o-lennd in a el* ft s'iek and slock in a cimik, dated, as it ia siippc-ed on tlm 27lh, •tiling Dial limy uiiiu he Mil ®v®iy night uiid pu-lllog mi. Willi regard to Ilia nTur* nfihi* post, I have to stain that the Rohr M.ttn, th ugh d.ily ca peciad, Inis not ynl arrived. Tlm iJoinnc* a li no Ih*uii soomwliul cxlioiihd und striinglilhened - the old <J a lit "M<*ui*tii t hl> liarn Miti'idy ..bolide, ttud—and >•« uuxiously await tndtiance and store*. Tie* (•.irnaoii is h' .ili!iy, and I havn ‘ ‘ lelurn T h’ltllc, whom (» wv h«t« »Ftw»ly jtiven an account, I’nitT Haoo.'n. rimida, !»• lamnuy, I s Id y., n: J h»4 t mhonor t« adviao you, »u the |til,» |)o C nin‘«r, vii |*u|is i>f! ». of i*«® coiifsn ol ■ v *eu is her*', to thit da o Thn scHwnat M* n'« I caused in nmh-vrk nu ttnntd nt th ...... arrival on th ’2l»t llacflinhi’f from K®v 'Vest port to New Orloans, several fsinilms. nude wj. w »h fir,*v®i ,Mi)ori»nla ind tu< ••oiiipuny A j dow* and orphnis hy tlm fatal hatll® of Wiihls 39 Si roil/, w III a •mall «i|»|»ljr "f " ,u k " b « .rtrid'f.s, all. r looking in at savral P"int« twoon tlm K y it’l l ihia (»laoa. llp|ti|F Hma i® n- f ri-n.l, I ha |tut* d no longer In tint ikIhoo 1 . c iii’ii’v 1 v. (<’ 2d Arullsri. and Fnalor'e «"«»• ,, ,ny 'It d' Ini iiitry III motion fr l"ri Kin*f, ui'wimi in (r'lii’id t'Uneii’a order ; which inovanr nt lud bo« ii ord'Med on thn Ihtli, and •napnnded thnium' day, >m lumuutil ®f iti»«lli f-ri. n I had ruerdrad off ® fiifoo "f the Moka • n hi® , in.I their-trong poal'hm, mur the forki ofthe Wilidaijoochio. I dn«pnichod tho pith- )m acli". n-r M-1'» nit tho iW with l.icuumnd It me hi, 2d Audi iy. fu K'-y Wi-*, for n hail.. ry >d two twelve pioindura.nnd »u«di olhnr.turns a could Itu servicaaohi i airl d fi "’t.loflk on tin* aiili, tlm (jnrdinor's and K. aior's in ul. fd’v btyonota ci'di,by detail* Inon those ctunpiinas root lining li'TO, und with on® of ill** two ».ix p..tinners of hi*posl, with four .itnii I had ordered 'o Im purdi iwh! one light wagon, and ten days pu«v.stunt, wore pill in m uch. Tin lir. i in.I' ol this command w.m .it Idttlo Hill*tK>n>nvnr,-evosnmtna from lids po-t ; the lrid/0 III winch I hii i roconnoiinrod i-y Imlmnr of Kmartias'a h’.n-USp' dny hoftwe From ihi< 1 hoard from .M joi Dude, prossmg mu to lor wan) the six pounders hv ell mentis, having been lull, ir-oit tlm I ifure of llm Umio. four miles out. 1 arc rdingly ordered the purehasn of three hois. s and hariio*»; eml it |rmied iFl.i c Ilium ai nine that night. Oil lit” ti’iflii nflliu U ltli, | heard ‘that the iminporl, With .Major MouiiIIomI and cointuiiy, long and attxi oaly t «IH». tml, w V in the b y I sent ul one o'clock a lult 'r |o hiMl, (rmeived at i.uyli/ht.) by an In. dwft l it res , utguitii him on, lie I tided unh his strong c"Mi| on tie. 2. r » li alni il llooo, nnd infv'Ttnnd nwlhvi Iwgain - * e.uu'p«uy, unit r J.ieiii, tiijivson un.irly foil, must ho near ul hand t»V»ht- M j*»i Dul”wa» tnlurmed hy >i most g iilaui volun’ior, Je'vell. 1‘ omupany, 2d Artillery, who had left the dni u hiin nl »i hlhn in W" of the Ii irnmg of |lig llill'horu' llruige near winch >1 ijor It h d hulled 'he B"eondrt.iy, a.illi I alan uifonnad him that I wus m iiig •'•cry exertion in posh on ili.iot 111 hundred r.i lions on p.u |f horses, with wnal ainoniliou uouhl Ini sp .red. A dopliealc of this tv <a sent the next day hy a young | uli.iii who bonuine lume ami omild not nv.-r| ik" 'Im ouhiuiii, mid i- turn - rd with Ins tellur-. I’r Jm« oil ji.iued M | >r Jt.idashmii II o'clook on the night of the a.iilt. In tiie ulivi'i of evctva, it i- pf per that 1 alouiM inaiilloli ilist three’I* ills " ludi naCiime in on the nvei.i .g nf iho ‘did, and > so •«'! great nxeiloiiinnt hi I'ih-e K uirtl is a caillit 'I'tiey broiig i a lalk of liiiraiinini* of a pinlin *>r n> u tr il eh iMotor, or they alli'ctod it) bo I ladn vo not distinctly. Until after I had made them pm. oner , while hi fnllunuoail with Mmirtla-' war. rior*; Winch .lop I e u-idoied imperative, u li e w re spies, mid m much s • il th y wnr® rluigurf wito any pr.’.et t'loiia lik dy in detach the ll.uufs from tlm Ireii'y, or mdo ii, hy m m-t ol sell devotion, to take th" sculps of I'oiiarlla, It'« k.'irt, and II g warrior, fuliif.d chi l'», wh> Il Ihjoii lliinle I io flu* W >y sinee tlio se ilpmg « f Clltafles Koi rllw. Inn wwtiii’il with ('inimU la 'Ini iiigol, Major D.kIo oX|irersed Very non* li iviieu to Indi m oinrmitep, and p>rti' uh.rlv up- on Mu sulul.iiy i.ill’iiiiioo of Abraham up n Mic. o vipii t>o rditiun, I leioued iwii nflliu i iiprisoiiu-l Ta|l.ts«oc* a- hus :*, and sent the y iu g”«t a”.I bast ruuiior wuh 1"" rs to (i. u. t’lmoii .nf <» .ii. To ’ .i|i on, via linrnno/i'i, a* 1 c • i d dniiu iicl -r. and nfooiirsu lljrougo .linn- IlilOl'i l.Hal. Tin so lutiur*. of nour ®. invtilveil iiumy ih tails; hut umnhii—ami nllo-t litvin, to guoTil against treachery, vver. rlalcil ii I'remdi. The r moor rciorncd two o >va h. y.iiid In. tiuu<, with a ill shape irniu Abniham, and lirukeii Slicks, *la»itlg uy talk w a a good, iilil Ill’ll I miifhl «•*. pool lll’O oil thn 3dill T'li* WO iVaolv rondcr. Ml. i'at he would hit ul th* attack lit .1 for 1' .ristmas week A uogro In» i.ili nalo, nmno.l llairy roun ds llm 4*»»« Crmk banu ol aboiH one li'iudrmt Woriors, forty nuloa sn.ilh owl of il*, wh • have done mo t m Ifni ii.eadiuf itaid keep Il.ia posi oons'untly nlM*. vtsj, und cm- niumcMio with llm Mmiaoekcana at Wilhla- m o n< hy mean - of powurfitl bind* «f Kulol. Jali* ami Alali irs, undm l.itl!« t’louil and llio Alhgit r. In tu.cing M ijur Dade’s nn»M». Ill' ols. I Ii®v vny r a-oil In Imli 'Ve that ho nv nle on ihr, -u miles; S7th, to Uig " I'hlifloocheo; mi llm llitu dny, (2dth,> to the baitlo ground, six’v live imtes, tiem it uny i.u p opT to si ite, lint M ijor Moonilioil'-uouiiini.d win ready lo min., on the Jlbn. Im* i e Tr n*p..rt, in .vliich was a «■ ■ opsny of .1 \ lilli ->■ iititlur IA Oray* m, j uiiiiirtumUiiy uolered Hie wrong biy .,g,.| I"'" "hosl w .1 r. uni vv is n o hum, or onrlalu , !v iiii.ii .I oi', til lie uiprnoig of to i 2Sm Hoc, »v by Mm dog m par y wiilia il igaa n Mgmil, ! I •leol nsn ii wa« pul m {Ki-susmok nfivvsi n . I’m , anil fit.d d Iiis company at a p int four ! inou> went nf 'is, on the ea t Hide ,,f I'.nnps D v (pro|Mii.) mid joimt.l ul Nipmet mat uve wingi in* 'rmisport md not get u <d lo laud ' hi . hseg'ge (III III :i Im ; SO long an jiilorvil, I ■ -•"pul III ill'll’ Ola | no one.. ’ H ii, ami Major .Moiin loro's baggiirn tvja unia 1 -"-i- Now it hrooiU'* my iu"f(ucl|iity doty to pr . ! coed tu llio catastrophe of ,iiis lan d l».iuii, .III | elite ot energy, patriotism, military skill, uno ) c n.lant uniirago. Oil tin* 2!hii, m m,i upm. iv «m, a i. n t nt vny vimpany, Jno. Thoin is, und 1 to iiporai 1( v traii.lerri'd l, t' company, -.'.i A' | till ry, cmiio in, sml yo«'i»''hiy )V. J{ lochee. 'J'licse sio racommui dnd tu llm kind, lie s nf tho cotilinalidieg oiH air*, mid i have ordered the d<ahurs<niii'iit io Ini cove led by llio Q'lufii riMUslor'- D. p irtingnt. Tlio vessola on. '/'god for the aniigr-ling India >s lo roiidi-xvoiis • re on tlio I3rli i s', hum in pari arrrived, Mj nod « schooner from Now Uiloans widi provi sions, mukiiig ill all live. We have had no >:iiuimumuNti ii wiihthe Flnnda (luud nirhirs on anrsu'ij el conii"i.ted vviih iho piild'u s.’ivicu •mro l «r ii« <r f> ur week*. Un thin day the iljs (nbnlioii ofpruvnioii* under tlio lr«aiy com- iiiottc®*. I'nder an nxislmg nr dor, 1 luvn so fur oonsiilurcd mv oll aii I hive so fat consider. i *d my-oif an Indian Agent, as to aUlhoriaa the*'s, and tn lake nica urcs l',,r the sneiirily nf llm deposit of providim, hy diatrilm ing the n in llio Transports now anolmrod in tlm hay, This irruug' 1 cannot roporl u* ouinph’io, bill itopn losiiOOeod %V11II*sviI Iddilimial cxpeiHO. Tn land tho*u provision at • hi« post, where alro’idy so much public property t* trraiuudi ddy ok posed lo conll igriuni in the event of an it. lack, and mil protected by a successful defence of iho place, would in-un it** daairiielioii, and perhaps ctviah all hopes of umigntinn. These pfoceoding* will, 1 trust, bu approved hy the See rotary of War. In cmiclu ion, I hag leavo In remark, lint ■ueiiare lio ludlin coiiiliinnlious, lliut il not Oiiiiaideiail practicable to f.irnn or keep often a auuiiiiiinieatmtl with 1' ot King iviih le-silmu a well appointed mid in*lro ti d form ol otin llmil • mil men. Tlirou mit of four hr.dgc* ar« do- truyod, und two fords urn vary iliUhtull, and the country ui iy gem r dly bu dcscibud as a series • •I 'WU'iuh: id"* and dulUes, I Ii vo llio honor tube, very respectfully,your (dtcdiuui servant. F. S. UFA.TON, (‘apt. 2d Ar'ilh rv C iuipiiiiy. To thn Am. (, 1). S. A VV w*hvngl«m, From I Ac Moron Mrss>»grr. The Annual Confbrimnn ul iis hitm Si , s*in|l, took int" c msidorulion the auh|uet of Alioti'i'iii and Itv their uumuiiiiC" reported llm loll .iving resi'lutioiiN winch were ordered in h" published in llio New I*iper* throughout the Kioto Kesfilvod iinuniniously by tlm (jnorgia Annu. al (limfuri'ttce, that wo r' g ifd the ptiuuiph's and conduct of Northern, auuuddle. sume, d-uvgwrwu*, and uuulirFtnvu, tmiug alike uppomul lo Iho principles of our g. verunienl, mid to the spirit and letter of the goaptd. KuhoIvmiI 'h it a ininisinra of the go»pe|, will every ivhoro inculcate the piincip) .* nf oIn'iIioiich uni f’litliliilui’NS niriougsi llio slaves, und Dint vv® will nut rncairn any puMiuation, nf •tu inHimatory or iii-ii nctioiiary churaotc or (hunk th >sn who may Nnnd Ihoin to us, A line Copy tlio iiiiiiiiI*>m. JOHN HOWARD. From the JhrhtnunU /inquirer, tU K.NliK IN Tllli ntisNA i B. " Wakiii.miION, Jail 18th, If.Vi, " I have |n»t ii'iuiiiod from a amnio of dm nit.iro t (■• tho h"tior and glory of llio H- veri iiimiiI iiiui pn plii o| thi'iu CniU'd Stales; an luiwi’V i l luay hunt boon s'artlml uw firmer «v« • a*i"iis u n ipiilu sum tin' si rm period of in Uhi hwvu l r dmimvd lw vh» nioiic c (ion "f u Uuessing in the p.rsMii of a mosl i.,lm tod st.ilu man,so told a dimdnmnin "f tho pm eipal nf iinini/iith ii ir. md .Vniorm uiixiu, is (hi iiimiilu-loii ny Mr t’ulhunii, nf tliu hen to, n the pr> soiilali"li of tin’ IVu-idoiilV Me*N’ign, o this day, aolicorolllg oilf rolili"lik u itli l'lalic ’• .Viler Die reading nflliu Als>-.g" mid II iiou<'iii|i'iliyiiig ihiCinueriiN, In n full l(' ii*n no gdltir.iw crow dnd lo "ppin.Ninn VI r lluiielian i "I !\i. in a lew porliuiuit remark-*, alike hounr hlu lc bis head aiiu heart, draw a lowing pu turn nflliu wrings mid insults wo hid ual.ijuu nl tliu hatuls uf the pit. pie and guvctuiticiit n Fran®.:, ind nf llio iii.igii uii'iiou • f rli. ir uce nKi ivt’d and ptvcii *nI oo thw part th F Mit»s, under accumalaled wrongs dinl (bn m- si ulsilll! illllll'U of acknowlw ol tlvo oounlry to pu«h ii truth or fuIscliOrNl. knowing ones. It ia crjJited among • The final |**iie of our difliciihica willi Franco, is mill manor of *|H"!iilalion—and 1 run not rj«k an ’'piriinii which would bo sahsfac l"ry to myai lf # V AT 4T 4 &. f TDIITDA V MOICMNH. f'KjT 2 ( In;|A. Thumsaton, Xebulon, Fiyeltvillo, Knoxville, Jacks..n, Cwiutubuh Distii-.t, Ool'imbiis, .M ii cogoo, Lumpkin, America*, Uchoo, Talbott on, tJrernvilte, II.mull i.u, “ ' Tit the ulur.ajiaiifjlrd hatiiur, oh, long ware u (Prt Ihr land of the frtr anil Ihr home of Ihr brave!* DEMOCRAT 1C NOMINATION FOR RRESIDENT. MARTIN VAN RFIICN, UV NKW VI. HH. ron VH F. PRESIDENT, UlCIIAKD Jl. JOIINKON, OV KKNTCCKV. Tiikathk—Henrfitof Mr. Young. Mr Young tokos a H'-uefit to-night If** wit* ono of the original company lliut li st performed in tho Havuunult Thcairo, under the iiinri igeuiunt of Gtlfurl, Mr Young h is always iiuiMitaitti'd tn* character us a lirsl.ralo stock actor, for two te non* past ho has been perfi.rniing iu our city' T< might ho ollina fur 'Uu u^ual (iimcftl at tliu end of (lie sea on. In order to gratify those who may patronize him, h® ha« secured Die aUfactive services «•( Mr. Mrs. und Mi-g Hi rue’s. Tlio pl.yj* the •' Fustic H pool re," a good singe (day. M . Y«>wug p* rforins th« pirl o'" Osmond,—a 1 character familiar to him from hi* repeated per* solution* of it, in the principal Theatres of Die Union. Angela will bn stiatiiincd by Miss 11.irons, and Hvulina, hy Mr*. Harm's, while the laughter-stirring Motley will find his old ropru. Mjntmive, llvnuti. IVe ho o that Mr. Young may meet lo-nigh a full hoiisii as a reward fur his exertion*. A company *»f voluni®®’* have boon fortued in Darien to proceed to Florida, to bo under tho command nf iJim. (’illicit, at (lump King, mid will proceed i t (lie sto iniboal Florida lo 1'icn- iutn. Tlio llank nf Darien lias advanc 'd tlio mean* fur their cipiipuianl. Is tins not worthy of pruizo. The Northern paper* nil no!uni iho occur, renen nf .ovoro ann-v-storms in that vvigiwn. I’ in weal her hero fur iho past ton dn>'», lh"iigh nlnnr, Inis been intensely cold, thick ica being form- ed every night* No cir.ut was prudilund in X w York in alnoks or olhcrs in illors, by the Fro-uloni's Spe cial Message. f"H TIIK UKOHOI vN Jim. W. Sufr. C I. Hayes, M lleUiili. J Donw «ly, VV |{ Smgl. ton, Gi,«. A. (bappell, P. F H Fierce, Tu Lo suj'plied, N. Kmi'b, ('. Faulk«nHury, To lie s.)ppli"d, VV. |). Matthews, C. A. Drown, J. limiter, VV. VV'. Itwbinaen, J is. Jones T. Ham ford. to next general conlerencc, L. Few, W. J* ParltM, .S. IL UodgM, B. Sinclair. J. ll"Ward. Warrant of« hitler from u genllcirim in N**W lid veil, to lino in Now -York, which w» believe cmilain* nonio liirits lliut lutv be profiiublc in other sodion* than those for which it psrlicola'ly in' tjC'h “ VVh' ii I C'liiiiiionet* I t'li* Idler, it was not «o ranch n.y de ign t" s ">k of any parli -ular Kid II lid, list' give ill" Rail llo.dslnck of our great tltumugliCirtw u proper pi cn in ymre-ii. niaiion, and d u in til" estimation "I’lhe wh'dc coinnmnily- I lately saw in a pi»p<*r a rmnark undo by "iio nfoiir greilnsl S aie»iir*n, viz:-- • That t>" time would route idirn iuftlmrnlu in If nil Had* would be * ugh t for hy Till Iter* and other*, tehn wiaheA to make pn manrnt in- rerltiient*. n Thu riccoi d"striiciiv® fir.’ in V"Ur oily, sin Die very great losios to wbiuh H baa sulij. cled many nn ' rphsu and widow, brings llio-ubjur.t to my mind with great j ner; and such in al present my opinion in vio.v of the pridaronce many of our i» i ’ Hoad stocks ought to have uter mo t oilier proptr'y in p. int of *o- ciiriiy tbui I sli.illaivail my. idl'ulTlils investing pruiwiriy nivw iu my hands fur others. Why mo not ,omo ot onr II ill Road Blocks a* safe as government stock* ? I*i it not true th«l u government is Hihjecl to ntoro vicissi'udc- limn U il Road*? I - it not possible that changes and crciMutancu* may put it out of tlio power of government to meet its nugagnoiciils when the ehnrlorod Rail Hoads would rernum *laldo and 4,1 fe 1 Htifuro I leave the subjo' t I wifi incur tlio rosponsihi'ity of prndicling, wh it I vviali you to noliC' 1 , Vii: —" Thai in four year*, the Hart ford and AVic Hun n Hail Hand Stuck will In fill to 100 per cent ahore par, and that Hail Hand Storkh hi genet al will be iu great Jr. itifind,—Macon Mettenger. rcpiuacb t ' tliu character .flint naiioi, u nlgiin. til Fr .in’o Inrscll had siuni'iiud i moiii *iug all j. lunu mul rudely shut tho dour ufrecmicilj iium in our face, hy u propomtion, a* a nine qua non, which c mhl not baa veil-I to her, wiih >ut bu imUa*inn and disgrace—ami tUarofwre, Im hi .|»- Iy opprovoil too miur-oruaommundi'd in ihe .Me*, -ag" ns llm ttppr.ipnittt and "i/mfi ..), and al Die same »iilio the in si in derate which Franc" h nl l.'l\ tnirttr ctnneu " Kii fir a- I Uiiiild judge fmin iho cnunionau. ecs nl' b * iiiiinuiikii aiuiiuncv, Mr Uiiiieliiiliaii's views oppuiiriH t • mo to moot a thrilling resp usn of muieuiroiiun hy evo-y pursim proserit Rui ill s deius ve ■ hnroi wsh S"i.n bro|.eri by the u i Iv San dor fro n So ,th Far Tina, won look tliu liner immediately after VI r C had aimcbuild— and tliem ip'iii with haggard look*, mid poe io rwpriistmiuM-u of •• .DcA-.iiigfl nrinril," dohv iveil one of llm liio l an'i.Anierioun p'lilipiiw a>4 >ui t the cu irsu nf the Administration, which ra kling in ilico C'liild oonouivc, nr a French I'riuio Minister e"nhl dosirn. A* I undi nm ml him, Iui reproached the Ex. ecntiv" i* having fierii the b-’gmuing, «oicd a dmiblo put, ui.I wi fi a view In priuluro a nip. turn w.tb Frmioo—hi Wont ..ii to produco a "Uiu' er of wlnt ho nailed prunlii.tii u*lnbliali this obi.rg •, all nf w hioii iiad Ih’Uii a llimisund linins rofiilod by tl.u conciureii' vdeo of mou bugbis o f I Ii" Amuricmi people. Do also argu’d iliat x I'lrn, ol Bin,e Quiupmiy, with l"in wound-, j j. very a 'V*ro, and slsicd Dial mi action took 1*1 ico on Dm 'let n, co imi’ iiri .g al'init ten o ■ lock ; in w Inch every ' Hi itr lid;, unit nearly rv ry mail. Tlio cuinmaud unirvuc.i d vvory u . n ghl, and .h'"ii 1‘iiir iui!*sfrom iho h.|i wcr.’i i*|,.V'vvl,>il, atiaikod, and rneeired at Und lift«. •, round*' b j'i |ndi u w .* si'iai. M ijor Dmo unu It’* our* i wore both killed mi Iho fir-t nu, i, e id lle»4 torpru'er ’• l.mii* " (.1 Mmlgi, 3d *].’■......i.i i «... «,.t | r„,.jri„ H ,i„, ,i„, I, „|..I mcinsl S- V-O...I .lll,.t ,.,11, v m sails Lt. llk*oiigw,.id A n||n y, was not u<■ Hided till after tiie *< c .ml attack ; .mil t th i laitor pirt •’t'dial. In u in vviiunui i several till"* I*. 1 TO lie! WIN to II (hawked. Fip'aih t .a 1 diner, 21 A lid -ry, w.i* not wounded ouiil Inn ®" 'mid attack, and *1 Die ls*l pari of j.. .Mr, Fl.i*ing.»r, after (! irdinur was kill, cd. turn irswl. *• I tut tlm only oilie r left, and, Il ys we will «o Hi® best ivn cull." I.i Ko-ye's. #|t|| |( .*li A.-lill uy. hidh dh arm* broken Uiu fir*l*imt, j "fVils'iillu-i' •• < iiuaiil • to r ; and \v »* touiahawked, llio d •* with guint faith"— Dial right and jmiic" wore un tiiu’ ,,f |,or mimsiry, m.d llial if wur muim!, tie) t, spon*i bdlt \va» ’il"ne on the should'r® of Dm i'ivsi. dent, who i ,d .h,mi no good thing in rel.u) n (., all'll , hut had willingly proiluinn] rv •tv wrong t.. which the country hid been or I kcIv to In* Milijuut (I Hu oven with u hostile tlci’t tmveriiig "Hour diacour *ed every thing in the way of aimanieut, in ,. |i.i|,i first gun wliioli ow, Wniilil he re g .r led as a de.dar..t:oii of war mi our p,rt, und I tho Fr on ell ll" I Would pr<.ri’iid to phuulcr our j coniiiieree, ni l lurn tlm ijof reprisal ng.. |u-t j us j cono'ipMiitly, tint lli® course of ptud' imu, i win, ti"| | . add io the pruvoudi-ui und r uliieli ”"r tu er sis wme now Btaggiutug Fon*ti,ms, a I .mi, that I* i j* l»ii a l .iut ouiline of the . of iIn' s*i»po >i'd tenor nf Mr. Fallnan.Vremarks 1 and probably Dial I miacouceiri-U him in noiiiu rthl.dl I «.h uld Im» gra’ ..riiw ''y j *m!u ,'.w rW '""™ J,’.. lie.ider»on had ln» li ,: l arm broken thn in si fi e, -0-1 .for that with a wm-k«T lim.l at least thirty or forty nool. Or. ii I’liii was iml k:!.••«< Until after il.e •>,■0 md nUne..,m<r was Im wound, rii; lie j.l-ieud nin.snlf Im .iotl the bruastwork, and with lw*. d-oiift®. urrett -d guns, raid, ”|,e had Inrr.ds for iliem." (’np'siii Frazer I’ll early in Dm aeli*m whli III** advanced guard j 11*0 >0111 of hi- i.’.uiipany, (Il 3J Arlil. lory,) who uaiiro in I.u* n.nin iu.1, r*?- porla. On the a'lack limy worn in c-Jutim of rout.; end ufter ruemving a heavy fi.o irm.i ttieiiii.imi. en 'iriv, iboy than ro*o up Ul su.'h a sw irm.ilnl tlm ground rover**®.! un was Diough 1 , by high: InfaiDry uxlnociou, ali.iwed the lodiansbi’tw®. 0 tn® tile*, Musket- wor® xlu’.. od. knives «<ni 1 (•avonol* uxvl, md . p rues eh i.*he*l. In tin jiaenod Auuuix, our usn'* inu*, Inn, M.. I . -hull appear tor hims*-Il' Judging, us «|,®.r. dv inli'iiil’d. Mr. Fallc in.', .ibseiv Hons woie iiiost unfavorably tvreiwd ; fi r us iniicli a- a general so»w| I'cmunri |n p ’rvide Die cnng>"ga tod as-ombly—win. ii. in a f.-w uiiiintes, wn H m”'l happily dispelled, hy one -f tho 111...1 nia . tn- Iy rebuilt’.* c unpriM'd mal'w wm.ta ftoni Mr. t?ul!ibrrl of Finrgi.i, t. at a paired heart emild conn ive, or umpired longue express. And llii- I -Ii ill 11 "t jtt 111 pi to dTi’K uio, In'Cju** thcie i’* no pn>.»i<*n in a pen. Tin* rOVel was app relit ami p’oiv.i ng a bright sunbeam through a ill nl.) cloud. “ Fi- said Dial l»en. Hern rd, of Franco, has krdt»ii a let to) t.’-oine lii"d futicti<nury hero, which, wh n p'lbll.nod, *1 i|I pl.iro rcr.,in ,|j,. iingiii-h*s| per*.ms ju no enviable light, m rwli. t ou.i • 'be Fmii’h (pies’jon. ® ill ink*- At tim reqiiO't <d several of V0111 subscribe* l|u> following st ithmi nf proiteho s nf tlio Gcor. gia euiDbrciicii i* li.iudud u<r puhlicil.on : S tat inn*. Fteachrr't Namrs, S ivinmDi Di -triet, John W Tu Iy, P. J). S.ivannnah, Jan. E. Bviiis, BtJik River Mis Dun, J. K Godfrey, Cherokee Hill do. NV. Quumock, Skidiiwny and Wilining. t'ni Mission, Jnn. ft D 1 vi*, Litilu (Igii' eheo and Big Jon. VV Rumahart, Ogeoohun Mi**|.»n, Alfred M ft .tty, Liheriy Circuit R S. Wilson, Duricu, Tu bo -applied, Ogeecheo, Ale*. Gordon, Springlhdd, T. C. B-iming, Augit-m District, G«<*. F. Piatno, P. F. \ilgiia* 11, To bo Niipplied, W irriugf.'/i, Jim. (’ Simiiimis, Cnhtnfi’ia, W. P. Arnold, Milledgnvillo, C. DinfurDt, I barilla*. C Raiford. Sand-rsvillo, D. Bird, O. R. Franklin. Sp irlia, J Curior, r.iueolnlnn, .M II. While, Wuohingfiin, Ifl D. t' J.-hnenn, Wn vne*ih"rnogh. W. R 11. Mosulv, Mission In alnrcs in Burk «, l. O P,*’k, Talbihtiss"e District, Jnn L. lury, P. E. Tallahassee, J. Knnlin, Leon, J. Hullo, L w 11 le*, F. M Smith, Qiiney, R. NV J"lin-an, Gnd -den, R O-lind, F*wt G ii""*, R. Stripling, Nn*snu Mis um, S NV. ||ink ins, Allarhun dn. J. R.StniDi, St Vngu dn. 1' hi 1. SI. M .ry* District, (*"«. VV. Farter. P E. St. Miry*, Tbo Willjimi'nll, Raliil». J. *P. Turner, Lillie Oe.niiilgriW, J. E. EdtvnriTk, Ihwkln-vi'.lu, N. f*u 11 ay, Marlon, J.T. Steagall, Irwiutnn, A. Sniilli, Irwin Mi**i®n, Jnn. Jump , Aitamaha th>, To bo supplied, Agnnt fin- Randolph 51 con College, E. Sinclair, Agent* for Georgia Con, liir-nee.and Manual Jnn. Howard, Labor .Se.lmnl, S. J, Bryan. Athens Di*irict, Win. Arnold, P. F.. A' bona, J. Norman, W >ikin«villo, Jnn. NV. Glinn, l oxingtnit, T. Dniiglasa, Elhorton, G. N\*. Persona, J. M. Vest ills, Mm. me. T. P L-urnne®, Foviriginn, AN Ch"ir. , A Penning, ton, , Mmi*ie*-lji», A. M"A1pin, j Jlailison, C- NV. K»v, A Ray, Run’y, Cnrn'villn, * 1 . D. I.ow-y, Green'borough. T. II. CajHsrs, (’ber’keu Di-tricl, I-aao Boring,P, F. . ('1 .rk-villc, D. L nalliur, Gain-ville, V. Mabaffy. Liwnmcovillo, S Ihrcwi’ll, Decatur, Eli Bonne! (, McDmiiiugh, P» P. Smith, J.’flhrsoii, F. NV. Reynohls, F.iiroltun, J- NV. A’aibrnngh, NV.T J onus, (’m'on 'Ii-si"ii, S. Cramlall, Ciiniining dn, AN'# Graham, Ci#-vi!!o, T. S. Thoms*, •Macn Dislri d, Win. J. Parka, P. K. Macon, Alex’r. Stair, E itiDon, J. 1’ Di"kin*nn, Clin* on. J Pa 1nu, Forsyth, 4>. Anthony, A. R. KUi-.t, P TV. ll P Pitrkford, Finm the IVauhi ,gt<m (Hole. Mr. Fammi v xvn Mh. Rivki — Of Mr. Fj'- houii's I,do on Mr- Rive-’, the last Rtuii. iiiotid Inquirer, lias Die fulhiiving purline’ l BlrieUirea. It will ho auun that the pasndge of Mr. Hi von' letcr. churgril wi'.li boii-ling and tints cel's'lli'»g ih" Floneh is«)U«led, and tiicru in not s syllabic like uboa-t in it, “ Mi. F iftuiun labors ai.-emint for the tie. lay id'Friin. o m 1 om;-lying with her rulrinu cii. g ig"iiieul«. il" usenliur Dio dele at nf tlm ii r si i'.di'inniiy Ij.ll In Mr UiveH’Ifller, "imuNiiug of In* skill." mill lo iiN indiscreet publiuitti’ ii by tliu BxoniUVu. Tift- pinotiof) h is been n . uftmi riddled D1.1t iinihiug but ti*<n 11' un infu riated I''.’ ii 'iii’il should h vo hizardo a repeli. lion. It wo- tiumii k ’d in llin mo.t conclusive lluiUinT hv •* a ft teed nf truth." in Uiu Iinpur-ir ot J Hilary III, 1H35. Ho < xpliuitly pr-v-'S that there was no bail ‘Hag in !" K el--Dial ti". had riiuu-Iy ex.ires .an,' tin; opuiinn iu t|i< d mpitch wh uh inii-iniU'd tiie vre.'v, that *‘tlu> .inonut of iiiduiuiitiy »U|i.i!’i"d b> it might probably he *11 tin l<> pay Diejusl cl mills of our citizens, und ill.I tlm urM ,, g’.'unuil liu had made won, m other r os peel*, .* ich t* 1 Uglil 1 • bo uecupted hy Din ooiiillry, |,.>l il he recnlhcled, lliil Mr. Rive .ml oonilnd.-tl Di.s arr.itiireuieul. <11 in* own ro-pmisilnli y. Ilia inHlrm ii -ua Jixcrl im uiu iiuij!ie was .tiitii*.riz:<d lo accept iu ju-ti- lie (mu ..I .V'O’Uic’ui 1 l i.i.-, u*.r tho aiuu It* tva« lo sll’iw f'*r F"’"Ch Cl 11 '*. Th" m!'to(i*n» i'l'du' i’’* mi Frem h w ine*, in no.i-idruiioii of Di” uli ’inlonuii'Ml of D < i.iim» under the Silt uitiTo of thu l.imi‘i.n.11 tiofty, md DI Dm detail* ciniiieclnd willi it, wore, m liUn ui,inner, arranged by bun "0 III- in p u i. biiiiy. In necqiii'iug hioiNi'lfi.filHN rc.-p 11 -1 Inliiy—no very light mic, wboo the ui.giiiiidn und I'ofiriicy I'l i.u i .1 test* i»v.i:v. d ,iro u n sidui'uil—-w in ho not In Im |M*riiiil'<-<l, in nun niiinic *ti"g Dio rvmil' oi'h;* labor in in , own go. v* rnnii’i t, lo stale fac t* and olivcrvatmn wlncb which h« ludi®veil i" ho well fouitdi-d mid true, i" jnri’ulietioti of luiiueli fr tin* .irrangniuoot he had mstie, Tlmt hiadoip'luh vv* enneeived in lhiw-p ! r. i Dtui iiuiiu oD.i r-th it ii cmituin- especially, im ho st of nrerrtilrhiii'g. ii"l"»!< 10 slimil.ilo for what, il wiin (u'lui'Oil, might bo “ nujlinirnt" to pay "" i l tuii.*, InM no more Dnu Milibdiml, i , aeiairdiug 1 > the -y-lein (ifoilln*** pr fi’H** d by the modern Whig*, in overreach—tliu* -nuti is Ihe I rim elnracl *r mill pirit of.Mr. Ri .npair-h, 1,0 candid iii.m, who will ro.»d U, Can fail to porouivc, or huaitntR to admit." Tlm Ri'buiond Empiiror, nn will he seen bn 1 w, lUtpreH os iisl .iiis)iiin iil n| Ju.ige WuimV bringing hi* private *|>irrult* into tlui" of lli" UillindSttilce, SiippoN.'evm r Sunalnr w In. h ul, of silppn-i’d ho had, cause of couiplunl against a newspaper, sli old got u » in Di it bodv a id disomhngtie hi* grinfi—diumiiiicu Die Edi tor—Die gelling lip . I his paper, ? Suppi -u I'very Nn uimr wh" luda (pij'iel with au F . dian Ago l, ..r any els •, -h-.uld ri-o ui hi p 1 ice uu l v nl his spln.-n “!r»m Ins s(«ml on (his flu r"— kiippuiio a Sen ii*ir, w|m felt hi* nm'iivu bto iliug, iiiT.auie other nmoit’er. of Dn* h dy did not nli'io-e to mipp.iri him for Die I'... siihmuy. Were In mako lliillbn place of hutch iog lii- '"no ol'dis.’onti ills, wh it a scene of wii’tchcd pui-'uioliiy n nld Dm Sun itu heranni:? But Judge Willi*' Cllilint of IliillHulf in any oilier light than iin a iiminlu r ..f 1,. ■ me«i dignijr d li ’ilv in Die world, und it in ,,-t liter, n i , 11. r emu z info of "i* pnvDo rpia.. (■ Is- Mr Uih’.Uio tom.itks of this new post- tin 1 : Jcuuk VViitTr..—Wo nre n'-t- ni-hed nt thn 1 one w .ich t iy goiillout ili h is go up in Dm Son.ito of the tni’cil Status-thui •• irm.-t uu b“dy in tlio world l" t\n omil.l tmt Irivu "iveil ii poN ihjq, (hut he wmild have rxpa. liatud oil I.i pnv l" grief**, and wiili so in.nth lu’iil und so ill Ilu dignity and di vn iioii, a> hu upponr* lo liivo dorm, hy hiNspei’ch reporind in iin own ” Sun " Hi* m mplainl* ng iiii't Hen. ‘mm !• Furry. .* Fhon.kbe ugnut, f. r a loUwr vbico lie V ’C) addroHM’d In toe .Milli dguvjllu • Union"—and his ruHolulion "fen pijry upon Stzton’t Report nf Interment a for the Month of Juanar\fe3b. Pier u*e*. While> A get l» .! al F.n.r, 1 (il year. III*. lul'm'in®. l li mos. Do. ( •unlllnp'le n, 1 23 year*. Do. S uilot F '.or, l 2 mo*. Du. • 1". do. 1 .1 year-. * Dm 1 l .11 years. Dm ( nsunipl 1 n, 1 fill y**.i - s. Dm P .Gy. l 3ft JOJTl*. III. |l lom'doinp.'is, l .10 year-. D<» 1 d un. oi B. 'Vils, 1 1 ) uars. Du I ‘ ilinpln 1, 1 24 years Do. L li *in. r.l’BuWcU, 1 .Id years. D". S.'.irli'l Fevi r, 1 b years. D •. Drovv ned, 1 Du t'oiMimpimn, 1 32 year- Du. Dr-win. , 1 — Dm Moriificalio i, 1 70 yea » Do. l»- ipsjr. 1 2.» years Iin F kn*"vn, l .Id year*. l)m Scarlet F>' nr, 1 (5 years. An »«. Nalivily. .VI t Unnicr, (*' Ti* t R -id m. Mary Ann () Byrn, Sovaunuh, Ibi-iduiit. M .irl! OMi.m. | T ' land, U. atd.n . I'V.incia Barlau), Suva im all il oiil* nt Fl'irid’i Ero i nn, Sav niiah, It ’MllC’lll. .1 n (.' nt"', (lourgia, Residen . Rnlwri Cimiii-r, Greece, Ri'-idmit David V .Ini', Fminoetinut, Nm. Re* S ih ip"f,* Unknown , Rc'idellt. .1 mu ( lilf.rd t Savannah, II- aidenl. John R li in, Guoriria, U -idon . Jnbu 1 Ilg’lU,* Irrlaml, l("Mrluil(. Oun. '1 . time, S.iviunah, KukiduiH. J ilin K< un, So. Carolina, Re-idont. Cmraa Anderson,* Lcluud, Reaidoiit. F. <*a il ting, tinni gin. if " ent Win 1 aiiinoolieut, Ru-iduul. Flia*. C Bird, G.’.-rgia, Ru.iclont. Colored l‘rr*on§, li —Of " dell 1 diod of consiinifiliiiii, I of dr- py, I of dolnli.y. 3 hiirnl in (he. tiro of Wl'i oil, 3 i> fmt itie, l of cramp in tho etomiic I., 1 dmivi cd, aid/) iiikiu \vn H. l.V TllltOl*, Sox ton. S. Siicft.iu,, Sucrotuiy, H. II. * At tho Poor II.nine and II*<»;>itul. t Brought deed from Fi ckepur HARINi; JOl itA *. 1I'.N HINrIS li IO | -I’M ’ moil W.tTKII AT NAVAKNAII. I'DHT :>j' S * \ tvv t I... 5 M yi“ r»3 ..FED CLEAlfK/J. Ship Niagara, Howun, L vurpool. IF, Ha.tlon. Diig Try, Leavitt, Si Croix. Cohen «(• Miller. ARRIVED, SI«op Onofg", Lane, iJ nie.n 123 halooCot. Ion a ml (il eu-kN Hi -u to l* Baldwin A Co, C Amlers-'n At. So< . Sh op Virg’ujt, Chnvalier, Salilla nnd Darien. baluB L’plmd, mul I7.» bnlu* Sea ITainl C’ntien to R A. \V King A Co 11 t .ilorenn »V Son, B Ru"0, VV 1V.D t’*.o, ,V On. B lili-B. Sloop l.f.idor. M rgmi. Tnrtlii River. 111 bulii' Sot I -I .lid col l>*ti. i"(. Aiiuerauti «Nc Son, It Sl W Kmg »V Co. S H i'arkinaii &. Co. E Rued. Ste miboii'f?rtl"ilonin. Wood, Angimia with bunt Nlirto I* II ii ,717 bah’' r.itnui i.i F Lip. ph, VV l) .iican S D C, i’.uuizy Mctio. vorn IL.Icombn Peck »C Fo. Stunnhoat T am>ci i>’hi, Rurtlcn. Darien,with bom Nu 7. w55 bale- C-tlon to E P Hulls. DEPART RD. S'wamboat Win, Scabrook, Dubois, C’liarbrn- M !■: W O 11 A V n A HAI.TIMORE, Jan. 2D A Fred Sclir. Mi -.-un, Fbili n, ir.' .1 'i’urk- Island. ('I«nr".|, brigs Adute, P.'cersau, Si. Thomas, llowell, F" k . vp*®r Im*. -. (Mili.ADF.l.PHIA, J hi. 23. — Ship Algmv ■i’ll". .Micri'ken, L'Vernoul. Ai P v IVon, i .o.* .—SbipP "ti’*r.Wolfe, • mm Hi 1 J iii'ii", ; ting Ploiiucr, N"wiin from Montego II y. FI" ir-il —Rig I Judin®; Soule, Cliarloidon, Brig Audi) , K k • It, Piiriiainbiic'i. (From nor ('nrre.ajeindenl). Ofiii-o .’fi Dai M r. Adv’r. Ai Advocate, ) Now York .Im. 21— 2 P. M. v FI 1. Ship- i:i x inder, Norton, Dor ion; Cal 1" N". O’N dl, Fh id 'Rt. p ; ll' i.a Socrates, (Hr ) P.U, Autw.'i'i ; Souvenir, Wmlr-, Rio Jo. noun; ThnnaN (iuimr. W it Aon. M.ilunzu-; Schra. I’.ibm, VI St Omix ; H iddii«.nli. Food;’t * trog >11, Ci.-cker, do. Air brig- H"D ”, Simpaon, Ll M >rlts; S'rxn ger, Siewar'i Xnura } B.’his Acluhou and FoL umlii>1, Imlh for Ih'slon. " hi. l»,hi”ubusoofthe “ N.i-n barge* upon hi* colloagm very il'tu ronl, und uxciiscd fi r stying.ii v. ry i.n ig. ili"(] % i» a ui.,, bo liriinghtIm!. r< Die A’mirican S-nilc—un •y arc niallniN entirely iinnomicclo w*lh ihu b ic 1 o'KHirus of 1 greui jhn.plu Mas il r ally “my r.ume '.ere, my place •v, Ir in nr -land on *'e..nir.- 1 " sui’li •• falseiioud ana, e'xpo-« " «n.-h *• i,» lieu"—mu unbnit there Were such in tlio ur. Iu ho ulluu-« u> 1 I io 11.'.Ion F i'ib’. r* Invo pro*nule<l a si’v r ncher. 'allied ui .s 12.1, to F. H. Hr .„j 1 the M;i’inn I...rp , 1 ir ID* polite,ions io them UMiigU.i'ir visit lo M ashiugUm. — -Inni; l'Olf A unu ST A T* " Stuambp’i' ClIER DKEK, Capi-im N>.rri -y i ! I.’. IVO lor the uhove «ESte£2BEX£a.* Tomorrow Evi nmg " itli low i)o.iis F • fr* igbior p .NN..go a ppy •A !«e Ofiiou fob 2 WM.TVY'.OR r - B . co. / OR Al Ol i T r. Menmbsai CALK. DOM V, (’.,pt Wood will li’YL?-?''’ r( f*r Dm alt*«v" place .jESa*'n„s Day iho 2d insi with 1 > " tmat". I . r fi'’igbl. apply to* fi b 2 (iBO, H AAS. Agent. CfiQtlmiii Artiilory, c 1 'im f«ir Second Lieu- , • will Ih; Imld ill till To-M >rr»w. H.o'hir! dny of Fob o’clock P. M. Hy order of J. ft li SLIDE I tr.i.uav, Act. I t S. rg . C A, N Fde. r l>' mint of the ry 1 uy inst. nl imuinJing. I’HjfciATIt ha*. MR. YolJ Sff.S REN li FIT fr And positively th*' last nigh' but Un/p On which occasion he lias Dio Imnoi to an- in one" D1.1t .Mi*«C li mes and Mr. mid Mr*. H> rnc* have kindly voIutiiner«i.| four powerful ai-I Tills liVKMNO. .■ 1:0 9d wUlloi jHirloruiod M. (*. Lewis' *celebr«tcd Tragedy of Dio c A s r i. /•; &• v r c the. Mm ley, Mr. HaruO’i, Earl Osmondi Mr. Young, Aujol.1, Miss F. Barnes, Spectre, Mr- Barn *, After (In* Tiag-'d., Two Comic Sung* l>y Mr. Moore To conclude tvilh Du- Iniigli'b'o Fart 0 of the DEVII, T 1 FAY. Johnson, (liiu Fublar.) Mr. Harnno, N’dl, Mr*. Barer*, Te-nvumw, (\V*Tn«ad«y ) Me**i» Hatley, and Carter'* Ilenefit, f. !. 'I Butter, KFG’S choice gmdien ftntlor fur sule by ft VV DRLAMATER&CU, fi ii 9—p T</bacco. 6 ftOKE 4 * f Imbwi ’U’•< be. t Tulwcco •? A 5* lauding from sulir. lieerv F’ev, mid a b- by ft W DBLEMATER N. CO. fi:b I -p N tic •. rgNUE Ifen'-raU" the ('-"iri ofComuton Pl« a a. and of Oyer and Terminer 'or Iho cjlv . f Savannah, i- .oljnnninl ontij Thursday next, 10 ..'clmk, A M. Juror*, -uitor*, witriosacs, and h.-iililV-*, will take duo nnftco. fib 2 IL CHJER VRD,' I rk l > hila<ielf>liia Bunts* H FST received from Philadelphia, •Vi In cam*a line Call, fair stitch'd Runts, S “ “ “ •• •* Navy Sliooi, 3 “ “ “ “ •* Strap 1 Shoes, A light and hniidanino nrlh'ln f-r sale, by BREED A WARNER, Smith Side of MnrkotSquare. ftli l 7 Bales .'{.70 (lii'ccs (icuiiria Lmiiij YcllnW' Nankoens, pc ST rcenivwd and fur sal" by the Snbvcrtlwr, " h" will c .niiiiu" lo • c"p a supply through tho Spring and Summer non mu. WM. c WAY, Ageiil. Augii'ta, G"o ) Feb 2, lb3fi. lob 2—0 B<ivs B'xMs and S.iiin N|ij»jn*rs. fa CASKS Boy. F |f Hoot . a p*mi • urlii’le 5* VViiile md k Si’in Slippm-, buDi A inurican and French, for anl» hy BREED A. \VABNER, feh 2 ^oiiDi Hide murkel eqirirn. linglish and rrcuch Kid Bhppoj^. OR s ilo low hv fbh 9 ' DREED A WARN ER. Nf tice, f*lUE Ann of SLATER *f- HO DDRS, U. will, a-liemtoforo, from this «! >y, h« re. centime d at tlieir former-laud, whim, llioy will continue to keep a geoor D ansortm.ini of D y (Judd'and CLuc ri *, nnd bop to slia ti um u-? ilit ir friend- an.l Die public, a p rt ol ilmir sup. port and pi truing". JOHN SLATER, fi fi! JNO. HOl)F*K8, < ‘liatllHUl IdJ'JHDU 3^ EVOLVED, I’liai Um Logimi do e'ect a S tS Coinmai'd.nt. <>n‘•V.'d'WH tav D>\-3 in-’ al lO-.’i 1’ick, A M at the Exclnnge I, .g Ro in nmler tliu M) '"r:iitninli nee of Do: t.’• .111 - Dive ; the Polls in h." k"|>l ••pen mml 2 o’clock, P .M —c’i"h inuu.ier of llie I^’giou cu iDnl a vr.i ■mileach Fnpiain i- r pi U’d I" h* "l pnrintendent-, u c*inip|.*tu ulphab.-iieally K> ll of lii. corps, on or before the tune of opening tlm J\S MARSH W.L. V T W. I IIORAK WILLIAMS 3 W\L (i V-* TON, Ji'S. ( UM MIN'.;. J P. HENRY. fob 2 ijL Atk’iilioii! t^Pl* ; gli> Ii'C nuy SUir < ary China. loiniunn n. Riicoi:!). UATtrr 1.Aixs 1 H-mi.ivcsi.h" ,, 'fjj" im its 'I,.* * taV".' nr;.’! IT. — * __ Savannah Export*, I', hr nor,/ |, Per ship Ni g r u i« r Liverj I— I 17 J bales piand, and ill bales Spa Island Colton. Pur brig Trv, f..r St. Croix—73,1311 fuut Lun» **r I 17,337 led I'.inliiT. Chuilr*ion F.xunrta Jan. 30. Hr vliip R"C"i S’o'vur'. '• rwmi..ox. 11 >3 Do* F|il.uid, -.m| 2fi .!■• -S.’,. I 1,11. i "i’., Mi n) Brig iVi.ivi.i, M iliiiZia. 31“ liorer S.-:ir. Fateh il ’.'dwiri, Now Orl...,,, inruns Rie.* .md 73 batAol* Champ gmi. Sclir- Fohinibin, Ucorg-'.ix.-n. "s * alt. 2'HI bua'.i i. (' Mon S.. ,. -j . ,, t „ Hiee. * 178 liirinisl MEMBERS . TH n'i*bur* who have not .Dieojy received b ir inn- utdeiy ip utMitH, wfd oil it vim Dr 1 R"o n for tlicui I'iiiN Murning, ai 10 o’clock pro. ci-o'.y. A. J. BUTLER, f"b 2 Q’uir'or Mll*'cr Serg*’nnf. Cunipany Onlns. No. l. Savannah. Feb. \*t If37. & (OMPAN *, A of llio Fi. 1 iii.i hi L "gicii "ill * As.-euiblo This A'l’Hio'in, al their inustor ground (.Market ll ui*e) ,.t 3 o'clock, armed and equipped f,,r inop'.-cium. It U ex. pccloJ every ineml’or will give 1111 nutiinI utloiid- "uci, U. M. tJOt'lDt\T\,Ca t t)in feb 2 (‘i.nipanv A. F. L, Notice, ^'DE Member* nf ti anpiny A. ofthe Chat. U limn Legion, w Im li 'Ve not roceivu.l their nnn 3i". ’ire diree'ed t<> call iuiiuudiutuly on (be Ll .Mayor slid iccoiW) tlicui. leb 2 Savannuli Volunteer ticlards. id \lft >SB iMeiiihor* who have not- drawn new «tL guns,chi have them by applying ut iin* Company'h Room mi- day, 2u.i im# helti'ccn Dm hour' nf 0 mid II A. M.; kuapsaeks will ho di’iiwi'red lo the "liol" l'"rp'iit Dm pl.wc and limn The CnrpN is ordered lo parade m 3 o'clock, P. M. in tho fut'.guii uniform, nod belts. By "rdcr of Fapiain JACKSON. P"*T*t.t.. let Sorgt. fl>2 Savmniah. .January \22ti, 1H7KJ. MIUTA HY ri.kCTIONS. N Kleciioo for (hi plain, lir-t Ideulminnl. and En*ign ofllie l.’-l Cmupiny, 1*1 Hal- lalion Fonrgia MDiD 1, i* liernbv ordered lo |>e I .-;.l III Tu*l jet) McD nne: I'n O 111 - * i. Thi» Day 2d II liruary.iu-t iiudeMlir puperinlend’i. Ru of iivo Jvs-lces and Uvofrio holder*, or a tanj>.city of them. An cla<ti«M\ for Captain, fust and t-ccnml IJi’ii'enatitK niid-Emign of llio -Ith Company b ub ft lUalio-a wiH be hold »t Dibhln’s Store T". Morrow 3 i February,su|>erin!eiidedaa above. The p’dls " il! b® oj^med nt 1ft o'hlock A. M. mul all persons Jiabjo to Miliiin duly are enti. til’d l>. Vote. rim return!* will he certified Im the presiding Ofli'i*r« and fiirwarJ.ol promptly to tho Exocu live Department Millrdgevilir. ft. order W M. ROBERTS! f.V, L». <’•'!. r.m.'g !*i Ki-g’t. A DnvNn\fK. V'! 1 nit Ll Rr-jj'i. M' 9 R tSolici.'. El’SONS iml 'titl'd to Ui" late firm i,f J p Herb it A, Co. arc rei|ilo«!ud i>. ni ika ini. mtdiule. pttyineiD.Stn nil icmuining u .h it;,.*! on Dio 13tb, will t i”i li" |*..iciii in ti.e hand* U uu Attorney fur collodion. WM C CRENSHAW, jau 2 Cujuiitnfr NVuuil for Sai". .’(tHE •SuliNisriloir is nmv r. l ivTig and will future keep imuyiii. Jy no h .ml at hi * /ML a * It rf oil llii Can il, a largo -Upply of () k. Mii'kory md Black J..ek. "Inch Im will dulivur • '» Purchaser® 111 uiiy pari of the coy. JA.ME.* ROBERTS. fed. 2— - .in ; ii. oiiiv d ^ . V liie Nliip- Emperor, and B lie, frniu New > York, pd«. 1 ami navy bred, . u „,l fi uv, mu** buef, I iilb'ii hi irKi’i .| 1, in hall hrL,am .|| h ii»H, rai-ioN, 1ft by 12 amt 8 hy 1ft wind w glass, noxi-’N herring, pi’uii'-. lig*,ii|.mn)il', Im x- t-r. I’Kneolntn, } brl* no 1 m cluTc'., i lirl* buck, when 1. I )■ In do. (Jiiaheii hul'er, lard, pig pork, in a U*. iiiu-hroiui ki’l.dmp. tnui.iitoi'* appli’ cider, p. lut.i.-H, 11<*1 •>•/• 1 ;* f-aiiH.go*, 1,11 inn-. pmk!o* of tlm fir-i q-i li’y f"i la ml,- u-o ; .In.1 152 bundle.* hay, I'm -al ; r ii" *| Vlongm'* uh rl by ' '1 HO MAS tVOUl) f. h 2 B j lli -ii* & Tab t m3 (to ;• , , . . IJI’l Suh-ciihnr liming receiv il .-•■ vi r ■! In A v iicea of w. II -olei’l*. , -n l - Bulh.m- aiid TiiIhti.u* Riinlud Plau’H. mill Dab in- rlmi' 11 Garde”, Fi dd, mid Fhivver Send', Diet.’ irih'ii ..f Mr sm. I’hmi'R St. Sons, FIonMuo, •U’lir N"W. York,) would inform tlm Public that ility en Im pr cured mi upphoii'i.iii l Mr. J F. K luhb’i’.* C‘>un'mg Uoo.n mi the B y, wc-l m’ anil near Dm Kt hung" ; lull ca'. d- gu i* ciin th r h* "X.nuii.utl, nf Diiiubnvo |.b.i.lN.nul riuIn, uiiiI hIiiiuU uny ho req i rnl D11’ ro "rt .u-re, tb.’V will be i 11*1.111'ft unimuil. F.t D. gue run also l».’ ecu, of Fruit Hardy, urnamc .1 ■] Tree*, Shrub' and Plant' ; of GVimh"ii r I rors, S!rub*and Plant-, imported—m l Aim in. D. POST ELL. full 2 r ep' l’l’t’iwh I ’ur Walking ^hocs. f •; u \ PAIR tluck ll .i t■.ill -obi French ’"Rr Fur Walking Shoes, a bniu iful nrtirl" for winter, for s Do hy feb 2 BREED Iv WARNER, SouDi side mark* l sqn ;r", I 'lM- S.TI I» > liivrd »V v\ .ifllt'f J’ASEs light Biiot.*,Niune as Imv .1' 23u * Co'V ilide do, n *tm|l gn..(| 6 |- tilde, for *ulu by HREFD *(i. WARNER, fob 2 S utli wide of m >rkul N’jiiiirii Savannah Poor House and Hosn..•;*•. 4 TTKNDINIS Phy-icimv for bdiniiry ,v . March—Dr*. K >il. •ck nnd Ariinld. •Vi-iting Fimiinillci)—.Moms. Joe. ((iimming ami .M lIopkiiiK feb 2 JOS. CUM.AIINf!. S,.mol ary. Savauiian Poor llotisn and Hospital. .. T an Eh ctimi held Thi* I) y for Seven . - IM’inagerii • f the Suv.inn ih Poor (|ou-r and (lo-pital, uiUlur Iho now Clurtuf af lucar. pordi.n Tu« fi.Uowiug pors.'ti- wore elected Managers for tliu cu-uiug vonr. John Gardner, R. King. Joseph Fmiiining, iM. iiojikins, VV toiam Dunnan, Chaa s, Hcnrv, H. ft Cwtrr. Savannah, Fob. 1-t, 1833. Thn Mdinhera nf th • B >ard nf M 1 in gum arr rrij'io-UxI 10 iiteel ’Him Day n< Dir F, i.n ing House *>f Joseph Cuiiiiuing, to organize 1110 Ho .rd, at 12 o'clock, M. fib 2 IrorR Nails, and dujfuv&c* f VNDlNG from brig J. scplnne A 30 toil* Swede's Iron a»m.rleil 3 dl C4®k F',1 \ ,,!» 511 hid- N 1 Rd f 73 bhd- M in* vad’i und I* On Rim Sugar 13 cx*k- w-n'e. strainedlId f r - j 5S1GNE, WASIHTl’R.V A CO im 21 Aj)ui:l uicolll EXTENSIVE sale UF TOWN LOTS IN A PAL VCIilFi »I A COS I RUN ED. In C"ii-er|>u’ii 001 din iirh .1 co- Wi h me Iii«Iimn« in Fiord 1, it" ul ft».oT wi Lnt* .nlvur. li ed for l n 22 • 1 Fo’ .u ry, is po ipcuej until Tue-day llio l!>:u day nf April next. • t HE " Tract of L nd calhuj •' Forbes’ 5 Purch.iec,” amounting In ah- ut Twelve I liimliuu Thou iml Acres, silu .f. d in Mu:dlo Florida, li g Dior " ilh llio town of Apahiohicu. In. nnd Dio uilja. mil Islaiul* in Du Golf of Mex- io.. li ving In on vesled in ihe subscribers h irii-lces, by and for Die use of it il tliu prnpi io. lor*. No'ic" i* horaliy given, that nu Tuesday Dm twenty third ilny ofFiluunry next, ui lino’ • dock tu tlm t*>re»"Ou, the DireCora of thu A|»n- lai’liieul 1 Lmd Fompiiuy "ill to -aluat public auction, in tbo town uf A; p.'liohicn In, the Boilding Let-in the aid'own, ngroeildy to a caitifi.m pV.11 thereof tobunxhthiind at tho limn nf -alu. The term* of nalo f urDi cash llio rti-idue in thrnu anneal instalment-’ a in, i,,_ terost, nnd when the payments ure made, and tlm-ocuri iii'f'r llm inst ilment- gi in, .cocr. ding l" iho Duud of Trust, and th" • r> ie .• , .* n*-"n|ulioii, a clear titlo in Ifio rimpiu will bo inado* Now Y'»rU D"". laftt. l<*35 LOUI> M. L \M1, ; CllAS Vl'G’S ll.VVIs, [■ Prii'ie." JUSEPli M. WHITE, ) The Diraetora ofthe Apiilacliic d i Laml F on. pauy, referring toiluihbove advcri i-cmmii, .dfi’r at pjivale snlrt. in 'iicli q’l’iii'ilii’N as may ho w in od,Dm trad ofL .ud known a- “ Fu.-hns’ PiU’i'lini 0," lying b tlm Ulcer Ap. nl u: icola and St. Mark'*, and oxtc ntling m within *ix imteii »»f 1 ,\ll h>»-«c [u ibis ler.ct i* to bo found smnu nf tim fin"H I'.oUun ami >ttgav laml- in tlm S. other cmiiilry ; also tr -cls ol the finest pirn-iaud* and extensive tracts ■ f five oak ; but as puieli.i-cr- will examine for tlnun*e|*i’s, n pur. iieulni duscripti"ii is imr.ecos-ury. 'Hie title in puroliuNurN will lie tlio same a- for the tow u J In of Ap dacliic da. Tun tbwn nf Apiilacliicnla Is **i«natml ul the mouth of 1110 River of sum" name,on M Ge. r> 'a Sound, in tlm Gulf o Mexico. It is the , U!l port offli" Uivri's Fhiilulio. die, Flint, Chip la, Apalaclucol.i, and tlmir trthwtery HVream- und is 1 aui’OCfud w it Ii llm ll urisbiug t>wn- of Cu lumtwiN and Irwinbit), nnd willi I irge di.*iri"ts ..f in Ii und for ilo I’lanluli ms in Gc rgi 1, Alnba. m.i .in.1 Florid 1. 'flic ixpi.ris I c d'ori fuuii lliiai'ort I' lVehrmi legul.i’ly ineren-ing fur thu la-l Diice ye .rs, incl i’ is nupposod will Hiia year exceed filly’liuliiH. ■Pwelvn lo fifteen s'uainlioals already find con. idimt iiiiiploynienl on its water-, mul ft w conn ini’s have (inoi pru»p"c'N of ndvaticlinu nl in g rif’il'iiii’ and thun Ui**«.u burdvriiig nn Dio rivers above montmiuid. Apalauliicula him been mil * led but a few yem®, and ilm»u w in have hil'ioitu roKul.*d 1 iu-. . |,av. iug no tnVcriiht in the -nil, tiavn paid im an tv,, lion t” its iiniir-.vincnt- further llinu -niled tiioir iiulividnai o iiVDiiioncii, Sales nf about 'hi' 'y bits li ivu already been nvidn In jmlividu .Is residing ul Apnlaeliicol i, Columbus and Now ' York, who have ogrcmif lo ere.el lire pmol luiil d.ngs <hi D o -aid lots without ihday, and otlio mu.iMircs h i!l Irt* unmcliulelv ..doiiicd to umke r| mh permantiil. iiii|.n.vfiiiu'ii'l« ns v ill nnylmihf, malm it :i- hc ibiiy a pi te«nf m-iiiiMUnj a- is to In* u'i’i will, ju .niy ii'y south of Virginia. St Gc«ir ojV Smind i-caj'.njoUN, nnd has ro. cure ai’clm.T’gc in him* ul-iy li"ltoi|,nnd i< dofmi. dedmt all lull's (Y»tn thn pea. ll has two uu. rmens—one hv ilm“ East pis ,"aduiiliing ves. s "l* t 000 tons, having »ix 1 • n fi’"l uv*-r tbo b’i 1 w w::!n : tile n ber by tlio “ Wi)-t pa-s," ha u-j, 12j ’n 13 f"ul 't |mv w.ilnr, iid’ni*>ii>*r von'oL "1 331) ’mi' iairrii. n wiltmiil any diili '-"By Vessels draw ;ng fi !’"et ii-uully brad it thu wharves t n-c of i:.^ lent nr 3311 t. ns bur. 1 ’• 1 ' 1 '.v ng 1100 " i s.'f (V'tum, Avithiu 3 mi' s "I llm V■ • vv«• , mul lllfl-O nf 6fl0 Inn* take in Dmir curg •(— within -jxli'eu miles m secure un. alumige iu Dw Smiud. Lut'o.-H mi llm subjoet nf the nlmve* lands to b" n.ldrem’d to Thmna* A ftil'zull, 1‘iiter Mite)mil, Juliu (Erin oliari, n. B mj’imiii A Put. ii'.m, ut ino Ofli.nv ol the Apuiaohicul., a Lmd Co m pa ny at Tab. Ii a-sou or Apil cl’inola, nr in I:.' ri’y n| New York, lo Benjamin Woul-xy R ger». L’Dmgrnphic Maps n r Apal.ichieolT, mid nf i * vi.'iiiily, 'iniy I)"-■ en a* (!i> to|i* win*,—- In Ni".\ Y ak ui Dio ofii.’C ..f III - Tru Ic*'-, or "film I luimraale. Jo eplt M. Whito, nl Washing ton. 1). F. In FU rUi-'.on, S. C. nt tho ofltco of Richard ( rimeliaii. Sitvnnnnh, Gen. I 'ollll.lliil I ii'H. T ll.iii -Niu, Florida Apa! idiic.da New Uih’.ns. iMolulc. Pen- «; la led, 2—tti 22 p| N'iW IIEMilnmnliur- are now upnning, received M iy recent »nival-. Rirli figured, col r.:d Silks, (,i few patterns, light m i >r, for ev Tiingdn "OS, Black Potill D.’Noi, HI ,cl, Gro DoSwite Dark mid light E'lglisli anil Frmicli P> iuts do do low pri«*cd Ammimiii do do do pi,in and eui'ius "d Fambiics A nice os ru": Drip.'ry .Mu dins Rich F'lrnimro Filin’/."- Wursli’d D iun-k (varf as color*) l.m n Si. ir Cloth (a new a i. I" fi.r env-ring) Stair Furpi U fiu Cr. ss h.r i n (I inih-i; k and Mu-lin* l gw. d S . i- M is!in , plain Cumbvicke I im i' (' imbric IJd f. «’..i’.!iv F’.mliiid’.s In. b Li. ens.Cunt.m Fi.aiui’ i-,V Ivn Ribbons Lm ti Tald" Dunask and N ipk-ns fti •d" '•)*• i).,i|o)i 3 1 ’nn) L4 « .do J'ainask Tal.ln l lotlu A largo :iR-"iimcut of mdorod Cotlou und Jiinoii Tald" Cover* Al.S-t. A few ploeos-I I Lull. Mailing • A d. I miso* nl 1) inn*!i" Guo,.'.*, consisting nt 3 17 8 ii"! I-1 Cuttuu Chce.kH , .’I J "lid I I Plaids and Si ripen Wi-’mlt makes their ns-ortmnnt very eom* film**, all of which lhey offer for sale on the m*t .liable terms jan .‘.’3 J. & E. TNGERSOr.I.. \\ agon Box* ft. r Wagon IlnjM assnrli'd sizes vyfiiF fur Mile hy N B. All WEED. Flour. BI.S (J Dl. go Sii’ierfino FI* ur, a '* .."ior ir’iel", jii'l rccoived !i"r r l/cnry Fi y, firnui Ru lnnond and for sole by BAYARD Si. 1 UN PER. feh.l Mos Mild J'i i(li( I Jut f. **96? HUES M*-* Beef, 03 libla Prim® Reuf CVf-lif 10 c.ihks Lomlnn Pniinr, for mih* by jm 7^ CI.AGI1DRN & WOOD, Asital I.amps. IVf ASTRAL Lamp.*, a - ried, hrnnz-d, LneipieH’d, and Li quond .md Gill, wi’li licit cut bliadii-, f*«r salo !>v A U K N V!’ P vt CO, jau 0 Adjoining llin City 11*, el. \Vnulft! (•> llu-n, ;JD0 \tf:n>cs. HE snt'-erhwrs wi-b t" mnptuy, by tho mniiDi nr yi’.’ir. 3il!l ur more Nogmo-, lo 'V rk mi the (.*i-.rgi 1 Uni-.n Rail U.wd, in Du’ neighlmrli.iud *,f Augusta—wages liberal— far.' mid < such a- will (doasn tlio own. or", prompt payment, monthly.'[uurlnrly nrynnr. Iy, a- is preforn’d. F.*r fur:her pulimilnrs, ap. ply in Me 'r-. Ilulcninhe, P rk vN C>*. Clrir. lust-.11, S. C >S v.innah and Augusta, Geo., or lo Dio undersigned, nn tin* works, 13 miles on Dm line nf r id "v-t of Aiigu-ln. DAVID COOPER A. BROTHERS, f'roin Virginia, oct 12—t—Augusta Sentinel. John P. WiHiunnmn. .I.ihn 1 >, 111 *.am A Co. Thomas Bill'/. 1. Hiram Noursc. .1.1 in*'-*- rnnereri’y, John lumiiui ii v. TON ('an<ui Ware. INS C irroii H db>w Ware, forsnI-by JL jan 7 N. ft. .V II \\ KEJ). Norton tV Fuller - • AYE <m hand, and <ffi-r fur sil • nf. rod ie. **d jirie.n', (! Id'ire I, tv don Duifto ft', m. kef.,3fiun yard* N gr<’ Cl 1b- T‘ ny 1 ovn -Iso »:>•>' d N-. Diivvii ■ f S'ujde ami Fancy Good*, 'nil Di| fi.r to. 1 1" wear.