The daily Georgian. (Savannah) 1835-1847, February 03, 1836, Image 2

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T II ET GEORGIAN, GiionciApr., £V W1U.IIH H. BUU.Ow»«. nt*t.i*"*s nr Tiir i *** " r r,,r iti.v r*r«H, -. t t >i««r*v rxns. s : millT • Pit I IKII.MM. I -AM Ailrentuntroltappitl in *-•* pa/wr- , f from Mr Richmond Enquirer. MU. < Al.imUN Wo lay Mr. IHpwob—drawn o«* •Up, Im himsclf-hof-" tv. HulllMlu hi... JortlM-}j"l« h\ l»iwr»-«k tor lilm-alt. U ••••II •» I"*"* ' a which •lull •i-b hi* «" 7" ' • -.n p. Ji.*' *-j«h •% «ri*l*. n»'**l P ro,,r "' 8 A finer*! '•'•,.1 of.ndifnalini I"- f.-llonerf •». *1 N'nllili r I,,, nuliirt - d bi'ii -If. "•* u -vrr perused so fm-liuii*, » M*. •<• in ilignanl •n srlrafc m»"u n* d -r fuali eircil"i*tinee*. ■')’ n,,,• ,n«it, mi# jwttf **•* I* ' l* 1 • 'Ir* '**- • *'«•" ). hi,| • •anlimnn 1 in it, which fl '*** Irom tin* In-art »f ail A •#*»««*•» furo'if'iuiil Uw wlinla Speech, (hero M » In. bored ulliirt to h,» '**'•• cuuu'ry, am) t,» viu-he*t« t!»« a •ur«o <if Franco. « ••'•' r "» !* • tlin'igbl nl * man, who bn* n-t pnured f»*uiHi It w g. lit*. ml* burst nfnuhgn ml pMri’rtiam, «<>• dor lim ei'cnuiat ui,*o* winch appaxlsd to lliu B.-irrt uf in Ainorinan Mmistii ? Ur, Calhoun U'i -re t*, ■ for Hu* del >y of I rsnca in compiling with hrr gaganienl*. Ho > >- i "'» lira date'll <d too list II, «m ,t» lull In U . It“ " f chill"—.mil t" it" mdiatre«l public ilfon by tu« Kxaculivn. Toi« pnwllouh«H«Hi ••• n| |c,I frlull'd, til'll n'lllll'lg I'll Hi" il.r.lllOtiOM of. 00 infitri tied r*oti«nt«l cuM lt«va h •* ’fUnd • rr,M.iii iii. Ii w,. u iMM.ko-t in H c-m. r ii.i.o .oaiuirr by "-I />•#«./ /« Truth," m tho Enquior ol J ».njy 10. IKI.i II.. «'X;nmitly |,r..vo«. that Hicre #as iio boatting in llin lotiot —that Ira had merely expreaied Uw opinion in tlm rim-patch which Iranunitliid ih»* !..•••*•, that •-1he 4,nouniloileuuiiiy w’lpui uad hy ,t mi|{ht pmbabiy tai * i<li ioiiI to pay tin* ju*l cl«nn» of imr ciuxrna, ami that tuii arraii|{riiiiiiil ho hail to n(u w>»*, III nttier li-*|Ulfll*i' tl'th R» .1U4.ll I" Im a- rcp.iwJ by III* counl y. I#».l it Im, le »ll..» l«d, 11,,,1 .Mr iliV-'i. r.niiMuii-'ri thi» atr ni|{mm'nt on hi* omi rap|Min«ibiliiy. If h Inatrncii «i, fix- r-I nu .111 nnl which h„ w.,» notlmri mi lonrropl in aatiaficlwm of Amrrioau (/IniiiiM, nor ilm nno ha wm« in allow for Kmonli (’I-.iiiw- The r*:■ ri'iatinii of riulini. on Frainth »inii» 1 i» on|l*iili 1 >. ti.ili of I Im al>-ill<lnliii|,i,|l nfllln rl mi - llnrini ill.: (ith artielo of Iho l.o nil 11 > Tre ily, m 1) ill 1I10 dotaila onnueiio.1 with it, w, rc, in likn iii iuiior, • rrunpi'ii hy him on inn riwpnoailiili y. In -in q ntliii| h.m«tifon Wn» rrapimoilnli y—»»•» vc y liptn olio, wim,. tin’ in <|{iiiluilo ami ilulic-uy of the iolcruala involved ir« cnnviil' M'l—ho not to he purniitluil, in cuiiiniuiiic>itiii|{ thu id- anil of III* |iihor in Iiin own p>>v rinnrnt, to ►\ato fori* iml ulwiv itfnna Winch Im b'lioviul In Im well f iimic jiml iron, in ju t'lln ill-in of linmell fnr 'h" eiMiipoinnit li« hmJ iiiuih't '1’1,-it In* .icMP'iich wn> o< lire vod in (In* apiiil nod imno other — that it UlMIluiiia, imjcci illy, no Lnaalof nrnttorhiuj, uo|c»* to »ti|mln u lor wnal, i wu- I-"til mi, iniU'il bn •• nl" to ■•.1V ••jutl ” oluhiia, hut not more lh.n. anillcjuiil, i , acc rilii’K in ,ln-.y li’in "fnllmia prniu.aaii li/ (iio nimiiirn It' up*, In uvriiturh -Tint hioIi 1. lho tine Will •pull of Mi. Uivna c >patcli, nn fl.iminl in n, wim will rum! it, «4ii to p-'rniuvi’, in In la.hui- Til" wri'nr l» > pr -u-, m <«t aitiaf-in'orily, Hint Mr U'«. latlt. r uid no' i'lU-rfcru with llie ciwuli’-n of lUo Trontr ; tlnl *• if Una nlleg u linn have any fmin liHmi, n>>t|ii,ii; c.111 hndua.itr Hum Inproiluco the and. urn ofn. ,\|) ih,, «),,■ 1'ii'Oa and pr"<'ei'iliii|{« l winch in<>h pl.icr in thn riinnlior of DcpuliO", mi lint i>eun*|nn nftliori” jt'cli,,n of H'f* »p)vroptiilimi for onrr>ni|i Mi# troaiy inio effort, ,rn in p.,aan.»i-.ii nfl|,o pnbliii. They In vo hncii cnrcliiliy ciiIIbd’oii fr-mi iho P.iiia Mnniieur, thn olflciil J-mrual of H-e I r-'iich Gnvi-rnim-ni, in which urn ulw-iyn pnh lii'wl, toil ami -milionlio repot * «,f il,« *pc, clt •ini • t er pf’iccflilintfa of iho ('liumlicr ; inula tr.iiiahiiion life -in. hy "ill- r of III" Necr’liry nl Hlalo, han henn roc< n V pulilt-hml <U \V ikIuiik Iuii, 111 u pMinpliln nf |n| |».«|».- , wliirli h, „r liny t*e, in t|»« tiami" of every nno of M . Itivua delincli-ra I.-t them, Ihnn. with Hu b- .ub,lu» • ml pruoemliiiya in ilo-ir I11111N, in wliirli llioy lu vo horotof'nio ii|i|M>.ilc<l wuli uiura.’Uirialni h »r dilino.l, kn-,wiii|( 11 lhun( nf nlml tv .in In them ; lei llmm, will* ilte f’lcnftl nv Utiul, point if iln-t o u, (e 1 ainplu p- aj jo of a n jji. a|M-«cli. i w tioh I in i-j • turn of l >11 'ippr-ipriutlnn for c.i - rynig 1110 Tmjiy into ell’cci, w-n. aoiu'.i 1., be ju«iitir<l by an, tiling c •niiimoil in M . IJivo ' d«> ptlohttn. AH r .» utO'l .ittonlive «tnl ounifiil ex niiiiAlnin oi ilia wlmlo dnbiia-, I tikoopni niyanil in .,iUr 11, william tin, loir nl coutruilnn- inu frnul my nnu wlm Ilia ihom, m, • 1 - p la.'ig" 0 in In, o ml 0 On i*»w «t«ntt 1 ary, U l« a miwk ilvlo, llml While iMV Uivei,' i-nrrnapoiiileniu' 1 Ir ipioi,'. l.V rofuriml I • in Iho d a .1 inn, hy iho f iuinl, o' Hi" appr pilMlmn, llimo i- uni the aJI|(liUial I o. •inn In it uy any nl u noponcula. In Ihn re port 01 ilm Qimnniit. >, wiugli t«omitmon lotl on<> v "«| iwiuly urge-1 tl,e piup-iely nl'lh" Mppinpn.i V ni, Mr It to , c r." pninlimcv i. mil only ie. I'crrod (ami pauipuloi. pit I,) hut liu linn olfi •pobvn of 111 Ihn nonl ro poullul itini It illeitu^ tinmnar. (Hoop 17., Thta on umilieu coital* CchI nl'iuiia ol'lho innal .IN ingulahad iMimihnrH of tlia I’namhi r uf lh>puli,<k, an.I hy a in-ij-uiiy nl H lu I, (mh- p 1.1,!; ropurlml in fuvnr ol Ihn ox. ("union nf the Truny. Thn mpnrt itnolf, aa ol. really remarked thewa (hat Mr Uivco' emte-. pumlanna whim Ill piniwoliiii of Iho CuiniuilU’o. Here, than, ta aitfna) and n-nrludvo pmof, lhai Uik ctrue 1 nl Mr lilVi’K'ciirruapmiriiutoo w«n ||n| liua Im 11 tvailtulily Bliil irual-a-ly on liy tho Oppn-iiinn proaa ( for, with that o-rruk. p uiUrnee h> / ii,o|r uvea, u umiimii eo on* I fiiimml aint patrinii ■ F an btiran, by ilia vti M I.uhlllng m ijnnly nf eight In oil", IV01 inly ic. (••Miiriivu o-l iho p^nivgo of a law to carry t^io Irt’iy into libel." Ilm it -m nil-- in amok, in detnll the N'a'etnenia of Mr t hmuii. l .o. are lingm). liim-igho’il null p.rty eulniig They are Ihn ili-l.-rli-uiH ol i« mind, whi* b m hcul nu ;ilm-iii|f ihu Admi. I>1 t. tltou, aod N- llt’itiog <*r ultl’TI”). over lively tiling in theoondncl ml » I1un.11, oI110I1 oug'ii tn touch tne lie.irl "i mi Amenc n. li .'Milcii in ■Miflioii’iit- IVlial run hr ttmiight ofdii Am- riaaii 0111011111111, win, wuli thn latu d-vr|. .'Iteurcut* laid bo,ore. htlu.WUtt tlai arognitl tvrtm. tl by lh«> Fri’i'iili Mmialrr Unn «ay, •• | •hall ||"1 1 dor an npiiil n on thn iiiihumco and dui’iimonla Which li.ivv juat lw#ii read, li I I h «n ImJ time In road ihom u| b"auro, ami nmro fully « inpr bond llnuc utmracter midtiearoiv’**—Noi •n imlignaiU iiKiruo re»o.p d ua 111 a * Aolnnc tiurnt ,,t g-nior.-ua feeling al tha armg'aul luiuia w ii"'h are ilnmamlml Irmii Iiin own c- un-y. And in wil l lerm*, to . cm wo hjk. k uf a 8tatoamaii t wlm prntcata ag,m«t our m iking ■ ny p.'eparniiuiiN in ilufoml nmaolva., w in o the V renoh flout ia about to hov.-r <m -mr o»»«»i»— but who <h,i!l.irO' inn the utleiupi In prep ire i„ to pr..v»ko • tv ir f ll»w mi,eh nolilor—Imw much wi*rr, in M T n. r>, when Im deei’t >■— (md wo n«w,adopt the fnl|iiwin|. aontiiuant na appflctlflo to mu own raae—at,I) alrmigor h it i. Jn o i’ ow n . a > .from the vny preparaticnawi ic . K.aiice !► makiiig -tgmin-t u»; !; (From f*t Journal d-t Dehult of‘tk Drrrrnbrt —taij to h- lenttrn by .1/ Tkitrt, 11 fint ut the lir.t act nf h-a Jiiy, it w ill •* n - ■ CCkaary to repo! f.rco by forv-c. Natuma arm tliniiianlvea not --uly for u crrtutn, bul f.,r 1 cun. tin tent temi. T»o> fomaighl of the liovormnonl ought to pierml* tlie .1 Mijp-r. O.'ten Ihi* |. ( ,r.. v iiiii>d hy a linn am I d>*<miml a»|iect,"—” luami. aibility in inch a eaau ia iiupm-aitil,.; and a great nation Iian no iutora l doaior to it than ila lorn or.' - —■'’• It n* ionp'.o>ib\u fur any one to pro. o cl with certainty what tha Amorio-m (F.onel,) (■nvoriiui-iit will do Wu hopo llml iho oimd gauiua ..fine two pnnp|« wi I iil, and Miat peace will hi iiiaiutaineil. Tl»i« ia ovan, if you ctmo-o. nomt pr >h.ihle. Rev*mi, interc-d, uu* honor, cry nut l-r p»ae<’Hut wc rc|M-at tua Gumrnuiaiit would Im ciilp.blc iu not pre. iMring f»r any .-vant. in a c ni-c n, whidt w« liava an evidently rua*nn and equity on our aide, it behoove* u» alao, m ca»e of nerd iu have foroo." VOk, lot u« prepare f-r •• a rantinifent icar.” Wlm knou‘i>, hut wo may want lorca In r. |.al the enemy ? And if we klomld want ir, hnw poor and def, nr.ele« would John C V.liman leave ua at the loot of France ! And, tooiilea, whai A npricjii heart doea not I thr”h wi'Uindignation al the ve»t mi|wii<\ri'v | w hjoli lie allow* to France T Supp-.m m lt«I'J, f iio lad u g«a Iho unw liuuillraling argmnanu 1 1 idi«au'dou f-in a war wuh Great Britain. IVhere w. old tfien have l«on the I, nnr he w n 111 the ileb ue with Jnnii It mil -lpli. Or wlicie w-uld have been iho glorwia w« maped in our onii!i*t with lareal Ilritam. But in apito of liua re.-kle*a and deaparata poliiiciBii, we will iiiainlniii the Tnaty, in-ait p m ilkCluauliue, aV'iiding War .f we liuimra. Uly wan, bul proptr*. Cor Ute wotau €• mjiare III* Jangu -go N .Hi 1 Iio follnwing i-atra* t from Kdwarn Kvoreti’a receut • to til*' WbUlVM III liua* lullnantt , all-1 m b IioW • t"« Hu- /ire.emio i pilijnl ainka in compari*oii. Ilnw muciiliie cold Whig politician >-t M. »«. chuxitta mwara almvo iho VkUining Whig ol <if South Garolhnv !— *• The loroign roll I ion nf th« country om at (lie prokoiii inoiiioiit, a Niibjeel of higli liner •■•1. .Many ol tlm cilisona of ,MdN>-ielio.aila have, the drat, hn n dnuply eniici rned in i!le cutiiruvervy with France. Tttef «u(f-(cd laigcly III iho iujiirioa l. lln lcd 1.11 our law lnl mmlrel I'n nm.-icn, by 'he he|)ig<.r ill onli-’y |-u>- uml by thu Knnicii (.nvoiiiuiuiil ill vi-daimn nl hn f ith nfwnaiia-, und nf II,e law of na*|niia. I'h. y luuk«d forward with pfop-utimiale aatia. I -eti"ii I-* re -hi nii Hi nr aharn of ilia compon«a. tmi f-.Mneae iujiirioa, partial it Imal, an ju lly ■I in and m> lung withheld. They have Witnuaa oil withourra/p ndmg p.iu andau-prneo, tlm re. l-iaiil -.I 1' 1 •me, lltua (nr, to eaeeuUi iho treaty ol'lodiuuiiihcaijnn, neg-iiialud and r.uilind In u-ililimnily with ilm prnviamna of bulb cmin Hiif, 111 iho iliuat anlvihll fnriil known tn ill" J.iw nl iiaimua, toil neeurlng enmiiiereiil advaiilj. g"» iu f'niuoc, far outweighing the p cuiii’ry v l-niof tlm IreMly tn tlifi Unitod Htalo* j nriv .11. ' g * winch Franco u now implying, whiln f«* Im 1 ng in «xui;iiii, her pnrlmu nl iio Mi ( -iitiil(oii. •• i ill too I i«t|anaamii ul'hor Img i-luivo eh am -or«, Iho aaouwinu "f tlm treaty, on ihu p,»l of h r incr, wan wnhlmld, on tlm grnumJa, that tuck * trwily requiring Ihn aandi-in of Dm fham. Mir*,lnu ipitiatiiiri nl ila v-ilnlily ivia tlill n opnri unc ; mill Hint, ill point of fact, for farioua olle. gnd re aulia, tha (tniu(MinaAltflu, which ii provi. il«‘l for "nr uitixnn»,wu$ nm rigntlully dim the n. ' *ftho»o grounmi, Fr-nco h -a deprived i.urectf, by p«i'»ii.g a law which aancliona tlm treaty »V -ppiopriaina fmuda 10 carry it iiitu clfici. ruy. tuuiu l« now rufuaod, cm the ground of Ungmig cuii'ained in (P> niiika.igo nf tlm i'rumdniit ol th” Untied rtt.t'aa l- Ciuigre**, at the mmimmco. ' mill nf ilm l.i*l kuaaiou. It ia believed, llml I'raiusa will lonk in vain tithe enlighten, d puh Im *viiihuuiil of the w -rid, over to uounteuauue her in wilidi ddmg the payiuem nf un aekirnwh • dgeil |Hii-nniaiy duht, on h - gmuud nf an nlh-. gel -Ilium tn her 11aliu11.1l linimr. In 1 Iio un. pma»unt -tetu nf thn rclali’.iia buivvm-ii tlm two Gi-vuriimimla, altlmueh there may Im varlou* npiiiinna >0 In III" policy of mmu of the ate/i* U'lin II '-IV" Imjoii tnkon, il ia a.ilmf-nUnry to nr. fl 'Oi th .1 llior-J can lie hilt nun, h i to the j'lalic ol miroiUrO, Tlm |Kinplo nl thn L'nitcd tstulea Would legird ill utl evil of great in igntt’idu, lt»e I'lturruption of 1 Iml f-iem/ly iutcrc .iirno with I rant'D, tviiiuli i cciimiiliid hy aouiu->f the h«*t bl’>od and lli n 111 - to t ah- ri-lmd rnc-dlautiniik of hnilt u.-iunrica, Tlmac aoiltiuieiiU am lu-li-vrii to ho ruuipruoatttd try the mat> of ilm pimple t>t Franco, vvh , from li-o iuga ua vvoll ua mleroat, arc diiaimua Ihul the gn-ul uudi r landing In-, twocii thu two o-ninlr-cN mIi-.iilcl cj.iiiuuo. Itu thero cun be 110 permanent ban* fur friendly muUmw hulwvun imlivtduala or immmuiiitma, hut justice, and ihm ilm bill tod Slali-a owe to ii tim-UMl/u* to rn-pnru »- \v< II -imIii render, iu all lut.iiu ilimml rclatiniia It m h In Veil that tin- ri’fconiljnn adup-ii.I l,v ihu Houno nl K-preaoula. tivea uf the Unitod Ktaica, n tlm U«l aeiwhm «*t Cniigrcaa, tliaai the lr«--ty light tube uuiiiiluitli-.i nnd nu nximiitinii inaialed nu, oxpre**ua the un• tlii'idrii trntrj.f thr country." tt -ft ^ A M \vi:i»ni;hi>av moumn(; i i:ii. .i, inm. '"I'n Ilf tUti-tpnnglcd Inin 10 r, oh, long inny it 1 O'er I he In ml nf the free Urn! the home of thr hutt'c," DliMUCltATIC NOMINATION FOR run* 1 oust. U.1KM\ VAK ISMti:*, UK NKtV VOIIX. FOR VWR I'll listin'. ST, Itht IIAlto .11. JOII.HKOX, OK KRNTI I’KV. J /' fount mir principal wnrUiiiuii Wertf ah. Mem yintordiy on •• French Unee." Thi* will pin id our exmiNO fnr a ali-.rt piper tn-duy. Tlm preaa ol lime, fnmi varinna cau»na, In* preventod nur u*mil c •iigrcarinmil nyn-.p-la, for miuo day* puat; uur reader* have nniloat much, however, a* there hua (icon much miking and lilt hi acting* in llml Itmly, and Ihd M|Ninclma, luive bmm piirmnuil criminfilinn-. mnl riicriuiina. lion* nmro aitufyi'ig 'o iho eurioua, than edi tying tu the public at Urge. Tit* Ft.v.-tt iVf.xK —Nathan Mlnrp, tho great head ol'tlin Slal.emut Imhnn-ui i>*iid to have taken -me of tho Smlnra to witu and lu Im vn run off vvh li lun :$ III.I Olid bulmiging tu thin »* Mallhvt-ian" commvtniiy. Gk.m 8u»tt.—Tha AugmU O.mi-ti’iitlonal. i*t of Monday in relation to thia any>,—Unit. Scull arrived in thia city on Sul. unlay evening Inat, and ha* taken quarter* at the Plantura lintel. Wo ho will leave lietu lo ttmrrnvv, for MillndguviUe, Mtt.tT.vnv Movt.viKNTa.—Tne N. Y, Cenrler ami Rnquirur ol Mauday week, apeaking ofU. S ihrco'tn Im Ntinlio Florida • ay* '*ca|il IVhorinn, l.jeiit*. SiirmriNiin, Wlmnlnck and 1’r.ill, nf tlm Uragunn llrjinwat, wi h a Uidaphmorit nf Drngnntia, Mail imiui<ili.i<"ly Him oily—«lwo a dnlacliumnt of Recruit* from Hm Anillery and Infantry under 1 liu command of Licnl. Herring. Wo aim leuu llmt a goner al nr-lor he* diro-s led kovertl of nur Southern garrlrnne tn march iinmcdiuti'lv and remlezvout at I'iunluia, Thia m aa iv ahnuld ha. An elecll-.n for aoven llirenlnre f -r the M • vine aiuf Fire luaumuon Uvuk tu lht« ctiy, v«mvK place on M--ndnr Inal, wlmn S It I'urlrmat, Goo, Hall, P. Ifnnalnn, Kdwjrd Pa-lelfnrd, J- Stone, F.lina Head, and A.Chatnpi-m were oho ken : and at a meeting Saturday, S. (I. Park, man vvaa re elected President. I. \THST FROM FLORIDA. By tho SloanuT Florida hut night, we retjeiv- od (lie fi-lhnv mg letter from the Kditnr. It con. taint the lotetl i/ilclliffenre of O-n Clinch. Wu aim received the lu*t Jacksonville Courier, but aue mi later intelligence from it. Cxmp Cimri.vv O'Mxtiii.x, ) January 30M, I63tv. \ Dear Sir: Since my la*t I have no battlo or rumor* of battle* In communicate, and if I hul I »m afraid that 1 could nut paint the former in •neb glow ing color* a* I perceived hy the Ge«r giin of ihe’JOlh inat, "a volunteer juai return. from Picolala ' Im* emblaBoned the Indian exhibition of the ‘J2d altlw Stexmhoit Landing. I illude lo the artielo hnadod—••Attempt of the /nit unit to tithe the lira fuecet of orii nance Utl tent from thi* city " Wu nave Usic ho*;A uf bat fiat ludiuia an are 11 "I aware of any attempt lo capture the twin piece* of nr Jinnee, Karly thia week Lieut Paney of the l'- N Ar ilh-ry, arrived at the Kerry, oppoaito thi- Po*t, with * number"f -"-'g >ne and -in e»o rt «>t "tie liiimlri'd vijiinlc- r*, pari of• vnlun'ecrlmcn from the AlacliU-1, ••• imputing Gen. Cliimli’i nountninl it llto tune Mr Dancy letl Fort Hrane lln wn» ano-nnpatiled hy M »j'*r Cooper nl'lh* vnlmiiu<-.«, 0 g-IIaut Olficvr trnm .V*a*uu c cni. ty, wlm wnn flint through Iho body al the battle • T>he WiHilacooclier on the 3l»l nil. Form 1 lately for him the hill merely grar d Iho vita 1 paria nfbia body, and lining am ill, ami probably divolmrgi-d from u nil-, hut partially hured, did mil tear Hi" lie h aa «na di*ch irgc-t frmn a tir-t rain nil 1 would have done. An it wan the allot brought him to hia knee*, but lo fall (lie neat moment at full length, and until tho hall, which lodged within a half inch ofhia back, wa* extracted, thn blued haeiud froely frniu hm mouth, lie I* now walking abu'il mid ia doing well, and will, I hope, lung live to ho un nxarnplu lo hi* eouutrymnn, fin emigrated (mm Georgia tu Hit* Territory—Major C, haa lull thu far homo. Lieut. Kmg. ly uf thu (J. S, Arljllmy *Do uc. coiupanicd Limit. D. and beura on iiaperann the honorable wound* received ut thu atme gal' Unlntfiir. lie Ua* two Wuunda^m oui arm which occuaimi gruat pii i mnl KiiHuring Ih will proceed tho firat opportunity to Al, Align*, tin", where ho Im* two chiiilrnn Hi* l.fu ha* hacu ’pared, I tru«t, loenuhlu him to servo lu« 101111 try it aoinn oilier lime, when ho unyreup more l'iur-’la than can, In i-im uvea of in my, he required 111 Indian warfare, though in my opin. ton, ho wi-l never hn ablo in any aitualtuu in which he may Ir roufinr Iio pi med lo moril more Imn he iloee who arre*l« by lna bravo -irm the iilllu of lli" aavugii, aimed at hi* bleeding coun trymen. tlilmr fiulda may hitmm with fruaher l-ioielN,—other cicada may win for him more lieurtfVli plnu-lite—more inspiring leatiiiioniul of hi* conn try’■ giulitud-i.—bul the water* of Florida will never waalt out front hi* memory, nr thut of ilia uminlryuiuii the hl-md an froely poured out nn thu h.mkN of the Wilhluconohoc, —for there the flag nf h.a c--entry iva- planted —wuh tioikiUhed hy hi« blood. Li»ut. Danny’s c-enrt cniiaiMted of three coniiiiiinua, under Iho coiniu .nd of Captain* W iiluiua, Gihhun, and Caavvell Captain Stuplmna raorived hy C* ipt \V, tho fldlowing acknowledgement* from Gen, Clinch Head 1 irlcrw, Trnnpa in Fluriilii, 1 Fort Urn nr, Jail. UOth, 1080. { Sin, I am ilirooli'J by Gun. Clinch lo rcq-iu*l you to rend if in your c harge, und if not, uau«e lo he Muiit, thru" hundred eland of aroi* with iccnutrprneiilacoiupluto by C.'ipt. William* id he Volunteer*. If there uro nny rifle* among thu arum tlm General wUliea fifty iu ho aowt in pri’forenre to tlm uama inmitior of inuski't*. •011. pruaeut* Ilia nckimw ludgimicnta t you tor your gall.mV couducl in occupying y ,u r pruHunt hi ■ I ion, nnd tlieinhy uni only rendering great prniuelimi 111 Mid inli-ihit in'* and giving aeenrny to the public uioru* at I'lonlulu, but In' your nvtemhm gnncuitly. 1 am Sir, wiOi great reapnot ymir nh't. Scv’t, F, L* JONI'lS, l.i L*. Anlti tie (Jump, Tu Major Str/ifnm, Coin'dg at Ptenlata, {Fl.) Lieut Dancy atirti'd hence yenlcnlay morn, ittg wuh the l am* and uncurl fur Furl Pi ami anil Knit King. When Limit. D. lull G-n Clinch the latter had from lull to 1.15 V-dun' leer* under Hu cnmiu-i’id of C l I'.vriiali, hi* uumpimtoauf rcgvtlac* wlilult mutter about tu VI7II moil. Cul, Twiggi hid not arrived. Gen flinch'* ReguLr* uru divided a* follow*; two Cmiip-min* hi Kurt Drune, which Furl in- cludea u port hiu of Gun. O'a, nuildingv pt-keUcil ill two nlhnr Cuuipaiiiea at Camp Lmg Syne, •1 ah-Tl i!i»t ino-j from Fort D..1110, where amuo oilier building* oi Hiu taonornl ur<* inuhidcd with picket* A tilth Company i« ataliunud at F»rt King, under Cul Crane, and n *ixtli al Fort Ga.e , (Cul I. II. M"lntu*li‘* place.) All the*, midding- h-r ilimi oil he cent* hi provi*itiu* in’, euvanry fur the «up|v-<tl <«f tlm tr*>op> ur ere in ihoin»elvo* eNNi ntinl to their eoinforl, When Gen C. murdie* lu.iltuck the lnili.ui* ho doubt. )cn. w ill ux he did when he f light thu bntlle of li« WithlacuocUiKv gmri-u» thuivs po*ta with Ifulunteer* nnd taken tlm ReguluN for ucllun. The Kovi-nna Culler .h ller.on, Cajil. .l-hu Juckion, n«nv under N ivV Order* arrived op. pi»«tlv’ thi* Fa-t last Tuu vlay ami multul tho next day fnr Jnekannvillo, where Copt. J. will ■ wait the order* uf Gen. Clinch. Th" imposing Corps of Richmond Rluon l\tnn Augu-ta under the command of Capt. F. .M. Rnbertaon reauhnd tliia J’oal thia morn, big in the Hloamor Florida. Their appoarnnuo |*cro«litahl« to the State and tlm city vvhoao bn. •om they have left f»r llmwiida of Fh-rldn. On Hie arrival oftlinb iut thi* morning Sergl lleod of 1 Iio Savannah Vidunlcor* very gallant, ly vtilunleorod tn^ ride a* an ox pro * in Lieut Dancy, who it i» pr- mimed has not thia day pro. needed many mil--*, An axprea* arrived nn ihcnppo*ite bank about lialfau Imiir (iri-vimia from Gen. Clinch with -leap.itchoN in an wot Vo doapa'chna aunt from St. Auguitine. Oftlio n ituro of tho <10 deapat oho* wo are not apprixed, aa they were aenled- but laarn verbally that Gen. Call with upward* of 5H0 inmmVwI volunteor* wa* vtillt General Clinch. I learn that tho latter cnnhl, nfW aocuring the post* garriaoned hy hi* command, *paru about 100 men from tho Regular*, fit for duty unite with tlm velum corn in acting against (lie Indiana. The »-mnor a blow i* struck tho better—a ml I doubt imt, ere thia, if Gen. (-linoIt baa hod the lnnat opportunity, tint hn baa turn- n I the hie w u, and taught the mlagndded aona oftno forroat, tlio f.lly of their bluod-thiraly c nr*o. Jvm 81.—Tho Al mgin with Cipt. Ston-i’a cniiiuiam), and Uie detachment of P.iounix R,. flnninn und-T thocamtu uid of Lieut. Segur *r- r vod this mnruing. I am gratified to *en our nnr Firilow.Citixon* of Savannah epponriug in the field in the garb nf their rnrpectivn Corps. Our V’duntvor Corpa have all that eiprit, which muat impel them a* Corpa not lea* ilian a* in. dividual* lo fly 10 the ra*cua nf their diatra**ed R elhron. T l»o l'hm-iix RitVmien have acta go "lex .mple. One of their member*, Mr A (>. Segurjh** bean with ua «ince wo* from Savannah, and ha* proved himself an ohodient and faithful Soldier. Wo have had among nur uuiicd hand, aayou ar--aw tre. Kcven f roln ( , ur respective Corpa, who have all proved the value of uur Volunteer Corpa. Smcu writing thu above I have henn with five nthcr**acrue* the St. J-hn* to bring over our g-illan Sergeant Rued, for whom I felt m dividiwlly Homo appreha lainnn, aa anon *tAor ho had atari-d from tho Ferry yu-terduy an ludran ob-urved muho bank «t tlie river by two of the men, the bout in winch Sergt. R -cd wa* eonveyed icmn. He el ad iu hia war dr«*» and when diacevored ran off, throwing hi« light hand over hi* hoad probably a* a *ign to «omu of hi* companion* He wia ton far for a ehnt at hint tw taka tffrot. Sergt. Reed overluo L'cul. Haney'* paity bolWoan -l and f> o'clock yokterday alternunu about Q’t milua fmm III" Furry on Hie read to Fort King. They pro- caodsd near two milm further bef-r" ll-oy on- camped for the nig',t- Lu n' D. wa* tejolr.tnl tu reemvo tim iutulligeucc cominnuicNte.l by Sergt. R ofii,-i I .r..i- arrived it and On iho way to Hun place and expruesod In* great saliafnction nt being able tnoonvey auch gra*ifyi«’g intclli. geiiuu to Gun Clinch. If•> wa* Ii-,never com- (Hilled to con inuu hi* march a* all (lie V.Jun leer* w-,m in muted ami their huraua o* aim th«*« in the wag-ma were without a grain of corn, and none mild ho obtained wiihin amne uilua nf th»ir nnca-iipinmit, wiiio-i lo riblain they wen- ubl-geii to pruceud on iheir jnurm y othurtviae could limy have returned hum, Capt RohertNoii'x command might have joined timin' Aa |i J*, I am not appriz'd 011 wlial day Capt U. Will leave for Foil King. S rgt. Retd report* tlut Lieut. D’« p-rty haa Ncouri’d thu wood* on their route, ond haa nut djkPuv, red any sign* of Indiana. Nnfahur did Sergt. R. 111 going and returning. Th" Indian hqgu ye-derday over the river I am inclined to think waa oiin of the very Ninall party wliioli has boon prnu'ling abniil ii- furimmA week*. How• ever, Un* i« but rnnjrulurn, Jt they arc un cue. my, ivhoiemuvemuHta must bo tuutu or le*a in* Volvcd in nil cuntv. Lon* ok uik Steimkh I'iomk.kk, ari.nvuivo to riiB Fiokrp.r Link—Tha foil- wing letter from the Cipl-iin of tlm boat tn the Agent iu Darien ■f» all tho partirntar* rnwivnl: Ilugg Lai. ding, fjotrtlcrt Illi.f, Jan .11, Dhxii Sir—This will inform you of tho le*a nflllu l’i neor at tliia place. Wo worn at tho liu ding iml had cmimionc d t -ki ,g i-i wood when heexplininii took place. Thu Sioamhnut an 'h ilh low bu-it* ,ro sunk, and ten or twelve men kill ed. I am very much hurt myac-lf. I am now ut thi* lllufi'uml will he glud of Medical uid fur my.iulf and mutt an toun «a («»»>ihl«. JOHN S. GOODWIN. Tiik Chkkk I.nuun*.—The Colnmbu* Sonti nol of tin- Sl.(*li ult. ha* a lung article conflrin. ing the account* w ritten fmm Cnlumbua cun ceruing tho hn»tiln Inmuna and tho poriluUa u.t. nation of Coliliii'-iiH, The Sciiiiui'l iua tIio following nbanrvaliona, “ Mnj Gen. M ill has du.ioa of high rttqeimimUty tu perform, ttud hi« (ell>>\v «»t . zuiih, look mainly to him to t ike moi'Mirc* fur their security. Without having conxiilioil Gon. M Du11g.1l, nnd with duo delimincu to hi.. own juilgement, wo would reaporlfully auggcal whether a (nrmidahle body «*l mutt almuld not ut unco be organized to entry war into Ilia ene. my’Hcuuutry. a-ek their luwua and luiuiiiulu iho wai ut once. Sine* w Ulng the wo have caii- d upon Gen. MeD"Ugald, 'md received Irmii him lliu following nitorm.itinii. That he Ua** ordered "in one l li->ii (nl m 11 I rum hia to londezvoii* al Uiik pluw iuimoiliuli'iy, with ihu fix’d rt’Mulatiim of luailmg ilium in pvr»’>si, in- lu inu hu ut uf thu county'* ceun iy, und «tn. king nn «ffuutu-il hl"W i-ul'or- they emhndy to givu Un furlher uiica ilia**, Thu course m-ouik to iin, to hn wiae, mill’llry und the mo t ufl'ue. t'l il iii-iii’ii'c «f "tilling Uu« alarm at om-.u. Thu triini of hoatilu JmiiaiiN uio well known,—tho tiend men Nhuuld be told diM-inctly that the of. lending Indian-, arc lo ho given up, or tlm town und HiuiiisciveH tuUu tho eoiiMmuoncu. I'l uro rointtn* 110 duulit now, mat it w ill v« uuiru the vigi'pnt miergy ol'lho oflhvr* of our uiv, inn to nmr-h fi-rw rd Withoiit del iy, and leach 1 hem moilin'mg miirilcror, hnw to om s Hi-i (hiatlnhoniihio in defianco of our atuliio law* and niarun mmnig dcfuuc’ lo a uititciiH ju '•untilu array. Wu go lor thi* inouauro heart, ily. COT TLRCI tl, KLCOUIL ImMMM Jmforta, rebaary 8 : Sal.r Franklin Grostte Irom Havana, I hhd» .Muiaasua und aquiiility uf Fruit. Snennnah Lx port t, February 2 F- r hi. brig Garland for Livorp'.ol 835 hale* Upland t-'lton F-r hi. b.nque Fiirfit-M f->r Liverp'iol, 1013 bile* L’j-laml* and JU bale* Sou Inland. Boston, Jm 21.—Coffee~~Market without change, and demind qinlo modnrat*. Sal”* green Java a» I3j : li mu*, St Domingo at 11 j •, and Rinat 12J-! ("»r lb Sale* by uuctionB lid* Myaura u|d -t 12c jut lb- Cotton—Since our Jut-l roport aovoral hundred ba|o* new Cultmi have Men ruccivod, which will Ih.- aufll-ii’iil fur the iimuodiato demand- Fruvi oil* to Hmso arrival* the stoek wa* reduced to ■’lira'i* -I’lll l.a 0 Thure have been a low aula* ut a "> itfurin 1 r- p.i- a i piicoa. Pith—Tins aalen ot Cod liavu mostly (rr-m •torn—g>mdpi”king full nave linen taken al -$3 ("•r quintal. Two nr three f.irnu which have ar- rivodhavo auld al 2 "3 a 2 87j iMjck'-rel are dull of n.iIu; hrddur* uro firm at our highest quo* latiout, Mulattct —Thoro have been some arrive Ih, hul ilm article i* very dull, und 11 - mile* uf im. por'uiico havh been mad"-men uur laat report, lent Hilo* di.tilling at 2SJ a 23.;, nnd Suriuuiii it 3(lo per gal, Sugar— D-nuind fur box S-igar* quito ntmlo- rate and wu have 110 largeniiIum lu report. There i* hilt little Miim-i vudn hero. Sule* of sm-ill |nt* priuio ul 9Je pur lb, ihlatiil. I'okilivi ly tIm U*t n -lit bul ont» nf tho scaaon, For the Ihmofli ->f Mrt. CARTER ard Mr HA ILLY. On which ocoa i-11 Mi-* G, ll-rne* and .Mr. • nd Mr*, fl rnuk will .i|i|>cir. THIS KVKMNG. FBI). 3d. will bo presented tl*— popular Mato Drantlof 7 II li n E S E, OK, TIIK '' ORPH AN OF GKNF.V V. /.avioNNiiQ, Mr. II rnea, C irwin, Jud.Ai. F-m tamo, Yming, 'i'liert-M’, Mi** C. Darnos, Afiur tlm Mel" Drama A Comic. Sung hy Mr. Hailey, Venetian Stature, hy Mr. Fcreivnl, To cotloludu Willi Hie luui;h ddu Farce of TURN OUT at tho ENRAGRD POLITICIAN, Greg ry Rcdtail, Mr. B -riioa, Marian Ratna-y, (iv.tb a nga) Mr*. Bariica To inurmw, (Thur d ty.) Mr Jmlah't benefit, and pn.ii ivoly the last night oftlio aeua n, IIj' Tlm friend* and aequairiiaucoa of Mr David Harrington aro ruquusiod to attend lii H funor il fr-un Iuh Dto ro-i-iunco on Spring ILp thia Morning nt VI o'clock, IMNMvN'GGitS Her Schr. Ajax from New Orleant.—Cap'. II ake and Mr. GUsg»wr. Per tleamhoat Florida, from Picolala— Murar*. Family, Stuns Duuignou, Walburg.and Ruv. Mr. Duboao. .12 A ill A I. JOi l.lT7 •II.N ,RMK* 6 16 | fUS XKTJ. 3 14 IIIOII WA'I'ka XT HAVXNNAII 08 46 FORT OF B lVANNA.I. ..FEH ii. 6LBA RED Slorage. f ■ VIE uitdoraigoed, uun talto 3 or A IQ bale* ■ Cnltull ua storngi), f»' 3 WOOD&RIDQF, ft MAY. Portur. ^ CASKS Lnnd'-ii Br.-wn Stout Porter. r "“ Ju-t received and fur an In by fob 1 CLAQHORN A WOOD, l 'O/TWa t. TIMOR if. ' “ i -^s Tha "chuuiinr AJAX. <!unt. H. S.imi 1 ' 'i\^ , rH Wl ^ •>■•v quick do patch, for fraight 3a€Sfuur pai-suge ujiply to fob 3 FRANCIS SORREL, Uniter. v ftT KEGS choice goahen But tor for «alo ojy i,y u iv dei.amater a. co, fob8 -p Tolwec't. m#* BOXES nf iK’flttieh'H hot Tobacco ** • lauding from achr. Henry Clay, nnd • •I" by U W DEI. KM AT MR & CO. fob 2 — p We give b -J.-w Uiuexpliiiiatiuii ul the Aiigua- •« Gmia'ilntbnt.iliai in rolation to the «dl'.'n«ivu piratrapli in t Ml paper of Wnrlnnad ,y |nwt “ Wu cheerfully comply with the rt-q mat of mir S iv .mnli tnnmD, w« pu'ili h nil that thuy require. Wo can iiamirc Hiem, Hi-il when we wrote lli" in ImJ fouling g lido 1 ■ i-r , on. Wim li- -nglit .1 tiintlUlIo dil iiurL •m** had Ihu-ii cxliilulu in aondiug a* cflioiciit a umnbur «»f Volunteer* a* Savannah could uf. f rd, ex|.ncially when wn comp.rod what An. giiit.i h.-d dono with wliui SavuiiQah had alma, riy dmio end ennhl d >. Wn now make an o. ment/e honorable in S,vmnali. If anm.-what -lilatmy, that ci y hu* duno mnro tli in nobly re dueinod it* high,leptilalinn for patriotism Wc hu.m that uur Siivunn.ili friond* w II uh iio ill will fur Ii 1 ving cxjireM-ed "iirpii 0 nt thoir nut being lieture hand tu AugiHU ; for, this »nrprt>« could not biivo boon tmlortuinud if wo li.ul not the highe*t opini'-u of tho patriot) 111 ■ nd high niiudcdnona of His citizen* of Chat a 11 Con n'y. Wo wan aware, wlmn wo penned tha arti-ln,. that a company nf V-ilunlonr* from Savannah wo* * atinned at Picolala, and that they bad bean of milch aorvico. Thoao Vnluntuer* do. Mirvo well of their country—ami have already received (a* i|iuy ju lly morilud) (lie llianka of the oitianna of Fl- rid ». We repent, that wo liavo no ill will toward* Sataiin ili. Wo regard that city, ua lira pinlu of tin- Statu—its ci i/.ona u* (.'iiurgnua- A* Guurginua (Hiiiiking them dilatory in thoir timvmmMti ) wo ex)>runmnl mir rogrut*, and il will alw iy< liu a sniirue of regn-t i<> uh m H c«, any portion a! tho o-lizens of Georgia liulnod hand in rniidoriog prompt «a*i*tuoua to a dm tri’sacd lie ghhur. JABIMN, 2lUli Jan. 1636. Ta Cufiinin II’//1. P. Uoiccn: Dr.xa Sir --I ha-tcu tu inform ymi of »ur ar rival »t thiN plnau, after a protracted voyage, having hikt Uvolv hmtri hy gotting aground 011 lliu first ingot nfiur our departure. Wu liavu M-ippud fir the (lurpono of getting plank for our hulwiirk*, mid shall (cavu BuimMimo tt,in morn- mg for i'iunluia, where—barring accident*— wo ex pent to arrive on Saturday afternoon. Tlic "iioa'i -n "four men ul present, in uni the moat eoinforl ililo—owing to tho crowded *tato of the boa*; bat, th«v aro ull in lino npiuta, und iH-ari’vciy privaiiun liko man—they uro a fioo not of ioflnwa, 11 n«i l have no dnulil nhoold wn have an "pporttnii'y, - hat wo will givo a good account ntTiio olio ny. In onn-eqii' iieo nf the Ja'. y w,t luve experienc’d, l - > .lit w th«r l shall bo ablo to writo by thn Florida, i* aim wi l hove atarte-l hack, befuro wu urrlva. I hare nothing rn-To to any, nxaopt that I hope noun In a»o you it our head, ready in lo id ua wlit're, glory, ii-uvor or July, m iv call ua. Your Ac- J • »SEPU F. SEGUIt. Republican. Yolifxritp.Ks i’oh Fi.-irio, —At a meeting nf lira Iri-h V dunn-or*, liuld yoNterday. at non o', elnek, 11 lira Washingioil Ho ul, I’npt. Huory, vnUntecd'd tu* swrview* for threw month*, fnr Florida, and w.1* |irooiply folloivud hy between 1" ••'•• 5') of hi* men. und in tho coiirrn of tlio ay 1 numher of-itlior aigued tlrair naipi**, nia. ki g thu onm'mr nnwardi of till. Tha Ipt j* to rciuatn npan th« day. In cnmniqucm-.o of Hum spirited umiiln-u on tlio part of Hm Irish \ lu nicerihu draft front the 17th roginiunl will Ira roudortid imnccvasnry. Charlctlna Courier let inti. ^ SkmiNolk—Wn continun to receive the mod threatonio; new* fr nn iho frontier. Cap. tain So-nutorlina'company In* liemi attacked nnur Nuwuansril.'u, and forced to retro t A purtimi ot Capt. McLom wo’* company lu* al*n Ixx’n attacked, near Sutvanuoo Old Town, and anstuinud a lo*a variously ropnrtod, from two tn four killed. Too Indian* aru un tliia sido nftlm Suwauaoc, in tho roar of our aroiv ! ! Every efl'Tt ia nuking to organi*« a uutficu-’nt turcu lor tho driVm <• of Hi* country. Tiillahaatee Floridian, 23.1 in»t. III. barque Fait field, Slack, l.ivurpuol. Mnlymaux. III. brig Gail md, While-nil, L-verpmd. .1. Low Co A UR IF HU, Schr. Franklin Green. Wat c Il ivann 8 day MoI.ishcs und Fruit, to Pad--IforiJ, Fay ,V Co. Schr. Ajux, Saundur*. Now O-loaiu and 11 d’y*. from lira Bull/.", Cotton Seed und Apple, to E P Bulla und S Piulnrick A Ce. S'cumtniat Florida, Uehbafd, I’lculat t, to R A \V King. Sib imbnal Cliorokeo, Nnrri*, Augusta, with hoiUluiiJ-l to SiUii11Un.1t Company. 1-133 bile-. Colton und o Irar Md/.-. in Padelmrd, Fay A t n., J U Si John A Co. (I (larpu , Tupjrar Si-'.urc. (t.irduu A Suvoll, S |> Cm inti, Ail tin.-- A IliirmugliN, ttulcunihe, Puck A Co, McGuVurii A Piiimzy utul, other*. DEPART EU, Slcatnleiut Tmimchitthi, Burden, Darlutt, Stueuii>at C.iluduni i, Wood, Augusta. iVM.VT Ti) SLA, Ship Niag ra, Ilnw a, Liverpool. Ship Jo..n mid E'lX.i- oth.C uri-liill.Livorpnol. IL . chip Ftuiii u*., Grunnck Hr. slop IJriiisli Kii.g, Hunt, Liverpool. Snip Pnwhuitun, Thpnipauu, Livurjiunl, Ship Win. Ilrown, T'ayl"r, Livurpaol. ship Unit uinin, Harding, Liverpool. II <g Try, Lviivi t, St. Cn-ix. Br g Uniiiulu*, .Maur-ui, Piuviiiaiici'. Bug CeiUN, Ul-iichurd, H ivrc. Brig Abigail Uralim -u i, llardon, Nmv York B'tg Cliurlo* Jukoph, Frost, Boston. Br. li.ig Claniida, Walker, St Kit*. Brig Nun, Ni'iri", We*l, indiu*. brig Nurn.1, Dmt, Livuipuol. M E M () li AN DA CH S RLE-TON Feb. I —Arrivad.SUip Cal- odniiia JJr.indiT, Dowaou, City Point, V.i. Br hng Rnvnr, logh in, Turk* Inland. Schr Mary, Tov y, Now York via Hampton Road*. Schr (larpon, Gald'-r, Kicbmnnd. Solir Ricliui'l Ann, Crouch, |{icliiii->ntl. Brig Pinion, Shoi-rwonri, Now Orlnaii*. Se'ir Carolino Marion, (*obb, Munainu via Gibraltar. B4-vv, ll irque Brontes, from Pyutotli, Ma*«. Cliiiiruil, Br *lnp Roger Muwuri, Ki-r, Grumi. nek i brig Couiul, Trim , St AugUNtiue , achr ilub (! -uilwin, TyUn-, Now Oih una; achr .Mar- uii-’li. Allen, Durn-n. NEW YORK, Ja.u.25 —Cleared -liipB I.e-v.- i* Car*, Whittlraiy, Mubilu j Na*Jivi.|i-, h boiio, No •*. UtJsTGN.Jun. 21.—Arr kliip Euifiorur,Cliuf. feu. Liverpool. Brig MU', Mathews, Philadelphia, Jan. 22, arr. burquu Burlington, Evuni, Ua.' * .via Brigs Potomnn, Hitohnnoh, St. Domingo city. (’I'd brig* Oilomm, Gray, Maraeiliua ; Han nah A M .ry, Tiipo Jormnie. Tolograpuod—Dutch gilUol Voiioliu, from Ho'hmd ^ . t'l'.l ship St Mirk, llelmn*. Savannah ; hqr* Wallnco Tbaxtcr. II ivuin ; Turbo, Sii,np*nu,N Oiloan* ; Chief, Eidridge, Clurlua on ; Roque, Proctor, N ' • Im • MARBLEHEAD, Jan. 15.—Sailed, achr. ca<inr, Port mt l’rmcc. SALEM, J t« 22 —CM Joppa, Bal'imnrn POR I SMOUTII, Jan. 21.—Arr brig i’ura. gon, N OMoan*. Jan. 25 —Arr Brig Soa Hor«<-, William*, An. tigna. Biig Klngaten, Marahall from M'mtega Bay, (Jam.) NEW BURYPORT. Jan. 22 Arr brig Al. pine, Biyley M y.iguez ' PORTL \N l). J in 22 — W *clir* Del iwara, New York; l* itap.en, do ; Mednr.i, Billinmie. Brig B'•nmr, (of Providence) II irriw, from Sort mirth, lor Boston wont on the nufor ledge ofColfwnl R»ck« on Thur<dny morning at 2 o'clock, "ltd liu* hilifed. She line fi7l) b iloK cot- inn, fil‘1 hide*, nnd 2f)0fl leet 1-uuliCr. Se.l-r Gen W ir'«n, nf Ch irUtown. from Pliil- adelphin f -r B «fon with corn, look fire in Pro. vhieotmvn hnrhnr 19th Irmt Tin fim wa* ex • linguialied without aerinoa dim ige tn re* al or rnrgo. Of brig JitonV cirgo. there hn* kettn *nved 56 hnlta dunk, 19 euil* cordage, 5 hoxn* nod *>mie h»n*n horse tail*, 4 bales manea, 3 do rukom and sotno homp. 1 ompnny Onlcrs. T HE Ciralrv Cerp* c-mne-ted w’Ui tho Chit bam Legion na-i liomhyonJernd to a*, ftomhle at the Exchange Thi* Day a* 10 nVlnck A. M , In "loci a eommnndnnt tn comm.ind the L"gion, nnd 11b equetiHy 111 tend to company bu nines*. By order «>f Cap* IV. Lmv, JAMES PORCH Eli, 1st Sergt. fib 3 Moxandria Si‘^:ir.s, i)ik CASES (30110 ennh) Alex Segnra. **r«|fir Ju*t rc'-eivod and for *ale hv fob 3 G ACJDRY A LEG Rl EL. ouaars. A It HUPS prime Porto Rico Sugar " ™ r 5 do do St Cmix do 15 l.oxo* I*! nml 2d quality Loaf Sugar 10 br 1 * superior Loaf do Just received and for *nlo bv fob 3 GAUDRY A LEGRIEL. Caps. C CHILDREN’S CTmehtlUr Cap*. ‘ Yomh’n Silk Veivit d-» Youth* cloth Cnpnnf various patterns'just ro. •eived nn-l for sale hv | fob ‘ II. N ALDRICH A ( O. I Notice. r AY dny* on Colton, per company's boats J So l and I t, v.-lllwxmre tn m-visi noon. WM. TAYLOR. P. S. ff. CO. foh 1 Iliick Skin Shoes. S adies skin shoo* J do rin do Slippers Reeoiv.’d and for i’l • hv fob 3 II. N ALDRICH A CO Noticu. fS^PE II.mnmhh.ihn C'-nrt ufCoinmnn Pinna rj. and ufOyer nnd Torminer for lira city i f Snvauii'ih, ia adjourned until Thurxdny next, 10 ’olnek, A M. Juror*, Miitor*, wiluutkca, ami hailiffi, will take dun imlien. fob9 U <!. Cl'i.H MID. ' 1 ;'< Phila lolphia Boots. UST received from I'hilndi-lphi 1, 10 n.nuts linn Call, fair stiluii'-l Bunt*, 5 " “ “ " " Navy Sh--o*, 3 “ •* •• •• •• S rap' Shoo*, A light and hundamne nrticl". fnr anln, hy BREED A WARNER, South Sidu of Market Square. fob 1 •5 7 Buies :L’»0 picc.c.s (rcor^ia Long Vcllmv JVankcoiis, Iff UST roeeivod nod fnr Mile hy the Subscriber, ■ f* w Im will cuminn” to anop n .aupply through tho Spring and Summer snnsnn. WM. ('.. WAY, Agent. A'lgii'l-i, (Geo.) Fnb. 2, 1636. fob8—0 Bnvsl.o.its and J^afiu Simpers. t'ASES Buy* <7>lf Bu-it-, 1 pri-iui nriiclc While mid bl-mk Sutin Slipper*, bnlli A- mortenn nnd French, for mile hv BREED A U ABNER, feh 2 Smith Hide milrliol ►qn-rn. Knglish nnd I’rcncli Kid Slipp* i s. V OR a lie low by ii' lid. 2 BREED A WARNER. Notice. 'PllllE fivm of SLATER .J- HODGES, a will, a* heretofore, from Hu* day, be re. continued at their former land, whom they will cnnliouo tn keep a gener.l uH*<»'t>non! „f |) r y Gmid->nnd Groc ri-'a, mnl hopotn .Iin a. am ng their frio'uls and the public, a j* .rt ot tltutr sup. port and (utronago. JOHN SLATER, fob 2 JSl), HODGES, Notice* P ERSONS indebled 10 the laic firm of J |) llerh it A Cu.arc requested tu m-ik.i im. mediate payment, an ell runiaining U'-ai’ttii-d nn iho )5lh in*t-inl, will thou be placed iu thu hand* of an Attorney fur onllenjinn. W .M C CRKN'Sff \W. jau 2 Surviving Cnp.irliMT Wood fop Sale, ' |MIIE Subacribor ia now meoiving and will 8 in future keep onn-taiiily on h.ui-1 nt hi- wlnrf nil the Cain I, a large -upply of O k. Hickory nnd Black J ick, which lie will (jplivur tt> Purchases* tn any part nf the mtv. JAMES ROBERTS. fob 2—n* Just deceived *i fc V tho aliip* Emperor, and If-llo, from Now IIP York, pilot and navy, II in, mess beef, Fultmt m-iTKel do, in hull hrls,am-ill llama, rai*ins, 10 hy 12 and H bv 10 window glam, boxen herring, prune*, fig-.iilnimid*, le x- "a "lionnliito, 4 brl* in) 1 iii ickerel, 4 lirla bunk, wheat, 4 h i* do, Gnalien butter, lard, pig pork, chwse in e.u-k*, tmtvbr>>»n ketchup, tninntloea do, apple cider, potato. *, llnfogn 1 aaiiM gi-*, no ^ma. pickle* nf the first quality for family 11*0 ; ;*u 15U iiiliiillua hay, lor "ah- 11 un 4 Mnngin'* wharf hy ' 11 JO.MAS WOOD, f i.2 Bulb uu vV: Tabor »u« -i • itcil I'lauts. III! Sob cri'tcr having recniv- d never..I In- J. v-iioi'H nf w 11 M-h-.-l- , un i r.r Rulhniia nnd Tiihernu.- Rnnto-l Plan •*. and l);ili ia-—also elioieu Gnrdon, Fi-dd, and El-’Wor Seed*, from the Garden nf M«’-ars. Prince A S<ms, Flashing, (near New York,) would inform tin* I’uhlin llml they n hi le- pr-cured on nppliuaiinn ul Mr. J F. K icdili’iV Gnuuiiug Room nn tho B y, wo*l of, and near tlm Exchange ; full catalngiio* lln-rt»o examined, of tlm aim vo plants and ends, and ahnuld any Ihi required that .-rc nut Imre, they will bn instuntL ordered. Catalngiio- cun also Its »con, of Fruit A Hardy, ornamental Tree*, Shrub* ami Plant* j nf Greenlx-tise Trees, SUtuhsaiid Plants, Unposted—>nd Anm ici. D. POSTKLL. fob 2 (rep) Fronch Fur Walking Shoos. 4|iAfv PAIR thick .md thiii role French ** ^ ™ r Fur Walking Shoe*, a bum'iful article for winter, for stlc by fob 2 BREED A WARNER, Snii'li aide in uk t square. For sul’j 1»\ Breed & Warner B ASES light Bunt*,aoinn a* low u* 250 rf "r 2 naan* c-'W hide do, a atom good ar tide, for sale by BREED A WARNER, fob 2 South aido ol'in-irkut aip-uro Chatham Artillcn*. A N Elcc'inn for Second Lieii'euant of He- 2^. c..ip» will i»e hold at tlio Lah-’ratmy T is IJ-y, tho 1 bird day nf February inat. at at 7 o'clock I*. M. By order nf J. B GAI.LIE, Gniiiuianding. MxLt.Knv, Act. **l Sergt. U A. fob 3 Iron. Nails, and Sugar, «5cc. L anding ivnm brig jnscptuuo 50 ton* Swcih-'a Iron assorted 330 c»»k- Cut Nail* 50 bbl* No 1 Beef 75lihd* Muscuvadn and Porto Rian Sugar 15 cusk- wintoi strained Oil. for aalo hv STONE, WASHBURN A CO jan 21 To Builders. rinllF. undersigned will receive prnpnsaUun* H- til tlio 15th of February next fnr lira crec lion of t wo brick dnubln tenement dwelling Iious. •(, with ni’cen-ary nut imililiug*, Thu buildings arc each to bo 60 le-1 hy 38 feat, throe alone* b»!*-id«,* U»*emcnt, to bo plainly but neatly fin. islied. Material* tn Ira foruifhed hy tl,e •nn. trictor, except a small quantity now nn hand— tn be complete for occupation hy 'he 1st N.-v. next, Proposal* for one nr both will bo receiv ed. WM H.CUYLF.K. GKO W. ANDERSON, W. W.GORDON. j.m !5—fa Ex ora John Water*. Apahrliicdn EXTENSIVE >ALE OF TOWN LOTS' IN APAL'tCHlCOLA POSTPONED |n c--naoqoi'ii oof (tis'urbinto-wi h tho (uduit tn Fh-r.ili, Hie u|e . ftho T wn Lota adved ti*«it f-r t> » 22 > nf IV- u.,ry, ia po-ipono( until l oe-day Hie l‘J u day "of \prtl next. 1. IIE wli-do Tract id'L "Id nailed •* Ft-rbnJ B Purch iau," aui-iunting (u ah- ut Twolvj fiandied riioiinuud Acm*. ailuitml in Mi-ldlt Florida, t>-g- thur with thu town nl Apalaohicn lu. and -ho Miij-ucni InIuiiUs in tl-n Gulfnf Mox l«" h Ving b'un vo*led in the subscriber* hi '.ruatcov, by and for tlm use of all Ute propria tor*. Notion i"hereby given, that on Tucaday. thg twnniy third diiy of F’hruiiry next, nl ten oV "lock in the forenoon, tho Dirt i.-mrs nftho Apa. Iichirnl-i Laid Company willexpuMto **fonl public I!notion, in tho 1 Kivu nf A| paluchicn hi, tin- Hniidiug Loi> iii the -uid town, agreeably l.» a curt 1 find plan Uiuronf to buoxliiliitod ul lira lime of Mile. The terms of will henna forth no ah I -10 rurill'll’ in instalments with ill. !• rust, and whou tho pnymeni* uro made, mid. IhoHfcuri ios t'--r the iiiaiahnoM* gi-.en, accr.j ding tn tho Duod of Trust, mid lira article* of! «s*«iv.iallon, aclenr ttilu in f e t-impio will ba made' Now York Dv. lVh 1835 LOUIS Mr|. vm:, ) CIlA-S AUG'S ;i \VI> >Trintcca JOSEPH M. i E. S Tlio Director* of Hie ApaL hjy..|. Land Cum, puny, rotvrrmg t»> the uhuvn lulvni-eurant, nflbv al private h'iIh in snub q i-. .- ,* in iy Ira w . 1.ted,t " tract nfLaiid known uh *• Forhua' Purcho’O," lying h-lwoun lira River Ap- "iuc icola nnd St. M.iritV, and • xieiiding to within Dx mile* rtf I'xB han-eo In tliia •unct I* to ho fuiiml aonio of lira lino* notion ami augur land*, in tho S-ntlier country ; also tr ct* at lira fu-ual phi" (ami* and extensive traels • -T li vo oak ; hut aa puTuhaavr* will rxnmitie for thnnisela"*, a par* tienl-i 1 doaoripti- 11 i* ui" ecea-ury Ti-otitlo 10 purehoaer* will he the saino a* for Hie tew u l-.t* of Apalucliic-lu- Tile town l.i’ Apalachicola in aitunlcd nt HiO mnuih of tho River nf a.iine 11:1111",<m >>t Genrge'a Sound, in lira Gulf 0 Mexico. It i* Hie sea port oftlio Rner* Chalabouclio, Flint, Chip-da, Apalachicola, and thoir tributary stream*, and i* eailllOCtod Willi lie fl-ilribhing town* of Co lninon* am) Irwintnn, .ml wi'h Lrgo district*nf m il nnri feriln pluutnli ma ill Gonrgi 1. Alain- nia and Florid 1. Tlm exp- r'a f enfon from this port lu*ve been teguhuly increasing fur tlm la*t llireii yo rs, nnd il i* aiipjinaud w ill this year exceed fitly th"u*aiid*hulo*. Twelve to IiH'-oii s'eamlnmts ulro-nly find con. slant ninpluyiiliiot oil it* water*, m-d fi-vv cotin trio- liavo finui pru.pec's of advatinhtucut in -g rieol-u i- and eiuilinorno, Hum I huso bi.rdc-nng nn tho rivers nhnvo moutioirad Ap ilaohicol 1 ha- Im-oii set'led but 11 few years, iml tlm»n wlm >- ivo iiillimto roMtdnl i -ern. hnv. lug no ititere*l in lie soil, h ,ve paul nu men. turn t • ii* minr.ivceu’iii.- further 1 linn suited thoir individual c-mvcnitu-ce. Hale* of about • liiny lot* have air ady heui,in -do to indivnlil- I* redding ill Apnlaehieol.ii Cnliiuihii* und Now York, who have agreed to erect lira proof'(mil ding* on t'.o -aid lots without del iy. and otlio* mi'inunm will be tmrm>rii.iUily-uluptod to m-iko sueli permaiiMit iuipmvoiinmi' a* will no dniiht, iiimUu it a* heal'ny ii plane nf rn, icon go a* is to ho nml with in anv eily south nf Virginia! Si Gnorgo's Sound 1* capat^uiiN, and hn* wo. cure amshwnfen in blun clay bmVon.iuid is ilufon- ded nu nil side* fr-uu tho j*eu. It has two on. r.liens—one In lira ” East pn*-,"admitting vo*. sol* -d.GUO ton*, having six'een loot over lliu bar at low w itn- ; tlino'hor hytlic “West pn*a," having 1 !4 to 13 foot it low water, admitting ves ul- of 3.*i!l ion* ni.r In n without any d.'fli ' "Hy VukmiIk lira wing 8 feol usually loud at the whnrvmCUin-e of I24 feel nr 350 t -na Imr. '•••m, carry ng IIUU hales of cettou, within 3 imh * uf thn town, and those ol’fiUO ton* toko in their carg-ra* within rixtuon mile* iu secure un. ehnrago iu Hie Hound. Lull e.-H 011 the siilijoot of the above laudato Ira addressed to 'J'ln.igi* A Hihzull, Fetor, John Carimciian, nr Ifonjninin A Put. '•am. at tlio < Hl'n-es of the Apalachicola a L uui Company atTulih i-soo <-r Apal chicul i, nr in lira ni'y of Now York, to Ruiijainiu WooNey It gcr*. LiUingrupliic Maps n r Apalachicola, and of i'a vicinity, may In aeon .->t tin- full.-wing plane* :— Ir- New Yuik at iho oflieo of the Tru-teen, or uf lira llunurahlo Jo oidi ,\1. While, ut M’asliing ion. D. C. J. at lira office nf Rivhunl lu Ch-.rUu-lon, S. C. C-irnoclinn. Savaunoli, Geo. ('olundui . Goo. T ll.ih-fB-e, Florida. Ap .1 rahit’ultt Now Oi loans. Mobile, Pens "!■ In fob 2—ft i 122 - pi John P. Williamson. John Dilliugl am A Co. '11.01.111* Ihil'z,-. 1. Uimm Nourso. J unes Jpnernri'y. John Jlinoiuiity. New Goods, ; r a M1E Hilhsnrilior* aro now iqraning, received iS hy recent ariivul*. Rich figured, colored Silk*, (a fotv pattern*, light cul ur. f»v nvening dtns^os, Black Poult DeSoi, Black Gro DeSwisa Dark and light English and French Prints do do |o\v priced American do do do plain and emit -N--d Cambrics A fijw plooes rich' Drqwry Muslins Rich Furniture Worsted l)anin*k 'Virt- us o->lnr*) u .S'>ir t'lotli (a now a. iole for covering) Htait Carpets do ("r-ms birred t'ambrb-k* nnd Muslin* Figur’d Buis- Muslin-, plain Cautbricks Linen t'niuhric lid- f* ci-r-lci) t'ambriek* Ii isii Li--ous. Cant-in Flaun- lh, V-lvit Ril-buna Limm Tablu D itnitak and Napliim Bird* uye Dtaper 3 l mil 4-1 w ido Dania*k Tablu ('Inllu A largo aasorlmout of colored Cotton and Lilian Tablu Cover* ALSO. A few piece* 4 I India Matting A d,-I ea*osof I) -iimsli-: Goods, consisting ot 3 4 7 Hand 1.1 ColtiMi Checks 3-1 mid 1 I Fluid* and Stripes Which make* their assortment very Com plete, all ctf which they odor for aalo on tho ino*t reasonable lurtn* jau 1 J. A K. 1NGKRSOLL. Wagon s. 7 4^ SE T Wagon B0X0* assorted sixes £ IP for sale by N. B A H. WEED. , Flour. BLS Gall-gn Siiperflnn Flour, a 9 superior articlu, pist received per chooimr iloury Clay, from Riolininnd and for BAYARD Sc. HUNTER. asie hy feh I Mess nml Prime Beef, k It BLN .Me** Beef, 63 hid* Prims B.raf A&'bt IU e-aaks Loudon Potter, for *«l« by jan 7 CLAG1D1RN A WOOD. A-1 nil Lamps. p ASTRAL Lamp*, a-M-rtcd, bronzed, jjr Lacquered, ami La- quorud and (»dt, with rich cul aiirdca, for sale hv A- R. KNAPP A CO. jan fl Adjoining thn City lintel. Wsinlct! t" Jlin*, BHD Negroes. , HE siih.-crilier* wi ll to employ, hy Ura " month or year. 3llU nr nu-ro N‘‘gri*o», to i--rk on Hi" Georg"! Union Rail, in t'i« neighborhood of Augusta—wages lilverat—■ lure nnd trunlnmnt niicIi a* will please Hie own. or*, prompt payment, monthly,quarterly or year, ly, ua ia preferred. For further particulars, ap. ply to Me *r*. Holcombe, Peck A C-«. Char, hasten. S. C. Savannah and Augusta, Geo., or to the undersigned, mi the works, 15 miles on tho lino of r nd wort of Augu«la. DAVID COOPER A BROTHERS, From Virginia. oct 12—t—Augusta Sentinel. . Cnrnm Wan*. •* TONS Ciirrnn Hollow Ware, for ante by S*A |an 7 N. B. A II WEED. Norton iNc Fuller g .WE on band, and offer for sale at redue. (* k ed prico*. 64(1 pea London Duill« Blau. ket-.IOUfl yards Negro Cfotlta. Thny liavo also good ii8» ilurani ^f S'uplii snd Fancy Good*, Miitabl-' f.-r spring wear.