The daily Georgian. (Savannah) 1835-1847, February 04, 1836, Image 2

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W’HcB GEORGIAN, C gy WILLIAM H. DUliIiOCU. rttiu«NKK Of Till L*w* or t»i« ••imok. —— 1 ” _ _. pmv r*rri, :*:*** cwirra? r»rM, t « . i : j”. All Adrerii*rmrnltappenr in hoik papers i| “B". 11 il »•« iru" tint Mm l’ra«id«tit «>flln If Status, m |ir«k«nlii<if in Congress • »t4lfflmni of tlm lacii. c>MMmni«>l ai Ii I'm treaty »f Mi- 4lli July, had nn in(iiuii .u t. ■-■■,( any »t- u »i mi tlm K'MxHnith of ihe I much G.wvrutnntil il it Ikj tiun that tfic Pm.J.Irni ,.fi|,r (I Slates, in |»m. •rcc ... intun. imn to ismuio with o,;arJ tn Franco u iimoa. r,n K ••••••Hi*** wu nuninit »*• Iniw lie could find • nv iiifll tilt* in cl»el*ring it. Well. Ini Iu» (leul ireil ji -declared nffi dally, • nd in ihe mum f Tin urn. in tlm aarnn sort nf MQ.I Uiat Mr. Pag id, li-furr loiv *" w , hi * l,, ° »n»'”cliij • Mitndo wa* anp. us, Iw* given publicity to the F..-ncl. di-n.ivnred—and imw *o lenrn .... .*■ ii I lirmir I till* Vfillltiln.v m.iiiiii jio- i >g In I ku,gr«.s lo deerne tin* aoi/nr" liy l'..r . “' in* nf Fruiich properly, hail nut tlm inf•• From I he Walking ton Olnhe. TIIK |IU<; OK llllOULIE’d LETTER It Will lM inf uur share*. AtiiiMler’* letter. Tin* paper nut Iming addrna cd In nur Gnvsrninent, cmild n>«t Ii • rrepund' >l i . In nf 4 direct emiiiuiinioatinii to ilm Frenuli an ' 1 * r tl.uniine Til • Fionnh Executive,—by llio re. call ol' Ina repro'unt.tlivfl, Mr. Marurn r, and by tim express declaration of one of tbo lUt'inhcrs u| I . cabinet to tlio Chambers, iio had clmed a'., direct ilipluinatiqiM i-oininiinicatioii between tk C wmimenls—had given tlm world tn uu. d.i atai'd, Dial llin inu-rcmir.e there .fmr to l»* In Id would not bo iuiim'di'ite ..nd ■ llici • I. as If twin ii ihe lie.ula ofilip Onvurnunuila. Tin* lultnr lu Mr. I’.i£.ifii, therefore, W4* infiirnnil—wn« u c-.rouil-u* i ii nr Ilm expectation* of Fi'ano *. I- w ip to Imp coimi b roi by biro, a private, a oorifideutul enniiroiuiu.ili'in, of which V!ie Aiin-riran Adiiliniptratinii might avail Usolf, if il dominid iirn|inr lo upp.o tr li an adjiMtuiriiii of nur ifilviMiiltiva II will not Im paid, wn pr* a.uiH*, i y my Antic in, h ' nOer Ilia dnnr of d raci eniii'imnn.a u*n lnd iwn olnaed heuveei. tlie l ,a rr.ii. Ii .tint tlm A'liuiic.u Executive, by th> funner, lieu Inulittiir -Imuld Imva cmide-oetiil. oJ tn make a communication In Mr. I* gem, a nl .iltiini|iti'il l .«4>i-fy linn, by groping tlift.ogh tlm iinii.finite loiter f the l>u*.- do Broglie fir an nii'i *U Him npnb>jfy, wlnuli, it imw appear*, wa* l e '.I'l.rlo mini. a cmiditnm |iia>'o<l«iii t t>m p iyumut oi til*! indoniliitv. If Chi- -aeriflea of the dignity nf Ilm Ciuai Magistrate uttlin Union bad boim resolved npnn, we now see from Me Duke'* Voluiiliry declaration to Mr. IIirlon, » Imn tlm inquiry was mad* a« to lu* dutermi in. linn bIhiiiI tlio paymotit nf Ilm indeuiuitv, Ilia' it wuubl uni ii.• tn Imeii bold piitilnenl. N in fnr.iial, verbal i'X|ibin*linii, muli ii* thn inler* rmir*e Imlwimn .Mi. KurHytli anil Mr. Pif m alone I'ftriiiiilnd— until nf even wiii Ii Mr For. pyib o .iiM biva adilri'»«ail in writing uilbriiinlly tn Mr. I’ ifenl, in rufi<re>ii o in lii« ini'onual onrti*, Would linvo Imeii rnci'i.od .nlc qunlu. Wo now Mill IVmu llin ii to of tlm Duke do Hrouliu tn Mr. U.rinn, Hut rmtlii f ah"ri nf an explicit duulura'iufl nfc'iiilidon<. , i In llieiinnd faith nf tlm French tJnvuruiiiont, and a di v . * • •1 ofun intention to menneo Hiut Unvcriiin-nt, mi Ilia putt nftlm Umiail Atotea, " Addno ai .i* i'a roolaniaiimi In ii- (ilm Friuu h (l ve.nni ni) Ofli< i lly in wntiuf," would Invo millicud. Anil w liola fl^'iro tvnuid nur lin|iiililin liavu mailo mi tlm eye ul the world, it. in addition to Miu ex. prrpK di-iiViiWttl of the Mne-.ifn wiiiuli it ja pr«e • muled uonliiilieil Ilm nien ie.o—if, in iiddi'i>ui tu Mr. Idvingatini'e tiret tenor ul tlm 'd'J Ii nf J,m F-3.’», approvod by Mm I'reeidein, Mtalini; that t'i' linearity of Ike Freni h Oorernment trug tml U'liihieJ, mill llml mi me mini m,i« inlrmfeil -if I ii tiddilinii to Mr liivuiK.. miV luitur nftlm si.Vli ft April I mt, in Hie lluke de lirn^lie, rriteralind tlm ua*nraiiou of ilm fi-pt—cniiiiiiuuiealliiir tie' 1'i' i.iduuiV appiubatiuii <*f it- H|ilanaii*.nM— ami ra, OBtinu tlio II—if, III .uldiMnii In ell till*, tim I'liipulniil bud con-no'"d to rupuut tliee" ox pi.nation* to ilm Fieiu'li Clnr|(e il'AIViire*, wiul Would li.ive Ik'dii Inn pu line of nur (* rruinen: if it bad tep' ite l tliciii in v in ?. 'i'lmi they in a have b nu repeu ed m v.iiu i* imw rlimr Nutliiuv but iidireet >■. m nunioaiii.n ul' regreti, ujlianlly and m willing, t i a (J.isnm* in lit wliieli liadoinrd, mi it p.irl, all direct dnilniii Hie iiilmc iir-n willi u», would Invo lieen reeotvud, anil if tli *y bid been tuudernil in t o cniiv. raa i-m ledd by Mr. i'a^ant with Mr. F r ay ill, ii m apptroul tint too ('ha-u • m let liuve tk. lined cnimidnriiiK lliuut a. -ulli i nil. lit would l|.*« a.iid, my inairueliniip yitn me to uml T*Und, that you eiplunalinni and the t r pre ninn qf y.ur »egi i t« muni he ndihenaed lu my llurerumtiil ojp •.ally und in willing. Tlia l'r«'ii|. iu nf Mm Hulled >luUi ia*a|i|ianre from hie mo** >k», ivimiy r -olved tf*liko no part in tlie arum. Ili ial. -ubordmatn tf.llim, nf diplu ii toy prnpu ml in him. Ilu Ii in iio url lei' aunple hnnuaty—be no end wbiuli m .y not b-< attmued by p a I and rm.ud ililibu|;. - For all Im Oourle.y Ml .nflod tu linu ..a .'uiraill- nd iuth"pi|ier nf Uni Duu do Hr kIio l. ,\|r Paireni, Mi Fm-Ub w,a aiiMior z d in onnrto-y Mr Fmavili Imard il r a I w t. tin* tiliiM*t auce—but m it >vu* not mldru*. am| lu linn hois .uld nut rua|mnd tu il ; mil ua lie ouuld nol r. Mpuiid tn il, bn did lint requeat a no. py--leit at tlm -anm Mine aiaiiuitl .Mr P.tcnui * llw< any di-nut co'it nuninaii .|» frn.u bun a* thn more-«m'alive uf tlm Kiii|r*< guv.iriinmiu In nm (Mr ¥ "• ayl b,, niiibracnif lb* o -'ilr'il* of till • ili'-puleh, Ac. W'.iild receive an n.i ly and j i*i C"ii-id'T.itiou." Mr Fjytinl, ii m> hi , .la clmed iliit uvurmrn, beeiu-o, duublln*a, lie w..» in*lrueted nut in open the direct dlplnrnalin in* teronu ae hot • ecu Hi • iw> (J .vi-rnuii'tita, wiiiuli had Iwi'ii cl med by tlie King'i mil r. Hut if tlm Ihi ■ de ilr"|{lia'M nbje. I m Iiiivuik ilm non. tenta of Ilia let or l« Mr I* «u- at made known in tbi (jovn.nineni were nlv in have il urnlnr* a'nnl. Miu " It did mil u*ktnr r rphiinil luna; il wan muti nied h, rr/irrl the n from Ike jutiier tt Ike finreinmenl n/ t\$ United Stale* and Jrnm Ike ancient frtrndnktp nl the American mi lion. h»I dnuktmg that the (Juvernment uj Ike United Stair* wmild np/irerinte Ike dljf'nenre in *urk rate*, helwren nifw-nng nn intri/iei/ii. linn, nml preventing by n ipniitaneou* JeUinii. nation, by ex plana: mn* readily offered, a uu* uniertUndmg at way* hi be r-gulled"— lu* n<u t 'i- u'.jnei b on alt..hind f H i* nol t'm Ffwaidant, in jn«li* o to hia miacniionlved mo*. •ail 1 ', (a nms-.up'de ivered |onj» a||io tlm French Miniater anid be w uld not i»Ti for xplaiiaMn'ia but bop* d tl|U) would readily he offered.) i|ee|a f. il, •• 77!«■ eannepiinn that II wn* my tnlenlinn to nemire nr i’i*iitf Ike (innerninent nf France. if i* a /fiirn’e-/ at them mpt Inez r from the Jtu.*oi that until,»i wbul bet »• n»r u/ junhtr may deny, w utdhr cbm and redicalnu." II i* lie II' I a-lid, lllkU, III lb • a.line me > ijr o, Mr J.ivinu <nu. in liia letie* t te li.llh o' J itniirv. •• hud itfienled Ike diearnwnl c n amed m tk Me*mgr it-t'll nf any iulonMmi Mi nliinhlau' by ninnacn"—ibat"A, Italy declined that it r>ui Ian el. nndwa* iiilcudt d lataalatn, no ekcrg< of illjiiiimgamtl tke King of the / rem'A •" Ami lion* Im mu cnuolll in by k.iyillf. 'lilt till* direct and clear declaration n.ui •• Ait full up j r balion.'' If, then, a kiniplo nnrrentmn of l|iouii*< o>. o» •tbni • f ilm Kmneli public w i* II tliul the F ••noli l' .aiiib ra *migbi by their provian, m |,, In* leiinr. mi-v have It Tuey litvn i.mlii- g .. do hni tu liHik into Im * me veil cl wit r m they found ilm cau*« of • tltincn, lirtiud an ub .. luta denial of Hie inleiitin i of which alone il w at a ippo ed in o umiai. Thn inton'inn i* di . avowe.l—the wtmln object iaeipl .iuvd, and ev ery prr'ext of munaeo tn the n .ti u ,.r per*umil insult to tlm Ku.t! i* di*>i|Nit"<l, Hut ia tlmro nut reiann tnlH-licvo that the Duo du Hrt.gbe Im I amnotliing d» in view in li>* |e'. tor tlmn obtaining •• a a|Miut«i eou*" correction of the niiannder-t’nding growing mil ofilm geo. rial iuiprut-ion unde by ihn Me*«uge f H •ay* of lint paper : “ If we rxami.m in del til iho Me««ag« ..f ihe Pr'xnleut of Um Hnit 'd Stair-, | iii. , au tliai part ot'ii rnl ite- in lha rnl .lim a b tween t'm Uui'i d Stale* and France, it will pmaibljr Im found, that puavi'ig *ncc uaivel fi.en pin ,-•• t. pbra*e none will be met witn that cannot bear a» interpretation mure <>r leaa |da'i*ib|e ; none, nf which, at rial I y apeak i>g. it cannot h' -aid that is a aitiiplo expoaii nf *uch nr anch a fact, truo in itself, nr the .latnriioii of «uoh ur *ucb a right, wnicb | m one cnnt' ir*, nr th” perform anco 'f »ue'i or sue 1 , on obligation, imp.. od nn th'« President by t ! e vary ntluru of hi. fiine. tin-ia. There will ce't.alnly be f und several in which ilm idea of impeaching tlm good faiili nf llio French liovarnmenl, or of anting upon i through menace or inliiimialuui, ia uiora ur lo.- dieavuwmJ " Hern the D ikn idiniia tl>at thorn ;• nothing In the phraeea—fact*—nr a‘tertian* • f ih" Met. »egn not remmeileable In propriety—and after saying that a ©nntrarr ann|K»«iimn ia not t be iiitlulgerl—«iv : Pf Uut •• il i« not so, nr wo hope at least it is not so," he adds : " lint to bani-h entirely minh an i.'ea, wlia' would Im neco»«*ry 7 Nothing but whet i- ve. ry simple. We d • nol here contend about ihi* or ihoi phra-n, ihi- or tli it all -g i'inn. tbi- or that eiprerainn ; wn coni nd about ilm i .ibrni m j j'.aCii, which heeumtoted .hat pul of toe Ai : ■ 1 ’ ' T.i. |-„i: r..,ii.m r.0.11 M j..r into euiiiftiiitiin nu the •uhiecl luiincdiul -. K , . - .. , J I pbetu w it* receive by tlm band* of Captain j ilirmigli tlie vnlunlnry cmnmunieaiinn of Hie French niinmicy (., Mr. liar ton. that amnoiliing td*r wn* "xpected, That imiimtliing e|oe wan expected i- evident ton, from Ihe u-n which Mr Pigoul haa m ule ••I ilm Duke’* loiter. Iio Imb mu ii ih* d life iiimnnge, nnd bnnwa tliul il cmlaina all that in ni'C-onry to c -rreci Mm iiii-uudor*tnnd. •i ff of fire! umneiigri; Inji it don* nut lucug. i ion tlm right of the Ficucli Hutcruinciil tn in. lorfern in pnr ^nm«tio Council*, nr tlm right In ImI I tlm natmii reapunnihln for Mm roconunon. ditiuri nf nn act liy mm of it. fuiietinn/rin*, which could only Im euuotl mnd by ihe lmgi-11 live power, and ihu* mad- in operate mi Foreign 1’ iwor*. |l d ea not expre n Morrow, regrnl, nr eonlriliun. It j* m.i addrea nd liy Andrew J ick*ont'i I. uii* I'iiilippe . tlimally, in wr.ting — llilo.ugli, it •e»in-, all illin ia required. yn. iio. t .mg like il i* to found in thn Hukeh. letter I hai Idler, if it h.ul h -on uinrnly dc«igucd pri. t ilrly and ciinjiilriiliiilly t«» coftnuunic to t-> the Amnricaii F.xunotivn wlint would bo anenplahlo t" I'rauc", would Ii .vo nxpl im/d it«e|f fully. Hut It -ei iiia'not tn have lamn iiitcml. il merely *» an intiiiiatmn, informal, bm full and f.,ink, to ennlii" thn»c fur wlio-n nyn it Wfin intend.*1 to iiioa-urii tlm whole rcu|»o nf its uuthor'a nlm— on Ilm contrary, it appear* to lie nn artful diplo. liulic paper, iutcmled tu di-guire the real oi.jcol of im uthnr, and meant to op-rata nn ilm American iieuplu—rmt ihe American Kxmm'ivn Why did Mr. I’agcet, iu-tead of leaving Ihi* p.per oiler it waa read by him to ilm Henratarv or' to h . v • it* aulutiry mil .em-n upon lo Ameri-an Adininintration, impart dm on'cut- "f ihi* coofid-iitial deNpaich in tlm en<.ini«a ol tlm Adiniliiktriiiimi ? Why wna tlii* dooilumut p-.i info lha hands of a Senator, and made tlm text lur Hio oupodliun in that body, and tlm th aim of its ndituriul organ, on which to predi- 1 lo a^n agaiimt Ilm Government ofliaving i eject ml pacific overtures 7 When Mr. Pugooi fir-t coinmuuic.itod thin piper In iit. wacnn-iderud it ana paper de*ignnd to propilU'e, hy ll»n cntirtevy in I kind temper di-pl ycilin cer'uiii pnr'.ion* of It, n nnuoiliatory fouling miiang Im-o dcHirmm .f aeciug Mm Ad. mini*lr illmi di-cnihurr i»a d of ihn Jillle.ultiu* piuduimd by • Iio f.iluro of Frmen to i.omply with the Mc ily. Hut whan wn found III it Mr. P moot had coininilted Id* isoun-nU lo tlnon who linu prudu inl tlm l il o impro ainu with regard lo ilm lir-t Mo* ii go of which thn French Alin. i My complained—when *vn found that the French llnvcrnmeut In-i tml upon u specie* of cAplin linn not liiub'd at in tlm privuiu letter of tlm I bike, which Mr P.igeoi waa I u y in m ik ing public, und pcrvorling to tlm purpo-u ol d", ceiling aiuua into Ilia belief, that tlm French feeling w.i« altogothnr pacific, wliau hi fact, tli" French (ioVcruiiieni find rc*o|vod ■ n requiring wh it ii Knew upon tlie authority of VIr Liiviug- ►tonV Icilur, iin approved hy ilm I'rc-idnnt, wu* al'ngi t.eir iimilmi M.lilf— .ml when, la«lly, we Find Mr. Pagoot on tlm eve nf hi* departure, pii' >1 i * 11 i 11 g tliiri letter a*an appeal to llin Amnri. Cite penpl". weaiiiinut duuht that it in ll oolijcct now, liowover it w.i# nl fu-t intemled, to inukn tin- luticr a c.ivnr for tlm hn*lilt< de-igim nmdi tatnd by F ane.", und a sort of aliclu-r f-.r t..o opii 'Milieu in tlilH Country—thumi ul Imi-t, who w ill iiuiuuiil lo Imcmno tlm allm* of Fr.muu. ‘4 ITU tO.«iillLMh-14T SKSSlON IN SUN.VTK—Jan 30. MirilKIAN MKMOIMAK. T'm Dinir laid bil' ro III" Sena o a " iiiouio riui from Mio Senate an I House of Kuprtnamia nvn* ul'tlm Statu of Michigan," on tlm nu'ejaol "I'llieir rigid In hn ndniiliud uni r-engni/.. d un one ol the State* of Ion Union. Mr. Ilmdri k*. afier a lew in.'iinlihlo re* in whi<;li ho denied l in right of Miuliigan to uu'iio liure in Hia olmraotur of u Stito, mo. Veil to I .y tlu* r'-olullon CHI the table, wlii iii w m dually .gr, i d to On iiiiilmn ol .Mr. White, Ihe Sennto pro "eudail to llio coiithluratinn nf ex. iuilivo lei-i. no.a ; unit, whim ilicdunrs were lu-opunuil; tlm Senate adjourn'"'. IIOUSK OF U Id’ll Kd ENT ATI V K8. Mr Maaun, of Vi. frmn Ilm t'ooimilto on I’oieigu Alluir*, reporuel .»lull for lie relief ot J din Uuudnlph Olny. It • id twie# uml cum- ill.tied. M-. Maann, (nun llin aume coinmiltee, rc- pmteil tlm f"l owing rcvnliuimi : llrtultid .That on unit alter Tuc* lay, tlm 3d day ol F thru -ry, the h.lla making up pr..p uli"n* I'er tlm *uppoiiat tanvnriimnnl,llio Naval .m l Mili* >ry -o.vio , F .rlili.Mli .ii , und tlm liidiui H purulent, at tli" hour of one o', flock m e mil day. ex ep’ nn F'iday* nnd S,>. urdiya, shall lak" pree.'ilonnu in lee nrtlur of! bUH'iie*-, and hIiiiII ho eo i-iilurod uuMl Ilia lua-s ►lull lire pa *ed the II ii"'. Mr. Hardin uudo uuiu ohjeutinna tu thupro. po i'|..n, as going io change tlm ivgular uml or* dmvy action ol in* lion a Sic. .Mr Mn*on, in r-p'y rani a paragraph in tlm In e mo-* gn of tne I'ro-idijn', u gnig upon C'ungre** t..o naocMa tyof making " largo and -: e-dy appmpri tion•" for ilm public dulhnou. Till* oiei-uge w i* n f. rrod (to tbo Onuilillllnn on Fomign All'.ir-, given u llieireou- ■iflcraiimi, and, in conformity with itn rccom. inundation*, had repot led tin* roaolutinn, in or lar to nnablu tlio Hull 1 *p«e dily to dmnrininn what ajip-opriniimik tlm public dolvuco call* fur lenling lint they not only hud tbo power of in'king tin- prupOHi'iun, il wun their iniperativu duty, tliu onininiltea Ii ul pro-onted tlm re* lutmii. Ilu had yet toiidoruluml what wa* toe point of tlm genilninuii'a nbjoalioii to Mte m-nluliou It had twin tlm u*ago of tlio linu«a tu net apart particular day* fir the eon* -ulura'iun ol greet questions, und, if Micro w.i* over cu ucc .aiuii for thu auoplinu of mi ih n rule it was till*. M'. II irdiu explained,th >1 in hi* opinion, it uu* coin potQiil fur i m com of lee tu ullcr -u h a resolution, ami dial it would require a vote of iw .Mijnl* to Btlnp' il Tli ■ Uliair dccidctl lint tlm resolution was in or lo-. Tim ii >v point, wlmilmr il rcqitirm a vrto of twn.tii r I* to nd' pi it, lie would decide when Hm q ic-ii* n a row. M . 0. II iinke it -omo longth in opposition o tlm adeptimi of tlm re*olulmn, I'olli a- an in (ring-in nt on tlio regular ord«r of prnceedmg, and a* a iiicaaunt f*r ?'reing tlm uppr- prut.on bill-. tiireu^U the lion o in in i«h, und r a war panic, before the clfcut ol the Ihuki loiil'e Me*. -age md of Ilm Spc i il Me-aage up u tb«- French Government hmlliem a-cer'alued. Mr. S Mho I ml rr nu u*ly udvoua .d ih re-nluti'iii. lie did u l iiiluml, Im -ai I, to wail in hear from Frtnco Iwf" n Im made p-opuru- l.un Wu rl beard on ug , from Franc. Fho tlivo.i—i<>n wa* •• by M —r- Patron, Ma*«n,of Va.CI mUrolcug. Hu . ard, Tmmpat'ii nl'S C. and II >nbu. M . V mdurp'Kil inured tnu pivvi ei* question whin wa* *ncoi.d"d by u v to <d' 113 tu Oil. T O oi.till q e i ii Wta oMi-red to be |ltll Mr Craig c.tllo.1 fur tlm Vuaa and Nay* which w re urdu od. Mr Piiillip* roMi t nnko enquiry of a chair, man "fa couimiiloo ot tlm linu e. Thu I'li iir Muted il would not be in nrdu r without the unaiiini' u* conseni oi'tlm Hnii'O. Air. Vm an appealed from tbi* iltH im n. Tlm i'liu r-t tlctl tlm que-tinn, and tlm ground of Hie d 'eiMun. Mr Vinton wi hdrawthn apiieul, a* Ih • in'er. rogatory wa* put to a inomhur of llio lluu-e, ami not to iho l lliair. The qiu stmu lining lakon o i ngrooing In iho rcsolutioii repoMu.l by Mr. Mu-on, ii wa detor uiiiivd iu thu utUnnative, Vua*. '59, N a a, 59. Tint bevinolk W\n. Mr Cainhrcloig, from tlie I'onunitteo of Wa a and Mean-, r.p rlcd a lull miking ap. nr- pria i n for the repr —inn of hnalilil-O' of •be Seminole Indian*; which waa twice road* Mr. t'ambri |eug*"id thi* bill proponed Jn propriutii n of 0.Vin,OOO for object, aim •vaa found rh.ii toe a in would ho liiaufficjcnt. Uu niovoj In cu miu. < l. th * I'oinmtUcu of thu Tlm rnulion wa* agmul to. On inoiii.n of Mr. <’ rnurnlerig, tlio II"ii»o wont iiitn t i.imni leoftli'i whole on the »la.o of He Union, (Mr lloaar.1 in ilm Fluir,) on Hi* ubiivu im nii..m il lull. Mr. White, of Florida, moved an amendment • otbo bill, providing ha', out ul'llio money up propii iiuil, a M giuieiii of llllKI uimintod nHu imui l.« r.ti-ud fur twelve mout"* (in wool miu o ii" alntoiiiniila-bowing the neno ahy ot •id-.pliiig thik iiman* of putting an uml tu Urn •"•“mIi lea of the Indian*. Mr iIunfHurln *aid ■ Ii it tlm volant er* would be umrn nlli'uml Ilian enli«ted mo", ami mom speedily iduuiimd. Ilu -(lugn-tod an umuml- Iiieni *iili«lituiing Vi.lnutrire lor unlided men. Mr. Il.irdin moved *n umuiidumnl lu tlm • menijiimul, providing Hint wlmn tlm »urviou* «l llii* fw o woro no lunger wauui.l, tlm I’ro-i. dent Im authnrit"d and directed lo disband thorn by pronlnm itjun. •Mr. J <4 Adam* objected to tlio word " di- reeling," ami inutod to kiriku ii out. Mr. Anblny i.aid, lliecon*' quencoof thi* war, might prove fit i| to tlm m bole Immicr. Tlio Indian* everywhere were uneaay, and ready to iiiaku w*r tlio moment limy bad *n i.pporlumly Ho wa* unwilling, tlmrcforo, lo. tequiro tlm I’r® i'lonl iu diklnml tlm Iroopa wlmn raised. Thoy would ulwiiy* lei iiuccssary l' r llio du. I'emm of thu frnn'ier. Mr Itipley oppo-od iho ainoudmmit altngcth. ur. Thu proper wuy wa* lo push for volunteer*. Ihn chivalry of tim country would supply tlmm—iitficcrs wore not wan od. The only thing rmce-anry wua to add a nuilicinnt iiumbvr •»f rank and llio to ll.ocorps of drug .on*- Mr Undorwiiod was opposed to enli-ling men fortuulvo mnnllia. |i wa* too slow a pro. j aint*. Tlm PruHidoiil hIioii'iI ho uutlmrixed io ne. enpt the H.irviro* of voiuiiieer* far a ahortur puri <1 Mian 13 mnnlli*. Mi. ('aiubroloiig aupaiiloil to Ihn gRii'leiiiun Irom Florida to withdraw hi* uiiiaiiilmuul uml j mi If r Ilia hill to pus*. At uiinthor limn i | would ho conipoienl for llio gunUcmun lo pr"- pu*o any plan uf pr cerding Mr Wiiilo, afior koinu explanation*, aind he would rather withdraw tlm uincmiiiicul than I oinliarriiH* llio lull. Mr. Glu-cock nxpro*»od a linjm that the gen- I ulli-ctivn *|d I* at hand. Tli iIomiiiii from Florida would not withdraw thn amaudrnonl, winch hu aiipporlml u* Hi - bust cour-u that could Im adopted hy lliu Govern, mem in xae.urn tlm peace of llio fruntiur. Mr. W into said that it w in imli*pdn*ihlo that tlm hill should pa**, anil woold prefer to with draw tlm nniaiidiiimit if there w.i* any thing Into oppn-ltion tu it. Ilu uuuordingly tvilhdruw thu nuinndmunt. Mr. lOvori tt, with a view intake up tlm tti'ijur.t tir.ino r IW morning, innva.l tint the uoiuinittuo rmu| which wa* ri'jni't'id. Alter * rum irk* froin .Mr. J .Iiiihoii of Tuune«roo, Mr. Shield* m *vud nn nuiomlin"iil, -iiithuri*. iug tlio I’riiHiiluul to employ Voluiitcur* io the number nf’nrio lliuUiiuud, lur ijiuu iiiuiiHih; wiiiuli was rejontoil. Tin. committee then r >n\ uml reporlod lliu hill to tlm Huiinu wiliioti amend.Hunt. Toe hill wa* than ordered to bo engrossed, and read u third timu to d.»y. Mr, I'uiiiliruiung, from tlm fnminiitne of Wny* and Moan*, reported a lull in king npprn. print i'iiih (or tlm civil and diplmna'in expeiiso* "t tlm tiovorninent f..r lliu your lc3ti. Huud I .vice uml imiiniiltl d. Mr. Parka, I ruin tlm ('oiiintiltrn on Foreign Alflira, reported a hill for llio mli-l'nf Henry \N Imalen. Hind twice uud umiiinitled, Mr- J irvis.fmm llio ('-•inmiUco uu Naval \f- fuirs, repnrtud n hill ooncorning tritisFiir* ol’ap- proplijlimia. Hand twice, ami uninmilled- Tlio eugrnsHcd bill mn king additional appro, atiou* for repre-Hi'ig tlm ho lililie* eoiii'iioriiied hy tlm Se-ninole Indians, wu* road a third time, illlil p ik-nil. Mr NVliile su'iiiii'led llio following ruh.diiti ui which w* • agreed to ; Uetnlred,Thai Ho ('nmmitton on Military AITnir* •"• iii*trnnted to iuquiro into the oxpe. diem y nf urg mixing a regiment uf nionnted ri- fl uien or di igooiiH to nporatn ug iinM tbo In- dian*. if iii Hm opinion iif liiu Pre-ident tlio pub. lie servie • irqiiiri * it, Gn ui"ti ui, tlm Ifouxn tlmn ndjminud. 9 4 Vr W A m h TIIUHSDAV MOllNING, FIOH. 4, I “ ’ It* Ike etui' tjianglrd haniirr, oh, lung innyil ware “O’er the hind of the fire, nnd Ike koine of the Inure." OISMOrUATfU SOMIXATKIN. FOR FRUSIDUST. M ARTI A V AN 111'RUN, OF Nl-W YORK. FOR V/CK I'liliSinr.ST, UK II.VRU 31. J Oil ANON, OK KKNTITKV. < UaNKFir take* pLnn ii *044-111. Wo perceive Tiikatiik. — Mn. Ji u.aif to.night, tbo I i*l tliul ICnowlu-'ndiiiinhlu pUy of " The W istobo performed. We have spoken of Mr. ! Judah’s very ctreolive personal ion of Si. Pierre. ; hn again uppoir* in that ehwnutar tn.niglit. Mis* Huiich appear* n« M iri inna. We can then insure a rich ’.rent to evory 1 >ver of tlm Drama who goes t >.night. St. P.orrc i*a difli nil eharnctor to personate well, but Mr. Judah iu our opinion, has proved him elf. qn il tn it. To those avlm wish to *1)0 a g mil play well acted, ave *ny, gn to the lliootre to-night and you will out he disappoint'd. Imp tknt Uaiicu.—Tim niroimg Washing ton loltur wiitnr- of various proK-os, under cover - f their atinnyumil* char icier, *o froqu -nilv ir. t rhasa unltt uni"* and fal-ohnoil* Hint they gen. orally inako hit liltiu impro* ion on u*. Hut tlm toll'oving paragraph uf a Washington I -tlor, puhli-liod ill the P ill ulelpliia II. S. Go. x Uu of the 37’li alt. is mu base, that avd Irarstbr it to mir column* to allow wiiut baco and con. inmptiblo avr.-lclie* there uro in thi* world. Ho would not dare to publish hi* naino. Speaking «af tlm atuto of atVair* in Florida, this anonymous slandcror sav*— •• It i* worthy of an enquiry, how far the Slate if Georgi i might to he hold rosponsible for the tremoodmi* los e* in litb and pro|wrty, which must result from ihi* Indian war. lie. p rendition* of th- within hoi lorrnory m y h .ve Imeu ih"chmfoui*e of all Hie evil, which me now coining on us." Words cannot ox proas nur acorn of a man who coul.l |mn such a paragraph. Wo aro -urprixod that tho gentlemanly Editor of tlio U .idle should Iio ve permitted it to a pear in hi- paper. Family Mamasink. -Two VnU-ofaMagA tmo under this title have b -en exhibited to us Th" work ia 4 collection ,»fn vast deal ofcuiiou- * nd useful information, and ia illustrated bv several hundred wood engraving*. Ii i« p u b n-h.4 «i ii... i..,. .... of no Agent it in this city av io will reioi-'n rip tlotN. Sto ii Hgunl oi' U* (-'-Miiinill a uf citixen w ho bad charge of tie John l> M-.ugin, and who retainedye-iurii/ from I’i iulala. PiroiATW, January 31, 1830. Dkar Hir,~-TIio JeUcliumnt under llio C'in- iii*ml ofUapl. F. ,M Slum, willi llin Sloauibual Juc. I). Mongin, rouchod horn thi* ninrniog Thi* reinforcement I a*«uroyou i« very accepts fie, *fc it places Ihi* poat iu porfoct safoij—and furnishca a force that will ((event for tlm future ••Mr being in*iilicd hy sim.ll dcta'-limeiit* of thi • rieiny, (Jn tlm arrival ol (Ue Florida yestor. d iy, uii expres- w*a dt»put;lied to • vi.rlake n parly which loft Imre for iko hoad qu .r'Oi* ol Gvn. flinch, and riolive" tq lliein iiiformutinn uf thu oxpnolu.l unival of lho John David Mon. gill,and the purpose* lor wh/ch »lm w i* eui.d .y. cd, (tho letter pubh lied InJow, wrilten in pencil Iruin Lieut, llniity wa* iwaoived by thu return ol tke uxj re** ) In ucoordanco withyoar w ishes nn i.flkial re- purl will bo ui'idc tu the Guimral at Ilm ejilio-t pnssibl* period, ami llie proper docuiuenU will bn obtained on her le-ii.g Ir nsli-rroil to hi* omn inarui. | oncloxi you m coiiiiniinicatiun from Imn which was rmeiacd * few day* *inci . k No intullig'-iicn of uny lucnil uioveiiiuiil of lliu Ii'diana liuvb r< acIiuiI us, ni.d i (rust tliul lliu force now rapidly a*»omi>ling in Hmnln, will *oun givo peace uml securi y lo its dibtri-s-cd in- lubilunlx. I liavo llio honor to bo llespoclfuliy your OlK-dmoi Servant, CHARLES STEPHENS. N\’m H., E-u Cbair uin. Camp* no mTiuoi.vta, I Jmiuiiiy 3Ulh, l«3t>. ^ To Major STtrnttM. IM'ar Sin,—Tho inf irinQtioii brought 'um by i-xpriiRM was morn than glorious—ave now know that the country i* nrou-cd at our situation, and Alinigbiy h*s protected ua thus fir on our journey, arid I still tiust in Him. I wish il was in my power lo delay ami solid buck a wagon lot llio Voluiileor* hut il j* at present out « f my power—I havo uu doubt but I'm loam* will he ordered d wn ngu ; n i nmndninly —My bust r gaids to all my friends ami acq'iniiitnnnc*. Exuiiso llii*—Ever Y' lir’s, F. I . DA Nl Y, Lt. U. S A. • Tlie Letter Imre referred to, waa published in uf yesterday. Tiir Deo ne it i mr.iif* i.rrritn.—Thismorn. ing we lay before our romlora tho oommoata of tl o Washiiiglon G! dm nu this loltur. It is to lie pre-mumd that dm (iloha ha* not *p dmn on so importanta subject without good au'liorliy. How this letter got Imfore thn pnl.lio rcinuins u mystery, ns the Journil nf Com uurce duuiu* having received it from M. Pigeot. I' lia- bueii ►late-' that a Senior of the D. S. had a copy of tlm letter in Ins possession hoforc it was null. nd for hy Mr. Olsy. Thin thiir* a ten el cum. inimical ion helwren tame Senator and .M. Ua. ge->t. Every American press ought to uak tlm •pin* timing iin and ag.iiii u niil it hn answered, "'IIO LS THAT SENATOR? Thin leitor h .* been -aid t dm unexeepiionahlo. Wo tLink n t. It assert* tli" right of another G >v*rn muni to sorutmizu ufl'.iirs purely' doinealie. .M, Do llroglie in l.j* le'ter -iy*,—o N.nv il i-. the aeliuov|. dged right of every Government, when Hie legal Mjiros"iiialive, or when tlm ofli eiul organ of unoiher Government, oxpressrs bims.-lf p.ddicly io ii'forencc o il, in langunge w Iiich i-deeipo i idfunsivo, to d ni.rod nn ex* pi i a ion . f t. Huoh a right the Coiis'ilulio-i oi'tlm D ii id Hides rrnu imillior ulmlish, ni'vlif.- n -r re trict, |t i* an iuli-niHtional riglil (uu ilroit inlorniition il.) It suits tho people of die Fnitod Sdd.iH to divide the power of the Union lictwoon thn President nnd a Congress 7 Uu il so. It suits tlmm louliligo tho Prcstdon' to give pnhl’i ly lo Congress an nccouot of the state of foreign relation*. Thoir right i* unquestiona ble. Hut that tlm Pri-aidoul of tlio Undo- Stale*, Iho • il oigan. thu logul ropru*eiiti. 11 vo nf tlm Union tow inis foreign u.itiniiH dierohy arquires the itghl to press hiiii.s :lf';m(). Ucly upon Foreign Governments in 1'iigoitgc oflunsive lo tho«p Goveriunents ; that ho should in assorting the liberty, tlio freedom nocussnry fir such communication-. di*penso wi'h all re serve in hi* language uml all ro-ponaihil.ty ow.nd* the powers whom that languagu cui- c.crns, is what ice cannot udinit." Now wu u*s rt that tlio Message tn Congress is u purely domca'lo ulT if. I i* uii aucoiinl rendered solely lo Congices uml through them 10 llio American People, by their chief oxem- tive Olli tor. A* well might the French have muddlud with the removal of th • D.'pm>iloa. CHATHAM LEGION. Tho iimlorsignoil Cmnniilloo met to superin tend the election hold ye-tordny nl the F.xchuiig', Long Uooui, fora C«uiiiit«iidaiit ufilieChut- 11 i■ n Legion, composed ul urn tulluw mg coiupu* Fa M—Hy tho aehnuuar Franklin l, C pi. Waite, from Havana, wo aro in- d.-b-ed t our moron utile fronds fur thu following extract* of I-.ltcr* and price* eon.-nt : IIavaxa. J im 31. CofTic cotuinuoa high, sever.1 p.reel- liuvo Ison sold at I4ja. and mliof do-criplmns in pro- p .rti m. tiiere u »' ill too inucli dmo md to admit of any i u-indi.'o duehim. Mulus-o* is vlliug at rial-pr kg Tuola-l s*le of Rico wa* ai II j, nut dealers i.u.v otibr only 11 rid*. Havana Jan. 23. The list sale of Rice have bon at ll£ a 11 j rial*, and oiro cargo from No v y..rk at U^rial-. Tho aeiir Agnus ami bug Aomcerrugu, -bntu I'roin Cliarle-ton, nro lying liero with cirg- e* uiikuld, ii .d I loir tlio price will not g-i alimo III r i ■ 1 .*. lliu iu.mcdiatf mi; j ly govciua llio I"io". bill l| piP'unic ymr exportation* "unn. t 1 e conliiiuou with such rosulls a ii"W ofl'er. IIavam, J iii. ‘-'3. Fli a a Ii I a 7 4, B of 1 2 Si pruno tt u 12, lJio»*d Pil'd 4 i 4 5, Hu b r 13 a Lt, Cm d s 14 2 a 15, • s pe m Id i ll.C'.ue-o IG t i 22, Cioitidi 1 b u 3 ('i'll. 4, Fl'oir IU 1 Hi G, N Uric ma 0", I(i . 10 1 Onions Pork 2D a N O lorn- do, 17 a 25 Rice 5 I a h Ci Snap JI 4, Him* 10 I, L'ird 1.7 (i a 17 4. N O.leaua do, l.» 4 a 17 4, Roan!* W P 23 • 21. Lumber 25 a 2li, S ,i,.g .-4 . 15 Collie II ull. Triage 9, Honey 3, i u (i, Sugar iiasoiud 10* 11a I 1 4 • l.j While a|..||o I -I a 15j, HiuWi'J . II j. Excli nge nn I, udon b 1 9 pur ceid pri-iniuu-. U Siii. *2 1 2 j |ior ..-ent discount, Froiglra to ii-iinbii'g and Hiiiiiinii £1 5 u £1 10, to G oi* H mid a market £". 5 a £i ID. t" Frmen 7<i Irini-s nnd 10 Mi-du- ramin. A'35 .'-•I 1 1J Lux Sogti \ a per ib Collie ij3 a 3j (tor lilid Mula .us. From ihe JiickdjiiC'lit Cuurnr, _o'A alt. Ar iv id Wodiio n.iy rnnrniiig, 1 o’clock, lliu fast soiling Sohr. Ga rgu A. Mart, Cipi. Wit. I"y, willi .1 rapid r iu ul Ib hour* from Cbirlu*. ’on to tlm St. John’s H.r, • nd ID lioiir* 10 thin pi ico, lui 'giiig provi-iuuu tu dro uuiuiiut of ft,DUD, shipped i>y Gen. Juiiioh ll.iuiihuii, Clnir. man nf tiro Ciiiiiiiiilt.'O .ippu nlcd by tbo Cili zona ut I Ii irl ‘Ston, tu (ti.uii 0 and fond sup. pli-'* In t ro do lbuiu p> opl.i nf E *i Florida Said *Ujip!i"sco-i i-ituig 101 troruo- Rice; 200 burrois Pilot Hroiu; 2(i btls of Pork; ID -ark'. Salt; 500 b.i-h' l* uf C -rn; 1 brl ul Vt e. ge.r, tog ilior willi 1 u >x tl M -..iciuea are c 11. viguui lu Dr. Jo-.’l'b VI. S uii.mii*, Agent, who came 011 hoard tiro Guurg" &. Mary, wall in Htruc'iuiis, to loach first at J.icli-onvilhi, n. xt ul Vlundurin und Pic lata ; u' d upon u> n-uitu. lion willi tiro ullicira at sui I post* 11 leave ut < a Ii sue 1 quantity ul »ui l u.iplu s j is lliu A aii'.> oft anh ami tlio risiro-sus of di niha ulants ai d t Iio ir mili uiy < x goncim, G> n. Eu.->Iin soiii uii ulsu ill lliu George v M iry, 2 li Id pit* cu* wi ll umuiitiii ion, ami 4.UDD rounds of ball c.irUidg.-H, to llio UlBcer* .it I li* pnrt. Thi* relief soul by unr nruiiiiuii iu Chailes. Imi, cullies io g . >n limu, .md will save many 11 family lr> mi uxiromo si flu ring. Gr ut uuni born of Won in 11 ami cliiidrou, driven linu timir dnsnlal-d lioiiius. >re a-Bcuibled ai til* pi tee, nt Man 1 .r.0, Black Cre. k, A c. dr* iuilo a id 11 uu lo lo procure t ie moans of -uii * t iic j lor any Imiglli <d t c. ’I nc c.nn.. try is almost onlooly um, imte of pr- vi- r.Oll*. Alachua, tlie lilnst Ifulll'' purliun of East Florida, h i b on completely-w pi uf tlie product. ulTlie.anil. W 1 it 110 I idiann lino hpaiod. llio 11 oups und tlio unng uga od iuliubi. t.inl» >» nl fob" on kiiui". It 1* lime ton, that uur plaiiitTa, our iiushniidnio'i, siioald coiiinroiicu I'lcp.i'.iiI'iiih fur raising u crop llin i-ummg * >a. s ui In n few weeks it will be too laic. Sliuual llio Sonii lulea bu HW'qit away, uml qui. «-t and security bo rusioicd lo uur di Uesnud Territory, mure spiu dily inaii any r iliomil man can -tiitioijiut", Hill our people returning lo tlio r li"iii"B, W"Uid liml llitiiu du-'datu and in riiius, uml iiiuim-ulvcs de-tilute <d‘ tlm neiui*ti■ iu" ul lift*, and *.f Um niu.iiiH of procuring u hiiIi-i-. b'lico during tlm roquisitii lo r ji-" a > u,.p y from Hie soil with tiro sweat "I'llieir brow. A- imw *i<u iloil, loo con till 'll of nur |i'M|de is uiiiout.ibiu. aim will imcouro murii ami mure dislre* mg uvory cay -ucli a h um of I d.ig* con- liiiuo*, Tlio rnpori of ilm (ir iy-I yestordiy murni ig nf-uppliuK, for tnu.line ofiiio.-e 111 need, can o.l many a do-ponding i.mri tu Heat with gmuudu .inn joy. l)a. brniliruu in Chur|.i*t.i 11 nod «d*u- wheru, 111 .y ne assured tliul tlioir bi-uuv,deuce, kinuii'iSK .rod li -eriilny. ale upprociuted, and tnai inn fur>0111 nruyors nf many a uiuilmr and i.rpbaii child, w id n^o in gr ill.utlo to tlio throne uf Heaven, calling down ulu-miigs uii llio hi-uds of 1 lieu lioirof .cinrs. W.. art) g> a llied lo loirn, llint Gen. ILiuiil. tun, nnd Guii. I lay mi, ii.anil'u-lu I, by llioiroxei- lions m m-mliug iciioi to nur suticrieg pueplo, groat-uii i uilo fur Die Wolf >ro of the Fimidian* 111 :|ii>, our day ol udv. isity, and that uolii of thmc guiillpiiioii gav • llioir pcisnuul ulloniinncu in I'erwurding, us boon a* pm-kiblu the utercsaiii ■■itppli.-a- Tlmir nimies, und tliose <>f many <•- tnors, will 0"t be firg.l'on liy a Floridian, who nn* 11 Irourl tu fuel, and H he gr.'cful. RloilK Tho...-. ill .*• i n 11, i.a*1 E 1 tilling, a * patuiius were rocoivoo from G in. Sc. t , from wbicn wu learn, having received inform - 11 n til'll hi* present force would bo imidoqu t- ‘nr the nm uguiicy. lie lnd undo anntbor <••• II ,.n Hi* Ex'-ellcey t t'G vurnur, f«<r u full Ii gi inenl of 9,mn hundred mi tiff I y Mi'ilta. tenon- .-isi ol a-in t.y m •iinied men u* could bo fir- nislied I was also ruquir-vl that they slomM i n " zvoiis il Pnry.burg.—Chariest m Courier 31 1111 A I. JOI ICI. XlJN UIS (j la , »UX niUll WATF.II AI SAVANNAH I* HIT '»»' Hit’ 1 V. V i., 09 33 ..Fl'l) I ri.RANRfJ Ship Benjamin Mm gun, Snow. P 1 i’adelr Iii*. J, Curwiri, Brig WRIiuiM, Hn ch, IJo-Inn •V II Un'kmnn «J- Co Brig M irgarot, Gay, Fur Ilovi u IV. Cialdree.jr. A HR tl’ten. s -hr. Jane, Young, Mobil", Ballusttu C'dron A Miller Sloop George Washington, Smith l).iri"n, avi*Ii HDD Bii'lrol* It' iig 1 Rice, II iHuls Sugar, 4 •lu Syrup, l" Kooii & Bilfoiir. U BLOW I.AST EVES JSC, Two Ui ititdi B 'qnns. DEUAHTED. Steamboat ('linrnken, Nutria, Augusta. WEST TO SEA, Brig William, Huicli, Boston. IM t: M n it 4 .V D A (Ml \RI-ESTON.Foh. 2.—Arr. barque Dron. *, G rv-r, Plymniith, Sciir S S Mill-, So tliwn-k, St Augii.-iiuo. Ser March, Doan, Darien. CTd. hip Euiilv Grane New York V S M .1 -ffhr ii lira. Wulkt-r. Key Writ. Schr Fi-ui Spec r,, \. G. MOBILE. J.n 33—(Td amp Wa-hinglen, Benau". f.iveip xd. Brig K'-nhawa, DurR'-c, New Orleans NEW OKI.EA Ns, J ... 22.—Gl’d br.g Pan. nr.., J "1 , Ttilllil tl '•< G bu. Brig Wiii. D 1 vis, (Vriii-h, B"*tun. Arrived ship Edward Unn .lTc, Gull«1ior,Pliil d-l|diiu, Ship Fortune. Lchuhy, li ve. Ship Russia t’ook, Livorp- ol. Brig Is-.imlar, Richard nn, Turk* Island .O 31 ti i* * t: a r.:> Goinpnnv A, Gipt. R M. Goudwii I'omp.iny It, C-.ipt. il Fay, U3 Light Infantry Skiriniahcrs, Gipt. J. Uliiiktuiul, 72 Legimi Artillori-t', C ipt. W. T. Williams, 58 Guvulry, Capt. Wm. Liw, 4b Wlmn iqiun counting llio v - * lo - . Gel. Win. T. Willi uus .\a« duly elected. J. MARSHALL, JOS. CIJMM ING, W M. GASTON, J. P. HENRY. The companies composing llio Istginn luivc been urguii-iud by tiro appointment ot too f i- iowiug UlHuoro: Company A. Captain R-dil. .\l. G.nalwin, 1st Lieutenant, J. L. Shall r, 2d Lieutenant, Thomas Pur-c, 3.i Liouloiiant, Juc- b R. iMayur, ('umpany II. Captain, S. 11. F*y, 1*1 Lieulciimt, l». B. Lamar, 2ml Liuiiloiiaui, Jamoa Suiitli, 3 . Liuoloiiaul A. II. Gordo ii* Cavalry. Gaptaiu, AViii. J. iw, Ui Lrootaiiuni, !.l. H MoAllisior, 2d Licutooant, Geo. Glen, Legion Artillerial*. • Gaptui n W T. " illiams, 1st I.iuu'.onaiit, Janus M. Junes, 2d Lien.ouaut, Janie* A CliflWd, 3a Lioutonaiil, T. G. Millur, Jjight Infantry Stermiaher*. Captain, J. Olmstuad, 1st Linulenaut, Allen A. IL-iialow, 2uU Licutanaut. J »s. Felt, 31 Liouloiiant, C. K. Garter, Tho following olectiuna look piaco on Tuc*. day in Boat Company No 1. F.. Wylly Captain, T. liyue, 1*1 Lieutenant, John Boston, 2J Licn'i'mint, L. Wylly, Ensign, FOR CHARLESTON, The -team packet ETI W \N, Sn-'iird, rnaatcr, is ■ Xpeeled ’nnrr-V'' this day al'rnin St Angn timi, nml will dopart lo.morrow inuring at 9 o'clock tor Ghitrl--i..n. For fri-iglii nri'is-igo mnilv t-. fiib 4 WM. DUNCAN. '■rttSATfiKT LJ* Po-itiv ly lie- li-t nigh' of thn *ca*on, * c MR JUIJAII S UFSEF! r C. linew'* a* M .rimuia. IM’* Unrnen «.* ( athrrtoe. Mr. Rm nr* a* Ormnin, THIS EVENING, FEB. 4 1. Will he performed J roio* S .cridau K inwlea' popular new play entitled t'm WIFE, A TALE UF M ANTE A. Julian S|, Pierre, Mr. Judnh, Antonio, ' Young M 'Hanna, Mis* C. Barnc*, A Her the Play C mic So ,g Ih/ Mr. T,'inning, A Turk h Dunce,, In/ Mr, I’m imi. To eouiilmle .«.Hi - uk- peur'-. I 'nnu riv uf CATHARINE ASK UETRUCHIO, TAMING THE SIIRE'.V, Griimio, Mr Barnes, PelMinliio, Judah, Cleiie, Mo. Brins, I I. 4 Petit Gtilph i Soiton s-xul. . BUSHELS I»- tii Guipli Cult.m (ijg >j JI Sued. For sale by fob 4--n JOS CUM MING. IW Sale or tu Hire. jjfVlE Garden lot on iho snullica-t emmuon. xL Prn|M»rlv ol’W King. Apply In fid.4-—it l( A WRING A CO. Slnritjii*. IIE mdor-igned, eun lake 3 ur 400 bales Gnltnn on kturage, fob 4 WOOD BRIDGE A MAY. s ...ul I' t .ill >• •*. URLS While Polvtnas for planting For sal. hy E N S WORTH .V W AY. Ilams. CHOICE Haul*. For sale hy ENsWORTH v\ WAY. FT»r W 11 i»y iJr* oil xVi. vcttiiti i ■E ' I glii Bool-,some as |uw u* 250 2 '•*• au idnilo.ii sloni gund ar IICI.. for *sle by BREED A. WARNER. fell 2 S .mb sido of market hq iaro. 1 i*»ur. BLS Gill go Superfine Flmtr, a vIFa" siiperi'ir articla, pi*t rocuiv-ul per ■-li. iier Henry Cl.v from Riclniiniid und for ►■b- hy BAYARD & .1 UN PER. fell I } Built i s »v 1 iiln roiis Hooted Plants f HE Suh cri 'Or liming rocciv-d sever 1 In. M Voices nf* II fcdeclu', und rjr.- Bulbous and Ti.l.. rou. Routed IMiiii'k, ami D<ihlia*—also clinieu G.irdou, Fn Id, and Flower tseuds, from 1 lie G irdnn of tli' si. . Prince &. Soiih, Flusliiiig, (•roar New York,) would inform tlm Public they c hi lie pr cured "li application nl Mr. J F. K iclih r's Counting Room on the D.y, wo-t of, and near llin Ex. Imiigo ; full calalugiios ran liter*- be I'Xnmii.eJ, of tlioabuva (d uitsumi -cuds, and shnulil uny bo required tliul -ro net hero, they mil lie in-tint I. "rdured. Cilaleguo cun also Im eon. of Fruit Si. II inly, oniiiiiioiilai Trues, 8I11 uii- and Plunts ; uflircuiiliuuse Trees, •Sli'ulis and Plants, imported—and Amn-ioa. D. POST ELL. fell 3 (rep) Fivneli Fur \Vj»lkin*f Shous. &lk I’AI 11 tiiiok anil tliiii -ole French *!>■ Fur Walking SI10 -s. articl* for wiul--r, for s-le by leb 2 BREED A WARNER, Sum i side maikel square. bouuliful Wood tor Salt 7 . 4 3IIE Suli<crilicr is now receiving und will 4 in future keep constantly on hand ut Iiih wlurf on the Cun il, a large supply of O.k. link rv 'ini Black Jack, which ho will deliver to Purcliukurs 111 uny part uf the oily. JAMES ROBERTS. fob . • Just liecaivofl ^ It Y tlie shin* E.npornr, ami B -lie, from New 2 York, (lilui and navy bread, CuiihI li ur, moss heel', Fulton ui iriiet do, in half lirl.s.sui.ill hams, raisin*, 1(1 by 12 und H by 111 wind-w gla-s, boxes li-'rring, prunes, fig-, almonds, Irox- ea ehocolatn, J .rl- 110 1 tn.iokorel, j brl* buck, wheat, j U-Is do. Goshen Inillor, lard, pig p"rk, dm -e in 0.1 k*, mu.hroon ketehup, toinuUous ilu, > ..pi'- cider. pututouR, B'dngii'i sails'ges, mi i'"' • 1. hie- of the first quality for family u-e ; ' >D iiuudlos buy, for sale at m> l Mungui'a wharf *»y '1110 MAS WOOD. Eaics IJST r- R.'iO | • vt3 »nvia Lon^ Yt’llow iNankccns. - v. li nd fi.r ■ I tbo , »upp!y ihrt ug tho Spring and Summer pennon. WM. C. W I Augii-ln, n . , . fob 2— c - g iu Gosllt li litlili' KEGS ole e v from Ship I- I'h 1 losheri Butter, landin' 11 ror f"r s Me i-v ENS WURTH iV WAY. Sipuiinah Export* Eebrnarydi P rbrig Wi! am, fu Buslni., 256’halo* Col ton ,58 c.18 8 Rice, -1 If/lmloH. Per brig VI »jr irot nr Fiir II.non, 3GS5I fi-c' Ltlilibnr, 39053 fuel Tn her. Per stiit' B j iinm M rg hi. for I’ll ludelph n 949 .al.-aC It 11, 93 c ks it cu Chm In an Exports, Fell 1. N-nv York.—Shin E-mly—17 1 .vln-lu and 2' half hbls Riu. uml 3^6 biles Got.on. j,Wil ni, N l'—S. In Fi>'11—60 sank* And ltilld hu-lioL Salt, nnd sundries. Monn.p.,.Tan 23. -Cation—The hr'*'; demand which wn noticed in our last report, for i‘ is tide, wis well 111'intiiim d up to Wcdmsdai and iu siitiie in* nm-es much h*gli«r pri. o- w.-r. paid lor lie-l"i-. Until it day, il it * from I.- verp nil t 1 Dili Decom 1 er wero rereived, whi Ii l»fi that market in a depl ir ddo state. Pr-ci-s had recoded j a Id per Ih., with n |.r 'Sp'ct of u still groater reduction, which wa* m nfirmed hy dote- two day* lalor. rec ived f.oin Now York on Thursday morning. Thoy advi cd Unit line new upland , for wliieli, two ivcok* provieuslv, 11 id 11 11 j I was p fid, had Iuhmi ro sold t 9J ' ; shewing a decline that short period of i j I u 111 Thaso account* have su.-|N)iidud all opnrati■ >np horo ,und tiro grent disparity now oxi.ting hi*. I wren th" views nf buyers and sellers, will tend tn keep ihi* market in n very un«ct‘led ituto for some days to come. Under nxi-ting cireun- 'Isnciis, we find jt iinpossdilnto give, qnut ilmu* nil for tins week omit them nil. get her. A'rived thi* week. 7717 bale* ; cleared 4127 wliieli leaves llio stuck 011 hand all included 10,37(5 hales. Freight* havo undergone im change nominal, ly, but .10 gemiri'lly dull. No eng igaiuen's have liiou made lor Havre during tli* week. W quote a* before. To Liverpool 5 8J ; Havre, ljo ; N *w York ,0. St alt men! of Cotton. ba'e*. Stock on hand 1st Oct. 1835, 489 Received since our l st 7717 Received previously 7253C—80313 Wipes and (Cordials. Qtl. ca lls old I, P .Madeira 5 ea Us S terry, (p 1 e an J brown) 5 half pipes Ten. r fi' 0 l.i q casks, 3 do M iliigu do 60 cn-e* Gurdiuls sssori d Ju-i reei-i. veil and for *n!o by (' L .MrNTSII Al o, boll led ami in casus. UU Which of tho um t .1 ppriivud brands, r.->. I i-mlics W diking Situ.* . Iti-nc d per ship llellr. Aldus III i"k S' lo Slips, Gr.iei .11 ties, Pump J 'ie-, Thin do i| 0TA g 01 .wortm. ii of .Missis. W.ilkitig Slices and Do ts Fur Hub- bv fij'4 II S ALDRICH St GO N i Mici*. po- romp my'* boil* •III ex.'iio n.i- Ai-eriioon. i.nir': li nml Fn nclt Kid (>11 niu low hy ’ fob *J B'fEl'D ' " i P Ti. ■N ’ R. rg HIE firm < f SLATER «f- HUUu ES, a. will, u-heretofore, from'hio day, Imi ro. cniitiumd ul It c-ir former tiind, wliure llroy will continue to keep 1 geimril ns-ortuieut ot D. y Good' ni'd G-oe ri- *, and Imp'-to -ha 0. among ill- ii friend- and Die pulilic, a p.rt ol their sup. port uml patronage. JOHN S[.ATEIt, f. J* 2 JNO. IH".Cl S, Notice* KftfiONS i"d‘-l»tid to tlm l ife firm of J B a Herb it &• Go. aro roqiio*'*-! lu link., im. mediate payment, an nil riiinniniug uosnltled on ilu, 15th lU'Init. wiii t'.en b« plm-uil in tho bunds i.i an Ailuriicy for cdlectiou " M C GRENSIIAW. jun 2 Surviving Cop. liter NN nui-u Box s. *jAJ%>'E’l' W.i gun Boxes assorted sizes ■SNRP for -a In l»v N It All WEED. AY days • Nn I and 14, fob 1 W M PAY Lull, U. ■s If CO ’'or Sale. PA 1 II ui .... - 0 oke . M lo* l ireo yea.* old Applj at iliis liiliuo. fob *—Hi V 11 a l FI ur. XV , URLS 1 .-uper 0. 1 a oil FI ur *9 f 7. I1-1II do du 25 q- d . Jos 1 l 1 re cuv t . d by G L M. NF HI. VNTintud I., llire, .7(10 iNr^iovs. IIE sub-cribors wi ll to nmplny, hy the * nlli or year. 300 or more Negros*, to work on tlio Georgia Gni"ii Iiuil Road, in llio of Augusta—wages liberal — fun* and treatment *uch a- will please tlio mvn. if, prompt payment, monthly .quarterly nr yonr- iv. us 1- preiiirrod. For further particulars, ap- ply to Mo sr*. llidiMimbe, IV ck & Go. Chur. Ie*l* ii. S. C S 'Vunnuh and Augusta, Gem, or '<> 'lie iirulei igmul, mi thn works, 15 miles on ‘lie lim- uf r ad west of A’lgu-ia. DAVID l UUI’Elt A BROTHERS, From Virginia. oel 12—t—Augusta Sentinel. (‘anon Ware. 9 *3|TONS G.irrdfl ll' llow Ware, fur sale Ly . :*• tun 7 N. It. A II WEED. .\'iri'>11 iVt Ft 1 j lor n hand, and oiler for sal" nt reduc ed price*. 6 ID p<s J, mlnn Until' Biro. k"t»,3(10(1 yards Negro Gl> llis. Tbny l.ovo . Is » 11 giroi! assortiiioiil - f S'nplo uml Fancy Goods, MitUbie for spring wear. Caps IIILDREN’ - Cline ilia. Caps. Y. 11 .’■•■ S I* Vuivii do Y""tb« e]otii Cup*"' various patierns* just ro- coiv an I f.. ml • bv f.-h n 11 Af"'"ri <• rn •• CASKS London Brown Stunt Porter. Jut received und fur -ulo by fb 3 OLAGHQRN & WOOD. FOR RALTiUnilW. ~ 1 ^■s Tlio ichuoiier A.lAX, Cant. S. Sunn ilers w ill h .v qnii-k de pu tell, for freight •Y^£&^"rpa-Bagi! apply ' A SAVE" •4 *• fob 3 FRANCIS SORREL. Bui tor. KEGS choice goslien Rm tor fur snh Il W DEI.AMATER A GO, ft* ... by f. ; l.2—p Exported thi* week Prcviou ly 80fc31 1’27# 36328—40455 4D37G Stock on hand inclmling nil on ship hoard not cleared Receipts *amo time la-t year Exports •• *• " •* St' ck “ •* »* •• Ga*vn Gn.p,.Jdn 14. -Cotton- c uni. ues lu arrive slowly—Dio wreielied st ile ■ f do. r aids rendering travelling almost out of iheqne.:i„n. The price remains pretty much j statu quo—ranging from 13 io 15 cent*. ! Sbi«p»d llii* week—liulea 17R}3 : Shipped s.nce tlio I»r Ocrobci 116178 48055 69834 —Thi* article Total. IlyfiS 13Q3 A . Lou i\')t lou. N confo inily with mi net of the Iasi Gmior. ul As-nnihly «*t the *|alu «*( Georgia Will lie sold at llio Court llou-o iu the town of Biun-. wick Glynn nuutity, mi the 17 b day of I'lilimu ry next. 3Dd u> r-* oil n, ,• p r of llio InWlI eOllllllOIIH of Bruil-Wl' it 111 iota Ut O Ul'tV* each. Sale toenmmoncont 11 o’elonk A M nml 'o enntinuo from day to day. until tlio wlrolo i* 1 ii. , osud of. Term- of-ale cusli. B.ordorofiho B uird nf Gmumiasionors of the town Gmn iron* nf Brunswi k. 1 R VNCIS U. St ARLE I’T, Soa'ry _f • b 1 I'Vir 8n Ie. aluahle Flanlut uti anil Negroes with Sh e'1 «yc. HE PI ntatiun is -itii ted op tho Augns'.i Itoad iiliuul llirue mil. s from tlio 1. wn nf ivdlu iii Jefferson county. Ii cousi-ts f l r>». tracls ofluml, of .ilmnlix I111mlr.1l a r s ea di, iimI "i wbieli aiiou' on- itiiid i- cl. urml. .•ml under cultivation. Tiro quality oi l 0 nml i g md as will upiMim Ir ui tlm aliii idniit ..rops it ha yielded. Toe-lock <ou*isis ul, llorsus, Mules, Ux 11, S|ie»p, m l il g* , Bull uf Ilm Durham sh> rt li irimd breed, and u Jack iiupo r . lod from Smyrna. There are also about two thousand, bushels nf Corn Tiro iio |i li nf ina piaco i* ln-licveil to lie . qua I to any in tho conn ly, l--r t It, 11-1 five ye us tboro liivcboen hut two deaths nf adults, one > f uld ago, the otlior of drops ,y. Tlio negroes aliout -evenly in mini, her "instirpis-cdby ironc in tlioSta rs, cither ns lab urors or a* regard* t 1 cir in’o'ul qua ificati ns A list' eoiit ini' g tin-11 im-sng a de- riplimi of ho Ncgi osnuiy bo scon and tiro terms of nlo ascertained by pplyiugto IIOBT IlAHHR811AM, Savannah. fob 4 — Im Tiro Con-titutiniiuli»l of Aogusia, in nqim . ted lo insert 1 l.o above one uionlh and -end tueir bids to Ihi-oflicH f„r pnynii-iit. Butter, Cider tke. KEG s God eu Bu t r 10 Inis Crane- Newark GJ.’or 40 brl* N E, 10 .hd. Mida-ae* new crop. Landing .rod fur Mile by A TURNER. AL". 20 000 Orange*. Land g from ,-e‘tr Frank'..n Graen. t.->3—*j s 1 Ie by tui 2 - Tobacco. BOXES of Lnliwi.-h’s lie t Tobacco landing from Ilcnrv Clay, and B W DELEMA'PER & CU. IO 1 Notice. rprvi B Honorahle the Guuri ofruinmnn Ple-.s )JL and iil’Oyrr end Terminer for tho city of Savannah, is adjourned until Thursday next, 10 u'clm-k, A M. Jurors, suitors, witnesses, nml bailiff’., will lake duo rmi'mci. f. ' 1 U. G. GUKIt ARP, f l"rk. I'liilauelplii.i Boots. k UST rocoived frmn Philadelphia, 4M 10 oases line Gulf, f’iir stitch’d Boots, 5 “ “ “ “ “ Navy Sh ip«, 3 “ " “ •• •* Sirup' Shoes, A light und handsome article, for sale, by BREED & WARNER, South Side of Market8qu •r n . ilu 8 i» * >td and Satin NJmpora. 'o GA' ES Boy* G.ilf Bool , n p-iin • article * While and bluik Sain Slippers, Lot Ii A. uu ri'iun und Froncli, fi r sale by BREED A. WARNER-, fu!* 2 South side market squ to. (Javefidish Tobacco. CJ 4h BOXES LeOwicIi’. Superior Old Guv. Wemlisli Toh-mcn, ju«t received nnd for s• lo by G. R. HENDRICKSON. Linseed Oil. White Lead, iStc. GALLS Dutch Linseed Oil ~K~ L ’ ' 2110 kegs Rngli-li White l.uud IDO canisters Ver igris, ground 12 Imxes Grume G rurn 12 do do Yellow l do Prussian Blue 1 cask pumice Stono » 1 du P’mglish Rotten Stone * 2‘l doz Paint ami Varnish Brushes and Sash Tunis 6 groco English Camel’s flair Pencils 6 d z Cau.iil’- Hair Varnish Brushes 4 do Badger's Brushes, n-soricd 2 brl* sopo ior Copal Varnish 6 do Spiri - Tur|ieiitine Drop Lake. I.itlirug". Dutcli Pink. pn. lent Ycllmv, Turkey Umber. Feira d 'Sienna, Ac. Sic just re e.ved and for -ale by i .v lb G. It. HENDRICKSON.