The daily Georgian. (Savannah) 1835-1847, February 05, 1836, Image 2

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THU GEORGIAN. GEORGIAN. »>» ViLLiArn U. BUZiL-OUK. r> xi.imii h or rut nr thu rttion. a A V 4 Hr N A I* * I'l(fl) 1 V MOftMNG. run. 3, |fi:ro. ram*, : Coi ’Ntw r»rr. r. K luK r l/Oll<** a : »IV* t>f».MtR». | JTAI> AJrerli*rmrntnipf>*n* *r <>«»>> paptr- t«b me 4 a w m v v. mV inn hi. i. i, i. im» “ l|"n M 1 r » 6 !' v > 1 . » > * rurroN-l'j.Und, out lo nild. 13 a l3| Fair lo food, 14| a I5| Prlino. I-»| » 104 Sea 1. Uml, 20 • 40 Blamed, PICK— Inferior to good, ffO 75 i *3 95. I'(«<MI|<—Uowor.l17 02 * 7 «.i Canal, roRM—Noiint-ul \v lUrtKEY—IVr gallon, hli/D .V W#ln Mu 4*k. Mew England, |wir gallon, <0. f; | N — Northern, per g»R<*tt, l> u *••/» TOll \< CO— Manufno. 10 a 15. Manufactured, 10 “ 9«». MACKEREL—No. .1. G 25. 2. #H II. $0. T\M.O\V— Prr Il». JO 4 i 1 roilK—Nuno, BACON—ft a 10 < oriO. |< AM*—10 n Weuuta. |. M||> — ia a M*VoiiM. IIHTTKK -Gnahiut. 3/ » 31 c«nl«. BO.YP—Yellow, 4 .i 7 cent*. CHEESE -0 « 1'* c< nv. CANDLES—Northern Mould. 8|Hirm troli, 35 : »t l cent*. G,,rgiu, l(> cofiIii, LLMfiKH—Yulif* l*in«* K "iki ,, K Timber, 7 a 10i SuWtid, fill i Flooring HommIh, iHjItivu' laimher, lloufda, I'litiik and 8o.antluig,l(Ll2 ; i4u«ri« *’> oor - ing lliMirtN.913 50 a I I 5 Wl . - I’im* ' I-*', fc23a 25; M»: hattUhle. «*5i »‘"l O 8i*vm, none ; Wlnlo Oak - Htaviw, tfJll ■ 35 ; Shingle*, # J a ft, c ii ii k i in ntuuvcTinNii fi \GGlNG—Hump *3 i aft j 'lot*, ( - N VIM-KGH—U il fOllU. Hi! t\DY—Online, Otard, l>»|"ty & fu" .mi, 125 aUUU, oilier brand* 100 a J37. or; jJi.jjaiiu. ho« na. v 1.1 log 1105. Pi i > A It— Mi,Valla, Wlnlo, 13. P lti«n 10J 1 11. Hm*. u, 94 u »0; MuhqcVuUu, IMMf , 81. t' in* , 111 ; Now Orleans, 10* ; lit- lined i,oa1, ift n 10 Lump, 15. COFFEE—12.. I4| euii/a, TEA — tlymifi, W) a lift • oliti*. R CM—Jamaica, 10(1 u IJO. YVe-t Judies, HO a !U) cent*, Mlll.AhSW—Il .Viiiniu, 35 ■> 3ii oi«. tSt-tv Urlfum, noun. Oi-oiKiii, lionet. l,ii.MMl.N I’old'l'ili—INI down.; Il u. M %3J (nit tl'iftt, IHOiN—SwoilfH, fi!li) |hh Ion. r. x < it a N u K t On P.Nftt tKit—'iJ a b pur cl. |ouiniiim. New York—30tinv«, l |>orcl.tliwoillit. till tinym, 14 |M’i coiil dimioiliil. IIt"ik I’lirrho — „ii ,uiv Y hiim.I'oilahki.i'iiia mill Itai.itviuHk— (iui. I 1 , tt. Ntrike—|ntr. C’kntrai H»Mt, Amu AcunrtA Hakka— (>ir. Cijari ruton do.—(1111,1 |M-r cl «Ji~. lUuivk tUKk Hi 11 m, (*»>.kul« at HruiiHt In PnvAfinali, |'«r. 1>am v.n Ha ah, )inynl>ln 0 Priiici|»el *••• 11k in Ikmcii, ) |><ir cl. ilia. Dtlitir llreiii'lme, 1 jan , toil ill-vmint. Uamh Maik t rkuia H.i.t•*, -i.tlilu m H'Mi-ci. ii, i't^ii.ia, (tar; oilier lirn'ralioA I 1 m ami 1 djKC, Maima, tin l.iifLe, and I Ia a H,iov;u.k Hark 8 ri I t «< oro 1 'wet till* • ANK htock. IYaMkh*'llAMt- $33eulua for In. Muiikk a .in Kikk 1.k*uram:r llAkh—#00 fur $.•<) (laid in. Maim <»r (amntitu — #1 dl) fur #)UU pet,I in. Hank or I Unite*—$05. Kl{l-,l>,llT.»-- I',, invurponl O.IGil 11 11 iliill — l' i Ifitvm 11 tiiiiitui , l'n N- tv York, 4* it'"i tiillua; I'm Uiac, $14—'To U*nc t "ii 4 ; K «r Umii VI4 —PiiilmU-lplii t, | l 1 >'Ht>n ; I'm Ui • • mm* - l’i* I'luvi il*m- 1 <il fur (Jutl'ili ; >tl 50 Iui Klca. " ‘Tit ih' thir-*/iuiif(lfil /iminrr, oh, lung imnj it vi r* " OVt thr Infill of thr ft(t Olid the hillllt of thr krone* OKMOOHArW AO.V/AM770A' foil rui:stnt:\T. .miiTn yah tt 1111:5, ur nrw ruRK. rou vick rHustor.NT. II M ll lltlk .TV. .10115*05, or KKNii-t-Kv. It A11. HOAD IMNNKR. Tlioee piirerine wlm iiiav l»o duhinii* of ruli •I'ti'mig In lltn Dimmr In 1m fivan »*n Tuntday Ini' 9'h irmlnnt, In tin* ('lintli.,111 Di lngAtion,and iM nllier nuiinbora of ibo L -((it I tlnrr, who ai'b'd them in nfTiioiinn t!io (ni.rngt* of llio it il Rued and llmkinif Hill; «ra infornii'd llmi tlm rnbucriplion Ind ia InA at Urn City lintel nu 1 ing in that popnl f »nd tiirill'nif I'yle. wluau din (Hi uinr in lii «»iilf 'I ho mrelintf MT ■ I lu(|in-i,lty t liiiMHUMl by W. Chrmly. K '1 untie l rtp«ika. A •uheonp'bni wt- ojetriitt and bt-lMiMiti tinii end itvoH oue .nd dollar* i>- mudi-.lttty kith crila d, l*.r tl.u (urp*'*« »f pr*>cn- riri(( nloilnn^ md Ofjnippinf v In ,in r* At u ••Mock ihi SuniUy, l,y order * f lin> connpii’*-* Ap|t"i:tliid fur llio pnrpnsc the dr ini beet for Vo. I,,ni, or., ,nd lot, Pl-tR ui mir country nun on. forb'ii in-kr llio iftiRluinitnuM, V'olnntcrt Im- ifan In crowd I > the utmuiuril Ih" Kxcoll nsy i/mi l.'-viirnur. Col mid many tJi 11 , irutali, ti t-jliz 11«, wore 1 ■to nut, arid hyllioir out. lltiwi4Hin f 1 rood Uni flntte of tbal nu h'-Rinni g to kiudlo, A hundred volunlMir* worn »t>"R enr-'llud- Th> * di lingutkitod nlli corn mill aUinnik tin n mure Ill’ll at llioir Innd through the rain and mud to llio Few? nrg St. Tl i.y, and temiavo iaciI «i lltn Ilolaol t Cut" Vnnntnl. • Mnre ugain tlio roll wiie n|innfKl, and n bund, rui ui iro bravo und put mtic ci:u-n« ad od llioir rianioa to till* gallnnt uunft will "It m hourly aug. m tiling, and n ill aoou niij.t. r fivn hond i l, I, « fiitmlr r t'M|ui.”d. 'I'liti coftw iit »o Imi joined In argument of »m-|i prndigi' «• • lnqnrnre, ill the Ac lionet hiltlligriicer? lln ridiculed I bn Sen. ■ l< for pn feing »„ hi mb .gn.raiicn of tint lii U' Ulivu'a vi’Wk U’ rolal ui to the • |ipro|iriAH«n, and Mid il war very ouuy for it In |iruli.o nut lo know wt>al ii •IihuIiI kti'it*, m d to know what tliero wn* n" nocenrily of itr knowing. Mi- took up llm decWaliou m id'’ by Hr VVeOaler, Hint if lho enmity wore • hander, i g t.1 Hit' door of the Capi id, bo w old md vitf for conf#»ring upon an K»eculiro rucli an u ilnni rd gnltl n| poivor, ami dwell upon il fur value lime, u t ring comment, mill jii-iniution. tvl icli no mancUo 1. cnpahlc of doing. Whut ! Ini raid, »e« llio onciuy haUcrinf down ihi f'apilol, «a they tin] in ifin, atid Hot vnUi for no appropriation, -o naked for, In defend it. lateaii-M i 1 wt*. granting loo imteb power to lb'- Kx-'iiitivol Thorn war blit one "top beyond s tell an nXprek.ii,n of rentinifiil, und a liio<t nutiira) »icp u.n! h would lie m /y I t « nut" w/10 could utter •ueb a M-nliiuciit, l.i go liiin-' ll o nr tu llm' oiuMity and iielp lo b.illi r down ‘l>" I’.ildtol! (Herna lioim.ii jour clapping o/’lianda t"Ok |,| tee among lln- mmnbor.. The Speaker jil"pnd tiuim Iuk f, a, t(lumped UtM tvuiy vcul. t/to l/nilhd St,ilen troijin under llio connii nil of j and c.llud iouijly f„r order. I Jo void tbal l'»r tins biRVt- i'*d. Twigga. and i» H> lo* iinitwIUlv. 1 litft lu.t mu year-, a >il ho tiinuglil Unit I 10 Guy-riiuicii', ii iual.iiien uf di.iirdi r und Idell IIv t iiihiltani General, a propor rrjiroriin'ntivo fth, proud c.ilv -Iry ol I. an i. lixoil fur lln i littio lot every cii.z 'ii, in He and fnmalc, eger ill oitclvu. tu Mi'Uip llio OrlflaiiH V dun eefi in a munnnr • f»m wnl do liniiur lu tl.iu gre it city Th y inay ho cillod upon to d" uooti. wmlliy of the immortal renown we already Ritjuy. feul. /ten it in .ay. ih I at -ur call lli-y ImVu vn|nn. toRfad to ktaku Mu m l,v », and every thing tb .1 cling- I , llio corn ol u niuu'a/morl, on th" p lintf of iiimr h youolr, Thirafinr all i»tlio lieiy iri. ui of pair'nli*m, nmi ihn.a who rlmd the the leal ur w-r'liy of mir unbounded n,\e I II /hr iJivir woll'i’O -md of onr dour l agrati'ndo. TIib Imrir. n lowora-—thoouliii of (M-aer lh"l lioa auiou' had 1 he aiir/iind 0/ nur iilTdr* fur lw- o ly yem* ia ai./ll d and 11,lorn I troll. h'r vi thr So nm no A ,VA</odffif riul l,i»t, 1'iti. 4t/t. t'orrijN. - \rri,i-d Aiuiie gdtii ui'. 7H35 bul«- anil |Hd hale* m olaiuli und ideurml in I'.p e.uiie lime 11053',aim U|ilunil, and 150 balm r>*a i-luntl ; Iniviug 11 .lin k mt hand l*|. 1 , u-»*c of all oi( ulti lentil Uut uleu'ed nu llie 4,it mat of inj-it halra it|ditntl, and I3r7 bil«» |. .1 tlplnui- hnvn eniitinuiai in gn«d iltuiMiiil ihruitglioiit ilie wt-ak, g. nil |n prime he- i ig m,ml auitglil -her, and/or which ludder h .v" ubt lined full ralr« goner dly, und in anini- i iuiii oh.ii ailv uieo ,,| J • 4 omit. Oilier <|ii,i|. III.,, witlioiit ch.uign. I in- aulcu n| tho wuuk will 11 mount luiihmit ft/dO Inlo*, (lie |t*ir 1 ionlnr of which lire nr follow., tt/:5W ,1 ly. itiat 1**4 H a* Ift'4 yi at lft'4 IM at 13. II ui 174$. U.T 1 134*01*1 13< d.’utlftj IUI «t 14,113 at Ml DM -.1 II*. Mat N| .*i»ial 14$. .*C I H au*j*\ \r». Hh! at Ift i 16. QR6 at |. r \$,34U.i. 154 ‘J9I •' I 4 Ji»3at 134, / ly at i;-|. yyfto. ir.J 355 ut 1. J Mid at Hi, Sl4li at 1"4. »B7 11 J 1*4. lu *«.i itd.iiula Hie it iii.uctiuii* have htam qdito uiihii|Hirtunt. Ruiieiptk of,-o'Uin at tho fuRoWInf phitw. •inco Oetulier 1 >1. IKIfi. 1035 81 van Hah, Feb l 121519 12123 t rle-tmi, J -ii. 23, lull t'JH Ulfthtt- Alnhilu, Jan. 23 B '343 IIU7- New-Orhovtr*. J ". 23 P.tJ2't., UtiiDUi Y* gmia, Dee. 12. t'l 3 1 lurid,, J ii. sj.Y 0*37 5181 N ui tli t'uroltiiu, DA'. 20, 7931 527297 Tint fnRon-iiig is a *t f. mdril of Dm stuck ot Cotton mi hand, at llio reauoi.tive nlaen* 11 uneil; Savanna", 1','h. -1, 23321 45092 Cliarlukluu, J«n, go. 1.) "J9 3331B VMoiule, Jan. 23, ■4/3741 0933: New-Orlouita, Jim. ft.3, 01213 960)5 Y’lfginia, Doe 12, 1251 Macon, Jan I, h.y.»9 8123 Augusta and Hamburg, J. n. 1, 18955 32390 Pliil.,del|i)iia, Jan 33, 050 850 New.York, 7, 4IMHI 191170 Mohr Atou-ta Vomivtkkr..— Ye.tord ,y oMior.ftno* oompany of VoltintuvrA from Align*. la roachod-thia city on lliair way to Florida. Tuny iro under t r. aominand of Oapt. Samuel Uonca. They cRuio upon u-- Um-xpentnilly, mil limn wiia riot hud In pay lliinii 011 tUutr luuding /ho .Military Imnorf tlo-ir chivalry iIcuivcn Timy Iiiivii irtkon up llinirqu ir*ora at llm H ir. t ink*,—Tito V"glint.1 iftuik'i iiUtmthal nf\V«d ne-ijiiy hub the following nolicu uf llinir dopur- luro, fhpur/itrr nf lf>r Augntln Vnlmiltm —Yoa- ti-frl iy at hImuii I o'aluek Ilia Kinhiimn l llnraur- 711 »tr >og, uiiiti .rkm) in thu atn imho it George Wu.liing'oti for SiivarniHli and Florida. The Rieliimmtl llu.rit a urn mnler the command •,( I'apt Samuel Horma, who fount! it moat oilvi»«. hl« to org iiiir,’i Klein on nu inliuilry a-nrpr. I’lii emnpauv ua>, in >,|»d hr Cun lltn Metliodiat (ft.up. "I • iiRur inApei:t|on, and nulling nf tho roll, in prot-eimu ot < ftijit. Gtvtm, of the W,1 rngiimmi „ the U. S Artillery, it repaired to tile whirl' e*. cortmi by vhetwn "r. inp.uiira uf unlitia ruculilly organized in our oity, bv ffin |,.i| ,,n to bond of in.ikir, altnn/ioi) to Uiorircuo now- in i|ii" ,,| t( . c *»'d by 11 lergn umiei.iir-e nl otlizeiiH and l.ulie. win m wnra rol iin,,.. uoij frmnda wln-m of 1I10 pul riot 10 Vidiinteera Invo otV rod tlmir Mirvicca to ilefumlund proln-t tim livoaand properly of Uicw brntltrnu ot Florida T Me Riuliunmil IliiRkiira urn ..llynuug men, full of life, and hHow groat ro.1 for llm cuu-o m wliieii they arc ong.g-il ; and llmre ia no tlnuhl thul they will ilimhurgn tlmir duly, with and e.e <it to iheniaulvi'M, uml roeulta to Florida. Augustn ha* n ,w fnrni-hml 170 men in aid nf tlmir hroihron of Florida 5 for the po|mlati, ii nf mn oily, llna mimlmr than e old huv* l'. ,,, n oxpenUtd. Wo hope that our follow citi reoi- of llm other kUli-a, w»l| uppreinutu tin* pn. iriolimn, pnhluj apirii.aml d' voiimi of our emu imvinty. when tho oceitaiuii rcqu'rca their i.-xer man anil theirexhihilltm. We Nfiall puhtiah very Imrllj a cmnplclo lu' **■*■ tin* Voluiitnora. . - . .... . had m-vnr been »iieb .... ... Tim 3 I of F- bnt. j confniiipl ,./' the rub a nf the II,,11 0. The • I i/ejnit'iurir. In the tnwiiti. j iiiemler* cried out. No, no, never, ttefr,) Mr Ad .in-* rnaumed und went •»« in tiro « nu- pew. erlid, anruaa'ia.train, again*/ Mr. Well.:or and ngnnut the Seiialo. lie burnghtupfl message *'-nl to tin- House l.y the Nomiieoii that fun-11 l , t night, (o teinind llm l* rniot tlv it the a. j>r |oia ion lull y,.| w.i- to he acted ' 11. II* re In t-rooght 'll his great (inwera'iit li n u'e into full I'laf. The Sim , 1 o in Iui iii ilia lluoau of ita nu ti' 1/ nvn r l.a fn|t regret und 111 iguu inn in iii life, hn mid it u a-upon lint*ri"g Hint nin»- Allge re nl lu I In /louse. If im c lllil Il'iVI* go ,11 opp rtiirnty, ho m/i old Invu moved to Ii vu two iiieinhn.p i.f t ,„ H .ms,1 aj (iiiiutod t<> u.rry h.i-k Km messige nod c M it upuu Uu-tlx^ruf ate, ti l.'i, g them that the House would Idea luiguti to throalm*. Wu two an oulposl of rccoivo no insolent from them, lie our country Ja-i lie O I’miiv Y' hiiiteers ut*d l.egi n form a minleiia which tie id ‘lint the Senate knew at tie- time tli ,t the H o o whmI. iiiI — defiiiiit.— A' IiiIIom wnndrngg nd patriot!-nr of tho country will aue- J mg dio iln nl h >dy of lluclur around llio w all. 1'rally in the cxlroiiickl cinerguiiry. "I lilt-Cupilii).” i.klhlly rally i nf me 11 Kir* —Tin*demand for ibis .tuple uincontir lllil link been quite mmh-ruta, tile ».*luv atnouut '"C only to about 7UU oasku, at all pri ea from 'J ST a 3 45 for to prime qu Fl.una.—There lia. Imhui a fair ilnn >in! and prnwo con imie steady. A ede of 51M) his liitii tiiond at 7 75. ami Ifttl Ida ll wanl.-lripi a ' tIH, both on the whirl nod for cadi. inO ,| Iftuli. dclphia at 7 *13, and 1UU ids Canal from aluruui ?;4- ius-.—Noir jval* mid none in inaikol but that of very inf* run quility. Sirova.—Several smill parcel- fr. ut »tot«, of Port--Hi'-i. and A . Cftoix. •( $ 11 s 1W. Sug.r. oi .lld«surtpli'utA»to luiiking up and tho .t ck in market am U. tft-vvv.K—I'h'* article nuntiimes heavy. A kali. I.f 75 hags Cuba old at I if J i* iljo i,„| r M | u wru h* vo to report, SrtHiTi.—Dollies tio spirit, of all descriptions era Iwcummilig anarce. Sale* of 75 hi* Snw J ,,gland rum at 4(l{ H* Id. Phrlpa’ gin at fill c-nt-, and 5 lihdk. Jl dlund gin at lX month- 1 . IIav.—lx retailing from *turca at $1 .TO Maokknki.— A * ««f fth i4*> nu. 3 »» $1 '.4 l-'acniiirs—Are dull. f».|K f-.r .quart) .ml | fur r. md balea io Bri iali ve**ol, wiiieli kuvn I e pr fere.ico. Oiineugagi-oieiit to /ill an Am c.ivati sliip h-x* bc-.'o iiudu ul 4 1 HMlenient of Co!tun, /•'eh, |, V pl'ilt S. 1. Stock on hand, l.t Oct. Koecivod this week, Received previously. /'sporto»l /hi* week. I IP-3 I.T'I J),». previously, t^dTlil 116/- 100614 Stock on hand, including all on ship I mini not cleariKl, on fliv i?P.t in*!., Ni;w PIIIIUCaTIO.YS. A fru-h supply of nmv liouko from the pros, uf the iiidof.i'ig.dilo 11 ii puia, 'hruugli the puiile liens of .Messrs, Thus. Porsn At Co. remindud iin Unit wo hud rtol, (mvi g lo tho 0011 stunt do. mamlsmi our titnu)|i,ii| tlic i-u-touiari' alien, lion to tint lust supply. Wo regret this the mere, ns m it wish book tminlutl Conti, with Tolet mid Funeiet, written by W. F. Churloy, wlunh wc could have roa uimiuudud highly tu all who ore (mid of good reading, Conti is a lulu of pusuimi, D is wiitleit by one wlm is nvlduully a mttsw- «l imthu-iiv»t, and ho has abuse f..r hi* Jt*ro ,n*l lieroiua miikiaai pen, |ilo,1 lie lir-l li -ingjlhu Ural in do singer, und the sei-oml a prion d- tum of the opera. The (rivls which Ih / undergo in l-ftiglind, Hiil.jncted lo lliu i-ritiuisiii of individitiN tvh so vole claim to taste i« monuy, are gr iphloally pmtrtt uyodi The account of their joint debut ut tho Thou. «tro Sun Curios In Nuplus, U rej.l-te with the m 1 l graphia (uiiHius. A man who write* in luriidVi.Acldoiii fill# to tvrito nfliiolingiy. Toi* hits been RtiTpiiaYrt'ally tiro cam with ihi - author, ita nutty muni lw a •'/•irut/ifo ;mr Li mitten.* tVe rocumineiid a call at Ale mis. i*,,r„v &. t.’ u „. fur this I mi It lu tho sdaie (tnckngw wipe tl*e nmv edi ion 1 “ the I i*t days of I’.mipnii," forming n vi.luit.o 1 the unilhrm odillon of Biilivcr's w-t.rka and the lost vi-hmm nf tho “unifurin odUinn uf .Mrs. •ShiirtVimil'* wiirkn. Ibdh the*., autliura s're so well known to fmiio, that limy d-nT rupiiro hub cut ice si our hand'. Gruuuia Sck.nks —Ay u native Gan-ginn puh. Hiked at tke office of the Suite ttigklr Sen’inel, Aagn it a. Wo are indobtnil to Col IV. T Willj ims, fur 1 copy of this work. It it one ol llm mm I bar* munii u* ptuduettuna wo have mut with for a longtime. It i» purely n Georgia book, writ •en by a native G.mrgian, deaorjfting Georgia v.-etma amt printud and pttltllvhed in Geurgia, Tbu-o sketches were oiiginuliy publi*hod in notva papers ; bn tlmir great pujiul iriiy baa in. duced tho au'hnr, at tho solicit ilion nf his friends, to c.dlcct tly-m and p bli«h them in a volume. They enulniu much rney matter, and «how the author to bo a oomp etc master of the liidtormis, Mo umicrslatid that Judge \. B. I.ungslrccl is tho aultior. Tim o who wish to hourly laugh, sli'MlIJ obtain this bonk Lai'.ncii,—Tut* s ,i|i J,1I111 Gumming, 700 ton*, b -ill ti-r l'n,liming A ('orbit 1, of Savuitnali, and Rohvrt I,. Taylor, of N"w York; In lie com manded by Gnurgo Thayer» of New York, was luunoiiuil at- P.irt'in,tilth, 011 Si turd iy thu^duit. hint At'sst-KANOK—TTinf:iiar|. ,l -uCour.vuya: ’—Mr. Is.,an Duvugn, one of Dm |iei»mik kdleg bv tho recent disiatnr 0:1 board Dm atwuu pa«k- el \\ 111. t'-bhuii*, hadeirerlod nil Inauraii'-e uii hia own life, for Ten T'huu-aiid D-dlur* thu.* loavng 1 co nl'urtahla -upimrt for hi- family. Ait* r-i Fi.uriua..—A iuei- iug uf cituwn* nf Now t> leut.a was In-Id mi the ft'lili nil., intake lima urea to aid Flmi-l'. Th# foCnwuig wsa pub. lulie.l by "filer nf the cu umium- uj-puintod at that me ting. Tim-pint which pervaded Now Ortoan* on lbe '43.1 DooomlH r. 11?I I tv •* awakened i„ -t M < o miiiiiiiiiym .Saturday, 331 Jmuarv l(S3l» Alma/ HI ..Mo,-k. A. VI C Umel Tw'igg- ex prossod tlin trjali of the G"Veinniciu th-t the ci/itoua uf N«w Orleans sh-mld rai** voliintin-rs lu aid bruvo ai d mil- ring . tfiui-rs an,I sol. diors *o m-et di-pereo md conquer tho tin tiny hord -of Seminole* ami Negroi-- (list are now •preading h iv’i'C. massacre md lire atn-mg mir c unlrymen m Florida. A pnSlic meeting w.i« instnntly call d, the ofl'n-i il pruocoding- of w iich ir** 'hi* day piildiHtud. The Chairman, t. -vuii.o: U 4.Ir c tpla'ned D!t ulfject* of ./it- O F 'Flirt organs of dirt Senate hoiuUul list ye ir that it wnt owing t-* tfi it body that tho ip. propriatiort of #3,00(1,0110 wus but. N- w, wbei. I buy find the indignation of thn people lias boon roused against them, they nndu.tVor to shift tin responsibility lo llm llmiau of Itoproseiitutive-r Fli io cnndiii-t mi llio purl uftbo lo.iclnra of the Uonelognvo tie to a seem in the Housu, whicb Is described below. Wc intend lo publish the whole debate as Ibis is a subject w binli nmu ,bnvo llio |imamiul ouiiailorai/uiu which bare ,tingled with it. f'rnrn the Hirhmnnd i'nqnirer. SC|ftN K IN TllK II ul' li. Tim Tnrec.Alilli-m Hill, alter calling up n long slid 11 warm duliutc in <iia •Snnatn, ha * hcen tritiisfcrrud, with strmigo iniures’., to the other House On Friday, Mr. Adams cuino nut with mi" nf hi* iiioal iiHiunisl'ing mid puwurfiil etl'nta. Wo have keen n hitter, which «tulo* tliui it Wu» miaof the must uxcitiug ace nos ru t*tl cm il»u tl-iiir of tho Utilise. Il was iipmi a rusulutiou intruiluond by Mr. Adam-, f -r tiio appohitiin-iil of 11 aidant c niiliilloe tu i-nqiliro into the c-insea of the liiihiro nf the ihrco mi tiuii*. luthu ou an •if hiv remarks, he ud-ertud 10 ait exp tusioi. j made a h w duys since by Mr. Wdialur, that | •' lie would not have voted fur llio ipprupriatii-ii, | **' r count i had thr. enemy been at the galea nf the Cap t"! " , Mr. A.declired, "that the mm who held „ ad | exprn soil kuch ■nntinioiils, h id inn one step fur. tliur tu g-, ami tli it s up 11 n ttural unu—to j iin I tlin cintnm-s of hi* cuiiutiy !" Thn cff’ct of till* wa-* ole -trie. A most ox j Iraordiuiry .md ilmusl utiparnll led se n-i to.,k j pi eo. A -|nnlantoUM bui ~t of ippla'is" bmku 1 from almukt 1 v, ry p rt of the Hall "D cumu ■ud'lcii, (-ny* a vnry gr-plnc *p ulator,; quick, j unexpoc’ed Concert e, uld rmt have produce,I I my think like it Jm igine if you pic,mo, thn )'u*t are stamlmi! in a culm, cla«ir day, in a lofty [ oi.'lli -e, where II i- quiet md still—Whi 11 a si 1- glo Icli striku- the huildmg (u alums, and you ! may form some idea of Dio manner of tins tiling, j Tho - liter otPinh'-ra, whom mallei* boom* ant- tlod, rose und •'lull'd that suoli 11 < 1 nceiirrunnt wa* hiihoDo ii!ik,iowu. n Mr. \Vi*o followed, ; hut did not tliiish, bufure the nljMiirnnir-nl. He | spoko with great aiiiinitiou—d aliug hia 1,1 rijrli and left —making an onset ou Mr. Cimbrc l-ng, not spinng nvoii tho Spnaki-r in ‘u« uhiir. (11 speaking ol iho m iU'irulilu scunnsof Ih« Iasi night of tho last sos*i n, lio described some of thu niomhors ns slcrjiy, tome tir il, si,me noisy, nmi tome a* drunk ‘ p,m C'iiami.cstii.v. Fob 3. — Front Mnlanxat —The sclir John (’C i|l,nnn, Cnpt Ross, umved at Ibis port from M it mzaa. Ily lu-r wo li.-ive re. 0 live ! fil.-a of M ituozua and Havniiu paper-, I ho firmer lo the 25/b and tho latter to thu 22d till We have been favoured with (lie following enmmnrcint letters : " Mntnmnt, Jan S3.—Tim cargo of Rico per J C Callioui,, * ld i:t 11J riii’s. Should some little time elapse h'-foril llm arrival of 0ii*-tImr cargo, about |hn same price will be abloiiied, at 1 this moment tve doubt il'so much would Im gi- | ' on. Sugar* und <' fli e lire in demiiml, ut q'l". 1 1.tiiu.a. MuIiuko- i* vary H-tino, mnl Wan «>l. 1 and llmre duo* mil souiu uny prob.ibili y ol'ude. utinu in j*r-oc." | '• Mutuntne, Jai t 23—S !o« of new Sugar* have tu--n mnitn .il I 1J 1 I." $ but Ift'a JR is ask I ';'l I"r best <p 1 ali 1 y. In Muscovado n> thing j 1'trWior bus liepn dum. Planters dncltoo In contract in (miinipnhon of dulilvery, and there 1 a- been r.u arrivi s f,,r sule C lll-ep |,riak n $134 or print" green. Mol i-s-s, for said iioii<- 11I Die irioiiieut, lii*i prieo paid was ti r*. Tbeio Ins Itouu no arrival "I ttu-.e si ie.u the |J C Cal houn's Gxdiango mi Now Yft-rk, 2 per cent dis- ouUtlt, Bai.dwiv I'ot'vTV has not bieMi hnhiiii] Imr -i i-r counli s in Die pr< s-ut exigency On llm nil for volunteer-, a m mut il yager corps f about si-viwiy uirn Ins h 011 riij-ed, who ,l once idee ed .is thei eoumui .di-r Augiis us il Konnn H-q., an-I pri'uip/lv prepared fur tint vcotte of • irife- tVeliazird nothing in *aying that this will be Cmml a* i-fii- i'-nt •» corps a* any nlli r Dili go's to tlm aid of the del'ni-oles.. I, j t-,, • ti n ottior enmp mb- hero, Dii* i* a , o-np..*ed of ns linn 11 hully of t"'i"ff men a* could lie m i l. ere I into the erne • of tm-ir < o-n'ry We . «vu 11, fours f r i « honor uf Hu i ulit-n en trusted 10 u' k keeping. They will lake up Ihuir ainrnh lor Florida, we 11 "dors'and, o<> Wchie d y ni xt. They go iinwit'i thu null riincw, th t tbmigli far away, "'h -usauds of hiar-saru heating fort i -ir mi re s—linaris will aw,-It with exulting j> y to meet them again reiitrtii ,g graced with the lintruls of honor mid 1, ' From the Curret/iandmnr of the Charleston Courier. W.wiiinc rii.v. Jan 27. " Il in said, this that a'•uiumumuation In-just arrived from Knglnnd. br light by n ‘ tih nltlput war, tuudefiug thu M-.rvicca of llri isli Government, to m dmto hi-iwoeii r ndn'nrms, reodoui moves by 10 her gl". I lions ss-ociated with them. During tho U*t War, even love of country w*» loxl- *»nong carfsiii puli iciaii*—in llm iml-dgnii' « of the tiit ter spirit of party, and thorn were hu-e wlm Would rather In.vJ seen a foreign enemy vie'ori rio ia. t an behold tlm Democratic p-rty at I o ee io ill-- j> rend-,ill If in Dm itonran nl rventa, we are again tu h» ytatted by war. are the same •conus -unm to im enacted ? 1s t us avoid wir if wo cun avoid it with honor; but il wut mu*/ l umo, woe to tim p,rty,and woe to the mon wlm •hall rrfuan lo co«operate in Word mid dcod in behalf of our common country. To thr editor of the Georgian : Pvah Sir:—I hope you will find mom for the ciii-Ioaod hem ii'ul linos from tint pen °f Miss .M iry R. Ur, of Chariest -n, which np* peared in tho!.i*t Honlftcrn Riuo. They broallm tho genuiim spirit of pontry. Miss I/*o is (lie autlmr of ••the Lane Star," Ac. ill tho South ern Lilonrv Jnurnnl, and a cons’aut onntnhn- lor to llm (I so Hml, under llio signature of M IT. D. T n la*t number of tlm New Yftiik .Mir. ror hi spe iking of M. R. L «ays, " At some fu Ittru time wo will oflkr ovidonee lo our roidor* tliui wo tin not nver-ra c illi** young lady in pro* dinting for her, if alio proceeds as slm hi gun, grout tmiinunco,’’ Y. From the Southern flo e. THU HR YVU Y’OUUN I'lftlftlH. A voice IT mu tho South tolls a sad, iii uiriifu story, Of ruin, und nnrungo, und war's And the Ang, 1 ol J ry> And sumnioris (ft.lumhi.i'a proud patriot- to arms !— Nut in vain d ns *dio cull, for the purr fl 11110 is gushing Like tint sun when ilbrouks through the rnor. tting’s S "(X tear*, And the light of true courage is joyously fln*li- ing The illicit.itded brows of the bruvo Volun Icon, Tliiitk nut Unit they part, wi'hout feeling* uf sorrow, Fmin iVtatids thnVnru noaroat and di-aro.*t on aurtb, Ob! no, bu' they trust from llio Tuturo lo bnr. row Some meed of higft Val ur to double llioir worth :— Much bright, sunny *pnt of llioir cl,ililhood seem* pie.isuut, And warmer than evor its limrlh-sloiic op- puurs, Bill nH' ctimi iisolf ennnut weaken ut (irrsuot T-liu chivalrous truth uflhi-hrivo Volunteer*. Much lather look- proud, and each mother sur render* M'lth kis-i a and hle«*ing* t o son that she bmo, Wliilu with quick kindling jrduur each lond tis'or tttiKiurs Tho well huruibliuod wuup n, thou struggle* (nice m->r«, To hide Die foul traitors of grief that ut///guilt. or, Ami Ittt-di in her tmsnm its tnrtuiing fear*, Fur tt'hu indeed would not u tliousuud limos ru. tlior Give all than dishonor llio bruvo Volunteers? 11,i For tlmir omin ry tlmy slriki .' und u fair con- si Italian Of beau y looks on ri« they ni'-iml tlm seucur, YVhilo there comes, lilt-- thu ury.ifu union- hound nut mu, From Die land of their sire* a parting hur rah ! I'lii-y gn, but amid Hint wild shout nf cmnrno- tin, Th l !,kn music imrivull’d bursts full on tlmir W’llil li" rt doth n ,t odd in the v ico of devu lion, “ God prosper Iho cause of oi'u brave Volun- loir.*.'” M. IT. Chnrh at on, S G «' i LHI ,1"— F-y gaiu m II !■! xr-aqs™ receiving accesfh’tis, l^is consider ihjy |i,en*aso !• Cork —lu respect to pru-es, 1' -rk in bar 1 remains the same »* l»*t tepuiicd lull a- tli" quantity arriving ia cmi'iibT lib-, they u»uitveiy , (, t day iocotniiig mure ililli ml Vnuht ii", and ean- whic" i.ot be had ii"* < X* opt Ihr v-ry small ip nli'i,». ||o wmii/l Is Inf rut lit- i Am », that j. u mi A lot of 1*5.1101) n,s bulk I*, rk was .uhi * W I kom. ou hod „ 1 lKjHl day M .cc Itcent- p-r lb. , and Gr • ori s, wou-h nan bo bad ut Ui**' luL Dncnr.—NY 1 qU< |e ll.nns ut 124 | (I• o ■ Id ataiid) (III 1lio Buy, f'di5 &AMURL DIBHLF.5 Bfof I Hct?n I ^ • HR ru -I.berro informs (| mr i ux «*, tut In- hasjwrl to ,vcd 'I" r ,,r ' 1 "< dm* fi fresh || l) p* lod.-iiito I'M C. d'iogs 11, NiiiiiI lets 8 ecu's |»«»- Ih. I ho up-1- cm allow u \*iy gr-'it inq rov. mciii, own g mute tu the sCitcdy Uut pcovail* thutt to utiy iiicrea-cd duiiiaiul. Brrf i» pli iiiy, nod t-xee-Mve’y du 1 a( the qiimi'd (iricis, AJ-* $12 (111, i’Vimo $3 OU, Cargo $G 00 per « b). Lard—1’i.riimr qu- tutimis, 114 a 12 (Onls nr,: umiiiiiui-d. T ,o inniket lias a plcntitiil sup plv, and tho dunistid D rustriclcd t * nnaD pur Whiekry.—The impruvement nn'ioc l in "ur last, was of hutahuit dur,ti"ii. Heavy -upplms have in gun to pour in, and 50 coins per gallon is now iho mml that can he ubt -ined After.—Halt sl n nu derato extent-iru lit >ki 'g. at from $3 50 a .•>' I (III pur 1(111 llis Fi eights —.Y! >tnr* at d mmaigni-os gcnur Dly, liav i-uiiiii to the c nelusioii uut lu tuku loss tliui. 4 to Livcrpo I, uml I4 c lit to Havre, fur i-iti-npm lb.; *ncl> at l«»*l bus boon Dm case during Dm week pu t. Tuis rcsidu'imi has been 'dopletl in coiisequcueouftbo S asou In iny now mi li,r adv.-ncod, thu tln-y cannot pryiiii'i 1' um elves mure Dian one voyage. Il leiu .iiis In bu *cuii tv Iml Iii r they uili bn aid' to make t'lc-e r toe gm.eiat, fm tlm laiger ulus* i f vu*. sol*. T" thu smaller <«uor it ha* already liucu ummedud. Statement nf Cotton. Bales. St"ck i 11 hand 1 ,l October, 1835, 1812 Arrived this weak, 1507-1 Airivod previously, lc3.,(ll —199375 201217 I3tinu loueoii* loouoy Iftxporlml tin* wc. k, Iftxpoikil pruviuusly Htock mi Im ml, ? 12 DI Xt l?S, I>, On (lie 8D1 ult, Mr D.vVI/I V,,TfB. a nalivo ul VV .illinjilTiril, tftm. but f ■r tin: hist 27 years, a very rcap-'cl.iblo meiubor of tin- eoiuuiiiuity. lie w is beloved y u-| who knew him II" sill', long Under a sovero lllno**, hut Imru II with Clirisiiaii p.itimieo. M iy Im reap iliu re- Ward duo tu >ueb (iimiii-nco iinni 1vATP.11 I'l'hT )l •H k St I h It, .5ctM *x ft TRK VI SAVANNAH ....5 16 .1(1 19 < \ V V N \ • 1 i:G tOU JIBUfJI ,3, KC j4 Old i?. , 1 i:sr i#aa>:* i.iv hiu-ooi oec. 10. iTRht imtks Knnit iiAVae. mtu. 17. r 70.d(l() Tim our Sieumnth lixpurtt, February -I. brig Now York, f r llm West liiuiuo— steam sawed Lumuur J -1130 foot 53 uuskes RieO. Thu YY’nshingtnn Correspondent of Die Balli- , thi» Guvnrtnneut *nd Franco. Tlm particulars Him0 Patriot gives a particular, griplne, an | we aiispi-ct, n tolerably imparli -l sku'ch of Mr. • Ad,tilin' r"mnrk,itde speoeli. Ho says, Die •• at tack upon !1r. YYft b.Uir was gi.viiilou-, but p. I have not b'Tii ililo tu In irn, ns I unde it and i that ih -a< counts have nnlyrn'ohed tb-city since ! un*et tin* evmii ,g. Rumors of siieli mi in tention on Km part of Ginut Br.laiu, liuv> bum erl'nl lH-yoiid iiiiv tiling ('m) ever li*t, ueil tu." j prcv-Deni fur a mm lium, so that wu liuvo not YY’( lay this ncunnnt of tie speech b- nud rs — ua it com- to Uo the groat Lntt f lUv •i>y. "Mr Adnins nnw Qumumnend by Dlmling t«> Dio decLi ration* winch had rocrmly been mule' in Dumber p/a.-r, that to ilia) House bnl-mgeil , tmo rc-pmi t'uli y of lusing llm Foriifb-atinn lirl Ho went on to unimadvi-ri uji.ui thn upmuni. nl ii 1 ut Dor nnpiupiiro't fur tlm ndvici wIt mb are said lo (tavu been br 'Unlit Imu* (lirue.l ly from l-!ngl,rnl. A • she oucupie* a pn- iti,,n m which she w -uld hi onuhlcc to deri-u the gvnato* pr-dit* f 0,11 4 Jtlr hetwi on Fr.iiicnand th - (I Sl los, an off r ,,f modi itmn I’rnm Imr conn s t., 11* whIi .1 strong oliar to'er >d' di-i',tf*ro*t' d,ms , whi. h must ei.ti le bor to nur ruspoc , and hui and dwel irali-ms wlunh II ul bin li luade in tli n j tender 'o h gh cmsidi-r-Dmi. place, which li" said were iinlrU" an mhIimI by tacts. A* Im In-gin t" grow severe, the S(«aki i rumimled him that Hie Rules ol tliu Il"ii 0 did ii"t permit u uu tuhi-r in amm divert upon tlm proceeding* of llm -S mile. Air. A > am* *101 ha did nut s. V any thing uhnnl Iho Senate; liu spoke nf-i place—be did imt suv whnt place ; 11 wa* lolt w iibtiiotnoiiilmrs of that House lo iiacuci ite in 1'n-ir minds tlm Boiiatu of Du T ilcd Hi ilea or any other Imdy wi ll tli.11 ■e Unit In- sp ike 0'' Ao. Mr. Ad,mis limn Tho Iiienilwr* ill groat number- br-gm m (l u:k round him l> was palpable tli .1 e mu, tiling tro.iiunduUi was .itiDcj|ialod. And trno eo, u^ii, tlm orator began lo bear down upon the Sumtio with r-nnwud siira.sin Mr. Murcur noiv c. lU*il him to order and ►» »ted the point of order. Tlm -Speak’ r derided that im bad no anVhurity tn put a cmiNtruc ion upon Mr. Ad- -m-’* a ords, and tlmreforo a* lie did nut name the Senate bu could imt/ay that lie was out of order. (Iloro unos of" go on—go on” were lorod by many inuinbers.) Air. Adam* wont place t Wont 1 Ii in y b", linwovor. that she i< instigilol, in j mqiiio d -gi 1*0, b, motives connected with In I Ruropem p -lioy, and iiillnnuced hy .ippretion. a inn* b-sl any ruplure vvliieb would gnu no pl-iyniciil to the moral mid physical eneigius, at ! t‘d* itv-ment, might lay hor op-Mtl- attacks j Ir iin Hie Northern Powers of Europe, Ti "pnD"ii, however is entirely s|*ceulativo. Tub C nrurLi.’s •• ahk iikrk !!" j (hir t,,wu is all life uu-l aoi nuiiou, i Ttii:io bio now f„ur splendid compAnm* of I g Until V'dmiiiw'K ul this placn Ttm Stutu j t'encihlu* trmn Putnam, (’-(it Merriw’otlmr I t'.o Hancock Hluo*,Capt. Brown—tim Morgan 1 Guards, Gapl Foster —and tlin Baldwin Gav.D. ! ry, Capt Konuri, eompri-iug a hand i.f *tuiit j heart* und -trnug timid*, who uru ill eager to re. lievo Dieir siifleiing hre hron of Florida, end I indict prompt and ample vengeance upon Dm j savugn f, 0, Tlm three lufiutry c.nmpauio* will take np tliu line nf march t«.duy for Maun on nmie and more *evo,0. Mr. At."cor agaiu | whence they will proceed upon U0.1t* pm'ided ““II'‘I ••im to order md reduced the nbjeetmna. j f„ r t|„,i sot vice, by the way of Darien to Iftco- a enjoy « *'h( words to ivrt mg Ao-oher member made one or two iiii-uee-'s-liil I'tTorls to'• sav a low wmd -," hut o>mt»>>h»d h nisulf ns well as tie iluiild by giving utterance to n few vullias of 1 uiinil o.ith* hi an under tone at tlm disorderly tale nf tilings. T ie Wind* Mi Al-rcer t i-k down, Air. Ad mis w- til l not admit tu he hi-. Tm spuikrr put the dcci-ion lo Iho Hnuu*, whi 'li deci .red that limy were not. Air. Adams again piouoodod. Before thi», however, lio said a* it appealed to give gontlemuii so 11110I1 dis quietude t'-,r turn tunllude - tlm Sente,he xv ,old transfer Ins plane to the Ollico of tim National InloUigom ur. ( wa* an audible iau^b . In thn paper lie said lie f und a prodigious urgu- mom going to fa'her that Unuae wnh the loss of tin-FinliRe ,lion Bill, on the last night „f llm la*i «.)■",mi, charging that II with sub- terviency and man uor*liip ! lie wont on cum. iimiiKiig U|>on tlm speech delivered Mr. We ster in Die Senate in lliu mud severe ivmi I cutting manner, i » a*-eiti, ns, running nut against its pusttmna and ruhcalmg its nig 1. ' Iiients With tremendous Mirommi ami indigiiu- “ — tt|i«i mme Mr. Adams was called to or- l'on*idorah|econfu-i-m and greit seu*a- i ti-n prevailed. Mr. YVi.-o hoped, Irn •aid. the g’-ulb’inaii Would bu |ier,ni'led to gr> „n, out ol I order-r in order lit) wished him t" divulge! lata The cavalry a ill march direct by Hawkins villo to Km »c0110 uf War. 0ue»es* t" Dmse liruve sons of Gnatgin, who it,tve *0 nobly stepped forward in (lie cause uf uwtr c (untry On yeslerdiy ufternnnn, at 4 oft lock, axph-n. did Culatiun was given hy onr eit:zaiis, nl wlueli many patrmtm tmists and Miniiniants wore uxpiuH-01) ’l hey Dull upjiear in our lie*t.— Standard uf Vniaa. Ti.u Govoruor doe* not intend to order the ilr.itTed men into service, at present, from tho cumins tv 1,icli Ii ivo turned "Ut Vulnuteers ; an-' the draft* which are tube first ordered out, « ill Iro token tram ci-unti.a widen have nut furiusncd v, luntners. "Tlm lute 'ur witli Engluid tiiuglii a lesson tu politiuiio—md wo «ro all more or lu.-» po|. i i iaii»—which baa been felt every in-nnent aiico tlin mmwtgo ot 1031. D i* the f. cl— nielaiieludy in it* bearings and i .flneneo—Dnt in a doui’ Craey, iiu ,,pp"-iimn In the G,-vorn tnenl will be tuimaltd in a imio ul'publtu lm*- luilies." So says Iho Cmiinicrc'al nf yrstord iy, in au article landing lu tlm skit* the | do di*grucufil ,»r in* ill he knew upon this ut iui(vuriant sui-p>c.i. ‘ .peechofjotiu f tftlvum. Thu lai , i.,r 1 . r,, •• »• -' * • 1 deed laugni a lesauii io jmlitipi.iii*, which Ii.« I bx«w (ell ti. llm present hour, and wtiiet, wc trust 1 tvi 1 Ik- felt Ihr lung veer* In cuilio. YY’tieu the oil* tau t republic. I< was (lie course puruued liy the - — I H-vifoid Cwnveu.j.mi*;* and the peace 11 • r• v . went on.—lieu um mtu a j limn of Dial day, that ko,,t nbve the spirits ol 1 11 ,rii ,.f it," • the 1 Ui'iny, *nd prolonged ami aggravatod th- ,1,.. «unj-ei, 11,. ft,;. prupnuiinii a ,nl n v„tel lor 1 , ami i/'tm-re ( fcl that llm (..'oph, will* * If ever 1 ere was a time when it behoved moo t, -puak "Ul. i, wa» nmv upon liu* H".:vi «u, h)t il rui m ore d might, whether the H.x cmivo the t „ lllu . „ .Sena'c, the II..u*e, Dm Speaker . t tU ll vwe „ r i u .**o n * taught hy wm.iro lorgntten, the t liairioaii m H ,.>•■* 'Moan* It wn« the republic. It w U s tlm cmirso puruuct tnwo to «p tk nut and let ttio troth lie hoard •• Air. Adam* ug in went on.—He wont ii hi'-lniy of Die d-,ings of t)m last night of the ta*l a» *'i"ii; 'old Wh it lie rccolleotuil and know Clarltfilon Imparts F’b. 2. Matnnzn*.—Sdir John C G-lhnun—!2) hhds and 13 lieruea Mulaases. 10 o.wks li oioy, 21 boxes whi 0 Sum r, 11 lilids and I bbi uruwn do mid u qiiuiiliiy Fruit. Chnrlest an fix parts, Frb 2. Havre.—Brig Dilligeoco -.11 uUlu* au,i I*. lund, und 074 U, land Cutuin. Alunti.u, Jan 2(1.—Cation—Yeslerd iy wo re Reived advices limn Liverp , I |„ 1 he Ituii uiti. brig* America, T c.well d mn, Nliuwing Die market ah iu, Die •„mo as pi" j , " 1 ' la*t ucunuiil* : -Alter Die rece.jit ol wuic . them I was smile enquiry, and from wuat wo cm burn, I x.lo of 511(1 ii.ilo* were i H’iK-tod, ut rate* ai uut I I coni below our last quid li 11*, VY'e ar.i yd mi- j •>ble to mike quoudi’ma T;,u wentiier for the [Mst week It 1* iteuu v* ry had t r ,,ut (tour htt-L ness, and heavy receipt* during that imio have b en gut ro dy fur Dm m.tkov. Klmtild tho c- Dier be tavu iratile, l*r 1 day or two, we in 1 y mi tieipnte « larg- bn-mes*, and snutt Dien ho hied give qimlalinn* Jan. 'il ■—Cat ton - Yes'enli tout of i 110(1 bate* were di , • lay jircvimi* The dcmiiid i ii*..iug prill s of sellor* *u gre vn ws of purchaser-', as in pr " "ve op r itiuna, Tu.morrow, y sales to tho ex it .d pD""* nf tho * good, hut the ‘Iy nx-ced’ d the I'lde mum cxluii- good Mloc.k will wa* mm a, 1 of tu* In.- wliii-h give him mum *,li fuctmn Di m any .door, it w«* that of v>,i. mg lor that necosHAiy ami pro|H:r appro,iri itimi If' p(**cd .di uVt-r.wroughl pdi-'gvric np-m tho 1 Kxccmive, und u-kxl in *enrn and derision uh werv D>« aycophniti und nmu.wnr hipper.* of' lli.plluiuc, of whom «./ much a a* tuju in tin, that Die (e’ojilo will «uatam the c-untry in > *v ol war; but, Dianks to the patrioti*ui ot'the Ia"m, the e cnt ikiiiga »f a di-mm ciilnd party will Invu litilo iiifluciiee. I^rt us have peico. if p-’.ice we cun hate with honor. But ifth..u uf liustili uvr too c..e ish mem, and k.cp al;*e flic j.r ,ml rucul.e*. in in the market, wmoii we Impa tu ha able lu give qouthtiott*. * From Benjamin 1,-ry's Sew Orleans Friers Cum nt, January 23. Cotton—Arrived hiiicu >he loin 1 nsl, 15,071 >1 Dos. C’1,1 in h,’ *a <* tim, 13tl9!l hales ; iu..kiug mi addition to stuck ,,( 27/5 lialos, ii'-d touting mi hand, in lu ive ,,/ ill on *hip.h',ard not cleared on tlm ‘»t -t just., a stock "10 ID 19 "alo*. Too animated demand which we hud occamon to notice in onr 1 M, cl *ed «ith the week. The sal"* subscqUi-iiDy, ami pieviou* tu Tlnirailay, Dinng/i at fully Ihr- ntor piicnN, were very modurate in ex:i-ni. Bv the mail nf that d >y, k-ilcis w, re received fr- in Now.York, silting Die arrival of a vessel at Di*' port from Liverp-,n|, bringing intelligence ■ if a lull of 2 enls par III in Die jirtcu ofGuUun. The • (P et of thi* news, ns might nniiirillv i/e c-Tpeeled, wa* to cause a com teto cessation of dei/iaiid hero, and as Din time elapsed ajncu lias Umn short, and Die went her too unfavorable in pe mil any thing In bo dune, in, uppor/unity iia* been utlnrded nf tasting Die murku: and leirn vvh it/iro tin- coiisequenuu- likely tu result ; the g neral impres*niii Imw. ver is, that price* will lower, and u* tlio>0 qii'dod ,-un nu Inngei bo i/btaiut-d, wo Iiovl prelixed Die word noun- uni Our l ist advices from Havre \ro qu to favora ble, Inti Uwtr eifuc.t 1* st-mewhat m.u veil by thu unpleasant relation* at pro out existing between Dm two countries Of llio tula- alluded to above, wo give the fol- lowing, viz : of Louisiana mill Ali-rissippi 503 bales, ii If-J 233 ,i 17J. 143 .1 l»‘4, 150 at Di, •IM it IIMDu’ Idj, I ,3 .1 11:4. I3M ui 1C, at) ul ItiJ l-oiiIs ; and 73 Florida, ,u Iii) cents nor lb. 1 Liverpool Cla*silteiiti,in.— Ordinary, 12 a 13; Middling, I 14 a 15 ; Fu.r, 154 .. 16 ; GuihI F.,ir I64- 1 17;G«-h1 ami Fine 174 1 lb -nominal. Sugar.—The in rkut coiiUuui-r without pe.. ceplibl • change, Inn aa Die juice uf l),'|. urli |e the city, varies *0 much with tho quality, great aiUmiimi being pa id in tint respcci, wc have given a wider ceiqte to our nuotntmos, m order 10 incli/do all Die silo.* within their limits. On plantation tin- principal sales, ua heretofore, are 41 H4 cents. Havana Sugar* are in limi od rerpv ai, at a slight reduction on U*i week’s ligiirn*. .Mol,mass —In the city tftp n»n«l rntc» nre 3» a 33 cent* |»er gallmi, c-k* mi-ln.a d. On p’aiii linn 33 1 31 ciit*ar- current. Toe.ujau t duraidy f urdoni nd. Flour is v-'ry tlo,l, md llio pri c i* gmduillv I C I.F A UF O. Bug New York, rutting,ilc. West L die*. IF. Crabtree. A bill IV HP. B,ig 0|>li-iliiir|ii’, l'iizgpf„ld, Bt-ltiuinrn, and 73 hours fruit, toe Gaj>« a Mdxu to auu iry jior. Ntoainlinnt Gen. YVaxliington^Freolitiid, An guslu, tu J VV I, ,no. s.uuin, .Ship Benjamin .\l>.rguit. Snow, riiiladolj<hiu. |M /•: B o li \ V D A S’Dir Tlirco Bister*, up ul Now Yu h for tli s port. CHA RLFSTON. J m 3 Yr.ivnd Br *nlp .lo'in Bell. Blu- k, Wiilurfurd, i t.mi. ;J 1 o lal 304 lull 11 20, il' lull'p, 0 n’/.-lo k, i*. AL s, nke hip Ily •• I* .rk. Snow." I ,t u - * I'm. 1 Non. Ori ent*, with a ergo nl 1512 (ul"* coltoo, h nud In Trieste), in a sinking cni|,,ili»u. 'i'he (I l' bavi’ig struck 11 wm, k .-r i e.k r in thu-p <|iiaricr* 11/ftc. It ur (irnvi 11nmi had who*, ap . k-n 7 /Vet water in hei hold, nmi was >i .ki,.g gradually, rem-iinud hy leir -Di li ght, and slr.p. P'-|| he ai a.I ill" • I/IO' r hn.ts, and Inrtk ulV her ullicer* an I crew. “Wh n lc|1 nu thu f,-| lowing thy, - hn h id 13 fu. I .valur in her imio an w 1 g ing d, wu h f, •Sclir J C C llniiin, R * , jM itauz •* j slo uii. hni.* Sanf*'". Ui""k*,Savannah ; YY’m Buabron , I Dnliuis, Savriniinh. C'ie iro I, li-ig Diliguno-, VV • dhury, Havre. Ill the OHi *g.—Br l>,r,| e V\ illj.nn, tr„m Li vwrpoal; at hr F*xj«jnment, front Buck River; sclir W icon mi w, from Guorgotu-vn ; mul 2 .*,:hs and a »lunp cn-u-ti r*. The *|* brig Bril ianto A! 1 ri-tntiy* fur this jmri, w .s ui, ut li iv,!ua 2I--I ult. The sclir Torch. Fli*,11, for >his port was up ut I' iluflelpliui 27 h 1,M to suit sum,, day. The chr Agnnoria.Cuveii, fur line pottydear. cd at YVilmiiiglnii 2 uii ml. TUoauli- Fuu VV • yne, Vc-(«, f.'unt N Or'eaji , arrived <1 R dim..n-i 2e 11 ujl. MGBli.F. J n. 27 —Gt« rod, hip* I’nc ti , Hnx.e. I.verpnul; Gen VVillia.iia, II Id.,!,.., di.; T.iskinn, Host, Now York ; dig i r , , (j,, ding, Trio*lo. Armed, -chr Thn'ia, |' drl ick, Vat ns,is. N R VV URLRA AS. .1 m. 2 i --C|,iiic,|, *nj,, Marengo LiD:in, Havre; ftrig Raymond, J.c. vunsuiler, Nurf /k. Arrived, ship Miss'ssippi. Rnb.iisnn, Y,■ r.' ; Dos-tn. M .tm T io-tc ; Dunlay, SlmTvmii, Alex ml-i 1. J AN 21 —Floured, ships Hunt-i illc, I*.liner, G .mil,ic, G i ter Liv'erp ui; Ori -■>/, B „, I 1 in in, R 'Ihol l > .,l*li,rd, I'm,in, Livoip, o'. brigs Two Sisters. Sj.rugae. S Tie 11, 1* ; R/|, ,, lain.mid. 11,1,111. , \i . r-lial N- y,; so,,1 ’I hree S Hint'., YVulls. S irn 11 h. Arrived, "rig M ay llobm, \1 Ca..rlo.- ton ; s-h A b. Ha-k-lt, I lav,(in. MftW YORK Jan. 21!.—< I 1,red. *M sift, cod, Ai.lh'ity, llit-.m; YVoitmure l»,y B,. r/mmas; hrig 0-niii/u, h’ellv, ,Y,/////////<///. Ar ived. slop Balmln, II .mi'tun, *.'ftmle Ion; Br nrig Bermu-.,i. I u, k--r, Nowen t|”, R-jg. Cftoirid -riibln ie.n in llio Nurih uml Ma.-i Ri. vers mnl Lower Bay. HAVANA, Jm IC. —Ar s',ip (Viijrl'Ke, Gimreli, Bri-tni : Br tuig ( , T 11 Liver* p '"I / l-riga Alon'ur. F k-, H J'imoni; P, gasii-, Rumii:g."0 PbiluiU Ijmi. ; Bp etii Tor-am.e, A-. i"g, Savannah, Bailed l.rig* (,' sjmr Hati.-cr, Gowk, N Y m,, M ig no. JAN 17 Ar brig Lydi., B.ll'ird, N York; aclir Ciiii-l"Do t'- V, Du S iled, brig Pei*, vc. rnuce, Bnriiliaui, Wilmi. gtn". JAN 23- -A t sliiji C'una, Sti.ror, S' I'nniii.*: hr g* Vi gi"ia Packet, IVa.erliuu-c, I’.ir land • H> a or. D DI, dn. . 'I AT V VS, Jan 12.-Arr brio JUu,.*..», Knight, f’ rll.ind. JAN 13 —Ar sclir, Grecian, Stud)*-, Por. land > v 't Yiultcw's Nnr.i/ tv. V yUUMFRLY Mecngufi’ho St. A „. .tl«W'-> fs<'Ct. ty uftlio . |ty nf S'iV,iiin.,|, v. ill be Iield ,11 Die I 11 v Hotel, To.liiorr.w Kvi ning, 6 a mst. 17 "' inch. J A .VII-, * Uclli’.NKY, Sucrcturv. f d5 j ' i'ilM a it) NOI/I I ! Dr. Chnvalter, Dentist, from Haiti mare. a A Y ING loarne. Dial suii.o jn-r sens aT" uiideny,,ril g m j„ r< , (,i,„ , cir. Minting 0 r put in tbi* nil y, u, M i j„. j H Ab>,tilt u«'. t km-thiN methu.t a'teily to dci.v (lie cliurge—And th- ug 1 unwilling lu •• |,r w t I! jiatitle',' X-eot in sulf.Oefei ci', In- hereby m ulloiigea any nmi all io - dm 0 , se/nbl im-a ,f lostjtnuny that how, ... , nr was, a re-ml i„ Il «‘'»rboI Aim. tiun II i V.tea llmae, w li» o igi.iiled lln- iep.,1. IU p.mlish Dili, evidmwo of tills City—ifth<y dart! in Dm G.izettu'a In L AY’ Diya on « 1 No3..i.d-l w.l lull 5 JVoiico. tton jwr unntj-nnys bnntc I cxp.M Iniiiurruw after YV.M,a Y f LOH r-1. d. cu. Cut Tobacco, FURS11 of Mr* M.tiers Cm To. 11. c ii,jii 1 rum ived and lor *iil<• by 'Pill). A| | I'RNKR 5 _ ‘ p. o i’o Dirt M ■ nitimi House, tiditk Stock, ANTED •'-lute II n|( Stuck. Ap. ly to W. ROBERTSON, Broker, fob 6 - *Y ticb. for f.-li ale WantBtJ to Charter. VESSEL.,/ - about 300 t,.ii*, ta pr ceod 1 lu Europe. Ajinyto ROUT. H \ BRUSH AM, For mil! by Jir/rod Ac Waruur g^t ABE" I ght Bunt*,sum" us low a* 250 Mir 2 ca-uRc-w hide do, n stimi gumj ( ,r- by BREED ,t WARNER, B"iiDi *i«)o o> hi .rket sqmirn. Fl« nr, IG,S G. II go Superfine Flour, n Mipi-riur miielo, just received per uchuMiiur Henry CJ iy, Irmn Kichiiinnd and for '*v BAYARD «V HUNTER, fob l Buib.ius Ac 'l ubcrous iioott’U Flaiits J HP* Bub-cribor hui ing recniv d sever. I |n- *1 ^ v-’ici * ul'w-ll M'locte , :*n,i r re Ru|b,,u<i and To'i. r-ais Rmitn" Plants, nmi Dal, ia*—also choice Garden, Fi-I I, mid Fbuvor Bce.l*, tY„ m DiuG rdcii nf Mn-sre. Prince A Boris, Fins' |w, (•mar Now-York,) would inform Die. Potdu itTv tin y c ui k |ir cured mi npplioMtimi ;,t Mr. J [•', K 'chlct's* Counting Room on the Bay, \vo*t niT, and near tlm Km liiingn ; full o-Dalngne> eaij tier,- W-examiuel, uftiieabnvo pl .iitsmul -eedH, and aliimld any Im iiiqn red tlm' net I,ere, llu-y will be in*|iiiii|> "idmoil. Gitnlugiio eon uk, Ii- on,1. uf I'rni A, II.uly, nmniim tai 'I'rrn-. S|iiuh- and Plant* ; -f GreenlimiseTrues, Sli.Ill)*and Plants, imported—uriD A/nn tea. D. POSTKLL. fe',2 (re,,)_ __ Wood for Sale. a HE Suhscriher is now r.ueiv ng and will w in future k- op on hand -.>1 iim «h rf nn llie G.m,l, 1 birgu *Ujq,ly uf «) k. Hod; ry mid Black J ml;, which lie will deliver "» Pitroliusera in any p.m ,,f Dm i-jry. JAMES ROBERTS. fell 2—0* Just Kocolvetl S ti >0 «'■*(»• E upernr, nmi II Dio, from .Yew V 1* Y'mk, |i.|’d and navy broad, IP ur, me** heel'. Fiii/mi m iraet d>., in half hr!*, smill hams, rui * ins, 1(1 hy Dimi/trSliy 1(1 vvicut w glass, box"* herring, prunes, fig.,n’lnmnd*, box, es (iiouokte, 4 ,rl- m» 1 m,ck«r.)|, 4 hrl» Imrlt. whoal. 4 b I* d". Gn.*imn butl'-r, laid, pigpnrk, cho "K in e.t k*. mn*hr, nn ketehup, tuiinitioea dll, tpjile cider, pu;ut,es, llulngn , smia-gcs, .,11 •'•UH. |»i,*l('.o* ',f the first qu .li y f-o Immly ii-/-; .1*,, 150 bundle.* buy, I'm *nl,-,ii un | Mungui'a wi'fiby - 'l ho mas wood. fob 2 7 iitilrs •'{.)() jkoco. 4 * (vC’M'i'ia 1,-ui‘r i cjlinv^iNiinbcoiis, i UST rnci-iv* d m/l fur'siili- hy ttic Snlwcrlbnr, *• "le will c .iiliriii" to ueiqi n supply i||f,,ng|| 1)10 Spring and Bummer son*011. i ln, Go.) WM. <\ WAY, Ag-nt. F t» 2, I03(i. Lujrlish and Fr; ndt Kid Slipper^. 7; OR nI" low by * lull fl BREED ft WARNER. i\/'tir;«. fRYHK firm of Si.ATfSR «f HODGF.S, D will, u* le r.'tol.ire, f,*un ilii* dny, I*- re. cmiiiuiied .,t tl.t-ir funner land, where tlu-v will Romioiie t" keep (/cur-l a-is-iit-iioiit of' Dry (>' ed* iii'il G100 ri s, and hnpetu -hu c, ih i trinud* an I thu puldic, u p rt ol their sup. port uttd patrimAgu, JOHN Sf.ATER, <’ 9 £{ 1 HODGES, Niuliw. Pf^jERSOYB ii./l. III,.,1 In the l.i * e fir.n of J f{ a H' lli it A (’0. are r,',|iift*led in ni-.k., im. mediate payment, im i,|. renaming Unsettled 0,1 d in U10 Du 15<" liamli JAN 17— Sailed, brig Native, TlianlDun-l, Pliil.d, JAN 18— Arr brigs Atlas, Deering, Port land; l-urn!me. D,vis. /In, FOR A I’GF ST A. The stea-ii paekni G F’B > WASHINGTON, tft.j. N-a-k, will l-.,vo ir h.v eSTLS*2j£f2j 1 ’.i/ivn plane tni* after.,,i,n o. p.*s,g«,..pp|y .1, .INO VV LONG. FOR CHARLESTON, Ton '<e in packet E CL . yi- YV A N, Sa**ard, nniMor, 1* t BmY? ff -nj»-'-^S*?«^ l 'Xp/'0l |, il loan v • thi*day M Aog-I til,-, <1,(1 vvdl depot I In* ,M ring at nine uVI. ux fur ChaDo i"ii. K-.r freight ur/iis-ag-- nppiy to '-ft 5 wm id’way. tN'oiico. r*VIE aubscribor* have fur oil Di-niselve in. U. lo a company, undue the stylo«.(' A. R. Holliday 4. Co. for the purpose uf purelusing Slave-, und will pay tho Highest «a*h prieo f.,*- /moll jirujn riy, nil a, (»Ii<- tmu In „f Die suh oriher* at Sivmm >h, G •*. at T W'ilJ.n n.s’ Weal [Loud street, «>r at II -7. red A DjiihI ,w’s. fob5—Um A.E HOLLIDAY. D. I,. HOLLIDAY, EDM. WIUUKKLY For Salo. A PL YYTATION mill a .*111 ill gang uf n«*. J m grnos in Givnn e ..iniy (•' r parijenl ,r* apply 1 • R Dir «l UI.ftL I V l. lid, 5—p A I f, person* ^ H«r|iC'i & ( m* mil*' c -iite. iu teid uf inoitriiing 1 w-rking down, nur pre-wn ijii-it iDnris homir 1 I6J|, lusaona taught by Die last oar, let u » j 5(7 50 a 9/ 7-i p’r hit A* Dm qu unity taken I m" r tlian :b.: otfUic 111 trku* ,s »"• ii . "e sl whj. » a ' Nl til • 11 loir cd to till* firn of .1 -. jirevi-iii* (■• I Iui Dee, in "lud making (uym»o« to e.rsqj,md. will tin, A luriiny for culh-e.iino Vl’.M (• I'REYSHAW. I a » •- Surviving Copurtunr \«w Gt toils, ' f* II E si/liscrihor* ai« now n|ii)iiiiig. received J )>y recoin arrivals. Ri, ii fi'.iiri'd, enl red Silk*, (a Ico*-pot terns, light enl’ir, for evning dresMis, Blank I', nil DeSoi, HIael- Gro DeSwis* Dark mid light English and Frennh I’rimj do Uu low priced American du du do pi in mnl omh 'rt*/-d Cumlni « A t'ow idcec* Drapery .Mo-Sins Rich Fornitiire t'linnzes YNnr-’ti-d l> nicisk iv iri ns c-d >r*) Lin 11 Siair Cloth (a new u iclc fur covering) Blair Carpets do Crnss'd Cumbrick*- nmi Muslins Jftgin • d So is- M imIiii , plain Ca i.l/rick* /.men (*am:,r-c lld-l's cnrde-l ('.mlirie.k* Irisi, Li mi*. Cmil"ii Fbinii"|*, V.-lvii Ritibons Lm u T.,bl" Dnmsk and Yapk n* Birdseye D.npor 3 1 .mill aide P -m«*k Ta'dt) ('loth* A largo .iKsnrtinont of eulured Cftdtun and Linen Tuhle t'"V> r* ALSO, A low |iin/-es I ! ludi 1 M.i/liug A d, -I case* ol D uioslic ( JmikIs, consisting ul 3 I 7 fs.ini! |.| Colt,hi C'back* 3 | .,r,«| 4 I Pi ijd* nud Stripes Wl.i.:li make* lli"ir assnriinout very enm- plele, ull of which they ullur for sale on Dm mo*l rea-miahiu term* jm 23 J. &. K. INGF.USOLL. . Ip tu. Nails, nm! Sti« n% t5cc. AYJDiVG IV,,in hrig J> scjihmn ? / 5H 1 on * Swedi’* Ir-m assorted 3 -Ocisk' (ftil Nail* 50 lil.l* N., ] B’/ f 75 hhds Alums v.ido and P -rln Rieu Bugir 15 cask* winter sl rained t)il. fur *iDohv ’ONE. WASHRU F< A C ’ Oats. Hav and SalL Bl.'SII ELS lid VV Seed O t« I 2 id In,miles prime E'sier,, 11 >v 2,U'KJ sacks Liverpool Ground B.Dt For Mile by MICH. DILLON, j 23 Telfair’* wharf liowand’s Tonicx Mitnn*. t S.\ I- K mid / eri .iii cure fur the Fcrer and Ague, u fre*b supply just rev ived pur oig Roimilu* mill f r r ,ln .y G.U HENDRICKSON, j"" 21 Yg. m. l/ivo • ! nk H'-iod. * ROM Mm i" H'Oh ends of L vo Oak Wow], yr 1 i.dKc Tvli/'i*. '• v ' > b PAi.ivmay,