The daily Georgian. (Savannah) 1835-1847, February 06, 1836, Image 2

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TUB GEORGIAN, GC OB. Chi AWi liwuMin h. BUM-r'fa- r» ». !»H. . '"- l, “* • Ml on v r ■***'»• : greater form hem org.-niied. in prn|w-rii«>n '*• In- pre'mbl* amount **f i" mii'iny, uni in ovi ry irmlonru i*r engeiM-nlx of the h vr kepi alieml id’ thu information recuivud I From the llnliiitiora American, 30M Mil* doi.i r*r«*. 1 on* .vt*t f/irru KiflllT 1)01.1.*** . ovk ihii.i *«*• 8 4 V> * w *T 4 V /■ MATl'Hi*A\ .tlOU IV;, Mill. «, |M3rt- I r<j,n the W’aahinglon HMt JHh u I. 'l'lio SuUMiorn Patriot uf the -'•* * n *• *■•>"• , r .h.m. uttdeto • public "»•" "« •" ; h " r ' me siiqiact of tin* HciiiiimiIc lioculHm*. in which dm Gnverntnnnl t* ceifUreo »"» mid pr nUcnii'in «o thlc matter, Mid n.nili r'cli «rr»*K prudencedemendrd. A very few* 4..d ■ reference U« *'utn- w i nul .1 wo ell till* erti*urc» *«d m'ghl »" Ihr gnuh'iu*n wi'h whom it <"•*»'•*'ed. that Hu y were nul acquainted wl'll *1*® f*'*l* 1,1 *'•* n o. Tmtb in no tb*uhl * g'C“l nil |U*t *)"»• p.ll.y in Cl.crlnNi.Hl for tin* ciuctiun »f ' »• p ■ ..(i portion of lb® inhi.biiA..l» ol rurm'* 11,1 tlml ympali y ughl to lead lb*'... l«. "Il ru enuli aid aa it.< v co.ii*. red. i, mot tool M i«ii»ilwlwl in ii.idoeorki d oei.Ntli® Th® report ol the •tinig’n'ing «fli*or, Limit. |J,nri«, wli.i . It.i.c® in conjunction WUh <;'ll. Tll*'...|'«on, ofllni d.llv ... removing III" hi mi.mlo Indian*, tfcpl. *4«. I KM, lice mi.' » I utili-ider the |»"l»ul« [ king of il.o he mm-do Indian*,] nnluil ng iiegroe-, ..ol lo r»<T.-«! JU03, **1 win. |i I ni.i.uI.i, an) IC0O .if f male*." Tin* w?n-u* we taken yvf.i N ViMWtn p.oVnlollw til'." Nei.ry iHnil'.*, wloolma.h w»« un-iilod, cn*l I «. fmo Hie In dittii* w.uld not un icrra.e ii.ili.bor*. N"**. i* .* well kt.-wu tint lb.**« i.i.lian difli 1,1 •*'* ji(VD arisen Oil of lt|H it.dlNpnC.ti >n of* l ,r ' lion .-ft -iiso ladl.i.N <«»® wo l ol tl.a M<-wi-wipi**. A in. liver* m lavnrand *■ p-rt A« .11 l i«. Mild if w* «uppr>N® ill.'... I" It.iV*' bevll divided mi ihi* eiinjeei, .'"d .. i» pml.a* III. 1 tlior wore, III* re wo.ild l.o IfiO'l I .di-Hi • .*•’ flu- uiir .nun,, c ildf.i, *.»•)*•.**, ... A di«NtT*.c rd •luKtulino coin."'i.t *.f.I..'**' (Ii*iurbin<-.*A So pcrcuu in In* won"* would fikti.i.aio iho wcrii*.r« li.«t *uub •' fc.rco <mild give over lb 10. Tt." gcn.Td direc tum of afluir* in Florida wi«*< trd i» lion. Cl.i.cli, a Inntn. and <>«p< riunrod elii «r, and w ini li.i►, no du.ibt, do. c every ll.iug in l.i* powwi lo •U.xtu ll.«rc li'dint.a flu* lit.* Ciuulry .* •. l* r r | .|- to ,,pi r.tle in, and fit* nun.lnr of !»••••- til" vkarrior* Inf bun . o d.mlil inunli inert*.Rod onir.i tin* dntn..irl.n.*».ttlll of di*l.irli'.nci*N by - cciion* fr>*.ii I be oliiur pur*.on *nd iron. In. Crook*. On il.r* Bib I October 1*1*1, Hun. Cl.neb ill f .lined lln* Anj..i»ol l»ror..*l In* wu-. up- p * ImilRIvi- lliif . Urge nitn.lNir of hnniii.ob'H, woe were unwilling l*. roniofi*, would liavo l*» |,o rum v d by fore*', nn.l If *uggrata*, ll.u cm. pbj fMI nnl tii nut.>* tn^e.eer will. i. i. \. ll.u. .oi.i. uodti.o oiupli.yi.M lit of iUuj**r I/'.d.ib c.ioiiittl.d u K-y WoaI. In uiiNWrr In i i- »; u n. ( im '. w <» mfornind ifi.,1. u» tl.n* wore no i.oaiili i • Hi* n i>..n.ii*on..Td l nor «.. .... iim'.Iii 'O *i piot'.'tfi*.i. ..I Ilii'iii, und u* tl.e ••liji-rl w i .nor. y to rwnn.vo t'*»' India, a, tt.« I*.**a. uuiit loin o*. leg I b«.I» r.iy 'o c .|l ut H-0 nul* i' a. And l.-i on i i'U* w.*a lliu nunu p.i*liuu. I riy pr per, u» ll.u wiu.lo force run*..r< d could b*- * uppl.od IV. in r* gulur iro pe. 'I in* lo.lar i. f Unn. Clmef.'* w..N rconred on ti.o *l«t »f Orlo ri, liu• on lit. I.Vto ut lie auuni miintli, I *• .1, II rn. tl.e niHburifg I Ag. nl bad angg<'an *• in lln* U* p.flituni. tin* pr*.|iii**ty ut ceding lit t!m tine *d lion. Clinoii. lint rim* mil.unt .i'at.*.n bad t. ll. .t lima boun mootvo I tr.ou tJcii Clil.cli, tr.)Uirtug *uab u.Ulttiu.i, ll.u iii iu.r■•*• w*i- in)' poMiiv. iy dirnutnd, In*l lion l 'i’ldi w .*• in.Ilm i oil to u do. I. c nvo u*.iii|*o ini** from 1 it* M*.rg«u and I'li koua u* j-an him. I nun® Mii'oly '.n the roceiplof (}»n Cliiich'- d"»p*l ti in tun H*. of club r, .v > nib. r com pniioa, llioAO ut Furl* Wood and 1'ike war., pin cod «t III* iliaponul ,niul fug *1 cninpauioa uf ri* gulur trnnpa, il.nlinid "I ll.u l&lr'd ll.rn ami t*>r.ling wlnuli In n Clinch V *»* "U ol./.id I*, full min I bo liubl in dcfi-ncu nf Florida No licv •• ib*» whn ia-iii iI QWi.ciiriU ii. g M..j •* c mpi. y, l*o. .iO"bo bud boon placed un .or U®n • Iti.ali*- .ml by .... or der of Fi h*u.i > ?. I Hit. 1 ). Tl.n* torn*. b.>wcv. i, fi.ia .- k n <ii‘i.-l. time to un.i.'citrate but <lu» i im 1 . tin* I mUol U*\ncriil Cliuolt, »>r any «lht*» |v ruou, but toeulU front t '.o «mu I number ul our armv ml <f» d.apu. **td rnniliti*>n. Innlfa . of lim r venno eti t*r au^ge l* d by fin . , u * ind'*. w ! by i|). N vv J* ip«rtn.cii i.< Cn. nioib r*- DjII.i*, in do p..iu t.m» nf In *qu-ilinn to. b pu po u, Un in* U!l • f No'em'Kir. (•on ('liucb, in n let'ur muivnl iajr I .Mi A.jn'aiitli im*h| hi. ilm B'l. ii' It.'cumu r, n.miniii. n < i'o.I tin* f t Hint •• lliu n.ifnonilly III n »v ru du mmined < ii till** Inel." lie A..I**d ill l e abnuM call u*t« atrH{h l.un.l e*l ..... .nml mo... in ll.u conli dene, ba In- men u .-a « nulil b< a.pif.c., ■ ni* louor wn* aiiNW* od *u Hm tti:i a.*d l. c l‘ o-. inn.'a *.|.prni I ol Hi. in. a nr as c- nvey i-d lo (j* n. r 1 < incli and .... i c ** n day ll.# kVi.f l»i r.-m .i» a of pro can cm, wubout any Applio .lion from tin ii a Clin* ', ro.pi *l*d t.. v K.tnnio pUoi*. at l -o d p.iHU f t»in. C i id!., a y p irlc.ii u| ll.u ii. I.tu of Fiorina, Will' ., lie nug l Mid i,*.. c«*»a.y in r.i ilm. g i o indict.*, u. u ten U n ('lincli w .* uit*.r."0.|. On Ihc9tl. . I l> o inU-r (lennrul Clinoii ala. (o*l tlml in oi.i.*ei|u*-ocu o * o no tUiniy .ia to (bo limn «vnon Il.o coinpan.e* fimn litniiniin., would jo.n ' in. lie ietpn*iid ibnl four andlmi.. at coiupamu. Ill g'-l l.o tmlotwd, Hm n * t win rcpnrtnl at ll.oAujutanl UanmaU Offico i| ||i u c* mp .. from L u.-ia.n wre on ibuir w iy |, jniw In n Clinch, III liua amco lu cii u*- u. liii.Mvl Wi't uutaully ul T.iiupa ilu t., torn lln ruonipl ofll.o blin.. it was oViib' nol unco* * ary under the v.ov pr cniod to »ub-'iiiuioanv ol cr * o.i.p * i * for h> in, The-o e .ill the octal,ciioe* to f,r«» regard* a y b> Ilm military auim. F.o. r i, ii pn ibc \N'u rUupar * for p um Th,. lr t I up n • t luiual . ogain.i i,e wlutc p* nplc in I lo .du, w'a* ivcoivcd at i o A.'jutunl licuralV t Hi c no l ,»• lixll. of J muary, m u 1 t it IVoni 0. lior .1 Cl.iii'Ii m ll ccinbnr l c * Xloc.-Hi VV 11 mini w i„g i,,| oy dn.iiaud o| allot, a uinuMiit, ihe War ltcpariuu nl, on il.o cigUtli. rcqoo Uwl tl.e liov ruotR uf S.niVb l „r. ol ..a, (*ump|s Mini VI bam.i, to i „|| min h„. fi Id any lore., that Wenuml Clinch niigh .« q* i.c, and i'diia*d (jhu ul Ciincli uf ibo fin. A"*l ho ni u.i given w.ik, n ut .in' i, -vcri. r o Flmt<la might t.ol have it m . i» powi t i- „i. dtri.nt »* ft.uuitiV militia, ll will beau u ihai tbia prouAiilimuiy "fig Ii.lud lieru. ^Amwnpipor rep-rt rucoivvd Imro m. Huh 1? it iiial.cmircvou il.o rir*t in ohig. uto of u. octlmi with Ilm Indian*, und <ui lliu ami.a d i> , a* ii iip.iinliiiiidu 1 toil ihu cmuuuiuii'.aluiii vvilll (•e.tai-l Cli cli migiii Ikj iii urrup od,(>un. Juualia, Ilian at (>Karlo*liiu, w.m uutli i**'d tu cull un Ibo li veriinr «f.S..uvli Can luia for auoli forcu an bu dionicd i.c* oncary ; and t pt' cicl ni Ii that, and tu. h volun.cor* a* he icghV oecepi, MulwiWivhc g-un our ofChar. Iialonaiid HaVonmh, tu Si AtigualinO, and tliu.e lo am mo Ibo *lito<:li.<ii, umi io npuit * wi n Ittmural IJImrli O.i tlio lUlhi iufonnali .ii wu» ruccivotl f .r lliu hret timo. Aiming lilt* probability lliatliiu Crucka had joined ll.u htmii.ioloa, olid in ciinncip.cncu. cod Iwuuuro 'ho tboutre ul upontlmiir imghi be much oaIoio o*i, and tl.cruf".o roquuc an ollln* r «.r*U|n.rior rank —lion. Scott wua ord 'iuu t*. proceed I** Florida, and lake tin*, and tbu (Hiwor tu null fora mihtii ftuco f«um Uu« above niutilini.ed Scale* and l'**rritnry, w.i> tlU.inferred t-l III.II. Ilo bad full autiiofl y III net, and ample p»wor and inqana wore given to lii.n; annul -I coi.iiiuuio' uf n-gular troop*, inc tiding ill* mi in i'lurula, and o.olio,mg tiiu*u tuaV arc o> d t order* Vo pr • ■. od tlo re, b* m Icr a dotachi.ioiil i.fdr.ig on*.—Tin* will A i,o him a force ul’a'M.iii IdUU nun. Indopeii lunily if.liuae arraugo nnii'a, ample Mippli a ol ordnance, and ordn ,ii* o atoru* *nd provia.ou*, were **' .amiably pr-.vidoil; .ml in. atructimi* tiad Ic i. gircu to tin* oomuiuiniiiig oilierra of the unuiml.* at Aug ala and Mount Vurtioil, (Alilwm. .) to iR»iiu wbuniver waa it unit'd upon lb** n f|i i'itimi f the Cnin d S'm.c* .M lilury ofK* or*, or of tb<> (iovrimr of Florida, nr Ibo cuumund t.g utlLvu* of tsxpodi. Imii*. Tliroo revenue cullers ami * alo -p of w ar Ii .v" lawn directed l*. emoperute,- in order tu proicol ibo export • liun of cajiuri d negro* », and U* iub reopt niiv *uj.p'ie* uf uinmuniuou for me I.iJlan* at Imtii of i|u'*e iiuatuiio* woie fi cr *d, .vever ainco the aottJen.eut ul'lht cuuntrv h.s . •Tit thr ttar.apungUd IniiiwT, oh, long mmj 'I trnrt •O’er ll" In ml of Ihr free and Ihr home of thr j M/irr." DliMOMATIC NOMINATION Hitt VllHBlOKN'r. PI.tHTI* VAN IH IU.V, or NRW V**HK. mu viri: runsinrnt, Kl< 11.4 II D TI. JOHN HON, IUII. HOAD DINNHIl 1'bmio |N.r»nn* who may ho dnaimi* nfr"h SOribil.Rtu I lie Dinner lo lie given on Tuoaday ll,o 9ib, to the Chatln.ili Pelegutiiin.nnd all nt members of Ibo |ygi..Ialnro, win. aided tl.etn in ufTofltlng tl.n pewga of il.o Central |< ,i| l(. ad md ll n.king Hill ; are Inf".me.I that Ilia subscription 11*1 i* left ut the City IIuiul I,A ri:HT FROM FLORIDA. By the lUiwaii.Cnpt. Haaanrd, we Invn receiv. nl the following loiter from ll.u Udi'or oftliia p.per: fir. Amt’iriNi'i F.. F. ) Fi hrunty U, 18110. J penr Sit t I write v u a few hurried lino* merely to inform you that, since the Florida left 1'inulntc, n* tiling has bce.urred w*,rlh notice, except the arrival night, of Ibo mourn paflli- nljohn Devin, wit. Ill vnl.i.r*m» f.o.ii ('am.Inn nod Hlynn rnuntln in Henrgh, '»t. tlieir w iy to join Hun. Clinch. T. «y are umlur I'm r.iimiiiind nt Dr. W. I*. Wilcuit, tvud tire n.n».lv n oimlud. Tiny soon cipnnl aliou* H oilier-, anine iiflln* latter fro.ii Nuvar.iieli, when limy will prncuod in tbe company of tlio Aug'ln. Im llbie*, wbn lire nt ill eno nnpud Hiure, tu Camp King—•prub*lily next Silnnl.iy. I inldiea* you from St. Aiigtl*titic (my fir«i vi-il bore) tu winch plauo I oinno t III - evmiing in eompn.iy with a*'liniont of 14 of Dr NV.l-on' I'.om.iii.iiil, under comm .ml of Nurg’. (tie*..; If*.* atnn ul cur< LioutiUMt Uldgo y, wli" w a* w*.mnb'd Hi the baltlu of tbu NViilil icoodu o ami w.ainid to uim.ii hern t» join hi* cliribhvii We rnlurn In I'molata to.morrow. 1 l.avu not tint' furl In r to apcik of St. Augu* (inn, Ilian lo say, I am pleased witliii* u, peer anno, as I write in hunt., for the Kiiwa.i, winch l.iul I futinil here Ind*-part early in tin. morning for Suvami.ih. Ciplain M rc.banl’s voiupany arrived bur*' last night in ll.u E. They w ill Inav thi* in night ur U .i ibiy* ft*r C-nipKing rin I'iculatii—und expect In hWm|* tiw arriv. I of Uun. Ru ti* from CUarlu-tuu with *r*iuu ooinpi.iiit.-of llegnl ira und .i-.bterod mil. Cap*. Jack-un of the II N. ** ). inner JulU rnnn disci.Vi rud y.'Rt. rdny l»ruM*mn, ubnut two mile iili'Vo l‘ie.*i|ata nit tl.ooppo iteh.nk of tlio riVor, two Indiana, t who.fl he food, hilt did mil Min. need in tlieiu. They wmo in their wardroa., und nut*d iliuruucli uCany but cu.m., •lint. Mr. .'larlim-lly nncofthn wnu.idnil vobinto r* (rmn H'ia plane, nl Il.o baltlu nt Mrs. Andcranii'* piece, D | .li..-I.uwt*.ii, was Im-io>i here >n-Jiord »y• | Ilu i- tlm second white muii wbu buailiud I ii’ii'u m priwniit. II 'V. Merer wa- on Wudnu day elected •Sromid f.ii'utemint nf tlio Cl.utli'.n. \r illn.y. ,\t im elntlimi livid >.t\ VVudwwaday for fnn< l.iuiituiunl and K.iaigu, tu full vuuunciea in tl.e i.l Heat ('n.npuuy, Clin.Ion I'. Mill-, w inded, od |1r*l liiumenun', A'iron Siliby Rii-ig'*. F*w tlm li\vi iVi« d -yiillw Nmlhorn mail from North of Charleston, Inin f jled* lly the llrig C n...Ilu, (’.pi. Knlly, from New. York. Wo received Niiw.Ynrk pupuro’tu Fn- lay la»V,—liu new*. I.atk rn.*xv rtiK N* htii. —lly tlio brig Ogle- ilmrp", Capt. Fitzgerald, from llalti-imrn, we iuvu recciviul the Hulihnnro p!i|H'rs of Sa’iirduy i*i end F.iil.idclpbia nf Friday. They coitt.nn . !oi.gre**i»iial pr.-ccudn gs twu d .ya l*lar than • V tl.n mini. Tbu Hal.imure P.'rint ol tlio —1:1. nil, con- lam* he t«l owing i'fl.ui of intelliguuau i Cold Wmlhrr.—The lliornioiiiolro atood, at I'biladnlphiii, on Woduo«d iy ovuning, Hi sovun u*cl' uk, nt 19 ilegiou*. Tl.e Dclaivire ia nmv cloned With jen. II iw k.n*, tl.n robber, hiir hour, traced iim (•vuigvtuwii, D. Tl.n frigiln Cohi.noia, 41 g*ina, will, it i«auiil Im al.nrtly hunched from tlio Navy Y.a'd ut WusliiugUm. A dolacli.lfrit of Cniiol Sl-itov trnnpa pm-ud through Alexandria yuiti-rd-iy, on tliuir way t. Fb.rldc Tho two hranclins nf the cii.n il, yes'er. day, in cniivnntion, ulcotcd Jo.s-u limit, K q. Register uf the City of O-iltiiiinra, fur the onaii. mg 'w'*) youn, without oppn i'i.m. Thu 11 nr- iai.urg Uupnrlor uf l'uesdiiy **y—• *l'U« biUbv rwUnrtur »h« U. S. Hmk with it* •.*’ire o.p.lul **P ^.I.VOdU.UllO, pas ed the llomiij ol Ruprusontativi tho wliule, \catord.y, Fr*im H.o di<puaiti« shown in c uiimittcu, it will rueeivo (ha 9 ITII f'OTGUFM-lST HKHSIO.s IN’ HFiNATIi—Jan i- ,M - Tbe f I'-iwing en'iiio.fii- atiwna were roctiv d from tin- Depar-monl • f W ur. I*t. A ropnrt -d'e *uivuy ..f ibo Ohio Ri-or lo-l* w Sbip|Mi*.p*.rt. 9*1. A report on the aithjont rd fortifying tho I). I * were 11 reek w-it”r. 31. A emnr.i'.no-ti**n In reply to the rn«<>. lilti n **lluro.rby M> VN Into, giving Ibo infer- rr* ili'iii * k*.d for. by him o**n« erning llrji* jj...... F Curry nul •111. C'miverniug Ilm contingent und of ill® |>ap rt«» nt. A pent iuu wu« pro on tad by Mr Swift, ul j V nm*nt, fmm tin* mt./, -n- id* Uni' S a'*', |iray- I. g the almliti'n <*f »luv**ry in tlio Di*lriul of I ulntnhin. Mr.t'.ilhom. ileeiatlded that tin. linn Im* Ii si pu' *m rr.iniving thu pniilinn, .md urk*'d lur il.o yeus und naya, wt.inh worn **rdi r cl, hut tilt) rpiostiun f ,,r lha pn »o..t, laid <m tun tube. Mr. Clay, from tho cornu.lib'* ne F*>rcig'i U- la'iisi. , i.ll'ared ll. fnllnwii.g rcBululimi , w I,id. lie Until In.m'irr 'W : Urtolrnl, Thu' tliu ('resident be r'H'.esled In enmn.tini* oto to HlC Son .In, if they b > ul In* r'oimi uni, enp ec *.f tlio * xpnso wind, u'-e tn- pained Ibo Frnnuli Hill of l.idmnl.iiy f.nm tin (‘bomber of Dnp.ries tn tin Chamber of Poor* ■ i Fr iiire, on the 27tl. nf April, 1^3. r », and *f t i Hpurt of vho cnmiiVt- u im>«n **1 tn vtn- ( Im...bur n|* I*, urn on tho f> Ii nl'J.ino, 183.»; und i.Irm u copy uf tlio origin .1 im’o i.i ilm French langn g , from >hr- Dm- do Hr glia to Mr. Ilurlnn, under dele 20il» 0< lu’ior, Ir3.'*, a tnn.abilinn of which we* e-vniminicutcd t • Cun gru** with tne Frin-ideiiFR ept-ci>1 me ►uuo of ibf.- Hili J in. Ifc3 i. Resolved, utm, lliut flic I'ruiidunl he re*piot- i-d (if not ineump.iii iln with tlm public interest) t-i a*i|i.ntn.nunla lo tbu Sunilo u copy of a iinte, if there tm * tie, fr*en Mr. Ii.ving-tun Vo ilm Fre11oil Miimi i nf Foreign All’.ir- under •lal< "f»7th April,, and tu pie* of any other of lie...I unlca uUdr sm .l l.y Mr. l.ivingaUm ib.r.i.g I is ...i-amn in F'ttnce, ut her to ti.u Frencl. Mmirt r ufFmeign Atlei.a, nr to ll.u Sucrul.i ry of Si,to, and nut hurulofuru c-imniu.ii sated l*» Jong 0'S Mr tte/ilnn't Httolntiont. Tlio niauliitiuns olll-red by Mr. Hunlon wer*' taken up lur collaboration, wbup Mi. Ruchnuin yu Ubd lua right to tho fl .ur and Mr. (Dundy Mjutkti in reply tu Mr. Web *l«r, Mr Southard, See. until tlio hour of ud j,i.i*.ni."ril IHMJsR OF HHI’llF.sRNTATIV13S. 'I'll.'Ran v, J in.i *iy 'J8. Mr. C on r frnni tlm umiiniitloo mi ibo Foal HIII. U and I'-.ul llnnd*, ropnrt d n bill lo eliungn ho rirgauizuliun ••ftl.u Foal Ulllco Di-purllilcnt, ...I fur thu inoru idfedual of tho uc. OUUii'n Ihernnf; mud twice end nuiillililU-d. Mr. Jarvis, fr-un the uo....nitl*-u of Fulil.c IlniHing* ropuriuda Inil for llu-umu i- n nf u lire. "*u ,f l.iiildi* g lur tlio .ice nun'liu.tnn of'he Treasury und Slum D-p rimoi.H.; road twice und committed. Tho u*u of tlio Hull of Ill-present-live* whn gruiUud >n thu American lti>t*>r.i iil sncievy, for I'm dclivury of u lucUiru by 0..vvtnor Can, on Salurtluy uicning, Foi tificaliont Mil The llmic.' r-'Mimed lliu consid'rutinn nf lliu lulhiW.iig (UMiilutunv ofluiad by Mr. Julia Cl Adain*. ft"'"lvid, That an much nf Il.o mn-asgn nf 'h« IVesidunt of ill® C.tiled St.itc* tu Crnigre** -*1 lln. nniiil.miicemont uf tlm preaunl session a r* lute* tu Hip ill I In* I ml kcm*ioii ol Con. grusN i*f be Kill cniilaiiii.ig ll.u ■•rii.nury appru- *riutit>n fur fur'iliautinu*. bu rnfurrud iu a select •-miimittoe, will, iiistr.ictiui.- tn aixpiiro a lid roporl tu tin. Ilun-u, 'be ' .u»oa and c.rc.imnli..i cum **f ll... ft. i lorn uf that Ini. Tin- rpie ti ui still buing nil ill.) llintinu nfMr. Williamaof N. I*. In amend by inlding tliciulo •• with power in sund fir persen* anil piipcre." Mi. 11 .• rdm, apiikn nl h-ngtfi in icply lu Mon *r* Adnina md Citn.brul"iig. Ilo nni.uiainod that il e Fer'ilii- .lmns Hill ■*..'■ b**lby Mr. Cain. t>u>h vtg uutlhi* riond , Vi.nt th® enmmivtoo uf ••o.ifuroneu m.gbi I nvo mpnrted. und pu-su-i tin-bill tlio l o*|r ol* It! n’olmik They l»#t h>' lull, In. omit ii'b'd, by withholding In ir r«. purl, -und i'bh-Id ll.u mpuit ler >bu purp *•< "I'd.-fi* ting .In- bill, lln ugi-nod. It >wcvor. that m'i.lier tin- IIn.i*oi.or lh" Fiosidoi.i could act "ftn. It! u’i-I- ok *m 'liu night*.f thu 31 .March ieo o-.n*tilutmnnl io-ni ul (bnigre-a nxpi’ing J t tint' hour. Ilu vul -d h nisolf ft.rtlieCii'.iher- land U'.c*f hill ubn.i' IU n’.'luck, and iliilwaa lln lid vnln he gave. T in of C-mfere.ico ..Imo voted fur tl. I bill, l.avi.y; then, a* In- rut.ton lud, rnlurn flharlrtlnn F/,aorta, IVf, 3. II ivre—Ship (Juiudmii I--10 -3 uulca Upland Cult- n. II .van*—H.ig Surah—3 *0 l.rlr Cdlialf ■lu und IO‘t Inga It c®. Si Augi.-iinn—Mohr S H Mills— 30 Horse: 5 I b.ih-* tl y, 100 big* Corn, and sundries RAIL ROAD BALL Invit'd gmiMe und sub* riher* lu ll.u Hill in huitor nf tbu IbiaAlnuit Deb geti in, i .tu.ided to bu given on the 1‘Jili ii.*t uro ro-pectfnlly in. f -ri.icrl tl.ut tliu amin is for lb" pruMinl pm-p'-ti od. Duu i.nticu will bo given wlinr. it will take, ami ii un iiioun in no tlio li l wii! bo kept open mi ll.u City Hold. CRN FIR I.D .MARINER’S CHURCH. !U’ Divine Will be perlurii.u-i in lln Cbureli Tmnurrovv Morning and Evening — ('apt ins nt vr-ssula, tllc.r (Jliioura and Sounui invi'otl tn >l<en l. I* \SHU.N't.Illtx I'er Ini' Camilla, from .Win V*rfc—M»«. 8. Hegg«, Mr* SuHun, Mi-- Chtireli, M.aara. II. F. Cook, l> Church, N- M. Cnnkn, B. Huitun, J Ryur-on, A Sleplinn*, D Starhl*-r. Pei brig Oglrlhnrp', from H.illirnnre —Jumc* Norman, T- C. Evun*, M Hur.liey.C pi. Ruin* b il'.um. il, belnrn tlml lime, with the lopnrl, which ihev imnr-pn'lv wi'l.l.eld, with > view tndefu.t 'Im h'll, hiVu'I." Frosi.lont I'rmn thu res pm. hi 1 1i11iy of pu ting bis v* t*i upon i>, m>* Mr. Dvr. dm "id l.o bad threult-m-d t" tin.—Ho wont ul larg*- into .|m I'rui.* I. Qii'-sti'-n, und d.-elarnd lie would n I v* t*i for ny war prop:.ratioiik. Hu w-nnfi igree t*. exclti'le Frmioli »b|p-, und mor. nh'Uvdtt". If Frauen ru-anted that by huttUL ies, bu Wnuld lli- ii go uny Inngtli m Julensive ur i-ffmaivo vvur. Mr Evens I’-llnvvnd nn (be some side, eonfi. ning hi* remark* t** a reply •*> ilm po. eli of Mi A Im.ii* as pub||t.lieil in tl.e Cl-dt... Air En. still speaking "* l.alf pa-t llireo o'clock- Tliu Si-unin did nnl *ii mi th* 81:h- HOUSE OF REFRRSRNTATIVRS. Friday .laiiuaryli.l, 1830. M lugrrml from tin- I'nnmi.'tun on W'..y- und nnmn*, n»i*ori«d m bill niMkmg -piir.ipiii tmn*- f*ribn Miln *ry Acutloiny ; r a.llwi ound com **it ed Several private bill* vv re reported. Forlijitnllou hill uf I.i I tjrar- Th« Him n r<- limed t!it i-oiis.ib ia'imt nf lb* n-mlwlhm, hv'Tvitu(i>ra otVurwil by Mr J->iir, Ad Ills. Mr Hvnnin, wl.n w.i« en'ill-d tn tin floor, sp *ko in reply l*i tlm rein rk- ->f M . Wis . At mm o'clock Mr. Ashley moved the orders of (ho day which wore pr.vutu bills Some eimyersn* lion arose nti t .o m •linn, in vvbieli Mr A bun said there need be .»•> ha»to iu U'gi-ig the dis. u- si.m,—thorn would In* limo enn'igh for t l!' them worn anv m* i'o pliinL uf wra l. in bo pour ed out upon him, lot Ihmn coma, lie h» e to have un npp rtniu’y, b- f..r. Uu-. diseu-*- oiv el«*. ed, to makn n n^.'v. T ie C n r iloo duil ilut it would ru.p.i a two tbir-is of tbu Huiise to * i*end tl.e mlu retting apart tho d -y for private bills, and the que.ii>-n being, tho f(..uau determined to go I * 'bo orde>* ol ti*o day. A number of private bill* wore then read a third tim- and p i .rd, and inan.y tnoru ala • p a - ed through the ll-t stages. R.vRtiiq*'vxi: at Hu r .\ — \ gentleman re**i. ■I'tig m Fn■ Ii itr-‘«* iulor nod us |i*i» morn, mg, that nhont a quar nr imfuro 3 oV.looh, there were tl.e -e di-tinet -lioeks uf un eir'liqn -ke. rhu tw. Iir t vvo n sligtil, lint tbe third was se. vern, and shook bis Inuisu so ini.eli, he, ) being 'lien up und mnvi .g about mi .ccn.i'-l <*l si. knuss in the f.nuly, l"»t eiiui.u ind of hi* f"'t. and for ten nr fiftouu s* c-.iu|s t'ltlero*! eon i*l r.i. •dy a* i Im flour moved unl-r him. tin m km » in com of j enquiry, wo learn that a similar shook wa* f*-lt in v :rimi-parts of Il.o city, nt the spnio ho'ir, anil was accompanied by a loud noise rosemh ■ , i hug the rapid pus-age *»f >» couch over u' vlngaml anti-oiaaoi.lo *U,.purl in it- lullin' pro j |iav „j Hotlon Trantcripl. •I A EC I A ft. JO* »C ■» . a. uni., warns »i havannvii II 0.) • '*»If T >, HAVANA v • i Flill 6 iJl.llAttlilI Khip’l'.iii.erl mo, Furnhu.ii, lluvrn. W. (Juilan. Ship In* a, Juqucs, Liverpool. J. .luxe *J- Co Brig (tm.rgia, Slio r wnnd, N*-w York Vadrlford, Faj «j- Co. Sclir Dulavvure, Miltu.., Now York Cohen A- Miller. ah hi van. Hr. bnrqoe, Brother-, Purlo, Livorjmnl. Salt OJAJ Reid. Hr. baripiu John Grant, J imo*, Livorpnol- Salt t J (a. .1 R od. Brig Ciimill., Knlly, New York, 5 days, in P-Itlolford, Fay *A Co. M ?.u In Tupper i\ Si i ir", L fluin. \V Tiylnr, Waruig iV Fn*lur, L B .Itlwin *t C*i. Role rts Ai Bour laley, Siune, W isli .ori■ Sc Cn. (j 11 La nar. il II Fiirma ., J ’-V L -ng, W T \Vi ha J ll Heritor! A. Cm II i/.tr*l Si I)'W, A Ciiumpinn, S U Wiley, V Scuddor. E B’l—, E Wib-y, lIolcuni'K). IVcii Si. Co Cohen A M.ll-r, II N Aldiioh >V Co. A Wood (tCn. F Dunr-Ur, Cl churn Si, Wuuii, II F Cook Brig t tghiihorpo, Fi'zgoral i, BuLimorn, io F Fl.iibri* k \ (’*>. M-'ZU lot' b,ipp.'l, F S'*r- r*.l, W Starr, A A A*. * l*», M Br**wn A Cn. A (• D uller, Tupper A ftialare, Buston, William * ii &. (’n. J Mt)rahia»n, H |l Lamar, J Ilu cruft A. C->.J Wuvur, J Gardner, L Buldwiii A Co. L. J 1C F .Man lb-id, it llui.ursluim, F Hal l.gun, J Wagner, T F Bryun, .Shirk Sc Coln n. Fiissed In tl.e Cbo.-Mipenko, bound up, br g En voy. Duun. 30 d y* .rum liu tordii.n Tne i r *.n S*inday last wa- snli-l oum.-* tl.n Bay fr "in mo llodkiii a*Tus» tlm Swan Point, t u ice boat Ruliel', jsengagi d daily ill towing ves*ul- up an ' tluwn. Let 31 l» n ok* chin' r b G days Irmn Havana b-unit to Now York; lint iixi.iirieiicuil a l.invy gala from the NW. Th • D'e Imho*rd bulwarks were injured. Too bug Arctic, wa* toll vo frill'd from H iliimuro ubuul thu tiih in*t. witli iroups,store, Ac. for Nucait- niih, SiHiiii.I.o t Fiou Trade, Young, August., to C F Mu Is. S'eai.ibnat John Rdiulnlph, Cra-wnll, .Align-, a, wi n boats H and 12 to C F -Mills. 147-1 I,alo. Co'tnn to Gordon Sc Si-well, itd-ini* »v (lur. ugh*, J S Cm.ii.b-, R II iln*r*l.aiii, Fninu- i.y &, MuGt.vorn, Fwdulfnril, Fay A. Cu C Lip* pill, Stone, VVa-otiurii »Y- Co. Slu-m.b -at E iwau, SusaarU, St vV Duncan. SAILED, Sclir Dclowcro. Milton, New York. Mil* A HTED, (». Wasliington, Fruulund,AugU:lu- Af /•: ,1/ 0 l{ A .v I) A The sanil.oal AuguMu, Fundi, f- ont Charles tu fur Augusta, pissed up I ho rivur ye turday CHARLESTON, Fob. 4—Arr. Hr. burq.m William. H*dl, Livoipoul. Cloarod, brigs Sarah, F-irvvnll, Havana; Dili- genco, VVimdi.ury, Uav.e; (.'.iludoiii, Drum du ; sclir S S Mills, Sunil.wick, St. Au- ""bAL'Tl MORE, Jan 89—Cluarml, brig Globe, Mutli-uil, Mmitivinleo. S,iloil, baripiu, I."ntl'<n. Ti.o river is covered with ico JAN. 30.—Cluj rod Brunt, ship Elr/.a, Knch, Hrumun. NliW YORK. Jan-37.—Cleared, ship Ult, llovvluild, Cunl'il. A* rive*i, ..rigs t'liailiam, Mnrgnn, Havana ; Win Tsyl"r, Bnrtr-itu, Siiuannah; Liwr-nec. Ilvill, Cbarlv»*V»m; Br, sctvr Diligvnue, Brier.J.- m .iua S *ilod, ship F-dan', Anthony, Havre; brig Souvuntr Week--, Riu J.meiru. JAN. 88.—Cl I brigs Jos Spraguo, Anthony, fimiyuu..*; Atiaiitie. • Ii• tz, Mutnuzas Bi.g L Grange, Uu*, Ru-terdam; brig Syst* .1., lliiiolu.isoi., Jaeniel ; brig *' i-per llau- -* r, Ci.'.liu, lluvuna ; bug Cl.album, Morgut, IN in IKK TON. R*^ Ti.o tinnsUu'imi sliqiCASS ANDRU fJSTA. Wood iiisaltr, bating li ll’lior c-ig" engaged and g* lug mi board, will have li- sp.tcb ; lor balance of height and passage, Ii'ving g-mii accmiimod-i.i'.i.a, applv In l'..plain W un iioird nl Join* ' up|s-r wli-irf, ur in TUPPER Sc Sl-STARE. tub t; Wift ii TltimohY:. * v Tbu regular packet brig OGLE *\ TIDJRFE, ( apt Fi tgninld, Will IIIOO. | v liespati-li. Fur I ri iglit nr passagi I having sup ri r uai-nuun<Nlutimis, apply on board at H ••luu , 4 w li-i'f. in S. Fill I BRICK A. CO. Whn I'fliir for sale l imin g from mid brig, 20i) bid- II- vv I'J 'ur. • Linganniu' 8(10 half bids do du do til k.*g« Buck a hen) Fluor 7 li'il- Slmllbark-', 3.» keg* Batter 311 eases Cmifu* li nniy It) casks |".re Sperm Oil, very light color 51 i\<* Wine. II) bid-Gin All tl.e obuvo will bo sold low from tho wharf. f b 0 J (: ll '• r. li i Ol11\ i.!-*• k. t jp. The r.-gnlnr paekot Brig CAMILLA, •^iXCapt. Kelly, will iiaV" dnspatidi. F* r r.i glit urpiss. gu having oxc* Iloi.t uc- co.uiuudmiun-, applv "I. nnl, *>r In FADELFORD, FAY A CO. fab 0 run CHAtthESTON ' The splundid -' Si i [»ack. e. WM.r RMlItOOK, W Du'.uis, M is i*r, wi I leave jaft'i- f**rthe .bnv**un Mnn. i-'i lnek. pri eisoly F* r lr* iglu on board, nr to LL.VG/IDUN St. WOOD. day M..ruing a 9 nr pas* igo, apply tel. (i FOR VllAHI.USTUN, Tin- stiuiin p ickol H I'L WAN, Sassnr.l, ma-ler, will depart This Morning ui 9 oVI *ok for CliarliiB.ini. F*.r fn iglu ur paas.igu apply on tmurd, nr tu frb li WM. DUNCAN. ~ Foil l'IC()F.\T.\. Ti.o line Steam Packet FLORIDA, Capt. Huh. hard, will lu.vo Tbi-Af u rimon at 4 o'clo-k, for IVol-i■ a, w»Ui *Iw* August Volvmvoers. Letters .ml light packaged will be received on board R. Sc W. KING Sc CU. j lltmck’s Pivnai’.ctt. A 1ST reiuiv* d |k-i brig Og'i4hur|»» 0 fr«si. 9W s.qqdy of Haiick's P.iii cu anil l**r *alu -*l J. Wagner’*, corner of Broughton u'»*• J*'tl**r **n ••rui't*. fuliti—p* Stories ol the S u . t ■ YU pt. Muiryat, ul* " F* t r Sun. tl pin’ J phut in Stuicu of liis Fainv-r, *.i. lit one Vu|. . M •, in 2 vnls. Tne Amen *«» m England, Ivy Uin Anther u( " A Year .1. Spain." Nn di Demis nf kVoinan, iu 2 vnl*. lint-.i Sl.i.e Kubii.s.iii, u Tulu »t lliu Tury A*. * ii.I.iimy, in 2d 3.M *'*iii. F uuily Lbrnry, No. 71, N aural lli*"'r/ -f Ini-fli ts, 2d -ori--*. Hri ,g* - water Troiti c, Aniinul and Vugotabl*. Fliysmlngy nniiaidarrd wili. ul’ rencu m Nalu. r *l Tbu*.l- gy, -Yill. l oarly 500 Wuud Cuts, by Filler Mark Rugut, M 1). Unngliiva»n'a Human Fuy-inlngy. illnatraU'd by I’ligraviugd; 2d udilim. nmnurmir „ddt. tun.* and .im*.iti"a.imis, 2 vnl* lii itn'* Ihi.ik nl'B.iuiity, fu. 18 Hi—will. 19 beautifully liui bed E..graving-, edited by ti-u thiunmsy of BU)s*ing'un. Tlm N v Year* Gift, fur 163(1 H rii --.' N* i *ini the Rnlllali*., 111. edit 'I lie Fi sera *T I’.ilde. Ol.ild'lluliud Willi nU. menm- > ngMving* * n .mod. A i rush a.ipply of ilm (’l.ristian Fluri*'* I v»l. ..•I - Tl.e Y- .mg Wifi’s Hook. 'I i.lea I.V Mr*. It fluid ; viz. II-H 1*4’* Dei. -i**n. I’ati*-. on. It H>r im, lot* gilt, M dura, limi, Fn'iiHJilo, Self D- ni'.l. *..*1 11 fl lid’s Afri. ii.i D' so ilii>.t—oac. b U:iU ll. I vnl. Ibmu. cm. box t-il a :d g !». Tli*' Lninbii. Ci.rnie Alin .nan. f**r I63G -con. »."g •• »d Hiii.g* firing fur such . work” by R'g'b.m Fill.nidus, Gent.—aib.ri.e.i will, a d**z. nf " Mur-io" Cuts by Guurgc Crmek *tm nk. T.l-’s Hal A', for I83ii lie itti » Gallery uf U ili-li Engraving*, parts I t<> 12. A -o, n eolleulinn nf L'.tubm Juvenile Works i'abln f*.r praron's. Fnrsa.ohy TUOS. PURSE A. CO. f. b 6 ■a: -- \l of! tawgiw—mmmmrxmmi Bucf!! informs the ci. r.b* r i • Ii* bus j.u't re ivcd f.uln An. gn t i. inniy q.i‘rn*r* uf dun f., truali 11 E E F. w’b.oh bo ll r 1 r - u a' a i.iudu.aln price.— Ilo w mild Is infirm lie . i iz*n., that i.o *li|l keen- nil I. * U •• a snilniont of the laist Li.j'.nra und Gr enri s, w cun bu bad ul nis *t*.ro (hm Id .loud) on ibo B y. I ’ 5 SAMUEL DHHILBi -''t. \ ii.lrtivv's Soat'tv. A QUAUfRRl.Y Meo'-ingof il.o St. An. J nL iiruvv'* Suul ty o| Ilm - ny nf S.ivui.iiuh, -.nil be li.'M a. tin- I'jty Hotel, To.i»urraW Rvoniug, (J . insl. t 7 ••’ mok. JAMES .Well EN U Y', Secretary. I ft Motico* gj AY Diys on o*-iinii * < r cmnpnnys b'-ate JB i No 3 -1.(14 vv-il ox,.ir*' tm.iurmw uftof l.enn W.\l, TAYLOR p. s. B. Cu. io Rent. Tho Sv-.f f no riy nnenpieil hy Mr. J' tu. F. F iris'll, us a Jewelle.) Rstuhlisl.iiii'i.t. it is •veil c.ilc.olatud u. Fur term-, up Iv tu c L M'NISH. Conaignceg p«r ling Camilla, Ivom New-York. are p.irliciilarly requested lo a tend tiioefving tlieir (ruin Humor's wharf tin* day. tel- fi l lav. f; BUNDLES piilne.New York II ,v.— *3 For sulu by J OS. G U M .VI IN ti. fo 'i li—p Mitisiug. I B ALR of C-dlnn marked dianinnd 9 No 32.23U, suiq.pomd tn Inve bo* n taken through iiu*ieke from Scuddor'* vvl.urf. Any iiil'-r.nut.i.n cm.corning wliinh, will be thank fully rneoivod by JDS. CUMM1KG. fob <i—u grua*. A Viihiuio.-r ex|*e.lilj*-n j H I, u' tu he fitted out fr*iiu Nmv. Y*>rk city, tn ui*l Fl-uida Mr Fugunt with the whole uf lha French Le git mi have s.ilt-d fur France The New-Ynik S-m **f the V9 h nit , any- ; - BtriiniJ'i Jr Solo, umi uf the |s r-mi* sont.-.ict-d I m Bus*nn tu be hanged for p.rn y mi Hie high ' (O DlURd VI. ICKOHI). Per -hip Tan I pia.'d Cnltn.i, l**T shin Iliei land t'niton. vnnunh l.'ximrtt, Fehninry fi. urlttiie, lyr Havre— 1031)' ba'.e , fur Livorpo'd—1 U)| halo* Up ^ Per brig Gourgia, fur N' -vc Y rk—J23* « ,-"'"n-.; "y lb., I S;’’k™V...Bw.™d |"3M Ul*" " ml.d lately from New|H,rt, It. I for .Maiunzu a* commander .-f thu Spnnl-h ship Y..t<>* ... -; 10 packages .Mor- chandihe. Per -ehr D'ds'i-are, fur \* York—230 wh le, . II tfl.ll e i*k* Rifle; 250 Imshcls Gr> und A 1110*1 exiranrd.uxry suic.du r contlv ncmirr. | ni, G t 2-» boxes Soap; 1 cask Uxo.*’ Wux ; 6250 rd in London, of John MeKorrfli, Esq .n»ii enjovii.g an income nf .I'ltt.iiOlt j»-r mi-uoi! ».f »)»»»** exo'wpl iry h ibiv , hut nwhjtM'i evmy -,\i, m d iy to depressing of mind ;the cause of which hr onuld’nt ox|.h.iii lie dclibt*. nlel v purchased I’ru *ic acid, Wiot-' a polite n*>te lu ii,o lady uf tl*» house, intimating hi* purimsp, and »va* *-on a corpse. Tho case w i- r-ronoun. ml luua y hy tn» .nq.i--sl If it had been f. lo de tr, the out ro jiropcity wo,ilu have gone t (he OJutttl- fuel Livelier. Sarnwfth Import*, Fehnari/ fi | Per Br. har.pio John Grant, tmm Livi-rnool— j 3 )J tons S ilt. P r Hr. I.urqno Brothers,from Liverpool—330 tons Salt. .Chni!t»h<n /-n "•.)/.♦ Frh 3. VV terf rd, (Irel.n.l,)—Br Bhip John B,!i- 25 ti n* F. taio *, in bulk. To the Allli ted. rflMIR Rev Samuel II. C.-x, D D, of New M. Yurk and Mr*. B.unes, No 12, Park Place New York Tima W Uluolt, E-*q. Cashiei M clwnic* A. Fa'mvrs Ban'*, Sc Eli is W -rnc-, Esq. A*gu* DlHc Ai. anjjUog'-r Ad il.Abrnnuin utoliroi li.R. M * tin,a 1 d J llluke.ufl oGry-f II idsim fSainuel Ray, Sla .me - at Alt***. Wm llaily, N* w Lc.'iuuon ; a- well us Doctors r«l, Frary, Rnsmau, m I Han', i^ p ly-ic.uiii* nf'h" City fllulxnu, aro r*'furred t > by purm.sN.o.i, fi.r pro t of :ho fact, it. >. th- f llowmg Madieu.': will positively ear. all cu. su- nr C.itu.ii'i.u* Ei up inn, Wes*’* Patent Ch-mi * e C* ann-'ic and Fills, or Itio i-uru of tin. most invoteru o Rina W r rm«, •*alt Rbeil n, and all Eruptions anti Dis rdurs f t ©Skin. T.tia rumudy is* if red 'u lln pub. lie upon the testimony of hundred* who have been wired by it, md ul u upon tho rou-* •la ofo.'.iiu'iit I' who h*vo ex.mined tin* cmi.poBiVioii an-l lu ted jl* virtues iu tlieir practice. I lie Proprietor assures the public, that not -i gl-iasoliux cniite lu Ii.n ki.uvvlcdgn wiicr*- u.o Madmino ba* been Used, vvi hoiil giving r--. lief. A male rufi’ioncc* and ti-alimonialH in y he seen vvl.ure it i* fir sale, Itui tno limits nf an advorliHui.iunt will permit ilu* publi*-ati*m oi •'.it fi vv. I' inn* be appur-ut Um* plusioiana vv I n t buzd d ih i- ropu at! m in rueommond. ingmoJ oi-io imt piHtly tbo'.oil, or wuich is un. vi-rtliy »f imtico. Copy of a communication from Doctor .John I'ulmnn, of the City of Hudson, to thr proprit tor JAN.89. -Old, *1.ip Vicksburg. Wnndhouse. >' Orleiin ; brig Top s.*, W.-st I -die* Iir g - Hr gui z , It rx.nw, St Thotnnaui.d Gu iy a...a ; Aviee, Brig *to *, St Mark*; Elrzibulii, Wnll', J ckxmivillo. An • c'ir Purdy, Briggs, C.irth*'gonn Jan- nary *20 h. ntf tho Dilrware, spoke l.rig Limy of Ford *nd. 141 d* fin tlxmu.irg, f*«r N Ymk, s -nrluf provision*, ll waa It owing u gale at tlio tim*', and u very heavy >-*5a running, proven, dug a* front applying ijor. All was q-nut u- t' riluiget.... when ll.u I* lott. Ih-low—Sh [i San..ring, Itray, Batavia, Siiip E iglu; Hr l.rig Nulo .-. Al o, three other t.ri^s —thoy are .di *mi-.du on -iconant «o rit’iuh mo in t io L'.wei Bay, Th -ru are « oral and ait sclir* iii the io.:, in il.o Lower Bay- Al •» tel *w, brig l ivvlina. Tho Nut i .,nd E-*t River* aro nearly choked with n e. FiIDVIDENTR. J ii Ofi —Sail-il ships Eli. a i A A’. -v, G irdo.n-r, N i lrlum* ; Celia Porter, N V k. ' NK.V BEDFORD, J in 23,—Arr shipGrund T« k. Bari lull, l.iili-.n Deo in, HOLMEv IKJLE, J-ui 23.—Brig* Emma, J.uime. ; Aumra, N t»rl*. BDSTit.N. J .i. 2d.—Arr sloop Wfl'J im.Mit. from t hdiassut, with GS b<lo* co'tuu from Hio w.eokof brig Banner, S.iilnl, ship, bar quo Turbo,biigChar- Inttn. Birqn.i Mnrh’ehen.l, llarslow, which sailed from B •stn.i, S'pt 3, is Mqqqiox.d to tfavc pro- ceedflil t** Sant'*a. At noon today, -130 bdes cettnn have been s veil fr*-.ii the wreck nfbri Banner, about l.--|f . f nor hide*, and .11 the m i - rias *-filie vi-sy-l, l'-.o uppi r part of *.o ve.-i-l Imil floaloil fruin th- r* st ini! g -ne ashore at Dam ('••*u Brig U 'V l)..s gone m pnvos n C'diasset r*vk-; *uiiin cotton ami bi-iihor iuvu drilled a sliurit. Cld bnrk« (iange«. Brown, M dta ; Fanny, CnvvflK M- hd. ; Greet .ii, Tiioni i* N O loans; brig Impel ft, ll inly, Apalaelncila- 1'ld Jt Hit•., Ilu iry. ITnokor, Cuba—al Wi*. cas.-rl, Ilun-u, .M* *i'.l|, Trinidid. Ar a'. Forlmanuth, 2l»l, F.iag 'ii, Hatlcr. N Orix. Ar at Nevvhuryp r*,22.l Alpine, Baylor,May. agnix, Ar at Gloiioo-tor, 2lxt I.' Ar at Bu-ton. 23 , Dutch g .lhoi Ycnilia,Rot. tcnlani, va Cap.i Aim. ( id sl.iii Paragon, Cur. tis Mobile. A wnsiikuMfl part of'he cargo nf tbuJunn, h i» boon got up and stored at (Jolia*.-ct, worth ■bout SU) ODD. Aral N Haven, Q3th Black Ilnvk, 8lunnan, Trinidad. I.ani|> Oil. GALLS Wmlor pressed S|orin Oil, Very light color, for uu|o by T M TURNER, Oppnxiiu lliu Man imi IlnUnS. Notic<. D-'inaiidx agiinxt Min Th"-'tro mn -t mted to Mr. Peter Luur* ox, Artisle, my Agent fur Holih inuiil. VV. R. HARP. feh ii (Rep) \ 1'or sul bi O' V 1 ;.; I r- ani Alt I'LS l'ft-.,m Ale, i..' ' )Qb> by received and for CLAGIJURN A. WOuit. fell fi A i/itr HKIIE ui.(l*.r*ig..iid, P..*»ungor-', on board il.o «L brig Ggbitho.p*-, beg leave t<- re'urn :•». ir sincere iin.nk- to C plain iimry Fi ZgerU , tor hi* kind and geut|ein»uly atlenli* n In itioui during their lute quick voyage train Haltiuio o. They liuvo no lioritatmn in prnn uiieiug m. l.rig a first ratu suiter, us also a capital cu m.t ; .iuu undur the unroni'tting and vigilant uf ('apt Fiizger Id, they luivo i.o •limbi tl.e Dgl.- ■ horpuvvi.l givoumiru to all ujiurc passungur*. JAMES NORMAN, l’A I RK K RAMSDUTTOM, T C EVANS, MATTHIAS BURDLEY, fol. ti—r l*il t am. Navy Hrum . > HRLS Pilot ami N vy Bread fi'» url»Pii nu F ,k 100 d-. M-n .mi Prime Beef 3.1 kegs Goel.i!n BuCer 11)0 hrls Canal Flmi*. Ju«t received nod for sal.-by CLAGllDKN Jt WUOD. fell 6 Evor ile.-i mis nf .iff ir.iiug roll f eillior in giving my uiivica Wagon Hnxcs. SET W.gon Ihixe-a*'*..rleu si/.".* N. II. A il. WEED. " D.:vn In tbu uffi lonoinnionding such niutliciiioTix l iuvo found by experience calenl.tud tn reumvo oh-tinuiii di e inc* of I ug .-landing, it is vvi I. |d.iasuru I i- ui nic-.iinncutl your Cnlorine C*<«u.utic and Fib* ax a perfectly safe and valuable Modicum u( the cure of evuty duscriptum of cuUnumi- ernplions. " Koxpoclf illy, your bumble server), "JOHN 'PAL MAN, M. D. “ Mr Divio NVcar, Uudxun,” "Tm subscribers, pr-ieli.-ing phy-icinns of tlio city nfllud-on. having . kiMwIviiga of tho composition ot the aliovo Mud.uino and having pr- ved it iu our practice, clioui fully cmii iir wiin Dr. T il in ronmmi.oi ding ill*, ilia public as ill cfnuaciuus reinedv f r ernp ive dis. n> s •• ROBERT G. FR VRY, M D. ROIH3R P UOSM V N Al. L). JOHN HUNT, M. D." Th" above M"iii*.iuu lias ei:ou l.nuly di-novc - ed uml tbe *uooii*m that lias atUndml it, is wm derful hoynad de-CMpiio . F r<-o. s wbn have tho most Nnvo uio o u,i i n , ^covt-ri g h body and Hoad, ami ca-ising <h 4, fill, and who line tij**d all the ru n* die* „n ! skill t' oy co dd pro.niro without any lasting lien, elii, have lie,*n in a lew week* t url'.-olly and pur in iiu ntly cur-il Of ilu* fact nu .droit,- ol Cur. tificali'K inuy Im procured. In* t'ioy cuul*l not more thoroughly convince tlm public, than t.m lestim-ny above addncotl. Wimu men wlui Bland su high in the e.nininumty ax the ah.-v.i, uul only with regard tu mnr .li y hut rc igmn, Hunk it tlieir iluiy to collie **ut and inuur the re xp-tKdliiiity of rocnnimondiiig to tlmir fdiuw miizeiiM, them must be tomoUiing umru lh,n c in.nun i:. its oflec'x. Just received ami furs.In by . T. ,\| TURNER. D .!--*-.I- tin* Manrioi) 1I..II-0, Intclligonco OHi*- •. S GI Rtiiid-rsigeud having du,- ngilie past \-r»nr pretty thorunghly 1I10 liiiuls f ill*- !it» ( l.imkoo and Cmek Inlleric*, and having ong'g'id active and ennipeteut Agnnt- in ilmo-l ever) c-nnity thr. tign.ii r.*^i -n nf ••mini r,'. 1 '••P'i'-ox )*. otr.'iil Milo-of lauds thro.ig'-nui tlm medium nf (Ii.imj Ag-.u-, who will vi-il and d.s- [."m- nf thorn at 'In. 'h>I p.ixrildi* prices, f.r a cmnniis-ii.n nflO |ior cent n n the sale-, cxclu- "'VO "f postage. In udililmii lu tl.e .ulex nf land gin cr-illy, In* will u'l.-nd in tn*- mreii.g and sale id nogroe-, fi r a cumntix inn of 5 par eon*. H -iWx o', r igo-try .. o hi pi in hix ufl'ioe un X 0 Hay. ( Pruchuiut'x laiildings) rvlnno |.er*ons de. ►iring bis s i vines, can 0I.1 ain (nf-*r.nation. t onvsy iiiccs and 110 n i.fl b t-inoss traiixaeto I GKO MILLKN. wi -i, J. p. aiid Not. Pub, (xt’Drgia, Ii;il!oc!i County. %% DBR.KAS Jo-liui Everett, Sen, nml 5 » ll.-nj onin Ellis, ex lur L-m* r- uf sdmini-trali 11 nn lliu estate nf Ju! n R. Etc t, 1 .to of said county d eu«v d. Tlio*n are thuriiforfl to rite imn admonish all and siro lur the kiudr' d and eredi'nrx of xaid d cca-c-J t-* file tlieir uhjai-ti'in* (if any they have) io my nfli' O ivi'liin the limn nquired by law— otherwid: leper- a.- af--rc«ai*l will be graiitad m thtt upplieants. Given under mv b*md ’hi*. ?•! dav nf Felwua- . ty, 1838. ELY KENNED) c ...n. c 1 lib .1 Mess ami I*, imo Htjrf. •3 : ' BBLS .VI*-** Beef, G3 bl.lx Prune Reef yt ® Hi casks London Porter, fir sale hy j iu 7 CLAGHDRN & WOOD, S| :; -Ii ’ S^IXTY boxns ( ligate* 1x1 qna'jty Sturoli ju-l received ami f*r -ab- low by ju*. 14 G. R. HENDRICKSON. Brandy, (.ip. ('oituc, vVc. * WHOLE and 8 halfpipe* (Hard, Dupuy fi; Sc Co. Brandy 2 pipes Champagne do 5 do 11**11 iiul (»iu, in ciixtnm huii-e stores, atihji'cl tu ilci'oult'rti. 200 bag- Culm ( , r 2"0 .in' I*, ir to Rico j l *' nu8 5(1 wlinlo ) 20 half J No. 1 Mackerel 53 qr. bhlx j fill wlinlo do No 3 da lOO 1)1,1* Howard s'ren! Flour 100 du mid 50 Ii 1I1 do Cano 1 i'o Fur sale u acnnmumdaling ter".“, l*v j-.t. 8 P. G. BHKJK & O. • OH BN. I'iRslenv Fotaiots. IQ 4& ty BBLS prime Eastern Potatoes. TKr*?*# Just reeoivod and f-r *al"by jo.1 7 CL4QHORN A WOOD, X»)Hct;. ANA WAY f'om 'he s'lhse.ribor n'i.*u I « throe months ago tl negro wmmui hy tho name of -ARY nr SALLY, about fi but 8 ii . c.liox high, a litdo yolowixh cmi.plenterl, bur ftm « t 'otb wider upnrl than umi il, with the Id--, of •mo f tlm untlnr ones. Slin is 2i. years nf *ge, amt when *p kirn tu, ansuor- . ami uses g-1 11 langiiaga. *1.0 lx well kuoviu in this place; her liu-buiid g.*o- by tlm na nn ofC.'.iules ■ ud i- emphiyod is I’iI-H in lie- Stean.beat G •>. Washing-'.ft t-. Ang.lsl i, bn !»• rings t*. Mrs. M. K n»»n uf (hat phv , and v> ry pm ibl» she may pay tl.ut pl.ico i visit. The rew r l nf Fifteen Dul-ir* v. ill h" paid I. any mm liml Will ;-p >*r-lii.iid the M«il Iiegr.i ami lodge Ir* r .1. anv j til i.i tire .St.*t*-ru.d 11 vhlin'o * ••!' 10 or w h l*.o >{ t*> cmivicl ay wliilu nr-on i>: h.rhnrmg tlio H-iiil n*-gr . A l n r- md ui *.«t*..f h"0's n! vessels are fi-riv r ed from luking n ''•nnl nr I. r o ii.g of the • id n- gio slave, ,s lr l»-v* u ill im enforced. j !| n 26-tn M R ED- Cut It tbu ecu, A FRESH *11 "i ly of Mr- M,Hors Cut To. JjX. Ix c o,ju l rec"i).-d ai d lur mo- by TUOS. M TURNER fi*'b S (>pi*o i'o the M nxh*n tl-m.-c. Bunk Stock* C -A AN'I ED •'ule It . k Sl>*uk. Apply to V 9 VV. ROBERTSON, Broker. I, d WalHutl ti) Clmitor. VESSEL'-. 330 1.11*, t„ pr ceml to Eur.q.o A * p y to Rolir. I! VHERSIIAM. lid (j'l iV \N amor It Boot.-,.-HIM' as low a* 250 a i-iod-i, a xln.iigo**dar- •b-, for-ale by BREED A. WARNER, bdG2 Savi. 111 irkot xquorn, i i ur. Bf.S Gall, go Supvrfiiio Flour, a iporior nriiislu, ju-t ruuoivud per schooner Henry Cl-y, Ir-.m Rii lmrond und f.rf hy IIA YARD Sc ll 1J N T E R. feii 1 Bulb us f*: Fubtil’ous Hooted Plants 3 .HE Sub-nrinnr having recn|v-il *nvor-*l In. II. ^. v-dees of w || Hvlofli*-. , un-i r -r* Bulb 11s and 'I'uher'-us R- olo-l Plams, und Duhliux—al-o idiuti'U (Jardi'u, Fi l-l, and Flower Seeds, fnnn tim Garden of Mu Hr.-. Prince «!V S*>nx, Flushing, ( .ear Now Y**rk,) would inform th*' Publieth-t they mn i>" |». ciin tl "ii iq.,-1 cni-in at Mr. .1 F, K 'clileiV Cminlmg Room -m ibo ll y, we-t uf, and near tl.e Ex* liungo ; foil uulalogiiox enn Ul* rc b - ! ex...nii ol, of I lie above plants and -ends, and should any be .eqo*r*’d tlm• net here, itiey will Ih in'll*.it!) ordered. C*-t ib-guo enn .•Inn I)-i •cm., of Frui. &. Il .'ily, ornauioot-1 Trees, Shrub ami P1..111* ; * (Tirfetilmus-c Truex, Sli-ul)»ami Flam-, imp*.tied—mil Ammi- x. I). POST ELL. fell 2 (rep) Ju--t Hoc dv d Y tho el.ip- Emporor, n'ul Belln, from New d *» and navy liru .tl, fl ur, inuss licef, Fulton martiui do, in half hr!*, small liH.nx, mi-ins, 10 by IS and fl by lfl wind w gla**, boxes Iwri ing, priuic*, iifc-, ilo.ond*, bin. i-h cliin- late. 4 iirl - no 1 m-cki-rt-l, J hrl* huuk. wheal, i b.lx d*>. Guslu-n butter, lard, pig pork, ohiV'xc in oa K*. me hr.-.-n tu ti-hup, tom.itiuea «h». *i»pli‘. cider, poial*...*, B-d- g*.'* -*m* gps, on i'*ns. pi-di!oa **l' Hi*, firxl quality fi. |.„i:ily u-. ; ■•Iso |iO Ijuii-h'o* hay, fur al-' a. no I Mnngm'* wharf hy 'lUOMAS WDUL». 2 7 l3uU‘s IY) jiicf.os lir'j.jrgiu Long ^ ttilow N'uiikociis, UST ru* tv*-il and fur *nl,'l.y tl.n Sub-criher, *ef a Ii* will c nliii'i" to • ee;» a supply through ('-« Spring and Summer vnn*mi. U M. C. WAY, Agent. Augii-ln, G u.) l**-'b 2, 1 C*3t>. fob 2—c En«'!is!t nml I’iniicIi Kid Siuipcis. , OR sale low by felt 8 H Ft E R1) A W A It V R R. n\t For Su e or 1! r . 2 NO liorned Bull live you.* - Id next April, well grown ai d ufliue fmui, I." from • hi. full III.Milo.I Hull B impio of Wm Gdiiinn*, F. q. And a very Mip- ri'-r no b* mod cniv, m-w •>w))ed hy (ail. J, ,1. Mnx-vu'.l uf Sivamnb, bn i» a Imuiiliful roan color, and lus look-and »>*e vvimhl reconim*' him to any grmd jildg". Ti.o prij - istwu llm.dr 'l Duflara It'll.) is nnl sold hv tl.e Fir.-l uf A "O't. "" W1..1UI Im Iii'.,.' for K.fty l- .l.-r- - *'-» I"-" "* J .unary next, p ii*l in adv mce, ""d 'Im •«»•' ' v lures him bei. g uucmiuiubbi I -r hix *nlo return jnw 18 pi l\:.E**. A FTER the tixpiraii".. "fi fi"" r n.**iith*, ap ^ plie.ali*m wi-l he mai!i- l- il.e Jll-lu ex **l ho Inferior Cuurt, when silting f*.r • r.linnry intTpinHW. thr leave t . sell Inn Lots iu 'ho town „f Jnflarxon, and ibo imp ov. me..'-thereof., be- |„ng|n-> t • l*.e estate of .1*.—pii T* «»n.»-, la'c *-l Cnmileii C. unty, dcce.1s.1l— 1 "Id f"r tbe |".rp*.se division ...iimig tl'*' heir* nl said G W TIIOM VS. F.x'ur. J.\NE VV. TllDMAS, F.Vis. of 111 iking a estate. ffilHE firm *f SLATER ,J- HODGES, 9.. will, us h- r- let-T*, from ibia day, he re. cnntimi-d at their Ihriner tunil, w.ien- they will unutiinie tn keep a goner .I asuirfmonl <il |),y (J-.ed-ai d G*oo ri *. -i:d nop' t-- bn 0, among ih* ir Irinnd- and ?l.:i p-mlic. a p rt -<| 'heir sup. port un-i patroicgc. JOHN SLATER, fob 9 . JN'D, HOliGI'.S, lN'.tir.'. BjUJERSONS indebted tn tin* la'n firm nf J B “ Herb it v\: C*>. are repm-ted lu nukn im. mediate payment, hi. u|i ui-Ki'ltlcd on ilm 1511. iDAtunt, will ti en b** pla. ed in tho hands cl at. A tun toy fur e.--lb*R!inu. WM C t REVSIIAW. jau 2 Surviving (hipartncr. NOW < Jt HE subscriber* are umv upening, received 3 by recent arrival*. Rich figured, colored Silk*, (a few pattern*, liglit c"l"r. form* mingdrosses, ni.ick Dr.Soi, Ill-ici. Gru DcSwisx Dark und I.gltl English nt.ii French P.inis du ilo l *w pri-u-l American do d*. tl« pi .in and uml. *s nd Cnmb.i s A few fiicres rich llr ipery Mu lins Rich Furniture (thii.tzet. Worsted Dain'i-k (v.ri- iix colors) Lin n S* ir Cloth (u new u i-.lo f.r cevering) Stair C-rprts d u Cross Innud C mdn iok * anil Muslins' Figured S.1 is- .M i-dni", plain Cambricks l.i'ii'i. Cniiihric Hdafs cr’c- tt n-bricliM Irish Li .on*, ('nntini Fiann- I-, V -ivii Rdboua Lii.eii Tattle D-rn-isk and Napk'iis Birds eye Diaper 3 1 -1-4 aide I' -mask ( Imlm A largo nssnrluiciil of colured Cotton and L.iioii Tuhlt* ('*.w.-rx A !,S 1, A 'mv pieces 4 I Imlm .Ma'iiug A il, 4 easoxni l> ..*p*'iii G- odx, consisting ut 3 I 7 band 4-4 Cull nil Cheeks 3 1 ami 1 [ Fluid*ntld St*ip-x Wiii'-.h muknx tlmir assmtiiient very eo"'* plritc, a 1 i uf “ iiidi ihcy nflur for sain 0,1 l " 0 uuisi re ixiimillle tin ill* . „ ni , n i . jun S3 J. X. fe. INOPnsOr- 1 - To ttu-liliin*. -• ur “ill -»»•>»* r- P"" 1 '"- S' nu jus pt****"?»«' . v . Itll nrv -It hoiblmg*. I 1.0 buildings „ in bn HD Vo t ' y ™ fo'. ' I " u * |„-i.|.*x I'usemeu., •« bu p.ainly but iimilly lliu jm.* d. Mal.-.ials l" he fnr.n hod by the c iu n u tor, ex -opt •' xniull qm.eti y now *m bund— l-i hn r.oinplete fnr i.iie.ipiili"U bv iln- l*i N* v. next, Fn-i-i.s<is for um- **r h.-lii « ill lie rucciv. ,.d. WM II. (TYLER, GEO W . A NH Ell SDN, W. W.GDRIK)N, jin 15—tn En ore Jnl.ii W.ii-ra. 1 stick Skin SK 5 A D IRS Hue’. Skin 8h*.«* j| > di do ibi Clipper* R--ee.veil ami for s 1 bv fe, 3 ' n N. ALDRICH a Cp. Traiis|)iiivii! Window Similes. O \js r recoivo.l, and for eal.- by ■kp .1. ,f R-INGERSOLL. j Wlnlf Lead. Vurninris, tie.:. g KEGS While L'-a.l jantliry a.) Notice* *1 B 7 IU. Im *"U1 soi l at ti.o C urUIuiien in V v IJulh'flh county on the tir-l Tuesday in Vnril ney', ut the usual hour* nf *ul” Gun I'ru i nl Fuu* Land, belonging l" the E*t to of Viir.'.u Cmm dncen*e«l, Four Hun. d o-l and Seventy-Five acres, sold by *.rucr ol Court fnr tlm benefit nfll.o In-irs. Ter*nn twelve mmitlw credit •8 JAMES''ONE ) B Vl.B Rv'UN E [ Adin’rs. ALLKN J() SINS. S 'i'oiiacc*). - f l.etiwi'-h’s h>; t Ti.lwow' jail 28 flO 1 le bv F.DSF-' lallllieg i .-hr i) -v di-:;. Ueerv (•.: MAI E;, ,v I* \eriljgrla fill kegs HI.' k > .ead. Juxi received and, - hy CLAGIiURN A WOOD. . 2 I v. *11 CO ('ui Toliafco. - CIK'CE Mrs. Miller's superior Cut Tobacco, just rnne \* *l and f r - b- by dm-24 ii. R HENDRICKSON. 1. r salt; liv Jnlm ^V r . Long. a HAMPERS Win.* II tile*. 15 Cask C 5J boxes do wi Afitrul Lnnum. VSTR.A I. I, *mp-. n-s.-rlt'd, lir*-l:'/oii,- lai'-.quered, and 1.1-qeeri ii and Gil', ,vi>h ri-.-li c-.t .-brsdes, for -ih' bv •V. I! K« VITA CO. I J A . IL*