The daily Georgian. (Savannah) 1835-1847, February 24, 1836, Image 1

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1 mmm- c e orgi IV Silks. | LACK Ita'inn 81k do Gm»I)hNi|»Ho do Gm Do 8wis- do do Sowing Silk, Silk Braids Jud opened mid for sale, al indcrate pri^aa and accommodating tenns, by P II A. G W BEHN, fob 24—p Shad'* Buddinga, Knives and Forks. Tiunlilns, tfet\ tft KICK mahogany cares, cucli containing iy sets of Knives and Forka, carver, &c. with ivory handle* 100 do* cut glaa- Tumblnra 2d do Gorman silver Forka 5 do A-<lrul Lamp and plain, assorted sizes 1 caae low priced Violin*, thia day land, ing from New York and for salo^by fob 24 A R KNArF A CO. Adjoining the City Hotel. rlfST received, Drill. handsome assortment of •F drill. For sain low by A BF.N N ETT. No. 1 Young’s Buildings. fob 24 Canal Flour. p** d\ BRLS canal Flour, fancy brand, land. •fVI ing this d«v from brig Splendid and for sale by JOS.' BANCROFT & CO, f P b34—r one door east •*! the city hotel. Salt. •TjgkJk BUSHELS Liverpool Cnsrae Salt, alloat, fur Hide if applied for inline liutely, by TUPFER A. MISTAKE, fob 22 Brandy and Gin. 5 PIPES Cognac Brandy 5 do Holland Gm. for sale by. MICHAEL DILLON, frh 33 Telfair* wharf. Butter, l.ard, tfec. ft# KEGS Cnshen Butter, 50 do Lord ft#ft# 12 do* Corn BruoiiiH 95 liulfbrU No I Mirkorel, for sals hy CLAGHORN A WOOD. Lnntliitfr from ship Millnlrri ville. 4 ft BBLS Dryed Apples, 2 do do Peaches **0 2 do do Plumbs, 2 do llieknry Nuts. For sale by JNO. CAN DLER. feh 22 Gilbert Guruey, B Y the author of ••Sayings and Doings," • • Love and Pride,” Ac. in 2 vola. Scenes and Clinr«ctori*lica of Hindustan, with sketches of Anglo-Indian Society, by Em ma Roborts. author of" Memory of the Ktval Houses of York and Lanussler,” Ac. 2 vols. Parts 30. 37 and 38, Saturday Magazine Part 1st vol. 6tli Jan. to Juno, 1835, do do bound in eloth. _ ,, Parts 32, 33, 31, 33, 30 nn.l 37, Penny Cy- cl media. Parts 41 and 12 Penny Magazine For Hub. by THUS. PURSE A CO, fob 24 _ I'niiip'llas ami Vestings. 28 and 30 inch silk Umbrellas £ 20. 28 and 311 inch cotton do Marseilles Vestings Jind opened and lur sale, at moderate prices and accommodating lorni*, by P 11 A G W BEHN, feb 24—p Sltad'^Jluildings. Cheese* Sugars, »fee. tfec. I AN DING from brig Splendid aud others, j 10 iil.ds prune St Croix Sugar 2U bids Port- Rico do 2D do uomniun do 2D < asks Chouse 25 bulu' superior Leaf Tobacco, 100 lbs. each ID half bbls Family Pig Pork 1 DU boxes Raisin* 20 bugs old J iva Coffee All of which will bo sold low on rensnnablo terms, by WM. P- CLARK, feb 24 —p Administrators Notice. *■ TOU R months after dam, application will lie jt muiln I., the Honorable the Inferior Court t»f Ctiulhiun County, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the undivided in. tercel of the estare of NS. Rivard, being about ono fourth, to 35 acres ground, mure or Ions, situate iiiuneuiatuly east of tl.o city of havan- nab, bounded north by PreMdcnt-Stract, eontiij. lied ; sooth by lumls of M. Dillon ; east by luiida of James Bilbo, and west by East Boundury-St. fur tho benefit of the licira^of Mnd e^uio. fob 24 Adm’r. estate N. S Bayard. Stuck For Sale. f SHARES steamboat Company Stock. JL ft# Apply to fob 23 WOODBRIDGE A MAY. Irish PbtataBa. .*T4k|| HAMPERS Irish Potatoes, direct •#1F#F from Ireland, hualing, and for sale by MICII. DILLON, feb 22 Telfair’s wharf. Per Madiion. nnllE Subscribers have rceivod n full assort- JL s.irtnicnt of Ready M ile Garmonts, con sisting in part of French uid English Merino Fmck ami Dress Coats, Bonbnzine, und Crape Cumblct do Cussimoio do iVhito and Brown I.inen do do. Coatoes of Bombazine, Crapo, Cumblet, Circassians, Merino, ('assiinor, Ruu en, do Grass Cloth, White, mid Colored, do. Vests, a great variety a liamL/nnv figured Mar sailles, colored und figures Navarino, fancy Silk Bombazine, Hroc.Qn, lifack Silk and’Salin Ac. Pantaloons, of vhi/o mid brown Linen Drill, Wost’d and Drilp’ain do, Rail Hoait do, Constitution do, Crap Cmnblnt do, Merino CuiKinier do. Circasti.uado, Lusting and Brocb- -«lln do, Black nud chireri Bombazine |dn. Ac. Also, a full supply of Silk and Cotton Uill-, Linen and Cfton Shirts, Bosoms. Col. lars, bleached and uftlunched Cotton Knit Un. der Shirts, Linen ad Cotton Drawers, Elastic Suspenders, and Sc ps, Silk and Cotton Halt Hose, Linen and C«t«n Gnvcx,(Cravats. Stock*, and Pocket Handhrchiofs, Ac., which are of fered for sale, wlnesulo or retail, for cash or approved order by HAMl/rON, HOUSTON A CO jan 22 , rovisions. half brl Mess Pork, 80 do prime Beef \fi 40 do (less d* GO do No Boston Beef, 50 kegs Lard 20 half hr) Fulton iturket Beef 10 do Mop Beef Landing andfor sale by fob 1 KNSWlftTH A WAY. Catendtsh Tobacco. 1 BOXES LeRwich’s Sn* r i„ r Old Cav. U ™Fendisfi Tobacco, just ro,., V cd iml for s'loby Q. R. IIENDR<3K3yN. Bagging and Osnabur^t, BALES Dundee Rigging »y SO '50 f..b 19 Osnnbnrgs, For m | 0 JNO A J AS Rijij/ The Indian’s Panacea, I AOR tho euro of rheumatism, scrofula or 1 King’- Evil, Gout, Sciatica or liip-gout, incipient cancers, miR rheum, syphilitic and Mercurial diseases, particularly ulcers aud pain, fill affection* of the bones, ulcerated throat and nostrils ; ulcers of every description fever sores, und internal ohsces.-es ; fistulas, piles, scuhi heud, scurvy, bile- chronic sore eyes, erysipelas, blotches, und every vuriety of cutaneous affoc. tion ; chronic caturrh, hondnch from particular cause* ; puill ill the stomach and dyspepsia, proceeding from vitiation ; affections of the liv er. chronic inflammation of the Kidneys, und g.mcrol dohilty, enured by a torpid action of the vo.-sols uf 1 lie Skin. It is singularly oflicueious in reiiovnling those constitutions which have been broken down by injudicious treatment, or juvenile irregularities. In general terms, it is recommended in nil tlioso diseases which uriso from impurities in tho blood, or vitiation of the humors, of whatever name or kind. Sonin of the ubovo complaints may reqflire some trifling assistant applications, which the circumstances will dictum; but fora general remedy, or Pnrifie .tot, to remove the cause, the Indian's Paiiuuoa will generally bo found eufliiciont. A fresh supply of this valuable Panacea which bids fair to rival all other medicines for the cure of tho above diseases just received and for sale by G R IIEN DRK KSON. feb2' Sole Agent. Plie!i>\s Gin. *r/fc BARRELS Phelp's Gin, landing*.,,,, tft* w Schr, Exact. For sale by jan 21 TUPPER A SISTA RE. Central Hail Bond and Banking Com pany «d Georgia. ELECT JO'S OF DIRECTORS IfLT OTICE is hereby given that an Election It far Nine Director* to manago the atlkirs of the said Company, will lie liolnon under the suporintendenee of the undersigned Cummin- sinners, on Monday the 99Ui day of Maroh next, at the Kxchonge in the oily of Suvannau. The polls will lie upon from 10 o’clock A. M. to 2 P. M., ami from 3 P. M. to 5 P. M. WM If HD I.LOC/I, W W GORDON. R HABKR.-HAM, S H PARK MAN, J P HENRY. J P V\ ILLIAMSON, .1 STONE, B HDUROUGHS. I MINIS, W TAYLOR, Ci B LAMAR, G W ANDERSON, fob 1G R R CUYLER, Wanted. A YOUNG MAN as principal Clerk in a Country Store.—None ueuil apply unions they can come with the best rocuininondaliuns ns to sobriety, honesty, industry und <|uulilicu. lions for bu-inoss—for such n liberal compenxa. lion will bo given by the your only. A pply to D. STETSON. Ricnhnro, 22d January, 1836. juw. 25 Splendid Silks and Ribbons. 4 BENNETT bus on hand u large assort- mont of Silks and Sulims for drosses and bonnets. Also, a very general assortment of rich bonnet, cup and belt Ribbons, w hioh are offered for sale uncommonly low by wholesale or retail at No 1, Youngs buildings, Market Sq^o- jan 2!) Funding und for sale. ^T/ft NRLS Entlier Felton's Rum ft#" * 10 hints prime Porto Rico Sugar 2U brls N'o I Miirkercl, 2D do 2 do 2D | casks Peppermint Cordial 24)boxes Doolittle's Soup 3 lb burs 20 " » 2 lb bars 100 casks Nails, assorted j«» 27 I. BALDWIN A CO. Fur and (’loth Gaps. I ^IIE undersigned ini vo on band about 100 Fur nud Cloth Caps, which they will sell at prime rout, to those fitting for the Indian War Pricos. f$3 to $4, A R KNAPP A CO. jail 29 Adjoining llic City Hotel, Croain Ale. k FRE^H supply just received and is now landing from brig Georgia und for sale by jan23 CLAGHORN A WOOD Molasacs. prime retailing Mola«ses, for Choice Old Madeint, 8 ^ROM tho house of Gordon, Duff A Co. Madeira imported via Charleston per brig Dimon, in eighths, quarters and casks for solo by ADAMS A BURROUGHS, dec f> Mol ice. 'BMIE subscribers have formed themselvos in- 3 to a company, under the style of A. E. Holliday A Co, lbr llto purpose of purcha ing Slaves, and will pay tlm highest cash prico for Mich property, on application to either of tlm subscribers at Savannah, Goo. at T Williams’ West Broad street, or at II izard A Duuslow’s. feb 5—Gin A. E. HOLLIDAY, I>. I,. HOLLIDAY, EDW. WIMBERLY London Brown Stout and PaltTAle. Hk CASKS, Quarts ^ Hihhcrt'x Double -* 15 do Pints \ Brown Smut. 12 casks Pints cont’g ti doz cucli, ) Hibbort's 5 do Quarts do 7 do do $ Pule Ale. In store, und for sale by jan 91 TUPPER A S 1ST Alt 15. Lamp Oil. GALLS Winter pressed Sporm Oil, very light color, for sulo by T M TURNER, Opposite the Mansion Hoiirc. *00 For salt; by John W. Long. •rik HAMPERS Wine Bottles, 15 Cask* (Jltcese, 50 boxes do jan 13 Cut Tobacco. A FRESH supply of Mrs. Millers Cut To- bucco, just received and for sale bv Til OS. M. TURNER fob 5 Opposite the Mansion House. Just Opened and for Sale, B y V. H. 0. Vi. UEHN. Sluuf. Build. U'tt-. G-l Plain Colton Cambric 6-4 Corded do do Plum and figured Swiss Muslim Plum Mull do J.kOMiQt do Bishops Lawns, Black Ginghams III ick Calicoes, Black Muslins FurnitureChints and Furniture Dimity 9.4 ami 4-4 Colored Domestics C'lllou Ticks fT fob 24—p Skiirtings, Sheetings and Linens. 1 1 At BARS LEY Sheeting - G-4 Irish do 4.4 Superior Irish Linens 5 4 and 6.4 Wultliutn hlonclicd Shoetings 5.4 do Brawn do 3.4 and 4-4 brown Shirtings 3.4 und 4-4 bleached do Long Lawns aud Linen Cambric hsnd'kfs Russia Diaper, Scotch Diaper, Dish Diaper 8.4 and 10.4 Table Damask. Brown Linen Linen Tape* and Braids, DowlnH Just opened und for sale at modcrato prices amt accommodating terms by P II AG W BEHN, feb 24—p Shad's Buildings* Basket: 'rvVico nl French B sknts, consisting of .vojing, funcy, fruit und reticule, all sizes, ju re^jvoj ltn |j f„ r sa | 0 j )y ,| |(J ( j on * - - - feb 9 A K A R KNAl’P A CU. Adjoining the city hotel* - a81 Notice * inDTN.S oving the firm of J // Herbert W *• simn \ IDi Dee 183-1, are intonneil that all dts uusi>l*led on tho 1st March, will positively) p]ucc.l in the bunds of nn attorney for mi it. WM C CRENSHAW, feh Ifi Nowburg Ale. BBTiS first quality Nowburg Ale, land* ■4? ' 1 ing from brig Splendid, for sale low by fob 24 EN'WORTH AWAY. India Rubber Aprons. J UST received, a handsome assortnient of India Rubber Aprons, and for sale low by A. RENNET, Feb 23 No. 1, Young’s Buildings. Calicoes and Jeans. J UST received, a handsome assortment of Calicoes and Joann, anil for sale low by A BENNETT, fob 24 No. 1, Young’s Buildings. Odontalgia Balsam. A CERTAIN cure for the most violent toolh ache. A frosh supply ju-t received und for sale by G. R. HENDRICKSON, fob 24 Gibbons' Buildings. Pickles. JARS assorted Pickles, just recoiv. sulo bv feb '24 cd per ship Millcdgoville, and for C. L. M'NISH. Rilles. CASES fino percusflinn Riflos, just focoiv- ed und for sale by fob 24 N B A H WEED. Cider. BBLS choice Newark Cider, Is £\f Crane's brand, now Inndine from l Splendid, and will bo sold low if taken from tho y.| 1M rf, WM. P. CLARK, fob 24—p Just Received, By the *hip Milledfieville, from Netc-York, f* BBLS Ale, 2 do Dried Apples P fj) 2 do Dried Peaches 1 no Plums 2 do Smoked Beef 2 do Hams 10 half bbls Pig P-.rk ID do do Cornod Beef 10 bbls Butter Bi-cuit 10 frulf bbls do do 1(1 bbls Vinegar, 5 do BeanB 15 do Prime Pork 50 do Cano I Flour 10 firkins Butter, 5 kegs Tobacco 10 groce Mrs. Miller's Tobacco IN STORE, 150 bundles Prime Northern Hay For sale by THOMAS WOOD, feb 24 No. 4, Mungin's Wharf. Pilot and Navy Broad &c. 7 rw BRLS Pilot nnd Navy Bread 50 brl« New York prime Beef 600 gallons Lump Oil JuHt received per brig Madison and for sale l y CLAGHORN A WOOD, feb 23 For sale or Hire. A PRIME active young Carpenter. Ap. ply at this office. feb 23 F. M. Beef. m HALF brls Fulton Market Beef, just P PP received per ship Millodgevillo nnd for sale by GAUDRY A LEGRIEL. feb 24 __ Just Received ■ feY the ship* Emperor, and Bello, from Now K York, pilot and navy bread, canal flour, mesa beef, Fulton markot do, in half brls,small hums, raisins, 10 by 12 and 8 by 10 window glass, boxes herring, prunes, figs, almonds, box. cs chocolnto, £ brls no 1 mackerel, £ brls buck, wheat. 4 brls do, Goshen butter, lard, pig pork, cheese in casks, musbroon ketchup, tomnttoes do, apple cider, potatoes, Bologna sausuges, on ions, pickles of the first quality for family use; also 150 bundles buy, for sale ut nn 4 Mongiu's wharf by * THOMAS WOOD. fob Q Circular.. T lHE S, C ribora, Importers of, and Deal. ers iithina, Glass and Earthenware, whoso storoore destroyed by tho great fire of 16th and l?)eccm!mr, would respectfully in. form their Owners throughout the Union, of their presentations; also of the fuel, that owing to theig passages of tho European puck' ts previ to tho fire, and their romarka bio short pas* since, they nre now, generally in possession a hotter assortment of goods than thoy usy have at th.s season of tho year. 1* rom very large orders previously given to the lufaetiirers, it is oxpoctod that the assortuienfthe present e.-ason will, in quantity, be y «qoal, and in its quality, su perior to thif ant former year, it being com. posod of thifjt r|cont mid beautiful designs, without omxtue »f old unsaleable patterns. T J BIOUI A CO. No 306 Pearl st EBEIAUIDWELL. 429 •• EDWDCOOKACO 218 •• JWIPC0RL1ES, 28fi •« .. JOSECIICKSEMAN, I3G Water “ DAN COLT. 197 •• THUS FFIELD, 51 C.mrtlandt •• JNO CENk’IELD A SON, 13 Pearl HOL1I A IlFERs, 294 •• •• T.T.JSAJI A CO, 61 Liberty U N D) I LB A SE Y M O U U, CG Pearl si V EG IE ALI Pl’INCOTT, Coon’tslp, R. VAEWXTER, 74 Coder st. El)MI> WjLLETS A CO. 304 Pearl R. C TMkRE A CO. 83 Water st. JNO Vi 11’, Jr. A CO. 36 •• •• New YofebJ, 1836. fob 13 Central Rail Road and Banking Com pany of Geoigia. ■J^TOTICE is hereby given, that tho umlor- IT! signed Committee will, nt nny time be tween tho hours of ten, A. M. and one, P. M. at ihe counting-house of J. P. Henry, issuo cer tificates of Stock. S. B. PARKMAN, J P. HENRY. R. R. CUYLER. iRepublicati] Limltoni Planters. U.(VK 4 BATES, 23< Rearl street, New York, ■ ft ESPFFULY invito the attention of ■ ft Soul! Driers to tlieir stoolt of Good, now recoiviforiheir spring sales. They bnvo muteriiimiased their stock of French silk goods aime articlos, ns ulso the vari. ous kinds ofiliimnd Swiss goods, collars, capos, Ac. Ahh, togethor with their ex- ten-ivo stnclslilo, foreign, and domestic dry goods, cprirf nn assortment probably oquul to anyr olred in the city. The ut. most exerlir?ill|) mado to givo in all re. specls ontirdsfiiinn to all who may favor Inoin with n»o qtlieir trade, felt 9—2m 1 r in ;ty Hts and Salt. heavy Seed Oats am Vin'ies prime E'lstern Hay <lackLiverpnnl Ground Sail »i 'MICII. DILLON, Telfair’s wharf Petit Gulf Cotton Seed. I ANDINGthisdayfrom brig Augusta, at J Anriinx' whnrf Petit Gulf Cotton Seed, (acenmpnniod with certificates) for sale in 1 ts to suit purah. ser« by ] d:bI3 COllEN A MILLER* fob 24 Warranted Garden Seeds. A N extensive assortment of carefully Bclect. ed Garden Seeds, of the growth of 1835, among which are the following, viz: Tall Marrowfat, Dwurf Prolific,.Golden Hot. spur and Early Frame Peas, Sieru, French Pole, Flageolet, Red Orleans, Scarlet Runner, Rob- rnb and Duncolournd Beans. Drumhead. Early York and Greon Globe Cabbage. Early Dutch, Whito Flat and Quta Baga Turnips. Scarlet. Short top, Long Salmon, and Cherry Turnip Radishes. Deep Orange and Early Horn Carrots Round and Prickly Spinach Brown Dutch and Whito Cabhago Lettuco Long Blood and Turnip Best Early Frame and Long Green Cucumber Summor and Winter Bush Squash Red, Silver, White, Yellow AMadnira Onion. Collory, Parity, Parsnip, Leek, Shallot-*, Ac Ac. Ac. which are offered nt reduced prices, by COPPEEA UOWNE, feb 24 Murkot-Square. Prime Pork. BRLS pnme P'>rk, jn«t received per ship Millodgsville and for sale by lab 23 CIACIIORN A WOOD. 2, For sale b; jan 23 Moists 1 Ioliv, Solars &<*. ffi feife I'fiulrolniling Cuba Molas. ■ Hn,iorceH' OI |oy 40,00(gare 2lt IDi van Prosoryos, landing from schr.Tote nnd fisale hy DELFOn, FAY A CO. Also, for sal board aiantity of Oran|« 8 Pino Apples, lianas Ad Ibh L, tu^ht tfiail. D ENNIS, ut thirty »ars of nge. C fed high, wlays ho longs to Charlo Burton of Burlnunty, althut ho has boo. run away abouie mnntb.| jan 19 Y. S.Pff ARP, Jailer. Porter. \ k} CASK»ondon Brv, Stout Port /*0kw Jusceived amt 8a | n by fob 3 nLAGHOl Al WOOD. Pork andbef’—Jusianding. , BRLS.*irne Pork, \ 45 dobHH do 1 50 dolmo Beef. 1 40 doe«s do l For vale, by JlLAGHORk WOOD, fab 1 _t KifRlisIt and'rencli Ktlmpers. J rtOR snlo low’ H At, 2 BREFD &IRNBR. x A Bargain. I ^OR sale, an interest of one half of the up. per Steam Saw Mill in Savannah, having in operation one gang of saws ami one single aaa. The mill is luvourably localfNl with a lease of tho wharf on which it hUikIm for 8 yearvunex- pired, w uh the privilege ofronew.,| for five more. It being tho property of a person tranaforrng hia busme-ato or place, jirico audttiius will bu liberal. Apply to JonBO WM. ROBERTSON. Broker. tiufftu* Thermometers. 1 CASE Long Tliuriuomotors lor Sugar Boilers 1 do London do Roxwond. Jajmnadsnd Morocco cases, common sizes, jn«l recnivod, and for Sale hy G. R. HENDRICKSON, fob 20 IVtit Gtilph (’niton SffH. O NE tlimisan.l bushels Petit Gulpb Cotton Seed, nccompaiiied with certificates, daily oxpoetod, for sulo by fob 9 COHEN A MILLER. DU" Final Notice. JJ] A LL persons indebted to tho subscribers, whether by nmo nr book account now due, are requested to settle tho same without delay, or they will be placed in the bands of an allot* r.ey for collection, fid'13 PRICE A MALLKUY. (oats, .old WUST received per brig Lola n splendid 9W sorlment uf over Coats which will Ih» i low for cash hy II. CLOSE, doc 2D N. B. Wanted, two first rate Journeymen Tailors, for which stoutly employment will he K ivi>n * Notin’. B AY days on Cotton by Company’s boats J 9 and 13, will expire thi« afternoon, feb 211 WM, TAYT.On, >>.* Swi ft Leal TobucnoT~ ^■ft KEGS linim's Niitunira Swei •JrkF Tobacco, jnsi rueeivtl, and for sale by THUS. M. TURNER, * Job 20 Opposite tlio Mansion tlnn.o, 8’Jfi Reward. U ft AX A WAY I rom the Subscribers about ” , l hriitnius, WILLIA.M, known by tlie name ot Bill tllako: formerly the property of Col. I\|. Myers, and travelled with him through tho up eoumry, tlm hut summer. William i- n bright mulatto, wi*h straight Inir, nlimit 5 feet ID inches high, thick vut, and rather flashy, with rather smull red, or bloodHlmtlen eyes, with a lull luce, is very fond of spirit*, we have tin doubt, bo will iry to pass himself |or a while man. The almvo reward will ho paid on Ihh being apprehended und lodged in any jail so vvu can gel him, giving u* information of the fact at ibis place, Savannah. fol» 20 BE A LL A G RAVES. ID" 1 bo Charleston Cou'i'-r, und Augusta Constitutionalist, will publish the ubovo once a wrok for four weeks, and send their bill for col. lection. CopartiUTidiip. ►■HIE undersigned buvo this day I7,rrned n J|. copartnership, and thoir huaineM will m flitiirn he conducted under tho firm of •• Snow A Rogers " ISAAC SNOW. GKU* T. ROGElfS. Dvrleft, Jtn- 1,1836. (jan 5) Lost. 4 GGLD Foncil Case with the sidurriVor's naiue engraved rtn it. The Under will he liberally mwunh'd on returning it. pm 27 RICHARD D ARNOLD. Copartnership. fill HE undersigned having formed a Cnpart. ■- norshtp, will continun tho Wholesale Ih-y Good husinex (al tho former slnnd of William Waring) umlor the firm of Waring A Foster. WILLIAM WARING, WILLIAM W. FOSTER. Savannah. Jim. I, 1836. jan 4 Ciucumuii Bacon. M A LllS Shmilfiprs In prltire ■ order and for sale by JxnW8_ CtHIEN A MILLER. Iron Railing. fW^IE subscriber Would inform tho citizens JL of Hnx'annnh. that, having mudn arrirnge. mentp with nn exteiwivo inunufucTury in New Yorl^ lie will bo aide to flirnish Plain or Orna menlil Railing, in any quantity,and suitable for nil purposes, wliure it may bu required,at Nvvu York prices. not24 G. E. WILLIAMS. Mitiiiucs ami Merino CiroaHsians* A LA RGE UHsnrtim'iit nf French Meriuoa 7m Circassians, for aale vi*ry low hy wholes sulo Ur retail hy A BENNETT. No 1 Young’s Buildings, Market Square, jan 29 MILL. Fruit For Sale. r ° ft BOXES Lemons )■ . £\9tf 100 Jo Prune, t*" l ,r,mo ” rJcr Now landing from ship Hello nnd for sslehv HOLCOMBE, PECK A CO * fob I Nn. 14 .Mongin’N Bilildlngsi Shovels iV Tonus PAIR brass Shovels and Tonga. •JM> 51 jnn 7 Norton & Fuller R AVE on hand, and offer for sale at raduo. ed prices, 640 pcs London Duffle Bhin- kets,30111) yards Negro Cloths. Tlioy have also a good assortment #f Stuplo and Fancy Goods, suitable for spring wear, jun 27 Wines and (’unlials. QR. ca-k» old I.P Madeira 5 casks Sherry, (pale and brown) ;i half pipes Tencnffl*o 15 <)r casks IdHbon, 3 do IMalaj;u do GO cases Cordials assorted. Just r**cai. vod and for sale hy C L MrNISH. Also, bottled nnd in cases. Old Wines of tho most approved brands, feb 4 10 1 Ladies and Gentlemens Clonks. fjgMIE balance on bund are oflured at reduced QL price by HAMILTON HOUSTON ATO. feb 19 Hats. fBlHE subicrilierH have per ship Millodgc. nL villie, un a«sortmnnt of Silk, and short knapped Beuver llnt«, of tlio vary best quality, wtiolcnait. mot ny HAMILTON, HOUSTON A CO. feb 22 50 pr liras head do. for sale by N. B. A II. WEID. Hay. Ojftjdt IH XDI.ES first quality Eastern •JP* ”1 & Hay, for sulo by fob22 MICII. DILLON. w The Subscriber ILL lease for one or more years his Plantation ou the Great Ogttchno River with the privilege of cutting line wood fur lire wood, and having the advantage of a good land’ ing on tho river, offers the advantage of being able to luivn tho wood shipped when tho Canal cannot bo used. For terms please apply to tho subscriber in Savannah. ju»4 J. B READ. English Choose. ATftft SUPERIOR English Cheese, for sale by GAUDRY A LEGRIEL. Smoked Herring. M <| j. BOXES of tho above, a superior J.v ™ article, received by brig Sea 1st- and nnd for Bale by fob 13 CLAGHORN A WOOD. Eastern Potatoes. •^jfft^ft BARRELS Eastorn Potatoes 50 kogh no. 1, Tobacco 10D bags Coffee—Landing and for sale by nov 24 W. II THOMPSON A CO, Philadelphia Roots. J UST recoivml frmn Pliihidelphia, 111 cukor finoCulf, fair stitch’d Roots, 5 “ “ *• “ “ Navy Shoes, 3 " “ “ •• •• Strap! Shoes, A light and handsome article, for sulo, hy BREED A WARNER, South Side of Mnrkm Sqm-re. Landing ami lor Sale. BBLS. Luther Feltons Rum tj*" 10 lihds prime Porto Rico Sugars. 20 bbls No 1 Mackerel 20 do 9 do 20 | casks Peppermint Crtrdial 20 boxes Doolittles Soap, 3 lb Irnrs 20 do do 2II. bare 100 ensks Nails assorted, __j»n 26 L. BA LPWfN A CO. Notice. T HE subscribers rnspnotfully inform tbplr friends nnd tho pubhe generally, that they linve connected thomsnlves in tlm |)rv Goodn business, under the firm of l‘. II. ^ G. W. BEHN, and will open by the first of the ap. preaching season in Shad’s building, (store now fitting up) untuck of Funcy aud Sinplo Goods. P II BEHN, fob 10 G W BEHN. Hams. CHOICE Hams. ti»U» ENBWUR’UH A WAY. feb 4 Creaui Alo. flT^ft BLS Cream Ale, just renoivod nnd for Mile by CLAGHORN A Wu’oD. feb G Transpartuii Window Shaded WUST received, and for solo by •0 J. .J- E. INGERSOLL. White fjuad, Verdigris, &c. I JfcJft KEGS White LoimI JLtPlr 500 do Verdigris 50 kegs Black Lend. Just received nod far sale by CLAGHORN A WOOD, jan 20 Buck .Skill .Shoes. 1 A DIES Buck Skin Shoes J do do do Slippers Received and for sale hy fi»b 3 II. N. ALDRICH A CO. Seed Potatoes. BRLS Whito Patulous for planting •> A O For sale hy f«l> 4 ENSWORTH A WAY. Pork and Reef. ~ ^■ftBLS Prime Pork N York city ft#™ W 30 bis Mess 1I0 do do 100 Ids Moss nnd Prune Hoof do Landing and for sale by . Jan 30 WMH THOMPSON St •’<» Cofleo. BAGS Java Coff»,o, a eboicoarticle, 20 do Mocha do do do 75 do Cuba do do do For Hub) by feb 11 W. If. THOMPSON A CO. 2<; {Superior Neck Stocks. J UST received u handsome variety of Stocks, viz : whito nod blnek Sntin, bhiglisli Silk, Bninlwzine, Vrlvot, Mohair and Plaid Silk made in tho best kind of style and offered for mla al lire lowest cash prices, by P1UCE A MALLERY. dd'*. 23 Drapers nnd Tpylors. Cafiql Flour—Landing. ^ ■ KRI*^ Canal Flour, Jl # •# 10D Half do do For sale hy CLAGIICRN A WOOD. feb I ... FOR I'ROVIDh'yCE. Tl,u " ow • l 'ip ROWEN A, F. Wins. AVkXCl" w tnuBter, will linve despatch For Ireigli unyly (o fob 18 _PA DELFORD, FAY A CO. rUR HW YORK—(old unt.' The regular packet ship M A^^gRDGEVlLLF., Cap:. R. W, 1* Willbo dt'spalclied luimurtutely. For freight nr passage having suporier acc'imrnedntions ap. ply on board ut Mongin’a upper wharf, or fa STONE. WASHBURN A CO 50 barn Is Canal Flour, landing from said ship. For solo by S. W. A Co. fab 88 — t-'OR LIVERPOOL. The first rale barquo Brothers. Fcr •^lYeight, apply to _ P JNO A JAS. REID, __ FOR LIVERPOOL. The British ship JAMES GRANT, ^S^^.Capt. James. For freight, apply to _hd. 24 _ JNO A JAS REID Foil NEW ORLEANS. — 4 'Hie fast sailing brig AUGUTA, Cnpt A^a^C S Curtis,u ill h.iv»- immediate dospnluh. ■KocFnr freight or passage, npply to Cnpt C on board at Anciaux’ whnrf, or to fed 16 COHEN St MILLER. ~~for BXlflMbMi, ~ + Tho fast snillng brig ARCTIC, Cnpt. AflK Phillips, will have immediate dispiteh. 2kJtnpiI , "r (Vaight or passage, having superior ncaeminodatinns, apply on board, or in feb 21 F SORREL FOR rtllLADELRHIA. i- The font soiling brig SPLENDID, A'l&vCnpf. Win Mckenzin, will Imvu iinmodi. ,^S2aate despatch. For freight or passage, apply to tlio cuplulu 011 honitl nt Taylor’** wharf, or to WM 1‘CLARK, feb 2-1—p ~ imsm:, » Tli« well known, Nulistnnliiil nnd fn«t sailing schr WAVE, hurtlionod 7U tons, in complutu order, with nil hurtnckle ami furniture; suitable fur the West India or coast, wise trade. Him is of common draft, and wants no repairs Her uwnur wishos to dispose of her only tor the reason, that lie wishes to pursue some other business. Application cun bu made on board to Cupl. Soluviuh, or lo J B GAUDRY. An inventory can he seen on board, nnd con. ditimis of sale uml terms can be known ut Bu- gure’ shipyard. tub Ifi Macon Steamboat (iompany. Slouinboat SUPERIOR, Cupt George Will, cox do. EXCEL, “ J. L. WilliMx. /"J5|T111S company have nmv thoirlina ofllouts Jft in complete order tor freighting. They have 11 now steamboat added to thoir lino called the Superior’, and ton Tow Boats, The Boats will run regularly lintwoen Macon and Darien, one of the stc.imlioau* leaving Da. rion every five or six dnys with tow boats. Thu company linve now sixteen tow boats, all first rule boats built expressly for tlm navigation of the Ouinulguo and Aliitamnbn rivers ; these in. creased facilities will onnhlo the company the means nl giving tlm greatest despatch to cotton or goods shipped by tlieir lino. They linve a Hlomhnnt uml 11 number of Sloops to enrry cotton und murcliumlizn between Du. rion und Savannah, und Darien und Clmrlostuii. Tlmrearn ulso five first rntu packets running rug. nlurly between New York and Dn'ien, which coinutn Hiiwct and .Mitclmll, of Deriuti. Agents fur the nlun e Units. L. BALDWIN A CO. Suvnnnuh. Bovck, IIkniiv A Wai.tbr, Cliarlestou. Hawks A Mitciiki.i,, Darien. Gro. K. Koiikhtn, IliiwkiiiHvillo. .1. Gouiiaiui Mnciiii. J ■» 12 T( Furniiuri- al Auolinn UfSr.lllBRICKtCO 11 “'"Ktk In ft«t 1 ■idcboird, ] piano (EnglJ.h) 1 pillar aud elow Id*, t.ibla 1 lot nf and dining tables i! i.l. br.M nntiitnn., ,ho«|, >M j i dozen osno sent nbairs 6 i doyen Windsor uo I piui O Nloul, Ac Aq B r,t » ^ Terms cash. Superior Orrel Coal. By S 1‘HII.BRICK ,f CO. At Privaio Snlo. A few tons ofiuperior Orrel coal Iree from dust. Just receiv'd by ebip Adualdo, end far sale in quantities to suit purchasers at ftl t par rh » lrir »"' . feb 24 New Bacon. BY P.G. Sim K 4. O. CODES. At Private Stln. 5l)0fi lbs sides Bucon, 8000 do Shoulders just received. ,; lb 2a GohIioii Rtiiicr. ** Ry P. G. SIIICK .f O. COHEN, At Private Sale, 10 firkins Butter. Id Tubbs do. Just rereit pe- Mdh dgovillo and will bo sold low from " r«,. By t‘. U SII/CK ,j. (). COHEN AT I'lllVA I'K BALK. A small I* | Co 11. Also, 10 brls Apple Brandy. Just r» reived fob 29 do Cnllif. by /’. g. siiick o. cores At Private Sale, 75 l.rls Green Rp. Coffi-e, 100 bujs- J 100 l«ngs Cuba do Terms libo; al. By f ir hi:im:mann~~ Al Sale A lew qr c-i-ks Current Wine, and Aj.i. . Brandy, just ruttuivnd. f, l-ivorr 1 Coal. Hy N. I'lllLIIKlCK .(■ co. At private sale. 15ohaldrnns Liverpool Coal, landing fr m , l |,n l > Levant, front Charleslni. f i, j** It V /* G. SR l ( K f?T t -D7/EV ~ • < ’ n 'i |n fi ,s l Tueaduv ill March next, ut 11 .,• clock. Will bo sold in front nf the Court Horn.-, tho following m grno-: A negro man, jobbing carpenter, 411 yuars old His wifa ao A female child A male do A fimuli do fob 15 do 8 do 6 do 2 do Torms cash. _ Winrmmmm.—— At Privute Sulo, 17 tierens Loaf Sugar Id boxes do do, now landing, and will be sold low, H fell 15 Bys. nil finuds ,j. iu\ At piivnlu snlo. 40 brls Apples in prune order 2;i do Potatoes, 10 brls Onions Jnsi received by brig .Sou Island from Bostffr Also, .100 hampers and 101) bii-lmln Knglis i 1 olaloax now on board ships and will be sold low Ii. close com igmeent. |g By F. It. ///./Al.sixm, At Piivato Snlo, fd) barrel* Alvwivos suitable for Plantation mu* Alan, A ftew halos loaf Tuliaeco, a largo assortment ofl.rsi quality spunish Sngors, just received, lb 11 Rom. Tho Store formerly occupied hy ) Mr. John F. Purisot, as u Jewellery 4 Eslaldishinenl. It is well calculated run nflice. For turui*, apply to ftbfl 0. L. M'NISH. feb 17-1!' To Rout The hotiso recnntly occupied bv L O’Byrno, situated or tlio corner nf York and Whitalrer streets. Apply M O DILLON. ilnrsL’H. Tho undersigned tins several Horses of bis own raising, nml nf good blood, wliiuh he ulfers for Mulo. H. McALl’lN. Gentloraen’s Hats, Received per loto nrrivnli, 12 cases Ganlleint'il’a lieuverlluts, 4 do do liroud brims do, 8 do do Silk do. For sale by II N ALDRICH St Ct). Scotch Potatoes. HAMPERS of Red Aqiple Scnfeh I’o. AmlkW iHloosn choice urticle. Just rcoeivod und lor sale by C L Mx;NIHlI* fpti 19 Cotlfiisl). iVc. .A* BRLS picknlod Codfish, 100 knga Lard Just received and for snlo hy fob 1 W II THOMPSON Sr. CO, Honey. S UPERIOR Cuba Honey, just received, and for sale by THOR. M. TURNER, lob 20 Opposite tho Mansion House Razor Slraps. J jl MI RSON'S Elastic Razor .Straps J London Mugnniic do do Picksloy’s Royal York do do, with 1 razors in each Prentiss’ Celebrated 4 sided do do Stout’s Diamond Tublet, a now and improved artiolo A freih supply of theie superior Straps, to gether with a fino assortment of first qnnlitv English Razors warranted, just received anil for sale by G R. HENDKICKSON, feb 20 Gibbon’s Buildings. 50 Louisville built boat for sale. fftMIE undersigned has for sale on moderate I. tcim* one Louisvillo built boat burden 24 tons, in complete order for running. The boat cun be seen on application at the lurnbor yardjof the undersigned- fab 19—p JAMES TT. WADE. Scidlitz Powders. C ft GROCE genuine Seidlilz Powders 9 10 do do Hoda Powders 1 cuso Henry’s Mugnesia (roal) 1 do Trusses, assorted qualities .Tint received and for sale by iuno 13 g R HENDRICKSON. Wanted to Hire, B00 Negroes. rB\IJE subscribers wish to employ, by the I. month or your. 300 or morn Negroes, to work on the Goorgia Union Roil Road, in the neighborhood nf Augusta—wages liberal faro nml treatment such as will plnuse the own. ors, prompt payment, monthly,quarterly or year. . Iv, as is preferred. For further particulars, ap. ply to Messrs. Holcombo, Peck &. Co. Char, lesion. S. C. Savannah and Augusta, Goo., or to the undersigned, on tho works, 15 miles oft tho line of read west of Augusta. DAVID COOPER A BROTHERS, From Virginia, oct 12—t—Augusta Sentinct. French Fur Walking .Shoes, IftAftAft PAIR thick and thin sole French Fur Walking Shoes, a lieuutifjil ^ticle for winter, for sale by tfeft » BREED .V WARNER, Spdthrjd^ .-Mark >t jquafif. Hams, &.e. fl| /ft iftodft LBS Hupexior Mnnre. JI.R r«™r 9 >' ft# 100barrels N Y City I‘ Pork; 50 barrels Mohs N Y City Beef 50 do Primo do. Landing and for Rule by W II THOMPSON St CO. fubl Liverpool Potatoes, HAMPERS Liverpool Potatoes ft#ft# just received and far solo, by feb I CLAGHORN Sl WOOD. Astral Lamps. '■ ASTRAL Lamps, assorted, bronzed, JP ft# liiicquerud, and Lacquored und Gill, with rich cut shades, for sale hy A- R. KNAPP St, CO. jan 9 Adjoining tlio City Hotel Cotton Twine. flfft BALES Cotton Twine, suitable for nets 4vr and luines, just received nnd for sale by fab9 G R HENDRICKSON. Taxes. TMIIIE subscriber is prepared to receive the Taxes of Chatham county far tho year 1835 The hooks will bo clnsod and executions for defaulting taxes issued on and after lb" I Gtli day of March next. Ofliee hours from 10 un til 2 o’clock. feb 16—1| DAV1 DBF LL. t. o. r. o. Boy* Roots ami Satin Slippers. dk CASES Boys Calf Boots, a prime articlo Rft White nnd black Satin Slippers, both A- murieun and French, for sale hy BREED & WARNER, feb 2 South side market square. Madeira Wine. 1 ftf/ft DOZ Ceylon Mudeira Wino •#™F For sain by feb 15 PADELFORD. FAY & CO. Notia:. r(MIE firm of SLATER «f HODGES, JL will, as heretofore, from this day, Imi re. continued tft their former stand, where they will enntinue to keep u general assortnient of Dry Good* and Groceries, and hopeto share, among their friends and the public, a part ol their sup. port and pjitronagp, JOHN SLATER, fab 2 JNO. HODGES. 1’Vftbh Butter aud Codfish. ftT/ft/ft LBS superior fresh Rutter, put up ft#R wR r in rolls for family uso. 1 brl Pickled Codfish, just tenoiwd s^d far sf'elrv GAUDRY A. IEGRI EL. fafc Iff ThonifvsoitH Evo Water. A FRESH supply ofrirompsou* imlebrnted Eye Water, for the cure of sore and weak eyes. Just received and for “aid by G It HENDRICKSON. N. E. Hum. ftftf ft URLS Now England Rum, landing ft#"™ from brig Sea J»luml and for sale hy fab 18 P t; 8HICK *v ti COHEN* Notice. rftlJio subscribers respectfully request all those M. who have not soitloiJ tlieir laal yours bills lo do an in a few days HAMILTON HOUSTON St CO. fob 19 Cheap Dry Goods*, A T the store formerly uccupiod by Low, Taylor A. Co. is this day opened a gnnorol aaaortmant of British and American Fancy Dry Goods, which will ho sold at unusually low low prices, at wholesale or retail. fall 10—to JAMES R GREADY Just Kuccived, and tor sale, A HANDSOME ofNortment of Burniiches, both double and single, also two huml some Buggies, and several light wagons, all of which will lie sold on reasonable terms by feh 17—re FRED’K DKNSLER. Fotatoos. ftft/ft/ft B/ILS. Plunling Polatnes, for mile ORFRr by CLAGHORN &. WOOD, febl Frrsh Honey. f ft BRLS fresh clear attained Havana IIo. 9 nov jo»t receiv'd and for snlo by fab 19 G R HENDRICKSON. Ladies Tuscan Bonnets (fee. A LARGE assort mont of Taidins Bonnets. 2 cases Ladies Orientcl Gipscy Tuscans. 2 cases Ladic« Oriental Cot In go Tuscans. 1 case Ladies split straw cottages. I case Ladies gipsey cottage* nml gipseys 2 eftses Ladies leghorn braid straw Bonnets For sale uncommonly low by wh<»le*ole nr re- Util. A. BENNETT; No 1 Young'* buildings. Market Square, jnn 29 For nalo hy Breed ife Warner ■ d ft( \ s L.S light Boots,soinn as low a* 250 8 88 2 cases cow hido do, a stout good ar ticle far salo by fob 2 it gone BREED A. WARNER, South iido of murks? iqinire ’ pilot and Navy Bread. -g /ft/ft BRLS Pilot and N*vy Bv>ud ilrlr 50 brla Prime I’- rk 100 do Mesa und Prime Beef 30 kegs Goshen Butter 100 brlsCuuul Flour. Just received irnd for sulo by CLAGHORN St WOOD, fab 6 llay, Hams aud Lard, tft/ft/ft BUNDLES Huy G00 choice Hums 100 keg* Lord, 75 brl* Prime PnrV, far •*bi by W II THOMPSON CO. feb 19 By l W Tn flN EMANN At Privute Sale. 2t) firkins prime V K Goshen Duller, landin- from brig Cumilla, and will be sold low from (he wharf ( *,q, y ' By F. W: HEINASTaNN: AT FRIVATK SAI.K, 50 liiixos fresli Lemoiia Ainu. 2 pipes pure IIolluixl Gin, an imported di» met ai ihi* port. f n j, „ Hy 7~W HEIN EMANN. At private Si In. 5 halo*' Loml'iii Duflil Hlankota 10 bales OsnaburgN 50 qr and eight Casks dry Malaga Wiha 100 barrels Riclnuond Flour 150 du Canal ditto, Ju»). r- -,lived nnd will be sold on ucconunoduting l)ih 5 b Steel Pena. ftl 1 /ft GR(J(,L (xilhita enlehratnil nml irnp-n • SRr vod Steel Pens, Jus) ruce.v.d uml cr sale by (4. R. HENDRICKmi.V jnn 14 Storage, rpiHR urnlopsigtiud, uoii tako 3 or 400 half-s H t ulkMi uii storage, __fah4 WOODBR1DGB St MAY. Sugars. ■ /ft linitfl prime Porto Rirn Sugar M vr 5 do do St Cr-ux Ho 15 hnxo* lit nml 2d quality Loaf Sugar 10 brls KU|mrior Lmd' ,|„ Junt received and for snlo hy fob 3 GAUDRY Sr LEGRlETa Pipe ClftV. J BARREL Ripe or Pmier Baker'* Clay, f',«j axtriieting Grease and Oil spots from Ri|'k/» Cottons, Woollens und Floors, jur.t received -ml for miIo l.y G. R. HENDRICKSON. feh 9 Ladies* French Shoes. • ■ TROM tlm mnnufaciory nf (L Lana A .'nn J1 Ladies' Colored Morm o Slips do Black do (In Kid dq do Persian " nlking Shoes, far sale by J*nH. N. ALDRICH «v C() Proviaions (fee. 1 ft>/ft URLS N Y Prime Beef 75 do do mesa do 100 do Portsmouth No 1 do 50 do Prime Pork City Inspected 30 do Moss do do 15 half do pig Pork 18 do Fulton Market nc.ef 2ll do Porlsinmitli Mas* Buaf 75 brls No 2 Mackerel fi t do No I do 50 half do -do. 30 do No 2 do 20ll kit* do 1 and 2 Mackerel 3(1 kegs choice Go-lien Uniter 50 boxes first sort smoked Herring 5000 Cuemnhei Pickles in Vinegar 5000 wt Codfish, 500 wt suiukud Beef 30rt choice New Hams 50 brls und Half brls Flour 45 half and qr bills Buck Wheat Meal 20 bris and i brl* Corn meal In htore and fur sale by feh 9 ENSWORTH St va Y. Groceries, Provisions (fee. ■ /|/ft n«LM N Y **ily Prime Pork 500 choice Ham* GO brls Me** Beef. 100 socks Salt 20 kegs (Jo-hen Butler 75 k'*C* Lard, 10 baskets Sweet <tij 100 brls Pntatnos, 500 biinohea Onions* GO bug* Coffee, 50 barrel* Sugar 300 boxes Sperm Cundluii 21 brl-Georgia Syrup 15 do L' S Molasses, 75 boxes ^oap 10 half lirli F M Beef 9 brlsVinegir. 4 piped Holland Gin 15 boxes Champa gne Cider 400 huHkets Salt. 38 keg* No 1 Tobacco 20 boxo- F,efniiii Syrup 5009 lb* Oakum, 20 kega Crackflra mi t received and for salo faw by fa^? WM H. THOMPSON Sl O». Pilot Brood, <fec. *“ Mipcrio Pilot Bread ft#"^ 75 do Prime Beef 100 half bbla Canal Flour, far sale by fab 13 CLAGHORN A* WOOD Fairbauk’a l’ntont l’la: form Seal.:. A N itftSi>rtin*nt of thn aliove scales juat r« % . f% r.ecnituul and for iqile liy wUr