The daily Georgian. (Savannah) 1835-1847, March 17, 1836, Image 1

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©PdRQIAW;# Tfio HuLacribers O FFER fur *uio an ext u*iv«: assortin' nl of Grncrrios, Family Stores Ac. consisting in purl of tl.o follow mg nr lain* lO.ltO ) U>* new Hicou, a-sorted, HniuAFlilchaa 2J0 superior IImm Pickled nmi smoked Salmon, Sordino* pickled Codfish, aumkeil Tonguua Dry Uct f, Itulnna Sausages Fu'teiV Market Boof Scotch Herrings, Soda Biscuit Butter and Water Cruckors Sugar Bi-nuit 25 liulf MM* Suporfino Flour 20 bill* Flour 2.5 bn*u* It >iama 1U Mil* *nfl *>iult Almond*. fresh Current*, Prune* 25 basket- Swot Oil, Capers, Olivua 20 keg. Endor’s Tobacco JO boxes Ping. IC's and 32's 5olre*ls Puwchong Tea, Hyson, Gimpnw der and Imperial, in 2 In cudi-a pickles pul up in one and two gallon jar», also m quarts and plots, English Suucu of nil kinds 200 boxes table Sail. 100 woks Lit. ground F Hill lilils Alum Salt, Salt Poire 100 boxes and 50 half do Do'ditllos Snap 100 lioxan Pipes, 2.5 do Colgate’s beat Slurch I keg pearl Burley, 2 bids Itace (linger 1U0 mat* Cussia, Popper, Spieo, Mace, Nut- inegH 10 boxes Alexandria Sugars 1 lilul Long Loaf Tobacco 10 boxes Clind.ilatn, an assortment of swont Chocnluto 100 bags Kin, St Domingo ond J -vo Collco 2 bulo* M"Clia do 400 bags Shot, a-sorted sizos, 1 ion I."nU Currant Jelly, Brandy pr--«rved 1 onclies Preserved Citron, Rr.He, Co'migo and Florida Water 10,000 Spanish S* gar-. Also, i, g assort- nmnt uf Wmo«, Cordials. LiqUursAo. innrcli 11 GAUDKV A LF.GK1KL. White and Bluck llals, n’t I IF. anb-cnbers Imvo received u few cases .1 of Huts, for Spring wour. Tim manuruc- furor says, they possess every quality requisite in the most cosily hat, being made on n line lur body, in-tead of wool, with llie finest Beaver hi,up, Tliny rotuin iboir color, shape, elasiid- ty Hnd fuiisli in nil weutliors mid climates—qua lities which these en wonl bedies. and made in the ordinary way cannot possess, lor sale, wholesale nr re ail, by HAMILTON, IIOUSION.A Co mar 10 -, Houston & To ts ?! A V H .ernivod wtr roflnnt, * s— li VrtnMtlt nf Wi.ilo ....I ■™ J ™ . Into .ill. * hil r ho". <?,i'iTriO"lomlker- c s , ic-u*,*. «,r rot.nil. . —■ Now Orleans, Molars, «tee. Just r err it'd per 'rani it if, wsh I.BLS. prime New Orleans Molnasos 100do de Pork, fir-mD by mar 10 CL A ft HO ItN A WOOD. New Baon. 20,000 llcof—I. .udiug and for -ale by mar 10 W. H TIH > M PSt >N & Co. F. M. Beef. H g a HALF Iirls Fulton Market Beef, just B received per ship Milledgevillo and lor Bale by GAUDltY A LEGK1EL. tub 24 Slock Tor Salo. -g w SHAKES Sie mis,at Company Stock. fttbaa A| ' |lly "lVQOI)HBH>UB h. MAY. Madeira " ine. -« mssk !)()'/ Ceylon Muduira Wino * j Oil For silo by l.b 15 PADF.LFORD, FAY A CO. ROBERT I1AUERMIAM. I inrien Bank Stin k. 15 SHAKES for rule. Apply to mar Hi—p Prime I 151) ,,ULS r mar 10 k and licel. IC I* rt, 100 do do lb of, 70 do N„l|{.,.f, 50 do Men* Co L5 half bid-. Mo-s Beef, 10 do do Pig P.,rk—Forraleby ENSWOUTH * WAY. Notice. fBMIE copartnership heretofore consisting under the firm of II. Snider A Co. is dis solved by muiuul consent. Person* indebted are requested lo ninke Inuncduiti payment to B. Snider who will settle all tho uflairs of the late firm. B. SNIPER, fob 9 P II BEEN, inarch 1 — re Notieo.. ri^HE subscriber will continue tho dry good M business ut tho old aland Shnd’a Building and will keep un extensive assortment of Briti-h, French, India and American Muiiufoclurod goods which ho oilers at whole-ale mid retail ut his usual accommodating terms, march 1 —10 BENJAMIN' SNIDER Bacon. [.IIS. Cincinnati Shoiil. diTN, in linn order, lor COHEN A MILLER. 10.0ttO L * sale by march 1 Ploughs and Trace 1 'hums. 'r- PAIR Tr»co Chains 9Jt "r *Jr 150 Freeborn's Ploughs 100 <lo7. Plough Lino , nsHiirt. d For sule by N U A II WEED, march I Svllto Blades and Sickles. i)OZ Syiho Bides, patent & common 75 d"Z Sickle* For sale by N B A 11 WEED. March I Heal Irish Potatoes. HAMPERS, wurrunlud sound, just ./ received direct, and Inr sale low Ly Proposals ILL b«! received i>y 'he undersigned f r » » building a bridge over ilio l'an >1 <m the Augusta Roue, according t, tho following spe- w walls or Clliuiillens •file bridge to he on two alrutni pin- nf In iek, I lie fmmdulioii >if which lo lie laid 12 inches below the b imm of the canal, thu wall t" lie 5 brick .-r 45 inches think ut the bo tom. and to Is- built battering a, out 1 inrli to the foot so us to make or redm-e lie think. nesM ot the wall at the top to -T* brink or 31 inches. The ubutiiHMil walls III bn 14 lout above the foundation, and 2D hnt each in length, Hand 21 i fuel apart ut the foundation, mid 2.'l fo„< ID inches iipurl on tin, top. Too Wills to bo capped with plains • f bnsl id iek ny. re s tun. bur 12 x Ui mclios, the slnepers of tho Bridge to ho of Miiitid burnt timber of li by |G inches, to lu connected with the wall pluio- by jobbing them d-wn, to bn tuid on narrow edge, mul u bi not no-re than Id inches apart. Tho plat form nr flo-r «f t!»o Bridge to be covered with 2 inch plank, sound and lieu from sup. The pbii form to bo 19 feet wide in tho obmro botween ini* posts anil ratling 5 tho posts to be G inches square, to stand ID feet up irt, 5 feci high, and to |,o tenanted into 4 inch joint, which must run entirely across and reaching the bridge so as lo admit u liruce to be framed lo oucli post on tho outer side, which is to he down ; the p »-ts to bo capped w i:h u rail of 5 x G inchc-, to run lliu wliolu length of the Bridge mul descent . . .i. ii •••• —sieu. I no ro.,d up to the ubutiiients on each side lo the pins nr abuliiu ills to be tilled upsidid willieurlh lo the top or ill" plat f"i Wing walls from each ond of tho poors, to eland ut nn angle, of GO de grees with the peers, tho peers uf which to bo built battoeing as the peers; the founditiun to lie I font below hot. loin of‘lie canal, to be built up to the lcvolnP& extending to too banks thu Can ,1; tlio thick* iiohs of .Iihso wall to lie — brick or — inches at bottom, — brick or — indie- thick at top, to l,o well capped With — Tbo poors and wing walls lo b, well secured with irmi anchors into the banks, and iron plates on the face of the wall. The constructor in furui-h all the nc ossary materials, which must be of the best quality, and to coutpl to the work in tlm best ivork- munliko manner. Tue cirih filled into the road t-, be well secured by timber, and tho wing Walls in tho rour to Imj supported by earth filled in as high as the banka. Tho corners where tho wing walls join the uhiitiuciiU, to show nn angle, hul in bo drunded nil'. I’rnpo-iiIs will bo rocoived until thoSIst, by either of the undoreig cd. JAMES POTTER, JVMES WALLACE, W. W. GORDON, Coiiimi-siuners Augusta Ruud, march 11 'Osnabmgs, Burlaps, ami JVwlass. | j /a 1’IECES mi per line Osnuburgs 110 do fine ®* do GO do Low priced do SO do do do DnWlass 3D do superfine do 40 do Creguliua 50 do Burl*p'. fj«st received and fur cnln by BENJAMIN SNIDER, march 11 fob 27 MICH. DILLON. Telfair’s Wharf. ]li»:o and liny. 1 4k TIERCES small A. middling Rice "r 50U bundles prime Entorn Hay I.V"l«by Mil’ll. DILLON, teb 27 Telfair’s Wharf. Strayed. A SORREL Horse uliniil 15 hands high . all nl hi- legs while and a Idaso face, I JAMES PORCHER Irish Whiskey <Sc (’rockery. FEW puncheons Whiskey, pure as parted, and a tow crates uf well assorted Crock'ry. fur sale by MICH. DILLON, fob 27 Telf.iir’H Wlmrf. A. Wood & AVE received by brig Madison, One trunk f.adios French More Slippers Ono do do Kid do, L<ino & Sons. ‘ fob 25 Central Kail Bond and Banking Com pany of (ioorgio, KLECTItiS or DIRECTORS' I® OTICE is tiorehy given thut an Election i \ for Nine Dooeior-to manage the iitlait- n|* the said Comp my, will bn luddini u-uI t the snporintendenee of the undeiaigned t'. minis, s ours, on Monday the 2 ;; lu duy uf Mnrelniext, al the Exchange in thu city of Savanonli. The polls will be open from ID o'clock A. M. to 2 1’. M., und from 3 1’. M, to 5 P \L WM B UELLOCH, I W W GORDON. R HABERSHAM, S B PARK MAN, J P HENRY. J 1» WILLIAMSON, J STONE. I) BURROUGHS, 1 MINIS, W TAYIOR, (• B LAMAR. O W ANDERSON', It R (T YLER, Choice Old Madeira, IRO.M the linuso of Gordon, Doll* Go. 1 Madeira imported via Charlostoii per brig Dimoii, ill iiglilba,qunrtors and casks for sale by dee f feb 6 ADAMS A BURROUGHS. Camp Gil, GALLS Winter pressed Sperm Oil, very light color, for sale by T M TURNER, Opposite the Mnn-Jon House. To Southern Planters. HALLOCK «f* RATES, Nn 2'J4, Trail slrret, AVtr York, S ® E 8PECTFULLY invite the attention of 4l Southern Dealers to their slock of Good now receiving for their spring sales. They have materially increased 'heir slock of French silk goods nnd fincy articles, as also lltu vici ous limds of inuslius and Swiss goods, collar*, ciijws, Ac. A c. which, Sogethnr with their ox- ten ivi) stock "f sluple, foieign, and domestic dry goods, coiiiprisns an ussortmunl prolmhly equal to any over ullbred in tho city. The ut. most exertions will be made to give in ull re. spools entire satisfaction to all who may fuvur Inom with n share oftheir trade, fob 9i-2iu »?> ('urn. BUSHELS prime N<>rthnrn Carolina (’orn, landing fnm sclirTwo Brothers, at Telfair’s wharf, und for sule al reduced prices, in bds lo-uit pnrelmaers, by MIGHT. DILLON, mar 11 Telfair’s wharf. Lemons. •Tb ik BOXES superior Sicily Lemons, for O Ip' -ale by CLMcNISH. march II , Spanish Segars. w 4k4k M. from Havana, difl’erent qualities 2D boxes Doolittle’s No. 1 Soap 20 boxes Geo Jackson do 1DD do Georgia Bundles 3D do Northern do, Jack«on’s ID do Spermaceti, Now Bedford 12 do Colgate- Starch 20 half casks Peppermint Cordial, for Hale by L BALDWIN A CO. mar 3 Crenin Ale. A FURTHER -upptyef very snporior stock- Ale, landing nod for sale by MICH DILLON, fell 27 Tellair’- Wlnirf. Potatoes. HAMPERS "I Red Apple Scotch Pn- &9 i 9 tul' cs a olioico article. Just received and for sale by C L McNlSIl 1 ll-b 1!) Kmpty B< titles. C 1ASFT paid for empty tb-ttlos of all-i/.n-ond shapes by CUPPEE A BUWNE. fob 25 "BiL BBLS. Maynard A Noyes’ superior Ink, 2 do do du 2d quality, suit able for marking cotton bags, at 75 coots por gallon, just received and for sule bv mar 5 G. R. HENDRICKSON. Brandy and Gin. urn' PIPES Cognac*Brandy 'Ti' 1 "- l r iAfi"ar l .i.oN, fr-h 29 Tolfoirs wharf. I’ftit Gulf (’niton Sped. S ANDING tin* day from brig Augusta, at .J Anciuux’whnif Petit Gulf Cotton Seed, (teoompnniod with cortificutos) for sale in Mb to suit purchasers by feb 13 COHEN A MILLER- Tobacco. tTtk4k GROCE Mr*. Miller*- Cul Tobacco, t " 15 cn*es Bonn's natural Sweet Leaf do.—Just received und f.-rsulnhy mar 5 G. R. HENDRICKSON iSollCC. rH 'lib undersigned having uni oil their inter- U esls in the practic of the Law, tender their profe-sionul services to tho public. All business in tho several Superior Courts for the Eu-tern District of Gunrgia, or in the Six'll Circuit and District Courts of I ho t oiled Stales for the Di«lnot <>f of Georgia, entrusted to their earn, will receive,strict attention. Their of lice, ilia one now occupied by M 11. Me Allis, lor on tho Bay. m hall McAllister. C S. HENRY. Suvnnnnh, Fell 25th, ll33G, I iard. J UST'received. 100 kegs Lard, for «nlo by feb27 CI.AGHORN A WOOD. Fairbanks Patent Platform Scales. A N «-«• riment of the above scales just re- rernived uud for sale by feb IS COHEN A MILT,ER. DCT* Filial Ntittco. A T L persons ihdi btml to tbn sub r'iber-, Jm whether by note or book iconunt nuu> due, are requested to s" tin ll»e sumo without del iy, or tlu-y will lie pliqed ifi the bands of an alter nov f*r cullcetion. J‘ b 13 PRICK A MALLERY. Howard. K AN* A WAY from the Subscriber* about Cliri tm s, WILLIAM, known by the nntite of Bill Hlnko : formerly the properly of Col. M. Myers, uud travailed with him through tho up country, tbn lu-tsiinmtor. William i- n bright mulatto, wWi sifbight Inir, about 5 foot ID rnches high, thick set, nud rutlier flu-hy, with rather small red, a! hl"mishotten ayes, with n full faco, is very A,nd if^npiiiis, wo hnvn no doubt, lio will try 1 o'*pits- hunsrlf tor n while rnno. Tim above reward w ill lie paid on his being apprehended und lodged in any jail so wu cuii get him, giving us information of thu fact at ibis place, Savuimuh. fob 2D BEALL A GRAVES. ID* Tbn Charleston t'mriur, und AugilHtn Coiistitutionnlist, will poldish tho above once a week for /bur weeks, ami sond their bill for Cul. loctinn. Ladies and (ientlomons ('luaks. T UI E huldiico uii bund ore uflerud ul reduced price by HAMILTON HOUSTON' A CO. feb 1 'I . fiats. TMlHE subseribnrB have per slop M lllodgn. JL villio, an n-*ortrnonl of Silli, and short knapped Beaver lint-, of the very bo-t quality, wholesale and retail by HAMILTON, HOUSTON A CO. fell 22 Hay. ' BUNDLES first quality Eastern Hay. for sulo t»y fab22 .MICH. DILLON. The Stibscriltor I LI, louse for ono or morn years his Plantation on tho Grout Ogee lion River with the privilege of cutting line wortd for fire woodland having thu udvuiituguof a good land log on the river, oilers Ihn ndvmtago of being able to linvu the wood shipped when the Canal unimnl bo used. For terms please upply to the subscriber in Savannah'. jan 4 LB. READ. Philailoliilua Boots. B UST recoiled from Philadelphia, 10 cases lino (tall, fiir stitch'd Boots, 5, “ " “ “ " Navy Shoos, 3 “ •• “ *• “ Sir.ipt Shoes, A light und handsome article, for solo, by BREED A WARNER, Smith Side of Market Square, Hozor Htfops. M 1 RSON'S Eln-tic Un/.or Straps I London Magnetic do do Pick-ley’s Royal York do do, with 1 razors in each _ Front is-’ Celebrated 4 -Wed do do Stout's Diamond Tulilet, u nov and iuiprovod ar lie In v A fresh supply nf tbe-e superior Straps, to gether with a fine assoitment of fir® l quality English Razors trarranleil, just received and for sale by G It. JJKMJKICKSON, feb 20 GililmiiV Buildings. French Fur Walking Shoes. PAIR thick and lliiu solo French Fur Walking Shoes, u beautiful article for winter, for sale by tub 2 BREED A WARNER, South side market square. Just Kqcoived, iii him order. Apples, Peaches, nnd Plumbs, for sale l,y TITOS. WOOD, maruh 2 w 00 URLS Apple. Also, dried (’o|mrttier.shi|). rnvIIE unduraigned Imvo thisdny formed a a. cuparlnershiii, and tlion liiiaiuesn will in fimire ho nonduetod under th.» Drill of •• Snow A. ltegora "* ISAAC SNOW, GEO- T. ROGERS. Drrion, Jon- 1,1839. (jan ft) Bovs Boots and Satin Slipping. 4® CASES Boyn Cult'Bout-, a prime article x|P White and black Sul in Slippers, both A- umrienn anil Front'll, for sale bv breed -t Warner, fub 2 Smith side market square. (.’nl Tobacco. A FRESH supply of Mrs. Millers Cut To- bueeu, ju»l rwmivuland for -ule by Til OS. M TURNER fell 5 Oppn-iie Hie Mansion House. Mfit’s low price Qat8, K F.CEIVF.Dhy the last arrival- u large as. HnrliiuMit of men’s white nud black hats suitable for tuwn or country Irndo. For snlo by A. WOOD A CO. fob 25 SO do. COHEN A MILLER. Steel Fens. G ROCK Gillots celebrated und impro vod Steel Pons, Just received and er mile by G. R. HENDRICKSON. !"" I l SllgUl and < ollbu. (4HDDS prime I’tirn Rico Sugar 10D package* Leaf Sugar, various qunl. IDO iing* Rio CeH’eo SIN) bug* prime green Cuba Cofliio 3D bigs St. Domingo For twin by march I J i:t!j«:in«r. njlHE snliserihnr n tiers for «alo a lot of heavy .1. 4*2 moll Dundee Bagging. march f SI) CORBITT. St.mjirs, M. half Spanish Segars. for snlo by THOMAS M TURNER, Opposite tho M||iis|on llou-o. Just kecoivucf, (’ ASES •• R'ltloNhoimor" Wino do Hoekhi'imur" do do •• Old l’ori" (Barclay double grape) 5D tlo Claret, various brands ]DD tloz. Ctirruul Jullny (ID •• Cranberry do 2D cases Northern preserves, assorted 15 do Havana “ “ 5D lllds I.oufSugur, of Slip, quality And f >r snlo by C, L. McNlSH. march 9 Bacon. /■f4K4h HAMS uud 25D side* Bacon, of superior qtnlily, ju-t received hy the Tantivy, fiom New.()rltmn«, and lor sule low by C. L. McNlSH. march 9 Buck Skin Shoos. AD1ES Buck Skin Shoos do do Slippor* Received and for Hale by feb 3 II. N. ALDRICH A CO. St t'tl I’ctntons. BIH.S, White P..Uituo«, EOll LIVER TOOL. , ' ra * Wr. ship ADELAIDE, .Cupt, Bsinbridge. For Iruigbi, uiiply Ell) NO A JAS RE EOll LIVERrOOL. Thn lir. ship REWARD, Captain y.' VKenin. will sail with d"*patch. For freight ol 50l) b.iles onlloti, uoply to ADAMS A, BURROUGHS. For mile, 5U0 Hacks Suit • fell 9—1. FOHNEWYOHK. The superior coppered brig EDWARD, A Berry, muster having • be principal 2kuj£p>rt of her cargo engaged will racuivu immodlate dn-palnli. Fortner iliainiug freight under deck, and 100 bates Colt n un dock, apply in. J II LADD, rnar 14—-p AVillinmmnis Buildings. roil ruovii>enve, !‘VN AUK ONI.V, 4 -pv Tho splendid brig WILLIAM TAY. AASkLOK, J. B irinm, mn-ter. will sail iii a JSiiESfasf w liny*. For pi-mige, Jiuvuig uxniil. loui neitouiniudatinn-. npplv on hoard, nr to mar 8 PA DEI. FORD, FAY A CO. FOR NEW YORK (KSTAiu.iHiiKn + Tho reg ilar packet brig S A D I. R. Roane, master, having half her cargo lyVjjjgjengngnd, will Itovu immediate despatch. For balance nf freight nr passage apply tnCnpt 1). on limrd at Jmi'-’ upimr wlmrf nr to mar 12 TUP PE It A SIST ARE. “FOR 11.11,TlMOR E, Tim Mih-'antiul and fust sailing Hr hr. JlDA. C. Carr, Master, will leave this Uf r the idiovu port in thn nour o "t this For I'roight or pannago, apply n hoard FRANCIS SORREL. SO mar ft 20' 1/ soo fur planting. In good nrner. for sule by rnnr ID miilnbln ner, I E NS WORTH A WAY Fur Sale, Firinhi or Charter. ^ Tho sclir SCR ATCIIK.U, now ly'ntg 'nl Junes' wharf, lu readinu** in receive ticurgn. Tim solir in of light df.J", uud d answer well for tbo inland nn vigudon. k would answer well fur tho inland nnvigu mar 15 BAYARD A HUNTER. FOR A/:it oku;a.\s. M *'The regular packet «ohr TANTIVY, Tbo*. Duoli mi, Master, will Icuvc thi* forties ovu on Wedimsii.iy next, 19th inst. For freight or pu-suge. apply on b>ird, ur to CI.AGIIOKN A WOOD, mar 10 (1./* The AugustnCenstitulioti.ilisl will ploave givu tbn nbovo throw in-urlion* uud furward their account to (! A W t«»r puymout. FOR II IV \ Y.l. v Tho snbr. SCIOTO, Tilden, master. \F»r freight or passage, upply to the mas- L. BALDWIN A. CO. ;j,ler mi hourd, march 7 Macon Kleumboat Company. A <ZJi “8K _ SyTnp THIS DAY, I lie ID.I iii.I will he sold n fir t rule cm k washer and house servant — Sold fi r n>> fault, timber iliuii «ti*uuiiteiiied W ith ..or owner*. rnar 16 Hi, F. W. UIUKASfXiiN. THIS DAY, 1 Gtli instant, at II o'clock, will lie solo in front of store, a guncru! u**urt- mull ofGrouerios und Gb.aswuru. Aim-, 10 qr casks Marseille* Wino Id iirls (!lmrry Bmi nin ft do Pepa,nil'll Cordial 2ft li'-xu- iiard Simp 50 ball'liiixos 95 Imxes Nagfo Pi|» s, and KHit) wi Blcoii/Shmildor. rnar ID Term* nn»h Hplciitliil Brinis and J'iiigruvings at Auction. lly S. Villi,ERICK d * This Evnrrirrg, lliih mnunt, V •. tlm sales room, corner of ilnv in... strowls, an oxleiisivw collection nl' tin graving* and French nud English 1. ic Prill's, Imtli p|,iu and eoloriwl, mu i am Hie works "f Sir Jo-hu . Reym Id... number*, ol'IIngirlh in 49 part*. Tim National Gallery ot Pictures, 52 ; • > Paris uud il- Environ' . 51 parts 1’ictim-qua view * uf Grom IJrram. g/. Thu Pandemonium, Satan m C iiiimI », tin Illltsti ili.ius to Shakesjinar , 91 prii * • Optic. Gbis-us with 24 Paimmiiin' V Jlmilii.g Suunus, Lund cupo , A march Hi Sale positive uud lei lly G. SII/CK $ O.COI1 *. THE** DAY, 19th iii*i will Ixr sold • t of siore ut 11 o'clock, 2D seg auporinr butler 2D hexes l.ilko Fay's Soap 2D h xu* ri|ies, Ac Ac 60 remits Wrapping Paper wr ID Jorma c>«h. A in n st rotor*' Solo, Ihj S nil Lit RICK ,f CO. On die lir*. Tuesday in April next nl 11 o'clock in front uf tbn Conn IE.use, ilio following nice Ni glues. Viz: Scipin, Patience, Jim, George, Jon e*tto, l .ck, Juk i, J icoli mi l Juo, belonging to the E-'nte nl John H Morel, E*q. dccouksd and »e d by o< n • n of parties, the former .put-, ciuflurs un havi g ".. rnple d w ith terms ot sale. Con :i ions cash, purchasers puying for tilla*. in tr 14 Goslu'it Butior. lly /». O. SII/CK •)• O. COHEN. At private *nh 29 firlti-s superior Goshen B'lltor, ju*l ron . vod limn New York per *j|ir Exact, and wil. he mil low if taken from the vvliurf. march 12 T 1 Biiltdr, Lard, &c. fme KEt.S Goshen Butter, 5U do Lard 12 doz Corn Brooms 25 halfbrls No I Mackerel, for sals by feb22 CLAGHORN vA WOOD. Cotton Twine, BALES Cotton Twino, suitable for net* and seines, just rnceived mul for snle by fob 9 G R HENDRICKSON. Bunch Island Corn [ N tbo ear. ju-t received and for -ale in lots to suit purchaser* by MICH DIILLON, mar 3 Telfair's wharf. Notice. A LL pcson* having demands against the os- tale of l)r. M. II lluig. late of Charles ton, S. C. deceased, are requested to, present them, properly attested, without delay, and those indebted to -aid estate, to make payment l„ ROUT. HABERSHAM, march IS Executor.* Law' Notice. T HE undersigned h *ving united in the prne. tine ot uw, ulider tho firm of POE A NE.SBIT, will attend the several Cnnrte uf ihu Flint, nnd Joiioa of the Onmulgaeo circuit — Their nflic * is in tlir roar room, second story nf Couke A Cowles' store over George \V. Price ii (•„. W ASHINGTON POE, in*. It -ut JAMES A.X SljJT. Tupper Ai Sistare. ,j FFF.R for sule on terms A jf 71) boxes primo claved Sugar 3D bags prime old Java Colleo 2D do good "Id Rio 10 brl- 1st Quality Lout Sugar 2D eiglitE casks dry Malaga Wiua , 1, Old Madeira Wino of ? , . ,U ?i lor i- approved brands, und „ I direct importation. 3 pij'cs J ' at 60 thousand superior Spanish tsegars 25 pacluigos London Brown Sluul,quarts ami plirts 20 “ .. p a ln Alo “ •• 2.5 haskote ChiiinpogMD Jolly ") 40 “ '• Ivey 20 “ •• Lafayette 20 •• o j c 2 pipes Domestic Brandy 4 kegs Load 3IU) hags YuuIo’h Patent Shot, assorted job 17 W I'Vancis Sorrel. O FFERS f*.r sain in stores, 15D.DDD -uperior -Spanish Segars 17 pes Colton Bagging ID bid* old Poach Brandy 4D o iska Malaga Winn, 'pure as imported) 3D cu-ksTeunriH'c do ID hbl* Peppermint Cordials ID do Chorry Bonneo 3 qr casks Cherry Wino 4 cask* Seotco Alo 30 cases Madeira Wine f tho brand of Guo Duy Walsh 3 boxes Cnvcii'li-h Tobacco . 3 bales Blankets mar II Received hy Sehr. Kxact. I CAsE Light Prints, single colour 1 do do do two do ID pieces super French Cambrics 10 do bl.u'k and white Ginghams ID do light fancy do 3 pieces Linen Bed Ticking 3 do 9 4 Black Merino 5 do 0.1 Bl ick Bombazine 12 dnz Liidioa white English Colton Hose 2D do. do. bluck and sUtn do do 20 do. miss a black und culorod Coitun Hobo For sate by BENJAMIN SNIDER, march 12—rn Soap, Ttm HITE und varioguted Soap In bnr« very ▼ T lino suiluldo fi r fnmilio«, for sale by COPPER A BONVNE, feb 25 Young's Buildings Market square. Storage. / W • HE undersigned, can take 3 or 400 bales 9 Colton mi storage, fob4 WOt)DBRII)GE A. MAY. Cream Ale and Tobacco. "B IIRLS Cream Alo B $9 10 grooe Mrs Miller’s Chewing To. bucuo, just received uud for *il« by THUS. WOOD, mnr9 N" 4 Mmigin’s Wlmrf. Notice. rBlUE suhse.rilior’s ill ImaUh not permitting H hi* ntteiiding to collections all persons Indebted in him are requested to nail and settle their accounts previoo- to tbn loth March next. mp r ft—a JO I IN A. BEAU LA HI). Choice Si. Croix Sugar and Flour, g ■g'.B*, (IIIDS th"ico Si Croix Sugar JL JL *1W 7D do do I'urloricu do 30 prime Florida, do ) 350 brls (.'.mul 150 half do 250 b-Is Huwurd-st. For salo by mar 5 n>ur 5 J S COOMBS. For sale. 4 0AKRTAtifS, u light Barroueli and llirno fir l rulu Nortliurn Horses. For terms apply at this office. march 8—tlm*^ Filot nnd Navy Bread Ate. **>> BUI.R Pilot anil Navy Bread 0 M 50 brls New York p.imo Beef COD gn lone Lamp OH Just ruceivvd pur brig Madison nnd for sale by CLAGHORN A WOOD. fi-b 23 Petit Gulf Cotton Seed. A CCOM PAN IE1) with certificates, for sale in lots to suit pit chasers by mar 5 . GI'IIEN A MILfrEK. Fresh Olive Oil. 4 FEW baskets choice Sweei Oil; For sale by CUPPEE A UOWNE. feb 2 2 NY\» Goods. r g »HE siilucrilinrs have received by tbn Mad. 9. ison, a vurioly of Now Guod- for tho pro- sent aryl approaching season, among which are —Ahliutsford Fluid ('osaiiiiprus, un mi'iro new nnd rptito fashionable nrlieln; double ribli'd Von. itiuii CiiHsimere do. Al-oa variety ot Vestings, and u good supply of Ready Matin GnrinmitB. For sale by PRICE A MALLERY. fob 85 ri*r Fork nnd Corned Bout. ^ HALF brls Pig I’nrk J8 1(1 do do curned Bent For snle by TIIOS. NVOOD, murcli 2 No 4, Mongiii* Wharf. The Subscriber If £ A8 just rm-uived from Mcgfir*. Prince A. jK ¥ Sons, boxes of a-sorted Garden Sends, of the best quality, which lio oilers fi>r salo ul $1 per b<>x. A list uf thu seeds can bn *enn. inarch 8 I). POST ELL Central Hail Hoad and Hanking Com pany of Gcouria. OTICE is^Umeliy given, that tho under- i vi signed Committee will, at any lime be twcon the hours of ten, A. M. and one, I*. M. at ilio counting-hnusa of J. I'. Henry, issue cer tificates of Stock. S. B. PNRKMAN, J P. HENRY. It. It. CUYLER, fob 21 iKopiiblieBn] Gentlemen’s fine silk and Drab Hats. J UST received, a haiidsomo asHurtment of tho abovo articles of tbu latest -'yle. For snle by A WOOD A CO. fell 25 Fine Yitiuu. Xk CASES Guns, comprising a full as- HM® sortmunt of duiililu and single, flint and percussion, just recoiviul per ship Enchautrehs, from Liverpool! and for sale by murdi 1 N. B. A II. WEED. Just Hceived. a .*' II Tl I, S Vaubruiils llama in rplondid • V ordor 200 boxes table Salt 2D eases cay mi tie Popper lil do ourrio Powder 40doz London Mustard, 2 hales Allspice ft halos black pepper 50 lbs Mace, Nutmegs, Cloves, A.r. Fur sale by C L SlcMSIL march 11 Ship Milledgeville, for New York. P ASSENGERS for this uotivnyuucu uro ro. qnc-tcd to bo on boon! at 11 o'clock Thi* Morning, at which hour tho ship will sail, mar 11 STONE, WASHBURN ArO. Seullitz F'*wtiers. C 0 GROCF, genuine Seidlilz Powdnrs jS JO do do Soda Powders I case Henry’s Magnesia (real) 1 do Truss"*, assorted qualities .Tu*t received and for sale hy ;..n i'j G B HENDRICKSON. Irish Potatoes. HAMPERS Irish Potatoes,'direct fruit Irclund, Innding, and for sale MICH. DILLON, Telfair's wharf. P Corn, RIME, afloat, and for Bale hy march 7—1. R. HABERSHAM. Shot Guns. CASES Double Barrelled Percussion Gun* *5 ossoited. lliceivod, and f r sale by N. B. A II. WEED. fob 2.5 justice's Court. -March Term, 183(5. n USTICK MACDONNF.I’H •eturn day will bo iui Tuesday next, 15th Inst. Court dr.v. 2ft h inst. nur h 1-J Fastorn Hay. 4| BUNDLES superior liny, fur solo ' ff low by mar 10 ENSWOnTII A WAY. Leaf ■*B ik IIIiDS. Leaf Toburoo, landing from H. sclir. Tantivy; for sale hy i,. nr 10 ENSWORTH A WAY. Beach Island Corn. Bmliol* primo Beach I land Corn. Just rncnivi-d per Iron Steamboat mid Boats, and lur *"/•■ by iii roll 5 S I’ll ILBRfCk A CO. Hronjdit to Jail fflxIIIS duv. STEVEN, 5 lect ft inchos high, o about 90 years of ago,, who s«ys lio he- longs to Burwoll Bate-, living in Piiidcr Town, S. G. Y 2> PICKARD, Jailor. iii iroll 1 mar 4 {Spring Clothing. h ive per brig Sadi, a handsome n*. ▼ T Rorlinent "f Now Goods, suitable for the season—wholesale or retail, on uccommo- dating terms, bv HAMILTON, HOUSTON A CO. mar 4)7 Cavendish Tobacco* BOXES lioltwiob'H Superior Old Cov. ■lis/i Tobacco, just received nud for <;. K HENDRICKSON, Hay. BUNDLES prime N York Hay In tore nnd for sale hy fob 23 PA DELEOltD, FAY A CO. Cotton Need. £.-) f SACKS "Petit Golf" and 19 sack* " Mexican ” Cotton Seed, five bushels each, just recnived, per sclir. Three Sisters, from New Orlouns, and for rule hy fob 15 PADELI’t>R[), FAY A CO. Ficklcs. JARS assorted Pickles, just reneiv. ed per bliip .Millcdgeville, and for •alobv V. L. M’NISII. fell 24 'l Htlles. CASES fine percussion Riflos, ju-t rcceiv- » d and for *alo liy fob 24 Muslin. PIECES colored Dross Mu Pins, for 99 YP sale by NORTON A FULLER mnreb 9 . sUUh I d LACK Itiifian Silk, for sale by P march 9 NORTON A FULLER. Silks and Gauze. . dhdk FANCY Silk uud Guuzo SliawU, IflFir for sain by ma cli 9 NORTON & FUI.LF.It. Norton & Fuller, Hate for sale. T9 BALES Lowell Drillings JB. l(r ft do OsniiburgM 3 do .Shirtings 8 do Sheetings. All on uecuinniodnlirig Terms mar 9 Hank Slock. U l ANTED, 20 sluires PlantersII«nk Sfnek AN" 75 sliures stock Bank State Goer, gin — Apply to W ROBERTSON, niu'rf) On the Bay •Superior Spanish Sugars. g i J k , TRABUCO Segars, a su- # |"Tinr nrtmle, ^ 45,000 " Hilvo A, Co." do do Just received by recant uriivnls end for sale by C. L. McNKSlI- mnn'ti 7 Ht-lincd and Clarifiud Sugar. BLLS refilled LoufSugar 51) halt tierces du du 14 tierces clarified do Landing from sclir. Tantivy, direct from (be Louisiana Sugar Rufinory Company, nt Now- Orleans, for sale by COHEN A MILI.ER. march 9 liny l> Reel, tfco. *7* d BUNDLES Eastnrn Hay IllO bids Piiniu I’urk lfit) bills Prime B"of 108 do Mere Beer ID half lihls Pig Pork, 8do F M Boof 81 kegs Lard. 100 boxes Simp 4DO -neks Sail, 3DD Ini. Alum Halt 20 bid* Pickled Codfish 3000 cboico 11 ii in w 1 lit>l Suimds ATnngnea t do llalihiit Fin* K)0 Bolana Snusngns 20 kegs superior Goshon Bultor 10 buskols Sweet Oil, 3D bids Corn Meal, 150 do Flour 5d mi Pilot Kfuiid, 10 do Navy do « 50 kegs Butter Biscuit, 3D Ijii White Beans, 50 ling* Coflco 3D hox-s Tallow Cam!lea 20 hoxus Champaign Cider Just recmvnd and for salo by march 9 W. II. THOMPSON A CO. Potatoes, warranted 99 4 »x|r bound, for -alo low by fob 8 ENSWOUTH A WAY Tiie Dariun Lower Ni<*nm-Sn\v-Miji. f S again in lull operation nnd prepared to ex acute foreign order-, to any extent. Apply to K. A W. KING A CO. march 8—2ni just Hct'i ivod at J. A. Hnanlard’s, A FRESH a»*urtinmit of Ringlet Curls, cul- orod Muslins nnd Cambrics, Hewing Hilk Hliuwls, worked infant Bodioy and Caps, Ac Ac. Ac. Which articles and onliro Block of goods, will be put ot tlm most reaannntile price, for cash, wishing to diwjiose of tbo whole by the lust of May next, inarch 8—i. Hleuiubont SUPERIOR, Cupt George Wil,. cox do. EXCEL. " J.L Willeux. 'IIIIH coiilpaiiy have now their line of Boats nomplute order lor freighting. They have a new steamboat added lo their lino called the Superior; and ton T"w Bunts, Thu Boils will run regularly hotwuen Mnron nnd Durioit, one of llie slenmbonte leaving Di- riun ever}’ five or s'.t days will) tow bouts. The enmpnuy have now sixteen low bents, nil fir-t rate limits built expressly for tlm navigation of tbo Ocmiilgeo and Alutumnlia rivers; these in. uruitsed fiicililios vv ill enable the eompuiiy the iiiuuiih "I giving 'ho greatest duspalnh to cotton or uimds shipped hy their Imo They have u Hteiubniit und n number ofS|nopa to curry cotton nnd inorcliandizo between Da. rinn und Huvnniinh, nnd Dur’en nnd Charlostoii. Tbereare uUn live 111 r i♦*» punnets running reg. ulnrl.v hoi ween New York and l>i»imi, which collie to HuM'o and iMi'i lu li, ufDarion- Afienta far Ihe ahutP lliialt. L. BALDWIN A CO. Suvnnnnh. Rnvcie, IIknhv A Wai.ti.ii, Cliarluatoii. Hawks A Miiciiki.i., Darien, i»i:u. K. R'Uikiuh, Hawlviiiavillo.' J. CuiiOAlin .Mueou. jan 19 To Rout. The Store formerly nrciiph'd hy Mr. John F. J'urisut, us ii Juwellory Estiilililliineut. it is 'veil calculated for an ollicu. For term*, apuly lo feli 0 C Tj. M'NrslL (Juiitloitton'H Hals. Received per lute arrivals, 12 case* Coiiilmm n'* He* verllals, 4 do do hrmid hriuisdo, 8 do do Silk do. For snle hy II N ALDRICH A CO. Wrought Iron Ploughs, I ANDING 50 small wrought iron ploughs J uod a lot of corn nulls, some fixed in frnnie* and in store 9 corn vvinm wing machines 4 uuilb'wulurs, 2 iron pumps, fore nlo low hy mir.5 JOHN CANDLER. Butter, house nnd Hnkmti Sausages. I u ^ Casks Cheese 15 firkins Butter 5 boxes b< don a H ,ii-age- J ii-; reouiviid fr mi New Yo*l. iim ir*uln by wood, march 2 • " l Al ngins wlmrf. N B A II WEED. Flour & Mackerel. K BRL < (ten..l Flour, g 99 50 b*D N" 3 .Mackerel, Now landing from sclir. Tlionni* nnd f-r sale l, y HUI.COMBE, PECK A CO. Mar 14—p Fancy Prunes. CASES of the above in fine ordor jus received and for sale low by mar 14 H |, McMBII. (Jaiiitl Flour tStc*. UUST received, 40 itI* Cunal Flour. ltiO <’o. prime p irk. 50 hi Is Hies- pork. ftl) half brls N". mnckorel. For sale , CLAGHORN A WOOD. Mar 11 Illumination Glasses. CtUITABLE for occasion* of rejoicing. I ^ lew groco for sole by march 4 COPPER A BOW NR, For Snle. d\ ikik FEET wide 1 J in. Boards """F 40,01)0 do 1 in. do. 40,()U0 fool narrow flooring boards 11. F. WILI.INK The' anbsrrihor expects in a few weeks, full supply/of Lumber, uf all iletcriplioni, which lie will soil at tho lowest market price, full 29—rn White Havana Honey. B .VOR sale l,y COPl'EE A DOWNE. ’ feb 83 * Prune Fork. BRLS prime Pork 1*7*1 P 75 do d . Hoof 50 do .M"«* do, 1D0 do planting Pntntec* 7ft keg" I.ard, for into bv mar 8 CLAGHORN A WOOD. Jewett’s ('hcittieul Water Proof, VUi ARKANTED l" render Imots, shoo* v * nud all kinds of eathnr, impurvious to water, nnd when properly ap|dicd, will add 100 per cent, to the duritbili'y of thn li'uiner. A i'resli supjdy "f this artiel" jiret received and for sale hy It HENDRICKSON, Agent. Ilnv. BUNDLES fir-l qulily northern Hay, for sale hy TIIOS. WOOD, No 4. Mteigin's wharf. Hrantly, AVine, Poiler, Ace. PIPES gi'iiuine Old Brandy do do Port Wino ks London Porter 8 whole and 12 half Iirls Soda Biscuit ID whole and 15 liulf Iirls Wutor do 20 half brls Water Buiscuit ]() do BohIoii Cracker* 3 brls Sugar llou-o Molnssoa 2 do pickl' d Tongues, 4 do F M Beef G haU'hrls Ft/Ron .11 rt’ket B«of 3 boxes Biipcri' r Cavendish Tobacco Also, nn u-Hortmunt of dcniijnhna, ju-t receiv ed and for a* lo by C I. McNlSH, feb 22 *9 l’IPE 4* 3 do For soli*, by Breed iV- Warner a X\(’A^ES light Bunts,soiiio ns low n*250 f J ® Q enwacw hide do, n stout good ar- lirle, for lolo by BREED A WARN ER, Ob 2 South side ol' market square liDrillurd’s Snulf, Arc, 4 BBLS. Muccaboy uud Hcntcli HnufT, in lioMlos 251) Ilia. Mnccoboy Snuff, in jar« 70 do. Scnt"li do. Cut Tobacco. Just received and for sate try THUS. M. TURNER, Oppositei the Mansion House. Live Smils. d9 BBLS Ground Isig Wood, 20 do Green PP Copporns. ft do Alum, I do Mulder, 2D carboy* Oil Vitriol, 1 do Muriatic Acid, 1 do Nitric do', I ('croon 8pani h Indigo, 30 lbs Cochineal, received per Into arrival* nnd for ■ule on nconiiiinodtttiuK term-, hy f..|, 24 t; It. HEN DRICKSON Smoked Herring. BOXES of the above, a superior nrtinle, retuivod by brig Hoa 1*1. and nnd fur Bale by feh 13 CLAGHORN & WOOD. Twenty Dollar# Rewnnl W^OK tlm apprshausion nnd delivery lo tho p 1 jiilor of Chatham county, of DICK nnd HECTOR. Hectori* about ft feel 8 or 9 inch es high,durk complexion,a little knock-khood.uf a su'li'v look, mid has u scar on hi- hod occca- • ioneii by n cut from a broad nxe, is n esrncnter and Iniut builder, and it i* prolmldo be may work out ; he somotiMio* goes by tlm n me of P'min. as. Dick i* nbout ft feet ft or 0 inches big 1 ', Has a l ng *car on hi* lorel end. occasioned by u fall from the p-cking scifl'-ld, u> I *"itlers a Id le U* probable he may change bis ua up to ■Ii.,*. of Richard Dick i» il-o of iid .rk c-m- ploxion. EDWIN CHAPLIN, mar 11—ro SCO ('"i n Afloat. 11if I IV IIE/NEMANN 2.(IDO luuhela Corn, for sale in lota to suit purchasers. A!*o, 15 kegs goslian Butter just roceivod. itiar 12 II, fWhIIIKHMAXX. At privvte *»lo, 1 no boxes fir-t quality Fay's Soap, now land ing per Hchr. Exact, from New-Yuik. march I I ” III (V. HiStNUiXAUbi. At privntn sale, A negro fellow, u field baud uud jnhiiing she maker. m.irll Mutkcrtl, im;»]teh Hultcr, litui and Smoked Salmon. UY /*. a. shick 4- o. Cl 111 A Private Sale, Will Is* sold l"Vv if upplmd for inm.' 42 Mil* Mackerel ltiO k' g- Butter, IftO Smoked Sulnc • received per hr. -hip Erin. mar 11 Terms on; liy s' run.hrh k 4 , A 1 private sole. A few bait)* prime d'Jljich Bagging in p- uf 3(5 yard* tunning n snug ami very oonv puckage for triu*p"(latinii lo the i.ouniry, ! received and w ill bo -old low for cutdi mar 11 Kstnto Sul' s. BV /*. a MUCK 40. COHEN On Friday, 29lh April next, will he quonii y of l ou-elmid ond kitchen fu , belonging to the m-toio of John Mentlr : by order of iho udiniriiKlrntor*. mulch 10 Terms < . S iliFWttnimuxK. Ai IMvulu Sule, 10 blids pr me Afiiaeuvado Hug-r-. Ju ceived in store un excellent artiejo fur rutui , Also, ftO lihls Richmond and Balt inm re Finn? 3') do Middlings do 3iJ boxes Tallow C'liullns TO bid* Loaf Sugar, 9 boxes do dr um r II) Hi > W HHfNHAfAii N, A l Private Hale. 100 hoxe* Phamix N- I 8 , 10 hhl- Vinegar, just* re- iv> Mill.'dgnvlllo Tr ••in Now. Y<-rk ANn. 1DD.0DD Spmi-h Hcgnrs, various «:"• in b'.xcs of 100, 125, 250, 500 and 1000 . ■uitatdu for rotniler*. A l*o, 40 enunIntern, iiulurul sweet, James III. t Tobacco 50 kegs miim'I Twist Tobacco ft boxen Brown's bast Cnvcnd'oh do 20 keg- Goshen Butler, lor sale on nrrni. mnriathig |nr;np. maich !) Fiiniiliiri; at Auction. Hy .S' 1‘HU.MUCK 4 CO. ON THURSDAY, lie 17 h inst at 1) in the house formerly nci upicd by Mrs. 1... Wes' Broad street, sundry article* of /' hnhl amt Kitchen Furniture Am mg '• urn Tallies, ('Imirs, Bureaus, WasliMlnn" er* and D-isio*, Bedstead*, Fe-.llier Bud-, trns-cR, Blankets, liras* Atmirons, Hln v> Tonga, Ij'okmg Glisaes, Carpote. ('rockery und («las*wnre, Knives *mi I Spoons, An* Ac. logntber with a good inont nf Kiiclieii Furuituto. Terms c : mar 9 lly F. \V. HEIN EM ANN. AT I'rtlVATK HAI.K. 80,000 ll»< Bacon, consisting of;: Haul* and Hhmildcra 3 liulf pipm; |.ure Cognac Bran 50 Iirls fresli Ri hmohd Flour 19 crato* mumricd (.'ruckory war- Alan, An invoice Glan*wnre consisting of’ Wine*, liOiimiiuiloH, Jellies Bowls, f ((ii-irtM and pint- lutesl f.isliion*, Mr'i . . . . uiculs, Flower Puts, Ac. Also, fill sack* Blown Suit. KlD sucks Liverpool do 120 lioxcs Yellow Heap 3D buxea Tallow Caudle* 1 Ii lid prin.o leaf Tobacco, iu*» J mar 7 Jamaica Hum. By V. a. 8HICK 4.£- COHEN AT riUVATK *AI.B. 3 It ltd* Jainnica Rum. pure ns imported, w I be mid low and on very long credit to ■! > sule*. * mar 3 Spanish and American Sugars. hy r. a. shick 4 o. COHEN, At private Ante. 50,001) Spanish Sugars, various brand* 200 boxes American Segars Just received and for sule low on accommo dating terms. inor 3 Hi x riliLuiucK $ ciri At Private Snle. 500 hnmpiTs English Polulncn Also. 2')9 bii«hnl« English Pot*toe*, inur 3 s f oiluo. BY r. O. SHICK 4 O. COURN. A» Private S.iU, 75 brl* Green R|i< C< tPn, ibObaga do do IDO bag* Cub* da fob 19 Term* liboraj.