The daily Georgian. (Savannah) 1835-1847, February 09, 1837, Image 2

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©as osiQM&A&fa by vxiLuni ir. Bux.z.ooa v publish!* or fiiir law* or the umm, ■ *ND C1TV P*mTE*. nAii.T r%nca, pea atnrtrsf : *if»MT Do mint mii.r r*fE R . r * erx months : pive uu.wrfkly rAren, m annum. five*. TRUVKIUT rOR*!X Wn-THt, TKKKf. POLL*. All payable in advance. Frtm the Darien Telegraph, diet alt, DOBOY BAR. Coneepand,nee hetween Captain Kameay, *• aV., and Dr, Janet Troup, Mayor of . Darien W o wouQ draw public attention loth* fob «*!&$&, ?*•«*«** «» _ D**iw# p Nut. 3, 1830. V SS*.'a?M! oil'Xen. of I). rim, «l lh. Court llotjfo, • faw dart took. I w.. naueatad to aoliert you to turn/ lh. Bara efSajtaloand Doboj,Ifjrou will find ll eonro- ■loot to do ao. At tk» amt lima, I tender ttou, on Ulialf the citiuna, every aarlatanee In power •fford you in tho present slato of your teasel. The steamer Oomulgoe U «| lh* disposal of the Committee, to tow you to Doboy. J lure tho honor to be. Very re-pecifully/ Your "liedlnnt florr’I. JAMES TROUP, „ .. Mayor of Darlan- €apt /tom ray, U. S. trig Porpoise, BL Simon's Sound, Dn, ° I* d «roiar, January, 1837 -Sir/—Your invitation, and which now I liaro the honor to acknowledge, that I aliould insil- tote aentmo ol observation* upon Doboy, and Sapojo Bart,an far aa to the former,haa been exo. «uted and I must keg to express to you tho regrot whieh I fcel.that I cannot render upon a subject •feuel, Importance, each a Report aa faola and drcumrlancea to be oiled,would boar me through with. I mutt refer only to tho capacity, the convenience nfyour Bar , and perhaps the moft satisfactory reenurae will t« found in direct ro« feveace to tho bearing under which tho roun dinga ware made, that should there lie heroaf* ter, either the curloaity, or an imeraat to know, that the Bar had been accurately nbaorred upon joa have before you the points upon which Ilia determination waa reached. 'Upon thn Oar, and In running nut and in, the observations have ell, ca.ciilations upon tide conttderod. corrarpnnded, banoe any nna day’s retail, will suffice for the whole. The occasion to whieh I shall refer, was a period nf small wnier, the wnd for the several precading days etrong from the westward. * °n iho Bar, the floaoone hearing W, 4 N. Sap/1«, Light House W. N. W.-Littlo St7 Si- extreme point | W.—Easternmost point •f Blaokbeard, N. 4 B, lharo wore 80 font— Ranging to the Southward upon a S. W. by 8. course and beyond where thn Pilote croaa tho eoundinge improved unto 81 foot Tho tide fell, butlaaa than I hid hefota sonn It Tho in nor Buoy W, by N. 8 mltoa. Tho Beaeona Wert Light Ilnuro on Snpelo, N. W by W. 8. In 81 fact. Tho Beacons ex Milling tMi bearing* and aoundlnga quo. Sm ih * •Prwtanca of % aohnoner under weigh 8blpa may haul In Wait with U,li water, end lh ;V r .^ndlng., « Immediately the, will do, to 4 fethom* with good anchorage. Apprvaehlnglha Bar diagonally,and w.thin 9 \ nd . 8pUt lh * ont J f wilu which to contend upon an ontrunce to Do boy. and this not an atfelr when tho Spit altall have been marked. Keep open a ama\l Ham rpoek on the eud uf Sapolo, until y--u luve altered the spit, then haul In for the Light a» •• 7°uplMM. Thero Is no impediment, Wotr (aland Spit tnakoa Inconvoni nco only to parsons who have not bo*-n on the Uar.on which, m on the ohlmney*»Q<* tho (lata upon D- boy, Ui«e ah'-u d be lluoya. With auoh Indiootiuns, ■aft conduct will bo uflbrdod tha moat inoxpori- enoed, without a pilot into the Innor Road with water on ordinary tides of Q0 feet, and wl h the boat aecornmudattons artor they reach the w !v *'j*' c '* 1 seat, on tha ooaat for ahlna and for tho transit of their aargoaa. Tietkeetar trmnaleti banner,oh. leag may Urav O'er the land f the free and the home of the orate.' LATEST FROM ENGLAND—DIRECT- The ahlp Ooterner Troup, Captain Alrian- nta, arrived yaaterday from Lfvarpool, putting ua in poSMsainn of papers of that eity to the 98tb nf December, Innlusive, four daya later than koforo recoired. We find little of any inte*eel in theae papera, apart from Mie commercial eelracta, forniahod below. For aome oxtraela oflottara, raeelvad In thia eity, we are indebted to commercial liouaea - Tha chipping intelligence will be found under the proper head. CttARUts Kkmbi.r retired fr m tha atage at Liv erpool un the evoning of 83«J Deoombor. Ilh daughter, Mri. Ovn.aa, did not appear in Ilea trice. Misa Faucit perionatod the eharaoler Mr. Forrb<t, tho American Tragodian, mado hia first appearaneeat tho Thoalrs Royal, Liv. erpnol, on the SCth uf Doeonibor, in tho char, acter of tha Joaloua .Moor. The Liverpool Cou. tier of S8lh Doe. *aya i The Olbeilo of Mi. Format waa distinguish* oil by elaganeo and dignity uf elocution, sound* nesa of eonoeption, depth of fooling, end exceed* ing power of expression. At tho fell of the curtain tho applause was most vehement. It continued unabated lot some minutea, whan Mr. Forrest made lua ap. pearanco, acrosa the atego, bowad, and rntired, If Ins noting in nthor eharaoiera be equal to his powors in Othello, tiioro can bo no doubt of hie i xcuilonce. bo . lh .*i #ri P ,r / ee "lf •■ft* woll and bMuUnilljr in.rl.tij by lluura, by Hii-con., * n “ ( r «<K/y.) admlHlon lu any our veil. In lh. Amrrican Nivy. . .1. Stfi MllW ».n«p0 fuel lo.piln, 10-C, p i Al.di.on*. ob.orr.llnn. upon Man* ii'.S,!"..!" n "P.7 and . «. I'bn apriny at 9 and a on that tlio ration to r.a|utlo, «n oowinoplid., u 97 and a J Ibel. With tha l 1 ..!!?"! 0 tnlaribl. (tulica on Dnlmy. and whloli would uxoludu llw admi..|un of p<<r.on- uot under porrnlurun ta land, would b. no point uoftrorublo |o tbu puriHno. of chip, mcnl. iU.alnr. of Vutaoi. would fi-mi .itv.y, Uto ocrt.inly ofkMpin, lltnirornw., and from tli. ttuiptaiion. of tuwni and Darlau of. rutin, for bonolflodoiwodooilr . tr.d., and wliiub i. now lo.t to bar by lb. dlrontlon of liar alaplo. duwbara Iban abroad. Thw impmi.lun ap.iti.t **• 0* f "f Dolwr .iiuuld ba dluliuMd, and Ibara l. no.uutian ifthaoliiaonaof Barton would anaouniarihntn.ablotali.ra a prupar uodar- •taadin, in England, of lit. capiolty of tl.wir Bar, but that reault. thn moat l.rur.blu would b. reaeliod—.uch a. direct iridu, and tho up. proptlllion to thumnlro. of udruntam. now •acrilioKl by of tholr ootton and Klc. to homo market.. Thord i. no monUiit •dilp which can b« Intariupicd in l.or onrou from Doboy- Tlio Brighton Willi 1700 halo., wont julordoy to ui. ood boPora .un.ol hod rotohod o lino oflln,. Till, rtual oroiud tlio Bar with tho Potpoiu, her o.r,o wa. of 6.U, .ho tru doeply Ud.n, tad hot ooinmandor Informed mo (hat olio drew 17 ft.l, .nd to adopt hi. own word, “bo narer hod . moro oorafuruhlotlino." •rh. Hngli.lill.rqu., ind oom. roandn by >n oxpr rlooocd and old alilp mailer, I bars delayed until now, Wr, an expru-ion ormy opinion of D.boy In Iho lo.po, that n ehoutd aeoorapllxh tho Int.inting object of an examination of S.puto, tod in tho l.,t hour, and whan tho po.xfi.Ulty I. prooludwl, I am UT (0 lay befura yon, and rory oor.ordy tho re.u,. t.rmy .mul. to define, 1 hopo ueountoly, u tar .■ X hxro fono. Of B.pelo much may be utd. tto tdrxnt.gex am woU known tn auoh it on (hmilior with the ■aulborn ooaat. It waa ourreyad many yum emu by Ueut. Comm.nd.ol M.diwo, who ropre.tmi. SO futon tlm limit low water. In udaltion to thn pitfootoonfidanco which 1 would pltoo Upon the work of LKiuieoant M«oi«m with whom I wto aMooUtodduring Iho war.] thlt Bar, aa ofth. uonronionu. within, plicu i"Srthi°r “o“ ^,.^fS. r.«: So»„“ who* impraaelona I ooold hatter rile. ° f ' hoiow,Ur '' “ aceouot of high 1 fvwqtx.nt interourxc, whieh I bar. «n. 1 ■>*" Sard“K. " INMtedly refer to a certifi cate of Capt. Roberta one of tbe oldest masters iu the Bliish New! ood who k#ew S.pelo »ell. Captain Unbelt. Jj* bring over Sapolo || irt any ship, V the 8tp Joseph «xeepted.- la i.|s M^e«ty>a Navjr. JThe bau Joteph h“ — ,J • * • In all the" altaraple whieh I hoe. made to get faUnd. I hare , boon fru.tmted mlher be tho wtathor or lit. dilBenlly in tha SSLS My omw i. rory limimd,and tho^but. of lh. PorpolMlrom not in non. dthou to ittumpt Iho operation, and I am obit, ed, ax Iho l’orpo.w 1. in rudino.. for na, and xfte government de.lrptu for ber retnra, to luxe the and in doing which, I mo.t deg you, !>ir, in your own ponmn, to .crept from ,|| tht.ig., and to expre.a to tb.'eiiiun. of Darimt. tha gmlefol »>.. which I .h.ll carry with mo, .. well for thru ho.prt.IUy a. for th. ounifei. lotion whioli tlray and you liiT.'madi, tofaoUi- tale the repairs -f my eeinmand. I pr#y you to believo, Sir. tti 0 high -coniidw. •UoD With which I have the honor to be, lour ob’isnrv’c, * rr.yxfitu Troop. Northern and Centrol flank.—\Vo Iiavo thia day to ennounce Ilia completion of a eecond un. (Deletion that Ins been for some lime un tills apis, between the Rank of England ami the Northern and C-.nlral Rank. Our reader* are owarothat the Direotore of tho Bjnk. of Eng land agreed about three weoks ngn, to advance GUO,000 to tlm Nor thorn and Contra I Rank, to enable tho laltter to ment the demands upon her. Tho persons who managod this nogoon. lion on tlio part of tho Rank siamd that this sum would bo more Ilian suffininni for Ilia puiposo required, end that it would not, in fnoi he necessary to draw for a conshlnrubln sort of it. It ao«n, however, turnod out that ha Managers the Northoru and Central Rank had, from ignorance of tho rest nt ito nr aflklro. (for wo do not rtti-nnsn that tlwy would knowingly have mado a laise statement,) in at materially underrated the real extent of their liabilities { and that, instead nf £300,000 being sufficient to rescue thorn from.lmponding bank. ■Uptcy, «t \eaai double that auin would ba no eo'irj. Under auoh circumstance*, and after having boon to grouty deceived, the Itank «>f England might Talrly have declined making any forihftr edvatieo Rut to avert,if possible, any public tneonvenlbnee, alio has o-nno forward a aecnnd time. 8ha haa prudently, however, elipulMed that the entire managsment of the affaire of the Nnrlhsrn end Central Rank should bo onmmlt- led to her agents; and that the Dank should mi ter intu no new engagements, of any kind whit evor, till every exiMlng claim upon her by thn publicum! tho Dank of’England has boon paid off. Tho di-bl' due to the public arc to bo H it paid; thon the ndvattea made by the Bank of Engl nd and la«t of all, tlio dubt due by tlio Rank to its London ag-nta. Tho Utter obteol. ed to this nrrungemem i but the Bnuk el Eng. land moat properly nuilo it n eine qua non of her coming forward -London Courier. Wretke off Liverpool—F < id»y night last we 1 tho mo»t disastrous night for the shipping o 1 Llvorpoo) that has aoaurnd du h g the proami 1 yoar. On the aAern«on of that day, a con ide- rable number of vessols led thod- cks, outward bound. The wind nt that timo was blowing from tho N. E and n t violently; but before they got clear of thn banks at tbo-moa h of Ilia river, itfro'hcmd, an I aonn begun te blow a galo. Several of tho vessels, caught in this critical position, amongst olhors the Sau-tbarh and the lloyes, two of tho finost Weal India men belonging to thia port, woro driven uu the banks, and to tally wrecked. Thn < row of tlio lloyes were aaved, but two man belonging to tho Sandbaoh perished. On Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, quantl tie* of wrook wore washed upon the fCno»hlro and Welsh ooata adjacent to iho Deo. A parly uf the Dook police foreo was sent honen tn pro. toot the property from donrodation At Mot. tvn a Urge quantity of arilclosoamo on ahote, A piano fori# was brought into Mustyn Dook and was taken aaie of by Mr. Thumaa Jones — Sonia flour also oamo ashore, but It wu« plum dored by the oountry people. All Mr. Mua tyn’s mon wero, on Saturday night, aent uUng iliaahoio to protoot whab vor properly migh be wsshod on tho shore betwixt Mostyu and tho Point of Ayr.—Liverpool Courier. Extract oflollors roeolvod In this oily, LIVERPOOL, Duo 88.—There haa bean a fair demand for Cotton the Iasi fow daya from consumers, end ar. 4 per lb. a>iv«m-o paid on new Uplands. If the present easterly winds prevail another week, tlmy will recover ell that waa lost in the lest fortnight, which waa nearly 4d per lb. The aoocunts ot tho Manchester market are favorable, and good* and yarns, uf whlob tha stnok la light, is on the advance.— Tits stock of Cotton alto in tho hands of the trade ia estimated io bt email ei compan d with what they Iwld at this lime la«t year, so that we may henceforward count- upuu a regular demand and a stoady market, LIVERPOOL, Dec. 88.—Wa conlinuo to havo a fair, steady demand for Cotton with bet ter acoounls of the Trade in MAnohoator, and supplies of new Upland being suspended by strongMsterly winds, tlut description is not abundantly oflered and is a shade higher, a* also good o|u Cotton, and the market for nil kinds is moro firm. The sates ofmondsy, SGtli mat. wore upwards of 3UU0 i.aloa—yratorday about 8000 bates, and thare la a fair demand to-dny. Tho turn out of spinners at Prestoncontinues. LIVERPOOL. Dec^-Tho market la etoa. dy. but in priooa there la no alteration since Fri day. The ealaa on Saturday note 9,000 bags, and tmday 3,000. LIVERPOOL, Dae. 97—Thrre haa been a moderate demand to-day from llto trade, who have bought 9,000 bags. LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET, Deo. 97.—In the businves of our Cotton mareet tinea Friday, we have had a larger proportion relatively of new Upland than heretofore, prin* cipally to eonsumera and their orders; whioh increased demand, with the wind having aet in Oom the eastward, has enabled holders of that article to obtain readily Id advance on the cur- renoy of Iho clueo of laat week. Common qnal itiee of Eeat India have disappeared from the market. Long stapled Cotton wiUiout altera* lion. Sale* ou Saturday, 9000 bags; Monday, 3500, in whioh work .1800 now Bowed from lOd to lid. To day, 2500 to 3000, of whioh 600 ere middle American ou speculation. Arrived since Friday, one vaasel from Naw Orleans. PENNSYLVANIA. It la aU**) in a latter from tbe corre«pondcnt of the PhUldnlphia Commercial Herald, dated Harrisburg, Feb. 1, that, in tho House of Re. pre*entativev, the abolition qneatiun had occu. pied all that day. A re«»lotion was presented In tha morning, offering tha use of tbe Hall to the Abolition Convention to give lectures The II oure refuted to take up that resolution, yea* 97, nays 54. AnoU*er,raaolulian was presented giving the uso of the Hall for only that ove. nlng. The resolution waa lost, yeas 19. nays CO. A ease was a fow days ago decided in Diitriei Court of Philadelphia, which setlJo* un important point to consignees of good*, vix t— that if os plains and owners of vessels, on land, ing goods on a wharf, do not give notice of it to the consignee until too late an hour In the day to enable him to store thorn, they ere re. rponsible for tho damage that may be sustain od by the exposure. Tlio cate related to some bales of rag*, which ware exposed on a wharf from Saturday evening to Monday mornlo. and muoli injured by rein on Sunday, The Ju. ry found e verdict to the amount of tho dams- gre for the plaintiff. Tho defendants wore gents tfllio Union Transportation Lino be. tween that oily and New York M hcatiof) nf the Ffbroary number of tho Medical Journal, and to i»rtie it and ti e number for March ,wt the same time. [CoMtilutionaliet• MONROE RAIL ROAD BANK. The Maeon papers Inform us that tho stock, holders of this institution, on .he 95th January, elcoted Gen. L. L, Griffin President,and Alfred Brooks, James Dean, Henry Solomon, T. G Holt, John Jonoa, end A. R. Ralston, Diieo* tors. Tha Directors have electod James Land, Cashier, and Jeremiah Leak,Book Keeper; fvna Ttia ororoian.] T/IE ERA. NO. HI. In my last number it wee atatod that Bore were now, no loss than five chartered universl lisa, in the bounds ot our Slato t one of which only is endowed, and tho otfiors remain to In*, by public or private contribution. Four of those institutions, then, havo been projected within a short period, end ell about the sumo time | to whioh evarioo lias replied t this is over- doing the thing, imposing aomany publlo ln‘ •tltutions upon tho people at the same juncture' to be endowed by private donations. In toturn, I would a»k, whet do tlio«a persona mean who make auoh a reply f Do they mean that those institutions ate not eallod for at tho preaont day If ao, one single glanee it facts must put this* objection forever at rest. In roferonoo to the Female College, let the ohjootor only take an impartial view of eiroum. atancea connected with female education aa identified frith Its existence in our Union, to. f # Hior with it* importance,and overy fooling of opposition must dwindle. To our disgraeo as people, fomalo education has ovor boon but lightly o.teomod among us, and looked upon aa merely ornamental and not oasential to the ae. compliihrnonta of a companion taken for life. Ilcnco the fair acx have boon kopt in tho shades of aomparativo ignorance, end not suffered to partakoof tlio riehos of high tonod intollaolual iinprovcmonli and man,tlio eontroller’of femilo privileges, in so doing haa doprived himself of tlioao doliglilfol pleasures poured forth into hia boaom by the partnor of hit life, possessed of heart filled with rofinod sensibilltios, tempered with ardent levo and controlled hy a mind richly stored with Intelleetual endowments. Tlio sensibilities unrefined—tho intellect governed by ignnraneo end a eontetou* sense of Inferior!, ty. blonded with a manifest disregard on m 'n’s part of their intoreste, stumped up n the fouislo mind, prepare* her for any thing olio than » dosir.blo c ompanion and a pr;.Lowmthy moth ar. And yot these fauis, il l* to be regrottod, enter ten nvich into tlm history of iho past It is true oduoition in a liimiod and impoifuot manner lias buuu impa.tad to a few, in diys past, and al eady nrnnmtnu of tlio 1 cnia»o uha raotur havo grneod tlm walks of life tn l gildud Uio pages of liUiory; hut U ia oquallyobviutis tha* •uth havo I'unn ooinparatividy few, whioli i only attributable to tho groat inattoutfen t*« tlmi 1 Intollaolual improvement, and the matked pro- foronco giyon to males in all our literary inovo 1 munt*. High toned fomalo Education is not only nooossary tn graco honn tho private ritoloaand fit hor fur Iho most rofinod snnial onjoymviit*, out ia equally important in dnmoktlo life. It in tho inulliorYhand, the child’s ohatactor ro* ceivos Us Improis—there its etnbryon is often furmod, for honor or infamy, liappinos« or mis* ory, for heaven or hell. Tho oxporionee of all who follow mo In tlmao thoughts, will testify to Ilia controlling influouco, tho prejudice nf Edu. cation, oxorla nvor tho after life. How Imp-r. tanl thon that tho found .lion ..f life should bo prnporly laid, tlm youthful bias correctly given. Ignorenoo and error oro lnsoporahly linked to. gothor, and whou they form a oharectoristio or tho mother, will evidently dotonml to tlio child and bocomo a part, of his jyouthfol prejudiono. Thus at 6no view, tlio uni.appy tondonny fo discovered, which, ia probably to demand thro’ gonoritiona to como. If thon a cultivated mind ia Valuablo t-. a innthor, in ordor to a happy and uiofut diaoharge of tho dutioa of her maternal relation; the more highly this cultivation is eomploted, the belter is alto qualified for her re. sponsible chargo. lienee a thorough Fentalo Kduca'bn, becomes, not only of paramount im. portauco, with Malo Education, but of first oonvideration; aa itU more immudiatoly idonti. find with tlm interests of both sexes from tho eradlo to tho grava. It waa undor these elove ted views of propriety and eorroclno-e, that tlio praiseworthy citizen* of Macon, in connection with two or throe of the Uoverond Clergy, pro* jocted the now chartered Female University of .Maooti.-linnor to their memory furovor. Who bni the mieor, (who oonsidori the poasoktion of Gold paramount to every thing clao) could quMtion the importance of this institution, ao loudly oallod for, by ferns!, ncgloot and tho want* of Um land, based upon tlio mutual inter eats uf mule and rcmalo. When tlii* is thus provntod. with its over* whelming claims, eilonoing all oontroverey on the kubjoet—we are then asked, “but why ao many Mile Universities; two in tho State would be sufficient, Ac. Ao.” To thia I would answer, tlioy are and ought to be; and ought to have boon brought forth just et this time, for whieh opinion, 1 will give you e reason in my ■•it. J. E. e, Prom Ike Colamhue Herald, 3d in it. THE HOSTILE CREEKS. Since r-ur la«t, daily occurrences have taken place, fully confirming all that we have previ ously anticipated and said, in relrtion to thn Indian disturbances in the Creek aati m. The war Ins sctuallv b gun with vigor and dstpera linn not surpauud at any imriod of tlm last earn psign. Fifty warriors have g-me out of tli« camp, undor the charge of Lieut. Sloan—in all. •bout two hundred men, women and children— tlm women havo killed their children, and pro. pared to Isku owe of lhainsolvoii—this is the strongest <!emon»tretion of hostilities. A camp has boon di*c >vnred on Pee River, in Rirbour county, numbering some two hundred, who, is a*oortnined,tnva novor struck thuir flig, hut havo been hostile from tho very cmnmer.comcnt. To this camp belonged (hose Indian* wire mur- dered Mr. Pugh and hit negroes,a confirmation nf whioli wo iiavo in a »lip roco.vod front the offioo of Urn Montgomery Advorl.ier. Reports Inare no room for d-u'>l that a number of In- dian* h »vo returned from Florida, and that they are daily returning—ali theso circumstances and facte, whon taken together, furnish just ground for alarm. True,there area few bnve follows in the field; they are fighting—they have fought, and fought bravely—but their foreo is too weak tnenc«un- ter tho enemy w>th succors. Capt. Welburni with tutnly mon marched from Iraintnn, anu o mun need o-uring tho Gow-igoo Swa'np, “una d-d tod alone,” on Sunday last, thoy wore atlairkerl by a nerty of Indians from one bun drod to uno onndrnd and twenty in numbor, and wore of enurao overpowered ami obliged to make go.,d their roi oat; but no 1 until Lioaten sni Pattursnn—a bravo and worthy young in^n, wliuse Untimely death is doeply doplorod by all his friends—li*d been literally shot In piaco<, oudjive of tlio company aovoroly woundod. A* •eon ns thn nows roachod Irwlnton, onothor hand or volunteers, numbering forty Jour, start ed to join their eomrado* end friend-; ciido* tho»e troops, a mounted company of volunteers, from Franklin county,(Geo,) a o in tlm Nation, kom.- eighty in number, making in all, only one hundred and thirty five or forty white men to contend against porhsps threo time* that numbor of savago» I Thus it will bo seen, we ■re again eumd with an unoqual, a haras-ing, ■ doolructivo Indian wart A w-r that »liould havo boon ended long ego for tho pearo of ilia country—in juslico to tho citizons—and for the honor uf the notion- Whon tho emigration commenced, it should have continued; until not an Indian, from old Noah M icon, down to the youngest child, could have been found on this aide tho Mississippi. Railroad.—It is stated in a Baltimore papt that ono thousand 'adits and gontloinnn nf that oily colobrotod the oponing of tho railroad by an exotirainn to W.ivliington. Wo are Itifnrmod that a loonmalivo will be started upon the Georgia Railroad—about five milaa of whioh ia already eomploted,—in tho enurso of throe or four wook*. Our citizens will doubtless be very anxious to tako a trip up. on the firat railroad ovor constructed within the limits of our elate.—A ugueta Courier C th inet t A meeting was hold at .Marion, S. C. on the 94th till, to consider tho expodioney of con. e»fueling a railroad from the lows of Cheraw to some point on tho Waccamaw river, t'eaa nrrs wrrn taken tn nxamltre tho roulo, ootlmaln tho cost, inn.—Ibid. T ir MANcnPtTKR Bank Failorr.—The ro portod failure of the Northern and Central Bank of Manrh' «*or. England,a* givan in tlio Bust* n Transcript and Fust, turns ou» to bo altognilior otronmius. Tho In tor mcmionod by thn Port »fOvrs to ho merely n history nf tlio negotiation mtwi-on tin* Maoohrstnr nnnrorn and tho Bank of England, In roln'lnn to lire winding up ot it* ■flVrs. Thl* nngotiatlnn i ■ inferrnd ta in tlm l.ivurimol Joitnnl of Pomuib r 21 ns hiving !*onn r-mrdndnd. It Nppnars that tlm M noire*, tor Bank h"d ln-1 a mo confidence, nml tii-t in tholr difdiMiVirn iho Dank .if England aernnd tn wind up tholr affairs, and gunranty all claim ml* ngthiNt |n*». Tim hunk hn* n 5liranfliio«,nnd lSrtib-hranctiPS nil nf ivli-cli issued promissory notes. Tho sltn*i’li |.ln*« linvo hy tii.Mlncd of.cttl.miont pow nr In rofiisa thnir neqilinseenoo tn jt.« nrrango. mtm'H, hut. undor tliueirmimstano.ia, will,narco- Iv dare do so. COlniRhCIAL RUCOKU. DkTKwr r»ATvs prow Ltvrttrooi Dec 88 D4TCBT DATBS PRO IIAVRI D*C 15 ATX T DITV* VSpU HAVANA JaN 18 AUGUSTA, Feb. 7.—Owing to tho fire which oceurred on Friday last, aud put our of. fice in confurtun, we were unable to [*iue a pi. per on Saturday and yovterday Our office is now in aome ordor, end wo can go on with our business, and era ready to attend re our custo. mere. We will embrace tills opportunity to of fertile expression of our grateful acknowlodg. monta for the concern exhibited at the time of tho fire, and for the assistance afforded us in pro. venting tire flames from penetrating into our of. fico. It waa indeed hy the exertions of our citi. zona, and of those who had the management or th* engines, that tho fire did not extend fort hor Wa beg our friend- to receive our sincere tlunka for their efficient aid on tha occasion, and to be ab tire ? that tho obligation under which they have pieced us, will be always gratcfolly rtuncm. bored. We have, howaver, to atate that tha sheets of the February nmnbor of the Southern Modi, cal Journal, were destroyed, as wall aa a great number or several forme of the Journal pf the Senate, whieh «• were printing for tbe pnblie printer at MUlodgoville Owing to this aooL dent, we Ttato diicruined to postpone tbe pah. IN SENATE Friday. Feb. 3, 1837. Mr. Devi* from the Cninmiilco «n Commereo roportod tlio b II in suspend for ono ysar tho iax on suamon under the oamo of hn-pitu| money, with un amondiiwnt Sonin oonvorsation took placo betwoen Mr. Calhoun, and Mr. Davis on the suhjoet of tlm (■••*I money, and ilirco insolutiona appen. •led to lire report of tho cmninitrea; llieso ro*o. luilons require tho Secretary of tlio Troanuy to report Urn »: si of tnnsc lio>pitul«. Mr. Cal- houo wus opposed to tho bill b' caure it changud tho existing BVktcm, abnlirtiing tho contribu. • ion* of tho ►silnrs tliomrelvcs, and supplying tha drficionev front the puldio treaRury. Mr. DmVIs dclnvjod tho eliaracicr of tlio iiiurinorsnr tlio onuutry who never troubled Congress for any tiling. Mr. Calhoun anid iho tailors would not como hero, but tho contractors for iio>piiala would como, and thi* measure would become a source of paironsgo, Tho sailors did not now pay tlm lm»|.ital tax,for it was piid by llicir employer*. Un hoped tlio bill would bo teja<:ted. The resolu'iuiia woro then adopted. The Appropriation Mills wore recoivcd from the lloouo of Reprusonlativoa for tho Army and tbu Indian Department, which woro road and ordored to a second reading. lIOUaE OF REVRESENTATIVES. On motion of Mr. Jarvis, Um Cu uinittoo .... Naval ufiairs was instructed in inquire into the expo'iioncy of examining tioorgo’s Bank, with a viow to tlio Ibrmution Ihoreou of nn artificial Island, for tlm protection of navigation. Mr. Kccd offernd a resolution instructing tho Comniitteo on Afiairsto inquire into tho expediunvy ol building six additional Slops uf War; agreed‘o. Mr.l'Uiliipa askod and obtained leavo to offer a to-.nlutinti, calling on tho Pro idont uf the U. •Status lor information of tha t.rogre«* mado in tho preparation* for tiie exploring expedition su'liort'vd at tlio la»t t-OHsiun, uud tlio ubjoet lu wiiich *aiU cxpcditiun i* destined. At lire siiggcation uf Mr. Morris, of O,, the resolution was modifiud, an a. to einhrucu a full sceount of tho unis expended on tho expedition and an estimate of its east heruafter. Mr. Kobonson moved aeubsti ule for the re. SAVANNAH EXPORTS. Feb. 8. Sclir Pan Mat-'iiza*, for B >«tou—293 bale Cotton, 50 casks Rico, 133 Hides, SAVANNAH IMPORTS. Ship Gov. Troop, from Llvorpoo!—47 ton* Rail lfn*d Iron, 14flG sink* Salt. 19 casks Hard ware, 7 crates md 4 liltdi Crock-try ware fillip Oglitliorpo. fr„m Liverpool—113 tot.* Rail Road Iron, 24000 o *t Slmei Iron, 1000 owl Cart Iron Pu!*, 50 ante* Bottles, I cam Marble. 05 cram* and 3 lihds Eirthnnwero. 600 sheols Iron, 6 paok'igos Merchandise, 47 oaak* and 80 ea*e» (Iardw-iro, <fec. Hr ship Wakafi-rtd.from Liverpool—914 tone Coal, 9<iU tons andJOOO sacks bait, 9 baskaia Vices. fichrPIutua, from Gonaivea—3500 buthols Salt. * Charleeton Imporle, Feb 4. fit Jago de Cuba—Brig Star—500 halo* Sp. Leaf'Tobacco 5 40 quarter,U8 half, tid 161 whole boxea fe'cg'.r* t 950 I>noc*wood Spars; 9 bbl». P*per Segura, and 1 Ihl. Crangos. • February 6. Bordeaux—Brig Globe—60 barrel*, CO quar- ter. 95 half mid 5 whole pfoas brandy, 100 qr. casks and lUIM-bls Languniuo msdoire, 100 qr. ossks Languodno port, 100 tierces vinegar, 3 casks verdigris. 450 crc si. ' 100 h-. ket* hot. tied wine,191 cases oordUls,943 ti.i-.kot* oil, 90G ca^e* brandy fruit*, 400 oasra olives and caper*. 6 cose* murtard, 5 <tawj* *ardinsi, in oil; 100 ca- so* macar nii atid'vorinirclli, 30 ackagit* p r. furnory, 5^ bulos ami 99 boxen uiniood’, 91 b.iln* corks, 75 qr. ami 03 wlinlo caao* prunes. 17 ca* arts dried poors and niidos, in ba*kets, 4 p ick ago* ompty hnuket*, 153 hags walnut*, 58 lilids red wine, 900 baskets, 40 fluwor va»o*, 31 bun dies in its, and sumltio*. Charleeton F.xporte, Feb. 6. Boston—Brig Choctaw—339 cask* rioe, and 133 bnla* cotton, AoalaaliiaoU—Brig'Eagle—90 whole and 93 half bbia rioe Augurto and Hamburg—Steam boat Augm la—33 bag* coffee, 90 ithds molaaaas, 10 hiida wbiikor, 18 hoxoa inorehandiso, 50 bbls flour, and 100 packages sundries. BY THE EXnRESS MAIL. From our Correspondente. MOBILE, Fob 9.- Cotton.—There haa been ennrtdorablo activity in Iho cotton inurki-tainco tlio date of our last report On Saturday tho demand for the bolter quality cottons was very good. Quite a largo supply of fro'li cult-ma waa received, which brought nut the buyoja pretty gnnorally. Thoro lisa linen minotliing likn 5000 bale* sold within tho lust week, at prices not varying from those quoted by us for throe week* past Wo give below tho Liver, pool classifirati- n, whioh is tlm same as that of our market t Liverpool Clateificaiion.—Good fair to good, ICj a 174 • foir, 154 a 104 ; middling, 144 * 15; ordinary, 134 a 14. r Yeiti.rJoyjmd the day hnfr.ra the inquiry for ootton was nut *o brink ua uii Saturday—Mill there were some transaction* had, and that ton without any reluctanoo on tlio part of ilm buy. ora lu give tlio prices whieh are uuw aunrtdurod orthodox. Thorn iiavo boon received since our last, 9101 bale*—exported in thn anno timo 9429 —And there are now on h md 45912 bain* Wo linvo no oh-orviitioii* to offer in respect ' tli- goner I Grocery und Pr»dueo market-— Kv-ry Hung ro iuin* proity much in tho a*ino slate as last weak. Ku h elisugea in price a* havo taken place, will bo a- on on a reforonco to our table of pricu* curruot. [Jfcre. Ado. Extra- NEW YORK, Fob. 3. - Auction fiaies.— fJni. ■ins -fin 30 kyg* Curahorna, 4(o |wr lb ; 10 bbls. do. 34 " pur iti.; 25 diuiiui’huiiaiiu, G|o. S irrenU—1 butt, 8(i*. per lb, ismi'igoo—30 tiiHliols $fipor,|nz; 10 do pink 811; 10 do Prulmi'b brun I. #“J. Whiskey—4 pun-. SI 09 aim SI W5n,90ds. {Jour uf Cum Extra. BOSTON, Jnn. 31 --Flour—Uu.iuece *011* slowly at $12 75 u $13, nuikoi liouvy; other kind* quint. Motauee —Sales Mutanzis guest 49o, anil *mi. 3d ; Trtnohd hwont, now crop, 43a ; 8u uatn sweet 49 -i 49u, mid *our 39j, flee/— Halo 4UU hb|. umss 15, -nd No. 1 §13 Jamaica, with a cargo of Lumber and Rioe, struck e reef on Middle Caieot. Bahamas, iu a grtc un the 16th Dee last, end instantly bilged —veaso! and cargo t-tal lost—captain and crew awed, and arrived at Baltimore os po»*engrr* in tho ship Ulyste*, from Turks Island, on tlio 1st Inst. DARIEN, Feb. 7—Arr. brig Vietory.Bourn, New Yorks steamers Dxrien, Savannah; Haw. kmefille, SI9 batna Cotton; boat I, Ifowkin*. villo Line, 490 dn duj host 13, Plunder Mr.c,3dti d*» do; Nicimla & Duming* host*, 2 fr-3, 679 bales, M-ilndgeviiltv-Ocniulgue 8. B.Co’mboats 9 fr 12, 329 lioga Mso^n; ateamer Ocr.ulg. «•, Savannah; bon Oregon, Macon. 300 bate* Cut* ton; Ma on S. B. Ce’a beats 11 fr 6, 1050 de; •toiunnr Superior, Wilcox, Macon. Off the bar, a brig suppoNd to be the Macon, from New York. Cld. sclir* Darios, Baxsott, Charleston; Can. ton, Read, do. CHARLESTON, Fob. 7—Atr.sliip* Arson, Sinclair, NYork; II. Alien, Wilson, do; Br. bark Acadian, Auld, Greenock.*ailed 23.1 Doe. b tg Salem, Harvey, Cayenn , AIo. 46 day*, in distress bounti toSilem, Mars, Tho 8. haa experiancod' very boUterous weather, end *uf- forod « nsidcnhfy in hull tail*, Ac.; sclir Drcs. den. Lintfrey, NowOrleana, 15 day*. 2d in*t. lat. 27 29, iuu, 694, *poko, Br. brig fiu«an, f.n Jjm-ii;*, for Savannah/ Hanoverian galliot Juno, Fohrmann.Now York; *chr Lenity,Wbil. di n, tvMark*. Cld. brig* Cliuetaw, Howce, Bo«ton; Eaglo, Evans, Ap.i chicols; suhr bar >h, 11 uninond, Havana; steamboat Augusta, Wicks, Augusta and Mainburg. DC?" TO riUiN’i'EUS,—A Com- prr.itor will find employment nt thie office. fob 9 FOR LIVE It FOOL Tho first rate rtnp GLOBE, Gu'egcr, master, lias uommonaod loading and pr. coed with all po «iblo despatcli. For freight of Cotton, apply to fob 9—p WM. GASTON. FOR NEW YORK—(scimonkr unr ) Tho regular pnekol brig MADISON, /SSkCapt. W. Bulkley, will sail To-Mor. Js2fc f ow, with whatevor freight may offer, For whieh or passage, having excollont xeeom. modal ions, apply to Capt. Bulkley, or to foh» C B CARTER. V^nndrcths* Flower cede, f UST received per ship Newark, a supply of Lattdroth*'flower sued* in paokogoaeon. taining 20 hoaulifol vario'ins, for solo at tho low prlco of 81 por pnekegfl, I y TM&J M TURNER, Agonts, fob 9 Monument square. Just Ltmding, FEW bexfti fre*h West India Prcxeivoa SlierilFs Sale—(continued.) O N Rio firet Tuordjy in March next, bo- twcon the usual hour* of sale, at tho Court Hou o, in tlio olty nf Savannah, will bo sold tho Savannah, Ogochoo, nod Alalatnaha Canal, with tho Towing Paths, Wicks, Aequo- duels, Culvots, Wasto Weirs, Toll Ilousor, Ar tificial Harbors, Sidn Cuts or Laloral Canals, Feodors; and nl*o tlio Lund* lying within one- fourth of a mile of tho said Canal, anil which wore granted to tlio Savannah Ogoolioo, and Vaitamahn Canal Company, by thoir Charter da'od tlio 2Gtli day of Doi t-mber, 1830. And also all other lands adjacont or contiguous to tlio Canal, purchased by or givqn to *aid Com. pany, nnd now holonging to it -togothor with llioriUitto lake tall on said canal—and all other rights, member*, appurtenances, am! pri vileges to the said Canal, belonging, or in any tviso opportainingsand particularly all tho right* appurtenance*,and privilege* in ralationsaid Ca nal, granted to tho Savannah,Ogcehon,nnd Alta- malm Canal Company, hy tlio act of incorpo ration, apprevod on tho siid SGiii day of Do. entnbor, 1836—levied mi lo satisfy an oxoctilion in favor of R fr W King fr Co. vs. thn Savan nah, Ogoelioo and Alutmnaha Canal Company, fob 9 ADAM COPE. boo. the Northern nnd Contra! li.-nli uuut. of course, Ihi stoppo'l;but tlm II ink of England will give them S"fH«ieitl timo to forma newennnoxion. i', it « | y . hy thb uspnnaa aiAit.. ■••N RINKS 0 38 -UMSKV*.. .5 22 tllOSI WATBa \T n*l t nNaiI- .. .. .. 8 15 PB-'M - UR O IIHKrtH»N.-KKTS. VS-AT1I CONG41 NS-2ND SESSION. Reported for the Baltimore American. POlli OF 8 VA>M FE1I 0. CLEARED, solution directing tho Socrotary of tbe Navy to eommunioata to the House full information in relation to -rangoi.iouU r.uiiefor Um expiating expedition, the sums already expended upon it; an estityiato of its annual cost iioreafter.snd uf a entire cost,and afro * hether eti her of the vessel* fiUod out for tlut expedition, or any othor vessel ha* been employed to o-trry out Gonoial Santa Anna in Mexico, and if an, by what authority such vessel was *o employed. The motion waa rojeoiod, without a count. Mr. Mercer moved to amend tbe resolution, l-y embracing a call f-.r tlio nanie* and ago* of the officer* to. bo employed *in (he expedition, and tlio leuglii of lime wluoffilhey havo passed iu tho sot vice, and i» was a g rood to. Tha resolution sa amended was agreed to. The House then proceeded to tho consideration of Private Bills. Aftor disposing uf several* The Uouio tqjourned. Office ofth* Journal of Commerce, ) NEW YORK, Fob. 3-9 P. M. C Salee at the Stock axthaagt Board tlio day. —250 rtiuros U. 8. Bank, 60 days, 118 a 119; 150 do Boston and Prof. R, R.1074; 50 do. do. Bank, 30 days, 103, Sclir Pan Matanzas, Biers, Barton. S JJ Parhnan. ARRtVEn fillip Gov. Tmiip'AI-xindur. Liverpool, sail ed 29ih Deo. Salt, fi ll Road Iron fro lu A Low fr Co, B W Dnfrntator fr C» N Wallace, nnd to older. L-it. 26 30, I >n 61, «poko bark Condor,'9 d-ivslVom Nuiv York lor St. Croix, On tho 6lii Fob Robert Pupuril, n lutivo of Si, John*, N, ti. fell from the bowsprit end wus drown d. Ship liglothorpo, Miller, Liverpool, sulod 24ili Doc. to A Low & Co, oalt, Crate*, fro to sundry person* fipoko Fr. bark Tiioodore, from Bordoaux foo Clnricstoii. Ufot uit spoko Br. bark Gurnet, from Bermuda, for Birbniluo*. Hr. ship Europe, Young, London, 56 day*. Ilallart lo Mono, Wuebburii fr Cu. Br. ship Wakefield, Sullivan, Liverpool, sail cd 20th Nov. Suit, Coal, fro to J &, J Jfoij E P Butts, U E Stilus. Sclir Piutus, Roger*, Gonsivo*, 15 days Salt to the ims’or. J Sloop Juokre i, Vindovtr, Ilamilfon’s Mill. 114 casks Uieo to W Pstfor-on fr Co. DEPART UU. Steamboat Cor.garco, llam, Cliarleaton. (By tho Gov. Troup.) LIVERPOOL,Di:c.24 -Ar. Cliatl*am,Wood, Now Orlcuni'. soiled from tho Bar 18tli Nov— Aiinwoll, Puw ir, fm Quehno. Sailed, Jane Walkoi, Wylie, for New York. Adclaido, B-inuri gu, for Mobile, goteff ia*t night uilhutit injury, and prouoodud to day ThoViclerfr, Candler, for Charlurtnn, , M . turnod into dook lust night oirainod, but not making any water—inu*t di*ehurge. Tlio Cnrolinn, —.for Savannah, fr on shore noai Moi'kbeggor.wjth 9 feet water in her bold. At anchor in the llorw the midrt of a voiy heavy sea, Quinlin Lcitcb, for Phils delphia, teppurently nil well. ^ Dec 25—Hailed, Bengal, Toulon, for Mo. bile; Fairfiold, Stuck, for Savannah; Oci-on, Briggs, foe Baltimore, The Noble, S'evens, from Glasgow, at Cove, for New York, leaky and moil di-ebargo. The Bengal, Toulon, which sailed to day, Is on chore in the Ruck Channel. Dec. 26 —Sailed, Lady Rowona, Main, for Charlortoot Trenton, Prat:, for Boston; Robert Kor, Gourlcy, for Mobile, The Bengal, Toulon, for Mobile, has put back, foaky, and must disnhnrgu, having boon on shore near tho Red Noses. Saihd from Millfu’d, 23J inst. Abeona, for Darien. Betiiiullet, Deo 29.—Tho Albion, Cook, fin North America lo Sligo, was foully wrecked 18th in*t. on the Island of Ennis Quay—mow saved. In lat. 43 ton. 33. the Albion fell in with tho Margaret Scot*, from -North America to Annan, water logged, and took ufT the crew. Telegraph, Due 2tf —W,nd at Holyhead, E. N E—Blowing agile—Still at anchor outside; No. lt*70. Quintm l*eit«b, U, 8. LIVERPOOL, Dee 27 —Sailed, Shannon, Letdhealer, Savannah; J Amo* Lemon, Ltwtou N Orleans. Hrillhn 1 , Fiigg, from Quebec at Limerick— On the 13: li imt. in Ut. 46, Ion. 34, fell in with tha Kuokera from Quebec to London, wator* logged, and took off ttie second mata and six seamen; the capuin and 11 man were washod overboard on tbe 5th. MEMORANDA. Smmaxcx.—The brig Sundard, Snow, of Bangor, bound from Soyannak to Kiagoton, State Bank Stock. SHARES stock Bunk Slato of Goor, go. Asia, ain ks Plantnre’, D irion und Rail Rond Huik', fr-.n und Guorgii fitn-mhoii Compa niu*. fur safe by WM ROBERTSON fob 9 Steam Saw Mill ut Auction. Rtf/’ILL bo sold before thoCuun IJoitsn in ■r ▼ tlio «lly of Savannah, on tho lrt Too*, doy in April next if not pruvi urty diajuaid of at privulo muIu, One of tha most oxlcnaivo nnd eomploto o*c t bli-limonis in Gunrgiu well known na tlio oper Sioam Mill, situated at Duricn, and pns*p>.dng fiipurfor udvanlugns f ir the lumber busino**, o itb natural and Tho on. gino of 40 horso power is of iho vory host dc- snriptiun, manufactured hy Bolton, Wallfr Co. of Soho Engl md; and tho machinery by tho lalo coiobroiod Mr. Rennie, of London. Tlio Mill lia* five gang* of sows, furnishing it* own fuel from the luns and saw dunt; and on tho grounds containing uhout 10 ucros, is every necessary out building, among which iro Blink fiim'i. i shop, Grist Mill, Turning Luthe, BrnssFu'imJ- ry, fro. fro. bosidflM a spuoious natural basin for tlio Aufo keeping of tlio Ing* - A con-taut supply of tlio choiooat timber fr obtained from the inexhaustible forests on the hanks of the various rivora whoso millet ia Darien, aud tho luuibor snwed from it ubitrim doeirlod proforonon wherever offered. With ihu prosont extonsivn dmnur.d for, and high prioo of timber a moro dasimble inve-tmuni “ "Hdoni offered. Pur*on* dfrpnsod to pureh iso may 1 arn tho terms and .oc a plan of it upon application t WM. ROBERTSON, Sav-nnah. feh 9 fob 8 aitorted, for sale by C B CARTE R. Domestic Brandy. QR» Home-tic Brandy, landing from trig Georgia, and for *rte by COIIEN fr MILLER. Iron.- - TfGN8 fiw>-de- EngL'sh and Amoriaan ^f8»fi*t round *»:rl rquaro bar*, "veil a**ort. ed, lai.dtng frem brig Gor.rgia nnd for sale by fob 8 WM.PI,MSTEAD. Cider. "* T| 4K BBLS Crenofr superior Cider, landing JllF and for sale by ftb 8 WM. OLMSTEAP, Family Flour. 1^/8? BBLS and 50 halvon Baltimore super* # fino Flour, • f super!-tquality,express, ly for family ufo, in str*re and for sale by feb8 LADD, TUPPKR& SI8TARE. ) Sperin aiulies and Oil. h BOXES Sperm Candles ILH Ff F 500 galls do Oil Roeolvod from New Bedford, and for aala by fob 4 T T WHITE. Savannah Female Asylum. A Matron fr wanted for this institution— Persona dertrou* of the above aituatiun, will apply to Mrs, J. B. Read. ee—fob 4 Bacon. LBS now Ualtimoie bacon for sale by fob 4 ENSWORTH fr WAY. £50 fob 4 linsiern I lay. BUNDLES Eartcru Hay, for sale lo* by EN8WORTH fr WAV. Silk nnd Merino undor Gurmonts. W ARRANTED not to shrink In waihing Afro, Hots of the highest quality Tor sole by HAMILTON. HOUSTON frCo fob 4 N. Smith Prentiss' Perfumery. A N extonsivo assortment always on hand and for salo wholesale or retail on tb« most liberal terms by T. M. fr J. M. TURNER, J*n 95 Monument Square. Head Quarters, 1st Brigade. Jeffereonton, Camden County, ) January 10th, 1837. t ORDERS. 3 A T tho Brigade Court Martial of whioh Ca! Rohorlsun, of tho tot R. g’f i. M. is Pro i. dent, we* tried Ciplai-.i Levi 5. Ru-sell of 2d Beat C -mp'iny, ist Ifogi cm. oh the charge* of “conduct iinbecnmii’g an tiffieer nnd a Gen. tb man.” Tho following is the sentcco of tlio Court—“Tney find mu prfr nur Capt.hi Loci S. Uu’-rcli, guilty oj conduct unbecoming un offic-r, but not of uondoot unbt (n-i.iing a gun. tluoian. and i-uotunce him to bo publicly ecu. •ured in oidors, by tho lirigadior Uonorai; that uch orders be published fr, tho G a :tto« of So. vsnnah, nnd read at tiie head rttlie 1st Uugi. •”o;ii G. M, at tho first Regimental uf. r tno order ah rti i-ave houu’galod.” Too Urigndit-r General commanding dm 1st Division, upp ovoa the sentum.0 of tup Court, and considers iho publicity of thouq order* * ceifuro,.which ho hopes Capt Ru* oil’s pnrnip. alien I ion to militiry duties i.oiOiftor w||- off o . Tho comm nding offiuar of tli- l.t Rogi. mout will cau e theso ordor* to bo promulgated eg uoabiy to tho seuteuoe of thoC-urt, anJ wil teiicvu Copt. Russeii from arrest, and- ro.toro him to duty. The Brigade Couit Mvrlisl cf whioli Col. Roborlson ia President, i* hereby di-.polvcd. By ordor of Urtg. Oen. Fioyd, Cmn’glsl Divirtnu G M. THOMAS BOORKE,, fob 9—r State Bank Slock. ■9 i. Ik SHAKES for sale, apply at tlii* fico. * fob Alum Salt—Afloat, s BBLS supciiur Alum Sait, on l-qv Vv board *clir PIuIun, ibr tale by fob 9 CollfcN fr MILLER. Notice. /MlUE Honorable tho Court of Common H. Plcar and Oyor nnd Terminer, for the Citr of Savannah, has adj-urn-d until Moni'ey 13th Fobruary i,ext,at 10 n’clock, A M of which ell concerned are duly notified. THOS II WILLIAMS, Ja»95 Sheriff, Thu Southern Christian. *TjMlB Southern Christian; examplifiod in the JL Momoirs of Anthony Jefferson Pear-on by J. Bngg**, A. M. Cius»ieal Family Library, No's 94, 95, 96, 27 and 98—Livy translated by Goorgo Baker, A, M. An Elementary Treatise on Anatomy, by A. L. J. B-iyle, M. D, Translated from the 4th odition of tlio French, hy A. Sidi.oy Doan, A. M , M. D. Sormon ol'lliu Itov. James Saurin, a now o. dilion, with additional sormon*, revised and corrected by tlio Rev. Sainuol Burdon, A. M. Tlio Desultory Man, by tlio author of Riohfr lieu, “Darnloy” Philip Augusta*” fro. A now ■upply. For sale by T- PURSE fr CO. fob 3 Uille Segars. Jl.dViu RlbLE Sugars, a *upa. WiP nor and cuoico ar'Jclo, just received and for aule by fob 3 C R HENDRICKSON. Pork. I»cef, Bacon, &c. T| BHLS prune Pork 2U •• moss •• 100 bbls prime Beef 50 •• mean “ 10 halfhbfr F M Boof 200 l-ainn, RoynoldV, 200 aides 100 bblH lialunioro Flour 50 half “ “ •• Hit) •• Cannl •• 5 barrel. Monongahola Whfrkey, 15 yrx. Landing from brigs McIntosh and Madisnn. nnd »o!ir Now Union, and for Halo by fob 4 THOMPSON, G A U l> K Y fr CO. Choice Wi es. W* * u, '* c rthcr offers for sale bis stnok of olmieo Wine*, which havo boon imported direot from celebrated houses—among which (:nr ' 1 ''"- Murdoch & C ‘ Low,. * r p. Blondy & Son, and othnr*, and are oqui.1, ir not Huperiorto any W|oo* that can bo producod. As they havo all boon well and earofully put up under his immedialo eye, ho fool* warranted in giving them the higlioat re* commendations. They consist of tho follow, mg, viz: 42 boxes 84 dozen Luna Wlna 91 dn 42 do Mail do IjJJJ **0 100 do Dimon do 93 do 93 do M D. do 3G do 36 do Blandy do 04 do Alcyone do 82 do Remittanoodo 30 do Olivora do 14 do do 054 brown sherry do 50 guidon do do 53 pate do do 24 port do 10 pi,iK, OlundyliSon,which havo 4 no $ been a 2 year a voyago to India,' 2 pipe* Lowfr fr Co. south side Madeira 2 (io Leal & Araujo d 0 1 butt containing 265 gulls Newton, Gor* don, Murd< ch fr Co. The Wine* in boxos wore put up from tha y. os- IP29 to 1835. JNO. W. LONG. jao 20 Landing From brig Falcon, from Baltimore, M -iiiii-giltela 19 hhd* do 42 bbls Gin, (White*. ) for t*lo on ar««miro. da’iog term# by FRANCIS SORREL, feb 3 Petit Gulf Cotton Seed. S i BUSHELS fret* tho plaiila*' Hnn of!!. Green,Gujf llillt, or exnellonl quality, landing from brig Ca#ket, and for sale lew, bv ja.» 31 PADELFORD, FAY fr CO. For Sale. 4 VALUABLE cotton plantation on the White Bluff road, four mile* from tire city, and contains about 400 icre« of land. Ap ply to II K BURROUGHS. “ *i 7—r. lieal Irish Pul aloes. HAMPERS funding, for aaie by fob 9 MICH. DILLON Sacks Salt. .SACKS Liverpool Salt on board w ship Oov Troup, for salo f.oni tl-e wharf by I. ADD, TUPPKR fr SISTARE. fob 9 A Card. T HOSE persons who have not settled their accounts with us, whieh were duo on the first of January, are requested to do so without further delay. PRICE fr MALLERY. feb 9 Oglethorpe Insurance ana Trust Co. of the C ty of Mncon. ^ IHE public ar’hereby informed that the , late Merchant*’ Iosuraneo end Trust ' mpnny of this .-ity has recently been inenrpo. ratud by thn to:gMature of thb Slain, under thn above title, with Authority to increase the Con. Hal Stock to 500,000 Dollars, end »o exercise TRUST and sundry other priviiegn*. 100,000 dollar j of Mild Capital ha* been paid-in, and { will at ail timer be he ld in readiness lo pay any toi-** duo hy this Company. Risks are taken to and from this city to am por- or pfrea, on as liberal term* !•» tlio assured as any otber Intu. ranee office*. Loan* will bo taken and bills of- , Excliange purehauud, fro. ) WM.B. PARKER, Pres’L Jamks Rra, Secro(ary. jnn 31—t Ten Dollars Reward. □ > AN A WAY frem-tbo *nb*«riber cn tha ntfr 14th January, tny man JACK, about fifi year.*old, yellow eomplexiun, wuil built, *b ,ut 5ft. ll in. high, generally wears bt* beard*! ng. The raid Jack waa bought 2 yesr.- ago from Mr, William fl. Siiiea, of Savannah, and prevfeua to that, w.ic owned by Dr- Wilson, of^ Bulloch cuuuty; bo Is no doubt in tho neighborhood of fi|vannab,MS he is well known, and has worked in Mr. Stiles' hrick yard. Tn* above reward will be paid to any one who will lodgo him aafoly in j .11, ao that I ean got him t u „ „ Q. H. HART. Liberty Co., Ga.' jan 26—tq