The daily Georgian. (Savannah) 1835-1847, January 28, 1838, Image 2

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GEORGIAN. iBr WUllam Bnllorli. mutant or tat tttvt or tat »»>, .»» cirt taint, D.Uj Piper, p.r tnm E1 *'" Mm. Uolj Pep.r,for«UaiiioUit, JJ™ no “*"' Tri-WcU. Piper, ter annum. Pi« Bollirt. ■ Trl-WoU, Pipit for tit nwinU, Tkr.e IMIut. AUp*ysbl«in advanca. PjT Advertisements Inserted at the usasl rates. 03* Postage matt be paid oo all CoMMUKir AT to j»m*4 latter* of business. For Mverpuni. JPA 100 bale* Cotton want ad. to complete me SftSlloading of the .hip OCPANl'S. Anpl* «« jan97 .v O'DRISCOLL. For Livurpttoi. JSA Ths fiiat ole*. ri«> STERLING. David G. 3DkHin*oe,tnester, will haw. imitwiiii.t*'despatch. ro^t, >P P i y to w , K , flAST0N> For Liverpool. Tha first da*. coppered »hl|» ROBERT • Mill*. 500 Ul & ISAAC, Captain >a!r* Cotton tn complin Pi* r.f,n or lliio »lilp, to mfoi. lU Stlf of I'llmilrj. Applj oo call oa or bofnro - board, u Aodlmoo'i wtalf, or to j u <M 0. D. I.AMAIt. jg* Th0 nntidi*th^"sf!t 0 CO 1.1 S CAMP. SEA DELL, Cnpliln Soon, A. I., line tin princi pal port of bar carfn inripaJ. .M -HI Itatt tin- tmteh. For Tnltlit oftOO ballt Colton, >npl« to HmSI »• HEID. jmat & jnn 93 For Liverpool. 100 battt wanted in cotnplota tho loading tf c,M p“«!S2S&,few A Jan 00 For Liverpool. 20Q bales cotton wanted tn complete the loading nf tha ship CORDOVA, M. Owen, n*“n LADD, TUPPF.R A SISTARE. For Liverpool. A THE nltlp CHATHAM, Cant. Gorham, JBb Im "fault For Liverpool. JBb Tha first class American ship HOWARD, SB K. Merrill, toaster, U now londinr, and will Iraro immediate despatch. For freight of 300 bale*, ■*fi Ijr to I8*2w a n. oonnoN. For Liverpool. Tha firm cla.i ship WESTC'H F.STF.R Frrri*, mailer, it loading, and will moa, with quick daapatrh. For freight, apply to Jen 16-tf JOSEPH GUMMING A CO. & [BY AUTHORITY.] LAWe OF THM UNtTKD STATCt PAMBO AT THB C0NO SESSION Of TUB TWBBTf*PlPTH CONGRESS. [Pea Lie.—No ft.) AN ACT in prnvida for the payment of tha annul* tie. which Mill bccoaie dun and payable to tha Great and Little Usages, In the yrar one thou** and eight hundred and thirty rights nod for oilier purpose*. Ur it enacted, ly Ike Semite and Haute of Re- presentatites of the United States nf America in i ougeess assembled, That the Secretary of War tlisl i-uum to be puirlused for the n.eoftbo Great and Li'.ilr O.age Indian., »ucb provisions tu will, ‘ hi. npiniiiu, be most useful tn them, tn the value eight thou.,and five hundred dollar., and when pur* chited, .hall causa aahl provision, tu be distributed among .aid Italian*, by tneir agent, furnishing tn each family, a. near a* may be, tbeir pinper pm* portion ; Protmled ulmsys, That such pnrrlia.e and uiatribution, .hall not be made, unleaa .ah! Indian, agree to receive the .nine in discharge nf tlie annul- tie. duj them fur tlie year non thousand eight hun dred and thirty eight by tirtue of treatiea between them and the United State*. Section a. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary uf War cause as many additional farmer, to be employed a. may, in tho opinion of the 1're.l* di nt, be deemed nece.saiy to aid and instruct aaltl Indian* in clearing and cultivating their lands, and •ueb additional stuck, implement* uf husbandry and seeds, to be purrhasv dTor tha utr of .aid Indian., a* tlie agent or aupcrinteudnnt may judge itrcr**nry | Presided altcuys, That the whole c a prose incurred under tld. tretion .hall not raceed the luin of three thousand live hundred dollar** Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That toena- bio tlie Secretary of War to carry the provision* of thl. art Into effect, the turn of twelve thousand dol* lar* lie, and the «*me is hereby, appropriated, to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not other* wi.e appropriated. ” JAMES K. POLK, Sptae r of the House of Representatives. All. M. JOHNSON. Ww*Pr«ii/r»t of the U. Statee, and President of the Senate. Approved, Dec. S3, 1837, M. VAN DUnEN. Another letter of • tmo date (from FortChrimma*) •ay* t—" Nothing ha* been heard of the army for 8 or 7 day., except that (t is 60 or *eventy mile* In advance of Fort Taylor, near the enemy, on the St. Lucir. Something important muit *oon transpire." Another letter of the Slat inm., (at Fort Brooke, Tampa Bay,) say*:—"Jumper, with 11 warriors, 23 Indian women and children, 6 negroe# and 24 womoo and children, in all 64, arrived here on the lflth. The Indian* art on board a vessel, and will leave uwnotrow for Fort Pike. The negruca remain here for the present. General Je.up i. now on the Kissimmee. Tt it thought tho army will meet, or have met, at Fort Basinger. It U said that the Indian, have locnlcd themselves on an island touth of Qclic-chuhboe." Another latter sayst—'"Since tlie aurremirr of Jumper and hla warrior* to Col. T. of which you liave heard, A1a*tooche, with 16 warrior*, hid gone in to General Smith, who occupies position* still . westwaid of Colonel Taylor, both of whom have strung forces.” S' , r . \ SAVANNAH: MONDAY MORNING, JAN. 39th, 1838. For Liverpool. Tha first data American ship TROPIC, SBCapt. D. Jackson, having two thirds of her •arga ready to go on board, will moot with do#* •itch. For Crolgbt of 300 bale* Cotton, apply on laard, at Jones' upper wharf, or to Jan It WASHBURN A LEWIS. For Liverpool* A The fast silling packet ship RErtUlLIC* SBAN, Captain Robert W. Foster, having half 'Bbtcargo engaged, will meet with despatch. For balaftoeof freight or passage, having superior ac* . .. *y on board, at Mongin's upper WA8HBURN jt LEWIS. For Liverpool. Tha firet rata coptN-rml ship ELIZA BETH Si BRUCE, Captain \V. H. Ru.soll, will have immediate despatch. For freight or passage, h*v lag good Bocommodatinns, apply to 10 PAPKLKURD, FAY A CO. For Liverpool* ^ The first elaat American ship OCEANUS, Prince, master, having nna halfwf hrr cargo *d, will meet with despatch. For freight, mi* nosF.n&o’nmscou.. For K«f Wat and Moblln. JB The fine fast sa ling whtmnri 1* KIIR Y SB SPENCER, Wilton, master. 330 bid* bur. •ken, wUI taka freight or passage fur Mohlla anil Key West.; Apply on board, or tn Jan»iP 8. PHILBR1CK A CO. For Bnltlmorc. Th# brig SOLON, Cantain FoiTest, will JSSBhare quick de*|>aiali for the above port. For iraight or psu*«go, apply on board, at Taylur’* wharf, or to Jaa88 FRANCIS SORRELL A CO. . For Boat( The superior lirig ME llOlt* . - « IETAMORA, Captain Marston. For frd|htur passage, apply on •t Jones' lower wharf, nr to lft BAYARD A HUNTER. For notion. t-^bk t*' 1 • l 'B' n S brig FALCO, Cant. Har- SB law, will meat with despatch. For [.right or pasMgt, apply on board, at Monglu'i ujqter wharf, **Janfi WASHBURN A LEW IS. " Ftao at' Uie Iren heart'* only bouia I By angel hand* tn valour given \ Thv aura have lit the welkin dome, And all iky Kura were bora In Jleavaa I Forever float that standard abeatl Where breatkes the foe but fall* before ns, With FniKOAM’a soil beneath our feet. And FliKKnoM'aUawwKB at reaming o'er as I” FROM HAVANA. By tho acliooner Byron, Captain Ursse, arrived on Saturday evening from Havana, we are indebted to our commercial friends for the following extract of letter* and price current. Havana, Jan. 19th, 1838. Rice, since our advices of tho 13th instant, lit* undergone a further improvement, and we can re port sale* of a enrgo at 12J rials, and ns look for a further advance on this prico, unless too much come* forward immodinti-ly. Coffee still scarce, and we quote 9JaS| rials for fair parcel* ItialOJ r*. for good qualities, choice 11 ul IJ rial*. Molas* •es firm at 6 rinls, and in much demand. Bills on Now York 2jn3 per cent, discount | on Charleston nominal, at 3| per cent, discount. Havana, Jan. 19th, 1838. Rice has Improved a iittln and in domnmi, and is now saleable at llJ-tl'JJrials. Tho Byron, cargo of Lumber sold at 33J. Coffee U in brisk demand from 9J to 10J rial*. Exchango on United States quit* flat. Uatana, Jan. 18th, 1838. lloaps, 341 Boards, w. p. 20o24 f Lumlwr, p. p. 281 Shingles, 4 4| Beans, 8u!0; Beef, Nos. 1 and 2, 8 4al0{ Brend, pilot, 6a7| Butler, ICnlflj Can dles, mould, 16a 17 44 Sperm, do. 3<?a39 } Codfish, 2 f Corn, 4u5s Flour, IU 8*19{ Onions, 7| Fork, Hal7j Potntnes, 2 6a3; Rice, ft CaO 2{ Amp, 8 2a3 4 i Hams, 10nl3: Lard, lOnll 2f Coffee, 1st quality, Hall 6; 2d and 3d do., 7aIoj{ triago, 3 4aft| Honey, 2JI Molasses, 6 J Sugars, ns sorted* 7 llu9 13; White, 11a 13; Brawn, (Jju8|; Ex* change on London, 10x11 per cent. prem. f United States, 2x3 per cunt, discount; Freights to United States, llJuUi per box Sugar; Jn| cent, per lb.; Coffee, UM< per hlid. Molasses. K7* We are gratified to learn, says the Mobile Chronicle of the 23d inst., that tho officers of the law are in close pursuit of the robber* of tbu mail aod the murderers of the stago driver. It is said •there are three of iliem, and several officer* of the city police, left yesterday evening fur Stockton, in pursuit of them. It was a cold blooded murder, and we ltopo they may bo caught, convicted and pun* islixd. The malls ere believed to have been tho Mobile hag of tho 19th. and two from Now Orleans, con* turning bank note* and dibfis tn a largo amount. Hi a Explohino Expedition.—'The National In. teUi§eurir,at the U2d inst. say* 1—“ We learo that a new difficulty has arisen, a* 10 tho character oflhe vetsi-l,intended to compose the squadron fortius ex pedition. According to tha last plan, it is lobe redu* rcd'to 11 sloop of war; one slop ->f about 4o0 ton*, (the Relief ,’^ppnn brig, and the schooner Active. ^Itflhe opinion of Captain Kearney, (who had acci-p- lad the commaiul after Captain Junes** retirement.) und tbit officers associated with him, there would not bn on board the vessels, sufficient accommodation for su largo a scientific corps a* that appointed by tho President. We regret to add that Captain Kear ney, on the 18th instant, resigned the command of the squardrori, and that his resignation has been ac cepted." From the Sew Orleans Courier. 22d inst. DESTRUCTIVE FIRE—THREE STEAM* BOATS BURNT. This morning nt half pnst one o’clock u fire broke out in the steattirr Marmora, lying at the wharf, op posite tlie foot of(iirod street, und inn few minutes •lie was completely enveloped in flumes. It wn« itnj nssible even to save a portion of tho cargo or furniture. The fire communicated with the Chicka saw and Cutnlierland In-fore they rould lie removed, and both were destroyed, except the hall of the Chh-ka«aw, in which tho firerneu succeeded in ar resting the fiuttv-s. Tin* Mnrmnra had arrived only yesterday from Nutcldtoches, w ith a cargo principally of cotton Our correspondent of thn Merchants Exchange, New Orleans, says—" 1203 hales uf cotton ware burnt with tho 3 steamf-oats." For Now Forks—Old established lint. 1 The fast sailing bark LA GRANGF.. Can* ktaln Donne, will have Immrd-ata despatch. IVtl|ht or passage, having good areummoda. apply to Capuln D. on boord, at Bolton's Jan27 COHEN, MILLER A CO, For Providence. J2A The packet brig ROMULUS, Capt. Kng SB lith,* will bare despatch. For freight, apply Jan 20 rAbELFORD, FAY A CO. For Providence. The packet ship MOCTEZUM A, Captain ^8. Mouran, will p«>sltlvcly sail ON 8ATUR* AY next. For freight or passage, apply on hoard, PADF.LFORD, FAY A CO. f g next JxnSS 0J" We, thie morning, compress news by yester* day's mails, and defer prepared matter. ^ FROM FLORIDA. Tha steam packet Forester, Captain Dillon, lived hero this morning from Garay's Ferry. From Capt. D. wo dcrivo lit* following Intelligence. Lieut. Powell with about 00 men, including regu lars, landed at Jupiter Inlet, and took a squaw; she told thorn she would carry them where the Indiana were encamped, which was about 7 miles off. I.t, P. attacked them,the Indians roturned the fire with a gteat deal nf spirit, whan the sailors ran, and had it not been for the artillery they would all have been cut lo pieces All the officers were wounded. Dr. Lightncr was killed. Tha steamrixiata Charleston, Wm. Gaston, and Jamrs Dnntwright, were at 8t. Johns Bnt, wailing for favornblo weather to pro* eeed tn Indian river, where they were ordered by Gen. Jesup. Since the above was In type, (and despatohad by express mall yesterday,) we have, fiom tha friendly attention of corre«|Mindcnts, received further parti cular*, which wo hasten to lay before our readers. While our gallant olficrrs are yielding every thing, even /(/«, at the eall of their country, the wiseacres in Congress are seeking to nrray their sympathies for the murderous Seminoln against thn necessities of our bleeding troops. Is this a timo far party de nunciation, when monny is asked to reliove an army sent to exterminate those bloodhounds f Let then the wise men at Washington refrain from such un seasonable waste of words. A letter from "camp, near tha Everglados, and 25 mile* west of ihe depot at India River Inlet,” dated January 18th, 1838, sayat— "You will hoar, probwhly, before tills reaches you, that Lieutenant Powell had a little brush with the Indians near Jupiter Inlet. It appears that he landed with aliout 80 men, sailors, with tho exrep- t'on of 25 regulars. Soon after landing, he found an old squaw, who offured lo guide him to the place where tho 1 ndians were—about 7 mile* off. Ho fob r Snlr, Freight 01 Churtcr. l Tho fine coppered and copper fastened SBBtrhr. OLIVE, Mullen, master. Is ready tn sake in cargo fur any southerneport. She i* com pletely found in every respect, and will he sold low ta close a concern, or freight will be received on vary reasonable terms, for New Orleans or Cuba. - For terms and other information npplr to .jaw M ~ FRANCIS SORREL A CO. For ^rtlilil or Charter to Philadelphia or N. Orleans. jfU The bark GAZELLE. Eldrhlge, master, SB will moot with despatch to either of i!m •boro porta. Apply to the captain on boird, or to * dec 10 . - a. D. CORBITT TJWTEKN Hundred bags GUw' Patent Shoi X 1 end Bails 10 ken Bar Lead In store, and for sale hr J< • FlIANCia SORREL A tO. 41. Croix Sugar. HHD8 primo St. Croix Sugar, landing and for aaio by 12 GEO. HUNTINGTON A CO ,» ana 1 ^ vus." Nsr 19, 1'nrio Bloo Sugar* FT1HIRTY hbd*. handsome Porto Rico Sugar, X landing and for sale low, from tha wharf. Jaa 15 WOODRRIDGE A MAY. Coffee, X ANDINO from brig Kentucky from Havana, J—i 78 bag* prime Green Co floe, f dee 27 EDWARD 1. for sale bj late by WILEY Ladles' Furred Shoes. X ADIE5 bbocs lined with fur; lined shorter*; -1-4 Abo, misses'fur shoes, received and fur sale by dec 12 H. N. ALDRICH A CO. Fruit* A LOT at Wsat India Fra t, oa Uoird sloop Ca rolina, from Havana, for sale low, bv TURNER, EASTMAN A CO.. -Jaw 4 Exchange dock. Flour and Crackers •nirn barrel, eaael FJpur, X 25 do butter, sugar, aod milk aackers. Landing and for aalo by dee » WM. OLMSTEAD. New Bacon Ae. F IRTY THOUSAND Middling*, ft hhds New Orleans Sugar, for sale by janft CLAGHORN A WOOD, jkrRtiitriugABule Hope. f])UpE HUNOitED Pieces heavy Kentucky £ »c 14 WOODRRIDGE A UAY* THEATRE. We witarssed on Saturday evening the represen tation ef Mrs. lacitBALb's comedy of Wives at they were, and Maids as they are. To call this comedy excellent cannot bedeemed supererogatory, when In tlie hands of Coorim and his gifii-d daugh ter though it lacks the wit of tho sterling comedies of Sheridan, of Knowles, and last not least, " the bard of Avon.” As le its moral, we cannot soy much, for while tha authoress consigns lo a prison, tho heroin# of the play for tho indulgence of that fashionable vice of the com tly society of England gaming, thorn is something revolting in a peer of tho realm approving of Hronxoly, a fashionable rake, -VJ making love to his lady, who "h«d told him truth 1, ar- y«*»»*." merely to «!? V* * ne,Bnt 'tames the wreath of praise, And boldly censure those of modern days." Obedience, the result of conjugal schooling, more than year* of low, tlie concomitant of conjugal con fidence, seem* to actuate the lidy’s conduct. Be sides, the modern gallant, to call him by no harsher name, Is too much rowardrd fur his giddy course, when ho assumes the control ofeven a Lady Raffle. A halter, or a prison, nt least, would liavo been n more suitable reward for such a cbnrnctvr; though, perhaps, tho authoress In consigning tho lady to him, intended that she should, by her indiscretion, lend him to on« or tho other. .Sir William, under the assumed name of Man- dred, exhibits all the peevishness of tho rich old father, who, having exhausted years In acquiring tho sordid dust, has learned to placa that value on it, which the judgment of the world, in evert age, a- ward* to it. Having followed tho ndvlco nf logo— " Put money in your purse"—he evinces a laudable aversion to see it squandered by his child un sharpers and fa.ltionable rogues, but Ills conduct is unnatural in allnaing her to be consigned lo gloomy wall-, the altodooftho vilest of mankind. This, however, lathe fault of the fair author and not of rite actor,who,as in days of )ore, observes the strict propriety of every character he undertakes. Tho prison sceno is, for tho time it consumes, a fino dovelopcment or tho powers or Mr. end Miss C.j and the breathless si lence which pervaded the ai-dirnce in the progress of the interview between the father and the uncon scious daughter, was nut only a worthy compliment to tha two, but evinced tha judgment of the spec tator*. When it it revealed to Mist Dorrillon, by Man- dred, that the fortunes of her (supposed) absent father are changed, ami all his hopes are blasted, the natural affection of the daughter gushes forth, aud heeding not the conditions of the relief extend- lowed her direction and came upon the Indians— ... ..... , - — some say 46—some 60—and other* 80 or more. I , V* h ! r ' * hv l " n * u •* 0,, ° " r ,IBr tathcr, and ima< The fire commenced on hit side, when the Indians l ’ ov ® rt 7' »tak, or in prison,” returned it with spirit, and toon put the sailors into utter confusion, who fled, and the whole party would hsvo been cut to pieces, but for tha regulars, at Lieut. Powell and all acknowledge. Six or eight were killed and loft upon the ground, with a man win was oidy wounded, but could not retire. Ha was left to the tender mercy of tho Indians. Dr. Lightner, of the navy, was killed, and every officer wounded. Tlte regular* behaved nobly. Two of the boats were left, inona of which were a keg of powder and a box of cartridges, with rum, whiskey, and other sailor comforts. We are within 21 miles of Fort Basinger, one of tho forts on Kissimre rivet. We have anw a cor don of posts from Charlotte harbor tn Indian river, and most of the Indians are believed to be south of "other letter dated January 19th at eemp nenr the lot. 27*, about 30 milcsS. W. from Indian river Inlet. E F., say*, " Wo htvo nothing here but what will reach you before thi* letter The affair near the Jupiter Inlet it very unfortunate and will, no doubt, inspirit the enemy. Gon. J»*up and staff, with the 2d regiment dra goon*,reached camp from Indian river depot yester- day. It is pretty well ascertainsd that the largest body of Indiana is collected on tha islands and the swamp* surrounding O-kie-cho-W, to which the ar my will probably move from this position, in a day nr two. Fott Gardner is 31 mile* due west and Capt. Fowler who returned yesterday, having keen sent out for the purpose, reports that the ground will admit of-sgood road, and it it probable we will cet our supplies from that tide. From Fort Taylor to thi 1 ramp it it utmost impracticable." Another letter dated Jan. 18, J 833, saya, " Lieut. To well hat been defeated by the Indians near tbu SanLucia.AII hi* officers were wounded‘in tbeir effort* to bring the sailors up to the mark, hut it was unavailing,eqj it is admitted by them, that but for the company of artillery commanded by Lt. Fowler, they would have suffered more than they states ia Lieut. Powell's affair, two sailors aodfiwo soldier* killed, a* also Df. Lightner, their surgeon, from Charleston, and about 20 wounded, none vary b«d!y- Lt—il JohoMMk fonneriy ofti. was the only nffitfer who escaped, the rest being all* wounded. Eight of tho Indians, it U said, were* ki^d, Th« q}d squaw was brought off captive.” kneels lo make a solemn promise, which the fear* not to break, and forgetting the •• lollies and extra vagancies of London,” the oxelaims—" Exact what now you will on this occasion, l will make and keep It.” (Than observing Mr. Norborry entering, the addresses him)— ' Oh, Mr. Norberry, be hat been telling me such things of my father I" Mr. Norbttry— 1 " Hat he! then kneel again— call him by that name, and Implore him not to dis own you for bis child." Mist Dorrillon—“ Good Heaven f I dare not— I dare not do as you require.” In tho utterance of this reply to Norberry, all the anguish of the daughter, tuddouly rouse.out of the extent of lier offence, is finely portrayed by Miss Cooper, and in beholding her, we are compolted to forget the actress, in the feminine conception of a child's remorse. That the parent's emotion* were finely exhibited by Mr. Cooper, it is unnecessary to observe, fur he reditary talent sirikos a sympathetic chord, which swelling in its tones by what it responds to,discern- sat the eloquence of pathos. But we have exceeded our limit*. We must however, remind the reader that this earning will be teen the fit representative of Shaktpearo'* char acters in that of the " valiant knight." Major John R. Anderson, has been appointed cashier of the Branch Bank of Darien, in Milledce- villa. Canada.—Rumors as thlok a* snow flakes, bnt they amount to—nothing. Tho story ofthe organ- isatioh of a considerable body uf men in Michigan seems, however, to he confirmed. They will proba bly march to Malden, and then march "boek age a." CT In our last, says the Augusta Constitutiona list of the 25th Inst, we notice the rate* nf exchange at which the Dank ofHambtirg was drawing on Sa vannah, Charleston and New York, but we have since learned tha* these rates were for their own not her letter of the 16th (from For* Lloyd, 'MUs, and that higher rates are asked when bills of “ the banks of this city and state are offered in pay ment. The same paper says t " We understand that the bank* of thi* city now receive on depoaite.oe in pay- neat of dues, the nous of the HawkintviUe Bank. They have hitherto refused them since soma short ime previous to the suspension ofspecio peymont. Ttvciity-fifih Congress. ■ Kf*nst> *»-.**ion. Correspondence nf the Jlatlimore Republican. Washington, Jan, 20, evening. The Mtsstsstrrt Contkstld Election. If the people were to form an opinion on iheli-nittli of tho speech of Mr. Prentiss, which occupied three days in the House of Representatives, they would arrive at tho roiclusion, that there was something really wondeifill oml extraordinary in thn Missis sippi contested election. Nothing could lie fur ther from the fact The ensn is u very simplo one. and inny bo stated in a very few words. The cotu-resdiund term, for which M-ssrs. John F. H. Claiborne aud Samuel J. Ghnlson were elect ed in Nov. 1835, expired on thn 4th day of March 1037. Thn next regular elertlon did not take place till thn— --day of November. Of course them was a vacancy in the Mississippi delegation, which would have existed from Miroli till November, lud not an especial election been ordered. In the month of June last, Mr. Vnn Iluren Issued hit proclamation convening a specinl session ofCnn- gres* to bn opened hi September, lt wn* accord ingly necessary that Mississippi should order n new election, or she should bo left unrepresented in the then approching special session. Gov. Lynch of Mississippi, accordingly issued his proclamation di recting a new elertlon to lake plncc in July In fi|. ling tin his proclamation, he directed the election to bo held lor members of Congress, to bold their sents during the special session. Tho candidates of the administration, were Messrs. John F H. Claiborne and Samuel J. Gliolsun; those ofthe wigs, were S. S. Prentiss and T. C. Acre. Before the election took place, it wn* discovered that tho Governor hnd mndu an important and a disastrous blunder, and that who might ho rimed in July would he elected for the entire term of thn 25th Congress. The people of Miss., were appris ed ofthe fact, and voted accordingly. Messrs. Clni- horn nnd Ghnlson were elected, the former lending hit whig opponent nboitt f.,ur thousand votes, nnd thn latter carrying with him a success that was quite ar nenrly equal. At the opening of tho special session. Messers. Chihnrnand Gholsun, mndo their nppearnneo nt Washington, and laid their case before tho House of Representative*. It was referred to the enmmittoo on elections, and that body reported that they were duly elected mouther* of tlie 25lh Congress, nnd a* such they were admitted tn sent*. Thn Constitution expressly declares that "the Homo nf Representatives ahull he composed of mem bers chosen cveiy second year by the prop!,, nf the several state*," Ar. Messrs. Claihorn nnd Gholson were elected und thl* constitutional provision, nnd notw ithstanding Gov. Lynch hnd ntti-mpted tn limit tlieirllmn of service to six weeks, the Utilise nf Rep resentatives nctine under that clause of the Consti tution which provides that “ each limns shall Im the judge of tho election returns, and qualification* of it* own members," confirmed their seats, and decided very .justly and conclusively Uml they were members of the 25th Congress. The whole question at that lime was, "era John F. IL Clailtorn and Samuel J. Ghnloin, member* elect ofthe I Imise of Representatives, op u re they not!” Tho House, under ttyeConstitution,decided that they were members, and thus tho controversy ended. In November, another election fur members of Con gress was bold in Mississippi. Messrs. S. S. Pren tiss, and T. Word were candidiitos; Messrs Clni- Imrn nnd Glmlson having h.ien declared elected by tin House, did not tun, and the result was, tho suc res* of Messrs. Prentiss nnd Word, w horun ex-parte, and ofxonrse hnd no difficulties to encounter. Thry now nsk seats. Mississippi is entitled to two repre sentatives only; but sin* lint thought proper to send u* four. We shall see who will lie returned. Tin- House cannot reverse the decision U arrived nt in October, without being guilty ofgross fickleness nnd waywardness. The rnsr Lo simple ones it requires no ghost to elucidate it, nnd yet it is the p rulinr pro vince and struggle of the opposition presses, to en deavor to mnke the public bolimrti that snmo gross actnfimposiiion and injustice it about to bo practised by tho administration Correspondence of the Baltimore American. WAsntNOTON. Jan. 20. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. Everett, of Vermont, lifter tho journal had been read, asked the House totuke up and consider a memorial from'John Ross, one of tho Chcrokre*, praying against tire enforcement of the treaty made between ihcUoiteslStnteit and theCh-rokecs,Where- hy the hitler agree tn leave their present locating in Georgia for a home west ofthe Mississippi. Tho House consented tocuusidvr the matter at this time, by n vote of86 to 83. Mr Hnynes of Georgia then moved to lay tho memorial on the table. The House refused the motion, and Mr. Everett, of Vt. mndo a brief defence of referring his memo rial to the committee of the .judiciary with instruc tion*. It was near one o'clock when Mr. Everett took the floor, nnd after a few words his remarks were brought *0 n rinse by the orders of the dny. Mr. Everett, nf Vermont, proposes that this sub ject shall he referred to the committee ofthe judi ciary, and than that the judiciary committee shall be instructed by th* Hmi*e to report n bill which may set aside the Sehermerhorn treaty, as it is call- od, by which the Cherokee* havo made an agree ment to leave their present homes to go west of the Mississippi. At one o'clock an attempt was mad* to lay aside the older* ofthe day, and to continue tho debate up- on tliesuhject liefnre the House. The motion was not in order, and the Mississippi contested election came on, Mr. Foster, of N. Y. not having closed his re nark* nn Siturday,which he began on Friday, con- tinned them this morning. % He has been speaking three hours and hat not yet concluded. 8F.NA1E. A report from the secretary of war upon the same tr aty to which Mr. Evurett'a memorial in the House refers—the SeK. treaty—enmo up for early consideration. A motion was made to print five hundred extra copies, and upon this mo tion a brief debate began upon tho merits of the question. Mr. Lumpkin, of Georgia, made some few re marks of the same character of those in the report of the oectetary of war, which were against the spirit manifested by Mr. Ross and other Cherokee chiefs, against the treaty. The remarks, however, were but few, and the discussion cioood with an order to print five hundred ex*nt conies of tlie re- port, and somo papers published by the editor of the Cbeerkee Pbo-aix, in favor of re-opening the treaty •tween th* Cherokee* and th* United Slates. Correspondence of the Baltimore Republican. Washington, Jnn. 23, evening. A bill making an appropriation for the supprrs-ion tif Indian hostilities, wn* 1 of up to-day, fly u suspen sion nf tlie rule, and Mr. Wise of Virginia, opposed the measure with a deal of that warmth fur which he is, too often, nod I am sorry tn snv, somewhat too proierbial. He was very severe on Gen. Jesup— on the people .,f Floridu, nnd nn every one who has had aught to do witbthcSeminolennor Florida war. Mr. Downing of Fl«*ida, a delegate, and a new one, fi-.und himself called on, notwithstanding ho is a w li'g, to defend not only tho people of Florida— hut the secretary of war, Gen. Jesup, and the ad ministration. Mr. Downing is a man of ex ceeding modesty, of great eloquence aud intelli gence. As snonnt Im commenced speaking, much excitement was experienced and ull sides were very anxious tn listen to the delegate from Florida. Af ter he linrl spoken nn hour and upwards, he wn* dis posed to yield tho floor from exhaustion, hut thn rries of all side* railing loudly 011 him to go on, In duced hint to speak at much greater length than he had eridentlv nricinully nulicipatrd He surreM- fully met and refuted till the positions of Mi. Wise, and won n deal of applause. I do not know that the administration ever found no alder advocate ihun it had to-duy, in the Imnoruble Mr. Downing. And I should suppose that 11 mao who has so uldy defen ded the administration to-day, would hrrrufler Lo found its suppoitei nn other occasions. Looking nt the aspect of uflairs, at they have Ihhoi presented to-day, I should support! that tlie d laite commenced to-day, might he kept up, till one half of tho Florida people are exterminated fur the want of the necessary means to enable iliem to act success- lully on the delensi e. At the time I found it necessary tn bring try note lo n close, the debate rvn* going nn, nnd Mr. Cilley of Maine, wn* 011 the flo r. n defence of tho bill. He advocated the bill with ability nnd real lu consequenceofthisd-'lwiio, the Mississippi elec tion, which wn« the legitimate order of tlie dny, got tlie go-by, ^ I do not know when it will cotne up again. It is auid that it is to be postponed for a forv days. In the Senate, Mr. Grundy's steamboat bill wn* tho order of the dny, und rvat discussed ut great length. Murk Indian Depredations.—On Friday eve ning lust, about sundown, a party ofJudinas, suppos ed tola- about thirty in numircr, attacked the houses ot.Mr. Ful cloth, nnd Mr. Thompson, on the St. Marks river, ale ut fifteen miles from this place, drove the immntes from the dwelling*, set fire to them, und curried off all the plunder they could obtain. After dark they attacked the dwelling of Mr. Senicy, about three miles from Col. It. Gamble's. Mr. Sen try wn* Imrlly wounded, but nuidu hi* escapa with most of the fnnmily—one child wn* killed about a quarter ofa mile from the house. Mr. Thompson ro- C' ivcd n hull in his leg. A woman rosining nt Mr. Fuircloth's, was *0severely woun ed, that her life is despaired of. A small party was immediate ly organized, und followed the trail to the O-eilla, where the Imliuns had crossed, nnd di-persed in srnnll ■ attb*s. The express to the governor, arrived in town early on Wednesday who immediately sent oirler* to Capt. Driirlly's, command nt San I’edrn, to go in pursuit ofthe Indians, and nlso ton small force stationed on the Gorilla. Thu Jefleison county troops, welcarit, had nlso orders to go in quest of tho nt Httudor*.—Floridian, 20/A inst. In udditlon, tho Wntchman uf sonio date says,we learn that on Fiiduy night, nn out houso nf Col. Murat's, nbnut 18 miles from this place, was fired, nod thetcnnnts wounded. Wo have not Lcen ub'c to obtain thn particulars. The Milledgvville Recorder of hist Tuesday, con tain* lhe B fullow ing military order t Ilxto Quartets, ) Mlllcdgovillo, Jan. 20,1030. ) Thn cnmmnnder-in-cliiuf has received a call from Col. Lindsay, for a company ofinfantry, to lie sta tioned in Paulding county. Its organization wifi conform to tho directions contained in the older of tho 12th inst Voluntoer companies are nguin invi ted to enter the service for tho defence of the Chero kee country. Uv order of thn commander in-chief. MILLER GRIEVE, Aid-de-Ctmp. Two cnmpnn cs urn ordered out hy tho governor, according to tho requisition of Col. J.iudsuy, for the defence of the Chcroki o country. 1 We would he pleased to heur from those editors hi Georgia, who were su clamorous against Gov. Schley, for tho or ganization of u military force in the Cherokee coun try, what they have now tosuy about tho removal ol tho Cherokee Indians in May next 7 Will this removal lie efli cted without trouble mid coercion 7 I* not resistance npprehended 7 And if, last yeat, u military fotvn hud b"cn so organix-d as to take the field ut a moment's warning, would resistance havo been apprehended 7—Consli utoinalist. PASSENGERS. rer steamboat Wm Seobrook, from Charleston— Mrs Tnylor, Mrs Dunsler und child,Mrs Sewell nnd 2 children, Mrs Davis, Mis* C'rnig nnd servant, Dr Gibbs, Messrs Mcinnis, Bryan, Brown, Ciaig, Cur- wen, Mnurrny, Gmlfr. y, Kassar', Johnson, 1’clot, Jennings, Hpeisegger, Capt Napej. commercial. Latest dates from Liverpool Latest date* from Havre Latest dates fr> tn Havana Dec. 8 Dee. 7 Jan. 19 SA VANN AH IMPORTS. JAN. 97 MARTINIQUE—Brig Julia Crosby—00 lilids Molnssc*. HAVANA—Schr Byron—M) hlids Mu)usses t 22 bog* CnflVo nnd n quantity of fruit. SAVANNAH EXPORTS. JAN. 27. NEW YORK—Ship Newark—513 bole* cotton, 5 nnekiiees sundries. PROVIDENCE—Slop Moctctumn—'798 bales Upland nnd 13 laile* S I Cotton, 100 boxes Sugar 5 rusk* r'ee, 1 bnrnnelie. TRINIDAD—Br bark I 0—127.000 feet P T lumber, 50.000 shingles, 30 hblt tnr, 100 bbls corn meal,20 b’ds | itch. M A RSK1LI.ES—Brig Mary Bc.'nntit—352bales upland cotton. BOSTON—Brig Falco—320 bales cotton, 175 cask* rirn. HAVANA—Schr Cnllun—20 casks rice, 45 bbls potatoes, 44,000 feet lumber. NEW YORK, Jnn. 23.—Sales. f Stock. 10 shares U S Bank j|g 50 do Delaware & Hudson 7:1 a Specie—Sales this morning of ItlOO Mexican dob lar* at 4 cent prem. We note American geld, Mi 41 do; half dollars 3|n44 do; five fume pieces. offered; sovereigns. 5,02 do; doubloons 17 a 174: do Patriot, I0.04alfi.l0. 4 Tteasury Notes—JaJ nrem. Sales offllOO at the former rite.—Com. Adv. The Marlct—VneVei Dn v—Bill* on England are very dull nt f).J prem for tho b»’*t. ^Cotton it in culm.—Jour. Com. AUGUSTA AND HAMBURG, Jan. 25.—Cot. ton—Within the pn*t week we have had a good nnd sternly demand for rotton, nt the prices paid Inst week. Hnd the transaction*, ns will be seen below, have l>een to a fair extent. Tho snle* from ware houses during the week amount to 478!) hales, which wire disposed of as follows;—5 hales nt 8r.t*: 57 nr 8\; 23 nt 8|; 44 nt8; 08 nl 9J; (IQ ni !).t; W hi 9 7-1 fi; 44 hi 9|; (193 at ».!; 53 nt P&: 1037 nt 10; 32 at 10J; 1725 nl I0J; 38 nt log: 037 nt 10}: 72 at 10) nod 2QI et 10J. From wagons the sates have also l»een fair nt prices ranging ns above, hut for th* Inst week we think our receipts havo fallen off— owing, no doubt, to the hnd state of the roads nt the present time. We quote n* extremes. 8 a Hr. nl- thoush we report no sales at the latter price from warehouses, yet wo understand that several p ircel* have hem disposed nf n t that prior, nnd that hol der* of prime lots will not sell under it. Groceries—There haslieenn good business doing with the country in the retail way, but hy wholesale we have heard of nn transactions worth rep-tr ing. Domestic spirits nro getting scarce, nlthuugh the supply on hand it fully equal to the demand. New England Rum it worth, by the quantity, 54 cent*. *0*1 u'"™' **tas of Baltimore whiskey, in small lot* of bbl*. have been made at 53e. Prime sugar i* also getting scarce, n* i* aI«o good molasses, which u now worth 4(» cents by ibo quantity, Canal flour is selling nt 13 n 13.} pe*i bbl. . Exchange—Sight checks on New York are sell ing at 3 per cent. prem. On Charleston, 1} a 1} prem. The Bank of Hamburg we understand, is drawing on New York at 2} per cent. prem. nnd on Charleston at} pi.r ct prem. for their ou n bills. Freights—Have advanced. To Savannah, $1 05 U "° W MWn f price; to Charleston, CHARLESTON, Jan. 21.—Cotton—The trans- aettons since our last, in the prime and choice quali ties or Upland cotton, have been rather light, owing to their scarcity, but former rales have bean main- rt'ta 0,1 ,h ? w'ddling description., a decline of fully half a cent has been submitted to. Wa have no change to notice in inferior, only that the sales have been unusually limited. The sales comprise 5700 bole* nt the following prices—14 at 8}; 07 at 9; IV at 9J , 80 at 9}; 24 at fl|; 28C nt 10 5 10 at 101; lOOat 174; 29.11108; 1374 at 10}} 12 at 10J; 982 at 10l; 1380 at 11; 16 at 111; 419 at llj; 547 at 11}. and 241 balcsut 12 cents. Oflongcot- tons about 258 bales brought from 45 10 55 cents; 14 do. stained from 7 tu 15 cents, uud 40 Maiuct at 40 cents. Rice—This article continues to command high prices, and the sales oftbc week, which have been at n further advance on former rates, nre principally for tho European market The transactions com- prisv 140 trs nt $3 5 12 at 3]; 15 nt 3j } 43 at 3 7-lfi; 233 nt 3 9-10; 425 at 3); 237 at 3 11-16; 189 at 3) ; 142 m 3 13-1(1, and 102 tc* at 3|. ltongh Rice—The sales ofthe week are near 14.000 bushel*, nl from 97 ct* toftl per bushel. Orain—The arrival* of grain tin* week arc very light, amounting to only about 5100 bushels corn, 3000 luiriiel* outs, with a small quantity j»en*. All of which a* fur u* we have been able to loam brought within (be range of our quotations, We quote car go sale* of bay 1} lo lj. Flour—The tranraciiuns in the flour market this week hnve been continrd altogether tn the retail trade 5 we hnve been informed, however, that it has been offered, nt wholsule, to thu bakers at from tot to 10, according to quality. Bacon—About 4000 pirces Baltimore baron sold nt the following rates: hams 15; shoulder* 12; and side* 13 cents. Lard— Wo quote 9a 10 cent* a* tho extreme rales, at which sales have been effected. Salt—We hnve had several nrrivnlsuf salt since our last, part of which brought f2.J tier sark, and 1000 sucks at prices not mtidn public, with about 0300 1iu«Ii»Ih in bulk, per ship Copiu, from C'adir., which sold m 40 cent* per hu*hel. Sugar—150 hluN New Orleans sugar from 7j in 0|. putt of v» Inch was ofthe old crop,and brought a trifle above the latter rate ; 40 boxes wldto Havana from 11 to 13 cents per lb Molasses.—Tho sales of tho week comprise 60 bbls. Atinknpas, nt 40 cents; 200 bbls. Nevv-Or* lean* ul 38cents; 50hhd*.do. 34 cents jut.d asm-ill lot do. of ih> old crop, nt miction nt 32 to 34 cent*. Coffee.—Near 400 bags have been sold from 12J, lo 121, and I hero Is some in the market which is held above 13 cents. Holders nro firm nt preaunt prices, ns recent advices from the West Indies inform u* of nn ndvance outlie article lo that maiket. Spirits.-Of Domestic. Liquors 190 bbls. nnd 30 lilids. N. E. Rum in 40} to 43 cents j 100 bbl*. Bal timore WhLkey 40 cents; 40 hlids. do. 38 cents ; und 50 hid*. Noitliein Gin nt 48 cents. Exchange.—We have no iilterutiou tn rerun] in cither Foreign or Domestic Exchange this week. S/ncl;t—Tho maiket fur.Stuck*, generally, romulni in that inactive state noih-cd in our lust. Freights.—To Liverpool und Iluvro as last quo ted. To the NuilL nominal APALACHICOLA, Jnn. 13.—Remarks.—A- mount of cotton received up to Inst dales, 903G; ro* reived this week 1183; total 10,269. The sales du ring the past week have been from 0 u 10 :, princi pally Ut 9}. The demniid for choice continues brisk, und lOoi* readily obtained . ^ Freights.—To Liverpool 3 farthings; Havre l}c; New York |c. PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 20.—Coffee.—The do- mnnd has slightly increased, hut the sale* coniii.uii exceedingly limited. A few hundred hags ofLn- fiunyra have sold nt 10} to lieu per lb cash at 4 hum und some St Domingo at 9 eta. Cotton.—The week’* sale* have ngnln been limi ted, embracing 275 bales tiplund at 12J, Some at 13 to 13}, and 11 lot of dumuged at 8} cents per lb; a small lot of Virginia ut 12| rts per ib nil 4 mns. Flour.—Thv dutnand lias liven limited this week, and prices have further declined, hut appear to ho more settled. Kales af three or four smull lots of flour for export nt $3 per bbl. One or two forced snle* have keen mndo at a fraction loss. Fur city 11*0 the demand is still trilling. Molasses.-The stock ia still too light to admit of any sales of moment. Provisions,—A suits of prime licof at $14 j>0 per bid A small lot of western prime pork at $14. Butter is strndvin price with no demand. Lord.—No change. Rice.—Solos ut 4 a 41 cent* per lb, for fair quali ty. Sugar.—Tlie only sale of consequence has Iwen nn import of 5.) hbds new crop Orleans nt a price not nmdo public. The slocks uru still very light. •Small sales of wliito Brazil at 10 .0 10} cum*, per Ib. BOSTON, Jnn. 19.—Cotton.—The transaction* since our last report have been quite small; the de mand is limited, and confined mostly to small imr- col* t holder* nre nnxinii* tn sell; hut are firm in their price*. Sale* of Florida 12Jal3n, and N Orleans und uplands ut quotation*. Ka!u* by auction ul'22 bale* New Orleans nt J2jc pel Ib, 4 ms. Coffee.—We have mu lunge tu uolilft in prices; there continue* n fair demand for tho trade nnd for export. SnlcsufSt Domingo embrace about 2300 laigsnt 8}'i9 rts, laken.mostlvfor export: snmasnb'S prime quality 9}r; 290 bag* Brazil 10c; Havnpa "!• 9.}, per lb. bales by auction ofoO bag* bt. Domingo 8}r per lb,rash. Flour.—The transaction* In flour this week have been uncommonly small, and nt n d-'cliue nn Inst weeksprices. Gcnnesseehnssold ut$3 59 fnrcom mon, nud 0 75 for fancy brand-: snle* from store 12 n25c per hid higher. Sales of Ohio urn small, nt nboiit 8 50; •>()() bids wereofferodulniictinn, 200 bid* sold nt 8 37uO 50 per Lid rash, ss. Southern is dull nnd no sales; prices entirely nominnl. Molasses.—Tho transaction* ore light. Sales of 100 hliils Trinidad, new crop, primo 40c, pint fur n southern mnrkei. Stiles of 70 lilids sour do, part for distilling 31c. Nothing ha* been done in Ha vana sour. We understand a cargo was offered to day at 3lc, but distiller* decline giving over 30c. Sale* of GO bid* New C)r!onns37c per gal ensh. Sale* by auction of 83* N. Orleans 37}n38e uud 10 bhds Cuba *we* 13Ge per cal 4 m*. Rice.— The market is fully supplied, and price* have deeliurd. Sale* nt 3Ju4c per Ib, 4 nnd G ms. The mnrket closes dull. Sugar.—Tha principal sales tld* week have hern o r box; tho slock is not large and prices have slightly improved Sale* of about 3l)0 boxes Havana brown 8'JaPJe peril*, according to quality; a few boxes white have been taken ut quotations. BALTIMORE, Jnn. 23.—Flour.—The wagon price of (Inward-street, to-day, is $7 50 a 7 75 and sales from stores are m iking at $0 .$3 23 according to the quality ofthe article, and thu quantity pur chased. Tho slock of city mill* flour continues light and the demand extremely limit' d. Some holders are willing tn sell nl H j, whilu-otbers ask 0 50. We hear of no imnsaction*. We quote tho wagon price of 1st rye fi mr nl $4 la $4}. bains from stores have been made at $4 07ju $5. Snle* ef white corn nt 75c. Yellow Is less in de mand, nnd will nut bring over 70 ets. Sugars.—At auction yesterday 198 hlids new* crop New Orleans wore sold nt$7 3 Vi7 55. Molasses.— At auction yesterday 57 hhd«,18tirr- ecs, und 44 bid* New Orleans were sold ut 43 a 46c. At the same time 20 hlids Tiiuidud were sold at 36} u37 i ts. Whiskey.—'The demand it very limited; nnd pri ce* continue without change. We quote hJids nt 33 ctsntid bbl* nl 3l}a35e, The wagon price of bbl* is uniform ut 30c, exclu-ive of the bbl. K7*SAVANNAIJ TEMPERANCE SOCIETY. A meeting of thi* Society wn* held nt tho First Presbyterian Church, on Wednesday evening las' the 24th instant, the president in tlie chair. After prayer hy tho Rev. Mr. Abecl, the minutes of the lust meeting were rend and confirmed. On motion of Edward J. Harden, E*q., which was duly second) H, Ch tries W. Rockwell, Esq., wns nominated todrlivor before the Society, at in next meeting, a Ttmpemnco Address. .Mr. Rock well, bring preient, promptly assented. The presi dent then requested the secretary to read that por tion of the constitution of this society which related to its annual meetings, and suggested the propriety of having the nexi meeting of the society to take plnco at that time, which would bo tho last Tues day in tho month of February. It wa«, on motion, Resolved, That tlie regular monthly meeting be suspended, and that both the monthly and annu-ri meetings he merged in one, which shall take place on the day above stated. Agreeably to previous notice, the Rer. J. W. Newton delivered before the society a very able and cloquept addresb. Tho nnmes of ten persons were added to the total abstinence pledge. There being -no further business before the society, after prayer by the Rev. Mr. Brace, the meeting adjourned. JOSEPH GUMMING, President, Wm. IIemit Pitts, Recording Sec'r. SHIP NEWS. Port of Snvnniinli* SUJI RISKS, 6 SO |j SDN SETS, 5 10ft HIGH WiTXR, 7 90 CLEARED Ship Newark, Dunham, New Ynrk. Washburn if* Lewis. Ship Moctexuma, Mouran, Providence. Fade ford, Fay *J» Co. Br bark I O, Barnes, Trinidad. R 4* W King $ Co. Brig Mary Bernard, Pitcher, Marseilles. Cohen. Miller *J' Co. Btig Falco, Harlow, Boston. IFasAfar* 4- Lewis, i Schr Callao, Allyn, Havana. W P Clark. „ , . . ARRIVED. Bng John Crosby, Whueler, Martinique. Mo lasses Ladd, Topper & Sistare. Schr Perry Spencer, Flowi-V*, Baltimore, fi days. 3500 bushels euro tu R Habersham. Schr Byron, Bi-sie. Havana, 7 d* Molasses, Cuflt-c and Fruit to W 1* Clark, Ladd, Tup per & Sistare. 1 * Sloop Mary Cummlng, Turnei, Ogrrchce. 13 hales S 1 mil ton and 39,000 bushel* Rough Rice to R Haiairsltnm. Sloop Americn, Burr, Turtle River. 19 bales S I cotton to H tlubmhum, A G Miller, J W Ander son & Brother. Sloop Snpclo, Cuthbcrl, Durlin. 320 boles cot ton lu Wndi*,uni & Lewis. Sloop G.urgiu, Lewis, Darien. 320 bales cotton to C Green, W Patterson & co; _ Sloop Angel, Buies, Duricn. 218 bales cotton to W l'nilt-rson & Co. Sloop Angelica, Harris, Sunbury. 13 halos S I cotton o II v«it W King Sc Co. St umlinat Wm Sfltbrnuk, Dubois, Charleston. Milte to W Duncan, W B Bulloch, Rev J Sewel, J W Luttimer, Guudry, Branch &eo J Cunningham, L Baldwin & ro. P Willbergcr, D Heyward. Sica inbuilt Georgia. Gould, Angu-tn, with boats Omul 13 to Steamboat Co. 515 bales ruttnn and mdzoto S D Corbitt, Smith & Malone, W Taylor, Wn*hlmm & Lewis, uud other*. Stitamhimt Florida, Nock. Gurov* Ferry. Bunt Emerald, Roe, Dobuy. 12 bales SI cotton tu It A: W Kins At co. Steamboat James Adams, Clmce, Charleston, 8 hour*. Bound to Fiuridn. Steamboat Forrester, Dillon, Gnreys Ferry. BELOW—Moth Oxford, Weeks, fm Portland. WENT TO SEA. Ship Moctezumn, Mauran, Providence. Fr shin Austcr.itt, Mendrnllon, Point retro. Ship Newark, Dunham, New York Ship Groton, Brown, Liverpool. Br ship Brenda, Simpson, Liverpool. Br shin Arkwright, Birnie, Liverpool. Ship James P vkins.Uury, Liverpool. Ship Mnnticclln, Lawton, Liverpool. Ship Chile, Taylor, Greenock, Br ship Amy, Crowell, Liverpool. Ship Caravan, Nichols, Mobile. Brig Mary Bernard, Pitcher, Marseilles. Brig Fnlco, Ilarluw, Boston. Br. schr Pamotiu, Miller, Nassau. Schr Boston, Moure, West Indies. Schr Example, Comery, Charleston. DEPARTED. Steamboat Duncan MucRue, Williams, Augusta. MEMORANDA. Ship Angelique, Nichols, hence at Now York,*22d inst in 4 days. Ship Salndln, brig Criterion, und scht Odeon, up at Boston, for this port. Brig Falcon, up nt Baltimore fur this port. Schr Chnrlc* up at Philadelphia for this port. CHARLESTON. Jun.26.—Ar. Sw bark Fnma, NYurkjbrig Moses, do;sclirs Montcaumn, Belfast; Carolinian, Bait Cld, shin Equator, Bisssnn, Liverpool; schr S, Caro.inn, Stevens, Savannah. Jnn. 27.—Ar. ichrs Faun, Providence; U S stea mer Bnlize, Vcucock, Philadelphia via Norfolk- touched in fur fuel. Tho B. is iutumlnd to survey the mouth of tho Mississippi, nud is prepared with machinery to clear out^the different passes. Steamer D W St John, Wells, Augusta via Sa vannah Cld, ships Francis, Griffiths, Greenock; Admit tance, Smith, London; brig* Old Colony, Antwrrp; Kaslr, Havana; Franklin. Boston; steamer Liberty, Philhrick, Augusta and Hamburg. NORFOLK, Jan. 20 — Sid,bark Gcorgiann,Gre nada; bt ig Angora, St Croix. Jim. 21.—Ar. brig Virginia,NOrls,bound to Rich mond. Below, schr Fahlus, Port nil Prince, bound to Baltimore; pul in mi account of bud weather. • * In Hampton Roads, schr Avalanche, from Balti more. bound to Pernambuco. GALVESTON, Texas, Dee. 30.—Ar. 8th Inst, brig* Potomac, Hitchcock; Levina, Nicholson, Sa vannah. Rr THE EXPRESS MAIL. MOBILE, Jan. 23.—Cld, schr More, Havana; Pltebo Eliza, NYork. Ar. ship Lurruu, NYork; schrs Mary, ftjjitanzas; Slgnrt. lltivniin. BALTIMORE, .Tun.23.—Ar. scltr Tripoli,Skin ner, Savunnah, 8 tl*. ' Below, u full rigged brig. Cld, Bremen brig Frederick, City Point; brigs Castel, Gnreys Ferry; Jntius, Gibraltar. The pilot boat Commerce, uf Baltimore, put into, witli 'oss of foremast otfthe Capes. From our correspondent of the Norfolk Beacon. Kastrillk, Jnn. 27.—The lirig York, Capt. C. Thatcher, hound from Baltimore to New York, with an assorted curgo,got nshure on Maclmpungo Shoal, on Friday morning about G^Pclock, the 13th inst. The sails, tigging, chum*, anchors, &c. nro saved, nnd u small part of the curgo ; the bulunca a total loss. The crew all saved. HUGH B. GRISBY. NEW YORK, Jan. 23.—Cld, ships Sheffield. Al len, Liverpool; Charlemagne, Richnrilson, Hqvre; Calhoun, Charleston; Henry Kneelnnd, Antwerp; brig* Dane Franklin, Gibraltar, Wm Taylor, Hoey, Savannah; Welliug-dcy, Marseille*. Ar. Uivm bark Amin, Bremen; brig Powhnttan, Palermo 17th inst. lut 35, |.in(i5,*po'se altip Cha# Cnrroll, ftom Savannah fur Liverpool. The ship Angelique from Savannah,wn* boarded by New Jersey pilot*before coming in #ight of land ou Sunday last. For New York.—Old line. '1 lie regular packet ship TRENT ON, Cap tain James S. Bennett, will meet with des patch. For freight or passage, having fine accom modations, apply ou board, at Mongiu's upper wharf, or to jnn 29 WASHBURN & LEWIS. For Ifiulfimorc. The fust sailing schqoner PERRY SPEN- S3SL CER, Capt. ——•, will have despatch fur tho above port. For freight or pn«*ngc, apply lo jan20 S. PHILHRICK & CO. Fifty Dollars Howard. T ITUS, n negro Fellow, owned by the under signed. having left the plantation of John P. Williamson. Esq., on Wednesday night with a boat, wh -rein he pr^ccth-il to the plantation ol thn estate of P. Man-hunt, und has not since been beard of. It absconded, a reward of filly dollar* will be given for hi* return to Ids owner, or his lodgment in any jail in South Carolina or Georgia. If drowned, and hi* body L discovered so u* to bo identified by his owner, ten duilu-s reward will be given. He is a short chunky Fellow, about 5 feet 4 inches high, of a dark vi-llow cemplexion, and formcily owutd ly Mrs. Fidim, of this city. ■inn 20-1 tn S. ZANT Notice. A LL prrsons having demands against the estate of itrv. Jus. Clark, deceased, nre requested to render tluir accounts, duly attested, within the time prescribed by law; und tliuio indebted to suid es tate, to make paymeut lo W. H. WILLIAMS. jnn 29-lnw6w c Administrator. Georgia, Camden County. K/ffFHEUEAS Rohcit Stafford, executor of the vv last will and testament of Lucy Spalding, late of said county, deceased, app ies lot letters di*- niissory from bis said executorship, these are there fore to notify, nil and singular, the kindred and creditors of suid deci-ored, to file their objections (if any they have) in my office, within the timo pre- scribed by Inw; otherwise letters distnissory will be granted to said applicant Wjtkess, tho Hon. Nathaniel J. Patterson, one of tho justices of said court, at Jefferson, this 22d day of January, 1838. ISAAC BAILEY. jan?9-c Clerk, c. o. c. c. .Lady Blessinston’s Confessions O F uii Elderly Lady and Gentleman; 2 volt.' Lives of Cardinal Do Rets, Jrnn Baptiste Colbert. John Do Witt, and the Marquis Louvois; brG. P. R. James, Esq., author of " Tho Life of Edward, the Black Prince,” "Cardinal Richelieu,” See. See., in 2 Void. For sale hy jnn 29 THOMAS TURSE & CO.