The daily Georgian. (Savannah) 1835-1847, April 16, 1838, Image 2

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tr GEORGIAN. By William II. nnllach, tllLUKER or TMt LAW* OT THK Alf» citr, awd cotfm ewnn-xa. t>*:W Paper, pet inuuin,.*j«hl D 0 ®**** »«ly Papur.for nUmomJw,. • • J ** J^U***- TrlAVeekly Paper,p®r annum, JJ 0 ]) 4 "*. Tri-WeeUy Paper feral* utotuba Three IMlare. All payable In adtanre. JT Advertl*eraeni* intent d at the «utlal rate*. |ja Poi'uig* paid on all OomcuNiCATioNS.xod itter* ofbatlnett. Manufactured, MACKEREL—No, * XU Til. MA 5 C, riff SSatTEH, CoiiUln Uwwn. Foi of “0 .ppiy f p, REID. ~ T " Th 4 «Kifcfiw^TN E y ,Capt- 0,c, For freitht, •^ lT D '. u pAnKN , ANi • Who offer* fot tale, ending from said ship, 316 tnnt, and 300 sacks common Salt, 500 sack* fine Salt, Ih blenched tuck*, and 400 kegt first qan\liy BUTTER—Goshan, , English AVIdt® Lend. *t» »»*6t— gavunnnh market, April 14. monk- mdtreoTio)**. COTTON— told....;, 8® 9 Pwrtd good,,.94® 104 Prime 101® H PrnlMaud,,,............ 23 ® 35 ' 'Stained,....,... 7-<Q>-18 RICE—Inferior to good,........... • $3|® -8) St. $9*® $94 • CnnaL...#^..,......... — ®$10 FhlfiuMphla mul Virginia,. $94® $94 COltN—Retail, 90 ® 95 Cargo,. 80® — OATS«. ® — may... $14® $l| WHISKEY—Per gallon, Ididt & bbla. 38 ® 40 GIN—Northern, imr gnllon,., *•«... *.60 ® 00 TOBACCO—Cavendish, ...... 15 ® 40 13 ® J8 a...;... ;.... $9 ® — 3 $6 ® — English-White 1 For Liverpool. ^ jQA The anperlor ship TALBOT, Capt. Story. SBii reedy tn commence.loading, and will have despatch. Fur freight of 3000 halo* cetuin, or pa*, eege, having good accommodation*, opply to the captain on .board, or to ^m ip 9 * In BALDWIN » CO. . The Mp^MTiKTo^ULUS .Captain L Englitb, will have dcapateb. For freight, BADKT.FOlit). r hr fc CO. . ^a The fust sailing schnuner MAGNUM BO* SBaNUM, Captain Smith, will anil, an Sanday Beat. (15th ln*L) For freight or pottage, apply to the matter on board, or te . ■ epia COhBN, MILLER A.CO. For BMton. JfrA Tho superior achfafar COINER, Captain 3Hft Nickerton, It now leading and Will bo de*- patched Immedlotaly. For (Wight or pa singe, ap- ply on board, at Jonm' lower whaif, or tn ap lO • LADD, TUFPKR 1 A SISTAnE. For New Fork.—Bi-ie line. JCU The olegnnt packet brig WM. TAYLOR, SBMoey, matter, Will have detpateb. For freight CARTER. Far New Fark.-CM iin.. „ Tho fine packet schooner BALTIMORE, J Contain Woglnm, will meet with detpatch. freight or imtthtOi, having good acepmmoda. 1, apply oa board, at Monghi'a upper wliarf, WASHBURN A LEWIS. M Fur fri n» v . »r.l -ForFrelaht. g. ■ Thu .tiltcrlnr »rlir. IIUXINGS, Croili,. SDa matter, nr lfiO ton*, low deck, will be ready to loud to-morrow.’ For freight tn the Wait Indlet, er a northom port, apply to Captain C on board, "int. TPrrEn &,bistare. OcinalKcc Bunk tflM Mm »f Citioryln. Mica,, April 5,1,1138. StR i Tn compliance with an act of the Legislature of this iMate, I lierowltlt transmit to you q ttatemem of the aflklrt of thll hntliutlon; together with a Hat of atoekholdor*. A* It will l»e noticed that there are not any bad fa doubtful debt* mentioned in thl* report, it may not'be Improper to reinnrk, that althimgh this Bank wat chartered In Drcernfar, 183B, yet it did not commence butlueae with lu own mile until November, 16371 ormeequently it atcapad many of ihnte diiDcul* tie* which outer Banka, In full operation, had to 4 con. tend with, during the lata deranged ttate of the moitay. ad aifair* of the country. . GKO. JEWETT, PreeldenU To Jilt Excallenry 0*o. R.OlUUH. , Governor of Georgia. ■TATE or THE OCMULGEB BANK OF TI1E STATE'OP GEORGIA,' 0* Mtnday, tin U toy if April, 1138. CtriTAL, riTK MUItttllKB THOUSAND DOLLAItf. LIABILITIES. Thirty p*r rent of capital atock paid in,... 1MMKN) 00 Bitoount account.. KoSIa taclwiiption,V.V, .V.Vti. .1 14.7H3 07 41.000 U« 194,400 00 ASSBTTS idadrgi* Femala College * - ' *• fialarle* to 1*1 inn,.......0,646 73 “ w premium on p|»eole,antl out* , ; ereipentet,....7,2«o 07 ’Hite* ditrdunted running to thtturlty, all gmeptaticeV running lei maiuthy. all yofVxcbange, running to maturity, all $400,176 13 . 12,000 OO TALLOW—Per lb. ....... POHK-MW.’.oi I'rime., BACON,. HAMS,.. LAUD,. .. IS ® 134 . .*19 <S>$34 ..$15 ®$I7 .. 10 ® 114 .. 12 ® 14 .. 9 ® 10 ... 30 ®.33 ... « ® a .. 11 ® 19 ... 1ft ® 16 ... 33 ® 3ft 18-® —4 SOAP—Yellow, CHEESE,.... CANDLES—Nortbrrn Mould, ••••••« 8ponnacrtl,............. . Georgia,................ LUMBER—Yellow Piue Ranging Tinv Iwf,. 7 ® 10 St. Sowed Flooring Board*,! 18 ® 3ft River Lumber, . Board*, Plank and Scantling,.. .$16 ® — Quartered, 1$ inch Flour* ng Board*, $16 ® — ,White Pine, cleur,....... *23 ® 2ft ' Merchantable, ..........$13 ® 14 Red Oak Stave*,......... $14 ® 15 White Oat Stave*,....... $18 ® 50 8hirigleii,.. $ft ® $0 ronctoN rnonvcTionM. BAGniNfl—Hemp 20 ® 35 OSNABURGS,.... 8 ® 11 Bit ANDY—Cognac, 1 20® flit in GIN—Holland,...........4........ 80 ® SALT—Cargo,................ — ® subin—fh“«»VwhiiV,".‘.’.!".'.l!! nj Brown, ................ 7® 8 r. Rico, 94® 11 Mutcovadu,.* 9 ® 10 St. Croix, t 10 ® 11 Now Orleani, 8 ® 94 i.Dw vNftni, ........... . m Relined Loaf, 15 ® 17 13 ® 14 11 ® 13 60 ® 70 $1®1 10 44 ® 46 33 ® — 38 ® — Lump, COFFEE,.....; TEA—Hyton, RUM—Jamaica, New England, MOLASSES—Havana, ' Naw Oriean*, LONDON PORTER—Per dozen,.... T _ _ BB S per dot. $34® — IKON—Swede*, $108® — KXOHANOC. On ENflLan»—10® 10$ percent, premium. Ncw*York— Dmfl*ai*ight,74 porct.prem, 30 day*, — ®— per ct. prem. (SO day*, — ®— per rt. prem FREIGHTS—To Llverp4H>l,{<«Ift-lCcl. | to Ha vre, —1 to New York, 4®|a* for cotton, and $14 fur ricej toBo«ton,| for cot ton; to Philadelphia, |c. for cation J to rrovidonce, |®$e. for cotton Frimthi Savannah Shipping and Cvmmeteial Lit}, April 14. COTTON.—Arrived tinea the 61b in*t, 5049 hale* Upland, and 387 hale* Sea Uland, and cleared at the tamn time, 1277 hale* Upland. 303 hale* Sea Uland, and leaving a stock on hand Inclusive of all nn shipboard not cleared on the 13th in*t of 40955 bale* Upland and 1720 hale* Sen Uland. We have no alteration to'notice irt the price of upland cotton this week', the *ale* amount tn 2936 hah'*, of wld-h 45 are at 8, 50 ut8) 75 at 84, 142 ai 84. 60 at 8|, 323at 81, 675at 9. 123 at l>). 572 at 9i, 130 ntOl, 147 at 04,225 at 9), 164 hi 0J. 155at 10,21 at loj. 28 mil. In Son Hand the only transaction* re ported arc 7 halo* at 24, and 42 at 35. Raeeipta of Colton at the following placet *inee OcIoIht 1st. 1837 1836 Savannah, April 13. 223728 179080 South Carolina, April 6.... 2130V* 141690 Mobile, April0 273131 203160 New-Orleant, April 7 522174 479685 Florida, Mar. 75033 403IS North Carolina, M ir. 17. ..13109 7500 Virginia, Fob. 16 18000 19300 It,6M 67 Buahy Plautar’* Bank. Havannali,.- Due by.Bank of Ohariattnn,. Due by other bank*,.v...... • V..l »< Reveried <_C»*h balanoat . 36.550 00 88.757 50 • 01.411 36 11,330 03 B.U74 03 0,000-00 (ofthipOnva llranflh,or land- • id at navannah 64^50 00 Total.twola, 10.M7 00 BUI* of oiuar bank*.. 64.634 10 Check*onotherhauk*..........10,500 34 Gbarlttlon fuud* in bknd* of Igant, 9.681 48 -160,609 86 * tOO,173 13 ORonOlA. > r.r»n.llvmUtmi Btan CouaTr. S JoWeit, president, and John T.- ! Labiar, cashier, of tuu Ocmulge# Bank ol the Buna nl ■ Georgia, who being duly twrtro. denote and **y tint llie foregoing -U a lruo *tatoment or the comliunn of paid Batik, oh th« morning of die 9nd .tn*uat, U tha • b«*t of tbelr khowladga and belief. (Signed) GKO. JEWETT, Frarideni. • 1 . • . J. T LAMAR. C*»htar.. Sworn to and *ubKrlbed, before me. dii* 9d April, N. EBLL8, Notary Public, directors. (Teo. Jtw.TTi Ssg&bA'.' zJMXXSS; EU4k« SlNOUlK. STOCKHOLDERS. . Tn. Starry, of Talbot,.....,..Y*h»ra*,. (00 .Tn.O. Little, do ..bUi......... 95 M. N. Burcln....; 1» John MlUage.of Augutta,,.. 100 C. Collin*,. 905 John Pinktrd, Monroe,. 100 GamJawett. 150 *. Burton. Wilke*,.......... 100 Mr*. Mary Burelu..,.w*.<*. MS RobL Collin*, 564 G. B. Lunar, 8avannah,. 300 E*t. B. B. Limar,. M • *55 Henry G. Lamar........ 110 MnCEllta I.*m*r.... ..,..w,..,..... 100 Wa*hburn A Lewi*. Savannah,....... .,100 Mr*. Eli*a Jawatt..........^•ovO'.lM Wm. J. Andeiwn A Co.,............. 50 T.. Blita A Co, Savannah 50 Central Rail Road Bank,. 100 E.».C«oVv.Au g u , t. to John Bailey,. » Sfr*. S. F.ColUo*,.. 145 Geo. Jewett A Cm. .*t... 160 T. W. Baxter, Athen*,, 100 ’ Philip Cooke, Twigg*,. V"*V * G.C. McNeill....... 50 pr. Thomaa Thweatt. Monroe, 50 1337637 1076638 The following I* it itafement of the stock of Cot ton (in hand nt the re*|>ective place* named. Savannah, A prill 3 42683 25468 South Carolina, April 6.... 53792 • 47376 Mobile, April 0 89329 63607 New-Orli'an*. April 7 132190 9K8II6 Virginia, Ft-h. 16... 4000 3000 North Carolina, Mnr 17... 4000 3400 Atiguitn & Hamburg,April 1 29334 29B29 Macon, A prill...... 10526 17163 Florida, Mar. 17 20000 11000. PhUnihdphin, Mar. 31 3887 1800 Now-York, Mar. 39....... 40000 15000 418741 315449 RICE—The demand ontftln'ue* fair and thettpek in faotur* hand* unusually tmnll. The sale* of .the week amount tn 800 cUtka at $3|a3|—principally at $3J. FLOUR—I* very dull. Sale* of Canal at $9|a 10: 'Howard *frert at^quotation*. CORN—Nn cargo »ate*. Retail* fiam store end •hip hoard at 90n95 ct*. GROCERIES—In Cnflee, Sugar, and Mnlaita*, fair retail burine** doing at nnr quotation*. BACON—Small talca of tide* at 10£nl0$ j ham* at 13 ct*. EXCHANGE—On England, 10n!0$ per ct. pre mium Draft* on New Y'srk, at right, 7| pur cent prem. FREIGHTS—In the early part nf the week 1S-16d eer Ih fur cotton tin Liverpool we* paid t alnce which the hlchest offer tn n first rate American ve*- •el ha* been To N. York £a| cent. Statement of Catton, April II. CplM*. S.t Stock on hand, 1st Oct 35118 Bfift Received thl* woek,.... 5049 387 Do. proviouriy, 214613 3680 223239 4039 RapnrtedthU week.... 1277 803 Do. pgeviouriy,.. 160997 SI01 182274 3304 Stock en hand, ineluding all on thlp beard not cleared, on 13th in*t. 40955 *— 1 ,”milh£Oa.Ho».t»n.„ . Mr'Taufc.• • ••• 4}>mtulgae Bank..... ...•.»•»• J. D. wion,......• • • Wm. Collin* A Co. MmM. - Gacavrey D*vi*. CohlipbU,.. , J. Welman. Charleston F. G. Colbert Monroe., ...... David FUndare..,4* Robert Bentley,. V, LB. Rowland.. Juno* Wakeman,.* . - Wm. J.Rke....7.........<« ■\ Elijah Sindrir,....i........ •pH* - • ■ • . 100.- 575 mo .... 200 .... 60 .... 100 .... 50 ..... 50 ... SO .... SO .... 10 .... • .... 50 ...10 ...100 [BY AUTHORITY.] UWI or Ttti VNlflCD »TATtS PAtanD AT THK St‘ CueD ■ CASION Or THK TWKNTT-7trTH COKUItKIt. Cr«,tn.ic—No. 14.] AN ACT tnre»torocirruh,iuri*dirti<mtoth«dlttrict cnnrt* of the western dl trict of Virginia. Be it enacted bp the Senate and Hover rf Be- prrsrnta/ivre of the United States of Amrrtea, in Concrete aitembled, That *0 inurli or the third section of tho art entitled "an net supplementary to the net entitled *nn act to amend the judicial *yst»m of the United Spite*.' *’ approved March third, ci*h- teen linndred und tbirty-amien, a*.repeal* all former acts, nr pan* of arts, conferring c irnit court juris diction on certninriistrict ciAirt* tlterein named, l«, and tite tante i* hereby, repealed, *0 far ns relate* to the court* of the weMrrndUtiint of Virginia, nnd that the dl trim cnnrt* of *nid district* exercise the •amejuH*d!cti»m with which it was Invested previ ous to the pn.sare i-f said act. Sr.c.3. And be it further enacted, That fell mu- eel frunsferred by nuihu itjTof Wid net from the said district court* to die rimii'tVtiuri*,directed by law to beheld In th4 town of LewUbnrgJnthe state of Vit- glidtt, and whirirremnm undetermined, be removed bark to the district court* from, whence they were transferred, to be there finally determined. Sac. 3, And be it further enacted, That appel- hte jurisdiction from the judgment* nr dee res* of the said district court* of the weatpra district of Vir ginia, a* now authorised hy law, riinll bo exercised by the *uid circuit court at Lewitlmre. JAMES K. FOLK, Speaker af the House of Representatives, Rll, M. JOHNSON. Vice-President of the U. States, and President of the Senate, Approved, March 58, 1838, M. VAN BURKN. SAVANNAH: MONDAY MORNING, APRIL 16, 1838. '• K lao of the free heart'* only home I By angel hand* tn valour given 1 Thy stars have lit the welkin dome, And all thy kue* were bora in fleavan 1 Forever goat that itMidatd sheet I Where breathes the fi»e but fhlls before u*, With Fnkkdom’* *o!l beneath our feet, And FwKKnow'eliawriKmtrfmitig o’er n* 1" THEATRE. M*. FohBKt' company having returned from Augusta, the Inveia of the Drama will haveati oppor tunity of indulging their taste for a few nii-hi*. The Theatre will open thi* evening, with the " l(en t Day" and "1 ho Merry Monarch." THE CH EEROKEE5. From the Western Grutgian,afihe7th ln*t,puh- lisinal in Floyd county, we extract tho interesting paragraph* which follow. The intelligence conveyed in them prove* the ne. oesslly of the force now bring ussrmble.l In the Cher okee circuit Until the western part of Goorgin l* relieved of these Indians; it* prosperity must l*e *eri- uu-ly retarded, ami tiny other policy than that adop ted by tho generul and state governments,'*nuldonly serve to hold out delusive ho|»e« never to be realized by those Aborigine*. Whatever their *tate of civilisation, the time ha* nearly come when they must yioid to the rlaltp* of a superior race land* too Jong occupied by tho des tined hunters of thn wrsl. G.-orgia must have the country tosccurotho political influence in the Ui Ion to which her fer.ile nnd devrrrifird soil, peopled by a sturdy and enterprising population, mititlo her. With our whole tt rritmy culiivaird by ohr own citUuns, drown together, a* th ’y ere long must he, by tbasplandid pro*|»ect* of internal im|irnvemrut, which engage the attention of the present g* tie ra tion, who ran rrilmate her future social cnadiiion, nr arn'»t her rirldc* to the devotion nn which her resources, aided hy the connexion with 1191 valuabto sister*, mutt'rupidly pluru her. Wo have conversed with l\ Reagan, F.sq., one of the Cherokee Enrolling Agenit, who has just returned from nsrrot.d tour among the Indians, for 1 be ptirjio.u of enrolling the names of those Cbero- kces w ho wUh to enjigraie. Out of at least 3060, whom he had visited, lie. succeeded In obtaining only 30 Indian* willingtogitto Arkansas. Tliete arr fads - won hy of the peopla'i attention, especially in the C’heroki-e Circuit. It I* miderttnnd here from the report of a gentle, man of the name of Joiner, that difficulties have al ready occurred at the agency, (Calhoun,) In relation to the removal of those Cherokee* who had enrolled for immediate emigration. The report Mate* that out or a largo iiumbcr-Whtt had reported thetnselve* at ih* Agency a* beneticinric* of tiif treaty, and rea dy to go Watt, but one hundred and filly could be foiind, when the stenraboat Was ready tn ifavc the wliarf—the rest had all absconded Th« report goe* fnrtlier and *lales,. llmt Geni N. Smith, supeiiulrn* dent of Cherokee Ueiqnval, kail determined todis- chnrgeall theenrollingagimt* but theoneal Calhoun, and requite the building of a fort at the agency, to *e- euro tlmac Indians who rituuld he brought in by the troop# and enrolled by this agent, when the time for their temnyal arrive*, We know not whether these report* art* entitled'tn credit.t we shall learn by next weak, nnd give our render* the fact* WESTERN BANK OF GEORGIA. The Waatern Georgian of 7th 4na*. ha* thef dtow- Ing caution to the public in relation ui the tl« bill* of thi* battk« - ' Rome, April 7. -Rumor* have gone out to a very consider able ex tent, prejudicial to the interests of thl* institution,ns well •« of the community in *l W located. It originated, we understand i'n.Macnu, Xml was Imme diately home to Augusta { And forWitli—the broker# and banker* becoming uluimed—the bill* of the " Western Rank" *nnk to’ some ten per c m. iielow par. We doubt thogenubu-m ss ofthU alurtn. To iiurrhasa these bill* at ten jiei cent, below, par, and have nothing nmretodo but to present them nt the hanks,counter Jn this place, him! receive the full amount wldeh iheyctdlfor, |n the bill* of other bank* at par all over tho state, iscertuinlyn very pn tty lit tle o|H*n4tion {■ and no doul»t the prospect of doing thi*, laild* put *tich iiHluceinent* a* would rondily overcome any little scruple* which greedy capital ist* mlg ; t for a mom. nt entert*|in, at the idea of ere- aling a false alarm which would etai in paying them «n well and *0 quickly. In rnnrludnn we feel it a duty to the people who hold the Will t,f till* wain them against being induced to part with them below par. ■ \ Hon. John M. Fallon, (of Va.) b*l resigned lit* teat io Congress, having received thepppn nltnent of memlier of the Exrcut vo Council ofVirgtnlo. RESOLUTION OF MR. HAMER. Thi* proposition, we ore authorised ti| *ny, i* no t intended by the mover to indicate a change of opin ion any where in regnni to the independent treasury hill, now pending! but it i« designed to encourage those bonks which *«*■ disputed to mume specie (Miyment* at aa early period, to per«rvere in tliat de termination. It assure* them, ifodopled, that the party in powei entettain* nn such hostility towards them as has been charged by the, opposition, nnd thereby guarantees that, whatever • ifficulric* ih v majr have with the non-resuming bank*, the friend* of the administration wld throw no unnecessary ob stacle* in tbelr wav.— Olobe,7th inet. T OM* Glnfcii* Whlfektyr WO HUNDRED 4b TEN bag* Oau, 2 bushel* •aeh, 100 bid* Rock Spring Gin; and 100 bhls Wblskay, landing from brig Falcon, and for *ale by f«b» FRANCIS ROnitEL & CO. bamnUe Brand, nnd oin. QR. cask* Dnmeatic Brgmly, very superior 4[F vF 4 bblt Connecticut Gin, for sale by feb20 MICH; DILLON A CO, Apple flrnndy. DDLS Apple F>randy, of geAd quality, it s£t\J exoxt, and for Sale hy mh5 ^ FRANCIS SORnEL ft CO. Cnnnl Flonr, BBLS Canal Flour, received nnd for **le Ml 2-j’ ato. IlfNTINr.TON .V Co, ~~ ' R.Vlnn «tn. A BBLS Gin, from the Eagle Distillery, land- tIH ing from sclir James, for iala by mb 6 LADD, TUFFF.R At S1STARE. * 7 Corn. BUSHELS prim* White Corn, for TcAFAFVF *ale en board tho tchonncr Hcrvine, from Baltimore. mhl7 FRANCIS SORREL 4k CO. ' Prime Beef and Perk. JSTfL BBLS prime beef, 50do do Fork, received ilU per *hiii Celia and for sale hv fcb2l CL AG HORN A WOOD.' •' Cretin Al«. i A DDLS, Cream Ale, 5 do Pale do, binding from brig M*d'*Dn and ship Celia, fur *alo by frh M MICH, DILUIN ft CO. Brnudr ■nH Gin. • HALF pine* London dock Brandy, Otard, Du O pUy 4 pipe* Holland Gin. for wile by fob 8 LADD. TUFPER St S (STARE. FT. O. 1'lonr, ITiolasKoa, Arc Ck iSr/VRBLS *upertine Flonr, 100 uo Malaise*, *5tlU 200 Kegs Laid, 100 bhd* Sugar, 45 bbl* rwrtlfiod Whiskey, and 3000 pnuods Shoulders and Jole*, in bulk, landing from *chr*. Leonide* and Casket, for sola by mb 10 COHEN. MILLER A-CO. - : - r .‘ Rmtidy. - = B^IVE bhl*. superiar “Cognac" 4tb proof, ju*t X received and for sale by . job 36 COPE & SMITH. Over SIim*. TUST received, 1 cu*o India Rubber rtv^r Shoe*. aF^with luather solo*, an exceileut article for wet weather. For solo by doc 24 II. N. ALDRICH A CCV LATEST FROM KI.ORtDA. The steamboat Charleston, Capt. Hebbsrd, ar- rivt d <hl* morning from Black Creek. From a passenger wa havo derived the fallowing informa tion relative to the movements of tha army, Ae. “ Gen. Josup, with hi* faces, have gone to’Tafnpa Bay. Colonel 'Batikhbad, with the men under his tummand. have left Key Baskien for Black Creek, Recently Col. Bankhead's flag was firod on by tho Indian* I tbcy wrro pursue.! for almut fifteen miles, and ho succeeded in taking fmty.icven of them pri soner*; one escaped. Cal. B., with hi* command, were going into Black Creek when the Charleston left. There U but little doubt of the termination of the present campaign.—.Republican, CONGRESSIONAL. In the Senate on the 9th in*t. the bill to prohibit the giving or accepting challenge# to fight duel# in the District of Columbia, wn* read a third time and passed. Tha bill graduating the price of pnhlie land* wa* then taken up, and after some discus sion nn several* amendment* wn* adopted. The further cnniiderotion of tho bill wa* then postponed Until Wednesday next. Imho House on the same dny Mr. Hamer's Rea' elution in rulation to the currency and exchangee taken ap, and on ih* question tn suspend the rule* that the resolution might lie entertained, the Huusa refused—Ay*t 61, Nora 110. . The resolutumof Mr. Hopkins, proposing to sep arate tho government fretr. the public prow, in re gard to the various portions of the public printing, was debated until the expiration of tho morning hour. ThO House bill, making appropriations for the naval amice, was then di*cus»ed until tha hour of adjournment. , Mr, Nicholas Biddle has wtiftep a long letter to Mr. John Quincy Adams, advising ar. the course which,' iu bis judgment, tho bank* should pursue to be (hi*. “ Tho bank* should rerbain exactly »• they are—preparing to resume, but not yet resuming." More of this lettec anon. . Our fotvpiau inform* us 'hot eur columns ate already occupied. Thn Globe of list Monday night says,—We re joice to say that Mr. l'uinsctt is now considered by bis physician out of danger. CHARLESTON. April 13. Circuit Court or thk Unitkd Statk*.—'fill* Court commenced it* sessUin. m lid* city, on Mon day last—thv Hon. Tints. Lee, District Judge, open ing tho Court. On Tuesday, ih Hon. James M. Wayne, uf the supreme Court of thn U. S„ took hi* eent as prosiding Justice t and indictments were giv en out, nnd “True Bills," found by the Grand Jury, against Jacob M. Burroughs, a U. S. soldi, r. for the murder of Ktanri* Higgins, n bmllit-r soldier nt Fort Moultrie, on the 37lh January last, and agalusi Ji bn G. Cobb, u U. S. Mail Carter, for opening a Idler, and steuling bank notes therefrom,Tot the IS1I1 Sept, last, whilo on the route between Cumdon and York- ville, in thi* State. Ye*tetdnv tho case nf the United State* r*. Jacob N. Burroughs, for murder cnme nn for trial; the pris oner wn* arraigned, nnd tho following jury itnpan- nailed and charged with thn case, viz: .fame* J. McCarter, foreman j George Kinhvh, John Hil*on, Emanuel Levy, Jacob flimett, Henry Tovry, Jos. Riahron, L. J. Moses, Edward Sebrimr, Jno. P. Heath. J. F. Edwards, Align* Smart. R.B.Gilchtist. Esq. U. S. Attorney, opened the case to the Jury, and then proceeded witii tho examination of the' witnesses for the prosecution. Henry A. Desnussu.-e, and Jama* L. I’eligru, E»qrs. nppeated a# counsel for the prisoner! and examined the witnesses for the defence. Mr Desutisstire addressed the Juiy in ho- ’ half of the prisoner, nnd was followed by Mr. Fell- gru, on the* same side. Mr. Gilchrist replied, on be half of ihe prosecution. The defence turned chiefly on circumstances, teiU ding to mitigate the erimo of tho prisoner to man slaughter, the killing having tuketiplnce (by thedi>- charge of a loaded musket) within aa In ur alter the decrn-cd hnd kicked tho prisoner, ih rather ranch intetference than quarrel, and within a hn'f hour af ter the deceased had apohgltt d and a seeming tecon- citation between the parties taken place, Judea Wnvne delivered the rhatge to th< Jury, ex pressive of the joint views of himself and his asso ciate. The Jury retir'd at half past 7, F. M., nnd after *ha lapse of a few minutes returned with the ver dict—‘'Guilty of manslaughter," against the orison er. Tho punishment f'-r manslaughter, under the Art of Congress of 1790. is imprisonment not pr eceding throe jeurs, and a fine not exceeding $1,000. —Courier. 1ALLAHA.V.EE, April 7. Mottle MuttOKljs.—On Saturday evening last, about dark, n parly of Iudinti* siipfiosed to numher 30 01 40 atl'irked the (| welling of Mr. I'ttriftty, resi ding in the vicinity oft he previous depredations,mur dered two rlvlUUen nnd three tiegrpes, plumb red and set fire to the hjiilding", nnd made theii escape —the children were burned in the dwelling. Mrs. Furifny, nit hough severely woundcdjmirnru'nusly made her e«cn|)a front the savages. When the at tack wqs tpado. there were none hut fonmles altotit; the nremiscs, n fnct supposed to have been known to the tiidians, Mrs. V, was lying in lied w ith her two children, heard a noire in'hcr room, and nn looking tin fptimi it ftileil with tiidliins, whoconimenccdills- rhargi'g tliejt rifles, «evnral ofthemnimed nt herself and children. Thecjiildron were killed nt opre Mrs. P. received h hall inker shoulder,which passed out of at her breast. Tliomvngr# next ruimmenred hack ing and stabbing her with their ktiives, and inflicted a number ef severe x minds on her head nnd severs I parts of ftrr body, l’helr attention was a moment diroclod from h«;r (n a noise made hy the servant* in an adjoining rooin, whan Mrs. F. taking ndvnntnee of this circumstancebscnjipd to the yard, where she • was again shot down, blit succeeded in cnininr the *h® wo"ds.intending>n reach her father’s residence, Capt. Daniel Bird, nluntt two mile* distant. Faint from the loss ofldood nnd the leverity of her wounds, she.was unable to ptneeed mob* thnit a half a mile, where she was found next morning. Mrs. P. recei- ved, v *4 understand, ten disrinit wounds, several very severe, hut her physician entertain strnna hope* nf her recovery. To heighten the rninstmphe, the Rev. Mr. I’urifoy. whose children Snd slave* were slain, wn* absent from home,fulfilling ids ministerial dntie*. As soon as the attack was disenveted, the troops at Campt Ciirtrr. Under Capt . Shelled, were sent fi>r. but th* lt<(li*rshad dispersed 1 in thtre parties and fled. Maj, Taylor with Capt. Newdom* company jtdded Cap-. Sliehec on Monday morning, and ■ have fol'o'* edthe several trials, but With what *ucecs»w* have nnt understimd. The house nttarked ia-aeveral miles within the frortivsettlemciit*—tl e houses of most of which are piketed in. • Wn trust the occurrence will awo ken the U. S. authorities to do something more for the protection of nqrifiantito.— Floridian, \ NEW YORK, Aprils. Gen. Van Renidlimr of the patriot army has pule lisheda manifesto i n't he northern papers, containing a history of events atid an announcement of his de- termination “ to make a d i»h atanolherqunrter, of which you will heat in'’du» time."—Jour. Com. I NKW OHI.KANS. April 9. Grx&t CoaruoaxTiott.—A fire broke out Inst evening at 10 o'clock in the Levee Steam Cotton Press, situated in the lower part of this city, u bleb destroyed the right w*ng nnd entire block or cotton warehouses, (about 400 fait long) in its rear, fron ting on the yard together wl’h near 10,000 hales eo’» ton, and a ste*m pre#x, L 0 ,* 1 * e*tlm*rd nt $400,000, a large portion of which, we pre*unw. is insured. The fire is doubtless the work of an ineendtorv, an attempt being made to destroy the above estab lishment but a few d»y* since, which wa# happily frustrated, and we think there must have been ■ bad leok out on thepartmf tfio watehmfen, if any there »w, belonging to the pre**, or to rxteslve a confla gration would nnt have occurred *t so early an hoar. More Srgcix.—The sehr Crteb*. arrived from Hamilton, Judge Huger. Me4#i* Godfrey, Hnhrr- sbnm. U mo. Fnit'h, Ri e.Leocard, FergUjum. Hart )<-y,Cohen, DeC(rsty;Ltkelysun,I'annrnter, Wort, Hturis, Whlifren, Cole, Fri pp. - Per steamboat J Stone, lri*m DRricn— Mrsr Bol ton and Son, MissBrailsford, Mis*1tire,'Mis* John son. Messrs. Sisterc, Cuhir, Ket edyj Sogur*, San ders, Kelly. Jolmson. • ' ' I’er stenmbout, F (>rid«, from St« Aligostim — Mrs Hardee, Messrs Hnrih e, Ji>btison, at d 6 steerage. ■ COM MEIICJAIj. f.aiest tlnte* from Liverjaiol... Latest dates fnnn Havre Latest dste* To tn Havana.........,' .. .March l ... Feb. 93 ...April 0 SAVANNAH EXPORTS, APRIL 16. NF.W KIRK— Brig Georgia-94 bales Cotton, 250 casks Rice, 10 package*sundries.' LIVERPOOL— Brig Rnmulus—743 bole* U|- land, and 44 l nlesS 1 Cuttwtu PHILADELPHIA—Sclir Marl—160 bales Cot- ten. 102 cask* Rice. 510 sacks Salt, 1400Staves. NKW ORLEANS—Scbr Magnum Bnnum—68 casks Rice, 7 boxes Cotton Gins, 16 package* sun- ^NOR WICH. Con.—Sclir Selert—224 bales Up land Cotton. Scbr Belli—192 bale*Cotton,8200 Cane*. Charleston Exports, April 12. ••ehr Gov. Arnold, St Murk-. 90 cnak* Bice, l cask Uncon. ami 5 bale* Cotton Baggine. Scbr Waldo, Almanza*. 46.338 feel Lumber. Srhr Marquis,'Mvbile. 24 ciuks Rice, and 48 p*rknge» Mdse. , „ , . Scl.r Sai'or’s Retirn, Darien. 670 sacks Salt, 4 cusd* Hardware, and 30boxes Dry Good*. CHARLESTON. April 13.—Cotton—On Satnr- day last, and Monday and Tuesday of thn present week, the Opel a I ion* iu Upland Cotton, with nut ft w exception*, were cutifm- d to *mull choice {itirrcls ! and . ven in the*e the sale* were very light. On Wednesday and yesterday, however, tlure wrre se veral puiebn-e.* jn markt t, and the .engagements during these twodavs, for nil qtinlit'e*, were to a fair extent und at Mill l-rices. About 5000 bales have rlianired hands nt the following rates t— 40at 7ct 138. 74: 30, 7|: 168. 8; 148. Bj: 266.8j1321.8|', 883, 9j604.9|! 110. 04«'750,8il 7.17. 9}: 249. Ill* 20, tliji 89. l()j; 16b, 10l; 80,10$; 37, 11,61. 11$; and 207 Imb* til 114c. In long cotton very little ha* b* en done. The tutVscomprUtiubout 160 bale* white and stained Sea Island. Rice.,—We have no new fettiurn to notice in this article sjnee our last. Holder* will not operate at n deel ine, and purchasers are unwilling to go into the mark« t ut present price*, units* to complete unlim ited order*, consequently but little ha* been done. Tim rales ate 50 le*. at $341 433 nt 3 41 129 o 3f S 594 at 39-16; 255 at $3) ; and 53 at 3$. In ail 1522 tierces. Rough Rice —The sale* comprise 9630 bushels at prices ranging from 65 rent* to $1 ut.d 5 cents. Groin.—1 lie arrival# ot Corn sinee our last have been about 15,000 bh-hel*, the g* neral quality of which brought front 75 to 05 ceutsj two parcel*, however, being Of superior quality, sold fur sveeral cent* above our hiehesi rate. Font' cargoes of Oil's brought Irom 38 to 40 rent*. Peas, nn arrival of till* article, the market.however, i* plentifully supplied, tlav we quote I ( a lj, by the cargo. Flour.—There Is very little demand for thi* arti cle, Our city bakers have bought but sparingly, at pl iers ranging from $0 a 9; fa something nf no ex tra quality, aliuvn these rates are asked, say (Oj ■ Bacon.—In small lot-, since our last, have (nought thn following prices! Hum* 10 a 13; Shoulder* 7 a 8; Fide* 94 a 10 cents. I.ard.—A lot of about 3000 kegs good Westcrt , sold at 9.) rents per 11*. M e quote 94 a 104 cents. Sail.—Tlie most nf il.nt which lias rect ntly arriv ed, havinggone out of first bands, the few importer* who still hold the article have obtained an Huvnnre. We quote Liverpool 1J it H pet sack. Groceries —The transactions in Groceries, with hut few exceptions, have been confined to flip retail trade. Of Sugar about 100 liltds. r Muscovado brought from 9 to 10, anil 50 boxes sup. white !Ja- vntmn, from the wlinrf, su'd at 13. About 150 boxes Cuba Cofl'rp from II to 12 cl# per lb. Provisions.—About 50 Itlids. Alexandria Mess Beef brought $14 per bbl. Spirits —Both Foreigtvand Domestic Liquors are in general very dull—small lots New-Eoglnnd Rum 44 (Ms; whiskey 30 rt« J and Gin 43 unlit*. Stocks.—Tho stock market has been vory quiet since our last. Exchange.—On England 6.J a 74 per rent prem. Checks nn New York at true day sight, were yester day sold as liivbas 5 pret. prem. - * Freights.—Both to Liveipooland Havre arc dull at present quotation*. To Liverpool, cotton, Id per lh for square hnlesj Hnvre, cotton, 2 ct# for square, 00c for round hale# perlh, rice per 600 lbs $4; N. York cotton, $1 for square, 00 for round hales, und $1 per tierce fa rice? Boston, 4 a fie. per lb.; $IJ per tierce for rice. NEW YORK. April 0.—Sales of Stork, 100 share* U S Bank ..#60 days 1124 150 do do do 45 days 119) Mexican Doliats.. ..* 3(1 days 100 $7000 Treasury Notes lo6jtiio(J4 Prices of Specie, Offered, Asked. Amerie*n Gold... 100] 101 Spanish Doubloon. j0,20 Patriot do................ 15 60 15 X) Ha If Delia rs 100]....... 101 Treasure Notes,,.*; .100 .......Klftj Tux M a hit r.T —Cotton is.not so active; Ex change on Philadelphia lino fallen one per cent.'The rule of Uni ed States and all other i*ank notes and checks are 44 disc.—Journal Commerce. Mondat, April 9. The business at the hnnrd to-day ha* la en very encouraging. Storks liaving advanced cnnsidernUy, with the exception of United State* Butik.whieb ha* derlineda slinde. There were no sales nfthePhec- nix Bntik, ion it i* quoted at 07. Farmer’s Trust has advai.ei d 24 on the sales of Saturday. .‘Deb- ware and Mud-on, titlvaueed 1 per rent. H.jrlt m 3 per rent. This favorable nppenrance of the storks is ascribed to theexfateted nc|ioaqftbrg*«yrrnmeiit. Specie sold nt par s 30 d*. Treasury riotes Have declined ft 1 er cent .—Herald, t CAMDEN SUPERIOR COURT. To his Honor. Judge Charles S, Henry, and Soli• ritor CoC Harden. . DTWr, the undersigned.' Grand Juror* for the county of Catndrn. (April tetm, 1038.) having concluded the dntie* devolving upon us ns an inquest of the rminty. frel unwilling to part with hi* Honor Judge Henry, without nn expression of those sentiment* we sincerely entertain for him. Wo reaper fully tender our greeting, nhd realize true gratification on Ids elevation to tho bench, which station wo consider hint eminently ralrnlnt' d Jo fill. We feel every confidence in his zeal, inte grity, nnd ability, and firmly holievo that tho laws under him will meet with prompt and fearless ad ministration. To the Solicitor, Col TInrder, we would make out acknowledgment*, for Id* able and efficient con duct and service* ha officer 01 tlio rnurt which, as far o« we have bad nn opportunity of judging, we consider earnest of future*. On motion of Col. B. Hopkins, foreman, Resolved .That a committee of three wait en Judcn Henry, and obtn n from, him n copy of bis very lucid nnd able charge to the jury, for publi cation. Further Resolved, That, the editor of the Georgian, and the editor of the Republican, be requested to pub lish the above in their respective gazettes. I. B, HOPKINS, Foreman. 2. Henry E. W. Clark, 11. John Hailey, 3. Wm. T. Hopkins, 12. Daniel Robinson, 4. W. W. Son I*. 13. Willis Lncog, 5. I. T. Gnodbread, 14. James Holzendnrf, Tampico last evening with $117,858 specie. We havo not learned that *h'e brings any now* worth no tice. ; ' The Supreme Court have confirmed the verdict of the Municipal Court, that Ahner Kneelnad wav guil ty of blasphemy, for denying the exi-tencaof God (in an article nuhlUhrd by Idtn, as editor of thn Investi gator.) and havingunnnimouslyder.lded that theraso could not b« removed to the Supreme Court nf the United States, he wa* dbecteri to appear this morn ing for -sentence. He-app*nred, and pleading the pecuUnrc.ircum*tanre* uthis family, sentence wa* postponed —Bostop Transcript. PASSENGERS Per steamhoat Charleston . from Black Creek- Major Hunt and lnjly, Mr Bloke, nnd lady, Mi** Craig, Mai Lytle, Lt Collins, Messrs Palin, Blake, Voike. Per steamboat Wnt Sonhrook, fm Charleston— Mrs Godfrey, 5 children and 3/ervnnts, Mrs Ham ilton, 4 children and 3 servant*, Mr* Wallace, child and servant, Mrs De Costy, rhild tutd servant, Air* Wayne and servant, Mus Chaplin, Miss Black,Geo Schr Mail, Price, Pbilndrlpbiti. ’ Cohni, Miller * Co, . Bchr Mogttum .Dultum, Sthith, Nrw^OrtVnn*. ' Cohen, Hiller Jr Uv Schr Select, Pi ice, Norwich, Coq. . -Master'. Schr Belle, Howe*, Honvl«*h. Conn. . Cohen. Hitler 4- Co. , ARRIVED. _ Sloop Stranger, Liu.k, Darien. 280bale* Cotton to Washburn« Lewis. G-B Lamar. Sloop Argo.'-TaVlor, Drun#aiclr. 18 bale* Pea Island Cott. n to J C’umming & Co, R Hnbcr-hom Sloop Meicliant. Wing, Datleu,; 32 cask* Rice toKRlcd. ..or Sloop Levant, BoIps, Rfahorn. 100 tmlc* S. I. Coton 10 G Anderson At Brother, R Haherriiutn. K * W King & Co, J Gumming &. Co, N & W llur- dec. Strnnihnnt Cbnthnm, Wray, AnVu«ta,.wl'h faat* 4 A* .0, to Strnmhnat C.'imipany. 235 fate# Cotton nntl Afdse to'S D .Corbitt, T H Harden, W -Hale. Steamboat Florida. Noek.Sl AUHiistiife. Steam* hunt* John McLain, nnd Sautia*, left St. Augustine, for Mosquito on the 14th Inst Passed steamboat Camden ill St, Johns l oni d to Aouustilie. • Slenmbont .1 Stone,- Metidal, Darien. 500 bales Cotton toL-Bnldw ft. &-Cn, Hnd oRiers. Srrnnilomt Cbarlesinn.HebLtird, Black Creek, tn Mnj Hunt. ■ Steamliont Elbert, Hul.bnrd, Augusta, toS & A Stentrboa' Cn. ' Steamboat Wm fteabrook, Dubois, Chnrlesten. Mdse tn It WntKon, R Sweet, Potigrtie.' IV C Dan iel; D Ferguson, Susaii Jucksnn, Mr Gray, J Hamil ton. Steamboat Free Trade, Creswell, Augusta, with boat* 10 nntl 13 lit C F Mills. 2831’nles Cotton tn Adams & Bin roughs,L 'l.tldwiii & Co, \V H Smith. WENT TO SEA. Ship Trenton, Renneli, Liverpool. Brjir Georgia, Shelwnod, New York, Sclir Select, Price, Nurwipb,Conr- Schr Mtt num Bnnum, .Smith, New Orleans. Schr Belle, Iittwes, Norwich, Conn. DEPARTED. Steamboat Chatham. Wrsv, Auguita. MRMORARUA. Pile Falcon,tip at Philndelphin for thl* port. BRUNSWICK, April 12.—Ar. brigs Freeman, Bostons Vietntv, Savanah. . CH A ULESTUN. April 3.—Ar. brig# Courier.^ York! Planter, do; sclir* Groton, Balt} Cnttova, do. C‘ld, brigs Meta, (BremI Antwerp; Landou Chev- es, Pbilnda; srbrs Waldo, Matnnxii*! Forester, NGr- Iran#; Munptis. Mobile; Gov Arnold, St Marks; Sai lors Return, ‘linker. J arieti. ST MARKS, Match 31.—Ar. seltrs Bunker Hill. NYork; .Mngtmtirnnk, Cliarlustnn. *• Cld, brig* Asia, Bustun; Lucinda, N York; -chrs Warsaw, do. April 6 —Cld, brig Rnxlury, NYurk; schr Vesto, Lightboi J .e, Savannah. NOTICE TO MaRTNERS. Custom Housk, Kkt Wmt, \ • Collector'* Office, March 29, 1838. ( The buoys und stakes' In-the harbor of Key IVwt and lit (be “ Noi l h We*t Passage," lending Vln refrom into the 0» f of Mexico, have, been stationed o'" *'» and utlier# added, put suant to reeoitt net* of rung res*. The following infill mill ion respecting them i* pub lished for the guidance of those availing themselves of tho facilities uHot-dcd by tbit pus-ngo referred to. j, . A white spak boot vithafla*. is s'ationed on the Reef, about nine mile* ft out the tuque, on Whitehead’* Point, from wldeh it hears S. S. E. It i* anchored in 27 lei t of water, nt low tide, nnd ve*. *el* crossing the reef hv this channel, wilt find the hf*t water close to the Buoy on tho west *ide. The proper course to puisne, to bring into {he hai bur the greatest drought of water from this buoy will lie to run for.the lighthouse, passing, nt the dis tance nf about 11 quarter of it mile, a tuii noox. with a staff and imitation ball, painted black— marking the situation of three enrol bends, 011 mu* of which there are only 14 feet of wat- r at low tide. You leave this buoy nn the larboard hand, and when two mile* distant from the light house, steer N. W. by W. until you pns* a skconp tub buoy, painted black, stntiom d off the light house point in six fathom wa ter, you then steer N. by E. hnlf E. until you open Fleemit'g Key. n small mangrove Island jit the Nor thern port of the harbor, for which yon then run. Vc##' Is bound through the North West Passage,’ will nn from ihe lust named buoy, N. W. and they will then enter the passage, which is stoked out for. aboutrix miles. The stake* on the North and South sides are pnintrd white, and linv. kegs 00 their sum mits n'so paint H white; t|io*eon the large mitlJlr ground-ire pnintrd white wi'h Mack crosses, and lln»"( on ihe small middle ground are nil black. Tie s nke# hre oil in about I wo Icet of water, nt low tide, nnd n vessel'drawing nine feet water can npprimeh generally within 40 yard# of any one of them; but three and a half fniiintn*. at least,'can lie carried between cithtrof the middle ground# nml 1 lie North or South side* ,«f:the.passage, or about nine feet between the two niidd e ground*. • ' After passing the stakes, vessel* will shape their course fa rt tub buoy, painted black, having on ttn- Vation.ball, which is wtirhored in 34 fittllbiijH water, about liilfwny from the last *!n- e to the bar.'Pari «iog tlie buoy on either side, you will at.present rule N. W. half W.nbout two m les,wld«'h will lirittgyou to the bur, and on 1 aiding up North y»*u will crus# it in lendr eleven feet water hi low tide. 'I he licl t boat intended for thi* station wilj lie nn- chored Will In the barsome timrin June next ill* pro- sttmed,' m d in such it shea ion liiat vessels will tun for her. nt (kthen haul up to cross the bar, if bound ’to the We*t; er iffrom thi* West, will run for iter across the .bar a d then haul up for the light Imu-e on Key Wpst, "} he exHri eaurses will he made known ufter the light loot at rives at her si»li in. W. A. WHITEHEAD. .Collector Bid Superintendent of Lights and Buoys ICTCon m •reial papi rs will benefit the mercan tile commot.ityby giving rite foregoing one or more insertion,. HP THK EXPRESS MAIL. * MOBILE. April 10.—C id, ships Mary Howland NOrl*} Minerva. Marshal 1 , Havre 5 hark Fanny, Crowell, (1.; brig Kfntorky, llntrli, Ar. sltip Alabumtan, Pensacola. April II.—C’d,Lurk Hmziiid,NYork. NEW ORLEANS, April 9.—Cld, ships -Engle, Bo-ton; Gan e». Jones,Liverpi-ol; New Hampshire, Sltitekfad, dot brigs pnz, Biireeloua; Olivo Btonrli, Norfolk; Grandee, Philada. A’r. ship* Plafina, Havre; Rome, N York? brigs Emclio, Hip-nnit; Alee mis. NYurk; schr Henrv, do, 'March 10.—Cld, ship# Nashville, NYurk; Yazoo, Trnsk, Liyeipnol; St Louis, Stanton, Havre; brig Duan.New. l,iverp<Mii. BALT-MORE,'April 10.—Arrived, brigCicero, Kingston; -obis Rapid, Havana; Rochester, do; De. laware, do. Cld. slip Britannia, TAIchi on, Liverpool, via Charleston, PHILADELPHIA, April 10.—Ar. *rhr* Slim- land. St Jeiini>; Hadassah, Rns«; Savannah, I0d-. Cld.schr Increase,Smith, Savannah. April 10.—Ar *ldp David Webster,London;'srk Ella Hand, NOrl*; brigs Arelhusn.Maragiie/; Elea nor. Charleston; Knnimwa, NOi-ls; Treaty, Mobile'. Cld. -hip Hcien Mnr NOrl*. NEW YORK, April 9 — Ai Fr bnrkTpini Frehs, Bordeax; brigs St.Bartholomew, (Sw) Gotrenburg, Cnrlhnge, Glasgow ; Douglass, Rio do Jntieir* S K riitrikus Unum.'St Martins; P< dtasa, Potto Cabrllo; Sman. NOrls; Luriiula. St Marks, via Key We*lt srhr* Lender,' NOrlrsns; His well King, Coles, Da. ricn. 9 ds. Cld, liark-Union, Antwerp; brigs L’OrirH»..Mar. seille#; Lnwrenee, Charleston; Stai, Sr Jr go de Cn- bn; David.B'Crtte, Brown, DnHeni Wakulla, Mo* hilp; Pioneer, Davis, Liverpool. BOSTON. April 7.—Ar.hip TtrpuUii-, Culruit.; brig Ceres, Surinam; Levant, dii. CM. ship* Nahnnt, NOrl*; Snmnrnng Charleston." For AtfStlita. Tho Iron Steamboat .Company's im I, i| ii steamer I RKK. TRAnK.^GaPtain •Creswell, will leave for tho hIhivo pla» « TO-MOR- ROW, (17th inst.) For freight, npply.aftlid Iron Steamliout Company’* Office. ■ * » np 16 C. F. MILLS, Agent. . A Card* , ■jifR. J. WHALE respectlullyinrormsthe ladlca •IfX- and gentlemen-ftf Savannah, that-his next Assembly Bail will take plaei* THIS EVENING, April 16th. * ' v Ticket* to admit a gentleman with two ortnbro ladies, $1, to fa had of.Mr. W. ut id# room. Pu pils admitted gratis. Dancing to commence ut 8 o'clock. Mp 16 CliriBt Cliui'cli. T HIS DAY (faing Euster Monday) nn elertinn for two Warden* and *cv, n Vestrymen, will la» held in the building occupied ns a church, Tho poll* will he opened .front 11 until 2 u’cl/ck By order uf the Warden*. • • • ANTHONY BARTOW, an Sec'y to. the Ve*»ry. OiliCe Savuumli nml AuguMa M«amhoai Co. . APBtt 16tli, 1838. A N elertinn for Director* of thi* Company, w ill jML fa held m thi* office on the first Monday in May next at 11 o'clock, A.' M. ’ Bvr. ordsr'of-tbo Board. JOHN HUNTER, ap 10■ . Secretary Xi Treasurer. Notice* . . A N extra meeting of the Bbnrd of Commission- .ers’nf Public Uniui# of Cltniiiatn Cmfnty was ilie.Cnnit House, in ibeciiy of Siivhii- milt nit Saturday the 14th. inst, ot 1 I p’cluck, Jegitl laid Ice nfllie same huving-faen .given, at the mptest nf the Prijliletit of tho Snvanmih, ttgeecbe tmd Altamahnw CaimH'umpuny, ftirlhe expresspurpmtr nf hearing the »hjr*£tinn* ef ihnjaid CttliH Company to the plan of the Brick Bridge, now erecting urriftv the Canal mi the Augu*tn Road. Mod liih'Nr ai>y otfar suggestion* wldeh tnight fa mnde by said Com- pfinv for the good, both of the.Cftnnl and ihe Coun ty ; but ns the raid Cnnnl Company wn# not repre sented at the Bonrd,by either their President ornny O'her (erson, the Cen ttiisrit M rs jhmuI wire unanimously, oft in* opinion that thoehairntan should go on nnd finish the Bridge n* sunn a* possible upon the plan proposed and adopted at ti Hr last meeting, the great travel on tlmt ruud rendering it indispen sably m cessarv. Published by ntder nf tlie* Board. ■ np 18 W.'.W. WAS! I, Sec’y a. c. p tt.r. c. 6. Hugh Brown, 7. Whipple. Aldrich, 8. Jnmes Bnrnaid. 9. Alex. Hnlzftndnrf, tfl. Y. L. Rohjn*on, 15. Joshua E. Mizell, 16. IJ. R. Sadler, 17. John Tompkins, 18. E. Hoekitis, 19. G. McDonald. On motion of M. H. McAllister, fiiq. the pre sentment of the Grat’d Jury w»s ordered to bo fil tered on *he minutea.of thisennrf. [A true copy from the minute*, 11th April, 1838.1 ISAAC BAILEY, Herk. • IO* The annual examination of the Savannah FreeSchool will take place thi* morningnl9n’clock, Subscribers and friends to this institution are, invi ted to attend. M.C. TAYLOR, !*t Diroctre**. SHIP NEWS. P«*rt or knv«nn;ili. SON RISKS. S 37....SKTS. 6 03....UIOII WATBK..10S4 A.M CLEARED, Brig Georgia, Sherwood, New Y'ork. C B Carter. Brig Romulus, English, Liverpool. Pad'lferd,Fay4Co. Wood. T HE subscriber has on hand, and intend* .keep ing, ft constant supply of tbe best. * nk Wood, whirh will be sold on reasonable term*. Apply at my stere, upper end qf Indian street. ap 16\ ' JOHN KEEBLER. First Itcgiment CSciuifin Iflilitia. , Savannah, April 14ih, 1838. O RDERS—In eonfortniiy with brigade orders the regiment will parade fa review, inspec tion, nnd drill, oil Thursday, flit- 3d -Maynext. Companies must be marched to the tegimentnl parade by 10 o'elork A. M.. Htul to avoid unirct's- snrv delay, the beat Cnmpnnh * will be a-s« mbled on their n’ipertive grounds ity 9 o'clock A. M., und us soon n* possible itrmi d and • (ddpped ai ihearn nnl. The ndjutant will, in writing, give too ire to the superinlendunt of thv day of parade, the hour for delivery .of at" *, nnd of the pt"liable number of musket* und equipments tliat will he wanted. Ue will immediately serve copies of thin order Upon rhief of battalion*, that proper orders may lie given by'them to the rompHtiie* of their respective com mand*. and ho will exeeote such orders. He will also serve n copy upon Captain Stephens, and one upon Captain Segnr, not nitnehed to either batta lion. Commandant* of companies will be prepared with correct company returns for the brigade in. specter,’ blank forms of which may fa bud of the adjutant. Field and staff officer# must fa summon’d by tha adjutant,, nnd till others by-order of captains of com- .patties, who will immediately proceed to fillvucai.- c e. of non-ciimmissituied officers, and fttrnisb tha adjutaift by the 30|h inst with n list or sithalti rn*, nnd dales of eommissioti, and tlie nume* und rank of their iinh-comnii*siphed "flic, rs A regim tilnl Court of Titquuy for the trial Uf defaulters from the regimental parade, inspection, nnd review, will. In* hHd at the Exchange on tl>a 23d May next, qt 10'oVlm'k A.M., to which court the ndjutant will summon (hdUtifling field nod stnif officer*, und commanding officers of companies. And the commanding officer# of cotnpnnic* will enttse to he summoned all defaulting suloriter!.*, notiteommfssfotied officers; and privo’es.. Kachdi- faulter most have tieo days notice of the court, and returns must hu duly made and certified according to law. Tin* corps of Savannah Volunteer Guards is du* tailed color e*curt. By older of JOHN MiLI.EN, L’puf. Ool. commanding 1st Reg’l G. M. I. DATKNrtiitT, Adjutant. np 16-lt OcorglnrCamden C«iinty.~ r “ .XyKTllKllEAS Erasmus D; Trio y appiii * to tna t » for letters of admiiiislrttlitoi on the e#t»ite of James Lloyd; late of said cofmiy. tleei a'*i (l, tlies« nro-tlteirforo to cite and ndiouni*h nll'and singular tho kimiretl and creditors of. itnid diceru'td. tnfilo iheir.oijections (if my they hiiM ) in niv nfltee. on or hefore the’first Miutday in. Jjtnr ’next,’ otherwise letters will fa grunted to said apple not. Given under my hutitf, at office in Jefferson, this 9th dny of April, 1838. ' no IH- c . ISAAC BAILEY. Cl’k c. o. WIrcp, Cordiuls, Ac. ( i LA RET, iu boxes. Flirt, iu rusk*, and Cider J and A e, in boxes, for snlo by •no 16 Junes a- Orris Tooth Wash. T HE Oiris Tooth Wnrh hv purely n vegcmble r>reparation, possessing ihe pr pi rttrsofrlenn- mg the teeth nnd mouth; restoring lire, gum* to n healthy atnte, and preventing any.unpleasant testis or odour in • !•*». mouih, arising from neeny d tepth. A further sotipiy of the above article just received, and for sale by mb 23 T. RYERfiON. Fushionalpc Fnvnsols, O F the tniPM style. Ifeceivrtl p*r stdp Trenton, .from New York, 1 oa*e l'ara*«ls,eoesislingof Ladies superior-figured, plaid, and plain Fur«»ols, do do = Umbrellas, and Misses plaid aul plain Tarasols, fur sale by GEORGE W. BF.HN, mlt 28 Shod'* biiliditigs. Linseed Oil. GALLONS Linseed’ Oil, just rec'd, and O Vw fur nalo l.v . THOMAS M. TURNER, ’ teh 27 n Monument.square. ■ Holasws, antOlncon* ■ ANDING from brig Lovitdn, and for sal® -m-J hv. "»h 26 tGAUDRY, BRANCH, A BAKER. v 1ar. I'Itch, uiid Uorin, | ANDING from brig Grnraio, nod for.snle'by X^mb3n GAUDBY. BRANCH A.BAKEK Prime Green foffice. O t BAGS Prime green COFFEE, landing from O JL Brig William, from Boston, tied for" •ab\bv ■"It 28 * 5VOODB n 1DGE A. M AY." Hew Orleans Sugar. *f HHDS prime New Orleans.ritizar/ landing IU from schr Lavinin, and for sale by tel. 27 S. D. CORBITT. IndiM IQittdnir* B Y brig Savannah, thv subscriber* arc now re 25 pieces *uprr. 4>4, India Matting which they offer for sale. mb 22 J. Ar E. INGERSQLL. Porky Beef, etc* Ofk BRLS N Ycity prime.pork, 25 do do mess Ot_re beef, 20 do westerti me**-pork, 15 half do Fulton market beef, luuding nnd forsale by' mh 31 - CORE & SMITH. limn, Gin, nnd Sonp. BBLS New England Rum, 60 dodo Gin, 9 and 100 boxes “ FnyV Soap, landte.g/rom brig Savannah, and for sale by ,mhMICHAEL' DILLON & CO. XUnckl»nrn*s.Rln<]cira Wine. rilHE *uh*crifar will orders for the choice X L. P. Wines, of Messrs. Gou. Sc. Roh't Black-, burn St Co., until the 15th' Mny, When'the list'will bo for>* arded. The wine may be expected to urrive in October or November nuxt. np 16 4t G. BARNSLEY. CnrdinB, Syrup Be. Cherry Brandy. A NN1SEED. Noveau, Shrub, Fcppvrmint. nnd Rasjfhj’try Cordials; Sursapurilla-Syrup, and Cherry Brandv, ftif rale by np.16 ' JONES & DOUGLAS. Siilinoti. S ALMON, fresh, in casts, do pickled, in barrels, do Ho, in kit*, for Sale'by ap 16 JONES St DOUGLAS. Codfish, Sounds, nnd Tongues. A LOT of Codfish, ai d n few .barh-1* of Sounds and Touguck, for rale hy ‘ np-16 ^' JONES St DOUGLAS. < New Orleans Sugar, and Bacon. 1 O'HHDS. prime. New Orleans Sugar, nnd 8 JL'V* do Bacon,. Shoulders, Sic., -lauding';fn»m scbr Lavinin, and for sale low from the wharf, by ml. 27 • ■ WOOD BRIDGE & MAY. ( rncUen Ac. BBLS Pilot Bn ad, 25 do Butter Crackers, Jm\J 20 do Water do,.15 dii Milk and’S(>da do, 50 box<’* ‘Bpnch, Raisins. 2 cases Salt,,in boxes, 2 casks Curmijf#, 20 boxes Lemons, and 50 drums Figs, innding nod for snle by nth 17 GAUDRY St LEGRIEL. Teas. 5 CHESTS Souchong tea, 5 do Bnhen do, 16 qr (lit Hyson do,landingsnd for sale by inh 31": COPE & SMITH. Soda and Scidlili Powders* 2 CASES''of u Mayimrd A- Noyes'*' Seidlitz'and So»ln Powders, a superior article, received and fa'sale by ... • roh'23' . - T.’ RVF.RSON. Bar.oir, Ac. f A Ann LBS.-BACON, Shonlders and JLvf0Vr\-lve Flitches, for sale by GEO. HUNTINGTON St CO. mh2^