The daily Georgian. (Savannah) 1835-1847, September 03, 1847, Image 1

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ry SPivjrx* •: - 'Mh*NZ ■<-• # fiXv»U>Yvi»*f oTt^fc-rtS itvf.ojC*«JlU «L»* ’*7“' •".- .1 ■ ""“ If 1 .J,? or'sAVANNAJl, tT ^ UU ^8F^ SliM0Nfn,a '. l&SSM&iS feiTS I now Advertiramtiit iinurtaoflhs 8t*lo®odUnloJi>or49*' .dolumw^k ! •^fi,£uSu,«u.(b. P ablUh.i*»■«• "“"fipjLtoMtudAiuiinUtratonirorD^bt- JSSKSSILta ;,publiihod »«»“«• |0 „ 0 rAdminUlralor« -”4Srh. , 3""^ rS&sMswsxe ssssvxsssissit F ,;•4fc^.Tir^r,KAlMi^ '"' Sill! s’ w ?«!g!^!gi^^Wa^ l ? , fv aS$sf / v *> VsjkIv vfir Itf > >• ^ v ^ ^ r- •32,2i ^■gBBBgav.!! KJiJL U ■ XL--'.' JL>JggSgI— IS*-g->i . SAWSiUa FKIDAV.'MO \ lisatKoWr^!, fisfea* s M I '■'1* 0 ' I SMSahHi WT T HISinval an extanitre bilious climnto, at— — evr <„ ., •• . coring Fever and Aguo. or any or Iho 4twMW^ f“ c l 0 T»rv- n f Admloiatnuod. or-una olirr®.'‘^“aWegroer, taunt be pttif,, nfta J be“ra’ffdiy““ «'•■ P Thc»e aale. ami Pomade dttho Court lloure door of the county in «liich tho property ia situate, end on’ the first Fuea- Inr of (ho month, between the lionro often m tho norttinf and four lu tho afternoon. Nooeld horn S/to day is ralid, unless so esprossod in tho adver- '’’innllcatioufl by Executors, Administrators and 9sios ofpersonal property (except negroes) of ./^irsTi^xrs/rojuhh'id”^' “ortosrfthe Court of Ordinary, (accompanied withacopy oftlio bond of ogrooraent) to make -U- iIm to lana, mast be advertised Three Months at Sheriff’s sales under executions regularly grant ed by the courts, must be advertised TIllKlx DAYS—under mortgage executions oIA I r DAYS—Sales ofperishable proporty under order order of Court, must be advertised gonerully, T LIS DAYS before the day of Sale. _, * • All Letters directed to this Ofhceor the Ld- tor, # must bo post paid to entitle them to attention. T llfi NATIVE FEBBirUOB.- Far the Cure of Bilious. Remittent mill In* Icrmitteut, or Ague snd Fever, and other diiea<.-> •i ineideqtnl to n debilitated State of the synleoit »uch a*night aweais. Ac. Ac. Tlw native Febrifuge is offered. The proprie* tor i* awurs that th« common objections to all iiiw preiiaralioni will be urged agniiwt this, to ahvi-tia all such objections, lie has simply to slate that it is prepared according to the rucipt of an eminent physician, who used it with perfect ruo- cait through a lung practice, in peril p* the most sickly region of our country, viz: the Mississippi vallt-y. Again from the exalted estimation tu which Quinine is held, not only by the people, but b) the most skillful physicians, ii will oppfur - mpsrarogatory <o offer any new urticlu. But (lie Naiive Febrifuge possesses all die power and cer- Uinty of Quinine in controling Fevtr without affecting the head, attd may be safely used there, for, where Quinine is inadmi^itile. (t is uot the purpose of tho proprietor however sanction, ed by custom on such occasions, to attempt a dis play of medical knowledge by adopting sumo one of the contradictory tlisorlos afloat, with regard to tho characlerand cauaes of Fever. Believing with the learned Gregory that though there has been so much written concern, ing Fever there is no ouo subject in the whole circle of medical science which still indulves so many disputed points. Letting ell theories pass, we staiuJ by feels. Tho first of which is tlmt Hie Native FobriTuge will euro fever, from whatever cnu«e it miy have originated, and if any duuht exists,as to the fact wo invite the afflicted to the tSft, with confidence ns 'o the issue- What it has dona it will do. The following certificate of one well known will show what it has done. Savannah, lUth May, J847. Mr. iss. A. La Roche having requested uio to state my knuwlekge of the Native Febrifuge, I take pleasure in shtiug that it was used bencfici-. aially m the Fevers of the valley of tho Mississip-. pi sndA'kausas, in sill cases in which Quinine is usually exhibited, and wnsadiniMalde in congeaii* oils qf the brain whou Quinine was supposed to be contraindicated. n , J.-J. MITCHELL, M- D. Prepared and aold, by james a. Laroche, «8 No. 2 Monument aqnnro. Ocorcia--CliHtliain Coiiuiy. Tho Eschentor of Chatham County, ,S Estate of John Corran, dec'-. , WHEREAS, an inquest of Esche.t liaibncii returned into tho office of the Clerk of die fin- parior Court of Chatham County, in the above cate, whereby itappeam that John Corran, a citi zen or the United States, died intestato, so.zud at >nu ll11 ! 0 °r* lot of land, situated at Inunderliolt, in the Cuuuty aforesaid, containing pin hundred feet in front and three hundred feet urw p,h ’ n,0ra or,UM * bounded by lands of Herb, ■YiHtamsori and Casson,—the said John Corran not having made any disposition of <«3ld lot, and thaMmo: W ' l * ,0Ul ttaV,u ® n11 ^ P eraon (o claim N'lw.lll pnr.tnnoe nr tin Eaclmat law, thia ail. LuTTlt “ 1,1 * i, “ nnll *“ 10 lh “ MlS or the him ir Corri1 ' 1 * or others who may claim under cUi.n «*??,* lhero bo ‘ t0 “PPoar and make fru!n th f a!< ! ,olo C ,awd * ' V| thin eighteen months d * l “ Iwraor, or the same will bo pro- no. I«,d lo b.E-ch.aiod, a.reaably to the law ia •Uth case mado and provided. ■op 11 R ' Wi PU ' ,1 ' El1 ’ Cl,!rk 3. o. C. C. Kw 1 AX EK,- nrc~.„ 0 . hwo,%'r , i" J r " ,ra ,l ‘ 1 * "'ll known.piiog apfilndfe ± d 10 " , * d 'ntnmandalion. w5 a, tuada^hyl'n SSZA .I.!. , Sl P . l id , .r5 d mJ,t?e‘W. ,,,h0 1 ni V 0 ’ d - 3 m "- ■ vmsmzg ■g|ssiis-i s z'.::r >•*f^iW!S?i8f «Mid,niio , n lh i?i WO "! d no .‘ d " "llkotil it Tor any ""I trill ka.n r„. ' p '," “l’. ln "'I' 'oahed borrala Tk» p fjyur to'k “f limain any ollmato. * r Wjr * U PP« vino Liok fela'^,. ba n''’ l a• !,ne, ' , 5 ‘ ,o11 "* by k.rrol, trailnn or on drantht l july 3| TURNER & BRO. 7T?wT7»ivr*r- Monument Square LrS 1 ' OBACCO^^-80 ho»,-G^. P 1 P , ;"" d 'k.winr Toh,icoo, for m.{n G. R. HENDRICKSON. 'k.S»»”dj2£ ¥ t, Eocl1 '?' amkroJ'tioTflr order is-wiu Ii?*’ .."I/* who requeaied me to CJiilL Fever. BuinbAgiie. ttitep inilteitt & KMniltentjFqvers all llu: vanous Jornis 01 .\U^: Bilioiis^iseases ^3* S!'i’’tl.;i)IJiYaS:'i’]IOJ?OU()ltTiY ■ ■'•QsgoottsIndiaCBoV«^ L A iwaluatilaniadiclne waa ptopareolroro tantivo practice,of ieveriu yoara in « nto, and la tatW knnwh to AB'.'of India Obolajoktin a pniiiyini.tboblopp.a un » moil intaluabla raptedy Tor ood, and iboMugbly tioaWilna trom th. iJaiMUh, mpM ?[■ Wli""*("jTJJfi- Tiiowondorrni oporattoit ortbe ehnlbjrngud in eradicating bila from tho human ayalam, oan only explain it, extraordinary ageiicy ni thorpeody, llio- r oaah and p,f nianeut cure urforer and agno, *nu tho .ancua gradea ol inlarmiltont and r.mlttaul fe hUeqnally eiroctual Tor the onre or LI*or Com- plaint. Jaundice. Eolorgomoni.or the Llirpr: olio Eulargemotit or the Splaon. oallad Ague Colte, nnd tho .arioua forma or billoiia Indignation.-. Thoio, with tho other yatrled pMtjnni or ouch climalea,ariaiog frotn.o common mioamalcauao, •re only modifioationa or the .aiuo duoaia, and o- auallyoontruliad by the aama remedy. q The operation of the ChoUgoguo, aa lta name imporu, ia upon tho livor-promoting the die charm ofliile. The thouaanda who have uaod it need no further o.ideitce ofito ralue then it. hap py roatorotl.o effco,a. F a^MU, Bfc .; • ian II ” Manumo’lt Sunnra. in DUES EPPKU'I’EDIt-wITHOUT Lr SEEING THE.PAUbNlM BV M. 8. THOMSON, M. D„ MACON, GEO. Tho anhacribororior on experience oHon yoara in tho uaa of Botahic lUMKDita, lioa 10 far par- footed hit ayatem of iroatmom oa to ho ah a, in a trout mniortty of chronio diaenaea, to otreol dper- mniiciil cure without ever ranisn the pattest, roatoring thou> to hoallh without aobjeolmg iIioiti to the inciinventoncoand oxponae of long ahd Udi- oils juurueya, or llio cold oharllieo ol atrnngeip liomea and fira.idea. Tn many thia may appear aa nnreaaocoblo aa it did to him aompliuie oeo, but fucta arn iudiapntablo, and what to him appeared then a mere chimera of the brain, ia hqppilv now a matter of every day orcurtoitue. Tho undersigned lias thus lar prolcrrod publish- ins the statements or others relative to the beiiefits dorived from Ida practice,.thinking that tlint course comported.much bolter with true dig nity ol fowling than pure personal [infling; in thei pa- iers or the still less reputable course to which some igh-minded (1) physicians resort, ol egotistically Biiundiug their own irumpeisby thebwdsidu of their pstiunts: nnd I now soeuo good reason to change my course, but shnll continue to givesueli oertifi' cates, as will disarm doubt, and which, though some peraon.d-emlhem "*»7 «“*, , if I A,"r!npn'lint' he will give any man FIVE HUNDR-ED OOL* LAllS to procure their equal In Georgia—equafiy well autliemicated, itiidor a forfetturo uf u like "q’ho facte prwettloi by him ero eitoh aa Im ia pra- pnred lo demonitralo at any tune to lha Znmglba of tba afil eted or Iholr friend., who ma)l wall to lest it. The rollotving will epeek for Iheiniel.pel fiKonGia ) This may certify that in the Jones County. \ fall of 1844, my son William.* about 10 years of age. was taken with naivousre- vuroud was elten ted by Dr. Gibson for > Jung lime; end notwilh.tuudlng all lie ooqid do h. «liU continued tu getworlo, so that when the fiverlcit him he had completely lost the uso of Ilia lo wer' ax- nemilies. an i ooiilJ not walk a stop nor hear his weight upon his feet t hi. logs boo .mo cramped and drawn, and ho .uirero.I.ilmosttn plarabloan. ftotn pain.-, ho coiltinUoJ '"UffiBMtM' stale for over three mouths, reduced almost u nothing blit-kin and botio. i*i ?£?.%'nflEI of his improvement had vanished, I hoard of the auecose of Dr. Thomson of Macon, in treutlngdia- ense, and concluded to try hurt. I accordingly made application, anil although llio Doolor«E«R .AW him, lie soon restored him to Ins nsiial heallh nnd slrruuth. lieuow rides oboutsnd attonds lo bllsiooaa ue if no.hing had over hoap lha.manor with him . JQHS-DAtlStELD. Jonos County, Nov. 24, lain. Geohoia, 1 This ttny cort.ry Ihnlmy Mouslou County. 5daughter Mary.aboutlOyonra orngo, lied boon .illocked with ch oroiis and o h- eraooomputtying difficulties, which continued for a considerable length oriimo, und appeared lo do- fy all the usual remedies that could bo brought to bear on i». She «utr«rud«reatlv witli painful ibis, orv, till it looked like she; would go .iulofiu. Fm this sttuatlon, nnd after relief was despaired of, I applied to Dr.Thomson of Macon,who soou per fectly cured her, without evor having seen her. 8hJsno„a,.oaadin j lmel.h..m.vla,tnaG»or. ^ tiEoaolK 40- l l do horchy certify that my Upsom Comity, j daughter Ann Eliza was at tacked about throe yeaisago with False and Dis ease c/ the Spine, by which «ho was ontiroly disublod, and lost tho use of the loww. oxtroratties. Sho was immediately pu4 under the euro ol Dr. Kendall, who attended her fnrsometime, hot: with out benefit. We thou applied to Dr. Parker, a Root Doctor, who after ho had treated her caau sometime,concluded that he could do nothing for her. We then l)r. Thomas, of Co In dunville, whoaitundod on her eight months, with*, not tho least benefit, for she wa.leftm atatoa| de- plorahlocandition, perfectly he pleas. Wherever ah. waa laid theta aha remuiuml, without tho pow er ofmotionhy the greatest effort oflhe will. Sho waa to much reduced that she luoked.aa if there waa net five pouodii'of flesh on the whole body, ao that aha could bo compared to nothing but a living skeleton, if each onuld bo imagined. While in this aline l was toditood to apply to Dr. M. 8. Thoraaan uf Maooa, who l-P™" uffUM bleislnga nf Pravldoneo and his ahill it! lha usd of remadies, has restorod lur to eaoollout bodily health und the uaa of her limbs by which .he to enabled le enjoy life, add Visit ahaut in tho ae • tlement, wilhout,tho uaMstanco of any one. But What surprise, every body Is. b ?'W“- stored without having buen seen by the Doctor, .udattHouantinal February 5,1846. ’ . . , „ The nbove cases, considering thmr character and importance, will put be\ond dispute th; fact of the oif ouriirg without previous ex amination ofthe pitiont ; which, together with the facility ofprocurinx medicine, sincp the reductmu of Postage, by mull, puts it within the pnwor of EVERT BoftV. no maltor where they reside, to pro cure relief froth their various maladies, at a very 1 "PorsnnVeppfyiag far Medioinas ooghtto send their aymptomi and aga in writing a. cortectly as possible, when medicines smtad to their vsriona onset will be compounded and s Q nt. Letters, to •ntitla thorn to attontlou, mual bo poat.pnid, and persona applying from a .distance had better en- cloaa the usual monthly fa, nf Five Doilara at once, hia charge being as lo admit ofbnl alight' risk in noilacting. Th. poor of ony county in Georgia moy hero luedieinet lent graluitoualy on proienleUon of a oertillpaia of inabilits to pop , -w., mVs, . Mapon. Boptombor 1. 18 l tti,: , . oppi ai — R-BUTTpR ;J Bnlilraora Flour | Bailor l M.OQO So| froin>Mod(sonsnd< 1.1128: aqf 8EGARS—51) bids I 25 firkins pholca Goshen s. varlhtia brands, landing or ; ui k zia .f.'« "'■■■ ■" ‘ > gOOcjl i - ■ ■ i Syracuse, Dec. 13, j ^842.rrDo®r Sir:—One, xlraumstanco has grcutly.helued the tale of the Balsam prlVild Cherry here. A young lady was □iignetlied.and requeued to prescribe for her felb- or, who has nn nffticliou of. the lungs. She anjd there was.a medicine at Hough’s ~acc6muanlbd -williit small bookuthet would help him. It was For Colds, Coughs, Asthma, and other Diseases of the chest and Lungs. B UCliAw’o ..UNlirUUA.v BALSAM, the gren( English Remedy for'Pectoral and Pul* monary disenses, still standi unrivalled-and unsur passed as the most oiegaut, agreeable »nd effectual curative of these formidable complaiuts now known io the oivilized world. Three years of trial in the United States, during which time it has been, distributed from Maine to Florida, has.only sorved to establish its pre-emi nent merit in ail parts of the country, ae the great aU . ONLY RELIABLE REMEDY in the worst casus of Pulmonary disease*; end the best and most agreoabio curative of ell tho slight forms of colds, cough and inflammation, that can possibly be ased; SPITTING OF BLOOD. This frightful pyutptom of approaching Con sumption, speedily checked ahd prevented bv the use of Bucnau’s Hungarian Balsam, which heals the ulTueijid membrane, removes tho incipient tu* berclus, aud restores thoso vital organs, the lungs, tu a souuJ aud healthy condition; REMEMBER THIS. Spitting of blood always arises from a tendency to tuberculous diseases, nnd if not cheoked at the outset, will sooner or later terminate in death. A person who raises blood ones, will rsiso blond again, unless a proper curativeisimmodiatoly em ployed. PAIN IN THE SIDE. This distressing symptom of Consumption nri- _„s from infiammaiion of liie lungs, on the mem brane called the plenra, or from bronchial uffection ol tho nir passages. Ill either ense it is a very dun* gerous indication of disease It prevent* full nnd Ireu breathing, and wears a way the natural strength of tho system. The oause of this symptom should be removed at once} and nothing esu possibly ef- iect that object so speedily snd happily as the great English Remedy, discovered by Dr. Buchan, which is entirely vegetable iu its lugredienls, nnd perfectly harmless iu all its quiditios. LIVER COMPLAINT. In cases of Consumption, the Liver is always more or lo s affected, and also the Spleen Pleura, und small intestines. Ou d ssecliug Cuiisiiuiplive puticnis, Tubercles are often found in all these or- uans, particularly upon tho Liver, which also be-' ednios fully, oily aud swelled. , The effect of tho Hungnrittii Balsaar in diseuses of tho Liver, eirpe- cially if it be of an ulcerous nature, is direct and powerful. Simple disease of the Liver, unattend ed by CousurnpUdink j^deg^gired by its use. Thehnrsh, dry, bucking Winter Cough which ufllicits Old People, end invalids in a low state of health is happily affected by the Hungarian Balsam. it warms, moistens, and stimulates tho whole breathing apparatus} removes all morbid ui'icus, and other foul matter, purifies aud animates the blood; improves tho secretive newer of the Liver, Spleen, aud other large glands, and the digestive organs; and imparts new life to tho wun and emaciated system. BRONCHITIS l Bronchitis, Difficulty of Breathing, Harsh Cough, a slimy expectoration, with all other *yui ptoois caused by uffection of the air-tabus lead ing from the throat to the Lungs, are directly end specifically cured by the uso of the admirable remedy invented hy Dr. Buchan, Fur side in Savannah, by , J. M. TURNER & BROTIirit. july *2 Monument square. wiui ■ ■man ..VTUuiu ,— -- the BnUam of Wild^heiTy. • He !tdbk It, and it oured him. .She has since prescribed it for Moth er, who has taken it with'the spmo result. . . j i Yours, &c.. IIouoh * Bridges. . - P. S. Hough St Bridges are heayy t^uruggists'at Syracuse, to wliont wo refer thq curious. PoTT»viL£.E. Dec. 23d, 1841.—Dear Sif,-—Vour Bulsatri of Wild Cherry fiu effected ibuie aston ishing cures here. One or which is au Old lady, Mrs, Russell, j*j}9 had been suffering for hlong time with shortness of breathing, and general .weakness, until she was finally obliged to keep Her bed. After.various other remedies had been ror, eortodinto vain,sho cpmtpencedusingjputBulsaiu, and after taking imbuttlee, warSa far recovorcd as to be able to attend to all the dutifls ofher house, and on takiugtwo, bottle* more woe entirely oiir- ed, Respectfully, &o, John S. C. Martin. A CASE OF* ASTHMA. - The following is from a dlslliigulshed Lawyer of the city of Now York, who had been afflicted with the Asthma for upwards -of “TWENTY YEARS}" and who after reading such coses can doubt the efficacy of this medicine 1 New York. January 25,1843.—I hnvebeenaf- flicted with spasmodic asthma for twenty four years—sometimes so severely as to be confined to my room lor weeks; and although attended by va- rious.medical advisers, of the highest reputation and skill in the country, the relief was but partial and temporary—twice the disoaae proved nearly fa tal to roy life. Some few weeks ago, l commenced taking Wistor’a Balsam ol* Wild Cherry, which gave me instant relief, and e single bottle produced in a few days what I believe to be o radical and por- feotcure. A. Wiluams, Attorney at'Law, . No. 58 William street. New York. We are acquainted with the writer of the,above certificate, and hisstutoraents are entitled to the full ooufidenoe of the public. F. A. Talhadok, Recorder of the City of New York. John Power,T). D. Vicar General of Now York, P. 8. The above certificate .way bo seen at No. 125 Fultoii street, New York. Thefo’loyvingisfrom Mr.inhn, Brown, an ex tensive builder in the city of New York, aud an other from Mr, Woodruff, of Elizabethlovvu.— The original ceriificaies of these and mkny others may be seen at No. 125 Fulton street, New York. . New York, March 10,1843/—I was lost fall at tacked withapain and severe sorenoss of the chest, which continued for a number of weeks. I bud previously for several years been aubject to a per- manenlweakness of the chest ckuseu by a'strain. This last attack gave mo much apprehension, as I found it was the commencement of a final disease. About the middle of. December I began to tuke Dr. Wisiar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, a singie bot tle of which soon removed ell soreness from the chest, added strength and vigor to the lungs— aud I nuw regard myseifas perfectly sound aud well. John Brown. 61 Aun-strdet. LIVER COMPLAINTS. KNOWLKsvjM.x.June20.1843—This WUI.certi- fy that I have been afflioted Willi a Liver complaint, general debility, and pain Id my side, for sovurul years, end for eighteen mobthrffad'been unable to do anvwork. Iu Decomber last, I commenced ta king Dr. Wistar’s Balsam of- Wild Cherry, and fonud immediate benefit from U. I soon began to gam strength, the pain in my side was relieved.and I had also a cough, which was entirely cured iu a few weeks by this medicine. Avka D. Hopkins. The above certificate is strictly oorrect Knowles & Cheesexian. Just received and fur sole by RYE .'olsofor tl;* imre of tthi matism, ScrofuU, Erj slpelas, Ulceratlonil pfithw Throat and Jygs, poius and WeUiqga of tho hopes. Tetters, Piutplesin the. Faoe. GJd, Spivs, and >11 CutaheousErfiptitids, NdUreliid AflkotionsV subscribers uranium r; . r . 7 , ... furiiUh ihe’fiiriiwrviuroiisofibi ,, . .. ./•jhkWby^S'^hd'pi}»'puji|id geoertlly' Tared, having every adt' ttlticlinny aiuuuraa tmortojn pOMOM, ^. ; tmui«;ayi n I . .r-- 4 —»mV/ liKA *«l-nv.vt alterative powers, and is highly recommended emmeut physicians. nroparediu cousequol of the recodiueaaiions given 1 by Dr' H K Frt light t -&o. to the Sarsaparilla,) combines ineoidre perfect'degree than ony knOWnrotuudy, tonic end *' * tenued by .Tehcb Professor of Materia Medjca in t^eMedical,Col- i e ji* of Charleston, S S, io his work pn ,f'* '* DETER COOFJEU’S Ir a r ,_ ItJEFIftiJED AMERICAN ISINGLASS—Warranted tqual ui strnngth |d , Russian isinglass for Table lellios/uii i ol greut service h discuses where doli ;ule tiiiinml food is required, uhd well calculated or long sou voyages, it improves by oge if kept dry,and onnbo’mudo into Soup iua lew minutes, and is of greatservico in cUrifyiug Cider, Beer, aud Wine. To make Table JtUUs.—Use ot least two ounces ol. Cooper’s Refined A me roan Isinglass, which should'be li st soaked tit cold wuler for two hours; dra.n oil' that Writer then ako two quarts of cold water, quo and n It If pounds of sugar, put in it the white of three eggs, the juice or three good -ized lemons, tho peal of one, a stick ofeiunatnon, a little nutmeg, orango pent, or other spice to suit the taste; stir all the ingredients well ogother while cold, theuboilthe whole massfouror five minutes, and then pouVitthroiigli.n Jolly Bag; When it may be put into glasses or moulds, and when cold, will iu fitfor uso. The moulds should be first wbt with nlittlo white of egg and wuto»\ just before the jel- •y is put in them, In ordor to make it easy to turn hem out ott plates, Tho Jelly Bag is mado offiattnol 8 or 10 iuchtts ncnis4 the opening/ And uboht half a yard deep, ttqrrowing to a point at th'e^ottom. Tho llamd ihnt runs through first;‘should bo pourod back iu the jelly bag until it runs through clear. And oue pint of wino to the above for Wine Jolly. Other liquids nude from preserves, may be elliud by using the same proportion oftlio Isittg- ' tllanc Mange may bo madeiby using at least tone s'nnce o:'Isinglass for two quurts of milk, or creum ho pdal of two loiuons, sugar and spice to suit the’ ante—bring the whole to a boiling heat, strain it,' and when nearly cool, stir it well to mix the cream that will riso while cOoliug.’pourit tit moulds, und when' will first rotn sticking to tlietu; A fresh supply, just received, and for sale b^. bat will nso while cooling, pour it m mourns, und vhen perfectly cold; it rany be turned .out arid vill then be ready for uso. The moulds should bo irst wet with cold writer, which will prevent it nov 2 . T. RYERSOV&CG J VViNKIt * CO’S CANADIAN VERM). • FUGE—The best remedy ever yet discov ored for ell kinds of Worms. It not only de« stroy* worms,and inylgbralds the whole system, but it dissolves and carries off the superabundant slime or mucus, so (prevalent in the stomach and bowels of ohildron, more eipecially of those in had health. The mucus forms the bed or nest in which W'urms'produc'e tlieir Voting, and by remo- viiia it, it is impo»sih|s'ftir Worms to remain in.thr bpdy. Ilia hurinlcsf iii it* effecis on tho syqtom, und the health .of.the' patient is itlwriys improved by itsuse. when no Wormsurediscovered; the modi- cilia being pnlaiahlo', no child will refuse to take it, not even the most delicate. Just received, and for.aal? by , , THOS. RYERSON. wny gj:. „ ';. T ' AVlNG TAKEN STORE 168 Owens’ new buildings, south sldo Market Vodkrfil am now offrirlng aTarxe.fashionabls and -- • .-t-,-- t - v ontirely liedr Stock of Ready Made Clothing, Hat*/ ers'^^ Materials'ofi a vary di ' !, 8hdas, TvdrtkVi'Carpal Bags, etc. °'l hose « iiqdhre Boots, I >s than eds- munoe th ;tl am «u|jtimes WIM4AM 9. u.Vuk ’ 1 ' sept 24 T. KR30N & 00. A ORICCJLTUBAI.IMPLEMENTS.— xjl Having made large edditinns to their former assortment of Agricultural Implements, the sub scribers now offer to planter* and merchants, a better stock than ever before olfured in the South ern oopntry, consisting ia part, of tho following articles', viz: PLOUGHS. Yankee Cast Iron, Nos. 10,11,12 and 20 Dagou, or Connecticut Wrought Iron, 1,2,3 &4 Allen pattern Rugglos, Norse fo Mason's Improved, viz: Eagle, huuvy 2 horse or ox Do.; with wheel aud oulter No 2.B, a large 2 horse - Do. with wheeland cutter No.A 3, medium.2 horse “ A 2, light 2 horse >*,% .. “ A 1, light 1 mule or garden,* “ 6inch light I horse turning. “ 7 do do medium 1 horse turning "15 do do uew pattorn ldo do, for light soi ** Al,sidehill2bor*o " O, do do I do Sub-soil, a heavy 2 horao or og Do. . No 1; a medium 2 horse Do. O, tSk-. 1. do Double Mould Broad or Furrowing, I horse Cotton Trenching, 1 horse Rice <Jo- now pattern, withguagewhool. The qbove Ploogha with and without stocks— extra stocks for tho imprnvqd Ploughs HOES.. “ Lyndon's extra black Carolina, 0,1,2 & 3, crown Do. bright do, 0,1,2&3, do Do. Rioe,Np. 2 nnd 3 do Do. New ground, PP and .PPP do Do, .Oval Eye Grubbing, Nos. 2 and 3 do . Do. Round Eye do ’ Nos. 2aiid3 do Lyudon & Co’s. Anchor, 00, 0,1 and 2 do. Brade's Patout, 0,1,2,3 and 4 do Light. Yaitkeu Various patterns. j Klfla's SHOVELS. ...... . . Soaket Hpsrios CULTIVATORS, HARROWS, Ac. Improved Cultivator*, w)lh)Cur& Shelters —— r ' 1 ' ' ' Feu Milts,two class Patent Churoe Collins A Co's. Boutl'e Handled Spades. gauge wheol CuUlvetor Plough, or Horse Hne •• • ' Common Harrows Folding, Plantation Wheelbarrows Compton Strew Cutters Patent' atf, do. Bwirigietreoa’ Oruin Cradles, new jtitlora 1’ OIUlHg flu . ) Corn end Cobb Crashers, head mill ’ ■ Do. do. for horse power { SCYTHES, HOOKS. A«. English, Potent 8cytlios , . * American Or es do. Orest Plait• do. Scythe Mnsilhs Briar end Bush do. Do,. Hooke Con* Cuttore. Poit Spoons Ox Yokes add Ox Bows With a variety of Implements uot mentioned. For sale by-' ■ • HAZARD, DENSLOW WEBSTER. • Jan t; • ; .; •' • =■ It I us . do. HOOKS. A«. Frails, Axe Helves Dirt Seratiere,for pith;roads Pruning Shears Harden Hoe*, do. Rakes DiiobiDKKolvoa , . Trensgfautlng Trowels .and Oardan Roots,' De. Lines' WARS HOWSE-rNo 9 Bur ling Slip, New York.—Cyroi W. .Field offers for sals at ^helowest Monufiicliirer*’ prices,' a very extensive assorlmontof PAPER, compris* ing every possible variety* adapted,to the wants of eonau moral nail sections of. tlie country. Paper of all kliids mede * * *' stock of Priming of-which is of keptohnstanlly onh*nd,vixiF«Uingp,.\Yi Fourdrlniar Wire*, Blenching Powdqr. (>- - J • ,vs Rag*.—Canvas*, Bate Rope, Grp^ Rripe; Bag- HHI added wj;e'i> fleiarijtjlt;' To fliew the. high; r F enivrtaitii.ui* the combination of t is,it is,only nocossary ibf ufsr to'the rib tned' wqfk: - r “ '< of tnorcorr n*-Cei*alry.,Trd Dr T oles/., tioned tvpfk; There are few cases of chronio nnd;ps|ofujRhou- lin,. ....II . ...* ,n iH*n..Haii n F Ol.. Potalh. Is highly recommended for all diseases jof the akin, chronic jg .well as recent. One bottle will, in moat instances, effectually remove nil' pimples, poxlule* or blotches oii the face, lo which young peraoii* in this hiitnale are so‘much subjected, to, arisius either from impurity of the blood or debil ity. It is-tbe beat remedy known. for.soi;oOilous affections, soresland breakings out in ynuiigchil- limn, nnrl ia ^nfn'Mini ufltrnrilnnii lr> rnmiuiinti alt. dren, and issafo aiid officacious in removing en tirely every trace'or hereditary diseasegTrbrn the system, in the lendercst infant; in fact, iii'ill cuta neous affridtidns'it is invaluable. As a genelral pu rifier uf the blond, and on cradic&tor of all obsti- nate disenses, this preparation will undoubtedly take the. precedence of all other remedies. It gent ly operates upon und. regulates the bowels, re stores to the blood its wonted purity, gives touoto the stomach, and promotes digestion.. It will effectually relieve Erysipelas even in its' worst stages, and all, persons sufferiug from this diatrassing.oomplttiui are advised lo uso it,'first so; but if no marked relief he found after taking o'ue bottlo, ItWill bo uoCesWry -to use the liydriodated Potash wlUi It. . ,lot Notwithingto publish certficatea os is done in tho'cuaes of all quack inedieinqs of the day, to ef fect thoir sale, aud ao force them upoii the public, the subscriber begs leave to state that his.prepuru- lion has been prescribed and used by a number of pliysiciuiisaiid planters of dOr city and iieighhor- liood, with great attcoess, viz: Dr R U Frost, Dr W G Ramsay, Dr Thos Y Simons, Dr C Pritch ard, Mr S Lngare, Lt, Wilson. US R S, allot this city; Pf James Stouey, Beaufort, ttc. Price $1 per bottle, or $5 for 6 do. Prepared by 1 J. PETER M, BPPING, Chemist and Druggist,corner, Broad and King streets, Charlestou, S. C. Agont for Suvaiiuuh, A. A. SOLOMONS, deo 31 »-Iyr • ■ Market square. t.^ oqlt thejiuqtitjon of, sripri^iierC u'|i«J mhwi <u l ®e fw|iU»«t-hjaiGniis, Ac; ero all limdo >r.!ci; te%ilb.T^paVi; ! i;(/;;iSr,, 'bilM, ‘“fjP.tWmPfj pptjitia tlio'Snbtti? •rs.'lttli. tvino conipilis.Kpatt of «t; +(».; \ : Pratti DOnmo Glinait'fitl tp St6 ! . W eatley Richard's t Caps '|» 1 BIN per lp»g>.ufr5do’ Walker's he&t Caps 37A cents pur box • Frsiich' Cape 181 cdpls per»bdx • - Best Powder374 p«nu per lb- - •/ Plantatip;! Powder 26 f o«ut- ; perlb , , . , ■ do .' .$4 fiO’piirkLU ' BaldvVm’n Wnddlnf 2l) 4nrnV pvAnP.'"' Together withm gciiQi-u|iikssfirtini’ni a of .Single 9uiif, Rifles, Pistols, Flunks, Punches. Rogers*- ■jVl® Table and Pocket cull, ry. Hardware, dLc. n|. low prices for cash. Call u'nd ux'juiifie for vour selves. •■»-»■' "H r >:. • JOHN .CAR8UTHmO),i ' ■ • *» ■ Sign i»f Hie Big Guu REPAIRING of all kinds Cf Guns; Lock's, d£e. carefully attended to by superior workmen.- ma y <* ■■ A TREATISE ou the Practice of, Mfdioiue, A .by Gturgo B. tVood. M. D. Pn.'foaior of Materia Modica.and.Pharmapy in thq Uujveraity of P^pnsylvnnia : and one of the,authors of the D spsniatory ofUuiied Suten of America. Re- cdlvedby ’ J. M; COOPER. jhly-7 '.*u- . TTIICESH SEEDS.—’l’he Subscribers have X ruccived ar.olioice solec i.olioice SBleetiou. of GARDEN SEEDS, which Imvu been raised with great care by aSeadiniaii of high reputation, and tire'war ranted as good ks any to be foimd in thisoodniry. «. .. MUHTAR D—Browu or BUck. While EnvIUb,. ftlARJORAM—Bweet. O I ON—Yellow Dutch, L»rg« rod, Bilvar skiu, Ouioo. MtU ASPARAGUS—Giant, and Roots. ' * . ltGAN’8—(Ri4o.r. Dwarf, Soup,—La Busk ‘or Soap,—Early ,Ma- kawk. Early yallow, ti waalu*, Early-Chilia Dwarf or larva Kidiiay, RofugBoor 1000to,1, HalfSIoun (pal* orru rDlilg.) Large-white Lima, While Dutch >uitiiurt, Scarlet run ners,Red Cranbarrv. BEET—Early blond Tur nip.Long blood,white French Sugar. BROCOL!-Early while, Large purple Cnpo. CABBAGE-Itsrly Ydrk, Large York, Greon fluba Sa voy, Early SuvsrLoaf, Early mwi Drumhead. La|e Drumhead, Lares late B nerioj*, Lota flat Dutch, Early dat Dutch, Green Hleaed. CAULIFLOWER—Early und late,- f; CELERY-Whito solid. CRESS—Curled or Pap- pargrass. Broad, lenfr CUC U M BE It —Early Frame Early cluster, Early abort irnen, Early louggreeu CAR KOT-Edrly horn. Lang Orango. CORN—Sweet or Sugar, Early Canada. Tu«c«rora. EOG. PLANT—Purple. KALE — Graen curled Scotch, Purple. LEAK — Large Scotch, London. LETTUCE — Drumhead, while Cabbage, Curled Sile sia, Ltfrgo greonhead, Impe rial rabhage. MELON — Green Citron. Nutmeg, Csuiolopo. Lurge FLOWER SEEDS, In pka'ga. 1*2 hinds In caeh, 1 83 OKRA. PARSLEY-Curled. PARSNIP—Large Dutch, Gurnsey. PEPPER—Bell, Cayaur. PUMPKIN — Couneoticut, Mammoth. PE AS—Earl t Wfeshi nj (ou, 81 feet, early Warwick, 8fea|, early double blossom frame,3 feet, early - Chsrltoa,On|den lobe Su- Hotspur, df feci. Dwarf Mar- lawful, 3| foot, Bishop's dwf prolific. I, fool, .Matchless Marrowfat or Tell, 8 fast. RADIdH—While Fall,har dy Long Scar e!. Loo* Sal- moo, ScarlelTurnip Yellow Turnip, (Una .Summer aud Autuum variety,) black Full or Spanish; '• ■ ' 1 RHUBARB ROOTS. SALSIFY. 8AUE. S PI N A O E.—Prickly or. Fall, Round Leaf or Sum- SQUASH—Early ,8uimner bush, Early Summer crook nock, .Winter .prook. neck, Coconnui or Porter's Vslps- raisn. Vegelsble Marrow'. - TURN IP-Early whRe Duleh, Flat or 8prlngi Early red lop. Early Garden 8t<>ae, Large English Norfolk. Han- rer or jhJitff Tankard, IPur-' le top Rutabaga. TOMATO—Large red. THYME. In pks'gs. 88 kinds in each, do 100 FIELD AND FLOWER SEEDS. &<?. Buckwheat! Broom Corn, Blue Grass. Canary Seed,'Hemp Seed; Millet, Red Clover, Ryo and*. • Flower .Seeds, Rqnta, Fruit and Ornniuetitul Trees, furnished tu order frptu oue of the bestand mmt extensive' NursoYv aud Flower Gardens i this country.’ •.*.! . . . i An.nseortment of Books on Agriculture, Gpi detijrig, Raising of dtuuk, Poultry, &v. to which. w|il be added tlie inost popular works issued on the Above ftubjebts. I •••»- •••••'! V ; “ AgeritafuV tho Ataoricau-Agriouitiiristi.nublialt- efimoq|hjy-by-Ai.B;.Alien, N. y.,fpr yyjiicb sub ^jnP^^stow a'wcBVImti.’ E UckWHEAT'pLoUll.^Inh«iri.iltf q,| .r- bOl., for «ilo'hp ll.J. GItBEntr, "nyp.j >.-rii t . ( .M'VYemsi<Je Mnrket .-qunfe. _ ‘ter fub 25 M tinge JnvnCokue, pnckAgea TobnCco,Various brands &sizbk? : bbla Seed Potstnea 1 ; 100 kegs Lard, ’ > • fl UtOCjEHIffJS.—ltlO bbdsN. O. 'Sugar VX20 Heroes dtenm Refinud Sugar, 60 hhdi Ca dcnas do ■60 hbds Sides; 60 do Shoulders, * 60 hhds llama t ,200,hbl* Canal Flopy.- 100 httlfbbU Cunal Floor, 200 bags Rio Coffee; 50 tin; ioo nu! 100l . .. ■ I 60 bbfshtid hulfdo Mackrol, Nos. 1, ^ 3;, . 100 Grindatoqeg, nwortad, 200 bnxer Sinn,.var|()UBr 25 boxes SUri’lrj ltiff bl . 5U ‘bbD New Eligluiid Hu to, 6 piprs .O. Di-fit Co’s Brandy, pure, . .5.:Ujpcs.Hol|*iid ( Gjni ri 25 | casks MaRga Wine, sweet, 25 | do do do dry, ,,,lJ 5 half pipsb Madeira Wine, my own im-. ’ ‘ phninj ;‘"'50M'. ,l Splinitb Segsrs, . 20 quarter cheats HyaquTea, . 20 hnif chests Black do . *!10 bets- Peppert -10 * .WU, ; - ... u brands, tit.U Wlnakoy, , ' Bum, ..a: •'■an. - ha,, I'im.a/o, ! 6U doz .Palsied Bookel.i -JUO.aelu,sell, t- a in.60. W>to!Philp»V.C)iD 4ko.;*».iAp, ' Io Klorc.androrutu on n:ro:., by , ..'f«b;15iini; ,, ■. ,,,H.,A„citt4NE: UU.—Get,rgl*Flonr,>lnlOUIt)b.8.jlbi by ' ■■■LBALDWINdtCO.' ntt fftiuoto oiii j,;- B acon, &c»—iu hhusuiew bucuu shoui* dersi fiU barrels Baltimore. Wiiixkey: 50 do Phelps Gin ; 25 do New York Brandy ; 50 do Baltimore Flour, in siore nnd for HslHlby ' june'9 GO'NNRRAT^kDAftIR. P OUK AND BBEF.-3i’bbl. Itl«>. Fork, 50 do Prime do,' 20 Moss Beef, 20 du -Prime do-. For sale by - - July 17 WOOD, CLAGjHCjRN * CO. T GOO OS.—Heavy Irish Linens, PlllowoanedotWuiier 12-4 Linen Shheiing, 10 by !2 Unmask Cloili • Y*blv DUpnr. and Dsm- , H'^kabnckHiid Sctiith Dispels French Tmv- •Is und N'ipkinn, super Hdekatiuck Nankins, Wht and bro Linen Drills dnrpiriid and nlriped-dn do, Frouch Lineu and Uolisud*,*uiped .imi pluid Lin- ens fur coats. D J - * - - 1 ■ J title 2l teyffeWinv. r HBKOKRE F*f,buM.=6iI"KfSr, Ci-bryta Flittir,' fait vWtifflt jllH roo.l.od and for .ala by iv ni.rS>9 J. WAoHnU.HN A,WILDER. ivr o. svoAU.-ju bi.d. u»H itfuruiio-, N •f \*..4 | Suj|tt r ' •‘‘ntiing^frmn Timm as, for sale by mnr 26 ' 1 COIIEN * FOi L’AIN AND KRTOYTOT IklOPS—Juii received und for sale'by nterd T. T.'.WILMOT. TEAM EIVGIWJE PACKIlYa. ThisPurking.mnde of Vulcan i/rid or Aletalio Kubbe/CumMtoff, /n'uuMr proved sfi/jnriur to all oilier nrticles in use fur that purpose,"ns ii can- not be effected by heal. Any desirable thickness furiiHliod to ordt-r, and fqr n.tle ai mnufnctiirer’s prices by .. DENSLOW & VVKBSTEU. mar 19 TS®*^ESTICS.—-3-4 Brown Shirtings, 4-4 SlieeilngH, aud Muilburn Stripes, lor •i»l«hy A. MINIS. . mpr 23 . Ai!IPAGIlYE*-T IU biiskelsChanip.igiie, Vy Gcorgiu brand,jnsi rrceived end for auie by 16 J E. GAUDRY *fc CO. OUO A IK*—2U litidn N TTsii'jur, iu store, nnd k^ : for anle by ‘ mar 5 CONNF.RAT & BARJE. "IVT E. HU61.—3(1 bhl* Priine Bosioir Itum Xtoro, uufi -for snje low In close cuindgu- , L. BALDVVIN Si CO. mem. may II fXAYo—100 bundles North River liny, land- AA Ing from brig Clinton ut MoogiiiV’iipper wharf, for . may 11 J. WASHBURNS WILDER* /"^OKftf*—-Ch«’.rokee('orn ill « V/ iotsio suit purchasers, by epr 27 J. WASHBDRN X (Cka, foi sale in WILDER. ■JYTO 24 Pictorial History of Enelund. -LI Vol. : 3 tlie Writings of VVashingiori,' by J recTOparks. Houma. And Hsiints of the most eminent Brilish Poet-, by/ WljliH.ij Hu win. . . , [ A Hlhlbry of Rome', from llio earliest little io the death OfComniodu-.AD 102,by Lhoiiliurd Schmitz,’ F‘ R.8. E. i- . 0 . The luhvribiuce, a Novel, by Miss -S. Forrier. auilior of Destiny. 1 Marriage, a nuvhl, by Miss ; S Furrier, author-of Inhentunce. •• -Ii t« .. o; ! ,nAieopIsilottjpwcuHvedqr„|lie Sitfjgl/jBLa'f the’ , ’ being a cnntrpversy bqld’e-c the New York Tnb'oij'e a nil tlie’ Coil rh-'r nnd Kn qilfrer'. by II. Grtply.nfid H J."Ruv'indifil. I LTheLifnufEdmuiuiKraif.: >':<■ m*- , ^ Mariao; or, A Yniing Jl.aidVFfirlum"*.by Mrs. 3 ; C. Hall Received by >ti<;Y3 John m rnopRh,., I*\6m ESTIC LIQiliGl(!S.—437»hTh‘N E Huni JLF Brandy and Nitf, in kforh for'vale-low m close coiuignmen'k. v! U BALDWIN &.CO- 5TTa —t;., .it,.. iMs. Vy, Itonuiigo do ; luo-tioj* fruin Ktdir Dvtoori.ii amtfl.l 1 said by ’ ''COHliN oSt' : PO0DICKw "»l 22 .0»nnJliDt3ujwt lifted) ! 20tbhM’Phelps Glnv jiiet rucvAniubby •VXr. the brig AmfcriCsn'.-i , by. , jgfe .r v \y.)o;iivi3firANN, •p. eynpujb;. miriAjr'#aa8 l .'k4> i ifcimmm, iwipp Aootionfnc-^^Mh^^iVih'r HgJv Uhiilrg from' bhg* Clhfitif^SPrtRl for.rale-lp^: ihrwharfi-byii.ia/iu'.'i ;/ {'• MH J- .vyA,3HjpURN *S, W|Lpf:R. from the wharf. rVON'T GI fer ft»r your relief is now.need, with a -ucces-.-enU,is ryscommvnfletljjyf'«p ISiSiSS . — )N-ti.JOHNSVON.' •-•vir ‘1TTlBBAitD , 8 < ; ! J ILl.S. —■’U.*V. '-*1).' )!lbbuti)’i JLA fieaoia, vojfotalila onli.bilinnt ally,To’Jiolo by-. •••-•. , o.tii. nENbnfogsoM, 'roop'-IB '• , - •■...) /■hUjbOfuMUUiti 13ULL-S -8AR8APAK!tLl'.t. 'Afff. Bfill'i ,tP Cotppoqoa Extract of .SiuvUpnHlio.--for jtiq ooro pfSortirpw; dlieoaoVof ihJ^flki& ttlt.lim.1),m; ChronicSIBjWpfflWrpljpfjKn.- qtoo, Nouralgia, to oqunlaract' ' ...■an. foot, of Mo'rcorr. aitii ail di,CQ,r.s uriilhaTroin nii impure atata. of the hlood, ttinitl'io'iWraHVjn.; . itoo or Soriaparilia. For W.cMnSwlota t'e.hy C. a. IIENDRICICSiO.V, , - :cit>hoi<L L A**P WICK.—Sotar had Astrai Lamp Wick of oil aizqa; wick, for larfl ti.mpa.tnd'CaU, dio wick, for «ile by fi U HENDIUCU80N 5EL?i • .. . .OibBooy.b.lldiua. hand by G. u/HENDRICKSON, ■P r . 14 ' ' Gibbon’s'Building's. old English prqporoliou. iue, for sale by r 1§. R» IIEND "pr24 G IhbohyBuildi ng's. IgfOMOfllliT H WfAiiiiLI s6AJP,N-60;bu>.f Hulls Extra Sienm Pre«&d Soup;Jua/ laoded and for roll-by ( C. It. HENDRICKSON! *P f 18 mbbon.Eitildia,., TH itrt 1 •poWi)F.R PUFFS & BOXCsi—Air,'rxteu. *' ''*?' OMorttnoiit of Po Jrdor Ppflk' and. Eo'xei. Alio. Poir. without the boxel, 'and tib Puwdcf Boxes, for anio by -< . .'>■ »-* , UfeNDRiCKSOk Q XJININE.—Suu , ounce. Sulplmto Qui. Nfr oltt'i' warranted pure, jail racnlnd’ ood Tor .»!. by a, R. Uen/jUickson. , — —^ ; '"t -i’-T E EPPERAND SPICE.—20 bag* Pep do Spice, jual raooi.od, oj .. K- .HE” . *pr 28 * S WEET OIL —SO bozeo; SwoouOdflftjfluur; botilea, jaal reoutved and for laic lir mar J7 G. R. HENQIUCK80N. /"lOPPERAS.t-JO bdiilia fiHo Green c. Cry„ a 'ebyC. lt . B ,OKBC nii Diaenaea oftba Lunga, ivorranl ticla, and pnt up in packaged bri,. each. J tint received dhdfor bale oli). B aud Bodlan price, tvboidble nr retail.-h 0. R. HENDRICK™,,, mar 311 .! . . a Gibbono Buildinz. mar'.JO- t — B UTLER'S TAWTEi. ^WStSSmeTZ POVVDER8.-AII‘lho.Clld.|n,rCd| e b‘,u tho Soidlilz Spring combined in oitiScotnpoond powder, the clrervoioingiqlu'gan.of tvhlciLio wa- ter n eery nearly, ladtcliak. BA palatcablo, ii !■ made iii aimb'la. infinitely less irnable;lholi iii'n- (wc, powder, Iii' ,'hw tub'll Thomas Butlor, A Chea*prida.&j fiy . "-a : G. I RNIJK-ICKi - opr Iiurl fba* !.... .GibkardABj >p! 6. more I with hth> Id by Sutr fATL ' rent,‘(br Coughs,.Colds, &c. Juyue.'s Caruetive ~ “ $eass&ssgt&*., ^Jayuo B.Ualr 1 onic tor Iho pu- • roaiun of |(jt» 1 Jayiievaanetlvo Plllifor Bmipuii^pinplalni,, ZMSjnmmm*' ArtMiSSraj^ —*-i—