The daily Georgian. (Savannah) 1835-1847, September 13, 1847, Image 1

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^SfSAlLX WKUJlUIAh. U u,..*kAi six months. VOL. XXIX. av 31 ' ®rl-AV«Wr CW«IM> *«• uw*^ R ' vc , r ^ i , ii,« Daily , U«»OV ,lf “'»fnVETu“lA't“s‘l'>'r r ‘''' " kJ ‘".1'1 St DOLI.AUS tor .a u.«nU,. iiu. or *• 111 _ "Sa-SaXm"" hi imMWwS r«.»- it DAT* »> ,c .f;V,„ 1 , lir ,aml AdminUmiior- fur Debt- rn ’'>m!cr^;m«'o..uJ«Ind.oir.ccm.t., >..«•> s, ,.UMkJ "KmcntoniorAdnilnWnwn S.IM0I Ml«"»> ‘-”™ fi „, Tur.di.y uf m* b« *> (“Vuiu” I w«» «f «'»- “ ,U , a llu> moiiih,bol»"«»i“ .i lc comity wheru lUoUt- flute °* nVAdmSrallon, or IJ>ierd.u«- lot.Tcunionuo." " ,| r »t giving ><»» lUf, Iw'* , l -‘ *. „f the puldir gneotloe SfbS'S^Ar^./cour.Uou.o, elmr»JU»li<' 1 e , ““ t “ n'fj'grnc 11IU ,| be pub- Notice lor .e.i'« order ebsolulo 101i,"end OrUifeo*. "““jj Tliw Al« nni't ! ^"iuleqnillyelT.iel.lilforllmc.ire of Lro-rCom D.Ui Mm 3 0 „r or Urecounty III „|.,| n i. Jonnfe, orihe L.eer l el.n M nude unite Oourtllou. tho firot Tuts- ' Bid .rgei.ienl of Ihe Spleen, celled Ague Coke. A.eoftbo moudn^etiveei, .lie hours oflon hj*o ,l,„ „,i,.,» forme of 0,11c,m,,.- jssW- ^"Station, by Exocutom, AdmluWretor. end Gmrli MTANIAII. MONDAY niortlYIMU.SEPTEUBEll lit, HHl, Chill levei\ !Diiiiil>Ague; biter miUetit&Hcriiitlt!At- Tevers & •all ilte various forms of /-^Bilious Diseases SmUJl r.Y« THO KOUlTn.Y • ^O^oodsHidVvfOn^ T lHSinvnlmiblo medicine was preparoulroni ait oxramdva pntciice of aovernl year* in a hilimi* cUmittu, and i« novor known 10 fail ol (Miritif* Fever ami As»«* or ®«X of ‘ htt ‘Jiaetweaa- aro auffoiinc from n (Taction* of thir Uiui a- also tlmno who have lieontnoiuviiliila from their’rff-ct* upon tho constitution, will find the lmli.1 Cool 1404110 a moat invaluable remedy for lying thohtood.and ihoronghly chramun* frum Jj,,. -y stent die moihiJ effact* of a bilmue climate. Tho wonderful oporation nftlte Cliolagogno in ndiraiing hilo from tho hmmtn system, can only eS .,|.iin iti ex nmrdimtry agency iu tlraapecdy.tho- ranch an I permanent euro offerer and agno, and the vanoue gr-ule* of intermittent and rciniltent mill ice, EohntMiuent of'the Liver t also Id' “ * * " “ ri, Hi ,e. with tho other varied ..IT otiwiia ..ranch ciimatea, arising from a common mutrmal enure, are only im.dtfieaiiona of the *nmedtte«ae,u«d «- qually controlled by the same remedy. ' The operation of the Ch"lngoane. na it* name import-, >a upon the liver-piomnimg ihc ill- char -e oPule. The thousand* who have need it no furiher evidence of ill value than it* hap- w " r “ 0 '*- Fu 7. al M'tuuner. jm n Mnnume I Square. 'I.V.Xr.on/prop.rl, (««.pt n.gro“i of ''S, 0 r.wn"mn« a be X'rliJedFORTV. DA YS. ■5S£X»,brF.j.ouh,« and Adm „, lor Lot eM Dissmssory must hn publuhcd SIX Forroua j8.Vhomso^m.d.)^co^o^ ^'S;,&ii;^,¥d».,n,«i,ici. i,..i. Or* ' with ties to lan, rSUUES IJFFEU'l'Eall-WITHoL' C‘ ,U SEF.INr,THF..*ATIF.NTH CONSUMKCION CORED! svoB&rs HUNGARIAN BALSAM OP XXPS. THE 6REAT ENGLISH REMEDY For Colds, Coughs, Asthma, and other Diseases of tho CHEST and LUNGS. B UCo ..UiVurtiU/i., orfLsAM, the great Etigli-h Remedy for PccIomI and Pub muuary dideatiea, mill mauds unrivalled and uusur- pai*NU.I ua the uiotit elegant, agreeable and effectual curative of these formidable complaint* now known to the cmlUsed world. Three year* of trial in the United Slatw*. during which time it ha*been distributed from Maine to Florida, line only served to e-tahliah its pro-emi- until rjerit iu all part* of the country, ne tho great "" d ONLY RELIABLE REMEDY in tho worst caeea of Pulmonary di-exa^a; and the beat and moat ngreonblo curative of all the alight forms of colds, cough and infl inunatiou, that can poasihly be u-«d. SPITTING OF BLOOD Thin frightful symptom of approaching utnpti'in, speedily checked and prevented I Com bv ihe I, vine. , ■ J I Tl.e .iil„uri,.er.Ser... .xp.rioac. of toil ye.r. Order, of (l, 0 Court of Ordinary, (.woitip .mod • j,, lht , „, 0 llf UuT .„,c RsMtoit., I,«« -o for p.r- jahonyoMie bond ur agreement) to mak. «• hi) tL .,„ „f tr..r,npm ». In 0. ,1. a , to land, ma.lbe advertised .lle.vrns al „f elite.,m d.sea-es, to rt!«cl a per. , | i in.niicnl«me without ever-eking the patient, f jlher IT* sales under executions regular v urnnt. fMnri , h(!U , , 0 health without subjecting them ed bv tho courts, must he advertwid 1 •JjJTy tolhoinClulvuui cnrc..nd expauso «f lungandtedi- |)\VS—tttidur mi*rt!?ago nxecut-ons SI\H jonmev*. «r U»a p»W chartlica ol strangers DAYS—Sale* ofparWieblo properly under order , |||||n j, t - lrM ,id„a. To „;*»y ibm ,n.y appear order of Court, mint Iwodgitrb.e.l generally, 1 ( M ,i,| ob ,ii did lol„„i ogo.bui DAYS bell, re Ibed.yf Sole. facia are iudi.p.iublu, and ,0 turn oppeared • * All Lettew directed to this Office or the LJ- j TlJK !< u „ lert , h,.n«rH of the bruin, ia happily wow lor.'mu.r be pool paid toenlillo Ibcni to alteounn. imlU0r „f „,„,y day „„ b "”"“ ,w «- Far the Ctir a «.('Diliouf. Henn'tei.i aid In* ' derived from hi- practice, thinking that ttrmitteiit. or Ag-.e and F«vcr,ou.l utjwi : , U tl ,. 0l|M0 comported much heller with trim dig- c< to a debilitated si .to of the s*> aU"i. i m ,. u| retflingthnnpuropnri«onilpuRi'tg in thep.»- niirw -*■•••«•*•- . ( , 0 r\orth«*tilll«-*t«P”»‘‘ WcC ' ,ur,eU ? wh n h ," M, J!! Tin ntiiva Febrifuge -Jl-rcJ. T-t proprio« | lllgh . miniJe(1 t j) pliy-iciana re-ort.ul eguiiiuioal^ Inr m »waiFilial ilw cmmniiu o'.jecitosH to ^'1 Uouuding tlteirownirnmpetoby thebediuih! oriheir ntvr pre,-af»uon* will l»« urged «g 'Ui-t tint., t«* j (lltUenlsi 1 dd* see no good ronann to change ,Aviate all aiich ol.jociioiH.he low dimply t«* »)"*« j L.. r0UM „ < tint slmll ciintinue to give such certita' tint it it prepared according to the recipt ol mi j c ^ p9 aswill disarm doubt, and which, though some minnnlphyatfim. Who used it with perlect mio- j |W|J , 01M i| )e in -•••y cc*. iluoiigh a PMCtire, in peth p- Uus uioat , . nny (UH n FlVL HUNDRED DOL the nir«otad mttinbmne, removes the incipient tu berclec, end restore* those vital organs, lbs lung<, lu u sound uud healihy condition. REMEMBER THIS. Spitting of blood always arises from a tendency to tuberculous diseases, and if not checked at tho oiil-et, will sooner or later terminate in di nth. A pur-mi who raises blood once, will riii*c blood again, unless a propercurativeisimmudiatcly cm- l ’ l “ >Cd ' PAIN IN THE SIDE. This distres-ing symptom of Consumption ari- from inflammation of the lungs, on the mem- T illS F c«i« lluoiigh « long practice, in pern p* t'ic mum : ^ w j|| g* |V0 nny man ... - -- - - liekly refiiiti of tmr country, viz : die Mississippi , . « s JJ, procure their equal in Georgia—eqnniiy Tall y. Again from the ex il.ed c-'imnon in | w * wJ| JU „j, e ,„i C rtted, under a forfeiture or a like which a nnul- in held, not «'tdy by the people, j |U(|l§ . but b> tlw most -kdlliil phy-icvuw. it will appear Tho factspre-entod by him tro such ns he is pre- nipsrnriigiitriry :o ofTnrnny new articlo. But the ( j l0 ,|..moiisiraie at any to thesaliafiiction Native I'ohrifuga possesses all die power and cor* [ ( | )H n jj\ nle d or their friends, who may wadi to liitiiy of dimiue in c.mtroliog Fever without , jf Thu following will speak for themselves: aliccting ill., head, and any be rifely mod there* : (Jkoroia, i This may certify that in the for. wli^ra Q, itiiiua is iiiiiiuii->ih(o, fi t- not j j onr g County. ) fall of 1844. my son William, the purpose of tiin proprietor howevu s mctiiiu- j (| , „ |q * „ ri , of age. wns tnkon with norvoiisfe* ed by custom on such ore i-ions. to attempt a dis- . ^ a , tt .„ ,„i |»y Dr. Gib-on for n long play of medical knowledge by ad'ptmg sotuu one . d notwithslunding nil he could do he sidl ef Ilia coutradic.ory tlinoriosufloit, with regard to ‘ ,j nUM j t0 ye t worse, so th it when the fever IHt the character nod enn-cs ofFevi-r. I him helisdcomplel^iv liwtlhe use nflii* lowvr ex- Belteviug with ilia learned Gregory that j, _:,j ca 0 „ i could 'not walk a stop nor bear his though there has be* n so much written concern- I • . i,| s feet j Ins lags bee mu* cramped lug Fever there is no one Mihjert in the whole j 1 nll j ho si»ir«redHhnosi iutole'rnblean- circln af tna.hcul science which mil wJa-vei -<» " p rum p„j n s; |, 0 continued in this terrible state for over three mouths, reduced almnil to 1 j nothing but -kin and buna. At last when all hope many disputed poini*. I.ol'iog all theories p wo stniiil l,v facts. The firs', of whit'll is fiat the F.brif., ? . ..ill lovor, from wborovor j bSwirSh.-, 1 boor,I »rtiio cait-c ii may htyo origurneJ. and if any doubt j „V n r Thomson or Macon, in treating dts- him. 1 accordingly exist-,ns to tiro fact w e invite (lie ::fliii:tLil to the ' , , ^...•ce*s of . '”>• »•«»— ■oUinj...!.- AVI... ,1 b.s ; J'^.iSJ^Ind'i'ltkmisli 1 •»«'»«*»** rlone it will do. Tlw criifinate of uuu well known will sliotv whot it Ims tlmw, Sava.snaii, ldtl) Miy. 1317. Mr Ji.s, A. La Ituclic luiviiig requested me to Hate try knowh kfc of tlm AVivo Kuhrirugc, I t-kn |ilF,nuri' iu uniiog tint it was used lieneficis sioliv in ilii* Fevers of the valley of the .Mi-si-»ip» pi hii I Arltan-n-, in nil c ises in whicii Qoiniue is tx'ially exliihued, and wen admirable in coii^enii- tins ul’lhe Iu on wh*!4 G'tiniue Wjs stipposadln lie comMiiidic.iled, J.J. MITCHELL. M. D. Pri'onrpd and fold, l-y JAMES A. LaROCHK, -3 _ No. 3 Munnmi»ni »qonre. «cot'i{l:i—Chtilliain OtMuiiy Too Lsuheator of ClmUi.un County, ) vs. > The It*;.! Eita'o of John Conn an, doc’d. j WilEllIJA S, an inquest of i'.suhe t has heutl returned into thn oliinc of ihc Clerk of din jju- poriar Court of Cliatliaui County, in the above care, vybaruby it apnoarH th tl J hn Cornu, n citi XZZ a ‘ ' r * ■Toffs BAarwffi" joue- County, Nov. 24, 1645. Gh'juoiA, 1 l Tills nny certify that my lloil.lm, Eoiinly- Jd«„B',l»r.Mvy.iboilllBvMM 0 r„c., h id been nltackej will. di'ormUM-" ■»• Kr „ccf„„pttt.yi.,? d.rr.c'iH.n.. which cilltlllllRd nr A cnt.Vulornblu Im.B'b nf, n" 3 «J>P* ,r « d (. nil tl.o „n„«l rmnnrtio* Owl c.,uM l.o bmi ill! In licnr on it. Sbn tnOinilgnellr w,ilip»lnljil .1,1— nrv, .ill it loi.koJ bke nbe wo.iiii gn Into fit.. In ll,,', .ituniion, nn.l»(itrr«ll»r*«. cle.polroH of, I * united to Dr.'I homson of Macon, who soon per fectlv cured her. without over having seen hbr. . , " ,d '"joilS" ESsSfeiTER?'' i K ”Jioniu, lj X l do hereby certify Ih,. my iTr.-om County. NdiUghtei Ann Lit* 1 * wasat- ! tiirkmi about three year* ago with Palsy and Dis- KA,t .V THB irwc, by which .Hhn^wnc entirely tin of th- United rf'itit. died intastato, so sad at ; . . M ..,i ,. M t the use of the lower extremities, jos (i hi of bis dtam of a lot of iind, aitilileil nl S1 ' out no dor the care of Dr. rtitiulcrbok, m the County aforo-dd. containing \ who attended her forsometime, hot.with- f..«i m r.,...t u.,a 'h.-.* i.»,i r..., ; We then applied to Dr. Parker, n hud treated her case could do nothing Tor Dr. Thomas, of Cujlo her eight months with- misLIAM ff. VALE S LADIES’ SHOE EXCHANGE. L A D I E S’, Misses, Children's and Infant'* SHOES, of every style, shade and pattern, “t ilia NEW GRANITE STORE, 163 Congress street. Savannah, Goo., sign of the Gold«*u Hand. June 17 IIUCKXElt ft MEEKER, Nos. 1U5 and IUB Brynn street, Have just rscoiv* ed, a fine assortment of BOOTS AND V S/FOES, lor gontle- men, youths and boys weak, of the best materials and manufacture, and of the'latast liiyle. Also Ladies, Mia-es and CliilcJrfn’a Shoes of nvory va riety and style, warranted hi good ns can he round in litis market, and ut ns low prices, A lorue and carefully selected stock of Plantation Brogans which planters and factors will find to their advan tage to call aud examiue. Care tuken in fitting men-ures. Also, n general assortmont of Cnps. Trunks. VnliseH, Carpet Bags. School Satchels, &c. And a supply of Ladies and Gentlemeu’s P«ri» made Boots, direct importation. July 83 Tlio Subscriber being about removing from his present lorniion, in vites the nttontion of his frieri'Isatid customers to b<» present stock which he is prepared to make op «t a very reduced piofii? his assortment of ready made clothing isr f die ' : rst order, and wna cut up under his own nporvisiuii. which ho ..... . respictl'dly arks a call from his old mistumorsi and gi ntleinen visiing the the city will find it an inducement to call and ex amine iiis slot k before purchasing elaewhorn. jnm» 26 PHILIP KEAN irVaichci wad Ibivtlfj. The yubscrit er wishes to call the attention of his cits* (oiners to a choice assort. rnent of fine wstrhe* just re- oaivad by recent arrivals, consisting of Gold Hunting Cusp Levers; Gold Double Bottom Letenq Gold Imi tation bouOlo Case Le*er*f Gold Anchor Escape ment Levers: SilVer tl tinting Case Levnrn Silver Doublu Bottuin Levers; Silver Alienor Escape ment Lover*; Silver Lepiho and Vertical Escape, went. Also fine Gold Fob Chains; Vest Chains, Curb Guard Chain-; Keys and Chum King*. «)) of which Will be sold a- low es m any city in the Union. AllhiudSor Watches repaired and warranted. D. 13. NICHOLS, ang 16 First corner Writ of Pulaski House. r;^ P PI N <i' S COMPOUND FLUID EX- Jl/ tract of sarsaparilla, and QUEEN'S DELIGHT, &c.-—Fur the composi tion of this Extract aud (he properties nfthcQucens Delight, Physicians are respectful!, referred to (he 5th and 6th number, vol 1, of the Southern Jour nal of Modiciue and Pharmacy. For purnyttig the blood, and ramming all dis eases arising from the Impurity of the same, it is highly rticoimu ;tided, as also fur the cure of Rheu- muti/mi. Scrofula, Er»sip«l«j, Vl&ertilioUH of tho Tnroat aud lags, patiiu and swellings or mo oones, Tellers, Pimples hi tho Face, Old Sores, and all CutnnrousEruptions, Neuralgic Affections, Mer- ruiial Diseases, and fur assisting tho operation and preventing falul cutuequeuoos of Mercurial* in Byphalit*. This preparation, (by adding the Queen's De light. die. to the Sarsaparilla,) combines in a more perfect degree than any known reme dy, touin and aliernlive powers, and is highly recommended by eminent physicians. It is prepared iu consequence of the reuommenatiotis given by Dr li K Frost, Profas-or of Materia Medica iu the Medical Col lege of Charleston, S d. 'ii his work on Materia Mtdira.ouly concentrated by a process of the sub scriber's to render it moru convenient fur admin istration, und with the exception of the addition of mercury which mny nl nlltimeaha added when n* co«snry. To shew‘the high estimation which Dr F entertains uf the combination of tbe-e arti cles,it is only necessary to refer to the above men tioned work. There nrefew cases of chronic and painful Rheu matism Hint will not yield to the influence of Sar saparilla nnd Queen’* Delight if duly persuvernd m, especially if taken iu co-ijunctiuu with Hydr. of Potash. Is highly recommended for all disoasea of the skin, chronic an well as recent. One bnitle will, iu most instances, effectually retnovo all pimples, po.-tulea or (hutches an the face, to which young persons iu this climate are so much subjected to, aiiaiug either from tntpuiiiy of the blood ur debit- oua hundred feet in front und three Inin.lre«J faet | * !*, . ‘p u W8 * V¥n * uMi- : ‘ ,,,,noro bouiiifed by finds uf Herb, j . i^.n-tor who after t.o h Milhunv.,, Ci»-a..n.-tli« said Johi.Oornn 1 liT.ih,co ii..1ud«-d 'hat he not It wing in tde any di-position of said lut,and | h * r wJthiiit applied tu Di iivm^ J,-.| rt-itiiaat leaving any ptosou to cluhi) ; dussvilU. whoatiended on h«> Ml-! f.., , * nut ll'itT aVt hone li ii i*» J *«»• was juft in n moat da him, if any siicli t!-.^r" he, to appear aud make ! cuuuii) Iks-aidlrt.' withineiuhtficii mnnrhi i uo'ii t.i*i data hcruor, or the same will b,. nou'w-jd to ti j £,ei| a nd. ayr^. * Jch c.i.ic unde and provided. wpH Ii di < ii, - .V' p„r.T nice of Iho E«l,.« low ll.i. n.|. 1 p| , 0 Vo l |" 0 om,7l"on“j.'«r.oliy ko!|.j«*'- Wl,-rover , i' A *""* n ,,,0H 1,11,ln ,,,MM " f «h« , The was laid there she rein lined, without (he pow- *ui J.,1,,1 Curran, or mhers who mty claioi uudor ; n finotiont.y ih<* grcatesteffxt of the will. She was so much that she kinkedI J.i if'l t'-ra | was mu five pounJs of flesh on the whole body, 1 l ,ro * mi that she could ho compared to nothing hut a ed. Hjreeahly to ihc law in ; living shah-ton. if such could bo iinaginijd. \\ h.lo i ; flH e i was induced ui «pi»ly «» Dr. M. S- I Thornton of Macon, who! aiu proud tu sny. bythe lilt.aaini'S of PlOVldctlCO **tld Ills skill III the live RI‘I' P ; , ! ' S€K WATCIS.—T(i.Ii^rr ; I,or tr. oxoollo.,1 ." 0. ,l,i. w,.|| known : hewlih m,.I ll," „«•> “I I,nr 1 «H» by w „„hi tho , '* l,n 11" „«■ ,1 wS ; "..ol.lod to enjoy life. n„U v,»H nlmnl in Ihc «.l • IV. l-UllIXll, Clerk H. C. C. C. Kino—> kydTi,(pn.griilinnic net), 3 inn. li, nn « W "i !'‘ of uranem. 0 muriito of Ii ne, fi H'llptia - •• Inn *. 7 sulplmta of soda. 8 *ul- ii s ' , iigfH- ,, i. J '••'irbemte of !i»rio. and proba- oiy i trace yl carbim.iie nj umne/u Hn '7'°? " , : M " lb : “- Vh "*"' purgative, vr.>Hi ‘ ' '"p "lM'lie, an J ehcraii«e, piMansaed of rf inr^ r ;r** r **'T " M »rJ j/j morn »b»m- J " •!', rn 'V '*c.iindceds,Gini.d.n • at the hoed "1 dl N-I.ino tul|)h'irmi« wilier But been ro* i •. i, ■ i, i. j 11. ui, einoiiiii ti.j-v - __ V' ‘"" I onolyri, I tie,no,.,, wi.hnllt 'ke oo...tones of nny ,.n»- '. .limje l.y -Ilia rh.iniol. | nrery body that ahello, bo I .nlphor.l.,1 l,v,lroa..n 0...I o .... I „„, 0ll without ha.fn»l>eni, are . by III. Doctor, a„di,tU,M(ii,(H.(lol «r*"“,S f *S;SVpAGE lo r.ouipariaun Z''rr *'' h D-irrowgaiu spring- ryfEng- I ,.u. B , vc, y n »-"vo in.'rediaut found in _ , er "' U fli't pl.ioiors of this nuighlmiliood I irt» tv’? ,B .* el ° f ll >" Bike ,h 'Y I not do wiihoiU it for any riTSL ,nn r ,lr " : w ‘" 1 harrola • ' ilkti-p (orany li ngi|i nfiiinainariv clirn.He. Bpriiig Kcnmcky , .' ,,n F ' M, “ y, “ U, ' P ° r Bluu Liuk fi'ir- pc, barrel rerlncsd to 5 dollars rots,la by if 1M harr-l. eallnn nr on draught by - . J.M. TURNER &RRO. 1 '* Mmnimsnt tiqo ire DO --^tj hogiis Good- i„ p»—«-ii rl swine Tnhnreo. for fn ;j n G.R. HENDRICKSON. rj/wini rfpg -i'obacco -luhni; . , , w,n * Fa'biil pre-usd rl swine Tnf jSn D. R. HKNDRICI Xjyiio' mivca.-j Ust/fecajv (haV'TP*/ n F Rnolios' Embrocuimn for orJ«r V W m""?**- T 1 """ wll* req,Holed mat., .1. m 1 ' ' J “ «»!• For Ml., bv . •“II" lit- IV. HUWPIIRF.YS.IR. WINSHU' 8. PAGE. February 5.1846. The above cases, considering their character and importance, will put beyond dispute lh f*ct of ihn rojsiBiMtv uf curing wiihnut previnii* ex- nmimuntt of lh** psli-mt} which, tog-ther with the facility of procuring mnd.cino. since tho reduction of Postage, by mail, puts it within ihe power ul r.vr.nv D*iir. no matter where they pro- cum relief from their various maUdioa. ula very trilling I'Xponxi. . Persons applying fur Medicines ought to send their symptoms and "ge in w. ning a* correcily ns possible, when rn-dicines suited to their various Casas will he compounded end sent. Letters to entitle them in attention, must be post-paid, and poraona applying Una, • Jl.tancn I,a,I batio, olnaa thn uannl .minlhW Ton »f Dnllora at once bis nharg** being so small es lo urfmil of bm slight risk in collecting. The poor of any county in Genrgin may hake medicines sen! grmuitouily nil presentation of a certifies!; of inability to pt y, ait. nod by env Judge of ihn Court. Justice of the P«ae« nr Minister of Ihe Gnepelor the cnuniyin which he rvstdes. The afflicted of the Rev. Cler- mv will be el »U times exempt from charge. xy witiue M 8 TH0M80N( M J). Macon. September 1, 1845. sept 81 Ir pXbn'.ft-.'* ••• . V, gprous iiiiiiCMtion of disease It prevent* foil enu free breathing, nod wears away the natural strength of thu system. Tho cause of this symptom should bo removed nt once; und nothing cun possibly of- lect that object so speedily and happily usthe great English Remedy, discovered by Dr. Buchan, which is eri'iroly vegetable in ite^ingredients, ond perfectly harmless in all its qualities. LIVER COMPLAINT. In cases of Consumption, the Liver is always more or le-s affected, and also the Spleen Pleura uud •mail intestines. On d ssecting Consumptive patients, Tubercles are often found in nil these or gans, pnrtirulitly upon thu Liver, which also bo- cnuidii fatty, oily and swelled. Tho effect of tho Hungarian Balsam in diseases of the Liver, espe cially if it be of an ulcerous nature, is direct and Simple disease of the Liver unatt**nd. rd by Consumption is speedily cured by it* use. WINTER COUGH! Tho liurfh, drv. hacking Winter Cough which ijfljjci* old Pnoplo, and invalids in a low slsto of iuultli is happily affected by the Hungarian Balsam. Il warms, moistens, and sumuiites the whole breathing apparatus: removes all inorbiil mucus, and other foul rattler; purifies and animates tho blond; improves the secretive power of tho Liver, Spleen, and other large glands, and tho digestive organs; aud imparts new life to tho wan nod emaciated system. BRONCHITIS! Bronchitis. Difficulty of Breathing. Xftarvb Cough, a slimy expectoration, with all other symptom* caused by flection of the air-tune* lead ing from the throat tu the Lungs, nre directly and specifically cured by thn use of the admirable remedy invented by Dr. Buchan. For sale iu Savannah, bv J. M. TURNER & BROTHER. j„|y 2 Monument square. iTi'en (TooPExt s refuej AMERICAN 131N G LAS 6—W urrantod jqiiil in strength to Russiuu Isinglass for Table I cilia*, nu . ot great service u diseases where deh sale animal food is equired, and well calculated or long son vovagos. It improves by age if Kept Irv.and ciinbe'toado into Soup ina lew minute*, xndis of greatservtce iu clarifyiug Cider, Beer, Hid Winn. To mak*. Table JcUut.—Vtt at least two ounces ol Cooper’s Refined Amer.cun isinglass, which should*t>a ti st souked in cold water for two hours; ,lr.i.n off Hint water then nke two quirts of cold water, ono and a h ff pounds of sugar, put in it the white of tlireo egg*, the juice of three good •izud lemons, tbn peal of one, a stick of cinnamon, a little nutmeg, orange peal, or other spice to suit the taste; stir all the ingredients well ogethor while cold, then boil tho whole innssfouror five minutes, uud then pour it through a Jolly Bag. when it may be put into glasses or moulds, and when cold, vyill te fit for use. Tho mould* should be first wet with nlittle white of ogg and water*, just boforo the jel y is put in them, In ordor to make it easy to taro he id out on pkiloa. The Jolly Bag ia undo offlaunel 8 Or 10 inches cross the opening, and ubout half a yard deep, narrowing to a point at the^hottom. The liquid ■hat run* through first, should bo poured buck iu the jolly bug until it runs through clear. And one pint of wine to the above far Wine Jelly. Other liquid* ui ide from proserves, may be elliodby using tho samo proportion of the Isiug- ass. . , Rlanc Mmge may bo uamg at leant tone sunco o: (singUsi lortwo quarts of milk, or cream (iu peal «f two lemon*, sugar and spice to suit ihe dpte—-bring the whole to a boiling beat, strain it, and whuu nearly snot, stir it well to mix tho cronra that will riso while cooling, pourit »n rooulds.nnd when p or really cold, it may be turned out and will then be roady for use. The moulds should bo first wet with uoid water, which will prevent it ruin 'ticking to them. A freahaiipply, iiwt received, and for sale by nov2 T. RYER3QV Ar ( 0 R UTABAGA Turnip Seeds, crop 1847, jus received per brig wlnrv. 100 lh* Lnudriiili's Rutabaga and Flat Dutch Turnip Seeds. AI*o, Druiiikheail Cahtiaxi! ,Seeds, nil crop of 1817. J M.TURNER ft BROTHER, png 13 Monument square. No 1207 MATIS ASti CAVH'^Thr < Ntibscrib.or* Vrn now pn parre to (uruith tho funiter petrous of the concern and the put-lie inuinratly, wiihannxtensivusnd wolLtlrriud stock of HATS and CAPS, on better terms tliaVreWr before of fered, having every advantage which any manufac turer can posscaa. milt U IVES, IIOR8F.Y & CO. G uns, riflen,pistoi,s and HARDWARE.—>'1 besnhsnrihei bee* leave lo call the attention of ei'ortsmeti end mhi-ra to the fact that his Guns ftr. «r»* nil made i-xpressly to-order in England, consequently they can pur chase at tho first prico. and depend on a better irlich than those itnuoited in Northern ihc purpose of a-ppfyui£ tlm Soufii. 'the follo wing comprise a pun of my s ock; vt; Plain Double Guns $7 50 to $15 Ronl Stub and Twi-i, Put. Bmi-h $17 lo $75. Plantation Mu-kcis $8 60 to $4 6u Wustley Richard’s Caps $1 6U par h*g of 6UIJ Walker's beiit Caps 37(i ccnia per box French tJapa 18* cent* per box Best Powder 37| cents pel lh Phi italion Powder 20 cants per lb Do ; d» $| DO p.-rkcf* B ddwinV Wadding 2(1 caul i pci box. Tog»(h«tr with a general assortmom of Single ^•nns, Rifles, Pistol*. Fla-ks, Pi.uclies, Rogers’ hie Table sn 1 Pocket• uifary. Hardware, Jtc. at low prices for cn-h. Call «iof examine fur your selves. JOHN CARRUTHERS, Sign of nif lht: Gna R EPAt RING of all kind* of Gun*. Locks, itc. carefully ntieudad to by superioi may 14 A OHICDLTUSaULMPI>.\rENT?>.~ xm. Having made lurgo addition* to their former its.iortniaiit of Agricultural Itiipfeim nu. tho sub- scrihurs now offer to planters und tucicliants, a better stock than ever before offered in the South ern country, consisting in part, of the following article*, vizi - PLOUGHS. Yankee Cast Iron. Nos. 10, 11,12and JO Dagon,or Connecticut Wrought Iron. 1,2,3 &4 Allen pattern A Ll '» sjvrr^Fo.iTijhy •»# 13 H J. f GILBERT. ii! t Gsorgia f/stn*, lu'irra- i cmvsd, w .rrsnlad goofl,. *nd for tfalw low, Z m» 18 ALBERT HARD. ALBERT HARP. 4^-Gcor^ls dursiTlIsras and Lsrd, fcuf 19 * b/ ALBERT HARD. T NLOUR. BUTTER AND 8EOAR8-50 bbl. * Baltlmore Fluor I 25 firkins choice Goshen Onttrrt 60.000 flegnrs, various brand*, landing D°isfn% 8 .ru?b,«dg^» kw f,(> da NO da. *S da Rami 35 da Slonapp. *tV M " , VsSiMoH*!m9vW. J WINER * CO'S CANADIAN VER.MI « FUGE—'Pita best rmnndy ever yet di*cov ered fur nil kind* of Worms. It not only do- stroys Worms uud invigorate* the whole system b„|it dissolve* end carries off the superebuudaut slima or intien*. so provshmt in ths stomach aud howols or children- morn especially of thosn m had heoltlt. The mucus forms the bed or nest iu which Worm* produce tfi'dr young, and by remo ving is Impossible for Worm* to remain in thr body. It i* harmless in its effects on the system, and tho health of tha patient i* always improved by it* use, when no Wormtare discovered; the medi cine being nulatahlo, no child will refiias to t ike it. nut even tno most dolin ne. Ju*l r*n»iv*d, and for Ml* by THOS. RYERSON m-»y 81 H AVIIVO TAKEN STOKE 1641 Owens' now building*, south side Market square, I am now off-ring elaraa. fashionable and untirefy new Stock of Ready Mud* Clothing,Hm-. Boole, Shoes, Trunk*. Carpel Begs, ete. I he«« •nods can he sold at mnch lower pricci than cu* tomury, a* t have adopted the cash system. It being a new hucines*. I will state that I am prepared to furnish every thing, usually kepi in n Clothing or Bnni end Shoe Store. The moil fa*, tidions gantlonmn can he fitted out, firom head to foot, at my Clothing Rooms, nn artnirs. I am pro vided with a large supply nf Negro Brogans, sui ’table for town, river or plantation use. To ill that would purchase or examine any nf my goods, I hereby annouoeo tb iti am nt all Umei readytnreaalvacalli. „ ..... bov IB WILLIAM 0. HALE* A nijial mao metis hi vs. wis- TAR’S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. The following, tdttmugh it may appear a little humorous to sonin, is iiuttV le«* worthy of pub lication* and be (tie Ilia >ry or Maxnetism (run or false, it show* it is somciiiuoa productive of much good. Syraccix, Dec. 13. 1842.—Dear Sir:—One circiimrttancc has greatly helped the sule of thu Balaam of Wild Charry hero. A young lady was magnetised,and requested to prescribe for her lath er, who has an affection of Uie lungs. She said there was a medicine nt Hough'* nccoiupauied with a small hook, that would ladp httu. ft was tho Balsam of Wild Cherry. He took it. audit cured him. She hn* since prescribed it for anoth er, Who hu9 taken it with the samo result. Your*, dtc.. IIouoh tc Bridoes. P. S. Uo igh ik Bridges are heavy durugginta at Syracuse, to whom wu refer the curiou*. Porrsvttrc, Dec. 23d,1841.—Dear Sir,—Your Bilsaut of Wild Cilery has effected some aston ishing cure* hero. One of wlndi is an old lady, Mrs. Russell, who had been suferiug for a long time with shortness of breathing. Hitd general we ilcness. until she was finally obliged to keep her bed. Afier vnrioua other nunsdies had been ro- sortediutovain.shu commeucedusiugyour Bulanin, Hftd after taking two t.otile*. was so far recovered us lo be n bio tn attend to ail tha Julies ofher house, and on taking two buttles more was entirely cur ed. iloapectfully, &c. • Jujwr S. C. Manriir. A CASE OF ASTHMA. The following is from a distinguished Lawyer of the city of New York, who hud been nfllictad with the Asthma for upward* of "TWENTY YEAR3;” and who after rinding such cose* can doubt tho efficacy of tin* medicine 1 Nxw York. January 25,1843.—I hsvo been af flicted with spasmodic asthma (or twenty four years—sometimes so severnly a* to be confined to ray room lor weeks; and although attended by va rious medical advisers, of the highest reputation nttd skill in tho country, tho relief wns but partial temporary—twice thu disease proved nearly fa tal to ray life. dotuo few wank* ngo, I commenced taking Wtstar’* B-tNaut of Wild Cherry, which gave me instant relief, and a single bottle produced in a few days what I Loliovc to be a radical and per fect cure. A. Williams, Attorney at Law. No.6U William street, New York. We Are acquainted with the writer uf the above certificate, aud his*tatom«nts arc entitled to the fullcoufidonco of the public. F. A. Talmadok, llccordc r of Mm Pity of New York. John Power, D. D. Vicar General of Now York, P 8. Tho above oartificate may bescott nt No. 125 Fulton street, New York. Tin* following is from Mr John Brown, an ox- tensive builder m the city of Now York, and an- othsy from Mr, Woodruff, of Elizabethtown,— The original ccr ideates of these uud many others may b« seen at No. 125 Fulton *tr«-«Jt, New York. New York, March Iti, 1843 — I waslast fall at tacked with a pnin and severe <orouu*s of the chest, which continued for a nttnihor of wsek^. I hud previously for several year* boon subject ton per- m inontsvaAkuass of the uhsst caused by n strain. Thisla*l attack gave me much apprehension, as I foil i nl it was tho commencement of a f dal disease. About the middle of December I began to take Dr. Winter’* Balsam of Wild Cherry, a single bot tle »f which soon removed «l)*sor**nes* from the rliftht,added strength and vigor to tho lung* — and I uow regard myselfa-t perfectly Hound and well. John Brown 61 Arm-street. LIVER COMPLAINTS. KtinwL*sv!LLfc.Jnne20.1813—This wlllcerti- fy that J have hevnaffliatad with n Liver complaint, I'cneral debility, and pain in hiV side, fur several yoars. nttd far tdghteen month* had been unable to do unvwork. In December fast. ! commenced ta king Dr. WUtar'a Balsam nf Wild Cherry, and found immediate benefit Oftrl) h. I soon begin tn gam strength, the pain in my side was reliovnd.und I had aLo a couch, which was entirely cured in a faw weeks by this medicine. A-ita D. ITopziirs. Ths above csrtificita Is strictlv enrroet KNOWLES & CUGLSKMAN. Just received end for »nl« hy • •opt 24 T. RYERSON A *70. XlSINfcJ, A«.—‘UatMtis, I 4 ig«, Prunva, ity. It i«tha bast remedy Known for scrofulous { c Huggles, Norxr At Maion's Improvc-J viz; affection*, sores and breaking* out in young chil- heavy .2 horse or ox drett, uud is *ufa and officucious iu removing an- Do. with wheel and cutter lively bvery trace of bereibimy diseases From the ‘' ,0 ^ o larfe 2 horse ?)8tein,in the teud>:rc*t infaut; in fact, in all ctttu-1 Do. with wbceland ncous otfociiou* it i* invuluablo. As a general pu- rifierof the blood, and on rradicuior of aJ] nb.iti- natc discuses, this preparation will undoubtedly take the precedence of .ill other remudie*. Itgeul- ly operates upon and regulates the bowels, re store* to the blood its wonted purity, gives louoto tho stomsch, an I promt,tea digestion. It will effectually relieve Erysipelas even in its worst stages, and all persons suffering front this distressing complaint arc advised to use it, first so, but il no marked relief lie found after tukiug one will ho necessary to use tho Hydriodsted Potash with it. Not withing to publish cenCcatcs as h done in tho cases of iMIquuck medicines of the day, lo ef fect their sale, end so force them upon tho public, the subscriber begs leave to state that his prepara tion hn* been prescribed and tisud by a uutubei of ph/sicieiinand planter* of onr city and neighbor- hood, with great success, viz: Dr R 11 Fr«»*t, Dr W G Ramsay, Dr Tnos Y Simon*, Dr 0 Pritcli- uid, Mr S Lngnrc, Lt Wilson. U S R 8, ollofthl* city; Dr James Stonc.y. Bdhofort, ftc. riice$l par bulMo, or $5 fort* do. Prepared by J. PETER M. EPPIiNO, Chemist aud Druggist, cornor Bro id nnd King street*, Cit.irlu*ton, S. C. Agont for Buvunnnh, A. A. SOLOMONS, dec 2i — lyr M irkm sgonre. I pKl>S31 ELsSj»—I'Imi aiiiiscnooi* lutve received a ouuico seieotioit of GARDEN SEEDS, wliich hovi benn rnised with great enru by aHei’dsmin of high repntntton, and ura war ranted u* guild ns any to be found in th' ASPARAGUS—Gumi, ar.d Rook. HEAN9—'.Klitncy, Dwarf, Oti*h or Si).p,_Citr!y Mo hawk. Early yallon. 6 weok*. Early China Dwarf or Urae itiiluav, Rifueecor t.iOUto I,. HalfItoi.n (|iuln or ru ning.)i Larg« whim Lima. White Dulen iiniiiir*, Nenrlul run- uera, Reit Crauharry, HEEl’—Early blond Tiir- nlp.LuDf blood.whil Froncti Sugar. rtROrOLI —Early wbiio, Lnrpo (iur»ile Capa, _ CAHRAOE — I a.|y Ynrh,’feat, early Cherliun.Ootdao Large turk. Qre*n rl'it.e Sn.,IIol*|iur. 3J feet, Dwarf Alar- Mt/S'fARD-BroiV. w . 5leck.Wl.lto English. M XRJORAM—Sseet. O N I 0 N—Vellnw Dulcl., Largo red, Silver ikhi.OuIou sett* OKRA. P A R»LKY—Curie.]. ^PAR;?M?—Large Dutch, PEPPER—R fl || ( Cayons. HUMPKJiV — Coounetkut, Mnmmoth. PE\S—EtrlvWaphlngrnn, «} f. of,cir!y Warwick, yfeet. early double bi„S't/m fr*-rie,3 nd cutter No A 3, medium 2 horse " A 2, light 2 horse " A 1, light l mule nr garoen 11 6 i licit light 1 horso turning " 7 do do medium 1 horse turning "16 do do tiuw pattern 1 do do, tor light sot " A 1, side bill 2 horse •' 0,^ do do 1 do Sub soil, a heavy 2 horse or ox Do. No 1, a medium 2 hune Do. O, 1 do Double Mould Broad or Furrowing, 1 horse Cotton Trenching, 1 horse Rice do. new pattern, wtthynige wheel. The above Plough* with and w ithout stocks— extru stocks for the improved Plough* HOE*. Lyndon’s extra black Curofiuu.O. 1,2 ft. 3. crown Do. bright do, U, Ltt&S,. do Do. Rice, No. 2'nnd 3 do Do. Now ground, PP nnd PPP do Do. Oval Eye Grubbing, Nos. 2 nnd 3 do Do. Round Eye do Nos. 2 mid 3 do Lyudott Sc. Co's. Anchor, t)0, 0. I and 2 do Brudn’* Patent, 0, 1,2,3 and 4 do Light Yunkuo AXES. Collin* A Co’* I .... . c Ri.nt'n Rood*. \ 4 arJout pailerua. j Kif SUOVEI.S. {toudlbd 3pmfp«. Snckot Spmte* CULTIVATORS. HARROW8, Ac. Improved Cultivator*, wltiilCurn Sliellr>rs etiace wlieul ** * Cultivator Plourh, or Horan H»e Comnnn Hnrrows Folding ilo Corn and Cobb Crunherr, a baud mill Do. Jo. far tiorrn pownr RCVT/IES, HOOKS. A.«. Eugti*ti Pitent Scythe* Frail*. \x- Helv American Or a* do. Great Plslt do. Scythi Biisltin Prior ntiii R ii h do. Do. K'nlk* Cc n Cutler*, Po»t5pnrini Ox Vokes and Ox fi on-* g$sr 4f2.ALVAfH ( :RiNGS.BANDS.STHKNOT j AND MAGNtTid FLUID, lor the cure c»r Ni rtoris tjeedschv. fit Dolbtettx. P.iUy, Bpiuul Complsinu, Ac. ftc. A tupply of these article* lost rerfiw’d Kirtd fdf L ‘* by cpi 1 a. a. iiendk recfivi _. .... iCKSON, Agent. F AHNESTOCK’S VERiMIFUGE-io’croo Jnet received and lor s in by mar 24 by G. It. HENDRICKSON. Agent for the Proprietor. T oilet 80AP tN UAits.-'wi.ite Lavcit, dor. Pultn. I!o*r>, Cinnaiiiiiii, Almnnd, anil While Scented Bonn in Ifar-, jnet revived am for sale by G. R. HLNDitlCKaON. mar 20 | 4 B U 1’LFit's TArt I’Ll, 7."S S SLJI.'LI'jlo POWDERS — All tlm H.lid irgicilivni* u itiu atidluz Sprit,g iictnhin^d in rrji- rompoiin^ powder, Ihn effurve-fting ml,.lion if width,n w»e ter is very noaily ta*teleHS. lies! e* being more pblaleablo, it t* made in mudi loss lime, aud wiift infinitely less trouble, than that produced vvi:hth« two powders iu the iisiihI way. Ptr-purcd h* Thomas Butler, 4 Chcap-ide si*. London. S«l, ,j y . G. R. HENDRICKSON, a P r * Gillhou'u Buildings. J H OtVEI f .-3 c.i.ta new crop Cuhu Honey Just rocetved and for *hIh hy »piu «i. n. Hendrickson! (^OpiBOAttl P..ISOW, u ' Fouclmv:i„ c . f 'o Cookroacli, Rot ond Mou«e FuikOii. 4i sure .and aufatrlc^troycr of thosn tioacmu* vermin. Also, hi* infalil.ln Red Dirt Pmf.r,n for sale hy (j R HENDRICKSON. "I* 1 q * (lihbona Building*.' , /“lONFEC FIONA It Y.—00 boxes ConfVciiov arjr of superior quality, landing from bi|,v Coin ii.bia and fur salt, by "I" » O. R. HENDRICKSON T A v ' b o S „ K EM f-LirE3—j.-,w7rxp lc K7. *> r.'iul. for Conplia, Colrfo Srt. F Jaj tie’, Cormonv.. Bo!„m l^r Oyiciitrtv ans S'limn^r Cmiipluintc. ; J;.yno', tlnlr Tunic lii.llie pie,en,linn t,rifc. Hair. Jar no', ’fino. Vo.mifitge rtir Wurloiiii dion. Jayne's Saruuve Pill, f or Billioaa CuinpUluf,; die. * A iaree supply uf these popular remedies ius received nnd lor sale at Philnd. Inltirs prices, fc’v ii. li. HENDRICKSON , nnr ‘ Gihhnn’a Building. IL^KLaH 1APIUCA.-1 bbl beet quality, jus\ X received, and for *al.» hy G. R. HENDRICKSON. jnn» Gihbons* Bnlldinga. • *|_>xk'lt‘ASil,—it cavks firat aort Now Y-urit X inspi ritun, i .tiding from brig Anon, far wip bV )'une 10 G ' R ' “^OWCKSON; ' lyfOR ISflr .T'S~Fil^LSv—The~ Hvgtinu« J.TJL universal Medicine of the Utili-h Co'ller^ lleulih. lor aulu by jmie 22 G R. HENDRICKSON. /^.INOER — lu Jteg* fresh ground Ginct-r V-i just received and lor role, by u j“"« Ig <i- K.IlF.NDIUrKSON. W uAppi.xo Twisii'-3ubaiM,i: sorted sizr s and qnnlities. forsule. hv June 19 O. s and qualities, farsitlp. by It. HENDRlCJvSON, F «wine VinE? GAR —2 LbU ju-t received and tor -ole bv f! H lIPVUDmjfonM jono 16 G. R. HENDRICKSON. Gibbons' Buildings; FiufMill*,tftuaix<» Patent "hums Plantation Whaetlcirrcwv* Coin.-nnnStrau C. ttnr* Paten* Cu. do. Swinsielrucs Grsin Crjillf*,n*w pattern Rirn do, do. voy, Early 3usai Loaf, Early Drumhead. J.ate Drumltoad, (.ante Into (littcrtan, Lata flat Dutch, Early fiat Dutch, Groen Glneed. CA ULIFLOWER—Early am] Imo. CELERY—While solid. CRESS^-Curled or Pop- pargrnss Hrnad leaf, CUCU 111 BE R —Eirly Frami F.*r|y cluster, Early short errrn, Early lone green C A ll R () T— Early horn. LnnaOranse. CORN—Sweet or Sugar. Eirly Canida. Tutcvroru. EGG PLANT-Purplc. KALE — Greea curled Scotch, Purple. LEAK — Large Scotch. London. cwf-t.31 fret, Bi.hon'i ,|*f prellfkt, / foot. Matchless Matron fat or Tall, 6 fan. RAOISH—White Fall.har- dyLmig 8c*r et. Lon- Sul- moo, Scarlet Turnip Yrflo* Turnip, (fine 8amm**r und Autumn variety,) blatk Fall “r Spaniuh. RHC/HARH ROOTS. 8AL*inr. SAGE. 8 PI N A O E.—Prickly or Fall, Round Lear or aura- raer. SQUASH—Early Buminor hu*h, Early Suroraer cruok urck, Winlor crook nrck, t.’neosnut or Porter’* Vulpa- rui^o, VreotnUle Marrow. TUHJMP-Kvly nhlto Dutch, Flat or Hprlug, E irly LETTUCE —•^DrumhOMi], rod top. EarlyGordrn Stone, R nnd Froservod Glttgar, far s«ln hy 11. J. GILBERT, West *id« Murkeiaq. fab 18 S UdAHt-rfi hh<J* prim# new crop tit. (Xatt Sugar,Uodtng from brig Mxcntbond far *al« by w«r 6 8CRANTON & /OHN0TON. Largo English Norfolk (Ian- over or bnng) Tankard, ;Pur• pie top Rutabaga. TOMATO—Large red. THYME. hlln CaMiage, Curled 8ll< »ia, Lirgo gieonhoad, Impe rial rahtiaoo. MELON —Groen Citron. Nutmeg, Cantelope, Large Mask. FLOWER SEEDS. In pka’fi. IQ kinds In eacli.lln nka’gs. 50 kind* in each. do 55 do I dn 1(10 do FIELD AND FLOWER SEEDS. An. Buckwheat, Broom Corn, Blue Gres* Canary Seed, Hump Seed, Millet, Rod Clover, Rye ond Flower Sands, Root*, Fruit and Ornnuiantnl Troo*. farninhed to ortlerfrnin "tie of tho best nnd most extensive Nurauva and Flower Garden* in this country. An isinrtmant of Bonk* on Agriculture. Gar dening, Raising of Stock, Poultry, dec. to which will lie added ilia most popular woik* issued on lh» above subject*. Agont* for tho Amnriein Aariunltnriat, publish ed monthly hy A B AHun. N. Y. fur which aub- tfctip hiiHtt e solicit- d. fob 11 dENSLO W A WEBSTER. Dirt Srraunro.rur puli, roadi Trunlng yiienra Cjrilr I toes, Au. Rake* Ritchius Kuirea Transplanting Trowa'* ami FOrU.t Oardnti R*ul-. Go. Ltf«K With n vnrioty of Implement* not muntioned. For sale by HAZARD. DENSJ-OW ft WEBSTER, jnn l /^.ROGISniUM.; vJTiiU tiorcu* dratm F P APER WAUEIIOI’NE-No O Bur ling Slip, Now York — Cyrus W. FncLU uffur* for *nle at thulowost ManufaciiirerH’ pric«», a very oxtonaivo nunrtmnut of PAPER, contpris* ing every pas-ihle variety, adapted to tha wants ol conaiimorH ill all section* nf the country. Paper mf nil kind* made in order nt uhnrt nolice. Thu alnekof Printing Paper i* unusually large, a part of which isnf very superior quality. PnperMak er*’ Materh'ls of every description, imported aud keptenniinntly on band, viz; FeJlJnc*, Wire Cloth. Foordrinl- r Vvires, Bleaching Powder, Bluo UI- tratnarine. Twine, fte. Ilnga —Cenvitsf. Bale Rope, Gr**» Rope, Beg* ging, Ac., pnrehsaed far which the hii.'h<Kt price >n • v 'lSwomd. —lyr July 24 N EW 0041 JkfiL — (iuitruin end Virgmia (>*n'thorgs} Heavy Btripod do; Ffaxdot 3-4 7-8 and 4-4 Bro Shirting*; Hand 10-4 du Blraet ing; nieachud and Bro Jeans; Marin* r nnd Shiru in* 8trlpeet Marlboro Plaid* and Stripe*. Blue and Mixed Outline: notion G tmbroon* and Nan keen*, in etore Httd far «al* hy mar 17 IIF.NRY H. 8TOTE8BURY, B UCKWHEAT FLOUR-—In hair and qn-r- l.r bbu, hr »l. s* n. r. C.ILDEUT. fob 23 Weal liJe Market tejaare. .—(lilt hitd* O. dogat i R* Hoy-tr, 20 packages do and rrnalrari do 209 barrel* N O Moh'sacs, 50 hhda Ca* do 6t) hhds Side*; 60 do Shoulder*, 60 hhda Hams; 2<)<) bh * Can«l Flour, 100 hitlfhbl* Canal Flour, 200 b*g* Rio Coffer; 50 bag* Java Coff.-e, 1*10 packagrit TolmcCb.r.trtous brantl* ft *iz»t*. 1UQ bhis Seed I'nlatoc* ; lull kogt Lard. f*0 bills And It ill*do M ickrul. Nos. 1,2ft U. 101) Grindstone*, nssortud, 200 boxer Snip, iftriou«brand*, 25 boxe* St troll ; 150 lihlc Whiakoy, 6u bbl* Now England Rum. 5 pip' B O D ft Co’s Brand), pure, 6 |ti|tnn HiitlQiid Gin, 25 i casks Malitg-i Winn,(»"'»• et, 25 i do dn do diy, 5 half fttpc* Madeira Wmu. ray own im porting; 50>1. Spanish Stgara, 20 quarter efra-t* Hy trail Tea, 20 half chest* B ack do 10 lutz* Pepper; 10 hag* Pimento, 5') doz Periled Bucket*; dull-arks Salt, 60 blit* Phelps’ (sin. ftu. ftc ftc. Iu atore, nnd far rale on favorable term*, bv Mi 15 II A CRANE. B *f*1 ,PP, J ^ ehchtwanger’4 mfalhible Bed Bug Poi«on, warranted to ex terminate those noxious vermin, for sale by J u »'-‘5 G.R HENDRICKSON. T URKEY RED DRAPERY.—Juat received, and far sale by joti 18 SNIDER, LATHROP ft NEVITT W H ITE GINUEU—A I'teah rupply ofwhitv Jamaica Ginger, jim received and for 30 ! e by G. it. HENDRICKSON, _ J? ltie & Gibbons* Building. rj ",u. £ * '■ “ ’ s t^ Twji;rT.o- , J —An eflVcnial cure for eruptions of the Face and Skin, particularly for Pimples, Blotches, Tetter-, Tan, Sunburn* Freckle*, ftc. A degree of plrn*uro accompanies ihe Ure ot tin* eifgatii preimrntion, in its refreshing effect -.upon tho akin, Cnt.nraons irritability and di-colo ration* nre nfao temoved, tu.d a pure stale of tho complexion established by tho nre of this lotion; For sale by G- K. Hi NDUICKSON. n>B - v Gibbon’s Buildings; P A I*IE lSa—230 ream- Letter rttid Foolscnc 1 Pujrar, fissoi led qualities. Juat received and Mr sale by o*. R. HENDRICKSON. may 11 , ndquafiuY*. fitr snlc hv G. R. HENDRICKSON. pWR TH li *1 ELTH.—Muiqielrt/ Bnti scorba- X tic Elixir and hi? culebrat. d Odontine.iust re ceived and lor sale by <i R HENDRICKSON. Ustty 18 _ Gibbons' hnildin^s. H IBBARD'S PILLS—R. ; v. B. Hibbard‘4 genuine ^eg-ttble nnt!4tilion* pill*, for salts l, y l0 G R. HENDRICKSON, 'Jtbi^ottt** Itiildmgs. B ulls sak^apakilla.—a. ii. Bpicd Compound Extract of SarHapnriifu. for tho ctire ofScrttloln, di-c«*e- of the Skin. Dyspepsia; Rheumatism, Chronic di*> atm* of the June*. Jaun dice, Neuralgia, ;<> contiturart the destructive ef Mels of .Mercury, and all di«en*ea crisinc from an impure »,la ofllic lilt,ml, . q,.,| |„ rny propnro- "on ol Su,n,...iUa. t'nr.rJc Ht 75 . onto po. t, 0 i; le.l-v 0. It. IIE.NnRIRKSON, " ,H y * Oit'hon*’ building. L A yj P \y ICK — Vofar and Aa:rui Lamp With ot ail ...loL. r - - f • _ die wick, far sale by npr 21 Lamps G R HENDRICKSON (itfabon’a building*. A. TilEAT 1 SIy.tiii lira Praalico ut Midioiut- by G-orgo B. Wood. M. 1). Pr.ifit-nor o' Mafar.a Medteu anti Pt’i-iriuacy in the Umvitisi \ of PentiHvIvaitia ; nnd one of lira author* of lira D st en-aiory of Uaitud Stat< s nt'America. Re* ccived Ity J. M. COOPER. j'*«> 7 B acon, — Id hlt-l* new Bacon Mnutl- der* ; 5d barrel* Baltimore Whi«k**yt fid do Phelps' Gin ; 25 do Now Yrnk Brandy ; 50 do Baltimore Flour, in -tutu anti for ail'- hy jurat l> CU SN EH AT ft HA RIF. P ORli .4 A U bin* .Mess Pork. 50 do Prinjo do, 20 Mess Beef, 20 do Prime do. Fur s«lo by inlv 17 WOOD. ri^GHORN ft CO. L JAI5W Haas/ lil-h Lirran-. Pillowcase do. tmpnr l‘J-4 l.tnet] Slieeiinv 10 Ity 12 Damask Cloth Table Diaper and D.iuj n«k. Hufkahopk and Scotch Diiipm* Freitrh Tntv els and N pkin* super Hurlrabuck Napkins, win ond bin Linen Drills do, plaid and atriped do du French Linen and Hollands Htriped nnrfpl.iJ Liu an* for coat*. Received and fr*r *alehy j tne 21 HENRY H STOTE8BURY. D OiHESTfiCS.——3-4 Brown 8nirinig'a, 4*4 dlieutiugu, und Mdtlborn Stripes, fat salel*y A. MINIS. pillIA.lrPAGVli.-l'ii.;,<;h» V/ Georgia brand,jn*t rreeiv#d and far s-le b\ mar Ifi J. E- GAUDRY A*. CO. * ^ . J.—2U finds N O Sugar, in store, and for aalo by mnr 6 CONNERAT ft BA R IF.. N L It II W.-30 bbl* Priuto Boston Ron • In (torn, aud for vale low ill close eoti«i^ n •u*m. L- BALDWIN ft GO. may li JO— C AiHl'XIIA K.—A fr«s|i supply of very su perior. jusueceived, and kept constantly ori by C. tt. HENDRICKSON, w P r 1*1 Gibhon’s’s. D AI.BY'S CARMINATIVE.—JgroceoftSi# oid English prepnrntiou me. for sale hy ** *" nnr 24 ?pnrittiotj. Warranted oera - O R. HENDRICKSON. H ulls family noap.-oo box«T Hull * Extra Stoam Pressed Soan, ju^ landed and fur rale bv G.*R. HENDRICKSON. »P r IB Gtbhuns Buildings. P O WDER PUFFS ft BOXTfS.^A»T7xien: aivo ngauitment of Powder Puff* and Box**. AUo. Puff* without the tuiea, uud lib Powdef Boxes, for *a!c by _ npr 22 G_ R. HENDRICKSON. (NINE.-'200 ounces Solphalu Uni file hy apr 22 nine, Watrautcd pnro. just nenived nndl\T G. R. 1!EN ENDUlCKMJN. P epper and sricE^-aoWa Pepper. da Spico,jitKt lectived. und fur rale by G. R. HENDRICKSON. G.bbnit'* Bnildin? «pr28 S WEET OIL — 20 boxes Sweet Oil iu quar: bottles, ju«t received and far sale bv mar 27 G R. HF.N0R1CK8.PN. HITB-VVAtSH BKU.-HliS.-An n«l'. mrill of Quo v Whit. wo.h Bril.h*. r«r ,-ite tiy G R.liFNDRICKSGN, ntar27 Gibb«n*a Wi.uldinga ^TOPPERAS.—26 caak* fina Grvan Cnbp*. L/ rat. for Mia by G. R- HENDRICKSON mnr 24 Gtltboffa Butldinga. \lf 1st,nil’s nAl.SAM.—SOrio. wi? v » V tar’r B*l*am Wild Charry, lor th* core of Disease* nf the Lungs, warranted the fvnnios ar- tirla, and put tip iu packager of 1,2 and 3 do?ao •«aeh. Jn*t ncaivad nnd far uala attba NawYork nd Bo»iun pricaa.whftWole or retail, by G. Ii. HENDRICKSON, mar 36 Gibbon* Buildmgi. 1)MAJi-s bijoE eLkc! . , I DAK*-—A certain mro for the Pilea! either or oxlarnnl. hlu.-dit-^ ur blind ; for sifahy ii. R HENDRICKSON. ,l,nr ' Gihhona* Building*. C AUMkia.—Ouit-d '| ..noise Shell, Buffalo, J Itniimio-t and Br ziUfao Tuck Comb*. Sliei 1 •.nd Itmfntran long (.««•!; Con,far. Side Comba or i variotv ot pct.crns, Draming Comb-; Shell. Buf falo. Ivnrv ond English Horn end Fine Tea Comb* of 11II srus :indq«intuiTa. far sole hv may 13