The daily Georgian. (Savannah) 1835-1847, September 16, 1847, Image 1

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BUltUlAA, p Y 0 P Si A V A N IS A III CITY OK lid. Thursday,.umi du efflSfeaiaaiM! S"“« “ ow Advottomonw Iir| , WVK^OOOUYlw'l'i'f ^“afflSS* 5 DOLLARS for six uionUw ^ ml. Weekly (Jc*rflnu, KSdnii'to"^"’ — bl> I’ttblUlwd t Min* « fejCcuioPJaudAdminlKlraton. for Debt- ’SScwBW" w render In tbeir uccounu, nuul ^S^eiin^^ErccnterroVAdmlnliltralor. einJc edcffeft ">• **&«*& «* « M * Ltweon the llalliU nolire of enlo, nt tlio f JlfwiWfc ” |M " ,c c ”“ n ‘/' ,her f. W.EL of Aliii'<W““. or Uuurdmi- Wfr “Shureoflnono of the pitblie gyettos ffisSl m ,ho Oou “ a " u8c ’ nSSSiCS HAY d !®fo™ n„ lit , Uoihp door of the comity in t* i" jJ ? n ",r„,,itinlo,M!d on the feet ’Plies- jlnclithopropory _ j j often in the Se "ftentoon. No.ole from ^/io'dly i^idi.utAoeoso o^.roeeod m Urn adver- ibeuif Jit. Fxocatoro, Administrators nnd Apnlicilton *y ‘ „fUr.liimry lor leave to iK .nt “o," Alidt«d FOUR MONTHS irtl wnn, ioh i ly /„ xce ,,t noirronD of •Sale* ol per. pP ... j? xerulors un j Ad- " ,! V.«tm^ 52?fw advortifed FOUTY DAYS. SS5&* by Executor. mid Adininwintan, \ fotfcrs Uismiiuory must he pnblwhod &IX EKn for forccliwurn of Morlsn.eti on reel TOtr. nriit beailverlwcd oncoa month lor 10UK "oiffillu Court of Ordinary, (nrcompm.ied mlfi a copy of tltn bond of iiitreemcm) to nnilte It- 27to Iffil nnlitbo advertisedTnttiir. JIootiij nt dull T'ever, DuiubAutu;;tntci jnillont, & Ewmltetiti'evarsK- all tHe various lorxus ot ,-u. : Kiiious Diseases : S ri-', 1*11)1 rtY& THlUJOlIGHTry C URE D - ■ 1A V*\o,o^V) r' ^Sood’alWlUkC))^.': , " \ T UISlnvalnablo medicine w»« preporon Irrnn mi eximnivo prnclice of leverel yeure In n liilinns climmo, mid is novor known to fml til curing Fever nud Ague, or unyuf the dUoMOi o- '"’ninonwlm ore enlTerlnc ftoin nIRiedona «Dlhl« Mini, IK m thote WHO linvo become inv™ ide froiii Ibeir Pir. ote upon dm. ooihiIIiiIioii, will find ihv India Cliol izoirue u mom in.nlimblo remedy loi oil tvioe the blood,mid ihorooghly cloinelinr irom The irmoM die moibid -ifecia oln bi lone climate. Tlinwoudorful opermiun ofllio Cboligoguo ill e red ten tins bile from die hitmen -yme.ii, ontl only exol.'illltiexiriiorulliiiry njolioy in Iboepeedy.llio. rounli'n'tld permnoeiii cure offerer nnd egi.r. em the vniioue grade. of Intermittent nnd remittent f “ D il'eqit lily effectual for tltcc.ire of per Com- plnini. Jeiinm|o, Enl irgement of the biver: htto Eul irgnnteiil or die Spine". oulle.l Ague Celle, nnd Ilia virion. ferme or htlinua Iiidigomioo. Theee, willi die oilier veiled off etinn. ol encli cUmntee, orbing front o common mmemnlcnoee, are only in.nlitieeiiiiiK iff die ailinednoow.niij o- ailnllvconlrolleil by the enine rnmeily. q The nperolinn of the Chningogne. o> de uome import-, K upon the liver-ptouiulillg tlio OK choree iffldle. Tlio llion.euda who hove t eed it I ,m further eviihnee iff He value than lt< hap- py reetormho effec. Fn^h 0RNEIL janll Monmno 'l Sqimre, /'IliliKS HfFBO'l’BtH-WITHuUT C SEEINO THE PATIENT!! uyyi a THOMSON, M. D.. MACON, GLO. The enheeribct after on experinuce of ton yc»r. in the IKS of HuTAXIC UkMKDIXX, line ™ tar per- looted lit. .y.tenl of ireatinent m to ho oti o. in o creel in li.iriiy nfclirmilo dnen-cx, to effect oper- B ...... iil.m, i ever externa rnx paticiit. BUCHAN’S HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF&XFZ3* THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY For Cold*, Coughs, Asthma, and other Dlseaaes of the CHEST and LUNGS. B uchan’s iiUnuaihan ualsam,the greet Engli.h Itomedy for Peetorol and Pol- monury diunnucs, »lill ulomfH unrivalled bml uiuuir- pauAtuI nit the most elegant, nureeHlile nud i fft'Ctual curaiive of these luruddubie coiuplniutu now know n to the civdizeil world. . ‘ Threii years of trial in the United Stale-, during which time it h isbeen distributed from Maine in Florida, has only served to establish its pre-omi- Hunt merit in alt parts of the country, as the great "" J ONLY RELIABLE REMEDY in the worst cases of Pulmonary diseases; and rhe best nud mom uprconhlo curative of all tho slight forms of colds, cou^h nnd mil imiuation, that cun possibly be used, _ SPITTINfJ OF BLOOD This frightful symptom of approaching Con* sumption, speedily checked and prevented hv ilie use «»r Bu thau’s lluiiaariau B ,1s nn. which heals tint nlfocied membrane, removos tho incipient lu* be roles, and restores those vital organs, tho lungs to a sound nnd healhy condition. IIEMR.MBER THIS. Soil tin? of blond always arises from a tendency •* • ' ir -it checked nt the ate ill death. A will rai*o hlooci immediately ein* oriler of Court, iivv.t t»o iilvertjxeugeneriniy, ..... I D mS,|einit dill to niui .ouiu.i.i.. „j u , cd PAY'S Iiefe,elite tiny of Sale. # -, feetn of tnditontiihle. on,I wlullto.htm eppe.nol | F TAIN IN THE SIDE. * * All Letters directed to *hr OtTWor the l.u* * Tl|KN n ,„ tfr0 uliimern ol ihn hr un, is happily sou d’min.gwiiig symptom nl Consumption *u»- 'terlmnsl he pott pviil to entitle them to uttentinn. Igfine, of e # nry tiny oecitfreiliiti. " ‘ 1 imilertlgtioil hnttltna lor preferred nr it E NATIVE F11II1HFBBB.- I ing tko itati«hiit> it otiicu. r " lll,l *. e 10 [J“ 1 For the Cure ofBihon., Rimii'Wol end In- ] bcnl , fits Jcrivwii In. nrnciico, lhmki'igth.M termitienr, nr Ague mill Fever, end other dl.oiK- ; nnmperleil much heller with true ttlg- wincirtentrl In« dohilireleil elite of tho eynteni, ni|y o( r B ,.|i„ a ttmopme per.onelpuffing 1"'ho pn well ..nigtu rwee'e, &e. «f. . I nnheeliine.irepulnbleooureeto which not e 'fee iittive F. biil'uta „ ott-reil. .The proprin- ; l V; s ,,. m '„ lt iwd (!) phyHrne rcort.ol exintieilcnl^ torn .were Hut ill-contmoil ohjeenon. to all i ,„n»dii.g I o'thjr new prepanlion, will tic urged ng un.t Una. to , 1 now ece nog.iod rceoonlochamen el,in, ell inch objection., lie b is simply to si .le i ■ c0UI , 0f llu , shall eonllinlo Injure sneti eerlin fill it ir prepared eccnrdlllg to the revipt ol all . fmineiitphvsieiiii, who us«:d it with perfect »uc . r *1 i .. - ; M .. . I'.n cat through a lull* prattiro. in pmh ps tlto most lickly r-giuti of our country, viz : tlio Mississippi nil v. Again from tho fNilmd es'imn ion in which Quinn- is hritl, nut only by the pnople. lot hi the must »k'l!ful physicians, it will appear uipfrarnciii'ry o olfer any now article. Util the Nuivo Ft'ttrifuge pussosscs all tho power nud c*:r- taaty of (X iini'ie in c,niiroliug Fcv«r without aircctiagthu bead, nnd uny bn salidv used them, fir, wh-ro (Vunma is innlmi-siblo. It h out tin; purpose of t!m ptoprintor huwovnr s.iuctir>u- pi] by cusittin on such ore r>ions, to attempt a dts« jiliy nl'ut' dical kuohvletlgo bv nilapting sottui otto «i tlu; cutiU.idic ory llieurir-, with rngurd to the cljirnctertutd causes ufFcvt r. I’eliEvtng with tits learned Cmttnry tbnt thmuh tbora has W. it so much written concern, ing Fever tbaro is no one ptibjort in the whole ctrcla of medical sciejicu tvltieh ‘lill indylvcs so intnv disputed puinif. J.oltiny all theories pass, no stand hv /acts. The first of which is that tlio cete«. ns will ili.nri.. di.ohl. nod which pnrsnlix d. cuilheio "‘’Itj',?,',.'!v'ljR]-1> DOE- he will give anv man rlVL UUwuiti*'/ ui i* LARS to pruciir.. their eqonl to (leorgm—rij" dly wed nnthenilcolod, under a forfeiture ol u like "jjiefnetrpresonted by hint nre inch ns he i. pro- car,„|tn diiiooiKlrnte at noytloie to ilin.iiliarnotion Srilienmeliid or tlioir fricoda. who only well to te-l it Tho following will apeak lor Iheinaelvo t ' flxoRflt i ! This may certify ton An,'he Jon« Cooniy fvll nt tSI i.o.y non Willemi. nhoiM 10 y .re tffnge. «« token will, mirvnilnfo- ve?:!nd wn. &" oil by Dr. Gib.o.i fi.r n Ion. lime; and notwithstanding nil lie could do lie-nl runt naed to net worse, so lb ■! when the/eycr.lef l,jm lie liii.l coroplet • y losl the use iff to. lo wer ex- uc'nitiea no I could hot walk a alrp nor hour l„a lii. rest; Ida leg. cramped ni'rdr Jn. nod ho Iff.,redd,nnsiiii.nlarablean. cniah IVem pains', lie ®nt nlied in ' .late fur over three nioiUlK^reiloced «lIon•<«>« • Nilive Febrililfs will cure lever, from whntever . !jf !|t'. n tm > n>a>iunent hnd vnoiahed. I heard of the cutfB it iniy have ortffitta'e.l, and if any douht • _ s „r jj r .Thomson of .Mipson, in treating ill** ggUn.h* to liie fact we invite the ufllictetl to tho ! j co ,', c i,ided to tty him. I accardinglv ■lir.l. wr.lti cuiilltlenca »• 'a Hi- i-aea. YVliui il It is i ^ n „ p il M1 i n „, noil altliiioxli lea Doctortrxvtin rfont! it will do. 1 lie follow ng curtlfic tte of uiiu | t, 0 „ 0 , m rostnretl bun «n his usual health will known will show what It has dmie. I , lr '_,h tlenuw rides abnutatid attends to Savannah, 1 ith May. 1S17. | " iV ,,"thing had nv.-r Item, the matter Mr Jd« \. La Hncltc having requested uie to • v . • JOHN BARFIELD. G'.iis my litmwlik;*e of the Nntive Fcbtilugc, l Jones Cmiuty, Nu». 24, idka pleasure in sitting tint il w is used hcnaliciw j * Gt onatA ’ l rrh, “ m .1,11) III Ilia Fever, of Ilia valley iff iho Mis.i.s.p- ,1 itnnhYnn Co,’in'". J pi and Arkatnus mall ' itetally i!x!nt*fi «l, and nai a! (tin brun 'vltci tia coiitiaiii'licited. Prepire-1 and sold, t-y JAMES A. I.aKOCHE, »"; W No. a M.inuuieoi sniinrh. I J.n7,hort tilooi.l.n of Mieon.vvlm eoon per- UuUlgi.t -CTl.ltliam C.ltutty. r.'clly cored her. vyltiiooi ever having sees iltin chealur of Clialhaiii Cniliiiy, ) She '.a now un .onuil'' 1 jfig”l»'iia;Vl' ENTER? LADIES’ SHOE EXCHANGE. L A I) I E S’, Misses, Clutdrmi'a and Infant'" SHOES, of evorv style, uhaciiinod pnttaru, it tho new Granite store, 103 Congress street. Savannah, Geo., aign of lh« Gulden Hand. join? 17 XliUKfkliGi A: MEEKER, ^Nos’. 105 and 106 Bryan ntreet, Have rar.olv- ed, it fine nstmriniont of BOOTS AND SHOES, furgeittlp. men, youth* and boy* wear, of the bent tnuterialu and mauufitctiire, and of the latent style, Alan Ladica. MiHsua and Cliildton'x Shuen of every vu« riely and stylo, warranted a* good as cun be round in this market, and at us low price*. A Inr^e and carefully ueleciotl stork of Plantation Brogans which philters and factors will find to their advan tage to call uud examine. Care taken in fitting measures. Also, a general assortment of Caps. Trunks Valises, Carpel Bags, School Satchels, &c. Andn supply of Lsdies and Gentlemen's Pnrt; mode Boots, direct importation. jnly23 The Subscriber bein* about removing from his present location, in vites tho atton'inu of his fricm'Baitd customers to his present stork wlthli he is prepared to mnko up at a very reduced profit; his assortment of rondy made rtoihiug is of the first order, and was sol up under Ins own* bopertisiun. which he llu respectfully a>-ks a call fmm his old .costumers; nnd gentlemen vistina the the city will find it an inducement to cull and ex amine his block hofure purchasing elsewhere. jnn- 20 PHILIP ICENN. ses front inflaiunmiioti of the lungs, on thetnetn- hrntiQ called the plottra, urfrum brnnchtalaaectioii ol tlio air passage*. In either enso it is a very dan* gerntis intiicntiou nf disea-c It prevents full and free breathing,and wears tway the natural strength, of tho system. Tho cause nf this symptom should be removed at once; and nothing cm poss bly ef fect thnt object so speedily and happtlvnslhn arnut English Remedy, discovered t*y Dr. Buchan, which i- entirely vegetable in its tngrcdiouia, ati-l Derfectly hurniless in all its quahtics. LIVER COMPLAINT. In cases of Cnmmmption, the Liver is always inure or lo-s ufi*i:ctcd, and al-o the riplecn Plctna IIlid',,nail Intoilinaa. On 'I MWtiiig Oonanin|ilivn paiii'lita Tnh.troieo am i.flan I'mni.l in all ilieaa nr- aanx, nurlirnlirly IIpall llm Llvar, which alali bn- comes laity, oily uud swelled. The effect of the Hung triati Balsam in di-eaffos of tho Liver, espe cially if it ho of an n'cemus nature, is direct and novverful- Simid..* disease of the Liver unalb itd. J ... . ... , ,-d hv Consumption is speedilv cured by it* use. | , * •"-* lulluwtng, nhbough tt^ may appear <i little WINTER COUGH! * R UTABAGA Turnip Seeds, crop 1847, jus received per brig >Marv. 100 His Lniidmllt's Rutalicgii and Fiat Dutch Turnip Seed*. ALo, Dm Ill-head Cabbage Seeds, all crop of 1847. J M. TURNER & BltU I II LU, nng 13 ftlouiininiii square. T IVni.U IT2 A<ilATETI8vsTTviS- /V TAR’S BALSAM OF \VIL1> CHERRY. Watches unit Jewelry, t 'Pho Snbsdlher wi*hes In call the attention ofhis cm* lotnors to. a choice assort- , piant of fine walchfcs jttai r6- cuivo I by hccent orfiV.ilB, consisting of Gold Hdntiny Caen Levers; Gold. Double , ,n Bottom Lovers} Gold Imi- tntion Double Case Lavers; Gold Aublio'r Escape ment Levers; Silver limiting Ctlke Lavers; Silver Double Bottom Lavers; Silver Anchor Ksoapo* meut Levers; Silver Lepipo and Veriioul Escape ment. Also fino Gold Tub Chains; Vest Cliaihs, Citrli Gnnrd Chains; Keys nnd Chain Rings, alt of which Will be sold as low arm any city in the Union. All kinds of Watches repaired and warranted. D. B. NICHOLS, nnglG First corner AVcat of Pulaski Holtac. I Immnrnnr to some. irnPflHWlo"* wprttiy of pub- Till, har-h ,’lrv’ li’.cking Win'ar Congll which l licalinn, anil In Ilia lliosry iff .Magnaliaili Iron nr .idlinK Uhl Pnopla, mill mvaliila in a law .lain ol' | liilip, il allow, it i. auuMUuina produntivo nl ma-h !„,ll||ll in happily .ilYontcd l.y tlio 11 l,it«nri.m llnln.lin. It warms, moistens, and stiniul doa tho whole breathing upparatns; removes all morbid mucus, and other foul uniter; purifies and animates thn blood; improves mo Huoretive tmwor of tho Liver, Spleen, nnd nihor largo glands, nnd the digestive organs; nnd impatts now life to the win uud eunciatud system- BRONCHITIS l Bronchitis. Ddficuhy of Breathing. Harsh Cough, a slimv expectoration, with all other wuiptoinacaused hy slfcstionuf tha air-u.hoi lead ing from the tlirom to the Lungs, nre directly and specifically cured hy tho um nf the admirable rcnunly invented by Dr. Buchan. For sale in Snvnmnh, by J. M. TURNER i*. BROTHI R. i„ty o Monument square good Syracuse, Dec. 13, 1812.—Dear Sir:—One circiuusritice lias greatly liolped the sale nf the Balsam of Wild Cherry ltere ; A young lady wn< magnetised,nud requested lu prescriho for Iter lath cr. who Ins an ntTeotion of ttiu Ittiiga. She said thero wa-« a medicine - at Hough's accompanied with a small (took, that would help him. It was the Bdsam of Wild Cherry. He took it, audit cured him. She has since pre-cribed it for anoth er, who haa taken it with the same result. Yourt, Ate- - IJul'ou u Bkidof-s. P- S. IL» igh At Bridges nre heavy duriiggistu at Syracuse, to whom we refor the curious. PoTrsvtr.r.B, Doc. 23d, 1841.—Dear Sir,—Your B-iIsuiii of Wild Ch**r*y haa elTected soitio nston- j ish'mq cures here. One of which is an old lady, Mrs. Russell, who had been suffering fur n long E PPIN G’S COMPOUND FLUID EX- TRAC T OF SARSAPARILLA, AND QUEEN'S DELIGHT, Ate.—For the composi tion of this Extract and tho properties ofthcQueens Delight, Physicians are re*puntful!> referred to the 5th and Gilt number, vol 1, of tho Southern Jour nal of Medicine and Pharmacy. - -For puri'yitig the blood, and removing all -dis eases arising from ilia Impurity of the Maine, it is highly reoomin- tided, as also for the cure ol Rheu matism. Scrofula. Lrisipul-is, Ulcerations of the Throat and legs, pains mid swelling* of the bones, Tellers, Pimples in thu Face, Old Sores, and all Cutaneous Eruptions. Neuralgic AUecliun*, Mar- rtitinl Diueuxes. and for assisting the operation nud preventing latul cuusequoiiceH of Mercurinls in SyphalitG. This prapnration, (by adding the Queen's De light. &c. to the Sarsaparilla.) combine* in a more perfect degree than any known remedy, tonic and alterative powers, and is highly recommended by ciniuetit physician*. It is prepared in cnnaequoium of the recommeiintinti* given by Dr 11 U Frost, Professor of iMateriu Medicu in llie Medical Col lage nr Charleston, S S. m his work on Materia Mt-dicit.niily concentrated by a process of tho eub- Hcriber’a io render it more convenient for admin istration. and with the exception of the addition of mercury which tunyrat nil limes bo added when mco-wiry. To shew the high cstinianon which l)r F nuti'itmiisof tho combmntiou of iha->e arti cle*,it i* only necessary to refer to the above men tioned work. There arc few cases nfehronic and pamful Rheu matism mat will not yield to the inllitence of Sar saparilla nod Queen’* Delight if duty persevered ill, especially if taken in conjunction with llydr. of Potash. Is highly recommended for all disease* of tho *kio,chronic as wull us recent. Ouu bollia will, in most instances, etfectuiilly remove all pimples, po-tule* nr Imilclm* on lli-i face, to which young parsons in Ibis climate are so much subjected to, aiising either from impurity of the blood ordebil- tty. It is the best remedy known fur scrofulous affection*, sores and breaking-* out in young chil* droii, nud is sal)! uud ctllcanious in teinnviiig en tirely every trace of hereditary diseases from the system, in the tenderest infant; in fact, in nil enta- n«*«»us iiffeciiuns it is in valuable. Asa general pit- rifier nf tho blood, and nn cr idicaior of all obsti nate diseases, this preparation will undoubtedly ink** the pioccduncs of nil other remedies. Itgeut- ly opnmles upon and rcgulatos the hiiw«*|s, re- Uoresto the blond its wonted purity, gives touoto ihe -totuich, nu i promr.ies digestion. it will Hfectuidiy relieve Ery-ipHas even in its worst m.igcs uud nil person* Hutfiiring from this distressing cnmplaini memiviie*t to use il, first so, but il no marked relief tic found after taking one bottle, it will lie uecutomry to use the llydrtudatcd Potash with it. Not widting to publish rcrificutes ns is done in the cases of all quack medicines of the day, to ef fect their sale, and so force them Upon ihe public, the' sdhkrrlficr begs leuvu to state.that hi*.prepara tion lot-*'b6Hi prescribed uud used by n numbe: of phtsicituisaud plnutei 1 * of nnr oily ahd finighbor- nnod. with great success, viz: Drill! Frost, Dr W G Itamsjy, Dr Titos Y dunum, Di (J Pritch ard, Mr S Lug.tre, Lt Wilson. U 9 R 8, allofthi* city; Dr J.iin**» Stnney, Beaufort, A:o. Price §1 pur bottle, or $5 fur G do. Prepared by J. PETER M. EPPINO. Chemist and Druggist, corner Broad and King streets, Charleston, 8. C. Ago nl fur Savunimli« A. A. SOLOMONS, d**c 21 , —1 yr Murkut *qnnr». ■HATS AND OAI-S—TK '•uhsoribors-ere now prujiarcc to lurnYeh* tlio f*irn»cr patron* of the concern end tho puidio generally. tvithahoXtohaiveand wcllselcCieii hUioIg of HATS and CAPS, on hptter terms then ever before of-, fared, havmgevery advantage which any uinntifso- tureresn-posses*. i ; v* ana 12 IVES. HORSEY A. CO. G ITIVS, RirLES, PISTOLS AND 11A R DU' A HE,—The sub-cribe.i bet* leriVa. to .call lhq oU^iition.of spunsm. J*iid tti (m fact'tiiat lit* Guns. drc. nr** nil made expressly to order in England, consequently tiny can pur chase at the lirsl price, ami depend on n better triiol- thiin ihnsa importeil in Noit'hcrti ctt'.os fur the purpo-e ofs pp'ying the Hmitli. The follo wing comprint* a part of tnv s’oek; viz: Plain Double Guns $7 50 to $15 Heal Stub and Twist, Pat. Braa*-h $17 lt» $75. Plu'itatinu Musket* $2 50 to $4 50 We*tU*y Richnrd's Cap* $1-511 per bag of 000 W Hiker's bent Cnps 67^ caul* per buX Frencli Capa 18J cents per box Best Powder 374 cent* pet lb Piu.itHtion Powder 20 cent* per lb Do d* $1 50 per keg Baldwin's Wadding 20cent! per box. Tog-thur with a geuer il nssiirtment nf Single Uiiiis, IMios, PisloN. Fbi«ks, Punch***, ttogei**' ine Table and Pocket nttb-ry. Hardware. A c. «l low prices fur cash. Call uud examine lor your selves. JOHN CAR RUTHERS, Sigimf die Big Gun REPAIRING of all kind* of Gnn<: Luck*. Arc. carefully altcuded to by ettperior woiltnico may 14 ALVANICKI VT EN1NH PL FLUlD^lor the Doloreux, PaLy> r ^ supply of they? article* just rui F AHNUSTOCK'S VtKMIFUUE^lUirM. just received aud.lor *.If? by u • - G, R. HENDRICKSQN, * . Agent for th» PrnpriHnr.^ .mar 24 np[)\LET_SOA \l. 1N. BA II ti.-Wbii'e Lavem- X der, Palm, Rose, Cinniimon, Almond, oua White 8ounted Sonp in Bars, just r» t fiived Hnd for snle by G. R. IIENDRICKfeOfi. mar 20 ; ‘ UTLKH'M T A ti TET7 E S S SLIItLI'I'i, powders —An tile *biid ingici iim* o the Seidlitz Spring combined in one comptiuiid powder, the efferve*ciiig snluliuu of wl,ich4i» w«- ler is rery nearly tasteless. - Besb.'ea brii.g omre pslftteable, it is made in inurIt lets time; hnd ivRA infinitely less trouble.then that produced whh tlur two powders in the usual wsy. PieWed hy Thomas Butler, 4 CheMpsidi* si. Lnndnn. S 0 t* by G. II. HENDRlCKSONr, . B P r ’ _ . Gihhnn’s jluildings. _. ruWi* new crb|VCuba Holier XX just received nnd for sale by. , ■p'n g. it. Hendrickson. { YX>(U*iK.»A. HI I'- ITOITA-^ Dr I’. Cnclui.ncli, lint and Mouto Pui.iin, n aura amltar. da«lrnyar. iffthum Iinacloii. -artnln. Al.ili til, iiff.lil la [| r ,| 1) 0 ,. Foivnn. for -ala by G ft HP.NDItlCKSUN. n Pl ^ Gitilnma lliitliliiu,,. PONPECTIONAUY -DU linart-Cahltotlni- art ni; «uJS|Ji.r qi,in&, lainliii, ftnm ,i|A Cnluiiiuiu and forBulu by "P'» henduickson. |74 JIE8H SEEDS.— The SuUMcritior* have X. received a onajee selection of GARDEN A OlilCJUI/l'EKAL l.M PLEM ENT’S.— /X Having made large additions to tlmir former ussortnieutof Agricitltttrul Imptnnienls. the sub scribers now oiler to pluuier* and merchant", a butter stock than ever bolbreofibred in the South ern country, consisting in purt, of Uie following ar'icles, viz: PLOUGHS. Yankee Cast Iron. Nos. 10, II, 12and JO Dagou, or Connecticut Wrought lrou, 1,2.3 &4 Allen pattern Buggies. Norse At Mason's Improved viz: Euglo, heavy 2 horse or ox Do. with wheel nud cutter No 2 B, n largo 2 horse Do. with wheelnnd cutter No A 3. medium 2 horse “ A 2, light 2 horse " A 1, light 1 mule or garoeu “ Ginclt light J horaa turning " 7 do do medium 1 horse turning "13 do do new pattern 1 do do, for light sot “ A 1, side kill 2 horse O, do do I do Sub-soil, a heavy 2 horse or ox Do. No I, a medium 2 Imran Do. O, 1 do Double Mould Broad or Furrowing, I horse Cotton Trenching. 1 horse Rice do. new pattern, with gunge wheel. The above Ploughs with surf without stocks— extra stocks for thy imprnv«-d Plough* HOES. Lyndon's extra black Carolina; 0. 1,2 ft 3. crown Do., bright. do, 0, 1,2 At 3, do Do. Rice, No. 2 and 3 do Do. New ground, PP nnd PPI* do Do. Oval Eye G/uhbiiig. No*. 2 *ud 3 do Do. Round Eye do fVos 2 .>iir| 3 do Lyndon A Co'*. Anchor, HU, 0. 1 and .2 do Brudn’s Parent, 0, 1,2,3 and 4 do Light Yankee AXES. ColOn; A Co’.. J f SI10VF.I.R. llauillRtl Spmln*. Socket S pi-ites CIU.TIVATORH. HAIUtoWa, Sic. Improviol Cul'ivaloro, willilOurp 8li«ll<»r« J AYNE'S REMEDIES.-.Jnjwi'-ExpIctTi rant, fur Coughs, Colds Ja> lie’s Carmaiive Balsam for Dysentery *n^ Snuiiimr Coniploiiite. 'Jayno’i ItalrTntlloWir the pro.ortatiiin oCth. Hair. Jnyno's Tine. Vermifiig. ftir U-.irmx in Chill dreri. ^Jayne's Snnnluo Pill, for Uillioua Complaints; A lor.oanpply of llie-n popular reinmlia, in- received and Tol aide hi Philail. Iplii. price., by G. ft. uf.ndkick.sun ,lpr ** Oihhon>« Bnilriing., 1 1^RhSH 'J APlOUA —I hblbo.t quality, iul^ received, and for sale by \»- juns 24 O R. HENDRICKSON. Oihhnn*' Bitfldiugs. P yi’ASrkfi.—3 cu*k* fir**t i-nrt New Yorft inspection; landing from' brig Artnn. for said “tr. e G. R. HENDRICKSON, jnno 10 MORISOIMS I*IIjl7s.—The 17X Iiniverssi Medicine nfihe Uriti.h CohVgu ol Health. 5»r sale by juno22 t Coliegu ol G. R. HENDRICKSON. J'*' I A GE « —10 kegs fresh ground Ginger; just received and lor sale, by IS G. ft. HENDRICKSON. SEEDS, which have b*un raised with by a Seedsman of high reputation, and” are war ranted atfffind «« any to he found in lira country. 1 great rare id I Oil , tl't •****•■ . | ihiii -itmtion, an • after r«h«l w Tlio i tiam Comity, ) CottnAx, due’ll. ) N °(Ii-onoM. 4j ’ I I do hereby certify ttint n»y uiMi.ty. y ,11,1,t,tar A;iti KI'/.-i ».; «■ lurkednSnilUtircc"."'" 11 1 AMVAttD Ola- ft THK dpixn. hy wlucli -ho wan entirely di,.third, mid fiat the line ol Hie le«er « ui.. Until v out under Ilia care III Ttu* RimI W.a'o of Jujix C 1 WllEitK\S. an inquest **•' f.srtie •! has been returned into the ntli.'e of the Clerk of .lie .Su perior Court of Chatham County, in the above ewe, wheruhy itnpnnar* J dm Cnrrnn, n citi- K49K , , ,„ r . *«|| of ills IJ.iited Hiatus, died iumsl .le, so zed at ( | IHI |blud. and Inst the ti*e ofllio lower extramine*. «b« lieim of hi* death of a lot nf land, siiintcd nt ^|, 0 wnR immndiately put un*l«r the care ol lit Thanlerliolt, mthe Cuanly afore'Tiid. coiiiainin^ i | a i|, who ttleiulcd her fnrsotnelnnc,butwitn- nue hamlred feel in front and three hitmlrod f<?et j n „. benefit. We then applied tn Dr. 1 arker, n •k j.-.u .-% ... —i pn--'- I- ,,n had troatsunercasi- i nothing for ,of Cullo (living di*:»l without (caving any person tu claim I Ihmvillo. who atteinhid tin her eicht months with- Iho .ain.i ° "K.iaa-inanellt.rnr.l,otva.!i.ftl,»ld8 naronneo of the F.rchssi-|*w this ad.. u ihrnhlecondttioi ... ..r .Un ! oll „ rum r,„ H ,i. without mo, • She ia rispth.niora ortuss; bounded bv land* of Herb, | i»„ 0 . Doctor, who after nn had treated t Williimsoa and Ca*«nn,—the * ti J John Curran j sometime, concluded ihut lie could do not not hiving iiikIh any di?|io-tition of said lot,and i her. Wuibct applied to Dr. jhomas.o v.ia naronnee of the F.schsal-law. this ad.., u t 0 rnhle condition, perfectly hc.plea*. " ll8re '® 1 veriin-mi-nt ii tu j, iyn utitma to the lioir* of tho ! *|, B wa* laid there "tie r**jnain«d, without tun po» »iid John Curran, nr oth.jra who tiny claim under | of motion bv llm t>niute*lcff'»rl ol the will. on» him, if Qoy»ij(;h tbora ho, to appear and make ..., H uiucii reduced tint she looked ns tl ttur clumto th*M.ud lot of laud, within eiuhieeo mouth" W n* „ 0 t five pound* of 0*»"h nn the whola body, froat lha data Imreof, or the Mime will be pro- fi0 s hu could be rompared jo 'n^'hllig^ mt n no.niMd tu Ii-? Effdt s'td. agreeably to the law iu j |i v ; nc H kr.bmn. if such could he Imagined, vvniio inch case ... ,do uni provided. I ' sl ,» c l w m induced to apply to Dr. M. S. Il- W. FOULER, Clerk 3. C. C. C. I Thomson «f Macnii, wlinl am proud lo any, hy lha -^D ' Gnio— blessittitanf Provtdonco 1HIH3 LtC'K WATliiL-l U ter ut the wiiti-r from lhi< well known spring di ton wrUeAttildi-lied lu uci'd cmiimfltid.ilioii- We nmu— hle*w UL’Snl , . YhnSffi of Rlliedica. Inn l.«IN» ,mj,,|,u,i„g lie,,lib ami Ik. ■—,* '*«' ™'‘X, , vppen'l t-»r th« carious nud aciuirilicau nrmly»i»i St* made by nn able chemist. , I ’•"hilturelod bydrogi-n,2t Hrbrmio nmd. ft mu- rmt“ of sods, 4 tini'inii! i*r m isur-sia. 5 I’nuri •>« of •"ns. fi -tilphnie id linm.7 nulphata o| *n la. 8 *nl- phats magno-ia. 3 rarbonate «f lime, and proba bly a traco nt carhnnnte of iu i»ru--*ii In i'sHfiion upon tho system it U purgntivo, .diuretic, diAphon-lir. and nlicr xivo. poHranscd nf greater variety nf«ub4Niic*s and in more abort- ' •'r'*?. 0 ’ 11 *. n * ,e R "" < ‘ , !«roii«s Rtaiidmj nl the head rarnll Mnliue s'llpliiiroo* wntvrs. lu cnaipari-uui •t •* identic il with thn llarrowg-ita springs of Eng- •lain], containing every nctivo iuirediout foiuid in , w ** It iho pbiutcr* of this nuighhorliund "! ,re ,n i" 'be habit of iwuiff tho Blue ,J.ick \\ ator. tl|.-y wnitlJ not do vvidi*ilil it fur any coanilsratton. It i« put up in well Miakod htirrel* •nd wdl ksi-p for any length nf time in miv climate. Inn watrris fmm Finley'* Upper Hlito Lick “I'riiig, Komucky. ffiM per barrel reduced to 5 dollars For»do bv the harre|, gallon nr on d*-aught by . J M. TURNER vt Bill). ; Moiniinant Scpiara (iQUIl'VIN 'a'j'UUACTO.—tlOhiil’eiiCeiiin j , "ill's Patent prc«*ed r.fiewiiitf Tobacco, for G.ll. HENDRICKSON. ttisy 11 W IS ODlQNlJ'c G iT^-TTi strcce iV- tl * \ t,, V"Ppty "f lloclio*’ Embrocation fur nc above dueosa. Tlmio who rettuastud mo to °- C - r ,„ W idit.iwj cull firel. For <*hIm bv an^lOi IB— w. HUMPHREYS. JR. to excellent bodily sho i* einitileil to eniny. life, anil vi,it all,nit in Ilia ."I tent. ifc*'.»*ti«£ESLl?!!; whnt *nrpri*es every body is. that «h« has boon ra- .’ti’i'ra-F without Itotliia Uaoil ane.x by the Domur, anil utllia il‘-in"lal 0 * t?° 1N SII11* ^. "p A« E. Tbfah'Ke' cn-iK. cnn.nlering their oharteter aii'l iinnnttanoe, will pot beynuil ili,|iiil. Ilf font "( iIih fih.uii.ity iff curio, without pr.vinita ex- niniiintinii iff Hi" t-nti inl i wliiok. Ingylher with lk« t'arilitv nrumr.ilfina nteil erne, aliteo the rinlnclion iff Po-tace. by mill, pill* t within III. tmwor nr , no mailer wlmreth". re-1,le, to pro. relief from their variou. malaJiea, nln.ery ' r 'pfr«m. P hp5"x il '* f " r their .yniptmna at, I a?o w-.l ng a. correelly aa nhaaihle. wlton in' lidnea anilwj tn thelr.arimi. eii.e, will he clflnponnded ami aent. I,otlnr».lo .'-utilIr* them lo nllenllon, mnal be po«l. pniil. end annlvlng from a ilfatnnca hml betr.-r eu e the nsiial innnthly f-" «f Five GoII.™ iat |,„ ohm., being «" aJinit orb.,, ZhitWJit eiSld«t„g. The pour of any oaitnly hi Georgia may have me-lioinea a.nt .ratnlton.ty oWraeintatinn iff a e.rliliealo nl innhililv tn pay, i„ n ’ n | j.y nnvJit'tga of the Court, Ju-tieh nfihe Peace or Miniatcr nf the Gn.pel rff tho cnunly it, which ho reaiila.. The afflint-d n( Ilia Ra». Olor- ^•VSlWfflSa^aJT-o. Macnn. Bopteinbar I, 18th. -apt 21 nidi-* of greatser v *«c in ularitytug Cidor, th'l Wine- Tn n ilie Tab!,. Jitlirs.—Use at least two otinea* •»t Cooper's tiffined Amer ctn ;<mghiss. which dumkfbe ii *t soaked tn cuid water for two hours; dr i u off that w tr r then nkc two quarts of cold water, one and a h If pounds of augur, pul in it tho whim of throe egg*, 'ho juice of three good - ized lemon*, tho peal of on •, u stick ol cinnamon, a little nutmeg, ornngo peal, or other spice to suit the ta*te; stir nil the ingredient* wall ogotlmr while cold, then boil the whole mussfoitror tivo minutea, and then pour it through a Jelly Bag. when it inay he put into glusa.'sof moulds, and when cold, will «* fit for use. The mould* ahould be first wet with Millie white of egg nnd wute»\ just baforo tho jel- v is put in thorn, in order to make it easy to turn hem out on plate*. The Jolly Bug is unde ofllauttcl 3 or 10 inches cm** tho opening, and about half a yard deop, narrowing to a point at tiie^Jiottom. I he hfjintl (hut run* through first, should - bo ponred buck ra dio jelly bag until it runs through olbar. And otto pint of wine to tho above forWtna jelly, oilier liquid* m id** from jirtvierves. may b« e Hi ml by using tho same proportion os tho Utng- ™ lllanc Mtrtgc may ho undo by using at least tono mince o Isinglasi fortwu quarts nf milk, nr cream ha pool Of two loinons, sugar and spice to suit the n ,tB—bring tho whole m u boiling heat, Htraipit, and when nearly cool, stir it well to mix tho cream lint will rise while cording, pour it nr mould*, and when perfectly cold, it may be turned ont and will then be rondy for use. The mould*xhqulil be first wel with cold water, which will prevent it rum "ticking to them. . . ASPAUAUUS—Oisot, ■ml Rmiti. HK4N8—(Ri ln«v, Dwsrf, •ta-li or Siup,—Ejrly Jlo. Iinwk. R'trly yelloit, 0 w<u?k», E'uly Cliiiin Diviuf or lirra Kklnoh, U*ir,i«cf ur liHMUu I, Hull'.Moon (|to|e or ru nina.) I l.nrgo Mlihu l.iiu*. W ti ii i- Dutch iiuni-r*, Hcarlpt run- ucra. Iti-il Druahiirry. lllht; f—K.irly lilnoil Tar- iiili.LoDi; hluoil,MhU- Fratidi Sufur. HltO*'OI.l —Etirfy whho t.irr« i*n«-|iln rape. M U U T A R D—Brown or Black. White KniMlih, MARJOKAM—Swaat. O N IO N—Yellow Dutch, L*r<e red, Silver akin, Onion sella OKRA. PARM.F.r-r»r!od. PARSMt 1 — Largo Dolch, (lurn.'.v. PEPPER-Boll. Cnyene. 1*U.MPKI,V — Uuuncctiout, M >i nl mini h, PE VS—Ei'IrWmtilntflnn. 2} ibct,o-.irly Warwick,-.'ft ut i**nrl.V ilouhlr |.|„nsi,n, Irunio.a A HALT,-.for esle hv ■it. ""*’ 3 H J G GILBERT. MlOO lbs Gaorfftn Unius, Tiistru- Keivml, w untiled «nnd. nnd for snln low, ALBERT UAHD. ( '" r *»*l U ^*m" amf Lent. x 1 •>! ALBERT.HARD. TTILmJR. BUTTER AND SEGARS-50 bbls fisaaapqaafflx ,V„m Mailholl jOHwJtON. nov 2 X*TviNER A. CD’S CANADIAN VEIIMI- J • FUGR—'The boat remedy fiver yet diaefiv crad for all kind, nf Wiirmt It nut only de- airnya Worm, nnd invigorate, th. whu'.e .yateir. I,ut it diftol.exfind oarrte, nil the ,It|ier»htliiiKnl .lima nr ntunu., no preiTalant In tho nntn'ieli and Imivela of children, mure e.iiimially nf tlin-o II) had liaallh. Tlio mltcue forma the had or naal in which Warm. |)radnce tli-ir yniing. and by remn. vine it, it ia iiiipm.lhlii for Wnrma In remain in the. timly. It ia harmleaain its eff„nta on the ay.tem, nnd the henlfli ol the p.Tinntla alivnya improeed hy It. use, when nn Wnrmaare diwneerndl the modi- cine liciun uidatahln. no child -ill refnia ta tako II. not nvon tlio moat delimio.^JiKl r«cH«.d, and for aal. by THOB. RYFRSON nmyjy H ,iviN« '1'AKGiS STOBE ' 108 Owotu’ nnw building*, sunth side Market "ounrn. I iim now offuring nTarffeTa-hlnnnhlo and SoW now Stock of Ready Made Clothing.Hat*. Boom. Shoes, Trunks, Carpet Bags, etc. These Bonds can bn sold at much lower prices than cue- tomurv.n* I have adopted the eakh system. - ll b y .ing n new tfn«in,ak. I■ will "t"to That I nrefiaredto furnUhevory thlitljt tMiiullyi kept ‘ Ctoth\pg or Bool and 8hm»-3h»t»i iWlrtbi vt, ^' l ' 'sV'ranTON A- JuHNBYon. am Thn ntonf.'." fch « tidlon. gentleman enn he fltto.1 onl.flwkj.tond to font. «t me Clothing IWnm., nn atnlr. I am pro «ldkd With a lane .apply nf Negro Brogeni, .at- i.t.l. for town, river or pl.ntntion iko. To ell that would .pnrchiiee nr examine nny nf my good., I ti >m«l elllimte r ,jd,nvreWIv.r.«e.i W „ UAM B . MAU , A CASE OF ASTHMA. The following is from a distinjtuiHltqd Lawyer of the city of N«w York, who had been alllictnd with die Asthma for upward* of " TWENTY YEARS;” and who "fter reading such mses can douht the oiiicncv of this manicino? Nkw York. January 25,1843.—I have been af flicted with spasmndio asthma lor twenty four years—sometimes sosoveroly a* to he confined to "my room for weeks; and althouah attended by va rious madtcal advisers, of the hignest reputation nnd skill in the country, the relief was but partial n:.d lumpnrnry—twico the disease proved neatly fa tal to my hie. Some few weeks ago, I commenced tnking WiMlar’*Balsam of Wild Cherry, which gave tin? instant relief, and a single bottle produced in a few days what I brvliava to be n radiral and per fect cure. A- Wilmams, Attorney at L-iw. No. 58 Wil iam street, New York. 1 Wear* ocqaniuted with the writer of theobovo cortiflcate, nrtd his stalemnnts are entitled to the full confidonce of the public. F. A. Tai.madok, llueorder or th» City of N*?w York. John Rowan. D. D. VicaT-ttmiUfM-oT Now York. P 9. The above ouriificnt" may be seen at No. 125 Fulton street, New York. 1*hefo’lowingis frnrfi Mf.Juhn Brown, nn ox* # tensivo bnlldtfrm the city of New York, nnd an- other lYnm Mr, Woodruff, of Elizibethtown.^— The originalcar'lftcaies .ofthese and many Other* may be soennt No. 12j Fulton *tr«*et,.New York. Nzw York, March l<Vlt!43.—I wn*last fall at tacked with* pain and severe "orenei* of the cheat, which continued for a number ofi week". I had prev'totwly. for several ye*f* heon atihjwl ton por- manenttroaknees of the idveat.caikied bjr .n strain. This lost nttack gnye mo much apprehension, a* I futindit wn*the cbimnenwmenl.ofn f.4tl disease. About tbAmiddle of December liiegan to takn Dr. Wistar’s Balsam of Wild Chorrv. evingla bot tle or which soon removed ,all soreiwaa : Crpm the chest, added strcogth -ikM. vijipr .W the Idng*— andt now reffaramysHfas perfectly *onnd and wo n, JoiiN BRovtrjr Of Ann-street. . LIVER' COMPLAINTS. * Kitnwi.EsviLLe.Juue20.1813—This willnertl* fy that I hnv o hoctinfilictud with a Ll^ercotiiplnlnt, •enaral dclfijiiy. and pain In niyjddo, fur several years, and fjfVighteonmonthimnd been utnbleto do aiiVwork. In DccemboHnst, I commenced ta- kingrOr.* WistarV ,B;tl*ain of Wild Cherry, nnd found immediate, benettn ft^ki -ii. ,1 soon began to gain strength, tlfe nnltt in my *ido wa« reltevod.iimf I had el*o it rnmth, whioh was entirely cured iu a fawweeltaby thia medicine. A:*A D. IIorKIKS. The above ceflilicale is ftrictly correct . ICVOWLKS fo ClICKStMAN. Just received and for an1ebv _ M aeptSM '. • T* 1 RVF.RSON A CO. ('AtiltA(iK — » srly Yo'U.'fiH. riirly Clta.lion,Di.lilen I.'IFK" YorM. tjrefji «l<iti« J*h- Iloi-J-Iir. :jj fort, Dnnrf llitr- >y, R-m ty .Siii-sr I .oof, K;»rlv Di uiuhnu-I I .Min Driuulu-nil. I.argii lilo IS linrfHJ, I.nla 11*1 OutHi, Enrly flutUutchi Oman (ilu/.i-il. CAUMPLOWER-^-F.orly _an<l Inti*. cri.ERY--WliitB nolltl. CltESd—Curlxd or Pop- p«ryr«»ii Brosd Ifnf. CUCU.1I BE It—-Eirly Frum i Eirly clutter. Early short ursfii, Early longsrerii C A It ItO'T—Early horn, I.nnr Orunv*. CORN—St*f*r nr Buffer, Eurlv Ceiuuln, Tiu>c«ror*. KOO PLANT—Purjtlo. K A L E — Oieca curt«u) Scotch. Purple. LEAK — Lerffe Scotch, Louilnn. ffiincc wlicnl Cultivator PluUKh. Or Itnr'M Hoe Cuimnon Harrmva Foldius do Corn sail Cobb Cruthere, a hmid mill Do. do. fur horse power Kan MillMwo *i**e Patent'lliurus Plaufntlnh Whi-nlharrowi nrni:moiiStmw Ciller* pjirbi do. do. ^winyletreeo Drain CrsJlci.nevr pattern III* Etiffli-b Purn'- Hcythoa Amorira i Dr e* no. (Iron Platt do. ftcytho Bsiailhe Brier end It i‘lt do- Do. fi*iokk Corn Cotien, Puvt Sj»* Ox Yohnaand Ox Bow SCYTHES. HOOKS, Ac. FihiU.Ax- Hrlveg lllrt Hurnpurr.t'or puli, rnadt P. iinuiff Blieura D jrile liner, do. Kike* IMieliiny Knivoi Trai^pleutiux Trowe'* and Fork it Oardon Reel*, !)o. Ltriee W HAPPING TWlSE-lUhiHii -Iirleu aixe. and qrinlilie., Ihraale, hy j'tnc Iff G. ft. HENDRICKSON. FwiikTE wniE nsi: X GAR—2 bbuju*t received and Inr *nlo hy . .. G. R. UENDHIC7KBON. J II0B •Q Gibbon*' Buildings, B LD bug PtJlSON*:—Dr- 'l^ic^wTft^ inlnlliiblu Bed Bug Poi-on, vVnrranled to ex terminate those ijoxiou-* verfoin. for *e'«* hy jnne6 G. ft HENDRICKSON. T ltilKUV RED DRAFKfty.—jual recei.ed; nud for sulu hy j j«» 13 SNIDER. LATHROP & NEVITT W ill TE GINGER—A frc*h i-oppiy of white Jamaica Giugnr. ju*t rerPir--d and loi rale by G. R. HENDRICKSON. June 5 Gibbons' Building. C IIIJKCII’S VEGETABLE L^. I ION,—An effiiCtnul euro for rruplionsof Vi.® . CB Hni1 T nr, '0'B"riy for Punplea. Blntches.Teilor*, Tan, Siiuhurn* Frrekle*. dec. A degree of plenMiie nccompauies thu u*e of this elegant preparation, in iia refreshing efleet upqn the skin, Catnueous irritability and discolo rations ure also removed, and n | uro state ofllio complexion established by the us- of tlii* lotion. For sale by G. R. Hi NDUIfc’K.«ON. tuny 25 Gitihon's Buildings, P Af*lill»—200 re. in- Letter' «ml FooLrap Pnpcr, twrtirie(«.quiliiii s Ju*» fecelv-d and lor s-«le by G. R. MENDKlL-KSUiN. may II .. D h.a.^ikmAm.s ipitiE 1UARY — A certain t nre Tor tfio Piles J either initrnul or external. Mending or blind ; for •**!♦* *»y G. R. HENDRICKSON, j""'* 22 GiMmti"* Buililiiigf. wf<(. UJ funt, ili-1||,|*‘ II olific. I fonr, ntulclilem .Miirrnwfii or Tull, 0 fi-p|. ItADHII—VVhimFftll.hur. ly Lniijr Scar nt. Lone Sul- "ton- Siiarlnt Turnip Ynllot* Turnip, (line SMtiunnr nnd Auluiun variety,) black Full or Kpnninh. RHUBARB ROOTS. S4LMJPY. BADE. 8 P I N A O E.—Prickly or Fall, Round Leaf or bum- r r. SQUASH—Early Summnr limb, Early Bummer crunk nrck. Winter eronli nrck, (.'ncoumit or Pnr|<-i\g Vulpa. rul»o. Vremnbln Marrow. T U R N I P—Early while Dutch,Flat nr Sprint?. Early LETTUCE — Drunilmad, reil lop. EilHy Dard.-n Bti Laryo Eii|tli»h Norfulk. Ilnn- uver or JIqmcI Tautiard, jPur. pin top RiilaliaiM. TOMATO—La rff o rad. THYME. him Cntiliiiffn, Curlml Hitn- >iu. Larre irmnnhiiml, Impfl- rinl.cahlinee. .ME!.ON — Oi-rnn Citron. Nulm-r. Cautolope. Larur Mu.k. FLOWER SF.F.DS. In pka’ff*. 17 kind* in eaeh.|IiMiku , t 1 -«. SO kind* In each, du US do I do IbO do FIELD AND FLOWER SEED8. &n. Bnckwhunt, Bromn Until, Blue Grass Canary Sced.HIemp Scud, Millet', Ut?d Clover, Rye and Out*.: . Flowor Seeds, Roots, Fruit nnd Ornamental Troos.furiiMmd tu order from one of the bemnnd most extensive Nursoys uud Flower Garden* in ihisronutry. An ii**nrlraent or Books on Agriculture. Gar dening, Rai-inff of Stock, Poultry, &c. to which will he added tho most popular works issued on the nbnvn subjects. Agents for tlto American Agriculturist, publish ed moth lily by A B. Allen. N. Y. for Which sub sb'ip i'Utsaie solicit' il. refill iENSLOW & WEBSTER. With a variety of Implement* nut mentioned. For rale by HAZARD, DENSLOW A- WEBSTER, jan 1 G H<7cHiciES.—TiH! Idl’d* N. O. Sugar 2tl Herne* Steam Refined Snu-tr, 25 packagea do and crasiu-d do 2(!i) barrels’ iN ft Muluasei, BIJ. hhd* C l drnas dn 63 hhtls Sides; 50 do Shnutdors, 50 Mid* Hams; 2*10 lihis Canal Fluttr. 100 hull’bid* Canal Flour, 200 bag* Rio Coffee; 50 hags Java Coffee, HlO package* Tnlntec’o.various brJudsifesizas. J(II) btils Seed Potatm** ; IHO kegs Lard. 50 bbls and half do Mackrel. No*. l,2& 3, 100 Gritid*lonoft, assorlvd, 200 boxer Snip, various brands. # , 25 bnxa* StnfI'|» ; f&J ldi|s Whiokey, 50 bbls New England Rum. 5 pip-8 O D iV Co’*Brandy, ptne 5 pipe* thdlaud Gin, 25 J mtskrt Malaga Wiun.sweot, 25 i do do do dry, 6 h Of pipes Madeira Wtno., rtiv own im porting : 50.M. opanuh Svgars, 20 «Jnari«f rhe-i* llysuii Ten, 26 hall*chests Biaek d>» 10 liaas Fapp»r; 10 hag* PimntOb, OH do/. PuMtod ituckeis; 2H0sHfku Salt, 50 lib;* Phelps* Gut. *V.« &c. In store, and for salo on favorable term*, nv frb 15 _ll A. CRANE. .itEAl’ISE on the HrnvtiCa of MeHiciuo,' by. Giorge B. vVuml. M. D. Pf.**fts*or of Materia 'Madioa and Piiirumny in the Uiuvofsiiy nf Penn*v I vanin : «tid iujo of ihe not her* uf the D'spensatory of Uiiited Stairs of-America. 1 Re. caivedby J M. COOPER. j"»y7 • HI*, l KKTH.— Muiipihift' iiiili hfuiha- X tie. Elixir and hi* ceh-hrnti d (tdntiiihe.just ra- reived and lor sale by G R HENDRICKSON, ,n "y ^ Gilibiui*'buildings. JJIBBARD’S PILl.S -Rev. B. l.y Xh MiIR m- . ri,., Pinnei. nml Pr.eefye'l Giu,er. f,.r twl. by 11. J. GII.DEH I , 'Veal mile Market eq. nITiTp; 6 hitJn lirltne new erpp St. Ofclx >fiilier.'iMliit Tro iibti« .nTr V SCR AN TON A JOHNSTON. APIRH WARtUlOrgE-No Ollw lint; Slip, Neiv York.—Cvnus W Fixr.n ..far* for *ale at the lowest Mnnufacturnra’ prices, • very oxteiisiva hsiortmenlof PAPER, comprisa lug ovary possible vnriaty, adapted tn tho whiiImoI consumers in nil sections of the country. Paper nf-ttll kind* mad* in ordor at short notice. Tho stock of Printing Paper i* unusually largo, n part ;of whjch’l* of vefy euperiorqiiiihly. Paper Mak era’ Slatirhls of evo'ry deseffplihn, imported and kopte-nnsranilvon hand, viz: Foiling*, Wire Cloth. Fourdrinii/r vV'hqh, Bleaching Powder, Blue Ul* tramarine, .Twjqe. .. • Ruga.—Canvass,,Bale Rope, Grass Rope A Bns- cinc, Ac., purchased <or which the highest price tu -nljw tlSerra d. -^Itr July 24 Iff ooo as. — Gaoraiii suit Viiginiu i Osnnhnrg*; Heavy Ririped dot FlWdm 3-4 7-8 nnd 4-4 Bro ShRtlngsi Band I0-4 do Sheet* ins; nieichad .aud |lro..Je>ins| Marlm r end Shirt* in > Stripes; Maslbnrn Plaids and Sty pea. Blue and Mixed Dehlns: Cotmn Gambrootj*and Nen- kHBUStlivsiore nn'Vfbr raM h y t ,’ m ~ " mer.17; w ■ HENRY H.8TOTEBmJnY^ T>UCK\VHEAT FLOUR—!n h»ir^nd ! qhsr BiPrhbl,.for tah ’-ih*WhVZH% Wajii Mu* MAt ko» *qnarv 1 rfr^ full So B AC^LA' t Ac.—10 Iiii'i* now IJacuu c*nuul: der*;5<l barrel* Bnllimiiru Whii*k«}; 5lf 1I0 Phelps' Gin ; 25 do New York Brandy ; 51) do Baltimnra Fluttr, in *toru a ml Tor *'al** hy . jnne9 CONNERVI’A: 04^^; P OI6U AND «lE«E.-3o blnv-^ios* Pork. 60 do Prim- do, 20 Mess BetflyVO «lo Prime do. For rale by .» jtilv if WOOD, CLAGUORN ft CQ. C OilBIt».—Curv.U Tuitujftf Shell, fluti'alu, , Iiniintihn and Urazillian Tuck Combs. Shel and Imitation long bark Combs. Side Comb* nr r variety of patiem*. Dressing Cmrhs; Shell. Buf- TtIo. Ivory nud EugiLh Horn aijd Fine 'l oo -"•lib* of all * zk* biui«]*iMl|lit-*> fui sale hy G IL HEM)HICKSON. — Hibbard'^ genuine vcgetnhlo noti-hilious pills, for sale G. II. HENDRICKSON, ro".V Gibbona' buihlui^s. B ULL’S SARsAPARILLaT—A. lirifnlFa* Cumpnund Extract nf Hnrsapnrilia, for tl*« cure ofScrufola, di>easos of tlie Skin. Dyspepsia.'' Rheumatism, Chronie.dis* a*ns of the hiims, Jaun dice, Neuralgia, to roontiiriici the de.-mu iive ef fuclB of IMferCury, and all diseaseii arising from nn impure state of the hlnml, equal tu any prepnra* lion of Sarsaparilla. For rale at 75 rents per hot- tie. by G. R. HENDRICKSON, ™°y 4 , . . Giidmn*' titiildiug. "K AMP VVICK-—Sbl.irnnd AsiralLamp Wick XJ of all size*; wick* fur Lurd Lamp* and Can dle wick, for sale by G R HENDRICKSON npr24 Gibbon's buildings. ~t ^ A HI1*Ml I Ik 15.—A fretdi supply nf vpry #u- pertor.juat received, nnd kept ynnstHuiiy 00 G. R. HENDRICKSON, ^Gltdmn'*' Building'*. pet hand by apr 14 D ALBV'rt OARMiNATn’r.:-! f ,eee ofiin; olu English.prfipHraiinu, \varrnnti*d genii, mo,Toe enlo by. G R. HENDRICKSON. .aiir24 £ r* M.I.S rAMILV NOAp.-r.0 b^f *i')H Kxtra.. St«aiii Pres*t?d Soap; tu^ hmletfafidfor talu by enr 16 G. R; HENDRICKSON. Gibbons UoildiHgt,' F OYVDER.PUFKSifc BOXES.-An eiiiift sive^aMorinKnt or Pnwdei Puff* nntbBoxes. Also. Puff* without the boxes, and tin Powder Boxes, for *a<e by G. R- HENDRICKSON. 2(10 ininrea Sulj-finie.. ^lil* L tfAUA GilOffSi—Homy In-h Ltiiem. Pillowc !**'* do. super 12-4 Linen Sheenne. 10 by 12 Daunsk Cloth Talde' DiajiVr'abd Dart n*k. llnrkahurk and Scmah Dikpe*a.French Tiiw al* md N-pkin*. super Huckabuek N"pkin*. wht and bro Linen Drills tin, plaid and atHned do do. French Luteo aOil. H«»kamJs. striped nn.d plaid Lilt cits'for coat*. Received end for. wileby ... ’J..a«tf 1 ’ HENRY H STpTE8BtJRY. ■ifk uiiyiNK.-a bjne; warraiitc sale by apr 22 viitruined pm*, just n triVed andfof G. R. IJENDKICKH/JN, TVoniiSiTcS. W Urn»n SWrtiii,., 3 J 4-4 ShectiugM, and Mailboro Stripe*, lor sale by . A. MINIS. • sale by ,mac;23^ * rtUAMIlAGN w.-lii tei*net.Ohnmtw,lie- - ,-a) l|btle,N 6 S(ljut, jijylui.'; ,nii ,?' '' CONNKRAT*a BXR1E. • ‘I* ft W.*—^i bUs prfrtk tiosthn Rtin ll e In’Vioro. nn-J for eele ldWIn clo^o^mtdgn mant- * 1?* i }.t LHAtDWJNACD • . , I**— P epper and spio^ei.(ii b.,,. ponner, dn Spice, jiiet reeeliri H, mill fur n.,1.. lay o- It. HENDRICKSON. ' G.bbi.n', Building. OIL—slOlnixe. Sweei Oil iii qulr bullion, Jual received ondTnr rule bv liter « G ft. HENDRICKdON. Y\/m'j'e-vyA8ii.nuujsHKS.-Ari_ ox.*ort. .Vy .nunto'‘ of fine quality' Rrurhe. for lain by G. ft. HENDRICKSGN. ■ ; in.r fi7 ; : _ , .. Gibbon*. HuibJm,. ftOPPKBAS.—110 e*,k. fine linen - Cunp. V G. R, {lENDIUCKSoV Otar m y G. R.H ■'fiiiffPl 1. fillibnn'. BiillilInfa.-' v \*7I8TAII*8 BAI.SAM.—3r.tex Wir. W.ixrN.Bataabi Wild Chnlry.'ortb, cure of 1 bi.ea.ea nfihe Lnn,., w,rr«iiled ibe ,.nnln. .rt tiele, nnd pul on tnipackMo, oftli'Simd Sdnxen. »n f l|.. jort.reoeivtd-obdforj—Ui attb. t-ar.81 Gibbon. BntWtn(H. t