The daily Georgian. (Savannah) 1835-1847, September 23, 1847, Image 1

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t&fcmsx&m VMWm* ■ ■ ’:.. ...n.t*ka«*'Six MON'Tll.3. 0 3 i.v uoi.bMt3_FOR'S] - k , TrMVccUIr Obor*lni>, '. .,,hli,tad(omooiuo»rMi|uuromoruior»ida Sffi JffltlSruw uJN utor.oi^, >iid . to iU nwu 01' the draw and Union, nr do* „ Uw .“ n die city, at FIVE. DOLLARS por »*» H'f?. .iTinuie dollars .or ,.x ®un otiin or 111 * _. • •he IVecblr «..»r«Un, . ' .•Ji.hrj" very Smurday 'llwiwm, »t Tunis Jjifflffir ttjsjjw* >“ «•»«*“• .. H — .Each Cit»tioubVHho Clocks of lh« Court* rVwnirr, Wat «|ipl«MUim H« boon mud* lor mniiirultoil. muaibo puul.oliaJ «> Tt inn itt |««>^ u ,on |„j A ,| m ini«triitori. for Debt- Clull loi> t’ r, Dudi It Agiio.'In I cp inilteiit.'&Iimnilttiiit Tevurs & ; all the various.tornis of: ilious.Uiseases -%■ Sl'U'II'IDli.Y'&THOHOublfliY V,„ pa I,v t xeeutori mu mu , )rl aud,) reader in tneir accounts, Until uVuy^lliLfauto'U'.r AdmtiiUtra.oru .f.-.tnaijlic auction, till .he first Tuesday of ,“aSi,»w«™">« “ , ““ l " uur " 0| ' “‘•t " ,e Xcadi |.5blk«l«.io «ao coum>- where lie Lot- £ IV liineiimy. of Adimnioiranon, or UuardUi- Ihm tuay litre oeeli *ranie.l, Brat giving mrr oars ilelice ihareof in one el the public guaetlos tfSa 3UW. and at llio door of the Conn House. f«ere Biichitlosaro to be held. Sc. for .o i,« lo sell Negroes, most lib nub. for four mod'll, befor. unv order absolute .half no "It#:“I!," - Silo. of Kesl ristate by Eseoutors. AdninJMffi am, and Guardians, mutt, bo AiMulMd Sl\l \ „ vVd before die day ot sale. These sale, roust ,o' made atthe Conti lion avltich tne property 1 Y CUR E D •(? food's ]i'iilia.-GW>V fe ; T r'F!lI19iiiVulilittiltf medicinu \vn* propnrmifriim JL mi extensive prncticc of.several year* in n hitioiH Cliiriilo, nnd U never known to Hiil -r»r curing Paver end Aguu. or any of the diseases a* nova named. % Those wlio nre suffering from nflurtions of ilii* kind, ex also those who have become invalids from their rtf-ct* tiport the coiuiitiiiioii. will find the India Chultiihgue n innet invaluable remedy fur iMi'itying thehlnml.oud thoroughly detuning from the system the morbid effects of « bilimia climate. Tlie wonderful operation nfilie' Chojagngim m eradicating biln from the hnuiaii syaVeiu, enn only explain it* ex ranrdiunry agency in thospeedy, tlio- ruiifdi »ad permanent cure uffever hii-I ague, and the Vaiiotiii grade* of iiiteriqiHeaU aa.J remittent fever*. —. - . , . . It i* equally effectual for the cure of L'ver Com. iit House door of tltc comity in | _j jjJ„ n dic*\ Eulnrgemeiit df the Liver * is nit into, and on tho first luce- I5„|. ir «emeni of “ Knl.irgemeiti of the rfpleeii. culled Ague Cake, Allien UIU nuputt.i ' . • L iav oftho tnouth, between the hours ot ten in rno M||l , ,| l0 varioo* form* of htllnun Indigestion.— aiornimtaudfourtuthe aliortmon. Nosalo from 'pheso. with the other varied aff ctiun* nfsuclt HUNGARIAN BALSAM ■ or ura - GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY tor Infers I)is:ni?forv must ho published Sl.’i JfO.N'THS. , Appli ’ationfor forcrlosuro of Mortgake* on rent •state, must hoadvortisod ottco a month .for FOUll MONTHd. ^ ' Orders of the Court of Ordmnrv, (ftCoonipamod witli a C IJUKS BiS-’yEO'IPEO!—WITHUtl l 8KRING TIIR FATIRNTII 11V M. S. THOMAON. M. D., .MACON, GEO. Tho subscritmr after an experiitlce often years .. in the use of Hutanmc Ur.UEDies, has *5 far per- , : fueled hi* sy-teut of trentmant aa to be able, m n ‘ i groat ntii -rlty Of chrOnio disease*, to etfect a per- inaiientniro without overaEKtso tiik patient, restoring their to health without subjecting them unceatid cxpon*o of long and trdi< the cold charities uf atrangers oftlio bond of iigreeniettt) to make ti- j J.J I,.,.,. ■■ ; grest tit ijuiliy 3h.r:r.s»le. uuJeresectilintt. rofftllarlv grnitt „„„„„ „! by fm courts, udvortitwii rillRTl I „ v „„|eneo,irol eipon.o ur ill. ii.VlS—lllliler Jiinrfjujo oseontion, .Sl.vrv j XtaltV- e„ld olmtllie. „r ,t,,s _ For Colds, Coagbs, Asthma, bnd other Diseases of the CHEST and LUNGS. B UCh.t.t o .Uuuoiiht urtL,oAIM, the great English Kumody lor and Pul- inonury diseusea, still stands unrivalled and ui.sur* pnxiii’d rig the must elegant, agreeable and rfl'cclual curative of these furmidahie coinpluints now known tutliccivdized world. t.v today is valid, nnlcJJ*o expressed tuthoadvor- | r i|„,„t,.a. arising from n common miasmil mme, Three year* of Irinlintbe United Stato*. ddrmg i/co Mit . , , , I aro only medtlicatintt* of the -mne di*n«vu, and e • which time it ha* been distributed from A!nine to Vnuhcitinnsby Aamlnwrator* and q ,»„|| y cmtrollcd l*V thaeamo remedy. Florida, ha* only served to e.-tatilish it* pre^amt- iJ.i iHiansto tlio’Coitrt ofOrditiarv Tov Ibavo to , ^ T ,' e opernl i 0 „ 0 ‘f the Clmlagogne, as lift norite notit nerit iu all port* of tlie country, ns the great «oIIhind, m'l't !»o published FOUit MONTHS. ! j llip ,»rt*, ia upon tho livor—piouiuling tho di* and Sales ofprnmnal uroperty (except neeroesi ol ' clinrue «»rt*ile‘. The thousands who have u*ed it te<tnhJ iu«l intestate estates •»)' mu d no further evidence oHla value than its bap. ni'iti*tottof J i must be advertised FORI V DAYS, py restorativo etrecis. For *alo by - .\pn!icaliotisby i.xeeutors nud Admmi«irator*, ‘* JT. M TURNER. • v . I,n n.ihtishr/t .*tfti j| Mottume I Square. ONLY RELIABLE REMEDY in tho worst cnaeH of Puluiohnrydi*eH*^?; and the host and mo*' ngruu.iblu curative of all tint alight form* of cold*. cou f -lt and inti .munition, that can possibly be n*ed. SETTING OF BLOOD Thin frightful symptom of approaching Con sumption, spunddychecked und prevented bv the use uf Bmduin's IItinsuriuti B dsun, which heals the nfTected mumbrann. removes tho incipient tu- borda*. aud rustorca iliose vital urguns, tho lung,-, lu o sound aud healthy condition. REAIEMBER THIS. Spitlinx of blood always iiri*o* from a tendency to tuberculous disposes, nnd if not cln-chcd at the outset, willaonnur or Inter terminate in di nth. A ii \i*3—Sol.:, ofj.oti,(iaBto’pHtpetly ituil.r ortlrr ! 0 ' 1 * J!" 1 '"")"; T, , ,' , |1 'i!, , IL l 'M|l« ro.Vnli'ne«r I P" , ' l,n wl1 ' 1 '"i' 113 ■’■Kt,'. "ill rai<o liloml o„l.,orco,,o,TEN jt.roef.M did in hint limrolmo'.jn lrot 1 »p£jl"«'»“ 3 P 1 -"!” 1 'r,„.livei,imro«dirocl,- oro- D '}\W n! . U "ft )M : r ?? Ie .-f n.r, ,i... n I fnot. .r ' indl.iml.blo, nnd tvlintlo Him nppmrrd . Att Ll’ltnr. ditoctud to thinOUlcuor tho fill- j cliiinernuf ill., i,ha|,plly no tv lor, tiin,' be port paid to entitle 111.111 to nttontinn, ' Tnt -" " T HE NATIVE rEltHlFUiSE Fur the Cure uf Bilious, Remittent mid Iu* tsriiiitlerit, or Ag'to nud Pcvcr.uml other dise.ts- e*inciiii'tilid to,a debilitated slate uf the system, vu:h a* ni^til a wen's. &c. Ac. The native Febrifuge i* off-red. Tho pr.iprio* l-.r h aware that tit*' common objections *'» ml i,rw |ifc,'Bralion« will tic urged ngiiiivt tin*. (<• chvioto nil such objections, be h„w simply tn slate IlMtiti* prnjMiad aceorditig tu the Tempi of an rmuteni jilivsteiui, who used it uitli perfect »uo cin through a h't'g prnctice, in p>-rli ps the mtHt rickly rngitinof uur country, vi/.; die (Mississippi V ill y, Again from the ex ili^d esMinutiou in Which Ciimniu' is lurid, uni only by tlie people. Inn bt tiiu in ti* t »killful physicians, u will appear iiipcrnrogntory n oHVr any iimvv articln. Rut the Naiivo Febrifuge pu»so*sn* all tlie powurnud cer* liinty uf d'liiiins in cuutroliug Fever without Mfucti'ig tho head, and m iy hu safely used liter*)- I'.ir, where Quinine is iu.ulmi-sibln. It w nut thu ptirpuse uf tlte proprietor however sanction* ml by custom on such ucci-iuim. to attempt a die* phy of medical kiinwlolge by tidupiiug aomn one of the cotilradiC'Ury theuric* atlbat, with regard lo the character and causes of Fever. Believing with the learned Ornfory that thoUih there ha* he* n -o much written cnucern* hie Fever there is no otto srihjart m the wnule circle of me<JiCal science which still imJolvoe an many disputed pui'n,s. Lutring all iheutiu* pa**, wo stniid Uy HwU. The first of which is t'.nl tlie Nitivo Fehrifugu will euro fever, from whut'-vur cm-ti it unvli tvo origin tied, and if tiny duntil io ihn fact wo ii.Vite the eflliciod to the Mill cuilliduuce us 'o the i-suu What it h is - i a manor of every day oecurrauoo ! The under isued hnstltu* tar ptoferrod puhli-h 1 lug TIIU statements' OF otukh* relative to the benefit* doiived from hi* practice, tlmilumr that thateo'iiso cutuporto'l uiucli trettur with iron dig nity of leeliuu than pure personalpnffi.ig in the pa- per* or tho atili io-« reputable course tu which sumo liiglMuindod (7) phy*t«hn* resort, of egntisitcally sounding ihuirown irumpctstiy thebedsidu of iheir patient* i ant 1 now ace no good reusottio chafure mv ( titirso. but shall outihnuo to.givflsnch cr.rtifr cutes, a* will iliaurtn doul t, nltd which, though some person* d.-outthem "cn*v got up " are y»*t *nob«s bn will give any man FIVE HUNDRED DOL LARS to procure tlmir equal in (iHurgin-Mjqu j Ijr wuli authenticuted, uittlur a forfetiuro of u like amount. , . . Thofacuipremutodbyblmaro such ns hen pre pared ti) demonstrate ut unvtimo to ih«*alisfnoiioii of tlwi nfllntod nr their friends, who may w slt In test if. Tho following will speok for iliemoclve-j • GKonotA, l Tlti-may certify ihut imho Jones County. J fill of IB44, my *on William, iihoui lOyH-irs ol'itge. was taken with nervuu*r»- verand was utten ud Ity Dr. Gibson Tor a long time; mid notwithstanding all he could do lid Mill continued to got worm, so th it when tlm feverleti him hit Itntlonili|ilnt,-y l.wtthe n«. i.rni. I,tm,t. liemitie*. tin could ,ml walk n stop nor hear In* weight upon lit* last; hi* logs bocm** cramped und drawn, and he suffe/ed almost intolerable an guish from pains t l'« continued in this tcrrlMo Ktato fur over three mouths, reduced alums! to nothing but kin ami boon. At last when all hnrin of hi* improvement bail vanished, l Imard of the surra** of Dr. Thomson of troatingdts-, aud concluded to uy him. I ncrordinglv inn. it will Jo. Tho Ibllrov.ns d.„liftnno „r ! itrofin ttppUn «"* 1 Zt ,J hk o.mliC Hell known will .hnvv wli.tll Ini rf.ilt... | "Atvlilm. ho .non ,n.lnru;l '»»" »» * 11 "V 1 a.vAKVAll, It'll. M . 1SI7. nttd-ir'-tutlh. 11 «b "an . ro ron.ii Mr J*». A. La Ifucho having nuptesien mu to I business as if nothing • $ PARFIELU •tne my k«uwl*-lo;e of tho Native Fuhrtliige, | j with him J Ilka pleasure in slating tint it was used heneficn j J° j n , n '' i , '<in,L ,ti ‘*i»lly m tlie re vers ol ttiu Valley of lbs tVli*,<i<sp, pi *n I Arkan-a«, in .til c>*s*s to which (iutuinu is n ‘"ally exhibiied. and was admistuhlo in congesti* an-ol iiib l, .vliiiii Ciuiuiua w .s ’supposed to be cuaiiauidicutod. J.J. .Ml I’OHELL. M. 1). Prepared and sold, oy JAMES A. LaROCHE, No. 2 iMiuiuinent square «corgia«Ch tihaiiti (hHiniy Tua Ivtchealor of ChnilooM County, This tuiy certify that mv J dangtitor .Mnry.uboui lOyoars angel*. , hail beeiMii'acUei with rhoroslsnnd o In JbaRcalKstac ofjuii.f ConnAK.deo'd 'WlKRdXd. an iuq'i.r*t i.scl.o t hs< he-.u THliiriimi i ita tin* i,|R-o „f the Clerk of lie psriar Cnnrl of Chatham County, in tho nbovo Cue, wlreruby it ipiimri. that J din Cotran. a citi- eoi of the Unite I State*. Initiate, se zed at , Jae lima .if tii« death of a lot of hod, situated til i i“ilS’,»d riroi hT" 1 !' c "! ll "' n ;"'‘ ! KsnS wiVo^uenaeditn'r for r.*. h g r " d 1 1" 11 "Er*.nt and It.indroR fo,t ,, e „ t8 , W „ , hot , npptie. Root Doctor, who alter | IjBonoiA. ) Houston County, j of age, had bvell '»t»a or accompanying difKcultins. which rootmu-d lor h cotisidoratitf letigtu of time. «ud appeared to de fy all llio tnual rrtnedots ’hat could he brought to bear on i'. Bhe *ulV«ret!greailv with painful mis. on, till it lo deed l.<« she would gn into ti’*. Iu this -iin .linn, an ' aflor relief was d«“p iired of, I applied to D Imumon of iMacoti, wlm soon per* fectlv cured her, without over having seen her She i« now ns •mind in health a* ntiv lady in (L or- ‘i,. JUI1N PERMEN I’ER. Nov 23. 1315. GconoiA ? I do nornliy certify Hint my Upsotn County. Jd iughur Aon Eltz-a was m- . tueked aim'll thr*y* voar* ago with Palsv API) Dis- p.Aar. c/ tup. .3nMfc. # by which *ho was otinroly i disntded. and l **t tho n-e of the lower oxtrniuitius Sim was immediately put under tho earn of Dr forcontHtime, but with bud treated her cu* • in dapth .HO^ orh-s*; tmutnlod hv lands of Herb. 2,T2?* 'Ii« mM J"'"' ISi.lTnii.'cdiil' ilt.l lnicroiM do tiotlilit* lor Kim i" , t" , ro* '"V 'U-Pa'Olon III' ..idiot,nod I J, \v«th«n tippl'ts.) to Dr. Tltoim., of Cullo |yj“ro,." " ""l' 1"=™" "> doitvillil, who Ntlood.d on liar o.iellt moillll. will.- N .w r . r. , . .. . out ihn halt benefit, lor -lie was left tu n most do "J'lTtv E ? h o at i W Ul ‘; = plorahlocondition, perfectly hblpleos Wherever «i ijuh„ C, ,r! » „ h h . M ' M ° f J" : she was laid there sherem.iued, without the p«w l,i,„;if «„v uoi?', k" 1 '!' ,n, >* chifu; under 0 ,motion by Uh greatest rtf, rt nftha will, aim til . Si, n" “HW WA. lid mtlftll r.docrd Otnt Hot lookod fruin ,ha HmlinSr ‘S •?l"| in "' l ' h ‘ »« «*" Itl. wlo.l. I.ndy, inioncd lo ro p . fl . ,ll " "" n P " ll l>; l ,ro - .n'llial :«h* dnitld ho comp .rod in iiotlmin bum SSSL^iSSi <« «•.'««*.*. ««5»4 b« t r tt»e*. gwt. I In till. old. t WH, III lilfrod to apply lo Ur. ol. 8 I’iiD,ni,,p of Mncon. who I hoi proud loiay, hvtlio •'tell ca.o m ole .1.1 provided. «op 11 11 1 ’ IJ,U ' l;R ' Clerk 3. C. C. C. finiSTTSin!; — III,minuter Providouco ood In, .kill m tlw ii.o K .« r !' ,CK IVATCBt.-o-rii'- of ri.inodioB. hli ro.lorrd loir lo o.nollnhl bodily i. roo W 7. . ;'l ,l ‘.' , ' r . f,nm llli ' “" ll I lio.llll .nil llio lift of llor limlm l.y which .lie l, . 'l-rli'i'liru i„ hr.>d cninootiotHiio... IV» ro ,.ninv llfo. mol in tho not no.11,1 r,„ o,. ....r tooi'noHdnlioll. Wo | oo.ililrd to cnjnjr llfo, torioo, ,nd .cioioilic mi niMly.ii ' tlditiktit, wilhont Iho „o,l,t«noo of any ono. Ililft>',. i ‘ ' • ....... ..... i t. In made Ity ail able r.liMiiist I «|lh>!„i,oto,l hyd,„ 8 ,.„.V Mr , io ncid.'d util '* nto,l ; "o of in 6 „ Dm liom. o .oiphiirooii;,;;:: 7 •* 1'k.i. in.gk«.i». a cHih,,;,,;,; Tr innin nl'm r < lily J . 11,00 Iil'eorhonole iifiii,ij,ia,i, ' J“ r "I""' Ilf -f.lcm it i, aimotic, diaplinietir, nud alu wlnt eitrprise* *v«ry body is. that *lm has been re stored without li'ivilig been sKE.** by the Doctor, inid.iltlioiioroioal 0 * 1’“^",NSHlP^'rA'uE. pnrgmtvR, gr«aisr mrio’io „r i • - altaraiiko, pnssiiiised of *dinrn ii m \ and in mure hImiu- i f II silo,? "'"'"'"r"' 1 »' "l.ndioa ndllio licit I it I IS i I" non, hod P " • ,h ,h * springs if Rug- Ko wSl ”W”7i '1 !, "'h"»t f"'iii'l ro .* ' I'll",or. nl Iin. nHi 8 hlmil,,oid Iff 52,11 dill I,obit of 11,10* the Bill. rn„,i,l..!!" ""'V woiil'l not do Will,ool it for .ny •n" I* , ' ’ 1,11l, “ 11 'O'lkod !i„ r ,.l, •pi... , I’ !.'*V ,l »y nriinifliuHtiv climate. 25* !"f borrol rodocod lo 6 iltill.r, Hide by th. hnrrol. inlloo .or on d nniht hy J. .11. TURNER & ItKO. nlm.iimni.t Hipoiril ;io_|ni M SSpS' a.IsKJ ' * . . p**!-* i d nliswinlr TohiiCtni. for ‘TI ., c. Rr llENDRICKSON. n>. fflwpTO^Pt'fof ~r .-r-r.~-" W - UliMPnitBVfl. J| A VV* *nr,„li. by. ” ^'«13 11: J..GILBERT. lit- J..UIl*nni(T. February 0.184A. The nhnvo case*. c«insid«nng their clmracter nd importance, will pu> beyond dispute lit fact of tlm russlBIhiTV <>f curing wilhont previous ex- nmiiniion of the pstisul - , ’ winch, together with tlm Ihrillty nr procuring tnodiciuo. *iuco the reduction olTostngo, by mail, ptH* it within tho power of EVERY nuDY. nt) inattur where they riwMn, to pro* cum relief from their various maladies, ala very trifling expense. ^ .. . : I'nrsons applying Tor Modtclnes ortcht |t> *«nd tholr symptoms nnd ago in writing oa coffectly aa iiossihlo. when medicines *nil«d to tlmlr various c:iso« will ho compounded nnd sent. Loiter* In '"iititlo them'm intention, mnauba post-paid, and persona applying fro u p distnricu .had holler on close tho nXuttl mnnthly Wo nl FiFo Dpllnr* at once, lilscharn* boirig so smallnato admit of but slight risk in collecting. Thu poor of any county in Ganirgia irfay’ltava modicinn* sent grataitonaly on prcitnnthtton nl it wiitioate ol inability to pay. i|«rn«d hv nity Jmlqoof tho Court. Juslioo of the Ponce nr 'Mitfl*t«v of tho «o*pol uf iho county in which lie r-stdes Tho nftVmtod ol.llm Rev. Clor- £V will lie ixi dll ilhlss oxonitit frxtmohitrEo. ; : «i t»'RMOMW>N.lU, 0.. ««pl,9X- ■ 1 1 TilLOUBi.BUTTER AN,D SR,UARS—5(1 bbl. r Boltlntore Flintrj *» Hrkwii choicr. Op,' . SI . . ... . . iiQM|t| R.itl.ri bll UI10 iMoVitvifttuislM b;mid,, landing ■Vom MddnofilkH* OM'Hn. i,i*'«-ini' acRANTflN ife-|QIlN9tC)f<.| aopibbi, Y„rk VVI,„ kul. Whl fol,'6 mt todi Moiinbg,. n.yfl.fdr AraUf' ■ 3T0JL J(fU.N’3TpS HHIII, . iloy at PAIN IN THE SIDE. I This distres-iiig KymphUu of Consamptiou ari- fie* from inflammation of the lungs, oil tiiu mem brane called the pleura, or from lirouchial affection ol the air passages. In either case it is a very don- gerutis imiicuiiou of diseum It flruvittit* foil mid Itut- l)renthinp,»n(J wear* t way the natural strength of tlm nyotem. Tho cult so of this symptom should ho removed at oucej und nothing can pnoiihly ef fect that ot'jnct so speedily and liuppdy as the ureal English Itomedy. discovered by Dr. Buchan, which h Kiiurciy vogetable lit its tngrediotiu, nud porfcLily hurmlo** in nil it* qu tlitin*. LIVER CO tl PLAIN F. In case* of Contnuip'ioti, the l.iver is nlwny* mure or le a nlfected, and also ih» Spleen Pienru and *mall intestines On d ssectltig Umiftumpiivu pntients, Tutiercle* aro often found in all these or^ .«na, purlieu! tily upon tho Liver, which also he- come* fatty, oily nnd «vv«ll«d. Thh Hflect of the Hungarian Balsam in disease-of iho Liver espe cially if it ha of an ulcerous nature, i* direct mid powerful. .Simple disease of the Livor linattehd- •-d by Consumption t» spendilv cured hy its me. WINTER COUGH I TheImrsli, dry, hacking Winter Couslt which tfflicl* Old Pcoplo. mid invalids in a low state of health is happily alfectod liy tho Hungarian Unlsatn. It warm*. moiAttttla, and stlumlitefl tho whole liroHilling appaiuiu*; removes all irtorhid tificos, and other foul m iiloi; purities and aniuiutes the hlnnil; improve* the uooretive nower of tho Liver, Spleen, und uilim large ghmls. and tlm digosiim organ*: nuJ iuit>arts now life to tlm wait uud amactalitd system. BRONCHITIS! Bronchitis, Difliculty of Breathing. Ha rail Cough, n slimy expectoration, vvidt oil other symptom* caused by atloelioti of tho air»t;.«ioa lead ing from ttiflthniHi totiiH Ltiug%are diroollv und specifically cured by the use of tho admirable retn»dy Invented hy Dr Buchan. For h«I« In Savannah, hy J. M. TURNER BROTHER. july 2 Monument -quaro. LaDIE.3’ shoe kxcuange. L A D I K S’, Mi**e*, Cliildmu'* and Infant’* SHOES, of every style, *hnd«*and pattern, it the NEW GRANITE STORE, JG3 Congress sired, SuVanrtih, Geo., sign of tlie Gulden Hand. jmt" 17 UbUKAEA A MEEKER, Nos. 105 and 106 Bryan street, Have jnht •eceiv- ed, h fin**' a«sortm«m of BOOTS AND , , . SIIOL8, fur gentle men, youth* and boy* Wear, or iho heat ma'nrinl* and manufacture, and of the latent stylo. Alsu Indies. Mums und ChiPJieH’s Shoo* of e*ery va. riotv and style, warranted a* good nacati be (bund in Ilii* umrki-t, and at aa low prico*. A lar-«e muf carefully selectud stork uf Plantalion UrogmiH which planter* and factors will find to their advan tage to cull and elamine. Care taken in fitting mca-ure*. ADo, a general assortment of Cops, Trunk*, Valise*. Carpet Bag*. School Sntchel*. &c. And a supply of Ladle* mid Gentlemen’s Pam ride Boots, direct importation, july 23 . ^(Holies aud Jewelry Tlie Stitiscriher wi*he*tn rail the attoniiun of Id* cos - lomars in' ■ choice afUnrt* mem offlne watchc* just rc- cuivo I by recent arrivals, constating or Gold lltruiiup- Case Levers; Gold Debbie Bottom LrtvniV] Gold Imi tation-Double Cn«o Levers; Gold Apcliur Be'-itpe- ment L* vcr*i Silver llnntiug Cntn* Lcvem; Silver Double Bottnui Levers; Silver Aiichor K*cnpo> nicut Lovers Silvor Lepino ai.d Vertical E^cupo- ment. Alsu fine Gold Fob Chains; Veal Chain*, Curb Guard Chains; Keys and Chain Rings, all of w hiuh will he *md a* Inw 0 « in any city in the Union All kit'd* of Watches repaired and warranted. I). B. NICHOLS, nnglfl First corner M’est of Pulaski House. • ?!V , ”5T,‘* , r r:4 ■ l,r * , i M '’ * v f M vparroi ty . luruisli-lhe’ftirmi t •poiions of Ihc concern and the puidus Imuicrally, with an extensive'and wbllsefecind siceh HATS, and DAI’S, on hfHi r tcruif than evet tielpip ol- ferotJ, Havingi;very udVAutugo which any uiiimifnc lurcr can jjosscss. ndgl2 IVES. IfOliSFY i<- CO. tfiamL Doioretiz. I’aDy... supply uf these, ftnl by Gj Roll •_«p! 1 I fuVrt . The Sohfurilii-r being about removing from lii* prevent locniion. in vites the ntteiiiioo of his Vien 'saud cititomcrs to Ins present sunk which lie in prepared to make up nt a very reduced profit; hi* assortment of reiitlv made clodiing isuf lie rat outer and w«h vm up under In* own sitpenisioii. which lie ... ie-pucil lly u«k* a cal! iroro hie old • iistuineri>; nnd gentlemou visting the the City wih fin,; p inducemerit t.i c.tll and ox amine hi* rIim k before purchMsing cl*ewhcr« Fill LIP KEAN A KIIIAJL WJO!NI3riSM vs. WIS- TA !>J3 k’fb'Al € A. AMERICAN tdiN GLASS—Warranted ,unl luatreii^tti to Rufisi-m IsMigias* for Table clltO*. mu ti! .-»ct» e n diseases where dtdi ate animat'uud is vqmred, and well calculated •r long eea voyascs. if imiirove* by age. it Kept ry.unu c:tnbo*ma«lo Into 9u >p in a tew miuut'.s, iit’d id of iu clarifying Cider, Baer, lid Wilie To iii'ikt Talk Jdlic3.~V‘it! ai least two ounce* •• fooper’a tiefitiait Amor cm itighiR*, winch •liouid'be ri at soaked in cold \vntcr for tw«i hour*; lr> ii uif t iit w .ti*r •hull ak« two quarts of cold »v iter, one and n h If pnumlu ol sugar, put in it tho white of ilireo e;fgs. the juice uf three* good •zqiI Icinun*. the pclii of on , a stir]; of ciiiuamon, a little nutmeg, orange peal, or other »pice to suit the taste; stir all tho ingredient* woll ogolher while cold, then boil the whole mass four or five minutes, ami then pour it through u Jolly Bug. when it may ho piit into gla.wes'or moulds, and when cold, will ie fit for use. Thu mould* should be first wet witli tiittlo white of egg and wate,'. just before the jel- y is put in them, to order to make-it easy to turn lu'tnouton platiM. The Jelly Bag is made oflliunel 8 or 10 inches’ cr«>ss tho opening, and about half a yard deep, narrowing to a point at t!ie,nnttom. The liamd lint riinsthroiteli first, should bo poured buck iu the jolly bug until it runs through clear. And one pint ofwinolo the nhnvo for Win* .lolly. Uthor liquid- ut .d.) from preserve*, may he olliudby iniug tho saute proportion ofthh Isiug as*. U/iwr. M'tigr may he intlu^ nt lenat tone ctinco o Isingla** liirtwo quarts of milk, nr cream ho poul of two lomons, sugar und spice lo suit the nstrt—hriftg the whole to a boiling heat, strain it. end when nourly 2dnl, stir it well to mix tho cream that will ri*o while cooling, pour it in moulds, and when perfectly cold, it may he turned out and will than bo ready for uso. Tlm mbithls should ho first wet with cold wutef, vHdcli will prevent it rnm sticking to them. A frcslisupply, jitfit received, rind for salo by nov H T. RYERSO .VCD 'AR’S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. Tli>) following, although it may appear a little humorous to Hume, i* unttli** less Wdrthy of pub lication* and tie iho the iry of Magnetism true or false, it shown it is soincliiuos productive of tnu- li good. SvnActm., Dec. 13. 1ST2— Sir:—One oircotilsiunfte ha* greatly helped tho sale of the Balsam of Wild Cher/y hero A young lady was magnotisH'i.iind rirqncstodto prescribe for Iter tilth- or. who h is an iiflaction of the lungs Shu aaid there was a medicine at Hough'* nccuinpaoind witli a Alim|| hook, that would help him. It was tho B dsam of Wild Cherry. He took it, audit cured h in. She hnsaiuco prn-eri'<ed it for anofli- or, who In* taken it with tlm same result. Yours. Ate.. Hough & Damans. I* S. Ifoagh dfc Bridge* are heavy dqruggisis at whom we refer tlie curious. - PoTTavtLt.n, Dec. 23d. 1H4L—Dear Sir,—Your B ilsiioi of Wild Cher y hi* effected some iirioo- ishlng cores here. One of which is an old Indy, Mrs. Russell, who had been suffering for a long lime With fdiunriess or breathing, and geriotul weakness. Until wa« finally obliged to keep her i.-i *Afier v triou* other remediofi had been ro *mtediotovain,*he commcticedu*ingyonrB tl*am, nnd after taking two linttle*. was so nr recovered a* io bo able to attend to all the duties of her houso, and on taking two bottlen mnro wna entirely cur ed. Kofipecifully, do. John a. C. Mxrtw. J WINER iV CD’S CANADIAN VERMI • FUG E—Tltc best remedy over yet discov cred fur all kind* of Worm*. It hot only do- Mirny* Worms and invigorates tlti whole system but it dissolvoAnrtd carriew off tlie nuporaliutidnnt slirtio nr mucus, so provnlapt in (he stomach and bowels rtf children, tnorc especially of those in bad henltlt. The mucus form* the b'e J or neat in which Worm* produco tln ir young, nnd hy fetrin- vini! is i(ttprt**ihte fur Worm* to reihniulq tin body. Iti* h'irht(o*s1ii Us'hfloets' aft iH» sy.-tfCin, nud, the health of the patient ifi always improved hy it* use, when no VVorin*'iiro .di*coveredt' the modi- cine being iiiilouhle, no child, will refua* to take it. not even tiro most delicMn. Just received, mtd for sale by ■fnny 21 THOS. RVERSON H aving taice* store igb Owens’ ’n**w hnilrfnig*. south side'!Market square, I am now offariug aJsric»,ft«hiQpjih|e and entiraly new Stock,nrivptdy •Mide.CIottyiugJIai*.' Boots, Shun*. Tj-nnks, Carpot Bnas. utc. I hose good* can he sold *it miteh lowgr prices than on* tnnwy. a* l have adnptiidthe oa*h system.. .. i , L _ L-—.Nt..rot *iWiff s/atnjhajkl■" 1 knnti i U being a nnwi hucitia**, I t prepared to fnrnDlievery ttying n*na|ly knjit in a Cloihiiic'or Boot ano Blmn 8toro. The hidst Itis- tldiotiH gentloRj in can ho fitted rtut,< fri/m’h'ead to foAf/ at my CH«thin« ttnom's. orioHnii'sv' Imm prn , vid*d wtjb a laraqeqppiyj ».f» Negro Brp*t»na, sjij-J table for town, river or phtniation n«a. . i #ny n( my.jWl.ndp,,!; Ilf rciit.-asjn^nojs.lli tl nui^t all times ready T rweivecoll#. "wtfc- "" : WILLIAM nr HATTi* 1 WILUAM Bi HALT3. A CASE OF ASTHMA. The foliowing ia from a distinguished Lawyer of the ciiy of Now York, who had been afflicted ■ with lie Asthma lor upwards of "TWENTY YEARS;” an i who after reading *ucli ■ nsos can doubt tbcefliciRi of this medicine ? Nrw YonK. J-in it nry 25j 1843—I hnvt-been af flicted with spasmodic a-thma lor twenty four veers—sometime* *os«ier»*|y as to bo coufinud to tny room lor week*; and aUhoitah anemlmtby va rious mudiral udvi-nrs, of ti;e higtisat reputatipn and skill >u tho count.the relief was hot partial a d temporary—twice the disease proved nearly fa- ml to ni) llfo. fjouie ftj'V week* ago. I commenced taking Wtstar’s BaUnin of Wild Cherry, which vnv'a me instant relief, nud a single (mule nrod tce-l in a few days wlutt I believe to he a radical and per- fecr euro. A Williams, Attorney at Law. No. 58 Wiliam street.’New York. We arc neq-miuted witli the writer of the above certificate, and htfistntcineins arc entitled to the full cnnSdcnao of the public. F. A. Talmahok, Recorder of the City of N»-w York. Jons I). U Vicar Geiiferat of Now York. P S. The above certificate may be seen at No. 125 Fulton street, New York. Thefo lowingis from Mr J- hn Brown, am ex- tensive biiildehit the city of New York, and an* nth'T froin Mr, Woofroff. of Elizabethtown —. The origin ilcor ificate* of these and many other* may b - seen it No. 125 Folmri sir-et. Nevv Y«ik. New York. March lit. 1843 —I wa*la*t fall «t tacked with a pnin inddevcromfonecnol thi'clieat, whichcotititiued for a number of week-. 1 had previous!, for several yeur* necn subject to* par* mment woakiiPSii of thu idlest caosed hy a strain. Tills last attack gave me much apprehension, as I i und it was Uic cmnuicuceinKiitofa f.tal di*c:me. About the middle of December I began to take ,Dr. Wislar’* Balsam of Wild Clmrrv, osirnjle hoi- tie of which Roiin amoved all snreiies* from tlm cliesl, added strength and vigor lo, the long*— and I now regard mysi ll i* perfectly sound i m d well. John Brow.v 61 Auu-utrcui. LIVER COMPLAINTS. Tvnuwle8Ville.Juiiu2U. 1813 —This willcerli- fy lllat I liavo been afflicted with a Liver complaint, general debility, nnd pain in mv sido, for Several year*, nud Ibr eighteen month* had boon unnhloto do anvwork. Iu Dercinher last. I commenced ta king Dr. VVi^tnr's BaNam of Wild Cherry, and firtifid irtyinftdjfltfc befit!fit f oin iu I booii imgan to f aitifitrengtlt. the pain in my siile win relieved.and had also a cough, vyhioli waa entirely cured in a i'ow weeks by this medicine. A'Wa D. IIopkins. The above dorijncafe i.a «trifc'llv corfefct Knowi.k* *V. Cheeicman. Jfi«t r'etelvcd arid for *.ilo by *epi 2i ,, t. rVerson a co. ■7* 1* PING’s COMPOUND FLUID KX- .-Si 1 TRACT OF SARSAPARILLA, AND UUliEN S DELItill P, &c.—For the composi- tmu of tin* Extrudt und the properiienofihcQuueris Dalight, Phyeicfaus are respeetfulL referred to the Oth and (Sth niimtier, vol J, of tho Southern Jour nal.<d (Medieiue npd Pnurraucy. For puri ytng the blood, ond removing all dis eased arising from tlm unpurity of iheHamt', it is highly ruciimm tided, as also for the cure ol Rhuu- juatiHtn. Scrofula. l.r ; aipMUi, Ulceraiiuira of the Ttirnnt and lega, pains und swellings o. tho bones, Tetters, Pimples in the Face, uty Bore*, and all CutaneousEruptione, Neuralgic Affections, Mer curial Discuses, uhd lor assisting the operation and preventing laul couscquoocbs of .Mercurials iu Sy phaiii i. Tliifl preparation, (by adding the Clue-n'a De- c tu tlm SArsuparilla.) combiiiuK it; a more perfciTt degree than h'iiv known iciuedy. tonic, end alterative powers, and is highly recommended by eminent pliysiciau*. It is propared in consequence of tlie rocommuiintions given hy Dr H R Frost, Professor of Materia Mtdtca iu the Medical Col lege of Charleston, S S, *u his work on Materia Medioa.oiily concentrated by a process of tho sub- scriber’e .o render it more convenient fur admin istration, uud with the exception of tho udditiou ol mercury Which may nt all times ho added when mce-Rary. To show the Itigh'eMtitH.iiion which Dr F entertains of the combination of tlie-e arti cles,it is only necofflary to refer to the above men tioned work. There aro few coses of chronic ond pa>nful Rhea- mniismtli it will not yield to the influence of Sur- snpitrilla and Queen's Delight if duly persevered in, especially if luken in coojuuctiou'with Hvdr of Potusli. I* highly recommended for all rihpafto* of the skin,chronic ns woll as recent One hollle will, iu mo,si instances, effectually remove all pimples, pn-tulha iii-bddehesoti the face, lo winch younr parsons in till* climate afu so much subject'd uJ, arisint' either from impurity of tllo blood or drbil- ity. Itisthe befit.remedy known for scrofulous affections, sore* und breaking* oiti iit young chil dren, uud i9 ^afo nud efficacious in rouiovlhk erf. tirolv every Irene of hereditary (liseaa-x from life system, in the tend-rest iufmit; io fact, in nl cutu- »‘7»us Itffuc.ioiis it I* i(/ valuable A* a gfenernl pu rifier of tho i.tood, ntut an or.adicalor in*‘»il ob»ti- oatc dispusRs, thitt preparation will undoubledK iuketlm precedence tifull other reumdie*. J;gent ly operate* upon und regulate* the bo we In, io- -to esto Ilto blood it* wonted put ity, aivas lone to the -imn*c!i, no l promoics digestion. It will i (flue t it ally re! i iivq Erysipelas even in it.* worst stages ami nil permiiis'fliifr.jrmg ft bin thir distressing complaint nro advised lo firsisu, but if no inailtod relief ho found after tuking one buttle. It will Im necessary lo uso the Hydrioduteii Potusli with it. Not witlitng to publish enrtfiente* n* is done in me cases of all quack medicine* of tlm day, lo uf. feet their aule, and so force them upon the public die Hubscrtber bego eawto state that ins p/npara- luin ha- been prcsorilitnlaiid tifieti by n ntimbei of ph.siciunsajid planters of our oity add neighbor-' •mod, wild great success, viz: Dr R H I). W G lt.M,i„y, Ur Tiro, Y U.iiron.,' U, (; I’riroi,- aid, Mr S Lagnro, Lt Wilson. U S R S, ellofthis ci'y; Dr J.tme* Stormy, Buani'ort, dro. Price Si per bottle, or $5 for IJ do. Prepared hy J. PETER AI. EPPIn-O, Chemist nnd Druggist, corner Drool and King streets, Charleston,' S. C. Agent fur Savannah, . A. A. SOLOMON'S, j.'lgl -lyr M.irlroi Jffl,. 8m|i,uiiIivi', |m„ prirg t tfervrsclrig *h]i ter I* Very nearly taAltfe**. Her! wTiiltm^S.V 11 » mVUe'lb uiiYrl. l4.lm„; I.K "'fimirl)- IncnWltlKihaU lk.l prcdirord »ii(ui, e two powdej* in Iho usual way.’ Prepared' l.> Thoms* Butler, 4 f:heap«tde'Nt'I^h,|,m o.V d PISTOL®; Ai>'F> b s - a. iL.iJi;NDRlc5cS0r?‘‘ ' VJ HAKlnVAKL.— l imNuh-ou ,.| h n\e. to call the attention of *| nrisim n end mhura to (he fact lliut his Guns, A r, m e *11 u*ario expres-ly to ©Her ill England, rnn-rnnciiily tiiey can pur chase at the fitHi | rtco, unci d-pvuii on u hotter irticl limn tim*e iuipnried in Nmiftoin. < ii.e- fur (no purpose of* ppiying tlm South. Thu lullo- wing comprise a part nt' my s'luk: viz: Plfiin Double Guns $7 fill to $:»0 R-eiil Btriti and Twin Pal Br i\. h $17 In $7.' Plantation Mu-kcls $2 fill to $ | ftlj Weslley Richard’a Cap* .*<1 51) per lug of Gi)0 Walker’* bent Caps 374 ctrsiin perbux French Caps IH| cents per bn* Best Powder 37 j cent* pot lb PIhnation powder fit' hunts j pr Mi Do da Si 50 p«-r beg Baldwin's Wadding SO cent* pm box. Togi liter with n general a-surfim-nt of 8iri»|e Vnne, Rfltfs, Pistols, Fla-ks, Pourhe-. Rogcf*' hie Table and Pocket cmlerv. Hard were■. Ac. nt low pi mu* fur cash. Call and vx imiiiu fur \ bur- solves, s . : JOHN CAItRUTUF.RS, RtflAintSO of #11 li|nJ l *"ftf.itvLiroK'io. carclullv, attended to by suouriur uoil.mcn may 14 A OIHCIIL KTIML I.M PLE.MEN'Fft.— IX. Having made (urge addition* in their burner •d'Ph'firor *• 'c*‘-tiee ««lo.iion of GARDEN ■51.EDS. which have been raised with groat care hy a 5endsifj,ut of high repntnt'on, ond*^aro wnr- Miited a* guild a- any to he found iu (It scminirv ASMIIAOW-OI.«r.*| M UHT A k'OraK: Black, Whim Cnuli«h At AR.lUR AAi—Shcbi O N IO tV—VmIIimv D'Udi, Largo red, Silver «ktu,Onion Route, BEANS—(Ki.lnav, DvreriT, Bask ur 8».i|i.—Kerly Mu- Imwk. Early yolloo.ti «ro«k-. Baity Chbia Dwarf or l .r»e;«ett: K"h'M . Kcfiippour IdCIlio I, OKRA. Mnil Mono !|iol« or ru nlng.)l PAU-LEV—rur!.,! uere. Knl I'rniiharrv. BEET—tl.rly Tar. •up.Long bhiod.n hilr Frouch Sugar AKO 'OLI — Rirly whlio, '•arse Capo. CABBAGE — l arty York, Largo Dutch, Large Yurk. Green sl.»t.« S«- PARSNIP. CJurii.-r.v. pSiipkiv 2| f y Wurwh k.sruet rarly doulilo l,|„* wqj frame.! fact, early CUrb,,,,, o n , lJeil voy, r.iny «u S »r l.ocf. Early D'Uinaoad. Dr-uiulnrad, -L«*c" Uio H.iinries, Lme furl lluioli, Early flat Dutch, Urceii Din cad. , "<>11, trniljei, H°l»|'wr. 3J fket. Dwarf Alar. -wr.-t. aj Cent, Bi.ImpVdar prolific, I foci. Atutchlern » . nr Ta|f» 0 f-ot. ItADI'R— While F„||.|j,, r . dy Long Scar e|. f.„„ f s„| rf • moo. Scarlet Turnip Yello i 1 *etw. {*»’,; iSSiiwTIS fff, j ittp titade lurgo ttddilinn* to their funner assortment of Agricultural Implements, tlie *uti- acribeia now offer lo plaiilm* aud inerrhnuta.-n bettor stock than over before offered in die rjouth eru country, consisting in pari, of the following ar'lclos, Viz: PLOUGHS. lankee Coat Iron. Nos. 10, 11.12 end JO Dngon, or Connecticut Wrought iron. 1,2.3 & 4 Allen pattern Mason’s Improved viz? Eagle, heavy 2 borce or ox Do. with wheH and cutter Nb 2 B, n I iige 2 huia- Do. with wheel nud cvltier- No A 3. medium 2 horse • ” A 2, light 2 horse *? A 1, light.I mule or garoon " uiucli light 1 Irnteo iu nlhg “ 7 do do modium 1 hnr<i' " 15 do do now put Jem | “ A 1, siile bill 2 hoi-u *' U, do do | do % Soli soil, a hoavy 2 Imim or of Do. No I, u medium 2 homo l>o. O, j d„ Doohlo Mould BtnsU m Furn.witig, J Imrfio L'itton Trenching, i horse Rico do. new pallet ii, with puage wI.foI. This above Floughs with and without utocUfl— extra stuck is far tfie improved Ploughs . , , HOFfl. Lyndon s ertro hlack Carolina.U. I, 9. & B.rfnwn Do. I'rig fit do, 0, l, 2 vV 3. do . Do. Rice, No. 2 and 3 do Do. New ground, I’P and PPF do Do. Oval Evo Grubbing. No*. 2 and 3 do Do. Round Eye do Nov. 2 and 3 do"' Lyndon Co'*. Anchor, fifl, 0, 1 and 2 do R’.'* T A -*t El, L a rf' SfclDLlT^ P0,, 1'.|ncTfdlrxn* n me Htidluz Hniirg flotVibiVed .In pb/cownnurn) powder, the rlfcrvracing sbliltlori « f wl,r^- : - npr 7 •Gihhi.n's TJTi'r 5 e.i-t fi llfw CM*j X J. just received nnd for *ah> BuiMifigJi.^ ballofif'/ S3*graH5ai i 5 •• fiire nud vnfi* drstfuyvf Anln fuiru nmtknie drriYoyti tw*'"ii., ..ruiin. Al«n. if/iinfeH.f# DM Airo Pm.iro./ot «j, bj «j 11 UliffOHJCKPr/N' -' F • GJbbnhs Buiidlnrf!?. A.i: r U'..* —. - fitil 0. fyjM T.L HOISAKV — f,u boxes. boWcmpM* V-^ ary of appertor quality,v landing j>tim liU Columbia and for nab) by 1 J .lfUip m!* l£j 1. . B,R HEKDHlck&it.v J AYAEIH KEMKJllfia.— , Cmifilro. Cold. «o. .? V SiWorCWle. WbM* ta njwoiwj- •Summ.T CutiiplNiiite, llJ.yiro'. Hoi, Tonin'.,, i|„, p,„,o, droro" 0 '* Lmiffl, fl„ in Cl.ii. ^yiio.'o S.ii«|i?o hlbK,, CotnpLiihi#; A Inrjf.Mlpply orilin,. popular rpnii’dro. I,ro • d for #»lv HI l'lnloil,.|p|ii, prior,.'l/KICKHrfS ’ Gi.M | n"’» f^iilldinp. received and M^’iivl'..'?}! i A FitjL A.—1 bill be*r. oiraiitv ,juVl L received, and fur sale I y “ i„_, o. o K. HENDR|0k8ON. > [l'in>'84.. Git.faona' Diillqing-; P«SA»U.-:i (..I, fi m rort New Vorii f l "'"J;"." D r ' , '"'^IC 1 A^lnii.. for june 15 G. B. HENDRICKSON Health, for hole by ’ 22 * titnS'h 1 .* o do, mi'light rtot do \ Ku.« Bradu’s Patent, 0, 1,2,3and4 Light Ynnken r, ... . AXES. Collins A LVs.) .. . Ruiui'k • >* varifiuv pntlcr; SHOVELS. Hainllmt Spnifs*. dunhet ^piut** CTI.T/VATOIIS. HARROWS. Ac. improvcfl CulUvotors, triih|Curn Pkelfur* pruoXB whroni iFom AitlU.UosiACN RHlilvaior I’loufl., or llnr»f«!f’<itciit 'lliurui _ R* 10 iPlauMlIoii WhoriUvrmr* Coininoa Harrow* C.:ini;inu St ran C, nc r - Foldiue do PmUUiI do. do. Corn nnd Cobb Crtnhcro, ft|Rf. uix'etri*c* timid mill lOroui nr.utl?8,r,o» p*itn/n Do. do. fbr horte nn»«r Ir.l.o du. Jo SCYTHES. HOOK?, English Patent Scytho Ain-rlrvi Or as do. Drars Platt do. Scythe fliiitth* Briar and Rich dn. Du. Hock a Coro Cutter*. Part Spnonn Ox Ynknianil Ox Dm l'rnlti.Ax Rcjv-.n Dirt S. , i D|U',,.ffir puli.rundi P.-uainy. Siicr.rn j inlc (Inf., ilii. Rnlte* Dlin'.ihi; KtiiVP* IrMsljlarniug T/urva'i amt , —- Inordr-n R^uL, Du. I«p*i» 'Villi a variety uf Implement* m>( mcuiiuiicd. For *a|e by HAZARD; DENS LOW & WEBSTER, jun 1 «if ttnf Bliti-i) CnJlrgf u) n. HENpr.irKsoN G ‘“.‘" i',' 5 ' r»ground GiPger; Jm*i recvlu f md-r-. r v 9 :o.-|,v.‘ -l~“ tn .__ ii If in.Ni,)i;icksQN, yy ^APP1.\« TW^tSTCS^- V 7 sorted stzifi nud qu.iiuie*.'foreab-. bv " Hi:NnrMf.»Ksi(.v. jliiiu IB O- It- HENDRICKSON; F? a'« c ' v **‘»EwraEWirf;: X <*AR —2 hbls ju*t rereivert nnd lor th lo bV june 16 <L H ; miNDttl(?|CBON. 7 Glblmtisl Bnlldirip*, B M? n^'IS® termiunt* those noxmu* vermin, fur sele by g.r Hendrickson/ jtmrS J m 18 SNIDER, LATIIItOP ANEVIT'f' W lilTK GINGEK —A frooli fujifily rif JTTrt JnmiiicH Glii*#r, In,( rM#i»,fi|-#,|d ij,i ■•i;;; y B 1 «• henurickhox ! " ■ OIMron.-Diilldinf. C TG>« C, ?’ S n VE 9® TA1 'i.E E.O; r 1 A" Pfli-Clnhl euro for rriibil.i'ti. ,,r MbiM*Ynf ni1 l>«rrIc«lHrly for~ f'lninlo, Hlolclro., Truer,',-Tori Sitnbbrn/* Tri clilo" tte ilrrltlf# ° f S™’® «<'0"nip.nle» tlie Hi j rlcpau prnponuliln, m ii# mAMiMc , irn i npon the *hlu, Calniienn. irrlmbillie ,„il5i rAlt,. r*litift*nrc al*u rnnmved, and a r tire Hint* nfti «HWIldl.d by Ihn „L „r Islf" by «: “• "inoiiicicjon. • “ Gibbon’e Buililipgl reh f°' Latte fn h if Fool send Pujsir, a*8urte«tqualitif». Just rureiv»-d end mrsalehv d K. HENORICKSON for sale by may H 1) tu a li v ‘““^^TyiTF-EEEr. ‘ii. f '<■« «• fij&i either iiqeiunl or sale f»y iriiip 22 jxtfrnal bfeedii’g or.Mind ; for g. R* Hendrickson.' Git.hnn** Btrffding*. a ^'tyhS.-Un. d i fc|i n j|, H u ft n , (1 V> I'jiunuor, nnri BA.silliai. Tuck Cotnba, Shu I «ntl Imltartnti bmg back Cooib*. Side C--» * • I'nrlolv ..I* null..,.. fbr... - - Aro ^-T . r n«. , ..(.Min,, tmcK Cooibs. Side Combs nf d variety ol patterns, Dressitig*Oomli^bpH^yt. r n,/ S'* L " cli * b ll "* n "»>d-Fiib%ei" Combs of all mzes und quaiitb s, f„y * in ’(i* i\ VJT^O tiyp'es Steam Rufiuii.'J fJ.,j^.r; D. S G R. HR] NDRICKl Pep; CKES3—Curlml perrr-** Broad Irff. „c ttl'tl .'I REIt-E.Hy or flp-ct-h. RHt/BARR ROt)f3. HALsIFV. OADE. . sdtJASir—Karty Summor bu ?J*- L*dj{ SurrnaBr. crank arifk, VYInfnr crook n«*cl;. , CDIlRot-KiJffi Long Oran**. t.'OIt.V—Sw-ut or 3ugar. K-fly I'antda. Tu.f-rora. EOO PfiA.VT—Purjila. K ALE — Oreon curlad Scotch, Pu-plo. LEAR-. Largs Scotch. T U UN fp—Ear Iv "h hltr MSSWa - •k'T(Jubhicr, Curled Hilo Large nhirli.hV * ' t.'ocoNiiut or Pmra.’a ra|*o. Vuerorahlo Man oh. I*. Larco K'dunliaad, liuiin. ratilivy*. MEl.Cf.V — Ora*n Citron. Nimrfrg, Cantolbpo. Large Aluak, III pin vnrfulk Hun. over or long) TanUtd, Pur. plo top Ruinlnijn. R AISlWST &«.^Rni*iiis, Fig*. Piuiilh, Mfid..Frenerv«il Gin) Ginger, fur *«le hy tl.J. GILBERT, West aide Merkel ho. fell 18 , , ■■ • , ittfAnT a, The Knidht of Gwvune, A Tale . , of the TirhVnrtlib Union: by CliHrlps Lever. ‘I’lte Surret I’assioic hy '.he author the "The Y"0lh of Sliakopeerp." , Burton; or, the, Sicgeji hy the niithor of "Ln- fltiv,*' ' • | > luglfhdrotjgh Hall, end L‘,ird 'ofthtMaaan'l/y lien y W. ljerhart. ' . , ' . ; 1 * Tha Duke nhd C»ji*!rtt.hy Mr*. Grer./ -; l Rlahrhe Telhol; f»V. tfi> Maideit’* Haqd. mPM'*«f'|i Dflagel a Western Rnftiunte:' hy EMer»0.n ^en)ieft.;- # ” ' • v . An Aitf'Veiifi'o 'AecbtVh^ Kf ’flirinderl'elt «nd Urfhtfnriii tWo Nntnrlfiu* I|ijfhw*tmeni runldiii.qiti! flie'Sseret Pbiiioncrj bjr Mff.| FLOWER 9BEDS. '*"• .** Oach.lla uks'gs. W kinds ia each. ^ ' ,0 1 «lo luO do FIELD AND FLOWED SEEDS. &r. B-.ckwImat, Binnrn Corn. Blue Gra** «'.,nirv SuHd, Hduip Seed, Mlllot, Red Chi Oil.* Flower Semi- "ver, Rye Hint ! k Uiliil#. Fruit nnd Orinuronl„l | A i! F/‘ „ Frees.fufulfilled to order from him ol'iiur litnu nml •• ” r i> 0 " IIMIHt eX(H|l*jVi 'hi* pouiiirv Nur.oj, .nil Flon.r Guriluii# iu An mwrolraroil of n„ok, on Aorroilltnfu, G#,. dulling, ru...",, "f dluth, Poultry, &cl lot Which i “' i,,,ijr **!“!!$»«"" Agcqi- ft»r (lie.American AsriotiItiirist, nnhlisb- cd monthly hy A B Alien. N. Y. for which sub- sp• Ip l"tisuru solicit' d. W|.l I BENSLOW & WEBSTER. P Aye'jf. WAJiKiiorsc-No I"i« Slip, Now York — Crnu. VV Fiixn 25 packaitpfl du ati'irrnshed do 2<)U birrula.A O MolneuM, 5'.) titi.J« Ca detinn do fill hluia Side*; ftl* dr. f»hr.,V, fill.tilul* Haiti*; 2 it) bb'vCaint Ffuitr, lOt) h .If bill* Canal PlnUr, 2II0 ba^* Rio Cuff. i-t 5:) n*-- Jiiva Cnff-r, Jtld ua«k.icm>T*ihm , oo.varioushraiulr.&aizeu. Hill lihls Seed Potiti» t J*’U ki-tf* L-rtl. 6') bb!e Aiid'hilfdu M ickruJ. No,. J, 2 & 3. IflO Grind-tone*, H—nricd’/ 2**0 bnxerSu'p. i ariuo-* braiht*. 25 buxes St ir. It ; lf.K l.».|, 6<t bbl« Nrivv |*u,.l,iml Rnm 6 pip sO D A* Co% Br-uiJ/, jiiric, ft i.ipos llnlbiiiil Din. 2ft J ca-kfi Mdl.ig.i Wf'rib, i*«v»'fn; 25 j do tie d.i iti\, 0 hdf j.itH'ii At I'l.-ii't Wi.ui. mv 'porting ; fn;M. Spamah Sag ..., 00 ‘I’tortcr rliR.t- 11»-mu T**». 20 half clii'fiia |? jcb' «i,. IfMiits* Pepper; HI has< Pnnontn, ft l duz P.t!;:la,l Hurkef-; 2iI0*h. Iis Salt. 60 bill* Pfielps' Cm. A:e ,Vr v Vn, ' In store, nud Ibr sal j on favnr*h|.» term*, hy 5;!^L r ’ __ M A. CRANE TifEA iTSTi .ro A' .L tia l.iit , >na i.; ■ _■ *• *.a«. C "ro“l!' , | , !. < ! ,ur ,d f' ,,y HENDUrckson’' * , V M '■ . Glbl.fl,],' iMlIIOinn. - I DBARD'3 FlLLb —ill'v. 1). ilibbain'l I Xi e.ooiocv, S rm_,„,MIMoUpll"K|. !" y IB u .n.!mNDRruKsjW -J’ 8 <iilil»Mul’l..rinijog.( B UlI.0 CA Ko A PADILLA—TaT^-] Lmn,>oiinJ r <SWfflTO|# fi, corn ol Hmfcb; WirtiiM. of life slilh^ Di Jro Hi'f ummi." 1 , Chronic rilfVIMf« J|l'J)'-iifev r f’ K yir'e‘‘r‘»woliSSfiSfflgLwi; ;~M .»,-. :a ..L s .,aygi L -—) 1—: ! GiHionTiMi.iai.ii. AM p YyiCK. r S5ro^X555£fe]fci ol nil; Wirt, f„ r L.rliT.K.aff'Hw »K !■ it' i .V ?<; wlrkU'iW Lia'Hriuiiro-n^-SUr di ; llio wick, tor ralo by G'D'HENMlCtahN ' ' 2 ' (i'l')roliV lioiwjnp). ‘ Otev&p/d'ffa' ,? P r i V 4 oJ n. U EN\nlll, D ALUY’ri «;ARMJNAfivltr old hnglisli Dtepentiburf^anVi ajenantory ceivud hy j"ly .7 "f.-vwir*w= Alsiern Atiidn'.i nml I’lnnmu-y in ihe.IJmveisi \ j uf I’enusvU uniu ; and mm »f It).- .-ualburs uf tlm , J-J 1 D hj enantory of U,.im»i Sun >• of America It,-. : J J AI. COOPER • epr 1(> . G. R. mm. Y BON * '’v.’.Vv it’' # vory rxtoo.ive corlorool of I'APEIl, comorir- iug every pos*ih|e variety, adapted to the wantsnf conenmorsiu.HlI aHciiotr* of the ooufftrV. Paper ° r ,1 “{•*•” o'tdn tp order nl shor.t no tide.' Tlm "r* R KV'. F "l' ar '•* rfhus'inlly luran, a pun iff wafch t»of>i?ry superior quality. Paper Mak er* Alaieri'ila of .e very deficription. imported and koptconraritly on hand, vis: Feltings, Wire Chub, xrdriui r \Vf — r *' “ - Fou'jririni r Wires, BloachinVpowdVr, BliTe Ub tramnrine, Twine Sea. . ..... . v —panvgVfii Dale Rape, Grass Rope, Bag G'PG*.«^v, IWClta-ad Gtr which the liiithest price v 'IS.ii»i,iA. • — Ivr . • july.24 XJ-EW miV's. -Ur.-mi# #roi i/ii t | - LOt' Oi.n.h,irir H,„v S'/ipml do; E&Hfi'ltl J.H and O’.* BM aSlrlin'*,;'fl nnd 10-4 d« St® T)ORH I. ‘Porltl I Prime dui jnlv »7 T iTi K tiji<90 jjST.-1 im. y Tq hTLqpmV, J J Tlllovvciisa dn. Hiiivr 12-4 Linen.Shi-eibiD For '•ate l(y WOOD. ri,A(ritORN> CO. * qmsgipgMBSi 'pki'PFiL^7ii'n^Sua^£ifc •XT .do 3(m;o, ju.Lroouir.ori. nmj (•„, M . , 11 HENDUIUKaoNrl on. ft't PJ.lf ; JtkOoiyod nhjl for ,#l« by.. ' j ©WKIfiHC2fRrnwiiiBhvrlTiigu; tT\OSIKfl'B , .BCSr’ 4r4.Sheftihgfi,*and Matlboro Stripe*, .tur aalehy.-vuDa.":* oVt-d-K.-qn. AMINIS, 1 ,,n ?ro!j. - i air): 'E*dH'HnU.'-^aU blds.pfimn, ,e in Htoru, andcfadivilp luHr'fmhL metti.i.,.} . L. EALD.WIN .'r CO’. ■ WA)-<Ui • ,1V . vJbV! l-ildrroro .J l„„. .. -L'-au'jtox*r sw.oi if.i tol ro..,'- 1 ""' "b»'»»d .0dWfKlWbV'i.“ m "' «? . G R. I , VVtrrrewASH^^f » T- mein of Sno oukHly’Wi '0RilUrb*H(Ut mar 27 ? a " ^ est. ms's ■rfpmvwm't,*,' - j'lfit received arid 1 iV.r a ;fe bF n * o-'n/aErfuKtracStoa.'' fnar24 ■ SffTftV-'. • t •s n { ii 5 4