The daily Georgian. (Savannah) 1835-1847, September 24, 1847, Image 1

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v .am - M W sAWmM,. , 11 4 ^«^^fewg«aiK Tlie tflMwijtS ‘iWT**» 0 * « ■ «»''*smIS, EMfa$ ftfFSWSft .... ,, liitel*! 1 mi.ti? >lOLlBSsilfur uu ulomlia ,uiu«» u ‘ _ x' - J ..«t.f» .Vr.IVvfi ill nift is j *di te *«mU5 ti&tfnll r»di To s l (ttl VV'O'itUi) m 1>J •j noun- *iv .bfhuqtii/HHr^xIt/q j - iw^D .ttu-mbnA .Y/ nihil dlfi Wili nte.fl f'.ti tl'0t>7 jg^jawe^aHW^dgsa 111 > ' ,v ' , " c “- "v. : Uttt5'o® " h "'l”“ oU ' uinn, be pushed t„i«- T, » i V.he fJecurtfeeSd Administrator. for Debt- ^cSbK rehHer in .heir aeeouuu, meet i ’» f’' 1 ‘ b '' i ? 0 Vo-. I roc» hy K K*d’,« orB "r Adminlntrruor* , l' . nuel"o uiclmn. 1'h me lire. 'I'.ics.lay of ho a. , as ‘„| non re el aide, at llm "I" -«,n the comity IMi'tfc ihu Lut- '^,' ,r,.r Adiuiiiiatnitio", or HoWdiah- '?"rtlSSo-bi.en endued, lira, giyins sixty ,1 "i’i are thereuf ill one oflhe public granites Wjero <uchaal«e«™J^W' g ' r ' OI ,, must bo pnb- . fflifo r i J1,,„„.tlie. before Miv order absolute Snles ef Ke. l b »to 0} b- Mw „, d SIXTY MlK di “n“ sale. P TI.0.0.aleeM, at?l.e Court lloilso doer of the enmity ill w S' l , ' , r r ' , 'it,tiite,»iid on llio firm Tiled. Iiiclitbo proper!) i«y Via j f ■ „,,, tifcrtaatStrfaiWEJBCS - Jl T* /t B ■ i ,;.iM RE month, betwcotl the lion,-a often itutho | „„ " . i e n.m iim it turnon n. Nosulo Irotn iaWo day is .•"lid, unieat so rspresMil in tlio adver. j ''tuX'afumsbr nxertiters.. Administnitora nn-l ! nnaUy /onlndiod by the „• P\ 5 ,„ ti.n'Courl of Ordinary for leave to , 'P| 1B noerutinu nf the ;,«S usl boHdWied FOUit 1IOKTIIS upon ihe .i * dale* Ofl.ersonni prnprrty (totccllt IlcgromA of ,, f „ ilB . Tbetllin...... leiudoini-iinteitalowhite* by lancniow and Ad- „, cd „„ r„ r t|,er«v,dumte of. - »ab in ulstrators mint!»« advertised KOlt TV DAY... , „ r eatoraiK e effects. Fur *ulo ? Ynidication* by f.xeeutora aud Adimuimtatorn. 1. M T r llotioM Dismissory must ho published »I.\ T III8litvitU-.;.-. an extensive prsetlcn of several year* m a btlioiif climuio, and "* «“>ver known to tail ol curing Fever and Ague. or any of iho dUeasusa- liov»* narttod. _ ■ : 'lliotie who iro sufforin* from n{r.»c;tioita or this kind «»• alan tho*« *»lmi Imve iieomno invalids from Ihetr'elT.ou iipun Ihe oiiualjMnioii, will Bud the India Chiiblg'ljue a moat invaluable remedy lor outliving ihobliiail, end llinrollgllly rliiaiiamg rrtiui he vvalctn Ihe maibid t'lfeola <if«,ltlll6«a climate. Tlie wonderful nperaltiin oflhe Ghulagnglie in crudicnlinghile from dio Imman ayelom, nan only. e> plain it* egirniirdinnty agency ill die apeedy, dm- rmigh and permanent cure illfever and ague, and till vRtmtle gVadeb of Inlerinillont nnJ reniitleni fe il!a equally oftie'u || fur the pure of I. ver Cum pi ,irii. Jaiinilice. n.iiargamenl ,,r He Liver : a n, Eul irgement nr Ihe dpleen. called Agile Lalte, nd tho varinn" form< of bilmna IniligaHUnn. , hB*a. with tho Other varimJ air otiuiii «;l *«cli , climalea, arising frnm a e.uniniin iniaaMaleenae. Urennty mn.ltfieadaua of die .mnodiaeaae.nml e- Clt'ilngoiHio, na ita nnrm* inpart*, .* upon Ihe iiver-pinmudim die die hartre lifhlle! Tlie dimlaamla who have used u - - •• - ■■aln« than its hap* tURNElt iMitnmno t Square. jan 11 * or » W AelXationforforecl,ianre ofMortyapes ifnireal time iii'istbeadvorlieflil ottcoa month lor Fulfil MONTHd;, I “ The »“ afler an experionee Oltet. yy.r. SEKINf* Till' l‘ATlf'NT!! BVM. S. THOMSON* M. !>., MACON. GEO. u.uao. , . . ,i The 8nh-*criherafluran experionco ol ten yenra tlrdersof the Courtnf Ordj^afjvCncOompoplod ^ ^ f „ u . rAH , 0 IU«eu»:s. ha, .n far per- fucted Ins ■y* ,r grant in ijurity witliacppyaftlio bond of a«rocm«nt) to make It- . j. "J h|- „f troni.m-m aa to be able, in a lS#» to land, must ho udvortucdl mtCE Month? at .iurity V»f cbronic di GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY For Colds, Coughs, Asthma, and other Diseases of ihe CHEST and LUNGS. - B UUilii,. .UmjititlA.. u.lLoAM, the great Etlglidi Knmeily lor Pwctnr.ilaiid l*ul- inonnry diaenaea, still slanda unrivalled and iitinur- piiHsed na tlie inovt elegant, aareteable and efl'cCtm.1 nuraiive nf*thudu lorniidabie cuuiplaints now known io the civilized world. .. Three yen re of innl in the b’liilod SinieR. during which time it h mheen distributed frnm Maine in Florida, ha§ only served to c^taniiHii its preemi nent Merit in all pans of the country, as tho grtui nUd ONLY RELIABLE REMEDY in iho worst eases ol Pulmonary dmeHS. »i andI tho best uud ni'Mi hi; recall In curative ol nil ihe slight lornii* of colds, eolith and luOniiuiHtioii, llml call possibly be U^ed SPITTING OF BLOOD This friglitful sympimn of appioacbing Con- sumption, spenddy cheeked and prevenn-d hv tho iho of Bik-Iiuii’h iluiiuiiri'iu B ilsuti. which IimuIs Iho alfucled metoUraiio, removos the ion pic lit lu- horela", nod restores ihusc vital organs, tho lung*, to a sound mid condition. REMEMBER THIS. Spininic of blond always nrises from a tendency tn (u’oerenloii* dlscaS' S, and if not ch''c'iciJ at tho i',*« to land, must no aavorusou a iihu» .»•«« • *><• ■, t i.»rftv of chronic di«m^‘*cs. to etfocl nper- U M1 . . , Slnncnteure Without cversBCtNO Ttir. patiknt, SlwrilT* *el«* under executmns i ra ,„„i„g , h eA, 10 heetlll jk»hn«V .ubjectlllg I lien, ^ ^ rUY Ihe com Is, mint be noierti»,.d I U j**' | n.ihoineonvenlonceeud expense nf lung «"'l ' willeouner nr Inter teriiimeto in denffi. A .AYS—under mnrtglign execmi 'ils SIX rY j,,,,,,,.,,. nr Iho euld olmrillee nl slranpi .s , r ., ij0 , hlnud mine, will rel-o hlund ll\YS-3alc*orpom!mb|q property »®dor or h r , firil .ul„. Tn dux mny nppen em- t .,l„nfC.iinl, mKlt.o uleertisodgmierell),TI..N . .u.mieiwit did in him .umoiimo njn l,u « d ‘ DAYS before the dny nf Stile. _ fentx nr-uuliipnixhie. mid whnilo mm nppem, d , I > PAIN IN-TUP. SIDS. ...... is- ,.b * c j TIIKH n morn chimera of 'ho hr »in, is happily now ; symptom «tf Consumption ari* i-matter of every day m curreuoo ,.. . ! »,.s frooi lullatuumuoii of the lungs, on the mem* tor. m’is* lie poit paid to cnlitlc thon 1 ! to nltcniion. fHil E X A ri V fi r K a tl * F u « e i Fur the Cure of Bdioos. Ruiniiteot and In* HfiiHltpat, or Agon and Fcvc.r and oth«r di<o.t— PAOicid«nt:d ion debdiisicd slate of the system, each ««night^wca'* A*n Ac. Tno m'.ive F. brtfu'rt h off red. Tit- p r "pri«* t„f i* awnrn dial im- cniutmiu Object hi os to «'l nvvtf pm arilio'w will lie urged ago-m this to •tiite alt oiijnC'ioos. lie Ihs Minply in s'nlo thsiui/prep'irad necordmg 10 dm rccipt ot an runaKiil physician, wlio *H' ! i' " it*' |" Tim onder-fgned has ihus u ! irig THE STATKMF.STS piefcrrcd publo.h otiikhs relative lo the i,,nefii« tiori.eil frtim Hi* prncuee. ibuikllu Him tlint eonrxe oiimporlod iliuell holler wuh true dig. m.y ol feelinu umiipuro perxomilpnffl ,g i" the px- pure or ihe .lilt to-x rep rent n "breb*muu higti-tn (I) phyeb ini* "■•oil. Id osnte uc*by eunudiug Iheirowu inimpethlijr thebnd.uln nl pmienurt nii l 1 now ee« no good roeantl m clixnee my euurxe. trill oledl .inilllnlia t" al.n erielr citrllli • uelex. nxwill liner,ir limit t, »"d which.thill!gh ■nine hrane untied Ihe plettr.ii nr from tirnnchiel itfectiun nl tile utr puxnnge*. In either CB.e nix every deli* geruue inilioeiinii of Jixen.e It prtivontx fud unit free brniiltliug, end wenre iW iy tin* II itnrul vltenglb of llm xyxiiuu. -Tne onil.o of iliix aymptoinehoiliil lie removed si once, end nothing uxn pus*.lily ol- tcclthal olijact so spiHolily and happily aallm ctBat English K*m«dy, discovered by lir. Buchan, which H«nnrc : y vim*tubhj hi iis jn‘;redieuis, and oerfeclh harudess hi alliisqu lilies. LIVER COMPLAIN P. slF-ciiun ibu Head, nod imy i»** sandy used Ihem far, w!»-r« Q uinn* is iuidmi—iliio. It is not thu piwp'is* of tlie pioprisior however Raoeiioo- • d liy nasioin on sncti occcions, >o uiteuipt h dis» pi,) nfmi'dical k.iowiH.lge by ud.iptiilg some ou« nl llo* cooir.'dic ory laeurles, with regard lo Ills ell meter slid ctiusss of F^vt*r. » Belisving with the lesrnml Grnj:n*y that iboiuli Uieret lies he. n sn mncli writl-n concern- t»i» Fever I',ere is no one »ulijeet in die whole code of i/ir tical Rco-rico mill iudu'vcs so nisny -iHpai.-d p.,iii<*. Lulling ail tbeorie.s pass, u a si.iihI Ity tacts. TiiO fir«t of .vliirli ii I at Ike N due Febrile*-- will core f,*v*?r. from wtiatover nn-e it ony hive ori.'OM'ed, slid if any doubt r«idl«,ns io me fact we inv.te die nfllictud to Ihe te l. willi cotld'leoce as o lue i-» hi Wlint ii has It,in,* il will do. The following c-rlificale of oiiu well knuwn wi:| show it lint il has done* Savannah, l^lli M >y, JS17. Mr Jss A. La lUche lisvmc nq-ic-vtcU hie to S!i:e niy kuowti-Uso td tl.e Naiivo Febrililge, I take pleasure ut stv.irn* did it wis used neneftois Ri.lty in Ho- Fevers ot llm valley oflhe Missn-p- pi-a I A»k •«* i J , in atl csss in whim Quinine is to rally *x:olii td. and wesiidnussHldM i't cidi^estH Mi-ol lae trron«vlii'ii Quinine Wis sippodudtii is Cualiaiiiilii’ <i«.-J, .1 J MITCiJELL. M I). Prepared and sold. **y JAMES A.LaUOCHE. Nu. 2 .VIomiit|i*ui square Gear This may certify Hod in the of 1841. my son Willi air. win taken with uervou.slM- Ki:t-Chit(hnui Cntuily Too Lscticatnr of IJhaih.mi Co County, 1 ram, duc‘d. ) The Real Estate of Joh.m Corram WHEREAS, HU inquest of l>cho t has Imcil reiuniatl into the otJit B of t!ie Clerk of lie fill- poiinr Court of Chithatn County, in Ihe above caro, wiieruhy it appear- that J din Corratl. n citi- *■01 of the United S-ates. iiie<l ilHOstalO, se zed nl 'hv 'i nn of liu death of a lot of l.ind,. aitu ited ul Tiinu lurhn'.t, in the Coiiuty aforcsml. coiiitiiiiinq one lin ml reel feci in front and three blind rod foul in depth, more or le«*j tmunded by lands nfllorb, Willi muni* and Casson,—the esid John Cornn Hath mm* nude ally disposition of said lot, end liiviii? 'hod vvithutii luuVmg any pmsou to claiirt the niior; N ' uuMu tncn nf llm Encheat law. this ad.. yarttsHnient is to i»t» u nottee to the heirs of tho Mid John, or others who msy claim under Inin, if imy siinli there be. lb Hppear and make 'mini to iho .sat,I lot of Uud, within eighteen months troiti lit-* dab! hereof, or Ilia sntrte Will he pro* nnuttced to ha EscIt H’cd. aaroeshly lo ihu law in inch c »so mole mid provided. It. \V. POOLER, Clcfk 3. CJ. C. C. ,p P H (linn— LI^IIL iVATBR.—Hie cimrim- .1 J tnr of the wAter Irom this well known spring Is loo W.-IU*,oWj.1,,,,1 l(l |1Cw|| Koimnoiulatlmi. We append for the curium and sciomificuH analysis' as made by mi rks-mUt. I -ulpliulHeil hydrogen, ScwImMii nttnl. 3 mil* mt- Id Rod.i | iniiiiate of m.shush,. 5 muriate nf l"nn, (i sulphate nl lime. 7 sulphate iil nodii, 8 sul- j- mle tnagne-i.i. •) suirhointc of lime, au j pruba- ily >1 trace ofciirhoiiaie iiriii:ii>muii In iniriion upon tlm sysiem it is purgative, Unireiic, diaphoretic, ami alterative, pog-fiscd of treater variety of substances mid in more abun* fW.'" ' y 1,0 us Htaiidm hi ilmhoiid !.t 1 •. in ” ^blplnirims waters. In comp'orison 1 'Y'fibbc.d with the Herrowamo springs f.rE.ig. I'M. cuiReming evory active itiirmlinut f.iuml in Ji”* Wl, '‘ :r9 - Ifih* plutiicrs of this neighborimod , ,*V* ,^ ,0n ,n 8 ct '» dill habit of using tttn Bine M'h Wmor. they would nnt do without it for any »?.T" u r . M "‘ 11 i,< H" 1 dp in well snaked burr,:ls ,' r ' V| l ' 1U *‘P hir any leog'li oftime 10 env nlimaio Thu water is firmo. Finley’s Upper Uluu Lick B P»"ig Kentucky. 1'iiee per barrel raditrad tn 5 dollars , * orsde by the birr-l, rulloo or 011 d-ailght by • J.M.TURNFxR dfe BUO, Monument. Ftl'inre : Q.oi>D\uN>d ToijAccu ^vn'imx.'itet. ’•.t-kB®"?**'“'""I sbcwlriir Tnhnrrn lor rosjji 0. R. HENDRICKSON, test (llOKOIA. Jones County about JO >0 irs v»f ago • _ . verandw.H otimi ud l»y Dr Gib-on t,.r s I", limn; notwillwlmixliog nil Im cmili tin Jn *" cnumiuod tn got wurnn. .n th t who,, th. fovcrl, I. him Im unit cum;,.ut ■ ' l"*t lin, urn,-.r hi* lowgr ■ «■ Iromition. no could not 'Vnlk n mop nor Imnr In* wstgiil upon Ins fuel; In? logs l>eccrimpm ■ ml drawn I ho «,itr.T„.l ilinn*! iiilnlornblnnn- guWi'rru'n pniu*t "0 n.mlmunil to till* turrit,u* .'tiiio Tnr livin’ dime momh,. roduund nlmiinl lu mulling hut kin .in I bunn At Innt 'll "■>!••■ ,.l hix imnro.omcnt hnd vnm*hud. I li.nrd nf hi i.rilr. ThO'ii.niinf Mxuoti in irinui. gilix- mid immlndnd tn t.y Inin. Inner,limit. Mind., n|i6ltcnllmi. ontl llltliintglt t'lO l>nt!iiirtjr.VKn June- CnlllltVi Nov. '.O. IdTi. 1 (juunoiA 1 l Till* miy ooftiry Ihnllnv lhiuXltJliiio'y. Idniignler Mnrv.,tb„i,i Itiyimrx ul xgu. h ill I,nun niinckud I. nil oh prn.i. nml „ h ■ difliuiiltio*. ..Inch onmm'iud h.r n r.'iii*idernli!i' ivtigili ot iRilu. nnd iil’l'onri d In dn- frnll tho ii.niil ri.inodinn -hat could tin hrnngln In hum mi ii. 3l,u mir.rudg™nil. >vnh |"tllti nl mi.. ,i:l ii liiuktu! IHO *hu Wool I gn inn, Hr-. In Him Mm Ilinn. "iH"l'"» mh-l'wn. rod m l in Dr. ' l.nin*qn iir.Mniun.ivI on nur- ri-ullv curl'd hnr. wnlinut ovnr having ,Eltv linn $ '."jouN’rauJ entbS!! " ‘ S ";r.a»n'* U l I do hornhyoorllfy Ihnt my iy. Jd.ilghlar Ann Kl,*n wnn ni- tnrkodiihnhtthroe vennuiguvOLlh Fai.!yakd Ui*« thk 3riv«. hy which *lm wnx onlira'jr ilixiililnd. nnd hxl iliiV n-o ol'ihe lower nurn,nil ns. Him wnx dintoly nnl niidnr iho on,« ul Ur ICnmlnll. whnxilellded her fnrnumnljme.hnl with- i,ul hen,.fit. Wo III'ill nppllod Ul Hr. P'irKnr. a iinnl Duetnr, win, idler no hail Irexlod hnr enn" nnm-liinH.ciiiliidud dial ho cnij'.d do nollilM fur her. Wnthon nppliodtn Dr. I humn*,nl Lu In dmivilln, who iilimnlud nil hnr elglil inlinllix willi ng! iho l.axl nniiefit, rur *ho wan cfl in » moat do nlornhlo oiiiidiiiiin. porlitully ho.ploni. )\ h*rover fho was laid Ihoro »l,o nun uuo'l, wilhnnl llm pnw or ..rmOliniiiiy llm grootimlvITirl i.rilio will. hhi. inch indued aim 1'inko.l nml lh.«ro wns tint fivn pounds of flosh on iho whole bod», no riant *ho could ho i iimp .rod In nothing hum living nknlcinn. il nilnh cuiild bo lllh'fihio^. W'ld- in this slate I was iiidtlceJ irt apply In Ur. M.o ThOmnii n 11 r MnoiiuY who l II 111 proud to *ny. by Ihe ,.i 0 f Frrtvidemoj and his skill in th'’ use of remedies, has restored her to exccllhttl bodily hnnlih and iho mm m' hnrlimiM hy which iho is ouohhid"., uiljuy Hi'I I vi*.l »hm,I in Iho no llomelll. widliillt Iho „x*l*huloo nf nny mio. Dm my h»dy ,*• ih»,*b»hm hem, re- .inred will, living 1101,11 *kiv hy ihe Dnolur. ! ,,,daillmn,,min,'lorpen.n j nMw,.n,y j d„llnr-. E fiowerltil. 8unpl . . |] b) CoiHiimpiiou M epemlilv cored hy its use. WINTER COUGH! The harsh, dry. It ckiog Wiu’er Cntiah xAhich •ifllicis Uhl People, nnd invalids in n low stele ol fmallli is happily ..tlceted hy the 1 luiigsriau Balsam. II. w irtne, uiotsieiis and siiuiul-tes ihe wlmle breathing appaiaius; remoics all morhiil to man. an I other foul nn^ei; purifies nml onhnuics the hloml; improves the Heeretiv'O ower ul the Liver, Splciitl. and other large gl illds. nod the dmmM'ne orgun-i! nnd impHits new life to tho Wan and mu totaled ayslcn BRONCHITIS! Bronchitis. Difficulty nf Breathing. Harrlt Cough, a flinty espertoriHion. wi'h all other symptom? caused by ■•tr«'. , t''"i of tlie air*tw«MU lead ing tVo-n fie throat to the Lungs, are dirocllv mid specifically cored by the use of the admirable remedy invented by Dr. Buchan. For sale in S ivaoneh. bv J. M. TURNER .fe BROTH-'ll. LADIES’ 3ll()E EXCHANGE L A D I E S’, Aliases, Children’s nuAlnfant’s SHOES, of every style, shade and 'pmtern, antic NEW GRANITE STORFa, 103 Congress street duvanu di,Gqn., ijgn of the Golden llatid. ,w *£ III E E K E ft , Nos. UJ5 and IDO f Bryatt street, , ttnve just pbooiv- cd, a fin** H-inorioii o of UOOTS AND SHt)ES, tnr gotitla- mcn, youths Wid boys wear, of the hest umierinls otid mnnofmtorH, and of the latent stylo. Also Ludies. Mis-ms and Children's Shoes nl' every vm» riety nod style, warranted ns food us can be luuud in this lunrlo t, and at as low prices. A I a r .0 nod carefully selected stork of Planhiiinn UtogaoH which pi-liters am) factors will find to their mlvaii- Inge to call end examine. Cure taken in fitting meu-urfs. Also, n general assortment of Capa, Trunks. Valises, Carpel Baas. School Satchels, Ac. Audit supply of Ladies atld Geutluiueti’s Part« upidu Bouts, direct imriortatiun. july v»3 Tim Sub-oriber heiuu ahout removin'* front bis prevent location, in vites the ntteiiiiou of his frictidBand customers to his present stuck which lie is prepared to make op at n very reduced profit; htu am*timen* of ready made rlodimg is of he firm order, and cvhh it ot op under Ins own -iipn. vision which Im |e re-pi-ctf lly a-ks ii cell from ins idd - nil'.mers; and gentlemen vistiue tl.e llm city will find it mi inducement l»» call nud ex amine his hIo« k before purch->Ntua elnevvlmro jmic’JG PHILIP KE-NN ir xtsY^j* c*ps;-Th subscribets are now prepurcc td •~fii'rnisli Ihe former i> a irons of (lie con ecru and IlmniiMie generally. wiihaHextensiveand wcHyblcr-ied njaakS and CAPS, on heller terms; ilisi; ever belore of- forod, having every udvamugo w (nclinoy matiufae turor tian po-sc-s, • stiff BJ , IVF.S. IMkSUV A. CO. i!y *3 \|mium''nt sguiirr AM Fcbrdnrv fi.I84fi. . Thu nlinvii cu.0.1 liMfk Ihoir ohnrnelor ■nil imnnrlnnt... will „ui Ih Ml ,,'f mS giiinlBILITV iiful.rinv wttttg pg-VI"..- ««- nniiintiiuii urtli- I'ili'ilil I whiitlll logmlier wllh ihc liiciliiv ilfilirooiirVijnnloil (him. ""m 'h“ mil 'll' I ini' ,rPO-||'«o, hy 11, nl. pill, n willllll Ihu pownr nl r , y> 11,1 v on ftiulior wliunUhny »«.|ilo,'lo pro- agv.nuA'i.e i't • AM ERICAN IStN \i LA—Warranted : ti d mi etrengtn to Russian Jsiugluss frr Tubln elites, an 01 grealservtre u dinauet where deli ate unioml ‘bod is • ijuired. und vv>.*d cuiculnted • 1 long s*i voyages, it miprovos by age il kepi irv.aud canbe'inn:lo imn Soup ilia lew minilL.s, tudie of greatser*To*s 111 clurifynig Cnlor, Beer, • ml W me TJvi-lu Table. I Hits.—-Um* hi least two ounces 01 Cooper!.* Refilled Amercin 'inglnss, vvliiclt dtunld'bo !i st soaked tn cold wainr fbr two hours; Jr. It n:V tmit w Ilt-r bun nke two qu irtfl of cold water, nnn and n h If pounds of sugar, put in il thv white nf three eggs, the juice of threu good izod lemons, tho peal nf on •, a stick of cimiainnii, a little nutmeg, orange peal, or other spice tn suit the taste; stirall tho ingredient*iwoll ogother while uold. then boil the whole masslonror five iniou'es and than pour it through a Jelly Bag. when it may be put into glaeHi s nr moulds, and when cold, will »t- lit for use. The mouldeehoutd he firstvvet with llittlo white of e«g and wat»v. just before tho jel- I y is put in them, iiurrler to make it easy to turn hern out on plates. Tho Jelly Bag is tnadn ofllaunol 8 or 10 inches cr«'ss the opening, and ubout half a yard doep. narrowing to u point st tlic^bottom, Pho licinid itat rmw through first, should bo poured hack in the jelly bag until it runs throug'j clear. And one pint of wine to the above for Wine .lolly. Other liquids ul de from preserves, may be allied by using tho same proportion oflhe laing ass. Wemc Wingr. may be undo hy using at least tnnp /■ilnoo o Isinglass fnrtwo quarts nf milk, or cream lift pea! of two lemons, sugar and sp co lo suit llm mite—bring the whold to a 'boiling Imat. strain it, and wlmtt tmeflv 200I, stir it well to mix thu nrontn that will rl«u while cooling, in moulds,and when perfe tly may ho turned nut and will than bo ready for uso. Tho moulds should be first wet with cold vator, which will prevent it rnm sticking '0 them. A IVi'shsunply, iiist rccotvod, and mr salo by novU .T.RYERSU vV CO A ^87IA5a AIAfJi'VK 4’5i>* vs. WIS- BAR’S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. The following, nlllioitgh it umv appear h little bumuroim lo'some, is rmttlm lu-<4 worthy of pub- licnlions and u« t!m theory of Magueiisui truo or false, it shows it is symeiiiuos productive of inu -h good. Svracl’sj., Dec. 13, 1842.-—D<*nr Sir:—On*- circiimsiatice has greatly helped the salt* of tlie Hals.mi of Wild Cimrry here A young lady was magimttsod.imd requestedto prescribe for her tilth er. who b is an aff. ctiou ofthe lungs. She said there wise umiitcitie at Hough’s accumpaniod with a small book, that would help him. it was the Balsam of Wild Cherry. He took it, hioI it cured Inn. She hasHiime pre-eriimd il for auofh- er, who lots taken it with llm shiiio result. Yours. A:c.. Ilouort a Uridoks. P. S. llo igii ik. fl«-id<re? are lie.ivv duruggists at Syracuse, to vviiuui ti e refer the curious. •w. PoTtsviLi.K. Dec. 1^*11.—Dear Sir,—You* Bulsiiui of W i d Clmr y has affimtail soins aslou- ishmg cures here. Ooo of whi-li is nil old lady. Airs. Russell, who Imd imeu suiTeriug fur a long linn! with shortness of breathing, and general wo ilximss. until she vv is finally obliged to keep tier bed. After v rioos other remedies bail been ro sorted'tilovain.sliH commuocedimiug your Bulsuin, and after taking two bottles, was so far recovered as to be able to attend tn till the duties of her Imme. nod on taking two buttles more was entirely cur ed. Reopectlnlly. &c. Jcom S. C. MAnTtx. A CASE OF ASTHMA. Tim following is from a distinguished Lawyer /if,,, the city of New York, who hjid been niilioied 7 with Im \4thu1a for upwards of “TWENTY YEARS;” ail 1 who a|\er reading such « uses can doubt the offieaev of line mnuioinot Nr.w YoitK. J inu*iry25, 1843.—1 have been al- fiicted with spa-ziModic asthma lor twenty four years—sometimes so severely a* to he confined to toy room lor week': and although attended hy va* rious emdieal ndvi-ero. of the hichest ropotatioo and skill m the couut'y, Iho relief was hot partial a d temporary—twice the dinoasr- proved nearly fa tal to my Ufa. Soma lew weeks ngo. ( eu-nmonnod taking Wtsmr's Balsntti of Wild Cherry, winch l'hvh me instant relief, and a single bottle produce I in a few days what I beltevo to Im a radical mid per fect cut0. A. WiLMASts, Attorney at Law, No. fid Wil iam street.'New York. We are acquainted with tho writer of the above certificate, aud his statement* tun untitled lo the full confidence of the public. F. A. Tai.m.\oos, Recorder of 'he C-ty of New York. JoHM Powart I). D. Vim"r limioral of Now York, P S. Tho above ceriificiHe may bo scon at No. 123 Fulton street, Now V’uik. Watvlics and Jewelry. . Th» Subv9ri»'cr wi«l»e« •« call the Htleuliqil of Ills bits- tortntVi lira Whoice' ntmri* mailt Ilf firii wutchiis ju«l fe^ cotvoil 1»y Tecs lit arrtvaltj consisting of Gojd Houting Cnim'Levers;'Gold Hobble _ Bottom likYcr*'; Gold Imi* tntion DoiiOia Case Levers; Gold Anchor lisuipe- uieui Levers; Silver HilnlingCMH Lever-q Silver Douhln Bottom Levers; Silver Anchor Escape ment L'ove’rq Silver Lepinu fc» d Vetiiuul Escape ment. Also fine Gold Fob Chain*; V«*t CbytliiR, Curb Guard Chain*; Keys and Chain Rings, all of which will bo sold as low h» hi any city ill the Union All kinds of Watches rn’pairod mid war*anted. D. U. NICHOLS, nng 18 First corner Wesi nf Pulaski H ouvn. PP1 N G* S CO»MPUUND FLUID EX- .TRACT OF SARSAPARILLA, AND QUEEN'S UEL1UHT, *fci:.—Fur tlie cuuiposi- tmn ofihts Extract uud tlm properties oftlicQueclis Delight, Physicians are respentiidli referred tu the Dili mid filli number, v«d l, oflhe Southern Jour nal ol iModioitie and Pharmacy. For port ying llm btood, add removing nil dis- nases arising fruiu the tuipurtty of tiiu ii i? highly recuuitn tided, as also lor the euro of Rheo. tuaiiKin", Scrutulii. F.F.sipul.19, Ulcerations of the Throat uud logs, pains mid sW'dlmgs n ine bonus, Tetters, Pimples tn the Face, Uld Sores, and nli CuieoeousEruptioos. Nmirolgio Aireclions, Mer- l Uiittl Uis*-tt‘cs, mid for usnistiog (lie operation avid preventing lutul couaoqtieucea nf Mercuirda in Syplmlif. This preparttlon, ’(bj* nd'fittg the's De light. dec to the Sarsaparilla.) combines inti more perfect degree Ilian any known rmui dy. toniv ami i.hurative powers, and is highly recommended by eminent physician*. It is prepared in coiisequoiioe of the rccomiiiuoutiuna gi*eo t>y Dr" II R Frost. Professor of iMaioria iMedicu in the Medical Col*, logo of Charleston, S S. 11 bis work on Materia .Mcdira.ouly coucenimiod by« proce&H of ilia sub scriber's o redder it more couveniJPlii for admin- istrot on. and with the exception of the addition nf marcury which may at all limes be added when in ou-aary. To shew the high estimation which Dr F entertains of the comb.notion of ihe-o urtt- is only neenrsury to refur tu the utmvo men- tinned work. There are few cases ofehrouio and pa'iifuI Rhou- mntisinth it will not yield to tho infiueuue of Sar saparilla and Queen's Delight if duly persevered in. especially if taken in conjunction with Hydr of Potaali. Is highly recomulended for nil disemes nf tbn skin, chronic a* well da recent One lioitle will, in most instances, oifuctuully retuovo all pnnplus, po-tules or bo.tcliHsou the face, to which young persona in tins climate are so much subjacied to, arisiiiB etlli'or from impurity of the blood or debil ity. It is the Imst rmi'iidy kuotKfu for scrofulotin hfiVctions. sor«H and breukiog- nut in young chil dren, nnd is sale nnd efficacious in removing eu- tiruiv evory trace of i-ereditmy iJisennes from tho *)slum,iu the tmidmevlinfmit; itifsni, in uli cnia* neons atiuiriuas it is iuvaluable Aw a general pu rifier of tho blood, uud an eradicator of ml otailt- nnte diseases, ibis preparation wili undoubtedly lake llm pitt.'edcnce of .ill other remedies. It gent ly operates upou and regulates Ihe bowels, to- Morns to the blood its wonted purity, gives lono to tho stomach, an I promotes digestion. it will efi’eciualiy relieve Erysipelas oven In ir» _ , .. worst stages uud all persons autiering from thir ! ,? M,n ’» ®,heavy h boroo or ox distressing complaint aie Hdvisu t to use it, first so, I I?"’ *» 8 ule diuui 2 iioint* hot il im merited relief tie fdurnl after taking one. * - ------ * G uns. HHfilw,pisToi,5, a.\» Ii A Hi) WARE.—’i beHiil'-crUmr bej-s |qave tn call tho attention of upon-n and 01I0 r? lo the ftet that hi-Guns '&<•- dr* 1 all mudu exprose!) to order in'England, cnn*cqiteiitli «fiey chm por- clinso at the hist | r|co. Mid ti*-pHrid on n better irticl than dmso importt-d in Nmihern. rj'-es for •ue purpOhC ofs ppiying the Sooth. Tin- u.lrn- wing comprisn n part ol tnv #:oikMia: Plain fyotihle unn* £<7 .fill tu IJifi Real Stub hihI Tv. Ni. P it Br- a h $17 to $73 Pinmntiou Mu-kets $2 fit) to £4 f/U Wnslh-y RirhardV Lens’ll oti pi 1 bag r) OlM) Walker’s bout Capa "-7.1 CLote pt-r box French Caps cent- per hex Best Powder 374 Cents pei lb Pm it.itiOo Powder tin cent* pur lb Do _ de * 6d ;> r t i g Baldwin’? Wadding 20Chiu 1 pt-i ho*. Tog'-iher with a geimr-l assort mem nf Sitii'lc Vuii», Rifles^ Pistol*. FI oks, panche*. K«tpe^s' Joo T'able a ii-l Pocket cm!* rv. Ilnrdw nr*. A e. ■ l low puucs for cn»h. Cali and ex imir.e tor j our selves. JOHN CAR RUTH F.R*L Sign of tie Hit Gun REPAIRING or ell kind* of (>uti*, Lm ks, ^r , care.folly aUeuded lo by superior woikrmut may 14 A OKICJjrj/B'irR.ilu lMPLr.Mi-.NTft.— fa. Having made isrge additions tu limit former assortment of Agricultural !inplum*>ute. t« /*nh- suriborH now offer lo planters aud cm-icliunts, a better fltonk than ever before ofibred in uin South cru country, consintiug m part, of Um fuiiuwing sr'icle*. viz'; PLOUGHS. Yankee Cost Iron. Nos. 10, 11,12 and iO Dagou,or Connecticut Wrought Iron. J,S.3 A.4 Alton pattern Ruggles. Norsr it Mnunn's Improved viz; Engle, heavy 2 horse or ox Dn. with wheel and cutter No 2 B, a largo 2 horse Do. with wheel,iud cutter No A 3, medium 2 horse " A 2, light 2 hoi'HH “ A 1, light 1 mule or gnraefi “ Ginch lirht 1 Itorso ta nmg, '* 7 do do titei'inm 1 horse furoinn •“15 do do new pattern 1 dv do.ibr lipid soi i *' A !, ‘■idefcUl V ho i so O, do do l 'just r m'sr24" FfwiLBI' SOAP. ,S-$ARSV-iwtiW Uvnir ’ \JL der. Palm, Hon0, L'totjumon, Alniond, kn#* \V hito Seehlad Soap “ for ssIh by C ittn r 20 . , B UTLfcit ri 4 A >1 T;li 1. L4 S..Sj POWDERS -All ,1.. uplid M8fflUSl§£,; tho Seidllt* Spritig combined in one cotnpn powfipr, the efforvercing solution of which in ter is'very nearly tssiefvss'. BVri' eijbt-rni.fl jmlutesldo, it is made in'tffiHfi |( k s tirrf«, infiniluiy less trouble, than .ihal prudiicet Iwopowders in the bsonl tvay. Prs k Tbomua Butter, 4 Chtaprid^ st. London, fiou by G. R. HKNDHICKSON; I a P f y Gibbon;* Unlldijiga., TJTOiVCFt—3 imsch' new ciop Cuba Honey XX just received uud Cur sale by AitI G. R HENPRJ^CL^ 9 f iocmtoArsfifi ssjurr ac.--, 1 i>r JeoihtwanperV Cockrtihch,. RAl :l ao7!' Mi.nrn PhLnn. , « vnri> tiiiil u.iIa kltiL'.!} t Mire and »,tfc df-rfrhyrr rtflhi ‘ t'W M'-nre PVi|snu v imscmus vermin. AM,- bin 'iVfijfit fj Bi=rt Bif* Poison, for .ale Uy U ft HENDHICKSDN',/ “ Gibbons Bb'ddi|iga. ‘ r snl 0 iUtvt C ONFECTIONARY.—oil boxes, Confeciioi- ary or Hiiimrinr qunbty, landing Iroui ttliI and for sale by • *■< ••*}!9% nur B . . . G. 11 HENDRICKSON. -| AY AL'.S !lE.\i 1;Hi 1; v— j„y rit .V Expect?. »/ rent, for Congl s.’Ctdds. Ckc. Javite’s CiIrm-m e Bals .m ii, r Dyrenlery ciifr Sounn-r OcmphlfM*. • •• 1 Jayne's Hair Tonic for i'll* ^rc.-rtyVnirofi’dr il.if' Hair. / . Jayne’s Tihr. Vcrtr.ifitgV f> ir Worms in CitiR’ draii, . ^Jayne'* Baneiivo Pill* For Blllious C.nmplninfy A lore* supply of »».<•«« popular rcntedfds for - recflvtd and lor sale at Pbilsdelnlih firires. by * ’ K. Hf’.NI. RICKriOJ4 _ ibliooL Ifdilfijnj * A —1 Id.1 bctetq'uu!iiy,jV}\; Ii II' li l'.ADRlCKSON. ? '• Gibbpqs! Buildiucii. F • Lfell IAFL received, end f jo lie ?4 P is s'A is AS.-— 3 •Hr’kn fust rort New YurV mapuctiou, laud cc from brig Arion. for r-aio "V o. R. HENDRICKSON, junn 10 Uliivorsal Me.!ii mc oFtfirt Ifriti-h Cojleej of* II,.. 1,1. L.. .^1. I... .O ' iJeiil'h, for aitle Ity in oe23 G R. HE Collegi ’ NDRincsoN. ! /;i iNur.u — n Yjf just leeaivcri. ud tiottle. it will be uecuasnrv to use the Hydriodutcd 1 j^ MU blc Mould Brond or Fuirowing, ] horre Potash with it. ’ Cotton 1 reaching. 1 hor.-m Rico do. new pattern, with gunge wheel. . The shove Ploughs with and without stocks— extra stuck* for the iuitirovmi Ploughs HUES. Lyndon’s extra black Carolina. 0. I. 2 f< 0 crown Do. bright do, U, 1,2 At 3, do Do. Rice, No. 2 and 3 do Do. New ground, PP mid PPP do Do. Oval Eye Grubbing, Nos. 2 usd 3 do Do. Roand’Eye do No?. 2afrd3 do Lyndon Sc Co’s. Anchor, 00, n, 1 and i no Bmdo’A Patent, 0, 1,2,3 uud4 do Light Yunkou AXES. Col'lns A Co'*. > Uund'a } 1 ^!” rn ” • ikiD, .Sot vvitimig to ptildish csnficatas ns is done in tlm C'lHes of all quack medicine* of iho day, lo ef fect tlmir gain, and so force them upon the public. :he subscriber l egs 'eave to state that hi* prepara tion ha- boon prescribed and used by s nluttherof ph.siciam.tud planters of oar city and neighbor- hood, with great sijpcc?s, viz: Dr R 11 Frost, Dr W G R unsay, Dr Tiros Y Simons, D» 0 Piiiou- aid, Mr S Lagsre, Lt Wilson, U S R S, nllot ihi- city; Dr James Sloney. Beuiiltiri, &.o. Price $1 por bot'ie, or $5 fnrti dn. Prepared hy J, PETER M. EPPING, Chemist nnd Druggist, corner Broad and Kina streets, Charleston, S. C. Agent for Savannah, A. A. SOLOMONS. d'te5!—Iy r Market sq.m ro. 1 i tie .i 11 11 nora i„iu- JL’ raceived a cuoice Hulo'jjjjn..of GARDEN ^LEfh4rwld»!tfhHViT~hmrn-*Tnisad with”great Shrifs by a Seedsman of hi*h reptifat on, uml aro war- rented as soo-l ns any to be found in Urscountry ASPAtUUUS—Qtant.and: M UsTA It D-Rroau or Blst-h. White Em iuii. MEdNS—fKI lac-, Dwirf. MAtlJOIlAM— SAret Hum nr Early Mo. O N I O N—1«t|i,w Duteh, aM»U. Lmly '-etliiw,6 wenlis.'l. npo rail,siivui *l.ii,,Ui,iuu Emly ChliH. Ils»a»r or GreoSnU* ’ “ bi'I'ii", ilut'iiri-aor b'OUio I, OKIIA. H.ilf .1Iuuu <|,i,|h or ru ulng.)l PAIl*-Lf’y-.r'„ r te,j i Lmgo * hio* Limn. Wane Delull iiiiiiors, NcarteV run- iisn. It«rt Draaberry. BEK l’—E,irly lil.imi Tor- alp.Lungbloai|,«hit. Fiouch auynr. ti\0‘ OL! — Esrly white, L ime im |.In (.'aiis, tJAHIWOB— 1 ar|y Yorh.'teet; Dutch, .UlsMP— L- Oun.s v. PEPPEIt — Bull, Cayani*. Coiioiiriicut, IVERf B"l*Vi no ... . euro relmf Trom llieir v.iriniH nmlujiu,. nl n vUry ,' , p«®| P «p'| , '*rl''3 r " r MmUeWM-oSihtW-nnJ tlinir . v ,n|iluiii, anil nen in »'«»< n. uorrnctly n. DUMililo.'vIJioii I„.uliniin* .mil'll In vnriiiil. .Vill Hu unmpn", ml,I Ill'll 1 • liullnr* In ''©LOT#; WishKo©7„' »»»'* fu= "f Five d4k ... mine W* 4W<» ''"'"'S MB ,1k fn cnllrMliiR. Til* |lnnr of nny o.nimv in qrnrilu mny H'»»" ni -<lie|ii">. *»rtl urnt | lll°ii«ly „....m„nnn nln c.r-illU.iu lilinMimiv In m. 'YV’lIO„HI!Y|i CIO DO i I .—/„«t rocnii - dims. der ii u •tig It) .,1,1.. . , i nnva ,wno rfqtiHsiaii. SHI..!! lir-1. TofuiJ br Tbnsa ,whn as* c II fir*t. "1FV . n ~ W.HqMPHREYB.Jfl SAI^r.wForitaW hy < . - ’ 'HiJ-OILnERTf Georgia Hams. juii^ framed unod, and for rude tow, ••f? 1.2 4-TAJf^.—Wifi A J. Cviv«d, 1? G*o»g|'* fcnrUr l.dVo,' Id ’ ' Jiy < ALMEKT HAR9. J WINER »V CCS CANADIAN VERM I • FUGF.—The best rHimidy over yet discov ored for all kinds of Worms. It not ynly de- strove Worms and invigorates tlie whole system bui lt dissolves nnd carries ofi the tniiinruihumliini ulima or mucus, so prevalent’iil.lho rttdmach ami hnwnls nf chiblrmi moro uspeclalljr rif lltnsn in bad health. The irfhctis forms Ihu hoi dr nert in -vltich Wdrill? prnibtco their vnnng. »nd by foiiiu- vinv it, it i* iulposHible for .Wnrijls lo remain in tin body. It is harmless in.its etTucU on ilia system, aud tlie health of tlm pa iunl is always improved h> its mo, when no Wornisare.di«cnvere«l; tho mod - cino heius pnletahlu. no child will refuse to i ike it. not even tho most dolic'lo. Just rpm-ived. and for sale by TUOS. RYEItSON inav 21 • ■■■' Vl* rH( Vl Macon, TnL'OURi tlOTTER AND SRIMRSk-SIkM'l* | VS,„ Finn/! <5 Hrkinu Ulinicu pmji.n '1 .la'Wbl‘kirVH , *'''fltef' , n V^ s’Wid-Ov 'J.olh .fiy w, 0 : scaxsxp.1 & jouNaroN. H AVi.ii« t;_ Owens' new buddings sriqtli sold Market sntMrq.l a-.n now otfi'ring h laras.iadijnitulile an*! eniirclv »tow Stock of Ready Made Clothing. Hat* limits, SMvte«. Trtink*. Carpot ete. Iicbi* iroodli'qait h« sold at rn'iteh lnivoFpriccs 7 thHn citej join cry. fis'.I hava'sdopti*dJ!ie'cnsh*jfstbui. jl being a n*iv hnciness. I will statathhil sm nreparcdto fiiriiish ev's^y thing nsmil'y keptdn a Cl o'1)1 UK r)r , Bniiiajrd Shoe’ <tdro. TliVinostias; tidion* geiitlofiian can bo fittbd otiL from head to foot at my Chitnlng-Rooms. nn'ikalra- I um pro' vided with a Ursa a«tpply of Negro Brogans, xui< table for, inwri. riker or plantation n«. • " To iitr tlist wonld •pifrnhtuh,nr examine nnyo.f triy goods. 1 hereby annnunee th, 11 a in nl ulltiuirs The fo lowing i? from Mr J*din Drown, an ex tensivebuilder in 1 he oily of Now York, and an- otlmr from Mr, WnodrolT. of Elizabethtown — The origin door ificams of these aud many others may be seen at No. 125 Fobon -tre.*t. New York. New VmiK. March III, 1843—1 w as last fall st tacked with a pain and severe -mreno-s oflhe chest, which noiitiiMied for a number of week-. 1 had previourii far several years been Hilhjbot in a per- nianont weak ness of the idlest canned by asirain This Inst attack mvo mo tnticli apprehension as I fund it was tho commencement ofa f lal discHSC About the mi Idle of Deci'titlmr 1 begad io take Dr. Wistttr’s Rulcainor Wild Chorrv, a nihslc but- tin of wbrnh sm»u "•otTmvi>i| ell sdreues? from tlm rlie-t.addud strength and vigor to the lungs— atid 1 now regard mysilfis perfuedv sound and well. Johx Bnow.v fri Ann-strCct. l.lVER COMPLAINTS Kxotvt.ESvtt.LR. lime 2(1. Irt 13 —This willmrli- fy that] haveImcnafilicli-d with a Livel complaint. onernl debility, and pain in my side, for several year?, and lor I'icbteon inouthsliud hecn unable to do rtnvwb'rk. In Di'cimiher |««t. Irommcnced ta king ()r. Wistar’s RiLem of Wild Cherry, end found ihmindiute benefit f nut it. I vontt began to gain steady I h, the pain iti toy side wa< rclloved.and I had aLo a eonwli, whioli was entirely curud in a I'eifr wifoks hy this medicine. A D. IlorkiNs. Tliudbovo certificitols strictly correct KvoiVles Sc CtiEtstM.tN, Jifef roralvtid arid for snlo'hv ' • sept 21 T. RYERSON * 00. Ac.—Riitsib*. Figs.- Priim v and Preserved Ginger, for sals by II. J. GlLBF.UT, \V« ?t sida Market m. fib 18 P ART ll, Tho Koivbi uf.Gwyiiuo, A Taje of dm Turn- ol'ihe Union; by Clmrlea Lever, The 81 rrct Pas?mn: ♦'/' 'hu author Ills “The Youth of Shakspenre.'" , ' • ' Burton; or. the rtiegf*: hjr th* author of “Ln- fit' v «” Irtglehorongh lls'l, and Lmd of*tli« Minimi by Hmi y W. Horhori. The Dukn and'C'oiteln; bvMrs. Gray,' . *.-j Blanch* Titlimtt »»r.'hs Meidert'* Hjind. . -The B mdiu oftli* Osage; * Western Rotaancel by EmerMOi) BeniteU. , ' An Autbeniin Abcunt of Tbnndcrbclt and Litfhtfnrtq two Nnlorlhu* llighwavrpcti- Blltb Fcnion, and the Secre; PoUoneit by MrrI F.hzi ^huridsit. Old Iron Stdps and Gld Adam*. Ths I-adore; or'he HI F-'ted Barque, The Lady's Droiim; or tin; Foitune Teller nf Copn’g Hid) A Doflcnd of Boston. Revived f Laigu \«irk. OrQriii vlubn S«- Vo.V. Early Sueur LovT, Early Dmaihcail. Lute Draialieail, l.iir*o Into It uemo.i, Lulu llm Dutch, Early flat Dutch (Jraea 'ilesml. CAULIFLOWER—Early amt I >'<•. CEI.ERT-White anlM. CHESS—Our led or Pap, pur/r»s* KroAd lr»f. C'l/cU M RE it-E.rly Frarn Eirlv nliiater. Early tine l *rnrii, Early nug gri-aii I* A IHtO T—Early horn. Lmir Grume. < Sarot or Saani 5-ulv Cioiuda, Til-cardru. PU.MPKIN MqiiiiiiuiIi. PEAS-EarlvWe,I, 9) I, et, ear.y VV arwlm,. iR,ei. aarly duuliln M..»»oia fraiun.3 “iriy Chsiliou,nolitan Hol»|iiir. ,1J feel, Dnarf.l!a iiiWf.t. 3) I'enl, Hitliop’a ttef P’lillfic, I four. M.ilcMer* .Marfoiyfai or Tall, 6 fact, RADI'H—VVhjto F..II liar. ily Long Scanet, Lon* y,,|. mini. ScnrleiTuniii, Velio Tiiruip, ifi„n Sanoarr and Autuina varloiy.i i,t,, c g p u tl 01 Spun Ish. •HHI/tURI! KOOTa. «4L?IFV. XADK. SPI ,VAQ E—PrleVlvor Fall, Ituuml Leaf or .^uni- iner. SQUVSIf—Earlv Runnner bu-li, Early .Sun,mar cruuV neck,, 1 Winter crook Pack. Locoainil nr Purlin '» Va|pa- g» Ircsb gtonttd Gingur; or»; 4 j ,,, _ it. HENuRlC JCSON. i KAi'l-IMr TWJIYJi --ailtuli.,,*,; , V t voitiid mzrp'eiid qualities, for auli* bv .I"'"-'I" Ui K.'HENDRIOgSOW.’ • *U GAR —2 lib Is tu-t rermved nnd lor najo hV . ,(f.K HENUItlCKSOk.';’.' _jo^ne IQ Gibhc'Ua'jjnild.'ogs. P‘®ON —Dr/ r I , onchTwungiii 7 it inluilabln Bed Bug Poi-on, vv.irranted iu «x- tenuiiihte those noxium voruiin, »or «B’e-|ty- ; i ,inn ’> G.R UENPnio K SO Nr Vurlour petternt. > RIlOYELd. Handled flpai'e*. bucket flfisdea cm/nvAToiis. HAauuws.««. Itnprov«d i.'ul'Jtatori, witu|(’«»rn ^liallcra 3 align whaaI iPau .MUD,ten iixr* t!valor Plough, or Home Patuai ‘teuirus Hue 'Ouainioii Ilarroica Foldimr d<> Corn ami Cohh Cru.-bari, a hand mill Do. do. for hor« po> SCVTMF.S. HOOKS. Plnniiition WhonMiairm** Ooi'imoii jjiiaw C. tiers Patoot do, do., Sn iMgletrov* Orain <>adlan. , i»^' jiiftaru F.njflNh Patent Ruy*|re« Amurlcaii Or r.e do. Ora»» Platt do. 3cvihn amlthe Briar Mild [( ihh do. Do. Hooh* . Corn Cutlers, Po»t.^poens Ox Yukuaaud Ox Rowi Frnilk, Ax ITrlyc* DirtBcraum.lor puh.roxdr Pruning Shasru (» ode llorr, du. Rahrs DlietiiuS Km v.ia Ti-?h«pUntiu< Trowe'i and Fa, •« a OaiiU-u lleela, Do. Lire* With a v.-irioty nf Impleotenta Uot ment'oited. For sal* bv HAZARD, DENSLOW A WEBSTER, jtn 1 GJ reDUISluaiL’a.-te 0 lib'!* N O. Sugar KOO PLANT-Pur,d, KALE — (ijeuu ourlrd fld.iich. Purple. ral-e. Vnratalile Mar LEaK — Large Scotch, TUB .VI P— tarty white L.u«ni'r,n Duieli.riai.irSi.riu* Eirlv LKt'TUCE — DrumliOHil, rail lop. Early Oani n Himio, liilo t.'alih»*a, Carlad .Site | Largo Norfutk || HU . Piir- ] i*. I.sreo grnenhoad, Lope- ovaror luag) T.inkitr^, rl Vjrn ll . ,,l ?v**' « • |i'« top Ratal,ug*. ftlEt.ON — O.-ann teitmu. TOM t l’O—Largo red. Nutmof, OMitelope. Large THYME.' * Murk. SEFD3. In nsaV?. 19 Rln l . In mch.llo fka’ C s. W Un>U in ett-li. do -5 do I do IhO do FlnLn.AN-D Fl.O'iVni-.. SF.F.DS. ,Vn II mkivliiiiit, Bniiim C'tirli, Blu* Cl,mi* nry SiM'd, Huiiiji Sunil, Alillut, lleil Clnvor. Kyu nml Oils . Flo.ver rteode, Roots. Fruit and riRos.fiirnishud in ordei from “im nfilm btsi.ind m«*st ntii'nsjv*. Nurse vs and Flouur Garden* in lli* country' An assortment of Rdriks on Acriculturn. Gar- , . deoing, Raising „f ritnok. Poultry. Sir. to winch c ** , J y williu. oi led ill,- iimin popular works i**u U ij on (lie abnvi- oilbjci ts A Roofs for tbn A aim lean .Urlchllurist. ptiblleb on monthly by A B Allot., N. Y. for which sob sci to 1 - osam solicit d. mm BE.NStiUW .V WEliSTF.a. P ap mt WAMuribnsu—SiT5iiiTr. I'"* Slip. Mil tv Y11,k.—-Cyrus W 1'iki.i, oflers for site a| Ihelowput Manufacturers* prices, n very cxtmirive assortment of. PAPER. cdm,»ri.s.- ing every pns-ible varioty, adapted to tlio wai ( t-.*l consumers in all section* of lit* country. Puimi nf all kind* mad* to order at short noflcn. The stock of Prinllrifl Pspor i* tlnijiteialjy largo, si nnn of wirich is of very snpiTiorauuliiy. P.iper.Mak or?’ MiiterLI* of every dencrlptipn. imported anil koptnon* nhdvdii Hand, vjjj Feltin?-, \Vifc Cloth, fotlrdrihl-r Wirft*. Ml* ifchirig Powder, Bine Ul- •tMinerin-. Twine ^c. . Raga.—C'*nyn*s. Bale Rope, Gr*Fs Rope, Bng giug l .ifcc., piirchs«s(i for which the highest nriep. ■ n .» v ; »\tjo nq~d,', —lyr July 24;• .|\te\v aim Goorgiii Hii.r Vjrg|Ul.V Osn.'borgn; H«avv Striped do; Flax do; IW4 7s8 v, snd 4-4 Btn ‘tVirrtjdffe|'6'snd 10-4 Mo' Shr-et, .inttl Blnaclinii snd Brrr Jeans) Mariro r sqd Shut- In, 8'ripsyt.MMriborp Plaids nod Strips,Jilpo mnr 17 I■ HKNRY H. STOTF.BBWIlYi 1 B ufiKivurAtTl.oim—Inhnir.iH lor bblni Hr Klin I'V " It. (.iflUiBERT, , i, fcb 85 i Wmi «Jn SOrWuujiuru. !iq mmbnofc 2.» p.tckagi'S'dn ande|il«hi*d do £dl) barrels N O M til tfl«es, fit) hl:d? Gu dena* Do fitt hlid* Stic?; fi’) do Sho'^ld•• , ' fiU.iilids ilajttst 2 Mi hh n V.’alt il F 1UII h .If bid*. Can d Finn.*, yrtl) bags Rio Coir'.*'; fill hn«s .lav IDII uQrksgcs T.iilraet-o,various Imii 100 bills Seed Putat ii ? ; 41Hi keg fill btesaod Inlfdo \1 n.'krei, *N\o lull Grindstone*, assorted, 2‘iu boxes So'p, »niioiis tirandM, •25 b“Xes Starcli ; lfiti li'ds Whi.akey, fitl bid* Now F.iigiaod Hnm* f> pip s O D i: CcNBrandy, ptue, fi piprs llo'lnnd Gm. 25 J c.iiltfl .Malaga Winn,sWcel, 25 i do do do diy, 5 hilf pipc* Mu l-iia ( mv porting ; fiiMj. Spam; h ‘20 qu.irtitr rnr-ts H\siin Tea, 2t) lull'chests B-iirlt d . TD hag* Pepper) ID bag? Pimmitc. 6 I 1I04 T«ri ,i«,l BuoUki.; 2i}U»ai kit jjiih, fit) bftisPnelp.' (jiii, iNte Ac •i.'is. In Kuri!, Hiid for s'tlo on fuvorat'lr irrin?. by fi*b io j ii^ \ cram:. 'I’UF.A I IriF. im do tei.H'tlcn nf Mi'diciio* bv G-orge B vVooil. M I). Pr<|fi-kor o Aliier,:i Mcdica and Fl( intiacv in tip; Uioyeisi > of PcuitKi Ivani.i ;’«nu oj»m of tb»‘ aoilioni'iif l|n-| D : *i’ensnioiy of U“ite)l Hl'iiea of America 1 K". J \L COOPER a C"fi*'C, mis A; -:a«s • in id. . I, 2 & 3 in T'-’UivEY HKD DK.\T|':KY.-J u „ recti, * I. JL and lor aalo t^y jui IH SNIDER. LATHROP JC NF.VITT W HITE GINGER.. Juraaicu •sle by june f> INGE It.—A fV««li r.npply o|fo l.itu a'r,dpto Gibbon*’ Htiildm^: ‘ A-/ 1 ION.— An efiVciiml cure for frupforte of the Fncn imd Skin, particularly for P.rnotei Blntclm*. 1 otter*, Tan, Sunburn*.. FrccWfc’v&oi A degree of pleasure rircotapnrileli tlie bTeiit 'hi. etegHut prfii.urniioti, in (is rerVcFbuig-Wm upon tho skin. Cittnneun* irriinbiluV mhu dt v-rilo- ration* are also removed, end a , ore state compli'Xlnn established by the im- of iftitflMn, For sail, by G. K. HI NDKlCKSON'- ;T "’ HV Gibbon's dlniMfi^- P a,i--A;iC.-2uO ru-mu Lmti r ami Fo,*U raimr. ussorten rmatiiinu * t• .I:n /.* 57 P«|,or. umchuVtjiVnlHlnn.' Juti /.iSi. '"mn’iSpH ' J >l r-f IUA,IY —A Lvnnm in. f,„ ,|,„ Pj|„. nlilinr iulvrtml II, ulil,!rn(MW*SBnT| ,f r l,linuti(4» i* U. R. HENDRICK Si IN ■ jtl (in 99 JCKSliNr Clliilmin' DiiiMinr.. f ’ -*.'l l-..'».”l...i.- d i iirluinn Shull, U V; lit),lal,on mill Br.itlHInn Uiijij Com In mu) 1,111111,1011 |„,m buck Combs. Skin Cou’tiYoI ii vuriiiiv ul iiniicnin, Drcnnitiji Combnl SHKIfButi Inio. Ivory uud English Kura nnd Fine Ten Cnnilm uf nil n.zcn I,nn(iii. f , fur null bv nmv 13 li_H. HF.NIiW|OK*Oy.- 1 • 1 U.—.Uunpuluu’ nmi-noodiK . ™ "II'I I"* crlkhrnird,live- ilvrdnod lor solo by (1 It HENDRICKSON - -GHitionn'Imildinyiir' H ibbard's' th.i.s-r',; v . b, ii,uili"ra'i gonulne vcgetblilu. nlili.liilldnn oilin' forriilo te_„ to a. It. IIENDRfcKSON. mny 1R -- .. .'j)tfil«<liuti»«l!. 1J UU.'S SAIlVi'ipARIELA.i- A. li^BnHI iJ> C'Hi,pound Ejirncl of tfnr.»|,nrilln,-for ibo euro „| Surnloln, docn.o. or llic Slnn. Dyrp,.p„„ i Fm ffb'ys'Mr'WWj-* Impure Stale ofthe blood, eriiiM i, 'inn of .Sarsaparilla. ** ■ ' - J tie, by ft, -“"j'-i • - • T ,*? 1, 'WX'-'—Sftiii.ifiiil’AirdlLinipVlcl. X2 III nil sihejii wick* for Lard lvVmiuF aiu r.’. din »lrk, fur (ki bf. H Ml® ,, Gibbon s Imitymp*. nnr 24 a; , / U ill H* JlI i ;> Ii,—A Jreslj ► i . n Mjl ' ,<, 'i ,ij, . lr «c«^viid^ su’d Kbul vgnifteiiilF’ii.i '!# i. ii'. K. |te.NDKlc?<SUfS"; .. ^ • Hibtou'ii Xjf nh. Iym hb-F,«p»,-ilo.,.' ifarroiftil J! ■“nocj.r yb) ’ 0-, n. iiE.Noiiil.ifp. H fc'iaiiij i,v hii.) ji»J_srl!i,„ I t’ j'tlv 7 B ,aC'O.S, Ar*i,-.U I,lM- (MV BilU'ill nJU'JIlte dois.;,iO barrels tinllnuorir \Vlu-ke>j ,nt ih Pll-lpc' Gill's ar, ill, .Vv "t'mf.' Br'.i'inly ; f. Riilllmori! Fl-mr.m stor.v.nh*l forW.ile bv - j ii no 9 (MVNK RAP »V BAR IE. P OUR A.^f •(v F4-3-• - nm*,*.M as, I’ork, C*'> do Prim*' •<•», 20 »Ma>* Bet'f, VU ( v>," Prime d". For *«djJ by "in» v 17 Wood. rr.AGMoRNA- fo. ‘¥ I.Hti'i.V 4ii* > Homy ini. Linen's, i .B.i Pillowr.a«*i do. eupi'r 12- 4 t/meu Sheeting. K» by 12 HardmIi.Cloth ThMh Di.vpeg and I>r.m a*J(. H.itcknhuck and rieo'rh Diapoia French Tew els ittd N pkins. suprr Hui'geliuck N"pkir,«, win and bi o Liiieri'Dolls •!»*,' plaid end Btripcd dn do. French Linen and Hobaml* striped and plaid Lilt ' ens lor emits. Received-anil for »iW#iby Jon*21 . .HpNRY.H STOTEB .OJIESTICJj, , " .,-4n4 Bhsetinj;*, sal* by |^HA3ieAU,\l-;.-miiJ.kclUC'h.M n , B n, Gbnrffia brand, jw*l received *yd,fnr»al 0; |ti ,^r lfi, : v „ . J- F» GA.UDRy.Ac. fro. £JVOAH.-!!'l lil|J. S'0^l\i||ii', 111.(0,,■, nnr O for raluby . .! . mnr 5 1 OOVNEltAT Si BARIEv N -'E.'WctHi .—30 bM* ^ritne BoMotTRimj • dn etdto'i and’ for s»l* i«w to clo*o consign meni-i ,d . J , L BALDWIN A CO. •.•«! .‘;nie«r. m ,tg«Jdi tiuitilYa!a, : o't npr ]t| G. U. flrNP hjcks • »dd»6»|f Iltii P U ' V,,, '‘‘ rtT’KS ,Y 1U»XL\S.-atfTtffriT. Also te'i’ 1 Full* And ltaii ano. i oir* with,.i.t ii K . iiLi. HiA Boxes, lor sn'o by - • ‘ -*1"“ G. R fy I’ (.'» E.AK.-rf'JUU.; ouor.iol iTulirt "’-•we.SrtMf.iyw.WdmndSl s "J MfcAivsuwaKiiww, k - Gf PEPPER AN npr,2f( ;:_iw«r *M-r I Yq H FNJ T\/ HITE-WASH BRUSHk' ; > mem of fine qunlliv (Vhil, i^T.OPtEkAS.—26 cask*. dua-Gri •Tt'f SO (.<)'"’eidd"(^_^ .1 b«r .xnKnT iwmlfV/ givd fnnfl % •hit ft/. not v. v,OTvi/ nog ■