The daily Georgian. (Savannah) 1835-1847, September 25, 1847, Image 3

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»«I>K mfc f""”' - 1 -- !S= Pov«uw Vork—Now Ulio. THIS DAlf. . „ a. Tim triiil it pnk.1 Sri* MACON, N. QJlIltmy li«>«H «*U«(l«W M S will ««il TIM* «*/• *«' tl| l“'Wl <*l fnSlIilot imm(o. «up«tK.rit»l.».uin «o» cmmiwM'W-'.«|>flj it" “* AjlfcljWiioop- war wh«rr, or In s. w. iviuur *v co. “iiAirWewnVotli—Olil K,l«Ml.N»d l.lm*. P "J!“ Sri, JVII.SON POL. rtj LEU. lain- Cr.wfonl. Iiarlnj p.n i>rh«t SSlunmU. will k iw quick StUpnWlt Put WR. Z?pZ>p ‘tP'f “« «l TVIftlf. JB? S£ " BALDWIN It CO. yJ^-oFfcitAirrottK.-Tit" «.i» S offlHLNH’UKE atthu rsvidence of <». 11. rw-.n ou VVInuWSt., will be cmniwftod through BaU tu coiiuueuco at 9 o cluck. npt 25 filOCABl , ^ ri5 ^r f/yuMuU 1 iiiviuil fur hmlumg *» Episcopal Church m orilaAnville. ti. C. Specification* mid ull r»fer* ^““ '1 «i the ullico or Mc*r*. Jacks.m *uln. Lr ro^i. nUSTATION BOV WOODS.- r Tim S'llMullwti nfu now tfU«l»in* nil .»• BMoriinenl uf I’lniiw. Ulnilkiil., Digging, Ac.. An i nnuml whic,t * r0 nl . nil Weill. CuidowPInl'm Wul'W""' Lngrt'itfn Mill Kentucky Min.d fllick »»il Biown Alii'il M illnry Kcncy, Fancy Clitck-il ■ml Sttipnil do. Niwpi'il, C. ««o«* «mi Wk«llln|WU Jci.n, 2j4iiiuai« nml Kentucky J««ns KrJ. Grey «nd PHW Lin**ys MufljPmwtaad Alack an aw Btankota Tkad, While ami Urceu, Pbdu and 1 willed, ^SjSted M»d Diown Cnnon Flannel* Plain nnd Twilled Shining. Bnij.m , tilnrliiitf, Apron mid F'lnnhire Checks MAtUtato* mul B ||uJl ' ,,u " j U,,J Stripe* y_j 7„j a ,iil 4-1 UruiVli and Bleached Culton 8 Btiiw*' Collol Ofillw mill O.tinblirg. AVnifrkuw. Pcrmia mul Kiunill llniulkirnlmfi Kilcwtnock, Olenj itty ami Hub Buy Cn|u mul ^Spotted. Striped an I Plain Gunrni>fcy Trucks Biuo. W. B- "ini“AH Color*" Ftai Thread Lir^u Uunu and Metnl Buttons A.VD 4^ and It inch Sen Ltaml Itagsing All winch, together with a full supply nf 1'uiiry ■nd Staple Dry On nil*, are ottered for sale in nuuuliticb in unit purclnm*. by ‘ JAMES ANDKRdUN A CO. No. 70 St. Julian uuU JOB Uryun-streots. lepl 25 JKP— D BY WOODS*—By the Ptace or Fuck- sue—The uuh»ciib**r In* now in store n lirgu nnJ wdl it'lccied Slock of F ill and Winter Dry tioml*. .which he offer* tor twin to the trade by ill* Piecit nr Package ; end colioita an exaini- nation of the mine, which lie flitter* hinmclf will CDinp«ia»nace*sfnlly, both io ih© «u*nn»m*ni nnd prictf, withanjr ollier'j'ilihingdry giinila n»t*bljiili. nientaiii ilia cuiintry. for the proof nf which an warty MiniiinMton i* aolirttud nl Nn*?ftn»d 154, O'ihboii'* Unihliog. lllltAM HUBERTS, leptija aswaasaai! ' i eeilMwi.i, ■ mmrnmm Rate* of rralgbl on (he Wcstetu un4 9WS mid Altai lc Rail Road. M1TWKGN ATLANTA AND VrtttST CUAbi—ItDao*of tint*. tmnnuU olid furoituto, pur IW\.... arX’OND UI.Aa8-Uuau* aad Wala 'of dr/ 8uud« f «hM*, aaildlory, *lu*»i patM*. utA tu e*na. roj* and aoufioitonartM, per tt)0 the. TIUUD CI.AaSJ—^U|*r, coffa*. liqnuf, b.iffgluf, rapt, clirrse.bui. lur, tMii.cci., teattior, fgalti*r»» htUoc culton ytrat, woul, coppor, till, thret Iron, liullour warn,* lug*, hardware, baton, (unpackedi and p her litarp article* tint vuuiMerarad below, per FOURTH* CLAaS—liico.’flour, bacon In ca»kf or boxer, pork ,iwef, fi*h. lard,tnllow, bca.wax. baloa «■»* r*|f r. (hiMnf and drinl fraft iu ca«K*>ir «acka, mill (curing, piy and liar Irthi, mill and friml ftoii«i,}t«r40U tba.%...................................... FoTTO.N—Pdr WO lb« MOLASSES and OIL—Pat H«fahead,not excaadlnfe IXgatluua... •* « . Parbarrol, •* “ ,3 SALT—Per Liverpool each, uot oxeeodtug 4 buehola Herbiia'irl. MtHOBtiLANEOUS AKTIULES-Ituohota end tuba, par duauo.... Hurouciira.uloiticarriJfire^aUfa coaches, cud road wagoua ttuyaiw,fiti, utkles,and o rryaita Clit Ira, luultoguuy rocker* ’• cxunitet do •• wood do •• mahogany " canoanat " wliidiur. Colton glna.rrtiia.amut nucU((iaa,aud looma Carhuva of Vitriol, extra haxurdoua tlemtjaua «•( liquor, par (»Uom Jog* " M “ •• Htnitht'botlov.»,ematl>U«, oacU •• " large nud me turn cix*. each, and p iteotpuwpe. Shovel*, opH'tM, acythR*,eihnr*iam) broottra^yerdoXen Plough*, wheel barrowa, corn ahollora, atraw cuttera,d( cultivato.a Stnatn imckager. not tea. than HUNPO WOKR-Par keg of 85 lbs extra hesardou* LIVE 3TOCU—siwgta cow, liurac, muto, "r ox Car load do do' do Sncep, Iambi,goat*, klda,hoga,pig»,calvc* and doer, each, per load.. .sv. Dunks and fowl* in roopa, per doxou...» Cnr»e and turkeyaia “ " ■" ’ ORA1V—Wheat, pa»a. b«an», rye, Mur, and grata *eed», in tucka, t er '•uabe| > (no atlovTauco for wei'agc) Corn.lierbaahel...... Oat* iu xar.Ua, pegbutbel I,IMF— In enrke or boXoa not exceoding SJ buabel* TtPECIE—Per hundred dottara CS 07 S '< 00 t.'l n ‘hi i &o . 15 to Od B 5 0) 10 00 1(1 IS 300 75 «0 00 83 600 J 00 80 IS IU 15 111 10 800 I 0U 15 10 6« 75 80 V5 '£> SO 5 00 15 00 SS 12 TsasBassssm.., In ml and twmtty ont by water fiom th« City of Navaunnh Is ottered for sole. It contuii a uiua bun* atliUL^.r-bi sS&gmklmt 111 1 I 1 a s X l 4 j j J. i 0 t We W wo 40 20 0 40 44 1 40 00 ll» j 1 M t d W 30 CU 33 CO « • a IS 20 50 85 M w 15 85 55 30 55 b 3 5U 4 W» lOltU 5 U0 to 00 “ CO 1 83 3 40 1 VS 3 U0 j* as 35 8U 40 W) 1 Orf Od UO III .20 y, 30 50 5W W h 6 DO 8 (M) 81 00 10 00 21 00 a 300 4 50 13 00 000 43 00 a Vi 40 73 50 t 00 v VO :ri) 70 40 o> r 15 85 75 35 2 * 00 30 40 4n iu Ufl 'ili 85 to " tu to 3; 1 16 30 c U CKJ 3 5U 8 00 1 OU 8 00 r 1 *00 l VO X 50 1 50 2 50 | *0 80 55 30 55 _ 15 15 33 IS 35 P Sir 1 (.0 « 5(1 l OU , si 1 75 1 85 3 05 1 50 3 V5 t W 35 70 4» in v 05 50 I 19 55 1 19 55 85 50 25 50 80 50 (53 35 70 5 no 6 00 14 00 n 00 44 00 10 ou 30 UO 55 00 30 4.1 1 on wi 100 ■ IS 96 50 3U «5 50 75 2 U0 1 CO 300 Ofl r,fl 80 10 30 07 C8 )U Oil lb 05 Utt 49 Ott 18 80 25 70 3'l 70 85 2f> 95 dred aero* of I •nd, H(Tohundred ortvhlch ore clear* ;o in wood. The cleared lubd* ate himVer, itavea, eut atone,"brick or •hlneitr. No pAkega uketi by tba p >**angar traia for leaa than 50 cant*. Cnt’oii rcc i ed in good ordmr at thn depol* and aftrrword* turn white in pnaanarion nf the State, will hainended at ita nxpeure. All other domugodone to cotton nnd tuu.chnnditc, intrvHiiiu, w^H be promptly *oitled at the Tranapor* tatlou*, at Atlanta. The 8t«to will cot bo reiponiibte fur leakage of liqnbli, breakage of glaa* or crockary, and hullow.ware, or wait* age of grain, MerchaudL* marked O. W. (««wn wagout will he ratalued at the dapot one week free of expenia, Alt pood* not *o inmked, will be forwarded, If the freight lie* been paid, ns soon ea poislbln after they arc received, without extra chart *•. w ■ The Agent at the head nf the road, can at oil lim** procure wogoua for triicipnrtinggouda to arf'paclbf Georgia ’ the mlUcnnt Htate*, at from 60 to frt» cent* per 100 lb*, per 100 tulle*. 'b ‘ ^No chilin (t*r d.innged or |o»t pnnd* will be allowed unlea* ureaenled within one monln uft-r th* Iota or damage. r retght payetde on delivery of tho goods amt no good* witt bo itehvornd uotlt the freicht t* pitd, W. M. STOCK I ON, Hunerinteudunt uf Transportation. Trnnrportation Ofltiro, WaMern and Aitnnllc Rati Road, Atlanto, Sept, 1, 1HI7. 1— repl 23 F all and winteii goods.- li.avk and Umy Iv*'r*ey.*, Vliitttttid Fancy •Striped, do ; (irey (icurgin Plains; ffttnvy Wool Siriped Plain*; Urey, nil VVunl, Kngliah, do.; f>*t TtvilM Blmket^t 9-4 Ifervy OuRil do.; 9-1 Mackinaw do ; J#—l llenvy Super Twillud do.; Red, Veiluw, Blue nnd Wltiln FliiutiHn; 'M, 7-S and 1-4 Brown Shirting; 5*1 nnd Jtt-4 Brown Sheeting; 3-1. 7-Sand 4-1 Black L»mtk I Ulolft; Plain mVl Striped Kniitueky Jenna; ; Urey, Black. Mtxetl t'*d Blue d ilineta. Bleached > and Brown L'aniou FlauneL; Plain «n<j St-ipi d | nonieapnit; Fluid Liuacya; UluuU«, Ticks and; Sluruug Stripe-'. Up»im>l uml for e tl«» |*y wi*IS5 IIF.NUY H. STOTRSIU/HV. ^EflEMBS uf Muxtcii. By Ueorgu l.ip- Tun Ranger nf Ritvcttatrenm. A Tale of the Re volution. Hv Newton Al. Cinti*. Life in London. F.lleu Mttttruv.a Subnet to •• Life in t.ittidnit." Tat a a of tho SnnnUli Su.t,. By llenry \V. Herbert. # The ConnicM of Morton, or the Triumph of Worn tn, iranHj.tted froin tho French of Ftederick Sonlilbv. By Henry IV. Heihmt. The .Vfarrici-fe'4 Uattchter, a Talc of Lire in the Ureal Mefropoli*. By Nutvion M. Cuiti , An- tlt'tr ol tlit* *• Sronf.’* d;c.. Are. The Donut of (he TotjGu ml, a Tatu Bv Netviun .11 Curii*. Tito Corsair King, or dm Blue Water ltuvora By Clinic* E. Arerltlll. The Advenlurus of a Fronch (••utleiuult. Bt I Hi* Author of *» Pickwick Abroad,** &e„ A Treaii-e on Food and Uiui, with Ultavrva. Hon* on ihu Dieieticiil Rugimen. aiiiied for Dm- mdored etitna of Din Di-in-iivu Urgaua. Bv JonitlMn Fori jra, M.D. F K S.. and Lwom. t'duofiH Royal Co lege of Pl»y-ici.t lw> Lot,dun, •*Vc. (vitted by Cllirle* A Lett, M.D Received by JUII.V M. COUPEU.. wplSo P V H.ralutgJ tviui UttT Firm "of , r . uornkay and S»«(. By Cltnrlea Htck-u* , yonipl-le Angler, or the Cnnieinplaiive Man a Uc-rnKiio,,. By Lone Walton iiciurul Li'e of Geiiuiat Ltiayutt*. enthracing Bl'whalive of Ilia C'hirotirr. ,, |! 8 Gruiu of Lifu, By Frodutick Holliuk, M- U. Boc ived by jepijj /OHM COOPER. Look well at Tlii«l A RARE CHANCE. Salon close ou Tucmtay Aneruonii nl 3} o'clock. Drawingltho Wednesday Morning,H9th. ^ PRIZES OF # 10,000. GRAND CONSOLIDATED LOTI’ERY OF DELAWARE AND GEORGIA, OltiM No. 39—D. Pkisr. dc Co. Mnanuert Draw* in Wilmington, This Day, 325th iust 7o Nmubor Loiiery—19 Druwu Ballots. CkrtTAt. Prweh. 5 prize* of $10,(Mill I 5 prizes of $2 441 5 do 0IHKI .Dll do 1 000 5 do 4,(RID j 00 da 4DU Ac. Sic. Sto. TicUeis, $10—IIhIvbs, $5—Qunrtors, $2i— Eightes. S.kVAIHIVABlMLOT I’ERY. Draw* iu public, nt Wyliy** O.'Hcn, TUESDAY 28th Sept, al 44 ttVluek. Su!e*clu»a Tuesd-y nt 34 o'clock. #3,000-# 1,200. GEORGIA.LITERATURE LOT I’ERY. C’la.-m No. 54—D. pAi.tfc A. On., MunagcM. 79 Drawn Number*—12 Drawn Ballot*. lltUUMT PHUtS 1 prize uf 3,mm I 1 prize uf $7011 1 da J.2HU I do UUU l du 8(Rl { 1 da OUU <tc. Sir.. Sic. Sic. Ticket* $1— *hara* in proportion- #A package nf quariur ticket* mAU co*t $0. Far mile at C1EO.W. WYLl.Y’S LUCKY OFFICE, Corner uf liulUuuul and Bay Uno. CP Ordor* from tho country promptly Httendod id. *on» 2f» rjpO FACTOR't & PI.ANTEIIS.— to, oik) prizo* cashed mi doniniid, LAST M O tl N IN u OF SALE. Silo* close This Day, at 12 o’clock, M. GUKBNV.AND t‘UL.WK( MONIMIBNT fiO CTCItV-C’Inee 33, far ISIL Drew in. Alexandria, Thursday, Sept. 23. Drawing dun Monday Morning. J, W. Maonv At Co., Mutineer* (Suuciiifiora m J. G. Gregory At Co. ?u Number*—13 Drolvn Baliul*. LzatitKo canuals, PLANTATION UOUOS—Ssurna, Lxru aop ti Ntvtrr, ofler for«*l«— 20 bale* super Loiidnu Do lb I Blanket* 10 do Fancy End Twilled do Georgia Plum*, Stoday’* niariufacturo Cabin Warp dn, 25 do I'aio-y dodo Washington, Glangow urn) Union rolled Rcrlcyl cxira heavy Mallory do dn plain ant) twillud Red F unnel plain and Ihjicv Linacy Wnolaey heavy Culton 0*ii-d»ur2«. Georgia mado 3-1 brown CuMui Sliirtiug 7-H heavy dn do 6 cases bine and fanny Striped Homorpnna 5 do low priced Calico 50 doz»n ICiuianiock Cap*. 25 do Scotch Bonnet* 25 dn Wool Suck*. 1(10 do 11 nnd IJdkfs 25 do do G)ovb*. 51) Col. and Wool Shawl*, For *-do nt »lio lowe.t nrln** sent, 5 do du du do dn do do do do P ILOT BliC.lO, AO. — 30 ubl* Pilot bread, 30 do Navy do{ JO dn hotter crock • ers; 10 dn Sugar du t 10 do Boston do, binding from biiy Philura. and fnrvulo by WOOD. CLAGHORN A GO H 1 pri2u of $1(1 0DU | & prize* uf $I.O0U 1 do junto ] H) do but) 2 du 2 uuu | 2U da UUU 1 du I57H 1 An. Ac. Ac. Ticket* $3—Halvux $I.J— Unmiur* C2|c. Fur n packay* nf ijuarier* $i8 75, warrattted to draw hack $9 75. Whulu and half package* iifpropurtioii. THE BEST SCHEME YET. Draw* Thi* D»y,2ht|i inat. »t Alexandria. 75 Number*—13 Drawn B dlol*. Lowest (lurni nuiiihur priza Five Doll*. HIGHEST PRIZES l ilUS, Ac.—i J bbl* nupermr augur cured « Ham. *, i) uhd* Shoulder* mid 25 bbl* N O 'Vhurey. lauding and for *ale by THEODORE MIMS, A fresh supply uf Caiii* plum; r«t:*jv«d per brig Madiaun, for «ale by G.R. HENDRICKSON, - ** Gdrhno’e Building. .—20 haNkct* Sweet Oil. qf fur r?i, i J 10 bo *«« d« do fl ’tka, just received end W G " K * HENDRICKSON. E y-._. Gibbon's Building* KG AN f Eiai.miiltrud Crape for eveiinig itjLf icncn worked Collar* and luaidu Minim Bilk#, Jaconet and Swia« •cot *24° fl U tl ^ d 441 ' ’* * j"’’ 1 •'eccivod by IILVRY II. STOTESBURY. f’l'^^WEK.S.-SObnai,* HullVcw • o i *and 8 rt.lamling from hritf (Min- OONNERAT A llARlB. H UU7 die.,| ion. and f 0f -lt | # •apt 24 A I, - .CM. hug Swu* U«v •epi 24 Sjcrarsiii, I'fti'AfoiM-i^^: Inr .«!«|.y H J- lill.QRKT. Cj(-•j-—mjijd.^, iifim„ ,( lar •■PI 10 p O.y.pp li,r‘ J.‘ k L "f.C’uh.d an.l •‘uwdvrcd du MplJI CLAGIIORN A IO. t) U S' 8 Krar * i ^«- •■•r .il-'KF . II. i. GILBERT. C tf’w" 1 ViM 1 starchy cr. *' 4. Onl J, ! S I'M*"' '»»»ld Cnn.llu., , " ii lhr •»» i'r • yra—JLQl 1 ' ntun a joiin bt i r*TiTi-.-"— 1 «. jwiiisaniw. L 1,1 p!»ue, luw |iriu«d 'nd dlurJ llu "•HO, ifiruu ply dn; plain W. 8-1 jS ! «j UruniU Clatlui tyW.r,, 1 , 1 liwy »■ BTOi’KaBuM II r.a, rotap prim. Ilia Cnf- '« nl, fc, r« «*» w. I>. i.nkin., and JSSp C0NNE8ATA tlAltlE. Undlp, rni*iT?ri^u'" I»™wOmI«mCIi»m» ** ^ iTIN. rimeived Mndlor i. x.fv hy \m * prize of $4(>.))tm 4 prize of $2,213 do 1 (1.000 3 do Vi.UOO do (i.i'Ult .1 do l.fiOO do Dp»U *3 d,» LUtm du a,auu 6 du 1,250 Ac. Sir. Ac. 'I’ickeb* Sl9—Halvc* $5—UnarbTs $24. Ticket* and Shuro* fur axle, and order* tram tha Ooiiutry uUetidud tu at the Old EatuhliMljad Office uf P. B. PEN DERG AST, Nn. 4, White Haute, Uwuu.’ lluildiu^*, Bull St. opposite llni Pulaski House, sep 25 C ENTU STOi rept 24 K. HABERSHAM Si SON. B ILLS ON FK.tNOU, fur aula bv aapiS) ROB. HAHEKSHAM A BON. niLL!) ON NCVV-YORU, at al.ur .ipltt) tar ,.ilu try .apis KUU. HABERSHAM A SON. glOUT and Slnirl SijIii OralL an N. Vr.rk, Inr aala bv nopt 9 ROD. UAUERSII.MI A SON. w v V ting, tioing. nnd Ml icking rico—men 0 wumeu—will be hired, <m Hpplicntuin tu «ag21 R. HABERSHAM Sc, SON. sept 7 R. HABERSHAM & SON. F IICHII FlLOl/flt landiiK from nchooa nr Portia ■from Baltimoro, and for mIh hv tmgQrt ROU. HABERSHAM & SON: C on Jiial Juxt rnenived :rou» the Hamilton Factory am iwr «ahi hv the Mubacribew, 0 hale* Cubou liana burg*; 8 da Callun Yam. xmmrted aize*. eng 27 R. HABERSHAM & SON. F Olt SALK-GUI) hlifhel* Oh tv. *<M» d ROB. HABERSHAM & SON. /rosilEN miTTKK.-W rec^ * J per brij Auguaiii. 20 keg* choice Govhoi Butter, warranted, and fur *al« by ALBERT HARD, *ept 17 B FTTEK.—20 Irkiu* prime Govheu But. ter, received per *temn ahip Sunihernor, am for a.ilo by SCRANTON Si JOHNSTON, nap! 4 B EEF AND PORK.—-20 hid* net Me** Beof,20 do Primu Buof. lO half d Fulton Markoi Beef, 20 bid* Me*. Pork, DO d Prime Pork. Landing, and for **lc by aupiU WOOD, CUQHQRN Si CO. CIIOT A LBAD.—da() b*ga felmt of v< KJ rioiM No*.; 1(1 Iteg* Bar I.eaJ. Lindiu per luig Jolid Hertmun. itu.HWrvale by aepti: T^RAlV DY.—2() biif*. ■ bumaiirio Brandy.- Lauding iVotn briir-Wilnmi FuHar, and fe •ale by SCRANTON A JOHNSTON, •opt 18 rnD».UJC'4».-44 mixes 'pound* &s «ud Us X TuUtttcu. L.uuliu^ frmti hrig F.xvnl. and fur sale by CUNNEKAT A BARIC. *npi 14 13 LTTEU, At ft.—25 tiikiua ciimcu tiuatiuu 13 Hotter; Hi bnxo* .‘Stuart's C'.iudy; fill roils Kentucky Rope, Landing from bark I*..XuMeud atid brii! rftjtliny, and fur sule hy sept IV 8GRAN TON A JOHNSTON. T AIIII.—uUkeg* Lard, ju-t recioveU lur X^ K»l« by ALBERT HARD, aspt14 UGLVR,—40 box** Loaf, 3U tihli* ('ru^lunl, kD nnd 5 bbl* Powdered WonUoy & Wuulsey'* Sng’jr, landing from barqno Vernon, nnd for sale by WOOD, CLAGHORN A CO. sept 2 1\TEW FALL OOOB8 BNIDLU. -LR LATHROP A NEVU’T, offer Kir sale on nccoui'uori.iiiugierin*—Ifi cases Fancy Prints as sorted qmliliest & do Kentucky Jeans, accru'd colors; ;• du Sntmtta, du du; V eases Head lldkf*, 1 do Silk Pocket du, 2 du Cuiinu Flag Ho. 3 do brown and bleached Culton Fl'Uinel, 2 do Linon Cambric Hdkfs, 10 tin btoaehud l.uug Cloths. & bale* Scarlet FlnitUid.4 do White do, 3 do colored Liuxvy*. fill do brown Domestic*. 25 do Blankets, 20 do Cmimi 0>nuburg>, 10 do dutm Yarn, aept 13 INAL FLOXK*-40 bbl-. end half bbl*. UeupsHe Flour id* extra rpiality for family use. Nuvv lauding from hritf Augusta nud for sale by C’ONNERAT A BAR IE. sept 17 A I*iPLEtS«—iteCKurd perStuiUiern, lUUUIs. j.3L choice.Nuitliuru Apple*, f«r sale by ALBE (T hard. sept 17 Corner Broughton and l)rnyinti*st«. AJ.VPEII,—100 reams Crown Wrapping F«- L par; lUOdo Cap do dot 100 du Crown Teu do do; 50do Douhln Crown do do; 6(Jdo white, ruUd Cup Paper; 5(1 du du do Letter do, Land ing per brig Pbilura. r nd fur -alt- by sept l« CONN KII AT A BA RIF.. T ARD*—15 bbl* Lard, just r> c oved, and lur XJ sale by THEODORE MINIS. sept 3 TVTT.VV MUSLIN DE LAINES—JUo pus u«w LR style Muslin do Lumes, at very low prices, just rucutvud, by SNIDER. LATHROP A NEVITT. sept 11 ^3 OLD I’HAlIYS-^-Jttsi recuivud, some VJ beautiful Gold Chains, fur sale low, by •fl|»l3 T. T. WILiVl()T. OTEEL Bead Bags; al-o Pursoa, Blue) Beads, O Purse Rings aud '('auuls, Ac. fur sale hv *ep«3 T. T. WILMO'T. \ UCTtOlV HOODS.—2 cnaua assorted xX Dry Goods, received nnd for »al« hy uugl) JOHN MURPHY. nitKETN, BJIOOiTISt ACC.—2II d>.z 13 painted Buckets, 15 dog Broiim*; 5li bnxrs Family Soap; 25 do CinuNtnnu do. Lnnding from bark Lane Maud, und fur salo hy •apt 13 K SWIFT. /"3 0IINI HIEAL.—loO sucks tre-h ernuud V/ Cnrn Aleul, of extra quality f.w family use, for sale by WASHBURN, WILDER A CO. sept Id LTA Y.—5Dbundle* seieCied North River U«y. XX forsiUhy sept 18 WASHBURN, WILDER A CO. '{VTACMLEIIELt dee.—75 boxes Scaled 1TJL Herring; 20 bids Nn. 1 and 2 Mackar)*;20 Itulfdo No. 2 Mackeral; IU do do N«. 2 do; 2(10(1 lbs Oorlfinh: 2$ hot** d*| 6 bids nhniee Salmon.— Lmdiiiri this day per brig Perseverance,from Bos ton, ami fur sale by «^P» 17 CONNFRATdc BAR IF,. t I1IIE Subscriber has ruceived by. recent arri- X vu!* 11 targe portion of Id-Fall and Winter Stock of Dry Gauds, all uf which have bectl se lected with gr.Nit curu and nt ihu lowest market price*,* and will In* sold un tho mo*i favorable urins. HENRY 11. STOTESBURY. M|ll 17 CIILE8K, Ac.—10 kegs bntterl XJ 20 hoxee cheese; 20 boxes sperm csndlas; 15 ulicsts tea; 10 bbl* lard, in«t rtceived and for sale by «t|.i 17 THEODORE MINIS. flOBPISI! AND MACKEBBl.^5 V-/ qmntiiU ttuvs Codfish. 10hull*barrel*’No 1 Mackerul, lauding from brie Augusta, and fur sale br k , WOOD/OlAOHORN & CO. •epi 17 xS Urooins, 25 do pohilud P«ils, 2U0 reunts Wrapping Paper, fiObogea Herring. 150 De mi- Jon* nf nil sites, landing from brig Maeoo. ami (or sate by ' ECU ANTON A JOHNSTON. . sept .18 u j.’. H AY.—3D bundle* Eavtorn, |U0 duNuw Vuik dn. frr Vain hv *epi 17 WGOl'.CLAGUORN A CO. S ACOI^. LARD.&c —7 hhd* uf^il^T- Slionf. der*t 25kvg* Lard t 20 boxe* Hull'* Can. •lit*, lauding, mi J fur .ole by wyv'21 niEODORK MLMi. n un the tfavtonah river near the rity, being a nf the hkaUltlexl reildeticea on the tek bontd, proirni ucciipuiii having reaided on It consent* vitnlila fuinlly, a huge tfne, for twenty five year*, h the death uf only, one white purnon during the iffy and that death not frnui dianiae nf the onto. It would, therefore, bo highly valuable ml Imettding to bring bU bnaiueaa to a tlniie b* aptwd* ily a* po**ible,and having a good aMortinenl of h* choice good* a* can be Ibnml In Uil* or any other market, la prepxml tu olT t m tlrose who vrbh to avail tliemsulve* 01 it, euch bargain* a* they wdi aaldoiu have un onnoriunity of ueeUng with. Tt ini*, c«*li. All nlm are indebted to the Subacrihar, either by Account* Dun Bill, Note, or Judgment, are herchy tcqncAwd \« call and aeltle the aalne with a* little delay n* posaitde. aepU7 - JOHN MALI.ERY. y p*- ice Plant*' iihCalthino** uf a rice place. Aboun4ing,a*hdou*, lth « variety of fixh it eU aaCtona, nttd a great a^ judnuce ul oyatcra, aubairtence aud health would 1 «H*ily leourofi. The eitnatioti a* t; reaidence mutt delightful, being ongn to Watiaw Inlet, itb Tybifu light hou»e full ip view. All ateain >*tft atifl other vexaelabound to and from Darien, t Mm>* nnd St Anguaitne pnr* neut atid In full iew of the dwelling, On the pr«mi*ea are a good aued dwelling houae capable of nccoaimoduthig targe family, excellent uegru liuoaea for 40 or 60 UncXCcptioioihle title* to Ihia’jrru- ifi-on, and the teraia made very cury r. For furthar particular* apply tu ied- no the preiniaea, or to Me»*r*. may 20 tnuO JAMES BILBO. TVTKW XY acnbei FALL, GOODS. —Tta* Sub. aenbera have received, by (ate arrival* and are now opening a full aaadriiiienl of Fancy and Domoatin Dry QooOa, which COntLt.lii part, «r Broad Cloth*, Cnaduierea, SatlnefU* Tweed*, Veatingi, in ev«-ry verb tv, Black Alpaca*, Silk Warp do., Black, Plaid, end OeFfl Marinos, Worsted Plaids, Oregon PWflf, Twilefi Ging. ham*, French do., Caahranre Dreaies, Munalin da Lainea, Rich Fig'd do , Eugliah and American Print*. Black and While Print*, FnrnHftre Prints, White and Rad Flannels, Whitt mod Brown Canton FlaniifcV, Paper Cambric*, Cambric and Jaconet Mu*lin*,‘Rnb Roy aud BrflChe Shawl*, Printed Cashmere do., Alaraeittee Quilts, 4l«ui- stiuloid mid Plain L. G. tlaiidkT*, Silk do .Cot ton Pocket and Verouu lAttdk'fii. Bleached und BroiVn Table Datuavk. Bird'* Eye Diapor, Muck* abnek Cotton do., Dowlas Tuwels, On-pr, Ring* and Tonsil*. Druid* aud Silk Twist for Pitrge*, every variety nf Bilk and Cotton Umbrella* aud Pnraaul*, 4)tl Clothe, Carpeting*, Drugged or Figured Baize,. Curpol Rugs, drc. Ac., which, with m variaty uf uther good*, will ba utfared at the lowaat market prime, nnd on the iuu*t ao- cuinrnodHtiog term*. Wholesale «r Ketnd. Mer- ehanu Planter*, aud others,are Invited: 19 cull and examiuo. >St OODfREV «l LAROtlie. —pt 33 UVal rr>m.r gh,H'q Rartp.- ALC J'AO.N HAtiB*, Com. Bp ColiCn <2 Fosdick, T Ji I S D A Y. nt*il o’clock Id ftbut of our •torw, wiRbe voh), . 80 biqs Corn. .... • s Term* cash. Mpt 9*> S.ugnf) t By Cohen At FotnBck. Landing irnm bhg ID Idnl- On* #it* Cl.amwiiati tlnut* anil Oil..' < ■ By F. W« Heine,nann. . Al* Hal., lunui.ii pardricaAtipnalatM as'iesg'Waeag srfesS ‘ u ’* r»»l - l*itdiuf pff bfll'a. Afe- z»i*t*.Moconarid^v4tyrf(HKlT(V^Trfrh\e;»4 ... .. .. - - -»» store, 25 Id,dv Form Philadidptim-^PJ hhd* Shoiddcrt Bftdu t'Wbalf Rtc.o Sugar, 2»> dn New Oilcan* th>. -u-pt Jfi J bid*. Canxi Flour, m •nprrior article for famikyb , Shmtldar* II|* IJohftt A Fosdich, landing liotn brig ParLwerancc, 23 ldid*> prime Shoulders, 3 hbla do. In store, 15 hint* Aid**. **pi 16 <£dfcv /^RGAT BARGAINS FOR CASH.- vT JOHN MURPHY has received in store and tar sale. Bleached L nan Drill from 31$ to 75 ots, Brown do do from 12A up. plain Brown- Larien* audliotlAnde from 124 up, Irish Linen* ft»tn 20lo 874c. fine ,Cottoh Chintz nt 35c t mixed, grey, blue and black Satinet, black Ca<bmere oodCoxh- mereu very cheap. Worsted Gambronue at 25at*, white nnd fancy Vaxtiug* at75c per yard, colored nnd mourning De.Lains from 13$ up, Silk JlUkH* from 3IJ on, Lmen Hdkfs, Ladies, Misses and Childrun'* tlose at 1(1 to 6O0, Ladies Linen and Raw Silh do, Gcut* brown and mixed Roc-k* from 10 io2uq, net Glnves and Mils from lUe on, black Silk Cravnl*from fillc up, sup.r Italiun Sewing Silk at 3 cent* n skein, while Linen Table Cloths from 60c to $2, needle worked Collars from 2&ci* on, Mourning Calicoes at 8 to 12|c, colored do at 64 f« 124. and Mourning dCoich Gingham at XGc; which, together with a variety of other gumis. are well worth thn nticulioti'uf nil who dusire good and cheap good*. nog 4 Fulled HI a tea uf America* DISTRICT OF GEORGIA, a. a sit xDaiJui/rY. President of tho United States to the Mar shal of the District of Gaorgin, greotiugt WhercBS, & libal hath this day been filed iu ihn District Cuort of th* United States in and for thn District of Georgia, having and huldiug MdimrkUy jurUdicii. n in behalf a*' wall of tho United Stale* of America a* uf W. B. Uollooh, K*q„ Cnllectur of tho port of Savannah, aud ot allut er p<-r*un«con- c.iroed. by Henry R. Jnck*ou, E-«q tlw U* oiled States* Attorney for the said District, alleging ami propounding that ou the aleveutb day uf September, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and Ibriy-seveo, at Siivnoonh, in the Dis trict aforosaid, und utt water* whicli are navi gable from tbo sen, by vesxoi* uf ten or more too* loirden, the said Cnllectur did seize tho following di-tiUed spirits^ to wit t Four halt pipe* nf Brandy marked with tho cu* t itid letter and the letters und words “J. J. l«p«y,”'* Cugoac," and hath now theaimieiu hi* custody as being forfeited for the cause* hereaf ter meuiiooad, to wit: 1st. That at a tluie pa«t, to wit, ou saute day to the said attorney as yet unknown,the stud dirtdlvd spirit* were irnnorlod into sumo district of the Uni led Sun a, to the sail attorney an yet unknown, from some foreign pert or place tu lilui a* j et on- known, and that they were not iinportydstn ufora* •aid according to lavv, nn\l that tho dilllSa tfiere* upon v.HfH nut paid or socured, as he verily ba- liovt-s. cnuirary tu ihu statutes nf the U oiled Suite*, io thut banalf provided. And the said atturouy foriber Alleging tltd the snid distilled spirits having b*»en *0 imported, were bronght into the port uf S tvauuah, from the portuf ChdadelphU, iu a car- taiti schooner or ve*»el, called ihc Lodmoia Si Eli za,then and there belonging ioh citizen or citizen*, inhabit-»ot or utbabilautsuf the United Slate* whose name nr name* uro iuthn«aid Lttoruey of the Uni ted State* a* yet unknown,to w*i>,oo Uiv eleventh day of tho «atd September, and that the casks or vessnls containing the *.ud distilled spirit* were uiiHCcninpMoierf by the mark* sod certificates uf the atHcvr*, »if Juspectiou at U10 port w..«r« the samn were imported, which are.required by law, conttnry tn tho siatutus of ihe United State* hi such case made aud provided. 21. Aodalaulur llmtuna d iy pa-t,to wit, on tha *aid cltiVL'uth d:»y of ihu 0*11) September, the *aid spuita, bciug duulled e^iriU.were brought into the •mid port ufSavanu.di. from u distrtctiu the United States,oilier III.ill u diainut iu iha said Sluts ur an a>ljniuuig Stum un tho *uid sea cua«tur uu a uav- ig*bln river, tu wit, from the- port and district uf Philadelphia, iu the Stum of reft my I Vania, in a HchonuKr or vo*ral, licensed to carry on (he (.'oust ing trade, In wit. Iu a schuoneror vnurl called iha Lmleoiia Si Eliza, then and there belonging tu a ciiiZHii or citizens, inhahiraui or iolmhimnt*,of the United Suite*, to the *nld- aiiorney unknown, nnd that the said distillad spirit* were found nn board ihn siime, ntid thul llm snid distilled Kpirit* , .... „ _ . „ warn not then and there certified in Ihe uiatiifi**i or horn Hut* that can bn found in tlil* city, and that the cargo of the laid *cho7mer or vrlse l ,by the Col- our French Boots can't bo beat. By Cohen Ac FosAitU. 160 bag* old Cuba Cotter, ltmdntfr**n Rio doi 1U0 pocket* Java do, 2(1 bag* dn) 6U do Cbm M»pl )U qgr SDBSDOH DBITTXSTS •MAY be consulted xttindr mums N E cum*-r of St. Julian aircat and Murku Squnre nt any hour(Sunduy vkccpted). Entr.«uce on St Jnlisa street. — 10R 31 lector ur Surveyor of tho said District, from which sho lad sailed iu manner mid form h* required by law, against the form of tha statute iu such enta rondo and provided. By reason of all which pro- ud*r*;iho said distilled spirit* have become for- leiiad tu tho uses in the stsliuc* apccifiad. Now, therefore, you tha said M.arshul, are here by corurnandid to cite and admonish all and every person or |>-rsons. having or pretending tu lieva. any right, tide, claim, or demand, in or tu the «.iid four halfpipe* nf brandy, to be and appear at a special Court of Admiralty, tn be held at the Court Hnii«a, in tho city ofdavunnah, on Tne*- diy, tho fifth day of October next, at Hu veil o'clock, A. M.» to show Cause, If nny th*y have, why tho said four half pipo- of brandy should nut bu condemned and i-old, mid the money arisiug from the sale be dish ihu wd according to law. VVitne.-*, the lintl. John L’. Nicofl, Judge ol tho •aid Court, thi* seventeenth day of Suiitmnber. in »ho year of our Lutd eighteen humired und forty-scion. HENRY R. JACKdON. U d Ally , Diet. Gaorgin All p»-r-nri* interested in tho foregoing inonitiofi aru rcuuirud to (uko duo muicn thereof. JOdEPH BANCROFT. Deputy Marshal, Dist. Guoruia. _*rp20 1J-* H IGH SCHOOL.—-The und.-rsignmi, having been for the la*t«evcutoan yenr* en gaged in tho business uf In^rtirtion. end during that pormd, having prepared many yonng geutlu* men for admission into colleges of ihe first repute in our country, some of thorn tn advanced stand ing, lender* hi* profos-iuiial service* to the citizens of Bnvxnnah. Hi* school will be open for tha rccaplinu of pu pil* of both aexoa. on Monday, 1st Nov. next. The course of studies will emhruc* every tiling necessary to fit young men lor the Junior chuttlu any of oiiruollegu*. Tim lutUtnuc* of Mr. Jumna L Rossis no! has been procured, u gunllcfnmr already favorably known to tho citizen* ur dHvnuimh a* uu efficient iuKtruutor. Tetui*. Ac. may bo known hv anplicatinu tu Mr. Kos.iguiil. \VM. T. FEAY. nny 25 w*t2- 4 BdLNTED iTliRdKLV on tt.e^ Iwih iuVt* XjL from the plantation of , ihe subscriber on die Island of Skidnwny, a mulann wonmi u nnrd MA( KY. ora* she call* humelf, .Mary Hamilton. She is about 32 your* of age. rather nbnv* ihu Common wzn, of full habit, inclining tn he stout, walks tract, of a pleasant countenance, and when spoken to nna««r* readily, but when Intimidated huriedly. Had nn when she left, n cotton osnaburgs frock, but ns slut took with her two or more calico froek* sho will dnubilck* chance her (treat. Since leaving she hat been xnen in the city of Savennalh where •he i* qo doubt harburod, having relative! and ac« S uaintnuce* there. Tun dollar* it offered lor h*r elivery tumn on SkiduWny idnud, ur being safely lodgod in Sivanimh jail, All persona are cau tioned ngslust harboring or secreting her, 11 the lew will be rigorously enforced; oug llfi aw— JAM Ed BtLPO. l^pW~SB«CKRY »’I’dnK.-ED L v W ARD BW1FT would respectfully inform hi* frtenda etid the public geu«r«liy, that tie hat communccd tho \Vhole«ale Grocery Business, iu thgftorc adjoining 8. E Cruus'a Carriage Repos- hoi y, and twarly opposite tuMr.Julm Uoston’R Counting Room, un Bay ttroet. where ho is now rucoivirig and Intends to keep constantly nn handn general assortment of Groceries, to which vites the attention of purahitaura, feeling satisfied, t hat from his long experience In the hu*ino«s,com plied with his persdual attention being given to the purchase and ejection of his stock in tho Northern market, that he can utter n*p»*»t in- ducuuients to buyara aauaa he obtained tu tht* city or Charlastun, -His stuck comprise* the following, with every thing «I*o iu hi. lia* ; Now Orleau* Sugar, Leguite Cnffue jBt. Crott do. 11 io do. Muscovado du. Live du. Orleans rafiued do. . BvgHs and Tobacco of Dinart'a Loaf do. various brand*. White Iltvatia do. Liquor*. Wiues, Ao Crashad A Powdoruddo Tua*of(Jiffar«ntqualities. Cuba MoUssas. Upt 4 T> liTT.BR-—10Uex*Imiuiug trout brig PhT AJ Iupe. atrJ 6.1 *ulu by •'•TUI W. 3 UILDERT. N JHW GOODS.—'Tho subacrihurha*just opened a trill asaortownt of New and Fuji* intiable Spring aud Summer Goods, scitfttcd from the latest importation*, which he is enabled tu well at a fraction over New York prices, consisting of the following articles: Superior French and English Ulotba l) r „b de Etna, CasJuinre* of a very description, Fancy Ves tings, White MarseillesV'esnngFaucydodo,Black Cumiettten*. Superior White Barnsley Drilla.Fan- ey do do, Brown Drill*, 1'wcads of every de scription, Cordnroy, .Superior Riding Cord.— Faucy articles, such as Gloves, Hoth-ry, Biispcn- dors. Cravats, Pocket Hdkfs, UudRr Sliirt*, Draw- er*. Ac, An. Ac. And every article in hi* hu aimjM. All of which he ia prepared to wsrraut \ thn beat description. .MICHAEL CEARFY, Draper and Tailor, Sign of the Golden Lamb, Cor. of Whitaker and Oroughton-i t* N. B.—Two firm-rate workmau wanted. None but the beat need apply. mar 22 ANEW STYLE OF lEATfiS ! PALI. PASIlXONq A (u *np«aiu/quatitivK, re- eeiod hy r*c*-m at 1ST Bay *u«ei. 1V£3, floKs-ira co tipi 16 T "~ O ALL THAT ABE IK WANT; —This subscriber takes pleasure inhaling it fully end continually understood, that he is pro cured to supply the wonts of all the Uunileuion, Ladies. Youim Men, Misses nod Children, in this city, *0 fir a* Hats, Bmtueu, BouU, Bho'e.-*, CJnr-’ put-bags and Tiuuk* are cu near lied. To Ihu Gen tlemen be would *ny, thathrsstuck of ReadyMade Clothlug has nut yet been surpassed for style, cheapness, un>J durability. Lot the Ladius re- member that w« have « full slipplynf fashiunahlc Sum ner Uunneta, aud that our large nud varied stock of Slums, enable* 11* to suit every customer. To the Young Men. hu it announced that we ore ottering, the finest Fur Silk, Panama nnd I**- can’t bo bent, Call nt No IB3 Congress Street, sign of the GULDEN (gf") HAND i■»"»!> — WILLIAM B. HALE. C UJUAI* HUSH LINENS. CON WAY A M.cKENNA have just received an addition d supply of Linen Goods, consisting of one cn-o nf tine 4-4 Shining Linens, soft fin- Dh, of 'beautiful texture, and highly recommended to Ininilic* a* th« best imported for durability; 2U dozen 7-4, 8~4 and It) 4 Satin Damask Tabic Cloth* from ihu best finishers iu IrelumJ. Also, n full supply of Litiori Cliccke, Linen Dritta. Linen Lavvim, Lunin Cambric, und Linen Htlkf*, all ul which tiny propose selling for cash, at very rn* diicud price*. Thu remainder of nnr Spring Stock will continue to be sold at U10 same price* a* last week. Ill CONGRESS-STREET, Opporito the Puluski Uou*e. No falling from the price asked. June IU TVTEW A SEASONABLE QUODS, -.v —The Subscriber has received by la 10 ar rivals, a full supply uf tho won desirable Gouda fur Spring and Summer Wear of bis own selec tion—«mnng\vhich hr# light flibricks ufbluolt and colored Cashmere Cloth* nud Ca-hmeretta. Drsn d'etes Cninhlvts, Croton Cloth*. Flannal Tweens and Linen Coating*, Blk and Fancy single milled Ciuounier* and Doeskins, Blk and fig'U silk nnd •atilt Vvatinua und Vest shape*, Linen and Mar- settle* Vestings and Vest shape*, aud a grant va riety of White nnd Colored Drilling, whiMinie otf«rod hy the pice© or pattern, or will be made tip tn order in 4hs most approved style, and no Rot must ruusonnlda tends. ALSU—A full supply of Ready Made Cloth ing uf lire best materials and workmanship, com prising Ca-hmurotis, tight Tweed*. Drop dW, Croton Cloth and lAueu Coal*, Frock Coats and Backs, Plain orid Rih’d Drop dW. Gambynon, white and fancy Drill und Linoti Pant*. A lull supply of Bhlrta, Uudmhltisattd Drawers, and a general uamrtumnt uf rare and desirable Fancy Articles for unde attire, which are offered at very moderate.prices, bv JOHN MAl.LEHY, Adjointug (E iet) City Hotel, Hey Btreot. npr Hi R UTTABAGA, Dale’s Hybrid, White Flat, Dutch nml Globu Turnip 8e»d*. Ail va- Holies uf Cnbbngp, l(n<hsh. •*>pinucli, Lettuce, P«as. CmdtfloH-Hr, Beat* aim Bulsify Seeds. Garden Trowel*, Jn.irrhing Rnivc*. l*,u ing Scissors amt Pippers. Just received per Bur hug, and for sale hv J. M. TURNER A- BROTHER, * B P ) 1® Monument square. 30 q* rg«h* Ctmr/y Wimt.- At r Pri» ef* Sale. J '' By F. W. flein^innnvt Just lauding brg Fhllbfti i l& Bti**r»v Wine.' V Porto Hii-n B.iguia. , a, Goshen Bmter.» By F. XVt Ilplnvinnitn. Al Private Sale—Just lauding from bark |iea« Mead »nd brig Cxcel.-fiS kvg* Guihrii Butler, n *np»H«r aftietb, • -•> »epi43 At Private ef tile. .Ry P» W. Ilflnoumnn. % per aMp -Haitl'crtt, brig* Vctfiyft Ju<1 binding 1 and Peter OtmtUt 411 bbl* Butter, Sugar and Bntt> r Crocker*; 311 half bbl* Hngiir olid Hosttm Crad.orft 20hbl< Pilot B(e«d t 6(1 boxes No. I.Famttv S» tM Kin beg*. No. 1, Lar<'| CO firks do. du. {' SJH)r**arn* Wrapping Pnperi 2(1 bbl* CrU'hmt and Powdered Sugar, 20 half boxes Loaf Sugar | 30 bbl* Canal Fiour) 40boxes Pearl Star'ei.; 200 gm** Lucifer Matches. 1/ At-ft-i.andluj frtun schr flight firebi Pluis- aclphla. 10 bhds Safer tor Middling Bxcc.o, 5 do. dn. ShoMldrsA du;"•) *'« 1 Ah of which 1* offered for ssk> 00 accorntM-U • ting term*. sepA 2 T A LL the SCHOOL BOOKS in common u*e in lid* tertinn of country. **re kept on hand. A greut variety of .MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS An assortment nf JUVENILE HOURS edeu- lated to suit the taste of every on*i—with a variety of interesting GAM Ed t«r youth. Family and other DIBLF.B, and Hyxnn Book* fovafi denominations, in plain sui-*ouuut and ele gant binding. NEW HOOKS ofullklndsrnn-tnmly rrceived. BLANK HOOKA of* very description. Also, PLAIN mid FANCY STATIONERY. J. B. CUBBEDUK. niig 2fi Hou1h-=ido M-ukm -qiiMrn. Aavsnnoh. ELECTION NOTiCF.-^Arr Eleciiotv J-4 will bo held at the Conn House iu the cite ul davannsh, on Monday the 4th day ofOctefof next, for Uovernor.ufthK 6tnte «f Georgii, a Se nator aud two RnpivSKUtative*, in ronrvvcm tlm County of Clnthvm nt thattect Gotirral Ass.tublv nf ihe Shio of Georgia. The Magistrate* dee. icnated by Law are requested to preside, amt the County Sherdfand CoiNtabltf* efts required to nf. tend for the purpose of tmfn/ring’tJie order* tit tliev presiding Mngriurnrea and preserving good or der By urdor of the Jit-mem of the lurermr Court. ROBERT VV. POOLER, **t)t 17 13— Clerk, 1. Q. U. Q.- OT COPARTNER^ SHIP — I be Copoi , 'aer*bip beretnlure ex* isuug under the firm o J.Washburn A Wdderi is thi* day dissolved by muinat eunscut. Etthet nf thn undersigned aro authona: U in cluao (he iHismesa of their lam firm aud tu use the name uf tbe lirur luf that pur pose. „ JOSEPH WASIIUCKft 1 . . *'>«2 JOHN H. UjUJElL C OPAllTNSIMfllP,*Tii.nK *T |y» v « f«rm<d a C<rpnTttier»ld|t-under tho fma orVV*«hbnrn. Wilderdt.Cn., for ihutrnn.-sc- tionni aFncorageand Com mission Uo*ines*am! will be thaoUful tur the untrtm.ige uf theri Trtends. Joseph washbukn, JOHN tt.U ILDK i. »"C 2 FRANCIS G. DANA. M of ti*e tip reduction nf Mctliodieui into tbs E'uicmi States, com- prising Biographic d N"tie. * of I'rea.-bwr*. Sketches < fitA Fitst Church"* und Ri'ininisreurnb of it* curly Struggles and riucueoses By Rut. A. B'ovcit*. A.M. Thu Wny to Heuvrn, ot * Help to Uiriiluhi. By the Rut. Risdon Durruroit. I,ove«t Thou Me. nr tho lb.lii'v»r’s Companion in the Hours of Belt' Exutnittati-u. By'Daniel Wise. Tho Preciousnesa of Christ to all »|;o Bilicve. BjrJ . Tluirmuu. Socrnd Poom*. By N P. Willi*. New stories for Little Boy* itudlLidle Gills. By Mwa Culman. A Simple Story By Mr*. Imdibah). J B. CUllBEDGE, , aapt 83 . Bmttb *tde Markiu-rquofe. I JlOTt SALE.-HJ4, 11-4 aud 12-4 Linen Sheeting; l).« pillow Case Linen; Richard- • un A Young * Irish Linen; 3-4. 4-4,5*4, KM and 12-4 blenched Shining* and Sheeting*; 3-4. 4 4.6-4. IU-4 ami 12 4 brown Shirting* and Sheet- iog*| HI 4. 1 M and 12 4 AfararilleMUounturpanv*; MursrilH* Toilet Cover*; ntttbnst*-d Table Cover-; 6 4.74, 0 4 ari-l KM while Table Damask; 6 4. 7-4, 8 4 and H) 4 brown Table Daiftaskt bleached und brown Dsmu-kTable Cloths; Dain.wk Non- kin*i Towel* and Doilies; I ease assorted Stilt Umlirelln-i 28, 3tl. 38 and 34,* in which, together with other Dnineslic and Fnney Dry Goods, sold at the lotyesl market pries* hy GODFREY A UROClIE, eng 16 Weatcnmur. Shad * Bnttdinev. D U. HENRY TURNER’S AGUE AND FEVER PILLS.—Thoe pill* have been natet»*iv»ly ft*, d in piivute prutlice for tho pest six years, widi the mow' ituparallvled suttee**; iu fact, in no single inwtauc»'bnvo they hern known to fail in extVocling a sure cure in 94 hours. In Casa* of tho ttioA formidable chiriacler, and uvon albjr the mn*t euiiftent Clinician*hatu (uhuuwted their Utmost skill, the p •tieot,*1ui<>*t n ithoui hope, has be6n entirely cu»ed iu ’.'1 liuuis by llm u*« of tbose pills alone. it is only hy \bc repeated solkin.tiohJt of per- *011* that have been cured, that the proprietor I* now induced to Conte buforo the puldtc with this medicine, in the foil cnntideueo ih.ii it will soon ba probably appreciated throughout the country. Prepared by ()r. llvmy Turn* r, Cumberlutid County, N. C. For sale by A ; A. SOLOMONS. t* n g 14 Murkot square. rpiIE CHEAT P.UN klLLEtt^ X Nn medbtun has been di-envetvit dial was *0 happily adapted to u-c internally, and tet per form such wonder* when applied cXb-mall), a* n wnsh nr hath, or hy fnc'inn I> may he used w ith a sitrccs* (but ft ill a».ioni*b. for bru- cbiti*. qniii»y, linamenes*, r-<i-1ttg bf blnnd. dy*vntcry k buxu*. cltttbluiua. teething, p in- in ihu aide, &c. From Ilia uitifty tertificaies which >e<nmpnn) tlm article, the two f'dievviflg are sclc ted ou ac count «T their brevity l •'I hove used Mrex Rrbftn'* Pun Killer fur bum*, and have found that in applying it irumedr- uUly that iV will prevent even a M xivY. I Vvuuld reCummeud it tb the boufidarn-t. uf dm public. I'. A. Hr.tar:. Editor Wealfiwld Standard, WeMfield, Mas*.'* I hsvo iiai'd Mr* Btmvu’a I* nn Killer liir hums nnd many bitier Conomm comphiini-, and tuke plcasuic in t«buttmn nvhrie »i u f.nniiy medicine. J. SWa.v Fiwtoi |*»tat Ui'iHiwt Cnoreh. N«ft London, C«tm." Price, 12 to 50 cunt* uur bunk. Fur »ulc by a*pt IU J A. LAKuLTlfc. M aynard a Noyes’ beidlktz VOW bF,R8.—A fresh -npply received by S EOAIWI 8EGABSII NGGAltS’.lt Just reiselved— &ritK) Superior Britannia Brand BUUtl " Chatlvtiou " 4UUU •• Diana 0 2iKk) • Gold Ltaf •• 6(KHt " Hritattl t Scgundi brand 6000 *" Piutetula brand fiODU •* Conaolacioii brand 3000 •• Lord Byron '• Ba-idew various other brand*, which the subscri ber uttura at wholesale and retail. P. JACOBS, 27 Bull-street— Sign uf tlm lndtuu. , a*pt 14 TT A VAN A SfcOA»tS^Th^8i>l>»cirb^. LX having tuada nrraugaiueuta with the most celebrated Sugar Manufacturers iu Havana, will continually keep ur» hand, for sale, a choice selec- lioft. nf their ufttit direct impprlation, and uuw have on hand the following t 30,000 Urhanni* Garcia choice ‘Steal* 1 26INK) La Cure* do' » 2J6t)ll Attnjila dn- 10000 CommVicio dp 0,000 Wadiirigtuii Regalia du qxtra lO.ntW) Venn* /’ 90’ ^ .'*, 25.000 Alrlo d‘n J end various o'hcr brand*, Which tbsy offbFdn ac commodating turm* teptltt * CONNERAT Sb B\RTt. IIAM S —R*y tiuld'to and Georgia Ham*, for JUL* Ih by ALBERT IM‘“ rej»t 2'J JARtT D lhHOXWTlON*—The Co-partnership h«r* tofure existing under the firm of HAM ILTON, HARDEMAN A CO., r* Tbi» D*y di*. sidvedby mutual cumeot\ cither of the signed are antlmri-ed to use lhr name or the bite firm Inclosing up tha unfinished buahifX' of the «m». THOS. HARDEMAN, „ C. F. HAMILTON, surviving Cn-pattntra tif the B.m uf Hamilton. Hard*taiu A Co. Surjnnnii, Sept.). 18*17. C 1 O* PA RTK EKhlillV- The 7 signed b»v« formed « Cu-partnr'r.-hip nud or (ho firm uf HAMILTON A. l(AR,DCM ANt fi r the trnue-ictinn nf a FACTORAGE AND GEN ERAL COMMISSION BUSINESS and willb- (Inukfiiltu their fiiettd* fora nnrtion of their pa- tronegc. C. F. HAMILTON. THOMAS HARDEMAN. Sarnnnah, Sept. 1,1847. Unio . */ Soiith».rn Recordur, Mlttedgeville; Jour nal Si Metsengvr, M-icou; Atlanta Luminary, At lanta. ropy fi»r four mouth*. July 13 A- A SOLUMt INS. Agent, .M ukft Square. /^IRIJUXAH*—The unUamigm'd I n< loca* V-/ tcri himsulf iu Newark, New Jersey, a* 4 General Agent. Person*at h diatence wishing article* purchased in Ibi* or adjoining cities, will find it tu ibei/ *dv m- tage to procure them through flit agency of the undersigned, who will be at nil times advised nl' the lowvst p.iccs articles can bo purchased at, nd who fiom. The various branches nf manufactu ring thtx ci* ty cxuel* iu, nutken tt « desirable place faf an a- gntey to he located. The undersigned having resided in Gvurcla for the lust eighteen years, flitters hiift«elf that he will he able 10 fill orders from 1ndt>1fltiM« of tiro Qnftih- ern country g*e*n1ij-, hoi worn pstlitnl-nly from Georgia, nn near their fancy ns though they were here themselves, and iu m.iuy instances, et lower pries*. The strictest care taken in Shinning and Irtsu- rina.if iiwtrttctvd. JACOB K DAVIS, Newark, New Jersey. xept 16 . 3mo~» T’a n * bl«iu I b»* nt tho Ea*iarn Wharf, a prime n**nrtmont nf RIVER LUMBER. TIMBER. SHINGLES, and FIREWOOD, which be’oflVr^ for sale no 01- cauuitnriating term*. PurthavcrX will pleesa call tit his offee nnnr tbe FteliNtige he fort purchasing. All orders r«»r eidivr uf the ahnvo erttclea left at hi* «fllce will be promptly attended tn ROBERT A. ALLEN, JObu P. Gavan & Co., AUCTION A.NO OCilitldSlOV MEttCHAXTS. Aad gartranhng Ag«nri| JUfleon,filn. Macou, July 20, 1847. iy July 23 A CARD. —•I h«Ve removed In the cJly uV Mtoiioa for the purpose of< pnwdsing liw. and shall practise in all tht Court*.of the Booth* era Cireuit. itnd in any other Courts in which tm- sines* tney be bnnfidedtc me. d*c 17 — CARLETON D, COLE. Door*, Sashes Sc Window Blinds. T HE Bubscrthvr, Agent for F. Calta'way «V C«». is constantly rveciritig nil kinds (»•’ Sashes. Door arid window BfifuL, which beufiVr* *1 as lowpric s ns t*hey r»n ho pnrrbaxid in tl.« city. All work furnished by him wi M e wartabtefi equal to any in Ibe eritthfry, or the money wilt bu returned. JOHN G FALUGANT. \Y<'*t sido Mwnuiaeui Fquare. N. tl Orders for, odd sites recoiled add promptly executed. ■eep t B ay kum, rvctdved hv A A. fe' sept )) feOLOMONB, Market sqnarr. I Mtnbll TEAS.-J n*t rtrrived nvr t»rg Angti-tA 11 ►npply nf .npefiur liougui* S .Mixture, flouchniig, Y'MtuA l|v>un and lly-nn Teas, all ivk'Cied wnbc .re l'< f citr own side*, fi r a*de by J. M. l UKNER A BRO.. aug 5 .Munuumnt *qm«a. INfe BHELi. Ct).MBid.—An assortmvnt of Shell SldeUnmb* -md long bark Comb*, for childrun. Just teevivvd >*n*1 for sule by J. M.TURNER A BROTHER. •« pt 7 Monument 8q •are F I! TVT Kl> I Cl a K 13 a IlsTS.—\ ii tij.i.iiin. ivX Nssortment uf Jlrdieme Chest* lur pUnta* tious and fiintto-s. jnat rer. Ued met for sale by J.M.TUUNEI* A BROTHER, sspt 93 Mnnnmmt square. npr.AUKURY TOOTH WASH.— X Fur Tuutli a«:hn mul pressrviug the teeth from dueny. Fur -ale by J. M. TURNER A. BROTHER* wheat, aud uxpre.rtv lur rmnllvus*. for saie by ALBERT HARD. •Sept IT* • Tr. Mrmightnn and Drayrnrv*»s. ySontnu.—ui C.t iir imlun Rouo*! gu.tubs, V/ amtie estr.t 4 Uo fine Shell from 374c upt Cd» dn 8i1t dp, truuV26o up. just recdivvd tilt'd lor sale by , vs .OfSiiXHS. 5C.—11>"yI~Dnrknoo; 1BM M. O^ Cyres; 10 M Kxiila-*, 10 M L-gtrimri, ItkUt Wasiiiugton Regalia Segar», «l*u boxes end jar*. of aiisoitwd Jwlly and Frrsarves. landing fruui xultr G»u. Wa hitutt'*u, iud far sale bv sepvX CONNER AT A DAM* W i w <5«\v-S nith und Blind manufactory asv ('Lainimi machine. Wes? Bruud rtlreek, : AW«ii»u«b TUR f.tviotxcltbr; j«mrs»At»P. . Bash and Blind* nf every de-oriptmu itipxfSW the best material al Norifinro Fnerii. * House Bliiu Joiner*Work prompt)v egrCHft*d CHARLES VAN IlOltN. Proprietor- N. B — Cuitatanriy nn band a full ««pfiy. of flnoilng arid Wratbar Bnq^, ,81^1 .JMiWl|7SttdL I’arinel Doors. 8,X ftl^.di,glaged «t id.*. All otft. nr «U*ii in pmonribni. ^ ““)y W ill- U. At ALU* ho* just received pertyig' Anxnata. ■ fma lot of Gentlemen's Gxitgr Bools, black and erdored. which ran lie found at 163 Congress strast, sign of tha QuldeiUlaud,. engff ' N O'I'ICE —City Tranrnr-rVOtiiea.BaVsn- nah, 1st 8apl. IB 17 «-'Ageut»xif insurxnco Offices are hereby nnitfted \hat I aut readv tn »*♦. calve thojr returns, in accordance with the ordio* mice* of tho city qoi ta John c. hunter. c.t. assortmrut of the above uf various widths, IMgiJd' at M aim’.actureYe prices. . , / ANo a gumllsupply nf Goodyear’* Patent Rrib; her Bands, The** Rings nr Bands at - for §liV tn, >am»t pnptr. .04 p.tcl. al«««,, d.Ktipilan. Ill <n io.uai an, «*n fc,,pl«o«d <puii4 i p'/ - BMP 6 ' ^JSSSSS*" ■— end Hair Brushes, • Kami received by A. A. feOLO July 8 ’ * * V C.-fTuji wh I /iENUlNS f'OLOflNSiTU.H',1 V, I'V A. .V SOLOMuNS. A,t. ! ,J 'r * J!n«»l NWi,