The daily Georgian. (Savannah) 1835-1847, September 28, 1847, Image 1

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jfftltrT Ol-UKlilAA^p, ■" “***«* <rW *^»w^six»ioji-fw4.' >*" Aiivcitftuniu'flu OOLLAIU Kr .U woullu ""t****-. v n -Each Citation by the Ctistkctif tho Court*- " j «T runt RDOlicaUon has been iuad« fo> to»n®‘“ in “ ir ““'"’ >»«=i <>° puhli,hcd -i Hill. T Vti^v PJihihi to« »'* |1 A rtmtiuau Iiu> I-H r..r I) obi- MdCrcdijoraloromlcr in ilicir account*, malt. . 1.1 .1 uul-lie aucltnti. oh tln> tirsl Tuesday of oiu^i ,,e “‘H flic usual nottrs of sale, at Clia *StSk ,alos in tin 1 county where tlio Lot- LJfr^lfmi'i«iv, D< 'A l,lu irii8lnil;im,Hr (iuardlou- t" mw fiave'lioon grautod, hut giving sixrv ■hip. mn / . jj, o„(. of lire pnlilio gar,altos ;?Si« slnto^n. 'thi. door of ‘he* Court UaU«. "'^“^HMvrfo'MU^Sg®. limit bo pnb- l ,V rtiirinonthi. before any order al.soluto Sb niUs thereupon bvthe i-pnrt. i.nV„r Ural U.uto by Kvecntom. Adrimuffl-o. Saltiof Ural ut J pnhliaWd Sl.XTV SfySbaroJ. “f .«!•• Thera »"l°» fct ' In ntthe Court Uotnto door of tho county tu S . XXL ‘itiut»,anit on tho flratTue.. day of tiia month, bcltvlen the honra oftertmtbe miming* 1 mil four in the afternoon. Nosnlo from y to If w valid. nnlo» so eiproraod In the advor. "’.'Hot'll.' Ilians kr Ewci'torr, Adminlstratofa and . A| ■ I. H i, 'Co rt ofOrJinory for leave to GuaraioiiitoHiavoiin . ,,, u ,ell Land, mad tepablirted I OUR MOMM43. T lllSiuvaluahlp mbdiaino tvai pnparaatrom an oxloii.ive prnotioo of aovaral yoara in a bilious climate, and ia nevar known lo fail ol curing fever and Atjuo, hr any of the dl.ea.ooa- tiliv. namad. ■ . „ Thoan with are tultTorin* from nffertionb of (hla kind, iwal.ii Ihhac who have became Invalid! Irani their effvou lip tin tho edUMlIttlon. will find the India Chnbighgue a tnnat invaluable remedy for nut living thebTood. and iliorohgMy cleanaln* from the nyartfm lllo morbid rtTe'cta nTa billoiib climate. The wonderful operation nrthc Uholagogne in aradicatlngWS from tho tinman ayatem, can only aspl-iln Ita axiraordlnnry agonoy In die speedy, iho- rniigh and permanent cdto hlTaVav and ague, and the vanona grade. of Intermittent had remittent *'It ia'eSniJty efrectOal for the enro of Liver Com- nlnlnt. Jaundice, Enlargement uflbo Liver I also Enlurpolncnt of the dplo.n, called Ago. Cake, and the varioua Writa. or blllona Indlgesilon.- Theao. with the otliar vanod aff cliiina or such oliinalea, nriaing from a common ininKnal cneie, nreonly modifications ofdio eiiinodisaaiajand o- anally controlled by the aamo remedy. The operation of the Chiitagogiln, na it. name import., ia upon the livor—promoting the dia galea oVarraoitalproperty (except nogwes) ol , ,. h! J rau n ft,Ue. The tbmtaanda who have ii.nd it le^ito aliilintdatuta esbitaa by Executed, and Ad- I „ ced „„ fonhar ..iilenc. of its value than da hap. niififatrator>, must boadvertised l-OHri DA J 3. j ., y rcalora (ivc etfrc's. lor »»>o VntniMpn Anulicalioiisbv F.xrt’uturs aud Adnm'tstrntors. . * • J. M. TURNER- {or LvNer* UnuiUsory must b« published .SIX } j <n j| Monnmo it aqnarf. M ipfflS2uow for fureclosuro of.Mortcmjins oi)n:.tJ estate, mast In-advertised unce a month for FOUU .MONTI. . . Orders of i!u* Conrtof Oulmnry, Cacrotnp-iiiied KI- , t'IatviTBa> l—WITHOUT ( y 8IW TIIK PATIKNTM * BY M. S. THOMSON, M. D.. MACON. GEO. ! Tho snWrihornflor an experience of ten yenr* - . . ,K 0 ,, s0 0 f Uotxnic Ukm^oics, has so lar per- witli a copy ofthe bond ot Hitreenieut) to tnahe ti- j : , j l|a wv ^ cin of troattnent na to bonble. in a lies to latKl, ni't.-l be advortisud 1 uttci: .»/«.> run at | ^ ^ m -»j«»rlty of chronic disensos, to «(Ttjct apdr- Ic.vM. , . , , , j „,aiipnl euro without aver sBttko Titu pbticnt. Jheriirs sales .mdorexocn turns ed . DAY tilt'eritr. .tic under executions rngidnilv grant-! [HH,™h,gHhmP'tohoaldi ividimil anbjerting them I bv the courts, must be 1 a y nv ! l„dieii,c.., |ikpon.o or lung end ledt- A>S—uudi-r umrhfi.L'O oxocutrona ol.\ l » or the ' ' . THB GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY For Cold*, Coughs. Asthma, and other Diaeaaea of tho OHEST and LUNGS. B UCIJrtlVIa .lUNUAtllAiv BALSAM, the great English Remedy for Pectoral and Pol* moiinry disnitHsa, ntill ptatida unrivalled and ituatir* pHimad os tho moot uUgant,*((reflnUln and eflaOtual curative of thoso formiduhio complaints now known to the civilized world. Threo years of trial in the United Statea. daring which time it ha* beon distributed frapi Mains tp Florida, haa only fiorved to e«tntiliah ita pre«emi' nvnl raorit in all parts of ifto country, na the groat a “ d ONLY RELIABLE REMEDY in tho wor9l caeua of Pulmonary dii»eaaen; and the best and moat agreeable curative of nil the alight form* of colds, congh and infi iimnation, that can possibly be uoqd. SPiTTING OF BLOOD. This frightful symptom of approaching Oon- rmniption, spced.iychock«-d and p.*et-cutfd bv the use of Bu<'lmu , a Uunsariait lialstin, which heals tho »fl«etcd uiombfiiuo, removos the incipient tu* borctus, ;iud roolorcd those vital organs, the luug<, lo u sound uud heuldiy condition. REMEMBER THIS. Spitting of blood always arises froth a tendency lo tuheruuloon diseases, uud if nut chrcltcd at the . outset, will sooner or later turininato in death. A or the cold ch trum* ol *|ra»«crs \ p er>l0n W | l0 runes blood once, will raiso blood DAV-t-Ssnles nfpcrishnhlo propoiiy umjer j To »ny this may appear | K*',!,7"uiVoM’«''pVopcVcurativOtiiminediutely otn. arder of Court, nm-rt he advertised generally, 1 Lis ' ^ IIHrL , as0PN ble tu it did to him amnetitne nuo, but » 1 * DAYS More the day of .Sale. , \* All l.etti-rs directed to thwOmreor tlie F.d^ M tor.*inn-t l-e post paid to entitle them to attention. T he .vavuvti l FElllllFiUaV.- _ Furlin'Gore ofl’dious, ItemiUenl and in* \«»rniff' , rit 1 er Ague ntnl F.'»cr. and other di»ea — e.« incidental to a dobilit iu-d fime *>f the syktem, *nch tovnu’r. &c \-c. The nnivc Fhbrilogo h otf-red. The proprie tor u sw ir- ttint th« common ohjectimia to a'l rt V U..U. ..." ... , . • iict. are iildl.niltablo. end wluitta hun apjn •hkk n mere cbimora of the tir.iin, U happily a mutter a . The ti icnrod y now terQf overy day accurrcubu. p onder-iaord hna thus far preferred publish ing the sriTCMSSTs nr other* relative to the heuetits dorived from In* practice, thinking that thatco-irse comported inurh hotter wttn troo dig nity of fetdina than pure personal putting intho pa- per. or l bn still l«,a reputable conrae to which some l,lsh.mlnil.i) (I) physician. , • . , . • <«(ittHdtug theirown trumpet*by thebedsido ottheir n*!W pfei anhou? will he urged .-ignmt tin*, to | nilt -.. nla ? H ,„, i no . w aee no fcuod reason to change ohviuo all such ot'jsc-'nios, tie lt«s simpiv to suite , F *„ bm n \ rA \\ continue to itivosuch ccrtifi* tint it iv prep irsd according to ilm rscipt ot an , * asW dl disarm dotttd.nnd which.though some eminent pliyviciin, who m.ud ii with periect mio • ' * , einthcm "«a*V tint up” are v<-1 such ns 'C.Lihrungh I, lung pr.ii.iii' ll,e jriost 1 ^”"tV _iw“"”y'man FlVK HUNDRED DDL- eickty region of our t ommy, via : die Mississippi . g, rHCI J re t h«ir equalin Oeorgia—eqmilly wil y. Ago» t«..hed eaumuuou m . antLonticaicd, under a forfeiture of a Jtke winch d-unim* hn^d, not only by the people, i " ” bu»b> Ha- mont ekilllol ptiysiriuns. it will uppaur j a Thp fiep.presentedbyhimnre *ncb na heispre- lupcratnrait.ry o otTeymiy new article. Bat dm | ^ d * l0 ,, MI J on8tril ,e ut nuv time to diosHtisrnclion We 1 ntmliigc povsoseos nil die noworstid ceV- , , h - 0 or their frienda, who may w.sii to Hiniy ol Q,-mn'i» in Ctmlrolmg Fuvrr without The following will *peak for ihemsoUes: Meeting tins ht-aJ. and m <y be -aloly tuvd thero. , ? This may certify Hint in the fur, wli-re annum it iuo/mi^ih'o. ft i< out j j ' J County. \ fall ofl8«. my sonWilli int, rim purpura of tho proprietor howyver aincMoii- . R $ WB9 ukt . n W ith nervouafo- ed hy ctiNt.un O l fc'ichoecM-oms. to attempt * dr.- | ‘ , J n ' Uu ,j , l( * t*y Dr. Gihson f<>r a long pl,y «f XooWed^ by adupliiitf some one ! J *" 1 , nuls vithstnuding nil he could do ho still ol tho eomrmhc oiy tbeortc, nilont, with regard lo C(||M ; nUB(| |w KctW0f , 0 . ««, th it when the fovcrleft ‘!, c u !;‘ a "! I..-., ! Win I.h hid complex.y last the uaaof bis lowr rcx- tic'iiitie*. on could act walk 3 stop nor bear hi* weiabt upon hi* feet; h.a lo 3 s boeunn cramped and drawn, and ho -utr«red d.nosi intolerable nn* euish from pain*; be continued in t u* terrible Htmc for over dtreo tnondw. reduced almost to nothing but -kin and bono. At last whert all harm onii* improvement had vanished. I heard or the g„cco« of Dr. Tfittinsnnof tre.itmgdw- ,.**(*. and concluded to try him. I accordingly made application, nod althrmgir t e DncmrNEVEn law him. ho soon rn-tored him to In* usual heakh mid -tronglh. He now rides about and attend- to tuiMilHH. a. .r notbing lw-1 *«« ' l J! wuhliin, JOHN UARFIELD. Jane. Duilnty, Nnv. S4, 1845. (jKnn.ili. } This iniy enrtify tlivtrtiy IImi,luu Cininly. {dmianlar Jlniy.abuiitlfiycara ufnur lunl huen attackea will, rli'uru.l, unit o h. 1 rnnltnnrtl Inr the cliiriii-.tsrhin Unbevmg wuti the tearitud (irogory that ihonab thuin has ta-< n-u much written eoocarn- i ny l-Niver tliere is' no ona Mibjert m tho wiudu trirchi of me hc.jl sciuica wfiiiir sliil imlolves so many dixp'll. d pniijil. Let lac ell theoru-.s pass, no timul h) fact*. Tl>6 fir*l of wl.h h is that tho N itivn F.diriiiigt; will cure l*v<.r. IVoiu whatever •cjii.o it in ly h ive orij,-J»)Ved, end r»' any ouotU c*iit-,«- 'o the fid we invite the t-fflicted to the t«-t. with coidi.leaco ih 'o th'.- i sue. What ii b is duns it will do. The follow- na certificate of miu well known wi.l show wlmtit lies doin'. t>AVA%-!C*H, Uth M-*y. JdlT. Mr J i* A l.n Ituctie havioe ieq"L-s»i-o me to rMteniy knowhk-c nfthti .'Vative Febrifuge, i t ike pl-nstirc in ni iiiug Hi it it win urnd Iihii. tici- fhily in tin-fVvi.-r-n) the valley of *Jm .Wr-wi^rp- pi anil Ark mm-, to all uim-s hi whicb Huuunu is ’ifiually k%hll'i:t-j. and w«n adiuissttldo ill no ••n< i,f i!io brail wbi'ii (Auioiuu w.m sajip' b< raiitinindlcated. .1 J MUCHELL, M tV oircd end suhl. * v * J A:\iLS A. Lx HOC Iff;, ^ji'ig "18 ___ N»». Alouniusii-Mjiiuie Gcot-Rita — Ci>«ia£y- . Tne Litclmator or ChntttaiM County, ) vs. > Th« Reel K*ta-o of Johm Coan.w, dec’d. ) uii inquest "f i;*eho t ha.- bwen reiu.'iimJ into tim oin -o of Hie Clerk ol-lie rfu- ployed. PAIN IN THFa SIDE. Thin distressing symptom of Coi)«umpfmn art- w* from lotliiiumalioii of the lungq, on the mcm- hYoVio called the pleura, or from bronchial nffoction oi ihenir pasksge*. lueithei case it iin very dan gerous indication of dinea-c It prevents full and Iren breathing,and wenranw-ny the natural sttength of the *ystom. Tlte cunse 6t thl* aymptotnihbald L-e removed at oncet ««>d nothing cun poaeibly cf- tort that object so speedily and happily as the great English iiemedy. ditenverrd by Dr. > Buchan, w hich i-entirely vegetable in ill ingredients, and perfectly hon/deiTB in -fcll it* qualitio*. . LIVER COM PLAINT. In cases of Consumption, Hie Liver i* always more or le-a utfected, and aim the. Spleen Pleura and email intestines. On d steeling Consumptive patients, Tubercles nre often found in all iheae or gans, particululy upon the Liver, which ulso be come* faiiy, oily and swelled. The effect of Iftc Hungarian Balsam in Uiseu-o- ofthe Liver, espe cially if it bo 6f «u ulcerous tunuKo,. is direct »nd powerful. Simple disease of the Liver unnitehd- , d by Consumption is speedily cured by iU use. WINTER COUGH! The harsh, dry, hacking‘Winter Cough which a (Diets Old Penpto, uud invalids in a low main of health is happily ntTei-ted by the Hungarian Luisam. (t warm-, mdiutens. and. aiimul.itiis the whole breathing apparatus; removes all morbid uiociib, and other foul muter; purifies and .animates the blood; imoroves the ser.retivo power of the Liver, Spleen, end oihor Jurjre gland*, nod the digektivo organ*; and imparts now life to tho wun and oiuactuied syelum. BRONCHITIS' Bronchttis, Uitf.cuhy of Brcaditng. Harsh Cough, n Rliray expectidation. with ell otht-r sy m ptom* ettuSHd by affection of the air-t;.*.ii5J lead ing from the throat to th* Lung*, are directly nrtd ipertiflcnlly cored by tlm u*e. of the admirable rerh^dy Invented by % Dr. Bochuir. For aide In Savannah, by J. M. TURNER k BROTHER. jnly 'i Mnniimont square. craccnmpanyiug dillicoltic.-, which coimmir.d lor •q-tj.'.J tn.itrnnglb H llttsstaii I, ; a ootn.idcrablo length of time, and appeared to de- .■ ol .great survive u < tv 1 jill t|ia oMtal remedte* that could be brought to j ode animal fond ts rvqttund, n w * 1 boar on it. She sufforedgroatlv with painful min-1 im long so a voyages, jtimpr ! «rv till it looked like the would go into lit*. In Iry.aiid o««bo utado uiio Soup in a low i tins'-iiu-ttion, mi l after relief wit* dl ffimrud of. I | and i* of greaWcrvtoe in eUrtlyiug t«l Ilffl i'EU CtfOPlklK’ff L AMERICAN ISlNtJLASd—NVarfutited •un.tJm.itrnnglh ih Isinfilnsa IVr Table ' - - di'oa*et whefedeli ml well calculated prove* by age if kept ‘ low niimUoti, dor,-Beer, and VVifte LACHES' SHOE EXCHANGE. L A.D I E~S', - MiM'et, Chiltiran’* nnd Infant'*. SHOES, of every slyle, ahadn nnd pattern, at the NEW GRANITE STortR, 163 Cotigrea* afreet, Savanuah, Geo., aign of the G«dden Hand. June 17 BUCKNEtt 6c MEEKER, 'No«* 105 end 106 | ( Bryaa street, * Have just receiv ed, a fine a**drtm*‘n» of BOOTS AND 'SHOES, forgcmJa- men, youths otod hoy* »*«?»»'. of tlio boat materials and mnnofHOtiirfl, and of the latest style. Also Ladies, Misses and Children'* Shoes of every va riety aVrd style, good osean be round In thls'lhurket, nnd *\ Hr'i^tfrR^r.-iAUj’ge and oareftljJy selected s|och of Vlan’tntYo’n Brogans which pim/ara and factor* *Vil/ find (o their art van tage to call uud examine. Care taken in ■fitting measures. Also, a general nssortfaem of Ceps, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bag*. School Satchel*, &c. And n Supply of L*dtes and Gantletnen' mudo Boots, dirccilniWMBtiou. jnly 23 n \ r ^ Tito Stth*cribur being . about removing front hi* present location, in vite* thp attention of hi* friends and ciHtotunrs to . his prc-ieut ntock which h« is prepared to ntahr up nt a very reduced piofiu his HSBortntmi of ready made clotliiug it* of tho first order, and whf uot tip. tinder In* own mporviflion. which lie Wm Hci| ht Loai, lie renDCCtfoltv arks a cell - , from his ,t»Id numraora: andgenllomou vistitig tl.e ‘"^"nce*. ofluctitally remote iho city will find it an inducement to cull and ox amine hi* *turk bofuro nufctiahihg elsewhere. j»netfC PHIL!!’KEAN. Path ) moat of fine Watches just re ceived fey recant arrivals, | consisting of Gold fltinlitif 1 C«Sft,^Loversi Gold Double ’ Bottom Lever*; Gold lmi- arfcl cm r h ui F.I lation Double Case Levers; Gold Anchor Escape ment Lever:.; Silver Hunting Case Levcrr, Silver Double Bottom LeVer*; Stiver-Anchor Escape- ment Lever*; Silver Lepino and Venioul Escape ment. Also fine Gold Eob Chain*; Vest YlhainSi T*nrb Guard Chain-; Keys and Chain Kings, nl) of.which will bo sold a* low as tu any city in the Union Alt kinds of Watches repaired nnd warranted. , • 1). B. NlCHUl.S, nttg 16 First corner West nfPiilo*ki iWso. A nimal hugnetiiim v». ww* TAR'a BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. The following, although it mrfy appear a little Itmoorous to sume,i* not the le*s worthy of pub lications and be the theory of Magnetism true or false, it shows it is somotimos productive of good. 8y<iacv91, Dec. 13, 1842.—Dear Sir:—One rircomsbincc has greatly helped the sale of the Balkan: of Wild Cherry hero. A young lady was niHgnetisnd.aud re^Wo-ted to prescribe tor her lath er, who baa an affection ofthe Idhgs. She aaid there was a medicine ut Hough's accompanied with a amall book, that Would holp him. it was the Bilfiatn of Wild Cherry. He took It, and it cured him. She has since prescribed it for anoth er, Wftltf hits Mbipfa it with the same result. Yours, An.. Hough * Bridges. P. 8. Hough A Bridge* aro heavy dnraggiaut at 'Syiucuae,to whom we refer the curiods. PoTTSvfr.r.F,, Dnc. '23-1,1841.—Dn«r Sir,—Your BhIsuiii of Wild Cher-y has eflacted some aston ishing cor*** hare. Ore of whifcb ia an old ln«Jy, Mrs. Kosscll, who had been suffering fur along time With slmrttiofl* of brontlnug, and general weakness, until she was finally obliged to keep her bed. After various other rmnedieti bad beenro- aortudinlo vain,she conmiQxicedusiiigyotir Bal*ain, and after Inking two bottles, was so far recovered us to be iibhj to attend to all the duties of her houau, and on taking two botllaii morn \Vno entirely cur ed. Kcsnuctlullv, Ac. John 13. C. M E P PI N (»' S COMPOUND FLUID EX TRACT OF SARSAPARILLA, AND QUEEN'S DELIGHT, Ac.—For the composi tionof this Extract aud the properties ofthcClueens Delight, Pbyaioiano are respectfully referred to the Gilt nnd 6ih number, vol 1, ofthe Soufheru Jour- uat ofAIodieine atid Pborniury. For purifying the blood, and removing all dis eases arising from tho impurity .of the «n*m«, i» is highly recommended, ns also for the cure ol Rhvu- matisni. Scrofula, Frysipelns, Vloernliuna of ihu Throat and legs, pains oud swellings oi the honest Tetters. Pimples in the Pace, Uld Horen, and nil Cutaneous Eruptions, Neuralgic Affections. Mar- cnilal Ulsetuea, and inr assisting the operation and preventing fatal coa^cquouces of AlercUriais iu SyphaliU. Th is prepAMtion, (by adding the Queen's Dc- ligift. Uie xSarsuparilla,) combines in a more perfect degree than sny linoutn remedy, tnii'w and alternlive powers, and is highly recommended by eminent pliysiciao*. It ia prepared iu conseaoenc* of the Tenommonations given l*y Dr H KTrost, ProfsRsor of Materia .Medico iu the Medicul Col- iogo of Charfeston, S S. 'n his work on Alati-rm Medira.ouiy conceiitratad by a process ofthe sub scriber's to render it more convenient f»<r admin istration, abd with (tin exception of Hie addition 'nf mercury which may nt all time* be added when necessary. To shew the high estimtniun which Dr F nnlcrtnitianf the combination of iho-eaui-, cles.U ih only ncco-sary to refor to the above men tioned work. There nre few cases of chronic ahd pn'hRil Rhah tnaii*hitfiat will tint yield to the influence of Sar- sapnnlln and Queen’s Oftghl if duly persnvered in, especially if taken iu conjunction' with Hydr. of p/tieali. Is highly n-coimneiuiod for all dis:asr.s of the ‘kin, chrome na well as merit. Olio honk- will, o most iuatiinces, nilYctually rc-movo nil pimptes, poi-tnl'es or blotches on tile face, to which young persons iu this clitu'ilu uro so much subjected to, aiisiug cither from ittipmity of ihc blood urdtibil- ity. It Is the beit remo'dy known lor scrofulous affection*, sores and breaking- out iu young chil dren, ami is nafe and efficacious in removing on. tircly every trace or hereditary diseas,* from the system, in the tend"rest infant; in fact, in oil cufa- neons aiivctinns it is invaluable. Asa goners! pu- rifiernf the blood, nnd nn eradiculvr of n!l ohstt- nntr di-en-ios, this preparation will undoubtedly tnkethn precedence of till other remedies. Itgem* ly operates upon nod reguhites the bowels, re mote* to the blood its wonted purity, gives tone to the -tomsi-h, ntt I prnmoies digestion. It will effectually relieve Ery-iptdn* oven in its worst stages mid all persons suffering from tlm distressing complaint aro advised to use it, first ho. but if nu murk ud rehof t»e found after (iking line will ho uedctfsary to use the Hydriuduted Potash witli it. Not withing to publish ccrtficafeh ns is done iu the cases of all quack medicine* of (be day, jo ef fect their sale, Htid go force them tlp'oti the putdio, the suhscriber hegs leave to state that his prepara tion ha* bo**n prescrihed and used by a number of phiaiciaitsand pkititcr- of our city Mint nuightior- booef. with great streevrt, vis; Dr R U Float, Dr W G Ranirtay, Dr Tho* V Bunon*. Dr C Fritoh- aid, Mr 8 L-tgire, Lt Wilton, V 8 K S, nflofrhi* city; Dr J .itouay, Beuufiirt, Ac. I’rico§| per boiMe, or §5 lor 6 do. Prepnred by J. PETER M. UPPING, Chemist aud Droggist, corner Broad r.nd King hlrcets, Charleston, S. C. for Savannah, , ' A. A. SOLOMONS, 'b‘ c —1 yr Market square. .. HATS AJfD CAP.*.~Th • tntiseriher* «rp unyr pr«*p»ree 'to fiiroHt) tho former. patron* of the ■ . 7^ concern and the public generally, with an extenaive arid well select ed stock nt UA'I S and CAPA, on httner lerum tlmn ever befote of fered, haw ngo Very adVAatvge wniehnuy tmioufao- turer nan p’osaea*. • - aog ia; : ives, horsey a co. G WWSi JBIFEEXi PISTOLS AIVD HARD W ARE.—Tha subHrribei lieuk Lave to cnJJ the attention of f(>ott*nir'n »/wd Yniters to the fact that his Goo*, Ac. are all made exj.-rejHly tq order te England,_ coorrqjttntly they .nut pur chase at .the first fti'-.e, nnd d-pend on a better irtich timn timae iuiported in Northern cities for tue purpose of * pplylng theSonlh. ‘The lollo- wing compiLe a p ut of my ami k; vi*: Plain Dorthle Gun-»** <?'6 Keni Stub and TwLi. P,u. ft r . *, j, 517 lc $75 Plontatlm Mo»kef,» !?x' fin w $1 Alt VVestley Richmrt'a Caps $1 fill per ‘..,g of 5U0 Walker’s hruit Capa 37$ cent* m i uux Freneh Oops iti! cents pug pen Beat Pbw’der 374 cent* pet 16 ' Plantation Powder 20 Writ- per !h Do _ do ($1 00 p, t peg Baldwin's Wadding 20cerm per box, Together with n general ah-sortmi-ut of Single Vijm.*, Ktflcs, Pieinfr, Flask.*, Pouches, Rogers' Lie Table ntfrt Pocket cutlery. Hardware, A c. at low price* for cat-h. Cali mid examine for your selves. JOHN CARRUTHERS, 1 , Sign of the Rig G’lin REPAIRiiNG of Ml hind* of Gum-. Lork’s.&c, ctirefullv attended to by -aperiur wtnkmeu may 14 MmSBrnSm by v; 0. K HERUMl ,|J] j T AMP OIL. *?-|W!U mHuii, ii VVini«r .iniiiiud Sficrm OiriSW) 8oTVJ,»r .1 rained Solar (Jil.MO3d unblrdched Sperm Oil W>* • . ■ *1 HBNLJRIVKaOM, Urn.,!.,, 4,i W t r. VX« bona buildings, offers for UifelM'ftlfoW, mg Articles, vi*;—*25u gross Frtciionllatc!iea;l()fl boxes Rev'* Lena*) Svrnn.Vll . V*v- .. ' wv ' ,SHa nrsr sort riilsen, -6 ci> Eci- «|i»h Wyshlng 9itda, 1 do Ombra Madder; 2clleam BsngM Iqdigo, 10 bbls'Ahim, 20 cask* prime En- fimp C o!if* r '''’ 10 do E ‘*“‘*'l | a**lte. 214^1 pa,lfon. AX/'HUa JAMAICA..bis'S^Av: TT 1 cure received per line IWffllSfSifd fur ■ale by (j. ft. 1h;nd«ICKSUN. «pll« liili . . li-i I |\ iVPCiB.IV 5041' —A Ir.fh ab|i|ilr nf llii, i - celeoraled 8liaviu, Suap, In put,, jnu f ... ceived. and lor aal. by e ' J I ”! 11 jg O. R. HENDRICKSON*. IAHNES'IoOk s VKKMlFu'ofi-lliVrrrt' ju.i recall ed and for a In by r r O. R HF.NUHICKSON. —O'*' *2 A«em for Hie Ptimtieli.r. * T OIU-T 'SOAI- .N MRS.^ Wlilln, Invert. d.r, Fn.1'11. Horn, Cn.'nnitiun, Aliimud, tint XVhlie Seanlad Soap in Bar-, font rj-relwH nnB Tor .ale by 0-R.JHENDRICKsOW. rnnr 20 • . A CASE OF* ASTHMA. Tim folio^Mijt i* fir'd th it di-ttingdlshed Lawyer of • - •- .*“• thu city of NevV York, Who had boon nfijintHil with ib» Asthma for upward* of “TWENTY YEARS;”and who «ftsr reading such < nsos can doubt the cific icv of this menicitio? NrW York. January 25, 1843.—I have been af flicted with spasmodic asthma Inr twenty 'four years—sometime* no severely as to bo confined to my room tor weeks; aud although attended by vn- , rioua umdicnl ndvucis. of tho hlf»b- -0 t runuliitinn 1 ( t' n,, ’ orr k PARSLEY—Cui led. nnd hIciII hi lilt* rnuiiti v. tlio r*,’.' nf...... i..., , r ,r §® while l.iuia, WImm PARSNIP—t.nrto f .»cr* have SUEU8. whicb Imve libntt iaised wliharMlenre by aSuodsman of high repniat'oii, and are war- r 'A , RP*nsS , .'.“‘* V an y ,0 ,,e r,MU,d •" Hracountry. _ ArPAlU.ttL’V anil M It« T A II .u ' _ hR'.NS-fKitnav. Dwarf, 1 '.ell or Snap.—Early Mo- ( h’lwl;. Early .vallow. C «vnok. Eioly CUinu Dwaif Es'ly CUi< )■ Dwmf or l-rko!seU- Kidnrr, llcfugcnnr looom I, UK MUHTAR D~R,o«ro or Stock, White Em:fish. MARJORAM— Sv*««i. O N I O N—Yellow Dutch, Lmy« red, Hllvor *hlu,Onion A (HIICBbTViUL IMPl.EMLNTs.— /X. Huyitfg tr.atje large ndditinus lotheii lorrner Bstortmebtof Acricultf.rul (mpicoM-iiis tin- .-ub- scriburs now offer tu pluntur* and mmcbuma.-a bottur siock «v«rbefore otfored mi tin* South ein countiy. consisting in pmt; ofthe following ur'k-lcs, viz; PLOUGHS. Ystikce Cast Iron. Nu*. It), |J, lVand !0 Dugon, or Couoccticut VVrougbt Iron, 1,2.3 dt 4 Allan pattern ' Kugglo*. N«*rat A Mason's Improved vi*; Laglo, heavy 2 horso or ox Do. with wheel and cutter No 2 B, a large *2 horse' Do. with wheel and cure/ No A 3, medium 2 horse " A 2, light 2 horn ” A 1, light I mule or garden " Cinch light 1 horse turning ” 7 do do medium l horse turning " lf> do do new pattern 1 do do, for light soi " A I, side hill 2 horso " O, do do l do S»h soil, a heavy 2 Iiomo or os Do. No 1, u medium 2 homo D/*. 0, l do Double Mould Broad orFiirruwiug, 1 horse Cnilob Trenching, J horse Rice d : o. new pntt'erh, With snag? w' rH. The ft bo vo Plobgtts with, and .witimiu stocks-- ^extrn stuck* for the improved Ploughs IIOF.H. Lyndon's extra binck Carolina, (I, 1,2 & 3 crown Do. bright do, 0, I. 2 A 3, do Do. Rice,i«o. 9. ,nnd 3 do Do. New ground, PP and PPP do On. 0*nl r,»r- OlMUliflJg, N->- 0 l»U Do. Rouud Eyn do No*. 2 aud 3 ilo Lyndon Co’*. Anchor, 00, 0. 1 and 'i do Brado's Pntont, 0, 1,2,3 uud 4 do Light Yankee AXES. rotUnsfcCoVi * i Rent's Rund»> ] > iiriuiu pnttarns. < R ” , £*H0Vj£I.S. Hindln't SiisUnc. Hockrt SpsHr* Ctft/ffVArORfl, HARROWS, <V-. Improved Cul'Jvatorx, HiiSiUorn Siielter* ympo wheel irtin Mi|lt,t.»o mm Cultivator Plough, or Homo Patent 'lliuru* Hub Planl»tlon VVlieelliarrov;* Common HarroffTS I Common Str<;>» Cviu-rt foMliia do , jPntnnt do, da. Cofu «uJ Colib Crmher*, Swingletrecs bund mill 10>»ln Cr*<l>««, a#«v n«(tera Do. do. for hon* power llti^e do. uo. SCYTHES, HOOKS. &c. Engltoh Piunnt fteyiiie* |Prit(t«,Ax- IColvrs U l LI R’.i T A f* TEL t. fit a JSLlUhn U ““All Hm rplt'l Ingiet UniMo tna Bvrdht* Sprit*g combined in on« comuou«-4 powder, the cfferve-cing rolnlinu of which Wn - tens very nearly tRsteh-r*, .B‘e»l es being „.orr fvhleal/lo. it is made in inmh fe»* ti'tn*, nnd w ub ii.fimmly less trouble,thBii shot produced wiihthe tWb powders in the usual wav. Prepared by Thomas Butlor, 4 Che*p*id* st. Lnudoit. a 0 i t b 7. w O. U. HENDRICKSON, GiMmn's Buildings. H ON JR V •—3 cs*v* new crop Cuba Honey JUM roceivod and for e-!e hy "P'b 0. R. IICKDRICKSOW r *'• ■■'■‘-.ein pvCKBUA, ii FTisow, ac.- vy Hr FeucljlrtaueerV Coekrnnel,, R,i Moure Pul.on. « cure amieure ilclruyer oniu j. IrtwcUMW lonini. A l.o. I,ia infoliUe Beil Ui j Pul.o<i, for .ale by <i R || EKDllICKSON, *’ 1 flihligua building.. pOKPECTI4INAnv:-«l buxea Cunfictiue *7. nl ."fo rior qualily, landinj. frilu, «h Colun.bix end fur.alu by ■ M>' ;i (4. It. HENDRICKSON. TAViNE’rt UIMIBJJIEi.—Juyue*. rxpeciu tf rent, for Cullglia, Colila, «re. Jayne'. Carruiitive Oal.aui Tor Dyienlery en( cJiitntncr Complaintp, 1 Jayne's Unit Tonic for the preservation of tLi Hair. Jayne's Tinr. V«rmiT>tgo Pit Worms in Chlf dren, Jayne’s Sanative Piljs for Bil.'.’ous froWalnti «c. * A lavge vnpply tifthe*W piipijW yem^ies }iu received and for shIohi PlitlatMr.hi.. G. R.HKN. RICKSON nvr v GititioipA Boilding f >KLbii J APlUCA.—l bni bed qualify, ju* received, and for rain hy H J i G. R./HENDRICKSON. jnne ™ Gibbons’ Buildings. T)**'*'^^*'—3 caaks first rort NvwT Yorl OKRA. do. and ekill in thu countiy. the r«Uof wan hut partial n .d temporary—twice the Jj«:aaeproved rta.iily fu- tal to tuy life, Some frW ago, f cornmnuceii taking j ""-Tu V mX ru«c nt Icmi live omi«e j ,*|nL S buu'je pro.l'100.1 in >! Shu:x new u .o'uml "'^^"SjS'^^R?'' | luKfi''« wJkS.ATJ^rlb?'.' 1 ^ hourtl f ““‘ '*■ 'f'™' Alfor™;'». 1*“' 8 rtfoe « 1315 Ur. II utltlinlw., irr iheii nlie two quarts uf told ... . No* 6tj Wi|.imn .Ireal, New Vorli. ^ (i'voroia ? I bfcrbbycertify that my water, on© and n h If pounds of sugar, put in it '!i )nre nc( I , . l ? ntB, . w , l h wr ncr of thaabove Uo.ui’n County, s-l auKlMer Am. Eli*. wo« nl. (lie ivhlte of three eeg., Ihu juice uf three good pcftor Court of ClMtlmni County, In tlm ahova I inched uboot tbrne vcai.--»xo with Palsy and Dt*- | *izcd IsinouB.tho pvhl ckc. tvlmndiy imppearH ilntt J-'ltii Curran, a citi- | T||v; -jp IS B, tiy which sho was imtirely ■4cn of tho Uoito-I Si.tta*. died im^stato, ae *eiJ «t j n| .,j | nsl n, 0 u-o of tho lower nxtrninitias. tija li-ms ofhi* tiF.ath ofn lot of land, situated at a , tu W|lf j |„ m ,pdiately p'tt uodur tlie cunt of Dr. r:»'t:i-I-ir!i*ilt. hi tha Comity afcrosiid. containing ! rr ei|l | n || w ho attended her fnrsomotimo, but with- mie knmlreil feet in front ;»-»d tltrnn Imrtdrnd fi-m ; 0|J , hflu ^ t> \\ n than nppli«'l to Dr. Parker, a in napui.iiuro orlpss; Imuiided fiv I md* nf Hotb, i R 00 t Doctor, who after nu had treated hor cr.*e Wtlliurtso/, *nj C.t*s*tn,—the siid John Corr-tn j „ ( , in „„ me concluded that lie con’d do nothing for nothuvinj mtde any *ii‘position of said lot, and i h er . Wutlien applied to Dr. Thomnr.of Cullo. h iving iln J wiiiio-u joiVmg any peroon Its claim | «| Mt i*viHn, who .tu«wi#d «n her eight months, with- dieI Siiua: I out tha nonefit. for slio was left in a most do- N;*w. in nnr.vt-inec *»f tins Escheat law. this ad. ■ pjo^meconduinn, porl'ectly tmiph-s*. Wherever vnrn«viit«nt i% to give n -iico to the heir* of tlio j ‘j |(J vVH „ la».| there *t»u rem.iiued, without the pow- m'I J.ihn Cornu. r,r other* who may claim urnlor! ‘ O f,„ 0 *ionby th* greatest effort of tho will. She nun. if any such thorn ho, lo appear and make I wa<l fi0 n , nc h r od<ic*id that she luokud a« if there was not five pounds of flash on tho whole body, —-‘V j unin—* 13 Life LlC.dft lVA’fl'ifei— flm cimi u J tur n| ih*} wnii-r iron) tin- Jv**)l known »pi t* too wvtl t-MahUdiH t-i nepd cirtimcmlntion. ul «\m tu tin* **ud Im of land, within eighteen month* how fltodite iirrurtf, or the same will (in pro- tu h; C-cti nu d. agreeably to thu law in *'tcnc:»5U undo and provided. It- SV. lSjOLER, Clerk S. C. C. C. jepll / Omo— In: elm ran- n apti»i" -fl»M *-me uiul'in'i w meila hy an able elwmi,|. • , "'upbariuoil liyi!ro|;.-n.rorhntiir nnd, ft mil- it -.ul nodi, 1 in, i «r hi •fiiinum. 5 murinte of 11 "‘ , l ,l “ | . Iiitiu. 7 .afolinta oTanila. B aul- /•lialo, B wlrtimto ol* lime, uml brelia- My a trace nl carhonatr of magnesia. In h* action upon ih»> -y^om it i* purgative, iiirclir, dinptintHir, and altcmtivn, po»*cs*ed of j?r«Ai«r \nriejy **f-nti-taooea am) jo more shun* i”?,*' 11 ,M: ^ariMdined a* Btamlm* at the head ' HI ..alitjt! inlphnrnn-waters. In comparison * '< i fenne .Jwith tl,», IJarrowgaio vpriug» uf Eng- nan. ooiiiammg every aenvo itWrcdienl fmnul tn . “ '‘’v'''- It 'he planters nf this neighborhood l a 1,1 *5 C| Hi** Imtiit of Ukiux tlm Ulue -ick Water Pi„y would n„t do witfiouf it for any cnnoiliiraiioo. (i i, p„t up in well Honked barrel# ant w! | k(.,.p f or nU y len^ih of time many climate. IbH water is frmti Finley'* Upper Blue Lick 8 I»Hh*. Komncky. H'ic- per barrel rndiMed to fl dollars -orsite, by tlio barrel, (ixlton nr on d*auelit hy ., J M. TURNER & BRO. UloiiiifiVot Square S jpui j wi v3 "ftTb ac Coy tf IioIchGooIT , . w, b*a I’ati-'il pie—I'd rt'vwina Tobacco, for '‘yy lt ft It. HENDRICKSON, •nay 11 VymMJiMiY^ if, -Jn*i rnci'tv- r\* » * *"PP’y °f Ivocliqs’ Eiubrneatioti for '1 9n di-cure. Tlmso who rc-qonated tnn tK c,,l ® f »’ will l>!o .tic call first. For «o*L* hv ...*?»J? J_b-» W-HIJMPHREVS JR A Lt'fe For sale by 1 V ■ » J. GILBERT. 'JTA:<isT—-h|(\(l (h*,GnorgiU Ham-, prsFri- , •*- wiyc.|. witratited trood. end for oaht low* a.u» t-2 ALBERT HARD Gimrtfta CiTrcVCffim f ’“ t*\* hy «<i * 1.1 mi that she ooul.l be compared to uotlung hut « living cktdvton . if such nonld he imagined. \V hdo in this sia'e I wo* induced to apply m Dr. M.3. Thomson of Mncnn. who l aru proud to say, bvthe bl-ssinxsof Providence and hie rkill in the uso nf remedies. Ims restored her to excellent health nnd the use or liar limb* by which sho is enabled to enjoy life, nnd visit about in the eel i) indent, withimttbo iissutHnce of anyone. But what surprises every hotly is; that she has beenro* stored without liming been sr.*!f by the Doctor, emiiiuiie oomiiiui .«!.««■ Same y a!"pAaE. February 5.184fi. . The above cu*«s. considering tbmr character nnd imporiitiice,' will pat beyond di-pulo ll»* ftet of tlie rosstBti.i rvnf curing without previous ex- (imimtrion of thu psfraut 5 which, togaihor with the fncitiiY of procuring mnd.cine. pince the reductiou of Postage, by mail, put* it within the power of svetiY body, no muter where duty pro cure relief from their various maladies, at a very trifling expense. .... , , Peratlne H|i|ilyin« fur Meilieilio. englilfo-oml ilieir eviiiuloillinnJ 'guiu ivrillng e. eorreoll/«. nnuible. when nunltelnee enileil tn their vt.rinii. U.IIM will be oomjfolilWei) end »enl. I.otier. In enlille them Irt ntleWion, mil.l be pudl.peid, end peramie epplving Trrtiu e .liiteneo hail betfor ell- ,-lnie tlio U.nal nmnlhly fee ul* Five Dnller. nt mice hi. charge being an email »e to admit ol hill .lielil in ccllaeting. The pour nf uny oonnly (ioorgia may havu mcdicinee .ehl on iirceent-itinn nl'a cerlilienio ol Ifiajlllilv to pey, .ignoil by Iinv Judge of ilui Court. Ju.tiee iiftlie Peace or Minister of tho Gospel of the county in which he r.-aidcs. The ifflit-.tad.oi tho Rov, Clef- iY will be »t eh turine exempt from charge. (y M. B THOMSON, M. D. Macon. September 1, 1316. eept ttt • izcd isinnue.tho pvhiof un-, a stick of cinnamon, alittlo nutmeg, oraugc nr otlit-rspico to suit the taste; stir nil the ingredients well ogether while cold, thenb'iilftio 'whole mn*sfirmror live minuted, uud thou pour it through a Jolly Bag. when it may be put into g'm»sp6 or moulds, nnd when cold, will sc hlfor use. The moulds should ho first wet with •tl.Ule white of egg and wnt<V, jttst bofrirb the jel- •v is put in them, in order td ulilke it easy to turn In*m onion plates. Tho Jelly Bag is made offlauncl 9 or 10 inches aernea tlm oponinc, and about half a yard deep, narrowing to a point al the .bottom. The liquid ihnt runs through first, should ho poured back in the jfilly Dug until it runs through clear. And one pint of wine to tho above for Witte Jolly. Other liquids made front preserves, rtlay be eiltcdby using the sacuo proportion ofthe Ising- ass. Blanc. Mange may bo ra ttein? a* least tone stince oi Isiiiglas* for two quarts of milk, or cream he peal of two lemons, sugar aud spice to suit the nsto—bring t!u* whole to a boiling heat, strain it, and when nearly sool, stir it well to mix tho cream Hint will rinb sVhile cttoliug. pour it tu tnoulds.nnd wl;a:i pnffoctiy cold, it dtay be turned out nnd will then ho ready for use. The moulds should be first wet with cold water, which will prevent it rotn sticking to them. A fresh .-apply, just received, and for solo by „ ov 2 T. RYERSON & CO. the * olid f.a il ALIH’.t'vT HARD F lour, butter and $egarb-5« bbi* Bohimoro Flour t 25 firkin* choice Goehen .Butter tftO.POO Begars. ysripiiB brando. lundlng Vnm Muditoo »nd l }nz»1lo. and lor sale by Z, S SCRANTON &■ JOHNSTON. rxOHSESVtC liKIliOrtS.-^-lOO bbp O varinu* brnud^25 do N York Whts ;. v* fi'n da N O’d i; 25do Hum; M do Monongs- Wlil-he'ix loud;..* and in ifore.rornsls'bY ; 'SCRANTON A Jt 'HN3TON. J WINER &■ CD’S CANADIAN VERM I- • FUGfi—The bust remedy over yot diseov cred for nil kind* of Worms. It riiittiiily de stroy* Worm* and irtvigoMtea the whole Bystorr,. but it dissolves anti Currie* off the anperabnndaiit slims or mucus, so prevalent in tho stomach and bowels of children, more especially uf those in bad health. Tha mticua forma the bo-J or nest in which Worm* prodocu tln-ir yrittHg. aiul hy remn- vins it, i ( is itnpo.-sihle for Worm- to rmnainiu tin body. It is harmless in its efiect* nit tho system, nnd the health ofthe patient i* always improved by its use, when no Wormsaro discovered; the mqdi- cine being pnlaMhtn. no ebild will refuse to t ike it. not even ttto moat defitvio. Just received, and certificate, aud hisatAteibunt* are entitled to full confidence of the public. F. A. ^ALMADOK, llecorder of »h« C'ty of New York. Jntftf Po\vi:k. P. L). Vicar General of New York, P S. Tho above certificate niayboscen at f»o. 12B Fulton street. New York. The Allowing i* from Mr. John Brown, an ojT- tenaive Imilderm tho city of New York, nnd an other from Mr, Woodruff, of Elizabethtown.-— The originnlcerllicntos of thasc aud many otiier* may ho snennt No. 120 Fulton »tr^ct, New Y*uk. New York. March 10,1943.-*-] wiisttisl full at tacked with a pain and jovere«nrene*a af the che.1t, which continued for a number of week-, I had previously for several yaors been subject tos par- mahentwaaknoM uf the nhest caused by a strain. Th!*ia-t nttack gave me much apprehension, a* I found it was tho commencement iifa fatal dirt-ako. About tho middln of December I begati to tako Dr. Wtstar'ri Balsam of Wild C'horrV, a single bot- tie of winch soon remov.aii,nl| sfirenaaa from the chant, added atrong'h and yigor to the lung*—-, and I now regard my-pifu peifec'ly sound aud well* * . Joitw Browa* 61 Ann-street. LIVER COMPLAINTS. KNowr.csYiLLE.JuneflU. IK43 -^-llii* willcorlit fy that I havcheufinfflicled with a Liver complaint, general debility, mid paid in my sido, for several yenr*. and for eighteen months had bar n Unable to do anvwnrk. In Derhmharliist, I commenced ta- king Dr. Wi-tnr’s Bulanin of Wild Cherry, lin’d found immediate benefit frttm it. I eoon begati tn gain strength, th*» pain in rfiy *ido w«» relioved.imd I had also a comb, which wits entirely cured in a futv weeks by this medicine. A-tt»A D. Hoyxina. The above certificate is strictly correct KnoWLKR iVt CuEESEHAil. Just received and for *»le by sept 21 T. EVERSON & CO. for *«lo by may 21 TIIOS. RYERSON H aving taken store ios Owen*' new hailding*. unttili side Market square, I «<« now nfTnririg a l*r#a,ra*h}onable and entirely HbvV Stock of Ready Made Clothing,Hats. Boots, Shoe.*, Trdnks, Carpet Bags, etc. These goods can bo sold at much lower priat-s than cus tomary, a* I have adopted tha oa^h uyatum, U being a new business, l will state that I am prepared to furuieh every thine nsually kept in n Clothing or Boot and Shoe Store. The most f*n- tidinua genHom >n ean ho fitted out. from head to foot, at my Cl*»;bing Runms. up atifr*. I am pro tided with a larae supply or Negro Brogans, aui- table for town, river or plantation use. . 1*0*11 Unit would purabiue dr examloe any of my goods. I hereby announce th .it am iUlUitoes roiidy t» receir o csjls. . . ,,/vlO. NVJLLIAM n HALL. R AISINS* &C.—Raisins, Figs, Prunes. nnd Preserved OlngaL f«r s«lo tiy H. J. GILBERT, West side Market sq. frb 18 TjART », The Kniitht of GWynne, A TMe JL of thk Tun* of the Uniou; by Charls* l.evt»r, Tha Sscfet Passion: by the author the “The Youth of BhaKspcsro-”- Burton; or, the Siegcrt by the suthdr of "La- lliglvhornngb ft*11, uod Lord orilie-Msnur; by Henry IV. Harbor. Tha Duko and Cousin: bv .Mrs. Gray. Bbtwha Tnlboli or, lb* Mu)Jan's Hand, t The Bandit* of the Oosgqj a Westoru Ronjance; by Emerson Bennett. An Authentio Account of Thnndarbclt and Ltshtfoot; two Notorious Hichvraymen. E11«(U F**nton,.audthe Secret Poisr.nvrt by Mr*. Eliza Pherldan. , - Old Iron Bids* and Old Adams. ' The Iaadoret or the III Fated Barque. The Lady’s* Draatol »r tha Fortune Teller of Cnnp's Him A L*C*ud °f Boston. Rsreived by sjpi l JOfIN M COOFER. L*»ga »v|ii»u l.iuia, Wlm* UuicSi •tiimur*. *cnrlrt rui.- ••ora, tlf-I Kr»uberrv. REt;t — tiloutl Titr- ii'I' Lobs bluii'i,whit.- 1’roncb augur attO-JOLI -Early v*|,l (0 . Liryu Vn tic. CAHn.AGE — |.i ri ty York, 1 bargi* Vurll. HroM vlull* Si- 1 - H«it»|i Very, Early Suysr t.naf. Curl- PARSNIP—Cargo Dutch: Ourntpy, PF.PPER—R«|l, C*ivrn», PUMPKIN — Cotiiicclicul, ammmoUi, PEi8-E.rlyVV.thh.ston, 5i ftet,ear.>• WurwKk.Kfiet e irly iloObln (jfoison, feet, curly Clmrlioii, Gulden U) t*ect, Dwarf Mar- lawful, .1j feot, BMWirUr || ullfic. t foot. MstchleM Marrowf„i or Tall,0 f.f.t, KAnisll-WhtioF.ll.har- •IY Loop Scar nr, t,„„. Sul. moil, b'carlni Torn})* Y.'ltdi* Turnip, ifliio Smm„- r amt Autumn Variety,) block Fall or 9pntil*h. RHUBARB ROdTS. SALSIFY. SAflE. 9 PI N A Q r.-PrlcMyw Fnll, Kounrl Lent' or feurij- Uiar. SQUASH—Early Sumirnr l'u»h, Early Sominnr crook neck, Wintor ernok neck, i.'ocoaiiut nr Purtor'a Va| p n- raJ*o, V**ei»lilr Mtnnrr. TUB N I P—Early *(,Hn Duidi, Flator Spriue, Early rod top. Early Ganton, Larjfa H.ifl1»h^orf„lk. Hnn- ovnr or.louffl Tankard, Pur- lilfl top Ruialmeo. TOMATO—Large r *l. THYME. iltrt ncrntinrr.fur pUh-rondt R-rumny Ulmurs Gi-.rdf i- lifts*, do. Rahs* Ditcldus Rulrna Trsncptomiae Trot*e»'-- amt . Tnrlr* iOarrlnn Urals, Os. Llf *« With ; i variety of Lftf/Ji'ifrt'tit* out cnvftH'mcd. i For Ritlia bv I HAZARD, DEN’5LOW A WEBSTER. i jail 1 erica 1 «>T#-s riott flcytlio annltbs I Rriar *nd B*j*h do. ,4)o. Hooks Com Cutlais. P.irtaponu-j Os Yokes anil Ox Howj by T , , _ «m rwii P.«W X UT, inspection, landing from hric Acton, for sal G. ft. HENDRICKSON. June !0 M'JfflSK.'W 'utTiiln Jiiiee”* Health, for sale by j:tno‘22 f the Dlltlen ObtiegL ( G. R. HENDRICKSON. /RINGER—H» kc-gs frusli ground Ginger. VX just received and lor naln. by jnne 10 G- R HENDRICKSON. W KAPPirm TWINE—*20bales,h* sorted sizes aud qnnliiie*. (or sale, by j»»w » 9 G. H. HENDRICKSON. ■pwBNCH wififEwiSeTiSE JL GAR —2 bbi* ju-t received bhd (nr S8le by . . G.R. HENDRICKSON. Jnne In ■ - t . Gibhiuis*Buildings. us* Building*. B ED BUG PUisOfT^-BrTvntiitTv^Wt inf*liubit- Bed Bug Poi on. Warranted to ex- terminate those noxiou- vermin, for ssv hy June5 G. R HENDRICKSON* W HITi* UIN(iLit.—A tresh rujiply nfZ Jamaica Ginger, just rereitvd nnd *ale by G. R. HENDRICKSON, J?" c ® ‘ GiUlmnT.’Huilding Larae Inlo It Uarimi," l.u.. Kullateb, Early flat Dutch, Gri-en (ilaeiuJ, CAULIFLOWER—E*r)v ondltio, CCI.RRY-Whita snthl. . CKErtH—Curtoil nr Pep- pnremi*. Broad Inuf. C U CU II ilER-E.rly Fr#r»tp P.irly clutter, Eai ly shortermn, n*rly toimxrunn C A It it O T—Early Innii. l.ongrOranre. t.’OHN—Sernt or 9-lRnr, Early Cpnnda. To»c*roru. EGO PLANT—Purple. KALE — Giceu curled Scoii'li, Purple. LEAK — Large Scotch, Lortilmu.. . LETTUCE - Dnvnhaai, whileC-jMvip-, Cui-hJ Kilo •in. l.nryo ifreouhond, Impe- rtol ch btwqer MELON — Omen Citron. Nutmrf, Cnmcioiia. Lurye Mask. fLOWER SEEDS. In pUt'gt. 19 kind* iu each.)In uha’ge. ,S0 bind* in each. «lo W do I do too do FIELD AND FLOWER SEEDS, dtze. Buckwheat, Brnoln Corn, Blue Grass Unitary Secrt, Hemp Sued, MiWut, tied Clover. Rye and O.ts . . Flower Seeds, Rents, Emit nnd Ornnnieutol Trees, fumidied to order from min ofthe lra«tnnd most exiRtisIva Nurseys and Flower Garden*-in this country. An nisnritnent of Bonk# oh Agricnltum. Gai- dnni’ig, Reiring of ritnek, Poultry, &c, to ivfiic.'i vytll hit added lira mast popular works issued on the Blmvopiitijccts. Agent'for the American Agriculturist, publish- cd monthly hy A B Allen, N.-Y. for whicheub- flcrio tm# a: u solicit' d. fohll DENSLOW & WEBSTER. ISvJSia -ii. A. CRANE offers fur sale nil liivnrntdi-inrtn*. i SUGARS.—It) hint.- Si Cums; 2ft. do New Or* j Imjnv, 25. do Mu«-qv.idn; ftt) tie c«- do : 10 dn j defined Gilemu; ut) park -g- s Stuart’s loaf, .... cra*liiid,nnd Pnwdr ied;C* hnxns white Havana. , COFFEE.—lfto bag* kin; fid do L.uguiru; 5 I do j Java.. . • j MOLASSES.—f>0 tilids Cuba, On ticren# do ; DO . barrel Or loans. j CRACKERS, Arc.—00 hbl? R*ititii;2'J do Bos ton; ‘20 jlo Sugar; 10 du Pdnt Bread. SHOT —100 bags aLoheil.. POWDER.—DO kegs, assorted. BACON.—20 casks aid 0 do shoulder* and C do PEPPER A. SjftfCr ha** each. PORTER.—2(1 casks Byae* jit- 5 SO do do ql.-i 20dodo Ale. ALMON DS.-1 (t frails *nft sli«ll itALSUNS —25 bnxas MaJag-j if> hnlf/lo. TEAS.— 1 20hull'chest*. Blank; 20 qr. chests, Hy son; 10 cases. Imps.rial. VINEGAR -25110 rider ; 0 casks Whim Wine CANDLES.—5 boxes Ad uunuum;'25do jpcitn 25 dn Tallow, SOAP.—100 boxes variousbrnnt'l*. TOBACCO —200 parkagos vnrioii« brands. 3EGARS.—I0U 000 3p*itii*li aud Principe, tht. inert approved brand*. LIQUORS. WINES pir-ea and linlf dn ptirn Ouud Briitid*; 10 pmv* pur© Holland Gin ; lfit) bid* Vi'estern WM*key ; 100 dn Northern Gin; 50 •'<> N K ^nin; 23 dn Extra chnicn Old M.'Uftngai'Htrt Wlwbo.j; ltt dn ••Runrimn” dot 15 pipes i.nd qr cnakn choice oH Madeira Winat Muis cliuice old Port; 10 bids old Peach Brandy. juT> 5i) P APKK WAKI3HOUSE—No 9nur- foie Slip. Nuw York—Cyrivs \V. Fictn offers Tor sale nt lholowe«t Manufacuirora’ prices, a very extensivo nuinKmntitnf PAPER, comprise lug ©very posuhlo variety, adapted to tho wantso! consiimutuiu nil saation* of the country. Paper of all kinds mndo to order nt ohort notice. The stock nf Printing Paper |s nnutmiilly large, n part of which leaf vary anperlarquality. Paper Mak era’ Material* nf every description, importnd and keptcnnstahdy on bund, vi2: FcJiinge, Wi/a Cb»th. Fonrdrinit-r W'pes, Bleaching Powder, Blue Ul tramarine, Twine, lUtga.—Canvass, Bale Rope, Grars Rope, Bag ging,Sto., ptuahased Cur which the highest price m» ’isl.-v•'•(*»»* naid, —lyr ' jnly 24 (VfEW GUOOS. —Georgia and Virginia Osnihurgs; Honvy Btriped do; Flux dot 34 7-8 nnd 4-4 Bm Shirtings; 6nnd JO-4 dn 8h»ei ing; Bleached and Bro Jenna; Mariner and Shirt- iur Stripe#: Marlboro plaid* and Stripes, Blue and Mixnd Denitis: Cotton G-imbroon* end Nan- atom ■ rin*1 fnmnU tiy ninr 17 HENRY H. STOTESBirRY. B uckwheat FLO.uit-in hnifond terhbls, for tale by fob 25 v troni qn-ir- ny H.'J- GILBERT, Wfit ildy MAUet *q«ue. / t fSOCKiftJUW.—Ifi'l hnn.-s Hammond’* vJT Po.ip fiflifn Fav's pn[a Snap fit boxen Colgrtl’a* dn do fif) half t o.tcs F.trrii-'y S ap 25 boxep No 1 Chucola e fit) M Prinripa Hr/jar*. Jttbap* Bl«ek Pepper 20 btixea MtHairl.Obngu Allspice 20 hide clarified Sugar 0 dt C'rnil do 200 Dt-mlJnhiH 1*. 2-.3«. and G* * 60 boxes Bniicti Rubins, fiO do* Brooms DO dn* pain'ed PaiL.'JU U/»«es Table Salt 3 cheat* ObloiiB clioce i’ait 15 case* “By-iV London Porter JI) basket# • Rocoo/i*' t?hvnp*fj:ie 20 boxes assorted Cordials 20 DHU Crash and pnwdi-red,Sugar 15 lings.Brax-i Sugar. 15 eights os&ks Brandi 15 quarter c-ulis Malaga Wine 15 do do -Douictte" Malaga Win. ' 5 eight do .. do, , do do G quarter do .Uadme Winq 16 eight do do do 2 half pipea Qtnrd, l>ti(my Sr. Go.V Brandi G.hhls Clover Lesif Gin. JG do Cordial** * J3 Ven*-J’< Regalia S**u*/e 200 Reams Wrapping P 'pey- 50 Grots Andraw’# Ch-wingTnha?ro 20'boxes,pstruniuil Snap, JOO (jms- F»iHl-< Vlntrlu-s, landing from brig* P.ltihiru nnd Juhi* Hartman, and for-csle by o fltpt 16 . GU.^r.R.U & BASIE. C HUKCK’S VEGETABLE iu T JUN.—An eff* ctiiul cure fur eruptions t the Fuce ami dkm, pnrticulnrly fur Ponple Blotchc*,T**«er.*, Tun, Stinl.uri.a Freckles, &i A degree, or ph-asure acconipanicn the ur© i l«w elagani preparation, ih ita efTei upon the skin. Catniii-.o-iB irtitubiliiy and di-coli rations ai« nl»n motived, oud a ; urc stale, of ll complexion i- 9 iobli«li*-d by the un* of this lotioi F**r sain by G. It. Ht NDRICKhON. ,linv Gitilmn'* Building*. *2iiU refill- Letter wild FooJsrx JT Paper, wasorted qualities. Just Mrcciv.-d »• lor sale by (j. ft. HENDRICKSON, ninv 11 D i«. aTCPhXSFs PII.U feTEc. 1 GARY .—A ceritun core fur the Piles ^ either internal or external, blcpding or Limd s lor sale by (i. ti. HEN”'**' jnne 22 l*i« or END RICK SON. Gilihniis* Buildings. C Oifllia.—Carv.d Turmine bjisll, ftn t Imitation aud Bn.*illint. Tuck Coruba. uud Imitation long hack Combs. 8ido Combi varlelv of psiishte, Drecsing Cumlist. Shull, Jalo, Ivory and English Horn and Fino 1 Combs of nil n;xes nnd qualities, for mlc by ,,,nv I ft G, ft HENDRICKSr |d n A lt * LLTH.—Mniipelaa'«ini #co ~ Mo Wi xirand bis celeb rat'd Udoaune.ius ceived and Tor sal* by G WHENpRlCKSOl IT1, y Gihbons 1 hniioittf H mxms mi.s-Ev. oifoC gPDUJuc vcgriuble atithMIioiu pi.'fs for "y G. R. HENORlCKSOI mn y *8 Gibbons* boIhintc B Ui.Lo feAltaAPABILLA—a. ft: Ciimpound Extract tif SphwparUJa, I cure m Sent Ini*, dbvase* ol ilic gkin. Dysnr Rlieumstisiu, Chronic Hisi arc# of fjir |mi,b* J •bee. N-nralgio, to cnuritomct tit# deatructivi reels ol Mercttrv, and all di.enseB Arising frw impure state of the blond, equal to any prr-r tton uf Sarsaparilla/ For -*R n , ?6 cent * p,/ t o, by a ft. HENDRICKSON, may 4 Gihbaria'bttihJIn Gibhnny IniiltUng C AMf*I|#AfAJ.—A freab Mipplv «f vert pcrtor.jUstrereiv-d nnd kept PO».st«ntl> Diiui by 0. It IIENDKICK80N, -"P^_ Gibbon'* Building' a«WriViC-ir,".. „t . °'r- tnglllh prcp.r.iiiiu. A V «rMm r ,| r. " I,b / 0 fi.ilEfiblllCKKOl JT '^ s uawiM’ *.*04 p.-so Hull a Extra Btuuni Prvaat-d So« unded and for rain by « v * • G. XL HENDRICK SO apr 16 Gibbons Build, P OWDER PUFF8 &. BOXES^An' slvft assortment of Powder Puff* and, M*o. Puff* without the boiiti? and tin 1 Boxes, for sale by apr32