The daily Georgian. (Savannah) 1835-1847, September 29, 1847, Image 1

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V*% •i Dim W - iSwtjJffiffiWluS UAltT UtOtilliiS.aUd j/g| &*!, ftSBrincb. cammwwl.1^ fijSg >||t4*) - gfeiper?. *» *“ wiw0 “ nun o,.»!.*«“" _ TM IS&KSk?«' TBBE * b [*SS^' W‘ Mo ‘“ !,Jv “'" ! “' S. 1t-0*j^^|SS£®(^S5k lor .f0^i£,r«:ou,>nu«h.puW 1 .h.dTH.H- ifoTi”«l«^a „,,n Administrator, (8?Debt- N wd C C«difar"w tee'll in tbeir account., mu« publidiod u* 'V-.y^tixccutors or Administrator, Siitiol S«™?^ the Sr.-t Tuesday of nn ,t be at P“"'‘ l!lc aM ul iioura of sale. « tf» the m'iitlii l, o. t ' vt »| 10 county where the Let- piece of pubbcaal fA thuh I t«ratuni,or liuardiin- “ nre! '“„TXeu grunted, fir* giving.irrv ^rtSSAMS"* must be pub- Notice lor leave an y order absolute PAM burur^tuu dov Qr ^ c(mu , bouradeuniteCuu «eu>»“ on , ha#rtt t iee- e’icblbe propertyhour, often in the d, « fts( „ 00u . Kojule from S^'^u 'S'unlerrao er P r«ed tn.he.dver- lUemcttt. Eneuiorm Administrator. and Apploaunsby 0 fo r din»ry for louvo to G,nr5i,i|t»to '= Coujf. )had F0Ull MONTHS. «ell Lund, teed ,l’ arrlv («xcottt neuroeet of sai« ±r iSV““'»t» rf iiga ““ : Vor m »“beadv.irf.ue.1 FORTY DAYS. niniitwtoWf •» . w um | Administrator. 1 !, (^,fe Dhii-aory must he publiahod SIX "SSSLfor forcoloanro nf Mortiascn onreul MaSnustbea,t«orti«e,loujfan.outft lor bOUR “oSnoftbe Courtof Ordinary, (accompanied unit u cony nflho bond nf agreemont) to make ti- Jm to laul,°tnoAbe advertised Thrus Motrin, at !*She>:r- sale, under executions regularly ernnu ,db tbp courts, must be ndverscITOmiY it\VS—under mortgngo executions olAli KvSJSta nfpori^ Ae property under order orJorof Comt. must be idvcrtised generally,T.-N UAV3 before the day of Stdo. , * • All I,otter* directed to thisOfiWor t ic Ed. lor'innsi lie luHt n ibl to eniitb? them to ntummn. m 112 'AA a’IVi-J vk rsitirUaE.- 1 For lilt Cure ol'IJilioo* IteiiiUleol wild lu- lofiiiiiieitl. or Ag*'« Mini Fever olhnr dHM*- e* incidental in h debiliioted Mile of llie sy*leui. uiirli n.oiahi await r Ac Ac. Tim ii imvb Febrifuge i* "IT-red. Tlio pmprie* lur » aware Hint the cutiunon n jr.ouuiis to a #,W will lor urged aguust thi*. to ohviilo Nil s-icl! o'ij**c:iou*. b- li .R Himply to state that it ir prepimd according n. 'he reuipl ol «n rmiiienl uhy.iciuu. who used 11 ultll perfect ,ltc M. lhro.igli a-long pmetiro. in p«>h p„ the mo-t licltly rrgi«il or our coiintiy, viz t ihe Mirtjssippt ..dll'. A .uni from 'he es.l.ed osuinrion in vhicll Gt inline is held, nnl only b) the people, tot In llie ,rm-l >ltdli'"l physician*, it will "l'P'* r inpsruroeulory o offer any neve urllcle. Unltlie Ni’ive F-.uirifug** po!i*ciis«R nil ilm power nud ccr* flinty of (iuoina in cmtroliog Fuv«r wiihoul nlT-cli'ia llie lieud. and nny •»» nalely «»®d there for, wh-re Qitnuin id in uluii-!*iblB. It is not th<* nurpoiR of till proprietor however s.inciinii- pij by niHitnn on stioh oi-c i-ions. lonttempt n ilw pliy’ konwln.lgn by mloptinu some o..« of the cotitndtc ory tiieories nUoat, with regurd to ihe chitiinler *n«l c«n««s uf Fever. KpHr*vtng with the learned Gregory Hint ihonjh there hn<he*n «o much written cmicerif In a Fever there is no one »ut'jert in llie whole circle of ine-licul soielife nill iodolve.s no nrinv ilicpulcd poiuir. Lvldng nil lliuories pass, we Htnihf hv lacts. The first of whiHi U I'mt the Nitivc Fehriliitfe will core lever, from whatever mi.e it cnty hive origiin'eJ. and if tiiiv donhl ciifld.nd lo ino fict we iovile the aniicteil to the te»t. with cuiiii leuce ns 'o llie i-aoe. What it lias riun- it will tin. Tim follow n« c riificate uf one well known wi.l show wlmtil Ins done. tiAVAXVAII. Iftll M ')'• 1347. Mr Jn. A. I.a Itochu having requested me in JSwSwSWwjf?* iWpaptrt* SSSRwiMlw Clull ii'.ti r. Uiiinii A^iHi.iotCc inUieiil ScHomittont Fevers« . ail tlie yanojistfonns oi Bilious iDiseases " s i lvi; di irY & 'i'liu h'ui ijii i.v cuRf.n '^.(Mi r ods' Indio: CtoSV 1 ^ ^ cnrhig Kever'utld Agne. or .nyof "“TbSSsbi.are run'srlnc from kind «*• nlmi ihoso who hove heentne liiyolbl* (tnw ' h Vh«‘w“nd h e.rill oporalinn uflhe Chnl.gnsue m nrmiicatincbilo from llie Malt ceil ohly ;”pWn it. eairnordiimry Heuy'nthjispe.dy, lire- pl um. culled Agile Celte. 'ife'vVrintis farms nf bilimm Indigestion.— Thee *Uh The ruber ...led ulT Clin.,, ufsucb T.'.Tn'J'mo'M'Selfm™ c”f diTTeniVdiZw, s'nd e' q 'The“n7e r rsl!on o? !he CbTt»gbuT»,‘ns H» »<■" W:rA5C*«K S;;; f f ^erl'idut, uf... value than its hup- pyTesturative etrcC's. V»“»* %„ RNER . iMonnnio t Square, .... -i . THB . .. ,. i GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY For Colds, Coughs, Asthma, and other Diseases of the ; CHEST and LUNGS. B UClln.v o ..tllNurtlilA.v UALsAM. lhe Remedy Ibr Pectoral slid Pul- ilimiary diseases, still .lends Unrivalled anduu.ur- pH.sed ss the inosleleguut, agreenhle end eBbotnal curative nf the.e liirmldabie coiapleloU now luinwn to llie civilised world. .. , • Three y hr rduf trial in the UuUed ntntwt. during which time il hie been distributed Arum Maine to Florida, has only served to ostH'diih Its pr««eml* peril rjerii iu oil parts of ihe country, ns ihe great "'" i ONLY RELIABLE REMEDY in llie worst cases of Piilnion<irydh>eBii'*«|land me be«lttiid most ugMoahle curuuve ol nil the slight forms of colds, cough hihI lufl »unnetion* that cun p„s.,blyh„used. T|NGHF i,LooD. . This rriglitl'iil .ymptoin of eppioeching Eon sumptinn, speeiUy chocked nnd prevented bv the (He of Riichnu's Hoosarinu B iUim. winch henh iho nlfiicicd mombrann, i*enipves tbo Incipient tu« liorcloR, nnd restores those vital organs, tuo luog-i, to u sound nnd healthy op'»lii)«' ,,, f _ THIS. Spiitini nf blood always nrises from a tendency to tuberculous diseases, and if not chucked at the outset, will sooner or Inier terminate in death. A poreou who raises blood once, Will raise blood iiroMueB. .*• / ■ , . ugaiu. unless u propercurntivelsiroinodutely era* . i.iAuiaii did to him sometimo aso.nui ll |„ vet j “‘TZdiiiinwWa. and wbatto him apnenr.-d i ** > ' FAIN IIS THE SIDE. * " , n V,a chimera or ihe hr ,in, is happily sow | Thi , di,|,»„i„g eyoiRtplu of Consumption ari- inerni.H<»>» _ I ... P _ n ,»l* iIih Imms. on ihe mem . | - uminiiim ■ ^ >1 gnisssr: The .tiUriherarter an experience often yea. I ne .uni;, RgngDuS. ha. co far perj !•" h l hUtvIileniof I.oalmant a. to he able. In a cre.'^mulatll'v of chronic dia. n*e», to elleel a par- groat m.jaiuy oi uo nam T1IC patiest, mniienl cure wit without subjecting them rcsluriug lh«J »® S „f |i„, «,fd mdi. tnlhoincoiivcnie " ^ c j,arilies of atriinaors U.U.„«r.p,.e»r as inireaeoi' lifts TURK rite Hiider-iaued iog Tilt »»»****”* iu. nVacVice, ihuikine Hint bnnefiia demed Iron. JJJr'MJ dig- ^%S5S£SSSas| -equally he will giveeny man . - ffiJS^a'^rnsUdri or a .me 10 & im/ ? 8 Tills may certify Hint in tlie (jKonaiA. rriini'lrtli mv sun William. as'afifi-iiStfgsr nnlhlngluiT-kiu and bone. A.% ease, nnd coticljidad Xj ., t , c DociuritEVER Hindu apphcalmn. 1 j . usual health saw him, l ‘V 0, i ;now rUcs abouii.nd .tteuds ,o nnd strength. , r u-en die matter business h* ifMOehing hft J l oHN jjarFIELD. SHOES, of eveijr stylo, slmdeend pattern, at-the .. ,, , NEW ORANITE STORE, 103 Congress street, Savannah, Geo., sign the Gulden Hahd. ‘ Jnhe 17 MEEttEB Nos. 106 sod IWiOi Bryso street, Have just recolv- ed, s fine asf ontnent of BOOT# AND ^ ...... fl-IIOES, far gentle* men, yonths and boye wasr* of |b« belt materinli and manufacture, end of the Hiess style. Also Ladies, Misses end Children’s Shoes of every va* rirty And style, warranted as good as can be found in this market, end nt os. low prices. A Isrse end carefully selected stock of Plantation Brogans which planters arid factors'will find to their advan tage to cull end examine. Care taken in fitting meit'iires. Alio, a general assortment of Caps. Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags. School Satchels, Ac. And* supply of Ladis*and Gentlemen’s Park made Boots, direct importation. July 83 „..... .i,<v5!peUah»-e*t,hlhm orhl. cu., xv^.loimH to ■ choice awirl- ’ ment of fine watrbe. jim re* Ceived by recent arrivals, i conWsiing of Ghld Huhtiup .Case Leversj .Gold Double „ Bp|tom,,LeVfr«i G°W.vM , ?r' tatidn Double Case Le»ar< Gold Attchur Escape* ment LevrtH Sliver Hunting Case Uverst Silver; .Double Bottom Leveret Silver Anchor Escape* ,oiant Leverst Sflyer. Lepine end. Vertical Eacapp* “AlsVflne Gold Fob Chains; Veit Chain*, Curb Gusrd Chain*; Kejrrand Chain King*. *« of **-hieh ill be sold eslow as in any city In the Union All kinds of Watches repaired and wnr^nted. D.B. NICHOL8, sng 10 First rernrr Wear of Pnlanki Hmtse. The Subscriber being about removing from his prn*ent location, in vitea the attention of his friends and customers to Ins presout stock which be is prepared to make up at s very reduced profit.: his assortment of ready made clothing is of the hist order, and was got np under, his own itipemsiun. which ha win ae'i .,i tool. Up respectfully asks a call from his old rmnumer*; and gentlemen viMinx the the city will find it an inducement to cull and amine his stork before purchssinf elsewhere. June W6 PHILIP KEAN • i „ ,, I ,r nf every day o. cnrrem*e. ,, ws from inllatumalioii »t tne 'B*. ' | 8 er.iatied lie*thus fur preferred publish* , hrnMH calk . d U,o pleura, or from brrtucbielnffecfion oTitxns relative to lie 0 j ,| ie nxr passages. In either case nw « very dun- gvrmi, jnJtcnlimi i,f iiisea-o It prevent, fnll end t,w brealhilig; and wanra .way the n.lnrel of Ilia tyalem. The enti.e of thi. .ympleinehoiild lie removed at one,- 1 nothing can P” W .V* levt Unit olijert «n i|iendlly end Inippi V "CHS' “™“ l Enallrh Remedy, diaenvered by Dr. Buchan, which i. entirely vegetable in it. ingredient*, and perfectly hannle.ain «M lla qn"nn«. r LIVER COMPLAINT. In of Consumption, the Liver I. alwaye more or lo-n nffeclod, end also ihe Spleen Pleura. On dissecting Consumptive W|thaneX!vi,aiv««v» •;v.-iv-jv— and CAP»f dn better terms than #ver berofe til* fared, having every tuJvbowgeWbiab any uiautiraO' turer caii possess. - nuria*• ? • • 1VR8rl»ORBEV:& <TO. 'IN <i' S COMPOUND FLUID EX- ‘ ^ ' I F ‘ ‘ * A'hUi -ttAC'L EfiN^B DELIGHT, Ac.—For the cbmposi* of this Extract end the properties ofthuducens ght, Physicians are respectfull» referred to the strained Holer f )it;ftiH»dnn»nhl*-aciii combs fatty# oily n»d swelled' Hungarian Batenm in disease* of the Liver, ospe- cinlly if it bo of an ulcerous nature, is direct and powerful. Simple disease .or the Liver unattend ed by Consumption isspeedilvcureil by its use. 3 WINTER* COUGHJ The harsh, dry. hacking VViu'er Cough which afilioi* OM i'eople. and invalids in a low state ol benlth is happily aireoted by the Hungarian Balsam. It warms, moistens, nnd stimulates the whole breathing apparatus; removes all morbid tnticua, end other foul uniter; purifies nnd animates the and small intestines. ••TiIrpaVdniluly e Hpot| 0 thrL?vlS, which also be- cured him. Sho lies si nee prescribed it for enolh* * ‘ - ••/and swelled. Tbo effect of the A nimal magnetism vi. wid TAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY The following, although it may appear a little humorous to some, is not the less worthy of pub lications and be the theory of Magnetism trim or false, it shows it is sometimes productive of much good. Snuccsi, Dec. 13, 1842.—Dear Sir:—One circuinstance hns greatly helped the sale of the Balsam of Wild Cherry hero. A young lady was magnetised,aud requested to prescribe for her fath er, who baa an affection of the lungs. She said there was a modicine at Hou*gb's accompanied with a email book, that Would help him. It was the Balsam of Wild Cherry. He took jt, and it er, who has taken it with the same result- Ymirs, Ac;. Houon * Biudoks. P. S. Hough & Bridges am heavy duruggiate at Syracuse, to whom we refer the curious. blond; improves the secretive . . — * Suleon. aud other large gland*, nod the digestive organ*; no J imparts now life to the wail and vmicia,vd,ytvm. ioNcinTIS | ‘Bronchitis, Difficulty ol Brenihing. HoroU Cough, n alimv expei tonuiou, wiih nil other sviiinioois ciuisi'd by affection ol the Alr-t;..»oa lend- ihg from t..e throat ioih« Lungs, are directly nnd ApKcdi**iitly cured by the use of the admirable reniHily invented t*y Dr* Buchan. For sale in Savannah, by j. .fl TURNER & BROTHER, j„jy o Monument sqnaro. itower of tho Liver, Ill'll,rtlYkiie Hi ilia Naiiva Tel,rilugv,_ I | C'linty. Not. M, W.»-. • ,„ „ning lint it was used henelici' Fevers ui She valley of ihe ,Mis.sissip* ii wliicn doiiuue ih l ike pi- iki-tily ii pi.*tt I Arli'in-a-*, in all c isei iisualiy fcxinbt;eil. and was in congesii' onsutthabr on whim Uuiuine w.m supposed to tiuCOliliaiildicuteJ. - ...» J. J. MITCHELL, M D. 81,0 .ulforvdgrOHllv wilh pailifut «,»■ ervitUi „ ) »ri,u miy certify Ihniiny ssMsm boar mi 11. a, ‘" ibo'...o" i slio'ili I do hereby certify tbol my d III -bur Ann lilizi aMiabdl^tboinooriliolowo^milm,. Pottsvillx, Doc. 23d,1841,«‘>pcar Sir,—Yonr Balsutti of Wild Cberr/4ie*.tff*ctml «oma aaton- tailing curna here. One of which is an old lady, Mrs. Rnssell, who had been suffering for n long lima with shortness of breatbiug. nnd general weakness, until she was finally obliged to keep her bed. After varioun other remsdies had been ro* nortodiutovain.ahe comtnauceduning vour Balsam, and nfier taking two hottlas. Was so far recovered as to be able to attend to nil the duties ofhor house, and on taltiugtwo bottles more was entirely cur* ed. Rospectfully, Ac. Jons S. C. Martin. _ _ r of sarsaparilla; queen Mob' ,0th mid 6th number,.vol 1,‘of the Souihqrn Jour- ual of Medicine and Pharmacy. ' ',' ‘ ForpUrltying the blood,^nd removlhg all dis eases arising from the Impurity vf the same, ii is highly recowra-uded, as also for the cure ol Rheu matism. Scrofula, Lr>eipehs, Uioerwtlmia of.the Throat and lets, pains add sWcIlingir brifiSUntiaa, Tettens Pimplesnt the Pace, Uld Sor«*s, and hIi Cutaneous Eruptions. Neuralgic Affectiopr, Mer- Ctuial Diseases, and,fur assisting tba operation aud preventing total cunsrqueucea of Mercurials tu his preparation, (by adding the Qneen’e De light, Jkc. to tbo SarsapBrilla.) combiues in a mote perfect degree than any known remedy, tonic and alterative powers, and is highly recommended by eminent physicians. It is prepared iu consequence nf the recommeiiatinus given by Dr H K Fruit,. Professor uf Mfltetfa Medica in the Medical Col*- legn of Charleston, 3 3. *n his work on Materia Medina,only concentrated by a process of the eub- scriber’a io render it more convenient for admin istration. and with tho exception nf the addition nf mercury which may ct alhiuieahe added when necessary. To shew the high estimation which Dr F entertains of the combination of'these aril- ia only necessary to refer to the above men tioned work. . There are few cases nf chronic and pa-nful Rheu matism th*t will not yield to the influence of Sar- •apanlla and Queen’s Delight if duly peraeverad in. especially if taken in conjunction with Hydr. of Potash., Is highly recommended for all dlsenscB of the skin, chronic an well as recent. One bniliu will, in most instances, effectually remove all ‘pimples, polities or blotches on the luce, to which young persons in this climate are so much subjected tu, arisiug either from impuiity of the blood or debil ity. Il is the best remedy knovvp for scrofulous nflection*, sore* and breakings ont iu young chil dren, and issofoaud elficHcious in removing en tirely every trace nf hereditary diseases from the system, in the tenderast infant; in fact, in all cum- nenus iiffuciionsitii invaluable. Asa general pu rifier of the blood, and au eradientor of ail ntisti- unte di.soaiics, this preparation will undoubtedly take the precedence of all other remedies. I.igont- ly operatea upon nod regulates the bowels, re stores to the blood its wonted purity, gives luuotu tba stomach, an J promotes digestion. It will effectually relieve Erysipelas even in its worst stages, aud all persons suffering from this distressing oomplaint are advised to tfsu it, first so, but if no marked relief be found after taking one will he necessary to use the Hydriodated Potash with it. Not withmg to publish certficales as is done in the cases of ell quack medicines of the day, to ef fect their sale, and so force them upon the public, the subscriber begs leave to state that his prepara tion has been prescribed and usedby-n number of ptnsiciatisand planter* of nor city and neighbor hood, with great success, viz: Dr R II-+*rust, Dr VV G Ramsay, Dr Tho* Y diinon*, Dt 0 Pritch ard, Mr 9 Laguro, Ll Wilson, U S R 8, allot this city; Dr Jiimns Sioney. Beaufort, dec. Price $1 par bottle, or $5 for H do. Prepared by J. PETER M. EPPING. Chemist and Druggist, corner Brand and King streets, Charleston, S. C. Agent for Suvunnnh, A. A. SOLOMONS. dec 21—lyr Market square. JU-.WinieiyurMib*'d Hperm Oil. J^rfl du'ty^ntjjr BWJ dd TMir.Oil, rfepiyed^'ethrig* Auguvlb, Baldwin,' ainJ-SWf-s Boy. : f»d snlii It* / • * , - Q ft llE^pjtli:HSON ( „ a sept IS z, . ■■■■ Gihhofis* Build mg*. / i K. t, KNUItlLKSIIN, Urn,,1.1, (}|T VT4 hous* bitilrtirig^. tiflVte'filMaf * ' '** ing articles, vis;—23i»gro** FrWilon' , .. . lp|\ bote*Key’s Lemcsi Syrup.2|i* hgf-(«ac!i)Gingrin Pepper and Piitieml 1 Ca-k (eh'ei,) Mace, CJni'e's and Nlltttiagsj 6 casks first son Pyt«sh,'B'.d.q,Cfrf« t’llsh Washing Soda,Tdf» Omhre Madder, 2ciifsis Bengal Indigo, III bids Alifm, 2irea*ks prime 'Eu- g*ish Copperas, 10 do Epsom Balts'. SdtUlO g^ fnijS l^rntp Orl. “ ' ‘ ^ « a’LIt aAliJPl.vsio A \iKwtr.AN idtNGLAda—Warranted Rnsriiail l*iiig!a#s I'rr Table feci I v She B Nnv.23. 13Y' (JkOROlA. U pan in County. Pr-pared and sold, by * JAMES A.I.aUOCIIE, vig 28 No. 2 Motiumenl square Geo-^Lli;Vtliain County- Tuo lischtator of Chatham County, { The lied t'da'o of John Corran, docM. S WlifidKAd, an inquest of F.*che t Ins been returned ja'o tho oflit o of tho Clerk of ihe Su perior Conn of Chatham County, in tho above ci<o. ivliundiy it Tjmoor- thai J*d»n Uo’rrau. a citi- vson of tho Ouiio-I Suitor, died inieatato, *o zad at i «|i«nbUstJ. nnu n»i u»« «-»* w * ..I'Dr the ii ne of tiir dea'.'i of a lot .ff land., situaied at gJw wA „ immadintely put undor tho caro oi L»r Tnna Isrholt. mihe Comity aforosiid. comainuu fr t . n ,j a i|. wlionttemled her fwraonietimo.h it n'ieh'Hidr *d IVci in front mid tlir«o bun Jrii'd J^t u«....r„ Wh then apiihoii to ur. r oi in (l»;dh.tnnro ort.'s*t hounded by lands ol Hui’b, Wiiliuimn, and Cassun,-*'the said John Cornu Rotlnviu; ui'ido anv il'Hposliion of said lot. and liivias die-l wit.unit leaving any peistfii to cla'un t*H earn.': •* N «w,io parnmcp nf tin Escheat law. this nil.. V'irii^ii».*iii j« to «iv,i n uieo to tho heirs of-iil^o nil J ilin Oniran, nrothms who may cioim Under hiiD, if any rueIi fiuro bo. to appear and mgltC al'i’.'Hia t'U' said lot nf Lu.1, vvi'hiu uislueon mouths fro'n the d it’. Itcrcif, or tho Kama will bo pra- nnunesd to ht E-ch n od. nsroeably to ilia law jn jochcaso untie nn l provided. It. W. POOLER. Cleric S. C. C. C. s*|» 11 fnun— fiinal in strength to - . .. 'cities, an • ol great servn-.e u dweuaea where deli ,nM !bml i. ...quitnii «inl ««» oitlculalnd ill Inns sen voyage,, it nnpmviw Hv » g n i .apt Irv.nno cull bo inmlctnln Soup in o low nitiiutiii, • r ....In.i la. /.In ril'villfT Clllor. UePf, B LUE LICK WATER.— I h« Churau ter t.rthe weiur fioiu this well known spring it too widt HKt-thiidicd to ne-d comuiHiidaiion. W t appen*! for Uw curious uud scieiiiiiio au analyris &h fund* by hu utile uhstnLt. 1 sulphurated byilrng^ii.2carbonic amd. 3 mu- fiat'* of soda, 4 mmiati of m >eutsi>i. & muriuio of lims. 0 -atptiiiie a(him*. 7 aulphatn of soda. 8 sol- phale tnigne-ia, !) ''arbainffi of liir»o. and proba- biy a trace "I cnrlimn’s of'ii)igr>esi<t. In i'e rriion upon th J system it it purgative, diuretic, diaphoretie, and idieruii* a, possessed of grs i'fcf variety orsnhsMiices mid in more abun- dinca, ii in ,y hr- considered usstandin; at die head of nil -itlin** su!|,hurmi- wnlars. In cno»pari*nn It is i !«ntir- *t the Harrow? mb spring* ofKog- nnd. coaiHtniiig ovriry active iii?re*:i*nt found iu thus® vvii'ers. - if die planters of this nui^hhorlmiid wsra ohf'u to get in ihe helot of nsintt l.'rli VV it,*r tli'*y would not do wiihoul cniuiiCration. It ii p„t up iu WMlfsoakod barrel. a»d will ke'-p Tor any lengih.nftimeiuauy olimaie. fni« water is from Finley’s Uppur IJluo Liuk 3prio;* tin mucky. Drie.* par barrel reduced to & dollars ?urs,lu by iba bijrr-l, snIIuii' nr on d'niuht by J. M. TURN UR df -BKO. ' _)'»'y »l MonuaintH Bquura “ piix^G.ftdd- , pressHii ri-ewin? Tonucrn. for G. li-UENDl^OKBON. *1X722t>Ok*IN 1j> COtJOil.-e-Josi recJi'v* »Y Id. llinplil of Knclie.' EmHfiio.liin fo,' in, via,, d'nuj.o. TWi; wh" r«fl'i«t,il md to "'dor |i will ntoiM C"Il fir-l. Fn' »»> H* 111 18— w. HUMPHREYS. JR. Jr Wo l" " t'Plioli n. Dr. Tl."„">d. “ nf reiimdie«.,n'to h(r by wbich , ho „ hMl "‘ 'Xy'liW.'i.fidvi-'t ntniut m lit. mi .«: , eU , ;; h M nd; l r." e .hw 0 .x y hV"“;enr l i 1 nntiatthettctnmnl e«P a. FACIE. Vii)ui,,vi:,'s -itibAcr.u.- r. w »i's Putoni pressed ebew ‘ Tho'TnM'Jn.w. onnHfierlng th„r ohuoo'or frpi>h!« fiy ww P»» ,l w ; lhm,h r, r " r .vri'V I 'M nn in iitor wh.rottiny r« |.rn. Jnro Lli.f front |k^ vnrinu. miUtlio., out vor, rrr. i “t ? «•*%£ if&stt ,t it r..' ».,5 'hiir .w>»**^ 1 XL l ,il-d fo vnrioti. JCTiSSw »»'i >-•'«' $ .r.iJlnLwCln »lt«nlWH, nin.l bo ,io«1_,.»id. and onl,llo Ihow to i. f,„| h) .,„. r „. ponon. airpdymg " " " ‘ )ir Fj , # DoUnril „ m 'tf Sa, a i, hoing V «n .in iiu.tondinil of hill ."'tf*l Tbo poor of any oonnt, ! IMrtWoM «* nt »'»> ui t""*’y. l"6d»rgl"W>r i» r»y. ll J 1 UHLI bill, tTW ... . ■ | and i. nf gVo'lt.frvioo iu clurilying Cnlor, "d \V bw. T)|Mi ni loa.1t two ounces ooiier'd Kcfinod taillgloM, winch ■Itonlil'bo ti St aonkod in cold wider for two noum dri n oif tin'tW'itci liioil alto two quart, ol cold w tler. nno and » h If pounds of sugar, put in il Ihe while of Ihrce oogj, llie juice of throe good ■ izod lemons, the peal of on-, astiok ol cinnamon, n little nutmeg, orange pool, or other 'P 100 '" *'"' llie in-to; stir all tho ingredients well ngolher while coid, then boil tho wllhlo mo«,raijror Heo inmates, nnd then pniirltthrongh a lolly Bag. whan It may be put into glasses or mould*, add when cold, will so fit for u-m. The moulds should bo first wet with alittlc white of egg nnd wut*.'. just before the jol- •y jfi put in them, ill order to matte it easy to. turn hctn'oiitort plates. , . Tho Jelly Liugia undo offliunel 8 or 10 inches, across tho opening, hud about Imlf *, yard deep, narrowing to a point .it thoJmttom. ^bolmmd that runs throitgli first, should bo poured back ur tho jelly hag until it runs through clenr- • ; And one pint of wine to tlio ulmvo forWino Icily. Ulhor liquids in idu from praservoa. m«y be eiliodby using ilm same proportion oQlh.l.ii!g- l %!<inc Mna^o may bo m uslnir at least tono siincc Ii lslu‘zlsr.1 Inrlwo quarts nr milk, or crosiu 1,0 pool uf two lemons, migar and spice to null,the ring t'lO whole tiiu hulling boat, sttolnlt, and wh-nuotrlv annl.oiirit wellto ml.III.'.room that will rim wliilu nnnlinc. poaritm moillda.nnd wli.ii ‘norWl-tly cold, it may bo turned ont and will then ho roady for use. Tlio mould, rilnuld bo first wet'with cold water, w.dclt will preoant it roth'.ticking io theta. A ,Wt.upply.just A CASE OF ASTHMA. Tho following is from a distinguished Lawyer of the city of Now York, who. had been nfllictfld with ihe Asthma for upwards of “TWENTY YEARS;” Hiid who after reading such coses can doubt the emcaev of this meditunef Nkw York. January 25,1843.—I hnVc been af flicted with spasmodic asthma tor twenty four years—sometime* so severely as to be confined to ujy room lor weeks; and although attended by va rious medical advisers, of the highest reputation and skill m the country, tho relief Was but pnrtinl mid temporary—twice the disease proved nearly fa- tnl to my life. 'Borne few weeks ago, I commenced taking Wisler'H Balsam of Wild Cherry, which gave cue instant relief, and a single djoule produced inn few dHVa what 1 believe to be a radical nnd per fect cure. A. WiLtlAtts, Attorney at Law, No. 68 William street, New York. Wenre acquainted with the writer uf the above certificate, aud his Nlatejnutits are entitled to the full cotifidenco of U>* public. F. A. Talmados, Recorder of the City of New York. Jons Power. D. D. Vicar General of New York, p.S, The above certificate may be seen at No. 126 Fulton street, New York. 171 RENH SEEDS.—The Subscribers have Jl receivi-d a auoice selection of GARDEN SEEDS, which have been raised with great cure hy n Seedsman nf high repntat’on, and Hre war ranted ns good a* any to be found in th scountry. riUIVS, BIFLEN f PI8TOL«;. AND Vj|. HARDWARE.—'’I ke subscriber bees leave to call the attention.of. aiiortsmen and mliera to the fret that his Guos. Ar. are all marie expri»**Iy to order in F.oslarid. Aoflseouemly the j'can pur chase at the first f rice, and depend on a better irtlcl than thofe imported ir> Northern cities for me purpose of a .pplyinie th# S«ntH Tlir wing comprise a p>irt of rov awk; vif s Plain Dnnide Gun* $7 fill to $16 Real Stub nnd Twist/ Pnt. Bterf/ h 317 to $76- Plantation Muskeh* 32 fill to §14 5U Wwatley Rirharo’s Clips $1-60 per’l***g of GOO Walker’s heal Caps4l74 cents n»*r buA French Capa IHI cents per bbx Best Powder 37a cents per Jb Plantation Powder 211 cent- per ;b Do do SI 60 p*rk*;g Baldwin’s Wadding 20c«un per bn*. Together witli « general nssnritncnt of Single V'lioa, Rifles, Pistol-. Finks, Pouftys. Roger.*’ joe Tabto and Pocket cutlery. Hardware, Ac. **t low ‘prices for cash; Call and examine for your selves. JOHN CARRUTHF.nS, Sign of tin* Big Gu’n BEPAIRING ofall kinds of Gun-. L >ck-*.Ae. carefully attended to by superior workmen may 14 A UBIC’OtWBA-IoIMPLCM BM> r- /V. Having mode largo additions tothnir furHier nasortment of Avriculturul loiplemcnts. tlm.suh- Hcribors now oiler to plumors nnd mo/ch'iiits, a hotter stock then everbefore Offered 111 the Smith eru country, consisting in part, of the following ur'iclea, Viz: PLOUGHS. Yankee Cost Iron. Nos. IU, 11,12 nnd 20 Dagon, or Connecticut Wrought Irou, 1,2.3 &. 4 Allen pattern Ruggles. Nornt At Mason’s Improved- viz: .Eagle, heavy 2 burse or ox Do. with wheal and Putter No 2 B, a large 2 horse Do. with wheeland cutter No A 3. medium 2 linrao •* A 2, light 2 horse " A 1, light 1 mule or garden " 6inch light 1 horse turning «* 7 do do medium 1 hoive turning “15 do do n**w pattern 1 do do, for light soi “ A 1, side bill 2 horso " O, do do I do Sub-soil, a heavy 2 horse or ox Do. No 1, a medium 2 hon** Do. O, 1 do Double Mould Broad or Furrowing, 1 hone Cotton Trenching, 1 horse Rice do. new pattern, with gnage wheel. The nbovo Ploughs with and withont stocks— extra stocks for the improved Ploughs HOES. Lyndon’s extra black Carolina,0, 1,2 A. 3. crown Do. bright do, 0, 1,2 A 3, do Do. Rice,No. 2 and 3 do Do. New ground, PP and PPP do Do. Oval Eye Grubbing, Nos'. 2nnd 3 do Do. Rouud'Eye do Nor.. 2nud3 do Lyndon A, Co’s. Anchor, 00, 0,1 and 2 do Bradn’s Patent, 0,1,2,3 and4 do Light Yankeo AXES. Collin;* Co's, j Vs,Ion. p.t,.rmi. j ft# SHOVELS. Handled Spsds*. Socket Spade* CULTIVATORS. HARROWS, Ac. Improved Cultivator*, wlth|Cu»n Slielltr* *ii**e wheel FnuM.Uts.twoeixc* W JAMAICA OIUPERrt ▼ v ] ease reCmvc.ri per bn-/ Phiitir <. «nri (of •ali bj n. ft. IIENDIUCKoUN. »rin*c. apL»;» suaf —a imu.Ii -u,,|.iv ..niiM .. .. etlppiv i celebrated Shaving Soap, ih putg, Jii«t .re ceived, and for sale i>y 4; it ,spl 10 (J.R. HENDRICKSdX. . ’EVSBSESt (it'k's VhiiWtFt'tilVtiig?<l« JC hiit lecnivrd slid for . It* by G..R HENDRICKSON. mar 24 Agent lor the Proprietor ■ T oilet soap .n BAits.-WhUe .i>*of7 ( . ricr. Palm: ftosa, Ciiinnitn h^ AlqiOr.d. and White Scented 8onn iii liiir«, just r*rei\cd and ft»f asle l.y G, It II ENpUICKbON-, *n« r 20 _ . LHt fl i"rt a"i L U 0 0 St.l I • jLl’J il m POWDERS—All llie solid iugM'< i,nis t». tlie ticidliis tiprii g comlnneri in ohe'd phwder.ithc ttferve-cmg Miiulion ef wliicfi m wa ter 1* very nearly lasteies-; Beri e* h.iibg more palatcnhle. it is marie in inti* h !»■*- nrne. niiri w nfi infinitely less trouble. I bun that prodiic**i] wirhihe two powders in the usual way. Prepkfrd hy Thomas Butler, 4 Chcarisido at; Louriiiti. Soli hy. G. K. HENDRICKSON, • wpr 7 Gihi.oji s Buildings.^ H ONEY.-3 ohihjs new Crop Cuba Honey just received and for ante hy aplti G. R HENDRICKSON. C IVUftBoAi H P IMIN, / c. , J Dr Feuclitwaiiser’s Cockroach, Rat and Mouse Poison, a aurc and safe destroyer 'of thosn noscious vermin. Also, hi* ihfrlit te Bed Buff Poison. Tof sale Hy (j R HF.NDKICKSON. npl fl Gihhims Binlriuig*. • C UNFECTIONAHY —60 hoxe* Conficiiou ary of *uin-rior qual.ty, lauding from acht Colombia and forsah* by nprfl G/R. HENDRICKSON. J AY;v£'M REMEDIES.— Jnyue’a Expecto'- rHiit. fiir Couglis, Colds. Ac. Jnv lie’s Carmntive Bals-im for Dysentery and Sommer Complaints. Jayne’S Hair Tonic for the preservation of the H-iir. Jayne’s Tinr. Vermifuge ftir Worfns in Chil dren. Jayne’s Sanative Pillsffbr Biliious Complaints, Ac. A large supply of the*® pophlnr remedies jus received aud fur sale at PinlmLIplih. prices, by G. R.IlENl/RICK.iGN apr 2 Gihhou’e Building. J Vntjoti lAPlUC'A.—1 bbl he-t qu’ulhy, juat received, and for sale hv G.R. HENDRICKSON; jitna 24 Gibbon*’ Bull.iiups. P O i'ASsAI.—3 casks first sort New Yorlt inspection, landing from brig Anno, for snh» bv G. R. HENDRICKSON. June -10 TMTOSilSOIVS riE^S.—The Hvienar 1YX universal Meiiiciue of the British Colisg** oi lleahii. for«ale by j«n.*22 G. R. HENDRICKSON. tt*Ait/s.—-lu(liuli* >< G'iTi'£[n lln'iiw. jii.ri',;, • »>* t.itnil, w o,nut,d C'-nd.-ftn'l for min Inw., . >r t » - - Ai.njwT 'UMtii „ J XT Vl;t. --( nUM:il'!n^'H 1 H'"l till,up Ik' •retwVifcty ,1 . - . alukiut HABU k MtelSf 1 1 -r vVI^Rft * OO'b -CANADIAN VllftMl- J . FUUfi—Fill licit rnumity bvm yol diico* urnd for nil kind. of.Worm.. It not only d« .irnv. WnrnH nnd invigorate, 'll" who.. .viUlo bnttt dii.olvc.undo.rrlM "It jli, ,«t.|i*riibuiidniit nlinie, nr muon.. «» pr.vnlnni III in* itouigcli olid l.n« »r clilldren.. mum o«|i.einlly of tlintn III hnd lixnl'h. Til" toncu. form. 111" ‘‘“d "' "«*> »Inch Worm, ofoduo. tlmir vo'ins."»» by non- viijJ iL\i 'u’iifipi>*>'U'lo l fi\r WoriiHtotettiAiiitn th* body.' tl R !■» hnniilwein iteoffocie on tho system, nnd4hou»"l«h ofihv pa ientiaaiwaysimprovudhy, iuuaa.whqimp VYormsura diseovereil; tha mod;- ablebuinu palaiihlo.*ainol^M will refuse to t*ko;it. evah I no' uiuil doli^^JJitstrefrei^ad.jmd for rile by tmy ,21 . The fo lowing is from Mr. John Brown, an ex- tciMive htiildnnn tha city of Now York, and an other from Mr, Woodruff, of Elizabethtown.— Tha originalcerificatcn aud many others innv ba seen.nt No. 126 Fuhan street, New York. Nzw Yonu, March IU, 1843—1 was last fallal- tacked with a pain urid'aevnre-oretiossofthi: chest, which enniifitied for a number of week*. I had previously forsnvoral years been subject toe per* munentweaUncss of tha «heat cauaeU t*y a strain. Thielast attack gayo me much approheoslun, a* I finndit whs the commciicemtintofu f-ital .disease. About the middle of Dapembar I began to talte Dr-Wistar’j Balsam of WiljJ Cherry, a single hot. tie of which soon removed all.«oreuas* from the cheat, added strength end vigor to the lung*— and I now regard myselfn pcrfactly sojind Hnd .fell. Jun.t Browk 61 Ann-aueet. LIVER COMPLAINTS. . KK0WL*avu.L*.Jnne2U. 1813 —This willcerli' fy that I havo beenHffliot.*d with » Liver com plaint, general debility, end pain In n»y side, for several year., nnd for vighl.«nmonlli.o.d bo.ii annbl.lo do.nvwsrk. to D«c.mberln«. I t». kins Ur. Wiitnr’. or Wild Clurry. and found bvn.fil ftnm ll. I .non b.gjn to giraiitengih.ibiifeiuliimy.ld.w.. r.ltev.d,«nd I hud >lio a nonvh, wliioh wot cnilrcly cured iu a few tin,inadicina. A na D. Ilom.j. Thcalwivo ooriiSc't. la .tricllv on,racl Kvownaa & Cksmxhui. Jolt raceivnd and for .ate ?JL , C p,2-l T. R.VF.ItSOfI Si CO. THOS. P.YF.RSON «i3E'3W ttn.pTBW lb" countv In SffilnsMc ? W* * Wipfid rtCtlia I*«V. Club. ■wKit/VTTft n(J1'TRRAND Q KG A It 3r**M) bid* Having; wAttoiv 9'iridiUB‘ :’wa Owe lie' now bOjldirtfta. soujli side’Murket 1/ 'idiSi^nMNI ihcvl.fiO'da W.PM: U^n.WliUr)i.W| ‘ fob 6 rt TYAVJ 1 AOrt-ffei la.nnb’V’rtffrriiiRHTaVaa.fa-ihionHbltf-flhit millri'ly nawSuidk of Handy iY|"da CJolhln,.Hale. Hu r.ii'idih av.ry ihing u.nolly k", . ... , 'brHimiaijdftllnc Sinra. Tna moil f«^ cnlii'm'ln can lio fitlod Our, from hoadltn. rjy-Oli'ttiilia1l"dn.,'n|>iii>ir* 'IWpiCa ll\ a l.iruc inpply nr Npgro Brogiila, «n r friWit’, rlrartir plentatten nsdi- It that would purchttse or a2aih1H6 bny id* I hereby anuouueetb vriWdUll utt ■■ receive cull*. • '■‘ •'I' l ituvl .1 vWCtte tu* I Wr-UAM‘B-IlALfa. ASPAKAQUS—Giaat, and Root*. IlGANS-tRMaiT, Dwsrf, nurli nr 8n»p.—Early Aln« h*wk. Early.velloM, C wenks, Early Chinn Dwarf or Urea Klilnav, Refuyceor loOUtn I, Half Moon (pole or ru ring.) Large whlio Lima,,White Dutch unoArt, Hcnrlnt run- uer*. licit Cranberry. ItEE l 1 —Early blood Tur nip.Loo* blood, whiti! French Sugar. HROCOLI—Early withe, Larf* iiurpln Cape. CAIIRAGB — Early York, Large York, (tresn violin Sa voy, Early Hui/nr Loaf, Early Drumhead. Late Drumhuaii, Larin Into B uerten, Lata flat Uutrli, Early flat Dutch, Green Glnr.r;d. CAULIFLOWER—Early amt l.ate. CELERY—Wtmn aolld. CRESS—Curled or Pep- perernaa llrumi Iraf. CUCUM REll — E.rly Pram-. Early cluater, Early shQrt«ri*rn, Esrly ion*xreeu C A R TI O T— Early huru. LongOranf*. CORN—8wret or Sugar, Early Canada. Tu.csrora. EGG PLANT—Purple. KALE — Green curled Smith, Purple. LEA It —I.a.-pc Scotch, Loudon. LETTUCE — Drumhead, hlloCald***,*. Curhd Slln ih. Larpo Kieenhoad, Impe rial cabbage, MELON — C,-esn Citron. Nurtnag, Uautclope, Large Musk. FLOWr.R SEF/D3. In pba'ga. 13 kind, iu each.(In nkaVa. 5P tilnd* in each, do 35 ilo I tlo 1 tiO do FIELD AND FLOWED SEEDS.An. Buokwhuat, Brixim Corn. Blue Grass Canary Sard; Hemp Seed, Millet, tied Clover, Rye and 0-*ts Flower Repdv, Rnnta, Fruit nnd OrnaniPnt il Tress, furnished to ordorfmin "tie of the lia«tnnri moat axion.sive Nurioyi and Flower Gardous iu ibis country. An nssoriment of Bonks on AgrleoUure. Gar- dsnlng, Rnixing of dtock, Poultry, tScc, to winch will he nd Jstl tha most popular works iuued on the xbnvft subjects. Agents for the Americ in Agrienliuriot, publish ed monthly.hy A B. Allen, N. Y. Air which sub- serio i'Misare solicit'd. feh 11 DEN SLOW A V/EBSTER. MUsTAR D—Brown or Black. White Euulitb. MARJORAM—Svaert. O N ION—Ynllovt Dutch, Large red, rillterekiu,Onion lelta OKRA. PA it.-LEY—Curled. PARSNIP-Lerge Dutch, Guru.-y, PEPI’ER—Ball, Cayane. PUMPKIN — Connecticut, Mammoth. PEAS—EirlvWaihlnrtnii, Sifaet, early Warwick, Vfret. early double frniiia,3 feet, early Charlrou, Golden tlotrpur. :jj font, Dtrarf Mar. tewfit, 3J Jfcpt, Bi.hnp’a d»f it'ollfio, I foot. Matchleea Marroafit or Tall, 6 feet. KADIsli—White Fall,har dy Long Scnr et. Lon* Sal mon, 8carlet Turnip Yclloa Turnip, (flue Summer anil Autumn variety,) black Full or Spanish. RHUHARR ROOTS. SALSIFY. SAGE. S PI N AO n.-Prlcklyor. Fall, Round Leaf or Sum mer. SQUA8H—Early Summer bush, Early Summer crook neck, Winter crook neck. CocoNiittt or Porter*#Valpa- r*l«o. Vegetable Marrow. TUR N IP-Early white Dutch, Flat or Sprtci*, Early red top. Early Garden Sl tne, Large Enalidt Nnrf,i(k. Unit- over or long} Teukard, .Pur ple lop Rutalia**. . TOMA l O-Largc red. THYME. Cultivator Plough, or Hbrce Hoe Cotfrftton Ifnrrowa Fotdin* do Corn anJ Cobb Cruihera, a hand mill Do. do. for horae power SC »wer VTHE! Potent Chutea Plantation Whoelharrowa Common Straw Cutter* Patent do. do. Swinxtetreca Gruln Cradles,n#w pattern Rice. do. do. Engti.h Patent Scytlioa American Or aa do, Oraaa Platt do. Scythe Snallha Briar end B uh do. Do. tlnohf Corn Cuttera, Port Spoons Ox Yoke* and Ox Bow E3, HOOKS, die. Frail*. Ax Helve* Dirt Scrituerr.for puli.rondt Pruning Sheer* G.trde. liner, do. Rakes Dltchittc Kr.lvea Transplanting Trowel* and ' Fork* Garden Recta, Do. Lire* G ftNOEIt—IU k**g* fresh‘ground, Ginger. liisl leeeived a nd lur rale, by join* 10 ti, It HENDRICKSON, lUl'WHO TWI WE —Jill liil"., sorted eiznSHiid qomiiies, inrs-ile. l.y June IH G K. IIENDRK K30N. jpifkatu «hiWeivtNu Vine-* JAR- jnne 16 •2 bbl* |tl-t fer-eive/l lit id fnr'aHt* l*y Ci. R HENDKH KSON. Giblntti*’ Building-.' b LU BU«» PjjIsHN —Dr '[Vi’cl.twnncejM itifnllnble Bed Htl^ Pol tin. w irraiitt*j1 to wx- terminnte those uoxioiia veiiniit. 'or an w liv JonwO - . G. R, HEN UR ICKSONj "T'ft/ HIT*. tilNiibu.—A Irealt >h|-|il) oftaliilA Yt Jatnuictt (ringer, juat remit* ri nnd loj sHleby G. it. HENDRICKSON, June ft Gibbons* Building. Willi » variety of Implements uot mentioned. For s ilo by HAZARD, DEN SLOW A WEBSTER. J"n 1 , - G gftOCEstlES.—II. A* CRANE oilers for pule on fiivonihlt* tnroH. SUGARS.—10 liluls Si Croix; 25 do New Or- leim«;26 do Musrnvndo; 3l» lie ce* do j JO do refined Orleans; ,y.) psek-'gra Stuart's loaf, cr*i*hnd,ond Po.vderrdifihoxe* white Havana, COFFEE —151) bags Rio; fill du Lnguirn; 6» do J/tVIl,. MOLASSES — r?0 liitds Cobs, 25 tierces do ; 50 . barrel Orleans. CRACKERS, &o.—20 »*hls Butler;20 do Boa- ton; 20 do Sugar; 10 d*» Pilot Bread. SHOT.—100 bag* HS«-orteiJ. POWDER.—50 keg*, assorted. BACON —20 cask* *i<i r*. f» tloelmnltlers And 6do ham-, PEPPER A SPICE —10 hnssenoh. FORTE.t — 20 cask* By'tne pi* ; 80 do do q«-t 20 do do A!e. ALMONDS —10 frails soft shell. RAISONS —25boxe* M'dar*; 25 half do. TEAS.—'20 half du**'*, BUrk; 2(l jr. chesis, Hy non; Id euses l unaiial. VINEGAR— VSdfl .Cider; 6 rials Whim Wine CANDLES.—6 b ixv* Adaiiiaiuiin; 2odo3^ynii 26 do TaIIow. 30A P —100 boxes various brrn.^*. TOBACCO —200 parkHgea varum* brands 3EGARS —100 1100 Spanish uud Principe, the tuosi nnorovedhrnod-*, LIQUORS. WINES. &<•;—10 pipa? nn«3 hnl. dr pure Otnrd Br.'md ; JO pipe* pure Hnlinnd Gin; 15t) bids Western Whiakev ; 100 do Northern Gmi GO do NE Rhri; d.* F.x'ra choice old M<'uoogahetri Whiskey; 10 do ••Bourbon" dnj !5 pipes tiiidqr cask*choice o'd Madeirn WioAt 2 tmda cl.oico old For,; }0 bhls old Peach Brandy. - |nty g!» ( 'UlljiCIi’S VEGETABLE JLO* J TIUN.—An efftctmd cute for ertintihtiri nf ' die Face nnd dkiu, pHriic'ilwrly for P.inplfe, Blotches.Tetter*. Tao, Stinlutroa Fr.(files, &t A degree of plen.tno hrccmpanieii the hue of this elegant preptirntiun. in its refreshing..effect upon (tin aki't, Cnteneona irifiHlnliiy am) di'fnlr - ration* nre also removed, and n jure. a!«ie pfflo complexion estnbliahed hy (lie ns- nf tld« h/tiotu' For sale by G K. H .' NDUlcK^ON. tnnv 25 fiildion's Htiddingel* P A t*iu JK.—'2oO tu tu* Letter nnd Fonlfcnp Paper, Hseprieriqiuditlra. Jitut received nnd Ibr sale oy G. ft. HENDRICKSON, may 11 L> *x. A. ti ilAitt’S PILL ELEC* TUARY.—A ceriitiit t urn for tlie Piles ; i'licr internal or exterrml. bleeding nr hlmd t ior l>y M ti. It. HENDRICKSON. Gilibutia 1 Uoildingi*. S'lli ione 22 mid Prea.Tve.l Ginger. fi»f Mia hy H, j. c(LBE^T, Wost side Market sq. • is =^1 Jr _ . , TTiAHT a. TU, Km. hi 'if (jwvmi., A T Jr*r 111, Tun, "f ill, U"'""U hy Chari,, L.v.r, The Secret Passion; by the author tha “Tha IMkK "f 8Ww*fofo.’J8> i ... B.irton, nr. It, hy ih, .nthof of ''t^« ‘ at, |nil»h ; orniigS; ant tsrd rfltograan. ^ h tiIu Diiii”»wi"8V ,, j ni ke-.ogr*-' Blnnrh, T.IUuii "r.'h* M.IJ,n’,iH«nd. Th, Giinhii. nfih, 0»*.|» Wfotern tUnune,) , Ema-nii BtAmll. ' ' ' ' ; An"Atilli*tilW.aeuea'** ■T |, . | ^.»hcU «>td. 'U.MWon lwo jtnlorlon. Hijl,w.*m.n. "I I ffi'fvfodh^ndfo. tU»« ftWh *7 Mf' » teteffliiMWA**' •• H.S*# ", u ''" . *" ' Old Iron Sid,* und OW'*awtt,.lw ' WAKE HOUSE—No 9 B«r- Jl ling Slip, N«w York.—Cyrus W. Field offer* fof shI« at tholowasl Mannfacnjrars’ prices, a vary extensive assortment of PAPER, compris* ing every pnaohla variety, ndaptod to tha wants of consumers in ell section* of tha country, paner nf all kind* irfudo to order tit short notion. Tho stock of Printing Paper i* nnuaually large, a port of which iu of very superirtrquatily. Paper Mak er** MaierMIe of every descrmtlnn, imported and hepioonstendyon hand, viz: Feltings,XViro Ciotb, Fourdriider Wires, Bleaching Powder, Blue Ul« Uremarine, Twine. &o. . Rags.-—Canvass, Bole Rope. Grsre Rope, Bag ging. »Stc., purchaaad Cor which tha highoat price - .., s ':* v "i*t,i tinid. —lyr, , July .24 , JJ1V CK>0 OS.''— Georgia end Virginia Ounubn rip;-Heivy Striped do; Flat dot 3*4 .^8VuM'4e4 Bro Shirtings; 6and 10*4 do Sheet inn Bleached end Bro Jeanat Mariner end 8l»ir;-. ihs Btripba-t Marlboro 'Plaid* add Strip**, lilim end Mixed Duiiinat Cotton Gimbroony and Nan* tkdifl»,WStWttrteftrthtd f hy. ' ■ "i \ • "wmMT* ” X'HF.NRY H. STOTngBDBY.. C U * Iiniimiou nmJ Brt-zilimn. Turk Combs. Siml nnd ImifHtion long hack Comba. Side Comfia nf a variety of patterns, Drt saiiig; S|iH|, Bute fain. Ivory nnd EnBlisfi Horn nnd Fine Ten Combs of nil rze* nndqnMpi.p. f„r ealn.hy , »"v Ll G. R HENDRICKSON. MIL TKKTH.—AIoUDnlHs’-Mjiihirorfia JL tic Elixir end bis eetetirnt* d‘l )doniit»c;jon re coivedind for rile by Q II HENDRK.KbON, m, y 18 Clltibnna’ buildings. 11 mxr\l7 ^ ~r. g v,"’.. m W^lEAT^FLO 6 R* f y^ n IWI .. [ Mvfora^i Ss ■ I ft- r<OILBB*r. t ><l< .v W«,v M«k«i iy«i ni Oeiuvq.1. fl„* ri .«th,1,V"I3 ft CU4tWl-4‘li C i Hr.OilliltSJfcM.—li'i im.M il.inaunil. jr Soap 50 do F'ly’s foil*? Soap 60 lii.xe* C »lg..|’a do do 50 half boxes Faini’y E< np 2ft hexes No 1 Chocolate t ,60 M Principe Secar#. 10 hags Blac* Pepper 2& boxes Mustard.fthage Allspice 2ft hl.l* clarified Sugar 6 hiid* choice Si Croix do 3:i() Demijohn* 1*. and 0* fill hoxru Bunch K.<i>*im>.fiO doz Ri'br.mj 60 d»a paiiiiHd pails.L’O lioxoa Table Salt S ch>**W‘C»iiloiii! <Jli«C*r Tea 15 rnres “By •**" London Portor ]|> bnakms • Rococo” Cliumpagua 20 hoxeeaetpried Cordixle 20 hhls Crash liiid Pow!!, red Sugar , JG bugs Brag'I Sflg'ir. 15 eightscaiUs Brand. 15 quarter c<i«ke Mal»i|a Wine J5 do do- •*Douri'|ty" MategA. Win. 5 eight do , do. do do 6' quarter do Marteiia Wine ]5 eight d«» do do 2 halfpipes Omni. Dnpny t& Co.’e Brandy : 6 till!* Clover Leaf Gin. 15 da CordiaU : . 13 Veor.l’-j .Regflin S-R#ra Watphca, landing - froi«*b Hartman, altd litfy sxjjj loH pwJ'tO lo 'idfefrd i&Wfr'aMfkifcti btva G. R HENDRICKeON' fct#t H IBBARD’S HLLri —R”’ft: li.bbairi T i genuilte vegetable ntit-bifimi* nilU for sale y ■ G. ft. HENDRICKSON, n™v 18 < • Gthbm.w* bnilduiK*. UUnl. » SAIt.-AHAKILLA — A II. BnlF, Compoiind. Extract of Scr<*a|inrilla. lor ibo cure nf Scrofula, di-eare-of the Skin. D>s}>t-t>sin, Riteutnatisn*, Chronic dj«* arc* of the Ijtota. Jaun dice. Neuralgia, to cottntoracl the de*tinciive ef fret* of Marcitrv, nnd all iJUeaMi -riaitig from an impure elate of tlie blood, rqhtl in any prepara* lion of Sarsaparilla. For »«le at 76 r ents per t»6te tlo. by G. ft. HENDKICKSUN. may 4 (jililifln*’ Umldhig, I AM P VVICK —3611> itiid AairilLauip ,\YieE d ol all'sizea; wicks for Lard Lamp* and Cette die wiek, ft?r sale by G ft HENDRICKSON nnr24 ■ • ..GjMmtiV bnildingg, ( ' TAMVMiAft.-A Ir.;ii ,7n|'ly ol „ry,7i J perior,juat received, end kept rnnatently oa ha ltd Try » ® liffvnu.rtyc,,., 7 r Ginbtui’s Build, rjAUiy-riCARMINATlvr=rsf?»J,nfthi; old trigliah (irij^aMfii^i^^wkrrant^ gen®. , SOAP.—fiO ljoilT Hull * Extra Siuum Prisio-ff Soap, jurf lauded end for stli'hv - - , , G/R. HENDRICKSON, epr 18 Gibbon* BoildifSgf* 1UW I1I.K PUFFH & I P OWIII.ft PUFFS & IIGXES.-An _slye awnnment Of Powder Puffs nnd Bnxea. ' "n* iv 6. r. HENpRickfan'q. 0ACrtJf,^ioniin 1