The daily Georgian. (Savannah) 1835-1847, October 11, 1847, Image 2

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GEqIUtIAN. by witlua n. omiooii, Mr UD COUNTY romflS, Ai»g WWulwt of the Uw of Iht Union. i MW V.**, «*,.»••« T«» OMhri. mnUoMtUMdlyMnilvum. Italljr Pun, ft, III armtk, »!* Mft». frUW«aij» F>m,tOT inn Fi« I*'''*"' . Tn-WncUr E.|»r. fct ill mo.iIi .Turn D» «n H Mklf PajMT, Imuin Tan. D.ll.i. All paraWa In aOilwa. ADTSMlOOMKNTIIInaaaiaA u tfca an(.l ralaa. — ill COMMUhlCAIIUDI •••! §r r£u«i »• pSd 1 !? • >w»i»nmNwi*i For Freight or r.hnrter. JBU Thi A. 1. newly coppered end copper* fastened ship CAMEUA. Capu Dauber, wiffbe ready tu receive freight on Muuday nest. For which apply to CipL Dunbar on board, or lo ™ £. BALDWIN & CO. opy * "l?Or (Voiv-Yorlc.-OIJ Established l.iiiu. The regular packet ahip HARTFORD, SSft Capt. Sannaoian. having pait nf her freight engaged, will have qnickdespatch. For freightor nasasge, apply on board at iMfnir'a wharf, nr to oct 6 L. BALDWIN * CO. For New York.—New Line. .The regolar end fast wiling coppered and $486 copper faatened picket brig JOHN EN- DEBS, Capt. J. Johnson, will anil with dispatch. For freiaht Or passage, having handsome accom modations, apply on board et Telfair's wluuf. or to 8. W. WIGHT & CO oct g NOTICE. ■EMl-W*K*LYt. 8. MAIL 811S.IM PArKET LINE. tfdr Pal tit ka, Florida, VIA. . . . Jack Black Creak aid The favorite aleamer GF.N. CLINCH. M'm Curry Ouster, will take the place of the dt. Mat thews, now undergoing .repairs, and leavo the Charleston Steam Packet wharf every Turn day Morning, at 10 o’clock. Returning, wi I have Pals ka Friday Morning at 7 o'clock, touching a 1 the above named plnct * each way. Fur Freight or Pa-tango, apply »>n hoard nr to BROOKS & TUPrER. Agents oet 8 3— g«a>l;Wwkl) U. 8. Jl. Sieaui-PucUci . iuv. CjyjSraif 00 TWO an UAVAN.VAH * FAf.ATKA, FLA. IT TUB WAV DT DARIEN. BRUNSWICK. 8T. MARYS. «*o.: JACK SONVILLE, BLACK CREEK ft PiCOLAJ A. I la. Iii conduction with the Cimrleaton Daily M nl Steam-packets at Savannah, the strainer SARAH SPALDING, from Palatini In Lake Monroe, tin* U. S. Mail Singe , from PicolaU lu St Augustine, end from Black Creek, via Newumisville. Alliga tor. Miner •! Springs &. Colombo!*, toTellidixsitac. QCAMUI.GEE Capt A. Cha-k. 8T. MATTHEWd •• P These packet* leave Savannah every Tuk-day end Saturday Mornings. hi 10 o’clock. uiuJ ar rive at PicuUte ill time fur the M ill Sieges logo through to St. Augustine boi'oie uight every IWiday nud Mond-.y iteturuiiig, leave ral-ttka every Tuesday end Friday Muruing. at 7 o’clock, touching us above each way. They arc bnth low pressure boats, in complete order, and hamUntuely funuahadui ovary n *pa U ere commanded by gc.nilr.mon of well known cs- perianer on thr rente,’and their patrons arc vs. mured that every attention will bo p >id to the •■fety and comfort of pnsseugrrs, end to the careful handling of might. . — AOKNTS— ' llrn> k* & Topper .’Savannah. A. A- DcLormu Darien. G. Friadlinder Brunswick. John Bessent St. Marys. Fernandez «& Uisbee Jacksonville. A. Coy.... Black Crock Geo. Conley Pinolnta. J. P. Hawkins Pnlatke. U. l.sfitte & Co Charleston N. B. Goods coitiugusd to Hie Agents forward* ed free of commission. Freight from Savannsh and Charleston, and all way freight, pnyabln by shippers. sept 13 aATAWWAifit KT We are indebted to the editors of tho N. O. Delta and Picaynno for extras, containing tho new* from Mexico. Thi Messenger & Journal, and Telegraph, Macon i Recorder, Milledgavilht and 8onthern ftliseeltany. Atlanta, willaccopt our thanks foreitras, containing election returns. The IttecHon. We give bslow the aggregate vote of aixly fire Counties heard from up tn Saturday night, which show a democratic gain'of 2656 on the vole of 1846. We also give tho reported majorities o( e few others not officially returned, viz: Randolph. 29 majority far Towns. Fayette, 230 “ 44 " Macou, 30 “ 11 “ Leo, 108 *' »• Clinch. Sumpter. 65 " 11 “ For Governor. 1847. Town*. Clinch*. 1845. Me.titular. Craeford* Express & Accommodation iLinc. ••at Hour* In Advance of C. 8. Jtlnil.’* SAVANNAH AND PALATKA. E F. Via. Darien. Brunswick. St. Marys. Jackson, vilez. Black Ckkkk, Pichlata. and all in* VlMtPUT- *j<*eoiso». -nie aleamer WM. GASTON. Cnot. Wm C. Mendell. will leave every Tuesday Morviro ai 10 o'clock, for the above named plucks, arriving n^>«Mka "12 Hours in Advsnce' of U. S. Mail, and in reluming will arrive in Sttvunn 'h on Bat* urjay Morning “24 Hours in Ad*..nre.” Stages will, run in connndinn with the Wm Gaston to all the interior Towns audio dt. An* gnstitpi Tho Wm Gaaton ha* ha^ a new boiler put tn and Ins been thoroughly ovcrhnuli d and pmi.trd, she ■ com nandod by a genlleman of anknowladg- ed exportenc 1 , and logothvr with her * superior accommodations end -peed, she must be the la. vnnts boat on the rciuto." Fur freight or naisago apply on hoard nr to the Agent R H- D. SORREL N. 0- Tho Agent will receive goods free of nnumixsions to ba forwarded by the VVrn. G istnn. AH Kroight payable by the sliippera Q'JT The sieamnr Win. Gaston will bo ready m tow vosaels every fln'urday. m t 7 New ArrangemenL UNITED STATES MAIL LINE—DAILY L1.TWEER SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON VU till,TON HEAD AND DEAVVURT, INLAND TAtO THIRDA uy 1 HE WAT. *. Tho well known s '-^gYff^nm.Trlirndift ateain pack-a cts META MORA, Capt F. Burden. WM. SEABitOUK, Capt. T. Lvon. GEN. CLINCH, Capt. Wm. Curry. Will h-reafier leave Savannah every evening at half {jet 8 o’clock and Charluatuu every morning at!) o'clock, precisely, touching at Hilton Head and Beaufort oicb way, and avoiding two thirds of ilie rea route. Fur Fr ighl or Pa-sago, apply on board or 'o BRO'iKS<5t TUPPER. Ag’ta, Savannah. E. LAPITTE »t CO.. Ag’ta, Charleston IS’. B.—All goods inioiidod for Savannah nr Chsrlcstnn wrlf bn forwarded by the Agents, if directed tn their core, freo of commissions. Ait way freight payable by shippers. Hr i - For nincoti, IIitwklnHville nud Intermediate Landings. )) The ateam**ra ROBT. COI,. BLLIN8 and'SAM JONES, having been overhauled and - thoroughly repaired, will commence their trips for the above places ns soon as sufficient freight may eflnr. For freight apply sept 14 to L BALDWIN A CO TYTOTICE TO CONSIGNEES. 1.N Transportation pffice, Coniml Rail Rond — October 5. 1847.—Consigneos of Cotton or other .produce by this road, are hereby notified that re- ceipls will be required fur all freight delivered.— They will therefore nend persons io receive their consignments wlic are enthori»ed to sign Mir h te- ceipts. I. U. REYNOLDS, net 6 — Kng’r mid Superiniendanl. T I NIK.—8011 casks Lime, cargo of schooner JL4 Rmily Knight, for’sale to nnive, by noiB L BALDWIN & CO. jrS VININEI 44MBI i-JS >3%/ ounces pure Gario >n Sulphate Quinine, re* neived per steamer Huntherner. and nnw for sale JfiO ounces, by W HUMPHREYS, jr. oct 4 1 SJIITTEIi alNU JLAltO.-TiTbhNN^ JL> 1 Imef Lard. Ifi kegs choice Butter. I/md* citig ftoiu brig John Ettdett, and fnr ante Hv out 4 ' K. SWIF'P J VlOK AND RAISINS IMca.k^wholu flic?, K a fine article for family use 110 boies'Ri|. Htyu far sale low hy ALBERT HARD. ifif20Votea Colgate's Peitrl Starch just rcceivrH end fur nlo by J.M.TURNER & BROTHER, net 8 ‘ Monument square. Herrinat 20 bills No. InndR MeckerUi 20 halt do No. 2 Markereh Id do do No. 2 dnj &*HX' Ijlk Olnlfi'h: 2f» tiuxsv d«: f;>itiD ehoire Salmon.— ti'udiuR t*na »!* y prr In* f'M(SF.rr«-rH>,(iuiii Bus U»*. Rt-t ft,» tf i. iUT a k Srysn, 69 112 85 102 Baldwin, 315 317 268 315 Blhh, 667 598 724 65! Bulloch, 33 - 413 27 Utirko, 370 591) 332 549 Raker 425 246 351 204 Butt*. 354 243 375 253 uliHihem, 582 776 715 700 Crawford 454 *.164 467 433 Cass, 1341 731 941 641 Cherokee, 952 68(1 740 & 3 Uobh, 978 713 825 627 Dolmnhin, 282 487 277 522 (ftiatioga 426 3)0 430 * 300 Cl.ike 434 611 393 538 L/oweie 644 758 62!) 808 CHnmbrll, 569 251 474 214 D. Kalb, 9S8 757 7G2 677 Dooly 517 317 427 269 D c itur, 385 391 279 318 Kffiughuni, no 175 111) 226 Emanuel, 26!) 195 217 226 Floyd, HIM? 569 448 389 Forsyth, 657 453 621 463 Franklin, ll)32 354 922 354 Glynn, ftft 121 19 212 Gwinnett, 694 742 680 757 C»r*-Biie 13! 796 115 786 Henry 838 88!) 815 884 llooimm, tW6 625 654 637 Hancock, 321 456 317 007 Heard, 452 355 393 313 Harris 469 785 390 813 liehersham, 770 430 785 3-8 lla!l, 693 527 59!) 529 Henry, t78 888 813 884 Jeffttison, 93 519 81 544 Ja*pnr, 673 42!) 493 475 Jackson, 664 513 (ill 517 Lincoln. 175 267 183 275 Lumkin, 969 639 946 non Mcliitosli, 117 125 124 109 Monroe, 670 (588 644 733 Morgan, 281 394 299 415 Murray, 940 592 621 493 Marion, 47ft 450 349 469 Mit-cogeo, 853 1039 851 1071 M idLnii, 365 336 3!tS 33d .Meriwether, 792 739 *33 695 Nowtnn, 442 912 171 896 <)slethorpo m 499 172 576 Pike, 836 727 783 61-2 Putnam, 312 WM 381 425 Kichmnti'i, 488 f81 474 717 Scrivou, 222 195 225 241 StHwnrt 786 9'*6 699 904 Twiggi, 414 267 403 324 Talbot, 813 741 791 862 Taliaferro, 67 3HJ 54 412 33797 33081 31141 32973 Randolph—Parkins,* Hodgea,* gkili» Boriveti—Pollock. Staikarl—Talbot," Wood." Tattnall—Contested. _ Talbot.—WUHew, Carter. 2 D. Rain. Iktliaerro.—Harris." Tiviggs—Fitzpatrick. I'hnmu—Reynolds.* TrOnp—Bcaaly." Cameron." Upaon—Andrews* McCarrer. Wilkinson—Rosier. Washington-Bullard*, Franklin, Wayne—Bryan. Walinn—Jaokson, Kil.ore. Walker—llardin. Warren—Anderson.* Bacon. Wilkes—Anderson,* Gatrel.* Those marked thua * arc Whigs. D. gniii. | fault with their nucoii«tumloitah»iiijust,atiti-B*'Oih- ertypbliojr* Ofeourso aWnltg hi# •roapoctabla.rair minded men” Mr. Webater caniiot presume to In* dude a Democrat, fbr in hiiown immediato vicin* ity, oil around Itlitt were Whdo-souled Dcuio* oral*, even in Federal Maaaachaaetta, who aro so true lo ’the South, that they could not he reckoned oven among respectable, fair minded, reaaonablo : Southerners. They should bo ex* eluded froh) i|io ranks of Southern Whig- gory even, betause of their, diapoaition "to tnereme the SlaVt Power.” Truly Mr. Webster must believe (1ml his foot hive boen firmly planted uppn-ilje necks of Soulharn Whigs, and that he cun insult Ihem " ad libitum.” As to his ho needy b&Hevittg that Southern mou rcnliy agree with him in his opinion.-* upon the subject of sla very, we cannot think auch an absurdity possible. Yet he doubtless does believe that the ambitious leaders of tho Southern wing’of the pi ty are rea* dy to make (ho most extensive asorihous at his Jupiter*like nod. Once again we call upon the Whig prois of Georgia to publish Mr. Buchanun'eluitor, and Mr. Dallas's remarks. We demand of it to giro to the people the resolutions of tho late Whig Convon tion of Massachusetts, and the remarks of Mr, Webster, its nominee for the Presidency. Let tins people look first upon the one, and then upon the other, and decide fnr themselves. It is high lima that this should be done, and that the work of dc« ccption should conse, the enemy's couutry, in which every moment ertr* .*1 and’attacks are tilings tu be expected, and should, consequently bo luresceu ami provided Thojgtierrilas it is said,'have fortified ike height! of Cerro Gordo. .The are posted thore in largo numbers, with several pieees of artillery, and are suidjo be commanded by Gen. Psrede*. Cept. White'sco npaiiyufLuujsia'in Vo’unleora and twh kAblpaiiieaoftlie .ntli Regimetit left Tam pico fur Vera Cruz on the 28tli uh. Sanor Don Gusto Sierra, and Seuor Don Ra fael Carrojd, Commissioners from Yucatan to onr government, came passengers on the Ala* bams.* Lite, riwi ' -~W lSth A»,a«, hu U«„ . :7 Adtlc '* •« Ik. pkw Udj.r. Mr. ^ Wl1 - •od f.railjr, wort Wall, [I. h , l ^* n Mloi.Ur "-O0WS*. h . <"y «fU*«iloo, do Affair... Mr. Wi» vroul,'i u. " Ctl,, t' about the l,t ft, r ,« nb , r ' v a V ° n "‘'> lu.nbiu. Cop, Ritchie, b..ri„, IV • llp tV eT Commodore Rouuc.u, irat at The Hionmrr Wtlltnin Unaten. Thk First Low-Pressure Steam Boiler or GEORUtA MANUrACTURK. We had the ploasnro. on Saturday nflcrnonn, of making an excursion down the river, to 41 four* mile-point,” upon the Skhmer William Gaston. She was propelled ey the first and only low-pres- aure steam boiler which Iiuj been constructed in our State, and we, therefore, rognrd itas an epoch iu the industrial history of Georgia. Tho boiler comos from the establishment of Mr. A- N. Mil ler. of this city, and ufe understand he has fur nished it upon the same terms which would have been required by similar eslnblishnioiits at ills North. From what wo observod io the excursion of Saturday, we should say that this first Georgia boiler performed hor duties most admirably, end that Mr. Miller not only deserves public praise for his auccosr, but public patruuago fur his enter prise. Tho William Gaston has been nowly painted and greatly improvud. Sho is intended to run upon tho express line between this City and Palatks, in Florida. She is under tha command of Capt. Mendaii, whose gentlemanly deportment and agreeahle manners will giro her a decided attraction. Capt. R. H. D. Sorrel is the agent in this City. We worn dulightud^with the entire ap pearance of the William Gaston, and hope her enterprising owners all tho success which they deserve. iTlr. Webstar va« .Hr. Dallas, uud 71 r. Huohnnuu. In his speech before the late Convention of the Whig* ofMassachusett*,whose resolutions avowed such unqualified npprovaUif tho Wilmot proviso, Mr. Webster took stron^friiiinds against the ox- tension of our slave-holding territory. Ho used the following lungtiaga l£T "l have not seen one respectable, fair minded man of the South, who objects to the North using all it* power tu prevent the increase of tho slave power. I hivo found j nls of departments, dated at Guadalupe, Seplem utiHo so unreasonable b- '.o di-puto our right to i bar 14. which wu copy from the Guniiia ofLiherty, lhi*." v £-j] The catalogue of “respectable, fair-J describes the attack of the American forces on minded men st the South." according to Mr. j tho defences of ChnpnHopoe, and the subsequent 's defmi'ioit of the class, must he brief in* outry into the city. Clinpull [From our Correspondent.] New Orleans Delta Omen, ? . Monday. Oct. 4<h, 9, A. M. ) I. A Tit It 1711071 MlSXlCtf. ARRIVAL OF THE ALABAMA. Confirmation of Gen. Scott's Entry into the City of Mexico —The Advance of tho Train under Gen. Ltino chocked by the Guerrillas ul the National Bridge. . The Hteaimhip Alabama,'Capt. Wiudlo, arrived hare at nn o.irly IioiA this morning, from Vura Cruz nnd Tampico, having left tho former place on the 26th, and tho latter on tho 30ih uh, By thi* arrival we received the first number of “The Genimuf Liberty.”-a now paper publMied in Vera Cruz, by Messrs. Mnthewson A. Quinn, f, nm which wh gather liie following information. There had boen no communication between Vera Cruz and the City of Mexico, since the now* brought by thu M iry Kingslsnd, already laid be fore our readers. Tho enpturo of the capital and th« flight of the government to Guadalupe, are. however, placoi! beyond doubt by letters received at Vera Cruz Ywf"Orizaba and Tampico. Tho following circular to commandant genor Leqm.atuke— Senators. Appling and Monienmory— McCarty.* Diitluali and Tat'nall—-Contested. Bibb and Twin*—-, „ Burke and Emanuel—McLeod * Baldwin and Hancock—Terrill.' Chmh•»in—Snider*, gam. Camden »nd Wayne—Fort. Cobb and Cherokee—Hunt. Clark and Jnoksou—Clavtnn* gain. Crawford and Uppon—ti Holawny* Campbell and Carroll—Camp. Decatur and Thomis—Reynolds. D gain. Doolv and Pulaski—Duncan. ' D»'K'ilb and Gwinnett—Simmons. F.ffinuham and Scrivan—Liwton, D gain, Floyd and Chattooga—Mohtgotpery* gam. Fur.-yth mid HaU—Dun >gan. Henry and Fayette—L J Gb nn. Hoiiaton and Macon.—Hunter. Jasper and Butts—Waters. L oand Sniiipli-r— .Maxwell* Lanrolls and Wilkinson—Raiford.* lndep’t. Liberty and Bryan—Solomon Smith* Lincoln and Wilkes—Moor*;* 'Mimcogpu and Harris—Muika* McIntosh an J Glynn—Forman, D. gain. Mmirnuatid Pike—Cochran. Morgan nod Grenno— Roes**.* Meriwether and Coweta—Parks, - gain. Newtnn and Walton -Williamson,* gain. Oglethorpe end M.i Ji-on—Willingham.* Paulding and Cmu-—Irwin. Pulliam and Junes—S A VVole.-* Kiclimnnd and Columbia—Mi,ler.* Randolph and Stuart—W Boynton* Talbot and Marion— R Ktewurt, gain. Troup and.Hoard—R D Johnson* Washington and Jefferson—Stapleton.* Warieu and Talinfero—Darden.* Walker and Dade—Farris. RtPREsENrATIVtS. B-yan—Bird*. Bulloch—Rtwls. Bihb—Alkirtmrt, Nerbit*, 1 W.gain. Bniia.—Bailey. D. gain. Baldwin—Harris". Baker—Tift. Burke—Brown,* Gresham." Campbell—Carieion 1'liaihnm—Barlow*, Clatk", 2 gain. Cobb—Maloney, McConnell, 1 D gain. Camden—Baratto. Cherokee—Field,Williamson,1 D gain. Crawford—Walker. Columbia—Fleming,* Shockley.* Chattooga—Heard Clark—Harris,* Jackson * Ciggeto—'Tamil,* Robinson * Decatur—W illisms. gain, [)■ Kalb—Wilson, Ddruell. Dooly—Camo. Emanuel—Sumnor. Fdiingliain—Morgan*. Fayette,—Glass. Floyd—Price,* gain. Forsyth—Strickland. Franklin—Freeman, Morris. Glynn—Duhignon.” Gwinneit—Witworth," Brandon.* Greoti—Sanford,* Ward * Houston—Bryan, Holmes. H.inrock—Lewi* • Henry—Cleveland, Mowlry. Heard— Zachery.” gdiu. Habersham—Philip", Cabinets. Hull—Baugh. Harris—Rntntay,* Dozier * Jorkaon—P^nternst. Jasper.—Glove/,* Robinson. Jones—Glover. JcIFttnon.-^Todd.* Liberty—Qunrtermnn*. Lincoln—Neal,* Lumpkin—Burnei, Keith. Madison—Colbert, gain. Montgomery—51cl>jnd.* Molntoth—Townsend*, gain. Monroe—Pinekard, Battle", 1 D. gum. Muscogee—Howard," Bfthune.* Morgan—Harris." Meriwether.r-WimbUh, Vardemon. Marion—Black.* Macon—Crocker.* Newton—Reynolds,* Paco." PiHs—8pear. Giuldlng. Putn tin «*-Reid, Uallowny.* l*D. gain. Palaslti—McDuffie. D gain. Cr/iellrurpr— Smith." CJet.u V lii.LStifc,- Jenh.ri*," lulKn * Webster's dufini'ion deed. Wi'li whom can this hnvo as- socialcd during ins im uiorablc tnnr through the South, that he sliinihl have carried home with him this mint remarkable i leaf With whom did he converse or argue at the South upon this most in* leroating subject, that he should have found,nono so unreasonable ns to differ from him upon it? YV u fear that we already peremvo in this the effect produced upon the minds of Northern politicians by the conrse of Southern Whigs. - Mr. Webster Ins always been an uucnmprnmixing opponent of the extonsion or slavodtolding territory. Wo have on one or two occnsinQ4|jpubli^hed ilto remarks which he used at the notorious ma«s meeting of the Massachusetts YVhigs in 1811 We give them aguiu in this connection, so lint every intelligent Southerner imy pouder them well. 44 1 for one sny, gentlemen, that under tin pre sent circumstances, I give my votu heartily for Mr. Clay (clicon) and I so give it, hnc.imo a- mntig other things heinagnin-t tho annex-lion of Texas, and I would not civo it if h« was tint — With Other questions of Ida I -ImII moI n«»*r In,til controversy; but 1 hold with him on this point, because 1 hold that the Annexation of Texas will IlC THE PEHMJTUATiON OF AfhICAN Sl.AVtllY, Slid TflK TTRANNVOF RACF. OVF.H HACK UPON Tllt.S CONTINENT, AND 1 WILL IIAVL NO III'/HI TO DO WITH IT !' This was Mr. Wobbler's sent intent then, how j could wo hope that it should hr. shernd now?— Worse than this ! A distinguished Georgian was proaent, who heard thin speech of Webster's, and who apparently approved of its expressions. We say uyptir,.nrhj—because tho Whig* of Mussichu- sutts, who listened to tho return ks of both, must hive con. Imlod that there was s perfect harmony of opinion between them. Both were Protoc- tionisla, both wore opposed in the annexation of , Texas, and after they I1.1J "eA'm/i" the setiiimctil j of Webster, proclaiming hi" opposition to the ex« J tension ofslavery and iiiioilling the South l»y atyl- ! ing it 44 the rrn.tssv or r\ce over rack." the | Southern Senator declared that he hud cinnn “to | BEAR TO THEM TIIV. CORDIAL ORF.F.TINQS OF TIIK j Whigs of Georoia, and Kj* to say that they j ANIMATED WITH THE SAME FFttUT WtttCU BEAT IN THE BOSOMS OF THOSE AT PRESENT BEFORE HIM .' '.£fl . When such latigungu is used by Southern men, end such admissions mado hy th. in as h.ivo haen made, how can we bo astnnishud that assertions liko Mr. Webster'ssliould make tlioir appearance? * 4 A RESPECTABLE, FAIR MINDED MAN Of THE South!" Where is that respectable, fair minded man? With whom has Mr. Wolutur conversed that he uses such word" as ilmse ? Does he indeed* and in truth, suppose that the same anli-Soutlt- ern feeling which he profossei dues ''animate Southoru bnsonib 7” Duos he bvheve that any Southern man is prepared to proclaim the insti tution of slavery, “a tyranny of raceovor race?” Ho declares that he has found "rone so unrea sonable” at the South as to dissent from his views, or to deny the right of the North to deprive us ofour|oons>itiitional prerogatives, and to strike at the heart of our existence. According to his definition of the term we should trust that all of us are “unreasonable” at tho South; that none of ns aro •* rknpkctabi.k, tair minder mkn.”— Would to Gud that wo could tako a farther step and aay that all of us spurn him, hUaattltmHtiN.nud all eonnoctiou with tho party that has nominated him for th * presidency! Would in God that we could turn to'every paper in the aouth, nud find his opinions hold up to utter condemn ition in its columns! But alas! can we hope it ? Will ex perience sustain us in this uxpecia ion? The same pnpors which have osporsed Buchanan, and other Northern Democrats who hava conm out against the Wilmot Proviso, wil) maintain the most perfuct silence in respect to the temiinants of Mr. Web ster. Wo know they dare nutnpprove them; wo fear (from experience) that they will not glvo to (hem such a condemnation as (ruth, patriot ism, and principle require. Tho reason is obvi nns. The same reason has operated for yenr* — Never ending have been tho sacrifices which Whig* of the South have made to the nmi-Sonth. ern spirit of their political brethren of the North. Strenuous have been their efforts to keep In the good graeev of these uncompromising advocates ofNorthorn intereax, and equally iincnmprooiio- ing oppouonteof 8oothprn right* and Southern in. •dilutions. They have fawned,cringed, and crook- *00; tho pregnant hinges of tho knee. They have admitted much, yielded much. They have tamely •nlimiltedlo insult, and have maintained e servile alienee,or attempted tu prove llifftliey wete not insulted. Until at lonst their groat Whig leader of the North h is nrlually proeUjmed that "no ro- outry into tha city. Clinpullcpcc was carried at. tho point of tho bayonet, at daybreak on thu )Dili, after a ile-ipento roaVaucu ofpix hours. The l'ur w tilicition situ nod between the centry boxes ofBe- 'on and St. Thomas, St. Como and (lie citadel, was next attacked by our forces Thu resistance of the Mexicans at this place was truly desperate, and the heroism displayed by them worthy of the best duys of the Republic. Santa Anne led his troopsiu porsoit. After nine hours hard fighting according M» tho Mexicnti'circulnr now before u?, Gun. Scott retirod, drawing off his forces. The Mexicans, it appears, after repulsing the forces uuder Gen. Scott, drending a bombardment and being anxious tu ovoid the horrors attendant upon assault, concluded tn surrendor tho city, tho gnv eminent and die force* under Santa Anna rotiring to Gundalupo. Gen. Scott entered the capital 011 tho 15th ult. But to tha circular of St Alcorta • Most Excellent Sir:—After the important und great eveuls Hint have yesterday taken place, ihuir remains no other alteruativq to tho gmorn- nieut of the union, tn*n that of its abandoning tho Capital, in ord. r that other moans he adoptod and pursued for tho In misting of tho enemy Ac cordingly, His Excellency of the integral repub lic orders me to inform you. in order tit t through you, tho honorable Congress of tho stain over which you preside, may know it tI1.1t llis Excel lency is firm’y resolved to pro*ecuto military op erations against the invador*. And that whatever be tho consequences resulting from the war, yet I i.i excellency ia .determined towage it in every poa.ildo manner, and by every uttninablu ineanK. A heroic resistance was nndo in thu capital, for the space of 6 d y«, hut at lfui£lli Ilia ciiemves. labliahed himself tn place* and positions, from which his missiles nn I prnj. c itlcs could roach thu peaceful thousands of thu city, that the supreme government seeing di*j state of affairs to be auch as warranted their departure, changed tin ir abode, and very anno I will have the pleasure of announ cing in your excellency the viln upon which it will fix, which at presoiit is impo-obla for mu to do, ns* it accompanies the army, and as yut is not agreed upon the residence of the Suprems Puwor of the nation. But a* soon ns thu litter is known, I will give your excellency a detailed arcooni of every thing that has occurred; hut now I shall coi'finu myself to the single following statement ; Tho American nrni) charged yesterday nt day light, with nil it*, upon Chapuhopec,which, after u spirited dufence of six hours, yielded at Inst to thu ultacks of tho cii nny, who imniediatvly marched to taka pnss. ssion tnf n forlificaiioii situated ho'weo 1 the sentry box of B leu nnd St, Tlioinm, St. Conn nnd the Citadel. The first adv iiicq was ck**ched hy ilm troops his Exccllcrr cyihu President led up, ilispiiliug the ground inch by inch, till finally the invader was routed from tha Citadel, after nine hours' hard fighting. The Capital being in this situation, his Excellency was anxious tn avoid a bombardment, and to spare the tumult nnd coufti ion attendant upon nn assault, which would have given rooqgjft.r « thousand ca lamities, and repetition of those acts, in which tho «rmy or the foe line manifested so instinctive a spirit of extorm nation, His Excelloiioy die President of the Republic hopes that your Ex -elleucy will ondoavor to pre serve and rc-nnhnute the public spirit, in order that the war may he curried on with that vigor and en ergy which tho national honor and thu rights of the Republic so imperiously demand. ALCORTA, Minister of Wnr and .Marino. Guadalupe Hidalgo, Sept. 14, 1817. Wo are still left in doubt as to the number of killed ami wounded in the battlas before the Cnpi lal, no particular* being given in the letters or papcN before in. The rumors by previona ad vices of the death of Gen*. Smith and Worth, we are inclined to believe, a* wo trust they are, en tirely prematura. • Tho large train, which recently left Vera Cruz under Gen. Lane, had token up a position at the National Bridge, and was (hero awaiting tho re turn ofauptdim from Vera Cruz. Tho guerrillas mustered in large numbers in the vicinity of tho bridge, and were continually hnratsing Gem Lane's command. 1 lie Genius of Liberty of the 25th says : Intelligence Im* boen received hy u<*, brought in by u train which lias just arrived from the Na tional Bridgu, under cue superintendence of Lt. Bedny F. McD mid, Act. Brig. Q. M., that Gen Lane, with hi* force, hidtukun up a position for the preaent at that post, and there was awaiting the return of supplies, which is the opross oh jeot of this trnin to carry out Th« gallant gene ral and his bravo band, were somewhat linrrsased by the enemy, who kept oominually hovering nn his flanks, firing on them occasionally, but tho vigiletice find- circumspection which ho uuceaa- ingly manifested deterred the ehomy from an ap proach within any reasonable proximity. Wo are extremely sorry to udd that Lt. Kline, of Capt. Lewis' company of Loui-una Vnl*., was slain whilst employed in ihe roar in the perform-, niton of diitieu Incidental to tho time. The sleadineia with which the General od* vancud, end marshalled hie force for the full and complete protection of the trafu, is Worthy, by all aeouuuts. of every praise and commendation, and is in perfect keeping with his character, which is that of oootnes.i, determined bravery, and cal culating pruiieoue. Sucti aro the men qou!iiicd alls, fair mind d man of the South'' (in {* lo lake ch*r ft i of rein orcemcuts passing through I'tirtUor Foreign ICxti-nel*. M»j. 11 (dibit) has concluded very s'ltisrnctory terms fnr the conveyance of leitnrs by thn atnatn- nrs both ways, with the post-office Hiiihoritiea — l’ooaie stamps, value one shilling ouch,imvu been issued for foreign letters. Another relic, Shnkspenre's hnuso, wats'ddjin London at auction for £3,069. lt was purchas ed by the Stratford and London united Commit* tec* U Connell's furniture hnd been sold at auction in Donhlin, and hi* gridiron was purchased ns a relin by a brokor for 3s (JJ. Among the deaths of eminent men recorded in fie papors by thn ateamor.nro Cliiol Jo-tice Penii- elallier, of the Queen'* Bench in Ireland. He presided nt tho trial uf Mr. O'Cntinell. The cholera is reported to be subsiding at Ta ganrog, but to be advancing both in the south of Russia Htnl towards Erzuroutu ; nt Roxinffit had carried of2,00t) out of 8,000 inhabitants. The potatoa d *oasn was said, hb huretoforo, to have ronppearcJ in Ireleland with n Midden and increased deHtructivaiiess, but Hi preseul these ru mor* have assumed no authentic ehapo. Tub Macedonian.—Wo lieur of thiu vessel Inst at Greenock, wheru on tho 2-i Snntnmbcr, u “gri-nd soiree'' whs given tn Coin. Do Kay f»y the Od-i Follow*, a largo lusomhlogu of ladies and gciillemeti being presont. Tliecominodoro in^de n clever apnecii. when bin health wns propo-<ed, in wiiirh he adroitly complimented tho Indie*, the Odd Fellows nnd tha good people of Greenock. Mr*. DcK'iy's grand-fitlinr, Henry Eckford, liav- iu; sarvo>! hi*apprenticeship to nkhiphuilderthore. On tho following Mondiya dinner wasgivsnto the commodore and officer* by thn “General Board of the Higlil>tnd Relief Fund.” The Ma cedonian sailed from Greenock on thu 14th of September, for New York Rki.ihiuu-i Toleration in Rome.—Advices from Rome stain that an interesting e>-roniony took place in that city a short time ago, namely, the itiitillalion of a Jowitdi Chief Knhhi Tho Jew*, since thu death of their lii«li priest, some dozen years ago.had not been allowed to appoint a pontiff in MieneBsioli. Austrian AncnE*>ioN on Italy—Meeting of Catholic*.—On Momlny.tho O1I1 inat'int, a uiiiner* nu*ly attuiidi-d and important meeting of tho Cutholics and other inliahitsiits nl the city of Lon don. wild held, with n view of ctpre*ring their hearty indigo ttiou at the late aggiu-oimis made upon the Papal territories, and the iudigiulie* of fered to Pope Pius IX ; to present mi address to tu* Holiness rotative to the present position of uf. fur*, end to accompany that ad-fre** with aubainn* lial marks of their fenling*, mtlie shape of pound*, shilling* ami ponce, Pope Pin* IX, atntdis count- lass other difficuliicB. having found hii empty ex chequer on ascending the Papal throne. The chair was taken by the Rev. John Moore; nnd Hovcral resolutions were parsed ill accordance with the object of the meeting. FRANCE. Tin* Prmdin murder cotilinued to he non of the great -utijccts ufthe day, but under a new form— attention being now fixed upon the trials of the journals that hnd been seized for remark* upon it, implicating thn Government or the King iu con nivance at the suicide of the duke. M. Durand, ilie responsible Editor of the G izette lo, who wns condemned, was sentenced to three uiondts iiiinri-nnnieiit nnd n line of 2 003 franrn. T.10intelligence f otn Algeria;!not trunqn li/. ng. Tun thnusdiid man uru umlor orders to reinforce the African *riny. M. do Bicnurt. who was some year ago French Minister Pleuipoteiitiary at \Vj»*..itiglon, i* about to sucoeod M. Brus*on, a* Ambassador lo Mu rid. Tho Duke do N« tnour* liad'hcen accidentally shot while sporting at Coinpuigne, but not se riously. SWITZERLAND. Expulsion of the Jesuits.—At the Milling of tho Swiss Diet, 011 the 3d of September, the de bate on the expuLioti was renewed, uud in con formity with tho vole of the cantons a decree Was issued, declaring that tha existence and secret practices of thu Josuit* are incompatible with the order and ponce of Switz -rlaud—that thu cantons of Locarno, Schwytz.Frihurg and Valais, iu which the Jesuits are tstahlishud, are iuvilud lo expel them from their territories, and thu admission in future of Jesuits into nny one of the c.mtonu of Switzerland is interdicted. ITALY. It is difficult lo sny what part of Europe nt thu present time, is the central point of iiitoiotn in po litical nffiir*, but Italy excites the ino-l attention, and (lit* pope i-* the toromost man of the political world. Tho “movement" in this couutiy s**«tiu lo ho spreading w ith great rapidity, and n»Miiuiii)g n more and more important aspect. Tin- London Spectator of Suutcmtier 18, gives the foil Jiving outiiun sketch ui event* in vuiiuo* part* cl the pciiiii*uhi; It (lie ruler* of Lta'y are of uccurd, they tin not ii* yut go |’im| euoiigli for thu people, ami 1I10 pro gress ul the peaceful revolution is Im-Mclied hy itio popular impatienre. Thercco.d of the juur- na'ist can barely k> cp pace with thn manh of eventsjuow *01110 great inovemmit occur* 111 Rome now the sounds of revolt ill the Nuatiolilaii do- minimi* peiiotratc through the 1:1 '• fling "f t..e pre*'; now the scene i* »hittnd to Lucca, tn Leg horn to Genoa; and tho Austrian* cannot kcop stillness even in their own territory . A similar spirit Ins b-jen mwifedad ill all part* vaufthu Italian territory,though it takes an eiidlux* riuty of slmpo*; in Sicily nnd Calabria it i* armed revolt; in thu town* of tho Rouinu slate* it i* fer vid and clamorous loyally to Pius tho Ninth; in Gonna it i* exulting display* in honor of the old expulsion of ttie Austrians; in Piedmont il is sug gestive cries in prase of Charles AI >ert. in many places "the Julian flig"—a iri-color—has been’ unfurled, instead iif the fl-iga or the aoparatu states: and among the cries Ins bcou one fora "King of Italy." But th- inoat significant of hII demonstration-*, perhaps, is ilioauddr.ii outbreak at Milan, tho cap ital ami linndqunrior* of Austrian Italy. Tho ar rival of a now Archbishop was the occasion for a sudden and irroprossiblo hurst of cries to tho hon or of the Prelates’* spiritual lord, tho Sovereign Pontiff; thn iinihnrilie* were ularuied, nnd tried 10 suppress tho popular farlmg oy force of arm.; iu the uttempt they sustained a damaging repulse, and s few days later were lain to cKtabliidi 11 mili tary occupation of their own capital. Thu Mil anese have not yet revolted but the hint must alarm the Austrian*. It is not wonderful, therefore, that tho commu nications from Vienna to Romo aro said to be couched iu language that grows more and mure concdtnlory. Austria, if sho knew her own in terests, would not repel, but would invoke tha in ter veniion of Pius tha 9th. in rccumuructiug tho political constitution of the Italian Stales. The London Time* gives authenticity to a cur rent report as to thu opening uf a ***ui» diplomat ic rnmiiiunicuiioii between thu British uud Reman governments. In Lucca, a civic guard and further reftnm* wore conceded ; in a delirium ofenthusiusm, thou sands of the papnletiotr pnradud the squuros; a body of volunteer* were enrolled 10 march 10 iho deliverance of Ferrara lo them. On the 4tl>, the Grand Duke of Tuscany published a decree estab lishing a civic guard ; great rejoicings followed tho anpnunimienl 5 upward* of 10,000 mou tra versed the Htrcet* chanting patriotic hymns, and preceded by bu*t* of Pius IX ami Leopold II. it is impossible to describe the bursts ot enthu siasm which followed this. Tho people shouted, \fept, and embraced eauli other. Priasl", monks, women and childion, equally transput ted with the general dolirium. - Roma continual! tranquil. They mention the arrival of an envoy from the United State* of America, Mr. Cozwoll, for tho purpose of con cluding a treaty of amity nnd eoro.-nnrcu with the Pontifical Government. It whs believed that thu latter would shortly accredit a Nuncio to VViish- "tlnffie 18th initanl. the population of Rome celebrated the anniversary ofthe amnesty grunted hy Pins IX. For two days their eiUiuwiium a- mounted almost to phranzy. while ju front of the’ Tuscan and Sardinian ministers, and iu Om pquare, they rent the sir with shout* of triumph. On the second day. tho statue ol the Pontiff w«» raised 111 Ilie Plaza del Piipilhi. Two thon-aml | mi'iutial guard* vvcit paraded around the vqwiv, and when Piu* IX pressmed hiiusell, he wavhaiL ed with flung live the President ur die Italian 4 League.” The Roman Advertiser of the 4th instant re- _ . porta the receipt or a conciliatory letter f,om and family, were well. He h j W encan “It la ggid that the answer recently arrived from ury^f lI» ft*’ Mr ' ' VBl ‘h, tho prewnt*^ the Court ofYienna to d, s Holy See express, m ‘‘ ry ° r . U **»ion, to Mr. Wise, remain,nZ the name ol the Empenir, regret for the imprus- ““Affeiree. Mr. IV.... 1 '' h *H siou madbjon tho Holy Father by lateevenuiu For- raru, which hi* Alajesty doe* not regard s* the in vasion of another'*, hut the exarche of hi# own right, a* resulting from article 1&3 of the treaty of Vienna ; that ifauy impropriety ha* been commit- te ',tnis is to be a tributed tathc executionera of the act, who have proceeded contrary to the in- ■trucUona received t that his Majesty hi* never had the intention of occupying tue Pontificial State*, into which nothing nhould induce him to «*Mtd troops unless invited by the Sovereign Pon tiff; lhat the whole controversy'.reducing itself 10 the explanation of the above limned article, ofthe word place, and the right* thence dedueible, hi* Majesty ia content that the question nhould be ilu- cided in Rome, in whatever rammer both parlies may agree to.” The Ansburg Gazette repeat* thn statement that the Fr&nch Government had placed 12,000 muskets at Marseilles at the disposition of the Pope, and that a atill larger supply was expected from Belgium. A number or French and Polish officers, resident at Rome, had tendered their ser vice* to tho Pontifical Government. The forces to bo encamped at Furii are now estimated at 54,- 000; of which 24,000 will bo regular troops, nnd 30,000 the National Guard. The Ausbnrg Gaz- utto odd*, “Our Government have made very friendly offer* to the Pontifical Government ” There hud been another tragedy in Paris, member of the clumber of deputies had poisuii ed liis wife end fled the kingdom. Tfio Mail says: The ParUcorresponrieu'. of the Times aver*,on unquestionable uu horily, that tho Austrian gov ernment ha* notified an intentionito march irnops into every Italian town or city in which the Na tional Guards hnve been organised. At a con ference with u popular deputation “the grand duke of Tuscuuy has thrown vff the Austrian cockade, which, n* nn archduke, he had hcon re quired to wear, and ha* adopted the national col ors." - Wa.lberu m . Igiill(! ,h. bu||< the worm has not gnnerslL, 1 1 ra P d, 7* •'-! 8h.. u id r re „ »«*„*: „^T..r,: h n «r.f.will ll. l f. ll f. r , hl)r , or| ,„ ”»"• '(■ rom Ilieli,ht, UcCori: u.," ukin. ,h, .1 -•.-se.ijiri.'SLrit: «»«« 0, uibrowi.u, Ever/ „„ . of g .... . ..... Z. ;-j From IlHvnnH. The New Orleans Cointnnrcinl Times of ih- 4th inHt.says—By tho arrival here on Suturday of th 1 ; brig Adams Gray, Capt, Collina, from Havana wo have files of papers to the 25th ultimo, inclu sive. TJgy hsvo little in them of n local charac ter. independent of the market, to interest the American reader.*. Ran Ashore—The brig Leopold O'Donnell. 24 days out, from Charleston lo Havauu, ran ashore ut Key Went, but got off egnin on the 22d ult. HAVANA. Sopt. 25—Beans, white, per 100 Ihs I 1 n I 5; Butter,American yellow.per 100 lbs 12 0 n 20 0 ; Cheese,American, per 10U Ih* 18 a 2U; Coffee, 2d quality, per qt| 5 2 a 6 2; nud 3d quality; 52 u 6 2; triage 4 0 a 4 4; Flour, Philad- and Baltimore, per bbl 17 0 aO 0; Now Orleans. 151 n 162; Hams, American,pr 10o lbs 10 a 12 4; lli<|p»,fiflcli,2 2a 21; Lard,American,per KJOlh* 18 his late civic functio ones 11 the field. T nrill receive Iho Bri 31 ,tiar Oeu^Ml.I.ip , tc<lc ^ h’ W1' ° f 0, "j irib'J.b, trn, al.o, for aiirr.nd.iin, j, iuu,t ..lujble pu „ draw Iu. .wo,Jinlli,c,„..„ni,„ con „ t „, ' " Tlicpr.nct, .t,.n,cr Pl.ilaJ.lphi. did t.herbourg on Ih. 15th ult.. I„»i„g |,„„ d ' fornpun. Th. net „fi|„,|| Mlt live I. the Misacuri, ,»|„ c h „„ | ea -< on,, 30ib ult. The Chinese Juhk—Tll« _ dimm,lt r balwm Captain Kvllat and hi* Chiiu'se crew, m {y tIi York, In, lieen amiably kiiI.,1. lie p ,,, W)l) for their parsajc In Chiua, anj th.y sail on Tuesday. A» the W arm Sulpher Spring*. Vs., a f tlV( |. since, some daring robber* mitered the | lo u|,"i carried offlhe iron safe. When Ihrce q.i»rt rr . r a mile liom ilie house they blew it •>p-nhy»e« ofgun-powder snd rifled itnfabuiit ^5000. U'iMtnr’s Oolaiim of IVild Ctierrr. Reail the following voliintnry tribute m \V» tar h Balsam, frifln the Kitidcrhnok N.Y.Sent. 4 n 20 0 ; Pork,Prime and Mom per HiO llis 17 0 a j l,B *» ^ a,e 'f J'*')'31,1845 : 20 0; Clear, per qtl 21 0 a 011 0 : do. tu hoxei N-tv Orleans. 104 s 12; do. do. Philadelphia. 19 On 0 0; SuEsr,nss'd white and brown, per arfi) 8J * 7J 9}; white only (1 8| n 104 VeM»w. 0 6j a 0 8.j ;liruwu. 0 G n 0 64; Tobacco. Windward, 13On 20 0; Vuetli whajo iiijtiriadu Nn 1 60 0 u 80 0; Nil 2. 40 0 a 50 0; No. 3. 25 0 a 350. Freiaht*.—To the United States—Sugar, per box. $<j* 14 ; Coffee, per hag, 4 rs; Molasses, perlilid*., $24 it 3. Exchange 011 New York. 00 davs, 24 n 23 per cf. prcmjon New Orleans, short right, 3 a 3j per ct prom. (CorroipouduBC* ofthe Hultimore Sun.) VYxsHINOTON.Oct. 5, 1817. Eight more Regiimnit* called out—Messenger dispatched to recall Mr. Trial—The New Mode of Conducting tho War, Ac. Tits eight regiments which tho President.adopt- ing the ciiiutructiou of the act of Congress author Line I mu to employ 50,000 volunteers, (mention- od in my letter of yc9terd iy ) Ims a right to call out, are to be called out This will make the fifty thousand complete. "I have not learned yet nn wlnt States the requisition will* be made, hut will inform you to morrow. A special in>**jengcr will be despatched to re call Mr Trial. lie will probably gel hi* pupi-r* to day. With the troops now in tho field, on tin? wny nnd about to bo called on'. w« will ba strong enough,not only to keep what vve have acquired, hut In upon commitiiica'iou* with the Pacific, HOPE NEVER DIES.” The extraordinary virl.i-, «f U'iMsr’s B«!r.« of Wild Cherry, in the cure of pulmoinrv plaint*, have been atie-ted hy *0 many p'en-t. tint he whn doubt* its efficacy must li« in truiki very sceptic. A remarkahla cure of Cmi<ani. timi ha* rucen'ly been ellVclsd by tin n.Hlff,t! in ihe town u Chatham, iu thi* county, nud wlu wh- rolnted to 11* hy Dr. Herrick, an m.n-u physician of that town, to whom we have parity ■ionlo refer. A young Indy who had Innjfth*. ed tinder an affection of the long*, n ml it ho hit been under the care of several physician* wjihoc experiencing Hny rolief, wa* nm,birred by hr friends h* beyond the rracli nf nit-rlirine. and ji« wns iftforoied hy her medical aiti that *b< unset die All her own preuionialioii*, utm p»itt ed to tho grave. Forlaiialely *lie wn< mdti «dt< send to tho Kinderhnnk Bnnkutore fur* bmthrf WISTAR'3 BALSAM OF WILD CIIERRT, as a last resort in her critical sitimtinn. Rel«rf n contain* were exlnu-ted, ihe young lidy up- rieiiced great relief, and 1 wo more i.nnlei sm sticcessivrly proemrd and administered. Sfcei now hippy in the restorstintt nf health, nnd bh* e* tln> day when she tii.*( runirted tu the use of tm healing llulsuni. N'oocgenuinr, miles* signed l. BUTTOcnd wrapper. For sale, \Vho1e«al« nnd I'rlnil. bv THOMAS M. TURN Ell A CO 181 Ray Street, Smim. Also hy I)It. A. T. BOWNE. Ami Druggi*t* generally in Gr'irgii. oct II ih— I informed von in my last letter, by the way of Ac* apulco. This will give 11* an opnortunity to com- , momenta ns quick a* posMitln with our‘squadron ] Swuyitr’sComponnil Syrup •» Wild Chtn’ in the Pacific, ami giro additional value to the ac« I To tiiz Sick asp Ant icn.n. quWtwn of California. _ ... ! Thn only origin il mid geiinino prepsrali"*- ertimoiiialK will Never C’esn’. , , ....... - . . PuiLAPRtpMi 1 Sept. I, lelii and Italy, by Sir Homy Pciltiiigcr aKaiust , Dr. II Sw-iync—Dear Sir,—II. ii.ginr -lerf »*••* by Sir Harry Smilli against the Sikh-, j 0 fnmp nffiirird with n very violent cmigli.».i Late* from Santa Fe —l)r. DeCutnp, of the army. Hint several other getlmnen, HrriveJat St I’ho wnr. now lo he carried on ng-iinst Mexico will he similar 10 that wagt-d by Napoleon against Austria ‘ ‘ ‘ “ Chin*, nm i. 0.. it will -nppnit its own experisii* and acquire p,j„ j,, t j in ^,|„ iin ,; breast, sotsne«< "f the loif territory beiides—lhe right and lawful is*uo nf all Hinirim-** of breath, loss ofappau'". iiight-sw*e vv "rs. X. I made trial of various miirdie*. wto w»*r« recoiiiinciiib.d liiglily iu the paper*, bill p dually grew worse. The violence of rar ritf w»< aucti that ihe blood rnslivd p'nfmelvfmar Loitid, nn ilietil.t uttiino, fnim Santa F>, whicli " U<l iu *•<•« «>* pmoijmu* -f °n"fki"S»* UitOti mo ' r indeed,my whole system •esnitiip'v irated, uud th* hour uf mv departure sreoiriw iho ro.*t on the 15th of August. All wns quiet nt * ' J Sants Fe. Tne force left cuiisi*ted of three com- p'Uiiesof dragoons and three of rc-iuliHied volun teers, under comm ind of Major Walker. Between Santa Fe nnd the Morn a violent mountain •storm wub experienced, which over turned wagon* and greatly injured their contains A trunk containing a large ninoii it of gold dust, { cnugliV. cnl'ls.Vud d^ 'h" lung*. *nJ •* belonging to Mr. Rich, of Liberty, war recovered ! that -lionld nu luimvn to nil nfllftnd Up*'"' afer having been washed down a ra ino four! would piinI*.iso liie oiijiud and gciiuiue at't, mile*. While lying nt Morn, the paity were ,,s l ,rn l' a,414 l »!!!n*wliich *. 8 * 3 spnrinm* and wnithhiK* nrcpurstiiiii* wihcii 1 robbe I of three animals. . tempted to he palmed off o« Uw Variniis compnnios wore met on tho way, nil your*, getting along well. Two men belonging to Cap tain Korpauy'*company wore killed or taken by thu Indians, while in pursuit ofbuffdo. A: tho cros-ing ofthe Arkansas, the returning volunteer* lost one tnan whilenut lumtiug—supposed to have been killed by the Indians. Ol the returning party was Col. Price. lie mot his commission of Brigsdh-r-Genersl. on the llth Sfpterubor, seven day*’ journey from Fort Leavenworth. ■it hand. At thi* time you rccnminftmlfd of your Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry.«» imimuiintely began to south*, ctitiilbrl. sii'iw! the violmico ofmy cough, lulicVrd the pain ' 4l side, btreustliened and licab'd tn) htaf*. cniuiitiied the use of il ; lull now, tlmok*tlou 4 , nnd to 1I10 cdioM of yoor Coinpottml ! Wild Cherry. 1 nm cured, and able la paw*' j daily labor. I think it an inv.dtiable mediwi- Kj"T!io Augusta Constitutionalist nf tha 8th iust. Miys :—Li the absence of the editor uf this paper, a friend porfurm* the pa nful datjr of an nouncing the death of his father, James Gardner, K-q. who departed litis life, at- three o’clock yes terday morning, in tho 81*t year of his age. Mr. Gardner was tho last survivor nfeur mer chant* ofthe old school. He was a native ofGla's- gow, Scotland, but had resided in Augusta about tiOyeHr*—thu* becoming one of onr oldest inhahi- j jjorrin nr*, it mielii be the mean* «f »a*iiiif ” unblo lives. I freely oiler Hii* *titenant Tot’ benefit uf liiorc who are auffi’ring at- I 'M 4 rzcxiEL lirk*» 13th st. *3 door* from the corner of \\ ‘' k Oh? beware of them that borrow Fume to -ml their pnisoned view, Y«*l I'm give lliem, child «d surtow. Fur tin y know nut whirl il"') do, , The amhinly gcnoiii* sriicie i* pt«T rd t» Dr- Swnyric, corner ol fcigliih and Iwe 1 Philadcl|ditH, and for sale by Agent* MJjJJP the United State*, and some part* of P • Fur sale by rh« Agents* A \. SOLOMONS. Market square. j. JI.TUKNBR * BKO- J THOS. KYERSON. Comer nf B.)« Whitaker street*. Savannah, —id ..ct* Arrival* nt theJPoln^J^?!'. 'octobhr s-ti *.|*»| *" J tt.n, CtjIuNilj*,"! , To.i-iini M 1 ■ Llly.Kdl-Wl.l-Ji EAS.«1l.rd. Hr—“J j »i ° * tints. A longlife nf integrity and hminrahle deaf mg with hi* fellow men, closed without struggle or pain—age having worn out hi* bodily oner gic*. and hi* lifo ebbing gently away, like tl.a flame* ofatt expiring lamp. Thy. Efiokmic.—TlieN. O. Commercial Time* ofthe 4th inst. *ay»:—We am happy to announce to our distant friends a continued amelioration ! n tho health of the city. Tho epidemic ha* shrunk into ftmugoly attenuated dimemiioii*, compared with what it was a few week* ago, and every day seems to Hunt its influence and mitigate iu force. Tho number of deaths for tho wnek ending on 8*1- urpay last,the 2d instant,was 14L of which 57 were yellow fever.HgaiiiHl 201 ami 102 respectivsly, for tho preceding week. But, it would bo unsafe for unnccliinatud persons to come to the city yet, as it rs pretty certain that tha infection still exists, nnd it i* in the ngglomineration of population that itd*- ‘rive* its force and activity. Natal —The U S ship Macedonian sailed from Greenock for New York 011 tire 19th ult. The Albany arrived at New York on the 5th inst. The tiumhcr nf immigrants which arrived at ih* port of Plidadolphia from the 1st nf January Inst. to 0 Utah Saptruibor was. 12.979, of which li,- OVivvsic fcmrlc*.and6,931 uwlf*. , D-niible, J Branch. Mm fhehe. >t^* CbW *' 1 Hu*hoy, (i.ii C Owilpc>.AI-b»sw. ^ “ “ i'asnbnhkuh Per tmrk Voraon, »»ilct ftoiu So* miJ scrviHit, Mr* Curpoulor nml-l cMI'b chiMrrn nu t sorvunl, York —J t5 0*# t rpciitor nnu-> KMl'hen. ilf* B **" f |«r.WMJ,>lrD.Jy.l.J* Bro-lic. Mr, ..J JehiU'-”- M - cock. Mr. Dilt... « ctittJ,.' 1 -J B hut,, Mr mndJ.Jj- Mr Gr.,or>. *“" * r Uoe. Il«.r«. Co««.r. El'«r> phl ""' t.yu.I.i ||», Willi., B»k»r.U WcHf. S.u-iur, R.r JEllIhUrH"’ . ... tr Ju. Mr, C.m.. Hr. C*. 2 cblUrtu ,.J' Worn!. S.hlUmn rnrl Kr...l ' Mr, Mr, Onrn .nil cMU.M", O v , H, t ,,Mr.WKl..r>S,Mr.Cta», , l"»-.» « ^ Ohilw. 1—Ml— W 'MV , tl „ M.lher, Ml,, Cl,«i»pi.”. C, “ L f,f SmZ j T v W ■*3L 9,.lit. \VS,ol“l»r-'. c OWKLonlrJChita-- ^ A Ch.wi'1..-1 »««‘r W u i ’L.. S H Mulf.-j. 1! (-r.l-r. W J JI.rl.IE U 0 f- a«iu, u Dodiubaftr, U V 1* r a u»p tint •art 4 l *" c>4 ! M| ——— OOySMtXKBi. P„ S ..,.«.rW,n L^r»«- Unit Hoad, »i#»i**r «c•lnn»f c, W.Wll. , . t--'— - , huyit i r-fi , | Ccltan lo S bC,uH- , llcrshm* ik.4Cj.EM