The daily Georgian. (Savannah) 1835-1847, October 15, 1847, Image 1

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1 n kH OtiOKUIAA, U**i»y OF aAVANNA:^ ^ 1,%® rtnA^'m, I,p» bK!l '''J v l "jk e “(TuMd»yi Ttau’rsday, »«'* *» (tfiljt iut»Uiiionce> Comuieraul, foUUcnl pifiwSsSflSSw JtI , d DOIAAKS At «x month. iu , ‘ lva " tc ' mtt.t bo publialied tam- lUffi®-" ; >'" 1 AdminUitratrttti for Debt- J^Credilcre "' Hinder in Ihoir xcnounu, must s ,j,abU*ed »>« w>*M xwilloril „rAdnltai»ml>in * ?v(inKo Mcliun, ull the first TUe»dqy of Mxi notice thereof in oue ol llio jAo,®Su«" f da. Stafe.-endetthe door ol the CourtHouae, S€!SS|:=ttt «£ and ti-iorJinnr .nu.t bo F"™** «*,!,}, bay w& H 'it :-r ■'* >: ;* ** -a $gi niSsBIihro the day Tlieae soles must .uY. Court House door of Uto non ity in Siich tho property is situate, mid on the first rues- SavoTlIiemouth*between the lionra often lit the i Jr,Hie and four n, the afternoon. No sale from JJJtodayis valid,unless so expressed in theadver- lil tndieali0lia by Eaoeitlors, AdiiiiiiistroWrs mid O.,5,?l.niio the Court of Ordinary for loavc to “5 uid" omit b. published four months. Sales o'fpersonal property (except negroesi ol IcAdo onmutestale ostntes by E«ontors and Ad- miillltrators, must bo ndvertised FOH I V DAYS. "oldMi or Ilia Court nr Ordinary, (neemnpaniud mdt a copy ofthe bond or ,t 5 reoUUttll) to make to lies to Uuu, until bo advertised TltttfcK MoitYHs tit lC ?hpri(T« sale* under oxraitimis Wgnlnrly rwint. fdbv the eottlts, must be advertised TIIIII1Y DAYS—under mortgage executions Six H l»AY3—Sale* ofpt»rtohnhli* property ukrder flfdor prdfit of Court, must bo advertised gobtlhiUy, TLN DAYS before the day of Sato. . * * All Letters directed to thin Office, or the r.d- hir,*Wit*t lie po«t paid to entitle them to Attention. milE NATIVE FEBRIFUGE.- X For the Cure of Bilious, Uemiiteni and In* IrmiHluiii, or Ag* 10 wild Fever, and oilier diseas es incidental to a debilitated state of the system, buch is night sweats, Ac. Ac. The native Febrifugif is offered. The prnprie* tur is aware that tbe common objections til all new prejiaraliona will be urged against tilts, to iibvisle all such objection*, lie bus pimply to slate tint it is prepared according to the retupt of an eminent physician, who used it with perfect suc cess thruugli a lung prnctico, in porh >p« llio rtio*t sickly r^iouofuur country, vie s the Mississippi viill, y. Again from the exaltod estimation in which Quinine is held, not only by the people, hut b> the most skillful physicians, it will appear superarogatory to.offer any new article. But the Native Febrifuge possesses nil the power and cur* Minty of Qhmine in ouiitrniitig rover wiihuiit affecting the head, mid may ha calhlv used tliaru-, fur, where Q'linme is inadmissible. It i» not the purpose ol* the proprietor however sanction* nd by cusiom 011 ancli occasions, lo attempt a dis play knowledge by adopting aumo mm of the contradictory theories atioat, with regard to tho charnclernnd causes of Fever. Believing with the learned Gregory that though there has hern so much written concern ing Fuver there is no one subject in the Whole circle of medical sciuticn which still indolves so many disputed points. . Lulling all theories puss, we aland by fiiuts. The first of which is Hint lliu Native Fubriluge will cure fevur, from whtitevur came it iniy hive originated, and if nny dunht to the fact wo invite the nfilicted to tho ts*t, with confidence ns '0 the i-ano. What it bus dona it will do. The following certificate of otto well known will show what it has done. Havaxsah, l‘Jth May, 1817. Mr. Jus. A. I.n lluclra having ifqoektud me to mie my knuwbikge of the Netivu Febrifuge, I like pleasure in stating tint it was used Iram-lict- sillily 111 the Fevers of the valley of the Miftiissip- pi and Arkansas, in all oses in which Quinine ts usually exhibited. and was aduiusablc in congrutU tins ol the brain when Quinine w.m supposed to bt COIItl aiu Jicatusi. J.J. MITCHELL. M I). Krntoii vM. Sept. III). 1847 Dear Sir;—In Roitipliauco with my prouuso to lot yen boar from me. with regard to lliu o feel of veer FehrifiiitH, permit 1110 to hand yon tlm Ini- liiwiitg statement of facUs. For neatly d yems my wife hi* been laboring under the effects’ of con* nniialiy Ghi'lantid Fevers, notwithstand ing ull the rem.tdies. proscribed by our best Pnvsl- cian*. and at thu time t procurod '1'lie Na>ivu Feb rifuge, we bid become perfectly dcvpouiluni,lo ir, ing that deiitlialone would lerininatu her diviase, hut I am happy to state tli it the tt-o of one boltlo bn broken the Fever completely mid restored Imr so far 111 to icqoire only a little liinu to recruit tier waited energies and plaCu her in perfect health; »uch Ills been lliu change produced in herhibit i"J ComlKtitiou by T'lie Native Febrifuge. Wub diuccrc regnd, 1 am yours, Ac. Titus. Ki.ccftn. * *°J. A. LiRoclin, .Sivannuh. tVejiuiud mid »„ld. by JAMES A. I.aUOCIIE, _ ncl 7 No. I M-nket square iyuMtTrir*TEH3ii«» ■J ter of the water ft mil this well known spring i* too well effiabh'hed to need cotnnwiHJation. IVti Append fur tlie curious and eciciililic an uii^lytia a* made by nil ablu cliriuiet. I auloluiretod hydrogen. 2 carbonic acid. 3 mu- tiite uf soda, 4 mun.ite of ungnnaia, 5 uniri-ilo of ■nne, C siilpliete of lime, 7 sulphate of soda, b mil- PHate iniigue.'M, U i-nrbouaie of limo, und piuba* bly a trace of carbonate of luaguesia, In ita action the system It li purgative, «lurelic, diapliutrlip, mid aheralivo, poasnsaud uf greater vunety of siib.liinces and ill more abuii- nance, n may be enuddered ns standing at the head o all salute sulphoroiit waters, lit comparison H is identical with the If. spring* of Enc- Hud. containing every active ingredient found in m*e wuiers. |i the planters of this neighborhood » v . ur , a ''' ,co ,0 gvt ill the Imbit of using the Blue t.h'h it ater, they would not do wiilmut it for any oiiMrii-riiiiun. It is put up in well Koulted barrels ' I. “P for any longdi uftimeiunny climate, t his ivafer is from Finley's Upper Blue Lick “prying. Kentucky. I rice per barrel reduced to 5 dollars » or»lie by Ilia barrel, eallou nr on d'AOgbt by J. M. TURNER A BUG. _ Moniinient Srpiarc W MttBAT 1‘AIN K11.1.13It.— , niedirinn lias been discovered that was r ° lM PI"ly adapted to u.-n internally, and yet per- "rm •orb wonder- when applied externally, as n «mi or hnth. or by friction. It may be used w illi •hi'ccv* that will a-iutiirdi, for bronchitis, nnitisy, fusing of blond, dyseiitory, bill us iianUin*. temhing, p .ins in the side. Ac. rroai " ,n many certificates which accompany • arucle, tlm two following uru selected on ac c «iunt of tlinir breviiy i "I have used Mih. Brown's Pain Kilter for ri..u*" ,VH ro, "*d that in applying it irmnedi- ll, ly that it will prevent even a blialer, I would ■commend ii to the confidence of the public. ... H. A. IIkitbk, Wemfield Standard, Westfield, Mass." time lin'd Mrs , Uruwu’s Pain Killer for norin.and many nitmr common complaints, and "as p.e.uure in as a family • Swap, Pastor Fir-t Baptist Ctmrrli, r ' NVw Lmid-in. Conn." f \ : i.y jo itts. psr botili'. For -nlc by l, r< 10 J A LA JlOCIIF. Cliill'lev er, iDuitili Mub, Intel- jirilleiit&KomiUunti'erers & . all the various forms of Bilious Diseases SPEHIM^&TiiOKGUfiiri.Y 6j ;, - CURT. D ' ■%ooils |ml!,aCUe\'^ J T HIS involunblo medicino Was propi an extonsivp practltee of several yeart . bilious Ctiinato, and is never known to fail AVorttrora in a niiious ciunaiw, «.,« .» «»««• •••••:’•,•* ’.7 °* curing Fever and Ague, or any or the diseases a buVo named, . . _ Those who are attfturmg from ft(focl}or>8 of , .. I . _ ...I,., It Jurt ImMmnll iHttlllftt fl this t hoee wno are BuuumiK iMMH niiuuim u , ..... hind as also those who hAvoboeotneinvalidi from their rflVcts upon the oonxtiimion, Will find the India Cholugogue a most IhvolunbM rattody purifying Iheblood.and thohmghlv ( he systeur the morbid eHunts of *■-InUoui ohm , for I from me eyaioui iu» »»«»•-■- ——.imtte. Thavvondorfbl operation ofthe ChoUgogue in ....JiMlingbll, ftforo Ibo WJWM nil only expl.iiiiUMfr,ordinary ..geHO^ i'l llio Speedy, tho- rnn.h ,nd tor. oiTuver ,nd »gii«, and llio vanoua grade, of inl.rmiinnl «nd r.onttem f " UH.qil.ny effeotinl lor ih.miro of Liter Com ■ nliUtil.Janndici'. Enl.rg.oi.iit of llio Liv.r i ,l,o Enlargement of tlie c.llod Ague C.ko, and lfi« virion, form, of billon, lndig..tioii.- Thn.o, will. III. oilier varied .Section, of ,ncb climates, arising from a common miasntalcause, arentdy modifications ofthe sutnedisoaroiand o- qmdly controlled by the sanio remedy. Tho operation of tho dh*»legogiio, a» its namo imports, is upon the IWar-Wnmoilng the dts charco of bile. The thousands who hove used it need no further evidence of Us value than Us hap py restorative effects. For j % URNER> j.,,, j| Square. I1Y M. S. THOMSON. M. D„ MACON, GEO. Tli, anbacrilieraflur all experience often year, In llio 11,0 or Uuthiic Rxiitnu., lie, .0 far per- faded hi, ey.tetn of iro.Mmoill ea lo bo able. In a great miinthy, to elfecl apor- niannlit core without evcretmxo Trtt parixoT, re,taring lllcln to heitllli wilhool ■llbj.ctmg la llio inconvenience,nd nxpmi,e of long.ndlcdi- on, ionrncy,. nr llio cold oliarlllc, or itrangm, liome, end fire,Ido.. To in.oy tbU may appear a. nnrea,imablen. il did to lilm aomclnne ego,but fad, are indianiitabla, and wlialto bint appeared tuna a mero chimera of tho brain, la happily aoW a manor of ovary day ncfiilrronue. The Iimler.igued Imethos lor preferred pillill.h- illg THE 8T4TKI,EXT8 nF 0TIIRK, relflivo |. 10 benefit, derived from In. nreelice, thinking that that course cwnpoliefi lUtlcli hetter with true dig nity of reeling than pdre pcreonal puffing in the pa pers orihestilllessrepulublecoorseto which some Itiah-miniled (t) physicians resort.of efotisiicnlly .nuaditig tlicirown trnmiiataby thebed.lda oftheir patienlat and l now aee nogoodreoaontoclio i.e my cour.n, but aliall continue to utvo ancli cerlill- cilea. hi Will dlaarm d Alibi, and which, though anno per,an.dcamtliera Wl»9,.Kt“noI* he will give any man FIVE I1UNDRC0 DOL- LARS to procure their equal in Georgia-—equally wull aiillieuliCalCll, uiidcr a forfeiture of a like al The f.ittsprdsonted by him arc snclt «■ bo is pre pared to ilemmistratc nt any time to the Batisraction oftlm nfil'Cled or their frifliids, who mny vVishi to test it. Thu following will spoak for themselves. (jteohoiA. I This may oerufy that in the Jones County. > fall of 1844, mv son VVilllum. about 10 year, Jfpga. wa. taken wltlt ver oud WJ. alien .ed by V'\ C " b ?. 1 '!' J timet and uolwltb,landing all he could do ha mill ounllniled to golwor.a, ,othatwitonttialbverloft him he had completely lost the use of Ins loWerKS- homilies, ,111 could not walk a »lop nor bear bio weight upon hi. Teet; Ilia log, beoiuia cramped and drawn, and lie euffarodolihoatinlotoroblaan guish ruim pain.f lie continued in I II, terrible .talc for ever three monlDo, reduced ulmo.l lo nothing bill -kin and bnlio. AflaatW*®! 1 "A'JP* Ol Ills improvement had vanished, I heard of the aitcce.. Ill Ur. Tliom.onor iroolmgrlio- ease, mid coneluded to try bint. 11 accordingly made application, and oilliullgli the Doolortinvxtl saw liiin, lio anon restored him lo hie llalial iieallh ,*d Kigtll. lie now ride, abontand attend, lo biisinva, «• If noibing lia.l eifr i'-'opi’eI’n with him JOHN LARFICLD. Jones County, Nov. 34, lB4o. GaonoiA. \ ‘Fills Wty cori.fy that my Houston County. Jdanghtcr Mary.tibqiitlbvears ul nae, had been attacked with ch'oruMs und o il er accompanying dilficuhios, which continued for e considerable length online, nnd appeared to de- IV all the usual remedies that could ho brought to bear on it. She snlfi>redgreatly with painful mis- erv, till it looked like she would go misfits. In this Mi.niion, and after relief was despaired or, I applied to Dr. I hortisoii of Mncoo.whosoon per* fi'cilv cored her. without over hnVlug sfcKN iieh. »£' ua '^'"^'"j'oiin'fermenter. 11 ' K Ununnl»* l ' > \ I do hereby certify that my Up. Jointly, jd.agtiiar Aon l.bna larkedaliaiil llircc yniaago Avi111 i’ and Dh- easeiv TUB Sl'ian. by winch ilia wo, entirely divahlad, and 1-i.t tho o.o of the lower extremities. She wa, immediately pal under the earn of Dr. Randall, whoaiicndud her forsoiueilute, hut With- nut benoftt. We then applied to Dr. Parker, a I Root Doctor, who after ift had treated her case Lomctime,concluded that be could do nothing fur her. Wo then applied to Dr. T homas.of Cu lo. 1 dcnville, who attended on her oigbt months with- lout the least '.eucfil, for she was left to « most de- I plorablu condition, perfoctly-hbjpl«S’«. ‘AVherayei I Ihe wa. Ini I that, alia ruin illind, Will mil Ihe pow- ! er ofniolhiiihy llio grcalestcffarl iirilio will. She I wo. ao much reduced that «he looknd «. if tharo wa, mil fiva piuilida of fia.h on the whole tiody. ™ that alia coilhl ho comp 'red to nplblng bot a living akalalan. if s'lcll could he imagined. While in ll,,, atnie l wa, mjiiced lo apply lo Dr. M..8. Thom.,'ll '.r Macon, wlm I am proud to soy, by Ihe Ida,,mg. af Fiovidaljc'o and his skill III ll|e il.a of remedies, Il ia rc,lured Imr lo eecallanl hodily healili and Ike use of boh limb,, hy wlucll slio l, euahlml la enjoy Ufa, and vi.ll about in llm ,uh tleinoni. wiilmut tlie omiuMiwo of nny one. But what surprises e.ery body ... iliaishoha. beanro- ,I,.red wiilmut having boon at:nx by tho Doctor ;Xltheua,ni,,,wen, ys d,,U,,.. E 'nie rl elmvo' ca.aa, con«ldcring their oharooier end itnporlonoo, will pul beyond dispute the fact at die of curing wiilmut provmila ex- auuiialiiiii of lb, patisnl t which, togellier » ub tlie facilily Of proourina mod,cine. SIIICO the redlicllan ,fl'oJt.igo. by mail, pul. it willnn llio p.iwor ol rvrnv nanv. no ulsller where limy ro.ide.lo pro- core relief from lllolr various melodise, ala vary :Rr»i« f" r Medicine, might lo -and ttair ayinplulnaand again wniing a, corroclly aa poasibln, inedioiilaa.lilted to than varm l. a,,,, will bo compounded and acnl. Loltora.lo entitle them lo mlanimn, mint be MM-paid, and persona applying r,ih.i a didanaa bad h.liar au ; close llio iloiiill yiunlhly f«o of live Do lara a once, hi, charge being on email a. !o admit o' hut .light ri-k in collecting. The pourorany conn y in Georgia may liavo modiehioa aalll gratililouely on pro,eolation ofb cerlitlaam id inability In pay. ,i„„„,| hy any Judge of the Gthirl, Jil.UCa ofthe Pence oiMillUjer of tho Ga.pcl of lit. County III which ho reside,. The afflicted of Ilia Ra*. tier. jy will be a. all ««» “fljgiSSjj!’T d. M-icon. aoplcmber 1. 1810. «ept 21 F lour, butter and br<;ar8-5o bbis Ualiimnre Flour; 25 firkins choice Goshen Butter: 60.0D0 Seanrs, varimis branrle, landing D°l^ S .E?brK°d?fe» fiff.lo 1^1 OUo; 25-doRumt.tfado Mononga- •u'U Wlu-kej: lai'diiiR Oi^io •’iire.for sslp bV fub* C ■'soran wn a j‘)HN3ro; nnonnri BALSAM BREAT ENGLISH REMEBY For Colds, Conglis, Asthma, and other DlaBases ofthe ClifiST ana LUNGS. TJVCHAN’a U0NGARIAN BAL8AM, Ilia X> great English Remedy for Pectoral and Pul monary diseases, still Stands onrivnliod and unsur passed us tho most elegant, agreeable and cfiebtual curative of these formiddbta complaints now known to the clviliiod d:ttrld..‘ . Three years of trial in the udlled Status, during which lime it has been distributed from Maino to Florida, has only served to establish its pre-emi nent merit in all parts of the country, ua the great and ONLY RELIABLE RE51EDV in the Worst cuses of Pulmonary diseases; and the best and most agreeable curative of all tha slight forms uf colds, cough und iuflummatioti) lltst can possibly be u«»*iL • SPITTING OF BLOOD This lYIglftftil symptom of approaching Con sumption, speedily checked and pYeVentyd bv tho nso of Buchan’s Hungarian Balsam, which heals tho afiectod membrane, removes tho incipient tu bercles, and restores those vital organs, the lung*, lo a soundlnd healthy condition. RF.MEMBER THIS. Spitting of blood always arises IVom n tendency to tuberculous diseases, and if not checked ul the outset, will sooner or later terminate in death. A person who ruLos blood once, will raiso blood again, unless a propcrcurativtelflltnmedlulcly tun- ployed. PAIN IN THE SIDE. This distres-ing symptom of Consumption ari se* from inllaniuiation of the lungs, on the mem brane called (be pleura, or from bronchial afioction ol the air passages. In uithor case ilia a very dan- ;erous indication of diseaso It prevonts full and ree breathing, and wanranwny the n itnru)strength of the system. The cause of this symptomshditld be removed nt Ullbet and nothing can poeHibly ef fect that object so speedily and happily 0s the grent English Remedy, discovered by Dr. Buctiuu, which Dnntircly vegetable it) its ingredients, ami perfectly hahnlces in all its qualities. LIVER COMPLAINT. In cd*ea of Consumption* the Liver is always more or lo-s affected, and also the Sploeti Pleura nud small intestines. On dissecting Consumptive patioms, Tubercles are often found in all these or gans, particularly upon the Liver, which also be comes fully, oily uti'J swelled. The effect of the Hungarian Balsam in diseases of the Liver, espe cially if it be of an ulcerous natorq, is direct and powerful. Simple disease of the Liver, uiialtrltd- ed by Consumption ts speedily 'cured by its use. WINTER COUGH!" The liandt, dry, hacking Winter Cooglt which afflicts Old People, nnd invalids irt a low state of liunlllt is happily affected by tliH Hungarian Balsam. It warm*, moistens, and tnimulatHa the whole breathing apparatus! removes all morbid mucus, and olhRt foul milter; purifies and animates the blood; improves the secretive nower of the Liver, Spleen, and other large gland*, and the digestive orgnitM and imparts new life to the wan and emaciated system. BRONCHITIS! Bronchitis, Difficulty of Breathing, tlursli Cough, a slimy expectoration, with all other symptom* caused hy Hffaction of iba air-tune* lend ing from the throat to the Lungs, are directly and specifically cured by the use of the admirable romndy invented hy Dr. Bucltau. Fur sate in Savannah, by J. M. TURNER A. BROTHER. July *J Monument square. P ETER COOPER’S KEFUHEO AMERICAN ISINGLASS—Warranted squill in strength to Rus.tiuu Isinglass frr Table lollies, nu . ul groat service u dUeunnH where deli jute animal food is required, end well calculated or long son voyngos. it improves hy ago if kept Iry.aua catilm’iuado into Soop inn tew uiiuutf.s, and is of groutsorvice in clarifying Cider, Beer, and Wiuo. To make Tabic Jellies.—Use at lenst two ounces ol Cooper's Refined Aiuer.can Isinglass, which shunld'bc rt *t sdakod m cold Water fof two hotlfo; dra.n off that water thou nke tw p quarts of cold water, ono and a Ii If pounds of sugur, put in it tho white of three eggs, the juice of three good iizod lemons, the pud of on", a slick of cionnmou,' n little nutmeg, orange penl, or o|i)erspir.Mo suit the taste; stir nil the ingredients well ogether while cold, ihcuboilthe whole massfonrnr five mi mites, and then pour it through a Jolly Bug. when it may be put into glusses or moulds, und wluui cold, Will »e fit for u*c. The mould* should be first wot witli alittlu white of uggttud water, just before the jel- ’v is put in Uiem, in order-to tuuku it easy to turn hem out on plates. The Jelly Bag is itisdo offlaiinol 8 or 10 inche* nornsfl tho opumng, and ubout half a yard deep, narrowing to a point at thc^boitoin. The liauid that runs through first, should bd poured buck in tlie jelly bag until it runs through clpar. And ono pint of wino to tho ubovo for Wine Jelly. Other liquids undo front preserves, may be ciliudby using tho same proportion of the Ling ass. Blanc Mange may he und«,hy using nt least tone •unco ni'IjiugUs* for two quarts uf milk, df creoin ho peal of two lemons, sugar ittid spire to suit the ante—bring the whole to a boiling bout, strain it, and when nearly 300I, stir it wellto mix the cream that will ri«o while euohng, pour it m umiilds.nnd when perfectly cold, it may bo turned out nnd will then be ready for use. The moulds should be first wet with cold water, which will prevent it rout slicking to them. A frcshsuipply, just received, and for sale by uov 2 T. RYERSONACO J WINF.Il A CO’S CANADIAN VERMI- • FUGE—The best remedy ever yet di-cov crcd for all kind* of Worm*. It ium only de stroys Worm* ami invigorates the whu’e system, bui lt disflulvcsniul Cirtlf* off tlm superabundant idirtle or iniicos, so prevaluiit III the «tomsuh and bowels of children, mere especially of those in bud health. Tlm mucus forms tho be i or ue*t hi which Worm* produce tlmir young, and by ruuio- vina it, it is impossible for Worm* to remamin the body. It i* harmless in its effects on the system, and the health of the puiiouli* always improved hy- its Use, when no Wormsaro discovered; llm ined.- cine being palatahlo, no child will refuse to take it. not even tlm most delicto. Just received, nnd tur a,ilo liy TtlOS. RYKKSON may 21 . LADlui' SHOE ESOHaNGE. L A DIE S’, Missel, Children’s and Infiint’s SHOES, of evinrr Ityle, shade and pattern, *t the.: , , ne\V granite store, 1(13 Congress street, Sarannih, Goo.; sign of Ihe Goldeii llahd. June 17 BUCKNXJk in lie licit, Nfta. 105 and 1011 Bryan street, ,. - „ Have juit.racolv- Mnrtm o u t pf iWOTfl, AND .... .. T«rip fSHOES^foVgentle men, youths And boys Wear, and ioHimfucture, and of the lAlest style. Also Linfius, Missus and Children's .Shoo* or oVb>y va riety nnd style, warrnttltad ,n>good nsentthe mund in tiBia market, nnd nt Nd Inw nrjees. A larxe and cnrufiilly eqlect^d stock of Plantutioh Brognns which planters and fAbturs will find to their advan tage to ttnll a till ekatnine. Cure tuken in fitting measures. . fi||t Also, a general assortmeht of Cn‘ps t ThibHs, Valises, Carpet Bags, School Sptcholb, Ac. u And a supply dr Ladies and Gentlemen's Paris undo Bobta, direct impbrtation. July 23 ni m al. MAifiviimsPL vs. WIS* TAIt’S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. The following, although it msy appear n little humorous to some, is nottlm less worthy ol* pub- Ifcalions and be the theory of Magnetism true or fdlat!, italioWs it is sduietitites productive df much good. Svracusx, Dec. 13, 1842.—Dtmr Sir;—One circumstance tins greatly helped the sulb of Ihe Balsam of Wild Cherry Imre. A young lady was magnet ised,and requested lo prescribe for Imr fath er, who has an affection of tlie lungs. She said there wa* a medicine at Hougii v e accompaniod with a small book, that would help hltn. it was tho Balsam of Wild Cherry, lie tank it. Hud it cured hint. Shu ha*since prescribed it for anoth er, who has taken it witli llm same result. Yours, Ac.. IloUtiH * BiUUUks. P. S. Hough A Bridge* are heavy dtUUggists at Syrucu*e,to Whom we refer the citrious. Pot rsviM.E, Doc. 23d, 1841,—Dear Sir,—Your BiiIshiii of Wild Chony ha* effected some aston ishing cores here. One of which is an aid kdy, Mrs. Russell, Whu had been sutTpHug for a long time with sltdriHes* of breathing, and general weakliest), until she was finally obliged to keep her bed. After various othor remedies had been re- sortodm to vain,«hecommcncediisiiigyour Balsam, and after taking two bottles, was so far recovered us lo be abjo to attend to all the duties Of Ittlr bouse, and on taking two bottles more was entirely cur ed. Respectfully, Ac. ^ John S. C. Martin. A CASE OF ASTHMA. The following is from a distinguished Lawyer of the city of New York, who had boon nfilicted with tlie Asthma for upwards of “TWENTY YEARS;" and who after reading such c ases can doubt tho efficacy of Ibis oicninin^. Nrw YonK. January 25, I8W.—I.hive been af- fiiotod with spasmodic axihma dor twenty four years—sometimes so severely qs to bo confined to my room lor week*; and although attended by va rious medical advisers, of the highest reputation and skill in the country, the relief was but purtlul nud temporary—twico tho disease proved uenrly fil ial to my life. Some few weeks ago. I commenced taking VVIstnr'aBalsam of Wild Cherry, which gave me. instant relief, nnd n single bottle nfthluced inn ffeW days what I believe to bo a radical and per fect cute. A. WiLLtAu.i, Attorney at Law, No. 58 William street. New York. Wo are acquainted with the writer of ilieabnvo certificate, and hi* stutemHiits aro entitled lo the Full confidence of the public. F. A. Talmadok, Recorder of the GUty of New York. John Powkr. !>. D. Vicar General of New York. P S. The above certificate maybe scon at No. 125 Fulton siruut, New Ymk. Thefiflowing is ftntn Mr.John Brown, an ex tensive build*-nil die city of New York, and an other from Mr, Woodruff, of Elizabethtown,— The origiualcenificaies of these mid many others may be seen at No. 126 Fulton street. New York. New Yonif, MarchiO, J843.—I was last rail at tacked with a pain and seVerasbrohe«s of thu chest, which continued for a number of week-. I bad previously for several year* been subject to a per- maneiitvveaknee* of tho chest caused hy a strain. Thisln*t attack gave me much apprehension, h* I found it was the commencement nfu fatal disease. About llio middle of DnAmilier I began to taka Dr. Winter's Balsam of Wild Cherry, a single Lot tie of which soon removed all soreness from the cheat, added strength ami vigor to tho lung*— and I now regard myselfn* perfectly sound and Wall. Jottft Brown, fil Aun-stroct. LIVER COMPLAINTS. RNowi.KsviLLE.JuneSn. 1843 —This will certi fy that I have beunnfflicted with a Livjur cniiiphiiul. general debility, mid pain in my side; for sovlthI years, aud for eighteen months had hmoi uiMhluto do anvwork. In Di'ccmherlast. f coipineucod t/t- kiug br. Wistar’s BaNmtl of Wild Cherry, mid foUlld ittltnedidUi benefit ftom it; I noon began In gaiustrougtli, the pain in my side Wa- rolicvod.niid 1 had al-to a couuti, which was uqiirely cured in a few wMck-tby this medicine. Anna D. IforKiM. Tho above ceiiilicalc Is *tfic|!v.correct KnoW-lks A Cheeseman. Just received nud for sale by UYElia sept 24 T. F.RSON A CO. H A VINO TAI&KN STORE 8413 Owens' now buildings, soilili side Almkci aquarn, I am now offoriug a large,fasbionable and entirely next Stock of RaadyMade Clothing,Hats. Roots, Shoes, Trunks, Carpet Bag*, etc. 'These goods can ho snld al milch IdWer prices then cus tomfry.asl have adopted the cnxllaystem. It being d new busiiie**, 1 will state that I am prepared to fdrnish every thing Usually kept in u Clothing or Bdnl and Shoe Store. The most fas tidious gentlonnn can he fitted oUt, from Itesd to foot, at iny Clothine Rooms, uri stairs. 1 am pro vided with a large supply of Negro Brogans, sui table for toWri, riVo'r or plaritation me. To all Chat would purchase or exsmine any of my goqds. I hereby announce th *t t am at s2 times w^i.l<am b. Kale. D ll. HENRY TURNER'S AGUE AND FEVER FILLS.—'These pills have b. mi exionsivtdy us^d in private practice for tlm pas) six yoar*, with the most unparalleled success in fact, in no single iiiitmic»'hnve they been known io fail in oiffoctiug a sure cure in 24 hour*, in c.iNC* of llieinost formidable cliamuler, and even ilft'-r the most emitliMit I'hysicisns havu ctllaUaieii their utmost skill, the patidill.alinost wuhoui hope, lias boon entirely cuiediu24 hours by the use of tliecu pills alone. IliKon'yby tho repeated vulicitatinns of p«r* ■oiiv that have tisen cured, that tho proprietor in now induced lo count beforo tha public with this medicine, in the full cnntidr.iice that it will soon be probably appreciated thiougtienl (lie country. Prepared by Dr. Henry Turner, Cumberland Cuuiuy, N. C. For sale by A. A. SOLOMONS, Agent, nag 14 Market *qn>ufc. P ART *J t The Kniitbt of (Jwynnd, A Tale of the Tun* ofthe Union: by Charles Levan 'The Secret Passion: by Mis- author the “The Youth of Shnkrpenre." Burton; or.“the Sieger: hy the authdr of "La- fill*." ! v liiglfhornugh Hall, and Lord oftlio Alanot; liv llemy W. Herbert. Tlie Duka and Cousim hv^tlfts. Grhv. Bhnirho Talbot: nr. tlie AlaHanVHand. The Bandita of ihe Osage; a Western Romance: by Emerson Bennnil. ; l . An Authentic Account uf and Mthlfooi; two Nolnrldu* HigliWii^irtan. . Ellen Fenton, atfd (ha Suciei Pouoner: by Mr*. FI in Pheridafi. Old Iron Sides and Old-Adnmj. Tha I-tsdore; nr (He III Fated BarqUe. Thu LadV'!i Dream: or the Fqftune Teller of Coop’s Hill; A Logentj of Boston.* Received b) sept I JOHN M. COOPER. D AISIAS, SSg^ws: •Figs.; L%> and Prasnrvfrl Gfdkor. fur aids by H. J. GJLUERTi west aide Afar! f,b 18 THo Subscriber Wiahs* to call the nttsntiun of his co*- tornnrs to, a choi9a assort- mtBttt of fine watches just re-? ceived by recent arrivals, consisting or Gold Hunting iCase Lasers; Gold. 'Double , „ . . BotjOW Levers; Gold imi tation Double.Caio’Levers; Gold Anchor Escape- todnt LcVcriq Silver H hitting Case Levers; Silver Doublo Bottom LeVers; Silver Anchor Escape* merit Levers; Silver Lvpiliu and yaritoul Escape- »«nt. Also fine Gold Fob Chains; Veit Chtdnl, Curb Guard ChalnV; Kayaand Chain Kings, all uf which will be sold s«IVIw Ah fir any . city in the Union. All kDidis of Watches rajjai^od^si^^wir.^inied. aog16 First corner Webt of Pulaski Hupm-; E PPING’S compound fluid e3y- TttACT OF 8AKSAPAKILLA, AND UUEEN’S DELIGHT, &c.—Fur tha coinpo.i- tiortdflhis Extract and tlie properties oflhoQuuens Delight, Physioiadb are reapetotftilly referred to the Gilt and Oth dumber, vbl 1, ofthe Southern Jour nal ofModiclue end Pharmacy. For purifying.the blood, aud removlrtg ail dis- esWs ariiing froth tllb Irtipuhty of theVsme, it is highly h}Couimauded,.«s olio lor the cure of llheu- IhatiiTJi; ScrofttlA, Erysipelas, Uloorations of the Throat and legs, pains and swellings of this bones, Tetters, Pimples in the Face, Old Sores, and till CuiancVttsEruptiotrs, NeurAfgic Affection*, Mer curial DUeuxusi and for asaiatiugthe oueration and preventing futul uon*equeucos of Alurcuiiiils in Syptoalii*. This preperntion, (by adding the Queen's De light,- tho.Sarsaparilla,) combine* ina ruure pcrfedldegree 1b0U 0hV kfihwri remedy, louio'uud altsirtijvB pUWera, and ia highly recommended by eminent physician*. It is prepared in cnnsoquoiioe of the rebuiiimunatioiiM given by Dr 11 U Frofet, Professor of.Moturia Medina in the Medical Col lege,bf Uharli»s\hh, S S. 'h his work on Materia ACedira.only.bpnqtUmaind Uy a process ofthe sub scriber's m render it more convenient fof udthin- istration, and'with the exception of the udditiou uf mercury which may at all times be added when neepaswy. To shew the high estimation which Pr. f entertninsofjlio cnmbinalipii of iltpseani- is Uiijy iiecesaary'io refbr tti tlie above thbn- lionad wbrh; . , There arofoiV casks ofrlironic and painful Rheu matism that will not yield in tho influence of Sur- saparilla and Queen's Deliglii if duly persevered in, especially if taken in conjunction with Hyfir. of Potash. ,, • i Is highly recommended for alt diseases ofthe skin, ekrdnic aft well na rehbut. One bottle will, ill most iuntaiices, effeclmillv remove all piinples, po-tules or biutohesou the lube, XU Whibli young persons in (hi* climate lire so much subjected to, arising cither from impurity of Ihe blood or debil ity. It is Ihe best rmnndy known for scrofulous affuctions, sore* nnd breaking* out in young chil dren, und is*afeund eilicHciou* in removing en tirely evory trace of hereditary diseases ftnin the xyathm, in the UMidi-reit infant; ibfttbi,ih all cij.m- neous affection* it i* invaluable. As n general pit-, rifibrnf tlie blood, ami uii eradicatnr of nllobsti-' nate diseases, thi* preparation will undoubtedly taketbe precedence ofoll other remedies. It gent ly operates upon and regulates the bowels, re stores to the blood it* wonted purity, glVes tone to the staunch, ail i proniuica digestion. • It will effcciually relieve Erysipelas oven ill its worst stagos. and all person* suffering from this distressing complaint are advised to use if, first so, but if no uiarkad relief be found after taking One buttle, it will be ueccksaiy tti Use the Hydrioduted Potash Willi it. Not withing to publish ccrtficatea aa is done in the cases of all quack medicines uf the day, to ef fect ihoir sale, and *» force them upon the public, the subscriber begs leave to state that his prepara tion ha* beeu prescribed and used by a number of physioiauaaud planter* of our city and neighbor hood, with great success, VitffcDr R II Frost, Dr W G Jtndtvay, Dr Tho* YiSrifinH*, Dr C Pritnh- ard, Air 8 Lngare, Lt Wi(*drt, U S R S, dll of tin* city; Dr Jam** Stoney, BonilfoH, &e. Price SI per boulu, or $5 for 6 do. Prepared by J. PETER Al. EPPING. Chemist and Druggist, corner Broad und King streets, ChdHestdll, S. C. Agont for Savuntiah, . rt , A. A. SOLOMONS, “ PC *| —lyr Alurkat sqnaro. I^KESIl SEEDS,—The Subscriber* have received a cnoico «ele.;tiun of GARDEN SEEDS, which Imve been raised with groat care by aSeodsman of high reputation, and are war- routed a* good a* nny In be found in tlrncanntrv ASPARAGUS— Giiini, and MUHTAR D—HrniVu or Block, While KtittlUH. MARJORAM—eel. O N I O N—Vnlluw lliiinh, letl** r,,tJ l 5* 11 Vtof akin,Oiiltii) OKRA. PARSLKV-.Ca.led. • PARSNIP— Lurgc Dutch, uiirnury, ’ PKPPKR—Rcll, Csyane. PUMPK'N-Uuimklbdl, Mainirtmll. ’ TKAa-E.rlrWMhinpion. 2J fee I. early Warwick, Ufeac. rtarlj duubla b|ut»oin frsmn.3 real, early Charlion, Golden feel, DwarfM.r- »siif4l.3i fen, Bi.hop'adwr li'ollfic. I feoi, Alriltbloia K AUlsIi—Will in Fall,h*r- <ly Laiqr ScnrVl, Long ttnl •non. Scarlm Turnip Yelloa Turnip, (flna Samul-r and Aatuirin Vsrlaiy,) black Full or Hpmituh. RllIJRAHO ROOTS. SALSIFY. SAOK. pAl, 1 ’ li^ A O E.-rn-My ... roll, itouud Leal dr tfuui iiirr. 8QUAS4I—Early Summer I', Early Summnr uruuk iinuli, Wjuior ernnk nack, l.'ocoauul nr Fortor’a Vulpo V«xolalj|a Marrow. T V K N | F—Early - him Dutch, Flat wr Spring, Early rod lop. burly Garden Slnnn, Large EiiglUll/ftfrftilk. Rail- l»*ir nr ilonyl Tankard, rPur- I'l® lop Ruialiaga. TOMATO—Large red. I'll YMK. “ RouU. HE A.VS—(Ki.lnsv, Dwarf, Hu»li nr Sn.ip,—Early Me hawk. Early yellow, C *rck«, barly China Dwarf dl- l.ircc Ktdnrry, Kofugroor IdOUm I, Half Moon (polo or ru nine.) Largo whits Lima, While Dutch 'iinnsi'*, Scarlet rnu- lien, Rrd Crauharrv. flEET—Early lilond Tor* nip.Long Mood,whit. Frauoh Sugar. HROCOLt—Early whiio, Lirga purrilH Capo. CAIlilAuE — Early York, Large York. Orcsn L’lolinSn- voy, Early Sugar Lour, Earl v Drumhead. Lain Drumlioaii, Largo lain OitlnrliRa, t.nla flat Dutch, Early flat Dutch, Omen Glazed. CAULIFLOWER—Early and l.iie. ... CELERY—While »ot|d. CltbSS—Curled or Pop- 'TtTL’irrtK-E,,,. I'ram i Early cluater. Early short green, Early Inug green C A II R O T—Early liuril. Long Orange. CORN—Sweet or Sugar, bailv Canada, Tu>carora. EGG PLANT—Purple. KALE — Green curled SChtth. Purple. LEAK — Largo Scutch, Laiuilun. • LETTUCE -1 Drumlioad, whlloCabbage, Cuilorl Sile- Large Engliall/ftfrftltk. Ball- «.la. Largo gieeulldsd, tnipH- .li«r ..rilongl Tankard rial ratiliaye. ~ ’ MELON — Green Cilrnti. Nulmeg, Cuulolope, Laiar Mu«k FLOWER SEEDS. In pka’ga. 12 kind- in sgrh.lln pka'ga. .'*• Und.- hi rath. da «S rlu ... .1 do lull do FIELD AND FLOWER. SEEDS. An. Buckwheat, Broom Guru. Blim Grass L'anavy Seed, Hemp Seed, Mlllut, Red Cldvfcr, Rye «htJ Oils. Flower Send*. Uonta.* Fruit and Orinu.rnlnl I rces.lurniahed lo nrdurfrntn nrio nl’lhn heal nud most oxtenaivs Niimrvn mid Flower Giuden* in tills country. An ssaortmeru *»r nook* on Agrirulliire. Gar- rleuing, Raising of Stock. Poultry, Ac. to which will ba added llm most popular works issued un (lie abovnaubJtJct*. Agouti fur tlie American Agriculturist, publish ad muulhjy by A D AH-n. N. V. fur which cull Bcrip i insaro solicit H. feb 11 DENSLOW A WEBSTER. P A I* Kit WAREIloilSE-No 9li..r- ling Slip, New York.—Cyrus W. FIkld otter* Tor sale at llielow»*i Mnnufaclllrera' price*, a very extensive assortment or PAPER, compris.- ing every pouihle variety, adapted to tlift wants ol coiisiimor* in all •ar.iiou* of tlm country. Paper of all kind* made to nrd*r at short notice. Tho stock of Printing Papor i* unusually large, a pan of which is of very superior quality. Paper Mali era' Material* of every description, imported and Icopt constantly oti hand, viz: Feltings, YVir'eCloth. Foilrdrinlef Wire*, BTe.icliirfg Powder, Blue Ul tramarine, Twine, &c. ItngB.—CinvdCa, Bile Ropa. Ciinsi Rope, Bag ging, Ac., purchased lor which the highest pries >u -islrvdlsooil'd. —lVr july 24 IVTEW:OOODS. --Georgia and Virginia .l./l Osnahurgs; H«aVv Siriped do; Flax do; 3-4 7-8 shd 4-4 Bro Shirtings; 6nnd IU-4 do Sheet ing; Bleachftd and Bro Jaan*;'Marim-r and ShirN inv Strlpaa ; Moglboro Plaid* and .Strips*, Blue and Mixed Danins: Cotton Gimbroonsand Nan- store and for sals hy .. oHF.NRY It- STOTESSPRY. 1t.UCKWHF.AT FI.OUIl.~i" half end 15 tftKbliji, for-aula, by If. J. GILREIFP, K WiM.siJs Muiksl rqluaro. SObicribera are. noitf prepur<;c ip IdYniih the former patron* of the . . cd'nbsrfi, and the uuofin gteii'erally, with an extensive and, well adjected a.ipek ol'flATS and i GAPS; on>better term*:tiinn ever lielbre of fered, having every advamsge which uuv tintuufsc' tnrer.oau.possess. . ;• «oglg IVES, HORSEY A. CO. ,A ^WWWLTtfBAL I Having madie Iftrga a«Mftloto WHiftli loritisr assortment of AgViculturul Implement*, lira siih* acrlbvrs uo>v. offer to jiJnnierHaqd^brihtttils, a butler Slock than tiver before c» flu red in lira South, cooMistiugin part, dfihe Iblldvviuv arliclosiVizi “ I t 'PLOUltWs. Yankee Cost Iron. Nos. 10. (1,12 end 20 Dagon, or Cofihecticut Wrought lrdo. 1,2.3 «St 4 Allen pattbHi ItUgglos, Norse Ac Mason'd Improved viz: Eaglo, heavy 2 hurao dr file Do. with wheel and cutter No 2-B', a large 2 horse Dtt# With wheel aud ciltlCt No A 3, ihodiuiit 2 hmfto ; w A Alight*horl« w" A ]; light t im(|«or garanh'- " 6 inch light I horse tuirtihg “ * do do medium 1 hofafc lliriiing *! i . db ,j d ?. * do ild. Itir light spt " A l, Aide hill 2 hol so " D,_ do do I do • Sub-soil, a heavy 2 ho rue or ox Do. No I, a uieditliW.7. litliYu I Do. O, . i j do* Double Mould Brood or Furrowing. J hube Cdtlon Trebttliing, I'hfivae R«o« do- new pdilerh, withglMge Wt.ttel. The above I'louglia with and without slocks— uxtrustocks for Ihe improved Plbughs . . IK>E8. Lyndbii's i*idra black Carolina,0.1,2 A 3. crown Do. bright do, 0, 1, 2 iV 3, do Do. Rico, No. 2 and 3 fib Dd. New groithd, pp mid PPt> do Dh. OVal Lye Grubbing, No*. 2and 3 do Do. Round Eye do Noe. 2 nud 3 do Lyndon A Co's. Armhor. 00, 0, I an*J 2 do Bradu’* Patent, 0,1,2,3 uUtl 4 do Light Ynnhbn „ u AXES. Collin* 4c Co’*. ) „ . . ( ft, Bond's j Vanoue patlenik. 5 ft, " BilOVELH. b Handled Spado*. Sockel Spade* QBHT ,VAT °RS. harrowh..a«, ImproVbd Cbluvalor*, wUhinutHShettbra * u*pe whan I Fail *B||i,i wO sisbs CuUirator Plough, or Ilor«n CdiriWpn llarrbwa Tbldlu* du Cora aud Cobb Cruihert, a baud mill Do. do. for hone power Pst'ani DhUrii* . . PlaiiUliou Wlicijltarrotv* Common dir,Culler* Pateiil do. dp. Swiny lelrer* Grain Cradle*,o«w iialtern RjcS do» u, r«.»; pa»' AineHiHn Or U dU. DirlSurapera.fur hlili.ruad* Pruutng Shear* Grata Platt do. Soytlia Rnnitha Briar and Bu*h do. Do. Hooka Corn ntittara, TotlSpi Ox Yoke* aud Ox Raw Garde,. Hoe*, do. Ilakts Diichiue Knlv<>». . l7sV)||!itiHjttf Thtlirsts and '. -'** _ Garden Reel*, Ho. Lft.ea wtip a.vnriety ol Itnpleuraul*Hot urantioned. For sale by HAZARD, DENSliOW * IvEBS'rfcit. jah 1 N ew anooEitv sroitn.-iiii, HARD .SWIF F will. 1.1 '".[ici'll'ully inloriL hi* friends and lira public gnncMlIy, ihai he has ciimurallbbil ihe Wholesale Grocery Business, in the sioro adjoining S. E Cianc’s Curringa Reims- imry, nud nearly opponiie lo Mr. John Bnstitji'ii Coiiuliug Room, on Buy street, wh-re Ira,. I*.now receiving and iuieuds in .kbYPfuu.tautl) oil hat.d a ffcneral assortment Uf Giabvries. to. which he in- vitea the ntionliun of purchaser*, ferliog i-ntUftyd, thal from hi* long experiauct in the bfij'.ihdjtRjfctim- billed wuh hi* personal aiicutiou bk'.ng givuii lo tho purchase and seh-viion of hi* stork in the Namlt-hi market, that Ira can uffar a* great in ducements Id buyers ubcuii be ohtnimd in ihu city or Clidrlesldti, His stohk edmprisht ihe follfitVing, with every ihmg else iu hi* lin* ; Nrw Orleans Sugar, Lagtlira Coffee S'. Croix do. R|b do. Muscovado. do. J.iya dti. Orleans refined dll. 0, gain aud Tobacco of Stuart s Loaf dp: virion* brand*. White Havana d ». I. quote •Wines. Ao Crashed At Powdered du Teas ufdiffrrcoi qualities. Cuba Molasscl. H cpt 4 fj-ROCEKIKS.—H. A. CllANE~6ffrM \~A for snln on tnvorublr irrm*. 8UGARH.—JO hlids Si Croix; 25 do New Or- 1 Ihhih;25 do Muscovado; 3U iif-cu* do ; Hr do refined Orlenns; Ml (iabkajj.'S Miuari’s loaf, crnalmd.HIld I i»wil«*rrd;f» bore* whin- Havana. COFFEE.—150 bag- Rio; 50 do Laguira; Gl do Jnvn. MOLASSES —50 hlid* Cirbn, 25 tierces du ; 50 barrel*. CRACKERS. &c.—20 hh|s Botirr; *2l) do Boa- ion; 20 do Sugar; III do Pilot Bread. SHOT.—ItJu bags ansnrtcd. POWDER.—50 keg*, assnntd. BACON —20 ensk* *id *t Odortlninlilcr* and 5do ham*. PEPPER A SPICK -10 hafpnrh. PORTE.1.—20cask- Uvi-h* ni- ; 20 ilii do ql-; 20 do do Alb. AI.MONlJS.-lft frail. «nfl»h..|l UA1SON3 — HO l.n*aa Maine." !(5 lialfrtn. TEAS.—*J»ball client*, Black; 20 qr. cIiuhi*. Ily soil! 10 cases. Itupuiixl. VINEGAR—2500 Cider; 5 casks Wliijk Wiuo CANDI.ESi—5 boiraAdauiarmin j JdduSpniu 20 dn •I’allhtV. r SOAP —100boxes various biand*. TOBACCO —2(1(1 package* varron* brand*. SEGA (IS.—lOO ll(>0 Spaui*h .and Principe, i ho mbst approved brand*. LIQUORS, WINES. Ate.— Ml pipe- and half do pure Oinrd Rrnndv;-|(l pipe*, pore llolluad Gin; 150 bid* Wimiero Wbmkey ; 100 do Northern Hint ollrto N I'. Rom; 25 du Esira choico old .Mnunogalp-ln Whiskey; It) do "Bourboil” do; 15 pipe* mill qr r.n*k* t'liorr* old Madeira Wine; 2 lihd* rboicu old Poll; II* hide uld Pvault Uitfhdt jiily 23 C " 1 KOCI-iaii-LH.-lwT boxes liumiiiund's I" Sony. 50 do Fay's pale Soap fill box** Cnlgat'ii do do 00 half boles Family Soap 25 box** Ntr } Cimeula * 50 ^I Pi incite Sfuafs. lf/b'a'x* B!,.i k Pepper 2D Imxvv AIiisiard.Dtoigft Auimu 20 bid* clarified Sugar 5 birds choice Si Croix do 2*r0 Demijohn* 1*. 2-. 3* a/td (u 50 boxes Btll/tli (taMin*,fill do/. Biooois lib doi paunuri I'ail-.2ll boxes Cabin linli 3 clrabt* Onions elmue Ten 15 oases "Hp«e" London Porter 10 baskets' RiiPona'! Clinnipsgris 20 boxesassurlnd Cordial* 20 bh|» Crash Mid Powdered Bogy Jo bags Brazd Sugar. If* eights c*»ks Bra nd)‘ 15 quartef ensks Malaga Wine 15 do ' Alt "Duoretid" Malaga Wine 5 eight do do du du 5 -quarter dn Madeira Wine lb olgfil do do do 2 half pipes Otnrd, Dnpuy Ar Co.'s Brandy 5 bids Cidvar Leaf Gin. J5 do Cordials 13 Venal'* .Regalia tfeysra 200 Ream* Wrappini! Paper 60 Gross Andrew's Cli- wing Tolmtco 20 boxes periuined Soap, 100 Greer Fm-u. ii Marches, lauding frqm (trigs I’bilura and John Hartman, aud for train Ity »P« >5 CONNER AT At BARIE. jpRESII 2TJBAS, A'igu«ta a mpnty .... Mixture, Suuchorig, Youi'g llyton sna nvion Teas; all nvltcivd wi'heare for our own Mias: fur •sis by J. M.TURNER At.BRO., B,, fi 5 5(onuoifnt rqnars. -Joot raepived nerj of • superior ildogi ii'g Hyson' and hy •e lor our ownMlas, UHNLR Ac, BRO.. -" Mohuoiftiit sqnara. F <NF. SHELL Cp^flB.rrAn ftstomaoi <X Shell side Combs and lurg bsek Combs, for fthildrejj. Jnst reiaiv^ afid hv * * , jr. at. TURNER .aept 7 ; , . I mUABEBgV'joi ^JL For Tooth uchw and j t ^ • R. -HENb'ftlC&sBiN, Druggl* jj t V*** • hufi*’ buildings, unVrs for sata- ibb f inf arllele,, .izftou gr'o,. Friction Malty’, hoxa, Ray a l.en>on Syrnp,8(l ft4ea(aacliU;ili»*r WSF#* QWI Oik tall'af) Mati, Cln.M ana Nuiroi^o! 6 caaka firal adri PuliVii. 'S H’tl).' tf* »rt«* »«!•.,1 da OiliHre Meddnr'. Ham Indigo, fab). Shim. Sb.ea.ka nrikSSS, aliall Cni.p.y.a, ,0 da E,i.a,i. 2*0 foil,,,,, Lamp Oil. , l.i' aept 8.' W»ireB SaSXuS-«iirdEi(.~ ooived. sud lor sale * .L V » • • . -.. k •apt IB q,R. tlENbSlCKSQN. T-( A H N LbTuCK'aV LKWHuGE^JOTToo* X just received and fursileby, »,■ . . C. il HENOftlcKSbjV.r ^ 8r " 1 * _ Agyutfor tho Proprietor. moILI^ KoAlMN bAKB.-vtyddie UtfB . d ^' p8lm ; Ciniiomob,; Almtind, M \V tlllM SL'Mfllait 8,11.01 IB. tier. . -..-.-I.... .a • • WhilM Scanted Sorui in Bars,, just rvqeiviTd ahi fnr sule by ft. R. HENDRICKSON, mar 20 rm. JJ I.UWHKRSIS.AII llio ..lid luarodicin, thn gfaldlllfa Spring cnmliinad in alia roniponml powder, tho etferve.cing lolulinn arwltl'afam u«, ler ia arry baarl,,,. Deaidc. bring nii»'e palatralilu. i, la blade in much lee. lima, and with lannitcly lee. trouble, Ilian that produced with It,a twp pbWdttra in the usual tv.i.- I'rrriarcd b. Thome. Duller, 4 UlieapaWe ,l Latalrm. Sul, b 7 t!. It, IIF.NDIHCKSON, "P r 7 Gibbon's Building*. H O IVEY.-3 cases now crop bubo Honey just received and for,*nlu by ■Pm<i. It. IIF.N&RICKSON. c « o. ii. nr.«uftn;Kf»9N. CWf 1 ' ? So,isoN, Ac,—; „ Ur Fencltlwangcr’, Cnckrnncli, Rat anti flloiisQ 1 oicoq, n sure and safe dn-troyor of those nnicibua verputi, Al.h, Id, Inralihf. Drd Dui l-ui.nn, for role hy (i id UENUKICKaON, * n| ’ 1 " Glhbonq Buildings. /^ONFECTll >N ARY .—GO boxes Confection '"T ,is frem ,ai ■ft' 11 O. R TIDNDIticksON. T AV f i KDlEd.— Juyue's Expecio cf rant, for Cpughft, Colds; Aa. s ,Jn?,|^,rpS;. Dol "“ far Wwfc ^ Hair Tunic fur the of litt dre^H* Vot rl]if" G c for U’or'tua in Cliil & j»yue'0 Sanativo Fill, for Billioua bubipl.lnta o. a.iikndrickson y " pr ^ ■ oibhnrpq Onildiiig, a. R. HENDRICkSON. < . Gll.hlih.' Bitlldl.,,!. P OTANH.-J raalte drat .brt New For] in.peclmii, landing from trig Aclbp. Tor eaii ■"jun. 10 G- R ' "ENDKICkSON", maoBmemi Heidib, for sale by t , , 6. R. HENDRICK /jLINOEB—10 kegs fresh ground VT jfist received end for *a|^ -lw , JjD'e IQ G. It. HENDRirfcf Gingr B ... 'RicksoN. W KAI-P*Nb T WFme'—20 b.lua" T.L ora’— —^■» «»HQ^mwvail pHKWCHWinTEWlibEVJI i GAR —2 bbUjiifct,received and lor *s|a Jana ,8 ^K. HENDRIoWo'n Uibbona' If n i III j n j IJbH DUU ..FUISON.—Dr~Tcnhiuwu D tttn.llr.ble bird Bug Poi,.on, Uatyellled II terminate tlmaa noiiniu t-arlltin. Hi. hit- U u. ftHFriohicftso .yj'juDU.—A Irualt supply uf Jauluica Ginger, jiisi received ani ■alaby a.It. HENDltfcfcSOA. janes Cihhotia’ Dltildii c TmtP’V 55 VEOETABUp l ^ ION,—An oflactnul cure far eruptio the Trtoo and Skin, parliculafiy Air 1-mi Blnlcha., l atlnrs, T0|i| SuUbllrna Fricklo. A tie,ree of pluastiro areeninaniea tha u Una elegant preparation, in it. refrcsitiit. t "pun thl akin,,, Cotanehua irritability and di. utiuue are dlan remtived; and a , u,e erutu < cempleiion oslablisltad by the itae of Ibis It U ' tt ' H'.NDRlCKFdN ■jm ™ Oil,bun's Huildlii 2110 realit. Lell/tr opTTjoe , I apbr, aaaorteddualiliea. Just receiver mVv It y ®' R ' "KKUR'CKSU I UAKV.—A curtain cure for the "lyl*/ mtornul or external, blerdii i da by . * • ** jitna 22 . ...» ihe w. external, blepdii-r or iiliiu a.le b> . It, IIF.NII|tF(;KS("f . ftililmlie' If.'.lUt Oildipns’ Ifujlfj ■ uurvco j urn'ibTe ej, Vy .Imttanbn end DraislIlfan.Took I and Initlauun Inn, beck Coinbe. Bi.le varieie uf pattern., Drawing Cr,mb.|.r»|„ b'§h Vr,r /d,?" <l - «»> Clue Loiiihs nr kll H.zus end qunliti*-*. f<>r miIo h """’ 1,1 II R. HfeNDIIIUKI l.yUD I Hli ’I FLTH—-A]unpi.luy’a.", /ite HK. ,r ■“'I btsbekrliretedf Oib.ii'tiue, cctvcdatid fur (ala by I] It flKNDRJCK8 —S Glbtriine'build H imbaud’m 1'iLLs-ir.^r-urrrf genuine vegetable nlitlj,ilii„i, pill, | "^ntav 18 '-■U.HKNDRIt.ltS - IB f.lbbotla’ build B UlI.S DAH8AI'AKIDtAiEA7fi: Cninpound Eslract nf Snraapoiilia • cure ofSttnlaUi of the fsku'i.m , Rlteninotiaro, t(ironic dfaeaaes hi the lunge dice, Ncnralgie, to counteract the dsetrttrl facte of IMercurt. ortd all femme f, lutp"...'.'. of thu blued, equal t,> uti ..| Sarsaparilla. Fur.bleat»6cbnlep, I * Gtlilinna' bjm.i g ^-esy«r.—irVlieeh euptily j V, P« ,I “ , J I, S racei.ed.j.nrt kc , oat h.Rd fcy - . ‘G, 11. ilENDllIcK -J. T U \ Gibbon's Hi ■5T?rr;— «or IB mr rain by o. n. HfcNDRi.tksoy >UWHLK aivo assortment fthildreu. Just n csivad ’SdffifeSiJ" , J. M.TUttNER.Ac DROTHER, Boieo.forbal« by < Jl r l 7 v .j»P r! « G H. UENDRT "cm decay.>aIb by'j,??A?dJ^. 1 ®* *"“ sr ' 1 . 3.11 TCRNEkA-UBpTHSR. .aaptM.i .'.Tuuuui.iii ,nai ghuendi HTy ,a " ,,a, ATfe