The daily Georgian. (Savannah) 1835-1847, October 15, 1847, Image 4

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uclier.ele, ofWiA' t "i>r P.»Wen. hjf V ink, liy Th'im," Milter Dniik .rrnllMd « Wm liiiamll. f. will) KHk. Nutea. RMM.M by , 4. M. COOPBH. Pmhfeg rHowi ssr -year in iho winiiwy, or Ibi Qrtreti |pf lb« Oov.l ■ nco of Hi* ««••«.' hy B Burlier, bun, hbroolr. nr the Puuchar. liy <p"pl. • other pencil .k.tolie., by Mi Adv.ninre. df John A Miirrell. i VVoeUrn Und Pirate. Peep.redo.. of lho 8»i*i'h Wan. contain* ini ill meonnl oflho Cono-lldl iniiiileee. by V^Karlee Binnra.rfi.ld cifTekai. • The Oipooy. or Uv. Robber. of NapUa. by Lt M .7h7l',i.h Skauh Bonk, by M A Turn irab. Ce?ill" «r Woman'. L««. by A IWme.. tR Monk'. lUvonio, "r Iba B.M.Ijtnemy.'b of Iholator Cinaadera. l-yi nnnol Spnog.bnj Tho Sabral Tribunal, an llialorical romanco ol .".Mlbrnnl.y. by Ala. Dnrn». ; >>y riiH^ORtTOKl OB fiSAyi.- I B»Tiwon(Vwoomitd'Ci»Miv«niny. 1 r*n«’ t • eJ by a member of tha Now York Bur s wfih *>, Bm» 'on the Rise of the French Revolutionary 1 i,.nuance, and Iho Ontura of the Girond.sta, by J THeadty» Edited by 11 H Colton. o The Prograu or Ethnology, by John Rni'oll ‘ b rtieiit. j Ufa of Gan. Toy 1i>^, With mimermts illustrated e.-Mcdotna and embilluhmenia. • The Boston Conspiracy. a I ala or ConsumptimvCurehle. by 8 Row, M D. jrtcU 8h«ppard, a Roiuauoa, by W Harrison pure top; iw.tho Middy of the Macedonian, by !< l*hi Young Chridian Encntiiagcil or fire P -ainra Pa,i«clttor at School. by Louisa Payvnn linpKina Conversations nn the Parable* ol the N«w I a*l* •..•MU, for the itae of children, by Kt. Hon. Lord 'rnaLife of Col. J .mas Gardiner. to whirh is - d ted The Christian Warrior miniated and crown* , .J,t»y Philip I)nnddrid«a, P P. IWu'sky's Golden Trenmry. The Plnasantneaa of a Religion* Ufa. by Mar- ihaw Henry. • \ Mwihivf for Prayer, wfih Scripture expres sion*, prOpnr in hn tiaad • under each hoafl.- oy .MntUiew llehry. Tlio Roman Church nnd Modern Socmty, edited by C Edward* UMar. Tha'Jaahilb nrfitcil by C Edward* I.ealrr. Theory.and Pinctiuo of 'IVauhmg. by David P * *fho Char*dar »fftV Ann'lnnaii. an Addres. to tha Student# of Mnrai Uuivui-iiy, Ohio, by Fran- m l»leber.. . 7 - . Notes (Vifih over 5ta«. consisting of observations made in Europe, in the yeart 1843 and 1844. by Rat. John Mitchell. - The Philosophy of Rnfutm, hy Rev (. Billing* Smith. ■ _ ...oil Ah tilemetitSry Grammar nl ilia Greek Lm# ftiaga, cbiiftmfmg « of Greek all Engli-h Exercises for trauslktlbn. with iha ’requisite vo cabularies by Dr Raphyol'Kuhiier, from tho Ger man by Samuel R Taylor, tlbrirt b'f Engh-h^ Ulera'i/ra. Mnmuira of the ArlmmiiUrHiion of Waahmgton and John Adams, ediied from ih*- papera of Oliver Wolcott, Secrotary of the Treasury, by George Gihba. ’ ... Memoirs of American Governors, by Jacob Bailey Moore. ' - . . „ Tracts and other papera. relating principally «n 1 ha origin, aetllamant and.progressol iliu Colonies io North Aaierioa*.from the dumovery of iho coun try to the yem 1778, collor.led bv Peier Force. Sears'Pictorial Sunday Book} Snares' Scene* and Sketches df Ihe Conlinent} Seers’ Bible Geography*, Soars’ Pictorial dMscriptiwn of C8real Britain and IrelChd; Sears’ New Pictorial Lihra* ay ; Sears’ HiJtnfy ofthe Bible*, Sears' Uuide to Knowledge. Received bv iune 28 JOHN M COOPER^ ^ > 'hng* Powdtir. from the Cam* Jt~ den Powder Works, for salc by jun, 84 Im BALDWINS CO. ; YE9t 6 YEN, Ole* hear me m"w.-geokgia,8<:iTivi:n ooun- August 20, 1846.—I do h-rel»y ceriily, Jlint d mghter Caroline was attacked with Typhus vor, on the 6.h of July Iasi, which as followed 4 -evere spasm, which lasted two hours. 1 im* diataly sent for l)r. W. Hendry, who is nnw ated at Mr, Boston's, in this county, and in a « monte *ta«ft«r bis arrival, she whs seined with recond attack which pnmediaiely locked her rs. lt wna canceled by those who saw her, t she YiAt Rve six hour*. But lh*nngh i blus-ing of God, fhfc skill of the Doctor, and i virffte nfth Thommnim MeHiciife. she was mediarely refteVed. She was then seined with ioletit inflammation, which seated itself in her wels. during tho ahsenco of the Doctor,—but our aatOirtshmeiil he removed it #ithin ono itr's time. NhtwithitandiVig the severity of the er.stiu whs restored to health in 10 days Uo- r these consideruViOhs, we do recommend him an attentive and tkillYil Physician. GEORGE R WOODWARD. ANN II. WOODWARD. ' IV*. the undersigned, do certify that the iihove lenient is true, a-t we were eve w’mtesHcs.o the i 10, IRA BOSTON. FIjy.ABKTlt BOSTON. LEWIS a^ONNER. LUCREI'lA CONNER. -- o inotb— «*C>iTtfUr A ►Vtras^?: . NOTICE — whom it tuitt'xsoiioern. W HEREAS. Denial Morrison applies lo mo Ibr letters or Adotlnistfslion on the ePtate -of Henry Biinmona, lato ofaaid county deosued. Thcso are therefor tb'oite awl admonish all and •ingaiarithe kindred and orediturs of said depeas- ad, tb fi|a tholr objoctiona (if any Utey kayo) wiihiu the tiota prewnibed by law, why said let* ters should riot be granted. , .. * Given Oom under,my hand at nffleo, thie 6th 'Beplembor, 1847. MALCOM JOHNSON, oct 4 . Clki„o.u.,A. o. ucorglu—Hjtllooli county. . To all whom it tuny conooru. W HEREAS, Allen Williams’, Guardian of. Martha A. Lyon*. hrltwippUed to tha Hon orable Court of Ordinary of BUIIoch county, for letters dismissary from said guardianship. These are therefore to cite and adnrontah all persons whatsoever interested, to (He their objec tion*, if any, in my office within the time prescrib ed by law, ‘otherwise letters diamissory will be granted to anpliuatit. DAVID BEASLEY, net 1 c. c o. b. c. deorgia-AppUiig county. To all wliuio it ntav ooiiCofu. W HEREAS. Jesse Mobley Mppliea to mo for lettere of Administration, with the will ati- n.*xod. on the ostato of Solomon .Mobley, lato Xif Appling county; deceased, rheso are thecefnra to cite end admonish all and singular the heirs and erodiiora of said da- caased. lo file iheir objeciiona in ray ntfioe (if any they have,) within the time proscribed by law. Given from under my baud, tliir the 9th day of July, 1847. MALCOM JOHNSON. Cl*. «*. o. a. c. july 20 Gcor^iu— Bullocli county. To nil whom it ntav concern. W HEREAS, William E*. Mcfilviu, hath an- plied lo the Hon. thw Justices of tho Infe rior Court of Bu loch couutv, wh'le sitting for or dinary purposes, for Letters*of Administration on the estate and cifects of Burrell Richardson, late uf said county, deoeasud. These are therefore tocito and admonish all and singular tho kindred and creditore of said deceas ed. to file their objections (if any ihovltave) to the applicant, in the Clerk’a office of said Court, on or before the furteenth day of October noxt, oth erwise Letters of Administration will bo granted the applicant. Wituessjthe Hnn James Conn, one of the Jus- ticca of the s.iid Court, this !3tli day of Sept’r, A. D 1847. DAVID BEASLEY, sop* 13 N oticjg. —All pursoii* having damauds u- cninvt tho estate of Louie Dolour, lato of Camaeu County, deceased, are requested to pro- aunt thorn immediately, and all persons indebted to said estate are notified that 'immediate settle- mom is absolutely necessary. MARY DUFOUR, Executrix. JHIg 31 •— _____ N OTICE.—All persnua iudnbttd to the es tate of Mary E. Turner, lato of Chatham county deceased, are requested to make immedi ate payment; and those having demands against and estate are requested lo r<-ndor them to the sub scriber according as the law directs, STEPHEN A. PATOT, Adm’r. nug 17 — I 1UUR inuutlis nftcr date, application will he mode to the Hon the Justices of the Inferior Court of Chatham county, whilesittin^'eva Court of Ordinary, for leave to'scllthe personal proper ty belonging to the evtalo of Mary E. Turner, Into of said county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. STEPHEN A. PATOT, Adm’r. aug 17 F ur moniliaHfterdnte. application will be in ide io the Ilou the Justices of the Inerior Court uf Bulloch county, while silting for ordinary pur poses, for leave lo sella lot of land in Early coun ty, No. 110, 5lh district, belonging to the estate of James Brinson, deceased) for the benefit of tho heirs altd'credilnrs of said ostato. JASPER WILSON, ) .... SIMEON BRINSON, j Ll "• sept 13 F OUR tnoritha rifler date, application will bo made to the Honorable the Inforior Court of (Jhntham county, when silling for ordinary pur poses, lor leave to sell two negroes, being part of <he personal property of the late John P. William.. stm: sold for the benefit of Ihe heirs, septa — JOHN N. LEWIS. Guardian. \ N OltOlN VtVCt;, to rupoal an Ordi- niuce enmlod •• An Ordiunnco auiliorisi.ig the aala nl ceriuln Iota to .Charles It. Cluskey, mid for other purposes" pawed 4til April, 1844. Sue. 1. Uo it ordsiund hy tho Mayor and Alder- men'of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof in Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained by ttm authority of the a iiiih, that the above recited Ordinance be and die *amo is hereby repealed. .... . * Beo. ‘2. Bell further nruatued by the nuUiority a fores ild, that the cummittcn on publio sales nnd City lots proceed to revalue Hunt lots, and soli (hum under ilia exi-ting ordinance. Sec 3. Ifa it further ordained hy the n Mlmriiy v,nforos.iid. tint all ordinanaesnr pans ofnrdiiinucc* militating wnli the provisions nt thiiordiu •ncu/he and Ilia raute are linrnhy repealed. Passed in Council ljlili Juno. 1847. H K. BURROUGHS, Mayor. (Attest 1 A. C. Davenport, o. June H F OUR mouths ,nftUr dt(te, hpplicsiion will he pinde to the Hon the Justices of the Inferior Court nf Chatham county, while silling as n Court of Ordinary, for leave to sell the renfostute and slaves, belonging to the estate of Alichai I Dillon, liie of Aaid county, deceased, for the benefit or the heirs, devisees mid legNtees.of said estate. ROBERT M CHARLTON, Ex or. junc23 t — oUlt months after Unic, appltcutioii yvlll bo made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Liberty county, when silting for ordinary pur« poses, for leave to sell part nf the real and perso nal estate nfCapt. Joseph Jones, late of said Comi ty, deceased. for ihe benefit of tin: heirs of said estatb. E. S. L. JONES, Qualified Ex’tx. j'liio 10 N OTICE —Four Uiomfis after date, applica tion will bo made to tho Honbruble the Jus- tides of the Inferior Court of Chatliani County, while silling naa Court of Ordinary, for leave to sell the real estate and slaves, belonging to Ihe es tate of Dorothy Salfner. Lie.of said county, de ceased, for a division nfihe samn among the heirs of said estate. N. NUNOEZEK, Executor. jo|y24 F OUR MONTHS afterdate application will lie made to the linn the Justie.-s of tho Inferior Court of Brynu coutitry, when sitting as a Conn nf Ordinary, for l,-are to sell nil tho person al properly or Mary S. Wil-ou, a minor, pine 25 O. W. HART, Guardian. PUBLIC SALES. PUKNlMlIINti \JT- STORE—WILLIAM II. HALE. Mann- ractnr#r and'4)ealpr in Ready Made Clniliiug, Hals, Bnois, Shoes, Trunk*, etc., 103 Congress street, South side AJm.ket.aqumo, Bavanuali, Go, nov 19 f ADIfiS* EXCHANGE. I radios'. | i Misses', Childrens'and Infinite’ SHOES, of every style, shade and pattern, at the new Granite Store 163 Congress street,BaVnnnah. Ga. cov 19 WILLIAM B. 'HALE. Proprietor. C HATHAM SHERIFF’S KALE. —On llio first Tuo-d iy in December next, before the Court House, in the City oftfavnuiuiii, between the legal hours nf Sale, ’will be sold a Negro Man Slavn, named Lafayette, levied on by virtue of a li. fa., founded nn foreclosure of Mort gage, iasned out of the Sup-rior Court of Clint- ham County, in favor of Ilonry IC. Btirrnugha vs. T. Waters. ELLS 11A WYLLY, fCl 1 Slu-rifi’, C. C. C lUTIUn SHERIFFS SALE. —On the first Tuesday in November next, be fore the Court House in the city uf Savannah, be tween the legal hours of sale, will bo sold, All 0 at Lot of Land, situated, lying and being in the City of Savnnnnb, County of Chatham, know n in the planofsnid City by iho number eighteen (18) hounded East by Washington Square, South by St. Julian Street, West by Lot number seventeen (17) and North by Bryan street, together with all the improvements thereon: Levietloit to satisfy the following execution* issued out of Justice's Courts, viz: John G. Fallignnt vs Mary Sagurs, Adminis tratrix estate James Savur*. deceased ; Cope & Mills va same *, William M. Leigh vassme; 6 C. Thompson A Co. vs same; nnd three. Francis M. Scarlett. Adm’r. estite John Parland, deceased, vs same. Levys made und returned by a Consta ble. Property pointed nut bv Plaintiffs Att’y.. ELISHA WYLLY, BherifTC. C. 03t 1 S UDDENLY TRAHCOUIIlEo. Yes j Ladies and Gentlemen—a dark yellow sallow and ilLfigtifed visage, a rnugh.crackod mql discolored skin, covered, with pi id plea, blotches. ■ pustules, salt rbedi’o. ring worm, erysipelas,.cash, . eodofliur unsightly spots which rauder xb.e skin and complex bit so rnpiiLive in nonearanco.- Is by 7b* ;** of RAi>WAY’8 CrilNhSR MEDICA TED HOAHu speedily changed tn a pure, olear, sweet, sutootl^ soft. daliCate a^il healthy condition, nnd. iha compleJmm to a fair, b*nq(iml and pre uussessing appo-iLnce. Ladies, this is on excel, leltT nrliolp l* l »r cleaning yonr teeth 1 It ptavantf aunay.vybttefiithfvlbetltaud preserves^thu atHumi,. ^LioutLHoibtiy ilito Article fur shavine. * lzRixvft5; •>. -• hj t . Ibu^- i.'liii tale by" ' 1. fALDWj^ /l y) G RERf^fTlNOliR—i'm *»'« by G It. HENDRICKSON. 0,^14 Ci.Uimn’s Builil^ty. E IXECUTOH’S SALE.—-By viruio of A an order of the Honorable Inferior Court of Liberty County, when sitting for ordinury pur poses, will be sold at the Court Home door in f luiesvilla, of mid county, nn the first Tuesday in December next, between the usual hours of sule: All Ihe remaining real estate of Hubert Hendry, lute of said county, deceased, cnn*i«ring of several Tracts and Purls or Tracts, viz: Two Hundred "hd Sixty Four Acrea of Land, grnntsd to Thom as Neal and Philip Pippiu*. Three Hundred A- cros granted io Jonathan Robinson. Fifty Acres iramed io Sylvanus Ribinsnn. Tw, nt) five A- crea, being part of a Tract, granted to Ann Rob inson. 'J wo Hundred Acres granted to Andrew .Floyd, Three Hundred Acrea granted to John Unde wood, containing about Klevon Hundred aqd Jfarly Acres, more or te«s. and sold for the bendfip of the heirs and creditors or said deceased. T«|aa made known on the day of sate JOHN A HENDRY, ENOCH DANIEL, 93 ' Qualifiad Rsecii'rirs, nhlT^ Subserluar has received by recem uric JL viils a large portion or hi« Full and Xy inter Stock of Dry Goods, ail of which burn t,s«i, re- 'ectao wiih great cart sr,d. at ihe lowest imrliet^ priors, and will be sold on ihe most fuvnrible •nos HENRY II. STOTC-SRUJIV. . .ept 17 vJSfm rntly on hand aud ftfr ifSw’&IvVEBSTKB. ' , Agents for tho sale of thaso Scalos. . Huitt’a Morchant’s Magaelne makes tho Toll ow ing comuifiita. upon Hris usoftil and convenient* orticlt: ' - ’ „ ; ' e' ‘ FaIRBAIX’s PhATVORM SoALta.—It is not often that wc are induced to luud an arliolenl trade, and we never d« unless parftiotly satisfied thaf w® Br<J commanding aomeihiug that is useftil., VY* not conaont to gratify tltaeupidUy.ofan indiyiiliiul, at tha risk of imposing the oonfidanea ot'thnusattdH ofonr madera who relr upon the honesty of o»f statements, if not in the infalibiHty .of o«r judg ment. That great improve manta have boou uindo Within a fow years, lit tho inpirnraants of weighing merchnodisa, is a fuel familiar to business inert. The antique/chtiosy and inaccurato methods of weighing, hav* given way to the invention of American mechanical skill, end the Utmost pro- cisiou lies been. aveined. A variety or Platlorm Balances are manufactured and used, which can not bo railed nn for any considerable degroo of accuracy: so that tboy necca-arily involve nua a m pdceiiiary low. It thereforeafTords us itro m refer In the Platform Scales of Air. .Fairbanks, which havo bean extensively used'in all parts of the United Stntesfor savoral years, and given, as fires oUr knowledge extends, very gen eral satisfaction. We purchased ono of these scales three yoara since, ana have used them constantly for weighing paper, &c. aud for accuracy and du rability, we arc quite sura, they have not, and per haps cannot, he surpassed. Tho plan of con- ■triio'inn is philosophical and simple. The em ployment of two la vara, with a single beam, ta certainly the most practicable, in a compound platform balance. Any increase of the number of levers or an additional beam, renders the in strument mure complicated, less precise in its op eration and more liuble to drr«ngcnlent. Those scales aro.usod by mniiy of lfie fending merchants of New York, whoso written testimony to th« ir superior oxcellunr.d has been freely accorded to the manufacturers. June 9 (lit plii.iul. lo c.!\ ll0W jji' A GLOKIOUS 'A'JUlUill 1*11.—Triuli jt\. Needs no Boasting —Citizons of the United States, with nlausure 1 inform you of the great succoss of Humphreys' Fever and Ague Pills throughout Gcorsia. South Caro inn, Florida. Tennessee. Ac. Up to tho 8th .of tho present month 1 havo hud four hundred and-eiglity-threu eases of this distressing complaint, nnd out of this^ lorge number I have failed only in four canon, nnd* ,UL I can nafolysay the failure in on their own side. 0,,, *y. and not mine. This umdicino is now found in all parts of this nnd the atdjoiuing Stolon, whoro it in recommended by the most, respectable families, und tho best roenmmondation is, it is proving it self to bo an infallible remedy for Fever anil Aguo. It is my own discovery, and is one of tho boat medicines ever invented for this dreadful disease —curing in twelve liou's. Prepared and sold only in 8«vannah, by W. HUMPHREYS, JR. Splendid coin nissions given to Agents who will soil this infallible remedy in tho Southern States, whore something ofihe-kind ii wanted, which will prove ofTectnal. Address the Proprietor, corner Bay and Drayton nttoels, Savannah, Ga. (fc7*Agents now appointed—Shotwoll A. Gil bert, Macon; Dorsey & Knott, Griffin ; P. A. Moles, La Grange ; Woister «V. lipping, Colum bus; W. IC Kitchen, Augusta. . *„• Macau Journal A Messenger, L*iGrange Chattahoochee, Columbus Enquirer, nnd Augusta Constitutin'mlibt, will plceno insert four times, j u tie 19 26— fVIABLE SALT AND SOAP.-IU X cases Table Sail, 50 boxes Buchan's Family Soap, lauding from brig Wilson Fuller, and fur sale by SCRANTON & JOHNSTON. aug2l gUGAKS.—.Muscovado, St. Croix,and N nug 18 Sugars, for ealc^h^ EODORE MINIS. F ever & ague.—the great SOUTHERN REMEDY is still working its way, nnd proving to the citixenn of tho SOUTHERN STATES that we are not dc pendent on tho NORTH fur a remedy for tlio TRIFLING disonsai Fever and Agtio. This Medicine ia now used on two pi •ntations in South Carolina, and has hoen succo«sfitl in curing ever) case of Fever and Fever nnd Ague. 1 have many cotiificatos from citizens uf Savannah, and I mill now begin In show what the medicine has done. SOUTHERNERS encourage the enterprise of your HOME nnd you wilt never regrot it. Respectfully, W. HUMPHREYS,Jr. Mr.W. Humphrey"*—Dear Sir—Having heard ao much nlmiit your Fuver and Aguo AL’dicitio, 1 was induced lo try them, nnd lean vouch for Iheir qualities, as they had tho desired effect with me. Yours Respectfully, GKOROP. NOsTRASD. Savannah. Sept. J. 1817. To TitK Public.—1 certify that tin* above cer tificate is correct, nnd I do recommend Mr. Hum- prey's Medicine to all who ero nfilirtcd with tho above disease. Respectfully, J. M FLANDERS. Savannah. Sept. 2. 1817. aep 3 rrUIE subscriber returns hi* sincere thanks to X his numerous friend*, who have so generous ly patronized him.riuco lie resumed bn*ino<* at hi* old stand. No. 2, Waring'* Building*, (Alarkci square) and lie would now inform thorn, that lie is prepared lo sell on the' most reasonable term#,* every article usually embraced in hi* line ofbtisi- 'ness. JAMES A. LAROCHE, aug 6 — T>UTTER, LAUD AND AIACK- X3 EREL. 15 bbl* new No. 3 Alankwrel, If) keg* Orange county Butler, III bbl* No 1 Loaf Lard, landing per hnrk Isaac Mead, and for *ale by *cpt 13 E. SWIFT. TILOCn. dire.—85 bbl. Csnsl Flour; a?. X halfdn dodo; 50 boxes Tobacco, 8# and 15*; 10 eases Myurs A Co's. Aromatic Tobacco.— Landing from brie Macon, and forsnle hy sept 17 SCRANTON *. JOHNSTON. I^IOIIEN A FOSDICJK, uffnr fur sale. X.J lauding from brig l*n«dor, from Bn*toii—25 lihd* chnir.o Porto Rico* Sugar, 10 do Aluaoovadn do, 14 bales Gunny Cloth. sept G ■TULOUlC.—30 bbl# Canal Flour; 20 Imlf do X do do. Lauding from barque Vernon, and for sale hy WOOD, CLAUliOKN A CO. aopt 2 Q UGAU —Crushed and LnafSug ir, for calc O by THEODORE MINIS, aept15 * TYTEW BALTIMORE FLOUR A LARD.— Xl DOhbl*. Hiiperllaltimoro Flour, now wheal; 25 kngi Nn. 1 Leaf Lard. Layding from schr. W. J. Jenkins, nnd for snlo hy "apt 22 SCRANTON A JOHNSTON. ORESERVED Strawberries, Raspborrias, X Plums, Pineapples, Peaches, Pears, Gages, Cherries and Ginger, jn#l received, and for «alc by II. J. GILBERT, sept 22 DAINTS ARID OILS.—15,000 lb*, pure X No land 2 White Lead iu kegs aud casks, from 25 in GOO ibs. each. 76 kogi Black, Rod, Brown and Yellow Paint*’, ground in Oil. 2lK) enniatura Chrome A Paris Green, Chrome Yellow, Verdegris and Prussian Blue, grouud in Oil. 1.000 gallons Linseed Oil; 1,0o0 do blench'd A unblonch'd Sperm do.; 1,500 do do Refined Whale .Oil; 500 do Crude Whale or Train Oil. J list received and for sale hy sept 10 DEN8LOW A WEBSTER. 13'VfTTEK.—20 firkin* prune Goshen Dut- X> ter, received per ateam ship Boutberner, and Tor sale by SCRANTON A JOHNSTON, sept 4 DUCKETS, BROOMS, &c.-20-d«z l> pointed Buckuis, 15 doz Brooms; 50 boxes Family Sn ip; 25 do Ciunntnon do. Landing from bnrk Liao Mead, and for salo by sept 13. * E. SWIFT. ‘PAPEft.-ItiUrenins t.'rown VV’mppmg Pa ir per; 100do-Cap do dp; 100 do CrowirTen do do; 50do Double Crown do do; 50do white, ruled Cap Papni; GO dp do do Letter do. Land ing per brijr Fhilura* # ltd for sate by CONNERAT A BAR1E TJI3I3F AND POKK.—du bbl. now 13 M.h. Be.r.dO do Prim. Doer, 10 I,.IT do Fulton Market Benft IW) bb|e Jllee, Pnrk, 50 do Prime Pork. I.vndlin, end for ««lo by •opt 14 WOOD, .CWjWlOtK & CO. f|,0BACC,0.—44, bowp ponnilo Si and do X Tobeoco. r.andlns Itmu brio Eie.l, and fur ..I. by OONNERAT A BAIIIF.. sept 14 «n!e bv srj t l> lauiliiig from bnr Wilson Fuller, and fur SCRANTON & JOHNS ON « native ClxotriiUX*: itbtuo ond*fthe net •vot, discota ,.Jeia natnria—«ne infallihlo ratnsdy. AtiUE/olfeciitig a certain and. spebdy euro, Tha tiiuo, nieutipnod Is lM1y veYy short, and wiltbo doubted by many, out 1, havo certificates fvniu.ilics first PuYSIcjlAHiutid of, gentlemen ol'tha highest respectability of ;Si»>Hiir nub, wlioro l roalde. It ii known by.'gHj that o jmlsoii will auoir circulato through aud eflecl the wIioIh human system, then why not n simple and one that hi harmlessi This Medlolno is not a Northern Huhbuo, but a Southern Remedy altogether.* Ilia msdo in of Savannah— it is recbtnmcudedi by oiiixenr of , Savannah, Georgia, SouibfCarnllns, Florida, &c.; and to be candid, all*my Prilrtin* is •HoVTpcnN, axpeuted by Mn. E. J. Pimsu of Savannah ; so yiju will at unco tea'it b altogetlier-aSouTitKNKRr and if it was my intention to HUMaod.nuy oomrfiunily, 1 would nut choose gentleman'* names tliuLare well kuowu iu the satno place whore I rcritlo. 1 submit tha lostiuiony or residents of this city, a- moiig whom are iha first Physicians, nnd I pro- . w „ , ».. M . „.„ v „ suinc you are ncqitainted with many of them. The PLAIN AND FANCY NOTE PAPER AND Medicine ofiereu to the wotld, ish safe, certain EN VELOPES, Visiting Cards, Card Unnca', Cut and speedy cure fur Fever aud Agtip, which it will do in the very short apace of hours; An Florida is a newly auttled country, it i* liable to« great deal drthis.lrOublcaomo disease, nnd it will be to the (idvailtage of every family to k^cp a supply on hand. Citizens of Florid^ t ilia not my inlcuiiouio weary your paticuci* whli a string of nonsense or of aavertiieraentF, Tor I can en sure you l am pretty wdll need up in line part of the work ; but I Wish you to try this Medicine and satisfy yourseWea, and you will fur the first time believo that a disease could be cured in TivklvM Hours, and the only way to prove it is to try it. I really do not know why a Soutukrn Medi cine. should not bo as goad ns ono that is manu factured at the North. My Medicine has effected a perfect cure whe^tall a hers have failed. I ad mit thernaro many other remedies, but not one that can become ao pnpulnr. and so curtain nfeur* ing this complaint, hr Humphreys' Remedy for Fever and Apur. Only think fora moment, Twelve Hours to he a healthy man! Ilisstrange, very strange, that truth should need so much boasting at last; blit such is ibis world. I will not tax you with any more of this, but willingly 1 lonvc tha Medicine tn recommend itself in Florid*. And now, to close,! tlkdoe Mr in KORlho Mcdi* nine does not contain any Mercury nr any Mine- Preparation whatever; it is a Vegetable I am respectfully, vonrs, &c,, *HUMPHRE " ■ ' 'i Tl’r °.i BOOKS and station dry, " r , * l ° .1 MdnoBd pric,«. OF EVEttV DESCK'l-nON-En,. Jl«h, I much and Amorieauof every grade ol’uuaT »"J Pric.' A Bn.article of llul.d L.iluilV k&4dK*ssif» 60 m , »» m - Sfhhl, PENS in great variety, from37^cauls lo 91 ji.r iron. oopvino and. of dio c.p, and A. cdln m Portfolios, )vilh and without locks. Plaiu Sneup, Morocco, extra glltTurkoy Morocco aud Papier Marhe do. iffi 11 pdrcelian pump ink- oi ANUS—ft Gno assortment; also, a great vnri- oty ot Glass and other Inks, together with a Una slock generally ol indispcnsible end couvunicular Uclos for an office oi^ceuntjug room. Also, a fine asaortmont of English and French ITV DADIi’l) AMI, Glass Seals,and plain and fancy Wafers of overy description and for all occasions, together .with a variety .of articles selected especially for tho ac commodation of the Ladiea CHESS MEN AND,DACKGAMMON AND DRAUGHT BOARDS of varioussizua; also, a variety of new and interesting Giimas fbr Youth. ANNUALS FOR 1847, aptdndidly illustrated and richly bound. Also, an cxtcnijve stock of tlio . ewost A best JUVENILE AND TOY BOOKS. Thu new works of ihe day will he roceived as they are issued by'the publishers, aud sold at their prices. Books, English, French or American, not on jiaud, .will bo ordered aud furnished at publishers' prices. * j The subscriber solicits the pntronnge of the com munity. Ilia book stbek generally is sold nt pub* lishera' prices, and in regard lo Stationary, hu/eels assured of being able lugive vatUfuction. To Ihe country nJm-chant is mflerrud 2000 Spoiling Bonks, 50.000 duills, 3000 quires Blnnk Work, 500 Slates, and a largo stock of Bibles sod Testaments,Hymn Bonks,Note Bpgks, Paper,Ink, Steel Pens, and School Bonks generally, at lower prices than lias before been offered in this mnrkt'l. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING-AND BOOK BIN DING, executed as formerly, upon the low est terms, and in tho best manner, nov 17 JOHN M. COOPER. VV. HUMPHREYS , Jr., Druggist, Corner Bay nnd Drayton-streels, Savannah. COUTH CAROLINA-—Ftotitor* ol this U noble Slate, 1 ask you to givo the abuvo Me dicine one nnd a fair trial, and you will find it to excul nil the iiumbuos nf iba* north. It is now used, and with success, in your Stale. CnrlificatPH can be had by add' either my self or Dr. P. M. Cohen, Chnrlevton, or Mr. T. J. S. Farr. Crahamvilte, who have the Medicihe for sale. All order* addonsed to me wyi meet with promt attention. Tlio Medicine will he found hi the t-lorc* of either of the following guutioineu, who have the genuiuc only. W. HUMPHREYS. Jr. AGENTS.—P. M. Cohen A. Co. Charleston, S. C ; T. J. S Farr, Grahnnivillu, S. (J ; VV- A. Carswell. Savannah. G« ; A. McLane A Co., Jacksonville, Ga.; ShoUvel! Gilbert, A!neon, Ga ; Dorsoy die. Knott, Griffin Ga ; P. A. Mntsc, La Gransc, Go : Winter A Eppiug, Culumbiis, Ga.: VV. Root.-Marietta, Ga.; T. Patrick, Snli-in, I'niin.: W. K. Kitchen. Augiula, (ia ; J; A. Sper^ ry, Houston county, Ga.; Solomon Guoduli, At lanta, Ga; Will win Curr, Jacknunboro, W. R. Anderson. Dalton, Ga.; E. A Jlurch, Hawkins- ville, Ga; Samuel Palmar, Darien, Ga.; It. F. Floyd, Alicanopy, Florida. aug 18 P OST9CBII*'I't—-N EWS~! NE\VS!— HAWKINS VILLE TAKEN BY SUB- PRISE—HUMPHREYS' REMEDY IN DE MAND.—Nonhorn Humbugs Condemned—A Loiter from one of My Agents.—-Great Success of the South Carolina and Gooritia Kemodj.—Not a Preventive, but a Certain Cure.—Prospectus of HumphriiyH’ ,Medical Advertiser, lo spread the News of a Certain Remedy to the Southern Slates. Received by Monday s Mail the followine letter from one of the most respectable gentleman of nf Mawkiusville. He i>f well known by tnuiiy of the citizen* ofSavnunah: ^ Mr.W. Humphreya, Jr.—Sir: Enclosed you havo my own and mysiater'iiteiifiinoninlsto the of* ficacy ofyour Fever and Ague Medicine. There is hut four eases of Fever and Ague iu ihi* vicini ty, as 1 know of. and as yet I have be. n unable lo induce them to try the cure ol* ul, cures Yours, very rospetfully, K. A. Buncit. Hawkitisvillo, Aog. 20ih. 1847. [Cerlificnte.'l Mr. Ilnmphreis—Sir: This .will certify (hat my child, a boy, of two and a half years old, was attacked with what is termed »*y tlm Plrysiciau* In termittent Fever, snmo lime in June, which, after considerable treatment from eminent Physicians, changed into what that form of disease common ly called Fovcr nnd Aguo, and nothing I had tried, nut even Dr. Clvutpiou’s celt-tiraieif Fever and Aeue Remedy, appeared to do any good, when I came iu pos-ession of tho Agency of \VM. HUMPHREYS'NEVER FAILING REMEDY, which after using ono bottle oflho Liquid ami ono box of his Pi|l* was perfectly restored lo healih, end is now' maiidiug in fie.di und appetite overy day, both of which had been entirely prostintodby tin. Umcuso. . .. Respectfully your*, Ac r *- E. A. Burch. Hawkinsville, Aug.20, 1847. Mr. Humphreys:- This is to certify that! was at- j tackod with the Fgver and Ague, and on the tecond ait ick oflho Ague, ( was induced hy my brother, and .seeing the miracnlonsciire of his sou.lo make atriul ol your Fever and Ague Medicine, which to my surprise, cured me immediately, have not hnd a chill or fever ainco: whereas, before my whole system was in a stntool’aiupor. Now. 1 am in good health, nnd wish you every success. Respectfully, M. A. Carolina Burch. II iwkiusville, August 20th, 1847. The following gentlemen alone havo this Medi cine for sale, and none genuine without my writ* ten Signature. W. HUMPHREYS. Jn . Druggist, corner Bay and Dr »yton sis. Savannah, G-i. 1 ao znts Dr. P M Cohen, No. 19 Iluync-st., Charles ton 8 C ;*l\J S Farr. Grahnnivillu, S. C.; W A Cnr-woll, Savannah, Ga., VV tl Kitchen, Augus ta, William Carr, Jacksouboro’; A McLuuc A Co; Jnch<*ooville; E A Burch, lluwkin-villu ; Samuel Palmer, Darien ; Shutwcll A Gilbert Macon; Winter A Eppiug. Columbus; Dorsey vfr. Knott, Griffin ; Dr PA AI use, La Grange ; Solomon-Goodall, Atlanta; William Rout, Mariet* tn ; J A /Sperry, Houston County , J H A WS Kllisi Macon ; VV G Anderson, D illon ; .11 C Williamson, Duvi-bpro, Ga.; R J Floyrd, Alicano py, Florida ; P Martin, Savannah. sept 2 R E CEIVED HY~ SAT UK DAY’S JljTAIJL,—Interesting from Houston Coun ty. A letter, from Iho Punt-mauler.—All Extraor dinary Cure. Humphrey's Remedy never known in Fail. Two Onset Cured with One Box of hi* Pills.—Diseasn disappearing from Houston Coun ty.—Great demand for Humphrey-' Fever and Ague Medicine The greatest remedy ever dis covered Five Hundred Boxes shipped on file 18ih of August. Carolinians, Georgians. Ac.—The following letter was received by Saturday's mail from the Pn>iuinct«r of Houston county, who is woll known in this city by many of our Merchant*.— JL'ro it it—read it. Air. Ifitmplireys—Dear Sir: Yon will see by the following that I have hid soma success with y«»nr Fever and Ague Remedy.#! have sent P .1UT VIII, The Architect, by W 11 Ran- lett * Graham'* Magazine for June £ Godov'* Lady'* Book for Juno The New York Illustrated Mag*zine for June Foie of tho Blendcn Ilall, East Jndininan, with nn account of her wreck nnd the sufferings nnd privations of the survivor* for sis months, on tho desolate Hands of Inaccessible and Tristan D'ncunlia, by Alexander Al Greig The QiMuroone, or Si Michael's Day, hy the author iff •‘The South Weil” 1844, or the Power of the ‘S F" a Tale, de- v. lupmg the secret actions of Parlies during the PiFHiiienlial Campaign of 1844, by Thomas Duuu English lluulth made easy for Ihe People I)on Pnez aud other Poems, by n Virginian Thu Indian Bucaniur, or the Trappers Daughter The Viciiin of Intrigue, a Tale of Burr'a con spiracy, by James W Taylor The Witch of the Wave, or tha Personal Ex perience of J H Green the Keformud Gambler, Tlio History of St Giles und S:. James, by Douglas* Jurrold. Complptc.| Piccinla, the Pri* >ncr of FrciinsIrHlIuv or Cap. liviiy Captive, by X B Lainliuo.u new edition. Alsu, further supplies of Streaks of Squatter'* Life; A Winter Gift for Ladies; Flirtatious, by La dy Charlotte Bury; George, by Dunns; The Surf Skiff; Tutiered, by D'Lraeli; The Dowerluss, by Madame Cliarlea Keybaud; Alderbrook, a collec tion of Fanny Forre*ior’« Village Sketches, P ems, Ac. Received by may28_ JOHN AI. COOPER. T HE VICTUfI OF INTfUGUE.u talc of Burr'* Conspiracy, by Jauics VV, Taylor. Tho Qimdroonc. or St. Alichnul# Day, by tho nuthor of‘The Southwest,'Ac. Gambling Uiimaaked, or tlio Personal Expcri ciipo ofj. 11. Green, the Reformed Gambler. Tankrcd, or tlio Now Crusndos, by D'Lraeli, Thu Picotiul Uruthor Joimvhutt for the 4th of July. Graham'*, Gndoya, and the N. Y. Illustrated Magazines.for Juno. Tlio Whiter Gift for Young Ladies, tn iy 28 J. B CUBBEDGE, vou a Certificate by thft gnuilmna.i'* cotisnut — He i* a nignn of sterling worth nud iulegriiv'.— He it well known through Twiggs as well ns tliiscoqiity. Rwpeitfttlly. J A Spf.rry, P. M. Certificate.—This is to certify that I purchased of J A. ^flerry ohe box of Humphrey'^ Fever and-Agne Pil.R. which hns erred two of my chil dren of t|ie Chill# anil Favor in the time stilted— in iweniyfmir hours, and Ido rucommed U to oil who nrt nfilictcd with that troublesome nt well os ■oiiouajdiaease. Respectfully, your* Ac. I Am is C. Pry. JI mijiton Qminty, Angust 19.1847. B EEVENy TONGUES —Smoked and pickled BstavosiTongucs. For sale by nug\4 II. J. GILBERT. C ANDLES.—JWboxy*JU'ld A boy’s Sparn Candles, for sale by ang 27 THEODORE AHNlfl. TXAY-—IM bundle" Hay, for sale hv IX sugfi THEODORE MINIS. pniilL HA HLE V.—5 hogs jut; recet* IT cd, snd for sale tiv G U HENDRICK SON, mig 5 Gilihon’s Buildings A N EXPOSITION ok the APOCALYPSE, by Duvid N. Lord. History of tho Valley of the .Mississippi, Ac. Ac., by Jehn VV.MouoUo, Al D. No. IU, Pictorial History of Englnnd. The Life of Christ, in the word* of tho Evan- gcli-d*. for the use of young person*. Tho Atlantic Club-Book, being sketches in prose aud verso, by Alusirs. I’anldiiur, llnllcck, Cox, Bryant, Fay, Morris, Willis, Palmer, nnd other*. Letters. Conversations and Recollections of S T Coleridge. Importance of Practical Education and useful Kiiowlodgo, being a selection from his Orations and other Discourse*, by Edward Everett. The Fireside Friend,or Student, being advice to Young Ladies on the iinpoitaut subject of Education, by Al rs Phelps. The Lifoami Voyages of Christopher Cu!iim» bn*, by Washington Irving. Scenes iu Nature, or Convorsalinns for Chil dren, on Laud nnd Water. Tales of VVounu’a Trials, hy Mrs SC Ilall. Received by JOHN M. COOPER, mar 20 A merican comedies, by j k Paulding. and William Irving Paulding Tho Statesmen of America iu 1815, by Sarah Alytton Maury. Vol I, Tho History of St Giles and St James, by Douglas Jcrrold, Esq. . Sylvauiiirc, ortho Disputed Inherilntico, by A* luxander Dumas. Btilf nud Blue; or tho Privateers nf the Revo lution; A Tale ol Long Inlutid Sound,by Charles F. Sterling. Tlio lilack Prophet, a Tale of Irish Famine, by William Carletnn. Taylor's Gold and Silver Coin Examiner, de signed to contain fac simile Et^raviugs of all tho Gold and Silver coins al tho present time in cir culation throughout tho world, with (lie name mid current value of the coin in the United Status, specified under each, piece, Ac. • Tlio Elder Sistor, or Ihe Uubrokon Prouu-' Airs Al L Swuotser. The Scout of the Silver Pond, alula oflho Re- volution. No.3, North American Scenory. Also, furtlieraupplius of Fanny Robcrteen; Mnrietta.orthc Body Snatch* cr*s Act* of Corinth; Tlio Divorced; The Comic Wandering Jew; Old Saint Paul’s; Tho Bello of Boaton; Frank Mnrston; The Pirute Queen; Na poleon nnd his Marshal*. Received by JOHN M. COOPER, mar 17 4-eueet l'caoei and Mbcrij! ! - „ „ TO TUE AmCTtU. . W Mv 8. luoHiotf, M. JJ., Macok, Giobgu. Wli.n war breaks forth and with iu wild .l.rui, ..Among Ihe natloii. apread. . tir.nd dutnav wh." cnnqiiMug l.gion., ih.ddtnedboldlr norm l lmciudel and kill and wound aud <U,/ Wh-ti hoiliing i, heard but ilia din and .inf.. And (rn.iuknd oril. uf liolpleuebbing lilt, Contu gentle Peace, ulep furlb, 'll. mlnu lo i.v. °ur uuhle.t from tiul open puwuing grave. * 'Yhcn fell disease with overmastering forces, , L r *‘ ,M h i g ,W P ,0M Yipliuta all around, * When fevera ’cute and chronic lingering hosts ..DMkoyjKn^ahl lberB no help Im found, Wh>n no.htng is beard but Iha wait of woe, Of Sufferers tossing tbuui to andfVo, Como good Samaritan, tha balm' apply, Aud the lov'd weary one wont faint or die, Whnt though Ihe tyrant in his lofty pride. May rule life subject* with an iron road. What though for ages, man may bo denied The right to speak or net but hy his nod, Whnt though he may be bound in strongest chains, And nothing lie* but wlitl hi* lord ordains, Yot Liberty steps forth aud tel* him free, And tyrants with their votaries turd and flee. What though disease* of wlintever name, Retain iheir hold on ha'plees men fur years, W hat thodgha hundred’mineral non* of fame H“ ve done their best to stop their wild careers, What though the uoairiinisot tho quack, the pill, Tha syrup, balsam, or cold water fail, Yet Thomson's, simple means may sot them freo To raiw the gladd'uttig shout of Libert)! It Is not tho purpose of the uiidarrigneJkn en ter now upon file comparative merits oTeither system of medical practice; the facts presented from time lo time ought to constitute tho best arguments, nnd so viewing it he would simply beg to present "a few more ol'tlie same aorl," Himplv remarking that there tre yet ••* few more left.” ’ EXTRACTS.J'ROM LETTERS. "Another Desperate Case Cured without seeing the Patient.” Grdroia. Troup couttiy, 30lb*Supt. 1845. Dr. Thoiiisimt Sir—1 saw an advertisement in ilia Recorder, signed by VViuriiip S. Page, of a cure tloit was performed by you ofhi* daughter, who whs attack- edwith pul*y aud disease of the spine, by winch she was entirely disabled and lost the use oflho lower extremities. I have a girl that has hocn PRKCtsEl.v mi that situation for three months past, and have tried ull means, but lo no eliect. * * * * Write me a line us soon as convenient. Yours respectfully, TllO'd W. ASllFOllD. (fit the 4th November, instructions worn roceiv ed to *ond on tho medicines by mail, nnd he sub sequently in stating the progress of the c*8e, writes: DonrSir—My serveut girl is much mended, since I wrote you lust, she had al that tiom lu>r crutches to assist her in walking, she can now walk from house to hou*e without tlmm. ilionclt she is yet quite wabbling iu her walk. * * ‘ • • And on the 19tJi May, 1847. he write.-: Dear Sir—I have taken my scat alter hiving been absent from bom* sometime, to inform you that illy girl, I believe, i* about a* well as ever. * * " Euolosud iswhat i* what is dim you. lfmv name will be of any boneliltoynu you may make any use of it you please on such nn occadon. 1 expect vuu will have a cull from South Carolina, a* I have informed some of my diseased friends there ol your skill as a physician. Yours respectfully. THU S W. ASHFORD. Houston Co., Ga., Jan. Utb. 1847. 1 hereby rerlify, that noma two years ago oty negro woman Alary, ws* taken with Prolapsus Uteri, and it* attendant difficulties, 1 called hi Dr. J. J.Juno-, a Botanic Physician, and uooihurgun- ilcmun of Iho same sellout, (believed to bo both graduates of the 8. B. A! College ) who nlier using ull their efforts lo relieve her entirely failed. I then sold her to Dr. Jones, who immediately brought her to Dr. AL 8. Thomson, of Alacou, who soon cured her, I believe in les* than a month, so that she hns since hnd two children, aud i* en tirely well) this 1 can testily as 1 now own her again. LEVI KING. Jasper Co.,2Gi!i April, 1847. Tin m iy certify, (hat for threcyear* I had been subject to Epilepsy, or Convulsive Fits. 1 wu* attacked soon after taking n severe strain at heavy lifting, nod continued to have them about once a month for that length of lime, notwithstanding all tlio efforts that were made to cure me. Finding that not. ing done uin any good, nnd hearing that Dr. Al. 8. Thomson could cure such case#, I de termined to try lunt. nnd so called on him nnd got one prescription of mudicino. which 1 mu happy and proud io say ha* entirely cured me. 1 have ImhJ no symptoms of them but once shortly after I commenced taking it, and hive now been na well as L ever was fur about a year. GEORGE AI. LUMPKIN. Persons desirous nfiesliug fii** efficacy of these remedies in their own cases, no mailer where they rc*ide, can do so very conveniently, by sending their ago nnd symptoms iu writing us correctly as possible, when medicines to suit them will be com pounded and sunt by mail, express or private baud. His feo in such case* i* only five dollars a tiiontli, which tiny lie encluseduud sent by mail at bis risk. Alediciucs cannot be aentto a great distance unless tho amount is enclosed or a pro per reference given, i.etivrsln entitle them to at- ieiition must bu post paid Tlio pour presenting a certificate of inability to pay arc never sont empty awny. Tho nfiiicted of iho Rev. Clergy, are ol* course, always exempt from charge. Patient* nn- dor his immediate care are charged iu proportion to the amount of attention necessary. In conse quence uf file great increase of office business it will be imposssihle for tlio sutisoribcr logo much iuin the'onuntry except in very urgent cases, nor will he be nhle to go for anything under the usual charge of other Physicians.'biu will attend in the city us promptly as psss'hle > * M. S. THOMSON, M 1). Macon July 13, 1847. lyr—c july 23 T ~ -|TEKE DGjTANCirO R.IfYntmgSiil’r'a Assistant, illustrated with Seventy Eugiu.- viugs, bv William Bradv, 8. AI , U. 8. N. Tho florae and bis Rider, or Skeches and Anec dote* of iho Noble Quadruped aud of Euucstii-m Nations, by Rollo Springfield. Received by juue 24 JOHN M. COOPER. T HE Whole Works of the Right Her. Jere my Taylor. Lord Bishop of Down Connor aud'Dromorc. Received by jtiuo26 JOHN M COOPER. N I3WUHEJSSE.—L-miiing hull! Ihubrig Augusiu aud for sale by june 21 II. J. GILBERT. S UPERIOR ENGL18H AllU8 rARD>A|fr«*h supply received by . A. A. dOLOMONS. Agent, june 8 i Market dquarc. £4 ALT.—1009 sack* ol Salt, for sale by " O july 5 F. W. IIEINEA1ANN. T he FAiniER's cobipaaioa, or Essays on the principles and practice of I American Husbandry, vyith an address, aud an up - pciidix. vtc.; by the late lion. Jesse--Buol. Tim Philosophy of Magic, Prodigies nnd appa rent Mir.'ide*. from tho French of Fit jo be 8-ilvcrte. Alemoirsofilie most eminent American Aleclian- ics, also Lives of Distinguished European Me chanics. together frith Anecdotes, Ac., rduting to fin* Mechanic Arts; by Henry llowe. Rambles about the Couptry; by Air* E F Kllel Tho Lives of Vasco Nunez Dm Balhnn.thc dis coverer of the Pacific Ocoan; Hcrnnmlo (Jones. • I i conqueror of Mexico; nud Francisco Piznrro, .lie conqueror of Peru. The Huguenot,n tale of file French Protesiuuls, by G P R James, E*q. ■ No 17 Harpers' Pictorial History of England. Daincl Dounjson, and the Cuuihcrldud dimes* man; bv the late Mr* Hod tid. Nns 131 and 132 Harpers' Illiiiriuetct’ Khnk#.. penre. No 20 Yankeo Doodle. Lives of the Lord ChaucelluM. Received by JOHN AI. COOPER, fob 24 TIE SVBSCHiBEH ha* received per Columbia an assortment of SILVER WARE, which consists of Spoon", Forks, Ladles, Fish Knives, Sugar Tongs, Cynhons, Cups, But* terKniw. Ao. Ac. warranted ofth.Q bo^t quality silver, and for salo nt the lowcstpriccs. "P r W5 : • T.y. VV1LMOT. T IIIea*|iv.fresh Lime, landing from -I a schr, Mnry Farrow at JohHfonVj wharf, u,i sale by may 20 L. BALDWIN A CO D ALLEY’S MAGICAL PAIN EX TRACTOR.—This wtinder iff the age, i* capable of curing almost every soil or ailficiimi that assails file human body, a* well as relieve and n ature it from all kinds of Mifl’oring and pain, o» on from the excruciating agony of the »etert»i burn, scald, rheumatism, tic doloreaiix. »Vc, It ha*sa\cd hundred* of lives in dreadful case*, by it*impnrt ; Utf in*t uit ease and rent to a victim, anil arresting, by it* magnetic and ulcctric nnd install- laneous lliiid, iufi uuui itiou and niOiiificaliuu.— For sale ly the agent. A. A. SOLOMONS. Agent, july 13 Alaiket Square. C l IIEROKEE FLO UK.—SlMiarreis J HipcVliiie Georgia Flour, full weigh:, ju*i received ond for *al« by mar29 J. WASH BURN A WILDER. N O. 9UGAK.—29 lilnl* iair in prime, i\ * U 8u.‘nr, landing from *chr Jlutli Thom- n* for sale by COHEN A FOSD1CK. loar 25 P LAIN AND FANCY‘EAR HUOPS-Jiist loitnived und for sule bv mar 9 T.T.WILMOT. S TEA 1T1 ENGINE PACKING. This Parking, made ul Vulcanized or AI (italic Rubber Composition, i* now proved superior to all'oilier articles in use for ih*t purpose, h* i> can not be affected by heat. Any desirahle thickness furnished toord- r. nud for s.ile a* inanfncturrr'* prices by DKNSLUVV A WEBSTER. m*r W _ . ^ e ORi-f Jljerokcr *'•«»»» n* - >uk-. im an-c :t, j In'* to snii (HircitHMiir. bv tpr27 J WA8HUI RN A WILDER. - d.dlor (h. luiiu.ty v'„ r: ,-fe jh!*, l, i^ raL ooimw. pared only by ihe.ul. PropriotoV“l 1 w" IVv*' JK* . TtSrK“ci;h“lK*" iAk fire Unitod 8tatrs.bat inur**.! * lnoi [ v, iUi , oug|ioui orPliil.dt.|phl., that iu be'njficjaili/ ,lie cl1 / |>r»in c our.., have procuTS i ,h “ d 8ore.,ci!'b "l"",b -md pr.« l nuGonjrinit.,.„rfL , ll «*,r Wl11 prwtrrt oiany a S«L r.'/,J'fl' l ! u In cases of mvctcrHcv nf in, of theuffectod pZu,^to mornrl V' 0,u Pr««ci.v», •dll bo udvihubUi lur the urn !r.° r it '*'« “» or ™„"i' •“'rVo .low day a previon. lo usin* SL |!.£“ , *‘' ,IVC r « inuc tlia mo,a till „ , luay buconSdantly canceled . , P No purgaiive p , Pd h '" 1 « [“.ccahlc tin,, Imowo Anl'-Billiun.lbfi,. “'• iiiu ijoiln arc removed nnj c ! un, • Whitlow* ■WtsasSr/--- IO aoppurale; ii draw, ca 'iwaad'V. very nuScJaalutlv aud ,vii !? So, r" l*«a. diatrutaiog pain Trout Go,,, ,l d .'=oipalM very short time, and is J. . R,leu, nnb»fu iu • IU,u„„uli„nand Ilyin. p[“.“"l 1 " cure loi IMiu.l.r be co,c?L°,!!&£ 11 *"« N», if th« for aiaor ciglo,{f„,At* ""“W pa,a 'formed, aud a creaeldLi r.oV'^ ’' come iu H n .Uo .uccnsafuii, „,idfor U a J!"IJ.p'c'ed. 11*0.0 useful mail Marin,.,. J co,n, • withoutAialiy'a valuable S/ei*'i! , L ,b * ■"/ '“"rt “I brae equally coed a,ud i. ly caloulaled m dry t „, r 8 , . „ 1 |,a,llc “ 1 *' ?«ur they „„aunputlSl Vffihh «id». Il la llcceaaury it Xul be ken“ d l Heooivod end fur aide by p “ ,J ' T RVER80N .V CO. J^ NIH ,,A « E, ' s f l:AIJ BiVIWfc iiTvr ^fSSSSSS ooaor Nymph Snap ,„a, |„, „ ld most m.idieul power, euuipused for ,ha mn a uf oriental baliamic i,la„l, l ,,„i| l 'u„," T 5**' ol all mineral adiuixiure, ii j. di<lin s ubi|“d oinallvforilacil,e,,,clybb,,,d.nn,i|fi„.7 n 5,3; top ncli.iti on ,1,. aklit, and ty uc.inf » h “ n l' puree and immilo aaervlory vessels, ea'ncU ,n ptirllles from iho an,race, allay, eve y leodc, inliammanoii and by ,l,i„ ,nallmd;„l,u,e *2! dissipates all rodtlUM, tiiui |,il„pled, beckleilH cutaueooa viail.liotia so frm. , , ness I ns cons,an, „.c will change ,l,e moMb'S coin plea, on „„u one o,, alia,,, u bilenrss lo gcnUciuen aflliclLil with a lundernei.of*! «b,n,„shaving,the I,so nfihn Ran Divine ,l« V,. 11us, will bo found lo nl ay all cuilcular hriwlii ucc.,stoned by eomme er cromu or the tl. mam. Jilal received and forsaleliv T. HYERgON 4 CO. EanST'ESfft. 1 ,be lies, quail,y.—The eulubined el reels of lie,, uud euld, ol vorinbillly ,„ Icuperatuto, and ine gnlar soil„,,, ol Ibeaystem. produce an,brails,, pornmi rigid,ly nl the shin, inducing a,i,„o| disease wine , deprives Iba, euVcrilig of its Dai,bib jly. and loiiderafl incapable „f pstforaiing tbs,a I,motions or Wind, noluredorlglied 'j'f, dy tins evil, and,ashin lo a l,o>l,l,r,ilstale baa long Iibbii a ili.iirablc object; and II,is rsinsdr has lieHl, found ,„ ilm opera,,on oflho 11a,r Civil and Bolt Fnctur. The movement of all parts of tin hodv whiM iinuurgmug the process of friction, produce* a gen eral acuity ami circulation oflho blood, end >1 the Name time mmoves all cucrualntions from (hi **»”}• a,,d cIwimhiiiI open* tlio pores effectually. I lie regular the vl ilm Hair Friohm nigbl snU morning, will produce a general glow nml hmilih- ful oxciioment of the skin, nud wil. no found balk a preventive und cure in ull cares of Cold, Rheu- ■itatism, Ac. They require only to bo used in or der that their most beneficial effects may be known and appreciated. flrt>7 T. RYE113IJN A CO. S EimiNU'8 ItKSTOItATlVi; COKDIAL- Custom House, New-York, Juue 15,1842.— O. C.Sebruig, Esu — Dear Sir: The extraordina ry benefit received by me from the use ofyour •• Restorative Cordial," impels me to make tlio following statement,notonly at an act nlduty in i« gard to suffering humanity, but ns one of justice III vva relay mi, its proprietor. For ten years 1 was most seriously fflicicd wifi Dyspepsia and its various complications, so mmh so, indeed, that I was often uiiliitcd for Ihisiiimi one or two day* in .lire week. 1 tiilVercd mosilj from disordered digestion ami a painful nfliciita of the bowels, i-omucted with the mmt troublr some and ohstinatu co*tivcm'ss, the particular il whieli it would be out of place hero to specify.- Siilhm: it to say, that the first bottle of your Restor ative Cordial, taken some six inoii'h* go,uHoidcl me immcdiatr relief; Hiul that having coi.timinlil from limn to fime, I am now happy k'add tlntde euro has been complete nud permanent. Uclimq: that many may lie snnilirly MlBicted with the «> rious form* ol Dyspepsia, 1 am induced to uui' tlti* public acknowledgment fur (lie generalgpri Respectfully, yours, Ac., Wm Hooxrn. Inspector of Custom* for the Port of N. Y A further aiipplv, just received aud for tale b/ jutloll T. RYER8HN A l!0 :> riUt.lSSrAIIE.VT GELUTMl X Warranted equal in strength to Uiissisuli- inglassl'or Tabic Jellies, aud uf great smite n diseases where delicate animal food is required, olid wull calculated for long son voyages. I***’ proves by uge if kept dry, uud can be itiaJ* " ,l< 8oup in a few niiimtus, uud is uf grout settke 0 clarifying Cider, Hoar, and Wine. TO aFaKETAULE JELLIES.—Use stlri'l two ounce* uf Cooper'* Refined American Ini'f lass, whichshould lie first soaked in cold watrrM two lioursjdruin oft’ihat water, then take twoquui'j of cold watui, one und a half pound of *ng«f.|' u Jn it iliu white of three eggs tlio juice of dm* good sized lemons, the peal of one, a stick of if"' itumon.n little nutmeg, ormigo pcul, or oilier ip"* to *«it Vim tat to; »tir ull the ingredient# well c ,.fiior while cold, then boil ihe whole inaiu !•»»» or five mliime#. and (lien pour il through a Jolly Hug. when il limy 1* pul into fi !«•«'»( ,,„d vvlion cold, will be III lor 1, 0. H,o uioitU sliouM bo tir.t vwi will, a loll, vjbtic ofrsg" , waliT.jiHl Iwr" 1 " il» j«")' i* P'“II""". 111 “" ltl i„ make it easy to turn them out on plates. The Jolly Bag is made of flannel b or 1(11 iui Lo' across iho opening, mid about half a ynid di-rp- narrowing to n point at the bnitom. I liv liq"'-’ that runs through firat, should In* poured buck is the jellv bag until it runs through clear. Add one pint of wrinr »•> tho above for \\w jelly. Ollier liquids made from proseries.ns! bo jollied by using die suuic proportion ol ibcl* 'bDVNC MANGE may bo mmle by using least one ounce ofLmgla-s for twoquar.#^ ^ or cream, Ihe |mmI oflwo lemon*, tugnr ond"Pj lo 'uil lit. I.sle-brin* •"« «h»fa t" • |,on. strnin it, on,I whon nearly cmil. sltr ,l »' , oiivlbo oroan, llialwill riso while cooling. P"» ' Ms.snJ wlisn per,belly cold, il m.y be w» ed .lot and will the, bo ready for use. moulds should he first w et with cold water. will prevent it front sticking to them. Juitrecr, | .d,s,;,lforMle"y ,,, | t YKK80N * C» : T iTi-f KSO K A 4* *> r 8.. SAKS A P-j j III LI.A.—For ihe jure al all diseases*' 1 ing from i.iipiirifir s *if blo.»«l, # e»cea* of nteK«? rheunialisoi, scorfol* culstieon# eruptions. » of which will yield under the jise.ol this prep->' l | tl0 Tho subscribers, in offering this proptirali"" the Dublic. deem it unnecessary to exhibit in’ ihn«e flashy and conscientiously bonded advert’ btiltfris,ilsebarsvterns e epecibc entirely.' own inoril. VV« lievo boon luduced i"™r' fro", Ibe fivnnbl. nieliner in which II used bv sovoml eimncnl phjncnne JJJ* • tlsfnolinn. WoMserl with conflilence Ihji ' BWW!«»«» ii, iV