The daily Georgian. (Savannah) 1835-1847, October 16, 1847, Image 2

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—■m r ii — — (; u Oil (U AiN . Bjr William II. Bultook, city covart mutts** And Publuffior of tho LVw» uf tint Unibn. rtH) thAluB. fry ablo Mini'*a««nUy In tdvanro. - - -w. • Dnllarfl. ..F»W U6iyra« ..Thraa Poll*** ^ | ^ ..Tbrau DalUt* tr A PVKRTWK M^NTHt n *«"*. rr rmuia'MMI bs |»*ld 4a kft Communications an I ' ('or Wcw-VorK.—Old K*ub11*he*l I .mo. au Tho regular packet ship HARTFORD, SDSL Capt. Saflneman, having part ndicr freight ucid I.. BALDWIN 3 CO. fifrffltvv Vork—Now Um. ja. .TIM r.iul.r pnckel bark I’ETEIl Dffi SE& MILL. A M. Pickot muter, will mil wtili dupatek. . For rraljlil or pa<u«»,haring aiiTOInr aiataroonl aocnmmodnilon*. apply onboard al Au« daraon's upper wharf, or to "a pp H. w. WIGHT & CO. ILS.M.di*aia.P#«iwH.lBe. IHTWREN ^rfeiniiT SAVANNAH A PALATKA, FLA • V TUN WAV OF DARIKN. BRUNSWICK. ST. M4RY8. Oeo» JACK- SONVILl.i:, BLACK CREEK A I’lCOLATA, Fia- In connection with Iho Cliarlealon Daily Mail KNam-nankot* al Savannah, tho atamner SARAH SPALDING. from Palatka to Lako Monroe, tho , IK d. Mail Stagas from Picolata to St. Augustine, and from illack Creek, via Newnanavillo. Alllga- ^wtsst: TMf packets loavo Savannah every Tuesday and Saturday Mormnos, nt 10 o’clock, and ar rive at Picolata in lima for the Mail Hiagea tugo through to St. Auguatino boforo night ovury Thursday and Monday. Ketorning, loavo Pahtkn every Tuesday and Friday Morning, at 7 o'clock, touching os above •ach way. Th«y are both low pressure boats, hi complete order, ami handsomely furnished in every respect; are commanded by gentlemen of well known ck* .perience on the rotfte, am) th'elr patrofH tfrtt ns. •ured that every nllniuinn will h6 p ud to tlm -afiffj end comfort of passengers, and to the careful handling of freight. — AOEWTJ — Brooks «& Tupper.. Savannah. A. A. DcKonne : Darien. f I. FriedUnder Brunswick. John RnMont St. Marys. Fernandes & UUbee.... Jacksonville. A. Coy Black Creek Gen. Conley...... Picolata. J. P. Hawkins Patutkn. £. LnRtte Sc. Co Charleston. N. B. Goods consigned to Ilia Agents forward* ed free of commission. Freight from Savannah and Charleston, and all way freight, pnyuhln by shippers.sept 13 Express A Accommodation Line. •* HI llotara in Advance of V. fl. Mull.” BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND PALATKA. E f7 Via. Darien, BruinwAk. St. Marys. Jackson* vilmc. 111.ack Creek, Picolata, and all in* TERMEDIATE LaNDIKOS. Tho steamer WM. GASTON. Cant. Wm. C. Meiulell, will leavo every Tuesday Mornino at 10 o'clock, for tho above named places, arriving at Palatka "13 Hours in Advance" of U. S. Mail, and in returning will arrive in Snvununh ou Sat* orday Morning "24 Ilnurs in Advance." Stages will rifn in connection with tho Win Gastou to all the interior Towns and to St. An* gustine. The Win. Gaston Las had a iipw boiler put in and has been thoroughly overhauled mid painted, she is commanded by a gentleman of acknowledg ed experience, and together with her 1 superior accommodation* and »pnod, she must be the fa vorite boat on the route." For freight or pauage apply on hoard or in tlm Agent R. II. I). SORREL. N. B. The Agent will receive goods free of c«mtni<»ian« to be forwarded by theWin. Gaston. All Freight payable by the shippers. (LT Tho steamer Win. Gaston will bo ready to tow vessels every Saturday. oct*7 New ArrauKCincitL UNITED STATES MAIL LINE-DAILY. BETWEKN SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON VIA HILTON (U!AD AND BEAUrottT, INLAND TtYO-TUIltDS OF niK WAY. »• K— 1 * Kk Tho well known K C^° ft *r^£a»«5XL’inleridi<( steam p w "k-THswtrfffrSsff cU METAMORA, Capt F. Barden, WM. SEA BROOK, Ciipt. T. Lyon, GEN. CLINCH, Capt. NVm. Curry, Will hereafter leave Savannah every evening at half pant 8 o'clock, and Chnrluslun every morning at 9 o’clock, precisely, lunching nt Hilton Head mud Beaufort each way, and avoiding two thirds of tho aea routo. For Fr ightyr Pa-sajrn. apply on board, or »o BROOKS & TUPPER, Ag’ta, Savannah. E LAFITTE »fc CO., Ag’ta, Charleston N. B.—All goods intended for Savannah or Charleston will bo forwarded by the Agents, if directed to their oare, free of commiutiuus. All way freight payable by shippers. i'dy l — For Rincon, llawklnsvillc and littermudlulc JLaiidiiiirs* K fk The steamers ROUT, COL- feaE^gSE-HNS and SAM JONES, having been overhaulud and tliurouglily repaired, will commence their trips for the obove places cs snou us rfiifficiimt freight may olTcr- For freight apply sept 14 to L BALDWIN A CO N otice to consignees.— Trananorlntion OHiuo, Central Rail Rond — October5. 1817.—Consignees of Cotton nr oihcr prpJuco by Ibis road, are hereby notified that re ceipts will be rcq-iirsd fur all freight delivered.— They will therefore send persons to receive their 'consignments who are nuihoriNud to sign such re ceipts. L O. REYNOLDS, octO — Eng'r nud Superintendent. C IENTRAL RAIL ROAD 8 PER CENT, • STOCK, and CITY BONDS, for sale by sept 24 II. HABERSHAM & SON. LLS ON FRANCE, fur sulo by sspt_9_ ROB. HABERSHAM & SON. LS ON NEW-YORK, at shutt f sight, for sain by septa ROB. HABERSHAM A SON. S ‘ IGIIT end Short Sight DraBs on N. York, for salo by aeptO ROB. HABERSHAM .V, SON. C ^TTOpTVarn and usnaBUrgs.— Just rnccivcd Iruio the Eatouton Factory and for sale by Iho subscribers, G bales Cotton Osinr ' burgs; 8 do CotUin Yarn, aaanrted siztfs. aiig27 * R. HAlIRltSHAM & SON^ P ILOT BREAD.dec.—1» bbl- Tread. well's Pilot Brandt 10 do do Butter Biscuit, landing from brig Savannah, end for sale by SCRANTON &JOI1NSTO octti ION. CMB!f>AH*-~2^blHh* Porto Rico Sgar, land- Oiug from ship Cmnern, fnr sale low frnm tho wliarl; QCt 0 WASHBURN* WILDER. Q1LHS. OINOUAIlIUi&c.-JtaVmeiv. k5 id on^lognut tiMnriinent of /ieh striped.plaid and embroidered Hi!k«; a fine supply uf French, Scotch, end BnglMi Ginghsuis. oil now atyleaand of iha latest iroporuuiona, also lace cood^ and em broideries, budery and gloves, arid every variety of ladies drew goods. conway * McKenna, net8 Monument Square, rEKRINOi 7—30 hoses Herrings, land . irgltam bri< (U« and forul.^ ucl 1 ROCjBitiES—mi) b.g.Rio cun.., \jr old J |*». du do old Cuba, 10 du Cap. ;’JJS Sbntiid-r. t«V>. SufM “™<l %’kegs iWn! 20 do, (i/C f) rdp, St Crols, B boxes wiiim # LlO’do ' STiiS DBIOrW8» ti»m Sp.iiu a<ui j# do T.ltaw C.IIJI.'. o.M.ioc umn «0dBkM|fc.U^ —- THBWDCRt- -MINI8* I jftXiiS lU th.mvnml fancy brand degets, received, and for «.ile by .iifitji 1 * F.. SWIFT. ■jhGeorgia Fumr, J' ft; tmtrnls Apitlee, temved. atidlur sale 1»Y j3 ALBERT HARD. BATURPaY MORNING, OCT. 16; 1817. Csiiri»itlnrllnl< I* * Tbo iVa,bin,luu Uiiiuii ol' liiu I Ilk. ib.t* ■*>** I Flu* Ik. kinfolk IImco. of Ik. lutft io.t, . m . Ilio .YMiimgiuii uiiiuii ui ...» ' . ,l‘|,o ITnllad Stal.a ttlgalii Coliinibi., C.|)Ulh Th.rullowing ... II,. nlonibaf. or. ill. 1 R„ba,l Rii.hl., bo.rind Ibk broad potinanl of martial which lia. bean iiiatitiued for iha lii.l »> | Cnmroadoio L.wr. nco, .rri.ed li.ra Liaui. Col. Framont, oftlia rosimont of looun- lad rlRtmen I KTOurriieoda o lio lo m.ka alloraliun. in llioir Ad«orli«i,ii.ioa aro fo amid ihum iu aa a.vly *« limy can ilii, day, ilial they may appaar in now lypo on Monday tioai. K3*Tha Noiiiicrn Mail Ian cuing „aa not beyond Richmond (Vo ) Theraaroimw two due beyond that pluco. Wo received yesterday morn* fngbyn patsonger in the Wtu. Scnbronk a copy oftho Baltimore Patriot, of Monday afternoon, in ndvnnoo of the mail. B3® At tho roquost of many of tho citizens of Savannah, Rev. GRnnoE White will delivernn Address on tho Resources of Georgia, on Tues day Evening next, in tho Second Baptist Church. The ciUxens aro respectfully invited. PeiiHsylvnnin nil Right Our telegraphic slip from Richmond. Vs., fur nishes the following gratifying, intelligence. PENNSYLVANIA ELECTIONS. Baltimore, Oct. 13,4 P. M. 9 .Xho.rjiilftdflloUi4JinRWflMod A .cASP«i),)iw 1/ClJf the Whigs compared with the vote of *44, as far as hoard from. The Democracy is certainly large ly triumphant. Thero was a largo Nutivo vote given in Pniladelpkia, (O* "Tho gross chargo* of fraud, perjury and dishonesty, in the most acrimonious language, re iterated day after day, in the columns of the Georgian." Thus declaims tho Republican in relation to our course in the late canvass. It is limply necessary for us to state, (and our columns will prove it), that we did not ovou allude to the subject upon which these charges wero based, un til the Whig press had been furnished with full timo to rofuto them. That Press had indulged in tho most violent attacks upon Demnerut- th editors who had even venturod to believe that Mr. Preston’s ploas had any truth or reason in thorn; end our neighbors had involved themselves iu the must contradictory statements, which even to this day go unexplained. Wa did not \outh the subject unlit it had been on theoarpot Tor half ho canvass, end umii it woro a strange appear ance; end we unhesitatingly soy it was the violence and abuse of Whig prints,whiich loomed designed to terrify Democratic Editors from it. which in duced us to investigate it in the first piece, nnd the lume dnfilonres set up on e basis of vituper ation, which ted ns to follow it up. Our neigh bors themselves ettachod hard names to a transac tion which they failed in disproving; end flew into a passion because the public would not bcliava one thing on one day, and its opposite the next. The Knoxville Oeuveutlen. Wo have looked with ntnch interest for tho proceedings of this convention, assembled for the purpo.-o of devising tho best mcarra of transpor tation to tho Atlantic for the stores of wealth fur nished by tho luxuriant vnllics of Tennessee.— These proceedings we now have, including tho claborato report of Col Gadsden of Charleston. Wo only allude to the proceedings of this con vention at this time for (lie purpose of correcting ono or two comparisons of the relative advanta ges of Charleston snd Savumiuh, mado in this report. We havo become accustomed to tho arro gance of our Charleston noighhora, which cluims for South Carolina tho credit of all tho internal improvements mado by Georgia. We aro nn longer amazed when we hear our own Stato Rond, built by tho taxation of uvery citizen of Georgia, constantly alluded tons though tho entiro appropriation for its construction had bean made by tho South Carolina legislature We huve al most learned to look with composure upon R-il Road statistics, giving the length of tho "South Carolina Rail Road" as three hundred end "oven miles, having its termini al Charleston South Carolina end Atlanta, Georgia, without recalling Iho fket that onk hundred and seventy one miles of this road is oil Georgia soil, built by Georgia capital and enterprise, while only one hundred and thirty mx milks is within the State of South Carolina. Our ears have become familiar with such expressions from our neigh bors os "Tho large ncce^ions lo our trade which tho completion of our R ail Road, to the Tenn essee river will bring." Ac. Wo s iy, ell this no longer excites surprise. Wu are prepared for such statements and expressions, and understand perfectly that our noigli'iors regard Georgia as a province of South Caunliu.i. But wo did sup pose tint when e diitinguLhcd gentleman of Chatle*ton was placed at tho bond of a committee iu the Stato of Tennetuaa, professing to net for tho interest of at least three States, that the parti san would have boon forgotten long .enough lo strike from his roport such a souieticu us too fol lowing; "Thr port of Charleston is on the very bor- dbr-i or the ocean; that of Savannah nn tho riv er of the sinm name, 017* some thirty two MILES FROM THE OCKAN",ffl Tlion follows "The Inrbnr" (of Charleston) "is capacious and well protected from tho violmon of the «laments, and by ndequute military works from hoslilu attacks." The only notice here taken of Savant mb, is to announce that jt is."thirty two milks from the ocean I" whilo Charleston is on the very bor ders of the ocean, with a harbor which cannot bo named uiihotit laudation. Wn would be hap py lo soo tho chart from which Col. Gadsden takes these distances. Wu have always found, that a sail o( EtatiTCEN utLF.s at farthest, from the ocean up Savannah River brings ns to the city of Sa vannah. Wo havo never been able to find Iho reach in the city of Charlavton, lashed by tho ocKAK.but have found it necessary to sail soma ten miles from the city, beloro crossing tho bar.— Wa have nlwsys learned that the bsrofChsrles ton could not be crossed by large sized voxels except at high water and by dnyl ght while il • bar ol Suvanunh is ono oTilia very best on the At lantic coa t affording an easy passage to ships of any size, at any time of tide, and in tho dnrkest hours of tha uight. Wo find nothing of all this in Col. Gadsden’s report, intended to- enlighten the people of Tonnesseee, os to the best oudot for their produce. Wo will not say that the dispara ging iiimner in which Savannah is alluded to,was by design, but if we allow iho more] favorable el teruative.end attribute it lu ionorance. what con fidence is to be placed in the statistics of tvhich this report ;s full 7 Cun tho citizsus of. Georgia submit quietly to these unfair nnd illiberal state ment* ?• An honornblg. competition, Savannah cannot object In t but when we aro cooly thrown aside as unfUeven lobecomfetitors, we osnnot help eolling the Attention ol the citizen* of Geor gia to the menu* used by our Chuleaion neigh bors to meko Georgia herself eubfervient to the arrogatice of Carolina. The of Interment* in the City of N. Orh>anafronT9*A.M. ofFriday, the 8th October, 10 Suturdoy. iln*9.h,al the mme hour, shows 34 iu ell, of which B were Yellow. Fever. Hrov Brig (ran G M Drank., Colon,I 5th In- ftnirji. . Col S Churchill, luspnctur General. Col J B Crane, 1st Artillery. Brov Col M I > a»ne,4ih Artillery. BreV Lio'nt Ool 8 IM-imm l.’ii'i>« "fTup K'iS*- Limit Col J !• T,ylur.Siib.i.i. nc« ll.p«rtiiinni. Limit Col II K njR'ir.y,.Co,|i« of liiigiimw. Bra, L-oul Cut 111C Craig, Ottitm'M Uup.rl- raont. M*j It L Baker, Ordnnnco Dnparininnt. Maj J I) Graham, Corps of Tup EnginEOf*. Mej It Delnfiad, Corps nr Enfiiweors. Urev Maj G A' McCall, Asst Adjutant Gonorul Mej E VV Morgan, llth Infantry. Copt John F l.ce, Ordnance Dupartmout.U ap, pointed the Judge Advocato i.f tho ouurt. Tho court, wc understand, is ordered lo assem ble on the 2d day of Nnvomb**r unit, »t Fort Monroe, V«., being the must cunvuutent military station wlioro adequato public quarturs can bo furnishud foriis nccummoilaiinu. BY HIAQNRTIV TEMfOUAPH. (CurroBjHimleooe ofllio llattimnretiiin.J Richmond. Ocl. 10,10 A M. PF.«TRUCTivr. Fire at IticrtswNO.—At day. break this morning our citizen* were amused from their sluuiher* by an alarm of firo, nnd iho unioe • * • -<*•!.■ -I.rm bell*, gave W0riiing that it was a firo of no ordina ry character. Tho heavy cloude of smoke soon attracted thou sands of persons, and Chovalier’s Gtllogo Mills, wero found to be envolopod in fiurno*. Tho firo. mon and nurciiizons wont to work in good 'ear nest, but all hope* of extinguishing the fl imes were soon given up, and this extensive establish- merit, with largo quantities of wheat and flour, wero sonn a heap of ruins. Tho firemen, however, worked unremittingly to provenfthe diminution of the surrounding pro- perty, snd finally succeeded, but lint untile num ber of liou-e* had Imen bumf, owned by Afassrs. Bulloch, and tho Markeand H uman estates. Tho Sbockoo tobacco warehouse was also burnt, with about one hundred hogsheads of lobncco. The house* burnt were occupied by Messrs Rivos«V. Harris, John Robinson, lluxall* Broth ers; Williams * Mnxall, Ford * Woodson, nnd Winfroe Sheppard, as commission merchants,who were partly injured, .The Gellego Alills woro owned hy Alossrs. Warwick * Bcrksdulo, who wero partly insur ed. This i* the largest firo that has ever occurred in Richmond, end I learn that it j* aupposod to havo originated in -accident. L. The Richmond Times oftho !2<h in»t., thinks that tho following rough estimate uf the aggregate loss is a vary liberul oue. Gallogo Alids, $100,000 Part oftho Shockoe Warehouse (belong ing to the ustato uf Randolph llar- son, .8,000 Four tenements of Bullock's estate on I v’ih Blreel. 9,000 Four tciiomonts on Bullock's cstetu uu Cary stfoet, 12,000 Mark's Four tenements, 13.000 Stock in the difierout stores, 22 500 Tobacco burned, 1,500 $168,000 Fire.-— 1 Tho Noifolk Beacon of the llihinat. says;—Thofrigato Karilatt anchoredin Uio bitu of Craney lahitid was discovered to ho on firo yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock- And Icing promptly rondered from tho l’ennsylv.mi i nod from thneity, tho flames woro extinguished in tho courso of an hour, lint not before doing much damage, wo fear to the Raritan. Of the origin of the fire we know nothing. Boforo wo cto^e this parugrapb wo feci it fo Lo an net of simple justice, to stato Uni tho Baltimore ntunm-r Jewess, Capt, Sutton, immudiatuly on the discovery of the firo, pul back lo tbo Pennsylvania, corainuni-. outed iho Tint on board, and immediately returned to the frigate, taking in tow e large draft of son- man. Tho Curtis Peck, Capt Davis, nnd the Os iris,Captain Hicks, aim went immediately down, the funnel taking on effective Engine wit i her.— Tho Gov’t steamer Engineer went dowu carry ing an Etigine, &c. Grent praise is duo tn Limit Adams, wi h a de tachment of Seamen from the Pennsylvania fur their indomitable efforts in Mihduing the fl tmea lo whom the safety of tho vessel may solely be at tributed. ass s of 4 Commodore LiWr,n« r ... yesterday, lltli of Ocloberi In »8 fr»»» Hio nIo Janeiro. The fotlowln* is h list of Iter officer.: CouitnodAre—Uwrttlcb* Rosseau. Cnnunnudert—Rnhorl Ritchie. 1 *v LientonxhV^-Julm. H Mhulwll. 2d du Richard Weinwriglit 3d do . ; J nH^ttJnbtwfon . 4th Anting da./L'Iipm** G Corbin 5th do dh Jiiim C Bunninont Fleet 8lirftnp‘tVLlRHti| 1 R Tinsler Purser—‘udVWy W*HR*f Actinx Alstfter— ; ll6tirfK Davenport. A’-i-tRhi-'Sttrg.' e s-**.\lc;x Y P Gurtn-U, Bur- :«iitbnlenify;jr '• ' '' ‘ Capt of AlRriitot—William E Stark CbnpInih-H^Ptiblnn* RiLauibest Cuiiimotlnre’e H-cretbry—tti' herd Gatewood Commndoro's Clerk—-Gilbert II Smith Alidsliipmen—llonry Willi*, John J.* IIan*nu», Charles F. IIopkHis, Joseph Lt >Friend, Clwrlc* C Bayard, Wm R Mercer. Purser's Clerk—Charles J Swctt Maatnr's Mete^-R,'chard P Robinson Boatswain—Wjlliptn UofT Gunner—Williim B.Drotvno Cerpentor—Jntiie.1 Meads Saitmaker—Gkoceq P Blackford _ Pavqengor*—Hitu Henry A WisoWilo Minis ter to the Couit of Brazil, nnd family; Robert Aloyl-m WnLti. late Sacn-tnry of Legition; nnd Air. William Holland, U S Consul’s cleik nt Rio de Janeiro. The now Minister, Mr.Tod, wa* pros-mod lo the Kthtinriir on the 20th of August, nnd his Im- portal Hlfcjiiied«-e#i* that occasion gave e*Mirniicn of the dispuhiun uf the UrezUteu Guvnrmueut to cultifate the mthftTribtidly feeling towards the United States.' ; . Tho U. H. tmV.Iluiihridvc, in 38 dive , frnqi 8 in cl- »lr«;«rnvo'l in Hampton Road* Dili ctober, nml eon>ou|)>thn natnl aiiclmrsge ye*, terday morning. L*;U ol Rio, the U. S.sliip oftlm line Ohio, all wel. Tho following is a list of her officeo: t ■ -. G. G. Williamson, L't Com 'g. 1-t Lieutenant—Cbas. Hunter 2d do * Al. Woodhnll Acting A!a«ter—W. A. Webb > Passed Ass’t SirgeOu-^Win B. Sinclair Midsbipntun— Joseph E. DoUaven, end Geo. H. Bier. Act'g Alaster’a‘Mate—J. Titos. Power Capt'a Clerk—John Ferguson. Hampton Road.*, October llth, 1817. Dcnrsii: Plume permit me to thank yon and the captain, and. all the officers and crew of your ship, for the uniform kindness and courtesy, mani fested to my family and tuyqelf, during n quick and most plumnqt from Rio do Janeiro But for calm and strpnif adverse winds the pvt week, we would h^vo m ide the passage iu a iiuieli shorter timo than 3U days,. 1 resrut it* shn.tne** liowcvnr, only bi;cau*e it separates us tho sooner from a good ship, and froin.thoso whom we slmll always remember wifti a ill out grateful seiue. With the-mn*t sincere regard and esteem. I am sir, yours truly,. ' Henry A. Wise. Monet AlATjrxhs.^.Tbe Now York Courier says- J ’• ‘ (I ’ ' The * Sarah SatuL" Carried out nhmit $23 000 in coin, which wip|ie <sw>as^'cJ upon eagerly in Eng land ns tho first wave of tho ruicrinu/ tide of gold. • V v Wo do not however, percoive any good reason, s*yot for the opinion tlmf Exchange on England i* to rule so high ns to encourage the export of coin—for tho largo stock of Cotton of the old crop on hand on this side—and the new crop coming tit tuu-t go forward, and Constitute tbo mn»rml fore large amount of new bills in be brought into Iho market—nnd fur the present thero is much do ing in importations. Tho Now York Express of Friday a &freruoon says— Freights have got down *o low that there begins tu bo some di*po*itnni to aliip corn, and a cargo hnsbeen engagml for L-vurponl at tid. Thu Ius-iuh in this city, occasiniD'd hy the sus- palidnu of Prinio, Ward die, Co., nnd tho failures ill London, fall heavily on some of ou0hank«. Throe bank* in Wall struct loso over two hundred thousand dollars. Bi" now feared that the Ohio Life & Trust Company will bo d Wridd* liner try Iho f.iilui Loudon. Tho WesternJrntituiiou ut Nash for Which \liuy npnreie f is ty«ak, Missing Veshel.—The ship Thomas J Roger, Purrmgiun, cleared at Bath. (Mo.) on the 31st July l ist, for New Orleans, end not Ii wing been hoard from, site had been given tip as lost. It gives ns pleat-tiro to state, however, tha tli'uro nro strong hoposofher safety from tho announcement iu a Mobile paper, that "a ship from Bath, sixty day* out, pot into Key West to wait for a wind"—name of ship and date of arrivnl not given. Tho vessel is probably tha T. J. Roger, ami the belief is found ed on the fact that wo find no other up nt Bath Torn Southern port about that time, nnd that other vessels woro sp'oken nt K-*y West, which had been 21 days in sight of the reef. Tho ink was hardly dry on tha paper on which tiie above was written, beforo we found in a New Orleans paper the announcement of the orrival of the Thomas J. Roger nt that)plioe.from Bath, fith Aug. and Key West 3d instant.—!Ghas. Courier 14th ins!. Tha suits agaitut tho county of Philadelphia for the destruction of St. Augustine'* ami St. Mi. ch ild's Churches in the riots of 1814 nro likuly lo be settled by iho payment uf damages. The county uu4|r various pretences, rusistud tho claim for damages, nnd had a writ uf quo warnuiu is sued to try the validity of the titlu* of the persons representing the church. Tho cave was dweidud against tho county in a court bulow, nnd an ap peal taken to the Supremo Court. The County Commissioners have, howevor, thought batter of the matter, nnd ordered thaappaul tuliedismixed. Soil is likely now that the churches will be paid for,—Nat. lot. Colt’s Pistols.—Colt is manufacturing nn outfit of hi* revolver* for another regiuieut, by order of government; experienced officers say that the regiment which a! ea.IyliA* hem, of a thousand caii do ai much execution aifivu thnmand could with the old fashioned arms. Death of Chancellor IIarfer.—The pain ful intelligence him (*nya tho Columbia Temper ance Advocate of Thursday) just reached os oftho death of this dj^tnguUhcd etatuiuan arid jurist.— We leuru that im died aihie residence in Fairfield District, an Sunday lest. The death of one so eminent end uvefnl will be uutverselly regretted RilriD'SAiLtKa.—The brig Fayetteville, C«pt, Coffin, arrived yesterday from Laguayrjj, has made another short passage. Slio sailed from this port on the'19th August, end hie made the paiiigeto Pqrto Csbelloehd Lsguayra nnd beck, iu tbt short space of forty two diysfrom wharf to wharf— thu« healing her former celsbratid voy. ago one day.—Bah. Amer. llthinit. re* hi Nashville, Ocean Stkamkr*—The French steamship Alissruri left Cherbourg, France, on tho 30th nit. for Now York; the Euglixli mail stoamor Cambria left Livorpuol ou the Gth in*l. for Boston; and tho French ste iincr I'hilad dphia was to loavo Cher bourg, Franco, on the lOili inst. Wi-consin.—Gov. Dodge ha* called en Extra Session of iho Territorial Legislature, to meet at AUdium, on the 18th inst. for tho express purpose of originating a now attempt to procure a State Constitution and ho admitted into the Union. Maryland.—The majority for the Democratic candidate Ibr Governor i* C IO. Iu tho Legli»la- turo tha Whigs have 5 majority ill the Senate, and 30 in the House of Representative*. From the BR.vzof.—i’ho New Oilcans Delta of the I0ih inst.. says-:—The schr. Panama, Capt. Porter, arrived yertdrdijy £r\im the Braxus. She loft there on the 2Uth nit; ’Capt. Porter reports that the last divLtoii of Gen. Cushing’* brigade left the Brazos on tltk 28ih, on board the U. S. transport steninur Tptograph, stonmer Ohio, brig Major England, anil oue uther brig.nuino not re. collected. Col. Hoys arrived at the Prnzos on thu 23th ult., and was to leave tho next day with five cmnpnniciiqu board tho steamship Fan ny, for Vfcrn Cruz.,, From AIatamorosI—If wus stated to u* last evening (says the Alatnmnros Flag, of tbo 23th uh.) hyan intelligent Mexican from Victoria,that great dixtrehS preruil* in Hist city for want of the common uncexs'jries of life. Since the occupa tion of this city (Alauinori>s)uiui Tampico by our troops, Victoria has bed) cut offi from all commu nication with the seaboard. Despatches for Gen. Taylor (*uya the Alntatno- ros Flag, of the 25ritult-,) came up oil tho Mon mouth, from Vera 'Cruz,mud woro forwarded past here ou Weddcpthi'y last. Railroad DivifcEftD'—Tho Augusta Chronicle of the 14tit itt*t.'xtfjrs : r -"WcchtoRiclo with grunt plensuro the dividend of three per cent, declared by the Guorgit Roil/o id Couipan/ from the pro fits of tho la*t tkx months." Tho title to the Pee Patch Llitud, ho long in dis pute between New Jersey and Dulawnre, is about to bo settled by arbitration. Tho U. States, it will ho recollected, purchased tho claim ofDo'a. ware some timo since, and tlm President of thu U. Stntes end the Now Jersey claim ints havo a- greed to Rubmit the question to the Hon. John Sergeant, as solo ebritrntor or referee. The Hon John M Clayton and other counsnl are to npponrin behalf oftho U. State*, nnd Gun. Eaton of Jersey, and .Gov Bibb, of Kentucky, for the claimants iqnder the former State. Fort Dcl.iivaro for the defence of Phil tdelphia. is on the Islahii th dispute. > The receipts of 'FloUf'at Boston, during the nine months endtiig im tl(o 3i)ili of Sopumtber last, were C28.2^i)tb}i^ and 8,600 .half do. The reoeiptB ofGrain during the quartor end* Jug on the 30th of September Ia*t woro 7DI.423 bushels of Corn, DA,303 bushels Oats, J5.080 bttsheUUyn, end 3.1,703 Imshcle Shorts. Tbo total value nfdomestic prnduca exported from Boston, front July 1 to'Sept. 30, 1817, was $2,522,514. . - . . * The ArrAiRS or Prime, Ward A Co.—It i* stated Uiat tho sffliirt «f Prime, Ward A, Co, ns far the Amtffjcan creditors are conternud, will turn ont dYRitWyrse thin, wait fro rod- The amount nf iiidet>t«dM*H i« about $'7dU,0U0, of which litre* of tlm Well street Bank* loso a largo amouTiK stn- tod at $2H2,(HM) r 'I'lte Eoitlidt.i leditors have eh. sutbsd all iheuxeU of the firm. i'reoc^lHKe of OsNNcil Savannah, Uct. II, 1847. Dcfcant—liis llondr, Dr. 11. K. Mayor, AldoruteudooiJsll, SnkJer, Smets, Wood', .rumor, Barnard, Huberts, Clark, end Harper. Minutes of lest mooting wero road end con firmed. Information and fine docket wero read and tho following fine* confirmed I Georg* ^property of It. I\ Axon, non . resident) not paying iion-resideul tax, cost ami fiun, $37 % William, propnrty oraattte, samo olfonco, 37 23 Kato/ du do do do 31 25 Maria, du do do du • 31 25 Hamilton Wa*hnm, (f in. c ) being in tbo c ty contrnry to ordinance, ‘ 100 0U Samuel Cooper, (f. in. c.),Ramo (iffonce, 100 00 E. Kent, leaving Waggons in street over six hours, 2 00 Nod, (property A.Wilkin*, non resident) not paying non resident tax, costs and fine. 37 87 Lisbon, propnriy ofnimo, same olfonco, 37 25 Morris d« do • du do 37 25 Tho two last to procure nun reridont .Mocltn 11 ica’ budges. David J. Irvine, disorderly conduct and being drnuk, 10 00 Charles, (a slave.) ntenling, 30 larites. James Garland, fighting iu publia atrout, 5 00 John Kordiul, do do do 5 (10 llonry Hugh*, resistingo Watchman in di*chargu of In* duty, 10 00 Hugh Roio, dinordorfy conduct, 5 00 Joint Griffin, striking a Watrlminn, 1", 00 rufiising to pay, committed to Jail for ten day* by order of Council. Arthur Riley, disorderly conduct, bound over for twelve mouths for good beha viour, bonds $500 00. Thu following Reports wero read and concur^ ed in t The undersigned Committee lo whom wn* re ferred the petition or John B. BncoilfEsq. Agent of Richard F. Axon, report that tha ground* as signed by tite petitioner for not returning tho negroes in quos ion, aro unluiinhlo, ami a* a great many of our tax payers unforiuiinidy situated us Air. Axon, would with propriety claim u rumi*- siou of their taxes, thereby depriving the city of n part of itsrevonuo, wo recommend ilia rejection of said petition. A. A. SMETS; II. HARPER, J. AI. CLARK, Coiiiniittco. Thu Committee to whom wn* referred the po- litionofM. 1,nf burrow, E*q. recommend that it be gr mind, upon lit.* paying for n non-re-iderit Alecliuutcs' badge, and making tbo proper ro- turn. A. A. SMETS, II. HARPER, J. Al, CLARK, Committee. Tho petition of R. Hallignn praying remissimi of double tax ns*e»»od on hit stock in Undo hy the City Treasurer, wn* granted, ho being required to pay tho regular tax. An tlrdiuuuco entitle J "An Ordinance for tho Inspection of Flour end appointing Inspectors," wus read third timo and panned.’’ A Bill to be entitled "An Ordinance regulating the sale of Rye, Bailey, Wheat and Oats,' wus read nnd laid over to nuxt meeting. Tho Clerk of tha Savannah Firo Company re ported tho Cisterns in guod order. Amount of accounts passed, $1,723. Council adjourned. A. C. DAVENPORT, C C. A correspondent of tbo Charleston Courior wriiiug fiouiLancaster Di.triet,under d*tuof llth in*t. s*y* : ‘\Vo hive had for the last two week* a* delightful weather as wu could duriro for the opening of our late and riiurt crops ofCotton. if wo could hivo been blessed with this luvorublu woollier for the last six or eight weeks, it would have added much lo tho extent of our crop*. 1? day* lias elapsed sinco wu had any rain iu thi* neighborhood to wot tho ground or scarcely to lay the dust. On Thursday morning last, the Catawba river was lower than il had been tha whole ruimnor. That evening it commonct-d raining and roRo about 21 feet in 21 hour*, which ha* again given usa winter’s water. Planters who Irtvegtthered their Corn stato thelitis turning out beyond their expectation." A correspondent of the snmo paper, writing from Orangeburg, S C. under dam oftlm I3in lust, say* " Tho long continued and exces-iva dry weather has caused the niflneiiZ'i, or grippe, to prevail very extensively. It bud passed through (irceiyille, when I returned there Irani the 11101111- t.iin.-; wa* prevailing in Columbia as I pa-sed through it, and is now raging here." Tun Past Week.—Commercial transaction* in our city cuniimie yet limbed; the territdo epj. domic through which wo luve just pa**ed having delayed the opening of the bnsitia*.* season a fu'l month lutcr tU nt usual. Cotton, Unwever.cuutin. lies iu brisk demand,nnd the sales of tho week have reached fully 14.001) bale.*, mostly for European in irkrt*. The increased f icilitiu* for unking ship» moots have brought forward buyers freely, and price* havo been alondily maintained nt the clns- lil; rate* of the week previous say—for Middling to Aliddling Fair. 10 to ltijc, per lb. Flour wa* more inquired for, «ud nearly j)U0U bbl*. have been t iUttii at sit advance of■25c., leaving the qiiointiuiis for Ohio, $4 25 to $1 50; for Illinois and choice St. Louis, $1 50 to $5 per bbl. But little doing iu Grain, with the exception of Oats, which nro higher, nnd nearly 00,000 bushels'hate been sold,partly for Government,ul 32 to 33c pei bushel—dosing nt the higho-t rate*. Corn nominally, 53 to 00c . with few sales. No wheal in marital. Provieon* are declining: Pork sell*' slowly at $13 lo $13 25 for Meg*, ni.d about $12 25 per Uhl. for Prime Good Lard, iu hbls , i* worth into II41*., and prime, io kogs, 13c. per lb. . i'ho Sugar mirket Ins been dull and prices lower—say, for Fair to Prime, G to (5$-. p«r lb. Only tw 1 liiids. of the now crop navo been recciv- ns yet, ag tiiMl eigh'eon to (lie vamo time l ist sea soii-—N. U« Delia, lOihiiist. Letters I'ltoM the Army.—A private loiter from the seat of war, contains thu folia winx par- agrepli, by wtiicb it will bo Neon bow difficult and costly it is for urmy officers to gai a letter sum homo. "Tho only way of sending letters is tn Lira a Mexican express and pay him one liiitid'ed dol lars. Fifty officers club together, nnd each only nro allowed to write hnlfo sheet of thin lettor pa per, so tiiat Iho express rider can secrete thorn to avoid detection, which would be certain death incase he should foil into tho hands of the guerril las.” . A letter recently received from nn officer in the army, lo his family in this city,, says; "Wend the K rosunt wrapped round the whip handlo of a mo. iteer still have bargained with a rubber to carry my next letter iu bis boot, lie is nt pregeut, no doubt, pursuing hi* geutlemuiily occupation, but is to call upon mo in a low day*."—N. U. Bui. M. 1 j- -- iV'-'-, i«’.U.iu^.uuri« l r»|i 01 Wild Dht»). J I, s.i.^ Jo.,,,,. I.Hilil.Oreina, it lie,,-, J Q,,,, ,°“ 4 Li...... j ,f ilJ.IrtiJ'.'Cuuw,, * .7. '' V * J'.-'nic. J U J » ymii, * c«,V. FT » C ,’-V’ * . ..» U San, W *•)»□ It Hf»o.i || (io-er llOnlli A AMai-i-.n,,, K II * II W«,|, w„.,, ; 1 1"!!., w i il" 1 ;'; 11 ''"i» n >1 llapkln., 4 w »■ » 8 H.ilon, iv.y * Bi... ’•'•'“'•W.JCa LiVelt.Ver.ilil- • *• * ,e ** To 1 he Voters of Clmtlinm Count}'. Fellow Citizen*:—I am a candidate for the UF< FICE OF COUNTY SHERIFF at tho Election in January next, and most respectfully solicit your suffrage*, F« E. TEUEAU. . oct7 v I—" itlUTUAL SAPUTY IIYIURAAT'E CO>V UV NMW YOllHr. '/dP.HKDKK Cuox, PrasitlotU. MAIIINK. INLAND AND-FI|tK INaUlUNCKS. GEO. SCHLEY, Aokkt. may 16 . • . ■ J'*~ miruAl. !.!P«,lN8VRANOB CO.1lI*A- • RtY 09 NBWrYltHK. •MORRIS ROBINSON. President. SAMUEL IIANNAY, Secretary, Applications rcHdVcd by feb 1 ly— W. P. HUNTER, Agent. '• M A Criin-. IV t rceinaa, J UUck J Me 11 V ' ,lo ’" B *ou A iw " ,l 1 T 8 VV„„,, \y ,, L Cll ".«..-ll, Wl Ml.. I)A(i'rJa«' V d«»a.*ro,ll A Mil ' Lattirnp, Wa’EELXSi^JP- on—a II „ *11. Hoad. C F Still, A moel oxceHem, pleuaitit. and nevor-lhilmg Medici tin. Aholhev wonderful euro of Consump tion in Norristown, Pa. ' 'YS tike great painejo procuro audiQuticnnd respectnblo cotliflcatoa and Rover give tiublicitv (0 any cftlior. 04 7 I’o Dr. SwArKE, Philadelniia: 1 • ,* a I S,r '— ,l “Ib'C'is mo great sali-fnctiou tn l »y before an AmcttCan public the wnuderlol suc cess of your Compound Syrup of Wild Gharry, mo or that dreadful disease, Cbii-iimp- tion ! after all other mean* had faded. 1 was at- tseked with pain in iny breast, very much uf Ircting my vuioe nnd lunge, and a truublcsnme cough, and sore throat. M y bowel* were costive, appotitv nearly gone, nnd my stouiucli wn*so very wjiuk that my physician wn* nt a loss to know wltnt to do for mo, as overy thing 1 u>ed in tlm idiape ofinndicini! whs immedi Hcly rejected. I remained fur itiontli* iu this awful cniniiunn, ami gave up ell hopes of ever recovering. Ilea fog of the wonderful cures daily performed hy your ill valuable medicine, in Cough*, Cable, Arllima. Whooping Cough, nnd all di-easns of the Lung* nnd Breast, I reluctantly determined to try it. I purchased a bottle of ynur Agent* iu this pluco. (Moore & Longaker.) which appeared to take hold of my disease, nnd relieve me. I continued u-ing it until it gradually restored mo to health ami strength. Several nf my friend.* wero nlfoct- ed in the same manner that I wus my«cl(. who de clined using tho Syrup, they, I nm sorry to say, api ourto bu fust approaching thru bnnriie wlu*ie no traveller return*. As I expect soon tu,leave Ilm*e parts, 1 give you thi* as a standing memo rial to the groat virtue iff your invnlnablo C m- |iound. D. C. Wilcox, Norristown, Pa. Caution.—All prep-irntiim* from the Wild Cherry Tree, except Dr. Swayuu’*, are both ficti- timu nnd counterfeit, and fprmtg up years after thi* valuable medicine had introduced ii<olf into tho sick chamber; therefore nsk for Dr. Sway tie's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, mid purciuwe no otner. i ne gominic arttclo is prepared only by Dr. Swnyiie, North, west corner of Eighth amJ Race street*, Philadelphia. For salo hy the Agent*, A. A. SOLOMONS, Market square, J. M.TURNER URO., Mimumvut sou TIJOS. RYBASON, Corner of Bay „,.d Whitaker streets, Savannah, —t.'J net 15 tVistnr’* ISnlvum of Wild Cherry. Rend the following vnloninry tribute to Wis* tar’s Balsam, from tho Kinderhuuk N.Y. Senti nel, dated July 31, 1845 ; * "HOPE NEVER DIES." Tho extraordinary virtues of Wistnr’s Balsam of Wild Cherry, in the core of pulmonary com plaints, have been attested by so many person*, tint Im who doubt* it* efficacy must bo in truth a vory sceptic. A remarkable euro of Consump* ti«tt Im* recently been effected by this medicine iu the town o! Chatham, iu thi* county, and which was related to us by Dr. Herrick, an eminent »J 8 M steamer Wm Sn-m‘*i l ! physician of that town, to w hom we have permis- 8 br "«h. I.y. siou to refer. A young lady who had long labor ed under nn nffoctiou of the lungs, and who had ban 11 under the care nf several physicians without experiencing any relief, wa* considered hy her friends ns beyond the reach of uiedicino, nnd she was informed by her medical nlleudant that rim must die All her own promnuiaiious, also, point ed to the grave. Fortunately rim wa* imlu cd to send to the Kinderhook Bookstore fora boltlu of WtSTAR’S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, as a last resort in her critical sitiiatiuu. Before its content* were oxii msted, the young lady expe' rieuced great relief, ami two more Lottie* weie successively procured and administered. She now happy in tho restoration of health, and Ulcus- es tho day wiiou she first reported to the use of thi* healing Balsam. Nonogunuitm, unless signed I. BUTTS on the wrapper. For sulo, Wholesale nnd Retail, by THOMAS M. TURNER & CO. 181 Bay Street, Savannah. Also by DR. A. T. UOWNK. And Druggiid* generally in Georgia. oct II 31— II, * butler. Rid,. J C 8t„, " r *T 4 C«.t ,u * Jotr » Noloni'iii. tt c„ I , NACnan i s ... "* JS * *">11141, l) ^ l»o*i Oilier, Nnvniiitsilt,! GEOUUE SU1ILEY, P*M. | J.(J. DOO.V, A-.I.Uut V. M MAIL ARRANGEMENT. Noutiikkn Mail. Pan Patty t»y Cm A. M. Ctu»r» Daily ut *, J i*. M. NoRTitttaN Way-Mail nut rtrricr.s nr.Twr.KM Savannah amo I iiari.i:«to*. Pita MiiHtlay, Wii'lautilay unit Friilny by 6 A. St. Cl us l*i MoaJuy, Wuitiint.lay uinl I'rnl.i y «t.. .0 1'. M. Wrstkrn Mail. Pur Puttv by 3 |». M. Uloirt Daily nf Ii |*. M. f exut’|0 for (tin Ollier- ofAura'lit. Ilnin- litlrg, H. O., llawkin-vitb', Mitteit jnviltr, Macoii, Ciibnnbiir, Alnbili’ anil New Or. loan-—Mliicli cl<»-o ut 8 I*. M. lint let* li>r* for tlivko Olticce, wlticli iiro imt in by thnl timo, arc made uii in vAtru |ntck* uje* licit morning al It u'clodt. SooTtirRM Mail dvStkamboat*. Pan ftiind iy mid Tlmr.ilny l.y r. I'. M. Clesev Tuesday uud Suturduy nt tl A. M. SOCTHRRN Matt, BY STAUE, AST Aft AS pARlftN OSt.V. Puo Tu.wday by Ill P. M. Close*Sunday nl d I*. M. Augtul SI, 1817. CatulKncrs pt'i' Ccuirnt ICntl tcomi. OCT 15—251 balesl.’oltoil, Flutir, Mdzn, &c lo IE Par- tout Co. C llarlriJtc. Holt Si Rubinton, R.itlnn &. fina lly, Way fc Kiiif, I. llaldsiit Jt Co, O W An.lortoa A Hrnthnr, U A Alton. * Arrirnte nl (he Pnlnnki House. OCTOBER, 15—C W Ogden, Mobile) J A Campbell, L*. dy and aurrant, Mitt Cnnipbnll, Mntlrr Cnaij tiril. .Mur Witliunpoiiii, Abibunu, J F Wilder, Il A Itoarv, llawkim- ville; J II riiillips, J S Davit, Cotumbu*; A II Wotfr, W II Urntifard, It C l.ntrisnnd lady, W IL IVuit, Mrs Itrmlirt and 3 cbi dren, Mis* Ladd, W N White, Florida; I!| V Tower, Twiggs coanty. . ITXoveineiitN of (lie AGiiulic Sicniutliips, Leavtt France. Leave! America Missouri.......... ..,....So|iL 33.... Ocl. 33 riiibulolpliia Oct. 10.... Nor 0 Now York Oct. fil.... Nor 21 Nov in Pnc. » Missouri ... Nor at.... Pec. 21 Philariolphia Pec at.... Jan. 33 Now-Yark Jan. 91.... -. Feb Ut Union Fob 81.... March 31 Missouri .....March at.... April 91 C O M HI G K C I A L LATEST PATES. Livcftram Sr.rr. IP• Proviiicncc. Oct. IIavrr Skit. Ii! IIoitok. Oct. Havana SErr. SoI.Nkw-Yora Oct. Oct. to Pitu.ADKt.rniA Oct. Modilk Oct. tl Raltimokc Ocr. II S * VANN AH KX PORTS, OCT. HU ’ NEW-YORK—Itriv Savannah—51 c.t«l<« Rirn.rill hnlm PoUoii.b*) tacks tlieo.Flour, 17 bblt Fiuur, and il jAg- Mdae. ClltKL*'*T N KXrORT*. oct. 13. N:i**»u—Stthr Time—It let Rico,It.*103 fuel Lumber, 10 hbt* T«r, ‘.'7,703 Shitiglot nnd 50 liundln* New y<ub—Linn .'ililp 5<outlt C.irollus—31 bnlnt Upbunl Collun, 133 lc« Rice—Ship Fniilinld—GUI] balct Upland Cottuu,*d.Ml Hidot, 10 pig* Furniture. BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. (COliltK*PONDKMCE OF THE OKOROIAM.J IN ADVANCE OF THE MAIL. Baltimore, Oct. 13,4 P. M. Flour—Sales of 2H;it) barrel* Howard street Flour at $G, and sale* of City Mill* at Hie same price. Wheat—Side* of 2000 bushels prime white nt 140 a 143cand of limit busnol* nt 148c. SjIus uf priuin retl ut 128 n 131. Corn—Sales of primo yellow nt One. Whiskey—Sale* of bbl* at 2J4c. per gallon. Philadelphia. Oct. 13 P. M. ^ Flour—Sale* of Peumqlvutiti brand* at $G 374. Wheat.—Sale* of prime red at 128 a 131c per buthcl. Corn.—Sales of primo yellow nt 7G n 78 cts. New York, Oct. 13. P. M. Flour—Sale* of Geiiesno at <150, and of South* nt the same price. Sales of Wu*t«rn at $G 43$. Wheat—Sales of prime white nt .l3finl.TJc. Cum—Sales of priiue white at"7l.t74 ct* per hiuhel., CONSIGNEES. Par bark Wrnnn, from New York—T S Wayne, W P Williams, I. But J win & Co, GF Mills. Turner* Henry, 8 >V, Wight & Co.MPcuJ«rga*t,.VVumi Clsgborn U Co, Wm Warner, l!*«lllou A Hardeman, J N ThtUtps, Wnhburn. Wilder A Co,« Il Hpodric||*oo, J M Cooper, Ire*. Ilortry * Co, W II Way A Co, J Clark, Ifolt'* llohin»on, J F Pc.#. Collins * Itnlkley. Itli*. 4. McAnhur. 8 A Co.Conusrst *t Bulls, A Hey wood, Ii F Wood, Price * r« r bark Vernon, ftom^New York—J (• (• e«p..u. .uii ” “ t “‘. i*»«i chihlreii end tcrrani, Mri tv 0lh j Mr ' M U,, *W».l ItroJie, Mr* tlrmtie nud 3 cliiljfm, 1. ,jr # '" 1 '"‘•Mt,, cock. Mri Dillon, G chiMrcn „„ 1 ' ' ,l " Wui. l-y. Men A JII, |, , ’ • 1 ' 1 " M.lll..]|,(j„ 'V It r«n., r [, ” ■ 1 «. o n,,,.. JFI).„.ll„. 1 , c ,n.„; Otu.l,.,, K.nneil'y Inf "!!'”' H.].. li.’l'l. Iter J Ww “.» , -l»H II.,I., Mi., i-oii mi„ w„i,'Vi.11., I I‘ J A.lon>.. U Mu.tu. w J 11 » 1 ** N II j» s , — ''•WfWfMIMl.-l... , g „-- r;,'" 1 w - nil." “'>•»>»■. if*-. ciu,to,„, ’ IIEI.OtV—A full rig n>ir, ,, lrK , ,.."„l 1 , DUo,.Vk« vtS!t_w,„, h „„. iWil , tit , PKPARTEIl. The rrlir Curlew MEMORANDA. tin. . . Milter, for lltir part, wa* upg.i finio.oonibellil, |u,t. ' u “ 11 u.Hon, Ni.miTii. r-,rnr,,, ‘ Lovoljmi, g„ ; tchrT«»* f.''itVra.'u"m‘ IS HVM.,. • ,,, It Mar,111, ^a» u, k ,a«„„„ riT ,. t/i nsr..,»,r,„j, Tt'oa-.r. nmiint '.'I I Til, tv,„ iHM. s jil,,. l'erV*. P, ¥. mr ^? l - A,r * h 'J' M-'XbA. s.inrir Q„ teirS,' T “ rk - V.yeli„ill0, i2fc Cl.l bark Lout Trtvr #, King,ion. Young, New Orleant; brig Cm 8 OITAdvcrtinmnmt* oinitluJ thu appear in our next. uiurniiig nj!| I „ ■•'or lluvrc. , 1 ho A I rilip CAMERA, Capi. Dm bar, ' Jir* haviiix p.iri ol her freight secured, mil hate quick despatch. Fur freight apply iiiituviu) I “ r, “ L. BALDWIN A CO. ucl III ■■‘or New YorK-HriiT,i'rnL 42a Tlm regular packet bark VERNON, T. Paxton ntii-ler, Imving mm third nf |,ri fn iglil pnxnxcd, will havo despatch. For Ireiglit or pa*.*agu, liavini! superior aceoiituind.ilioiis, up- ply mi tumid «t Motigm'* upper wharf, nr to net It! WASIIUUUN. WII.DER A CO. OllaX. JS CHINO A.\l> COTTON iTl Ijuder Shin-'and Drnuers. ju*l received a full UMiutlmcul, uu<l for ml« t>y PRICE »V VF.AItEU. net Ifi 3— I IT Hay Street. iLuiTsTii: LHtuoicsTAc.-r.ri bills New York (iiu,2(ldo do W lu-k- v, 15 do DoiiU'S'ic Brandy. 15 do Sweet Malaga Wine, 15 do 'I'cimrilfo do. 10 do Mndcin du, landing from bark Vernon and lor sale by net Ifi K SWIFT. B umii: AND C’ iug from bark Vurnuii, III kegs choice ( Cheese. 10 boxes uu du Butter, lursnlc by out IG K SWIFT. N E \V ITI Its 1C.—Oil bM .itIm not her Name; They who would still be llaopy: Rio Bi»»n, a MexiC'it) Laint'iii; One Gentle ileari; The ;Ui» Is 111111 ; 'The Bank* oftlm CJiiadi-lqniun; ’I In Alula Wuhz ; Light on the Wave j Bmnm Vwlft ll**t Me Nm mu; Jenny Lind'.* Song*. Also, A grunt variety uf New nnd I’opuly Music. For sale by T. T. W1LMDT. net 15 • P URSE'S GEORGIA ALMANAC.Tor bit wholesale and reinil. for ssile by J.B. CUBBF.DCF, J oct 15 South Sole Market thpmre. C 'l AS'l’OK bid* L's*t»r Oil 111 J. hbMireau Copperas; HIb h («l*suhfrSatt*. furmiloby A T. BOU NIw „ Pt 15 S met s' Biuldnigr. FSOM~S/l LTS.— 8 bbl* best«]««'"/ Jli Bolliuioru Epsoiu Sails, jusi received and luf ante by A.-l’. BOWNE, net 15 Sm.'t*’ S A LAEItAT1 *S.—l caslc riulufraim.j 11 ' 1 received nnd for sale hy A. T. BOWNE, corner Bronslitntt anil ort 15 Whiniker Sts. Siiml*’ Bnildinr*^ P ’*~ ORK AND BEEF.—20 barrel* me* 511 do prime do; 20do iih-m B-mf; 10 "i 1 <|,i Folt.mfmarket Beef, received per I Her lie* mill.nnd mr rule by rn o,si if, woud.clabhokn A CD. OALFT-’foT birrel* Liverpool Sail. 511 ^ Fork*'Lhnd do; uioo* K»ck Saltn. store, "IIT 1 ” "r wn „ ncliA<i |ioii N , t co. Tl AC OlvT—4l««Pb» Georgia A ll iluuiorr Ba* B«s* im>« -•"•jrrsr* lITa"'"' 1 .-!« 7r*ll^>U|..n n,„l lll.yloj-'; N Ul.S.-W'Vri' lnll'IM'S l'°' n bwlt ' Cninora Hum octfi immu, no "j (;OHF.N vV. FOS|)ICKj__ ur.iu ' —;r ■ .Vij TTunnTCCuhi ano huan* »i' G! >-" G u:> bale. Canny OI'"b! 'A'iIIU (,ni"iy !*■«• C^rn Jaii'li'ic l’fim barb «?»■'« f,!L Ainl, Ij'f aalo by COIIKN * KOSIUCK. V"' l l£l> ~A(V-libM. K". I- loaf Ijirdl W l^ss^pssss ■Wplh-f-. acitANTO?? * JOIINSTjm, CVAfiillM. Al," my <«Pl' , y u f,‘ ,, s DKIHIS. Allral.c.-.lwi-jnhi^J”,^',; 5 9 cor naf uf Ray Ar .a ,| rau—‘cr, variely "I I'tieb, Sl'bf ."J C^i i; ,»k "V Shell; I"' * ,'u.auiil"-". al-;' »<-'» 8I " 1 ",?" U “ , X"" rceeivo.1 pnr br ii5 oru Gorin tl Siriphute net 4 —-7Tn liti’flTuilKill0AL3-—A It ipplr " *' J\u» nuw Clieil'fi’'* .eeet'Uy mlea.lnc";» ^»-Pr u « ta 'j;*irfoSNER % SSU' HISS#,!:; S; r ‘ ; sVSrO'N rionaatvs. oct 13