The daily Georgian. (Savannah) 1835-1847, October 18, 1847, Image 2

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S ^TEiNfl OFF AT COST, FOB %ail —'l'ho iiibreribor, intending to ioovo HSifi'SELLING' Oi:F IiU mock of very a S?Uoo(l«« com, nfl'orfing im opportunity to SsSujSSSrw gisssa‘s;s jESi of pitrolmilno the ENTIRE groin will Imvo a vory liUomlducount tnwlo Ijjow oort. iiidolitcd to tlio nubscribor, riitarby note or otkorwim), ore reonootod to coll ^od.oreuiowlUiojn^do^oo^Wo. KnvOOODS.-Uy the l'ua or Tnekagc. I l-rfce onbsertber Una now in more n lnrgo nnd Tim Cry Is, Still They Cornel * •pvltAWN NUMBERS or Georgia Sttlo Lot- I / lory, Claaa No. 4, which Was drawn at Co lumbus, 13th itist. 43 24-30 64 05 20 63 10 41 23 1 59 IV 34 E9-Tlckota Nos. 17 23 65-2334 68—17 24 59 prises sold in tho above lnttniy. Call Ibr tho cosii WYLLY'S LUCKY OFFICE. Our Favorite 1 X*; SK rn»1 VoBcii. on oramluaUm. or S whlcIT ho (latlors himsoir will oompore luccmd lly, bodi in tho oMortinont ondprioos, Ig^^oitoLthh^mai^n. oct 18 rno TUB LADIES OF SAVAN- | ]VAII.—1beg loavo to inlorui tlio Ladies or Bovonnnh, tliot I hove received on elegant nnd choice assortment, cnrofillly nnd opoeinlly oelect- 3 to nflbr iiidncontotita wordiy your consldoro- rired nml'llinck Silks; Cnalimores nnd Merinos, Bfousseliiw do Iuiiims; Silk nndWollon Plaids, Plaid* for Cloaks; Ginghams; AIpneens, bunion Shawl* nnd Scarls; Broclm nnd Cnsh’o do Froncli Knibroidorioa; Blnck and White Laces, Hlack mid White Veil*; Bridal Long Veils, Cane* nnd Berthas; Fringo nnd Trimmings, ljing and SliortGloves; Col’d Vclvcts&. Plushes, •Florence* ami Mnrcellincr, Tulle Illusion, fiatiii*nnd Bros d’Orlonns; Volvot Ribbons, IjicoDresses, [French work] Muslin do. do. Mantillas, Cloaks and Visites, Fino Kroncli Flowers nnd Feathers, UiMioiis or all descriptions, jellies Caps, mndo nnd linniado, Fancy Neck-Tics nnd Cmvats; Combs, Slides, Buttons, Funs, Purses, Bugs, Hosiery, Fancy China Articles, &c. &c. &c. At vory reasonable prices, nt 3 MISS F. KENDRICK’S, Congress Street, Pulaski Sijiinro. N. II. The fashions will be opened on Thursday Hist inst. D— oct 18 OME IND USTIt V.—50 Gallons Hun- nhrey's Superior Cologne. Hater—I’ronoune- , cil to bo superior to the boat imported German, French or English manufacture. Prepared ami gold by WM. HUMPHREYS, JR. Wholesale and Retail Druggist, ort 18 Savannah, (ia. in ENIJINE FARINOS#—100 boxes, im- VJ ported in the F.uglish ship Enchantress, for tale at $1,50 por box, by net 18 WBt. HUMPHREYS, JR. S AVANNAH MANUFACTURE. Humphreys' Improved Scullitz Powders. In high estimation for Indigestion, Heartburn, Sick- jicad Ache or Billions affection*. These Powders are prepared by mo for my trudo only, and of the very best materials. Tliov have none of the bit ter nauseating taste tlio Hcidlitz Powders genor- nllyhnvc. Being Home Manufacture I can afford to tdl them for less than tiny other house, in the city. Prepared by WM. HUMPHREYS, Jit. Wholesale and Retail Druggist, oct 18 Savannah, Gn. G roceries.—i7& bags itio cairee, 20 do. Lnguira do. 100 bbls. New Orleans Whiskey, 2 quarter casks Legr From 125 bbls. Western Flour, choice old Brandy 50 tierces prime Culm Molluscs 50 half bbls. Butter, Sugar and Soda Crackers 110 boxes Hammond's Soap, 30 do. Fay’s Palo do., 45 do. Colgate’s do. do., 4 half boxes Family do. 20 boxes No.l Chocolate, 40 M. Principe Sogers 10 bags Black Peiier,5 do. Allspice 20 boxes Mustard 75 do. . 10’s Clifton's Tobacco, 50 do. 5’s'do. do., 20 do . lb. W. Rogers’ do 15 bbls. Clarified Sugar 13 hhds. choice St. Croix Sugar '125 Dctnijoiis, l’s, 2’s, .Ts and 5’s 00 doz. Painted Buckets, H0 boxes Table Salt GO doz. Brooms, 3 chests Oolong choice Tea 20 casks Uyuas’ London Porter 10 baskets Diicncn Ciinmpngue 25 boxes assorted Cordials 50 bbls. Crashed nnd Powdered Sugar 10 bags Brazil Sugar, 10 oigliths casks Brandy 15 qr. casks Malaga Wino 15 qr. ami 15 eighths Dourottn Malaga Wino 15 «jr. and 15 pigths casks Madeira Wine 2 half pipes Otard, Diipuy & Co’s. Brandy 5 bbls. Clove Loaf Gin, lo do. Cordials 10 M. Venus Regalia Segars 125 reams Wrapping Paper 50 gross Amlorson’s Chewing Tobacco 20 boxes Perfumed Soap, 200 gross Matches 2 qr. cm*ks l.egro Frersehoieu old Brandy 50 boxes Codfish, 100 do. Herring 20 do. Pickles, 50 mats Cinnamon 75 do. Pipes 20 do. Tomato and Walnut Catsup 30 do. Sperm. Candles, 4’s and B’s 20 do. Hull’s do. 4’s, G’s and 8’s 50 bills. Whale Oil, 25 do. Sperm, do. 50 do. Vinegar, JO do. Jamaica Riiiii 15 do. St. Croix Rum, 10 do. N. O. Sugar IW. 1 ami 2 .Mackerel in whole and half bids. In store ami for sale on favorable terms, by "<* 1» CONNERAT & BARIE. SAVAN/V^^, Draws in public,- at Wylly’s Ofllco, To-Morrow, 10th Oct. at 4 o’clock. Sales close same aftornoon at 3 o’clock. GEORGIA STATE LOTTERY. Class No. 5—D. Pains & Co., Arunngors. For the Benefit of the Independent Fire Company of Augusta. 1 prizo of $4,000 4 prizes of $100 1 do 1,000 4 do 75 1 do 800 4 do GO 1 do 567 200 do 40 4 do 150 126 do 15 &c. «xc. &c. Tickets $1—shares in proportion. THE TRULY LUCKY LOTTERY. Sales close To-Morrow Afternoon at 4 o'clock. Drawing duo Wednesday Morning. GRAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY OF • DELAWARE AND GEORGIA. For the Benefit of the Independent Fire Company of Augusta. Class No. 42—D. Paine & Co. Managers. Drew in Wilmington, on Saturday Kith inst. 78 .number lottery—13 drawn ballots. CAPITAL PRI7.K3. Tickola $10—Halves $5—Qr*. $2]—Eighths $1J For stdo nt G. W. WYLLY’S LUCKY OFFICE, Corner of Bull St. and Bay Lane. PsF Ordors from tho country promptly attend- od to, and prizes ensiled on domirnd. oct 18 prizo of $30,000 5 prize* of $2000 do 15,000 25 do 1250 do 10,000 25 do* 500 do 0,000 25 do 400 do 4,000 200 do 275 do 3,320 05 do 100 &c. ra. &C. More Prizes Soldi D RAWN NUMBERS ofGreononnd Pulaski Monument Lottery, Cluss No. GO, drawn in Charleston on the 14th inst. GO 71 45 50 21 .’18 1 22 20 55 14 3G 33 LlTHnlfTicket, No. 22 20 55 a nrizo of$1000, and Whole, Half nnd Qunrtur Tickets Nos. 1 20 33—22 GO 71—38 45 GO prizes of a loss amount, were sold by P. B. PENDERGAST in the abovo Lottery. Call for the cash or ruuow in tho two following schemes. s LAST MORNING OF BALE. ANI> ONE A MO NO THE BEST. Sales close This Morning at 12 o'clock. 78 numbers—14 drawn ballots. Greene amt Pulaski Monument Lottery. Extra No. 42, for 1347. Was drawn in Alexandria, Va. on Saturday last. Drawing duo on To-Morrow Morning. J. W. Maury & Co. Managers, (Successors to J. G. Gregory & Co.) GRAND IIIUIIEST PRIZES. _ prize o 1 1 1 1 &c. «&c. &c. Tickets $10—Halves $5—Quarters $2 J 5-3PA Package of quarters will cost $65,00 and is warranted to draw back $35,00. Whole and half packages in proportion. THE SECOND SCHEME—Class 02. Draws in Charleston on Thursday 21sl. 75 numbers—12 drawn ballots. CAPITAL PRIZES. prizo of $40,000 1 prizo of $2000 do 12,000 30 do 1000 do 7,000 30 do 500 do 5,000 40 do 300 do 3,000 257 do 200 do . 2,589 64 do 100 prize of do do do do $20,000 5.000 3,000 2,000 1,858 25 prizes of 20 do SO do 150 do &c. Ac. $1000 300 200 100 Tickets $5—Halves $2,50—Qunr’rs $1,25. O^Tiekctsnnd Shares forsiiln.aiiil orders from the country attended to at the Old Established Of fice of P. B. PENDERGAST, No. White House, Owens* Btiilijiugs, Bull St. opposite the Pulaski House, oct 18 mi D o MB STIC Gl N, *«•.—50 bar I’hclns’ Gin; 30 boxes New Bedford Spt Candles;2 hhds Coillisb;50 boxes Scaled llcrriiij landing from bark Vernon, nnd for sale by Jiet 10 SCRANTON &. JOHNSTON. ^rOBACCO, Ac.—28 boxes 5’s Tobacco; ii JP boxes Stmighton Bitters, lauding from bark V criiou, nnd for sain by J* CONNERAT & BA RIF.. B UTTER.—5 begs host Goshen Butler, landing from brig Piiilura, and for sale by Mtl« CONNERAT A BARIE. riUSIIUI) SUGAR, Ac.—25 bids, i. Woo,s °y ^ Woolsoy’H Crashed Sugar ; 25 baskets Champagne; 25hexes N. Bedford Sperm Candles, G’s ; 10 half chests Hyson Ten * 10 bbls Soda Biscuit; ]() IiIiIh Woolsoy & Woolsey re- aacd Sugar, lauding from bark llorebel, and for M, ° b y SCRANTON & JOHNSTON oct 13 ItlEtAl.LlC CORK PIIBSMUUS A highly useful article, for sale by A. A. SOLOMONS. Agt. ; Market Square. fklLS.—Sperm ami Whale Oil, u full supply »u baud and for solo by , ia A.T. BOWNE, — Smpts* Buildings. •i.TS.* GLOBES, GBIVIIItlKS.—50 kegs Hazard’s Powder; 200 bugs assorted Shot; 100 (irindstoncs; 50,- 000 Spanish Segars, part very clmico ; 50 packa ges Stuart’s loal and crashed Sugars; 100 barrels Georgia Flour; 50 boxes Hull’s Caudles; 10 qr. casks Malaga Wine; 20 boxes assorted Cordials; 25boxns Buchan’s Soap;200 reams wrapping Pa per »20 casks India Ale ; 20 bbls Potatoes. Just received and for sale by oct 18 II. A. CRANE. /'10FFI3I3, SOAP, PAILS, Ac.— Vy Landing from brig PJiilura—100 bags Rio Colleo, 50 boxes common Soap, 50 do. Family 20 dozen Painted Pails, 10 half chests llysun Tea, 10 do. do. lllucU do. For sale by oct 18 *• E. SWIFT. t lOFFFF.—200 bags very nuperi f ba; 10 bagsMoclino; 200 do. Rio; 51 rior old Cu- .50 do. Java, rueeivod by rucenl arrivals, for sale by oct 18 II. A. CRANE. my. foot nearly off, instead of the troe.. D.i tills misfortune I employed myself in perusing tlio fragment leaves of an old volutdo, printed in Eng land some hundred years ago. Among these scaltorod loaves I read of on herb which had been onalyzod by some of England’s ancient Alche mists, shewing properties and qualities never be fore found in any plant that was ever discovered. This one herb, under tho forco of tho Rotort and Crucible, developed more than ten distinct properties. This fact struck my mind so forcibly, that it was impossible to get rid of it. Something scomod to tell mo that Providonco, whoso special care is oxtonded towards all his creatures, had nover concentrated into one small herb so many medicinal qualities, as various and as complicated, although perfectly ideutical as tlio humau blood, without n wiso and good purpose. Hero was to bo found the acids, the alkalis, the oils, the water, tho air, tho salts, tho soda, Ac., all couibined, con centrated, and cliomically united into one single elemeut of power, forming a substance more al lied and in affinity to the human blood than was ever before discovered in tlio works of nature. Laboring under these impressions for sevoral years, I became uneasy, discontented, and un willing to confine myself longer to tho duties of a farmer. Every tiling seemed to point my mind to ono object, viz.: the preparation of this herb into a medicine. I then determined to return to tlio city of N. York. I did so, and immediately inquired for the herb. It was not to be found. 1 then sent to Europo and there found it under another name. Having prepared tho article to my satisfaction, I gavo it away to all who would use it. Hun dreds, I might say thousands, took it into their fuuiilics and used it: some for ono thitmand some fur another, mid all from tlio very unit to tlio very Inst, pronauncod it of unrivaled excol- leuco and power. Tho first ease that came under my observation, was u man that hud lost tho uso of his arm for some years. Tho Ointment restored his arm completely in a few days. This surprised mo as much us it did tlio patient. After him there came tf man with sore eyes produced by gunpowder—a very bud cuso indeed. One box only sutllcied to niuKo u perfect cure. And I would here remark that hundreds imvo been cured of sure eyes, who never fuuud any relief but in this Oint ment. There next enmo a woman who was suffering cxcruciutiug pain from tlio ague in tho face.— Her pliysieinn (thinking it the tonthncho,) had extracted eleven of lior teeth. But the difficulty still remained as bad as evor. The Application of tho All Healing Ointment, was attended with immediate cessation of pain. Her face however, begun to swell, and the surface was covered over with pimples of eruption liko prickly bout. In ouo day all this disappeared. About tlio same time, a lady made application with it for tho headache of long stunning, and a fulling of the hair. The Ointment- cured her heudachc, and restored her hair. Sinco this, I have known tho Ointment to cure cases often, twenty nnd forty years standing. I hesitate not to say, that it is almost an infallible remedy for this complaint. About tins thno there were two cases, one of Consumption, und tlio other of Scrofula, which had buflled the skill of every physiciun who pros cribed. It was wonderful to witness tho otFoct of the Ointment on these personx. No ouo would heliove it unless they had personally-witnessed it. But it did tho work properly. There was no half way business, for they recovered their health in a few months. Rheumatism, Fevcrj Quinzy, Sore Throat, Cu taneous Eruptions, diseases of tlio Spiuo, and Nervous Compluints were treated with unheard of success. But ill Chest discuses, such us Asth ma, pain and oppression, I believo there is no hot ter remedy. Also, the common diseases, such as Ulcer Sores, Scald Head, Humors of tho Skin, Inflammation, Piles, Sore Eyes, Sprains, Bruises, and Burns, it seems to be u perfect untidote.— People would como into tho store smiling, wish ing to knew if 1 was really tho Seventh Son, or whethur the Ointment that I gave them wus indeed all-healing in its nature. For said they, not one single application has failed to cure. Liver Coinpluint, particularly, was treated with great mid universal succoss. It produced such good results in all cases that it has liuon noised ubroad, und I was oifured sums of money for a receipt to mako it for private uso merely. Evory man spoke well of it, us it had duuoso much gdud. Not withstanding all, I iinvo been careful not to recommend it, oxcupt incases I know it would do good. I wus never willing to lend myself to uny tiling without first testing its merits. ’This I on- doavor to do on every occasion, and when I acted as one of the Sick Committee in the Lodge of I. O. of O. F. I then tested it upon Brothers iu tlio most critical conditions, and hud abundant oppor tunity of proving its worth. And, in conclusion, I would remark that I lmvc pluced this Ointment before tlio people of the U. States during the Inst nitio or twelve moutlis, nnd so general has been tho satisfaction, nnd so great amount of good done, that more than half a mill ion of boxes have already been sold. I do really believe there never was a medicine which gained such widespread, universal and unanimous satis faction us tlio All-IIcnling Ointment. From all parts of the land there liuvo come up ono deep, sincere und uuivursul voice of approbation saying “McAlister thy tongue hath dropped tlio word of truth and love, while health forever attends thy foot stops.” And were I now to give all the good sayings of the people, thuir unqualified approval, their thankfulness and gratitude, their joy at rocov cring from disoase and sickness, I could fill u volume. James McAlister, New York. For snlo, wholesale anil retail, by J. M. TURNER & BROTHER, oct 18 Agents for Savannah. •hew Line, MILL, A. M. Picket maitcr, will sail with des patch. For freight or, passage, having superior ctato-room accommodations,, apply on board at ^T' 8UPP ° rW WWllT & CO. Seml.W<»Ur U. tk m.' HreuthYxckM l.Uio. setvtuh . SAVANNAH «. PAtATKA, FLA. BY TH*JVAT or ; Darien, Brunswick, St. Marys, Qeo.; Jacksonville, Black Creek fy Picolqla, Fla. In connection Wltfi tha Charleston Doily Mail Steam-padkotsat Savannah,theateamer SARAH SPALDING, from Pal&tkH to Lako Monroe, tho U. S. Moil Stage*/from Picolatn to St. Au gustine, and from Black Creek, via Newnansville, Alligator, Mineral Springs & Columbus, to Tal lahassee. OCAMULGEE. Capt. A. Chase. ST. MATTHEWS “...P. McNulty. These packets leave Savannah ovory Tuesday and Saturday MoRtnttas, at 10 o’clock, and ar rive at Picolata in time for tho Mail Stages to go throygli to StAugustine before night every Thursday and Monday. Returning, leave Palatka every Tuesday and Friday Morning at 7 o'clook, touching as abovo each way They are both low pressure boats, in complcto order, and handsomely fttrniahed in ovory respect; are commanded by gentlemen of well known ex perience on tlio route, and their patrons are as sured that evory attention Will be paid to the safety nnd comfort ofpossongors, and to tlio careful hand ling of ft-oight. —AOENTB— Brooks & Tuppor. Savannah. A. A. DeLorme ...Darien. G. Friedlundor Brunswick. John Bessent St. Maiys. Fernandez & Bisboo Jacksonville. A. Coy / Blnck Creek. Geo. Cooloy .Picolata. J. P. Hawkins Palatka. E. Lufitto &, Co..... Charleston. N. B. Goods consigned to.the Agonts forward ed freo of commission. Freight from Savannah and Charleston, and all way freight, payable by shippers,sept 13 M. rooms in thulmild- ing Ibrmerly occupied by the Savannah Iu-. surancoand TJnist Company, suitable for a Mer chant, with the rooms ill tho 2d story above, which areconvemontfbr law offices or lodging rooms. Apply to . JOHN N. LEWIS. july 29 — FOR KJCNT.—A pleasant residence •next West of Judge Demon, • In Broughton sweet, ithas six chambers and two parlora-ond kitchen, and wash room, and servant’s room on basement, also stable and carriuge house. Also another in Broughton sweet, a little lower down, having.three chnmbers, and two parlors, and kitchen, wash room, and servants’ room in bnseraont. Possession given of both 1st Novem ber next. Apply to july 29 F. W. HEINEMANN. Express & Accommodation Line. “ 2-1 Hours In Advance of U. S. Mail.” BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND PALATKA, E. F. Via. Darken, Brunswick, St. Marus, Jacksonville, Black Creek, Picolata, and all Intermediate Landings. The steamer WM. GASTON, Cnpt. Win. C. Mondell, will leave evory Tuesday Morning at 10 o’clock, for tlio above nnmed places, arriving at Palatka “ 12 Hours in Advance” of U. S. Mail, und in returning will arrivo in Savannah on Sat urday Morning “24 Hours in Advance." Stages will run in connection with tho Wm. Gostou to all the interior Towns and to St. Au gustine. Tho Wm. Gaston has had a now boiler put... and has boon thoroughly overhauled and painted; she is conmmnded by a gentleman of acknowl edged experience, and togoUior with her “ supe rior accommodations and speed, sho must bo the fuvorito boat on the route.” For freight or passago apply on board, or to the Agent it H. D. SORREL. N. B.—Tho Agent will receive goods free of commissions to he forwarded by tho Win. Guston. All Freight payable by the shippers. t3?»The steamer Win. Guston will be ready to tow vessels every Saturday. oct 7 N AILS.—300 kegs assorted, for sale by oct 18 H. A. CRANE. M OLASSES,—50 libUs. Cuba, for sale by del 18 II. A. CRANK. gEAIS LA NI> V © T TON B A G- GING.- oet 18 ■75 rolls, for sale b' l? by if. A. CRANE. B uttjgk, a no lard. 10 kegs choice Goslien Butter, 50 boxes do. do. Cheese, 10 bbls. choieu Leaf Lard, 30 kegs do. Landing from brig Piiilura, and for sale by net 18 E. SWIFT. oct 18 1 X. X. so'ui/lONS, Agmit, Market Square. 1^^ * 'I’EIt.-—A line article of tioshcu But- . J ,,st rccuiv ‘'d and for sale by ?. ALBERT HARD. I | NO A PS.—15 boxes of Yaricgu- . to'land While scented Soaps in bars, just received per brig Vernon, and for sale by A.T. BOWNE. .. a k° r * Broughton ami Whitaker Sts. ^__ocU8 Smols’ Buildings^ (^MPHINE 5 bbls. Cnmnhino, for sale v '. L J r . A.T. llOWNK, —!2J5_ ■'■]. Huiliiingn. VV’SfA*! 8 balsam op wild LIIbitKY.—(hie gross received by A. A. SOLOMONS, Agent, —OctJ8 Market Square. VPIC 128.—Pimento, Cloves, 31 ace, Ciunn- liuin und Nutmegs, just received and for salo « , A * A - SOLOMONS, Agent, Market Square. AND COFFEE. 20bffik Ri« p ri 2° * >orto Ri^ 0 Sugar,75 bags prime green e ’ kwding from hark Herschel. nnd for o,-u3 SCRANTON & JOHNSTON. D omestic lioiioks and WINKS.—50 bbls. New York Gin, 15 do. Domestic Brandy, 20 do. New York Whiskey of high proof, 10 do. Tcnorillo Wino, 20 do. Sweet MalngU'do., 10 do. Madeira do. Landing from brig Piiilura, and for salo by oct 18 E. SWIFT. rimiCCO AND SEGARS. 100 JL packages Tobacco, various qualities, 50,000 common Segura, .25,000 superior do. Instore, and for salo by E. SWIFT, oct 18 ’ F ine bed blankets.—u, 10, 11, and 12-4 Whitney Blanket*, 1(M, 11-4 and 12-1 super. French Bod do. Just received, und for side by oct 18 GODFREY &. LA ROCHE. EltSEYS. Washington. Thomusou’s, -1-^- Hazard’s and Punelubdu Plains, unu oilier stylos of Kerseys, just received iu store, nnd for sale by GODFREY & LA ROCHE, net 13 B LANKETS.—Lnmfou Dullil Blanket*. Twilled do., Green and Blue do., Checked and Striped Saddle do. For sale by oct 18. GODFREY & LA ROCHE. AND FLOEU.-50 bbls. N. E. Up r»u’ ^ do - Canal Flour, landing from bark SCRANTON & JUUNSTON. DE rTEll,—]5 firkins choice Goshen But- Mdfori"" rUI “ e,i - kndi ” g frol “ bri 6J’liUura, _ocU8 SCRANTON & JOHNSTON. (HANAL FLOUR, &C—50 barrel. Ca- t>„, 4 nal Elour ; 50 half do. do.; 10 kegs Goshen it*”® 1, ^ 0 xe* Sperm Candles; 50 packages H n J ea * Landuig and for sale by oct 18 II. A. CRANE. / 4A8IHIEKES.—— For Fall and Winter Bair.—A good assortment ofCuaimeresof various styles and patterns, just received and for sale by GODFREY & LA LOCHE; oct 18 D AVIS’ PAIN KILLER. A full supply of this valuable urticln, received by A. A. SOL03IONS, Agent, oct 18 Markut Square B RAN DY .—10 half pines Otard, Dupuy &. Co’s. Brandy, 1810; 2 half pipes do. do. do. 18-10, landing from bnrk Herschel, and for salo in bond, untitled to debenture, by oct 18 SCRANTON & JOHNSTON. ■\7TSETTS.-—A full supply, iust received ▼ per steamer Southerner. Also, French work ed Collars; do. do. Chimisctts ; Mourning Coll ars; Thread Laces, &c. for sale by oct 18 HENRY LATHROP, D omestic lkiuors, &c.-so bbls. Now York Gin, 20 do. do. Whiskey, 15 do. Domestic Brandy, 15 do. Sweet Malaga Wine, ,15 do. Tencrifle do., 10 do Madeira ao. landing from bnrk Ycruou and for sale by oct 16 *E. SWIFT. N ew fall and winter GOODS.—SNIDER, LATHROP & NEVITT, ofior for sale, on reasonable terms.— PLAINS—25 bales Fancy, 25 do. Cubic Warp, 20 do. Schley’s Manufactured. KERSEYS—20 bales Washington andGlnsgow, 20 do. Union Rolled, 5 do. Extra heavy Mal lory, LINSEYS—5hnlcH Fnnoy nnd Plnins. BLANKETS—25 bales London Dullil some ex tra large and heavy, 10 do. Bristol, funcy cm(s 3 do. Col’d and Fauey,2do. Fiuo Wliitnoy, bod. FLANNELS—5 bales Plain and Twilled red, (1. do. w'hitc, 5 cases Canton, or Cotton. SHEETINGS—50 bales, 3-4,7-8 and 4-4, brpwii, 10 cases, do. do., bleuelicd. MARLBORO’ STRIPES—5 bales Fancy and Southern. PRINTS—20 hales American and English, com- B rising every style and quality. AWLS—Woolen, Silk and Colton, all qua lities and si/.os. DE LA1NES, Low Priced and Fino. MANDK’FS—Silk nnd Cotton, pocket, Verona, .Madras* and Romall. NEGRO CAPS—Kilummock and Scoluh Bon nets. WOOL SOCKS—L. Priced nnd Fino. HOSIERY—Ladies, Gents,' and Misses, of all kinds. ' LACES—Figured and PVif Bobbinott, Edgings and Inserting*. CRAVATS—Ladies and Gents Fancy and Black Silks. S - BROAD CLOTHS—Black.Blue, Brown, Mix ed and Green, Broad Cloths. SATINETTS—Cadet, Black, Bluo, Mixed and Fancy Salinctts and Jeans. oct 1 N EW. FALL GOODS*—The subscrib er has received by Into arrivals, his fall as sortment of FANCY AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, which consists, in nnrt, of black Alpu- eas, Silk Warp do. black, plaid aud colored Me rinos; Worsted Plaid*, Oregon do. Twilled Gin ' hams, French do. Casluncro Dresses, Mouslin i Loins, rich small figured English and American Prints, Furniture ao. White und Red Flunnel; white, brown und blue Canton Flannel, Paper Cambric and Jaconet Muslin*, Rob Roy and Broncho Shawls, Printed Casiinero do..Marseilles Quilts, hemstitched and plain L. C. Hdkfs, Silk ana Cotton Pocket Hdkf. Gents nnd Ladies’ Cravats, black and brown Tuble Diaper, French Towels, Irish Linons; Clasps, Rings and Tassels; Silk Twist for purses, Silk and Cotton Umbrel las, Oil Cloths, Carpeting and Floor Cloth. Also, for gentlemen’s wear, as good un assort ment as can be found in any other store/ of Casi- mere und Broadcloth, together with a variety of otherjgoods, which are well worthy the attention of those who desire good and cheap goods. JOSEPH LlPPMAN, Owens’ buildings, South side Market sqr. sept 27— TO RENT.—Tho brink Dwelliug House in Broughton Street, adjoining tene ment occupied by Col. Ktinpp. It is well finish ed, has a pump in tho yard, and good curriago house ana stable in the rear. Possession given 1st Novembor next. Apply to july 7 A. MINIS. t FOR RENT*—Tho Dwelling House at tlio corner of Broughton and Habersham streots. Possession given on tho 1st Nov. sept4 ROB. HABERSHAM & SON. FOR RENT*—Several Houses, sur- table for small families. Possession given 1st November next F. W. HEINEMANN. june 9 TO RENT.—From the 1st of Novem ber next, a commodious Three Story Brick Dwelling, in South Broud Street, noar St. John’s Church. Terms vory moderate. Apply to jnno 3 — If. GANAIIIv New Arrangement* UNITED STATES 3IAIL LINE—DAILY. Between Savannah and Charleston via Hilton Head and Ilcatfort, Inland two-thirds of the Way. The well known splendid steam packets MKTAMORA, Cnpt. V. Bnrden, WM. SEABROOK, Capt. T. Lyon, GEN. CLINCH, Capt. Win. Curiy, Will hcreufter leave Snvannnh every ovening nt half past 8 o’lock, and Charleston every inomitq ut 9 o’clock, precisely, touching nt Hilton Heat and Beaufort each way, and uvoiding two-thirds of tho sea route. For Freight or Passnge; njiply on board, or to BROOKS &TUPPE! Savannah. E. LAFITTE 4& CO., Ag r ts, Charleston. N. B.—All goods intended for .Savannah or Charleston will bo forwarded by, the Agents, if directed to their citre.TViie dreommissiona. All wny-froight payable by shippers, july 1 For Macon, llawktnsvillc nnd Intermediate Landings. The steamers ROBERT COL LINS and SA3I JONES, bavin been overhauled and thoroughly repaired, wi commence their trips for tlm abovo plncus as soon as sufficient freight may offer. For freight apply to sept 14 L. BALDWIN & CO. N otice to consignees.— Transportation Office, Central Hail Hoad— October 5,1847.—Consignees of Cotton or other this Road, are hereby notified that re ceipts will bo required for all freight delivered.— They will therefore send persons to receive their consignments who ure authorised to sign such re ceipts. L. O. REYNOLDS, oct C — Eng’r nnd Superintendent. S ILK. MERINO AND COTTON Under Shirts and Drawers, just received, full assortment, and for sola by • PRICE & VEADER, oct 16 3— '147 Bay Street. W ANTED IMMEDIATELY.— Twelve or fifteen good COOPERS, such as nro accustomed to making Rico Tierces, for which wages will bo paid, cither by tlio montli or year. Apply to i JOSEPH LOMBARD, At Mr*. Howell’s Bryan street, near tlio Market, Boct 12 6”— Or at tho Lower Rico Mill. T>tANTATION FOR SALE.—Tlio XT Subscriber olfors for side his Plantation in Scrivon cmuity, near the 45 milo station, Central Kpil Road, consisting of from 5 to 700 acres of Pino and Hnmnioek Land. Tho improvements oro about 100 acres eleured and under good fence, a new und comfortable dwelling house with six rooms nitd all uoccswiry out buildings, a thriving orelinrd of vnrious kinds of lYuit. Tho situation is high and healthy with good water, Arc. For terms, apply to Mr. Jacob Shader, iu Snvnunali, or on the premises to 11. HAUPT. oct 7 fin4 P IANO FORTS TUNED AND REPAIRED.—Samuki. L. SrF.issF.oo>:n re spectfully informs the citizens of Savannah and its vicinity, that lie will attend to any calls in the above line, nnd solicits a share of their patronage. Orders left at Mr. 1. W. Morrell’s Cubuict Store, will be promptly attended to. oct 6 7— Ry Colicn FottdiclL On tho 1st Tuesday in December noxt, will bo sold at the Court House, within tlio legal hours ofsa]e,the foUoWing nogroos, viz : ' Mintu, Lydia, Tlora, and Hannah, belonging to tlio estate of A. R- Bagshaw, deceased. By per- minion of the Inferior Court of Chatham County and hy order of JOHN MURCHISON, oct 5 Administrator. TO RENT.—-The House at tlm head of Bay Street, recenllv occupied by Mr E B Crane, as a carriage warehouse. Also, two large rooms over Ives, Jlorsoy & Co’s hat store, suitable for cuuiiting rooms of lawyers’officers. Apply to H. A. CRANE, sopt 27 ■ By Colicn & Fosdftck. WILL BE SOLD before the Court Houso in the City of Savannah, on the first Tuesday in January next, tiie following Real Estato of the property of tho estato of William Taylor, de ceased, yiz: Lot Letter A. on West Broad Street leased to Charles Van Horn for ten years from first day of January, 1840. Also, Not No. 8 and Improvements corner of Broughton and West Broad Streets, Liberty Ward, subject to an annual rent of Thirty Dol lars to tiie City. Also, Wharf Lot, No. 16, at Five Fathom on tho Suvannoh River. Also, Tract of Lund, No. 949,19th District, 2d Section of Chcrokoe, now Cobb Comity, cou:a:n- tuining Forty (40) Acres. Also, tho following nersonal proporty belong ing to the estato ofsuiu William Taylor, deccas- id, viz; A Negro Man named Shephard, and a Pew in the Independent Presyterinu Church in tho City of Snvuunah, known in tho plan ufsuid Church as No. 3. All tlio above property sold by the undersigned under und by virtue of a Decree in Equity ofthe Superior Court of Chatham Comity, rendered at its May Term, 1847.- oct 2 N. WALLACE, Executor. Sugar. By Colicn A Fosdick. Landing from brig Perseverance, 15 hhds. Cu ba Muscovado Sugar. In store, 25 lilids. Porto Rico^Siigar, 25 do New Orleans do. sept 16. jl TO RENT.—A three story Brick ^Buliding in State Street. A two story Wooden Building in Broughton st. A two story Wooden Building in Jutfersou st. A two story Wooden Building, witli a Baku House attuchcd, next door cast of Mrs. Bourkc’s residence. For terms, apply to sopt 22 COHEN & FOSDICK. l’O RENT.— 1 That commodious dwel ling, situated on Wurren square, N. E. cor ner of Bryan amljlluherslmin streets. For terms apply on tho premises, or to H. GANAIIL, sopt 18 .— pi TO .RENT.—The Dwelling over tlio subscribers’ store. Appy to VERSTILLE, LUFBUltROW & BUTLER. oct 8 flBf FOR SALE.—A very pluosumiv situ ated Houso and Lot,No.26,'Crawford Ward. The building contains three rooms in the base ment, two spacious parlors on tho first Hour, eight- teen by fifteen feet. Tho second floor bus lour very commodious lied rooms. There are ulso on tho premises all tlio nednssary oat-houses. For torms apply on tho premises, to oct 9 — E. WALSH. TO RENT.—A pleasantly situated -dwelling house, on Broughton street, witli two parlours and four bed rooms on tho first floor, and three rooms neatly finished on tlio se cond floor, also servants rooms, kitchen, Are. iu tho basement, and a stable, carriage house, Arc.— Possession can be had on tho first November.— Apply at this office. — oct 7 M FLOYD HOUSK, MACON, GA. M STERLING LANIER. J. A. BROWN, oct 27 Ip! TO RENT.—Tenement No. 4, C.i»- ttiiaol Row. Possession given on tho 1st of No- •ember next. Apply to oct 2 F. W. HEINEMANN. C OLLECTOR’A OFFICE .— Savju nab, 5tli Oct., 1847.—Sealed proposjJ* will bo received at this oflico until the first U:iy of Novomber, at 12 o’clock, 31., for the supply of rations for the men on board the Light .Ship off Martin’s Industry, for the torm of ono year from the first day of Novembor next. Tbo rations to consist of the articles enumerated in tiro following table, to wit:— For tbo Day* ol thcWcok. Sunday Mondny Tnn*dny WodnoHduy.... Thursday Friday Saturday For Week... ® Pi i|. Thu rations to be of good, wholesomo quality. to be approved by the Collector, or such person ns he may designate to inspect them; und tl. different articles comprising tho ration to ho do livered on hoard said Light .Ship monthly, and in good und sulliciunt casks nnd vessels to bo pro vided hv the Contractor, und the contents thereof distinctly marked on each. Proposals will also lie received nt the same time and place, for supplying said Light Ship with not exceeding 15 cords of oak wood Ibr one your, of good quality, to be duly measured and inspected, and delivered on board quarterly, nt which periods payment will bo made uu the production ofthe Cuptain’s receipts for the same, oct 4 tnsd W. B. BULLOCH, Collector, ©PARTNERSHIP. - V/ signed Imvo formud a Copai rPO JOURNEYMEN TAILORS. A Two or three good workmen will find pro fitable employment by early application to the subscriber. JOHN MALLEItY. oct 4 12— S CHOOL REMOVED.—G. A. HOL COMBE informs bis patrons nnd his fellow- citizonsgenerally, that ho has Removed his Bcltool to a central situation, viz. the 3Iusouic Lodge, where ti couple oflnrgo rooms arc open. Ibr the reception of Pupils of both sexes. A Lady well educated nnd an experienced Teacher, has charge of the Junior Classes. He taken this method also oftlinnkiug his friends for past patronage, extend ed too, during a season when least expected, os well as for the opinion tiie majority of them have been pleased to express rclutive to his character as a Teacher. 2mus—wept 28 D issolution of cofart NERSHIP.—Tho Copartnership hereto fore existing under the firm of J. Washburn & Wilder is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Either of tbo undersigned are authorised to close the business of their late firm, und to use the name of the firm for that purpose. JOSEPH WASHBURN, aug 2 JOHN 11. WILDER. . — Tlm tindei Copartnership unde tlio firm of Washburn, Wilder & Co.,, for tbo transaction of u Factorage aud Commission Bu siness, aud will bo thankful for tlio patronage of their friends. JOSEPH WASHBURN, JOHN R. WILDER, aug 2 FRANCIS G DANA. D ISSOLUTION.—The Copartnoreliii heretofore existing under (he lirin of HAM ILTON, HARDEMAN A. CO., is This Da, dissolved by mutual consent; either of the un dersigned are authorised to use the name of tlm Into lirm in closing up tlm unfinished business of tlm same. THOS. HARDEMAN, • C. F. HAMILTON. Surviving Copartners of tlio firm of Hamilton, Hardeman A Co. Savuuiiali, Sept. 1, 1817. C OPARTNERSHIP. — Tlm under signed liavu formed a Copartnership uml tho firm of II AM ILTON A HARDEMAN, for tlio transaction of a FACTORAGE AND GENERAL COMMISSION BUSINESS, aud will Im thankful to their friends Ibr a portion of their patronage. C. F. HAMILTON. THOMAS HARDEMAN, Savannah, Sept. I, 1847. Onto Southern Recorder, Milledgeville; Jour nal A Messenger, Macon; Atlanta Luminary, Atlanta, copy Ibr four mouth*. AUCTION SALES.; AUCTION SAI.IIS. . By r. W. Uiiiucmnui At Private Solo.—Just landing froit _- a 10 Ithds. ShouMors, n sup^rior articp bet 18 jay it. Wi uememanjt* , At Private Sale.—Just landing froni ship Hart ford, 10 qr. cask* Madoira Wine', 50 boxes Pipes, arid 10 hnds< Hair. Also, landing from brig AUco Bentley, 20 boxes RaisinB, 30 boxes Cheeso. oct 8 By F. W. Hcinomann. At- Private Salo.— Just landing from «chr. Wm. P. WiUiums, 20 casks Flakier;^20. casks Cement. - -« Also, from*brig Josephus/20-bbW Butter Crackers; 20 do. Srigardo.rftl do/Pilbt Bread; 15 half bbls. Boston Crackers. oct 2 Champagne Brandy aud Oil. By F. W Ilclncmaniii ' At Private Salo.—Landing from brigs Augusta und Mucon, 5 halfpipes Champagne Brandy, 10 bbls. Refined Wlmte Oil. Bopt22 By W. F. llcliicnmim.. At PrivatQ Sole.—Just landing front .brig Piii lura, 25 qr. casks Sherry Wine. . .sopt 17 /'11IATIIAM SHERIFF’S SALE V-S On Saturday, 23d October instant, al tho Palo Alto House, between tlm usual hours of sale, will be sold, the following Good* and Chatties, viz; Two Billiard Tables. Ball*, Cues and Maces, Buck Gammon Boards, Dice and Dominoes; One Lurgu Looking Glass, ono Eight day Clock, Ele- von Cuinphiue Lamps, one Set Bar Pumps and Pipes; Twenty-two Cut Glass Decanters; Forty Largo Tumblers; one Liquor Pump: one Stove and Furniture; Thirty Cut Wine Glasses; Thirty, three Tumblers; Plated Spnuiis; Sugar Dislm's. Knives and Forks, Plates, Spittoons, Jugs anil Pitchers, Tobacco Jar, one dozen l’lineh Jugs, Two Large and FOnr Small Round Tables, Benches and Citshious.Oue Clock, Thirty Chairs, and sundry other articles useful to Bur-kccper*. Levied on by virtue of u Fi. Fa., founded on foreclosure of mortgage, issued out of the Inferior Court of Chatham County, at tlm instance of Charles Van Horn. vs. James Oliver. ELISHA WYLLY, ShoriffC. C oct 8 John P. G uvan A €o.» AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, And Forwarding Agents, Macon, CJn. Mucon, July 20, 1847 ly july 23 B OOKS AND STATIONERY.— All tlm SCHOOL BOOKS in common uso in this section of tlio country, ure kopt on hand. A great variety of MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. An assortment of JUVENILE BOOKS, cal culated to suit tho tusto of ovory ono, with b va riety of interesting GAMES for youth. Family and other BIBLES, ana Ilymrt Books for all denominations, id plain, substantial and elegant binding. NEW BOOKS of all kinds constantly re ceived. BLANK BOOKS ofeVory description. Also, PLAIN and FANCY STATIONERY. J. B. CUBBF.DGE, aug 2ft South aide Market sqr., Savannah. Guns, Pistols, Rifles, Hard ware See, Ac. Ac. SPORTSMEN and others are hereby notified that they ran bo supplied nt low prices, for cash, with the follow articles, viz; Double und Single Guns from $3 to $50—Rifles, Pistols, Powder Flasks, Shot Pouches, Gnino Bags, Cone Wren ches, Walker’s Caps, Baldwin's Gun Wadding, Gup Cotton, Fishing Tncklo, Powder, Shot, &c. Also, A general assortment of IInrdwure,consiHt- ing in part of Table nnd Pocket Cutlery, Locks, Hinges, Spades, Shovels, Hoes, Axe*, Hatchet-*, Augers, Drawing Knives, Cullue Mills, Cards, &c. Ac. Please call ami examine before purchasing olse- where. JOHN CAURUTIIERS, No 175 Congress Street, Savannah. N. B. Rides mndo to order, and all kinds of Roimiring ofGiius, Rifles, Locks, &n. carefully and punctually attended to and warranted. Or ders from tlm country, or work sent to bo dono will lie attended to and returned bv tlm boats, or other conveyance, with tho sumo fidelity, as if por- sonnlly present oct 4 SURGEON *y P ICTORIAL LilbofTnylor; do. Blnrion; do. Lafayette, Washington, Jackson, Frank lin aud Nupoloou—uniform editions. Historical Tales of Illustrious Children, by Agnes Strickland, with engravings. . Borquiu’s Childrens Friend, anew translation, in two volumes. Tho Fairy Gem, a choice collection of Fairy tales, illustrated by two hundred engravings by the most celebrated French artists. The Parent's Assistant; or storms Ibr children, by Maria Edgeworth. Tho [Evergreen, or stories for Children and Youth, edited by Walter Wont. Barlmuld'rt Lessons for Children, from 2 to 5 years old; pictorial edition. A new supply oftlm Child’s Own Book, illus trated with 250 engravings. Isadora Merlon, or the Reverses of Fortune, by Frank Warren. Margaret Graham, or the Rovcrscs of Fortune, by G. P. II. James. Norman Bridge, or tho Blodoru Blidas, by the author of Amelia Wyudham. Bliss Pardoo’s Louis the 14th, or the Court of ranee, complete, in two vols., bound. Wildusli, or the Cruiser of tlm Capes, by J. II. Ingliram. J. B. CUBBEDGE. oct 9 South sido Market square. B OOK-BINDING AND BLANK BOOK B1ANUFACTORY.—The subscri ber having greatly increased tbo facilities of tlm above establishment for tlio Blanufiicture of Blank Work, Ruling of Paper aud Bookbinding of all kinds, resnectfully solicits tlio patrouago of tlio f ntblic. By recent arrivals has bocu received a urge supply of Cup, D6111I, Medium, Royal and Super lloyal Ledgor Pnpcr, of tho very best quali ty which will bummlo up al short notice, unu in a superior manlier. oct. 12 JOHN M. COOPER. DENTISTS. MAY Im consulted at their rooms N. E. corner of St. Julian street und Blarket Square, nt any hour, (Sunday excepted.) Enlruiico on St. Julian street. — aug 13 PIIIJLIU KEAN, Draper A Tailor, 98 BRYAN-Stbkkt. The subscriber grate ful to bis friends aud pntrons for past favors, takes much pleasure in informing them of bis recoil? return from the Northern Cities, with as fine an assortment of ar ticles iu Ins line as can bo found in any similar establishment iu tlm city. —Having selected liis _ __htock from some of the first Houses in New York, lie feels no hesitancy in warranting every ariicle, which hois prepared to make to order in the latest style and Cushion by tlm most experienced workmen. His stock consists of Super French, English A- American Broadcloths. J)o. do. do. do. Cassimeros. Do. do. do. do. Doeskins. Do. do. do. do. Tweeds. Together with n most splendid assortment ol’Cash- nmcp Woolimelt, Fancy Bilk Velvets, l'lniii and Fancy Batins,, and a large variety of Plaids. He has also on hand a large and well selected assortment of Ready Bladu Garments, gotten tin in tho host manner, expressly ibr this market,which Im is determined to sell at moderate prices; to gether with such articles ns Shirts, Stocks, Suspen ders. Ilamlk’ffsGloves, Umbrellas, Caps, Hosiery Merino and Limbs Wool Vndcr Shirt* and Draw ers; aud all other articles usually kept in fusbiuiiablu establishment* of this kind. PHILIP KEAN would ulso inform his friends Uml ho has removed from Owens’ Building on Bull Street, lo the store No. 98 BRYAN-ST., recent ly occupied by J. Southwell A Co., whore lie will lie gratified to fill their orders. oct 12 T HE SUBSCRIBER would respect fully inform Physicians, Blerchants, Factors, Planters und the public generally, tliut ho Jjoh just opened a large nnd well selected Stock of DRUGS. MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, PERFUMERY, FANCY ARTICLES, Ac., nt v tlm corner of Broughton nnd Wldtakcr streets, Smuts’ new Buildings, formerly whore the Man sion House stood, and thnthois now prepared to sell at wholesale und rctuiljipqn terms the most favorable, and at priccnos low us any houso iu the city, or.Soiitliern country. The Subscriber being a Physician and tho roughly acquainted with tho business, will give his personal attention to besides ho lius recently obtained tho services of a competent Druggist, who is well acquainted with all tlm iniipttia of compounding and preparing Bledicinns, and of putting up Physicians’ prescriptions. . Possessing these ndvuutugcs, be flutters himself that ho will receive Ills share of public patronage, and invites a call from tlio trade. A. T. BOWNE, Sinutu’--Dnlldinss, oct 1.3 Cor. Broughton and - Whitaker sts. R EMOVAL.—The undersigned would in form bis friends tliftt ho has removed to the comer No.’ 1 Waring’* buildings, adjoining hit former store, where Im Im* on hand and will be reg ularly receiving a vory general assortment of Drugs, Bledieiiies, Oils,Perfiimorv,Garden Seeds, Ac., which Im will sell on favorable torms, oct 7 j. a. Laroche. t^EGAlt AND TOBACCO STORE. O No. 27, Iliill-sJqrt. Sign of the Indian, near Moniimcnt-sijuare.—Tlio subscriber returns his grateful thanks to the citizens of Savannah, nnd tlm public generally, who Imvo so liberally patron ised him during tlm last four years, and beg* to in sure them that lie still imports the vory best brands, of which Im has oil hand nt this tmm a large assort ment. Ho would call particular attention to a lulu shipment which Im can fully warrant. Also to hi* stock of chewing Tobacco, Snuff, Ac., Ac., nil of which Im will sell on as good terms ns can bo Imd elsewhere. P. JACOBS, july H7• ly— HAMILTON A 8YMON8 Imvo received per Hartford and Savannah: A choice assortment of French, English nnd Belgium CLOTHS,CASSIMERS AND VEST INtiS, selected with the greatest care, aud ofthe best imported in this country. Wo are now pre pared to innmifticture at tlm shortest notice, aud in the best manner, any garment in our line, for cash or approved credit. 17 WHITAKER STREET, oct 13 — Savannah. Ga. M B' E %V STYLE OF HATH I— FALL FASHIONS of Hiipurior qualities, received by recent arrival* at 187 Ba^r stn sept 10 I YES,'HORSEY A CO. PORK _ XT Pork, 50 do. prime do. 20 do. mess Beef; 10 half do. Fulton market Beef, received per Peter Demill, and for sale by oct 15 WOOD, CLAGHORN & CO. Y oung ladies’ boarding AND DAY SCHOOL—MADAME GI RARD inform* her friends nnd the public gener ally, that her establishment for tlio. education of Young Ladies, will opori on the 1st dny of Nov ember next, in Mrs. Murshall’* New Range of Biick Buildings, on the corner of Liberty and Baruurd Streots. Pupils, in addition to all tlm brunches of an English education will bo taught to write und sucolt the French.Iiinguage. Lessons wilt be given to those who desire it, in BIuifijjKDrawing, und in tiie Italian, Spanish and German languages- Address b ^ MAD’E. A. GIRARD, oct 14 36—o Savannah Geo. |?ALL AND WINTER GOODS.— JL Just in receipt of a full assortment house keeping and plantation Dry Goods. 30 bales 3-4 to 12-4broWn Cottons; 15 cases 3-4 to 12-1 bleach ed do. 5 do. English Long Cloths; 2 do. Irish lin ens; 6-4 to 10-4 Tahle Damask; 30 cases Thomp son’s Kerseys; 10 do. Georgia Plains; Howard’s Plains and Korneys, all wool; Cordova Plains; 20 bales DuflU Blannets- For sale by oct 12 . HENRY LATHROP. C ARPETINGS.—Ingrain and three ply Carpets, received per ship Hartford. Alsu, ou ship board, lo br received, a supply Brusscll* Curpets, Also, WINDOW SHADES, a large variety of new dcsigus, just received. For wile by oct 12 • HENRY LATHROP. D ry goods.—conway & bi IvENNA, Blouumciit Square, opposite t Pulaski Houso—have always on hand a gcnoi Blc- . . # _ tlm Pulaski IIoust/-havc always on hand a general assortment of Fancy and Staple Dry Good*.— Their connection with New York, and their fu cilitics for purchasing goods in the Northern mar kets generally, cnablo them to have nil tho newest and most desirable styles, and at the lowest prices. Their system ofbtisiness being “Cash and Small Profits, renders their establishment worthy the attendance of all buyers. A full assortment of Silks, Shawls, Cashmeres, DeLains, Ginghams, Alpacas, Prints, Linens, Flannels, Blankets, Shirt ings, Sheetings, Lace Goods and Embroideries, Hosiery and Gloves, Linen Cara. Hdks, Silk do. Cloths, Cusinmres, Vestings, Gents Under Shirts, and Drawers, Kerseys, and every style cf planta- tion Goods. oct 11 , TTERRINGS.—50 boxes Herrings, land- XTX. ing from brig Radius, and for wde^ajj'^ W M. B. IIA LE has just received per brig Augusta, a tine Into! Gentlemen's Gaiter boots, black and colored, which can be found at 1U3 Congress-street, sign of the Golden Hand aug 5. TYTO^HJE.—City Treasurer's Office, Savan- Xl null, 1st Sept. 1817.—Agent* of Insurance Office* uro hereby notified tliut I am ready to ro- ceivo their return*, in orcordanco with Urn ordi nance* of die city. JOHN C. HUNTER, c. t. sept 2 • A CARD.—I Imvo removed to the city ol Macon, for the purpose of practiuing Law, nnd shall practise in all the Courts ofthe Southern Circuit, nnd in any other Court* in which busi ness may bo confided to me. dec 17 — CAULETON B. COLE. F OUR month* after date application will be made to the Honorable the inferior Court of Glynn county, when sitting as a Court of Ordi nary for leave to sell die estate ofWm. B. McDon ald, deceased, late of BIcIntosh County. alex’R McDonald, DANIEL McDpNALD, oct 5 Administrators. T7VLOUR AND CHEESE. 20 bbls.. X? “fancy brand” Canal Flour, 20 half do. do. do.; 50 boxes Orange county Cheese. . Lending from ship Hartford, and for sale by oct 6 E. SWIFT. D oors, sashes a window BLINDS.—The Subscriber, Agent for F. Callaway & Co., i* constantly receiving all kind* of Sn*lie*. Door and Wiudow Blind*, which bo ofler* at ns low price* us they can bo purchased in the city. All work furnished by him will bo warranted cqttul to any in tlio country, or tbo money will be relumed. JOHN a. FALUGANT, . West side Monument Square. N. B. Order* for odd size* received nnd promptly executed — sept 1 W INDOW-8A8H AND BLIND MANUFACTORY AND PLAINING .MACHINE, West Broad street, adjoining tlm rcHideneo of Judge Wayne. Hashes und Blind* of every description, made ofthe best materials, at Northern Price*. House and Ship Joiner-Work promptly executed. CHARLES VAN HORN, Proprietor. N. B.—Constantly on linml a full supply of Flooring nnd Weather Board*, Sash, Blind*, and Panncl Doom, 8 K 10 Sosli, glazed nt 10 cents. All other size* in proportion —ly aug 7 rilO PLANTERS MECHANICS, X. AND MERCHANTS; — Tho Subscriber Inis, nt tlm Eastern Wharf, ii prime nssortmotit of RIVER LUMBER, TIMBER. SHINGLES, and FIREWOOD, which hn offer* Ibr salo oil accommodating term*. Purchaser* will please call at lii* office near the Exchange before pur- clawing. All orders, for either of tlm abovo ar ticle*, left nt Ilia office, will be promptly attended lo june23 ^ It. A. ALLEN. t 11HCULAR.-Z/fho und’ersigned ha* lo- > cnled himself in Newark, New Jersey, ns u General Agent. Person* nt u distance wishing nrticle* pur chased iu tie* or udjoiniug cities, will find it to their advantage lo procure them through the agency of tlm undersigned, who will bo at nil times advised of the lowest price articles can be |Mirchased at, and who from. The various branches of manufacturing this •city excel* in, make* it a desirable place Ibr un agency to be located. The undersigned having resided in Georgia for tiie last eghtcen yeurs, flutters himself that he will be able to fill oraorsfroin mdividunlsofthe South ern country generally, but more particularly from Georgia, ns near their fancy as though they were hero themselves, oj'd, iu many instances, at lower prices. The strictest core taken in Shipping aud In suring, if instructed. JACOB R. DAVIS, Newark, New Jersey, sopt lO ' •, r A-r' 3mo— Tt/TACHLEREIL, &C.-75 Wxbs.fifcalled ITA Herring; 20 Ibis. No, 1 and ;2 ; Mackerel; 20 holfdo. No. lBIsckoroI; 10 do'.'; dd.' No.S do. 2000 lbs. Codfish; 25 boxes do; 5 bbls. choice Sul-