The daily Georgian. (Savannah) 1835-1847, October 18, 1847, Image 3

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«^v*:MV'yVCarM CHRfSTIE’Sy yyps^yi cntUidraOH uhoiui MoaBom»v”«« ■ ‘ , " VM ' v * w t RSHiwlBftJ testimony oftho most respectable fiuuiliea in tiio • > •«- • ,1. » . • l #. . ftft^!HltftinftAim Amin ftlici /NalvatMc JUNGS, strengthening '\X PLASTKRS, bands and maonct- IO FtlHD, for the ci'tre of Nervous Headache, Tio Doloreta, Folsy,8piunl CompliUnis, &o. <Sto. A snooty of thoso nrtiolos just received anil lor mkEj O. K. HENDRICKSON, Agent. ' iClI'S VEGETABLE I.O- \n effectual cure for eruptions of the fun awl Skin, particularly for Pimples, Blotches, Tetters, Tan, 8nnburnn Frockloa, &<v A dekreo of plonaure accompanies Uio uso of . ‘ —.r us- this elegant preparation, in its rofrcshinc effect * upon the skin, Cutaneous irritability and discolo rations are also romovod, and a pure gtute of the complexion established by the use of tills lotion. For sale by G. R. 1IENDRICKS0N. may 25 Gibbon’s Buildings. T>APER.—800 roams Letter and Foolscap ■IT Paper, assorted qualities. Just received and for sale by G? R. HENDRICKSON, may 11'• United Stales, most of .. v —-»-—*. ■ city of Savoniiob, wliero I rejldo.and many ;lhJm your own State, wliero tho Medicine is used with ! rroat and astonishing success; it has proved itself o be superior to any other Modicino for the cure of Fever and Ague, which it will do in tho yory short spaco of Twolvo Hours, it has nevor boon knowuto foil to oflbet ncertaiu cure. Iho Mod- icino is a harmless aud tastoloss ono. whichwill make it tho most populoi'Medioinoin Uio Southern States. Tho Medicine contains no mineral pre paration wliatovor, but is a harmless Vegetable matter only. To Planters, tills Modicino is a vul- uablo preparation, ns it euros all cases in twolvo hours, ond does not require any time to be lost; oil that is to bo dono is to tako tho Modicino and to go to work. To tho Rico Planter it is a valuable Mod icino, ns it docs not contain any mercurial or min* oral preparation whatover, anu is therefore n safe Medicine for those who are Uablo to exposure. . I beg you, do not lot mo linvo to tax you so often with advertisomonts, certificates, &c. It has already proved itself to bovvlmt I say it is, and Uio greatest proof is every body is reconimonding it to bo [the only cortuin and speedy cure for Uio Fever and D A* UPIIART8 PILE ELEC- _^ TUAR.Y.—A certain euro for tho Piles, either internal or oxternal, bleeding nr blind, for sale by G. R. HENDRICKSON. jqne 23 * v- Gibbons* Buildings. jr’IOMBS.—Carved 1’ortoiso Sholl, Buffalo. V/ Imitation and Brazil!' I Brazilian Tuck Combs, Shell Combs of Shell, f i# a i Tooth Combs ofaU sizoa and qualities, for salo by may 13 G. R; HENDRICKSON. "TCOR THE TEETH*—Monpelas*uuti- Jl scorbutic Elixir and his celebrated Odontine, just received and for salo by J G. R. HENDRICKSON, Gibbons* Buildings. try it, ut least I hope so. Hero is my olfor to any Planter of South Carolina, who wifi either call on Duct. P. MftCnheu,of Charleston, S. C. or myself, in the city ofSavuinioh.undoiUior of us will give enough for twolvo cuses, and if it does not euro ton out oftwolve, wo will refund Uio amount paid for it. Your are to soo Uio Modicino takou us 1 have directed. Owing to Uio heavy ruins during tho past sum mer, anu which still continuo, all Uio low lunds are under wulor, which will cause a grout dual of this disoaso on Uio Rico Plaututisns; it will ho to may 18 TtEBBARD’S PILLS*—Rov. 11. Ilib- XX bard’s genuine vegetable unti-bilious qills, for sale by G. R. HENDRICKSON, may 18 Gibbons* buildings. gllLL’iSAttS 4PARILLA.-A .II. Bull’s Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, for the euro of 8crufola,diseases of tho Skin, Dys pepsia, Rheumatism, Chronic disousos of Uio lungs, Jaundice, Ncuralgin, to counteract thories* tractive effects of Mercury, and all diseases arising from an impure state of tho blood, equal to any preparation of Sarsupurilla. For snle at 75 cents perbotUc, by G. R. HENDRICKSON, may 4 Gibbons* buildings. T ATOP WICK.—Solur nnd Astral Lump JL-J Wioki I Wick of oil sizes; wicks for Lard Lamps, and Candlo wick; for sale by G. R. HENDRICKSON, apr 24 Gibbons’ buildings. £JAMPniNE.-A M . supply of very _/ superior, just received, and kopt constantly onhandby G. R. HENDRICKSON, apr 14 Gibbons* building’s. TAALBV’S CARMINATIVE.-l JLr groce of Uiis old English prcpuraUon, wur* . gi - „ rantea genuine, for salo by apr 24 G. R. HENDRICKSON. JJULL’S FAMILY SOAP.—50 boxes • XX Hull s Extra Stoam Pressed Soup, just lull ed and for sole by G. R. HENDRICKSON, apr 16 Gibbons* buildings. POWDER PUFFS A ltOXES.-An •JC extensive assortment of Powder Pulls and Boxes. Also, Puffs wiUiout the boxos, and tin Towder Boxes, for sale by apr22 G. 11. HENDRICKSON. B UTLER’S TASTELESS SEID- L1TZ POWDERS.—All Uie solid ingre dients of the Seidiitz Spring combined in one coinbound powder, tho offervescing soluUon of whicn in water is very nearly tasteless. Besides being more palatable, it is mude in much loss time, and with infinitely less trouble, Uian that produced with the two powdors in Uio usual way. Prepared by Thomas Butler, 4 Chcunsido street, Loudon. Sold by G. R. HENDRICKSON, apr 7 Gibbon’s Buildings. "llXpi^EV.—3 cuses now crop Cuba Honey, XX just received and for salo by . I and for salo by apl 6 Q. R. HENDRICKSON. /COCKROACH POISON, Ac.-Dr. Feiichtwunger’s Cockrouch, Rat and Mouse Poison, a sure und sufe destroyer of those nosci- ous vermin. Also, his infallible Bed Bug Poison, for sale by G. R. HENDRICKSON,, apl 6 Gibbons* Buildings. {''CONFECTIONARY*—50 boxes C< fectiouory of superior quulity, lunding fr Coiv from schr. Columbia, and for salo by apr 9 • G. R. HENDRICKSON. TAYNE’S REMEDIES.—Jayno’s Ex- O pectorant, for Coughs, Colds, &c. Jayne’s Curnmtive Balsam for Dysentery and Summer Complaints. Jayne's Tine. Vermifuge for Worms in Chil dren. Jayne's Sanative Pills for Biliious Complaints, Ac. A large supply of thoso popular remedies jusl received and for sale at Philadelphia prices, by G. R. HENDRICKSON, Gibbon's Building. aprji I ^RESH TAPIOCA.—1 bbl. best qua- i lily, just received, and for salo by " “ "l(JKS< R. HENDRICKSON, jnne 2-1 Gibbbons* Buildings. T)OTASH.—3 casks first sort Now York ■JL ' inspection, lauding from brig Acton, for sale by G. R. HENDRICKSON juno 10 MOUISON’S PILLS.—Tho Ily, J-"X universal Modicino ofUioBritisI _ .— ilygerian uiiivorsnl Mcdieino of Uio British College of Health, for sale by juno 22 G. It. HENDRICKSON {^.iNOER.—10 kogs fresh ground Ginger, VJT just rocoived und for sale by jane 10 G. II. HENDRICKSON. w June HAPPING TWINE.—SO botes, everted bizes and (luidilics, Tor wile l.y 19 0. It. IIKNDJUCKSON. F rench white wine vine gar.—3 bbls Hint received nnd fur sale by G. R. HENDRICKSON, juno 10 Gibbons' Duildinf's. fED BUG POISON. B ED BUG POISON.—Dr. Tcnchl- wanger’s infallabte Bed Bug Poison, war ranted to extcnniuuto Uioso noxious vermin, for rale by G. R. HENDRICKSON, juno 5. AMP OIL AcC*—1000 gallons blncchcd J Winter strained Sperm Oil, 15000 do Win ter strained Solar Oil, 500 do unbleached Sperm 1*111 flflA IPhAIM /III ftnnnll.n J kaa I ft __ — J3BSSSSU™™ CIUEEN'8 DEUGiny&o.-"-Fot r tionoribie Extract rmd the prtpottlos of the “‘•yftieitihe, ere rospootiUlly ro- 6Ui number, voi; 1, of the Queens (breed to Southern Jourhtd of Modicino end Pbermeoy. Forpuriiying Uie blood, ond removing ell diftona* 'tig Ointi tho inipurity of Uio BirniG, it is mm >N RENOWNED PEAS' • OTII— Approved Itpd rccom- “eora by tho most oml- itisens in tho United the sole proprietor, ' irtoBouchonoy your advantage to nrocuro u certain nud speody remedy; you will do so by applying to either of my Agents or myself. Ask for HUMPHREY'S iny Agents or mysi REMEDY FOll FEVER AND AGUE. This Mcdieino is for solo by Uio following named gentlemen, who are Uio only agents for Uie sulonfUio Great Southern Remedr, where it will be round eiUior at wholesale or retail. Country merchants will make u handsomo profit by selling this mcdieino. A liberal discount mndo to Planters, &c., by Uie dozen. Address. W. HUMPHREYS,Jr., oct 18 Druggist, Suvuuuuh, Ga. MORE Y13TS—STILL THEY ITX COME!—L LATE AND IMPORTANT FROMSCRIVEN COUNTY. HUMPHREY'S REMEDY CANNOT FAIL !!—READ !! READ'.*. READ'.'. ScittVEN County, Sept. 24, 1847. Win. Humphrey's, Jr—Dear Sir:—Permit mo to drop n few lines to you ill behalf ofyour vnlu able medicine. I have recommended it in two cases us being'Uio best Mcdieino for Uie euro of the Fovor and A/pie, und told Uioiu if it did not euro I would refund tho money. But us your mcdieino lias proved itself so-far, I do no not hesitate to recommend it to the public us a cer tain und speedy euro for tho Fever ami Ague; a disease so troublosomo in Uio lower countries, which would bo banished by Uio uso of Hum phrey’s Remedy, a most vuhiablo medicine for thu South. Enclosed you will receive a certifi cate from a respectable gentleman of Scrivou County, and also of a young Lady who resides in iny family. I am your obd’t servt, Wm. M. Carr. HERE’S ANOTHER. Mr. Humphreys.—Dcur Sir:—I hand your Agont my certificate for publication, if you think proper. This is to certify Unit I hud Uio Fever and Aguo several times very severe, and found no relief until through tho persuasion of Mr. W. Carr, your agent for Humphreys’ Vuluuble Fever and Ague Medicine, which rostered me to iicaith in tho short space of24 hours. And 1 do recom mend Humphreys' Remedy ns a certain und speedy cure for tho abovo disease. Respectfully, Mary Sheitard. Jacksoiiboro,’ Striven Co. Sept. 24, 1817. ANOTHER JUST ARRIVED. Savannah, Oct. 2,1817. Mr. Win. Humphreys—Sin—Having had oc casion to uso your Remedy for Fever und Ague. I can recommend it to tho public as a safo, cur tain, and speedy euro for the nliovo mimed dis ease. It cured Uio casein less Uinu eight hours. Respectfully yours. J. B. CUBBEDGE. JUST IN TIME. Mr. Wm. Humphreys—Dear Sift—WiUi the f ;roatcst pleasure I recommend your colcbnitcd teinedy to the citizens of Uio Southern States, and to Planters, und all who are troubled with Uie Fever and Ague. I wus n subject of tho above mimed disease for a long Umo and tried various remedies, among which was Rowand’s Tonic Mixture, India ChnIogogiic*,Chainpion’s Pills, and mnny others; but all wus useless, until I wus nil- vised by a friend in Suvuimnh, to try your medi cine, which I did und I cun safely recommend it to Uie public us a certain cure. Your remedy cured me in 12 hours, for which I tender you my thunks, and wish you success in your enterprise in behalf of Uie human family. Your truly, H. H. Barrett. Rcesvillc, Burke County, Oct. 1, 1847. oct 7 o* arising from wo impurity.-or *nu buhio, u highly rocomtnendod, as also for Uio ouro ofRhoi inatisid, 8oroftila» Btysipohur, UlcoraUons of Uio Throat and logs, pains and Bwollingrfof Uio bones, Tottora, PiinpTos in UimFace, Old Soros, and all Cutaneous Eruptions, Notlralgic AffocUons, Mer curial Diseases, and ibr' assisting tho operation and preventing futul consequences of Mercurials in Syphalus. v, . _ , J Tins preparation, (by adding Uio Quoon s Do- light, &c. io Uio SarsuparUla^Jcorabinosinamoro perfect dogroo Uiau any known remedy, tonic and ultomtivp powers, mid is highly rocominond- od by eniinuiit physicians. It is prepared iu con- scquonco of tho recommendations given bv Dr. II. R. Frost, Professor of Muteria Modica iu Uio Modioal Coilogo of Charleston, S. C. in his work on Materia Modicn, only concentrated by a pro- cesaoftiio subscriber’s to render it more conven ient for administration, and witii Uio exception of Uio nddition of inoroury which mny utall tnnos bo added when tiocessury. To shew Uio high esti mation which Dr. F. entertains of tho combina tion of those articles, it is only necessary to refer to Iho ubovo mentioned -work. Tliero nro few cusos of chronio and painful Rheumatism that vMll not yield to tliu influence of Sarsaparilla and Queen’s polight if dqly preso- vured in, especially if lukeu in conjunction with Hydr. of Potash. Is higlily rocommondod for all diseo.so3 of the skin, chronic os well as recent. Ono bottlo wiU, in most instances, oAuctuuily remove all pimples, pustules or blotches on tho face, to which young persons in this climate are so much subjected to, arising cither from impurity of tho blood or de bility. It ‘ia tho host remedy known for scrofu lous affections, sores nnd breukings out in young children, and is safe und efficacious iu removing entirely every trace of hereditary disonsos from tho system, iu tho tendorost infant; iu fuct, in ull cutaneous afiections it is invnhiablo. As a gon- oral purifier of the blood, nnd an oradicator of all obstinate diseasos, this preparation will undoubt edly take tho precedence ornll olhor remedies. It gently operates upon und rogulutos tho bowels, restores to tho blood its wouted purity, gives tono to tho stomach, nnd promotes digestion. It will effectually rciiovc Erysipelas oven in its worst stages, nud ull persons sulVering from this distressing complaint aro advised to use it, first so, Imt if no marked relief bo fouml uflur taking ono bottle, it will bo nccessury to uso tho Hydrio dutod Potash with it. Not wishing to publish certificates ns is dono in the cases of all quack medicinos oftho day, to ef fect their sale, and so force them upon Uio pub lic, tho subscriber begs leave to state that hid pro- Miration has been prescribed and used by a mini- icr of physicians and planters of our city and neighborhood, with grout success, viz: Dr. R. II. Frost, Dr. W. G. Ramsay, Dr. Tho. Y. Simons, Dr. C. Pritchard, Mr. S. Loguro, Lt. Wilson, U. S. It. S. all of this city; Dr. James Stonoy, Beau fort. &c. Price §1 por bottle, or $5 (or 0 do. Prepared by J. Peter M. Kppino, Chemist and Druggist, corner Brond und King streets, Charleston, S. C. Agent for Savannah, A. A. SOLOMONS, dec 21—lyr Murkot square. rrilE NATIVE I’fiJmiFUGE,- X For tho Cure of Bilious, Komittunt und In termittent, or Aguo and Fevor, and othor diseas es incidental to a debilitated state of tho systoui, such as night sweats, &o. &c. Tho native Febrifuge is offored. Tho proprie tor is aware that tho common objections to ull now preparations will be urged against this. To obviuta all such objections, ho has simply to stuto that it is propured according to the receipt of tut eminent physienn, who used it witii perfect succuss through along practice, in perhaps tho most sick ly region of our country, viz: the Mississippi Val- ley. Again from tho oxiUted estimation in which Quinino is held, not only by the peoplo, but by tho most skillful physicians, it will appear suncra- -ogatory to oiler any now urticlo. But tho Nativo ’cbrifiigo possesses all tho powor and certainty orQuiuine in controlling Fever wiUiout affecting the head, und may ho safely used therefor, whore Quinine is inadmissible. It is not the purposo of the proprietor howover sanctioned by custom on :h occasions, t ** * “ “ ‘ Oil, -600 do Train Oil, received per brigs Augus ta, Baldwin, and Swiss Boy, for snle by sept 18 G. It. HENDRICKSON, Gibbons’ buildings. G IL IlENDKlCKSOftN, Druggist, • in Gibbons’ buildings, oilers ibr sale the following articles, viz:—2oU gross Friction Match- ««, 100 boxes lley’s Lemon Syrup, 20 bags (each) Ginger, Pejipor nnd Pinieto; 1 cask (ouch) Maeo, Cloves nnu Nutmegs; 5 casks first sort Potash, 5 do English Washing Soda, 1 do Ombre Madder, 2 chests Bengal luthgo, JO bbls. Alum, 20 casks prime English Copperas, lOdo Epsom Salts, 2000 gallons Lump Oil. sept 8 T HE OLD PALMETTO STATE. A VOICE FROM SOUTH CAROLINA. -—Southerners.—Tho following is from my Agent,Mr. Thos.J.S. Furr.ofGrahamvillc, 8. C Mr. William Humphreys, Jr.: Sir—I hand to you tho certificate of Mr. E. C. Watts, in favor of your Remedy for Fever nnd Ague; lie is a uiau of integrity, und his testimony is consequently undoubted. Y'ours respectfully, Thos. J. S. Farr, Gralmmvillo, S. C., Sept. 18th, 1847. Mr. W. Humphreys, Jr.: Dcur Sir—This is to cortily that I huvo used your Fever nnd Ague Remedy with 8ucces.s. I obtained a supply of it from air. T. J. g. Farr, your Agent of this place, and administered it to my daughter, according to tho directions, and I am happy to state Unit the disease loll her in the course of thirty-six hours, and her present state of health indicates a ccrtuin cure. Yours, &c. E. C. Watts. Grahamvillc, S. C., .Sept, l-lth 1817. AGENTS.—P. M. Cohen & Co., Charleston, S. C.; T. J. S. Farr, Grahamvillu, S. C.; W. A. Carswell, Savannah, Ga.; A. McLnno &. Co., Jacksonville, Ga.? Shotwoll & Gilbert, Macon, Ga.; Dorsoy&Knott,Grillin, Ga.; P. A.Moise, I.u Gran go, Ga.; Winter & Eppiug, Columbus, Ga.; W. Root, Marietta, Ga.; T. Patrick, Sa lem, Tonn.; W. K. Kitclien, Augusta, Ga.; J. A. Sperry, Houston county, Gu.; Solomon Good- all, Atlanta, Ga.; William Carr, Jacksoiiboro, W. R. Anderson, Dulton, Ga.; E. A. Burch, Ilnwkiiisville, Ga.; Samuel Palmer, Darien, Ga. Cole, Prescott & Co., Black Creek, Florida, Ligbtfoot tSe, Flanders, Macon; P. Martin, Su- vantiuh; Cunningham & Co., Dalton, Ga.; J. H. & W. S. Ellis, Mucnn; M. C. Williamson, Dnvisboro, Ga.; Wm. Ilodges, Sandersvillo; R II. Barrett, Piuesvillu, Ga.; T. C. Fiuley, Ham ^ C.;A’. A. Ponllon, Jacksonville, Fla. R. b. Buily, Luurousville, S. C. Agents wnntcd, address, post paid, W. Ilium preys, Wholesale und Retail Druggist, Snvuniiah, Ga. ' oct 18 W HITE JAMAICA CilNUEJL- lc 1 case received pur brig PJiiliiru, and for tale by G. R. HENDRICKSON. sept lfl TYTAPLES SOAP*—A fresh supply oftiiis J-t celebrated Shaving Soap, in pots, just re ceived; and for sale by G. R. sept 16 G. R, HENDRICKSON. T7'AItNJE STOCK’S YEItMIFUGE. X * '10 groce, jostrecoived and for stile by ' - G. R. HENDRICKSON, Agcut for Uio Proprietor. mar 24 rpOILET SOAP IN BAICH*—White XL " ^ I^avendeiT Palm, Rose, Cinnamon, Ahnond, ond White Scented Soap iu Bars, just received and for sole by G. ft. HENDRICKSON, may 20 TXririTE OIIVGER.-A frc-pl. nnpply ▼ T white Jamaica Ginger, juut received and ‘ ' $ ( sale by G. ft. HENDRICKSON, one 6 Gibbons’ Building. _ IOOTH BRUSHES, dec—An do- ’,ont assortment of French, English and ““ Tooth Brushes. Also Orris and Char coal Tu6:h Paste, just received ond for sale by e*pt3U Q. ft. HENDRICKSON. QUININE! nUIYIXE 11-100 ounc^ pure German Sulphuic Quinine, received per steamer Southerner, aud now for sale 150 ounces, by W. IIUMPHItEYS, jr. oct 4 N E W EIIEMIEALM.—A full supply ' icedi ofnll new CheinictUs recenUy introduced in to medical practice, just received and for sale by J. M. TURNER & BRO. oct 8 Monument square. O SBORNE’S WATER COL OURS.—Just received an assortment of the above celebrated colours, warranted equul to any imported, for salo by J. M. TURNER & BROTHER, ont 8 „ Monument Square. raoudod fdr Um losi fii' nont of tho. Faculty a Stater, 'iprei wed 1 otiL T. Wv-DYOTT, M.'v-» ,uc c«w or toBouchoney Lordqno.t, Uie lato approved propuror. QUALITIES OP MAHY’s I'LASTEH CLQ.TK. • Tho Plaster CloUi is so wollknown throughout the United States, but more gonorally in tho city of Philadelpliia, that its bwioncial effects and sur- prising cures, havo’nroctired Ibr it tho approba tion aud rocommonaution oftho mostommont of Uio Faculty. It Is a sure and wfo remedy for Ulcors and Boros, cithor firosh or 9^.long durance. It stays and prevents Gangrenes, and by a timely appli- cation will preserve many a valuable life and lintb, In casos of inveteracy of Ulcors, or a prone ness of tho affected parts to mortify, (or Gangroue,) it will bo advisablo for tho unfortunnto sufforer to resort to tho uso of aomo gontlo purgative for a few days previous to iismg tho Piaster, and con tinue tho saino till tho euro is completed, which may bo confidently expoctod in a reasonable time. No purgative more pronor than Dr. DyoU’s woll known Anti-BiUious Pills. Tho Mulengers oftho Nogroos is ranked undor tho doiiomination of Ulcordi this vuluablo Piustor is also q cortuin euro for It; if tho saino troatmout bo obsorved as abovo. Cancers, Erysipelas, Wons, Scrofula, Fistula, White Swelling, Soro Breasts, Ferous, Whitlows und Boils uro removed, and cures happily pro duced by tho uso of tiiis valuable Plaster. It removes Abscosscs, and dissipates collected humours; italso cures Sprains, Bruises. Anthrax, Scalds, Burns, and ull Sores and Wounds, tending to suppurate; it draws cauterized Sores or Issues very successfully aud wiUiout pain. It dissiputos distressing pain from Gout or Rheumatism in a very short time, and is a safe and certaiu euro for Rhounintism arid flying Rheumatic Pains, if tho Piustor ho constantly appliod to tho affected parts fur six or oight months, the parts affected become invigorated, arid a chro seldom fuils to bo com- plotod. It is also successfully used for tho cure of corns. • Thoso usoful men, Mariners, should nover be Peace! Pfia^e i aha’ Liberty II TO THE AFFLICTED. By Mi 8. Thomson, M, Dj, Macon, tieotiaU. When war brooks forth with its wild alarm, Atnotig tho riatiori* spreads d dread dismay, WhonooriquoiiUg legions, maddotled boldly sturni Tho cltadol anil kill ana Wound arid shiyi Whon noUting is heard but the din and strife, Aud groaus and cries of helpless ebbing lifo, Como gontlo Peaco, step forth, ’tin time to savo Our noblest Rom that open yawning grave. such occasions, to attempt a display of mcdicul knowledge by adopting some ono of the contra dictory theories nllout, witii regard to tho charac ter nnd causes of Fever. Believing witii the learned Gregory that though there has boon so much written concerning Fever there is no one subject in tiio whole circle of medi cal science which still involves so many disputod points. Letting all theories pass, wo stand by fucLs. The first of which is that tho Nativo Fe brifuge will cure fever, from wliatovor cause it may have originated, nnd ifuny doubt exists, ns to tho fact wo invito die utltictcd to tho lost, with confidence ns to tho issue. Wlmt it lias done it will do. Tho following certificate of ono well kitowu will show wlmt it bus done: Savannah, 12Ui May, 18*17. Mr. Jas. A. La Roche having requested 1110 to state my knowledge of the Native Febrifuge, F take plonsure iu staling that it was used benefici ally in the Fevers of die valley oftho Mississippi aud Arkansas, in all cuses iu which Quinino is us ually exhibited, und was ndmissablo iu conges tions oftho bruin when Quinine wus supposed to bo controdicutcd. • J. J. Mitchell, M. D. Effingham, Sept. 30,1847. Dear Sih—In compliance witii my promise to let you hour from 1110, witii regard to tho elfuct of your Febrifuge, permit 1110 to hand you tho fol lowing statement of fucts. For nearly 3 yours my wife lius been hiboring under tho effects of con tinually recurring Chills and Fovors, notwith standing all thu remedies prescribed by our best Physicians, and at Uio time I procured Tho Na tive Febrifuge, we lmd become perfectly despon dent, fearing that dcuth ulono would terminate her disoaso, hut I am happy to state that tho uso of one bottlo has broken uio Fever complotoly nud restored her so fur us to require only a little time to recruit bur wasted energies aud place her in perfect health, such 1ms been Uio change produc ed iu her habit und constitution by Tho Nutivo Febrifuge. Witii sincere regard, I am yours, &c. Thomas Kekpler. To J. A. La Roche, Savannah. Prepared aud sold, by JAMES A. LaROCIIE, bet 7 No. 1 Market square* PAIHBASK'I mvrvnn X SCALE.—All assortment of theso celebrat ed Scales, to weigh 30 lbs. 200, 700, 800, 1,000, Whou foil disoaso witii overmastering forces, Prostrates Ids lmploss victims ull around, When fovors 'cuto und chronic lingering hosts Destroy,and ah! tiioro can no help bo (bund, Whon notiiing is hoard but Uio wail of woo, Of sufferers tossing tiieni to and ft0, Como good Samuntan, Uio balm apply, And Uio lov’d woary 0110 wont fuint or die. What though tho tyrant in his lofty pride, Muy rule Ids subjects witii an iron rod, What tiiodgh for ages, man may bo denied, Tho right to speak or net but by his nod, WhatUiough ho nmy be bound in strongest chuius, And nothing has Imt wlmt his lord ordains, Yet Liborty steps forUi und sots him freo, And tyrants witii tiioir votaries turn and flee. What though diseases of whatover name, Retain their hold on hapless men for years, Wlmt Uiough a hundred mineral sons of fame Ilavo dono their best to stop their wild careers, Wlmt Uiough Uio .nostrums of tho quack, tho pill, Tho syrup, balsam, or cold water fail, Yet Thomson's simple nienns limy set them freo. To raise Uio gludd'ning shout of Liborty! It is not the purposo of tho undorsignod to on- tor now upon tho comparative merits of citiier system of modicul practice; the pacts presented from time to time ought to constitute Uio best arguments, mid so viewing it ho would simply bog to presout 41 a few more of tho same sort,’’ simply remarking that tiiero aro yet “ a few more loft.” without Molly’s valuable Plaster Cloth; it keups th of time aqually good, nnd is purlieu- any longL. , . . „ „ .. larly calculated to dry sores arising from greon wounds, after they are suppurated, which it much aids. It is ( uccc8-mry it should bo kept dry. Received mid for salo by nmy 12 1 T. RYERSON. DYEII8ON Ac CO’S. SAKSAVA* XL RILLA.—For tho euro of nil discuses uris- ing from the impurities of blood, excess of mer cury, rheumatism, scrofula, cutaneous oruptious, etc., nil of which will yield uudor tho uso of Uiis preparation. Tiio subscriber, in offering this preparation to tho public, dooms it unnecessary to exhibit any of Uioso flashy und conscientiously headed advertise ments, attended witii fictitious certificates of cures, but trust its character, as n specific, entirely on its own-merits. IIo has been induced to offer it from Uio favorable manner in which it has been used by several eminent physicians with great satisfaction. IIo asserts with confidence that it is prepared with grent cure und accuracy, and in tho beflt'modoto obtain Uie active principles of Sarsa parilla in its niosfeoncentmtcd state. Prepared and sold by T. RYERSON. -juno 3 "Druggist, Savmnmli. I^LECTIUCAL HAIR OLOVE Jlf ANJ) BELT BELT FJUCTORS—Warranted of tbo beat quulity.—The combined effects of heat and eold, of variability in temperature, and irre gular action of tbo system, produce a gonorul tor- 5 tor und rigidity of the skin, inducing a stute of lisease which doprivos that covering of its flexi bility, arid renders its incapable of performing thoso Amotions for which nature designed it. To remedy this evil, and restore Uie skin to u health ful state, has long been a desirable object; mid this remedy has boon found in Uio operation of the Hair ulovo and Belt Frictor. Tho movement of all parts of tho body whilst undergoing tho process of friction, produces u general activity mid circulation of tiio blood, mid at the same time removes ail encrustations from tiio fjkin, aud clears and opens tiio pores eflcctuul- ly. The regular uso of the Hair Frictors night nnd morning, will produce a general glow mid hoaltli- fill excitcinont of tiio skin, mid will ho found both a preventive aud cure in ull cases of Cold, Rlieu- mutism. &e. They require only to bo used in ordor that their most beneficial olfocts ipay be kuown aud appreciated, fob 7 T. RYERSON. 7 |N It AM SP Alt E ft T OELLAT1NE, X Warranted equul in strength to Russian Is inglass for Table Jellies, and of great service in diseasos where delicate animal food is required! and well calculated for long sea voyages. It im proves by ago if kept dry, mid cun bo mude into Soup in u fow minutes, mid is of great sorvice in clarifying Cider, Boor, mid Wine. TO MAKE TABLE JELLIES.—Uso at least two ounces of Cooper’s llufiuud American Isin glass, which should uu first soaked in cold water for two hours; drain offthut water, then toko two quurts of cold water, ono aud u half pound of su gar, put in it the white of throe eggs, the juice of three good sized lentous, thu pern of one, a stick of cinnamon, u little nutmeg, orange peal, or other spice to suit tho taste; stir all the iiigrodionts well together while cold, thou boil tho whole mass four or five minutes, mid tliuu pour it through a Jolly Bug; whon it muy bo put into glasses or moulds, mid when cold, will he fit fur use. The moulds should be first wet with a lit tle white of ogg and water just before tho jelly is put iu them, 111 ordor to niukc it ejisy to turn them out on plates. The Jelly Bag is made of flannel 8 or 10 inches across the olieiurig, und nbont half a yard, deep, narrowing to a point at the bottom. The liquid that runs through first, should bo poured back in tiio jelley bag until it runs through clear. Add ono pint of wine to the ubovo for Wino Jelly. Other liquids mndo from preserves, may bo jellied by using tho sumo proportion of the Is inglass. BLANC MANGE nmy ho mndo by using at leust ono ounce ofisinglass for two quarts ofmilk or cream, thu peal of two lomons, sugar and snico Ul’ERlU OIL*—Just received, u supply of pure Sperm Oil, also a fine urticlo of Solur Lamp Oil, for snle by J. M. TURNER & BROTHER, oct 13 Monument-square. TVT AC REBEL.—lObbls. No.3Mackehdi -L»A 10 do. do. 2 do.; 15 half do. do. 1 do.; 10 do. do. do. 2 do. mid for sale by Landing lYom brig Snvannuh, " SWIFT. rpOBACCO. &C.—50 boxes New Bedford X Sperm Candles, 4’s and. C’s; 60 boxes and half boxes Tobacco, 5's und 8’s, landing from ship Hartford, and for sals by - —**• • --ijfj oct 5 SCRANTON & JOHNSTON. 1,200,1,500 und 2,500 lbs. constantly 011 hand mid for salo ut inumifiieturers’ prices, by DKNSLOW & WEBSTER. Agents for tiio sale of thojfc Scales. Hunt’s Merchant’s Mngazino makes tho follow ing comments upon tiiis useful and convenient article: Fttirbank's Platform Scales.—It is not often that wo uro induced to laud mi article of trade, nnd wo never do unless perfectly satisfied that we are commending something tlint is useful. Wo can not consent to gratify tiio cupidity of an indivi dual, at the risk of imposing tiio confidonco of thousands of our readers who rely upon tiio hon esty of our stutemeuts, if not in the infulibility of our judment. That grent improvements have boon made within a few years, in the instruments of weighing merchandise, is a fact familiar to busi ness men. The antique clumsy and inaccurate meUiods of weighing, havo given way to the in vention of Americuu mechnnicul skill, mid tiio ut most precision lias boou attained. A vuricty of Platform Balances are manufactured and used, which cannot bo relied on for any considerable degree of accuracy: so that tiioy necessurily in volve ono party in pecuniary- loss. It therefore affords us pleasure to refer to tiio Platform Scales of Mr. Fairbank, which have been extensively used in all piirls of the United States for several years, mid given, ns far us our knowledgcd ex tends, very general satisfaction. We purchased one of theso scales three years since, aud have us ed them constantly for weighing papor, &c. and foe accuracy anil durability, we aro quite sure, thoy have not, und perhaps cannot, bo surpassed. The plun of construction is philosophical and simple. The employment of twd levers, witii a single beam, is certainly tiio most practicable, in .a Compound platform balance. Any iucreiuw of the number of levers or uu udditional beam, ren ders the iustriimentriiore complicated, less precise in its operation and more liable to derangement. These scales are used by mnny of tiio leading merchants of New York, whose written testimony to their superior excellence has been freely ac corded to tho manufacturers. juuo 9 • WINE VINEGAR*—25 » * unttviB. lauding from schooner Maria, frorii Philadelphia, aud for sale by oct G CONNERAT & BARIE. W H S, to suit tho taste—bring the whole to a boilin * - - ’ ‘ :ir ifw heat, strain it, and whon nearly cool, stir if we to mix tho cream that will riso while cooling, pour it iu moulds, and whon perfectly cold, it may ho turned out mid will then bo ready for uso. Tho moulds should he first wet with cold wutcr, which will prevent it from stricking to them. Just re ceived and fur sule by mar 19 T. RYERSON. TELES HAVELS EAV DIVINE of DE VE " * VENUS or Nymph SOAP, (in a solid state,) composed of an Eastern Botanical discov er^ of surprising officacy for rendering the skin soft mid fair. Asa creator mid conservutor of that most distinguishing charm of foiualo loveli ness, a transparent fair skin, Jules Ilaucl’s Emi Divine de Vonua or Nymph Soap nmy bo suid to exort an almost magical power, composud ibr tiio most part of oriental balsamic plants, to tbo utter exclusion of all mineral admixture, it ia dis tinguished luodicjuully for its extremely bland, purifying and soothing action on thu skin and by acting upon tiio pores nnd niinutu secretory ves sels, expels all inipuritius from tiio suriuco, allays every tendency to infiammation and by this me thod alone effectually dissipates nil reduet..., tan, pimples, freckles aud cutuncous visitations so ini mical to female loveliness; its constant use will chnngu tho most biliious complexion into ono of radiant whiteness. To geutlemcn afflicted with n tenderness of tho skin in shaving, the use of tho Euu Divino do Venus, will be found to allny all cuticiihir irrita tion occasioned by common sonp or cream or the climate. Just received uud for sole by jnly 24 T. RYER3QN. rpiIE GREAT PAIN KILLER.- X No Medicine has been discovered that was so happily adapted to use internally, and yet per form such wonders when applied externally, us 0 wash or bath, or by friction. It nmy bo used with a success that will astonish, for Bronchitis, Quin sy, Hoarseness, Raising of Blood, Dysentery, Burns, Chilblains, Teething, Pains in the Side, &c. tkc. From tho many certificates which accompany the article, the two folhftving are selected on ac count of their brevity: -m. “I have used Mrs. Brown’s Pam|Riller for Bums, and have found that in applying it immedi ately that ft will prevent even a blister. I wouli recommend it to the confidence of the public. H. A. Hkebe, Editor Westfield Standard, Westfield, Mass, 44 1 have used Mrs. Brown’s Pain Killer for Burns, and many other common complaints, nnd take pleasure in recommending it as a fbraily me dicine. J- 8WAN, Pastor First Baptist Church, . New London, Conn.’ 1 I-riiw IS IO 00 cent* r l ’ r bottl,! -. arptlO V. A. UROCiltv. Extracts from Letters. “Another Desporato Case Cured without seeing tho Patient.” Georgia, Troup county, 30th Sopt. 18-1G. Dr. Thomson: Sir—I saw an advertisement in the Recorihsr, signed by Wiuship S. Pago, of a cure that was mrformed by you of his daughter, who was «t- nckod with palsy and disease of t|io spine,'by which site wus entirely disabled aud lost the liso of her lower extremities. I huvo a girl that has been precisely iu that situation for three months post, and lmvo tried nil menus, but to .no oflbet. if # # # Wnto 1110 a lino us soon as couvo- llales or Gold. Rates allowed in tiio Custom House for gold coins, M per not of Congress of 1834, fixing Uie value thorcofi . ° United States Edgle, eld omtssioih o . 11 11 fl 0VV *' • • * EtfglAild, Guinea, * - . * Sovereign, - . « Seven Shilling piece, - Franco, Doublo Louis, (bofuro 1780,) - “ Louis, * . • ' x Double Louis, (sinco 1786,') • Louis, Double Napoleon, or 40 fruucs, Napoleon, or 20 (Vnucs, • Same as the now Louis Uuiuca, Frankfort on tiio Main, Ducat, 4. Hamburg, - ... Malta, Double Louis, - • " Louis, - Domi Louis - -. Mexican Doubloon, «... Holland, Double Rix Dollar, Rix Dollar, .... Ducat, ..... Ton Gilder piece, • Portugal, Dobraon, .... Dobra, Jolmnnos, .... Spain, Doubloon 1772, • • t “ sinco 1772, Pistole, Columbia Doubloon, .... Specie dollar of Sweden and Norway, at Snoeio dollar of Denmark, at Thaler of Prussia, and Northern Stutcs of Germany, Florin of Southern States of Gornmny, Florin of Austrian Empire and City of Augsburg, ..... Lira of tho Lombardo Vonotian King dom and Tuscany, ... 10 Franc of Franco und of Belgium, and I.ivro of Sardinia, - . . 18c 0ms Pucnt of Naples, 80c Ounce of Sicily, - - - - • $2 40 Pound oftho British Provinces of Nova Scotia, Now Brunswick, New foundland nnd Cunadu, . . 4 00 Yours, respectfully, * THOMAS W. ASHFORD. On tho 4th November, instructions were re ceived to send on the medicines by mail, and ho subsequently, in stating the progress of tho case, writes: Dear Sir—My servant girl is much mondefl since I wrote you hist, she had ut that time her crutchuH to assist her in walking. Shu can now walk from house to house without them, though she is y ot quite wabbling, in her walk. * 44 * And on tho 19th Muy, 1847,110 writes: Dear Sir—I havo taken my sent after hnving been absent from homo some time, to inform you that my girl, I boliovo, is about ns well as over. * * _ * Enclosed is what is duo you. If my name will bo of any bouefit to you, you muy nuiko any use of it you plcaso on such an occasion. I ox- :»cct you will have a cull from South Carolina, a* E huvo iuformod some of my diseased friends there of your skill as u physician. Yours, respectfully, THOMAS \V. ASIIFORD. Houston Co., Ga., Jan. 9lh, 1847. I lioreby certify, thutsomotwo years ago my negro woman Mary, was taken with Pailupsus Uteri, nud its attendant difficulties. I culled on Dr. J. J. Jones, a Botanic Physician, nnd another gentleman of tho same school, (heliuved to bo both graduates of the S. B. M. College,) who, after using all their eftbrts to relieve her, entirely failed. L then sold her to Dr. Jones, who imme diately brought hor to Dr. M. S. Thomson, of Mucon, who soon cured her, I boliovo in less than a mouth, so that she has sinco had two children, und is entirely well; tiiis I cun testify, us 1 now own horuguiu. LEVI KING. Jasper, Co., 26th April, 1847. This nmy certify, that for throe years I hud been subject to Epilepsy, or Convulsive Fits. 1 was nttuckcd soon after taking 11 severe strain ut heavy lifting, nnd continued to nave them about onco a month for that length of time, notwithstanding nil tins efforts that were mndo to euro me. Finding that nothing dono me any good, uud hearing tlmt Dr. M. S. Thomson could euro such cases, I de termined try Inin, uud so culled on him uud got ono prescription of mcdieino, which I tun happy and proud to say 1ms entirely cured mo. I huvo lmd no symptoms of them but onco shortly after I commenced taking it, aud have now been us woll as I evor wus for about u year. GEORGE M. LUMPKIN. Persons desirous of testing the efficacy oftho these remedies iu their own cases, no matter whore they reside, can do so very conveniently, by sending their age nnd symptoms in writing us correctly us possible, when tuediciuos to suit them will be compounded uml sent by mail, express or private band. His fee iu such cuses is only five dollars u mouth, which may ho enclosed uud sent by muil ut his risk. Medicines cannot ho sent to u great distance unless the amount is unclosed or a proper reference given. Letters to entitle them to attention must bo post paid. Tho poor pre senting n certificate of iuubilitv to pay uro never sent empty awuy. Tho afflicted of tiio Rev. Clergy, uro of course, always exempt from clmrgo. Patients under his immodiuto cure ure charged in proportion to the amount of attention necessary. Iu cousequciicu of tho a of olliee business it will be impossibl scriber to go much into the country oxccpt iu very urgent cuses, nor will ho he able to go fur any thing under tho ustiul charge of other Physiciuns, but will attend in tho city us promptly ns possible M. S. THOMSON, M. D. Macon July 13, 1847. lyr—c july23 gUUE LICK WATER.—The chnruc- tor of tiio Wutcr from this well know Spring is too well established to need commen dation. Wo append for tho curious uud scien tific an analysis, us made by nil ublo Chemist. I sulphtirctcd hydrogen, 2 carbonic acid, muriate of soda, 4 muriutc of magnesia, 5 muriate of lime, 6 sulphnto -of Ihue, 7 sulphate of soda, 8 sulphate magnesia, 9 carbonate of lime, and probubly a trace of carbonate of magnesia., Iu its action upon tho svstem it is purgative, diuretic, diaphoretic, nnd uftomtivu, possessed of greuter variety of substances and in more ubun- uauce, it may be considered as standing ul the head of ull Saline Sulphurous Waters. Ill com parison it is identical with tho Harrogate springs of England, containing every active ingredient found in those Waters. If the Planters of this neighborhood wore once to get into tho habit of using the Blue Lick Water, they would uot do without it for any consideration. It is put up in woll soaked barrels, and will keep for any length of timo in nuy climate. This Water is from Finley's Upper Bluo Lick Spring, Kentucky. Price per barrel, reduced to 5 dollars. For sale by tho barrel, gallon, or on draught,by J. M. TURNER & BRO. jnly 31 o» tub aBVBBTii or jy’S 1 Numbif One of the ’ $10 do 10 09 409 4 84 1 04 9 00 •4 87 9 15 4 57 7 70 3 85 4 05 2 27 2 27 9 27 4 85 2 33 15 53 12 20 0 (H 2 27 4 00 32 70 17 30 17 00 10 02 15 35 3 88 15 35 $1 00 1 05 VNI-fim STATES HEPOIITP,, A Daily Journal qf Oorcnimni, UcU 1 lain, and Oeacral ITem. 5 “' '1 fflllE subscriber 1* wtw crinliM u, „ B , Oop,'om° f N °™ M » r . !• Intelligence of Tho mmmaili ,t u rums Departments of the Goternmcut i.i fi""* tfDomoilio Affaire am] tfbd or tho country, Will bo given with .frnnS- H dolity. Possessing pocidinrfuciliiicsjbr I infortunium, Uio •'Reporter" nil baUSSfl quontly to communicate, iter" will bu otmbfo} fofl lively, imulli^I .,,-SI of U,o most iiuporTam'obarector ^ “■» 1 crhnlim Reports of tin, r> r „,„, and Debates of the Vniletl Stales Senate "Sli proprietor rebound to Airni.1, daily w d W}* in accordance with tbu terms ciftliornnill., f- at the close of tbo last session ofCoMrere Iff arrangements now made will at ommrulb J* I to dm Sonata ortbo United States on andeomplotorecord of its Debate: aud tom In"? . “ s !' caU * 0, iln r geddegrcUilfo lit ot the experience, sagacity ami .mt,,.,?. asaar^ifjB^ssa, .•sssastssi 43* Foreign Weight* nud IHcnsnrcss There are denominations frequently met with iu reports of market*, but their English value not nlwnvs readily recollected. The following tublo will be found, wo boliovo, correct: Ainu, in Rotterdam, Aliunde, in Portugal, Altitude, in Madeira, Alquicro, iu Mudoira, Alquiero, in Portugal, Alquicro, in Baliiu, Alquiero, in Mnranlinin, nearly gals. 40 contains, gals. 4.37 do, 4.08 over peck 1* pecks, 1 j to nearly 2 bush. 1 do. 14 Alquiero, in Rio Janeiro und Pcrimin- do. 1 to 1.4 lbs. 200 2-5 lbs. 32 do. 2 gal*. 4.240 do. 3.337 about do. 4* inches 28 pccitls 3 to 4*. impartiality and the utmost 1,'ra, . SiTKl day's record wdl bo coinpIctolV nisi e up u,d , | pear n. tbo "Reporter” na« morreing 1 ’ ' j I. . A Synoptical firto the Pmetdim... J Debates of all the Stale Legislatures, will bTrosn 1 larly given. ,Members of Con»ris«aii,I.M..i 8 I. of rcudere will Utils bo kept fully n. «t'lfc eidly informed pfOomesliS LogiSaUoJ 1" tio,Is of Uio United aun™'.” I***** “*««• . y,' ^"r/y Intelligence of all important tnortsmin in w Leg,siaturcs of Omit Rritoin and f' ra . will bu communicated by over* m,7" P.nropo, through reporlow | n Ismdon and fS wlm possess peculiar facilities fur obtaining •' buco, Anna, ofrico, in Ceylon Arroba, iu Portugul, Arrolm, in Spain, Arrobn, in Spain, (Inrgo) Arrolm, in Simiu, (*mall) Arroba, iu Malaga, of wine, Arshccii, iu Russia, Babur, iu Batavia, Bate, of cinnamon, in Ceylon, net,' lb*. i04j} Bnrili, in Naples equal* about gals. 11 Cuutur, tho Levant, contains 44 ukes lbs. 118.8 Cantur, iu Leghorn, of oil, lbs. 63 Cautar, in Malta, do. 174* Cantur, in Naples, lbs. 100 to JIMi.j Cautar, in Sicily, do. 175 to 192* Carro, in Nuplus, is equul to ubout bush. .50 Carro, in Naples, of wino, gal*. 201 Cnttn, often, iu China, is about lb*. 1* Cnynng, in Bntaviu, lb*. 3581 Chetwurt, in Russia, # nearly bush. 0 Fanegii, in Spain, * bush. 1.599 Hectolitre, in France; do. 2.8-1 Killogrannuu,iii Frauen and Netherlands, lbs. 2.21 bush. 85* over do. 80 2-3 do. 70 4-5 nearly do. 93 do. 92* do. 89.G do. 91 do. 70 do.S5.13U do. 75 over do. 59 lbs. Hi 5 oz. do. 18 4 oz. oz. 9 lb*. 75 to 84 bush. 3.43 do. 21 do. 30 Lust, in Amsterdam, of grain, Last, in Bremen, of grain, Last, iu Cadiz, of Halt, Last, iu Duntzic, of grain, Last, in Flushing, of grain, Last, in Hamburg, of grain, Last, in Lubec, of gram, Last, iu Portugal, of salt, Last, in Rotterdam, of grain, Last, iu Sweden, Last, iu Utrecht, of grain, Lispoiind, in Hamburg, Lispouiul, in Ilolluud, . Murk, in Holland, Maud, iu Calcutta, Mina, in Genoa, of grain, Moy, in Lisbon, . Moy, in Oporto, Moyo, of Portugal, contains over bush. 23 Oko, in Smyrna, lbs. 2.83 Orna, in Trieste,, of wine, gals. 14.94 Grim, of oil, do. 17 Pulmo, in Naples, is a little over inches 10 I'eciil, in Batavia and Madras, lbs. 133j I’ecul, in China and Japan, do. 133* Pipe, iu Spain, of wino, gals. 100 to 101 Pood, in Russia, is equal to 30 lbs. 2 oz. nearly Quintal, iu Portugal, lbs. 89.0'5 Quintal, in Smyrna, do. 129.46 Quintal, in Spain, do. 90 Quintal, iu Turkey, do. 107.3 oz. Rotloli, in Portugal, do. 12.4 oz. Uottolo, iu Genoa, do. 21 Rottolo, iu Leghorn, lbs. 3 Salma in Sicily, from bush. 7.85 to 9,77 Schufful, in Germany, varies 1* to nearly bush. 3 Ship-pound, iu Hamburg aud Denmark, lbs. 331 Ship-pound, iu Holland, lbs. 308-4 oz. Stnro, in Trieste, * bush. 2j Tate, in China, oz. 1* Vara, iu Rio Janeiro, I j yd.'nearly Vara, in Spain, 100 are equal to yds. 920 Worst, in Russia, feet 3500 VI. The Gcneretl Acie, of tbs Day will lie iin> ■!;. 11“ ranJou**! form, wiili industry nntl anew,',. " Snell IB a brief View of wlmt the “Uniioil Sum Reporter" is desit-ncil to be. All Dig nlam arnnij-emctitB lmvo been well malurcil, imja, Impe m c.inlideutly clierwlicd Unit thu -II. s m porter" will prove itself rat ciiergmic.imbiiidoia tlmiiifmd and porlhctly mdopondent ionrnal |,’ will lmvo no party views—no pulitical biw n, proprietor, by tjio terms of Ins conlract witii, Somite oftbu United Slates, is bmmd tu die to. dition tlujt “tho paper shall contain no noliihft discussion* cxcopt tho debates." It will be m yuhiclo of News—not tho organ ofonyHctofopin. m ions. The grand aim of the subscriber Uto ei tablish, at tho Seat of Government, a faithfuluff a it reporter of all sorts of iutolligoncc—arr^-l Ic agent, on which the politician, tho bmi. lies* man, tho manufacturer, the mechanic,ini every one interested in tlieuffuirs ofCougrcamJ tho Government, may roly ut ull times with im plicit confidence. It is believed that tho establishment of *n4 a responsible Journal of Intelligence, on terms wwh place it within tlm renchoftlic groat massesoftbe people, at the commencement of what pruuua to lie u most interesting and eventful period ink history of Congressional proceeding, will hen- garden! with favor by all classes uf the comumukr, and, having thus stated his objects, die subscriber respecfully solicits a liberal and general Nippon from tho enlightened public oftho United Statu. JAMES A. HOUSTON, Stenographer to the Senate of the V. S. The "United Staten Reporter’’ will U' printed on a largo and hnndsimiesheet, and kordl every morning, except Sundays, ut die rale cf$ti per uiiuuni CEDRING’S RESTORATIVE O CORDIAL.—( Custom House, New York, June 10,1842.—C. C. Scbriug, Esq.—Dear Sir: Tiio extraordinary benefit received by mo /Vein the use of your 44 Restorative Cordial,” impels me to make die following statement, not only ns an act of duty iu regard of suffering humanity, but us ono of justice towards you, its proprietor. For teu years I was most seriously afflicted witii Dispepsia, and its various complications, so much so, indued, tlmt I wus often unfitted for business one or two duvs in the week. I suffered mostly from disordered digestion and a painful affection of tho bowels, connected with the most troublesome nnd obstinate costiveness, tiio parti culars of which It would be out of place here to specify. Suffice it to say, that tho first bottle of your Restorutivo Cordial, taken some six months ago, afforded me immediate relief; und that hav ing continued it from timo to time, I am now happy to add tlmt tho cure has been complete and permanent. Believing that many may bo simi larly afflicted with the various forms qf Dyspep sia, I am induced to moke tiiis public acknow ledgment for the general good. Respectfully, yours, &c. Wm. IIoorer. Inspector of Customs for the Port ofN. Y. A further supply, just received and for sate by juno 11 • T- RYERSON. /SoFFEE.—Old Mocha Coffee for sale by V/ oct 12 THEODORE MINIS. * legal Interest Table. Exhibiting the legal rate* of interest allowed in tho diflbrent states and territories within the United States, witii the puiiislnucut inflicted for usury in each State. Maine, 0 per cent; forfcitofthcclniin for usury. Now Hampshire, G per cent; forfeit of thrice the amount unlawfully taken. Vermont, 0 per cent; recovery iu an action, with costs. Massa chusetts, 0 pur cent; forfeit of thrice the usury. Rhode Island, 0 percent; forfeit oftho usury and interest on tho debt. Connecticut, 0 percent, for feit qf iho whole debt. Now York, 7 percent; usurious contract* void. New Jersey, 7 per cent; forfeit oftho whole debt. Pennsylvania, 0 per cent; forfeit oftho whole debt. Dcluwarc, 0 per cent; forfeit of the whole debt. Maryland, G nud on tobacco contracts 8 ncr cent; usurious contract* void. Virgiuia, u per cent; forfeit double the usury taken. North Carolina,‘ G per cent; contracts for usury void, and forfeit double tiio usury. South Carolina, 7 por cent; forfeit of interest nnd premium taken, with cost* to deb tor*. Georgia, 7 per cent; forfeit thrice tho us ury, and contracts void. Alabama, 8 per cent; forfeitofintcrcstand usury.. Mississippi, G per cent on contract mudo sinco 1840; 8 on loaned money. Louisiana, 5 per cent; bunk interest, G; and conventional !is high a* J8; beyond thut con tract vpid. Tennessee, G per cent; usurious con tract* void. Kentucky, G percent; usury recov erable with coat*. Ohio, G per cent; on written agreements may go A* high a* 10. Indiana, G per cent; a fino of doublo the oxcohs. Illinois, G por cent; penalty, three-fold tiio amount oftho whole interest. 'Mi*souri, G per cent; by contract. 10; ifboyond, forfeit of tiio interest and usury taken. Michigan, 7 per cent; forfeit of tho usury taken on ouc-iourth of tiio debt. Arkansas, G t ier cent; by agreement 10; usury recoverable, nit tho contract void. District of Columbia, G per cent; usurious contract* void. Floridu, & por cent; forfeit interest und excess iu case of usury. Wisconsin, 7 jior cent; by agreement, not over 12. Forfeit, treble tho excess. Iowa. The saino as iu Wisconsin. On cteljts or judg ments, in fuvor of tiio United States, interest is computed at tiio rate ofG per cent poruunum. Custom House Value op Coins.—By a law of Congress passed lust May, the Foreign Coins uud money of countries therein specified, are to be estimated as follows, to wiU Tho specie Dollar of Sweden and Norway, at ono hundred and six cents. The spucie Dollar of Denmark, at one hundred and five cents. The Tlmter of Prussia and Northern State of Gornmny, at sixty nine cents. Tiio Florin of the Southern States of Germany, at forty cents. Tho Florin of tho Austrian Empire, nnd the City of Augsburg, forty-eight aud a naif cents. The Lira oftho Lombardo-Venitian Kingdom, nnd of Tuscany, at sixteen cents. Trie Franc of France, and of Belgium, and tho Lira of Sardinia, at eighteen cents six nulls. Tho Ducat of Naples, at eighty cents. The Ounce of Sicily, at two dollars and forty cents. Tho Pound of tiio British Provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, und Canada, ut lour dollars. the duilv pa lie estaMisfin lie issued from the same establishment, THE MIRROR OF CONGRESS. This puhlieutioii will contain exclusively the I Ruperts of the I’roreediags aud Debates oftbe I Congress oftho United States. It will be tend I semi-weekly, in an elegant qinirtn-lhriii, lliruiqb-1 nut tlm sessions of Congress, anil will be ftmii41 ed to subscriber* at (lie rate of Tico Dollars hi I the long session, and One Dollar Cor the short ut*-1 toon. It is believed that this great national wmt I will bu deemed indispensable in the library d I every public institution, politician, nnd prate-1 sional mail throughout tlieumuilry; and that it will I bo regarded by the great w.m of the people a* ll« I very best political text book for their own in struction and tlmt of their children. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. Throughout the session of Congress, Kilnt I will lie issued from the office of the “United »3M« I Reporter,” containing the report* of till Midi Dc-1 bales ns may possess peculiarly exciting inl«*rc-t. I All subscriptions and coimnuiiicutiuiis la U | post-paid, and addressed JAMES A. HOUSTON, United States Reporter, Washington, l>-1\ I n?'* All newspapers throughout tho Uniloll States who publish this prospectus once awwki from this date till the meeting of Congress, will w I entitled to an exchange with the "United Htitnl Reporter,” and will be placed on the list of lliox ■ to whom the Extras will be despatched. ■ oct 18 PROSPECTUS OK A NEW MUSIC BOOK IN PA TENT NO TF.S, CA LLE1) TI1U IIK8PHKIA.N HAtU’i Ily Dr. Wm• Houser, of Jefferson County, lit- rpiUS work will contain SUM) pages, jnehftt X a lucid exposition of the Rule* of StiigiV and of Musical Composition; a largeriiiituberti Church Tillies used by the various ndiginiisj* nominations, South and West, than have ever • fore been embraced iu ono volume. »» Anthem*, Sunday School and Infitiit Ilyinus, nu merous Missionary aud Temperance pieces, accompanied iu « great many instnnrcs by Uie en tire hymn or song. Many of the times arc entire ly new, while many of those line old air* w* lmvo long been used at prayer, camp »'"• meetings, and iu the social circle, but ,m ' c . L before been collected and Imrinqmzwl, xviin mcron* Scotch, Irish, German and oilier niwW* hitherto scattered at wide intervals over the ear - will I.u fun ml ill lUo lltwponut ItaS unciimtniiil niuiliirii—ninny III"! nr0 „ print, wliosu rinli iiiubio i» iinkim"'" JJ, bciiib or tiio presout ilny, tavo liccit eowpta , ••used up" in supply tiiis ««*•. , ,i,„. Thu llesporiiin is Ho csl Musio lloult ovor olforeff u» ™ i( US ull illlolligolil JiorHOMS wiN 0 1 b Jj m . Willi oUior works. I nco, »l M i;“ r J 0 "j m „, lil'ully priiito,I, uml in noiilly pnnloJ covor. AnUt4 ‘ l ^ lrn iBh.-.Ul morocco of any color dtsircu. ■ . _ C0 . )|M Si 50to Si 60, ■'ooorjling lo ykv ^ ‘TAtn canvass every county, tow n an . Aliboral por coni, w II koiillu«•• •'■ «^ ^ inendatmiis required. Aiiurt.s ui paid, ut Louisville, On. „ frieiHlIyk 1 Tho Floridu papers, nml «II®U«W S, sunli on ciilorpriso, ore “ || pillllisll tiiis l-rnspcrllis tlirco no - ' |u ;„iiis Jt Uig uutlior n number of Iho p i ..i, c o*n A copy of die Hesperian Harp will oo e return. ' ,o,7 [otiH Jefferson county, Ua., W ORDINANCE .« ropoalj 0 “."WS si for other, purposes/'. PMJU,™ '-j Akkr - See. 1. Bo it ordained by the HR) o men of the City ot Savaiumh j s | icr( bj thereof, in Council osseiiiblcd, and « ■ ^ j, ordained by tho aiitiiorityof j ^ above recited Ordinance be nnd Uie h *£Tt'L it Tardier ordained by dm aforesaid, that the eommUtee on publ^ ^ city lot* proceed to revalue raid low, o» oforesaid, dial all Ordinances <w pari* - a c i7-g! bSiibouohs. MW [Attest] A. C. Uavossobt, o. a. ^ “ L-10 dniTlIr.iocilta't ; ,ra smo: <?o.fiite SboU Tjj.^ C OMBS. some extra j <?,“• 'Z'fXt l» tU fromdrjcls. UPl6 UP, just received and for murpJII- sept 9 Tofs MOW**