The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 18??-1856, April 20, 1853, Image 3

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i J, BQU88RAU, . extra fine __ wmobUlo V.V v bln situation OnappUcation attliis office. tt.UrtaW.prt>. _____ ■, ■"■?,„■ jl^uanu,^, ■ , WMML W RBNTV-TOrtb ileepng rooms, u No. left Oon- UK«Wf*fa womaVn t<x>anurse, house servant, -“•* »Jgb. Ingulf* of fab24 A, BONAUD. WANTED TO REN7-^A amall, oop» fortabl# bout* la jg^wntrel part or th* pity, rent moderate. ® ‘ r Jit l )R ilKNT.—The I tor* In lVhitaker street now occu pied by tho eubscribora as a wholesalo stor*, of which possession con bo had immediately, ■ A\»o, wU\ be tented about the ftrat ot April next, their re. tail store, corner or Wliitakorrnd Congress streets. For further partlculara apply to M. PKKNDKRGABTA Co, feblB . . on the premlaee. *5™ to Krt AtSSiVio Jo low KjSjSS&YS lo J.™ *»J tlflJon, Hptt «S |HMdi, Ibr eale ntj cheap by KmQM j^dqerS. lh*8 a and leather-headed taoka, fbr eale by j. P. COLUNS, lOOBryan-et. IHva ^SlXflne aaaortment of decorated china f,nd |lu* run, br “'^p comNi 100 Brjmrt. tattr hi, lory, by fcllwMlh repair. [tween Montiromery ahd Jefferson atroeta, Thehouae la l| n good order, haring recently undergone a thorough rorturtoo cab. mhft Broughton street, oppoalte fit. Andrew’s Hall, K "" TO RENT—A Houae at the corner of tiull-stroot andOrloane ter, out builu 1th or without standing furniture, lat November. Inquire at the Courier office. FOR OALU. I "fon» ,l 'I- nrfel | lr . b> tt. author of tho Two Qaar- EffiAS™ AMomplUbmeot,, Journo, ot Lit., [ ,nd TtabTloo, dl.ooreHo. tmonft tho ruin., with ISltt B“llomlol,'wltt B mij’i;b«iU oad'ilfartro- J. B. CUBBKDQB ■<r nw-HVED—30 boxes Adamantine Candice, 10 boxes V/fTmia7AND HERRING.—20 bbla No. 1 24 doi do“aj PShiSfdo 120 do do 2, 26 do do & Mackerel, M hbU Herring, Unding and for sale b^rc, HoLCQMBE rTvhiJ^ —60 boxes Sperm Oandlea, Baker &Co’a by KiK^d; 60 boxes BUr Candles, 100 do Ada- Itiasdojor eale by uTOr!—lOObbls How*rd-street?60 do IUrera Smith's, «<>• 1^ do pur, o.n.,.0, U»dlo» jam square, plaaaautly situated—good buildings complete, and In a good nelghbor- ithout standlng furnlture, from let Mnjr till C ITY TREASURER'S OFFICE, Savanhah, 12th January, 1863.-20,000 dollars of City Bonds, In sums of $600, payable in 1670, bearing 7 per oent. Interest, payable eemU .aoartlp otttU oau. J0SEm , T itOTIOEi , C ITY TREASURER'S OFFICE, SAVimun, 18th January, 1863.—The subscriber Is how ready to receive Returns . , i P .X l,1 “ b " tom, T , " ,l0 °' J. GEORGE.0.T. D issolution—The arm of lauochx, bowk* a co, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, to take elTect from the 1st of January. Tho Business of the firm will be eottlod by Isaao I). LaRocho and Alfred T. Bowne, who are authorized to use the name of the firm In settlement. ISAAO D. LaROCHK, AI.FRKI) T. BOWNE. EDWARD 8. KEMPTON, Sav'h, Jan. 8,1863. RICHARD H. MARSHAI.L. Tho lubscribere will continue the bu*tner,s at their old eUnd, under the firm of LaROCHE A BOWNE. Isaac D.LaRochx. \ AtwumT.Bowwx. / Up™ D ISSOLUTION.—Tile firm of Kkhpton A Marshall was dUsolved. by mutual consent, on the 16th Instant. ' EbWARD 8. KEMPTON, CRANE & HOLCOMBE. Savannah, 18th February, 1863. R. H. MARSHALL. f3 , & 1 “b, d0K ° ‘“"a CorJ ' ,! j ■I'pTvrTPORTKR.—60 doton Scotch Ale. 60 do London 1LE AM' of Philadelphia Ale and I Porter: also, a largo supply of I’hlladf Lr In bottles. In primo order, for salo by A. BONAUD. Bring 4 SHAY’S HAMS.—60 tierces of the above cole- [ S .tadbr.nd,bu.dl.?®lbr»tebj E!j h F0SDICE ^ I.VFV dRII.I5.-Wb b«T« ju»t recHvod our .toot of ■ UmoMlU for mon', and tap.’ wool-, con.Utlns of T. white, slato and tlgtired drills, wlilcll will boolferod Coho.potlMoow.tor., ^ BRonQIrro ^. sn i [ in'.^ JcrfiiuP DE ETE, of rtlqu»IIUM,bothEogll»hoiS Vrwtnrlt for sale bv Jr *»• COllhf s ^ , Frencli, tor J 140 Broughton-streot, K^sTuERES —Doultle wldtli Cnssimores for Coats and T pints a noV article worthy tho attention of persons IthMing |un imor^fK»Ut t fo^iaiO(by, RrnUghton . gt JIUER—20 bhls champagne cider, just landed from I steamship State of Georgia, for sale bj |ili22 , n . nu ,^ BK.VKTO.KlNa C O-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—Tiro undersigned has this day associated with him Mr. Hknbt C. Kino, of Glynn county, with whom he will continue the Factorage aud Com- minion business in thU city, under tho firm of Hull & Kino. j a nl2 JNO. H. HUI-L, 210 Bay-street, PARTlCUliMt IIOT1CK, BELDF.N A TO., SarannaA, comer of Broughton and Bamanl itredi. WTl To PUNTEIW, ItlKRCHANTS AND OTHXR8 «8m.V0^^ JuLsatahnau to ur in tuhr suppuia.—The under-Q^a signed would call particular attention to their exkn- '" life wholesale and rotall HAT AND CAP ESTABLISHMENT. Our goods are mostly of our own manufacture, anil can therefore bo sold cheaper, because they afB not burthened with Jobber’s profits, while for quality end stylo they will compare with anything in tho market. Having permanently located Jn Savannah, we are dotor- mined to secure patronage by selling good bargains, dealing falrlv with aU men, and cross-lifting with noue. We arc in leaguowith no Shoe, Clothing or other establishment, cith er for mutual benefit, or for the nurposoor keeping custom- ers away from those houses where they can buy cheapest. Wo exocct every customer to judge for himself, and if we SSn'KltE will taka ptciuStt rofmln^iHm tooth. ■SteowflA, (hxtfa, FACTORS ANI) COMlUSSIOk MERCHANTS. 1 84 Bay-tirtH, Savannah, Tice PrcKideht KiNd rewhi qonnty, AlftbttWB, on Bundxy Moniltty'cVenlng at 0 o’Mook. 11 A.M., to>mprrow (Wcdnoidaj BBHIf A FOSTER, 1 MISSION S!EU( FACTORS AND COMMISSION - tSacarmab, Oa. P. H. Bpin, of 8avann>h. JouN Fognat.from Hancock Co. [CHANTS, r B, rOBT. ». K. DUNUAK. FORT dt DUNHAM. FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Savannah, Oa. WB* T. BOWUUfD. ___ joint T. BOWIAXD, JB. ROWLAND A CO„ GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 172 Bayonet. Savannah. H. K. WASHBURN, SHIPPING AND COMMISSION ■BlTANNlIt, QA. [ANT, WILLIAM P. TONOB. FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, JVb. M BaiHtred, Savannah, O'HEAR & STONKY, FACTONR8 AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, North Commercial Wharf, Charlatan, South Carolina, LATX or TUB FIRM OF LttUnK, O'BXAB A 00. itti April lit. no In Dtllaa and died on dU be buried at tho "Pine Hill*.’' New Orleans Market. * i, April 18, P. M. Pacific's advices,, of 4A00 bales 5 at 1 to Liverpool are ‘ News of Mr. Sting's Deatk in Washington. Wabhinqton, April 10. On tho announcement of Mr. Kino’s death to-day, all tho departments of Government were ordered to bo kept closed to-morrow (Wednesday.) Charleston Cotton Market. Ohablbston, April 10. Tlio market has been quiet to-day, with sales of 620 bales, at prices ranging from 8| to llo. , New York Market. Nkw Yobk, April 10. The Cotton market to-day has been easier, closing with sales of 700 bales. BANCROFT A BRYAN, GENERAL AGENTS AND BROKERS, Forth* Purchase and 8ale of Stocks, Bondi, Exchange and «..»«• • . o . Jan24 Real Estate, 117 nay-street, Savannah, WILLIAM H. DASHER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, TroupviUe, Lowndes county, Oa'. Will practlso in Thumas. Lowndes. Clinch, Ware, Appling, Telfair, Irwin, Laurens, and Pulaski countlos, Georgia: and In Jefferson, Madison, Hamilton, and Columbia coun ties, Florida. fob23 vm. r. wiijiaks. thadokub ouvxr. JACK DROWK. WILLIAMS, OLIVER & BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Buena Vitla, Marion County, Oa., Will practlso In tho countlos of Marlon, Mneon, Houston, Stewart, Randolph. Muscogee, Leo, and any adjoining countlos where tnolr services may be required. jan29 WALTSII S. MOTT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 00 Bay-itred, Savannah, Otorgia, McqilEEN MoINTOSH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jacksonville, Fla. JULIAN HARTRIDGR, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OJJlct, comer of WhUakcr-it. and Bay-lane, Savannah. GEORGE TROUP HOWARD, ATTORNEY AT IJtW. Office, corner of Whitaker-st. and Bay-lane, Savannah, Oa, THOMAS T. LONG, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR GENERAL, E. DIST. Office, comer Bay and Barnanl-ttreeU. .ShoannaA. JOHN a. FALLIGANT, WHOLRBALK AND KKTAIL DBA LKR IK WINDOW BLINDS. WINDOW SASH AND PANEL DOORS. Wat Side. Monument Square, Savannah, Oa. ers who can. Jan27 a W. BUKER^ frKETS BROOMS. Ac.—Just recoirrd, lTdoien threo hooRwl Water Buckets, 12 doten large fancy handled .jmTlwdohandled and unhandicdScotchUruthei.M dWMhboanls, 60 gross assorted Matches. 20 do Clothes 20 down Axe Helves, lor salo b/^^ 0)C0>JN0R TASlUNQ^MADE EASY.—Boston Chemical Washing r Powders —One packago of these powders will rasko | gallons of Soft Soap, of a superior quality for all do- Istic uses, just received and for sale by b Ini, ’ J W. W. LINCOLN. Munument square “j BACON—-SOcaskiTBacon Sides, 30 do Shoulders, recelv- > e,Und for ,,1(! bj MoMAHON ft DOYLE. Cr. Broughton ahd Barnard-st. FISK'S MKTALIC BURIAL CASK. . WE are constantly receiving tlieso valuable _ 'Cases, and have them always In readiness to be delivered at tho shortest notlco. . I. W. MORRELL k CO N. B.—We arc permitted to Inform the nubile that we havo received from Mr. Rayhoxp, of New York city, a let ter signed by the different mombers of tho United States Senate, who were appointed to take charge of tho body of tho Hon. Hkxrt Clay, deceased, (which wan enclosed in one of Eusk’s Metallc Cases,) and who went with it to Kentucky; thoy say to Mr. Raymond, that tho Case answered the pur- >ose fur which It was Intended, and meets with their appro- jation. and they cheerfully recommend it to tho public as being superior to any other Case for tho transportation ot the dead. Tho letter can bo seen by colling on ^ fobl4 I. W. MORRELL k CO iNYGAR—WhWspuTO elder vinegar, and 10 bbls white ‘wino vinegar, just landed from steamship Stato of jrgla.for sale by. ml.22 E.W.BUKl^ lUTTEli—10 kegs IriflU butter, in 12 lb kegs, for wilo bv ■ mh23 E. W. UUttfcK. ■ IN—10 bbls Phelps’ Gin, for sale by Tmb22 E. W. BUKER. MART’S CANDIES—Just received pur steamer Alabama, ipply of Stuart’s celebrated steam refined candles, id and half-pound packages. I w. W. LINCOLN, Monument square. USBANIVS CAixSSSniAGNESIA—Fufly equal to Henry's and at one-halt the price—1 gross warranted i, just receiv'd and for salo by hio W. W. LINCOLN, Monument square. DYING AND RENOVATING. 73 York-tt., rear of the Court House, Savannah, Ga. Established In 1833. L ADIES’ Silk ami WooUon Dresses, Shawls, Table Covers, &c., cleanod and dyed various colors, Ladles’ Bonnets Bleached and Pressed in a fashionable style, Kid G laves Cleanod,nnd Gentlemen’s Garments Cleaned, Renovated or Dyed,as maybe required. Alldoneinthe samostylo which has generally so much pleased my patrons aud friends.— Terms moderate. * ■ Persona sending parcels by Ilamdon’i expross. railroad or steamboats, aro requested to write mo por mail, so that I may know where to call for them and which way to send them back. Cost of freight each way for small parcels will he about 25 cents. AU orders punctually attended to. - Xexander ' BROWN <k HARRIS, BOARDING, LIVERY AND SALES STABLES, WUXT IIHOAD STRUCT. SAVANNAH, QA. ORDINARY’S OFFICE, Corner of Bay and Whitaker-strcots. Office hours from 0 A. M.,to 2, P. M.; and from 3%, P. if. to 6, P. M. JOHN W. KELLY, DRAPER...... ANI) TAILOR, Owens' building, east title qf Bull-street, opposite the Pulaski House, Savannah, Oa. DANIELL ik BUTLER, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT Atlanta, Georgia. '< BpU8 f ' / / O. A. h, LAMAR. AMni,’ ,Tha sehr.KDNA O., E. Kelley, roMter^ will meet ep For NW^W^OidEitstblishedLlHi. SHltTh* PMkat brig PHILURA, A; H. Calhoun, “~*~ wlll meet with dlsnateh u above. For freight or ] apply on boardat Telfair’s wharf or to apllfl passage, wharf, or to BRIGHAM, KELLY k 00. JHW TURTLE AND SATILLA RIVERS.— SBEsTlie schr. JAMES b AUGUSTUS, Is ready to reeeive freight; Apply on board, or to r apUfr-a SORT h DUNHAM. NEW YORic—Union Line—The regular packet schr, KNCHANTRE^, Tsylor, master, will lave dispatch fbr the above port. For freljjht or^assape, apply qpua r 'wiLHS fc BOSTON—GeorglaLliie^—Tho regular p^ck- . .. .. AdmlqUWBtor’sBalib OnTUESDAY.May 3d In front, of the <x , sold, to close an estate, i. , L •- Four shares Iron Bteambolt Company's Btoek. wras cash.' • . t ,-*- Valuable Farm Lots—At Prints Sole, Eleven ten sere lots, situated on Lover’s lane, being part of MUIen's farm. A plan of the lots may besdenatour counting room. Terms-*>ne-thlrd cash, balance In two equal annual instalments.’with interest, and scoured by mortgage on property. Also, one twelve acre-lot, sltnatod to tho north of lands owned by Turner and Dr. Hchley, being part of the Fair Lawn tract. Term* cash. mbS SSBRet sobr. YIOTOUY. Cnpt. Baker, will hare dispatch tor the above port. For freight of 100 balos cotton to com plete cargo, or passage apply to aplO ROWLAND A CO. NEW YORK—New Line,—The regular ;pa«ket schr. VIRGINIA, Cant, Axwortby, will meet spatch for the above port. For freight or passage, pply to tho captain on board, or to aplO WU. R. SYMONS, DRAPER AND TAILOR. No 17 Whitaker street, ScimnnaA, Has just opened a large and choice varioty of Nkw Spring and Sumjikr Goods, consisting In part of black, figured and fancy French Casalmeres | black and col- .orod Cnalimore j Cloths and Cashmorotts; wldto and Tunoy Linen Drills; with a Urea assortment of fancy Mar- ssUles and Lluen Vestings, all of which he is prepared to niako up to order in the most fashionable style, and on ac- commodatlng terms. • ap6 *puR SALIVA trusty and capablo negro woman with her three ohlldren. Apply at this office. apllB W HITE AND CHECK MATTING, 4-4, 6-4and 0-4, just received and for sale by AIKEN k BURNS. S OAl* AND CANDLFS.—160boxesSoapof various kinds, 100 do Candles, received and for sale by MoMAHON k DOYLE. tfKENCirOiaVia, CAPERS, Ac.—40 boxes FrenciToT- X 1 Ivos, 10 do Copers. 10 do Castilo Soap, for solo by mhl5 J ROUSSEAU. H AY.—100 bales prime North IUver Hoy. landing from schr F Sattcrly. for sale by BRIGHAM, KELLY k CO. B UTIER AND CIIKESE.—20 firkins choice EflYcor, 40 boxes Cheese, received and for sale by mli21 MoMAHON k DOYLE. W HISKY.—100 bbls. New Orleans Whisky. Unding this day per brig Kate Heath, and for sale by mh3 k bondage. P OTATOIS.—60 bbls. Carter’s fine sating PoUtoes, land ing and for sale by SCRANTON. JOHNSTON k CO. norior article, strongly recomt od, direct from the Importers, and for sale by ipl7 ’ A. B0NA1 17OR SALE—A very likely family of Negroes, i X* aged 84, girl 17, girl 0. boy ~ • woman , . ^ toy 7, and boy 8 years ; coun try raised and warranted sound. Apply to apl7 WYLLY k “ f k MONTMOLLIN. O SNABURQS.—50 bales white and striped Osnnburgs, just fecelvod and for sale by _apl7 AIKIN h BURNS. S IIJIS —A fow more of those elegant PUld !Sllks, just opened and for salo by ap!7 AIKIN k BURNS. ro, or io H. K. WASHBURN, Agent. S HEW YORK—New Line,—Tlie regular packet bark PETER DEMILL, .Captain N. Hoey, will ith dlspato h for tho above port. For freight or pas sage apply to theCqpUln on board, or to »p6 HENRY K. WASHBURN, Agent. : packet schr. CATARACT, Rice, master, wlll^iavi iapatch as above. For freight or pnssago apply to Rp5- WILLIS k BRUNDAGE. BY T. J. WALSH. THIS DAY, the 20th Inst., at the corner of Jefferson and Broughton-strect, St. Andrew’s Hall, commencing at 11 o’clock, ' . All the Stock and Fixtures of the store recently oecupled by O. B. Really, deceased, comprising the choloest family groceries and imported liquors, Uldin by the Ute proprie tor. Also,ale»soof the premises. Sold by leave of the Ordinary of Chatham county, and by order of the adminis tratrix. ferns at sale. ' ap!20 At Private Sale—landing, 26 hhds prime bacon sides, 13 do do Shoulders, 7 bbls smoked beef, 10 wholo and 10 half hbU choice pork, 2 bbls pork steaks, 6 do do trimmings, 4 do do ribs, 6 half bbU pork steaks, 13 do do English cheese, for sale low. ] *P U8 At Private salo—200 empty flour barrels, In quantities to suit purchasers. apl6 At Private Sale—A family,of Negroes, a woman about 30 years, boy 9 years and a girl 0 years; sold for no fault, the woman Is a good seamstress, washer and Ironer. Also, a woman, a good cook, and a child 3years. To bo told In the city. Tlllei undoubted. mhl8 At Private Sale—A family of Negroes, a woman 81 years, girl 16,'girl 12, girl 6,boy 2){, Infant boy 3 months ; sound and healthy. Titles warranted. mhl8 S HEW YORK—Georgia Line—.The schr. E. BRAY, Capt, Bray, will have dispatch for the ort. For freight or paauge, apply to apU' ROWLAND k C NEW YORK—Old Established Line. SSSDio fine packet bark MILFORD, J. T. Horton, mas- Twill moot with dispatch ns above. For freight or pas- •" —““ ’•—* -* m - ,,, -'-’s wharf, or to BRIO HAM, KELLY k OO. MACON, HA WHINS VILLE «St OTHER LANDINGS.—Tho steamer CIIA’S . W. Taylor, master, will leave ns above to- morrow afternoon. For freight or passago, apply on board at Johnson's wharf, or to BRIQILVM, KELLY k CO. OPPOSITION LINE, Change of Departure—tbr Palatlca. Fla., and all the interne- * diale landings on the route, r - Th* superior new Steam-packet WELAKA, Jaef^GglCCnpUin N. Kino, will, until further notice, leave every Saturday, at 10 o’clock. A. M. Rate of Passage In large, airy Stato Rooms, as follows: To Darien $3 00 I To PicoUU.... ..$8 00 St. Marys 4 60 PaUtka 8 00 Jacksonville 6 00 I Black Creek.... 8 00 N. B.—Freight consigned to R. R. Duko, for Ocala, will be re-shipped free of alt charges at PaUtka, For freight or passage apply onboard at tlio Charleston Steam Packet Company’s wharf, or to UblB S. M. LAFFITF.AU. Agent. THIS DAY,' 20th I«t,,>UlJb7soM la Mat of rtoff,*t li A good saddle and horfess Horse, Tcrins cub. >’ Garden Lot, . • : .f V- On TUESDAY, M May, In froutof court house, trill be sold, Garden Lot No, 08,1/liig west of th# dt- containing five and a naif acres, as per Hug put. Terms cash, purchaser paying for tit ' * . , Furniture. , ^ On MONDAY, 26th init., at 11 o’clock, will be oold on the north side of IJberty-street, three doorii west from \^hlt- A variety of Fashionable, well made Furniture, belong ing to a family removing from the otty, among whloh are extra size Brussels carpets, 8-ply do, ran to match, aide, board, walnut extension dining table, do arm eh jxtenslon dining table, do arm eane seat do, doetagre, do couch, mahogatty bre * * md bookcase hat (bind, bureaus bies,secretary and A Groan* and Pulnskl Lottery, GREGORY k MAURY. Managora. Class 47, draws this day, 2Dth April, In tbit city. Balas eloseat 3 o’clock, P.M. OAPIT1L. . $4,600. 78 Number Lottory—14 Drawn Ballols. JHT’Tickots $1—shares In proportion. Extra Class 30, draws at Wilmington, Del., on Saturday, 23d April. capital. $67,000. $27,000, $15.000,12,433, 6 of 4,000,10 of 2,000,100 of 1,000. 78 Number 1/rttery—14 Drawn Ballots. £9* Tickets $20—shares In proportion. Dckots either singly or by tho package for sale In Bay Une. Savannah, Ga., next to Robinsun k Camp. ap!20 - E. WrrflJNGTON. LAW, A. SHORT, MASTER BUILDER. Will take contracts for Building and Work In Masonry of every description. Residence first door west of St. An drew’s Hall, Broughton Street. . 1 IUrogoi, Just received and for salo by apI7 AIKIN l UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. Fbr Palatlca, E. F., via Darien, Brunswick, St. Marys, Jackson- tnlU, Middldmrg, Black Creek and Picolata. r ,,«rfr"**is The superior Stonm Pocket WM. GASTON, riEQaWittBBM Capt. T. E. Shaw, will leave on Tuesday Morn ing. atlOo’clock, and will continue to loave every Tuesday. The Rates of Passage by thU Boat, ore as follows: To Darien $3 00 St. Marys 4 60 Jacksouvillo 6 00 PicoUta 8 00 PaUtka 8 00 BUck Creek * 8 00 For freight or passage, apply on board at the Charleston Steam Packet wharf, or to '0 - CLAGHORN k CUNNINGHAM. Agents. IRON FRONT JEWELRY STORE, Wholesale and Retail, No. 116 Broughlon-st., between Bull and Whitaker. THE Urgent and best selected stock of goods aver offered for sale in this city. Oold nndSllvor Watches, jVcst. Fob and Gunrd Chains, Sets of Jewelry, Chat clones. Bracelets. Brooches, fine Diamond work Finger Rings, 8llverCastors, Tea Sets. Pitchers. Goblets, Clips,Cake Baskets, Jpoons, Forks,Fish Knives, Pie Knives, Cheese Scoups, La- Ilea. Syphons, Also, all kinds of Plated Ware, Military and Fancy Goods, and a great varioty of articles too numerous to mention : tho wholo of which will be sold at reduced prices. Alikinas of Watches, Clocks, Jowolry and other Jobbing attended to by competent hands. HORTON k 1UKEMAN. ROOFING. The subscriber is prepared to lay Tin Roofs on correct prln- dples.nml from Sixteon years’ experience, feels assured he can give sallsUction. Prices very low. Best reference given. J. J. MAURICE. £5TOutteri Conductors made to order OWNSKNIVS SARSAPARILLA.—1 gross old Or Town- ,end’s, 1 do S P Townsend’s, also, Sands’, Ellis’, and 's Sarsaparilla, just received and for sale by 1,10 W. W. LINCOLN, Monument square. APOIEON’S BITTERS, a superior article for the cure of dyspepsia, want of appetite, fever and ague, debility, all complaints arising from a derangement of tlio ner- svstein, for salo by A. BONAUD, ,10 corner WhitUkor and Bay streets. AETBJAS —A superior lot of Parts black, black Gren adine, bUck Crape do Paris, white Crape de Paris tlllis. also, plain and embroidered white crape ShawU, received by rahlO DkWITT k MORGAN. HAMPAIGN—Landing per schr Chaa Mills, 60 baskets lleldselck Wine, 60 do HunprianLton do^Ursido by AMS—Received per ichoonor Woodbridge, 100 auperloi H.»., (or »lob rj y mysKgiTkc0 ACOK—Just received and in store, 12 hhds prime Sides, 15 do Shoulder., for .ale by ^ y ^ m IDUR—Landing per bark Harvost, 26 bbls pure Oones- ■r ' 0r b)r J. V. CnNNEB.1T * CO. 0LASSES—60 hhds prime Cuba ilolasses, 26 bbls do . New Orleans do, for salo by _ 1,0 J. V. CONNERAT k CO. OBACCO—10 cases superior Virginia Gold Leaf Tobacco 12 do Diamond Twist do. 10 boxes $1 ft. extra El Dora- o, 26 do W T Law’s best do. 30 do Carroll’s Gold I-cat sale by mli9 J. V. CONNERAT k CO. apll2—tufo4 ALEXANDER GALLOWAY. C OFFE k TEA.—700 bags common to strictly prime Rio Coffee. 60 prime white do do, 100 do Capo do, 26 halt >0 prin p Toa, Black Toa, 120 do 0 and 10 11m. boxes Hyson fel)21 ^ WEINTER WEBSTER k PALMES. F LOUR, LIQUORS, Ac.—loo bbls Baltimore FI (fbr, 60 do do Phs p»’ Gin, 30 do Now Orleans Sugar. 60 do MoUs- garCrackors 20hhds new Bacon, 1 for sale by mh!8 B AGGING AND ROPE.—loo bales Gunny Cloth, 360 colls New Y’ork machine stretchedRopo. for sale by KIBBEE b RODGERS F EATHERS.—3,000 lb Feathers for sale by ruli20 . I W. MORRELL k CO. J UST RECEIVED per steamer Florida, 10 boxes old and superior pomnnl Burgundy ; 15 do Bearmo do ; 10 do Nnahol Johson’s Claret. Bordeaux ; 10 do StJullen Mcdoc, do; 10 do St Emillion do do; 8 quarter casks do do; 6 casks of. Marseilles. The abovo wines are or superior quality, dor salo by "A. BONAUD, corner Bay and Whitaker streets. T HE AMERICAN RAILWAY TIMFii.—This is a weekly publication, specially dovoled to Railways, and should bo in tho hands of every ono interested In such improve ments. Published at $3 por year, in advanao. Subscrip tions received by 8. 8. SIBLEY', dec21 Agent for Savannah. PRENDEROAST k CO. havo to announce tho arrival this day, of the first portion of their spring stock. hdrMr. Prondergnst being now in the markeU thpy ex- t the full completion of his purchases in a few days, of leh & detailed notlco will bo glvon, meantime thoy snli- so rsrly Inspection from all their old friends and tlio illcgenerally, at 178 Broughton street, opposite Saint drew’s Hall, west side. ml»T T L . Schuylor Colfax, author of the degree of Rebecca. A new work by l’nschnl Donaldson. D. D. G. M-, N. Y. Ap proved and recommended by P.G. S. Wlhloy.and others, for sale by oc20 8. S. SIBLEY, 136 Congress-st. F LOUR AND BEEF.—300 bbls Baltimore Flour. 30 do Hiram Smith’s do, 60 do Genesee do. 20 half bbla Ful ton Market Beef, choice brand, received nnd for salo by mh21 McMAHON k DOYLE. M. WHIT SMITH, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Alligator, East Florida.. Will practice in tho Eastern and Southern counties. Rofer to Col. S. S. Sibley, nnd R. B. Hilton, Esq., Savannah, Ga. J. W. PATTERSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Ihrsyth, Monroe County, Oa. S. W. BAKER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Monticello, Jefferson County, Florida. Reference—Hon. W. B, Fuuiixg, Savannah, Ga. feb3 th: m. koewOop. c. o. whbon. NORWOOD & WILSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SinamuiA, Ga., Will practice in all the Counties oftho Eastern Circuit. Bu siness committed to their care, will receive prompt atten tion. Office on Boy street, over Wkiotke k Pauua’. WHJXSU B. n-KMlNO. JOHN M. JIIUJW. FLEMING dt MILLEN. Tho undersigned having united in tho nractlco of law, will attend punctually to any business entrusted to their care. Office corner of Bay and Whitaker Streets, over Messrs, Swift, Denslow k Co’s. THOMAS HUGHES HINES, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Troupville, Georgia, Will practise in the Clrccult Courts of Thomas, Lowndes, Clinch, Ware, Appling and Irwin,Goorgia; and In tho Cir cuit Courts nf Jefferson, Madison and Hamilton, of the Middle Circuit of Florida, and in Alachua nnd Columbia countlos in tho Eastern Circuit nf Florida. Will attond to the claims of all persons before tho Departments at Wash ington GEORGE N. NICIIOLS, Omens’ Building, opjnsite Pulaski House, Having made large additions to his establishment, continues to do BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, in his usual neat ami handsome stylo, nnd on accommodating terms. PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Hartfortl, Conn, Tho undersigned, Agonts oftho above Company aro prepared to tako risks against Finn on Buildings ami their contents. Also MaiuxB Ska Risks, on the most favorable terms. BRIGHAM, KELLY k CO., Agents. THACKERAY’S NEW WORK. HENRY ESMOND, Colo nel in the service of Queen Anne ; A Life of Viclsitudos ry of Itevolutionary Times, by G. P. R. James ; Bleak ims No, 0 ; Tlio Children of Light: Kathay. a Cruise in China Seai, by Macaulay : Select British Eloquence for last two eenturies, by Professor Goodrich ; Table Talk tit Book*. Men and Manners ; History of Romulus, by cob Ablxitt; Regal Rome, an Introduction to Roman His- y ; Comparative Physiognomy, with numerous lllustra- mi Mackiy’s lexicon of Freemasonry; do Ahlmon .... . t'l *.!. lf.i.ii.1 anil Pvn..l fliapl HlilCEn PRICIS FOR CASH.—The undersigned will -< Mill spirit gas or burning fluid, by tho gallon at 76 cts., Ifjallon 37}• cts.. quart 20 cts., and pints 10 cts.; Gas nps at a similar reduction : and nil other articles, such Ubs. buckets, brooms, washboards, churns, &c., &c. Housekeepers will readily percoivetbendvantagoofap- dng at this establishment for every article they may re ire iu the house furnishing line, except dry goods and kinet furniture. Call and seo the new order of things, mhll J. P. COLLINS. 100 Rryan-st L INF1N TURKISH FRICTION TOWEIJ3—A very useful article for bathing purposes, and much superior to the gloves now In use Whoro friction is required, they are very highly reeommondod by the medical faculty In Eng land and tho United States, just received nnd for sale by mh24 W. W. LINCOLN, Monument Square FiW GOODS.—Received per steamer, Paris liar egos, Tis sues and Barege de Laines.F'rench Cambrics and Jac onets, English and American Prints, Sheeting Calicos and Ginghams. Plaid India and Glace Silks, new style N. W. Col lars. Chemisottos and Sleeves, Parasols and Umbrellas, IIo slevy. Hdkfs., Gloves. Ribbons, &c. febll DkWITT k MORGAN B UTTER AND CHEESE.—30 kegs selected Goshen Bul- ter; 60 boxes do English Dairy Clieeso, received por steamer and for sale by malfi SCRANTON. JOHNSTON k CO. STRAW BONNETS AND HATS cleansed, repair- ed and pressod in tho lateat fashion. _ Three Anprontices and three Bonnet Sewers are wanted thu Broughtou-streot Trimming and General Variety Store decia glnal recipe of the late Prof. Wistar. Tlieso lozenges cannot be too strongly rccomtnendod as a safe medicino in ;hs. colds, and asthma. Prepared and sold by W. W. LINCOLN, Monument square. mghs. ci mill 6 TAXCY GOODS.—The subscribers Havo Just received, tho fnllowing goods, which they offer at thoir unusually prices : Needle Workod collars, lace flowing sleoves, new jle Mies’ vests of silk and muslin, satin cloaks of new kmantillsf of silk and satin, together with the newest ylea of dress goods, for salo by cell J. H. COIIEN k CO.. 140 Broughton-it. 48 Dutch Edam Clieeso, 6 do Sardines in wholo, hai. and quarter boxes, 6 do PreservedGingor, 6 do fresh Prunes, In store, and for sale by no!7 ‘ J. ROUSSEAU. lALTlMORE FLOUR, BACON. &c.—100 bbls superfine I Howard street Flour, 60 hhds prime new Bacon Sides, dnilo Shoulders. 10 tierces sugar cured Hams, 20 bids ana Okeg* prime Leaf Lard, just received and lor sale by [apl SCRANTON, JOHNSTON & CO C RAPE SHAWLS—Just received at tho new store, a fresh supply of plain and embroidered White Crapo Shawls, of every quality. Tho ladles are most respectfully request ed to call and look at them, as there is no trouble to show goods at J. H. COIIEN k CO.'S, mli7 140 Broughton street. GROCERIES, die. . 160 BBLS. Baltimore Flour, 20 do n. Smith's 3 do. 20 do pure Genesee do. 20 half bbls*Canal do, ■ 250 sugar cured Hams. 20 nlids Bacon Sides, ICO “bbls B and C Clarified Sugur. 25 do Crashed and found do. 26 do Now Orleans do, 16 hhds Porto Rico do, 21 J«s Dial do, 100 bbls Domestic Liquors, 75 boxes Tobac- I. M chests Teas, 26 bbls Mackorol, 26 half bbls and kits 60 bbls and 10 tea West India Molasses. 25 bbls Now Or- s yrup, 5 do Stuart’s do, 75 gross Matches, 100 do . -landing and in store, for salo by ph24 WHEN k TARVER. L ANDING per schr Lceaburgh, from Philadelphia, 20 bbls Bute k Collins crashed Sugar, 20 boxes do loaf do. 26 bbls Mess Pork. 25 do prime do. 20 bbls extra superior Monongnbela Whisky, 25 do Bute k Collins’ B Sugar, 20 do White Wine Vinegar, 50 do Phelps’ Gin. for sale by mli6 ’ CRANE k HOLCOMBE. VUTTER AND CHEESE—20 kegs selected Goshen Butter. J 60 boxes English Dairy Cheese, received per steamer and for sale by apl SCRANTON. JOHNSTON k CO. Brushes. Printer’s Lye and Proof Brushes, Tooth. Ilalr, and Nall Brushes, for sale by J. I’. COLLINS, apl 100 Bryan st. [JEW BOOKS—Punch’s Prize Novclizts.thel'at Contrib- Jj utor, and Travels in London—Appleton’s Library. Jwlha's Husband, a novel by the author of’TheOgll i6 Three Pirates, or tho Cruise of the Tornado, by Harry «1, author of •• Yankee Jack," &c. P* Spitfire, a Nautical Romance, by Capt. Cliamler, au- ^ Ben Brace." &c. Jjr's lady's Book. “ 11 lylmon’i lady's Vagarino,do. do. m’s Illustrated News, No. 12. Received by J. B. CUBBEDGE. F OR SALE—Eloven likely Negroes, accustomed to the culture of rice. They will be sold together, low for cash or approved paper. * *“ mb20 IlNTX GOODS.—0-4 to 12-4 Barnsley Sheetings. 4-4 lo M pillow case Linens, superior undressed Shirting IP*! 8 *®Jo 4-4damask Napkins,84 to 12-4 damask table it ®"4 to 10-4 table Damasks, Scotch and Irish Diapers Cl ’ Dow1m > otc -. for “ ,0 *>7 ■ h9 HENBY I.ATHROP fit CO. S co. ■WICK—The undersigned wlli contlnne to carry on the ^ i-umber and Timber business aa heretofore, under the »nd style or J, Rocxara k Co. J. KOBF.RT8. P 19 ROBERT AU8TIN. t ALE.—Just received, 10 coiks Falkirk Ale. In l*j for sale by mh26 J. ROUSSEAU. PHI’S LICORICE I/W1ENQFB-Thls article U Uio ex- ■4 .of Uoorlce root. In a highly concentrated form, ‘he greatest posaiblo aUte of purity, just received '•by, W. W. LINCOLN, ■ Monument Square. 5--100 bbla. domestic Gin. Whisky, Rum. am yto sale by febl6 . COHEN k TARVER. | A M iF V~ 60 bbU. Nos. 1,2 and 3 Maekerelf"60¥aTf no. 1 a>d 2do., landing and for sale by • COHEN k TARVER. 1° do M 0 hh(1 * New Orleans Sugar, d ° UoItl8ei i 76 bbls new crop p—y— MoMAHON t BOYLE, toth. P««h«on, 3,OOObil«li.U Cora BBOwS h ?\P 110 *> 0-l«. 32 lit. do do. ggjSL* MABH18. W M | Bro-d-rt, BUblix. Dm ju-nSfCKteS"* n ' w E DE’S DIAMOND CEMENT—For joining broken glass China ware, or Ivory, just received and for sale by mh'20 W. W. IINOOIJ7, Monument Square. YLLY k MONTMOLLIN. T^OR SALE—A likely Negro Boy, aged 19 years, a black- J? smith by trade. Apply to WYLLY fit MONTMOLLIN. J UST received, 60 bales Georgia Cotton Osnaburgs, to b sold very low. M. PRENDERGAST fit 00., 178 Broughton-st., opposite St. Andrew’s Hall, mill West side. S 'wra roU22 -100 boxes No. Y soap, for sale by N OTICE.—-Holder* or claims against T. Poimm, will please file tlio same without delay; and all Indebted are requested to make payment. uh21—12 HENRY R. FORT, Assignee. LOUR AND RICE.—100 Ills Baltimore Flour. 100 do Hiram Smith, H D Stone and Irving Mills extra. 60 do Muskingum Family Four, 25 tlercos Rice, just received and for sole oy mh2fl KIBBEE fit R0D0ER8. S nALLYS. BareKS Delaine, Satin Plaids. Barege plain do Printed Grenadine Silks. Damas de Venice Silk Tissue, Black Grenadine Satin, 8tripod black Barege. Mourning Ba reges, and Tissue, In every variety and style, Just received and open, and for eale by mhij AIKEN fit BURNS. BONNETS I—FOIL THE MIUJON. Just received per steamer, ot fhe Trimming and General Va riety Store, No. 139 Broughton street. The proprietor having returned from the North ^wnuld respectfully announco to the inhabitants of * Savannah and surrounding country, tlmt he has * ed a magnificent and extensive stock of SILK GO i TRIMMINGS—conststing of 10 cases ladies nnd misses rich silk, satin nnd straw Bonnets nnd lints, nil the way from 60 cents to $4 ; richly - trimmed children’s white, drab and black Beaver lints ; extra rich French Brocade Bonnet Ribbons; rich white and colored Fringes ; rich lace Gimps. Gabion s la Mode, Paris Trimmings, Velvets, with a great variety of other trimming materials; Buttons. Braids, Silk and worsted ; Whalebone, Chain Buck, Jenny Lind, Bloomor and Twist Combs; purse silk and steel Trimmings ; zephyr, worsted, embroidery, saddler and floss Silk, every shade anc color; embroidered Patterns; black and colored glaclo bon net and lining Silks; Bonnet Linings; Sbnpes ; sewed Col lars anil Sleeves; rich Feathers. Flowers, and Wreaths; hair, nail and tooth Brushes; gilt and silver Trimmings ; India rubber and kid Dolls and Balls: Dress Flounces. Man tillas, Scarfs, and Aprons, pinked witii now patterns ; chil dren’s Robes, Smoking Caps, nnd Slippers, marked and braided. Mrs. DOYLE, assisted by competent Milliners, from New - oik, will attend to the Millinery and Trimming Depart ment, and will endeavor, with skill and taste, to please all who may favor her with their orders. Orders from tho country promptly attondod to. Remember the spot—130 Broughton street, next door to Dr. Rycrson. novO N EW BOOKS.—Clara Moreland, or adventures in the far South-west, by Emerson Bennett. Mary Price, or adventures of a Servant Maid, by G. W. M Reynolds. No. 14 of Barn urn’s Illustrated Now*; Christian Review for April. Received, a further supply of Mv Novel, anil Lofty and Lowly, In cloth and and paper binding. - >17 J. B. CUBBEDGE. Shoulders, landing for sale by JJAMS—Tl^tleyces Dulfield’s superior Hams, 26 ilo John and for sale by lingfr ill COHEN k FOSDICK. _ and black silk, and silk and linen Cravats: plain aud fancy Napoleon Ties, etc., etc. PRICE k VEADER, mlill 147 Bay street. \ RNICA PLANTERS.— 1 Theso Plasters are prepared from fix. the Arnica Montana. That vahmblo vegetable roine- edy, used for many years In Germany and various parts of Europe with such astonishing efficacy, as to attract atten tion to its wonderful medical properties. They are spread upon tho softest lamb skins, nnd can be worn by the most delicate persons. Just received nnd for sale by npl0 W W. LINCOLN, Monument Squsre. FASHIONABLE TAILORING. Tlio subscriber lias just opened his autumn sup ply of Goods at his new stand. 21 Bull street. He lias just returned from New York, where he has bought, from the most fashionable houses in the trade, a complete supply of CLOTHS—French and English—of all descriptions, for coats, pantnloofts vests, &c.. be. The solcctlnu or cloths, cassimeres; _ i:c.. is one of the host and hnndsomest ever offered for sale in this market, and he will continue to receive evo- ry ten days, now supplies of all descriptions of Goods usual- lv kept in such establishments, with the monthly fashions from France and England. The subscriber Is prepared to cut and make up his cloths for customers in the neatest and most workmanliko manner. Gontlemon are particu larly invited to call and examine for themselves. nov6 M. D. MURPHY, 105 Br^an street. rort, walnut bedstaada, mattresses, bnia* fenders, mabi ny wash stand with china farnlture complete, 8 pair e mon 40, common chairs, crib mattress and feather towel atsnds, foot baths, Ivory handled knives, carvers forks, large safe, water cooler, with a full assortment of pan* try and kitchen furniture and one side saddle, fire. Terns cast. . apllb Administrator’s Bale. On TUESDAY, May 8d. at 11 o’dook, will be sold In front of the court house, Lit No. 26 and improvements, Brown ward, fronting oa Hull-street, subject to a city ground rent of $32 10 annu ally, and a lease that expires on the 1st of November next. Lot-No. 27, Columbia ward, fronting on Columbia square, in fee simple; the improvements consist of a 1 two story dwelling and a doublo tenement house, subject to a lease that expires on the 1st of November next: belonging to the estate of F. YV. Ileinemann. deceased. Sold by permis sion of Court and by order of the Administrator, for the benefit of the heirs and credltore of said estate. Terms cash, purchaser paying for tltlo raiil8 Tennessee Bacon and lard, at private sale—18,000 lbs i sorted hog round new Btcon, 2 000flbs fresh Leaf Lard,., celred railroad fromTonnoisco, and for sale In lots to suit purchasers. . » apU Corn and Oats. At Private Salej^SOO bags Com, ond 850 bags Oats, for salo low in lots toUit purenasen. feb25 Stawberry 8etts. At Private Sale.—Strawberry setts of the following kinds Alice Maude, Boston Pino, British Queen, Ohio, Rodwood Hudson, Crimson Cone, White Wood, Hover’s Seedling, and Early Scarlet. They are all grown In this climate and In good ordor. All orders left at our store tor kinds will be promptly attended to. Marshall House Omnibus and Team. At Private Sale—One flno large omnibus, six grod horses and harness complete. Also, the pleasnra schooner Ann, with new sails, rigging, etc., all Inline condition. The above property will be disposed of on very accommodating term*. The presont ownor being about to remove from the city has no further, use for tt. feh!7 WATCHES AND JEWELRY. Tho undersigned begs leave to inform the Citizens _jof8avannnh, and the people in the country In gene- —, ho lias takon the Store No, 148 Broughton Street, one door West of Dixon’s Confuotionery, where he will be pleased to mskeand repair all kinds of Clocks mid Watches, and will warrant all work with which hu may be Intrusted, ap 27—ly FRANCIS STEIN. . WATCHES, JEWELRY, And Ihncu Goods. ___ RECEIVING by every arrival of tho Steamers fresh lions, making the best assortment in this city, of all kindsoflVatches, Jewelry,F'nncyGoods,SilverS|K>ons, Forks, Pitchers, Tea Sets, Cups, Syphons, Plated Castors, and every variety of articles connected with our line of business; allol which will be sold aa low as In any city in the Union. I). B. NICIIOLS. 4if Particular attention given to tho Repalringof Watch- and Jewelry. no 20 NEW YORK AND SAVANNAH, STEAMSHIP LINE—Weekly— , The new and splendid Steamships FLORIDA Captain Ltok, AMD ALABAMA Captain Ludlow Belonging to the New York and Savannah Hearn Navigation Company, Will leave Savannah nnd New York overy SATURDAY Those Ships aro ofl,800 tons register, and unsurpassed In safety, si>ee<l nnd comfort. Theso Stenmors, leaving Savannnh at the same time tlial the Marion and Southerner leave Charleston, arrive at New York as soon as, or before them. ter Cabin Passage $25, paynble before going on board, Agists : PADELFORD, FAY & CO., Savannah SAMUEL L. MITCHELL. 194 Front Street. Now York. k. toilet and nn efficient remedy fo ness, languor, rhoumatic pains, Ac. Just received nnd for salo by YV. W LINCOLN. aplO Monument Square. K EMPTON k VERSTTLLE are now npouing a finely as sorted and complete stock of Summer and other Dry Goods, which thoy will offer upon the most accommodating terms. As great care has tieon exercised In tho selection of their stock, with a view both to price and quality, they fidcntly Invite thoir friends and tho public generally to and cxnmtno for themselves. aplS R AISINS, SPICES, Ac.—26 whole, hnlf and quarter boxes layer Raisins; 30 boxes pure ground Pepper; 30 do fe.bl4 McMAHON k DOYLE. . _ Silks, black summer do, black grenadlno silks, a lino as sortment of new bnregos, figured stripes and plaid, plain, figured, plaid and strlnod tissues, a largo assortment of la dles’ black and cnlorco silk umbrellas and parasols, a largo and fine assortment nf nil qualities of nnd lace mantillas, white and black net mantillas, shawl* points nnd scarfs. Swiss nnd lnco chomlzots, light kid glnves, lace mlts and gloves, for salo by aplll ATKIN fit BURN8. mask, 8-4.8-10 nnd 8-12 damask tnblo cloths 1 , dnmnsk napkins, breakfast and tea doyles, for sale by aplll KEMITON k VERSTILLE. M ATTING—Ibis spring’s .Matting, best kind—1-4,6-4 nnd fl-4 whlto Matting, 44,6-4 nnd 04 chock do, 10-4 brown sheeting, window shades of nil size* with fixture*. 9-4.10-4.114 nnd 124 linen and coton sheeting. 4 4, 6-4 and fl-4 linen nnd cotton pillowcase, fine nnd largo assort ment of plain nnd figured white and colored dimity, colored cotton, worsted nnd cloth table covers, white dnmnsk cloth. 8-4,10 4,11-4 nnd 124, Russia and Scotch diaper. 74, 8-4, 9-4.10-4 nnd 124 wldto table damask. 3-4. 7-8 and 4-4 white dnmnsk napkins, hucknbuck and white Dowlas, course nnd flno crash, window curtains, pavilion gauze, bolibinet net ting. lor salo by inh23 AIKIN & BURNS. S ELLING OFF AT COST.—Cheap Cash Store, corner of Whitaker and Congress streets.—Tlie or der to close thoir business nt thiFahnve stand, will dlsposo of the entire stock now remaining of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, nt cost prices, until tho 19th of Februnry, when the balnnco then remaining will bo sold at auction jan24 M. PRENDERGAST fit CO. C ARPETS. RUGS, Ac.—The subscribers have now on hand a hnndsome assortment of velvet Brussels Impe rial 3 ply, nnd Ingrain Carpets; fl, 8,12 and lfl-4 Floor Cloth, chcnoll, velvet aud tufted Rugs, cocoa and Uomp Mat ing for couuting houses, halls, Ac, also oil cloths, va- rioua widtli*. For salo by or.t29 LaROCHE. BOWNE k CO k_ DRY FELT PRESERVES THE HEALTH.-Just l[1 receivod. a few cases water-proof Boots ; also, a ■ l lot of thick pegged Boots, together with a fine as- ^►sortment of Gentlemen’s and Ladle*’ ovor Shoes, some of a new and approved stylo, which will bo sold at low prices, by R. FLANIGAN A CO., 100 Bryan-street. All in want will pltaso call and judge for themselves, decll « DANCING ACADEMY, djiff Monsieur A. Bo.vauii rcsjiectfully informs u^Z^lhis patrons, that his last term for this season., ^-ip^will begin on Thursday, 7th lust. Pupils fort* this term, will bo received until the 23d l st. P . sons willing to patronise him. nro requested to send pupils to his nendemy on Tuosday, Thursday and Saturday, at four o’clock, P. M. N. B.—Mons. A. B.’* Fancy Dross Ball will tako placo on the 10th Inst. oplfl ~NBYVSPR1NG AND SUMMER GOODS. ~ D EYV1TT a MORGAN havo in store, lo which thoy are adding weekly by tho stcamora. a largo and elegant stock of Fancy and Staple Goods, which they are selling at ’ * lollov ’ t DANIEL CROMLAY, . FASHIONABLE BOOT MAKER—Comer of Brough ton and Butt-streets.—Tho subscriber desires to In form the public that ho has opened as above, where he is prepared to execute ordurs for Boots of the finest finish and style, nnd equal, if not superior to any heretofore offered to the public. Having many frienda iu this State who havo been his patrons in Charleston, respect fully solicits from them and tho public a call and a trial. mhl7 UMBRELLAS. Afresh assortment of both cotton and silk, juetre- cvlved and for sale low, by Jy24 J. H. COHEN A CO„ ItO BrnughUm-it. X t PARASOLS AND UMBRELLAS.—An assortment of isilk and gingham Umbrellas. Also, low priced and fine Parasols, justrecelved and for sale by DtWlIT A MORGAN. oid, a plantation carjientcr; a man aged 40 years; a woman 32; a boy 18; a boy 12: a boy 8; a girl 2; a man 25 ; a woman 30; & girl 12; a girl 2; a woman 40 ; a girl 8, end a woman aged 60 years—ther are accustomed to the culture of com nnd cotton, and will be sold at a bargain to approved purchaser. Apply to ab28 YvYLI.Y A MONTMOLLIN. febl P ERFUMERY—Lubln's extracts, comprising forty varie ties—Lubln’s lavender and amber lavender, Farina’s eolovne and lavender, Farina’e extractor rose, Prerost’e ex- cau de toilet, verbenaandgertnlum waters. Just re- UHfil., »U UD Hllltib, T ceived and for tale by mh29 YV. W. LINCOIJ , Monument Square. R IO COFFEE.—3M0 bags prime Green Coffee, imported direct por brig Trieste, and for sale by P OTATOES.—100 bbls. white planting Potatoes. Tot sale by febl 5 COHEN A TARVER B UTTER AND CHEESE.—10 kegs choice Goshen Butter, 60 boxes superior Goshen Cheose. far sale by mh21 , CRANE A HOLCOMBE. nsrair end for sale by ' DxWlTT-A MORGAN. TVTEW BATON—26 casks now Side, per schooner Kata i-v Hoath, from New Orleans, for tale by ■ rah5 CRANK A HOLCOMBE. P ER SCHR. ENCHANTRESS, from New York-25 bbls New England Rum, - 20 half bbls No 1 Mackerel, f * * ‘ CRANK k HOMOlf half do Genesee do, 00 bbls Butter, Sugar and Soda Crackers, 24 half chests Black Tea in X lb papers, 20 bbls Princeton Crackers. 30 boxes Treadwell’s Soda Biscuit. 80 do Colgate's Pearl Starch. 20 j* and 20 casks Brandy. 60 dot, assorted Brooms, 50 <lo piloted and varnisbod Buckets, 60 whols and half boxes Bunch Raisins, 40 do new Layer do anding and for sale by no24 SCRANTON. JOHN3TON A CO 1 [INGUSH PICKJ.FS AND SAUCES.-Juit received, a Li fresh lot of English Pickles and Sauces, vis:—4 dozen quart jars Mixed Pickles, 4 do do Chow Chow do. 4 do do Ghorkint do, 4 do do Pleoll do. 3 do bottles Reading Sauce, 3 do do John Bull do, 3 do do Soyer Relish do, 6 do do Wor eestsrshire do, 12 do do Mushroom, Walnut and Tomato Catsups, 1 case of 0 dozen Durham Mustard, 1 do do French do, in store and for sale by J. ROUSSF.AfT, no 18 Comer Bay and Bull-streets. pIPROVED EXTRA SIZE SEIDI.1T/ POWDERS.—These thoir peculiar virtues, iu giving relief where indigestion, heartburn, or billions nffectlnnB prevail, and when ttsod ac cording to the directions, form an offervuaclng aperient draught-more agreeable.yot possessing all tho medicinal properties of tho much esteemed ScldlltxSpring In Germany. Prepared and told by W. W. IJNTOLN, ~ u "“ Monumont-gqnare. rftHE MASONIC MANUEL, by Robert SUcoy, pocket edL X tion, beautifully illustrated and la the most conveni ent form yot published. Also, the Masonlo Lyre, a collection of Masonic Pongs and Odea, auitod to every occasion In lodge or celebrations. .. Both new ;worka recently published, and highly worthy the bbls No 1 Mackerel, 23 do- attention of the Craft. - Just received enn for oale at the OilBE. : Bookstore of R 8 SIBLEY, 136 Congress-stotiri . Printed Bareges Do. Tissues I)o. Grenadines Bnrege de I-aine Printed Muslins Organdies snd Cambrics Scotch and French Ginghams Lace a, Ribbons, Ac. Ladles and Gents. Kid, Silk lind IJslo Gloves Ladles and and Misses Net Gloves and Mlts Casslnieres and Vestings YVhltennd col'd Linen Drills Mourning Goods of all de scriptions And other styles of plnntat on goods, ing. Congress-street. lowing: Linen and Cotton Sheetings Pillowcase Linens Irish do I/mg I-awns Ulrds-cye Diapers Huckabiicks Towels and Diaper Linen Damask Damask Napkins Blenched and Brown Muslins Furniture Trimmings Pavilion Lace and Not Umbrellas and Parasols Swiss, Jaconet aud Plaid Mus lins Georgia Osnaburgs on goods. Ribero's new build- nib25 GROCERIES. 25 HHDS. Porto Rico and Muscovado Sugar. 25 do cholco New Orleans do, 25 do do Cuba Molaa- iMH ses, 100 bbls New Orleans nnd Cuba Syrup, Stu- art’s rectified do. 600 gallons Sporm -Oil, 300 do Linseed do. 200 boxes Sperm and Adamomantine Candles, 25 do Starch. 60 do Clieeso, 76 do Soap, 26 do Toilet do, 60 do mixed and assorted Candies, 76 packages Teas. Black. Im perial and Green, 150 bbls A, Band C Clarified Sugar nnd Yellow Coffee do. 26 do Powdered and Crashed do, Prunes, F'igs, Citron, Picklos, Raisins, Yeast Powders. Saleratui, So da. Ac., now in store and for sale very low. bj nih26 very low. by KIBBEE A RODGDRS. GEORGIA MILITARY ITSTITUTE. T HIS Institution went into operation In 1861. At tbeir session In 1861-'2, the Legislature incorporated it as a College. By requisition on tlie General Government, fur nished it with anna, both for infantry and artillery, and :uit. 80 do provldod Tor the education of a certain number of Slate Cadets. The Legislature also directed a Board of Visiters to be appointed, of whom the Governor is ex-officio Presi- dent, whose duties are to inspect tho Institution, attend its examinations,and reporton its condition to tlio Legislature; and. in conjunction with a Committee of the Board of Trustees to establish and declare proper regulations for its government. Theso regulations hare been published. The course of study, methods of teaching and the discipline which they prescribe are. as nearly as possible,those of the United States Military Academy. Any person Interested may obtain a copy of thorn by applying to the superinten dent. Tho next Academic vear will commence on Monday, June 10th, and all who desire to enter should bo present on that day. w!2—roh20 PHILIP KEAN, DRAPER AND TAILOR^ 98 Bryan-st., Savannah, Ga. —Gratefnl to my friends nnd the public In general for thoir llbnral patronage heretofore extended to me, J now offer them a greater inducement than over, as I havo just received my Fall nnd YVInter Stock of En glish. French and German Broad Goths, Black and Fancy Doeskin and Casslmcro, Black and Fancy Silk and Satin and Embroidered Vestings; also a very rich article of Evening Y’cstlng. which I am prepared to make to order, In the most fashionable stylo. Also a Inrge nud well selected stock of MKX’8 AMI I JO V8 1 KKADY-MADK CLOT1II.VO, together with a largo supply of Skirls. Socks, Suspenders, Gloves. Collars,.Merino and Silk Undershirts and Drawers, Huts; Caps. Trunks, Y’alices, Ac., all of which will bo sold at prices to give general satisfaction nov6 STAR CLOTHING EMPORIUM. No. 147 Bay Street. All persons of taste and refinement—those having a due regard for comfort and personal appearance, may at all times solect any and overy article for their ward- .robe, from one of the largest assortments of the Very Best Goods In this country; either In Bendy Made Garments or made up to measure in unique style, or Furnishing urtl cles of overy description and quality too numerous to men tion. Call and see. PRICE A VEADER. FASHIONABLE TAILORING. M. D. MURl'HY, 21 Butt-street, would respectfully inform hi* frUnds and tho public generally, that he Jhas received his spring stylos for gentlemen, nmong JilLwhich will be found as rich and fine fancy Cassimeres, Y’eating*. Ac., as havo ever been brought to this market. All orders oxecuted with dispatch, and In the best style of workmanship. Gentlemen aro respectfully invited to call and judge for hetnsclvfls. mhll WM. R. SYMONS, Offers for salo. a largo assortment of Cloths, Cas- Isimcres and Y'eslings, consisting in part of tho fol- lowing articles, selected by himself during tho past summer In 1/indon and Paris, which he will make up to or der in the best stylo of workmanship, and at tho shortest notlco. His stock of Readymade Gnthing and of Furnish ing Good*, fur gentlemen’s wear, is very largo and of the best quality and stylo—tho wholo of it made this fall under his own inspection, and will bo sold nttho lowest prices for cash or approved credit :—Frencli black, bine, brown nnd olive Gotns; fancy French and English Cassimeres ; fancy Silk Vesting, super, fancy Silk l'lnsli Y r estings; black Bar athea Silk Y'ostlngs ; super, black Doeskin Cnsslmcres : Me rino and Silk Underskirts and Drawers; white nnd fancy Shirts and Collars; Canton Flannel Shirts nnd Drawers: white, black and fancy Kid Glnves; Neck Ties, plain and embroidered - , Merino end Gotten Socks; Scarfs.Satin and Bom basin Socks. no5 17 Whltnkcr-atrcet, REMOVAL. F ashionable tailoring establishment— 1 The sub scriber having just removed to No. 21 Bull-street, (be- tween Congress and Broughton-strcets,) would inform his friends and the public generally, that he will open Tim Bat. hi* second supply of Fall and Winter Goods, consisting of the best French, English nnd American Goths, (Vi«si- mere* and Y'estlng*. purchased from tho mo*texton»lve Ira. ^Nirtors in Now York, which he 1* prepared to make up in Ini best snd most fashionable styles. deel M. D. MURPHY. NEW SPRING STY'LESIt—'WHOLESALE ffl AND RETAIL. AU. Just received at tho Wholesale and Rotall Hat Store, overy variety of Spring and Summer Gomls, such as Silks, Beavers, Gossamer*, Pudnlo, Canton, Paris, Lone Star. Campechy, and others too numorous to mention. Also, every variety of Bonnets. Call and sec, and you will be sure to bo Buppliod, nt tho corner of Barnard and Brougkton-alrects. mhll BELDEN A CO. PAUASOI.S AND UMBRELLAS.—Now stylo French Canopy Parasols, silk and satin de chcno embroider ed do, silk nnd cotton Umbrellas, all prices, for sale mb28 Laroche a ijoyvxe. TEN DOLLARS REWARD Is offered Tor the appre hension of CHRISTOPHER, a mulatto man In charge of Mr. Jauih Ho Is supposed to bo working about town, or down the river on board of a ship, nnd 1ms not made his appearance for more than two months, IIo is a man about five feet flvo, with very light complex ion anditraight hair. Tlio abovo mentioned reward will bo paid to any who will secure him a safo lodgment in tho county jail. apU E nvelope and wrapping paper, of vari ou r*izei and quality. Also, Cotton Sampling and Silk Wrap ping Paper, for salo by ml»30 J. B. CUBBEDGE. JEWELRY. | SIR. F. STEJN, on Broughton-streot. ha* Just receiv ed the finest assortment of now and fashionable Jowel- rv of all description*. Gold and silver pencils nud pens, silver nnd silver gUtod wnro and fruit baskets, waiter*, i tea sets, candlesticks, table and tea spoons: fine table, ' jacket nnd pen knives, scissors, aud a largo variety oftho 1 finest work boxes, dressing cases, and writing desks fur ladies and gentlemen, as also a flno selection of flutlnas, accordions and fancy articles, too numerous to mention, which he offors at the lnwost prices ever sold in thin city The attention of the public at largo, but especially that of the Indies, Is particularly requested.au21 NEYV JEWELRY, FINE WATCHES, die, Jto THE undersigned Is now opening a splendid assort- [Jfjmont of rich JEWELRY, embracing tlio recent paltorn* VV of Ear-rings, Pins, Bracelets aud Finger-rings, among jr which are some fine diamond sotting*,from $10 to $600. jb Also, twenty-five set* of those unique iVar! Sets ot Ear- muring*and Hroeehe*,from $18 to $125 tho *et, newo*t m?and rarest patterns; together with a very *eloct as*ort- ^"mnnt of extra fine IFafcAe* set in pearl, diamond, hun ting and plain cast**. Tlieso, with a further assortment of good Jewelry. Sterling Silver Sets, Spoons. Forks. Ladloa, Cups, Ac., nnd Plated Ware of all kin 1 *. Fancy Work Boxes, Dreasing Case*. Folios, Clocks, Bronze Figures, gold mount ed Cauos.Cuttlery, Ac. render* hi* assortment very com plete, and unsurpassed In the fctato, either in quality or pri ce*. I). B. NICHOLS. BE* Strict attention paid to repairing watche*, clock*, and!2 PIANO FORTE DEPOT. , THE undersigned respectfully Inform the i citizen* of Savannah. Georgia nnd Florida, that thoy have on hand more than filly Pianos, the largest stock ever on salo In this city, and made by the most celebrated manufacturers In the United Stales. Nunns A Clark. T, Chlckerlng, Boardinan A Gray, Leight A Nowton. Edward* & Fisher, all well known to the lovers of Music, havo place in their largo assortment,— Theso Pianos aro of rich tone, nnd beautifullv finished In Rose Wood, Black Walnut, and Sfnhognny, with Iron frames made In the most substantial nnd workmanlike manner.— Also tho justly celobrated AJollan l’iano Fortes, which for thoir sweetness of tono have not been equalled. All these Instruments havo metalioframe* which render thorn peculi- arly suited for till .climate, preventing necessity of tuning foryears. The undersigned are Agents for Henri Ilcrz’*, celebrated Grand Pianos, made in Paris. For Power ond beauty of tone, they Rtnnd pre-eminent. Cariiart’s MKmninm—This beautiful toned wind Instru- mant.manufactnred byCarhnrtANeedlmin, N. Y.Jor village purposes, lodges. Serenading Parties, nnd tho private prac tise of Organist*, possessing a sweet anil powerful tone, they have also for sale. AU theso instruments will be disposed of on the most accommodating term*. The price* of the Pi- ano* ranging from $176 to $1,000. I.W. MORRELL A Co PIANO FORTES. THE subscribers solo agonts. for A. Stod- arl b Co’*., nnd Jonn B. Dunham’s Plano 'Fortes, are always supplied with an ns- ■ortmont of these favprite and justly celebrated Instru ments. For durability they can 1>o fully warranted, whilst thelc superiority of tono and touch is evident and acknowl edged by the most casual observer, a* well as the critical connoisseur. The ladies are respectfully invited to view these instruments. An nrrningomont having been effectod witii one of our most oinlnent Pinnlsts for tho purpose, they cau also ho enabled to judge of tlio tono. F. ZOGDAUM A CO.. Market-square. Kf Secondhand Pianos taken in exchange, also tuned and repaired. jel7 READY-MADE CLOTHING FOR SPRING AND SUMMER. WM. R. 8Y.MUNS. Draikh ano Tailor, No. 17 Whitaker streets, respectfully solicits the, latleutlon of Ms friends and vYl\s public in gen .oral, to his large stock of Ready-mu' lb Cloth- Ing, suitable for the present ond coming season. It has all boi-n made up under his personal superintendence, and for stylo and durability of workmanship, is iufcrlor to none to be found in the market. Tlie following comprise a portion of the stock : Frocks and Sacks of blue, black and colored cashmere cloths ; black, brab d’eto Frock* and Sack*; linen duck, drill nnd fancy linen Frock* nnd Sacks; India grass, silk and brown linen Sacks; black and colored alpaca Frocks and Sacks. Pants of fancy French cassimeres, bla4k doe-akin cassl- mere, black drab d’eto and spring tweed casshnore, whlto duck r.nd fancy linen drill, together with a largo lot of cot ton drill ami duck Pants, for summer wear. Vests of black satin, black barathon. and fancy silks, fan cy and white Marseilles, figured nnd striped linens. Also, a large stock of Furnishing Goods, such ns stocks, gloves, suspenders, cravats, collars, silk, gauzo, merino, and cotton undershirts, stripe silk and cotton socks, silk aud ginglmm umbrellas, cto., etc. The whole of which he offers for sale on accommodating terras, nnd at prices as cheap as the cheapest. apl3 DeWITT A MORGAN C ORNED BEEF', PIG PORK. Ac.—Just received. 10 half bbls Haw’s corned Beef; 10 bbls nud half bbls Pig Pork: 6 dozen smoked Beef Tongues ; 200 lbs smoked Beef; 150 Reynold A Son’s extra Hams, and 2 hhds new sugar-cured Shoulders, In store and for sale by DAVID O’CONNER. fcbl7 corner Broughton and Drayton itreets. Gold and Silver Pens, Gillott’s, In great variety: Co hen’s superior Albnta, Gutta Percha. Wheelus Eagle, Three Pointed do. Ladies, French, School. Public and Bangup Swans for sale at the Book store or 8. 8. SIBLEY, oc20 135 Congress-street. and embroidered, vandyko collars beautiful goods, as sorted parasols, plain, stripodand checked glaco silks, sum mer do, bareges, tissues and grenadines, colored and white jaconot and organdy muslins, a largo assortment of Irish linens. French printed cambrics. M. PRENDERGAST A CO., apl4 178 Broughton-strcet. UTEW BOOKS.—Jeamcs 1 DIarv, a Legend of the Rhine, .1 and Rebecca and Rowena, by W. M. Thackeray. YVood’s and Beach’s United States Dispensatory. Ancient Christianity Exemplified. Millman’ History of Chemistry. New Themes for the Protestant Gergy. Tho Infont’s Progress from the Y'alley of instruction to Everlasting Glory. Illustrated by the author of Little Henry and hla Bearer; Vlnot’s Pastoral Theology. Barnum’s Illustrated News; Gleason’s Pictoral. Simon Kenton, or the Scout’s Revenge, for sale at the book store or 8. S. 8IJJLEY, ap!14 136 Congress-street, D IRECT IMPORTATION—in BON’D.—ao halfpipes OUrd Dupuy A Oo.’i Brandy, of various vintages, and war ranted fourth proof. In custom house stores, and for sale on as liberal terms as sny In market. A constant supply, by direct importation, of Cognac and Bordeaux Brandies. Also, 100 baskets Buena Vista Champaign, imported by ourselves, a choice wino. 60 baskets Ueldalck and Bouclio Champaign, for sale on favorable terms, by feb21 YVEBOTER. A PALMES. _ do, suitable for cutting; 10 hhds primo Sides; 60 boxes Mould Candles ; 10 bbls old Monongnhcla Whiskey ; 50 do new crop New Orleans Molasses : 20 firkins superior Goshen Butter; 20 kegs prime Leaf Lira ; 100 hags prime Rio Cof fee. for salo by , doclO COIIEN A TARVER TO O NB HUNDRED IX for suitable edifii plans must embrace a meuts and suitable root a chappcl. They must j.‘ Pei TECTS. Ill be paid for tho best plans ,jrel Grove Cemetery. The ’dwelling, with ample apart- Jnr&nta, a porter’s lodge and iccompanled with estimates and S UGAR AND MOLASSES.—30 hhds N O Molasses, 26 do choice refined N O Sugar, 40 do prime and choice Porto Rico do, 25 do fair and prime Muscovado do, 150 bbls steam refined do, 30 do crashed do, 20 boxes I/uif do, for salo by f#b21 WEBSTER A PALMES — . —'We hare groat pleasure In directing the atten tion of all our old friends and customers In this city and the surrounding country, to the full arrival of our recent purchase*, comprising the largest and best, assorted stock or goneral Dfy Goods we have ever offered for sale. To en able ns to keep pace with our Increasing trade, we have re moved our business to a larger and more commodious premtses in tho new block of buildings on Broughton-strcet, nnmalls St. Andrew's Hall, vast a(d» nil pro' arn will hn Ran. specifications. Persons desirous of submitting plans for opposite St Andrew’s Hall, west aide, where - wo will bo hap- the above buildings, must hand them in to the undersigned ' py to hare early call* from all intending purchasers, on or before the second day of May. next. Tho approved ot H PRENDERGAST A CO., *- *-•- jVffsohiHouofCoum" “ " epll2 red abovo, by resolution of Counc JOHN MALLKRY. Chairman CommlttoggeaUh and Cemeteiy. J times to soil ready-made clnl subscriber* having, the largest and boat selected asaortmen o? retfy,mado clothing rathe city; would respectfully ask •thotfln want of a good article to cell at 147 Bay-st. -*■ — ^PRICE S VEADER. TITHITE lines drilling, colored linen drill and coatings. t VV si*to linens, grass linens, whlto holUndaj 1 npl4 \ 178 Ilroughton-street. T7L0UR, AC—290 bbls Baltimore flour. 60do Hiram8mlth’i r do, 30 hhds prime and choice bacon shoulders, 20 do sides, 15 tea Baltimore and Philadelphia hams, 20 bbls leaT lard, received and fbr sals by .ap15 . McHAIION A DOYLE. [QU0R8—6 half pipes Otard brandy. 6 do Rosteau do, 3 pipes Holland gut. 80 bbls Phelps' do, 80 do domestic r, 7$ do whleky, received and for sale by McMAIIOif k DOYLE. ajgaas-aMBagsgaagassa.’ ASa p f ^ ’ tt w*bJiseb. •r.wmeaott.o.. *8$ 5 stripe* and plaid, new pattern gingham, bareges snd tissues, ladies'colored and black umbrellas and parssoU. silk gimp to suit all shade* of silks and bareges, black net mantillas, shawls, point* and scarfs, white and black sew ing silk scarfs, white lace and colored silk mantillas, whlto and colored crape shawls, black swan silks, black bareges and tissues, black and lead French ginghams, for sale by ayllS AIKIN A BURNER Jyi7 . PHILADELPHIA AND SAVAN IN AH STEAM NAVIGATION CO, Captain William Counts, has . nnd will loave Sayak.yah on Wednesday, the 8th day of Sop- tember, and every altcmnto YVkd.vruiay thereafter; say on the 22d September, 6th and 20th Ooctobcr, nnd 3d and 17tl. November, and so on. Cabin Passago to Philadelphia .$25 00 “ “ through to Now York 25 00 Steerage" 9 00 Ti fort This Shin has been built with entire regard to safety, com- rt nnd dispatch, and offers new and admirablo facilities to Jan21 O. A. L. LAMAR. Agent. Savanna!. HERON A MARTIN. Agent*, Philadelphia. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. Through In 60 to 65 hours.— Ano York and Charleston Steam Packets—feave Adgor’s Wharves every Saturday Afternoon, and each alternate Wednesday. On Saturday tho new and splendid Steamships JAMES AIK1ER. Captain J. DiCKrasox, 1.600 ton*' MARION. Captain M. BKRRT, 1,200 tons. SOUTHERNER|Cartaln W. FoarKK, 1,000 tons, will leave each nltermato wedn-- - * “ — ’ nesd-y, having been newly copporod In complete order. and gunrd* raised, is now In comp] For freight or passago, having elegant state room acoom modatlons, apply at tho offico of tho Agent. ' HENRY MBSROON, Comer East Bay and Adger A Son’s YVharves. N. B.—A new shi will be placed In tho Hue to conned with the Southerner on YVodnasdays. feblO twiTKirst atkTIHaIE steaHT . fltfrrre g m | * ISABEL, YViiuam Roijjxs, Commandei Sutweon Savannah, Key West nnd Havana, connecting with tho the Pacific MailStsamshlp Company’s lino for Cal ifornla. This splendid sea steamship will horeafler leave Savannah for Key West and Havana, on the 15th and 30th of each month, and from Hnvana for Savannah on the 8th and 22d of each month. ' « Tlio Isabel will connect at Havana with the U, 8. Mall .Steamship Company’s lino to Asplnwall.and the Pacific mail lino from Panama to California and Oregon. PaHsengers will be landed at the railroad wharf at Aspln wall free. Transit at the Isthmus at tho passengers' ex pense. Tlio Isabel will also connect at Havana with the U. S. mal Steam Company’s lino at Now Orleans.. Tickets for Key YVcst and Havana can he had of COllENS A HERTZ. Agents at Savannah. Ticket* for New Orleans, Asplnwall and San Francisco, ean bo hud by applying to MOUDECAI A CO., Agents, Charloaton Jnnl3 UNITED STATES MAIL, From Blacon, Ga,, to Tallahassee, Flo Jfaflrottd fo Oglelhorp—Stages to Tkllahassee Tlio Dally arrange- * ,‘mont on this routo .. . commenced on the 0th Inst., running three times a week via. Nowton, Bainbridgo, and Quincy, and three times • week via. TlioniaBvillo,l)uncAn*villo, Ac. Passengors by this route will leave Macon at half past ( o’clock, A. M., by Railroad for Oglethorpe. The Stage* leaving Ogluthorge either way at 11 o’clock, arriving ntTn! lalrareee, at 10 o'clock on tho evening of tho next day—tlnn by either route 85 hours. Monday, Wednesday and Frida/, by Nowton. Bnlnbridgi ' ‘ “ 1 - • Tallahaiscooi ’ the way o i, Wednesday i and Quincy, to Tallahasseo returning, leaves Ti Sundays. Tuesdays and Thursdays, at 10, P. M. On Tuesdays, Thuriulays, and Saturdays, by ThuntaavlUe—returning minus mute on Monday*, and Fridays, at 10, P. M, Through from Oglethorpe to Tallahazieo by cither ronti In 36 hours—from Macou in 38—nnd from Savannah in 6t hour*. By this route Passengers leaving Savannah by 8 o’cloc Tram of Cars, will arrive at Tallahassee in 60 hour*. It h also decidedly tho best, cheapest nnd most expeditious routt for travellers to Apalachicola aud West Florida. Faro from Macon to Oglothurpo $1,76 ; from Oglothorii> to Tallahnssoe, $10,00. L. C. Siiaw, Agent nt Oglethorpe, A. A. Fihiikr, 11 “ Tallahassee. aug30 F. K. YVR1GHT, Proprletorj SOUTH-WESTERN RAILROAD. A Dally Train for Passengers and Freight leave* Mneon ai 0>i, A. M.. arrives Bt Oglethorpe at 10>f. A. M., leaves Ogle- tliorpo at ll>i, A. JI.. arrives at Mneon nt 3>(, P. M., conned lug each way with the Central nnd Macon and YVpsterr Trains, and the Tallahassee, Eufniila and Columbus Mai Stage lines. Passengers dine at Fort Valley at 1 P. M. GEO. YV. ADAMS, Superintendent °i* r8 South-Western Railroad, MACON AND WESTERN RAILROAD. Mall Train. leaves Macon dally, nt 8 o’clock, P. M. i “ Atlanta “ “ 0« “ P. M. C ONNECTING at Atlanta with the Train* of the YVesteri and-Atlantic and LaGrange Road*, aud with the Dai Train of the Georgia Road, and at Mai- - l with the Dai Train* of the Central and South-western Load*. Passenger will arrlvo In Macon at \2)£, and at Atlanta at IK, havini the remainder of tho night for rest. Passengers going South, via Montgomery, (Ata.) whr leave Savannah at8 A. M., will arrive at Montgomery In for ty-eight hours, Including all stoppages, and only ten hour* staging. Accommodation Trains, Tri-YVeekly, wlU leave Macon every Monday, YVednesday and Friday, st B o’clock, A. M. Re- turning, leave Atlanta every Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day. at 7K A. M. Tills Train will conuoct with the Night Train of the Georgia Road at Atlanta, and with the Night Train of the Central Road at Macon, Passenger! by the ur ward Train can dine at Griffin, EMERSON FOOTE, Sup’f MiOQW, May 17,1862.8mo Jyjq SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS, T HE subscribers have received, ‘ addition to their stock of I they offer for sale, at wholesale . accommodating terms. Merchants, Factors and Planter* are rMpectfuliy Invited to examine our stock before pur- ehaslng. feb21 NEYITT. IATHROP k 8TEBBIN8. - uuuua, el ved, by recent arrival*, a large i of New Spring Goods, which esale and retail, on their usual Bowett k Roschlld do. 10 pipes Holland Gin, 20 K and K casks Madeira YVIne, 20 do do Port do, 20 bbla old Monon- gahela YVhlzkr, 60 do Domestic Brandy, 60 do do Gin, 100 do do Rum, loOdo YYhisky, just received, and for sale by ••20 MoMAHON k DOYLE. . „ pro ...... . .... and Winter I’resss Qooili, and offer the same at prime New York cost. Purchasers will do well to call and give us a look, as groat bargains may be expected. No humbug, and no trouble to show goods. Rich black and colored Brocaded Silks. Plain " Grade Rhine do. All colon Plaid do. Cameleon, rich styles do. Cashmeres, all styles and pattern*. Muslin de Latnes. pink, green, blue and mode colors. Superior EembioWered Robe*, febll J. H. OiHKN b CO., 140 Broegton-it. S PANISH SEGARS.—Just received and in afore, 03,0000 fine Havana Segars,various brands.via: Ia Rueda. La Consolaclon. La Corolina, La Fama, Nina Refura, Delettl Ac., for sale by apl* J. Y. CONNERAT A CO ■ASHES.DOORI AND BLINDS. i fx nnn ugi ™ of sash &«» 7x0 to 12x20 s 200 ItJjvUU pair mind* for Windows, from 8X10 to 12X20; 100 Panel Door*, various sizes. . OddSIzesfurniahed on the same terms. For sal* by . JOHN O. FALLIGANT M R. A. BONAUD, haviog taken the rtoro at tho corner of Bay and YVhltaker-streets, would reapeetfully call the attention of bis friends and the public in general, to hla assorted stock of Liquors and Cigars, which he la. prepared to sell in quantities to suit purchasers. Mr. B. ha* also constantly on hand a large assortment of Sauces, fruit and Jams in Jar*, which he flatters himself wlU suit the most epicurean taste*. nol EW SPRING GOODS.—Raeeived C ODFISH. MACKEREL. HERRINGS, ps,—Just received 2 hhds No. 1 Codfish; 10 barrels large Nu. 1 Mackerel: Beadel’s Starch, Candles and Soap, for sale by Jan20 DAVID O’CONNOR, i~10RNED BEEF,-Ao.—Just received 10 half bbla Georg* V Hawa’Fulton Market Beef, 10 do dopig Pork and Pig Hams, lOOReynold*’ extra Hams, and 3 hhds Reynolds' ex tra sugar cured Shoulder*, for sale by DAVID. 'O’CONNER, mhl2 corner Broughton and. Drayton ttreeU. . CANARY CAGES BY THE LAST STEAMER^- I I A variety of new and beautlfol patterns of r Cage*Just received. Th0*e desiioua of a •ome Cage, and one proof against.Jftfo*, have ooly to make au early call forachotcafrotp a fine d* aortment. - _*.? : mil28 J. F. OQLL1N3,100 Bryan-at YTTINESAND TV ai LIQU0R8—20 half pipes Otard. Hahneiay . or Brandy; Holland Gltt 5 S<»tch,!ri4h And ilsky; Saint Croix and Jsmalot Rum; Port, . . and Webator , _ Monongnbela Whisky; Saint Croix and JsmalcaRum;Port, Madeira. 8herry. Teneriffe, Iisbon and Malaga WinjMj 76 basket* HeidMick and Excelsior Champagne ; 6Q calks Lon don Porter and Scotch Ale: 60 a mbSl R EADABLE BOOKB.—The Lack of Derry I manea of the last century, by Mr. ,Thack of Vanity fair. Pendennls, Men’s Wives, Yellt h'»,W mh anthoz . .. Pendennls, Men’s Wlvea, Yellow rfnalDPa^ pen, Ac.; Memoirs, Journal and Comupondehca'of Thomas a&Twfwsr )M» ' ‘ ' , laiOoiggasMtieet. pOTTON YARN3.-10 bales premium CottoTf O jMdo on TOmmisilo^ and at foctoiy nrlces; Si