The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 18??-1856, April 25, 1853, Image 2

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0,000, th. .Htfoll n . n j5Rfriiwi notbw .uhmtttad to the pcopl., bm'MH dlotUoni or pabUo mttmut, Alnm to e prompt Kdomp- tlon of th« city floljt. Tiro Boart of Ald-roron most bon omutoodtbopouenloaof eladom ooporiottotheirooooU* menu. Such, to oUtlmu, odder oU clroomitonoee, It the tondenoy of power. Whitt, tiro floonotol openboo oftlii. meuuie of too Booed of Aldermoof Control IUIItood jtopkje nllto| ot 11B-U9.. Wo oeo poftojf T;por out. upon our boode,ond octoolly reootrtoc loot thon T per oent,ottbot 1 Informed that Mo Donor wind ta town Urt jr the bit htndi of gf,'trill be pn«nt«4toh.r btordoy.At 11 o’clock,M. Amort to n noble oeolt, oBcend and r aldo handa and wtlUnfl boorta tn thetr omiylWng that adbota their mo ot the fhlrcat poc ... m’a hot (Ut to tnan’’-tto j oocaslon cannot (All to Attract i of oor dtiaene, and that of the -Wo ero Indebted to the atten- i, in thla olty, for of WadneadaJ, per Augusta, lnad- ilnt 9febiiwr; henco lbr Baltimore, sprang aleak on the Slat., and put info Charleston for repairs. ,, CosoNn’s Inqumta—A Coronert Inqnesiwaa held yesterday at the residence of Mr. Solomon Coh*n, over the body of a negro mannamed &m, the proper ty oflfa. Pill Comm, of thla city, who came to his . death; aooordlng to tho evidence given and the nt- fflotof the jury, 44 by ft wound inflicted on hla left tom- pie. with a pistol discharged by one James W. Wur bon, on.the 33d inat.,and [quoting -the. language of , the virdlct rendered,] the jury further say that the ■gfiT JA&W. Wilson, la guilty of murder.” 7 Ur. Wilson keeps a grocery mid drinking shop on the northwest oorner of Bryan and Perm stieet, near whine toe negrd'Sain was employed by him in doing a^li bf carpenter work. Oh Saturday, Mr. Wilson not being satisfied with tho delivery ot some lumber by Sam, a'dispute, arose, during which Wilson be came so enraged that be went into his store, got a pistol, andmade an attaok on the negro; first striking him onoe or twioo with the weapon, then diaohsrging Its contents at his head, which took effect in tho left temple, item survived until an early hour on Sunday. Immediately after the ooeorrenoo Ur. Wilson volnn- tartly surrendered himseii into the custody of officer Dandy, and was oommltted to prison.. . Thb Brunswick Bo ad.—A Washington correspon dent of one of the New York papers, states that Sen ator Fpora; of Vermont, ia abont leaving for Europe, fbrthe pnrpoee of purchasing iron for a Georgia rail- . road, with which he is connected. Allusion is doubt less made to the Brunswick road. We find it difficult to reconcile this itatement with the one previously made that iba iron for thla road had been already purchased. 8 Passing Brents. The trips of the Arabiazni the Pacific were made very nearly In the same time. The Pacific left Liv erpool at 8 P. U. on the 6th instant, and arrived off Sandy Hook about 8 o’clock on the morning of tho 17tb. making the distance in 10 days and 17 hours.— The Arabia left Liverpool on the 9th, at 8 o’clock A. Mo, andreached Sandy Hook, at 1 A. M., on the 20tb, being the same time exactly. The Pacific, however, :. had very bad ooal, which delayed her thirty hours, 'Whilst A© Arabiahad been recently improved In several respects to Increase her speed. Nothing was done in the Gardiner case, in Wash ington) on the 20th,.the Court having adjourned as a testimony of respect to the memory of the late Yice- Pirealdent King. The variona Government departments were not . closed on toe 20tb, as expected, but delayed nntil next day. '.- ; In thastxth Aqdltom offloe, on the 20th, twenty- six olerks were removed, and their places filled most ly. by former incambenta. The fhnerel of the Bev. Dr. Lanrie, the oldest cler gyman of Washington, took place on the 20th, and was Attended by an immense conconree. Thd recent flare up at the Varieties Theatre, in New Orleans)inwhiohthe 44 divine” Lola Montcz, dan- tew, &c., and Mr. George T. Bowe, prompter, Ac., were the principal actors, hat been mutually compro- mired before tho Beoorder of the oity, and all legal proceedings discontinued • much to the satisfaction . of toe friends of all concerned, bnt to the Infinite dls- . satisfaction of all scandal mongers. . At a reoent lecture and microscopic exhibition, . giv^n atthe Broadway Tabernacle, in New York, for the benefit of a fluid to erect a church for the deaf and dumb. -The net proceeds were eighteen and three ' quarter cenUt The dry goods store of Steiner A Co., North Third- street, Philadelphia, was destroyed by fire on the 21st, involving a lots of $100,000, which is covered by in- amance.. The rooft of two other stores were con- snmed. The new Bevenne Cntters about to be built are to he called the Wm. L. Marcy, Jefferson Davis, James O. Dobbin, Bobb McLelland, Caleb Cashing, James Gntorie, and tho name of tho seventh not yet decid ed on. . The Bt, Lawrenoe was open to navigation be tween Qnebeo and Montreal on the 21st The regnlar mail lettings In New York and New England States, aowell aa new routes in other States, established by the act of Congress of AngnstSlst, 1852, wilibe announced at theGeneral Post Office Department oh Tuesday, too 26th Inst. The Hong Islanders have caught another whale, . making the third thla Spring. If whales come to be taken sailers‘will find it hard to maintain a strike for . - higher wages. At a recent election of officers of the Tammany So ciety, in the dty of New York, the Barnburner* car ried the day. . Nothing of special Importance wm elided in the Gardiner case, in Washington on th$ 21st, except per- haps the testimony of Captain Bolton, who during toe Mexlosn war, in pnpnrit of gong captured by tbo Mexicans, went up thoriver Pannco in tho steamer Vixen, 110 miles, and sentboats 20 miles further.— HealMunderetood that tho river was navigable for flat boats for 80 miles beyond, and. that there wass . pass called Tola) through which steam machinery had formeriy been retried nearly np to Tula. , The Coroner of the city of New York was recently ‘called to hold an Inquest over the body of Wm. Ste phens) knative of England, who was represented to .hare died a pauper, bnt on searching bis clothing a City Stock Bead for $2500, together with gold coin and bank Will amounting to $2500 more, were found . sewed op in it He . was a shingle maker by trade, . and lived ln the most penurious manner. The revert railroads-forming the complete chain be tween Albany, Trey tad Buffalo, hare just been merged into one oompany, under the title of the Cen tral Ballroad of NewYork, ln conformity wlth the provisions of an act of the Legislature authorizing the •;; Two convictions for muder took place In the court of Oy?r and Terminer, in the dty* of New Yorkon ' toe JLW& The names of toe culprit* are Tho*. -Neary and Patrick Fitzgerald, each for toe murder of his wtfdt tuidtr the lnfineoce of liquor. In both, cares toe * 'jmy reoommendthe murders to executive clemency, The murderer Spring under sentence of death In . Philadelphia) ha attempted to starve himself to death. Certainly a 1ms barbarous .death, when voluntarily Indulging is ths. Illusion of a vast bonus, somehow or other, hereafter to bo declared. Whlohere*-exonre may bo adopted, it la dear that our executive eouncll Is specula ting in a fund, for tbs Imaginary benefit of eltinns who consented to be taxed for a particular iotyoot. Tbo r*tlro*d having .boon built, it la. tbo duty of tbo corporate authori ties to rodaomtho debt of tbo clUasna, by Mlling their as-, sets. Wo have heretofore issued twontyjear bonds for Inter- v nai taproTvasnts udfhls U a oonstsat and permanent ex- ease for not redeeznmg them before maturity. I am oy pored to any bonds having a longer term to run thf^‘•h yoare. _ Well, enppooe you postpone Abe peywwl maturity. How then, In the name of doU»* »° a amount oflbrod for sale. Tho only.possible mode of selling stock, without depredation, Is ’by gradual absorption, in the course of months end yean. In all honesty or pur- pose, I should bo glad to know bow else, or in what other mode, owidebt la to be liquidated f This olty owns a large amount of stock in the Sonth west ern foad. It is now selling shore par. Are we to hold this' stock too, in prefonnoei to an oxobsnge for onr bonds? Now, Mr. Editor, m a dtlssn of Bsvsnnsh, I shall oxer- else my Judgment in voting upon the proposition to sub scribe to the South-western Railroad. My vote win be governed by wbat I may understand to be the settled pub lic policy of thla city. • There eeems to bo none, thus for adopted. Are w# called upon now, u heretofore, to author ise bonds to be Issued, without the condition annexed, that the city stock shidl be exchanged for bonds, the moment it can be done, witoout lore| or are we called upon to author^ Iso, under penalty of taxation, tho oontrsotion of debt, which, at the pleasure of the Corporate authorities, may beforevet perpetuated T I belong to the old school of. fi nance, and I believe that debt Is a curse, and freedom from debt a blessing. NOroan any ltgerdemain of pepo'bslsncest convince me that imaginary assets are equal to flesh-cutting bonds. dNCINNAigg. From the Tallahassee Sentinel. Railroad Meeting In Montlceilo, Florida. M^mcoio, April 11th, 1868. * Pursuant to notioe, and a resolution of the meeting held in Montlceilo in February last, the citizens of Jefferson County convened this day in the courthouse, the farther to confer as to the importance and practicability of construct ing a railroad across Florida to tho Golf of Mexioo; Gen. William Bailey waa called to the clulr, and 8. W. Baker, Esq., appointed Secretary. Woodson White, Esq., waarequeeted to address the meeting, and in compliance he clearly vindicated the necessity of prompt action in the premises; presented the claims of St. Andrew's Bay and Pensacola respectively, as a terminus affording superior ad vantages, and reforred to the'willingness of ths Savannah oompany to oo-operate with Florida in the enterprise. In compliance with a call of the meeting, D. 8. Walker, Esq., of Tallahassee, forcibly and earnestly advocated the importance of immediate action on the subject, showed that a railroad across Florida would be an enterprise greatly conducive to the welfore of the State, and is a matter of ael&defenee and self preservation—called attention to the Interiul Improvemennt fond—now with certainty estimated at one million of dollars, and probably to bo increased five hundred thousand collars by the sale of swamp lands grant ed to Florida. The following resolutions were offered and adopted: Retobxd, That a committee of' five be appointed to confer with the railroad companies of Savannah and Brunswick, sa to the probability of either being induced to enter Flori da in Hamilton County, and traverse Uie State west to the Gulf of Mexico. Jlmolrxd, ThAt a committee of seven be appointed to so licit subscriptions to the contemplated railroad, and to re port at a convention of citizens from East, Middle, West, and South Florida, to be held during tho summer. Under the first resolution, Messrs. W. Denham, Caraway Smith, 8. W. Baker, A. Marvin, and W. S. Dilworth, were appointed. . Under the seeond resolution, Messrs. John Finlayson, J. a Devine, Robert H. Gamble, Dr. F. Palmer, Dr. T. B. La mar, Joshua Taylor, and Edward WOlsy wore appointed. The opinion of the meeting waa strongly againt permis sion to any raOrcad oompany to intersect the line of Flori da at a point farther west than Hamilton County. W.Bmxr, President. B. W. Baker, Secretary. mmimm with a round ti we have seen l ness of imw itemtpayab Remitted to Ireland..,6, Dedacts^debroufbtVn by tauntynMti,H*»’.;^o)00^00 Balance, estimated stock remittances, What A losing business J Giving away iixl. millions of doUan a year mow than wo weefvo I— Can afiy nation qontbmf tosoitain snob an enormous and pertotual drain on its resonrcei? But let os look a little Into toe items of too aocount. Pint, the excess of Imparts; what does that mean ? The latest offleta! returns of imports and exports es tablish thvfollowlng condition of foots: Import*) less re-export ...i.....$ 20?,248 $100,787,«5 Ex^UV. ..V..;.;....-. 87^87^87 lM'OBl.UT mitof t own houB sa. sieeu of.Imports.$ 86,800^08 fixeen of exports.........j... .$87470^01 It wonld seem, therefore, that odr exports have ex ceeded onr imports for 185T: hot Mr, Bfoadhead and his school will not allow that specie ta^ a ‘ * duct and an wtioletf-oommerpe, and eke Mftl:! metal which the Oatifornlans piok oat of the soil dif fer* from the corn which is gathered in Ohio; or the button raised at the Booth T Have we not reoelved ample wtnraa in goods for every penny of it sent abroad? As to the speoie part of the subject, moreover, wo find,a statement in a late number of Hunt's Moga- zine, whlonought to qaiet the fears of the apprehen sive. It show* that from 1821 to the close or toe fiscal yearl847-*8, the entire importation of foreign coin and bullion into our Union, amounted to $252,169,841, and the export of the same, daring the same period, reaohed $180,462,406. In then twenty-eight years there was acoordingly.a balance remaining in onr ohest of $71,707,435. This was the foreign accretion alone, while from onr domestio production of the pre cious metals onr mints have received, in round nnm- ben, $10,000,000; bo that our total Increase of suede from both sources vfas $82,000,000, or about $3,000,000 * ^From the fiscal year 1848-’9 to the present time, the Imports of foreign predoua metals, in coin and bullion, were $24,000,000; ““ — ductions amount, acoordlnj 000 : deducting from thla f $85,000,000 which we have exported and we find that infonryearsandahalfoor anode currency has ac tually gained $23,000,000 eaoh year, of a grand .total of $104,000,000. - But, omitting that view of the matter altogether, we may observe that the balance of t^lrty-six millions 1. an; apparent ireaent it eland abroad of the goods Imported, and for the export cost at home, which are two quite dif ferent rates of coat. The former shows what Is to be laid on the other side, not what the goods are sold br on this side; chiefly on American aroount, and the latter, which are shipped also on American ao count, are sold at an advanoe often per oent, at least. In this Item, alone, then, there onght to be a deduc tion from the balance of nearly thirty millions of dol lars. Mr. Brodhoad, besides, as the Economist, well or- nes. makos no allowance for tho American mercany le navy, which earn abroad tome freights'; and If a tonnage of 4,188.440 owned in the Atlantic states, and worth $200,000,000 cannot earn 10 por cent, abroad, beside supporting 20,000 American seamen witb their families at home, they would not increase as fast as they do. Thus the weight of cotton exported in American vessels, 1b 600,000,000 pounds, which, at half a cent freight, would give three million dollars upon that article alone. These two Hems, freight and profits on exports, wipe out Mr. Brodhead’s 41 bal- onoe." The interest payablo abroad la a mere estimate, and requires $300,000,000 of American stocks at least to be owned In Europe. The chances are, that the amount so owned is not one-third of this sum. Again, all the interest due is not aotnally remitted, bnt to a considerable extent, it Is re-invested here. The next Item of travellers expenses abroad, is offset by those of foreigners who travel here. The government ex penditure abroad may reach about one-third the sum nentloned; the amounts paid to the navy come near ly all back; the remittances to Ireland are for pass ages of emigrants hither In American ships, and every dollar returns. What then becomes or Mr. Broadhead’s terrible balance sheet, and what of hie hopes of a high tariff, which were doubtless the se cret causes or his constructing so flimsy a piece of book-keeping? We have no doubt that a nation, like an individual, lay borrow too much; that it may rash Into heedless cpendltures, and involve itself in ruin. But we do ot believe that the investment’now making of foreign capital In our railroad and other enterprises, U.of this natnre. Most of the works on whose bonds the money is raised, axe promising works, and will add mmensely to the wealth of toe country. In the ad- £ reduced in these latti. > the authorities and peaceable inhabitants of Island of Cuba. In past months, also, insidious jecta of an alarming disposition,founded on onr li oration law* have been denounced by too press. With this motive, In protection of onr independence, and with the decided purpose of preventing whatever hos tile Mt soever,ttf thelnjuiy oftto Spanish nation, en- —*■- --“ -' Were taken to fruatijte every apbri- light attempt to shelter its founda tion lathis Republic,. The situation.ot the Govern ment was a difficult one, indictytihg restrictive or ders with respect to the entry of foreigners into the oonntry ; bnt be what might-toe consequence of «ot- Ingin such a delicate matter,or whether the powers with whom treaties were stipulated should compre hend or not the truo tendencies of such measures, up to the present time the government has received noth ing but marks of approbation. * * * * ides this saving idea, oomes another of not less tn>m wM butltttl. utMtr In <ror oB H.InnllT- Tb...InworeUObrtrou(ollowll Jl.t»,M »t >Mt m rt 10, Md XU Mitt moirt » ft. . / , OM. ' • Ho.v, ■>« «» SK I- »•* Vork, KmUnort to rtmuUiit .apply,.e.U.10u4T W« c«l. St«»»» q.oUJ ,t WOKfflOJj | TtMU l.ltOUMl. “*» <*• Bt. ptui In that olty .ton. t) now irtrly to ttat proMTO- rtbyth.buUlnth...tlN but. In arUrobn, lott, b«- la, .boat UtfiOffiOO. Yet th. .prot. oa budon tb.00tb of Fsbrusry, wm 1ms tflaa in December, i860, while the sgrefst* of lUbffitiea has iborssaed wltbin the period near- ty fifty per oeht'.'.: > * . '. ; : - : J ‘ e - ‘ The State loan of $4fl7.000>i been Ukenriznarenf of 107.89 for a fl v* per cent stack. The Independent Treeeury continuei to dUbune Its foil receipt!, othenriie the receipt! would ta sn extrsor-, dlnsry amount - under present heavy Import!. the foreign flninclzl adviees per. Arabia, have exercised a ice upoO our own money market. The move*' U to the deduction of,the Interoit on thefcty- llih debt of i}£ per cent etrengtheni confidence in tho fo- tore, while a decidedfovorable influence le felt growing out of the fovorapie turn to American railway negotiations ad- vised by the’above ateppter. $2,050,000 of the zecuritlei of the Ohio and the' ItisUutppl Company, the mala line con necting Cincinnati! and; St. LouU, no portion of which is yet open to travel, pave been placed upon the London mark' et, and quickly taken at'tn average of 9% per cent ster ling, equal -to 101 in New York. . Borne little anxiety aeems to exist among the cotton In terest on this side, yet tbnee who are most ietereeted seeiq to feel atroug In the (Stare. Great eautlon le exercised on the other ride, and a close watch kept of the receipts ot our home ports and at the proepeote of our coming crop, whlob will have a controllng Influence in the English market for the next few months. ' Co, A i netUud »»d for sale \ ret of SSSWSsi »pw. . - •: W. W. JJNOOLN. MmttitM^ t| . ■■ DgM.-... MgmmKgm consequence—that of insisting on tbo mediation of the two great and powerflil nations who h&ro always been careful of onr conservation. Strongproofii have been, op to the present time, giren ortho nobleness of tho views of France and England, and to no other cause—thanks to the efficacy of their protection we owe ip—that there has not been on the frontiers a pe riodical effusion of blood. Respect to Use late Vice President. of the Vice President coakfbo ascertained to be au thentic, tho subjoined orders were issued by the Pres- t-*. - - - MAOON, APRIL 22d.—Cotton 8©10>J. • Markst duU. AUGUSTA APRIL 22, P. M.—Oottoh—'The transactions are limited, and show no change. Stained..... 8 ©8] Middling to good Middling .10®10 j Middling Fair O10J Fair ..Wail BALTIMORE, APRIL W. 5 P. M.—Flour—Nothink done in Howard street Flour on'Change to day, owing to the un&Torablo news from England, and the scarcity of veseels. Bomb small sales were made at $4,76fg)4,81M, but holder* generally would not operate at these figures. City Mills Flour is generally held at $5 for, fresh ground pared*. BALTIMORE, APRIL 2l—« P. it.—RtoaB—The muket for Howard Street Flour to-day opened at $4^1>/. and 700 bbls Straight brands, at $4,87>4, closing rather dull at the last rate. Sales of 600 choice brands Howard Street Flour at $4,87*. NEW YOl 1000 bales for sale by OO . T „ Trni Per hark Maria Morion, ( - - - DovU/O SSdapg^ter. ' from N. Yc«k—D O’Connor,T "R ‘ H Johnston. Morse b Nichols, T to^JgSjtn.., Per sleampacket Calhoun, from Charleston—T 8 Wayne, J DeMartln, Kempton It Verstille, Dr Hrd, Dr J A Wragg, W B Tinsley, J B Cubbtdge,W BatUrsby k Co. Per steam.packet Wm. Scabrook. from Charleston. Ac.— J P Saunders and aervant. J,J Flnlsvandson, J W Patter- , son, lsdy and child, Gen Howard, W J Flckllng,-Mr* Flck- ling, E Batter, Mrs Lewi*. Mrs Woodward, O Haskett Penionand child, W A Smges, R B Habcrthana, JB •mbsin, Dr D Hamilton, Master Ffnlty, Master Hamilton, B Clinch. Per' steamer Jasper, from PaUtka, Ac.—Mrs Lewis, Mrs Willie, Mrs BourkeTj D Wilkins, Dr Nieott. O B Mlllhouse. J T Mills, W B Wright. MeNeaiy.H O Bcott. B F William*. W S Taylor, Dr Marshall, J T William*,- B Bateman, Dr Hot- lock, R Dillon, Dr Horibrook, A H Tomlinson, W D Collins, F A Butt, Q A Atkinson, 0 Gibson, J F Guitmsrtio, J Wil- son^B MBurch, WB Oakman. AD Bachs,UBO8,and six PA8BBNGBR8. Per steamship Augusta, from New Durand, B 8 Burlinr ”—” ** J B Jaques J S SmiL., : —, B B Lewis, J Hanscom, R Per* team packet Calhoun, from Charleston—Fowler, J G Yare)N^JNedy agdladyH0Dottsrer, GFGBaber,USN, MARINE INTELLIGENCE. )RK, APRIL 20.—Cotton la heavy, with tales of PORT OF SAY ANVAR iytott ak tone Fiour-the sUame's news hu depraved the ^P RT ........... APRIL 26.1863, for State, lour is in Went and the !he whole in try will sympathize with the sentiments express- in these testimonials of respect for the eminent and lamented statesman whose earthly career has j^hus been closed In the fullness of years and of honors. J"By thb President op ths United States.—-The President has, with deep sorrow, received informa tion that the Ylce President of the United .States, William R. King, died on the 18th Inst, at hU;resl- dence in Alabama." . In testimony of respect foremtnent station, exalted character, and, higher and above all station, for a ca reer of public service and devotion to the Union which, for duration and nsefolness, is almost without a par allel in the history of the Republic, the labors or the various Departments will be suspended. The Secretaries of War and Navy will issue order* that appropriate military and naval honors be render ed to tho tftmory of one to whom snch a tribute will not be formal, but heartfelt from a people the deceas ed bos so faithfully served. The publio offices will be dosed on this day, and badges ot mourning-be placed on the Executive Man sion and all tho Executive Departments at Washing ton. Fbanxlin Pierce. Washington, April 20,1853. market, with sales of4760 bbls. at $4A0/34A0* ( nnd$4.60X<2/4,87* for Gcnnestee. Southern fit moderate request, with salea of 600 bbls. st $6/5)5,12*.— Wheat la heavy. Corn Is heavy, with sales of 63 for mixed, and 66 fot yellow. Whiskey la better, with salea at 23*. Pork is In moderate request at $16.76/5)15,87* for Meis.and $13.60 for Prime.,. Beof is firm, witb sales at $12A0/®$13 foriness. Beef Tongues are quiet at $18® $16. Bacon- sales of 200 tierces Shoulder* at 6*, Hams 0*. and buyy. ant. Lord—sales of 550 bbls and ktis at 9X©10 in bbls. and 11 In ksgs. Butter is steady. Naval Stores—sales of 6000 bbls. rough Turpentine at $6,87*; 4600 gallons Spirits at 63/5)67*, caanr ,1000 bbls. erode Turpentine at $2,62*/S)2,87*; 6000 bbls. common Rosin at $1.26/5)1.60 : 800 bbls. No. 2 at $1.62/S)$5. Coffee-sales of 060 bags at for Rio. and 11* for Java,.with a fair demand.— Sngaiwialea of460hhda. at 4*/5)4*/S)6 for Muscovado, and4V/S)6* for New Orleans. Molasses la steady, with ‘ or dOOnhd-"— ARRIVED SINCE OUR LAST. . Steamihlp Augusta, Lrpn,-N, w y or k, 69 hours, to Padel- ford, Fay ft Co. April 20th, 6 P. Mm passed in the Bay, brig Wilson Fuller, for Savannah. 6 P. M., off the Highlands, passed steamship Prometheus, from Nrw York for 8sn Ju- — 1080 P. U,, off ”— ”— 1 *'■ ‘ ‘ i ouuiuciucr, troui viMineium ior new I ora.. iwmi, ’M 8 8W of Hntteras. Exchanged signals with steamship e of Georgia, for Philadelphia. North of Hattaraa en tered a heavy bead sea; Sooth of Hatters* experience kpl2 Umbrellas, foe Mia by ggMPTONAV- t CBAltPAOKE-100 bub^i nj? *p 18 j. *pM-- --- WYLLY ft MOnT “ " WYLLf ft MOXIBnmi ?| JtUGAB, COFFEE, MOLASSES AND BEOAM^a' O Muscovado Sugar; 268 bags Coffoe: ot *uJ?, fret 46 barrels do.; (6) do. iSreotadoC; la^Jnj per achr. Shim, froml^dsntj, [ofaV A . reived a Urge lot of Indian Rubber Goods, —~>l draper and Ikthr L 17 Whitaker I TNnyiiw, Ire.—200 bbls Baltimore Hour, so hTiTtfin ‘f 118 HcHAHON » COTu | B iCON AND BBO-.-M art. bMaa ihoffiSTj rides, 10 do choice hams, 20 half bbls beef netful and for sale by apm /CHOICE TUSCAN OIL,—A superfine Salad Ofl. 1 V ”P^riyfor thU market, Jurt mSlred Siffl I phis steamer, and for sale by. - • I _ *pU8 W. W,/fjNCOLN, MonumentSqmt I >*PU8 W. W. LDiQgy P ‘gAGGING.-OO Axles Bagging. apU6 F FOR SALE—A young negro woman, a Bnt nliS I and washer, of good character; also, a mulatto nI od house servant and cook. Apply to “ ■ WYLLY ft MOXTMOm ] In store, »nd for ukw IRIGHAM, KELLY k C a good ap\16 sales ol ihds New Orleans st 28/329. General Orders, No. 11. War Department, Adjutant General’s Office, M >. Washington, April 20,1853. I. The following order announces to the Army tho death of William Rufus King, lata Vice-President of the United States: War Department, ) . Waahiqrton, April 20,1853. s With deep sorrow the President announces to the Army tho death of William Rufus King. Vioe-Presi- dent of the United State*, who diod on Monday, the Middilni 8th inst., at bis residence in Dallas connty. Alabama. NEW YORK, APRIL 21.—Cotton is firmer—sales of6260 balls. Flour-$4,44/34,66 for State, $4,50(34,87*for Gen- essee, and $6/36.12* for Southern. Corn—Yellow at 66*$. Coffee—Rio at 9*/39*$. Sngar-4*/3&* for Orleans, and 4*/36*4. for Muscovado.. Molaues—Muscovado at 23/326$. for Cuba, and 29$. for Orleans. Whisky—23*$. rork—$16,76/316,87* for Mess, and $18,60 for Prime. Beef -Mesa $1460/313,60. Lard 9*/310$, and kega 11$. ' NEW OBLE1NS, iPRtJ, M.-aon-wmciT Ruvww-Ttn put three days have been a period of but little animation in our market generally, even in our great staple, Cotton, through tho advance In price noticed towards the dole of last week has been sustained. Flour and Grain have va ried but little, while Bacon and Pork have further advanced. Sugar and Molasses have been pretty steady, and Tobacco In nnnsnallr good request. Oonoir.—Total for the three days of16,000 bales, the bulk qf which is for English account. The receipts of the three dsys are 10,114 bales, against 22,782 bales for the corresponding period last year, and in the total receipts at this port the increase, compared with last year, ia 269,611 hales. . niw oRuttM cuanncAnox. Inferior,, Ordinary,..., 103d Anniversary of the Union Society. Umow Bocncrr Bau!, 1. Bavannab. April 23d, 1363. / The Union Society calibrated its 103d Anniversary this day. > At 12 o'doek M., ths Society proceeded to the Unitarian Church, where an able, eloquent and appropriate address wss delivered by the Rev. John Fierpont, pastor of said Church. Tho Society returned to its Hail, sod the President sub mitted his Annual Report, exhibiting the affairs of th* So ciety In a prosperous and gratifying condition. SSSOLCTIOXS MUD AXD UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED. By Abraham Minis, Esq., seconded by Allen R. Wright' haolved. That the thanks of this Society be tendered to the Rev. John Plerpont, Jr., for the' chaste and elegant ad dress which he has delivered before us this day, and which ditional valuo whioh they will give to land and to pro ducts, they will create an ample fund for the redemp- ion of the claims against them,besides payings good dividend to the proprietors. We are little moved, consequently, by 1 prophets of evil. io doleful apprehensions of these The Snored College. A letter from Paris to the National Intelligencer _ _ jalate: 44 Letters from Rome, Just received in Paris, sl,-_. ns that in a secret consistory, held on the 7th nit., the Holy Father completed tbo Qaored College by the creation of eight new Car<dinak-~one of then; is a French prelate, the Archbishop of Tours. These let ters contain some interesting information relative to the Roman Cardinalate. On the 1st of January last the number of vacancies In the corps of Cardinals wss seven. The recent death of Cardinal Diepenbrock left an eighth. By virtue of the promotions of 7th, all the vacancies are filled. A mil Sacred Colli has not been witnessed before for a good many years. vre hqve heard with very great and nnfeigned pleasure»«nd The very advanced age of some of the actual Cardi- request the favor of a copy to be placed in the arehiyesbf nalaJdaki the Society. Berolttd, That the thanks of the 8oeloty be tendered to the Trustees of the Unitarian Congregation, for the loan of their oburch on our annivenanr, and to the choir for the excellent and appropriate mniic, with which they have so kindly (hvored us By Joseph 8. Fay, Esq^ seconded by Colonel Noah B. Knapp j Bereft*^ That the report of the President ha* been heard with plsasuro, and accepted. Nesofoof, That the thanks or this Society are due to the late President, for the ualous and skilful attention he has bestowed upon the affairs of the Society—creditable to him, and a good example to his successors. nrosn MUD AND ADORED. The Committee appointed report, having examined the President’s accounts and vouchsrs, and found them correct. Joexrn8.FAT, : taMctod. a Mag atnngloa to luth rt Uu esS of t l Hi b gtoeniljr 4o>> 8 ijjnlL Edward Padelford. President; John W. Anderson,Vice President; Edward G. Wilson, Secretary ^ Edwin Parsons, 8taward; James T. Webb, do. The President appointed the following Board of MANiasns—Solomon Cohen, Robert D. Walker, Abraham Minis, AllenR. Wright, John R. Johnson, four new members were added to tbs Society^.. At present there an eleven benefldariea. The Society adjourned. EDWARD O. WIL80N, Secretary. ;es it probable that there will soon be other vacancies; but these, when they occur, will not give rise to speedy nominations, but custom requires that the College should not be frill. There should be a few Cardinals’ hats always held in reserve, to be dis posed of as argent circumstances may require. 44 According to the Pontifical' Constitution, the Sa cred College is composed of seventy Cardinals, divi ded equally between the threeorders.thus: Six of the order.or Bishops, 50 of the 6rder or Priests, and 14 of the order of Deacons. Of the 70 Cardinals now living there are 6 upward of 80 years of age, 13 be tween 70 and 80, 19 between Gt and 70, 24 between 50 and 60, and 8 between 40 and 60. The younj la Cardinal Andrea, bora in 1812; the oldest is l— dinal Oppozoni, who Is 84,yeAra old, and who has worn the hat 60 years. / *. 44 Of the living Cardinals, twe date their promotion from the reign of Pina VII., who reigned from 1800 to 1823 sthree from that of Lee XII., who succeeded PluaVll.; thirty-five received their hats from Greg ory XVI., who resigned from 1841 to 1840, and thirty from the reigning Pope, Pius IX* n mat., at nis residence in Dallas connty, Alabama. Called into the service of his country at a period in life when but few are prepared to enter upon its reali ties, his long career of publio usefulness, at home and abroad, has,always been honored oy,the public confi dence, and waa dosed in the second office within the gift of the people. • From sympathy with his relatives and the Ameri can people for their loss, and from respect for bis dis tinguished publio services, the President directs that appropriate honors to his memory be paid by the army. Jefferson Davis, Secretary of War. n. On the day next succeeding the receipt of this ord.r at each mtUtaiy post tho troops trill bo paraded at 10 o’clock, A. M., and this order read to them. The national flag will be displayed at half staff." ’ At dawn of day thirteen gons will be fired; com mencing at 12 o’clock, M., seventeen mlnuto guns will be fired; and at the close of the day tho national salute of thirty-one guns. The usual badge of morning will be worn by officers of tho army, ami tho colors of the several regiments will be put in mourning for the period of three months. By order. S. Cooper, Adjutant General. A similar order waa promulgated by the Secretary of the Navy addressed to tba several naval stations and Government vessels in commission. A Havana letter of the 12th Inst, notes a report in circulation there that the 8panish Government had authorized the payment to George Law or $300,000 for detentions, annoyances, and losses experienced in tho troubles of last year by the conduct of the Cuban authorities towards the steamer Cherokee. The sum, it is also Bald, ia to be paid from the revenues of the Island. The Countesa do Charbord. wife of tho would-be t _..... Henry V., contributed to the lottery for the poor at imotions of the * Lyons, a piece of work embroidered by hereelr. The ticket which vron it belonged to—tne Empress Eu genio I This, if true, ia singular. * Dub mb’s Bakmo Powder.—We hero tried this article and can recommend it with perfect confidence. Containing within itself to an almost unlimited extent, tho element of puffing- it does not require from us the puff editorial. All we would say is, let the house keepers only try this new in- vention once, and* we guaranty, they will see it to be for their interest never to be without a supply for future bakinjr operations .—Quebec Gcuette, July, 1852. Principal office 189 Water-street. Now York, and for sale by druggists and grocers throughout the country. ..»*/» 7 ..8/3 9 .. 9*010*, ,.10*/311* cotton m-rntxxi. Middling Fair,... 10*012 Fair. —/3— Good Fair....... —j®— Good and Fine,.. —/Si miles 8W or Hatl 8tate of Georgia, .. countered a heavy bead sea; South of Hatteras experienc ed head wind and sea. ^Schr Woodbridge, White Baltimore, to Brigham, Kelly ft U. S. M. steam-packet Gordon, King, Charleston, to H M Infflteau. * U. 8. >1. steam-packet Calhoun, Barden, Charleston, to 8 M Laffltean. u 8team-packet Wm. Beahrook, Peck, Charleston via Beau fort, to 8. M. Lnffltwiu. Steamer Jasper, Shaw, Palatka,fto., to daghora ft Cun ningham. CLEARED. U. 8. M. steamehlp Alabama, Ludlow, New-York—Padelford, Fay ft Co. Schr John W Anderson, Watson Baltimore—Brigham, Kel ly Co. . Schr Empire, 8mlth, New York—Washburn, Wilder ft C. U. S. M. steam-packet Gordon, King, Charleston—S. M. Lafflteau. 8team-packetWm. 8eabrook, Peck, Charleston via Beaufort —S. M. Lafflteau. U. S. M. steam-packet Calhoun, Barden. Charleston—S. M. Lafflteau U8M steam-packet Metamora, Peck, Palatka. ftc.—S M . Lafflteau. ‘sailed. ~ U. S. M. steamship Alabama, Ludlow, New-York. ‘ DEPARTED. U S M steam-packet Gordon, King, Charleston, Steam-packet Wm. Seabrook, Peck, Charleston via Beaufort. U 8. M. steam-packet Calhoun. Barden. Charleston. U S M steam-packet Metamora, Peck, Palatka, ftp. P IAUR AND BAOON.—200 whole and hslf bbli HwS 1 street Flour, 60 hhds prime Bacon Side* 3^4 I Shoulders, landing and for sale by > I - ■> . . SCRANTON. 30" ”^)\ ’■ S' Cotton, bales. 7 9,682 ...1,632,017 .... 970-1,683,587 the reigning I , “Fifty-four of tho actual Gai Bank of East Tennessee Bnitalnsd, The Knoxville RerUkr, of the 20th inst, stye. We have for come time refrained from saying any thing in regard to the ran that haa been made upon the Bank of But Tennessee, because we were not sufficiently advised to advanoe an opinion. We are glad to have it in our power now to lay before the readers of this paper, a document from toe offloen of the bank, aa to He eatire solvency. The chsraoter and standing of the gentlemen whose nsmes are at tached to.the subjoined statement, are a sufficient guarantee that the bank is perfectly able to do what they say, “to meet every aoUar of its liabilities in whatsoever shape they may come.” ’ope, Plus 1 . _ - - ho actual Cardinals are Itallahs s sixteen are foreigners. Of the Ifty-fonr Italians, 33 are Romans by birth or adoption;? are Piedmontese, 7 Neapolitan, 2 Tuscan, and 6 belong to the Lombar- do-Venetian kingdom. Of the lfl'foreign Cardinals, 6 are of France, 8 or Austria, 2 of Bsaln, 2 of Portugal, 1 of Belgium,T of England, and 1 of Prussia.” Additional items 1st the Arabia. Eighteen vessels went ashore in the English chan nel, during tho prevalence of a fog on the 6th Inst/— Most of them are complete wreck* Six lives were lost None of tho wrecked vessels were American. Bhe scaffolding at the Dublin Crystal Palace gave way last week; killing five men and wounding eight others. The weather In England has been very favorable r agricultural purposes. The accouchment of the Queen took place at Book- The character Ingham Palace at quarter past l P.M. on 7th”lost#— Both motherand child were doing well, to the great tar Kotumattsx can now be thoroughly cured by the use of Mobtmors’b Rheumatic Compound and Blood Punmn* which has created the reputation of being the sole and re liable remedy for this dire complaint. Physicians rarely undertake to eradicate Rheumatism and Its effects from the system, as it has heretofore been considered an extra ordinary matter to effect a cure. Jlortimore'l Compound has thus far never been known to foil, an»has received the endorsement tf most of the Faenlty who have witnessed its miraculous eflfecta —For sale in Savannah by A A. Solo mons ft J. H. garter. ft pU5 FUNERAL INVITATION. The Friends and Acquaintances of Mrs. and Mr. Georgs E. CuBnxDaa, find of Mr*. Ann M. Wiluamb, are invited to attend the Funeral of the infont son of the former, GAS TON WILLIAMS, from their residence on Gaston-street,' near the Park, this morning, at 9 o>tock. apl26 Stock on hand 1st September, 1852,. Received since, Rocelved yesterday, • *. 1A43AU Exported to date, ..1,234.049 Exported yesterday, 4,091-1,289,040 Stock on hand not cleared 304,079 Sugar.—The sales of the three dsys sum up 000 hhds, in cluding yesterday 200, and we quote—Inferior to Common, 2*/38*; Good Common —/o>3* • Fair to Fully Fair 8* (34*; Prime and Choice 4*/35; Clarified 4*/36*, prime Rebolled. and during the three days 1100 bbls L been sold at J7/320$^or Fermenting, and 23*/324*$ for *°RecelTed paat^hree days, 1622 bbls—exports. 180. Flour.—'The receipts having been rsther larger, prices ■have been more in favor of buyers, and during the three days only about 6600 bbls have found purchasers at $3,80/3 $4 for Ohio and Illinois, $3,90/3$4 for St. Louis superfine, and $1,50/315 ft bbl for extra. Of this quantity there were disposed of yesterday barely 1,000 bbls. Including 360 fancy St. Louis at $4.10. and 100 extra at $6 $ bbl. Rocelved past three days, 6406 bbls—exports, 6879. Corn—Yesterdsy’s transactions includoa about 8000sacks of which 6000 were sold by ons broker at 47/348$., mostly the lowest rate for prime white, and some other lots at 40 (348$. 9 bushel Received past three dsys 19,784 sacks— exports 22,419. * Uats—Prices are rather firmer, and the latest sales wtre at 86/338$, for Ohio, Indiana, etc., and 87/340$. for Saint bmis. Received past three day* 8»74 sacks. - Pork—Quito an active movement took place in the Pork market on Saturday, and some 3000 bbl*. changed bands, including 1700 to 1800 bbls Mess at 814J50 for uninspected, and $15 for branded, and 1200 bbls. Rumps at $11 Jft $1 bbl. On Monday.460 to 600 bbls, were sold at $16/5)16.26 for Mess, and $12/312,80 for one or two lots of Prime. Yes terday the aales were mostly in retail parcels at $16,60 for Mere, and Included 260 bbl*. uninspected Mew, a poor lot. at $14,87*, and 100, a very good lot, at $16,26 $ bbl Re ceived past three days 8936 bbls.—export* 1620. Bbxp—The rates are little more than nominal at $18/3 18,60 for Mess, $11/311,60 for Prime, and'$18/320 for Prime Hess in tierces. Received past three days. 202 bbls—export* 163. Btrmm and Cubssn—Western Butter is dull it 9/316$ ac cording to quality. Cheese scarce, and worth 11/312$ « ft. Lard—Prioes have been decidedly firmer, and the follow ing sales have been made : 900 bbu and tlsrces Mo. 1 on Saturday at 8*. on Monday 801 bbls Inferior at 7*, 89 No. 1 at 8*, 100 and 200 bbls at 8tf, 219 Prime, in two lots, at 9$, and 800 to 400 kega Ordinary at 9*/39*$ « ft, Yes terday a brisk demand sprang up, and nearly 1600 bbls and tierces prime were sold at 9$, 78 No. 1 at 8*, and 940 ksgs Prime at 10$ |Ub. Received past three days.' kegs—exports equal to 7144 _ Bacon—Prices have Improved again, and sales have been made of some 600 casks at 7*®B$ for nrime Sides, and 6* ©5*$ for ordinary to the best 8bouluers. Including yes terday some 90 casks at 7* for Sides, 6*/36* for Should- era, 8*/39 for plain and bagged bams, and 10*/311$ for fancy Sugar-cured. Reoelved past three days, 1021 casks—exports, 883 casks 528 boxes. Rios—The market is stagnant, and prices about nominal at 4*/S)4* for Carolina, ete. Wiiibxy—No Improvement has taken place in 1 his article, whioh Is in limited demand at 18 for Rectified and 18/5)19 for Raw. On Monday one lot of 170 bbls waa sold on the Levee at 18$, Received past three days, 1992 bbls—exports, 834. Corns.—Since our last there has been little or no im provement in the Coffee market, and the sales do not ex- NewYotk, Ai ,, Boston, April 21.—Arr. ship* Delaware, Apalachicola; Louvre, do; schr Rowen ft Isaac, Franklin, Jacksonville. Cld. brig Maria T Wllden, Savannah. MARRIED, ‘ On the 21st Inzt., in thiadty, by th* Rt. Rev. F.H. Gart- MEMORANDA* ril 21.—Cld. brig Macon, [Savannah. H A Silva. apll^ J. ROUastL/ O’Rourkr, Esq., of Savannah. B LACKING.—lbbl Mason’s celebrated CktUeortfat I ing, just received and for sale by I *pU3 , j. ROpasmi I S AUCES AND CORDIAI&—16 baskets BonJesnx Aik* I Cordial, 8 dozen Soho Sauce, 8 do Sswver’i MAlb I Worcestershire 8auce, Just received and for sal# by « I apU3 J. BOPSSm I E ONDON PORTER.—10 casks Hlbbert’s Brown Stntk 1 . sal" by apU8 J. R06SM I M OSQUITO NETTING.—60 pieces mosquito netUul ■ _do boblnet do, for sale by j ap!13 Kempton a YTYDRAULIC CEMENT.-100 bbls Hoffman’s Rosendale, T?LOUR—73 bbls Howard street Flour, landing fraai I A A a superior description of Cement, landing from schr. . J? Mary H. CbappelL add for sale by -WifotsalnlM^.- -^-gr 0AMpnELD (XJIIEN 4FCSM | G INGERPOP BOTTLES—For sale by J. P. COLLINS, 100 Bryan-streei S YRUP I. ap!26 B ristol brick dust and Tripoli.—Bristol Brick Dust for cleaning knives, and Tripoli, for cleaning brass, T7INE SHIRTS.—J nat received, a new supplyof Barita.l A’ with or without collars. PRICE ft VEADtt I . *PlO 147 Bay-itst • I P ig HAMS.—6 barrels new I’lg Hams, 2 barrtU nti f Tongues, 2 do smoked Beef, just received andfwnH I reb!8 j. R0ASB! I glass, tit., for sale by apl22 B ETTER AND CHEESE-80 firkin* prime snd efaefa* I tor, 60 boxes cheese, received and for sale br | &W5TU apiS C HATHAM SHERIFF’S SALE.—Will be solff on Th day. 6th May next, at the brick store, corner of Weat IVIEW BAOON—100 hhds primer bacon sideO&fck aroad-street and BattleKowaU the stock in said store, con- ■*•’1 shoulders, received and for sale by assortment of groceries, liquors, dry »pl6 . SCRANTON. JOHNSTON 49 ■sfcby apB J ROCSat. I G UUYERHE CHEESF.—One more of thoso fins Gnsa I Cheese will be cut this day at I »P |4 J.BOCfflmi | M A ,^ Nr ’ J>ox“ maccaronl, 20 do rpta 1 1.VA U. sardines, olive olL farinee, corn starch, |a» I rants, prunes, isinglass and gelatine, Justrooeirrinilrl »* leb J »pl4 W. W G00ME I r^just received poSssi I lebjr E.w.Knxj Meeting of the Savannah Fe- . .i ** -Asylum, on Monday Afternoon, at 4 o’oldck. The publio are real fuUy Invited to attend. apl23 MEDICALCARD—Dr. C.H.WIU&—Office 148 •vXfa Broughton-atreet, near Barnard—Residence cor ner qf 8tate and Montgomecy-atwets. 8m—an!23 -..Also, the unexplred lease of said store; levied on by rirtue of au attachment tn favor of Mlchal J. Reilly against John Gown. Sold by order of the Inferior Court of Chat* ham ooqnty. ap!26 JOHN DEVANNY. Sheriff o. o EOROIA—-Bulloch County»—To ail whom it may eon. corn: Whereas, Jehua Evsritt will apply at the Cburt or Ordinary for tetters dlsmlaaory on the estates of John Everltt and Sarah Everitt: Theso are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to bo and appear before said Court to make objection (if any they have) on or before the first Monday in November next, otherwise said letters will be granted. - Witness, Wm. Lee, sen., Esq., Ordinary for Bulloch coun ty, thla 26tli day of April,1853. ftpl26 WM. LEE, Sen’r,, 0, B, o EORUIA—Bulloch County /—To ail whom it may concent: Whereas, Green R. Slater and Thomas Dasher, Admin istrator* on the estate of John G. Slater, a minor, have ap plied for letters <Hsmi*sory; Thesoare thereforeto cite and admonish all whom it may concern to bo and *ppear at the Court of Ordinary for Bui- loch county, on tho (fret Monday in November next, to make objections, If any they have, otherwise said letters will be granted. V *p!26 WM. LEE, Sen’r, o, b, o. A LE CIDER, fte.—60 bbls Ale, 20 do Cider, 16 do white wine Vinegar, 20 casks London Porter, for sale by »P123 , MCMAHON, ft DOYLE, ikTOLASSES, ftc.—60bblsN O Molasses. 80 do pickled IvA Herring, 75 boxes choice smoked do, for sale by *pi28 - McMahon ft poylb, LOUR AND HAMS.—160 bbls Baltimore Finny, «nn pjj! tlmore cured Hams, received and for sale by »Pl23 MoMAHON ft DQYLE^ ANAL F1DUR.—Just received per schr Charlea Mills, from New York, 40 whole and 20 half bbls superior Ca nal Flour, for sale by _ *pl23 H. K, WASHBURN, Agent b S k H * ri *StorUm,from N. York, 90 bales North River Hay, for aale low on the wharf *1 »Ptt3 H. K, WA8HBQRN, Agent. ^ C HATHAM MUTUAL LOAN _ for sale. Apply at this office. S AVANNAH MUTUAL LOAN A8B0I for sale. Apply at this office. . F IR 8ALE—Three very likely Girls, aged 14. Bail I rears. Also, a young negro woman, and hr 491 ago<i 2 years, Apply to ’ P WYLLY ft MONTYOUfl \ from New York-3 *■ bbls No 1 Mzritidjt I CRANE ft II0UWI r P ER SCHR. KJCHANTRESS, New England Rum, 20 half No 8 do, for sale by . mh6 B UTTER AND CHnnnm-25 firidns butter, Hta, cheese, received and lor aale by MoMAHON k Mltt:- H Ay -—100 bates prime North River Hay, lzndig tal t schr F Satterly. for sale bv 1 mh!6 ^ BRIGHAM, KELLY*tt 1 liiaTEU AND CHEESE.—20 firkins choice M«i» Aft boxes Cheese, received and for sale by PfrSl MoMAHON k Witt I HBKY.—100 bbli, New Orleans Whisky, Unfaj* 1 day per brig Kate Heath, and for sale by 9 wu* WILLIS * Bill received. Salt.—Only one small cargo of Liverpool, 1739 sacks, bss been sold at 80$ for half fine, and a cargo of 8600 bnshels Turk's Island at 24$ $ bushel, on time. Liverpool is re tailing at 90$ for Coarse, and $1,16 for Fine, delivered. BAoanro axd Ron.—'We know of only a few limited sales t ing and for sale by* fabl 7 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON 44 L WINE—A superior article, strongly wwsta,! apl7 1 dIfCot fr° m Hie Importers, and for sate g rtSNABURGa-60 balsa white and striped'oSSf J ust received and for sale by J *P17 AIKIN ft BOB | MBR0IDERIE8, fto.—Moslin and lace ChemlwWj b , *?’ *® c ®> “ustin and cambric Sleeves, Swiss Edgings and Inserting*. Swiss and cambric I*. Iawd and cambric HandkercnJefs, black LeceMu*, Valencia and thread Edgings and Inserting!, BoniriRl bons, etc,, ete. ter aale by . A Mfr9 HENRY LATHR0P** 1 BANK STATE OF GEORGIA, SAVAJWAn, 22d ^ r K*ntocky Bsmjng, and fi*/3J*$ for Rope. •OSr^April. 1868.—Dividxxd No. 85.-!rhe Board of W- I^lz Bsgglng Is duU at 11/311*9 In large iote, and lltf© rectors have this day declared a semi-annual dividend of D*$ « n small ones. • , Lord Skelmcredafe, one of toe oldest Commoners of England, died on the 1st instant * It is estimated that the additional snm of £2fl00t day declared a semi-annual dividend of m* dollars per ahare, payable on and after Monday next the 28th inat apl23—4 I. K. TEFFT, Cashier. ** «■ The Chronicle ft Sentinel and Oonatitutionillst, An- gusts, j^MlUeilpirllte Recorder, and Athene Whig, will please The-Annual Meeting of the Stockholders or the Savannah and Albany RaBroad Company, aanro vided in the articles of aasoclat net in which they have oonduoted the affialrs of the institution through the heavy ran that has been made K ite vaults; and we venture the prediction that is not Another bank In Tenneaseotbateoold have sostained iterif through snch a crisis. Baiixny^OTTwNMSBi. > Knoxville, April 19,1858. C , For the protaetkm of the note holders of this bank, we-deemitour duty to state, that every dollar pro- “ltod hae been nromptly paid; and farther that toe okTs prepared Unneet every doIUr of her Uabili* Prea’C yy grants. There ii is no open opposition to toe notion of Fiance with regard to the Turkish orSardinian government, and no movements, of Importance mentioned. M. Montalwnbcrt hu written a Tetter of a satirical char acter on the corps legislative in which he makes some Bankis prepared to meet every doUir of h ties, in whatsoflveaehape they ma^come. Directors. Hu. L. McOluho, Cashier. M. D. Bsardsn, . Jot, L. King, v Chss. J.McUlnng, C.M.MoObe*. I hyve been with the offleere of the toe foregoing statanttint to he irae. . Wm. H.' Skied. Knoxville, April 10,1853. • . actor on the oorpslegiBlativl,! slight eats at the emperor. Lanina of Credit,—Die London Tunis has a re port of a case of some ink rest to travellers abroad. An Amerioan-gentiemen nought for cash aoiroolar letter of credit from a moi “ ‘ dressed tn ’tofilr. sgentac doenment anthorixed toe .wm addressed to honor .rUh&ftn, lodged. ah firm on tbq fands which they hi -the sale ol the iotter^npon^ to i attached BtUl belonged to tho creon w to them; and that they, tbe ga nisheea tho orodit, Incurred no reflponi bllltyui under acceptance. - 4i ~-* 4V< naaMd ahsolntely 1 the continent, an<f this houses to whom it As.. Shortlyafte^ disputed accounts with toe, London tons reoelved for lea that the trans- that the mhneyso uneF so ereon wbo bad paid it or Isstuue of r they came that the money ‘ in exchange for tased to be the not attachable, Realdenee and (5 Broad-strwst. Honrs o and from 8 till 6. P.M. Railroad Company, as pro on; , will be held In Savan nah, at the Long Boom of the Exchange, at 12 o'clock, H., on Monday, the 2d day of May next < ’ , ■;! ' J. P/SCREVEN, President J. W. Axmoaox, Sec’ry, ap!22 NOTICE.—The schr Charles Mills, Francis, mss- •Ca;for, ter New York, can accommodate a faw pas sengers. If applied for immediately. Appty on hoard at La- Aar’s press, or to ap!22 WILLIS ft BRUNDAQE. NOTICE —All person* having relatives or bar- ing charge of bodies deposited in the Gaston Tomb are requested to have th$m removed within thirty days. . Those remitting after thattim# will be buried In tbs pub lio cemetery. JOHN MALLERY, Q *pl20 Committee Health and l Mraou. oor^raBami>^®r:' H. L. Bt» havto associated them, salves in the flnctieo of their Profession, may be found at their ofltoe atthe residence of Dr. B., 97 Broughton Street south stds, between Butt and Drayton-i treats. • At Might Dr! tween Ararnaru ana wiuttaaer streets.* / noe—6m lujonr Bags.—The largest sales were 20.000 in bales, on Monday, at 9*$, cash, or equal to it, and yesterday 149 bales at 9*$, 90 days, adding interest * FaBOHis.—The freight market has been dull again, A Ship for Liverpool at 9-10d for Cotton, and yesterday a ship for St Petersburg at 19-32d for Cotton. Exouxges.—We quote aa follows: flteriinf,,.,... ..108*/3109] A ugusta and waynesboro’ railroad otock.— ^ for sale. Apply at this office, ap!22 ■RUr^AND CnmsBE.—-30 firkins prime and choioe Go- " ■hs^Rutter} 60>lioxee Cheese, received per steamer, »P*22 MCMAHON ft DOYLE: *P»M PRICE ft VEADER. Zdrerpool Otftton Market. . 'nttta.] Dvnroou April 8,1863. conveying our dreular adviees of 1st inst., •tUamthip Arabia,] The America, convey reported an improved demand for the week ending that day, at advanced rates of Cotton, with sales Inexoessof any praviouft- week this year. On Saturday leas activity in* valledfind the sale* <ud not exceed 7,000 bales. The Africa aKired on Bnnday, but; ototeg to her advioee being void of later Infoqaatton from the Bonth, the market presented no new feature.-./.i" On Monday, tot bnslnaee being confined to 8,0001»W- j No. 90 Abercorn, orner of Bonth oonsultation, from 8 till 1^ A. M., • ‘ ’ nolO,' IfSrta OFFICE STEAM BOAT OOMPANY OF QD)R- eowiie OU theS^nif C ° tt ° n 17 7 ^ »1H ““ O; H.‘JOHKSKIS. Prot t existing cui From the laxity d nmoa to iTooKaoumni. OFFICE STEAMBOAT OO. OF OA.,1 • . SATinua, April so, UW. / »HHm of th, atMUioMm of tht> Compiti. [. ot .iMttaj Undin,# W hrtt «t th. - <nlfo»br,HhK»7l!nt,*tiO. — lwnrr tt moboam. felrSrSSSSS swfaa moll, nansook ana oambrie maslins, *Uk and linen lustres, ftc., for sale atthe lowestpriceby JE DxWHT ft MORGAN, v A 4^SSr liM ^ TARY BALLjwffl be given ' SefgHKRAVT, Corpl GRHi. / negro woman wUh her .-Uf . ... .. '/•;* B EST IVORY TABLE CUTn>ERY.-I now offer 4*s» complese assortment of fine and common cottier* the best American and Sheffield manufactories, new style* and finely finished. Ivory handle We forte in seta of 51 and 68 pieces, fine Ivory handle t*l dessert knives with albatta andaRverplated ford# tow table and dessert knives with steel forks in and beef carvert and steels, bone and buck hsndhir and forks, steels, fto. »PH8 J. P. COLUNS, 100 B K EMPTON ft VERSTILLE have Inst recsiwJ.***^ of figured grenadines, crape dfariols, silk ttaWft toey are offering very low stthsb®* next to F. Zbgbeum’a mnslo store, Waring’* nu»«<- j N IW BOOKS.—Summer Cruise In the Medlterns— bjsM an American frigate, by N. Parker W Woman's BHdle,ItyT, & Author. The Mother and her Offkpriog, by Stephen ggerty a Missionary Physician to the A. K O.T.Rk*J —j/obeer^{msMriMvutureih>tb*94 and Ml^dc^.. - " Baraum’s Illustrated News, No. 16, andasupplf « 4 1 back numbers, received by -■ ap!20 - . ; , ,. J. B. C F n BALE-Tbe following named Negroes: TktrjA 19/ndehQd 1 year, an exeellent eeamitre** •»*«* Dorcas, 18 retro, a field band; Hannah, 17 washer and Ironer; Dorous 19 and Blsal6, Lney. 14 years, house Servant and nurse;; Ann. “jew do i Adam,-16 yaoro, ostler and field hand; * name <*tbslj