The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 18??-1856, May 27, 1853, Image 1
nn l-ci-.'"" ) I ' ■■'■I- rot. —.'.i'UJil'.l'jJl'g fSmnnab (UnriSiM, •IEW'&ganahl, daily, PONOH; city w DAILY, county Prlntare* „ ^5?BEr,P3mn.v.M- PAtAWttm APfAMOK. TUB DAILY aBOROlAW, ' V vtt.t.*d star*morning and•realng.Sundiysexoept- tfcg 1 ^Btaodltlon Userved toeltv AdbiwtUj*,tod ji .{[ «>uatrrsubacribera whd tetita beached ' *• whteh leave her* every morning. The evening S tM "X? exclusively for country readers. tod U •Jgl?,*,ffildllion, SISJJOIJjAilS yx •*»«■. TIIK TB**'VSHK1.Y QBIMtO'AH, FOR TflR COURTRT, A LB CIDER Ac.—tobbU Ale,.20 do Cider, 16 do white wine Vinegar, 90 casks I/rodon porter, for tele by epiis ; McMahon ft doyle. ibis Baldwin Apple*, end 10 I* Clement, for sale by RlUHAM.KKLLIf ft 00 A LK AND PORTER.—60 iioz*n8ooteb Ale. 60 de London Porteri also,» Urge supply pf Philadelphia Ale end Porter In bottle*, in prime order, for sale by rnh‘22 A. BONAUD. B^“ kvI ^ WKtaUibk nS" TJ AGOING.—30 bale* Bagging. In store, aud for tale JP apllfl • . BRTOHAM, KFLLY ft litSuSciOomm.-rclal. Politick and Miscall*. ^“'‘ rla C ncw AdrertlMm rUIn the Dtily, sent to •* ou, ' «f c Sl" to and Union, or delivered In the city, at Stuw r« *onni,!.i loranoi. nnvmont l»not made In advance, the charge*will taSaM^Uy •"» fotTri * Wwkly **' ‘ Qd tor Weekly 83* PRIVATE HOSPITAL* DOCTORS WILDMAN ft OANAHL, F.nn street. We.t ™l_-r «“> >M- nR d WILDMAN 4 OANAlll. tolng completed Hi. «r- J^meLfor . First. lm,plUI,.nd IU»d *»"““£ 3,11 tbs tpbnAntss or hygiout. gi»da«r.log. ,nd .»•«- Jind .urglcst ottendsore, oo» -><!«> tb« bonodu ot tho nitltutlon to the public. . The term* of admission are $1 per day. This will secure amunt and efficient medical attendance, medicine*, btmrd md lodging. Ten dollar* will bo required In advance, which rill not be subject to reclamation. Apartment* perfectly riwte may be obtained on reasonable extra terme. flint the Institution may partake a* much a* possible of ih, benevolent public character which tho orglnator* In- tended, they have *ol!clted tho following gentlemen to act M1 board of visitors, who will at sU and any time Inspect lb* premise*, and whole names are guarantees to the pub- lie of »• efficient management: lion. Laxodon Chxves. J oust W. Akdirsor , Joann 8. Fat, A. A. Barra, ' ' CHARLES GRSUf. Jon.vW. IUDCN, Jonx Boston, Sowmox Conxx, Montoomxry Craxwo. Arrangement* have also been mado for the accommoda- |a of negroes. P. H. WILDMAN, M. D., corner Abercron and South Broad street. CIIAS. OANAHL, M. D., South Broad street. East of Barnard. "“^VERY’S sewing machines. Trite only $26—Patented Od. 19,1852. This machine Is acknowledged by all who have used It to ,uptrior to that of any other Sewing Machine ever In- nted. for Its simplicity, compactness, tho beauty and *ngtb of its stitch and it* cheapness. It weighs about lb,., and cost* only from $25 to $30. It will work neatly tb the smallest thread, the tlnest cambric or silk, as well Unco, woollen and cotton goods, and all kinds of leather. |, ,o simple, that a child of 10 years of age can under- md and work it rapidly, without any dangor of it* getting it of order, and can do the work of more than twenty ■unstresses much better In every respect than It can be ne by hand. The stitches aro Independent of each other, much so. that If every other stitch is cut. tho *oam still ddi good and strong. It 1* unlike and much better thafi iy other sewing machine ever Invented. The machine Is culiarly adapted to family and plantation use, as it will til kind* of sewing, and when known wilt bo generally Iroduced into families and plantations. Hie Avery Sewing Machine Company have perfected their nmgentente for manufacturing cm the largest scale, and 11 supply any number of machine*at the shortest notico. dors addressed to Charles Stcrrunox, 251 Broadway. N. irk will receive prompt attention. dcc28—IsOm ± |*i *j| ii Hi gj V; fi) a Si »■ $! n ® a a a § and black Silks, all Widths, Yrsneh Jaoonsta w»d printed Or- gaudies; French Qlngbam, EmbroldeHrs. Ao, -• - - - foblf DaWnTfc MOROAN. JMJNDON* UtblM»t>a'ftoW^^br T~ARDrFf8ir, AC.-20 bbla choice. Leaf Lard, lO catk* JL ooar ‘ — — Xj Codfish, $0 boxes Lsmon Syrup, 80 do assorted Cor dials, received and for sale by • mh21 H ■McMAHON & DOYLE. ■pDTTKR CHURNS, Plgglna, ticket* and Tubs, Ju*t re- JJ colved and for sale by mblT 4. P. COLLINS, 100 Bryan strtet. B UTTER AND CHEEPK.—25 Hrktns Butter. 60 boxes Cheese, received and for sole by mh!4 MoMAnON * L AROCHE A BOWNK have Juit received per steamer Alabama, somo very handsome.embroldemlbook Mus lin and earabri* point Collars j also, Jaconet Undersleeves. For sale at their old stand, corner of Congress and Whita ker-streets, Jan 27 RUTTER*—10 kegs jalMBatter..landing from steamship our alrtck of State of Georgia, and for sale by apU9 D MEN DR1LIB.—We have Just Linen Drills for men's and boys' wear, consisting of bad; white, slate and figured drills, which will bo offered very cheap at the new store, B ATON AND DEKP.-W euk. tau»n .houider.. SO do HO imOPQHTON-SnttCT. sides, 10 do choloe hams, 20 half bbls lieef, received T INKN GOODS.—0-4 to 12-4 Barnsley Sheetings. 4-4 to and for sale by apllB McMAHON ft DOYLE. JU 84 pillow case Linen*, superior undressed Shirting B lHTER AND LARD.—Just received. 10 firkins prime, &5ft3SS»nJinSS&£»llSilS IHSTtiteimr Goshen Butter, and 10 barrels No. I l-eaf Lard, for sale §Sh!^wlaI*ete n? * * 1 ” ^ by ap» 8 DAymo^CQNNOB^ H«ek.buc^DowlM,etc., TiATOROp m B ACON AND LARD.—loo hhds Bacon Sides and Shoul- ders, 60 packages and bbls Lard lust at hand and for ■Alobr mh2fl KimiEg 4 R0D0F.H8. Allies. iMitli Euglish and .. H. COHEN ft CO., 140 Broughton-strect. ' 1QU0R8.—100 bbl*. domcstlo Gin. Whisky. Hum. anJ i Brandy, for salo by fobl6 COHEN ft TARVER. B UCK DRAB 1)K ETK, of.all «iua French, for sale by J._ ■pUTO-nt.—6 kegs good Butter, just recoivod per steamer D State of Georgia, and for sale by mb7 • N- V- BITKEB. B AREUE/—A beautiful stylo of sails stripedTnd^plald B UTTER AND CHEraE. 25 llrklus butter, 60‘ boxes cheese,received and tor sate by " ap!18 McMAHON ft DOYLE. B UTTER AND CHKESK.—20 firkins choice Butcer, 40 boxes Cheese, received and for salo bv mh21 McMAHON ft DOYLE. TkACON.—150 casks prime Cincinnati Sides, and 60 do do D Shoulders, landing from bark Harriet ft Martha, and for sale by f IQUORS-6 half pipes t JLi pipes Holland gin. 80 brandy, 76 do whisky, rect ilpes Otard brandy. 6 do Rosteau do. 3 . j. 80 bbl* Phelps' do. 80 do domestic :y, received and for sale by McMAHON ft DOYLE W‘M where they will ol rity acceptance* in, to which thy^JSuld wsp^SrSwite the attenUon of the oitisens of Savannah, and the rottchsnts and. planters of this and the neighboring 8tatea. pit stock l* large and^ori^ in Marinos, Gubmeres, D'Lalnns. Mous D'Barege, Bare0 D'Laines, Bombasines, tmboro Cloth. Alpoeea* of otriry description, White and >di Plain s nd Embroidered Tbriatons and Bwiss. - - - * •iHd'kfc,Emb'd, Plain , lereleeves, ChlmaseU, ng. Bonds, Jocnnet and 8wls* Edgings and Insertions. Mnntlllaa and Sliawle—Black and colors.! crape *“* r ‘ “ J -- k — Shawls, of Shawls-, well selected, consisting In part oft Dreea Goods.—Black and Far and description; French and F Mbr- *"” and H* Flouneini Hunt) and silk Hantlllaa; plain and embroidered erape 8ha< every description brocheShawls*, stpuue *ud long 81 black and colored mantilla Velvets and Ulma doth*. Haalery—Ladies’' and gentlemen's kid, sswioi silk, raw silk. Lisle, cotton, Berlin end cashmere G'mves; raw silk and merino Veit* | gentlemen’s raw silk, merino, lamb’s wool, and cotton Undershirt* and Drawers. Linen Dnmnik—8. 10, 12, and 104 Damask and mow drop table Goth*, 8 and 104 brown Damask Goths, bleached and brown Damask of every description, Damask and snow drop Napkins, and Doille’s birds eyo Diap * Nero fiork ‘Xbv mm ».«. N’ro»,ui'.ADYnmmiaMM|fe4»An^i.|».T. To PurnitiweTBuyevs, k. w. HHTcmsos,. No. 4751 Broadway, New Tork. [No. 4fi , Would Invite the attention of strangers vtMtibg Now York to his largo assortment of HIGH AND PLAIN FUBN1TUEE, which for richness and workmanship will compare with any In this country or Europe. feh24—8m silk, M ES8 PORIC—Landing por bark Milford, nnd for sale by •pl4 4. V. G1NNERAT ft G). TA(TaBn^wA WIUSKV—41 Larret*. landto," jroiN. brig » am ^ ICK , ■ jigresnis; now landing per seiioopirr fl Ml ■A Jfg '*'* hj BKICTIAlt, mxr 4 CO. 1 L INEN STtEFTING, Pillowcase IJnen and Shirting Lin ens of the best mako, for sale by ^ap!9 KEMITON- ft VERST1LT.E. jr, linen ieetliiir nnd SlUrtlng^-10 and 12 4 Linen Slieot- Ing. Pillowcase Linens j 8,0. JO, 11 and 124 bleached and brown Allendale and Hamilton Sheetings, bleached and brown Shirting of every description. Irish Linen—From the nest manufacturers.aqd war ranted all flnb llax Goth*. Casslmercs. and Vestings; Black and Blue Broad Gothk. black and fancy Cosilmoru^ fancy Vestings, whlto nnd colored Marseille* Vesting*. Counterpnncs atil Btarikeu—8. lo, 11 and 12-4 Marseilles and Allendale Counterpanes; Psrlsand Wbitnsy ^Ni^roBWnfeis of every doscriptteif. Georgia Plains, Kemeys, Flax and (fottorvOsnaburgp. jan'iu M. PRENDERGAST ft CO. B AtTJN.—20 casks Bacon Sides, 3 *• **- ed and for sale by mhl4 COHEN ft FOSD1CK. J? do Shoulders, recelv- M ACKEREIa.—60 hbla. Nos 1.2 and 3 Mackerel; 60 half do. No. 1 and 2 do., landing Sod for sale by « - *- T/t COHEN ft TAR1T.R. McMAHON ft DOYLE. DsWITT ft MORGAN. B ACON—Just received and in store, 12 hhds prime Bides, 15 do Shoulders, for sale by tnh9 J. V. CONNERAT ft CO. B ADGER’S HAIR SHAVING BRUSHES.—A large assort- ment of Badger’s Hair and Brlstlo Shaving Brushes, Just received and for sale by apll8 W. W. LINCOLN. Monument Square. B RANDY.—20 half and 10 quarter pipes Otard, Dupuy ft Co. Brandy, vintago of 1859; 6 halt pipes do do do, vintage of 1816, of our own Importation, landing nnd for ale by at.12 SCRANTON. JOHNSTON ft CO. _ B altimore flour, bacon, ftc.- r — J. P. COLIJNS. 100 Bryan-st. jyjOLASSES—60 hhds prime Cuba Molasses, 26 bbls du . New Orleans do. for sale by J. V. CONNERAT ft CO. TVyTOURNlNG GOODS—Black bareges, grenadine*, tl*! IVX challys. bombatines, tamisse cloth, ginghams, i HENRY LATHROp ft CO. , ... 100 bbls _ Howard street Hour. 60 hhds prime new Bacon Sldea. 20 do do Shoulders. 10 tierces sugar cured Hams. 20 bbls and 100 kegs prime Leaf Lard. Just received and for sale by apl SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO _ IORDIAIB.—10 dozen assorted Cordials. ju*t jccelved and for sale by ‘ QlXRCTWINE.—30 dozen in pint bottles, for sale by C and for sale by mo22 A. BONAUD. I C IDER.—20 barrels veryTuperior Cldor. for bottling, for gale by apl13 BRIGHAM. KELLY ft CO. C hIna'VASES—A fine assortment of decorated china and glaEi vases, for sale by mh24 J. P. COLLINS. 100 Bryan-st. _ C HAMPAGNE.—just received. 25> baskets Heldaick and German Giampagno, for sale by mh26 J. ROUSSEAU^ ^~11DER—20 bbls champagne cider, just landed from li. sardines, olive oil. farlnce. corn starch, figs, cur rants, prunes, Isinglass and gelatine. Just received nnd for sale by apl4 _ W. W GOODRICH. M ACKEREL AND HERRINO.—26 bbls No. 1 26 dodo 3, 20 half do 1. 20 do do 2. 26 do do 3 Mackerel. 60 bbls No. 1 Herring, landing and for sale by _mh21 CRANE ft HOLCOMBE. t/T ANTILLA3.—A superior lot of Purls black, black Gren- VJ. adlue, black Crape do Parts, white Crape de Parts Mantillas, also, plain and embroidered white crapo Shawls. Just received by mblO IWITT ft MORGAN. ' steamship State of Georgia, for sale by E. W. BUKER. C 1HAMPAIGN—Landing per schr Chns Mills, 60 baskets > Heldselck Wine, 60 do Hungarian Lion do. for sale by mh9 J. V. CONNERAT ft CO. C 1AVALRY SABERS.—Light cavalry sabers, gauntlets / belts, chains, sashes and a general assortment of mili tary goods, for sale by -- ,,M HORTON l and all complaint* arising from a dorangement of tho ner vous system, for sale by A. BONAUD, mhlO corner Whittaker and Buy streets. /“\ATS—Prime Maryland Oats, for sale by ~ \~ 9 fable ROWLAND ft CO. /'Vats—Landing from brig Mary ChapiielT.frora Baltimore KJ and will bo sold low on the wharf, hv H. K. WASHBURN, Agent apl21 r ft RIKEMAN, 110 Broughton-st. O SNABURG8. ftC.—Plain and strlpd cotton O'naburgy, flax osnaburgs, ahlrting atrilies, heavy brown sblrtinag and sheetings, blue drillings and denltns. with a (air as sortment of plantation dry goods, for sale bv raliO HENBY LATHROP ft Co SAVANNAH MUTUAL INSURANCE CO, Office 118 Day-tired. YhtsCompauy will take Fire. Marine and River Risk* on tho mostfavorablotenu8. Trustees—Henry D. Weed. Hiram Roberts. H. F. Waring, I. W. Morrell.John W. Anderson, N.B. Knapp, Henry Lathrop I and L\ F. Wood. HENRY D. WEED. President, HIRAM Romans, Vice President James McHknhy. Sec'v nn8 PRINTING PRESS POR SALE. We hare for sale a Washington liand Press. Hue’s make. I which we will di*|>09o of at a bargafu. It Is partially worn, though as good as now, and in corapleto running order. Eire of bed 37KM24& and will print a form 23X 36>4 It pos<esscs all tho lttest improvements of Hoe’s Press, and will be sold for less than its value for cash or approved pa per, we having no further use for it. We also have chases, ; iron ride and foot sticks, column and head rules, dash and advertisement rules, leads, cuts and many other articles necessary to the establishment of a newspaper, which we » will sell at a handsome discount from original coat. Also, two cast Iron roller moulds. Further particulars will be given on addressing this office. del7 PUNCH, HILTON & OANAHL. C RAVATS—Received per steamer a good supply of fancy and black silk, and silk and linen Cravats; plain and fancy Napoleon Tics, etc.^ote. PRICE ft YEADER. - 147 Bay street. inerfino V_/ expressly for this mnrket, just received per Philadel phia steamer and for salo by apU8 W. W. LINCOLN, Monument Square. C OFFEE AND TEA—160 bag* Rio coffee. 100 .to Porto Rico and St. Domingo do. 75 do Java do. 100 and >4 chests Hyson tea. 60 J4 do black do. received and for sale by fab7 McMAHON ft HOVI.F C ANDLES.—50 boxes Sperm Candles. Kuker ft to’* hy draulic pressed; 60 boxes Star Candles, 100 do Ada mantine do, lor salo by mh21 P IG HAMS.—2 bbls Just received and for sale by mh26 A. BONAUD. CARPET * FLOOR CLOTH WAREHOUSE. Curtain*, Curtain Good*, &c, Ah. 1-10 Qnigrtu and No. 67 67. Julian-ttreeU, rPHE subscriber, knowing that the citizens of Savannah X have felt a great tntoi est lu tho establishing of a CAR PET WAREHOUSE, in this city, nnd being awaro that many have been awaiting the completion of the new store, so that they could mako their selection of the various arti cle* for furnishing their houses, would respectfully Inform the public, generally, that he will this day open the most complete assortment of all the various styles of GOODS usually kept In similar establishments. The stock of the different departments will consist, in psrt, of the following Goods, viz: Carpet Department—Royal velvet, tapestrv Brus sels. moect Brussels. Brussels, velvet, tapestry and Brussels for stairs, three ply. superfine. Dno ana common Ingrain, plain and twilled Venitlan for stairs, halls. &c y druggets, 04.124 and 104 In width, of every variety or patterns, hearth rugs, parlor and stoop mats, table and piano covers, silver nnd brass oval and octagon stair rods, stair linen. &c! Oil Cloths—Of every width from one to eight yards, for halls, dining rooms, steamboats saloons Ac., rose wood, mahogany nnd small figured furniture oil cloths, 4-4, 5-4 and 6-4 wide, figured India rubber cloth for ntalrs. Curtains—Silk nnd worsted damask delaine, worsted and linen daiuusk delaine, figured and plain damasks, va. rlety of colors, whlto and buff, for shades. AVimlow Shades—Transparent, landscape, modal- lion, garland, nnd whlto and gold, entirely now style, cord, loops, tassels, together with all the various trimmings for curtains nn-1 shades. • GUt Cornices-Bands, loops and ptns, of the great est variety and patterns, of the latest importation, all o which will bo sold at wholesale or rotail, on tho most lib eral terms WM. II. GUION. Agent, novfi 140 Conwr*** and 67 St. JoHsn-*t*. LOOKING-GLASS WAURHOUSB. LOOKING-GLASSES AT REDUCED PRICES!!! WunXouteM Qmrtland-tt.. Fhdory 186 Duane-tt., N. Y. fT7HE application of Machinery to ths construction of X Looking Glasses has indood worked an entire revolu- 1 ‘*“ in their manufacture, by which I am enabled to pro- s the moat perfect and beautiful articles, and to sell n at rates defying competition. Jobbers, Country Mer- nts and buyer* generally, are respectfully invited to call examine this extensive stock, consisting of every style and size, from fifty cents a dozen to five hundred dollars each. The Trado supplied at the lowest prices, with frames, fto., of every description in their composition state. foblG—3m RICHARDS KINOSLAND. ENAMELLED FURNITURE. W ARREN WARD—WHOIJSAIJ! MANUFACTURER OF ENAMELLED FUHNITURE-144 Graud itreei, New York—W. W. gives his wholo attention to manufacturing and using the best materials. Ho 1* euabled to sell better goods at the same prices, than can be found elsewhere. Suita finished to match, from $26 to $260 per suit, compris ing dressing bureau with glass, bedstead, washstand. com- moda, toilet table, towel stand, nurse rocker and four chair* all of the beat materials, and finished in the highest stylo o art ii ~SPi.B4tilbTfAmN*TVDBNlT0RK. No, 76 and-77 King street, near l/udton street,Ifenf-York. BRUNER ft MOORE Invito those-in of durable and fashionable fatnl- to call at their new spacious ware- ..a. No. 76 and 77 King street near Hudson. New York and examine their largo assortment of rich anp elegant furniture, in suites for parlors, chambers, and dining rooms—In rosewood, mahogany, black walnut, and oak—made in modern style and warranted to stand furnace heat. Book cases, Etagcres. and a great variety of substantial and cheap furniture, suitable tor the country and shipping. Having a largo manufactory and warehouse, they make to order, and keep on hand a general assortment, and sell wholesale or retail at very low prices. They will also continue business at their old stand, No. 174 Fulton street, (near Broadway.) until the first of May, and then remove wholly to King street mhl—3m Np. 81 Pint Street Ntd 1 Yob';' '' [No. 3 fIFFfiR for sale by the package, ob the usual terms, 1,000 y case* bleached shirtings, various style*) from low qual ities to superfine. 1600 befas lpw, medium end heavy brown ibeetlpg*. ' 600 bales low, medium; heavy and flne brows'sulrtlng, 600 bales brown drill and Jeans. 160 bales m'edlutn and low Ticks. 260 bales low prioed twilled shirtings stripes. AUen&ete bleached and brown sheetings, of all widths. Denims,canton Flannels, and Osnaburgs, colored Cambrics, f-orset Allendale quilts of all aises. Jeans and drills, apron and furniture ohecka. pantaloons stuffs, fto. feb21—8m. P IG HAMS—Just received 2 bbls l’ig Hams, for snlo by mhlO A. BONAUD. P IG HAMS—3 bills of pig hams just received nnd for salo by apltt A. BONAl’i). Bvaas’ Ale, In pints, for sale by J V. CONNERAT ft CO. CRANE ft HOLCOMBE. P HILADELPHIA ALE AND PORTER —20 bbls lu pint and quart bottles, In prime order, for sale by Now England Rum, 20 half bbls No 1 Mackerel, 26 do No 3 do, for sale by mh6 CRANEft HOLCOMBE. C ~ ASS1MKRES.—Double width Uaas’.mercs for <’oata and pants, a new artiele worthy the attention of persons purchasing summer goods, for salo by mh22 J H. COHEN ft CQ„ 140 Broughton-st. j^IAPER.—Russsia, Scotch, Huckabuck aud Blrds-eye DL apl? dies' Umbrellas, for salo by KEMPTON ft VERSTILLE. aper, for salo by aplll KEMPTON ft VERSTILLE. D AMASK.—84 and 10-4 brown and bleached table da mask, 8-4,8-10 and 8-12 damask table cloths*, damask nnpkins, breakfast and tea doyles, for sale by aplll KEMPTON ft VERSTILLE. E L DORADO TOBACCO—Of superior quality, recelve3 per schr. Victory, and for salo by P ATTEB/—Just received, a fresh supply of imported Pattes wtth Trufios—1 dozen Torrlne de Fols de Ora* Truffe*. 1 do Pattes de Becnsslnes do, ldo do do Perdrcaux do, 1 do do Fois Gras, for sale by mh20 V. BONAUD. P IG HAMSTPIG~PORK AND CORNED BEEF.—Just re- celved, 6 bbls Pig Hams. 6 half do l’lg Pork, and 10 halt Haw's Corned Beef, for salo by aplL3 DAVID O’CONNOR. TAPSCOTT’S FOREIGN EXCHANGE AND EMIGRATION AGENCY. Persnns wishing to send for their friends and desirous of bringing them out by first class packet ships, are Informed | tbst the subscriber* are the only Agents for theabovo agon- cy in this City. They are also authorized to draw on Messrs. Wm. Tapscolt | b Co., Liverpool, in sums from £1 and upwards, which drafts are negotiable in any town throughout Ireland aud I Great Britain. Drafts on Franco and Germany, payable in I allpsrt-s of the Continent, also for sale. Apply to dcc'M—ly • BUNKER ft OGDEN. 80 Bay-street. SOUTHERN MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. ASUl'P.Y HULL President and Treasurer. ALBUX CHASE, Sec’ry. | C. F. McKAY, Actuary. The undersigned. Agent of tho above Company, continues I to take the following Risks, viz.: Marine, ltivcr and Firo I also on the Lives of.Servants. Lives of White Persous are also taken by this Company No tztr.i premium for residing in the South. WILLIAM KING, Agent, Corner of Bay nnd Dray ton-streets. apU J. V. CONNERAT ft CO E NGLISH PICKLES AND SAUCES.—Just received. 10 dozen quart jars assorted English l’lcklcs, 5 do Wor cestershire Sauce. 5 do John Bull. 5 do Reading. 6 do French Mustard 6 do Walnut Catsup. 6 do Mushroom do. for sale by mli20 J- ROUSSEAU, g, IKE SHIRTS—Prico ft Vender have Just received a lareg X* assortment at 147 Bay streot. »pl F l tnbl8 F RENCH OLIVES, CAPERS, ftc.—10 boxes French Ol ives, 10 do Capers. 10 do Castile Sonp. for sale by mil 15 ^ J ROI SSEAU F OR SALE—A mulatto Woman, aged 20 years, a superior washer and Ironer, aud house servant. Apply to ap!8 WYLLV ft MONTMtH.MN. F OR SAIJv—A very llkclv Negro Man. aged 21 years, a K<km apl8 F f^UiwLandhig per bark Ilarvost, 25 bbls puro Genes- seo Flour, for sale by J. V. CONNERAT ft CO. WYLI.V ft MONTMOLUN. seo Flour, for sale by mh9 F LOUR.—100 bbls Howanl-street. 66 do Hiram Smith’s, 60 do puro Genesee, landing and for sale by mh21 CRANE ft HOLCOMBE. OK SALE—In lots to suit purchasers. 3.000 bushels Corn 56 lbs to the bushel. 2.000 do Oats. 32 lbs do do. mh31 BROWN ft HARRIS, West Broad-st, Rabies. F RESHGUM DROPS.—I-emon aud ltaspboiry (Junt Drops, manufactured by J. Cheaurcau. Just received by the steamer ctato of Georgia, and for salo by LINCOLN, Mo young negro worn and washer, of goou character; al*o.& mulatto woman, a good house servant and cook. Apply to apll6 WYLI.V ft MONTMOLLHL_ apl 5 \Y. W. LINCOLN, Monument Square. I j^MEKSON'S RAZOR STROPS.—These celebrated Strops T7SFOR SALE—A young negro woman, a first rate cook J are made and warranted by Charles Emerson, and are |; ’ * * p * '-** *— I superior to any others n»w in use.- Purchasers should be lure nnd get tho genuine Strop, ns there are numerous counterfeits bearing ttio same nnino. tho most of which aro worthless. The genuine Strop can be had of spill IV. W LINCOLN. Monument Square. D'fcri P REPARE. FOR WET WEATHER.—The subsclber 1m- re- celved a large lot of Iudian Rubber Goods, consisting of overcoats, leggings, and gloves, for sale low liy WM. R. SYMONS, Draper and Tailor. np!8 17 Whitaker street. , landing - from brig Clement, and fur sale by apl'28 BRIGHAM. KEIJ.Y ft CO. S YRUP.—250 bbls Portland Syrup, landing nnd for sale by mhi5 COHEN ft FOSIHCK. tnh20 J. ROUSSEAU. pints, for sale by S OAP AND CANDLE?.—160boxesSoapor various kiuds, 100 do Candles, received aud for sale by mli!4 McMAHON ft DOYLE. DRY GOODS. H ENRY LATHROP ft CO., offer for sale at lowest prices: Dress Goods— French printed moindin de lalnes, English and American do. new designs; Persian cloth, high colored tuouslin de lain, plaid raw Hilks.Frcncli and English merinos. French and Scotch ginghams, English nnd French prints, changeable glade silks, rich brocade do, plain nnd figured bluck do. Embroideries—Musl'n and lace collars, chlmlsettes. under sleeve*, caps and CHpes. Swiss and cambric edgings and inserting*, thread Valencia* and lisle laces, black silk and blonde edgings, rich laun nnd linen cambric hdkfa. Hosiery—Ladies’, misses’, mens’ and boys’, a full as- sort ment of English and German; ladies’,misses’,mens’and boys’ merino vests. Glows—IIo3kin, silk cashmere, beavor, ladles’ riding gauntlets. Whltu Goods—laconet plain and plaid cambrics, Swiss muslins plain and figured, cambric dimities, corded aud embroidered skirts, ftc, Lin ens, &c.—44 super Irish linens best mark. 34 and 7-8 long lawns, 94 to 12-4 bamsly sheetings, plllowraso linens. Scotch nnd Ir eh diapers, hucabucs. 6-8 to 3-4 da mask nspkius. brown and blue check doyles. 8-4 to 104 bleached aud brown table damasks. 8-4 to 124 blenched da- mask cloths, cotton and worsted table and piano covers. 104 to 134 toilet nnd imperial quilts. 7-8 to 6-1 furniture dimi ty. cotton shirtings sheetings and tickings. American. Eng lish nnd Welsh tlnnncls. colored French do. fancy wool plabiq for boys, plain and fancy cassiniere*, tweed*. Kentucky sati- nets and jeans. ocll THORNTON’S CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, Savannah. Ga. 8.^C’X’,0 THE Subscriber la pleasod to bo ablo to an nounce to his fellow citizens of Ocorglaaml Flor Ida. tfinThls Ihox Fnoxr Buildings on the Coaxxa ot Wbt Drozd and Bay stoekts. in the City of Savannah, nro now complete, nnd lie offers for sale one of the most varied, dura ble and splendid assortments of CARRIAGES ever exhibited In a Southern City. Among my stock will be found all of the late nnd most FASinoXABt.K styles, combining elegance with lightness and strength My whole stock has been manufactured by the most cele brated manufacturers in New York and Nowsrk, N. J., and has been gotten up under my own eye during the past Sum mer. nnd Is warranted in every particular. Iftwenty-four years practical experience In the Cnrriago business (eighteen yearsof that time In my native Stale, South Carolina) Is any passport to confidence, then the sub scriber feels emboldened to ask a share of his fellow citizens’ natronnge. nnd to assure them that llie Inducements now of. fared in the city of Savunnah are unequalled by those ofony city in the South. It Ik my Intention soon to enter largely Into the manufac ture ofCarrlagca in this city. I have secured the sendees of lomi of tho best workmen In the various branches, both native and foreign, and I feel con fident of my ability to present specimens of Georgia maiik CARRj.uita that shall compare favorably with those made any where I have nowin my possession two Medals awarded me by the -American Institute,” N. Y.. and the ‘-South Carolina Institute.” for specimens of my work, that I would be pleased to show to any one who may have tho curiosity to see these J. C. THORNTON. ENAMELLED ORNAMENTAL COTTAGE AND CHAMBER FURNITURE, IX BETTS UADB KXPRFSSLT TOR Til* BOCTHIRX MARKET. No. 45!t Broadway, East tide, below Grand street Manufactory No. 49 Grccn tf.. Neto York. GILLIES ft BYRNE take pleasuro la in-, 2t* H ^Sformirg their old patrons and the public ff* r ~_T|l n general, that they continue to offer a ■ testixM we || finished, warranted artlclo of their own manufacture, at prices below all competition. Our re putation for nmking an article tbut baa atood the test for years of patent heated rooms and tropical climes, has, we Hatter ourselves, now become world wide. As we have the most extensive stock of any establish- ent in the United States, person* of the most peculiar ,*to can always be suited in regard to styles, colors, shad ing, ftc. The latpst Parisian ami Italian stylus always on hand and mado to order. Fnrtlcular attention paid to or ders through tho post. Matrasses, paillinsses.ftc.. at tho lowest rates. The trade supplied as usunl in unlimited quanities. Boxing nnd shipping carefullv attended to. GILLIES ft BYRS'E. 452 Broadway, N. Y., RonKRTGiuJCT, ) below Grund street, east side, will Thomas Jav Byhnk. j remove on May 1st to No. 548 a few doors above SDring-street. * ' * Ntn>- Bark flbotrtjatmtnts. Twiisr MjvmiQX, . LINEN GOODS. T HE SUBSCRIBERS. IMPORTERS OF LINENS, fto., offer for sale a foil assortment of the most approved manu factures, consisting in part aa follow*: Browx and Buwcnxn Diatxr and Damask—all widths. Tabl* Cloths—or all qualities and sizes. Napkin* and Doyueb—Snowdrop and Satin Damask. Birdskt* Diaperb—narrow to very wldo, and from coarse to flno. Pillowcase Lixexb and Fmamxos. Drouxos—Plain and Fancy Irish, French and English. Hollands—Brown, blenched, black and slate. Pantaloox Lixrnb—3-4.7-8 and 4-4 blay and yellow. Ltxttx Cambio IIaxdkkrciiikf#—A large variety, 8fliRTixa Ijxkxs—Light, medium ni.u heavy. Print, d Snnmxo Lixexb—Choice and new patterns. Mosqcno Nkitixo. GRKFNWAY, BROTHER ft CO. feb3—3m 24 Park Place and 19 Barday-st.. N. Y. caption and Cottage Chalrti of llj Top parlors. Woods. Imit Reception signs; Cano Lounges, Cane Settees."! House and Office Ann Chair*. large Gt-rirs. Store and Steamboat Stoouil Settees,fto. Housekeepers. Hotel, Steamboat and Bail will find It to their Interest to cell at the Fl_ . mh j t;o ' 131 N ° rth61h81 "tmag- FRENCH FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS. Hughes, Dupuy ft Crehanire, 73 WiUiam-strcet. New York, TMPORTERS and Wholesale Dealers In French Fancy Goods. X have hovr J In store and aro receiving by every packet from Havre, a largo and deslrabteessortmentof Good* for tb* Spring I fade.-wbtch they offer to the trade at the lowest market prices. Among tbofr stock may bo found- >1 gate, Bilk. Dross. Vest and Fancy Buttons of all kinds: I ercus- sionCsps.GDandSB. ribbed and ribbed and split; Fans of all descriptions, a most complete assortment: Brushes, teeth, hair, nail nnd shaving ; Accovdoons and Flutina* of tho most superior quality; Purses, silk, black and cotton ; kid and leather Garters; Imitation Jewelry. Bone Bracelets, Jet Goods, &c.; Suspenders, from low to high prices, a com- plete assortment; Silk Guards, Steel Pens, Vest Chains, VI- ollnStrlngs. ftc.; Game Dags, Dlco. Mirrors,Eyelets, Pen holders, ftc.; together with many other fancy articles. dec28—Sin THOMAS DOUGLASS, C (Late Dliven dt Douglass.) OMMISSION MERCHANT, Manufacturer and wholesale dealer In every description of Americax Hardwar*. No. 6 Platt-strcet. four doors from Poirl, New York. Manufac turer of tho Premium Steel Squares. Agent for Bee's Bra ces, Turnscrews, ftc. Also, Kendall ft Taylor’s Thermome ter*. Barometers, ftc.; Union Butt Company’s Butts. Gate Hinges, Brackets, ftc. Brown ft Brothers’ Sheet Brass. Brass and Copper Wire. Rivets, ftc. N. Newcomb’s Smiths’ Bellows, ftc. THOMAS DOUGLASS. ASA FARR, Jr., late ' noil—1y of the firm of Child. Farr ft Co.. St. Louis |l()ilttbt(pyta gtbBirttsimiwtsr .; CABINET; WAR ELK! No* -Jflftj?, Second street, where they bat did Assortment of sbperter ff blchthey Inyjtf theattPi, CANE SEAT.CHAIR 9JAN1 No. 131 ffmbSmStred, M__ (Opposite Franklin Square.) THKaubaerT" — 1 dng.and on C«me Feat' kM of elegant and faihionablewt, re.’Beach, and other kinds l-HOUTY S BARIUS-erS Agricultural ‘Ware-House and leeil. fltera, No. 104)4 PRotTY ft Hears* Patent Sejf * Shatpenlng Plough*.-of all si*- 4 * right and.leftba> - -Side Hill and Don Steel Extending Points. Bar-Khnre.’Wacn, auu < of Castings for repairing.. The Emperor of Rnuia awarded for tho above Plough*, a Massive Gold Medal, value $300.— Also, tho Great Medal at the World's Fair, was awarded P. ft M. Plough.No. 40. Cultivatora with Double-Point Polish ed Steel Teeth, which can be reverned. thus getting Double Wear ot tho common Teeth.. Also, Cultlvstor* of all.kinds wBb Steel Teeth. . ' Spain’s Atmnepberio Churna, CornTlantera, Com SheUers, Improved Turnip Drills, 4 to.88. hinds. Grnnt’s Patent Fan llftla, H#r sna Straw Cuttara. Garden Pmrtna# ■ • s. Hay and Straw Cutters, Hand Corn Mills. Corn nnd Cob Crusher*, Gedds’ Improved Harrows, Square snd A Harrows, Horse Rskes. Qrtndstohes. ready hung, Dirt Scrapers. Agricultural Furnaces, Ox Yokes and Bows. Forks lor unloading Btr, Man Hay Rskes, Bow Pins, Apple Fearers, Ox Muzzles, Molo Trspa. Pruning Hooks and Chisels, Saws snd Scissors, Iron Well Curb*, and Zinc tubbing for Chain Pumps, I Also. Horticultural Tools (of every description;) Garden nnd Grass Seeds, for sale at tho lowest prices, at Wholesale and Rc'all. eod—aplO * Garden Engine*, • Wheat Drills, Horse Towers'ahd Threshers, Mowing and Rsaplngl Ma chines, . Chain Pump*. Cattle Ties, - Bull Ring*,.. Patent Iron Bnaths, Grubbing Hoes. Transplant! ngJrovalp, o a aiwf; Garden And field. Hoia, "laths* wfth Pate ings, IPotsto Hooks. Snaths, with Pa tent TMttU- ENAMELLED COTTAGE AND CHAMAKR Furniture. MATHEWS d: STACY, gflMgg 526 Broadway, comer Spring-street. New York, opposite SI. Nicholas Hotel. Prucolt and CaUamore Houses. N OW offer at wholesale and retail, the most extensive as sortment of Enameled Furniture to be found in the United Statos. all from original designs, including Oriental, Serpentine, Opon^ottago High Pott, and other pattems. Also. Roeewood^Bogany, Oak and Black Walnut chamber and parlor suiter M. ft S.. devoting themselves exclusively to tho manufac turing department of this business, assure purchasers they can procure of them well soasoned.durable und elegant fur niture. at prices varying from $26 to $500 per suite. N. B.—No connection with any other firm in the city, feblt—3m tributes to Southern skill. and for sale by ~ apU6 S PRINCTaND SUMMER CLOTHING—Just received an as sortment of fine Clothing, at 147 Bay street apl PRICE ft VKADER. S ' Falkirk Ale in pints, just received and frr sale In by SEAU apltt S ILKS.—Summer Brocade, plain Chamelion. India Urn do Rhine. Poult de Sole, Marcellne nnd Florence, fur snlo by aplO KEMPTON ft VERSTILLE. DII.VER PUTED WARE—Stiver plated “ro tirs. nut 14 crackors, spoons, forks, fish knives soup ladles, knife rest*. &c.,for snlo by aplO J. P. COLLINS. 100 Bryan-strect. GOODS—At Reduced Prices—Tlie subscriber* are of / lering the balance of their Summer stock of Dry Goods Mnsliling of Bareges.Printed Jaconetsand Organdles.French umbrlcs and Ginghams. Printed and Plaid India Silks. Al so, duinmvr Quilts. Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, N W Col- ura. ftc.. at a great reduct inn from former prices. Jr* DEWITT ft MOROAN H OtSE KEEPING DRYGOODS—Linen and cotton sheev- log. pillow case linen nnd cotton. Irish llnou of the b«»t make, birds eye and Scotch diapers, towels and towel- laj. damask table liacn and napkins, long lawn*, crash, oro«rn and bleached muslin, all widths and qualities, lor Hie »t the lowest prices, by _ Dewitt ft Morgan. B (N>KS.—'flie History of the Mormons, or Latter Day -slat*, in the Valley of the Groat Salt lake.—their rise •n-l progrei*—peculiar doctrines—present condition and proq-ectii—derived from personal observation during a resi otnre among them, by Lieut. Gunnison, U.S. Topograph!- **'•'•nzineers. Received and for sale by J«« 28 S. S. SIBLEY 136 Congreas street VffOORES HUSH MEI.OD1ES.—A complete collection to a»A plain and embossed binding, being an elegant Christ- n»« preseat. Also. Musical Instrument* In every variety, wamz Jcwiliarp to a Cliurch Organ, and Music In sheets Md reluincs, from the Fisher’s Hornpipe, to Haydtn and MourPs Masses. For sale by F, ZOOBAUM *- Ju F LOUR AND BACON —200 whole ami half bbls Howard- street Flour. 60 hhds prime Bacon Sides, 30 do do Shoulders, landing and for sale by apilO SCRANTON. JOHNSTON ft CO. F lour, &c.- t __ ... -200 bbls Baltimore Flour, 30 half bbla but- _ ter, soda and sugar crackers, 75 boxes do. 30 cases pre served peachoa, 60 boxes lemon syrup, 50 do assorted cor dials, received and for sale by ap H8 McMAHON ft DOYLB. IXGER POP BOTTLES—For salo by apV25 J. P. COLLINS. 100 Bryan-stmt. & G'mha bbl ‘ °'°, f ° r ,al 'E. W. BORER. G RUYERRE CHF.ESF.—Ono more of those fine Gruyerro Cheese will be cut this day at .. _ a P 14 J. ROUSSEAU’S. H AMS—Received per schooner Woodbridge, 100 superior Reynolds’ Hams, lor sale by ,h9 J. V. CONNERAT ft CO. |^>.Y.—landing from bark Maria Morton. from^N. York, apl23 lay, foi H. K. WASHBURN, Agent. TAMS, ftc.—10 bbl* smoked beef, do tongues, pig hsms 74 St. TffOZm RECORD. F, ZOOBAUM ft CO., Julian and 107 Bryan-streets, Wished Wo- j? sketches cf all dZ5i 1* #n -. from 'he beginiug to 1850. arranged in four eras 7 lon * from fcmole wrlt °rs of every age, bv SaroA mill j?’. ’"“rirated bv two hundred and thirty portraits. % Jrie b Just publishod by tho Harpers, and for B. S. SIBLEY, No. 135 Congresi-itree* POFFEi; SUGAR, &C.—200 sacks Rio coffee. 100 do U- V' fiuayra do. 50 boxes g nund do. 10 hhds N O sugar. 10 on Musciirndo nnd Porto Rico do, 75 bbls mahed do. 76 do powd'-rod do. 60 cases Hyson tea. 40 do black do, 60 boxes jure ground pepper, 50 do ginger,received and ior salebv -*P' 5 McMAHON ft DOYLE. and Bologna sausagss, just received and for sale by apl2l ■' J- ROUSSEAU. H AMSi—600~Duffield’eTStegg" ft Shay’s and Cassara's Hams, for sale by t pll9 W. W. GOODRICH. H AMS.—500 best Baltimore cured Hams, landing per schooner Edna C, for sale hr aptlS BRIGHAM. KELLY ft CO, H AY —100 bales prime Eastern Hay, dally expected from Boston, for sale, to arrive, bv ap!13 BRIGHAM, KEU Y ft CO._ H OSiroY—Udies’. misses’, gentlemen’s, and children’s, English and German hosiery, a fine assortment, for sale by mhO HENRY LATHROP ft CO. JJAY—100 bajes prime North River Hay, landing per iHTrKR. CHEESE.' &C —30kegs leleetedOoshen Butfor: TT AM8 - 71 tlcrcc "““fflelil's superior Hams.25 do John iJ 100 boxes ™ .SV.'iii!! 3 tl Shay, ftCo.’s do, landing from bark Harriet^bMartha. far 'lo Goshen Clieeso; 100 do do scaled Herring, W do do Raisin* ; 60 half and 60 quarter do Raisin*; 100 “»li. quarter and eighth bbl* Buckwheat; 20 boxes assort- M Candy; 60 do New Bedford Sperm Candles; 10,000 sups- v. 1 “ntation Segars. Received per steamer and for tali uovlA SCRANTON. JOHSKTON ft 0" SaiSSffiiSSP'tfaP- -"I and for salo by j^npa'BCK CHAMPAGNE.—-100 baskets real genuine lliedsleck Cham pa gi; sale by apl4 and warranted to be such, for J ROU3SFAU, •«i i .. Sugar, ff birds Now Orleans do. 10 casks, nts, pint-*. Byssg London Porter. 26 dozen fancy bandied «ooin». 50 do assorted Scrub Brushes and Clothes Lines. « do - and 3 hooped Water Pall*, 26 do* Wash Board*. 30 “» u :Urd, fa H lb. cans. 60 boxes Beadel’s Soap. Candles. & t ! rc A s . nd '? b»ir c hcst* black Tea, In X lb. packs, J^£AY ; —100 tales primo North River Hay, landing from S ODA WATER—In Its highest possible state of perfection. with a great variety of tho choicest syrups, will be kept constantly fur sate at the store of ap!8 IV. IV. LINCOLN. Monument Square. 10 do Muscovado do. 30 do Molasses. 76 bbls new crop do. received and for sale by nhU McMAHON ft DOYLB. 14 silk and lisle thread; also, a largo assortment of tin hosiery, gloves, ftc. PRICE ft VEADER. apl22 147 Bay-street. S TUART’S CANDIES—Just received per steamer Alabama, a supply of Stuart’s celebrated steam refined candies, mnd and half-pound packages. hlO W. W. LINCOLN. Monument square. various brands, viz: la csmeralda. hi filantropa. rio honda, murcra, for sale by A. BONAUD, aplO Corner Bay and WhltaWer-sta. S UGAR, COFFEE. MOLASSES AND SEGAHS.- Muscovado Sugui 46 barrel* do.: •70 hhds Muscovado Sugar; 258 bags Coffee ; 07 tierces Molas ses; 46 barrel* do.: 00 do. Muscovado do.; 25 MSegars; landing per schr. Siam, from Canlenav. and for sa'.j 1 y >’o COHEN ft FOSDICK. mhlO S UGARS.—25 hhds New Orleans Sugar*, fair nnd choice ; 26 do Porto Rico and Muscovado do; 160 bbls Stuarts A 0 ft C do ; 160 do Coffee Sugar B ft C do; 25 do cashed do; just in store, and for sale cheap by feb22 KJBBEE 5 ft RODGERS phis, l z do, 110 bags Rio Coffee, 16 choice Bacon Sides, for sale by nn13 CRANE ft HDI-COMBK S UMMER CLOTHING.—White and fancy colored linen duck frock and sack coats, white linen jackets, pants, vests, ftc., with many other kinds and descriptions, Just re ceived ano for sale at the lowest prices at 147 Bay-street. apl22 PRICE ft VEADER. ZJMITH’S LICORICE LOZENGES—Till* article is the ex- GROCERIES, ftc. 200 bt»ls Baltimore Flour. 50 do Gencsseo do, 25 do Hiram Smith do. 60 lmlf do Canal do, •.’6 bbbls Butter Crnckers. 26 do Sugar do, 60 boxes Soda do, 6 nags reft shelled Almonds, 100 whole, half nnd quarter boxes Raisins, 200 boxes sperm. Adamantine und tallow Candles, 100 do Pale and No. 1 Soap. 26 do do do Starch. 20 do Ground Pepper, in H lb papers, 200 do table Salt 100 eighth, qunrter and half chests Tea, 200 do Tobacco, assorted qualities, 100 bags (Mo Coffee. 60 do Java do. 60 bids Stuart’s refined B ft C Sugar, 60 do circle A crashed do. 10 do ground do, 20 hhds Porto Rico Sugar. 10 do New Orleans do, 10 boxes Loaf do. 200 libls Domestic Liquors. 20 cases as'd Pickles, 80.000 S -gars. as'a qualities, 60 gross Pipes. 100 reams Wrapping Paper. 50 dnz Brooms. 100 Demtjnns. 1. 2.3 and 5 gallons, 600 new sugar-cured Hams. 6 hhds Sides, 6 hhds Shoulders, 100 sacks Salt. 10 tierces now Cuba Molasses. 60 bbls do do, 10 do Stuart’s sugar-house Syrup, And a general assortment of foreign Brandies and Wines in store, for sale hy fel>25 COHEN ft TARVER AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Georgia and E'rencli.Burr and Euro- K Mill Stones; Ploughs of various , Eagle, Sub-Soil nnd Wrought Share; Iron Fire-proof Safes, Shovel* and Spades, Manure and Hay Forks. Potato Hooks, Corn Shelters. Cob Crashers. Manure Drags. Cultivators, Straw Cutters. Scythes and Snealhs. Hose. Axes. Pick Axes and Handles. Road Scrapers. Ox Chains, Ox Yokes. Garden and Fancy Barrows. Garden Chairs. Segments and Gudgeons Sreet* Wire. Hanies. Measures. Grist Mills. Rice Threshers, ( auldruua. Douglass’ Pumps and Water Rams. Well Wheels, do Buckets. Cotton and Counter 8cale*. Trunks. Cotton Hooks. Jack Screws. Burnio's Sea Island Cotton Gins and Griswold’s Upland do. Cement, Plaster. Mill nnd Cross Cut Saw*; also. lL*nd and Yard Saws. ftc. For snle bv nolfl CHA’S II. CAMPFIgJV171 Bay-st. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. AI.BRO ft HOYT. No*. 72 and 74 John-strreL New York. M anufacturers of fixxjr oji, cloths, offer to the trade on liberal term* a general assortment of the above goods in various widths, of 3 ft.. 3 ft. 0. 4 ft. 0.6 ft. 3.6 ft.. 9ft.. 12 ft.. 15 ft.. 18 ft., and 24 ft.; also. Carriage OB Cloth*. In widths of 3-4ths. 7-8th*. and 4-4tlis; also. Ta ble Oil Cloths. 44ths, 6-4ths. and 6-4ths wide. These goods are all well seasoned nnd will endure any climate. jan20—3n> NEWPORT WATKR CURE. T HIS establishment will be opened on tho first of April next. Address Dr. W. F. KEU. Newport. R, I. fob21—3m ‘ FRANCIS’ METALLIC LIFE BOATS. Office 10 Broadway. New York. T HE undersigned ore prepared to famish Metallic Ufa Boats, of any size or model, and in any number, upon short notice, on reasonable terms. MARSHALL LF.FFERTS, Treasurer mh28—3m Francis’ Metallic Life Boat Company. PAPER HANGINGS, BLANK BOOKS,ETC. No. 4 North Fifth rtre t two doors afore Market,' Plillmlclpliln. ' T HE undersigned hove just ojiened a fresh and complete stock of Ball Papers, among which sre gold and vel vet. flnp satin, and the lowest priced unglszed papers) also, decorations, borders, fire-screens, curtains, etc., which they offer at tho lowest prices, both wholesale and retail. Tlio best workmen employed to hang paper either In tho city or country. Blank Books. Stationery, rf-c.—We have also our usual as sortment of writing papers wrapping papers, blank-and school books, stationer*’, etc. PARRISH ft ROUGH. No. 4 North Fitli street, 2 doors above Market, Philadelphia. QaT Cush paid for country rags. mhlO—eod PREMIUM PIANO FORTES. ^ UROVESTEEN ft CO.. No 481 Broadway. ,Now Y’ork. would call the attention of those iabout purchasing, to their splendid stock of 6>4 to "Ji octave Pianos, which they believe cannot be excelled by any other in tlio city, either in tone, finish.quality of material, or workmanship. Medals have been awarded by the American Institute to their instru. menta five years in succession Having recently purchased ths entire stock of the late firm of Dubois ft Warrlner. formerly Dubois ft Stodart. fa vorably known for forty year* as Piano makers, they would invite the continuance of the favors of their friends and customers with the certainty of giving equal satisfaction. For tlio Southern market wo are making with Double Iron Frames abd Detached G.*ee_pcculfatly adapted to the climate. febO—3m BRADBURY'S PIANO FORTE WARE-ROOM, . 423 Broadway. New York. Assorted Instruments of the best New I York and Boston manufacture.—Tho subscri ber having taught the Piano for many years, nnd become familiar with all tho different maker’s instruments of any note, and knowing that there Is great choice not only In different ma'<ers.but. in Instruments of the same make, feels confident that he can give entire satisfaction lo ail who may favor him with their orders. He will furnish instruments of any good make ; also, Melo- deon* and second hand Pianos at the lowest cash prices. Patronnge is respectfully solicited. dcc28—3m E. G. BRADBURY 18(13, GEO. W. & JEII1AL READ, *71 Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers In HATS. JlkCAPS AND STRAW GOODS, have now In store and are constantly receiving, a choice und magnificent stock of good* in the above line, to which the attention of the trade and country merchants is Invited. Orders are solicited, which shall have careful and prompt attcnllnn. 10 COURTLAND-ST., near Broadway, janl3—3m Ami adjoining Western Hotel. New Y«rk. TRUNKS“VALiSE8~AXD CARPET BAGS. Stores70 Maiden Lane or 9 Litrrty-ttrtct, ami 159 Broadmy.New York. Manufactory, 342 Brond-st., Newark, N. J. C. I*. KOKD/U'il & C’o. would Invito the at tention of Dt-slcrs to their stock of the aliove articles. Being one of the oldest establish- 'ment*. their facilities are second to none.— Sample* of their goods can bo found In almost all tho prln- cinsl cities and towns in the United States. They do not wish to make unseemly pretensions—suffice It to say that they will not be undersold. Merchant* who choose to send them orders may depend upon prompt an satisfactory returns- 3m—mhl N EW YORK WIRE RAILING WORKS.—The subscriber manufactures WIRE RAILING for public and private grounds. Verandah. Window Guards nnd Grating, WROUGHT AND CAST IRON RAILING. Iron Columns, Iron Doors and Shutters. Iron Bedsteads, and Iron Furniture. WIRE FENCES, for plantations, railroads. &c.. made entire- ly on a new plan, with rails and iron posts; prices at 9.11, and 18 cents por running foot 4J* feet high. For circular* wtth designs, address, JNO. B. WICKERSIIAM, „ _ _ _ , „ 352 Broadway, N. Y. N.B.— 1 Ihe Subscriber would refer to tho enclosure of For syth Place, tho railing and gallery work at the Jewish Syno gogue. and a number of dwellings in Savannah, tho enclosure of the private cemetry or the Everett family, nnd nlso to his work nt Macon, Madison, and Other places in Georgia. Agent In Savannah. G. IV. 1IARDCASTLE, No. 2D0 Congross-st, and 06 St. Julian st. mar 6 d 1 yr—cly NEW YORK M A III! bEDIRON WORKS, Office. No. 3 John-street, second floor, (near Broadway.) HAXCr.VCTORT, 401.403 Axn 405 aixRnV-snm.T. rpiIE mo** extensive manufacturers of Mnrbletzed Iren A Mnnllo*. Table Top*. Columns. Pilasters. Clock Cases, fancy Articles, ftc.. representing the choicest varieties of Marble. Also. Window I.lntels. Sills, liulcunlea and other Castings for bulbing* of every description. TJ' 0 above Company beg leave to call tho attention or ar chitects, builder* and tho public generally, to their assort- mont or Marblvixad C«,t Iron Man tins and otfcar articles, which they are now manufacturing on the most enlarged scale; the beauty and design of which, and their exquisite finish has never been cquallod and cannot be excelled. Their exact Imitation* of tbo finest varieties or marble, such as Egyptian, Sienna. BrocateUe, Verd Antique. Prince Al- bort. Agate. Pyrenes©, Light 8| ar. ftc., has elicited tho un- qualified commendation of connmseurs In marbles, and es tablished their popularity with the public. Some of the advantage'- of this discovery, consist In its capability of withstanding a high heat, of resisting acids and oils, which stain nnd deface marbles, and tliolr cheap- ono - t hird the cost.) in comparison with all other kind* of mantles ; also, tho advantage of being packed and sent wiiii safety to any part of tbo country. The marbling department I* under tlio superintendence or Mr. E. who first introduced this Invaluable dls- covory to the public, nnd demonstrated its practical utility and application to metals and other substances. Address orders und communications to Jan22—3in CHARLES CRO-BY. Fec’ry. THE NEW STEAMBOAT LAW. Caidfon to persons using steam power to conform to the law. T AM manufacturing al] the necessary im-trumenta re- *■ qulrcd to secure a certificate from tho Government In. specters, they having granted a certificate to those boats having my Instruments on them. My Water Gunge for boiler* my Stcnm-prcseure Gunge, my Marine Chrnnome ter. with pressure-guage attached, giving the correct time of day, is an invaluable acquisition to any steamboat OT mill; snd my Improved Fuscable Metallic Plug for boilers, which can be inserted without blowing off tho holler Ififne plug bo melted. All tlio abnvo Instrumeut* are raanufac- tured hy myself: and having bad thirty years practicalcx- K rlence in the steam engine, give* me full confidence in o working qualities of the above. AH further description will be sent to any part of the Union, by addressing , Joshua i.oive. No. 47 Dey.s’reet. New York, post paid. N. B.—All engineers are solicited to become Agents, and a ID-ernl commission allowed. 1m—*pl28 DIE SINKING AND ENGRAVING; I N AI.L ITS BRANCHES.—Business cards, with appropri ate dovicca, embossed in a new style. In plain and fancy eolors. Seal* of every description, with or without praises. Envelope* printed with name, business and address. labels, bill heads, manufacturer’s tickets, ftc.. ell executed In tne neatest manner and at prices 25 per ctnt. below any simi lar establishment. In consequence of better .and improved facilities for the execution of euch work. N. B.—All orders by mail promptly attended to. Goode sent to any part of the country. T. B. CALVERT ft CO.. Envpfopeand Seal Press Manufacturers, Die Sinkers. Embce- sers and Eengravers, 48 South 8d-»t.Philadelphia. mh20 pure Palin Oil. and Is warranted to be of a superior quality. It Is highly useful tn cleanting the skin. Is very emollient, and produces an excellent lather. Just receiv ed and fur salo by WM. W LINCOLN. nol5 Monument Square INDIA RUBBER GOODS. T HE subscriber would respectfully call tlio attention of his old customers and merchants throughout the Uni ted States and Canada, to his stock of Rubber Goods, manu factured by himself expressly for the spring trade of 1853. Ills stock of RUBBER CLOTHING, is particularly deserving «.f Inspection, as It has never beforo been so complete, nor tho articles more perfect. AN EX TENS! VX STOCK OF Coats, Carriage Cloth. I Machine Belting, Capes. Wading Pants | Engine Packing, Pants. llano Covers, i IJfe Preservers, Overalls, Gloves. ) Air Balls, Leggings. Cap*- | Whip*. and every description of Rubber Goods constantly on hand. Tho above nro warranted to stand any climate, and will be sold at most reasonable prices. Orders solicited nnd promptly attended to. D. HODGMAN, 27 Malden Lane, First cor. from Broadway, and 69Nassau-st., N. Y. jai\20—3m t<Twh6lebale merchants; JOHN C. HENDERSON ft CO., No. 62 Ruedu Fhuboura Poitsonnier. Paris, and 174 and 170 Pearl-sired. New York, O FFER for sale an extenslvo assortment of French and American Artificial Flowers, Feat here and Ornaments. Italian. French. English and American Straw Bonnets, Rib bons. ftc. The above, chiefly of our own manufacture, embraces the largest and most varied stock to lio found in the U. States. Samples may be soon ut our wareroom In New York. Janl3—3m G ROCERIES.—80 bbls Stuart's refined Sugar 20 boxes Loaf Sugar, 10 bbls crashed Sugar 6 bbls powdered Sugar 50 boxes' pale and No 1 Soap, 10 boxes toilet Soap 25 •• No 1 Starch, 25 boxes Pearl 8tarch bags Java Coffee, landing for sale by I COHEN ft 7 «ep30 i TARVER. LINCOLN. Monument Square. T ENNENT'8 ALE.—25 casks Tennent’s superior Ale in pint bottles, 10 do Falkirk Ale, 20 do London Porter. pint bo ale by apUO W. W. GOODRICH. T ' 0KEY WINE—A superior article, strongly recommend ed. direct from the importers, and for snlo by a P 17 • A. BONAUD. . schr F Satterly. for snlo by BRIGHAM, KELLY ft CO. H 1 Uadlng, and for sale by apll3 1 DAVID O'CONNOR. MV.; AUtUmving taken the .tore at the corner fa. ..u » nd 'yhlfaker-itreeU, would respectfully call 2M^aUoii.arhb friends and the public In general, to his *" u rret * r ' d MOitenUy on hand a large assortment 3 . Am% ln ? ar ' 1 wWch *« flatter* himself wuault the most epicurean tastes. no l jfffii. 1 !! BOOKSMi^-llarry Muir, a.toryof KkUnd t *' br th ° auU ‘ 0r ° f Mr *' iUrB * ret M‘*ttend, by Newton M. Curtis, author •dlw 'rtbeMounUln. Scout of tbeSilver Pond, H*nnt- K 0 ^ l,eFem ‘ , « Banditti, ftc. ’ f for April; Gleason’s Piotoral. l enque»Tlon Ma8ndn0 ’ conU,nln 3 an answer to the Bour- B. a 8IBLEY, 136 Congress-street, yrr f dealrubl# artlclo for the Mu and f n Bfflc <ent remedy fat the headach, fonU- 5Sri,: n * UOr ’ rhoumatlc fa. Just rreelr^sndfor apl6 W. W LINCOLN, OSIERY AND GIBVBi—Received, a good assortment, suitable for tbo season mhlO PRICE ft VEADER. 147 Bay-street. XT OSIERY—Just received a now assortment of Sllk,Meri- Xl no, Gauzs and Cotton not Undershirts and Drawers, for sale at 147 Bay street, b v jnhll 1 PRICE ft VEADER. XT ARROWS, MANURE HOOKS, ftc—Hair dozen Scotch aJL harrows, do do GeddM’ do, one dozen manure hooks, 60 canal barrows, landing from schr Empress, for sale br aplI4 C. H. CAMPFIELD. XT AMS, 4tC—30Q hams, IQ bhl* lard, amokad and pickled Xl beet 25 English dairy and pin* apple cheeie v 20 kegs superior butter, Ju»t received by apl4 W. W. GOODRICH. H USBAND’S CALCINED MAGNESIA—Fully equal to Henry’s and at one-half the price—1 gross warranted fresh, Just recelv. d and for tale by *.10 w. W. LINCOLN, Monument a YJEIDSIECK CHAMPAGNE—100 baskets real genuine LT Heldsieek Champagne, and warranted to be such.Just received direct from the sole Agent in the United State*-— For Sale by ap!8 J. ROUSSEAU. I CED CONGRESS WATER.—Congress Water warranted fresh, kept constantly in Ice, may be found at the store 1 >pu( w. w. Lwoom. 3ake, ingar, spice and knife botes, Ldreutoff cases andapoon boxes, tumbler drainer*, for sal* b> J?P. OOUJM, 100 Bkrm rtwtt. T EA.—Just received. 10 chest* Young and Old Hyson, Imperial and BlnckTeas, In rootallc packages, of supe- rlor quality, for sale by jnli26 J. ROUSSEAU. T OWNSEND’S SARSAPARILLA.—1 gross old Dr Town send’s. 1 do 8 P Townsend’s, also. Sands’, Ellis’, and Bull’s Sarsaparilla, just received and for sale by mhlO W. W LINCOLN, Monument square. rnOBACCO—10 cues superior Virginia Gold Lear Tobacco I J3 d. ~ ■ . "**- “• - 13 do Diamond Twist do. 10 boxes $1 ft. extra EJ Dora- do do. 25 do W T Law’s best do, 30 do Carroll’s Gold taal do,(m»1 mh> i. v. CONNERAT i CO. rpRIMMINGS —Trimming braid, colored ailk and linen do l colored silk, linen and gUt buttons for children, fancy *'* colored silk. n worked hose and half KEMPTON ft VERSTILLE. ■f 7INEGAR—10 bbls pure elder vinegar, and 10 bW* white V wine vinegar, Just landed from ‘toamshlp 8toto of Georgia, for sale by. mh22 E. W. BUKER. Georgia, W TilTE AND CHECK MATTING, 4-4, 5-4 and 6-4, Jos .sd I", ..Lb, gum. HIHKY.—100 bbls. New Orleans Whisky, landing this d.^rbH,K...H««.,, S . S ,»Lb WoE W ASHIVO HADE EA3y.-Bo.lon Ch.mia'Wuhlii, SPRING AND SUMMKR GOODS. TVT EW snd beautiful Spring and Summer Goods, just ro il celved by the last Steamer. Viz : Barege Detains; Worsted Bareges; Silk Tissues; Colored Sowing Silk; Dresses Foulard Silk; Colored and Black Challeys and Rareges; Black and Gdorcd Silk; Black Figured Bareges and Tissues; Black and Colored F. Mu-lin; Black and Colored Ginghams: Plain and Colored Lawns; Black and Colored French Cambric; and a fine assortment of Black and Colored Calicoes: Plain and Figured Swiss Muslin; Jaconet Cambric and Mull Muslin; Vfald and Striped Swiss Muslin; Silk Parasols, tery pretty; nlso. Silk and Colton Umbrellas. All of which we offer on the most accommodating terms. mhl8 AIKEN ft BURNS. HANGING TIMBER. T HE Timber Cutters of Edlsto River. South Carolina, re spectively call the attention of buyers of Timber to the Charleston maract for that article. They believe that they furnish ns well got and as large good heart Timber sji can be found in any Southern city. By a strange and arbitrary system of measurement—keeping the foreign trade in Igno rance of tho cheapness of the market tho Mills of Charles ton are enabled to purduise the Timber, at prices enor mously low to the Timber cutters The Utter would there fore, Invite buyers to examine their market. The same timber which brings In Savannah, (by the paperslfrom 8 to 12 dollars per thousand feet, U now selling In Charleston from 4 to 8. Janl6—lawlfit. ■\X7TNDOW SHADES AND CURTAIN MATERIAL 4 .—A Y V very handsome assortment of painted Window Shades In Gothlo, landscape, street views, boquet. flowers, gilt edge, fto. Also, muslin and lac* Curtains, white furniture Dinri. ty and buff linen all widths, whit* cotton, bullion aad ball tassels, curtain holders, ftc n for sale by - mh28 LakOCHE k BOWNE. agreeable and officlent form for th* administration of Magnesia, and is very useful in Naucea, Acidity of th* Btrmich, Sea Sickness and Dyspepsia, for isle by mli22 W. W. LINCOLN. Monument-Square, E NGLISH MUSTARD—a very superior article of English Mustard, in Urge nnd small cans, also In bottles, Just W. W. LINCOLN,. Monument Square. S ARDINES, ftc.—10 ca«ca whole, half and quarter bona sardines. 10 dozen canisters fresh salmon, 10 do do lob sters. 6 do Jars pickled do, I do bottle* tomato catsup. Just received and for atio by tplfll J. ROUSSEAU.- Mbs^SSSSSSjS^^: whs . . , Cohen * fosdick. TO MANUFACTURERS. T HE Subscriber would invite the attention of Mi facturers. and others to bia Stock of Factory Findings, consisting in part ol Shuttles, Pickers. Leathor,Twines. Ma chine Cards, Weaver’s Reeds, Ueddles. Bobbins, Sp< ftc.. fto. Also, superior Oak-tanned, Stretched and Rlvlted Belting for Machinery. Agent for the sale of Jacquard's Shearing and Napping Machines, Wool Pickers, Water WhtK-1 Regulators. Sstinett Warps, ftc. OSCAR SCHENCK. jan27—3m 132 Water,comer of Ptne-at., New York. SNUFF AND TOBACCO, PETER LORILLARD, MANUFACTURER, No. 42 Chatam-st., New York. O FFERS for sale the following articles warranted of su. perlor quality Maccohoy. 8cotoh.Coarse French Rap pee and other Snuffs, al*o Fine Cut Tobacco In tin-foil and papers; a more particular description of the various arti cles can be known by sending for a full price current as above. Janl4—3m RICHARDSON’S LINENS, DAMASKS, 8HNET1NGS, Ac. "PURCHASERS desirous of procuring the oxxaxxaooDM X requested to see that the name of the Arm. J. N. RICH ARDSON. SONS ft OWDEN. is stamped in full on each ar. tide, a guarantee of its soundness and durability. Agents: JOHN BU1J.OCKE ft JOHN B. LOCKE. dec29—3m 38 Pine-street. New York. THE LAKGKST SILK RIBBON AND TRIM* MING HOUSE IN NEW YORK. T HOMAS G. STEARNS .Importer and Jobber or Silk. Mil linery and Fancy Goods. 102 Broadway. New York, ha* now in store and is daily receiving and offering at the lowest prices.* complete assortment of Goods in his line, embra cing all the various styles and designs consisting of Black and Fancy Silks. Marseilles, Florences. Shawls. Trimmings, Ribbons- Taffeta and Satiu Ribbons. Proas Trim. if all kinds.French and English Cranes. Crmpelisses, irats, Embroideries, Gloves of all kinds, fluk Lace Miti, Bareges-taces. Whlto Goods, Hosiery, L. GHandkeri chiefs, fto. Ths undsraignsd. invites ths attentibn of ths trads and his friend* genarally.-. Great Inducements offer*' i CASH and short time buyers. THOMAS Q. STEARNS. 163 Broadway, doc29—lyr Between Liberty'll and Maiden tane.N.Y. i JOHN I. 8B1ITH, UHBREELLA AND PARASOL MANUFACTURER, i New York. td 235 Broorimw, . C EPTFNSIVEXS THE WORLD I 234 and 285 THE MOST EPT1 r ! now,prepared to offur bis customers and merchants gen erally. such an assortment of Umbrella* and Parasols, which for beauty, quality, finish and prices,eannot be equal* ed by any boose in th*United States. -Parisian Fashions— Walking Cams, Umbrella a, .Folding do.^Tmnkda, Self-open, tog do.,8ylphide Par**ols. ; . - Also, very rich pUk Umbrella* -and Parasol*. • mounted on Ivory, pearl and paba wood hnndlea.ln:the trmtest vsrtety: ’ Yerr sunerior-mnuralnr and-half mot— 1 —- Baggy {jmbroli**, • of extra quality, Yon are respectfully inrited-.toicall «nd examina Dm CHEAP WINDOW SHADE DEPOT AND MANUFACTORY. ■S’. IF. comer Arch and Second-streets, PhUaddphia. G L. MIIJ.ERft Co. offer every variety of Shades, whole- • sale and retail, such as Scroll, Flower, Gothic, Vign, otto. Oil nnd Dry Landscapes, at the lowest prices for qual ity of work. Orders for Gilt, Plain Store, tattered and other Shade* executed at short notice. Merchants nnd others aro invited to give us a trial. WB WILL TRV TO HI.KA8K. Brasses. Trimmings, ftc.. always on hand. Remember 8. W. comer Sxco.'D and ARCH streets, Phila delphia. 2m—f#bl8 GAS WORK, LAMPS, Ac. A RCHER ft WARNER. Manufacturers. No 110 Chert ret* street, Philadelphia, respectfully solloit tho attenti« of purchasers, to their aasortment of cbandeltert, braXets, Iiendanto.naaovary dvsertptloo .f( g »l»i<t.»r«i variety of lamps, girandoles, fto. We warrant pur goodl equal In quality, and our prices as low as any other' estal> lishment in the country. The Trade supplied with bumera. mercury, cape,braas tings, air pumps, ftc., at reduced prices. ARCHER ft WARNER. Ellis S. Archer, I William F. Miikay, Redwood F. Warner. | Wm. O, B. Merrill. FRONT-'ST. WIRE MANUFACTORY* 7b Southern <C Western Merchants, Manufacturers and others. W A'INON ft COX, Sloro. Riddle, Screen and Wlro Clotb Manufncturers. No. 10 North Front-street, .Philadel phia. where can always bo found every article In their line, or manufactured to order at short notice. Orders by mail or otherwise, solicited, JanlB—eodtlepl LOOKING-GLASS WAREHOUSE,, 117 Chestnut-street, below FVurih. north side, PhUqdetphia. W E Inform merchants nnd residents of this v|cinity.that the most complete assortment of ManteVPier, Wall snd Oval Glasses, richest styles, fir private use. or all kinds for country sale, witli Portrait and Picture Frames, fto., will be found at our establishment. tang experience and largo facilities enable ns to well the best gi’od* at lowest prices. Dimensions being given, wo will givo estimates for any ized Mirrors, delivered free from breakage, at any point. Orders solicited. French Plato Glass, for Stores. Dwellings, ftc . at import*, lion Prioe*. TI10MA8 J. NATT ft CO aplll—end „ - - NEW CARPETINGS*- ured by myself- and having bad thirty years practical ex- r P’ , L subscriber has just received per late arrivals, a **.“ *'“ — ' " —• i n X large and fresh stock of tlm richest and noweat style* of Velvet. Tapestry, Brussels, threo-ply Ingrain and Veni tlan Carpetings, all of which are offered od the most desir able terms. ^ . With a full assortment of Oil Cloths, Tablo Covers, Mat ting, ftc. Purchasers are requested to make an early examination as strong inducements will bo held out to cash buyers. R. B. WALKER, 190 Chestnut.atreet. tnhl7—lawtf below 8th, South side, Philadelphia. THE CELEBRATED BLACK DIAMOND STOVE. The subscribers have Just recoiv- ed a second supply of the above COOKING STOATS, for burning coal, aud do unhesitatingly declare and say. that they are the most per fect article of the kind in use. eith er uorth or south. Satisfactory ref. _ erences con be furnished where they have been tried In this city. We ask no pay until fair- ly tested. For sale only at the new House Furnishing Store MORSE ft NICHOLS. oc26 165 Brougbton-street STOVES, STOVES. The subscriber has Just received a large number ol Cooking and Parlor Stoves, which he will dispose ot _:on accommodating terms. Among them may be K -——• — .—» n- u» rurciinwrv, uj caning, found the following: Cooking Store*. The Republic. Lady ot 1 will be convinced liiat he sells a superior article, and guar- the Lake, Air Tight Premium, Queen of the West. Empire * antees full satisfaction A liberal discount mado to dealers A BLINDS AND SHADES. TnktNtlte. B J. WILLIAMS, No. 12. North Slxth-street. a few doors • above Market-street. Philadelphia. 1* the most exten sive and best manufacturer of Window Blinds and Shades in Mi" Lnited States, and has taken the highest premiums at all the exhibitions; he buys the best msterlals by whole* sul cheaper for Cash than other* pay for Inferior si tides by retail and can. therefore, sell auperior Venetian Blinds and Shades, as cheap as others ask fur inferior articles. Painted Window Shades in great varl -ty of beautiful design* and superior quality. Buff nnd White IJnen -'‘hndos, Blind and Shade Trimmings. Fixtures, ftc.. wbolesnlo and retail, at the lowest cash price*. Store Shades painted and lettered to order. Reed Blinds at manufacturers’ prices. Old Blinds pnintedto look as good as now. Purchasers, by calling, Premium, Eastern Premium. Parlor and office Stoves.— Union Cottage. Cylinder. Sheet Iron, (air tight) square and oval. Six Plate, llox Stovos. Hollow Ware Pots. Kettles. Ovens, Spiders. Sauce Paun, ftc. ftc. Plain nnd Japanned Tin Ware, for sale, and manu factured at short notice. Orders for Roofing, Gutters, and Leaders, attended to with punctuality. JOHN J. MAURICE, Nn». 10 and 12 Barnard street PIANO FORTE WAREHOUSE. THE Alterations and Improvements In our . ore. including a fine yhow Room for Piano Fortes, and a Music Department for Ladle* being now completed, we would Invite the at tention of the musical public to our stock, comprising every article in the line, which can be furnished (wholesale and retail) at New York prices. PIANO FORTES, by A. Stodart ft Co.. J. B. Dunham, and others of established reputation, constantly on liand. F. ZOOBAUM ft CO., importers, Nos. 74 St. Julian and 107 Bryan-streets, dec7 Next to Market Square. JiJfelY BACON. &c—5 mrrnS; casks prims Sides; 10 casks prime new &nouiaers; ;<oo bags Rio Coffee; 150 bbl*. Haiti- Flour; 20 hhds. prime N. O. Surer; 10 bhde. clarified N. O. Sugar; 150 bbls. Stuart’s B. ft C. Sugar; 60 boxes Col gate’s No. 1 Soap; 60 boxes Colgate’s Pale Soap; 60 bbls. N. O. Syrup; 60 hhds. Cuba Molasses; 25 tierces do.; 25 bar rels do.; 50 boxes star Candles—landing and for salo by feb2l CRANE ft HOLCOMB. F ISH, ftc—5 tea cod fish. 100 boxes smoked herrings. 80 bbl* nickled do. 30 bbla No. 1. 2 and 3 mackerel, 50 half bbls do, 20 kltts do. 60 boxes buckwheat, 25 half bbls do. received snd for sale by feb7 McMAIION ft DOYLE QARPCTINO.—Received per steamer Alabama, and this • day opening. Brussel*. Tapestry Velrel - nd Three-Ply 1 " ** grain and Three-Ply Carpeting, com pi styles and qualities, all of which will est market price, by m9 Laroche, bowne & co. ry Velvet, Imperial. In- iprltlng a large variety of fill be offered at the low- F LOOR OIL CLOTHS.—The most complete stock of Oil Cloths. In every variety of patterns and colors, varying in widths from one to eight yards. Families and hotel keep- nr dining rooms or halls without piecing. H. GUION. Agent, Carnet Warohouio, 140 Congress and 67 St Jullan-st*. to eight yat era can cover their dinii WM. feta H AMS—5 casks Sugar-cured Hams. 15 ken Butter 25 kegs tard, 50 boxes Cheese, 25 do Picklts 25 kegs tard, 50 boxes Cheese, 25 do 50 boxes Sperm Candles. 50 do Adamantine do \ Malaga Wine. 6 bbla WhlteWSr 6 bbls dd*r 1 n J “ a ■ rt— 800 bap Drop Landing and for Vinegar pfaAlUEfc. ftc.—50 bbls ehotta seed and eating Potatoes-, XT 10 bbla superior bleached Whale Oil; 10 bbls Leaf Lard repaired and for sale by fel4 McMAHON ft DOYLE. VARIETY—VARIETY7 L INSEED, aperm. bleached whale, and castor OIL' White, red, black, and bar Lead, shot assorted, unpont’s powder, 1 4.1-2 and 25 lbs. keg*. AHum, borax, blue stone, copperas glue, brimstone, Sulphur, madder. Indigo, logwood, rat soda, tal nitre, fij* er * t ! J b ** 1 sal glauber. sup parb soda, Tartano acid, gum cnampbor, gum Arabic, magnesia, Crtsm tartar, hux vomica, esseneaa assorted, opedeldoc, x vomica, essencaa assorted, opedeli rio, laudanum, Bateman’s drops, •• seount mado to dealer “ IP< study to please.” tn , BKNJ. J. WILLIAMS. aplG—eod No. 12 North Otb-itreet, fbila. WAPHENE. A N INDIAN PREPARATION, for rector! ng grey hair to it* original color. It is guaranteed by tlio Proprietor, hat If tlio natient is grey, he can have his hair restored to Us original color by usingl/iret’s Wahpcue. For. Sate .by jan'21 W. W. UXOOLN, Monument 8qqarl.' WINES, LIQ.UORS SEGARS, GROCERIeT* T HE Subscriber has on hand a fine and well selected Stock of Imported pure Wines, Llqaors and'Segars, comprising the following: Brnndy—10 half pipes Otard, Dupuy ft Co.,; 8 do Jo old Uennessy ; 2 do do Sazerac, 1808 ; 3 do do Jesm Louis. 1800; 3 do do J.J. Dupuy. ' T •' Wines—4 half pipes oik reserve Madeira : 2 do do London Particular ; 3 do do old Port; 6 do do Sherry Wine ; 20 cask* Claret; 40 baskets Cbm»pagna.., Fancy Groceries.—A large supply,sbch sJl imported Cordials. E-'-'i.h PlekUsand Sauces, Preserves, Sweetmeats! Prunes and Jetu»«. For sale by- „• ; - 1 1 dc8 Corner of Bay and 1 MARSHALL HOUSE DRESSING SALOON, M essrs, cohen & bannon respectful^ anh^hc* to tho dtlzeos or Savannah that they are now dretared to do all kinds of work In their line, at their new uop. near the corner of Broughton and Drayton^ta. They have etubltshed th* following aa thalr rates of charged? For a •ingle star* 1n <*.; per month, for 2 or three tbnwptnreek. 75c.; 4 times a weok |1; 6 or 6 times a week $1 taTevenf Wr cu,u ”' ! pHpwP i Mr. COIIrlN will always bold himself In readiness to at tend to orders from thoto who may require' Ms T terrf6e4 at their homes. _ *mv8 L 'lQUORS AND WIN.ES —12 half pipes Otefd. Dupiiy ft Co's French Brandy; 10 half pipes, assorted brands, low priced French Brandy; 30 quarter cask* Domestic do. 60 bbla do do. 75 dfrP ft H Rye Gin, r J " ~ * Holland Oln. 10 bbls Virginia Apt Madeira Wine,16 eighth do choice do do. 20 quarter do Port do, 1 h»ir pfw.doilo, 30 (MrUiculu BM-n, Btanj Win., L tioncfttaladiaa of Ban —jmess tUdkwBMMft. ooTO.ii»t«»*.,Vl ««, Trlmrtl.mvl* MlUw. Im^ up< eBEnEsK ... itlvoi i JlofwIiW»JU|i> .oldon SgiMwiwk'aifti