The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 18??-1856, May 27, 1853, Image 2

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tti-mt w, ra».
eoKUnitonUMla th.bohuic. 1M mwtto* *u of .
|vM kr^Utai Dr. n. WtpM, Itajot, to lh- ctulr, .nl
oppototlof Wo. Donna, floetoUry, >od Daniil H. BUwart,
™«y uoonnood ttot tho rdoottoj of
on Wodomkr, roMod Ui« wport <« U»
itulBngtoMT to»oomBltt»«oi«poydM
Jtusm, Conn, tar, Bourn n* A*
•.wkottWM hopod. ooaldoim “P 0 " ””*
4tkn odoutuooao to Bonnoob, to AUmj.
Uputluoouootned. Oomldtrgo
nolM U tlw dnt mootlog, which tod oo
motet to hold tlo Wlowto* luton*. oddowd to
tbo ooutdonttoa of Uh StockhoMw* I
Ware It not, w. .hooldMT,
IMA, (blkmtal propooldoo, If otrrtod oat bj til
ptlUtt ooaooroed.ooold not do ottwrwto that pro-
motetholatenoUof fltnnntb, of Albtnj, of tta
no nil of itoAhoUon bob* tolM, MU .no *u npn.
Ool H. tin offwod tho foUowtaf jrwunbla tad noolo-
rtootulM l
Vhanai, thalattatoa of Iha partial la tha orfantiaUon
of tho Smooth tod Allan, Btlbotd Com pan,, trtt to
limit tho txlittaca of tht ofitoloUoo by thl »lh ttUcIt,
which k lathe following word* j
“The Scrunch end Albany Rcllrocd Company, fre.,»»
(pan 11, art. 89 of pamphlet})
And whereas It la anppooedby aomotbata legal cow trac
tion may bo plaeed upon tho 10th oeetlon of acid organisa
tion, which would defeat tho honest Intentlona of tho par*
parties and plaoo tho power In the hands of tho present
subscribers to wrest tho charter ftom the persona who fur
nished It. for the boneflt of Albany and the surroundlnf
notion of South-western Georgia, as well as for the benefit
iso, anil examine all
hasp a record
bnt their
a of op«*. You will,
fMTon thousand In-
fully a fourth of tho
taote the inter®*** of Barann*h» Of Al»ny» 0 e ^ gaTannah and tho Intermediate country,—without oom-
Booth-weaUro load, of Uie Sarannah and Oour WM, w {th tbs conditions which were In good faith under-
and at tbo same time Um interests of all Southern
Georcia. and of all Middle Florida. That proposition
Is. ill that the road from Sarannah to. the Gulfhe
canted with all dispatch to the line or Middle Flori
da s (1) that for the poipoee of aflordtng the people
of Baker oounty railroad fcciliUes u early as possible,
Hbs recommended that the Sonth-western road bo
•xbanded to Albany; (3) that from the Savannah and
Golf road, when it shall be extended into Lowndes
county, a branch he likewise constructed to Albany.
««Carry out this scheme and Albany will have a
doable oounection with this city. She will be con
nected with central and upper Georgia and with
Florida. At the same time the South-western Road
will booome connected with Floridir-draw travel
tbtace fbr Haoon and northern Georgia, and carry
Into Florida corn, floor, and bacon from northern
Georgia and Tennessee. The advantages to the
•ootbern portion of our State and Middle Florida
a. til 1m
stood and entered Into by all parties.
It Is therefore
Resolved—'Thst the dtlseni o' Bat annuli, and lubscribera
for stock under the provUionat organisation of the 8aran-
nah and Albany Railroad Charter, e»teeming honesty and
good (kith In all their transactions, as chore all pecuniary
priee or adrantage, wlU not attempt to change the organ
isation of the company, or tako the control of the charter,
except by a compliance with the oondlt'ona contained In
article 3d. or wltu the oonaent of the persons who controlled
and who rurnkbed tho charter.
Oq motion of Dr. J. P. 8cnren, the same waa laid on tho
table until the report of the Board of Dlrectps should be
Ool. N. Hit now mored, that ho be allowed to enter atock
represented by him, which waa gruted. Amount entered
by him 11.505,750.
The report of the Directors haring been called for, Dr. J.
P. Screron, President, read the following report, and also
submitted the report of the Engineers
OoL N.Tlft offered the following resolution, seconded by
T. M. Forman i
* .. . .... LI.VmAM 4a them
Resolved, That the report of the Board of Dlrectofi- wlth
proposed amendments to the Constitution, and the report
uww.ww Miii" — 1 — , . .. i peupmoa amonumenu wiuauwiutuuuiiiiwuun icpun
Tkoaa flections have thus a highway opened to them| of Engineers, be submitted to a Committee of lire, to. re-
• . .... X itl.nt. nnrt at in fliltmirnial mMlIni, lA.Tnnrrn«. it I'i oVIodt.
to Savannah on the east, and to Maoon and Atlanta,
and all roads converging to those points, on the
From the report of the majority of the Committee
it will be seen that a proportion Involving all these
points, was submitted to Col. Tift, and by him de-
To give the strongest assurance that the South
western road would bo Immediately extended to Al
bany, Judge Bxrbiin stated, in making bis report,
that Mr. Ctnrunt, President of the Central and a Di
rector of the Sonth-western road, bad informed Col.
TrrrJ K » t he (Mr. C.) would announce publicly his
purA to use all his influence to bring about such
ah extension, In case Col.Tift would accede to these
proposals i-thua allowing Savannah to expend hef
money in the construction of a road which she might Committee of five,
deem moat conducive to her interests. Mr. Tift de
clined the proposals in the Committee, and declined
them In the meeting—not but that they would pro
mote his Interests and the interests of tho people of
Albany,bat from the fear that In accepting them he
would be dealing In bad faith towurds Gen. Brisbane,
one of tho parties to the charter, who owns a large
body of land lying on the direct route from Savan
nah to Albany. Now far be it from ns to cast any
unkind Imputations upon Mr. Tift, yet we may be
permitted to express our regret (and will not our fu
ture legislators take note of the fact in granting other
charters?) that the Interests of Savannah, tho inter
ests of Albany, the interests of Southern Georgia—
yes, of all Georgia and of much of Florida, had to be
sacrificed to the interests of one man ; and he, not a
citizen of tho State I As regards this city, wo do not
complain. Tho consummation of her connection with
the Gnlf will not be delayed one day, as we shall pre
sently show, by Mr. Tift’s chivalrous devotion to
Gen. Brisbane's interests. But that tho interposi
tion of this gentleman's lands should bo tho means of
preventing a railroad communication north, south,
east and west from Albany must be, we think, a
source of regret to the people of that place.
The action of Savannah In this matter Is worthy
of herself. Never had her people so much reason to
be proud of their home as on this day. To Col. Tift,
claiming to use it for Gen. Brisbane’s interests,
though believing herself legally and morally entitled
to control It, she has relinquished the charter under
which the organization was formed. The largo as
semblage which met yesterday—ono of the most re
spectable meetings that we have ever known con
▼ened in this city, adopted unanimously the resolu
tions in favor of a new organization for the construc-
tim nf * road to tha Florida line : recommended the
transfer of tho private subscriptions of between four
and five hundred thousand dollars to the company
to be formed under a new charter, and urged upon
the corporation a subscription of one million, instead
or the half of that sum already made.
Dr. Bobbvbn, with characteristic energy, waited
not even an adjournment of the meeting before com
mencing the work of obtaining a transfer of the sub
scription previously obtained to the proposed new
oompany. Thus far we have heard of no stockholder
who has not renewed his subscription. Some have
quadrupled, some have doubled their amounts.
In conclusion—for we have space fpr no more—we
port at an adjourned meeting, to-morrow, at 12 o'clock.
On motion, was laid on the (able.
The following resolution waa passed—
By F, S. Bartow, Esq., seconded by J. Stoddard, Esq.
Resolved. That the city of Savannah, and Col. Tift, for his
recent subscription of a million and a half of dollars, be
excluded from voting at this meeting.
Ur. Hit called for a vote ou this resolution by stock
which was not entertained.
Dr. R. D. Arnold now moved to take up the resolution,
.for the appointment of a Committee, offered by Col. Tift,
and seconded by Capt. Tho*. Forman—the same being call
ed waa passed—and the following Committee was appoint'
ed by the Chair, In accordonce with the samo : Hon. J. M.
Berrien, Col. N. Tift, R. It. Cuyler, Esq., Ur. J P. Screven,
and Ueo. W. Anderson, Esq.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned
until 10 o’clock to-morrow, to recclvo the report of the
will say that the prospect of a road from Savannah
to the Florida line was'never brighter than on this
Timely Relief.
The U. 8. revenno cutter Hamilton, Captain T. C.
Rudolph, of Charleston, on a crnlso off the coast of
Georgia and South Carolina, on the 18th instant, fell
In with and boarded tho bark S. E. Baxter, Captain
Joseph Darnabv, of Philadelphia, bonnd from Apa
lachicola for New York, which former port she left on
the 16th Instant. Captain Dabnabt was found pros
trate with inflammatory rheumatism, and wholly un
able to perform duty. He requested Lt. Morrison,
the boarding officer of the cutter, to tako command of
the bark, and make the nearest port. Accordingly
Lt. Morribon kept off for Savannah light, bearing
south-west a distance of thirty-five miles. He receiv
ed a pilot on board at an early hour yesterday morn
ing. The bark is now anchored in Cockspur Roads,
and Captain Dabnabt has been brought up to the
city, and placed under skillful medical treatment.
On the 13th, in answer to a signal, ho was boarded
by Captain Sawyer, of the bark Cuba, in lat. 27°
30", Ion. 70° 50" West, who kindly supplied him
with medicines, and otherwise administered to his
necessities. On Wednesday, P. M., as related to us,
the signal of distress was made to tho steamship Au
gusta, Capt. Lton, from this port for New York,
which waa noticed from tho steamer, but she kept on
her way without inquiring into the nature of tho case.
Of this we are at a loss to account, it being so entire
ly contrary to the well known character of Captain
Lton and the officers under hla command; and we
doubt not will bo satisfactorily explained, at least we
hope so.
The conduct of Captanl Sawyer waa such ns
beoomes the true Bailor and humane man, and is
spoken of by Capt. Dabnabt with the liveliest grati
tude, whoso sufferings for tho past ton days have been
of the moat painful character, rendering him os help
less ss an infant; and bat for the timely relief of the
catter, and the devoted personal kindness of Lieut.
Morrison, might soon have been beyond medical re
Frost.—There was considerable Frost in the neigh.-
boihood of Jacksonville, Ala., on Saturday morning
ibe 31st Inst, bnt not enough to do injury.
The brig Qipsey, Capt. Boyd, arrived at New York
on the 33d from Mayagues, reports that the latter
place was healthy at the time of the sailing of the
brig, and that sugar and molasses was coming in fast,
.• Suicide of s Minister, Ac.
The Rev. Dr. Tomlison. a Methodist minister of high
standing .committed suicide at Neville, in Ohio, on Sa-
tnrdayuut The act was deliberately premeditated. k
and Is supposed to have been induced by a general
mental depression.
Archibald Trowbridge, Esq., of tho firm of Trow
bridge & Beatty, pork merchants, of Cincinnati, died
ter j suddenly on the morning of the 20th.
A fiend named Wm. Robinson, living near Hernan
do,-Vlas., recently shot and killed his daughter, a
girl of fifteen years of age. It seems thst the girl
owned a negro, which be sold withonther authority—
■be refined to give the negro up, and he shot her.
He has been arrested and committed to jail.
The Knoxville Register says that the railroad be
tween Tneoombla and Decator Is to be completed in
time to give a free pleasure excursion between thoso
places rathe 2d or Jane. A barbecue is to be given
attbesametimetooelebrate the completion of this
link!In ths Memphis and Charleston railroad.
— Lost—We learn from ibe officers of the
Dresden, that the steamer General Scott,
ran, from Cincinnati for this port, took fire
Id, o« Sunday last, wbilo near New Madrid
Drteden, No lives were lost—iY. O. Crescent.
WiaantOTOlc Affairs.—On the morning of the 33d
1 —* v “d notified the Gar*
‘ rn till Wednes-
t In the interim
, tntenU to them-
irned an answer tiuu there was
ilng before Wednesday—
d that the remaining Oar-
till the next term! but Mr.
resisted the motion, and it
see of John Obas. Gardiner
Monty, ttagt
Savaxxaii. May 20,1853.
The meetlog vu called to order bjr tho Chair, la accord
ance to adjournment.
The report of tho Committee of five was submitted by the
Hon. J. M. Berrien, with remark*, accompanied with pre
amble and resolutions for the action of the meeting. A re
port waa submitted by Col. S. Tift, In behalf of tho minority
of said Commlttoe, with explanatory remarks.
shares of tho capital stock, shall not havei bson subscribed
for, on or before the totdky of June, 1853, the ettUcrlbera
shall be released from all llabOlty to pay any part of their
subscriptions, and If any part has been paid. It aball be re
turned to tbo subscribers, without deduction or charge. 1 '
It la evident, from these extracts, thst the conditions of
the organisation have not been oomplted with | that the
present meeting of subscriber* for stock, under the provis
ional organisation, is not a meeting of stockholders capable
of binding the company; that the subscribers for stock are,
by the terms of their subscription, released from all liabili
ty } the whole organisation Is Told by tta own limitation
and It would require tbe consent of both the subscribers for
stock, and the holders of tbe charter, to continue tbe pres
ent, or to constitute a new organisation. Wo think that
either of these alternatives is Impracticable at present, for
the reason Hint a majority of the Savannah subscribers are
opposed to constructing a road on tho line to Albany, aa
fixed by the charter, and believe It to be for thetr Interest
to run a line southward, In the direction ol Tallahassee, FIs.
Whilst the holders of the charter believe It to bo their
duty, the Interest of stockholders, and vital to the Interests
or South-western Georgia, that the road shall be construct
ed on the chartered line to Albany, which la In a direct line
to Mobile and Pensacola, its eventual destination.
Wo concur In the recommendation or tbe majority
of the committee, that tbe charter be surrendered to
the persona who formed the present organization; and
though the construction of this great work, and the hope
of South-western Georgia for a direct connection with a
seaboard market, seem to be deferred forj a time, we have
reason to believe that, with a new organisation, and the aid
of foreign capital, the road will be commenced and com
pleted within thp time limited by tbe charter.
It was moved by lion. J. It, Berrien, seconded by R. R.
Cuyler, that the report of tho majority Committee bo
The following waa offered by Col. Gaulden, as a substitute,
and seconded by Col. Marsh :
lUsolval, As tbe sense of this meeting, we will build the
contemplated Railroad upon tbe route suggested la the
Chief Engineer’s report, vis: the Tallahassee route to the
Chattahoochee. This road to be denominated the branch
road, at and from the nearest point that it approaches Al
bany. That ao soon aa It la practicable and bo soon as Al
bany or those persons in that quarter will furnish two
thirds of the means necessary, we will complete the main
trunk to Albany. Which waa lost.
On motion the qaestlon mas taken on the adoption of the
report, &c., presented by Hon. J. M. Berrien, and tho samo
was adopted.
On motion of Dr. Screven, seconded by R. R. Cuylor :
Rcsolml, That the subscribers to the 8arannali and Al
bany Railroad Company will transfer their subscriptions to
the stock of the Company, to be organized under tho char
ter, to be applied for to the next Legislature.
Oa motion, the meeting adjourned
R. WAYNE, Chainnnn.
s to oome. with Brunswick. The fact maybe
ed as fixed that Savannah will have a road (whether Bruns
wick has one or not) 'at .for aa tho county qf Thomas, at
least. The million already spoken ot will carry the road
some ten mllea south of tne Alatamaha, another million
would Insure Its extension to Thomas eounty. I may, I
think, go further without Incurring censure for mere boast
ing, and eay, that if. Indeed, a canal from the Alatamaha
to Brunswick Is likely to deprive ui of *11 the lumber and
other products of the great region watered by that river
and Its tributaries, there la room and chartered right to ex
tend the Ogeechee Canal, fifty mllea through the beat pine
forest In Georgia, to tbo aeme Alatamaha river, if a railroad
■hall be fonna Inadequate to secure for ue all that trade.
Then le no existing charter for a railroad from Savannah
to the northern line of Florida. In an amendment to tbe
Brunswick and Florida Railroad charter, there Is no pro
vision for that Oompany to build to Savannah Instead ol
Brunswick. Our Legislature will convene next Novembtc.
and tben a new charter can be obtained ample for all our
. .. ‘ ' • ‘ wilt
« No. 1.
BREAD—Navy «rwt.
“ Pilot fc .-
BUniH—Goshen Vfo
purposes, and not In any way Interfering wilh the Bruns
wick road charter, for in the latter there Is oxpreu provision
that their road may be creased at any point by legislative
that their road may be creased at any point . _
act. It has been suggested that, by agreement, one line
only need be built, with a branch to Brunswick and a branch
northwardly. I cannot say what will come of that surges-
tiob. But this I can, I think, with truth aar, that If the
Drunswlck company sball build their road, there will be
two roads to meet you both, either of which vour people
can use as they may find moat conducive to their Interest.
With great respect,
• Your obedient servant,
R. R. CtnrtXK,
To His Excollency, J. E. Broomo.
CANDLE^pemaceiti.. . . “.
“ Adamantine...... “
Georgia made.... u -
Northern M u
CHEEK—Northern “
COFFEE—Mocha. “
•* Rio «
11 Java ..... u
“ Laguayra “
COAL—Bara.... ;. “
OOTTON-Vniand,Inferior,!) Itj.
“ Ordinary,... “
11 Middling
“ Middling Fair....
“ Fair...?
“ Good Fair
•* Choice
>00 13 B M
«M gl»
“ ® 2
11X® »
» s *
a iffl m
u (a ;»
ii is }»
»«ffl 10!
M IS }*
io is w:
7 00 0 000
Shirtings, Brown V yd.
“ Bleached “..
The Knoxville Register eaya that tho railroad be
tween Tuscnmbla and Decator is to bo completed in
time to give a free pleasure excursion between those
places on tbo 2d of June. A barbecue is to bo given
nt tho samo time to celebrate the complotion of this
link In the Memphis and Charleston Railroad.
Secretary Dobbin, tho Norfolk Argus says, will pay
a temporary visit to his h imo In North Carolina, In a
few days,and take Norfolk In his route, making an
official visit to the Gosport Navy Yard, and will also
Inspect tho vessels of tne exploring squadron for tho
North Pacific, Ac., now rendezvoused at Norfolk.
At no previous time within our recollection, has
there been no much demolition of old, and erection
of new buildings going forward. New York is one
vast workshop,in which the carpenter, mason, plumb
er, upholBtcrer and painter nud all their activity
c&iled to profitable account. In many sections entire
blocks are undergoing metainorphoBlB. Tho man who
pays off Saturday nights, must have a purse as deep
as the Sub-Treasury.—Mirror.
A New Paper.—Tho Federal Union has heard it
rumored that a Whig paper is to be established in
Mllledgovllle, favorable to tho re-organization of tho
Whig party.
A national Convention of Negroes is officially call
ed for in Fred. Douglass’s paper, to meet at Roches
ter on tho 6th of July next.
W. DrxcAx.
D. H. Stkwart,
The Committee to whom were referred tho report* of the
President and Engineer of the Savannah and Albany Rail
road Company, bw leave to report:
That the committee met. and earnestly endeavored to re
concile the difference which woa manifested at the meeting
of yesterday. They have (ailed to obtain a satisfactory
agreement for the control of the charter, by a vote of a
majority of the h ireholders, and after what lias occurred
during the meeting, they feel constrained to express tho
opinion, that tho subscriber* should surrender the charter
to the Representative* from Albany. In order that there
may be a distinct understanding of tbe reason, for the opin
ion above expressed, the committee beg leave to present a
Preamble and Resolution*, which a majority of the commit
tee agreed upon, aa proper to bo pawed by tho meeting.—
Tho gentleman who claims that tho charter should bo sur
rendered to those who mado the provisional organization,
in case of disagreement, as to the route of the Road, declines
to acquiesce in the view which is taken in tbe said Pream
ble and Resolutions, nud Is not content that the subscriber*
should exerclso the power* therein set forth.
In view of tho difficulties thrown In the way of proceed
ing with the great work of connecting Savannah with tho
Gulf of Mexico, under the charter of the Savannah and
Letter from R, H. Cuyler, E»q.
Editor Floridian and Journal t
The enclosed letter from the Hon. R. R. Cuyler, of Sa
vannah. has been read at sundry Railroad meetings in the
Middle District of Florida. The subject of which it treats
la one of Importance, and at the request of many gentle
men 1 have uetermlnod to send It to you, with a request,
that you publish it iu your paper. Without endorsing or
approving the views and inferences of the distinguished
author in several respects, 1 am willing that they alutil go
to the public. Respectfully yours,
James E. Biioomk.
The Ckop8 of tok Republic.—According to an
official statement, It appears that we raise annually
$143,000,000 in wheat $301,200,000 in Indian corn ;
$400,275,000 In hay; $70,840,000 in oats; $73,125,000
in Irish potatoes, and $120,000,000 in cotton—tho
whole crop being $1,390,480,000.
8heetlng*. Brown
“ Bleached
Callcoes.Blua and Fancy “ ..
8tripes, Indigo Bluo
Fustians “..
-Bed Tick
FISH-Dry Cod cwt,
11 Herrings, Smoked, box.
“ xiacWerel, No. 1, bid.
“ “ N6.2...“..
•• u No. 3...“..
FLOUR—Baltimore, Hw’d-at“.
“ New Orleans
M Canal .
DRAIN—Corn $ bush
M Oats..
GUNPOWDER—Dupont 1 *!! keg
HAY—Eastern !*100fts.
u North River....,.**..
u Dry Salted
IRON-PIg,Scotch !t tun,
“ English 2240
u Swedes, assorted..
“ Hoop *100 lb*.
“ Sheet
“ Nall Rods
LARD—In bbs. and kegs.... “ .
Steam Sawed...V lOOOfect,
River ■ ’
» “ Ing.for export....
o Pino. Clear
M •* Merchantable
Red Oak Staves *1000
White Oak Pipe SUres..
“ *• Hhd. “ -
« « Bbl. ** '
.Shingles, Cypress
I.EAD—I’lg and’Bar.. fllOO ll»
“ Sheet
“ White Lead
IJME— 1 Thomoston 14 bbl
“ New Orlean
NAILS—Cut. 4d. to 20*1.... ? lb
“ Tar, W'ilmiogton.. .
Turpentine, soft.. ••.
10 (a)
4 (S>
5 (3
7 (3
8 (3
4 (3
8 j.'fn)
fi }i(3
0 <3
8 (3
3 60 (3 4 00
70 (3 75
14 tf)15
10 <312
8 (3 9
6 75 (3 0 00
0 00 (3 o 60
08 (3 70
60 (3 76
3 OO (3 5 00
1 60 (3 OOO
1 31 (3 0 00
7 (3 714
0 (3 10
24 00 (3
47 00 (3
87 00 (3 1 00
.Peach Brandy H..
“ Havana Whits...“..
“ New Orleans
ii Loaf,
11 Crashed
» Florida •«..
SALT—Liverpool j) sack.
w Cano ilbueb.
SOAP—American,yellow..* ft.
SHOT—All Sitae
SUGARS—Spanish V1000,
. “ American •*..
TALLOW—American !) Jb,
TOBACCO—Oeorgis V lb.
“ Manufactured.... “
TEAS—Powchong “ ..
“ Ounpowd’rltImp 1 l“..
“ Hyson "
“ Young Hyson..
“ Seine
WINES-Madelra fnl,
“ Tenorlffo,L. I\... *•,,
“ Dry Malaga
“ Sweet “ “ ..
11 Claret, Marseille*, cask.
“ “ Bordeaux itdnz,
M Champagne......
WOOL—Southern,unwash’d !»lb
“ “ clean “..
WOOL SKINS—Lamb’s... each.
. “ Sheep's "
> (3 7*
I (3 10
12 00 (340 00
2 00 (3 0 00
(3 8
.40 V 4
15 (3 40
25 (3 76
76 (3 1 00
60 (3 00
60 (3 1 00
17 (3 18
25 (3 80
200 (3400
1 25 (3 1 60
40 (3 50
25 (3 60
3 00 (3 660
8 00 (3 18
17 (3 IB*
(3 82
25 (3 37 X
60 (3 76
Bank Note Table.
Capt. James Lee, father of Capt. A. T. Lee, U. R.
A., and one of the oldest citizens of Northumberland,
tiled on the 7th Inst., aged 70. Ilia wlfo died only a
few weeka before him.
public meeting, to make the necessary arrangement* to
procure a charter from tho noxt Legislature, to build a
railroad from Savannah to the southern or western boun
dary, between Georgia and Florida, with a view to a con
tinuation of the same through Florida to Penxacola.
The committco, therefore, recommend the passage of the
following resolutions:
1. Raolted—That tho subscriber* for stock In the Sarnn-
nab and Albany Railroad Company, hereby surrender tho
charter of said Company, Into the hands of the persons
who maae the provisional organization, and hereby with
draw entirely from the Company.
5. ItrmAmi, Ttiat Uie subscribers here present and repre
sented, respectfully and earnestly rccominond to Ills Honor
the Mayor, to call a meeting of tne citizens to provide for a
new organization under a new charter, to bulla a Railroad
from Savannah to Florida, with a view to extent the same
to Pensacola.
3. Resolved, That It is the anxious desire of the subscri
bers to unite on fair terms with the citizens of Middle Flori
da, in the prosecution and completion of this great work, to
which their and our attention lias been so urgently called,
4. Resolved, That we hereby pledge ourselves to use every
exertion to procure for the new enterprise, a much larger
subscription than that which circumstances have compelled
us to withdraw from the Savannah and Albany Company,
6. Resolved. That we recommend to tho Honorablo the
Mayor and Aldermen, to subscribe One Million of Dollars to
the new enterprise.
Savaircah, March 7.1863.
Sirs I learn from our mutual friend, Mr. Hilton, that you
intend, soon, to hare a meeting of the citizens of Florida,
at Tallahassee, ti discuss the matter of connecting, by
railroad, the city of Pensacola, with an Atlautic port, and
that you have expressed to him a wish that I would pre
sent my views, in person or by letter. My engagements
preclude my personal attendance.
I have looked steadily, and worked hanj. for many years,
fora connection, through South-western Georgia, of Pensa
cola with the city of Macon, and thus^^ only with the
Atlantic ports or Savannah and CharlffliB, but, directly,
with the great railroad routes of the Middle States—north,
east and west. I am persuaded that in the course of time
that connection will be made. My fellow citizens In con
siderable numbers, felt anxious to obtain a more direct con
nection. nnd upon their manifestation of that anxiety I de
termined to give them all the aid In my power. They have
nut their shoulders to the wheel, and are now seeking to
luilik* road hence, aa directly aa may be. towards your
great Gulf port. It is natural that our people should look
for the establishment of the line in the State of Georgia as
for as the Chattahoochee, the boundary between your State
and-this on the west. Your Legislature, recently, In a
spirit of wisdom and liberality, granted a charter, by which
Pensacola can be reached by the Georgia lines. 1 am aware
that many of your prominent nnd worthy men have looked
to the building of your central road, from Pensacola entire
ly through your jurisdiction, to the waters of the River
□t. John’s. Mr. Cabell’s letter to hts constituents apprised
me of that desire. An effort of that character is just as
natural and praiseworthy as is the wish of our fellow citi
zens to have the road through all the Southern counties
bounding your north line.
I have not foiled to examine, with attention, the proceed
ings of a mooting hold at Monticello, on the 7th of last
month, and seo therein a desire to conciliate the people of
your Eastern border, whilst you are endeavoring to connect
yoar Western and Middle sections with tbe Atlantic, in a
more direct inode. You think, doubtless, that ths task of
building the Central Road is too heavy for your citizens to
bear, and you wish to avail yourself of the resources of the
people here to enablo you to get out on the broad Atlantic,
at a well established commercial point. Your proceedings
at Moaticello seem to invite an understanding between the
people of Middle Florida and Sarannah, that about half of
the great Pensacola road shall be in your 8tate, passing by
your Capitol, and that tho other hair shall be in Georgia.-
You feel
COLUMBIA. MAY 24.—Cotto.v—a brisk and animated
demand sprung up in our market yesterday evening, and
which extended to the operations of this morning, and in
Homo of the transactions which took place an udvanco of
to X4. was obtained from the lowest point of last week.—
Some 200bales changed hands at 7 to 10<y., extremes.
The Hattehas Bell Buoy.—Cnpt. Brnmage, of
.tho British schooner Stella, who arrived thisforonoon
from Newport, Eng., informs us that on tho 15th Inst,
in lat. 41, long. 58. he saw a large buoy afloat, which
waa probably the bell buoy that broke adrift from
Hattcras shoal some time ago.—N. Y. Post, 23d.
« “ Fall **
“ “ Summer 1 *....'
“ Linseed * bbl
“ Whale Racked. fl gnll
•* Tanner’s Ijird..,
“ I'amphine
POTATOES—Irish *bbl
TORK—Mess - .
“ Prime “.
PORTER—I<ondon * doz
PEPPER—Black * lb
RAISINS— Malaga.bunch.* box.
M Muscatel
“ Layer.
ROPE—Kentucky * lb,
“ Dillon -
“ Manilla “
0 (3
10 (3 n
16 00 ©17 00
11 00 ©10 00
8 00 ' ©12 00
30 00 ©40 00
10 00 ©25 00
12 00 ©10 00
35 00 ©60 00
30 00 ©40 00
20 00 ©25 00
3 00 © 4 00
8 00 © 0 00
7 00 ©
0 60 © 0 00
1 00 © 1 25
19 © 21
32 © 00
0 © OX
1 00 © 2 50
2 60 © 3 00
2 00 © 2 75
2 25 © 2 50
42 © 44
22 © 24
1 36 © 1 60
1 20 © 1 30
75 © 80
75 © 85
16 00 ©10 00
J6 © 60
1 75 © 2 00
19 00 ©20 00
10 00 ©17 00
1 75 © 2 75
11 © 12X
10 © 18
3 00 © 3 25
3 25 © 3 60
8 © 8 X
8 )i(3 “
8 ©
Bank State of Georgia...Par.
Planters’ Bank “
Marine and Fire Ins. B’k. "
Central R.R. k B’klng Co. “
Georgia R.R.&B’king Co. “
Bank of MilledgoviUo,.,. “
Bank of Augusta "
Mechanics’ Il’k, Augusta “ B’klng Co. u
Bank of Brunswick,Aug’a u
Manufacturers’ BkAfocon. “
Bank or St. Marys, 40 * 4 dlt.
Auhama 3©8 dls.
Bank Rates for Exchange.
Bills on England
Bills on France
Sight Giccks on New York,
Philadelphia, Baltimore fr
Boston par © X4 P r
30day bill*do..X© — dl*.
00 day bills do.lX©lX dl*.
90 day bills do 2 © pr.
Charleston, City Bonks..Par
Columbia, Com’clal Bank “
Hamburg, Bank of "
Cheraw, M Bank of..... “
Georgetown, Bank of “
Camden, Bank of *'
So.West’nR.R B’k,Knox..,.
Florida no sales.
New Ohuuxs 3*4 dis.
Norm Carolina.. .2 ©3 dls.
Vimuua 2©2Xdls.
TKN.vzasKX 2©3 dis.
Bank Rales for Selling Ex
Bills on England.8X©0 pr.
Bills on F*rance nominal.
Check! on New York X Prom.
** Philadelphia “
Uiuik Shares nnd Stocks.
Central II. II. and Banking Co..
Bank of Savannah
Gas Light Company
South-western Railroad Co
Georgia Railroad Company
Macon nnd Western R. R. Co.,.
Western nml Atlantic R. R. Co.
Pres't Price.
115 aud int.
8 * 4
12* 4
12 * 4
8 * 4
8 * 4
8 * c
8 * «
7 * 4
Comparative Statement of Cotton.
Stock on hand. September 1st, 1852 2,802
Received since May 19. * ""
Received previously.,
. 1.260
..300,183 12,580 310,443
Exports since Mar 10.... 1,560 20
Exported previously....287,042 12,680 289.508
Stock on hand and on ship-board, not
cleared May 20,1863
Same time last year.
Stock on hand. September 1st, 1851 3.800
Received since May 20. 3.600
Received previously 303)942
Exports since May 20 5.076 2
Exported previously 289,309 10.008 286,375
1111; Ijlil?!
.SSwS: s: SE.iss
ii i iiii ll
S: : : S:
SSI I I II i||3i
Comparative Exports ofLnrnb^
Other British Ports..
Total to Great Britain..
Other French Ports..
Total to France...
South of Europo.......
North of Europe
West Indies, fre
Total F'orcign Ports...,
Bath, (Mail
New York..
Baltimore and Norfolk,
Other U. States Ports.,
Total Coastwise,
Grand Total
ooMMExqxc gzrmna, ^
Since May
rrcOon.l,.| LMTat l
2-114X1! lS3|
7.852.76 9 h^|
6.8GS 797
3-592.351 Uml
752.411 .;m I
1-147,240 iul
5365123 I
30X031 S> I
2.231.1541 1**1
8.289W2 Itajl
23.011538! He* I
JUS” Tho Georgian Letter Shed Prices Current, [jv.qu I
weekly—ready for delivery this day. at 11 o'clock, i |T P
Storm at the West.—A tremendous storm visited
Cincinnati on Wednesday evening. Many buildings
were struck by lightning, and several houses were
unroofed by the wind. The Madison packet Hoosier
State, and the Louisville packet Telegraph, were con-
s'dembly damage.—Zfa/L Daily Press, May 21st,
Mr. Vanderbilt) of New York, has sold out bis en
tire interest in tbe Staten Island ferries, including four
■team ferry boats, for the round sum of six hundred
thousand dollars. The new proprietors are Messrs.
Oco. Law, Mlnthom Tompkins, Jdhn O. Thompson,
and others.
Tho efficacy of an internal remedy In successfully treat
ing Rheumatic Complaints has been fully proved by the
use of Mortjiore'h RusuMATioCoMrorNn and Blood PuRimm,
which in five years' use has novor been known to foil erad
icating this dire complaint, wherever of a chronic or acute
chacactcr. The testimonials in Its fovor are from persons
of the highest standing in the community —For sale In Sa
vannah by A. A. Solomon* fr J. H. Carter. mayl2
[Tho following preamble and resolutions referred
to in tho report:]
Whereas, at a meeting of tho'cttizons of .Savannah, held
on the tenth and eleventh days of November lost, the fol
lowing resolutions were passed, to wit:
Resolved. That the citizens of Savannah, In town meeting
assembled, hereby ratify and confirm tho subscription ol
$500,000, made br the City Council, to the capital stock of
the Savannah and Albany Railroad.
Re-otred, That should circumstances occur to make It ad
visable in the judgment of tbe directors, to change their or
ganization, and to commence the work bn a leu subscrip
tion than two millions of dollars, as provided for in tho or
ganization of tho Company, this subscription by tho city of
Uavanuata shall nevertheless be valid and of full forco :—
Provided, That the work be commenced at. nnd carried on
from Kavanuah, or from a point on the Central Railroad
near Savaunali ; And provided further, That no portion of
the subscription of the city of Bavannah shall bo expended,
until tho sum of at least Qve hundred thousand dollars
■hall be obtained from other sources.
Resolved, That the city of Savannah, in making this sub
scription, looks to a direct connection with the Gulf of Mex
ico nnd South-western Georgia, nud should tho Savannah
and Albany Railroad Company fail in obtaining the neccs
■ary means to extend the road from Savannah beyond tho
Alatamaha to Albany, this city will le at liberty to prose
cute her enterprise by such route as may best promote the
accomplishment of her design, and be most conducive *
the commerce ot tho State.
And whereas, tho Savannah and Albany Railroad Com
pany, up to thia period, has foiled to obtain the necessary
means to extend the Road from beyond tho Alatamaha to
Albany, and this city Is, therefore, by the very terms of the
action of November last, at full liberty to prosecute bor
enterprise of a connection with tho Gulf of Mexico by such
route as may best promote tho accomplishment of her de
It la Resolved, by the subscribing stockholders here pro-
sent and represented—That It Is our purpose, upon and with
a subscription of one million of dollars, to build a railroad
from Savannah to a point west of the river Alatamaha,
crossing that river In the vicinity of Doctor Town, or in
the vicinity of Oglethorpe Bluff, or in the vicinity of Beard's
Bluff—crossings equallv fair for the extension of the road
to Albany, on the one hand, and in a direction through
Decatur County to Fensacola on tho other hand.
That it Is furtiier our purpose to extend tho said Road
from the point west of the Alatamaha river, through the
southern tier of counties in Georgia, by tho most direct and
practicable route, to au eligible point in Decatur county on
the northern boundary of Florida, or on tho western bank
of tho Chattahoochee river, at which to unite with the Flo
rida and Georgia Company in carrying on tho road through
West FJorlda to Pensacola. F’or this purpose we will use
every oxertion to procure the necessary means,and we can
not doubt our ability to accomplish tbe task.
That it is further our ” “
Jou feel the necessity of contributing, promptly and liber
ally, to the work, and have, in a sensible and patriotic man
ner, said openly, what your people ought to do and will do.
All this. I beg to say. is calculated to give much satisfaction
to the inhabitants of this city. A movement such as you
- p on . .... .. .
Thousands of Parents who use Vermifuge composed of
Castor Oil, Calomel, 4c., are not aware that, while they ap
pear to benefit tho patient, they are actually laying tho
foundations for a series of diseases, such us salivation, loss
of sight, weakness of limbs, fro.
Ilobensack’s Medicines, to which wo ask tho attention of
all directly interested-in their own os well as their chil
dren's health, are beyond all doubt the best medicino now
in use. In IJver Complaints and all disorders arising from
those of a bilious type, should make use of the only genuine
medicine, Ilobensack’s Liver Pills.
Be not deceived," but ask for Ilobensack’s Worm Syrup
and IJver Pills, and observe that each has the signature of
the Proprietor, J. N. Hobkxsace, as none else are genuine.
have mado, calls, in my opinion, for a determination on the
part of Savannah to “ moot you half way.” I stand ready,
if the great cause can be promoted by any effort of mine, to
advocate a line from this clt/ to a point on your Northern
line, in Thomas Co., (G»-.) thence to be continued by Flori
da. through or near Tallahassee, on to Pensacola, provided,
that capitalists in New York and in England, who stand
rendy to Join in tho work of a real Pensacola road, shall
agree with me in opinion that tbe divergence of a right line,
to serve the Inhabitants of Middle Florida, cannot be so hurt
ful as the possession of your capital on tho route and the
good influence* upon the two States, to spring thorefrora,
will be advantageous. To build a Railroad from Savannah
to Pensacola is no huly-dny work, but a great and difficult
undertaking. Tlie resources at hand in tbe two States would
not be sufficient to do the work. Aid from abroad must be
sought, but that aid will come. It ia because such a road
would be national in Its character and influences, and be
cause it would bo part of a great thoroughfare to and from
our Pacific possessions that funds would corao from Now
York and from abroad, and I have in my hands, strong as
surance that they will be forthcoming if we start right with
proper guarantee that these funds will be properly applied.
We probably agree, then, on this interesting subject.
You are taking an activo and prominent part in this good
work, and nro, in every way entitled to know what has been
done and what can. and will, probably, be done by us. 1
desire to give you, with perfect candor, a succinct account
of the proceedings and efforta of the people of Savannah in
regard to tbo Pensacola road.
Many of the merchants and Lot holders of thla city have
long desired to see a Railroad hence, to and through the
.Southern tior of counties, but it was not in their power, ex
hausted as they were by their liberal expenditures, Indeed
great sacrifices, in aid of the improvement* now just about
being finished, to build such a road, and some of the South
ern counties themselves have not been able, until oflatn,
to contribute any largo sum for the purposo. In this state
ot things, Northern citizens nought to bring the city of
Brunswick again into public notice, and unite our Kouthern
counties, by a road, with that port. In the summer of lost
year they re organized the Brunswick aud Florida Railroad
Company to build tho road which was projected- some six
teen years ago—surveyed—and thon abandoned after con
siderable outlay of money. The kindred work ofthe Bruns
wick Canal was at the aame time revived and recently,
there has been added to these two. a joint stock Company,
operating upon the Town Lots of Brunswick and adjacent
lands at a valuation of three millions of dollars. In Au
gust last a gentleman from toudon, engagod In business, as
a Banker in that city, camo to Georgia to promote the In
terests of a Belgian Company which, the public paper* had
informed us, was seeking to raise funds abroad to build a
Railroad from Savannah through Albany. (Geo.,) to Mobile
and tbenco to the Mississippi. He placed himself In com
munication with the Representatives of tho Savannah, and
Professor Alexander C. Barry’s Trlcopherone,
or Medicated Compound, fornreserving. fastening, softening
nnd promoting the growth or tho hair, cleansing the head,
and curing diseases of the skin, and external cuts, bruises
fro. The common consent of all who have used Harry’s Trl-
cupheru*. whether for the improvement and iuvigoration of
the hair, or for eruptions, cuts, bruises, frc., places It nt the
bend nil preparations intondod for tho like purposes. This
is no ill-considered assertion. Figures and wets bear it out.
Tho sales average a million of bottles a year: the receipts,
in cash, $100,000. This year the business will exceed that
amount. Tho number of orders which dally arrive at the
depot and manufactory, 137 Broadwny, New' York, address
ed to Professor Barry, enclosing cash, and requiring Imme
diate attention, would scarcely bo believed. Tlie whulesalo
demand is from 2.000 to 3,000 bottles a day. probably ex
ceeding that of all the other hair preparations conjoined.
The popularity of the articlo everywhere, and the liberal
terms to dealers, combine to increase its sales with great
rapidity j nnd improvements in its cnm]>osition. made nt
considerable oxpense. add* to its reputation ns well as in
trinsic value. F’or sale, wholesale and retail by the princi-
clpal merchants and druggists throughout the United States
and Canada, Mexico, West Indies, Great Britain and F’rance,
nnd by Moore fr Hendrickson and A. A Solomons. Savannah.
Sold In large bottles. Pneo 26 cents. inaylO—6m
Slnco May
S. 1.1 Upl'd.
S. 1.1 Up'ld
Other British P’to,
Total G. Britain,...
Oth. Fr’ch. Ports,
Total France,
St. Petersburg,..
Oth. N. Eu’n l'rta.
Tot. N. Eu’n. Prts
Oth. W. India l'ts.
South of Europe,..
Other For’n. l’rta..
Tot. oth.F’n.Pts..
New York,
Other U. S. Ports,.
Total Coastwise,..
Grand Total ....
I at 0H. 110 at 0);. 590 at 10, 24 at 10),', 323 at 10)(, 82 at
10 6-16, and 358 at 10X4.
Sea Ihlanus—Owing to the very small and rapidly de
creasing quantity of Long Cotton offering during the past
fow weeks, there is little that is new to note in the Sea 1*1
and market. Prices are still hl|h and firm. The sales for
tho week were limited totworinall lots, as follow: 20 at
30 ©40, and 11 at 404.
RICE—'The Rico market has been quiet this week, but
prices have undergone no change. The transactions have
been limited to a few small lota not reported.
GRAIN—No large sales of Corn or Oata have been made
within tho past week. Prices are unchanged.
F’LOUR—We have no change to note in the Flour mar
ket. Several small lota were disposed of at $5,50©5 I 62.
HAY—The transactions in this article for the past week
have been confined to retail. We quote for prime Eastern
$1.37 * cwt., North Rher $1,20©1,25 * cwt.
FREIGHTS—I-’oHnax—To Liverpool, ono vessel has been
taken up for a full cargo at 7-16. Coastwise—To New
York. )44., $1.25 * cask for Rice; to Boston. )j4.,
$1.26 per cask Rice; to Philadelphia, 6-164; to Baltimore,
M4- for Cotton,aud $1,00 * cask for Rice.
EXCHANGE.—F'orehjn—Sterling is brisk at 9 * 4
prein. Dogc*nc—The Banka sell sight checks on all the
Northern cities at «(* 4 pm.; and purchase Sight Bills at
par to X * 4 prom.; 30 day Bills at X * 4 dis.; 60 days
at 1J( to 1),' * 4 dis.; and 90 day Bills at 2 * 4 discount.
Schr John W Anderson, Watson, Baltimore, to Brvtal
Kelly fc Co.
“chr V ‘
Schr Virginia, Axworthy, New York, to H K Wufoa I
Steamor Jasper, Brooks, Charleston, to 811 Lsfilm. m
Schr O J Jones. Look, New York—H K Wubbara. _
U S M steam-packet MeUmora Peck, Chzrltitcs-411
Laffiteau. "
U S M steampacket Metamora, Peck, Charleiton.
Steamer Planter, Corb, Centre village, frc.
Exports of Cotton, Illce, frc., from this Port,
THOM 19ni TO 2«TII RAT, 1853.
Where t<
St. Johns, N. B...
New York,
Bath. Me
Portland, Me
•S'.Is.'il Rice Timber. Lumber Domes
1606 361 089476 60000 108
Money Market.
In New York, on the 23d, there was no change In money,
the supply being abundant at 6©7 per cent, on call. First
class paper goes at the same, and the supply In tlie street
Is not large.
In Exchange there was a moderate business doing at pre
vious rates for Sterling. P©10 per cent. Francs liavo been
sold very ficcly by a leading drawer at 6.13X-
In freights not much doing. To Liverpool rates were
The Sub-Treasury at New York holds about seven millions
of dollars nt present.
AUGUSTA. MAY 25.—Cotton—The market is better.—
There have been sales of Good Middling at 10, Middling Fair
10 ' 4 '. Fair IO);. Fully Fair 10*{. Lower grades 7>i®9>i.—
Holders very firm and little offering.
NEW YORK. MAY 23.-Cotton is unchanged, with sales
By T. J. Wjun, at 11 o’clock, In front of store.
ir purposo, If the people of Middle
Florida desire to unite with' us.hjr meeting us on the north.'
‘ ' ‘ a of ”
om lino or tlieir State at a point eastward of tho cuuntv of
Decatur, in the county of Hamilton, or at some more eligi
ble point, with a subscription of at least eight hundred
thousand doUars. and with a view of taking Middle aa well
aa West Florida, on the way to Pensacola—ao to divert our
Une. above described, as to meet their views.
That it Is forther our purpose. In addition to the work
above contemplsted, to extend the road from some eligible
point on the line of road west of the Alatauulia river, to be
eeiectedby the stockholders, to Albany, whmover, the com-
K ny obtains the necessary stock subscription* for thst ob
it, which subscriptions they will invito ~~ “ *
point shall be designated.
0 so soon as that
The following resolutions were offered in committee, in
lien ofthe last preceding clanie:
Resolved, That it Is our further purpose, in addition to the
ork above contemplated, to construct a branch from a
J oint in Lowndes county, or Thomas county, on tlie ntiovo
escribed main line, (to be selected by the stockholders) to
Albany whenever the company obtain the necessarv stock
subscriptions for that object, which subscription* they will
invite and urge so soon as that point shall bo designated.
Resolved, That with tho assent ot tbe persons who were
Instrumental in making the present provisional organiza
tion now given to tills meeting, we forego any further work
than is herein before set forth under the present charter.
Resolved, That we do hereby earnestly recommend to the
South Western Railroad Company, to make a foir and liberal
arrangement with tho people of Albany, to extend the8outh
Western Railroad from Americus to Albany, without de-
Resolved, That the Bye-Laws of the Company bo made to
conform to the declarations hereinbefore aet forth.
The Committee, to whom woe refered the Report of the
Board of Director*, through their President, and accompa
nying documents—the proposed change of tbe Constitution
and By-Lawe of the Company, and tbe Report of the Engl
neer—have considered the eubjects referred, and submit the
following Report:
The organization under which the Savannah and Albany
Railroad Company (a now acting, is a provisional organiza
tion, and con only take effect, aa sn absolute organization,
by a compliance with the conditions expressed in Article
30th, ofthe Constitution and By-Laws, which le In the fol-
lowing words:
0 36th. The Savannah and Albany Railroad Company to
provisionally organized, to take effect as an absolute organ-
ballon, on], In lb, ot .Ijhtr thoaundiWM of
-*• — u —two mlUlone of dollars ofthe capital,
stock, representing two millions qf dollars of the capital,
shoU\» subscribed by tbs first day of Jane, IBM, and five
of tool Caodiod'tboiuond dollar., AolW oiUd to lo ti.
Board of Dtrsetars. within on# month from the-timo when
tbe Dimeters ifasU ilvt notice of tho sohscriptlcn of two
mUltonsbfoepite!, se vrovided In Article 9th. And if the
NOTICE.—The person who took a large yellow
tOvSh drawer from the store under tit. Andrew’s Hall.
New Orleans
North Carolina
Total increase to date
Albany Railroad charter, sought a provisional organization
*■' " ' ‘ Albany Company, and asked that such
ofthe Savannah and , w vw
organization might be made permanent when, and not un
til the Belgian Company should present bonafide subscrip
tions for two millions of dollsra. with .20 per cent, in cast,
paid thoreon. Accordingly there was an organization
of the Savannah and Albany Company, and Dr James P
Screven, of this city, was chosen President thereof. The
precise natnre and history of that organization you will
And in the printed pamphlets accompanying this letter.—
It waa contemplated, as you will aee, that upon tho forth
coming of the two millions from 4 across the water,” the
people here were to subscribe half a million and then that
tbe two and a half millions should build a Roilrotd from Sa
vannah to Albany. These last mentioned proceedings stir
red up those gentlemen who had longed for a rood hence
Southwestwardly towards the Florida line, and In feet, in
spired our people generally with great anxiety to soesuch a
communication established. The City Council of Savannah
desiring to invito the two millions of foreign capital to Geor
gia. passed a resolution to put down the whole of the flva
hundred thousand dollars acquired under the arrangement
to which 1 have adverted, coupled with a proviso that their
constituents shoull, in public town meeting, first, giro
theic sanction, and council further provided for a survey.—
A public meeting followed. By the time of its assemblage,
it was quite evident that the two million from abroad
would not be subscribed except upon terms considered so
anreastnable os not to be entertained even for a moment.
Our citizens could not bear to be baffled ; they saw publica
tions and statements, scattered about, ofthe powers aud
resources of tbe Brunswick Companies, and many of them
were led to believe that there would, in brief space, be a
railroad from Brunswick to Thomasvllle and Albany, and a
Canal from Turtle River to the Alatamaha, and that Bruns
wick, thereby might be the means of drawing off the people
ofthe South-west from this seaport. They determined to
provide one million of dollars to bnlld a railroad from this
oity to the Alatamaha River, whleh might be continued to
Albany, If funds for that parpoeo were provided, and to be
carried, certainly on a direct line towards the juncture of
the nint and Cbattaboocheo Rivers, on the way to Pensaco
la. The report of the proceedings of the Town meeting you
will find ia a number ofthe Savannah Republican which I
now tend. Our people have. In my opinion, determined
resolutely that one million be expended ss stated above,
and they have also determined (so for as 1 have been able,
to gather their views) that the line shall, with their funds,
be extended in a direct ooune towards the junction wift '*
view to Pensacola. I venture, in this connection, to nay
that they will agree to carry the work to yoar border In
Thomas County, to be run thence to Tallahassee or Its vi
cinity. The lubecription already up to 9000,000 is now go
ing on, and will soon reach the million.
1 have said that many of our dtisens were led to believe
that the Brunswick rood would bo ballt; That opinion was
not general at any period, and I hasard nothing In saying
that now there are very few, if any, who believe It. The
opinion of well informed persons hare bos been mod* up af
ter maturely considering the manner of tbe re-organise (tons
of the Brunswick Companies, the statements whioh have
been put forth, and ooatrastiof what has actually been
done with the representations of pragma. Because this
'opinion has been freely expressed hero; the people of Savan
nah, I regret to say, have been placed by some of their fol-
during the time of the assignee’s sale of clothing, will
please return the same to
vaxxaii. May 25, 1853 —This Company will, in
case of low river or other warrantable circum**ances, dis
continue boating for the summer. All goods consigned to
it will, however, be forwarded by other conveyances.
may20 GEORGE H. JOHNSTON. President.
tfrOSa Fellow Cittoknh : I take this method of announc
ing to you that I am a candidate for the Houso ol Represen
tatives, and if I am deemed worthy to represent you in that
branch of the Legislature, will advocate the passage of the
following laws, vis: An act to aid the Savannah and Alba
ny Railroad, provided the road Is continued within tlie State
as far as Albany or Thomasville. An net to revise tlie Ml
litia Ijiws of this State An act to repeal or revise the laws
regulnting the sale of spirituous liquors. An act to change
the boundary between the counties of McIntosh and Liberty,
a* to include in tho county of Liberty several person* who
wish to be added to It. provided the sum nf three hundred
dollars bo first paid into the treasury of the county of Mc
Intosh, said sum to be added to the poor school fund of
said county. An act to establish a State printing office.
Yours, respectfully. T. \\\ BAKER.
South Newtort, May 24,1853. may20
MEDICAL CARD —Dr. C. H. WntH.-Office 143
Droughton-strect,near Barnard—Residence cor
ner of State and Montgomery-streets.
Bf DOCTOR WILDMAN having settled permanent-
ly in Savannah, respectfully offers to its citizens
ly in Savannah, respectfully offers to’its citizens
his services In the practice of Medicine and Surgery.
Keflldence and Office, No. 20 Abercorn, orner of South
Droad-atreet. Hours of consultation, frtm 8 till 10. A. M.,
and from 3 till 6. P. M. nolO
Tho Southern Banner, published In Athens, Ga., is .widely
circulated in the upper part of the State. Those wishing
to extend their business operations, will find it a good ad
vertising medium. Address *
may21 JAMES A. SLEDGE. Athens, Ga
Macon, May 14th, 1853. J
On and after Monday, the lfitb instant, the trains on the
South-western and Muscogee Railroads, will run through
uninterruptedly between Macon and Columbus, leaving
Macon at half-past 6, A. M.. and arriving at Columbus at
ten minutes past 2 o’clock, P. M. Leaving Columbus at 8,
A. M.. and arriving at Macon at half-past 3 o’clock, P. M.
m!5 GEORGE W, ADAMS, Superintendent.
M OUSSES.—300 hhds and 21 tes prime Cuba Molasses,
just received from Matanzas per brig Delmont Locke,
for sale by may27 PADELFORD, FAY fr CO.
JgRICK.—50,000 first quality DeUgle’a AugusU Brick
landing and for sale at the Steamboat Company or Geor
gia’s yard. may27—9 Q. H, JOHNSTON, President.
F LOUR.—76 bbls Baltimore Flour, a superior brand land
ing per schr John W. Anderson, and tor sale by
i 1 tnrper i
I MELTON’S RUM.—60 bbls L Felton’s Rum, landing per
1 brig Northman, for sale by
•ROASTED ANI> GROUND COF’FKE,—30 boxes, a prime ar
» tide, for sale by
N OTICE.—The co-parenerahlp heretofore existing i
the firm of Hull fr Kura, u this day dissolved bj
tual consent. JOHN H. HULL,
may 26—3
iy rau-
L EGHORN and PANAMA HATH-Just received, an as
sortment of various qualities, which will be sold cheap
at 147 Bay-st. may2fl PRICE fr VKADKR.
F ISiHNG AND JOCKEY CAPa-Recelved by lat* arri
vals, anew anprly. Those In want will please call at
14T Bsy-et mqy2fi PRICK fr VKADKR:
XTI^BCE fr RODGERS offer tat sole 100 boles Gunny
A Ctoth, 760 Colls Kentucky Rope, 6/J00 lb#. Twin*.
Stock of Cotton In the Interior Towns,
| 1853. | 1862-
Angusta anil Hamburg, April 1
Macon. (Georgia.) April 1
Clumbus, •* April 1
Griffin,.,,, “ August 1
Oglethorpe. “
Montgomery. (Ala.) April 4....,
Memphis. (Tenn.)
Columbia, (8.C.)
Comparative View of Vcaeele,
Now Orleans. May 13.
Mobllo, May 12
Florida. May 0
Savannah, May 19....
Charleston, May 12....
New York, May 14....
Savannah Imports, May MO.
MATANZAS,'— Brig Delmont Locke—204 lihda. and 2lTcs.
Savannah Rxporto, JIny NO.
NEW YORK.—Schr O J Jones—441 bales Cotton. 200 begs
Rice Flour, 47 baskets Champagne, nnd 16 reams Paper.
Weekly Commercial Review.
Savannah. Mat 27, 1863.
COTTON.—Arrived aince the 19th Instant 1,260 bales JJp-
lands and 32 Sea Islands, of which 2,039 bales were by
Railroad, 200 bales by boats from Augusta, 21 bales by
wagons, and 32 Sea Islands by Southern boats. Geared
daring the same time 1,666 bales Uplands and 29 Sea
Islands, vis :—to New York 1,381 bales Uplands and 29
Sea Island*; to Boston 80 balo* Uplands; to Baltimore
75 balet Uplands, and to Charleston 60 bales Upland*.-
Leaving on band, Includlogjril on shipboard not cleared,
a stock of 23,737 bales Uplands and 33 bales Sea Islands,
against 16,976 bales Uplands and 1,950 bales Sea Islands
at the same time last year.
For some weeks our Cotton market has been unusually
Inactive, tbe dally transactions being on a very limited
scale. This may be accounted for, In part, by the light
stock on sale, and the general decline in our domestio
Advicee from tho interior of this State continue to repre
sent the growing crop as being very unpromising, in conse
quence of continued drought and cold nights. These com
plaints have not been confined to our uwn Stato, but ap
pear to bo general throughout tho Southern country.
On Friday, the first day under review, nothing woa done
in Cotton; on Saturday 167 bales changed hands; on Mon
day 316 bales, without any perceivable change ; Tuesday'
the market opened with a better demand, when 603 balee
were sold at full prices ; Wednesday 2i0 bales were sold
Yesterday, being In receipt of advices from Liverpool, per
Europe, with dates to 14th last, advising sn advance of
Kd., our market opened at an early hour with a good de
mand, and continued quite animated during the buslnesa
hours; the soles footing up 1,253 biles, fully establishing
the annexed
May 27th, 1863. J May 28th, 1862.
Ord. togoodord.. 8*© 0
Low to good mid. 0MOWX Mid .to good mid.. • X©
Liw to good mid. 0M©10X
Middling fair..... 10M®—
Fair tofally fr ir. .11
Mid to good mid.. »X._ ..
UMHHn«r fei|- —©10
Fair tafully bir..lOj<©10X
Tha total elks foe tbo week amount to 2^59 bake, *t the
foUowln* puUouUmB.t JX r lM»t8,«UtlX,17*t
IX, 1U
$4.44©4.60 for State, and $4.02©4.87 X for Genesee ;
Southern Flour ls heavy, with sales of 1760 bbls $4.87X©
$5.25. Wheat is firm, with sales of 6.000 bushels at 118 for
Western whito. and 128 for Genosee white. Corn is easier,
with sale* ot 40.000 bushels at 704 for yolluw. Whisky is
heavy, with sale* nf 600 bbls at 22X for Ohio. Pork—sales
of 450 bbls at $15,75©15,87 for Mess, and $13.50 for Prime.
Beef Is plenty, with sales ol 500 bbls at $12©12^0. Beef
Hams—sales of 70 tea at $14 ; sales of 400 tes Hams at OX.
and Shoulders at 6X. Coffeo—sales of 400 bags at 9X for
Rio. and 11X for Jnvn. Sugar and Mol&sioi are quiet. Ijird
is firm, with sales of 350 bbls and kegs, at 10 iu bbls, and
10X i» kegs.
BALTIMORE, MAY 23, P. M.—FtorR.—Tlie market to
day for Howard Street Flour continues without animation
on tho part of buyers. Wo note sales of 700 bbls choice
brands fresh ground at 14 62X-
Holders of City Mills Flour generally ask $4 76, but os the
tendency is dccidcdlyjdownward, some would probably sell
for less.
Hales of 7000 bbls Susquehanna Flour at $4 62X©4 68X
and 600 bbl extra nt $5 25.
I’novLsio.vN—'Tho provision market is steady, vdth small
sales in tho retail way at previoua quotations. Bacon sides
are inquired for the Southern and Cklilprnia markets.
Whisky—We quote bbls at 22X©234, and hhds at 224.
NEW ORLEANS, MAY 21-Corro.v— 1 Tho fovorablo ad-
vires by the Africa, the steamor of the 7th inst. together
with the letters by the Atlantic and Cambria received hv tho
same mail, brought out buyers who took 4.500 bales at un
changed prices. Tlie purchasers were chiefly on English
account, and consisted of the lower qualities.
Ordinary 7X® 8X|0ood Middling.. ,10X©11
1/iw Middling 9 © 9X Middling Fair.... 11 X©1 IX
Middling 0X©10) 4 '(Fair 12 © —
Stock on hand Sept. 1,1862, 10.009
Arrived since 1.623,640
to day, 341
Ex ported to date
" to-day
1,633,999 rpi
1,463.215 1
Florida, (s.) Woodhull.,1400 N. Y 1*adelford.Fsylfo
Chaos, Dunton, 771 Havre..Waih - be.ffilW£i
Flight, Luther 386 N. Y....Rrigbm Kelly to
Saranac, Cole 244 walt’g C-oh*nkFi44
Rhodes. Ross 479 I.'pool H K Wukta
Br. Commerce. Bevan... .505 L'pool JPGws
Adelaide, Cooper 395 Bangor ETMt
D Locke. Pnrk 000 dl*c’.g.. .radriforify to
Georgians, Gilchrist 173 Boston..Brigbim.Kelfjto
Northman. Farrar 000 dlsc’g..Brigh»m. Keliyto
R M Charlton, Lightburn.147 W Qautid.ii
Marcia. Allen 187 Bath W (M*e
Metallak. Alley 000 N-Outle,Me ffCnk*
Tangent. Reed. 176 N-Caatle Me WWW
Australia, Nelty 000 N-Castlo, Me WCnMm
J W Anderson.Watson disc'g...Brighun.K(D;t6
Enchantress, Tyler X.York.. .Willis k Brni#
L Dupont Corson Phlla Wiilii k Br«»k(
Cataract Rice N-York...Wiilii * BnnAf
Raven. Ross Portland, Me.CohenfcFMfid
Kljivnh, .Small Boston Banker 4 0|k
Wm Hone, Bolles disc'g IloaskCotej
Virginia. Axworthy disc’g IIK ffashkan
Lady of the Ocean, Lewis.... Rocklaiti W Osbfrw
Racer, Johnson N. Y.... F.W Bake
The Friends and Acquaintances of ADRAM snCUJll
and of his brothers, Grorgb and Tuonan, art rw;*<tfi5
Invited to attend the Funeral of the former, from bli In
residence, corner of Drayton and Hryan-stree^TbiiAtle
noon, at 6 o’clock. n
DIED. In thla city, on the 23d inst, MARIA 1. W.ITEJ,
aged fourteen years and three months, only diaftia
William and Mart Waters, of this place.
.teemed iwr
Xi. Florlda.a new supply of those elegant buck to4fk
Application Mantillas, for sale by
jjOfijERY, frc.
-Whitenud bluo crape del'sris.tlMi
whito Tarlton, black and figured lace, whileu4W
Silk Fringe, ladies’ Hose, worsted net Gloves, do Jdtri
IJslo do, fine black Barege. Mourning Alualina. Ice., jc4S
ceived liy steamer, nnd for sale by
mar26 IuROCHE k BOfftt
M ANTILLAS.—Received per steamer W
Applique Iaco Mantillas, newest design, while Bis#
'. Collar*
N. W. Collars and Edgings. Ribbons. Hoderv. (Jloves. k
may26 DsWITT fr MOROAJ
Jack Foulard Silk, blade English Veil Crape, tiunbrici
French Muslins, for salo by
may20 AIKIN * BURtt
J£IBBEF: & RODGERS offer for sale. Uie follovlDiCo
cheap: 250 barrels Crashed nnd Clarified Supn;
hhds. N. 0. and Muscovado do; 25 do I’orto Rico do; n
Cuba Molasses; 160 bbls. N. O. awl Sugsr houie fyn
400 bags Rio and Laguayra Coffee ; ftOdoO.G.Jsu*’; 1
boxes Tobacco, all branda: 50 hhds. Bacon Sides; »
Hams and Hhouldera; 76 barrles Lard, prime artick; 1
boxes Soap, all kinds: 200 do .Sperm and AdsmuliwO
dies: I/nil on Syrup, Raisins, Figs, Null, Candles, epte
frc., frc. nuyN
C IGARS AND TOBACCO.—100 packages, from teryjrt
to very good; 100.000 Ggars. from »ery poor w"
good; Jars Snuff. Cut Tobacco, Smoking do. In pr* 1
ty. for sale by may26 KIH1IKK
to 80 lb. packace*; Ginger. Pepper. Hove*, holm'
Mace. Allspice, Cassia. Almonds, Itaisins, Fig*- fr® 0 *'
Prunes, frc., frc.. for sale by
maj2fl KlBREKOfll^
CLASPS—Just received *0^**^^
Stock on hand and on shipboard not cleared 164,946
8ucur and Molahbis—Sales confined to small lota. Includ
ing 100 bbls rebolledof the Orleans Refinery at 22X4.
FYofr—Market very dull Sales confined to 400
Ohio in lots at 14 15 and 100 bbls St. Louts at 94 26.
Waeat— 12 to 1600 bushels prime sold at 88Xi »nd 260
sacks at 864 per bushel.
Corx—Sales 1200 sacks inferior at 43; 260 rejected at 46,
and 120 prime white at 6I4.
' Oats—Sales 3.000 sacks, of which 686 Wabash at 86, 711
St. Louis at 37.260 at 37 X- >od 986 at 384.
Bran—167 sacks sold at904.
WmsKY—Rectified retailing at 19©19X<t.
Pork—86 bbls Mess were sold at 916 and 100 in two lots
at $15 25. Mesa retailing at $16 37X©816 60
Bal-on—Sales 28 caske prime Sides in 2 lota at 7X4. 20
in 2 lets at 7 X: 10 casks prime Shoulders at 6, and 20 tee
plain Hams at 8X4.
Tallow—60 bbls city rendered sold at 84.
Candles—100 boxes Star sold at 224.
Hay—231 bale* prime Western sold at $16.60 * ton.
Corns—100 bags Rio told at 8X, and 100 at 94.
F'KnnuTS—A ship taken for Antwerp at 40s. * hhd. to
bacco, and a ship for Liverpool at7-16d. for cotton and 37s.
Od. * > hd. tobacco
FhccHANO®—Demand moderate.
Iondon 8X©®X * 4 pretn.
Francs 6f.l6©6.20
New York Sixty-day Bill* 1 X©1 X * 4 disc.
Sight Giecks on Now York par©X * 4 pram.
1 runuiAai.iu *ir uimi - -.y
fast colored Printed Lawns, Jaconet, Batu'e
Una, all at 12X4-
3 cases assorted Ginghams, new styles. J 2 />e-
1 do (a great bargain.) Ladies’ Iineo Cambn
kerchiefs, at 12X4.
We have much pleasure Iu directing partlcuwsu”.
to the arrival by tbe ateamship Florida of the shot* P*
and can. with perfect confidence, recommend then “
cheapest goods ever offered for sale In 8ar»nwm
may26 178 Brongbton-st., opposite St. Andrew
QHALLYS. Barege Delaine, Satin PUidj. BAre^ p’^J
V3 Printed Grenadine Silks, Dtmss de \ enlee Suin'"*
g* llni stuped black Barege. Monttferj
i. In every variety and style, Juit
MAY 26.- 350 bale* Colton and Merchandise, to Welle fr
Durr, Wm Duncan, T 8 Wayne, Morse fr Nichols, Podelford,
Fay fr Co, Charleston Steamboat Co.
Pec schr John W Anderson, from Baltimore—T S Wayne,
Fort fr Dunham, J P Collins, O Hartridge, H J Gilbert, N
Stripling. G Owens, Brigham, KeUy fr Co, Bunker fr Ogden,
Cohen fr Tarver, 8wift fr Co, Wells fr Durr, Cloghorn fr Co,
R H*b«r*ham k Son, O H Johnston. A Borehert. J March!-
??"• ^HMay fr Co, AgtG* Steamboat Co, M A Cbben. T R
Mills. McMahon fcDpyk,RM McIntire,WfrR Vein tire, A
A Solomons. J A Staley, A F Mira, and A Fawcett fr Co.
Per schr Vlrrinlo. from New York-J Sichel, T R Milk, W
Warner, IW Morrell k Oo, J 0 Thornton. M A Cohen. H K
Washburn. J Ryan. Hon* Is Canary, E B Bartow, 81 Mur-
pby.Ooheiufr Herts, TWOoekery, JW Oerter .JO F’alti-
t“y HHoore fr Q», Scranton, Johnson fr Oo.J V Conner-
« £ P 0 ’ i A Schaffer, Johnson fr Co, Brigham. Kelly fr Co, O
H Johnston, TB Wayne, and othera
marine intelligence.
tout or 8tYAroaH...;......-.........,.ittTB. mi
^ Delmont Lr L_
Black Grenadine Satin,
reges. and Tissue, in every
aud open, and for sale by
who AIKEN k
D R. B. O. DOYLE is happy in being able to annoww
tho public, that tho above deservedly i^P u “ . ^
liibment, so long aud successfully conducted by ur. • ^
ton Cuyle. Is now ready for the recepUoo oT p*h«* ^
chronic affections of the human organism trrel« r" ^
entitle principle*. Tlie facilities which this iwH>
fora for the successful prosecution of a itrietl/
thicaud Hygienic courso of treatment.
easiness or access from all point* In G* 0 ^,*^
rounding States, renders U peculiarly adapted to
of Invalids seeking a restoration to health.
The purity of the water and accommodations
are too well known to require comment.
Paticut* writing for Instructions to
ment, should gtoe a full and correct history
progress, present symptom* and mode of |»
maladies up to the timo of writing. The m«ij*
duces me to treat patients by corespemoeoe^j*.
those who, in consequence of a want of
ry means, or from press of bualneas, ‘JvV. tb*
Institution to be treated may not be deprived 0 * ^
Inge which the Water Care is da'ly dUpeoring W^j^t
ed of the human race. All «uch cotnmunIaik»** ^
with prompt attention on the receipt of 8U>
and $6 for each succeeding prescription
Patients will be required to famish tWrov» (( *|,
Three will constat of friction aheela, compv‘»'*J (|l i*
and blankets for sudorific purposes: oU of*
purchased hereon the most reasonableitems,
Terms.—Professional attention, uee of baths-
ww*. payable monthly; board $20 per
boarded and treated for $10 per week.
Millxdgsyillx, Ga., April 7,1853.
A CARD.—I most cordially recommend
to the friends of Hydropathy,asm
ter Cure Physician. Ho studied the Hydro
tom of healing at my lneUtution. and has hAdW"^
to qualify himself for the eaeredduties of btie»m“K (
foil to tho tot of bnt fow. Itio, therefore, *£^5
fog *n# to recommend Dr. Dorm tothosa awe**"^
ore forced to resort to tbo Water (Mr* to ***£fj5
from disease, aa being not only a ekdfolph/* 01 ^
«*” Ura " 3
BoacFtw, AU., *t*a W*!