The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 18??-1856, May 27, 1853, Image 3
\ /[fry!**-* ’ - • Daoon Bides loOenaldo if Am , Sg®8«W* j “'.t'/pAtiWWiM. » « *> «*“* a » |jjs®sa»bsr iVlt- 8 mi wliro'urtimMt permanent homo may; !* w “’^4f , Si'' ?. """J^HoftwjW * kikkW BAHn 0 application at ihUoflfoo, < _., _ __ . jU-bodladnstro man af*To I Ut» application *i mu onfoo, ■ i an, w . 0 Amm, kahna a, dpnbah i p^o nta afCd ; G. W, OABMAMYA CO, SanawwaA, Georgia, TxTANTKD—100,000 pound* QeorvU ralaid Wool. Gash W , paid on delivery- Jm81 KIBBKS k RODGERS. WANTED to RENT—a small. comfortable houae In USl* central part of tho city, rent moderate. Apply at Hitbts office. “*• « FOR RENT,—the afore In Wintaker »treet now ocou- plod by the aubeorlbera aa a wholesale atore, of which possession can be had Immediately. Alao, will be rented about the drat air April next, their re* tall store, corner of Whitaker and Congress atreeta. For further partlculara apply to M. PRENDKRGAST k Co. foblC on the premises. p. n. bun. John roenm. BH1IN A FOSTER, FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCIIAN1S, fijHKMadA) Ga. P. H. Bun, of Savannah. John Foote*, from Hancock Co. BfcSjBBiBi^Biiovni; stahuh, Ao Pf«* U.cJ.r.1, ^BiWbblaNo.l do do yH 10 half bbla No.l do * $ bbla augat,°aod»r, and butter Blaculta, 25 boxea sod* Bisoulta, 50 do Buchan’a Family 8oap, “ to &!£“'• *oJ B«d.U’. P«rt SUtth, _ 60 do Ilerrlnga, I landing and for aaleby BCRAim) ^ jonNSTON fc CO. 1^-—-—GiiocKmE§r*c. “ CorrpS-lW bags prime lUo, 75 do Jamaica, 00 u.t urf,«efunu- „ p.vnijs AND 8TARcn—50 boxea No. 1 and Family I 80 ^’ rt Ktedo.tO whole and half boxea 8Urch,75 do laSS ffiK d. Sperm, a d. SUr, 160 do hto. ^rwelrod .nd for e.1. by MCMAHON k DOYI.R E FOR RENT—The dwelling, No. 153 Bryan-atreet, be* tween Montgomery and Jefferson atreeta. The houae la In good order, having recently undergone a thorough npolr. PouM.lono.nb.ludlmmjlUt.^A^l^ Broughton street, oppoalte Bt. Andrew 1 * Hall. mh5 * I apl25 , mniVAIi OF NEW HUMMER GOODS. ^PKENDEROAST & CO. have this day received per , Itcamer State of Georgia, an excellent aaaortment of nr fcihlonablo and cheep good, comprlaing iriilte and colored French linen drill*. .. . . I peat variety of light material* for gentlemen’* and glSL. flgurtd ood printed Grenadine., t2“o“d« r mdo«Silk.,ladle.needlo work collar,. 17° W ’and’iil'tlonch! Englilli and American Prlnta, Ifbeimtlful aasorTmeot^of cambric aod SwUa edgingaand -jetting*. Jrbeywill ben paring the month. ' w’aHall. R TO Ii!T—Until the 15th or September, a Store, ■uttable for atoringgraln,cotton, Ac. Will be rent* ed low If applied for Immediately. Apply to 1—10 CRUDER fc WADE, 84 Bay-at. TO RENT—A comfortable two atory wooden I Dwelling on Abercorn*atreet. near the Maraliall LHouae, from lat July to lat October. Terroa low. to may20 K1BBEB & RODGERS. TO RENT—A l&use at the oorner of Hull-street | and Orleana square, pleasantly altuated—good wa* Iter, out building* complete, and In a good nolghbor- huuu, with or without standing furniture, from lit Mar till lat November. Inquire at the Courier office. mh20 JjlOR SALE—A trusty and capable negro woman with her three children. Apply at this office. apUO T^OR SALE—Adeatreahlereildence on a trust lot, in fee J/ simple, near the business portion of the city Alao, trust lota Nos. 35 and 20 Monterey ward, and fronting the square. Apply to may4 WY1J.Y & MONTMOLL1N. square. tpOR SALE—Two hundred and two and a half (202}*) JD acres of land, situated on Reody Creek, In Wilklnaon county. Apply to »pV28 WYLLY k MONTMOIJJN. F iR SALE—A very Intelligent mulatto man, a good cook and houae servant. Apply to >p!28 • ■ WYLLX k MQNTMQLLIN. F fiR 3A1J5—Throe very llkily young 'negro Wen, good axemen and Held hands. Apply to » P 128 WYLLY fc MONTMOLIJN. F IR SAI.E—Three very likely Gtrla, aged 14. 16 and 10 year*. Also, a young negro woman, and her child aged 2 years. Apply to rah.O WYLLY k MONTMOl.I.IN F OR SALE—Eleven likely Negroes, accuatomed to the culture or rice. They will be sold together, low for cash or approved paper. Appier to mh29 YLLY k MONTMOLI.TN. CARPETS PRESERVED. T HOSE families desirous of having their Carpota taken up, and packed for preservation during tho summer, can have the same attended to by my Upholsterers who have full experience, having devoted several years to It In New Orleans. Carpets will bo packed and stored until families may wish them relayed. Bond yo"r orders to WM. II. GUION, Agent. 128 Carpet Warehouse, 140 Congress-at. iVWlTT * MORGAN have In store, to which they are sibling weekly by the steamer*, a large and elegant k of Fancy and Staple Goods, which they are selling at Wot prices, consisting In part of the Hillowlng : • — - — Linen and Cotton Shootings I’lllowcaso Linens Irish do Long Lawns Flirds-cye Diapers Huckabucks Towels and Diaper Linen Damask Damask’Napkins Dleached and Brown Muslins Furniture Trimmings Pavilion Lace and Net Umbrellas and Parasols Swiss, Jaconet and l’lald Mas- 11 ns jointed Bareges I Do. Tissue* I Do. Grenadines B»r«e de I^ino rioted Muslin* rfrtndles and Cambrics Jcotch and French Ginghams laces. Ribbon*, Ac. jidlei and Gents. Kid, Silk [and U*le Gloves Lair, and and MUsca Net I Cloves and Mits lamlmeres and Vesting* White and col'd linen Drills lloornlng Goods of all de- f And other styles of plnntat |nj, CongTcss-strect. Georgia Oanaburgs ■'"iroods. Ribero’s newbulld- 8 nih25 TKitiHW & VERSTI1.LE are now opening a IJnoiy as- L sorted nod complete stock of Bummer and other Dry odi which they will offer upon tho most accommodating As great care has been exercise.! in the selection or ■heir clock, with a view both (o price and quality, they con- Kdentlv Invite their friends and the public generally to call Bnd examine for themselves. a P 15 f\RF?S GOODS.—Received per steamship Alabama—Uv- 1) ender. brown ami black barnge. satin stripe printed do, kail figured do for childrens wear. Swiss embroided cliem- Cettsand undersleeves. Swhs embroidered and cambric Ends, ladles’ sewing silk net mits and glove, striped silks, F 4 .,,.n6 5 ar,dn.«.Un.,r„„l.ljy iiocIra ■TEW GOODS.—Received per steamer, Paris Bareges, Tls- V Hues and Barege do Lainea. French Cambrics and Jac- ■nets, English and American Prlnta, Sheeting Calicos and Binghams, l’lavd India and Glace Silks, new stylo N. W. Col- trs, CUeml&eUes and Sleeves, Parasols and Umbrellas, Ho- Ilery. Ildkfa., Gloves, Ribbons, &c. f febll DkIVITT k MORGAN TUST RECEIVED.—Wo have just received, a fresh sup JJ ply of ladles’ merino, gauxe, silk and cotton Vest*. Illsscs and Infant’s merino vest*, gents silk, merino, game and cotton vesta: also, a fino assortment of linen cambric handkerchief*, ladles’ and misses’ white and brown cotton We. white and black silk do, gents white, brown and mix- Whalf hose, gents white nnd black silk do do, together Irlth a large assortment of white and colored linen cam brie handkerchiefs, colored and black silk cravats, Stocks And ties, for sale low by 1 m h2fi AIKIN k DURN3, nHAWLS. Ac.—Super, nnd common crape shawls plain Jj and embroidered, vandyko collars beautitul goods, as- ported parasols, plain, striped and checked glace silks, sum- Bnerdo, bareges, tissues and grenedlnes, colored and white Kacnnct and organdy muslins, a largo assortment of Irish linens, French printed cambrics. M. PRENDERGAST k CO., [ apt! 178 Broughton atreet, S PRING AND SUMMER SILKS—A new assortment of xtripes and plaid, new pattern gingham, bareges and ■lime*, ladles’ colored and black umbrellas and parnsols, lillk gimp to suit all shades of silks and bareges, black net ■mantillas, shawls, points and scarfs, white and black sew- ling silk scarfs, white lace nnd colored silk mantillas, white land colored crape shawls, black swan silks, black bareges |ind tissues, black nnd lead French ginghams, for salo by ■1 a,,113 AIKIN & BURNES. 1F.CL1VED PER STEAMER—Plain bareges, bonnet rib- V bon*. Scotch ginghams, black net mits and gloves, la- colored silk gloves, damask linen napkins and doyles. prdi-eye dlsper. long lawns, linen cambric hdkfs., &c., for lale at'tbe lowest prices by ripiM Dewitt & Morgan. r ADDS’ DRESS GOODS.—Printed organdies, grenadines. J bareges, jaconets, lawns, tissues, glace silks, gro de iris, French cambrics, India silks, figured and dootted Iwlss mull, nansnuk and cambric muslins, silk and linen lustres, ke., fur sale at tho lowest price by Tapl22 DkWITT k MORGAN. PARTICULAR NOTICE. BELDEN k CO.. Savannah, corner of Broughton awl Baniard-ttrecti fR To I’UMXlia, SlERCHANTS AND OTHKIia VISITINO^g JI^Savannaii to lay in Tiunn buppuim.—Tlie under-(g signed would call particular attention to their exten sive wholesale and retail UAT AND CAP ESTABLISHMENT. Our goods are mostly of our own manufacture, and can therefore bo sold cheaper, because they aro not burthened with jobber's profits, whllo for quality and stylo they will compare with anything In the market. Having permanently loentod In Savannah, we are deter mined to secure patronngo by selling good bargains, dealing fairly with all men. and cross-llftlng with none. We aro In loaguo with no 8hoe, Clothing or otlierestabllshment, eith er for mutual benefit, or for tho purpose of keoplng custom ers away from those houses where thoy can buy cheapest. We expect every customer to Judge for himself, and If we canuot suit him, will take pleasure in referring him to oth- ra who can. BELDEN & CO , jan27 Cr. Broughton and Bamard-st. FISK’S METAIjIC BURIAL CASE. ■.yllV 1VE are constantly receiving these valuabb S^jgJCnse*. and have them alwnya in readiness to bv delivered at the shortest notice. I. W. MORRELL k CO N. B.—IVe nro permitted to Inform the public that w<> havo recelvod from Mr. Raymond, of Now York city, a let ter signed by tho different members of the United State Senate, who were appointed to take charge of the body 1 the Hon. Hknky Clay, deceased, (which was enclosed in on- of Fisk’s Jletallc Cases.) and who went with It to Kentucky • they say to Mr. Raymond, that the Case answered the pur pose for which It was Inte nded, and meets with their appro bation, and they cheerfully recommend It to the public n being superior to any other Case for the transportation 1 the dead. The letter can be seen by calling on febl4 • I. W. MORRELL k CO OOTTON FACTORS, . . TOWARD 0. WAD*. CRUDER & WADE, FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 84 Bay-UrtH, Savannah. T. X. DUNHAM. ' FORT & DUNHAM, FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, iShnannaA, Oq. JOHN T. ROWLAND. JOHN T. ROWLAND, JR, ROWLAND it CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 172 Bay-tired, Savannah. H. K. WASHBURN, Aq’t., SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, SAVANNAH, OA. Telegraphed f. WILLIAM P. YONGE, FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 84 Bay-ttrtd, Savannah. O’lIEAH df STONEY, • FACTONRS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. North Commercial Wharf, Charleston, South Carolina, LATX ON THE FIRM UK LWIAIIR, O’HKAR A CO BANCROFT & BRYAN, GENERAL AGENTS AND BROKERS, For the PurehaM and Salo or Stocks, Bonds, Exchange and Real Estate,117 Bay-atreot, Savannah. Jan24 WILLIAM H. DASHER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSEUAIR AT LAW, TroupviUe, Lnumtlet county, Ga. Will practise in Thomas. Lowndes. Clinch, Ware, Appling, Telralr. Irwin. Laurens, and Pulaski counties. Georgia; and In Jefferson, Madison, Hamilton, and Columbia coun- tles, Florida. fob23 WM. F. WILLIAMS. THADDM'N OLIVER. JACK nROWN. WILLIAMS, OLIVER & BROWN, , ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Buena Vista. Marion County. Ga., Will practise in the counties of Marlon, Macon,'Houston, Stewart, Randolph, Muscogee,, and any adjoining counties whore tholr services may bo required. jau2U JAMES O. A. CLARK. ATrORNEY AT LAW, Office—175 Bay-street, Savannah, Georgia. New Orleans Market. Nuw Ohlhanb, Muy 25. ' The Cotton brIcn ap to noon tortlijr have reacbod 10,000 bales, at'very fnli priM*. Middling la quoted at 10 to 1040. The market la briak. Cherlaaton Cotton Market. OnARLtrroN, May 30, P. M. The sales of tho weolc hdvo been 0,643 bales, the market closing to-day at figures ranging from 7 to 11c. Good middling is quoted at 10J a 10[, middling fair 10|, with an advancing tendency. The receipts for the week have been 3,110 bales, against 8,006 for tho corresponding week of last year. Tho stock re* malnlng on hand, exclusive of tUaton shipboard, is 39,300 bales. The advance in tho market at the close or theweek has been fully a half cent. 'The receipts at all tho Southern porta over sarao timo lost year, are 250,700 bales. Tbe Eoropa—The Fisheries. Boston, May 26. The Europa is below, detained by tho fog. Tho British ships Cumberland and Devastation ivo been ordered to Halifax to protect tho fishing interests. New York Market. New Yore, May 20—P.M. The sdleB to-day have been unprecedented, having renched 12,000 bales, at an advance of an eighth of a cent. ' The Gardiner Case. , Washington, May 26. TI10 jury have not agreed, and ask to be discharged, but tho Court refuses to comply. Now Orleans Markets. New Ohleanb, May 20. The sales to-dny havo reached 12,000 bales at fu'l prices, mostly on English accout.' The receipts to day have been GOO bales,exports 2,100- Freights are firm—Liverpool id.; Havre lc. ... u 28th . -A. A. M.—Ths splendid atesmahlp FLOR. t R Woodhull, will leave her wharf as shots. , ,1 7AY.00. sea stMmahlp.WflUam Rollins, commandtr, leaves Sevan* nah for Havana, via Key West, oh the litb and 80th of eaeh month, and leave* Havana for Ravannah. via Key West, on the 8th and 32d of each month, For^MMj^ HET1IKL, TURTLE AND BATILLA RIVERS.—The achr. JAMES k AUGUSTUS, Capt. MorrU. la ready to recol vo freight for the abovo place*. Ap- ply on board at Lower IUce Mill, or to may36—3 FORT k DUNHAM. WAI.TER S. NOTT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 99 Bay-street, SutxfmuiA, Georgia. BIcqUEEN McINTOSIl, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jacksonville, Fla. JULIAN HARTRIDGE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ce, comer of Whiltilcer-st. awl Bay-lane, Savannah. GEORGE TROUP HOWARD. ATTORNEY AT LAW. 1, comer of Whitaker-st. and Bay-lane. Savannah, Ga. THOMAS T. LONG, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR GENERAL E. D1ST. Office, comer Bay awl Bamard-strects. Samnnah. JOHN G. FALLIGANT, WnOLRSALR AND RETAIL DKALKR IN WINDOW BUNDS. WINDOW SASH AND PANEL DOORS. WestSide ifimamentSquare, Savannah. Ga. NEW YORK—Union Llne-The regular aa Packet ichr. ENCHANTRESS, Tyler, muster, will ,ve quick dispatch for the above port. For freight or pas. ge, apply to may24 lVlLLiS k BRUNDAQE. LIVERPOOL^-The bark RHODES, Gapt. E. |3UL”o*s. w bl meet with dispatch for tho above. For rolght or passage, apply to m*yl9 H. K. WASHBURN, Agent.. JEM PHILADELPHIA OR NEW YORK. fg&NEW LINE.—The regular packet achr. GEORGE J. ONES, Capt. Look, will meet with dispatch for either of the above porte. For freight or passage apply to captain on board, or to may!9 H. K. WASHBURN, Agent. S NEW YORK—Old Established Line. Tho fine clipper packet bark FLIGHT, J. II. Luther, 1 will meet with despatch ns abovo. For freight or pnssago having good accommodations, apply onboard at Telfair* wharf or to UIUGIIAM, KELLY k CO. Mayl7. BROWN & HARRIS, BOARDING, LIVERY AND SALES STABLE WIST IIKOAD STRUCT. SAVANNAH. OA. DYING AND RENOVATING. 73 York-st., rear of the Court House. Savannah, Ga. Established In 18314. L ADIES’ Silk and Woollen Dresses. Slmwls, Table Cover kc.. cleaned and dyed various colors, Ladies’ Bonnet 1 Bleached and Pressed in a fasliionablo style. Kid Glove- Cleaned,and Gentlemen’s Garments Cleaned, Renovated 01 maybe required. Alldonoln the samestyle wide* has generally so much pleased my patrons and friends.-^ Terms moderate. Persons sending parcels by Harndeu’s express, rnilroa, or steamboats, are requested to write me per mali, so that I may know where to call for them nnd which wny to send them back. Cost of freight each wny for small parcels will bo about 25 cents. All orders punctually attended to. apll2—tuf<>4 ALEXANDER GALLOWAY. PROPOSALS FOR TIMBER. P ROPOSALS are requested for tlio delivery nt Reedy Island. Dolawnre River, for tho construction of an Ico Harbor by the United States, of from 500 to 1000 sticks or best Carolina or Georgia Yellow Pine Timber, not bled, sound and straight, sixty feet long each, to square twelve inches free of sap fifteen feot from the butt, and to hold ten inches dlamoter at point; to bo delivered as may bo required, between the first of Juno nnd last of September next. Address Brevet Major JOHN SANDERS. may2—lm Delaware City, Delaware. NEW BOOKS. A REVIEW of tho Spiritual Manifestations, read before XJL the Congregational Association of N. York and Brook lyn. by Kev Charles Beecher. a Journal of an African Cruise, comprising sketches of the Canaries, tho Cape de Verde. Liberia. Madeira, Sierra I Al one, nnd other places of Interest on the west coast of Afri ca—by Horatio Bridge, U S Navy ; edited by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Sliver and Pewter, or contrast of New York Life. Memoirs. Journal and Correspondence of Tlioa Moore— edited by the Right Hon. Lord John Russell, M P. Itanium’s Illustrated News, No. 20. Received by may20 J. B. CUBHEDGE. □ PHIS'G SILKS.—A One assortment of striped and plaid J Silks, black summer do, black grenadine silks, a fine as- wtment of new liareges, figured stripes and plaid, plain, flirfl. plsi-Und slrlned tissues, alargeassortmentofla- les'black and colored silk umbrellas and parasols, a largo Jnd floe assortment of all qualities of hosiery, silk and lace %antlllu. white and black net mnntillas, shawls points and icArfi, Swiss nnd lace chemizcts, light kid gloves, lacomlta ftndrloves, for salo by 1 spill AIKIN k BURNS [1ECE1VF.I1 PER FLORIDA—Colored silk mantillas, plain lv glare silks, brown silk parasols, bareges and tissues, potted tnd figured Swiss muslins, black Burner bombosin, Jswni. pillowcase cottnu.gents colored bordered,hdkfs., Ac., ■or ul« at the lowest prices, by §j»pll3 r DkWITT k MORGAN. C HEAP CASH STORE—Corner of Whitakorand Congress streets.—Tho subscribers havo just received per Ala- lbima. a fresh supply of Three-Ply and lufiain Carnets, en Itirelr new patterns. Also, 6-t and 8-4 Floor Oil Cloth, which Will be sold at unusual low prices. 1 0'4 M. PRENDERGAST k CO.- M OIIRN'IKG GOOlW —Ulnck Grenadine, Crape de Paris, Ilareges. Silks. Bombazines, Alpacas, Norwich Cloth* ■wd Poplins, Mourning lawns and French Muslin*. Black ■Crape and lave Veils, Collars, Handkerchiefs, etc., juat re- ■ ctlred and for sale by " - l * DkWITT & MORGAN. C NOTICE. - ITY TREASURER’S OFFICE. Savannah, 13th January, 1853.—Tho subscriber Is now ready to receive Returns ■ »l Property liable to City Taxation. | M3 J. GEORGE. C.T. D lStKlLimON.—The co partnership of Scranton, John ston & Co. is this day dissolved, by the withdrawal of ■ William 11.Scranton. I). T. SCRANTON. jnsylT JOS. JOHNSTON. W. B. SCRANTON. ORDINARY’S OFFICE, CornorofBay and Whltnker-strcet*. Office hour* from 9 A, M.,to 2,1*. M.; and from 3)i, P. M. to (1, I*. M. DANIELL & COOPER," ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELUJIU AT LAW, Atlanta, Georgia. A. SHORT, MASTER BUILDER. Will tako contracts for Building nnd Work In Mnsonry of every description. Residcnco first door west of St. An drew’s Hall, Broughton Street. ROOFING. Tho subscriber Is prepared to lay Tin Roofs on correct prin- ciples.and from sixteen years’ experience, feels assured ho can give satisfaction. Prices very low. Best rerercnco given. J. J. MAURICE. A9*Gutters and Conductors made to order. M. •WIIIT SMITH, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Alligator, East Florida. Will practice In tho Eastern nnd Southern counties. Refer to Col. S. S. Sibley, and U. 11. Hilton. Esq.. Savannah, Ga. .T. W. PATTERSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Fbrsyth, Monroe County, Ga. S. W. BAKER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSEIJJMt AT LAW, Jforticel/n, Jefferson County, Florida. ^Reference—Hon W. U. Fumiski, Savannah. Ga. feb3 th: m. nohwood. c. o7 wilson, NORWOOD & WILSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Savannah. Ga., Will practice in all tho Counties oftho Eastern Circuit. Bu- sines* committed to their care, will recelvo prompt atten tion. Office on Bay street, over Wkjhtku k Pannes’. WILLIAM n. FLKMINM. JOU.V U. UILLXN. FLEMING St M1LLEN. The undersigned having united in the practice of law, will attend punctually tonuy business entrusted to their care. Office corner of Bay aud Whitaker Streets, over Messrs. Swift. Dcnslow k Co's. THOMAS HUGHES HINES, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELI-OU AT LAW, Tmupville, Georgia. Will practise In tho Clrccuit Courts of Tliomns. Lowndes, Clinch, Ware, Appling and Irwin,Georgia ; nnd in the Cir cuit Courts of Jefferson, Madison nnd Hamilton, of the Middle Circuit of Florida, and in Alachua nnd Columbia counties in the Eastern Circuit of Florida Will attend to the claims of ull persons before the Departments nt Wash ington. GEORGE N. NICHOLS, Omen*’ Bulldinp. opptuifo I’utiula House, Having mado largo additions to hi* establishment, continues to do BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, in his usual neat aud handsome style, and ou accommodating terms. I pO-PARTNERSHIP.—Tho uudorslgned having associated I with them Heury 11. Scranton, will continue the Gro- ■ “if business under U10 firm of Scranton, Johnston A Co. D. T. SCRANTON. .«»yl7 JOS. JOHNSTON. p0-PARTNKRSHIP—Th0 undersigned have this dav form- 7 * co partnership for,the transaction of a General snipping and Commission Business, under the firm of Scran- I ‘on a Tsllman. Ofllco, No. 10 Cocntle* Slip, New York. W. B. SCRANTON. n , II II. TALI.MAN. ■ r ^* I ’ r * n w---Shennan k Collins, Ezra Wheeler k Co., I C™ 0 * k Co.. H. D. Pomroy, New York; Webster I * 1 times, Scranton, Johnston A Co, Rowland A Co., 8avan- I 3m—may!7 I \ r( *n‘-' E --'The undersigned wfll continue to carry on the IZ* Lu ® b < r * n d Timber business aa heretofore, under the ■ “me and style of J. Romnrra A Co. „ Ma J- ROBERTS. -. oM ® ROBERT AUSTIN. —^The cn-partnershln heretofore existing be- I J wten I* 1 ® undersigned, under the firm of CiLure A I lln a If 0>,lnl ’J l .* ,, * l ’dissolved by mutual consent. The I *!,°^ l* 10 1*1* 6rra will be settled by H. A. Crane, to I I* er ? 0 n* having claims will please present them, I ^Ti°‘ e . lndebte ' 1 vrlll make payment Either party are ■ aniaorizod to use the name of the late firm In liquidation. *,..0 H - A - CRANE, J?*! 2 T. HOLCOMBE. I und »r*lgn^ having associated I ij. wl ‘h him Mr. John R. Johnson and Mr. James E. Cope, I rfl. Wl, tlnue the wholesale grocery bualnes under the firm I * ‘‘"tooxiit Joibsos A Co. T. nOIAXIMBE. I “' ThB 0rm ° r LaRocnx, Bowks A Co. la I fw—iu .7 nbisolved by mutual consent, to take effect 1»• l*t of January. The Bualness of the firm will be I in.vlr*. I***® ®* I*Roche and Alfred T. Bowne, who ore ■ worized to use the name of the firm In settlement. Isaac d. uroche, ALFRED T. BOWNE, , EDWARD 8. KEMPTON, Jan. 8,1853. RICHARD li. MARSHALL. ■ conUnue tbe bustneu at their old ■ o 8Drm v of Laroche a downe. D. LaRochx. 1 *^>T.Bowhk.; janlO nlffiOLUnoN.—The firm of Kkkro* A Uaumiau was uluolred, by mutual consent, on tfle 16th Instant. EDWARD S. KEMPTON, 0. R. H. MARSIIAT.i. ■ JV^wh, IgthFebniary, 1863, feblS I y nen drilling, colored linen drill and coatings. * nu “ Hoens, white hollands, summer 1 ®^3e attw mreetprlc^b*’ chan,,,r * y, > linen lustres, Ae. I j 1 !!- 1 DlWlTT k MORGAN. 9500 Challenge. HODENSACK’S WOK6I SYRUP. A N articlo founded upon scientific principles.compound ed with purely vegetable substanco*. being perfectly safo when takon, and has never been known to fall In curing tho moat obstinate cases. Worms can never exist when this remedy Is once used, from tho fact that it not only de stroys them but removes all the slime and mucus which may remain. The Tape Worm. This worm Is tho most difficult to destroy of all that In habit the human body. It grows to an almost indefinite length, and becoming so colled and fastened in the In ten ■ tines and stomach as to produce Fits, St. Vitas’ Danco. Ac , which is tho causo of many going to tho grave, not believ ing that theso complaints havo their origin from the tape worm ; consequently they do not use the proper medicines for their disease. To those who are adllcted with this aw ful foe to health, I recommend tho use of my Worm Syrup and Liver Pills; the 8yrup to be taken in closes of two ta ble spoonfuls three times a day, then take from five to eight of my liver pills, to dislodge and pass tho worm. By strictly following these directions, the most obstinate cases of tape worm can be speedily cured. Round or Stomach Worm. This worm is usually found In the small intestines, and is tho worm most common to children, yut it is not entirely confined to them, as adults have frequently been known to suffer with them. The symptoms most nrominent whllo affected with this worm, are hardness and fullness of the belly, slimy Btoola, looseness of the bowels, picking at tho nose, a bluelsh streak umlor tho eyes, Ac. If you.or any ol your children have any of the above symptoms, Hoben- sack’s Worm Syrup can safely be depended upon—by using It you have a certain, safe and speedy cure; and if after using it according to tho directions tho jiatlcnt Is not re stored to health, and tho worms thoroughly eradicated from tho system, you can rest assured there Is no remedy beyond tho grave, as for fail, there is no such word as fail with those who use my Worm Syrup. Aacnrldca, or Small Tlircnd Worms. These worms, to which tho human sytorn Is llabln, aro most troublesome of all others. Thoy aro generally to bo found In the rectum, and If allowed to remnin, from tho Ir ritation thoy produce, lay tho foundation for serious disor ders, such as Inflammation of tho bowels, nnd utlior de rangement* of the stomach. The best and safest medicine that can bo used is Hobensack’s Worm syrup. Such Is the astonishing power of my medicines over Ascaradies. that I defy any ono to produco a case where my Worm Syrup and Liver Pills are recommended to be used they will not cure. All that is necessary la to use the syrup In accord ance with direstions on each bottle; aud In ease a gentle S tive is rcqnired In ordor to allay tho irritation they ce, the Liver Pills, by their sympathising action and healthy operation upon tho bowels. Is the most pleasant medicine that can be taken. IIOBEN8ACK’8~LlVER pills. No part of the system Is more liable to disease than the liver,It being supplied with numerous blood vessels and norves,and if diseased,Ithe blood of course flowing thro’ all parts of the body, produces liver complatota, jaundice, bilious affections, dyspepsia, Ac. Liver Complaint, , Is attended with chills, succeeded,by fever, severe pain in the region of the liver, vomiting bitter tasto, yellow furred tongue, pulse full and bounding, the pain in the side i* in* creased by pressure, should the left lobe be affected, the pain 1* generally In the left shoulder, with a short dry cough, the skin becoming of a sallow appearance, and tho stools clay colored. Tills dlseaso can be cured by the use of Ho- bonsack’s Liver Pills, as they act directly upon the seat of the disease, and then operating upon the bowels thoy ex pel all tho corrupt and vltlatod matter from the system. Dyspepsia. The symptoms of Dyspepsia, and Its various diseases are dizziness in the head, heartburn, oppression after eating meals, sourness arising from the stomach, Ac , and some times general languor of the whole body, from this It will bo seen that tbe disease owes its origin to a disorganized state of the liver and Stomach. Hobensack’s Liver Pills Is the very medicine to effect a permanent nnd lasting cure, aa they act by changing the certain morbid actions of the system into a healthy action, and renderlug the blood pure and healthy. To Females. You will find these Pills an invaluable medicine in many complaint* to which you are subject. In obstruction* either total or partial, they have been round of inestimable bene fit in restoring and purifying the blood and other fluids so as to cure all eomplalnta which may nriso from female Ir regularities. aa headache, dimness of sight, pain In the side, back, Ac. These Pills are the only safe and effectual reme dy to cure the following complaints. Goat, Nervousness, Melancholy, Sick Headache. Giddiness, Rheumatism, dis tressing Dreams, Dimness of Sight, or In fact any of the dis eases that arise from affections of the Llvor, Impurity of tho Blood, or constipation or the Bowell. Medical Evidence. We, the undersigned Physicians, having had the receipt of their manufacture eubmltted to ue for inspection, say, tliat the Ingredients of which they are composed make* tlie.n the best Pill In use for all diseases of the Liver, Im purities of the Blood, Ac. GEORGE WOOD, M. D. F CROWIJ5Y, M D. L. BOWEN, M. D. JOHN H. COCHRANE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Dublin, Lnurons county, Ga., Into junior partner of the firm of A. A J. CocllttASK, Irwinton. Ga.. will attend promptly to all business entrusted to Ids care Partic ular attention paid to collecting. Reference—Dr. C. B Guyton. F. II. Rowr,Dublin,Ga.; SI Marsh,Savannah. may7—dAwly PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Hartford, Conn. The undersigned. Agents ot the above Company are prepared to tako risks against Fihk ou Buildings and their contents. Also Makixk Ska Risks, on the most favorable terms. UIUGIIAM. KELLY A CO.. Agents. EDWARD R. H ARDEN, TRANSPORTATION AGENT, W. A A. RAILROAD, Ringgold. Walker County. Georgia. W ILL attend to the purchasing on commission. Corn. Wheat and Bacon. Tho Ringgold Depot hclng situa ted In a region of country abounding in grain, it can usual ly be purchased upon more favorable terms than nt almost any other point upon the W. A A. Railroad Orders covering the eftsh. with limited or discretionary Instructions, will receive prompt attention. Persons order ing grain will please forward sacks with order. References—Dr. Rlcluird IVayne, Mr. Win. M. Wadly, Sa vannah. may10 llONNETS! BONNETSII dk 60 cases just received at the TRIMMING AND K^GENERAL VARIETY STORE, 139 Brougliton-st.— gu Country Merchants Milliners, nml the public gener ally, aro invited to examino this “lock. It consist* of 50 different styles elaborately trimmed. Parisian, blond, gimp, rich colored silk, satin, crape and other choice and much admired; flats nnd hats, embroidered satin hoods ; a great variety of crape embroidered blond linings. Paris silklaco slmties. extra rich spring bonnet ribbons, straw trimmings, dress do, wlvte ana colored lace, gimps and gal loons, do do silk fringes. mantles, plain bareges, shell and other combs, hair puffs, curls and plaits, ribbon plaits, flowers, feathers amt wreathes, bonnet silks, jet and fancy wristlotts, buttons, steel trimmings, zephyr worsted, braid, fans, with a great variety of other goods usually kept In fancy establishments. Smoking caps, slippers, children’s hablimcnts. such ns robes, sacks marked with new patterns for braidiug. Mrs. Dovlk. assisted by competent miliners from New York, will attend to the trimming department, and will en deavor, with skill and taste. In please all who may favorher with order*. Fancy nnd other bonnets cleansed, blenched and pressed. Pinking done. Five bonnet makers wanted immediately, who must perfectly understand their business. »pl30 ^y. STRAW llONNETS AND HATS cleansed, repair- f~~^Fc.l and pressed In the latest fashion. Three Apprentices and three Bonnet Sewers are wanted immediately, at the Brougliton-street Trimming and General Variety Store decl2 DRY FEET PRESERVES THE HEALTH.—Just received, a few cases water-proof Boots; also, a lot of thick pegged Boots, together with ft fine as- • sortment of Gentlemen’s and l-ndles’ over Shoe*, aorao of a nowand approved style, which will be sold atlriw prices, by R. FLANIGAN A CO., 106 Bryan-street. All In want will please call and judge for themselves. deell DANIEL CROMLAY, FASHIONABLE BOOT MAKER—Comer of Brough Itonand Bull-streets.—The subscriber desires to In ' form the public that he has opened as above, where he is prepared to execute orders for Boots of tbe finest finish and style, and enual. IT not superior to any heretofore offered to the public. Having many friends in this State who havo been his patrons in Charleston, respect fully solicits from them and the public a call and a trial. mhl7 UMBRELLAS. A fresh assortment or both cotton and silk, juctro- , k ceived and for salo low. by jy24 J. H. COHEN k CO,. 140 Broughton-st SANDS’ SARSAPARILLA. I N QUART B0r|LE3— For purllyiug tho blood, nnd for the cure of Scrofula. Rheumatism. Stubborn Ulcers. Dyspepsia. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Erysipelas, Pimples Bile*. Mercurial Diseases, Cutaneous Eruptions, liver Complaint. Bronchitis, Consumption, Female Complaints, Loss of Apctlte, General Debility. Ac. In this preparation we havo nil the roatorativo properties of tho root, concentrated in their utmost strength and effi cacy ; but wliiloSarsaparclla Root forms an important part of its combination, it is, at the same timo. compounded with other vegetable remedies of great power, and It Is in the peculiar combination and scientific manner of Its pre paration, that Its remarknble success In the cure of tils cnao depends. It nets simultaneously upon the stomach, the circulation and tho b wel*; and thus three processes, which are ordinarily tho result of three diflerent kinds of medicine, are carried on at the samo time, through the In strumentality of this one remedial agent, which gently stim ulates whllo it disinfects nnd expels from the stomach nnd bowels nil that Is Irritating, nnd at tho same timo restores tholr vigor nnd tone. Its great merit Is, that It meets and neutralizes tho nctlvc principle of disease Itself, and when that is gono, tho symptoms necessarily dlsnppear; and we linveonly to point to tho accumulated testimony of multi tudes who have experienced its effects, to convince Incredu lity itself of Its real value. the proprietors submit to tbe public the following certi ficate from a highly respectable source, of a cure mado by usiug their preparation of Sarsaparilla : Chatham, Mass.. July 28.1850. Jlessrs. A. B. A D. Sands—Gentlemen: So truly valua ble do I consider your Sarsaparilla, that I feel it to bo my duty to stato for the benefit of others, the cure effected on myself. I’revlous to 1845. I had a disese of the throat, which destroyed tho tonsils. land was then attacked with violent pain In the head. Tills soon resulted in severe In flammation, and immense quantities of blood and matter were discharged. For six weeks the disease continued in tho bend, nnd Ihcn pervaded tbe body generally, attacking all the limbs. I was confined to a sick bod, from which 1 never expected to arise. Many physicians attended me. and the most skilful pronounced me past cure. In short, tonguo cannot express my suffering*; and In thisrondltinn I heard of your Sarsaparilln. purtbased six bottles, nnd re nounced nil other medicines. I did not expect to tako all I bought, so debilitated had my system become. Contrary to all expectation, my health almost immediately begnn to improve I w as able to attend to my domestic duties, and soon could walk out. a thing I onco thought would bo im possible. My gratltudo I cannot express, feeling satisfied that nothing clsi could have relieved me of the misery and suffering 11 lien endured. I most cheerfully recomcnd Sands’ Sarsaparilla to all suffering as I havo done. yours. Rkiieccs Mayo, Knowing the above statement to bo strictly correct, nml being near neighbors to ilrs. Mnyo, wo cheerfully testify to tho same. IVarren Rodgers, Esq. Mrs. Prlsciln I,. Dodge. John IJallett. Mrs. Recccca Smith. ANOTHER REMARKABLE CURE. New Yohk. Jan. 8. I860. Messrs. Snnds—Gentlemen : I have great pleasure In nc- knowledping to you the great benefit 1 hove received from the use of your Sarsaparilla. A subject of iiulmounry dis ease. 1 made a vayago to Europe, but while there continued to be nlllictcd. A few weeks after my return, 1 was seized with a violent hcnnrrhngc of tho lumg*, und from the de bility aud great prostration of strength that followed, with the protracted difficulty of respiration, 1 am entirely re lieved by the use of your Sarsaparilla, which I consider a most important and truly vntunble discovery in the healing art. 1 feel that I liavo not for fourteen years enjoyed so good health ns at present. Gratefully yours, E. S. Satmork. Prepared and sold.wholesnlo nnd retail,by A BAD SANDS Druggists and Chemists, 100 Fulton-st,, corner of William, New York. Sold also by Druggists generally throughout the United States and Canadas. Prico $1 per bottle : six hot- ties for 85. For sale by MOORE A HENDRICKSON. TURN- F.ll A ODEN, W. W. LINCOLN and A. A, 80IA)MON8, Sa vannah ; llnvilund, Rlsley A Co, Augusta. mav24—3ui NEW BOOKS.: R.reiint lyS. S. Sibley. May lBth. 1853. W HITE. Red nnd Black Sketches of American Soclely in the United States, by F nnd T, In two vols. Life, llero nml There, by N P Willis. Historic Doubts relative to Nnpolenn Bonaparte. Tho Flying Artillerist, a talc of Mexican treachery, by Ilnrry llnzcl. Silver nnd Pewter, or the Contrast of Now York Life. Tho Greatest Plague of Jifc, or tho Adventures of a Lady In search of a Good Servant—by one Who lias almost been worried to Death. Mrs Halo's now Rook of Cookery and Complete House keeper. Tom Burke of Ours, by Charles Lever. Scalp Hunters, or Romantic Adventures in Northern Mex ico. by Capt Mnyno Reid. Spirit Rapping Unveiled, by Rev J A Mattison, A M. For sale at No. 135 Congress-street. nmy20 N EW BOOKS.—Home Life in Germany, by Charles Lor- iug Brace, nuthor of Hungary in 1851. The Translator* Reviewed, a Biographical MomotV of the Authors of tho English Version of tho Holy Bible, by A. IV. .McClure. An Historical Sketch of Robin Hood nml Capt Kidd, by William W Campbell. One Year, n tale of Wedlock, by Emily F. Cnrlcn, from tho original Sweedish, by Alexander L. Krause aud Elbert Vorce. A Trentiso on General Pathology, by Dr. J. Henlc. Profes sor of Anatomy mid Physiology in Heidelberg, translated from the Gormnn. by Henry C. Preston. A. M . M. D. The Action of Medicine in the System, by Frederick Wra Headland. B A. M. R.C. S.,Ac. The British and Foreign Mcdico-Cliirurgicnl Revlow for April. Received by mavis J. R. CUlinEDOE Chatham sheriff s sale—wm be *oid. on the tint -J Tuesday in July nex'. before the court house in tho city of savannah, between the legal hours of sale, all that city lot and Improvement*.No. (3) three. Washington ward, fronting on Ray-street; also, a part of lot No. (2) two, snitl lot measuring forty-one leet three inches on said Ray-st.; levied on as the property of Thomas Ryan, decreased, to sa tisfy n fi. fa. on foreclosure of a mortgage in favor of John B. Gallic vs. Jeremiah F. O’Neill, administrator of Thomas Ryan, deceased. inayi2 JOHN DEYANNY, Sheriff c. c. SIlATHAM SHERIFF'S SALE.—Will be sold, on Friday J next, nt the corner of llryan and Jefferson-streets. a lot of goods contained In a schedule returned by John Doyle, jr.. an nppllennt for tho benefit of the act for the re lief of honest debtors. Said goods sold by order of the Honorable Inferior Court. may25 Ji'HN DEVAXNY, Sheriff c. c. C ITY MARSHAL’S SALE.—Will be sold, on Wednesday. the first day of June next, at 11 o’clock, A M„ on the ground, known as tho old barracks, nil the wooden build ings upon the laud lately ceded to t e city hy the United Slates, the purchaser to remove the buildings within thir ty days, or the i>aine w ill be sold at tho risk of such pur chaser. Terms cash. PHILIP M. BUSSELL, 0. m. NEW YOHK—Union Line.—'Tho regular afiPr packet schr CATARACT, Rice, master, will have quick dispatch as ubove. For freight or passage, apply to msyl7 WILLIS k BRUNDAQE. Aa BOSTON—The schooner H. N. GAMBRILL, VjS&WUfofo' master, will meet with dispatch as abovo.— Fof freight or passage, apply on bonrd at Telfair’s wharf, or to ml3 BRIGHAM, KELLY k CO. £kk BALTIMORE—Regular Line—tho brig S8S£J0SEPHU8. Wilson master, will meet with dispatch as above. For freight or passage, apply 011 board nt Tel fair’s wharr, or to maylO BRIGHAM. KELLY k CO. OPPOSITION LINE. Change of Departure—Fbr Palalka, Fla.,and all fAe interme diate la wrings on the route. - .-rlT^S Th® superior new Steam-packet WELAKA, Cantnin N. Kixo. will, until further notice, leave erory Satckdav. at 10 o’clock, A. M. Rato of Passage In large, airy Slate Rooms, as follows: To Darion 83 00 I To Plcolata 88 00 St. Marys 4 50 Palntkn 8 00 Jacksonville 6 00 I Rlack Crock.... 8 00 N. R.—Freight consigned to R. R. Duke, for Ocala, will be re-*hlpped free of ell charges at Palatka. For freight or passage apply onboard at the Giarlestou Steam Packet Company’s wharf, or to feblS S. M. LAFFTTEAU. Agent. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE, Fbr Palatka. E. F.. via Darien, Brunswick. St. Marys. Jackson ville, Jfiddle/wrg, Black Creek anil Picnlala. r - *•!!"***(fc The superior Steam Packet WM. GASTON, 111’&y. Kq. Capt. T. K. Siiaw. will leave on Tuesday Morn ing. ntlO o’clock, and will continue to leave every Tuesday. The Rates of Passage by this Boat, are as follows: To Darien $3 00 St. Marys 4 60 Jacksonville 0 00 Plcolata 8 00 Palatka 8 00 Black Creek 8 00 For freight or passage, apply on board at tho Charleston Steam Packet wharf, or to no9 CLAGHORN k CUNNINGHAM, Agents. WM. R. SYMONS, DRAPER AND TAILOR, A’o 17 HAifoAer street. Savannah. Has just opened a large and choice variety of Nkw Spring and Summer Goods, consisting in part of black. I figured and fancy French (’asslmere*; black nnd col- .ored Cashmere; Goths nnd Casluneretts; white and fancy Unen Drills; with a largo assortment of funcy Mar seilles and Linen Vestings, all of which ho Is prepared to mnko up to order in the most fasldonnblo style, nnd on ac commodating terms ap5 PHILlFiCEAN, ~ . DRAPERANDTA1LOR..98Bryan-sl., Savannah. Ga. Gratefnl to my friends nnd tho public in general (12 for their liberal patronage heretofore extended to mo, JuLl now offer them a greatci Inducement than ever, ns I have just rccLMved my Fall and Winter Stock of En glish. French nnd German Broad Goths. Black nnd Fancy Doeskin nml Cnsslinere, Black nnd Fancy Silk nnd Satin nnd Embroidered Vestings j also a very rich nrtlclo of Kvenlug Vesting, which 1 am prepared to mnko to order, In tho most fashionable stylo. Also n largo and well selected stock of MKN’8 AND ROYS’ RKADY-MADK CLOTH INC., together with a large supply of Shirts. Socks. Suspenders, Gloves. Collar*. Merino nnd Silk Undershirts nnd Drawers, Hats. Caps. Trunks. Vnllces. kc., nil of which will be sold nt prices to give general satisfaction novS WM. R. SYMONS, ~ ™ « Offers for sale, a large assortment of Cloths. Cits. Islmeres and Vestings, consisting In part of the fol- _ _/lowing articles, selected by himself during the past summer In Isindon and Pans, which ho will make up to or- der in the best style of workmanship, nml nt the shortest notice. His stock of Readymade Clothing and of Furnish ing Goods, for gentlemen’s’ wenr. is very large and of tho best quality nnd style—tbe whole of It made tills fall tinder his own Inspection! and will be sold at the lowest prices for cash or*npprovcd credit :—French black, blue, brown and olive Goths ; fancy French and English Cnsslinere* ; fancy Silk Vesting. stt|ier. fancy Silk I’luslt Vestings; black Bar athea Silk Vestings ; super, black lhtcskin Cnssimeres ; Me rino nnd.Silk Undershirts and Drawers; white nnd fancy Shirts nnd Collars; Canton Flannel Shirts nnd Drawers; white.blnck and fancy Kid Gloves; Neck Ties, plain nml embroidered; Merino and Cotton Socks: Scarfs,Satin and Bomlmsln Socks. no5 17 Whltnkcr-atrcct< STAR CLOTHING EMPORIUM. No. 147 Bay Street. All perrons of taste nnd refinement—those having I a due regard Cur comfort &ud pemnnlftpucnvancc.sufty lat all times selectany and every article for their ward- Lrobe, from one of the largest assortments of the Very Best Goods in this country; cither in Ready Made Garments or mndn up to measure in unique stylo, or Furnishing nrtl clcs of every description and quality ton numerous to meu tlnn Coll nnd see. PRICE k VEADER. FASHIONABLE TAILORING. M. D. MURPHY, 21 BuU-strrH. would respectfully i Inform his friends and the public generally, tbnt lie I linn received Ids spring styles for geiitlpiiieii, among Lwliich will be found as rich nnd fine fancy Uiisslmere*. Vestings, &c„ ns have ever been brought to this market. All orders executed with dispatch, and in the best style of workmanship. Gentlemen aro respectfully invited to call and Judgo for hemsclve*. mhll -HEN At FOSDICK. . >Mma nwl of MHlen’e farm. A plan of. the JoU may he *«m »t our, counting room. Tarma—one-thlnl cash, In two. equal annual Instalments, with Interest, and secured by mortgage on property. ■ • BY T. J. WALSH. ~ THIS DAY, at 11 o'clock, in front of store, will be sold, The usual assortment of Qrooeries, Provisions, Liquor*. Crockery and Olaaa Ware, Dry Goods, new and second nana Furniture, Clothing, Taney Article#, Clocks, Watches, Cut lery, he. Terms cash before delivery. N. B.—All articles purchased at auction and not settled for before tho next regular sale, will be sold on account and nak of the former purchaser. may27 At Private Seie—A choice'Heifer, aged about two years; her lire was an Imported Ijurham, tho mothor an English cow. Also, a Milch Cow-Yentlo and kind, accustomed to tho yard. may21 Administrator’* Sale. On TUE8DAY, 6th July, will be sold In front of tbe court house, botween ilia usual hours ol sale, That eligible Residence on Lot No. 10, corner of South Bread and Whitaker-itreets. The lot la fee simple, and the Improvements consist of ft double tenemnnt dwelling, in the basement of which is an office, dining room, pantries and bathing room : on the first floor la two large and ele gantly finished parlors, with a spacious verandah in the rear. Inclosed with venltlan blinds j In the second story Is four bed rooms with an Inclosed vereudah.all lighted with gas. There aro spacious accommodations for kitchen, ser vant’s rooms, csrriago house and stablo In a brick building to tho roar of tlio dwelling on tho lane. In the yard la a fine pump of water. Will be sold on the Oth of July, at tho residence, all the Furniture, Carpets and Window Curtains, commencing at 11 o’clock. At tho court house, on the 6th, botween tho legal hour* of sale, ayollow woman, aged about 46. a good conk and washer. Tlio above is sold oy order of the Ordinary, as the property of David M. Rodgers, deceased, and by ordor of the administrator. Terms for the house and lot—one-third cash, balanco In two equal paymonts of 0 and 12 months with interest, so- cured by mortgage on the premises; for tlio furniture, cash, purchaser paying for all titles and papers. rony4 At Private Sale—Lot No. 0. Third Tythlng Anson ward, 60 by OO feet, fronting on South Broad-street—a most de sirable lot for building. For terms, inquire at the counting room. apl23 At Private Rale—A deslrsblo residence nonr the now rail road depot being a singlo house with four large rooms, plastered, with all necessary out houses. Will ho sold low If applied for Immediately. Also, a new doubta tenement in the samo neighborhood For forms, inquire at counting ———^£!22— PRIZESfPR1Z E SrlpRl Z ESIft G REENE AND PUIASKI LOTTERY.—Drawn numbers or Gass 02: 65 16 44 30 24 63 61 08 73 30 35 61 Tickets Nos. 16 35 68, 30 36 08, 30 63 73, and 24 61 08, prizcssold. \ Also, of Extra Gass 38: 20 20 72 1 30 8 02 11 68 40 50 19 Holders of prizes will please call for the cash, or renew at E. WmilNUTON’S. Greene and Pulnakl Lottery. GREGORY & MAURY. Managers. Gass 03. draws to-morrow, 27th May, in this city. Sales' close at 3 o'clock,P. M. CAPITAL. $4,340. 78 Number Lottery—14 Drawn Ballots. Aff* Tickets $1—shares in proportion. Extra Gass E, draws at Wilmington, Del., on Saturday, 28th Inst. CAITTAL. $66,000. 100 of 91,000, 100 of 9500, 1UO of 9300, &c. 75 Number I tottery—14 Drawn Ballots VST Tickets 810—shares In proportion. Tickets either singly or hy tin pnekngo for sale In Bay Inne,'Savannah, Ga., noxt to Robinmm A Camp. innv20 E. WITIIINGTON. '(Tri.-te* for before the Ou r .-.„ risk of the former purchaser. On FRIDAY, 8d June, at tho old stand ot Ueurt Y «... ^ w a z Preodergast k Co;, Will be offeredet auction, the tnUiestock,comprising* > eomple and general assortment of Dry flooJs. fiSeT^afT Terms—All sums under 1100, cash : 8100 to 8300. fen* toonths^ over 8300, six month* for approved paper. * On TUESDAY. 7thJune, at 11 o’clock, will be sold in front of tho courthouse, Farm Lit No. 5, Wilmington tythlng. Darby ward, equa ted opposite the two mile stone on the WWte Bluff road, containing by roContanrvey 66 4-10acrea. Also, Farm Lit No, 0, third tythlng. Anaoa ward, eeu- talning 65 8-10 acres, situated in Chatham county, el>out 8 • miles south of Savannah, between the Darien and Whito Bluff roads, being a part of the Cottage tract; Terms at maylS . >■ - h,c, ^A » JmCtSut"”"" 20 Improved Eeienceer uniee—We have' “ie rnenufectarere n PMledelplite, end will continue to keopon hendfor oak, Anpetun Hummel'l Improved Eo- eencc nr Coffee. Tkta ie tke be.t eompooltlon of Coffee ever offered for eete, end Coffee mode from tke Eueneelo moch more wlioleeome, more drllcetc, doer devored end colored, perfect^ oleor.ekd In every rc.poct reporter Ik the Inert Itte Coffoe, end la uee will proto > oott iovtnj 76 por coot, oror&ffeo preperod In tho ordinary manner ifrltend , seo If it docs not. mavU • Prime Cook u pen,to eole-A prime likely joobj fellow, a first rato cook for itoambont or hotel. apl28 ' Ginghams and Hdkft, at Private Sale.—Just received per last steamer, 2 cases Ginghams, 2 do French head hdkfs , for sale low. •' apl22' •. Tennessee Bacon and Lard, at private sale—13,000 Ibsas- sorted hog round new Bscon. 2000 lbs fresh Leaf Lard,re ceived railroad from Tennuueo, and for .sale lu Iota to suit purchasers. »pH Cora and Data At l’rlvate Sale-300 bag* Corn, W 860 bags Oats, for salo low in lota to suit purcnnscra. feb25 Stawberry Setts, . ^ ,vate Sale —Strawberry setts of the following kinds Alice Maude, Boston Pine. British Queen, Ohio, Redwood Hudson. Crimson Cone, White Wood, Hovey’s Seedling, and Early Scarlet. They are all grown in this climate and In Rood order. All orders left at our store for any of the above kinds will bo promptly attended to. foblW Marshall Houso Omnibus and Team. At Prlvato Sal#—One fine largo omnibus, six good horses and harness complete. Also, tho pleasure schooner Ann, with new sails, rigging, etc., all In fine condition. The above property will be disposed of on very accommodating terms. The present owner being about to remove from the e’ty has no further use for It. feb!7 J te fo hi A. PJ . . MOBallk and gingham Umbrellas. Also.low priced and fine i, Paraaols, justrecejvedandforsaloby aul2 DkWITT k MORGAN. F OR SALE.—Fourteen likely negroes—ft man 60 years «ia, a plantation carpenter; a man aged 40 years; a woman 32; a b6y 18; a boy 12; a boy 8; a girl 2; n man 25 ■ a woman 30; a girl 12; a girl 2; a woman 40 ; a girl 8, und a woman aged 60 jroars—they aro nccuslomod to the culture of com and cotton, and will bo sold at a bargain to "t♦gp-’p""*””- ^j° LLY „ M0ST „ 0L „ y . TMPROVED EXTRA SIZE 8E1DL1T7. POWDERS.—These A Powders are prepared expressly for the retail trade, from superior Imported materials, and are warranted full weight. Seldllts Powders (when accurately prepared, as theso are warranted to be.) are held in the highest estimation for their peculiar virtues, In giving relief where Indigestion, heartburn, or billions affections prevalL and when used ac cording to the directions, form an effervescing *P« r 'ent draught—more agreeable, yet possessing all tho medicinal properties of the much esteemed Seldllts Spring In Oorraany. Prepared and sold by W. W. LINCOLN, * — Monument-Square. chaser. Terms cash, may 19 C HATHAM SHERTfF’S"SALE.—wiifbiTsold, ou tho 2d day of Juno next, before tho court house In the city of Savannah, between tlio legal hours or salo. all tho lumber, plank, ami spikes, In all that plank road commencing about twenty feet east of East Droad-street, on the Bay. and con tinued along Bay-street, and emling.ou said street about 50 feet west or HArunrd-strcot; levied on by virtue of an at tachment issued In favor of R. A. Allen k Co., vs. William Wslsli. nml sold under and by virtue of an order of tho Honorable tlio Justices of tbo Inferior Court of Chatham couuty. may2l JOHN DF.VANNY. Sheriff C.C. VALUABLE LUMBER LANDS FOR SALE. jfySO The uudorslgned will sell three thousand acres, ■yjSmnro or less, of the most valuable Lumber Land in ^■“■Georgia. It lies upon the Alatamaha River. In the county of liberty fifteen miles from Walthnurvllle. and about thirty from Dnricn. parallel with the river, extending back from its banks not farther than three miles to its far thest lino. The timber is of the largest size that grows in the south, and very abundant, suitable for masts or rang ing, timber. The landing Is one of the best on the river, affording an opportunity for rafting to Darien at any stage of the river—an advantage possessed hy but very few.— Hands can take a raft to Darien, and return in four or five days. Ou tho land there are negro houses, ox sheds, and provision house, In good repair, and two lumber carta with every appliance for tlio lumber business, situate on a high and healthy hill. There are also about 300 acres of as good hammock land, for either corn nr cotton, to be found any where, covered with red oak. whito oak. hickory, and ash timber Theso lands present a* good facilities for ultber lumber cutting, stuve getting, or turpontlno. as any other, and will be penetrated by tbo Savannah and Albany Rail road. now in contemplation. For farther particulars ad-, dress, nt Ricftborough, Liberty county, Ga., either of tho un dersigned. C. B. JONES. ml6—<10 H. H. JONES. (^UNDRIES.—50 bbls II Smith’s and pure Genesee Flour, K3 40 hAlf bbla extra canal do. 60 bbls butter, sugar and soda crackers. 60 do Stuart’s crashed and powdered sugar, 80 do do Band C clarified do, 00 do E Phelps’ gin. 26 do do mestic brandy, 40 do N E rum. 20 X and 20 casks bran dy. 6 pipes Holland meder swan gin, 80 boxes 6’* and 8'* Bedoll’s caudles. 25 do Treadwell’s soda bltcuit,40 do 6's and 8’s Grant k William’s tobacco, 20 half dbesta }( ft pa pers black, tea, 20 do do hyson da, 300 reams wrapping pa per. assorted. 200 boxes No. 1 pale and fkmily soap, 20 hhda prlmo Porto Rico Sugar. 16 do fair muscovado do, 26 casks quarts and pints Byaas’ porter, 60 mat* old government Ja va coffee, 60 boxes largo bowl Ohio pipes, 40 dozen brooms with painted handles, 200 do pained buckets for sale by *pl21 SCRANTON, JOHNCTON k CO. READY-MADE CLOTHING FOR SPRING AND SUMMER. WM. R. SYMONS. Dksi-kh and Tanon. No. 117 Whita);er slrctti. re.-qiectfully solicits the] Inttention of his friends nnd Mie public in gen- ■oral, to his largo stock of Rcsdy-mn re Cloth- Ing. suitable for tho present nnd coming season.. It has all tim n tiiuilc up under his personal superintendence nn I Kir style and durability of workmanship, is inferior to none to be found in the market. The following comprise n portion of the stock ; Frocks nnd Sucks of blue, black and colored cashmere cloths; black, brab d’oto Frocks and Sacks; linen duck, drill and fancy linen Frocks and Saeks; India grass, silk and brown linen Sack*; black and colored nlpncu Frocks nnd .'■'neks. Punts of fancy French cassiincres. black doc-skin cassi- nicro. black drab d’ete and spring tweed casslmere. white duck nnd fancy linen drill, together with a large lot of cot. ' Ion drill anil duck Pants, for summer wear. Vests of black satin, black barathen. nml fancy silks, fan cy nnd white Marseilles, figured nnd striped linens. Also, a large stock of Furnishing Goods, such ns storks, gloves, suspenders, cravats, collars, silk, gauze, merino, and cotton undershirts. stri|ie silk and cotton socks, silk and glnglinm umbrellas, ole., etr.. The whole of which lie offers for salo on accommodating forms, nnd nt prices ns cheap as the cheapest. npl3 REMOVAL. F AS!HOXARLE TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT—The sub scriber having just removed to No. 21 Bnll-strcet, (be tween Congress and Hroughton-strncts.) would Inform bis friends nnd tho public generally, that he will open This Day. hi* second supplvof Fall and Winter Goods, consisting of the best French. English nnd American Cloths. Cassl mere* nnd Vestings, purclmsedfrom the most extensive lm. porters in New York, which hi* is prepared to make up In the best and most fasliionablo styles. decl M. D. MURPHY. NEW SPRING STYLES II WHOLESALE CT1 AND RETAIL. Just received at the Wholesale and Retail Hat Store, every variety of Spring nml Summer Goods, such as Silks. Beavers. Gossamers, I’eilnle. Canton. Paris, I/tno Star. Cam|M>chy. and others loo numerous to mention. Also, every variety of Bonnets. Call nnd see. ami you will lie sure to bo supplied, at tho comer of Barnard and Broughton-strcets. nihil BELDEN k CO. PARASOLS AND UMBRELLAS.—New style French Canopy Parasols, silk nnd satin de clicne embroider ed do. silk nnd cotton Umbrella*, all prices, for snlo mh28 UROCHE k BOWNE. IRON FRONT JEWELRY STORE, Wholesale nnd Retail, No. 110 Broughton-sl.. between Bull awl Whitaker, THE largest nnd best selected stock of goods ever offered for sale in this city. Gold nml Silver Watches, __ .Vest. Fob and Guard Gmlns, Sots of Jewelry, Gist clones.Bracelets. Brooches, lino Diamond work Unger Rings, Silver Castors, Ten Sets. Pitchers. Goblets. Cups. Cnke Baskets, Spoons. Forks, Fish Knives. Pie Knives, Cheese Scotips, La dles. Syphons.’Also, all kinds ofPluted Ware, Military and Fancy Good*, nml n grent variety of articles too numerous to mention : the whole of which will lie sold nt reduced prices. All kinds of Watches. Clocks, Jewelry and other Jobbing attended to by competent hands. HORTON k RIKEMAN. WATCHES AND JEWELRY^ Tlio undersigned begs leave to inform tlio Citizens lOfSavnnnnli. and tbe jicoplein tho country in gene- ral, that he has token tho Store No. 148 Broughton Street, ono door West of Dixon’s Confectionery, where lie will be pleased to mnko nnd repair nil kinds ofGocks aud Watches, and will warrant all work with which ho may bo intrustod np 27—l v FRANCIS STEIN. WATCHES, JEWELRY, Awl FUncy Goods. _ RECEIVING by every arrival of the Steamers fresh lions, making tlio best assortment in this city, of all kinds of Wntchos. Jewelry. Fancy Goods, SilvorSpoons, Forks, Pitchers. Ten Sets. Cups. Syphons, Plated Castors, nnd every variety of articles connected with our lino of business; allot —liicli will be sold us low ns in any city In the Union. D. B. NICHOLS. 83~ Particular attention given to the Repairingof Watch es nml Jowclrv. no 20 ~ht JEWELRY. j|/J MR. F. STEIN, on Brougliton-street. has justrncciv- cd the finest assortment of new nml fashionable Jowel- (jr ry of all descriptions. Gold and silver pencils nnd pens, jfc silver nnd silver giltod ware and fruit baskets, waiters, jXvtea sets, candlesticks, table and tea spoons: fine table, IK(' pocket and pen knives, scissors, and a large variety of the * finest work boxes, dressing cases, and writing desks for ladies and gentlemen, iih also a fine selection of flutinns, ncconlians nnd fancy articles, ton numerous to mention, which bo offers nt tlio lowest prices ever sold In this city The attention of the publio at large, bnt especially that of tho ladies, is particularly requested. nu21 NEW YORK AND SAVANNAH ^r^f&HSTEAMSHlP LINE—Weekly,^ ■zTOfK jT* i ■ Tlie now nn< l splendid Steamships LBBFLORIDA Chptafn Lyon AND ALABAMA Captain Ludlow Belonging to tho A’cui York and Savannah Steam Navigation Company, Will leave Savannah and Now York every SATURpAY. Theso Shins are of1.800 tons register, and unsurpassed In safety, speed and comfort. Theso Steamers, leaving Snvnnnnli at the same time that the Marion and Southerner leave Giarleston, arrive at NVw York ns soon ns, or before them. 9W Cabin Passage $26, paynblo before going on board. AflKvra ; i’ADELFORD, FAY k a)., Snvnnoah SAMUEL L. MITCHEIJi, jjjl 194 Front Street. Now York, AND 8AVAN- ^ShHLIVAU STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Tlio now and splendid sldo-wheel Steamship —IWlU-'irfSTATE OF GEORGIA, of 1.200 tons register, Captain William Coluxb, lias commenced lier Regular Trips and will leave Savannah on Wednesday, the 18th day of May. and every nltemnto Wkd.xwday thereafter; say on the 1st. 15th and 29th of June, and 13th July, and so on. Cabin Passage to Philadelphia $26 00 “ “ through to New York.., 26 00 Steorngo “ g 00 Tills Ship lins beenbullt with entire regard to safety, com. fort nnd dispatch, and offers new and admirable facilities to business and travel. For freight or passago apply to C. A. I,. LAMAR, Agent. Sarannab mnyl7 HERON & MARTIN. Agents. Philadelphia. NEW JEWELRY, FINE WATCHES,Ac. M THE undersigned is now opening a splendid assort- jjj/tmontof rich JEWEIJIY, embracing tho recent pntterns kjj/of Enr-rings, Pins. Bracelets nnd Finger-rings, nmnng # which nro somo fino diamond settings.from 810 to $500. JL Also, twenty-five sets of those unique Pearl Sets ot Ear- rings and Brooches, from $18 to $125 the set, newest Wand rarest patterns; together with a very selectnssort- incut of extra fine iro/cAessct In pcnrl, diamond, hun ting ami plain cases. These, with a further assortment ol good Jewelry. Sterling Silver Sets. Spoons. Forks. IjuIIcs, Cups. A;c..nnd Plated Ware of ull klu s. Fancy Work Boxes, Dressing Cases. Kollos Clocks. Bronze Hgures. gold mount ed Cnnes. Cult lory. Ac . renders Ids assortment very com plete. and unsurpassed in the State, either in quality or pri ces. II. B. NIC1IOL8. Strict attention paid to repairing watches, clocks, and jewelry. nol2 PIANO FORTE DEPOT. , THE undersigned respectfully Inform the citizens of Savannah. Georgia and Florida, that they have on linnd more than fifty Pianos, the largest stock ever on salo In this city, and nindcby the most celebrated manufacturers in the United States. Nunns k Clark. T. Chickcring. Bonnlnian k Gray. Izdglit 4: Newton. Edwards k Fisher, nil well kuown to tlio lovers of Music, have place in tholr largo assortment.— Theso Pianos are of rich tone, nnd beautifully finished In Rose Wood. Black Walnut, nml Mahogany, with iron frame* mndv In tlio most substantial and workinnnlike manner.— Also the justly celebrated /Eoliun Piano Fortes, which for their sweetness of tone havo not been equalled. AH these instruments have motnlic frames which render them peculi- srly suited for tnl climate, preventing necessity uf tuning for years. Tlio undersigned are Agents for Henri Hcrr.’s. celebrated Grand Pimm*, made in Paris. For Power nml beauty of tone, tlitv stand pre-eminent. Cahhart’sMklowo.vh.—Tbl* beautiful toned wind Instru ment. manufactured by Carlinrt k Needham, N. Y..for village purposes. Isulges.Serenading Parties, and the private prac tise of Organists, possessing a sweet nml powerful tone, they have also for sale. All these instruments will lie disposed of on tlio most accommodating terms. Tlie prices of tho PI- anos ranging from $176 to $1,000. I.W. MORRELL k Co L. S. BENNETT At CO., SUCCESSORS TO J. C. THORNTON. Having purchased tho entire interest of Mr. ,,jj. C. Thornton In Ids Cnrriago establishment in this city, most respectfully solicit a continuation of the ex tensive patronage so liberally bestowed on tho late proprie tor. It is our intention to keep a Inigo and extensive as sortment of all kinds of Carriage*, suited to tlds market. Tlio lata proprietor. Mr. J C.Thornton, will act as our agent at the north, for the purchase and supply of our establish ment. His experience of twenty years In the business at the South, will Insure to our friends nod patrons such a well gcloctcd stock as cannot fall to give entire satisfaction. Mr. Bknnctt will give his personal attention to all kind of repairing, aa heretofore. LEWIS S. BENNETT. THOMAS A. BROWN. maylO JUDGE W. HARRIS. A CARD.—It will be seen from the above, that I havo sold out to Messrs. I,. 8. Riknctt & Co., and I havo every confi dence In the ability of these gentlemen, both In capability and capital, to successfully conduct the business, and keep up the reputation of the establishment. Mr. Lewis S. Dennett has been my foreman for tho last two years, and I take pleasure in recommending him to the public as an iudustrlou*. capablo and deserving man. who, while looking to Ids own interest, will not neglect those of his patrons. In relinquishing my business in this place, I tako the op portunity to say, that It is not from any dissatisfaction whatever. Since my residence In tho city of Savannah, I have been kindly and generously treated, and have suc ceeded much better than I anticipated. In thq course I have Just taken. I have been prompted by considerations ora private character altogether; wherever I may l>e, I shall always carry with me the liveliest sense of obligation, and cherish the deepest Interest in the pros perity and advancement of the citv and its people. Noth ing will do more to effect this, than the sustaining of a healthy and honorable competition. Let the good people of the Gty and State see to it. J. C. THORNTON. SAVANNAH, 9th May. 1863. N. B.—Mr. H. D. W. Alexander le my legally authorized agent for the transaction and closing up of my business. maylO J. C. THORNTON. I PHCK e :^°i2l ,30 n 8h . 0D H' , . r *; 60 bbU Wees Pork, 15 do I^Tls by’ 20 foWdo Fulton Market Beef, \ A. BON AUD. nr Purchase none but thoafl having tho signature “ J. • N. HOBENSACK,” aa all others an worthless Imitations. Agents wishing new supplies,'and all others wishing to become agents, must address the Proprietor, J. N. HOBEN- SAOJLiat Ws laboratory, No. i20 North Seoond-street, above. T HE MASONIC MANUEL, by Robert Macoy, pocket edi tion, beautifully Illustrated and In tlie moat convenl- eD il2fcthe Masonic Lyro, a collection or Masonic Songs anil Odes,''anited to every occasion In lodge or celebrations Both new works recently published, and highly worthy the attention of the Craft. Just received and for sa‘ a a J the Book Store of „»« n0 8 186 Oongreea-atreel e HKESMAN’S ARABIAN DALSAM-For the enre of t Wounds, bruise*, apralns, Ac. Jjninegredtad for Monument Squar W RAPPING PAPER.—Two hundred reams Wrapping Paper, of different sizes and qualities, received and for sale by P. 8. SIBLEY, No. 136 Congress-st. S UMMER QUILTS, linen sheeting, pillowcase Unen, white and colored linen drillings, bleached and brown sheet ings, stripe and plaid satin jeans for boys' wear, black ba- rego, grenadine and crape de Paris, mourning muslins, par- asots and umbrtdlre, for tale low by may22 , paWlTT A MORGAN. F LOUR, 4C—200 bbla Baltimore floor, 60 do Hlnun Smith ’a : do, 86 hhd* prime and ehotce bacon shoulders. 20 do uS , ^ B Sdta’«j;br‘ u ^ ptu “™.»»i»* >«r - 7 ' tfoMABON * . PIANO FORTES. THE siibscrilHirs sole ngents for A. Stod- irt k Co’s., and Jonn B. Dunham’s Plano Fortes, are always supplied with an as sortment of these favorite and justly celebrated Instru ments. For durability they can be fully warranted, whilst their superiority oftoiie and touch is evident and acknowl edged by the most casual observer, os well as the critical connoisseur. The ladies are resjiectfolly invited to view these instruments. An arrrangeinent having Ix-en effected with one of our most eminent Pianists fur the purpose, thoy can also be enabled to judge of the tone. F. EGG BAUM k CO., Market-square. nr Second hand I'iauox taken in exchange, also tuned and repaired. Jel7 GROCERIES, Air. a 150 BBLS. Baltimore Flour. 20 do H. Smith’s do. 20 do pure Genesee do. 20 half bbls Canal do. 260 sugar cured Hams. 20 hhd* llncon Side*. ICO bhi* B and C Clarified Sugar. 25 do Crashed and Ground do, 26 do New Orh*nn*du, 16 liliils Porto Rico do. 21 boxes Lmf do, 100 bids Domestic Liquors. 75 boxesTobac- co. 60 chests Teas, 25 libl* Mackerel, 25 half bbls and kits do. 50 bids and 10 tes West India Molasses. 25 bids Now Or leans Syrup. 6 do Stuart’s do, 75 gross Matches, 100 do "Ipes. lauding nnd In store, for sale by mh24 COHEN k TARVER. TWENTY DOLURS REWARD Is offered for tbe pprehcnslnn of CHRISTOPHER, a mulatto man In charge of Air. James Biijhi. Ho I* supposed to bo wnrk- -liigabout town, or down tlio river on board of a ship, and has not mndo his appearance for more than two months. Ho Is n man about five feet live, with very light complex ion and straight hair. Hie above mentioned reward will be paid to any who will secure him a safe lodgmont In the county jail.opll GROCERIES. 25 HtlDS. Porto Rico and Muscovado Sugar, 25 Ido chnice New Orleans do, 26 do do Cuba Molas- p seaj 100 bbls New Orleans and Cuba Hjrrui F*i art's rectified do, 600 gallons Sperm Linseed do. 200 boxes Sperm ana Adamsmantlne Candles, 26 do Starch. 60 do Gieese, 75 do 8oap, 26 do Toilet do, 60 do mixed ami assorted Candies, 76 packages Teas. Black, Im perial and Green, 160 bbls A.Band CClarified8ugarand Yellow Coffoe do. 26 do Powdered and Crashed do. Prunes, Figs, Gtron, Pickles, Raisins, Yeast Powders. Saleratus, So da, Ac., now In store and for sale very low. b£ e very lc jpBE it of a fl P INK SHIRTS.—Those In want of a fine shirt, to Ot well and handsomely made, can be accommodated at No 147 Bnyst, maylO PRICE A VEADER. /no: h; DULL.- . ' HXNHT O. XL C O-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE—Th# understood baa t day associated with him. Mr. Hccxv C. Kuna, of Oly _ gar No. 1,20 hhds New Orleans Sugar, 10 do St Croix do, 15 do Porto Rico do. 200 bags prime Rio Coffee, 20 do Java do, 100 boxes assorted Tobacco, 100 do Sperm and Ad amantine Candles. 150 do Pale and No. 1 Soap. 25 packages Hyson Tea, 10 do Black do, 26 tierces and 36 bbls west In dia Molasses. 60 bbls New Orleans do, 10 do Stuart’s Sugar House do, 10 do Georgia Syrup. In store and for sale by mny7 HOLCOMBE JOHNSON A CO. 1 EMBROIDERIES, Ac.—Muslin and laco G.emisetta and J Collars, lace, muslin and cambric Sleeves. Jaconet and Swiss Edgings and Inserting*. Swiss and cambric Bands, lawn and cambric Handkerchiefs, black lace Mantillas, Valencia and thread Edgings and Inserting*, Bonnet Rib bons. etc., etc. for sale by mli9 HENRY LATHROP A CO. . , net mits, ladies' super pearl silk hose, do whito sandal laco do do, fine lisle and French thread hose, ladles’ ami gents silk, linen and lisle thread glores, for sale by KEMPTON A VERSHUJ?. Messrs. K. A V. having an agent In Europe, will recelvo orders until tho 25th Inst, for Hosiery, Glores, or any arti cle in our line manufactured in Europe. ap!20 F ANS.—Common and fine palm leaf Fans, fino China, Spanish and other styles in great variety, for sale by may3 KEMPTON A VERST1LLE. CARRIAGE HORSES FOR SALE—A pair of bay Horses, kind, gentle and excellent travellers. Ap- may4 PADELFORD,'FAY A CO, )HS. Dusters, 8crubs. White-wash and 8ho Brushes.Printer’* Lye and Proof Crushes, Tooth. Hair and Nail Brushes, for sale by 9k »ku»un, iuuvu. J. P. COLLINS, 100 Bryan at. •—- slvely used in England for destroying all kinds of bags, worms, Ac. For Roaches and Ants, there la nothing equal to it. It has been fairly tested in this city, and can be re- Had upon as an effectual exterminator of all kinds of vermin. Juat received, and for salo by W. W. LINCOLN, h 16 Monument-square, —••J VI tim Uimu Ul UUIU, umw-f-. any other description of merchandise from any of my ne- groca. . • maylO—lm JAMES BKlNNER^ P LAIN WHITE BLUE AND'BLACK BEBAEE; cambric and jaconet muslins; Nainsook and mull mnaltna; plaid and striped jaconet and Swtaa muallns; plain and fig ured 8wfoamuBllu {embroidered Swiss muslin; .white and UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. Through in 60 to 66 hours.— A'-w York and Charleston Steam Packers-1 cava Adger’a Wlmrves every Saturday Afternoon, and each alternate Wednesday. On Saturday the now and splendid Steamships JAMES ADGKR. Captain J. Dickinson, 1,600 tons’ MARION. Cnptnin M. Bkhkv, 1.20C tons. SOl’THRRNER. Contain W. Fostkk, 1.000 tons, will leave encli nltermnte Wcdnesd y, having been newly coppered and guards raised, Is now in complete order. For freight or passage, having elegant stato room accom modations, apply at the office of tlio Agent. HENRY inSSROON, Comer East Ray and Adger A Son’s Wharves. N. R.—A new ship will be placed in tho line to conned with the Southerner on Wednesdays. feblO ^ff£& UNrrE:D STATES MAIL STEAM* ^AlBangSHlP ISABEL. Wiujsm Hoiunb, Conimamlar between Savannah, Key West and Havana, connecting with tlio the Pacific MoilSteamshlp Company’s lino for Cal- ifornin. Tills splendid sen steamship will hereafter loavo Savannah for Key West nnd Havana, ou the 16th nnd 30th of each month, nnd from Havana for Savannah on tho 8th and 22d of each month. Tlie Isabel will connect at Havana with the U S. Mall Steamship Company’s line to Aaplnwall.and the Pacific mail lino from Panama to California and Oregon. Passengers wttl be lauded at the railroad what'f at' Aipfo. *' wall freo. Transit at the Isthmus at the passengers' ex* pense. Tho Isabel will also connect at Havana with the U. 8. mall Steam Company’s line at New Orleans, Tickets for Key West nnd Havana can bo bad of , ' COHENS A HERTZ. Agents at 8avannah. Tickets for New Orleans. Asplnwall and San Francisco, can be had by opplying to Jnnl3 HIDKCAI A CO, Agents. Charleston UNITED STATEN MAIL. From Macon, Ga., to Tallahassee, Fla Railroad to Oglethorjt—Stages to Jhllahassu JIRJ commenced on tlio Oth Inst., running three times a week via. Newton, Bninbridge. and Quincy, aud three times a week via. Tlioinnavllle, Duncansvllle, Ac. Passengers by thla route will leave Macon at half past I o’clock. A. M., by Railroad for Oglethorpe. Tlie Stages leaving Oglethorge cither way at 11 o’clock, arriving at Tal. lahnssee, at 10 o’clock on tlio ovcnlng oftho next day time by cither route 35 hours. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, by Newton, Balnhrldg# and Quincy, to Tallahassee returning.’leaves Tallahassee oo Sundays. Tuesdays nnd Thursday*, nt 10, P. M. Gn Tuesdays, Thursday*, and Saturdays, by the wav ol lliomasyille—returning same route on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 10. |», M. Through from Oglotliorpe to Tallnlmssco by either route in 3.i hours—from Macon in 38—and from Savnnnah in 60 hours. By this route Passenger* leaving Savannah by 8 o’cloo Train uf Curs, will arrive at Tallahassee in 60 hours. Itls also decidedly the betf, cheapest nnd most oxijedUloua routt for travellers to Apulnchicola and West Florida. Fare from Macon to Oglethorpe $1,76 ; from Oglethorpe to Tallahassee. $16.00. L C. Simw. Agent at Oglethorpe, A. A. Fishkh, ** “ Tallahassee. augfiQ F. K. WRIGHT, Proprietor, SOUTII-WESTEUN It AILHOAD, A DAILY TRAIN for passengers leaves Macon atOW, A. M.. arrive ftt Oglethorpe at 10A. M. Leave* Ogle- tborno at 11>$, A. M„ arrives at Macon nt 3«, P. M Con- ncctlng encli way with the Central and Macon and Western Train nnd the Tnllnlinssee Mail Bingo Line. Passengers dine nt Fort Valley nt 1 J«, P. M. 8 mj6 GEO. \y, ADAMS. Superintendent.’ MACON AND WESTERN RAILROAD, r ~~ a Mail Trnln. leaves Macon dally, at 8 o’clock. P. If. M Atlnnta« “ OV « p. M. C ONNECTING at Atlnnta with the Trains of the Western and Atlantic and IaGrango Roads, aud with the Day Train of the Georgia Rond, and at Mar*' i with the Day Train* of the Central aud South-western t-oads. Passenger will arrive In Macon at 12Ji.and at Atlanta at IK, having the remainder of tho night for rest. Passengers going South, via Montgomery, (Ala.) wh» leave Savnnnah nto A. M., will arrive at Montgomery in for* • ty-ciglit hours, including nil stoppages, and only ten hours staging. AccommodatlonTrnin*.Trl-Wcekly, will leave Macon overy Mondny, Wednesday and Friday, at 8 o'clock, A. )!. Re. turning, leave Atlanta every Tuesday, Thursday and 8atur- ' day, at7KA. M. Tills Train will connect with the Night* . Train of tho Georgia Road at Atlanta, and with the Night • Train of the Central Road at Macon. Passengers by the up-. ward Train can dine at Griffin. ’ •*£ Macon, May 17.1862. EMERSON FOOTE, Supt* 8rao Jy 28 mh28 CANARY CAGES BY THE LAST STEAMER- A variety of new and beautiful patterns of canary Cages just received. Those desirous of a hand- , some Cage, and ono proof against Jf&s, have only to make an early call for a choice from a fine aa sortment. J. P. COLLINS, 100 Bryan-at R EADABLE BOOKS.—The Luck of Barry Lyndon, a ro mance of the last century, by Mr. Thackeray, authoi of Vanity Fair. Pendennls, Men’s Wives. Yellow Plush Pa- sera. Ac.; Memoirs,Journal and Correspondence of Thomae*! Moore, part 2d, edited by Lord John Ruuell, M. P.treoefof* 1 ed and for sale by S. 8. 8IBLEY. jan!5 136 Congreaa-atieet. N OTICE.—The firm of J. F. Pxurr & CoTwa* dissolved by mutual consent, on the 14th Inst. Mg, Z. N. Wink for Is fully authorized to use tho name of the firm In set tling the business of said firm. J. F. PEfDT. Z. N. WINKLER. I have this day associated with myself, In the drayan business, Mr. David Waldhaur. apUO Z. N. WINKLER. SASHES. DOORS AND BLINDS. IP! 000 IJ0HT8 OF SASII from 7X9 to 12X26 ; 200 leJ.UUU pair Ill Infix for Windows,from 8X10 to 12X20; 100 Panel Doors,various sizes. OddSizcsfurnisbed on the same forma. For sal# hr JOHN O. FALLIGANT L inen Turkish friction towelg-a very useful article for bathing purposes, and much superior to the gloves now in oae Where friction la required, they ite very highly recommended by the medical faculty In Eng land and the United States, just received ana for sale Iqr mh24 W. W. LINCOLN. Monument 8qn»W> ’ - EW GOODS.—Embroidered clear lawn D<U£s...printed: lawns, 8wiss edging* and lnsartlngs, bonnet ribbons, parasols and umbrellas, plaid cambrics and elaeorats, bl’k barege and chally. parillon lace, ke., Just received per steamer, and for sale by . . may2 . DiWITT k MORGAN. * F RESH lobster AND SALMON—Juat received 10 dozen per steamer Alabama, and for sale by t mhll A. BONATJD. QDUlTKiTciiiV.™ AND OTOCK8.—Itelr BtOek., *nd D Silk. Linen and Cotton Cravats, of various kinds, juat received and for sale at 147 Day street, by mil » PRICE lc VEADER ■» S UMMER CA8S1MERKS, dra etc*, white aod colored Unqa • drills, coatings, cottouades, gauxe flannels; genta and boy’s linen and cotton half hose, ladies’ silk, cotton and thread hose, gatm merinos, silk veata. kc.. for sale by ' msy6 PtWYTTk "MORGAN. lint*, organdla *«# j*qw*tm#jd ginchapix. lawn#: and French a fYAREOES and Greoadii XI Scotch and French i brics. figured and plain Swiss iMisUna,.blaU cambric and India muila, and other xtjfoa of dress jtwi. for eaje at tbe