The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 18??-1856, May 27, 1853, Image 4

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mi m
r wrt.
.„ u& hmi\ levied ot» to aettafy •
„ morton tMKftd from Chatham 8a.
“* S 'joHNDmNjnr. amts o
ifBbmit may eonoern t
James Garter sad Dixon Bennatt will apply,
[Ordinary tor letter*dUmiaory u axeeutora
“ftSJ'SrSJ'ud odmonlih 0.1 .ho* i,
, to M 4 npMftr belbre Mid Court, to make
’ ft nr they bar*) on or before the flrtt Monday
,._L otherwise aald lotton will bo granted,
u OnUtord Lftotincor, Esq., Ordinary for Clinch
tla 80th day of Sept., lMX oopM
, f-To all whom it may concern:
U Whereas, John Ererard will apply at the Court of Or*
dinary Cor lettero of dlamiuory aa adminUtrator on the Ba
tata of Patrick Tlerny, deceaaed s
Theoe are, therefore, to cite and admonlab all concerned to
file their objections (If any they bare) to the applicant In
. tbe Clerk’s office of said Court, on or before the first Mon*
annah, between the legal houro of aale, all that day of November next, otherwtae lettero dUmlaaory will be
ntawe tenement an I waotof land,altuate>ly. granted.
-in the county of Chatham aforeeald, butting Witness, John M.MIllen, Eaq.. Rrdlnary for Cbalhamcoun.
aa tollowo: Oommenelnf at the oouth east ty, thUSOth day of March, IBM. -
JOHN II. MlLLEri, O. 0. C.
Lea the drat Tueeday In June nezt, before tl
city of Savannah and running
A i Unk. along the line of oaU
wd commonly known ao Lorer’a
J of thftdl
.4*, weet M ehalna and L
mlta continued, to a road commonly known ao wrer’a
thence along the line of oald road north 77*, weat 18
ihftlaa and IT Unka to » ditch, thence along the centre of
■aid ditch north IS*, eaat 88 chain* and two Unka to the
ftotlhern Une of aald otty Umlta, thence along Mid line of
M|tw Umlta aonth 77®, eiurt 18 ehalna and 87 Unka to the point
.wfatarttnr~coatalnlng thirty-five and a half acre*, more
tolcMi levled on aa the property of Joeeph M. Turner,
fa Mtury a II. flu Uaued from Chatham Superior Court in fa
vor of John F. Gullmartln. admtnlatrator of Wilson Oden,
deceaaed, against Joaeph it Turner. Property pointed out
""‘’n" 7 ' JOHN DKVANNT. Short* o. o.
/IHATHAM SHERIFF'S SALE.—Will be wild, on the IIrat
V Tueeday in July next, before the court houae In the
•tty of Savannah, between the uaual hour*, one undivided
■MUrth part of two wharf lota, or piece* of ground, aituated
••Hutchison's Island, ln the county of Chatham and State
•f Georgia, being lota No*. 18 and 14, together with aU the
.•rbama, reservoirs, bhlldlnga and Improvement* on aald
Into, and the ateam engine* and boilera, tho plaining ma-
Wnb, clapboard machine, taw gate*, force pumpt, and all
- wther machinery of every kind and description in and about I
the said lota or building, (meaning the one-fourth part of
,£» Oglethorpe atam taw mill,) with the appurtenances
thereunto belonging and appertaining; levied on aathei
’ property of EdwardV. KInchley and Robert Todd, to aatlafy
afl. fit. on fareeloanre of a mortgage Uaued frpm Chatham
Superior Court in favor of George NeweU va. Edward F.
KInchley and Robert Todd. Property act forth in aald 0. fa.
JOHN DEVANNY, Sheriff o. c. |
C HATHAM SHERIFF’S 8ALE.-WIU be told, on the firat
Tuaaday in July nex*. before the court houae in the
dty of Mvannab, between the legal hours of Mle, all that
dty lot and improvement*, No. (3) three, Washington ward,
fronting on Bay^treet beetwoen Lincoln and Habersham-
streets; alio, a part of lot No. (21 two, aald lot meaaurlng
forty-one test three inches on Mid Bay-atreet; levied on os
the property of Thomaa Ryan, decceased. to satisfy a fi. fa.
foreclosure of a mortgage in favor of John B. Gallle va.
remlah F. O’Neill, administrator of Thomaa Ryan, deo’d.
Jeremiah F.
JOHN DEVANNY, Sheriff c. o.
IHATHAM SHERIFF’S SALE.—Will be sold, on the flrat
V> Tuesday in July next,before the court house in the city
Of Savannah, between the legal hours of aale, a negro girl,
a slave, the property of Sarah Pierce and Frances Cooper
levied onto satisfy four fi. fas. in favor of John Dillon vs
Sarah Pierce and Frances Cooper. Said property levied on
and returned to me by a constable.
, may28.JOHN DEVANNY, Sheriff o.c.
ton ward.—Lots Noe. 13,14,10,20,21, 22, 23,24,
C ITY MARSHAL’S OFFICE, Savannah, April 13, 1863.—
The following resolution waa passed in Council on the
14th March last, viz:
Rooked, That the City Marshal be Instructed to havo
K ved those lots In Washington and Greene wards remain*
(unpared, aa near two years hare elapsed since the pas
sage of the ordinance, a majority of the owners having
compiled with said ordinance.
The Paving ordinance baa not been compiled with in the
following cases, vis:
Waahlnj *
Greene ward.—Lots Noa. 4,7,8,0,10,16,17.21,22,23,32,
None*.—In accordance with tho abore resolution. I will
receive proposals for paring tho said lota, until the 18th
day of May next. PHILIP M RUSSELL
* ap!18 City Marshal.
QBERIFF*S Sale.—Will be sold, on the first Tuesday in
D June next, in front of the court house in the city of
Darien, between the legal hours of sale, a negro man by the
name of Aaron ; levied on aa the property of Edward B.
Baker, to satisfy two fi. fas., one IssumLfrom the Superior
Court of Mid county In favor of Aaronwhamplon. and the
other from the Inferior Court of said county in favor of Jno.
Blunt, both against Mid Edward B. Brker. Terms cash,
apiao C. O’NEAU Dputy Sheriff M. o.
_ f the Ctourt of Ordinary of Bryan county, will bo sold, on
the first Tuesday iu July next, at the court house door. In
Mid county, between the usual hours of sale, all the lands
belonging to the estate of Martin Shuman, deceased, sub
ject to dower, together with the negroes belonging to said
estates. M. D. MOONEY, iidm’r..
apl29 MAI1Y SHUMAN, Adm’x.
G EORGIA—Rryan County :—Whereas. Z. E Dutton, ad
ministrator upou the estate of Henry Dutton, deceas
ed will apply to the Court of Ordinary of this county, for
letters dlsmissory:
Theae are therefore to cite all concerned to file their ob
jections. (If any they have) in terms of the law, otherwise
eald Utters will be granted.
»p!28 A. H. SMITH, o. n.‘c.
G EORGIA—Bryan County .-—To aU whom It may con'
corn: Whereas, N. J. Clark, Isaac Perry and L. B.
Daniel will apply at the Court of Ordinary for letters of
administration on tho estate of Elias Perry, bite of said
county, deceased :
These are,therefore, to cite and admonishall whom it may
concern to be and appear before said Court to make objec
tion (If any they have) on or before the first Monday in
June next, otherwise said letters will bo granted.
Witness, A. H. Smith, Esq., Ordinary for Bryau coun
ty, this 0th day of May, 1853.
mayfi A. H. SMITH, o. n c.
f~\ EORGIA—Bulloch County:—To all whom it may concern:
vX Whereas. Milton Sheppard will apply at the Court of
Ordinary for Letters or Administration o> tho landed part
of the estate of Abiolem Hagin. **.. deceased ;
These are therefore to cite and admonish all concerned to
file their objections (If any they have) In my office, within
the time prescribed by law, otherwise said letters will be
granted, may‘i WM. I.EE. Sen’r. o. b. c.
G EORGIA—Bulloch County:—To all whom It may con
corn: Whereas. Wm. Lee, jr. will apply at tho Court
of Ordinary for letters dlsmissory as administrator on the
•state of Thomas I«e. a lunatic, deceased :
These are therefore to cite and admonish all whom it may
‘ ‘ ' at tho r y
.. londay
objections, If any they have, otherwise said letters will be
Witness, Wm. Lee. sen’r. Esq.,Ordinary for Bulloch county,
this 17th day of March,1853.
mli25 WILLIAM LEE, Sr., o. p. o
continue oo
•lecllon'wlio have attained the age
Jhve paid all city taxes or harem
weir own ngut sufficient real estate to uttsQr afty tax exe
cution* which may be agalnat thorn, who hftvc mode oil re-
turns required by the ordinances of the dty, end have been
reglattred according to thb pro villous of this act.—Extract
from tkt Registry law. pauid Jan. 22,1882.
The following nomc^penono havo registered their names
■Inca the first of January, 1188, and up to March 81,1888,
Inclusive t
A—Matthias Amorous, John W Anderson, David Abra
hams, Charles Arnold, George A Ash, Robert Auitin, George
Alexander, Chariot B A»b, William B Andrews, George H
of ftjroung Lady’* Introduction
lie In iifo, or aumntry Parsonage, by ft Pa»-
Thc old’Man’s Bride, by T 8 Arthur.
A voyage to the Culeatul Oodntry, from- tho Manuicrlpt
of on old Balt, by Rev Dr Choover. . , -
Family Commentary on the four Goapclo, by Rev. Dr
t Families, by
stable*, corn crib, fodder houae, Ac. The hotel hfti been
built about t%» yearo and locompletaly finished and well
furnished t la aituated In tno business part of the town and
offer* great Inducement to any person wishing to embark In
tuehbutlneu, Possession can be tWeu on the first day of
next Janaary For further particulars, appy to Jong Doft-
next January. ...
ton, Eaq., Bavannah, Ga.
Ocala, Florida.
/^BORGIA—Liberty County:—To all whom it may con
vX corn: Whereaa, Charlton Hines will apply at the Court
of Ordinary for letters dlsmissory as executor on the estate
of Susanna 8anford, late of Mid county, deceased;
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it
nuy concern to be and appear before Mid Court to moke
Objection (If any they have) cn or belbre the first Monday
In July next, otherwise said letters will be granted.
Given under my hand, this 11th December, 1882,
decl4 JAMES 8. DRADWELL. 0. t. 0.
-Liberty Chunly—To all whom it may t
Joseph A. Am' — - • •
vX corn: 7 r _
Court of Ordinary for letters dlsmissory on
Msry E. Anderson. U to of said county, doceased ;
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it
corn: Whereas.Josephk. Anderson will apply at the
. - «—• tho cstal
may concern, to be and appear before uld Court to make
objection (if any thoy have) on or before the first Monday
In September next, otherwise uld fetters will be granted the
witness my hand, this 8th day of March, 1853.
mh!4 J. 8. BRAD WELL, o. t. 0.
t il.
r cern: Whereas, Alexander G. Middleton, applies to
for letters of administration on tho estate ol Thomas T. Mid
dleton, late of uld county, deceased:
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular
the kindred and creditors of uld deceased, to file their ob
jections (if any they hare) In my office, within the time
prescribed by law, otherwise the said letters will be granted
to the uld applicant.
Given under my hand at office this 15th day of February,
A. D. 1853. feblT A. A. DkLORME, Ord’y M. c.
Rrsjauin TnouAB rertui Maruarct Thorar—Libel for Di
vorce : It appearing by the return of tbe Sheriff in the
above case stated, that tbe defendant is not to be found In
the county, and It being represented that she is not to be
found in tbo State, on motion of WM. B. GAtaocf, Plain-
iff’s Attorney,
It is ordered, That service of said petition and process be
perfected by publication of this order in the Sarannah
Georgian, once a month for four months, next proceeding
the next term of this Court Granted
P. E. IXJVE. J. S. C. 8. D.
A true extract from tho miuutea of War* Superior Court,
at December Term, 1852.
feb23—m4m GEO. B. WILLIAMSON. Clerk 8. C.
I« u|i|ra»iiug .o the -j ...» — »—»•
L that the gaidfdefeDdant does not reside in this county,
nd it further appearing that he docs not reside In this
tate, on motion of Fleming A Millen, defendant’s attorneys,
Ann M. Towles, )
ti*. >■ Case Divorce.
Daniel F. Towles. I
JT appearing to the Court, > by the return ^oMhe Sheriff,
State, n ,
It Is ordered that said defendant appear and answer at the
next term of this Court or the case be considered In default
and tho plaintiff allowed to proceed; and it Ls further or
dered that this rule bo published for thirty days.
Extract from the minutes.
mh24 JOHN F. OU1LMARTIN. 0. a. c. 0. c.
N OTICE.—All persons having claims against tho estate
of Frederick Kottman, deceased, of IJberty county,
will present them within the time prescribed by law ; and
all persons Indebted to said estate will make payment to
aul27* V. OREST, Adni’r.
N OTICE.—Two months after date application will be made
to tho Court of Ordinary of Bryan county, for leave
to sell tbo real estate belonging to Charles Baddnr. dec’d.
ma6 C. M. BASH LOR, Adni’r.
OTICE.— 1 Two months after date, application will be
made to the Court of Ordinary of Chatham county,
for leave to sell the following negroes, viz : Peggy. Mat
thew. and Anthony, tbe property of Alexander J. Maxwell,
late of said county, deceased.
N OTICE.—Two months after date, application will be
made! o the Ordinary of Chatham county, for leave to
sell lot No. thirty-four. In second, orhrinally Henry county,
and lot No. one hundred and six in thirteenth district, or
iginally Henry, now Fayette county, belonging to the es
tate of Valentine Creaver. deceased.
inh24 JOHN F. OUILMARTTX. Adni’r.
N OTICE—Six mouths after date, application will be
made to the Court of Ordinary of Camden county. Ga.,
for letters of dismission as administratrix, with the will an
nexed, on the estate of Susau Fitzpatrick, late of said coun
ty, deceased. nofl DORCCS SANCHEZ. Adm’x.
the Planters’ Bank of the State of Georgia for
the payment of the following described notes of said Bank,
the right hand halves of which having been lost In mail
from Barnwell district. S. C., to Charleston : Letter A, No.
329. for $20, letter A. No. 640. for 820 ; letter A. No. OSfl,
for 820 ; letter B, No. 633. for 820, . No. 182. for 85.
To Bank of Savnnnah for payment of letter A, No. 695,
for 810. fabft—3m SAMUEL SOIDMONS.
_ . the Ordinary of Chatham county, for leave to
sell all the reol estate In Chatmam county belonging to D.
M. Rogers, deceased. Also, 1en days after date, for leave to
sell all tbe perishable property of said deceased.
apl5 C. W. ROGERS, Adm’r.
N OTICE —All persons indebted to the estate of David M.
Rogers, i * "
duly attested to
Qualified Administrator.
N OTI.CE.—AH persons having demands against the es
tate of Nancy Nagle, late of Chatham county, deceas
o.l, are hereby required to band them in to the undcr-ign-
ed. d» ly attested, within tho time prescribed by law. and
all person* Indebted to said Nancy Nagle, are requested to
make immediate payment to
may24* MICHAEL NAGLE Qual. Kx’or.
N OTICE—Two mouths after date, application will bo
made to the Hon. the Oourt of Ordinary of Camden
county, for leave to sell Amelia and her children. Joe. Sa
rah. Jack and Hannah, belonging to the estate of G. I*. Co
hen. deceased.
may24 MARY ANN COHEN. Ex’lx
N OTICE—Two months after date, application will bo
made to tho Hon. the Court of Ordii * " 1
M ARION COUNTY, (ALA.,) May 24. 1853.—Three
months after date, application will bo made to tho
Bank of tho State of Georgia, for payment of a 820 bill of
said Bank, No. 027. A. Porter. President, tho left hand half
having been lost or destroyed.
may25—-3m W. C. TROTTER.
made to the Hon. the Court of Ordinary of Camden
G EORGIA—DuffocA County:—To all whom it may con- ! county, for leave to sell tho ono-thlrd part of tho steamer
corn : Whereas. Jehue Everitt will apply at the Court ■ Wm. Gaston, belonging to the esUto of John Hebbard.dec.
of Ordinary for letters dlsmissory on the estates of John ! may24 ELIZABETH A. HEBBARD. Adin lx.
Everitt and Sarah Everitt:
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it
softy concern, to bo and appear before said Court to make
objection (If any thoy havo) on or before the first Monday
In November next, otherwise said letters will be granted.
Witness. Wm. Lee. sen.. Esq., Ordinary for Bulloch coun
ty, this 25th day of April, 1853.
ftpl2a WM..LEE, Sen’r.. o.b n
G EORGIA—Bulloch CountyTo all whom It may concern:
Whereas. Green R. Sinter and Thomas Dasher. Admin
istrators on the estate of John G. Sinter, a minor, hove ap-
. lied for letters dlsmissory;
Theseare therefore to cite and admonish all whom it may
concern to be and appear at the Court of Onlinnry for Bul
loch county, on the first Monday in November next, to make
objections, if any they have, otherwise said letters will be
Witness. Wm Leo. sen’r. Esq.. Ordinary for Bulloch county,
this 25th day of April, 1853.
apl26 WM. l.EE. Sen’r. o. r. o.
G EORGIA—Bulloch County.—To all whom it may con -
earn: Whereas. Andrew Wilson, will apply at the! stock of which, at present on hand, he invites attention.—
Court of Ordinary for letters dlsmissory as executor on the Having had extensive experience in Franco as a mamifac-
_ . after da to. application will he made to tho Rank of tho
Stale of Georgia, fur payment of a 860 dollar bill of said
Bank. No. 217,1. K. Tefft, Cashier, the right had lalfuf
which hns been lost or stolen,
may26—3m JOHN C. HAMMOND.
No. 6 Whitaker-street,
THE SUBSCRIBER respectfully announces to the
iyacltizens of Savannah, and of the interior of this
! HiHUstate. that he has now opened nnd will keep con
tinually in store, a large assortment of the best qualities
j ol the various kinds of WINES AND LIQUORS, both foreign
and domestic. Invoiced from the beat source*, and to his
Bennett. James 11 Bashlor. Michael Boley, Claudius K Bari*.
Chft* W W Bruen. James M Butler. Hyman E Byck. William
J Band/. Edwin II Bacon, Wm James Bulloch, Slegmund
Berg, Milton J Bockner, John Boston, Henry 8 Bogardua,
William 11 Bulloch^Patrick Bulkley, John W Beasley, John
B Barnwell, James T Buckner, Anthony Bailer, Thomas A
Brown, John Burns, Joseph It Burroughs, Berrien M B Bur
roughs, William F Brantley, Charles H Bell, Ellas B Ban
tow, Peter A Blola, Wm Gaston Bulloch, laaae Brunner.
John Brunner, James Bancroft.
Cft—Solomon Cohen, Bernard Constantine, David C Cash,
William Cullen, Peter Corb, David Lopes Cohen, James A
Courvoiai*. Montgomery Cummlng, Daniel B Camp, George
B Cummlng, Moses Coburn, William Crabtree. Aaron Cham
pion, DanlelD Copp, Isaac Cohen, Frederick Cook. Frederick
W Cornwell, William P Clara, William H Cuyler. Carrol A
Cloud, Spencer Currell, Pierce Condon, William M Charters,
Cbarle» Clare, Daniel Clarke, John F Compognlac. George
Calle/, Myles D Cullens, Peter L Constantine. Nicholas Cru-
f or, Henry R Christian. John Cordeal, Wallace Cummlng.
antes 11 Carter, William Cooper, John J Cornell, James T
Gark, James 0 B Campbell, Samuel J Cassell*. Joseph S
Carrutbers. John D Charlton, Bryan Connor, William Oscar
Charlton, William Cox.
D.—David R Dillon, Martin Duggan. Archibald C Haven-
ort. Isaac Davis, John Dally, James Dunn. William Dixon,
loses C Dean,Lhe*ley Dugger, William H Dunning, Henry
J Dickerson, Albert L DeLorgo. Isaac D’Lyon. John E Davis,
John Doyle. Jr.. Isaac DeLaroche, William M Davidson.
B_HenrT Ellis, Peter Endres, John Evonrd, Richard
Ennis, John Elskeamp.
P.—Joseph Felt. Owen Foley, Jeremiah FIcklIng, Green
Fleetwood, Louts N Falligant. Caspar J Fulton. Washington
F Florence.Joseph 8 Fay, John G Falligant. John C Ferrill.
Andrew Fan/, Frederlcn Finch; William D Ford,8eweII II
Fish. John Flemming, Richard Flanigan, Thomas Ford.
Patrick Fleming, John Foster.
GHiaJoseph George. Robert H Griffin, Francis Grimball.
Joseph George. Jr., Robert M Goodwin, John B Gallle, David
H Galloway,Seaborn Goodall, John Gammell, Domingo Gal-
leo, Joseph F Gammon. Giarles Gross, Martin Gerken, James
E Gaudry. Philip Oloblehouse, Henry Ganahl, John F Gull-
martin. John Gerdts, Benjamin Olnovolr, John L Graven-
stein, Ebenezer W M Gifford. James E Godfrey, George A
Gordon. Calvin L Gilbert. Samuel Goldsmith.
lI.—»Thomas Holcombe David F Halsoy, William Hess,
Christopher Hussey, Richard H Howell, Charles 8 Uardoe,
William Howe. William Huntec. William F Holland. James
Hunter, George S Harding, Edwin E Hertz, Martin Horn,
Lemuel L Hover. John Hnupt, Samuel B Haupt, William
Henry, Henry Haupt, William W nendley, Robert Haber
sham. John E Hernandez, Robert, Hutchison, Alfred Hay
wood, William Henderson. Charles A Hall. Geo W Hardcas-
tle. Robert A Honiker. William I. Haupt. Humphrey P Hor
ton, Peter Henry. William Heldt, Lavl Hart, Thomaa Hen
derson, William P Hunter. Marmaduke Hamilton, Peter D
Ililzhclin. Charles F Hamilton. John F Hamilton. William
llono. William H Hausmnn, David Harrignn, Henry Har
per. Howell W Hollister, Enoch D Hendry, John G Howard,
William H Holmes, Geo Troup Howard, William B Hale,
Gustavs A Holcombe, Claus Hartman, Samuel Hamilton.
El ward J Harden.
I_John W llily.
J^-John R Johnson. John T Jones. James R Johnston,
fdward Jones. James C Jones. Alexander Johnson, William
Bullock Jackson. Enoch S Johnson, John D Jesse.
K._.1’hlllp Kolb, John Kennedy, Alfred Kent, Gofert
Kuck. Peter Krause. William Krauss, John W Kibbee. Her
man Kuhlman, IMedrich Kattenhorn. Nicholas King. John
W Kelly. James W King, Nicholas Kelley, Hanford Knapp,
Thomas Kemp, John W Kolley, William Kine, James Her,
l’liineas M Kollock, Philip Kean.
I*.—Thomas E Lloyd. Ixiuls Legriel. John N Lewis, Daniel
J lambroth, John H Lightbourne, William M Leigh, Alonzo
B Luce. Hugh Logan, Stanislaus M Laffiteau, John Lyons,
Levi Lelientual. Peter Lee, Edward Lovell, William W Lin
coln. Oliver A LaRoclio. John M 11 Lovell. Martin Larkin.
Noble Lyon. Frederick Lohof. Joseph H tadson, John II
Ladd. Daniel Leahy, Benjamin W LJlojd. Charies A L La
mar. Peter Laurens. James F Under.
Mm—Hugh W Mercer. Anthony F Mere, Abraham Minis
William HCMills. JacobManke. Mulford Marsh. William
Morrill. John Mallery, Adolphe Mode. John Makln. Gofert
Murkins. James W Morgan. Ralph Metdrim. Dan Mallette,
Horace Morse. William H May, Samuel S Miller, John Mur
chison, Christian W Mnylalnder. Solomon Mayer. John Mas-
terson. Luder Mehrtcns. Jacob Manses. John E Mallery. Hen
ry Macnbard. Thomas R Mills. James Monnahun, Charles A
Magill. John B Mallard. Jacob Miller.
Me—George A McCleskcy, Bartholomew McJunarney.
Patrick McDowell. William JlcCarthey. Joseph J McCoy
Laurence McKenna. Thomas McKenna, Daniel McRedmond,
Thomas W McArthor. James McHenry, Michael McGrea
Patrick Me Govern.
N—George N Nichols, Thomas J Naylor. Daniel Nelson.
Samuel Nuttman. James SNeidllnger,NathlNungazer. John
G Neidllnger. William G Norwood,Jacob Newbcrger.Gilbert
N Neyle. Thomas M Newell, James A Norris, John R Nor
ton. Robert C Nock.
O.—John Oliver, Charles E O’Sullivan, John W Owens,
George S Owen*. Armlnlus Ocurlor, Edward O’Bjfrno, Wil
liam C O'Driscoll. Dennis O’Connor. Phillip O’Connell.
P—1’hlUp J Punch, Thomas Purse. John Poolo, James
Potter. Joseph E I’elot. Charles F Preston, William Procter,
Edward Padelfonl. Edward I’adelford. jr.. Elisha Parsons,
Daniel G Philbrick, Anthony Porter. Dennis M Patrick, Ed
win Parsons. Georgo Parsons, Edward Powers.
Q,—William Qunntock, jr.
It—Philip M Russell. Daniel Robertson, John A Richard
son, William Rcmshart, George Robertson, jr,Robert R
Rhodes.Henry Rubor, William Rogers, Charles K Robinson,
Andrew M Ross. John W Rcmshart. James G Rodgers, Ber
nard Roden, James 11 Read. George Robbins. Joseph Itosse,
jr.. David Rosenblatt. William P Rowland. Win P Roberts.
John Reilly. Jefferson Roberts. John P W Read, Jas Rhind,
Joseph Ribera. Jaeob Rosenband, John 8 Rogers. Allen
Russell. William Robinson. James Riley. Horace J Royall-
8— Patrick K Sliiels, Henry Seltzer. Wm Henry Stiles,
Patrick Smith. Francis Sorret. Samuel S Sibley. Edward A
Soullanl. Abraham Simpson. IJzar Solomons. John A Schaf
fer. Frederick Schaffer, Francis F Strobbart, Francis Shells,
Hannan Sllber. Joachim R Saussey. James J Snider. John
Savage. Ezra Stacy. James HSandlford. Jacob Shaffer.Con
rad Schnlder. John G Sexton. John H Straus. John FStur-
tevant. Walter W Smith, Francis M Stone, Emanuel Slief-
tall, John H Stegin, Alexander J C Shaw. Farley R Sweat.
James F Stokes. John A Staley, Atiner Sawyer. Samuel B
Sweat. James Sullivan. Solomon Sheftall, Daniel T Scran
ton. Daniel H Stewart. John Slono. William Snlte, Joseph I)
Stebbins, Jacob Spang, William Sliinners, John Shuuzel.
Matthew .Shannon, Dennis Sullivan, Philip Smith, John
Shwlnk. James Shea.
T—Peter G Thomas. John F Tucker, John T Thomas,
William S Thompson.George IlTilcomb, Charles G Talbird,
John 1) Tenbroek, Jolin.Thompson, Frederick A Tupper. Jas
Thurrt. WUUam U Tinsley, Durnanl G Tilden, Audcrsou C
Toms. Francis Truchelut.
V—Charles Van Horn. David Veader Tristum Verstillo,
Henry 11 Verstillo. William H S Verstillo. Henry Vlelstiteh.
W— Richard Wayne. Edward G Wilson.William Waters.
Robert D Walker. Henry F Willlnk. Laurence W Wall, Na
thaniel F Webster. Henry 0 Wyer. James T Webb. Henry E
Weed. Smith Warner. Thomas White, Francis H Welm'an.
Nicholas Wolf. William White, Thomas S Wayne, Benjamin
Whitehead. Jacob Wineberg, Samuel A Wood. George S
Walt. Charles Wilson. Thomas J Walsh, John W Wilson. Jo-
Jeph Washburn, Zncliariah N Winkler. Lewi* IV Well*.Ed
mund Wallen, Wylly Woodbridge. Christopher White. Seth
Woodward. Isnac Wilder, Dennis Wynn. James White. Philo
II Wildtuan, William Watson, William P White, t’hlliu I)
Woolhonto. Ashbel Welles, John J Waver.
Yi—Dr Easton Young.
Z—Kdwiu S Zittrouer.
All person* entitled to vote, and desirous of voting at
the next election for Mayor and Aldermen of the city of
Savnnnah nnd hamlets thereof, are respectfully requested
to call nt my office and register their names within tho
time prescribed by law, else they will be debarred the rig'
of voting thereat. EDWARD G WILSON.
ap!15 Clerk of Council.
•state of Absolam Hagan, deceased ;
These are therefore to cite and admonish all whom It may
concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objtc-
lon' (If any they have) on or before the 29th day of July
next, otherwise said letters will be granted.
Witness. Wm. Lee. sen’r, Esq..Ordinary for Bulloch coun
ty this 29th dav of January. 1853.
jan29 WILLIAM LEE. Sen’r, o. n. c.
G EORGIA—BuUocA Cbunty—Notice to the Heirs of John
Everett: Four Months after dato application will be
made to the Honorable Ordinary Court of Bulloch county,
when sitting for Ordinary purposes for leave to divide the
Estate of John Everett, deceased.
del8 JOHN EVERETT, Adm’r with the will annexed.
^JEOROIA—^Chatham Countyj—Jo nil whom it may con-
T cern : Whereas, John F. Gullmartln will apply at
vottrt of Ordinary for letters of dismission as adrainlsl
tor nnthe estate of Walter Smith, deceased
These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may
concern to be and apper belbre said Court to make objec
tion (Many they have) on or before the first Monday in May
next, otherwise said leitcrswill be granted.
Witness, John M. Mlllon, Esq.. Ordinary for Chatham coun
ty, this Slat day of October, 1862.
not JOHN M. MILLLEN. o. c. c.
ILA—Chatham —
/Whereas, Ellen
M oera:/Whereas, Ellen Scallr will apply at the Cou
M Ordinary for letters of administration on the estate
CparlOftB. Bcally:
i—To all whom It may con-
dly will apply at the Court
fbesearo. therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It may
raj to be and appear before said Court to make objec-
(If any they have) on or before the first Monday in
next, otherwise said letters will be granted.
Itness, John M. Millen. E*g., Ordinary for Chatham coun
ty, this 80th day of March, 1853.
JOHN M. IDUiEN o.c. c.
EORGIA—Chatham Countu:—To all whom It may
' cerpt Whereas John Bilbo will apply at the Court of
Iftrvlor letter* of dismission as administrator, on the
• orHanryL. Bilbo:
. „„♦** are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may
COOeeni to be and appear before said Court to make objec-
tujol (If atgr they nave) on or before the first Monday in
November next, otherwise said letters will be granted.
Witness, John M. Millen, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham coun
ty. tills 14th day of April, 1853.
ftpllO JOHN M. MILLEN. o. c. c.
BORGLA—Chatham County To all whom It may con-
Vf concern: Whereas, Elizabeth Spalthoff will apply at the
Court of Ordinary for letters of administration on the estate
of Coorgo A. Spalthoff:
These are, therefore, to cite and and admonish all whom
* A conoern to be and appear before ssld Court to make
on (If any they have) on or before the first Monday
y next, otherwise said letters will be granted.
Aooo; JohnM. Millen, Esq.,Ordlnaryfor Chatham conn-
s thirtieth day of March, 1858.
JOHN M. MILLEN.0. 0. 0.
QlA—Bulloch CountyTo all whom It my concern:
_r Whereas, William Holloway, adminUtrator of tbe ea-
. tat* of MltoheU Holloway, deceased, will apply to the Hon.
.WO Ordinary of oald county, for letter* dlsmlssoryfrom uld
(to end admonUhJUl coneerned to
. r . they have) to the applicant in
. j* of Uld Court, on or before the Brit Hon-
yjh^OctOber next, otherwise letter* dUmissory will be
m’r., Sho., Ordinary for Bulloch ooun-
* WILLIAM IJOL Sen’r., o. to o.
Omntnt-iTo all whom It may eon
•« » Wh*wae,th* utal* of Merit Fldch la unrepre-
1 byfrilureof any on* to Apply for letter* ofadmln-
u ftohth*shme:
It" therefore to cite and admonUh all whom It
—‘’'P th* Court of Ordl-
- “ t Monday In May next, to make objeo-
r have) or uld. administration will be
rk of the Superior Court, or oom* other fit
if^ohn M. Millen. Eaq., Ordinary for Chatham
‘ 1* thlitlelh day of Moreh, 1883,
- ~. JOHN M. MILLEN. 0, 0. a
turcr, and In America ns importer and dealer, his acquain
tance with tho trade enables him to offer assurance that the
articles which are enumerated below are each genuine:
Article* of Direct Importation.—French Bran
dies of various brands: Holland Gin; Scotch. Irish and
Monongaliela Whisky ; Old Batavia Arrack ; Jamaica and
St Croix Rum.
Wlneo—Old Port. Madeira, Sherry, Champagne. Hock,
Claret. Sauterne and Burgundy Wines.
Cordial*—In cases. Curacoa. Maraschino, Ratafia, Sla-
valtz. Kirschenwosser, Absinth, &c.
Ale and Porter—London Brown Stout, and Edin
burgh Ale.
Also Agent for Domestic IJquora.
nov6 R. MAYER.
_. 100 bags primo Rio Coffee, 60 do do Java do
19'V 1 20 hhas Porto Rico Sugar, 10 do N. 0. do
100 bbis Stuart’s B and C Sugar
20 do Crashed Sugar. 20 do Ground do
20 bbU Loaf Sugar, 20 boxes Lemon Syrup
60 do Nos. 1.2 and 3 Mackerel, 10 half ao 2 do'
100 do Balt. Flour. 60 do II 8. do, 60 do half do Canal
10 casks Bacon Sides, 6 do Shoulders
20 boxes Northern Cheese, 20 do Englsli Dairy do
60 do No. 1 Soap, 50 do Pale do, 25 do Starch
50 do Tobacco, auorted brands
60 bbls Planting Potatoes. 20 boxes Sperm Candles
60 boxes Tallow Candles. 60 do Star do
25 do Adamantine do
60 bbls old Monongahela Whisky, 2,000 ft Codfish
200 do Whisky,Gin. Rum and Brandy
20 )S casks Cognac Brandy, 60 dozen Brooms
2 pipes Holland Gin. 2 >* casks Scotch Whisky
600 gross Pipes, 100,000 Spanish Segars
20 dozen Demljons. 200 reams Wrapping Paper
50 five and three gallon Kegs,
landing and In store, for sale by
P ASTILLES DE PARIS.—For the cure of coughs, colds
and bronchial affections of the throat, so prevalent at
this season of the year. We do not recommend the Pas
tilles de Paris to cure all the ills life is heir to, but we do
say they will cure all affections of the throat, ns a trial of
them will prove. Manufactured by Moore & Taylor, 81
Malden-lano, New York.
N. B.—The genuine bears the written signature of Moore
A Taylor. Just received and for sale by
mli4 W. W. LINCOLN, Monument 8quarc.
-Having purchased the copy right
Edward A. Vincent, Esq. or his now Map of tho city
of Savannah, the undersigned has made arrangements to
fill all orders for the same, at short notice. A sufficient
number was malved by last steamer to furnish subscribers,
and will be delivered immediately. We are unable to sup-
ply the country demand until the arrival of the next steam
er. Arrangements have been made for a further supply,
which will regularly received. All orders punctually at
tended to. Address 8. 8. SIBLEY,
aplB Bookseller and publisher, 135 Congresa-st.. Sav’h.
TV OTICE.—The subscriber having transferred all his right*
it title and Interest as publisher and proprietor of the
new 8ubdivts)en Map of the city of Savanpah to S. S. Sibley,
Eaq., publisher and bookseller of this city, subscribers are
hereby notified that they will receive their copies from him
in future, as publisher of said Map.
P ASSION AND PRINCIPLE, a domestic novel, by Mrs.
Mysteries of Paris, by Sue—new edition.
Prismatic*, In prose and poetry, by R Haywarde—Illus
trated. -
Electro Physiology, scientific, popular and practical,
The London Art JoatnaL for April—with several excel
lent engravings, and the illustrated catalogue of the Dub
lin Exhibition—10 per annum.
The Illustrated Magazine, for May—$8 per annum.
Bara urn’s Illustrated Weekly News—98 per annum.
Edectle Magazine, for May.
Tho London Uneot, tor May. _ ,
Dr. Lspaius’s Discoveries In Egypt, Ethiopia,London
- — • of Zorop. bom tin Ml of Ntpoleoo In
Sacred Sour* for Family and Social Worship.
^EverjrDajr Scripture Reading, for the use of
Euaya^end’ Miscellanies or Grace Aguilar, selected from
the manuscript by bar mother.
Poetical Works of Thomas Way.
Poetry of Flower* and Flower* of Poetry.
Summer and Winter of the Soul, by Rev Ersklne Seale.
Boys and Girls Owtf Book.
Doctor Blrcli and his young friend*.
ne* Sorrell, a novel, byO P R James. For sal* by
8/a SIBLEY, No. 135 Congresa-st.
T HE Works of James Hall—Legends of the West—the
author’s revised edition.
The Camel Hunt, a narrative of Personal Adventure, by
J W Fabena, author of u Iifo on the Isthmus.”
Behind the Curtain, a tale of Elvllte.
Doctor Birch and bis Young Friends, by Wm M Thscka-
ray, with sixteen Illustration*by the author.
Rural Essays, by A J Downing, edited with a memoir or
the author, by Geo W Curtis ; and a Letter to his friends
by Frederika Bremer.
Every Day Scripture Reading, with brief reviews and
practical observations for the use of Families and Schools,
by the Rev John L Blake, D D.
Essays and Miscellanies, choice cuttings from the Manu
scripts of Grteo Aguilar, author of "Vale of Cedars.” “Days
of Bruce,” “ Mother’s Recompense,” fce, selected by her
mother, Sarah Aguilar.
Eustace Qulntin, a sequel to Mary Price, by G W M Rey
Jack anil bis Bride, or the Highwayman’s Flight; being
the further adventures of Claude and his Friends, by the
author of “Gentleman Jack,” beautifully Illustrated.
The Illustrated Bible, Nos. received to 47.
Barnum’s Illustrated News, No. 17.
lofty and Lowly, by Miss M McIntosh ; further supply.
Received by ap!28 J. B. CUllUKDOK.
A N ORDINANCE to amend an Ordinance defining what
shall be considered public nuisances, and for the remo
val of tho same—Passed 2d August. 1839.
Skc. 1. He it ordained by the Mayor, and Aldermen of the
City of Savannah and hamlets thereof In Council assembled,
and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, that
from and after the pnsdng of this Ordinance, tho provisions
of said Ordinance prohibiting tho keeping of hogs within
certain limits, bo and tho same are hereby extended so ns
to embrace and include the whole corporate limits of the
City of Savannah, and the hamlets thereof.
Sue. 2. Be it ordained by the authority aforesaid, that all
Ordinance* or parts of Ordinances, conflicting with the pro
visions of this Ordinance, be nnd tho same are horeby i
ported. Passed in Council. Savannah, April 21.1863.
It. a.) R. WAYNE, Mayor.
Edward G. Wtiso.v, Clerk of Council. apl27
J UST RECEIVED.—A supply of Mineral Paints, fire and
wator-proof colors, unfading. Silver’s Mineral Paints
differ essentially from all others In market. They are not
Clays, they require little oil, thoy do nut work toughly, but
flow easily as whito lead. They lay on a very heavy body,
sot immediately, and become an Sndestructable covering ol
Dint. They neither crack nor peel, and require no strongor
dryer than white lend.
1 havo a variety of colors, Red, Yellow, various Browns,
and Jet Black. They are superior in body (or covering
inerty) to anything ever discovered.and |xmhd for
if cover double the surface of White Lead oi
or Zinc Mineral
double the surface of Whit*
paints, and require less oil.
I am now prepared to cover Tin Roofs, as nothing adheres
to tin like Silver’s Mineral Paint*. For sale by
mr 8 10 and 12 Bernard-street.
M ORE BOOKS.—Jeames’ Diary, a tale of the Panic of
1846, a Legend of the Rhine, Rebecca and
W. M. Tbackaray.
Lord Saxondole, or Life among tbe London Aristocracy,
by 0. W. M. Reynolds.
Barnum’s Illustrated News No 18.
A further supply of Vilette and Agnes Sorel. Received
by ap!13 J B. CUBBEDGE.
A stray Yankee in Texas, by Philip Paxton.
Nick of tbe Woods, or the Jibbenainosay,by Dr. Bird,
new edition.
Genesis and Geology, or an investigation Into the recon
ciliation of Geology with Scripture, by Crofton, with an in
troduction by Dr. Hitchcock.
laldlng’s History of English IJterature.
enrlch’s Ancient Egypt, explained by modern discoveries,
lyard’s Babylon and Nineveh, new supply.
Layard’s Babyl
Annual of Scle
-enrich 1 _ .
. supply.
[entitle Discovery for 1853 and previous.
6lh Cushing’s Massachusets Reports to November term,
1854. r ’
Walker’s Theory of Common Law.
Curtis’ Equity Precedents.
The Law or Contracts, by John Wm. Smith, author of
leading Cases, with notes by Rawle.
Wharton’s American Criminal Law; Wharton’s Prece
dents of Indictments and Pleas.
English Law and Equity Reports, vol. 11th.
N EW BOOKS—Punch’s Prize Novelists, the Fat Contrib
utor. and Travels In London—Appleton’s Library.
Agatha’s Husband, a novel by the author of “TheOgtl
vies,” Ac.
The Three Pirates, or the Cruise of the Tornado, by Harry
Haul, author of •* Yankee Jack,” Ac.
The Spitfire, a Nautical Romance, by Capt. Chamfer, au
thor of “ Ben Brace.” Ac.
Godey’s Lady’s Book. “ “
Peterson’s Lady’s Magazine, do. do.
Barnum’s Illustrated. News, No. 12. Received hi
mh24 J. B.
nel In the service of Queen Ann# ; A life of Vlclsttudes
a Story of Revolutionary times, by 0. P. R. Jamas ; Bleak
HonseNo.O; The Children of.* 1 ' - “ * *
USB, UT U. ftft. tfftiOII I
if wit—B • f °f Ufht} Katbay. ft Cruise in
the China 8eas, by Macaulay : Select British Eloquence for
the last two oratories, by Professor Goodrich: Tabla Talk
about Books, Men and Manners ; History ef Romulus, by
Jacob Abbott f Regal.Rome, an Introduction to Roman HU-
tory; OompftrMtv* Physiognomy, with numerous niostra.
Uras; Hftfikyjj Utfflpo of ftotmasonry; do Atalmon
Bezon: St*wart’s Freemason’* Manual and Croas’ Chart.
P UTNAM’S Magazine for May : Legends of tho West, by
James Hall. ' . ,
Behind the Curtate', a tale of Elville.
The Camel Hunt, a narrative o! Personal Adventure, by
J W Fabens.
Downimr's Rural Essays, with plates.
Blake’s Every Day Scripture Reading.
Spooner’s Dictionary of Painters, Engravers, Sculptors,
and Architects—1 vol. large 8 mo.
Collier’s Notes and Emendation of ifcakspear, from tho
folio edition of 1632.
Willis’ Summer Cruise in tho Mediterranean, on board of
an American Frigate.
The Old Man’s Bride, by Arthur.
Bartlett’s Commercial and Banking Table, adapted to the
currency of all countries, in one large quarto volume.
owsft The undersigned offers for sale the plantation upon
VMwhtch he now resides, situate in the county of Ala-
«*>H)huB, East Florida, and twenty miles south of New
nansvIUe, containing one thousand acres, three hundred
acres of which io- cleared, and in a high stato of cultiva
tion, Upon tho premises are a good dwelling house, out
houses, and gin. The above tract embrace* three hundred
acres of the first quality of hammock landa, and tbe residue
the finest sea Island cotton lands; all of which Is In the
heart or the finest range in the county. Possession given
at any time.
I will also sell corn, fodder, aud other provisions, and if
required, one thousand head of cattle.
Refer to—John Boston, Savannah, Hon. M. 8. Perry, Ml-
canopy, Florida, or to tho subscriber at Ncwnansvllle. Fla.
February 13th, 1853.ftblH—dftw3m
rm .„ Cktrttti a/mltd i#\
_ Mo*ioh will ftomitwnctf oft tb4 Second Monday,
p *‘^ Mor ol,Mental and
P. I/)UD, ProfsMor of Natural Sciences.
L.R. Biujotui, Professor ot Mathematic* and Director of
Untar M, Hourataw. Profcwor of Bello* Lettres.
The Faculty will be assisted by the following Ladles, vis
Mrs. Browne, Mrs. Branham, Misses Benaett, Bum*toad.
Meredith, and E. Bennett
Catalogues containing further Information, may be ob
tained by applying to either of the officer* of tbe College, or
to either of the following gentlemen..who constitute the
Board of Trustees: K. E. Jones, M. D., President; B. M. Pee
ples, Esqr.jT’reaitxrorj Tho*. J. Burney, E«qr» Secretory; Col.
J. B. Welker, Rev. N. G. Footer. Rev. CTm. Irwin, Wm. 8.
Stokes, Edmund Walker, Zachariah Fears, Nathan Maaaoy.
Wm. W. B. Crawford, M. D., Benj. Harris, Jaa. F. Swanson, J
W. Fears, R. P. Zimmerman.
Madison, Morgan county, Doc. 23rd, 1851.
X alike for each and everv ViJ r 5 l * r «ll«a-
o-mptefnu, I. „„,; d v SlVr^Or*
throughout tbe UniiaaBi.i.- .***
, RICE LANDS FOR SALK.—The Tract of IwVND on the
Bt. Mary’sRlver, known as the Cut-off Tract,contotnlng
soven hundred and seventy-two (772) acres, of which over
five hundred (600) acres nro tldo swamp and fresh marsh
lands, with a rtso and fall of tide of six feet. Tbe marsh
land waa successfully cultivated many years since, producing
Cotton, Chne. nnd Rice.
These lands could bo put in order with less labour, it is
believed, than would bo required for putting Hammock lands
in order, and are considered very Halo from overflow In gales
and freshets.
For further particulars and terms, which will be made easy
to a purchaser, apply to John Fraser and Co., Charleston,
S.C., or to Mrs. Henry Bailey, St. Mary’s, Camden county,
A plat of the land may be seen at the office of tho Geor-
glan *_ »pi 27—dkc _
\ F 0 R 8 A LK.—A Tract of LAND, containing 202J*
acres, and Improvements, near Wnlthourville, liberty
county. Tho land ls of good quality, pine and bay land. 60
acres of which nro In cultivation, and tho remainder well
timbered, offering strong inducements to persons interested
in procuring turpentine. The Improvements consist ora
two-story frame dwelling, together with negro houses, stables,
and all other necessary outbuildings. The location cannot
bo surpassed for hcalthfulness or salubrity of climate, with
good water, apd a rauge for cattle which cannot bo excelled.
The above property can be bought nt a vorv ren*unnble price,
and on tho most nccommodntlng terms, if earlv application
bo made to the subscribers, at Waltbourville. liberty county.
npl 26—dAe K. II. WAY.
Tbe Heir of Redcliffe, by the author of tlie Two Guar
dians. Henrietta's Wish and tho Kings of England.
Beatrico, or the Unknown Relatives, by Catherine Sin
clair, author of Modern Accomplishments! Journey of Ufe,
Kincveth and Babylon, discoveries among the ruins, with
travels in Armenia, Klndistan and the Desert, being tbe re
sult of a second expedition undertaken for the Trustees of
the British Museum, by Austen II. laynrd, M. D.. author
of Nineveh and its Remains, with map, plans and illustra
My Novel, a further supply received.
Barnum’s Illustrated News. No. 11, and a supply of the
back numbers from No. 1. Received by
M Y HOME IN TASMANIA, or nlno years in Australia,
by Mr*. Charles Meredith.
An English Soldier in tbe U. S. Army in Mexico.
The Phonographic Teacher, by Webster.
Ward’s English Items, a further supply.
Jeames’ Diary and Rebecca nnd Rowena. by Thackeray.
Prescriber’s Pbirmacopa-la. containing all tbo Medicines
Ac.. Wythe’s Dose Book.
Putnam’s Magazine completo. new supply.
arv, a Leg
and Rebecca and Rowena, by W. M. Thackeray.
Wood’s and Beach’s United States Dispensatory.
Ancient Christianity Exemplified.
Hillman’ History or Chemistry.
New Themes for tbo Protestant Clergy.
Tiie Infant’s Progress from tho Valley of Distraction to
Everlasting Glory, illustrated by the author of Little Henry
and hla Bearer; Vinet’s Pastoral Theology.
Barnum’s Illustrated News; Gleason’s Pictoral.
Simon Kenton, or tho Scout’s Revenge, for salo at the
book store of S. S. SIBLEY,
apU4 135 Congress-street.
N EW BOOKS.—Macaulay’s Speeches on various occa
The Lofty and the Lowly, by Miss McIntosh.
Heart Histories and Life Pictures, by T. S. Arthur.
DeQuincey’s Narrative and Miscellaneous Papers, 2 vols.
his Opium Eater and all his other works.
Goethe’s Faust, translated by Hayward.
Memoir of the Physical and Political Geography of Ne
Grenada, by Gen. Mosouera, translated from tbe Spanish
* ' ’ * with a map.
Theodore Dwight, w
B OOKS 1 BOOKS 11—Boyer's French Pronouncing Dic
Ilianca. a tale of Erin nnd Italy, by Edward Mnturin. Esq.
author of Montezuma. Eva. Ac
Punch's Prize Novelists, the Fat Contributor and Travel*
In Ixindon. by Tbackaray.
Garden Walks with tho Poets, by Mrs. C. M. Kirkland.
A further supply of Graco Aguilla's works.
The Vale of Cedars. Women of Israel.
A Winter in Madeira. Homo and its Influence.
Parisian S'ghte and French Principles. Men’s Wives.
Yellow Plush Papers ; Tho lardy Bird, by lady Fullerton
History of Pendennis, by Tbackaray: Stern’s Works.
Pope’s Poetical Works, Burns’ do, Youg, Gay, BealynnA
Plutarch’s I Ives. Mysteries of Paris, the Spitfire. Ac., for
sale at tbo bookstore of S. S. SIBLEY.
mh«4 135 Congress-street.
T HE HOME CIRCLE, or familiar thoughts on vnrious
topics, literary, moral and soclnl. by Mrs. Kirkland ;
Homes of American Authors, comprising anecdotal nnd de
scriptive sketches. Illustrated with views nr their residen
ces from original drawings, and a fnc simile of the manu
script of each author; Romance of Indian Life and other
tales, by Mrs. Mary H. Eastman, beautifully illustrated ; Il
lustrious Personages of the 10th Century, illustrated with
steel engravings; Gems from Moore's Melodies, 4to., ten
beautiful illustrations; The Bible In tbe Family, by Doctor
Uoardmnn : Foot Prints of Truth, or Voice of Humanity, by
John Colo Hager, illustrated steel engravings ; Gift Book of
Gems, a literary offering of all seasons, edited by Emily Per-
civnl, richly illustrated; Review of New Themes; received
and for sale by S. 8. SIBLEY,
ded14 135 Congrcss-strcet.
[Vi MV BOUKS.—Memoirs of a Huguenot Family, by Ann
J.1 Maury; Yankee Notions, or Whittllns from .Jonathan
Jack Knife, vol, 1, price $1)*; Kate Stewart, a story from
Blackwood's Magazine; Putnam’s Monthly.a magazine of
literature, science and art. vol. 1. No. 1: Romance of Stu
dent Ufe Abroad, by Richard B. of St. Led
ger. Ac ; A Slorv of Ufe on the Isthmus, by Joseph W. Fa
bens; Pictures from St. Petersburg, by Edward Jorrmnn ;
Harper's Magazine for January; Consolation, in discourses
on select topics, addressed to the suffering people of God. by
J. W. Alexander, D. D.; Life of Sir Wnlter Scott, by Donald
Maclaod ; More of Frauk Freeman’s Rarber Shop; receiv
ed by dec30 JOHN II. CITHBFJXiE.
N EW BOOKS.—Putnam’s Magazine, for March.
Tho Two Merchants, or Solvent nnd Insolvent, by T. S.
The Miseries of Human Life,an Old Friend in a New Press.
Barnum's Illustrated News, No. 9. Received by
N EW BOOKS.—Summer Cruise in tho Mediterranean on
board nn American frigate, by N. Parker Willis.
The Old Woman’s Bridle, by T. S. Author.
The Mother and her Offspring, by Stephen Tracv. M. D..
formerly a Missionary Physician to the A. U. C. F. 6. to the
Autobiography of nn English Soldier in the United State*
Army, comprising observations andadventures in the States
ami Mexico.
Tbe Lovers' Stratagem, or the Two Suitors, by Emeline
Flygare Carlen. author of Ivai or tho Skjuts boy.'
The Hying Dutchman, or tho Wedding Guest of Amster
dam. a mysterious talc of the sea. by Cnpt, "Merry V. S. N
The ladles’ National Magazine for'May.
Barnum’s Illustrated News, No. 16, and a supply ol tb*
back numbers, received by
npl20 J. B. CUBBEDGE
a crusade in the East, by J. R. Browne.
Guzot's Earth aud Man. or Comparative Physical Geo
graphy in relation to mankind.
Ketta’s Cyclopaedia of Biblical Literature
The I/ivers’ Stratagem, or the Two Suitors.
Rev. Dr. Kip’* Works, viz: Early Conflicts of Christiani
ty, tho Double Witness of the Church, the Lenten Fast and
a Christmas at Rome.
Coleridge’s Works, vols. 8 and 4.
Ray’s Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity.
Mecliand’s History of the Crusades, translated by W. Rob
inson. 3d vol.
Ktt’s Elements of Health and Femalo Hygiene.
Webber’s Talcs of the Southern Border.
Fnglish Law and Equity Reports, vol. 12.
United States Equity Digest, 2 vols.
N EW BOOKS.—Clara Moreland, or adventures In the far
South-west, by Emerson Bennett.
Mary Price, or adventures of & Servant Maid, by G.
No. 14 of Barnum's Illustrated News.
Christian Review for April.
Received, a further supply of Mr Novel, and Lofty and
Isiwly, in cloth and and paper binding.
atx an Principles, with practical directions for adminis
tering the Tliomsonian Medicines, including the various
methods of administering vapor baths, emetics, Ac., by J,
W. Comfort. M. D.
Element* of Health, by E. J. Tift, M. D.
The Principles of Botany, as exemplified In the Oryplog-
nmia, for the use of schools and colleges, by Harland Cool-
Anecdote* for the Steamboat and Railroad, selected from
the best authors, by an Old Traveller. Received by
“ > My success in the Carriage business In the
[lily of Savannah, is no longer and experiment,
For tfie considerate, generous confidence, and liberal pa
tronage that I have received from factors, mercliant* and
citizens generally, I desire in this public manner to express
my thanks, and to renew my assurances or increased deter
mination to give the most entire aatisfaclion to all who may
favor me with their custom. I hare devoted tho past sum-
m # e r wjtettlng up a large and splendid stock of every kind
0 «« I” aow * n nje ' carriages are well
anited to this market, and for neatness, lightness and dura
bility, they cannot be surpassed. Rockawaya of every style,
Coaches and Pleasure Wagons; also Buggies of every con
ceivable shape and kind, (among them some from J. H.
Godwin’s celebrated establishment, in New York.) and a
very neat, light and convenient style of Sulkey. for physt-
ciansandothers J. C. THORNTON,
Comer of West Broad and Bar-streets.
-- jnuidpa! railroads In tho United 8u{m and
Warehouse Scales, Heavy Portable Scales, on
wheels, for foundries, rolling mills, Ac. Store Scales, various
modifications ; Counter Scales, Hay and Coal Scales, A^—
These Scale* have been long known and severely tested; and
the universal confidence felt In their accuracy and perfect
regarded aa the stand.
[ABELL, Agents
..... oonuaence ien in mcir acc
adjustment, ts such that they are now rega
which there Is no appeal.
-.-MMimift, I...... .. M..«^ MWMft.l
~ coughs, ooldx and Inflontas. These Lozenges wl„
be found much tnore'-coovenlent than any of the liquid
preparations, ao they eon be carried about the person, and
always ready .fornre wb«n the cough Is troublesome, .thus
•jWeat bt oougEtot ftndxpniti ^ '
THE subscriber olfor* for sale 1,200 acres of land,
ggqilylngon the Alatamnlin. river, three miles Mow the
■•“-fork, known as Town Bluff. There arc 250 acres open,
ready for cultivation; also two small framed homes with
good framed barn ami good framed store lioeie. situate on
the bank of tho river, one of tho best stands lor a store in
tins section. Tho place has tho udvantngc of steambonts
during tbe fall, winter nnd spring months, and one of tho
best fisheries on tho river for shad. Any person wishing
to purchase can do so by calling on tbo subscriber on the
Allso. 080 acres of land well timbered, with 150 acres of
first rate bay land well ditched and draiued.readv for clear
ing, with five acres cleared. Said land will produce fifty
bushels of corn to tbe acre. This land lies two miles from
Mann Ferry, on tho Alntnmalia river.
Also. 5.000 acres of first quality pine timbered land on
the Alntamnlin nndOcnmlgee rivers.
All these lnnds are situnte in the first nnd second district
or Appling county. Also. 2.000 acres of land well timbered
with cypress and white oak. Any person wishing further
particulars can address me at Hall P. O., Georgia.
jnn31—InwdAwCin ft*. DYAI.L.
WTTlie Raleigh. (N. C.) Standard will please publish
weekly for six months, and t-end bill to \v. D.
«jj*t A Tract of Tide Swamp land, containing 6U0 acres,
gyjffiDyingon the Alatamalm river, three miles above Darl-
adjoining lands of the estate of Butler nnd I)un-
wody on tho east, nnd Glgnilliat nnd Walker on tho north
and west, having ns gofnl a pitch of tide ns nil* rice plan
tation on the river. My terms are. twenty dollars per acre,
one-fourth cash, and the balance on a credit of from Uve to
ten year*, the interest only required to lie paid annually.
Apply to the undersigned at Darien. In ca«oof my absence
Mr. Jams Paixcim will show the land, a plan of which cu
be hoen at the office of the Georgian.
Darien. Jan. 22.1853. jnn25—lam
({Si HMt SALK.—A Tract of LAND of Five Hundred acres
LJJ_strtctly prime Rice land, immediately opposite the old
town or Hardwick. The situation of the'place affords one
of the best Saw-iuiU seats in the Southern country, facilities
for timber being easy and without end. Vessels coming
from sea can load immediately alongside, drawing from ten
I' 1 feet «f » nter. For terms apply to Henry Williams,
U.S. District Attorney, to U. STILLS,Bryancoun-
S ITUATED half a mile from this City, on the canal, has a
basin capable d bolding two million feet of The
Mill lias been in operation about seven months, runs two
gangs mid nn edging saw. also Grist Mill. This Mill saws
front 12 to 16 M. feet per day. For particulars apply to
10R SALE—'Tlmt valuable parcel of land formerly
T2C_nccupled by E. Jeneke's. Km,., known as a Cooper’s
Shop and \ard. It Is bounded on the east by West Bound-
ary street, west by the Canal, north by Railroad street, and
south by lots Nos. 5 aud 6, and contains about four acre*,
F OR SALL-The westerly half of hit No. 2 Yainncra ..,
being the V barf now occupied by the Charleston Steam
Packet Company, measuring one hundred feet on the River,
and running hack about two hundred feet to Canal-street.
The property Is now under a lease which will expire on the
first of Novcmbernext.
If not sold at private sale previous to the first Tuesday in
February, it will then he offered nt auction nt tho Court
House. Apply to ' “
F UR SALE.—A negro woman, aged about thirtv-elght
years, a Hrstrn'o washer, warranted m sucl'i. with
um"- 1 -*— * * * *
her daughter, aged twenty-two years, a seamstress.--
Atso. a woman, aged about forty years, a good cook, with
her children, two hoys, seven nnd sixteen rears of ago.
The*® negroes, belonging to an estate, will t>d sold during
this week.ou liberal terms.
janll) T. J. WALSH. No. 170 Bay-st.
N EGROES FOR SALK.—A woman aged 35 years, a good
cook washer nnd irouer. A mulatto woman. 27 years
old. a first rato seamstress nnd house servant, and her son
8 years old. A woman 37 years old. n good cook, washernnd
ironor. nnd her two children aged K nnd 2 voars. A boy
aged 17 years. A man 3-6 years old, a good Held hand Also,
a boy aged 10 years. Apply to
F fNI SALE—A likely family of negroes: a carpenter 36,
his wife 32. a goml washer nnd Ironer. her son. very
likely. 16. a girl 5. iqC*y 3. nnd nu infant. The above ne
groes nro of good character aud very valuable.
F or sale.
26. anoth
SALE.—A likely negro man 27. another 24, another
another 28, ami a boy 14. Apply to
d. Apply to
F OR SALE.—A negro woman, nnd her four children ; a
man 21, one 19, boy 14.and bov raised
F OR SALE—Six likely negro girls, aged from 12 to 1,
years; also a woman, aged 23 years, a good cook, wash
er nnd ironor. with her two girl children, d and 2 years
Appl) to ‘ no20 WYLLY k MONTMOLLIN
F oil SALE.—Two very likely country raised negroes: a
man aged 25years, a first rate Axeman and Field hand,
nnd his wife aged 20 years, accustomed to house and field
work. They arc sold for no fault, and warranted sound,
*ppjy dec24 WYLLY k MONTMOIJJN.
F OR SALE—A negro woman, aged about 33 vears, very
intelligent, nnd warranted a first rate cook, washer and
ironer. sold to remain in the city Also, a likely negro
man. aged 25 years.
F OR SALE—Half lot No. 13 Margaret itreet. Apply I
I pUlt SALE—Trust lots Nos. 25 and 26 on Dull street,
Monterey word and square. Apply to
S EAMSTRESS FOR SALE.—a mulatto woman, who is a
complete seamstress and house servant ; nDo. a negro
woman, aged about 89years, a good cook, wn-iiernnd iron
er. Apply to oc21 WYIJ.Y k MONTMOIJJN.
1 ?01l SALE—A likely family of negroes, a rromnn35, her
- son 10. a girl 14. u boy 11. nnd a liov 1.
For tho cure of Incipient Consumption. Scrofula, General
Debility, White Swelling. Rheumatism. Diseases of the
Liver and Skin, and nil diseases arising from impurities
of tho blood and the effects of mercury.
S WAIM’S PANACEA has been for more than thirty years
celebrated in this country and in Europe for Its extra
ordinary cures—for the certificates of which reference in
made to tho directions and books (which may be had gra
tis) accompanying the Panacea. Some or which give the
particulars of cases too frightful for general publication,
where the patient* had been almost eaten up with scrofu
la. and were deemed incurablo by physicians.
It has been used in hospitals, nnd private practice, and
has bad the singular fortune of being recommended by the
most celebrated physicians and other eminent persons
Among others by—
W. Gibson, M. I) . Prof, of Surgery. Pa. University.
Valentino Mott. M. D.. Prof, of Sure. N. Y. University,
W. P. Dewees. M. D .Prof.of Mid. Pa. Uhiversity.
N. Chapman. M. D.. Prof of Physic. Pa. University.
T. Parke. M. D..Pres’tCollege Physicians. Philad.
Dr. Del Valle, Prof, of Medlcinco. Havana.
Jose Earn encode Prof, of Surgery. Usbon.
J. Chlrman. Member Royal College Surgeons. London.
O. W. Erving. late Minister to Spnin.
Sir Thomas Pearson. Major General British Army.
Gilbert Robertson. British Consul. Ac.
And also, the wonderful cures effected by Swnira’s Pana
cea bnve, for many years, made It an invaluable remedy.
The Panncca does not contain mercury in any form,and be
ing an innocent preparation, it may be given to the most
tender Infant,
Tho retail price hanbeen reduced to 81 60 per bottle (con
taining three half pints) or three bottles for $4.
Swnlm’s Punncea is in round bottles, fluted longitudinal
ly. with the following letters blown In the glass: “SwAni'a
—PsxacEA—Phiu-ar’a." and having the name of James
Swaim stamped on the sealing wax and written on the label
covering the cork, and a splendid engraving for tbo side of
the bottle, composed of geometric lathe work, comprising
nine different dies, which have been turned for the exclu
sive use of the proprietor, by Draper k Co., bank note en
graver* of Philadelphia. In the centra is a portrait of the
late Wm. 8waln, copyright secured.
Also, Swaim’* Vermlftige,
A valuable Family Medicine, beluga highly approved rem
edy for all diseases arising from debility of thenigcstlre or
gans, such as worms, cholera morbus, dysentery, fever and
ague, bleeding piles, sick headache. Ac. See the pamphlet
(which maybenad gratis) accompanying the Vermifuge.
Prepared only at 8waim’a Laboratory, tbe old stand Sev
enth-street. below Chestnut, l’hlladelpoia, aud sold by all
the respectable druggists in the United States.
Cautiox to tho I’iisue.—Persons wishing to obtain the
genuine Swalm’s Panacea and Swaim’* Vtrmlfuge. should
be careftil to observe that the name 8WAIM Is spelled cor-
rectly on the labels, or they may be Imposed on by medl
cine* made In Imitation of them by a person bearing a
somewhat similar name, well calculated to deceive. Gen
eral agents for the Uhl ted States.
mh22—2awtf 104 and 106 John-street, New York.
T HE Subscribers have just received a handsome ftsaort*
ment of printed Delaines, Cashmeres. Moh*' - *“*
English and
Dress Goods,
New Store, 140 Broughton-at.
(OMESTIO LIQUOR.—160 bbls New Orleans Rectified
dr 20
Rev. JOSEPH B. 8KABRO0K, Principal.
Mr. THOMAS J. WELLS, Assistant.
T HE Principal has been engaged for nearly twenty years
In tbo Iristruction or youths The Assistant has been
engaged as Teacher of Mathematics and the English branches
for the last eight years In the Beaufort College.
Boys will be received as boarders in tho families, bath of
the Principal and Assistant. The price #f board, tuition,
Ac., will bo sixty-five dolUm per quarter, payable semi-an
In point of healthiness, Bluffton is not surpassed by any
location in the Southern country.
Reference*—Bishop Elliott, Dr. Fickling. Gen. Jas. Harnil
ton, and Mr. Lynch Hamilton. dec8—eodl3
ratfidd, Greene County, aa.
T HE Studies In this University are:—A Theological course
of three years, designed for those who arc preparing for
the Gosjh-I Ministry ; 6
A Collegiate Course of four years, equal to that of other
Colleges iu the country ;
A Scientific Course of three years, including, with some ad
dition. all the studies of the Collegiate Course except the An
cient Lnngungc*;
f Blrt'ual.
force a nostrum befor- * 1
those most interested,
The regular time for the admission of 8tudents, ls at the
opening of the Fall Term, the last Wednesday in August.
Candidates for admission nto the Collegiate Course must
sustain a satisfactory examination In Geography, Arith
metic. English, Latin and Greek Grammar. Crfsar, Virgil.
Cicero’s Select Orations, and Jacob’s Greek Reader ; and
must bo nt least fourteen years of age.
Candidates for admission Into the Scientific Course must
sustain a satisfactory examination on Geography. Arithmetic,
English Grammar, Simple Equations in Algebra, and two
books in Geometry; and must be at least sixteen years of
age. EXHMES.
Tuition. Spring Term. Ihll Term.
I-V TimtLociPAL Seminary, Gratuitous... .Gratuitous.
IxCoLuna. $25 00 $15 00
Scientific Coum, 26 00 15 00
lx Academy—
Preparatory Class 25 00.... . 16 00
Second “ 20 00 12 00
Third “ 15 00 9 00
Elementary “ 10 00 0 00
Room Rent 0 00 4 00
Contingent Ex|>cnses 2 00 1 00
These ux|N.'n*cs require to be paid in advance.
From Students who lodge in the College buildings, fifty
dollars will bo received as full payment for the tuition fees,
room rent, nnd contingent expenses of the year.
The price of Board in the village Is $10 per month ; of
washing, room-rent, nnd fuel, $3.
The Commencement is held on the last Wednesday in
There are two Vacations, dividing the year into terms,
follows ;
First Term—from Inst Wednesday in August to December
16th. '
Winter Vacation—from December 15th to February 1st.
Second Term—from first day of February to Commence
Summer Vacation—from Commencement to last Wed-
nesday iu August. 11. M. SANDERS,
Secretary or tho Hoard of Trustess.
Any friend, by application to I>r. J. L. DAGG, President of
tbo University, will receive a catalogue, containing tbe
course of studies, and all other necessary information.
, lV .
valuable curative power*, but toVrit?,
convnlGKcpnU, Ki ffiit tkc .1.1,
tberouutnln-hMd ■, * coon. wBStSV
cmlulou., ami on. b, vrhltli S *' u “uSSS.
nirty I. certain of being luitalLl’HWIla JtNU
pro|.rietora. .bo .III actort e„7,!MlWIU iMI
»< nmlnubte.l ebaratto
Inlon, numbering among ibem VIP 1 **tba jS "Icrgjm.n. C'lllnr.7n d ? r oi ll '*»wl3
noting the rel .Ellltjr ,n,l Hne.e, t [S"«'ntb2'a
the reach of doubt and distrust 1 frftzJJVt
is a V egetable Extract, an Internal 1
nressly for this one disease; ami thU J
form, either Inflammatory (/cut ) ', rn ^CT?
of how long standing. V ' ° r ^
W. V. ALEXANDER if. „ "S
Tim above have also for siriTtbe great
THIS invaluable preparation has oM*®! I
whereyeA introduced, unprecedented W,*
any other preparation brought befur» n “ i 1 *
tlDltcd thousands who have*'wed it
marvellous effects in removing «»Wvl
Rcstorlnir the Ncrroti. ei.-a '■
now herald it to the world as puJe.^ 8 ,? 1rt,, °i
vlrtuos known italic Materia Medics g 1 '*
Pliysicians of the first standing l n the ,
use and prescribe it as the most effective^' 0 ^ —
Alterative and Blood P nr ,n I
ever known. To the sedentary it ha, I
Bairn or Gilead. Especially to Female In..*
ble condition of life, it recommends itselfLT' 7 "***!
polut oPefficacy to any of the numerous ^
centratcd uuder the comprehensive
las.” # 01
Biis is a VegctaUe Spirit, pleasant to kd, tM
safe to be used In any state of health f
delicate female or Child. ’ erea l f ti
fiS* Price $1 00 per bottle.
W. V. ALEXANDER & 0) ■
No. 1 Barcliiy-street. (Actor Ho'uu. \ 1
For sale by A. A. SOLOMONd, j h
Ists. Savannah. Ga. ’ ' H ' Car TDUw|
7110undersigned. B. \\. Leonard and E.
^gfSjjpRW. Smith, (the former having been for more
NjgjJggUijLr than 30 years manager nnd agent or the
■■tv ix Ca MaWeawan Katabllsnments; the latter for
many years connected with the Allaire Works, as Superin
tendent ami Engineer, and more recently superintending
engineer for the Collins’ Une of New York nnd Liverpool
United .States Mail Steam Ships, os also or the Ocean Steam
.Navigation Company’s.ruuning between New York, South
ampton aud Bremen,.) having formed a copartnership.oi-
fer their services as consulting Engineers and Agents, for
( lurrhssingor superintending the construction of Paddle
Vhcol and Propeller Steam Vessels of every description,
Marine Engines ami Boilers for Ocenn and River Steamers,
laocomotives ami other Railroad Machinery. Pumping En
gines nnd Machinery for Water Works nnd Draining lands.
Blast Engines and Machinery for Iron Works. Cotton, Wool
en ami Flax Manufactories, and Machinery for every de
scription of Manufacturing. Corn. Flournml Saw Mills. Su
gar Mills nml Refineries, Quartz Crushing and other Mining
Machinery. Mill (.’coring. Shafting nnd Pullles. Every do-
acriptlnn of Castings. Wrought Iron Forgings. Ac.
Specifications aud contracts prepared, plans and de
tail drawings furnished, steam vessels, steam engines and
other machinery surveyed and value thereof estimated.
Second hand steam vessels, steam engines and Boilers,
cotton nnd woolen machinery generally, for rale.
Office 75 Merchants’ Exchange,
Cr. Wall and Hanover-streets. New York.
E K Collins. Agent New York and Liverpool U SM Steamers
C H Sand, President Ocean Steam Navigation Company
Mortimer Livingston, Agent New York nnd Havre U S M
lira Nye. Commander Steamer Pacific.
Joseph J Comstock. Commander Steamer Baltic.
(} W Floyd. Comma mler Steamer Washington.
James P Allaire, Esq., formerly Proprietor or tho Allaire
John F Winter. Son A Co, Merchants, New York.
Eagle A Hazard, “ *•
Peter Cooper, “ «
Asa Worthington, “ «
A O Pnrmelcn. “ «
James Rognrdu*. Iron Store Builder. «
Hazard A Montenth. Merchants. Buffalo, New York.
Bush k Wildes. Merchants. Boston. Mass.
I* Griuell A Sous. Merchants. Providence, R. I.
J P Phillips. Esq.. Cleveland. Ohio.
J K lemoino. President Mechanics’ Mg. Co.. Petersburg. Va.
C P Mallett. President Rockflsh Mg. Co., Fnyetteville, N. C
J G Cairus. Agent Rowan Manuf’g. Co.. Salisbury. .V. C.
Win Gregg. I’re.ddent Graniteville Mg. Co., Charleston, S. C.
George W Winter, Banker. Columbus, Geo.
Joseph W Winter. Esq., Montgomery, Ala.
W .1 Lcdynrd. Merchant, Mobile, Ala.
Sidney Smith. Esq. “ ••
Rufus R Belknap. Manuf’r “ “
James Saul, Esq., l’rest. Com'!. Water Works, N Orleans. Ln
W W White, Banker. New Orleans. I-n.
Samuel D Morgan, Merchant. Nashville, Tenn.
J G Ambler. Esq.. Jacksonville. Florida.
J S Sanborn. Esq., Coffeeville. Mis*..
Hurtill A Patrick, Merchants, San Francisco, Cal.
Charles Bogardus, Architect. “ <• ael8
NDKll a new nnd improved organization, manufacture
Locomotive nnd Stationary Engines. Sugar Mills, Gins.
Presses. Lathes. Drills. Ac. Also, every description of Cot
ton. Woolen nnd Saw Mill work. Shafting. Pulleys. Ac., Cast
ing* of any weight, (having a la rge assortment of nhtterus.)
at reduced prices. F. S. CLAXT0N, Engineer.
Depot 13 Platt-street. cornor of Gold. Claxton A Wet-
more. Excelsior. Collins A Co. nnd II. Collins’ Axes, Ha:d-
wnre Agency. 23 Pratt-st., New York. oclO—lyr
*• We would not grow one bud or hope
^ ou cannot garner In ripe fruit! ’’
T HE GREAT REMEDY is at last discovered, and that fell
destroyer of human happiness at length is conquered!
Consumption shall no longer rob our firesides of their
brightest ornaments, and sink many a gentle spirit to an
untimely grave 1 Consumption can be cured—Asthma will
soon be as tlm things that were—and Coughs and Colds, the
parents of that fell disease, that so often brings wo to the
homes of our land, vanish, aa if by magic, before this sover
eign remedy.
This is that which has so long been sought for. nnd 1* In
full faith offered to the public aa a certain cure for coughs,
colds, whooping cough, croup, asthma, and consumption,
nnd will, in any cure where lungs sufficient are left to sus
tain life, check the ulceration and raise the patient to
health, ’lids is not an idle boast, nor is this remedy sent
into the market without a thorough trial, but has proved
beyond a doubt, that wlmt ban been asserted can be done.
••The sentlineiit. tlmt consumption cannot be cured, ha*
destroyed more lives than tho disease itself.”—Dr. Warren
But there I* Hope j
The proprietor, by tbe use of this article, and the blessing
of Providence, was raised, when lie was pronounced by ids
physician to be almost dying with consumption, to perfect
beaUh. aml Is not willing that so great a blessing should be
withheld from those on whom “ this right hand emissary of
denth” has placed his mark.
The J-nzenge is perfectly harmteiui In Its nature, and can
bo token with impunity by the infant nnd tho invalid ; and
Its beneficial effects will be felt in a few hours after com-
mencing its use. Let all then, try it. and if these assertions
aro not proved, after an impartial trial, the price of the twx
will be returned, and all agents are authorized to retund
the money in any case where tho article is not perfectly
satisfactory. ' J
These lozenge* are put up in 25 cents, 60 cents, aud $1
boxes.and only need a trial to bo fully appreciated.
C. P. HUNT. Darien. Ga., only agent fur the Southern
States, to whom all order* must be addressed. fel8-dAw
arrivnls—120 bbls crashed, pulverised and clarified
Sugars, 25 boxes double refined LoafSugar
270 boxes Tobacco. 8s, 5s and 1 lb lumps
45 packages superior Tobacco, viz: El Dorado, Diadem.
Nectar. Virginia. Ac. ’
100 boxes bosflttinlly Soap, 100 do No 1 do
114 half chests Black Tea, some of it very superior
148 packages Hyson Teas. In X, X, and X chests, superior
160 boxes Tallow Candles, 8s and 6s
15 half pipes OUrd, Dupuy A Co’s. Brandy
25 X and X pipe*, various brands, choice French Brandy
5 pipes Holland Gin
4 puncheons Jamaica and 8t Croix Rum
30 casks Madeira and Teneriffe Wines
20 do Superior Old Madeira and Sherry Wine*
100 baskets Champagne. Heidsick, Hungarian Lion, Ac.
100 kegs and halves FFFG Powder
400 bsgs Buck and Drop Shot
60 bbls No 3.25 do No 2,20 do and 30 half do No 1 Mackerel
60 boxes Codfish and 40 kitts No 1 Mackerel
With a full supply of everything else in the groceiy line.
For sale on accomod&Ung terms by
S UNDRIES.—200 boxes tobacco, assorted kinds; 70 hhds
fair and choice Porto Rico Snnr, 40 do Cuba and New
Orleans do. 100 bhls. refined do, 76 do Crashed and Powder-
ed do, 25 boxes I/mf do, 300 bags Rio Coffee, 200 do Porto
Rico nnd St. Domingo do, 76 do Java do,160 X and W chests
Hyson Tea, 40 X do Black do, 130 boxes Soap; 100 do Mu*
Pepper, Allspice and Ginger: 60 whole and 80 half
bbls Butter, Soda and Sugar Biscuit: 120.000 Segars. as-
/T r ’ bbls. NewOrlean.
5 l, lsky,M°’k'WttoMommgaheUdo, 20 do old
Bourbon do, 140 do E. Phelps’ Gin, 60 do best P. A H. Rye
do, 6 pipes Holland do; 60 X casks Sherry, Madeira and
Teneriffo Wine: 60 baskets Champagne doVdO bbls. and 62
X casks American Brandy, 10 X casks and 20 X pipe# Cog.
nac Brandy In oustora house stores, 160 kegs Gun and RW
Powder. 500 hags Drop and BuckBbot, with * complete as
sortment of Groceries, for aale by
F l/lUR COFFEE, Ac.—56 bbls Hiram Smith’s Extra Flour
66 pure Gennesaee do, 200 bags print Rio CofTea, 40 do
oia Government Java do,60box«a6’a aud 8’aQ. k William's
Tobaceo. 60 bbls Powdered and Crashed Sugar. 60 do Stuart’s
CMAed do.ia hhds 8t. Croix do, 16 do Porto Rio© do, 80 box-
•s BedeU’a6'*-andS’o Patent Tallow Oandlss-200 do No. 1
wloand family soap, 60 do Canto’s Pearl Starch, 60hall
chests, and 13 boxes Hyoon Tea, 55 half do quarter and half
sssjsfig* "^swaaaagfflr
lAKENCIf 0AURICS In plala coior*,. whl
- mfisss net as It*, hlsck silk ms"*"
$C«S0 ,v .
UAH l'Elt'8 SPANISH SniTrinH
m a Panicle of Afaa}??
, N INFALLIBLE REMEDY for ScrJfuk C, . f
L Rheumatism. Obstinate Cutaneouitsmii *0 H
nr Pustule on the Face. Blotches. Boils. cCni/
Ring Worm or Tetter, Scald Head.
of the Pours and Joints. Stubborn
ders, Lumbago, Spinal Complaint*, SDdsllifof**^
from nn injudicious use of Mercury.
Impurity of the Blood. 3 “P™««e*bU»
Hiis vnluablo Medicine, which lias become
the number of extraordinary cures effects! tk
agency, hns induced the
of their friend*, to offer it to the public. whichiStlHI
the utmost confi.lence In its virtue*and wms.rfj b
properties. The following certifleah*. selectH f,!* ,
number.are. however, stronger tMimonv th.auL 1
word of the proprietors; nnd nn- all from H
known in tlieir localities, aud or the hlgk M t ritu5ud_
many or them now residing in the citv of RwJ!!?pk
F. HOYDEN. V* t .. of the Exchange
kuown every where, says he ha* seen the
Carter’s Spanish Mixture adminUterixlisqt,mv,!2(|
cases, ill nearly all the disease* for width it b m
ed. with the most astouisliinglv goodmufi». *?■
the mo*- extraordinary medicine he huneriM.
Hint for three years I had Ague and Fever of the bm^I
lent description. I had several Physicians, took
titles of Quiniue. Mercury, and 1 hi liete »H thj
vcrlised. but all without any permanent rtliff nwil
trie>l Carter’s Spanvii Mixture, two bottles ot
tually cured me. nnd I nin happy to *av I luiTf
Chill* or Feverss'nce. 1 consider it tiic best
world, aud tho only medicine that ever rMchtdatal'P
Beaver Dam, near Richmond. Va. JOHN loyart L
C. B. LUCK, Eaq., now in the city of BicbwetiilkB
many years in the Post Office. iia-\uch coo5-!,gall
astonishing efficacy of Carter's .-'i-smsu linrrmvvB
hns bought upwards of 80 bottles, which he hiirtnwl
to the iililicted. Mr. Luck suvs lie has &«urktcithl
foil when taken according to directions. fl
Dr. MINGE. a practising Physician, and foruittftl
City Hotel, in tlie city of Richmond, sarsht tui'r—■
in a number of iusta'nces the effect* ofCitmi'ibel
Mixture, which were most truly surprising. Hi nnh|
ease of Consumption, dependent on tlie Liter, tbe nt;|
feet* were wonderful indeed. 1 ■
SAMUEL M. DRINKER, of the firm of Drlnkcrk Ir.
Richmond, was cured of Liter complaint of 8 jnni*.
ing. hv the use of two bottle* of t arUr’s8wniik vjm
mond Repuldican had a servant employed in tkiM
room, cure 1 of violent scrofula, combined with
tlsm. whicli entirely disabltnl him from work Tnk(_
of Carter’s SpauLb Mixtnre made n perfect turret iij
the Editors, in a public notice, say they **cbeerfallTrom
mend it to all who are afflicted witli ant dumt tflf
blood.” T
valuable boy cured of rcrofula by Carter - * Sph-IEL
ture. I consider tt a truly valuable medicice. Jitfill
TAYI/tR. Conductor on the R. F. A P. R. R.Co, Ride
Salt lthcum of 20 Years Standing tin
Mr. JOHN THOMPSON, residing in thecit) ct Eitln
was cured by three bottles of Carter's : parish Vain j
Salt Rheum, which he had nearly 20 ilida
tlie physicians of tlie city could not cure Mr. ftteJ
is a well kuown merchant of Richmond. Va.,iri b a]
is most remarkable.
WM. A. MATTHEWS, of Richmond, Vs. bid i w
cured of .Spvhilis. in the worst form, by Carter'sfpsiH
Mixture. He says he cheerfully recommend! iLoier
aiders it an invalunblo medicine.
RICHARD E. WEST, of Richmond, was enrol of fd
anil what pliysiciuns called confirmed Coniunpiiin
three ho ties of Carter's Spanish Mixture.
EDWIN' BURTON. Commissioner of the RerenM.u;
has seen the good effects of Carter's .*-‘p*niih Midirtil
number of Spyhilitic case*, and says it is* perfect iciti
that horriblu disease. • •
WM. G. HARWOOD, of Richmond. Va.. cured old H
and ulcers, which disabled him from walking, Tookill
bottles of Carter’s Spanish Mixture, snd vsi enibWG
walk without a crutch, in a short time permanently «
Price $1 per bottle.
Principal Depots nt M. WARD. ClUiZ k CO., .Vo.I
Midcn Imne. New York.
T. W. DYOIT A SONS, No. 132 North tt Str«t. ft
DENNETT A BEERS. No. 126 Slain-t .WcbmonLftJ
And for sale by SHOMAS M. ll'RNB t CHjlM
M. CARTER. A. A. LOLOMONS A CO.. 8*v»nn»h.ul|
Druggists and Country Merchants everywhere.
For the cure of Cowjlu. Cold*, Hoarsened, ifrcwtiiill
ingcovgh. Croup. Asthma, and C-n/umjtiet
“ And by tbo river, upon the bank thereof rbeiln,
trees for meat, whose leaf shall not fade and the froiltkL
of shall he for ment and the leaf thereof for Dfdldrt'1
H ERE was hope for the sick recorded lungigo.uiiT
ry year adds new proof to the assurance iLtbf
proini-es shall not fail. |
As medical science discovers and designate* them
nature hns given, ono by one, tho diseases that itt<G
race yield to the control of art. Of nil the wUSiJ
suffer from, none has carried nmro victims to is craft
grave than Consumption of tlie Lungs Subjoined Mil
some evidence that this too may be cured, snd tDtpi
nary complaints, in all their forms. : ’ ""
Cherry Pectoral.
Space will not permit us to publish here toy pep
of the cures it lias affected, but the Agent bciotw
will furnish onr circular, free, wliereou art foil j«t J
and indisputable proof uf the facts.
Sufferers, read and judge for yourselves.
Ibr influenza amt //roping Cuugk.
Nasiivili-K. Tenn.. June 26.1B|
Sir: I have repeatedly used your Cherry Pecan!■
hooping cough and influenza and have no* hwiutkffi
pronouncing it a complete remedy. Four of ujdls
have been afflicted with these disease*, and the fan* 1
tho I’ectorel has always afforded instant relief. _
Wc attest the truth of the above statement.
M. MiGi.xtv. Editor NsfbvDk |
J M. Ziumei MSN. Dmggist.
Ptr a CvntumUiet Cough _
Dear Sir: For threo years 1 have been sffiicted^J
cough so distressing that F frequently > ispsirelof tto^T
much of the time 1 was obliged to wit up *11 nipttBfl
chair, as my cough would suffocate me when I W
Having used many remedies without much rrlin-i*‘*]
tried tlie Cherry Pectoral, which under ProrMftxit"
me altogether. lam with gratitude your*. __
This it one of the numerous cures of Asthma >thick L
accreilited to Cherry Perioral. m
Aliianv. N Y . April
Dr. Ayer, I/)well—Dear Sir: I have for ycinbcn^r
ed witli asthma in tho worst form, so that 1
obliged to sleep in my chair for n larger part of to*
being unnble to brentlu on my bed. 1 b*l trad»F
many medicines, to no purpose, until rnypsw*® 1 '
scribed, as an experiment your Cherry Pectoral .
At first it seamed to make me worse; but iak’;*,
week. I began to experience the most gratifying
its use; and now, ln four weeks, the dhesM i'* Dll j|'?|*
moved. I can sleep on my bed with comfort,
state of health which I had never expected |
GoRfirS-FiMJ- I
Commission and Forwarding W&fJl
From the President of Amherst College, Eduard
D., LL. D., de. „ , .uJ
J. C. Ayer—Sir: I have used your Cherry J
own case of deep-seated bronchitis, nnd *m
its chemical constitution, that it i* an admirable
for the relief of lnryngical and bronchial dffit® J
my opinion, ns to its superior character, can |
vice, you are at liberty to uso it as you think ftfter. l
Amherst. Sept. 12.1849. EMrsto
Among other distinguished authorities who JT
their names to recommend this preparation s> |
known to them for affo lions of tlieluno
President IVrklns, Vermont Me*Real Collfg*-
Professor Silllman, Vale College.
Professor Valentine Mott New York.
Professor Clt-avland. Bowdoln Medical Coller-
Professor Butterfield. Ohio Medical College.
Canadian Journal of Medical Science.
Boston Medical and Surgical Journal.
CharDaton.S. C. Medical Review.
Now Jersey Medical Reporter.
Hon. Henry Clay, U.S.Senator. „j. r t 4 fcMl
Hon. Geo. P. Marsh. American ' ■
Gen. Emanuel Bnlness. President ofCbili.
Rt. Rev. Ed. Power. Lord Blelioti o[ Toronto.
Also, many eminent physicians in forelgn conn
Not only In tho ranro dangerous
of tlie Lungs, but also as a fomily mediriae
use. it Is the safest, pleasantest and best Io ^ ■
Prepared by J. C. AYER. Chemist-toy*
Sold by TURNER A CO., A. A. S0IA)M0>> »■. uM
the Druggists throughout the State, rads*"® ■
ISC- GOODS.—KIcli.rdMin-s 44
juJ case Linens; 8-4 to 12-4 Linen SbceunpiL^^
UbloDamask, Dojlle’s Damask sndcoloreo^ ^
kins, binl’s-eye and Scotch Diapers, HncWWJ&Jta
brlc Handkerchiefs,and Lawn-Lawn.just’
aale by feb!9
JOAR—23 hhA. choice PoHo BIcoScI"*" 1 *?^
Helloed.ndCUriBcd do, 10 boicldo WI" ft*
Sugur IIouh HoUewi, 00 do Hlmn WgSB*9
•eo Flour. 60 do Butter, 8ugar and Sod* -
100 kegs prime Leaf lard, 60 boxes selected new
doStar Candles, 80 do Bcadell’s 6'« and 8 » P** 0
to S 8 “d f ”,“i , br aMSTOK.joii^’il
-r IWnch nrintM J4
ladteoeade. PHH
mj.1 .f S»«.l dr, r»avh.j li 5f«ag(Al
CCM of joy choice Fhorncii
*!, black grenadines. An
i black grenadines. An jtsb
inserting* and edgings; one ^w«»
ig silks, which with a v«