About The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 18??-1856 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1853)
iwsmmsmbw „ ofmortyaq* U«u*d from Chatham 8 Tor ol Janra U ' • IT Hondecaon 11, Jana P. «..« jv k S^;^wrwrp^eV^i4: . __ng muturrs SOX oontimud.—win i» V/ Mid, on the first Tueeday In Jon# next, before the oourt bottrela tatannah, between the local boon or a*la,all that eartaln tnafeuaia tenement and tract of land, situate. ly- '' ta( and bain* m tha county or Chatham aforesaid, bulling • Mabwndtof aan>Uowa: Oommeneln* at tha aoathaut *— - _ M tl , i _ 4S.A all* A# kuaaak aHfl A north IS*, eaat 9ft chains and two Unka to tha aonUMtn Hoe of aald city limit*, thanoa aloof aald Una of city Umlta aouth 77*.eaat IS ohalna and ST link* to tha point of atarilac—contalnlnc thirty-fir# and a half acraa, more orlaaag levied on aalha property of Joseph M. Turner, to aatlafy a ft. da. taauad horn Chatham Superior Court in fa- wot of John F. Gullmartin, admlniatrator of WUaon Oden, dacauad. anlnit Joaaph- M. Turner. Property pointed out hyatatnUlTi attorney. _ may* JOHN DKVANNY. Sheriff c. a r*1HittlAM SHERIFF'S SALK.—WUI be aold. on the flrat \j Tueadar in July next, before the court home In the etty of Savannah, between tha uaual hour*, one undivided .. fourth part of two wharf lota, or pieeea of ground, situated on Hutchiaon’a bland, in the oounty of Chatham and State of Georgia, being lota No*. IS and 14, together with aU the whama,reaerTolra,buildlnga and lmprovementa on eaid lota, and theatcam engine* and boliera, the plaining ma chine, clapboard machine, saw gates, force pumpa,andall other machinery of every kind and deaerlpUon in and about the aald lota or building, (meaning the one.fourth part of the Oglethorpe atam aaw mill,) with the appurtenancea thereunto belonging and appertaining; levied on as iho property of EdwardF. Klnchley and Robert Todd, to aatlafy a ft. fk. on foreclosure of a mortgage iaaued ftom Chatham 8aperior Oourt In favor of George Newell va. Edward F. Klnchley and Robert Todd. Property aet forth in aaid ft. fa. MCjftft . JOHN DEVANNY, Sheriff o. o. ti'all whomlt Oourt to make XS Monday ” Wlta^rjoim" Itrifillem Z*~<Mfn."ry for Chatham /‘tEOH^iA—Clinch Cbwnty»—To ail whom tt may coooen t VX Whereat, James Carter and Dixon Dennett will apply at thefXrart of Ordinary for lettere dbmlaeory as exeeutora •n theeetate of John Bennett t .... Thaaa arc. therefore, to otto and admonish all whom It mky concern to he and appear before said Court, to maka objection (if any they have) on or before the ftrai Monday in Aprtrnaxt, otherwise aaid letter* will ha granted. Wltnaaa. Guilford Lastingcr, Esq.. Ordinary for Clinch aauntv. tau 99th day of Sept,, 1869. eep29 pi EOIVUIA—CTUUAamCbtm/yi-To ail whom it may concern! VI Whereas, John Everard will apply at tbo Oourt of Or dinary for letters of dlsmlssory as administrator on the es tate of Patrick Tiaruy, deceased t These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all concerned to Ale their objections (lr any they have) to the applicant In the Clerk's office of said Court, on or before the first Mon day of November noxt, otherwise letters dlsmlssory will bo granted. Witness, John M. Mlllen, Dm., Ordinary for Chatham coun ty, this 80th day of March, 1868. iuhSO JOHN M. MILLEN, o.c.Q. /I BORGIA—Libert]/ Oounty:—To all whom it inay eon VI ocru: Wlioreas, Chariton Hines will apply at the Oourt of Ordinary for letters dlsmlssory as executor on the estate of 8usanua Sanford, late of said county, deceased; These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom tt may concern to bo and appear before said Oourt to make •hicctlon (if any they have) on or before the first Monday In July next, otherwise said loiters will be granted. Given undor iny hand, this 11th December. 1862. decl*JAMES 8. BRA DWELL, o. L. 0. 0 1 KUltGlA—Liberty County—To all whom it may con- J ccm: Whereas. Joseph A. Anderson will apply at the Court of Ordinary for lettors dlsmlssory on the estate of Mary E. Anderson, lite of said county, deceased} These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom tt may concern, to be and appear before said Court to inako objection (if any they have) on or bofore the first Monday tn September next, otherwise said loiters will bo grauted the applicant. , ______..j&o«at_ immediately preceding their registration, and continue so to do up to the time of election, who have attained the ag* cutlons which may be against them, who have made all re turns required by the ordinances of the dty.andbave been registered according to the provisions of thu act .—Extract from (As Keyittry Low. passed /aft, 22,1862. The following named persons have registered tlieir namos since the ftrii of January, 1868, and up to March 81,1868, inclusive: A—Matthias Amorous, John W Anderson, David Abra hams, Charles Arnold, Oeorge A Ash, Robert Austin, George Alexander, Charles D Ash, William B Andrews, Georgo II Ash. 11.—Benedict Bourquin, John W Bite, Gilbert Butler, John PBolfeulllet. John V Barber, J alius Bacharach^George L Blount, Anton Uorchert, Joseph Black, Alexander Francis Bennett, James H Dashlor. Michael Boley, Claudius E Baric, Chas W W Bruen. James U Butler, Hymen E Bjrck, William J Bandy. Edwin 1! Bacon, Wm James Bulloch. Blegmund Berg, Milton J Bockner, John Boston, Henry 8 Bogardus, William H Bulloch, PatrickUulkley, John W Beasley, John B Barnwell, James T Buckner. Anthony Ussier, Thomas A Brown, John Burns, Joseph II Burroughs. Berrien M B Bur roughs, William F Brantley, Charles H Bell, KUas B Bars tow, Peter A lilois, Wm Gaston Bulloah, Isaac Brunner. Johu Brunner, James Bancroft. C<—Solomon Cohen, Bernard Constantino, David C Cash, William Cullen, Peter Corb, David Lopex Cohen, James A Counrolale, Montgomery Cummtng, Daniel B Camp, George B ('umining. Mows Coburn, William Crabtree. Aaron Cham pion, DanielD Copp, Isaac Cob&n, Frederick Cook, Frederick W Cornwell, William P Clark, William H Cuyler, Carrol A Cloud, 8poncer Currell, Pierce Condon, William M Charters, Charle- Clare, Daniel Clarke, John F Compognlnc. Georgo Calley, Myles D Cullens, Peter L Constantine. Nicholas Cru der, Henry R Christian. John Cordeal, Wallace Curamlng. James Ii Carter, William Cooper, John J Cornell, James T Clark, James 0 U Campbell, Bamuel J Cassolls. Joseph H Carrulhers. John D Cliarlton, Bryan Connor, William Oscar Charlton, William Cox. D—David R Dillon, Martin Duggan. Archibald C Daven port. Isaac Davis, John Daily, James Dunn. William Dixon, Wltnoos ray hand, tills 8th day of March, 1863. mh!4 J. 8. URAI)WELL, o. i. c. /I HATH AM SHERIFF’S SALE.—Will be sold, on the first Tuesday tn July next;before the court houso in the city of Savannah, between the legal hours of sals, a negro girl, a slave, the property of Sarah Pierce and Frances Cooper; levied onto satisfy four fl. fas. in favor of John Dillon vs. Sarah Pitrce and Frances Cooper. Bald proporty levied on - and returned to me by. a constable. may26 JOHN DEVANNY, Sheriff o.c. C ITY MARSHAL’S OFFICE, Savannah, April 13, 1863.— The following reaolution waa passed in Council on the 14th March lest, via.: Nesoftnf, That the City Marshal be instructed to have paved those lots in Washington and Greene wards remain ing nnpaved, as near two years have elapsed since the pas sage of the ordinance, a majority of the owners having complied with aald ordinance. . The Paving ordinance has not been complied with in the following cases, visi ^Wuhlngton ward.—Lots Nos. 13,14,10,20,21,22,23,24, Greene*ward.—Lots Nos. 4,7,8,0,10,10,17.21,22,23,32, 84,40. None*.—In accordance with the above resolution, I will receive proposals for paving the said lots, until the 13tb day or Hay next. PHILIP M RUSSELL ap!13 City Marshal. S HERIFFS SALE.—Will be sold, on the first Tuesday in June next, in front or the court house in the city of Darien, between the legal hours of sale, a negro man by the name of Aaron ; levied on as the property of Edward B. Baker, to satisfy two fl. fas., one Issued from the Superior Court of said county In favor of Aaron Champion, and the other from the Inferior Court of said county in favor of Jno. Blunt, both against said Edward B. Biker. Terms cash. ‘apl30 C. O’NEAL, Dputy Sheriff M, o. C l EORGIA—Bryan County:—By virtue of an order from r the Court of Ordinary of Bryan county, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in July next, at the courthouse door, in aald county, between the usual hours of sale, all the lands belonging to the estate of Martin Shuman, deceased, sub- •ect to dower, togother with the negroes belonging to said estates. M. D. MOONEY, Adm’r., ap!20 MARY SHUMAN, Adm'x. G EORGIA—Aryan County:—Whereas. Z. E Dutton, ad ministrator upon the estate of Henry Dutton, deceas ed will apply to tne Court of Ordinary of this county, for letters dlsmlssory: These are therefore to cite all concerned to file tlieir ob jections. (if any they have) in terms or the law, otherwise said letters will bo granted. aplM A. H. SMITH, o. b. c. G EORGIA—Bryan County I—To ell whom It may con cern i Whereas, N. J. Clark, Isaac Perry and L. B. Daniel will apply at the Court of Ordinary for letters of administration on the estate of Ellas Perry, late or said county, deceased : These are,therefore, to cite and admonish all whom Itmay concern to be and appear before said Court to make objec tion (if any they have) on or before tho flrat Monday in June next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness, A. H. Smith, Esq., Ordinary for Bryan coun ty, this 0th day of May, 1863. majrft A. H. SMITH, o. b. c. G EORGIA—Bulloch County:—To all whom It may concern: Whereas. Milton Sheppard will apply at tho Court of Ordinary for Letters of Administration oi the lunded part of the estate of Absolem Ilagin, **., deceased ; These are therefore to cite and admonish all concerned to file their objections (If any they have) In my office, within the time prescribed by law, otherwise said letters will be 'granted. may2 WM. LEE. Son'r, o. b. o. G EORGIA—BufforA County:—To all whom it may con earn: Whereas, Wm. lie, Jr. will apply at the Court of Ordinary for letters dlsmlssory m administrator on the estate of Thomas Ice, a lunatic, deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish nil whom it may concern, to be and appear at tho Court of Ordinary for Bul loch county on the first Monday in October next, to make objections, If any they hare, otherwise said loiters will be granted. Witness, Wm. Lee, sen’r. Esq.,Ordinary for Bulloch cou nty, this 17th day of March,1853. mh26 WJIJJAM LEE, 8r.,o. n. o. G EORGIA—Bulloch County:—To all whom it may con cern : Whereas. Jehuo Ercritt will apply at the Court of Ordinary for letters dlsmlssory on the estates of John Ereritt ana Sarah Ereritt: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection (if any they have) on or before tho first Monday In November next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness. Wm. Lee. sen., Esq., Ordinary for Bulloch coun ty, this 28th day of April, 1853. apI26 WM. LEE. Son'r.. o. n n G EORGIA—Itullnch County:—To all whom It may concern: Whereas, Green R. Slater and Thomas Dasher, Admin istrators on the estate of John G. Slater, a minor, hare ap- . lied for letters dlsmlssory; These are therefore to cl to and admonish all whom it may concern to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary for Bul loch oounty. on tho first Monday in November next, to make objections, if any they have, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness,^Wm Lee.sen’r.Esq.,Ordlnaryfor Bulloch county, this26th day of April, 1863. ap!26 WM. I-EE, Son'r, Q. h. o. G EORGIA—BuKocA County.—To ail whom it may con cern : Whereas, Andrew Wilson, will apply at the Court of Ordinary for letters dlsmlssory aa executor on the estate of Absolam Hagan, deceased; These are therefore to cite and admonish all whom it may ooncern, to bo and appear before said Court to mako objec- lon (if any they have) on or before the 29th day of July next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness, Wm. Lee, sen’r, Esq..Ordinary for Bulloch coun ty, this 29th day onJanuary. 1853. jan29 WILLIAM LEE, Scn'r, o, B. o. G ~EORGIA—Bulloch County—Notice to tho Heirs of John Everett: Four Months after dato application will be made to the Honorable Ordinary Court of Bulloch county, when aittlng for Ordinary purposes for leave to divide the Estate of John Everett, deceased. delB JOHN EVERETT, Adm’r with the will annexed. | 1 EORGIA—Uclntoth Oounty -—To all whom It may con- ■VI corn: Whereas, Alexander G. Middleton, applies to me for letters of administration on the estate ol Thomas T. Mid dleton, late of said county, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditor* of said deceased, to file tlieir ob jections (If any they hkve) in my office, within tho time prescribed by law, otherwise the aaid lettora will be grauted to the aaid applicant. ‘» Given under my hand at offleo thin 16th day of Fobruary, A. D. 1863. fehlT A. A. DxLORME, Ord y M. Q. I N WARE SUPERIOR COURT—DECEMBER TERM, 1852.- Bxxjimi.v Tiiomas tmui Mariuket Thomas—IJbel for Di vorce : It appearing by tho return of the Sheriff in the above case stated, tual the defendant Is nut to be found in the county, and ii being represented tlmt she is not to bo found in the State, on motion of Wm. D. Oacldkn, Plain- iff'a Attorney, It Is ordered, That service of said petition and process be perfected by publication of this order In the Savannah Georgian, once a month for four months, next proceeding the next term of this Court. Granted P. E. LOVE. J. 8. C. S. D. A true extract from tho minutes of Ware Superior Court, at December Term, 1862. fob23—m4m GEO; B. WILLIAMSON. Clerk S. O. GI20HUIA-CHATHAM COUNTY. SUPERIOR COURT, JAN. TERM, 1853. Ann M. Towles, 1 tt. >■ Case Divorce. Daniel F. Towles, i r 1 appearing to the Court, by tho return of the Sheriff, that the snldtdefcndaut docs not reside In this county, and it further appearing that he dpea not resido in this State, on motion of Fleming k Mlllen, defendant’s attorneys, it is ordered that said defendant appear and answer at the next term of this Court or the case be considered in default and the plaintiff allowed to proceed; and It Is further or- dered that this rule be published for thirty day*. Extract from the minutes. mh24 JOHN F. QUILMARTIN, c. s. c. o. c. N OTICE.—AH persons having claims against the estate of Frederick Kottman, deceased, of liberty county, will present them within the time prescribed by law j and all persona Indebted to said estate will mnko payment to ao!27* V. GREST, Adm’r. .. to the Court of Ordinary of Bryan county, for leave lo sell the real estate belonging to Charles UaMilor. dec’d. maO C. M. BASHLOR, Adm’r. OTICR—Two months "after dale, application will be mado to tho Court of Ordinary of Chatham county, for leave to sell the following negroes, vis: Peggy, Mat thew. and Anthony, the property of Alexander J. Maxwell, late of said county, deceased, spllfi SARAH M. MAXWELL, Adm’ x N OTICE.—Two months aftor dato. application will be madet o the Ordinary of Chatham county, for icavo to sell Lot No. thirty-four. In second, originally Henry county, and Lot No. one hundred and six in thirteenth district, or • » Henry, now Fayette county, belonging to the ca- Valentino Creavor. deceased, tnh24 JOHN F. QUILMARTIN. Adm’r. N OTICE—Six mouths after date, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Cauidcn county. Ga., for letters of dismission as administratrix, with the wilt - nexed, on tho estate of Susan Fitzpatrick, late of said coun ty, deceased. noO DORCUS SANCHEZ, Adm’x. made to the Planters’ Bank of the State of Georgia for tho payment of the following described notes of said Bank, the right hand hnlves of which having been lost in mall from Barnwell district. S. C., tn Charleston : letter A, No. 329. for 620, letter A, No. 640. for 820 ; letter A, No. 088, for 820 ; letter B, No. 633. for $20 , . No. 182, for $8. To Bank of Savnnnah for payment of letter A, No. 005, for 810. Ieb3—3in SAMUEL SOLOMONS. N OTICE.—Two months after date, application will bo mado to the Ordinary of Chatham county, for leavo to sell nil tho rcnlostato In Giatinam county belonging to D. M. Rogers, deceased. Also, ten days after date, for Icavo to sell all tho perishable property of said deceased. ap!5 C. W. ROPERS, Adm’r. sons having demands ngalnst said estate will present 1 duly attested to CHARLES W. ROGERS, ap!5 Qualified Administrator. N OTI.CE.—All persons having deiiihn.ds against tho ea tato of Nancy Naglo.lnte of Chatham county, deccas o.l, are hereby required to hand them in to tho underdgn- oil, di ly attested, within tho tiino prescribed by law. and all persons Indebted to said Nancy Nagle, are requested to make immediate payment to inay24* MICHAEL NAGLE- Qual. Ex’or. ry county, for icavo to sell Amelia and her children. Joe. Sa rah, Jack and Hannah, belonging to thu estate of G. P. Co hen. deceased. may24 MARY ANN COHEN. F.x’ix N OTICE.—Two montlis after dato, annl— made to tho Hon. the Court of Ordinary of Camdon county, for leavo to soil tho one-third part or the steamer Wm. Gaston, belonging to tho estate of John Hebbard.dec. may24 ELIZABETH A. I1EBBARD. Adm’lx. K rx. Isaac iwtis, jonn uaiiy, onmea uunp. n uuaiu >ses C Dean.Lliesioy Dogger, William H Dunning, Honry J Dickerson, Albort L DoLorge. Isaac Il'Lyon. John E Davis, •Joseph Kelt, owen roiey, jercmian nesting, wren ood, Louis N F’ailigant, Gaspar J Fulton. Washington jiico, Josopli 8 F'ay, John G Valllgnnt. John C P'errill, v F'arry, Fredoricli Finch. William D F’ord, Sewell H ilotkJSii JJr/Kctum. bj TBArtiKif. Evelina, or the History of a young Lady's Introduction Into the World/bjr lire Buroty. • ‘ Tho Shady Bide ift Lift, or a Country Parsonage by a Pas. lor’* Wife. The Old kfah's Brtdo, by'[ B'Arthutv . A voysge to the Oslsstlal Country, from the Manuscript of an old Salt, br Rev Dr Cbeever. r«m% OorainenUrJr ca th. (Mr Oo.p.1., b, B.T, Dr Tyng. Sacred Songs for Family and 8odal Worship. ^Kveig''^DajScripture Rending, for tho use of Families, by Essays and' Miscellanies of Grace Aguilar, selected from the manuscript by her mother. Poetical Works of ThoMiaa Way. Poetry or Flowers and Flowers of Poetry. Bummer and Winter or the Soul, by Rev Ersklne Beale. Boys and Glria Own Book. Doctor Birch and his young friends. Agnes Sorrell, a novel, by O P R James. For salt by apl28 8. R, SIBLEY, No, 136 Congresa-at, • . _ Le/Matitt Charter, grantut in 1840,. npHE Spring session will oOmmenoe in the second Monday, 1 which lithe 12th day of Jsnuarf,- * Gw. Y. Drowkx, President and Profossor of Montal and M ARION COUNTY, (ALA.,) May 24. 1853.—Three months after date, application will bo mado to tho Bank of tho State of Georgia, for payment of a $20 bill of said Bank, No. 027, A. Porter, President, tho left hand half having been lost or destroyed. may25—3tn W. C. TROTTER. , u ... -Three months _ after date, application will bo made lo thu Bank of tho State of Georgia, for payment of a $50 dollar bill of said Bank.No. 217,1. K. Telit, Cashier, tho right had l alf of which has been lost or stolen. tnay25—3m JOHN C. HAMMOND. G EORGIA—Chatham County t—To all whom It may . „ earn: Whereas, John F. Gullmartin will apply at the Court of Ordinary for letters of dismission as administra tor onthe estate of Walter Smith, deceased : These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern to be and apner before said Court to mako objec tion (lfany they have) on or before the first Monday in May next, otherwise said letterswill be granted. Witness, John M. Mlllen, Esq.. Ordinary for Chatham coun ty, thU 81st day of October, 1862. nol JOHN M, MILLLEN.o.c.r. t l EORGIA—Chatham County .-—To all whom It may con- T oern: Whereas, Ellon Scally will apply at the Court of Ordinary for letters of administration on the estate of Charles B. Scally: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom Itmay oonoern, to be and appear before said Court to make objec tion (if any they have) on or before the first Monday In May next, otherwise said lettors will be granted. Witness, John M. Mlllen. Esq., Ordinary for Chatham coun- ^ M JOHN M. MIT JIN o. a c. ty, this 80th day of March, 1863. mh80 tn G EORGIA—Chatham County:—To all whom It may can- oern i Whereas, John Bilbo will apply at the Court of Ordinary tor letters of dismission as administrator, on the •state of Henry L. Bilbo: • These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It may eon oern to be and appear before said Court to make objec tions (If any they have) on orbeforethe first Monday in November next, otherwise said letters will be granted. . Witness,JohnM. Mlllen, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham coun ty, this 14th day of April, 1853, ap!16 JOHNM. MILLEN.o.c.c. C l EORGIA—Chatham County To all whom It may eon- r ooocern: Whereas, ERubethSpaltboff willapnly at the Court of Ordinary for letters 4ft administration on tne estate of George A. Spalthoff: These are, therefore, to cite and and admonish all whom It may eoneem to beand appear before said Court to make objection (If any they have) on or before the first Monday In May next, otherwise said letterswill be granted. Witness, JohnM. Mlllen, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham coun ty this thirtieth day of March, 1863. mh30 JOHN M. MILLEN, o. o. c. Tr i—To *11 whom it my concern _ T Whereas. William Holloway, administrator of the es tate of Mitchell Holloway, deceased, will apply to the Hon. the Ordinary of said oounty, for letters dlsmlssory from said estate | These are. therefore, to cite and admonUh)alI concerned to file their objections (If any they have) to the applicant In the Clerk's offioe of aald Court, on or before the first Mon day In October next, otherwise letters dlsmlssory will be granted. Witness, Wm. Lee, sen’r., Esq., Ordinary for Bulloch coun ty, thUITth day of March, 1863. mh28 WILLIAM LEE. Sen’r., o. n. o. FT EORGIA—Chatham County:—To all whom Itmay con vT earn i Whereas, the estate of Merit Finch Is unrepre sented by fr.il ure of any one to apply for letters of admin. .latraUoapnthesams: These are therefore to cite and admonish all whom It may conesra, to ' be and appear before the Court of Ordl- flJLJhe {W Monday In May next, to make objeo- Upn (If iny they hive), or said administration will be grantedto fte Clerk of the Superior Court, or some other fit .Ordinary for Chatham f*M. MILLEN. o. c. a„ whop |t may can- „ GepmW.Thomas, one of thssxe- ■tf of Wm. T. Hopkins, will apply to the for letters dlsmlssory on the sold estate j we toelte and admonish ail and singular ml creditors of solddeoeosed. to be and appear Within the time prescribed-by law, end shew jxw Tttj^wny lsttere dlsmlssory should H. PWjwrton^q.,Ordinary for Camden eouo. . * ,J. a;H»LVEHrpN,o.a c. NEW WINE AND LIQUOR STORE, iVo. 0 Whihiker-rtrrrt. THE SUBSCRIBER respectfully announces to the Jtirens of Savannah, and of t'.e interior of this Jstate. that he has now opened and will keep con tinually in store, a large assortment of tho best qualities or tlio various kinds or WINFN AND LIQUORS, both foreign and domestic, invoiced from tho best source*, and to his stock of which, at present on hand, lie Invites attention.— Having had extensive experience in F'rancoasa manufac turer, and in America as importer and dealer, his acquain tance with tho tradoenabloshim to offer assnranco that thu articles which nro enumerated below arc eacli gonuino: Articles of Direct Importation.—French Bran dies of various brands; Holland Gin; Scotch, Irish and Monongahela Whisky ; Old Batavia Arrack ; Jamaica and St Croix Rum. Wines—/lid Port. Madeira, Sherry, Champagne. Ilock, Claret, Sauterno and Burgundy Wines. Cordials.—In cases. Curacoa. Maraschino, Ratafia, 81a- vaitx. Kirschenwasser. Absinth, &c. Ale and Porter—-London Brown Stout, and Edin burgh Ale. Also Agent for Domestic liquors. nov5 R. MAYER. John Doyle, Jr., Isaac DeLaroche, William M Davidson. E«—Henry Ellis, Peter Endres, John Ererard, Richard Ennis, John FIskenmp. F.—Joseph Felt, Owen Foley, Jeremiah Flckllng. Green Fleetwood, * ‘ ** ' F Florence, Andrew F'arry,! Fish, John Flemming, Richard Flanigan, Thomas Ford. Patrick Fleming, John Foster. G—Joseph Georgo. Robert II Griffin, Francis Grimball. Joseph Georgo. Jr.. Robert M Goodwin, John B Gallic, David II Galloway,Seaborn Goodall, John Gauimell, Domingo Gal- leo. Joseph F Gammon. Charles Gross, Martin Oerken. James E Gaudry. Philip Gieblebouse, Henry Ganahl. John F Gull- martin. John Gerdts. Benjamin Ginovoly. John LGroven- steln, Ebenerer W M Gifford, James E Godfrey, George A Gordon. Calviu L Gilbert, Samuel Goldsmith. 11.—Thomas Holconibo David F' Halsey, William Hess. Christopher Hussey, Richard II Howell, Charles S Hardee, William Howe. William Hunter. William F Holland. Janies Hunter, George S Harding, Edwin E Herts, Martin Horn, Lemuel L Hover, John Haupt, Samuel B llaupt, William Honry, Henry Haupt, William W Ilendley, Robert Haber sham, John E Hernandos, Robert, Hutchison, Alfred Hay wood. William Heudersou. Charles A Hall. Geo W Hardees- tie, Robert A Honlker. William L Haupt. Humphrey P Hor ton, Peter Henry, William lleldt, Levi Hart, Thomas Hen derson, William P Hunter. Martnaduke Hamilton, Peter D Hilthelm. Charles F Hamilton. John F Hamilton. William Hone. William II Hausman, David narrlgnn, Henry Har per. Howell W Hollister, Enoch I) Hendry, John G Howard, William H Holmes. Geo Troup Howard. William B Hale. Gustavs A Holcombe, Claus Hartman, Samuel Hamilton. Edward J Harden. I,—John W I lily. JwJohn R Johnson, John T Jones, James R Johnston. Fdward Jones, James C Jones. Alexander Johnson. William Bullock Jackson. F'jioch S Johnson, John D Jesse. K—Philip Kolb, John Kennedy, Alfred Kent, Gefcrt Kuck. Peter Krousc. William Krauss, John W Klbbec. Her man Kuhlman, Diedricli Kattenhom, Nicholas King. John W Kelly, James W King, Nicholas Kelley, Hanford Knnpp, Thomas Kemp, John \v Kelley, William Kino, James Ker, PhIncas M Kollock. Philip Kean. L«—'rtinmAs E Lloyd. Louis Legrlcl. John N I*wis. Daniel J Ixmbreth, John H Lightbourne, William M Isiigli, Alonzo B I.uco. Hugh Logan, Stanislaus M Laffitcnu, John Lyons, Ixivl Is)licnthal. Peter l^ee, Edward I/ivell, William W Lin coln. Oliver A Lalloclio, John M B Lovell, Martin Larkin. Noble Lyon. F'redcrlck Lohof. Joseph II I^idson. John II Ladd, Daniel Leahy, Benjamin W LUoyd. Charles A L La- mnr. Peter Iaurens, James V Under. HI.—Hugh W Mercer. Anthony F* Mere, Abraham Minis William 11 CMills. Jacob Manko. Mulford Marsh. William Morrill. Jolm Mallory, Adolpho Mode. John Makin, Gefort Murkins. James W Morgan. Ralph Meldriin. Dan Mallcttc, Horace Morse. William II Slay, Samuel S Miller, John Mur chison, Oiristinn W Maylainder. Solomon Maver. John Mas- terson. Ludcr Mchrtensl Jacob Manses, John F. Mallory. Hen ry Mncnliard. Tliomns R Mills. James Monnahan, Cliarles A Mogill, Jolm B Mallard. Jacob Miller. lllc^—Georgo A McCleskcy. Bartliolomow McJunarney. Patrick McDowell, William McCarthey. Joseph J McCoy Ijiurencc McKenna. Thomas McKenna. Daniel McRedmond, Tliomns W McArthor, James McHenry, Michael McGrca Patrick Me Govern. N. —Georgo N Nichols, Thomas J Naylor, Dnniol Noison, Samuel Nuttman.JnniesSNeidllngor.NathlNungnzcr. Jolm G Neidlinger, William (• Norwood, Jacob Newbergcr.Gilbert N Neylo, Thomas M Newell. James A Norris, John R Nor ton. Robert C Nock. O, —John Oliver, Cliarles E O'Sullivan, John W Owens, Goorgn S Owons, Arinlnius Ocurlor, Edward O'Byrno, Wil liam O O'Driscoll, Dennis O'Connor. Pliillin O'Connell. P—Philip J Punch, Thomas Purse. Jolm Poole, James Potter, Joseph EI’clot, Cliarles F’ Preston,' William Procter, Edward Paaelford. FMward I'adelford, jr., Flislia Parsons. Daniel O Philbrlck. Anthony Porter. Dennis M Patrick, Ed win Parsons. George Parsons, Edward Powers. Q, ,—William Qnnntock, jr. R. —Philip M Russell.Daniel Robertson. John A Richard son, William Remsliart, Georgo Robertson, jr , Robert R Rhodes.Henry Robor, William Rogers, Charles K Robinson. Andrew M Ross, John W Remsliart. James U Rodgers. Ber nard Rodon, James B Read, Georgo Robbins. Joseph Rosso, jr.. David Rosenblatt. William P Rowland. Wm I* Roberta, John Reilly, Jefferson Roberta. John P W Read, Jas Rliind, Joseph lUbero. Jacob Rosenband, John S Rogers. Allen Russell, William Robinson, James Riley. Horace J Roy all. St—Patrick K Slilels, Henry Seltzer, Wm Henry Stiles, Patrick Smith, Francis Sorrot. Samuel S Slbloy, Edward A Soullard, Abraham Simpson. IJzar Solomons. John A Schaf fer. Frederick Schaffer, Francis F' Strobhart, Francis Shells, Harman Sllber, Joachim R Baussey. James J Snider, John Savage. Ezra Stacy, James II Sandlford, Jacob Shaffer.Con- rad Schnider, John G Sexton, John II Strous. John FStur- tovant, Walter W Smith, Francis M Stone. Emanuel Sliof- tall, John H Stcgin, Alexander J C Shaw, Farley R Sweat. James F Stokes. John A Staley, Abner Sawyer, Samuel B Sweat. Janie* Sullivan. Solomon Shcftall, Daniel T Scran ton. Danii-l 1! Stewart, John Slone. William Salto, Joseph D Stuhbin*, Jacob Spang, William Shinners, John Shuutel. Matthew Siiannou, Dennis Sullivan, Philip Smith, John Slnvink. James Shea. T—Peter G Thomas. Jolm F Tucker, John T Thomas, William S Thompson.George HTItcoinb, Cliarles G Tslbird. John DTenbroek, John Thompson, Frederick A Tupgier. Ja* Thurrt. William II Tinsley, Barnard G Tilden, Anderson C Tom*. F'ranciHTruclielut. V^-CImrle* Van Horn. David Vender Trlstatn Verstille, Henry II Verstillo. William H S Verstille. Henry Vielstitch. W—Richard Wayne, FMward G Wilson. William Water*. Robert D Walker. Henry F* WlUlnk. Laurence W Wall, Na thaniel F' Webster. Henry O Wyor. James T Webb. Henry E Weed, Smith Warner. Thomas White, F'rancls H Weluian, Nicholas Wolf, William White, Thomas S Wayno, Benjamin Whltchend. Jacob Wlnoborg, Samuel A Wood. Georgo S Wait, diaries Wilson, Thomas J Walsli, Jolm W Wilson. Jo- Jepli Waslihurn, Zncliariah N Winkler. I-ewis W Wells.FM- mund Wallen, Wylly Woodbridgo. Cliristoplier White, Seth Womlnrard, Isaac Wlldor, Dennis Wyfln. James White. Philo II Wltdman, William Watson. William P White, Philip D Woolhonte. Aslibol Welles, John J Waver. Y •—l>r Fusion Young. Z.—EdwinS Zittrooer All |iersons entitled to vote, and desirous of voting nt tho next election for Mayor and Aldermen of tho city of Huvunmth and hamioti tliereof. are respectfully requested to call at my office and register tlieir names within the time prescribed by law, olao they will be debarred the right of voting thereat. EDWARD G WII.SON. NEW BOOKS. T HE Works of James llall-Legomls or tho West—the author’s revised edition. _ .... Tha Ckmel Hunt, a narrative of Personal Adventure, by J W Faliens, author of “ Life on the Isthmus.” Behind tha Curtain, a tale of Qville. Doctor Birch and hi* Young Friends, by Wm M Thacka- ray, with sixteen Illustrations oy the author. Rural Essays, by A J Downing, edited with a memoir of the author, by Geo W Curtis ; and a tatter to his friends by Frederiks Bremer. Every Day Scripture Reading, with brief reviews and practical observations for tho use of F’otnllles end Schools, by tho Rev John L Blake, D D. Essays and Miscellanies, choice cuttings from Iho Manu scripts of Grace Aguilar, author of “Vslo of Cedars,” “Days of Bruce,” ’• Mother’s Recompense,” Ac, selected by her mother, Sarah Aguilar. Eustaco Qulntin, a sequel to Mary Price, by G W M Rey nolds. Jack and Ills Bride, or the Highwayman’s Flight s being tho further adventures of Clsudo and his F’ricnds, by the author of “Gentleman Jack,” beautifully illustrated. The Illustrated Bible, Nos. received to 47. Barnum’s Illustrated News, No. 17. Lofty and Lowly, by Miss M McIntosh; further supply. J. B. CUBBEDGK. taUt .but two ram •»! Ii coroplitelr floUhxl iLnd w.lj a, IToma, PLANTATION FOR IALB. ~ miM The underslgnod offers for sale the plantation upon MfflUhlch he now resides, situate In the county of Ala- •■■■^chua, East Florida, and twenty miles south of New- nanavlBe, containing one thousand acres, three hundred acres of which la cleared, and to a high state of cultiva tion. Upon the premises are a good dwelling house, out houses, and gin. The abovo tract embrace* three hundred ecres of the first quality of hammock lands, and the roildue tho finest aea Island cotton land*; all or which Is in the heait of the finest range in the county. Possession given at any tlmo. I will also veil corn, fodder, and other provisions, and If required, ono thousand head of cattle. JOHN B. STANDLKY. Refer to—John Boston, Savannah, Hon. FI. S. Perry, Ml- canopy, Florida, or to tho subscriber at Nowiiansville.FTa. February 13tli, 1863, - feb'Jl—d&w3m Received by ap!28 HAllPER’S MAGAZINE! FOIL MAY, P UTNAM’S Magazine for May; Legends of tho West, by Jmnoa Hall. Rebind tlio Curtain, a tale of Elvllie. Tho Camel Hunt, a narrative ol Personal Adventure, by J W F'abcui. Dowiumr’a Rural Essays, with plates. Rlake’s Every Day Scripture Reading. Spooner’s Dictionary of 'Painters, Flngravere, Sculptors, and Architects—1 vol. large 8 mo. Collicr’a Notes and Emendation or Shnkspoar, from tlio folio edition of 1632. Willis’ .Summer Cruise in the Mediterranean, ou board of an American Frigate. The Old Man’s Bride, by Arthur. Bartlett’s Commercial and Banking Table, adapted to the currency of all countries, in ono largo quarto volume. apl28 W. THORNE WILLIAMS, N EW BOOKS—Amabel, a family history, by Elizabeth Wormeley. Tho Ilelr of Redcllffe, by the author of tho Two Guar dians. Henrietta’s Wish and tlio Kings of England. Beatrice, or the Unknown Relatives, by Catherine Sin clair, author of Modem Accomplishments, Journey of Ufe, Ac. Ninevctli and Babylon, discoveries among the ruins, witli travels in Armenia, Kindistan and tlio Desert, being too re sult of a socond expedition undertaken for the Trustees of tho British Museum, by Austen II. Layard, M. I>„ author of Nineveh aud its Remains, with map, plans and illustra tions. My Novel, a further supply received. Barnum’s Illustrated News. No. 11, and a supply of the B. CUBBEBGE M Y HUME IN TASMANIA, or nlno years in Australia, by Mr*. Charles Meredith. An English Soldier in the U.8. Army In Mexico. The Phonographic Teacher, by Webster. Ward’s English Items, a further supply. Jennies' Diary and Rebecca and Rowcnn. by Thackeray. Prescriber’s Phiriracopa'la. containing nil the Medicine* Ac.. Wythe's Dose Book. Putnam’s Magazine complete, new supply. rfPL RICE LANDS FOR SALE.—The Tract of LAND on the *jrBt. Mary’s lUvcr, known as ttie Cut-off Tract, containing aovon hundred and seventy-two (772) acres, of which ovor firo hundred (600) acre* are tide swamp and fresh marsh lands, witli a rlso and foil of title of six foot. Tho marsh land was successfully cultivated many years since, producing Cotton, Csne, ami Rice. These lands could be put In order with less labour. It is belie veil, than would bo required for putting Hammock lands In order, and are considered very safe from overflow in gales and freshet*. F'or further particulars and terms, which will be made easy to a purchaser, apply to John F'raser and Co.. Charleston, 8.C., or lo Mrs. Henry Bailey, St. Mary’s, Camden county, Georgia. A plat of the laud may be seen at the office of the Geor gian^ apl 27—dAo rfBk F O R S A LE.—A Tract of LAND, containing 202K acres, and improvements, near Wnlthourville, liberty county. The land Is of good quality, pino and bay land, 60 acres of which are In cultivation, and tlio remainder well timbered, offering strong inducements to persons in teres toil in procuring tur|>cntinc. The improvement* consist of a two-ntnry frame dwelling, together with negro Iioum-s. stable*, and all other necessary outbuilding*. Tlie location cannot be surpassed for Iiealthfulness or salubrity of climate, witli good water, and a range for cattlo which cannot bo excelled. Theahove properly can be bought ut u very reasonable price, and on tlio most accommodating terms, if early application be made to the subscribers, at Walt huurville.Lifierty county. II. W^.BACON apl 20—dAo K. n. WAY. apl 13 W. THORNE WILIJAMS and Rebecca and Rowena, by W. M. Thackeray. Wood's and Uench’a United State* Dispensatory. Ancient Christianity FIxeinplified. Mill man' History of Gieinistry. New Themes for tho Protestant Clergy. The Infant's Progress from tho Valley of Distructlon to Everlasting Glory, illustrated by tlio author of Llltlo Henry and his Bearer; Vinet’s Pastoral Theology. Barnum’s Illustrated News; Gleason's Pictoral. Simon Kenton, or the Scout’s Revenge, for sale at the book store of S. S. SIBLEY, ap!14 135 Congress-street, N EW BOOKS.—Fiacaulay’s Speeches on various oc< slons. The tally and the Lowly, by Miss McIntosh. Heart Histories and Life Pictures, by T. S. Arthur, Dc Qulnc'ey’s Narrative and Miscellaneous Papers, 2 vols. hla Opium Filter and all Ills other works. Gnetlio’a F'aust. translated by Hayward. Memoir of the Physical and Politlrnl Geography of No Grenada, by Gen. Mosquera. translated from the Spanish Theodore Dwight, with a map. feb3 W. THORNE WILLIAMS GROClfilUEIS, Ac. 100 bags prime lUo Coffee. 60 do do Java do 20 hhds Porto Rico Sugar, 10 do N. O. do 100 bbls Stuart’s U and C Sugar 20 do Crashed Sugar, 20do Ground do ) bbls taaf Sugar, 20 boxes Lemon Syrup 60 do Nos. 1,2 and 8 Mackerel, 10 half do 2 do 100 do Rail. Flour, 60 do H S. do, 60 do half do Canal 10 casks Bacon Sides. 6 do Shoulders 20 boxes Northern Cheese, 20 do Engish Dairy do 60 do No. 1 Soap, 50 do Pale do, 26 do Starch 60 do Tobacco, assorted brands 60 bbls Planting Potatoes. 20 boxes Sporm Caudlos 60 boxes Tallow Candles, 60 do Star do 26 do Adamantine do 60 bbls old Monongahela Whisky. 2,000 ft Codfish 200 do Whisky, Gin. Rum and Brandy 20 W cask* Cognac Brandy, 60 dozen Brooms 2 pipe* Holland Gin. 2 casks Scotch Whisky 600 gross Pipes, 100,000 Spanish Segnrs 20 dozen Demijons. 200 reams Wrapping Paper 60 five and three gallon Kegs, landing and in store, for sale by Jan20 COHEN A TARVER COUGHS, COLDS AND BRONCHITIS. P A STILUS DE PARIS.—For the cure of coughs, colds and bronchial affection* of the throat, so prevalent at this season of the year. We do not recommend tlio Pas tilles do Paris to cure all tho Ills life is holr to, but we do say they will ouroall affections of thu throat, as a trial of them will prove. Manufactured by Mooro A Tnylor, 81 Maiden-lane, New York. N. B.— 1 The gennlne boars the written signature of Moore A Taylor. Just received and for sale by mh4 W. W. LINCOLN, Monument Square. Clerk of Council. apU5 A N ORDINANCE to amend an Ordinance defining what shall bo considered public nuisances, and for the remo val of the same— Pasted 2d August, 1839. Hec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor, and Aldermen of tho City of Savannah and hamlets thereof in Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, that from and nfter tho pas‘Inc of this Ordinance, tho provisions of said Ordinance prohibiting the keeping of lings within certain limits, bo and the same are hereby extended so as to embrace and include the whole corporate limits of the City of Savannah, and the hamlets tliereof. SEC. 2. Be it ordained by the authority aforesaid, that all Ordinances nr parts of Ordinances, conflicting witli tho pro visions of tills Ordinance, lie and tho samo are hereby re ported. Passed in Council. Bavanuah. April 21.1853. [U H.) R. WAYNE, Mayor. Kiiwakd G. Wiwox, Clerk of Connell. ap!27 B OOKS 1 BOOKS 11—Boyer’s FTench Pronouncing Dic tionary. Bianca, a talo of Erin and Italy, by Edward Maturin, Esq. author of Montezuma. Kva. Ac Punch’s Prize Novelists, tho Fat Contributor nnd Travels in London, by Thncknnty, Garden Walks with the Poets, by Mrs.C. M. Kirkland. A further supply of Grace Aguilla’s works. The Vale of Cedars. Women of Israel. A Winterin Madeira. Home and its Influence. Parisian Sights and French Principles. Men’s Wives. Yellow Plush Papers ; Tho lady Bird, by Lady Fullerton History of Pendennls, by Thackeray: Stern’s Worka. Pope’s Pootical Works, Burns’do,Youg, Gay, Boniyand Collin,. ' Plutarch's Lives, Mysteries of Pari*, tho Spitfire. Ac., for sale at tho book store of 8. 8. SIBLEY, mh24 135Congres*.*treet. T HE HOME CIRCLE, or familiar thought* on various topics, literary, moral and social, by Mrs. Kirkland ; Homes of American Authors, comprising anecdotal and de scriptive sketches, illustrated with views of their residen ce* from original drawings, nnd a fac simile of tho manu script or each author; Romance of Indian Life nnd other tales, by Mrs. Mary II. Eastman, beautifully illustrated ; Il lustrious Personages or the 10th Century, illustrated with steel engravings; Gems from Moore's Melodies, 4to„ ten lieantiful illustrations; The Bible in the F'atnBy.by Doctor Bnnrdmnn : F’oot Print* of Truth, or Voice of Humanity, by Jolm Colo Hager, illustrated steel engravings ; Gift Book of Gems, a literary offering of nllseasons. edited by Family Per- clvnl, richly illustrated; lk-viuw of New Theme*; received and for sale by S. S. SHiIJ£Y, dedld 136 Congress-street. IV] FAV BOOKS.—Memoirs of a Huguenot Family, by Ann JLl Maury; Ynnkee Notions, or Whittlins from Jonathan Jack Knife, vol. 1, price $1JJ j Knto Stewart, a story from Blackwood’* Magazine; Putnam's Monthly, a magazine of literature, science and art, vol. 1. No. 1: Romance of Stu dent Life Ahmad, bv Richard B. Kimball.nuthor of St. led ger. Ac ; A Story of IJfoon the Isthmus, by Joseph W. F'a- hens; Pictures from 8t. Petersburg, by FMwnrd Jerrnmn ; Harper's Magazine for January ; Consolation, in discourses on select topics, addressed to the suffering people of God. by J. W. Alexander, D. D.; Ufe of Sir Walter Scott, by Donald MacLeod; More of Frank F'recman’s Harbor Shop; recoiv- ed by dec30 JOHN B. ClJBBFJXiK. Moral Science, P. Lotto, Professor of Natural Science*. Mosla 1>roft,,oro * Mathematic* and Director ol Hwnr M. Holtxcuw, Professor of Belles tattres. The Faculty will be assisted by the following Ladle*, yie :— Mr*, llrowne. Mr*. Branham. Miaaea Bennett, Bumitead. Meredith, and X. Bennett Catalogue* containing further information, may be ob tained by applying to elUier of the officer* of the College, or to either or the following gentlemen, who conatltufe the Board of Trurtee* t E. R. Jc _ " jf ” S le*,Elqr., Treasurer: • B. Walker, Rev. N, u, rvawiiiin, v, «. irwm, nn, o. Stoke*. Edmund Walker, Zacbariah Fears, Nathan Massey. Wm. W. B. Crawford, M, D., Benj. Harris, Jas. F‘. Swanson, J W. F'ears, R. P. Zimmerman. Madison, Moreau county, Deo. 23rd, 1861. dr 20 lawdAwlf mowing gomicincn. who consutme me vnluable ouratlvn . E. F, Jones, M. D„ President; II, M. Pee- convalcsccnU «o fi at thi ° * rlU errThoa. J.burnoy,Esur.,Secretary;Col. thefo,nlZ^^t aJ^^ U, l , ?*“'-' &«• w4.S2r.5rt/573Lrifi: THebical. Complaints, Is already toS^rriT : k ,, ' Uo “^ , fi throughout tha United State. ore. a noalrZ ^fore < those most interested, ibe from the agent In their vlclnlly V rfS***® read the testimony or those who f CLASSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL ACAD EMY AT BLUFFTON. S. C. Rev. JOSEPH B. BEABKOOK, Principal. Mr. THOMAS J. WF.1JS, Assistant. T IIE Principal lias been engaged for nearly twenty year* in the Instruction of youths The Assistant has been engaged as Teacher of Mathematics and the English branches for the last eight years In the Beaufort College. Boys will be received as boarder* in the families, both of the Principal nnd Assistant. The price ef board, tuition, Ac., will bo sixty-five dollars per quarter, payable semi-an nually. In point of healthiness, Blufflon la not surpassed by any location In the Southern country. lUftrcnext—Bishop Elliott, Dr. Flckling. Gen. Jas. Hamil ton, and Mr. tanch Hamilton. dec8—oodl8 MERCER UNIVERSITY. rer\fittd, Greene County, aa. STVDIIB. fTinE Studies in this University areA Theological coarse i of tlireo years, doslgned for thou who are preparing for r years, equal to that of other LAND FOR SALIC. ■jnja THE subscriber offers for sale 1,200 acres of land, lug on tlio Alntainalin, river, three miles below the ■ fork, known as Towu Bluff. There nro 260 acres o|ien. ready for cultivation ; also two small framed houses with good fi nmeil baru and good framed Rtore house, situate on tin*bank of tlio river, ono of the best stands for a store in tills section. Tho place has tlio advontnge of steamboats during the fall, winter am! spring montlis. nnd one of the best fisheries on the river for shad. Any person wishing to purchase can do so by calling ou tho subscriber on tlio pin co. Allso, 080 acres of tand well limbered, with 160 acres of first rate bay land well ditched nnd drained, ready for clear ing. with five acres cleared. Hold land will produce fifty bushel* of coru to the acre. Tills land lies two miles from Mann Ferry, on the Alatanialm river. Also. 6,000 acres of first quality pine timbered land on the Alntamnha nndOcuiulgeo rivers. All those lands nro situate in Hie first nnd second district of Appling county. Also, 2,000 acres of land well timbered witli cypres* nnd white oak. Aliy person wishing further particulars can nddrera me at Hull P. O., Georgia. Jan31—InwdAwGm W. DYALL. ara-Tho Raleigh. (N. C.) Standard will please publish weekly for six months, and scud bill to W. I). VALUABLE RICE LAND FOR SALE. g A Tract of Tide Swamp tarnl. containing 500 acres, Slyingon tlio Aiatamnlm river, tlireo miles nhove Dari- *-on, adjoining lands of tlio estate of Butler nnd Dun- wisly on the cast, nnd Gignillint and Walker mi tlio north and west, having ns good n pitcli of tide ns nnv rice plan tation on the river. My terms arc. twenty dollars per acre, one-fourth cash, and the balnnce on a credit of from fivo to ’nrs. the interest only required to bo paid annually. S ' to tlio undersigned at Darien. In case of my absence liiis Pkimilk will show the land, a plan of which can be seen at the office of the Georgian. SAMUEL M. STREET. P-iRinx, Jan. 22, 1853. jan25—lam dKk FOR SALE.—A Tract of I,ANI)of Five Ilundredncrcs *jj_strlctly prime Rice tand. Immediately opposite the old town of Hardwick. Tlio situation of the place affords ono of the best Sawr.inill scat* in the Southern country, facilities for timber being easy nnd without end. Vesssels coming from sea can load immediately alongside, drawing from ten to fifteen feet of wnter. F'or terms apply to Henry Williams, U.8.District Attorney,Savannah,or to Ii. STILES, Iiryancoun ty. STEAM SAAV MILL FOR SALE, S ITUATED half a mile from tills City, on tho canal, lias a basin capable of holding two million feet or tags. The Mill has been in operation about seven mnntliH. runs two gangs nnd an edging saw. also Grist Mill. This Mill saw* from 12 to 15 M. feet per day. For |urticulnr*r.pply to ' -KJ WYLLY & MONTMOLL1N. F'OR SALE—Hint valuable parcel of Innd formerly 23C»occupied by K. Jenekc's. Esij.. known us a Coopor's Simp nnd Yard. It is bounded on tlio cast by West Bound- ary street, west by the t'nnnl, north by Railroad street, and south by lota Nos. 6 and 0, ami contains about four acres, fobl WYJJ.Y & MONTMOIJJN. F OR HALE—Tim westerly hnlf of tat No. 2 Ynmncraw, being tho Wharf now occupied by tlio Charleston Steam Packet Company, measuring ono hundred feet on the River, ami running back about two hundred feet tn Canal-street. The property is now under a Icaso which will uxpire on the first of November next. , U not sold at private sale previous to tlio first Tuesday In February, it will thou be offered at unction at tho Court Houso, Apply to delfi COHEN k F'OSDICK, F OR HALF!—A negro woman, aged about thirty-eight years, a flrstrato washer, warranted as such, witli her daughter, aged twenty-two years, n seamstress.— Also, a woinnn. aged about forty years, n good cook, with her children, two boys, seven and sixteen years of ago. These negroes, belonging to an estate, will bo sold during this week, on libera) terms. Janl9 T. J. WAI.SH. No. 170 Bay-at. N EGROFS F'OR SALK.—A woman aged 38 years, a good cook washer and Ironcr. A mulatto woman, 27 years old, a first rate seamstress and house servant, nnd her son 8 years old. A woman 37 years old. a good cook, washer nnd ironcr, and her two children aged 8 ami 2 year*. A lioy aged 17 years. A man 35 years old a good field hand. Also, a boy aged 10 years. Apply to »u!4 WYLLY k MONTMOLLIN, F 0I I ALF}—A likely family of negroes: a carpenter36, hi* wife 32. n good washer and ironcr. her son. very likely, 16, a girl 6. a boy 3, and an infant, ilioukove nc- groesnru of good character and very valuable. J«n20 WYLLY k MONTMOLLIN. in/ 2fi. another 28, nnd a boy 14. Apply to * WYLLY k MONTMOLLIN. janl-4 seamstress, nnd her child. Applv to* JnnI4 WYiJ.Y k J man 21. one 10, boy 14.u jnnl4 Tho Two Merchants, or Solvent and Insolvent, by T. S. Arthur. The Miseries of Humnn Ufe. an Old Friend in a Now Dress Harnum'* Illustrated News, No. 9. Received by mh3 J. II. CUBBEDGE. N EW BOOKS.—Summer Cruise in the Mediterranean on board nn American frigate, by N. Parker Willis. The Old Woman’s Bridie, by T. S. Author. The Mother and her Offspring, by Stephen Tracy. M. D.. formerly a Missionary Physician to the A. B. C. F. B. to the Chinese. Autobiography of an English Soldier In tlio United States A rmy. comprising observations and adventures in the States nnd Slcxicn. The tavers’ Stratagem, or the Two Suitors, by Emetine Flvgare Carton, author of Ivsi or the Skjuts boy. The Flying Dutchman, or tlio Wedding Guest of Amster dam, a mysterious tale of tlio sea. by Capt. Sierry U. 8. N The Ladies’ National Magazine for May. Damnin'* Illustrated News, No. 10, and a supply of the back numbers, received by apl20 J. B. CUBBEDGE d buy 11.country raised. WYI.I.Y .2 MONTMOIJJN. , . J to 1, year*; also a woman, aged 23 years, a good conk, wash er nnd Irouor, with her two girl children. 0 nnd 2yean Apply to no20 WYLLY & MONTMOIJJN SILVER’S MINERAL PAINTS. J UST RECEIVED.—A supply of Mineral Paints, fire and water-proof colors, unfading. Silver’s Mineral Paint* differ essentially from all others in market. They are not Clay*, they require little oiL they do not work toughiy, but flow easily as white lead. They lay on a vory heavy body, set Immediately, and become an indostructablo covoringoi flint. Thoy neither crack nor peel, and require no stronger dryer than white lead. I Ifdve a variety of colon, Red, Yellow, various Browns, and Jet Black. They are auperior in body (or covering property) to anything ever discovered, and pound for pound will cover double tho surface of White Lead or Zinc Mineral paints, and require less oil. I am now prepared to cover Tin Roofs, as nothing adheres to tin like Silver's Mineral Paints. For sale by JOHN J MAURICE, my 8 10 and 12 Barnard-street. M AP OF SAVANNAH.—Having purchased tho copy right of Edward A. Vincent, Esq. or hi* now Map of tho city of Savannah, the underaigned ha* made arrangement* to fill all orders for the same, at ihort notice. A sufficient nnmber waa received by lait eteamer to fumlih subscribers, and will be delivered immediately. We are unable to sup ply the country demand until tlio arrival of the nextatenra er. Arrangements have been made for a further mpply, which will be regularly received. All orders punctually at tended to. Address 8. 8. SIBLEY, ap!8 Book«sll»r and publisher, 186 Congrea*-»t..Sav’h. N OTICE.—The subscriber having transferred all hi* right* title and Interest as publisher and proprietor of the new Subdivision Map of the city of Savannah to B. 8. Sibley, Esq., publisher and bookseller of this city, subscriber* are hereby notified that they will receive their copies from him in future, as publisher of aald Map. ap!8 EDWARD A, VINCENT. W. THORNE WILLIAMS HAS RECEIVED P ASSION AND PRINCIPLE, a domestic novel, by Mrs. Grey. Mysteries of Paris, by Sue—new edition. jPristnatles, In prose and poetry, by B Haywarde—Illus trated. r ' - Electro Phyiiology, scientific, popnlar'and practical. Th* London Art Journal, for April—with several excel lent engraving*, *nd th* Ulnitratad catalogue of th* Dub lin Exhibition—49 tier annum. The Illustrated Magazine, for May—83 per annum. .Barnnm’a Illustrated Weekly New#—18 per annum. Eclectic Megarin*, for May, - The London Lsnoet, for May, Dr. Lepelue’s Discoveries la Egypt, Ethiopia, foe.—London Dr.Stah M4W» r<nracr*!l»d* fcj 1 1845, a Legend of the Rhino, Rebecca and Rowena.by W. M Tiiackarav. Lord Saxondale, or Ufe among the London Aristocracy, by O. W. M. Reynold*. Barnum’s Illustrated News No 15. A further supply of Vilotto and Agnes Borel. Received by apll8 J B. CUBBEDGE. A stray Yankee in Texas, by Philip Paxton. Nick of the Woods, or the Jibbenalnosay,by Dr. Bird, new edition. Genesis and Geology, or an investigation into the recon ciliation of Goology with 8cripturo, by Crofton, with nn in troduction by Dr. Hitchcock. Spalding’s History of English literature. Kenrich’s Andent Egypt, explained by modern discoveries. Layard’a Babylon and Nineveh, new supply. Annual of Scientific Diicorery for 1863 and previous. LAW BOOKS. l^Glh Cushing’s Massacbuseta Report* to November term, Walker’s Theory of Common taw. Curtis’ Equity iYecedenta. The taw of Contracts, by John Wm. Smith, author of Leading Caae*, with notes by Rawle. Wharton’* American Criminal taw: Wharton’s Prece dent* of Indictments and Plena. English taw and Equity Reports, vol. 11th. ■PIT W. THORNE WILLIAMS vies.” Ac. The Three Pirates, or the Cruise of the Tornado, by Harry Hazel, author of •' Yankee Jack,” Ac. The Spitfire, a Nautical Romance.byCapt.ChAmicr.au- thor of « Bon Brace,” Ac. Godey’s Lady’s Book. “ « Peterson’s Isidy's Magazine, do. do. Barnum’s Illustrated News, No. 12. Received by mh'24 J. B. CUBBEDGK rriHACKERAY'S NEW WORK, HENRY ESMOND, Colo- X nel In the service'of Queen Anna ; A Ufe ofVIclaitude* a 8tory of Re votutlonaty Times, by O. P. R. James ; Bleak House No. 9 ; The Children of Light; Kathay. a Cruise in the China Seaa, by Macaulay: Belect British Eloquence for tho last two centuries, by Profoaaor Goodrich; Table Talk about Books, Men and Manner* ; History of Romulus, by Jaoob Abbott; Regal Rome, an Introduction to Roman Ills- tory j OpmparallvoPhvalogixtaT, with numerous niustra- tins t Mackey’s. Lexicon of Reemasoory • do Ahlmon Born; Stewart’s FreetnaaonVManual . and Ctom’ Chart ‘ W. .THORNE WILLIAMS TVJ'F.W BOOKS.—Received by W. Tiioii.vk Williams, Yusef, Li a crusade in the Fiast. by J. R. llrowne. Guzot's Earth and Man. or Comparative Physical Geo graphy in relation to mankind. Ketta’s Cyclopredia of Biblical Literature The tavers' Stratagem, or the Two Suitors. Rev. Dr. Kip's Works, viz : Early Conflicts of Christiani ty, the Double Witness of tlio Church, Hie Lenten Fast and a Christmas nt Rome. Coleridge's Works, vols. 3 and 4. Ray’s Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity. Meclinnd's History of tho Crusades, translated by W. Rob inson, 3d vol. Ktt’s Elements of Health and Femaio Hygiene. Webber's Tales of the Southern Bonier. FngUsh taw and Equity Report*, vol. 12. United States Equity Digest, 2 vols. apl21 N EW BOOKS.—Clara Moreland, or adventures In the far South-west, by Emerson Bennett. Mary Wee, or adventure* of a Servant Maid, by G. W. M Reynolds. No. 14 of Barnum’s Illustrated New*. Christian Review for April. Received, a further supply of Mv Novol, and Lofty and tawly, In cloth and and paper binding. »pl7 J. B. CUBBEDOF!. M ORF! BOOKS.—The Practice of Medicine on Thomson!- an Principles, with practical directions for adminis tering the Thnmsnntan Medicines, including tho various methods of administering vapor baths, emetics, Ac., by J. W. Comfort. >1. I>. ' ’ ’ Element* of Health, by R J. T1R, M. D. The Principles of Botanv. as exemplified in the Oryplog- amis, for tho use of schools and colleges, by Ilarland Coul- tas. Anecdotes for the Steamboat and Railroad, selected from tho best authors, by an Old Traveller. Received by »p!21 J. B. CUBBEDG! HEAP-QUARTERS for GOOD CARRIAGES. \i3RSc My success in the Carriage business In the “2g=*§gt»ly of Savannah, is no longer and experiment, II la * ''fixed fad." F'or the considerate, generous confidence, and liberal pa tronage that 1 have received from factors, merchants and citizens generally, I desire in this public manner to express mv thanks, and to renew my assurance* of Increased deter mination to give the most entire satisfaction to all who may favor me with their custom. I have devoted the past sum mer to getting up a Urge and splendid stock of every kind of Carriage now in nse. AU of these carriages are weU suited to this market, and for neatness, lightness and dura bility, they cannot be surpassed. Rocks way s of every style, Coaches and Pleasure Wagons 5 also Buggies of evory eon- ccivablo shape and kind, (among them some from J. IL Godwin’s celebrated establishment, In New York,) and a very neat, light and convenient style of Snlkey, for physi- cUns and others J. C. THORNTON, °c2ft Corner of West Broad and Bay-street*. PATENT SCALES. — — —. -—..-w. .Inglecars In uso on the principal railroads In the United States and Great Britain, Warehouse Scales, Heavy Portable Scales, on wheels, for foundrles.rolllng mills, Ac. Store Scales, varioue modification* j Confiter 8tales, Hay and Coal Scales, Ac.— TTiese Scales have been long known and severely tested: and the universal confidence felt In their accuracy and perfect adj nstment, U such that they are now regarded aa the stanfe ard.from which there U no anneal. ■ Plin.BRICK A BELL Agents pHOmY LOZENGES—Compc , V/ for coagtu, colds, and lafltnzaa. .Theta Loxangee be found much mors convenient than any of the liquid preparations, aa they can be carried about too person, and ^ i alwaya ready forua* when tlio eough fa tnmbl*soms7thus /M| . Jnst received andfor sale by-- . Bnhdy, W. W. LINCOLN, Monument Squilfe mhX4 F OR 8AI.F1—Two very likely country raised negroes : a man aged 25years, a first ruto Axeman nnd Field hand, end his wife aged 20 years, accustomed to houso and field work. They are sold for no fault, nnd warranted sound. Apply to dec24 WYLLY k MONTMOIJJN. F or sale—a u intelligent, s egro woman, aged about 33 years, very d warranted a first rate qook. washer and Ironer, sold to remain in tho city Also, a likely negro man. aged 25 years. dec3 WYLLY k MONTMOLLIN. F OR sail:—Half lot No. 13 Margaret street. Apply 1 J*nl9 WYIJ.Y A MONTMOIJJN. I pOR SAIJ5—'Trust lots Nos. 25 nnd 26 on Hull street, 1 Monterey ward and square. Apply to janlfl WYLLY k MONTMOIJJN. complete seamstress and house servant; also, a negro woman, aged about 30 years, n good cook, washer nnd iron er. Apply lo oc21 WYIJ.Y k MONTMOIJJN. son 16, a girl 14, n boy 11. nml a boy 4. Jan22 WYIJ.Y k MONTMOIJJN. SWAMPS CELEBRATED PANACEA, F'or tho cure of Incipient Consumption, Scrofula, General Debility, White Swelling. Rheumatism. DUenses of tlio Liver and Skin, nnd all diseases arising from impurities of the Wood nnd tlio effects of mercury. S WAIM'S PANACEA has l>oe» for more than thirty year* celebrated in tills country nnd in Fnirope for its extra ordinary cures—for tho certificates of which reference is made to the directions and books (which may lie had gra tis) accompanying tho Pnnacen. Sonic of which give the particulars of cases too frightful for general publication, where the patients hnd been almost eaten up with scrofu la. and were deemed incurable by physicians. It has been used in hospitals/aml private practice, and has had the singular fortune of being recommended by tlio most celebrated physicians and other eminent persons. Among others by— W. Gibson. M. D .l’rof. of Surgery. Pa. University. Valentine Mott. M. I).. Prof, of 8urg. N. Y. University. W. P. Dcwees. M. D . Prof, of Mid. Pa. Uhivcrslty. N. Chapman. M. I).. Prof of Physic. Pa. University. T. Parke. M.!).. Pros’tCollego Physician*. Philad. Dr. Del Valle, Prof, of Medicinco. Havana. Joso Fiourenco do Lux. Prof, of Surgery. Lisbon. J. Cliipman. Member Royal College Surgeons. London. G. W. Erring, late Minister to Spain. Sir Thomas Pearson. Major General British Army. Gilbert Robertson. British Consul. Ac. And also, the wonderful cures effected by Swalm'a Pana cea have, for many years, made It an invnluahlo remedy. The Panacea does not contain mercury in any form.and be ing an innocent preparation, it may be given to the most tender infant, The retail price has been reduced to $1 60 per bottle (con taining three half pints) or tlireo bottles for $4. BEWARE OF IMPOSITION. Swaim’s Panacea is in round bottle*, fluted longitudinal ly. with the following letters blown In the gins*: •• Swsm'a —Paxaou—PinLun's,” and having tlio nnme of James Swalm stamped on tho sealing wax and written on the label covering the cork, and a splendid engraving for the side of the bottle, composed of geometric lathe work, comprising nine different dies, which have been turned for the exclu- sive use of the proprietor, by Draper k Co., bank note en gravers of Philadelphia. In the centre I* a portrait of the late Wm. Swain, copyright secured. Alio. Swaim’s Vermifuge, A valuable Family Mcdidno. being a highly approved rem edy for all diseases arising from debility of the digestive or gans, such as worms, cholera morbus, dysentery, fever and ague, bleeding piles, sick headache, Ac. See the pamphlet (which maybe naJ gratis) accompanying the Vermifuge, Prepared only at Swaim’s Laboratory, the old stand Sev enth-street below Gicstnut Phitadeipoia, and sold by all the respectable druggist* in the United States. Csmox TO Ttnc Public.—Person* wishing tn obtain the genuine Swaim’s Panacea and Swaim’s Wrmlfuge. ahonld be careful to observe that the name SWAIM is spelled cor rectly on the labels, or they may bo imposed on by medi • cine* made in Imitation of them by a person bearing a somewhat similar name, well calculated to deceive. Gen eral agents for tho Uliitod States. SCIIIFFHJN, BROTHERS k CO., mh22—2awtf 104 and 100 John-stroet. New York. _ raent or printed Do talnes. Cashmeres. Mohair Lustres, English and French Merinos, together with other handsome Dress Goods, which thoy offer at their nsnally low price*. J. II. COI1F.N k CO.. oc6 Now Btore. 140 Broughtoa-»t D OMESTIC LIQUOR.—150 bbU New Orleans Rectified Whisky. 100 do E Phelps’ Northern Gto, 40 do P kR Oonfieetlcut River Rye do, 78 do Luther Felton and Pure Boston Rum, 40 do Domestic Brandy, 20 guart*rand2Q eighth casks 4th proof do. 80 bbls superior old Mononrthe. la Wbissv, 60 do do Rye do, 400 grass old Georgia Pwicb MU* . KBiOTON./oHOTlWT* 00. tlio Gospel Ministry ; A Collegiate Course of I Colleges in the country : A Scientific Course of three year*. Including, with some ad dition. all tho studies of the CoUegiate Course except the An cient Languages; ADMIHTOX. Tlio regular time for the admission of Students, ia at tho opening of the Fall Term, the last Wcdnesitay in August. Candidates for admission nto the Collegiate Course must sustain a satisfactory examination in Geography, Arith metic, English, Latin nnd Greek Grammar, Cassar, Virgil. Cicero’s Selcot Orations, and Jacob’s Greek Reader ; and must bo at least fourteen years of ago. Candidates for admission into tho Scientific Course must sustain a satisfactory examination on Geography. Arithmetic, FInglUh Grammar. Simple Equations in Alg»-bra. and two booka in Geometry; and must be at leant sixteen years of age. KxvKxxrs. Tuition. Spring JVrm. Mill TWm. IxTnEotooiCALSmiiXAnv Gratuitous..,.Gratuitous. IXCouniK. $25 00 $16 00 Scientific Course 25 00 16 00 lx Aouikxv— Preparatory Gass....... 26 00 16 00 Second “ 20 00 12 00 Third “ 16 00 9 00 Flementnry “ 10 00 C 00 Room Bent 6 00 4 00 Contingent Expenses. 2 00 1 00 These expenses require to be paid in advance. F'roni Students who lodge in tlio College buildings, fifty dollars will be received as full payment for the tuition fees, room rent, nnd contingent expenses of the year. The price of Board in the riUnge is $10 per month ; of washing, room-rent, and fuel, $3. OOMMKNTKMHITAND VACATIONS. Tlio Commencement is held on tho last Wednesday in July. There are two Vacations, dividing the year into terms, as follows ; First Term—from last Wednesday in August to December 16th. Winter Vacation—from December 16th to Fobruary 1st. Second Term—from first day of F’ebruary to Commence ment. Summer Vacation—from Commencement to last Wed nesday in August. B. M. SANDERS, Secretary of tlio Board of Trustess. Anv friend, by application to Dr. J. L. DAGG, President of the University, will receive a catalogue, containing the course of studies, and all other necessary information. STEAM ENGINE 5f MACHINERY AGENCY. Tlio undersigned. B. W. Lwmiin nnd E. Sxith, (the former having been for more j£jujgyL£j££thnn 30 years manager and agent of the ■MYVW HgH Matteawa n Establishments ; the latter for many years connected with tho Allaire Works, as Superin tendent and Faigincer, and more recently superintending engineer for the Collins’Lino of Now York and Liverpool United State* Mail Steam Ships, as also of the Ocean Steam Navigation Company’s, running between New York, South ampton and Bremen,,) having formed a copartnership, of fer tlieir services as consulting Engineers and Agents, for purchasing or superintending tho construction or Paddle Wheel and Propeller Steam Vessels of every description, Marino Engines nnd Boilers for Ocean nnd River Steamers, Locomotive* nnd other Railroad Machinery, Pumping En- glnos nnd Machinery for Water Works nnd Draining lands. Blast Fkigine* nnd Machinery for Inin Works, Cotton, Wool en nnd Flax Manufactories, and Machinery for every de scription or Manufacturing. Com, Flour and Saw Mills, Su gar Mills nnd Hotinorics, Quartz Gushing and otlior Mining Machinery. Mill Geering. Shafting and PuUies. Every de scription of Castings, Wrought Iron F'orgings. Ac. Specifications and contract* prepared, plans and de tail drawings furnished, steam vessels, steam engines nnd other machinery surveyed and value thereof estimated. Second hand /team vessels, steam engines and Boilers, cotton und woolen machinery generally, for sale. W. B. IJvONARD k E. W. SMITH, Office 76 Merchant*’ Exchange, Cr. Wall nnd Hanover-strects, Now York, ROTKXKCffl AT T1IK NORTH. F. K Collins. Agent New York and Uverpool U 8 M Steamers CII Sand, President Ocean Steam Navigation Company Mortimer Livingston, Agent New York and Havre U 8 M Steamers. Fira Nye. Commander Steamer Pacific. Joseph J Comstock. Commander Stenmer Baltic, O W Floyd, Commander Steamer Washington. Janies P Allaire, Esq., formerly Proprietor or the Allaire Works. Jolm F' Winter. Son A Co, Merchant*, New York. Eagle A Hazard, *• •• Peter Cooper, “ “ Asa Worthington, ” « A t) Pnrmelcc, “ « James Bogardus. Iron Store Builder, “ Hazard A Moutcath. Merchants, Buffalo. New York. Bush A Willies. Merchants. Boston. Mas*. P Grinell A Sons, Merchants, Providence. R. I. UKFSRKXCKN AT TUB HOIT1I. J I* Phillips, Esq.. Gevelnnd, Ohio. J E tain nine. President Mechanics’ Mg. Co., Petersburg. Va. C I* Mallett, President Itnckflsh Mg. Co., Fayetteville. N. C. .1 G Cairns. Agent Rowan Maiiuf'g. Co.. Salisbury. N. C. Wm Gregg. President GrnnltevillcMg. Co.. Gmrleston, S. C. Georgo W Winter, Banker, Columbus. Geo. Joseph W Winter. Esq., Montgomery, Ala. W .1 tadvnrd. Merchant, Mobile, Ala. Sidney Smith. Esq. “ “ Rufus it Belknap. Manuf’r “ “ James Saul, F>q., Prest. Com’l. Water Works, N Orleans, ta W W White, Banker, New Orleans, ta. Samuel D Morgan, Merchant. Nashville, Tenn. J G Ambler, Fj>q.. Jacksonville. Florida. .1 S Sanborn. Esq.. Coffeeviile, Miss. Itiirtill A Pnttirk.Merchants, San Francisco. Cal. Cliarles Bogardus, Architect. “ “ gol8 MATTE WAN MACHINE AND MANUFAO TUIUNG COMPANY, U NDER a new and improved organization, manufacture tacoinntlve nnd .Stationary Engines. Sugar Mill*. Gins. Presses, tallies. Drills. Ac. Also, every description of Cot ton. Woolen andSaw Mill work.Shafting, Pulleys, Ac., Cast- Ijigs of any weight, (having a largonssortmcnt’of patterns.) nt reduced prices. F. 8. CLAXTOX, Finglneer. Depot 13 Platt-strect, corner or Gold. Gaxton A Wet- morc.Excelsior. CoBlna A Co. and II. Collins’Axes, Hard ware Agency. 23 Pratt-st., New York. oclO—lyr THE WONDER OF THE WORLD! “ W«* would not grow ono bud of hope You cannot garner in ripe fruit! ” T HE GREAT REMEDY is at last discovered, and that fell destroyer of human happiness at length is conquered! Consumption shall no longer rob our firesides of tlieir brightest ornaments, and sink many a gentle spirit to nn untimely grave! Consumption can ho cured—Asthma will soon he a* the things that were—nnd Coughs and Colds, tlio parents or that fell disease, that so often bring* wo to the homes of our land, vanish, as if by magic, before this sui eign remedy. This is Hint which has so long been sought for, nml is in full faith offered to tho public as a certain curb for coughs, colds, whooping-cough, croup, asthma, nnd consumption, nnd will, in any case where lungs sufficient are left to sus tain life, check the ulceration and raise the patient to health. Tills is not an Idle boast, nor is this remedy sent Into the market without a thorough trial, but has proved beyond a doubt, that wlmt has been asserted can rk donk. ••’Hie sentiment, that consumption cannot be cured, has destroyed more lives than the disease Itself.”—Dr. Warren nut there Is Hope! DEVINES’ COMPOUND PITCH LOZENGE! Tlio proprietor, by the uso of this nrtlclo, and the blessing or Providence, was raised, when he was pronounced by Ids physician to be almost dying with consumption, to perfect health, and is not willing that so great a blessing should be withheld from those on whom “ this right liand emissary ol death” lias placed his mark. Tlio tazongo is perfectly harmless In it* nnture. nnd can bo taken with Impunity by the Infant and the invalid ; and Its beneficial effects will bo felt in a few hours after com mencing its use. Fxt all then, tnr it. and ir these assertions are not proved, after an impartial trial, the pricoofthe box will be returned, and all agenta are authorized to rotund tlio money in any caso where tho article is not perfectly satisfactory. These tazonges are put up In 25 cents, 50 cents, and $1 boxes.and onto need a trial to be fully appreciated. C. P. HUNT. Darikn, Ga., only agrnt for the Southern States, to whom all orders must be addressed. fel8-dAw FRESH ARRIVALS. G ROCERIES, LIQUORS AND WLVFS-Recelved by recent arrivals—120 bbls crashed, pulverised and clarified Sugars, 25 boxes double refined Loaf Sugar 270 boxes Tobacco. 8s, 6s and 1 lb lumps 45 packages superior Tobacco, vlx: El Dorado, Diadem, Nectar, Virginia, Ao. 100 boxes best family Soap, 100 do No 1 do 114 half chest* Black Tea, some of it very superior 148 package* Hyson Teaa. in K,)(, and K chests, superior 150 bnxe* Tallow Candles, 8* and 6s 15 halfpipes Otard, Dupuy A Go’s. Brandy 26 and Jf pipes, various brands, choice French Brandy 6 pipes Holland Gin 4 puncheon* Jamaica and St Croix Rum 30 caska Madeira and Teneriffe Wines 20 do Superior Old Madeira and Sherry Wines 100 baskets Champagne. Heldslck. Hungarian lion, Ac. 100 kegs and halvesFTFG Powder 400 bags Buck and Drop Shot 60 bbls No 3,25 do No 2,20 do and 80 half do No 1 Mackerel 60 boxe* Codfish and 40 kitta No 1 Mackerel With a full supply of everything else in the grocery line. F'or safe on accomodating terms by oct4 J. V, CONNERAT A CO. S UNDRIES.—200 boxes lobacco, assorted kinds; 70 hhds fair and choice Porto Rico Snrar, 40 do Cuba and New Orleans do, 100 bbls. refined do, 76 do Crashed and Powder ed do, 25 boxes Loaf do, 300 bags Rio Coffee, 200 do Porto Rico and St. Domingo do, 76 do Java do, 160 and )f chests Hyson Tea, 40 >f do Black do, 180 boxes Boap; 100 do Mu* lard, Pepper, Allspice and Ginger: 80 whole and 30 half bbls. Butter, 8oda and Sugar Biscuit: 120,000 Segars, as sorted kinds; 20 bags Black Teper, 260 bbls. New Orleans Whisky, 100 do White do. 60 do Monongahela do, 20 do old Bourbon do, 140 do E. Phelps’ Gin, 00 do best P. AII. Rye do, fl pipes Holland do: 60 >f casks Sherry, Madeira and Teneriffe Wine: BO baskets Champagne do, 40 bbls. and 62 M casks American Brandy, 10 casks and 20 >f pipes Cog- nac Brandy In custom house stores, 150 kegs Gun and Rlfl Powder. 500 tags Drop and Buck Shot, with a complete as sortment of Groceries, for oale by "fr* WEBSTER A PALMES. F OUR porFEB, Ao.-M bbls Hiram Bmlth’s Extra Flour Wpure Gennessee do, 200 bags prime Rio Coffee. 40 do oiU Government Java do, 60 boxes 5’s and 8’sO. A William’s Tobacco, 60 bbls Powdered and Crashed Sugar, 60 do 8toart’a CtoriftoddOrl 2 hhds 8t. Croix do, 16 do Porto Rloodo. 80 box- cs RedMPs ft’s and 8*s Patent Tallow Candles, 200 do No. 1 pale and family soap. 60 do Canto’s Pearl Starch, 60 halt rhests.and U boxes Hyson Tea, 20 half do quarter and half luo c’ iniain-ueao; a course which *m » em ulous, and one by which the mo medy Is certain or being »ui(»| proprietors, who will accord every name* of undoubted character Union, numbering among them some at n 1 physicians, clergymen, editor* snd ** derlng the reliability and ifito.el 0 7X' ,,d ' 1 »!2 tho reach of doubt and distrust 1 rn *Jk,*' MORTlMOItE’S RHKUMATtr ^ is a Vegetable Extract, sn Internal , nre*»ly for this one disease; nnd this tt *«!fil J form, either Intlammalory /acuM £ tt 1 *•»5M of how long standing. V > or c “f>»lt. * Tim .bore lure ,Uo for Ml,, tho rrct ,u~. MOIITUIOIIE'S 1 ''’ BITTER CORDIAL AND BLOOD Punt Tltia inrahi.blo ^ t.- oM* 11 orliprevej lolrodotri, onfrrtBlrolol |, ,,* f oo, o hrr prepomtloo b,o»,|,t l.for, tlplied thousands who have used it and marvellous effect* in removing disiaie 1 n *Wif Restoring the- Nerroas ■».« " now berabl II lo Ibo worl.1 a. i,o.,,»il„, virtues known In the Materia Media, 8 ,lie “wilto Physicians of the first standing lathe mM!„, , use and prescribe it as the most effective ""W- Alterative ami Blood Pan* ever known. To the sedentary It h». 1 Bolin or Gilead. Especially to Remain ll **lL bio conjltlon of life, It recommend. Ilwll ub"'"%| polo! or eflkacp lo aoyof ll„ oomem,,““!"W|S frelr.no. under Ibo coinprrbi,n.lrr mm, Till* is a Vegetable Spirit, ptoszantto UF/jL safe to be used In any state of health, e r *D’h.,P^I delicate hbnale or Child. ^ «« 43- Price $1 00 i>er bottle. I W. V. ALEXANDER k CO V- , ^°- \ ,,a . rcl “y-*trect, (A«tor lfeu’sc) L For safe by A. A. SOLOMONS, and J. H gists. Savannah, Ga. ®*Tli UAItl’ER’8 SPANISH BUXTrnVT^ TIIE CHEAT PURIFIER OF THeQiJ » v. ,v, Not n Parttcle of Mfrcvry | R /, ' I A N INFALLIBLE REMEDY for Scroful, J fx. RUeumatlsm, Obstinate Cutaneous EruBtwij* or Pustule on Hie Face, Blotches. Boils. Chrmbt!!5S Ring Worm or Tftter. Scald Head, EniaS,^ of the Bones and Joints, Stubborn I'lci n gnfiMN ders, Lumbago, Spinal Comnlaint*, and ail | fe.SriH from an injudicloua use of Mercury. Impurity of the Blood. ' This valuable Medicine, which lias become »Uwl the number of extraordinary cures effected agency, baa Induced the proprietors, at tbeaiww V *l of tlieir friends, to offer it to the public. «hlA ttoSHfl tlio utmost confidence in ita virtue*and wondwfbl^?l properties. Tlio following certiflcaks. aelectel number, are. however, stronger testimony thaatk. word of the proprietors; and are ail from rwiVwl^l known in their localities, and of the highest many of them now residing In the city of Ritlnidpl F. BOYDEN, Fiq., of the Exchange Itaffiil known every wliero, says lie lias seen the NrijdwHol Cartkr’s Spanish Mixturk adininiiteredinernitayl cases, in nearly all the disease* fur which it fc cd, with the most aatonlshingiy gnoil resulli. tho roost extraordinary medicine behaittniM. AGUE AND FEVER—GREAT CURE—I bZ-l that for three years I had Ague and Fever cl the lent description. 1 had several Physicians, led fa^B titles of Quinlno. Mercury, and 1 believe aU th B vertised. but all without anv permanent reb«L eufl tried Carter’s Spanish Mixturk. two bottle* of «ta?B tunlly cured mo. and 1 am happy to say 1 hive Ut^B Chills or Fever* sinco. I consider it the l*i| t^^B world, and tho only medicine that evermcb(.ta, a . , B Beaver Dam, near Hisliniond. Va. JOHN Uiscn B C. B. LUCK, Esq., now in the city of Ricboni.igjB many years in the Post Office, has such cr nhkvttiB astonishing efltoney of Cartkr’s Spanph MinatfeiB has bought upwards of 50 bottles, which he burlimaB to tho afflicted. Mr. Luck says he has never tiwiiil fail wlien taken according to direction*. I I)r. M1NGE, a practising Pliyslrisn. snd fcrttr!ri|B Gty Hotel, in the city of Richmond, szy* he bn t'^B in n number of instances the effects o'f Dm) h«B Mixturk. which were most truly surprising. Ut caso of Consumption, dependent on the Liver, tt» miff fects were wonderful indeed. ™ SAMUEL M. DRINKER, of the firm of Prinkn! It Richmond, was cured of Uver complaint of K tank ing. by the nse of two bottles of Carter’s StWib liraB 0RF7AT CURE OF SCROFULA-Tlie FJitois i/ikfel mund Republlenn hnd a servant employed in iferpl room, enrol of violent scrofula, combined with TWaB tism, which entirely disabled him from work. TwtahB of Carter's Spanish Mixtnre made a perfect cnitiUaiiB tlio Editors, in a public notice, say they •• chmiils mB mend It to nil who are afflicted with any diituttfliB blood.” j STILL ANOTHER CURE OF SCROFULA-! hd i wJ valuable boy cured of Scrofula by Carter'* ijuJbB turo. I consider it a truly valuable medicine. JlVhlB TAYLOR, Conductor on the It. F. & P. R. R.fo, Ltiaall Virginia. f Salt Rheum of 20 Years Standing fantl Mr. JOHN THOMPSON.residing in tbecity <t taratl wa* cured by three bottles of Carter’* .'panub K i'is/a Sait Rheum, which he Imd nearly 20 year*, nil ilidll the ptiyslcians of the city could not cure. Mr. lYtjel Ih n well known merchant of Richmond, Va., and kii m" inmost remarkable. WM. A. MATTHEWS, of Richmond. Va. h! i ten cured of Spyhilis. In tbe worst form, byCartn'ripi Mixture. He says he cheerfully recommfsiJ<it,uia| aiders It an invafunble medlclno. J RICHARD E. WEST, or Richmond, w*» cared of Mil and what physicians called confirmed Continuities,l|| three lioitlesof Carter’s 8]ianish Mixture. l EDWIN BURTON. Commissioner of the Revenue, spkl has seen the good effects of Carter'* Spanitb Miitm'iJ number of Spyhilitic cases, and says it it a petfett coin Hint horrible disease. 1 I WM. G. HARWOOD, of Richmond. Va.. cured oH H nnd ulcers, which disabled him from railing. Took in bottles of Carter's Spanish Mixture, snd «i< eiubWl walk without a crutch, in a short time permanently cul Prico $1 per bottlo. | Principal Depots at M. WARD, CUSE k CO., So. I Jllilen Line. New York. h T. W. DYOIT k SONS, No. 132 North 24 Stmt, P delpliia. HENNKIT k BEERS. No. 126 Maln-«».,Riclno«i4.ViJ And for safe by SlfOMAS Jf. TURN HI k CO JIB M. CARTER. A. A. IJUAIMONS A- CO.. Satamnb. ul| Druggist* nnd Country Merchant* everywhere. uiny'JO—ly AYER’S CHKKltY PECTORAL Ihr the cure of Caught, Coldt. lloarteneu. ingcough, Croup. Adhma, and (hmnim)tM. 1 *• And by the river, upon the bank thereof ibiilrnd trees for meat, whoso leaf shall not fade ami tbe froiltel of shall be for meat and tho leaf thereof for mc-licw.' I H ERE wa* hope for the sick recorded long ago. uM ry year adila new proof to the assurance that tr promises Khali not foil. As medical scienco discovers and designate* th/iwi nature lias given, ono by one. Dio disease* that rare yield to tho control of art. Of all the nnktaft suffer from, none has carried more victims ton cure grave than Consumption of the Ding* Subjoins! wfl some evidenco that this too mav be cured, snd ffiitps nary complaints, In all their forms, may bo rtn*’ J Cherry Pectoral. 8nnco will not ]>cnnit us to publish here soy fitf of Hie cures it lias affected, but the Agent betas■ will furnish our circular, freo. whereon are full jsrSr and indisputable proof of the facts. Sufferers, read und judge for yourselves. Ihr Ii\fluetua and llonjnng Chunk. . Namii villf.. Tenn., June 31 l»l Fir: I have repeatedly used your Cherry rfrt»q hooping cough and influenza and have no h«iA*J pronouncing it a complete remedy. Four nf ejdir have been afflicted witli these diseases, nnd the frw** tho Pectorcl lias always afforded Instant relief. JaxwCw* Wo attest the truth of the above statement. M. McGi.vtT, FMitor Nathrilk »*4 J M. ZlMXKKMAN. Druggkl Ihr a Contumiiiir Cough 1Mt i'iTONi-Bo.T..,rA.a» Dear Sir : For tiirep years 1 have been sflicM*“* cough so distressing tliat I frequently iii.qairedcf rKW mucli of the time I was oblitrrd to sit opsll clinirTas my cnugli would suffocate me when I W Having used many remedies without much reWtI»*J tried tlio Gierry Pectoral, which under ProTlwK*"* mo altogether. I sin with gratitudo yours, Jxxn Thit it one of the numerous curet of Atthna rkid *** accrcdiUtl to Cherry J’eftnral. IU1 Auianv. N.Y., April IH*, Dr. Ayer, Lowell—Dear Sir: 1 have for year* to*^ ed with asthma in the worst form, so that I “ obliged to sleep in iny chair for a larger pen being unable to breaths on my bed. I had IrW* ^ many medicines, io no pur|«se. until my p"!’* 0 "" scribeil, as an experiment, your Cherry Pee 10 ’* 1 : a-J At Drat it seemed to make me worse; but In k* J week, I began to experience the mo*tgratilyinirrfY’j ita use; aud now, in four week*, tbe discusi is "“"W moved. 1 can aleep ou ray l>ed with comrcct.aM 0 ^ state of health which I had never expected toeajep Commission and Forwarding * From the Pretident of Amhent CUient,Eduard U*** D., LL. D.< de. , M J. C. Ayer-SIr: I have used your Cherry www-j own case of deep-seated bronchitis, and sn its chemical constitution, that it l* an admlrtW* for tho relief of Uryngical and bronchi*! ^ my opinion, u to It* superior character. «n M vice, you are at liberty to use It a* jou think Amherst. Sept. 12.1849. , Among other diatlnguiahed authontie* *w their names to recommend this preparation known to them for affoutionsof tlieluDg* President Perkins, Vermont Medical Colieg*. Professor SiUiman, Yale College. Profesior Valentine Mott New Yori. Professor Oeavtand. Bowdoin Professor Butterfield. Ohio MshHcs.1 Collef*. Canadian Journal of Medical Science. Boston Medical and Surgical Journal. Charleston. 8. C. Medical Review. New Jersey Medical Reporter. Hon. Hennr Gay, U. S. Senator. Hon. Geo. P. Marsh. American A-obu«*r w Gen. Emanuel Buiness. President o OU • Rt. Rev. Ed. Power. Lord BislioP of ivonw. Also, many eminent physician* In foreign t- ij- Not only in the more dangerou* and dutjw^ of the Longa, but aleo as a fanilly med'Y 0 ? ^ use. It is the safest, pleasantest snd beit in tew Prepared by J. C. AYERjOwjgOTf.« Sold by TURNER k CO., A. A. m 8OLOM0S8, w- j OOI-V, HENDRICKSON k MOORE, Savanaan, the Druggists throughout the State- ^ L INEN G00D8.-RlchardKm's care Linens; 64 to 12-4 Linen table Damask, Dojlie’s Damaak andcoloreau"^,- kins, bird's-eye and Scotch Diapers, brie Handkerchiefs, and Lawn-Uw",^,^ ^ ■ale by t,UO*B.-a hMa eholre Porto f O Itaflnftl »n«) CUrlllril Uo, 10 8u||,rHomeHolreto-,«0 io ■re Flour, do do Bullre, Sure' 10Q kcre prlttM Loaf Utd. SO boioa adrtW'J, „ doSUrCaudlaa,SO doBeadolPad'a aod«a IrtgyredrrereldV scMSTOK.JomBWU rRENllEH0A8T k OO. luire I"*' T.RENCH GAUIUCS In pU A ralaaoa uatmlta, black al - mlaare nai mito, blaok'aUkmanuLa'aairdlcrea. alia