The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 18??-1856, June 01, 1853, Image 4

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- Si^riato tort-ia^toMiitoi ~ hiteteaitoko rf Mia. to Qtevttori aM^L^^ttTtolrftoa. mrmtmmmmrnx, un kiin iniii jrfifo H IUR-% «to at ma pmatat Afewti — fh^ra 1 TV ■! ill mi ll mrtKB *^auiriw»ii. iii.u NJT cm : VtoraMiiRJtoa«tlinfatt1hiCtor gw StaivlilMiMiwkirfMnl !•*>*£.« to M-yXtoaaaaatto «rf •at rramrrt_fifcto and aji*ar V wrjecfiitni /dairy fifoy bi-t, na ic Is Nowadterarxk «dmtw «*ia h >.«W ML MT1ZES. o f. r. tT nam to W aad mv krfmaM fMboaqrfsa'r (toy tore) ease tote* tto tort Monday Ajcril antrairm rU letter* will 1» puAol ’ — GaiHar4 1 aitlyrT. Eaq_ Ordinary lor CSinri. - **““ Rejgfr ■■HBMagg • -Va. SSu&t SSiCLTS a!id«*nklkit«rJlk' JrtUli danJulla > «•« <=»'•■ I «n- r_ 1^, — Zm^SSZ tw.b-. OrMieL TtoFa-Mj watowarioIVyttofG-w—lato«T» fern. >■»■■. *1 3 Mk falfc iumU^i irfltoC :S.K.Jei»)LBuMtat;X.V.Xy» «te-ratow«r~t£^,* ,Utt *“ ?wssmsm ****** fiSS ^ , suit*, Zactoriah IWi*. Nathan uti pert terfliac kewtrat f B W. R. Crawford.M.l»_ Bexj Harrfo-Ja*.F.SnMaJ •tare trod nkam U«* toad"* | w. r««.IL P.~ land*, aad tto if A— ■ rf tto hrwt wmaliiy toMaae rtartertteelart*: all rf which to ta «to toert rftto teas: nap ia tto crasty. IWerta pna HrfliML Marcos county.Inn SrA. JttL fir » lawdkwtf fmmigiw&ai-Ta *»•*&. . ‘‘ UtMrh^ amt-tofar*tto court Wear to tto ; jn , 7 T7—' 1 -r 11 — r*’ M *», aw<M—■ aol Aaa*; toad m to aatofy o I rv ... »' i — »-— -» « <>. . t™ G D>flUlA—Ghaitona (fewerj.-Tc. ah» bum n i TbaotMa Ewerard rtl ajyCy at the (to tf Or- Amafy tor Warn of Canerr a* acBumufeaUr <o- tto «• Uteri fklniBmT.Araun; arc. rlantit. to eat aad admaaMh alleuntwraed U * of aul 6an.<a <* tefore tto tot Mia** L icberw-foe kOn dirnitoarr will to W«f.J.lgl.,‘W»^1» *»**,e—» I *£]!.“' 4 *-' " ** rA ‘“isy- jl nut. «. C t 1""°"* • ACS ICUOT. Sheriff C. c P gjtU Orta flat) j—Tr- aL whiua it nay «*- _ .. , } \J «ra : Tbmai. Gercr* W. Thuma*. <■»* o' tto «x*» um to • - • — - -• • rQUmi aualti i fill OOSTIVTEI—-uai to : rtfinr* rf ttoattato rf Urn! T Htykmx wiflaji|iy to tto V/ aall. A tto tmlortaj to Jo* a**b tote* the erart • Oncrt rf (tdisare lor totter* dtamRme? «m xto Raid *»uw; i—aitoianai«^ tocaoao tlictotal ton rfaato. tl tlut Itoar arr ttogefarr tocato aocafirumisi allaud lunfxlu oltoart ttf Moi. attcato. lj» J ttotorfirrtart ere4a»r» rf aa3d fiewaaed. U to aafi *}•;«*-* 1 • iter <Aor oitLia tto ttor jetocaitod Vy ia*. and atoo . 1 ; caw. (If osy ttoy kamJ cijr littet «1 roia ute-r al>r«ld * . erttopoxart Q»r R*jfi a|tpbraul of tto liaka aW tto lo»rrt aaat . jr&ataa. J. fiL Hcdvcrtcm. Es^ ..Orficsan fttrCam rota- WAArtytoAOoaUw 1 * ' ty.tto* 2flU fiaj cd May.liiiS ttolisr of aa.t«rart »<rxte I.'.wrrtlfc ; ' m r» 3 H HELTgK«. a. r. c > all vtoua it . to«£rty al ocrc* AfaF. ■»ir.«aat Si ckrtaa and loadable, tto * (2. uaw *— XA = r ^ w , ,v_ r „ tore* tort e*» ttoasr aW toid to*«**: Utoeroa*. Qcarftna t£ae* *iE ajij^y a: tto Cuun ^nr« t* (tofiiMjy lcrl«vr» dimmanry a» extosue«* U*rrtav ^Btaiaiac Itorty-tr* art a toU acta, tarn* 5 ^ ; . . _ ^ ..*h» u atom e* .’’ii ~i V IL lorner t Tto** are. therefurc. \v cJi* and ofisneu-i' all ruem it if k mri traiSZi^iC«.'. k \ »««<• “ ^* “ £ *PI«" »*«• .Oojrt 1. iitorrar. afii&iiacatcr ad U2*oe Cites. 3e*r]Ai M. Tomer. 6ncJ4 —— **-. “ ' ^ Bliid'TrELL. o. t. «. V. M. C Ck.wa £ K OuCiasAptsl W Tart aalLh^ol C gl C H teal. Ptoarttaa OoaaaflWA Xsixatka Cta__- i«wr Lira^Moa. J>«« Mr* Tack art Barr* t < M fOtafit. CLAU1CAL 130 M1TBSIUTIC1L ACAD- u. «kA,w inf riVrr urrirt— tr** r EAT U &UT1UA, & C emcUiooaKrt tort e* cattto- ' £" ^ Pria °** L A>HS B. SIJlVUIT. Mr. TBdMlS J. VHX£. AaMUct iw-Uoto Baa ern. torassaE. Hi*. IL &. f*my. Jfi ! *piK htodjol Atofr.ncrite. e> to ttoastoerfter at yrroaotoffla.Fla. A “ r **5 l^tk. laiX. frta- Tto Jm*Ubi toatots »<y i» wnats'e? Ve^* 4 §a<5«rte«r.« bt oiB at^L' tmmn i£ tirttmlArt * Tbha. nontonsc tx ikyosue. ten tur echaEiiar a^. ** rtkA jf«^ c ^ < “• DaTtpnaUeLatr*«.ai MOto-y lur Ou. eo* .V^. 1 . «**(.. Itm. e-itter IsEcttaavir* 'injvj ** «i «*Uto aad^-^M U ailaapiciii rnfceStf e* tto Allah* Itoa Sy*. Connnasfier Joccji J Crmuteck-O 6 U FVyd- Cnansaxiter; JaxaM P JLSaim Ij|. " Uerta. 3«to. F Ulster. Eafte k Saar A. mrrC«j«. — - JUaUerthlapea, ** *- AOhnalrt. “ *• A amt* Bt^vrflua Iran 5tcc* Bull i*r. *■ Hmri k MnHtoatk. Mrsttosta Buffalo. Seor Teck Butl. k Uiltea. MesrtosU. Biafios. Maaa. P CriirttE k Suul Mmtoota. PYm-itear*. IL L KXII AST S TO* &AH—•Tto Tract e*LASD m tto ft too Mnf rj acm itc fc> to A A.} Lk »i Tto at*** ai»t, fir twra. Aito Bama.Aaw1*HBurm«W.BeeritoM BBui- ■ ] . , mutto. u.T.iktr. rikostW.CUrWH Beff. I3ia» B Bar* jTS. Mr y'»Ktorr. kstoo a* tto Cct-of Tract.eaaUisiaf tto pTinrijol art Amintaot. Tto teiet *f lraarfi. tnitkau i_. .,,, .'7 #'. tto. mer A Biota. Ua Ciatna DaBcto. least Baure. arrm hsafirrt art awafly-to* (TTt) acre*, e* »tosk «w tc_ viE to unAit fitillan ]«r esarter. t*r atu* »ai >.>•« tethik tecrtL TMty H Beks. Aaaw A 4** bsofirrt (AW) acre* are life rvoaj- art frert aani sua2y. ttvw%. Aito v»-]>-rw» Berrteo. Barnard E R.*.Bictorfi laofia. oitl a rk* art MB c* t»te if %it frit. Tto tsarak is j«vai r.f toahluncaa. rCnffios i* so: n~]*eTi* to ary *»ur*ea lorid to-iL TS>i«na* H ItorKJ. Edoorl A Boco*. landoa» mnoceafuDr csluratef naryycaraaiar*-jroiudnf locatjna is itoitottorm evsstrr. * -*i»uirc Uufftnamm.r«ic2odE Brck. Qurtea Bbto71.Ua BWs OttcaCtoie. art Eire. tuftrmco—Btiton.lltott. I*. 1'itklinr.Cm Aat Ebouu J1JTTEE fXitliill 11 1. v!TA Talisourf Brunner.Cbartea U Breancr. AoeejA U Brcnm, Itou* land* cvrtld t* jurt is order **ith lew latowr. it u too.aai Mr. Lynci HtaBia fieri ertlk w-i A ^ A*il LU)|| Auend. h Ikldais.Ftoucaa Kan.Mtoad Brasaos-Aarue* VedWed.thas vncld to repsredfrepnttinr Hanuaoeklanfi* ~ ~ ' ;7, „ ,~~ ~ ~ „ . l* i p* r vtwq to, ^ Uliiiaa Ctlies. JvtrrCtol. UartA topes Cotes. Aan>» a Fw furttor jArtirslar* and tem«.ohiriio-3toaaa* ioit * rrxm - “** a. aa* uT 1 ftiomu**. Mi.i,TrmrirrT ()oxniaii<. IiaiacJ B (*ar. t*earpc to a jarriiaMr. a|*jdy to Aito Fra** and 0e„ ttorlertm. # I 'lii Studk* a. J*u rxurtsony ai*;—ATtoetepcaj ewnre* etee-.* a nt„T M B Canusixir. Mimm Cotism. UDiiaa Ckoktw- Aaros Qcaio- ^ Mra. liesry rins. IiatoelB CeiiOL Isaac Cttoa. rrrteric* CodL Fiiteid ' (iearpa. UC»rs*elL tnBiaa P Oam. UHliaa H Ocylcr. CamJ A A jlat 1* tto land nut to aw® at tto o&re nf tto Oetr- , Ctend. S}<g»fc-r Cteir»«3L PricBc Crisattt- UjUtos M Cbarteso. pias. ajiffT—fike * B Issamso. Itoiod**! Meriianie** Mp. O. Brtettorf. Ta ; CLarlt - Oars, isbiri Oart*. Acto F C«i!}«ictuat Oe«£e j m r s . , P . , ~ . —... Cr MalirU. Prr«,d.®l Jterttek C*._ F»rrtt^2>- N C j Cator. M«W I.Ol1W*a lw«LCitoUi-tin^Xictote* to.- ^ 1a.-. t. u r.' a* /• ! .. — . «.»_ i. > i 1 J aorta, aac itn]irt>rai>tu..*. sear waluinarnlir. litoaty Isnd-to mAer «fli igteraae'* 3 P rhilfiya Ea%_ Ot-rfland. Cftua Drssuorsaw»i i _____ —- ■■ - tiJitoC ttoiusai.'V cut ia t » UJ-<t ^ ___ . and Co., ttortertm. f I'HL Studie* is ilui Cshwwty ar*:—ATtoeuupca:txmmt «tor.* a nT.„-, a ^ k -v'a. Cundm oosatr, A id Uctie yean, fiesifnrt Sir ttott olio an irviorisr fur Bcsiartas (b l».— *? *to G.ifixi JLuu»iry ; sii* tosald n u, ii* . — w A Coilepiat* traroct* fosr yean, equal to tot e* ctor Cuurpr is tto westry : si-* tonic j; u- li* auric a- ;--■,,**** *Wlfc I rjtue* kinors a. to Kaitr,* h*g** a f l*t>y«non» of to fcr^ „ yard. Mirritant. Mid. Sauey rimhli Ea; *■ *• Biiu* B BuItiAii. Muiu ': *• - Amuw rauL Eaq. I “rest CtnsT Uales- Uicka S (rinw Ia U U Utete. Shatter. Seer urirans La raauueJ I< Micpaa. Merriooit. Naakvto. Teas 3 v» Ln.liter. Lm, .. AacksosviBa Florida 3 r Saxtoc®. E*q- CtiSrrriflf. Mka BurtiU k Patrick.. Mercbaata ran Fraacircn. CAL Oliurto Bupard ua Artlatecl. * - i»lt yfaM.a^t.toar ; „-s^ ^ > Odum. TVonaa Oar Aowf* «>« «a Dewwarr osttoadiscf Tut i.-catos castud r toalttoulses* «>r saislnty ii chmal*. *rnk * - r~~ u - ^ -taurta.- tt-i* Ar>wtrjScCc«sr**t*ttoeey**r* ndaSap. *tti kisk ad- c ** • a * c r. l« "a,, m,,- - £2ti<K.all ttostudiw t* ttoCuBepatrCoursectoQd to As- AJlcraUn a. * eaczit Lasruape* ; *’ WJ 2s tut arc mrisnin Lais c* i.toau Ij-)-rca. Tto rt-pdar tits* fie tto afisusoui c* rtndesta i* at tto ^ cuuteuui u. Lit. eq«jap of tto Fafi Itm. tto last Uefiseeday is Aupsst ~ ** ‘ jKntn ft u tty -if •, u } teto j, 1 r*x .r*«u, l rasp* Ire cattlf- cuwe to eaoeUrt. . meet tot; V*« fourteen year* «* ape. Crscidatee lie acsr.i—os ntt> to Cktopiat* Cota** but: ^ rl y r * v- “ ta-tHe to cmj;rvten«n turtais a satisJarticy exaniinatiie. is t»eupr»jE«. AritL- _ JiH'-Jt. LiipL»i. Lata and tirerk Cranmar. (saar. Tirpii. 2to» » a ‘51.-^ iiVanstik Cteerc'f telert (rratimt. sad Aaaote'e bretA Loooer ; and teto u*rc u tn at*.- sas*tf.| ; etir-oit (if sty ttoy bar* • ea r lrtier tto fcrrt Knodt’ c c asaaffisassriiTsrssas a-^kk..SCW*wa EH! « s _» SB Mux* C I»ets.Cieilrr lmptiir. Uifliars H Dusaiap- Henry A lunkwus- AllKrt L Iteixrr*. toase I'Lyns. AeAs E Daria. AdbsBprle tr ^ l«aar IteLar»cto. UiHnix It Hand«im. Ura H io-ia' liicbard Io»*no.Q»arle» S loris. KicAmla* I»Aos. Lm» Llorta Franc* H Iwwrt BatriA Iteyie. M»eba*: a;J Sf—dtc KA(W* , UaT. sattcrary. rtWjjci * of load. AOHX rCTAXXT. Sheriff c. c. /lHtTOHI klliAiaa >a.atA—trm to Ri.ld.os to tost V Trtrtar is Asly sbl tolun to erart bouee is tto ritycf Srcaah. brtotos to oauai bom. «or uadmdec <* pTf-nad Btuated so Bdddni Usrt-is tto amuty of Cnattan aaf rtaie- ; «* Owspa. tony lnu Not 21 as£ U. tt^etor rriti. all tto 4 ^ » and hnprti'm.ertJ os said LA5D FOH SALK. THE rttocritor offer* tee sal* l.~* lyinp in tto Ala-xisaba. me;, tl re* in , - - iccto fcao*n s» Tom Fluff Ttorr ar* diium i.}«l licyte. ll.on.aj E Baria. Stoidoa t I»cnii:uj. ready fur rtltnotica.; oIro tee tn-.i n fruiiM-c boc-e» aiik “i* pooc frtn>ec tors asc p*.i.f framed atnrr b.-unf.ectuat* os : fj.*^-,. -e” at tto :n P <tf air rcirt*. /sarisr a larp* asiertment tt nattemt • Bi—Ueary EHia. Peter Eadrea. -‘**-s Ererart. Riebar. to baaa of tto rrrt~. out «* to saxto fc a «ve* is Com U OrcLaart fie Vtter* tenwr m -It kite of i at refiwtrt jriewt F i CUXtflK. Enriuw- | Exu.t • otr Lksteany.. £b-jtos EUicCl. Aaaol A Ejstecr. tbi» "»^ik Tto jdac* ba» to acrartap* «f fteaatoou M*r»F Intosnr L i* of said noustr o—' I*-j«S 11 PiaTS-strert. rnrntr «tf tedt Garros k U«4 ' ooLt ? L}-<v^r TI1..UJU Eon . c'unsp to fall *-juter sat eqeisp rwito. aaf c®* id to ffVru Tt -•. r > tad aAnuaad. a!J *i.nit it i mter-Lr.-r-lRiie Colhnj k Ce and H.Colha*' Ares. Hard 1 F^Ai^rjE Fob- t»ren Fo'»ey.A*rrauiai T.cUiap.eirm l<p« fctorto on to rr»or lie sliai. Abt ;*T«raoinHup J^^X^d^e^r ^eT^TS^ *^* Apeary, a PraU-rt-Xeo Tertc «rt»-1yT j y. rurebaa* can oc so »y calhup ur tto s.L-Wrato oiveotiin. > if ary toy ba*r 1 us nr tofur* fcr>t Mi®day j 51LTKB“S WTTlRn. PAHT5. KATreWAX XACHDE AMD BA5CFAC- TTEDCG COMPAST. i TTNTC2aae* and imprered nrpatosatins.issnnfarrcr* _ ! L tooumiC-TT tui jbatiimarr EnriuM. Supar M2k. Gin* ‘ iKna-S’. Morty Jaeprs. Aubs I»r*x:ap- P- rlard » I*d»- iTenva Latto-s. TtrillK. kc Alii, eresy tenrrijttinu ft Cot- i aey.Ti.uina* Ik-'- "•—** v n *^‘ TteMnnr tus. Umden infS* Mill e-urk. ShaSiap. PaDeyt. fct.. (bst- ; Geo-pr U Haris ,j to :ap* e* asr oenpbt .'barinp a' ... — ' ** " *** l:e anmttera iate tto ioaef.: Com* sue a BUAoayessnoottito usGeupajAy Anumiftac Lspin-b i.ii.iul; riatiA* Equaton* it Alpndsa. tat ;«*• tnnAj is Getnuterr; aac cm*, to at least aoteet van ul jSto*. tyrxmc 7*rm. Fat. Term Is IBs e/.<ciCti ?ncup„ Grarmioa*.... Gratcntoua fietoaie Arm iit Cudc Md~ Pris* fl ««•be-1. >•' 1 larai-T^t-tk- fKUr® For «tl* ly A. A S.C//XU.Vc u,t pi«f. .’tc lsaCiAOt.. Sbmtific Cncn*. 1» ACaJCTT— iTejiaratisy Qata.... reooai * .... Third Ij-ioentary - .... i }>m v atrt. other*u* saiclttu r. 1 Fj«i * «*od. I^.uij S Fall^ast. GaJjar A Fulum. Uaaldt^tea v< j.urchas* can ' i nortgire.AoseqdtSin.AubsG FalBpast. AohsCFerOl. jilac*. ... w “! ny i nf„lf2ST ^ —^ » -“■ • tfURUTOt 0 kc 22125" ,1 af£i* a 55P- ” rt ’si u -;'«! '** * JwSm ten* Cia aao vhX tto a^.crtenaieyR • * \BlO*iU—Mch*mk —To all *i>tnr a iua« «m- , ia *tov WdllHy larra a »>eri teary Irty.; o«—AwnS Gram. Jtotort H GrilLs. Frastto GntthaE Alaa. i.(W acre* if fee; quaerr pin* tin.l«rt Itad or S rtsfifi&f aad •t*?*—r"-^— ,,T y . Irrirt os u tto i \_J r-m : Uloema Aletaater G Miiidle^us. cjijliu. ti* dm . Rrt uunH-diaxe-y. and tomm as isdestrurtalo* onrwiap id * • . /- u i-. \ w i..v. a !.n. -v.. . .. j , — . _ _ r. - * 1 t£ UttidV.EtocLlry asdUuhort lofid-to satisfy \ fir letter* idadsfimstratins os tto e«tat* u: Tluuua* T Mis- 1 fimt ^Ttoy ae.ttorcoA aic j®**. aad require aii draper ti'k «a furedreert ft a xaieipap* i*sue-i Irms Qathtir fikoun. iat* ft aJd county. 6-c«a»ed : , Crt eg taas rbr.* iea_ SnnrGMDt isJine of Gecrc* SevnE r»_ Escort F. ! Ito-r wtoriette c.t* aad acaww-i ai aad sapuiar , 3 tor* a rm,er id rrinrs. Bet. TeBr*. rannu* fttmu. Ertky art Bobtrt Tsfid. Pnq*rt» *rt fenk is said t ia . *to kindred aad eredanr* id «jc drM.eri. t* f-V* ttoir oV : and ^ec Blast ^ey ar* scj« n. tody • ic orrtsnar anff AOBLV ICtAXXT. Sheriff c. r. ' iecsina* . d asr thrr bar*) is n « cdfiea. o-abis tto tin« ] jc-opmy) n> asySiiup er*r fithw^rred anfi jmuad for ju.uad ^ reoacritofl to It*. iSMrrot tto said Ktior* rrfl* to prssted ! ee»*r tto rarfac* id Utote toad or Ear Mineral t*tto«aicatotonrt ‘ jrtsta aac reqrir* lew iuL -•——*- *"-* ’ - ' r * ‘ 3 an no* jrvpares t* eo»rr 7is Bnafa a» anlbinr aChecr* t* ta Ilk* aerts'* Miaesol Paiat*. Ficsaitto >:SX J MAtlTCE. jet I 2* aad IS Bamars-Rrwt. Cuttmpw.i Eij-ea*.*. . U W> . H to . C to £ to.. niiiHAi sanajr? sale— y/^Towdsy is AlIt s -ua to Riid. i® tto frrrt J tto sour: host* is tb* ciri tto lenl bom rf sal*, tsepr ret t aarat Piers* and Fraase* C«qi*r - « /’inn Liu i*bmr ft Aiibs IFStre o • ffarab Parc* asc*Fraaow Cooper. Said pnq*my Irried ur . . texeve. ft-Ar^lhtoct M G.’K^RTS.Auhx B Galto. land tto Aiatanato rsi •.•mcicet r.r«V H GaQ:'*a;.rea»H*nG«»dalLAi*bs GanatolL Iaasiapr Gal- Altaec* iaade are treat* ~t tto £r« aa a aermd SifTrirt its. Aowja F Gair.gias Cbark* Groe-a Martis Gcstrs. Aasae* of A;q£sp enaty Alw. £.««• *rrr» «d land **-J] tjsl*red EGauiln.lTuLj Giehh-touiRe. Beairy GaaaLLAobaF Gu2 erhi ct)c*** and «bit« oii. Am i^nn v^binp further martis Mi Grrfita BeuysmiB Gtauriily. Aobs L Groves- jorOrsiar. ras ecidrrwf m» a; Hail P. i'. Cer-rr-a fSeia E!KCi*»r U M CitUcL Jams* E Godfrry. Georp* A .tur~i—la*<'.*ra<ac V IT All. TI1H.1 rrjieawf reqtiir* U to fait is adrsar* Student* »br. loare is tto GoQep* hulidinpa. fifty Qi»2at <rIE to rwrred a* foil jaymex: fie tto tuxtuis feet rTnai rest- aad ceartinpert exjeu—» id tto year. Tto jnc* id Board is tto rUhtp* a Flt 'jer musti. : tt erashuip. raaseret and fael SA auoxNaanyrAja. taconaw UBlEBl FPAlIfB l TEL G!LAT PCfcii /£L OF 1 .Nid c ftrtci ,/ tj c _. ISynuffli WxurifSi -A i-n-upatisn. Ototuav (ataaenuT. i.T T ur-.ue os. th* Fact. iS.r.tW &«£ in. lraa. So,.. a«.< fer ft tto row* an: AuiaU. stuufaer iv-i che*. Lusnapa. rhinal C.nayuauaa ts-Vi L-as as lu.iufi.c.iiu* um id li—rur. htuU^Pfl luipnnty id tto K.imt * Tin* e aluaUK iiet.ciw »j. tto susitoe id «xtr»iefi:tor aprary sa» isenste tto jcrjri*: «d thtar iroun*. v. off*- -.< -, M JllWlt H the Dtai»; ci®lt>cns* it .•■ - — t ta* Tat Cicumesmnic.: u beid os th* iak UccatRay m uumtor tr*. b«<*ee«r rtruij-- "to iuliovisp e^TU i'^S Auir. -Khl Gere® irt.,-u- a* banc al oSo* tbH Hob Siy id Fu'mary I Ju I* 1S5L Jrt.1T A. JL Int/.'OtE. Orffy k c i UAKLrT3*£X>. 6:0.03—i 4X113082: TE:i>Ll«C — art ntess! tr nt br a nwratle. ■qg APHS IgTAXST. rtong c c. fWI ElSraiL's G5TT0L. AfcH IL 1SIG - Vd T5«f F* * ' ** — L That tto (Sty Itsrrtial be iufirosirt ti bt*> W m lnu is Uaabaiptus ant Grecat *arda remaiu- Sqnanad.a* aesr r*o year* baw eiajer! sine* tto ;a*- m§* of tto ccfiisasse- a xsa it c-y td tto enci banup a sot Ik—t erm.jtot Till is tto iSoa lL3A.2K2Ln.2L2LU tics* : It a;>jesmc ty tto rtnurr id tto ^btriff it tto u:iTt caM- to'.rt that’tto fitdrocss: b mi % to I ••uni it tto fount*, aac it reyetwa t*-1 tiiat *to i» a« to to iocat is tto rest*, ot mount u' ft i Gtrtaca. Pcsm- jff'» AEtcraey. h i* icterec Ilia: Rterire cd said jirtitiot tni jrt»seM to t—rtonei to jmhiisatiia rf tbi» <efi« is tto . . Georrias oust a mon’O. f.e four muntbs not jctceeCap Harry Hart _ tto im torn id tki* Court Grantee 52**? aad Prenee. or Ito Cnxcrartcd Srw Trek Life P. E I/JTE. A. « C 5. P. Tto Great**: Piarnt id life nr (to Aitexture* cd a Lady A tm* extras frtnu the minute* id Uart Sqxrue C«®rt j it Rears! ft a Giod reerant—iy tin* Ubc ba* aim;*: leea. st I»«*aato? Tens. 1 Wi . e-nrriefi tr lextb. njVn- GB>. B UTI 11 iV>'V Cork 5- C Mr* Hair* are Bunk id CiNkcry and Cnmjurte 3ou#e- SEU BOOKS- £*>jrst lfS S sat? Jfcj 2*a. 5 SK. HT7T. Fu-i and Hiari Stecrto* id Americas 5och?t it tb- v niv-£ -<u.'r». to F aad T Pulsky. is t*r to 1 *. life Bert an i There, to X T UHfia. Hi»ncir I'oulc* nlatr** u SijKuesiE BimaTArtt Tto FTrinp Arutonat. a tsl* id Mexican treactory- h. T Giefins Cains L Giilert. Sa.rr.ati Grtcnsitb. Xiekle* GelL H eart GtLam. Aobt S Grwm. Frassi LGu*. Asa Graas. T T G<»ocels. IL—Thnmt* Bid.-*nnto Iiarii F Halsey. U.Hitrr. 3«k. Chricojitoe Hussey- Ibcbsrd H 3i'*eL CbarW r Harfiee.. um.Lta Hoe*. Vilhait Buster. UlLtrc F Hobasd- Jsrnrj Huster. Geirp* r Karfixp. Ei»rs L Berts Martis E-c®. iti L 5iiee. A.U Hu;t fataur! B HaujO. ^iihair. * Htxry Havjt. Villnos V Sts dry- Fa-bext Saier- ’ A obs ESomaaVs Hc-tor- HlS-Iuros. Aifrri Hay The Fatoipb. t>' C i fiar.5uri t.L jh-asr yv\iol x*rkiy f.e nit mixths an! ernd fell ;* 1 p *aw Air 2*X’r Jtoaas—!s aaeseteac* *r.b tto ahpr* reRcdctios. ' *rll recoite yetyKiRsi* lie parinp tto said iou. ustatb* llCi. d»y rf May next. * FHHAP M ET-rH32. «»p»C'to S' rj fr.AlE.~kra; Ik mmL. or tto fins TsasDay 1x L is feme rf tto ronr: bos** is tto city rf DkJbe. toewex tj>* tops hnm id sale, a aeprf-max to tto asm* cTALajsia ; feryt ca a* tto jetjarty rf sc card B Baker, tr wtfefr ter t hi. *x» ianrt from tto C®crt rf said county is fe*te id Aamt r^ajEjmis. sac tto rttoe liRia tto Court id «a*c cuciity a fa*tr td Aar Btssl befib apsm« *xi; Edea-d B Br ier ’ Torn* rt SjBW C t r -VLAl. Igicty SieriC X r. GEOBGLUCHATHAB COrSTl. rOHD’.e aC2T. A AS TTXM IfriC in K To*ka. j » - CaatlEfirw- Taairf F. Ttotes i r ajiivartap v tto Court to ti* recurs id tie Fberiff tiat SS* amigaefeadas; 6:*ee me re*.n* a tine wnmty. and i: furttoe tj'janiit tiat to 61** not re-si6* is thu Slate.ns jwoii®tdriemint kICnex. ot-faxusnt jamraeyt it n lenterd .fee Rate oehnoant aj jr-u: an; asrvee at tto Atti.ur* tii tto EaqiuA V«m» td tto Srfy 3Tbit. to A V next iten. td ;Gi* Court ur tto cart to wmfiiorrrS is ana ul: j MtOurr keey«ee. Ties Berk* rf Cfers to Cbarle* Lrter frcaij Busters ce Bomsstir Adtrstsm is NmtiersMex- irs. to Csjc Mayne Eeis frfiiri: Eaiiiut^ T u velieL to Her J A Mntti»nt- AM Fn «afe at Xu. 1^1' Ci 'SfrctMimt may2t N 'OC *tTA*Ei- ~5taa* Life is Germany to Cia-ie* L*- mc 3rar*. auttoe id Bnspnry is IfriL * Tto Trsnaiatce* B*nf**i a B»'«prat>b'ra" Memoir rf tto VALUABLE. RICK LAXD FOB SALK. A Tract rf T.tfe fr* ajr.y Land rontuninc fr , «' acres tie Alatamaha riter tl.-t-e julto* store l%r~ ’yinnlnp iasd» id ti< te-tate rf Irfi i— as.d I*cs . tto tae-x aad GirsHhat and tta^l it ex tto airti . Fa-beet Bator- and »t-ft ba« .-nr a* pt*od a jeteb id tiiie a* as* rice pits abuts. Aoix LriemanQrs ca-wrt. aavucMis. Affwi Hay “V-t 'r “h? -;*-r My term* art feesty A-Ciar* j*r acre. eriKii. trpiiarr BtxficnKX. Chari re i HaL Goo kT Hxr&cs*- in* inerts caab an; tie iiaiance os a crKSt id fetus tie ti tle. Eotort A Baaiktr Waiiam 2. Hasps Hcmpbrry P Her- tex tears, tto is'erert «s)y required l: to j«Jt assual't tns. Piter fietrr. kT-aixxs Heiids L**i HarS Tbnmu Hex- Apply tt- tie tntfersiewd a: h. raee rf m* aimex’oe oemix. Fitior' p Hester. Marmaiuk* BamBtns rtoer I' Mr -Vrn Jimcu r.Z abi-» tto land, a piss rf eiuci cas H Isnens Oiariej F Hiaslhcm. Acts F Ban files. Vi. lists to aaes at tie office rf tto Geeecias Hone V-Iham H Haa.n.*s. Imnt Hampas Htxry Bar- 5AMTEL M fTTJTT tor Bi R-i-i tr HidLfter. Eatcb !• Hendry. Aoi;s G H.-vxrd. lafiR. Aas -i. l&S. .axJS—lax UTJism H Brfme*. Geo Troup Hnearff kTaiiam B Hale. „ - .7^ TT . ., lV _ , ~ ~—— Gurtar* A Biucnmb* (Tan* Hartman, frattoel Hanahcm b» V (•-A-A—A Tract ia Li>. u. };«* auntredaem Liieart A Barton Stephen X Harris Crfosbn* fr Hama, •f? 6 - nraaefiiarty ly^-te tto oid etec td tto y rpnetir* . «• TtorearttarTacatitia*. emdisf ti*year iste- ttsma. a> tnoex isttorr lueat-rwa tr( td tm j-u n ^- , - n '7;’r? *■» a fee emtf F sK.TICS. Ln. rf ti* Fsriii. 3 knion every eien iar-, ^ ^“7 Caitn 1 * 5*a»*E LTrfna* ca-e* a nexr.y ai; tto tb-aa-i to raa f, , *' tl>« mo*; SRUxhvbxp)* pi»< tto mo* extrwrfiinary n--cirx. > to,— AGlt AM. FXTHF—Glia: CXi-TL, s tiat fur tto** yean j bat ^ }»_ J?' Arr ticni iy sjfilicatM® kit J L 1'AGG. Pnodutxt ft e-ct fie-c-rjihos I bad a—.^ri PtrteaM * * tto I sue-ail. vai rrome a catalopue. wxtaineg tto tinea ft (yuimnt. Mc-rur-i rut I j to,.. c-'.urv- rf t-tato*. and al tutor wresaary infiniciia im*i hut ail trniuit 1.0 ,*—n.., * trrt Gray FriXM v—■' Finn Text-—fetus Ian ’•’ednesday is Aurufi to leotashtc tfiovr Tseatiow—froas IfewsslKr li>ti it February 1st Scc.od Term—feum tm day cd Fetrusry ti Gumnrsa- mett. frumswr Tssinjif—feeus Cojsmtxcawxt u iac Ved- tontfiiy is Aufurt.. B. M sAVHDS. 5o=«ajy td ti* Board id Truatew. *15D>' frABSAPAitlLLA. T> y. Ai l D-TTLLtolFor |®rifriap tto hiood. and frr (S m rltSTa^* f. ?*****and tto only med.m* tsit **=„ hc.n d*h .nt axuarios rf tto ji.;e affero* on* uscy famiitir* wnr.isp I_JA. w -v] r • RT* CSX numouiatojy uaurnoe.. ersvenp ferns tea J.—y £ AobuRCn Aubs T Amo*. Aam« P. Aukarttm ?’IrSlST 1 ^V P**?' xr2hija »- I:*ard Auiit-t. .'-ixr* C Aooe*> Aiixsnder A ohm. on kr .".iiacs In^jej-ia Salt ilteum Fever ween Eryaije-la*. Pasjto* B.ic* Merrurial I'i«ca*ev. Cvtaw-os* Lrujite®-. tovtr Com?lit.;n BrtntArtia. Conraajititm Fvmalt CtnajdaiEia. L:n* rf Aperit*. torserai iKxQrry. kc. Is tl.ii jcrparatM® ee ba** til tie rest lira th* jetqmfe* id tie root conrer.tratod is tl**ir ttmena Kwxpti and eff- eary : hut afcto frar-tjartlia Bart firm* as icjeetaxt iat td it* twbteibWL it ia at tto *ame tsne. etmj«oux.6cd iclier irptaW remfcic* cd p Iiam near Eofiauxt T l C B IX-Ct L»t nee -.t io* c*t rf £ maty year* is tit Pnc <iff,- . ] amemntoap Hhcasy id C*rn> r?x*w I sa* Pours: spaaru* rf £>( wrnea t U tie aflfearf. Mr. loaLu't y fas v-tos latex aenro-sr c’r*aj le KMJ. a jeartoxr ?'t- f-Ito-trir: Alt limey hoTi-.'- -, 3 h~ BuLock Aa^aus EtotlS Asbaaon Anus I'Aew*. Aiix J Aacsaos Aame* H Aobs«tnn Koberx AaiarxTWn Aame*. — STEAM SAW HILL FOR SALE, K —PbiLf E tub. Jobs Eeamtrfy. Alferf Kexv l *^ erl Q ITT AT 12' half a mto feor* tbit Cite ix tiit n.t.i.' bm , Euck iGter Krouh*, Viliam E-au#a Aits W EjWk®. Her. O basi rajal.fe id hoidiar ri c lie tii : and it ii fiered tbs*, ttoe rule to psluia Er^art Irtos ti* mmtxea JOBS F GTuJIiKPC. c *. etc Ar Hi«rtritx> riecrh td Eobis Band and Caj.t Kidd. Vy ViUisn. kT CuqiML • me Tear, a ta> rf Verfiock. Vy Fimife F Caries, frrat tie teipinal frawdni. ly Akxandtr L* aad Cher: rf Ce-uiaary rf ary as caunty. ad to ault ic tb* tm Tscauay is Atly nrrt a; tto eocrt bota* owe a amt county, totem tto uesal hour* td kale. aE tto ianit Vrt'ty rq to ti* e«tate rf Marta Shuman arceaje-s aub Vd ho fii*»nr. tirrttor eitb tto uecrtK* toiixrxr to «ai; ttfiates K. 2*. X'AfXFY. arnT. gta»makt ssnux. Ami ID irtwext them vitiiis tto tim* by s }«»iim instated to aaid mat* r-Z make paymext to a'.dTTR k* GBgT. Acm’t. R-a. 1* maoe it A Treatio* ta General Fatituory. Vy Ir A BesV. PwN- t and "• Atkin ts. T wS ihyaiiiinpr Is HmtoJiarr- tram-lrtef ‘ ferns tie German ly Bexry C Pmaos A. M . M P. , . v .. . . . — tosis rajit hie cd huidiaf tri- mOL-x fort rf Lc*». .w mas Eubiman Itofincb xartestoen Nicbiut. Lisr Aobs Mi2 ba* trex is ojerstiix abort R^n m<xtbs nm. V i*-I_T. Asm-* V iimp. Xiubida* Kftey. huiltr. Esapf. caar; and as edptnr «r . aino Grrf: v**~ Tin* V *~ m.r Tnnma* Eemj. Aubs V Kt-toy. Vltoats a». Asm** Lee. lr,a£ ii l£ Ii £ fa ^x, j" ri - lJr -, T u 2*smea* M Eiauck. 2‘bLip Sean Nuai 3 Smj-j Aartx J * tny'y ^ M.ivnki” *v Lat-r. A am** Sennecy. Froaemck ErTgans. f.n.acstd nas- -—■— .'*....'. R-ator _ FV’F. SALE—Tiat rtijabie jarr*I rf land Irrmerr I—Toome* E liiyd. Loui* Lepriti. Abbs N ly»ii Daniti -i J ocmj-t-d Vy E Amcke a Eat.. ani-Rx s* a Cooper" A I nm torts. A out H lApbibourat. Vjll'ian. M Lmpn Alans* rboianc Ttrs 1: i* hountod 10 tto ran iy 3ound- E Lure. Hurt. Lucas rtasndau* M laJfct* tii jKxxlmr e-us tons tins and ncfeiit.fct matter rf it* jet- jianii'x. tin*, it* remarkable rucwr* is tto cur* rf fii* *sr* orjrxfi* !t art* cmultanvouaiy uj«ot tto Flumaci. ts* cirrulalif® and tto b.«-*•!» and tbs* tlrrt |rnre»aw. * tori, tr* tedinarfey tto result id ttoee fiifhrrtS kina* id n»*di'-Sr.. are ea-—i*d •« at tire *am* tna*. titiiupt tie ro- etrumextality id tbi* nut remedial apxb Rind ptxtiy «txs- uirte* Rbiie r. th-cider x* and exjei fries ti.e ettmaiss tnc :«-r ei* ai tiiat i* imutinp. an; at tto «u* taut renien ttoir ric-e and tons h* pteat mer.: 1*. that it m-rt- and u “ 3niel m tie cry id EicSunms t 'ICTCE— Txt-m-mts* after oat* *nAirs' >inr: id - edmury rf 2to as i aleftta:* iKlunpxctt- C Fberea*-1 E lurann ao- rstre rym tto ertate rf Hetry I*u—on fiert**- I Rfil apjcy jc. tto Court rf (tfiaosy rf tbi* county, fee * ttocefnr* s* erte aL ennsemed ta tie tbeir oi- L fif ary ttoy b*f* ' is term* rf tto i*R tctor»TR* it tto * ti #el the re maf k^OTKL—Tax- mnttto arter caw aj*jA.a.ti«s r-II to mato oi- tto Court rf • remary td Cha^than. «*ctty. fie i-xv* ia aril tto J-iIii-aiap terron. rir 2'••pry Ma’.- ttor. and Axrtbtmy. tto jiroperty rf Alexander 2. MsiReE 1st* id said otiusUT. fiweaRei • jCH frirtsH M. MAltt'iLL Ada’ a e Ifethi and Ficrips MeSoa-Cbiruiptml Eerjea lie L Bepeived Vy A B CT5S3RTE A. H. rXiiru one Ttow are. ts*rrljrt .t: cite and acmticiab all Rbom it may cowers to to an; a}>;itxr aaid C-'tr: tt- mate ni-yet- rita (if any they bsv* 1 ns or todie* tut (irv. Monday m Ann* next."ottorRtR* said fetter* r-H to pratted. VtBUtt. A. H. Ecu its In; _ Ciramvrv fur rtoxs wen ty.tbkfci Cay rf May. lfdi may* A. H EMITH. *• * c ‘^ r -'TFE —7ir- neertb* after date, ajqriisatoa ril. to _k matte t tie tirfimary id fbstiam rouity. lie feartte r*2 Ix« St. thirty-fi>ur. it Reotmi anrmaSy Hesry onurry. and I.nt Sn on* hundred and *ut is tiurtetmti CifOritS. ic ip-r.kTr Henry, now Fayrn* crusty, toinnfxif tattota- tat* </ Tajestm*Crvkv*e. 6er*sR*t mbl« >JES F. «~CTIM vETTS Adm’r. X iClCI—5.x mouth* after date apruisctias R-il! to maw v tto Court id irnrnary id Camd*» couett Ga- fervr* td diKmiaiiias a* ainissi*-t”ttr:i vrth tto R'lE as nix-s. irs tto eetaw rf 5u»ts Ittnatrict lew rf as.: roen- T». oeesaeei not I*.*5!CT fr fr 'ACHE2. Adts'n W. TRORAE WILUAHv HAS RECEIVED P ArKX<S ANI* JLISCULu a otuaertir novel iy Mr* Grey. VrKterie* rf 7Sri*.>y So*—new etbtins Jfe.MsalirA it )nw and poetry, by 3 Harwsrfie—2)u*- trated. Ee-eXrt- -A raitutry Roetoifie. pojivlar and TeatXiraJ. Th* Lfadfx Art Aoc: nal Ice Ajrtl—witl arveral *xt*v- irrt enrravtnc*. and tto ifecKtrated ataiopn* rf sto Ixb la—f f jkt arts is Th* IHurtmtec Macuxint- fee May—St 7nr annum. Ba*9«c*» Ifeurtrated W*»Uy Sewi—St jier annum FHtotsi; Mtcacine,Jnr May. Tto 1/mdot Inn ret fre May le I^pa ut * 2»oirov»rie* it EtypbD'i.opia. kr—Lrofias edition .-.bans'* Hirtnry id Eurtyr. from tto fa! rf Sajmiei® is 1*2!—LmdfS. edhint ni Irt le Itrsi and hi* Totnp Frtonoa. by Tnarkaray. mayll i totosttiiai. l exer Lot. Edward Lo*eIl T^lisa K lin- culs. (Hirer A LxEoeto- Aubs M 3 Loved Msrtss lstrs Sold* Lyon.FrrderitA Lobuf. Anaejib B Ladens. Aubs B LsSd. Iiiniel loaby. pKtysmis V Laiyd-CnsrietALLa- msr. Tew? Laurexia.Aame»F Linder. Matthew Lufhurrow. Lirard I yxicb. Aubs T Latism.Philip i Leaver Buck Lar- . sne itr: Aubs Lyons, ary rt-rit. ro-t: by tto Canal well by Flsllr’irt rtreel anc •ttb Vy ill* No* i and L and eictsfew alout four asres l*“tl kTTLLT k MONTSULUN. V*E rAlE—The wwwrfr half td Lot Niu I — - YamacraR. hemp tto kl usrf now ocecpfec by the OisrleRtns rXesn Parlrt Ctenpary. mesrtrinr in* hundred li-t os tto Ever. . . . 3 _ _ and rttsinr lack ato-ct trx. hundred fee: to '.ssiA-rtrwi — ». Xtfnw Uj. *a. T. Tv .. k. tm-K . ku. -U=i rtC mm « a. L-a-fWtan. 1 If not aciid a: trirtt* safe prerioc* tr tto fcrrt Tn*»i»v is February, it R-i! tits to offered at annum a: tto Court " A^dy to fie'.i O.’HEN k FO30CE it a number id in«sur** t:.» efie-i rf u Stmx R bicl were nu»i trv- j *a*K id Ccmrumjitux w-j^xuixr. mur _- r ^ J fort- were wonaeriui inn—t w _ rAATEL 11 I'E-NEEL rf tto f.-a rf I-i iucbmixd. rsi rurec rf L"'tr r:nn).«s d<«*J inp. b« tto n*e rf ;*i borto ir u-i*--»-mil ••heat ctkf <5- Batf^nj—TwifitoJi mixt bad a w-n s: 'si’e-e » _ . mh®. cure 1 td vnueztt a—rfsia -.u;btL r- a* tto art r* jemryu* td do-xR* rtieil snd w s,.^ wfort entrrfr ta fe«m (5 J««em-_.. mmpjear anc ** rf^-ie- eryK.mtV.smun maw ; 7.‘^T' ttol-dfliea mspuW.ri mend i— “ " biisof ~ rTTLL J.V*’TEn. CTJ'I '1 nOlimi-lWii rtuiiatu* to” rurec rf rr*rfua to -larai j^riw tu*e j rojnmier n a truly raiusnie m-dc» j| v» . r . ——— * —. — TsTI/iL C-unductur os the EJ e F L 1 j U Vt-MCt A. 3 k.* nann*—‘^extiemux w- trujy valua- F.-cinia i* fii i omw.otr j-out r-una;sr"la. tbs*. 2 fen it ’n it m; Hfei w n «rf afi v«n Suaiwti rty tt- Rtet* hr the benefit td fetors tto cur* eflerte. os *g «SS ,hi. have -ximexsed it* cEi-rtuti oonrmee inureau L:» itself rf it* real vslu* Trie projefeto-* Rub'mit tt- the puhlir tto fiCtrwxnp ren- f ra** f-i-n. a hi*.Ely re*j*-rtab"i* nouro*. rf a curr maw by usmp their ; rejarstiut rf ssrsaparjia . Msjk.. Auiy ffL TSbL ar* afiiir.rt A SI* SKI l/*nr. kbin* JL—Herb kf Mcrwr. Attir-ry T Mem. Abraham Mini* Trma.1T H C Mius Aasob Matke. Bullard Kursk Vifeiut larriL. Anns Mttory. Aau=nto Mato. Aubs Mai ;t. mien ■ . .* '— Murtms AaiueaW V-iexun. Lai;i MeAdrim. lias Ksurtw. L x - e * =uLA.~A ntprt seed aburt tbirry-eopbt Boraoe Ko-wt. kTZiisis E May rsnoei r Miller. Aubs Mur- 1 ?**»- » trrtra'* ws‘tor. wamtte* s* rotb. Rrti cbiRua Cnrwtiat kf Katiainter. frifinmia MRver. Jobs Ma*- , ttanpi-t**. ape. t«*at*--m> y ear*., a a*sm«tre*a — t*—.-t I.uder JOkrti-ai.’A art.'s. Msn-eu. Acbn E Malltrr. Hen- Ala'- » wiunsn apecatoxt furry years *rrfsvt wrti iy Kambsrfi. Ttonss* E Mi2s. Asm** Kannsbss. Qirie* A .— » — — A—Dufijck Otmtci -•—To a! i ; Vhsress, Aosrtbas Griner i whom rt may con- i Griner wH sjijJy at the ( rf Qrtfensry fie *ert-r» rf aiminusratbx tx tne •Rts'.e rf Hrunab. Cnw.late cd «si; oostty fiewased Thw* ar* ttoe*J:c* to ert* and aimtmui a! wwes i; may enaoHmto to and apj>*ar before «s*d Ci-urt te make mW- bn (2f aty they ban • os nr b*cJ;r> she first Monday it Jfnl* next, rtto-nri** aaid heten wH b«e crantec. Ton***. B'lHxtn Le*. r/_ £»:_ Orfimarr he 3tLt»ci ccnofiy.t&f SKI £*▼ rd Ms* 1*£ way2> ■ TTZZZtir LEE 5r.x s t N OTKX.~Ttreemixtb* after daw. einbraba wi to mad* tt tto ’’lat-v?*-' 3ani id tto rwv* rf C-enrcia fie tnt jiayih'x: id the fuliowmc deecrh*-'. note* id *-ajc riant, tto riptrt liutid halve* id winch le*x iK is ma! truss aarawti caerisb * C_l* Charkvbu. ton*? A. No ear. he Kfe . litter L Sc f-*fu for L!! irt-er NV rfrf. » Mapaxint for Aunt i Goaty * Lacy - * 3i»ak lie lie td! . Nc !C( fee EAi i Bank id afeanuai 6-w Ninevfcb and BaVylns. by A H toyard. K P.. abridped feme tto larre* * •ex. ctoas ei teot Echo** rf aUtto. te a Tuirt from tto Part. Vy Bet 5?.«_ 1 lie id «?r*r A. No. 6Wu On. 5A3CTEL WM/JOOKL • Cute ajuilioutux wl! be DTEGiA BrL'ol Cbuxrj —T t al VT Thetna. M2ta Sieppard wxL i — whus !t may ounrers. _ * aappart wxL sjq.:r at tnt Court rf . Ordmary for Lrrter* rf Aimmirtratuis us tto landed jar: rf tto era * rf Abankts Haps. Crtxamd -. Ttowarsthotficcf-octeand aftmoniA a! eoscernei te MM ttote rtyacriTn* 'd sty ttoy have , is tty rffis*. wrtbin Ot feme yrtturltod by law. rtberwr** Raid’ toner* wil to pmmrtmA XU**2 k(K TFT. 5rt. T. f- T ! /"JECSlffl*—ifeiSaci OnaCf2 s a! whoa it may rot AJ oem; ‘Rtorea*. Tx Let. jr. will a;^Oy a: tto 'Court atOtiiay fir ton*r> figsaerey aa adsmasramr sc me kritsto rf Thomaa Let. a lunatic, fieteaa*f . Ttow art therefor* t:- cv and afimoxtoi all whom r: may coaptmtoto and ajipear at tto Court td C»rffx«yfor BsJ- locbeocrry os the trra Mradar m Octotor next*;:- make cbnertinnxif ary ttoy have tRtorwi** aaid toner* wm to mL a! Ua nl eRtase ss Cbatmam county ortnapiapte I' t shyers 6»«r*R*c. Atot.. tess-fiay* after cate lie hart ti atU riu tto tKnsi:aii> jerterry id Raid w-rtu*^-; s,Al C tr Tx^ New Liune. ce tto United Suae* rf tto TForii. by Theodore 5'ieocirt and Charto* Gnej-p liamrm * Ilicetratec News. Na. 12. rw : ved ba mays 3. 3 CUiSETGE John 3 MtBard. JnwV Miller. Kattbsat H Meyer. Aivji N M2fer Sours M-erinlwanfier Mart-.V A Mayer B-cfiir! C KacsaL. M.cbafi Meat's. Fahiat M'rrboffer. Tboma* Meath. Aubs Murcbinim. Bryan M Mured. Hups tr M»t. Jobs Mabaxaiey Tsioma* Mabar. tTilhaxs £ Munpm Mr—C^-iert A KnCTi**aey. Barthuuunew JScJttarwty. Patrick Mule.-**!, trill am MrCarttoy. Atwepb 3 Kcsiy iat— Vr-v-nsiu Tboma* MtHentsa. Insiel Jficiletxnond. Tonmaa kT KtkriLor. Asm** Mc5*ti*y. Vicbael MrGrts Paine* Mivuvtrn Normas kf KsLeirt. kFUlarn 3 Kelt- v-kL. Jaxnet McFoel*. Alexander Mr Hardy. Anpu* McAl- jiir Vicbael McCarty. Ntm MrBnfb. Aaxn*» Mduuarwy N—teier* N N.cboia Tnoma* A Naylor. Neistsxa 5amur'. Nxnrnax.Aaon r Neiiimptr. NatLi Nunpsetr Jobs •j >«, imfer. 'WXiaxi fe Norw-oiid Jacob Nrw beeper Gulitrt N Ni»i» I'll:tat* M New*!. Jam** A Ntrri*. Aobs 3 Nie- lam skitort C Nock. Aaxxtee Nimraatr. T^iliiam S'uupssee. tor cbucrex. two toys nevex snd *ctta-x ve-nr* rf ap*. ~ necrotx toitiarmrsi as trtat*. wi! to anid curmp c. ix u-ikts. term* V.vL-H N* Iff- 3ar-rt_ i — r vuu. — a w-iuuas arr . years a p .ud -.1 cook wsttor anc iron*? j. muiatt: R oman V* y ear* o._ a fcrK rate eeamRWee* and to-cR* hee-vax.t. as»i tor >x year* me. A woman “ yesn tiii a w' rn.i's wsKto* snd iron*?, tnd lie? two ehusrtx ape-d t stir, i rear*. A bor _ r - X ^ 55 ^ eir * ,J: - * t™-- W! band AlRtV rr Normas » KcLeirt. w uiisa 3 Mcln- a lit * tree l(i r».i -> Aiuim tv *' - ' ~ ' UTIAT k Mf.VTW,T*.TV —. -— 1 tod a bww rf tto turmt r biri dewtreyed tto ttmmls ;ax>£ R-a* then anseae; w ti. v« tost jsis is tto toad. Thi* roix rewsAset 4 m-rert a- an; jutnexu* qiuoifirtte* rf bmoc and matte.- were ih-cbarped- I ir aa ve-X* tne oieeaiK cuntmner. is tto b”ac and twx jurvaiied tne hocy pcneraly .atn.ckmf al tto lxnto. * rti cxmfintd tc a wet seed, feint wiuri 1 ne’er tipe-rtcu v s-.te Mary jbysrtan* artendei sw and the wo*; fckul'uu pmumneec me pa*3 rur* In nbnr. totifut taunt-t exjirm my naffennp and istbijoimditi-x 2 beard rf your rurRajK^uis J»ur- baaed ax burtien and se- nounrel a! otto? xw-tbcinee. 1 did nut *i;ie-n ti al 1 hourlt *■! fiei- r.tated bac try fystexs V-eunn C^mtrar’ t ■ l_ fxirrtititiu icy totl'l ilmorf immethate'y bps. v 2m;:i-»« I • a* uuu tosttend ti my omneetit outtea.asic «ieu eonid nit oefi a tluap 3 onoe tiuuipli wo aid to in- J.iee'l-i* My rx-froo* 1 cannol ernre**. f*>elmp Rattofiec tnat nutsusvr «i** mold tort relieved toe- rf she mtorr and ►uB- riar 1 • tox eadured I mew: sheerfulyreeumentrina.' frar-ajarilla tt an isffmnf a* 2 hart fii-ne lie*qe-?fn,;« yirra Ppuroi Miro Fx.rwmr tn* abort Rtatrmert U to pt-.rt t eurrer.. and tour war neipbtoc* U- Mrs Mays , we tiieeriuL'y leftife t< F -*3 5a1£— a likely famly hi* wife Iff a pte.*d wa.ue LkeJy. Zi a f .r J. a fey I. a.a pt*e* are it pood ; ex. ter Mr* Prisr2» L Ie*ip*. tniLT c M STM EIiN O.—Jobs OLrtr. a ttelie. tr a T nice from tto ?*aRt Vy Bet tua — L= : . ASmfe k^irnd.—Al' len-ow indebted t .t F.iperv. wIL make ixrmedu.' tne estate rf .snd It tio . anc i : jer- rfeitre and B»-bind tto Curtain re fifxnx y ear* i-Verra- sn-nnp tto To-stm rf Nor Tick, by V £. Ncrtbsl. Harper'» Maranme far June Graham • fii fir . Gouty * Rim* havtnp fitxnant* apamet *ait ewute wl! lree—ttt ttom Laure Bw* !•? Aim* fitiy ittettei tt CF>J-L~r tr •: e_-n?t* Ban-urn's UxFtratei New*. Gfeantm * 7 (•aalified Afiuucirtrstir. at IB Oanpmw-rtrert N ’Ori/I— A! p>?Ron* btvmr oexnsn?!* apviiut tto** tate it Ntnry Nacie iaut rf Chatham muotty u*-»a* ♦ b art hereby rwcxrwd tv iusd ttom is tt- tie cntore'im- *■_ 4»2y attew.ed. wrUis tto fern* pr-a-rxe-d to uw. and l! jemon* mfithted v ex*d Natty Nap it ar* rtquertnt it- make imtuefiiate jmy xnext w mayS** S2CEAIL NaGIE. C.»usl Fn'ir. I*iary. a tale rf tto Pan.; tif the Emin*. Eeto-rra snd Lower:a by Mlsiew. kTm. Let. aex'r. £*; ..Orimarr fur 3a2ncl coxutv. tto* 12th ®t uf Mamb.ltLI Jhk3 inmAM 1ZL 5r- s X tt N 'CTiCX—Twt-r maae ts tto B mantti* after 6a> anjibratnx wL to - Box tne -Iniur: rf •'rfiinary rf Carnots county lor ietR* tn at! Axneia ant her rim fires. Aoe_ Sa rah. .'act and nantA's. to*uaptnp te th* estate rf G P Ct- hexu fieoeaMfi. mar24 MAE T juNN O''HEN ss'ix M ole aiK'E* — a«bs 1 k(L a Lepend rf *2 kr M Tbs star . Lord Sasonfiait. or 121*xmoap tto LunStx Ariftertrart Vy G TT M Efyniifia. Bam urn'* IBnrtrstrf New* Nv It A further mj jOy rf Thets* and Apart by ajiHS A B CUSBETa-E ■'ruBfeatu Aubs kr Owens r* * 'wens Arnxxn-u* •rurlfr. Ed wars ’JByrne, try;. C 0TfexRXuL Imsta (eConnur Pbill-j (r-CotneL. Dau- Bai.Ji'u Eiiuutty v’C*uinte. Tamely 0‘Bnen P—■ r'niiij J r'anru Tnoma* ?'are*. Aubs J'utuc. Jam'-* Pieter Jort-j-u E Print.Chtrie* F Ifert-xox. kTllliam ? rrctec. Edward i'afirllorf. Ixward iafivilurc. Jr_ Ei*La I'anoa*. *r.T:i*-; G ITiubrifB. Astliury J'nrtcr. Ifeum* M Jxtrick Lo- rs Pan-oaa Getrp* Parson*. Edward P.-wers Ai-i-t Puw.eL. Aoeej'S h Philips. Aobs F Po*ty. IT Lilian. V -toutir*. Henry C PreKtut Tnoma* P.dpou Aubs M Palm. Saxnue. G Paw p*. A seti -A muistte- RTtnuu. aesmrtreH. and her child. At? jaulk try-; F '-r. SALE —A wrrt wianau mas ZI one IV bey 14 and kTTLLT t ;e!:nTM:C2IN rt-ar* oifi. a pood 4. M STM 'ILLS' *r lou* chTifirex : a V a—s Loiptcs. Eri Jubt HaLem . Ato.CBEE EEMaLEaJLI CI1J. S'rw Tiwx. Aas f. 1KM Vtt Sand*—•‘-•x.tjemfx • i ti»<« p-eat }-ka-ure a a:- bnowienpaxp tc yot the pre»; irwlt 3 btrt re-r-rt-ec from tto u*-f rf your fa*sajarilia A «*byec? id jahnuna*y co- n*» I u.fcto a voy ap* ti Europe, but wbue urre pnutlnu* r ii > affnrtet A lew west* a*ter my return I ws* t—ae; w :'t a ru.tos: ton rrbar* rf tto iuxnra and fei«t tto fie- bility an; p-e-at jn-cirst.DS <£ *xr*nipti that lobi-R-er. wrA ti* ;l’<-trade- oAculty rf rcRpiratuix. I am entirey r»^ u«* rf you* frar>*4i*f2ia shirt 1 ciUHuaer wae curel l-y .lire- borte-e rf Carte: * aid fe salt Ifertaxa. Rlncl he b*c n-*-i; J yeas ci fii tto jaywismn* rf Ui* cr:y eouii n>s run Ii b e a we-E knows merebanx rf iiicbni'tit ft uif 1 u mo-t remarkable ki'K A. MaTTHi'V r rf Iferian r ad t» hij I rnto rf frjnhllR. a tx>* worr. fens I*Can Mature 5* «y !•* clen-fula renstsi «.fie-i r St u-vtiu»hh merfirnte' LKHiJJ 1 L kTlr-2 rf Hicbninnd w»* n and Rbat j.brysirian* ra!*•■ nnfrar: da* fibre* to. tire rf Can*? * ruam-b lixrir* E'k 1 il i:2 'S Ctmnite-imer id tt* F* ba* eeex the pnot e£ee?» rf* feas i mai.ler id *-j-y hQfi.t sa^«- am «y* r'» * that nurriiii! dtonirt. kTM. G ILiEW tr ip., rf liirfemoK F»- f and afeerv whim fiualm-i 11* r-c ralixp. iKRtfe* rf Cart.?'* -pkn.-i fcnsre a»c *a* r r ala withost a enr.tx xi > cr?. uc* p?BUnt(f I ?Tice S3 }ier bouie. j PrmcijKa In-jitr.* t ; ^ V ,J3 LS 1 CO., f y.irfex ijitte Ne-w Tirt T kT. l-TCTT k S-jK* Nr. r .rt it ftr**l| ^•Svrr: t beds. \i :a Man--.. T-^nstfl And fir aal- by ?Sv.«Afr M tTL'H l CO.M V •'A7T72. k A L'G/on-PCr t Of-, I-iunn-tt* and Country ilt-rriianu ever—tun F.r Sue PECTORAL I kTTLLT k M -VTM 'LLCN i p od rrerL waab- B'.irex * and 1 *rt-i T k X NTMCCLLN vet A 5 ? i7i.iT Ta.VK.1Z IN TOLA- by r'niiij Paxfiic. F -® rAlZ—n.i likely wrrt- rt-la apee friut 12 fii 1. year* : al»t a woman, aped V. «r and founts, w.-.l tor tw<. c~ A7-jJy te- __ tri3- TT12 r iff rALE—Twr very Hely p-.usr-y rannd neper** a mas tre-I E$ years, a Lr*t rat* Asemas and nrid band. *nd hi* wife aped 31. years aorta?nmed ti- tout* and firic Rork Ttoy at avid fee ni fault an: Rarrsuted Round. Aj-jAytc- fierfk kTTLLT t M -VTMjCLLN. I >* i an nit*? srptexxiT ar-c trriy vaiua*ii* caot-rt-y m fib* toaimr XT Ui wae bo;w fe at ! lee' hum ni-t for feurunz year* «^>iyr; m XI ry year aoo» n» pood beauts ae at ;.r«Retfi GrstrfuLy y ours. BT.ti w_ appy as tto Court si Orfitaiy fce Inters fiamiaacey as tto ertatet it Jobs tamSX as 4 Sarah Inrir.: Thw am. there!are. t; cite and arinuniab a! whom ? Wf exmaerm v- to anc apjnar l«f:c* mud Court ic mat* afirfecsias '£ ary fiber btv* os nr ltfm tn* trv? Mtmfiay ka Nnvrxaber nrrt. tfihtrwiM aaid torttr* wi! to rraute-r . ▼fonoM. Txx Ikk sex. Er; _ <*-imarr fee BaLotx noun ^R. fih» Sa fisy it Apr! iSii a|*g TX LET. 5ent> r t r ■-'7T3CL—Twi mrxfin* arte musty fee feat? fit- rr! tto one-thfod ja-rt i V" -j. GaRfius hrirarmr u-fitoeioat* rf Anns mtyfK ETLi BLTa A HEEBiJ tto ettatntr se'nha-d. firt. LI*. Afixs'.-x 1K1.E.—. Tnrt* mtu-tto after cate. aj*jih=afijiis wlT to made fit- tto Bank id tto rfiate td G“o*ri»- lie jiayment it a tfi! Y.E rf M 1 , tt.< irf: hand half -Tt- a! Riitat.? may oonmrx -tid Thnma* I%*tor. Acxmw iasatee* ot tto ee-tatr rf Jobs G. Slater, a xxunur. in vt aj- Liti lor tori ?i«ms*Rcrr . Ttoresr*-there*'e**.t- for* and aSmnnfeb a! whnmit ma» •emotts sn to ant Rjitar a: th* Court rf • •rtlinart fee itui- loch etmnty .ur th*first Knnfiay A Nomnto? next"fit- mak* «»Joet*on4.if any ttoy bar*. ofiberR-** »aid totter* w!i to N ew MaLEC. TEN'S.. May S*. IkiC —Ta-*-* monte.* after cat*, aj^uisafiiua wIL to n.aut te tto riant id tto fi«*t* id* and ?Vae new ofiitint Genwit and Cotonry nr an ir’-etorstios rtrte- tto recon- cilia tint id GeoitCT »rti Script cm to Cruftem wrtb at w tror:uettre by I? H-rtcbctK±. Sxajflinr * HiRtort td Enplfofi Literstur* Etmti * Anciexr. Erypt exjuatned ry motors diKm-cne-* layarff's Bab'int and v'meveh. xh-r RupjCy Animal id Sciesuf.r Itonovery fer and jreriot*. law b>:«£?. fbi Cusbisr'e Maevadurtt* Leje.r-:* fit Ni"ember term 2S.'4 Walter'* Turtry nf C-matnux Lar Tmrti* Luuitv irocefient*.. Toe Lir id Contra rt*. by Aobs kT -- fimfoi. tttbir id lyalmp Cart*, wrtb note* to Law!* Wharrtnt * Americas Oonfoml Iar : Wbartot * 1‘rwt —A nerrt- r nuar.- ared atom: St- »*srt ’* r mt*!:pex.t. an; warratte-d a trv. rat* r-<it waetrr and urtoer. Ruic u- rtanais it th* ctr ajm a Lkrir nevri mas aped ‘Jl y ean fitnj WTLLT k V-VTM.ri.TV jsxlS- —Htl' itr. Nc. LI T k V 'TM .‘.JrtfT *. Si util .* ,o. I‘.i_ . hl-NTMC': LnriniU La* and Luiat* Lepnrta. viC 22th. ' W TB>KST WTLLLaM: a.kTm Lo*. xx T.Eat. irdbsare iie 3uLofib counte. L fisy rf ApriLlSSl WM. HZ. Set'?, one. of «aic Bank Sn. 222.1 IL Tefft. Cashier, tn* riput bad alf rf S?* 1061 Wuict v,.- v r p . VVflVT , TEI d.:c- FELJy.Wrr TETT &XS. wxth a ;«r?r^ * at ^ • —LMSS jN. J. Sriicytor CifiSax atthir rf tri* 6e*re* Ilf Ete-lerr* '^'u'Tl'CL—Trx- mouto after fiats aj-jillcut'ix wH|to new »urt to /•aacbal lamaiiMas- I'. I». G M.. N T a * Bos Court rf (trtbnary rf Caxntot oc-uw provedand re-ctcumeaagd by P G r kTDfiey and othersfer k£IB2A—Skihica CtnsKp —7i iBpwhoa rx m*y rrm- * : TTheoas Andrew THatm. wiE apply at tto ““ ' ”” r aicxocufizcsfito r. for ie*v» u- r*I t wi to rutty land warrasfi* t-ei-.sipst tt tto eifiafit rf Gtrabum P. Gohex. oe^taaefi may2V MaMT ANN O.IEEV. Ex’a. oriSi E 5 rTHLET i!A Conrf*--i? srttr. tnd Travel* fo> Lonotm—Ajyuetix * Library Acstba * H urbani. a norm hr tto artnur td * Tto C’ri'. rfes” kr Th* Three Pimtes re tto Cruia* rf th* Ttmaic by Ha*ry (h—““-Lam (.ttuviX- yr Ii. —• 'l 2 j M Lna«fcL I mme-I F.obertaic. Abbs A TLuiau-c rdx. W ifeam •tomtxart._‘to-orpr i.wte-r>nx yr . Kicwrx ?. Khooet Henry Lwier. W-~ham 2tapers <5iarle* F Lobisans. iicre* X L'Ksr Aobs W Lemkhart Aamt* G Lodpera 3*r- xmrd L-'fie-v June* 3 }>ai Ge-irre rhibbins Jortpb 1- .i*r*. -- '»r,< b.’-e-oblafit wnixm E.tnr iand- Ts P Li-btrtx Aobx E*2y Atflcmus Roberta. Aobs 7 W Le-ad. J*. Lhmd. Aortj.t L ii-ru JatRii Ltevsband Aubs fr I.’per*. Aiiex LusrtL WLium Ri'hfoxRux Aarnet Riley. Burnt* 3 Rpeali. -i.> i iirtdy Ajexanfier -• i'.ai'-fiim Thoxna* M Rork .ions 5 to«*. Ti.'-nia* Ktnf-nu Bx.iamx iferd Aurt-pb 3 Kipley Pi tries l> V t E-anri* Byaxu Aobs Ihuront.Anbs W LaOus 5^Entries S r*taeia Hesry Brimer. Ta Berry rtifei nxxiifii- Franc* frtcrefi. ramne-': 5 suuey. Ldwart a G« Alrabum Hacjinotu Lixar So.umanK, Jobs A rriaJ- to E-euir.'X nebafiesr. Franc* F fr-Tobhart.. Francl* Sbriia. Ha-mat Siber Joncbus stURrty. Jamew A m.fiir. J'-bs =t ' are Firs riary Jatne* H frandfiurfi Jamb- Sbafb- Cus- r»-. L axiiOrt. Aubs G Sexton. Aobs H frtrtm*. Aobs F Stur- lent: Witter W Smr.a Frnnc* M •rt'O* Lc.t: lie rwd- .tout H Steiritt Aiexantor A C Fhaw. Fariey h r»ex.t. Ji n-i-i } ymtea. Jnl.s A Staley Atmtr Sawyer, ramueu 2 -veit Jamee Sulinau Sfiiumos rh'd'All Iianfel T Scras- -,-n f •atiie' H rtewart. Jobs •i-"n- W2as Safi* Aoaejh I* jfiebhm* Aarot r-jurnp WLiiam Stoxaiert Anns riuu»*-L Mariir-R rnat-noi. Iwxaii* rulferam ftofep emits. Jobs Aatno* r-toa June* ? nsrewea Thompent L ) k'LiumrwiO Riehxfod *«a».las A bran tor a frmtrt*. wa. i.t.o. H Smith. AnsrrR Sfieaftnfier. Edward A ran tore K<e- fi-=a ^nurta! to. Jacob A toiaJfer Hermas sanp*v.ieh Jae y St- p-ixip. Franc* nawyer Tmntcby rtorifius AuLt Send fi-r Jum-* S* ttmer. >r1» somfii. Jobs -too. Get 11 Spa- O iwiebmte»d it tto* cctfirr and is Run?* 1 1C - -j nrr% c-r samori L -iniRepptr. mint* sastos Thuxsai smrtb. *ccxnary cure*—fee the cmifecste* td Rtucb reform a* n JumetShepbarfi , . _ _ . , . _ _ rnato tstto fifomrtiux.* and bRKiti ; wb,a mar u bad rrs T— ex*-.* ‘j inuma* jnbis_F_Tncker._Aubs 7_Tbtima». .u. v • - • r. s 1 ^ »? rt? ' rtrtujilete rt-amvres* and boua» ve wiauas. are! about IT 1 years, a r - *:*: - ri•.';>«? tnd irox Ajfuy tt- ««a WTLLT k MGNTVuLliN. F jtws: ■ALE—A Kkey lanr'r LY k V STB ALL’S - - . — IWAIJTS CELKBIUTED PANACEA. 1 r=trr n«*e« ..—a r<; a» rt- rf i«ri*a Ifehility. kThit* frse-Haip. Kbeumuiiwx Iimeane* id tb* b rfT «*i Fliz. anc ail ithein* artinnr from tmjmrtfiie* id tto blood and tto effe-rte id turret:to Panacea ba* hem fee more time thirty year* tt*t- So to and apptwi Veferw said. Court tn make ol-mt- j in {If oar ttoy baR*) us or belnr* tto SWfc fi»v rf Jx2y 1 wst. ottorwiR* Raid foster* wi2 to eransed- fimoaBy in Rfinre. a Wrtneaa. Wm Ia*. Rm'T.E»c. <*rfirnarr fer3u2rici rf tb* vnnnci tmd* id tr tbui ffirth fia* rf Aasmarv 2KU * and itomUr mvniewd from tto ben aouroe*. and tr bit jaxSt %TlLLlM trr ftev. esc rzu*. ft wbkk- at prwKas ot hand to invite* artetfiiut — SggSnl—^ 1 ^ = —r — Harms had enooKR* estKctons* is Frans* a, a manuiar- G^S’sSSS^TeSiS.Tff.’tSfe'S;. .»*r~ »< ^ ? ThaxnpKm. Getrp* E Trieimb Cbarto* G Ta! bird. J--SS I- T*tbroth Anla TnumpR'®- Frotorisk A Tc;???. Ja* Tnurrt. WEiiass 3 Tmefoy. Barnard G TLd«s. Axibmt C Trier-* r-ie-i Trnriiriufi. "tTZLas. 2 Thumpaos. Aubs Ibtr- to-me rf wiiiek prv* tin at»*uuparyiap tto Fatiw>-a particular* rf cur** fit*, foirbtfh for pmeral j-uuifoafiKX. wfier* tto JAtiente bed hwx afonort eat^s u} witi aerrfs- la and were oewtntd uemW to jdv*jaant. h ha* bwet uwd is bwpfoala'and' private jraefioe. and Erejared and Rt.ii. whnleRai* and rertuL by A B k !• SA.VI r Triirr *?* anr 'lemarta 2» Fifotix-efi. nratr o' Wlfo*.!:. Nrr Tort >i>i: ui*'' ty Ifocprntt* cwuraly finmuphou'fii? Unrt*-d rtate* an; Can*fiat Jr*s* 12 jr? foirfiie ru for.. t>* fi? U Fur *4.1* by k H12CiD'.'XS «N T.12*. Er- k CC4N- W tr liNCULN and A A 3 *1/ Gl- 'Vf Sa TxmnLS . HavUaad. Rooty kCtu Aucuku. mivfi—I.u TUE W OSDEil OP THE WORLD I - w* r cijd m? prow to* bud rfbop* T ou cj.txhk earlier is njK femt T HE '-LLaT rjJIE'T 1* at a*.: 0*210-*?*./. and that leX 6e«trrytr rf i etnas bapjanea* a: ienpfii i* conunereu CusRrjr.jOoa *bu2 ni lunrw mb our fee-emnr* rf tneu lor: *e-t "-r.iuei.ta and Kink maty a pxfifo spur, u at .7 pn-r ''onRumptuir cat be cared—A*£hma wil ir a* tie :: :c» filit; we-* and Ct-uprti* ant •‘tuda tn* ; Arts :» rf tint foil dne-aet. fii .at ri n*l«x loupe Rt tx filit bum** o* ou: ianu vamah a* if to maps beJur* film ws- PertirnTba* e-irt rt-TTieiy Ttu* * filial R 'r .fit Ia* ar limp b**ex armpit fir and b is faT eits-rt--- te tto puiili: a* t rrro rm fir rimprha ri'16* R-fiutiiiinr roupi. rs-nrj. tnd noMniqema r.nt R-i’a xi try cart Rlert ixmp* RuOxnesfi tr* Miff te ru*- fi.-t liie. check UK uioeratins and tuuk tto patient tt Tin* v ni? as idi* mak; nic »« film torc« text :rtr tie bjiXC ertthna? a fibtr-.mpi final bis ha* jSowed b**y"»c a ou bfi that via? ha* lews awertp; a T*s*x - Tto Rrnfiinext. fiU*: ponrumjeiot cannot bt rarer ha* owfirovet mio I've* tl*s tb* diaraa* ifiReff *—Je Wat-TX* Bit that U (War • DEVINES’ COltPOCND PITCH LOtKNGE: Tie 7070*01? by fib* sa* nf fihw arfiici* and file bfoieanp td PritfiAenr*. wx* raieed. wh*x to wa» joniounre; ly hi* xdy*.ir-AS te :» alxniHC dyrxnp wrti runfarnijoiim te i«rfort neaifit and i* n:r. r IHoy that m prett a iuewmp abouid Ik Refill Grid from fit* me us Rirnm * fiia* npu hand t-niifamr* rf a-.i - ba* 7 h. red hi* mart ATKK> CHLKRb I f "Ucar. f . ulni Uicrrmu •pa C-rme- JitXmn- cat ui And by file r.-its ujiiit tb* imui tn* r* fee n.rt-fi whurt K'tl al me foa* i mat le fee nieat anc uk leaf fi!K-*rf fixe- «.=t re-urti-t 1st vaMj . . Jirirfd ti tte aefi-r: jiromi-e* *hal: xufi for. A* mefiicfo a-Hinc* ffMciotr* ant 6~»c»* uaiute ba* piR*-i. on* by on* ;* me**** -art yeic ti th* caxxfi-u'. rf art. foatt Rafier frtes note ba» ca— e* xnort n-jxa* p~a«* that <rfrtJ*-utx joni of tie Lunr« re* *"ue evioetof fiUat film tie may le rc*d a Hurt rtTn-jiimu:*. is aL filter (iru» ca* • *-• ja .i»: xertu it lta* afimef. ou* tie AirV R-il’ lu*a.*fi unr cocusar fe-r. r ierent tiiu mitoxiutabA* jond rf u« for?* Mifforcr* re*.; ant yunp* h fir intturuu Up) inc one h"er*t GmjA S»~r'TAJ. Test. Jc»* r uhicrt S' * htv* reie*terf‘t a-e-u ' mx coupb me nxbiexcs as uunmitp it a mmjeei* renery f W 4 lieix Rifit -.litrt d.«*i ay* afii.ratt ixauas: nbtf Ft trie*? vtotrufii rf tie a few. e-xira** .- Y MVjrrt Luur Vrfvife A Jt Lnrrs.Ju. *. Ira| I'.Tiscnu. Pa-fc.» Ifear sir F« fibre* year* I U«* * coups w dtcrrt*~mf that I feet-net ay xrnrs id file firm* 1 r»« urfip-c n a. .. — - j. char.a* my cufi wmili «ufin’i ce *fetlh*l Havinp imec mat" rexne *e* witnnst jxiK»tt*'2i t**ec sn* Chtcry Jvixirn: R?imk a-one mt aitncclbe: 3 am wxi r-afirno* vmet rv*i u o re rf j.rxmt i u-—i / frirrxi. IhH V T- jjrfug death ’ a««rf Tui«i;i'rf __ . . rhjexki rf Savanna- an. rf fito tsterwr rf tha Tto Sgrtfere. a Nautical Roman* by Cajn (iitnher. an- ' J*r», Edward Townaont 3-hn CT*»n«. ha* bad tto Risralar forxunt rf heist recommenoct to foat to ha* nowopened and n. teej con- tbor of - Brs Brae* " tr. V —*'.'uurjt* f as Born Ifevid V«6»r Trxrtam TerrsUlt. oririoafied psvsiciaa* and other «um*xt ““ * “ * "" Go6pr’» LndY 1 * Book. “ L Seurv 3 Vtr*x2> WfUiair H S k~*rvfi1fo- Beury Triet-ficb Amour tutor* to— ‘ PrtesRM'i Lndy^'■» feapaxm*. 4t fc. W—ifi-bard Wiya* (/ward G WlfoouiriUiam »*:ri — 3arruu.'* LLniimfiei Newa Nt 2L Remcmd to Lubrrt I> Walter. Beu-y F Willink- Lncreac* W Walt Na- mbSi j £ CTBSETtGI - fibamri F Web«vr. Bruy O With-. June* T Webb Berry E W«eL sm.xi Warner. Tboma* *bin. Franri* H W tiaras. TIk 1/aeup* h jerlerfiy htrmfo* is ite narum and cas .,. • takes Rififi atruxfo* V* fito rufaa: :u* irrolid «nd •"'■•redfix *jee7 m try char .SLu. -- . < * a. ’ tomp cm in* if Irti nt c t tto* I *• ia-r* artmrtmtajt id fito b»eis qsaLfik ii »I>Er aNI* LWr-GSs. boii feerjpx ix* benefirtal effort* will to iebt is a Irw hour* after cm- menr.uif it* n** tott al! fiham try a aad if tto** tjmnumt A-* ntn jrieti after ax imparfeal trial tto job* rf tto hex will to returned, and aL acent* ar* axnlinrixrd te jetnnd tto money is ary cam wber* fib* wrsaefo i* mu pcrtertly Omrt td Ordinary fir letter* rf fiiRtniemw at r was* uf Walter fsnnb focarf ; Ttom art therefor*- fit cite aad aftmtnaab til wbtas h ■nra t» to and apjur hriure Raid Guta? ta max* rf . te (Many they h*v* tx ir before tto fcrrt Miaiii it M*r ”* ■ " ■■■•* Raid totterwwiB bt rraufiei. T .xa(!EERAT** NEW WORE. HES-RT KMMdi. Gtiu- , v^uta* WuH. WCiiatt Wcm*. Tboma* 5 Wayne. Benjamin no. atto tereum uf OncenAmn* ; A Ld* ofTirirfxnbc* ; "Win-.i-tond. Aacob W-neberr. Samuel A Wtod. Gecrrt 5 ‘*n td c«evt>l ax* unary Tan«.. to G P R Aame* : 3foak 1 tr*.- Cbarfo* WB*aa Tirana* 3 Walsh. 3tis W Wtocx_3t- Arttoleweff Direct ImptilatWa.—French Brxa- HucmNu V : Tn*ChucrenrfLumx ; Eattoy a Crum is . >-A Watblxrm Zacbariah N Wjakfor. Lrwh V WrfkEd die* rf varion* bran 6* : HuTitnd tea : 'ri’Cri. i-rffi t file Ctiin* ~ea*. by Mara l for ; Sriec: Brifiiet: Due near* *— - — - — - • arfiirie* whiri. are euusierafied below » • eari pcnuiat - '■ Monrmrahefo Wafoky; <U£ Batavia Arrack : Jamaica tad "-h* last twt oexfiuriea. by Prirtet*'? Go'idriefi : tabu* Tali ' Bt Gf:i Rum about Bmtx Men and Manner* ; Zfotirr rf Romulu*. to —^ . . NVUrt*—end Port. MaArira. rtorry. Cfoamjiam*. Bui. I Aanrf- Ahbo&t: Ifo^ai Rome at latn^ntiiix fit- Rosas H:* ,, ™" u 11 i Qfc -*«- «•« Btrfun'.y T«* Hry ; FfcymcpMnry. was nssMrou* IDucru- '■ l * OCtob,r l Sl x w 1 CkHbMw.5s tmrtmCoraooa. Mamariuiss Lafiafea. 3fo- *-»♦ Mackxy * Lrncua td frrtxuawxry ; 6s Atomtx ■ * >wt ~ MHAri JA. r c C. ra-te. Kureclierwa***r AhamtE kr. Bewx rscwart l Frotmaeos'* Manual aad Cm**' (tom. / JTIRGTA-GtoxfomaOb—Cr Ti aL wbom. r. may con- , Ml* *j*4 P*rter—Lonaus Bruws Bfiotfi and Ldm- aid W. T30KNE WTnnm NJ eem: Wherwa*. Dies GoaDr »-in aincR at tto Court , htrsh Al*. Ajm- Arcs: fnr Trontsiac Donor* nor* R XiVO. fnr ; mead Vatleu WrI-r Woerfiridje Crmliytor Wfch* fretfi *’• WmidRurt l*»a:Wjfier Itensi* Wynn. Aamet Who* Ph-i* H Wii..iuLs. Willfom Wafiatcu William ¥ White. Philip I* Worfbmite AknfoJ Wdkt. Juba 3 Warer. Jacob Walt*?. u . t xr»ia- uteia.. r Talerter* Mort. M I*. Prtd kf. p I*eww* M D .Prof rf M>i . N Cbajnsaa M I*. Prrf rf PtynisPa rinterim-. T Bark*. M V ProttCtilier* 7%y*acfon*L Ehllafi.* Ir Tri TaR* Text tt Havana Aik* Dnirenct 6* Lux Prtd id rupiuy. LiRbnx. A Qiipmax Member Rcyal Crffox* rurprciK Lcmfia G W. Errinr fot* Minifter V- frpaJr Sir Tuomaf Bearwicu Major Gene-ai Bri-fob Army. G3tort Lobertunt. Rrifii*h. Ccmsul kt. And alas, ti* wio6»rfs2 err** efferv-f by rwahs’# hsi- Ttort I/ceape* ar» jxt rp is Ti tee3a K eeste. and IT birixe*. and cofor need a trtal fii bt duty aTTressaied. C P HI VT. *‘i.nrt Ga.. imly apmt fnr tb* Botrfitfrx s-fiafiet. x; wham aZ trflera mm*? to aiirisR «d fc-Tfe-dkw tot i toi * many medic ow*. te si- jiur;i»K tutu ecribed. a* ax aspeemaar. your iTnerrt 2 At fnti it Rorsiet ic mak* in* worrt. . _ weeLl heps xi- crpe-i-nr* xik sir-? tx» tm and now. a four weeta fin* moved I tar imt n s< erf wnficrad** 1 ^ Rate rf boalfo R bici I bat never esrtctedte FRESH ARR1TALS. G LH3ZTL.-. 1X&JB& AM* WTNT5—Received by recwxr. arrrrai*—Ifl' bhb crashed. jxlRtumd aad cfontor 5urtr»- S fore* dnubu* refined Inal Saps 2TT brae* Tuba mu to to and 2 II lun.j* ~ jariApe* *uj«eriir Tnbaecu. va. E Iitraar. Ihaaen. x: Whcrea*. ELier wafer will aptcy at tto Court at Orgrwejy fur irfiier* rf afauimcratios ox tto natete rf Chaztoa B. Scaly: &wki Jtorwfxrm te riv and a£xxum»h aS wbwrt a ma » MMoa to to aad appear tofect nod Ctwrt to make ohme- **• 0^ *»F ttoy hare) on « brfeca lto fcwt Moaffo* ia Mm teal, attorwTi» Raid jrfitec* tJ b» granted. WitiMW*. Jobs M.M31ot.Ea<i-Orffiiiarr ft» Chatham cotta- tj, Otfo toCM toy id March Irifo ■Ml ACgy M. nirv act Cbmatf:—Ti. xfe wheat it mar cun- fax BCbu wife ajyOy at tto Court td | GROCERIES. Ac- 2M> hap* Rfo Coffee, to 6c- 6t Java <W » and* Porto Rwe Snrar. 3C> ot V O to }W» Wi* Btuart i B aad C Snrar SO 4* Cranhed Supr. IT' if Ground fit- ST* bhW Loaf >ur»- 3P base* Lemur ryruj to to Nwa Lf and S MactortL 21- brif to S 6n JW- to Balt. ~ S ENT (LIE*—Id bill* H Smith'* anc jmr* Gmaw Dtxr. «(• half hbl* extra canal to to bni* btrtter. unpr anc . ■ wto era ra era «D 6b Btuart'* cra«hod aad jewtiered anrar. ‘ i to 6t- 6r Sand C clarified to to to E Pbch*' r-r d5 6u 6u- ni«ckc brandy, to to N E rum. SO u, and ffb ^ ocu bran dy. !> 117KK BuBaafi motor awaa pm M luxe* C» and t t ■ ■ *•- fon * • — - - - * — - - - - 1 Bvtou * canCiea SI to Treadwell * arffo bnacsil. to to It aad S * Gras: k wnBarn't ttibacccu 3b half checu 3a ft pa- . pen black tea. » to to kywx to. W ream* wrappmr ;• 1 ; per. aartiried. 30t bexe* Ne. 1 pal* and fomfey wwp S hnfo 3b c OrM—ytor better* rf dtesnaRiao a* atnuminralor. tx fin* •■toto td Berry L B3bu » ESafe. FTotxr. to toH £ to H to half 6c Canal j prim* Port? Rm* Sucar. lb to fair mnacovato uu 3- caak* ' — Barra Sflja. I to amsltoc* coaru aad pint* B*aa»' pxgtet. Mb mate old promuwrtJa ; 4 N GiTGNANCE te «xa«i6 ax Orfiiuanoe dedraisf wha P?/.™* 1 Ntalbt«Ch«KjR. abtoEngthttuiry to v, wife*. W brae* iarp how! Obi* tepe*. to town krmwu* A uhaJ be ooo»6«rtflpshl.cnufoat«R. sad forth* ma*. • 5 I appear before Raid Court v> mak* t^ec-. r7 »«) *» «before Iht tm Mentor is Nc. 3 Snap. M to Pel* M to Trfauoc. aaecrted brand* H Vfai* rUTTrisf Ima-finw. 3b boxet feperu. Candle* fob ban* Talfow Cantoem to to-bar to S. otherwia* sail lrtlen win he pasted. * *1 IdiPev TA«. Oidiu»iT trT-CV.tV,«-r.-...- T gjw «•! rf lyl uh. *•“» .- . xsxx. ma. r • GSl ——■ Gbatep J—T*all whom rt mar boo- 'l&SlSl&SSmSSi gg 4 *- 9 M casksGeraa* Brandy. Wd 3 7*pa* BciDand Ga J caak* Seotcb Whiaky t*3t pea* FtoaUUH f^jto'c bpt SP toam n ~ — — • ream* Wrapping Tfojirr _ aEep. lAndlnf and is store, for ait by OQEEN k TASTER VflPQL-lb ■4aafteih^biteteil«lMnM* r» MfhaMfatoteM pdfotor eri pepbieM A* (herityrf: H «^a ks—IN bbb Bafeantre Ilnr. » to Canal E 6u.3h»bfto to3b WA* H SFfesr. Ti to Sfesart e B k C sspr.S 6i- crafcbad to 1M iaxM anacteri beaato Tttoc- cu. llbhd* Sacra fiifba 3i to to Sknitm UVmmmv rtA admantiae 5 bed* ~~ Ccc- aaacrM Oertoak. M4W Bjmn- «- .^ , kJlu Mackeni. 3half Wto S* 1 to3 bbb Not I d and * fin 1M hota* Ne 1 and Pale Soap. M*-»- Bterriu U to Leman Ferns. St Mbda tat Farts Era S to dk Oaex-Aa.» Uto New ~' foraafobr tsTJ QHEEETL ■n* ffyrwpL lantoac aai OQSEN k TAXTZ2. ihati ready brail OflKSTO HAND J OjwtmaMBwHB fotetoriflabrt weak J.l Mur atCbcXfaM HI the jwtrcc. ami ISSSglBr^ g ktsS Geurp M WiBett. Asm** T Wrfjea. Aame* WhlllbsmEaDt rro have, for many v*-arv mad* it as nrvaitialu* rrmedv. Wrfibmptx. Aiiea R Wnpa. aaainri WBmttt. b xc W-fonm Th* Pasasta doe* me 01 •tax mercxry a aty firm., and b* WLiam Wrupfcfi Aame* M W«yae Wlliiam Thiem* WnLasxa tny ax innoeent irepaxatecx it m*v b* rites U iht nwt Pafir.cs Whitt. Aarne* W Wniteu Ririiard Wxrkam. Wilffom Vex.dfr hxfast. M ■> r adi*_t. Jarub WalSi'urff Gvtcr* W Wyfey. Wxlliaxu C Th* maii jirie* iiafbeetrednceiv. fi M'p*r boaie dtra- W« 2t. inat ? Whhenead. Itewfo Wijpna ta-.uixx Xbriv half px» tr threw bor:!** fie J4 Yi—Z e (nstex Traxsf. Peter Traacx. BTWaRE OF DCKSTKlN Z Sdvix5 Zsswes m __ renit'i Panacea i* is nuad bora**, firtef iiopim£n*2- Alj jKrwotit esrfiififod w vote, aad toairotx* *d *otu^ at ly. wart the lufeowinr Viter* Wi»wt it tb* {to**: -£-w*af» th* next rieetkx fir Mayer and Al Jerques rf the city rf -fouiX*—Peiu , 'u'' and havmr fiii* ntmt rf Aams TOvuimab anc LamVct therorf. are iwapaetfsTy requeated frwaixt rfosspad rx th* aralinr wax aad writxes tx tb* lalnd u- caE at toy offtee and np«er their name* wothia the rt-ver.xx the cirt. and a Rjumdid esrrwviar for the aid* rf tux** iirtwer.oei by law. efee they woE to debarred tto nrst the bortie. tmciponeC rf r*-metric iafib* wo-t gummaa^Jir rf vofirtf EL»WaU* G WlLSJV. nm* &finrott toe* which have beet turorf fir th* wxris- Q*ri rf Grancii i a-** sw* td tb* p - ' ?neur. by Irajer fc Ce_ bask notees- f JTnfoArljiirta I* tb* oestr* * public nuiaaTvwR.cnd for fiberexa*. • foteWnu Brats cojyrtrfct Rerured. ral of xb* meat—Pawed 2d Asprffe 2«P. Alaa. Bwralm’a Vrral aar. 1 B» it trdainad Vy QaMayer, aad Alflrtmg rfthe AvafeaWFamiiy Medina*, bear* highly Cxrr rf ramnsah and hamurfatbereed it Oesntul aMemUed. vfy for aR Siaea*« aricor ferns tobifery rf tb* tbpGfe** tc- and it i* toevto ardained ky fib* axtfibnnrr rf the am rino. ran*, aack a* worrna riwVra murbui c« Rettery fere? cad Cxmnnms.m and FirwR^iAf w 7-osa Ar Tfewatox y AaVt fuLipuBfoR"*■ 7. IX J>7to _ A C Ayer—Sc 1 bar* uwt ymr ibByn owt ca«* ft (foej-eealet limaclittn. and iu ntiemwa’. enmcJxutina xha: fe » at ai fee fill* Triad rf lK-ynpral ant ti-axubfo! tejn mi oulni-a. a*tr ix>"tuperus cbarartg-J^ *‘ ^1 ir.-* -nt are ai litortv xi u» ft**y‘* Atutonm frwTR Iff IMf Asump nfilKr i(bCinrxa~brf ictbarw* .aUrt ***1 Nerur. Tfepnfo. kt Tto here* be* lamfey Snap 3» to Ne 1 6e 134 half cbtac* -Lack Tea. nan* td it very nupmrr i«- jaictap* Byro Tom. a Vfottd S chwixa. atipcrinr name* te mwimtnen£ te.o itrrW ^ ^ - knows te.XV xr.Jxaflnatnr»rft»W».Sv , 2i naff Jsjkw Uforff Itjx.t k Cefo Rrwncy Tri*intmx*. Termor.: totoc*! Cf&T- 2 V »»d S 7‘ ?Ka. rannss beaato chirr* French Jkwady ¥er*emte rillrmam Tab G.X**f 1 i P jki auuand Gm . Jfebaic Tabaixm* Mum New Tirt- L*® 4 S f>Ttn Prttowmr Owvkaff Iwwtoa in- 0 » to Bcpt r (Ad Maonixa aad Sherry Wme* * » portrait rf the upenir (Ai Mai TW bahkvt* ubampapn*. E II** fcep aad hafewa FTFC Pew da *y. ban Bock aad Inf rhwc S' VdstNnfffffr to Neff 3* da aad St half to Nr 2 Mackerel «• bra.** Cochsx aad te rirt* Nn 1 Mactocrf Wjxh a full Rrpjuy rf everythm* ahw xs the puuarj tow For ii*V ta acrsnuotoxisq tens Vy <*rt4 J T. (T73CNERAT k TO Irnfc—ui mraerftwr. *11.11 Aledcalft®'**' ifosatou Jmi-ua td Medi v! frt*rt»*- Tkteim Medical and frutpaA Aracqal- (harirtitns fr. C Mediral Tk-ttR QGST6CE5— fetoboxe* iiAraea. aauertoff kiBda: Ithhd* Ni*najr it xh* O far and cboir* F*irw- Rxn frmtar. te to Cato -r* New ^ th* LaufV het a>** a* % fornDy Brai Bw* ‘T*».r fr. fenriXir Bra Gee J'. MarAu *xnmai AmJ«"?* (tea Emanuel Tiulmes TemteVi tt Q»_ Rx Rew Ed Power iKird I'nduy P * exnmrat phynntn* m ** r, C' , (tricar• to life hbV jyftned to Ti toOrariad aad Pnwtor- ed on. » hurt* Loaf dn. JW hap Rx Onffc*. 3M> to Pnrtn Tiat aad Sl leuximf* to TV to Ja*w to ISC V and ketom EywraTeate V drEfeark to lAefontfb»r TtetoMs* la-i Iwiper. Ahujiie* aad Oiapr •» wtour wad tehai bto* Barter Socxa aad Sups- Ttocwxfi. T3KJM' forara. ae- jKrtrf kind* SMra* Black Ihmrr. 94 M4*. NewOriraa* - tokmir aid! fe Ifejaxt* 1* ' A. C. aTER O fwe vy rcfcvns r on_ a. a sa TOLX. HENnarvsny t s>:*l a ■ ISSN G>D~ -JUrhartotaT 44 W*jj Jnct and after tto pa*«inf rftSii*<Miaaxi-e the prorimun* ap»_ hfowdiar juto. aick headaoua. kc rvt uk j*mjibits rf said Ortitsaace sirwblltttmc the keeping rf hop witliir (wrfoici xnay to had pwtfor aownspenymr th* Venotop* certain T-«t« be aad the warn* are hereby extended «e a* Ftp pared only at frwaim'# Lahorafinry. th* old «tead rev te> nzibrao* aad torioto the wheto owrjarat* lixnti rf fib* earth-*finwfi below thwart IVleAri;<»':a. and euid Vy all Gtr rf r-aranuab-aad th* bamirt* therwid Cb* lewp-etabi* drscp*« i* th* Cicte-c Bute* -•hr-, ff Re fe ordained to the acthcrifer aforemiff fibat al Camaw xr» tw Frame.-firman wfohiar te that the tKinec uiuh a»it uaa !Xwr. 34 MktoeOtoM W' finance* tw ton* rf Ordmaaeea. etmflicsmir wahxh*jtri^ r*wmi»* frwaim i Pasauea and owaiu. * T.rmtftip. ihouM Whfoky. Jto dn Whs* to M to MaBnaphtOa to * to hid L'cmW- M V-IU Um vfoiua* rf tbi* Ordinance, to aad *he nan** are hereto «- to earefri U- btoerv* thaX th* taxor ?W UM it ipefeed otr- RocrtKa d«^ 3te dn £. Ffaripr' Gia. to to towl ? k H Rv* ,-wi. r T^Qi-v j- parxeff Famed is Oaeaell. tovansab. Ajril 3L1VU. * reefily wa th* lairl*. vr they *u*y to ea Vy mei - dn.« jkjk* Bw&sad da: to V «»*R Jlrarr- Madefea and wv_ - Tx. t] B- WATTE. M**«r. cine* made 5w inufiifiiua rf theta Vy a penra bvariwr a ' Tene-ifc Wine: tehaekru fkmmsmgat to te VdOa aad *S ^ * 3 wnoewhaX otoHar naxae. wen caleufofied te. tooriee Gen ' M tae*k* Axneritwai Braadr. M V cato* mat 34 V TV— (to- -uw ixaiaraiufar ttoChiterfBUtet. r.a* Brandt n ru««s hrmtwrarea Wtoxt Osw Sr BCHBITUT. KBOTHEE5 k (O. rowrier. WMop Ihra aal Back StoL wOOx a xwnmtoar a ti. wiwM M »na.TM. -— : — rf /r e ae ^*^^^<■^1111 w rferi* oc» rpgZ —«i— =—-* - *—' wncnxa r ‘**‘ a aad r* 1 *^ LirwumG. 1 xOrArfCowncZ aptr •JTA1R8AXE*? If ity and rodeo u - uraxter &».* u**- jaio u.— fbavetoo fotu tx.Pws and •wormy aa!: and *" aJS? *2a , S22 rfwixtod BeLatowa' a math Mrriaaa. together walk rftorl ■ GeeHs, ahb V ttoy ^fcrat their nwsaSy tow pica J. EL CDHZSTfcOGL ' - -' ' - ' ' - - r.WfoIIWfriMbn«bL«4F II ■cMBer to *,Blt Ufofr MtoalTto -