The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 18??-1856, June 17, 1853, Image 3
m fMve«i DiWTrfft MMQAN. ' si * auptrior muom of H»la flOl* , w. . Of V _ mhsvclih'AWusulesIribl neruiaoeiit hoaw by Imi TxVantwi TO rfK£ -V-V’ nor mouth, and ft ■■O • m •* effintortabionnii nt this office. tnayft • ~;-V~"w YiffifcMwtttomy, ANTS>~100,000 pound! Oeorete raise (TlVoot.Cniti V V paid on delivery. Jan31 KIHUKK ft RODGERS. l forthjriupplJ’ " c * l ” d j,*anunf. Ilf 0nn»i«u»trwil. m^SlSSSSl^^ ■ _ n noYLB takes pl#asure In announcing tolnva- 0 ^£.!d thepobllo «9M«Hr» th ‘* £®* b ° T0 P°i mU , r noDoloted e.Ubll*hment,rorto#rly concuot- ** ,0 J^,W&nOi D., U now ready fof ths rocep- hibyAf«riuteeWngftrestoration tohealth, tiro ofpM*nlSSSeiof tho huraftB org«nl»m successfully ^rtu hSSotoii Uyip«pilft 1 lfo"‘j rbourofttlim, ■m=SSi?£s%£t ►rtto* «f th £, of Jib ftkln and scalp, •croiuU, dropsy, ° .wtholmmoral diseases irvnsrany.neurfthrte, grphlli*, *. , ln „i, lU ~ U r hysteria, epilepsy or tho fallfug kM®' Slim, P« W»- ftpoplectlo tcuilonoy, hronolittU, ^“^JhwnTo lun»m*tlou oil tho stomach andbowols. M y i »s,ehtoOioiu typo of chren'o diseased ««• »'• KffifflfJIJSXmt l> under tho ImiMdtate .upon j. AffiJSSA lady, Mrs. Jonk lUmxtra, ho woU SSoSor the establishment **■*?£,!.?«IKthlolortltoUon offer# for tho prosccu- 4-i.iir hvdronftthlo and hygienic cour*o of treat- ^ oriccwt 'rom yll point* In S^Kid (lie adJoluluB SUtoi. remit;. It praultorl, 2H& {».««>■ "» InvnlU*. d«.\m» ot .«*« U»in. **• ‘^Hni'uptUoluWUhment’noexpensehasbeen spar- Jfh«t muM coudnco to ro&ho It one of the moat desirable tt SS tnvftlhlft In tho Unite.} State. ^antswlll be required to furnish tliolr own out-(lt.— _J2“S fZn»Utof friction sheet* nnd towels, compresses, ua'bUnkeW. for sudorific purpose*. Alt of wMoh can be P .i „ nn .ho nvo-t reasonable terms. ’mSrwto'lonilSullim, u»o nt b«tlui,He v»10 per -Inboard $5 per week—payable monthly. Horvauts tonlcl and treated for $10 per week, h^n letter* of inquiry promptly answered. JnneO AND LARD.-36 firkins prime and choice But- B»j»■Uk.lord, ju.1 m.W.d.ndtoff'.'HoYu, ® nm ntm,—in# i loro in wmuicer streot now occu- pled by tho subscriber* as » wholesale atore, or which possession can be bad Immediately. Also, will M ranted about the first of April next,their re. tail store, comer of Whitaker and Congress streets. For further particular# apply to M. PRKNDEHQASTft Co. feblfl on tho premises. FOR RKNTr-The dwelling, No. 162 Hryan^treet, Ikj- Hmtwuon Montgomery nnd JolTorson strootx. 11m houso Is ■iiiilu good order, having recently undurgono a thorough repair. Possession can be hod linraodlttoly Apply to II. PRl&fDKftQAST, mh5 Broughton itreet, opposite 8t. Andrews Hall. YfSmiV»»; '“o.™ 11 "s"*. S’" . v0^ i , f“ r !° $3&‘ e mer‘ F imros limEllS-A «»l«rtor article for diaiMtpsli *c.. for sale by insy20 A. BU.NAUU. B - \REGES*and (irensdlnes, organdie and Jsconot muslins Scotch end Fr.ncnj.ina.^ljwn.jna Froach cam. Irici. figured aal plainSata touUm,plaid. eamlirk:and jajja mull., and other «l)lo» ot drew ;ooda. for laic at tin lowest prices, by aplS DkWITT ft MORGAN. OPRING GOODS.—Just received, » flue RHSortmcnt of 1 Goods suitable for tho present and coming Reasons. d,MO ’ PRIOR ft VRADKR.147 Ray-street. mbio —iVrdrToil. —10 bbls castor oil. In store, nnd for sale by msy29 OGDEN ft BUNKER. TT AY.-JO') al^ llay, dally expected per bark Flight, for ",“,5 10 * m "’ bjr BRIOHAM. KEI.I.Y 4 CO. ilTlini! PANTALOONS-'Just received VY fine white drilling, duck. &c.,by 3 PRICE & YE. n assortment of sp l2S ruiCK & VKADER.147 Bay-st nUN UMnREI.I.AS—A fiuo assortment of sinull light Sun 0 Umbrellas, for sale by PRICE k VEADER, UUJ7 147 Bay-street. XilTromUl AND CIDER—50 bbls Alo, 20 casks Lon* A doa Porter, 20 bbls Cider, for sale by n!3 McMAHON k DOYI.E. TOR SA1J5—A light ono horso Carrmgo. witl. polo, ltuilt J? to order by Rrowor ft Son, New York, and lias been o»H but little. It can bo aeon at tho Carriage Repository ol«r. Ororse li. H.rdca.Ue^^^ JOUSSTOXACO. [.•iaiih—a™ uw» »»“>i ;• •■••per j; tchr tVoodbrldgc and for salo bj BRIG HIAM. H spl’28 TJISCCrr AND CRACKHld-—landing per Maria Morton, Ji To bbls sugar, butter and so<la crackers.and pilot bread, for sale by J. V. CONNKBAT ft CO. S MOKED TONGUES—2 bbls just received and for salo by rall A. R0NAU1). F LOUR AND REEF.—300 libls Baltimore Flour, .W do Hiram Smith’s do. 50 do (I’cucseo do. 20 half bbls Fut- ton Market Beef, choice braud, received and for sale by nihil McMAHON ft POYI.E. L " AD1ES’ GAUNTLETS.—Just received, a beautiful as- sortmsnt of ladies’ buck skin gauntlets, of various colors for ulo by ma ,a Aim ft BURNS. F ANS.—Coninum and lino palm leaf Fans, fine China, Spanish and other styles In great variety, for sale by may3 KKHPTON ft VER9TILLE. F " LOUR. LIQUORS, kc.-lQO bbls Ualtlmoro Fluur, 60 do do I’he pa’ Gin. 30 do New Orleans Sugar, 60 do Molas ses (0 boxo Cheese. 50 do Herring, 26 bbls Butter nnd Su gar Crackers SOhhih new Bacon, 60 kegs lard, landing and for sale by mbl8 COHEN ft TARVER. G LOVE!.—Gents, and ladles’ lisle and silk gloves, ladles’ gauntlets or riding glove*, gents, summer riding and driving gloves: also, a few pair of fine long armed mils, for sale by KKM1TON & VKR3T11.I.E, m»y2 Wnring’s range, next to tho music store. P ARIS MANTIlJuVS"—A few of tho latest style Paris M’k silk mantillas, something now, for salo by apl!3 KKMPTON ft VERST1IJ.F.. C RAPE SHAWI-S—Just received at the new store, n fresh supply of plain and embroidered White Crape Shawls, of every quality. Tho ladles are most respectfully request, ed to call and look at them, as there is no trouble to show goo-ls at J. H. COHEN ft CO.’S, mh7 140 Broughton street. S UMMER CRAVATS AND STOCKS.—Hnir Stocks, nnd Silk. Uncn and Cotton Cravats, of various kiudH, just received and for salo at 147 Bay street, by mil PRICE ft VEADER L OOKING-GLASSES—Toilet and Swing, for rale by raay20 J. P. COLLINS. Rrynn-street. F RENCH CAMRICS in plain colors, white silk frlngo misses net inits, black silk mantillas silk gloves. Swiss muslins, ftc., just received by steamer, and for salo by apVJO DsWlTF ft MORGAN. E NGLISH SHEET ISINGLASS—a very superior article for jellys. ftc. It has been tested in this city, and is pronounced to beequnltntho Russian isinglass, with the decided advantage of being sold at about one-half tho price. For sale by W. W. LINCOLN, may2 Monument Square. R UM—50 bbls Luther Felton’s Rum, landing per tho brig Clement, nud for sale by mh5 BRIGHAM, KELLY ft CO. i) do do DuIBcld’x, Stag ft Shay's for sale by inaj7 JlOICOMHE Ham*, in store nnd JOHNSON ft CO. TO LET—Until the 16th of September, a atore, suitable for storing grain, cotton, &o. Will be rent- , cd low If applied for Immediately. Apply to Tuay2l—10 CRUOKR ft WADE, 84 Day-st, il, P.’ltowofc. ' ’7' 'vu;Yi BOUTON * niKBMiN, IVIIOI CriAMI A.VD UilTAIL tlkiftiua IF WATailfl, JfcWKIJPF^BtLVWMVARK, I’XNOV GO0D8, OEO. W, OARMAinr, ItAKXA B. DUIfDJA . O. IV. OA11MANV at CO.,' amVN FACTORS, iShtiannaA, Oeorgfa. - muiouflotcux*. . _ EDWARD 0, WADI. oauaBH A WADE. FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 64 JJay-tind, .SananrtoA, ■WRY *. PORT, T. K. DONHAK. FORT Si DUNHAM, FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, JhwmwiA, Oa. ionit T. ROWLAND. JOHN T. ROWLAND, JR, ROWLAND & GO., GENERAL COMMISSION MKUCIIANT8, 172 llay-ttrtH, Savannah. h. k. washburn" Art.. SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, SAVANNAH, OA. r the Gc B FOR RENT—A Urge and comfortnblo dwelling, on Liberty street, second door from Barnard. Imme diate possession given. Apply to KIBUEE ft ROWERS, 142 Bay street, TO RENT—A House at the oorner of Hull-street and Orleans square, pleasantly situated—good wa ter, out building* comploto, and in a good neighbor- ith or without standing furniture, from 1st liar till 1st November. Inquire at the Courier office. mh20 F ill SALE—A truitvand capable negro woman with her three children. Apply at this olfice. apUU F IR SALE—A deslreable residence on a trust lot, In foe simple, near the business portion of the city Also, trust lots Nos. 26 ami 20 Monteray ward, and fronting Uni square. Apply to may4 NVYIJ.Y ft MONTMOLLIN. F IR BALE—Two hundred nnd two and a half (2«2>i) acres of land, situated on Reedy Creek, iu Wilkinson county. Apply to m WYLLY ft MONTMOLLIN. . „ ... , good cook Apply to WYLLY ft MONTMOIXIN. TTUiR SALE—A very Intelligent mulatto mau, JD and houso servant. Applyto np!28 WYLLY ft MON F DR BALE— 1 Three very Hkelv young negro men, good nxomen and held hands. Ape*" *“ apI28 £f ft MONTMOIJJN. CARPKTS PRRS1SRVHU. T HOSE families desirous of having their Carpet* taken up, and packed for preservation during tho summer, cauhavo thosamo attended to by my Upholsterers who have full experience, having devoted sovcral years to It In New OrleauM, Carpets will bo packed and stored until families limy wish them relayed. Bond your orders to WM. H. GUION, Agent. ap!23 Carpet Warehouse, 140 Congresa-st. WILLIAM I». YONGEL FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 84 Bay-dreet, Savannah. O’HE Alt. & BTONEY, FACTONRS ANI) COMMISSION MERCHANTS, North Commercial Wharf, CharletUm, South Carolina, late or mu mu or naans, o’iikah a co. BANCROFT * BRYAN, GENERAL AGENTS AND BROKERS, For the Purchase and Salo or Stocks, Bonds. Excluinge nnd Real Estate, 117 Bay-street, Savannah. jan24 WILLIAM II. DASHER, ATTORNEY AND UOUNSKUAm AT LAW, Tmqivilte, Loumdrt county, Ga. Will practise In Thomas. Imwndes. Clinch, Ware, Appling, Telfair. Irwin. Laurens, nnd Pulaski counties, Georgia; and in JoiTerson, Madison, Hamilton, aud Columbia coun- tics, Florida, wm. r. worn us. raiDnsun ouvm. jack nnows. WILLIAMS, OLIVER <Si BROWN, ArrORNEYS AT LAW, Uitctui Vitta, Marlon County, Ga., Will praetlso In tho counties of Marion, Mhcoh, Houston. Stewart, Randohdi. Muscogee, Ixe, and any adjoining couutlea where tlielr services may bo required. jan29 JAMES O. A. CLARK. ATTORNEY AT MW, Offlco—^176 Hay-itred, Nanmnah, Qeorfjia. WALTER S. NOTt] ATTORNEY AT MW, No. 00 Hay-tlrrri, Sacannnh, Georgia. PARTICULAR NOTICE. UELDEN ft CO., Savannah, comer of Broughton and Bamard-ttredt. fn To PUNTKRB, MKHOUNTO AND 0TUXR8 ViamXUjtfBa Al^SiVANNAnTO LAY l.VTHBB 80PPUIM.—ThO Under.fefejJ signed would call particular attention to tbeirexten- ^ slve wliolesale and retail HAT AND CAP ESTABLISHMENT. Our goods are mostly of our own manufacture, and can therefore ho sold cheaper, because they aro not burtlioned with Jobber’s profits, while for quality and style they will compare with anything In the market. Having permanently located in Savannah, we are deter mined to secure patronage by selllnggnod bargains, dealing fairly with all men, and cross-lifting with none. We are tn league with no 8hoe, Clothing or otuerostabllshmont. eith er for mutual benefit, or for the purpose of keeping custom er* away from those houses where they can buy cheapest. Wo expect every customer to judge for himself, and if wo cannot suit him, will take pleasure lu referring him to oth ers who can. BKI.DEN ft CO , jnn27 Or. Broughton nnd llaruard-st. FISK’S METALIC BURIAL CASE. WE are constantly rocelviug these valuable _ ... , 'Cases, and have them always in readiness to bo delivered at the shortest notico. I. W. MORRELL ft CO N. B.—Wearopormlttodto Inform the public that wu have received from Mr. Raymond, of New York city, a let- ter signod by tho different members of the United States Senate, who were appointed to take chnrgo of the body of tho Hon. Hknry Cur, deceased, (which wns enclosed in ono of EIsk’s Metalio Cases.) and who went with it to Kentucky; they say to Mr. Raymond, that the Caso answered the pur pose for which It was Intended, and meets with tlielr appro bation, and they cheerfully recommend it to tho public as being superior to any otlior Caso for the transportation ol the dead. Tho lotter can bo soon by calling on febU I. W. MORRELL ft CO DYING AND RENOVATING. 73 York-tl., rear of the. Court House. Saramuih, Ga. Eatfibllshed In 1832. L ADIES’ Silk and Woollen Dresses, Shawls, Table Covers, ftc., cleaned and dyed various colors, ladles’ Bonnett- Blenched and Pressed in a fashionable style, Kid Gloves Cleaued,and Gentlemen’s Garments Cleaned, Renovated or mnv be required. All done In tho samestylo which has generally so much pleased my patrons aud friends.— Terms moderate. Persons sending parcels by Hamden's express, railroad or steamboats, are requested to writo mo ix a r mail, so that I may know where to cull for them ami which way to send them hack. Cost of freight each way for small |Mircels will be about 26 cents. All orders punctually attended to. ap!12—tufo4 ALEXANDER GALLOWAY. pLICQUOT CHAMPAGNE.—50 baskets of this very supo- \J rinr wine, whose reputation Is unequalled whore It is familiarly known, now landing per steamer Alnhama, and for sale by PADELFORI). FAY ft CO . junel Agents for Savannah. brig Northman, for sale by may27 BRIGHAM, KEI.I.Y ft CO. F LOUR.—75 bbls Baltimore Flour, a superior brand laud ing per schr John W. Anderson, nnd for sale by • may27 BRIGHAM, KEI.I.Y ft CO. L/ pints and quarts; 60 do Isme Star do, of direct Impor tation, a very choice artido. In storo aud for sale by raay20 J. ROUSSEAU. P IG HAMS AND SMOKED QEEF—6 bbfs Pig Hams, ami 3U ~ • 3 do Smoked Beef, for salo by D IRECT FROM THE SPRINUE-Fresh Congress Water, just landed from tho ship Southport can l>e fouud on ice at junel W. W. LINCOLN’S. Monument Square. con Side, 30 do do Shoulder*. 50 bbfo Mess Pnrk, 15 do j)rimo do. 76 do Mess ilccf, 20 Imlf do^ Fulton Market Beef, ir sale by WEBSTER ft PALMES. C L. Mnrgaux, also 10 ensks superior Claret. Just received per ship Delta, by way of Charleston, direct from Bordeaux, and for salo by _may20 J. ROUSSEAU. S LATIN.—An assortment of tho finest nnd cheapest Slates ever in tills market, just received; also, a specimen of the best Roofing Slates, which can bo furnished wholesale or retell, by S S. SIBLEY, &p!16 135 Congress-street. do Side*, 30 half bbls Fulton Market Beef, just recelv- cdjind for *nlo by mayO McMAHON ft DOYLE. jgILLSfi may: and I'orcelian Preserving Kettles, for sale by I'Jd J. P. COLLINS, Uryan-street. $500 Challenge. IIODENSACK’S AVORM SYRUP. A N article founded upon scientific principle*, compound ed with purely vogotablo substances, being perfectly safe when taken, and has never been known to fail in curing tho most obstinate cases. Worms can never exist when this remedy is onco used, frnm tho fact that it not only de stroys them but removesstll tho sliino and mucus which may remain. The Tape AVorm, This worm Is tho most difficult to destroy of all that In habit tho human body. It grows to an almost indefinite length, nnd becoming so coiled And fattened In tho intes tines nnd stomach ns to produce Fit*. St. Vitas’ Dnnco. fto , which is tho cause of ninny going to tho grave, not believ ing that tlieso complaints hove Ahelr orljffn from the tupo worm ; consequently they Itohot uso the proper medicines for their dlgenso. To thoso who aro afflicted with this aw ful foo to health, I recommend tho uso of my Worm Syrup and Liver Pills; tho Syrup to be taken in doses of two ta* ble spoonfuls three times & day, then take from five to eight of my Liver Pills, to dislndgo nnd pass tho worm. By strictly following tlieso directions, tho most obstinate cases of tape worm can bo spoodlly curod. Round or Stomach AVorm. This worm is usually found in the small intestines, nnd Is the worm most common to children, yet it is not entirely confined to them, as adults have frequently been known to suffer with them. The symptoms most prominent while affected with this worm, are hardness and fullness of tho belly, slimy stools, looseness of the bowels, picking at the nose, a bluelsh streak under tho eyes, ftc. If you.or any ol your children lmvo any of the abovo symptoms. Hobcu- sack’s Worm Syrup can safely be depondod upon—by using It you have a certain, safo and speedy cure ; and if after using It according to the directions tho patient Is not ro stered to health,nnd tho worms thoroughly eradicated from the system, you can rest assured there is no remedy beyond tho grave, os for fail, there is no such word as fail with those who use my Worm Syrup. Ascarldci, or Small Thread AVorm*, Tlieso worms, to which tho hurnnn sytem is liable, are most troublesomo of all others. They are generally to ho found in tho rectum, and If allowed to remain, from tho ir- C O-PARTNERSHIP—Tho undersigned have thlsday form- ritation they produce, lay the foundation for soriou* disor- *da co partnership for the transaction of a General dors, such as intlammatlo 1 C HAMPAGNE, SYRUP, ftc.—30 baskets Hcidsick Cham paign in quarts, 50boxes Nos. 1,2 and II I,eiuon Syrup. 50 bbls N E Rum. 30 boxes Starch, now landing and for salo **y ju»e2 HUI.COMHE, JOHNSON & CO. C IDER—John Uhl's best Cider always on hand, and for rale by inayl2 BRIOHAM, KEI.I.Y ft CO. ®r~ 0 libl* New York sugar house syrup, in store- nd for sale by niny20 OGDEN ft BUNKER. L *a'e by aplO BRIOHAM, KELLY ft CO. B AREGES.—Plain, figured and satin striped bareges, for sale by apll3 KEM1TON ft VERSTILLE. Paper, of different slm and qualities, received am fur sale by 8. 8. SIBLEY, __ may 17 No. 135 Congre**-*t. "hm ft Co. is this day William 11. Scranton. m»yl7 C O-PARTNERSHIP^— with - partnership of Scranton, John- dissolved, by tho withdrawal of D. T. SCRANTON. JOS. JOHNSTON. W. B. SCRANTON. Mcq,ueen Mcintosii, ATTORNEY AT MW, Jud.wnville, Fla. JULIAN IIARTRIDGK, ATTORNEY AT MW, Office, comer of Whilaker-tl. and Bay lane, Savannah. GEORGE TROUP IIOAVARD, ATTORNEY AT MW. Office, corner of Whilaktr-tt.and Bay-lane, Savannah, Ga. THOMAS T. LONG, ATTORNEY AT MW AND SOLICITOR GENERAL, E. DIST. Office,comer Bay and Barnarilstreete. Savannah. Columbia, THOS. J. NUCKOLLS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Georgia. AVM. H. F. GURLEA, ATTORNEY AND COUN8KLU1U AT LAW, No. 14 Wall-itrett, JVeuj York. JOHN G. FALLIGANT, WHOI.KHAI.K ASO KKTA11. DKXLKR |Jf WINDOW BUNDS. WINDOW SASH AND PANEL E Wett Side Monument Square, Savannah, Ga. BROAVN Si HARRIS, BOARDING. LIVERY AND SALES STABLES, WKST DROAD 8TRECT. SAVSXNAU, OA. ORDINARY’S OFFICE, Corner of Ray and Wliitakor-streets, Oflico hours from 0 A. M.,to 2, P. M.j and from 3)£, P. M. to 0, P. M. DAN HELL Si COOPER, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT MW, Atlanta, Georgia. A. SHORT, MASTER BUILDER. WUltako contracts for Building nnd Work In Masonry ot every description. Residence first door west of St An- drow’H Hall, Broughton Street. ROOFING. Tho subscribe r is prepared to lay Tin Roofs on correct prin ciple*.nnd from sixteen years’ experience, feels assured ho can give satisfaction. Prices very low.' Best reference Riven. j. j t MAURICE. ^-Gutters nnd Conductors made to order. M. WII1T SMITH, x ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Alligator, Eatt Florida. Will practice in tho Eastern nnd Southern counties. Refer to Col. S. 8. Sibl')y, and It. B. Hilton, Esq., Savannah, Ga. J. W. PATTERSON^ ATTORNEY AND COUNSEIXOR AT LAW, fhrtyUt, Monroe County. Ga. S. W. BAKER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSKUDK AT LAW, Mimticelto, Jeferton County, Florida. Rcferonco—Hon. IV. B. Fuanifci, Savunnnh. Ga. Tu: X. NORWOOD. c. O. W1INO.V. NORWOOD A WILSON, ATTORNEYS AT MW, .Sdranmte, Ga., Will practice In all tho Counties of the Eastern Circuit. Bu siness committed to their care, will receive prompt atten tion. Ofllce on Bay street, over Wmwtkk ft lkuiffl 1 . LATER FROM EUROPE. ARRIVAL OFTHE ASIA. Niinr York, Jane 16> Tho Cotton salon In Liverpool for the week ending on tho 219th, bad roochod 60,000 bales, of which spec ulators took 10,000 and exporters 8.000, tho market closing at the following figures, via: Fair Orleans. 6« I Fair Uplands, 0X Middling Orleans, 6 | Middling Uplands, 6% Prices oontinuo unchanged and firm, with a good demand from tho trade. Holders are no} pressing upon tho market. Trade in Manchester remains unchanged. Tho navro market la Icbs aotlvo, aud lias declined. Tho Cotton sales for the wook ending oil the Slat were 8,000, closing with Orleans at 02 franca—Up lands 88, The London money market la tighter, with rates of Interest advanced to 3&. Tho aspect of aflklrs In Turkey remains unchanged. Tho Sultan Is continuing his preparations for war. Russia poromptorolly demands of Persia Instant payment of hor fifty million loan or the cession of her province. Abteradad Persia refuses to do either. The French Amds on tho Bourso liavo become steadier. Tho crops in France are good. France, in retaliation alliance, demands of Belgium fifty millions for aid rendored in Louis Piullip’s time. Bwltzcrlnud Is fitting ont an army to protect her frontier. Dufouu has taken command. The differences between the United States and Egypt have been arranged. Col. Fremont is among tho passengers by the Asia, Warlike preparations continue on the part of Turkey, and the Swiss army is being filled upon a war Tooling. President Roberts has bcon ro-clectcd President of Liberia, The Markets.—Rice lias continued in fair demand with sales of 400 tierces at 24s. a 24s. Gd. Havre, May 31.—Tho sales of Cotton for the week ending to-day foot up 7,GOO bales, the markot closing quiet aud in favor of buyers. Later from Baenos Ayres. New York, June 10. By arrivals just at band, we learn that two of the beat vessels of Buenos Ayres, have been captured by Arounean in an engagement ou the 7th of May. Buenos Ayres has accepted the mediation of the Brazillan'nnd Bolivian Ministers. Arquisea has pur chased additional steamers to blockade tho port. The Montreal Riots. New York, Juno 16. Rewards are offered for tho apprehension of those engaged iu the recent outrages in Montreal. The Irish Catholics have bold a meeting at SL Paul's und heart ily denounced the couduct of tho rioters. Attempted Murder In Washington. Washington, June 16. A man by the name of Mokuison, shut bis wife and a person by the name of Hester, for allcdgcd adultery. Tho latter is not expected to recover. New York Cotton Market. New York, June 15. The Cotton market to-day hns been heavy, closing at a decline of u quarter cent. New York, Juno 16. The cotton mnrkct to-day has closed heavy. Sales foot up 1)00 bales. Cotton Factory Burned. Lousvili.e, Ivy., June 16. The Louisvillo Cotton Factory, belonging to tbo Merritnae Company, has been destroyed by fire. Loss $100,000. Charleston Cotton Market. Charleston, June 16. Tho sales for tho week ending to-day foot up 2.638 bales, at figures ranging from 8i to llj cents. Mid dling fair stands at 11^. Receipts of tho week have been 3,613 bales. Thu stock remaining in hand, ex clusive of that on shipboard, is 24,450. The excess of receipts at all ports, as compared with correspond ing dates of Inst year, Is 210,000 bales. - nnb for Havana,tU Kay Wast.’flh tha month, and Imvm Havana for Saranr wiluix u. njanxi. john x. xillkx FLEMING A MlLLEN. The undersigned having united In the practice of law, will attend punctually to any buairmw entrusted to tlielr care. Office comer of Buy and Wlilteker Street*, over Messrs, Swift, Dcnslow ft Co’s, THOMAS HUGHES HINES, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELI.OR AT MW, Troupcille, Georgia, Will practise in tho Clrccult Courts of Thomas. Lowndes, Clinch, Ware, Appling and Irwln.Gcorgla; nnd In tho Cir cuit Court* of Jefferson, Madison nnd Hamilton, of tho Middle Circuit of Floridn. nud in Alachua aud Coluinbln counties in the Eastern Circuit of Florida Will attend to the claims of all persons before the Department* at Wash ington. GEORGE N. NICHOLS, Oiocns’ Building, opposite Pidaski House, Having made large addition* to his establishment, continues to do BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, In hi* usual neat and handsome style, nnd on accommodating term*. PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Hartford, Conn. The undersigned, Agents of the above Company are prepared to take risks against Fire ou Building* and their content*. Also Mxklvk Ska Risks, on the mostfavorablo terms. BRIGHAM. KELLY ft CO,, Agents. JOHN Q.UIN, AUCTIONEER .VXD COMMISION MERCHANT, 153 Broad-street. Columbus, Ga., Will transact the above business in the usual manner, nnd pay strict attention to all consignments entrusted to hi* cure. lie would respectfully refer to the following pei- sons: Hon. Alfred Iverson. Major John II. Howard, Wnr- 1mmCromwell. J\*q., IsnvisM. Durr. Coluiubua, Ga.; Win. I*. Yonge, Abraham Rucker. Savannah. Cm—june3 JOHN R. COCHRANE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dublin, Laurens county, Ga., late junior partner of the firm of A. ft J. CocinuxK, Irwinton. Ga.. will attend promptly to nil business entrusted to Iff* care l’nrtlc- ular attention paid to collecting. Reference—Dr. C. B Guyton. F. 11. Row*, Dublin,Ga.; M. Marsh, Savannah. mny7—ilftwly —The undersigned having associated ' with them Henry H. Scranton, will continue the Gro cery business under tbo firm of Scranton, Johnston ft Co. D. T. SCRANTON. JOS. JOHNSTON. - — - paitnership for the transaction of a General chipping ami Commission Business, undor tbo firm of Scran ton ftTullman, Office, No. 10 Coentic* Flip, New York. W. B. SCRANTON. _ , II II. TAl.LMAN. References.—Sherman ft Collins. Exra Wheeler ft Co., Gogmll, Crane ft Co.. II. D. Poinroy. New York; Webster « Palmes, Scranton, Johnston ft Co , Rowland ft Co., 8avan- Tth 8in—mayl7 VOTICE-The understood will continue to carry on the •Lx Lumber and Timber business as heretofore, under the name and style of J. Roberts ft Co. J. ROBERTS. ROBERT AUSTIN AT0TICE,—The o-partnerahin heretofore oxlstlng be- ■Lx tween the underslgnod, under the firm of Crank ft Howixnt Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the Into firm will bo settled by If. A. Crane, to whom a || pc rHons having claims will pleaso present thorn, ■mi those Indebted will make payment Either l<arty are authorised t 0 u »o tho name of tho late firm In liquidation. may2 II. A. CRANE. T. HOLCOMBE. POIARTNERSHIP.-Tbe undersigned having associated Vf willi Ulm Mr. John R. Johnson and Mr. James E. Cope, win continue tho wholesale grocery busInoH undor the firm of Hounnim, Jouasox ft Co. . T. HOLCOMBE. iSlSSOLUTIOS.—The firm of Kxxnox ft Marioiall wok • XJ dissolved, by mutual consent, on the 15th instant. EDWARD 8, KEM1*T0N, „ . . R. H. MARSHALL. . Fuvannali, IRth February, 1»53. fobl8 lyssOLUTiON'OF CO-PARTNERSHIF.-Tho co-partuer- ,/ *"’P heretofore oxlstlng between tho subscribers under •be firm ol F ZOGBAUM ft CO. Is dhwolved by mutual cunsont. G. B. MITCHELL will continue tho business on bis own account, and I* authorized to settlo all claims, in this city, for or against the late firm. F. TOQBAUM, Charleston. 8. C., c v . O. B. MITCHELL, Savannah, Ga. ^Savannah, June flth, 1863 Jqg TYSSOUimV —The firm of URocmt, Bowxs ft Co.U V!” dissolved by mutual consent, to teko effect l^uAw 1 ” orJanu *U r ’ Th« Business of the firm will be V.iELW*™ ®-*<»«oche and AHred T. Bowne. who are authorized to uso the wuneor the firm In settlement. Isaac d. Laroche, ALFRED T. BOWNE, ~ . EDWARD 8. KKMPTON, Sav’h, Jan. 8,1863, RICHARD H. MARSHALL. The subscribers will cnntiuue tbe businewH at their old u l 1 : "?:H r l ' ,# flrra wf LaROCHE ft BOWNE. I’UaiiU.UHuchx. \ i, \ ’ EDWAIID il. HARDEN, TRANSPORTATION AGENT, IV. ft A. RAILROAD, tting<ioid. Walker County. Georgia. W ILL attend to tho purchasing on commission. Corn. Wheat and Bacou. The Ringgold Dunct being situa ted In a region of country abounding in grain, it can usual ly be purclmsod upon more favorable terms than at utmost any other point upon tho W. ft A. Railroad Orders covering the cash, with limited or discretionary instructions, will receive prompt attention. Persons order ing grain will please forward sacks with order. References—Dr. Richard Wayne, Mr. Wm. M. Wadly, So- . A'tetDT. Bowmb. j janio GROCERIES, Ac. ■ * ^ BaDimore Flour, 20 do H. Smith’s do 20 do pare Geneaoe do. 20 half bbls Canal do, "?‘“6» r /“ r «lHams.20hbd« Bacon 8lde«. lfo Sugar, 26 do Crashed and & Liir 15 ft?SS5 °. r ' p,n, 1 d 1 °-»l^ds Porto Rloo do. 21 OOXM uxif do, loo bbls DomtsUe Donors. 76 boxes Tohaa. W do. 100 bbls Domestic Uqaors.76 bores Tobw- dors, such a* intlammatfon of the bowels, and other de rangement* of tho stomach. Tim best and safest medicine that can bo used is Ilobensack’s Worm syrup. 8uch Is tho astonishing power of my medicines over Aacaradles. that I defy any ono to produco a caso where my Worm Syrup and liver Pills are recommended to bo uaed they will not cure. All that Is necessary is to uso tbo syrup In accord ance with directions ou each bottlo ; nnd in case a gentle C purgative is required In order to allay tho irritation they roduco, the Liver Pills, bv their sympathising action and ealthy operation upon the bowels, la the most pleasant medicine that can be taken. HOBENSACK’¥lIVER pills. No part of the system is more liable to disease than tbe IIver, it being supplied with numerous blood vessels and nerves, and If dlscasod, tho blood of course flowing thro’ all parts of the body, produces liver complaints, jaundico, bilious affections, dyspepsia, ftc. Liver Complaint, Isatleuiled willi chills,succeeded by fovor, severe pain lu the region of tbo llvor, vomiting bitter taste, yellow furred tongue, pulse full aud bounding, the pain in tho side la in creased by pressure, should the left lobe be affected, tho pain is generally In the left shoulder, with a short dry cough, tho skin becoming of a sallow appearance, and tho stools cloy colored. This disease can be curod by tbo uso of IIo- bensack’s Liver Pills, a* they act directly upon tbo scat of tbo disease, and then operating upon the bowels they ex pel all tho corrupt and vitiated matter from tho system. Dyspepsia. Tho symptoms of Dyspepsia, and its various diseases are dizziness in tho hend,heartburn, oppression after eating meals, sourness arising from tho stomach, ftc , and some times general languor of tho whole body, from this it will lw scon that tho disease owes its origin to a disorganized stele of tho Liver and Stomach. Ilobensack’s 1 Ivor Pills Is the very medicine to offoct a permanent nnd lasting cure, as they act by changing the certain morbid actions of the system into a healthy action, aud rendering tbo blood pure and healthy. 0*1To Females. HR You will find these Pills an invaluable medicine In many complaints to which you are subject. In obstructions either total or partial they bare been found of Inestimable bene fit In restoring and purifying tbe blood and other fluids so as to cure aU complaints which msy arise from female Ir regularities, as headache, dimness of sight, pain In the side, back, ftc. These Pills are the only safo and effectual reme- ay-ta cure the following complaint#. Gout, Nervousness, Melancholy, Bick Headache. Giddlnoss, Rheumatism, dis tressing Dreams, Dimness of Sight, or in fact any of tho dis eases that arise from affections of tho Liver, Impurity of tho Blind, or consthwtion of tho BowelL Medical Evidence. We, the undorslgnod Physicians, having bad the receipt of their manufacture submitted to us for inspection, say, that the Ingredients of which they nre comixMod makes them tho best Pill In nse for all diseases of the Lirer, Im purities or the Blood, ftc. GEORGE “WOOD, M. D. F CROWLEY, K.D. L. BOWEN. M. D. nr Pnrchaso non* but those bavfug the signature “ J. N. nORENSACK," as all others are worthless imitations. Agents wishing now supplies, and atl others wishing to become agents, must address tbe Proprietor, J. N. UQBRN- 8AUK L athi» laboratory, No. 120 North Second- street, above - eUlJruggUtoand Merchants InthoU. B. BONNETSI BONNETSM 60 cases just received at the TRIMMING AND GENERAL VARIETY STORE, 130 Brouglitou-sL— _ Country Merchants Millluera. nnd the public gener- ally,are Invited lu examine tiff# steel;, it consists of 60 different styles elaborately trimmed. Parisian, blond, gimp, rich colored silk, satin, crape and other choice and much admired styles; flats and hats, embroidered satin hoods ; a great variety of crape embroidered blond linings. Paris atikl&ceahauea. extra rich during bonnet ribbons, straw trimmings, dress do, white nua colored luce, gimps nnd gnl- loons, do do silk fringes, mantles, nlnln bareges, shell anil oilier combs, hair puffs, curls and plaits, ribbon plaits, flowers, feathers and wreathe*, bonnet silks, jet and fancy wristietts, buttons, steeltriimnings. zephyr worsted, braid, fans, with a groat variety of other goods usually kept in faucy establishment*. Smoking caps, slippers, children’s habllmcnts, such robes, sacks tnurked with new patterns for braiding. Mrs. Doylr, assisted by competent niiliners from New York, will nttend to the trimming department, and will en deavor, with skill and taste, to pleuse nil who may favor her with orders. Faucy and other bonuets cleansed, bleached id pressed. Pinking done. 49* Five bonnet makers wanted Immediately, who must perfectly understand their business. apl30 FOR SALE—A pair of handsome Bay Northorn jUorses. Thoy are young, gentle and fleet. luuo 2—8* J. STODDARD. J CARRIAGE HORSES FOR SALE.—A pair of bay Horses, Kind, gentle and excellent travellers. Ap- nmy4 PADELFORD, FAY ft CO. HORSES FOR SALE —A pair of very handsomo ----- . showy enrriugo horses, warranted sound and gen tle. tor sale for $550. on 0 months credit. Also, a second hand carriage, and harness, silver mounted, but little used, for $400. on f lie same terms. Apply to may31—10 CRUDER ft WADE, 84 Bay-alrcet. TROTTING HORSE FOR HALF,—A fine youngnen- ^yyctle mare, that goes her mile in a little over threo minutes. Applyto may28—0 CRUKER ft WADE. 84 Bay-street. L INEN GOODS.—Linen sheeting, all widths ; pillowcase linen; 8. 1012-4 damask and suow-dmp table cloths ; 8-4 and 10-4 blenched nnd brown damask, damask napkins and doilcss, Scotch and huckthuck diapers, blrds-eye do. Richardson's. Young’s nnd other styles of family linens, all warranted pure linen, for sale in quantities or l>v the pieco, by ImROCHE ft BOWNE, Q)h28 Cor. Wliltakor.CongreRsandSt. Juiinn-sts CANARY CAGES BY THE MST STEAMErU A variety of new nnd beautiful patterns of canary fCaKj Gages just received. Those dealt ou* of a hand- some Cage, nnd one proof against Miles, have only HKtBPl to make un early call for a choice from a flap %s sortment. mh28 J. P. COLLINS, 100 Bryan-st Dust for cleaning knives, nndTripoli, tor cleaning brass, glass, &c., for salo by apl22 J. P. COLLINS. S AVANNAH AGENCY for tho isle of William Boggs & Go’s New York celebrated lirwids of Tobacco, by npl27—12 R. MATER, 0 Whitaker street. L INEN COATS AND'PANTO—In additional supply're colvoil nnd for sale at 147 Bat street, by mil PRICE ft VEADER. C HAMPAGNE AND CMRET, 2o"bn*kets Ilcldslck Clmmpngno. pints; ID do quirt*. Also, Claret in casks and half ensks of St Juiicn and R Kmillion, for salo by the cask or gallon, by may'.O A. BO.N'AUD. I jlOR SALK—A likely negro imin, aged 25 years, a good axeman nnd timber hand : also, a boy aged 18 years, a field hand and ostler. Apply to rnayJH WfLLV ft MONTMOLLIN. F OR SALE—A negro woman afed 27 years, a cook, wash- er and ironer. with her girl child aged 6 yenra. Apply to may3l WTLLY ft MONTMOLLIN. m CHILDREN AND YOUTH’S HATS.—Straw, Leg horn and Webster, a flno oisortment at may 18 DELDEN ft CO’8. Received per steamship STRAW BONNETS AND HATS cleansed, repair- ed and pressed in the latest fashion. Three Apprentices and three Bonnet Sewers are wanted immediately, at the Brougbton-street Trimming and General Variety Store dee!2 DRY FEET PRINERVES THE HEALTH.—Just ■■|V received, a few cases water-proof Boots ; also, a rll lot of thick fiegged Boots, together with a flno as- ^mw-aortnwut of Uontlemeu’a and {suites’ over Shires, some of a new and approved style, which will be sold at low prices, by R. FLANIGAN ft CO., 1(H) ilryan-slreet. AH in want will please call and judge for themselves, decll DANIEL C.UOMLAY, J FASHIONABLE BOOT MAKER—Comer<f Brough ton and Bull-street*.—The subscriber desires to In form the public that he has opened os above, where ho is prepared to execute orders for Boots of tho finest finish and style, and equal, if not superior to any heretofore offered to tbo public. Having many friend* In thisStote wlui liavo been his patrons in Ciiarleston. respect fully solicits from them and tho public a call and a trial. mhl7 UMBRELLAS. A fresh assortment of both cotton and silk, jurt re- A oelved aud for sale low. by Jy24 J. H. COHEN ft Qf)., 140 Brnughton-st. X. t PARASOLS AND UMBRFJXA8.—An oasortment ol silk and gingham Umbrellas. Also, low priced and fine Parasols, just received and for sale by aul2 DkWITT ft MORGAN. TTIOR SALE.—Fourteen likely negroes—a man 60 years J? uid, a plantation carpenter; a man eged 40yean; a woman 32; a boy 18; a boy 12: a boy 8; a girl 2; a roan 25; a woman 30; a girl 12; a girl 2; a woman 40; a girl 8, and a woman aged 60 years—tlioy are accustomed to the culture of com and cotton, and will bo Hold at a bargain to an approved purchaser. Apply to feb28 WYLLY ft MONTMOLLIN. TMl'ROVED EXTRA SIZE 8ElDLIT/, POWDERS.—These X Powders are prepared expressly for tbo retell trade, from superior Imported materials, and are warranted foil weight. Seidlitx Powders (when accurately prepared, as these are warranted to bo.) are held In tho highest estimation for their peculiar virtue#, In riving relief where Indigestion, heartburn, or btlllous affections prevaU, and when used ac cording to tbe directions, form an effervescing aperient draught—more agreeable, yet possessing all the medicinal properties of tho much esteemed Seldllts Spring in Germany, Prepared and Bold by W. W. LINCOLN, mh22 Monument-Square. TNLOUR, ft C—200 bbla Baltimore flour, 60 do Hiram Smith’# X 1 doi 30 bbds prime and choice bacon #hoalden. 20 do •Idea, 15 Um Baltimore and Philadelphia .borai, 3ftbW# leaf ‘.-ThU attend!., ider, leave# Ha van- ith and 80th of each via Key West, on to THE CHEROKEE SPRINGS m Opens the 17th Juno, under the management of Col. Murray and I July. The waters are Chalybeate. While Sulphur, IJmo nnd Freestone. I have nu merous certificates of tlielr efficacy mid cures, in many dis eases. Tlio Rev. Prof. Mean*, of Emory College, Is now preparing on ntmly-is. The waters nre liiiiplil nnd cool, tho situation romantic nnd benutlfiil. They nru located only throe qunrDrs of n mile from tho pliitfiirin (used also for Catoosa) on the State Road, between the Tunnel und Ringgold—Hock iu coustuntnttcndunco. may 10—0 J G. PKNISTON. L EMONS—10 boxes Just received and for sale by mil A. BONAUD. C HAMPAGNE^WINE.—lust received 25 Imskets'tfr^t Western brand Chunipagnu, 7i do Iliedsiek, iu quarts and piuts. for salo by Jimy2_ J. V. CONNERAT ft CO S UOWER BATHS.—Smith’s patent, in store and for salo by juneS 1. W. MORRELL ft CO. C ASTORS.—Brlttanln andsIlverlTuted Castors, for sale by limy —0 J. P. COLLINS. A pplication manth.las.—iieceivci per Fiorida.a now supply nf thssu elegant black and white Application Mantillas, for sale by may26 ' LaROCIIF. ft BOWNE. E DE’S DIAMOND CEMENT—For Joining broken gloss China ware, or Ivory. Justrtcvlvedand for sikehy mh29 W. W. LINUCO, Monument Square. T HE MASONIC MANUEL by Robert &Iacoy, pocket edi tion, beautifully illustratedand in tho most conveni ent form yet published. Also, tno Masonic Lyre, a collection of Masonic Songs and Odes, suited to every occasion in lodge or celebrations Both new works recently publisled. and highly worthy the attention of the Craft. Just rewired ana for sale at th# Book Store or , 8. S SIBLEY. 136 Congress-street C HEESMAN’S ARABIAN BALSAM—For the enre .. wounds, bruises, sprains, 4c. Just received and for •ale by W. W. LINCOLN. may2 Monument Square. FIUKMENS HALL. QEALED Proposals will be rweived by tho undersigned O until the 10th J uly next, fur bidding a Fireman’# Hall on the corner of Abercomand Souli Broml-streets. in accord ance with the plan nnd specikatlnns to bo seen nt the office of Messrs. 8boU ft Fay, arftttecte. Bond and security will ho required that tho City still suffer no loss In carry ing out the contract. Jo2 R, D. kRNOLD, Cb. Fire Pep. RESMOYAL# F ASniONABI.E TAILORING OTA BLI8ID1ENT-Th# sub- icriber having Just rernovd (o No. 21 Bull-struot, (be tween Congress and Broughtonijtreets.) would inform his friends and the public genenuy. that he will open Thu DAT.hU second lupplrof Fall ted Winter Goods, consisting of the best French, English am American Cloth#, Oust- mere# and Vesting#, purchased tom tbe most extensive Im- porter# In New York, which hris prepared to make up In the best and most fashionable ivies, deel I IL D. MURPHY. I MDUR —loo bbla Baltimore hour, just received and for sale by nwy28 j ROWIAND ft CO. W OOL.—Cash wilt be paid fir Wool by may28 [ ROWLAND ft CO. B ALTIMORE iLOUlC-lOO birreis Howard-#!, flour, for »«le by ap!28 ( ROWLAND ft CO. I IME, LATHS. PLA8T6R. CBIENT AND HAIR —con- XJ «taat supply of the ilwve jrtlcle* Cor sale by may 12 1RIGHAM. KELLY ft CO. B UTTER AND CHEEBKr-30 & kins prime and choice bnt- tor, 60 boxes cheese, fecelvjd and for tale by •PM . { | MoMAHQN ft DOYLE S UMMER CASSTMERESidra «es, White and colored linen dritte. coating#, cotto^adMl gauze flannel#, gents- and boy’s linen and cotton half hue, ladle#’ silk, cotton and each month. Fpr | -— B3 tnayU COHENS ft BERTE. UNITKltSl’ATbi miLLlNB-: FOR NEW YORK.—To leave on Saturday, 18th >4 o’clock, P, M,—The inlindid atoomsblp ALA BAMA, Captain C. D. Ludlow, will leave ae above. For freight or passage, apply to Junolfl 1 PADELFORD. FAY ft 00 tioBTON^-The regular packet brig PHILURA, JOWL*. H. Calhoun, master, want# 60 bale# cotton fo comple cargo. For freight or passage, apply onboard, at Telfair'# whart or to JunelT BRIOHAM. KELLY ft CO. JEW PHILADELPHIA—Hcron’a LliiCH-Tbe _GS»regular packet schr. 0. C. STRATTON, Weitcott, master, will have quick dispatch a# abovo. For freight oc passage, apply to • junolfl OGDEN ft BUNKER. W PHILADELPHIA—Heron*# Lluc^-lha O;regular packet »chr. JOHN POTTS BROWN. Col- . master, will have dlipotch ae above. For freight or passage, apply to JunelO OGDEN ft BUNKER. jmi NEW Yoinc-tliilon JUiie-ni.rejnl-r SUL packet schr NORTH STATE, Horton, master, will have dispatch a# above. For freight or passage, apply to Junel6 Q0DEN ft BUNKER, NEW YORK—Georgia Line,—Tbo regu lar packet schooner PLANDOME, Captain Brown, having larger portion of hor freight engaged, will have Im mediate dispatch. For freight or passage, apply to Junel4 8 ^ROWLAND ft CO, NEW YORIL—Georgia Linen—'The regu lar packot MARIA MORTON, Capt. Bulkloy.will liavo Immoulato dispatch for tho above pert. For freight of 300 bales-cotton to complete cargo, or passage, haring hand some state room accommodations. Apply to Juncll ROWLAND ft CO. NEW YORK—Union Line—Tlie regular : packet schr. COL SATTKRLY, Elwood, master, will live quick dispatch for the above port. For freight or passage,apply to Junoll OGDEN ft BUNKER. N. II.—All a - E D ALT1MORE—Regular Line—The schr : WOODBRIDOE. White, master, will meet with des- toll as abovo. For freight or passage, apply on board, at iton'a wharf, or to » Junoll BRIOHAM, KELLY & CO. To Darien $3 00 1 To St. Marys 4 50 I Jacksonville 0 00 I N. II.—Freight consigned to R. R. I OPPOSITION LINK. Change of Departure—Fir Palatka, Fla., and all the interme diate landings on the route. Tho superior now Stoam-pnckeVWELAKA, ^Captain N. Kino, will, until further notico, leave every Saturday, at 10 o'clock. A. M. Rate of Passage in large, airy State Rooms, as follows: To Picolsta $8 00 Palatka R 00 Black Creek..,.8 00 -Freight consigned to It. R. I)uko, for Ocala, will be .-shipped free ofaU charges at Palatka. For freight or passage apply on board at the Charleston Steam Packet Company ’» wharf, or to feblB S. M. LAFFITEAU, Agent. UNITED STATES MAIL LINK. Fbr Palatka, F. F., via Darien, Brunswick, St. Marys, Jackson ville, Middleburg, Black Creek and Picolata. r-**. The sujaerior Steam Packet WM. GASTON, ■ > t55riw r "P t T. E. Shaw, will leave on Tuesday Morn ing. utlO o'clock, and will continuo to leave every Tuesday. The Rates of Passogo by this Boat, areas follows: To Darien $3 00 St.Mary* 4 60 Jacksonville 6 00 Picolata 8 00 Palatka 8 00 Bluck Creek 8 00 For freight or passage, apply on board at the Charleston Steam Packet wharf, or to niay.'ll C'LAGHORN ft CUNNINGHAM. Agents. L. S. BENNETT A CO., SUCCESSORS TO J. C. THORNTON, i Having purchased the entire interest of Mr. J. C. Thornton in hi* Carriage establishment In this city, most respectfully solicit a continuation of tho ex tensive uatronago so liberally bestowed ou the late proprie tor. It I* our Intention to keep a largo and extensivu as sortment of all kinds of Carriages, suited to tiffs market. Tho late proprietor. Mr. J C.Thornton, will act as our agent at tho north, for the purchase nnd supply of our establish ment. Ills experience of twenty years In the business at tho South, will insure to our friends and natrons sucli a well selected stock as cannot fall to give entire satisfaction. Mr. Rknnktt will give his personal attention to all kind of repairing, us heretofore. LEWIS S. BENNETT. THOMAS A. BROWN. maylO JUDGE W. HARRIS. A CARD.—It will bo seen from the abovo. that I liavo sold out to Messrs. L. S. Bbnnrit ft Co.. huiI I have every confi dence in tho ability of those gentlemen, both in capability and capital, to successfully conduct tho business, and keep up the reputation or the establishment. Mr. Lewis 8. Bennett has been my foreman for the last two years, and I take pleasure in recommending him to tho public as nn industrious, capable nnd deserving man, who, while looking to his own interest, will not neglect those of Ills patrons. In relinquishing my business in this plnce, I teko (lie op- Valuable Farm Lots—At Private Balt. Eleven ten acre lota, situated on 1 «vst’s tens, being p*ti of Mllten'a farm. A plan of the lota may be seen at our counting room. Term#—one-tblrd cub. balance In two equal annual Instalment#, with Intoreit, and secured by Ujfltfgage ou property; _ — BY T. J. WALSH. THIS DAY, at 11 o'clock, in front of store, wiU be sold, Tbe usual assortment of Groceries, Provisions, liquor#. Crockery aud QIom Ware, Dry Goods, new and second band Furniture, Clothing, Fauoy Articles, Clocks, Watoboe, Cut lery, fto. Terms cash before delivery. N, B.—All articles purchased at auetloa and not settled for before the nsxt regular sate, will be sold on account and ruk of tbo former purchaser. JunelT Store for Rent. Ou MONDAY, at 11 o’clock, will be rooted ou the premia- es for a term of years, That large brick store and dwelling, formerly occupied by Mr Halligan, corner of Bay andMontgomery-streels; a first rate stand for a wholesale or retail grocery. Jnnel7 At Private Sale—50 bushels small size Irish Potatoes for feeding milch cows and stock, in quantitle# toiultpur- chasers. __________________ juneli ON SATURDAY. Juno 18tb, at 10 o’clock, will be sold, at the custom house boat house, foot of East Broad street. Three boats, with sails, awnings, eto. Sold by order or tho Collector. Terms caste Junel6 Administrators 8ale. On Tuesday, August 2d. will be sold, in front of the court* houso, between the legal hours of sale. The interest of D. M. Rogers, deceased, in the Savannah Steam Saw Mills, on Hutchinson’s Island,' For further par* tlcular* Inquire at tho counting room, Sold by leavo of the Ordinary of Chatham County m the property of D. M. Rogers, deceased, and by order of the administrator. jcl4 At Private Sale—6 kegs Red 8tono Mills Powder, 2 do Hazard ft Co’s HFG HO Powder, 13 do Dupont’s N P Pow der, for salo low to closo a concern. juuolO Administrator's Sale. On TUESDAY, 6th July, will be sold in front of tho court bouse, between the usual hours of sale, That eligible Residence on Lot No. 10, corner of South Broad and Whitekor-sts. Tlio lot is subject to a ground rent to the city of fitty-seven dollars nnd sixty cents, and tho improvement# consist of a doublo tenemnnt dwelling, in the basement of which is an office, dining room, pantries and battling room ; on tho first floor Is twe lftreo and ele- gnntly finished parlors, with a spacious verandah in tho lenr.Inclosed with venltlan blinds; in the second story Is four bod rooms with nn inclosod verandah.nil lighted with gus. There are spacious accommodations for kitchen, ser vant’# rooms, carringo houso and stable in a brick building to tlio rear of the dwelling on tho lane. In the yard is a fine pump of water. Will ho sold on tho 6th of July, at tho resldenco, alt the Furniture, Carpets and Window Curtains, commencing at 11 o’clock. At tbo court houso, on the 6th. between tho legal hours of sale, a yellow woman, aged about 45. a good cook and washer. The abovo is sold by order of tbe Ordinary, as the property of David M. Rodgers, deceased, and by order of the administrator. Terms for tho houso and lot—onO-third cash, balance In two equal payments of 6 and 12 months with Interest, se cured by mortgage on the premises; for tho furniture, cash, purchaser paying for nil titles and papers. raay4 At Privato Sale—A cholco Heifer, aged about two years; hor sire was an imported Durham, the mother an English cow. Alio, a Milch Cow, gentle and kind, accustomed to tbo yard. mav21 '' At Private Sale—Lot No. 0. Third Tythlng Anson ward, 00 by 00 fecit, fronting on South Uroad-streot—a most do- slrablo lot for building. For terms, inquire at the counting room. a I l123 At Private Sale—A desirable residence near Iho new rail road depot, being a slnglo house with four large rooms, & fostered, with al necessary out houses. Will be sold low applied for Immediately. Also, a now double tenement in the samo neighborhood For terms, inquire at counting room. apl22 forbefore the next regular sal*, vrill*beMki onaeepant ^and risk of tbe former purchaser ■ rjgd • Roeendsle Cement—Now landing W'sebr G bbls Hydraulic Cmbent. Improwd ruuM of a®»-w, UH Jut mini ton 111. m»miTi«tor«r. Id nilteddi&U, .nd" will mdUdmU ImpodiMiJfcr jrtl., AomM. Hnmmtl', Imp— &. Mnc, of Ooff». ™*UtM bMtOOTQpO«ltlOD of MHmt oSind br Hi., u4 Goto ram. ton tlx Eu.dc. U mnch more wholesome, more delicate, finer flavored and oolored. perfectly clear, and in every respect superior to tbe finest Rio Coffee, and in use will prove a nett saving 76 per eent over Coffee prepared In the ordinary manner. Try It and •ee If It doea not, mayl2 Prime Cook at private sale—A prime Ukeljr young follow a first rate cook lor steamboat or notal, ■ . apI2fl Ginghams and Hdkft. at Private Sate.—Just recalved per last steamer, 2 cases Ginghams, 2 do 'Drench head hdkfo., for sale low. aptt2 Tennessee Bacon and Lard, at private sale—11,000 Iba as sorted has round new Bacon, 2000 lbs fresh Leaf Lard,re ceived railroad from Tennessee, and for eale in lots to aoit purchasers. apU UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. New York and fltvannih Steamship*. - rynu . -€fETKM& SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Days of Leaving Savannah for New York, The Augusta, .Capt. Lyon Wednesday, June fl Tlio Florida, ..Capt. Woodhull,....Saturday, M 11 The Alabama, Capt. Ludlow,.....Saturday. “ 16 The Augusta Capt. Lyon...,.,..Saturday, » 25 The Florida,. Capt Woodhull,...Saturday, Jgly 2 18 30 23 Greene nnd Pulnskl Lottery. GREGORY ft MAURY. Manager*. Clnss 72, draws tiffs day, 17th June, In tiffs city. Sales close nt 3 o'clock,P, M. UAPtTAl. $5,000. 78 Number lottery—12 Drawn Ballots. &B- Tickets $1—shares in proportion. Extra Class 44,draws at Wilmington, Del., on Saturday, 18lh last. CArtTAt.. $38,000. 76 Number Lottery—12 Drawn Ballots. Tickets $10—shares In proportion. Tickets either singly nr by tlio package for salo in Bay lane. Savannah, Gn., next to Robinson ft Camp. tuncl7 E WlTlIlNGTON. WATCHES, JEWELRY, And Fhncu Goods. RECEIVING by every arrival of the Steamers fresb ... I »,.....ions, making the best assortment in this city, of all portunlty to say, that it is not from nuy dtoatisfactiun j kinds of Watches. Jewelry. Fancy 0o ods.Silver Spoons,^Fork#, whatever. Since my residence in tbo city of Savannah. I pitchers, Tea Sots, Cups. Syphons. Plated Castors, and every variety of artielo* connected with our lino of business; all ol which will bo sold as low as in any city in tho Union. D. B. NICHOLS. JW Particular attention given to the Repairingof Watch- nnd Jowclry. coy r. , have been kindly and generously treated, and bavo suc ceeded much better than 1 anticipated. In the courso I have just taken. I have been prompted by considerations of a privato churacteroltogetbcr ; wherever I may be, I shall always carry with mo tho liveliest sense of obligation, and cherish the deepest interest in tho pres- purity and advancement of tlio cltv and its people. Noth ing will do more to effect this, than tlio sustaining of a healthy and honorable competition. J.ct the good iioopleof the City and State see to it. J. C. THORNTON. Savannah. 9th May. 1653. N. B.—Mr. H. D. W. AuoiANDVR is my legally authorized agent for the transaction and closing up of my business. mavlO J. C. THORNTON. GROCERIES. 25 HHDS. l'orto Rico and Muscovado Sugar, 25 do choice New Orleans do, 26 do do Cuba Molas ses. 100 bbls New Orleans and Cuba Syrup, Stu art’s rectified do, 600 gallons Sperm Oil, 300 do Linseed do. 200 boxes Sperm and Adanmmantino Candies, 25 do Starch, 60 do Ciiooso, 76 do Soap, 26 do Toilet do, 60 do mixed and assorted Candies, 75 packages Teas. Black. Im perial and Green, 160 bbls A. Bnnd C Clarified Sugnr nnd Yellow Coffee do. 26 do Powdered nnd Crashed do, Prunes. Figs. Citron. Pickles. Raisins, Yeast Powders. Saleratus, So da. ftc.. now in store and for snlo verv low. by ml\2d KIBBF-E ft RODGDR8. Wfll. R. SYfilONS, DRAPER AND TAILOR, No 17 Whitaker tired. &irnnnuA, Has just opened a large and choice variety of New Srnixo and Sl’MMKK Goons, consisting in part of black, figured nnd fancy French Cnsslinorcs ; black nud col- ,orad Cashmere; Cloths nnd Caahmcrette; white nnd fancy Linen Drills; with a largo assortment of fancy Mar seilles and IJ lien Vestings, all of which lie is prepared to make up to order in the must fashionable style, and on ac commodating terms np5 PHILIP kEAlL ._#5 DRAPERANDTAllUR..08Bryan-it.. Savannah. Ga. —Gratefnl to my friends and tho public In general (Wfor their liberal patronage heretofore extended to me, --21 LI now offer them a greatci inducement than ever, as I have just received my Fall and Winter Stock of En- f lish. French and Gerninn Broad Cloths. Black and Fancy •oeskin and Cassimcre, Black and Fancy Silk and Satin and Embroidered Vestings ; also a very rich article of Evening Vesting, which 1 am prepared to make to order, in the most fashionable style. Also a forge and well selected stock of HKN’H AND BOT.V Rlunr-MAtlK cumitNo. together with n large supply of Shirts. Socks. Suspenders, Gloves, Collars. Merino nnd Silk Undershirts nnd Drawers, lints. Caps. Trunks. Vnllces. fte.. all of which will bo sold at prices to give general satisfaction nov& NEW JEWELRY, PINE WATCHES,die, n*4 THE undersigned is now opening a splendid assort- jjf/ttuunlof rich JKWEI.RY, embracing tho recent patterns w of Ear-riugs, Pins, Bracelets nnd Finger-rings, among rf 7 which aro some lino diamond settlngs.from $10 to $500. A Also, tweuty-fivo sot* of thoso unique Pearl Sett of Ear- fftVringsand Brooches,from $18 to $126 tbo set. newest IjManil rarest patterns; together with a very select assort- ^mont of extra line iPateftez set lu pearl, diamond, hun ting and plain cases. TTicse. with a further assortment ol good Jewelry. Sterling Silver Sets, Spoons, Forks, ladles, Cups, ftc., and Plated Ware of all kin 'a. Fancy Work Boxes, Dressing Cases, Folios. Clocks. Bronze Figures, gold mount ed Canes. Cuttlory. ftc.. renders his assortment very cam. pletc. and unsurpassed in the State, cither in quality or pri ces. D. B. NICHOLS. 03T Strict attention paid to repairing watches, clocks, and Jewelry. nol2 WM. 11. SYMONS, Offers for sale, a large assortment of Cloths. Css- [hlnierurt and Vestings, consisting in part of tlio fol- lowing articles, selected bv himself during the past Hummer in lxindnn and Paris, which 1m will make up to or der iu tlio best slyjo of workmanship, nnd at the shortest notice. His slock of Readymade Clothing and ot Furnish ing Goods, for gentlemen's wwir. is very large and of the best quality and style—the wholonf It niado this fall under his own Inspection, and will be sold at tbe lowest prices for cash or approved credit French black, blue, brown and olive Cloths; fancy French nnd English Cnsaitnercs ; fancy Silk Vesting.super, fanr.y Silk Plush Vestings; black Bsr- allies F'ilk Vestings ; super, black Doeskin Casslmerea ; Me rino and Silk Undershirts and Drawers; whlto and fancy Shirts and Collars; Canton Flannel Shirts and Drawers: and fancy Kid Gloves: Neck Ties, plain and embroidered; Merino and Cotton Socks: Scarfs, Satin and Bmnbastn Stocks. no& 17 YVhltnlicr-street. STARcWTmNG - EMPORIUM. Nt. 147 Bay Stred. All personn oftesto and refinement—those Laving a due regard for comfort und personal appearance, mar hit all limes select any and every article for their ward robe. from one of the largest assortments of the Very Rest Goods in tiffs country; either in Ready Made Garments or niado up to measure in unique stylo, or Furnishing arti cles of every description and quality too numerous to men tlnn Call and sco. PRICE ft VEADER. FASHIONABLE TAILOIIING. M I). MURPHY, 21 Bull-street, would respectfully inform his frUnds nnd the public generally, that lie i ha* received Iff* spring styles for gentlemen, among .which will Ikj found as rich and flno faucy Casslmeres, Vestings, ftc.. ns have ever been brought to this market. All orders executed with dispatch, and io tho best style of workmanship. Gentlemen are respectfully invited to call and judge for hoinselves. nihil READY-MADE CLOTHING FOR SPRING AND SUMMER. WM. R. SYMONS. Dkai’ih and Tailor, No. 17 Whitaker dreris, roapcctfully solicits the] lattention of his friends and We public in gen- ■oral, to his forgo stock of Ready-mu io Cloth- Ing. suitable fur the present and coming season. It has all he>-n made up under his personal superintendence, an I for style and durability of workmanship, is inferior to none to be found in the market. The following comprise a portion of tho stock : Frocks and Sacks of bluo. black nnd colored cashmere cloths; black, brab d’ete Frocks and Sacks ; linen duck, drill and fancy linen Frocks and Sacks; India grass, silk and brown linen Sacks; black and colored alpaca Frocks and Sacks. Pants of fancy French cassimeres. black doe-skin cassi- mere, black drab d’ete and spring tweed casrimere. white duoft and fancy linen drill, together with a Urge tot of cot ton drill and duck Pants, for summer wear. Vests of black satin, black barathen. and fancy sUks, fan cy and white Marseilles, figured and striped linens. Also, a Urge stock of Furnishing Goods, such os stocks, gloves, suspenders, cravats, collars, silk, gauze, merino, and cotton unaerahlrte. stripe silk and cotton socks, silk and gingham uinbrolln*, etc., etc. TTie whole of which he offere for salo on accommodating terms, and at prices ae cheap as the cheapest. apl3 J UST RECEIVED BY LAST STEAMER—Plain and figur- ed black Barege, black and white plaid summer 811k, plain and figured black Tissue, black SewingSilk for dresses, black Foulard Silk, black English Veil Crape. Cambric and French Muslins, for sale by inay26 ATKIN ft BURNS. L inen Turkish friction towels—a very usefoi article for bathing purpose*, and much superior to tho glovos now In uso Where friction Is required, they aro very highly recommended by Um medical faculty in Eng land and the United States, just received and for sale by mh24 W. W. LINCOLN. Monument 8quare K EXPTON 4 VERSTILLE bin Jut rewind. • UnD lot of figured grenadines, crape d’artois, silk tissues and bareges, “which they are offering very low at their stand, next to F. Zogbaum’s music store, Waring’* range. ap!2o H OUSE KEEPING DRY GOODS—Linen and cotton sheet ing. pillow ease linen and cotton. Irish linen of the best make, birds eye and Scotch diapers, towels and towel ing, damssk teblo linen and napkins, long lawns, crash, brown and bleached muslin, all widths and qualities, ter sale at the lowest prices, by aplS DiWITT ft MORGAN. TT'OR SALE—Threo ofllce desks and two Iron sals#, that V have been used but a short time, which can be had at a bargain by application to may29 OGDEN ft BUNKER. TTYDRAULIC CEMENT.—100 bbls Hoffman’s Rosendale, IX a superior description of Cement, landing from #chr Fruoes Satterly, and for sale by ^ a H ’ Q4MPFHLP. PIANO FORTE DEPOT. , THE undersigned respectfully inform the citizens of Sav&imali, Georgia and Florida, that they have on hand more than fifty Pianos, Uio largest slock ever on sale in this city, and made by the most celebrated manufacturers in tlio United States. Nunns ft Clark. T. Chirkering. Ronrdmnn ft Gray, height ft Newtou. Edwards ft Fisher, nil well known to tlio lovers of Music, have place in their large assortment.— Those Plano* aro of rleli tone, ami beautifully finished In Row Wood. Black Walnut.and Mahogany, with iron frames made in (lie most substantial nnd workmanlike manner.— Also tho justly celebrated .Eollnn Pinno Fortes, which for their sweetueas of touo have not been equalled. All tlieso instruments hnvo metalicframes which render thorn peculi arly suited for tnl climate, preventing necessity of tuning for year*. The undersigned are Agents for Henri Here’s, celebrated Grand Pianos, made In Paris. For Power nnd beauty of tono, they stand pre-eminent. CARUARt'B Mklodioxb.—This beautiful toned wind instni- ment,manufactured by Carhart ft Needham, N. Y..for village purposes. Lodges. Serenading Parties, and the private prac tise of Organists, possessing a sweet and powerlul toijc, they have also for sale. All these instruments will lie disposed of on the moHt accommodating terms. The prices of the Pi anos ranging from $176 to $1,000. I. W. MORRELL ft Co PIANO FORTES. THE subscribers sole agent* for A. Stod- fart ft Co’s., and Jonn II. Dunham's Piano F’ortes, nru always supplied with nn us- sortment of these favorite ami Justly celebrated instru ment*. For durabilily thoy can be fully warranted, whilst their superiority of tone nnd ioueli is evident anti acknowl edged by the most casual observer, a* well as tbe critical connoisseur. The Indies are respectfully invited to view these instruments. An srrrangement having been effected with one of our most eminent Pianists fur tho purpose, they can also bo enabled to judge of tlio tone. F\ ZOGBAUM ft CO.. Market-square. tdr Second hand Pianos taken in exchange, also tuned and repaired. jel7 E MBROIDERIES, ftc.—Muslin and lace Cl.smisult* and Collars, lncn, muslin and CAinbric Sleoves, Jaconet and Swiss Edgings and liuortings. Swiss and cambric Bands, lawn ami cambric Handkerchiefs, tdack Ixice Mantillas. Valencia and thread Edgings and Inserting*. Bonnot Rib bons. etc., etc. for sale by mli9 HENRY LATHROP ft CO. S UMMER QUH.TO, linen shooting, pilhiwcnso iinon, white and colored linen drillings, blenched nnd brown sheet ings, stripe and plaUl satin jeans for boys’ wear, black l». reec. grenadine nnd crape do Pari*, mini ruing muslins, par asols nud umbrellas, for sale low by mnj22 DkWITT ft MORGAN. N EW GOODS PER STEAMER.—Toll lie India for travel- ling dresses, French printed jaconets and cambrics, figured and plain Swiss muriins. plaid and strijs* swiss and cambric muslins, nansook. jaconet and mull muslins cm broldored clear lawn hdkfs.. N W collars and cambric, and cambric and swiss bands, ribbons, hosiery, gloves, ftc., just Dewitt & mo*— received by maj 22 i MORGAN. T O BUILDERS.—Scaled proposals will be received by tbe undersigned, until tlio 25tii of June next, to furnish all the materials and erect the keeper's dwelling and office at Laurel Grove Ceinotery, according to plan nnd sjiccifica- Rons to bo seen at Messrs. Sboll ft Far's, Architects. JOHN MALLERY. Chairman mny22 Committee on Health and Cemetery. T O PURCHASERS OF CHEAP DRY GOODS.—6 cases of fast colored Printed Lawns, Jaconet, Ifatisfe and Mus lins. all at 12>4<£. 3 cases assorted Ginghams, now ntyics. at 12* fa, 1 do (a great bargain.) Ladies' Linen Cambric Hand kerchiefs. at 12X4- We have much pleasure In directing particular attention to tbe arrival by the steamship Florida of the above goods, and can. with perfect confidence, recommend them as the cheapestgoode ever offered for sale in Savannah M. PKENDEROAST ft 00.. mav26 178 Broughton-st.. opposite fit Andrew's Hall. GROCERIES. LIQUORS, WINES, fto. J. V. CONNERAT ft CO., offer for sale on ac commodating terms.* well assorted stock ofGro- ceries, liquors. Tobacco. Sugars, ftc., viz: 130 bags lprime Rio Coffee. 20 do do old Java do, 20 hhds Porto lUcu and Muscovado Sugars. 60 bbls clarified coffee do. 26 do crashed and powdered do, 10 boxes loaf do, 200 pack ages black and green tea, some very superior ; 260 boxes tobacco, various qualities, 1's, 8>. 6's and 16’s. 16 cases Di adem twist. 10 do Virginias and Aromatic. 20do nretarleaf, VIginia gold leaf. 10 boxes El Dorado tobacco. 175,000 supe rior Havana Segar*. 10 half pipes OUrd.Dupny ft Co. Bran dy, 20 half and quarter casks Ilntern, Mai tel. Sazerac. ftc. Brandy. 6 quarter casks very old Jean Louis do. 6 pipes Holland Gin. 2 puncheons 8t Croix and Jamaica Rum, 10 half pipes and 16 quarter casks superior Madeira Wine, 26 bbls old Monongalicfo Wisky, 25 quarter cask* Tencriffe, 80 do do Mnlspa Wine, 200 bbls gin, whisky and rum, 100 boxes No. 1 and family soap. 60 do starch. 60 do adamantine can dles. 60 do tallow do. 20 casks bacon sides. 16 do shoulders, 30 hhds West India Molasses. 40 bbla and tes do, 26 bbls N Orleans do. together with every other article usually found at tho wholesale grocory stores. Junc3 The Augusta, Capt. Lyon Saturday, The Florida, Capt. Woodhull,...Saturday, “ The Alabama Ckpt. Ludlow, Wednesday, “ The Augusta, Capt. Lyon .Saturday, “ Tho Florida, Copt. Woodhull,.. .Saturday, “ Tho Alabama, Copt. Ludlow,.... .Wednesday, Aug. 8 The Auguste, Capt, Lyon, ^Saturday, « fl The Florida Capt. Woodhull,.. .Saturday, “ 18 The Alabama, Capt. Ludlow Wednesday, “ 17 The Auguste, Capt. Lyon Saturday, “ The Florida,....,..Capt. Ludlow,,,,, .Saturday, “ The Augusta, Capt. Lyon Saturday, Sept, ...Capt. Wpodbuil,.. .Saturday, “ ~ ‘ •” toeedaj F RESH LOBSTER AND SALMON—Just received 10 dozen per steamer Alabama, and for sale by rahll- _ ^ . A. BONAUD. QUMUERCBAVAT8—a new assortment just reeslved by >3 niaylO PRICE ft VEADER, No. 147 Ray-st TTYRY GOODS—At Reduced Ibices—The subscribers are of fering the balance of their Summer stock of Dry Good# consisting of Bareges, Printed Jaconetiand Orgondle*.Frencb Cambrics and Ginghams, Printed and Plaid India Silks. AI- eo. Summer Quilts. Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, N W Col- lars, fto., at a great reductlonfrom former prices. DKwrrr ft Morgan G ™CFTEE AND 8P1C1&—Received by brig Mason hB. Davis, and In store, 80 boxes pure ground coffee, 30 buck pepper, 25 do mustard, for sale by «P»0 • J. V CONNERAT ft CO. TJALTIMORE FUiUR.—100 bbls Flour In store, an X> do to arrive, for oale by ROWLAND ft flWGI Wink.—-Just received, 12 dosen Tokay wins, for X sale by Junel A. BONAUD. T7X)fr SALE—A very superior one hone carryall, double ■a seat, made by one of the best manufacturer# at the north For particulars, applyto mayfll 8AWVKB, HulUSlYR ft CO„ Whitaker-#!. . .Capt. Ludlow, Wednesday, 27 8 10 14 Tlieso ships are the largest on the coast, unsurpassed in •peed, safety or comfort—making their passages In 60 to 50 hours, and are commanded by skilful, careful and polite of ficers. They offer a most desirable conveyance to New York. On tho completion of the Atlanta in the antumn. this line will be semi-weekly—sailing each Wednesday ana Saturday. Cabin passage $26. Steerage, $9. PADELFORD, FAY ft.Co., Agents in Savannah. 8AM'X L. MITCHELL, june5 13 Broadway, New York. NEW YORK AND SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP LINE—Weekly*-* The new and splendid Steamships FLORIDA Captain Lion a so ALABAMA Os plain LODlOW Belonging to the * New York and Savannah Steam Navigation Company, Will leavo Savannah and New York every SATURDAY, Those Ships nre ofl.300 tons register, and unsurpassed In safety, speed nnd comfort. TheseSteamers,lcavIng8avannahatlho same time that tho Marion and Southerner leavo Charleston, arrive at New York as soon ns. or before them. nr Cabin Passage $26, payable before going on board. AoKtra: PADELFORD, FAY ft CO., Savannahl SAMUEL L. MITCHELL. jyl7 104 FVont Street New Votk. - PHILADELPHIA AND 8AVAN- t NAII STEAM NAVIGATION CO. r The new anil splendid side-wheel Steamship ■SSSSKCraSTATE OF GEORGIA, of 1.200 tons register, Captain WiuJixCouass. has commenced her Regular Trips, and will leavo on Wednesday, the 18th day of May, and every alternate Wednssday thereafter j say on tho 1st, 16th and 29lh of June, and 13th July, and so on. Cabin Passaga to Philadc.phln $26 00 “ “ through to Now York 26 00 Steerage 11 9 00 This Ship hns been built with entire regard to safety, com. fort and dispatch, and offers new and admlrablo facilities to business and travel. For freight or passage apply to C. A. L. LAMAR. Agent. Savannah mayl7 HERUN ft MARTIN. Agents. Philadelphia, FOR PHILADELPHIA—FARE REDUCED. 7b tail on Saturday Afternoon, June lltA, at 4 o'clock. 11,0 fln0 *lae-"heel steamship OSPREY, 1000 i rai'/awri burthen. J.Bkxxkit. commander, will leave as pei annexd mliedule every other Saturday. FJIOM CHARLESTON. FROM PHILADELPHIA. June II Sept 17 June 4 Sept 10 Juno 25 October... 1 June 18 Sept 24 July........ 0 October ...15 July..,..,., 2 October.... 8 July 23 October .. .201 July l p October....22 August 0 November..l2 July...,,,,.80 November, 5 August 20 November. 2G August 13 November.10 September.. 3|Deccmber..lO August 27 December.. 8 Cabin passago $15 Steerage 0 Through tickets to Now York 17 This ship has boon thoroughly overhauled and furnished with new boilers, and a large nnd elegant dining saloon on deck, with every arrangement that can add to the comfort of passengers. In Philadelphia, this ship occupios the samo wharf a* tha Liverpool steamships City of Glasgow nnd City of Manches ter. at the foot of Queen street, and Central wharf, Charles ton. Freight on all perishable article! must l>e pro-paid. For freight or passage, apply to H. F. nAKER ft 00., Accommodation wharf. Charleston. SAMUEL T. PERCE, June7 Agent, Philadelphia. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. Throughln 60 to 65 hours.-- York and Charleston Steam Packets'- fror# Adger’s ■»■-» >■■■ BBWharves every Saturday Afternoon, and each alternate Wednesday. On Eaturday the new end splendid Steamships JAMES ADGF1R. Captain J. Dickinson, 1,600 tons' MARION. Cnptain M. Usury, 1,20C tons. SOUTHERNER, Uintain IV. Footkr, 1.0(H) tons, will leave each alternate Wednosd y, having been nowly coppered nnd guards ralsoil, is now in comploto order. For freight or passage, having elegant state room accom modations,apply at the office of the Agent. HENRY MISSROON, Corner East Bay and Adger ft Son’s Wharves. N. B.—A new ship will be placed in the line to conned with the Southerner on Wednesdays. foblO UNITED STATES MAIL STEAM vaulfiiWfimp ISABEL, William Rolunb, Commander between Savannah, Key West and Havana, connecting with tho the Pacific Mail Steamship Company’s line for Cal- ifornia. This splendid sea steamship will hereafter leave Savannah for Key west nnd Havana, on the 16th and 30th of each month, and from Havana for Bavannah on the 8th and 22d of each month. Tho Isabel will connect nt Havana with the U 8. Mall Steamship Company’* lino to Aspinwall,and the Pacific mail line from Panama to California nnd Oregon. Passengers will lie landed at the railroad wharf at Aspln* wall free. Transit at tlio Isthmus at tho passongcra’ ox- penso. The Isabel will also connect nt Havana with the U. 8. mail Steam Company’s line at New Orleans. Tickets for Key West und Hava im can he hadnf * COHENS ft HERTZ. Agents at Savannah Tickets for New Orloans, Asplnwnll and San Francisco, can bo had by apply ing to MQRDECA1 t jan!8 I ft CO , Agents. Charleston UNITED STATES MAIL. Front Mncon, Gn., to Tnllnhnasee, Fin Railroad to Oglethorp—Stages to Ihllahassee mH Tl “ mur •'"■mo-, Jc22»t__jwc? ment on this routo - commenced on thefith Inst., running threo times a week via. Newton. Balnbri'hre. and Quincy, and threo times » week via. Ttiomnsvillo.Diincansville. fto. Passengers by this route will leavo Mncon at half put 9 o'clock. A. M„ by Railrosd for Oglethorpe. The Stages eavingOgletlinrge either way nt 11 o’clock, arriving atTal. InhasHce, nt 10 o’clock on the evening of tho next day—timfc by either route 36 hours. Monday, Wednesday and F’ridoy, by Nowton, Bainbridg# id Quincy, to Tnllalutsseu returning.-leave* Tallahassee on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursday*, at 10, P. M. On Tuesdays, Thursdays, and ’Saturdays, by tho way ot Thomnsville—returning same route on Mondays. Wednesday# and Fridays, at 10. P. M. Through from Oglethorpe to Tallahassee by either route In 35 hours—from Macon In 38—and from Savannah In 50 hours. Ity this route Passenger* leaving Savannah by 8 o’cloo Train of Cars, will nrrlve at Tallahassee in 60 hours. It Is also decidedly the best, cheapest and moat oxpeditlous route for travellers to Apalachicola nnd West FJorido. Fare from Mncon to Oglethorpe $1,75 ; from Oglethorp* to Tallahassee, $10,00. L. C. Shaw. Agent at Oglothorpe, A. A. F’isher, “ 11 Tallahassee. «’»g30 F. K. WRIGHT, Proprietor SOUTH-WESTERN RAILROAD. . - - for passengers leaves Macon at ( ix M.. arrive at Oglethorpe at 10)4. A. M. Leaves't-..- thorpe at 11X. A. II., arrives at Macon at 8)4, P. M don- necting each war with the Central an4 Macon and Western Train nnd the Tallahassee Mall Stage Line. Passenger# dine at Fort Valley at lAf.P.M. ** m 16 GEO. W, ADAM8, Baporintendent. MACON AND WESTERN RAILRQ*r> f Mall Train. Leaves Macon dally, at 8 o’clock, P. If. “ Atlanta “ “ 6V « p. If. C ONNECTING at Atlanta with the Trains of the Western and Atlantic and LaOnnge Roads, and with tbe Day Train of the Georgia Road, and at Mai-- j with the Day Train* of the Central and 8outh-weetom uoadi. Passenger wtn.niT.ln Uuon.t ISV.and atAtUnta .tlX.hSin, the remtlnder of the night for rest. Passenger# going 8outh, via Montgomery, (AU.) wh* leave Savannah at 8 A. M., will arrive at Montgomery in for- staging 1 hout *’ lnc,udIn ff stoppages, and only ten hours AceommodatlonTralns,Tri-Weekly, will leave Macon every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 8 o’clock, A. M. Re turning, leave Atlanta every Tueeday, Thursday and Satur day. at 7)4 A. IL This Train will oonnest with th* Night Train of the Georgia Road at Atlanta, and with th* Night Train of the Central Rood at Macon. Paasengera by the up ward Train can dine at Griffin. EMERSON FOOTE, Sop’f IUoon, May 17,1862. 3mo Jy 2$ TO TUB MERIWETHER SPRINGS. Jew and direct route from Savomiah and Macon to the Meriwether Springs, via Central »utn-westero, and Musoo- — Railroads, and post coach##, thrbngh tn twenty-two —ire, leaving Savannah at 8 o’clock, P. M-, arriving at th* Burings at 6 o’clock, P. M.,—twenty-eight mOea atoging to Warm Springs: ' „ Fare from Savannah to Warm Springs $11 00 Fare from Savannah to Chalybeate Springs.,..,,.... 10 60 Fare from Macon to Warm Springs. g 10 Fare from Macon tr * •** * " - fb »<» ChsJybeato Springs.,.. 1 to Warm Springs are from Macon to Chalybeate Springs i 00 Conveyances may always .be obtained from the Warm Springs to either the Sulphur or Chalybeate. JuooO—ltn W.^L WADI Chalybeate. HJEY, Pen. I 6*p. C. R, B, l«tu urf 8wU, eo.Wd.nd .od cubrli WU;MIW««wi ,1 *W utiiiiUud,U>n,iW^dilllu, and small flgtQwd muslins, for sale by- -.. ’ »P 19 ’ LsROCHE ft BOWNE uwm ft