The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 18??-1856, June 19, 1853, Image 3

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1 i mooing to tnva* > above popular •merly concuot- • ” - -k.«***4lnn to hOklth. M uleuuve tn tnooonolng to id UUMtCW " Ig^giffSiSgS? ««4«"“'W' H*. u ^ISS»fels w WjntiUer ilTOtMw omu. » 0 b.h»d 1 »mtrb!l".!f U ‘ 10 "' 0, ’ ,h ""‘ —, -*bU4 rtont th# Brat or April next, their w< toll atoro, corner of Whitaker and Congress streets. For farther perltculxrs eppfy to’ M. PRENDERGA8T ft Co. fablfl ~ FOR RKNT-Tho dwallit on tho promTse*. No. 152 Bryan-straet, bo* — streets. The house is l{n good order, lmrlng^recantly undergone & thorough repair. lfosMssluu can bo had Immediately Apply to M. PRENDRRGABT, mh5 Brouj ughton street, SP—Until tho oppoalto St, Andrew's Hall. jam. TO LET—Until tho lfith of September, n Store. HiSII aulUblo for storing grain, cotton, &o. Will be rent- Hill ad low If applied for Immediately. Apply to mayjll—ID CRUDER ft WADE, 84 Bay-at. FOR RENT—A ffft I mu c jupw jo and comfortable dvrolling. on tad door from Barnard. Irame* it HxSiolra, »2 Itreet. Liberty atreet, dlato poaaoulon jupol) . K1B1 » TU KENT—A Uou.e »t tin ooiner or Hull-stmi and Orleana aquara, pleaaantly situated—good wa ter, out hiildlngaoomptete, and In a good neighbor- 1th or without standing furniture, from lat May till lat Number.' X^qulre at ilia Courier office. mh20 ntant,together gt t wn dera It neoullarlj fes2saa.«- Set-—“• i™* F it SALE-A trust vend capablo negro woman with her three ohlldren. • this office. apllfl T?OR SALE—A desiroeble residence on a trust lot, In foe X? alt ■ Ju mupn, iintr tus uumnviut jntiituu ui kuv «u*v, trust lots Not, 26 and 20 Mohteray ward, and fronting the —- 1 - * * ”~LLY & MONTMOLUN. tnomM ™ oa cnvG*n&« FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 84 Bay-tktet, SatxumoA. aSafiaMg 1 PjULADlIiWUA, Juno 18. . . the boiler of the loporabtlve on the j railroad near Bunqheiianna.exploded yeatortlay, {tilling eleven per- eone, and eertoutiljr lnjdrittg Mvaral others, Font or fire peraona are alao euppoaed to bavo been blown in-, to the river. wmn a. row. ..i -• .». x. doxban- FORT it DUNHAM, FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ■ iSawwnnA, go. 40H* t. aowiAxn. — , WHX t. ROWUOT), jb, ROWLAND it GO., • GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, • 172 Bay-street, ■Saixmmft. II. K. WASHBURN. Aff’t., SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, WILLIAM P. TONGS). FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 84 Bay-street, SdeannoA. O’HKAIl it BTONDY, FACTONRS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, North Commercial Wharf, Charlatan, South Carolina, tan or tub firm or ucoahx. o’hiur a co. BANCROFT it BRYAN, GENERAL AGENTS AND BROKERS, For the Purohiun aud Sale of Stooka, Honda, Exchange and Real Estate, 117 Bay-street, Savannah. JanSt WILLIAM H. DA8IIICK, square. Apply to ay4 WY1J.Y tt MONTMOl F iR BALE—Two hundred and two and a hair aorca of land) i ‘ *' * " ‘ “ county. Apply to apir •StfSat'AND LARD.—26 firkins prime and choice Bnt- TdiffiS ASD TOUACOO.-TO», Iron, very poor c !. s *s”ok™’do I Ti, p ° or r.forwlo by ATIpoOM BmEBS-A .U|«™t «Uole for <u,, JN Sc., for uilo by m»yfl) A. BONA B - iH«IFa And (iMiadiOBS. organdlo And jaconut lau.Uns geoteb and French s lnsli»lM. torn. «nd Ftmcli o«m- Mu ftoKd Mid pltfn S.lM munllnn, plMd c.mbrlc ttid Sil Mill. Md otter atylos ot dre«i ,ooda. for aalo at tho IoweitpHeea,by apl5 DkWITT & MORGAN. S PRING GOODS.—JU»* row-..-, _ a<*A* suitable for the present and coming seasons. Good*, pRlc g & VEADER.147 Day-*treet. TrrSvTir(iii, _io bbls castor oil, in atoro, and rorwOoby fltsamwu ™ 0QpEN & BUNKER. may29 nay, dally expected per bark Flight, for ni* to arnre, by J|AY.-50bal' j»yl2 BRIGHAM. KELLY & CO. W‘ iilTE PANTALOONS—Juat received an assortment of apl2S Ono white drilling, duck. Ac., by PRICE & VEADER. 147 Bay-at Sitv UJIIIRELLAS—A fine assortment of snmll light Sun S Omtolto, for Ml. by PRICE » VEADfe, „,7 147 Day.atrcot. ■^TSTroRTER AND CjDER—60 bbls^Ale, 20 casks Lon- F R SALE—A light ono horse Carrlago, with pole, built loonier by Brower k Son, Now York, and hns been ...... .... 1 4 It... ft. aatarM PnnnaHnria It can be seen at tho Carriage Repository used but little of Ur. Ceonre W. Hardcastte. “13 h SCRANTON. JOHNSTON fc CO. sorior brands, landing from jnfjODR—200 bbls flour, of suDerlor b A h,'7 M dl,,ld y ,.,df,r..W am KFJXY m ^ISCUH AND CRACKERS.—Landing per Maria Morten, B'jSbVusugar, butter and soda cracTce'rs.nnd pilot hreadj fbrialeby apl20 J. V. CONNERAT k CO. S iiiOKED TONGUES—2 bbls just received and for sale by A, BONAUI). F lmm AND REEK.—300 bbls Baltlmoro Flour, 30 do Hiram Smith's do, 60 do Genesee do. 20 half bbls Ful- aorca oi' land) situated on Reedy Creek, in Wiikinson WYLLY ft MONTMOLLIN. T70R SALE—A very Intelligent n JP and house aernnt. Apply to apl28 ’ WYl •ent mulatto man, a good cook WYLLY k MONTMOLLIN. F OR BALE—Throe vory likely young negro men, good axemen and Qeld hands. Af * ap!28 '■4m k MONTMOLUN. CARPETS PRESERVED. T HOSE fatuiUes desirous of haying their Carpets taken up, and packed for prds<rvatiou during tho summer, canliavo the same attended to by ray Upholsterers who have full exporiunce, havlrig davotod sovoral years to ft In New Orloans. Carpets wlw be packed and stored until families may wish them relayed. Send yo«r orders to ' - WM. II. GUION, Agent. apl28 Carpet Warehouse, 140 Congross-Bt, PARTICULAR notice. “ BELDEN k CO., Savannah, comer of Broughton and Bamard-Hreett. XT1 To Pujrrnw, Mramirra and otukhb visrnxa^plfc JULSavannabto lay in TOBK BUPPura.— 1 The under-|^ga signed would call particular attention to their exten- sire wholesale and retail HAT AND CAP ESTABLISHMENT. Our goods are mostly of our own manufacture, and enn therefore bo sold cheaper, because they are not burthened with jobber's profits, while for quality and style they will compare with anything In the market. Having permanently located In 8avannah, wo are deter mined to secure patronage by selllnggood bargains, dealing fairly with all men, and cross-lifting with none. We arc tn league with no 8hoo, Clothing or other establishment, eith er for mutual benefit, or.frr the purpose of keeping custom ers away from those houses where they can buy cheapest. We expect every customer to judge for himself, and if we cannot suit him, will take pleasure in referring him to oth ers who can. BELDEN 6: CO , jan27 Cr. Broughton and Barnard-Bt. FISK’S MBTALIC BURIAL CASB. f are constantly receiving these valuable Cases, and bavo them always in readiness to be delivered at the shortest notlco. I. W. MORRELL & CO N. B.—Wo are permitted to inform tho public that we have received from Mr.', of Now York city, a let- tor signed by tho different members of tho United States Senate, who wero appointed to take charge of the body oi tho Hon. Henry CtAY,''/*^»ased, (which was enclosed In one of F'bk's Metalic Casei-. /'who went with IttoKontucky 5 they say to Mr. Raymoi. •, that the Caso answered tho pur pose for which It was intended, and meets with thoiranpro- nation, and they cheerfully recommend It to tho public as being superior to any other Case for tho transportation ot tho dead. Tho letter can be Been by calling on feb!4 I. W. MORRELL k CO JL ATTORNEY ANI) COUNSELLOR AT LAW, TroUpviUe, Loumda county, Qa. Will practise In Thomas. Lowndes. Clinch, Ware, Appling, Telialc. Iewlu, Laurent, and Pulaski counties. Georgia •, and in Jefferson, Madison, Hamtltou, and Columbia coun- ties, Florida, WM. ». WJUJAM8. THADDETH OLIVER. JACK BROWN. WILLIAMS, OLIVCR it BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ZTuetio Vista, Marion County, Oa., Will practise In the counties of Marion, Macon, Houston, Stewart, Randolph. Muscogee, Leo, and any adjoining “— 11 '■—tnoir ' * *-* J ’ counties wlioro their sorvlcos may bo required. jan29 JAMES O. A. CLARK. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office—176 Bay-street, Savannah, Georgia, WALTER S. NOTT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 00 Bay-stred, Savannah, ' Spain and Mexico Going to Wav with the . United Statee. ' Wabqinqton, Juno 17* Letters from Caba ipeak positively In saying that Spain and Santa Anna have agreed upon war with tho United States; and that England guarantees to Spain the continued posaeiwlon of Cuba on the condi tion of Blavery emancipation. " New Orleans Cotton Market. Naur Oiilbanb, Juno 17. The sales on Wednesday reached only 1,000 bales— for the weok, 8,600. The market closes heavy, with Middling at 10 to I0j. The increased receipts at this port over corresponding dates of last year, ore 310, 000, and at all ports, including this, 211,000 bales. JarpicketbkrtMARIAHOftWN, ....... handsome state room accommodations, apply to Captalaon tort „t 4„d.,.on’. u PP .r Wlmrfj« m Freight 6-lfi^ per pound. - ■ ; ' JnnelB JxV tioaTON^Hie regular packet brig PH^URA, SmKA. H. Calhoun, maater, went* 60 bales cotton fo coraple cargo. For freight or passage, apply onboard, at Telfair's wharf, or to 7° JunelT , SniGHAM, KELLY & OO, " PHILADELPHIA—Heron’s Line.—Tho ). STRATTON, Weatcott, Chinese Mission, Ac. Washington, Juno 18. It is currently reported that Senator Thompson, of Now Jersey, has been tendered the mission to China- Tho President sympathises with the rebels, and will □ot permit American Intervention in behalf of the government patty. ^regular packet jobr. 0. 0. , ir. will havequlck dlspatch a* aboye^ For Jtelght^or passage, apply to Junelfl , ; OODKN k PHILADELPHIA—Ucron'a'fcinc.—The 9UBBB regular packet sobr, JOHN POT1B BROWN. Col- lott, master, will bavo dispatch as abovo. For freight or passage, apply to junelfl OGDEN k BUNKER. NEW YORK—Union Llne^-Theregular Junell packet schr NORTH STATE, Horton, maater, will r“ ,lw For, " l,1 oa r DraKK NEW YORK—Georgia Line—The regu- ■\Nll0MF '• * ’ " lar packet schooner PLANDUME, Captain Brown, having larger portion of her freight engaged, will have Im mediate dispatch. For freight or parn^o. ajqrt^r to K BALTIMORE—Begnlar Line—The schr ,WOODBR1DOE, White, master, will meet with des- 1 as above. For freight or passage, apply on board, at n’a wharf, or to Junoll BRIGHAM, KELLY k CO. New York Cotton Mnrket. Nbw York, June 17. The sales to-day foot up 1,000 bales. Tho market closes dull. Loss of the Macedonia. Nkw York. June 17. It la rumored that the United States frigato Mace donia has been lost off tho Cannlry Islands. mcqueen mcintosh. ATTORNEY ATLAW, Jacksonville, Fla. JULIAN HARTKIDGE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office, comer qf Whitaker-sL and Bay-lane, Savannah. GEORGE TROUP HOWARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, comer of fVhtiaJxr-sl. and Bay-lane, Savannah, Oa, THOMAS T. LONG, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR GENERAL, E. DIST. Office, comer Bay and Bamard-itreeU. Savannah. THOS. J. NUCKOLLS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Columbus,Georgia. WM. H. F. GURLEY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 14 Wall-street, New York. Charleston Cotton Market, Charleston, June 18, P. M. Tho mnrket hns continued without change, with salca to-day of 200 bales, at a range of from 8J to 11c. OPPOSITION LINE. Change qf Departure—[hr Palatka, Ha., and all the interme diate landing1 on the route. The superior now Steam-packet WELAKA, a CapUtn N. Kixo. will, until forther notice, loave every Saturday, at 10 o’clock. A. M. Rate of Passage in large, airy State Rooms, as follows: To Darion 83 00 I To Picolata 88 00 St. Mary 4 60 Palatka 8 00 Jacksonville 6 00 1 Black Creek.... 8 00 N. B.—Freight consigned to R. R. Duko, for Ocala, will be re-shlppod free of all cnargosat Palatka. For freight or passago apply on board at tho Charleston Steam Packet Company's wharf, or to foblB S.M. LAFFITEAU, Agent. to stotto for a wholesale W retell grocery, f JunelT At Private Bale—OO bu shell small sire Irish Potatoes to, sdlng much cows and stock, to quantities to salt pur. lasers. ' Junell On Tuesday. August 2d, will be sold, la front of the court house. between the legal bouts of sale. The Interest of D.M. Rogers, deceased, In the Savannah 8team Saw Mills, on Hutchinson's Island. For further par ticulars inquire at the counting room. Sold by leave of the Ordinary of Chatham County aa the property of D. M, ” •* -* *- J " ninlstrator. ' iPtll Novenfber'li _ - Improved Essence or Ojffee.—We have Just J»e manufacturers In Philadelphia, a -J keep on hand for aale, Augustas ■ Hrfnr_„ T .... pence of Coffee. This Is the beet ebmpoditlon of G offered for sale, and Coffee made from the Essence Is n toore wbolosoroe, more delieato, flair flavored ISiC - 7 - Rogere, deceased, and by order ot the administrator. Jel4 At Private Bale—6 kegs Red Stono Mills Powder, 2 do ‘ IG Powder, ** ^ '* ” Ilaurd k Co’s HFO HG Powder, 18 do Dnpont’s N P Pow der, for sale low to close a concern. JunelO Administrator’s Bale. On TUE8DAY, 6th July, will be acid In front of the court house, between the nsnal hoars ot sale, That eligible Residonco on Lot No. 10, corner of South Broad and Whitoker-sts. The lot la subject to a ground rent to tho city of fifty-seven dollars and sixty cento, and the Improvements consist of a double tenement dwelling, In " . ’ “ * ' '“itma Texas.—The Brownsville Hag, of tho 1st lust., says: By tho arrival of tho steamer Camanche from above, wo learn that Rio Grande City, Roma, and in fact all tho towns along the lino, have become remarkably quiet since tbe recent arrests on the frontier. Many of tho restless spirits which havo so long kept the frontier in agitation, have removed from it, and oth ers, having scon tho error of their ways, have em barked in other and more honorable pursuits. Tho prospects of tbe farmers on tbe lower Rio Grande are represented as very flattering. Tho recent will “ * ’ ’ ’ UNITED STATES MAIL LINE, IW Palatka,E. F.,via Darien. Brunswick, SI. Marys, Jackson ville, Middleburg, Black Creels and Picolata. rT-TT—*to The superior Steam Packet WM. GASTON, T. K. Shaw, will leave on Tuosdny Morn- ing. at 10 o’clock, and will continue to leavo every Tuesday, The Rates of Passage by this Boat, areas follows: To Darien 83 00 St. Marys 4 60 Jacksonville 6 00 Picolata 8 00 Palatka, 8 00 Black Creek 8 00 For freight or passage, apply on board at the Charleston Steam Packet wharf, or to may31 CLAQHORN & CUNNINGHAM. Agouti. heavy rains will insure them a heavy yield. JOHN G. FALLIGANT, WDOLKSALK AND RETAIL DKALKR IN WINDOW BUNDS. WINDOW SASII AND PANEL DOORS, Wat Side Monument Square, Savannah, Ga. BROWN it HARRIS, BOARDING, LIVERY AND SALES STABLES, WKNT BROAD STRKRT. SAVANNAH, OA. ORDINARY’S OFFICE, Corner of Bay and Whltakor-stroots. Office hours from 9 A. M.,to2,P.M.j and from 3>£, P. M. to 0, P. M. DANIELL it COOPER, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Atlanta, Georgia. Depaiitouk of TnE 8urvbyino Expedition in rnu Pacific,—Tho Washington Union, of tho 15th InsL, says : We have received a brief noto from Command er Ringgold from tno United Status ship Vincennes, under date of 11th inst.. ofT Cape Ilenry. Btuting that at that time the several vessels of the surveying squadron were fairly under way for tho scene of their remote duties. All were in good health and spirits, and full of hope that the success of their labors might irovo to l*e commensurate witii the public expccta- ion. Commodore R. and his squadron carry with them tho heartiest good wishes for tho successful achievement of tho important trusts confided to thorn and for their safe return. ton Market Beef, choice brand, received and for sale by *mh‘21 McMAHON k DOYLE. r AD1E3’ GAUNTLETS.—Just received, a beautiful 1 L^sortment*of ladies’" buck-skin gauntlets, of various colors for wlo by maj25 AIKIN k BURNS. J^ANS.—Comniun and flno i pn\m leaf Fans,^ fine China, may3 F^o^« L ptf Ginfso'do Now Orleans Sugar, 60 do Molns- I, &c.—100 bbls Baltimore Flour, 60 do "lugai 's tObois Cheese. 60 do Herring. 26 bins pr Crackers 20hhds new Bacon forsaloby mhl8 :. 25 bhls Butter and Sm Wkega Lard, landing and COHEN k TARVER. QI/n'ES.—Gents, and ladies’ lislo and silk gloves, ladies’ T gauntlets or riding gloves, gents, summer riding and driving gloves: also, a few pair of fine long armed mlto, 6r sale by KEMPTON & VER8T1LLE, raay2 Warlnq’s range, next to the mualc store. jj%s’MANTiLLASy^A_few of the latest stylo Paris bl’k •' dlk uumUUa*. aomntUlug for sale bv ... apI13 KEMPTON k TERSTn.I.E. U KArt, hMAWUj—dustreceiven ar rue now mure,* irenu supply uf plain and embroidered White Crape Shawls, of every quality. Tbe ladies are most respectfully request- od to call and look at them, as thereto no troublo to show goods at J. H. COHEN k CO.'S, mb7 140 BroughtoD street. DYING AND RENOVATING. 73 Forfc-sf., rear of the Court House. Savannah, Ga. Established In 1833. L ADIES’ Silk and Woollen Dresses, Shawls, Table Covers, Ac., cleaned and.dyed various colors. ladies’ Bonnets Bleached and Pressed in a fashionable style, Kid Gloves Cleaned,and Gentlemen’s Garments Cleaned, Renovated or Dyed,as maybe required. Alldonein tlio samostylo which bos generally so much pleased my patrons and friends.— Terms moderate. ' Persons Bonding parcels by Hamden’s express, railroad or steamboats, aro requested to write mo per mail, ho that I may know whero to call for thorn and which way to send them back. Cost of freight each way for small parcels will bo about 26 cents. All orders punctually nttended to. — ■*' ALEXANDER apU2—tufo4 l GALLOWAY. pLICQUOT CHAMPAGNE.—60 baskets of this very supc- V riorwlno,' * *-*•- •- " * ' *- , whose reputation is unequalled where it is familiarly known, now landing por steamer Alabama, and for sale by PADELFORD. FAY k CO . junol Agents for Savannah. brig Northman, for sale by BRIGHAM, KELLY k CO. lug per schr John W. Anderson, and for sale by may27 . BRIGHAM. KELLY k CO. . . qua tut Ion, a very choice articlo. In storo and for sale hr may20 J. ROUSSEAU. P IGHAMS AND SMOKED BEEF—Ablito FigUams,' and 8 do Smoked Beef, for sale by mcAJi mo 01 mmii?—rn'im miiigrunn Just landed fre-n tha-ship Southport can be found o Ice at junel W. W. LINCOLN’S. Monument Sonar. .3 Silk, Linen and Cotton Cravats, or various kinds, Just received and for sale at 147 Bay street, by mil PRICE & VEADER L 0OklN«.GLASSES—Toilet and Swing, for sale by may'20 J. P. COLLINS. Brynn-streot. JiRENCIl CAMRICS ln plain colort. white silk fringe _ misses net niits, black silk mantillas, silk gloves. Swl muslins, Ac., just received by steamer, and for sale by apUiO Dr WITT k MORGAN, i for Jellys, Ac. It has been tested in this city, and is pronounced to bo equal to tho Russian isinglass, with the decided advantage of boing sold at about one-half the price. For aale by W. W. LINCOLN, may2 Monument Square. b Clcraeut. and for sale by BRIOnAM. KELLY k CO. ) 20 do do Du (Held's. for sale by may7 Stag A Shay's Hams, in storo and HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON fc CO. tJACON AND BEEF.—,'iO hints choice Bacon Shoulder*,20 dJ do .Sides. 30 half bbls Fulton Market Roof, just recelv- edand forsaloby tuayO McMAHON k DOYLE. J. 1‘. COLLINS. Bryan-street. C HAMI’AGNE SYRUP, Ac.—30 basket* Ueidsick Cham paign in quarts. 60 boxen Nos. 1,2 and 3 Lemon Syrup. 60 bids N E Rum, 30 boxes Starch, now landing and for sale by j'ino2 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO. r 1 sale by gYitur 11 unrs Desuuuer always on nano, anu 10 inayl2 BIUGIIAM. KELLY k CO. 30 bids Now York sugar liouso syrup, in store- and for sale by may29 OGDEN k BUNKER. B ACON, PORK AND BEEF—80 cask* prime Western Ba con Side, 30 do do Shoulders. 60 bbls Mess Pork. 16 do prime do. 76 do Mess Beef, 20 half do Fulton Market Beef, for sale by m!3 WEBSTER k PALMES. Margaux, also 10 casks superior Claret. Just received per ship Delta, by way of Charleston, direct from Bordeaux, and for salo by inay20 J. ROUSSEAU. tho best Roofing Slates, wliioh c or retail, by apllfi l Sill i bo furnished wholesale S S. SIBLEY, 135 Congress-street. FOR SALE—A pair of bandsomo Hay Northern ^Horses. They are young, gentle and ilcot. June 2—3* J. STODDARD. CARRIAGE HORSES FOR SALE.—A pair of bay ^Horses, Kind, gentle and excellent travellers. Ap- may4 PADELFORD. FAY & CO. HORSES FOR HALE—A pair of very liamtomne _'showy carriage horses, warranted sound and gon- tlo. for sale for 8560. on 6 months credit. Also, a second hand carriage, and harness, silver mounted, but Iittlo used, for $400. on the samo terms. Apply to maySl—10 CRUOER A WADE, 84 Bay-street. A. SHORT, MASTER BUILDER, Will tako contracts for Building and Work in Masonry of every description. Residence first door west of St. An drew’s Hall, Broughton Streot. ROOFING. The subscriber Is prepared to lay Tin RoofB on correct prin ciples,and from sixteen years’ experience, feels assured ho can give satisfaction. Prices very low. Best reference given. J. J. MAURICE. X^Gutters and Conductors rnndo to order. M. WHIT SMITH, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Alligator, East Florida. Will practice In the Eastern and Southern counties. Refer to Col. S. S. Sibley, nud R. U. Hilton, Esq., Savannah, Oa. J. W. PATTERSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Fbrsyth, Monroe County, Ga. S. W. BAKER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Monticello, Jefferson County, Florida, Referenco—lion W. D.Fixmwu, Savannah, Ga. TH! M. NORWOOD. O. O. WILSON. NORWOOD it WILSON. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Samnnah. Ga., Will practice in all tlio Counties of tho Eastern Circuit. Bu siness committed to tholr caro, will receive prompt atten tion. Olfice on Bay street, over Whistkr k Pauum’. WILLIAM U. PLKMIXII. JOHN M. MILLKX, FLEMING it MILLEN. The undersigned having united in the practice of law, will attend punctually to any business entrusted to their care. Office corner of my and Whitaker Streets, over Messrs. 8wift, Denslow k Co's. THOMAS HUGHES HINES, ATTORNEY ANI) COUNSELLOR AT LAW, TroupviUe, Georgia, Will practise In the Clrccult Courts of Thomas, Lowndes. Clinch, Ware, Appling and Irwin.Georgia ; and in the Cir cuit Courta of Jefferson, Madison and Hamilton, of the Middle Circuit of Florida, and in Alachua and Columbia counties in the Eastern Circuit of Florida Will attend to tho claims uf all persons buforo tlio Departments at Wash ington. GEORGE N. NICHOLS, Ou'CTts’ Building, ojqmile Pulaski House, Having mndo large additions to his establishment, continues to do BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, in his usual neat and handsome style, and on accommodating terms. PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Iliu-tford, Conn. Tho undersigned, Ageuts ot the above Company nre prepared to take risks against Firk on Building* nnd their contents. Also Marine Ska Risks, on the most favorable terms. BRIGHAM. KELLY k CO., Agents. TROTTING HORSE FOR SALE.—A ilneyounggen- -yYytle mare, tiiat goes her mllo In a little over three iimuie*. Apply to mny28—0 CRUEER k WADE. 84 Bay-street. H AY.—125 bundles Hay, landing from schr. Cataract.for sale by aplO BRIGHAM. *- B AREGES.—Plain, figured and satin striped bareges, for salo by apllS KEMPTON & VERHTILLE. Paper, of different sixes and qualities, received a forsale by 8. 8. SIBLEY, may 17 No. 136 Congress-st. ' ston & Co. is tliis day dissolved, by the withdrawal of William II. Scranton. P. T. SCRANTON. JOS. JOHNSTON. may 17 W. B. SCRANTON. PARTNERS!HP.—Tho undersigned having associated CANARY CAGES BY THE LAST STEAMER— A variety of new and beautiful patterns of canary HtIPm Cages just rccoived. Those desirous of n band- some Cage, and ono proof against Mites, have only 7<|Hm to make an early call for a choico from a fine <u "*-4^ 8ortraent. mli28 J. P. COLLINS, 100 Bryan-st JOHN RUIN, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, -153 Broad-street. Columbus, Ga., Will transact the above business iu the usual manner, and pay strict attention to all consignments entrusted to his care. He would rcspoctfully refer to tho following poi sons : lion. Alfred Iverson. Major John II. Howard, War- ham Cromwell. Esq., LewisM. Durr. Columbus, Ga.; Win. P. Yonge, Abrnlmm Hacker. Savannah. Om—June! JOHN 11. COCHRANE. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dublin, Laurens county. Ga., lato junior partner of the firm of A. & J. Cochrane, Irwinton. Ga.. will attend promptly to all business entrusted to his care Partic ular attention paid to collecting. Reference—Dr. C. B Guyton. F. H. Rowe, Dublin, Gn.; M. Marsh, Savannah. may7—dftwly THE CHEROKEE SPRINGS m Opens tho 17th June, under tho management of Col. Murray and Lady. Tho waters aro Chalybeate. White Sulphur, Lirao and Freestone. I have nu merous certificates of thoirofllcacy and cures, in many dis eases. Tlio Rev. Prof. Means, of Emory College, Is now preparing an analysis. Tlio waters aro limpid and cool, tho situation romantic and beautiful. Thoy aro located only three quarters of a mile from tho platform (used also for Catoosa) on tho State Road, between the Tunnel anil Ringgold—{lack In constant attendance, may]9—0 , J G. PEN1STON. L INEN GOODS.—Linen sheeting, all widths; pillowcase line ' 7 - J with them Henry II. Scranton, will contlnuo Hie Gro cery business under tlio firm of Scranton, Johnston k Co. D. T. SCRANTON. mayl7 JOS. JOHNSTON. C O-PARTNERSHIP—Tlie undersigned have this day form ed a co partnership for the transaction of a General Shipping and Commission Buslnoss. under the firm of Scran ton k Talhnan. Ofllce, No. 10 Coentins Slip, New York. W. B. SCRANTON. H II. TALLMAN. References.—Sherman & Collins, Exra Wheeler k Co., Cogswell, Crano & Co.. H. D. Pomroy. New York; Webster fc i’almes, Scranton, Johnston k Co , Rowland k Co., Savan-- nab. 8m—may!7 ‘\r0HCK.—The undersigned will continue to carry on the •Li Lumber and Timber business as horotoforo, under the name and stylo of J. Robebts k Co. IIolcombb, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the late Arm will be settled by H. A. Crane, to whom all persons having claim* will please present them, and those indebtod will make payment Either party are authoriied to use tho name of the late firm In liquidation. H. A. CRANE. T. HOLCOMBE. ' adtli him Mr. John R. Johnson and Mr. James E. Cope, will continue the wholesale grocery buslnos under tho firm Of Hoijximrx, Johnson & Co, _ T. HOLCOMBE. ABSOLUTION.—The firm or Kxkiton & Marshall was •s-F dissolved, by mutual consent, on the 16th instant. EDWARD 8. KEMPTON, R. H. MARSHALL. . Savannah, 18th February, 1863. foblB TyimUTJON OF CO-PARTNERSHIP.—Tho co-partner- ~ "hip heretofore existing between the subscriber* nnder toe firm oi F ZOORAUM 4 CO., is dlssolrod by rnutnai wnsent. O. B. MITCHELL will continue tho busineaa his own account, and U inthorizod to aettlo all claims, in this cily.for or against tho late firm. F. ZOORAUM. Charleston. S. G., „ G. B. MITCHELL, Savannah. Ga. ^Savannah. June 6th, 1853 Je8 linen; 8. 1012-4 damask and snow-drop table cloths , 8-4 and 10-4 bleached and brown damask, damask napkins and doilcss. Scotch and huckabuck diapers, blrds-cyodo. Richardson’s, Young’s and other styles of family linens, all warranted pure linen, for salo In quantities or by tho piece, by Laroche & bOwnk, mh28 Cor. WhltakerrCongress and St. Julian-s t* EDWARD R. HARDEN, TRANSPORTATION AGENT, W. k A. RAILROAD, Iiingyobl, Walker County, Georgia. W ILL attend to tho purchasing on commission. Corn, Wheat nnd Uncon. Tlio Ringgold Depot being situa ted in a region of country abounding in grain, it can usual ly be purchased upon more favorable terms than at almost any other point upon tho W. & A. Railroad Orders covering the cash, with limited or discretionary Instructions, will receive prompt attention. Persons order ing grain will please forward sacks with order. References—Dr. Richard Wayne, Mr. Win. M. Wadly.Sa- vannab. may10 M CHILDREN AND~YOUT!PS HATS.—Straw, Leg- horn and Webster, ‘ L‘“ EMONS—10 boxes Just received and for sale by C HAMPAGNE WINK.—Just received 26 baskets Great Western brand Champagne, 75 do Hiodslck, tn quarto nnd pinto, for Bale by mav2 J. V. CONNERAT & CO S HOWER BATHS.—Smith’s patent, in store and for soli by junc2 I. W. MORRELL k CO. UONNETH1 BONNETS II 60 cases just received at tho TRIMMING AND 'GENERAL VARIETY STORE, 180 Broughton-st.— Country Merchants Milliners, nnd the public gener- uUyTare invited to exnmino this stock, it consists of 60 different styles elaborately trimmed, Parisian, blond, glnip, rich colored silk, satin, crape nnd other choice and much admired; flats and lints, embroidored satin hoods ; a great variety of crape embroidered blond linings. Paris silklaco shapos. extra rich snring bomiot ribbons, straw trimmings, dress do, whito ana colored luco. giiupsnnd gal loons, do do silk fringes, mantles, plain bareges, shell and other combs, hair puffs, curls and plaits, ribbon piaito, flowers, feathers and wreathes, bonnet silks, jot and fancy wrlstlotts, buttons, steel trimmings, zephyr worsted, braid, faua, with a great variety of other good* usually kept in fancy establishments. Smoking caps, slippers, children’s Imbllmento. such ns robes, sacks marked with new patterns for braiding. Mrs. Poylk, assisted by competent milinors from New York, will attend to the trimming department, and wilt en deavor, with skill and taste, to please all who may favor her with orders. Fancy and other bonnets cleansed, bleached and pressed. Pinking done. 69- Five bonnet makers wanted immediately, who must perfectly understand their busineaa. apl80 —Brittanhv and Silver Plated Castors, for sale may20 J. P. COLLINS. > Dust for cleaning knives, and Tripoli, for clennlng brass, * * ■“ J. P. COLLINS. glass, &c., for sale by ap!22 gAVANNAH AGENCY for the sale oMVIUlam Bogga & Co’s New York celebrated brands of Tobacco, by »pl27—12 _ R. MAYER, 6 Whitaker street^ L INEN COATS AND PANTS—An additional supply re ceired and forsale at 147 Bay street, by mil PRICE & VEADER. QHAMPAGNK ANI) CLARET. ) baskets Heldsick Champagno, pints ; 10 do quarto. Also, Claret In casks * ** ‘ of St Julienand 01 and half casks cask or gallon, by ulien and St Emilllon, for sate tv may-20 A. BONAUI JjVQR SALE—A likely negro mam, aiy d 26 years, a good iy aged 18 years, a jl axeman and timber band: also, a field hand and ostler. Apply to may31 WYLLY k MONTMOLLIN. JjVOR SALE—A negro woman ngod 27 years, a cook, w**h- er and Ironer, with her girl child aged 6'yean may31 WYLLY APPLICATION ilANTITJiAS.—Rewlved E r steamship o'" * * ** r -fi. Florida.* now supply of tlioso ologant black and white Application Mantillas, for sale by m*y28 LaROCHE & BOWNE, T\I8S0LUTION —Tbe firm of LaRochx, Bowxb & Co. U f-f this day dissolved by mutual consent, to take effect fr 7® the 1st of January. The Business of tho firm will be D.LaRochi settUd by Isaac D. Lafioche and Alfred T. Bowne, wild are authorized to use tlio name of the firm in settlement. ISAAC D. I«A ROCHE, ALFRED T. BOWNE. _ , EDWARD 8. KEMPTON, S*v’u, Jan. S, 1853. RICI1ARD R MARSHALL., The snbsenbera will continue th* business at thetr oW •tand, under the firm of LaROCBE k BOWNE. uaac D. LaKochk. 1 AimnT.Bowwa. j lanlO ■ GROCERIES, *C. ■ 150 BBLS. Baltimore Flour, 20 do H. Smith’* io. 20 do pure Genesee do, 20 half bbls Canal do, *60 sugar cured Hama. 20 nhda Bacon Bldea. HO r „ . . hht* B and CClarified Sugar, 26 do Crashed and •round do, 25 do New Orleana do, 15 hhda Porto Rico do. 21 ^ m u f . d ^ 10 ° bbl1 Domestic Liquors. 75 boxes Tobac 100 40 E DE’S DIAMOND CEMENT—For joining broken glass China ware, or lyoiy, just received and for sifle by mh29 W. W, LINCOLN, Monnment Square. T HE MASONIC MANUEL, by Robert Ms coy, pocket edi tion, beautifully illustrated and in the most convenl- ent formjyet rmblished. Also, the Masonic Lyre, a collection of Masonlo Songs and Odps, suited to every occasion in lodgo or celebrations. Both new works recently published, and highly worthy the attention of tha Craft.- Juat rooeired and for sole at the Bookstore of 8. S SIBLEY. noB la&CongTesa-striet D. 8. BENNETT <K CO., CCE8SORS TO J. C. THORNTON, Having purchased tho entire interest of Mr. ... ...J. C. Thorxtox In Ula Carriage establishment In tliis city, most respectfully solicit a continuation of the ex tensive patronage so liberally bestowed on tho late proprlo- Itia our intention ‘ ’ * J -- tor. — r - go sorlment of all kinds of Carrlaircs. suited to this market. Tbe lato proprietor. Mr. J C. Thornton, will act as our agent at the north, for tho purebaso und supply of our establish ment. His experience of twonty years in the business at the South, will Insute to our friends and patrons such a well selected stock as cannot fail to give entire satisfaction. Mr. Bkikht will give his personal attention to all kind of repairing, ns heretofore. LEWIS S. BENNETT. THOMAS A. BROWN. mnylO JUDGE W. HARRIS. Navai,.—Captain Henry Eagle, of the Navy, Is or- N( “ " dered by the Department to runort himself at Norfolk on tlio 15th inst., where lie will tukc command of the U. S. war steamer PriJicrfoti. His destination is not yet announced, but it is generally believed that the Princeton will take out Mr. Soule, our now .Minister to Madrid, and continue her cruise in tho Mediterra nean for some twelve or eighteen months. A clerk in a Mercantile House in this city,Abscond ed on Monday morning at 11 o'clock, with about $500 in gold. Ho was traced to Newark—a communica tion was then sent by telegraph to Philadelphia; an officer was placed at the Steamboat landing there, and the young man was arrested, examined, the money found upon him, Rent back to the city and ednfined in the Tombs at 5 A. M., Tuesday morning —in nineteen hours after bis elopement.—N, Y, Mir ror, 15th. The word " Statistics" was originated by Sir John Sinclair, of Scotland, during tho first part of tlio pre sent century. He also first exemplified tho impor tance of the science—by publishing tlio most com plete tabular view of the condition of Scotland that was ever given of any country. Since that, the value of accurate statistical knowledge 1ms been more and more appreciated, and, consequently tho knowledge itself more extensively gathered. Now, indeed, ev ery tiling that can lie numbered or measured, is made tlio subject of minute inquiry and careful registry.— What wero formerly considered pure accidente, and so exempt from all system, or contingent trifles, and ro beneath notice, have been shown under tho statis tician’s arrangement to bo the products of the general laws, and to have a real and systematic bearing upon tbo welfare of man. A CARD.—It will be seen from tlio abovo, that I havo sold out to Messrs. L. S. Bknnbtt,& Co., and 1 lmve every confi dence In tho ability of tlicso gentlemen, both fn capability and capital, to successfully conduct tho business, nnd keep up tlio reputation of tho establishment. Mr. Ijcwis S. Bkxxftt has been my foreman for the last two years, nnd I take pleasure In recommending him to tlio public as an iudustrious, capablo nnd deserving man, who. while looking to his own Interest, will not neglect thoso of Ids patrons. I11 relinquishing my business In this placo, I tako tho op portunity to say, tiiat it Is not from any dissatisfaction whatever. Since my residence in tbo city of Savannah, I havo beon kindly and generously treated, and hnve suc ceeded much bettor than I autlcl|«ited. In tbo courso I have just taken. I havobepn prompted by considerations of a private character altogether; wherever I may be. I shall always carry with mo the liveliest senso of obligation, and cherish tho dceiiest interest in tho pros perity nnd advancement of the city nnd its people. Noth ing will do more to effect this, than the sustaining of a healthy and honorable competition. Let the good people of the City and State seo to it. J. C. THORNTON. Savaxnaii. 0th May. 1863. N. B.—Mr. II. D. w. Ai.kxaxpkb is my legally authorized agent for tho transaction and closing up of my business. - n J /. Angela Division, No. S—Order of tho Lone Star. Whereas, tills Division of the Order of tho I/mo Star baa been deprived of ono of its most efficient and worthy mem bers, by tlio death of our lamented Brother and Vico Presi dent, E. Tk>tt, who departed this life on the morn ing ot lliel'Jtb inst. ; and whereas we. his Brothers, are de sirous of expressing our grief at his death, and our ap preciation of tils character a* a roan, and a« a member of this Association— liesolvcd. That we. tho members of tho Angela Division No. 6, of tho Order of the Lnno Star, receive with tho deep est griefthe mournful intelligence olthe death ol our much esteemed Brother nnd worthy Vico President, Charles E. Tkfft. Resolved. That as a body and, as individuals, we dooply and truly sympathizo with the afflicted parents of our deceased Brother. Hesolveil, That at a token of tho respect which we entet* tain for his memory, and our senso of tlio loss wo havo ex pericnced. this Hal) bo hung with crape during tho remain der of tlio present year. Resolmt. Tiiat a copy of these resolutions, signed by tho President and Secrotary, bo franamitted to tlio Parent* of our deceased Brother. HENRY It. FORT, Praident. Joax Antkoiiuh, Secretary. The universally high character awarded to Mortimork’s Riikcmatio CoMlwxn ns n iafo nnd reliable remedy for all phases of Rheumatic Complaints, is a certain index of its efficacy. Indeed, it would bo oxlraordiuitry to ascertain thnt it over has failed, so exceedingly effective lias it been proved during flvo years it has been offered tlio public. Wo aro authorized to unnminro tlio Hon. W. B. FLEM ING as a candidate for Superior Court Judge in this Dis trict. junel8 CITY TREASURER’S OFFICE,) Juno ?lh, 1853. / Tlio undersigned id now ready to rcceivo City Taxes for the present year. J. GEORGE, jo7 City Treasurer. concern: Whereas, Jacob Watson will apply at tlio Court of Ordiunry for letters of administration on the ostalo of Julian Marks: These aro, therefore, to cilo and and ndnionisli all whom it may concern to bound appear before said Court to inako objection (if any they liuve) on or before the first Monday in August next, otherwise said letters will bo granted. Witness. John M. Milh-n. Esq..Ordinary for Chatham coun ty this fifteenth day of June, 1853. junol7 JOHN M. MILLEN, o. 0. 0. ST STRAW BONNErra AND HAT8 eleaiued,rop&lr. 1 and pressed in the latest fashion. Threo Apprentices and three Bonnet Sewer* aro wanted tho Brougliton-street Trimming and General Variety Store decl2 DRY FEET PRESERVES THE HEALTH.—Just received, a few case* water-proof Boots; also, a lot of thick pegged Boots, together with a fine as sortment of Gentlemen’s and Ladies’ over Shoes, some of a new and approved style, which will bo sold at low R. FLANIGAN k CO., 103 Bryan-street. All In want will please call and Judge for themselves, decll t DANIEL. CROMLAY, FASHIONABLE BOOT MAKER—Corner of Brough- . n and Bull-streets.—Tlio subscriber desires to in form the publiotbatbo has opened as above, where ho is prepared to execute orders for Boots of tlio finest finish and style, and equal, if not superior to any heretofore offered to tho public. Having many friends in this State who havo been his patrons in Charleston, respect fully *olieitsfrou them and tbo public a call and a trial. mbl7 UMBREDDAfi. A fresh assortment of both cotton and silk, juptro- kcclvod and for sale low. by jy24 J. H. COHEN k CO., 140 Broughton-st. X, PARASOLS AND UMBRELLAS.—An assortment of illk and gingham Umbrellas. Also, low priced and fine I, Parasols, j uit received and for sale by *ui2 dbwitt a Morgan Ojbai PREFARED SUPER PHOSPHATE of LIME of the moat upprovcil qiinllty. Especially beneficial to Turnips nud all other Root Crops. H OYT k CO, Agents. 234 Water-street, and 122 West- street, comer of Day-streot, Now York.—A Fertilizer producing all tlio immediate effect of tlio best Peruvian Guauo with tho advantage of being much more lasting in tlio soil. Thoroughly tested, und found to more than real- izo tlio expectations of nil those who have already tried it. Tlio best evidence of this to tho largely increased demand this season over the past year. Put up iu bags of 160 lbs.; barrels 260 lbs. each. Buyer* will please bo particular to observe our brand upon eacli bag or barrel. Also for sale, American and foreign field aud garden seeds, English Rny Grass, Foul Meadow Grass, fine mixed Lawn Grass. White Clover, Osago, Orange, Ac. til2Jy—junol7 RE ALE STATE FOR 8ALEOR LEASE. T HE subscriber offers tor sale, a number of Build ing Lota in Oglethorpe Town, near the contemplated railroad depot. He will also lea**, for a term of five, ten. fifteen or twenty years, a number of other lota In tho vicinity of tho ....... tlio basement of which l« an office, dining room, pant. .. and bathing room; on the first floor I* two large anil ele< gnntly*(Intoned parlors, with a spacious verandah In tho lear. Inclosed with venltlan blinua; In tho second story it four bed room* with an inclosed verandali.all lighted with gas. There are spacious accommodations for kitchen, ser vant's room*, carriage honsannd stablo In a brick building to tho rear of tbe dwelling on tha Jane. In the yard i* a lino pump of water. Will ho sold on tbe 0th of July, at the residence, all tho Furniture, Carpet* and Window Curtain*, commencing at 11 o’clock. At the conrt home, on the 6th, between the legal hour* of Halo, a yellow woman, aged about 45. a good cook and washer. Tho above I* sold by order of the Ordinary, os tho proporty of David M. Rodger*, deceased, and by order of tlio administrator. Term* for the homo and lot—ono-thtrd cash, balance In two equal payments of 6 and 12 month* with Interest, se cured by mortgage on tho promises; for the furniture,‘cash, purchaser paying for all titles and papers. may4 At Private Sale—A cboico Heifer, need about two years 5 lier siro was an imported Durham, tho mother an English cow. Also, a Milch Cow, gentle and kind, accustomed to the yard. mav21 At Private Sale—Lot No. 9. Third Tytblng Anson ward, ) by 90 feet, fronting on South Broad-street—a most de sirable lot for building. For terras, Inquire at tho counting room. apl23 At Private Rale—A desirable residence near the new rail road depot, being a single bouse with four largo rooms, C lustered, with al noccssary out houses. Will bo sold low applied for immadtoteiy. Also, a new double tenement in the samo neighborhood. For terms, inquire at counting room. *p!22 n to keep a largo and oxtenslro 1 Grccno and Pulnalcl Lottery. GREGORY k MAURY. Managers Class 73, draws on Monday, 20th June, In Dili city. Sales closoal 3 o’clock, P. M. oirrrsi., $9,000. 75 Number Lottery—12 Drawn Baltots. 69-Tickets $2—shares tn proportion. Extra ClaaB 45, draws at Wilmington, Del., ou Tuesday, 21st inst. flAPITAL. $25,000. 78 Number Lottery—14 Drawn Ballots. 6F- Tickets *5—shares in proportion. Tickets either singly or by tho pnekngo for aalo In Bay lane, Savannah, Ga., next to Robinson A Cnmp. iunel9 F4 W1THINGTON. WATCHES, JEWELRY, And Fhncy Goods. RECEIVING by every arrival of the Steamers fresh ions.making the best assortment in tills city, of all kinds of Watches. Jewelry. Fancy Goods, Silvor Spoons, Forks, Pitchers, Tea Seta, Cups, Syphons, Plated Castors, und every variety of articles connected with our lino of buslnoss; allot which will bo sold as low as in any city in the Union. D. B. NICHOLS. 69“ Particular attention given to tho Ropalringof Watch es and Jewelry. no 20 niaylO \. V. THORNTON. GROCERIES. — 26 HMDS. Porto Rico aud Muscovado Sugar, 25 do choice New Orleans do, 25 do do Cuba Molas- BHhci. 100bbls New Orloans nnd Cuba Syrup. Stu- nrt’s rectified do. COO gallons Sperm Oil, 300 do Linseed do. 200 boxes Sperm and Adamnmantino Candles. 25 do Starch, 60 do Cheese, 75 do Soap. 25 do Toilet do, 60 do mixed and assorted Candies, 76 pnekngos Teas. Black, Im perial nnd Green, 160 bbls A. Band C Clarified Sugar and Yellow Coffee do. 26 do Povrdorod and Crashed do. Prunes, Fig*. Citron. Pickles, Raisins, Yeast Powders. Salcratus, So da. Ac., now In store and for sale very low. by mh2fl KIBBEE k RDDGDRS. WM. II. SYMONS, DRAPER AND TAILOR, No 17 Whitaker street. Sarannah, Das just opened a large nnd cboico variety of Nkw Sriuxo /xu Summbi Goons, consisting in nart of black, figured and fancy French Cassiineres ; black and col ored Cashmere; Cloths ond Coshmerett* ; white nnd fancy Linen Drills; with a lavgo assortment of fancy Mar seilles and Unen Vestings, all of which ho is prepared to make up to order in tho most fashionable stylo, and 011 BO' commodatiug terms ap6 PHILIP KEAN, DRAPER AND TAILOR. 08 Bryan-st., .YaramiaA. Ga. —Grateful to my friends ami tho public in general Ifor their liberal patronage heretofore extended to me, .1 now offer them a greatei inducement than over, as l have just received my Fall and Winter Stock of F.n- glish. French and German Broad Cloths. Black and Fancy Doeskin and Cassimere, Black nnd Fancy Silk and Satin nnd Embroidered Vestings; also a very rieli nrticlo of Kvoniug Vesting, which 1 am prepared to make to order, in tho most iashlouablo style. Also a large and well selected stock of MEN’S AXn HOYS’ READY-MADE OIOTIIIXO. together with a largo supply of Shirts. Socks. Suspenders, Gloves. Collars. Merino and Silk Undershirts and Drawers, Hate. Caps. Trucks. Valices. Ac., nil of which will be sold at prlcORto give general satisfaction nov6 WM. R. SYMONS, Offers for aalo. a largo assortment, of Cloths. Css- Isimerea and Vestings, consisting in part of tlio fol lowing articles, selected bv himself during tlio past - _rin London aud Pans, which he will make up to or der in the best stylo of workmanship, and ut the shortest notice. His stock of Readymade Clothing and of Furnish ing Goods, for gentlemen's wenr, is very large and of tho best quality nnd atylo—tlio whole of it made this fall under Ills own inspection, and will lie sold at tlio lowest prices fqr cash or approved credit :—French black, blue, brown and olive Cloths; fancy French nnd English Cassimeres ; fancy Silk Vesting.super, fancy Silk Plush Vestings; black Bar athea Silk Vestings ; super, black Doeskin Cassimeres ; Me rino and Silk Undershirts and Drawers; white nnd fancy Shirts nnd Collars; Canton Flannel Shirts and Drawers; and fancy Kid Glove*; Neck Ties, plain and embroidered; Merino and Cotton Sock*: Scarfs,Satin and Botnbasin Socks. no5 17 WhUaker-atrect. Prime Cook at private sale^-A prime Ukaly yonng hUow a first rate 000k for eteamboat or hotel. . . apl23 . Ginghams and Hdkfl. at PrivateBal*.—Just received per last steamer, 2 cases Ginghams, 2 do Drench head hdkfs., tor sate low. , 7 . opI22 UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. New York end Savannah Steamship BUMMEHa - . Days of Leaving Savannah for New Twit. • Tho Augusta, Capt. Lyon . .Wedneeds/, June 8 Tho Florida, Capt. WoodhuU,....Saturday, " 11 The Alabama, Capt. Ludlow,...* .Saturday, w ' 18L - The Augusta, Capt. Lyon,.Saturday, “ 28 Tbo Florida, Capt WoodhuU;-...Saturday, July 2 Tlio Augusta, Capt. Lyon ./.Saturday, s . © The Florida, Capt. Woodhuli;;. .Saturday, " 18 Tho Alabama, Cept. Ludlow,'/,...Wednesday, 20 The Augusta, Capt. Lyon....,,4.Saturday, u 23 Tbe Florida, Capt. lVoodbolL.. .Saturday, 80 Tho Alabama, Capt. Ludlow,,.;..Wednesday, Aug. 8 The Augusta Capt. Lyoo,....,,.Saturday, The Florida, Capt. Woodhull,...Saturday, M Tlio 'Alabama, Capt. Ludlow, Wednesday, M Hie Augusta, Capt. Iyon,.Saturday, “ The Florida, Capt. Ludlow,.... .Saturday, u The Augusta, Capt.Lyon........Saturday, Bept. Tho Florida Capt. Woodhull,,, .Saturday, “ The Alabama, Capt. Ludlow, Wednesday, u These ships are the largest on the ooast, unsurpassed In speed, safety or comfort—making their passaMs in 60 to 60 hours, and are commanded by skilful, careful and polite of* fleers. They offer a most desirable conveyance to New York. On tbe completion of tbe Atlanta fn the antnmn. this lino will be semi-weekly—sailing each Wednesday ana Saturday. Cabin passago $25. Steerage, $9. PADELFORD, FAY k Co., Agents in Savannah. SAM’L L. MITCHELL, Judo5 13 Broadway, New York. NEW YORK AND SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP LINE—Weekly-, Tlio now and splendid Steamships FLORIDA Captain LTOK ARD ALABAMA Captain Ludlow’ Belonging to tho New 1'orfc and Savannah Steam Navigation Cbmpany, Will leave Savannah and Now York every SATURDAY 1 These Shins are of1.300 tons register, end unsurpassed In safety, speed and comfort. - SU - - - .... ea 4 Tlioso Steamers, teaving8*v*nntih at the same .time 1 tho Marion and Southerner leave Charleston, arrive at 2 York aa soon as, or before them. >at jyi? f * CO., - Savannah] SAMUEL L. MITCHELL. 194 Front Street. New York. jPHILADELPHIA AND SAVAN- «NAH STEAM NAVIGATION CO. NEW .JEWELRY, PINK WATCHES,itc. Af THE undersigned to now opening a splendid assort- fflmcnt of rich JEWELRY, embracing tlio recent patterns ■aL/of Ear-rings, Pins. Bracelets and Finger-rings, among which are some fine diamond soilings,from $10 to $600. % Also, twenty-flvo seta of those unique Pearl Sets of Ear- Orings and Brooches, from $18 to $125 the sot, newest fijJand rarest patterns; together with a very select assort- mont of oxtrn fine IFafcAa set in pearl, diamond, hun ting and plain cases. These, with a further assortment of good Jewolry. Sterling Silver Seta, Spoon*. Forks, Ladlea, Cups, Ac.,and Plated Ware of nil kin a. Fancy Work Boxes, Dressing Cases, Folios, Clocks, Bronze Figures, gold mount ed Canes,Cuttlory, &c.. renders IiIh assortment very com plete, and unsurpassed in tbe State, either in quality or pri- is. D. B. NICHOLS. 65J- Strict attention paid to repairing watches, clocks, and!2 PIANO FORTE DEPOT. , THE undersigned respectfully inform the citizens of -Savannah. Georgia and Florida, that they have on hand more than fifty Pianos, tho largest stock ever on sale in thto city, and made by tlio most celebrated manufacturers In tlie United States. Nunns k Clark. T. Cliickerlng. Bonrdmau k Gray, Lolglit k Newton. Edwards k Fisher, all well known to tho lovers of Music, have placo In their large assortment.— These PianoB aro of rich tone, and beautifully finished in Rose Wood. Black Walnut, and Mahogany, with iron frames mndo In tbe most substantial and workmanlike manner.— Also the justly celebrated jEollan Piano Fortea, which for their sweetness of tone havo not been equalled. All these Instruments havo metalic frames which render thorn peculi arly suited for till climate, preventing necessity of tuning forjrears. Theundaraignod aro Agent*.for Henri Hera's, eelobrated Grand l’lnnos, made in Paris. For Power and beauty of tone, they stand pre-eminent. Cariurt’8 Mbiodio.vs.—This beautiful toned wind Instru ment,manufactured by Carhart k Needham, N. Y„for village purposes. Lodges.Serenading Parties, and tlio private prac tise of Organists, possessing a sweet and powerful tone, they have also for snle. All these Instruments will be disposed of the most accommodating terms. Tbe prices of tho PI. nnos ranging from $175 to $1,000. I.W. MORRELI- A Co piano Fortes. TIIE subscribers sole agents for A. Stod- 'art A Co’s., nnd Jonn B. Dunham’s Piano Fortes, are always supplied with an as sortment of these favorite and justly celebrated instru ments. For durability they can lie fully warranted, whilst their superiority of tone nnd touch Is evident and acknowl edged by the most casual observer, as well as the critical connoisseur. Tlie ladies aro respectfully Invited to viow these Instruments. An arrrangement having beon effected with ono of our most eminent Pianists for the purposo, they can also be enabled to judge of tbe tone. F. ZOGBAUM A CO.. Market-square. 6(9" Second hand Pianos taken in exchnngo, also tuned and repaired. jel7 TT’MBROiDERIES, Ac.—Muslin nnd lace Chemisette and J-i Collars, luco. muslin nud cambric Sleeves. Jaconet and Swiss Edgings nnd Inserting*. Swiss and cambric Ramis, Iawii and cambric Handkerchiefs, black I/icu Mantillas, Valencia and thread Edgings and Inserting*, Bonuet Rib bons. eto., etc. for sale by tnliO HENRY LATHROP A CO. and colored linen drillings, bleached nnd brown sheet ings, strlpo ami plaid sahn jeans for boys’ wear. Idnck ba rege. grenadine aud crape du Paris, mourning muslins, par asols und umbrellas, for salo low by may22 DkWITT A MORGAN. STAR CLOTHING EMPORIUM. No. 147 Bay Sired. All persons of taste and refinement—thoso having a due regard for comfort and personal aptiearanco. may at all times select any ami every articlo for their ward- .robe, from one of the largest assortments of tho Very Best Goods tn thto country ; either in Ready Made Garments or made up to measure in unique style, or Furnishing art! cloa of every description and quality too numerous to men tion Cull And seo. PRICE A VEADER. FASHIONABLE TAILORING. M I). MURPHY, 21 Bull-street, would respectfully inform his friends nnd the public generally, that bo hns received his spring styles for gentlemen, among .which will he found as rich nnd fine fancy Cassimeres, Vestings, Ac., ns have evor been brought to this mnrket. All orders executed with dispatch, and in the best style of workmanship. Gentlemen aro rcspoctfully invited to call and judgo for heinselves. mlill aboyfl- j unol6—lair3m WEBB. nod Wo coffee. 30 do mustard in X lh cans. 10 do "* ' ~ IPs - " “ ground pepper, 25 do family sonp.80 do Beadell’s candles. 30 casks Ilyas*’ London Porter in quarto and pint*. 30 bbls Ca nal and Baltimore flour. 10 boxes 8's tobacoo, 80 bbls clari fied crashod and ground sugar. 10 do solar lamp oil. in store and for salo by DAVID O’CONNER. junelO cornor Broughton nnd Drayton-streeta. B UTTER. CHEESE, Ac —20 keg shon Butter. 60 boxes f and 20 tubs selected Go- - h Dairy Cheese, 100 do new sealed Herrings. 50 bbls Hiram Smith and Genesee Flour, 20 boxes Ground Coffee, 25 do assortedCaqdy.recolr- ed per steamor and for salo by junelfl SCRANTON. JOHNSTON k CO. READY-MADE CLOTHING FOR SPRING AND SUMMER. WM. R. SYMONS. Draper and Tailor, No. 17 Whitaker struts, respectfully solicits thoi lattention of his friends ami the public in geu iral. to his largo stock of Ready-ma W Clutb ing. suitable for tho present nod coming season. It has ail boi'ii made up under his personal superintemlenco. an I for stylo nnd durability of workmanship, is inferior to none to bo found tn tbo market. Tho following compriio a portion of the stock : Frocks and Sacks of blue, black nnd colored cashmere cloths; black, limb d'ete Frocks and Sacks; linen duck, drill nnd fancy liuen Frock* nnd Sacks; India grass, silk nnd brown linen Sacks; black and colored alpaca Frocks and Sack*. Pants or fancy French cassimeres. black doe-skin cassi mere. black drab d'ete and apring tweed cassimere, white duck and fancy linen drill, together with a large lot of cot ton drill and duck Pants, for summer wear Vesta of black satin. Mack barathen. and fancy silks, fan cy and white Marseilles, figured and striped linens. Also, a largo stock of Furnishing Goods, such as stocks, glove*, suspenders, cravat*, collar*. *ilk. gauze, merino, and cotton undershirt*, *tripe *ilk and cotton *ock*. silk and gingham umbrellas, ete.. etc. Tlie whole of which ho offers for sale on accommodating term*, and at price* as cheap as the cheapest *pl8_ J UST RECEIVED BY LAST STEAMER—Plain and flgur. ed black Barege, black and white plaid summer Silk, plain and figured black Tissue, black Sewing811k for dresses, black Foulard Silk, black English Veil Crape. Cambric and French Muslins, for sale by ....... . may26 AIKIN A BURNS. —JP, 80 doBcadel’s 0'* and 8’s Tallow Candles, 60 do Star do, 40 do Treadwell’s Soda Biscuit, landing and for sale by june15 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON TT'ANGY COIDRED HOSIERY—Of Silk and Cotton, a good assortment. PRICE kVEADER, junelfl ’" * a. • ling drosses. French printed jaconets and cambrics, figured and plain swiss lnuriiu*. plaid aud Rtripe swlsa and cambric muslins, nansook, jaconet aud mull muslins em broidered clear lawn hdkfs.. N W collars and cambric, aud cambric and swiss banda, ribbons.hosiery, gloves. Ac., just received by nmj22 DkWITT A MORGAN. undersigned, until tbe 26th of Juno next, to furnish all tho nmtcrials and erect tlio keeper's dwelling and ofllce at I/iurel Grove Cemetery, according to plan and specifica tions to be seen at Messrs. Shod A Far'd. Architects. JOHN MALLERY. Chairman may22 Committee on Health and Cemetery. n Wednesday, the 18th day of May. nnd every alternate Wkdkisday thereafter; say on the 1st, 16th and 29lh of Juno, aud 13th July, and so on. Cabin Passage to Phllado.phia.... .* $25 00 • “ “ through to New York 25 00 Steerage “ 0 00 Tliis Ship has been built with entire regard to safety, com* fort and dispatch, and offers now and admirable facllltlea to business and travel. For freight or passage apply to C. A. L. LAMAR, Agent, Savannah may!7 HERON A MARTIN. Agento, Philadelphia. FOR PHILADELPHIA—FARE REDUCED* Jb tail on Saturday Afternoon, June lift, at 4 o’clock. fpiSSa. Tbo fine side-wheel steamship OSPREY, 1000 V/ffflare,) 1 '"* burthen, J. Bennett, commander, will leave as pei snnoxd schedule every other Saturdoy. FROM rinUDKLFntA. FROM CtlAHLEfTOX. June. June July July August..., August.... September. Sept.... October _.. October ..'.16 October ...29 Novembcr..l2 November. 26 December..10 Juno..,. June.... .. 4 ..18 Sept 10 Sept 24 •July .. 2 October.... 8 July ,,F October..., 22 July ..80 November, fl August.. ...13 Vnvomber.19 August., ...27 December.. 3 $15 Steerage 0 Through tickets to New York 17 This ship lias been thoroughly overhauled nud furnished with now boilers, and a largo and elegant dining saloon on deck, witii every arrangement that can add to the comfort of passengers. In Philadelphia, this ship occupies the same wharf as tha Liverpool steamships City of Glasgow and City of Msnchcs- ‘ at tho foot of Queen street, and Central wharf, C * ter,'at tho foot of Queen street, and Central wharf, Charles ton. Freight on all perishable articles must be pre-pald, For freight or passage, apply to H. F. BAKER & CO., Accommodation wharf. Charleston. SAMUEL T. PERCE, Juno7 Agent, Philadelphia. UNITED STATER MAIL LINE. Wharves every Saturday Afternoon, and each alternate Wednesday. On Saturday the new and splendid Steamships 1 a ura 1 twivn 1 JAMES ADGER. Captain J. Dicxixsox, 1,600 tons] ' 'MARION. Captain M. Burry, 1,20C tons. SOUTHERNER! Contain W. Foster, 1,«M) tons, will leave aeb altermato Wodncsd y. having been newly coppered each « and,guards raised, is now in complete order. For freight or passago, having elegant state room aceom; mndations, apply at the ofllce of tbe Agent. HENRY MIBSROON, Cornor East Bay and Adger k Son’s Wharvea. N, B.—A new ship will bo placed m tho line to connect with the Southerner on Wednesdays. feblO UNITED STATES MAIL STEAM SHIP ISABEL, William Roluxb, Commander wannah^Key^West and Havana, _ connecting itwcen ; , with tbo tho Pacific Hall Steamship Company’sline for C tfomla. This splendid sea steamsh^f Vlll hereafter leave 8avannah for Key West and Havana, on tlio 16th and 80th of each month, and from Havoua for Savannah on the 8th and 22<1 of each month. The Isabel will connect nt Havana with the U. S. Mall Steamship Company’s line to AspInwnll.aniltliePaciflomall line from Panama to California and Oregon. Passengers will bo landed at tbo railroad wharf at Aspln* wall free. Transit at tlie Isthmus at the passengers’ ex pense. The Isabd will also connect at Havana with the U. 8, mall Steam Company’s llnu at Now Orleans. Ticketa for Key West und Havana can bo had of COHENS A HERTZ. Agents at 8avannah. Tickets for Now Orleans. Aspln wall and San Francisco, oan bo had by applying to MORDECi jaol3 UNITED STATES MAIL, GF.CAI k CO, Agents. Charleston colored Printed Lawns, Jaconet. Batiste and Mus- lins,allatl2^>L 8 cases assorted Ginghams, now styles, nt 12J£$. 1 do (n great bargain.) Ladies’ Linen Cambric Hand kerchiefs. at 12J4<L We havo much pleasure in directing particular nttentlon to tbe arrival by tlio steamship Florida of the above goods, ond can. with perfect confidence, recommend them aa tho cheapest goods evor offered for salo In Savannah • M. PKENDF.RUAST k CO., may26 178 Broughton-st. opposite St Andrew’s Hall. GROCERIES, LIQUORS, WINKS, &c. a J. V. CONNERAT k CO., offer for sale on ac commodating terms, a well oasorted stock of Gro ceries, Liquors. Tobacco. Segars, Ac., viz: 180 bags prime Rio Coffee. 20 do do old Java do; 20 hhda Porto Rico and Muscovado Sugars. 60 bbls clarified coffee do, 25 do crashed and powdered do. 10 boxes loaf do, 200 pack ages black and green teo, aorne very auperior ; 250 boxes tobacco, various qualities, l*e, 8’s. 6’s and lfl’s. 16 cases Di adem twist, 10 do Virginlus and Arouiatio.20do nectar leaf, Viginia gold leaf, 10 boxes El Dorado tobacco, 176,000 supe rior Havana Segars. 10 half pipes Otard.Dupuyk CoJ Bran dy, 20 hair and quarter casks Pintern, Mai tel, Sazerac. &c. Brandy. 6 quarter casks very old Jean Louis do, 6 pipes Holland Gin, 2 puncheons St Croix and Jamaica Rum, 10 half pipes and j 6 quarter casks superior Madeira Wine, 26 bbls old Monongahela Wisky, 25 quarter casks Tcneriffe, 80 MononMbe__ .. . __ do do Malaga Wine, 200 bbls gin, whisky and rum, 100 boxes No. 1 and family soap. 60 do starch, 60 do adamnntine can dles, 60 do tallow do, 20 casks bacon aides, 15 do shoulders, 80 hhds West India Molasses. 40 bbls and tea do, 25 bbla N Orleans do. together with every other articlo usually found at the wholesale grocery stores. junefl T INKN TURKISH FRICTION TOWELS—A very useful JUnrtk article for bathing purposes, and much auperior to tbe Wh— ' J -“— * gloves now In use Whore friction to required, they are very highly recommended by the medical faculty in Eng land and tlio United States, just received and for sale by nili24 W. W. LINCOLN. Monnment Square K EMPTON k VEftSFILLK baYe just received, a One lot of ' ' f figured grenadlnei. crape d’arlois, silk tissues and bareges, which they are offering very low at their stand, next toF- Zogbaumfa music atore, Warlng’s range. ap!2p ' season, a few dozen just received, and for salo at 147 H OUSE KEEPING DRY GOOD^—Linen and cotton aheot- ing. pillow case linen and cotton. Irish linen of tha I best ozlie. birds eye and Scotch dfaptts. towels and towel- log, damask table linen and napkins. \Qog lawns, crash, S „, rr _ • FIREMEN** HALL* BALED Proposals will be received by tho undersigned until the 10th July next, for building a Flreman’s Hall on the cornor of Abercarn and South Broad-streets. In accord ance with tho plan and specifications■■to be seen at the office of-Messrs. Sjipll k Fay, architects. Bond and security will be required that tho City shall suiter no lose In carry ing out the contract, Je2 R. P. ARNOLD, Oh. Fire Pep, by (P Digesters, Porcolian and Tin Lined Saucepans, Brass ad BrittanU Spittoons. French Egg Baskets, for aalo Jnnefl J. P. COLLIN3. T> UTTER AND CHEESE—30 firkins prime nnd choice but- J5jer, 60 bona cheaae, reedrsd and forsale bj M CMAHON h DOTT.E [Utlo ’ “ ,e *" woman 82; n boy 18; » n woman 80; ngirl 12 , „ and a woman aged 60 years-rthey , culture of corn and cotton, nnd will be sold nt a bntgnln to i approved purchaser- Appl^ to m carpenter; a man aged 40 yeara 5 a ; a boy 12: a noy 8; ngirl 2; n man 26; 12; a girl 2; a woman 40; n girl 8, ivYLLY it MONTMOLUN. TMI’ROVED EXTRA SIZE SEIDL1TZ POWPERS.-Thwe 1 Powders are prepared expressly for the retail trade, from superior Imported materials, and are warraotod full weight; Seldllto PoaMors (when accurately prepared, as these are warranted to be.) are held in the highest estimation for their peculiar virtue*,. In riving relief where Indigestion, heartburn, or billions affections prevail, and when used ne- cording to-the directions, form an effervescing Aperient draught—more agreeable, yet possessing alt tbe medicinal properties of the much esteemed Seidll to Sprlng In Germany. Prepared and sold by W. W. LINCOLN, mh22 ‘ • llnmlment-Square. ' ITLOtJR, JfeC—200ltbls Baltimore flour. 60 do Hiram Smith' X 1 do, 30 hhds primp and choico bn< sir .bacon shoulders. 20 do 16 tea Baltimore «iid PhlladelpWi) hams, 20 bids leaf - , n It Bay street. Je8 PRICE k VEADER. ’DODGETS’ Knife Sharpeners and Table Cutlsry.’jut re- ’brown and bleach* muslin, all widths and qualities, for Xv oeivod and tor sale by 1 sale at the lowest pri**, by june3 J. P. COLLINS. I apW 1)1 w 111 ► M0RnAN ■YTEOOTABLE Cutters. Patty Pans, French and Englisk I T^OR SALE—Three office desks and two ire v Basting Spoons, Skimmers. Soap Ladles, ko.. Just re- 1 F have been used but a short time, which celvedandforsaleby June8 J, 1*. COLLINS. ' {* bargain by application (o may29 K IR BEE k RODGERS offer for sate 100 bales Gunny doth, 760 Coils Kentucky Rope, 5,000 lbs. Twine. mny20 _ pHEESMAN’S ARABIAN BALSAM—For the cure of \J. wounds, bruises, sprains, Ac. .Just received and for salo by W. W. LINCOLN, may2 • Monument Square. jyVE OAK—Of the , alie, adapted to'Shli board, on an island wl Apply to may28—oodlm ROBT HABERSAHM k SON; W HITE" VESTS.—Received by steamor Alabama a new Dii " inpply—by PRICE k VFADER, june16 . 147 Bay-at; Y^HITB AN L Q COLORED VB?TS--Just received an aa- eqdtorsaj**y • ' VV sortmentof.whlto andcolored MarseJlteaaadlinen * \ T KflMAHON flLlpOfXS.. .ye«U,fer «al»»y.;; w / J«8 k VEADER. iron safes, that be had at OGDEN k BUNKER. B AGGING, ROPE AND TWINE.—160 bales gunny bag. glng, 10 do Dundee do. 100 cells No. Dillon’s rope, 100 do No. it do do, 10 bales Dillon’s twine. In store and for sale may20 OGDEN k BUNKER. rjYDRAULIG CEMENT.—100 bbls Hoffman’s Rotendale, £1 a sup Frances apl26 uperior description’of Cement, landing from schr Batterly, and tor sale by C. H. CAMPFIELD. -1UMMER CASSIMERES, dra ctej. whito and colored linen O drills, coatings, cottoq&dea, ganzo flannels, gents and boy's linen and cotton half bofe, ladles’ silk, cotton and thread hose, gaute merinos, silk vests. ko„ for sale bf mayfl ' • DaWTIT k MORGAN. per steamer Alabama, and for aalo by S UMMER CRAVATS—a new assortment Just received by maylQ PRICE k VEADER. No. 147 Bay-st J^RY GOODS—At Reduced Prices—Tlie subscribers are of tering tha balance of their Summer stock of Dry Goods consisting of Baregos, Printed Jaconets and Organdies, French Cambrics and Ginghams, Printod and Plaid India Silks. Al so, Summer Qullto, Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, N W Col lars, Ac., at a great reductionfrom former prices. jy6 DEWITT k MORGAN p ROUND CFFEE AND SPICES —Received by brig Mason VlaB. Davis, and in store, 30 boxes pure ground ccffee, 80 «> j- *— •-.V- From Macon, Ga,, to Tallahassee, Flu Railroad to Oglelhorp—Stages to IhUahastee jrfcrss 1 . commenced on tlie flth Inst., running three timoa a week via. Newton, Balnbrirtge. and Quincy, and three times a week via. Thomasville, Duncansville, so. Passengers liy this route will leave Macon at half past 0 o’clock, A. M., by Railroad for Oglethorpe. Tho 8togca leaving Oglethorge either way at 11 o'clock, arriving atTate lahasaoo, ntlO o'clock on the evening of the next day-time by either route 86 hours. Monday, Wednesday nnd Friday, by Newton. Bainbridga and Quincy, to Tallalmssee returning, ledyea Tallahassee on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, at 10, P. M. On Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, by the way of Thomasville—returning same route on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 10. p. M. 3 Through from Oglethorpe to Tuilahaasco by either route in 35 hours—from Macon In 88—aud from Eavannah In 60 hours. By this routo Paasengers leaving Savannah by 8 o'clnn •nln of Cars, will arri vo at Tallahassee In 60 hours. It is Trni alsqdecldedly the host, cheapest and most expeditious routfc for travellers to Apalachicola and West Floriai. Fare from Macon to Oglethorpo $1.76 ; from Oglethorpe to Tallahassee, $10,00. L. 0. Shaw. Agent at Oglethorpe, A. A. FismtK, “ “ Tallahassee. augBO F. K, WRIGHT, Proprietor SOUTU-i iorne at 11)4, A. M., arrives at Macon at 8)4, P. M icting each way with the Central and Maeon and % ■ain and the Tallahassee -MaU Stage line. Pass e at Fort Valley at IV, P. M. ilfl GEO. W. ADAMS. Superintendent. MACON AND WEBTKHN ftAILROAli." Mail Train* ;.. Leaves Macon dally, at 8 o'clock, P. M. “ Atlanta l( “(IF ** P. M. 1 tbeT “ G ONNECTINO at Atlanta with tbe Trains of the Western add Atlantic and LaGrange Roads, and with the Day Train. of the Georgia Road, and at MaK 1 wlth^ the Day Train* of the Central and Sonth-westorn i-oads. Pas will arrive In Macon at 12 W. and at Atlanta at 1)4 the remainder of the night for rest. Passengers goinj; South, via Montgomery, (Ala.) wh* Passenger . 1)4, having laca pepper, 26 do mustard, for sale by «pl30 J. V CONNERAT & CO. leavo Savannah at 8 A. M., will arrive at Montgomery In for ty-eight houre, including all stoppages, and only ton hours staging. AccommodatlonTralns.Tri-Weekly, will leave Macon every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 8 o'clock, A. M. Re turning, leavo Atlanta ovory Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day, at 7)4 A. U. This Train will connect with the Night Train of the Georgia Road at Atlanta, and with the Night Train of the Central Rood at Macon. Passengers by tha up ward Train can dine at Griffin. EMERSON FOOTE, Sup’t- MaoOx. May 17,1862. 8mn y • if 22 TO TIUa MKIUWBTHEK SPiUSO do to arrive, tor sale by ROWLAND A CO. rpOKAY WlifE.-Wuit received, 12 doun Tokay wine, for X sale by :; . Junel A. BONAUD. ; T70R SALE—A verysaperior one horse carryall, double F seat, made by one of the boat manufacturers at the north For partfculare. apply to may31 SAWYER. nOLUSTER k CO., Whltaker-st. W OOL—Cash will be paid for Wool, by maj28 ROWLA1 B ALTIMORE FLOUR—loo barrels Howard-St. flour, for sale by ap!28 ROWLAND k CO. mayl2 BRIGHAM. KELLY k 00. REMOVAL. he-will open Tmt wiibb soconQ luppiroi rsu ana wlnisrOood*.consisting of tbo beat French, English and American Cloths, Caa$L meres and Vestings, purchased from the moat extensive Hit- porters inNew York, which heis prepared to makeup In : the beat and most fashionable styles.. A. ' • - j-. " 4*cl;. .? ■ 1>. KDBtHTi ronto from Savan nshknd Springs, via Central.Bouth-i gee Railroads, and post coach#s,throi fioura« leaving Bavannib n t.IT., a Tl.t-.V. o (1 at $ O’clock, P Bptlnga at fl o'clock, P. M.,—twentjr-ef Warm Springs: - Fare from Savannah to Warn 8prinrs.. .v, A ,... ^.$11 00 Fare from Savannah to Chalybeate Sprints..*. ,V 10 $0 Fare from Maeon to Warm 8prin«.„„;T.,.;„..., 5 60 Fare (nun Maeon to Chalybeate Sprinn fl 00 Conveyances may alwaya be obtdsed'from the Warm i c 8np. C.R. R. ^Uflgu^muriln.toruleby^ oboDS.—Received per ste&nter. Paris Bareges! t(»- ^ •i** aiid Barege de Ulnes, French Cambrics and Jac. ®oris, English and American Prints, Sheeting Calicos and