The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 18??-1856, June 19, 1853, Image 4

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S EN. —_ Im ulih# . —Mq* to me for A. (biding, 4i__ SHT 1 «.UM. -(.0,0.0. im Onmt* (—TO. all whora it may con JohnHTstrousr’’' — Wm.W.B. Cravdbrd, M.M., D*nJ. Harris, Jm. P. 8 wanton, J W. Fears, R< R. Zlnnnarmao. r tTv \ Madison, Morgan county, Dm. 23rd, 1861. . ■ :dr 20 . ; • .. ■ i- lawdiwtf city of van mta in thiiitl... Jt' add Wnbbtbe round gaBs U bo takon pro oonfeaeo aa to i. that a copy of ihl* order, bo • of this city once a month ^OffiflvStmAUBTIN, Clerks ac IBERHT’d SHjK—'Wm ht sold."oath n July next, Wore th* oourt house In the the legal boon of Vale.* all that lotvMMurlof forty-ono loot Hum inches on aaid Itey-st.; levied oq aa wt property of Thomaa Ryan, doeoeaaed. to aa* tisfjr a fl.fe, on loreclosur* of a mortgage In favor of John B. GalUe va. Jeremiah F. O’Neill, administrator of Thomas Bran, demised. maySS . . JOHN DEVANNY, Shorlff o. o. /CHATHAM SHERIFF'S SAIF—W11I be sold, on tlio Drat Vy Tuesday In July nest, before the court house in the : city of Savannah, between the legal hour* of sale, two no- ^f wro slave*, named Moeea and Jane; levied on to satisfy a F li. Us. oh foreclosure of mortgage issned from Chatham Su- ■ perior Court, in favor of Jame U. Henderson vs. Jane F. Taylor, NeeUt P. J, Taylor, and Robert W. Pooler, Trustee. Property pointed out by defendant. may4 JOHN DEVANNY. Sheriff o. a J-| BAHUU SHERIFFS SALE.—Wlllb< tclii,onllioflr.t \j-Tuesday in July next, before the courthouse In the city of Savannah, between the usual hours, one undivided fourth part of two wharf lota, or piece* of ground, situated oh Hutchison’* Island,in the county of Chatham and State of Georgia, being lota Nos. 18 and 14, together with all the ■wharves, reservoir*, buildings and Improvements on said , lots, and thasteam engines and boilers, the plaining ma chine, clapboard machine, saw gates, force pumps, and all othermaenlhefj of. every kind and description in and about th4 ahid lota or building, (meaning the one-fourth part of the Oglethorpe stem saw mill,) with the appurtenances thereunto belonging and appertaining; levied on as the property of EdwardF. Klnohle v and Robert Todd,to satisfy*. on foreclosure of a mortgage issued from Chatham Superior Court in favor of George Newell vs. Edward F. . Klnohley and Robert Todd. Property set forth in said fl. fa. mayM ,: . JOHN DEVANNY, 8heriff o. c. C hatham SHERIFF’S SALE.—Will be sold, on the drat Tuesday In Jnly next, before the oourt house In the city of Savannah, between the legal hours of sale, a negro girl, •slave, the property of Sarah Pierce and Frances Cooper; levied on to situTy four fl. Iks. in favor of John Ihllon vs. 8krah Pierce' and Frances Cooper. Said property levied on and returned to me by a constable. ■ maySS JOHN DEVANNY, Sheriff o. c. HATH AM SHERIFF’S SALK.—Will bo sold, on tha first ’Tuesday (n July next, before the court honse in the city of Savannah, between the logal hours of sale, all that' ■took of drugs, medicines, perfumery, fancy articles, foe., in the brick store on the corner of Broughton and Whitaker- attests; also, the fixtures and unexplrtxl lease of said store; levied on to satisfy a fi. fa in favor of Osgood & Jennings against William Humphreys, Jr. Property pointed out by *’552?“JOIIN DEVANNY, Sheriff a c._ C " HATHAM SHERIFF'S SALE.—Will be sold, on the first Tuesday in July next, before the court houso In the city of Savannah, between the legal hours of salo, a negro man slave named Simon; levied on to satisfy a fl. fa. in fa vor of Josflph Llppman, administrator, against Isaiah Lewis •nd Alexander Lewis. . June?, . . . JOHN DEVANNY, Shorlff o. o. • ipiHA'f’flAM agKIUFFS SA1JS CONTINUED.—Will be ' v sold, on the first Tuesday in July next, before the court bouse In Savannah, between the legal hours or sale, all that certain messuage tenemont an 1 tract of land, situate, ly ing and being In the county of Chatham aforesaid, butting and bounding aa follows : Commencing at the south east corner of the limits oftboeity of Savannah and running south 13*, west20 chains and Slinks along the line of said city -Umita continued, to a road commonly known as Lover's Lane, thence along the line of said road north 77!, west 13 chains and 67 links to a ditch, thence along the contxo of itald ditch* north'13*, east 26 chains and two links to the southern line of said city limits, thence nlong said line of city Umita south 77*, east 10 chains and 57 links to the point of starting—containing thirty-five and a half acres, more or leu; levied on as the property of Joseph M. Turner, to satisfy a fl. fa. issued from Chatham Superior Court in fa vor of John F. Gullmartln, administrator of Wilson Oden, voroi jonor. uunmariiu, nuuuuismiur in muiun m deceased, against Joseph M. Turner. Property pointed by plaintiff’a attorney. Jnne8 JOHN DEVANNY. Sheriff c. c. M CINTOSH SHERIFFS SALE.—Will bo sold in front or the court house In the city of Darien, on tbo first Tuesday In July next, betweon the legal hours of into, one tract of land In Molntosh county, containing two hundred •errs, more or lets, situated on South Newport river bound ed by land* of Mrs. Thomas and Renta; also, at the same time and place, • negro man named Monday; levied on as the property of Edward B. Baker to satisfy a fi. fa. Issued nut of MeTnroeh Inferior Court, in favor of Theodore P. Pease VS Edward B. Baker. Conditions cash. ' " C. O’NEAL. Denutv Sheriff MnT. fi. THEREAS, Messrs. A. Porter, J Stoddard. S. F. Dupon, . / G. P. Harrison, and Rev J. P. Tustln. have been ap pointed by the Justices of the Inferior Court. Commission- sirs of the Poor School Fund of Chatham county, notleo is hereby given that aU teachers for this county must bo em ployedby said Commissioners, and that after moQies will be paid for public instruction without written orders from the Commissioners aforesaid. By order of the Justices of the Inferior Court. June3 ' JOHN F. OPILMART1N, Clerk i. o. o. o. C l BORGIA—Bryan County :—By virtue of an ortlor from I* the Court of Ordinary of Bryan county, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in July noxt, at the court honse door, In mid county, between the usual hours of sale, all the lands belonging to the estate of Martin Shuman, deceased, sub ject to dower, together with the negroes belonging to said estates. M. D. MOONEY, Adm’r., ap!29 MARY SHUMAN, Adm’x, G EORGIA—BuffocA Count* t—To all whom it may con cern : Whereas, Jond^**n Griner will apply at tho Court of Ordinary for letters of administration on tho estateof Hannah Cone, late of said county, deceased; These are therefor^to cite nnd admonish all whom It may concern,to be end tppear before said Court to make objec- S on (if any they have) on or before the first Monday in nly next, otherwise said lottcrs will be granted. Witness, William Lee, 8r., Esq., Ordinary for Bulloch county, this 28th day of May, 1853. may29 WILLIAM LEE, Sr.,o. n. c. f'1EOROIA—-Buttock County:—To all whom Itmay concern: U Whereas, Milton Sheppard will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Lotters of Administration on the landed part of the estate of Absolem Iingin, *»., deceased; These are therefore to clto and admonish all concerned to file their objections (if any they have) in my offleo, within tho time prescribed by law, otherwise said lettors will be granted. may? WM. LEE. Sen’r, o. u. o. G EORGIA—UvUoch Countyt—To all whom It may con cern: Whereas, Wm. Lee, Jr. will apply at tho Court of Ordinary for letters dlsmissory as administrator on the estate of Thomas Lee. a lunatic, deceased: These ore therefore to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, totoe and appear at the Court of Ordinary for Bul loch county on the first Monday in October noxt, to make objections,tf any they have, otherwise said letters will be granted.. Witness, Wm. Lee, sen’r. Esq.,Ordinary for Bulloch county, this 17th day of March,1863. mh26 WILLIAM LEE, Sr., o. B. 0. G EORGIA—Bulloch CountyTo all whom it may con cern t Whereas, Jehue Everitt will apply at tho Court of Ordinary) for •letters dlsmissory on the estates of John Everitt ana Borah Everitt: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection (If any they have) on or before the first Monday in November next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness, Wm. Lee, sen., Esq., Ordinary for Bulloch coun ty, this 25tb day of April, 1853. apl28 WM. LEE, Ben’r., o. n. n G EORGIA—Bulloch County:—To all whom it may concern: Whereas, Green R. Slater and Thomas Dasher, Admin istrators on the estate of John G. Slater, a minor, liavo np- , lied for letters dlsmissory; Tbeseore therefore to cite and admonish all whora It mav oneern to bo and appear at tho Court of Ordinary for Bul loch county,on the first Monday In November next, to make objections, if any they have, otherwise said letters will bo granted, Witness. Wm Lee,sen’r,Esq., Ordinary for Bullochcounty, this 26th day of April, 1863. ap!26 Wll. LEE. Sen’r, 0. B. c, G EORGIA—BuUocA Countyr—to all whom it may con"- eerot Whereat, Andrew Wilson, will apply at the Oourt of Ordtaary for Is Item dlsmissory as exsoutor on tha estate of Ahsolam Hagan, deceased; .These an therefore to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objee- lon (If any they have) on or before the 28th day of July next, otherwise said letters will be granted. -Witness, Wm. Loe, sen’r, Esq.. Ordinary for Bulloch coun ty, this 28th day of January. 1863. Jau28 WILLIAM LEE. Sen’r. o.». v. Wteof the Ordinary of said •etate;. These are. therefore, to cite and admonishkll concerned to . We£.4r?yectlQns (If any they have) to the applicant in the Curk’a office of said Court, on or Wore the first Mon- dayfo^October next, otherwise letters dlsmissory will bo mh23 WILLIAM LEE. Sen’r., o. g. c. fl EOROIA—Bryan County »—Whereas, Z. E Dutton, ad- ■ U mlnlstrator upon the estate of Henry Dutton, dooeas- (rttmdU^M0°^° Qrtof 0nU “ r y«fthis county,for These, are therefore to cite aU concerned to file their oh- ap!2$' ‘A. H. SMITH, o, a. q C1 FX)RGIA—CAaMaw County f—To all whom it may con* . IT csrn t^Whfreaa,- Jeremiah F. O’Neil will apply at the letter* of administration on the ea- deoeased; _. v to dte and admonish all whom if ioa appear before saldCpnrt to make ob- have) oh or before the first Monday In •said letters will be granted. MUlsn, Esq.. Ordinary for Chatham $ay of June. 1858. JOHN M. MILLEN, o. 0. o. /S EOROIA—Qistden County i—ta all whom it may 2JT ceroj.Whsroas, GoorgeW. Thomas, one of the entors of the estate of Wm. T. Hopkins, will apply to t»n- exe* to cite and admonish ^ all and singular n *^of said daoeaesid, to he and appoar 7'lsvr, and-ahsw ^IsfflUsory should .Esq.,Ordinary for Camden coua* j. H. HELVESTON, 0.0,0. •- V.. ; . :.A S«W»Sj-f Mm t. Whereas, John H.&trous will apply at the Oour nllnary for letters dlsmissory M administrator oum tee* umShuannexh on .the estate of Godfrey Bown : . This* are ttistefore to .olte knd admonish all whom It alay oonoern, to be and apWr.before said Ooilrtto mak* objection (If any they have; on or before the first Monday la November tMxi- othsrwis* said lsttsta will be granted. Witness, John M. Mlllsn. Esq., Ordinary for Chatham County, this thlrtloth day of Marcn,1868. mh80 ■ • JOHN M. MILLEN, o. 0.0. IRGIA—CWAoia cWly j-To aHwhora It may concern: iTherou*, John Evorard wlU apply at tlio Court of Or- r for letters of dlsmissory as administrator On the os- ate of Patrick Tlerny, deceased: . , These are. therefore, to cite and admonish aU eonoernbd to Ale their objections (Ir any, they have). to .the applicant In the Clerk’s office of said Court, on or before the first Mon. , day of Noromber noxt, othonrlss lottors dlsmissory will be granted. Witness, John M. MlUen,Esq.. Ordinary for Chatham coun- ty,thU 80th day of March, 1M3. tnhOO . .. JOHN M. MILLEN, 0.0. o. OLAEfttOAXi JUjfO .L ,ij%i KMYATfi Rev. JOSEPH B. 8EABR00K, Prta •' Mr, VOMAS J. WELIB, Assistant. rpHE Principal'has beenenjmkedfor nMrly tweiityyears X.-latheiMtruotlohoftyoww#’iThrAssistant hwbeen —- I**! J v—li IU HW — III. b VVUvMH. Boys will be received as boarders In the families, both of he Principal and Assistant. Hie prioe of board, tuition, to., will be sixty .five dollars per quartet, payable soml-nn- the foo., nually. In point of healthlnese, Bluffton Is not surpassed by any location Iq the Bonthern country. litfertnoa—Bishop Elliott, Dr. Flckllng, Gen. Jas. Kamil ton,and Mr. Iynoh Mamllton. . . ’ doc8—ondlS ^ feVitteT.? G EORGIA—CAaiAam Omn/y:— 1 To allwhom It may con cern ’ * *” * A '“ n it IVheteas, John Bilbo will apply at tho Oourt of Ordinary lor letters of dismission as administrator, on tho estate or Henry In Bilbo: These are,therefore, to clto and admonish all whom II may concern to be and appear before said Court to mftko objec tions (If any Ihoy nave) on orboforotho first Monday in November next, othorwlKO said loiters will bo granted. Wltncsn,JohnM. Milieu, Esq., Ordinary lor Chatham coun ty, this 14th day of April, 1863. apll5 JOHNM. MILLEN,o.o.o. C TeoRQIA—Camden County t—To all whora it may co T corn : Whereas, J. II. JI. Clinch, guardian of II. A. ai N. B. Clinch, nppllos to mo for letters dUmUsory from Those are therefore to cite and admonish all concerned to bo and appear at my office, wltliln the time prescribed by law. and show cause (if any they liave.) why letters of dimisslon should not be granted to the said applicant. Witness, James H. Helvoston, Ordinary for Camden coun ty, this 28th day of May, 1863. inay31 JAMES H. HELVESTON o. o. 0. /1 BORGIA—Liberty CountyTo all whom it may con KJT oorn: Whereas, Charlton Hines will apply at the Court of Ordinary for lettors dlsmissory as executor on the estate of Susanna Sanford, late of said county, doccosod; These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern to be and appear before Bald Court to make objection (if any they have) on or before the first Monday In July next, otherwise said letters will bo granted. Given under my band, this 11th December, 1862, <Ieol4 JAMES S. BRAPWELL, 0. u n. G EORGIA—Liberty County—To all whom it rasy con cern: Whereas. Joeeph A. Anderson will apply at the Court or Ordinary for letters dlsmissory on tho estate of Mary E. Anderson, U.te or said county, docoased ; These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection (if any they have) on or before the first Monday In September next, otherwise said letters will be granted the applicant. Witness roy hand, this 8th day of March, 1863. mlil4 J. 8. BRAPWELL, o. I* 0. | 1 EOROIA—Mclntoih County -—To all whom It may con- aj cero: Whereas, Alexander G. Middleton, applies to mo for letters of administration on the estate ol Thomas T. Mid- dloton.lato of said county, deceased: .... These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular tho kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file their ob jections (if any they have) in my office, within the timo prescribed by law, otherwise tho said letters will be granted to the said applicant. Given under my hand at offico this 16th day of February, A. I>. 1863. fobl7 A. A. DkLORME, Ord’y M. o. MERCK It UNIVERSITY. I’a\fidd, Greene County, aa. STUDIO, rpHE Studies In this University oreA Theological course X of three years, designed for those who are preparing for tho Gospel Ministry ; A Colfegiato Course of four years, oqual to that of other Colleges In tho country; A Bctoutlflo Course of three years, Including, with some ad dition. all tbo studies of the Collegiate Course except the An cient Languages ; ADMISSION. Tho regular time for the admission of 8tudunts, Is at tho opening of the Fall Term, the last Wednesday In August. Candidates for admission ntotho Collegiate Course must sustain a satisfactory examination In Geography, Arith metic, English, Latin and Greek Grammar, Cicsar, Virgil, Cicero’s Select Orations, and Jacob’s Greek Reader ; and must bo at leastfourleon yearn of ago, Candidates for admission into the Solontiflo Course must sustain n satisfactory examination on Geography, Arithmetic, English Grammar, Siraplo Equations in Aigobra, and two books in Geometry; aud must be at least sixteen years of age. Kxrswm. Tuition, Spring Term, ThllTkm. In Tiiholookup Skmjn auv, ...... G ratultous.... Gratuitous. LvColumk. $25 00 $16 00 Scientific Course, 26 00 16 00 In Academy— . . Preparatory Class, 26 00 16 00. Second “ 20 00 12 00 Third “ 15 00 0 00 Elementary “ 10 00 6 00 Boom Rent. 0 00 4 00 Contingent Expenses, 2 00 1 00 These expenses require to bo paid in advance. From Students who lodgo in the College buildings, fifty dollars will bo received os full payment for tbo tuition fees, room rent, nnd contingent expenses of the year. The price of Board In the village Is $10 per month ; of washing, room-rent, and fuel, $3. COMMENCEMENT AND VACATIONS. The Commencement Is hold on the last Wednesday in July. There are two^Vacstlons, dividing tho year into torms, as follows : ^Ftrst Term—from lost Wednesday in August to December Winter Vacation—from Decembor 16th to February 1st. Second Term—from first day of February to Commence ment. Summer Vacation—from Commencement to last Wed nesday in August. B. M. SANDERS, . Secretary of the Board of Trustess, Any friend, by application to Dr. J. L. DAGG, President of the university, will receive a catalogue, containing the course of studies, and ail other necessary information TWABE SUPERIOR COURT—DECEMBER TERM, 1862.— Benjamin Thomas versus Margaret TnoMAS—Libel for Di- vorco: It appearing by tho return of the Shorlff in the above coso stated, that the defendant is not to be found in the county, and it being represented that she is not to bo found In the State, on motion of Wm. B. Gauldkn, Plain- iff’a Attorney, It is ordered, That sorvlco of arid petition and process bo perfected by publication of this ordor in the Savannah Georgian, once a month for four mouths, next proceeding tlio next term of this Court. Granted p. k. um; j. s. c. s. d. A truo extract from the minutes of Ware Superior Court, at Decembor Term, 1862. feb23—m4m GEO. B. WILLIAMSON. Clerk S. 0. county, for leavo to sell Amelia and lier children, Joe, Sa rah, Jack and Hannah, belonging to tlio estato of G. P. Co hen, deceased. —,-U MARY ANN COlIKN.Ei’lx \T0T1CE.—AU persons having claims against the estate Xl of Frederick Knttmnn, deceased, of Liberty county, will present thorn wltliln tho time prescribed by law; nnd all persons indobtod to said estate will make payment to ai ,127* V. URE3T, Adm’r. N OTICE.—Two months after dato application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Bryan county, for leave to sell tlio real estato belonging to Charles Bnvlilor. dec’d. maO C. M. BASHIJJR, Adm’r. OTI.CE.—All persona having demands against the cs tate of Nancy Nagle, lato of Chatham county, decoas el, are hereby required to hand them In to tho undersign ed, attested, within the time prescribed by law. nnd all persons indebted to said Nancy Nagle, are requested to msko Immediate payment to may24» MICHAEL NAGLE, Qual. Ex’or. N OTICE.—Two months after date, application wiU lie made to the Hon. the Court of Ordinary of Camden county, for learo to sell the ono-thlrd part of the steamer Wm. (Jnston, belonging to tho estato of John Hebbnrd. dec. may24 KIJZABETH A. HEBBARD. Adm’lx. M ARION COUNTY, (ALA.,) May 24. 1853.—Throe months after date, application will bo made to tho Bank of tho State of Georgia, for payment of a $20 bill of said Bank, No. 027, A. Porter, President, tho loft hand half having boon lost or destroyed. mny26—3m W. C. TROTTER. N EW MARKET, (TENN.,) May 24, 1853.—Three months after date, application will be made to the Bank of the Stato of Georgia, for payment of a $50 dollar bill of said Bank. No. 217,1. K. Teift, Cashier, the right had half of which has been lost or stolon, may26—3m JOIIN C, IIAMMOND. made at tlio lion. Court of Ordinary of Camden coun ty, for leave to sell two bounty land warrants, belonging to tho estate of Gershom P. Cohen, deceased. anylB MARY ANN COHEN. Ex’lx. N OTICE.—Four months aflor date. I will apply to the lion. Court of Ordinary for Camden county, for leavo to sell part of water lot and improvements, No. four. In tho town of St. Marys, belonging to tho estato of John T. Ru- dulph. deceased, for tho boneflt or tho heirs nnd creditors or said estate. EMILY RUDULPH. Adm’lx., JunolO Estate J. T. Rudulpb. deceased. D OMESTIC LIQUOR.—150 bbls New Orleans Rectified Whisky. 100 do E Phelps’ Northern Gin, 40 do P & H Connecticut Rlvor Rye do, 75 do Lutlmr Felton and Pure Boston Rum, 40 do Domestic Brandy, 20 quarter and ““ eighth casks 4th proof do. 30 bbls superior old Monongul lnWhlssy, 00 do do Rye do, 400 gross old Georgia Pea mhl4 SCRANTON. JOHNSTON & CO. N OTICE.—The firm of J. F. 1’klot & Co. wns dissolved by mutual consent, on the 14th Inst. Mr. Z. N. Wink ler is fully authorized to use the name of the firm lq set tling the business of said firm. J. F. PEU)T. Z. N. WINKLER. I have this day associated with myself, In the draysge business, Mr. David Waldhaur. npllfl Z N WINKLER sell spirit gas or burning fluid, by tho gallon at 76 cts.. half-gallon 37« cts., quart 20 cts.,and pints 10 cts.; Gas Lamps at a similar reduction : nnd all other articles, suqIi as tubs, buckets,brooms, washboardH, churns, &c., Ac. * Housekeepers will readily perceive the advantage of ap plying at this establishment for every article they may re quire in the house furnishing line, except dry goods and cabinet furniture. Call and see the new order of things, miill J. P, COLLINS, 100 Bryan-st i.—100 bbls Baltimore Four. 26 do Cans! _ do, 20 half do do, 20 bbls H S Four, 76 do Stuart's B & C Sngar. 25 do crashed do, 100 boxes assorted brands Tobac co, 10 hhds Bacon Sides, 10 do do Shoulders. 60 boxes star and admantino Candles, 26 bbls Monongahela Whisky, 160 bbls Rum, Gin, Whisky and Brandy, 16 quarter casks Cog- nnc Brandy, 2j>lpcs II Gin, 2 quarter casks Scotch Whisky, 2 do Jamaica Rum, 26 boxes assortod Cordials, 60.000 Span- ish Segars, 26 kilts Mackerel. 20 half bbls No l do, 26 bbls Nos 1.2 and 8 do, 160 boxes No 1 and Pale Soap, 60 boxes Starch, 60 do I/imon Syrup. 10 hhds fine Porto Rico Sugar. 8 do St Croix do, 60 bbls New Orleans Syrup, landing and for sale by ml3 COHEN & TARVER. /"'IHERRY LOZENGES.—Compound Wild Cherry Lozenges. L/ for coughs, colds, and Inflensas. These Lozenges will be fonnd much more convenient than any of the liquid preparations, as they can bo carriod about the person, and always ready for use when the cough is troublesome, thus preventing a violent attack of coughing and constant lrri' tatlon of the lungs. Just received and forsale by BdeeY W. W. LINCOLN, Monument Square. K IBBEE & RODGERS offer for sale, the following Goods cheap :--250 barrels Crashed and Clarified Sugars: 76 hhds. N. 0. and Muscovado do: 26 do Porto Rico do; 60 do Cuba Molasses; 160 bbls. N. 0. and Sugar-house Syrup; 400 twigs Rio and Ioguayra Coffee : 60 do 0. G. Java do; 100 boxen Tobacco, all brands : 60 hhds. Bacou Sidra: 25 casks Hams and Shoulders; 76 barrios Lard, prime article; 160 boxes Soap, all kinds; 200 do Sperm and Ailainantino Can dles: Lemon Syrup, Raisins, Figs, Nuts, Candies. Spices, do., Ac. mny20 S uuna, »Airrr.r^ «o.—xoo ddh oiuan a a, i) ami su gar No. 1.20 hhds Now Orleans Sugar. 10 do St Croix do, 16 do Porto Rico do. 200 bogs prime Rio Coffee, 20 do Java do, 100 boxes assorted Tobacco. 100 do Sperm and Ad. amantlne Candles. 160 do Pale and No. 1 Soap. 26 pnckagei Hyson Tea, 10 do Black do, 26 tierces and 36 bbls West In< din Molasses, 60 bbls New Orleans do, 10 do Btuart’s Sugar House do. 10 do Georgia Syrup, In store and for sale by may7 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON A CO. COUGHS, COLDS AMD BRONCHITIS. P ASTILLES DB PARIS.—For tho cure of coughs, coldi and bronchial affections of the throat, so prevalent at this season of the year. We do not recommend the Pas- JecfioDS, (If any they have) In terms of the law. otherwise tllles de Paris to cure all the ills life la hair to, but we do sold letters win bo granted. ... *ay they will cure all affeetlous of the throat, as a trial of ’ - them will prove. Manufactured by Moore A Taylor. 81 Maiden-lane, New York. N. B.—The genuine bears the written signature of Moore A Taylor. Just reoelved and for aalebr mh4 W. W. LINCOLN, Monument Square. NEW HOOTCH A REVIEW of thf Spiritual Manifestations, read before ' the Congregational Association of N, York and Brook lyn, by Key Charles Beecher. ■ Journal of an African Cruise, comprising sketches of the Canaries, the Cape de Verde, Libert*, Madeira, Sierra Le one, and other places of Interest on the west ooast of Afri ca—br Horatio Bridge, U 8 Navy ; fdited by Nathaniel Hawthorne. . SUrer and Pewter, or contrast of New York Lift. Memoirs, Journal and Correspondsnce of Tho* Moore- edited by Hie Right Hon. Lord John Russoll, M P. Barnum’s IUoxtrated News, No. 20. Received bj worthless. ThogenulneStrop can bebedof. .apm,. „ , W. W, LlNOOLNiXonument Square, tYAOON, HAMS'AND CAND7iE&—®) 'hhds lwcoa ildeS, p 600 Robsons’, bans, 100 boxes adamantine candles, < OGPEN k BUNKER. M AP OF 8AVANNAII.—Having purchased tho copy right of Edward A. Vincent, Esq. of his now Map of the city of Savannah, the undersigped has mado arrangements to fill all orders for tho samo, at short notice. A sufficient number was received by last steamer to furnish subscribers, auil will bo delivered immediately. Wo are unable to sup. ply the country demand until thenrrivnlof the noxt steam er. Arrangements liavo been mado for a further supply, which will be regularly received. All orders punctually at tended to. Address S. 8. 8IBLEY, apl8 Bookseller and publisher, 186 Congress-8t.,Sav’h. N OTICE.—Thosubscriber having transferred all his right* title and interest ns publisher and proprietor of the uew Subdivision Map of the city of Savannah to 8.8. Sibley, Esq., publisher and bookseller of this city, subscribers are hereby notified that tlioy will receive tlielr coplos from him in future, as publisher of said Map. ap!8 EDWARD A. VINCENT. OAM SUCK’S WISE 8AW8, and modern instances, or O what ho said, did or in/ented, by Judge Halltberton. Tho Young Maiooncra on tlio Florida Coast, by R. R. Doubling, of Georgia, with a map nnd illustrations. Layurd’s Babylon and Nineveh Second Expedition, Har per’s edition nthalf price Taylor’s Memorial of tlio English Martyrs. Wild Jack, or the Stolon Child, by Caroline L nents. Lamartlno’s History of tho Restoration of Monarchy In France, vol. 4. Leigh Hunt’s Auto Biography, 2 vol*. Tapping on the Practice of the high preroative writ of mandamus. Smith on tho Law of Master and Servant, Including mas ter nnd workmen. junclO W. THORNE WU.UAMS. C HAIU.ES JAMES FOX.—Memorials and Correspondence of CUarlos J. Fox, by tho Rt. lion. Lord John Russell, 2 vols. Baker’s Foments of Mechanism in the practical con struction of machines, 243 engraving*. Plain Directions for obtaining Pholographie Pictures. Year Book of Facta on Bclerce and Art for 1861 and 1862. LAW BOOKS. Crabbe’s Reports on tbo U. 8. District Conrt of Pennsyl vania, from 183d to 1846, under Judges Uopkinson, Randall, and Kano. Exchequer Reports, vol. 0—Welsby, Horton A Gordon; do Younge & Jarvis’, 8 vols. British Crown Cases, vols. 4,6 and 6—Moody. Denison A Pearce. may31 W. THORNE WHJJAMS. NEW BOOKS. R eceived by s. s. siblev, junoist, 1853: Minnie Iawson, or tho Outlaw’s League, by Chas. Red Swan, Esq. Harry Ashton, or tho Will nnd the Wny. by tho author of Minnie Grey. Uui Howard, or how to win a wife. The Trapper’s Bride, or Spirit of Adventure, by the au thor of I’ralraleBIrd. Dancing Feather, or Pirato Schoonor, by J. H. Ingraham, Esq. White Wolf, or the Secret Brotherhood, by Paul Feval. 1'utnaniH’ Magazine for June; Blackwood’s do for May: Gleason’sl’ictoral; Barnum’s Illustrated News. Forsale at 136 Congress-street.Juneg N EW BOOKS.—RccclvodbyS.8. Sibley, June 7,1863.— Tliu Empress of the Isles, or tho Lako Bravo; Nancy Waterman, or Woman’s Faith Triumphant, a tale of New York city; Imfltto, or the Pirato of the Gulf, by J. II. Ingra ham ; Sain Slick’s Wise laws, or wlmt he said, or did, or invented ; Wild Jack, or the stolen child a sketch from life, by Caroline pee Hents | I)r. Valentlne’a Comio Lectures, comicsongs, &c., with twelve portraits; Antifanaticism. a tale of the South, by Miss Matilda Haines Butt: Second number Popular Education ; Gleason’s Pictorial; Barnum’s Illustrated News; Harry Corerdale, by the author of Frauk Fnrloigh; Louisa Eton, or things seen and heard. For sale at 136, Congress-streot. TVJ’EW BOOKS—Received by W. Thorne Williams—Echoes L1 of a Bello, or a voice from the past—a Soutkerli tale, bv a Southern lady—new supply: Modern Flirtation, a nov- elbyCath Sinclair; Life of tlio Rev. Dr. Chalmers, in one vol; Butler’s Homoepnthlo Domostio Physician; Frank Forrester’s American Gamer and its Seasons ; Mrs Kirk land’s Evening Book or Fireside Talk ; Marmaduke Wyvllle, by Herbert; Alban, or the History of a Young Puritan; The Grafted Breed, a jnemoir of Angelina Harvey ; Putnam’s IJ- brary of Popular Travels In n Chase; Putnam’s Library of Popular Miscellanies; Putnsm’s Magazlno, for Juno, 4th volume; Cy rllla, by tho author of The Initials; No 4 Lord Russell’s Memoirs of Pamollnra; Charles’ Notabllitivs of France and England. juno8 NEW BOOKS. G REAT TRUTH8 by Great Authors, a dictionary of aids to reflection, quotations of maxims, metaphors, coun sels. cautions, aphorisms, proverbs, Ac., from writers of all ages and both liemUpherea. Tho Evening Book, or Fireside Talk on Morals and Man- nors, with sketches of Western Life: by JIrs. Kirklands, author of •* A New Homo,” Ao.,&c. Tho Hi bio In the Counting House: a course of Lectures to Merchants ; by JL A. Roardman, 1). D. Rowland Trover: or tho Pilot of Human Life: being autobiography of tho author, showing how to mako or It a fortune, nna how to make another. Tlio raco for Riches, and some of tho Pits Into which tlio Runners Fall—six Lectures, applying tlio word or God to the traffic of men: by Wm. Arnot, minister of Free St. Peter’s, Glasgow; American edition, with prefoco and notes, by Stephen Colwell. The Doubting Communicant Encouraged: by 8eptlmns Tustln. D.I)., late Chaplain of the United States Sonate. Second edition. Marco Paul’s Voyage, Travels and Adventures In Boston: by Jncob Abbot. Marie de Bernlere; a Tale of the Crescent City. Ac., Ac : by W. Gllbnor* Simms, author of the Yemassee, so., Ac. American Game in Its Boaaons; by Ilonry William Her bert, author of the Rhootlng Box, Deerstalkers, Ao., Ite. A Dictionary of Domestic Medicine and Household Sur gery : by Spencer Thompson, M. D, revised, with additions, by Henry H. Smith, M. D., Surgeon to Lt. Joseph’s Hospital, Philadelphia. Memoirs. Journal and Correspondence, of Thomas Moore, edited by tho Rt. Hon I/>rd John Russell, M. P.—Part IV. a rilla: a Talo by tho author of Tho Initials. rry Ashton: or tho Will and tho Way: by the author of Mlunio Grey. Gua Howard,Ac. Tbo White Wolf: or the SocrdtBrotherhood—a Romance: by Paul Fuvnl, author of tlio Mysteries of London, As. Mi any Iawson; or the Outlaw’s Leaguo—a Romance o Gotham: by Charles Red Swans. TiieDanciu bum Esq. The Schoolfellow’s Frst Quarter—a Gift Book forCUIl- dreu: edited by W. C. Richards and Cousin Allco. Putnam’s Magazine for Juno. Barnum’s Illustrated News, No. 3. Received by JeS J. B. CPBBEDGE. olug Feather, or Pirate 8chooner: by J. H. Ingra- N EW BOOKS-Recclrod by S. 8. Sibley, Jane 14th, 1863. —History of all Nation* from the Earliest Periods to the present time, by S.OGoodritb, Illustrated by 70 maps and 700 engravings; Montalgno’s Works, his Essays, Let ters, Ac., by Wmmrlett, Esq.; Tooke’s Panthson or the Heathen Gods, adapted to the use of every age and sex; Sylvia Seabury, or Yankee, In Japan, by Harry Hazel, aui thor of Yankee Jack, Ac.: tho 8oldier’a Wife, or Scenes in Canteens and oni the> battlei Field, by G W M Reynold,; La- dr Leighton, or the Belle of the Manor, by Mrs Gore, author oi the Dean's Daughter, Ac.; Part 6th of Memoirs of Thom- as Moore, by the Hi Hon John Russell, M P.; Arthur’s Homs ^gtrine, for July; Brother Jonathan. • mammoth sheet, Ju L y 5 J*™*®’! BjnMrated Newt; Gleason’s PicI torial, Ac., Ao., for sale at 186 Congress street, Junel5 \j EW BOOKS. —The Soldier’s Wife; or Scenes In Canteen IN and on the Battle-field, by 0 WM Reynolds; SylrU Srebuty.or Yankees In Japan, the Romantic Adventures of Henry HsxeU; Lady Lighten, or the Bell of the Manonoy sin Gore;'Memoir, Journal and Oorrespon- dene* pt Thomas Moore, part 6; Pletoral Brother Jouo- than for July; Barnum’s News, No 24; receiced by JnnolS J. B. CPBBEDGE. just reoelved- the best and cheapest assortment o! b?f^ w “ eb “V •J® 162 B S. SIBLEY. 186 Congress-street. flint 1 ,| . 1. A—UtlUiU. Amorouf, Jolw W AnAmra, Dwld Aim- A»li, Jilin 8 AcAorti a»S, W Andeiwnj BtoWMt Amlin. B—nonodlot Bourquln, .OHU-rt Butter, Join, r BolteulUut, John Y iter bir,JolluiBaelinr«chAteor» i Chas W W Bruon. James it BuUer, Hyman B B/ck. William J Bandy, Edwin H Uaoon, Wm jomss BuUoofi,; ^egfound . Berg, Milton J Bodmer, John Boston, t H«nry. B BogardM, Wlinam H Bulloch, Patrick Bulk!*/; John W Bdisley, John B Barnwell, James T Buckoor, Anthony Baslsr, Thomas A Brown, John Burns, Joseph H Burroughs Berrien MB Bur roughs, William F Brantley, Charles H Bell, Dias B lure tow, Peter A Blots, Wm Gaston Bulloch, Jsaao Brunttor. JohnBrunnor. James Bancroft, Philip II Bohn, James A Brown, John MaCpherson Bekrlon, Barnard E Ike, Richard Burke, David Bell, Tlmroas H Barrett, Edward J Blount, Wolfe Barnett, Conrad E Byck, Charles Bishop, Wm Biol*,' Valentine Brunner,Charles W Brunner, Joiepn W Brown, Joseph. U Baldwin. 1'rancU Blair, Mlcboel Brannon, James K Bullough, James A Baker, William M Blount. ■ ■ Solomon Cohen, Bernard Constantine, Darla C Cash, William Cullen, PetorCorb, David Lopes Cohen, James A Courvolsie, Montgomery Gumming, Daniel B Camp, George B Cummlng, Moses Coburn, William Crabtree. Aaron Cham- plon, DanielD Copp, humo Cohen, kredorick Conk, Frederick W Cornwell, William V Clark, William H Cuyler, Carrol A Cloud, Spencer CurrelL Plorco Condon, William M Charters, Charlo- Clare, Ihniol Clarko, John F Compognlae. George GUtey, Myles 1> Cullens, Peter L Constantine. Nichola* Cru- J er, lloury It Christian. John Cordoal, Wallace Cummlng. ames 11 Cartor, William Cooiier, John J Cornell, James T Clark. James 0 I) Campbell, Samuel J Cassells. Joseph 8 Carrutlicra. John I) Charlton, Bryan Connor, William Oscar Charlton' William Cox, Hugh Cullen, Jamea Cleary, Monos 8 Cohen, Thomaa Corr, Josoph SClnghorn, John F Carsten. Charles! 1* Cooper, John Greeuo Gooko. Ilonry Cleaver. Jacob Colieu, Benjamin L Cole, Silas M Coleing. John L Clark. Tlioman W Cooper, Henry Caasmi. Jamo* Cox, Robert M Charlton, James Cor,'Francis Canfield. -Dh>David HDIIIqn.Mkrtln Duggan, Archibald CDaven- K rt. Isaac Davis, John Dally, James Dunn, William Dixon, ises G Dcau.Chcsley Dugger, William II Dunulug, Henry J Dickerson. Albert L Dol/irgo. Isaac D'Lyon, John E Davis, John Itoylo.'jr., Isaac Delnroclie,William M Davldsou, Win H Davis, Richard Dawson,Charles S Davis, Nlciiolas Dixon, IjOwIs L Davis, Francis H Deincro, Patrick Doyle, Michael Donnelly, Morty Dorgan, John Downing, llichnni W Dela ney, HiomaH Doyle, iliuiims E Davis, SlioMon C Dunning, George W Davis. E^-Henrv Mila, Peter Endros. John Evorard, Richard Ennis. John Eiskeamp, Stephen Elliott, Jncub A Epstein, Jolin B Epstein. Thomaa Ellen. Fte—Joserili Felt. Owen Foley, Jeremiah Fickling. Green Fleetwood, Louis N Fallignnt, Caspar J Fulton. Washington F Florence, Joseph S Fay, John G Fallignnt, John C FerriU, Andrew Farry. Frederlcli Finch. William 1) Ford, Sewell It Fisk. Jolin Flemming, Richard Flanigan, Thomas Ford, Patrick Fleming, John Foster, John D Fish, Bryan Foley,’ Josiali R Usher, John F'oley, Jacob Friend. Dugald Fergu son. John Flannogan, James Fountain, Henry It Fort. G.—Joseph George, Robert II Griffin, Francis Grimball, Joseph George, Jr., Robert M Goodwin, John B Gallic, David H Galloway .Seaborn Goodall, John Gammell, Domingo Gal- leo. Joseph F Gammon. Chorle* Groan, MartinGerken, James E Gaudry, Philip Gieblehousu, Henry Ganahl, John ¥ Gull- martin. John Gerdts. Benjamin Ginovoly, John L Groven- ateln, Ebenezer W M Gifford, Jamea E Godfrey. George A Gordon, Calvin L Gilbert. Samuel Goldsmith, Nlckles Coil, Horaco Gillum. John S Green, Francis L Guo, Jas Gowan, William T Goodwin. H.—Thomas Holcombe, David F nalnov, William Hess, Christopher Hussey, Richard H Howell, Charles S Hardee, William Hnwe. William Hunter, William F* Holland. James Hunter, George S Harding, Edwin E Herts, Martin Horn, Lemuel L Hover, John Ilanpt. Samuel B Haupt, William Henry, Henry Iluupt, William W nendloy, Robert Haber sham. John E llernandes, Robert, Hutchison, Alfred Hay wood. William Henderson.Charles A Hall, Geo W Hardens- tie. Robert A Honiker. William L Haupt. Humphrey P Hor ton, Peter Henry, William Heidt, Levi Hart, Thomas Hen derson, William P Hunter. Marmaduke Hamilton, Peier D Hllzhcfm. Charles F Hamilton. John F Hamilton. William Hone. William II Hausman, David Harrlgnn, Henry Har per. Howell W Hollister, Eunch D Hendry, John G Howard, William II Holmes. Geo Troup Howard, WiUIam B Halo, Gustavs A Ilolcomoe, Claus Hnrtman, Samuel Hamilton. Edward J Harden, Stephen N Harris, Columbus 8 Harris, Jamos B B Harley, L'ndan Hughes, Prtolenu Hamilton. Jno C Hunter, Dennis Haloy, James E Hogg, Jonathan Hill, Jno Hall, Peter Hermnnn, John A Henges, Nicholas Ueyle, I.—John W Ilily. J^-John R Johnson, John T Jones, James R Johnston, Vdwnrd Jones. James C Jonos. Alexander Johnson. William Bullock Jackson, Enoch S Johnson, John DJesso, Jolin J Jackson. James H Johnston, Robert Jackson, Win James. K— Philip Kolb, John Kennedy, Alfred Kent, Gefcrt Kuck. l’oter lCroiise. William Krauss, John W Kibbee, Her man Kublinan, Diodricli Katteuborn. Nicholas King. John _ ri , _ __ ^ IS foil, vrintor Mid spring months, andbns of thk tha IWH! for shad. Any nersou wishing ISO can 4o |0 .by calling on tho subscriber on th* . 1)1 ABso. 880 seres 'of Land 'tlniiWsdi wIlh 160 acres of , first rats bay land well ditched and drained,ready for tlsar- t ing, with live seres cleared. Said land will produce fifty foushnlsof corn to tbs acre,’ This land lloa two miles from Mann Ferry, on the AUtamaha river.- . :: k'-l Also, 6,OuO acres tho Alatamaha and All tin ' - 6,000 acres of.flnrfluollty pins tbnbored land on tamaha and Oemulgee rtySre. • ._ies* lands are situate In th* flrstand second district of AppUng county. • Also, 2,000 acre* of land well timbered with cynrsM and whit* oak. Any psrson wishing further B .. The subscriber offer* tat sate valuable town prop erty in the flourishing v(llago of Ocala, FAst Florida. Said prouerty embraces eleven town lots, and upon wuicu Is situated the hotel known as th* Ocala House, with stables, corn crib, fodder house, Ao. The hotel l has been built about two years and is completely finished and well fUrnlshed; is situated in tno business part of the town nnd offers great inducement to any person wishing to embark In such business. Possession can bo given on tlie first day of noxt January. For furthor particulars, apply to Joiw Bos- to*, Esq., Bitvannah, Ua. J0S1AH PAINE,' • qplO—lawtf Ocala, Florida. * WCE LANDS FUR SALK.—Hie Tract of LAND on the Bt. Mary’sltlver, known as the Cut-off Tract,containing soven hundred and soventy-two (772) acres, of which over live hundred (600) acres are tide swamp and fresh marsh lands, with • rite and fell of tide of six feet. The inarah land was successfully cultivated many years since, producing Cotton, Cane, and Wee. Those lauds could bo put In order with less labour. Ills beuovod, than would ho required for putting Hammock lands In order, and aro considered very safe from overflow In gales and freshets. F'or further particulars nnd terms, which will l»e mado easy to a purchaser, apply to John Fra re r nnd Co., (Tinrlcidou, S.C.,or to Mrs. Ilonry Bailey, St. Mary’n, Camden county, Georgia. A plat of tho laud may be Been at the office of the Geor gians apl 27—d&c l FOR SALE.—A Tract of LAND, containing 202 X ^i^acreii.niid improvements, near Waltliounille. I.l!»orty county.- The land is of good quality, pino and bay land. 60 acres of which are in cultivation, inul the remainder well timbered, offering Htrong inducements to personx interested in procuring lurpentloo. The Improvements consist of a two-storyfrainodwelllng. together with negro houses.stables, and all other necessary outbuildings. 'Hie location cannot bo surpassed for lioalthfuliiess or salubrity of oliinato, with good water, nnd a range for cattle which caunot bo excelled. The above property can be bought at a very reasonable price, and on tlio most accommodating terms, If early application be made to tbo subscribers, nt Walthourvllle. Li Iwrly county. II. W. BACON apl 26—dko E. II. WAY, VALUABLE 1UCE LAND FOR SALE. jKiW A Tract of Tide Swamp Land, containing 500 acres, HfWSiyingon the Alntumnlia river, three miles above Dari- on, adjoining lands of the estate of Butler nnd Dun- wody on tho east, and Gignllllat nnd Walker on tbo north and wost, having as good a pitch of tldo as nnv rlco plan tation on the river. My terms are, tweuty dollars per acre, one-fourth cosh, and tho balance on a credit of from five to nr*, the interest only required to bo paid annually. S to the underslirned at Darien. In case of iny absence HBI Pkisols will Hbow tbo land, a plan of which can bo seen at tho office of tho Georgian. SAMUEL M. STREET. Dabhc*, Jan. 22,1863. Jan26—lam fOBk FUR SALE.—A Tract of LAND of Five Hundred acres strictly nrirao Rico Land, Immediately opposite tlio old town of Hardwick. The situation ot the place affords one of the best Saw-mill neats In the Southern country, lacllltlei for timber being easy and without end. Vessels coming from sea can load Immediately alongside, drawing from ten to fifteen foot of water. F’or terms apply to Henry Williams, U.S.District Attorney,Savannah,or to 11. STILES, Bryan coun- ty- Kasor. James Kennedy, Frederick Krcnson, Emanuel Kan- wnller. L,—Thomas E I.ioyd. Louis Legricl. John N Lewis, Daniel J Lambrcth, John II Lightbourno, William M Leigh, Alonzo B Luce, Hugh Logan, Stanislaus M Laffitcau. John Lyons, Levi Lolionthnl. l’oter I<ee, Edward Lovell, William W Lin coln, Oliver A Lallocho, John M B Ixirell. Martin Larkin. Noble Lyon, Frederick Lohof. Joseph H Ladson, John II Ladd, Daniel I/sahy, Benjamin W Llloyd. Charles A L la- mar. Peter Iaureus, James F Linder. Matthew Lufburrow, Eilward Lynch, John T Latham,Philip S Leaver,Hugh Jar- kin, James J Logan. Josoph Lippman, Andrew law, Wm E Long, Andrew J labcy, Michael Lavin, David P Lander- shine. III.—Hugh W Morccr. Anthony F Mem. Abraham Minis William H C Mills. Jacob Manke. Mulfora Marsh. William Morrill, John Mallory, Adolphe Mode. John Makiti, Gofort Murkins, James W Morgan. Ralph Jletdrim. Dan Jiallotte, Horaco Mono, William H May, Samuel S Miller, John Mur chison, Christian W Maylaindor. Solomon Mayer, John Mas- torsun. Ludor Mchrtens. Jacob Manses, John E Mallcry. Hen ry Macnhard, Tliomns R Mills. James Monnahnn. Charles A Magill, John B Mallard. Jacob Miller, Matthias H Meyer, Alvin N Miller, Simon Morris, Leander Moore, Jno A Mayer, Richard C Macknll, Michael Meath, Fabina Mycrhoffer. Thomas Meath. John Murchison, Bryan M Morel. Hugh W Mercer, Jolm Mnlmnney.Tlioinos Muhar, William E Mongin. Me.—George A McClcskey, Bartliolomow McJunarnoy, Patrick McDowell, William McCarthey. Josepii J McCoy, Iauronce McKenna, Thomas McKenna, Daniel McRcdmond, Tliomns W McArthor, James McHenry, Michael McGrcn Patrick McGovern, Norman W McI«od, William J McIn tosh, James McFeely, Alexander McIIardy, Angus McAl- pin, Michael McCarty, Neil McHugh. James Mclnnamey. N^-George N Nichols. Thomas J Naylor, Dunlel Nelson, Samuel Nuttman.James SNeidlingor, Nathl Nungazer. John G Noldlingor. William 0 Norwood Jacob Nowberger.Gilhert N Noylo, Thomas M Nowell. James A Norris, John R Nor ton, Robert C Nock, Juinea Nungazer, William Nungazer, Edwin I.Noidllnger, Lewis FNIcoll. O. —John Oliver, Charles Fl O’Sullivan, John W Owens, George S Owens, Arinlnius Ocurlor, Edward O'Bynio, Wil liam C O’Driscoll, Dennis O’Coqnor. Phillip O’Conuell, Dan iel O’Hnolon.Timotliy O’Connor, Timothy O’Brien. P. —Philip J Punch, Thomas Purse. John l’oolo, James Potter. Joseph E Pelot. Charles F Preston, William Procter, Edward I’adclford. FMward Padelford, jr., Elisiui Parsons, Daniel G I’hllbrlck, Anthony Porter, Dennis M Patrick, Ed win Parson*. George Parsons, Edward Powers. John Postcll, Josoph W Philips. Jolin F I’oscy. William V Prcutlco, Ilonry C Preston, Thomas Pidgon, Jonn M Palin, Samuel G Pan : cost. Q. .—William Quantock. jr. It.—Philip M Russell. Daniel Robertson, John A Richard son, William Rcmsbarf. George Robertson, jr.. Robert R Rhodes.Henry Itober, William ltogers, Charles E Robinson, Andrew M Ross. Jolin W Renwliart, James G Rodgers, Rer- nard Roden, James B Read. George Robbins. Joseph Rosse, jr., David Rosenblatt. WiUIam P Rowland, Wm P Roberts, Jolin Reilly, Jefferson Roberta, John 1* W Rend, Jas Rliind, Josoph Ribera, Jacob Ilosenband, John 8 Rogers, Allen Russell, William Robinson. James Riley. Horace J Royall, John Reedy. Alexander R Ralston. Thomas M Ilosis. John B Ross, Thomas Redfrcn, Beniamin Reed JosephB Ripley. Patrick Reilly, Francis Ryan, John Riordon.Jolm W Rabun. S—Patrick K Shlels, Henry Seltzer, Wm Henry Stiles, Patrick Smith. Francis Sorrel. Samuel 8 Sibley, Edward A Soullnrd, Abraham Simpson. iJznr Solomons, John A Schaf fer. Frederick Scliaffcr, Francis F Strobhart, Francis Sliells, Harman Silbcr. Joachim R Snusscy. James J Snider. John Savage. Ezra Stacy, Jsmes HSandiford, Jacob Shaffer.Con- rad Schnider, John 0 Sexton. John H Strous. John FStur- tovnnt. Walter W Smith, FTancls M Stone, Emanuel Shef- tall, John H Stegln, Alexander J C Shaw. Farley R Sweat. James F Stokes. John A Staley, Abner Sawyer, Samuol B Sweat. James Sullivan, Solomon Sheflall, Daniel T Scran ton. Danlol H Stowart, John Slono. William Salto, Joseph D Stebblns, Jacob Spang, William 8hinners. John Shuuzel, Matthew Shannon, Dennis Sullivan, Philip Smith, John Shwink, James Shea. James P Screven, Thompson L Smith, Will'nniSwoll, Richard Scanlan, Alexander A Smets, Wil liam H Smith, Andrew Steafvater. Edward J Sanders, Mor- decal Sheftall. Sr., Jncob A Shaffer. Herman Sangstocli. Jas M Stripling. Francis Sawyer. Timothy Shoridon, John Scud der, James Skinnor, Lewis Smith, John Shea. Geo I Spen cer, Samnel I. Hpolscggor, Simon Santim, Thomas Smith, James Shephard. T«-PoterGThomas. John F Tucker, John TThomas, Willinm 8 Thompson. Georgo H Titcomb, Charles G TsJbird, John I) Tenbroek, John Thompson, Frederick A Tupper, Jas Thurrt. William B Tinsley, Barnard G Tilden, Anderson C Toms. Francis Trucheiut William TThompson, John Tier ney. Edward Townsend, John C Taylor. Charles Van Horn. David Vender Trislam YeritllJe, Henry II Verstllle. William IIS VerstiUe. Henry Vielstitch. W.—Richard Wayne,Edward G Wilson, William Waters. Robert D Walker. Henry F Willink, Lnurcnco W Wall, Na thaniel F Webster, Henry 0 Wyer. James T Webb, Henry K Weed, Smith Warner, Thomas White, Francis H Wclman, Nichola* Wolf. William White, Tlioroas S Wayne, Benjamin Whitehead. Jacob Wlneberg, Samuel A Wood. George 8 Walt, Charles Wilson, Thomas J Walsh, John W Wilson, Jn- Jeph Washburn, Zaciinriah N Winkler. Lowls W Wells, Ed mund Wnlion, Wyllr Woodbridge. Christopher Write. Seth Woodward. Isnno Wilder. Dennis Wynn. James White. Philo II Wildman. William Watson. William P White, Philip D Wuolhople. Ashbel Welles, John J Waver, Jacob Walter, George M Willett, James T Welles, James Whillhan. Enos Witlilngtoo. Alien R Wright. Samuel Wilmot, Wm Wilson, Wiliam Wright. Jamos M Wayne. William Thomo Williams, Patrick White, James W White, Richard Wickam. William M Wadley, Jacob Waldburg. George W Wylly, William C Wylly, Isaac P Wlritohead. Iowi* Wiggins. Y. —Dr Easton Young. Peter Yonson. Z. —Edwin S ZIttrouor All persons cntillod to vote, and desirous of voting at the noxt election for Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah and hamlets thereof, are respectfully requested to call at my offico and register their names within the time prescribed by law, else they will bo debarred the right of voting thereat. EDWARD WIi.SON. maj30 Clerk of Council. PATENT SCALES. P AKBANK’S Patent Platform Scales—(Improved in qual ity nnd reduced In price)—Adapted to every required op eration of weighing, as Railroad Scales for trains or alnglo cars In use on tho principal railroad* In tho United 6tates and Great Britain, Warehouse Scale*, Heavy Portable Scales, on wheels, for foundrioa,rollingmills, 4c. Store Scales, various modifications; Counter 8cales» Hay and Coal Scales, 4c.— These Scales have been long known and severely tested; and tho universal confidence felt In their accuracy and perfect Adjustment, is such that they are now regardod as the stand ard,from which there Is no appeal. wyl2 PHILBRICg 4 BELL. Agents F DOR OIL GLGTII8.—'The most complete stock of Oil Cloths, In every variety of pattern* and colors, varying In widths from one to eight yarn*. Families and hotel keep, are can cover their dining rooms or halls without piecing, WM. H. QUION. Agent, Carpet Warehouse, fob6 140 Congress ana 67 St Jullan-ste. F NK SHIRTS.—Those In want of a fine shirt, to fit woll and handsomely mado, can be accommodated at No 147 Bayst. rtaylfl . PRICK 4 VEADER, F ISHING AND JOCKEY CAP&—Reoelved by late' arri vals, a new supply. Those la want will please call at " —““ VRICE 4 VEADER. 14T Bay-st TJUTTkit, JJ boxes ( may2fi I. 4o.—20 tub# new May Butter, 60 Cheese, 28 bbls Hiram Smith,’* Flour, 60 boro# Herring, lauding per steamer and for sale by ’ . bcranton; joHNgroN fo oo. . STEAM SAW BOLL FOR HALE, S ITUATED half a niilofrom this City, on tlie cannl, has _ basin cajuible of holdiug two million feet of I/igs. The Mill has beou In operation about seven months, runs two gangs nnd an edging saw, also Grist Mill. Tills Mill bows from 12 to 16 M. foot per day. F’or particulars apply to . se20 WYI.LY 4 MONTMOLUN. jthi FOR 8AI£—Thftt valuable parcel of land formerly *T^occu|iiod by E. Jencke’s, Flsq.. known ns a Cooper’s Shop and Yard. It Is bounded on the east by West Bound ary street, west by tho Canal, north by Railroad Htreet, and south by lots Nos. 6 and 6. and contains about four acres. fobl WYLLY 4 MONTMOLUN. being tlie Wharf now occupied by tho Charleston Steam Packet Company, inensuriug one hundred foot on tho River, nnd running back about two hundred feet to Cannl-streot! Tlie property is now under a lenso which wUI expire on the first of Novembernext. If not sold at private salo previous to the first Tuesday in February, it will then be offered at auction at the Court House. Apply to de!5 COHEN 4 FOSD1CK. STEAM ENGINE 5i MACHINERY AGENCY. Tho undersigned. B. W. Leokaiid nnd E. ^SjaKW. Smith, (the former having been for more ^2Jteplijun*than 30 years manager and agent of tlie i Mattes wan Establishments; tbo latter for many years connected with the Allairo Works, ns Superin tendent and Engineer, nnd more recently superintending engineer for the Collins’Line of Now York ami Liverpool United States Mail Steam Ships, os also of the Ocean Steam Navigation Company’s, running between New York, South ampton and Bremen,,) having formed a copartnership, of fer their services as consulting Engineers and Agents, for purchasing or superintending tho construction of Paddle Wheel anil Propeller Steam vessels of every description, Marino Enginos and Boilers for Ocean nnd River Steamers, Locomotives and other Railroad Machinery, Pumping En gines and Machinery for Water Works nnd Draining tands, Blust Enginos and Machinery for Iron Works, Cotton, Wool- on and Flax Manufactories, and Machinery for every de scription of Manufacturing. Corn, Flour and Saw Mills, Su gar Mills and Rcfinoriea, Quartz Crushing and other Mining Mnchinery. Mill Geering, Shafting and l’ullies. Every de scription of Castings, Wrought Iron Forgings. Ao. Specifications nnd contracts prepared, plans and de tail drawings furnished, steam vessels, steam engines and other machinery surveyed nnd valuo thereof estimated. Second hand steam vessels, steam engines and Rollers, cotton and woolen machinery generally, for salo. W. B. LEONARD & E. W. SMITH, Office 76 Merciinnts’ Exchange. Cr. Wall nnd llanover-streets, New York. RKFKHKNCra AT THK MIRTH. E K Collins.Agent New York and Liverpool U SMSteamers CII Sand, President Ocean Steam Navigation Company Mortimer Livingston, Agent Now York nnd Havre U 8 M Steamers. Ezra Nyo, Commander Steamer TacKlo. Joseph J Comstock, Commander Steamer Baltic. G W Floyd, Commander Steamer Washington. James P Allaire, Esq., formerly Proprietor of tho Allairo Works. John F’ Winter, Son 4 Co, Merchants, Now York. Englo 4 Hazard, “ '• Peter Cooper, “ “ • • Asa Worthington, “ ” A O Parmolee. “ “ James liognrdus, Iron Store Builder. “ Hazard 4 Monteatli. Merciinnts, Buffalo, New York Bush 4 Wildes, Merchants. Boston. Mass, P Grinull 4 Sons, Merchants, Providence, R. I. RKFKKKNCW AT THK SOUTH. J P rhillins, Esq., Cleveland. Ohio. J E Lemulno, President Mcclianica’ Mg. Co., Petersburg. V . C P Mollett, President Rockfish Mg. Co., Fayetteville. N. C. J G Cnirus,/gent Rowan Manuf’g. Co.. Salisbury. N. O'. Wm Gregg. President Granitevllle Mg. Co., Charleston, S. C. George W Winter, Banker, Columbus, Geo. Joseph W Winter. Esq., Montgomery, Ala. W J Lcdyard, Merchant, Mobile, Ala. Sidney Smith, Esq. u “ Rufus It Ikdknnp, Manuf’r “ “ James Saul, Esq., Prost. Gom’l. Water Works. N Orleans. Ia W W White, Ranker. New Orleans, 1a. Samuel I) Morgan, Merchant. Nashville, Tcnil. J G Ambler, Esq., Jacksonville, Florida. J 8 Sanborn, Esq., Coffocvlllo, Miss. Burtlll 4 Patrick, Merchants, San Francisco, Cal. Cliarlea Bogardus, Architect. “ “ selB NEW WINK AND LIQUOR STORE. No. 6 Whitaker-tired. THE SUBSCRIBER respectfully announces to the dtizens of Savannah, nnd of tho Interior of tills [State, that ho has now opened and will keep con tinually instore, a large assortment of the best qualities of tlie various kinds of WINES ANI) LIQUORS, both foreign nnd domostic, invoiced from the best sources, and to bis stock of which, at present on hand, he invites attention.— Having lmd extensive experience in France as a manufac turer, nnd in America ns importer and dealer, hi* acquain tance with tlie tradoenables him to offer ossurnneo that tbo articlen which are enumerated below aro each genuine: Articles of Direct Importation.—French Bran dies of various brands; Holland Gin; Scotch, Irish nnd Monougalicla Whisky ; Old Batavia Arrack ; Jamaica and St Croix Rum. Wines.—Old Fort.Madeira, Sherry, Cliampngne, Hock, Claret. Pnutemo and Burgundy Wines. Cordials—-In cases. Curacoa, Maraschino, Ratafia, Sia- vaitz. Kirschenwasscr, Absinth, 4c. Ale and Porter—London Brown Stout, nnd Filin- burgh Alo. Also Agent for Domostio liquors. nor6 R. MAYER. GROCERIES, &C. 100 bags prime Rio Coffee, 60 do do Java do 20 hhds Porto Rico Sugar, 10 do N. 0. do 100 bbls Stuart’s B and C Sugar 20 do Crashed Sugar, 20 do Ground do 20 bbls Loaf Sugar, 20 boxes Lemon Syrup 50 do Nos. 1,2 and 8 Mackerel, 10 half ao 2 do 100 do Balt, Flour, 60 do II 8. do, 60 do half do Canal 10 casks Bacon Sidra, 6 do Shoulders 20 boxes Northern Cheese, 20doEngl*h Dairy do 60 do No. 1 Soap. 60 do Palo do, 25 do Starch 60 do Tobacco, assorted brands 60 bbls Planting Potatoes. 20 boxes Sperm Candles 60 boxes Tallow Candles, 60 do Star do 26 do Adanmntlne do 60 bbls old Monongahela Whiskv, 2.000ft Codfish 200 do Whisky, Gin. Rum and Brandy 20 yi casks Cognac Brandy, 60 dozen Brooina 2 pipes Holland Gin, 2 )i casks Scotch Whisky 600 gross Pipes, 100,000 Spanish Segars 20 dozen Demijons, 200 reams Wrapping Paper 50 five and throe gallon Kegs. Landing and In store, for salo by Jan29 COHEN 4 TARVER "MATTE WAN MACHINE AND MANUFAC TURING COMPANY, U NDER a new and improved organization, manufacture Locomotive and Stationary Engines, 8ugar Mills, Gins, Presses, lAthes, Drills, 4e. Also, ovory description of Cot ton, Woolen and Saw Mill work, Shafting. Pulleys, 4o., Cast ings of any weight, (having a large assortment of patterns.) at reduced prices. F. 8. CLAXTON, Engineer. PDepot 13 Plstt-street. cornor of Gold. Claxtou 4 Wet- more. Excelsior. Collins 4 Co. and H. Collins’Axes, Hard- ware Agency, 23 Pratt-st., New York. oclO—lyr SILVER’S MINERAL PAINTS. J UBT RECEIVED.—A supply of Mineral Paints, fire and water-proof color*, unfading. 8ilver’a Mineral Paints differ essentially from all others in maiket. They are not Clays, they require Uttio oil, they do not work toughly, but flow;qasllr a* white lead. They lay on a very heavy body, set Immediately, and become an indcstructable covering ol flint. They neither crack nor peel, and require no stronger dryer than whito lead. I h»vo a variety of colors. Red, Yellow, various Browns, and Jet Black. They are superior la body (or covering property) to anything ever discovered,and pound for pound will cover double the surfece of White Lead or Zinc Mineral paints, and require less oil. 1 am now prepared to cover Tin Roofs, as nothing adhores to tin like Silver’s Mineral Paints. F’or sale by JOHN J MAURICE, my 8 - —tURTCE, 10 and 12 Barmu&slreot. SKWPORTWATER UURB. rpHH establishment will be opened on the first of April JL* next. Address Dr. W, F. REH, Newport, R. L fob21—3m *lth other vegetable remedies of great power, and U I# In IteW'iSMK ease depends. It sqte, almqllaneoualy upon t|i* stomach, sSSSriKte® tea white It disinfects and expels from the stomach and r - -T-r. , — T -d It the samo time restores their vigor and fonel It* great merit is, that |t meets mid' neutralizes the active prinetplo of disease Itself,'and when that ia rone, the symptoms necemrlly disappear; and we hav* only to point to the accumulated testimony of mnltl- SWiffifflSSf -111 effecU,t ° conTlnco tecredu- . {he proprietors submit to the pnhllo the following o*rtl- fleate from a highly, respectable source, of a oura nude by Ullug their preparatlonof Sarsaparilla i Chatham, Mas*., July 28, I860. Messrs. A. B. 4 D. Sands—Gentlemen: So truly valua ble do I consider four Sarsaparilla, that I fool it to be roy 4uty to stato for the benefit of Other#, tho cure eflbctedon myself. 1‘revlous to 1846. 1 had a dlseao of tlie throat, whiefrdestroyed the •tonsihi.rend waa then attacked with violent palu In tho head. Thle soon roaulted In severe In- fiaromation, and Immense quantities of blood and imatter were discharged. For air weeks the disease Continued In tbo head, and then pervaded the body generally, attacking all tho limbs. I was confined to a sick bed, from whloh I nevor oxpoctod to ariao, Many physicians attended me, and the most skilful pronounced me past euro. In short, tongue cannot express my sufferings; and In this condition I hoard of your Sarsaparilla, purchased six bottles, and re nounced all other medicines. I did not expect to take all I bought, so debilitated had my system bocomo. Contrary to nil oxpectatiou, my health almost immediately began to improve. I was able to attend to my domostio duties, and soon could walk out. a tiling I once thought would be Ira- nossiblo. My gratitude 1 cannot express, feeling satisfied that nothing elss could have relieved mo of tlio misery and suffering 11 lien endured. I most cheerfully recomond Sands’ Samiparilhi to all suffering as I have doue. Respectfully ymini. lUaizccA Mavo. Knowing the nbovo statement to be strictly correct, and being near neighbors to Mrs. Mayo, we cheerfully testify to tlie came. Warren Rodgers, Esq. Mrs. Prlsciia L. Dodge. Jolin Halictt. Mrs. Roeccca Smith. ANOTHER REMARKABLE CURE. New York. Jan. 8,1860. Messrs. Sands—Gentlemen : I liavo great pleasure in ac knowledging to you the great benefit 1 hnvo received from tlio use of your Har*a|mrtlla. A subject of pulmonary dis ease, 1 made a vayugo to Europe, but whilo there continued to bo nfllictcd. A few weeks after my return, I was seized with a violent hennrrlmge of the lumgs, and from tho de bility and great prostration of strength that followed, with the protracted difficulty of respiration, I am entirely re lieved by tho use of your SarsnparUla, which I consider a most Im pur (nut and truly valuable discovery in the healing art. J reel that 1 have not for fourteen yoara enjoyed so good health ua ut present. Gratefully yours, K. 8. Satkorv. Prepared nnd sold.wholcsale and retail, by A B4DSANIW Druggists nnd Cliemista, 100 Fulton-st., cornor of William, rt u io,. 801,1 , a J?° by Drugs l«ta generally throughout the United StetCH and Canada*. Price $1 tier bottle; six bot- r JHL, F S"?J e ^ MOORE 4 HENDRICKSON, TURN- ER 4 ODEN, W. W. LINCOLN and A. A. 80LOMON8, 8a vannnli; Hartland, Risley 4 Co, Augusta. may24—8in , lt , „ TO DRUGGISTS, Apothecaries, Perfumers, Confectioners. Patent Medicine . 1 . ,eal l r . , J“ ToUot aud Fancy Articles. HE PRACTICAL ADVISER, or, Compendium of Over One Hundred Recipes, for the use of Druggists. Apotli- ecarios, Perfumer*. Confectioners, Patent Medicine Factors, nnd DoaleraiD Tollet and Fancy Articles. Edited by HOR ACE EVERETT, Graduato anil Member of tho Collcgo of Pharmacy in the City of New York. Tlie Rec!|>es heroin contained, comprise a number care- fully selected from those obtained in a course of businoss. and by nn experience of flneen years,nnd during this time the Editor lias prcpnrednnd conducted some of the most Popular Patent Medlcinos.nnd articles of Perfumery, which have had extensive circulation in tills country By following tlio recipes In tills book, largo sums may be aaved to those who have heretofore been in tlie constant habit or purchasing their perfumes and patent medicines. A groat advnutagu will also accrue to tlicm.nrislng from tho satisfaction or selling an article which the vendor can recommend as ho knows tho composition of it. _ usr or KKana. I erfumed Waters—Cologne. lavender, Florida, Hungary, Honey Rosn, Orango Flower, and Peach Waters. Perfume Brtrarit or Easencrt—Extracts of Ambergris,Va nilla, Millefleur. and Verbenn. Preparations for the Hair—Rears Oil, Buffalo Oil. Macns- I? . i 1 ’ V e " m ° r I ' ,1Ie ") Dream of Roses. Balm of Columbia. Ilnlr Tonic,Pomades Divine, Ox Marrow, Rose, Orange, Hair Dyes. Depilatory Powders. —Toilet, or Hair Powder, Pearl Powder, Prepar ed Chalk, Alabaster Tablet, Cold Cream, Lip Salve, Milk of Roses. ’ * ' VenUfrices—Tuolh Powders, Washes. Pastes. Shaving Comtmmdt—Verbena Cream, F’rencli Cream, Na ples Compound. .Shaving Oil. fknry Artiiles—Persian Scent nags, Preston Smelling Salts, t’-ourt Plaster, Essential 8nlt Lemons, Aromatic Vin egar. Liquid Rouge, Fulminating Pastilles, Diamond Co- ineiit. Chinese Cement, Sealing Wax, Varnishes, Pasta Blacking. Liquid Blacking, Writing Inks, Indelible Ink*. Medicated Lnsenget—Cough,Worm, Anise. Camphor. Cin namon. BInck Currant, Ipecac,Chalk, Peppermint, Ginger, Magnesia, and Wistar’s Lozenges ; Expectorant Candy, Ju jube Paste. Soda Water .SVnyw—Sarsaparilla, Lemon. Ginger. Valent Meiticines—I^o’s Pills, New Iondon, Do. Wind ham ; Hooper’* Female Pills, Anderson’s Scots do., Bate man’s Drops. Steer's Opodeldoc, British Oil, Harlem Oil, Tnrlington’s Balsam. Dalby’s Carminative. Balsam Honey, Godfrey’s Cordial. Com Plaster, Eye Waters ; Soda, Seiil- lit*, least, Rochelle.and Saratoga Powders; Stoughton’s Bitters, Wine do., Jesuits Drops. Chilblain Lotion, do., Oint ment, Canada Liutincnt, Itch Ointmont. Citrine do.. Svrup Ipecac, Conklin Salvo, Roclio's Embrocation, I.pirits Laven der Comp., Compound 8yrup Sarsaparilla, Fluid Extract do.. Essences, Polishing Pasts, Mould Opodeldoc. Abo—Tbo celebrated recipe of Prof. Willard, for making good Sonp at ono rent per pound, that will wash better ana quicker without labor than any other Soap ever manufac tured. Tliis alone is worth fifty times the price of tho book to any family. Exclusive wholesale agent for the United Stoles, and tlio Cnuadas, H. W. LANDOD, 108 Nassnu-stroot. New York. Prico 25 cents—a remittance of $1 00 will pay for six copies, which will bo sent free to any part of the United States. Stationers, Bookiellers. Newspaper Agents. 4c, enclosing a cash remittance will receive tlie work nt n largo discount off. For less amounts than ono dollar Post Office Stamps can bo remitted. may28 SWAMPS CELEBRATED PANACEA~ For the cure of Incipient Consumption, Scrofula, General Dobility. Millie Swelling, Rheumatism. Diseases of the Liver and Skin, and nil diseases arising from impurities of tlio blood and tlio effects of mercury. S WAI.M’S PANACEA has been for more than thirty years celebrated in this country and in Europe for Its extra ordinary cures—for tlio certificates of which reference is made to the directions nnd books (which may be had gra tis) accompanying tho Panacea. Some of which givo tho particulars of cases too frightful for general publication, where tho patients hud been almost eaten up with scrofu- la. and were deemed Incurable by physicians. It has been used in hospitals, and private practice, and bus bud the cingulur fortune of being recommended by tho most celebrated physicians and other eminont pereonn. Among others by— W. Gibson. M. D.,Prof. of Surgery-Po. University. Valentine Mott. M. D.. Prof, of Burg. N. Y. University W. P. Dcwces. M. D .Prof.of Mid. Pa.Uhlverslty. N. Chapman. M. D., Prof of Physic.Pa. University. T. Parke. M. P.,Prcs’tCollego Physicians, Philad. Dr. Del Valle, Prof, of Medlcince, Havana. Jose Eouroncode Lut, Prof, of Surgery, Lisbon. J. Chlpman. Member Royal College Surgeons. London. G. W. Ervlnir. late Minister to Spain. Kir Thomas Pearson, Major General British Army. Gilbert Robertson, British Consul, 4c. And also, tlm wonderful cures effected by Swalin’s Pana cea liave. lor many years, mado lt an Invalunble remedy. Tlio Panacea does not contain mercury in any form.and be ing an innocent preparation, it may be given to tho most tender infaut, Tlie retail price lins been reduced to $1 50 per bottle (con tenting threo half pints) or three bottle* for $4. BEWARE OK IMPOSITION. Hwaim’s Panacea is In round bottles, fluted longitudinal ly. with tlie following letters blown In the glass : •• Swain's —PaxAcka—1’im.LAU’a,** and having tho naino of James Swsiin stamped on the sealing wax and written on tho label covering tho enrk, and a splendid engraving for tlio sido of tlio bottle, conmosod of geometric lathe work, comprising nine different dies, which have been turned for tbo exciu- sivouseof tlie proprietor, by Draper 4 Co., bnnk note en gravers of Philadelphia. In tho centre Is a portrait of tho lato Win. Swain, copyright secured. Also, Swalm’i Vermlfiigo, A valuablo F'auilly Medicine, being a highly npproved rem edy for all diseases arising from debility of the digestive or- gan*. sucli ns worms, cholera morbus, dysentery, fever and ague, bleeding piles, sick headache, 4c. See tlio pamphlet (which may bn lmd gratis) accompanying tho Vermifuge. Prepared only at Hwaim’s Laboratory, the old stand Sev- enth-streot. below Chestnut. Philadelphia, nnd sold by all the res|ioctable druggists In the United States. Cauttox to the Pubuo.—Persons wishing to obtain the genuine Swahn’s Panacea and 8waim’H Vsrmlfuge. should be careful to observe that the name SWAIM la spelled cor rectly on the labels, or they may be Imposed on by medi cine* made in imitation of them by a person bearing a somewhat similar name, well calculated to docelve. Gen eral agents for the Uhited States. 8CHIFFELIN, BROTHERS 4 CO., mh22—2awtf 104 and 106 John-street, New York. th. 1—Urnou, rf JjJ nluitbb cur.ttvo iiti.'.r,, hut to JSPt?Wi|flLiJ« Union, numbering among them •*ettoaW ' the reach of doubt and distrust 7 1 r * n *'jw£l ' -A'SI Barannah,Oa. u-Carter, I Th..ho,.te,T..horo,^r U „' m , l , 1 1 MOIITI.HOUK'S ' BITTER CORDIAL AND DLDOD Pntiprr, THIStnr.1u.btepreparation tarJK l ™*W8. _ »h.rov.. Introduced, ttn P reccd ( „t3^iJ*A* W»hi«, 1 now herald It to the world as poi23?* e,n * - virtues known In the Materia iiedicn ^ th Wo ' 1 ,u Ws I Physicians of the first standing in tlio medial. , f uso and proscribe It as tlie most iffe C ||co d a profa *s I Altcrntlye ami Blood Pnnii.. known. To the sedentary It Balm of Gilead. Especially to FciunlM li ? ^ bio eonditfeii of life, it re«Amimeinl2&f point or efficacy lo any or the nuniera., 1 centraled under tho comprelu-uslve immSfSSjJg This is a VegetableSjdrit, pleasaut lo tslr#. ,„ti safe to bo uwd in any slate of liealUi, even delicate fhmale or Child. 1 * n “J cioct SOS' Price $1 OOjKir bottlo. W. V. Al.FJtA.NDKU 4 fX) iw.,. No. 1 Barclay-*treet, (Mtor Ifeu,o Ferrate by A. A. SOU>MOsJ,,oJ J. H Anm 2 gists,.Si vannnli, Go. • L ‘' R TEK 1 fi„ bop. for tho elek TOortrt l£5™5* ^ r L , K'irb rtoorto «“ “““■•“s 1 * raco yield to the control ofnrt. Of all tlio ni/ulif 1 suffer from, none lias carried more victims to SSS? Speco trill not |jcmtt ua to publl.b here ant °f die cure, it hue nlTccted, but the Agcut t»l»Hf trill [uroleh our crrculer. free, ubrrccn etc lutfSSS and indisputable proof of tlie racts. PM»c«lAn Sufferer*, rend nnd judge for vourselves. Hr Injtuenxa and iloojHng Cough Cl TI NAHUvim'_Tenn..JuneM l«i Sir: I hnvo repeatedly used your Cherry I’SoSte hooping cough and intlucnza nnd hsvo no pronouncing it a complete remedy. Four of mvo been afiiicted with these diseases, nnd the freepJrf the Pectoral has always afforded Instant relief. " Wo attest tlio truth of tho above stotemert* 18 GU)T °' M. MoGl.xiT. Editor Nashville Whir J. M./niHenjiAX. Druggist Hr a Consumptive Cough n- oi „ „ ITtimiuro. J'a., Feb. 25. ISM Dear Sir : For three year* I hnvo been sfliicte-1 with i cough so distressing tlmt I frequently dlspaired of mow much or tho time fwas obliged to sit up all night iS chair, as my cough would suffocate ine when I laid "5m 1 ma,, l fen,c<1 . lca without much relief. 1 it ha tried the ( berry 1 ectoral, which under I’rovidcnct cud me altogether. Iam with gratitude yours, James M’Cixnta. 37iij is one of the numerous cures of Asthma which hatt Urn accralilal lo Cherry Pectoral. n . , „ „ Auu.vr, N.Y., April 17,1WR. Dr. Ayer, I/iwell—Dear Sir: I have for years been alBid cd will, asthma n tho worst form, so that I haveteci obliged to sleep u my cbalr for a larger part of toe tie* being nimble to breatiia on my bed. 1 had trie-1 a rm! ninny inc-llcines. to no purpose, until myphy*lcU»V scribed, as an experiment, your Clierry Pectoral At first It seemed to make mo worse; but in less this week, I began to oxiiorience tlie most gratifying relict hw its uso; and now, in four weeks, tlie disease Is entirely moved. 1 can sleep on my bed with comfort, and en/oj state or health which 1 had never expected to enjoy. Gkorcp S. F'arant, Coininlss.on and F'onvnrdtng Merchant From the 1 resident of Amherst College, Ed,card Hitchcock J It., LL. D., de, J. C. Ayor—Sir: I have used your Clierry Pectoral inm- own caseior deep-seated bronchitis, and am satl»lii'.|.fn* Its chemical constitution, tlmt It Is an admirable enmpoat for the relief of larynglcal and bronchial dfliculliSTl] my opinion, as to its auiierior character, can be of idvir rice, you nro at liberty to uso it as you think proper Amherst. Hept.12,1840. Edward Hrrmccnr Among other distinguished authorities who hsrelnt their nnmes to recommend this preparation u tin tot known to them for affoctions of thelunus arc: President l’erklns, Vermont Medical College Professor Silliman, Yale College. Prar-omior Valentino Mott, New York. Professor Cleavlnnd, Bowdoin Medical College Professor Butterfield, Ohio Medical College. Canadinii Journal of Medical Science. Boston Medical and Surgical Journal. Charleston, 8. C. Medical Rcriow. New Jersey Medical Reporter. Hon. Ilenrv Clay, U. S. Senator, Hon. Geo. P. Marsh. American Ambassador to Turin. Gen. F-manucl Bulness. President of Chili. Rt. Rev. Ed. Power. laird Bishop of Toronto. Also, many eminent physicians in foreign countries Not only in the more dangerous nuil distressing iIImumi or tlio Lungs, but also ns a family mcdtdno for occasional use, it is tlm safest, pleasantest aud best ia iu world Proimreil by J. C. AYFJL Chemist. Lowell. Maw. Sold by TURNER 4 CO., A. A. SOIDMO.VS, W. \V. IJS. COLN, IIFLNDRICKSON 4 SiOORK, Savannah ; and iiy all tlio Druggists tlirougiiout tlio State. eodfcw3m-mayl‘l the Bonder of the world i “Wo would not grow ono bud of hopo You cannot garner In ripe fruit! ’» T HE GREAT REMEDY is at last discovered, nnd that fell destroyer of human happiness at length Is conquered! Consumption shall no longer rob our firesides of their brightest ornaments, nnd sink many a gentle spirit to an untimely gravo! Consumption can be cured—Asthma will soon bo as tlie things that were—and Coughs and Colds, the parents of that fell disease, that so often brings wo to the lintncH of our tend, vanish,** if by magic, before this sover eign remedy. Tills is that which has so long been sought for, nnd Is In full faith offered to tho publio aa a ckrtaix curb for coughs, colds, whooping-cough, croup, asthma, and consoroptlon, and will, in any case where lung* auffident are left to sus tain life, check the ulceration and raise the patient to health. Tills Is not nn Idle boast, nor Is this remedy sent into.tlie market without a thorough trial, but has provod beyond a doubt, that what has boon asserted cas to poke. “The sentiment, that consumption cannot be cured, has destroyed more lives than the disease Itself.”—Dr. Warrex, But there U Hope! DEVINES’ COMPOUND FITCH LOZENGE! Tho proprietor, by the use of this art ielo, and the bleaaing of Provldenco, was raised, whan he waa pronounced by his physician to be almost dying with consumption, to perfect health, and is not wiUing that so great a blessing should be withheld from those on whom “ tills right hand emissary ot death ” has placed his mark. The Loxenjp) is perfectly harmless In Its nature, and can bo taken with Impunity by tlie inhnt and tho invalid; and its.benefictal effects will be felt In a few honra after com mencing Its use. Let all then, trr It. and If these assertions are not proved, after an Impartial trial, the price of the box will be returned, and alj agents are authorized to refund the money in any case where the article is no. perfectly satisfactory. These Isuengos are put np In 26 cents, 60 cents, nnd $1 boxes, and only need a trial to bo hilly appreciated. G. I*. HUNT. IUkikx, Ga., only agent for the Southern States, to whom all orders magt be addressed. fel8-dAw Tj'NOLISH VERMIN bESTROYRR,—'This article Is exton- lie sively used In England for destroying all kinds of bugs, worms. 4c. For Roaches ami Ants, them Is nothing equal to It. It has been fairly tested in this elty, and can be ro lled upon as an effectual exterminator of all kinds of vermin. Justrecelved,andfor saleby . W. W. LINCOLN, fe_lfl . ; . ■. ■ .. ,Monnment-«qnart. ' and jaconet muslins; Nainsook and mall ’muslins; plaid and striped Jaconet and Swiss muslins; plain end fig ured Swiss muslin; embroidered 8wtee muslin; white and •jrganda muslins; colored linen lustres; and a fin* assort- mi;nt of ladles’ and gontlemen’s linen cambric bandker- chlefn. mS .. AIKKN 4 BURNB.. 'ARTDt,Dn*. a*l!9 ’ AYER’S CHERRY PECToIu7~^- Hr the cure of Coughs, Cot,It. Hoarseness, n ii . droup- Atthma. and Consume*^ "7 And by the river, upon tlie bank thereof n trees for meat, whose leaf shall not fade and theffc 1 | °f* 1 “ llb0 meat and tlie fear tlicreor forSeffi^ 1 JJFJIF. was hope for the sick recorded lomr ?-!’ CARTER’S SPANISH MIXTURE. THK GREAT PURIFIER OP THE 1JLU0D1 - Not a Particle of Mercury m It. A N INFALLIBLE REMEDY for Scrofula. King's Evil, Rhouinntlsm. Obstinate CutaneousKrupHooa,JYnipifi or Pustulo on tho Face, Blotches, Dolls. Clmmic Sore Flyee, Ring Worm or Tetter, Scalil Head, Enlaigemrat aud rate of the Roues nnd Joints. Stubborn'Ulcers Syphilitic Uizor- dors, Lumbago, Spinal Complaints, and all liiiesiM arising from an hijudicious uso of Mercury, Imprudence is Life,w Impurity of tho Blood. Inis valuable Medicine, which lins become celebrated for tho number of extraordinary cures effected through H» agency, has induced the proprietors, at the urgent request of their friends, to offer it to the public, which they dowlth the utmost confidence in its virtuesnnd wonderfulcuralira properties. Tho following ccrtificatm. selected from s Urge number, are, however, stronger testimony thzn the zxn word of tlie proprietors; and are all from gentlemen till known in tlieir localities, and of the highest reipectatililj . many of them now residing in tho city of Richmond. V*. F. BOYDF1N. FNq., of the Exchange Hotel. IlicW'ri known every where, nays hu lias seen tlio Medicine ralW Carteh’s Shami'll Mixtchh administered In overs hunditi cases, tn nearly all tho discuses for which it U nxommeuJ- cd, with the most astonishingly good results. He Mil ilk tho most extraordinary medicine lie lias ever eeen. AGUE AND FEVER—GREAT CURE-I hereb; certify: that for three years 1 had Aguo nnd Fever of the most tie lent description. I had I'hysleiqns, took Urgeipu* titles of Quinine, Mercury, and I believe all the TonkiiF vertised. but nil without any permanent relief. AtWI trie-1 Cakthi’s Shjmwi Mixtciik, two bottle* of whichr* tually cure-1 me. nnd I am happy to say I have had nriA-t Chill* or F'cvers since. I consider it tlio beet Tonic tetl* world, and thoonly medicine that ever readied mrcsie. Beaver Dam, near Rislimoiid. Va. JOHN IA)NGD^- C. U. LUCK, Flsq., now In the cliy of Richmond,tslfc many years in the Post Office, has such confidence law astonishing effleaev of Cautkk's Kham-h Mirrcsz-thit m has bought upwnr-Isof60 bottles, which lie hi* given **»/ to the afiiicted. Mr. Lack says he lias never known It 1* fell when taken according to directions. ■ Dr. MINGFL a practising Physician, and formerly City Hotel. In tlie city of Richmond, say* he iu* wijnw" in a number of Instances the effect* of CabthT* ffW* Mixture, which were most truly surprising. He {"J enso of Consumption, -lopendeut on the Liver, the good »• fects were wonderful indeed. SAMUFX M. DRINKER, of the firm of Drinker* - --- ‘ I itIM' Richmond, was cured of Uver complaint of 8 yea Ing.*--**- by the uso of two bottles of Carter’s Spanlib Mixtart JREAT CURE OF SCROFULA— 1 Tlio Editors of the Rkl- mond Republican lmd a servant employed in th«rpx* room, cure 1 of violent scrofula, combined with Rdm®*" tlsm, which entirely disabled him from work. Tot cow” of Carter’s Spanish Mixture mado a perfect enre oj hta- w* the Flditor*. in a public notice, any they “ cheerfully iwr mend it to all who are afiiicted with auy Oiuue a blood.” , STILL ANOTHER CURE OF SCROFULA-I W *[W valuable boy cured of Scrofula by Carter's ture. I consider It a truly valuable mwlirlne. J.teWj TAYIjOR, Conductor on the R. F. 4 P. K. 11 Co, Richsx*«. Bolt lilieum of 30 Yenrs Standing Mr. JOHN THOMPSON, residing in tho city of was cured by three Imttlcs of Carter’s Kpanfsh HlEtoi*. Balt Rheum, which he had nearly 20 year*, and the physicians of tho city could not cure. Mr. Thoorj” is a well known merchant of Richmond, Va., an-1 hi* *• is most remarkable. . WM. A. MATTHEWS, of Richmond, Va., had » cured of Spyhills. in tho worst form, by Mixture. Hosnyshe cheerfully recommends it,»» 3 riders Itan In valuablo medicine. . , c—/,!. RICHARD E. WEST, of Richmond, was cured ol and wlint physicians called confirmed Coiuumjmos, / tbreo bottles of Carter’s Spanish Mixture. t, EDWIN BURTON^ComrabwIoneror the - has seen th number of! .. that horrible disease. . ^ WM. G. HARWOOD, of Richmond, V*.. cured and ulcers.whlch diisblod him from walking. *oo* » bottle* of fcartor’a Spanish Mixture, and xu eniNM walk without a crutch, In a short time pcrmsnsntiy Price $1 per bottle. . v. 0 Priodp.1 I to pot. >t M. WAJtD, CLOSE » OO-i M Miden lame. New York. , , py;,. T. W. DYOTT 4 SONS, No. 132 North !d Street, rm *B P ENNETT 4 BEERS, No. 126 MateJt. WchmOTd,^ And for sale by SHOMAS M. TURNER 4 C0-, ^ M. CARTER, A. A. LOLOMON8 4 CO.. Fsrannah, *«« ^ Druggists and Country Morotianto everywhere. may20—ly IN BURTON. Commissioner of the Rwenn», n tho good effects of Carter's Fpanl«h M»tui* r of SpybiUtio coses, and says It la » perfect t L inen t;oons.-mch.nteon'H mh*: c*so Linens; 5-4 to 12-4 linen table Dn ui ask, Dojlie’a Damask and colored b f r '" ^ kins, bird’s-eye and Scotch Diapers, Huckaback, LH. n.ndk.tdd^.jtd S nOAte-M fil'd, clitic. I'octo l»“ s W M , b S'K» Refined and Clarified do, 10 boxes do lost Sugar Honse Molasses, 00 do JJfrMitoithMjPgk^ sec Flour,00 do Rutter, 8q«f *54**** 100 kegs primo I-eaflard.M boxes OT)ertodnew(»w ^ . doStsr Candies, 80 do Beodell’s O'* and $’* p*l«‘ uuo tested ret rat. b, saumTOIiJ0H NfflWt2. M and ' brocade, •mi ulco cambric PRENDERQAST 4 CO^avo W weeterf* gj of very choicei French printed f** black, g^Dsdipee.. i ca*s ** WJ? meat 4ry goods,