Newspaper Page Text
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.do do II 88
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.Buxton, 8r, do 3 88
'BlOKtoo..... do do 140 IT
• SOorr Jl Oo,........ do do ........... 84 48
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Savannah, 28 th June, 1868.
ceased. Item* mad* known on the day of sale.
* . A DMINISTRATRIX SALE.—By virtue of an order of the
A Ordinary of Chatham county, will be aold, before the
' eourthoui* door, tn the city of Sevaonah, on the 0nt Turn-
r, tn the city of Sevaonah
wi w au|iui next betwet n the uaual u»un u>
following negro**, via t one woman named Perot
boy* Antony and Matthew; alio. 1 ahot gun. 1 allver watch,
and 1 single horse wagon. Sold for the benefit of the helra
Of the estate or A. J. Maxwell, late of salt! county, deceased,
jonell—in 8. M. MAXWELL. Adm’x.
jCX gnat next, will be
•rtSt io wit: Andy, a" negro i
1 field band and a
a good (
Turns made known on the day of sale.
iy of sale.
B ULLOCH SHERIFFS SALE.—Will be sold, before t
courthonse door In Bulloch county, between the leg
lowing property, to wit: one tract of land. contslnin;
hundred acres, more or lest, lying in said county, b
by landa of Louis Laniar. Rhesa Meraan. and George
■ the 40th district of said county. Property pointed out h
* j a returned to me. this day. Jum
ERA8TU8 WATERS. Sheriff,
plaintiff. Levy made and returned i
ith, 1863. *
\j to
lot or parcel of land situated in the District of White Bluff.
In the oounty of Chatham and 8tate of Georgia. *
by landa belonging to the estate of Joo. P. Willisr
Said lot or parcel of land more fully and particularly d
— ,1 ‘ 1 1 “ *- inuer which it is sold, si
contains onehundi
levied on aa the property of Jam
fi fa Isaned on foreclosure of a n
fay term. 1863. In fovor o
lewis. Treasurer of the Savannah Mutual Loan Assoda-
James A. LaRoche.
JOHN DEVANNY, Sheriff, c. 0.
tioo^agsinst Jar
G h
certain lot god improvements, situate, lying
the city of Savannah, and known in the plan <
Bomber twelve. New Franklin ward; levied o
Superior Court of Chatham county
- « " ..... ^
— .edy vs.
plaintuT’s attorney.
operty pointed out by
JOHN DEVANNY, Sheriff q c.
Tuesday In August next, before the court house
elty of Savannah, between the legal hour* of sale, i
lot and Improvements, situate, lying and being inti
of 8avannah, and known In the plan of said city
number 0fty-flve. Brown ward, corner of Drayton and lib
erty-streets ; levied on to satisfy two fl. fas. in '
"*-* e of G«orgia against
riaatera’ Bank of the State o
Rebecca M. Pooler.
Jyi ’
JOHN DEVANNY, Sheriff o. o.
Not. thirteen and fourteen, together with all the reser
voirs, wharves, buildings and improvements on said lots,
and the steam engines and boilers, the plaining ms-
•us ,v»»n U. uuuuiug. lumuiug Ul« UHO-iuuriii purl Ol
the Oglethorpe stem saw mill.) with the appurtenances
thereunto belonging and appertaining j levied on as the
property of Edward F. Klnchley and Robert Todd, to sat isfy
JOHN DEVANNY, Sheriff c. c.
pheraon B, Millen. et. al. vs.
minlstrator. et. al —It appeartni
ig to the (
the Court, that Mrs.
Busan S. Dennis, one of the defendants in the above enti-
therein: It la ordered, that the said Susan S. Dennis a
and anewer the complainant*’ bill within flve months
her: and it I* further ordered, that a copy of
published in one of the gazettes of this city o:
tor four months.
Extract from the minutes.
may31 JOHN F. OUILMARTIN. Clerk io.c.0,
Messrs. A. Porter. J Stoddard. S. F. I'upon.
pointed by the Justice* of the Inferior Court. Commission-
hereby giv
>yed by
ployeL —
monies will be paid for public instruction without w
order* from the Commissioners aforesaid. 9
By order of the Justices of the Inferior Court.
jun*3 JOHN F. OUILMARTIN. Clerk 1. n. c. O
IEORQIa—UuUock County:—To all whom it may cun
of Ordinary for letters dlsmlssorj as administrator i
estate of Thomas lee, a lunatic, deceased :
These are therefore to cite and admonish all whom it mir
joucern.tobe and appear atthe Court of Ordinary for But
* * ■’ j first Monday in October next, to maki
, they have, otherwise said letters will b
niuioM, rrui.AiTo, Hour, ura
this 17th day of March, 1863.
mb25 *
WILLIAM LEE. Sr., o. b. o
( "1EORGIA—Bulloch CountyTo all whom it may con-
T corn : Whereas. Jehue Everitt will apply at the Court
of Ordinary for letters diamissory on the estates of John
Everitt and Sarah Everitt:
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It
way concern, tn he and appear before said Court to make
abjection (if any they have) on or before the flrst Monday
la November next, otherwise said letters wilt be granted.
Witness. Wm. Lee. sen., Esq., Ordinary for Bulloch coun-
• ty, this 26th day of April, IBM.
ap!26 WM. I.EE. ffen’r.. o. it n
f1EOROIA—Buttock County:—To all whom it may concern
VT Whereas. Green R. Slater ai * “ ~ ’
r and Thomas Dasher, Admin*
titrators on the estate of John O. Slater, a minor, have ap-
. lied for letters 'Msmlssory;
These are therefore to cite and admonish nil whom it may
oncern to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary for Bul
loch county, on the flrst Monday In November next, to make
objection*, if any they have, otherwise said letter* will be
Witness. Wm Lee.sen’r.Esq., Ordinary for Bulloch county,
this 26th day of April, 1863,
apl28' WM. LEE. Sen’r. o. n. o.
_ !y»—To all whom it my concern.
_ T Whereas, William Holloway, administrator of the es
tate of Mitchell Holloway, deceased, will apply to the Hon.
the Ordinary of aald county, for letter* dlemltaory from *aid
M Ute j
Th*e* are. therefore, to elte and adm<mtsb>H concerned to
mllcant In
a. h. .urm, Q...C,
ty this 1st i’
las M. Kollock wUl apply at tb*
i of dumtyloa M nacutor on
site and admonish alt whom It may
r before aald Court to make objec-
" Fin November next.
i . . ' ’ '
trie* and Diseases of Women and Intknia—J. A.
JpLyajolocj and Pathaloglcal Anatomy—H. V. M.Miuaa,
Institute* and ft»etl*« of M*dlein*-L D.
...I the Ont Monday In
■ .mn-vsi — ,-»w01 be granted,
on M, Millen. Eeq.. Ordinary for Chatham conn*
y of July, 1863?
JOHN M. MilJJ5N 0.0, o.
file their objections,(if any they have) to the appl
the Cleric's ofllce of said Court, on or before the first Mon
day in October next, otherwise letters dlimUsory will be
. granted.
Witness. Wm. Lee, een'r,, Esq.,Ordinary for Bulloch coun-
- ty, this 17th day of March, 18M
mh23 WILLIAM I-KB. Sen’r.. o. b. o.
G 1
EORGIA—Camden County 1 To all whom it may ....
earn i Whereas, George W. Thomas, one of the exe-
cutorn of the estate of Wm. T. Hopkins, will apply to the
Court of Ordinary for letters diamissory on tho said estate j
ThfAA lr. Hi.nfi .ii In.l,. ._ J ,. 1 f,l. .11
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular
, the kindred andcredl tors of laid deceased, to be and appear
“ ,nd ehew
W 0®ee within the time prescribed by law, and anew
e, (if any they have.) why letters dfimlasory ahould
m granted the aald applteant.
• Wltneas. J. H. Helyeston. Esq,.Ordinary for Camden ooun-
ty, this 38th day of May, 1668.
may38 *
/>n>ROIA—Cka&anOounty i—To all whom it may eon-
VjtwmtWheraM, Mra.Coatuo P. WcHardscc* will apply,
at the Court of Ordinary for letters of guardianship over
• the person end property of David H. Bailey, minor child of
. Dr. A. Bailey, deceased j
t, therefore, to '* -• *
n, to be and ap
These mm, t
* cite and admonish all whom it
may concern, to be and appear before aald Court to make
objection (If any they have) on or before the firat Monday
In Jnly next, otherwise aald letters will be granted.
Witness, John M. Millen, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham
eountyj thin third day of June, 1863.
Junefi JOHN M, MnXEN. o. o. o.
\7 concern
(bunty To all whom It may con-
, Jacob *“■*“ ‘ "
concern: Whereas, Jaoob Watson will apply at the
* * “ ■*"*'*' ' jn the estate
Court of Ordinary for letter* of administration on
of Julian Mark*:
Them ave, therefore, to rite and and admonish all whom
It may consent to be and appear before said Court to make
objection (If any they.have) on or before the first Monday
in Angp*t nsxt, otherwise said letter* will begranted.
Witness, JohnX. MHlen.JCaq..Ordinary for Chatham conn-
ty tkiaflfteeoth day ef Jn^BfiS.
JunelT- JOHN M. MILLEN. O. 0.0.
*7 Ta all^whom it may oom
a, 8na*M Coldlng will apply t* me for
ration n the estate of Mary A, (folding,
i* are, therefore, to cite and admoalah all and singular
idr*d Mid creditors of said deeaaaed. to be and appear
ntayofflo* within the time nreevtbed by law. and ehow
-f MiJrlliey-hAv*) a why letter* of administration
, jibe granted to said applicant,
anoder my hand at oflle*. this 8d of June, 1868.
i~ JOHN M. MILLEN, 0,0,0,
IRAMPAOM WINE.—Just received 26 baskets Orest
: 76 60 ****&&"*
ry EORGIA—Chatham County t—To all whom it may con-
VJ cam t Whereas, Xbta P. Dearlng will apply at ths
Court of Ordinary for Uttera of administration on tha es
tate of William Bearing:
These ore. therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may
ooneern to be anil tpper before said Court to moke objec-
tlon (If any they have) on or before Ute first Monday In Au
gust next, otherwise said letters will begranted.
Witness, John M. Millen. Esq. .Ordinary for Chatham ooun-
tit IhU Id* do, of July, lwS,
],a JOHN H. utU-LKN, o. a a
iS EORGIA—Chatham Oounty t—To all whom It may con
aJT cent: Whereas, Norman Wallace will «pp*y at the
Court of Ordinary for letters diamissory aa Exeutor on the
estate of Robert laaao :
These are. therefore, to olta and admonish all whom it may
oouvtrn to be and appear before said Oburt to make ebjee-
tlon (If any they have) on or before the flrst Monday ta
February next, otherwise said letters will be granted.
Wltneas. Jobn M, MUlen. Eaq.. Ordinary for Chatham ooun.
ty,thia second day of July, 1863.
JyS JOHN M. MILLEN. o. o. o.
/"I EORGIA—Chatham Oounty i—To all whom It may con
VJ earn: Whereat, John H.Stroua will apply at the Cour
of Ordinary for letters dtsmtasory os administrator cum tea-
tamento snnexo on the estate of Godfrey Down:
These are therefore to olte and admonish all whom it
may concern, to be and appear before raid Court to make
uojectlon (If any they havo) -on or before the first Monday
tn November next, otherwise said letters will be granted.
Witness, John M. Milieu, Esq.. Ordinary for Chatham
County this thirtieth day of March, 1853.
mhao JOHN M. MIIJ-EN, o, o. 0.
n EORGIA—C7iaUiam Cbwnly :-To *1) whom It may concern:
VX Whereas. John Kverard will apply at tlie Court of Or
dinary for letters of dismiasory aa administrator on tho es
tate of Patrick Tierny, deceased :
These are. therefore, to olte and admonish all concerned to
file their objections (if any they have) to the applicant In
the Clerk’s office of aald Court, on or before the firat Mon*
day of November next, otherwise letters dlsmlssory will be
Witness. John M. Millen, Esq.. Ordinary for Chatham coun
ty, this 30th day of March, 1853.
mhSO JOHN M. MILLEN, o. 0. 0.
ft EORGIA—CAaMam County:—'To all whom It may con-
IT earn: Wheieoa John Bilbo will apply at the Court of
Ordinary tor letters of dismission as administrator, on the
estate of Henry 1>. Bilbo:
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It may
concern to be and appear before said Court to make objec
tions (if any they nave) on or before the firat Monday In
November next, otherwise said letters will be granted.
• Witness. John M. Millen. Eaq., Ordinary for Chatham coun
ty, this 14th day of April, 1853.
apl!5 JOHN M. MILLEN.o. 0. c.
p EURU1A—Camden County t—To all whom It may con-
YT cent: Whereas. J. H. M. Clinch, guardian cf H. A. and
N. B. Clinch, applies to me for letter* diamissory from
•aid guardianship;
These are therefore to cite and admonish all concerned to
bo and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by
law. and ahow cause (if any they have.l why letter* of
dlmlsslon ahould not be granted to tho said applicant.
Witnesa. James II. Helveston Ordinary for Camden coun
ty, this 28lh day of May, 1B53.
mavSl JAMES H. HELVESTON o. c. 0.
f \ EORGIA—Liberty Cbunty—To all whom it may con-
IT earn: Whereas. Joseph A. Anderson will apply nt the
Court of Ordinary for letters diamissory on tlie estate ol
Mary E. Anderson, h to of said county, deceased ;
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It
may concern, to bo and appear before said Court to make
objection (If any they have) on or before the first Monday
in September next, otherwise said letters will bo granted the
Witness my ban<). this 8th day of March, 1853.
mhl4 J- S. BRADWELL, O. L. C.
X BsxjaWI* Tuoxah remit Maruarct Thomas—Libel for Di
vorce : It appearing by tho return of the Sheriff in tlie
above case stated, that the defendant is not to be found In
the county, and It being represented that she la not to be
found in the State, on motion or Wm. B. Gacldw, rialn-
iff’s Attorney,
It Is ordered, That servico or said petition and process be
perfected by publication of this order in tho Savannah
Georgian, once a month for four months, next proceeding
the next term of this Court. Granted
P. E. LOVE. J. 8. C. S. D.
A true extract from the minutes of Ware Superior Court,
at December Term, 1852.
feb23—m4m GEO. B. WILLIAMSON. Clerk S. C.
\I OTICE.—All persons having claims against the estate
J.1 of Frederick Kottman, deceased, of Liberty county,
will present them within the time prescribed by law; and
all persons indebted to said estate will make payment to
auM7* V. GRSST, Adm’r.
\1 OTICE.— 1 Wo months after date application will be made
Ll to the Court of Ordinary of Bryan county, for leave
to sell the realestate belonging to Charles Ba«hlor. dec’d.
mao C. M. BASHLOR, Adm’r.
VTOTLCE.—AH persons having demand-* against tho es
lx tate of Nancy Nagle. late of Chatham county, decea*
el. are hereby required to hand them in to the undersign
ed. di ly attested, within the time prescribed by law, nnd
all persons Indebted to said Nancy Nagle, are requested to
make immediate payment to • . _ .
may24* MICHAEL NAGI.E, Qual. Ex’or.
ATOTICE.—Two months after dnto, application will be
ll mude to tho Hon. the Court of Ordinary of Caniden
county. Iot leave to sell the one-third part of the steamer
Wm. Gaston, belonging to the estate of Jolin Hebbard.dec.
TY/f ARION COUNTY, (AI.A.,) May 24. 1853.—Three
AVX months after date, application will bo made to the
Bank of the State of Georgia, for payment of a $20 bill of
said Bank. No. 927. A. Porter, President, the left hand half
having been lost or destroyed.
may26—3m W. C. TROTTER.
AT EW MARKET. (TENN.,) May 24. 1853.—Three months
is after date, application will bo made to tlie Bank of the
State of Georgia, for payment of a $50 dollar bill of said
Bank. No. 217,1. K. Tefft, Cashier, the right had half of
which ha* been lost or stolen.
may25—3m JOHN C. HAMMOND.
■ATOTICE.—Two months after date, application will be
. 1 v made at the Hon. Court of Ordinary of Camden coun
ty. for leave to sell two bounty land warrants,belonging to
tho estate of Gerahom P. Cohen, deceased,
n aylO MARY ANN COIIKN. Ex’ix.
■ATOTICE.—Four months after date. I will apply to the
11 Hon. Court of Ordinary for Camden county, for leave
to sell part of water lot and improvements. No four, in tlie
town of 8t. Marys, belonging to the estate of Jolro T - nu *
dulpli.deceased, for the benefit of thp £5 ,r ’J an, J creditors
of said estate. BUILT KUDUM'H. Adm’ix..
j une l(j £»»•(# J. T. Rudulph. deceased.
rniVO MftVTilo alter date application will be made to the
X Court of Ordinary of Brynn county, for leave to sell
tho Real Estate, belonging to Jamea Clanton, deceased.
July 2 J.C. MARSH. Ad’m
A1 OTICE.—Masters of Vessel*, arriving at this port be-
i.1 tween tho first of July and the first day of October,
inclusive, are hereby notified to nppoar at ray office within
twenty-four hour* after such arrival nnd make a report In
writing on oath to the Mayor of the city, "of the age, name
and occupation of every person who shall have been
brought as passenger in such ship or vessel on her Inst
voyage, upon pain of forfeiting for every uegleot or omis
sion tn make such report, tho sum of $75 for every alien
neglected to be so reported.”
Tlie said Masters of Vessels are further notified, “if any
person who may have been a passenger in any such siiip or
vessel, and not being a citizen of the United States, snail
bo suffered to land from such ship or vessel nt any placo
with!" the distance of fifty miles from tho said city with
intent to proceed to the said city, otherwise thnn in the said
ship or vessel, the Master or Commander thereof shall be
| liahis to the like penalty of $300 for every such person so
suffered or permitted to land.”— Vide—Law passed Decern
her 29,1319. EDWARD G. WHJK1N,
» Gerk of Council.
Savaxxah. July 1,1853. July 2
CLINICAL LEOTUHBJ wm be delivered regularly at the
Qty liMpItal^and amop^rtunltlei will be afforded for
Fees for the entire coune...*. ,......,.,,1106
Martrleulatlon ticket (to be taken once) ft
For further particulars, apply to
June24—lawft 0. M. NEWTON, Dean.
mr The following paper* will copy weekly to.the extent
t five dollar*: Democrat, Huntsville, Aia.j C " “
D OMESTIC LIQUOR.—ISO bids New Orleans Rectified
Connecticut River Rye do, 75 do Luther Felton and Pun-
Boston Rum, 40 do Domestic Brandy, 20 quarter and 20
eighth casks 4th proof do. 30 bids superior old Monongnhe-
la WhUvf, 60 do do Rye do, 400 gross old Georgia Peach
Brandy, for sale by
R EDUCED PRICES FOR CASH —The undersigned will
sell spirit gas nr burning flnld, by the gallon at 75 cts..
half-gallon 37)( cts., quart 20cts.,and pints 10 ts.; Gas
tamps at a similar reduction ; and all other articles, such
as tubs, buckets,brooms, washboards, churns, Ac., Ac.
Housekeepers will readily perceive the advantage of ap
plying at this rstahlishment for every article they may re
quiru in the house furnishing line, except dry goods and
cabinet furniture. Call and seo tho new order of things,
mhll J. P. COLLINS. 100 Brvsn st
t lROCERIES. Ac.—100 bids Baltimore Flour. 25 do Csnal
F do, 20 half do do. 20 bbU H S Flour, 75 do Stuart’s B A
C Sugar. 25 do crashed do, 100 boxes assorted brands Tobac
co. 10 hhrls Bacon Sides. 10 do do Shoulders. 60 boxes star
and admantlne Candles. 26 hhls Monongahela Whisky. 150
bbls Rum. Gin, Whisky and Brandy, 15 qnarter casks Cog-
nao Brandy. 2pipes It f*' - “ ’ * »-,.a — ...
ish 8egars,
Nos 1.2 and 3 do, 160 boxes No 1 and Pale Soap. 60 boxes
Starch. 50 do Lemon Syrup. 10 hhds fine Porto Rico Sugar
8 do St Croix do, 60 bbls New Orleans Syrup, landing and
for sale by m13 COHEN A TARVER,
{^HALLY&Barefn Delaine,Satin I’Ulds ; Barege^jdain tin
□oia Kum. «>m, nru«xy ana itranay, io qunrier cssks uog-
oao Brandy. 2plpes H Gin, 2 quarter cask* Scotch Whisky
2 do Jamaica Hum. 25 boxes assorted Cordials. 50.000 Span
ish Sugars, 25 kilts Mackerel. 20 half bbls No 1 do. 25 bbls
. Printed Grenadine Silks, Daraas do Venice Silk Tissue
Black Grenadine Satin. Striped black Barege. Mourning Ba
reges. and Tissue. In every variety and style, Just received
and open, and for eale by
S UGAR. COFFEE. Ac —150 bbls Stuart’s A. B snd C Su-
gar No. 1,20 hhds New Orleans Sugar, 10 do St Croix
do, 16 do Porto Rico do. 200 bags prime Rio Coffee. 20 do
Java do. 100 boxea assorted Tobacco, 100 do Sperm and Ad-
amantine Candles. 150 do Pale and No. 1 Soan. 25 packages
Hyson Tea, 10 do Black do. 25 tierces and 35 bbls West In
dia Molatses, 50 bbls New Orieane do. 10 do Stuart’s Sugar
nouSe do, 10 do Georgia Syrup, in store and for sale by
B ACON SHOULDER8.i—io hitds Bacon Shoulders, landing
from brig Pacific, and for sale bv
B RANDY. GIN, Ac.—lOhair pipes OUrd Brandy. 10 do do
SewettARosehllddo, 10 pipes Holland Gin, 20 M and
X cask* Madeira Wine. 20 do do Port do. 20 bbls old Monnn
J aheta Whisky, 50 do Domestic Brandy. 60 do do Gin, 100
o do Rum, 100 do Whisky, just received, and for sale by
Charity the more Excellent )Vay, two aermone, by a
Southern Presbyter, price 26 cents.
Harpers' end Putnam’a Magazines, for July.
FAtar Clifton, a story of school life,by Adams.
The London Art Joum*L for Jnne.
Pri«matl*a. by Richard Hayward, with Illustration*.
Chambers’ Repository of Useful Papers.
Yusef, a erotade In tue eaat •, Harry Muir, a tale of Scot
tish life j Northwood, or North and South ; Aunt Phillis’
Cabin ; Cabin and Parlor, by Randolph ; Japan, by Mac-
farlana 5 the Chlvallars of Frapee ; Elliott's Glimpse* of the
Supernatural • Meagb*r'a Speeches j Macaulay’s Speeches s
Home Scenes, by Grace Agullla: Frank Freeman's Barber
y —--- n. invn'n iinminno,
INEN GOOrtft.—Jjnen aheetlng. all widths ; pltloweese
Al* Wmb I 8. 1012-4 damaak end enow-drop table clothe j
8-4 and 10-4 bleadted and brown damask, damaak napkins
and doiles*. Scotch and huekabuok diapers, -birds-eya do.
Rioberdaon’i. Yonnt's and other style* of fomlly linens, all
Kicnarason'i. xonni'j ana outer style* or family unens
warranted pare linen, for sale In quantities or bv the pli
. roh28 Cor, Whitaker. Congress and Bt. Julian-**
AOON AND LARD—80 hhds choice Bacon 8l
B i.—. . tmmm.
Shoulders. 600 canvassed Baltimore Hams, 80 bbls
prim* Leaf Urd,received and for
TTAY.—ftO baU# prime Amboy Hay. landlng per eoboon*
{ Gaaette, Flon
M’l’A ,
Montgomery, Ala.{ AdverttMr. Mobile, Ala.: Misslaalpplan,
Jackson, MIm.{ Democrat, Columbua, Miss.; Flag or the
Udlon.Jaokson.Mlas.; Courier. Natohesj Register, Knox-
vtlle. Tenn.i Advertiser. Chattanooga, do.) Post, Athens,
senior. Ai. .... ._. T „
rn Blgnta Advocate, Anderaon, s.C.t Banner,
— — - • i.u n n . o . 1
Abbeville, 8. C.; Advertiser, Edgefield. 8. C.i Southern
ChristianAdvmaUfCharleston,8.0.: Florldla 8entinel,Tal-
lahaasee,Fla.t Standard, (fouvtlle. da t Courier, Rome.Ga.;
Advocate, Marietta, Ga. | Banner, Athens, Ga,: Republican,
n -'-- o-.*-— MUIedcevUle,
lulrer, Colum-
Penfleld, Ga.; Georgian and Republicait.Savannah, Ga.
Ltgitlalivt Charter, granted in 1849.
L which ii the 12tb day or January.
Gn. Y. Ubowkx, President and Profouor of Mental and
Moral Science.
P. Loud. Professor of Natural Scienocs.
L. R. BtUNUiM, Professor ot Mathematics and Director oi
Hxxrt M. Holtxcuiw, Professor of Belles Lettres.
The Faculty will be assisted by the following Ladies, vis
Mrs. Browne, Mrs. Branham, Ml**** Bennett, Bumitead.
Meredith, and E. Bennett
Catalogues containing further information, may be ob.
10 cuuer 01 too imiowing gentlemen, wno consmuto tue
Board of Trustees: E. E. Jones, M. D., President; B. M. Pee-
1 uaiiTD . u, a. Muuca, j ,
ples.Foqr., Treasurer: Thos. J. Burney, Esqr., Secretary; Col.
5. B. Walker, Rev. N. G. Foster, Rev. 0. M. Irwin, Wm. 8.
Stokes. Edmund Walker, Zachariah Fears, Nathan Massey.
Wm. W. B. Crawford, M. D., UenJ. Harris,Jos. F. Swanson, J
W. Fears, R. P. Zimmerman.
Madison, Morgan county, Dec. 23rd, 1851.
dr 20
Rev. JOSEPH B. S1UBKOOK, Principal. .
Mr. THOMAS J. WEUB, Assistant.
T HE Principal lias been engaged for nearly twenty years
in the Instruction of youths. The Assistant has been
lor the last eight years In the Beaufort CoUego.
" - tan
•s will be received as boarders in the umillea. both of
on..... ,
Principal and Assistant. The price of board, tuition,
Ac., will be alxty-flTe dollars per quarter, payable semi-an
In point of healthiness, Bluffton is not surpassed by any
location in tho Southern country.
References—Bishop Elliott, Dr. Flckling. Gen. Jas. Ilamll
n, and Mr. Lynch Hamilton. dec8—eodl3
RenJUld, Greene Cbuwy, aa.
HHHE Studies In this University are:—A Theological course
JL of three years, designed for those who are preparing for
the Gospel Ministry;
A Collegiate Course of four years, equal to that of other
jtlflc Course of throe years, includiug, with some ad
dition. all the studies of the Collegiate Coune except the An
cient Languages ;
The regular time for the admission of Students, is at the
ipeningof the Fall Term, the lost Wednesday in August.
Candidates for admission nto the Collegiate Coune must
ustaln a satisfactory examination in Geography, Arlth-
molic, English, Latin and Greek Grammar, Cieur, Virgil.
Cicero's Select Orations, and Jacob's Greek Reader ; and
must be at least fourteen years of age.
Candidates for admission into tho Scientific Coune must
sustain a satisfactory examination on Goognphy, Arithmetic,
English Grammar, Simple Equations In Algebra, and two
books in Geometry; ana must be at least sixteen yean of
age. xxrxraES.
Tuition. Spring 7trrm. fhll firm.
1st THXotooicot SxxnvART, Gratultou Gratuitous.
LfCoLunx. 826 00 $15 00
Scientific Coune, 25 00 16 00
In Acsdext—
Preparatory Class, 25 00...... 16 00
Second “ 20 00 12 00
9 00
0 00
4 00
1 00
) per mouth ; of
Third “ 15 00
Elementary “ 10 00
Room Rent, fl 00
Contingent Expenses. 2 00
These expenses require to be paid in advance.
From Students who lodge in the College buildings, fifty
dollars will bo received as full payment for the tuition fees,
room rent, and contingent expenses of tho year.
The price of Board in the vUlsge Is 110 per
washing, room-rent, and fuel, $3.
The Commencement is held on the last Wednesday In
There are two Vacations, dividing the year into terms, as
follows 5
First Term—from lost Wednesday in August to December
Winter Vacation—from December 16th to February 1st.
Second Term—from first day of February to Commence
Summer Vacation—from Commencement to last Wed
nesday in August. B. M. SANDERS,
Secretary of the Board of Trustess.
Any friend, by application to Dr. J. L. DAGG. President of
the University, will receive a catalogue, containing the
course of studies, and all other necessary Information
into four Dispensary Districts, to provide for tho elec
tion of a Dispensary Physician for each of said districts,
and to declare the duties aud fix the compensation of each
Dispensary Physician.
Sec, 1. Be It ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the
city of Savannah and hamlets thereof in Council assembled,
and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same,
That from and after tb* passage of this ordinance, the city
tie. and it is hereby divided into four Dispensary Districts,
the first to embrace all that port of the city bouuded on
the north by the Savannah river, on the east by Jefferson-
strect continued tptiio river, on the south by South Broad-
street and William-street, and on the west by the corporate
limits ; the second to embrace all that part of the city
bounded on the north by the river, on the east by the cor
porate limits, on the south by South Broad-street continu
ed to tho corporate limits, and on the west by JelTerson-st.
continued to the river ; the third to embrace all that part
nf the city bounded on the north by William street and
South Brond-street, on the cast by Jefferson-street continu
ed tn the corporate limits, ou the south by the corporate
limits, and on the west by the corporate limits ; and the
fourth to emhraceail that part of the city bounded on the
north by South Broad-strjetcontinued to the corporate lim
its, on the east by the corporate limits, on the south by
the corporate limit*, and on the west by Jefferson-sticet con
tinued to tho corporate limits.
Sec. 2. Be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid.
That there shall be elected it the first regular meeting of
Council after tho passage of this ordinance, and annunliy
thereafter on the flrst regular meeting in January, a IMh-
Melon for cnch of sold districts, whose duty it
pensary Physii
be to fur
Ids district with necessary medicines, to give them medical
..... . to visit
and surgical advice and attention. to visit them at their
places of abode whon necessary, on every Monday and
Thursday, to attend in person, or by competent substitute,
... ..... M and 1
•etween the hours of 10 o’clock, A. M an >1 i P. M . , for con
sultation with out-door parties, and to keen always a com
petent supply of vaccine matter for vaccinating the poor
and to be furnished physicians, the latter to nay a reason*
hie and proper price therefor, and to fill All prescriptions
signed by any member c f tho Georgia Medical Faculty,
provided each of »uch sprescripllons shall set forth the
name of the patient and embrace a certificate that the p*.
tient resides within the district of the Dispensary Physicist
to whom it is addressed.
Sec. 3. Beit further ordained by tho authority aforesaid,
That the said disponstry Physicians shall be considered,
held and taken ns officers of the city, and shall be liable to
the same penalties for non-performance or neglect of any
of their official duties as are now prescribed in the case of
other city officers.
Sec. 4. Be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid,
Tint such Dispensary Physician before entering on tho du
ties of his office shall take the oath prescribed for city offi
cer*. and execute a bond with two securities in the penal sum
of one thousand dollars.condltinual for the faithful perform
ance of his office. Each Dispensary Physician ahall receive
In full compensation for medicines and services, a salary of
dollars per annum, payable monthly.
Sec. 5. Ifo it further ordained by the authority aforesaid.
That all ordinances and parts of ordinances militating a-
gainat this ordinance be, aud the same are hereby repeated.
Ciuians Ganshl.
Richard 1). Arnold,
June28 J C. A. L. I.amah.
»U eltjr taxes or lmvefn
.MtAta toaetiaiy aaytax. ex*-
it them; who have made all r*
l !W* of tiw w* tod have been
1< pMfliton* of thia act,—Extract
from the Registry Last, pa at Jan. 22,1852.
' The following named »■* on* have registered their names
alnee the firat of January 1868, and up to June 28, 1868,
Inclusive t .
A*—Matthla* Amorous, John W Anderson, DaVld Abra
ham*, Charles Arnold, Geofge A Ash, Robert Austin, Georg*
Alexander, Charles B Aali William B Andrew*, George H
Ash. John S Achord,G*orte W Anderaon, Stawart Austin,
Benjamin R Annslroig, TjomM A Sakew,
ready for cultivation ; also two ami
good framed barn and good framed
the bank of tha river, one of the baa
this section. The niece has the ad
during tb* foil, winter end spring month's, and on* of the
best Oshgrisi on the river for shad. Any person wishing
to purchase can do io by calling on the subscriber on the
Deo |« A Asp, Ko
Asli William B
ton# W Anders®
—j, .J, Taomaa A Sake .
lL—.Benedict Uourquil, Jobn W Bise, Gilbert Butler,
John PBolfeuillet. Jdin V Barber, JullutBaoliaracb, George
L Blount, Anton Bonbert, Joseph Black, Alexander Francis
* “" ‘lor,Mlcni-*”^
Bennett. Jamea H iMhlor. Michael Holey. Claudius E Bar!#,
Chaa W W Bruen. Jafoea M Butler. Hyman K H/ck. William
J Bandy. EdwinflUUon, Wm Jam**.Bulloch. Slegmund
Berg. Milton J Bockter, John Boston, Henry B Bogardua,
William H Bulloch,Jatrick Bulkley, Jobn W Beasley, John
B Barnwell, JameaTBuckner, Anthony Easier, Thoms* A
Brown, John Burns,Joseph U Burroughs, Berrien M B Bur
roughs, William F Brantley, Charles H Bell, Eliaa B Bara
tow, Peter A Biota, Wm Gaston Bulloch, laaao Brunner.
John Brunner. Jama Bancroft. Philip H Balm, Jamea A
Brown, John MacphOrion Berrien, Barnard E Bee. Richard
Burke, David BeU, Thomas H Barrett, Edward J Blount,
Wolfe Barnett, Conn) E Byck, Charles Bishop, Wm Biol*,
Valontine Brunner, Charles W Brunner, Joseph W Brown,
Joseph H Baldwin, Francis Blair, Michael Brannon. Jamei
K Bullough, James A Baker, William M Blount, Wm Ben
ken, William I) Baahlor, William Burges, George A Boifeull-
let. William Be*nken. Patrick Brady,Thomas O Bulloch.
C—Solomon Cohen, Bernard Constantine, David C Cash,
William Cullen, Peter Corb, David Lopex Cohen, Jamei A
Oourvolsle, Montgomery Cummjng, Daniel B Camp. George to a purchaser, apply to JohuFraseraudCo., Charleeton,
BCumming,MosesCnburn.iyilliamCrabtree. AaronQiam- B.C.,or to Mrs. Henry Bailey, St. Mary's, Camden county
pfon, DanielOCopp,'IsaacColien, Frederick Cook, Fiederick n«mii
W Cornwell, William P Clara. William II Cuyler. Carrol A
Cloud. 8pencer Currell. Pierce Condon, William M Charters,
Charle Clare,.DanielClarke. John F Compogniac.George
Calley, Myles D CulleuN, Peter L Constantine. Nicholas Cru-
gor, Henry R Christian. Jobn Cordeal, Wallace Cumming.
Jamea H Carter, William Cooper, John J Cornell, James T
Clark. James O B Campbell, Samuel J Cassells. Joseph S
Carruthers. John D Charlton, Bryan Connor. William Oscar
Charlton, William CoX, Hugh Cullen. James Cleary, Moses
8 Cohen, Thomas Corr, Joseph SCtaghorn, John F Cersten.
Charle* 1' Cooper. John Greene Cooke. Henry Cleaver. Jacob
Cohen, Bonjamln L Cole, Silas M Coleing. John L Clark.
Thothna W Cooper, Henry Cannon. James Cox, Robert M
Charlton. James Cox, Francis Canfield, Peter Claw, Jamis
Carey, Thomas Cusack Thomas Carey. Daniel Cute, Luke
Christie, Lewis F Cooke, Earl A Crafts. Patrick Clark, Mich
ael Cusoch. Michael Conway. Antonio Chrlatldora, Isaac J
Cohen, Francis Champion, Aaron Champion.
D—David R Dillon, Martin Duggan. Archibald C Davcn-
C irt. Isaac Davis. Johu Daily. James Dunn. William Dixon.
osea C Dean. Chaste j Dugger, William H Dunning, Henry
J Dickerson, AlbertLDoLorge. Isaac D'Lyon.JohnE Davia.
John Doyle, jr., Isaac Detaroche, William M Davidson, Wra
II Ilavis. Rickard Dawson,Charles S Davis, Nicholas Dixon.
Lewis I, Davis. Francis H Demere, Patrick Doyle.Michael
Donnelly, Moity Dorgun, John Downing. Richard W I)eta-
” - * '.Thomas E Davis. Shi'
ney. Thomas Doyle. Thomas E Davis. Sheldon C Dunning.
George W Davis, Michael Dally, Francis D Dana, Joseph O
Davis, John Dtyie. Jacob DetaMotta. John P A l’upon.
iry Ellis, Peter Endres, John Evcrard. Richard
1 Eiskeamp, Steplien Elliott, Jacob A Epstein,
Em— Hem
Ennis. John ,, , ..
John B Epsteia. Thomas Eden. Daniel tVr*n.
P—Joseph Felt. Owen Foley, Jeremiah Fickling. Green
Fleetwood, Loiia N FalUgant. Gaspar J Fulton. Washington
F Florence, Joicph 8Fay, John G Falligant. John C Forrill.
Andrew FHrry.Frederich Finch. William D Ford.Sewell H
Fisk. John Hemming, Richard Flanigan. Tbomns Ford.
Patrick Fleming, John Foster, John 1) Hah, Bryan Foley,’
Josiali R Fishei. John Foley. Jacob Friend. Dugald Fergu
son. John Flannegan. James Fountain. Henry R Fort. Beoja-
min Fickllug, Robert Ferrell, Gordoy Fayo, Joseph E Falll-
O.—Joseph Gtorge. Robert H Griffin, Francis Grimball
Joseph George.Jl.. Robert M Goodwin. John B Gallie, David
H Galloway.Seaborn Goodall. John Gammell. Domingo Gal-
leo. Joseph F Uanmnn. Charles Gross, Martin Gerken. James
E Gaudry. PhilipUioblehouse, Henry Uanahl. John F Guil
martin. John Gerdts. Benjamin Ginovoly. John LGroven-
stoin, Ebenezer M M Gifford. James E Godfrey. George A
Gordon. Calvin LGilbert. Samuel Goldsmith, NicklesGeil,
Horace Gillum. John S Green, Francis L Cue, Jas Gowan,
William T Goodwin, William W Goodrich, Michael Gearey,
Michael Gay. Lewes Grenvald, Israel Geer.
H—Thomas Holcombe David F Halsey. William Hess,
Christopher liuasey, Richard H Howell. Charles8 Hardee,
William Howe. William Hunter. William F Holland. James
Hunter, George 8 Harding, Edwin E Herts, Martin Horn,
tarouel I. Hover, John Haupt, Samuel B Haupt, William
Henry, Henry Haupt, William W Headley, Robert Haber
sham. John E Hernandos, Robert, Hutchison. Alfred Hay'
wood. William Henderson. Charles A Hall, Geo W HardcaS'
tie. Robert A Ilonlkor. William L Haupt. Humphrey P Hor
ton, Peter Henry. William lleidt. tavl Hart. Thomas Hen
derson, William P Hunter. Marmsduke Hamilton. Peter D
Hililieim. Charles F Hamilton. John F Hamilton. William
Hone. William H Hausman, David Harrignn. Henry Har
per. Howell W Hollister, Enoch D Hendry, John U Howard.
William II Holmes. Geo Troup Howard. William B Hale,
. ■
. T"" '"■■■
ifltfrual, Ut.
Sox Salt anb for Rent.
FtiS’d’SttJ”® „
THE mbseribef o(f«s for sale 1,200 acres of Land,
’log os the Alatamaha, river, three miles below the
irk, known as Town Bluff. There are 380 acres open,
. .1.—u__. -1— *— small framed houses with
ted store, house, situate on
best stands for a atore In
thUeeetloD. The place ha* the.advantage ofateamboata
ores, Erysipelas, Pimples
cacy ; but while 8*raap*rslla Root forms an Important pert
“’- ft 1 the Mm*,compounded
.the peculiar combination and sclent!Be manner of Ita pre
paration, that It* remarkable success in the cure of dls
. purchaa#
Allso. 980 acres of land well timbered, with 160 aerea oi
first rate bay land well ditched and drained, ready for clear-
ng. with five acres cleared. Bald land will produce fifty
jushcl# of corn to the acre, This land lias two mile* from
Mann Ferry, on the Alatamaha river.
Also. 6,000 acres of first quality pine timbered land on
the Alatamaha and Ocmulgee river*.
All these lands are situate in the flrst and second district
of Appling county. Also, 2,000 acre* of land well timbered
with cypress and white oak. Any person wishing further
particular* can address me at Hall P. O., Georgia.
1— lawdAwCm W. DYALL.
The Raleigh. (N. C.) Standard will please publish
weekly for six mouths, and send bill to W. D.
eaae depend*. It acta simultaneously upon the stomach,
the circulation and the b jrels; and thus three processes.
Which are onllnarlly the result or three difierent kinds ol
medicine, arc carried on at the same time, through tha In
strumentality of this oue remedial of ent, which gently stim
ulates while it disinfects and expel* from the stomach and i
fore Incurable and dlitrre.iVffij^'^bWffij^ I
aUndauorivallfdln the (barmi^b.^'wSPl
We do not propose to make I
force a nostrum before t • pub?| e HS*J 1 *, ut «ta»U'.h B
those moil Interested,the scmulii^l 1
from the agent la their
read U10 testimony of those »lm 5 ^rcuUr. sot : 1
valuable curative powers, but to wrhs't L
t convalescents, so that the itatem. D ., Z 11
,r the fountain head ; a course wfoTv, 0 '* m 1 * I
* credulous, and one bv wtdeh u 1,1,1 I
-jmedy I. I
ulatea while It disinfects and expel* from the atomaeh and ! ,{1 , c ® r, * 1 “ “{.being msta| qw j ‘ > «!*“ on *( tfe
iKiweU all that la Irritating, andat the same time restorea KjJJSSwii * c . ciml eTer J r iSfonuSl *! *» £
their rigor and tone. Ita great merit la, that it meets and ?r!S.„ ® ..“?, do ^ b,wl “baracter
RICE UNIS FORB*I£—Th»Tnct ofUNDonth.
St. Mary's River, known aa the Cut-off Tnct,containing
seven hundred and seventy-two (772) acres, of which over
five hundred (600) ncres are tide swamp and fresh manh
lands, with a rise and fall of tide of alx feet. The marah
Und waaauccessfufty cultivated many years since, producing
Cotton, Cano, and
W ‘ IWM ( \.«UU, HI1U JMCU,
Tliesnlsnds could be put In order with less labour. It is
bellevR.than would bo roqulred for nutting Hammpck land*
In order, and are considered very safe from overflow in galea
and freshet*.
b considered very
For further particulars and terms, which will be mode easy
A plat of the land may be seen at the office of the Geor-
® F O R S A I.E.—A Tract of LAND, containing 202X
acresrand improvements, near yifalthnurvllle, Liberty
aores.and improvements, near )VaItbnurville, Liberty
county. Tlie land Is of good quality, pine and bay land. 60
***** °f which are in cultivation, and the remainder well
timbered, offering strong inducements to persons Interested
In procuring turpentlno. Th* Improvements consist of a
two-story frame dwelling, together with negro houses,stable*.
“ ,l - ■ “ -"•“ng*. The location cannot
— salubrity or climate, with
good water, and a range for cattle which cannot be excelled.
The above property can bo bought at a very reasonable price,
and on the most accommodating terms, If early application
be mado to the subscribers, at Walthourville. Liberty county
, „„ it w - » AC( W
apl 20—d&o k. b. WAY.
shJS ATractofTido Swamp Land, containing 600 acres,
NffiDylngon the Alatamaha river, three mile* above Dari-
1-11 en, adjoining lands of tlie estate of Itutler and Dun-
wody on tho east, and Glgnilliat and Walker on tlie north
and west, naving as good a pitch of tide as an* rice plan
tation on the river. My terms are, twenty dollars per acre,
one-fourth cash, and the halance on a credit or from five to
ten yenrs. the interest only required to bo paid annually.
Apply to the undersigned at Darien. In case of my absence
Mr. J^meh 1'RiNdLB will show the land, a plan of which can
be seen at the office of the Georgian.
DAniKN.Jan.22. 1863. Jan26—lam •
$£K FOR SALE.—A Tract of LAND of Five Hundredacrea
Tjjlstrlctly prime Rice Land, immediately opposite tlie old
town of Hardwick. The situation of the place affords one
of the best Saw-mill seats in the Southern country, facilities
for timber being easy and without end. Vesssels coming
from sea can load immediately alongside, drawing from ten
to fifteen feet of water. For terms apply to Henry Williams,
U.B.Dlstriet Attorney,Savannah,or to B. STILES, Br]
STILES, Bryan coun-
S ITUATED half a mile from thia City, on Hie canal, has a
basin capable of holding two million feet or Logs. The
Mill has been in operation about seven months, runs two
gangs and on edging saw. also Grist Mill. This Mill
from 1“*- •••**- - - -
1112 to 16 M. feet per day. For
nr particulars apply to
FOR SALE— 1 That valuable porcel of land formerly
occupied by E. Jencko’s. Esu.. known ns a Cooper’s
TJC-Occupied by E. Jencko’s, Esu.. known ns a Cooper’.
hfiop and Yard. It is bounded on the east by West Bound-
•ryjntraet. west by tlie Canal, north by Railroad street, and
south by lota Nos, 6 ami fl, aud contains about four acres.
F OR SAI.E-Tlie westerly hMtof Lot No. 3 Yaroacraw,
being the ftharf now occupied by iho Charleston 8team
racket Company, measuring one hundred f**t on tlie River,
and running back about two hundred feet to Canal-street!
The property is now under a lease which will expire the
first of November next.
If not sold at privato sale previous to the first Tuesday in
February. It will then be offered at auction at the Court
House. Apply to de!6 COHEN & FOSDICK.
itmiuui 11 iiuiuicn, ucu uu.iiu. nimiiui n iwd,
Gustavs A Holcombe, Claus Hartman, Samuel Hamilton!
Edward J Harden, Stephen N Harris. Columbus 8 Harris.
James BB Harley. Undan Hughes, Pnoleau Hamilton, Jno
C Hunter, Dennis Hulev, James E Hogg. Jonathan Hill, Jno
Hall, I’eter Hermann, John A Hengea, Nicholas Heyie, Goo
Hubbard, Patrick Hopkins, Matthew Harding. Edward C
Holbrook. Stephen Hatterich. Oliver 8 Hunter. Lewis F Har
ris. William HavclI. James Hackett, Judge W Harris. John
M Harrison. Joseph M Haywood, James J Illnes, Thomas
Hefferman, William L Haupt.
I—John W lliljr.
J—John K Johnson. John T Jones. James R Johnston.
Vdward Jones. James C Jones. Alexander Johnson. William
Bullock Jackson, Enoch S Johnson, Jobn D Jesse, John J
Jackson. Jnnies 11 Johnston, Robert Jackson, Wm James,
Peter Jacobs, James M Jones. Peter Kdwnrd Judennes, C
Jackom. Joseph W Jackson, Nicolas Jeffries,
J4L—-Philip Kolb. John Kennedy, Alfred Kont. Gefert
Kuck. I’eter Ktouso. William Krauss, John W Kibbee, Her
man Kuhlman. I’icdrich Kattenliorn, Nicholas King. John
W Kelly. James W King. Nicholas Kelley, Hnnford Knapp,
Thomas Kemp, Johu \V Kelley, William Kine, James Ker,
Plilneaa M Kollock, Philip Kean, Noah B Knapp, Aaron J
Kaser. James Kennedy. Frederick Krenaon. Emanuel Kan-
waller, Daniel Keane, Edward S Kemuton. Dr A Kolhause.
L-—Thomas E Lloyd. Louis I^gricl. John N tawis. Daniel
M AP OF SAVANNAH.—Having purchased theenpyright
of Edward A. Vincent, Esq. or his new Map ot the city
of Savannah, the undersigned baa made arrangements to
fill all orders for the same, at abort notice. A sufficient
number was received by last steamer to furnish subscribers,
and will be delivered Immediately, We are nnabfo to sup
ply the country demand until the arrival of the next steam
er. Arrangement* hay* been made for a farther snpply,
which will be regularly received. All orders punctually at
tended to. Address S. H. S’BLEY,
aplS . BooknUer and publlihar^dd Congress-si, Sav’h.
TVrOTICK.-Th# snbaeriber having transferred all his right
L v title and Interest as publisher and proprietor of th*
coin, Oliver A LaRoche. John M B Lovell, Martin Larkin.
Noble Lyon. Frederick I oh of. Joseph H tadson. John I!
Ladd, Daniel Leahy, Benjamin W Llloyd. Clinrlea A L La
mar. Peter taurens, James F Under, Mattliew Lufburrow,
Klward Lynch, John T Latlinin.Philip S leaver, Hugh tar-
kin, James J Logan. Joseph Uppman, Andrew taw. Wm E
tang, Andrew J tahey- Michael tavin. David P Lander-
shine, Casper Lenyer, Timothy tavin, Charles T taw, Sam
uel 8 Levy.
M— Hugh W Mercer. Anthony F Mera. Abraham Minis
William H C Mills. Jacob Manke. Mulford Marsli. William
Morrill, John Mallory, Adolnhe Mode. Jolin Makin. Gefert
Murklna. James W Morgan, ltalph Meldrlm. Dan Mallette,
Horace Morso. William H May, Samuel S Miller, Johu Mur
chison, Christian W Maviainder. Solomon Mayer. John Mas-
tersou. Luder Mrhrtens. Jacob Manses. John E Mallery. Hen
ry Macnhanl. Tliomas R Mills. James Monnalian. Charles A
Mngill.John B Mallard. Jacob Miller, Matthias It Meyer,
Alvin N Miller, Simon Morris.taander Moore. Jno A Mayer,
Richard C Mackall. Michael Meath, Fabian Mycrbouer.
Thomas Meath, John Murchison. Bryan M Morel. Hugh \V
Mercer. John Mahanney.Thomas Malinr, William E Mongin.
John Morris, Jeugen H Mehrtcns. Thomas Murtaugh. Syl
vester II Manning. Charles Muller, Cornelius D Murphy,
Mncpherson U Millen. Isaac M Marsh, Wm U Mell, John
Murphy, JohnS Montraolllo.
HIch—George A McCIeskey, Bartholomew Mc-Iunarney
Patrick ilclfowell, William McCarthey. Jo*eph J McCoy
Laurence McKenna. Thomas McKenna. Daniel McRedmond,
Thomas W McArthor. Jnmea McHenry, Mirhnel McGrea
Patrick McGovern. Norman W Mctaoil. William J McIn
tosh, James McFeely, Alexander McHardy, Angus McAI-
pin, Michael McCarty, Nell McHugh. James Mclnnarney,
Jolin McGunnlgle. Thomas O McClu-key. James McFeely,
Patrick McGloln. Dennis McGuire. Jolin McCall.
N —George N Nichols. Thomas J Naylor, Daniel Nelson,.
Samuel Nuttman.James SNoldllnger. Nathl Nungazer. John
G Noldllnger. William G Norwood Jacob Newherger.Gilbert
N Neyle. Tbomns M Newell. James A Norris. Jolin R Nor
ton. Robert C Nock, James Nungazer, William Nungazer.
Edwin LNeidlinger. tawis F Nicoll, Thomas W Neill,Joseph
Nnwlnn. Walter 8 Nott.
O.—Jolin Oliver, Cliaries E O'Sullivan, John W Owens.
George S Owens. Armlnius Ocurlor, E-lward O’Byrne. Wil
liam C O'Driscoll. Ifonnis O’Connor. Phillip O'Connell. Dan
iel O'Hanlun.'Tlmothy O’Connor. Timothy O'Brien, Patrick
O'Connor. Frederick Otto. George W Owens.
P—Philip J Punch. Tliomas Purse. John Pool#. James
Potter, Joseph F, I’elot. Cliaries F Preston. William Procter,
Edward Pndelford. Wwanl Pndelford. jr.. Misha Parsons,
Daniel G Philbrick. Anthony Porter. Dennis M Patrick, FA-
win Parsons. George Parsons. Edward Powors. Jolin I’ostell,
Joseph W Philips. John F Posey. William V Prentice. Henry
C Preston. Thomas Pidgon. John M Pnlin. Samuel O Pan-
cost. Cliaries 11 Patterson. OrrlnC Parker. John Phalcn, Jas
Potter. Michael Prendeigast. Edward J Purs*.
Q,.—William Quuntock. jr.. Martin Quinn. John Quin.
R—PhlPp M Russell. Daniel Robertson. Jolin A Richard
son, William Remshart. George Robertson. Jr. Robert R
Rhodes. Henry Bober. William Rogers, Charles R Robinson.
Andrew M Ross. John W Remshart. Jnmes 0 Rodgers. Ber
nard Roden, Janie* U Read. George Robbins. Joseph Itosso.
jr.. David RoHenblatt. William P Rowland. Wm P Roberts,
I John Reilly, Jefferson Roberts. John P W Read, Jas Rhiod.
Joseph Ribera. Jaenb Rosenband, John 8 Rogera. Allen
1 Russell. William Robinson. James Riley. Horace J Royal).
'olin Reedy. Alexander ft Ralston, Thnmas M Rosla. John
-O Ross. Thomas Redfren. Beniamin Reed Joseph B Ripley,
-’xhtrlck Reilly, Francis Rynn. John Riordon.John W Rabun.
James M Russell, Robert Ralford, Waring Russell. Cliaries
. W Rogers, Felix J Rnsenburg. Charles E Ryon. Joseph W
Roberts. Francis Reeves, Joseph Ross. Edward Riley.
8—Patrick K ShlcJa. Henry Seltzer. Wra Henry Stliea,
Patrick Smith. Francis Sorrct, Samuel 8 Sibley. Edward A
Soullard. Abraham Simpson. IJzaf Solomons. John A Schaf
fer. Frerlerick Schaffer. Ftancls F S'robhart. Francis Shells,
Harman Silber, Joachim R Saussev. James J Snider. John
Savage. Ezra Stacy. James H Sandlford, Jacob Shaffer. Con
rad Schnider. John G Sexton. John H Strous. John FStur-
tevant. Walter W Smith, Franels M Stone. Emanuel Shef-
toll. John H Stegin. Alexander J 0 Shaw. Farley R Sweat.
James F Stokes, John A Staley. Abner Sawyer, Samuel B
Sweat. James Sullivan. Solomon Sheftall. Daniel TScrau
ton. Ihmtel H Stewart. John Slone. William Salte, Joseph D
Stebbins, Jacob Spang. William Shinners, John Shuuzel.
Matthew Shannon. Dennis Sullivan, Philip Smith. John
Shwink. James Shea. James P Screven, Thompson LSmith.
Will am Swnll. Richard Scanlan, Alexander A 8meta, Wil
liam II Smith, Andrew 8teafvater. Edward J Sander*, Mor-
decal Sheftall. Sr.. Jacob A Shaffer. Herman Pangstoch. Ja*
M Stripling. Francis Sawyer. Timnthv Sheridon. John Scud
der, James Skinner. Lewis Smith, John Shea. Geo I Spen
cer. Samuel L Speiaegger. Simon 8antlm.. Thomas Smith.
James Shephard. Jatne* Skinner. George Simmon*. Thomas
Smith. Thomas Scalley. George J Smith, John Stoddard,
Jesse J Smith. John BSpan.Capt John Stevenson.Dr Janta*
M Schley. Thomas Saunders. John Steinberg, Wyatt W
Starke, William 8tarr. William J Stafford.
T~Peter G Thomas John F Tucker, John T Thorns*,
William S Thompson.George HTitcorab, Charles G Talblrd,
ohn DT*nbroek. John Thompson, Frederick A Tupper. Jaa
fhurrt. William B Tinsley. Barnard G Tilden, Anderson C
Tom*. Francis Truchelut. William TThompson. John Tier
ney. LI ward Townsend. John C Taylor. Alfred F Torla v, Is
rael K Tefft. Lewis EWbeau, Wm H Tison. John H Thode,
Cornelius Turbush. Josiali P Tustin.
V—Charle* Van Horn. David Veader TrisUtn Veratille,
Henry H Veratille. William II8 Veratille. Henry Vielstltch
W—Richard Wavne, Edward O Wilson.William Water*.
Robert D Walkor. Henry F Wllllnk. Laurence W Wall, Na
thaniel F Webster. Henry 0 Wyer. James T Webb. Henry E
W«-jd. Smith Warner. Thomas White, Francis HWelman.
Nicholas Wolf. WUHam White, Ttaotnaa 8 Wayne, Benjamin
Whitehead. Jacob Wlneberg, Bamnel A Wood. George 8
Wait. Charles Wilson. Thomas J Walsh, John W Wilson. Jo-
Jeph Washburn, Zachariah N Winkler, tawl* W Wells.Ed
mund Wallen, Wylly Woodbridge. Clirlstopher White. Seth
Woodward, Isaac Wilder, Dennis Wynn. James White. Phlto
H Wildman, William Watson. William P White, Philip D
Woolhopta.Aahbel Welle*, John J Waver. Jacob Walter,
George M Willett. James T. Welles. James Wliillhan.Eno#
Wlthingten. Allen R Wrightfiafonel WilmotWm Wllipn,
* * '* Wayne. Willi - "*• —
new SuMIvlsIen Mspof the elty of Savannah to 8. fl. Sibley.
Esq., publisher and bookseller of this city, subscribers are
hereby notified that they will receive their eopte* from him
In future, aa publisher of said Map.
'COLOUR, kc.—150 bbls Baltimore Hoar, 76 bbls Hiram.
ii. Smith'* do. 20 half bbU Fulton Mortal Braf,Noa 1 and
Wiliam Wrijrht. Jams* M Wayne. William Thorne William*,
Palriek White. James W White. Richard Wickam. William
MWodley, Jacob Waldhurg. Oeorxe W Wylly. WllUam C
Wylly, Tsaae P Whitehead, tawis Wiggins. William Water#,
James Whlte.8t*nhenP. Whitehead. James M Wayne. Hen
ry K Washburn, CUua WBtaehen. Conrad Waldsehmldt
John Wllllamaon. John G WegnA George JTWaldburg. J«w
J Watte. Edward O Wlthfngton, Jamei 8 Wilkin*, Norman
Wallace.TTTBkm H Wiltberger. Peter Wljthergeg. *“
Wal'er, Joseph W Webster. Amo* E Tfebeter. /
- wr .
The undersigned. B. W. Leonard and E.
Surra, (thu former having been for more
30 years manager and agent of the
ingSe>latlenwnn Establishments; the lntterfor
many years connected with tho Allaire Works, as Superin-
tendent and Engineer, and more recently superintending
engineer for the Collins’Une of New York and Liverpool
United States Mail Steam Ships, as also of the Ocean Steam
Navigation Company’s.running between New York. South
ampton and Bremen,.) having formed a copartnership, of
fer their services ns consulting Engineers and Agents, for
"lurchasing or ‘—*' * "
purchasing or superintending the construction of Paddle
Wheel and Propeller Steam Vessels of every description,
Marine Engines and Boilers for Ocean and River Steamers!
tacomotive* and other Railroad Machinery. Pumping En-
-incs and Machinery for Water Works nnd Draining tands,
hast Engines and Machinery for Iron Works. Cotton, Wool-
en and Flax Manufactories, and Machinery fur every de-
acription of Manufacturing. Coro. Flour and Saw Mills. Su
gar Mills and Refineries. Quartz Crushing and other Mining
Machinery, Mjll Geering. Shafting and i’ullies. Every de
scription of Castings, Wrought Iron Forgings. &c.
Specifications and contracts prepared, plans and de
tail drawings furnished. steam vessels, steam engines and
other machinery surveyed and value thereof nstlmst*A.
Second hand steam vessels, steam engines and Boilers,
cotton and wootan machinery generally, for sale.
Office 76 Merchants’ Exchange,
Cr. Wall nni Hanover-streeta. Now York.
EX Collins. Agent New York and Uverponl U S M Steamers
C H Sand, President Ocean Steam Navigation Company
Mortimer Livingston, Agent New York and Havre U
Ezra Nye. Commander Steamer Pacific.
Joseph J Comstock, Commander Steamer Baltic.
G W Floyd. Commander Steamer Washington.
James P Allaire, Esq., formerly Proprietor of tho Allaire
John F Winter. 8on k Co, Merchants, New York,
Eagle k Hazard, “ “
Peter Cooper, “ «
Asa Worthington, “ “
A O l’armelee, •• “
James Bogardus. Iron Store Builder, “
Hazard k Monteath. Merchants. Buffalo, New York
flush k Wildes, Merchants. Boston. 51sss.
P Grinell k Sons, Mprcliania. Providence. R. I.
J P Phillips. Esq., Cleveland, Ohio.
J E taniolne. President Mechanics’ Mg. Co., Petersburg. Va.
C P Mallett, President Rnckfish Mg. Co., Fayettevlllo. N. C.
J G Cairn*. Agent Rowan Manuf’g. Co.. Salisbury. N. C.
Wm Gregg. President Grnnitcville Mg. Co., Charleston, S. C,
W Wiz
u S M
principle of disease itseir, and when
, K°ne, the sympiomi necessarily disappear; and we
have only to point to tlie accumulated testimony of multi-
tudes who have experienced Its effect#, to convince Incredu-
Uty itself of its real value.
Tlie proprietors submit to the public tho following certi-
ficato from a highly respectable source, of a cure made by
using their preparation of Sarsaparilla:
George W Winter, Banker. Columbus. Ge
Joseph W Winter, Esq., Montgomery, Ala.
*” % Mobile, Ala.
Sidney Smith, taq.
Rufus R Belknap, Mnntif'r “ “
Janies Saul, Esq., Prest. Com’l. Water Works, N Orleans. La
W W White, Banker. Now Orleans. I a.
Samuel I) Morgan, Merchant. Nashville, Tenn.
J O Ambler. Esq.. Jacksonville. Florida.
J 8 Sanborn, Esq.. Ooffeevilie, Miss,
Burtill k Patrick. Merchants, Sau Francisco, Cal.
Charles Bogardus, Architect. “ “ *el8
U NDER a new and improved organization, manufacture
tacomotive nnd Stationary Engines. Sugar Mills. Gins,
Presses, tathoa. Drills, ko. Also, every description of Cot
ton. Woolen and Saw Mill work.Shnfting. Pulleys. Ac.. Cast-
Ings of any weight, (having a large assortment of patterns.)
at reduced prices. F. S. CLAXTON. Engineer.
Depot 13 i’latt-street. cornor of Gold. Claxton k Wet-
more. Excelsior. Collins k Co. and II. Collins’ Axes, Hard
ware Agency. 23 Pratt-st., New York. oclO—lyr
J UST RECEIVED.—A supply of Mineral Paints, fire and
water-proof colors, unlading. Silver’s Mineral Paints
differ essentially from all others in market. They are not
Clays, they require little oil. they do not work toughly, but
flow easily ns white lend. They lay on a very heavy body,
set immediately, and becomenn indestnictable covering of
flint. They neither crack nor peel, and require no stronger
dryer tlian white lead.
I have a variety of colors, Red, Yellow, various Browns,
nnd Jet Rlnck. They are superior in body (or covering
property) to anything ever discovered.nnd pound for pound
will cover double the surface of White Lead or Zinc Mineral
paints, nnd require less oil.
I am now prepared to cover Tin Roofs, os nothing adheres
liver’s Mineral Paints. For sale by
10 and 12 Rarnard-street.
to tin like Siiv
T HIS establishment will be opened on the first of April
next. Address Dr. W. F, REH, Newport. R. I.
F ashionable tailoring establishment—The sub
scriber having lust removed to No. 21 Bull-street, (be
tween Congress and Broughton-atreets.) would inform his
friend* and the public generally, that he will open Tnte
Dav. his second supplvof Fall and Winter Goods, consisting
of the best French, English and American Cloths, Cassi-
meres and Vestings, purchased from the most extensive im-
porters in New York, which he is prepared to make up In
thebf*—* *
[he best and most fashionable styles.
F AIRBAKK’S Patent Platform Scales—(Improved In qual
ity and reduced In price)—Adapted to every required op
eration of weighing, as Railroad Scale* for train* or single cars
of weighing, as Railroad Scale* for train* or single l
In use on the principal railroads In the United flutes and
Great Britain, Warehouse Seales. Heavy Portable Scales, on
wheel*, for foundrie*.rolllngmlHs. Ac. Store Scales, various
modifications ; Counter Scales, Hay and Coal Scales. Ac.-
These 8csle*have been long known and severely tested ; and
the universal confidence felt In their accuracy and perfect
adjustment is such that they are now regarded aa the stand-
artl.frore which there Is no appeal.
F LOOR OIL CLOTHS.—The most complete atock of Oil
Cloth*, in every variety of pattern* and eolore. varying
' * ‘ityerd*. —
in widths from one to eight yard*. Families and hotel keep
ers can cover their dining rooms or halls without piecing.
WM. H. GUIOV. Agent Carpet Warehouse,
jd 67'
140 Congress and 67 St. Jullan.-ata.
F NE SHIRTS.—Those In want of a fine ahirt. to fit well
and handsomely made, can he accommodated at No
147 Bay-st »n*y19 PRICE k VEADER.
jpiSHING AND JOCKEY CAPS.—Receired by 1st* arri
vals, a new supply. Those In want will please eall at
147 Bay-st may26 PRICE k VEADER.
lay Batter, 60
Flo - *“* —
B UTTER. GHEES*. *e.—20 tuba new May"
h -
_ boxen Cheese. 28 bbls Hiram flmith’a Flour. fO boxea
Herring, landing per steamer and for sale by
G old pens and pencils and steel pens.—Just
received, a fine assortment of gold pens and pencils
)f gold nei
double and single extension ; also, a variety or fine
penufor cheap at the book a'ote ef
sp! 11 8, 8. • V 1' fi Congress- stre*
"J^IBBEE k RODGERS offer .for sale. ti;e following Goode
. cheer: 260 barrel# Crashed i
hhds. N.' 6. and Muscovado do: 26Bo Porto Rico do; 60do
Cuba Molnanea; 160 bbls. N. 0. and 8ugar-houee 8ynip
« . „ „ Custosm, Moss., July 28,1850.
Messrs. A. B. A D. 8onda—Gentlemen: So truly valua
ble do I consider your Sarsaparilla, that I feel ittobemy For.alohv A a mIi -*"•«« neuie ) y,.v'
duty to state for the benefit nr others, the cure effected on Savannah A ‘ Solo,,,on '' *««1 J- H. C*r& i! 7 **
myself. ProvJou* to 1845, I had a discs# of the throat, * ,U ‘' r,I,rB Rlta
wh cli destroyed the tonsils, and waa then attacked with - - ■—•
pnysiclan*. clergymen. e<?llor* , *n,| , 7 ,e Dw *tu»f
of how long standing. 1 ' or '•“ r «nlc. ^ ^7
— Jtroyi
violent nain in the head. ..... 1U .
flammntion. and immense quantities or blood and matter
were discharged. Foraix weeks the disease continued in
the head, and then pervaded th* body generally, attacking
all tlie limbs. I was confined to a sick bed,from which I
never expected to arise. Many physicians attended me,
and the most skilful pronounced me past cure In short,
tongue cannot express my tufferins*; and In this condition
I heard or your Sarsaparilla, punliased six bottles, and re
nounced all other medicines. I did not expect to take ell
I bought, so debilitated had my ayatem become. Contrary
to all expectation, my health almost Immediately began to
Improve I waa able to attend to my domestic duties, and
soon could walkout, a thing I once thought would be im
possible. My gratitude I cannot express, feeling satisfied
tlint nothing clss could have relieved me of tlie misery and
suffering 11 lion endured. I most cheerfully reeomend Sands’
Sarsaparilla to nil suffering as I have don*.
yours. Rebecca Mato.
Knowing the above statement to be strictly enrred. and
being near neighbors to Mrs. Mayo, we cheerfully testify to
the same.
Warren Rodgers, Esq, Mrs. Prised# L. Dodge,
John Hailett. Mrs. Rccecca Smith.
NkwYokk. Jan. 8.1860.
Messrs. Sand*—Gentlemen : I have groat pleasure in ac
knowledging to you the great benefit lbave received from
the use of your Farsaparilla. A subject of pulmonary dis
ease, I made a voyage to Europe, but while tnero continued
to he afflicted. A few weeks after my return. I was seized
with a violeut hemorrhage of the lumga, and from the de
bility and great prostration of strength that fallowed, with
the protracted difficulty of respiration, I am entirely re-
lieved by tlie uso of your Sarsaparilla, which I consider a
most important and truly valuable discovery In the healing
art. 1 feel that I have not for fourteen years enjoyed so
good health as at present. Gralefully yours,
E. S. Satmori.
Prepared and sold.wholesale and retail, by A BAD SANDS
* "*—' — ” * of WllUam,
tie-for ~ tat-
Tb, .bo,. h.„ .ho for uh. th, „„„
THIS invaluable preparation ha* uhl.u i I
wherevei Introduced, uniirecedeniTi i ne<J i* I
any other preparation brought tafoiTtU *!?■
llplled tbouMoil. -ho VJ
mamlloweffect* In removingdlMM^.i.H*
ou* effects in removing diwaiw .
Itestorlnar the Nervm,. .' .
now herald it to the world as Bt ‘ ln ' I
virtue* known In the Materia lledU* 8 tL * u ‘ 0,l ‘8W*
Physicians of the flrst standing in the m*« M i .
use and prescribe t as the most iff,ctlv- ^ ^ pfoft ^i
Alterative and Blood Pn**n
ever known. To the sedentary |i h.7, ^ i
Balm or Gilead. Especially to femslM ln . 1 *' iUel, 6»
bio C00.II1I1111 ol life. It rrt.,o,„,„o” Klrt,
point or rlbcy to .n/or the nurn,,™! * '"l«-tb
rooted uodrrtb. »»p„b„.l“~
This is a VegttaUe Spirit, pleasant tn i.l. , I
“{•to be used in any state of healthfc* ,d .P erfc ««| I
delicate ftmote or Chita. ' * Ten b I Ita
Mar Price 81 OOper boltle.
w.vrdm*t<i,n,* C[ ,., P
_ , N ®-1 Barclay-street. (Astor ..
ForsalebyA. A. SOLDMUNS. and J Wabtr? 1 ’-
gists. Savannah, Ga. • tAKTLR.]),^
Jbr the cure uj Coughs. Colds. IJnarsevui.iir,t]“. I
Druggists and Cliemlsts, 100 Fulton-st., corner of W
New York. Sold also by Druggists generally through!
United States and Canadas. Price $1 per bottle ; si:
ties for 85. For sale by MOORE A HENDRICKSON. TURN-
ER A ODEN, W. W. IJNCULN and A. A. 80L0M0X8, Sa
vannah ; Haviland. Risley A Co, Augusta. may24—3m
For tlie cure of Incipient Consumption, Scrofula, General
Debility. White Swelling. Rheumatism. Diseases of the
liver and Skin, and all diseases arising from Impurities
of the blood and the effects of mercury.
S WAIM’S PANACEA has been for more than thirty yean
celebrated in till* country aud In Europe for 'ta extra
ordinary cures—for the certificates or which reference is
mado to the directions and books (which may he had gra
tis) accompanying the Panacea. Some of which give the
particulars of cases too frightful for general publication,
where tlie patients Imd been almost eaten up with scrofu-
ln. and were deemed incurable by physicians.
It has been used In hospitals, and private practice, and
lias had tlie singular fortune of being recommended by the
most celebrated physician! and other eminent personn.
Among others by—
W. Gibson, M. D..Prof. of Surgery. Pa. University.
'Valentine Mott. H. D.. Prof, of Surg. N.Y. University
W. p, Dewees, M. D .Prof.of Mid. Pa. Uhlversity.
N. Chapman. M. D„ Prof of Physic. Pa. University.
T. Parke. M. I).. Pres’t College Physicians. Pliilad.
Dr. l)cl Valle. Prof, of Mrdlcince. Havana.
Jose Eourcncndo Lux. Prof, of Surgery. Usbon.
J. Chiiiman. Member Royal College Surgcont. London.
O. W. Ervlng. loto Minister to 8p#in.
Sir Tliomas Pearson. Mnlnr General Rrittnli Armv
400 bags Rio and taguayre Cnlfee; 60doO. O. Java do.»,ll
boxea Tobacco, all brands; 60 hhds. Bacon Sides: .26 ce*1
Hams and ShwMm; 76 h*vtlez l*td, prime article; 1L
boxes Soap, ell kind# t 200 do 8perra and Adamantine Gan-
die*; Lemon 8yrup, Rotatne, Fife, Nnta, Candles; Spices,
do.. Ac. - ■ ' - • n*7» ; |
Sir Tnorna* Pearson. Major General British Army.
Gilbert Robertson. British Consul. Ac.
And also, the wonderful cures effected by Swaim’s Pana
cea have, for many years, made it ah invalunble remedy.
Tta Panacea doe* not contain mercury in any form, and be
tag an Innocent preparation, it may be given to the mbsi
tender infant, .
The retail price ii«*t>««n reduced to $1 60 per bottle (con
taining three half pints) or three bottles for $4.
Swaim’s Panncea is in round bottles, fluted longitudinal
ly. wit'* the following letter* blown In the glass: •• Swmm'h
—PAXAnuta-PiuiuD’A,” and having tho name of James
Swaim stamped on tlie sealing wax and written on the label
covering tho enrk, and a splendid engraving for the side of
the bottle, composed of geometric lathe work, comprising
nine different dies, which have been turned for the exclu
sive use of the proprietor, by Draper k Co., bank note en-
gravers of Philadelphia.. In the centre Is a portrait of the
late Wm. Swain, copyright secured.
Alao, Swalm’i Vcrminige,
A valuable Family Medicine, beings highly approved rem
edy for all diseased arising from debility of the digestive or
gans. such as worms, cholera morbus, dysentery, fever and
ague, bleeding piles, sick headache. Ac. Seo tlie pamphlot
(which may be had gratis) accompanying the Vermifuge.
Prepared only at Swatm’s laboratory, the old stand Set-
enth-slieet. below Chestnut. I’hlladelpola. and sold by all
the respectable druggists in the United Statos.
Caution to the Public.—Persons wishing to obtain tlie
genuine Swaim’s Panacea nnd Swaim’s Vermifuge, should
be careful to observe that tho name SWAIM is spelled cor
rectly on the laliel*. or they may be Imposed on by medi
emos mane in iiMitotiuu ol tliem by a person .
somewhat similar name, well calculate)^» n ffereivA rv.?
eral agents for the Uhlted States. oeceire Gcn-
mh22—'2awtf 104 snd lOfl John-street. New York.
“ We would not grow one bud of hope
You cannot garner ill ripe fruit! ’’
T HE GREAT REMEDY I* at nat discovered, and that fell
destroyer nf human happiness at length is conquered!
Consumption shall no longer rob our firesides of their
brightest ornaments, and sink many a gentle spirit to so
untimely grave! Consumption can be cured—Asthma wi'l
soon he ns tlie things that were—and Coughs and Golds, tlie
f iarents ofthnt fell disease. Hint so often brings wo to tlie
mines of our land, vanish, ns If by magic, before this sover
eign remedy.
This is tlint which ha* so long been sought for. nnd is in
full faith offered to tlie public as a certain cure for coughs,
colds, whooping-cough, croup, asthma, and consumption
au-l will, in any case where lungs sufficient nre loft to sus
tain life, check the ulceration nnd raise the patient to
health. This i« not an idle boast, nor is this remady sent
into tlie market without a thorough trial, but has proved
beyond a doubt, that what ha* been asserted can nr. done.
f.— - • -
1 The sentiment, that consumption cannot be cured, ban
destroyed more liven than tlie disease itself.”—Dr. Warren.
nut there la Hopei
The proprietor, by the use of thia article, and the blessing
of Providence, was raised, when he was pronounced by hi*
physician to be almost dying with consumption, to perfect
iienUii. nnd is not willing that so great a blessing should be
withheld from those on whom this right hand emissary ol
death” has plnced his mark.
The Lozenge is perfectly harmless in Its nature, and can
be taken with impunity by the infant and the invalid ; and
its beneficial effects will be felt in a few hours after com
mencing its use. Let all then, try it. and if these assert ions
are not proved, after an Impartial trial, the price of tho box
will be returned, and allngenta are authorized to rotund
tlie money in nny case where the article is not perfectly
These Imzenge* nre put up In 26 cents, 60 cent*, and $1
boxes.nnd only need a trial to be fully appreciated.
C. P. HUNT. Dahien. Ga., only agent for the Soothe:
States, to whom all orders must bo addressed. fel8-dAw
P ANITIJJM DE PARIS.—For the cure of coughs, colds
and bronchial affections of the throat, so prevalent at
this season of the year. We do not recommend the Pas
tilles do Paria to cure ail the ilia life is heir to, but we do
any they will cure all affections of the throat, as a trial of
them will prove. Manufactured by Moore A Taylor, 81
M*Men-tone. New York.
N. II.—The gennine bears the written signature of Moore
A Tsylor. Just received and for sale by
W. W. LINCOLN. Slonument Square.
are mode and warranted by Clmrles Emerson, and are
superior to any other* n«w in use. Purchasers ahould be
sure and get tlie genuine Strop, as there are numerous
counterfeits hearing the same name, the most of which ai
worthless. Tlie genuine Strop can he had of
Rpllft*W.W LINCOLN. Monument Square.
sively used In England for destroying ail kinds of bug*,
worms. Ac. For Roaches and Ants, there is nothing equal
to it. It ha* been fairly tested in this city, and can be re
lied upon ns an effectual exterminator of all kinds of vermin.
Justreceived.andforsaleby W. W. LINCOLN.
*• 1® Monument-square.
iwunu ii'i v/iicsi/ w-ricugra,
for coughs, cold*, and infleniaa. These Lozenges will
be found much more convenient tbao any of the liquid
preparations,as they can be carried about the person, and
always ready fnruiie when tlie cough is troublesome, thui
always ready for use when tlie cough is troublesome, thui
preventing a violent attack of coughing and constant irrt
ration of the lungs. Just received and for sale by
W. W. LINCOLN. Monument 8quar«.
L inen Turkish friction towels-a very useful
article for bathing purposes, and much superior to the
gioTes now in use Where friction I* required, they are
very highly recommended by the medical faculty in Eng
land and the United States, just received and for sale by
mh24 W. W. LINCOLN. Monument Square
and jaconet muslins; Nainsook and mult muslins;
plaid and striped jaconet and 8wl*s moJIlns ; plain end fig
ured Swiss mutlln; embroidered Swiss muslin ; white aud
organda muslins; colored linen lustre*; and a fine assort.
m*-nt of ladies’ and gentlemen’s linen eambrio handker
chief*. m9 AIKEN k BURNS.
TE. „ ...
J' 600 Rolosons's hams, IDO boxes adamantine candle#,
In atore and for sale by 8
iACON. HAMS ANI) CANDLES.—25 hhds bacon aides’
ground pepper,'28 do family soap. lOdoBeadeli'scandies.80
casks Ryans' London Porter in quarts and pint*. 80 bbls Ca-
nal and Baltimore flour. 10 boxes 8 ’* tobacco. 30 bbls ciart.
fled crashed and ground sugar, 10 do solar lamp oil. in atore
and for sale by DAVID O’CONNER,
junelfl corner Broughton snd Drayton-streeta.
_ shen Butter. W boxea English Dairy Cheese. 100 do
new scaled Herrings. 50 hbla Hiram Smith and Genesee
Flour, 20 boxes Ground Coffee. 26 do assorted Candy, receiv
ed per ateamer and for sale by
S OAP. STARCH. CANDLES. Ac.—300 boxea Family. Pale
No 1 and IJh Bar floajL ICO do Colgate'* . Pearl Starch,
-- - . .. ... iwmu v..-,... ..iniioiaivn,
80 do Beadel'afl's and fl’s tallow Candles.30 do Star do, 40
do Treadwell's Soda Blacuit. landing and for sale by
•d black Barege, black and white plaid summer Silk,
plain and figured black Tissue, black 8ewing8Uk for dresses
black FouUrd Silk, black English VeR Crape. Cambric a*^
block English VeR Crape. Cambric a<
French Hnsllns, for sale by
. , w ........ _*ne lot
figured grenadines, crape d’artol*. silk- tissue* and
bareges, which they are offering very low at their stand,
next to F. Zogbanm’s mnslc store, Waring’* rang*-
K EMFION k VERSTII.IE have just received,
of fleured wrenadinea. crane d’artol*
AX' ln», pillow cose linen .and cotton. • Mf“.jf th*
best make. Wrd* eye and Scotch diapers- towsla and towel,
tefl,. damaak table Unen and , napkins, long Uwna. enah,
brown and bleached muslin, aH w^tha aod qu*liUee,tor
M taatt^j<roa.tprto M| by
) ,yv-
„ . .. -- „ - , ' U P- Asthma, end OnlsumSr
«• And by the river, upon the bank them* ,
trees fur meat, whose leaf shall not fade smith, r u 'I
or shall be for meat and the lear thereof ,kw *' I
rrua ... lion, to, <h. .ick rwE'.tSr"
XI ry year adds new proof to the uiur.I,7V^ , shall not fail/ U,Ur,DC » «tat tk^ |
As medical science discovers and designers th.
nature has given, one by one. t e dta-.», th,,
race yield to the control of art. W J!l tta L??. 0 ”
suffer front, none has carried more victim! to!, if**'
KT... tl.»n c-,.umi,,lun of IU« ‘gj
some evidence that tills too may be cured .it'll* 8 .** |i ’"* I
ntT, compUInl. In .1] their SmTSi SSSESr
Cherry Pectoral “U » naoreil; j
Space will not permit us to publish h.«....
of the cures it has affected, but " E 1 i2r** T,l «
will furnUh our clrcuLr. K" ’ •»*
and indisputable proof of the feet*. n * uU !* rtlcul qj
Sufferers, retd and judge for yoursefre* *
Jbr Jnflucntaand I looping Ovok,
Sir: 1 have repeatedlj^used'your^mM'rt Va I
Mimi. .-j i-n.. .*i : '-atrry Iectonl fer
pronouncing it a complete remedy, four of 7, .u., ' |
have.been afflicted with there di.e.sei, D dth!
the Pectorel has always afforded inslsnt relief d 1
Wo attest the truth of the above statement.
M. IkGixrv. Editor Nashville Kbit
tv ^ Zmiremsx-|if U gg{,t,
Ibr a ContvwjSirt Cough.
n oi t* i. >*m>»t wj.r-,;.Feb IS.lKi
Dear Sir: For three years I have been afflicted «u.
cough so distressing that I frequently, is wired ofortmi!
much of the time I was obliged to lit up*U nlK«
chair, as my cough would suffocate me when I hid
Having used many rtme- ie* without much teller 1.7m
IHrf A. Om; W MSi'JJJ
me altogether. I am with gratitude yours,
Jsxn M'Czxmn*.
Hillil on, oJ Otnwmton./ Ail).o M
n 1‘trlnrnl ’
accredited to Cherry 1‘tctnral.
ed with asthma in tlie wor»t form i • • • -
ol.llgri to .loop In mV cimirtoVulJoJ nrtotujfij
being unsblo to breath*™
„ , — my bed. | had tried a im{
m.njrmod'cliio.. Io no purpo.,. „n,ll pht.ld.ifS
scribed, ns an experiment your (berry IVctoraf
At first it seemed to make me wor-e; hut in less thus
week. I began to experience the mod gnuHylng rellei r^,
its use; and now, lu four weeks, the di»w«e 1» entirely «.
moved I can sleep on my bed with comfort, snd eofn; »
state of healtli which 1 had never ezperted toenyuv.
tiBiWir S. Farzxt.
Commission and Forwarding Slrrchtzt
From the President of Amherst College. Eduard lliUknk M
R; LL. D., dt.
J. C. Ayer—Sir: I hare used your Cherry I’ectonlloBy
own case of dieji-Fi-nted bronchitis, nnd nm satisfied fn«
Ita chemical constitution, that it is an admirableenmi«*od
for the relief of l-rynglcnl and brondiial dfficulllM. if
my opinion, as to its superior diameter, can be of «ny ur
vice, you nre at liberty to use It as you think proper.
Amherst. Sept. 12.1849. Knwaap Ihrrncoa
Among other di.«tingiii«lied authorities who h»r» lest
their names to recoimneiid this piepsration as the brat
known to them for affe -lionsof theiungs *re:
President Pei kins. Vermont Medical College.
Professor Sill!man. Yale College.
Professor Valentine Mott New York.
Professor Clear bind. Bowdnin Meillcal Odlege.
Professor Butterfield. Ohio Mnliral College.
Canadian Journal of Medical Science.
Boston Medical and Surgical Journ*’
ffiya.-jv 4,Mi hs.:' ■
Hon. Henry Clay. U. S. Senator.
Hon. Geo. P. Marsh. American Ambassador to Turkey.
Gen. Emanuel Bulness. I're-ddent of Cliili.
Rt. Rev. LI, Power. I-onl ltii-liop of Toronto.
Alao. many eminent physicians in foreign countries.
Not only ta tho more dangerous and distressing iiwim
of tbp Lungs, but al«o as n ramlly medicine foroccukml
use. it is tho safest, pleasantest and best in te world
Prepared by J. C. AYUt.Cliemht.Loneh Mia
Sold by TURNER k CO.. A. A. SOIDMOXS, W. K. US-
COIN. HENDRICKSON k MOORE. Savannah ; and ty iQ
the Drtifffflst* Hiroiighnul the Slate. eodA-w3m-m»jll
Nut a Particle of Mercury in It.
A N INFALLIBLE REMEDY for ecrufuls. King's EvB,
Rheumatism. Obstinate Cutaneous I rupthms, PiitipU*
nr Pustule on the l ace. Blotches. Boils. Chronic Sorrirn,
Ring Worm or Tetter. Scald llcnd. Enlmgcinent sirirtis
of the Hones nnu loiuts. rtuhborn llci r» t-yphiUtitl-hw-
ilers. Lumbago. Spinal Comidaints, and all I ine**w arising
from an injudicious use of Mercury, imprudence In
Impurity of the Blood.
This vnluablo Medicine, which has Im com* celebrated for
tho number of extraordinary cures ellccled through ih
agency, lias induced Hie proprietors, si the urgent uqwd
of their friends, to offer it to the public, which they d«*ith
the utmost confidence In its virtues nnd wonderfulrantirt
properties. The following crliScat,». selected fnun i Ursa
number, arc. however, stronger teeliniony than the melt
word of tho proprietors ; and are all from genlkmesem
known in their localities, and of tlie highe»l rt«|rcljislily
many of tliem now residing in the city of Iticlimnal. t».
F. BOYDEN. Eeq., of the Fxchange Hotel. KIcbwjM
known every wliere. says lie lias seen the Medicine wlW
Csktek'8 SwMen MtXTt'itE administered In over* JiuDdiM
cases, in nearly all tlie diseases for which it i» recommend
ed, with the most astonishingly good results. He uri it ■
the nios extraordinary medlcfne he has over *eea.
SUB AND FEVER—GREAT Cl'HK-l hereby certify.
Mr. JOHN THOMI’SON.residlng'inthecRyrfnicbsM
was cured by three bottles of Carter's panlsh M , *‘*J*‘„
Salt Rheum, which he had nearly V0 years, and wblcfl»»
the physicians of the city could not cure Mr.
is a well known merchant of Richmond, Va., and bra
la most remarkable.
WM. A. MATTHEWS, of Richmond. V*. had a
cured of Spyhilis. in the worst form, by Carter * "r**
Mixture. He say* he cheerfully rec«»uim«nd*it,*o'l»»'
sldera it an invaluable medicine. , ' ..u
RICHARD E. WEST, or Richmond, was eured of
and what physicians calloi confirmed Consumptioo,
three bo tie* of Carter’s Spanish Mixture. u
EDWIN BURTON. Commissioner of the BTOJta
has seen the good effects of Carter's SpsnUh M**J®{*!
numh||of flpyhilllic coses, and says it is a perfect cur*
“iat IWtible disease. , t>/
WM. O. HARWOOD, of Richmond. V*.. eared oM tor*
utart.wktet, <U..I\t*<t l\(mfmm nltllK. -
that for three years 1 had Ague snd Fever of the most rie
lent description. I had suveml Physician*, look large qua**
titles of Quinine. Mercury, and I believe nil the Tunlu «■
vertised-hut nil without any perinsnrnt relief- Mudl
tried Carter's Si-s.msji Mixti rv. two bottles of which eSra
tually cured me. and I sin happy to *sy I have had will*
Cliili* or Fever*since. I consider It the best Tonic lot**
world, and tlie only medicine that ever reached mycaw.
Beaver Dam, near iUslimund. Va. JOHN 1-OSGPFN
C. B. LUCK. Esq . now in the city of Richmond.sot«
many years ln the Post Office, lias such contidrawl*’*’
astonishing efficacy of Carter’s SPAMsn MinrsttW**
lias bought upwards of 60 bottles, which he h*i gircni**/
to tho alUioted. Mr._ Luck say* he ha* neierknosuitt*
fail when taken according to directions. , ...
Dr. MlNGE. a practising Physician, and formerly"'«*
City Hotel, ln the city of Richmond, say* he ha*
in a number of instances the effect* of Carps'* 8m«*
Mixture, which were most truly surprising He **J* •*?
esse of Consumption, -tependent on the Liver, the g«« "'
fectswere wonderful Indeed. . ..
SAMUEL M. DRINKER, of the firm of Drinker* MorrU,
Richmond, was cured of Liver complaint of S y»ai>
log. by the use of two bottles of Carter's Spanish ihttw*
moud Republican h»d a servant employed in their prtw
room, cure 1 oft violent scrofula, combined with Buw**’
tism, which entirely disabled him from work. Two botl«
of Carter's Spanish Mixture made a perfect cure ol nig. »w
the Editors, in a public notice, say they •• cheerful*/ i"*T
mend it to all who are afflicted with any diseti* «*•*
blood.” ^
valuablo boy cured of Scrofula by Carter's ®P , 1 0 ‘~Tu‘
ture. 1 consider It a truly valuable me<llcine. JAy 2 **
TAYIiOK, Conductor on the R. F. k V. R R. Co, F*tbw»>i
nsi. u. iiAnnuou.oi aicinnoiw.
and ulcers, which disabled him from walking. Too* ,
bottles of Carter’s Spanish Mixture, snd ws* enawro
walk without a crutch, In a short time permanently cv
Price $1 per bottle. .
Principal Depot* at M. WARD. CLOSE * 00.
Miden lane. New York.
T. W DYOTT k SONS, No. 132 North 2d St
VkNNEIT * REERa No. 126 Maln-'t.. Rlcbi
And for sale by SHOMAR M. TURNER *
Itrugglsts and Country Merchants everywf
L inen cooDs.-Ricbat'W®, M ....
case linens; fl-4 Unen fbfed
Uble Itawl. •”A»c»b“'* '37Jw
kin,. bW. V.
brie n.pJk»rct«fri»nil p,fflIT k
«»riK.-K bhrt, chok-r.rtn do. lHOjJ
I?l “m'lbnlU. »Spgl&
Sugar Hou»e Molasses,
see Flour. AO do Butter,
rtoSUrCondl,,.80do Boodril'i*'• *“> •’«* -
Undlnj o»d tor driokj acmsTON.^OUX^LA-^ .
.case of very choice• rnne* P liiar tioeBtj* ( m.
- briKOdo. .
Loot OJ