Newspaper Page Text
.V« • ve/v
uJffilSvToKif, #
DAll.»i*J^ y4gtl i* AnVANOR.
whm DAlit 0H0RQ1AN,
■„, nwrnlnf and ovenlng, Sundays except-
fa^ftTirtffia , sS5S ,,- ‘
5^r on T\ t
iS'-afss*- PKR^AN.ICM, IX ADTAXC*.
_. aide*. 10 do choico- ham*. 20 half bbl* beef, received
and for sale by apllB McMAHON A DOYLE.’
I^nnaii mutual insurance co.
Office 118 Bay-tired.
Wl ompi»r*i" tak * nt *- >l “ ,n '“ a,u " r "&;*
Jwlrt, Himm Rotof, «■ *■ W«bl, I.
A'n, ton, Konry
and K. F. lFood. H ENRY P. WEED, President,
HIRAM ROBERTS, Vice President
C ASSIMERES.—Double width CnsHimeres for Coat* and
pant*, a netv article worthy the attention of persona
purchasing summer good*, for wtlo by • —
*_ nih22 J. H. COHEN A CO., HO Broughton-st.
D IAPER.—Russula, Scotch, Huckabuck and Birdseye DU
nper, for sale by
,.1, . Wellington lmn.l 1'rei.s. Hoe’i m«V«,
.V La rood a* new, and In complete running order.
SfSfjiiS««! » J * iU * r,,r,n 23HSS *
nil tlie l»l«»l ImpmominK orlloo'n 1W, nnil
.„U*lng no further „M forlt. V. al.o h.»» clrue,
F 1 .. j a-, -tick*. column and head rulea, dash anti . ..——— ■
To! 1 . taS. «.(. .mliBBBJOllier nrtlcle. T?.N»U8H npUJB AND SAUCEH.—Junt wived, 10
..i.Mi.i.mant nfft newananer. which W8
mask, 8-4.8-10 and 8*12 damask table cloth**, dnmaak
napkins, breakfast and tea doylea, for sale by
E L DORAIM) TOBACCO—Of superior quality, recelvoH
per achr. Victory, and for salo by
npl4 J. V. CONNERAT k CO
I i.iorr to tlie catabllahment oranewapaper. which
Jttielt at a handsome discount from original coat. Alio,
I m east iron roller mould*.
1 Further particulars will be given on addressing thl* office.
. , Ashing to send for their friends and desirous of
I winder them out by first class packet ship*, are Informed
I JJJ lubscribers are the only Agents for the abovo agon-
1 irtiUoauthorized to drawon Messrs. Win.Tapscott
a Co. Liverpool,In suras from £1 and upwards, which
i-ifUtrenegotiable in any town thrnughoutlrclaml and
I c«tBritain. Drafts on Franco and Germane, payable iu
I Spirts of Hie Continent, also for sale. Apply to
1 ieeM-ly BUNKER & OGDEN, 80 Ray-street
WUTIIURN mutual insurance CO.
AAHL’HY HUM* President and Treasurer.
AIJH.V CHASE, Scc’ry. | C. F. McKAY, Actuary.
J the undersigned. Agent of tho above Company, continues
I hUts the following Risks, vl*.: Marine, River and Fire
I tin on the Lives ofrervauts.
I livtiof White Persons are also taken by this Company
I So utrapremium fur residing in tho South.
Corner of Bay and Dray ton-streets.
B In Broughton-**.
I UTI1I open their NEW STORK nearly opposite St. An-
I VY ilrew's Hall, west side, on Monday, the 24th instant.
I there they trill oWet-at their usual low prices, for cash or
I city sccep'tanee*. au entire new stock of
I Staple and Fancy Dry Goods,
I to which they would respectfuly invite tho attention of
I litcittern* of Savannah, and tlie merchants and planters
I if this and the neighboring States Tito stock is large and
I ttlltcleclcd. cnnsistlng in part of:
I Drcsi Good*.—Mack and Fancy Silks of every width
I ul description. French and English Merinos, Cashmeres.
I Chines. ilou* DThtrege. Barrgo D’Lalnes, Bombazines.
I (bnbom Goth. Alpacca* of every description. White and
I W'iHsin and Embroidered Tarletons nnd Swiss.
I Embroideries*—Uncn Cambric lld’kfs. Emh'd, Plnin
I »! Hem-Ftitch, Collar*. Cutis. Underslcoves. Chlinazota.
I Hmteinf. Baud*. Jaconet and Swiss Edging* nnd Insertion*.
1 Mantillas ami Shawls—Black and entered crape
I ui till Mantillas; plain and embroidered crape Shawls, of
n description; broche Shawls; square and long Shawls;
ind colored mantilla Velvets nnd talma cloths.
I Hoiltry.—ladies' and gentlemen’s kid, sewing silk.
I ilk, nw silk lisle, cotton. Berlin and caslimcro Gloves;
I nv rilk and merino Vests; gentlemen's raw silk, merino,
| haVi wool, and entlon Undershirts and Drawers.'
Linen Damnsh.—•$. 10, 12. snd 10-4 Damask and
mi drop table Goths. 8 and 10-4 brown Damask Cloths,
I toneluft and hrmrn Danuifk of every description. Damask
I nd inm* drop Napkins, and Doilie’s birds ej*o Diaper, linen
I Itojewnf evervdescription.
I Sheeting and Shirting—10 and 12 4 Linen Slteel-
I it;. Pillowcase Linens; 8. 0. It), 11 ntid 12-4 blenched and
I brim Allendale and Hamilton Sheetings, blenched and
I brown Shirting of every description.
I frlih Linen—From thu best mannfacturers.nnd war-
I nntnlall fine jinx Goths. Cassimeres. and Vestings; Black
I rad Blue llmud Goths, black nnd fitnc.r Cassimeres, faucy
I Vettings, white and colored Marseilles Vestings.
I (.'onnlerpauc* nnd lllnnkcts.—H. 10. It and 12-4
I Marseilles and Allendale Counterpanes; Paris ami Whitney
I family Blankets.
Negro Blankets of every description.
Georgia Plains. Kersey*. Flax and Colton Osnab'irgs.
H ENRY LATHROP & CO., offer ror sale at lowest prices:
Drcia Goods—Vreuch printed mouslln do laiues,
I English and American do. new designs; Persian cloth, high
I ealortd mouslln detain, plaid raw silks,French ittid English
I merinos. French and Scotch ginghams. English and French
1 prints, changeable glacle silks, rich brocade do. plain and
I figured black do.
Embroideries— Muslin and lace collars, chimisettes.
u4cr sleeves, cap* and cape*. Swiss and cambric eilging*
I tad Inserting*, thread Valencia* and lisle laces, blank silk
I ted blonde rdgfngs. rich latin ami linen cambric hdkfs.
1 Hosiery—Indies’, misses', mens' and boys’, a full as-
I rartment of English and German j ladies’,misses', mens’ and
I wv merino vests.
I Gloves—Hoskin. silk cashmere, beaver, ladies’ riding
I pontlcts. ’
I White. Goods—Jaconet plain and plaid cambrics.
I nra muslins plain ami figured, cambric nimities, corded
I nrirmbroMered skirts, Ac.
I , ‘‘teeH*, die—1-4 super Irish linens best mark. 3-4 and
I ^ barnsly sheetings, plllowrase
I ■wu.hnlcli and Irish diapers, hucabuc*. 6-8 to 3-4 ds-
1 5 Y? . * , ’ r " wn ftni1 b lno check doylos, 8-4 to 10-4
Kctched and brown table damasks. 8-4 to 12-4 blenched «la-
mi ,, Qt , ; cnt ’." n ftn ' 1 "wstwl table and piano covers. 104
bl™* 1 I'nperliilquilu. 7-8 to 64furnituredlmi-
I fek.Iiivr I, J** "hating*and ticking*. American, Eng-
I tos ,, 1 Hnnnels.cnliitvd French do. fancy word plaids
I M,7‘,T ai " nn, ‘ fanc )' vassimeres. tweeds.Kentucky sail-
1 »-i»an<l jeans. nnll
A I.K CIDER fto.—AO bhls Ale, 20 do Older, » do white
wfno Vli)cg»r, 20 cask* London Dorter,Jh^utlob^
bt “
bbls Onions, binding per
—26 bbla Baldwlu AppU*. and 10
por brig Clowent, for solo by
. A LB AND mrar—flO tlnsen Bcotcli Ale. 60 do I/indon
JA Porter | also, a largo supply of Philadelphia Ale and
Purtor In bottles, in prime oruor, Tor salo by
mh22 . , . A, BONAPP,
T3UTTER—10kegsIrlsU butter,in 12lbkegs.fbr uloby
13 mh22 E. .W, HUKElC
WT-” i.
B UTTER CHURNS, IMggius, Buckets and Tub*, Just r£
Oolv'od and foraalo by N
tnltlT J. 1». 00LLIN8,100 Bcyaa »treet.
B UTTER AND CHEEP!*—26 firkins Butter. 60' boxes
Cheese, received and for sale by'
B UTTER.—10 keg* prime Butter, lauding from steamship
State of Goorgia,ond fpr sale by
apllB K. W. BUKER.
B UTTER AND LARD.—Juat Received) 10 (Irktna prime
Qoslten flutter, and 10 barrels No. 1 Loaf Lari, for sale
by apllS • DAVID O’CONNOR.
/CHOICE TUSCAN OIL—A superflno Salad Oil, select^
V expressly for thte market, just received per Philadel
phia steamer, and for sale by
apllS W. W. LINCOLN, Monument Square.
C ' OFFER AND TEA—150 bon Rio coffee, 100 do Porto
Rico and St. Domingo do. 76 do Java do, 100 X and }i
cliosts Hyson ten. 60 K do black do, receivod and for sale
by fobT McMAHON k DOYlJi.
C ANDIES.—60 boxos 8perm Candles, Baker k Co’s hy
draulic pressed: 60 boxes Star Candles, 100 do Ada-
mantino do,for sale by
XU dozen quart jars assorted English Pickles, 6 do Wor
cestershire Sauce. 6 do John Bull, 6 do Reading. 6 do French
Mustard 6 do Walnut Catsup. 6 do Mushroom do. for sale
by iuh26 J. ROUSSEAU.
F OR SALE—In lota to suit purchasers, 8.000 bushels Corn
6fi lbs to the bushel. 2.0CK) do Outs. 32 lbs do do.
mh31 BROWN k HARRIS, West Broad-st. Stables.
F RESH gum DROPS.—Lemon and Raspberry Gum Drops,
manufactured by J. Clioaurcau, just received by the
steamer State of Georgia, and fur salo by
apl 6 W. W. LINCOLN, Monument Square.
F FOR SALE—A young negro woman a first rate cook
and washer, of good cliarscter; also, a mulatto woman,
a good house survant and cook. Apply to
■200 whole and half bbls Howard-
street Flour, 60 lihds prime Bacon Sides, 30 do do
Shoulders, landing and for salo by
F LOUR, 4tc.—200 bbls Baltimore Flour, 30 half bbls but
ter, soda and sugar crackers, 75 boxes do, 30 cases pre
served peaches, 60 Itoxes lemon syrup, 60 do assorted cor
dials. received and for sale by
. P. COLLINS, 100 Bryan-street.
G UUVERRK CHEESE.—One more of tlioso fino Gruyerro
Cheoso will be cut thl* day at
. Reynolds' Hams, for sale by
. 00 bales North River Hay, for sale low on tho wharf,
apl23 11. K. WASHBURN, Agent.
H AMS. ke.—10 bids smoked beef, do tongues, pig hams
ntid Bologna sausages, just received and for sale by
H AMS.—500 nuflleid’s, Stagg & Shay's and Cassard’s
Hams, for sale by
H AMS.—50b best Baltimore cured Hams, landing per
schooner Edna C. for sale by
H AY —100 bales prime Eastern Hay, dally expected front
Boston, for sale, to urrivo, by
H OsiBJlY—lAdlca’, misses', gentlemen’s, and children’s,
Engllslt and German hosiery, a fino assortment, for
sale by mliO HENRY LVTIIROP & CO.
VY —100 bales prime North lUver Hay, landing jier
schr. North State, for sale by
in1i20 BRlGIIASf. KEI.I.Y k CO.
I CED CONGRESS - WATER.—Congress Water wnrrauted
frosli, kept constantly in Ice; may be found at the store
-* aj.U8.__ W. W. LINCOLN.
J UST RECEIVED—30 boxos Adamantine Candles, 10 boxes
patent sperm do. In six pound boxes, for family use. for
salo by mhlO A. DONAUD
tea nnd coffee canisters, dressing cases nnd spoon boxes,
dust pans, knife washers, tumbler drainers, for sale by
ap J. P COLLINS. 100 Bryan street.
J UST RECEIVED.—Silk Tissues, satin Plaids, and printed
Bareges, barege Peljiino*. figured Silks, plaid India Silk,
ami black Silks, all idths, French .Inconel* nnd printed Or
gandies, French Gingham, Embroideries,&o.
fehlfi DkMTIT k MORGAN
I snln by
l.l ll>» II .-UIUI, IU.
(Vxlflsli. SO Imxc* la-nion Syrup, 30 do assorted Cor
dials. received and for snln by
L AROCHE & u6WNE bavo just received por steamer
Alabama, some very handsome embroidered book Mus
lin nnd cambric point Collars ; also, Jaconet Undersleeves.
For sale at their old stand, corner of Congress nnd Wliita-
kcr-street*. jnn 27
QGOTCH /OK—Jmt nnlvea.U oik. Falkirk Alt, In
O ninta, Tor urto by _ mil!* , • J. ROUJiSl'UU.
QOA1' AND CANDIES.—lMbcMifloap of Tuloul kind,,
b| r «» 1 r »m« ul k| 1 g { ..Do m
JTAGU 5 SHAY’S ilAMH—60 uVrocs of tho ahoyo cols-
LITAGU * SHAY’S HAMM.—60 Ueroes of the aliuyo cote
O brated brand, tending and tor sale by
0)h22 . . C01IEN jt FOSPIOK,
S PRING. AND BUMMER ULOTHJNG-Just recelvsd an as
sortment of Ann Clothing, at 147 Bay street
T lENNENT’S ALE.—26 oasks Tonnent’s superior Ate In
pint bottles, 10 do Falkirk Ale, 20 do London Porter,
for eele by aplW W. W, GOODRICH.
T OKEY WINE—A superior artlclo. strongly rooommend-
ed, direct front the Importers,and for salo by
ap!7 A. BONAUD. .
T EA.—Just received. 10 chest* Young and Old Jlyson,
Imperial and Blnck Teas, In uetallo packages, of supe-
~'or quality, for salo by
ritOWNSEND'H SARSAPARILLA.—-I gross old Dr Town-
X send’*, 1 do S P Townsend's, also, Sands', Ellis’, and
Bull's SarsapariUa, lust received and for sale by
mhlO W. W. LINCOLN, Monument square.
T OBACCO—10 case# superior Virginia Gold Ixtaf Tobaooo
12 do Diamond Twist do. 10 boxes $1 lb. extra El Dora
do do, 26 do W T Law’s best do, 80 do Carroll’s Gold Uat
do, for sols by mh9 J. V. CONNERAT k CO.
T RIMMINGS —Trimming bralil, colored silk and llnon do
colored silk, linen and gilt button* for children, fancy
open worked hoso and half hose, for isle by
INEQAR—10 bbls pure cider vinegar, nnd 10 bbls white
Y wlno vlnepar, just lauded from steamship State of
Georgia, for snln by. mb22 K. W. BUKER.
T JITHITE andcoloretl ouratin and pavilion loops, for sale by
W HITE AND CHECK MATTING, 44, 64 and 04, Jus
receivod and for sale by
mh7 AIKEN & BURN8.
W HISKY.—100 bbls. New Orleans Whisky, tending tills
day nor brig Kate Heath, and for sale by
■ftTjlfflnSG MADE”eXSY.—RosVon Chemical Washing
V Y Powders.—One package of these powders will make
two gallons of Soft Soap, of a superior quality for all do
mestic uses, Just rccolvod And for salo by
an!7 W. W. LINCOLN. Monument square
Y ANKEE NOTIONS.—Putontself-hpatingHmootlng irons,
patent nut crackers, doth pins, fluid lamps, cow milk-
ers, spring bottom guarded lanterns, thermometer churns,
ico buckets and water filterers. just received and for salo by
iplO .1. P. COLLINS. 100 Rryan strcet.
T HE Tlmbor Cutters of Edlsta River. South Carolina, re
spectively call tlie attention of buvers of Timber to the
Charleston market fur that article. They beliovn that they
furnish as well got nnd as largo good heart limber ns can
bo found In any Southern city. By a strange and arbitrary
system of measurement—keeping the foreign trade in igno
rance of tho cheapness of the market, the Mills of Charles
ton are enablod to purchase tho limber, nt prices onor-
raously low to tho Timber cutters Tlie latter would there
fore, Invite buyers to oxatnlno their market. Tho same
timber which brings In Savannah, (by the papers) from 8 to
12 dollars per thousand feet, is now soiling in Charleston
roin4to8. jan!6— lnwlfit.
junu,—111U WINWJIJ Ul .LlIU .IIUI JlllPlin, Ul UUtlUl
Balnte, In the Valluy of the (treat Salt lAke.—their rise
and progress—peculiar doctrines—present condition and
prospects—derived from personal observation during a resl
dence among thorn, by Lieut. Gunnison, U. 8. Topographi
cal Engineers. Receivod and for sale by
dec28 S. S. SIBLEY 136 Congress street
plain and embossed binding, being an elegant Christ
mas present. Also, Musical Instrument* In overy variety,
from a Jewsharp to a Church Organ, and Music in sheets
snd volumes, from the Fisher’s Hornpipe, to Hayden and
Mozart’s Masses. For salo by F, ZOGRAUM k CO..
74St. .lulinnand 107 Rryan-street*.
TjlUJUR—100 bbls Baltimore Flour, just receivod and for
X salo by mny28 ROWLAND k CO.
sorted and complote stock of Summer and othor Dry
Goods, which they will offer upon the most accommodating
terms. As great caro has been exercised in the selection of
their stock, with a view both to price and quality, they con
fidently invite their friends and the public generally to call
and examine for themselves. apiS
N EW BACON, &c —2n casks prime Sides; 10 casks prime
new Shoulders; 250 bags Rio Coffco; 150 bbls. Balti
more Flour; 20 lihds. prime N. O. Sugar; 10 hhdw. clarified
N. 0. Sngnr; 160 bbls. Stuart’s B. k C. Sugar; 60 boxes Col
gate’s No. 1 Soap; 50 boxes Colgate’s Pale Soap; 60 bbls. N.
0. Syrup; 60 hhds. Cuba Molasses; 25 tierces do.; 25 bar
rels do.; 50 boxes star Candles—landing and for sale by
F ISH. AC—5 tes cod fish, 100 boxes smoked horrlngs. 30
bbls pickled do, 30 bhls No. 1. 2 and 3 mackerel. 50
half bbls do. 20 kitts do, 60 boxes buckwheat, 26 half bbls
;!o. received nnd for salo by
feb7 McMAHON k DOYIJ5.
10 bids superior blenched Whale Oil; 10 bbls Leaf Lard
received and for sale by fol4 MnMAHON & DOYLE.
Croix do, 100 bhls Stuart’s do. 10 do crashed do, 25 do
N ft clarified do. 100 bngs Rio coffee. 50 do.lava do.60cases
black and green tea. 100 boxes assorted tobacco. 50.000
Spanish segars of various brands. 100 bbls whisky, gin.
rum nnd brandy, 5 pipe* (Hard brandy. 2 do Holland gin. 2
do Jnmaicn rum. 2 do Scotch whisky, 10 casks Madeira
wlno. 5 X do Seiclly do, 5 H do Malaga do, 60 boxes as
sorted cordials, 6 do’ claret wine, 60 boxes pipes. 100 dozen
brooms, 100 reams wrapping paper. 200 hams. 100 smoked
tongues, 60 kegs lard. 100 boxes No 1 snd palesonp.fiOhbls
Baltimore flour. 50 whole nnd 16 half bbls canal do. 60 gro.
instches, 60 bhls molasses. 10 lihls No 2 and 3 mackerel, 2ft
half bbls No 1 do, 10 casks porter. 10 do ale. 20 half boxes
loaf sugar, landing and in store, for sale by
junelO _ COliPN k TARVER.
M ISS ELAM JAY’SWORK.—Letters nnd Miscellanies in
Prose. Rhyme, and Blank Vcrsu. by Ixxilsu Klemji
a lady of the South. For sale by J. R. CUBUEDGE
juno 28
11. ..... it,.
B 200 bhls liiltl more Flour, 601p Gmessoe do,
200 boxes sperm, ndntniritine and talKW Ckhnles,
100 do Palo and No. 1 fibap, 26 da do <t Stsreli,
20 do Ground Pepper, In tf'lb papars/200 do tablo Balt
100 eighth, quarter and h^foliests »a,,
200 do Tobacco, assorted qualities,
100 bags R|n Coffee. 60 do Jhra do,
60 bbls Stuart’s refinol B A G Sugar,
60 do olrold A crashed do. 10 do ground do,
20 hhds Porte Rico Sugar. D do New Orleans do.
10 bosos Loaf do, 200 bbls jWestle IJdtJOrs,'' ‘
20 cases as’d Pickles, 80,000Segars, aa'd qualities,
60 gross Pipes, 100 reanu .Mhtnpingl'iaper,
60 ilos Brooms,J00 Dotnljonl. 1, 2.8 and 6 gallons,
600 new sugar.-Oured Ham*2S hbdstildeH,
6 hhds Shoulders. 100 ssekrSell, ...
10 Herces now Cuba Molassf. 60 bbla do do,
10 do 8tuart*8 ingar-houso tVrup,
And a gonornl asmrtraont of fdrslgn Brandies and Wine*
In store, tor salo by feb26 T COHEN ft TARVER
Georela sad French,BOrr oud Euro
pean Jllll Btonts j Ploughs of various
kinds, Eagle, Sun-Soil and Wrought
i8haret Iron Flte-proof Safes, Shovel*
and Spades, ManurJ and Hay Forks, Potato Hooks, Corn
Shelter#,-Oob Crashers, Manure Drags, Cultivators, Straw
Cutters, Scythes and Sncaths, Hosa Axes. Pick Axos and
Handle!#, Road Scrajors, Ox Chains, Ox Yoke*. Garden and
Fancy Barrows, Girden Chairs. Segment* af.l Oudgeona
Sreen Wire, ITamos. Measures, Grist Mills, Rlcu Threshers,
Cauldron*. Douglass’ Pumps and Water'Rsms, Well Wheels,
do Duckets, Cotton snd Counter Scales. Tntnks, Cotton
Hook), Jock Screws. Burulo’s Sea Island Cotton Gins and
Griswtld'sUpland do. Cemont, Plaster,- Mill snd Crosscut
Saws; also, Hand ami Yard Sows. Ac: For salo by
note CHA'8 H. CAMPyiELD,17l Bay-at,
■[ Yyholcsnlenndlictnll,
/Yo.llfi UrmQktM-ti.,. hduxen /((til and iFACialrr.
|Vest. Fob and Guaril Chains,'Set* of Jewelry, Obat
olanea. Uracolets, Brooches, fine Diamond work Finger Rings.
Silver Castors, Tea Sets. Pitchers,Goblets, Cups. Cake Baskets,
Spoons, Forks,Fish Knives, Pin Knives. CheeRO Scoops, l.a-
dles.8yphons. Also, all kinds of Plated Wire, Military and
Fancy Goods, and a great variety of articlor too numerous to
mention : tho whole of which will bo sold at redticed prices.
All kinds of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and othor Jobbing
attended toj>y coni potent hands. HORTON A RIREMAN.
,. watchks and .tkwblryT
The undersigned begs leave toinform the Citkens
lofSnvahnah. nnd tho people In tlie country In gene-
t he has taken tho Storo Na. 148 Broughton Svuet,
one door West of Dixon’s Confectionery, where he wtl be
pleased to make nnd repair all kinds of Clocks nud Wafches,
and will warrant all work with which lin may be Intruded’
MR. F. STEIN, on Brougbton-street. has justneciv*-
ed the finest assortment of new and fnshlonnblo Jewel
ry of all descriptions. Gold end silver pencils andpens,
silver nnd silver glltod ware and fruit baskets, witters,
tea sets, candlesticks, tablo nnd tea spoons: flnetable.
pockotnnd pon knives, scissors, and a large vnriotyuf the
finest work boxes, dressing cases, and writing dciks for
ladies and gentlemen, ns nLso a fine selection of (litlnss,
accordlans nnd fancy articles, too numerous to mmtion.
which he offers at the lowest prices ever sohl lnthb city-
Tho attention of tho public at large, but especially that of
the ladles. Is particularly requested. au21
TnE SUBSCTtlBER^spoStolirauuounceatotht
^Qadtlsons ' of Savanna)!, and of iute interior of thte
(State, that
tlnually In store, a
of the vkU ,, ri
Nero Dork ^llioeritecments.
nouyr, 1?. K’Dowiii^i ADtitaJWfKa ROWk, lafKASUu^nr., it. r.
of the most apt)roved qUnlitv,
Especially beneficial to Turnips and ell -other Root Crop*.
TT0YT k CO, Agents. 284 Water-*treet. aud 122 West-
XX street, corner of Dey-street, New York.—A Fertiliser
K rodunifag all th* Immediate effoct of the best Peruvian
uano. with the advantage of being much more testing la
............ , the soil. Thoroughly tested, hhd found to thtfrt then' real-,
- enumerated Volow aro each genuine 1 Ixe the expectations of all those who hkve already tried tt.
Article* of Direct ImportatlOnr^-French Brnn- The best evidenco of this is ths- largely Increasoa demand
die# of various brands 5 Holland Gin; Scotch, Irish and ! this season over tho past year. Put up in bags of 100 lbs.;
Monangkhela Whisky; Old Batavia Arrack; Jomalcaand > barrels 200 lbs. each. Buyers will please be particular to
St Croix Rum. ; ... I observe our brand upon each bag or barrel.
Wines—Old Pori, Jladelra, Sliorry, Champagne, Hock, | Also for salo, American and foreign Hold and garden seeds,
piaret, Paaterne and Burgundy Wines, _ English Ray Grass, Foul Meadow Grass, fine mixed Lawn
Cardial*.—In case*. Curacoa. Maraschino, BaUfla, Sla- Grass, White Clover, Osage, Orango, &d. tII2Jy—junel7
vnltz. Kinwhenwasser, Absinth, Ac. 1 —
Ale and Porter.—London Brown Stout, snd Edin
burgh Ate,
_ T .ariouikind*
and domestic, Invoiced from the host SourcVs, and to hit
stock of-which, at present on hand, he Invites attention.—
Having had oxtenslve oxporienc* In France'ai a manufac
turer, and In America as importer ’ and dealer, his obqusln-
UncawlthtlietradeenableshlmtoptlcFaMuranceOiatthe'the ....
articles which arcenhmerated Volow aro eachjenulnoj j |» the expectations of all those who hkve already tried it.
JJIjilditlpijia 2U>»trttetnunts.:
?,. W. ,A J.. A1J-KN respectfhlly In- a
•form the|r friend* and customer* UL
that they bare removed from Nb.lOT
. J187 Walnut street, to Ntf. iMSohth
Second street, where they have on hand a Urge ahdjplen*.
did assortment of snpenor furniture, of every description,
to which they Invite the attention of purchaser*. mli7
io Agent tor Domostio Liquors.
JLLL Just received nt the Wholesale and Retill Hat
Store, overy variety of
Spring nnd Summer Goods,
such as Silks, Beavers, Gossamers, Pedale, Canton Paris,
Lone Star. Campccby, and others too numerous to mention.
Also, every variety of Bonnets.
Call and see, and you will be sure to bo supplied, at the
corner of Barnard nnd Broughton-street*.
S PRING SILKS.—A fine assortment of atrlned ant plate
Silks, blnck summer do, black gronodinosilks, a fine as
sortment of new bnreges, figured stripes and plaid plain,
figured, plaid iml striped tissues, a large aunrtmen’ of la-
dies’ black and colored silk umbrellas snd pirasidsji large
and tine assortment of all qualities of nnd lace
mantillas, white nnd black net mantillas, shawls pel)t*and
scarfs. Swiss and laco cheinizets, light kid glsvos, liccmits
ami gloves, for sale by
■y^INDOW SHAPES. a large nnd handsome asstrtment
just opened nnd for salo by
. do bubiuet do, for sale by
F EATHERS.—3,0001b Feathers for sal; by
I»li20 I w. SORRELL ft CO.
E nvelope and wrapping papel or various sizes
and quality. Also, Cotton SampHnf and Silk Wrap
S UNDRIES.—Inst received. 20 Idds Stmrt’H Ernslie'l nnd
Clari tied Sugar. 3 lihds New Orleans do. 10 casks, nt*.
and pints. By ass I-ondon Porter. 25 doztn fancy handled
Brooms. 60 do assorted Scrub Brushes cut] Clniho* Lines.
30 do 2 nnd 3 hooped Water Pails, 26 do* Wadi Board*. 30
do Mustard, In ‘4 lb. mils. CO boxes Beadd’s Soap. Candles,
and Starch, nnd 10 !ialf chests black Tea, In •< lt>. packs,
landing, nnd for salo by
for sale. Apply nt this office. .«• apl22
S ALT.—300 sacks Sait, in store and for sale by-
jnnuL BRIGHAM. KF.lXy ft CO.
for salo. Apply nt this office.
—6 slqires
SIBLEY, 136 Con-
Bible in tho Counting
L INEN DRILLS.—We bavo just received our stock of
Linen Drills for men’s and boy*’ wear, consisting of
buff, white, slate and figured drills, which will bo offered
very cheap at the new store,
L INEN GOODS.—9-4 to 12,4 Barnsley ISheetings. 4-4 to
04 pillow easo Linens, superior undressed Shirting
Linens. 6-8 to 4-4 damask Napkins. 84 to 12-4 damask table
Cloths. 6-4 to 10-4 talde Damasks. Scotch and Irish Diapers
Huckabuc*. Dowlas, etc., for sale by
T IQUORS.—100 bids, domestic Gin. Whisky. Burn, nnd
I Brandy, for salo by fcblS COHEN k TARVER,
IV gress-st.—Bible iu tlie Family
Annals of Tennessee, by J. O. M Ramsey. M. D.
The Sword and tlie Distaff, or Fair. Fat and Forty.
Maria Do Bcrnlcvu, a tale of tlie Crescent City, by W.
Gilmore Simms.
Tho Race for Riches, and somo of tho pits into which the
Runners fall.
Tho Doubting Communicant, by Septimus Timlin. I). D.
Country Hospitalities, by Catherine Sinclair
Spiritual Vampirism—tho history of Etherial Sofldown
and the Friends of the New Light, by O. W. Webber.
Rowland Wcvor, or the Pilot of Human Life.
Great Truths by Great Authors, from writers of all ages
and both hemispheres.
Cleansing the Sanctuary, by W. L. M’Galla. of the Union
Presbyterian Church, of Philadelphia. jo28
v Curtain Goods, «kc.
nWi. S"*? 1 and * Vo - w St. Julum-Itrerij.
I M. nbcr ’ k,mwin 8 that the citizens or Savannah
PItXv..":™, 1 Intel est in the establishing of a CAR-
I Li, *“ t,liH city, and being aware tliat many
I tbt tl,u . cn'T'ctlnn of the now store, so
I for Tn. C ? 1 r UU . ko . l lL ' ir selection of tlie variou* arti-
I ttunMi. 1 ^S/belr houses, would respectfully inform
I Mainl*i. C ’ 8* n *caHr. that he will this day oimn tlio most
I " foU ‘bo various styles of GOODS
I town**? 1 .* ,u * r establishments. Tlie stock of tho
I I” P»ri,of tho following
I P e I ,nr *JJ len 4*—Roynl velvet, tapestry Bros-
I « Frussels, velvet, tapestry and Ilrussels
1 Main , r f!? r'l.v-»u|H;rfine. fine and common ingrain,
I Ciii r? 1 III™ 'onitianfor stairs,halls.&c.,druggets,
I Whn.M * ' n widlh. of every variety of patterns,
l sirw.»n l* rlor jnd stoop mats, tabic and piano covers,
I Oil cin»fc? “ v *i an, l octagon stair rods, stair linen, Ac.
I ke kill, j, ,*■"*” every width from one to eiglit yards,
I »«J.nuw!! ns r ? om, ' steamboats, saloons. Ac., roso
I kliiiiu???^ J 1 "* * •nail-figured furniture oil cloths, 4-4,
I CoruiiM ' U, tSff lre ^ rublMir cloth for stairs.
‘Mliamd.^rct *" <l wor *ta«l damask delaine, worsted
I ™ Mk,el »' n e-''tr ,,r ed ami plain damasks, ra.
Wlii&?l; it *,* n,,b " lT ' fo r "hades.
WnruJ 8 j la " e *—Traimparcnt. landscape, medal-
tea i,37 y n ‘* *bite and gold, entirely now style, cord,
I t5 rt»lnjia l [' 1 |^Jb er w “b tlie various trimmings for
nt ,0 °P" nnd pins, of the great-
'‘•‘itflli. ,'f l ta cna r.oI tho latest iiujiortation, nit o
"’Itormi l °I'l*t wholesale or retell, on the most lib-
nd WM. H. GU10N. Agent,
140 Congress ami 67 St. Jnllnn-nt*.
• SSSffiiFfS havo tbi " ,la y received uer
" a ?«*{ 0corK a ' an oxce Itant assortment of
Whit* irI *° 1 '™>eep good,'comprising—
I. * m a n . ni pencil linen drills. B
I T' •nininerwe* r 0f 181,1 materIa l* gonlioruen’s and
| ^ * Q 4 ! cnlorrc| tlCOn ' B * ured Bnd Printed Grenadines,
j 8, * k8 ' Lad,oa needle work collars,
■ I®* muslins.
I >* n] «Uri;Xin[b 1 8^ r t n iM' En8 ' Uh * nd Am0rlcan Print ‘>
I “^rlment of cambric and Swiss edgings and
I tya* briber supplies by the steamers
I teinv’iBroughton street,opposite Saint
Ife;, have In store, to which they are
I ^ reacTiX ft* y * tcamor J|i a terge and elegant
I *c*ut ^ ”“P f Uiiods, which they are selling at
I ^ BmZ? 1 ' WMisling in part of the following:
I "»• IW.. Linen and Cotton Sheetings
Gfftn..i,_.. Pillowcase Linens
Irish do
I«ng Lawns
ilinls-eyo Diapers
s Towels and Diaper
Linen Damask
It Dxinask Napkin*
Blenched and Brown Muslins
t Furniture Trimmings
Pavilion Loco and Net
Umbrellas and l'arasols
Swiss, Jooonctandrioid Mu*.
L IQUORS—6 half pipes Otard brandy, 6 do Rosteau do. 8
pipes Holland gin. 30 bhls Phelps’ do, 30 dodomestio
brandy, 76 do whisky, rocoived and for salo by
_apl5 McMAHON k DOYLE.
M ESH PORK—Landing por bark Milford, and for sale by
npl4 J. V. CONNERAT ft CO.
M AGNOLIA WHISKY—41 barrels, tending from brig
Wilson Fuller, and for sale by
L IME.—300 bnrrels lime, now tending per schooner H M
Jenkins, for sale by
L INEN SHECTlNGrPlllowrase Linen and ‘Shfrilng Un
ens of tho best nmko, for sale by
M ACKEREL.—60 bbls. Nos. I, 2and 3 MackTreiT'sOUall
do. No. 1 and 2 do., landiug aud fnr sale by
M ANTILLAS.—Silk, crape and grenadine mantillas, ueA
stylos, just received anil for sale by
M ATTING CLASPS and leather-beaded tacks, for salo by
mli24 J. p. COLLINS. 100 Rryan-st.
M OLASSES—50 hhds prime Cuba Molasses, 26 bids du
New Orleans do, for sale by
in)i0 J. V, CONNERAT A CO.
N EW BACON—1b casks now Side, por schooner Kate
Heath, from New Orleans, for sale by
N APOLEON’S BITTERS, a superior article for tho cure
of dyspepsia, want of appetite, fever and ague, debility,
and all complaints arising from a derangement of the ner
vous system, for sale by A. BONAUD,
mhlO corner Whittaker nnd Bay street*.
O ATS—Prime Maryland Oats, for sale by ~”
O ATS—landing from brig Mary Chappell,from Baltimore
nnd will bo sold low on tho wharf, by
mh8 II. K. WABHBURN, Agent
O BNABURGS. AC.—Plain and striped cotton oinaburgy,
tlax osnaburgs, shirting stripes, heavy brown shirtlnag
and sheetings, blue drillings and donlms. with a lair as
sortment of jilantation dry goods, for sale by
P IG HAMS.—2 bbls just received and for sale by
tnh20 A. BOh
P IG HALLS—Just received 2 bbls Pig Items, for valo by
niKlO _____ A. BUNAUD. .
P IO HAMS—3 bbls of pig haras just received and fnr sale
by apifi A. BONAUD.
P ORTER AND ALE.—26 casks superior Portor and" R.
Brass’ Ale, In pints, for sale by
Creek Jat tors.
Modern Flirtations, a Catherine Sinclair.
Passion and Prim iplo. a domestic novel, by Mrs. Groy.
Flirtatinns in America, or High I.ife in New York.
The Adventures of a Bachelor, or a man In search of a
The Silver Bell, or the Heir of Motcombo Manor, by Dr. P
H. Robinson.
Gody’s lady's Book for July; Gtnhsm’s Magazine do;
Arther’s Magazine do ; Peterson’s Magazine do.
Barnnni’s Illustrated News, No. 25, Furthor supply of
Echoes of a Boll; received by
june22 J. B. CUBBEDGE.
T UIACKERAY’S ENGIJSH HimORIST. a" series of lec
tures on Swift, (kmBreve, Adison. Ac.
Ranke’s Civic Wars and Monarchy in tho 10th and 17th
Life and Iflttersof the Rev. Stephen Olin, late President
of tho Wesleyan University.
The Old House by tho Rivor. by tho author of the Owl
Creek Letters.
Taylor’s Memorial of the English Martyrs.
Coleridge Works, vol. 8.
Modern Flirtation, by Miss Sinclair.
English Iaw and Equity Report*, being tho first volume
of tbo year. Now subscribers can bo supplied at tho ori
ginal price of $12 per annum.
Blackwood’s Magazine fnr June.
C IO-PAKTNKRSHIP NOTICE.—Tho understated has this
J day associated with hint Mr. IIkxky^ C. Hvu. of Glynn
county, with whom he will continue thoFactoiigenml Coni
tuissinii business iu this city, under the firm «>f|lui.i. A Ktxu
JanlS _ JNO. II. HUIJ..2BIBny-stroet. _
MIBEIUAN PALM ROAPT—Tiiis Simp Is picRred from tlie
O pure Palm Oil. and Is wnrrnnlcd In hoof a superior
quality. Ills highly useful in r.leaming theskin. is very
emollient, mid produces an excellent lather. Just receir
ed and for sale by WM. W lINCOl.N.
nnl6 Mouuneut Stjunre
G ROCERIES.—80 bbls Stuart’s refined Sugir
20 boxes I/iaf Sugar, 10 bbls crashed Si gar
5 bbls powdered Sugar
60 boxes pale nnd No 1 Soap. 10 boxes t«flet Soap
26 " No 1 Starch, 25 boxea Pearl Hnrch
20 bags Java Coffee, tending fnr sale by
*np30_ COHEN k TARVER.
N EW ntid beautiful Spring and Hummer (imd*. just re
ceived by tho test Steamer. Viz: Ikrego Pclstins;
Worsted Bareges; Silk Tissues; Colored Sewint Silk; Drosses
Foulard Silk; Colored nnd Blnck Chulleya ami lareges; Black
aud Colored Silk; Black Figured Bnreges and Tissues; Black
and Colored F. Muslin; Black nnd Colored Ciighntns; Plain
nnd Colored lawns; Black and Colored FrenchGtmhrlc; and
a fine assortment of Rlack nnd Colored Caliores; Plain nnd
Figured Swiss Muslin; Jaconet Cambric nnl Mull Muslin;
Plaid and Striped Swiss Muslin; Silk Pnrnsds. very pretty;
also. Silk and Cotton Umbrellas. All of wlicb wo offer on
the most accommodating terms.
M OURNING GOODS —Black Grenadine. Ctapo do Paris,
Bareges, Silks. Bombazines. Alpacas. Ntrwich Cloths
nnd Poplins. Mourning Lawns nnd French itiislins. Black
Crape and Lovo Veils, Collars, Handkerohiofq etc.. Just re
ceived and for sale by
DNGLIiill MUSTARD—A very superior art'clo of English
ij Mustard, in largo nnd small cans, also in Isdtles. Just
received and for sslo by W. W. LINCOLN.
mh4 Monument S(|unro.
S ARDINES. Ac.—10 cases whole, half and quarter iKixes
sardines. 10 dozen canisters fresh salmon. 10 do do lob
sters. 0 do jars pickled do. 0 do bottles toinntr. entsup. just
received Hnd for sale by ap!21 J. HOI’SSBAU.
L ARI).—26 bbis and 80 kegs prime Lird. laoting from the
brig Kate Heath, front New Orleans, tnd hr sale by
100 bags prime Rio Coffee, 6q do do Java do
, 20 hbus Porto Rico Sugnr, 10 do N. ,0. do
I 100 bbls 8tnart’s B and C Sugar
i 20 do Crashed Sugar, 20 do Ground do
20 bbls Dtaf Sugar, 20 boxes Lemon Syrup
60 do Nos. 1,2 and 3 Mackerel, 10 half do 2 do
100 do Balt. Flour, 60 do H S. do, 60 do half do Canal
10 casks Bacon Sides, 6 do Shoulders
20 boxes Northern Cheese, 20doKhgl*h Dairy do
60 do No. 1 Soap, 60 do Palo do, 26 do Starch
50 do Tobacco, axsortod brands
60 bbls Planting Potatoes. 20 boxes Sperm Candles
60 boxes Tallow Candles, 60 do Star do
26 do Adamantine do
60 bbla old Monongaheto Whisky, 2.000ft Codfish
200 do Whisky, Gin. Rum and Brandy
20 >4 cask* Cognac Brandy, 60 dozen nroom*
2 pipes Holland Din. 2 >4 casks Scotch Whisky
600 grots Pipe*. 100,000 Spanish Sognrs
20 doxet} Dmnljons, 200 reams Wrapping Paper
60 fly* and three gallon Keg*.
Landing and in store, for sale by
Have in store, and offer for sale, on the most
favorable terras—
H16 hhds St roix Sugar, 26 do Porto Rico do
"*26 do N Orleans uo. 60 bbls Coffee do
100 bbls Stuart’s A, B and C Sugar, 25 do Crashed do
10 hnxes temf du. 200 bugs Rio Coffee, 20 do Java do
100 bags old Cuba Coffee, 60 do Jamaica do
160 boxes Tobacco, assorted brands and sizes
10 cases Myer’s Aromatic Tobacco. 60 casks Bacon Sides
25 casks Shoulders. 26 do Hama, choice quality
100 bbls Baltimore Hour. 50 whole aud 26 half do Canal do
25 lihds. 60 tierces and 60 bbls West India Molasses
25 bbls New Orloon* Molasses, 25 do extra do
26 quarter chests Hyson Tea. 10 do do Black do
100 boxes Sperm aud Adamantine Candles
100 do No l nnd Pale Soap
100 bales Gunny Cotli. 300 colls Weaver’s Rope
100 bid* K Phelps’ Gin. 250 Hack’s do, 26 do Connecticut
River do, 26 do N E Ruin
20 nr clicks pure Malaga Wine. 20 do do Madeira do
6 half pipes Otnrd Brandy. 20 qr casks do do
100 bids Mnnnngahete Whisky. 10 qr casks Port Wine
15 bbls Mint and Rose Cordial,
Also, the following old nnd very choice Liquors, In glasses
40 dozen choico old Madeira Wine, bottled in 1847
35 demljons St Croix Bum. 15 do old Jamaica do, 1848
60 do eld Monongaheto Whisky. 1846
10 do Pure Juice, 1848.40 do Brandy. 1815
36 dozen Scbeblam Gin, 10 do old Whisky, Nectar,
may 18
B 160 DDLS. Baltimore Flour, 20 do n. Smith’s
do. 20 do pure Genesee do, 20 hnlf bbls Canal do,
260 sugar cured Hams. 20 hhds Bacon Sides, If 0
libls B nnd C Clarified Sugar, 26 do Crashed nnd
■round dn. 26 do New Orleans do, 16 lihds Porto Rico do. 21
boxes I-oaf do, 100 bbls Domestic Liquors, 75 boxes Tobnc-
co, 60 chests Tens, 26 bills Mackerel, 26 half bbls snd kit*
do. 60 bbls and 10 tc* West India Molasses. 25 bbls New Or
leans Syrup, 6 do Stuart's do, 75 gross Matches, 100 do
Pipes, tending nnd In store, for salo bv
mil24 Cohen a tarver.
@ 26 HHDS. Porto Rico and Muscovado Sng^r. 25
do choice New Orleans do. 26 do do Cuba Motes-
ses. 100bids New OrlontiH and Cuba Syrup. Stu
art’s rectified do. 600 gallons Sperm 011,300 do
Liusecd do. 200 boxes Sperm and Adamatiinntlne Candles.
28 do Starch. 60 dn Cheese, 76 do Soap, 26 do Toilet do, 60
do mixed nnd assorted C'nndios, 75 packages Teas. Black. Im
perial nnd Green, 160 bids A. Band CClarified Sugar and
Yellow Coffee do. 25 do Powdered and Crashed do. Prune*.
Fig*. Citron. Pickles, Raisins, Yeast Powder*. Salerntus, So
da. Ac., now in store nnd for sale very low. by
» C"fFKK-rl60 bags prltno Rio, 76 do Jamaica, 60
StasK—10 hhds Porto Rico. 10 do St. Croix. 5 do
New Orleans. 100 bbls Crushed, Powdered and Clarified.
Mouesn*—25 lihds Cuba, 76 bbls New Orleans.
Front—150 bbls Baltimore. 76 do Canal. 60 do II Smith’s.
Hscox—16 casks Philadelphia Hams. 600 Baltimore can
vassed do. 30 lihds Sides. 20 do Shoulders.
Potato)»—160 bids P and Mercer.
IiAHit and Codfish—25bbls choico Leaf 1 nrd, fi casksCod-
Soar, Caxdiiw and Stahoii—60 boxes No. 1 atnl Family
Soap. 60 do Palo do. 40 whole and half boxes Starch. 75 do
Admantlne Candles. 25 do Sperm, 26 do Star, 160 do Patent
Mould. ,
Tobacco—450 trackages various brands and qualities.
Lraox Syiu'P, Ac.—50 boxes Lemon Syrup, 10 cases Wal
nut and Tomato Catsup. 10 do Brandy Peaches.
OottRfnc ijqi’OKB—7ft bids Phelps’ Gin.60 do N K Rum. 75
•ht Rectified Whisky. 30 do extra old Monongaheto do.
Winks—20 quarter casks pure Malaga. 8 do choice Madei
ra—received aud lor sale by
Apothecaries, Perfumers, Confectioners, Patent Medicine
Factors, and Dealers In Toilet and Fancy Articles.
T HE PRACTICAL ADVISER, or, Compendium of Over
One Hundred Recipes, for tho use of Druggists, Apoth
ecaries, Perfumers,Confectioners, Patent Medicine Factors,
and Dealers In Toilet and Fancy Articles. Edited by HOR
ACE EVERETT, Graduate and Member of the College of
Pharmacy In the City of Now York.
Tho Recipes herein contained, comprise a number care
fully selected Irom those obtained In a course of .business,
and by an experience of fifteen years,and during this time,
the Editor has prepared and conducted some oi tbo most
Popular Patent Medicines, and articles of Perfumery, which
have bad extensive circulation Iu this country
By following the recipes In tills book, large euros rosy be
saved to thoao who have heTotoforo been In the* constant
habit of purchasing Uielrtierfumos and tratent medlclno*.
A great advantage will also accrue to them,arising from
tho smisfeution of selling an article which the vender can
recommend as he knows t|iej|nniposttion of it.
Perfumed 1 Pa/ers—Cologne. lavender. Florida, Hungary,
Uftne.r Rose. Orange Flower, and Peach Waters.
Perfume EilracUor Ecttenca—Extracts of Ambergris,Va
nilla, Musk,do Millefleur. and Verbena.
J‘rtvaraUw\t for the J/atr—Bears Oil, Buffalo Oil, Macas
sar Oil, Cream of Lilies, Cream of Roses, Balm of Columbia,
Hair Tonic, Pomade* Divide, Ox Marrow, Rose, Orange, Hair
Dyes. Depilatory Powders.
Cormetifi—Toilet, or Hair Powder, Pearl Powder, Prepar
ed Chalk. Alabaster Ttablot, Cold Cream, Lip 8alve, Milk of
Dentifricet— Tooth Powder*. Washes. Pastes.
Shariwj Communis—Verbena Cream, French Cream, Na
ples Compound. Shaving Oil.
/hney Articles—Persian Scent Bngs. Preston Smelling
Salts, Court Plaster, Essential Salt Lemons, Aromatic Vin
egar. Liquid Rouge. Fulminating Pastilles, Diamond Ce
ment. Chinese Cement, Scaling Wax, Varnishes, Paste
Marking. Liquid Blacking, Writing Inks, Indelible Inks.
Medicated Lotenges—Cough,Worm, Anise.Cantphor.Cin-
namnn. Black Currant, Ipecac, Chalk. Peppermint, Ginger.
Magnesia, and Wistaria Lozenges; Expectorant Candy, Ju
jube Paste.
Soda Water Syrujis—SarsRparilla. Lemon. Ginger.
Patent Medicines—Leo's Pills, New I-ondon, Do. Wind
ham; Hooper’s Female Pills, Anderson’s Scots do., Hate-
man’s Drops. Steer’s Opodeldoc, British Oil. Harlem Oil,
Tarlington’s Balsam. Dalby's Carminative. Balaam Honey,
Godfrey's Cordial. Corn Plaster. Eye Waters ; Soda, Seld-
lltz. Yeast. Rochelle, and Saratoga Powders ; Stoughton’s
Bitters, (Vine do., Jesuits Drops. Chilblain Lotion, dn„ Oint
ment. Canada Liniment. Itch Ointment. Citrine do.. Syrup
Ipecac. Conklin Salve, Roche’s Embrocation, Lpirits Laven
der Gimp.. Comnouud Syrup SarsapariUa. Fluid Extract
do.. Essences, Polishing Paste, Liquid Opodeldoc.
Also—Tlie celebrated recipe of Prof. Willard, for ranking
good Soap atone cent per ponnd. that will wash better and
quicker without labor than any other Sonpcver manufae
tured. This alone Is worth fifty times tho price of the book
to any family. Exclusive wholesale agent for tho United
States, and the Canadns, II. W. LANDOD.
109 Nassnu-strcet, Now York.
Price 25 cents—a remittance of $1 00 will pay tor six
copies, which will bo sout free td any part of tho United
State*; Stationers, llookrellers, Nowspaper Agents. Ac,
enclosing a cash remittance wilt receive tlie work at a large
discount off. For less amounts than one dollar Post Office
Stamps can bo remitted. til2Jy—junelO
234 unit 236 Broadway, Mew York.
I S now prepared to offer his customers and merchants gen
erally. such an assortment of Umbrellas and Parasols,
which for beauty, quality, finish and prices,cannot bo equal
ed bv any Iioufo In the United Stntes. Parisian Fashions—
WaluIngCane Umbrellas, Folding do.,Trunk do., Soil' open
ing do.. Sylphhlo Parasol*.
Also, very rich Silk Umbrellas aud Parasols, mounted on
Ivory, pearl nnd pntui wood bandies, in tho greatest variety.
Very sujierinr mourning and half mourning Parasol.
Buggy Umbrellas, of extra quality, with and without
You aro respectfully invited to cull and examine the
stock before purchasing.
npllO—3m JOHN I. SMITH Manufacturer.
T HOMAS O. STEARNS Ininnrter nnd Jobber of Silk, Mil
linery nnd Fancy Goods. 162 Broadway. New York, lms
now in store anil Is daily receiving and offering nt the lowest
prices.a complete assortment of Goods in his line, embra
cing all tho various styles and designs consisting of Blnck
and Fancy Silks. Marseilles. Florences. Shawls. Trimmings,
Bonnet Ribbons, Taffeta nnd Satin Ribbons. Dress Trim
mings nf all kinds. French nnd English Crapes. Crape Liases.
Silk Cravats. Embroideries. (Jloves of all kinds. Silk Lace
Mlts. Bnreges. Lace*. White Goods. Hosiery, L. C. Handker
chiefs, Ac. Tlie undersigned Invites the attention of the
trade nnd bis frlomls generally. Great induceinenta offered
to cash and short time buyers.
THOMAS G. STEARNS. 162Broadjvay.
doc20—lyr Between l.lhorty-st. and Malden Lane,7s.T!
iVo. 181 Martk SiiQrStreet PkQaftefpkta, ',
(Opposite Franklin Square.) ' •
* THE subscribe)- isconsteotjy fltt-r-
tailing, and od hand Plain aha Faft- V
cy Cane Seat Chairs, in great taris- H
ty of etojflknlanil Cwb Iona ble styles. *
for parlors, dining-rooms or chambers, mod* -Hr Fancy
Woods, Imitation woods, apd Fancy Colors. Ac.
Reception and Cottage Chairs, of light and beautiful de
signs ; Cane Lounges, Cnno Settees, Hall Chairs, Counting
House and Office Arm Clmlrs, large arid small Rotting
Chrtlrs, Store and Steamboat Stools. Windsor Chairs, ana
Settees, Ac. '
Housekeepers. Hotel. 8tesmboat and Rail Road Companies
will find it to their Interest to ceil at the Factory of-. “
No. 131 North Oth St (opposite Franklin Sxuare,)
mh7 Philadelphia'
Agricultural Ware-House nnd- Iked Store.
No. 194x; MarkH-tired. Philadelphia.
Pnom A Mrars’ - Intent Self
Sharpening Plough*, of
right and left handed—Subsoil,
Side Hill snd Doable Mould. Ae.. with
Steel Extending Points; Bnr-slmre, J teach,'and other kinds
of Castings for repairing. Tlie Emperor «’Rmwla awarded
tor the above Ploughs, a Massive Gold Medatj nine $300.—
Also, the Great Medal at the World’* Fair.~was awarded P.
A M. Plough No. 40. Cultivators will) Double-Point Polish
ed Steel Teeth, which can bo reversed,’ thus gottlng Doupla ,
Wear ot the common Teeth. Aliq, Culttvatom of all kind*
wltli fieri ItaH. _ .
Com Planters,'
Turnip Drills’, 4 to 86,
Grant’s Patent Ftn MIUs,
ur-H't Atmospheric Churns,
Corn' Shelters, improved
kinds. i
Hay and Straw Cutters,
Hand Corn Mills,
Corn nnd Cob Crushers,
Gedils’ Improvod Harrows,
8qunre and A Harrows,
Horse Rakes,
Grindstones, ready hung,
Dirt Scrapeni.
Agricultural Furnaces,
Ox Yokes and Bows.
Forks (or unloading Hay,
Man Hay Rakes,
Bow Pins,
Apple l’earers,
Ox Muzzles,
Mole Traps,
Pruning Hooks and Chisels,
Saws and Scissors,
Iron Woll Curbs, and Zinc
lubring for Chain Pumps,
Also, Horticultural Tools
and Gross Seeds, for sale
and Retail.
Garden Engtnoa,
Wheat Drill*,
Horse and Threshers, •
Mowing - and Reaping. Ma .
chines, ’
Chain Pumps, -
Cattle Tics,
Bull Rlngk,
Patent Iron Snaths,
Grubbing Iloe*.
Transplanting Trowels,
Hay and Manure Forks,
Shovel* and Spades.
Garden and Field Hoes.
Garden Rakes In variety,
Children's Ihols, '*
Snaths, with Patent Fasten-
Potato’ Hooks,
bis (of every description^ Garden
at the lowest pricos, at Wholesal*
No. 4 North FWKdre-t. turn doors above Market,
T HE undersigned have just opened a fresh and complete
stock of Wall Papers, among which are gold and vel
vet. fine satin, and the lowest priced unglazed papers;.also,
decorations, borders, fire-screens, curtains,'etc:, which they
Offer at the lowest prices, both wholesale atid retail. •
The best workmen employed to hang paper either In the
city or country.
Blank Books. Stationery. Ae.—We hare also our usual as
sortment of writing papers, wrapping papers, blank and
school books, stationery, etc.
No. 4 North Fith street, 2 doors above Market,
NS~ Cash paid for country rags.mhlO—eod
rtTT _ 10 hid* No. large Mackerel,
nrjrtjf^lO blits No. 1 do do
teffJlgf to hnlf bids No. 1 do
Sawag io do No. 2 do
3ft hhU sugar, water, aud butter Biscuits,
25 boxes soda Biscuits,
60 do Buclinn’a Family Soap,
fit) do Colgate's No. I do
40 do Colgate's ntid Beadell’s Pearl Starch,
6ft do Herrings,
Li tilling nnd for sale by
tea Saavedra, a revised translation based nn those of
Mottoux. Jarvis nndSmollet, with numerous characteristic
A Manual of the Elementary Geology on tho Ane.ient
Change* of tho Earth and It* Inhabitants, ns illustrated by
geological SirCharles I.yell, M. A., F.H.S.,
author of the Principles o Geology. Ac.
Home Pictures, by Mrs. Mary Andrews Denison.
Civil Wars and Monarchy in France in tho sixteenth and
seventeenth centuries; a history of France principally du
ring that period, by Leopold Ranke.
Barnum’s Illustrated News,No. 27, received by
julyfi J. B. CUBBEDGE.
B OOKS I BOOKS 11 BOOKS I i i—At SIBLEY’S book store,
136 Congress-street.—We received so many new books
yesterday, that wo cannot find time to enumerate them.
From grave to gay.
Religious. Literary Sclontlflo, Humorous and interesting.
We invite our friends to call and examine the largest varie
ty of light reading ever offered In this city. Also,
Graham’s Slagazino for July; Gody’s lady’s Rook.
Blackwood's Magazine; Barnum’s Illustrated News.
Gleason’s Pictoral, Ac. june22
quart bottles, In prime order, for sale by
mb20 A. BONAUD.
I layffimSit
N -
I »i& aa 'l Vesting*
1 all de.
fete* «»"* 0, A*a n lu
—- mh25
4 »*eg»15 ken Butter
fm^T:r“_ br U°HKN A TARVER.
( *«toHorthwaHay,foraal*by
«^. ew ^gtand Rum, 20 half bbls No 1 Mackerel, 25 do
No j) do, for sale by mh6 CRANE A HOLCOMBE.
P ARASOlf}.—A handsome assortment of Parasols and 1a,
dies’Umbrellua. for sate by
pATTEK—Just received, a fresh supply of Imported Pattes
i „ w A th ^ ru fl°»~l dozen Terrine de Fois de Gras Truffes. 1
do Pattes deBecasslnesdo, ldo do do Perdrcauxdo, 1 do
do FoU Gras, for sale by mh26 A. BONAUD.
X celved, 5 bbls Pig items. 6 half do Pig Pork, and 10 half
Haw’s Corned Beef, tor sale by
P REPARE FOR WLT WEATHER.-fhe subsclber ha* re-
celved a large lot of Indian Rubber Goods, consisting
of overcoats, leggings, and gloves, for sate tew by
WM. R. SYMONS, Draper and Tailor,
*P 18 17 Whitaker street.
DOil—Wb.rr.KL FcltoS Son’.Bo,toa rum,Uml1oi
XV from brig Clemept, and for tale by
CJYRUP.—260 bbls Portland 8yrup, tending and for sal*
O by ’ mhlft COIIEN k FOSDICK.
Q™AR8.—55 hhds New Orleans Sugars, fair and choice i
LJ 25 do Porto Rico and Muscovado do; 150 bbls Stuart*
A B A C do • 160 do Coffee Sugar B A C do; 26 do eashsd
do l te*tin *tore, and for sate cheap by
R FJ1EIVED BY 8 8. SIBLEY. Juno 28, 1853.—Edgar
Clifton, a story of School Life, by C. Adsms.
Tlie Old Forest Rnnger.or Wild Sports of India, by Msj.
Walter Cambell and Frank Forester.
A New History of tho World, giving an account of tho
various Revolutions in Europe and America, to tho presont
time, by H. White. B. A.
Consolation, by James W. Alexander, D. D.
The Believe, by Rev. Hugh White.
Harpers Magazine for July, on interesting number.
Putnam’s Magazine for July.
Barnum’s Illustrated News, Gleason’s Pictoral, Ao.
Boston School Dictionary, Fitch’s Mapping Plates.
Plerpont’s American First Class Book,
Loomis’ Elements of Algebra.
Youman’s Class Book of Chomestry.
Quarkonbo’s First lessons In English Composition.
Parley’s Common School History. Bullion’s Latin Reader.
A further supply received and tor salo by
raayl8 p. S. SIBLEY, 136 Congress-street.
T HE MASONIC MANUEL, by Robert Macoy, pocket edj-
tion, beautifully Illustrated and in the most convent,
ent form yet published-
Also, the Masonle Lyre, a collection of Masonic Songs and
Odes, suited to every occasion In lodge or celebrations.
Both new works recently published, and highly worthy the
attention of tho Craft. Just received and for sate nt the
Book Store or 8. S SIBLEY.
no8 136 Congrcss-streel
a j. V. CONNERAT A Cu„ offer for sale on nc
cmninodating terms, a well assorted slock of Gro
eerie*. Liquors. Tolracco..Segars. Ac., viz: 130 hags
prime Rio Coffee. 20 do do old Java do, 20 hluix
Porto Rico and Muscovado Sugars.50 libls clarified coffee dn.
25 do crashed and imwderod do. 10 boxes loaf do, 200 pack
ages blnck and green tea. some very superior ; 250 boxes
iniracr.ii. various qualities. I’m. 8V. 5's nnd 10'*. 16 cases I’i
adein twist. 10 do Virginias nnd Aromatic. 20 do nectar leaf
Viginia gold leaf. 10 boxes El Dorado tolracco, 176,000 supe
rior Havana Sognrs. 10 lmlf pipes Olnrd.DupuyA Co. Bran-
dy. 2ft hair and quarter cask* (Intern. Mai tel. Snzernc. Ac.
Brandy. 6 quarter casks very old Jean 1/iuix do, 6 pipe*
Holland Gin, 2 puncheon* St Croix nnd Jamaica Rum. H)
half pipes and 15quarter cask* .superior Madeira Wine, 2!
Mils old .Monongaheto Wlsky. 26 quarter casks Tenerlffe. 30
do do Malaga Wine. 200 Mils gin. whisky and rum. 100 boxos
No. 1 nnd family soap. 60 do starch, 60 do adainuntino can
dles, 60 do tallow do. 2ft casks bacon sides. 15 do shoulders.
•1ft hhds West India Molasses. 40 bid* and tes do. 26 bbl* S'
Orleans do. together with every other nrtlcle usunlly found
at the wholesale grocery uteres. june3
Now York machine stretched Rope, for sale bv
mh20 KlililEE A RODGERS
C OFFEE. SUGAR, AC.—200 sack* Rio coffee, 100 do La-
guayra do. 50 boxes ground do. 10 hhds N O sugar. 10
do Muscovado and Porto Rico do, 75 bbls crashed do. 76 du
powdered do. 6ft cases Hyson tea. 40 do blnck do, 60 boxes
pure ground pepper, 50 do ginger, received and ter salo hr
A ROMATIC VINEGAR—A very desirable article for the
toilet nnd an efficient remedy for the hcadach. tonti
ne**. languor, rheumatic pains, Ac. Just received and for
salo hy W. W LINCOLN,
apifi Monument Square,
H EAVY FREIGHT.—Boxes of copper ere may be obtain
ed by vessels wnnting heavy freight for New York, on
•pplicatinn to ml>6 WILLIS A BRUNDAGE.
F LUID MAGNB3IA.—This condensed solution is a very
agreeable and efficient form fur the administration of
Magnesia, nud is very useful in Naucea, Acidity of the
8tomach, Sea Sickness nnd Dyspepsia, for sale by
W. W. I
f. Monument-Square.
nKAP CASH STORE—Corner of Whitaker snd Congress
streets.—The subscribers linvo lusi received per Ala
bama, a fresh supply of Three-Ply and Innaln Carpets, cn
tirely now patterns. Also, 0-4 and 8-4FloorOi! Cloth, which
will be sold at unusual low prices.
S ' UGAR. MACKEREL, Ac.—30 bhls Stuart’s Crashed Hu.
gar. 25 half bbls I-oaf Sugnr. 40 bid* No*, ’and3 Mack
erel. 20 half bhls Nos. 1 and 2 do, 50 bbls P A H Gin, now
tending and for sale low by
W HITE Linen drilling, colored linen drill and coatings
slate linens, grass linens, white hollsnds. summe.
cloths, cassimeres. cottonadcs, chambrays, linen lustres, Ac
or sate at tho owest price, by
1 Pi f\C\f\LIGHTS OF SA8U from 7X9 to 12X20 ; 200
JeJjUUU pair Blinds for Windows,from8X10 to 12X20;
100 Panel Doors, various sizes.
OddSIiosfurnisbed on the saraoterm*.. For salo hr
W THORNE WILLIAMS has received Simms’ Sword
4 and Distaff, or Fair Fat and Forty of the South at
tbo close or the Revolution, W. Gilmore Simms.
Mnrto'Po Bcrniero, a talo of tho Crescent City, by W. Gil
more Simms.
Thompson's Dictionary of Domestic Medicine and House
hold Surgery, revised by Dr, JTenryll Smith.
John Randolph of ltoanoko. and other Sketches of Char-
jbcter, Including Wm Wirt, by F. W. Them*.
Tho Medical Journal of Medical 8clence tor July.
Lady*' Book and Ecleotlo Magazine for July.
Poems by Thomas Buchanan, revised New- York sdltlon.
The Boyhood of Great Men, with Illustrations.
Homo Picture, by Mrs. M. 8. Denison.
McCUntock A Cook’s 2d Book In Latin. Jylto-
'AND CHEESE.—26 firkins and Tnbs choice pow
tontlnn qf the public is respectfully called to the above
named ware, as being a subtltute. whlcu tor use Is warrant
ed to bo equally os good. It to a harder metal than silver,
consequently will bear rougher usage. It is a combination
of perfectly pure metals, and I* a* free from cnrreilon as
silver, Every article will be warranted to retain It* origin
al color. It consists in part of tho following; table and
dessert forks, tea, table and dessert spoons, Ac., just re
ceived and for salo by
mayT J. P. COLLINS, 100 Bryan-street
C ARPETING.—Received per stettner Alabama, and this
day opening. Brussols, Tapestry Velvet, Imperial, In-
gralnand Three-Ply Carpeting,comprising nlargo varietyo(
styles nnd qualities, all of which will bo offered at tlie low-
(marketprico,bjr UH0CIB. WWHE »'m.
M R. A. BONAUI). .raving taken the store at the corner
or Boy and Whitnker-streeta, would respectfully call
the attention or his triends and the public In general, to his .
assorted stock of Liquor# and Cigars, which ho is prepared
to soli in quantities to salt purchasers. -
Mr. B. has also constantly on hand a terge assortment
ofSuuccs, Fruit and Jams in Jars, which lie flatters hhn*el|
wUl suit the most epicurean tastes- nol
TY EfcETVED PER FLORIDA—Colored idlk mantilla*, plain
(/site Dliven A Douglas*.)
C OMMISSION MERCHANT, Manufacturer snd wholesAlo
denier in every description of Amkhioax HaHnwaiiK. No.
6 PlaU-strcet. tour doors from lVnrl, New York. Manufac
turer of tho Premium Steel Squares, Agent for Boo’s Bra-
ccs, Turnsrrews. Ae. Alsu. Kendall A Taylor’s Thermome
ters. Barometer*, Ac.; Union Butt Company’s Butts. Gate
1 tinges. RrackcU. Ac. Brown A Brothers’ Sheet Brass.
Brass and Copper Wire, Rivets, Ac. N. Newcomb’s Smiths’
ASA FARR, Jr., late
nnll—ly of the firm of Child, Farr A Co.,St. Louis
N EW YOfuTwillE RAILING WORKS.-I/rh7 anWrihcr
manufactures WIRE RAILING for public and private
grounds. Verandah. Window Guards and Grating.
Iron Poors and Shift lore. Iron Bedsteads.and Iron Furniture,
WIRE FENCES, tor plantations.railroads, Ac., made entire
ly on anew plan, with rails and iron posts; pricos nt 0. II,
and 13 cento per running foot 4 ȣ feet high. For circulars
with designs, address, JNO. B. WICKERSIlAM.
352 Broadway, N. Y.
N.D.—Tlie Subscriber would refer to the enclosure of For
syth Place, the railing nnd gallery work at tho Jewish Syno
gngue. and a number of dwellings in Savannah, tho enclosure
of the private cemoiry of the Everett family, nnd nlso to his
work at Macon, Madison, and other places in Georgia.
Agent in Savannah, G. W. I1ARDCASTLF-,
No. 200 Congress-st, and 95 St. Julian *t.
mar 5 d 1 yr—ely
_ . _| Tho subscriber having purchased tho en
Tfr—jpgsjjtii'o business of F. Zooiut’M A Co., of which
firm he ha* heretofore been the acting mein*
* ' - • *ber in Savannah, would respectfully invite
the attention of those in want nf anything in thu musical
line to Ids establishment. From many years’ experience
both in professional and business matters connected with
music, Mr. M. feels himself fully qualified to proffer Ills ser
vices in tlie selection of music and instruments or tlie ful
filment of orders, with the assurance iff his utmost Zealand
industry in his endenvor to duwirvo the patronage and cou
ttdrnce of the public. O. 11 MITCHELL.
Junol4 successor to F.Togbauni ACo.
No. 147 Bay Street.
AU persons of tasto and refinement—those having
a due regard for comfort and personal appearance, nrav
lot all times select any and overy art icle for their wanf-
.ratio, from ono of tho largest assortments of the Very
Best Goods In this country ; either in Ready Made Garments
or made up to measure in unique style, or Furnishing urti
cies of every description aud quality too numerous to men
lion Cull and see. _ _ PRICE A VEAIIER.
M !>. MURPHY, 21 Hull-tired, would respectfully
Inform his friends and the pubUc generally, that he
has received Ids spring stylos for gentlemen, among
.which will lie found as rich and fine fancy Cassimeres.
Vesting*. Ac., a* have over boon brought to tliin market.
All orders executed with dispatch, and in the best style
of workmanship.
Gentlemen are respectfully Invited to call and judgo for
humselvc*. rohll
WM. R. SYMUN8. Dka/zr asd Tatum, No.
17 Whitaker streets, rrojiectfully solicits the,
lattention ofhis friends nnd Hie public in gen- hi* largo stock of Ready-made Cloth-L_
ing. suitable for the present and coming season. It has all
been made up under his personal superintendence, nn 1 tor
style and durability of workmanship. Is Inferior to none to
be found in the market.
Tlie following comprise a portion of the stock : Frocks and
Sacks of blue, black nnd colored-cashmere cloths ; black,
brnb d’ete Frocks nnd Sacks; linen duck, drill and fancy
linen Frocks and Sacks; India gnus, silk and brown linen
Sacks; black and colored alpaca Frocks and Sacks.
Panto of fancy French cassimeres, black doe-skin cassl-
mere. black drab d’ete and spring tweed cassimere, white
duck and fency linen drill, together with a large lot of cot
ton drill nnd duck Pants, for summer wear.
Vests of black satin, black barathen. nnd fancy silks, fen
cy nnd white Marseilles, figured and striped linen*.
Also, & targe stock of Furnishing Goods, such as stocks,
gloves, suspender*, cravats, collate, silk, gnuze, merino, and
cotton undershirts, stripe silk and cotton socks, silk and
gingham umbrellas, ote.. etc.
Tho whole of which he offers for sate on accommodating
terms, and at pricos as cheap as the cheapest. ap!3
, • « DRAPER AND TAILOR,, 98 Bryan-st., Savannah. Oa.
jfi —Gratcfnl to my friends and the public in gennral
|ll| tor their liberal patronaSo heretofore extended to me,
•Juki now offer them a grtatot Inducement than ever, as
I bavo just received my Fall snd Winter 8tock of En
glish, French and German Broad Cloths, Black and Fancy
Doeskin and Caaalmere, Black and Fancy 8Uk and Satlti hnd
Embroidered Vestings; also a very rich article ofEveniag
Vesting, which I am prepared to make to order, In the most
feshtouablo style. Also a large and well selected stock of
mw’B Ann boys’ readtouds cumnso.
together with a terge supply of Shirts. Socks. Suspenders,
Gloves. Collars, Merino snd Silk Undershirts and Drawers,
Hats, Caps. Trunks. Valicea. Ac., all of which will be sold at
prices to give general satlslactlon nov6
Offers for sale, a terge assortment of Cloths, Gas-
aimeres and Vestings, consisting In partof the fol
lowing articles, selected by himself during the past
summer In London and Pans, which hq will raako op io or
der In tho best style of workmanship, and at ihe shortest
notice. Hit stock of Readymade Clothing apd .of Furnish
ing Goods, for gentlemen’s wear, is very large and of the
best quality ana style—the whole of It made this fell under
Ids own inspection, and will be sold at the lowest prices for
cash or approved credit French block, blue, brown and
olive Cloths: fency French and English Cassimeres; fency
Silk Vesting, super, fancy Silk Plush'Vestings; black Bar
athea 811k Vestings; taper, blade Doeskin Cassunorea: Me-
rino andSilk. Undershirts and Drawsrs r white, and fency
Skirt- am, W>»« I 9fJwq
Tim subscriber has just received a largo number ol
Cooking and Parlor Stoves, which he will dispose ol
on accommodating terms. Among them may be
found the following: Cooking Stoves. Tlie Republic, Lady ol
tho Like. Air Tight Premium, Queen of tho West. Empire
Premium, Eastern Premium. Parlor and ofilco Steves —
Union Collage, Cylinder, Sheet Iron, (air tight) square nnd
oval, Six Plate. Box Stoves.
Hollow Ware Pots. Kettles. Ovens. Spiders. Sauce Puns,
Ac. Ac. Plain and Japanned Tin Ware, for sale, and manu
factured at short notice. Order* fur Roofing, Gutters, and
Leaders, attcuded to with punctunlilv.
Nos. 10 nnd 12 Barnard street
THE Alteration* and Improvements in our
Istore. including a fine Siiow Room for Piano
Fortes, and a Music Department for Ladies
Iwing now completed, we would Invite tho at
tention of tlio musical public to our stock, comprising evory
article In the line, which can be furnished (wholesale and
retail) nt New York prices.
PIANO FORTES, by A. Stodsrt A Co.. J. B. Dunham, nnd
others of established reputation, constantly on hand.
F. ZOGBAUM A CO., importers,
Nos. 74 St. Julian and 107 Bryan-strceto.
dec7 Next to Marknt Square.
No 17 Whitaker street. SavAnnah.
Has just opened a large and choico variety of Nmv
Spiu.yo a»i> Sos/kkr Goons, consisting In port of black,
‘figured and fancy French Cassimeres; black snd col
ored Cashmere; Cloths and Casbmerotts; white and
fancy Linen Drills; witli a large assortment of .fancy Mar
seilles aud Linen Vestings, all of which be is prepared to
make up to order In the most fashionable style, and on ac
commodating term* , ap5
M ESSRS. COIIEN a BANNON respectfully announce to
the citizens of Savannah that they are now prepared
to do all kinds of work in their line, at their,
near the corner of Broughton and Dray ton-sts. They have
established tho following as their rates of charges; For a
single slinr* 1n <\ ; per month, for 2 or three times per week.
76e. j 4 times a week $1; 5 or fi times a week $1 60; every
day $1 75 pur month. Hair cutting 20c.; hair curling 26o.
Mr. COHEN will always hold hiraiolf tn readiness to at
tend to orders from thoso who may require his services at
their home*. nov8
L IQUORS AND WINES—12 hair pipes Otard, Dupuy A
C'o’s French Brandy; 10 half pipes, assorted brands,
low priced French Brandy; 30 quarter casks Domestic do, 60
bbl* dn do. 76 do P A II Rye Gin, 160do E Phelps’ do. 6 pipe*
Holland Gin, 10 bbls Virginia Apple Brandy, 8 do pure Geor
gto Peach do, 200 do N. O. Whisky; 60 do white Baltimore
do. 30 do old Westminster Monongaheto do, 20 do old Penn
sylvania Mountain dodo, 100 do N. E. Rum.26quarter casks
Madeira Wine, 16 eighth do choico do do, 20 quarter do Port
dn. 2 half pipes dodo, 20 quarter casks Brown Sherry Wlno.
40 baskote Champagne do. For sale by
T HE Subscriber has on hand a Una and wall selected
Stock of imported pure Wines, Liquors snd Segura,
comprising tho following:
Umntly—10 half pipes Otard, Dupuy A Co. j 3 do Jo
old Hcnnessy ; 2 do do Sazerac, 1808 ; 2 do do Jean Louts,
1800 ;• 3 do do J. J. Dupuy.
Wine*—4 half pipes oik reserve Madeira; 2 do do
London Particular ; 8 do do old Tort; 6 do do Bbsrrj
Wine ; 20 casks Claret ;• 40 baskets Champagne.
Seoaro—20.000 Rio Honda; 10,000 LaCruis ; 6.000
I* Union ; 10,000 1a Patrta j 25,000 Trabucas.
Fancy Groceries.—A largo supply, inch a# Imported
Cordials, Ee-iUh Pickles and Sauces, Preserve*. Sweetmeats.
Prunes and JeuibQ, For salo by A 1 . BONAUD,’' • •
deS Corner of Bay and Whitakot-streete.
A N INDIAN PREPARATION, for restqri ng grey hair to
Its original color. It I* guaranteed by tuo Proprietor,
hat If the natleut is grey, lie can hare his hair restored to
its original color by wdngl/jret’s Wahpono.- For Sate by
jan21 W. W. LINCOLN,Monument 8quare.
T HE YOUNO MAROONERS: by Rev. & ft.’ aoaidlbf r A
further supply just received and for sale at ttteWk
atoreof may6 ■ 8, 8. SIBLEY, 186 Congress-st.
NEW BOOKST r " r ~
A REVIEW of tho Spiritual Manifestations, read before
XX tbo OongregatloDaf Association of N. York and Brook.
Jyn, by Kev Charles Boecher.
„ Journal of ah African Cruise, comprising- sketches of tho
(Mnartes, the Gape de Verde. Uberta, Madeira, Starra Ia-
one, and other place* of interest on tho west-coast of Afri.
o^—by Horatio Bridge, ITS Navy ^edited , by ;NatbanI*l
Hlver and Pewter, or contrast of NswYorklifo.
v SgPWffi(mt-maot*
I N AU, ITS BRANCHES.—Business cards, with appropri
ate dovices, embossed ina new style. In plain ana fancy
colors. Seals of every description, with or without presses.
Envelope* printed with name, business and address, labels,
bill heads, manufacturer’s tickets, Ac., all executed In the
neatest manner and nt prices 26 per cent, below any simi
lar establishment. In consequence of better and improved
facilities for the execution of such work.
N. II.—All orders by mail promptly attended to. Goods
sent to any part of tlio country.
Envelopennd Sen! Press Manufacturers, Die Sinkers. Umbos*
sura and Kengmvers, 48 South 3d-st., Philadelphia.
S. IP. corner Arch and Secorul-streets, Philadelphia.
G l>. MILLER A Co. offer evcVy vnrtely of Shades,'whole-
• sale and retail, such a* Scroll. Flower, Gothic. Vigii
etto. Oil nnd Dry Irandscnpes, at tlio lowest prices for qual
ity of work.
Orders for Gilt, Plain Storo, Lettered and other Shadea
executed at short notice.
Morrhnnt* nnd others are invited to give us a trial. Wx
Brasses,Trimmings, Ao.. always on hand.
Remember S. W. corner Skuomi and Altai streets, Phila
delphia. 2m—fehlB
A RCHER a WARNER, Manufacturers, No 110 Chest jut-
street, Philadelphia,respectfully solicit tho attenti m of .
purchasers, to their assortment of chandeliers, braA*u,
ven>inm*.ftt>i vTrtv-ic-'citiii'uii Mr*** tmrnan t «Uo-every •
variety of temps, girandoles. Ac. Wo warrant our goods
equal in ouniity, and our prices as low as any other ostab*
Hshinent In the country.
Tlio Trade supplied with burners, mercury, caps,brnss
tings, air pumps. Ac., nt reduced prices.
Kills S. Archer, I William F. Miskey,
Redwood F. Warner, | Wm. O. B. MorriH.
7I» Southern A Western Merchants. Manufacturer*and others.
W ATSON A UJX. Sievo, Riddle, Screen and Wire Cloth
Manufacturers, Nn. 48 North Front-street, Philadel
phia- where can always ho found every nrtlcln In their line,
or inunufnctured to order nt abort notice. Orders by mall
or ollierwiso. solicited. jnnl8—eodtlapl
117 Che>tnul street, below Pmrth. north side, Philadelphia.
W E inform merchnnto ami residents of this vicinity, that
the most complete assortment of Mnntol, Her.-Wall
and Oval Glasses, richest styles, for private uso. or nil kinds
for country sale, with Portrait and Picture Frames, Ac., will
lie found nt our establishment.
Isiug experience and largo facilities enalilo us to sell the
host goods at lowest prices.
Dimensions being given, wo will give estimates fnr any
ized Mirrors, delivered free from breakage, at any point.
Ordera solicited.
French Plato Glass, for Stores. Dwellings, Ac., at Importa
tion prices. THOMAS J. NATT A CO
CIAHE subscriber lms just received per isle arrivals, a
X large and fresh stock of Hie richest and newest styles
of Velvet. Tapestry, Brussels, three-ply Ingrain and Vani
lla n Carpetings, all of which aro offered on the most dosir-
aide terms.
With a full assortment of Oil Cloths, Tablo Covers, Mat
ting. Ac.
Purchasers are requested to make an early examination
as strong Inducements will be held out to cash bn vers.
It. B. WALKER, 100 Chestnut-street,
robI7—lawtf below 8th. 8outh sido, Philadelphia.
Tnku Notice.
B J. WILLIAMS, No. 12. North Sixth-street, n few doors
. above Murket-street. iTiiladciphls, I* the most exten
sive and host manufacturer of Window Blinds aud Shade*
in the United Slates, snd has taken the highest premiums
at all the exhibitions; lie buys tlie best materials by whole
sale cheaper for Cash than others pay for Inferior articles by
retail, and can, therefore, sell superior Venetian Blinds and
Shades, as cheap a* others ask for inferior article*. Painted
Window Shades in great variety, of beautiful designs and
superior quality. Buff and While linen Shades, Blind and
Shade Trfmtniugs. Fixtures, Ac., wholesale and retail, at
the lowest cash prices. Store Similes painted and loitered
to order. Reed Blinds at manufacturers’ prices. Old Blinds
painted to look as good ns new. Purchasers, by calling,
will be convinced that he sells a superior article, and guar-
antees full satisfaction. A liberal 'discount mado'to dealers,
''We study to please." j :• • .
aplO—eod No. 12 North flth-strset, Phils.
F LOUR, BACON, Ac.—-00 bbls superfine Howard street
Flour. 80 hhds prime new Bacon Sides, 20 do do Should
ers. 80 bbls and 60 kegs Leaf Lard, landing and for sale by
T O THE LADIES.—We would respectfully call the atten
tion of the ladles of Savannah, and sourroupdlug coun
try. to the following new and beautiful goods which we have
just received, vis : silk Paris mantillas, toced gitap mantil
la*. black nett scarfs, dol'd, neet scarfs, tadiee cravat* and '
ties, French worked collars, laced capes, chamlretta and nh- '
dor sleeves, oonnet ribbon, gauze cap ribbon, blade velvet
ribbon, Alexandres light kla gloves, Mack nett mitts, coPd. •
silk and lisle gloves, with a large variety of other artldea
too numerous to mention. Please call and see. for tout-
selves ; all of which will be sold on the best possible term!
T AMP 0II M VINEGAR, ftc.-Just received 10bblab1ead»
JU od Whale Oil, 10 do White Vinegar, 10 do Ntt 1 Mtofc-
erel: 6 do Scotch Herring. 80 boxes smoked HerHmfc 60 do '
Beadell’s tallow and sperm Candles, 4s, Os'and 8a, 28 do db -
faintly Soap, 60 do ground Coffee and Mustard, 8 hhds N«w '
Orleans Sugar, 20 bbls Stuart’s crashed, ground and -blaHt
fled Sugars, and 2 hhds Codfish, for sate at the corner of
Broiigliton and Drayton streets, by
TUST RECEIVED.—Wo have just received,;# fresh sup
U ply ol ladles’ merino, gauze, silk - and eotton .Vests,
Misses and Intent's merino vests, gents silk, meriho, fans*
and cotton vests: also, a fine aasortment of linen cambri*
handkerchiefs, todies’ and misses’ White and browjf cotton
brie handkerchief*, colored and black silk cravats, Stocks
and Ues. for sale low by • pnsii,
QHAWI& Ac.—Super, and common crape thaw!*'plain
O and embroidered, vandykk collars beautlltil goodsT.aa-V -
sorted parasols, plain; striped snd checked glare silks, intQ- , I
raor dor, bategea/tlsSuds and grenadines, colored and whit*
jaconet and organdy muslins, a large aisortmsnt of Irish
llueni, French printed cambrics. ^ - r
••I-- - M.PRENDniOASTIlWi.;’, ; :
apM ' viiwiaaMiiiataUi-. -
QPRING AND SUMMER SILKS—A .aew-'assorimspi^ -j
stripe* and plaid,’new' pattern gingham, baregts -ahd ,
tissues,ladles’polqred and black.umbceUka'an4: MfWW#,-''
silk gimp to suit all shades of silks and barege#; bUek. n*< .
mantillas, shawls, points And kesffe;- whtto•and WtoRef. 1 .'
Ing *llkscarfs; while lace and colored Silk vautiUM£*?lU«' ‘
and entered crape shawls, black a trad silk*; blsfckbarefM
and tissues, block and leao French gin^hams^- tbt safe * -*
•nECETVKD PfK 8TEAMKR—Plain bereges,1xraiiet -rib-'
Av bons,-Scotch ginghams, black net mlts irnd glpm, la- '■
(lies’ colored (ilk gloves, damAsk linen napkihh and doylee
-C 1 ” PlTOT *Kf—-
Paris, Front
swlss mulLnao«
1 "