The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 18??-1856, July 19, 1853, Image 3
- w .* d «J f *iidBrltub I,u»lr«, r llrlck, far •*’« by j. p. COLLINS. Brawl, btlltantai 8W»n*i mu* rt, b £oLUKB,_ 3*? • — - -“-y choicenftfoto vuion Georgia, woulu—. — further particttUrt,appl>*ttbtao{Bo«. junoifi) ..[•m, jY mon nuinr anil miuvr. n {OfflplUiH person, of good character, oltbor wbito or oolnrod. onn ivoure a mo«l desirable situation and oomfortabl* nod permanent horn* by linmoOlat* application at till* oflloc, ijifANTBa) TO HIRE—15 »W*-bodled negro men atflft W ff r mouth, »nd »™^i»fe„ 0LUN . WjgisaBBimttari gyr WW0Y 0 TOi w'" H ‘ T,n ‘ ^ jffilS**“ l, |rt..'!mv. JOBjjCTOM k CO, K “* BWffisarSilS®"i oo. i .0.1 t.nJTt lUsSlS COom.-^al'KliM It VBICTIJ.K’a._ I —^rTTInKT —W basket* IleUJildc BBStoa5**3fifar SSsSs* - " 9 -' £,£3 AppI tSvf.I.V k MOHTMOLL1H. 0zs^SSSSM WANtKtTTO RENT—Asmall, eoraPMUblc.hou'ic S, g|a central part orth* cltyj ttuV tribdmtei-'lil^at “ihlioffice.' .■ .. “TO'HeNT-ARoout OQby 30feet, In Borrel’s build* flffllng, corner of Bay and Bull-itrecU. It la lultabl# for ■Villa committee room or drill room. Rant moderate. Ap- ily at thU offioe. Ju n »M ^ FOR KENT.—The store In Whitaker street now occU* ffinled by tha anburlbora il a wboleaalo itore, or which ■apoaaaealoncanba had Immediately. AUoTwlll be rented about the Bret of April next, their re* tall store, corner of Whitaker and Compere atreeta. For farther particular* apply to M. PRKNDKRGASTfc Co. feblfi on tho premises. m ip SttOHltOB *==** la """' aw. w, auutiinr. bakj»a >. pvxniR ■SbwtimaA, Georgia, .' . RtoKouttoattdtn. xowaWj o. wadi. enuanu & wadk, ^ FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 81 Jhystrset, Savannah. uxnky a. port. 1 t. x, dukhan. ‘ FORT * DUNHAM. FACTORS AND COMMISSION^ MKRCHAN1B, SatonnaX, pa: JOHX t, EOWLiXD. iOUK T, ROWLAND, JR. ROWLAND dl COm ORNRRAL COMMISSION MKRChANTS, ITU Bay-ttrrH, Savannah, FOR RENT—The dwelling. No. 168 Bryan-atraet, be- ■ftween Montgomery and Jefferson afreet*. The home fa Kiln good order, haring recently undergone a thorough r»l«h. Po»»Mion o.u b. h.J mbs Broughton street, opposite 8t. Andrew 1 ! Hall. martSasssSETS* 8,d “ ,tt “ B “..a(it“' ,bp coHKK * TO3B1CK. F eelredBlackberry,Or- J^SSSl^^^ r ^Sk t, ,iuJ! SS.Si.ui* .,» d r uU UUklt pefew P °^y y*,LY (.‘stimfOLLIH, Cornor lliill iU«t U"' 1 SiElSSih ^'^uu^-TrrZSrKTSttlfJ u».lien Butlm. “!- r SSSi lUfrinj. i i®' 2 ?. -rX^nTTumTnerbriK UUlan, and for ralo to ar- I T^-f 00bb |--MQ^ mtltilLlM, KELLY k CO. • ^-WvrAN'D0SNABlJRGS.-2() bale* Yarns of KEU.y A 00. | nMbjr tup Monument Square. 1 jiwlT - — H. K. WASHBURN. Art.. BllirriNG AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, SATAKKAB.OA. WXLL1ABI P. YONGB, FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. M BojMfmf, iSononnaA. O’HHAll A STONBY, FACTONRS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, North Cbmwurcitri Wharf y Charlatan, South Carolina, un or tub nan or lsoaxi. o'our a oo. TO LET—Until the 16th of September, a Store, aultable for atorlng gTaln, cotton, fce. Will be rent, ed low If applledfor Immediately. Apply to il—10 CRUOKR k WAIlE, 84 Bay-at. a hood, w: FOR RENT—A large and comfortable dwolllng. on IJber^r etreet, eecond door from Barnard. Imme* ,d|*to poeieerion^ren. J4a ^ |tr#et TO RENT—A Home at the corner of HulUtreet andOrleane e. _ ter, out building* u—Lwlth or wlthont eh. . . let Norember. Iniulre at tlie Courier ofllce. st May tl mhSO 170R SALE—A trmUand capable negro woman with her JP three children. Apply at tide offlee. apll« F iR SALE—A dealreable reeidence on a fruit lot, In foe e “ a. simple, near tho bmineai portion of tlie city. Alio, trust lots Nob. 26 end 26 Monterey weed, and fronting the inuare Apply to may* WVLLY k MONTMOIJJN. F OR SALE—Two hundred and two and a half aorea of land, situated on Roedy Creek, In Wl county. Apply to WYLLY k MONTMOLUN. fjOR SALE—A rory Intelligent mulatto man, a good cook i; and home (errant. ap!28 BANCROFT A BRYAN, GENERAL AGENTS AND DROKHtS, For tho Purchoxe and Sale of Stocks, Bonds, Exchange and Beal Estate1117 Bay-street, Savannah. Jan24 WILLIAM H. DAHHKll, ATTORNEY AND 00UN8E1J/)R AT LAW, TroupviUe. Lmmdu county, Oa. Will practise In Thomas, Lowndos. Clinch, Ware, Appling, Tcltalr. Irwin, Lnurena, and Pulaski countlos. Georgia | and In Jelfetson, iladlson, Hamilton, and Columbia enun- ties, Florida. feb23 wu. r. wiLMitu. Tnsnnxt’R ouvxr. jack browh. WILLIAMS, OLIVER 6t BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Bu«i« Villa, Marion County, 0a., Will practise in the counties of Marlon, Macon, Houston, Stewart, Randolph. Muscogee, 1«, and any adjoining counties whore their services may bo required. Jan2D FERDINAND MOULTON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, tVaihinyton City, D. 0„ Will practise In tho various Courts of tho District, and at* tend to the prosecution of claims against tho Govern ment. ,Juno22 IDR SALE—Three very likely young negro men, good - Apply to iVYLLY A MONTMOLUN. F I „ - axemen and field hands. ap!28 DR. G. F. COOPER, OfDco under Mrs. Sclmlder’s, west of liberty squaro, Mont- gomory-street. Residence corner of I’orry and Drayton- streets, opposite the Catholic Church. Junc22 P UR SALE—A very superior one horse carryall, double seat, made by one o^ho best manufacturers at the north. For particulars, apply to majSl SAWYER, HOLLISTER k CO., Whltaker-at. ACON AND BERF.—30 casks Bacon Sides and tab U ders; 26 half bbls Fulton Market Reor. received and for sale by Junol9 MoMAHON & DOYLE, F RESHTURNIV SEEDS.—RutA Bags. Flat Dutch. Red Tup Urge Globe and large Norfolk Tnmlp Seeds, or tho growtli of 1843. just received and for sole by Juno28 W. W. LINCOLN. Monument square. H AY.*—'100 bales primo North River Hay, daily exported per * * 1 * juno28 per schr Cataract, for sale to arrivo by io28 BRIGHAM. KELLY k CO. *rinWinu>nGKRS Ollor for sale 100 bales Gunny KS, JtoCulU Kentucky Rope, 6.000 lbr, Twine. pajQfl nvrffiS3fSn5 >«•; q»'fnr, *"'> " p ti.o urs^ 1 1 •. Is-nfed to ship building. liomod>atoly on the sea Ij iiie.*4ap«M nJ ^ 1{ P in fl(ty ml)ea of tuu oltyj for gaio. IlOB’T HABERSAHM k SON. I ]j «iie. adapted I trtrl. on wz rcviS —Received bjr steamer Alabama a new PRICE k VFAPKR, 147, j«»lJ _______ —100 bbls Baltimore Hour. 60 f jaKl'tiiu.50 tiojes MnitU s I k*'*'' Unding and f,»r sale by I jisn>° 1IOLCO HOLCOMBE. JOHNSON & CO. C HAMPAGNE, SYRUP, Ac.—30 baskets Heldslck Cham paign In quarts, SOboxos Nos. 1.2 and 3 Lemon Syrun. 50 bbls N E Rum, 30 boxes Starch,now landing and for sale by jiinotl HOLDOMBR. JOHNSON A CO. P HTHAMS AND SMOKED REEF—6 bbls Pig lUnw, and 3 do Smoked Beef, for salo by A. BONAUD. F RESH LOBSTER AND SALMON—Just received 10 down per steamer Atabmna, and for salo by ' mull A. BONAUf). L UfETcOAfg AND PANTS—An additional supply re ecl.^ ..d for 117 CTIMPSON’SCEI^BRATEI) ICE-PRESERVING PITCHERS. O Just received and for sale by J- P* COLLINS. JunolS I VOnrBfcrrcoSTR.tCTtlw -The CT»airman of tlieCum- I it nittet no .TtMpfg and lanes *nim . .. - receive proposals for I fetftmpbtwuoftbs n*oVtoad, tlie distance to be plunkea IlifllOfest - .. **»ne14 IIIJKIKES. TISIIIX Ore.n.1.. w*™> | BA Siwaprij-^ I wfr'C f uk-bf jol4 I fASn WJWRASW wanted by | U june!4 e. wrrinNGTON. litTtll CHEESE—J 1181 vecetveij 100 heads of Edam S ’ UORKD liiSOUIB—Just received two barrels Smoked Tongue*, for sale by J. ROUSSEAU. 1 ‘ i|eg phtMOSirCEMKNT-Kor joining broken glass !, ftiins warr.orlvorv. just received and for saleby ' nb'J9 W. W. I JXCOI.N, Monument Square. I jp0IJ» rESR—Anew osairtmont of Gjdd Pens._received | vlsndforssloby S. S. HI BLEY. 135 Congress-street. f EMO.VH—-10 boxes just rece L rail r, imUREN AND YOUTH’S HATH.—Straw, Ixg- k CO'fl. WANTED TlT PI’RTHaSK-25 stout, able bodied negro W mn,tied Irota 18to25 years. Apply to jneli tVYLI.Y A MONTMOI.LlN. P ' IRIS MAVTIU.AS,—A few of the latest style l’aris M’k jit—ID^ta. prime Northern Hoy, landing from bark 1 Maria Jlurton. for aile by janelO OGDEN A HUNKER 147 Bay-street. B JCilS. UltD AND FUJI It.—50 hlsls primo lbw«n SMm.20<lo do Shmildor*. 60 bbls and 10 kegs yrhno I hit lard. 200 do supsrline lloward stred Flour, landing | ttdf-vMleby SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. good F ’ ASCY tftlDRElV HOSIERY—Or HUU and Catbm.a a uwrtment. PRICE A VMDKR, jumlS Ray-st. W ATERCOOLERS. IcoChcsTs. Ice Millets and Hatchets. Just received and for sale by J. I • COLLINS. JiinnlA T UNNY LIND DASKFr STAHDS-Just received and for jy8 I. W. MORRELL k VO. ^~^SN’ATtURGl?—Jiisfrccelveit a frrsh supply of extra heavy Waynmanville factory, for ante at u Osnaburgs.frum the V _ factorj price, by jy8 WOOD A ROWERS C ORN.—1.000 bushels primo Tcnnosso Corn. 5# ft to the bushel, for sale tv jy8 WOOD st RODGERS. H ams.—10 Ut-rces Miller k Co’s superior Hams, received per schr Mary Ann, for sale by . „ june28 HtlliOOMBE, JOgNSON A CO S UMMER CRAVATS—* new assortment Just received by niaylO PRICE k VEADER. No. 147 Ray-st j^ARFJH'S.—Ilain. figured and sstln striped bareges, fo * sale by apim KFJIITON A VKH.STILLB»> F I/)Uil —26 bbls Hiram Snitli, 60 do Daltlinuro, landing nnd for sal* by Juno28 HOI .COM BE, JOHNSON A CO. C ASTORS.—Brittanla and Silver I’iateil Castors, fur sale by may20 J. p. COLLINS. F l/lUIt, AC—20)bbls Baltimore flour. 60do Iliraiu Smi th's do. 30 hhds prime andchnleo bacon shoulders. 20 do ddus. 15 tcR Baltlnnre and Philadelphia haras, 20 bhls leaf lard, received nnd fin sale by npV> MoMAHON A DOYLE I AW8 OF GEORGIA.—A few copies of the late acta of J tlie legislature of the Stato of Uoorgla, received Bud for safe by 8. 8. HI FILEY, juno!4 136 Congress-street. JOSEPH GANAHL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Comer of Bay and Whitaker streets. J AT* IKS O. A. CLARK. ATTORNEY AT LAW. gg«—176 Hay-tired, Savannah, Georgia. CliAtloHtoit cotton Morkfit. , CUAHLK8T0M, July 18. Tbo nbIob to-<Uy how boon throo huudrud bttlcn at 10} otmU. Tho market oloaod rather In (htror of buy* •ra. New Orlenna Blavkat* Naw ORLiANfi* July, 18. Tin OoUon aaloa on Saturday trora 300 baton | on Monday. 1600 j dosing at loio. for middling. Uaooo Bides 0} j Bbooldora 4j. The Tomb of Franklin* A dilapidated dark Mab or atone, at the aouth-weat corner of Fifth and Aroh-streeta, Philadelphia, marka (or did a few yoara ago) tho apol where real the ro* maloa of Benjamin and Daboran FrankUn; but you cannot ato their grave, nor road the inscription, without waling a high brick wall. In vlojaUon of tho law, or aecnrlug a good opportunity. »nd the favor of the aoxton, each of which Is'add to bo attended with difficulty. So well hidden la this grave, and ao little frequented, that we have known many native Philo* delpbiaua, of m»u’a aud women’a eatato, who could not dlreotone to the locality where it may bo found. Yot Franklin was a man whoso equal la not tho pro* duct of ovory century—a patriot whom his country ahoold forover mero-a philosopher whose name will llvoBolong ».i aclence shall endnre; and the wife of hlfl heart Was to him more than the woman al ways proven to thi huahand of her love—a compan ion, counsellor, a|td Belf-Racriflolng friend. They should forover repoao beneath. the old grayMtono that canopies thelr,bed—a monument beautiful in its appropriate aimplicity t but around them should be constructed a beautiful lion fence, through which we might behold their'quiet abode ; and tho choicest of flowers and evergreens should richly adorn It.—-Re* public. Later from Rio—Quick Passage. Tho clipper schooner Tennessee, Captain Lamkln, had arrived in Hampton Itoads in twenty-nine days from Rio Janeiro, bavins Bailed from that port on tho 13th of June. She made tho run from the line in 0l ^rile C btfk y Swan, arrived at this port yesterday, brings dates from Rio to tlie 10th of June. Political affairs are still in ah unsettled state at Buenos lyres, and the city continues under block ade without any material change iu the oapect of af fair* since previous accounts. Wo have advices from tho River to tho 6th. The. market for Imports and exports firm. The supply of American ptnduce was fair, and prices changed but little from itevious accouuto. There was a fair de mand from tbo up-river country. Coffee had not ma terially advanced. Exchange, 28 a 20}.—VaU» Amer., 16th. 1 WALTER S. NOTT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 09 Bay-ttred, Savannah, Georgia. McQUEEN McINTOSH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jadamiville. Fla. JULIAN UARTRIDGE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. !, comer of Whitakcr it. ami Uay-Une, Savannah. GEORGE TROUP HOWARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, comer of IVhitaJcer-tt. and l/ny lane. Savannah, Ga. THOMAS T. LONG, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR GENERAL. E. DEBT. Office, corner Gay and BamanMreett. Savannah. THOS. J. NUCKOLLS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Cofumfeus,OtorgifA WM. II. P. GURLEY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 14 WaX-tircd New Pork. JOHN 0. FALLIGANT, wnotRsaiR a.vd rktail okalkb ik WINDOW DUNDS. WINDOW SASH AND I'ANEI, D»OHS. Wat Si*- Jfonumgit Square. Savannah, Ga. BROWN & HARRIS, BOARDING. LIVERY AND HALIS STABLES, WFST 1IROAH STRUCT. RAVAHXAH, OA. ORDINARY’S OFFICE, Corner of Bay and Whltaker-streeU. Ofllco bonre fron 0 A. M., to 2. P. M.j and from 3tf , P. M. to 8, P. )!. DANIELL AC COOPER, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSMJ.ORS AT LAW, Atlanta. Georgia. A. SHORT. master nunjiKR. Will tnko contract* for Building and Work In Manonrr every iloACrlptlnn, Koriilrnro first door west of St A\ drew’s Hall. Broughton Street. \ ,..620 00 .... 8 00 film UMITICDSTATESMHiriiSB^ AUSKniK NKW VOKK.—To lea.o Wednoul.y, 20«i ..wunharo o’clock, P. M., alter the arrival of tha cant from Ilia weat.—Tlie splendid atonmihlp ALABAMA, Capt. 0. D. Lvolow, will IsAveaa above. For freight or i«Rwge, apply to Jylr, PADELFORD. FAY k CO CabinPatuage ..$26 00 Steerage... WOO 8* MAIL STEAMSHIP ISABEL. -SWBBETO 8AIL ON THE 16TH INST.-Thla splendid aea aieatniihlp, William Rolllne, commander, leaves Savan nah for Havana, via Key Weet, on the 15thend 80th of each month, and leaves Havana for Savannah, via Key Weat, on the 8tb and 22d of each month. For passage, apply to dOHESa k HERTZ. 8H W YOIIK—Un Ion Llnae^Tbe regolar J»«k«taohr. CHARLES MU JA Brown, mnster.wlll itve quick dispatch for the aboto port. For freight orpaa- sage’apply to jylO OGDEN k BUNKER. _ Jthk BALTIMORE^-Tho rcvolar packet brig JO- fflaSMUf, J.Wton, muter. iSf,n«V^rlkm A l..r cargo engaged will meet with despatch as above. For freight or posssgo, apply to Jy» BRIGHAM, KELLY k CO. kETV YORK—Onion Llne^Tlie regular quid •ppiy {packet bark EDWARD, Pteersou, mneter, will have dispatch for the above port. For freight or passago to JyW OGDEN £ HUNKER. counting room. Terms—ona-tblrdkahTbelanoe In tv equal annual Instalments, with iaUteat, tod secured t wertgago on property. ^ » NKW Y ORK—Old Eatabllahed Line. The new and elegant packet bark FLIGHT, CkpUIn . having moat of her cargo engaged, will have quick dispatch. For freight or passage, having good accommoda tions, apply on board at TcUalr’i wharf, or to JylO BRIGHAM, KELLY k CO. JEM PHILADELPHIA—Heron's Line,—The saa:regular packet achr. FLANKER, Van Gilder, mas* ter. will have quick dispatch for the above port; For freight or poasaae, apply to Julyfl OGDEN k BUNKER. OPPOSITION LINE; Change of Departure!—tor Palatka, Fla.,and all the interne- r m diate landings on the route, r 71,0 wpvrlor new Steam-packetWEI^IKA, JoSMMiSUCaptain N. Kino, will, until further notice leave every SxTmuut, at 10 o’olock. A. M. Rale of f’asaago In large, airy State Room*, as follows s To Darien 63 00 I To Pleolata 68 00 8t Marys 4 60 Palatka 8 00 Jacksonville 6 001 Black Creek.... 8 00 N. H.—Freight consigned to It. R. Duke, for Ocala, will be re-shipped free of all ouargesat Talatka. For freight or passage apply on board at tho Charleston Stwim Packet Company's wharf, or to feb!8 8. M. LAFFITEAU, Agent. 1W8 DAY, at 11 o'clock, in front of ■tord t>w |U be sold, Tlie usual assortment of Orocerlaa, ITotKom, LtooofiA Godiary and Glass Ware, Dry Goods, new anl second hand\ Furniture, Clothing, Fancy Articles,’ciooke, Matches, CutJ torir»{w. Terms cash before dollmy. N. B.—All articles purchased at auction and not aeUUd for before the next regular sale, will be sold ou account and risk of the former purchaser. julylO vl On 8ATURDAY, at 11 o’clock, will be sold at tha store ctr- ner of OongreM and Darnard-streeta, , The balance of stock In said store, consisting of Greet- rlts, Crockery, Dry Goods, kc. Terms cash. jylp On TUESDAY, Augoit 2d, will be sold In front of tha chart house, between the legal hours of salt. Two Lots, sixty by ninety feet, situated on the Ovvthee Plankroad, about a quarter of a mile from the tou g»«. Fur further particulars, Inqnlreat tho counting room. Terms—one-lialf caah, balaneo payable 1st Januaiy. with mortgago on tbe premises} purchaser paying for all ne- ceaaary papers. ' jylk A Desirable Building Lot for Sale, tot No 0. fourth tythlng, Anson ward. For partlenlars, Inquire at tha counting room. Jyl6 ’Administrators 8ale. On Tneaday, Angu*t 2d, will be sold, In front of theoonrt- house, between the legal hour* of sale, Tlie Interest of D.M. Rogers, deceased. In the Savannah Steam Saw Mills, on Hutchinson's Island, For further par ticulars Inquire - at tho counting room. Sold by leave of the Ordinary of Chatham County as tlie property of D. M. Rogers, deceased, and by order of the administrator. Jel4 At Private Salo^A kegs Red Stone Mills Powder, 2 do Hstsrd k Co's HFO HQ Powder, 13 do Dupont’s N P Pow der, for sale low to close a concern. JunelO At Private Salo—A choice Heifer, aged about two years j her slro was an Imported Durham, the mother an English cow. AUo, a llllcn Cow, gonlle and kind, accustomed to tbe yard. mav21 At Private Sal#—tot No. 0, Third Tythlng Anson ward, 60 by 00 feot. fronting on South Broad-street—a most de sirable lot for building. For terms. Inquire at the counting room. *pl28 At Private Palo—A desirable residence near the new rail road depot, being a single houso.with four largo rooms, plastered, with al necessary out houses. Will be sold low jf applied for Immediately. Also, a new double tonement in the same neighborhood For terms, inquire at counting room. sp!22 Blue Store, 181 Congress-street, west of MxrkSt square, - Av*ry large and eofthWto assortment of Hate, Boots *nd Shoes, Ready-mada Clotulng, Cloths, Cassltaeres, Satlr “ Prints. CWHooi, DomeetloSnvetlngs andShlrlingt/and o Dry Coeds generally, comprising the entire stock. Sale. itive. to 1m continued dally nntu tbe wbola Ik disposed £ Tcrroe—earns under 9100, cash 1.9100 to HOC. ninety ayi^trer 9800, six months, for approred endorsed Mtee. Tract of Land at privato saie-^tot NoT lflth, M, con taining 160 acres, well timbered, situated in Cast conpty. near Kingston, a faw miles from the tJUta railroad, ju»«0 RosredaUpemeni—Now landing per sekr Oatareet, 100 bbls Hydraaup Paiuent maylT House for ReaL-House No, 20 BroughtopWtree^for rent until November 1st. mayl Improved Estonia of*CofTee.—We have Jnet received from the taanufaeturera in Philadelphia,, pnq will eontlmiato keep to hand for sale, Augustoe Hammera Improved r* senoeof Coffee. This Is the besteompoeltion of Coffee ever offend for sale, and Coffee made from the Eeeence to nueh more wholesome, more delicate, finer flavored and colored, perfocly dear, and In every respect superior to the finest Rio Co fee, and in use will prove a nett earing 76 per cent over Coffet prepared In the ordinary manner, Try tt aud welf ItdJeiDot, mayl? Jlnghime and Hdkft. at Private Hale.—Just received per ‘At atesmer, 2 eases Ginghams, 2 do French' head hdk(*.. fwsalelow. apl22 TJifi Weather—the Crops, Ac. Wc learn fiat copious showers have visited most parts of thlscoanty, and the visages of the farmer* whioli had bton considerably e'ongatcd for some time past, have rejaxed into a broad grin ut their flattering prospects fora plenty of com dodgers tho ensuing year. Asa general thing tho farmers arc frightened about their ciops before they are hurt, but this year there lias beeh really a cause for their fears, for the corn crop especially, is unquestionably short, and but for tlie recenl rains it would have been inadi quate to the ncccAslies of the people tho ensuing year.— AH fears of a famine however, are now cUapwed, and thoso who do not ranke corn, begin to" breathe freer and deeper." We have not been over tlie county sui- flclently to speak from personal knowledge of the extent or condition of tho crop, but from the most re liable sources of information at onr command, wc are led (o believe that the crop will be altogether as large as that of last year. We would therefore advise thoso who lmvo corn to buy, to wait until the present panic is over lieforc they buy more than enough for present use, and they will be able to get it much cheaper in a abort time. Wc understand that the cotton crop in generally very promising. Tbo weed in not very large but Is full of bolls and squares. This crop will be better, perhaps, than any for several preceding years.— Buena Visiti Vademerum, lOf/i. A Shower or Oata. The Marlboro’ Gusctfc, uf Wednesday, records the following: "On Thursday Inst our village was visited liy tho remarkable phenomenon of a saawer of oat straw ! It appeared to have been recently threshed, no grain being found in the heads. There was no wind blow ing nt tho time, nr it might bo easily supposed that it was blown from some neighbor’s threshing-yard. It was visible at a great distunco ubovo tlie cartli before it descended. Wo presume Unit the straw war taken iiii in n whirlwind during the Into heavy storm nt tho North, nnd has been suspended in a current of air until it reached us.” UNITED STATES MAIL LINK. Fbr PataUca, E. t\, via Darien, Brunswick, St. Marys, Jackson ville, MitldUburg, Glade Creek and Picolata. *■«The superior Stonm Packet WM. GASTON, rTr-wjpBif I ^r* T. K. Shaw, will lo&vo on Tuesday Morn- tog. at 10 o'clock, and will continue to leave every Tuesday. Tho Katoe of Pauage by this Boat, areas follow*: To Darien...... ....63 00 St. Mary* 4 60 Jackaonville 0 00 Picolata 8 OO Palatka 8 00 Black Creek 8 00 For freight or paasngo, apply on board at tho Charleston Steam Packet wbnrf, or to may31 CLAOIIORN k CUNNINGHAM. Agent*. VIRGINIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. ROOFING. Tlie *ub*eril»*r I* prejwred to lay Tin Roof* on correct prin- cipIcR.nnd from sixteen year*’ ex|terience. fcelsnseoreil he c*u give satisfaction. Prices very low. Best reference «•«■«». J. J. MAURICE. j|SrGutter* nnd Conductor* mode to order. S UMMER CAS3IMERES. dm cto*. white and colored linen Irill*. coating*, cottnnade*. gauze flannel*, gout* and hoy* linen and cottna half hose, ladies' *i!k. cotton and HiStad ho*o, gauxe merino*, *!!k vest*. Ac., for sale by I CUN' UMitRElXAS—A fine assortment of xmnU Ught Sun DkWITT k MORGAN, U I'rabreltiia for «ale by PRICE h_VJIADKR, OAHPBKRRY VINEGAR—A superior a rtlclo of Raspberry LY Vinegar, a very pleasant and cooling beverage, also, Raspberry and Orgeat .Syrups, Ju*t received from A J Cliau- rnnu. and for sale by IV. W- 1JNC0LN, junol2 ifonumcnt square. •nKEFr l’ORK AND HAMS.—Just received. 10 hair bbls • Haws' corned Beef. 10 whole and half hbl* Pig Pork, 3 junc2li DAVID O’CONNOR. 11JUR atlF—Thm «i(fiee <V»k" and two iron sales, Hut | J’ havsheen used but a storl time, which can bo had At s luxrgain by applieatiuc iwjif OGDEN k BUNKER. M ATH NO aAsrS-Ju*t received and f*r sale liy n»v21 J.P. COI.1.1NS. I nMOlfMt aATlk—Smith's patent, in Moio nnd for sale I«j by' Jun«2 1. W. MOXItKM. fc CO. for sale by S OUP DigeRters, Porceilaii nnd Tin Lined Saucepan*, Bras* and Brittuula Spittoon*. French tog Bnskot*. for sale by Jime3 J. P. COIJ.IN8, P ORK.—JO bids Mens. 40 do Primo. 40 do Rump, landing from sdu fc H Rowley, nnd for sale by JuopII HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO. very good; 100.000 Clgsro, from verv p**or to very JararfoulT. Cut Tobacco, Smoking do. In great varte-- | ty for sale by mny26 RlllHF.E & RODGERS. A W ANTKD—A ‘•^“^J’lSoifiWlrlrodral compensation. wtUbl* man will m, u ie ut «f August, to | All llotloni mu* 1 ^' nfJHTQ.V A: VKRSTII.I.E. Ja* «!’ 1 u HI> ' Prime Ricon 8lde*r30do 1 ^ S Jir , ' lfr "' Wbb '‘*rd 10 l^lme Lear totd, 20 I wSk,'2u,T ao hbl * Monongniiela I I ^ fi Phelps and rose brand*. 20 1 Ilrtndy 60 do CntsbeA •„* iw.i.,.j I irifvrnteky 1 j»D»30 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. .... assorted iortcd Sauces, just re- I H\“ S i° * )u ®eld’a Sugar Cure llain*. for salo I SJLJ™* 0 . J. HOSSKAU. I Eriifi AN '° SAUCES.—6 doz J, I fij?.®* 0 dox botUcs assorted Sau I W E5fc*f bbis New Orleans WhUky, landing from I Priuci|*. nnd for sale by 8 | SCRANTON, JOHNSTON Ac CO. ^tSISS^JSffF ,,ay ’ for M,u 10 - I iHS . (KJnKM & DUNKER. I f bllf'ZbKM^r, 1 , 00 bW »~itow»rd street Hnu^25 Bonongaheto Whisky. 160 Derat. 11» | ., • ^ Ri<» Coffee, landing and for sal< llf.Vi.-r- -- HOIAMMI1E. JOHNSON k CO. I i\ S-P* *ub*criber beinif Dm;u iT«, rr? nI >• wjubaum i Cf . ,a '° nrm to make Imme- l p ‘'UI-mfnt'* n ^ l ^™' e liav tog clnims to present them i J •*. B. MRCHFJJh ■ successor to F. Zogbaum k Co. Ill i»w„,°'S“ 1 '; n ' , ’ r ' ,| ' ler,H > clear lawn hdkfs.. print* I! w »'oU'"** R , n 1 ‘* Inserting*, bonnet ribbons. r.ririrnii hvDs.SwIn edgings ^.X*lry T ' li0n laCe ’ &C- ’ Ju,t rece,T< ^ P* r DkWITT & MORGAN. m 1)0 m for lfiyT.-r^r-— ROWLAND k CO. J»y BRIGHAM. KELLY * CO. I received. IB half bids wh oIe ami half do P | Ll * f Urifo r 2,i l 7 ,,f ' W * &nd 1 to , '»*on’« Hams. 10 bb I jwtir - ru T r, , David o’on.vor, ■ ? T1 !? r ” r,,0 ff Wo, iand Drayton street*. ^-asn - 1 i’0f2j ' X do Sbouldera. landing and for salo by IffuiiMiinin ■ HDUCOMBE, ■»>hvmvw * CO. | V do to arrivw foreS'l""h°° bbl * 1 ' lour ,n "tore, and 100 ,8 - b ^ ROWLAND k CO. ■y.B. far), and in*?*' —Received by brig Mason I**! pepper ’25 dn w. , re ’f° # bnxo ." l ,uro ground coffee, 30 I ifijq ^ r ’ a do niustard, for rale by liWHlfirrvTr——- £* V UONNERAT & CO. I)’ v>rtm^( f'lT* received an a* ISfcriakbr 1 10 »"'* colr.rosl Marseille* and IJncn ■tlfeS PRICE Ac VEADER. P UUWKBr^O box.., a prim, ar BIUGHAM. 1CELLY k CO. „„„S5»IcJP il, allenBe. HOnENHACltr. innnm avnnp. M umJ, from th« dot thatY.** 1 * 1 - 1 '™ Attoy* Iheiii but removas *11 the *limo and niiit onl -T J 1 "/ may remain. " which The Tape Worm, This worm i* tbo most difficult to destroy of all Ibat In habit the human body. It grow* to an almost Indefinite length, and becoming ao colled and fastened in tho late*- tlnos and stomach a* to produco Fits. St. Vitas’ Dance. Ao which is the cause or many going to tho grave, i*>t believ ing that these complaint* have their origin from die ta.gj worm ; consequently they do uot use tlie proper me»icine* for their disease. To those who are afflicted with th« aw ful foo to health, I recommend tho uso of my Worm S-mp and Liver Pill*; the Syrup to bo taken In closes of twofo ld. spoonful* three time* a day, then take from flvefo eight or my Liver Pill*, to dislodge and pass tho worm, fo strictly following these direction*, the most obstinate cam of fopo worm can be speedily cured. Hound or StomncH Worm. Tbi* worm is usually found In the small intestines, and Is tho worm most common to children, yot it I* not entirely confined to them, a* adult* have frequently been known to suffer with them. The symptom* most prominent while affected with this worm, are hardness anu fullnesa of the belly, slimy stools, loosenoss of the bowels, picking at tlie noso, a blueish streak under tho eyes, Ac. If you .or any ol your children have any of tlie abore symptoms, Hoben- sack’* Worm Syrup can safely be depended upon—by using M l e It you have a certain, safe and npeedy cure j and if after using It according to the direction* the patient is not re stored to health,and tho worms thoroughly eradicated from tho system, you can rest assured there is no remedy beyond tho grave, aa for fail, there Is no such word as fail with those who use my Worm Syrup. Aacnrldea, or Small Thread Worms. These worms, to which tho human aytein is liable, are most troublesome of all others. They are generally to be found in the rectum, and if allowed to remain, from the Ir ritation they produce,lay the foundation for serious disor ders, such as inflammation of the bowels, and other de rangements of the stomach. Tlie best and safost medicine that can be used is Hobensack’s Worm syrup. Such is the astonishing power of my medicines over Aicnradiea.that I defy any one to produce a caso where my Worm Syrup and liver Pills are reenmmendod to be used they wllf not cure. All that U necessary la to use the syrup In accord- .... •• ..... .. . .... ‘ in case* M. WHIT HM1TI1, ATTORNEY AND CUIJNSEI.I/IH AT LAW, Alligator, Eait Florida. Will practice In tho Eastern and Southern counties. Rofer to Col. S. S. Sibley, nnd It, U. Hilton. Esq.. Savannah. Gn. .T. W. PATTERSON, ATTORNEY AND CoUX.SEIJ.OK AT LAW, Fhrtyih, Monroe Cbunty, Ga. S. W., ATTORNEY AND UlUNBRUJUU AT LAW, Monticelln, Jefferson Vaunty, Florida. Reference—Hun W. H. Fi-Binm, Savannah. Gn. fob3 to: M. wonwonn. c . c. wtiftox NORWOOD * WILSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Uimnnab. Ga.. Will practice in nil the Counties of the EnstemCIrcult. Hu- sines* committed to their euro, will receive prompt atten tion. Ofllce on Day street, over Wfikter A Palmm’. WU44SM n. rumiN'ii. ~ jonx u. Kirlro. FLEMING * MILLEN. Tlie undersigned haring united In tho practice of law. will attend punctually to any businesscuirusted to their care. Ofllce corner of Hay and Whitaker Streets, over Messrs! Swift. Domdow A Co’s. Tiik Fatk of Ciknium.—In a rccentarticlo fn>m tho ton «f Clmrles I/nvell, which wo And iu tho Bangor Wtff, is thu following passage: '* The cainmilli’fl of genius are notorious. * TTomor w .? b to'ggor— I’lnntns turned a mill-Cci-vanlcs tlie l , \ungcr—Bacon lived a life of mmnew and din* lrc ^-Sir Walter Raleigh died on the icaflold—Spcn- CC aV?° dinning Spencer,died forsaken and in want Bl, <>n mild hlfl copyright of * Paradise Lost’ for , ii'voundu, and closed his life in riwnrity—Dry- nan liv-i in poverty mid distress—01 w»y died through TWeelo lived a life of perfect warfare with #' 8 t.i . 'toldamlth’s Vicar of Wakefield won sold for ft 11 I/ ft keep him from tho grits’ of the law—finv- ago ifrilin urtann. ho uuu crui/]iin.i r.»«« .u,i of egN pound*—and CuaUcrton,«Ro child of genius aaduiisfortune, destroyed himself.' ’’ i TiiiMBt.R-itinnRK at Bra—The mn»tor r>f tho lins Otlino, writing to the Herald, fays, that during lifonte trip from Matanzos, a Indy rassenccr nccl- ddtally let her thimble tall overboard, which was of enreo given up os lost. On tho focio day, a largo dcphln was caught, whcn.totheastaiiflhmentofall, thimble was found insido of tho (inb, aud sufely rturned to tho owner. THOMAS HUGHES HINES. ATTORNEY AND GOUNSKIJLGR AT LAW, TroupviUe. Georgia. Will practise in the Circcuit Court* of Thomn*. I/mndes Clinch. Ware, Appling nml frwin.Genrgia: and in tho Cir. cult Court* of JeiTmon, Madison nnd Hnmiltnn. nf Hu MtAiUri Circuit nf Florida, nnd in Alachua nnd Cnlumbl cn.mtlM to the tostorn Circuit of Florida Will attend >< Ington W * ° fnl1 p0r ‘ 0IW b|,foro ll “' Department* at IVmo- <OHN It. COCHRANE, „ . ATTORNEY AT LAW, D «’lL n, ^A r T i nU rlJ- Into Junior partner of the firm of A. k J. Sa.vs, Irwlnton. Ga.. will attend i ncfc '»' to hi* care Pnrtic- _ Preference—Dr. C. B ‘ 1, Savannah. may"—'1 Awl y GEORGE N. NICIItTiTT Ottwui’ Guild ing, opposite. Pulaski Ih^ Having made Inrge nddiflun* to lil*c*tohli*hiiienl' ,, to do BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, in u*iin?" n haudwme style, nnd on accommodating terms. ' inl 8111 PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY. Of Hartford, Conn. 1 Tlie undersigned. Agents of tlie above Company nro prepared to take risk* against Firs on Building* mid tlirir content*. Also Marixr Sit* Risks, on the must favorable form*. BRIGHAM. KELLY A: OO. Agents. ance with direction* on each bottle; and in casea gentle S Uve Is reqnired in order to allay the Irritation they ce, the Liver Pill*, by their sympathising action and healthy operation upon the bowels, la the most pleasant medicine that can be taken. HOnENSACK’sHlVEU PILLS. 'wvainrs twtshv — „ No ° r ,be ■*{*•■» «• more liable to disease than the f'»nto« Vi' I, OL 8,,, . )ULnKRS —*0 cask* Sides free »rer, it being supplied with numerous bluml vessel* and it*s wne ’" Shoulder*, landing and for salo by nerves, and if diseased, tho blood of courso flowing thro’ " .11 n.O. Af III. W. -w.Ihm. IU.. 1 ... S'bnwl u steamship AUbams-Uv. barage, satin stripe printed do, ^•"•i uXaL“ h ‘ M ? n * *far. Bwjss emhroltlod chcm- **h.lidie*, T "J: ^ri»* embroidered and cambric ~ r~~ UROCHF. k BOWNE. ISL?T R Vr 8 . AI WAPAR1LLA-Tlil* enn- * ■wot. altentlvL u ." 1 to he a *afo and valuable rem- may to iSSti h xn ' 1 , Purifying in Ua na- #,6 *ni.*c^foiJ'‘to,*' 1 vantage In tho cureofrheu- hnpnnstatolV.k- 1 ^’*. n ? °. lhcr filw**e* arising |JiS, Wf lhe blood, Jn«t received and for sale W. IJNCOIN. 10 bb|« SmL? n yru ?’ *22 J J .° end line Ap- lm ** ‘ 55 »y? Whisky, 40 ISKS all part* of the body, prmlucea liver complaints, jaundice, bilious affections, dyspepsia. Ac. Liver Complaint, I* attended with chills, succeeded by fever, severe pain In the region or the liver, vomiting hitter taste, yellow furred tongue, pulse foil anil bounding, the pain in tho Mde it In creased by pressure, should tho left lobo bo affected, the pain fa generally in the loft shnul ler, with a short dry cough, the skin becoming of a sallow appearance, and the stools clay colored. Tills dfacaso can ho cured by the use of Ho- bensack’s Liver Pills, as they act directly upon the neat of the disease, and then operating upon tlie bowels they ex- pel all the corrupt and vitiated matter from tho «y«tom. The symptoms of Dyspep3s/and its various disease* are dial ness in the head, heartburn, oppresiion after eating meals, sourness arising from the stomach, Ao , and some- times general languor of the whole body,from this It will be seen that the disease owe* Its origin to a disorganised *foto of the liver and Stomach. Hobensack’s liver Pills is the very medicine to effect a permanent and luting cure, a* they act by changing the certain morbid actions of the and healthy* healtbjr ■ cUoD * »“d rondoriug the blood pure *» ... To Female*. ^ V 1 .*? l ’ 1U * 40 tovalnablo modlcino In many tofafS-^rtfaMK* { 0a "™" ah J«t. In obstructions either fit to reStorim 0,1 of towtlmable bene- blond and other flnbfa so ,,l i* l, } U,, . ,lch >nay arlHe from female lr- regiilaritlesjas hredache, d rones* of sight pain in tbe side, !fo ekhSfe™ tb# onl 7 MUfe and effeotnal reme- J^foLhafo SM&ft Gout, Nervousness, Rheumatism, dls- S iSTlriSfr^XtSSVthS ui*r n {m^ritJtf tho Wood, or oonstipation of the K)| ^ _ . Medical Evidence ' 'ijQnp5~~,-7--—--— nfwrrut hi •s^Wa-wss.-sa. DaWm k MORGAN. v --. -Man-112-4 linen Da- Muslins. Silk and Gents ijns- r- , : .. Mu " lln "- »lk 1 rr^Rklrt, i«r n . Uandkerehlefa, Shir* 2jWUyg»gMIIW, r PH"W J»on.U ... • m i Discs 8Uk*; TOaek r'“=*uope4c«mhrfl?T? ,1a 1h IJnrn "! EmbroU- (T^^anft^^^ndkerohlef*, lUbbons, th« the Ingredient* if whiih Ui£ M^JSSSSiSi for sws^se ^ • L. BOWEN. M. D. N^RKNsuw 1 ‘ K * Mbn V h0W b * , to«lhcsignature“J. '■■ r R other* nro worthies* Imitation*. w, T n « new supplies, and all other* wishing fo «x<u? .f5i n »*\ n,u V nd,lr » M W»e Proprietor.J. N. HOBEN- SSSSKST* 4 * a JOHN Q.UIN, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISION MFJIC1UNT, 163 lleoad-streel. Caltmlius. Ga. W41 transact tbe above business in tlie usual minnor. nnd jay strict attention to all consignment* entrin'ed to hi* care. He would respect fully refer to the fidlnving poi- som: lion. Alfrod Iverson. Major John H. Hnivird, IVar- hnmCrotnwell. Esq., Lewis M. Durr. Columbus, (,Y; Win. P. Yfoge. Abmhnni Backer. Savannah. fim—,June3 EDWARD R. If ARDEN, TRANSPORTATION AGENT, W. k A. HAILROtD, W Ringgold, Walker County. Georgia. ILL attend to the purchanlug on cum mis*ton Com, Whtat and Bacon. The Ringgold Depot heing»ttua- to«l in a region of country abounding in grain, it can isnal- iy be purchased upon more favorable terms than nt dmost any oilier point upon the W. fc Ar Railroad ' Order* covering the cash, with limited or dlucrelonary instruction*, will receive prompt attention. Porson* irdor- ing grain will please fnrwnrd sacks with order. References—Dr. Richnnl Wayne, Mr. Wm. M. Wncfr, Sa- !*nnnh: mayD UONNETSJ BUN NETS 11 tSSTfr”* ‘>10 TRIMMING AND 'GENERAL VARIETY STORE, 139 Broughtonst,— Country Mercliant* Milliner*, and the public pner- allv.are Invited to examine thi* dock. It consfattof 60 different ntyler. elaborately trlmroeil. Parisian, blond, gimp, rich colored silk, satin, crape and other choice and much admired style*; flats and hats, embroidered satin hoods; a great variety or crape embroidered blond lining*. Paris silk lace shapes, extra rich spring Imnnet ribbons, straw trimming*, dress do. white and colored lace, gimp* and gal- loons, do do silk fringes, mantle*, plain barege*, shell and oilier combs, hair puff*, curl* and plnit*. ribbon plait*, flowers, feathers and wreathe*, bonnet silks, jot and fanny wristlett*. buttons, steel trimmings, tephyr worsted, braid, fans, with a great variety of other good* usually kept In fancy establishment*. Smoking cap*, slippers, children’* lisbliment*. such a* Tolies, sacks marked with now pattern* for braiding. Mrs. ItortK, assisted by competent inlliners from New York, will attend to the ti[mining department, and will en deavor. with skjll and ta*te. to please all who may favor her with order*. Fancy and other bound* cleansed, bleached and pressed. Pinking done. KB" Flro bonnet maker* wanted Immediately, who must perfectly understand their burines*. np!30 Savannah River Vai.lky Railroad.—A largo flouting was hold nt Dorn’* Mine, in Abbeville Dio- ,rict on thu 11th inst.. at which hooks of snltRcription to thu Savannah River Valiev Railroad were opened. Mr. Dnrn onbacrRicfl 91W),WM>,nnd Mr. Floyd, ngent of the New York Gold Mining Company gave assur ances that New York capitalist* would tako that amount, or double it, If nccewtry to secure tho char ter. At Hamburgh over $75,(100 huvi been already Bubflcribed.—Charleston Mercury, 18li. Restitution.—The Washington Cainty Past flays, a chap in a curtain villnge, with when ho I* acquain ted, liuving had sanded sugar sold to|iim,inKcrtod In tho weekly paper the following: " Notice.—I purchased of a Grocelin tills village, a quantity of Sugar, from which I obtained ONR POUND OF SAND. If tho rascal rtio cheated me will send to my address Huvon pound* «f good Sugar (Scripture measure of re«litution) I will bo aalifliiud ; if not I shall exnose him." On the following day, nino seven poind packages of sugar were left at hi* residence, from as many dif ferent dealers, each supposing himself the person in tended. The New York Legislature has passed a hill, which fo'vidca tlint, where debt* nro contractH licfore mar- riage,«nd the property of the wife is set over to tlie husband,both may Iw served with proecs*, and tho property, thus set over, Hiitlsfy tho Hon—ir where tho propertv of the vife remains in tact, such debt is a lien on her property. Important iro Dealers in Dreads-ht-ts.—Tho ” Mliingtnn Star, of tho 15th instant. «ny*: " Tho Treasury Department thi* morning rertivud letteni from the Ameiicun CoiihuI at Marseillcs.pcr steamer which that officer writes: • The French steamer is in from Constantinople. New unfavora ble. Wheat is rising, nnd will bo very high ir war takes place, as tho Black Rea—tho great granary- will ho closed. The American flag will bo great de mand, if it remain neutral.’ ” Junr.K Hubbkll Acquitted.—By a sppeia! dis patch received from Madison, Wisconsin, W Speed’s Lino, we learn tlmt Judge Ilubbcll has beer acquitted. Rome of the specification* wore snstainct by more than t wo-third* of tho < Jourt—on others ti® vote was nnanitnous in hi* favor. A majority of the Court wore for bis acquittal on tho flual vottie—Buffalo Com. Adv., July Vith. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Y I8ITORS to the Springs may expect more comfort by till* route than ever before ; and If the cost of meal* 1* considered, no other route offer* lower fare. Tho road fa open to tho bo*o of tlie Blue Ridge, and the rails now be ing laid between IVayncaborough and Staunton—it will be in operation thi* aenxon. The Stage Line i* under tho management of Mr. J. L. Hefakcll. ao well known lo the public. Care leavo Richmond, daily, nt 6>£ A. M.,and tho West ern terminus of the Railroad at 11 >4 A. M. DAILY COXXKCTTOX To Rockbridge Alum Spring*, fare $ 7 60. White Sulphur, paitslug tho Alum. Worm, and Hot Sprlug* io 60. Rath Alum Sprlug* 8 25. Warm Spring* 8 60. Hot Spring* 8 60. Lexington Staunton Culpepper Court House 4 60. 1 OUR STAGES “ arrive In Staunton at 8 . o’clock, I*. M., and toave next moraine by Express line, at 6 A. M,—spend tho night nt woodward’s Jackson River Hotel, and reach tho White Sulphur at 10 A. M.. second day from Staunton.” Chartered Coaches, to travel as the party with' e*. can be engaged ut Richmond. •• For the further comfort of psssengor*. wo rIioII run an Accommodation line of Coaches, which will leave Staunton after breakfast, atop for the ulglit nt the Hath. Alum or Warm Springs, a* they may dedro. nnd reach tho White Sulphur noxl evening ; guaranteeing that there shall be mpnttrowt.” “We will nlso keep at tho Warm and Hot Springs each, a Coach to arcommodntn visitor* going West or East, who may not find seat* in the regular lino-” W r. PARISH fc CO., Hv.l. L. Hkiskkix. Agclit. /IU' Servants travelling without tlu-ir Minsters, must leave a pa** will* the Ticket Agent, nnd also sho w another to the Conductor. An extra cliargo will bo made If passenger* do not n ’ ' E. il. ni*“- Super! 111 undent Trai*-*, r ‘*ri n n. 53. Im—jo24 tickets. Richmond, Tune 21.1863. “CLEAR TI1E TllA- .... i/\ TI10 "I'lwcrllicr* rid* d»y put in opcrallon. two ..phuidi’l H)UK lid Greene ana JPuiaikl l/oCtery. GREGORY & MAURY, Manager* Extra Clasa 61, draws at Wilmington, Del., thfa day,tiro 10th July. CAPITAL. $20,000. 75 Number l/ittory—‘12Drawn Ballots. 9®" Tickets 65—share* In proportion. V Class 86, draws to-morrow. 20lh July, In this city. Balei eloieat 3 o'clock,P. M. OATITAL. $4,150. 78 Number l/jttory—J3 Drawn Ballots. SOT Tickets 61—shares in proportion. Tickota either singly or by tho package for salo in Bay lane. Savannah, Ga., next to Itobiusou fcCatnp. July 18 E. WITHINGT0N. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. ’ York auid lavannah ftcuaihl] summer arrangement. _ . p- jy» Of Leaving Savannah for New York, TbeAubuto, Capt. Lyon. Wednesday, June 9 The Flafla, Capt, WoodnnB,....Saturday, “ II Tlie Alakma, Capt. Lodtow, Saturday, ** 18 Capt. Lyon........ Saturday, “ 26 Tha Fiona, .Capt Woodhull,...Saturday, July 1 Tlie Augufo, Capt. Lyon .Saturday, " 0 The Florid;, Capt. Woodhull,... Saturday, M 16 Tlie Alabafo......Capt. Ludlow, Wednesday, M 20 Tho Anguik, .Capt. Lyon Saturday, “ 26 TboFloridr,.i.,..Capt.Woodhnri....8atarday, “ Tlie Alston* Capt. Ludlow,.... .Wednesday, iuff. I Tho August*,,,.. Capt. Lyon........ Saturday, M 6 Tlie Florida. Capt. Woodhull,.. .Saturday, “ 18 TheAlatoniq Capt. Ludlow Wednesday, M 17 Tlie Augusta. Capt. I.yon........Saturday, “ 20 Tlie Florida,Capt. Ludlow, Saturday, “ 27 The Augusta, Capt. I.yon Saturday, Sept. 8 The Florida Capt. Woodhull,.. .Saturday, r * 10 Tlie Alabamf, Capt. Ludlow, Wednesday, “ 14' Tlieso ships are the largest on the coast, uneurpaased lo speed, aarety or comfort—making their passage* In 60 to ro houts, aud are commanded by skilful, careful and polite of fice**. They offor a moat desirable conveyance to New York. On tbe completion of the Atlanta in tbe antuma (hi* lino will bo semi-weekly—sailing each Wednesday and Saturday. Cobin pm sago 926. Steerage, |9. PADELFtlKD, FAY k Co.. Agent* io Savannah. SAM’L L. MITCHEIX, Ju(ie5 18 Broadway, New York. PHIL ADELPHIAAND8 AVA 6 * WATCHES, JEWELRY, And Flinty Goods. RECEIVING by every arrival of the Steamers fresh itiuns. making the best assortment in this city, of al) kind* of Watches, Jowolry. Fancy Goods, Silver Spoons, Forks, Pitchers, Tea Sots, Cups, Syphons, Plated Castors, and every variety orartiries connected with our lino nf business; all of which will he sold aa low a* In any city In tho Union. D. B. NICJIOL8. Particular attention given to tho Repairingof Watch es and Jewelry. no 20 NB W JEWELRY, FINE WATCHES, Ate. A.t THE undersigned Is now opening a splendid assort- (Ilf ment of rich JEWELRY,embracing the recent pattern* wL/of Ear-rings, Pin*, Bracelet* and Finger-ring*, among ft which arc soroo fine diamond settings,from 610 to 6600. Y Also, twenty-fire sets of those unique Pearl Sets of Ear- ja^rlns* and Brooches, from $18 to 6125 tho set, newest \wJnnd rarest pattarns; together witha very aelectassort- ^ment nf extra fine IFofcAe* set in pearl, diamond, hun ting and plain cases. These, with a further assortment ‘ good Jewelry. Sterling Silver Rots, Spoon*. Fork*. La£*' Cup*, fcc.. and Plated Ware or nil kin 'a. Fancy Work Dressing Cases, Folios, Clock*, Bronze Figure*, gold ‘ * nn edCauet.CuUtory.&a.. render* Ufa assottment 6 — plete, and unsurpassed in the State, either In qyjcHulJ/* Ay-Strict attention paid to repairing r* tcbe *: ® b,cb,p and jewelry. oou NAII STEAM NAVIGATION Cl , Tbo newandaplendld«tdo-who*l 8team»li»- STATE OF GEORGIA, oriioo tonsrat&'f* Cnptajfi WiluamColuxb, ban conimeiieod herRafr“ r , ir| l*; anJlWll loavo Sat^xxh on Wcdoetoav^™ 6 -toy ot ■ May. [and every alternate «J** u * the ijt, 15th nud 29lh of Juno, a*- 1 ™ 11 tn<l C*/In Passage to l’hifade.q^'-V “ « * through ^ New York. .. . . . .. . „ .25 00 SCaEhi few tiiiBbnftVwifil Virtir* ijiiid lo aadhtr, cra-S,tell, nn.1 oiler, newnnrt nrtmlnibl. f.cllllle. I- bn.L.nrt t r .l. fipgZSSSSZ “ nvajl7 HERON >'MARTIN. Agents, Philadelphia 1 . sr,,,' pHiL,Ajw£LPHlA~FARE REDUCED. 1Jh sail r*» n»to«loy Afternoon, June lift, al 4 o'clock. The fine aide-wheel steamship OSPREY, ^tun* burthon.J.Bmxrrr, commander, wl mnexd schedule every other Saturday. .1, IL 111 lea FROM CHARLWITON. Il Wuly ..V, July.... August, ‘ igur.t. ptei from naumanu. ' ..23 Sept 17 June 4 Octolwr... l| June,.. October .. ,16|]Jnly.,...... October ...29 July 1* November..12 I July,. 80 Nor ember.. 2fil I August.... .13 December.. 10| | August 27 8ept.., Sept 24 October.... 8 October..,. 22 November. 6 November .10 December.. 9 916 that they hare o' ]“," d t ""JI*, ll ,b f t “ JJj S«lH* bj £nn* fc SfWWtoH-f. Boardinau fc Gray, liStefcMS-TlSSSJi«■!>». «U well known to life \ i in I heir large aMorln.cnt.- TW Di f «n«-. arn Ifl rtp»^ nep Rnd beauUfaU* finished in Rose Woot! Black \\y*ut.nnd Bsliogany. with iron frame* made toilio mo*t *"'» workmanlike manner.- Alio the *tfo o^ ra,c '> m ' nn rinno Fortes, Which for fi!rir«w.».ttne«rtH onob,VB not liecn eqiisllw). All these in.imninnii. V vo iiietallcframe.* which remlcr tliom pecull- arlv »„iled climate, preventing necessity of tuning m ^f,n*J/ier*lg nc d are Agents for Henri Ilcrt’s. celohratod O rnn ,iPfanos. made in Paris, For Power and beauty of tone, the* aland pre-eminent. <*APUKT'8Mn/ibioxa.—Till* Vsuliful toned wind instm- (oepf■manufactured by Cariiartfc Needham, N. Y..for village pur|iosrs. 1/xlgcs.Soronadlng Parties, and tiie private prnc- thu of Organists, posseiwlng a sweet and powerful tone, they have also for sale. All those instrument* will to disposed of on tho most accommodating terms. Tho price* of the l’l- auos ranging from 6176 to $1,000. l.W.UORRF.LL&Co >g experienced reimmieii. pledge tlieinm-lve* to c-mV^ 1 'J!" awdfsgonaams TrJP .,,n.'frnVu S fnr a Irpifllinff public t„ mil fninV Ills two polill. In n mirei, 1 ! J SBM,]'? r £ j™. n S nlnk™i'VI,™ iHitterHtylu. mill iinlclipr limn, Ihiinnypr lmfi.rortiinn nt fi? [Tf - jIKLS VbilJ !Sn il.rt iff “ Vfal'ler* VnVfanfliios^wuTicu^ariv "Jin^T.dlt ^V^ncnt of there favorite and' justly 1 celchratwl InsC ?_ n . V 1 } fl '"' '* Nenl*. For durability they can to fully warranted, whilst . ... .. .. -Id ly to their cmnfett an>l interest to call f»r our coaches. Wo meet both tho day nnd night trains of ears. R. J. fc C. !.. VARNER. Indian Springs. Juno 10. tllAul6—June23 L. S. BENNETT fii CO., 1 SUCCESSORS Tf» J. C. THORNTON. Havlug purchased the entire interest of Mr. . ...J- C. Tiioii.vtox in Ids Carriaeo cslnhlfalimont in tlflscftyr mTist respoctfiilly solicit a continuation of the ex- tousivo patronage so liberally bestowed on tho late proprie tor. Ui* our Intention to keep a large and extensive as- fuwtmcnt of all kinds of Carrinee*. suited to this market. The late proprietor. Mr. .1 C.Thornton, will act a* our ngent at the north, for the purchase ami supply of our establish ment. HI* experience of twenty year* in tho business at the South. will4n*tiio to our friend* nnd liatrons such a well selected stock ns cannot fall to give entire satisfaction. Mr. Ubcnkit wilt give hi* personal attention to all kind of repairing, a* heretofore. LEWIS 8. BENNETT. THOMAS A. BROWN. niaylO JUDGE W. HARRIS. A CARD.—It will bo seen from tho abore. tlmt I have sold out to Messrs. L. 8. Brn.nctt fc On., nnd 1 have orery confi dence in tho ability of these gentlemen, hath in capability nnd capital, to successfully conduct tho business, and keep up tlm reputation of the establishment. Mr. Lkvvis 8. Hkn'Wtt ha* been my foreman for tho fast two years, and 1 take pleasure in recommending him to the public a* nn industrious, capable and deserving man. who. while looking to Ills own Interest, will not neglect thoso of liis patrons. In relinquishing my business in this place, 1 toko the op- |H>rtunity to sny, tlint it is not from any dissatisfaction whatever, Fiuce my residence In tho city of Savannah. I hare been kindly nnd generously treated, and have suc ceeded much totter than I anticipated. In tho courso 1 lmvo just taken. I have torn prompted liy considerations ofa prlvato chsractcr altogether; wherever I may be, I shall always carry with mo the liveliest sense nf obligation, nnd cherish tho deepest interest in llio pros- perity nnd advancement of tlie ciir nnd its people. Noth ing will do more to effect tills, than the sustaining of a ••jr superiority oft0110 and touch fa evident and acknowl- “''{Hby the most casual observer, as well ns the critical rJ|"‘N*oiir. lhe failles are respectfully Invited to view "‘.jfvStrument*. An arrrangement having been effected our most eminent I'innfat* for the purpose, they can also bV na y Cl | j 0 judge nf the tone. Second F. ’/OGDAUM fc CO.. Market-square, and repaired. HOME M.VNU ml riauo* taken in exchange, also tuned JelT STRAW BONNERS AND IIAT8 cleansed, repair- 'ed and prettied in tlie latest fashion. —Three Apprentice* and three Bonnet (fewer* are wanted tbe Droughton-atreet Trimming and General Variety Store doo!2 OU-PARTE1UUIH* NOTICE; Tbe undersigned havaaesnchited themselves to gether, under the name anil style of Murphy fc De- vanny, for tlie transaction of general Boot and Shoo budnes*, having tho stand on the corner of rongress and Wliiiakcr-slrects, formerly occupied bv M. rreodergnst. They are now prepared to offer to their frlonde and the public, a well xoloctod stock of ladles’ and Geulle- men’s uoot*, Shoes, fcc., which they will sell cliesp for cash. J 3 /. MURPHY fc DEVANNY. AMOiiBisnop op Titebks.—We learn from tho Cfttho/ic Minor, that Monsignor Beillni, Archbishop ot Thebes, anil Nnncio of the Ilolj Sco at the Court of Uri'zil, accompanied by his Secretary, Reverend Mr. Virtue, of I.ondon, arrived In this city from WaHMngtoQ, on Wednesday, and is tho quest of Arch bishop Kenrick.—Balt. American, 1WA inst. Arhval op tub Danikl Wrbstrb.—Tlie steamer Daniel Webster, from San Juan, July Bth, urrivod at New Tork on tho 16th inst. Tho Promntbeua loft on ho saiac day lor New Orleans. Tho corps of officers andcr the command of Capt. Palmer,of tho United States Const Snrvoy, havo completed their survey of tho Rapnahannoch river, from Fre&rickflburg down to Port Ifoyal, Va., and nontponed the further iirosocutlon of tbe work tiir ;he raontli if Octotor. Jonny Lind Goldschmidt is said to bo the lmppy mother of ajfluo daughter. DRY FEET PRESERVES THE HEALTH.—Just a few cases watcr-prisif Bout*; also, a lot-nf thick pegged Bnots.'togcther with a fine as- - '*ortmnut nf Gentlsmrn’s and Indio*’ over Shoes, •onm or a new and approved *tyto. which will to sold atlow p-lw- bj It, (iANIO*/f k ooTno. llrj.n .tmU All In want will plea** call and Judge for themselves. DANIEL CHOMLAY, FASHIONABIJ-: BOOT MAKER—Comer of Brough- Hi* aubicrltor dcilrcs to In- J fan and HuU-iirtets.-JTb* Rirm th* public that to has niwnml aa above, where ho U premnsl. to *x«euta orders for Boot* of the finest Ibifali and style, and equal, If not superior to any toretofaro offered to th» public. Ilaviug many friends in thi*State who Irnva tocu his natron* In Charleston, respect- fully solicit* from thorn and (lie public a call and a trial mill? X uanuiETiLAn. .. Afresh assortment of bolh cotton uud silk, juft re ceived and for sal* low. by jr-fa . J, H. .COHEN fc OO., 140 Bronfcltton.«t PARASOfflAND* UMRRELLAR^Aa aAMrtment ol ogham Umbrella*. Also, low priced and fine oat racrirwl and for »*fa by DlWlIT k MORGAN. gA± PARA80IB TptiSt HE A LEI., rpiJEsubxcri L ust, on Friday evening, Juuo 25th, a small Memoran dum Piakrtbook of no value to any one but lhe owner, with hi* naink writtcu ou tho inside. A litoral reward will to given if lek with NICHOLAS CRUGER, T 84 fry-strebt, T O IliRE—A good Cook. (Washer and Ironei. Fur term*, which will be low, apply to jjrl3—0 I CBUCER fc WADE. 81 Bay-*treet. STATE FOR BALE UIl LEASE, jrljier offers far salo. a number of Building tot* A in Oglethirpo Town, near the contemplated railroad depot- He will also lease, for a term of five, ton, fifteen nr twenty years, a nnmtor of otbor lot* In the>Jclnlly of the •toeo. JunelO—law3m X, WEBB, ■QARERE3 and Grwadlnea, organdie and JacoaeVmualln* XJ nentch aud French giiidiams. lawn* nnd FVcnoh cam- brie*, figured anil plain Swl** muslins, pfald omihrlc and India mnll*. nml other style* of dress -ood*. fa» sale at the lowest price*, by J»{d8 DkWITT & 1IQRGAN. L ADIES’ GAUNTLKrS,—Just received, a boiutlfol as- HDrtmcnt nf ladioe’ buck-akin gauntlets, tf various colors, for sale by _may 25 ATKINA BURNS. tustalnlng let tho good tieupleof - « ...—. . C. THORS’ liculthy and honorable competition, the City nnd State »eolo ItT Savannah, fltli May. 1863. N. B.—Mr. H. D. w. Ai.KXAxnrn I* my legally authorized agent for tho transaction and closing up of my business. maylO J. C. THORNTON. 1IVVINO HOUSE, WoMi.npton, Distrut of Jii| Columbia.—Tbe undersigned, late proprietor of Hill. French’s Hotel. Norfolk, Va.. having recently leased the above popular estaMIshraent. take* plcnsure In Inform ing Id* numerous friend* that ho has. at great labor nnd expense, refitted anil famished the house nud provided tbe most ample arrangements for tho comfort and convenience of all who may favor him with tliclr patronage. Haring had considerable experience In hotel-kenbing ho flatters himself that families and single boarder* can be ne coniiuodated at the Irving a* tatfafaclorily os at any other hotel or boarding houso iu the United State*. Member* of Congress and other* visiting Washington, with a view to reside there for sown time, would do well to examine this house before making arrangcmcnUelsewherc. It is eligibly situated at the corner of 12tn street and Penn sylvania avenue, midway between the Capitol and Depart ments. Tlie building 1s large and of modem architecture, the rooms are spacious and well ventilated, and the furni ture Is new and of the best des’riptlon. Stitt Getter.—Tho charges are moderate nnd In accord ance with the times, whilst the tables groan with the tost that the country affords. Call, examine, and svtlsfy your selves. DANIEL D. FRENCH. Washington. D. O.. Juno 1.1853 Je7 WE are constantly recolvlng these raluable «SSsS^Ca*os. *nd have them ahrifys in readlnoMto be delivered at Uie shortest notice, I. W. MORRELL A CO N. B.—We are permitted to Inform tho publlo that we havo received from Mr. Raymond, of New York citv, a let ter signed by the different member* of the United State* Senate, who were appointed to take chant® of the body of the Hon. IIkxht Cmt, deceased, (which was enclosed In nne of Fwk’h Metatic Clues.) and who wont with it to Kentucky; they say to Mr. Raymond, that the Caso answered the pur pose for which it was Intended, and meets with thoirnnpro- hatinn, and they cheerfully recommend It to the public aa being snjierlor to any other Case for the transportation ol the dead. The letter can bo aeon by calling on feh!4 I. W. MORREIJ, k CO T OOKING-GLASSES—'Toilet nod Swing, Tot sale by LA may20 • J. P. PMJJNB. Bry«n-»tre< OKED IfWOUKij bbl* just received and for sale by . _mti A. BONAUD. B ALTIMORE FLOUR—100 barrel* IIoward-*t. flour, for JOta by apl28 ROWLAND A CO. AND BEEF.—300 bbls Baltimore Flour, »0 do £ of whom I bouRltt 1,1,0. .T»,nt, jjM. ' h "“ i 'r» PARTICULAR NOTICE. BELDEN fc (X).. JbntnnaA, comer if Nroughton and Bamard-Hredt. gTI To 1'uurrnw, Mwcuantb and irraxne visntyo.ggm| JU^8avaknau to ur in thdx sermw.—The un<lrn.^jgV signed would eall particular attention to their exton- ■" slro wholesale and reUil HAT AND GAP ESTABLISHMENT. Out goods are mostly nf aur own manufacture, and can therefore to add cheaper, because they are not burtboned with jobber’s profits, while for quality and style they will compare with anything to the market. Having permanently located In Savannah, we are deter* mined to seen ro patronage by selling good bargains, dealing fairly with all men, and cross-lifllog with none. We ar* it league with nn 8U00, Clothing or ailiorestablishment, eith er for mutual benefit, or fi r the purpose of keeping custom- rr* away from those bouse* where they can buy cheapest. We expect every customer to Judge for himself, andir wo cannot suit him, wllltake pleasure in referring him tooth ers who can. BELDEN A OO, jan27 Gr. Broughton and Barnard-st. CANARY CAGES J5Y THE LABt OTKAKKIW- A variety of now and beaiitlfol pattern* of canar/ Cages Just received.' Tims* dcslirtu* .l h hand- soum Ctgc, and one proof against Miles,Vnse only to make an early call fop a choice from a fine a* Bortiuent. ' ' ' ’ mh28 - J- P. OOLTJNS. 100 Bryan-at TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS RF.WARD—My.liagro man. Kara, runaway last Saturday night, tlie 26th He I* rather light ootnplected. about five feot ten in* jdie* high, and be formerly belonged to Mr. Holiday, In Chatham county. He was sold to Mr.: Wright In Savan nah, of whom I bought him. -Twenty dollar*, reward will CTOUY—AMEIUCAN SOAP T^Cfewto!^P'ircbnsod the right or Messrs A Cowfes fcCo of Nov Y '„r k , to manufacture tho fid lowing kind* of Soap, i* , te . American f team So*p Ifemrs * •• toundry in maaL * “ Toilet (Ainilivo)V, roa i| i,. r , “ Shaving Soap In vXf 1,1 Uar ' “ Cream in po\ Crcnm »«p pnpinilion In blli.V lh „ um „ r ,«*•«• «*rt«arrt». ta.. ''I, I-- J rtten. 1 .rt «i h. »nrt „„l on..f„ ur l!£y, 0 ' Llbor h r „. qulruil to dn tlm washing ut a family. Washing fa done my inearly rubbing tliov^p on jj 10 parts mostly willed, then place them In water <hqi e i ( . D t to cover tlmm. nnd lot them remain a few hours, theT w i.j, _ guild hand rubbing nnd thorough rinsing tlmy wllry feetly clean aim licnutifully bleached, nnd without injnL , ‘ tlm most drilcnto fabric. A call nnd trial I* ronix-ctfullyl licitod. \V. K. MftNGlN, I'll Urooghton-stri-i-ct>" N. U.—Tlicie Soaps wash with either hanl, salt or soft' water. june24 E MBROIDERIES, fcc.—Muslin and laco Clunnlsett* nud Collars, face, muslin and cambric SI wives. Jaconet nud Swiss Llglngs and Inverting*. Swiss and cambric Bands, lawn and cambric Handkerchiefs, black lace Mantillas, Valencia nnd thread Edging* and Inserting*, lionnot Rib bons. etc., etc, for snlo by mhO HENRY LATHROP ACO. S UMMER QUli.TS, linen sheeting, pillowcase linen, whito nnd colored linen drillings, blenched nnd brown sheet ings, etri|»« nnd plnbl sntm jeans for boys’ wear, black ba rege, grenadine nnd crape de Pari*, mourning muslins, par asols nnd umbrella*, for safe low by mny22 DkWITT fc MORGAN. N EW GOODS prat STEAMER.—Toll do India for travel- ling dresxes. French printed Jaconets and cambrics, figured and plain swis* muriln*. plaid aud stripe ewlei and cambric muslins, nsnsook, jaconet aud mull musllna am broldered clear lawn hdkfs., N W collars and cambrlo, and cambric and swiss hands, ribbon*, hosiery, cloves, fco., juat received by wm?» IfaWl lT fc MORGAN. T O BUIIJIERS.—Foaled proposal* will toreceired by the undersigned, until the 26th of June next, to furnish all tho materials and erect the keeper’s dwelling nnd office ot Laurel Grove Ccniotory, according to plan and specifica tions to to seen at Messrs. Sholl fc Fav’a. Architects. JOHN MAIJ.EKY. Chairman rony22 Committee on Health and Cemetery. D RY GCX1DB—At Reduced Prices—The subscribers are of ferlng the balance of their Suimnor stock of Dry Goods consisting of Barcges.Printed Jaconctsand Organdies,French Cambrics and Ginghams, Printed and Plaid India Silk*. AL so. Summer Quilts. Linen Cambric Hand kerchiefs, N W Col lars. Ac.,at a great reductionfrem former prices. Jy6 ‘ DEWITT A MORGAN T OKAY WINE.—Just received, 13 doxon Tokay wine.'for saleby Junol A. BONAUD. WATICR-CURB INSTITUTE—MILLKDGK- VILI.B, GEORGIA. D R. E. G. DOYLE take* pleasure iu announcing to Inva lid* and tho public generally, that the above popular and superiorly appointed establishment, formerly conduct ed by T. Carlton Conic. M P.. is now ready for the recep tion of patient* seeking a restoration to health. All chrouie disease* of the human organism successfully treated at this institute: dyspopiia, gout, rheumatism, constipation, hemorrhoid* or piles, hemorrhage*, amen- orrhera, raenorrhm, dysmenorrlicca, floor albus, genital dl»- placement*,affections of the eye* »nd ears, totter, ory- sljiefa* and all ebronlc diseases of the skin and scalp, scro* tula, dropsy, Syphilis, and the humoral dltoasea g.-neral- ly, neuralgia, sciatica, tic douloureux, hysteria, epilepsy or tho railing sickness, virtlgn. paralysis, apopU-cttc tenden cy. bronchitis, asthma, chronic Inflnnmtion ol the stomach and bowels, atrophy, and indeed every possible bablt of, or chron'c diseased action that fa curable—and all diseases are curable. If no organic lesion be present. The Ladies’ Department fa under the Immediate supervi sion of that accomplished fade, Mr*. Jaw Mattoxw8. so well known to the old natrons of tne establishment Th* facilities which tbfalnstltation offer* for the pro*ecu- September.. 3 Cabin passage Steerage u Through ticket* to New York 17 Thi* ship has been thoroughly overhauled and furnished ith new boilers, and a Urge aud elegant dining saloon on deck, with every arrangement that can add to the comfort of passengers. In Philadelphia, this ship occupies the same wharf as tha Liverpool steamship* City of Glasgow nnd City of Manches ter. at the foot of Queen street, aud Central wharf, Charles ton. Freight on all perfahable articlei must to pre.pald. For freight or passago, apply to H. F. BAKER & 00„ Accommodation wharf, Charleston. SAMUEL T. PERCE, June7 Agent, Philadelphia. UNITKD STATES MAliTT.INK. Through in 60 to 66 hour*.— Art# Tork- and Charlatan Steam Pack*}*—I cav* Adgi r's Wharves every Faturday Afternoon, and csrli alternate Wednesday. On Saturday the now and splendid Steamships JAMES AUGER. Captain J. Dickinson, 1,600 ton* MARION. Captain it. Bkrry, 1,200 tons. SOUTHERNER. Cajdain W. Fosrun, 1,000 tons, will leave each altennato Wednosd y, having been newly coppered and guards raised, Is now in completo order. . For freight or passsgo. having elegant state room accmnj ‘ mod*tions, apply at the oflico of the Agent. HFJJRY inSSROON, Corner East Ray and Adger A Son's Wham s. N. B.—A new ship will to placed In the line to connref with the Southerner on Wednesdays. feblO • -grqPjCft*. UNITKD STATES MAIL STJEAM.: ^BfflflgaiiiP LSAREIi, William Rollins, Commands,' totwten Savannah, Koy We»t and Havana, connecting with the tbe TacUio Mail Steamship Company’s line for Cal ifornia. This splendid sea steamship will hereafter leave Savanna for Key West and Havana, on the I5th and 80th of each month, and from Havana for Savannah on the 8th and 22d of each month. The Isabel wilt connect at Havana with tha U. 8. Mall Steamship Company’s line to Aapinwall.and tbe Poeifla mall line from Panama to California and Oregon. Passenger* will bo landed at the railroad wharf at Aspin* wall free. Transit at the Isthmus at tho passengers’ ex pense. The Isabel will also connect at Havana with the U. 8. mall Steam Company’* line at New Orleans. Tickets for K»y West and Havana can to bad of COHENS A HERTZ. Agents at Savannah. Ticket* for New Orleans, Asplnwall and San Francisco, c^n JanJ3 UNXTRDllTATKR MAIL, I A CO, Agents, Charleston From Maeon, Ga., to Tollalmasee, Fin. Railroad to Oglethorp—Stages to Thtlahauee. fiwppj? s%srssi cointnenccu on the 0th in*t.. running three times a week via. Nowton, Baintirldge. and Quincy, and three times a week vla.ThomaavBfa.Duncansvlllo, fco. Passengers by this route will lenve Macon at half past 6 o’clock, A. M., by Rnllroad for Oglethorpe. Tho 8tag*i leaving Oglrthorgc either way at 11 o’olock, arriving at Tufa lahnssee. at 10 o'clock on tho evening of the next day—tlm* by either route 35 hour*. Monday, Wednesday and Fridar, by Newton. Bainhrldg* Vtd Quincy, to Tallahassee returning, leave* Tallahassee on ’rejday*. Tuesdays and Thursdays, at 10, P. M. Tlmrsdsys, and Saturdays, by tho wav ol ‘^“jjjrei 11 *—returning aame routo on Mondays, Wsdnesds y» l„15 r ?''^frora Oglethorpe toTalfahsssev by either rout* hours* 0Ur *~ <rt?in ^l ncon ‘ n38 ~ an 'l from Savannah In 50 this route P*>,enger« losving Savannah by 8 o’oloc T 11 * derive at Tallahassee In 60 hour*. It i* for J * tb ? b°*'-cheapest and most expeditious routs v -V lter * A P»1* chi cola and West Florida. OUTH-WESTfcnv RAILRjOATI A WILY TRAIN for passengersfe ftTe . XJicon atilt' A H. arrive at OgfathWpo a? 10J?r" if tosCe. ifci« thurnent 11 jy. A. M„ arrive* at Macon at au p u %, n nectiug each way with the Central and Maoon’sv^ Woatorn in and the Tallaluwsee Mall Stage Line. PasxnwVl b at Fort Valley at 1V, P. M. " ,,n V:rs W. ADAMS, Superintendent. MACON ANDJWB8TOi^RAf£R«ADr m feawaal, ‘TJUTTtH AN'D r-^i.^,Sk.jl.lloic.Oo- tion of a strictly hydropathic and hygienic course of treat. ment. together with Us easiness of access from all point* In Georgia, and the adjoining States, renders it peculiarly adapted to the wants of invalids, desirous of availing them selves of the ofllcacy of the water-cure. Tlm purity or the water and accommodations for gue*t*. are too wellknown to need qomment In fitting up the ettahlfahmeut no expenu has been spar ed that could ronduce to make It one or tbe mo*t dcsfrablo places of resort for Invalids In the United State*. Patient* will be required to furnish (hair own ont-flt.— Tlmso will consist of.friction sheets and towels, compressor, and blankets, for sudorifio purpose*.. All of which can to purchased here on tbe moat reasonable terms. Touts—Professional attention, use *f bath*, fcc ,910 per week—board 96 por week—payable monthly. • torrent* boarded and treated for 910 p«r week. AU latter* of Inquiry promptly answered. . Juna# . DYING AND RSJNOVATING.' ‘ L ADIES' 8Uk and Drewc*,Bhawl«, TaUa Oarer*, Ac., cloaned and dyed various colors, Todies’ Ramie U Blanched and Pressed In » faihlpnahl* sty)*, Kid Glorea, Cleaned,and Gentlemen’s Garments deaney Kenaratad or Dy*d t os may to required. AUdono In the same style which ho* generally *0 much pleased my patpoa 0&4 friend*.— Tara* tuodersta. ■ f . ! Paradna sending porceU by* Harhdc/a expren- reUrtod or ntoamtoats. ora ruqu«*ted to wrlteyue per that I may know when to coll far them M which way to scad - sfkmtxa. to C. fclAW. A. A.'FiaiiK *u BOUT Agent at Oglethorpe, Fmiiicr, •* .< Ifitfahassoe. F, K. WRIGHT, Proprietor i Mail Train. Leave* Macon daily, at 8 o’olock, P. M. “ Atlanta “ « flV u P. M. /CONNECTING at Atlanta with tha Train* of th* Westers v and Atlantic and IaOrange Roads, and with the Ifay Train of the Georgia Road, and at Mar'k with th* Pay Trains of tbs Central and South-western ».u*d*. Passenger will arrive In Macon at Ufa. and at Atlanta at IK, haring the remainder of the night for rest. l’ssMjgera going 8outh, via Montgomery, (Ala.) whv leave 8#annon at 8 A. M., will arrive at Monigomery In for- ty^gh^houre, Including all stopirage«,and only ten hour* AcconmodatlonTraloi.TYi-Weekly, will leave Macon *v#ry Monde] Wednesday and Filday. at 8'o’clock, A. M. Bel turnlngfaavo Atlanta every Tuesday, Thursday and totar. day. at K A. M. This Train will connect with the Night Train .1 the Georgia Road at AUanUuand with tha Night Train 0 the Central Road at Macon. Passenger* by th* as. ward T in can dine at Qriffln. EMERSON FOOTE, Sup’t* JUm , May 174852. 3mo Jy M Tf~THB MMIHWETHEil SPIUNUST . frect route from Savannah and Macon to th* Merlwsher Spring*, via Central.8outh-we*tenj, and Musoo. gee Hllroad*. and jmst coaches, throueh In tweaty-two 1- .... lirtursleaving Savannah at 8 o’clock, P. M., arriving at the [e and all diseases are Sprfafa at 8 o’clock, P. M.,—twenty-eight mile* staging to Wan Springs: Farfrum Savannah to WamSprlnge. IBM Fartfrom Savannah to Chalybeata Springe 10 SO Farifrom Maeon to Warm Springs g (p> Fkrj rrem Macon to Chalybeate Spring* 6 00 irerenre* may alway* b* obtained from thaWarm . -g« to either the Sulphur or Chalybeate. iiieO—lm W. M. WADIJBr, Gen.8up.ft R.R T BRACK. YARD FOR 1U9NT. ^ - HB {Mbscritor wiR rant hi* Brick Yard, on th* «t* un * drrbolt Road, about one mile from the Exchs^tf®, for » t*tm of yean. There fa a good DwtUlnw pre™**®*, wRhouaellding* for laborers. For for^r^rtjwlaraap- \jum19 ^178 Broughton-kfrreto* ;| eI to arrive, pw brtf Wa*. OGDEN fc BUNKER, pHAMPAGNE--l60*A*to eupertor Champagnn,vl* w VJ Heldslck, Mssto.VwtMj and Lona Btar. tB etOra and .* jun*60 v. ' J. RORSlAU. • iinelS 1 ATIJiC—176,000 laths, for J-i ter Witch. Apply to Jnne20 ^ rf a>h.nrtto,u,,u»rt^ft» Ei a ta „^