Newspaper Page Text
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Son U <«»»' W «»/ «uV»orlW»i uA
^ to*n, c y un i [{,. rfl .vary morning. The evening
!■ tpsaeaissBum <&•«.
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I f^SttoSJSS"*Vl- tub.
‘""“if r
I 2H^r.V.imuAi. l»8Un*NCB CO.
SlVM™ 4 " USaiH |M<.'utofw.»*rtM ni.4 Elm ni.k.on
ThU CoWp ia J r *'
**«*■. J.R. Wilder,I.
<J2llS.i U 4. , K , n,S.B.K»PP, H.«t lAthrop
pdlX*"* IIEXEV E. wrai. Pronllonb
eB ? „, wublnjton tata >’«“• ll “' 1 “* ko -
nod In oooplolo tunulnj ordtr.
tnd .IB print n lotm 53*85)!
** * ,h. I.IM of Hof. Pmu, nn.l
to It., tlmn It. -.In® for tn.H or npptnt.d pn.
a ruCnV«r,bt,n,.r.rl.. 'V.nUob.,. t o*.
.!*■“ , t ‘,.,|tk..tolunm .ml bond ru!..,duh.nd
limit, lend., tot. .ndmnnjnth.r nrtltlo. .hltb.o
J^nlUt.*o.n. diltonnt from orlgin.l tp.t. Al.o,
l.of.itl-un "'°ln |, e jrircn on nddrcallng till. office.
W» *"'IS HILTON ft liANAHf.,
4»ll ■— - ———
Iirsc diioeaton agency.
„ .. .1.1,1 nit lo .tnd for tholr frltnd. and dtilron. of
il'l lb.m out by llr.t clnm pntktt >blp«. «ro Informed
^“writer. .mtb. only AgonU forlbt.bor. .gon-
"n '"Uto.ulborlrtd lo draw on Merer.. Wm.T.pKotl
. A li..-P»bl" <“">» 41 *“' 1 wl,lcl !
j onrotl.blt in any town throughout Inlandland
Sl'SSf Dreft-ou Pranco nod Germany, tiayuble In
SrK the Continent. afro Tor *nle. Apply to
SLly DUSKER * OODEy.80Uay.ntrect
Aillt'ltV HULL President and Treasurer.
m\' CHASE, Sec'ry. | C. F. McKAV. Actuary.
n f unl'eniitned. Agent of the above Company, continue*
t,Ukelbefollowing Rfrk*. viz.: Marine, River nml Fire
klioootlie Live* oftfer vants.
Uwof'Vlilte Person* are afro taken by thla Company
Vnditr* premium for residing In the South.
*’ p WILLIAM KINO, Agent,
Corn* of Ray and Dray ton-street*.
I. JC u>
Having purchased the entire Interest of Mr.
o. Thoiwto.V in hie Carriage eefrblfrbment in
tWacUyluwet reapeetfully aolleU a continuation of tho eg.
lenitive patronage *o liberally bestowed on the late proprie
tor, HU our Intention to keep a large and extensive a*
aortmenluf all kind* of Carriage*. lulled ,to title markot.
Hie late proprietor. Mr. J C. Thornton, wiliest M our agent
at the nnrtb, for the.purcliaoo and supply of our c*tnbll*h-
went. Hie experience of twenty year* In the bualnraa at
the South, will Insure to our fHenda and patron* aucha
well selected stock aa cannot flail to give entire satisfaction.
Mr. Rcvwrrr wilt give his personal attention to all kind of
repairing, aa heretofore. 1 • LEWIS 8. BENNETT.
A CARD.—It will be aeen from the above, that I have aold
out to Meaara. L. 8, Ihwmnr A Co,, and I have every confi
dence in the ability of these gentlemen, both In capability
and capital, to aucoeeafulty conduct the buaineaa, nud keep
up Uie repuUtion of the eatabllnhment.
Mr. iJtwaS. Btxnrrr haa been my foreman for the laat
two years, and I take pleasure in recommending him to the
Hoar v - jf*■’ JJ ‘"—'
as an. Industrious, capable and deserving man, who.
Interest, will not negleot those of
publii r ,
while looking to his own
hU patrons.
In relinquishing my business in this place, 1 tako the op.
portunlly to say, that It is not from any dissatisfaction
wbatevor. Blncomy resldeubo In the city of Savannah, I
have been kindly and generously treated, and have suc
ceeded muoh better than 1 anticipated.
In the courso I have Just taken. I have been prompted by
considerations of a private character altogether; wherever
I may be, I rhall always carry with mo the liveliest sense
of obligation, and cherish the deepest Interest In tho pros-
perlty and advancement of the city and lU people. Noth
ing will do more to effect this, than the sustaining of a
healthy and honorable competition. Let the good people of
the City and State see to it. J. C. THORNTON.
N. B.—Mr. H. D. w. Auoukdxr Is my legally authorixed
agent for the transaction and closing up or my business.
maylO J. 0. THORNTON.
scriber having Just removed tflNo. 21 Rull-street, (be
tween Congress and Broughton-sMeets.l would Inform his
friends and the publio generally.-that he will open Tins
Day. his second supply of Fall and Winter Goods, consisting
of the best French, English and American Cloths, Caskl*
meres and Vestings, purchased from tho most extensive im-
K rters In New York, which ho Is prepared to make up In
b best and most fashionable styles,
decl M. I). MOUTHY.
S COTCH ALE—Just received, 10 ciiks Falkirk Ale. In
pints, for sale by mh2fl J, RQP88RAU,
CJOAP AND CANDLES.—160 boxesSoap bt various kinds,
O 100 do Candles, received and fbr sale by
mhl4 MoMAHON k DOY1.R
StAnfrJTSHAY'S HAM8,—M tierces of ii»o above celT-
5 mi;5M k, > ,nU.n4 l .,.w4fta.,Bk fa|t . tTO[|icK
S TRING AND HUMMER CIiOTHINO-Just received an as-
sortment of ill ~ "*
sprtment of lino Clothing, at 147 Rs^stroot
T ENNKNT f 8 ALE.—25 casks Tenm-nt’s superior Ale iu
pint bottles, 10 do Falkirk Ale, 20 do Londoii Porter,
* sale by apUO W. W. GOODRICH.
IKEY WINE—A superior article, strongly wenmmend-
mOKEY WINE—A superior artk
X ed, direct from the Importers, and for sal
l ioNtm
T EA.—Just received. 10 ohosts Young and Old Hyson,
Imperial and Black Teas, In metallc packages, of supe-
rlor quality, for sale by
send’s, 1 do 8 P Townsend's, also, Fands', Ellis’, and
Bull’s Sarsaparilla, Just received and fur sate by
mhlO W. W. LINCOLN, Monument square.
T OBACCO—10 cases superior Virginia Gold Leaf Tobacco
12 do Diamond Twist do. 10 boxes tl lb. extra El Dora
do do, 26 do W T Law’s best do. 80 do Carroll's Gold Leal
do. for sal# by tnhO J. V. CONNKRAT k CO.
rjiRIMMINGS —Trimming braid, colored silk and linen do
_ colored silik. linen and gl
open worked hose and half li
vinegar, just landed from steamship State or
* • E. W.BUKER.
Georgia, for sale by,
"y^HlTKand colored curatln and
i*. for sale by
received and fur sale by
1-4, 6-4 and 0-4, jus
jt-xxxz* WO hbls UaUInlore FJmlr. 60 do Genosseo do, .
16=1=3325 do Hiram Smith do. 50 hairdo Canal do,'
|Hi u hbbls nutter Crackers. 25 do Sugar do.
•■^^■60 boxes H«la do, 6 bags toft shelled Almonds,
100 whole, hiilf.nnd quarter boxes Raisins,
200 boxes srwrm. adamantine trad tallow Onndles,
IPO do Polo and No, 1 Boon. 25 do do do Starch.
20 do Ground 1 IVpper, In if lh papers. 200 do table Salt
100 elglilh. quarter nnd'lmlfcliests Tea,
200 do Tobacco, assorted qualities.
100 bags Rio CtofToo. 60 do Java do,
50 bbls Stuart's refined-B At0 Sugar.
60 do circle A crashed do. 10 do mfluml do,
20 hhds Porto Rica Sugar, 10 do New Orleans do,
10 boxes Loaf do. 200 bbls Domestic Liquors.
, 20 cases aVd Pickles, 80,000 8>-gara, ax'd qualities,
50 gross Pipes. 100 reams Wrapping Paper,
60 rtox Brdoms, 100 Detnljons. 1. 2.5and 6 gallons,
BOO newsugnr-ciired Hams, 6 lilols Sides,
6 hhds Shoulders, 100 sacks Salt.
. 10 tierces new Cuba Molasses. 60 bbls do do,
10 do Stuart’s sugar-house Syrup,
And a general assortment of foreign Brandies nnd Wines
In store, for sale by fe\>26 COHEN » TARVER
Georgia snd French,Burr and Euro
pean Mill Stones; Ploughs of various
kinds, Fogle, Sub-Soil and Wrought
■waMw^iiro: Iron Fire-proof Safes, Shovels
and Spades, Manure and Hay Forks. Potato ilooks.Corn
8hellors, Cob Crashors. Manure Drags, Cultivators, Straw
Cutters. Scythes and Sneaths. Hose, Axes. Pick Axes and
Handles, Road Scrapers. Ox Chains, Ox Yokes. Garden and
Fancy narrows. Garden Chairs. Segments snd Gudgeons
Sreci* Wire, Homes. Measures. Grist Mills. Rice Threshers,
Cauldrons, Douglass’ Pumps and Water Rams. Well Wheels,
do Buckets, Cotton and Counter Scales. Trunks. Cotton
Hooks. Jack Screws. Burnle’s Sea Island Cotton Gins and
Griswold’s Unbind do. Cement, Plaster, Mill nnd Cross Cut
Saws; also. Kxnd and Yard Saws. Ac. For sale by
no! 6 CIIA’S H. CAMPFIELU.171 Bty-st.
No. 6 Whilaktr-ttrtd.
SUBSCRIBER respsdfully ahhouness to tho
dtlwns of Savannah, and of tho interior of this
Mato, that ho has now openodand'wlll keep con-
tlnually In store, a large assortment of the best qualities
of the various kinds of WINES AND LIQUORS, both foreign
and domestic. Invoiced from the best sources, and to his
stock of which, at present on hand, he Invites attention.—
Having had cxtenslvo experience In France as a manufac
turer, and In America os Importer and dealer, his acquain
tance with the trade enables him to offer assurance that the
articles which are enumerated below are each gennlne:
Articles of Direct Import niton,—much Bran
dies of various brauds i Holland Glp; 8cotch, Irish and
Munattgahels Whisky | Old Batavia Arracks Jamaica and
St Croix Rum.
"Wines.—Old Port. Madeira, Sherry, Champagne. Hock,
Claret, Sauterne nnd Burgundy Wines.
Cordials—In ensos. Curacon. Maraschino, Ratafia, Slo-
vaitz. Klrachenwasscr, Absinth. Ac.
Alo and Porter—London Brown Stout, nnd Edin
burgh Ale.
io Agent for Domestic IJquors.
F AIRBANKS Patent platform Scale*—(Improved In qual
ity and reduced In price)—Adapted to every required op-
oration of weighing, ns Railroad Scales for trains or single cars
In use on the principal railroads in the United States and
Great Britain, Warehouse Scales, Heavy Portable Scales, on
wheels.for foundrles.rolllngmllls. Ac. Store Scales, various
modifications; Counter Scales, Hay and Coni Scales. Ac.—
These Scales have been long known nnd severely tested ; nnd
the universal contldenee felt In their accuracy and perfect
adjustment. Is such that they are now regarded as the stand-
aril.from which there Is no appeal.
day per brig Kate Heath, *
W ASHINfPWADE' EASY—Boston Chemical Washing
Powders—Ono package of these powders will mnke
two gnllons of Soft Soup, of a superior quality for nil do-
meatfe uses, just received nnd for sale by
an17 W. W. 1.IXCQ1.N. Monument square
Y ANKEE NOTIONS.—Ps tent self-heal ing Hinnottng Irons,
patent nut crackers, cloth pins, Ould lamps, cow milk
ers, spring bottom guarded lanterns, thermometer churns.
Ice buckets and water (llterers. just received and for sale by
apt!) J. P COLLINS, ino Hrynn-street.
K IBBEE A RODGERS offer for sale, the following Goods
chenn: 250 barrels Crashed and Clarified Sugars: 76
hhds. N. O. and Muscovado do; 26 do Porlo Rico do; 50do
Cuba Molasses; 160 bbls. N. 0. and Sugnr-hnuse Syrup;
400 bags Rio and Lnguaym Coffee ; 60 do O. O. Java do j 100
tmxes Tobacco, nil brands ; 60 hhds. Racon Hides; 26 casks
llama and Shoulders; 75 h irrtes Lard, prime article; 150
boxes Soap, all kinds; CMdoHrierm nnu Adamantine Can
dles : Lemon Syrup, Raisins, Figs, Nuts, Candles. Spices,
‘ ‘ inny20
nd choice but-
npl6 MoMAHON a poyi.k
F LOOR OH, CLOTHS.—The most complete stock of (111
Cloths. In every variety of patterns and colors, varying
In widths from one to eight yard*. Families and hotel keep
er* can cover their dining rooms or halls without piecing.
WM. II. GUIOV. Agent Carpet Warehouse.
fet*5 140 CnngresHnnd 57St. Julian-sts.
T received, a fine assortment of gold pens nnd pencils
double nnd single extension ; also, a variety of flno
pens.fcr cheap nt tho bunk s’ore of
npMS 8. •* ‘V 1 ‘ f Congre**-«t*w
T HE Timber Cutters of Edlsto River. South Carolina, re
spectively call tho attention of buyers of Timber to the
Charleston market for that article. They betievo that they
furnish ns well got and ns large good heart Timber as con
lie found In any Southern city. By n at range and arbitrary
system of measurement—beeping the foreign trade In igno
rance of the cheapness of the market, the Mills of Charles
ton are enabled to purchase tho Timber, at prices enor
mously low to the Timber cutters Tho latter would there
fore, Invite buyers to examine their market. The same
timber which brings in Savannah, (by tho |m|H!rs) from 8 to
12 dollars per thousand feet. Is now soiling in C1iarl a ston
4 to 8. Janl5—lnwlGt.
In BrouRhloii-it.
1I7IIL open their NEW .STORE, nearly opposite St. An-
W w* Hall, west Hide, on Monday, thu 24th Instant.
»b«t they will offer- nt their usual low prices, for cosh or
dtr irwpUnce*. »u entire new stock of
Staple and I'aocy Dry Coods,
t „which they would ruHpecifuly invito the attention ol
theritirene of eavmmali. and tho merchant* and planters
if tbii snd the neiirbborlng States The stock is lurgo and
fdlMlrctfi- cimd.tlng in part of:
Dress Goods—Black and Fancy Silks of ever? width
s>1 description. French and English Merinos. Cashmeres.
iruiKi. Mom IVBarege. Barege D’Laines. Bombasine*.
(Vmboronoth. Alpacca* of every description. White and
CU'illsIn snd Embroidered Tnrletona nnd nwisa.
Embroideries—Linen Cambric Hd’kfs. F.mb’d, Plain
nl ll»m-£titcli. Collat*. Cuffs. Undevsleeve*. CUlmatotK.
Bsndne. Ihnds.Jnconet nnd Swiss F/lglng* and Insertions.
Xsntlllu and Shawls-Black and colored crape
iriiilk Mantilla*; plain and embro'dered ernue Shawl*, ol
H dwcription; bruche .Suawl* j square and long Shawls;
indclnre-l manlllla Velvet* und talma cloths.
Hosiery—ladle*' and gentlemen's kid. sewing silk,
alt. nw silk Llile. cotton. Ilerlln and cashmere Gloves;
nviilkao-i merino Vests; gentlemen’s raw silk, merino,
lamb's wool.and cotton Undershirts nnd Drawers.
Linen Damask—8. 1(1. 12. and 104 Damask and
jaw drop table Cloths. 8 snd 104 brown Damask Cloths,
ktcbfdind brnwrn Damask of every description. Damask
u-lmow dropNspkln*. and Dollle’s birds eye Diaper, linen
Riieri of every description.
Sheeting and Shirting—10 and 12 4 Linen Sheet-
B(. IHImrcaw linen*; 8.0.10,11 and 12-4 bleached and
lam Allendale and Hamilton Sheeting*, bleaclied and
town Shirting of every description.
Irish Linen—From the best manuracturere.and war-
noted all fine lias (loth*. Oa**i meres, and • eatings; Black
sad Blue Bread Cloth*, tdack and fancy Cassimeres, fancy
Vestings, white and colored Marseilles Vestings.
Counterpanes nud Blankets—I8.10.11 snd 12-4
UtMille* and Allendale Counterpane*; Paris and Whitney
family DUnkets.
Negro Blankets of every description.
Georgia llain*. Kerseys. Flax and Cotton Osnalmrgs.
I/inf do, 100 lilds
Hngnr House Molasses. 60 do Hiram Smith nnd pure Gene-
*co Flour.60 do Rutter, Sugar aud Soda Crackers, 26 do nnd
100 kegs prime Leaf Lard. 60 boxes selected new Cheese. 100
loSInr Candle*. 80 do Rcadell’s 0’s nnd 8’s patent tallow do,
landing and for sale by
M PRENDEROAST A CO. hnvo just received a small
• case of very choice French printed bareges, plain
and brocade, black grenadines. An assortment of very
nice cambric inserting* nnd edgings ; one case of «u|*>rloi
Italian sewing silk*, which with a very complete assort
ment of general dry goods, they offer on very low cast
terms, at 178 Broughton-street.
apl 28 Opposite St Andrew’s Hall
nnd jaconet muslins; Nainsook nnd mull muslins;
plaid nnd striped jnconet and Swiss muslins ; plain and fig
ured Swiss muslin; embroidered Swiss muslin ; white nnd
organda muslins; colored linen lustres ; and a flno Assort
ment of ladies’ and gentlemen’s linen cambric handker
chief*. m9 AIKEN A BURNS.
500 Robisons’* ham*, 100 boxes adamantine candles
in store and for sale by
inny29 . OGDEN A BUVRER.
_ Java and Rio coffee. SO do imistanl In ft cans. 10 do
ground pepper. 25 do family soap. TO do Beadell’s candle*. 30
casks Ilyas*’ 1/mdon Porter In quarts nnd pint*.30 bblsCn-
nnl and Baltimore flour. 10 boxes 8 ’* tobacco. 30 bbls clnrl-
lied crashed and ground sugar. 10 do solar lamp oil. In store
nnd for sale by DAVID O’CONNER.
junelO corner Broughton nnd Drnyton-sti—**
alien Butter. 60 boxes English Dairy Cheese. 100 do
new scaled Herrings. 60 bids Hiram Smith nnd Genesee
Hour. 20 boxes Ground Coffee. 25 do assorted Candy, receiv
ed per steamer nnd for sale by
H EN’RV LATHROl’ A CO., offer for sale nt lowest prices:
Drrt* Goods—O-'rencli printed mouslin do laine*.
lajlhli aud American do. new design*; Persian cloth, high
colored mouslin detain, plablraw silk*.French and English
wrlnos. French and Scotch gingham*. English nnd French
rriuts.changeable glacie silks, rich brocade do, plain aud
tpuec black do.
Embroideries—Muslin and lace collars, clilmlsettes.
trier sleeve*, caps and capes. .Swiss nnd cambric edgings
is!inserting*, thread Valencia* nnd lisle lace*, black silk
triMondo edgings, rich bum and linen cambric lidkfs.
Uotlcry—l-H-lics’. misses’, mens' nnd boys', a full a»-
tttmenl of English snd German; ladies’.misses', mens’and
top merino vt-*l*.
Gloves— Iloskin. silk cashmere, beaver, ladles’ riding
White Good*—,Jaconet plain snd nlnld cambric*,
tdu muillnsplain nnd figured, cambric dimities, corded
ul embroidered skirt*. Ac.
Linens, Ac—14 super Irish linens best mark. 34 and
W nag lawns, 94 to 12 4 bnrnsly sheetings, pillowcase
ktou.Scotch and Ir.ali dinpers. hticabncs. 6-8 to 34 da-
ludinapkin*, brown and blue check" doyles. 8-4 to 104
wtchM and brown table damasks. 8-4 to 12-4 bleached da-
Bwkcluth*. cotton nnd worsted table and piano covers. 104
»IW toilet and imperial quilts. 7-8 to 54 furniture dinii-
u.mttnn shirtings sheetings and tlekings. American. Eng-
r** n 1 Welsh flannels.colored French do,fancy wool plaids
plain and fancy cassliucres,tweeds,Kentucky sati-
el» and Jean*. oel1
•I ed black Barege, black ami white plaid summer Silk,
plain nnd figured lilack Hisne. black SewingSitk for drosses,
black Foulard Silk, black English Veil Crnpo. Cambric and
French Muslins, for sale by
K EMITON A VERSTH.I E have just received, a line lot
of figured grenadines, cmjio d’nrtnls. silk tissues and
bareges, which they are offering very low nt their stand,
next to F Zogtwium’s music store. Waring’* range. aid2p
H OUSE KEEPING DRYGOODS—Linen and cotton sheet
Ing. pillow case linen nnd cotton. Irish linen of the
best make, birds eye nnd Scotch dinpers. towels nnd towel.
Ing. damask table linen and napkins, long lawns, crash,
brown and blenched muslin, nil widths snd qualities, tor
ile nt the lowest prices,by
np15 DxWnT A MORGAN.
U NDER a now nnd Improved organisation, manufacture
Locnmotivo and Stationary Engines. Sugnr Mill*. 01ns,
Presses, lathe*. Drills. Ac. Also, every description of Cot
ton. Woolen and Saw Mill work. Shafting. Pulleys. Ac.. Cast
ings of nny weight, (having a large assortment of patterns.)
at reduced prices. F. S. CI.AXTON. Engineer.
lb-pot 13 Platt-street. cornor of Gold. Clnxtnn A Wet-
more. Excelsior. Collins A Co. nnd II. Collins’ Axes. Hard
ware Agency. 23 Prett-st.. New Yoric^ oclO—lyt
Curtaini, Curtain Goosls, rite.
T im . lw p' n 5 r os«riA’o. 57 St. Julinn-tlretU.
HE «obwriber. knowing that tho citizen* of Havannah
iriteieat In tho establishing of a CAR
ki>. * D tl,i8 cil y- ani1 “ware that many
,? r * a aw »jB n g the completion of the now store, so
«« thre could make their selection of the various art!-
w lor furahhing their houses, would respectfully inform
public.generally. Hint he will tills day open the moat
l * •wurlnient of all tho various styles of GOODS
I# similar establishments. Thu stock of the
SKr P * r,menU wiU conulut, Id part, of the following
pep«tment—Royal velvet, tapestry
br .K? ruiW1 ' ,,rUl,IM;1 *- velvet, Uivestry nnd Br
,2i .US? Ply-sujwrflne. flue and common ingrain,
U vu ‘r 11 ' 61 ' en 'tian for stairs, hall*. Ac., druggets.
toriki, 11 "' D every variety of pnttorn*.
iHi., .Ij**!' l Wf * or * n ‘l stoop mats, table and piano
Oil runtk? nv fl* n ‘* octa ff° n rod*, stair lln._,
br kill, it cver y frnnr one to eight yard*,
sort "toambost*. saloons. Ac., rose
Mud * n ' 1 * mR H-flgured furniture oil cloth*. 4-4.
Curt-ra.' ®' lK urwl ln ' ,ia rubber cloth tor sUIr*.
•rilinw, W0M 1 e< ' ’himask delaine, worsted
delaine, fluure-l and plain damasks, va.
Wl ,&■ »>uff.for shades.
rrnn,t P" r < !n L landscape, medal-
loom? ni ^ nn, lgold.entirely new slyle.cord,
»nd’*hadf« Cr Wit ^ l * 10 varlou ® trimmings for
h * C nrto?ril Ce !r“ nan ''*' ,00 P" tn ' 1 P ,n "» of the great-
•b’ch wtlfil. , , , 4tl . crnH -the In test importation, all o
•nltom* ' al w,l " ,e,w le «r retail, on the most lib-
WM. H. GUION. Agent
14nrongr»«« snd 67 St. Jnlisn-'
B OOKS.—Tlie History of tho Mormons, or I-nltor Dsy
Saints. In the Valley of the Great Halt Lake.—tholr rise
nnd progress—peculiar doctrines—present condition and
prospects—derived from personal observation during a rest
dence among them, by Lieut. Gunuison, U. 8. Topographi
cal Engineers. Received and for sale by
doc28 8. 8. SIBLEY 186 Congress street
plain and embossed binding, being an elegant Christ-
present. Also. Musical Instruments In every variety,
i a Jewsharp to a Church Organ, and Music In shoots
d volumes, from tlu* Fisher's Hornpipe, to Hayden and
>v F. ZOOBAUM A ""
i Masses. For sale by F. 7.00BAUM A CO..
dec'JO 74 St. Julian and 107 Bryan-strcets.
may 28
sale by
K EMITON A VERSTILLE are now opening a Hnciy as-
sorted an-1 cniu|del« stock of Summer nnd other Dry
(•nods, which thev will offer upon the most accommodating
terms. A* great caro has l>con exorcised in the selection of
their stock, with a view both to price and quality, they con
fidently invite their f iends nnd tho public generally to call
nnd examine for themselves. apl6
mime Side*; Id casks prime
** Rl*»
more Flour; 20 hlul*. prime X. O. Sugar; 10 hlidv. clarified
V.O. Sugar: 150 bbls. Stuart’s B. A (’. Sugar; 60 boxes Col
gate’* No. 1 Soap; 50 boxes Colgate’s Pale Foap: 60 bbls. N.
O. Hyrup; 60 hhds. Cuba Molasses; 25 tlerresdo.; 25 bar-
rels’do ; 60 boxes star Candle*—landing and for sale by
half bbl* do. 20 kitts do. 50 boxes buckwheat, 25 half bbls
■In. received and for sulo by
10 bbls su|M>rior bleached Whale Oil; 10 bbl* I**nf lard
received nnd for sale by fel4 MoMAHON A DOYLE.
QUOAD COFFER AND - TF.A.—lTlil»d*>RSugorTsdoSt
O Croix do. 100 bbls Stuart's do. 10 ilo crashed do. 25 do
N O clarified do, 100 lings Rio coffee. 60 do Java do. 60 cases
black nnd green ten. 100 boxes assorted tobacco. 60.000
Fpnnisli segnrs of various brands. 100 bbl* whisky, gin.
rum nml brandy, 6 pipes Olurd brandy. 2 do Holland gin. 2
do Jamaica rum. 2 do Scotch whisky, 10 }( cask* Madeira
wine. 6 \i do Hcicily do, 6 *.» do llalngn do. 50 boxes as
sorted cordials, 6 do claret win*. 50 boxes pfre*. 100 dozen
broeius. 100 ream* wrapping paper. 200 hams. 100 smoked
tongues. 60 kegs In pi. 100 boxes No 1 nnd pale soap. 60 bbls
Baltimore flour. 60 whole nnd 15 half bids canal do. 60 grn.
in itches. 60 bbl* molasses. 10 bbl* No 2 nnd 3 mackerel. 20
half bhl* No 1 do. 10 cu-ks porter. 10 do nle. 20 half boxes
Wf sugar, landing and In stove, tor sale by
janelO rtlU '- w
Wholesale ami Retail,
No. Ufl ArougWon-it..Mvxen Hull and UTi(taker.
THE largest and best selects*! styck qf mode over
offered for sale In this city. Gold abd Stiver Watches.
.Vest. Yob and Guard Chains. Sets of Jewelry. Clint
rlanes.Bracelet*. Brooches, lino Diamond work Finger Rings.
SllvcrCastors, Tea Hets.l’ltchers.Gohlets.Cups.Cake Baskets.
Snoons, Forks,Fish Knives. Plo Knives. Cheese Scaups, la
dles. Syphons. Also, all kind* of Fluted Ware, Military and
Fancy Goods, and a great variety of articles too numerous to
mention : the whole of which will be sold at reduced prices.
Allklnasof Watches, Clocks. Jewelry and other Jobbing
attended to by competent hands. HORTON A RIKEMAN.
W®fcIHbS And .ibweuiy.
The undersigned beg* leave to Inform the Citizens
■ofSavannali. and the people In the country In gene-
Uint he ha* taken the Store No. 148 Broughton Street,
one door West of Dixon's Confectionery, where he will be
pleased to nmkoand repair all kinds of Clocks aud Watches,
and will warrant all work with which he msv ho intrusted
yj MR. F. STEIN, on Broughton-street. hns justroceiv-
i> ed tho finest assortment of new nnd fashlnnnblo Jewel-
" ry of all descriptions. Gold and slivar iienclls and pens.
L silver nnd silver gilted ware and fruit baskets, waiter*,
y. tea sets, cnndlesth-ks, tablo nnd tea spoons; fine table.
V pocket nnd |>en knives, scissors, and n largo variety of the
T finest work boxes, dressing cases, and writing desks for
Indie* and gentlemen, a* also a fine selection of flutlnns.
accordlnn* nnd fancy article*, too numerous to mention,
which lie offers nt the lowest prices ever sold In this city
The attention of the public at large, but especially that o’
the ladies. I* particularly requested. au21
a&lL. Just received at tho Wholesale orid Retail Hat
Store, every variety of
Spring and Summer Goods,
such ns Silks. Beavers. Gossamer*. Fedale. Canton. Paris,
lame Star. Cnmpochy. nnd other* too numerous to mention.
Also, every variety of Bonnet*. •
Call and sec. and you will he sure to ho supplied, at the
corner of Barnard nnd Broughton-street*
S PUING SILK8.—A line n-Mortment or striped and plaid
811k*. black summer do. black grenadine silks, a flno as-
sorlineut of new barege*, figured stripes nnd plaid, plain,
figured, plaid and striped tissues, r largo assortment of ln-
•llc*' black and c<dore«I ails umbrellas amt parasol*, n large
and tine assortment of nil qualities of and lace
mantilla*, white and black net innntillns. shawls points nnd
scarf*. Swiss and lace chcinizubi, light kid gloves, lace mils
and gloves, for sale by
F eathers.
Glaritied Sugnr. 3 bhd* New Orleans do. 10 cask*, qt*.
and pint*. Bras* Ismdnn Porter. 25 dozen fancy handled
llronin*. 50 donssort-d Scrub Ururiic* and dotlies Lines.
30 do 2 und 8 hooped t/ator Pails. 25 doz Wash Boards. 30
•lo Miii-lard, in % lb. ‘nn*. CO boxes Beadel's Soap. Candle*,
and Starch, and 10, half chest* black Tea, in U lb. packs,
landing, nnd foi sale >y
for sale. Apply nt this office. npl22
for sale.
I8S KLAMJAY’S WORK.—1-otter* and Miscel nnie* in
VJL Prose. Rhyme, nml Blank Verse, by Isnilse Elemjs
lady of the Fmitii. For sale by J. B. CL’BBEDGK,
juiio 28
Apply nt this office.
i a variety of colors, (ten. leuow, various nrnwns,
Black. They are superior in body (or covering
) to nnything over discovered.and pound tor pound
r double tho surface of White Lead or Zinc Mineral
U8T RECEIVED.—A suptdy of Mineral Paints, fire and
_ water-proof colors, unfading. Silver’s Mineral Paints
differ essentially from alt others In market. They are not
Clays, they require little oil. they do not work toughly. but
flow easily as white lend. They lay on s very heavy body,
set immediately, nnd become nn Indcstructable covorlngot
flint. They neither crack nor peel, and require no stronger
dryer than white lead.
I have a variety of colors. Red. Yellow, various Browns,
and Jet Black. They
property) ‘
will cover
(mints, and require less oil.
I nm now prepared to cover Tin Roofs, as nothing adheres
to tin like Silver’s Mineral Paints. For snle by
in and 12 Barnard-street.
(1ROCKRIES. Ac.—100 bbls Baltimore Flour. 26 do Canal
VX do, 20 halfdo do. 20 bids II S Flour, 76 do Stuart’s B A
C Sugnr. 26 do crashed do, 100 boxes assorted brands Tobac
co. 10 hhds Bacon Sides. 10 do do Shoulder*. 60 boxes star
and admautino Candles, 25 bbls Monnngnheln Whisky. 150
bbls Rum. Gin. Whisky and Brandy, 15 quarter casks Cog
nac Brandy, 2 pipes 11 Gin, 2 quarter casks Scotch Whisky,
2 do Jamaica Ruin. 25 boxes assorted Cordials. 50.000 Span
ish Segura, 26 kilts Mackerel. 20 half bbls No 1 do. 25 bbls
Nos 1.2 and 3 do. 160 boxes No 1 and Palo Soap. 60 boxes
Starch. 50 do Lemon Syrup. 10 hhds fine Porto Rico Sugnr,
3 do St Croix do, 60 bbls New Orleans Syrup, landing and
for sale by m!3 COHEN A TARVER.
N F.W and beautiful Spring and Summer Goods. Just re
ceived by the last Steamer. Vis: Barege PeLaina;
Worsted Rareges; Silk Tissues; Colored Sewing Silk; Dresses
Foulard Silk; Colored nnd Black Chnlleys and Bareges; Black
and Colored Silk; Black Figured Bareges and Tissues; Black
nnd Colored F. Muslin; Black and Colored Ginghams; Plain
and Colored Lawns; Black and Colored French Cnmbrlc;nnd
a fine assortment of Rlnck and Colored Calicoes: Plain snd
Figured Swiss Muslin; Jaconet Cambric nnd Mull Muslin;
Plaid nnd Striped Swiss Musliu; Silk Parasols, very pretty;
also. Silk and Cotton Umbrellas. All of which we offer on
tho most accommodating terms.
R eceived and for sale by s. s. siiiley. 1.15 con-
gress-at.—Bible In the Family—Bible iu the Counting
Annals nl Tennessee, by J. G. M Ranwcy, M. D.
Tho Swed and tho Plftatf. or l-'mr. Fat and Forty.
Maria De Bernieve, a tale of the Crescent City, by W.
Gilmore Simms.
Tim Race for Riches, and some of the pits Into which the
Runners fall.
The Doubting Communicant, by Septimus Tustin, D D.
Country Hospitalities, by Catherine Sinclair
Spiritual Vampirism—the history of Kthcrial Softdown
ind ttie Friends of the New Light, by C. W. Webber.
Rowland Wevor, or thu Pilot of Human Life.
. Great Truths by Great Authors, from writer* of nil ages
and both hemisphere*.
Cleansing thoFancluury. by W. I,. M'Calla. of the Union
Presbyterian Church, of Philadelphia. Jc-8
jxo. u. nm.. nKMtv <\ kino
C TO-PARTNERSIHP NOTICE.—The undersigned has this
J day associated with him Mr. Uksuv C. Ktsu. of Glynn
county, with whom he will continue the Factorage and Coin
mission businesslu this city, under the firm of HutxA Ktxa
Jnnl2 JXO. H. HULL, 210 Bay-street.
QHIKR1AN PAI-M S’JAIV—This Soap lVprc|iared from the
O pure Palm OIL and I* warranted lo tie of a superior
quality. It I* highly useful In clean*Ing Hie skin. I* very
emollient, utm pnMutxs o„ lather. 4«i( r»orlt
ed and for sale by WM. W LINCOLN,
nnl 6 Monument Square
F IjOUR—2(Mf bbls (lour, of superior brands, landing from
schr Woodbridge nnd for sale by
G ROCERIES.—80 hid* Stuart'* refined Sugar
20 boxes I/>af Sugar, 10 bbls crashed Sugar
6 bid* powdered Sugar
60 boxes palo and No 1 Soap. 10 boxes toilet Soap
25 •• No 1 Starch. 25 boxes Pearl Starch
20 bags Java Coffee, landing lor *ale by
YXTHIRKY.—55 bbl* New Orleans Whisky,landing from
V\ hi lg Principe, and for sale by
C HAMPAGNE, SYRUI’rAcT—3ft baskets Heidsick Cham
paign In quart*. 60 boxes Nos. 1.2 nnd 3 1-ennm Svrup.
50 bbl* X K Hum. 30 boxes Starch, now landing and for sale
by june'2 HlH.COMHE. JOHNSON A CO.
QUN'DAY SCHOOL BOOKS—Hymn Bonks, (htei-lil.ois.
Question Bonk, with a full supply of nil Books general
ly used in Sabbath School*. Received by
' jyl'A 4. H. CUBBF.DGE.
ri qa 1°° bugs prime Rio Coffee, 50 do do Java do
EfcEfci 20 hhds Porto Rico Sugar, 10 do X. O. do
BM 100 bbls Stuart’s B and C Sugar
20 do Crashed Sugar. 20 do Ground do
20 bbls Ix>af Sugar, 20 boxes laimon Svrup
60 do Nos. 1,2 and 3 Mackerel. 10 half uo 2 do
100 do - Balt. Flour, 60 do II S. do. 60 do half do Canal
10 casks Bacon Sides. 6 do Shoulders
20 boxes Northern Cheete, VOduEnglxh Dairy do
60 do No. 1 Soap. 60 do Pale do. 26 doStnrch
60 do Tobacco, aaorled brands
60 bbls Planting Potatoes. 20 boxes'Spenn Candles
60 boxes Tnlluw Candles, 60 do Star do
26 do Adamantine do
60 bbls old Monongahrla Whisky. 2.000lb Codfish
200 do Whisky. Gin. Rum and Brandy
20 'A casks Cognac Brandy, 60 dozen Brooms
2 pipes Holland Gin. 2 A casks Scotch Whisky
600 gross Pipes. 100.000 Spanish Segars
20 dozen Demljons. 200 reams Wrapping Paper
60 five and three gallon Kog*.
landing and in store, for salo by
mf T1IE subscriber offers for aalo 1,200 acres of Und,
iWWylng on tho AlaUmaba, river, three miles below the
^^•tork, knopm as Town flluff,, There are 260 acres open,
ready for cultivation t also two small framed houses with
S od framed barn ana good framed store house; situate on
e bank or the river, one of tho best stand* for a store in
this section. Ilia place has the advantage of steamboats
during the fall, winter and spring months, and one of the
best fisheries on the river ftir aliad. Any person wishing
to purchase can du so by calling on the luhsctlbcr on the
All*o. 980 acres of land well timbered, with 160 seres o(
flrat rate bay land well ditched and drained.ready for clear-
ing. with five acres cleared. Said land will produce flfly
bushel* of com to the acre. This land lies two miles from
Mann Kerry, on the AlatAmaha rivor.
Also, 6,000 acres of first quality plno timbered land on
the Alatamnha andOcrauIgee rivers.
All these lands are situate In tho first nnd second district
of Appling county. Also, 2,000 acres of lamhwell timbered
with cypress and while oak. Any person wishing further
particulars can address mo at Hall P. 0., Georgia.
Jan31—lawdAwflm W. DYALI-.
AST The Raleigh. (N. C.) Standard will please publish
weekly for six months, and «cnfl bill to W. I).
Havo In store, and offer tor sale, on the most
33 favorable terms—
|SUf 16 hhds St mix Sugar. 25 do Porto Rico do
^■•25 do X Orleans uo. 60 bbls Coffee do
tOO bbls Stuart’s A. 11 and C Sugnr, 25 do Crashed do
10 boxes Lour do. 200 bogs Rio Colfre. 20 do Java do
100 lugs old Cuba Coffee. 60 do Jamah a do
10 case* Mycr’s Aromatic Tobacco. 60 casks Bacon Sides
25 casks Shoulders. 25 do Hams, choice quality
100 bbl* Baltimore Flour. 60 whole and 25 hall do Canal do
25 hhds. 50 tierce* nnd 50 bbls West India Molasses
26 bbl* New Orleans Molasses, 26 do oxtrn do
25 quarter chosU Hyson Tea. 10 do do Black do
100 boxes Sperm aud Adamantine Candles
100 do No 1 nnd I’nle Soap
100 bole* Gunny Cnth. 300 colls Weaver's Rope
100 bbl* E Phelps’ Gin. 250 Flack’* do, 25 do Connecticut
River do, 26 do X E Rum
20 nr cask* pure Malaga Wine. 20 do do Madeira do
6 half pipes Otnrd Brandy. 20 qr casks do do
100 bbl* Mnnnngnhcla Whisky. 10 qr casks Port Wine
16 bbl* Mintsnd Rose Cordial.
Also, the following old and verv choice IJquors. In glasses :
40 dozen choice old Madeira Wino. bottled Iu 1847
35 demljons St Croix Rum. 15 do old Jamaica du. 1848
50 do old Mononguhela Whisky. 1845
10 do Pure Juice, 1848 40 do Brandy.1816
35 dozen Scheldam Gin, 10 do old Whisky, Nectar,
may 18
—^ 150 DHLS Baltimore Flour. 20 do H. Smith’s
/nrfc±3do. 20 do pure Genesee do. 20 half bbls Canal do
rtgggfli2f>0 sugnr cured Ham*. 20 hhds Bacon Side*. It 0
3®* bids B nnd C Clarified Sugnr. 25 do Crashed nnd
Ground do. 25 do New Orleans do. 15 hhds Porto Rico do. 21
boxes I *»af do. 100 bbl*-Domestic IJquors. 75 boxes Tobac
co. 60 cheat* Tea*. 25 bids Mackerel, 26 half bbl* and kits
do. 60 bbl* and 10 tea West Indin Molasses. 25 bbl* New Or
leans Svrup. 6 do Stunrt’s do, 76 gross Matches, 100 do
Pipes, landing nnd In store. For sale by
^ 26 IIIIDS. Porto Rico nnd Muscovudo Sugar, 26
/n^fcrtrldn choice New Orleans do. 25 do do Cuba llolas-
^gjgggyses. 100 bid* Xcw Orleans nnd Cuba Syrup. Stu-
’'“■ art’s rectified do. 600 gallon* Sperm 011,300 do
IJnseed do.200boxes Sperm ami Adamnmnntlue Candles.
25 do Starch. 60 do Cheese. 76 do Amp. 26 do Toilet do. 6t)
do mixed nnd assorted Candles, 75 package* Ten*. Black. Im-
|K-rial nnd Green. 160 hhls A. B nnd C Clarified Sugar nnd
Vellow Coffee do. 26 do Powdered nnd Crashed do. Prune*.
Fig*. Citron. Pickle*. Raisins, Yen*t Powder*. Saleratu*. So
•In. Ac., now in store nud for sale verv low. bv
■ffoir gait, ahb for Rent.
RICE LANDS FOR BALE.— 1 The Tract of LAND on the
;. Mary’s River, known as the Cut-off Tract,containing
seven hundred and aevonty-two (772) acres, of which over
ive hundred (600) acres are tide iwnmp and fresh marsh
and*, with a rise and (all of tide of six feet. 11m marsh
land wa» snccresfully cultivated n*ny years since, producing
Cotton, Cane, and Rice.
These lands could bo put In order with less labour. It Is
believed, than would bo required for putting Hammock ianda
in order, and are considered very safe from ovt "
and freshets.
n overflow in gales
For further particulars and terms, which will be made eeey
to a purchaser, apply to John Fraser nnd Co., Charleston,
8.C.. or to Mrs. Henry Bailey, St. Mary’s, Camden county,
A plat of tho land may be seen at the office or the Geor
gian. apl 27—ilAr.
, for 8A LE.—A Tract Of LAND, containing 202tf
acres, and Improvements, near WalthourviUe. Liberty
county. Tho Innd is of good quality, pine and bay land. 60
acres of which nro In cultivation, ana the remainder well
thnliercd. offering strong inducements to persons Interested
Iu procuring turpentine. The improvements consist of a
two-story frame dwelling, together with negro houses, s tables,
nnd all other necessary outbuilding*. The location cannot
bo surpassed for healthfulness or salubrity of cllmato, with
good water, and a range toT cattle which cannot bo excelled.
Tlie above property can be bought nt a very reasonable price,
and on the most accommodating terms. If early application
bo mado to the subscriber*, at WalthourviUe. Liberty county.
apl 20—dAo E. B. WAY.
* A Tract of Tide Swamp land, containing 600 seres.
Slyingon the Alatamnha river, three miles above Durl-
*-en, adjoining lands of the estate of Rutler nml Dun-
wody on the east, and GignilUat and Walker on the north
nnd wp*t, Having a* good a pitch of tldo as anv rlco plan
tation on tho river. My terms nro. twenty dollars perncro,
one-fourth cash, nnd the balance on a credit of from five to
ten years, the interest only required to bo paid annually.
Appl v to the undersigned at Darien. In case of my absence
Mr. James Ituxoix will show the land, a plan of which can
be seen at tho office of tho Georgian.
Dsnnw. Jan. 22. 1853. Jnn26—lam
jjlIjUcthatphi'U flfrptrffgtmtittfl.
No. 181 North SiriA Strut I’kUadtbUa. . . .
ilshlng.-atid on hand Ftoln’Md Fxi'.UL
ley Cane Feat Chair*iq mtt vsria. HI
, - . Jty orcH^sntandfashlomrolestj'Wtfr-i V
for parlovs.’dining-rooms or ehambmy iaiito'Jfe Fancy
Woods,'Imltatlon Woods,jpd-Faner Colors, Ac..
Reception and Cottsge Chairs, of light and beanUfot ds-
signs; Cane lounges, Cane Settees, Hall Chain, Granting
Hons* and Office Arm Chairs, Jaree and small-Rocking
Ch*lrs,-Eton and Steamboat 8tools. Windsor Chairs,' ana
Settee*, Ao. -7 »■■
Hnasekcepera. Hotel. Steamboat and Rail Road Companies
will find It to their interest to call at the Eertjgry ft
No. 181 North 8th 8t (opposite Franklin SmartJ
ml)7 . yhlfadqlphla.
Agricultural • Ware-House nnd - Seed * Store,
No. 194)4 ilarfxt ttmt. PhQddApkia. •
PWtJTT A Mum’ «t»nt ;8elfj[
Steel Extending Points.. Bar-share, I)
of Castings for repairing. The Emperor oi itnssia awaraea
tor the above Ploughs, a Masalrs Gold Medal, valde S900 —
Afro, the Great Medal at the World’* Fair, mu awarded P.
& M- Plough No. 40. Cultlratore with. Donb)o:Polnt Polish
ed 8teel Teeth, which can be Reversed; thus i girttlrig Double
Wearol the common Teeth. - Also, Culttratora of all Usd*
with Steel Teeth.
Spain’* Atmospheric Churns. Cora Planters,-
Cora ^Shelters, improved T—" ’*•
Hay and Straw Cutter*,
Hand Corn Mill*.
Cora and Cob Crualiera,
Gedd*’ Improved Harrow*,
Square and A narrows,
Horse Rakes.
Grindstone*, ready hung,
Dirt Scraper*.
Agricultural Furnaces,
Ox Yokes and Rows.
Forks lor unloading ITsy,
Man Hay ltskcs,
Bow IMns.
Apple 1'oarers,
Ox Muzzles,
Mole Traps,
Pruning Hooks and Chisels,
Saws and Scissors.
Iron Well Curbs, and Zinc
tufr'lng for Clmin Pumps, f
Also. Horticultural Tools (of every description.) Garden
nnd Gras* Seeds, for sale at the lowest prices, at Wholesale
and Retail. eod—apl9
Turnip Drills, 4 to 80.
Grant’s PatratFan Mills,.
Gnrden Engines.
Wheat Drills,
Horse Powers and Threshers,
Mowing and Reaping Ma
Chain Pumps,
Cattle Tics,
Bull Rings,
Patent Iron Snaths,
Grubbing Hoes.
Transplanting Trowels,
Hay and Manure Forks,
Shovels and Spades.
Garden and Field Hoes.
Garden Rakes In variety!
Children’s Tools,
Darling Scythes,
Snaths, with Patent Fasten-
Potato Hooks.
FOR SALE.—A Tract or I.ANDof Five Hundredacrcs
^strictly prime Rice Land, immediately opposite the old
•n of Hardwick. The situation of the place affords one
No. 4 North two (loan above Market,
T HE undersigned have just opened a fresh and complete
stock of all Paper*, among which and tel-
of ttatafsowlmm mhtottSftaSi Snlrffi'lffi *)’»■
tor timber being easy and without end. Vosssel* coining
from sea can load immediately alongside, drawing from ten
to fifteen feet of water. For terms apply to Henn- Williams.
U.8. District Attorney.Savannaluor to B.’STILES. Bryan coun
S ITUATED half a mile from this City, on tho canal, hns n
basin capable of holding two million foot of Log*. The
Mill has been in operation about seven months, runs two
gangs and an edging saw. afro Grist Mill. This Mill saws
from 12 to 16 M, feet per day. For particulars apply to
B OOKS.—Tlie Old House by the River, by the author ol
the Owl Creek fetter*.
Modern Flirtation*, n Catherine Sinclair.
Passion and I’nn I plo. a domestic novel, by Mrs. Grey
Flirtation* in America, or High Life in New York.
The Adventure* of n Bachelor, or a man in search of a
The Silver Bell, or tho Heir of Motcombo Manor, by Dr. P
II. Robinson.
Body's lady’s Book tor July ; Graham’* Magazine do;
Arthur's Magazine do ; Peterson's Magazine do.
Barnom'* Illustrated New*. No. 25, Further supply ol
Echoes of a Bell; received by
jnne22 J- B. CUBBF.DGE.
T tllACKERAY’S ENGLISH HUMORIST, a series of lie-
lures on Swift. Congreve. Adison. fcc.
Raukc's Civic Wars und Monarchy in tho lUth nnd 17lh
Life and Lellersof the Rev. Stephen Olin, late President
of the Wesleyan University.
Tlie Old House by tlie River, by the author of tlie Owl
llreek latter*.
Taylor’* Memorial of the English Martyr*.
Co erldgo Work*, vol. (1.
Modern Flirtation, by Mis* Sinclair.
English law and Equity Reports, being the first volume
of the year. Now Hiibscriber* cau be supplied at the ori
ginal price of $-12 per annum.
Blackwood’s Magazine for June,
j iini-22 . W. THORNE W!LI.TAMR_
M Aa Knno°, P -r ! V EW SUMMER GOODS.
. !££!!« J . Atfr * tU ll »»e »'*i* day received per.
Ms. .‘*5 °/ Reor 8fr- excellent assortment of
V««»erwra r #f 1Ightmate^lft, ' for 8 e “ttemen’sand
flgur#d “ d P rinted Crenadines,
”" a ” ’" ,rk
f'rtleaUrtrdMlribieitT 11 ’ EnglUh * nd An,ericnn Frints,
Wrti n ^°* u ' or tment of cntnbrlo and Swiss clgings snd
do rittzth* , nwn(h C#I « n » 8 J UTt ’ ,#r "‘‘PPttea by the stesmors
frog’s luii 178 Broughton street, opposite Faint
P'S:, .klSl"" 1 " -hfcl, they are
"1 Ysncr.ia c? steamers, a Urge and elegant
ki*>xt priLVl S , p ? Roo, fr- which thev are selling at
PflatM coupling In nart of the fallowing:
P°- TU»n M ILlnen and Cotton Sheetings
,u ■ ’Pillowcase Linens
Irish do
|I/)ng Lawns
Birdseye Diapsrs
, •waes
feotch snd V«ne» n « r i il \ IHuesatiuck*
{^•Rlbbaa* S R'nghams Towels nnd Diaper
‘*11*. *nd o ’ ..' o,. „ D-lnen Damask
. **dUfi* KW f SilkltUmnsk Napkins
Udln —• I0 ™ lm M eh«,i mJiA n~.
j,^wland*M|'u^ Im * s NetiFurnltureTrimming***
felmnro JJS'if,, I’avlllon Iac* and Net
J^’hsndcol'd (jnJn n „ |Urabrel!as and Parasol*
^ M ^nSftl r ‘ cur ®l H * ,ns - lfi k «W Rutter
88 boxes8perm r^Vt* Ch /)7f’ 2r, .' ,, ‘ Dickies
Bleached and Brown Uashns
R EPRINTED from the lately discovered copy of the folio
of 1632. conUlning nearly tw-nty thousand manu-
•erl-t corrections, with an In’roductlon to each play—pub-
llshlng In numbers nt 25 cents a copy.
The Preacher and tho King, or Bourdaloue In the Court
or Louis 14th.
Alexander Smith’s Poems.
Alban, or the History of a Young PuriUn; by the author
of lady Alice—2 vol*.
Midland's History of the Crusades—3 vol*.
Bohn's Classical Library—literal translation.
Scott's Wavoriy Novel*. 12 vols.. cloth gilt.
Eppes Sergeant’s Standard Speaker.
I/Klge’* Portraits of Distinguished Persons, with flno en
gravings. In 8 vols.—Bohn’s edition.
Woodfall’s Junius. 2 vol* —Bohn's Edition.
Humboldt’s Travels in tho Equinoctial Regions.
O Charity the more Excellent Way, two aerraons, by a
Southern Presbyter, price 26 cents.
Harpers’ and Putnam's Mngcxlnes, for July.
Edgar Clifton, a story of school life, by Adams.
The London Art Journal, tor June.
Prismatic*, by Richard Hayward, with Illustrations.
Chambers’ Repository of Useful Papers.
Yuscf, a crusade In the cast; Harry Muir, a tale of Scot
tish llfo; Norlhwood, or North and South; Aunt Phillis'
Cabin; Cabin and Parlor, by Randolph ; Japan, by Mac-
farlanr; the Chlvallers of France; Elliott’s Glimpses of the
Supernatural; Meagher's Speeches; Macaulay’s Speeches;
Home Rccnes, by Grace AgutlU: Frank Freeman’s Rarber
Shop. Ac.. Ac. W. THORNE WIU JAMS.
iperlur Baltimore su
gar cured hams in store aud for xalo by
A fine assortment of figured French nnd Jnckonet Mus
lin*; also. embro|<i->red Swi** Muslins, in patterns of
ten vards each, nnd of cxce..;ut quality.
J UST received. Purasoi* of various qualities and price*.
july22 _ AIKIN A BURNS
P LAID nnd striped Cambric nnd .Inconel Muslins ; sfro.
Nunsook. Mull and Iwatk Muslins. Bi-hop Lawn. pink,
blue nnd white Tarlcton, for sale by
i supply ol
C AMBRIC and Swiss Hand*, scolloped and very pretty j
nlso. white and tdack Lace I'ndordoovr*; Swiss Muslin
l!ndersh*cvc*. fur sulo by Jy22 AIKEN A BURNS.
n U\CK AND GREEN TEAS. Ac —.lust received. 6 hnlf
chest* extra curious (lolnng Blank Tei. 6 do ilo extra
Souslmng. 10 do do in J* lb pact-ace*. 6 do do choice old Hy
son Tea. 26 boxes Beadeli’s Candles. 20 do Star nnd pure
Sperm Candle*. 20 do ground Coffee. 25 bid* Canal snd Bal
timore Flour. 10 casks B.vnss’ I/radon Porter In (|Unrts and
pint*. Stunrt’s Crashed and Clarified Sugar. Ac . for sale by
I^RASS and I’orcellan Preserving Kettle*, tor sale by
GllOC'EltlEF, Ac.
Cm*—150 bags prime ltiu, 75 «lo Jamaica, CO
Svoan—10 Porto Rlco. 10 do SI. Croix. 5 do
New Orleans. 100 bids Crushed. Powdered nnd Clarified.
MowaBB*—26 hhda Cuba. 76 bid* New Orleans.
F!.ocit-*15Q bbl* Hnltlmnre. 75 do Canal. 50 do II Smith'
It.uM.v—16 casks Philadelphia Hams. 500 llaltimurn can
vas*ed do. 30 hhd* Side*. 20 do Shoulder*.
I’uT.vno>*—150 bbl* P nnd Mercer.
Iaitn and Codkisii—25 bbl* choice Leaf l ard. 0 casks Cod
Soap. CAxnrrs A.\n Stahoii—60 boxes No. 1 and Family
8onp. 60 do Pale do. 40 whole nnd half boxes Starch. 75 do
Adinnntine Candle*. 25 do Sperm, 25 do Star. 150 do Patent
TonACCO—460 packages vnrinus brands snd qualities.
I.kj*ov SYKlT. Ac.—60 boxes Lemon Syrup, 10 cases Wal
nut and Tomato Catsup. 1(1 do Brandy Peaches.
IkoiKvnc ljqi'ons—76 bbls Phelps' Gin, 60 do N E Rum. 75
lo Ri-etlfied Whisky. 30 .Jo extra old Mononfahi-lado,, , .
ier cask* (.lire Malaga, n do choice Madei
ra—received nnd tor sale bv
npl20 McMAHON A D0YIJ&_
10 bbl* No. large Mackerel,
/TpiSa i»* n«. i d«
lo half bills No. 1 do
30 bids sugar, sodnr. and butter Biscuits,
25 boxes so.ln Biscuit*.
60 do Bm-hun's Family Soap.
6'J do Colgate's No 1 do
40 do Colgate'* and Ben.U-U'* Pearl Starch,
60 do Herrings,
landing nnd tor sale by
J. V. CoNM-RAI A C(l.. offer tor sale on ac
cnmnmdatlng terms, n well nssurted stock of l!ro
eerie.*. Liquor*. Tobacco. Segura,Ac., viz: 130 bag*
- i¥g?Hlpriine III., (.’..tree. 20 do do old Java do, 20 lili.lw
’orto P.lco and Mu*c..vndn Sugar*.60 bbl* clarified coffee do.
J5 do crashed and powd.-red do. 10 boxes loaf do, 200 pnek-
ge* block and green tea. some very superior ; 260 box.*.*
olmcco. various qualities. 1'*. 8's- 6'* and 10’s. 16 case* 111-
idem twist. 10 do Virginius nnd Aromatic. 20do nectar leal
Vigiuln gold leaf 10 boxes El Dorado tobacco. 176.000 s»|«
rlor llavaua Segnrs. 10 l.nlf pipes Otnrd. Dupuy A Co. Bran
dy. "JO half and quarter cafks Pintern. Mnitcl. Fazernc. Ac.
Brandy. 5 quarter cask* very old Jean l/mis do, 6 pipe*
Holland Gin. 2 puncheons St Croix nnd Jnumlca Bum. lo
fialf pipe* and 15 quarter ensks superior Madeira IVfne. 26
old* old .Monnngnheln Wlsky. 25 quarter casks Tenerlffe. 30
to do Malaga Wine. 200 bhl*gin. whisky nnd rum, 100 boxes
No. 1 nnd family soap. 60 do starch. 60 do adamantine can
dle*, 60 do tallow do. 20 cask* bacon sides. 16 do shoulders.
•tO Idols West India Molasses. 40 bbls and tes do, 26 bbl* N
Orleans do. together with every other article usually found
at the wholesalegrocory stores. juhc3
(flak FOIt SALE—That valuable parcel of land formerly
•jC.eccupled by K. Jenckc’*. E*n.. known as a Cooper’*
Shop nnd Yard. It 1* bounded nn the cast by West Bound
ary street, west by the Canal, north by Railroad street, nnd
south by lots No*. 6 and'6, nnd contains about tour acres,
I ji()R SALE—Tlie westerly hslf of Lot No. 2 l'nmncruw,
being tho Wharf now occupied by tlieCharleston Steam
Bucket Company, measuring one hundred feet on tho River,
nnd running back about two hundred feet to Canal-street.
Hie property Is now under a lease which wllrexpire on tho
first of Xovembernoxt.
If not sold nt urivnte snlo previous to the first Tuesday In
February, it will then be offered at auction at thu Court
ltou*o. Apply to^ del6_ COHEN A FOSD1CK.
F INK shirts.—-Those In want of n tine shirt, to lit well
and handsomely made, can bo accommodated nt No
147 Bny-sL mnylO PRICE A VEADKR.
I jMSilING AND JOCKEY CAPS.—Received by late arri
vals, a new supply. Those in want will please call at
147 liny st may'Jfi PRICK A VEADEK.
boxes Cheese. 28 bbl* Hiram Smith’* Flour. 60 boxes
Herring, landing per steamer and for snlo bv
AGES.—Mocking'ilird Gages, just^ received nnd for sale
D ON QUIXOTE DE LA MANCHA, by Miguel de Servnn-
tez Saavedra, a revised translation based on those of
Motionx. Jarvis and Smollet, with numerous characteristic
A Manual of tho Elementary Ooology on tho Ancient
Giange* of the Earth and its Inhabitant*, n* Illustrated by
geological monument*, bv Sir Charles l.yell, M. A., F. R.S.,
author of Die Principle* o Geology. Ac.
Home Picture*, bv Mr*. Mary Andrew* Denison.
Civil War* nnd Monarchy In France in tlie sixteenth nnd
seventeenth centuries; a history of France principally du-
ring Hint period, by taopold Ranke.
Ilnrnum’s Illustrated New*,No. 27, received by
julyfi J. B CUilBEDOE.
B OOKS! BOOKS 11 BOOKS!!!—At SIBLEY’S book store.
135 Congress-street.—We received ao ninny new books
yesterday, that wo cannot find time to enumerate them.
From grave to gay.
Religious. l.Uernrv Scientific, Humorous and Interesting
We invite our friends to call nnd oxnmine tlie largest varie
ty of light rending ever offered In this city. Afro.
Graham’s Magszlue tor July; Gody’s lady’s Hook.
Blackwood’s Magazine; Barnuin’s Illustrated News.
Gleason’s PIctornL Ac.jnm»22
R ECEIVED BY S 8. .SIBLEY. Juno 28. 1853.—Edgnr
Clifton, n story of School I.lfa. by O. Adam*.
Tho Old Forest llnnger.or Wild Sport* of India, by M*J.
Waiter Cambell and Frank Forester
A New History of the World, giving an account of the
various Revolution* In Europe and America, to tho present
time, by H. White. B. A. _ _
Con*o!atlon. by Jnme* W. Alexander, D. D.
Tlie Believe, by Rev. Hugh White.
Harper* Magazine for July, an interesting number.
Putnam’* Magazine tor July. . .
Bnrnum’s Illustrated New*, Gleason’* Fictoral. Ao.
M R. A. BONAIJD, .raving taken tbe store nt the corner
or Bay and Whitaker-atreefr, would respectfully call
the attention of hla triend* and the public In general, to his
assorted stock of Liquors and Cigars, which be fr prepared
to sell in quantities to suit purchasers,
Mr. B. ha* also constantly on hand a large assnrlment
of Sauces. Fruit and Jams In Jar*, which ho (Utters himself
*111 suit the most epicurean tastes,
R ECEIVED PER FI/lRIDA-Crilored silk mantilla*, plain
glace silks, brown silk parasol*, barege* nnd tissues,
dotted snd figured Swiss mbslins. black sumer bombssin,
lavas, plUowease cotton.gents colored bordered, bdkfs., Ac.,
for sale at tho lowest prices, by v
, »plH . ' ’ . D*)WTr ft MORGAN.
S CHOOL BOOKS.—Webster’s Unabildecd Dictionary.
Boston School Dictionary. FBcli’s Mapping Plates.
Plerpont’s American First Class Ilcok,
l/>omls’ Element* of Algebra.
Yonmnn's Class Book of Cliemestry.
Qimrkenbo’s First I/**son* In English Composition.
' Parley’s Common School History. Bullion’s Lntia Reader.
A further supply receivea and tor sale by
maylH 8. 8. SIBLEY. 136 Congress-street.
T HE JIAS0N1C MANUEL, by Rohert Macoy. (locket «hIi-
Uon. beautifully illustrated and In the most conveni
ent form yet published. .
Afro, tho Masonic Lyre, a collection or Masonic Song* and
Odes, suited to every occasion in lodge or celebration*
Both new works recently published.and highly worthy the
attention of Aha Craft. Just received and for sale st th»
Book Store of B-S SIBLEY.
no g 135 Congress-strsel
J. P. (JOLl.INF. llrymi-xtreet.
highly perfumed Brown
B rown Windsor soap—i/iw’* highly per
Windsor Soap, so much approved of lor washing and
shaving, just received and for ssle bv
june28 W. IV. LINCOLN. Monument Square,
JUST RECEIVED—20 dozeiTofthat lino Hungarian Tokay
for sale by
C ORN.—1.000 bushel* prl no Tennesse Corn, 60 lb to the
bushel, for salo 1 v
F IXJUR.—75bbl* Baltimore Hour a superior brand iund-
ing per schr John W. Anderson, and for sale by
J ENNY LIND BASKET STANDS—.lust received and for
sale by jy8 1. W. MORRELL A CO.
A LE. PORTER AND CIDER—50 bbl* Ale, 20 cask* !/m-
don Porter. 20 bbl* Cider, tor sale by
i brig Kate Heath, from New Orleans, ind for wile by
i WE are constantly receiving these valuable
__ Cases, nnd have them always in roadlncssto be
delivered at the shortest notice.
N. H —We are permitted to Inform thu public that we
have received from Mr. Raymond. ».f New York cltv. a loi
ter signed by the different member* of the Unite! State*
-'ennte. who were appointed to take charge of the body ol
Die Iton. IIfnry (Jut, deceased, (which wii-enclosed in one
of Fisk’s Metallc Cases.) and who went with It (o Kentucky;
they say to Mr. Raymond, that tlie Case answered the pur
pose for which It was intended, and meets with tholrappro-
bation.nnd they cheerfully recommend It to Die publics'
being superior to nny other Case for the transportation ol
the dead. The letter can tie seen by calling on
febl4 1. W. MORRELL A CO
- rrT - Tlie subscriber having purchased the en
jptj^^SjStlre husines* of F. Zomut’M A Co., of which
rwAfi| firm be lias heretofore been the net Ing nienr
* - - 1 *ber in Savannah, would respectfully Invite
Die attention of thoso in want of anything in tho musical
line to hi* establishment. From ninny year*’ experience
both in professional nnd business matters connected with
musir. Mr. M. feel* himself lolly qualified to proffer his ser
vices In the selection of music and Instruments or the fill-
fllment of order*, with the assurance of hi* utmost zen! snd
Industry in his endeavor to deserve the patronage and cor
'' - G. 6 MITCHEIX.
successor to F. Zogbsuin A Co.
fidenco of the public.
P OTATOES.—50 bbls. Carter's flno eating Potatoes, land
Ing and tor sale by
E nvelope and wrapping paper. o7varimt* size*
and quality. Afro, Cotton Sampling and Silk Wrap
ping Paper, for sale by
toilet and nn efficient remedy for the he.vfrch. fonll
nc*s. languor, rheumatic palu*, Ac. Just received and tot
sale l>v W. W I.INCOU4.
aplti Monument Square.
F LUID MAGNESIA.—'This condensed solution is a very
agreeable and efficient form for the administration of
Magnetic, and I* very useful In Naucea. Acidity of the
Stomach, Sea Slckness'and Dyspepsia, tor sale by
mh22 W. W. LINCOLN. Monument-Square.
QnF.AP CASH STORFy—CorncrofWldtaker and Congress-
bama, a fresh supply of Tlirec-ny and Insurin Cm
tlrely new (mtteni*. Afro, (1-1 and 8-4Hoor011 Cloth, which
will bo sold at unusual low price*.
S UGAR. MACKERFJ^ Ac.—30 bbl* Stuart’* Crashed Su
gar. 26 half bbl* LoaT Sugar. 40 bhl* No*. *>nnd3 Mack-
Orel. 20 half bbl* Nn*. 1 and 2 do, 60 bbl* I* A 11 Gin, uow
landing and tor sale low by
THORNE WILLIAMS h*» rccelve.1 Pimm*’ Sword
... and Distaff, or Fair Fat and Fortv or the South at
the clime or tlio Revolution, \V. Gilmore Simms.
Marla Do Itornlcre, a lulo or tho Crescent City, by W. Gil
more Simma. ..... ...
Thompson’* Dictionary or Domestic Medlclnoand House-
hold Surgery, revised by Dr. llonry II Smith
John Randolph of Roanoke, and other Sketches of Char-
actor. Including Wm Wirt, by F. W. Thema.
The Medical Journal of Medical Pcienco tor July.
Ladya’Book and Eclectic Magazine for July.
Poem* by Thomas Buchanan, revised New York edition.
The Boyhood or Great Men. with Illustrations.
Homo Picture, by Mr*. M. P. Denison.
MeClIntock A Cook’s 2d Book In Latin
B UTTER ANITcHEESR.—26lrkln* and Tub* choice new
ibb Cream Ala/ *0 coalu London
B ACON SHOULDERS.—IO hhd* Bacon Shoulder*, landing
from brig Pacific, and for Hale bv
L OST, on Friday evening. Juno 251b. a small Memoran
dum I’ockrtbuok of no value to any one but the owner,
with his ntmo written on tho Inside. A liberal reword will
be given If left with NICHOLAS CRUDER,
Jyl2—0 84 Bay-street.
T O HIRE—A good Cook.Washer and Ironer. For term*,
which will bo low, applv lo
Jyl3—6 CRUDER A WADE, 84 Day-atrcct.
O wound*, bruise*, (praini, Ac. Juat received and tor
«Uo b, W. W. UNC0LK.
may2 Monument Square.
P ATE DF. rERDUAUX, Cnillc* and Fol Grao. tor tale by
Juno24 A. BONAUD.
C OFFEE! SUGAR, Ac.—60 pockets Old Government Java
Coffee. 50 bbls 8tuart’s A refined Sugar. 30 do Mesa
Pork. 200 bags drop and buck Phot, landing and for sale by
No. 147 Bay Street.
All persons of taste an-1 refinement—those having
a due regard for comfort ami personal appearance, may
lat all tlinea select any and every article tor their ward-
.robe, from one of the largest assortment* of the Very
Best Good* in this country; either In Ready Made Garment*
or made up to measure in uniquo style, or Furnishing artl
ch-s of every description and quality (no numerous to men
tlon Call and see. PRICE A VEADER.
.... . , —to®**«8 Western Merchant!. Manufacturer t and other t.
■10 hhd* choice Pt Croix Sugar. 20 do do do \\f ATSON A COX, Sievo, Riddle, Screen and Wire Qoth
' »» Mnnufiictunira, No. 40 North Front-street, Philadel
phia. where can always be found every artido in tbelr line,
— •- ftftier nt abort notice, Orders by moll
Porto Rlco do. 30 do New Orleans do, 60 barrels Sugar
House Syrup. 100 do West India Molasses. 20 hlids prime
Bacon Shoulders. 30 do do Sides, received and for sal* by
E NGLISH TOOTH BRUPIIEP— A very superior article of
English Tooth Brushes, manufactured expressly tor the
subscriber, und direct from 1/mdon. for snlo bv
June!2 W. W. LINCOLN. Monument Square.
T?DR PALE—A light one horse Carriage, with pole, built
I to order by Brower A Son. New York, and has been
used hut little. It ran br seen at the Carriage Repository
of Mr. George \V. Harden •■tie.
fickle*. 6 doz bottle* u
coivednnd for sale by
•oi ted Sauces, just re-
D issolution.—Tiie firm of Kfuit-'n a mak?imi.i. \
dissolved, by mutual consent, on the 15th Instant.
Savannph. lfith February. 1863.
The subscrilier Im* just received a lame number ol
Cooking nnd Parlor Stoves, which he will dispose ol
on accommodating terms. Among them mnv be
found the following: Cooking Stoves.The Republic. 1/i‘dv ol
the Lake, Airtight Premium.Queen of the West. Empire
Premium. Eastern Premium. Parlor nml office Stove*.—
Union Cottage, Cylinder. Sheet Iron, (air tight) square and
oval. Six Pinto. Box Stove*.
Hollow Ware Pots. Kettles. Ovens. Spiders. Saueo Pan*.
fee. Ac. Plnin and Japanned Tin Ware, tor sale, and manu
factured nt short notice. Ordor* tor Roofing, Gutters, nml
I/raders.attended to with punctuality.
No*. 10 and 12 narnurd street
THE Alterations and Improvement* in our
Istore. including a fine Show Room for Piano
Eortes, snd n Music Department for Ladles
being now completed, we would invite the at
tention of tho musical public to our stock, comprising every
article In tho lino, which can bo furnished (wholesale and
retail) at New York price*.
PIANO FORTES, by A. Stodnrt A Co..J. B. Dunhnm. nnd
others of ostabHidiod reputation, constantly on hand.
F. ZOGBAUM k CO., importers,
o*. 74 St. Julian and 107 Brynn-streets.
do ol Next to Market Square
No 17 Whitaker street. Savannah,
Das Just opened a Inrge nnd choice variety of Nltw
Sphixu a.vo Si'HMKn Goora. c«in*l*llng In part of black.
I figured and fancy French Cs*shnoi e*; black and col-
-ored Cashmere ; noth* and Cnshmerntls; while and
fancy Linen Drill*; with a large assortment of fancy Mar
seilles aud Linen Ventings, all nf which he I* prepared to
make up to order In the must fashionable style, and on no
com modal log terms ap6
M ESSRS. COHEN A HANNON respectfully announce to
the citizens or Savannah that tiiey are now prepared
to do all kinds of work in their line, at their new shop,
near the corner of Broughton and Ilrsy ton-sts. They have
established the following ns tholr rate* of charge*: E'or a
single ahnv 1n <*.; per month, tor 2 orthreo time, per week.
76c.; 4 times * week $1 ; 5 or 6 time* a week $1 60 ; every
'fry *1 75 per mouth. Hair cutting 20c.; hair curling 26c.
Mr. COHEN will always hold hhnnelf in readincs* to at-
tend to orders from thore who may require his sorvices nt
their homes. nnv8
M I). MURPHY, 21 Bull street. would respectfully
inform his frfrmfr nnd tho public generally, that he
'hns received his spring styles tor gentlemen, among
^ -which will be found as rich nnd fine fancy Cassimeres.
Vesting*, Ac., as have ever been brought to this market.
All orders executed with dispatch, and in the best style
of workmanship.
Gentlemen are respectfully Invited to call and Judge for
homselve*. mhll
rea1>y-mXde~clothino for spring
WM. R. SYMONS. Draper and Tailor, No.
17 Whitaker itretU. rro|iectfully solicits the]
attention of his friend* nn l (1/t- public in gen-
.41*1. to hi* Urge stock c' Ready-motto Cloth-.
Ing. eultablo for the present nud coming season. It __
he* n made up under hi* personal superintendence an I for
style and durability nf workmanship, is inferior to none to
be found in the market.
The following compri*oa portion of the stock : E’rocksand
Sacks of blue, black and colored cashmere cloth*; black,
brnb d’eto Frocks nnd Sacks ; linen duck, drill and fanny
linen Frocks and Sack*; India grass, illk and brown linen
Sacks; black and colored alpaca Frock* and Sacks.
Pant* of fancy French cassimeres. black dne-skin cassi-
nu re. black drab d’eteand spring tweed cassimere. white
duck and fanry linen drill, together with a Urge lot of cot
ton drill and duck Pants, for summer wear.
Vests nf black satin, black barathen. and fancy silks, fan
cy and white Marseilles, figured nnd striped llnenc.
Also, a large stock of Furnishing Good*, such as stocks,
gloves, suspenders, cravats, collars, silk, gauze, merino, and
cotton undershirts, stripe silk and cotton socks, silk and
ginghom umbrellas, ete., etc.
'Ifiie whole of which he offers for sale on accommodating
terms, and at prices as cheap as the cheapest. ap!3
Co's French Brandy; 10 half pipes, assorted brands,
low priced French Brandy; 80 quarter casks Domestic do. 60
bids do do. 75 do P A H Rye Glu. 160 do K Phelps' do 0 pljiee
Holland Gin, 10 bbls Virginia Apple Rrandy. 8 do pure Gear
gla Peach do, 200 do N. O. Whisky, 00 do white Baltimore
do. 30 do old Westminster Mnnongnhela do. 20 do old Penn
sylvania Mountain dodo. 100do N. E. Rum. 26 qunrtcr cask*
Madeira Wine. 10 eighth do choice do do, 20 quarter do Port
do. 2 half pines dodo, 20 quarter casks Brown Sherry Wine,
40 basket* Champagne do. E'or sale bv
T HE Subscriber lias on hnnd a fine nnd well sriectrd
Stock of Imported pure IVlnes, IJquors and Scq
comprising the following ;
Urn inly—10 half pipe* Otnrd, Ihipuy A Co.; 8 do Jo
old Hcnnessy ; 2 do do Sazerac, 1808 ; 2 dodo Jean Louis,
1800 ; 3 do do J. J. Ihipuy.
Wliiea—4 half pipes oik reserve Madeira ; 2 do do
Loudon Particular ; 3 do do old Port ; 0 do do 6herry
Wine ; 20 casks Claret; 40 basket* Chnmnsgne.
Segora—20.000 Rio Honda ; 10.000 La CruU : 5,000
In Union ; 10.000 La Patria ; 25,000 Trabuca*.
Fancy Groceries.—A large supply, such a* Imported
Cordial*, fr- 1 («U Pickle* and Sa uces, Preserve*, Sweetmeats,
Prune* and Jem*-... E’or tale by A. BONAUD,
‘ 8 Corner of Ray and Whltaker-itreeU.
decoration*, borders, flre-Hcreens. curtains, etc.Vwhlch they
offor at the lowest prices, both wholesale and retail.
The best workmen employod to bang paper either In the
city or country.
Blank Books. Stnlioneiy. rfc.—Wo have also our usnal as
sortment of writing pnpers wrapping papers, blank and
school books, stationery, etc.
fro. 4 fronti Fltb atreet, 2 doors above Market.
, ... . Philadelphia.
nr Cash paid for country rag*. mhlO—eod
TN ALL ITS BRANCIIES.—Dnslnoss card*, with appropvl-
X qte devices, embowea In a new rlyle. in plain and fancy
color*. Seals of every description, with or without nrc*»e*.
Envelopes printed with nnme. business nnd address, labels,
bill liesd*. manufacturer’s tickets. Ac., all executed In the
neatest mnnner and at prices 26 per cent, below any siml-
frr establishment. In consequence of better and Improved
facilities for the execution of such work.
N. Ik—All order* by innll promptly attended to. Goodi
sent tu any part of thu country.
_ , T. B. CALVERT A*C0..
Envelope snd Seal Press Manufacturer*. Dio Sinkers. Em be a.
sers und Kengravcra, 48 South 3d-*t., Philadelphia.
A RCHER a WARNER, Manufacturers. No 119 Chest tut-
street. Philadelphia,respectfully solicit the attenti in of
purchasers, to their assortment or chandeliers, brackets,
pendnnls.ntid every description of gas burners; also every
variety nf lamps, girandoles. Ac. We warrant our gooda
•qual in quality, and our price* a* low a* any other 'estab
lishment In the country.
Tlio Trade supplied with burners, mercury, cap*.bras*
tings, nlr pumps. Ac- at reduced prices.
Ellis S. Aroher, I William F. Wakey,
Redwood E’. Warner. | Wm. O. B. Merrill.
or manufactured to A 1 ...
or otherwise, solicited.
Ml Chestnut-street., below llurth. north side, Philadelphia.
TXT E. inform merchant* aud resident* of Hits vicinity .that
1 * t he most complete ssiorlment or Mantel. Her. Wall
and Oval (.lasses, richest styles. Tor private use. or all kind*
for country sate, with Portrait and Picture E’raiues, Ac- will
be found at our Hslnbllslmient.
I/mg experience nud Urge facilities enable u* to sell the
best goods at lowest price*.
Dimensions being given, we will give estimates for any
i/cd Mirrors, delivered free from breakage, at any point.
Orders solicited.
French Plate Glass, for Stores. Dwellings. Ac., at Importa-
tton prices THOMAS J. NATT A CO
HpIO— 00(1
T lJE subscrifr-r has just received per Into arrival*, a
large nml fresh stock of the richest nnd newest style*
or \ civet. Tapestry, Brussels, three-ply Ingrain nnd Venl-
tlnii Cnriietings. all of which aro ofierod on tho most dcsir-
able terms.
With a full assortment of Oil Cloths, Tablo Covers, Mat
ting. Ac. ’
I urclmaers are requested to make an early examinatJoT
a* strong inducements will be held out to cash buyers.
,tt. B. WALKER, 100 Che*tnut-street,
mhl7—Inwtf below 8th. South side, Philadelphia.
Take Notice.
B J. WILLIAMS, No. 12. North Sixth-street, a few doors
• above Market-street, Philadelphia, Is the moat exten-
si re and best manufacturer of Window Blinds and Shades.
1 and has taken (he highest premiums
at nil the exhibitions; he buys the best materials by whole-
*»}•• cheaper for Cosh than others pay tor Inferior articles by
rein I. and can. therefore, sell superior Venetian Blinds and
.Shade*, as cheap as others ask forlnreriornrtlcles. Painted
Window Shades In great variety, of beautiful designs and
superior quality. Buff nml White IJnen Shade*, Blind and
Shade trimmings. Fixtures, Ac., wholesale snd retail, at
tho lowest cash nrices. Store Shade* painted and lettered
to order. Reed Blinds at manufacturers’prices. Old Blind*
painted to look as good aa new. Purchasers, by calling,
will bo convinced that he sells a superior article, and guar-
nntoes full satisfaction A liberal discount made to dealare.
“ We study lo please."
^ . I1KNJ. J. WIUJAMH, i
apIO—cod No. 12 North flth-atreet, Phil*.
Offers tor sale, a largo assortment of Gotlia, Cas-
slmeres and Vesting*, consisting In part of the fol-
1U lowing articles, selected by lilmaelf during thepaat
summer tn Izindon and Pan*, which he will make up to or
der In the beat style of workmanship, and at the aborteit
notice. Ilia stock of Readymade Clothing aud of Furnish
ing Goods, tor gentlemen’* wear, U very large and of the
best quality and style—the whole of It made this fall under
F IACR. BACON. Ac.—200 bbl* superfino Howard street
Elour, 60 hlnls prime new Bacon Sides. 20 do do Should
ers. 30 bbl* and 60 keg* Leaf Lard, landing and tor sale by
T O Tm; LADIES.—Wo would respectfully call the atten-
tlon of the ladle* of Savannah, and sourroundlng coun
try, to the following new and bcaullfulgood* which we hare
Just received, viz ; silk Pari* mantilla*. laced gimp mantil
la*, black nett scarf* col’d. neet scarfs, ladles cravat* and
tie*. Frencli worked collar*, laced cape*, chemlzett* and un
der sleeves, oonnet ribbon.gauze cap ribbon, black velyet
ribbon. Alexandres light kid gloves, black nett mitts, col’d.
silk nnd Ifrlo glove*, with a large variety of other article*
too numerous to mention. Please call and see for your
selves ; qll of which will bo sold on the best posiiblo terra*
L AMP OIL, VINEGAR, Ac.—Jn*t received 10bbl*bleach
ed Whale Oil, 10 do White Vinegar, 10 do No 1 Mack
erel, 6 do Scotch llorring, 80 boxes smoked Herring, 60 do
Beadeli’s tallow and sperm Candles, 4*. 0s and 8*. 25 do do
fondly Soap. 60 do ground Coffee and Most&r I, 3 hhda New
Orleans Sugar, 20 bbl* Stuart’* crashed, ground and clari
fied Sugar*, ami 2 lilid* Codfish, for Ml* at the corner of
Broughton and Drayton street*,by
J UST nnoravci).—wo nave Just received, a fresh »up'
ply ol ladles’ merino, gauze, atlk tnd cotton Veata,
Ml**e* and Infont’a merino vesta, gent* silk, merino, gauss
and cotton vesta: also, a fine assortment of linen eambrlt
handkerchief*, ladles’ and misses’ white and brown cotton
hose, white and black silk do, gent* white, brown and mix
ed half hose, gent* white snd black silk do do, together
with a large assortment of white and colored linen cam
brie handkerchief*, colored and black stUc cravats, Stocks
and tie*, for salo low by
r id glace at
mer do, barege*, tiiauas and grenadines, colored and whit*
Isconet and organdy mualins, a larga assortment of Irtih
linens, French printed cambric*.
*pl<■ ,< 178 Rroughton-atreet
A N INDIAN PREPARATION, for restorl ng grey hair to
Its originnl color. It fr guaranteed by the Proprietor,
hat If the patient is grey, lie can havo hi* hair restored to
It* original color by using I/iret’i Wnhpene. E’or 8clo by
Jan21 W, W. LINCOLN, Monument 8qusre.
T IIE YOUNG MAROONERS. hy Hev. F.X Gouldlnz — A
further supply just received and for sale at the book
ot mnyl 8. fl. SIBLEY. 186 Cougresa-at.
A REVIEW of the Spiritual Manifestations, read before
tbe Congregational Association of N. York and Brook-
lyn. by Kev Charles Beecher.
Journal of an African Crulae. comprising sketches of the
Canaries, the Cape de Verde. Liberia, Madeira. Sierra Le.
one. and other place* of interest an the west coast of Afrl-
ra—by Horatio Bridge, U S Navy ; edited by Nathaniel
Silver and Pewter, or contrast of New York life.
Memoir*. Journal .and Correspondence of Tho* Moore-
edited by the Right Hon. Lord John Russoll, M P.
Bantum’a Illustrated New*, No. 20. Received by
J “ 1. D, CPBBEDGfc
T7L00R, Ac.—1
r, Smith’s do.'
2 Mackerel, reed
•160 bbla Baltimore Flour, 76 bbl* Hiram
20 half bbls Fulton Market Beef, Noa 1 and
received and for sale by
LI.own lo-l—ctlnn, tjl -LI ta-old .ttl. prto. lor QALAD OIW,,.! rfctl.rd . .«p«rlnr .rtltl. of 8.1.
caati or auproveil .credit t—French black, blue, brown and «u r or table use Aa for sale bv
oil-Cloth.; r.ncj French »ndKraU.h Cu<ta.m; lim, • UI.MM.JJgW««.I-Z ..
Silk Vestlmr. super, fancy Silk Plush Vesting* x black Bar
athea Nik Vesting*; super, blaek Doeskin Caufmere*; Ma
rino and Bilk. Undershirts and Drawers; white
Shirt* *nd /r -"— 1 «—A— «-—
— i. Ac., for sale by .
June! W. W. UNOUlif. Monument 8quare.
HUTTER AND IXRD7—26’flrkrn* prime and choloe But-
■ m
S PRING AND SUMMER SILKS—-A new assortment
atrlpes and plaid, new pattern glngbam, barege* and
tlMue*. ladle*’ colored and black umbrella* and paraadfr,
silk gimp to xult all abode* of alike and barege*, black net
mantilla*, shawls, points and aearfo. white ana black sew
ing allk scarfs, white lace and colored »llk mantilla*, white
and colored crape ahawla, black swan illk*. black bareges
and tissues, black and lead F
L ADIES’ DRESS GOODS.—Printed organdies, grenadlnea
bareget, jaconita. lawn*. tl»*oea, glac# *11**. gro de
Paris, French cambric*, India illk*, figured and dootted
ewtu moll, nansook and cambric muslfna, allk and linen
l “.. t p'i5* C , fo, “l.. t r * MORGAN.
B UTTER. CHEESE, Ac.—so kegs selected Goshen Butt*
1“ • • “ ■ .-.-.--A..*.:: I.
100 boxes do Goshen Cheese; 100 do do scaln .
160 do do Raisin*; 60 hair and 60 quarter do RauIiM; 100
hatr. quarter and eighth bbla Buckwheat ; 20 boxes assort
ed Candy; 60 do New Bedford Sperm Candles; 10,000*upe-
. "* ***““ ° , “ J 1 MWU
rlor Plautatton Segar*. Received per iteemer aodfat rail
B RANDY, gin, Ac.—10h*V pipes Otard Brandy, 10 do de
tkirttt k RoacWld do. 10 pipe* Holland Gin, 20 W and
A cask* Madeira Wine, 20 do do Port do; 80 bbl* old Mooon
gabel* Whisky. 60 do Domettle Brandy, 50 do do Gin, 100
do doRum, lOOdo Whfrky, ju*t received, and tor yakjjy
B a 3 V .. and /‘ARD-W hfrfr choloe Baoon SI ee: «0 do
Shnuldera, 600 canvassed Baltimore Hama, 30 bbls,
prime iMf Lard, received and tor ule by
junel2 MoMAl
TTAY.—50 b»Ie* prlme^AmboyHay, land)
IX er North State. For'sale by
*. *_ V a / '