The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 18??-1856, August 18, 1853, Image 3
I, SOSOS, D J gjJj£*M?wgjj nm^jsvpsffff^t••» rt* 1 '- '"■«*••“.'• i»*<«?®«!“!«i-a *X u^b.MoUMtoMn mh5 •'Urbughtonitruct,nppoi feaatg/Wr■s^.-faidL^.jqu,,: Ii - l - J.nurutu-1*® 1 .*»r*S8fifotame, Jbifeisb^ * w. «*»V_ H«ji. for r»ut on TOlilr'i Wh«r! or Provision Store- Ap- ROWLAND A OQ. ud oomtortablodwtlllng. on door front Barnard. Iromo- ■ '*“.* „»Vuiiih Hivt 142 Bay street. ■ " W tU^i'Huuu.l iM'uu^WBulUia «sSmanS8ss»e SiySidoU'ifflKio 1 bom q-tire Bofbu^r^ionttalhim- ishby j—~~~r~'mn7«- ia IsS3^Bm8Sv>»’ b^ss ■« gSjllljy -2?!kT»-,.TBnS5sr*B0H.-» A™ 'lie auoecnoer -win ran* ou onw *•*«. «•* w» ***“**- yj *»..—■. - derbolt Road, about one mile from tho Exchange, for a gtsrcb, for mU by McMAHON, fc DOYLE. m> of yesra/Thoro la a goc^ .pweUIngon the premia^,, 1.0,0/1*" "P JIoMABOS * DOTUi. Itrtu o( jut*. -•«*„ -■ r ,-T--,Mi,„,l Uln, 5TbbU r. k H- 'rto, /Htli mityolUll^. for V&Nz&^&xfflsxi tai i^VlS 1l“~"ll‘“* SoWooU Bourbon do, f0 MoMAl( l ON‘ liDOYtfc up .pflssa&h m-»-*gftsg£S' jxtipnn* 7»5r 8ALR-A tru itv and capable negro vroman with her , U throe children. Apply at thtoofleo. apllO (7dR8ALE—A very superior on# homo earryalh dohble . 1 acat. made by one of the beat manufacturer# at tho north For patttculato. apply to ___ ■ . maySl TbaWTEB, HOLLISTER fc CD., Whitaker-at ■^'rtfriviu^Recelved by steamer Florida,16 boxes Imd Xl ons,’In first rale order, for tale y A BONAUD. fesnsasqn- Ul S-j^r.^jTrJiJVoB—SO hhd/ SOU., 10 00, B A “bbun™Wufl"»'•““ ,h| Pp ul * a "'- |M»S <* b P nOLCOMOE, JOHNSON k 00, ffloKarDar75nMr^, t °"*" ff >| p T 0 oo PBICH , DOLLARS REWARD-My. negro *“ hut Saturday night, the'26th .-jplectod, about five feet tehltt- high, and ho formerly belonged to Mr. Holiday, In Chatham county. HewaaaoldtoMr. Wright In Baran* nab, of whom I bought him. Twenty dollara reward will w paid for thla boy lodged in any Jau oraafe place where I can get him. . DAVID ALLEN, July 2• McTntoah county. fjl CHILDREN AND YOUTH’S HATS—Strw, leg- JULhoin and Webater, a fine aaaortment at tnaylB BELDEN fc 00*8. nCOTCH J gale by =cnrViI B—A negro woman aged 27 year*, a cook, wash. TxRsAfi>-A.n^ »>« ■/'<' Fk“ r -‘” Jeoraplel ”|‘“''wYu,V"i.te[oiJiN. txoRSALE—A man 33 yeara old, a houao aerrant and H cook. Apply to Jaljiff UNION STEAM SAW MILL. rpnE aubaorlbeni haring completed their new Steam Saw Mill, are now prepared to cut and fill order* for Lum> ber of every dlmenalon at abort notlco. In tho building ot thla mill we have taken advantage of all tho recent im- prorementa In tha oonatructlon and machinery of mllla,and are of opinion that our mill will only require a trial to con vince any one that aba can manufacture Lumber equal, if not superior to any other mill In the 8tate. To those who may favor na with their order*, we wltt aay that our utmost exertions aball be used to give satisfaction both In pimdu- atUu and prices. J. ROBERTS fc CO. £9* Order* may be left' at our office, 105 Bay-street, or at the mill, Eastern wharves. WYLLY A MONTMOLLIN. fvOR SALE—A negro woman, aged 30 veara *r*, a good cook BONTMOIUN. A NCHOVY PASTE, French Mustard, Capers, 8ardlnes and Olives, for sale by June24 A. BONAUD. i IlDER.—25 boxes Champage Cider, a vet^ choice article Sate of July 27 . — TxAUOOBJ. Uoen Sheeting, 8-4, 104 and 12-4 Linen Da- (/ ms<k, Swiss. Mull and Nainsook Muslins. 8ilk and Gjb» Flannels Renta Linen Cambric Handkerchieft, Shirt towns, Corded Skirt*. InfanU Embroidered Wstats, Fans, /MONPRESS WATER—Now landing from bark Exact, war- VS.ranted tobe genuine and. recently bottled. A supply U kept always In Ice.. W. W, LINCOLN, ' JeaO i Monuihedt 8qt TJACON' SHIR*.—60 hhds prime llacon Bides, just recei* j) e«l and for gale by Jime22 COHEN A FOSDICK. pORNI CORN!! 1,200 bushcU prime white Western Bps L'HAlll'AUNK. 'JO 5=TO P^r W b, Jolt r.C,«l ooA for - „ DURym 1 JUn —"* T1RITTANNIA WARE.—T» and Coiree’PotiTMugs, Soup . J and Gravy Ladles, Julep Mixers, Candlesticks, Lamps and Spittoons^ for salt by Ig5 ' J June24 tSfRKQVED . .orpty ol M aug2 AIKEN A BURNS. E XGLCTI SHEET ISI.VGUSS—a very superior article for jelly*. Ac It has lieen tested In this city, and Is B nccd to be equal to the Russian isinglass, with tho advantage of being sold at about one-half the price. Forstloby W. W. LINCOLN, r Monument Square. L INEN coats AND PANTS—An additional supply re ceited and for snlo at 147 Bay street by mil PRICE A YEA PER B READ SHEER—For cutting bread of an equal thick* nets, slicing smoked beef, cutting cold slaw, &o. This knife can bo regulated to cat any thickness required from *n X to V of an inch. For salo by aug6 0 . J[. P. COLLINS. nnxrSUK'SCELEBRATED 1CE-PREJKRVINO PTfCHKHS. P IDUR.—100 bids Howard 8troet Flour, for sale by june?5 _ ROWLAND A C 5 Co’g New York celebrated brands of Tobacco, by ipOT-12 R. MAYER, 0 Whitaker street. C C — , _ guavra dn. 60 boxes ground dn.lO hhds N 0 sugar, 10 do Muscovado and Porto lUco do, 76 bbls crashed do, 76 do pogrdf-teddo.&n cases Hyson tea. 40 do black do, 60 boxes pore ground pepper, 50do glnger.recelved and lor sale!■* , P 15 MCMAHON A DOYLE.* H AY.—125 bundles’llay, landing from schr. Cataract, foi ■ale by aplO BRluHAM, *■ m [, KELLY A CO. L sale by F LOUR. LIQUORjC'Ao.—lOObblsBaltimore Flour,^30 do do Pb* p»’Gin.30 do New Orff- — " *" J * ”*’*• iOboxe Cheese. 50 do Herring »kega l*rd.landing ar COHEN A TARVER. its IOboxe "Cheese. 50 do Herring. 26 bbls Butter and Su' gir Crackers 20 hhds new Eacon,50keg*I*rd. landing and for sale by ml.18 l boas, Scotch ginghams, black net mlt* and gloves, la- die*' colnrol silk gloves, damask linen nankins and doylss. birds-eve diaper, long lawns, linen cambric hdkfii., Ac., for sale *t the lowest prices by ap!22 DaWITT A MORGAN, ling dresses, French printed jaconets and cambrics, figured and plain Swiss muslins, plaid and atrlpe swias and cambric niudlns, nansook, jaconet and mull muslins em broidcred clear lawn hdkfs.. N W collars and cambric, and cambric and swlss bands, ribbons, hosiery, gloves, Ac., just received by may 22 D*WnT A MORGAN. R ASPliraUY VINEGAR—A superior article of Raspberry Vinegar, a very pleasant and cooling beverage, also, ’’rry and Orgeat Syrups, just received from A J Chau- nd for salo by W. W. LINCOLN, Monument square. Rtgplei reau. an< junel2 A * TTENTION GEORGIAIiUSSARR—Just received, a fine lot of your Fatigue Caps, all lettered ready for use. at jj9 BEI-DEN A 00»S. TJACON. PORK AND BEEF—80 casks prime Western Ba- D con Bide, 30 do do Rhnuldors, 60 bbls Mesa Pork, 15 do prime do. 75 do Hess Beef, 20 half do Fulton Market Beef, •ir sale by „it3 WEBSTER A PALMES. C ORDlAl^.—French anil German Cordial in jugs and bottles. & doien Curosoo. for sale by J«me24 A. BONAUD. F l/lUR AND BEEF.—360 bbls BalUmote Flour, 30 do Hiram Smith’s do, 60 do Genesee do. 20 half bbls Ful ton Market Dcel^choice brand, received and for aale by _ ®1*21 McMAlION A DOYIJL ) Sides, 2i do do shoulders, for sale bi June3 ile by COHEN 4 B AGGING AND ROPE.—148 bales Gunny aoth,600 colls Kentucky Rope, for sale by j“ n *3 COHEN A FOSDICK. TtyTOSJUtn) NETTING.—60 pieces mosquito netting, 60 1VA do boblnel do. for sale bv ' L do boblnel do, for sale by • »P»3 KEMPTON A VEROT1IJ.B. L IMR.-1.000 bbls lime, per brig Tallulah, for sale to ar- = ri ’ e -_l>j Jyia BRIGHAM, KELLY A CO. K {'LOBSTER AND BALMON-Just received 10 dosen steamer Alabama, and for sale by m “D A. BONAUD. H AY.—100 bales prime Northern Hay, dally expected per schooner Queen Esther, for sale, tn arrive, b* ■W« BRIGHAM. KELLY A 00. I do Rides, 30 halt bbls Fulton Market Beef, just recolv «jtndforwloby mayO MoMAHON A DOYLE. pUHJR. CANDLES AND STARCH—26 bbU Canal Hour, i ^° XM Hwdel's Caudles. 20 do do 8tarch, for sale by «*• HOICOMDE. JOHNSON A CO WCOOLERS. Ice Chesta, Ioe Malleta and Hatehota. juoelS ,l receWeU * D,, hr “ le b F J - p - COLLINS. a*Mle bjr^ apUa KEMPTON A VERBTlIJJa OH0KRDT0 N0UES _ 2 bbls Just received and for salo by u mn A. BONAUD. pOFFffi. SUGAR; Ac.—160 sacks Rio Coffee. 100 do La* nr pockets Java do. 10 hhds Porto Rleo 8u- wiw*. S°* x ' lo ' bbls 8tuart's crashed do, 76 do <l0,7 , ft Creen Tea. 60 half cbeste Black do. lmoked H ®fring. received and for salo by ’ - Janp ‘° McMAHON A DOYIE. CUhl’s best Cider alwaya on hand, and for v/sal^by mayia BRIO HAM. KELLY A 00. J l !iiT„ llF P :iV, ? ) wor '‘ e ' 1 Uco Collars of the latest stylos 7brn!Tp*!li Con *i * n '^ HwlM ^dgleg* end ImerUngs^aml roteaUEdgmm. tntby AIKEN A BURNS. F°UnS A H*r®! h, *" # Chatham Mutual Loan AsSocia- ifon mS. i "?. 5 20 ,h »"“ of ^vannah I*»n Aaaoda I 'oS? w,ot * Of 6 shares or upwards. Apply tn M. rRENDEROA8T. F bri2w' 8 ju UM,—40 hbl ‘ J ‘ Belton's Rum, landing per n,,”* Nortl,man «f° r «lol»y BRIGHAM, KELLY A 00. B iSLiW AND HAMK-Jnst received. 10 halrbbla Tort ftm / u . Uon n 1Urke . lBwr ’ 10 who,a “ n ^ half do Pig I-elf^li*"r 1 “'“.^ynolds* and Roloson’s Hams. 10 bb& Junel7^ ,for *a ,B by DAVID O’ONNOR, — C ?- rnef Brou ghtcnand Drayton streeU. S > SSj9 N0U P~ Jaj,t 3555*55 two barrels Smoked TvrS f ° r Mleb y J* 14 J. ROUSSEAU. FnX.mWLW BOTfroT-^O bbla. If. SmTlh Ur ml' 25d0, 9* mI 2 0< t 20b0XM Cheese510Jar*But- -/ ^'W.."Cui!"br ' r fro ”‘* l "“- ' HOUJOHBB. JOIISBOH It CO. DffS IHK 3PRIN03—F/e.h 0«S W.K wl* it * b ® Southport can be found on wMljuoi! w w iJncQL^ Monument Square. OwsShfotfou Wb4la 0«S 76"b5i5 sod Kunr m* ..^•H»end ^ lb. papers; 76 boxes Soda ItcMAHDK k DOYIH. A ■’“'I rnrte-HMtar tkmSl2SS!' h ?'« l » t •“« WriWl. Irtatlemeo will mTSSI’." 1 *£**• P— U for their fi- ^ , U8 , AIKEN k BTOHS. “.K**”” hbhi Drill 1OT „n„ or , AtloriMO J/M ■ 1Um, > "“■ 1 U‘ t "'ltw .nd for ul. br J’ HOIiOOMnil, JOHHBOH k O) a 5^““ ““'■ww 'henaitow 6dSnu^7r?. ,tr * e ^ r,<, ’ 6k ** ,e * ,0,t *® o; Jnee 17 * ®° Chee-e, for .ale by DAVID CPOONNOR. iSijgl Jew WM.r.wnuAMa. nunnxre oirvra. jack aaovrir. WILLIAMS, OLIVER di DROWN* ATTORNEYS’AT I AW, Bumariti* Marion Oounl) } a<i., Will practise In tho counties of Marlon, Macon, Houston, 8tewart, Randolph. Muscogee, Lee, and any adjoining counties where their service* may be required. Jan28 FERDINAND MOULTON* ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT JAW, IPoiAfoflton <7ty, X>. (7.. Will practise In tho various Qourt* of the District, and at tend to the .prosecution of claims against the Govern- ment. , June22 Dlt, O, F, COOFJBR. Office under Mrs. Sclmidor’s. west of Liberty square, Mont- gonwry-slreet. Residence corner of Perry and Drayton- ■treats, opposite the Catholic Church. June22 tug3 JylO HOLCOMBE, JOHNS DN A 7REMII LOBSTERS. Salmon and English Pickles. Just rt ■ celved and for sal0 by Juno24 A. BONAUD. C ORN AND OATS-For aale to arrive. angd m J. P. COLLINS. JAY—25 balea Eastern Ila; iy. for sale to 1 BRIGHAM, « ijriiENfB! Printoil Canibries. ln medium and dark colon, very beautiful, Just opened and for sale by aug4 ' DfWTIT A MORGAN. RISII Unens. Apron Checks, Saxony and 8i!k Flannels, . . one caaoassorted Dark Calicos, Ac., Just opened and for salo by aug4 ™ DlWJTT A MORGAN. N OTICE-REGISTRATION OF VOTniS.—At 2 o’clock, P. M.. on the first Monday In next month, the list for the Registration of Voters for this year, will be finally and absolutely closed. By law. nug3 EDWARD G. WILSON, Clerk of Council. H AY AND FLOUR—200 bales superior North River Hay, 60 barrels Flour, landing per steamer Augusta, and fur 0 by - augS PADELFORD, FAY A 00. B UTTER AND FLOUR.—30 kegs and 20 tabs selected GOehen Butter | 28 bbls and 20 half do purn Genesee Hour; 28 do Hiram Smith’s extra do do, received per steamer, and for sale by aug3 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. ' 7LOUR.—25 bWslL Smith, 30 do Canal, 20 half bbU do, lauding from steamer Aur usta. and for aale by ig3 HOLCOMBE. JOHNSON A CO. P ER STEAMER from New York, wo havo Just received and are now opening a fine solcctlon of Plaid Gingham, also, Mourning Gingham, which we are offering at the low. est passible prices. aug2 ~ AIKEN A BURNS. XJL the latest styles and aug2 AIKEN A BURNS. TIGHT ALBERT GAITERS—Forsummer wear. Just rt- 1 • ' ’■ * * “* PRICE A VEADER. Li celred by N APOLEON BITTERS—A superior article for dlspepsia. Ao„ for aale by may20 A. BONAUD. A N additional eupply of Louisiana Plaids and Stripes, Just received 5 also, a new atyle of Plaid Gingham, for which a premium was awarded by the Franklin Institute, to which we Invite the attention of our customers. )uly22 AIK1N A BURNS. $500 Challenge. HOBEIfSACK’S WORM SYRUP. A N article founded uponsdent!floprinclplea,compound- lx. cd with purely vegetable substances, being perfectly sure whisn tnken, and has never been known to fall fn curing tho most obstinate easel. Worms can never exist when this remedy Is once used, from the fset that it not only de stroys them bnt remotes all the elime and muous which may remain. y The Tape Worm. Thla worm Is the most difficult to destroy of all that In habit the human body. It grows to an almost Indefinite length, and becoming so coiled and fastened Intheintes tiues and stomach as to produce Fits, St. Vitas' Dance, Ao, which la the cause of many going to the grave, not believ ing that these complalnta have tbetr origin from the tape worm j consequently they do not use the proper medicines for their disease. To those who are afflicted with this aw ful foe to health, I recommend the use of my Worm 8yrnp and Liver Villa; the Syrup to be taken In doses of two ta ble spoonfuls three tlmea a day, then take from five to eight of my Liver Pills, to dislodge and pass the worm. By strictly following these directions, the most obstinate cases of tape worm can be speedily cured. Round or Stomach Worm. This worm is usually found In the small Intestines, and is tho worm most common to children, yet it ia not entirely confined to them, as adults have frequently been known to suffer with them. Tho symptoms moet prominent while affocted with this worm, are hardness anil fullness of the belly, Slimy stools, looseness of the bowels, picking at tha note, a bluolsb streak under the eyee, Ac. If you.or any ol your children have any of tha abovo symptoms, Hoben- sack’s Worm Syrup can safely be depended upon—hr using UMUrfD BEEr.-ejhbu,l.o| M a U onsiM|dm > io c ° r ?. ! *g? the syatem, you can rest assured there is no remedy beyond the grave, aa for foil, there Is no such word as foil with those who use my Worm Sjrrnp. Aacnrldea* or Small Thread Worms. These worms, to which the human ay tom Is liable, are most troublesome of all others. They are noerally to be found la the rectum, and If allowed to remain, from the Ir ritation they produce, lay the foundation for aeriona disor ders, such as inflammation of tho bowels, and other de rangements of the stomach. The best and safest medicine that can be used Is Hobensack’s Worm syrup, Such ia the astonishing power of my medlclnet over Ascaradios, that ' def^any one to produce a ease where my Worm are recommended to be used the# s. Ail that le necessary is to use the syrup in accord- e with directions on each bottleand In case a gentle purgative Is reqnlred In order to allay the Irritation they produce, the Liver 1111s, by Uieir sympathising action ana healthy operation upon the boweti. is the most pleasant IIOBK2NBACK’S LIVER PILLS, No part of the syatem is more liable to disease than the liver, It being supplied with numerous blood vessels and barren, and if diseased, the blood of course flowing thro* all parts of the body, produces liver complaints, jaundice, bilious affections, dyspepsia, Ao. Liver Com plaint, I* attended with ohllls, succeeded by fever, severe paln the region of the liver, vomiting bitter taste, yellow furred tongue, pulse foil and bounding, the pain in the side is In creased by pressure, should .tho left lobe be affected, the pain la generally in the left shoulder, with a short dry cough, tlio skin becoming of a sallow appearance, and tho stools olsy colored. This disease can be cured by tho use of Ho- bensack’s Liver Pills, as thev act directly upon tha seat of the disease, and then operating upon tho bowels they ex pel all the corrupt and vitiated matter from Use system. . Dyspepsia. The symptoms of Dyspepsia, and Its various diseases are dlulncsa in tho head, heartburn, oppression after eating meals, sourness arising from the stomach, Ao, and some times general languor of the whole body, from this it wll bo seen that tha disease owes its origin to a disorganised stale of the Lirer and Stomach. Hobensack’s Liver Pills is the very medicine to effect a permanent aud lasting cure, ae they act by changing the oertaln morbid actions of the an*dhi*lth° * AoUon * an4 tandering the blood pure „ To Ftmalei. You will And these Pills an invaluable medicine in many comptalnta to which you are subject. In obstructions either total or partial they bava been found of Inestimable bene fit In restoring and purifying the blood and other flulda ao M to . e 5F? •** 00mplaint* which may arise from female Ir- regularities, ar haadaeha. dimness of eight, pats'in the side, l»ck, Ao. These Pills are the only aafo and effectual rente- J/, to ® D , re the following eomnfolete. Gout, Nervousness, Melancholy, 8|ck Headache. Giddiness, Rheumatism, dls- 'PE IMmness of Sight, or In foot any of the dls- .. * b »t arise from affections ol the Liror,itnpurity of the Blrod, or constipation ot tha BoirelL _ • . **•««»* BvlOence anuderrigned Phy»ld»ni, having had the rceipt of their manufoetnre subm tted to ua for Impootlon, say, that tha Ingredients of which they are eomtSooed makes them the beet PU1 in use for aUd^-STOv^rim. puriUciO the Blod, Ac. ’ GEORGE WOOD, M. D. F CROWI.EY. M D. L. BOWEN. tL D. *?- Purchase none but thoso having the alrnature " J, N. HOBENSACK,”aa all others are worthtm« imitations. AgenU wishing oewaupnliea.and all others wfohlngto WILLIAM P* YQNQB, FACTOR AND COMMISSION■US0OiXSt t ,t W. 84 BiqH<rar<,'aaiwUdA. - ; 'i ■ • WILLIAM H. DASIUlIt, , ATPORNEYANI) OOUNSKU J)R ATLAWJ. ictise id Thomas,XowddesVCUnoh, Ware, Appl — Ir. Irwin, Inurens, and Pulaski counties. uoort._, and in Jelforson, Madison, Hamilton, and Columbia ooun- JOSEPH GAIVAHL. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Comer (/ Bay and WhUaker-tlrfdt. JAMES O. A. CLARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office—176 Bay-tired, Savannah, Georgia. WALTER 8. NOTT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. Oil Bay-tired, gflixtnnaA, Georgia. 100 mats oiduovernmvut Java do.J 100bbls fiPhew* andRo*eOhn. ;‘‘- 80nulirWamI90etghth cask* Malaga Wine, M able BTieddwelPa Pilot ilnedTi^ * ,} 40 dn ; add 100 keg* Prime leaf C*rdv ' • , fid fi: H Smith’s andjpirt Conor* Flour, , ,40 bflf>Wt pare Wopr, ’sagfe-w • 00bbls qrasUed And powdered Sugar, 'i - - >; 10 caski sQperlor sugar cured Hams. 0 landing and for sale by,, ;auglVi, SCRANTON, JOHNSTON AW. mcqueen McIntosh, ATTORNEY AT LAW, JacktonvilU, Fla. JULIAN HARTRIDGE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office, comer qf Wkilaktr *t. ond Bay latu. Savannah. GEOR< Office, comer qf II OUT HOWARD, KY AT LAW. ■-«<. and Bay-lane, Savannah, Ga. exposed, man* to the acoosslon of Wltilam and Iforyln 1688, Uttgdrd,D.D.™7; ' T< 1 Heavenly Recognition—Will we know our frionda In bea- vent by Rev H Harbauxb.- .. 1 ' . Heaven, dr tire Selntod Dead, by Harbaugh. -The Heavenly Home, or the Employment and Enjoyment ^ThdClustrated Mngatlne of Art for August j,tl»e'j&tn- butgh Review' for' Julr 1 Ranking’* lialf yetrly Abstarct, January to June, 18681 Rarnum’s Illustrated News 5 the lady’s Book for August j English and Equity Reports, vot Philosophy of Sir Wm Hamilton, edited by 0 W Wright. Eearth’iLogacy | Annle.Grayson} Grammar without a ? /“i/SflT*’W. THORNE WltJJAUB, ~ ROOF OP EXCIIAHGK. ~~~ P ROPOSAIH will, be received Until 22d Inst,, for remov ing the Slate and Shingles frpm the roof of. the Ex- ..... tl........ ,_|||. — k of copper. - Also, for renewing the cornice and covering It with gal-- vanlted Iron. ROBT D. WALKER,. augll Chairman Public Buildings.. - D LSSOI.UTIDN oif SraSfiSffinafcOftS co.p»rlin.. ship heretofore existing between the suhscribera, un der the firm of HsrsMsx A Matka. Is thU day dissolved by mutual eonsent. The business of tho late firm wilt be set tled by Wm. IL Hausman. to whom all persons haring claims will pleaso present thorn, and those Indobted will mnko payment. WM H. HAUSMAN. augll—lm SOI,. MAYER. D OiiiFne LIQUOR.—160 bid* New Orleans Rectified 1 WhlskV.lOO do E Phelps’ Northern Gin, 40 do P AH Connecticut River Rye do, 15 do lather Felton and Pure Boston Rum, 40 do Bomostio Brandy. 20 quarter and 20 eighth casks 4tli proof do. 30 bbls superior old Monongahe- la Whtssy, 00 do do Rye do, 400. gross old Georgia Peach Brandy, for sale by mh!4 SCRANTON. JOHNSTON A 00. M 0I.A8SE8, LIQUORS, Ac.—60 hhds Cuba Molasses.100 bbls do. 76 do N 0 Byron, 100 do Phelps’ and Pine Ap ple Gin, 60 bbls Cognac Brandy, 60 do Old Rye Whisky, 40 do Rum, 76 boxe* Lemon Syrup, 60 dn assorted Cordials, 80 case* Brandy Peaches. 16 cases mixed Ptekles, received and for sale by Jel3 MoMAHON A DOYIH. ; -ui .i»,. ^1. Sit j&es&t K8ATILLA. having most of bar eargq wngaged, will Llna^-Theregu' «<« pacasi ecur. 1*. k. «uwun, (Apt. Lingo, will JBh N B Vt^YORK-GeoTil* LI 11 e^—Tbs rag- sHjbuIar packet acbr PLANDOMK, (Apt. R T. Brown, wiu.havo Imroedlata dllpAteh for'the above port. For freight or passage, apply to ■ auglS ! ' ROWLAND A 00. NEW YORK--Unlon l.Ai, ocpieroovr Din,win u* aoiQin ir-ai w w kills, on HetcbtoWA’s Islandj For fortbeV par ting room, Sold by, leave of, the proijerly of D.M. f of the Admhustrttor. r _ ' At PriraU Sala^MObosbeirTen salt purchasers,-Just reeelved.' • • * wM1 _ °r'i5 Private Skis.—21 barrels oholo# ButtlPork, -In lots to suit purchaser*. _Undlng and fpr sale, >. July 28 1 ■ A Deelriibla Rptldlpg Lot for 8al*. Lot No 9. fourth tythlog, Anson ward. For particulars, Inquire at the oountln* room/ , T *Jyl6 At Private Bale-6 keys Red Ston. Mills Pwder, 2 do clear, and in r Hasard k Go’s HFQ HO Powddl 1 ,18 do Da^ont's N P Pow-. BloCoffco. andW WfHVl dsr, for sale low to clo*e a ooncem. , junelO [ packet fcchr. FRANCES 1 vo quick dispatch. for ^ iR». Apply to augll ■TneM ppiy U> BTWTWj it schr. Vll VIROL ... ipatchfortho above Apply to ' augl2 FARE RliDUCEi). 14no«—The regular daxiERLY, DavU. master ■ above port. For freight ■ OQDKN A BUNKER. etv Ltno^-The •New Line.—The regular K y CapLAxworlhy, will meet ort. For freight or passage, I. K. WASHBURN, AyM* >-raOMAS T. LONG, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR GENERAL, E. DBT. Office, comer Bay and Bamard-tirttU. Sanumah, TIIOS. J. NUCKOLLS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, GAttmbui, Georgia, WM. H. F. GURLEY* ATTORNEY AND 0UUNSE1.I/)K AT LAW, No. 14 Watt-tired, New York. JOHN G. FALL I GANT, wnoiBSALi ai»n rrtail dislir rw WINDOW BUNDS. WINDOW HASH AND PANEL DOORS. WtdSideManumeni Squart, Savannah,Ga. DROWN Si HARRIS, BOARDING, LIVERY AND SALES STABLES, WIST BROAD STRUTT, BATAX.1AU, UA. ORDINARY’S OFFICE, Corner of Ray and Whltaker-streets. Office hours from 0 ‘ "jto2,P. M.; and fromBH, P. M. to 6, P. M. DANIBLL « COOPER, ATTORNEYS AND C0UN8EIJJ)RS AT LAW, Atlanta, Georgia. A. SHORT, MASTER BUILDER, Will taka contracts for Building and Work in Masonry of every description. Residence first door west of St An drew’s n*ll, Broughton Street. ROOFING. The subscriber is prepared to lay Tin Roofs on correct prin- ciplca.and from sixteen years’ experience, feels assured he can give saUstactlon. Prices very low, Best roTuronce given. • J. J. MAURICE. 4FUutlcrs and Conductors made tn order. M. WHIT SMITH, ATTORNEY AND GlUNSMJjOll AT iJiW, Alligator, Aiut bVrrida. Will practice In the Eastern aud Southern countto*. Refer to OoL 8.8. Sibley, and R. B- Hilton. Esq.. Savannah, Oa. ’ J. wTrATTERSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSEILOR AT LAW, Ibrtyth, St on roe Oounty, Ga. J. 11. I1AYNE, * ATTORNEY AT LAW, Scarborough, Striven County, Practice* la the Eastern and Middle Circuits of Georgia. Jy2fl—3m S. W. BAKER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSaJDR AT IJiW, Monticdln, Jeffermra Oounty, Florida. Reference—Hon W. B. FjjMBB, Savannah, Ga. feb3 to: a. wonwoon. c. 0. wnoon. NORWOOD di WILSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, NaeannoA, Ga., Will practice In all the Counties oftho Eastern Circuit. Bu siness committed to tlielr care, will receive prompt atten tion. Office on Bay street, over Wwwtkk k lumra'. UNITED STATES MAID LINE— PIHLADEIJ’HIA—The new and splemlid elds - —whip 8TATE OF GEORGIA, Capt Robert Har- die, will leavt Savannah aa follow*! Wednesday, August...,{,241 Wednesday, September...21 Wwlncsday, September,., 71 Wednesday, October 6 Tills ship has beed built with the strictest regard to the safety and comfort of her passengers, and her accommoda tions are onauroassed. The new ship Keydone State, will take her place m the line early InSoptembor, aud will, with tho State of Georgia, make a weekly Une, leaving each port on Wednesday. Cabin passage to Philadelphia 1... 1, .820 06 8teerage... it .. S 00 < C. A. L I^MAR. Agent, Savannah. HERON k MARTIN. Agents, PhlladelpU, riKASBRS, KXCnWIOlTTIlIP TO pa- m latka and St. AvqutUne, touching at Darien, v at. Maryt, Jacksonville and Picotata.—Tbe new andenperforsteampacket ST. JOHNS, Ckpi. James Free born, will make ah Excursion Trip to the above place*, leaving on Thursday Morning. 25th Inst., at 0 o’clock, and etuming the following Thursday. For freight or pMiage, mvlng handsome state , room aocommodailnna apply on hoard, »r to augli J. H. OUNBY, Agent, W HITEiVASH BRUSHES. Sweeping Brooms, Busters, Serubs. Popes Heads aud Eyes, Scrubbing, Shoe and Ley Brushea, for aala by JylO ■ . . J P. COLLINS. B UTTER AND CHEESE—25 firkins choice new Butter, 60 boxes Cheese, received and for sale by '. a Junol2 MoMAHON b DOYLE. OPPOSITION DINE. Change of Departure—tor Patatka. Fla., and all the interme diate landinge on the route. The superior now Bteam-packetWKLAKA, ZCaptain N. Kura, will, until further notice, leave, every SUtVkiut, at 10 o’clock. A. M. Rate of Passage In large, airy State Rooms, as follows: To Darien .....83 001 ToPicolaU $8 00 St. Mary 4 60 Palatks,. 8 00 Jacksonville....',...6 00 I Black Creek...,8 00 N. B.—Freight consigned to R. R. Duke, for Ocala, will be re-ahlpped free of ail charges at Paiatko. - For freicht or paasage apply on board at.the Charleston Steam Packet Company’s wharf, or to f«bl8 8, M. LAFFITEAU, Agent. IIUTTER, CHESE. fro.—20 kegs selected Goshen Butter, JD 20 tube do do. 60 boxes new Cheese. 100 do new scaled Herring, 60 bbls Hiram Smith’s Ilnur, for aale by June23_ * SCRANTON. JOHNSTON k CO L ADIES GAUNTLETS —Just received an assortment, a sorted colors and fine quality, foreale by ‘"tlf’K k V” ‘ ■'**** *' JvH PRICE k VEADER, 147 Bay-st. J^UTCH CHEESE—Just received 100 heads of Edam ' Cheese, for sale by Jol4 UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. Jbr Patatka, K. F., via Darien, Brvnncick. St. Maryt, Jcukton- ville, Middleburg. Black Crude and PicoUtia. * The euporiorSteam Packet WM. GASTON, 0»pt. T. R. Su* w, will leave on Tuesday Morn- ig, at 10 o'clock^ and will continue to leave every Tuesday. The Ratos of Passage by this Boat, are as follows: To Darien ; ,,|3 00 81. Mary V 4 60 Jacksonville 6 00 PlcolaU 8 00 Pnlatka ....... 8 00 BlnckCreok 8 00 For freight or passage, apply on board at tho Charleston Steam Packet wharf, or to may31 CLAOHOBN fc CUNNINGHAM. Agent*. L EMONS—10 boxes just received aud for salo by mil A. b&naud; P ARIS MANTILLAS.—A few of the latest style Parle M’k silk mantillas, something new. for sale by apllS KKM1TON & VERS1TLLE. H AY—lOflCbnles prime Northern nay, landing from bark Marla Morton, for sale by . : JunelO OGDEN fc BUNKER QUN UMUREU.AH—A fine assortment of small light Sun O Umbrellas, for tale by PRICE fc VF.ADKR, may7 147 Bay-street. B UTTER AND CHEESE.—30 firkins Choice Goahon But- tor.j 60 boxes Cliecse. recclvwl and for salo by julylo MOMAHON fc ItOYIH T)fjTATOES.—50 hhls. Carter’s lino eating Potatoes, land JL Ing and for sale by fobl7 #CRANT0N. JOHNSTON & 00 E NVELOI*E AND WRAITlNO* PAPER, of vnrlous sires and quality. Also,'Cotton Sampling and Silk Wrap ping Paper, for sale by roliOO J B. CUnBEDGE. tollotnndnncmclentreiiiodvrorttjio hqndneh. fantl ness, languor, rheumatic pains, Ac. Just received and foi sale by W W LINCOLN, apld Q , t Monument Square. LU1D MAGNEHIA.—Jbta ebndopsed solution* Is a very agreeable and efficient form for tho admlntatrafionof Magnesia, and Is very useful .in Nauceft. Acidity or the 8tomach, Sea Sickness and Dyspepsia,for sale by mb22 W. W. LINCOLN. Monument-Square. plHKAP GASH STORE—Corneroif Whitaker and Congress O streots.—Tlio aubscribera have Jusli ecelved per Ala bama, a fresh supply of Three-Ply and fruialn Carnets, on. tlroly new patterns. .Also, 8-( ana 8-4FIoorOII Cloth, which will be sold at unusual low prices. m»4 M. PRENPEROART &CO. S UGAR. MACKERFI^ fcc.—30 bbls Stuart’s Crashed Su gar. 25 hair bbls Loar Sugar. 40 bbls Nos. 2and 8 Mack- orel. 2Q half bbls Nat, l and 2 do, 6Q bbls P fc U Gin, uow landing and for sale low by junejS H01AX1MBE, JOHNSON & CO. wiLUin n. nranmi. joiur a. miluct, FLEMING Ac 9HLLEN* Tlio undersigned having united lu tho practice of Law, will attend punctually to any burinesacntcustcd to their care. Office cornor of Bay and Whitaker Streets, over Messrs. Swift Denslow fc Co’s. THOMAS HUGHES HINES, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Trouprille, Georgia, Will practise In the Ctrceuit Courts of Thomas. Lowndes. Clinch, Ware, Appling and Irwin,Georgia; and in the Cir cuit Courts of Jefferson, Madison and Hamilton, of the Mbldlo Circuit of Florida, and in Alachua and Columbln counties In the Eastern Circuit of Florida. Will attend to the claims of all persons before tho Departments at Wash ington. B ACON SHOULDERS.—10 hhds Bacon Shouldora, landing from brig Pacific, and for salo by Judd4 SCRANTON, JOIIN8TON fc 00. L "list, on Friday owning, June 26th, n small Memoran dum Pnckclbook of no valun loony one hut the owner, with hi* name written on tho inside. A liberal re want will be given If left with NICHOLAS CRUGER, Jyl2-^8 84 Bay-street. T O HIRE—A good Cook. IWnshor and Ironer. For terms, which will be low, apply to Jyl3—0 CRUGER fc WABE, 84 Bay-streeL C HKERMAN'S ARABIAN BALSAM—For tho enre of vrnunds, bruises, sprains, kc. Just received and for snlo by W. W. LINCOLN, »my2 Monument Square. )ATE DF. PKRDUAUX, Callles and Foi Gras, for salo by JOHN It. COCIIIIANK. ATTORNEY AT 1MW, Dublin, Tautens county, Ga., late Junior partner of the firm of A. fc J. Gociiranb, Irwfnfon. Ga.. will attend promptly to all business entrusted to li>* care Partic ular attention paid to collecting. Reference—Dr. 0. B Guyton. F. it. Rowe, Dublin,Ga.; M. Marsh,Savannah. mayT—dfcwly GEORGE N. NICHOLS, Oimu' Building, opposite Pulaski House, Having made large additions to his establishment, continues to dn BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, In bis usual neat and handsome atyle. ana on accommodating terms. WoTBCTIffl* M8UM1TOE WOTANY,” Off.Hartford, Conn. The undersigned, Agents of the above Company are prepared to take risks against Fliut on Building* and tbeir contents. Also Mi Kirs Ska Risks, on the most favorable terms. BRIGHAM. KK1J.Y fc CO., Agents. JOIfN uuift, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISION MERCHANT, 163 Broad-street Cotumlms, Ga.. Will transact the above business in tbs usual manner, end pay strict attention to all consignments entrusted to bis care. He would respectfully refer to the following per sons : Hon, Alfred Iverson, Ma]or John II, Howard, War- ham Cromwell, Esq., LewlsM. Durr, Columbus, Ga.; Wm. P. Yonge, Abraham Backer. Savannah. 0n>—June3 EDWARD K. HARDEN, TRANSPORTATION AGENT. W. fc A. RAILROAD, Ringaold, Walker County, Georgia. W ILL attend to the purchasing on commission, Corn. Wheat and Bacon, The Ringgold Depct being situa ted In a region of country abounding in grain, it can usual ly be purchased upon more favorable term* than at almost it other point upon the W, fc A. Railroad. Orders covering the cash, with limited or discretionary Instruction*, will receive prompt attention. Persons order- Ing grain will please forward sacks with ordor. References—Dr. Richard Wayne, Mr. Wm. M. Wadly, Sa vannah. maylO UONNKTSI BONNETS!I 60 eases just received at the TRIMMING AND GENERAL VARIETY STORE, 139 Bronghton-st.— „ Country Merchant* Milliner*, and the public gener ally, are Invited to examine this stock. It consist* of 60 different styles elaborately trimmed, i’arialan. blond, giro rich colored silk, satin, crape and other choice and raui admired styles; flats and hats, embroidered satin hoods; a great variety of crape embroidered blond linings. Paris silk laee shapes, extra rich spring bonnet ribbons, straw trimmings, ares* do, wh'te and colored lace, gimps and gal loons, do do silk fringes, mantles, plain bareges, shell and other comb*, hair puffs, curls and plaits, ribbon plaits, flowers, feather* and wreathes, bonnet silks, Jet and ftnov wristletts, buttons, steel trimmings, ceptiyr worsted, braid, fans, with a great variety of other goods usually kept in fancy establishment*. Smoking caps, slippers, children’s habliments. such n robes, sacks marked with new patterns for braiding. Mrs. Doru, assisted by competent millnero from New York, will attend to the trimming department and krill en deavor, with skill and taste, tn please all who mav favor het with orders. Fancy and other bonnets cleansed, bleached and pressed, linking done. . xr Fire bonnet makers wanted Immediately, who most perfectly understand their business. apl30 ffili CD*PARTEllSIHP NOTICE. The undersigned have associated themselves to gether, under the name and style of Murphy fc D*. vanny, for tbo transaction of general Boot and Shoe business, having the stand on the corner of Congress and Whltaker-streets, formerly occupied byM Prendergast. They are now prepared to offer to tbeir friends and tha public, a well selected stock of Ladies* and Gent le mon’s Hoots, Shoes, kc., which they will sell cheap for cash. J3y MURPHY fc DEVANNY. : DRY FEET rtiraERVl® TOR HEAITO-Juit -received.* few canes water-proof Boots; also, a ' lot of thick pegged Boots, together with • fine as sortment of Gentlemen's and Ladies' over Show, some of * new and approved style, which will be sold at low price*.by R. FLANIGAN fc CO., 100 Bryan stwet. All fn want will please call and Judgo for themselves, doell June24 A. BONAUD.' C OFFEE. SUGAR, fcc.—50 pockets Old Government Java CnlTov, 60 bbls Stuart’s A refined Sugar. 30 do Mess Pork. 200 bags drop and buck Shot, landing nnd for sale by Junell HOLCOMBE. JOHNSON fc CO. F RESH TURNIP SEEDS.—Ruta Bag*. Flat Dutch. Red Top. largo Globe and large Norfolk Turnip Seeds, of the growth of 1843, Just received nnd for sale by Jiina2R W, W. LINCOLN. Monument square. I)RASH and Porcelinn Preserving Kettles, for sale b/ may20 J. P. COLIJNS. llryan-street. o Windsor Soap, so much approv ed“ of for washing and shaving. Just received and for snlo by Junn28 W. W. LINCOLN. Monument Square. J UST RECEIVED—20 dozen or that fine Hungarian Tokay for sale 1/ jy!3 A. BONAUlk ORN.—1.000 bushels prime Tennexse Corn, 60 lb to the bushel, for sale Iy Jj8 WOOD fc RODGERS. 1 7lj)UR.—76 bbls Baltimore Hour, a superior brand land- . Ing per schr John W. Anderson, and for aale by may27 BRIGHAM. KEIJ.Y fc CO. J ENNY LIND BA8KET 8TANDS-Ju*t received and for sale by Jy8 I. W. MORRELL fc CO. don Porter. 20 bbls Cider, for sale by ml3 McMAHON fc DOYLE. JLi brig Kate Heath, from New Orleans, xnd for sale by mh3 COHEN fc FOSDICK. QIBERIAN PALM SOAP.—This Soap Is prepared from the O pure Palm Oil. and 1s warranted to be of a superior quality. It Is highly useful In dcanting the akin, is very emollient, and produces an excellent lather. Just receiv ed and for salo by WM. W LINCOLN. nol5 Monument Square. 17LOUR-200 bbls flour, of superior brands, landing from ‘ uT‘ schr Woodbridge and for sal apl28 KELLY fc CO. G ROCERIES.—80 bbls Stuart’s refined Sugar 20 boxes Loaf Sugar, 10 bbls (flashed Sugar 6 bbls powdered Sugar 60 boxes pale and No 1 Soap, 10 boxes toilet Soap 25 - No 1 Starch, 26 boxes Poarl Starch 20 bags Java Coffee, landing for sale by eep30 _ ... . COHEN jf TARVER. W HI8KY.—65 bbls New Orleans Whisky, landing from brig Principe, end for sale by June4 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON fc 00. C HAMPAGNE,.SYRUP, fca-30 baskets Ueblslck Cham- palgn in quarts, 60 boxes Nos. 1,2 and 31-etnon Syrup. 60 bbls N E Rum, 80 boxes Starch,nqw landing and fur sale by Juneg HOIvCOMIlE. JOHNSON fc CO. S UNDAY SCI!(XJL BOOKS—Hymn Books, ChtechlsmS, Question Book, with a fall supply of all Books general ly used In Sabbath Schools. Received by Jy 13 J. B. CUBDEOGE. ( AMS.—600 of Roloson’s fc I Jttlg superior Baltimore sa- L gar cured hams In store and fur sale by ylo, OGDEN fc BUNKER. A fine assortment of figured French and Jackonet Mus lins; also, embroidered Swiss Muslins, In patterns of ten yards each, and of oscedsnt quality. jjuly22 y AIKIN fc BURNS. J UST received, Parasols of various qualities and prices. July22 AIKIN fc BURN8 P LAID and striped Cambric end Jaconet Muslins ; also, Nansook, Mull and book Muslins, Bishop Lawn, pink, blue and white Tarleton, for silo by July22 AIKIN fc BURNS. tUOT"received, per steamer from Now York, a supply o( J James’steam mill Shirting. Jq|yi2 AIKIN fc BURNS. riAMBRIO and 8wls* Bands, scolloped and very pretty VJ also, while and black Lace Undertimes j Swiss Mualli Underalcevea. for aale by - Jy22 - AIKEN fc BURNS. T^EATHERS.—3,000 lb Foathera for tala by r mh29 I W. MORRELT, fc OO. DANIEL UHOan*A.Y, J FASHIONABLE BOOT MAKER—Comer of Brough- ton and Butt-tircds.—tUe snhscrltwr desires to In form tho public that he has opened as abore, where ho le prepared to nxoeute orders for Boot* of the finest finish and style, and equal. If not superior to any heretofore offered to the public. Having many friends in this State who hare been his patron* In Charleston, respect- fully solicits from them and the public a call and a trial. UMtlltEJUliAS." A fresh assortittbrit of both cotton and tilk, lustre- C HATHAM MUTUAL LOAN, ASSOCIATION,—6 shares for sale. Apply at this oMoe., ap!22 CJ A VANN AII MUTUAL WAN A3s5felATION.- r « share* O for sale. Apply at this office. ■, , aplM jxo.n.ircii. . . nmc. xura, C O-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—Thu uudcnhmaA ha» this day associated with him Mr. Uwky 0. Kora, of Glynn county, with whom he willpontinua tip Factorage endCom mission business In thla city, unde* the firm of Hnu, fc Kino Janl2 JNO. H. HULL, 210 Bay-streeL B lack and green teas. *c.-jost waived, 6 hair chests extra curious Golong Black Tea,- 6 do do extra 8ofiriiong, 10 do do In p*0Vagea, 6 do do choice old Hy son Tea. 26 boxes Beadeu’s Candles, 20 do Star and pur* Sperm Candles. 20 do ground OoOml 26 bbla Conal and Bal timore Flour, 10 casks grass’ Leaden PortorTa quart* and pints, Stuart’s Craebedond CUrifled Sugar. keJtor rale by riREDIE AMD PULASKI LOTTERY.—Drawn numbers Of VT Extra Class 67: .j, K. WITHINGTON’8. Greene ana PaisiM Loirrry. GREGORY fc MAURY. Managers. Class 96, draws thla day, 17Ut Inst., In this city. Bales closest 8o'clock,P.M, tumiL. $4,030. 76 Number Lottery—12 Drawn Ballots. tfr TlckeU $1—shares (n proportion, Extra CUu 69, draws at Wilmington, Del,, on Saturday. 20th August. Ci VITAL. $40,000. $540,000, $10,000,510 off $1,000, die, * 76 Numbed Lottery—18 Drawn Ballots Kf Tickets 810—shares in proportion. TlckeU either singly or by tho package for sale In Bay Une, Savannah, Ga., next to Robinson fc Gamp. - — * ”1TH1N( over Coffm prepared in the ordinary manner. T!rr Hand aealf It doe* not. , . mayl2 , —F—BSgBfa4.WS.i-'[" » ! aug13 . The Anguati,...... 0*1.. The Florlds,,V.v...Cspt/ The Alabama, Ospt. Tb# Augusta,.,.. ..Capt. The Florida Os pi The Augusta,, " ^ The Her* J * The Alai The Augusta,' Tha Fronds, ,. The AUbama,..,,.Ospt. RPKMPIRI 1*1/ *f —awiBhligBMfc; The Augusta/..... Capt. Lyon,...Satuiday, ’ i fl. io S’! TlioAugusU,......Onpt.Lyon..*,*.j.Saturday, M!0 C- TO# Florida,,,,,.,.C#pL Ludlow,.,,, l »ugl7 E. WITillNGTON. Life Insurance. CHARTER OAK LIFE IN Si’llANCJK COM PANY, HARlFUlU), conn. Capital, and surplus over 8260,000. Airmm Gill. PretidsnL Jab. C. Walkixt. Sec’y. This Company will Issue Policies on the Joint Stock principle, and upon tho Mutual plan, thus combining the benefits of both systems at the option of the insured. The strength, ability and well forested capital of the In stitution are, in my opinion unsurpassed by any Life Insu rance Company in this State or Union. [L.8.] signed R G.PINNEY, Comptroller of Public Accounts. State of Connecticut. KSFIREVCWIX SAVANNAH. AARON CHAMPION. K q.. Messrs. NEVUT, LATHROP fc STKBUINS, Rev. 0. W. ROGERS. Tho subscriber is also Agent for the following Fire Compa nies : Farmers’ Fire Insurance Company. Granite Fire Insurance Company. Knickerbocker Fire Insurance Company. These Companies having a cash capital, safely Invested In bond and mortgage, are prepared to efiect Insurance against damage by Ura,uu all kinds of property on reason able terms. For Insurance in either of the abore named Companies, apply to A. WILBUR. General Insurance Agent, and Agent for tho abore Companies, July 27—ty office 120 Congrcsi-st. The Augusta,,.....Capt. bon........Saturday, Sept, 8 The Florida..... ...Ckpt WoodhnU,.. , iBaturday! * 10 TOeAl*bama,.,.,jC*pt.Ludlow./i./.Wedpeaday, 14 These ships are the fargeeion the coast, unsurpassed In >eed, safety or eomfort—makhigthtir passage* In 60 to fiO WATKRpCURB INSTITUTE—MILLKDGK- VILT.E, OFjORGIA. D R. E. G DOYLE takes pleasure In announcing to Inva lids and the public generally, that the above popular aud superiorly appointed establishment,formerly oon'toct-- ed by T. Carlton Cotl*. M D., l<f now ready for the recep tion of patients seeking a restoration to health. ’ All chronto diseases of tho human argnnlsm successfully treated at this institute: dyspepsia, gout, rheumatism, constipation, hemorrhoids or piloa. hemorrhages, amen- errhceo. munorrhera, dyamcnorruoea. floor slbus, genital dis placement*, affection* of the eyes and ears, tetter, ery- •hietas and ell chronic diseases of the skin nnd scalp, scro fula, dropsy, Syphilis, nnd the humoral diseases g-neral- ly, uouralffla. sciatica, tio douloureux, hysteria, epilepsy or tho falling sickness, virtlgo. paralysls.apoplectlctenden- ny. bronchitis, aatlmia. chronic infianiallon ol the stomach and bowels, atrophy, and Indeed every |MM*ible habit of. or chron adlsensod action that is curable—and all diseases are curahle, If no organic lesion be present. The Ladles’ Department is under the Iminediato supervi sion of that accomplished lady, Mrs. Jans Mattiikwh. so well known to tho old imtrons of the establishment The facilities which thla Institution offers for the prosecu tion or n strictly hydropathic and hygienic coarse of treat ment, together with its easiness of access from all points in Georgia, apd the adjoining States, renders It imaullarly adapted to tho wants of Invalids, desirous of Availing them- •elves of the efficacy of the water-cure. TOo purity of the water aud accommodations for guests, are ton wolf known to need comment. In fitting lip tho establishment noexpensn has boon spar ed that could conduco to make It ono of tho most desirable places of resort for invalids in the United States. I’aticnts will be required to fnrnisli their own out-fit.— These will consist of friction sheets and towels, compresses, and blankets, for sudorific purposes. AU of which can be purchased here on the most reasonable terms. Tkrms—Professional attention, uso of baths, fce . 910 per week—board $6 per week—payable monthly. Sorrauta boarded nnd treated for 810 per week. All letters of Inquiry promptly answered.JnceQ IRVING HOUSE, Washington. District rf Columbia.—The undersigned, Into proprietor of ,French’s Hotel, Norfolk. Va.. having recently leased ive popular establishment, takes pleasure In Inform ing his numerous friends Hint he lias, at great labor and ex|N-nse. refitted and furnished the house and provided the most ample arrangemonta for tho comfort and convenience of nil who may favor him with their |uitronnge. Having hud considerable oxperlenco In hotol-keoblng he flatters himself that families and single boarders can be no enmmodati-d at the Inina os satisfactorily as at any other hotel or boarding house In tho United 8tatcs. Members of Congress and others visiting Washington, with a view to reside there for sonio time, would do well to examine this house before ninklngarranffomenUelsewliere. It is eligibly situated at tho corner of 12ln street and Penn sylvania avenue, midway between the Capitol and Depart ments. Tlio building Is largo nnd of modem architecture, the rooms are spacious and well ventilated, and the furni ture is new and of tho best description. Still Better.—The ohsroes are rooderuto and In accord ance with tho times, whilst the tables groan with tho best that tlio eountry affords. Call, examine, and sitlsfy your- selves. DANIEL D. FRENCH. Washington. D. C-. June 1.1863 Jc7 CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY. CAlUtiGFS. BUGGIES AND SULKIES.—A ... general assortmeet. just received.—The sub- are now prepared to offer to the public. Carriages, lliastons, Buggies. Carryall*, fcc. fresh from some of the most popular Establishment*, and Builder* at tho North. Tho selections were made by one of tbo firm, with strict reference to tho requirements of this mnrket. They are determined to keep only such articles In their line, ns they can confidently recommend and warrant, feel ing assured that they will be sustained In offering a better and finer clou of work, than has been usually kept In this market. Thu Public are most respectfully requested to call, exam-. Ine, and satisfy themselrea, whether they nro In earnest, by an examination of their stock 83" All kiudt of Repa’riog done aa heretofore. L.S. BENNETT fc CD., July 31 Comer West Broad and Bay-sta. “CLEAR THE TRACK.” The subscribers have this day put In operation, two splendid FOUR HORSE COACHES, and sixteen of the best Horses that tho country can produce, to ply bo- tweon Forsyth Depot aud- the Indian Spring; and having engaged Mr. C. M. Dickerson and Mr. Francis Genno, old ana experienced refnsmen, pledge themselves to convey the travelling public to nnd from the two points In a safer and better atyle, and quicker time, than ever before done at this place. We also havo family omnibuses always In rcadl- nesa. Visiters, and families particularly, will find it great ly to their comfort and interest to call for our coaches. We meet both the day and night trains of cars. R. J. & C. K VARNER. Indian Springs, June lfl.tHAnlS—June23 WATCHES, JEWELRY, And Ihncu Goods. RECEIVING by every arrival of the 8t*amer* fresh .making the best assortment In this city, of all kinds ofWatobes. Jewelry. Fancy Goods,Silver Spoon*. Fork* Pitchers, Tea Sets, Cups, Syphon*, tinted Castors, and every variety ofarttales connected with our line of buxine**; all ol which will be sold as low as lu any city in the Union. D. B. NICHOLS. tff Particular attention given to the Repairing of Watch es and Jewelry." » no 20 Jnne6 • ,«6MpieU6tt . thl* lino will be semi-weekly—sailing each Wednesday and 8 * , “ 4W - 0 ‘ bl “ r ^'* < ?*D»‘rV 4 c.. 1 AgMta in Savannah. • .BAM’L I« MITCHELL, . - '13 Broadaay, New York. PHILADELPHIA**!) SAVAN NAH STEAM NAVIGATION CO« , The now and splendid aide-wheel Steamship 'STATE OF GEORGIA, of1.200 tons register, Captain Wiiuam Counts, has commenced her Regular Trips, and will tears Savannah on Wednoadav, the 18th day at May. and every alternate WnurnuuT thereafter; say on the 1st. 16th and 29Ui of June, and 18th July, and so on. CabinPassagoto Plilladt.phls. .826 00 u . 11 through to, Now York,. *,........25 00 Steerage" 9 00 This Ship has been built with entire regard toaafrty, com’, fort and dispatch, and offer* new and admirable fkeUitlea tn business and travel. For freight or passage apply to C. A. L. LAMAR, Agent, Savannah Hiayl7 HERON fc MARTIN, Agents, Philadelphia. FOR PHILADELPHIA—FUtta REDUCED. 7b sail on Saturday Afternoon, June lit*, at 4 o'clock. TOe tine slue-wheel steamship OSPREY, 1000 2£tJfiQg£tun* burthen. J.Biwnxit, commander, will learn as pet annexd schedule every other Saturday. from C1URU8T0X. II nnx nuunnjnlA. Jane. 11 iSept 17 June..... 4 Sept......10 June..;..,.26IQetober... lllJun«.k.i\..18 * “* July. 9 October.. .1611 July, July.. 23 October ...29|IJuly<.. August..... B Novembe- August.... 20! Novembe. - September.. 3|Decembcr..lO||Augu*t,....27 October....21 November. 5 November.19 December.. 3 NEW JEWELRY, FINE WATCHES, die, JPHB underelgniHl U now opening a splendid assort- (If! ment of rich JEWElJtY. embracing the recent patterns >1/of Ear-rings, Pins. Bracelets ami finger-rings, among ffi which nre soino fine dtamonei suiting*.from 810 to $500. JL Also, twenty-flvo sotsof those unique Pearl Sds ofEnr- rairtuMand Brooches,from 918 to $125 tlm set, newest V»J and rarest iintterns; together with a very select nssort- "’ment of extra fino Watches set In pearl, diamond, hun ting and plain cases. Those, with a further assortment ot good Jewelry. Sterling Silver Sets, Spoons. Forks. ladles, Cups, fce.,and llated Ware of all kin Fancy Work Boxes. Dressjng Cases. Folios. Clocks, .Drouie Figures, gold mount ed t'nnes.Cuttler.v. fco.. renders his nssorlment very coin- plete, and unsurpassed in the Btate,either in quality or pri ces. I». B. NICHOLS. 83“ Strict attention paid to repairing watches, clocks, and Jewelry.nol2 PIANO FORTE DEPOT. THE undersigned respectfully intern) the fl A $ fl^ltiscns or Savannah. Georgia and Florida, • • * • • ‘that they have on hand more than HRy Pianos, the largest stock ever on aale in this city, and made by the most celebrated manufacturers In tho United Statos, Nunns fc Clark, T. Chlckoring, Boanlman & Gray, Lelglit fc Newton. Edwards fc Fisher, all woll known to the lovere of Music, have place In their largo assortment.— These llanos are of rich tone, and beautifully finished In Rose Wood, BUek Walnut, and Mahogany, with Iron frames made In the most substantial and workmnnllko manner.— Also the Justly celebrated Afollan Piano Fortes, which for their sweetness of tono liavo not been equallod. All these instruments luree metallcframes which render thorn pecull- orlysultedfor tni climate,preventing necessity of tuning foryears. Tlio undersigned tro Agent* for Henri Here’s, celebrated Grand llanos, made In Paris, For Power and beauty of tone, they stand pre-eminent. CAR1IARTJMkiodionb.—Thl* beautiful toned wind Instru- ment.manutactured by Osrliartfc Needham, N. Y..for village on the most accommodating terms. The prices oftho Tl- anos ranging from 8175 to $1,000. I. W. MORRELL fc Co PIANO FORTES. f- •. ri JB THE subscribers solo agents for A. Stod- V I A w I Vert fc Co’s., and Jonn B. Dunham's Plano • • * ■ * # Fortes. are always supplied with an as sortment of these favorite and Justly celebrated Instru ments. For durability they can be fully warranted, whilst their superiority oftonc nnd touch is evident and acknowl edged by the most eaaiint observer, as well as tho critical connolxaour. Tlio ladles, are respectfully Invited to view these Instrument*. An arrrangement having boon cffocted with ono of our most eminent I’tanlsta for the purpose, they can also bo enabled to Judge of the tone. F. ZOGBAUM fc CO.. Market-square. 83“ Secondhand Pianos taken in exchange, also tuned and repaired. Jel7 HOUS KKKEPE R’iTgUIDEL M liS. BRADLEY’S HOUSEKEEPER'S GUIDE—A new, plain and economical Cook Book, containing the greatest variety of now. valuable aud approved receipts ever published In ono work. It shonld be in the hands of ovury Housekeeper. Price 60 cents, For sale by . sug3 8. 8. BIDLKY, No 136, Congresa-st. GROCERIES, Ae. C OFFEE—160 bags prime Rio, 75 do. Jamaica, 60 do. Java. Scuar—10 hhds Porto Rleo. 10 do. St Croix. 5 do. New Orleans. 100 bbla Crashed, Powdered, and Clarified. Mouivra—26 hhds Cuba, 76 bbls New Orleans. Flock—160 bbls Baltimore,76 do. Canal. 60 do. Hiram Smith's. Baton—15 casks Philadelphia n»ms, 600 Baltimore Bagg ed. 30 hhds Bides, 20 do. Shoulders. Broons—40 doren. painted handles. Buck rm—200 dozen, painted. . , Soap, Canouh and Starch—60 boxes No. 1 and Family Soap. 50 do. Pale do. 76 do. Adamantine Candles, 26 do. Sperm. 25 do. Star,150 do. Patent Mould do.,40 whole and half boxes Starch. Toiuono—360 pkge various brand* and qualities. 1 jmon SrRUP. fcc.—60 boxes Lemon Syrup, 10 eases Wtl- nut'nnd Tomato Catsup, 10 do. Brandy Peaches. Doniwtto Liquors—75 bbls Phelps' Gin, 5Qdo. N. E. Rum, 76 do. Rectified Whisky, 30 do. Extra Old Monongahela do. Winss—20 quarter casks pure Malaga, 8 do. choice Ma deira. Received, and for sale by Jylft MoMAHON fc, DOYLE. PLASTERING, AC. T HE undersigned having commenced business on hla own account, respectfully Under* his services to the tiubllo, He will contract fur Plain and Ornamental Plas tering. Stoco Work,fce .fce., at tho usual prices,and will In every case warrant work executed by himself, or under his supervision. Bulldors and others contemplating build ing, would do well to call up»n him before contracting with others. Orders left at Ids residence. Jones-sL, corner of Barnard-st.. will be promptly attended to. Julyl5—ly VALENTINE BRUNNER. . PARTICULAR NOTICE. BELDEN fc 00.. .ShuannaA, earner of Broughton and Bamard-tinds. fTl To Puwrtts, Mkiuuxtb and (/tusks nsmxiy^^ JULSAVANNAn TO LAT IN THOR RUITUBI.—The undfr-Eg signed would call particular attention to their extan- ■■■ »Uo wholesale and retail MAT AND CAP ESTABLISHMENT. Our goods are mostly of our own manufaetnre, and can therefore bo sold cheaper, because they are not burtbened with jobber’s profits, while for quality and style they win eompare with anything In the market. Having permanently located in Savannah, we are deter mined to secure patronago by solllnggood bargains, dealing fairly with all men, and eroas-lifUng with none. W* are In leegne with no Shoe, Clothing or other establishment, eith er for mutual benefit, or for the purpose of keeping custom ers away from those booses where they can buy cheapest. We expect every customer to Judge for himself, and Ir wa cannot suit him, will toko pleasure in referring him to oth ers who can. BELDEN fc 00, Jan27 Cr. Broughton and Barnard-st COME AT LAST, PER STEAMER AUGUSTA—Those REFINED SUGAR, Ac. Q A BBU Stuart’s Crashed and Powdered Sugar 01/00 do dn A. H and C Clarified do 60 do Lex fc Kirkpatrick’* Crashed do 60 do Butter. Sugar and Soda Blscnlt 20 do Treadwell’s Pilot Bread 30 boxe* do 8odu Biscuit 300 dn Famllr. Pole and No. 1 Soap, 8mith and Col 60 do BoaitaIP* Pearl Starch 25 dn Ground Pepper In 20 boxes 20 do do Coffee In 60 fb boxes 300 reams assorted Wrapping Paper 60 mats old government Java Coffee 60 boxes 1st and 2d quality Rey’a Lemon Syrup 100 bhls K Phelps’ and Rose Gin 80 do N E Rum, 30 do Domestic Brandy 40 do P fc II Connecticut River Gin 20 )i ami 20 X casks Malaga Wine 60 bbls and 100 kegs prime Leaf Lard, landing a l. SCRANTON. JOHNSTON fc CO. tta so much Inquired for at Beldcn’s ot lata.conslst- mg of black Leghorn, Canton. Straws, Alboni, Florida’s.fce. Como now and we can eult yon, Jy8 BELDEN fc 00. CANARY CAGES BY THE LAST 8TKAMER— A variety of new and beautilbl patterns of cansrr ■AnB Cages last received. Those desirous of a band- |<Tp4 some OsgO, and ono proof agnlnat Mites, havo only to make an early call for a choice from a fine os •^^sortmeut. mh28 J, P. COLLINS, 100 Bryan-at. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. QOUTHEHN RAILROAD, MI.—Sealed proposal* wilt be P received at the offlo# of T. A. Marshall. Esq.. President of the Southern Railroad Company. Vlcksbnnr, until 8. P. M., of .August 13th, foe tha graauatlon.fce.. ot thatpartof the line extending Bostwanlly from Brandon to Tayfoi' Summit, a dUtauce of twenty-one milea. - Plans, profiles and speeifleatlone will he exhibited, and all requisite, information given at>thO Hogicoer’a offle - Btoandon, altar tha 10th davpf July.. ... T. A. MARSHA IJ-. President- RICHARD B, LEWIS, LW Engineer. Boanoon, July 6,1868, tAu!3d—Jyl5 . 1U Clomfht, and f( . mh6 ir Felton’s Rum, landing ^or the brig _ fkdo. for aale by BRIG nAM, KEIJ.Y' fc CO. 10 do do Sboulden. Hams, in store and JOHNBPNfcOO^-. B ACON; LARD AND FLOURi-W hlids prinw Baton Hde*. 20 do do Shoulders: 60 bbls and 10 luws prim# Leaf Laid, 200 dogupaiftno Do word-street Flour, landing Mgfer a by ■ - JOHNSTON fc CO./ Cabin passage ...... —816 Steerage 0 Through tickets tn New York.,,..17 TOia ship has been thoroughly overhauled and furnished with new boilers, and a large and elegant dining saloon on deck, with every arrangement-that can add to tha comfort of passengers. In Philadelphia, this ship occupies the same wharf as tha IJverpool steamship* City of Glasgow and City of Manches ter. at tho foot of Queen street, and Central wharf, Charlea ton. Freight nn all perishable article* most be pro-paid. For freight or passage, apply to • H. F. BAKER fc CO., Accommodation wharf, Charleston. SAMUEL T. PERCE. June?.Agent, Philadelphia. UNITED STATEN MAIL l.tNE* Through In 60 to 66 hours.- Art* York and Charleston Steam PdcVc's—leave Adger’a —— —— ■■ — Wharves every Saturday Afternoon, and each alternate Wednesday, On Saturday the new and ■plendid Steamships JAMES ADGKR, Captain J.DlcaiNaON.lAOOtone MARION. Captain M. Bkrrt, 1.20C tons. SOUTHERNER. Captain W. Fogtxr, 1,000 tons, will leave each altarmato Wednesd v, having been newly coppered and guard* raised, la now fn comptoto order.. For freight nr passage, having elegant. state room accom modations, apply at tho office of the Agent. HENRY MISSROON, Corner East Bay and Adger fc 8on’a Wharves. N. B.—A new ship will bo placed In the line to onnnoct with the Southerner on Wednesdays. fehlO UNITED STATES MAIL STEAM-1 3flrWr? gllll> ISABEL, WlUJAH Roluns, Cbmmaudst between Savannah, Key Weat and Havona. conneotiug with tha tho Pacific MallStoamship Company’allne for Cal ifornia. .,1! ■ Tills splendid tea steamship will hereafter leave Savanna for Key We*t and Havana, on the 16th and 30th of each month, and from Havana for Savannah on the 8th and 22d of each month. The Isabel will connect at Havana with the U. 8. Mall Steamship Company’s line to Asplnwnll,and the Paelflo mail line from Panama to California and Oregon. Passenger* will bo landed at the railroad wharf at Aepln* wall free. Transit at the Isthmus at tho passengerslex* penee. ^ . The Isabel will also connect at Havana with the U. S. mail 8team Company’s line at , New Orleans. Ticket# for Key West and Havann can bo hnd of COHENS fc HERTZ. Agenls at Savannah. Tickets for New Orleans. Aspinwall and San Francisco, can be had by applying to MORDBCAI fc CO, Agents, Charleston Janl3 UNITED STATES MAIL, From Macon, Ga., to Tollatiaaeee, Fla, Bailment to OgUthorp—Stages to 7hllahassee^ The Bally arrange- ~ . . _!ment on this rout*’4 commenced on the fllh Inst., running throe times a week via. Newton, Balnbridgo, end Quincy, and three times a week via. Thoroasville. Dnncanxvitle, fcc. Pasungera by this route will leave Macon at half past • o’clock, A. M.. by. Bailroad for Oglethorpe. TOe 8tagee leariogOglethoree either way at 11 o’clock, arriving at Tata lahasseo. at 10 o’clock on the evening oftho next day—tlmb by either route 36 hours. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, by Newton. Balnbrldga and Quincy, to IkUahsaxee returnfng. loaves Tallahassee on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursday*, at 10, P, M. On Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, by the way ot Thomasville—returning same route on Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday*, at 10, P, M. Through from OglethornetoTnllaluusee by either route In 35 hours—from itaeon In 3S—and from Savannah In 60 hoars. Br this route Passongers leaving Savannah by 8 o’clon Train of Oars, will arrive at IVHshasaae In 60 hoar*. ’ Hi* also decidedly the best, cheapest and most expeditious rout* for travellers to Apalachicola and West Florida. Fare from Macon to Oglethorpe 81,76} from Oglethorpe to Tallahassee, 916,00. • • I- C, Siuw. Agent at Oglothorpe, A. A. Pimm, •* " Tallahassee. au g 30 F. K. WRIGHT. Proprietor SOUTH-WESTERN RAILROAD. A -DAILY T11AIN for passengers leaves Macon at 6M M.« arrive at Oglethorpe at lOJf, A. M. Leaves Ogle thorpe at 11M, A. M., arrives at Macon at 3X, P. M Con necting each way with the Central and Macon and Western Train and tho Tallahassee Mail Stage Une. Passengers dine at Fort Valley at IV, P. M. rol6 OEQ. W. ADAM8. Superintendent P.M.- P.M.- or sale by Jy2l. and HOME MAN UFACTOHY-AMERICAN SOAP COMPANY,. T HE undersigned having purchased the right of Messrs Cowles fc Co., of New York,-to raanufseturo tho fbl lowing kinds of S^pip. is now prepared to do eo, via:.. American Cream Soap in bars. Laundry In maos. Toilet (Sanltive) In small bars. Shaving Soap in cakes. “ Cream In pots la bbla. By the uee of there loehines. washboard*, fce.. are , n<it one-fourth Uiu tabor is re- qulml to do the washing of a family. Washing I* done my mearlr rubbing tho soap on.tho parts mostly soiled, then place them in wafoi' sufficient to cover them, and let them remain a few hours, then with a good hand rubbing and thorough rinsing they will be per fectly dean an>i beautifully bleached,and without Injury to the most delicate fabric. A call and trial Is respectfully so- licltad. W. E. MONGIN, 170 Broughtoo-streeqt. N. B.—There Soaps wash with either hard, tall or < soft star, - june24. Mall Train; Leaves Maeon dally, atSo’cli •« Atlanta " “ AM - . , C ONNECTING at AtUnta with , the Train* of the Western and Atlantic and LaOrang* Roads, and with the Day Train of the Georgia Road, aad at Mar i with the Day Trains of tho Orntral and South-western t-oad*. Passenger will arrive In Macon at 12 V. and atAUanta at IJ{, having the remainder of. the night for rest. - Passengers roing South, ,via Montgomery, (Ala.) wh* leave Savannah at 8 A. M., win arrive at Montgomery in for> ty-elgbt boars^lndudfajf SB’stoppages, SDd only tan hour* A«»mmo<l*UonTralna.Trt.Weekly, will leave llacon avevy Monday, Wednesday and 8o’clock,' A.M. Re turning, leave Atlanta every Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day. at 7){ A. M. Tills Train will connect with tho Night - Train of the Georgia Road at Atlanta; hnd with tha Night Train of tho Central Road at lfaooo. Tauengeroby tha up ward Train can dine at Griffin- r MiOM, H«r)T.l«M. ' ' aao"* 00 ™ 1 i, P M —_ 60 do Rollins’superior Hams, benuetrically oovered, 40 bbls Manning’s superior Hams, tn store and for sale by JygQ OOHEN fc FOSDICK. “ •• cream in pow Cream Soap preparation la bbls. By l 8oaps. hot water, washing machine*, waslib entirely dispensed with,and not one-fourth WESTERN MILITARY INSTITUTE; •< Drennan Springs. Henry County, Kentneky. rpHK Ftrst Term of the Seventh Annual Bessloaor ulU . OoUegUoomtrwuce* tho 8«»xdMow>« In September, VDwta*Febn»ra C ° 0d °° ***?!"*** >» the foi* studies embrace* the udentffio course oftheU/8. Military tic*. .oJ ffl* SPTCSMM* « Ml. tMnSauS manUr to Mm inimji'r kno.lrt«,, but to promote dlrclplUi^, Tiealtju >u4 plireleul de,eto|un,nt.' * ■ " ■ Chur, fcr tuition, bo.rfinj tooeu.W IMlwuUorr, MmuCrrutlonduno-, Ml nude, und: n of furnllnro .nd r-rtmu. Burton’. PUrfu,- Otet InftriuuUon, ntdiuae A. 0. dumb. InuhrllU, Kj., 67 Ne* Otlun., m -—lm* - , . : ff, jyjQHMBOW. 8uii-HBt.udwit. ' > , • BOIUBII. : ' ■ i rriHSudrettlur: • (uuUMW.M-tndj tud merfetlo becoming so Important an item In the commerce of thla BdStaU. Most respectable and rethdaptory reforen- rejmrthtalartTgi»~ « addreating OJLum- MACON AND WESTERN RAILROAD. JJRFSa GOODA—Repel ved p 1 per steamship Alabama—Uv barage, satin atrip* printed do, is wear, Swiss embroided them- _ endor. brown and blank small figured do for childrens isettaand umtarsleorea, Swlis embroidered and Cambria band*, ladies’ sewing silk net mita and glove, striped silks, and small figured musUns, for eale by, •* . ap!9 , LaRQCHE fc BOtTNE rpO PURCHASERS OF CHEAP DRY G00DB.-6 eases o A fast colored Printed Lawns, Jaconet, Batiste and Mus- 8 cases assorted GiogJums. naw stvlM. at12U4. l^do ^a^reat bargain.) Ladles'Linen Cambric Hand- ehropeet goods ever oflkrad for sale In Savannah r.- "■ iy2fl 178 Broughton•*t^op^rile8^Andr*w’# ^ ^’«'i•' l, IETABLE CoUera. Fatty Ft*#, Fr*pCb buildings have all tha advantage* of water, f> PU^uUnupplpto vrwrk ^ omUuJ i iy , jUtEfllfB MnillfnmiiitKia/*4>ihn^ft ; 1 * ^ ~ Scotch and Frtneb glotbama, lawna i hnd FrtMh «■•:) ot bried. figured and plain Swise rausHns. ptaid -fudlp mulls, and other atjUs of drreijlfodlci : ■ ■ . DaWHT fc MOBOAN." IW