Newspaper Page Text
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pvn,0So^"JH»? n -
1 ftL tiu-wbbTTlt nnonaiAN,
»»*'“' „, «« OJl'imT,
LKS?§r“” ,,,p “ b ‘
advance. the charges will'
" for Tri-Weekly §5* »nd-
SiVA - | OJfa 11# Baytirtil.
►jJSSSwMw*.*” «*'*•• fM&i',
H “" Ulkro >'
|iod B. F. Vooi. HENRY D. WEED, President,
HIRAM ROBERTS, Vice President
In life Carriage establishment In
...... moatresiwot fully solicit a continuation of the bx-
tensive patronage *o liberally bestowed on the late proprie
tor. It la our Intention to keep a., large and extensive.aa*
anrtment of all kind* nf Oarrta(rci|,,lultod, tp lhl* market.
The tale proprietor, Mr. J O.Thorn(on, wtllacf as oh r agent
at tho northJbr Uie purchase and supply of our establish-
meat. Ill* experience of, twenty, year* In thabualnOM at
the South’, will lh*ure to bur mend* and patron* inch a
well Mleeted stock ik cannot fell to give entire tatiifaetlon.
Ur. Rkmnrt will giro hi* personal attention to all kind of
repairing, a* heretofore. LEWIS H, BENNETT.
A CARD,—It will be aaea from the above, that I hate add
and capital, to successfully conduct the bnalne**, and keep
up the reputation of the eatabllihmcnt. . • -
Mr. iJtwia & Bbmibtt hae been my foreman Tor the lait
two year*l and I take pleaaure In recommending him to the
public a* an Industrious, capable end deaervtog man, who.
while looking to hi* own tntereat, will not nsgfeot thoae of
bis patron*. ... . •.. ... . . ' •.
In relinquishing my buslnte* In thl* place, 1 take the op.
portunlty to aay, that It ia not . from any dissatisfaction
whaterer. Since my retldence In tbe elty of Savannah, I
hate been kindly and generously treated, and hate sue-
ceeded much bettor than I anticipated.;
In Uie cou rue I hare Jurat takon.I hare been prompted by
conulderatlona of a private character altogether j wherever
I may be, I shall always carry with me the liveliest senso
of obligation, and cherlih the deepest Interest In the pro*-.
pprlty and advancement of the city and its people. Noth
ing will do more to effect this, than the sustaining of a
healthy and honorable competition. Let the good people of -
the CUy and State see to It. J. 0. THORNTON.
SAvaaxAn, 9th May, 1853.
N. B.—Mr. H. D. w. Aucuroim la my legally authorised
Agent for the transaction and closing up .or my business.
maylO 4.0. THORNTON,
a£Sh> B '
. «... Mv 1° «oi «» «r and d..lrou. ol
| U X ,i,„ out b, Ural dna. pocfl >W|»t »™ d »«‘
IJJS luW othn »«■ »<, *•#»>* b ': th, * b ™ ■*">■
V “ta .ottortad to Inw on »«*•"• Win. Tkpicott
|.” u „,pool,to .urns from ft >” d opwarta, whloh
l*T' tB otUblo ioany town ttiiooghootIreland and
ItMtlriWo. Drafts on Fronco ,od Germany, payatdo In
| ' u 0 r the Continent, «l.o for l»Io. Apply to
tE-IT BUNKER a TOPES,80lloy-otreot.
J? aedber hating Just temoted, to No. 21 Bull-street, (bei
tween Congress and Droughton-atreeta,! would inform his
Mends and the publlo generally, that he . will open Tma
Day, his second supplr of Fall ahd Winter Goods, consisting
—second supplrof Fall ahd Winter Goods, consisting
of the best French, English and American Cloths, Cassl-
meres and Vestings, purchased from the most extensive Ira-
K rtcra In New York, which he Is prepared to make up In
o best and most fashionable styles.
IT^ikhn mutual, insurance CO.
J8B0RY IIUIIa, President and Treasurer.
iUWN CHASE,Sec’ry. | C. F. McKAY, Actuary.
J flautaslgned, Agent of the above Company, continues
Ibbk< the following Risks, vis.: Marino, Rivor and Fire
IjiMOothe Live* ofServanU.
1 Ur» of White Perions are also taken by this Company.
I (min premium for residing In tho South.
Comer of Bay and Drayton-streets.
In uso on the principal railroads In the United States and
Great Britain, Warehouso Scales, Heavy Portable 8calcs, on
wheels, for foundries, rolling mills. Ac. Store Scales, various
modifications ; Counter Scales, Hay and Coal Scales, Ac.—
Theso Scales have been lung known and severely tested j and
tho universal confidence felt In their accuracy and perfect
adjustment. Is such that they are now regarded as the stand
ard, from which there la no apical. .
my!2 PIIILBRtCK & BELL. Agents
rK eo rartoereliip heretofore existing with tho under-
1 toed under the firm of BOSTON dt GUNUY, is this
Ihr^oirtd by mutual consent. Either partner isautho-
|ai«»tM“” of th. Otm lo elo.los H tlio | ™ottled
|“"ii.i,i»M. *»£_ j. ii. gunuy! ’
J Tbeandersigne<l will continue thoFACTORAGEand COM-
■HIAdO.V BUdlNESd on Iris own nccount, and respcctfullv
lalidti * coallnuance of the patronage so liberally extend-
■rititbeUte linn.
■/THECopartnership heretofore existing between tho nub-
11 seribeni. under the firm of VlltAtoxOA & Acosta, is
■IklidiTdhMlrrd by mutual consent. Mr. D. C. Acosta
IfiBwallnus the businessas before, and is authorired to
IkUImII amounts duo said firm.
I CunimUGR. GA., July 11,1653, July 20—2w
0 * mUTKEHSHIP.-Tlie undersigned having purchased
tma John R. Nothin hi* Stock of Hardware, will con*
I Haw the business at the same store under tlio firm of 8am-
j LrmtH. August 1, 1853. July 31—ltn
N OTICE.—I hare disposed ol the entire Stock of Hard-
nreof McCusky k Noktox to Messrs. Samuet. Pal-
■ mtSox. and solicit in their belmlf a continuance of tho
ltVnlp»lronAce hitherto extended to the Into firm.
I 9jbooks, notes and accounts, as well as those ofMo-
IttKTkNoBTox. are in the hands of Mr. Geo. It. Welsh,
I (vhh knurs. i’AUim k So.vl who will attend to ttio set-
Itkmtof all Iho unfinishol business (as my agont) aud
lihalune is suthoriied to receipt for me.
I SirirxxB, August 1.1853 ‘4 July 31—1m
D issolution of co-partnership.—The oo-partner;
ship heretofore existing between the subscribers under
■tk tnanlV WWBAUM ft CO. Is dissolved by mutual
laaiMt. 0. B. MITCHELL will continue the business on
■knutn account.and Is authorised to sottio all claims, in
■ Ail city, furor against the late firm.
■ F. ZOO BAUM. Charleston. S. C.,
0. B. MITCHEl.l*, Savannah, Ga.
I Smniwli. June 6th. 1853 jo8
D I SOLUTION.—Hie co partnership of Scranton. John-
«ton k Co. is this day dissolved, by tho withdra wal of
■YiSiam II. Scranton. I». T. SCRANTON.
I mjll W. B. SCRANTON.
IpOPARTSFItPIllP.—’Die undersigned having asiociated
■ U with them Henry II. Scranton, will continue tho Gro
iMjbuiineM under the firm of Scranton, Johnston k Co.
h. », BENNETT « CO.,
•' ■■ 1 " 1 1 • 1 '■ •
camfjiMrMdMMinaw««■ iWwwiNE'*Ni>M«i<faiii ; iT6hj«,. ; ‘
Having purchased the. entire Interest of Mr.
& aortmont or One Clothing, at 14T Bay street
rpoWNSEND’S SARSaPaRILI^.—1 grow old Dr Town-
1 send’*, 1 do 8P Townsend's, also. Sands’, Ellis’, and
Bull's Sarsaparilla, Just received and for sale by
mhlO W. W. LINOOLN, Monument square, t
K IBBEE k RODGERS offer for isle, tbq following Gooda
clienp: 250 barrels Crashed and Clarified Sugars: 75
hhds. N. (). and Muscovado do; 25 d6 Porto Rico do; 60do
Cuba Molasses; 160 bbis. N. 0, and Sugar-house Syrups
400 bags Rio and Laguayra Coffee ; 50 do 0. G. Java do; 100
boxes Tobacco, all brands ; 50 hhds. Bacon Sides; 25 casks
Hams and Shoulders; 76 barrios lard, primo article j 150
boxes Sonp. all kinds; 20fl do Sperm and Adamantine Can
dles; Lemon Syrup, Raisins, Figs, Nuts, Candles. Spices,
dc..&0. may2fi
B UTTER AND CHEESF>—30 firkins prime and choice but
ter, 50 boxes cheese, received nnd for sale by
F IJM)R OIL CI/)THS.—The most complete stock of Oil
Cloths, la every variety of patterns and colors, varying
in widths from one to eight yards. Families and hotel keep
's can cover their dining rooms or halls without piecing.
WM. H. GUION, Agent, Carpet Warehouse.
feb5 140 Congress and 67 St. Julian-sts.
cheap at the book s'ore of
8. S ‘ ' V 1 Sf.Congress- «tmn-
QUtiAR,—22Wids choice Porto RlcoSugorOObblsStuart’s
O Refined and ClarififMl do, 10 boxes do Loaf do, 100 bbls
Sugar House Molasses, CO do Hiram Smith and pure Geno-
seo Hour. 60 do Butter, Sugar and Soda Crackers. 25 do and
100 kegs prime LcafLnrd,60 boxes selected new Clieese.100
doStnr Candles, 80 do Beadell’s 6'a and 8’s patent tallow do,
landing and for sale by
iif PRENDEROAST & CO. have just received a small
’!> case of very choice French printed bareges, plain
and brocado. black grenadines. An assortment of very
nice cambric inserting*and edgings ; one case of auperioi
Italian sowing silks, which with a very complete assort
ment of general dry goods, tlioy offer on very low coal
terms, at 178 Brougliton-street.
np!28_ Opposite St Andrew’sHall
and jaconet muslins; Nainsook and mull muslins;
plaid nnd striped jaconet and Swiss muslins; plain and fig
ured Swiss muslin; embroidered Swiss muslin ; .white and
orgnnda muslins; colored linen lustres j nnd a lino assort
ment of ladles’ and gentlemen’s linen cambric handker
chiefs. m3 AIKEN & BURNS.
500 Rolnsnns’s linms, HM) boxes adamantine candles
in store and for sale by
C OFFEE. SUGAR, ho.—Just received. 30 boxes ground
Java and Rio coffee. 30 do mustnrd In Af lb cans. 10do
ground pepper, 26 do family soap. COdo Beadelf’s candles. 30
casks Byass’ l/indon Porter in quarts nnd pint*. 30 bbls Ca
nal nnd Baltimore flour. 10 boxes 8’s tobacco, 30 bbls clari
fied crashed nnd ground sugar. lOdosotarlampoil. In store
and for sale by DAVID O'CONNER.
junelO corner Broughton and Drayton-streets.
B UTTER7CHEESE. ko —20 kegs and 20 tubs selected Go
shen Butter. 60 boxes English Dairy Cheese, 100 do
new scaled Herrings. 60 bbls Hiram Smith and Genesee
Hour. 20 boxos Ground Coffee, 26 do assorted Candy.recelv-
od per steamer and for snlo by
■VOnCR.—'The undersigned will continue to carry
■i! Lumber andTImlicr business os heretofore, under tho
■nm* and style of J. Romans k Co.
mnof Kibbee k Rodgers is this day dissolved by mu-
il euiwnt.Mr. Kibhec retiring, and Mr. Tlimnas Wood,
■“*« Mtcon.taking bis place, under tho narno nud style
Ic. i? 0 ^ ? ^*'* cr *' All debts against tiio late firm will be
■hmiUted by the new firm, and all monies due them will be
■riiKUbW,and receipted for by the now concern, as per
^qtwnent. KIBBEE k RODGERS,
■ jenn22 WOOD k R0DCER8,
IA "ubscrlbcr. in retiring from business in
I, .™ l c ' l f- cannnt but feel deeply grateful and obliged
I m Um wry liberal patronage which has been extended to
* lOUI,e ') k'th from city and country friends, anil
IjSff? 1 “®lppovtuailty to express Ills thanks for tho same,
■ m uMnipj the hope that past favors will bo continued to
«*wy grateful Vo give the most
*ji»lifled Mtlsfaction to the patrons of the late concern
Mtbee k Uodgera. Very respectfully.
I ju*2
IWiffO.—-The o-partneraiilp heretofore existing t
InJ** 11 , i? , un 'l* r signed. under tho firm of Ckoxb k
dissolved by mutual consent. The
‘ U . te flrra win be settled by II. A. Crane, to
■ ^?.*yP”*°“*lj* T lng claims will please p
f ed black Barego. black and white plaid summer Silk,
plain nud figured black Tissue, black ScwingSilk fur dresses,
black Foulard Silk, black English Veil Crape. Cambric and
French Muslins, for sale by
may26 ATKIN k BURNS.
K EMITON & VER8TI1.LE have just received, a fine lot
of figured grenadines, crape d’artois, silk tissues and
bareges, which they are offering very low at their stand,
next to F. Zogbaum’B music store, Warlng’a range. ap!2p
H OUSEItEEPING DRYGOODS—Linen and cotton sheet
ing. pillow case linen and cotton. Irish linen of the
best make, birds eye and Scotch diapers, towels and towel
ing, damask table linen nnd napkins, long lawns, crash,
brown and bleached muslin, all widths and qualities, lor
sale at the lowest prices, by
U NDER a new and Improved organisation, manufacture
locomotive and Stationary Engines. 8ngar Mills. Gins,
Presses. lathes. Drills. Ac. Also, every description of Cot
ton. Woolen and Saw Mill work.Shafting, Pulleys, Ac., Cast
ings of any weight, (having a large assortment of patterns,)
at reduced prices. F. 8. CLAXTON, Engineer.
Depot 13 Plntt-strcet. cornor of Gold. Claxton A Wet-
more. Excelsior. Collins A Co. and II. Collins’ Axes, Hard
ware Agency, 23 Pratt-st., New York. oclO—lyr
01 ptnts,?fdr sale by mhA . ~ J.'ROUBBgAU.
QfiAP AND (iANDlfe8 ; -150 boxes Soap ofvarloui Muds,
O 100 do Caudles, reoelved and for sale by • » "
J brated brand, Undingand forsile by
mh22 COHEN h F0SD1CK.
rPENNKN'rS ALE.—25 casks TsnnSht’a superlor
X pint bottles, 10 do Falkirk Ale.' M do London
for solo by ... apllO W, W, OOODI
Ala In
^PEA.—Just received, 10 chests Y
' X Imperial and Black Teas, In me!
rlor quality, for sale by
t. ,
I, of aupe-
UMMINGS —Trimming braid, colored silk end linen do
colored silk, lluen And gilt buttons for children, fdncjr
open worked hose and half hose, for saleby .
"X/INEGAR—10 bbta pure cider vlnegnr, and. 10 bbls xylilte
v wine vinegar, Just , landed Dotn steamship State of
Georgia,for tale by. mhiB . ’ E. W. BUKER.
TXTH1TE and colored curatin end pavilion loops, for sale by
W aplll ... ' KKluTON A YERSTILI.E.
received and for sale by, ; • * - ■ . • .
j . AIKCl g *» DP1WB. -
W HTRklY;—160 bbls. New Orlrans Whisky, lnhdlng this.
day per brig Kate Heath, and for sale by
YXTASHING^MADE EASY.—Boston'Chemical' Washing
TY Powdort.—One package of these powders will make
two gallons of Soft Soap, of a superior quality for all do-
estlc uses,*just received and for sale by -
anl7 ' W. W. LINCOLN, Monument square
Y ANKEE NOTIONS.—Patent self-heatlng smootlng Irons,
patent nut crackers, cloth pins, fluid lamps, cow milk-
era, spring bottom guarded lanterns, thermometer churns,
Ico buckets and water fllterera. just received Snd for sale by
aplO J. P. COLLINS. 100 Bryan-street.
r nE Timber Cutter* of Edlsto River. South Carolina, re
spectively call the attention of buyers of Timber to the'
Charleston market for thnt article. They believe that thoy
(furnish ns well got and as largo good heart Timber ss can
he found in any Southern elty. By a strange and arbitrary
system of measurement—keeping the foreign trade In Igno-
ranco of tho cheapness of tho market the Mills of Charles
ton are enabled to purchaso tho Tlmbor. at prices onor-
mously low to tho Timber cutters Tho lntier would there
fore, Invite buyers to examine their market. The same
timber which brings In Savannah, (by tho papers):from 8 to
12 dollars per thousand feet, is now selling in Charleston
rom 4 to 8. • Janl6—lawlfit.
B OOKS.—The History of tho Mormons, or Litter Day
Saints, in the Valley of the Great 8alt Lake.—their rise
and progress—peculiar doctrine*—present condition end
prospects—derived from personal observation during a real
dence among them, by Lieut. Gunnison. U. S. Topographi
cal Engineers. Received nnd for snlo bv
dec28 S. S. SIBLEY 135 Congress street
(UrnuniPS IRISH MELODIES.—a complete collection in
LYX plnln and embossed binding, being an elegant Christ
mas present. Also. Musical Instruments In every variety,
from a Jewshnrp to a Church Organ, and Music in sheets
ami volumes, from the Fisher's Hornpipe, to Hayden and
Mozart’s Masses. For sale by F. 7.0GBAUM A CO..
74 St. Julian and 107 Bryan-street*.
J^LOUR •—100 bbls Baltimore Flour, junt received and for
sale by
K EMITON A VERSTILLE are now opening a finely as
sorted and complete stock of Summer nnd other Dry
Goods, which they will offer upon the most accommodating
terms. As great care lias been exercised In tho selection of
UielrTttock. with a view both to price and quality, they con
fidently Invite their f'lends and the public generally to call
and examine for themselves, ap!5
igs Rli.
more Flour; 20 hhds. prime N. 0. Sugar; 10 hhd*. clarified
N. 0. Sugar; 160 bbls. Stuart's 11. A C. Sugar; 60 boxes Col
gate’s No. 1 Sonp; 60 boxes Colgate’s Palo Soap; 50 bbls. N.
O. Syrup: 50 hhds. Cuba Molasses; 26 tierces do.; 26 bar
rel* do.; 60 boxes star Candles—landing nnd for sale by
F ISH, a'cva tc* cod fish. lOO boxes smoked herrings. 30
bbls pickled do, 30 bbls No. 1. 2 nnd 3 mackerel. 60
half hbls no. 20 kltts do. 60 boxes buckwheat, 25 half bbls
do. received end fur snlo liy
10 bbls superior bleached Whale Oil; 10 bbls Is?nf Ijird
received and forsale by fo!4 MoMAHON A DOYI.K.
ignr. 5d
Croix do, 100 bbls Stuart's do. 10 do crashed do, 26 do
N 0 clarified do, 100 bags Rio coffee. 60 do Java do. 60 cases
black and green tea. 100 boxes assorted tobacco. 60,000
Spanish segnrs of various brands. 100 bbls whisky, gin.
rum and brandy, 6 pipes Otnrd brandy. 2 do Holland gin, 2
do Jamaica rum. 2 do Scotch whisky, 10 casks Mndcint
wine. 6 do Sclcily do, 6 X do Malaga do. 60 boxes as
sorted cordials, 6 do claret wine. 60 boxos plpos. 100 dozen
brooms. TOO reams wrapping paper. 200 ham*. 100 smoked
tongues. 60 kpg* lard. boxes No 1 and pain soap. 60 blits
Baltimore flour, 50 whole aud 16 half bbls canal do, 60 gro.
matches, 60 bbls molasses. 10 bbls No 2 and 3 mnckcrcl. 20
iinlf bids No 1 do, 10 casks porter, 10 do ale. 20 half boxes
loaf sugar, landing nnd in store, for snlo by
M ISS KLAMJAY’S WORK.—Utters and Miscel nnies In
Prose. Rhyme, nnd Blank Verse, liy I-oulso Klemjay,
a lady of tho South, For salo by J. B. CUBBEIHJE.
June 28
H . 300 bbll Baltlittbro Flour, 60 do Genesaee do,
20 do Hiram Smith half do Canal do,
26bbbUHntWrCrack«AjWao Sugar do, ...
M boxes Soda do, 6 bags | oft shelled Almonds, i
100 whole,.half add quapUr boxes Raisins,
200 Imxos sperm. adnmUrttlne abd tallow Candle*.
' ,100 dp Palo and.No. 1 Soap, 26 do do do Staroh. . ..
20 do Ground Pepper, In H lb papers. 200 do table RaU
, 100 eighth, duarter and half ebssta Tdk,
200 do Tbbaecoi assorted quriWes,
TOO baM Rio Coffee. 60 db Java do,
60 bblsStusrt’srofinod BAG Megar. 1 - .■
60 do circle A crashed M lO dogroudd do,-
20 libd| Porto lUoo Sugar, 10 do New Orleans do,
10 boxes Lilaf do, 200 bbls (toeatlq'^mipra,
20 ease* asM Pickles, 80,000 a-gars. ns’d qualities,
60 gross pi(&s. 100 roamsTWajplng P.twr.
6adoxUroortis,l00 Detnijopltl, 2.8
600 now sugar-cured Hams; 6 hhds!
6 hhds shoulders. TOO sacks 8*it.
- 10 tlefces nqw Cuba Molasses, 60 bbls do do,
10 do Stuart’s sugar-bhUie Syrup,
And a mrterkl.assortment of fofelgn
In store, for sale by ' fdb25 .. COHEN. A TARVER
16 gallons,
a ANouatruBiTouii,
THE SUBSCRIBER respectfully announces tethe
iHtsens of 8atannhh, tad. of the Tnterlbr.or this
its to, that, ho has now opened and will keop'eub f
--- JVv•plltoroi.a Urge' assortment of 1 w bestqnslIUei
of tho various kinds of WINE8 AND LIQUORS, both foreign
and doVnestlc, invoiced from tho best sources; And to bis
stock of which, st present on hand, lie Invites attention.—
Having bad extensive experience <nr France a* a manufac
turer, and in America as Importertiud dealer, his *rouain r
* nu »... »_j
sr Ate each gonuldo t
... ... .ntlbn*—French Bran
dies of.fanouB brands; Hollshd Gin; Scotch, Irish and
Mbnotigahela Whisky ( Old Batavia Arrack: 'Jamaica and
Bt Croix Rum.
AVlnee^Ohl Port. Madeira, Sherry, Champagne; Hock,
latet, Sauteroe and Ruraundy Wines,
Cordlau—In case*. Curacoa, Maraschino, Ratafia, 81a-
vails. Klrsolienwansor, Absinth, Ac.
Ale and Porter-fcLondoO Brown' Stout, and Edln-
|jl__ „ , ‘n.r 111ismi■■■>man sii
/dr 'gait anil for Brut; JJIjilaiitlpljia ^bontlBeilusts.;
igar-liouso Syrup, burgh Ale.
ifime^of fo(el^rBrandle» and Whies Also Agent for Domestic IJquors.
■ Goorala and French, Durr and Euro-
aaioa pean Mill Stones t. Ptoliah* of various
kinds. Eagle, Sub-Soil end, Wrought
J», Eagle, • Bub-Soil and Wrought
____iShare Llron Firo-proor Safes. Shovels
and Spades. Manure and Hay Forks. Potato Hooka, Corn
Shelters; Oob Crashers. Manure Drags. Cultivators, Straw
Cutters, Scythes and Bhoatha. Hose, Axes. Pick Axes' and
Handles. Rosd Scrapers, Ox Chain*,' Ox Yokes, Oarilbn tad
Fancy Barrows. Garden Chairs. Segments and Gudgeons
Sreen Wire, Hames, Measnres, Grist'Mill*, Rice Tlireshers,
Cauldrons, Douglass’. Pumpsand Water Rami. Well Wheels,
do Buckets, Cotton and Counter jScale*. Trunks. Cotton
Hooks, Jack Screws. Durnle's p— 1 *•’—■* ' u “ l - •
Griswold’s Upland do. Content, 1 _
Saws: also. fc*ud anil YinlSaws. I
nolfl CHAS H. CM
ikon rnonTJEWE
L THE largest wjd beat selected stock of wood* ever
offered forsalofn this city. Gold and Silver Watches.
.^aSMVest. Fob and Guard Cliains. Sots of Jewolry, Chat
obmes. Bracelets. Brooches, fine Diamond work Finger Rings,
Silver Castors, Tea 8ets.Pltchers,Gobleta,Cups,C>ke Baskets,
Spoons, Forks, Fish Knives, Pie Knives. Cheese Scoupi,'La-
dies, Syphons. Also, all kinds of Plated Ware, MlUUnr and
Fancy Goods, and a great variety of articles too numerous to
mention : the wholo of which will be soldat reduced prices.
All kind* of Watchef,. Clock*. Jewelry and other Jobbing
attended to by competent hands. HORTON A RIKEMAN.
The undersigned begs leave to inform the Clttxeni
Qtamof Savannah, and tho people in the oounfry in gene,
.al, that he has taken the Store No. 148 Broughton 8ireet,
one door West of Dixon’s Cnnfoctionery. where he will be
pleased to make and repair all kinds of Clocke and Watches,
and will warrant all work with which he may be Intrusted
A MR. F. STEIN, on Broughton-street. hns jnatreceiv-
L/ed the finest assortment of now and fashionable Jewel
ry of all descriptions. Gold and silver pencils anil pen*.
L silver nnd silvorgiltod ware end fruit baskets, waiters;
fv toa sets, candlesticks, table and tea spoons; fine table.
V pocket and non knives, scissors, and a largo variety of tho
finest work boxes, dressing casus, and writing desks' for
ladles and gentlemen, as also a fine selection of Huttons,
accordians and fancy articles, too numerous to mention,
which lio offers at the lowost pricos ever sold to this city
Tho attention of the public at large, but especially that of
the ladies, is particularly requested. nu21
Just received at tbe Wholesale and Retail Hat
Store, every variety of
Spring nnd Summer Good*,
such ns Silks, Beavers, Gossamers, l’odule. Canton, Paris,
Lone Star. Campecby. nnd others too numerous to mention.
Also, every varibty of Bonnets.
Cali nml see. and you will tie sure to be supplied, at'tbe
corner of Barnard and Droughton-strcet*.
robll . BELTON & CO
GUOUflBilBS, dto.
a - 100 bugs prime Rip Coffee, 60 do do Java ilo
20 Jilids Porto Rico Sugar, 10 do N. O, do
100 bbls Stuart’s B and C Sugar
20 do Crashed Sugar, 20 do Ground do
20 bbls Loaf 8ugnr, 20 boxos Isnnnn Syrup
60 do Nos. 1.2 and 8 Mackerel. 10 half do 2do
100 do Balt. F Jour, 60 do H & do, 60 do hair do Canal
10. casks Bacon Sides. 6 do Shoulders .
20 boxes Northern Cheese, 20 do Englsh Dairy do
60 do' No, 1 ’ Soap,' 60 doT’sle ilo,' 2& do Starch
60 .do Tobacco, assorted brands
60 bbls Planting Potatoes. 20 boxes Sperm Candles
60 boxes Tallnw Candles, 60 do Star do
25 do Adamantine do
60 bbls old. Mimongahela Whisky, 2,000 ft Codfish
200 _do ; Whisky, Gin. Rum and Urandy ,
20-H CMk,CoRn.onnuitlr.BO4nionDrootn, '
. a pTpesMnuano ainrx ^fcawiscotcu whisky
600 gross Pipes,’ 100/300 Spaqlab Segara
20 ctosm Dcnilj6ns.'200 reams Wrapping Paper
60 fire anil three gallon Kegs. .
landing and In store, for sale by
- . Have in store, and offer for sale, on the most
favorable terms—
\BMBl16 hhds St rotx Sugar, 26 do Porto Rico do
**^*25 do N Orleans do. 50 bbls Coffee do
100 -bbls Stuart's A. B and C Sugar, 25 do Crashed do
10 boxes I/>ar do. 200 bngs Rio Coffee, 20 do Java do
100 bags old Cuba Coffee. 60 do Jamaica do
10 cases Myer's Aromatic Tobacco. 60 cask* Bacon Sides
26 cesks Shoulders. 26 do Hams, choice quality
100 bbls Baltimore Hour. 60 whole nnd 26 haU do Canal do
25 hhds. 60 tierces and 60 bbls' West India Molasses
26 bbls New Orleans Molasses, 25 do extra do
26 quarter chests Hyson Tea, 10 do dn Black do
100 boxes Sperm and Adamantlno Candles
100 do No 1 and Pale Soap
100 bales Gunny Coth. 300 coils Weaver’s Rope
100 bbls E Phelps’Gin. 260 Flack's do, 25 do Connecticut
.. River do, 26 do N E Rum
10 qr casks pure Maloga Wine. 20 do do Madeira do
6 half pipe* Otard Brandy. 20 qr casks do do
100 bbls Monnngahcla Whisky. 10 qr casks Port Wine
16 bids Mint and Rase Cordial.
Also, tho following old nnd very choice Liquors, to glasses
40 dozen choice old Mntlelra Wine, bottled to 1847
36 demijoua St Croix Rum. 16 do old Jamaica do, 1848
60 do old Monongnhela Whisky. 1846
10 do Pure Juico, 1848.40 do Brandy. 1816
86 dozen Scheidam Gin, 10 do old Whisky, Nectar.
■TT—150 BBLS. Haltlmore Flour, 20 do H. Smith’s
/n^EEfadn. 20 do pure Genesee dn. 20 half bbls Canal do.
taBBH'-’60 sugar cured Hums. 20 hhds Bacon Sides, ll’O
bids U and C Clarified Sugar. 26 do Crashed and
Ground do. 26 do New Orleans do. 15 hhds Porto Rico do, 21
boxes Loaf do, 100 bbls Domestic Liquors. 76 boxes Tobac
co. 60 clients Tens, 25 bbls Mackerel, 26 half bbls and kits
do. 60 bbls and 10 tea West India Molasses. 26 bbls New Or
leans S
1.ARD.FOU »AI.K. ,,
,SSs : .SKSurrs
good framed barn tad good framed stow Udu*e.Mtuate cn
the bank of th# river, one of tho best stands lbr> a store In
thl* section; The place tut* the advantage of atnambonta
during the fell, winter and spring rannths,andbneof the
best fisheries on the river fur shad. ' Any person wishing can do so by calling'on (he subscriber on the
Allso. 980 acres of Lend well timbered, with 160 acre* o(
first rite bay land troll ditched and drained,teady for clear-
Ing. with five acres cleared. Said land will produce .fifty
bushel* of cent to the acre. Tbla lend lies two miles from
Mann Ferry, on.the Alatimaha river.
Also, 6,000 acres of first quality pine timbered land on
the Alatamaha andOeuulgee rivers.
All these lands are situate in the first and second district
of Appling county. Also, 2,000 acre* of land well timbered
with cypress and white oak. Any person wishing further
partloulars can address me at HaU P. O., Georgia,
jau31—lawdAwOm . \ / W.PYALL.
gar The Raleigh. (N. C.) Standard will plcnso publish
rcekly for »lxmonths.'and send MR to . W; p,
BgL RICE LANDS TOR SALR-The Tract of LAND on tho
JCSt. Mary’s River, kqoirh n* the Cut-off Tract,containing
seven hundred and seventy-two (772) acres, of which ovor
fivu hundred'(600) acres are tide swamp and fresh marsh
lands, with a riso and fall of tide of six feet, The marsh
land was successfully cultivated many years since, producing
Cotton, Cane, and Rice. •
These lands could be put ln order with den labour, it is
believed, than would be required for putting Hammock lands
In order, and are considered very sale from overflow in gales
and freshets. .
Fqr forther particulara and tornl*,' which will be made easy,
to a purchiser, apply to (John iVnser atid Co., CTiaricston,
S.C,or,to Mrs. Ilen^r Dailey, 8t. M Rr y**rCamden county,'
°TSi of the land may bo seen at tho office of thb floor-
No. 136] -, - South fftrmtaL
Second street, where they toMre
did assortment of anperinffti'
to which' they Invite, the itten
■ mmwottkm., ...
(Opposito Franklin Squii
THE subacriberl* o
»Uh!r>g;abd bn hkfaifn __
ftV Cans Seat Chairs; in gr
for ; parlors, dlnlngurMtos^or„
Woods.'Imitation'Woods, and Fancy Cownfl'
Reception tad Cottage Chsirs. of light- ani
signs; Cane lounges. Cane..Setters.HglTC
Iloiiso and Office Ahn Chair*. f Utge ahd‘L»—
Chslra. Store and Steamboat Stool*, Wludsor Chalrij a
Settees, Ac, i
H'>urekcepert,Hotel. SteamboatandBalLRoafipcmptalee ;
will find It to their Interest to call«t Ihe.FartgnTof^ . ,
No. 131 North <Hh St 1 (bppdrtto FrtakUn Sriiati,).
^ • - - . , ghfl^phla, ^;
. . . JP*outy A DAURETT’E
Agricultural Wnrts-House niid RCi
JY0.194K Xarkd ih^PXmvMpkia
- l’JujtJTt UJlxM 4%tep»;ekM»pm -
' ipl 27—d Ac
FOR SALE.—A Tract of LAND, containing 202 K
Jj^acres.and Improvemsnt*. near WalUiourvlUe, IJborty
county. The hind Is of goml quallty. pjno and bay land. 60
acre* ot which are in cultivation, and Uie rematodor well
timbered, offering strong inducements to porsons Interested
In procuring turi«ntlne. The Improvements consist or a
two-story frame dwelling,tognther with negro houses, stables,
and all other necessary outbuildings. The location cannot
bo surpassed for hcalthfulnoss or salubrity of climate, with
good water, nnd a range for cattle which cannot bo excelled.
jht 'a'nd’[eKTiMiWed^UbtoL. .
.iW’Uni’tad D6UbleMeeH; Ac.i with
cd Stool Tcfctbi Which can be reverend, thus' taktok !
Wear of the common Teeth. Also, Cultlvitora of aU Had*
with Steel Teeth.
Spain’s Almospberlo Churns' C6rti Plantt
Cwra Shelters, ImproVed
GrantWtenfF.n Mills,
8#' ' : ,
Horse Foweretad Thresher*,
Mowing < gnd Reaping Ma
Chain Pumps, - :
Bull Rings,
Patent Iron Snaths,
• BELDwI AJCO leans Syrun. 6 do Stuart’s do, 76 gross Matches, 100 do
S PRING SILKS.—A fine assortment of striped and plaiii Fl|ie*.landing and In store, for salo by
Silks, black summer do, blsck grenndirio silks, n fine as- *nh24 COHEN A TARVER.
sortment of new barcgCH, figured stripes and pluld. plnln,
figured, plaid sud striped tissues, a largo assortment of la
dles’ black nnd colored silk umbrellas and parasols, a large
anil fine asRortmout of all qualities of hosiery.sUk nnd lace
mnntillas. white and black net mantillas, shnwls point*nnd
scarfs. Swiss nnd lnco chemlzets, light kid gloves, loco mils
nndglovos, for sale by
S L'Ni’Rll'i 5 .—Just received. 20 bbls Stuurt's Crashed nnd
Clarified Sugar. 3 hhds Now Orleans do. 10 cuak*,qts.
and pints. Byass London Porter. 26 dozen fancy handled
Brooms. 60 do nssnrLd Scrub nruslie* nnd Clothes Lines.
30 do 2 and 3 hooped U’nter l’nils, 26 doz Wash Boards. 30
dn Mustard, In X lb. mns. 60 boxes Rondel’* Soap. Candles,
and Starch, and 10 half chests black Tea, in «£ In. packs,
landing, and fbr safe »y
P OTATOES.—60 bbls. Carter’s flno eating Potatoes, land
ing and for sale bv
E " NVKLOPF. AND WRAPPING PAPER, of various sizes
and quality. Also, Cotton Sampling and Silk Wrap
ping Pnpor, for salo by
A ROMATIC VINEGAR—A very desirable artlcio for th
toilotnnd an offieleut remedy for the hendach. fantl
ness.languor, rheumatic puins, Ac. Just rcceive«t and to:
saleby W W LINCOLN,
apld Monument Square.
■ iu.tT ' i;-.-’.-" “<King claims will plcaso present them,
| u al‘f, ,n . , ' <b(e, ! i will make paymont Either party aro
■ lawiuj ^ Ul0 1| 10 nJma ^ flnn j n liquidation.
J-“i7 T. HOI/CQ51BK.
IC ^W E ^ H ! P .'-- The undersigned having associated
IrlU^Mi- . .if r ' J .° \ n Johnson and Mr. James E. Cope.
ICox^Jousios &Co 8r0cery buainM un<lcr 'il>o firm
flrra of 1-iROTHK, Dow.VE A Co.Is
, solved by mutual consent, to tako effect
IstllriK.T. k ’^ ,n Business of the firm will be
lnffl l ^ cl i \ I ' aftoche » n ' 1 Alfred T. Rowne, who art
I “d w use tbe name of tbe firm in settlement.
Isaac n. Laroche,
I Lt h Jin s io,, EDWARD S. KF.MPTON.
wi "ooutinue the husluens at their old
Laroche a bowne.
Uton>T. buwxx.
J n,1 clen,lgnoil Imvu this day rorm-
I ind r forth o transaction of a General
f^“ K> ?. D,1 " lneM ' u ' u,erlho flrm of»cnin-
■ Office, No. 10 Coentles Slip, New York,
J Hnn-,. «l . H IL TALLMAN.
1^6^^ h Cnl1,n * ! Wheeler A Co..
IStrand 1,1 fomroy. Now York; Webster
Inti. ^ r * n,on - Johnston A Co , Rowland A Co., Savan-
I~*~—■— 8m—may!7
llaiuj, «” r SV,'’ T ”" l i l y A»™Uo Mari.
n— - law.
palliaeottogen labu vgH University, tor tho uso of
y®«>»«>ce,byO. W. Wright.
P'fMrCb.rfei^p^^"^ #nd TIppmg * ex P° Md ' b J
p“c»t^ l M!? ,t I rite,1 K«ws; Gleason’s Pictoral; Popular
«*j*ri m of Arts, Ac. For sale at the book
8 8. 8IBLEY, .
136 Congrees-street.
toiteitsnt 'pJ.V * tj i °I Publications of the New York
Tracts, Cliurch Cate-
p »blic»Unn. Scl v 0 Se , rTlce ' and other cheap and vain-
I elllon "' Por sale at Uie Book Store of
8. 8. SIBLEY,
—No. 186 Congress- street.
J UST RECEIVED.—A supply of Mineral Paints, fire and
water-proof colors, unlading. Silver’s Mineral Paints
differ essentially from all others to market. They are not
Clay*, they require little oil. thoy do not work toughly, but
flow easily as white lead. They lay on a very heavy body,
set Immediately, and becomoan indestructablo covering ot
flint. Tlioy neither crack nor peel) end require no stronger
dryer than white lead.
I have a variety of colors, Red, Yellow, various Browns,
and Jet Black.' They are superior lu body (or covering
property) to anything evor discovered,and jwund for pound
will cover double the surface of White Lead or Zinc Mineral
paints, and require less oil.
I am now prepared to cover Tin Roofs, as nothing adheres
to tin like Silver’s Mineral Paints. For sale by
mv 8 10 and W Rarnanl-strret.
C i ROCERIE3. Ac.—100 bbls Baltimore Flour. 26 do Canal
T do, 20 half do do. 20 bbls H 8 Flour, 76 do Stuart’s B A
C Sugar. 25 do crashed do, 100 boxes assorted brands Tobac
co. 10 hhds Bacon Sides, 10 ilo do Shoulders. 60 boxes star
and ndinanlino Candles, 26 bbls Monongahela Whisky, 160
bbls Rum, Gin, Whisky and Brandy, 15 quarter casks Cog-
nac Brandy, 2 pipe* II Gin, 2 quarter casks Scotch Whisky,
2 do Jamaica Rum. 26 boxes assorted Cordials, 60.000 Span
ish Sognrs, 26 kilts Mnckcrcl. 20 half bbls No 1 do, 26 bbls
No* 1. 2 and 3 do, 160 boxes No 1 and Pale Soap. 60 boxes
Starch. 60 do lotnon Ryrup. 10 hhds fine Porto Rico Sugar,
3 do St Croix do, 60 bbls New Orleans Syrup, landing and
for salo by ml3 COHEN A TARVER.
N EW and beautiful Spring and Summer Goods, Ju*t re
ceived by the last 8tearaer. VI* : Barege DeLalns;
Worsted Bareges; Silk Tissues; Colored Sowing Silk; Dresses
Foulard Silk; Colored and Black Challeya and Bareges; Black
nnd Colored Silk; Black Figured Bareges and Tissues; Black
and Colored F. Muslin; Black and Colored Ginghams; Plain
and Colored Lawns; Black and Colored French Cambric; and
a fine assortment of Black and Colored Calicoes: Plain and
Figured Swiss Muslin; Jaconet Cambric and Mull Muslin;
I’laid and Striped Swiss Muslin; Silk Parasols, very pretty;
also, Silk and Cotton Umbrella*. All of which we offer on
the most accommodating terms.
R EPRINTED from the lately discovered <&)iy of the folio
of 1632. containing nearly twenty thousand manu-
i O’rt.fbr Julv '. fnr ' Iul Y i London Art Jour-
^BdkYniW”’"I*wnictionary, new edition;
C ul *toll*voU in *^;«^ u « rRe P ort * 5 Rabelais’ Works,
scri't corrections, with an Introduction to each play—pub
lishing in number* at 26 cents a copy.
The Preacher and the King, or Bourdalouo In the Court
of Louts 14th.
Alexander Smith’s Poems.
Alban, or tbe History of a Yonng Puritan; by the author
of lady Alice—2 vols.
Midland's History of the Crusades—8 roll.
Bohn’s Classical Library—Literal translation.
Scott’s Waverly Novels, 12 vols.. doth gilt.
Epnea Sergeant’s Standard Speaker.
Lodge's Portraits of Distinguished Persons, with fine en
gravings, to B vols.—Bohn’s edition.
Woodfall'a Junius. 2 vols.—^Bohn’s FAltlon.
Humboldt’s Travels to tbe Equinoctial Regions.
kJ Charity the more Excellent Way, two nermo&s, by a
Southern Presbyter, price 26 cents.
Harpers’ and Putnam’s Magazines, for July.
Edgar Cllftou. a atory or school lift, by Adams.
The London Art Journal, fbr June, ■
Prismatic*, by Richard Hayward, with illustrations.
Chambers’ Repository of Useful Papers.
. Yusef, a crusade In the eaat: Harry Molr, a tale of Scot-
Ush Ufe i North wood, nr Nortn and South; Aunt PhllUs*
Cabin j Cabin and Parlor, by Randolph: Japah, by Mac-
farlsne: the Chlvallen of Franca; Elliott's Glimpse* or the
Supernatural; Meagher’* Speeches; Macaulay's Speeches;
Home Scene*, 1 by Graco Aguilla j Frank Freeman’* Barbel;
R. A. BONAUD. -saying taken the *tore at the oornar
of Ray and Whriakar-xtreeU, would respectfully call
the attention of bla friend* and the publlo In general, to hi*
assorted stock of Liquor* and Cigars, which he U prepared
to sell In quantities to suit purchasers,
Mr. B, baa also constantly on hand A large assortment
of Sauces, Fruit and Japifc In Jar*, which be Salters himself
iiMva i ■ »1B suit the most epicurean tastos.^';. nol .
I World, No 107 antner bombtato!
new hooks.
R eceived and for sale bv s. s. sibley, m con-
gress-at.—Biblu In the Family—Bible in the Counting
Annals of Tennessee, by J. G. M Ramsey, M. D.
The Sword nnd tho Distaff, or Fair, Fat and Forty.
Maria Do Bernleve, a talc of tho Crescent City, by W.
Gilmore Simms.
Tho Race for Riches, nnd some of the pits Into which the
Runners toll.
The Doubting Communicant, by Septimus Tustln, D. D.
Country Hospitalities, by Catherine Sinclair
Spiritual Vampirism—tho history of Ktherinl Softdown
and tho Friends of the New Light, by C. W. Webber.
Rowland \VVvbr, hr the Pilot of Human Life.
Great Truths by Great Authors, from writers of all age*
and troth hemisphere*.
Cleansing tire Sanctuary, by W. L. M’Cnlla. of the Union
Presbyterian Church, of Philadelphia. Jo-6
B OOKS.—Tho’oid liouso byTiioTUrcr, by the author or
the Owl Creek tatters.
Modern Flirtation*, a novel,by Catherine Sinclair.
Passion and Prim Iple. a domestic novel, by Mrs.Grey.
Flirtatious In America, or High Lifo in New York.
The Adventures of a Bachelor, or a man to search of a
The Silver Boll, or the Heir of Motconrbo Manor, by Dr. P
II. Robinson.
Gody’s Lady’s Book for July; Graham’s Magazino do;
Arther’s Magazine do; Peterson's Magazine do.
Barman's Illustrated Nows, No. 25, Further supply of
Echoes of a Boll; recoived by
juno22 J- B. CUBBEDGE.
T 'HACKEITaY’S ENGLIsn ituTlORTsfra serlos - of tarn
tures on Swift, Conurevo, Adlson. Ac.
Ranke's Civic Wars and Monarchy In the 16tU nnd 17th
Ufoaml tattersof the Rov. Stephen Olln, late President
of tho Wesleyan University..
Tho Old House by tbe IUrer. by the author of tho Owl
Creek tatters.
Tnylor’H Memorial of the English Martyrs,
Colerldgo Works, vol. 0.
Modern Flirtation, by Miss Sinclair.
English taw-and Equity Reports, being the first volume
of the year. New subscribers can bo supplied at tho ori
ginal price of $12 per annum.
Blackwood’s Magazine for Juno.
D ON QUIXOTE DE LA MANCHA, by Miguel da Servan
ts* Snavcdm, a revised translation based on those ol
Moltoux. Jarvis nndSmollct, with numerous characterlstla
A Manual of tho Elementary Geology on the Ancient
Changes of the Earth nnd its Inhabitants, ns Illustrated by
geological monuments,by SlrChnrtes I.yell, M. A., F.R.S.,
author of ihc Principles o. Geology. Ac.
Home Pictures, by Mrs. Mary Andrews Denison.
Civil Wars and Monarchy to France In tho sixteenth nnd
seventeenth centuries; a history of Franco principally du
ring that period, by Leopold Ranke.
Bnrnutn’s Illustrated Nows,No. 27, recoived by
july0 J. B. CUBBEDGE.
B OOKS! ROOKS 11 BOOKS Ill—At SIBLEY'S book store,
136 Congress-street.—Wo received so many new books
yesterday, that wo caonot find time to enumoTato them.
From grave to gay.
Religious, Literary Scientific, Humorous and interesting
Wo invite our friends to call and exnmlno tho largest varie
ty of light reading over offered in this city. Also,
Graham’s Magazine for July; Gody’s Lady’s Book.
Blackwood's Sfngazino; Barnum’s Illustrated Nows.
Gleason’s Pictoral. Ac^ juno22
R ECEIVED BY 8 8. FIBLEY. June 28. I853.—Edgar
Clifton, a story of School IJto. by C. Adam*.
Tho Old Forest Ranger.or Wild Sports of India, by MaJ.
Walter Cambell and Frank Forester.
A New History of tho World, giving an account of the
various Revolutions In Europe and America, to tho present
time, by H. White, B. A.
Consolation, by James W. Alexander, D. D.
The Believe,'by Rev. Hugh White.
Harpers Magazine for July, on interesting number.
Putnam’s Magaxtoetor July.
Barnum’s Blustratcd News, Gleason’s l’lctoral, Ac.
S CHOOL BOOKS.—Webster’a Unabridged Dictionary.
Boston School Dictionary, Fitch’s Mapping Plates.
PIcrpont's American First Clnss Book,
I/iomls’ Elements of Algebra.
Youraan’s Class Book of Chemestry.
Quarkonbo’s First Lessons in English Composition.
Parley’s Common School History, Bullion's Latin Reader.
A further supply received and for sale by
may!8 B. 8. 8IBLEY. 136 Congress-street.
F LUID MAGNESIA.—This condonswl solution Is a very
agreeable nnd efficient form for the administration of
Magnesia, aud U very useful .In Nausea. Acidity or the
Stomach, Sea Sickness and Dyspepsia, for oatoTiy'
mli22 W. W. LlNCOIJvMoniinient-Square.
HEAP GASH STOKE—Corner of Whitaker nnd Congress-
streets.— 1 The subscribers have iusi.ecolved per Ala
bama. a fresh supply of Throe-Ply and In unto Cnr|)el*. en
tlroly new patterns. Also, rt-t nnd 8-4 FlnorOll Cloth, which
will 1)0 sold at unusual low price*,
S UOARTM/lCKEUITAc—SoWstuarlto Crashed Su
gar. 25 Iinlf libl* taaf Fugnr. 40 bills Nos. ■’and 8 Mack,
crel. 20 half lihls Nos. 1 nod 2 do. 60 bbls P A II Gin. now
landing and for safe low by
B ' "aCON'sHOULDFRS.—1° hhds Bacon Shouiders, landing
from brig Pacific, and for sale by
L OST, on Friday ovenlng. Juno 26lh, nxmail Memoran
dum Pocketbnok of no value to any one hut the owner,
with his nnmo written on the Inside. A Hlwral rownrd will
be given ir left with NICIIOI^S GRUGER,
Jy 12—0 . 84 Bay-street.
rp 0 HI RE—A good Cook.’Wnsiicrnndironer. For terms,
B 26 IIIIDS. Porto Rico and Muscovado 8uasr. 25
do choice Now Orleans do, 26 do do Cube Molas
ses. 100 bbls Now Orleans mnl Cuba Syrup, Stu
art’s rectified do. 600 gallons Sperm Oil, 300 do
Linseed do. 200 boxes Sperm and Adnmumantine Cntiilles.
25 do Starch. 60 do Clieeso, 75 do Sonp. 26 dn Toilet do. 50
do mixed nnd assorted Candles, 76 packages Teas. Black. Im
perial and Groon, 160 bbls A. D and C Clarified Sugar and
Yellow Coffee do. 25 do Powdered and Crashed do. Prunes.
Fig*. Citron. Pickles. Raisins, Yeast Powders. Saleratus, So
da. Ac., now In store and for safe verv few. by
C-irm—160 bags prime Rio, 76 do Jamaica, 60
lo Java.
Sun ah—10 hhds Porto Rico, 10 do Si. Croix; 6 do
Now Orleans, 100 bbls Crashed. Powdered and Clarified.
Mousses—26 hhds Cuba, 76 bbls New Orleans.
Flouii—160 bbls Baltimore. 76 do Canal. 60 do H Smith's.
B.ioo.v—16 cask* Philadelphia Hams. 600 Baltimore can
mused do. 30 hhds Sides, 20 do Shoulders,
Potato®—160 bids P and Mercer.
Laiid amu Codzisu—25 bbls choice Leaf l ard, 0 casks Cod-
Soap. Candmm axd Staiioii—50 boxes No. 1 and Family
Sonp. 60 do Pale do, 40 whole and half boxes Starch. 76 do
Admautiun Caudfes. 26 do Sperm, 26 do Star, 160 do Patent
Mould. •
TonAcco—450 packages various brands and qualities.
Lkmom Fykuu.Ac.—60 boxes Lemon Syrun, 10 cases Wal
nut and Tomato Catsup. lOdo Brandy Peaches.
■ IfeMwnc Uquoua—76 hbla l’lielpa’ Giu.50 do N E Rum. 75
do RcctllUd WhUky, 30 ta extra ntit Mondrwabebuto.',
Wixk—20 quarter casks pure Malaga, 8 do choice Madei
ra—received and for safe by
^ 10 bbls No. largo Mackerel,
flESaaiObbls No.l do do
HedSM 10 half bbls No. 1 do
do No. 2 do
30 bids sugar, Bmlar. and butler Biscuits,
26 boxes soda Biscuits.
60 do Buchan's Family Soap.
60 do Colgate's No. 1 do
40 do Colgate's and Beadell's Pearl Starch,
60 do Herrings,
landing and for sale by
_apl 20—dAc
■fe# A Tract of Tide Swamp 1 And. containing 600 acres,
Jellying on the Alatamaha fiver, thre'o miles above Darl-
■™ en, adjoining lands of the estate of Butler and Dun-
wody on the ensVaml Glgnllliat nnd Walkfer on the north
and west, anting as good a pitch of tide ns «n» rico plan
tation on the river. My terms are. twenty dollnrs per acre,
one-fourth cash, nnd the balance on n credit of from firo to
or*, the Interest only required lo be paid annually.
H to the undersigned at Dnrien. In case or mv absence
.uni PmxoT-K will show the land, a plan of which can
be seen at the office of Uie Georgian.
r> . „„ SAMUEL M. 8TREET.
DAMKW.Jan.22, 1868. Jan26—lam
tSk TOR3AIE.—A Tract of LAND or Five Hundred acres
LA^xtrictly tirlmo.RIce land. Immediately opposito the old
town of Hardwick. The sltuntion of tho place afford* one
or tho best Saw-mill seats In the Southern country, facilities
for tlmbor being easy and without end. Vessscls coming
from sea can load immediately alongside, drawing from ten
to fifteen feet of water. For terms apply to Henry Williams.
U.S.DIstrict Attorney, Savannnli.or to B. STILES,Bryan coun-
1TUATKD hair a mile from this City, on the canal, has a
basin capable of holding two million feet or tags. The
Mill has been In operation about seven months, runs two
gangs and an edging saw. also Grist Mill. Tills Mill saws
rroni112 to 16 M. foci per day. For nartlenlnrsapply to
. »o29 WY1J.Y A M0NTM0LL1N.
^ FOR SAIJ1—That valuable parcel of land formerly
TJXoccupied by E. Jcncke’s. Esu.. known ns a taoner's
Shop nnd Yard. It U bounded on the east bv Went Round-
nry street, west by the Omni, uortli by Rnilrond street, nnd
south by lots No*. 6 nnd 0. nnd contains nlwmt four ncres.
F OR SALI/—The westerly half of tat No. 2 Yemncraw,
being the lVIinrf now occupied by tlieClmrlcston Stemn
Packet Company, measuring one hundred feet on the River,
and running buck about two hundred feet to Cnnal-street;
The property is now under n lease which will expiro on the
llrst of Novembernext.
If not sold at private safe previous to tho first Tuesday In
February, it will then be offered at auction at the Court
' ,M ‘ App| y to JcT5 COHEN A FOSDICK.
1NE SHIRTS.—Those to want of a fine shirt, to fit well
nnd handsomely made, can be nccumnindnted nt No
147 Rny-*t. maylO PRICE A VEADER.
F ' ISHING AND JOCKEY CAPS.—Recelvwl by Into arrl-
vals, a new supply. Those In want will ple'aso call at
Bov-at may20 PRICE A VEADER.
JTTER. CHEESE. Ac.—20 tub* new May Butter, 60
— boxes Cheese. 28 bbls Hiram Smith’s Flour, 60 boxes
Herring, lauding per steamer anil for rale by
Hay and Straw Cutters,
Hand Corn Mill*.
Corn nnd Cob Crushers.
Gpdils' Improved Harrows.
Square and A Harrows,
Grindstones, ready hung,
Dirt Scrapers.
Agricultural Furnaces,
Og Yokes and Bows,
Forks lor unloading Hay,
Man Hay Rakes,
Bow Pins,
Apple Pcarera,
Ox Muzzles,
Mole Traps.
Pruning Hooks and Chisels,
Fawn and Scissors,
Iron Well Curbs, nnd !
tubefng for Chain Pumps,
Also, Horticultural Tools (of every description.) Garden ■
and Grass Seeds, forsale at'tHe lbwert prices, at'Wholesale
and Rolnll. eod-riaplO - - ‘
No. 4 North above fto.riW, i
T ITE nndersIgneddiBvv Just ojiened a -fresh 1 and complete
stork of Wall Papers, among which are gold< and ral-
vet. fine satin, and the lowest priced unglazed papepi; also,
decorations, borders, fire-screens, enrtalns.'etc., which they
offer at tho lowest prices, both wholesale and retail; .
Tim best workmen employed to hang paper either to the
city or country.
Wank Books. Stnlimcry. rfc.—We bnve also bur usual a*,
sortment of writing papers wrapping papers,'bla'nk and
school book*.stationery, etc. •
No. 4 North Fitli street, 2 doors nbo^Market. .
Nir~ Cash paid for country rags. mlilO^HiSa
Transplanting Trowels,
Ha)i snd Man lire Forks,
ShoreU tad Spade*. :
Garden and Field Hoes.'
OnWett Rakes Inrartotjr,! .
Chitdren’siTooIs, . \
0 logs,
. i. t—c, PoUtoflookm
Also; Horticultural Tools fof e
which will be few, apply to
84 Bay-street.
wounds, bruises, sprains, Ac. Just received and for
saleby W. W. LISWLN,
m ay2 Monument Square.
P ATE DF. PERDUAUX, Caillcs and Foi Gras. Tor safe by
june24 ’ A. BONAUD.
C OFFEE. SUGAR. Ac.—60 pockets Old Government Jova
Coffee. 60 bbls 8tuart’s A refined Sugar. 30 do Mess
Pork. 200 bags drop and buck Shot, landing and for salo by
F ~ RESlf TURN IP SEEDS.—Rn ta Dagn. Flat Dutch. Red Top
large Globe and large Norfolk Turnip Feeds, of the
growth of 1843, just received and for sale, by
june28 W. W, LINCOLN. Monument square.
UASS and l’orcelian Preserving Kettles, for safe by
may20 J. P. COLLINS. Rrynn-street.
B ROWN WINDSOR SOAP—taw’* highly perfumed Brown
Windsor Sonp. so much approved offer washing and
shaving, just received and for safe by
juni‘28 W. W. LINCOLN. Monument Square.
J ” UST RECEIVED—20 dozen or that fine Hungarian Tokay
fnr safe by Jyl3 A. BONAUD.
ORN.—1.000 bushels prime Tcnnesse Corn, 66 ft to the
bushel, for safe ly
F I/3UR.—76 bbls Baltimore Flour a siqierior brand land
ing per schr John W. Anderson, nnd for safe by
J ENNY LIND BASKET 8TAND3—Just received nnd for
_saloby Jy8 I. W. M0RRK1.L A CO.
A LE. PORTER AND CIDER—50 bbls Ale, 20 casks tan-
don Porter. 20 bbls Cider, for safe by ^
ni 13 McMAHON A DOY1.E.
J. V. CONNF.ilAT A CO., oiler for sale on ac-
tatrajjj coinmodatiug terms, a well assorted stock of Gro-
aq^Rn eerie*. Liquurs. Tobacco. Segar*. Ac., viz: 130 bags
EBBSHiprlme Bin Coffee. 20 do do old Java do, 20 hhds
Porto Rico and Muscovado Sugars. 60 bbls clarified coffee do,
26 do crashed and powdered do. 10 boxes lonf do, 200 pack
ages black and green ten, some very superior ; 260 boxe?
tobacco, various qualities, l'a. 8’s. 6’s and 16's. 16 cases Di-
adorn twist. 10 do Vlrginlus and Aromatic. 20do nectarlenf.
Viglnla gold leaf. 10 boxes K1 Itorado tobacco, 176,000 supe
rior llavnnn Fegnrs. 10 half pipes Utard.Dupuy A Co. Bran
dy, 20 hslf and quarter casks llntcrn. Mattel, Sazerao. Ac.
Brandy. 6 quarter cask* very old Jean Louis do, 6 pipes
Holland Gin. 2 puncheons 8t Croix nnd Jamaica Rum, 10
half pipes and 15 quarter casks superior Madeira Wine, 26
bbls old Monongahtda Wlsk'y. 26 quarter cask* Tenoriffe, 30
do do Malaga Wine, 200 bbls gin. whisky and rum, 100 boxes
No. 1 and family soap. 60 do starch. 60 do adnmnntlne can
dles, 60 dn tallow do. 20 casks bacon sides, 16 dn shoulders.
30 hhds West India Molassos. 40 bbls and tea do, 26 bbls N
Orleans do. together with every other article usually found
at tho wholesale grocery stores. june3
C AGES.—^Mocking Bird Cages. Just received And for sale
by Jy! I. W. MORRELL A ,CO. ,
UOAR, Ac —10 hhds choice Ft Croix Sugar* do
Porto Rico do. 30 do New Orleans do. 60 harrcls Sugar.
Houso Syrun. 100 do West India Molasses. 20 hhds prime
BqcflO SfmuUers, 80 do do Sldtef; received and fotriiafe by * '
c jU«uiifr——. jUMUNTOM,-JOflNSTON A CO.
T7N0LI8H TOOTH BRUSHES—A very supwH^irtfelo ot
X-i English Tooth nruslies. msnufiictureil expressly for the
subscriber, and direct Dorn landon. Tor safe bv i
Jnnel2 W. W. LINtXlLN, ‘ Mon u men t Fq u a re.
F OR SALE—A light one horse Carnage, wltirpoferbuiit
to order by Brower A Son.' Now York, and has beon
used but little. It can be seen at tbo Carriage Repository
of Mr. George W. Hard castle,
E NGLISH PICKI.ES AND'8AUCEST—n doz jnra~iissorteil
English Pickles. 0 doz bottles assorted 8aucos, just re
ceived and for safe by
D issolution.—Tim nrm of kwutox a mar^hai.l wai<
dissolved, by mutual consent, on the 16th Instant.
Savannah. 18th February. 1863. feblB
Tbo subscriber has Just received a large number ol
I Cooking nnd Parlor Stoves, which bo will dispose of
ion accommodating terms. Among them may be
found the following: Cooking Stoves.The Republic. Igidy ol
the take, Air Tight Premium, Queen of the West. Empire
I’remlum. Eastern Premium. Parlor and office 8tovos.—
Union Cottage, Cylinder. Sliect Iron, (air tight) square and
oval. Six Plate. Box Stoves.
Hollow Ware Pots, Kettles. Ovens, Spiders. Snuco Pans,
Ac. Ac. Plain and Japanned Tin Ware, for sale, nnd manu
factured nt short notice. Orders fur Rooflng, Gutters, and
Leaders, attended to with punctuality.
Nos. 10 and 12 Barnard street
™ ANJO bngraving, i
TN AIL ITS BRANCHES.—Business cards, with npproprl*
J. nte devices, embossed In a new stylo, to plain and fancy
eolors. Seals of every description, with orwlthont presses.
Envelopes printed with name. Wines* and address,label*,
fell heads, manufacturer’s tickets. Ac., all executed in the •
non tost manner and at priecs26 per tont. belowany slml*
Inr establishment. In consequence or bettor nnd improved
facilities for the execution of such work.
N.B.—All orders by mail promptly attended to. Goode
sent to any part of the country.
t. , T. B. CALVERT A CO..' '
Envelope and Seal Press Manufacturer*. Die Blnkers. Embefc
•■•rs nnd Eungrnvera, 48 South 3d-*t., Philadelphia.'
. ■ * mb2»
A rcher a Warner, Manufeotin»r*.'N6 no chest mt*
street, Phllndulphia.respcotfully solicit the attontj ra of
purchaser*.to their assortment of chandelier*, brnfeoto.
pendants, nnd evory description of ga* banter*; also- every
variety of lamps, girandole*. Ac. We warrant our goodll
equal in quality, and our prices allow as any other esUb*
lishraent In tho country. • ■
The Trado *upplled with burners, mercury, capi.hnss
tings, air pumps, Ac., at reduced prices.
Ellis 8. Archer, | William F. Mlskey,
Redwood V, Warner, “ -
William F. Mlskey.
Wm; O. • B, Merrlu.,
7h Southern <C Western Merchants, Manufacturers and others,
Y^TATSON A COX, Slqvo, Riddle, Screen And' Wire Clotl* ,
TV Mnnufsctilrers,No.40North Front-street-Phlladeh • '
phin. where can always be round every article tq tbele tlne,
or momifncturcd to oi'dcr at short notice. Orders by nihil •’
or otherwise, *oltotted.. r „ : J»h18—oodti*pl ::x'
L ARD.—26 bills and 80 keg* prime Lard, landing fromth
brig Kato Heath, from New Orleans. »nd for sale by
OiBKRIAN PALM SOAP.—Tills Soap la prepared from th*
O pure Palin Oil. and Is warranted to ho of a superior
quality. It is highly useful In cleanring tho skin. Is very
emollient, nnd produces an oxceltont lather. Just receiv
ed and for sale by WM. W LINCOLN.
nol5 Monument Square
F LOUR—200 bbls Dour, of superior brands, landing from
schr Woodbridge nnd for safe by
G ROCERIES.-—80 hhl* Stuart'* refined Sugar
20 boxes taaf Sngnr, 10 bbls crashed Sugar
6 bbls powdered Sugar
60 boxes nafe and No 1 Soap. 10 boxes toilet Soap
26 •• No 1 Starch. 25 boxes Pearl Starch
20 bags Java Coffee, landing for wife by
*ep30 _ ^ COHFN A TARVER.
W inSKY.^65"bbfe New Orleans Whisky, fending hem
brig Principo, and fur safe by
WE are constantly receiving these valuable
Cases, nnd have them always In rendlnos* to be
dcliveredat the shortest notice.
N. B.—We aro permitted to Inform tho public that we
have received from Mr. lUvstoxn, of New York city, a let-
ter signed by the different member* of tho United Slate*
.Senate, who were appointed to take charge of the body ol
the lion. Henry Cuy, deceased, (which was enclosed to one
of Fisk’h Mutnlic Cases.) and who went with It to Kentucky;
they say to Mr. Raymond, thnt the Caso answered the pur
pose for which it was Intended, and meets with tholrappro-
batlnn. and they cheerfully recommend it to the public as
being superior to any. other Case for tho transportation ol
tho dead. The fetter can bo seen by calling on
feb!4 ' I, W. MORRELL A CO
. - Tho subscriber having purchased the en
fcgpSgjgjgtlro business of F. Zouiuux A Co., of which
| 11 rm he hns heretofore been tho acting menu
* * -v - • *bor in Savannah, would respectfully Invito
tho attention of those in wnnt of anything In the musical
lino to his establishment. From many years’experience
both to professional and business matters connected with
music, Mr. M. feel* himself tolly qualified to proffer his ser
vice* In tho selection of music and instruments or the ful-
fllme.nt of orders, with tho assurance of his utmost zeal nnd
Industry in his endeavor to deserve the patronage and co
fidence of the public. G. D. MITCHELL,
June14 sneoessor to F. Zogbnum ACo.
No. 147 Bay Street.
a All persons of taste and refinement—those having
jfft a due regard for comfort and personal appearance,may
[Vi at all time* select any and every article for their ward.
—iuLrobe, from one of tho largest assortments of the Very
Best Goods in this country; either to Ready Made Garments
or made up to moasnro In unique style, or Furnishing artl
cles of every description ond quality too numerous to men
tton Call snd see. PRICE A VEADER.
/"IHAMl'AGNE, SYRUP, Ac.—30“basketo Heldalck Cham-
palgn In qiiarta. 60 boxes Nos. 1,2 and 3 tamon Syrun.
60 bbls X E Ruin, 30 boxes Starch, now fending and for sale
S UNDAY SCHOOL B00K8 —Hymn Books, Catechisms,
Question Book, with a fell supply of all Book* general
ly used In Sabbath Schools. Received by
jYOTTER, CHESE. Ac.—20 kegs selected Goshen Butter.
LJ 20 tubs do do. 60 boxes new Cheese. 100 do new scaled
Herring, 60 bbls Hiram Smith’s Flour, for safe by
^nnW h “f.. H !, l8n * nd Arthur.or Miss
? % f'Vr *»<
T HE MASONIC MANUEL, by Robert Macoy, pocket edi
tion, beautifully illustrated aud in tbo most conveni
ent form yet published.
Also, the Masonic Lyre, a collection or Masonic Songi and
Odes, suited to ever)' occasion to lodge or celebrations
Doth new works recently publlshed.and highly worthv the
attention of tho Craft. Just received and for aale at Ure
Book Store of S. 8 SIBLEY,
no8 186 Congress-street
d Forty, a ■to
es. No 17.
W THORNE WILLIAMS has recelveil Simms’ Sword
• and Distaff, or Fair Fat and Forty of the Sonth at
the dose or the Revolution, W. Gilmore 81mm*.
• Maria De Bornlero, a talo of tbe Crescent City, by W. Gil
more Simms.
Thompson’s Dictionary of Domestic Medicine and House-
hold Surgery, revised by Dr. Henry H Smith
•- John Randolph of Roanoke, and other Sketches of Char
acter. including Wm Wirt, by F. W. Them*.
The MedicalJournal of Medical Science for July.
. Lady*’ Book end Eclectic Magazine for July.
: Poem* by Thomas Duchsnan, .revised Ne«f York edition.
‘ M^nfa«'«<>»wt ,naillfe y> tlt »:t4tin. . , . Jlto. .
DUTTER AND CHEESE.—25 flrkln* and Tub* choice new
tins; also, embroidered Swiss MusUm, In patterns of
ton yards each, and of excmlsnt quality.
J UST received, Parasols of various qualities nnd price*.
july22 AIKIN k BURNS_
P LAID and striped Csmhrlo tnd Jaconet Muslin* ; also,
Nansook, Mull and hook Musllni, Bl*hop'LUwn, pink,
blue and white Tarleton, for sale by
J U8T received, per steamer from New York, a supply of
James’ steam mill Shirting.
C SnSU0^inT^iriiirBands775iiiope5an<rfml>retty;
also, white and bfeck Lac#Undersleeve*; Swiss Muslin
Underaleeve*. for sale by Jy22 AIKEN A BURN8.
TjlEATliERS.—3,000 lb Feathers forsale hy ” ]'
r mh20 I W. MOURKLT. A C
for sale. Apply at this office.
forsale. Ap^y at this office. . ; >p(22 ,
jso.h. nuiL. ; - rkxkY c. xura
C O-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—The undersigned baa this
day associated with him Kr. HmiY C. KOKJ. of Glytin
county, with whom he wtll continue the Factorage snd Onn
missionbusiness in this city, under the firm of Holt-A Kura
. J»ql2 1 JNO, H, BULL, 210 Bay-street,
Slack and grKen teas.';I
THE Alteration* and Improvements in out
More. Includingn fine Show Room for Piano
Fortes, nnd a Music Department for Ladies
being now enmptoted, we would Invito the at
tention of the musical public to our stock, comprising every
article In the lino, which can be furnished (wholesale and'
retail) at New York price*.
PIANO FORTES, by A. Stodart k Co..J, B. Dunham, and
others of established reputation, constantly on hand.
F. ZOGBAUM k CO., importers,
Nos. 74 8t. Julian and 107 Bcyan-sttcct*.
decT Next to Market Square.
No 17 Whitaker street. Savannah,
,'tl 9:°!* s-'-™ ftortK mrU title, muadipUa.
IX7E Inform merchants and resident*of thlavlelnitrrtbat'
» «hjP,mosteompfeto assortment of-Mantel. Her. Wall
and Ovsl Glasses, richest styles, fbr private use;or all kinds
Tor country sale, with Portrait and nature Frames, Ac .will
be found at our establishment. 1
tang experience and largo facilities enable ns to sell the
best goods at fewest prices.
Dimensions being given, we will give estimates for any
ixed Mirrors, delivered free from breakage, at anr do ini.
Orders solicited. J ^
French Plate Glass, for Stores. Dwellings. Ac., at Impo'rta-
on prices. ’ THOMAS J. NATT ATCO
T HE subscriber has just received per lato arrivals, ft
largo and fresh stock of the richest and newest style*
of Velvet. Tapestry, Brussels, three-ply Ingrain nnd VenL
tlan Carpetings, all of which are offered on the mostdesir-
abfe terms.
With a full assortment of Oil Cloth*; Table Covers, Mat
ting. A'o.
Purchasers are requested to make an early examlnatior
as strong Inducements will be held out to cosh buyers,
R. U. WALKER, 100 Clidstnut-atreet,
mhl7—lawtf below 8th. South aide, Phifedelphu.
Take Notice.
B J. WILLIAMS, No. 12. North Sixth-street, a few door*
• above Market-street, Philadelphia, is the mo*t exten
sive nnd best mannfaoturer of Window Blinds and Shades
in tho United States, and hns taken the highest premiums
nt nil the exhibitions j ho buys the best materials by whole*
sal" cheaper for (bah than others pay for Inferior articles by
retail, and chd. therefore, sell superior Venetian Blinds and
Shades, as cheap ns others ask for Inferior articles. Painted
Window Shade* to great variety, of beautiful designs and
superior quality. Buff and White Linen Shades, Dllndand
Shade Trimmings, Fixtures, Ac., wholesale and retail; at
the lowest cash prices. Store Shades painted and lettered
to order. Reed Blinds at mshufecturer*'prices. Old Blinds
painted to look ns good ns new. Purchasers, by calling l
will be convinced that ho sells a superior artlcio, and guar
antees full satisfaction. A liberal dlscountraado to dealer*.
“ We sturlu tnplease
apl0—cod No. 12 North 6th-street, Phi la,
ired Cashmere; Cloths and Cnsiimoretts; white nnd
fancy Linen Drills; with a large assortment of fancy Mar
seilles and IJnen Vesting*, all of which lie is prepared to
mnke up to order in the most fashionable style, and on ac
commodating term* ap6 .
M ESSRS. COHEN A BANXON respectfully nnnuunco to
the citlzons of Savannah that they are now prepared
to do all kinds of. work in their line, at their new shop,
npartlmcorner of Broughton nnd Draytoii-sls. They have
established the following as their rates of chnrge*: For a
single shav" 1n ".; per rtionth. for 2 or three time* per week.
75c. S 4 times a week $1; 8 or 6 times a week $1 60; every
day fl 76 per month. Hair cutting 20c.; hair curling 26c.
Mr. COHEN will always hold btoisolf to readiness to at
tend to orders from those who may require life service* al
their homes. nov8
FASHIONABLE tailoring.
M. D. MURPHY, 21 BuU-ttrefL would respectfully
inform hiafrlinds and tho public generally, that he
tiias received life spring styles for gentlemen, among
.which will bo found as rich and fine fancy Coaslmeres,
Vestings, Ac., os hare ever been brought to this market.
All orders executed with dlspatcb. and In tho best style
of workmanship.
Gentlemen are respectfully invited to call and judge for
bemselves. mhll
WM. R. 8YMONB. Dium aro Tsilor, No.
17 Whitaker streets, respectfully solicits the!
attention of his friends and Hip public to gen-l
«ral, to hto largo stock of Iteody.raa.le Cloth-!
Ing. suitable for tho present and coming season. It has all
bo« n made up under hi* personal superintendence, an 1 for
style and durability of woriunofishlp. la Inferior to hone to
be found to .the market.
Tbe following comprise a portion of tho stock; Frock* and
Sacks of blue, black and colored cashmere cloths; black,
brab d’ete Frocks and Sacks 4 linen duck, drill and feney
Unen. Frodra and Sacks; India gras*, silk and brown linen
Back*; black and colored al|iaca Frocks and Sacks.
Pants of fancy French cswtmerea, black doe-skin cossl-
raere. black drab d’eteand spring tweed coaslmere. wblte
duck and fancy linen drill, together with a large loi of cot
ton drill and dock Pants, tor summer wear.
Vests of block satin, black bar* then, and ftney illks, fan-
rand white Marseilles, figured and striped linen*. ;
Also, a Urge stock Of Furnishing Goods, such os stocks,
gloves: suspender*, era vats,.collar*. alULgause, merino, and
cotton nnderahlrts, stripe 'silk end cotton socks, silk and
glnghamumbrellos, ete.,etc.
The whole of which he offers for sale on aecommodkting
terms, and at prices as cheap as the cheapest. ap!8
. Olfer* for'sole.' a - loije assortment of Cfeths, Cks-
summer ia Loadou aodPanSfwhlch be wtll nuke up to or-
T IQUUHS AND WINES—12 hair pipes OUrd. Dupuy A
.Li Co’s French Brandy; 10 half pl|>es, assorted brand*,
low priced French Brandy; 30 quarter casks Domestic do. 60
UW* do do. 75 do P ft H Rye Gin. 160 do K Phelva' do. 6 pipes
Holland Gin, 10 bbls Virginia Apple Brandy, 8 no pure Gcor
~ja Peach do, 200 do N. O. Whisky, CO do whlto Baltimore
Jo. 30 do old Westminster Monougaheto do. 20 do old Penn
sylvania Mountain dodo. 100do N. E. Hum.26 quarter casks
Madeira Wine, 16 eighth do choieo do do. 20 quarter do Port
do. 2 half pipes do do, 20 quarter casks Brown Sherry Wine,
40 baskets Champagne do. For safe by
T HE Subscriber has on. hand a lino and well selected
Stock of ImiKirtovJ pure Wines, Liquors nud Sogars,
imprlslng the following;
Brandy—10 Imlf pipes Otnrd, Dupuy A Co. ; 3 do Jo
old Henneaay ; 2 do do Saxerac, 1808 ; 2 do do Jean Louis.
1800 ; 3 do do J. J. Dupuy.
Wince—4 half pipes oik reserve .Madeira : 2 do do
London Particular ; 3 do do old Port; 0 do do Sherry
Wine ; 20 casks Claret: 40 baskets Charonagno,
Segare—20,000 Rio Honda ; lQjOOO La Cruls ; 6,000
ta Umon ; 10.000 La Patria ; 26.000 Trabucas.
Fancy Groceries—A large supply,such uiimported
Cordials, Tfc-'Uh Plcklesand Sauces, Preserves, Sweetmeats,
p—m ——a ,i.i... * * Pn*i— by' A BONAUD
Bay and Wliltaker-streets.
_ _. - N. for restorl ng grey hslr to
XX It* original color. It la guaranteed by tho Proprietor,
hat If the patient Is grey, he can have hi* hair restored to
Its original color byuatogLoretfe Wahpeoe. For Bale by
J*n21 i W. W> LINCOIJf, Monuipent Square.
T HE YOUNG MAROONERS, by Iter. F. R. Gouldlng. A
further supply Just received and for sale at the book
storeof mayo 8.8. SIBUY, 185 OongresiHit.
A REVIEW of the Spiritual Manifestations, read before
the Congregational Association or N. York tad Brook
lyn, by Key Charles Beecher. , .
Journal of an African Cruise. eqmRrlaing sketches of the
C.n.rie., Iho Cap. da T.I*, ut-rlfc Mill.!™, Kmi ii.
onc.and othfr plAc»or.lnt,rMtoiilbe weit ooMt at AW*.
Brldp,B S : N.t/ j cilltcd’ by N.tUnl.l
, Pllver and I'e-t-r, or contra,tor NewYorttUfff
Memoirs. Journal and Correspondence of TTios
edited by thsI Right Hon. tard J&ustell, U?
Barnum’s miutrated News, Noi 9V. Received
. J»mi? ’-"“I.-..yJ?.■- yMwtL^os it'jwSrwj-
Flour. 60 hlide prime new Bacon Sides, 20 do do Should*
~xht tard. landing and for sale by
T O THE LADIES.—We would respectfully tall the atten
tion of tho Indies of Savannah, and sourroundlng eoon*
try, to the following now and benuilfulgoods which we hate
lust recoived. vis i silk Paris mantillas, laceil gimp mantil
las, black nett scarfs, col’d. nectscarlk, ladies cravats and
ties, French worked collars, tocod capes, chemisette and un
der sleeve-, onnnet ribbon.gauze cap ribbon, black velvet
ribbon, Alexandres ligh t kid gloves, black nett roltla, col’d.-'
silk and lislo gloves, with u largo variety of other artlolee
ton numerous to mention. Please call and see for your
selves ; all of which 'will bo sold on the best possible terms
L AMP oil vinegar, Ac.—Just received 10 bbls bleach
ed Whale Oil, 10 do While Vinegar, 10 do No X McU*
erel. 6 do Scotch Herring, 80 boxes smoked Herring, 00 do
Beadell’s tallow and sperm Candles^ 4s. 0s and P*. 26 do do
family Soap, 60 do ground Coffee and Mustard, 8 hhds New
Orleans Sugar. 20 bbls Stuart’s crashed, ground and clfri*
fled Sugars, and 2 hhds Codfish, for sale atthe comer of
Broughton and Drayton streots,by
J UST RECEIVED.—Wo haro just received, a fresh sutT .
ply oMadies’ merino, gauze, silk and eqttonVestiL
Misses and Infant’s merino vests, gents silk, merino, gauze
and cotton vesta: also, a lino assortment of linen'eambrle .
handkerchiefs, ladles' nnd misses’ whtie and brown cotton
hose, white and black silk do, gooto white, brown and mlx*
ed half lioee, gents white and black silk do do, together
with a large assortment of white and colored:lmen earn
brio handkerchiefs, colored and black - silk eravatej Stocks
and tie*, for sale low by
S HAWJA Ac.—8nper. and common orape ihawls pfeln
and ombroidcred. Vandyke collars beauUlql. goods, os -
sorted parasols, [dato. striped and chocked glace silks, sum
mer do, bareges, tissues and grenedlnei, colored and white
fecouet sud orgaudy muslins, it Urge assortment of Irfeh
linens, French printed cambrics. ...
apl4 178Br6ughton-street
S I’BING AND smtllER SII.KS—A ns» ..-ottment
stripes and 'plaid, hew pattern glegbau. 'hawgea' tad
tissues, ladles’colored and black umbrelfe* aod perMol**
silk gimp to suit all shades of silks and bartgf*. buck net.
mantillas, shawls, points and scarf*. White tad block sew
ing silk scarfs,'white lace and colored;silk mantillas,'white
and colored crape .shawls, black swan illks.-bfeek baregee
and tlMues, black and lead French -
■wise mnll. nhnsook’and corobris- nitislln*, riUc’ond Unta
llirrmt, onto', Ac.-Wkegs^selected Ons
JJ IOOboxesdoGoehenCheeM: lOOdodp«dj
160 do do Raisins; 60 half' and 60 quarter do I
SSffqmsrSandiightb bbfeBuckwheats 90hoxeeonioet-,
ed Cnady; 60 do NewBodford sperm Candtee f lD,O00zHp** *
!rlor Plantation 8#gfrs. ^? 1 , T PlP« r »te‘»«>ddf»r -tel*,
by novIS 8CRANT0y. JOHNgtONp- • • '
tavW - 8CRANTW.
GIN, Ac.r-lOhalf pfj
H Sewett ft Rosehlld do. 10 pipe*
X casks Madeira Wine, 20 do do Pd
gohefe Whisky; fiOjta Domestic *»
do do Rum, 100 di
j do Rum, I
ido Whisky, Just
-nlcON AND LARD^-30 hhds choice
D Shoulders, 600. eanvaksed Battlmn
and ^