The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 18??-1856, August 25, 1853, Image 4

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    tut, before
All whom It m»y
'i art to make ob-
be granted,
Insry for Chatham
>v# mtl*
tate, and cannot bo found
Jd Susan a. Deunla appear
ill Vlthla five months from
wn pro eoohaao u to
copy of this order be
ohm a month
lint a copy of th
bf this city one
r*omuiA3mN,8iri« O.O.O.
ithelegal hour* of sale, the fol-
three *nec» alaves, namely, Ma-
nlnolion bead of oattlo ; letted on
Wmr* of [mortise*,] Issued from
In ffovor of Augusta* Myddolton
gri'v Property pointed out by do*
_ JOHN DEVANNY, Sheriff a c.
/"I HAT HAM SHhlUFF’S SALK.—Will bo sold, on the first
\J Tuseday In September next, before the court house In
tho city of Savannah, between the lejel hours of sale, two
horses, two wagons, one cart; two plough* and one harrow;
lerlodon to saUif/a 8. fit. Issued from Chatham Superior
Gjurt In ffovor of N. B. h H. Weed against 8lmeon Z. Mur
phy. Property pointed out by defendant.
*o»8 - «JOUN DEVANNY, Sheriff o. o.
. riHATHAM SHEftlFF’SBALK.—Will besold, on the first
/'Tuesday • In September next, before the court house In
s city of Savannah, between the legal hours of sals, one
: «*. ... -1 . ... - ._ _# o Dum, J- e\%
P BORGIA—ChalAnst Cbunte i—To all whom It may con-
vJ oem j Whsrea*,G«)rge Troup Howard will apply at the
Court of Ordlnaryfcr tatters of admlnlstrailon, de bdull
noh.onthe estate of Patrick M, Marlow, deceased; o
Tbseeare, therefore, to cite and admonish all and stngnlar
the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and ni
before said Court to make objection (" — * u “ 1
on or before tba first Monday In Ootol
said litters'trill be fronted,
Wt - - J
sod, to be and appear
(if any they hare)
eber nut, otherwise
s«iu liners win ovgrammi,
. Witness, Joseph Ganahl, Esq, pep. Ordinary for Chatham
r county, this SOthday of August, 1868.
augfil JOSEPH QANAHL, UP, O.P, ft
- Unary f
These artf&erefort, to otto and and admonish all whom
U may concern to beandappear before said Court to make
objection (If any they hats) on or before the first Monday
In March next, otherwise said letters will be granted.
Witness, Joseph Ganahl. E*q.,Dep. Ordinary for Chatham,
county tins ITtn day of August. 1868.
anglS JOSEPH GANAHL, DP. o. 0.0.
f cheat, the
i properly of 8amnel Hoyt <
Hon. the Interior Court of
and sold by order of the
J “'aurf ttn ^* \• JOHN DEVANNY, Sheriff o. 0. . /TeORGIA—Chalfcm Omnfy »—To all whom it may con-
piunui SHERIFF'S BALK.—Will be»old,ontb.dint
V> .Tuesday In September next, before the court house in
- w f-To all whom It may con-
_ cern: Whereas. William J. Marshall will apply at tho
Court of Ordinary for letters of guardianship .over th*
person and property of Edward 0. aud James H. Marshall,
minors of Marsaret.W. Marshall, deceased; ■
These-are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It
may concern, to be ana appear before said Court to make
objection (If any they hare) on or before the first Monday
In October next, otherwise said letters will be granted.
Witness, Joseph Ganahl, Esq., Psp. Ordinary for Chatham
oounty, this 16tn day of August, 1868.
auglO JOS, GANAHL, bit. 0, o. o.
VJ Tuesday In September nut before the court bouse in
the olty of 8arannah.aU the Interst of Ruth E. Reed In all
that Ipt or panel of land, being lot number eight, and the
eastern hair of lot number nine, first tythlng, Anson ward,
on State-street, between Drayton and Abercorn -streets, to
gether with the Improvementa on said lota; levied on to
satisfy a fo lk, issued from Chathem Superior Court In fa
vor of Philip D. Woolhopter, agent, against Ruth E. Reed.
Property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney,
augfl JOHN DEVANNY. Sheriff a a
ir letters of dismission as executor on
Court et Odinary, for letters of dliir
the estate of Miss Priscilla Houston
Janua'ry next, otherwise said letters will be granted.
Witness, John M. Mlllen. Esq., Ordinary for Chatham coui
ty thla 1st day of July, 1868.
Jy) JOHN M. MIliLEN o. 0. C.
QEORGLA—CfcoMam County t—To all whom it may con Thomas
T _. .. jump
of sale, one undivided fourth part of two wharf lota, or
pieces of aground, situated on Hutchison’s Island, in
via.not 1 ~
Nmu thi ,, „ .
volrs, wharves, buildings a
aud the steam, engines and boilers, the plaining ma-
chine, clapboard machine, saw gates, force pumps, and all _
other machinery of every kind and description in andabout /~M
the said lots or building, (meaning the one-fourth part of U
the Oglethorpe stem saw mill.) with the appurtenances
thereunto belonging and appertaining; levied on as the
property of Edward F. Klncbley and Robert Todd, to satisfy
alt. fo, oa foreclosure of a mortgage issued, from Chatham
Superior Court in favor of George Newell vs. Edward F.
Klnchley and Robert Todd. Property set forth In said fl. fa.
cern: Whereas, Norman Wallace will »ppiy at the
Court of Ordinary for letters dlsmlssory as Excutor on the
estate of Robert Isaao:
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It may
to be ‘ * " •
JOHN DEVANNY, 8heriff o. o.
concern to be and appear before said Court to make ebjec-
E0R01A—Chatham Oounty j—To all whom it may com
‘ cern: Whereas, John H. Strom will apply at the Cour
or Ordinary for letters dlsmlssory as administrator cum tes-
tamento annexo on the estate of Godfrey Rown:
These are therefore to cite and admonish all whom It
may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make
oejection (If any they have) on or befora the first Monday
In November next, otherwise said letters will be granted.
, add, on the first Tuesday in September next,before the m ° ao
Witness, John M. Mlllen, Esq.. Ordinary for Chatham
Oounty, this thirtieth day of March, 1868.
JOHN M. MILLEN, 0. 0. 0.
court houM In Savannah, between the legal hours of sale,
all that .certain messuage tenement and tract of land,
and being In the county of Chatham afore-
G EORGIA—ChalXam County:—All whom it may concern
Whereas, John B. Barnard will apply at tho Court o
, „ Qrdlnary for letters dlsmlssory as administrator cum testa-
said, butting and bounding as follows: Commencing at tbe mento annnexo on the estate of Mrs. Ann Mongin:
south-east corner of the limits of the city of 8avannah and These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom (t
ranalog south IS*, west 26 chains and 2 links along the may concern to be and appear before said Court, to make
Una of said dtf limits continued,' to a road commonly objection (If any they have) on or before tho second Mon-
knownaa Lover’s Lane, thence along the line of said road day in January next, otherwise said letters will bo granted,
north 77*. west 13 chains and 67 links to a ditch, thence • Witness, John M. Mlllen. Esq., Ordinary forCliathi
along the centre of skid ditch north 18*, east 28 chains and
2 links to'the southern line of said city limits, thence along
said line of city limits south 77*. east 18 chains and 67
link* to the point of starting—containing thirty-five and a
half acree, more or leas; levied on as the property of Jo- ri„rt Oniimirr for let!
sepb M. Turner, to satisfy a fl. fa. Issued from (fcatfiam Su- tafo of JuUuaEa£u •
Court In fisvor of John F. Oullmsrtln, administrator These are,therefore, to cite and admnntshall whom ttmay
U ‘ ^ urner Prop ' coucern to be and appear before said CoUrt to make objeo-
«t, 5 faWoutb, th. nn,t in
Iness, J<_._ ...
county, this 14th day of July, ISoo.
• Jyl6 JOHN M. MILLEN, O. 0. 0.
G EORGIA—Chatham County.—To all whom it may con
cern : Whereas, Mary A. Rousseau will apply at the
— ...... - ’nttera r «-- -
a of administration on the es-|8>-
C AMDEN EXECUTRIX’S 8ALE.—By virtue of an order
of the Ordinary of^ Camden county,
the oourt house door In the town of JefTersonton,
first Tuesday In October next, between the usual hours of
sale, the following negroes, vis: Amelia, Joe, Sarah, Jack,
and Hannah; also, two bounty land warrants. Sold for
the benefit qf the heirs of the estate of G. P. Cohen, late of
said county, deceased.
By have) on'or before tho first Monday
r ._ .it, otherwise said letters will bo granted.
*U urucr iVltuesa, Joseph Ganahl, Deputy Ordinary for Chatham
Id before ( county, this 1st day of August. 1863.
i, on the July 2B JOSEPH QANAHL, dxp. 0.0. o.
order of tho Ordinary of CAmdeo county, will be sold
before the court house door in the town of Jeffersonton, on
the' flrst Tuesday In October next, between tho usual hours
of,sale, the one-third of the steamer Wm. Gaston ; sold for
tho benefit of the heirs of the estate of John Hebbard, late
of said county,decensed.
’ aug7 * . ELIZABETH A. HEBBARD, Adm’lx.
G EORGIA—BuOoeh County t By an order of the Court of
Ordinary of said county, will be sold, on the first
Tuesday in October next, before the Courthouse door la
said county, five hundred and thirty acre a of pine land,
more or less, lying In said county, bounded south-west by
Alexander Waters and Daniel Bland, east by Daniel Bland,
east .by John Green, north-west by Absalom Parish. Sold
as the estatq of John Collins, and sold for the benefit of the
hairs and creditors of said deceased.
'aug!8 : ' JOHN BERIE, Administrator.
G 1
BORGIA—BuUoeh County;—To all whom (t may con-
T cem s Whereas, Henry Laseter will apply at the Court
of Ordinary for letters of administration on the estates of
Amos Ureter and Mary Laseter, late of said county, de-
ceased j •
These are therefore to cite and admonish all whom It
may concern, to be and appear before the Court of Ordi
nary to make objections (lr any they have) on or before
the first Monday in October next, otherwise said letters
will be granted.
Witness. William Lee, Sr., Esq., Ordinary for Bulloch
County, this eleventh day of August, 1868.
I LEE, Sr., o. b. o.
G EORGIA—HuflocA County -—To all whom it may con
cern ; Whereas, Morgan Rawls will apply at the Court
of Ordinary for letters of administration on tho estate ol
Thomas R. Rawls, late of said county, deceased:
These are therefore to cite and admonish all whom it
taay concern to be and appear before said Court to make
objections (if any theV have) on or before tho first Mon-
dayin October next, otherwise said letters will be granted.
Witness, William Lee, Sr., Esq., Ordinary for Bulloch
county; this eleventh day of August. 1863.
aug!3 * WILLIAM LEE, Sr., 0. b. o.
G EORGIA—HuBoe* County:—To all whom It may con
corn: Whereas, Wm. Lee, Jr, will apply at the Court
of Ordinary for letters dlsmlssory as administrator on the
estate of Thomas Ice. a lunatic, deceased :
These are therefore to.cltoand admonish all whom It may
concern, to be arid appear at tho Court of Ordinary for Bul
loch county on the - first Mondajr In October next, to make
objections,if any they havo, otherwise said lottcrs will be
Witness, Wm.Lee, sen’r, Esq.,Ordinary for Bulloch county,
this 17thday of March,1863.
mh25 WILLIAM LEE, 8r., o. b. o
IEORGIA—BuUocX County t—To all whom it may con
i’’ earn : Whereas, Jehuo Everitt will apply at the Court
"Vdlnanr for letters dlsmlssory on the estates of John
mt kpu Sarah Everitt:.
here are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it
ikiay concern, to be and appear befora said Court to make
objection (if any tbey have), on or before the first Monday
In November next, otherwise said letters will be granted.
Witness. Wm. Lee. sen.,Esq., Ordinary for Bulloch coun
ty, this 26th day of April, 1863.
. ap!26 .|WM. LEE. Sen’r.. o.b o
G EORGIA—BuUoeh County I—To all whom It may concern:
Whereas, Green R. Slater and Thomas Dasher, Admin
istrators on the estate of John G. Slater, a minor, have ap-
. lied for letters dlsmlssory;
There are therefore to cite and admonish all whom It may
oneern tp be and appear at the Court of Ordinary for Bul
loch county, oo the first Monday In November next, to make
objections^ If any they have, otherwise said letters will be
Witness. Wm Lee, sen’r.Esq., Ordinary for Bulloch county,
thla 26th day of April, 1863. ’
,kpl26' i WM. LEE, Sen’r. o. b. o.
riEOIUHA—Bulloch Oounty i—To all whom It my concern:
y Whereas, William Holloway, administrator of the es
tate of Mitchell Holloway, deceased, will apply to the Hon.
the Ordinary of said county, for letters dlsmlssory from said
These are. therefore, to cite and admonlsh>ll concerned to
file their objections (If anv.they .have) to the applicant in
the Clerk’s office of said Court, on or before the first Mon
day In October next, otherwise letters dlsmlssory will be
Witness, Wm, Lee, sen’r., Esq., Ordinary for Bulloch coun
ty, this 17Ui day of March, 1868.
mh23 > , WILLIAM LEE. Sen’r,, o. b. o.
/iEORGIA—Bulloch Oounty t—To all whom it may con-
vT cern: Whereas, John Hendricks will apply at the
Court of Ordinary for letters of administration on tha
astate of Joslah J. Parish, late of said oounty, deceased;
- There are therefore to cite and admonish all whom It may
coneern,to be and appear before said Court to make objec
tion (If any they have) on or before the first Monday In
September next, otherwise said letters will be granted.
‘ Witness, William Lee, 8r., Esq., Ordinary for Bulloch
county, this 20th day of July, 1863.
Ju1y28 _ / WILLIAM LEE. Br„o. B. c.
/^EORGIA—Bullock County f—To all Irhom it may concern:
V7 Wherere, Timothy Kennally and Johannah Dorin will
apply at the Coart or Ordinary for Letters of Admlnlstra-
won.on the estate of Morris Dorin. deceased s
- ar ? therefore to cite and admonish all concerned to
fllothulr objections (if any they have) In my office, on nr
letterS^nrhe*te£ n#x4, •’tkenriresaid
th?98tviky?f Juty^SM* 1 ' °” Jlnirjrfor BalIocb county,
J°W> . mi, LEE. Sen’r,0. 1. a
nenorderofth. Court of
7-0 eoantj: «m b. uM on tho 9nt
. b-r next (..for, tho court hoot* door In
lin hndbolonrinnto tho .citato of Chute.
—1, for th. benefit of the heir, of enllatato.
JXjimmm. Adm’r.
\ Ordinary for letters dlsmlssory pn the saMasteto 5
— erotore to.elte and admonish all and stngnlar
d creditors of said deceased, to ha and appear
.^/ offloa'within the time prescribed by l*w, and shew
tue. (If-jfagr they have,) why letters dlsmlssory ahould
not be granted the said applicant.
Witness, J. H. Helve»ton.Eiq.,OrdlnaryforOsmdeneoTm-
tyi thls28th day of May, 1863.
xnay26 J, H. HELVE8T0N, 0. c. a.
EORGIA-Camden County»—To all whom It may con-
VT cam's Whereas, J/IL'M. Clinch, guardian at H. A. and
N. B. Clinch, applies to ma for latters dlsmtesory from
said guardianship;
, This# are therefore to dte and admonish all eoneerned to
bo and appear at my oflea, within the time prescribed by
( ,f *ny they have.) why lotteli of
dimtsstoa should not be granted to tbe said applicant.
G EORGIA—Chatham County -—To all whomjlt may con
cern : Whereas, William J. Marshall will apply at the
Court of Ordinary for letters of administration on the es
tate of Margaret W. Marshall:
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It may
concern to be and apper before said Court to make objec
tion (If any they have) on or before the first Monday in Oc
tober next, otherwise said letters will be granted.
Witness, Joseph Ganahl. Esq., Dep. Ordinary for Chatham
county, this tbtrdday of August.1853. •
aug JOSEPH GANAHL Dir. o. a 0.
G EORGIA—Chatham County o-To all whom It may concern:
Whereas. JohffEverard will apply at the Court of Or
dinary for letters of dlsmlssory as administrator on the es
tate or Patrick Tlerny, deceased j
These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all concerned to
file their objections (if any they have) to the applicant lu
the Clerk’s office of said Court, on or before the first Mon<
day of November next, otherwise letters dlsmlssory will be
Witness, John M. Mlllen, Esq.. Ordinary for Chatham coun
ty, this 30th day of March, 1863.
L l "~ JOHN M. MILLEN, o. c. 0.
| 1 EORGIA—Chatham County.—To all whom It may con-
\J corn : Whereas. William J. BuUoeh, Executor of the
estate of Mary NeufvlU. deceased, will apply to the Court
of Ordinary for letters dlsmlssory on the said estate:
These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all and singu
lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and
appear at the office of John M. Milieu, Ordinary, within
the time prescribed by law. and show cause (If any they
have) why said letters should not be granted.
Witness. Joseph Ganahl, Deputy Ordinary for Chatham
county, this 1st day of August. 1853.
JOSEPH GANAHL un*. 0. 0. c.
G EORGIA—Chatham County.—To all whom it may con
cern : Whereas, Henry Williams will apply at the
- - - - - • “— J *— 1 the c
Court of Ordinary for letters dlsmlssory on fl
* **■—■*% deci *
_ estate of
Lochiln Wright, deceased;
Those are therefore to cite and admonish all whom It may
concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objec-
lon (If any they have) within the time prescribed by law,
otherwise said letters will be granted.
Witness. Jos. Ganahl, Esq., Dep. Ordinary for Chatham
county this 10th day of August, 1863.
JOS. QANAHL, dkp. o. 0. c.
/~1 EORGIA—Chatham County-.—To all whom It may con-
cern: Whereas, John Bilbo will apply at the Court of
Ordinary tor letters of dismission as administrator, on the
Mtate of Henry L. Bilbo: , . „ , ..
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may
concern to be and appear before said Court to make objec
tions (Ifany they have) on orbeforethe first Monday in
November next, otherwise said letters will be granted.
Witness, JohnM. Mlllen, Esq., Ordinary lor Chatham coun
ty, this 14th day of April, 1858.
apU6 JOHN M. MILLEN, 0.0, c.
/1 EORGIA—Liberty Cbunfy:—To all whom It may con-
KT cern: Whereas, V. Grest will applyat the Court of Or
dinary for letters dlsmlssory as administrator on the estate
of F. Cottman:
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it
m»y concern to be ana appear before said Court to make
abjection (If any they have) within the time prescribed by
taw. otherwise said lotters will be granted.
Given under my hand at this office, this 1st day of Au-
»«♦ 1863, augfl W. P. GIRARDEAU. 0. L. 0.
p EORGIA—Liberty County—To all whom It may con-
OT cern: Whereas. Joseph A. Anderson will applyat the
Court of Ordinary for letters dlsmlssory on tne estate of
Mary E. ATideraon. U te of said county, deceased ;
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It
may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make
objection (if any they have) on or before the first Monday
in Septemner next, otherwise saidletters will be granted the
Witness ray hand, this 8th day of March, 1863.
mhl4 J. S. BRADWELL, o. i. o.
pi EORGIA—Liberty County.—All persons concerned are
\JT hereby notified, that sixty days after date. I shall ap
ply to tho Court or Ordinary of Liberty county for leavo to
sell the real and personal estate belonging to the estate of
the late James Moody, deceased, of said county, for tbe
benefit of the creditors of said estate and for the purpose
of a division of said estate among the heirs and distribu
tees of said estate.
aug4 M. J. MOODY. Ex’or.
pi EORGIA—Brnxn County j—Notice Is hereby given that
\ J on the first Monday In September next, we will apply
to the Court of Ordinary, of this county, for leave to divide
the estate of Elias Perry, deceased.
N. J. CLARK, )-Administrators.
TYTOTICE—All persons having demands against ihe es-
ll tate of Ellas Perry, late of Bryan county, deceased,
will present them: and those indebted to the estate will
please make immediate payment to
L. B. DArnEL,)
N. J. CLARK. VAdministrator*.
TYTOTICE.—Nine months after date, application will be
li made to tha Conrt of Ordinary of Chatham, for an
order to eell lot of land No, 108, Slat district. Marlon eonn-
ty, State of Georgia, eight miles from the village of Buena
Vista, belonging to the estate of John Screven, deceased,
for tbe benefit of the heirs of said estate.
aug28 JAS. P. SCREVEN, Ex’or.
npwo MONTHS after date application will be made to the
X Court of Ordinary of Bryan county, for leave to aell
the Real Estate, belonging to James Clinton, deceased.
July 2 J.O. MARSH, Ad’m
"VrOTICE.—Two months after date application will be
-Ll made to the Court of Ordinary of Chatham county for
leave to sell the land snd negroes belonging to the estate
of Uriah H. Bivins, late of said eonntr, deceased.'
aug2—w2m HENRY ROGERS, Adm’r de bont* non.
TYTEW MARKET, (TENN.,) May 24.1668.—Three month*
X v after date, application will be made to the Bank of the
8tate qf Georgia, for payment of a $60 dollar bill of said
Bank,No. 917,1. K. Tefft, Cashier, the right had half of
which haa been lost or stolen.
m*y25—8m JOHN 0. HAMMOND.
’ TYTOTICE.—Two months after date, application will be
. -Lv made to the Court of Ordinary of Bulloch county, for
leave to sell tbe real estate of Hannah Cone, late of said
county, deceased.
TYTOTICE.—Two months after date, application will be
X v made to the Conrt of Ordinary of Bulloch county, for
leave to sell the boy Smart, belonging to Robert B. Stator
a minor. - 4 - GREEN R. SLATOR,
Jy23 Guardian of said minor.
IVh»riog demands against the esta £
* »v tfj* **te R«v. Samuel /. Cassell, will present them
to tbe undersigned vrithln the time prescribed by law; and
tboM indebted to said estate'are requested to make tmme-
d “‘*P»ymentto MARY R. CA88EL8.
Qualified Executrix.
TYTOliuis.—ram months after date, application will be
* he Bt *te of Georgia, for pay-
of said Bank, letter A. payable at Prin-
clpal Bank to N. A. Hardee, dated 23d November. 1847.0.
.acwnmlng, President, the left hand half of which has
been lost. jylfi ALBERT wnUAMB.
IVi mo«lh.^ft.r d.u^pllctlnn Vtll b. m.fl. lo the
baring been loci or destroyed.
msy2A—8m £. W. ft MIOTOR.
to do tip
_ JbTeu. thereof, who
* resided In' the Bute
idlng the election
.„ikhfor one uitmth
tlou,and continue so
„ have attalnod tho an
U olty texts or haveln
e to satisfy any tex exe-
it them; who hkve made all re-
if the city, and have been
1 of this aot.—RSrtiuct
the"foUowlngnamed'*rtoMhav»wgt«tered their names
since the first of Jaritury, 1868, and up to August 2, 1663,
s, John W Anderson, David Abra
hams, Charles Arnold, qeorgeA A*h, Robert Austin. George
Alexander; Charles BJtah, William B Andrews, George H
Ash; John 8 Acbord, George W Anderson, Stewart Austin;
Beniamin R Armstrong, Thomas A Bskew, Thomas Arden,
William Andre I
Ho—Benedict Bourcnlo. John W Bite, Gilbert Butlor,
JohnVBolfouUUL Jolfx”***“*—
L Blount,' AntouBorcaei
Bennett, James U Batblor t Michael Uoley,Claudius E Barle,
Berg, Ml , , - —
William H Bulloch^Patrick Dulkloy, John W Beasley, John
B Barnwell, JamfsT Buckner, Anthony Bailer, Thomas A
Brown, John Burns, Joseph H Burroughs, Berrien M B Bur
roughs, William Jr Brantley, Charles H Bell, Ellas B Bars
tow, Peter A Dloja, Wm Gaston Dulloah,' Isaac Bruuuer.
John Brunner. James Bancroft. Philip H Bshn, Jams* A
Brown, John Macehmon Berrien. Barnard E Bee, Richard
Burke, David BeD, Thomas H Barrett, Edward J Blount,
Woire Barnett, Ognrad K ( Byck^Gharles Bishop, Wm Blols,
ken, William “
let. William
Henry Bagahaw, muum nrunaara, uames si uuuor, uuuu
F Blakely, Michael Boylan, Thomas Bourke, William 8 Bee
In^er, Joseph Bryan, Henry Burt, WUUam Burke, Harvey
mmv uarueii, i-vnmi c uyes, vtuunca uuuup, Wl ,
Valentine Brunner, Charles W Brunrier, Josepn W Brown,
Joseph H Baldwin. Francis Blair,^Michael Brat ’
rannon, James
j, oyru, Francte S Battle/, Henr/ F Bennett, John Bosch,
John Blount. Samuel P Bell, Michael Barry. Patrick Brad
ley, Philip Bringman, Augustus Boullneau, Rlch’d Brown.
C.—Solomim Cohen, Bernard Constentine, David C Cash,
William Culleu, Peter Corb, David I/>pci Cohen, James A
Cuurvoiale, Montgomery Cumming, Daniel B Camp, George
U Cumming, Muses Coburn. William Crabtree. Aaron Cham
plon, Daniel 1) Copp, Isaac Cohen, Frederick Cook, Frederick
W Cornwell, William P Clark, WQliam H Cuyler. Carrol A
Cloud,Spencer Currell, Pierce Condon, William M Charters,
Cliarle- Clare, Daniel Clarke, JohnF Compognlac. George
Galley, Myles D Cullens, Peter L Constantine. Nicholas Cru-
K r, Henry R Christian, John Cordeal, Wallace Cumming,
tnos H Carter, William Cooper, John J-Cornell, James!
Clark. James O B Campbell, Samuel J Cassells. Joseph S
Carrutliers. John D Charlton, Bryan Connor, William Oscar
Charlton, WUUam Cox, Hugh Cullen, James Clear/, Moses
S Cohen, Thomas Corr, Joseph 8Claghorn, John F Carsten.
Charles P Cooper. John Greene Cooke. Henry Cleaver, Jacob
Cohen, Benjamin L Cole, Silas M Colelng. John L Clark.
W Cooper, Henry Cosson. James Cox, Robert M
Charlton, James Cox. Francis Canfield, Peter Clara, Jamti
Carey, Thomas Cusacn. Thomas Carey, Daniel Cole, Luke
Christie. Lewis F Cooke, Earl A Crafts, Patrick Clark, Mich
ael Cusach, Michael Conway, Antonio Chrlstldora, Isaac J
Cohen, Francis Champion, Aaron Champion. Thomas Col
lius, Edward T Conner, WUUam Conner, Andrew Conner,
Charles Cannon. Thomas Conway, Richard W Cubl
Francis T Colo, WUUam Carson, Wm F Chaplin, Moses
hen, Homan A Crane, John Cass, John M Cooper, Lemuel
0 Clark, Luke Cbmou, Robert J Coughey, Jonathan A Ca
dey, Denis Clair/, John Cercopely. Joseph V Cannerat. Jaa
Connolly, John L Cope, A Comes, John A Chambers. Patrick
Carney, Michael Cleary, James EGope, William A Cook, Bar
ton Centre, John Clancy.Thomas Cunnlff, John Cleary.
D»»Davld R Dillon, Martin Duggan, Archibald C Haven-
K rt. Isaac Davis, John Dally. James Dunn. Willlfm Dixon,
trickDevine.Cheslev Dugger, William H Dunning. Henry
J Dickerson, Albert LUeLorge. Isaac D’Lyon.JohnE Davis,
John Doyle, jr., Isaac DeLaroche, William M Davidson. Wm
H Davis, Richard Dawson,Charles S Davis, Nicholas Dixon,
Lewis L Davis, Francis H Demere, Patrick Doyle, Michael
Donnelly, Morty Dorgan, John Downing, Richard W Dela
ney, Thomas Doyle, Thomas E Davis, Sheldon 0 Dunning,
George W Davis. Michael Daily, Francis D Dana, Joseph 0
Davis, John Doyle, Jacob DeLnMotta. John P A Dupon, Pat
rick Dolan, Francis Daly, James H Demund. James Doyle
Patrick Downey, James Downey. Michael Downey, John
Deacey, Henry Danenrelser, John Dolan.
E^—Henrv Ellis, Peter Endres. John Everard. Richard
Ennis, John rJskeamp, Stephen Elliott. Jacob A'Epstein,
John B Epstein, Thomas Eden, DanlolEgan, Jos A Ernst,
John Eady.
F.—Joseph Felt, Owen Foley, Jeremiah Fickllng, Greon
Fleetwood, Louis N Falligant, Caspar .1 Fulton. Washington
F Florence,Joseph S Fay, John G Falligant. John C Forrill,
Andrew Fnrry, Frederich Finch. William D Ford, Sewell H
Fisk. John Flemming, Richard Flanigan, Thomas Ford,
Patrick Fleming, John Foster, John D Fish, Bryan Foloy,'
Joslah R Fisher, John Foley. Jacob Friend. Dugnld Fergu
son, John Flannegan, James Fountain. Henry R Fort,Benja
min Fickllng, Robert Ferrell. Gordoy Kayo. Joseph E Fall!-
gant, Randolph B Fell, William Fielding, James A Fawns,
William B Fleming, Alexander Fa waett, Goorge S Frierson,
Charles Fox, Jacob Friend, Isham Freeman, John Finney,
James Foley. John Fitxgerald. Frederick S Fell, Patrick Fo
ley. John Flar - '— "" — • ‘
William Folltai...
CL—Joseph George, Robert H Griffin, Francis Grimball
Joseph George,Jr.. Robert M Goodwin, John B Gallle, David
11 Galloway,Seaborn Goodall, John Gammell, Domingo Cal
ico, Joseph F Gammon. Charles Gross, MartlnGerkcn. James
E Gaudry. Philip Uleblehouse, Henry Ganahl, John F Quil
martin. John Gerdts, Benjamin Glnovoly, JobnLUroven-
Nteln, Ebenezer W M Gifford, James K Godfrey. George A
Gordon. Calvin L Gilbert, Samuel Goldsmith, Nlckles Cell,
Horace GtUum. John S Green, Francis L Gue, Jas Gowan.
William T Goodwin, William W Goodrich, Michael Gearej
Michael Gay. Lewis Grenvald, Israel Geer, Joshua Griffith,
James Garvay. George (.’atehouse, Martin Geiger. Solomon
Christopher Hussey, Richard H Howell. Charles S Hardee,
WUUam Howe. William Hunter, William F Holland. James
Hunter, George S Harding, Edwin E Hertz, Martin Horn,
Umuel L Hover. John Haupt, Samuel B Haupt. William
Henry, Henry Haupt, William W Hendley, Robert Haber
sham, John E Hernandez, Robert, Hutchison. Alfred Hay
wood, William Henderson. Charles A Hall, Geo W Hardcas-
tie, Robert A Honiker. William I. Haupt. Humphrey P Hor
ton, Peter Henry. William Ueldt. Lavl Hart, Thomas Hen
derson, William P Hunter. Marmaduke Hamilton, Peter D
Hllzhelm. Charles F Hamilton. John F Hamilton, William
Hone. William II Hausman, David Harrigau, Henry Har
per. Howell W Hollister, Enoch D Hendry. John G Howard,
William Ii Holmes. Geo Troup Howard, William B Hale,
Gustavs A Holcombe. Claus Hartman, Samuel Hamilton.
Edward J Harden, Stephen N Harris. Columbus S Harris.
James B B Harley, Undan Hughes, Pnoleau Hamilton, Jno
C Hunter, Dennis Haley, James E Hogg, Jonathan Hill,Jno
Hall, Peter Hermann. John A Henges, Nicholas Heyle, Geo
Hubbard, Patrick Hopkins, Matthew Harding. Edward C
Holbrook. Stephen Ilatterich. Oliver S Hunter. Lewis FHar
ris. William Havell. James Hackett, Judge W Harris, John
M Harrison. Joseph' M Haywood. James J Hines. Thomns
Helferman. William L Haupt,.John Hughes. William Hauz-
elmann, Nicholas Hern index Joan Hamlet, Elisha 11 agar,
Samuel P Halsey, David 8 Henderson. Dennis Blanner Has-
sett, Moses C Ileald. George Haas, Abraham Harmon, Jas
M Henderson, Patrick Hart, John G Howard, Patrick Han-
"i*—John W Ihly.
J,—John R Johnson, John T Jones. James R Johnston,
Tdward Jones, James 0 Jones. Alexander Johnson. William
Bullock Jackson, Enoch 8 Johnson, John D Jesse, John J
Jackson, James H Johnston, Robert Jackson, Wm James,
Peter Jacobs, James M Jones. Peter Edward Judennes, C
Jackers, Joseph W Jackson, Nicolas Jeffries, Thomas Jones.
Joseph Johnston, Geonje Jackson, George H Johnston.
Philip Kolb, John Kennedy, Alfred Kent, Gefert
Kuck. Peter Krouse. William KniQss, John W Kibbee, Her
man Kuhlman, Diedrich Kattenhorn, Niobolas King. John
W Kelly. James W King. Nicholas Kelley,-»Hanford Knapp,
Thomas Kemp, John W Kelley, William Kine, James Ker,
Phlneas M Kollock, Philip Kean, Noah B Knapp, Aaron J
Kasor, James Kennedy. Frederick Krenson. Emanuel Kan-
waller, Daniel Keane, Edward S Kcmpton, I)r A Kolhause.
Frederick Kattenhorn, Ezra Kent. Oldham King, William T
King, Michael Kelly, John Kaesar, William Krous, John
Kelgan. *
sGarvay.George(Satehouse.Martin Geiger, 8olomon
all, Michael Glasgow. John B Gnann, Charles Ganahl,
rt S Gray. George M Griffin. Julius B Gaudry, William
•~Mv, Hugh Grady.
U Luco. Hugh L)gan, Stanislaus M Laffltenu. John Lyoi
Levi Lclicnthal. Peter Lee, Edward Lovell, William W Lin
coln, Oliver A LnRocbe. John M B Lovell, Martin Larkin-
Noble Lyon, Frederick Lohof. Joseph H Ladson. John H
Lidd, Daniel Leahy, Benjamin W IJloyd. Charles A L La
mar. Peter Laurens, James F Under.. Matthew Lufburrow,
Edward Lynch, John T Latham.Philip 8 leaver.Hugh Lar
kin, James J Ix>gan. Joseph Uppman. Andrew Low, Wm E
U>ng, Andrew J Lebey, MIchnel Lavin. David P Lander,
shine, Casper Umyer, Timothy Lavin. Charles T law, Sam
uels Lovy, Henry F Lichte, Thomas Leary, Matthew Lynch.
Charles Lee, Georee H Llndstidt, Nicholas Lefort. Nathan'
lei Lovell. James Laughlan, Orlando H Lufburrow. John
Luers, John Lama. 8amuel A T Lawrence, Antonio Lau
rence, James I-annahnn, Patrick Lennahan.
M—Hugh W Mercer. Anthony F Mem. Abraham 5Hnis
William H C Mills. Jacob Manke. Mulford Marsh. William
Morrill. John Mallery, Adolphe Mode. John Makin. Gefert
Murklns, James W Morgnn, Ralph Meldrim. Dan Malletto,
Horace Morse. William H May, Samuel 8 Mlllor, John Mur-
chison, Christian W Maylalnder. Solomon Mayer. John Mas-
terson. Luder Mehrtens, Jacob Manses. John E Mallery. Hen
ry Macnhard, Thomas R Mills. James Monnahan. Charles A
Magill, John ^ Mallird. Jacob Miller. Matthias H Moyer,
Alvin N Miller, Simon Morris,Leander Mooro, Jno A Mayer,
Richard C Mackall, Michael Meath, Fabian M.yerhoffer,
Thomas Meath, John Murchison, Bryan M Morel. Hugh W
Mercer. John Mahanney.Thomas Mahar, William E Mongin,
John Morris, Jeugen H Mfhrtens, Thomas Murtaugh, Syl
vester H Manning. Charles Muller, Cornelius D Murphy,
Mftcpherson B Mlllen, Isaac M Marsh. Wm B Mel!. John
Murphy, John 8 Montmollln, JamesS Magill. David Moran,
Thonyui D Morel, John Mallon. Jarre Mack, Joseph M Ma
thlas, John Miller Edward II Martin, John R Martin. Jesse
Mount, Samuel Mansfield, Her\rr 0 Mehrtens. Henry K
Montfort, Henrich Wm Meyer, Harvey Morse. Andrew ite-
loner, Patrick Masterson.
Mc^-Oeorge A MeCleskey. Bartholomew McJunarney
Patrick McDowell, William McCarthey. Joseph J McCoy
Laurence McKenna. Thomas McKenna, Daniel McRedmnnd
Thomas W MoArthor. James McHenry, Michael McGrea
Patrick McGovern, Norman W MclW, WUUam J McIn
tosh, James McFeely, Alexander HcHardy, Angus McAl-
ptn, Michael McCarty, Nell MoHugh. Janies Melnnarney,
John McGunnlgle.'Thomas 0 McCluskty, James McFeely,
Pat’k MoGloln. Dennis McGuire, John McCall, John McCau-
liffe, Thomas J.MoNlsh, James MoGloln, Edward McCabe,
John McDermott, James McBride. Thomas MoAullffe, An
drew McGreal. John McHugh, Thomas McCollum. Thomas
e NNichols. Thomas JNaylor.DanlelNi
man. James SNeldllngsr, Nathl Nungaxer. John
G Neldllnger, William G Norwood, Jacob Nswberger.GIlbert
N Neyle, Thomas M Newell, James A Norris, John R Nor-
ton, RobertO Nock, James Nunraser, WUUam Nungaxer,
Edwin L Neldllnger, Lewis F NIcoll. Thomas W NellLJoseph
Nowlan, Walter s Nott. David B Nichols, JohnNelU,
ward Nugent, Bryan Niland.
O^-John Oliver, Chariee E O’Sullivan, John W Owens,
George S Owens. Armlnlus Oourlor, Edward O’Byrne, Wil
liam 0 O’DriscoU, Dennis O’Connor. Phillip O’ConneU, Dan
iel O’Hanlon, Timothy O’Connor, Timothy O’Brien, Patrick
O’Connor, Frederick Otto, George W Owena, Jonathan 01m-
otead. Owen O’Ronrke. Henry Ohlmeyer, William H Olcott,
Daniel O’SuUlvan, Daniel 0 Olcott, Francis J O’Neil, Thom-
as O’Brien. Frances J Ogden
P—Philip J Puneb, Thomas Purse, John Poole, James
Potter, Joseph E Pelot. Charles F Preston, William Prooter,
Edward Paaelford, Edward Padelford, Jr., Elisha Parsons,
Daniel OPhllbrick, Anthony Porter, Dennis M Patrick, Ed
win Paraons. George Parsons, Edward Powers. John PosteU,
Joeeph W Philips, John F Poser,William V Prentloe. Henry
.0 Preston. Thomas Pidgon. John M Palin. Samuel 0 Pan-
cost. Charles B Patterson, Orrin0 Parker, John Phalen, Jas
Potter. Michael Prendergaet,Edward J Parse, Martin Peyton,
Charles Perry, Patrick Price, Patrick Peyton, Samuel Phil-
brick, William F Preston, James M Prentiss, Thomas Pitt,
Edward M Prendergaat. George 0 Puder.
1^.—William Quantock, jr,, Martin Quinn, John Qnln,
James Qulnloy.
Philip K Rnssell,Daniel Robertson, John A Richard
son, William Remshart, George Robertaon, Jr., Robert B
Rhodes,Henry Bober,.WnUamRogers, Charles E Robinson,
Andrew M HoiM, John W Remshart. James 0 Rodgers, Ber
nard Roden, James If Read, George Robbins. Joseph Roase,
Ir., David Rosenblatt, William P Rowland. Wm P Roberts,
—• - »hi„a
iloy, K
irobbart, Francis Bhells,
John HStegln. Alezsnder J 0 Shaw, Farldy 71 Sweat.
ton. Daniel H Stewart, John Slone, William Salto, Joseph D
Btebblns, Jaoob Bpang, Wtlllara Bhlnnera, John Hhuutel.
Matthew Bhannon, Dennis Sullivan, Philip Bmlth. John
Shwlnk, James Bhea, Jamas P Screven, Thompson L Smith;
William Bwoll, Richard Scanlan, Alexander A Bmete, Wil
liam H Smith, Andrew Steafvater, Edwanl J 8andoni. Mbr-
decal ShefUll, Sr., Jpoob A Shaffer. Herman 8augstoch, Jas
M Stripling. Francis Sawyer, Timothy SheridonJJohn 8cud
der, JamesBklnner, Lewis Smith, John Sliea, Geo ! Spon-
— a*--” n —‘’m. Thomas Bmlth.
Simmons. Thomas
h, John Stoddard,
,_.,Ospt John Stevenson.Dr James
M Schloy. 'Tliomaa Saunders, John Steinberg.. Wyatt W
*”*"• - *' , talro|1^,AW ,
publlo lands within the following named toWsfilpe to w
North (jf the late line and mtt of the fourth principal ou
VA,fil’d CKLBnnA-I KD PA
liver end Skln. and all diseases arising f
of tho blood aiii
Townships twonty-one 1
North t/the bate Une and
, ...AT9, , .
omons, Edward J Saunders, Tliomne F Stevens, Newton
Stripling, William 8tar, Jr., Amos Scudder. James Swan
Sullivan, Adam Short. John Sherlock, William Sandora,
Chares 8chrenk. Ephraim Scudder, Augustus Scheldeman,
John Sullivan,Martin 8ulllvan, William F Shearer, Nicho
las Blnnot.'
Peter QThomas. John F Tucker, John TThomas,
William S Thompson,George HTitcomb, Charles G Talbird
'John DTenbroek; John Thompson, Frederick A Tiipper. Jas
Tliurrt. William B Tinsley. Barnard G TUdon, Anderson C
Toms. Francis Truchelut. WUUam T Thompson. John Tier
ney, Edward Townsend. John C Taylor. Alfrod F l’orlay, Is
rael K Tefft, Lewis E Tebeau. Wm H Tlson. John H Thode,
Cornelius Turbush, Joslah P Tustln, John V Tarver. Israel
K Tefft, David Thompson, William Thomas, Poter Thomp
son. Joseph It Thompson, Stephen A Tamer. John Tnnner,
William n Taylor, Mlllen Turner. Patrick Tydings, Honry J
■'Vd—Charles Van Horn. David Vendor Triatam VerstUlo,
Henry H VorstUte. William IIS VerstUlo, Henry Violxtltch,
William 0 Vandenburgh.
Wt—Rlcimrd Wayne,Edward Q Wilson, William Waters.
Robert D Walker. Henry F Wlllink, Leurenco W Wall. Na
thaniel F Webster. Henry 0 Wyer. James T Webb. Henry E
Weed, Smith Wnrner. Thomas White, Francis H Wehnan.
Nicholas Wolf, William White, Thomns S Wayne, Benjamin
Whitehead, Jacob Wlneberg, Samuel A Wood. George 8
Walt, Charles Wilson. Thomas .1 Walsh, John W Wilson, Jo-
Jeph Washburn, Zocliartah N Winkler, Lewis W Wells.Ed
mund Wallen, Wylly WocKlbridge. airistopher White. Roth
Woodward, Isaac Wilder, Dennis Wynn, JumcH Whlte.-Phllo
H WUdman, William Watson, William P White, Philip D
Woolhopte. Ashbel Welles, John J Waver, Jacob Walter,
George M Willett, Janies T Welles, Janies Whlltlmn, Enos
Wltblngton. Allen R Wright, Samuel Wilmnt, Wm Wilson,
Wiliam Wright. James M Wayne. William Thome Williams.
Patriok White, JameaW White, Richard Wlckam, William
M Wadley, Jacob Waldburg. George W Wylly, WUUam C
Wylly, Isaac P Whitehead. Lewis Wiggins. William Waters,
James White.Stephen!’. Whitehead, James M Wayne. Hen
ry K Washburn, Claus Wiltxchen, Conrad Waldschmldt.
John Williamson. John C Wagner. George M Waldburg. Jno
J Watte, Edward 0 Withlngton. James 8 Wilkins, Norman
Wallace, WlllUm H Wiltberger, Peter Wiitberger, Simeon
Walter. Joseph W Webster. Amos E Webster, Thos White,
Thomas Wood; Henry F Wlllink, jr., George 8 Webb, Wil
liam Webster, Michael Walch. John E Ward, 8tephen B Wil
liams, Irvin L Wolf, John Wickham, Michael Weldon.
Y.—Dr Easton Young. Peter Yonson, John A Yonge.
Z—Edwin 8 Zlttrouer, Jacob Zimmerman.
All persons ■ entitled to vote, and desirous of voting at
the next election for Mayor and Aldermen of the city of
Savannah and hamlets thereof, are respectfully requested
to call at my sffice and register their names within the
time jirescrfbed by Uw, else the j will be debarred tho right
1 ' Townships twenty-one and twenty-two, of range twelve; .
*—- Ati( ] twenty-two, of range thirteen.
! east qf the fourth principal meri
dian. '
Townships twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, and
twenty-four, of rango one,
. Township twenty-one, of range two,
At the Land Office at SnmwB’ Ponrr. commencing on
Monday, the twenty-fourth day bf October next, for the dis
posal of tho publlo lands situated In the foUowing town-
ship* and parts of townships, to wit:
North qf the late line, and ead qf the fourth principal me-
• ridian.
Township twonty-slx,of range four
Township twenty-six. of range five.
Sections three to ten, fifteen to twonty-two. and twenty-
six to thlrty-five.m township twenty-six 5 township twenty-
seven, (oxcept sections thtrleen, twonty-four, twonty-flve.
thirty-five and thlrty-slx,) ana townships twenty-eight,
twenty-nine end thirty, of range six.
Sections one, two, eloven to fourteen, twenty-three to
twenty-five, and thlrty-slx, in township twenty-six; sec
tions, thirteen, twenty-four. twenty-five, thirty-five, and
thirty-six, In township twenty-seven; sections five to eight,
seventeen to twenty, thirty, and thirty-one, In township
twenty-eight; township twr-*-—'— ' 1 —-
made to the directions and books (which ms/be hsfo«iT
tts) accompanying the Pixnacea. Some of which give the
PwUcukw * too frightful for general publication,
where the*patlsuto b*d been almost eaten upwith scrofu-
r —-- la, end were deemed Incurable by physicians,
ourtt prtndpotwsrf- ,“ltbss been used In hospitals, and private practice, and
has had the singular iortuno of being recommended by tho
most celebrated physicians and other eminent pewonn.
Among others by—
W. fllbeon. M. D.iProf. of Surgery, Pa. University.
Valentine Mott. M. D.. Prof, of Surg. N. Y.
of voting thereat.
Clerk of Council.
In pursnanct of law. I, Fhankum Piercx. President or the
United 8tntea, do hereby doclaro and make known, that
K ubltc sales of the sections snd parts of sections of land, all
t-aring the odd numbers, which remain to tho United
States, withinjlx rallea on each side of the Une of the Mo
bile and Ohio River Railroad, In the States of Alabama and
Mississippi, subject to double the minimum price of the
nubile lands, as provided by the act or 20th September.
1850, will bo htldat the foUowing Land Offices In the States
of Audaha ami Miasiflam. at the periods hereinafter des
ignated, to wit \
At the Land Office at St. Stkvkn’s, In Alabama, commenc
ing on Monday, the fifth day of September next, for the dis
posal of such sections nnd parts of sections, being the odd
numbers above referred to. as are situated lu tho under
mentioned tnwnihlp8, to wit:
North of the beie lineand wettof the principal meridian.
Townships onflund two, of range one.
Towushlps one\ two, three, and four, of range two.
Townships one, two, three, four, ana five, or rango three.
Townships one, two, three, four, five, six. and seven, of
range four.
Townships three, four, five, six, and seven, of rango fivo.
South of the base line and west qf the principal meridian.
Townships 0111, two, three, four, and five, of .range one.
Townships on«, two, three, four, and five, of range two.
Townships on»,two. and tliree, of rango threo.
Township ona of range four
South of the Uue lint and east of the principal meridian.
Townships three and four, of range one.
At tho Land Office nt Dxxorous. In tho xamo Slate, com
mencing ou Moiday.the twelfth day of September next, for
the disposal of such sections and parts of sections, bring the
odd numbers above referred to, as are situated in tho un
dermentioned townships, to ult:
North qf the base line and west qf the princijxil meridian.
Townships eighteen, nineteen, and twenty, of rango four.
At tho Land Offico at Tuhacwora. in the same State, com-
dermentloned townships, to wit.
North of the bate line and west of the principal meridian in
Southern Surveying DUtriet.
Township twenty-one. of rango four.
At the Land Office at CoLusinrs, In Mississippi, commenc
ing on Monday, the nineteenth day of September next, for
the dl.-posal of suoh sections and parts of sections, being
the odd numbers above referred to. as are Bltuated in tho
undermentioned townships, to wit:
North qf the base line and east of the Choctaw meridian.
Townships eight, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen,
and twenty, of rsuge fifteen.
Townships eight, nine, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteou,
sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, ninoteon, and twenty, of
range sixteen.
Townships eight, nine, ten, cloven, twelvo. thirteen, four
teen. fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, and nineteen, of
range seventeen.
Townships eight, nine, ten, eleven, twolvo, thirteen four
teen, fifteen, and sixteen, of rango eighteen.
Townships eight, nine, ten, eleven, and twelve, of rango
At the Land Offico nt ArorsrA, In tho sumo State, com
menclng on Monday, tho twonty-Hixth day of September
next, for the disposal of such sections nnd purls of aectinna,
being the odd numbers abovo referred to, as aro situated in
tbe undermentioned townships, to wit:
North of the base line and east of the Choctaw meridian.
Township four, of range thirteen.
Townships one, two, three, four, five, aud six, of rango
Townships one, two, three, four, five, six, and soven of
range fifteen.
Townships one, two, threo, four, five, six, and seven of
range sixteen.
Townships one, five, six, and soven. of range seventeen.
Township seven, of range eighteen.
North qf the bate line, west of themeridian, and east of Pearl
Townships three, four, fire, six, soven, and eight, of range
Townships five, six, seven, eight, nine, and ten, of range
Townships seven, eight, nine, and ten. of range seven.
Townships eight, nine, and ten. of range eight.
Tho townships herein designated in Roman letters are
wholly within the limits of - sixsectlonH in width on each
side of said road,” and those In italics a re party within said
limits, as deglgnated on the diagrams, which will bo fur
nished to the respective district land offices by the Com
missioner of the General Land Office.
Lands reserved for schools, miUtary and other purposes,
will be excluded! from sale.
The lands will be sold subject to the right of way granted
by the said act of 10th September, 1860, to the State afore
said. for said railroad, not exceeding one hundred feet on
each side thereof; and therefore the particular tracts ot
land which Include the road will be Hold as containing the
quantities respectively shown by tho official plats.
Each sale will bo kopt open for a time sufficient to admit
of offering all the lands, but not exceeding two'weeks, and
applications to make private entries of the lands offered un
der this proclamation will not be received until after the
close of the publlo sale.
Given under my hand at th# city of Washington, the
twenty-third day of May, Anno Domini one thousand eight
hurdroil and fifty three. FRANKLIN PIERCE.
By the President:
. John Witsox.
Commissioner qf the General Land Office.
Notire to actual settlers on lands of the United States originally
u-Uhdrawnfnm market on account qf the railroad grant.
Under the act of Congress, approved 8d March 1863, en
titled‘-An act to extend pre-emption rights to certain lands
therein mentioned,” the Pre-emption laws of the United
States as they niftr exist are extended over the alternate
reserved sections of publlo lands along the lino of the rail
road hereinbefore mentioned, where the settlement and Im-
C rovements were made prior to the final allotment of the al
irnate sections to the said railro <d. Therefore all claims
by pre-emption to any of the alternate sections of public
lands wttbiu tho limits originally reserved wilt attach, If
predicated upon settle**nta made pi#r to tho 4th Fobruary
1863, the date of the final allotment.
Claims within the six miles limits must be proven up at
any time before the day herein fixed for the commencement
of public sale, and are to bo paid for at the rate of two dol
lars and fifty cents per acre. Claims outside of six miles,
and within the limits of tbe original reservation, must be
proven up prior to the restoration of said lands to private
Soldier's bounty land warrants, at a dollar and twonty-
flve cents per acre, may be received in payment for either
class of land ; one warrant only, howover, can bo located
by each pre-emption.
Immediately after the close of the publlo sale directed
)>y theforegolngproclamalion of the President, applications
will be received for tho purchaso at private entry, or loca
tion by warrants.of the lands reserved to satisfy this grant,
outside of tbe six miles limits, In such order as to prevent
confusion and Insure accuracy, in accordance with Instruc
tions to be Issued to the registers aud receivers.
June 17—fl3 Commissioner General Land Office.
In persuance of law, I, Fhamoiv Pikrck, President of the
United States of America, do hereby declare and make
known, that publlo sales will be held at the undermention
ed land offices In the State of Wisconsin, at tho periods
hereinafter designated, to wit:
At the Land Office at Wiluiw Rivnt, commencing on Mon
day, the third day of October next, for the disposal of the
publlo lands situated in the following named townships,
North of the base line and wed of the fourth principal meri
Townships thirty-two, thirty-throe, thirty-four, thirty-
five, and thirty-six, of range five.
Townships thirty-one, thirty-two, thlrty-three, thirty,
four, thlrtv-flve, and thlrty-slx. of range six.
Townships thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-tbree, thirty-
four.and thirty-five, of rango soven.
Townships thirty-one, thirty-two, thlrty-three, and thirty-
four, of rango eight.
Townships thlrty-i
range nine.
Townships thirty-one. thirty-two, thlvty-tbreo, and thir
ty four, of range alxteen.
^Townships thirty-three and thirty-four of range seven-
At the Laud Office at Met aura, commencing on Monday,
the tenth day of October next, for the disposal of the publlo
lands within the undermentioned township# and parts of
townships, to wit;
North qf the baseline and ead of the fourth principal meri-
Townshlps twentr-five and twenty-six, of range twelve.
Fractional townships twsutjr-ons, west of Wolf river, and
townships twent/foor, tvfeutj-flre, and twenty-elx, of range
thirteen. :
_EWlonaltewnshlptwtnty^Mand twsuty;two, west of
jr-one, thirty-two, and thlrty-three, of
twenty-eight; township twentv-nlno, (except sections
twenty-five to twenty-eight, and thirty-turee thirty-six.)
and township thirty of rango seven
Sections one to five, otght to fifteen, twsnty-two to twen
ty-seven, thirty-five and thirty-six, In township twenty-
four 5 township twenty-flvo, (except sections six, seven,
eighteen, nineteen, thirty and thirty-one;) township twen
ty-six ; townships twenty-seven.. (oxcept section six.)
twenty-eight, fcxcoptscctlons six. seven, eighteen, nineteen,
thirty anu thirty-one;) and townships twenty-nine nnd
thirty, of range oight.
Townships twenty-live and twenty-six, of rango nine.
Township twenty-six, of range cloven.
At the Land Office at Mineral Point cunimoncingon Mon
day. tho second day of January next, for tho disposal ortho
following, being residuary tracts of the reserved lead mine-
ral lands, which wore not included In the proclamations of
tho 2uih November. 1840, and 28th April, 1861. to bo sold
under tho act of Congress entitled “An actio authorise
the President of llio United States to sell tho reserved
mineral lands In tho States or Illinois and Arkansas, and
Territories of WIbcoubIii and Iowa, supposed to contain lead
oro,” approved July 11,1846, to-wlt :
North qf the base line and ead of the fourth principal me
Tho west half nnd northeast quarter of the southwest
quarter, tho northeast quarter of the northwest qsartor.
and the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter, risec-
tlon one; the east half of tho northwest quarter, tho south-
oast quarter, the west half or tbe southwest quarter, nud
tho southwest quarter of the northeast quarter, of twilve 5
and tho northeast quarter, and north hair of southwest
quarter, of twenty-nine, in township one: the northeast
quarter of section thirteen, in township two; the west half
ol the northwest quarter of section elevon. in townahin
three ; tho east half of the southwest quarter ol section
twenty-fivo. and the east half of tho southwest quarter of township five, of rangeono.
Tho west half and northeast quarter of the northwest
quarter, the east half ol the northeast quarter, and the
east half or tho southeast quarter, of section two! In town
ship two. of range two.
The oast half of the northeast quarter, and the north
east quarter ol the southeast quarter, ot section four. In
township two, nnd the northwest quarterof the northwest
quarter of sootion five, In township three, of range three.
rhe east half of tho northwest quarter, the nothwest
quarter of tho northeast quarter, nnd tha east half of the
southwest quarter, or section thirty. In township four ; and
the west half of tho northwest quarter of section thirty-
fire. In township fire, of range four. 3
North qf the base Une and wed of the fourth principal meri
Tho west half of the northwest quarter of section three
in township two; tho east half or the northwest quarter,
snd the southeast quarter or the northeast quarter, of
four ; the west half of the southeast quarter of six • the
southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of twenty-
seven, and tho southeast quarter or the northwest quarter
of thirty four, In township three, of range one.
The northwest quarter of section ten, nnd the west half
of the southeast quarter of thirty. In township threo, of
range two.
At the haxb rucx. commencing on Monday, the third dny
of October next, for the disposal of publlo lands within the
following sections, ajid parts of sections, to wit:
North of the base line and west of the fourth 2’rincipal meri
Section one. tho east half nnd southwest quarter, tho
west half of tho northwest quarter, nml tho northeast quar
ter of the northwest quarter, of ten. In township nine ; nnd
tho cast half of tho southwest quarter or section twenty-
six ; the west half of twenty-seven; the east hair of twenty-
eight. nnd the north half of thlrty-flvo. In township ten. of
range five. ’
Lunds approprioted by law for tho nseof schools, military,
and other purposes, together with those “awampTvnd over
flowed landH. mnde unfit thereby for cultivation.” if any
granted to tho Stnto by the act entitled “ An act to enable
the State of Arkansas and other States to reclaim tho
m ? ’ t , b , eir Approved September
28,1850, will be excluded from the sales.
In accordance with the provisions of tlioact of 11th July
1840. hereinbefore referred to, pre-emption claims will not
be allowed to any or the ab«.ve mentioned load mineral
tracts, to be offered at Mineral I’olnt, until afrer thoy have
boon offered at public sale, and become subject to private
entry And these tracts will bo sold In such lcgnl subdi
visions ns will include the mine or mines at not less thnn
two dollars and fiftv cpnta per acre; nnd if not sold at pub
lic sale at such price, nor shall bo entered at private salo
within twelvo moths thereafter, tho same shall bo subject
to sale as other lands.
Tho offering of tho above lands will bo commenced on the
days appointed, and will proceed In the order In which tliei
are advertlHod. until the whole shall linvo been offered, and
tho snleR thus closed; but no salo shall bo kept open longer
than two weeks, and no private entry of any of tho lands
will be admitted until nfter the expiration or the two weeks.
Given under my linnd, at the oity or Washington, this
twenty-first dny of Juno, Anno Domini one thousand olirht
hundred and fifty-three.
By tho President: FRANKLIN PIERCE.
John Wiiron,
Commissioner of tlio General Land Office.
Every person entitled to tho right of pre-emption to any
of the lands within the townships aud parts of townships
above enumerated, is required to establish the same to the
satisfaction of tlio registrar nnd receiver of the proper
land office, and mnko pryinent therefor as soon as practica
ble after seeing this notice, and before the day appointed
for the commencement of the public sale of tho lands em
bracing tho tract claimed, othtrwiso such claim will be
forfeited. JOHN WILSON
jy28t!0w Commissioner of the General Ijmd Offico.
A DILI'- to be entitled an Ordinance to divido tho city
Into four Dispensary Districts, to provide for Hie elec
tion of a Dispensary Physician for each of said districts,
nnd to declare the duties and fix the compensation of each
Dispensary Physician:
Sec, 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of tha
city of Savannah and hamlets thereof In Council assembled,
and it Is hereby ordained by tho authority of tho same,
Hint from and after tlio pussago of this ordinance, the city
be. nnd It is hereby divided Into four Dispensary Districta.
the first to embrace all that part of tho city bounded on
tho north by the Savannah river, on the east by Jefferson-
streot continued to tho river, on tho south by South Broad-
street and William street, andou the west by the corporate
limits ; the second to embrace all that part of the city
bounded on tho north by tho river, on the east by tbe cor
porate limits, on the south by South Bread-street continu
ed to the corporate limits, and on the wost by Jefferson st
continued to the river; the third (0 embrace all that part
or tho city bounded on tho north by William-street and
South Brond-street, on tho oust by Jelferson-street continu
ed to the corporate limits, on the aouth by the corporate
limits, and on the west by the corporate limits ; and tho
fourth to embrace all that part of the city bounded on tbe
north by South Broad-Htreetcontlnuedtothecorporatellm-
ils. on the east by tbe corporate Umlts, on the south by
the corporate limits.and on the weBt by Jefferson-slreet con-
turned to tho corporate limits.
Sec. 2. Be It further ordained by the authority aforesaid,
That there shall be elected at the first regular meeting of
(found] after the passage of this ordinance, and annually
thereafter on tho first regular meeting In July, a Ills-
wnsary Physician for each or said districts, whose dntr it
shall be to furnish tbe destitute sick within the limits or
Ids district with necessary medicines, to give them medical
and surgical advice and attention, to visit them at th
ilacea of abode when necessary, to attend In person. „
oy competent substitute, at their offices on every Monday
and Thursday, between the hours of 10 o’clock A. M. and 1
o’clock, P. M., for consultation with out-door patients, and
to keep always a competent supply or vaccine matter for
vaccinating the poor and to furnish physldana. the lat
ter to pay a reasonable and proper price therefor.
Sec. 3. Be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid,
That the said dispensary Physicians shall be considered,
hold and taken as officer* or the city, and shall bo liable to
the same penalties for non-performance or neglect of ouy
of their offlcinl duties bb are now proscribed In the caso of
other city officers.
Sec. 4. Be It further ordained by the authority aforesaid,
That such Dispensary Physician before entering on the du
ties or Ills office shall take the oath prescribed for city offl.
cera. and executo a bond with two securities In the penal sum
or onethousnnd dollars.conditional for the faithful perform-
anco of the duties of Ills office. Each Dispensary riiyslclan
shall receive in foil compensation for medicines and ser
vices, a salary of six hundred dollars per annum, payable
monthly. 4
1. 0.
S|SP lb« uiurt’fu”, k ’^ ?
from the agent In their vichdu*? .1
read the testimony or those £ f
valuable curative nowera titav
PTOriotoia .ho Will nccc 1 ,Witt «•
name, of undmiltod tbir,ol' r "'“’“‘Uta.lSi* S
Union, numbering smong them * “ *”*■- *
hyslclans, cl or—— - **-
W. P. Downs',M7i) , I^f. of'MwJfifuhlVerelty? 111
Jf. Chapman, itjj., Prof of Physic. Pa, University.
T. Parke. M. D..Pres’tCollege Physicians, Phllad.
Dr. Del Valle, Prof, of Med&nce, Havana.
Jose Eourenco de Lu*, Prof, of Surgery, Uabon.
And also, the wonderful cures effected by Swalm's Pana- proasljTfor this onedU^L!'
ceaharo, for many years, made it an Invaluable remedy, term, either Inflammatory
The Panacea does not contain mercury In any form.and be- of ho* loan standing 1 '
Ingan Innocent preparation, it may bo given to the most
lender Infant,
The retail price has been reduced to $1 60 per bottle fcon-
lainlng three half pints) or three bottles for |4. '
Swnlm’s Panacea Is in round bottles, fluted longitudinal,
ly, with the foUowing letters blown In the glass: -Swaim’b
—I’anaou—Piiilud’a,” and having the name of James
Swalm stamped on tho sealing wax and written on the label
covering the cork, and a splendid engraving for the side of
tho botflo, composed of geometric lathe work, comprising
nine different dies, which have been turned for the exclu-
sivft uso of tho proprietor, by Draper & Co., bank note en-
f ravers of FhUndelpbta. In the centre Is a portrait of the
ato Wm. Swain, copyright secured.
Alto; Swnlm’s Vermifuge,
A valuable Family Medicine, being a highly apr
edy for all diseases arising from debility of thodlgesUve or
gans, such as worms, cholera morbus, dysentery, fever and
ague, bleeding piles, sick headache. Ac. See the pamphlet
(which maybe had gratis) accompanying the Vermlfugo.
Prepared only at Swalm’s I-aboratory. the old stand Sev
enth-street. below Chestnut. Phlladelpolo, and sold by all
tlio respectable druggists In the United States.
Caution to thr I’unuo.—Persons wishing to obtain the
genuine Swaliu’s Panacea and Swalm’s Virmlfuge. should
bo careful to observe that tho name SWAIM Is spelled cor
rectly on the labels, or they may be Imposed ou by medi
clnesmado In Imitation of them by a person bearing a
somewhat similar name, well calculated to deceive Gen
era! agents for theUhited States.
mti22—2awtf TOt and 100 John-street. New York.
how long standing. ' or 0»5t J, ijg I
Tttbbor, bm.l.o ft, m|,. t h( , .
BITTER offiRSTSS finil
“ Wo would not grow one hud of hope •
You cannot garner In ripe fruit!”
fTUlE GREAT 1VKMEDY Is at last discovered, and that fell
A destroyer of human happiness at length Is conquered!
Consumption shall no longer rob our firesides of their
brightest ornaments, and sink many a gentle spirit to an
untimely grave! Consumption can bo cured—Asthma will
soon be as the things that were—and Coughs and (folds, the
parents of that fell dlsenso, that so often brings wo to the
homes of our land, vanish, as If by magic, before this sover
eign remedy.
, This is that which has so long been sought for, and is In
foil faith offered to the public ns a okrtain curb for coughs,
colds, whooping-cough, croup, asthma, and consumption
and will, In any case where lungs sufficient are left to sus-
tein1 lire, check the ulceration and raise the patient to
henllh. This Is not an Idle boast, nor Is this remedy sent
Into the market without a thorough trial, bpt has proved
a doubt, that what has been asserted can bk donk.
* Hie sentiment, that consumption cannnt bo cured, has
destroyed more lives than the disease Itself.”—Dr. Warrkn,
Hot there Is Hope |
The proprietor, by the use of Gris article, and the blessing
of Providence, was raised, when he was pronounced by his
physician to be almost dying with consumption, to perfect
health, and is not willing that so great a blessing should be
withheld from those on whom “ this right hand emissary of
death ” has placed his mark.
Tlio Uizenge Is perfectly harmless In Its nature, and can
be UkWVIth Impunitv by tbe Infant and the Invalid ; and
Its Beneficial effects will bo felt in a few hours offer com
mencing Us use. Let all then, trv it. and if these assertions
are not proved, after nn Impartial trial, the price of tho box
will be returned, and all agents nro authorized to relutid
the money In any case where tho article is not perfectly
J Tllc *° I-oranges are put up in 26 cente, 6fi cents, and $1
boxes.and only need a trial to be fully appreciated.
C. P. HUNT. Darirn, Ua., only agent fur tho Southern
States, to whom aU orders must bo addressed. fol8-d&w
C HERRY IiOZENGES.—Compound Wild Cherrv Lozenges,
for coughs, colds, and Inflenzns. These I/izongcs will
be found much more convenient than anv of the liquid
preparations, as they can bo carried about the person, and
always ready foruso when the cough Is troublesome, thus
preventing a violent attack or coughing and constant Irri
tatlon of tho lungs. Just received and forsale by
‘l fr ’ r W. W. LINCOLN. Monqmont Square.
L inen Turkish friction towels—^ "ve^ usefui
•article for bathing purposes, nnd much superior to the
gloves now lu uso Where friction Is required, they aro
very highly recommended by the medical faculty In Eng
land and the United States, just received nnd for sale by
m l‘24 W. W. LINCOLN. Monument Square
T HE Annual Course or Lectures in this Department will
commence on MONDAY, November 14, and will ter
minate in the ensuing March.
JAMKSJONES, M. I)., Professor of Practice.
J. C. RIDDELL, M. D., Professor of Chemistry.
WARREN STONE, M. D.. Professor of Surgery.
A. II. CKNAS. M. D., Professor of Obstetrics.
A.J. WEDDERBURN, M. D., Professor of Anatomy.
GUSTAVUS A. NOTT, M. I), Professor of Materia Medlca.
THOMAS HUNT, M. D,, Professor of Physiology and Pathol-
CORNELIUS O. BEARD, M.D., 1 - , . ...
SAMUEL P. CII0PP1N, M. D.j^} Demonstrators of Anatomy
Tlio rooms for dissecting will be open from the third Mon
day lu October to tho First of April.
The Faculty are Visiting Physicians nnd Surgeons of the
Charity Huapital. aud attend this Institution from Novem
ber to April. Tlio Students accompany the Professors in
their visits, and thus enjoy extraordinary practical advan
tages. free of expense.
There are about one thousand patients prescribed for
daily lu Gris Hospital.
The numbor of potientH is nearly twenty thousand, in the
year. TllOMA"
July 28—w3ra
T HE Annual Courso or 1-ectures lu this Instltutlon-wlll
commence «u the first Mondn’
Anatomy—Prof. J. E. Holbrook, S
Surgery—l rof. E. Oeddings. M. 1).
Institutes and practice—Prof. J. Henry Dickson, M. D.
Physiology— Prof. James Moultrie, SI. J).
Materia Medica—Prof. Henry R. Frost. M. D.
Obstetrics-AProf. Thoa, 0. Prloleau, M. 1).
Chemistry—Pror. C. U. Shopard. M. D.
Comparative Anatomy—•Prof. L. Agassiz. M. D.
Demonstrator of AtiHlomy—Francis T. Miles. M. D.
^Prosector to the Professor of Surgery—J. F. M.Geddlngs,
clinical instruction.
roPf" f A,x * p '* Physician to tho Marine Hospital, and
Clluicnl Instructor, lectures twice a week on the Diseases of
that Institution.
Pror. J Foiu) Priolkau. if. D., Physician to tho Hospital
of the Alms House, at Which lectures are delivered twlco a
week on diseases, the diagnosis discriminated, and tho stu
dents Indoctrinated in their treatment.
Demonstrative Instruction in medicine and surgery, at
the Cullcgo Hospital, by the Professors of the Medical (fol-
.. a Wp ial peering of tho Trustees and FacuUy of the
Medical College of the State of 8outh Carolina, held on the
■ li J ? nuBr J r ' T852, Dr. L. Agassiz was unanimously elect
ed Professor of Comparative Anatomy, with the distinct
understanding that the collegiate expenses oftbesludont
aro not to be Increased by this addition to the course.
Jyl2-law0 HENRY R. FROST, Dean.
r,, .. T’idL'7" «„ Ltffhkdire Charter, granted in 1840.
isit them at their HPHE Spring session will cotnmeuceon the second Monday,
X which is tho 12th day of January.
.. Gw ?v Y ; Bbow »*j President and I’rofesHor of Montal and
Moral Science.
P. Loud. Professor of Natural Sciences.
L R. Branham, Professor ot Mathematics and Director ol
IIfnrt M. Holtzclaw, Professor of BolIeB Lettrcs
The Faculty will bo assisted by the following Ladloa.viz :—
Mrs. Browne. Mrs. Branham, Misses Beoaett, Bumatcad,
Meredith, nnd E. Bennett
Catalogues containing further Information, may be ob
tained by applying to either of the officers of the College, or
to either of tho following gentlemen, who constitute the
Isinrd of Trustees: E. E. Jones. M. D.. President; B. M. Pee-
pliM Kjj,r Treasurerj Thos. J. Burney, Esqr., Secretary; (fol.
J. II. Walker, Rev. N. G. Foster, Rev. C. M. Irwin, Wm. 8.
Stokes, LImund Walker, Zacharlsli Fears, Nathan Massey.
Wm W. B-Crawford, M. I)., Bcnj. Harris, Jos. F. Swanson, J
W. Fears, R. P. Zimmerman. ’
Madison, Morgan county, Doc. 23rd, 1861.
dr 20 InwdAwlf
it further ordained by tho authority aforesaid.
That all ordinances and parts of ordinances militatiug a-
gainst this ordinance be. and tbosameare hereby repealed.
Passed In Council, Savannah, 14Ui July. 1853.
..[Lf-l „ R. WaYNE, Mayor.
Attest. Edwaro Q. WnHQN, Clerk of Connell. jyl7
A BILL, to Be entitled an ordinance to amend an ordi
nance entitled “an ordlnanco to prevent bulls, cows,
oxen and ealves. and other cattle from running at large,”
passed In Council. February, 1841.
Sec. 1. Be it ordained by tho Mayor and Aldermen of the
C ‘‘J or Savannah and the hamlets thereof, in Council as
sembled. and it is hereby ordained by tho authority of the
same. That from nnd after tbe passing of this ordinance,
the provisions of the above recited ordlnanco be so amend
ed and extended iu to prevent bulls, cows. oxen, calves and
other cattte running at large within the following limits,
viz: Guinnet-street on the south, prolonged east and west
to the extended Incorporate limits of the city of Savannah
and tho hamlets thereof; the Savannah river on the north
and the corporate limits of the city of8avannah on the
east and west.
See. 2. Be It further ordained by the authority aforesaid.
Tliat all ordinances or parts of ordinances militating against
the prorislona of this ordinance bo, and the same are here
by repealed.
[Attest] Edward G. Wilson. 0.0.
R. WAYNE, Mayor.
E XTRACT of an Ordinance, passed August 2, 1889, enti-
’tied an M Ordlnanco doflning what shaU bo considered
puelic nuisances, and for tho prevention, punishment and
removal of the Bame.”
See. 10. Be it furring erdalned, That it shall not be law
ful for any cow, steer, heifer or caff to bo or go at large
within the Unrits of tho city, from the setting of the sun to
tho rising of the samo ; and the owners of such cattle so
found at large, shall forfeit and pay a sum not excoedlng
five dollars for each and every rims any suclf animal shall
be found at large ; and It shall be the duty of the City Mar-
chal and City Constables to tako such cattle so found at
large, contrary to the provisions of this ordinance, and Im
pound them until tho said fine and all costs aro paid, and If
tho animal be not claimed within five days. It shall be tho
duty of tho Qty Marshal to sell the sameat the pound,first
giving at least fire days’ notice In ono of tho publlo gazettes
of the city of the description of the animal and the time
and place of sale, and he shall pay thfc nett proceeds, after
deducting tho fine and costa. Into the City Treasury, subject
to the order of Council, who may and shall order the same
to bo paid to the owner of such animal when required
Sco. 11. Bo It further ordained, That any bull found at
largo within the limits or the city, shall be considered as a
nuisance, and may be killed by any person june24
, further onlalncd by tl.e authority aforesaid. ThatUm
and alter tbe day of publication of tbe preparation of said
Uurel Grove Cemetery shall be made >» the Mayor aa a-
bove provided for, It shall not be tawful to Inter any dead
Penfietd, Greene County, va.
rn HE Studies In this University aro:—A Theological course
t, o 1 . w7? ar8 ’ designed for those who are preparing for
the Gospel Ministry ; v 6
A Collegiate Course of four years, equal to that of other
Colleges in the country;
A Scientific Course of three years, including, with some ad
dition, all the studies orthe Collegiate Course except the An-
cleut Languages ;
Tlio regular time for the admission of Students, is at the
opening of the Fall Term, the last Wednesday in August.
Candidates for admission ntothe Collegiate Course must
sustain a satisfactory examination in Geography, Arith
metic, English, Latin and Gyeek Grammar, Ca:sar, Virgil,
Cicero’s Select Orations, and Jacob’s Greek Reader ; and
must bo nt leastfourteen years of ago.
Candidates for admission Into the Scientific Course must
sustain a satisfactory examination on Geognftihy, Arithmetic,
English Grammar, Simple Equations In Algobra, and two
books In Geometry; and must be at least sixteen years of
Tuition. Spring Tern. Phil Tim.
IN Theological Sewn art, Gratuitous... .Gratuitous.
IN Collmor. |26 00 $16 00
Scientific Course, 26 00 16 00
In Academy—
Preparatory Class, 25 00...... 16 00
Second “ 20 00 12 00
Third « 15 00 0 00
Elementary “ 10 00 0 OO
Room Rent, 0 00 4 00
Contingent Expenses, 2 00 1 00
These oxpenses require to be paid in advance.
From 8tudcnts who lodge in tho College buildings, fifty
dollars will bo received as foil payment for the tuition (fees,
room rent, and contingent expenses of the year.
The price of Board in the village is $10 per month ; of
washing, room-rent, and fool, $3.
Tlio Commencement Is held on the last Wednesday In
There are two Vacations,' dividing the year Into terms, as
follows ;
l^FIrst Term—from last Wednesday In August to Docember
Winter Vaeatlon—from December 16th to February 1st,
Second Term—from first day of Fobruary to Commence
Summer Vacation—from Commcncetaent to last Wed
nesday In August. B. M. SANDERS,
Secretary of tho Board of Trustees.
Any friend, by application to fer. J. L. DAGO, President of
the University, #rili receive a catalogue, containing the
course of studies; and all other necessary Information
Materia Medic"
I’hys clans or the firat standingtoil,. » ..
use and prescribe it as tbe most eBvJ”* 11 Wet
Alterative nnd Blood p nrt „ ^
ever known. To tlie sedentary U ii.. rtfler
Balm of Gilead. Es;>cciully t„ ?cmale, lf° ted Mrs, L
ble condittan of life, It recommend* I 'j L
point of efficacy to any of the uummm , fir "»w51
centrated under the comprehensive |
This is a VegetaUe Spirit, nleaunt in t.i ^ I
safe to be used in any state of heuli), PDtrti, I
delicate Jkmale or Child. l l ' eTtn ty tht ^ I
A5“ Price $1 00 per bottle. I
No. l^lia r cliiy^-Btrec t ur H,’" Pr , 0,titlr '«. j
For sale by A. A. SOLOMON& J
gists.Savannah, Ga. *' "• I
Fbr the cure of Coughs, Colds. PuarteiiJil^b I
(i . , Asthma, and I
“And by tbe river, upon the bank I
trees for nieat. whoso leaf shall not fsdcStfif f.'** 1 * I
of shall be for meat and the leaf thereof ™ 1 Ustv -I
TTERE was hope for the sick I
XI ry year adds new proof to the uiure^-^'
promises shall not fall. '“rsnee tha; jj
As medical science discovers and dealgnatM a ■
nature has given, one by one, the J
race yield to the control of art.
suffer from, none lias carried more victim, I
grave than Consumption of the Lunn R d » £i* n J mliw, Ji I
some evidence that this too may Kred
nary complaints, in all their fonm, ^v I
Cherry Pectoral. ' tofciitdtj f
Space will not permit ns to publish her.... P
of the cures It has affected, but the \
will furnish our circular, free, whereon
and Indisputable proof of the facts. ^ l*rtlwkn |
Sufferers, read and judge for yourscltes
Abr Injluerua and UoopinaOivrX
Nashville, Term.. J r
Sir : I ten nmMb'iiid Wt'ctAMi
lioopttig cough ,Dd inducing cud hire I? iSSS
Hooping cough «ml lnduonu end hen c, I
pronouncing It • complete remedr. Fccr rfT. I
hnrohrenndllclcd win, then dl.c„c..,cdtaS'“ 1 *^ I
the l’cctorel has always afforded instant relief
No. 1 anil 1 ft Bar Soep, 100 do Colgate’s Pearl Starch,
8OdoBeadeVs0'sand 8’a Tallow (fondles. 60 do Star do. 40
do Treadwell’s Soda Biscuit, landing and for sale by
Jonelfi • , SCRANTON, JOHNSTON * OO. \
Wouttectth. tenth of thcchorc iUIcJc" 06 "® • I
ibr a CoTUUBipfirt (W* 1
Dear Sir: For three years 1 hsre^bwn 'sttiWri 1
cough so distressing that I frequently dl*naind 0 ulli,‘
much of the time fwas ublUl to sit
choir, ns my cough would suffocate me when I hid’£*? I
Ilav ng used many remedies without much relief [.tS
tried the (berry Pectoral, which under I’roti.leut2
me altogether. I am with gratitude yours. -1
_ . LEnll'Oro*, ,
This »i one of the numerous cures of ritfAma v*id b-
accredited to Cherry Pectoral.
n . . Albany, n.y., AMilinwi l
Dr. Ayer. I/) well—Dear Sir: I have (hr yuriWs iBi^.
ed with asthma in tho worst lonn. so that I hirlfou
obliged to sleep In my chair for n larger pari of the li«
being unable to breath.* nn iny bed. 1 had tried» ™1
many medicines, to no purpose, until my ii!m!cim„
scribetl. ns an ox;.crimei,t. your (.Tiem Pectoral.
g\t first it seamed to mako me worse; but IniwiUum
week. I began to experience the mod (mrillyinr relief [w,
itsuRe; and now, in four weeks, the disease lifatinljn.
moved. 1 can alcen on my bed with comfort.and end-y«
state of health which I had never ex|iectfd to enjoy.
Commissinn nnd ForwsrdinYliwIurt
From the President of Amherst CotUge. Lbouti liil.M M I
D., LL. D„ de.
J. C. Ayer—Sir: I have used your Cherry Pectoral inmv
own case of drep-sented bronchitis, nml sin nMvlU
ita chemical constitution. Ihnl it is an admirable compand
for the relief of nnd bronchial dfficullio U 1
my opinion, as to Its su|«rior character, ran be of auritr
vice, you are at liberty to use It as you ll.iukWr.
Amherst.. Sept..12,1840 nmAKii Ilmnrwx .
Among other dlstinguishe.1 aull.orilies who hare krt
tlieir names to recommend this piri.irnliun astlieM
known lo tlioin for affu itton* of llielmiw are •
President Perkins, Vermont Medical College.
. Vrofcanor Sillininn. Vole College.
Professor Valentine Mott New York.
Professor Clen viand. Ilowdoin Me<lirnl Collrgt,
Professor Bnlterfield.nhio Medical College.
Cnnadinn Journal of Medical Science.
Boston Medical and Surgical Journal.
Charleston.S. C. Medicnl Iteview.
Now Jersey Medicnl Reporter.
Hon. Henrv Gay. U. S. Senator.
Hon. (tan. P. Marsh. Anieriean AmlaivadorloTuitry
(tan. Emanuel iSuhicss. l‘re«Ment of Chili.
Kt. Itav. K<1. Power, luord llishop ol Toronto,
Also, many eminent physicians in foreign rounlnre,
Not only In the more dangerous and ili.«lrrwingiIiiMiM
of tho Lungs, but also na a family medicine furoecaiionil
use. it Is tbe safest, pleasantest and led in It* world
Prepared by J. C. AYKK. fliftnifl.Luvrli Man
Sold by TURNER k CO.. A. A. HOIMIOXS. W. W. UN'.
COI.N. HENDRICKSON k JIOURE Savannah; snd by all
the DruirirNIs thniugliont tin- Slate. eodfcvI’m-majlJ
Not a Particle of Mercury in It.
A N INFALLIBLE REMEDY for Scrofula. King'* Fril,
Rheumatism. Obstinate C’ulanrousKjviptlons.llmpke
or Pustule on the Face, Mulches. Holla. Chronic Sore Fra.
Ring Worm or Tetter. Scald Dead. Enlargement sad frit
of tho Bones nnd Joints. Stubborn Ulcira. Syphilitic lea
ders, Lumbago, Spinal Complaints, nnd all l.iicsreisriaUg
from un Injudiclouii use of Mercury, Imprudence in
Impurity of the Blood.
'fills valuable Medicine, which has become celebrated St j
tlio number of extraordinary cures effected throufk lw I
agency, has Induced the the urgent liw I
of their friends, to offer it lo the public, which they davits ■
tbe utmost confidence in its virtues snd wonderful caatin
properties. Tlio following certificabs. leleclfd from 1 hip
number, are. however, stronger testimony than the W]
word of the proprietors; and are all from genlknaam
known In their localities, snd of the highest rwprtaaw/
many of them now residing in the city of Rlehmood, va.
F. nOYHEN. Bsj., of tUn Rictani, M. .
known every where, says he has seen the Medldne oW
Carter’s Spanish Mixture administered in overs ImW.
cases, in nearly all the diseases for which ll i» rctfwwoj!
od. with the most astonishingly good results. He njirts
the most extraordinary medicine he hsi ever Men.
that for three years I had Ague and Fever of the mod«•
lent description. I had several Physicians, look lamp**'
titles of (julnino. Mercury, and I believe allthe Tonics m-
vcrtlsed. but all without any permanent relief. MWI
tried Carter’s Spanish Mixture, two bottle* of yhlehew-
tually cured me. snd I am happy to say 1 have bed
Chills or Feverssince. 1 consider it the best Toole le>"
world, and the only medicine that ever reached my ewe.
Beaver Dam. near Rlshmond. Va. JOHN
C. B. LUCK, Esq., now in the city of Richmond.sod w
many years In the Post Office, has such eonfidme*«
astonishing efficacy of Carter's Spanish MnrriMm"
lms bought upwards of 60 bottles, which be hsipresajiy
to the afflicted. Mr. I.uck says he bis w«rkB0»*n“ j
fail when takenncconling to directions. ...
Dr. MINOR a practising Physiclsn. and formerlyrtiw
City Hotel. In the city of Richmond. e»ye he hast *»oe**"
In a number of Instances the effects of Cakt** 1 * en
Mixture, which were most truly surprising.
case of (Ninflumption. dependent on the liver, the pw
fects were wonderful Indeed. ,, ■, i>._a
SAMUEL M. DRINKER, of the firm of Drinker* •uj
Richmond, was cured of Liver complaint °f *
ing. by tho uso of two bottles of Carter's’■’psnlih m
mond Republican bad a servant employed it1 IWl’f™
room, euro 1 of violent scrofula, combined wilnM[
tisiu, which entirely disabled him from work. Deo » ,
of Carter’s Spanish Mixture made a perfect eureoi nim^
the Editors. In a public notice, any tliey “ cheerfully
mend It to all who areaffilctcd with any di***
blood.” ,
valuable boy cured of Scrofula by Carters
turo. I consider it a truly valuable medicine. .
TAYInOR, Conductor on the R. F. 4 P. R. H- C° ■ IUcl “ BOT ’
8aJt n Rhoam or 20 Year* I
Mr. JOHN THOMPSON, residing In the city of
was cured by three bottles of Carter’s ipanwn " . j
Salt Rheum, which he had nrerly 20 y e * r *-*“”_ nM(1 I
tho physicians of the city could not cure. Hr. * * I
Is a woli known merchant of Richmond, Is., an I
is most remarkable. b
WM. A. MATTHF.WS.of Richmond, U, lis4* K ’ lll J
cured of Spvhllis. In the worst form, by wrt« c ■
Mixture. Ho savs he cheerfully recommend*■
aiders It an Invaluable medicine. . . I
RICHARD E. WEST, or Richmond.was curel 1
and what physicians cnlltnl confirmed Ooniomp l
three bottlesof Carter’s Spanish Mixture. • ■ ■ I
EDWIN BURTON. Commissioner of the Rerenoe, ■
has scon the goal effects of Carter’s Spenwh Vi {U i»|g '
number of Spyhilitic cases, and says It is a perwv
that horrible disease. , _ 0 i.)
WM. 0. HARWOOD, of Richmond. Vs., eurtfl ® #|f
and ulcers, which dlsableil him from walking. ts
bottles of Carter’s Spanish Mixture, and I
walk without a crutch, iu a short time pennsnenm -«■ 1
Price $1 per bottle. t m .Na*,. I
Principal Depots at M. WARD, CJlOSE fc -i I
Miden lane. Now York. C) —l PhR*'
T. W. DYOTT k SONS, No. 132 North 2d btn*b I
d 'irE!stnT 4 BEERS. No. 125 I
Anil fnr nle b, SH0BA8 11 ^» |
M. CARTER, A. A. I/llOMOXS 4 CO.. ■ I
Drugglsta nnd Country Merchants everywnero.
P ANTILLES 1)E PARLS.-For tho cure or»u** ■
and bronchial affections of tho throat, so pre nufiw' ■
this season of the year. We do not **k; I
titles de Paris to cure all the ills life **fotr^jK I
say they will cure all afft ctions ? r * he J
them will prove. Manufactured by Moo. w . * . 1
Malden-lano. New York. .i« n «torf " f *** I
N. B.—The gonnlne bears tho wTfften sigi»V" _ I
4 jtajlnr. Jn,i I
n'U»/.n ffranu 'Vkadd reiebrated I
] J are made and warranted by Cbarle. Fjwnon^,^
nuperlnr to nnjr nth.rn nn^An n». Purd“J"'JJJd J
■urn nnd K*t thu ««nnln« Stref, u tbm *" I
eountcrTelh. t««rin« th, »m« “ 11
worms. An. For Itoaenee ana a
d A f.^
all kinds
U nothl-