The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 18??-1856, September 13, 1853, Image 3

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Ham npaRs - riM-m «A< rwpMW JjKfei giK eoWXKl rim »«1 d “»I* do gStfggfeStesSa *SSs&sE?r S*>'° aXW 'iR do c»« M r-r^-f«^ s — uir * do BM '' V Jie»» cnuwriM. JQUNgiQN li co^ ,' fjf g g rii@®SET® 1 smTEHUmi' • 7 - n ” Comings. _.. ij lltHR-1» tbl^MM HH. month. and found board and lodging. 1 WyiJAf fc MOff?M0lJJN. ;. - , . d* Uatarfa r*M w»m ;cWt puli! on delivery, J*n8l K1B1IKB fc ROWERS *tont,abl* WletTnvgre W men, aged Irom 18 to 26 yt»ri. Apply to Juntll WYLLY fc kONTMOlUN. RENT—A Boom 60 by 80 foat, In Sorrel's build'. ffiflog,corner of Hay sml Bull-streets. It l« suitable for Bsia committee room or drill room, Rent modorato Ap- aljr at bU office, JuneiM \ TO RENT.—A until comfortable Houaelq a re- | i peat able and central part of the city. Rent 9300. |_ Possession given on the lit November, or tooner If ,e. Apply at thl* office. »urM TO RENT—A House at the corner of Hull-sireet and Orleans square, pleasantly slluntod—good wa> .ter, out buildings complete. and In a good neighbor* uuuu, with or without standing furniture, from lit May tUt let November. Inquire at the Courier oflleo. mh20 _. BROUGHT TO JAIL—A neqro man who caUshlnrt K) eelf JOSIAll | he la about twentyflve year* of age, of <nf light complexion, and la fire feet eeven and a half •JTLlnohfta high, lie aaya he belongs to Hr*. Marian Harrison, of Thomas count}, and had boon hired to Mr. Gravel, fbr the brat year. He hee a acar on the thumb of the left hand, and another eear on the bell of the right. JOHN COLLIER, Jailer. j3t. Marye, Ga., Auguit 2fltli, 1863. iep8 . FOR SALE—A gentle family Horae, Hdee well ■and worke gently in tingle or double harness. Alio, rate Buoy, but little - * " " ‘ U about to leave the city. used. Sold bocause the owner Apply at thli oDlco. aug28 J. Supremo Court, iJSSfiBU W™ w"li r |!;!iNF°''VIU.IAM8. JsssHSiS 4ft 5S5 \\m of the ^’f^nerouiflne llluitratlon ongrnved aSS» *? fr .t artuu. Price 26 cents riVjjs#&>*» 8ub ‘ cri - W. THORNE WILLIAMS “ft books. o «§S.KY, Auguit 30th, 1853 : ECEWtwSJr^pMeFbeeijOrtwo ccnlurlei ago,by ’JtIm•*« P* n s’’ ter ;, or “ 11110 of i,fe ,n the great *i, mil and Its riders, being the ro- fyS&ESi fo^AuguiTJ Graham'* Magazine g^rood’. W,M„.&okforSeptember; Glen- Cole, i M tlo St. Domingo do i‘i, ffbll. ttl ^, f g^}°n b i|, PA1.MF3. p; 1 «( 1,1 ■ |,iD " *»\ noNAun. TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS REWARD-My negro man. Sam, runaway laet Saturday night, the 26th He L rather light compleetod. about flve leet ten in- ,the* high.and he formerly belonged to Mr, Holiday, In Chatham county. Ho waa eold to Mr. Wright In Savan nah, of whom I bought him. Twenty dolian reward will be paid for this boy lodged in any Jail or safe place where 1 can get him. DAVID ALLEN, j ulyg Mcintoah county, scar above the left eye, and says ho belongs to Mrs. .Becket.of Liberty county, aug7 ISAAC D'LYON, Jailer. |T1 CHILDREN AND YOUTH'S HATS.~Straw, Leg- JULhorn and Webster, a One assortment at innylS’BKLDEN k CO’S. buildings have all the advantages of wnter, gas, ®o. «c.- For iMirtlculara apply to July23 WYIJaY & MONTMOLLIN. Jb three children Apply at this office. sp 11 ^ ^ F OR SALE—A very superior one horse carryall, double goat, made by one of the best manufnctuiers at the north For particulars, apply to may31 SAWYER, HOLLISTER k CO., Whitaker-st. B UfrER AND LARI' * ' do. do. do., 20 Jan *alo by auglfl HOLCOMBE JOHNSON i) and for sale by aug24 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON & CO. T=r... v u. map* Haul Tulence L’laret. 6u dc /"- l,ErTO iS«oAi!»l»rlora«r.t. Ju.t recelr.a 'fRS.k,"1 Mto&m, aired fc» m D«rde»«». S*»letr J. ROrPSF.AU. ^^TnrniivAIlR-l'oti’ Oven,, Sau.pnn,. l'ri^ bW «- Sm«othln B Iron., Vf.rer And !hlirtfcr«da by ivn Bfii'E —100 bales Uunny Cloth, 350 coils ■S'LSLoEBB J&CRAfrSAClLS-The coolest garment or ine csSr-p-j- 1 —^ass Hjib«t. __z. nVi'VPAGSE--iMb!iHket8 superiorChainpagoe, vis:— tey.lrecl.,^ k Y(;AnEB sjSncmEASn snets —iwoeii.a by JliVk.Va I. .lore. 30 tan* P"™ BW” d " 10 n,0,, “ rd ' ,0 ' f%,-pinci_ & UQ0imS.-!O boll pipe. l Or^A»n!lPile Pt.p:lT, v iiiUgen. of lfllOno Ru w< fiSBBSl Ol.ran.Me* P»» l » ** «*» aug21 HOLCOMBE JOHNSON & CO. O sale to arrive. Apply to ' aug21 OODEN kBUNKER. FALL TRADE OF 181)3. will be completed In a few days, when v ment or general Dry Goods. Hosiety. Trimmings. Hab»r- dnshery, and Smnll Wares, Ribbons. Ac. M. l’RENDEROAST k CO, B UNKETS AND FLANNELS.—Tho priro oro''i‘> articles, and Indeed oC every kind of good; int production of which wool goes, will rulo higl'this m In nntlnlpallon «r thin, ne nrc hnppy In I'fo™ t„ me r..ndthepublle 8 enernl»ll|t™“«." d ■ If CO., vs Hall, w< aug27 S ri’ERIOR WHITE SEWING COITO*. Kc.—we nave i culvc.l per nlonmer till* "">• * W unorlmenl llroeka’ n.ineriot nhlte Se-lPf l» « ' number.. Tl »•«. the only .««ln S «•«"" U»t obtained Ibe prim at t World's Fair in I^' 1 ' 0 ". It only requires consumers this article to e |,e * l n ftatr *rf«t to bo Tully convinced or decided *uiM2»’'’ ril y over 11,1 ,,tlier n, “ ke^, ' , Productions u In iiro Itconnection with this, wo have also received sr eral cas^ 8 °f a superior made English Flax Thread of t unwind numbers, and in all colors. sovor* 1 • M l’RENDEROAST fc CO., InjCSNiXOflOODS.—Block®ren*aino.Crnpo a. Pan.. I HI Silks. Bombailncs. Alpacas. Norwich Cloths I siMiu. Mourning Iawos and French Muslins. Black ISspiUl Lore Veils, Collars, Handkerohieb, etc.. Just re- | nod I” ul. by tlnWITT k MOBtlAR_ II Bimrai. nuurtmcnt of Pearl Cose I'orto-llonicr lAbjo.ruler clup put .bln WnltoU. Vt. 1—-UK’"”- ■JL.mjjnv&SfarE.lMBEt.—Itnlr elotb .blrta,mull -»o»ook muslins, net gloves and inits lace man- mvwh blnnd. grass cloth, N W collars and chemisetts, ■kgb«ns.Birds-eye diaper. Ac., for sale by IjudSj Da WITT k MORGAN. I HHiHPAONE—iOlaskets.Mumm'sKorzensy champagne, ■ v pint* andquarts; 50 do I/>ne Star do,of direct irnpor ■ kes, i very choice article. In store and for sale by 1 “J® .1. ROUS&FAU. ■ VETGOODS BY STEAMER TO-DAY.—i’rirtl pu Jaconets ■ll udlsvDi; Mourning do.; Veedio Worked fJollars l^'v Lnn * Arm Nett Mitts; Olaco Silks; Black ■ BwMintillu; Wash Blonde ; Irish Linens; Embroid- ■mimScalloped Cimlnlo I.lnon Handkerchiefs, Ribbons, ■k. For sale at Die lowest prices by DsWITTk MORGAN |iTiVASA LIMES.—Just received,ono barrel. Inr sale by P ir® A. RONAUH |0 ,> IWErS’ KnifeSlmr|icners and Table Cutlery, just re lit wired sad for sale by ■JweJ J. p, Cot.UNS. ■LMiRH AKD BUTTER—50 hhls Canal Flour, 25 halt <1q 7 dndalO jars Butter.achoico article; landing from torn Florida, and for salo by |‘1W 1IOILOMBE JOHNSON & CO. GROCERIES AND LiaORS. P OI1EN k TARVER, olfer on accommodating . . m . ... n I (* OA .In Vnrln llinn < new wru'aun my, *»» -v r- 60 bbla Now 0rl P"'" p e "™ [1 . d 'l and/'-°-* 100 bones Toboc 8"Cut Tobacco. 100.000 Segars, aorieo quamies. au uaic prime Bacon Sides, 200 b Ijj'Jip AN'D CIIF.ESE.—23 firkins Goshen and Western u »b«T|W bores Cbecso, received per steamer nnd for **f tug9 McMAHON k DOYLE, ■OOJLCASDLraTN'l) STARCH,—76 boxes No. 1 Palo ■uui Family 8oap, 50 boxes Bcadell'a Candles, 60 boxes ■wh.foriale by ■ ^ McMahon k doyle IS'PT-^isrs MscnboySnulT. 1 bbl do do, in bottles, 1 |U dsfwtchdo, in bottles. For salo by 1 *y\ CRANE fc RODGERS, Hi iTI 00 ’ 000 l^lhs. for sale on the wharf, by ■"_*•*!* OGDEN k BUNKER, I '’AITF.ILS.—For summer wear, just re- i^wndh; July at PRICE k VEADKR, ■NfttOS nifTFJtS-A superior article for diapepsia ■ ^jUorMlcby niay20 A. BONAUD. ILItimore Flour, landing from steamer I I Alabama, and for salo l.y £L_ HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON fc CO, colors, wliito silk fringe k-'nifa nt fhlack silk mantillas silk gloves. Swiss I received by steamer, and for sale by DkWITT k MORGAN. I ‘'tco 'lVuiVb ^ 1 '‘ a * l * raore ^ our i of J“iy insjiec- ■ jffjL—. ROWLAND k CO. i“4A*r ? ClttKSK.—>20 firkins and tuba prime and I•'vrrod?or wle^by 6r ’ 5 ° * K)I08 ^ ,ce * e * received per McMAHON k DOYLE. Dots. Mugs, Soup ^pitkoni^br^ijby 4 '*^ ^ xera i Candlesticks, Lamja ■hSsvw. J- P. COLLINS. P ^sWr 50 , hlld * i" 1 " 10 Iiicon ISW.J . uuspnmo mcon aiaes. bo bbis ^ prim# l^af Uni, received and for sale by leOip-rTvSns 5: RAN T°N, JOHNSTON k CO. 7•MlbniUS l n^’« STARCH.—>75 boxes No. 1 Pale Md»lfc£W. ,5 J?”? ,5ca,lul Candles ; 50 do Star I kul) ,! ^ rcB ^Ircd and for sale by ■Tfrmssr—- McMAllOJi |^^oiX5FXone-2 Columbia.—Tho undersigned French's Hotel, .Norfolk, Va.. 1 of all who mav favor himWlth their pnfronngo. Having hud consideralle experience in hntel-kcobing 1 llatters himself that family and single boarders can be a enmmodated at tho Irvlngha satisfactorily ns at any othi hotel or boarding house iitthe United States. Members of Congress iijd others visiting Wnshlngto with a view to rcsldo there Inc sqme time, would do well turn is now and of the bestdes-ription. Still' Bellcr.—The charges are moderate and in " u ~«ylth the times, whilst tho tables groan with I mat tho country affords. Call, examine, nnd Bills., . _ _ , DANIEL U. FRENfcH. Washington. D. C..June 1.1863 j e 7 H. snuTU’s FLOTOlUcKIsiU,'««, QA BBLS II. Smith's Hour OlJ 20 lialf bhls choice Canal Flour 20 bbis Sugar Crackors 20 hair bbis do do 20 hbls Butter do 20 half bhls do do 20 boxes Soda do 20 half bhls Fulton Market Bcof, a choico articlo 60 bbis Crashed Sugar. I. andlngfvoh, brig Augusta, and for salo by JylT HOI/XJMBE. JOHNSON k CO. interior, where they will flml tho shelve, W oll stocked ai usual, with Crockery, China, Glass nnd Stn, 0 \y Hardware, wood and willow Ware. Tin Waroind sold at inolcrato and just prlcos, by aug26 1 ?OB SALE.—The unexpfrod . threo (3.1 Jackson Ward, 1 street, on which tho old St., also tho building on said lot. nug25 Onic J. P. COLVINS, 100 Brynn-dreet. Apply to JULIAN I QUNDRIE8.—68 bbis Genesee Flour, f boxes No. 1 i’alo and Family Son] hhls F,. Phelps and Rose Gin. 40' ver do. landing and for snlo by aug34 SCRAN! RUglff OCTAVUS COHEN, Chairman pro tern. L OAF. CRASHED AND CLARIFIED SUGARS. 16 boxes Lonf, \ n . .. - ... 26 bbis Crashed / Bata L Smith - 26 bbla A, \ 26 bbis B. >Stowart’a. 25 bbis C.J 10 bbis Powdered, landing, and for salo by auglfl HOLCOMBE JOHNSON l Qra.w.oAMUXT. tunutAtusummfi G. W. OARMAN Y A CO., . - . 001T0N FACTORS/ . Savannah, Georgia. 1 gicuouiCBoaxa. ■ knwAXh c, wad*, dftt FAraoB? AN^SSinsamnSuiteAWra, j 8* Jlay-ttrtd. Savmnak. TOl HUrat 1. FORT. T. X. DURHAM, ?»* c FACTOrJ'SS'cOMiSiON MEilcHANTS, . ‘ SaronnaA, Ga. re " — — ~ —• 1 JOUR T. ROWLAND. . JOJIRT. ROWLAND, JR ROWLAND A CO„ Oil GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 172 Bay-street. AunimoA. H. K. WASHBURN- Alrtt., „ t SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, SAVARXSD, OA. °» W11J.IAM P. YONOB. * FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, b» No. 94 Bay-street, Savannah. 4 9 O’HBAR d( STONEY, Ar FACTONHS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. iri North Commercial Wharf, Charleston, South Carolina, UTR or TU> FIRM or LXOAHR. O’iUUR A 00. <11 BANCROFT A BRYAN, GENERAL AGENTS AND BROKERS, ab For the Purchase and Salo of Stooks, Bonds, Exchange and Real Estate, 117 Bay-street, Savannah. Jtn24 ^ WILLIAM H. DASHER, . „ ATTORNEY AND COUNSEIXOR AT LAW, ,,a TroupviUe, Lowndes county, Ga. at Will practise In Thomas. Lowndoa, Clinch, Ware, Appling, <•„ TelWr. Irwin. Ianrens, nnd Pulaski counties. Ueorgla; and in Jefferson. Madison, llamlltou, and Columbia ooun. ties, Florida. feb23 ttt WM. R. WILUAMS. THADDXC8 OllVKR. JACK HROWIT, Tt WILLIAMS, OLIVER A BROWN, H ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 011 Buena Vista, Marion County, Ga., 65 Will prsctlso in tbe counties of Marion, Macon, Houston. Stewart. Randolph. Muscogee, Loo, and any adjoining countt** vfbera their services may bo required. Jan29 ac FERDINAND MOULTON, 80 ATTORNEY AN1> COUNBIOJAJK AT LAW, Washington City, D. G„ (j Will practise in the various Courts of the District, nnd at- tend to the prosocutiou of claims against the Govern- 0 moot. Junc22 tn DR. G. F. COOPER, Office under Mrs. Schntder’a. west of Liberty square. Mont* gomery-street. Residence corner of Porry and Drayton- strcets. opposite the Cathollo Church. Juue22 JOSEPH GANAHL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. . Coi-ner of Bay and Whitakcr-tlreets, "* JAMES O. A. CLARK. , • ATTORNEY AT LAW. W Office—176 Bay-street, Savannah, Georgia, u , WALTER S. NOTT, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, *t No. 99 Bay-slretl, Savannah, Georgia. MectUEEN McIntosh, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jacksonville, Fla. JUL1APJ HARTRIDGE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office, comer of Whitaker-st. and Bay-lane. Savannah, ^ GEORGE TROUP HOWARD, ,, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 11 Office, corner of Whitaker-st. and Bay-lane. Savannah, Ga. U THOMAS T. LONG, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR GENERAL E. LIST, 0 Office, comer Bay and BamanUslreets. Savannah. THOS. J. NUCKOLLS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Columbus, Georgia. WM. H. F. GURLEY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 14 Wall-street. .Veto York. " t JOHN G. FALUGANT, , wnor.KsstK axd kkt.wl dkslkr is WINDOW BLINDS. WINDOW SASH AND PANEL DOORS. r Wal Side. Monument Sjuare. Sarannah, Ga. BROWN dC HARRIS, BOARDING. I.IVKRY AND SAI.ES STABLES, ' WtMT muun—J,' ORDINARY’S OFFICE, . corner of Bay and Whltaker-street*. Otllce hours from 9 A. M., to 2, P. M.; nnd from 3%, P. M. to 6, P. M. DANIEL1. df COOPER, . ATTORNEYS AND COUSSKUORS AT LAW, Atlanta, Georgia. , A. SHORT, . 0 MASTER BUILDER. a W»t taku contract* for Uulldtug and Work in Masonry of P , every description. Residence first door west of St An- t a, drew’* Hall. Broughton Street. ^ ROOFING. 8 s Tite subscriber Is prepared to lay Tin Roofs on correct prin- ) clplos.nnd from sixteen years’ ex|>erIonce, fools assured he r can give satisfaction. Prices very low. Best reference , given. J. J. MAURICE. AyGuttera and Conductors rondo to order. * M. W HIT SMITH, h ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, , “ Alligator, East Florida. Will prnctico In tlio Eastern and Southern counties. Refer / to Cel. S. S. Sibley, nnd U. U. Hilton. Esq.. Savnnnah, Ga. U J .T. W. PATTERSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, ,1 Fbrst/th. Monroe County. Ga. " J. U. IlAYNE, 0 ATTORNEY AT LAW, Scarborough. Striven County. 0 Practice* in tho Eastern and Middle Ciroults of Georgia. Jy2fl—3m S. W. BAKER, t n, ATTORNEY AND roUNSKIJJlR AT LAW. 6 Monlicello. Jclfcrson County. Florida. e. Referenco—Hon W. It. Fututgo. Savannah. Ga. feb3 f‘ ra: u. xonwoon. c. c. vmaox. NORWOOD dt WILSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Savannah. Ga., J Will practice in all tho Counties oftlieEastcrnCircuit. Bu siness committed to their care, will receive prompt niton- tlon. Office on Bay street, over Wkihtkr k 1'sr.xia*. r- vrausM it. ruotigit. Jong u. illLLKN. FLEMING A M1LI.EN. Tlio undersigned having united in tho nrnctiro of law. will “ attend punctually to any buslueasentrustwl to their care. Offico corner of Bay and Whitaker Streets, over Mossrs. Swift. Denslow k Co’s. THOMAS HUGHES HINES, ATTORNEY AND COUNSF.UX)R AT LAW, TroupviUe. Georgia, Will practise In tho Circcult Courts of Thomas. Lowndes. Clinch. Ware, Appling nnd Irwtn.Gcorgift; Hnd in the Cir cuit Court* of Jefferson, Madison amt Hamilton. * ,f Middle Circuit or FUirida.and In Ata«»’"» »"rt Cotumhla counties in tho Eastern Circuit of Florida Will nttend to _ the olulnts of all persons before tho Departments at Wash- at ington. ° GEORGE N. NICHOLS, '■ Oioent' Building, opjnfUe Pulaski House, Having made large additions to his establishment, continues l * to do BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. In his usual neat nnd f liandsomo style, nnd on ncconimodatlng tenns. *, protection insurance company, bo of IInrtfor*l, Conn. Tlio undersigned. Agents oftho above Company aro prepared to take risks against FlttKon Buildings nnd their contents n Also Mahink Ska RiSKK. on tho most favorable term*. \. BRIGHAM. KELLY it CO., Agents. ’ JOHN RUIN, AUCTIONEER AND COMM1SION MERCHANT, 163 Broad-sired. Columbus. Ga.. — Will transnet the above business In thB usual manner, snd nr pay strict attention to all consignment* entrusted to his caro. He would respectfully refer to the following pet- 00 tons: Hun. Alfred Iverson. Major John II. Howard, War- 50 hun Cromwell. Esq., IsttvisM. Durr. Columbus, Ga.; Wm. tt* R.Vonge. Abraham Backer. Savannah. Am—Juno3 EDWARD R. HARDEN, — ‘ TRANSPORTATION AGENT. W. fc A. RAILROAD, d* Ringgold. Walker County. Georgia. til TYTU.L attend to the purchasing on commission. Corn, or VV Wheat and Bacon. Tho Ringgold lionet being situa- so- teil In a region of country abounding in grain, it can usual- n- ly lie purchased upon more favorable terms than at almost any other point upon the W. k A. Railroad Orders covering the cash, with limited or discretionary instructions, will receive prompt attention. Persons order ing grain will please forward sacks with order. References—Br. Richard Wayne, Mr. Win. M. Wadly, Sa- ■ vannah. mnylO «r.Telegraphed for the Georgian, TUIUia DATS I.ATBH FKoji'aunorB. ARRIVAL OFTHE ASIA. ■ NaV YolW, Sopt, 8,41P. M. BfnrkeUs Lower gradoa would, how- tntgMoe pMMgs, ,ppl, U> CabinPauege 926 00 ■BRSteerago... ^^TOCABBLPftrA^The new tc&rTttffiEE xjjasSUNS, Capt, Do Groot, having tho larger portion of tier cargo engaged and going on board, vrllt have Immedi ate dispatch for the above port. For freight or postage ap* ply to the captain on board, at Andarson’s upper wharf, or sepU ROWLAND k CO, BOSTON^—The flrat class schooner VICTORY, ;Baker, master, will hare dispatch at above. For „ apply on board at TelWr’a whtrL or to MplO BIIIOHAM, KHAV A CO._ J&k NEW YORK_Unlon Lino.—The regular SlfltP«Vcket brig MACON, E Watkins, matter, will meet with dispatch for The above port. For freight or passage, apply to augSO H. K. WASHBURN, Agent. 100 belei Ouflny uiwb, is • Valuable Fartn Lott—At*F. ••••.•• Eleven ten acre lots,situated on Lover's lane, beings of Mlllen's farm. A plan of the lots may be <een at o_. counting room. Term*—one-third cash, balance in two equal ppnual Instalments, with intertii, and secured by martgego on property. n lAhflMi larpackot brig JOSEl'Hl^, J. Wileon, matter, will Upatch at above. For freight or passage apply on board at Johnston's wharf, or to *ug2fl BRIGHAM, KELLY k CO. BALTIMORE—Regular Line.—Tho reg- SQKular packet schooner J. W. ANDERSON, WaUon, mister, will have dispatch as above. For freight or pas. •age anply on board, at Telfair's wharf, or to BRIGHAM, KELLY & 00. K NEW YORK—oia Established Line— Tlio clipper bark FLIGHT, A. H. Calhoun, master, most of her cargo engaged, will meet with dispatch as above. For freight or passugo apply on board at Tel fair's wharf, or to aug23 BRIGHAM. KELLY 6c CO. NEW YORK—Union Line—The regular SBJtpacketachr. CHARLES MILLS, O’Neil, master, will have quick dispatch for the above port. For freight or pas- sage. apply to nug23 OGDEN k BUNKER, Ilosin was in good demand. Bales of 3,0q0 bbis 14s. 0*1. for common, and 10s. 3d. for fine, o brisk and Improving. Sales of 2,000 Sugar was quiet but Arm. Coffee unchanged. Tea LOJtWON Mo5ey MJnKKT.-Uonsol8 closed at 084; 1.0*8,'08, 1104 a illl; ditto, ’62, 109i; Penn’a jdaitlonal per Asia. New York, Sept. 9. Tho general intelligence per the ^4u'o is very dull. It is rumoredthut a portion of the Russiau forces ad ve-crossod i\c Prnth. Another rum|r stutos that a collision had occurred ctween Omar Pasha and the Russians on the Dan- b °* 1 Turkey demaitls the evacuation of tlio Principali* ies prior to berkending a minister to St. Petersburg- Prince GLUKEUenies having gone over to Russia. Lnter from California. New York, Sept. 9. Tho U. S. mal iteamslilp Star of the West, Capt. The steamship IVinfidd Scott leit San Francisco n tho 18th ult.,with over $1,000,000 in gold. The markets were quiet. The news is unimportant. Arrival of the City of Manchester. Philadelphia, Sept. 0. The British steamship City of Manchester arrived Fnll of a Fartlon of Tabln Rock. Buffalo, Sept. 9. A portion of Table Rock, at Niagara Falls, fell on orning. Tile Cotton Crop of 1832-3. Charleston, Sept. 12. James Macbeth has won the purse made up in Stcnmliont Explosion. New York, Sept. 8. The steamboat Day Sltfc, from Boston for New FARR REDUCED. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE — a^yiPMtiEfcl’HILA DELPHI A.—'Die now and aplcndld side wheel nmuishlp STATE OF GEORGIA, Capt Robert Har- die, will leave Savannah as fellow*; Wednesday, August•-....24 I Wadnesday, September ..21 Wednesday, September... 7 | Wednesday, Ootobor.. 6 This ship has been built with tho strictest regard to the safety and comfort of her passengers, and her accommoda tion* are unsurpassed. The hew ship A’eyiione Slate, will take her place In tho line early in September, nud will, with the State nf Georgia, m*\it a weekly line, leaving each port on Wednesday. Cabin passage to Philadelphia 920 00 8 00 C. A. L. LAMAR. Agent, Savannah. HERON k MARTIN. Agents, Philadelpia, BY JT. J. WALSH. At Private Sale—Grey, Hard Brown, and Brown Brick. In quantities to suit purchasers," sugJO At Private Sale—flOO bushels Tennessee Corn, In lots to suit purchasers, jnst rtcelved, nugfl Privalo Sal#,—21 barrels choiee Buirpork, In lots to suit purchasers. Landing and for sale, July 28 A Desirable Building Lot for Sals, • Lot No B, fourth trthlng, Anson ward. For particulars, Inquire at the counting room. Jyl5 At Private Bala—6 kegs Red Stone Mills Powder, 2 do Hasan! k Co’s HJU HO Powder, 18 do Dupont’s N P Pow der, fbr sale low to close a concern. iunelo Greene ana putsski Lottery. GREGORY k MAURY. Managers. Class 110, draws Wednesday, 14th instant, in this city. Sales dose at 8 o'clock,P. M. OAFTTAL. $4,168. 76 Number Lottery—12 DrawnBallots, 43“ Tickets 91—shares In proport/on. Extra Class flfl, draws at Wilmington, Del., on Saturday, 17th Sept. OAntAL. $38,000. 78 Number Loitery—12 Drawn Ballots. 49- Tickets 910—shares in projwrtion. Tickets either singly or by the package for sale In Bay lane, Savannah, Ga., next to Robinson & Camp. aep!3 E. W1TH1NGTON. auglS FOR FALATKA, E. F.. JbRcAing at Darien, Brunswick. St Marys. Jacksonville. Mid- dldiiirg, (Black Creek.) amt Picolata. r Tl'« now and superior stcampackets 8T. Capt. Jms. Fherrorn, and WILtJAM GASTON, Capt. Tuos. Slt.lW, will leave for the above places os follows: The St. Johns. <m Thursday morning. 16tl\ Inst., at 10 o'clock ; nud the Wm. Gaston, on Tuesday morning, 20th Inst., nt 10 o’clock, nnd will continue to leavo at the same hour every Thursday nnd Tuesday thereafter. Tlio latter boat carrying the United States Mail. For freight or pa«wge. having handsome stateroom accommodation*, np- jily on board, at Dillon's lower wharf, or to , J. II. GUNDY. Agent. 43“ The St. Johns will go to St. Augustino every fourth trip, commencing (leaving Savannah) on the 29th Instant. sept4 OPPOSITION LINE. r PALATKA. FU„ AND INTERMEDIATE „PLACES,—Leaves every Saturday morning -Tl e regular uteani packet WELAKA, Capt. at Tt» o’clock.—Ti e regular steam packet WELAKA. Cant“ N. King, will leave as above. For freight engagements, ap ply on board, nr to S M LAFKITKAU, Agent N. B.—The faro to Brunswick Is reduced to *4. aug26 Life Iiisnrauce. CIIAliTEIi OAK LIFE INSURANCE COM PANY, HARTFORD, CONN. Capital, and surplus over *260,000, Alfred Gill, President. Jas. C. Walklky. Sec'y. This Cora|>any will Issue Policies on the Joint Stock principle, and upon the Mutual plan, thus combining the bcnellts of both systems at the option of the Insured. The strength, ability and well invested capital oftho In stitution are, in my opinion unsurpassed by any life Insu rance Company in this Stato or Union. [L.8.] signed R G.PINNEY, Comptroller ol Public Accounts, State of Connecticut. nEraiKXCKS IN SAVANNAH. AARON CHAMPION. E-q.. Messrs. NEVITT, LATHROP k 8TF.BUINS. Rev. C. W. ROGERS. Tlio subscriber is also Age fit for the following Fire Compa nies ; Formers’Flro lnanrance Company, Granite Fire Inaarance Company. Knickerbocker Fire Insumnce Company. These Companies having a cash capital, safely invested in bond and mortgnge, are prepared to ollect Insurance against dninnge by Are,on all kinds of property on reason able terms. For Insurance in either of the above named Companies, apply to A. WILBl'R. Genera! Insurance Agent, nud Agent for tho above Companies. July 27—ly office 129 Cungress-st. Lot No, (10) Ten, rigbv trthing, Deekrr ward, and im- provemsnls in Sarannab, beTag the nroperty of- MainttM Cavanaugh. Sold by permission of the Court of Ordlnsry of Oathsm eonnty, and by order of guardian. Terms—■ One.thlrd oesh, one-third on twelve months credit,, and the remslnder on two years credit, with interest from der of ssle. Paymsnt secured by mortgage on the property. Purchaser paying toy all neceesavy papers. Mp? Administrator's Sate. On Tuesday, the 20th Instant, at 11 o’eloek, will be sold, at the Thistle House. Drayton street < Ail the perishable property belonging to the estate of James Ronaldson, deceased. Sold by permlisiOfl of the Court of Ordinary for Chatham county, and by ordar of the administrator, (or the benefit of the heirs and ereditors «f aald estate. Terms cash. a«p9 On THURSDAY, 13th October, at 11 o’clock, wiM he sold, All the Household and Kitchen Furniture belonging^ the estate of 8. J. Chasels, deceased. Sold by order of the Executrix, for benefit of heirs, ke. ee8 ' Prime White Com at private sale—Just received in etu e, and for sale in lots to suit purchasers. Terms cash. ' llosendsle Cement—Landing per schr North State. 100 bbis Rosendsle Hydraulic Cement, for sale low. New England Rum—Now landing per schr Cataract, from Providence, 60 bbis N. E. Rum, for sale tow, auglT Valuable Building Lots at Private Sale—Lot No. 18, MO*/ tnlnlng 120 by 60 feet, situated on Gulnnett-streot; also, Lot No. 14, containing 00 by 120 foot, situated on tna not ner or Drayton and 1-amar-streets. If not previously dla- K sed of by private sale, the above lots will he sold at pub- auction in front of the court house, on Tuesday, flih of September next. Terms at sale. augfl - . RosendaleOemenl—Now landing per schr Oataract, 100 bbl* Hydraulic Cement. maylT Improved Essencoof Coffee,—We have just received from the manufacturers In Philadelphia, and will continue (o keep on hand for sale, Augustus Hummel’s Improved Eg- scnce of Coffee. Tills is the best composition of Coffee ever offered for sale, and Coffee made from the Essence Is much wore wholesome, more delicate, finer flavored and colored, perfectly clear, and In every respect superior to the finest Bio Coffee, and in use will prove a nett saving 76 per cent over Coffco prepared in the ordinary manner. Try it and see If it docs not. may!2 . UNITED STATES MAIL LINE, New York and Sn-rannolx Bteamibl] $500 Challenge- IlOBENSACK'S WORM SYRUP. i N article founded upon scitntillc principles.compound- Jl ed with purely vegetable substances, being perfectly fe whon.taken, and lias fietvr >ecn known to fail in curing e most obstinate cases. Wirms can never exist whon Tho Tape Worm. Tills worm is the most diliicut to destroy of all that in- OPPOSITIONLINE. Chance of Departure—ilir Balalka. Flo,, and all the interme diate landings on Ihe route. The suporior now Stcam.packetWEI.AKA, „Captain N. Kino, will, until further notice, leave every Saturday, at 10 o’clock. A. M. Rato of Passage iu large, airy State Rooms, as follows: To Darien $3 00 I To Picolata *6 00 St. Marys 4 60 Patatka BOO Jacksonville 6 00 I Black Creek....8 00 N. B.—Freight consigned to R. R. Duke, for Ocala, will be re-slilppeil free of all charges at Palntka. For freight or passage apply on board at the Charleston Steam Packet Company’s wharf, or to BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Days of Leaving Savannah for New York. Hie Augusta, Capt. Lynn Saturday, Sept, S The Florida Capt. Woodhull,.. .Saturday, '• 10 Tlio Alabama,.... .Capt. Ludlow Wednesday, M 14 Thoso ships are the largest on the coast, unsurpassed In speed, safety or comfort—making their passages In 60 to 60 hours, and are commanded by skilful, careful and polite of* fleers. They offer a moat desirable conveyance to New York. On the completion of the Knoxville In the antumn, this line will be semi-weekly—sailing each Wednesday and Saturday. Cabin pnssago 926. Steerage, 99. PADELFORD, FAY & Co., Agents (n Savannah. 8AM'L L. MITCHELL, Junu6 18 Broadway, New York. CO. 20 baskets pints, for sale by A. BONAUD r.-JSSsSMJV’ °f bushel, each, of l« “**" R !«i ‘a toU to suit purchasers. [fate— T. J. WALSH. 170 Bay U teiitd h *’*‘ P rl, ne New Orleaoa Molasses, re- . m‘tore snd for sale by _ (WDEN ft bunker. ■In casks, hail'casks and boxes, for sale jyj 3 A. BONAUD, S'fcM^r 250 Brop «nd Buck Shot. 10,000 Hyson Tea. 26 boxes I^»a4(o r aale^br d °^°' 1 <1 °' 20 Shoulders, HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO. MUfW NEW WHEAT.—60 f U!> y nRr Alabama; also. 30 whole I iqft ““ UmI, fresli ground. Tor snlo by IStojrtQ JOEOOMBB, JOHNSON « w . I •eS b,wl *?7 Mtr * ell ° ICe P ° rl ° 111,50 8ug&r ’ tonding n. Holcombe, Johnson & co. 'I 10100 8hou,dor *. f “>er state of Georgia, nnd for salo by mcmahon k doyle. drills, coatings, cottonadcs, gauzo fiannots, gents aud boy’s linen and cotton half hose, ladles’ silk, cotton and thread hose, gauze morinos, silk vests. Ac., for sale Uy may6 DkWITT k MORGAN. ■uatity.for ORGAN. B "UTTER AND CHEESE.—lust received per steamer Au gusta, 6 kegs choico Goshen Butter, 10 casks Dairy Checeso. for salo by DAVID O’CONNOR, augl7 • Corner Broughton and Drayton-strcets. NCHOVY PASTE, French Mustard, Capers, Sardines nnd Olives, for sale by Juno24 A. BONAUD. M olasses.—200 bbla primeN. 0. artlvo. Apply to aug20 Molasses, for sale to OGDEN k BUNKER. C IDER.—25 boxes Cham page Ctdor, a very choico article landing from atcamer State of Georgia’, for sale by JylO HOLCOMBE, JOHNS3N k CO. L INEN _ COATS"AND PANTS—An additional' supply ro celved aud for sale at 147 Bay street, by mil PRICE k VEADER. 1IONNKTSI HON NETS!! c res just received at tlio TRIMMING AND ■GENERAL VARIETY STORE, 139 Broughton-st.— _ Country .Vcrchnnts Milliners, nnd tho public goner- ally’uie invited to examine tills stock. It consists of 50 different styles olalwrately trimmed, Parisian, blnnd. gimp, rich oulnred silk, satin, crape and other choice and much; fiats and hats, embroidered satin hoods; a great variety of crauu embroidered Wood * v -- ,'T^*ce slianes. extra rich spring bonnet ribbons, straw trlmraiii h . do w)l : tu nn j colored Inco. gimps and gnl- Ioous, do do kTi^,., uiatiile*. i« ,aln ‘‘"w. shell and other combs, liair curls and plaits, ribbon plaits, flowers, featliors and wreathes, tmnnei silks, jet snd fancy wristletts. buttons, steel trimmings, zephyr worsted, braid, fans, with a great variety of other goods usually kept iu fancy establishments. Smoking caps; sltpjiers. children’s habllincnts. such as robos. sacks marked with new patterns for braiding. Mrs. I Kivu, assisted by competent niUtnora from New York, will attend to the trimming department, and will en deavor, with skill and taste, to please all who may favor her with orders. Fancy and other bonnots cleansed, bleached and pressed. Pinking done. j Five bonnet makers wanted immediately, who must perfectly understand their business. npl30 »P un . k “51 jpply of ||2 3-4 and 4-4 Brown Home- AIKEN k BURNS. C ORN AND OATS—For sslo to arrivo. Apply to nugfl OGDEN & BUNKER. F ' LOUR AND BISCUIT—200 bbis Baltimore and Georgia Flour, 60 do Hiram 3mith’s do, 100 boxes Rutter, Soda and Sugar Biscuits, for sale by sel MoMAHON 6c DOYLE. mcmahon & doyle | “""S'* U«" f ™“ «w ■I --HI — scll<> fax- JOHMSTOM100. hr* '« m&'Sdi b " orid *> Him* Urn. TBSfcffir--, A HOSAUD. fcjJSL ?e<1 ' * lot ® n8 Ihuns. for sale hy A ' BONAUD. iiW T OD5M5rib r tti eb y etorrn^r-- W. W. OOODRTCn. Falkirk’s Ale, for W, W. Goodrich. KitoxssChS^WIns and tubs Goshen But- r *««'Ted per steamer Augusta, snd ,. Mcmahon k Tkjyle. »to by — MoMAHON k DOYLE. • * riMlro »«r!Sth' JtAn ' R cook > wuh ' n >-^5»y31 girl child aged 6 years. Ai ’ WYLLY fc MaNTMOLUl,. *1 n jtdy2/ M ”wvi 88 Boflinoer by trade.— 1 P J *Y k MONTMOIJJN. j WYLI.Y 6c MONniOLUN. D ACON SIDES AND BEEF.—10 casks choice Bacon Sides: Jj 20 half bbla. Fulton Market Beet for sale by Ml MoMAHON k DOYLE •nUTTER, CHEESE AND FLOUR.-80 kegs Goshen But- " tor, 60 boxes do Cheeao, 66 bbla Hiram Smith’s and Genesee Flour, received per steamer, and for sale by 3CRANTON, JOHNSTON k i J U8T RECEIVED—In store and for sale, 800 bbis Tliom- . 600 bushel* white Corn. 200 do Maryland oaU,100 bundles Northern Hay. Apply to augflO—lm Z. N. W1WKLEB. Williamson’s building^/ M- H ARPER’S MAGAZINE—The September number or Hit per • Magaxlne, an excellent number, received aid ior *ale by 8. S. SIBLEY, ; 185 Congress-street. REALE8TATB FOR SALB ORLUASB, T HE subscriber offers ior sale, a number of Building Lota In Oglethorpe Town, near ihe contemplated rnUroad depot. He will also lease, for a terra of five, ten, firteon or twenty years, a number of other lots In the vicinity of the above. Junelfl—law6m A. WEBB. TO UAUPRHTRKS, CONTRACTORS, AND builders. rTWE cheapest establishment in tho southern country for JL tho ssle of sashes, doors, blinds and wooj Mouldings, of every variety, Is at the corner of Calhoun and Washing- ton streete, Charleston, S. O. All my work Is made of the best seasoned white pine, and tyo sashes are glased In tho very neatest manner. CU-PARTBHSIIIP NOTICE. The undersigned have associated themselves to gether, under the name and style of Murphy kDe- vanny, for tho transaction of general Boot and .Shoe business, having the stand on the corner of Congress snd Wliltaker-streets, formerly' occupied by M Prendergast. They are now prepared toolfer to their friends and the public, a well selected stock of Ladles’ and Gentle men’s noots, Shoos, &c., which they will sell cheap for cash. J3y MURPHY k DEVANNY. Us DRY FEET PRESERVES THE HEALTH.—Just received, a few case* water-proof Boot* • also, a lot of thick pegged Boots, together with a fine **• _ , sorlment or Gentlemen’s and Ladies' over Shoes, some of a new and approved style, which will bo sold at low priro*. hy R. FLANIGAN k OO., 100 Bryan-street. All in want will ploaso coll and Judgofor themselves, ftoll .. DANIEL OROMLAY, m FASHIONABLE BOOT MAKER—Comerof Brough- ■(on and Bull-streets.—iTlio subscriber desires to In- ■ form tho piihllctliatbe has opened as above, where Y he is prepaml to execute orders for Boots of the finest finish and style, and equal, If not superior to any heretofore offered to tho public.. Having many friends in thlsState who have been his patrons In Charleston, respect, fully solicits from them nnd the public a call and atrial mhl7 1IU HAMS AND SMOKED BEEF—5 bbis Pig Hams, and l 8 do 8moked Beef, for saio by A. BONAUD. THRESH CONGRESS WATER—Direct from the springs and T recently bottled, now landing and for sale by auglfl WM, W. LINCOLN, Monument Square. B UTTER AND CHKFS&—25 firkin* choice new Butter, M boxes Cheese, received end for *ale by - June12 MoMAHON k DOYLE. E atntx OAllNTUTfS —Just received an assortment, w sorted colors and fine quality. forMleby , j Jyl4 PRirK M VEADER, 147 Bay at. ‘C'OR SALE-A man 88 yMn old, a .bou»i_re»Twrt «ai _ ’ODffiicii'd with this nw» use uf my Worm .Syrup rec times n day. then take from five to r Pill* to disludgo nnd pas* the worm. By Round or Stomach Worm. Tills worm is usually found in thesmull intestines.nnd is lie worm in»<tt common to diildren, yet it is not entirely ...nil,.tin t,i them, ns adults have frequently been known to ,alter witli them. The symptoms most prominent while awe. a Idueish streak under the eyes. Am. if you.or any ol our children Imvo any of the n’lmve symptoms. Holien- nek’s Worm Syrup can safely be depended upon—hy using t you have a certain, xafo and sjiccdy cure; and If after isiiig it according to Hie directions the patient is not re- tored to health.nnd the worms thoroughly eradicated from lie system, you can rest assured there is no remedy beyond he grave, iw for fall, there is no such word ns fnil with those who use my Worm Syrup. Aacnrlcles, or Small Tlirrntl Worms. Those worms, to which tho human sytein is liable, nro. ost troublesome of all others. They nrc generally lo lie . tnn<l In the rectum, and If allowed t« remain, from the Ir ritation they produce, lay the foundation for serious disnr dors, such us inllnmmntion of tho bowels, and other de* rangements of tlio stomach. Hie best and safest medicine Hint can be used is llubensnck's Worm syrup. Such is tho astonishing power of my medicine* over Ascnrndios. that 1 defy any one to produce a case where my Worm Syrup anil I.Ivor Pills are recommended to be used they will not euro. All that is necessary Is to use tlio svrup In accord ance with directions eu each bottle; and in care u gentle purgative Is required la order to allay tho Irritation they duen. tho Liver Pills, by their sympathising action nnd Uby operation upoz the bowels, is the most pleasant medicine that cun lie taken. PILLS. No part of-the systeia is more liablo to disease than the being supplied with numerous blood vessels nnd nerves, and if diseased, the blood of course flowing thro' all parts of tho body, produces liver complaint*, jaundice, bilious affections,dy*p'psln. Arc Liver Complnlnt, I* attended with chills, succeeded by fever, severe pain in tile region nf the liver.vomiting bitter laste, yellow furred tongue, pulse full and bounding, the pain In the ride l* in creased by pressure, should the left lobe be affected, tho pain is generally In the left shoulder, with a short dry cough, the skin becoming of a ssllow appearance, and the stools clay colored. This disease cun be cured hy tho use of IIo- bensack’* Liver Pills, a* they net directly upon tho *eat of thtylhenso. and then ojicrating upon tho bowels they ex pel all the corrupt nnd vitiated ina tor from the system. «.... P ,om*ot jiyimejSjJuanuu.i • .. •_ «... • S. M. LAFFITEAU, Agent. UNITED STATES MAIL LINK. Fbr Palatka. E.F..via Darien, Brunswick. St. Marys, Jackson ville. Middleburg, Black Creek and l'icoMa. f Tite superior Steam Packet WM. GASTON, Ti TlSnit Ev? ■ ^ F* T, K.SnAW, will leavo on Tuosdny Morn ing, at 10 o’clock, and will continue to leave every Tuesday, Tlio Rates of Pnssago by this Boat, areas follows: To Darien qo St. Marys... 4 60 Jacksonville s 00 Picolata 8 00 Pnlatk* 8 00 Black Creek 8 00 For freight or passage, npply on board at the Charleston Steam Packet wharf, or to mny31 Cl, Ai .HORN k CUNNINGHAM. Agents. W ATIfill^CUliEilNSTlTUT^ItlllLEKlJUK- D VILI.E, GEORGIA. ,'ij j ^ toke* pleasure in announcing toinvn- lids nnd the public generally, that the above popular and superiorly appointed establishment, formerly con-’uct- ed by 1. Caklto.v Coylk. M D.. Ih now ready for the recep- tlon c.r patients seeking a restoration to health. All chronic diseases of tho human organism successfully treated at this Institute; dyspepsia, gout, rheumatism, constIpatinn. hemorrhoids or piles, hemorrhages, amen- errhocn. munorrheea. dysmenorrha-a,fluor albus. genital dis- pliMemenls.nffnctionK of the eyes nnd ears, tetter, ery- Mite las and all chronic diseases of the skin and scalp, scro fula, dropsy. Syphlll*, nud tho humoral diseases g nernl- ly. neuralgia, sciatica, tic douloureux, hysteria, epilepsy ° r KtS" 8 ''“tsss.s.Wto.niAwWitato and oSwels. atrophy, and indeed every posulblo habit of, or citron c diseased action that Is curable—and all diseases are curable. If no organic lesion be present. Tlio Indies’ Department is under tho immediate supervi sion of Hint accomplished ladv, Sirs. J.tXK Mstthkws. so well known to tlio old nntrotisof tlm establishment Tiro facilities which this institution offers for the prosecu tion of a strictly hydropathic nnd hygienic course of treat ment. together with its easiness of access from all points in Georgia, nnd tho adjoining States, renders it peculiarly adapted to the wants of invalid*, desirous of availing them selves of tlio efficacy of tho water-cure. The purity of the wnter and accommodations for guests, nro too well known to need comment. In fitting up the establishment no expense has been spar ed that could conduco to make it one of the most desirable places of resort for invalids in tho Unitod States. Patient* will be required to furnish their own out-fit.— These will consist of friction sheets nnd towels, compresses, and blankets, for sudorific purposes. All of which can be purchased here on the moat reasonable terms. Tkukb—IWewlnnal attention, use of hath*. &c . *10 per week—board S5 per week—payable monthly. Servants hoarded and treated for $10 per week. All letters of inquiry promptly answered. jur.eO WATCHES, JEWELRY, And Fhncy Goods. _ RECEIVING by every arrival of the 8tenmers fresh Ions, ranking tho best assortment In this city, of nil kinds of Watches. Jowelry. Fancy Goods, Silver S|ioons, Forks, Pitchers, Tea Sets, Cups, Syphons, Plated Castors, and overy variety of articles connected with our line of business; nil oi which will bo sold as low as in any city In the Union, D. B. NICHOLS. Ay- Particular attention given to the Repairing of Watch* es nnd Jewelry. no 20 NEW JEWELRY, FINE WATCHE8,«Sic7 Mi THE undersigned Is now oponlng a splendid assort- Ilf’ ment of rich JEWELRY, embracing tho recent patterns VK* of Ear-rings, Pins. Bracelets nnd Finger-rings, ntnong jf which are some fine diamond setting*,from 910'to 2500. Also, twonty-five sets of those unique Pearl Sets ofKar- r£y rings and Brooches, from *18 to *125 tho set. newest uV and rarest patterns; together with a very select assort- ” ment of extra fine Watches set in jtearl. diamond, hun ting and plain cases. These, with a further assortment o1 good Jewelry. Sterling Silver Sets, Spoorfs, Forks, Ladles, Cups. Ac., nnd Plated Ware of all kin-**. Fancy Work Boxes, Dressing Cnses. Folios, Clocks. Bronze Figures, gold mount ed Canes. Cuttlery. Ao. renders his assortment very com plete. and unsurpassed In tho state, either In qualityor pri ce*. ' D. B. NICHOLS. *3“ Strict attention paid to repairing wntchus. clocks, and Jewelry. nnW PHILADELPHIA AND SAVAN* ^|£§$rit NAU STEAM NAVIGATION CO. TnarTT The new and splendid side-wheel Steamship —WW»STATE OF GEORGIA, or 1.200 tens register, Captain WiLUSM Comas, haa commenced her Regular Trip*, and will leave Ssvsxssh on Wednesday, the 18th day of Vny, and every alternate lYxnNWUATthereafter 5 say on the 1st. 16tl> and 29(h of Juno, and 13th July, and so on. Cabin Passage to Philnde-phia $26 00 “ “ through to New York 26 00 Steerngo" 0 00 This Ship hn sheen built with entire regard to safety, com? fort nnd dispatch, and nffora new and admirable facilities t* nmy!7 PIANO FORTE DEPOT. THE undersigned respectfully Inform the [citizens of Savannah, Georgia and Florida, that thoy have on hand more than' fifty Pianos, tho largest stock ever on *nle in this city, and made by the most celebrated manufacturer* In the United States. Nunns & Clark. T. Chlckering. Boardmnn k Gray, Lolght k Nowton. Edward* k Fisher, all woll known to the lovers of Music, have placn In their large assortment.— These Pianos are of rich tone, and beautifully finished In Rose Wood, Black Walnut.and Mahogany, with Iran frame* made in the most substantial and workmanlike ntanuer.— Also tbejustly celebrated AJollan Piano Fortes, which for their sweetness of tono have not been equalled. All these instruments have metalicframes which render thorn poculi. arly suited for tnl climate, preventing necessity of tuning foryears. Tiiounderslgned aro Agents for nenrlHerz’s. celobrated Grand Pianos, made in Pnris. For Power and beauty of toue, they stand pre-eminent. Carhart’8 MioomoNS.—’Tills beautiful toned wind instru- ment.manufnctured by Carliarl k Needham. N. Y..for village purposes. lodges,Serenading Parties, nnd tho private prac tise of Organists, possessing a sweet nnd powerful tone, thoy have also for sale. All these instruments will bo on tho most accommodating term*. Tho price* or tho PL nnoa ranging from *176 to *1,006 Tw ,„r.u,e:uo Fortes, are always supplied with an as sortment of these favorite and Justly celebrated instru ments. For durability they enn bo fully warranted, whilst their superiority oftone and touch Is evident and acknowl edged by tho most casual observer, os well as tho critical connoisseur. Tlio ladles are respectfully invited to rlow these instruments. An arrrnngemont having been effected with ono of our most eminent Pianists for the purpose, they can also bo ennblcd to Judge of the tone. F.ZOGUAUM fc CO..Market-square. Second hand Pianos taken lu excliango, also tuned and repaired. Jol7 CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY. OLge®/- CaRRIUKA BUGGIES AND SULKIES.—A jEpiSggQ general assort meet. Just received.—Tho sub- scrlCers are now prepared to offer to tho public. Carriages, Plimtons, Buggies. Carryall*. Ac. fresh from some of the most popular Establishments, nnd Builders at the North. The selections were mndc by ono of the firm, with strict reference to tho requirements of this market. They are determined to keep only such articles In tlioir line, ns they can confidently recommend and warrant, feel ing nssured that they will be sustained in offering a hotter nnd finer class of work, than has been usually kept In tills market. The Public nro most respeef fully requested to call, exam ine, and satisfy themselves, whether they nro in earnest, by an examination of their stock 4HJ-* All kinds of Ror.a'ring done ns heretofore. L.H. BENNETT k CO., July 31 Corner West Broad nnd Bny-sls. PARTICULAR NOTICE. BF.I.DEN k CO.. Savannah, miner nf Broughton ami Barnard-streels. NT] To I’LAJiTKIlH. MKUCUA.VTS AM* OTHKtlS VISlTIX(l|pCW| /tLL^.tVA.VN-.ui to lav iv Titian siTPiJW.—Tho uniler-§^3 signinl would call particular attention to their exten- slvc wholesale and retail HAT AND CAP ESTABLISHMENT. Our goods nrc mostly of our own manufacture, and can therefore be sold cheaper, because they are not burtliened with jobber’s profits, while for quality and style thoy will compare with anything in the market. Having permanently located in Savannah, wo aro deter mined to secure patronngo by selling good bargains, denting fairly with all men, and cross-lifting with nono. We are in league with no Shoe, Clothing or other establishment, eith er for mutual benefit, or for the purpose of koeplng custom- ers away from thoso houses where they can buy cheapest. Wo.expcct overy customer t.i Judge for himself, and if we cannot suit him, will take pleasure in referring him tooth ers who can. BEI.DEN & CO , Jan27 Cr. Broughton and Barnard-st. - I - ., various diseases are dlzllwes* In the head,he*rurarn,opprc8*it> u «ri ftr eating meals, soumoss arising from tho stomach, kc . ana so..., times general languor of the whole hotly, from this it will bo seen that the disease owes its origin to a disorganized state of the Liver ami Stomach. Hobcnsack’s l iver Pills is the very medlclneto effett a permanent nnd Insting cure, as they act by changing tho certain morbid actions of tbs system into a healthy action, and rendering the blood pure and heal I by. To Female*. You will flml these l’llls »n Invaluable medicine In many comulalnts to which you are subject. In obstructions either total or partial they have been found of inestimable bene fit In restoring nnd purifying the blood nnd other fluids *0 as to cure all complaints which may arise from female Ir regularities. as headacho, dimness of sight, pain in tho side, back, Ac. These Plllsate tho only safe and effectual reme dy to cure the following complaints. Gout, Nervousness, Melancholy, Sick Headache. Giddiness, Rheumatism, dis tressing Dreams, Dimness of Sight, or in fact any of the dis eases that arise from affections ol the Liver, impurity of the U1 od,or constipation of the Bowell. Medical Evidence We, the unudersigned Physicians, having had the rceipt of their manufacture submitted to us for Inspection,say, that the Ingredients of which they are composed makes them the best Pill in uso for sll diseases of tho Liver, lm- puritiose the Blod, Ac. GEORGE WOOD, M. D. F CROWLEY, M D. L. BOWEN. M. D. 4TTPurchn*o nono but those having the signature “J. N. !IOBENSACK,”as all other* »re worthless imitations. Agents wishing new supplies, and all other* wishing to become agents, must address tlio Proprietor^. N. HOREN* SACK, nt nls Laboratory,No. 120North Sccond-Htrect,above Race. Philadelphia. Sold^ty all^Druggists and Merchants In the U. S. LAND IN MeINTOTH COUNTY FOR SALE. aw# Tho Plantation known as Abdock, immediately on Jfffiffitthe west side of the Savannah rood seven mile* from ***-Darion, containing eleven hundred and forty suven acres or pine and hammock land-of which near two hun dred and fifty acres are cleared and under fence. The ham mock lands are of a superior quality for cotton, corn, Ac., and tho pine lands woll adapted to turpentine. Them are negro houses and other buildings upon the plantation. There is a water course within five tulles over a good road. For terms, apply to E W. DxLEGAL, augl7—w3m South Newport. Ga The Raloigh Register will publish the alwre once a weok for three muntlis, and forward bill to Georgian office MULES.— 1 Twenty fine mules, tho largest ever brought to this market, arrived this day from Kentucky, and are for sale at Warner k Honker’* iStables, WcsPBrogd street, HORSES.—Fifty heed of fine Harness *sd Saddle [Hones for sale, to arrive In Savannah by the 1st of a Atocmg them are twanty Iran and dappls greys— r-alsoltwenty fine Moto. JACOB ELUSION. CRANE X RODGERS H AVE In store, nnd offer for salj on accommodating terms, tho following, viz: 20 hltds Porto Rico Sugar. 10do Muscovado do, 10 do N Orleans do, 60 bbl* crashed do. 60 do refined A B and C do. 26 hltds Cuba Molasses. 100 bbis N O Svrup. 60 do New York do, 200 lings Rio Coffee, 60 do Java do, 26 hltds Racon Side*. 10 do do Shoulders, 100 half bhls Lard. 600 sacks Salt, 100 boxes Soap.various brands, 100 do fancy do, for toilet use. auglO $1,000 DOLLARS A YEAR|FOR 91. A FINE CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY —M. J. Cock ad vertise* a business, adapted to both sexes, and yielding a profit or from 600 to 2,000 per r#nt. for fI. Dr. Reese «o "«rti*es that he will send *!•„««fudge of a useful dlscov- ery flu •*. «-j mitcn any person can make *60 per month. Professor Williamson advertises two new discoveries, in uni versal demand, which lie proposes to send for *2, with which a great many who have availed themselves of it have made from *8 to *14 per day. H. P. Cherry haa a business which requires no capital, and can be followed by any one. by which a great many who have tried itare tunning from *76 to *100 ;ier month. We gnre him *8 for the instructions. We havo a business of our own invention, by which any person can mako a good tiring, without much labor. We will forward all the above Information upon the receipt of a single dot. lar, post-paid, addressed t<> ANDERSON, A CXI.. attg29—w4 Box 202 Circlerillago. Pickaway Co„ Ohio. rfirffe PIAWO PORTE si THE subscribers solo no, Co’*,, aud Jonn 11. GROCERIES, &c. C OFFEE—150 bags prime llio, 75 do, Jamaica, 60 do. Java. Sl’flAR—10 hltds Porto Rico. 10 do. St. Croix. 6 do. Now Orleans. ]00 bids Crashed, Powdered, and Clarlfiod. Molaspbs—26 hlids Cuba. 75 bhls New Orleans. Futvu—16Q bid* Baltttnoro,76 do. Canal.60 do. Hiram Smith’*. Bacon—15 casks Philadelphia Hams, 600 Baltimore Bagg ed. 30 Ithds Sides. 20 do. Shoulders. Broomr—40 dozen, painted handles. Buckets—200 dozen, painted. Soap. Can hum am* Stahcii—60 boxes No. 1 nnd Family Soap. 60 do. Palo do, 76 do. Adamantine Candles, 25 do. Sperm. 26 do. Star, 160do. Patent Mould do., 40 whole and half boxes Starch. Tobacco—350 pltgs various brand* anti qualities. I.KMO.V SYHUP. An.—60 boxes Lemon Syrup. 10 cases Wal- nnrinnd Tomato Cntsop. 10 do. Brandy Peaches. Rojikhtic Ltqi’OKs—76 bid* Phelps’ Gin. 60 do. N. E. Hmn. 76 do. Rectified Whisky. 30 do. Extra Mid Monongahela do. Wtsnt—20 quarter disks pure Malaga, 8 do. choice Ma deira. Received, and for sale by jyl5 McMAHON a DOYLE. ■CLOUR.—26 bbis If. Smith. 30 do Canal. 20 half bids do. landing from steamer Anr ustn. nnd fur sale by C. A. L. LAMAR. Agent. Savannah HERON A MARTIN. Agents, Philadelphia, FOR PHILADELPHIA—FARE REDUCED, 71* tail an Saturday Afternoon, June 11(6, at 4 o'clock. PJjjSw. Tho flno side-wheel steamship OSPREY, 1000 * tlnR ■’urttten. J. Bknnkit. commander, will leava as pet annoxd achodulo every other Saturday. FROM (IIARLBiTOX, FROM nULADKLrtlll, June 11 June ,.26 July 9 July 23 August...,. 6 August 20 June 4 June 18 July 2 July V July 30 August 13 August 27 Sept 10 Sept 24 October.... 8 October.... 21 November. 6 Nnvember.19 December.. A :.»16 Sept 17 October... 1 October.. .15 October., Novembcr..l2 . .. Novemher. 2(1 . September.. 31December..10 , Cabin passage..,,., Steerngo o Through tickets to New York 17 Tills ship has been thoroughly overhauled and furnished with now hollers, nnd a Inrge and elegant dining saloon on deck, with every arrangement Hint can add to the comfort ofpnssenger*. In Philadelphia, tilts "hip occupies the snmo wharf a* th* Liverpool steamship* City of Glasgow nnd City of Manches ter. at tho foot of Queen street, and Central wharf, Charles ton. Freight on all perishable article* must be pro-paid. For freight or pawtngo, apply to H. F. BAKER k CO., .Accommodation wharf. Charleston. SAMUEL T. PERCF- Jtino7 Agent, Philadelphia. Ji^ UNITED STATES MAIL I.INK. ^atrdBHLTli ro u gh in 60 to 65 hours.— Arto York and ■StTWlSfflh Charleston Steam Packers-leave Adger's KSfirvUiih 1 IEJJ Whnrves every Saturday Afternoon, and each alternate Wednesday. On Saturday the new and splendid Steamships JAMES ADGKR. Captain J. Dickinson, 1,600ton* MARION. Captain M. Bkkky. 1.20C tons. SOUTHERNER. Captain W. Foktkr, 1.000 tons, will lear* each altermate Wednesd y, having been newly coppered and guards raised, Is now in complete order. For freight or passage, having oli'gnnt state room accom modations, apply at the office of the Agent. ‘ * ; . HENRY M1WHOOW / Uoriter Kut Bay and Adget 010011s WnirfM. N. n.—A now ship will he pUced in tho line to connect with tho Southerner on Wednesday*. foblO Zr&iUNITED STATE S'M AIL STB AW ISABEL, William Rolunb. Commandot between Savannah, Key tVest and Havana, connectla- with tlio the Pacific Mail Steamship Company’aline for Cal. ifornia. This splendid sea steamship will hereafter leave Savanna for Key West and Havana, on the 16th. and 80th of each month, nnd from Hnvnnn for Savannah on the 8th and 22J of each month. The Isabel will connect at Havana with tho U. 8. Mall Steamship Company's lino to Aspinwall,and tho Pacific mail lino from Panama to California Bnd Oregon. Passengers will he landed at tlio railroad wharf at Aspin. wall free. Transit nt the Isthmus at tho passengers’ ex* pense. Tho Lute! will also connect nt Havana with the U.8. mall Steam C7>m|*nny's lino at Now Orleans. Tickets for Key West and Havana can be had of COHENS flr HERTZ. Agents at Savannah Ticket* for New Orleans, Aspin wall andSan Francisco, can he had by applying to * MOBDECAI k CO , Agents. Charleston jan!3 UNITED STATEN MAIL, From Macon, Gn.,to TnUMutsaee, Fla. Bailroad to Oglethnrji—Stages to 1hllahasser, ggifEJ rsnss commenced on the fltli Inst., running tiiree times a week via. Newton. Balnhrldge. and Qulucy. and tiiree tlm-js a week via. Thomnsville, Duncnnsville. kc. Passengers l*y this route will leave Macon at half pa it 0 o’clock, A. M.. by Bailroad for Oglethorpe. Tite Stage* leaving Oglethorge either way at 11 o’clock, arriving at Tnl* luhasxee, atlO o’clock on the evening oftho next day—tlroa by either route 36 hours. Monday, Wedne*<lny and Friday, by Newton. Bainbridg* and Quincy, to Talialmssee returning, leaves Tallahassee on Sutulays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, nt 10, I\ M. On Tuesday*. Tlutriulnys. nnd Saturdays, by tho way of augS " HolJ’OMBK JOHNSOjf k CO. , -* - B AREGESTand Grenadines, organdie and jaconet muslTn's VsTtin' roul ° 0U MonJa i ,8 > Wednesdays Scotch nnd French gin-.hams. lawns and French cam- TRi-nnn-l. li-Hn, <’i-trii.L^ *,.t. 11- t.rtne n-nrmt nn.t ntnin K i.i.t , ‘'jrpugtiiront u.riotliornetoTall.iltansco by either route in J6 hours—from Maeon In 88—and from Savannah in 60 WINDOW GLASS. P PORTER’S ALKALINE WINDOW GLASS, is superior in brillinncy of surface and polish to all other, and never stslns or rusts; withstands all climates, and ts packed with great care, suitable for shipping. Dealers and othrrs will consult their interest by sending their orders to the sole agents. FRENCH k RICHARDS. aug20—dfim Now Drug Warehouse, N. W. corner 10th and Market-sts.. Philadelphia. brics. figured nnd plain Swiss muslins, plaid cambric nnd India mulls, nnd othor stylus of dress .oods.for sale at the lowest prices, by np!5 DkWITT k MORGAN H AY.—100 bales prlmo North River llay, daily expected per schr Cataract, for sale In arrivo by jum»28 imiOH.VMBLLV k CO S UGAR—'75 hlids fair In choico N O Sugar. 10 do Musco vado do 10 do prime to choice Porlo Rico do, 50 bbis Ftewnrt's refined C Sugar; for sale hr augi: WEBSTER k PALMES. C 10RNF.D BEEF, HAMS, *c.—Jnst received 10 half and 8 / hbls Geo Haws' Corn»d Beef. 100 small size sugar-cured Hams. 3 hlids Bacon Shoulders. 10 bbl* leal Lard nnd 5 do bleached Whale Oil, and fur sale by DAVIB O’CONNER, augl7 cor. Broughton and Drnyton-strecta. B ACON SIDES.—60 IiIiJm prime Bacon Sides, jnst rcceiv ed and for sale by June22 CpllEN & FOSDICK piJCQUOT CHAMPAGNE.—60 baskets of this very mute. \J rlor wine, whose renutetion is unequalled where It is familiarly known, now landing per steamer Alnbnmn, nnd for sale by PADELFORD. FAY & CO . junel Agents forSavannab. W HITEWASH BRUSHES. Sweeping nrooms. Dusters, Scrubs. Popes Heads and Eyes, Scrubbing, Shoo and Loy Brushes, for sale by JylO J P. COLLINS. D OMESTIC LIQUOR.—160 l»bls New Orleans Rectified Whisky. 100 do E Phelps' Northern Gin, 40 do P k II Connecticut River Rye do, 76 do Luther Felton and Pure Boston Rum, 40 do Domestic Brandy, 20 qunrtor and 20 eighth cask" 4th proof do. 30 bbis superior old Monongnhc- la Whissy, 60 do do Rye do, 400 gross old Georgia l'each Brandy, for salo by _mhl4 SCRANTON. JOHNSTON k CO. [ty| OCRING BIRD CAGES.—Just received por steamer LVJ. another lot of these Spring Door Mocking Bird C«f es. For salo by July 27 J. P COLLINS. F INE WHITE slliRTS.—Just received a new assortment. Also a new supply of colored shirts. For salo hy July81. PRICE k VEADER. C '” ORN AND n/lUR —300 bag* Corn. and 60 hbls Flour, landing per schr Satllla and for sale by augl4 _ BRIGHAM, KELLY k CO._ C EMENT.—60 bbis Hoffman’s Hydraulic Cement, landing and for sale by nugl3 BRIGHAM, KELLY k CO. H AY.—26 bales Eastern Hay. for snlo to arrive, by aug4 BRIGHAM. KELLY k CO. B AGGING, ROPE, kc—76bal?s Gunny aoth.400 coiU Kentucky Ropo, 3000 do Twine. For salo low by auglfl CRANE * RODGERS. hours, Bv this route Passengers leaving Savannah by 8 o'cloo Tram of Cars, will arrive at Talialtftsseo In 60 fmure. Ills 1 Iso decidedly tho best. eliea;*cst and most expeditious rouU for travellers to Apalachicola nnd West Florida, Fare from Macon to Oglethorpe *1.76 ; from Oglethorpe to Tallahassee. *10.00. L. C-. Shaw. Agent at Oglethorpe, A. A. I'l.siom, •* “ Tallahassee. aup30 ^ F. K. WRUIHT, Proprietor “ JHACON AND~VVE^GKItNnilAlLUbAD. ~ Mull Train. Leaves Macon dally, at 8 o'clock, P. M. “ Atlanta “ “ 6J^ “ p. M. C ONNECTINO at Atlanta with the Train* of tho Western and Atlantic and LnUrange Roods, nnd with the Day Train of the Georgia Road, and at Mari' 1 with tho Dav Tntimt of tlio Cenlrat and South-western lmad*. Passenger will arrivo in Macon at 12)/. and at Atlanta at IK, haring tlio remainder of the night for rest. Passengers going South, via Montgomery, (Ala.) wh* leave Savannah at* A. M.. will arrivo at Montgomery In for ty-eight hours, Including all stoppages, and only ten hour* staging. AccommodationTralns.Trl-Wcokly. will leave Macon overy Monday, Wodnosdsy and Friday, at 8 o’clock, A. M. Re turning, leave Atlanta overy Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day, at 7)i A, M. This Train will connect with the Night Train of tho Georgia Rood at Atlanta, and with tho Night Train of tlio Central Road at Macon. Passenger* by the up ward Train can dine at Griffin. EMERSON FOOTE, Bup’t' Maco.x. May 17.1862. 3mo Jy 29 SOUTH-WESTERN RAILROAD. DYING AND RENOVATING, 73 York-st., rear of the Court House. Savannah, Ga. Established In 1834. L ADIES’ Silk and Woollen Dresses. Shawls, Table Covers, Ac., cleaned and dyed various colors, ladles’ Bonnets Bleached and Pressed in a fashionable style, Kid Gloves Cleancd.and Gentlemen’s Garments Cleaned. Renovated or Dyed,as may be required. All done in tho sameslyle which has generally so much pleased my patrons and friends.— Terms moderate. Persons sending parcels by Hamden’s express, railroad or steamboats, are requested to write me per mail, so that I may know where to call for them and which way to send them back. Cost of freight each way for smaW parcels will be about 26 cent*. All orders punctually attended to. apU3—tufo4 ALEXANDER GALLOWAY. fn COME AT LAST, PER STEAMER AUGUSTA—Those -MlyTuta so much Inquired for at Bolden’s ol late, consist* Ing of black Leghorn, Canton. Straws, Albonl, Florida’s. Ac. Come now and wo can suit you. Jy8 BKLDEN & CO. CANARY CAGES BY THE I.A8T STEAMER— I A variety of now nnd beautiful patterns of canary Cages Just received. Thoso dealtous of a hand- some Cage, and one proof against Mites, have only to mako an early call for a tfioice from a fine as sortment- mh28 J. P. COUJNS.1QO Bryan-st. 1 UMBRELLAS 1 A fresh assortment of both cotton and silk, Jur t re ceived and for sale low, by J. H. COHEN * 00-140 Broughtoo-at. PARASOU3 AND imilKELUS.=IH and gingham Umbrellas. .. VFaaaqls, Jastreoelvodand for 1 P ASSENGER TRAINS leavo Macon daily at fltf A. M.: arrive at Oglethorpe lOJtf A. M.; arrive at Columbus 1 o'clock, P. M. Leave Columbus daily at 0 o’clock, A. M..*ndOgletqorpe attlJi A. M.; arrive at Macon at 3)4 P.M. Connecting at Macon each way with Central RR trains to Savannah, Augusta and Milledgevillc, and with Macon and W. trains to Griffin, Atlanta, Dalton, Chattanooga, Nash* villc. ke. Connecting daily at Coin mhos, hy fast line of coaches, 28 to Opelika, thence 64 miles by M. k W. P. R R, to Montgom ery. Ala. Connecting at Oglethorpe with Tallahassee ondEufsula mail Hinges. Passengers breakfast and dine at Fort Valley. ..GEO* W. ADAMS, Superintendant. Waco*, Aug. 29.1853. aug31 PLASTERING, XC. T HE undersigned having commenced business on hi* own account, respectfully tenders his service* to the public. He will contract for Plain and Ornamental Plas tering, Stoco Work, kc. Ac., at the nsusl prices, and will ■ - in every case warrant work executed by himself, or under ptHOICF. OLD JAVA COFFEE—20 hag* old brown, land* hi* *upervl»ion. Builder* and other* contemplating build- Ing, and for sale by ing, would do well to call upon him before contracting with auglfl HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO. other*. Order* left at hi* residence. Jones-st., corner of Barnard-st.. will be pi omptly attended to. julyl5—ly VALENTINE BRUNNER. LUMBER BUSINESS. T HE advertiser, a gentleman of steady and energetic business habits, ts desirous of forming a connection —nt,. ^ riTVtta-n 7T, c—j—s ;—r— with some capitalist In the above business, which Is daily READ SHpJt—For cutting bread of an equal thick- becoming so Important •« Item In the commerce of tiu* ness, slicing smoked beef, cnttlog cold slaw. kc. Tht* ■ city and State. Mo • •• ^ P I,AID, and striped mourning ginghams; also, a new style of French ginghams, Just received and for sale by auglfl A1KIN fc BURNS. R ICE—40 casks Small Rice, for sate by auglfl MoMAHON k DOYLE. I jMAHIR.—100 bbis Howard Street Flour.for sale by 1 June26 ROWLAND k 00. C ORN I CORN 1! 1,200 bnshols primo white Western Corn, Just received and for sate by augfl CHARLES H. DURYEE. knlfo can be regulatetl to cut any thickness required from an )4 to ^ of an Inch. For sale by . ■ u &5 J. P. COLLINS. F RENCH Printed Cambrics In medium and dark colors very beautiful, Just opened and for sale liy _aug4 DeWITT k MORGAN. r liSH IJnens. Apron Checks, Saxony and Silk Flannels, one case assorted Dark Calicos, fco. ’ ‘ •ale by aug4 DsWITT k MORGAN. S MOKED TONGUIT?—Just received two barrel* Smoked Tongues, for sale by J e 14 J. ROUSSEAU. S CIENTIFIC AMERICAN.—Tho subscriber having been appointed agent for tho above Invaluable publication, Is prepared to receive subscription*. The next volume will commence on the 17th Sept. GEO. B. MITCHELL, anglO Successor to F. Zorbsum k Oo.H JgALTiMORE FLOUR.—MO bbU Howard-street Flour, - .aug^ 10 ** 0 ^”*^ 1 - 8 s^ranton, jQHNSTON k 00. ‘ city and State. Most respectable and satisfactory referen ces, with further particulars, given on addressing O. Lam- ber, at the office of this paper. Jy22 ' TTAY.—26 bundles prime Eastern Hay, landing from brig XI l’hilura, and for sale by auglfl BRinnAM, K£LI,Y & CO. S "EIDIJT7. AND SODA POWDERS—Prepared expressly tot the retail trade, from imported materials, and warrant ed full weight, for sale by a»g24 W. w. LINCOLN, Monument 1 }UTTER AND CHEESE.—30 firkins choice Goshen Bot- julylfi’ M b0X °* Chee '®’ recelT «^*?Afer sale by d for sale by IAH0N & DOYIJI C OTTON YARNS AND Q.SNABURG8.-20 bale* Yarns of various numbers, 10 do Oanaburgs. for sale by . BRIGHAM, KELLY fc 00. B U’lVjiR AND CHEESE.—Just received. 6 kegs choice Go- ■hen Butter, 6 do Dairy Cheese, for-ole by , DAVID O’OOVNOR. June 17 MOJetSi