About The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 18??-1856 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1853)
nmsB&BK load forty dollar* each, udImu I it senator excuse on or befoi mm tons aftthis Court, mi. WUUam 4 Way. and Hanry Lathrop, mad* U k & a or beforo the first It to tbay iro tba drat I thattkay ba ~d and afloat tawaoCwmoo ■rtbanaittann of this Court, ; ”l»d itanu, Uywood, (tom n K.lflr, Rob.rt w H Lathrop, Jr- Chaa Zltlrouer, Leri Stsbhen*. Tlioa K J M Solomons. and N F Pindar, aunmooad to attend , tho praaoat term ofthis Court aa pa tit Juror* hart mad* ^dttevitibrtlMtera, ttlaordarad that thay bo Bnad^twantr dollar* ouch unless they Mb good and sumelr** ' "rat day of lent cause of ex. tho nasi term of thin jam on or before tho draiday Whereas, Jaa Rodmosd. A Johnson, D N uin. Jaoob A Shaffer, ChrUtophar RuaaaU, Hanry Waggen.WmDunn, Bob*t Carr, 4 D Thomas, 4am*a McFeely, David H Gallows y, . and Wm HUL lummooed to attend th« present term or this Court a* tale*tutu made dateolt for tho term, it la ordered that they bo flood twenty -dollar* each, unleaa they file wood and sufficient cauae of oxeuaa on or bafore the first day of the next term of tbla Court .... And whereat, Wm A Bradley, talesman, made default on the 16th of May, John Mahrtena. on the 17th and 18th of ■ May, Austin trench, on the 18th and 80th May, John J Maurice, Jas Shea, Michael Dolor, D B Howard, Jno Clancy, nod Augustus Cannon, mad* defkulton the80thofMay. nod RO Hendry, petit, Juror, made default on the 80th of May, it is ordered that they be fined five dollar* for each day’* dsfcnlt, unless they file good and sufficient cauae of ■ excuse on or beforo the flrat day of the next term of this Court Extract from the minutes. , aep7 JNO. F. QPILMABTIN, Clerk g. q o. a HATHAM SHERIFF'S SALE.-JAVU1 be sold, on the Ural Tuesday in October next, before the court house in the dty of Savannah, between the legal hours of sale, the fol- lowing property, to wits Three negro slave*, namely.ila* ria. due and Laura, and nineteen head of cattle ; levied on to satisfy a ri./a. on foreclosure or [mortgage,] burned from Chatham Superior Court in favor of Augustus Myddelton against ShneonZ. Murphy. Property pointed out fay de- fbndsnt aug3 JOHN DKVANNY, 8h«riff a c, /SAMDKN EXECUTRIX’S SALK.—By virtue of an ordor of the Ordinary of Camden county, will be sold before tba eonrt house door In the town of Jefferaonton, on the 'flrstTueeday in October next, between the usual hour* of •ale, the following negroes, vis: Amelia, Joe, Surah, Jack, and Hannah s also, two bounty land warrants. Sold for the benefit or the heirs of the estate of 0. P. Cohen, late of ■aid county, deceased. augT MARY ANN COBBE, Ea’lx, C AMDEN ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—By virtue of an order of the’Ordinary of Camden county, will bo sold before the court bouse door in tho town of Jeffereonton, on the first Tuesday In October next, between the usual - hours of sale, tbe one-third of the steamer Wm. Has ton ; sold for the benefit of the heirs of the estate of John Hebbard, late “'^".^‘“•SSiarra a. hkdbabp, ri BORGIA—Bulloch u«« yf—-To all whom It may con- _T oemt Whereas, Jehue Everitt will apply at the Court of Ordinary for iettera dismlssory on the estates of John Kveritt and Sarah Everitt: ,. „ . lt Three are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection (if any they have) on or before the first Monday In November next, otherwise said letters will bo granted. Witness, Wm. I«e. sen., Esq., Ordinary for Bulloch coun ty, this 25th day of April,1853. apl2S M. , WM. LEE. 8en’r.,Q.B. n n EORGIA—Bullock County To all whom It may concern: VT Whereas, Green R. Slater and Thomaa Dasher, Admin istrators on the estate or John 0. Slater, a minor, bare ap- . lied for letters dismlssory; , , _ , Three are therefore to cite and admonish an whom it rosy oneern to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary for Bui- loch county.on tho ifmtMonday in November next,to make objections, if any they hare, otherwise said letter* will bo Sr vntn«is.Wm Lee.sen’r.Esq., Ordinary for Bulloch county, lhl*26tb day of April, 1853. , „pl26 WM, LEE, Sen r, o. B. 0. /IKORGIA—Bullock Ornntv:—Toall whom It my concern: VT Whereas, William Holloway, administrator of the es tate of Mitchell Holloway, deceased, will apply to the Hon. the Ordinary of said county, for lottors dismlssory from said ^Theseare. therefore, to cite and admonlshjill concerned to file their objections (If any thoy have) to the applicant in tbo Clerk’s office of said Court, on or before tbe first Mon- 'day in ’ October next, otherwise letters dismlssory will be Ordinary for Bulloch coun granted. Witness. Wm. Lee. sen’r., F/ ty, this lHli day of March, li WILLIAM LEE. Son’r.. o. n. c. G EOROl A—Bulloch Oounly: By an order of the Court of Ordinary of said county, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in October next, before the Courthouse door In said county, five hundred and thirty acres of nine land, more or lea*, lying In **!d county, bounded south-west by Alexander Waters and Daniel Bland, east by Daniel Bland, east by John Green, north-west by Absalom Parish. Bold as tho catato of John Collin*, and sold for the benefit of the heir* and creditors of said deceased. auglS JOHN I1ER1E. Administrator. Gr corn :• Whercna, Henry faseter will apply at tbo Court of Ordinary fop letters of administration on the estates of Amo* Laaeter and Mary. Laaetcr, late of said county, do- These are therefore to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before tho Court of Ordi nary to make objections (if any they liavo) on or before the first Monday In October next, otherwise said letters will be granted. , _ „ . Witness. William Leo, Sr., Esq., Ordinary for Bulloch County, this eloventh day of August, 1853. M gU WILLIAM LEE, Sr., o. n. i '1 KORGIA—Bulloch County ‘—To all whom lt may a U corn: Whereas, Morgan Itawls will apply at tho Court of Ordinary for Iettera of administration on tho estate oi Thomas R. Rawls,late of said county, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all whom It may concern to bo nnd appear before said Court to mako objections (If any they liavu) on or before the first Mon day In October next, otherwise said letter* will bo granted. Witness, William Lee, Sr., Esq., Ordinary for Bulloch county, this eleventh day of August. 1853. „ugl3 WILLIAM LEE, Sr., o. B. o. These'are, therefore, to rite.aad fotaonlA all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection (if any they have) on or before the first Monday to October nexL otherwise said tetters will be granted. Witness dote** H. Hsivtston, Ordinary for Camden coun 84th day of August. 1853. 4. H. OKLVESTOM,o. 0. Q. con- ext. to the Court of Ordinary for Iettera dlsmisaory on tbo said estate j Thee* are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular th* kindred and creditor* of aald deceased at my office within th* time prescribed cause, (If any they have,) why letter* not be granted the said applicant. ' , Witness, J. n. Helveston. Esq.,Ordinary for Camden coun- ty, this 86th day of May, 1M3. * rnaySfi J. H. to ba audnpnear r, and shew HELYESTON^o. a a n EORGIA—Camden County*—To all whom it may con- \J cent: Whereas, J. H. M. Clinch, guardian of H. A. and N. B. Clinch, applies to m* for iettera diamlsaory from *^e*e are therefore to cite and admonish all concerned to bo and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law. and show eauao (1C any they hared why latter* of dimlasion should not be granted to the said applicant. Witness, James H. Helves ton. Ordinary for Camden cout ty. this 28 th day of May, 1853. maySl JAMES H. nELVESTON o. a o. r\ EORGIA—Chatham County.—To all whom It may eon- \JT cem: Whereas, Henry Williams will apply at the Court of Ordinary for letters dlsmUsory on the estate or Ii Theee aretiie^aroto'cits and admonish all whom It may coacorn, to be and appear before said Court to make objec- ion (if any they have) within the time prescribed by is otherwise aald letters will be granted. ^ „ Witness, Jos. Ganahl, Esq., Dep. Ordinary for Chatham county, this 10th day of August, 1853. *u8ll JOS. GANAHL, 1EORGIA—Chatham County-.—'Toall whom It may con. lobn Bilbo will apply at tho Court of Imrali G cern: Whereas, John Bill- - - - Ordinary lor letter* or dismission as administrator, on the estate of Hanry L. Bilbo t , , „ , These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern to be and appear before wild Court to make objec tions (If any they have) on or before the first Monday in November next, otherwise aald letter* wiU bo _ U..H w—«... -r".v _ 7 ® w tsnted. Witness.John M. Mllten, Em., Ordinary for Chatham coun- 14th day of April, 1853. ty, this apllb JOHN M. MlLLEN.o.Q. c. EORGIA—Chatham County s—All whom >t may *>neern: Whereas, John B. Barnard will apply ax the Court or Ordinary fqr'lettcrs dismlssory us administrator cum teata- mento anhnexo on the estate of Mrs. Ann M° n £ la * . These are, therefore, to cite and. admonish all whom It may coneen. to » and appear before “* * oejection (If any they hav^on or before the »*eon4Mon- rg£- B “ , “’ hd * , _ of 'Wl UIlXENi o. c. a G EORGIA—Chatham County-—Jo M whomjitmay con cern : Whetea*,wmUraJ.M*w*hallvrin apply at tho Conrt of Ordinary for letter* of administration on the es- tato of Margaret W. Marshall: . . , These areftherefore, to cite and admonish aU whom it may concern to be and apper before said Court to make objec tion (If any they have) on or before the first Ifonday in Oc tober next, otherwise said letter* will be granted. Witness. Joseph Ganahl. Esq., Pep. Ordinary for Chatham county, till* third day of August. 1853. aug JOSEPH GANAHL. DP*. O. 0.0. G EORGIA—Chatham County:-To all whom it may concern: Whereas, John Everard wUl apply at tho Court of Or- dinsry for letters of dlsmisaory as administrator on the es tate of Patrick Tterny, deceased t Theso are. therefore, to cite and admonish all concerned to file their objections (If any* thoy have) to the applicant in the Clark’* office of aaid Court, on or before the Drat Mon day of November next, otherwise letters dismlssory wUl be tr, this 30th day of March, 11—. ' mh30 JOHN M. MILLEN, 0.0.0. 7TE0RGIA—Chatham County.—To^ail whom it may con- Vjr corn : Whereas. William J. Bulloch, Executor of the estate or Mary Neufvlll. decease*!, will apply to the Court of Ordinary for letters dismlssory on the wild relate: These arc. therefore, to cite and admonish all and singu lar tho kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bo and appear at the office of John M. Millen, Ordinary, wi thin the time prescribed by law. and show cause (if any they have) why said letters should not bo granted. Witness. Joseph Ganahl. Deputy Ordinary for Chatham C l EORGIA—Liberty County. ---- --- - - . „ T cern: Whereas, S H Perry wiU apply to tho Court or Ordinary for Iettera dismlssory as administrator on the estate or Abial Perry: ,, . . .. These are therefore to cite and admonish all whom it may concern to be and appear before said Court to make objections, if any they bnve. within the time prescribed by law. otherwlso said lottora will be granted. Given under my hand at this office this 3d day of Septem ber. 1353. *ep7 W. P. GIRARDEAU, o. L. C. /'lEORGIA^ZJiwty County:—To all whom It may con \J cern: Whereas, V. Great will apply at the Courtof Or dinary for letters dlsmisaory aa administrator on the estate of F. Cottman; ....... These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern to be and appoar before said Court to make objection (if any they have) within the time prescribed by lavr. otherwise said letters will bo granted. Given under my hand at thia of Au * ■«t 1853. augfl W. P. GIRARDE.IU. 0. t. 0. G EORGIA—Liberty Cbunfy.—AH persons concerne*l are hereby notified, that sixty days after date. I shall ap ply to the Court of Ordinary of Llborty county for leave to to the estate of to the Court sell the real and peraona. — —v*>’.T ” ’V • the late James Moody, deceased, of said county, for the benefit of the creditors of aald estato and for tlio purposo of a division or said estate among the heirs and distribu tees of said estate. .. _ _ , ftU g4 M. J. MOODY. Fjt’nr. G EORGIA—WuHocA OminlyTo all whom It may con cern: Whereas, Wm. Lee, Jr. will apply at tbo Court of Ordinary for lpttera dismlssory ns administrator on the estate of thorns* Iao. a lunatic, dreeased : These are therefore to cite and admonish nil whom it mnv concern, to be nnd appear at the Court of Ordinary for Bul loch county on tho first Monday in October noxt.to make ohjectionSjif any they have, otherwlso said letters will bo *™VHne**,Wm.Lce, sen’r. Eaq.,Ordinary for Bulloch county, thlslTthifay of March,1853. w]ijuM „ B G EORGIA—Chatham County.—la all Whom It may con- cern: Whereas. Angellquo K. Itolmrtaon, will apply to tho Coart or Onllnary for letter* of administration on the estate of Daniel Robertson, dccease.1; , , „ , These are, therefore, to cite nnd admonish all whom ll may concern, to ho and appear before tho aald Court to nuke objection (If any they have) ou or before tbo first Monday In October next, otherwlso aaid loiter will bo ^Witness, Joseph Ganahl, R«q , Dep. Ordinary for Chat liam county, this 21*t day of August. 1853. aug g3 JOS. GANAHL. Piti» o. n r. G EORGIA—Chatham County: To all whom it may con- cern : Whereas. William C. Dawson, will apply at tbo Court of Ordinary for letters dismlssory on the estato of Christopher Dawaon, deceased: Theso arc, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It may concern, to bo and appear before aald Court to make objection, if any thoy Iiavo, on or before tho first Monday in March next, otherwise said letter* will bo granted. Witness. Josoph Ganahl. Deputy Ordinary for Chatham county, this 31»t day of August. 1853. mV JOSEPH OANAIH- nap, o. o. c. G EORGIA--Chatham County—To nil whom lt may con. cern: Whereas, William B. Jackson will apply to tho Court of Ordinary for letters or administration on the — tale of Jefferson 8tow. late of said county, deceased : Theso are. therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to bo anil appear beforo the said Court to make ob jection (if any thoy nave,) on or beforo tho first Monday in October next, otherwise said lottcrs will bo grantod. Witness, Josoph Ganahl, Esq., I)op Ordinary for Chatham county, this twenty-sixth day of August, 1863. tug 57 JOB. GANHAL. nm*. t>. c. c. G EORGIA—Chatham County:—To all whom It may con cern: Whereas, George Trou| Court of Ordinary for letters o/ administration, <fo bonis non. on the estate of Patriok M. Marlow, deceased,' Theseare. therefore, to cite and admonfsh all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bo and appei bafore aald Court to make objection (If any they nan on or beforo the first Monday in Octobor —* - L said letters will be granted, , isvo) r next, otherwise Witness, Joseph Ganahl, Eaq, Dep. Ordinary for Chatham aounty, this 20th day of August. 1863. aug21 JOSEPH OANAm,, mo». o. o. o. con- the estate af /"I EORGIA -Chatham County i—To all whom it may . VJ concern: Whereas, Caroline Zipperer will apply at Court of Ordinary for letters dismlssory on the estal George J. Zipperer: Thae* are, therefore, to cite and and admonish all whom it mar concern to be and appear bofore said Court to make objection. (If any they have) on or before tho first Monday In March next, othorwlse said letters will bo granted. Witness. Joseph Ganahl, Esq.,Dep. Ordinary for Chatham county this 17th day of August. 1853. augl 8 JOSEPH GAN AXIL, nxp. o. o. c. /~1 EORQIA—CtoMom County:—To all whom it may U cero: Whereas, William J. Marshall will apply ai Court of Ordinary n»r letter* of gunrtlianiblp over tho person and property of Edwanl 0. aud Jamos if. Marshall, * * W. Marshall, deceased j herefiire, to cite and odfoonlsh all whom it to bo and appear before said Court to make minors of These are, may concern, to bo and appear before said Court to make objection (If any they have) on or before the first Monday in October next, othenrise said letter* will be granted. Witness, Joeenh OanahL Esq.. Dep. Ordinary for Chatham County, thte 16th day of 'Angus V1863. aug 16 JOB. OANAITTfc mm. o. o. 0. *}} T hom »t may con- — oern: Whereas, Phlneaa » Kollock will apply at tho Conrt at Odlnanr, for lottors of dismission as executor on tbe estate of Miss Priscilla Houston: These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all whom Itmay 4qna.t-n.to be and appear before aaid Court to nwke objec tion (If any they have) on or before the first Monday in otherwise said letters will be granted. January next, otherwise said letters will be granb Wltnea< John M. Millen. Eiq., Ordinary for Chathi tytoi. 1st day of July. 1863. do N OTICE.—On or nbout the last of April or sometime in May last, Samuel W. Brooks, of Randolph county, State of Georgia, did mall a certain letter at the post of fice at Cuthbei tin said county, containing the left hand half or Dills amounting to ono hundred nnd flvo dollars ; ten ten dollar notes and one five dollar note on.the Bank of the Btate of Georgia at Savannah, to wit t 3 ten dollar note*, dated 1st Jan., 1849,#. Porter,l*rea’t. 3 do do do do 14th July, 1848, do ldo do do do 1st Nov., 1851, do ldo do do do 4Ui Jan., 1850, do •Jdo do do do 3d Nov., 1844.0. B. Cumming. President. All of said notes being marked with tho letter \l»n, one five dollar note, bearing date 30th January, 1844or 184fi.No.300.signed G. B. Cumming, President; which all or the loft hand half of said described notes wore inailod by tho said H. W. Brooks, and directed to the un dersigned. to the post office at DalovlUc, Dndeeounty. Ala bama. and have been lost or destroyed, so that the under- lm. never been .Me In nbl.Inl“■•"i"' 1 'fi! '!£ notify the President and Director* of three months publication In the Savannah (.oorglan, that payment of said noto* la Intended to bo npplied for to tho * W*™, Mad lea. THOMAS HUNT, M. D.,Profeasorof Physiology tad Pathol- ay In October loth* First of April Th* Faculty mVlaiUngPhyridans and Burgeon* of tba Ornrity Hospital, and attend this Institution from Novem- bar to April. Tha Btudent* accompany the Professors In thslr viuts, and thus enjoy extraordinary practical advan tage*, freo or exponse. lltereare about one tbouund paUenta preacribedfor daily In thia Hospital. Tha number far patient* la nearly twenty thousand. In the *r. T1IGMAB HUNT,U. D., Dean. fiUC DIOAli COLLEGE OB* THE STATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA. T HE Annual Course or Lecture* In this Institution will commence on the first Monday inlNovember next. Anatomy—Prof. J. E. Holbrook, M. D, Burgery—lhrof. E. Geddinga, M. D. InsUtutea andpractico-Pref. J. Henry Dickson, M. D. the disposal oTsul Physiology—Prof. James Moultrie, M. D. - « ■ " 11 - Materia Medlca—Prot Henry R. Froat, M. D. Obstetrics—Prof. Thos. 0. iTioleau, u, D. Chemistry—Prof, C. U. Shepard, M. D. Onnparallve Anatomy—sprof. U Aga»»la.M. D. • Demonstrator or Anatomy—Francis T. Miles, M. D. ' ^ Prosector to tha Professor of Surgery—J. F. M. Ocddlngs, ' „ . „ .. ^cuxKut ixurRocnojr. __Dr. J.Oanr, M. D., Physician to the Marine Hospital, and ulnlcal Instructor, lectures twice a week on the Diseases of that Institution. ftotJ Ford Pwouup.M.D., Physician to the Hospital of the Alms House, at Which teeturea are delivered twice a week on diseases, the dlsgnoais discriminated, and the stu dents Indoctrinated in their treatment. ^Demonstrative instruction in medicine and surgery, at tho College Hospital, by the Professors of the Medical Col lege. me ®Rng of the Trustees and Faculty of the Medical College of the State of South Carolina, held on the 3d of January, M52,1)r. L. Agassis was unanimously elect ed Professor of Comparative Anatomy, with the distinct understanding that the collegiate expenses of the student are not to be Increased by this addition to the course. Jyl2—lswfi HENRY R. FROST, Dean. GEORGIA FEMALE COLLEGE. Legitlatitt Charter, granted in 1849. rpiIE Spring session will commence on the second Monday, A which Is the 12th day of January. Gxo. Y. Brows*, President and Professor of Mental aud Moral Science. P. Loco. Professor of Natural Sciences. L. R. Braxium, Professor ot Mathematics and Director oi Musio. Hxxnr M. Homciaw, Professor of Belles Lettres. The Faculty will be assisted by the foBowIng Ladies, vis :— Mrs. Browne, Mr*. Branham, Mieses Bennett, Bumatead, Meredith, ami E. Bennett Catalogues containing further information, may bo ob. Uined by applying to either or tho offlceriof the College, or to either of the following gentlemen, who constitute the Board of Trustees: E. E. Jones, M. D., President; B. M. Pee ples, E*qr. t Treasurer: Tho*. J. Burney, Eaqr., Secretary; Col. 5. B. Walker, Rev. N. G. Foster. Rev. cTm. lnrin, Wm. 8 Stoltej-Edniund Wnlker, Zaobariah Fears, Nathan Massey. Wm. R. B. Crawford, M. D., Benj. Harris, Jas. F. 8wanson, J W. Fears,R. P. Zimmerman. Madison, Morgan county,Dee. 23rd, 1851. ^2° lawd&wtf I860, will ba hel t tba ft of Aufcuu and anasn Alabama, oomm nc- Ing on Monday, fifth day of Sdntember next, for tbe dis posal of such *♦< ns and parts or aaetlons, being tba odd numbers sbova i >md to, ss are situated in the undt mentioned town ps, to wit: North of that* tint and uxtt of the principal meridian, Township* one d two, of range one. Townships one ro, three,and four, of range two. Townships one ro, three, four, and five, of range three. Township* oaa ro, three, four, five, atx, and aaven,of range four. Townahip* this four, five, six, and aaven, of range five.. &>uth of the bor ne andvxM if the principal meridian. Townships one, o, three, four, and flvo, of range one. Townships one, o, three, four, and five, of range two. Township* one, o, and three, of range three. Township one. < range four South of the bar ine and east of the principal meridian. ■ Townships thn ind four, of range one, ■ At the Land Oi s at Dxxorous, m the aaroe Bis to, com mencing on Uon< -.the twelfth day of September next, for the disposal of au sections and parts of sections, being tbe odd numbers abo referred to, as are situated in the un dermentioned tot ships, to wit: ^theroulbsast quarter of thirty* in 'townshlp thre#, of , w?Tlh* wira race, commencing on Monday, th* third day - States nr October next, for tin .disposal of public lapda within tha hereinafter das- following sections, and parte of aeetioiu, to wit: North >f thebam lint and wot if the fourth principal meri SIERCKU UNIVERSITY. 1‘atfield, Qreene County, aa. srvniES. rpiIE Studies in this University nre:—AThoological course A of three years, designed for those who are preparing for the Gospel Ministry ; A Collegiate Course of four years, equal to that of other Colleges In the country: A Scientific Course of three years, including, with sorao ad dition. all the studies of the Collegiate Courso except tho An cient languages; ADxnsKur. The regular time for the admission of Students, is at tho opening of the Fall Term, the last Wednesday In August. Candidates for admission nto the Collegiate Course must sustain a satisfactory examination in Geography, Arith metic, English, Latin and Greek Grammar, Cicaar, ViroiL Cicero’s Select Orations, and Jacob’s Greek Reader ; and must be at least fourteen years of age. Candidates for admission into the Scientific Course must txteen years ago. xxncnuB. Spring Vrm. fhltDrm. lx Tnroi/xiKUt Skuixakt, Gratuitous... .Gratuitous. LxCoiiEOK....- $25 00 $15 00 Scientific Course, 25 00 15 00 fcr Academy— Preparatory Class, 25 00 16 00 Second “ 20 00 12 00 Third “ 15 00 9 00 Elementary “ 10 00 6 00 Room Rent 0 00...... 4 00 Contingent Expenses. 2 00 1 00 Theso expense* require to bo paid in advance. From Students who lodge in tbe College buildings, fifty dollar* will be received aa full payment for tho tuition fees, room rent, and contingent expenses of the year. Thn price of Board In the village is $10 per mouth washing, room-reat.and fuel, $3. COMMXNCDnXTAXD VACATIONS. Tho Commencement Is held on the last Wednesday In July. There are two Vacations,-dividing the year Into terms, aa follows ; • lfith”* ^ enn ~fr° m **** Wednesday in August to Docomber Winter Vacation—from December 15th to February 1st. 8econdTenn—from first day of February to Commence ment. Summer Vacation—from Commencement to last Wed nesday in August. B. M. SANDERS, Secretary of tho Hoard of Trustee*. Anv friend, by application to Dr. J. L. DAGG, President of the University, will receive a ‘catalogue, containing the course of studies, and ail other necessary information. ti j of N OTICE.—Peraona having demands ag-dnst the estate of Joseph A. Marslvall. a free man of color, deceased, nre requested to hand them in to Griffin k Gordon,attornovs nt law ; and those indebted will nleaso make payment to them. aug26 HlF.DF.IUCK A. TUPPEIL QuaL Es’or. N OTICE—All I»or*ons liavlng liomamls against .lie es tate of Kllaa Perry, lato of Bryan county, dcccnsed will present them ; and thoso indebted to tho estato will pleasomako immediate payment to 1 L B. DANIEL, N. J. CLARK. ISAAC PERRY Administrators. aug4 N OTICE.—Two month* after date, application will he madotn the Court of Ordinary .of Chatham, for an order to sell lot of Und No. 168, »Utdistrict. Marion coun tv, State or Georgia, eight miles from tho villagoof nuona Vista, belonging to the ostato or John .Screven, deccaaod, for the bencOtof tho heir* of said estate. nU jf23 JAS. P. SCREVEN. F.x’nr. N OTICE.—Two month* after dato application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Chatham county for leave to sell tho land and negroes belonging to tho ostato of Uriah II. Bivins, late or aaid county, deceased. aug2—w2m HENRY ROGERS, Adin’r de bonis non. N OTICE.—Two months after date, application will l»« mado to tho Court or Ordinary of Bulloch county, for leave to sell thn real estato or Hannah Cone, lato of said county, doceased. Jy23 JONATHAN GRINER. Adm’r. N OTICE.—two month* after date, application will be made to tho Court of Ordinary of Bulloch county, for leave to sell tho boy Smart, belonging to Robert B. Slator n m [nor. GREEN R. SLATOR, jy23 Guardian of aald miner. N OTICE.—All persons having demandsagninst the estate of tho late Rev. Samuel J. Cossets, will __jv. Samuel J. Casscls, wBl present them to the undursigned within tho lime prescribed by law; and jhoso indebted to satilestato are requested to make imme diate payment to MARY R. CASSELS. Jy22 Qualified Executrix. N OTICE.—Threo month* after date, appllcaUon will be made to the Bank of the State .of Goorgia. for pay ment of a $50 bill or said Bank, totter A, payablo at Prin cipal Bank to N. A. Hardee, dated 23d Novomber. 1847,0. B. Cumming, President, tho left hand half of which has been lost. Jyl5 ALBERT WILLIAMS. n 0 : .... v „ —e applic - - made to tho Planters Bank or tho Btate of Georgia, for renewal of Scrip, No. 340. dated April 20th, 1840, for two Shares, and No. 15, dated July 22d. 1840, for four 8hares. Valentine grest, Adm’r. on Estate ot F. Kottroan. LmtHTT Cop.vtt. July 30.1853. July 30—3m F MIUR.—20 bbls Hiram Smith’s Flour. 20 do H DStono’s do, 20 do oxtra Ohio do, just received per stcamor Au gusta. and for salo low by ^ uijll CRANE h RODGERS. G IN.—90 bbls Phelps’ Gin, In store anil for sale by 20 COHEN & FOSDICK. F LOUR.—100 bbl* fresh ground Baltimore Flour, landing from achr Satllla, and for sale by ROWI.AND k 00. JJAY—100 buwltea prime New York Hay. landing from . schr North State, and for salo by auglO pmi> PENS.—An. UT and for sale by Junel4 ROWI^ND k CO. r assortment of Gold Pens, received S. 8. SIBLEY, 135 Congress-street. D ship heretofore existing between the subscribers, un der the firm of !LtcflX*5 4c M*vxn, Is this day dissolved by m trial consent. Tbe business of tho lato firm will be sof tied by Wm. H. Hausman, to whom all persons having claim* will please preaant them, nnd those indebted win ■ payment. Ill—Ira make augl WM n. HAUSMAN. SOL MAYER. JOHN M. MILLEN o, o. o. /TEORGIA—Chatham County:—To all whom Itmay con vF earo: Whereas. Norman Wallace wiU apuiy at the Courtof Ordinary lor Iettera dismlssory as Exoutor on the estate of Robert Inab: ■ These are, therefore, to cite and admonish ail whom it may concern to ba and appear before aald Court to make objec tion (If any they have) on or before tba flrat Monday in • February next, otherwise said letters will be granted Witness. JohnM. MUl*n,B*q., Ordinary for Chatham coun- ty.ihl# second day of July, 1853. JOHN M. MILLEN. o. 0. o. QUNDRIES.—10 bales Twine. 10 hampers Bottles, 100 O reams wrapping Paper. 50 boxes Adamantine Candle*, 20 boxes Margiux Clatet Wine, 2 qr. casks very choice old Brandy, ‘•Thomaa” 1705, 60 boxoa Lemon Syrup. 10 boxea Raspberry do., 10 do. Strawberry do., 30 M half Spanish Sugars, 100 boxes Toboceo, various brands. 100 bags drop and buck Shot, 10 qr. chaste Hyson Tea. 15 boxea Butter Crackers, 10 do Sugar do., 10 do. Pilot Bread, landing, and for sale by angle HOLCOMBE. JOHNSON k 00. M OLASSES, LIQUORS, 4c.—60 bbd* Cuba Molasses, 100 bbls do. T6 do N 0 By run, 100 do Phelps’ and Pins Ap ple Gin, 60 bbls Cognso Brandy, 50 do Old Ilya Whisky, 40 do Rom, 76 boxes Lemon Syrup, 60 do assorted Cordials, 80 cases Brandy Peaches. 15 out* mixed Pinkies, received and foraateby Jett MoMAHON k POYJje. "D AOON, ke —60 hhda prime Raeon Sides, 80 do do Shout JJ ders, 20 casks "hole# sugar cured Ham*. 150 boxes Sta r and Adsmantinf Candle*, 80,000 superior Havana Sa gaiwilnw*'—*■" ^ indlngandfbrsi Jnno26 ■ SCRANTON. JOHNSTON 4 CO Vr.:.•• FOniSXGN MAILS. Post Omcx Dki’artvixt, September 1,1853., T he following Is a copy of section 3<1 of tbo act of Congress, entitled *• An act making appropriations for tbe transportation of the United States mall by ocean steam • ers. and otberwiso, during the fiscal year ending the thir tieth of June, one thousand eight hundred and fifty four,” approved March 3d. 1853. vis: u t?sc. 3. Ami be it further enacted. That tho Postmaster General shall cause the facts to be investigated in relation to tho contract of A. G, Sloo. for tho transportation of tho mall in ocean steamers from New York to New Orleans. Charleston-, Savannah. Havana, and Chagres, back, per act of March third, eighteen hundred and forty-aeven, for the purpose of ascertaining how far tho contract cor responds with the original bids, and shall report to Con- gross at the next session the facts and circumstances con nected with tbe said cuntract; and also for what amount tho said mail sendee could be performed If a new contract should be made, and whether the ships furniiheB under said contract are built according to its term*. The Post master General i* further directed by this act to ascertain, and report to Congress at its next session, for what amounts tho service, now performed under tho several contracts with the Navy and Post Offico Departments for carrying the mall in ocean steamers, can bo hereafter performed, upon tho supposition that the IT'ilted States shall take the steam er* according to contract, and sell or transfer them.” Except lu respect to tha New Orleans aud Vera Crux route, which may be discontinued by tho Postmaster Gen eral. on tho allowanco of one months’ oxtra pay. tho clause in all the contracts giving to tho United States the right to ' '.lie ships I*, in ' ' take possession of tin n substance, as follows : *• And the aaid Secretary of tba United States Navy, for the time being, shall at all times exercise control over said steamships, and shall at any time have the right to take them for tho exclusive uso and service of the United States, snd to direct such changes in their machinery and internal arrangements as the raid Secretary may require; the cost of such change* to bo ascertained by the bills actually paid therefor, and the proper compensation of tho value of the shins, when so taken as aforesaid, to bo ascertained by ap. praisors to bo mutually chosen by tbo parties aforesaid.” Now. XOTIOK is iikrebt OIYK.X, that with a view of report ing to Congress. In as completo a manner aa possible, tho information called for by Congress in section third above quoted from the act of 3d Marcli last— pRoroaAis Will bo received jit tbo Post Office Department, in tbo city of Washington, until 3 o’clock, p. m.. of Monday. Slit day of October next, for conveying the mails of tho United State* for six year* from tho first day of October, 1854, In tho manner and timedieroin specified No. 1. From Now York to Cowes, in England, nnd tlienco to Bremen Haven, in Germany, and from said Bremen Ha ven. by Cowes to Now York, once a month. Proposal* for one additional trip a year, each way, will bo considered. No. 2. From Charleston. South Carolina, by Savannah, Georgia, and Key West, Florida, to Havana, in Cuba, and from saiil Havana, by Key West and Savannah, to Charles ton. twice a month. No. 3. From Now York to New Orleans, twice a month, and back, touching at Charleston, (if practicable,) Savan nah. and Havana, and from Havana to Chagres (Aspinvrall) and back, twice a month. Proposals to omit Charleston and Savannah will be con sidered. In lieu of above, proposals will also be received for ser vice from New York to Aspinwsli. direct, 2,000 miles, and back, soroi-montbly. In not exceeding nlno day* to tho trip oncii way; from Now York by Havana, to New Orleans, 2,000 miles, and back, semi-monthly. In not exceeding ten day* to the trip each way; and from New Orleans to Aipln- wall, direct, 1,400 miles, and hack, semi-monthly, in not ex ceeding seven daya to the trip each way. No. 4. From Panama, New Graoada, to San Diego, Cali fornia, Monterey, San Francisco, and Astoria, in Oregon, twlco a montli each way—touching, if practicable, at Port Orford, in Oregon, and at suoh other intermediate port on the coast of Oregon or California as in the opinion of the Postmaster General the public Interest* may require. The schedules of Nos. 3 and 4 must be so arranged hs to make duo connexion at the Isthmus of Panama, thus form ing a continuous route from New York, 4c., to Astoria and back, twlco a month. .-.'P / So. 6. From Now York to Liverpool, in England, and back, twenty-sir trips nor annum, at such tlmoa aa tho Postmaster General shall direct. Proposals to touch at Holyhead, In England, will be con sidered. No. 6. From New York, by Cowes, in England, to Ham, in France, and back, once a month. Proposals for changing the terminus of tills line from Ilavro to Antwerp, in Belgium, aud for one additional trip a year, each wav. will be considered. No. 7.- From New Orleans, Louisiana, to Vera Crux, Mexi co, and back, three times a month, supplying Tampico, Mexico, by a side mall going and returning. Learo New Orleans on the first, fourteenth and twenty- fifth days. Arrive at Vera Crus same month by the fourth, seven teenth, and twenty-eighth days. Leave Vera Crus every month on tho first, sixth, and twenty.first daya. Arrive at New Orleans same month by the fourth, ninth, and twenty-fourth daya. The' proposal* in each ioatanco should specify the num ber of uaya to bo taken for the trip oath way, and the mode of conveyance, which must be by steamships In all respects suitable for the service. If contracts should be entered into, contractors will be required to conform in all respects to tbo laws and regula tions applicable to the ordluary contracts of the Post Office Department. Tlio bids .should lie sent duly guarantied, under seal, to Ihn Postmaster-General, and Ihn words ” Mail Proposal*— Foreign Mall* ’’—written on the face of the letter. JAMES CAMPBELL, sep7—lawflw Puatmaater-Oeperai. P ER BARK FLIGHT—10 hhd* extra choice Pore Rico Sugar, 100 bags fair Rio Coffee. 20 casks pint* Porter, 60 bbls Stuart’s A, BkndC Sugar, 20 boxes extra fine Sperm Csndlos, 25 do do Adamantine do, 10 cases patent Pearl do. 26 boxes Boadell’s Family Soap. 25 do do Pearl 8Urch..30 do Grant k Williams’ Tobacco. 60 do Barksdale’S do, 10 ca- «•» Myers’ do, 20 boxes lane bowl Pipes. 10 hampers Wine Bottles. 50 boxes Bey’s Lemon Syrup, 10 boxea Strawberry VTOtlCE.—I have in my possession, on Wilmington hi- tv aid, a Canoe Boat, tokdn from 4 runaway: r. . ■■Pf?>£ Jjf. J, - thei from* w»i uuMiners six ireierreu w, ■ dermentloued to uhlpa, to wit. North of the bate u amt vxrt <f the principal meridian in , tOhem Surveying DUtricC. Townahiptwei r-one, of range four. At tha Land 0 ee at Coldxbi-h. In Mississippi, commenc ing on Monday, m nineteenth day of September next, for the disposal of uih sections and parts of sections, being tho odd numbed above referred to, aa are situated in the undermentioned townships, to wit: North tf the Useline and out qf tAe Choctaw meridian. Townships eight, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, and twenty, of ranre fifteen. Townships tight, nine, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, scvaiteet, eighteen, nineteen, and twenty, of range sixteen. i Township* right, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, four teen. fifteen, ilxteen, seventeen, eighteen, and nineteen, of range seventeen. Townships eight, nlno, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen four teen, fifteen, andrixtoen. of range eighteen. Townships elglt, nine, ten, eleven, andtwelvo,of range “tneteen. 1 ; At the Land Office at Ai'acsra, in the same State, com mencing on Monday, tho twenty-sixth day of September next, for the disposal of such sections and parts of sections, being the oddnumbor* above referred to, as are situated in tbe underinentiontd townships, to wit: North if the bateiine a tut east rf the Choctaw meridian. Township tour, rt range thirteen Townships one, tvo, three, four, five, and six, of range fourteen. i Townships one, jwo, three, four, five, six, and seven of range fifteen. Townships one, two, three, four, five, six, and sovon of range sixteen., Townships oce, five, six, and seven, of range seventeen. Township Aoien^of range eighteen. North if the bare Ike, toot of the meridian, and eart of Pearl river. Townships thtee,lour, five, Blx,*evon, and eight, of range five. ^ Townships five, six, Townships seven, eight, nine, and ten. of range seven. Townships eightiino, and ten. of rango eight. The townships Wrein designated in Roman letters are wholly within the linits of - six sections in width on each side of said road,” Jnd thoso in Halite are party within said limits, os deglgna'41 on the diagrams, which will be fur nished to the respeitire district land offices by tbe Com missioner of the Gtseral land Office. Lands reserved fo schools, military and other purposes, will be excluded froi Bale. The lands will be ild tulded to the right of way granted by the said act of 1 It September, 1850, to tbe State afore said. for said railrof , not exceeding one hundred feet * lh< " * ‘ seven, eight, nine, and ten, of range each aide thereof; ad therefore the particular tracts ■ Section ops, tho oast bslf and southwest quarter, tho wost half of the northwest quarter, and the northeast quar ter of the northwest quarter, or ton, in township nine ; and tho east half of tbe southwest quarter of section twenty^ six | tho west half of twenty-seven; the east half of twenty- eight, and tbo north half of thirty-five, in township ten, of range five, lands appropriated by law for ttie use of schools, military, and other purposes, together with thou “swamp end over flowed lands, made unfit thereby for cultivation.” if any, granted to the State by the act entitled •* An act to enable the 8tate of Arkansas and other State* to reclaim the ‘swamp lands'within their limits,” approved September 28,1850, will be excluded from thi sales. In accordance with tbe provisions of tbe net of 11th July. 1848. hereinbefore referred to, pre-emption claims will not be allowed to any of the above mentioned lead mineral tracts, to be offered at Mineral 1’olnt, until after they have been offered at public sale, anil become subject to private entry And these tracts will be sold in such legal subdf vision* as will include the mine or mines at not less thsi. two dollars and fifty cents per acre; and if not sold at pub lic sale at such price, nor shall be entered at private sale within twelve moths thereafter, the same shall be subject to sale aa other lands. >- Tho offering of tbe above lands will be commenced op the day* appointed, and will proceed In the order In which they are advertised; nntil the whole shall have been offered, and the sales thus closed; but no sale shall be kept open longer than two weeks, and no private entry of any of the lands will be admitted until after tho expiration of the two weeks. Given under my hand, at tbe elty of Washington, lids twenty-first day of June, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred snd fifty-three. By the President tip FRANKLIN PIERCE. Joust Wiisox. Commissioner of the General Land Office. nonet to rax-xarnox curtiuwra Every person entitled to the right of pre-emption to any of the lands within the townships and parts of township* above enumerated, is required to establish the same to the satisfaction of the registrar and'receiver of the proper land office, and mako pryment therefor aa soon aa practica ble after seeing this notice, ant) before tbe day appointed for tbo commencement of-tbo public sale of the lands em bracing the tract claimed, ollurwiie such claim will be forfeited. JOHN WILSON Jy28tl0w Commissioner of the General Land Office. “ UKGISTIIY—LIST OF VOTERS. S EC. 2,—lie it further enacted by the authority of the tame, That from ami after tbe passage of this act all persona aball be qualified to vote at electiona for Mayor and Aider- men of tbe city of Savannah aud tbe hamlets thereof, who are citizens of the United States, have resided in the State of Georgia forono year immediately preceding the electlou ana within the corporate limits of Savannah for one month Immediately preceding their registration, and continue so to do up to tbo time of election, who have attained the age of twenty-one year*, have paid all city taxes or have In their own right sufficient real estate to satisfy any tax exe cutions which may be against them, who have made all re turns required by the ordinance* of the city, and have been registered according to tho provisions of thia act.—Ertract from the Registry Law. passed Jan. 22,1852. The following named persons have registered their names siuco the first of January, 1853. and up to date. A*—Matthias Amorous, John W Anderson, David Abra hams, Charles Arnold,George A Asb, Robert Austin, George Alexander, Charles B Ash, William B Andrews, George 11 Ash. John S Achord. George W Anderson, Stewart Austin, Benjamin R Armstrong, Thomas A Sakew, Thomaa Arden. William Andre, Jas Ahearn, Edward C Anderson. Richard W Adams, Richardson F Aiken, Richard I) Arnold, Adolphe Abrahams, John Anglin, Benjamin Arnold, Henry D W AL exander II—Benedict Bonrquin, John W Bite, Gilbert Butler, John PBoifeuillet. John V Barber. Julius Uacharach.George L Blount, Anton Borchert, Joseph Black, Alexander Francis Bennett. James H Uasblor, Michael Holey.Claudius K Bade, Clias W W Bruen. James M Butler. Hyman Eliyck. William J Bandy, Edwin H Bacon. Wm James Bulloch. Siegraund Berg, Milton J Buckner, John Boston. Henrv S Bogardus, William H Bulloch, PatrickUulkley, John W ‘Beasley, John B Barnwell, James T Buckner, Anthony Dasler, Thomaa A Ydward Ji Bullock JfcMwu, rsmen n so Jaffries-Thoma®!ss, Johnston, Geo Jackson,George li Johnston, Francis D Jordan> Alfred K Jones, John M Johnston " Olilllp Kolb, John Kennedy, Alfred Kent. Gsfert Ruck. I ater Krouse. William Krause, John W Kibble, llerw manKublman, Diedrich Kattenborn. Nicholas King John mi.™ w Kiu.MU.du K.n. r , Thomas Kemp. Wm IT Kelley, William fclne. James her. I hincas M Kojlock, Philip Kean. Noah B Knapp, Aaron J J * m " , 1 K?nnedy l Frederick Krenson. Emanuel Kan- Daniel Keane, Edward 8 Kemnton, Dr A Kolhausa. Frederick Kattenborn, Kara Kent, Oldham King, William T King, Michael Kelly John Kaeaar, William lfrous. John w? r n l S 15 ^ Kj*Pi8ha*o4 WKlmmeriy, Conrad Krabbe, B Lure. Hugh Logan, Stanislaus M Ufflteau. j“hn Lyons, Noble Ladd, Daniel Leahy, Benjamin W llloyd. CbarieVA 1! li- U"""- M.tthew l"ftor,£ GomplainU, la already w J throughout tbe United^Stotes 'in ktt0 *“ ‘ad l sfessaigggt from IU,llttlr^ r,-d lb. tcitimnn, or tbo« t drc * 1 ”. wd £ convalescents, so that Uie iUi.J?”* ,0 -WesluT^t I the fountain-head; VtSmitoZiS*’ nsffllVi credulous, snd one by whLh tu %W »*tWr» uuS‘l medy is certain *,f tolng siuufli*»’Hl‘ Uo s M tL^ 1 f proprietor*, who will acrofdeSrnur' " riu MhoIM name* of undoubted ch*r*ctre , f l ll‘ ma * llo *i U4I Union, numbering among them ,“° m *»*iy stdb.7^' I j.hr.W-0-, "-iTi?! J •mmm which mciuuu no roan win oe boiii ns codisi quantities resjiectlrdy shown by tho official plats. Each sale will bo tept open fora tlroo sufficient to admit of offering all tho latfls, but not exceeding two weeks, and applications to maksprirateentrle*. of the lands offered un der this proclamation will not be received until after the close of the public **». Given under my 1 ,nd at the city of Washington, the twenty-third day of ’ ay, Anno Domini one thousand eight liurdred and fifty th «. FRANKLIN PIERCE. By the President: Jon.v riLBox, Con nittionerof the General Land Office. Notice to actual settler on lands if the United States originally wilhdraumfnm mdrket on account of the rail road grant. Under the act of Caigress, approved 3d March 1853, en titled “An act to exte d pre-emption right* to cprtain lands therein mentioned,” he Pre-emption law* of the United States aa thoy now c: st are extended over the alternate reserved sections of ; ibllc lands along the line of the rail road hereinbefore me tloned, where the settlement and im provement* were ma s prior to the final allotment of the al ternate sections tote said railrotd. Therefore all claims by pre-emption to anj of the alternate section* of public lands witldu the lima originally reserved will attach, If predicated upon settle leuta made prior to tbe 4th February 1853, the date of the nal allotment. Claims within the (x miles limits must be proven up at any time before the dw herein fixed for the commencement of public sale, and areto be paid for at tho rate of two dol lars and fifty cent* pet acre. Claim* outside of six miles, and within tbo limit* tf tbe original reservation, must be proven up prior Vo thtrestoration of aaid lands to prirate entry. Soldier’s bounty laid warrants, at a dollar and twenty- five cent* per acre, in Sr bo received in payment for either class of land ; one warant only, however, can be located by each pre-emption.! Immediately after tie close of the publfo sale directed by the foregoing nrnclmation of the President, applications will be received for tie purchase at private entry, or loca tion by warrants.of tlo lands reserved to satisfy this grant, outside of the six mlfrs limits, in suoh order as to prevent confusion nnd tnsuio accuracy, in accordance with instruc tions to be issued to tke registers and receivers. JOHN WILSON, Juno 17—fll, Commissioner General Land Office. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES In persuame of law, I. Fka.vku.v Pikkcx, President of the Unitc<l States of America, do hereby declare and maks known, that>ublic salts will bo held at the undermention ed land offices in the State of Wisconsin, At tbo periods hereinafter diMgnated. to wit: At the Lani Office atWiuow River.commencing on Mon day, tbo third day of October next, for the disposal of the public lands situated ui tbe following named townships, viz: * North of the base line and toed ff the fourth principal meri dian. Townships thlrty-twa thirty-three, thirty-four, thtrty- fivo. and thirty six, of rango flvo. ‘ th" , thirty-three, thlrty- w roirty.Qre.inwwnshiptweniy-aix; townsmptwenty- :n, (except sectioss thirteen, twenty-four, twenty-fire. ty-Uve and thirty-six.) and townships twenty-eight, nty-nine and thirty, of range six. Townships tliirty-oni, thirty-two, thirty-three, thirty- four, tbirty-fivo. and thirty-six. of range six. Townships thirty-sne. tbirty-two, thirty four.and tnirty-five.ef range aeven. Townships thirty-out, thirty-two, thirty-three,aud thirty- four, of range eight Townships tliirty-oni, thirty-two, and thirty-three, of range nine. Townships tbirty-on*. thirty-two, thirty-three, and thir ty four, of range sixteen. Townships thirty-thce and thirty-four of range seven teen. At the Land Offico aCInusiM. commencing on Monday, the tenth dayofOctobgnext, for the disposal of the public lands within tho undcmentluned townships and parts of townships, to wit: North of the base line art east of the fourth principal meri- •lain. Townships twontr-ilv and twenty-six, of rango twelve. Fractional townshlpitwenty-one, west of Wolf river, nnd townships twenty-fourtwenty-flvo, and twenty-six, ofrango thirteen. Fractional townsliiiiwenty-ono and twenty-two, west of Wolf river and Bayoujind townships twontr-threc, twenty- four, twenty-five, and.wcnty.nix, of range fourteen. Fractional townslil twenty-two, west of Wolf river, townships twenty-thto and twentr-four, and fractional townships twenty-fiveand twenty-six, west of Wolf river, of range fifteen. Fractional townshiia twenty two, twenty-three, twenty- four, and twonty-slx.wn*t of Wolf river, of range sixteen. At the Land Office ll l .A Ciui*k, commencing on Monday, the seventeenth day t October next, for the disposal of the public lands withinrtlc following named township* to wit: North of the base liniand inert of the.fourth principal meri dian. Township* twenty .nd twenty-one. ofrango ono. Townships sevontien, eighteen, ninoteen, twenty, and twenty-one, ofrangrtwo. Townships twenty-me and twenty-two, of range eleven. Townships twenty-*ne and twenty-two, of rango twelve. Township* twenty-*ne and twenty-two, of range thirteen.' North of the bate linemd east of the fourth principal meri dian. Townships twentyone, twenty-two, twenty-three, and twenty-four, of rangi one. Township twenty-me, of range two. At tht Land Offl« at Stevsxs’ Foist, commencing on Monday, tho twenty fourth day of October next, for the dis posal of tho public hud* situated tn tbo- following town ship* and parts of tranships, to wit: North of the base lint and east of the fourth principal me ridian. ’ Towmblp twenty-ax. of range four. Townihip twenty-4x. of range five. Sections three to bn, fifteen to twenty-two. and twenty- six to tMrty.flve.in township twenly-alx ; township twenty- seven, ' * —“— — * *- '— *—*- - - thirty- twenty- „ Sections one. two, elcren to fourteen, twenty-three to twenty-five, and thirty-six, In township twenty-six ; sec tion*, thirteen, tverty-four. tweuty-Dve, thirty-fire, and thirty-six, in towmh^ twenty-seven ; section* five to eight, seventeen to twenty, thirty, and thirty-one. in township trrenVf-Wght; toxmWp twenty-nlne, (except sections twsnty-fivo to tweity-eight and thirty-three thirty-six.) and township tbirtf of range seven. Sections ono to tils, eight to fifteen, twenty-two to twen ty-seven, thlrty-flp and thirty-six, in township twenty- four ; township twistr-llve, (except sections aix, seven, eighteen, nineteenlhfrty and thirty-one;) townahip twen ty-six; townshipstwenty-seven. (except section six,) twenty-eight, (excSt sections six. seven, eighteen, nineteen, thirty and thirty Vie;) and townships twenty-nino and thirty, of range eiit. Townships twentt-five and twenty-six, of range nine. Townahip twentwix, of range eleven. Atthe Land OfflcUtMnrEJUtPoiXTCommenclngon Mon day. the second da if January next, for the disposal of tho following, being res nary tracts of the reserved lead mine ral lands, which wc not included In the proclamation* of the 20th November 844, and 28th April, 1851. to be sold under the act of C gress entitled “An act to authorise the President of t! United States to sell tbe reserved mineral lands In th< tales of Illinois and Arkansas, and Territories of Wlsco In and Iowa, supposed to contain lead ore,” approved July 1.1846,to-wit: North if the base i(i and east f the fourth principal me ridian. The west half and ortheast quarter of the southwest quarter, the norths quarter of the northwest quarter, and the southeast q rter of the southeast quarter, of seo- tionono; the east h of tbe northwest quarter, the south, east quarter, tbe wi half of the southwest quarter, and the southwest quari of the northeast quarter, of twelve: and the northeast after, and north hair of southwest quarter, of twenty oe. in township one: the northeast quarter or section t teen. In township two; the west hair of tho northwest < »rti-r of aeetion eleven, id township threo ; the east ha if the southwest quarter ol section twenty-five, and th* ist half of the soutnwest quarter of tliirty-six.in towns five, of range ono. The west half an< lortbeaat quarter of tho northwest quarter. 1h« east 1 ! ofthe northeast quarter, and the east half of the soi east quarter, of Motion two, in town ahip two. of range ». The east half of northeast quarter, and the north- eart quartern I tha itheast quarter, oi section four, in tofnafaip tyro, and northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section fi in township three, of range three. The east half of a northwest : quarter, the nothwoat quarter of thenort st quarter, aud Uw eart half of the southwest quarter, lecticu thirty. In township four t and tbe west half of th wrthwest quarter of aeetion thirty- five, in township fi: if rang* fbnr.- i North if Ombas* U mi wed if tho fiu^ principal meri- kin, James J Logan. Joseph Lippman, Andrew Low. Wm E Long, Andrew J Leber, Michael Larin. David V Under, shine, Gasper Lenyer. Timothy Lavln, Charles T Law, Sam- nslS levy, Henry P lichte,Thomas Leary, Matthew Lynch. Charles lee. Georee H IJndstidt, NIchotM Lefort, Nathan lei Iovell James Laughtan, Orlando H Lufbuirow, John Luers, John isms, Samuel A T Lawrence. Antonio Lao- rence. James Lannshan, Patrick Lennalian, Patrick Lovett. Thomas Lovett. ThomM Lyon- Daniel N Lain, Daniel Lap! ham, Timothy lane, lewis Iehman, James larkln, Christ ina I) Iebey, John Lark In. John tawlej, Wm II Lynn. Peter Iegan. Patrick W lee, Peter Luddy. James M Leaptrol. Wm Iettimoro, Payne Lovell. Thoa I. lewis. Geo W Lockwood. Janies Lynch, Thos W Lane, Peter Label, Michael Lynch. w,n ler ? er - . AntLon J F Mere. Abraham Minis William lit Mills. Jacob Hanke. Mulford Marsh. William Morrill. John Mallery, Adolphe Mode. John Makin. Gefert Murkfns. James W Morgan. Ralph Meidrim, Dan Mallntte. Horace Morse, William li May, Samuel S Miller, John Mur chison, ChristianW MayUlnder. Solomon Mayer. John >la«- terson. Luder Mehrten*. Jacob Manses. John E Mallery. Hen- ry Macnhard, Thomas R Mills. Jamca Monnshan. Charlea A W*! B Mallard. Jacob Miller. Matthias H Meyer, Alvin N Miller, 8imon Morris.Leander Moore, Jno A Mayer, Richard 0 Macks!!. Michael Meath. Fabian Myerhoffer, Tbomns Meath. John Murchison. Bryan M Morel. Charles F Mills, John Mahanney. Thomas Maltar, William EMoogin, John Morris, Jcugen H Mehrteni, Thomas Murtaugh. Syl vester H Manning. Charles Muller, Cornelius D Murphy, Macpherson B Millen, Isaac M Marsh. Wm B Mell. John Murphy. JohnS Montmoliln, James S Magill, David Moran. Thomas D Morel, John Mallon.Jerre Mack. Joseph Mils thia*, John Miller Edward H Martin, John R Martin. Jesse Mount. Samuel Manafleld. Hennr 0 Mehrten*. Henry K Montfort. Henrich Win Mpyer. Harvey Morse, Andrew Ma- loney, Patrick Masterson. John Murphy, Marttn B Meyer, Nathaniel C Mills, John Moran, Thomas A Maddox, Simeon S Moody, Isaac Minis. Wm J Moore. Domingo Martingo, Ed- wnrd Moran. Abraham F Mordecal, James JIMordecaT. Dan iel Mitchell. Thos B Maxwell, DaolelW Mlscally. Jacob Mas- tec. Thomas Maddea. John R Meyer. Emanuel Sfendel. John D Mallctte, Michael Morris, Timothy Murphy, Wjn Morel, John U Mebrtens, John F Mulligan. Edward Mulligan, Tims McNulty. Albrink Moore. Thomas Mahan, James W Moore, John II Moore, Edward Maher. Michael MeskilL Michael Martin. Patrick II MalieUe. E'rederick Mundorf. Me—George A McCieskey. Bartholomew McJunarney Patrick McDowell. William McGsrthey. Joseph J McCoy iaurence McKenna. Thomas McKenna, Daniel McRcdmond, Thomas W McArthor, James McHenry, Michael Mctlrea Patrick McGovern. Norman W McLeod, William J McIn tosh. James McFeely, Alexander McHardy, Angus McAl- pln, Michael McCarty. Nell McHugh. James Mclnnarnev, John McGunnigle. Thomas 0 McCluskey. Jsmes McFeely, Pat’k McGloin. Dennis McGuire, John McCall, John McCau- lifTe, Thomas J MoNlsh, James McGloin, Edward McCabe, John McDermott James McBride. Thomas McAuliffe. An drew McQreaL John McHugh. Thoms* McCollum. Thomas McNlcliola*. Robert Mclntire. Jeremiah McCarthy, Laurence McManus. Patrick McIaughUn. James U McEUnn. John Me- Nish, Daniel J McKsnzle. John McCabe. Edgar M McDonoII, George « N McDonell. William McKendre. Michael McXal- by, Peter McCormack. John McMahon, James McDonald, Joseph S McDonell. Michael McCullough, Jeremiah McCar thy. John R Mclntire, Daniel McCarthy, William McFaugh- an. Tims W McClane. Th. tbo.. ban kt,o for ulMb. wmErfwari. •2“ 8,nT f , V* b J* P r *P* r * ,l °n bs« obuisef, ^ whererez Introduced, uniiree*dM,i».» i r^Evk*. any other preparation brnughU*fo!Tti to tiplled thousands who have 8 uwd marveHua, ,IT«u In nSSte" mfift Hn.lori.ig Ihn H.t.on. SL., •’ ”• ■n<lVn.cdbl h u MSiar- «r«I!*};;..? Balm of GUead. Espedally to fenLbi i^” 4 i hi. cnndlllon ol lirr,VrnnoB,„„'S;^| “'TOMoJ delicate ftwale ot Child. enn ty tU «2 Price $1 00 per bottle. W. Y ALEXANDER 4 CO iWnu. Forraleby A. A. 80LOW)N4fffl ,0 u^A . gists. Savannah, Ga. • **• ^ARIEH.Prw I *Tl» 1 Tssssasg-..! ConMimfllnn .h.ll no loom, nb oJ.’KffK’l brightest ornaments, and sink rnanrs I untimely grave’. ConsumptionS{e e SSiS* , **» I Tills Is that which has so lone been * I full faith offered to the public afarmm 8 1* cold*, whooping-cough! croup, asthm. .M“ fcreM Tty and will, in any case where Uin life, check Urn ulreratlon ,nd S? WlL'* health. Tht* is not an idle boast norShfl Into the market without a thorough tifaL toi beyond a doubt, that what has '*The sentiment, that consumptiontannrtwJif? 1 destroyed more live, than the disease Itllfuji, wSi? Bnt there Is llotwil' DEVINES’ COMPOUND PlWHLOVw.e. PinP'Intor, b, lb. ollbl.Sb.SSS®" I Tiilencp. raUh.1 n-l..» I tandr, , o rg. Milton J Buckner, John Boston. Henrv S Bogardus, Brown, John Burns, Joseph Burroughs, Bonden M°BBur^ * N Nichols, Thomaa J Naylor.Danlel Nelson, roughs, William F Brantley.Charles H Bell. Elias B Bars T * ” tow, Peter A Blots, Wm Gaston llulloch. Isaac Brunner. John Brunner. Joseph Bancroft, PhHip H Helm, James A Brown, John Macpherson Berrien, Barnard E Bee, Richard Burke, David BeU, Thomaa 11 Barrett, Edward J Bluuut, Wolfe Barnett, Conrad E Byck, Charles BUUop,-Wm Blola, Valentine Brunnor, Charles W Brunner, Joseph W Brown, Joseph 11 Baldwin. Francis Blair, Michael Brannon, James K Bullough, James A Baker. William M Blount, Wm Ben ken, William D Bashlor, William Burge*. George A Boifeuil- let. William Beenken, Patrick Brady, Thomaa G Bulloch. Henry Bagshaw, William Brunkard, James M Butler, John F Blakely, Michael Boylan, Thomas Bourke,William 8Bo* Inger. Joseph Bryan, Henry Burt. William Burke, Harvey LlJyrd. Francis 8 Battlcy, Henry F Bennett, John Bosch. L<uyrd. Francis B Uattley, Ilenry F Bennett. John Bosch, John Blount. Samuel P Bell, Michael Barry. Patrick Brad ley, Philip Bringmnn, Augustus Boullneau, Rlch’d Brown, Patrick Bradley, Geo Bankman, John Breen, Wm A Black. Mick Burke, Edward W Baker. Wm Henry Bunch. Burrell L Boullneau, Richard Bradley. James H Buckner. Kicli'd W Buford, Dennis Bragdon. Henry L S Buntz. John J N Buntz, David Badjerlu, IVorthington C Butler, Thaddeua P Blake- wood, WmC Barton, Francis S Bartow. Wyatt M Bragg. John A Burgess, William 11 Blount, Michael Burke, Henry Style* Bell, John C Blance, Wm II Banks, Saro'l V liox. Ml- ohael Barrett, Michael Barret, Theodore Bluis, Wm H Boml- ley. John Bilbo, James Bilbo, Wm H Bourke, ThaddcuiJ Baldwin. David U Ualdwin, Wm B Bliss, lletij Burroughs, John Brady, Lewis 3 Bennet. Frederica H Biol*, W Bratloy, James C Blance, Augustus Barle. ^•“Sotomon Cohen, Uerniml Constantine, David C Cash, William Cullen, Peter Corb, David Lopez Cohen. James A Counrotsle. Montgomery Cumming, DaultlBCamp. Geoigo II Cumming, Moses Coburn. William Crabtree. Aaron Cliam plon, Daniel D Copp, Isaac Cohen. Fretlerick Cook, Frederick W Cornwell, William P CTark, William H Cuyler. Carrol A Cloud, Spencer Currell, Piorce Condon, William M Charters, Lharle- Clare. Daniel Clarke, John F Compoguiac. George Calley, Myles 1) Cullens, Peter L Constantine.Nicholas Cru- ger, Ilenry B Christian. John Cordeal, Wallace Cum ml n| James II Carter, William Cooper, John J Cornell, James Clark. James 0 B Campbell, Samuel J Cassells. Joseph - Carruthers. John 1) Charlton, Bryan Connor, William Oscar Chariton, William Cox, Hugh Cullen, James Cleary, Moses S Cohen, Thomas Core, Joseph 8Claghorn, John FCarsten. Charles P Cooper. John Greene Cooke.Henry Cleaver. Jacob Cohen, Benjamin L Colo, Silas M Coleing. John L Clark. Thomas W Cooper. Henry Casson. Jamos Cox. Robert U Charlton. James (fox, Francis Canfield, Peter Clark, Jam's Carey, Thomas Cusacli, Thomas Carey. Daniel Cole. Luke Christie. Lewis F Cooke, Earl A Crafts, Patrick Clark. Mich ael Cusach. Michael Conway. Antonio Christldora. Isaac J Cohen, Francla Champion. Aaron Champion. Thuma* Col lina, Edward T Conner, William Conner, Andrew Conner. Charles Cannon. Thomas Conway, Richard W Cubbedge, Francis T Colo. William Carson, Win F Chaplin. Moses A Co- lion. Ileman A Crane, John Cass, John M Cooper, Lemuol C Clark, Luke Canon, Robert J Cougbey, Jonathan A Co dey, Deni* Clairv, John Cerconeiy. Joseph V Connerat. Jas Connolly. John L Cope, A Conies. John A Chamber*.l’atrick Carney, Michael Cleary. James ECope, William A Cook. Bar ton Centre. John Clancy.Thomas Cunniff. John Cleary, Geo L Cope, Sr., Frederick Carsten, William M Crumly. Michael Carey. Georgo Cornwell, Georgo N Collins. Richard R Cur ler. Octavus Cohen, Geo E Congdon, Lawrence Connell. Geo L Cope, Jr., Jeremiah Cavanaugh. Geo A Cuyler. William H Coojier. Julhisl) Cerconeiy, Edmund Cotter, Wm Condon, Joseph Chin, Charles H Campfield. James CaraplieU, Peter Carrel. Daniel Cromlay, Patrick Cusack. Wm Cannon. Anto nio Chlesa, Joseph N Cook, Allen Cullon, John P Cohen. Wm A Conery, Georgo Holbrook Crooke, Wm Cotter, Thos It Clarke. George E Cubbedge, Augustus C Cannon, Cyrus Chaffer, George Clarke„Jamos Clancey. Samuel H Courier, '’eorgo CauKse. D—David It Dillon, Marlin Duggnn. Archibald 0 Daven port. Isaac Davis. John Daily. Jainer. Dunn. William Dixon. Patrick Devine.Chesley Dugger, William H Dunuing, Henry J Dickerson. Albert L IteLorge. Isaac IPLyon. John E Davis, John Doyle, jr., Isaac DeUroche, William JI Davidson, Wm ll Davis. Uichanl Dawaon,Charles 8 Davis, Nicholas Dixon. I-owisL Daria. Francis II Demoro. Patrick Doyle, Jllchacl Donnelly, Jlorty Dorgan, John Downing, Richard W Dela ney. Tliomas Doyle. Thomas E Davis, Sheldon C Dunuing, George W Davis. Michael Daily. Francis D Dana, Joseph 0 Davis, John Doyle. Jacob DelaMotta. John P A Dupon, Pat rick Dolan, Francis Daly, James II Dcmund. James Dqyio. Patrick Downey, James Downey. Michael Downey, John Deacey. Henry Danonfelser, John Dolan, Jacob Dannenfel- ser. Patrick Dovanny, 1-cri 8 Dickson, Thos Dowell. Micliael I'uggau, Jacob F Doe. Wm C Dawson, Maurice M Demere. Wm J Donaldson, Wm J Dotson. James DeMartin, Burrell M Dye, James JI Dye, Elijah Dye. Alex’r Drysdale, Alex’r Dcibanco. Samuel I) Dickson. Wm G Dickson, John Dillon. Wm Doody. Frederick DannenfeUcr. John Dcvanny, Jlltclieli T Duke. Joseph Doyle, Jiartio Dunnagan. Samuel L Dowell, John D Delaonoy. B.—Henry EBIs, Peter Endre*. John Everard. Richard ante, John EJskr ~ ■ John B Epstein, , t John Eady, Edward W Eden, James Eden. bephhl-ajr, o Andrew Farry. Frederich Finch. William D Ford, Sewell H Fisk, John floniming, Richard Flanigan, Thomas Ford. Patrick Fleming, John Foster, John D Fish, Bryan Foley,' Josiah ll Fisher. John Foley. Jacob Friend. Dugsld Fergu son, John Flannegan, James Fountain. Henry R Fort.Benja min Fickling, Robert Ferrell. Cordoy Kayo. Joseph E Fafli- gant. Randolph U Fell, William Fielding, Janies A Fawn*, William 1! Fleming, Alexander Fawcett, George S Frierson. Charles Fox, Jacob Friend. Ixham Freeman, John Finney. inhn nimMM s Fell. Patrick Fo- Tlioinas Flahertv. Fitzgerald,Ed w’d “■•"••“I r ih^ohiu, r/lw U John FolUard. Jared lltzgerald, Patrick Fltzger- rence lltzgenild. Michael Feeiy, Jlichaal klnney, Fraser, John G Fisher, Wm G Foote, Wm T Feay, ..—Fisher, Robert O Ferguson, Isaac Ferguson, Win A Ferguson, Patrick J Flemming. Dominick Hatley, JaaB Foley. John Fagan, Jacob C Fattier*. G.—Joseph George; Robert II Griffin, Francis Gritnball Joseph Georgo, Jr., Robert M Goodwin. John B Gallic, David H Galloway,Seaborn Goodall, John Gammell, Domingo Gal- Ieo, Joseph F Gammon. Charles Gross, Martin Gerken, Jamca E Gnudry. Philip Gieblehouae. Henry Ganahl, John F Gull- martin, John GentU. Benjamin Ginovoly, John L Graven- Stein, Kbcnczcr W M Gifford, James E Godfrey. George A Gordon, Calrinji Gilbert. Samuel Goldsmith, NicktosUeil, Horace Gillum. John S GreOn. Francis LGue, Jas Gowan, William T Goodwin. William W Goodrich, Michael Gearey, Michael Gay, tawi* Grenvald, Israel Geer, Joshua Griffith, James Garray. Geo'rge Gatehouse, Martin Geiger, Solomon Goodall, Micliael Glasgow. John B Onatin, Charles Ganahl, Robert S Gray, George M Griffin. Julius B Gaudry, William Garrugfaty, Hugh Grady, Benj Georgo. John Gallagher, Pat rick Garelan, Lawrence J Gullmartln, Nathaniel M Gilman, John Gilliland. George V,' Germany, Wm E Goffcken. John Utiuerard, Joseph Ganahl. Henry L Gilbert. Patrick Gor don. Michael Gordon, Harvey ,J Gilbert, George Gass. Can ton Gerdts. Matthew Gallagher. Daniel M Gugel. William O Godfrey. John L Grayson, lUehanl I) Queraro, Wm Ualpln, Wm II Grady, Wm W Graham, John Gotte. H—Thomas Holcombe David K Halsey, William Hess. Christopher Ilussey, Richard H Howell, Charles 8 Hardee. William Howe. William Hunter. William-FHolland, James Hunter, George S Harding, Edwin E Herts, Martin Horn, l«rauel L Horer. John Haupt, Samuel B llaupt. William Ilenry, Henry llaupt William W Handler, Robert Haber- aham,Jobn Ellernapdn, Robert, Hutchison, Alfred Hay wood, William Henderson. Charles A Halt Gto W Hard cas tle. Robert A Honlker. William I. Haupt. Humphrey P Hor ton, EsterHenry, William Heidt Levi Hart,Thomaa Hon- ■tenon, William P Hunter. Marmaduke Hamilton, Peter D Hilzhetm. Charles F Hamilton. John F Hamilton, William Ifonn. WiUiam I! Hausman, David Harrigan, Henry Har per. HowelPW Hollister, Enoch D Hendry, John O Howard. William II Holmes, Geo Troup Howard. William D Hale, Gustavs A Holcombe, Claus Hartman, Samuel Hamilton. Edward J Harden, Stephen N Harris. Oolumbn* 8 Harris. James BB Harley. Undan Hughes, Prioleau Hamilton, Jno C Hunter, Dennis Haley. James E llogg. Jonathan Hill, Jno Hall, Peter Hermann, John A Heugvs, Nicholas Hayle, Geo Hubbard, Patrick. Hopkins, Matthew Harding. Edward C Holbrook.Stephen ITatterich.Oliver 8 Hunter. LewisFnar- ris. William Havell, Jsraea Ilarkett, Judge W Harris, John M Harrison.Joseph M Haiwood. James J Hinoa,Thomas lteffcrmsn. William L Haupt, John Hughes, William Haua- elinsnn, Nicholas Iftrnstales John Hamlet Elisha Hagar, Samuel P Halsey, David 8 Henderson. Dennis Planner Hu- art t Moms C Ileald, George Haas, Abraham Harmon. Ja* M Henderson, Patrick Hart John U Howard. Patrick Han- ley, Andrew lUgsrty, Patrick Hobati. John Higgins, Ksekiel Samuel Nuttman.James SNeidllnger. Natlii Nungazer. John G Neidllnger, William O Norwood Jacob Newberger.Gilbert N Nevle. Thomaa M Newell. James A Norris. John R Nor ton. Robert C Nock, Janies Nungazer, William Nungazer, Edwin LNeidllnger, Lewi* F Nicol]. Thomaa W Neill.Joseph Nowian, Walter S Nott. David B Nichols. John Neill. Ed ward Nugent, Bryan Niland. John C Nlcoll, Frederick Net- tlemcir. Alexander II Nathans, Joseph Nagel. O—John Oliver, Charles E O’Sullivan. John W Owens, George 3 Owens. Arrainlu* Ocurlor, Edward O’Byrne. Wil liam C O’Driacoll, Dennis O’Connor. Phillip O’Connell. Dan iel O’HaijIon. Timothy O’Connor. Timothy O’Brien. Patrick O’Connor. Frederick Otto, George W Owens, Jonathan Olm- atead. Owen O’Rourke. Henry Ohimeyer. William II Olcott ltaniel O'Sullivan. Daniol G Olcott Francis J O’Neil, Thom as O’Brien. Frances J Ogden, David O’Keefe. John Ogleby. John F O’Byrne, Michael W O’Byrne, William P Owens. Daniel O’Sullivan. Dominick O’Byrne. Daniel O’Conner. Jas O'Hara. Bartholomew O’Leary, James P O’Hara, William W Oates.William H Owen. P—Philip J Punch. Thomas Purse, John Poole, James Potter. Jo*pnh F.Pelot. Charles F Preston. William Procter. Edward Padelford. Edward Padelford, jr.. Elisha Parsons. Dsnipl G Philbrick, Anthony Porter. Dennis M Patrick, Ed win Parsons. George Parson*. Edward Powers. John Post ell, Joseph W Philips, John F Posey,William V Prentice. Henry CPreston.Thomas Pidgon. John M Palin. 8amuel G Pan cost. Charles B Patterson-Orrio C Parker. John 1’halen. Ja* Potter. Michael Prcndergast.BdwardJ Purse. Martin Peyton. Charle.; Perry, Patrick Price, Patrick Peyton, Samuel Phil- brick, William F Preston. James M Prentiss. Thomas Pitt Edward M Prendergast. George C Pucler. Robert W Pooler Andrew C Pacetty. Antonio Ponce, Georgo W Pollard. Ed ward Potter. Antonio Ponce. RIcliard Prendergast. Andrew Jackson pollard, James Prendergast Samuel I. Pittman. James Pendergast, Abner C Pomeroy, Joseph n Preston. Thomas Prendergast. William F Parker, James Prunty, Geo Powers. WUUam Parish. <1—William Quantock. jr.,' Martin Quinn. John Quin, Jamesrthdntcy. William W Quinn. James Quantock. Jr. Il_Phll'p M Russell.Daniel Robertson, John A Richard son, William Remshart. George Robertson, jr. Robert R Rhode*.HpnryRobor, William Rogers, Charles F Robinson. Andrew M Ross. John W Remshart, James G Rodger*. Ber nard Roden, James B Read. George Robbins. Joseph Kosse, jr.. David Rosenblatt William P Rowland. Wm P Roberts. John ftollly, Jefferson Roberts. John PW Read, Jas Rbtnd, Joseph Itibero. Jaeob Roaenband, John 8 Roger*. Allen Russell, William Robinson. James Riley. Horace J Iloralt, John Iteody, Alexander R Ralston, Tliomas JI Rosis. John 11 Boss. Thomas Redfren. Benjamin Ree*l Joseph II Ripley. Patrick Reilly, Francis Ryan. John Riordon. John W Rabun. James M Russell, Robert Raiford. Waring Russell. Charles W Rogers, Felix J Rosenburg. Charles E Ryon. Joseph W Roberts. Francis Reeves. Joseph Ross. Edward Riley. Dennis Ryan.Gor-on Rosenblatt. I-ovl S RusscltyCliristoper Russell, Cornelius Iiorke, James Ronaldson, Micliael Rocliford. Alex ander it Ralston. John C Rowland. Patrick Ryan. James Ilussell. Ilenry Ryan. William Robkin, Jeremiah Ryan Jno Ilyan, Jolui T Rowland. James 1. Rlchardsoue. William Rob inson, John G Richard none. Hiram Roberts. Cadwallader D CRlilnd, Iantz Ryan. James I-Rossjgnol. Francis J Ruck- ert. Joseph I* Rogers. Thomas Ryan.TobissRotlileder.I-ouis Roldder. Michael J Reilly. William F Richardson, George Ramspeck, William Riley. William Ritchie. S.—Patrick K Shirt*. Ilenry Seltzer, Wm Henry Stiles, Patrick Smith. Francis 8omt. Samuel S Sibley. Edward A Soullard. Abraham Simpson. Lizar Solomons, John A Schaf fer. Frederick Schaffer, Francis F Slrobhart. Francis Sheila, HarmaivSIlber. Joachim H Saussey. James J Snider. John Savage. ErraStacy, James II Sandiford, Jacob Shaffer,Con rad Sclinider. John G Sexton. John H Strous. John FStur- tevant. Walter W Smith, Francis JI Stone. Emanuel Sbef- tall. John 11 Stegin. Alexander J C Slinw. Farlej* R Sweat. Janie* F Stokes. John A Staley, Aoner Sawyer. Samuel B Sweat. James Sullivan. Solomon Sheftall. Daniel T Scran ton. I>anlrt II Stewart. John Slone, William Suite, Joseph D Stebbins, Jacob Spang, William Shinner*. Joliu Shuiizel, Matthew Shannon, Dennis Sullivan, Philip Smith, John Shwink. James Shea. James P Screven, Thompson I.Smith. WiU-nniSwnll, RicbanI Scanian, Alexander A Smcts. Wil liam II Smith, Andrew Stcafvaier. Edward J Sanders, Jlnr- decai Shellail, Sr.. Jacob A Shaffer. Herman Sangstocli. Jaa JI Stripling. Francis Sawyer. Timothy Sberidon, John Scud der. Janie*Skinner, Lewis Smith, John Shea. Geo 1 Spen cer, Samuel I. Speisegger. Simon Santim. Tliomas Smith. James Shephard. James Skinner. Georgo Simmons. Tliomas Smith. Thomas Scalloy, George J Smith, John Stoddard, Je««e J Smith. John BSpan,Capt Joliu Sterenson. Dr James JI Sclilcy. Thomaa Saumlers. Jo in Steinberg. Wyatt W Starke, William Starr. William J Stafford. William R Hy- I - , I -J < villllDi of Proridence, was raised, when lie physician to be almost dying will, comZXTO" SSSSS-i* 8 X 1 that SO great. wlthhcM from thn,e on wlmm - u,], n.hi h.„i - 4,.lh ” b» pUcod hi. mark. ! b ‘" 1 '•S' ■n. Ik-rrnm 1. prrfrcllj h,nnt».l, Ihuhitui- ‘ Uken with impunil, b, the Infant .nd tb, r™iu iu brneiiciwl effect, will be felt in n (kw hon™ menclng iu n.e. 1-1.11 tben.liell..SKlSlS win nnl peoeeff. .her on tmp.nl,I m.l. 111.pHn JTS wlUbe cetuened, nnd nllngenl. uikSi.'S? ouzo; 1 ' .w-MS These lewenge. nee pot up In 26 cenli. SO sent, „ boxes, and only need a trial to be fullr srrredjiH C. P. HUNT: Darixv. Ga., only SWtefo.iu, I Btates, to whom all orders mu*t be sddrtsted. fciMh rj omens. Edwanl J Saunders, Thomas F Sterens, Newton Stripling, William 8ter. Jr., Amos Scudder. James Swan Sullivan. Adam Short, John Sherlock, William Sanders, Chares Schreck. Ephraim Scudder, Augustus Sclicidemnn. Joliu Sullivan, JInrtin Sullivan, William F Shearer, Nicho las Sinnot, Michael Shehan, John Shellman. Julius Smith, George W Stiles. Patrick Sullivan. James E Stlrk, William Smith, John Smith, Abraham A Solomons, Joseph M Shell- man.” Edward Scaff, Ilenry II Scranton. George Stevenson, Mnrdecai Sheftall. Jr., James C Sturtovant, JIo«es J Solo mons. Joseph M Solomons, Solomon Sheftall, James II 8be- hnn. George W Sanders.llenry Straus, Idodrich Shaffer. Jno EStilwell. Nelson Smith. Francis Clement Stebbins. Richard Steele. Peter Smith. Richard Smye, James Smith. Henrv W Smith. Valentine W Skiff. ’ 3 T^-l’cter G Thomas. John F Tucker, John T Tliomas, William 8 Thompson, George HTitcomb, Cliarles O Talblrd John DTenbroek. John Thompson, Frederick A Tupper. Jas Thurrt. William B Tinsley. Barnanl O Tilden, Anderson C Toms. Francis Truc\ielut. William TThompson, John Tier ney. Elwnrd Townsend. John C Taylor. Alfred F Torlav, Is rael K Telit, Lewi* ETebeau, Wm II Tison. John II Thode, Cornelius Turbusb, Josiah P Tustin. John V Tarver. Israel K Tefft. David Thompson, William Thomas, Peter Thomp son. Joseph R Thompson. Stephen A Turner. John Tanner. William S Taylor, Milton Turner. Patrick Tydings, Ilenry J TieOeinann, John Timmerman.Ilenry Tow. Cluules Thomp son, Michael Tonder. BJcbanl T Turner, Marion B Talblrd, John Tram pier, James C Thompson, Martin Tufta, George T B icusj Francis Marion Threadcraft, Nesbit P J Taylor. Paul lomasson. Benjamin T Theus, Richard Tliomas, Thomas M Turner, Henry Thompson. V—-Charles Van Horn. David Vesder Tristam Verstille, Henry 11 Vcrritille, William n S Verstille. Henry VlelstUcb, William C Vaudcnburgh, Charles Vandcnmark. W^-Iliclmrd Wayne,Edward G Wilson, William Waters. Robert H Walker, Henry V Willtnk. Iaurence W Wall, Na thaniel F Webster, Henry O Wyer. James T Webb. Henry E Weed. Smith Warner, Thomas White, Francis HWelman. Nicholas Wolf. William White, Thomaa 8 Wayne, Benjamid Whitehead. Jacob Winebcrg, Samuel -A Wood. Georgo S Wait. Cymric* Wilson. Thomas J Walsh, John W Wilson. Jo- Jepli Washburn. Znchariali N Winkler. Lewis W Wells.El- mu nd Wallen. Wylijr Woodbridge. Christopher White. Seth Woo<lwanl. Isaac Wilder, Dennis Wynn. James White. Philo II Wildman. William Watson. WiUiam P White, Philip D Woolhopto. Ashbel Welles, John J Waver; Jacob Walter, George SI-Willett, Jams* T Welies, Jams* WhlUhan.Enos Withington. Allen R Wright, Samuel Wilmot, Wm Wilson, Wiliam Wright. James M Wayne. William TliomaWlUIsms, Patrick White. James W White, Richard Wickam. William MWadley, Jacob Waldburg. George W WyHy. William C Wvlly, Isaac P Whitehead. Lewis Wiggins. William Waters, James Wldte.SlephenP. Whitehead, James M Wayne. Hen- ry K Washburn, Clans Wlttochen, Conrad Waldschmidt. John Williamson. John C Wagner. George M Waldburg, Jno J Watts. Edward O Withington. James 8 Wilkins, Norman Wallace. William H Wiltberger, Peter Wiltberger, Simeon Waller. Joseph W Webster. Amos E Webster. Thos White, Tliomas Wood, Henry F Wllllnk, jr., George S Webb. Wil- limn Webster. Michael Walch, John E Ware. Stephen B Wil liams. Irvin L Wolf. John Wickham. Michael Weldon. Fran cis White. Cliarles W West, Henry Williams. Jama* C Weha- ater. Ilenry Wilson, Martin Wendilksn, " CARiKIl’S SPANIStfMlXTURKT- THE GREAT PUIUFIEIl OP HIE UWOB- Not a Particle of Mtrcurr in It. A N INFALLIBLE REMEDY for .‘‘crofuls, Klnr'i M Rheumatism. Obstinate CutsneouiIfoinUowLlW or Pustule on the Face. Blotches. Holla. Chronic SoreFrek Kin,".™.' Teller,K.H Ilnu),hbqM°M& of the Bone* anil Joint*. Stubborn Ulcm Syphilitic TW dera, Lumbago, Spinal Complaints, ami ail Iii»uMiiW> from *n injudicious use of liercurr. Imprudent* |» J Impurity of the Blood. This valuable Medicine, which Us twcome wkVnWfct the number of extraordinary cures effectrt thread h agency, has Indued the proprietor*, at the urgent rrevnt of their friend*, to offer it to the public, which they da.iti tho utmost confidence in i(s virtue*and ron-Urfulrunlhi properties. The following certiflcsU*. selected Irua ilw»‘ number, are. however, stronger lertimony than the am word of the pioprietora; andaresll from genUrstei vtR known in their localities, and of tbe higbrtt iwwuWitf many of them now residing in tbe city of Richmond Ti. F. BOYDEN. E8q., of tbe Exchsnge Hotel Kicfcmiei known every where. *av» he hs* »*en the Hrtkio* ofej Cartkk’s Spakish Mixttrx adminiitereiliaorershiaM cases, in nearly ail the di*ea*« for which it ii retoawsi. ed. with the most astonishingly good multi. Hi nil X ii the mos* extraonlinarv meilicine he hu ever fees. AGUE AND FEVER—GREAT CTRE-I hereby mtfr, that for three year* I had Ague and Fever of the nwtib- loot description. I had several I’hrsicisni. look hrnoiu. titles of Quinine. Mercnry. snd I fvllere ail th* Toiki M- vertlsed. but all without any permxnent rtliel ilkitl trie*! CARTEn’s SfASimMrmnr. two bottles of wbMirfo. tually «nired me. and 1 *m happy to *ay I Imre had oeitber Chills or Fevers *inee. I consider it the best Tonic lifk* world, and the only medicine that ever reached my ewe. Beaver Dam. near Rinhmond.Va. JOHN LO.VGD0. C. B. I.UCK. E*q , now in tbe cily oi PJclurwodiMte many years in the Pott Office, hu tuch cooMewhlh* astonishing efficacy of Cartzk's Pnsm linmztkith* lias bought upward* of 50 bottle*, which be bu|ireiiuy to tho afflicted. Mr. Luck **r* he h&i never known it t* fail when taken according to directions. I>r. MINGE. a practising Physician, snd formerly of tk* CUy Hotel. In the city of Richmond. *ay* he hu witsewd In a number of instances the effect* of Cmn'i Dins Mixtvkx. which were most truly *urpri»in*. He nyi ii l case of Consumption. de|>endeut on the liter, the pwto fects were wonderful indeed. SAMUEL M. DRINKER, of the firm of Drinker* Xaik, Richmond, was cured of Iirer complaint of S ye»r» it ing. l>v the use of two bottles of Carler'sSpsniih kill GREAT CURE OF SCROFULA—The Editor* oilheM. mnnd Republican had a servant employed In tbefryn* room, cure 1 of violent scrofula, combined with Rbnae tism. which entirely disabled him from work. Twtbdlh of Carter's Spanish Mixtnre r.isde a rerfecl enreri hiiaui the Editors, in a public notire, say they -cheerfully rma- mend it to all who are afflicted’ withsny di«**« tffe blood.” STILL ANOTHER CURE OF FCR0FTU-I bid »raj valuable boy cured of Scrofula by Carter’* Spiabh fix ture. I consider it a truly valuable medicine. JAkl?l TAYLOR. Conductor on tfie K. F. 4 P. R. R.Co, Rkhwei, Virginia. Salt Rheum of 20 Years Standing Cirri Mr. JOHN THOMPSON, residing iu thediy cl Rick** wns cured by three bottles of Carter's Jpsnbb Mfxltrv w Salt Rheum, which he hail*nearly '.’0 year*, snd which al the physicians of the city could not cure Mr. Th‘*p«* is a well known merchant of Richmond. Va, snd h» tts fa most remarkable. , WM. A. MATIIIFAVS. of Richmond. V* . h»4 cured of Spyhilis. In the worst form, by Carter'* !•>»" Mixture. lie says he cheerfully recommends it,xodW- aidera It an Invaluable medicine. ,. RICHARD E WIST, of Richmond.w**corfl .Wen and what physirian* callcl confirmed Cewumplic^<1 three bnitlesof Cnrlor'sS|uini»b Mixture. . EDWIN BURTON. Coiniiil**lniier«.f the towns*. W'* lins seen the good effects of Carter's Ppsnish Mirim*U» number of SpyhiUtic cases, and says it is* perfect w*** that horrible disease. ■$ . _ WM. G. HARWOOD, of Richmond. V*.. cored eW ami ulcers, which disabled him from wslkiuy. "oolir* bottle* of Carter’s Spanish Mixture, and w»* *«bW » walk without a crutch, in a short lime permswuty t,lti I*ricc $1 tier bottle. ^ „ .. a Principal Itepots at M. WARD, CLOSE * 00., ha “ MIden lane. New York. . . -a. T. W. DYOTT & SONS, No. 132 North !d 8»W‘i df |l©lSEIT & BEERS. No. 125 Maln-rt-Ricbomid. V*. And for sale by SI10MA8 M. TURNER * a ’i*^rr M. CARTER. A. A. LftIXttlONS k CO., fersnash. «M ff Druggists and Country Merchant* everywhere. msy20—ly — COUGHS, COLDS AND BROXCIHTH* P AST1IJJ-S I)E PARIS.—For the cure of eougMO»« and bronchial affection* ofthe tlirost. W tills season of tlio year. We do not recommend twi*e tilies de Paris to cure all the ills life I* heir to say they will cure all affections of the JbroaM** .. them will prove. Manufactured by Moor* * T 7 ' Maiden-lane, New York. N. B.—The gennine bear* the written sipi»lar*of * k Taylor. Just received and for sale by mill W. W. LINCOLN. MoogmwflgL E ~ HER SON'S RAZOR STROi’S.-rbwe are mado and warranted by Charles uperior to any others now in u*e. B sii)*tv*< sure and get the genuine Strop, u iberesre ^ counterfeits bearing the same name, the»«t<* * 0,c ' ’iSiT •“wTwuSraS*S»5£!3HSi ■ltnoijsii vnunN ii®f5oTO3i5«S*“|jj: Sit .l.ply .Mil In Enfflnnd Irt'ljUfSB worn., ti. Fnr lloacliM .ndA ? U,tbii. U to it. H ha* been fairly tested In thiscitr, ^ lied upon as an effectual extermlflFterofsHMo«°* v ‘ uSAsSSi) upon_ Ju* treedved, and tor sale by .. * ifl . C HERRY LOZENGBd.—Compound Wild for coughs, colds, and indents*. These , be found much more convenient than **4 ins, aa they can be « rried about th* preparations,**they can be enow*—-• ua. always ready for uso when the couch is trooP***™^ K reventlng a violent attack of coughing and .linn of tbo lnnp.„Jn« dee’ — Henry \l M William*. Christopher Wltzgen.l Wilson. Augustus Walter, Robert _ Wado. rhmuas A WlUua, Bryan Wren, Frederick R Wylly, WhiUrillell Williams,Michael Wall,Ilenry Weigand,Demp sey White, James G M Warnoch, Junes E Waltbour, Elisha Wylly. Frederick Wyndicb. Peter .White, Ilenry WUUam son, John Weigt-im, Aaron Wilbur. Y.—Dr East— v Ham P Yimj Z - lor. is ton Young, Peter Yonaon, John A Y’ongo, WU- *^-EdIX8ZiUronw, Jacob Zimmerman, Botomon Zelg- All persona entitled to vole, and desirous of voting at the next election for Mayor and Aldermen or the city of Savannah and hamlet* thereof, are respectfully requei ted to call at my office and register their psmes within^the tiino prescribed by ‘ * " ‘ of rotlng thsreat. •ep6 * ... wa uu., from New York,we.ha’ nnd are now opening a fine selecUoiTO' whlchweart c* MrtSSto»Heim. u.«,iii.fr,, S ‘ , . '.V - , - w. W. LINCOLN. MonBBrt iNEN TURKISlTnUCnON T0WFL^-A article for bathing purpo«»-»nd much i*Fv _ gt gloves now In use Where friction is r W“!j| r |s tot sry highly recommended by the medlca w** nd and the United fitatre. 8rs*n ' mh24 W. W. UNC0LN. Monmnraia^ rtlGAKS. TOBACCO. v u y«i”» *?- In J.nUVlJri tri-'lL.: 10,000 Oregon do.;25,000 Cheroots t tf w*;, boxes Tobacco,varioue brand; 10 10 do iAicy St*1 do do. 6 do Myen’ Aronu«« rilard’s fine cut <lo. 25 do Bogg’s do do, *5 do W** do. In store and for sale low by _. k auglO CRANE* MDgW WhaieS^ii Gregory WKite,SamuelT and Logwood; 8*1 Soda. Sal “T*?-.j^Usie ** Wsggetuteln. Edward O and Sal Glauber; sup.carb. Sate, *ar»^^ Kv- " Camphor.Gum Arable. Msvnrei*. Bateman’s Drops. Hot Dnui- Sjjuk pal Vsrnisbes; Chrome tfreenandleHow. pal Varnishes; Chrome Green anflieno^^^iu Umbre, Utherage. Teoa De Sienna, Inks, assorted packages; NntmegejOoveh Letter and Writing P>P*f. » l ‘ h • F*** n0 * ■ v useful sundries, for sale low, by p‘uAi-.CTAltC-H, K0 do Bead cl’s 6'* and 8’s.lWlow Caadff-™. j-. ,