The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 18??-1856, October 09, 1853, Image 1

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’ ■ m / * 4V*-•■■‘^ - BSB ■m** "7.- , fr- -\i »»Bg^iea»gsgagfeggBBSiBBgfasaggg8B8BBBBHg8BBB!gg8iaaiS!tgiBa^ , e«y‘"« i, *»»^ i> ^»f i ^«"B8gagisajBifc SAVANNAH. GEORGIA, SflNDXV .■ G, OCTOBER, 9. 1853. 4= KtaHaasas- ipF. -*— aiti o Vw-i ■QBt&nlr • r-”-vi*«SSfSBi> it**- nr ItfWo'H* HUTON, - ■ .. „7SSklv n-wmiY, u. nd»*>" , ',K2ri?.«rod to oltj >»b*Sbw *»d 9BSbE3?s» m&B3SSum ■ *** .JuhI7rS5— IfegigaBS^^oaais 1K|Bw»*jff n J!Sroi | ,"i i0«m» o city, at p.v **~?ure<Uy mwatef. ..».«« ^.Sff* 11 m * ADTAa01 ' SW- fe^jS BOTUJU- DlgUBAHOlC OO. •A* 4 ® na^ H8 Bay-rind. TBPgjft&B- Hotort., J.». *Mh£ ■^ [jE^RY P. W8KD, Pwaldent, HIRAM R0BKRT8, Vico President I |a> ¥cB0«T.8“ ,,r ° IKNOII JUYEFILEIL . \ < ludratal, atul in Ornamental Binding. LR U0RIN8ON LUU1SSE, on UUtoira do an* Famlll*IaiIiw Ngufagce. par J.Wva. Aventura* tie Robinson Crusoe, tndultM Amalia Cbr»RsoI M "u*\'Orpl < ii»Uno d« Seine, riedlee on* te ptrsonu•s. par yjjtor Doublet. Profusseur do Belles- I|0t0> Abrcg* do Tour* Im Vo) ages au Pile Nnrd. depula In Frane. tenl Jusqu'a trelmuard (1830—1836), por llanrt Lo- brun, atxteme edition. Marguerite Robert, par M’meTullle Uoneuae. law Dernier* Jour* de Pompeii, Imlto de Bulwar. Iltetoire Natural!* de* Anlmaux, laa plus reraaiauablea do la elaaN do matnmirerea (quadruped#* at oataeaa), par un Naturallito do Muaeura, do 60 figure* d’anlmaux. L'Orpliellne de Moicou, on Juno Inatltutrlce, par M’mo Wolllea—dlxlome edition. Herr* l'Qrand, par J. N. Du bo!*, Protases ur do PUnlver- aito—quartloma edition Mm PHaona on Memolroa do Sllrio, Pallieo, traduction nouvelle, par M. PAbbo Dauraaea, profeaaaur an petit Semi* hi nalro de Tours. Auguate et Thame, on Lo Retour a la to, par M’mo Tarbo da* Sabloua—trolilome edition. Ernestine an laa Channel do la Vertn aulrle de Nelly on la Jeuno Artiato et do Caroline at Julietta, par M'moCoaarie Forrouce—septleme edition. Blanche do Savona/, par M’mo L. B. Agues da Laurens an Memolroa De Soeur St. Iam, par LouTa Vonllatte. Mathilda at Onbrlelle ou tea Blenfalts, d'uno education cbretrtenne—trohlcme edition. Robert au PSouvinar d’uno Mere, M’mo 0. Guarmante. Vo/agea et Aventura* do Laporonee, par F. Valentin— alxiame edition. Foraalob/ aep88 J. B. CPBBKDOB. NEW BOOKS. R ECEIVED AND FOB SALE BY 8. a 81BLEV, 185 Con- groaa-at.—Bible In the Family—Bible Id the Counting Honae. Annala of Tenneaaee. by J. G. M Ramaey, M. D. Tlia Sword and tbe Distaff. or Fair, Fat aod Forty. . Marla De Bergjore, ft talc, oC. tho Jhaareat Oty, by W. Gflmoro Slmma. '■■■** ' , ■ y--, • * r-.. »■' The Raee for Bichea, and aome of tbe plu Into which the Runuera fall. txSorrffoumm bjcchangk and iHtscor* onoiunost auenct. MM In -nil fur tlirlr* .ml talmn, of ■ LjJr^wlEj dnteUu pnehot .hip., aro Intonud IWJ lb. oolj Ag.nU foe tbo.boT. «g.n- Vampirism—tho hlatory of Rtherlal Softdowu ana tho Frienda of the New light, by C. W. Webber. Rowland Wevor, or tbe Pilot of Human Llfo. Oreat Trutha by Great Authora, from writera of all agea and both hemispheres. Cleansing tho Sanctuary, by W. L. M’Galla. of the Union Presbyterian Church, of Philadelphia. Je28 ■ fcsUl*' ^ sulhoriaed lo drawon Mesara.Wm.Tapscott n .ml which ' 1F.CEIYE0 BY 8 S. S1BLKV. June 28. 1868.—Blgar kivLInrpooUn «um* from £1 and upward*, which •T Bauble In any town throughout Ireland and •- profit on France and Germany, payable In . X Clifton, a storr of School Llfo. by C. Adam*. w« . Tho Old Forest llanger.or Wild Sports of Indio, by lf^j. Walter Cambollond Frank Forester. I cL ftiUin. Draft* on Franco anu uorra.nj, p., I tmAiof tb« Continent. aUo for *ale. Apply to I DUSKER fc OGDEN, 80 Day-*trcct. I ToUTHKRN MUTUAL INSUllANCIfl CO. J * iSBORY HULL. President and Treasurer. I upoS CHASE, Scc’ry. | C.F.McRAY, Actuary. 1 n.wkrtlpied, Agent oftheaboro Company, continues [j* take the following Kiskii, ▼!«.: Marino, .River and Fire jlttt tkt Utm ofSerranti. [Urt*«nD*Re Perion* are also taken by tbla Company. VitriBiraoloiu for retidlng In tho South. * WILLIAM KING, Agent, Comer of Ray ilnd Dray Um-street*. •7 varlout Rerolutloni in Euroite and Amorlca. to the pretent time, by n. White, B. A. Consolation, by James W. Alexander, D. D. The Relieve, by Itev. Hugh Whlto. Harpers Magaxino for July, an interesting number. I'utnapi's Msgaslno for July. Rarnum’s Illustrated Newt, Gleason’s Plctoral, &o. june30 IwTuIHALL HOUSE DRESSING SALOON. I ifCSS.COHEN k BANNON respectfully announce to 177i»«3. COHEN ABA.N.NU.N rcspccuuuy announce io I of Savannah that they are now prepared I fttaD klnda of work In their lino, at their new shop, IJltflhieeroer of Broughton and Praytou-sta. They have I^ulLi foe following aa their rates of charges: For a *ih»rper month,for Sorthree times per week "i (j^et« week $1; 6 or 6 times a week 81 50; erory kiil» per month. Hair cutting 20c.; hair curling 25c. Jfft'COUfcN will always hold himself in rcadlno** to at. I taikoririfrom those who may require his services^at I WITTE WAN MACHINE AND MANUFAO ' “ TURING COMPANY, i-iVTltatw and Improved organliatlon, manufacture ■ jj Waiotlr* and Stationary Engines, Sugar Mills. Gins, I PMttlathM. Drill*. Ac. AUo. every description or CoL I ta.TuteaanilSa'# Mill work,Shafting, Pulley*. Ac..Csst- ■ Sifiiy Wight, (having a largo assortment of pattern*.) ,3»hwi price*. F. S. CLAXTON, Engineer. I [W18 Hatt-street, corner of Gold. Claxtnn&Wot- fmfoeeWor. Collins A Co. and II. Collins’ Axes, Hard- «*rencT,23 Pratt-st., New York. ' oclO—lyr NEW BOOKS. N ARRATIVE of a Journey round tho World, cmnpris* Ing Chill, the Gold Regions of California and Austra lia. the South Sea Islands aud Java, by E Girstaecker. Romance of Abelard and llelolrt. by 0 W Wright l*v«comancy. Spirit Rapping* and Tablo Tipping* exposed, by Professor Charles G Page. A History of England from the (lrat Invasion of tho Ro mans to tho accession of William and Mary In 1G88, by Jno IJngard. I). D. Heavenly Recognition—Will we know our frionds in hea ven? by Rev H Harlmugh. Heaven, or the Snintcd Dead, by Ilarbaugli. Tho Heavenly Home, or the Employment and Eujoyment of tho Saint* in Hcnven. Tho Illustrated Magazine of Art for August; the Edin burgh Review for July; Ranking’s half yoirly Abstarct. January to June, 1853; Itarnuin's Illustrated New*; tbe Lndv’* Book for August; English and Equity Reports, vol 14. Philosophy of Sir Wm Hamilton, edltod by 0 W Wright. Eearth’s legacy ; Annie Grayson; Grammar without a master. Ac. «ugl2 W. THORNF. Wn.LIAMS. PATENT SCALES. rg»« patent Platform Scales—(Improved inqiial- D ttturireduced In price)—AiUnted to every required op. am of weighing, a* RallroadScale* for trains or single car* Nan the principal railroad* In the United 8tates aud at Dritaln, Warehouse Scale*. Heavy Portable Scales, on k foe foundries, rolling mill*. Ac. 8lore Scale*, various jkaUom; CounterScales^Hay and Coal Scales, Ac.— w8cale« hare been long known and severely tested; and 'venal confidence felt In tliolr accuracv and perfect nent, I* such that thoy aro now regardod i n wiiieh there U no aj d aa the stand- pCm JtRICK h BEIJfc Agent* SILVER’S MINERAL PAINTS. RIOT RECEIVED.—a supply of Mineral ltalnts, lire and Ifritcr-pnwf color*,'unfading. Silver’* Mineral Palate 1 ’fauKntially from all other* In market. They are not •nattey require little oil. they do not work toughly, but it «uOy m white trad. They lay on a very heavy body, hunedlately, and becoraoan indestructable covering of __i They neltlior crack nor peel, and require no atronger I tan than white lead. ... I I tare a rariety of colors. Rod, Yellow, varioua Brown*, ‘ Thi ' ' '~~ I ftlM Back. tliey are auperlor in body (or covering I merty) to anything ever dlacoverod,and pound for pound I vs earn double the lurfaeo of White Lead or Zinc Mineral ie the rortaco of I phU, and requlrn less oil. I 1 un now prepared to cover Tin Roofs, as nothing adhere* I tatialika Silver’* Mineral PainU. For sale by 1 JOHN J MAURICE, ■71 lft and 12 Barnard-alreet. . REMOVAL. R ONABLETAII-ORINO ESTABLISHMENT—The sub' wr having Joit removed to No. 21 HUlLstreot, (bo. I (two Congresa and Rrougliton-stroot*,) would Inform hi* I Mradt and Uie public generally, that ho will open Tina I HiT.Uiucnad auppirof Fall and Winter Good*. couiisUng I of tM but French, English and American Cloth*, CassL I mtm and Veilings, purch nod from the mo*texten»lve Im. I rnrtcn In New York, which he I* preparod to niako up In I ita best and moat (aihionable style*. 1 dec! M. D. MURPHY. DISSOLUTION. T nE to nrtntnhip heretofore existing with the under* signed, under the firm of BOSTON A GUNBY.dathU I day dissolved by mutual consent. Eitlior partner isautho- I bed toau the name of the Arm Inclosing tho unsettled bilious. JOHN BOSTON, Aifiit 1st, 18^3. sug2 J. 11. GUNBY. Ihiindcrilgncil will continue the FACTORAGE and COM' S BUSIN •riidti a eontinnanco of tbe patronage so liberally extend- •41« the late firm. U{1 JOHN BOSTON. ■niSOlXTlON OF CO-PARTNERSHIP.—Tlio co-partnor 1/ ihip heretofore existing between the subscribers under - ». B. MITCHELL will continue tho business on teewn account, and is authorized to settle all claims, in I au city.for or sgainit the late Arm. 1 F. ZOOIIAUM, Charleston. 8. C., . . 0. R. MITCHELL, 8avaunah, Ga. tavannah. June fllh. 1853 je8 T\WoLut10N OF COPARTNERSHIP—None*—The con " «rn of Kihl W conwnt.Mr. Klhbee retiring, and Mr. Thomas Woml, kte#f Vacun. taking his placo. under tho namo and style ? "J 011 * Rfslgnr*. All debt* against tho late Arm will Ihj 8twated by th« new Arm. and all monies due them will bo twittable. and receipted for by the new concern, as pei •Twowt. KIUBEE A BOINiERS, WOOD k R0D0ER8, A ’'.‘^D.-Tho subscriber, in retiring from bu*lnes* in v * cll T' cannot but feel doeply grateful and oblluwt lor Un vuy liberal jatrnnage which has bvon extended to “.(anew house.) both from city and country friends, and uuitkUopportanity to express hi* thank* for the same, MtMalgcithe h'ipe that past favors will be continued to w * ,,, 111:6 ° v ®ry way grateful to give the mo*t Mwifled latlafaction to the patrons of tho late concern "RkKodgu*. Very reapoctfully. J. M. KIBBEE. Tho Doubting Oommunleant. by Septimus Tuittn, D. D. Country Hospitalities, by Catherine Sinclair Spiritual Vampirism—the history of Etherlal Softdowu MORE NEW BOOKS. NEW HOOKS. S IR ISAAC BARRINOTON’H Personal Sketches of 111* own Times, a new edition. A Memorial of Horatio 0reenough, by H. T. Tuckcnnan. Tbe Pedestrian tu France and Switzerland, by G. Banell. Hie IJbortines in American, by H. W. Warner. A Ikmk for overy America, on tho Science of Government and Coinimud of theCnnatltnUnn and Civil Jurisprudonco of the United Sta’ca, by A. W. Young. (' the author of Mary Barton. Tlio l/imion Quarterly Review for July. Blackwood’s Edinburgh Review for August. No*. 10 and 11 Colllor’* Slmkenpeare. ) owry’s Universal Atlas. Upham’s Mental Pliylosophy. abridged. Buck’s Tlilbet and Tartary. Ltudon citltlon, HtuMrated. Lord Bacou’a Essays. 1 vol.; Rabelais’ Works, 2 vols aug25. W, THORNE WIMJAMS. =—= jort btohm, ‘ aa— hlMM id to nit *tock~or whlch. atpreeent on hand, he Invite* attention.— I laving had exteftelve exper* experience to France as a manufoe- turer, and In Alborie* a* importer and dealer, his acquain tance with the trade enable* Mm to offer assurance that tbe article* which are Enumerated below are etoh genuine I Arttelea off Direct ImporUUon.—French Bran dies of varlout brand*; Holland Gin; Scotch, Irish jmd Monongahela Whisky I Old BatavU Arrack; Jamaica and Bt Croix Rem. Wlnea^-Otd Port, Madeira, 8h*rry, Champagne. Hock, Claret, Bauterne and Burgundy Wines. Oordlnla—-In caaes. Curaooo. Maraschino, Ratafia, 81a- valtx. KlrsehenwoMfr, Abslntli, Ac. Ale nnd Porter.—Loudon llrown Stoat, and Bdln- mrgh Alo. Also Agent for Domtstlo Uquort, nov5 • R. MAYER. 1IULCOBIUB, JOHNSON A OO.. _ Have tn store, and offer for tale, on tho most 3fkvorablet*rms— ■ 15 lihds St rolx Sugar, 25 do Porto Rico do ■ 25 do N Orleans do. 50 hbU Coffee do 100 bbl* Stuart’* A. B and C Sugar. 25 do Crashed do 10 boxes Imer do. 200 bag* Rio Coffee, 20 do Java da- 100 bags old Cuba Coffee. 60 do Jamaica do 10 case* Myer’s Aromatlo Tobacco. 60 cask* Bacon Sides 25 casks Shoulders, 25 do name, choice quality 100 bbl* Baltimore Flour. 60 whole and 25 half do Canal do 26 lihdt. 6Q tierce* and 50 bbl* West India Molasso* 25 bbl* New Orloans Molasses, 25 do oxtra do 25 quarter chests Hyson Tea; 10 do do Black do 100 boxes Sperm and Adamantine Candles 100 do. No 1 and Pale Soap 100 bales 0unny.Coth. 800 colls Weaver's Rope 100 bbl* E Phelps’ Oln. 250 Flaok’a do, 25 do GOai River do.25 do N E Rum 20or casks pure Malaga Wine, tffflo do Madeira d4 ccticut . i kslr nipes.otard Brandy.M « en ska do do. 100 bbl* MonongaheU wlilrtr. 10 qr casks Port Wine 15 bbl* Mint and Rose Cordial. , Also, the following old and very choice Liquors, in glasses : 40 dmen choice old Madeira Wine, 1847 . 85 deinljons St Croix Rum, 15 do old Jamaica do, 1848 .60 do old Monongahela Whisky. 1845 f H> do Pure Julco, 1848.40.1o Brandy.1816 85 dozen Scheiilam Gin, 10 do old WhUky, Nectar. mnyl8 - GROCERIES. 25 IinDS. Porto llico and Muscovado Sugar, 25 a do choice New Orleans do, 25 do do Cuba Stnlai- ■ ics. 100 bbla Now Orloans and Cuba 8/rup. Stu> ■art’s rcctifted do. 600 gallons Spenn 011,300 8podea.'Manure and’L_ >r .... Shelters, Cob Crashers. Manure Drags, ( Cutters, Soytl ' - * " Soyt lies and Sheaths. Hose, Axes, Handles. Rood Scrapers, Ox Chains, Ox Y< Fancy Barrows, Garden Chain, Segment t«. Com , Straw i and naud Breen Wire, Hemes, Measures, Grist Cauhlroae. Douglass’ Pumps and Water do Buckets, Cotton and Counter — Hook*, Jack 8crews, Burnls’s Sea Islam Griswold’s Upland do. Cenleat, Plaster, Iso, Hand and Yard Saws, Ac. CHATHAM ACADEMY. rpHE txercUes of this institution wilt be resumevl on L Monday, October 10th. under the management Of J. B. MALLARD and BERNARD MAIJDN.auioclaU principals. Thu academic year Is divided into four quarters bf eleven week* each, as follow* t First quarter cummonoe* October 10th. and end* Decern- -24lb. Unnand Cross Cut IRON FRONT JEWELRY STORE, Wholesale nnd RetftlL' V.. JVo. lid nrmiohion-H..bdwten IhillaniWMMcr. L THE largest and be ‘ , 1 * ....... and beat selected etodtapfgood* ever offered for sate in thbr city. Gold and 8Bm Watches, ■ftitiBbVeit, Fob ami Guard Chains, 8et* ~ ‘ •lanes, Bracelets, Brooches, fine Diamond wo Silver Castors, Tea Sets, Pitchers, Goblets, Oui Spoons, Forks, Fleh Knives, Me Knivos, 0h« dlee,8y phone. Also, oil kind* of Plated Wai „ # Fancy Goods, and a great variety of artlcM toonumsPhius to montion : the whole of which will be sold at nduoed prices. All kinds of Watches, Clocks. Jewelry amV jqther Jobbing attended to bycompeteathand*. HORTON IrRIKEMAN. WATCHES AND JKWJtlHY. Chat MSS; Scouhs, Is. "Vtory and IffyV The undersigned tugs leave tolnfori# the atizeni JtaAofSavannah, and th* people In Uie country In grot- ral, that he has taken the Store No. .148 Broughton Strewt, on# door West of Dixon’s Cenfoctlonenr. where bewill be pleased to make and repair all kinds ofuocks'ftud watches, and will ‘ *- •' ap 27- II Srarrantall work with may .lie Intrusted' f-ly FRANCIS SIPN. Fourth quarter commences Jane 10th, and ends August 27th. The academy le organised Into five department*—Prima ry. Intermediate, Grammar, Gtaulcal. and Young Ladles’. Nn expense has been spared to flit the several depart, moot* with well-quallflrd nnd experienced teae'ier*. The Young Ladles will be under the clings of J. B. Mil* unn. assisted by Miss M A. Cxuxxdkh, who was educated In the best schools oT Northampton, Mass., and has been for.tits test three years principal of a female academy In this State. The Classical Department will bo tinder tho ehanco of Mr. losio F. CiOY, a graduate of. Brown University, for two years classical teacher in tbe High School In Providence, and for the last six years principal of Uie Ulgh School, in Warren. Hbode Island. The Grammar Department will be under the oliarge of B. Mallox. as heretorure. The Intermediate Department will bo tanght by Mr. nus RT IUkkk, a graduate of (Iglethorpe University; and the Primary by Ml** A. B. CARTtx. • ^Arrangement* have been made with Mr. E. Miturn for giving Instiuction In French and fin wing, JOHN B. MALLARD, Ip..,. sep25—d3w BERNARD MA1.L0N, j rri o cl I mW ' WATCHES, JEWELRY, -* Jnd Fhncy ffoedt. <r • RECEIVING by every arrivat of the Rteamem^esh .making tho best Maortosptt In rihls. gltj^ of all _ ’atsh^Jdwclry.YancyCjiSftSWvta Forks, m, Tea Sets. Oup*. Syphons. PUtat Ckstors. im^every :y of articles connected with our lino ofTmilness^ all ol which will be sold as low as In spy city In the Union. an. Nicnoia. 49* Particular attention given to the Rttpalrlngof Watch es and Jewelry. no 20 ■^■■■art'srcctlltoddp, 600 gallons Spenn 011,300 do Linseed do. 200 bnxes Sperm and Adntnatnantluo Candles, do Starch. 60 dn Cheese, 75 do Soap, 26 dn Toilet do. 50 do mixed and assorted Candies, 75 lockages Teas. Black, Im perial and Green, 160 bbls A. Band C Clarified Sugar and Yellow Cnffee do. 26 do Powdered and Crashed do, Pnines, Figs. Cl Iron. Pickles, Raisins, Yea-t Powder*. Salcratus, So da, fto.. now in store and for sale very low. by " KE k nil) 20 KlltREE k nODGDRS. GROCERIES, Ac. gfJTi C-'TTCT—150 bags prime ltlo, 75 do Jamaica, CO Si'UAit—10 tihds Porto Itlrn. 10 do SI. Croix. 5 do New Orleans. 100 bbls Crashed. Powdered and Clarified. Moijmsob— 1 25 lihds Cuba. 76 bbl* New Orleans. Fuii'H—150 bbls Baltimore. 75 dn Csnsl. 50 do II Smith’s. Uaiji.v—16 e»-k* Philadelphia Hams. 600 Baltimore can- vas-eit dn. 30 libd* Sides. 20 dq Shoulders. 1’OT.vniRS—150 bid- P and Mercer. IaAKii and Cudpisii—26 bhU cholco tonf I ard, 0 ensksCod fish. Soap. Canmjs and Stakcd—60 bnxes No. 1 and Family Soap. 50 do Pale dn, 40 whole and iialf boxes Starch. 75 do Adiimntine Candle*. 25 dn Sperm, 25 do Star, 160 do Patent Mould. Twucoo—150 pseksge* varinn* brand* and qualities. LrjinN Syucp. Ac.—60 boxes I/Mimn Syrup. 10 cases Wal nut and Tomato CaUup. 10 dn Brandy I’eaclie*. Domkoic ijqt’ORS—75 libls Phelps’ Gin, 50 dn N E Bum.76 dn Ri'clifled Whisky, 30 dn extra old Mnnnngaliete do. Wixw— 1 20 quarter ca»k* pure Malaga. 8 do clioice Madei ra— recolved nnd for sate by a pi 20 MCMAHON k DOYLE, MACKEREL, IUSCUli'S, STARCH, Ac. 10 bbls Nn. largo Mackorol, Or.y^ 10 bbl* Nn. 1* dn do u? .MB 10 half bbls No. 1 do MHMElO' dn No. 2 do 30 bid* sugar, smlar.and butter Biscuits, 25 boxes *<mIs Biscuit*. 60 dn Buchan's Family Soap, 60 do Colgate's No. 1 dn 40 do Colgate's and Ucadull's Pearl Starch. 60 dn Herring*, landing and for salo by may 16 . SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO NEW HOOKS. R OADS AND RAILROADS, a manual of the principles and practice nf rnad making, comprising the location, construction and Improvement of roads and railroads by W. W. Gillespie, A. M., C. E., civil englnetr In Union Col lege. Poem* of Alexander Smith. The ijuitlsiaf from Sunny Side, by T.tTrteto, with a me morial of tho author, by Austin Phelps. Home Cookery, a collection nf tried receipts, both foreign and domestic, by Mrs. J.8liadwick. Philosophy of Mysterious Rapping* and Reply to Beecher, by E.O Roger*. Chamber*’ Miscellany, In 20 volume*, fancy boards, aud 10 volumes, cloth. Chambers’ Roposltorv. 4 volumes, fancy board*. Chambers' Information for the People, royal octavo, half calf binding. Chambers’ Papers for the People. 12 vols.. fancy bound. The Work* ofSatnuo! Maunder, Including the Treasury of Nntural History. Treasury of History. Scientific and literary Treasury. Treasury of Knowledge and Biographical Treasury. Industry of nil Nation*. Nos. 8 and 4. Godey’* Indy's Book, for September. The Victim’s Revenge, a sequel to tho Matrlcutt's Daugh ter. and the Star of the Fallen. Jem Bunt, a talo of the land and tho Ocean, by tho Old Sailor. Uarnum's Illustrated New*, No. 84. Recolved by nug23 * \ J. B. CUBBF.DGE. JjARPraiS) MAGAZINE FOB SEPTEMBER. Bleak House. No. 18. Artist Wife, by Mary Ilowett. History nnd Rudiments of Architecture, by J. Bulloch. Tho Fawn of Pate Faces, by J. P. Brace Class Book of Physiology, by Dr. B. N. Comings. Tho I/mdon Art Journal for August. ’Pickering’s Greek and English Lexicon. Vol. 14 Howard’s Reports in the U 8. Supremo Court. Vol*. 32 and 33 English Chancery Reports. Grote’s History of Greece, vol. 11, London edition. Yankee Noddy ; Oconn Boon ; Guorilla Clilof; Rod King; The Corsair Chieftain; Flying Artillerist, fco. aug31 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. T HE ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY RECORD of the Exhibi tion of tho Now York Crystal Palace, edited by Prof. n.VSillimnn. Jr., with numerous fine Uluitratbm engraved from original designs by tho first artists. Price 26 cents per number amt postage. Nos. 1 to 4 received. Subacrb GROCERIES, LIQUORS, WINES, Ac. J. V. CONNKRAT k CO., offer for sale on ac- coinmndnttng terms, a well assorted slock of Gro* s^'PCf* cortex. Liquors. Tolincco. Segura, Ac., viz: 130 bag* ^TrvMprline Rio Coffee. 20 do do old Java do, 20 hluls Porto Rico nnd Mu-covadoSugars.50 bids clarified coffeodo. 25 dn crashed and powdered do. 10 boxes loaf do, 200 pack, age* black and green tea, some very superior; 250 boxes tobacco, various qualities, l’s. 8'*. 6's nnd IQ’s. 16 case* Di adem twist. 10 do Vlrgliiius nnd Aromatic.20do nectar lesf, Viglnla gold leaf. 10 boxes El Dorado tobacco, 176.000 su;ie- rlor Havana Segnra. 10 half pljie* Otnnl.Dupuyfc Co. Ilmn- dy. 2d hair and quarter cask* Unleru.Mni tel, Sarerac. Ac. Brandy. 6 quarter casks very old Jean Ismis do, 6 pipe* Holland Glu. 2puncheons St Croix" and Jamaica Rum, 10 half pliKis aud IS quarter cask* superior Madeira Wine, 26 bbls old Monongahela Wlaky. 26 qilnrter caska ToncrKTe, 30 do do Malaga Wine. 200 bbls gin, whisky nnd rum, 100 boxes No. 1 and family soap. 60 do starch. 50 do adnmnntine can dles, 60 do tallow do. 20 casks bacon side*. 16 dn shoulders. 30 lihds West India Mi danse*. 40 bbls and tes do, 25 bbls N Orleans do. together with ovory other artlolo usually found at the wholesale grocery stores. Junc3 NEW JEWELRY, FINE WATCHES, Ac. M THE undersigned is now opening a splendid assort- J imentnf rich JEWELRY,embracing tho recent patterns <L of Ear-rings, Pin*. Bracelets nnd Finger-rings, among f which are some fine dtomomt *etting».iTnm ilO tn 6500. t Also, twenty-five sets of those unique I'mrl S*U of Ear- f) rings and Broodies, from *18 to 8125 tho set. newest amt rarest iiatterns; together with a very select assort ment of extra fine Wntehet set in pearl, diamond, hun ting and plain cases. These, with u further assortment ol good Jewelry. Sterling Sliver Sets, Spoon*. Forks. ladles, Clips. Ac., nnd I’tetcd Ware of all kin •*. Fancy Work Boxes, Dressing Case*. Folios. Clocks. Bronze Figure*, gold mount ed Canes. Cuttlcry. Ac., render* Ilia assortment very com plete, and unsurpassed in tlio etate. either In quality nr pri ces. ‘ D. 11. NICHOLS. Strict attontluu paid to repairing watches, clocks, and Jowclry. 1 nol'J JEWELRY. j MR. F. STEIN, on Brougliton-street. has jn*t receiv ed the finest assortment of new and fashionable Jewel ry of all descriptions. Gold nnd silver pencils mid pons, silver and sllvor Killed ware and fruit Imakots, waiters, dca sets,candlesticks, table and tea spoons: fine tnldo, pocket nnd penknives.sclssora.nndnlnrge variety of tlio finest work boxes, dressing cases, and writing desks for ladles and gentlemen, as nlxo a fine selection of flntlnas, acconllans and fancy articles, too numerous to montion, which he offors at tlio lowott prices ever wild in this clty- Thn attention of the public at Urge, but especially that of the Ladles. Is particular! v requested. au21 mm - PIANO FORTE DEPOT. TIIE undersigned rugiioctfullj infurmthe 5 f t fcitlzm* of Savannah, (leorgin and Florida, ” * * B that they haro on hnud more than fifty Pianos, the largest stock over on sale in tills city, anil made by tho most celebrated manufacturers In the United States. Nunns A Clark. T. Cliickeriug. Board man A Gray, Mglit A Newton. Ed wards k Fisher, all well known to tlio lnrerv of Muslo. have plnco In their large aiwortnimit.— TIip*c Piano* aro nf rich tone, and hoautifully finished In Rose Wood, Black Walnut, and Mahogany,;,vrito' iron frsmoa made in the most substantiat and workmanlike manner.— Also the justly celebrated .Eolian Piano Fortes, which for their swe<-tuess of tone have not been equalled.' All these Instruments have nietaltr frames which render thorn iieculb arly suited for thi cllmnte, preventing necessity of tuning forjrenre. Tiie undersigned arc Agents for Henri I terz's. celebrated Grand Pianos, made in Paris. For Tower and beauty of lone, they stand pre-eminent. Cahiiakt'h Mjttowosa.—This beautiful toned wind Instrit- inent.inanufacliired by Carlinrt A Needham, N. Y..for village purpose*. IsMlge*.Serenading Parlies, and the private prac tise of Organist*, possessing a sweet aud powerful Usin. they have also fur sale. AU theso instruments will lie di«p>>svd of on the most accommodating terms. Tho prices of the Pi. anus ranging from $175 to $1,000. I.W. MORRELL A Co ooIb. Tltinl quarter commences Mnrqh 18th, ftnd ehds June lOtli. 1 “ Jot gqlt atib for Bent. ; wxaa FOB 8AIX—Tiie plantation owned and Conneriyi Mloeoupied by the tel# Gel. J. H. McIntosh, situated oo ^■Uie tit. Johns river, about fifteen mllea obore jock- sonvllle, East Flotiite, containing about twenty .men boo- drwl acres, near nine hundred qf whieli are opr“ “ J cultivated with sucoes* br him; and the rash Ing of bainmoek and pinelaod. - It li.ellfibly a capable of a high degree nf ealUratteii. • Tiie bulMings ore Second quarter enmraenves January Jet, 1854, 'atuTeuda In good orter. consisting of a comfortable dwelling, Ac., lurch 18lti. ~r~- .23 good Opler, consisting , of a oomfortable dwelllnc, Ac., idipecluue and eonfvnteht hooses, adapted to all the pur se* of a long staple cottqn plautntinn, together with a indlng house and mill, and a boiling house and boilers, which are capable of turning out from fifty to one hnodr hogsheads of augar. Alto, tight thousand aerva of pi tend, the greater part of wbleb U well timbered, lying tho Ht. Johns river and Its vicinity.' Fdr price and ten - - Inity. Fdr price and term* apply to tlio admlnlitratorai • . J. WALDBURO. Savannah, B. A. PUTNAM. 8t. Augustine. Mr. J. N. Johnson, who te on th« plantation, will exhibit and the other tend. , , ■ soplO—dtf GEORGIA FEMALE COL1.KGK.J LegitlaHte Charter, granted in 1840. ff1|IE Spring session will commence on tbe second Monday, A iwhlcliHdthe 12th day nManunm-< ' Gxo. Y. Bkowuk, Pro*ld«t and l’rofoisor of Rental and Moral Science. ', P.I-oco.Profcssor of Natural- fWenoe*. L. R. Biunii.vm, Professor ot KnTbcmaBc* and Director at Music. r ’ ' •Hwiiy M. Ilotranaw, Professor of Bollo* Lettres. llie Faculty will bo assisted by the following Iftlllos, vi* :— Mrs. Browne. Mrs. Branham, Mlssaa Bennett, Bunutead. Menslitii, and E. Bennett CstMogues containing further information,; may be ob tained by applying to either of tlio officers of the College, or to either of the following gentlemen, who constitute the Board of Trustees; E. E. Jones. M; D., President; B. M. Pee- J lies. Ksqr., Treasurer; Tlio*. J. Uurnoy, Esqr., Secretary; Col. . B. Walker. Itev. N. (J. Foster. Rev. C. M. Irwin, Wm. S. Stokes. E>lmund Walker. Zacluirlnli Fears. Natiian Massey. Wm. W. B. Cranford, M. D., UenJ. Harris.Jos. F. SwsntoD, J W. Fcnrs.R. P. Zlmmurmnn. Madison, Morgan county, Doc. 23rd, 1851. dr 20 lawilAwtf LAND FOR BALE. mM THE Rubecriber offers for uie 1,200 aeres of Land, Fgralying on the AteUmalia. river, tliree miles below Uie ^^fork, known as Town Bluff. There are 250 acres open, a for culUvaUon; also two email framed houseewlth Framed barn and good framed store house,situate on ink of the river, one of the beet elands for a .store In this section. Tho place bae thi advantage of steamboats during the fall, winter and spring months, and one of tho best nsherlei on the river fur ahad. Any person wishing to purchase can do ao by calling on the subscriber on the place, Allio. 080 acres of Land well Umbered, with 160 acres ot Irst rate bay tend well ditched and drained, ready for clear- ng. with five acroe cleared. Bald tend will produce fifty bushel* of corn to the acre. This tend liea two miles from Mann Ferry, on the Atetamaba river. Also. 6.000 acres of first quality pine timbered land on the Atetnmaha and Oemnlgeu rivers. AU these lands are situate In tho flrsbund second district of AppKbg county. Also, 2,000 acres of tend well timbered with cyjires* and white oak. Aiyperson wlfhioy further JteF.. THRitl _ ey Cane Beat CL ty of elegant and OL for' parlors, dlnlng-roomi or chirobt.... Woods, Imitation^ Wood*, and Fancy Cold ' Reception and Cottage Chair*, of light' RteOs; Cane Lonngea, Cine Settees, Hall C Hofiso and Office Arm Cbalrs. ten Chilrs. Store and Steamboat Stoou Beth-es, Ac. Housekeeper*, notel, Steamboat arid' will find It to their Intoreet to caU at U No. 181 North fith St (oppMttel pmouty * BAiumTmr iraein address Yrefttl , jstdfl-lawdAwOm . * ' if. DYA1J. AarTKe Rafotgln (St; C.) Standard will please publish weekly for elfttnonlhe. and send bill to got BICE BANDS FOB SAUL—The Tract of I AND on tlio 31.81. Mary’s River, known aa the Cut-off Tract containing •even hundred and seventy-two (772) acres, of whleh over five hundred (600) acres are tide avramp aud fresh marsh tends, with a rlso and fail of tide uf six foot. The matsh tend was successfully cultivated many yeare since, producing Cotton, Cane, and Rice. Ttieso tends could be put In order with less labour. It Is believed, than would 1>e required for pntting Hnminock tend* In order, and are considered very eafe from overflow In gnlca MERCER UNIVERSITY. Venfuid, Creme County, ua. ort'Dira. T HE Stndles In tills University areA Theological course of llireo years, designed for thoso who are preparing tho Gospel Ministry ; A C-ulieglnte Course of four years, equal to that of other Colleges in the country; A Scientific Course of three years, includffig, with some ad dition. all tho studio* of the Colleglutu Course oxcopt the An cient Languages ; ADMiwmv. The regular time for the admission of Studonts, Is at the opening of the Fall Term, the hut Wednesday in August. Candidates for admlstaon nlothe Collegiate Courso must sustain a satisfactory examination in Geography, Arith metic. English, Ifttin and Greek Grammar, Cmsnr. Virgil. Cicero's Soloct Orations, and Jacob’s Greek Reader ; and must bo at least fourteen years of ago. Candidate* for admission into the Scientific Course must sustain a satisfactory examination on Geography*. Arithmetic, English Grammar, Simple Equations in Algebra, and two books In Geometry; and must bo at least slxtoenyoara of age. KXPKNHEH. Tuilim. Spring Term. PxllTcm. r.xTiiwiiooiCAtSraiiXARY,.... .Gratuitous....Gratuitous. and freshets. For farther particular* and term*, which will be mndo ensy i a purchaser, apply to John Fraser and Co.. Charleston, S.C.,or to Mrs. Ifeiiry Bailey, St. Mary’s, Camden enuuty, Georgia. ^ A pint of tli® tend may be seen at the office of the Geor gian. apl 27—dAo i F O R S A LE.—A Tract of LAND, containing 202 acres.and liuprovcnionts, near Walthourvillo, uborly county. Tlio tend Is of good quality, pinq and bay tend. 60 aeres or which are In cultivation, and the remainder well timliored. offering strong Inducements to persons interested tn procuring tur|«ntine. The improvements consist of a two-story frame dwelling, together with negro houses, stables, and all other necessary outbuildings. Tlio location cannot lie surpassed fur hcnltbfalneMi nr salubrity of climate, with ;ood water, and a range for cattle which cannot be excelled, lie above property can be bought at a very reasonable price, and on tlio most accommodating terms, If early ” ** be made to tlio subscribers, - * Agricultural W*re*Heoie No. 194)4 Market-street. PI. • POOtTTT AMKSL Sharpening Ploukt right and-left hai Hfla Hill and T Steel Extending Points, Bar-share, ueoen. of Calling* for repairing. Tbe Emperor « for the above Plougb*. a Massive Gold Mods Also, tho Gnat Medal at lhaWoi* A )L Plougb No. 40.. Cultivator* Jd Steel Teeth, wlilah can be rev Wear ot the eonunoo Teeth. * . LlUA'iSffciph- . Corn Shelter*,' |mprovtii kind., . .. Hay and Straw Cutter*; Hand Corn Mill*, Cftrn and Cob Crush era, Gedds’ Improved Harrows, Square and A Harrow*, Horse Bake*. Grindstones.’ready hung, • Dirt Scrapers. Agricultural Furnaces, Ox Yokes aud Bows. Forks lor unloading Hay, Man Hay Rake*, - Bow Pin*. Apple I’onrera, Ox Muzzles, Mole Tran*. Pruning Hooks and Chisel*. Saw* and Scissor*, Iron Well Curbs, and Zinc tubbing for Chain Pumps, Also, Horticultural To and Grass Seeds, fur sale at and Ratal). Chain Puifip*.’: •' l ‘Z , SSBSg.'^^. Patent Iron Snath*, .‘i*’’: Grubbing Hoes. • - J Transplanting Tro wets, Hay and Manure Fbfkk,* Shovel* andBpOde*; 1 . “ Garden andFieidHoee. ' Garden RokealnTariatVi *r ChildrenfoTabli, 1 '* J 1 Darling Scythe*,. Snath*, with Patent FaH^n- i, Potato' Hook*.' •' I/?'’ w>I« (or every descrlpUonA Garden at the lowest prices, at' Wholeiate PAPER HANGINGS, BLANK BOOKS, BTC* jVu. 4 North fWh-Ural, two door* ainteMarkitifoh-< Phllndclphlft* - “;i apl 20—dAo Minting terms, If early application », at Walthourvillo. Liberty county, II. W. BACUN K. B. WAY. IxOuaniK. Scientific Course,. In Aoadkmt— Prsporatory Class,...... Second . u . . * Tlilnt “ Heninntary “ Rimiin Kent, Contingent Exponso*.., ....$26 00 $16 00 . 25 00 )6 00 .... 25 00.... . 16 00 20 00 12 00 .... 15 00 0 00 .... 10 00 0 00 6 00 4 00 2 00 1 00 VALUABLE RICE LAND FOR SALE' sre*| A Tract of Tide Swamp I And. containing 600 ncres, •vwylngon tlio Alatamnha river, throo mile* above Pari- -»en, adjoining lands nf the estate of Butler and Dun- wody on tiie east and Gignllllat nnd Walker on the north and west, naving as good a pitch of tide as nnv rice plan tation on the river. My terms are, twenty dollars per acre, ono-fourth cash, and the balance on a credit of from fire to ton years, tho Interest only required to bo paid annually. Apply to tho undoralgnod at Darien. In case or my absenco r. Jamk8 1’KJsai.K will show the tend, a plan or whlcli can * seen at the Office of tho Goorglan. „ . 8AMUEL M. STREET. Darikv. Jan. 22. 1853. Jsn25—lam decorations, borders, fire-screens, curtains.etc.< which they ftiffer nt tlio lowest prices, both wholesale and retail.' Tliu best workmen employed to hang paper either In tho city or country. Jilank Uorlt. Stationery, de.—Wo have also oqruitul as sortment <ff writing papers wrapping papers, blank and school books, stationery, etc. PARRISH A HOUGH, i ■ No. 4 North Fith street, 2 door* above Market^' 1 ' Philadelphia, jffj- Cash paid for country rags. utilO—ood aug31 ijiplied regularly. REFINED 8UUA11, Ac. Q (\ BBT.S Stuart’s Crashwl and Powder®! Sugar OU 00 do do A. R and <■ Clarilknl do 50 do Iaix A Kirkpatrick's Crashed do 00 do Iluttor. Sugar and Soda Uisoutt 20 do Troailwell’s Pilot Bread 30 boxes do SimIs Biscuit 800 do Family. Pale and No. 1 Soap. Smith and Col 60 do Bcadell's Pearl Starch 25 do Ground Pepper In 20 Ifc boxes 20 do do Coffoo in 60 lb boxos 300 reams assorted Wrapping Paper 60 mats old government Java Coffeo 00 boxes 1st and 2d quality Rey’s Lemon Syrup 100 bbls E Phelps’and Rose Gin 80 do N E Rum, 30 do Pomoxtlc Brandy 40 do P A II Connecticut River Gin 20 • i and 20 casks Malaga Wino 60 bids and 100 kegs prime Loaf lard, landing nnd or sale by jyil _ SOitANTON. JOHNSTON A CO. WINES, LIQUORS MEGAKS, GROCERIES T M IE Subscriber 1ms on hand a fine nnd well selected Stock of Imported pure Wines, Liquors and Segnr*, comprising the following : Brnuily—10 lintf pipes otard. Pupny A Co.; 3 do do old llenncssy ; 2 do do Sazcrac, 1808 ; 2 dodo Jean Isinls, 1800 : 3 do do J. J. Pupny. Wine*—1 half pipes oik reserve Madeira ; 2 do do London Particular ; 3 do do old Port; 0 do do Sherry Wine ; 20 cask* Claret; 40 baskets ChnnijMgnr. Si'Knrs—20.000 Ilio Honda ; 10.000 I a Oui* ; 6.000 La Union ; 10.000 Ia Pntria ; 25.000 Trabiien*. Fancy Groceries.—A large supply, such a* imported Cordials. E r ~"st» Pickles and Sauces, Preserves, Sweetmeats. Prune* and Jouit..., For sale by A. BO.YAUB, ' i8 Corner of Bay aud Whllnker-streete. W. THORNE WILLIAMS N EW BOOKS—A new supply of Sir Jonah Barrington* Memoirs of His Own Time. ’omen during tho reign of Louis XV llildret' ations of governments. Whately’s Elements of Rhetoric. Anthnn's Mnnuet uf Greek Literature. Hooper’s Physicians’ Vndemecum. Walton's Opthalmio Surgory. by Dr. Llttell. Tiie Micruscopiit, for physicians, students. Ac. Franconia’s Story ; Stuy vessnt. Maternal Management of Children, by Dr. Bull. Politlcai and Military History of the Campaign of Water loo, by General Baron do Jomlne ; Colllor’* Shakespcar, 12 mo. edition,'X'ote. 2 and 3, recolved. *cp7 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. The cvpartneralilp heretofore existing bo- - Wen the mterelgnml. under tho firm of Crank A I™™ 1 **. U this nay dliMiived by mutual consent. Tlio T”l»l« firm will be settled by H. A. Orano, to having claims will please present them, taiwlii wiH raake psyment Either party are UMrtI *4 to ate the namo of the late firm In liquidation. tn.ri H. A. CRANE, ' T. HOIXXIMBB. undrrslgned having associated llllJ« a' J °h a R. Johnson and Mr. James E. Cope, <>lIksmxH^Jobxsox'a 0* Kr0Cerjr bu " lno * ““Berthe firm T. HOLCOMBE. NOTICE—The nnderslgued have tide il Dirir Interests far the transaction o( a gon- rilHACKERAY’S ENGIJSH HUMORIST, a series of Iac- X turcs on Swift. Congreve. Adlson. Ac. Ranke'* Civic War* and Monarchy in the lfith and 17th centuries. Ufa and Letteraof tlio Rev. Stephen Olin, lato President of the Wesleyan University. The Old House by the lUvor. by tho author of tho Owl Creek Letters. Taylor's Memorial of tho English Martyrs. Coteridgo Work*, vol. 0. Modern Flirtation, by Miss Sinclair. English Law and Equity Report*, being the first volume of tbe year. New subscribers can bo supplied at tho ori ginal price of $12 per annnm. Illack wood's Magazine for June. june22 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. D ON QUIXOTE DE LA MANCHA, by Miguel de Servan- u • ' - — . r lnlc ’°sts ror the transaction ol a c forttaa^^f i ni ( ' 0(t 'rai»«ion Ruainess, in tills city, “•armofRmATuox. Office 174 Bay street. FJJAS REED, forran.M c i W. H. TISON. ^^!?^l8«Pfombe r 20th, 1853. sep20-lm Manw^l!V ,n * l* k# . n th6 store at the corner 1 (JIL— j •••’ing vaaen i •"* r6 «te- would respectfully call ,ri * n, fo *°d the public In general, to bit ‘••dlin'nMMm 1 l“ or * • n ‘ l dJt*re. whloli he te prepar®l to suit purchasers. I Sww c 9 n * tantl f on hand a large assortment I *tt nit ^ imi * n which he flatten himsell I M>e most epicure* n taataa. tez Saavwtra, a revised translation based on those of Motleux. Jarvis and Smollct, with numerous characteristic illustration*. A Manual of the Elementary Geology on the Ancient Changes of tiie Earth and its Inhabitants, as illustrated by geological SirCliarles Lyell, M. A., F. R.S., author of tho Principles o Geology, Ac. Home Pictures, by Mrs. Mary Andrews Denison. Civil Wars nnd Monarchy in France in the sixteenth nnd seventeenth centuries; a history of Franco principally du ring that ported, by I<oopo1d Ranke. Barnuni's Illustrated News, No. 27, received by julyfl_ J. B. CUBBKDOK. . _ Congress-street.—We received so many yesterday, that we cannot find time to enumerate them. From crave to gay. Religion*, Literary Sclontlfie, Humorous and interfiling. T Xkp nn ~vnn!rr« W,IW * ~ nQ1 We invite our friend* to eail and examine the largest varie- M WW. rii received 10 bbl*bleach- 1/of llghtreading ever offered in IhU city. Also, ” * Graham's Magazine for July; Gody’slAdy’* Book. Blackwood'* Magailno; Barnum’a Illustrated New*. Gleason’s Plctoral, Ae. j une22 LjMwi? ah'"*",we.—justreceivea ioiihlsb •ti, s 1° do White Vinegar, 10 do No 1 Hall- fosfofi’ herring, 30 boxes smoked Herring, 00 do ban. o jf J 01 ' "Pe™ Candice, 4s, 0* and Rs, 25 do do OrWifS*.^, 60 do ground Coffbe and Muatarl, 8 lihds New •ri 8uiro?' r ’ ? hhl * Stuart’s crashed, ground and elari- DAVID O’CONNER. V SEW ^ LA1W A'NDSLEKVW.—We take groat tkh tritaliHie attention of the liuliu wcrtlori —k of the above—• finer, better, rich- pwawr A,K ^ I ‘™ Na * riftSSS.'yW? MONIES.—We are In receipt ofan- IHri H 1046 very finely fintehod and fashion- ‘PfreRtafaTl? , 0 T t Monies. The ilcmand for these very *Wjeu w7 T l en,r *, h »*»K been much greater than the Wire wJL □, n ?derto meet the want* of our custom- Fvpared faaVKu o’ 1 *? duplicate our order*, and are now Mteutentfon*^ » beautiful wleotion. to which we In- turiiT l i. l — : Mpl8 ■ AIKEN A BURNS. •»fo»Buo li&a Brandy, 60 do do Gin, IOC sefo ®»*wdo Whisky, Jk«t reoeived, and for Bate by tnffig-ra MCMAHON ft POYLK, ■D Sioalw hhds choice Bacon Sl.'e* ^6 1.1.1, ^'“•■'wlMj.qjfcri.I.V, VTay.-u,,.., - - MoninoK *noYij. h "“w B OOKS! BOOKS!! Books 11!—At SIBLEY’S book store, 136 Congress-street.—We received so many new books PIANO FORTES, MUSIC AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. inri - Tho subscriber having purchased tlio en KjSSfidw-fltlro business of F. Zimihai'm k Co., of which TrSxTfflrm lie hn* heretofore been the acting mom* *-»••• ‘her In Savsnnnli. would respectfully invite tli® attention nf thoso In want of anything In tlio musical lino to tri* establishment. From many years’ experience I with in professional nnd business matters connected with music, Mr. M. foepi himielf fully qualified to proffer Ills ser vices In the lolnctloiuof muslo and. Instrument* or Oui ful., fitment of order*, with tho assurance of his utmost zeu I and industry In Ids endeavor to deserve tho patronage and con- O. B. MITCHELL Tliesti exjH-nRos require to be paid In advance. From Students who lodge in tho College bu dollars will bo received a* full payment for the tuition fees, room rent, and contingent expenses nf tlio yenr. Tlio price of Board In tlio villago is $10 per month ; of washing, room-rent, and fuel, $3. aitlMK.VCKMR.VT A.M) V.UUTIOVa. Tlio Commencement is held on the test Wednesday In Jujy. Tlirre are two Vacations, dividing Uie year Into terms, a* follows ; First Term—from test Wednesday In August to Decombcr 16th. Winter Vacation—from December 16tli to February 1st. Second Term—from first day of February to Commence ment. Hummer Vacation—from Commencement to last Wed nesday InTtugust. B. M. SANDERS, Secretary oftlm BoardofTrusto**. , .. jation to Dr. J. L. DAGG. President of tho University, will rcceivo a catalogue, containing tbo courso of studies, and nil other necessary information. FOR SALK.—A Tract or LANIlof Five Hundred acres ..strictly nrlme Rico I And. Immediately oppo'slto the old a of Hardwick. The. situation of tho place afford* one or the best Haw-mill seats In tbo Southern country, facilitic* fur timber being easy and without eud. Vrssscls coming from sea can load Immediately alongside), drawing from ten Hem to fifteen fret of water. For terms apply to Henry William*, U.S.District Attorney,Savannah,or toll.STILES,Bryancoun- STEAM SAW MILL FOR SALE, S ITUATED half a mile from tills City, on tho canal, has a hanln capablo of holding two million feet or Logs. The Mill has been In operation about soven months, runs two enngs nnd an edging saw. also Grist Mill. Tills Mill saw* from 12 to 16 M. feet per day. Fo ‘ WY from 12 to 16 M. feet per day. For pnrticularsnppiy to"" “ ,v ‘ —V1J.Y A MONTMOIJJN. ffilL FOR HAIJv—That valuable parcel of tend formerly TJC_ 0CC,, b Ie d by F.. Jencke's, Esu.. known ns a Cooper’s Shop and Yard. 11 is bounded on the east by Wost Bound- nry street, west by tlio Canal, north by Railroad street, nnd smith by lots No*. 6 and Q, and contslnsnlmut four ncres. fohl 1VYILY A MONTMOIJJN. fiilence of the public. junel4 successor to F. Zogbaum A Co. PIANO FORTE WAREHOUSE. ^THE Alterations nnd Improvement* In our BSp^OTHitoro. including a fine Show Boom for Plano nf JT | 11 Fortes, and a Music Dtq>nrtinent for iAdies • •* being now coiiipleted. wo would invite the at tention of the musical public to our stock, comprising every article in tbo line, whlcli can be furnished (whotesnio ana retail) nt Now York prices, PIANO FORTES, by A.StodartA Co..J. B. Dunham, and otlicrs of established reputation, constantly on band. F. ZOGBAUM A CO., importers, Nos. 74 St. Julian and 107 Bryan-streets, dccT Next to Market Sinmro. WOirii. S YMONS7DRAPMirXWTAILOiL Yn 17 11'fci'/<iiyc ifriyf A'.iivvn.i/il A’o 17 Whitaker tlrerL Savannah. f Has Just o|«n®l n large and choice \-aripty of Nxar SPRIXO svn SuuMxn Goon*, consisting fa part of black, figured nnd fancy French Casslmores; black nnd col ored Cashmere j Cloths and Caslimerotts; white and fancy Linen Drills; with a Inrge assortment of fancy Mar seilles and IJnon Vestings, nit nf which lie Is prepared to ninko up to onler in the most fashiniinblo style, ami on nc- cimimadating tonus «|Jl MADAME 11. ACE LIE TOGNU, YXTII.L open on tlio 1st of October, at the corner nf Meet- ▼ V Ing andSoolety.stre»rts.Clisr)oston,*8. O., a BOARD. ING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. French will beezclusividy spoken in the School and fam By, but duo regard will bo also had to a thorough English Education. Mndnme Togno is pre|israd to refer parents and guardians to the most eminent Professors of Music In Phil adelphia nnd New York, and to a mitnlmr of gentlemen in Philadelphia nnd Virginia, to whoso daughters she has glv. a lust ruction far several years. KKTERXVC1M : J'hikuldphia.—Jlur. Kingston Gmldard, Md'lle Adele SI- „Digno. Mad. Ch*. Plcot, Mad. Acelio GiilUou, (mother of Mud. Togno.) Ed. D. Ingra1inm.Esq.,Dr. Wm. Harris, H. D. (•'nlpln, Fsq., Signor I'erelli, Prof, of Music, if. llupfeld. Esq.. Prof, of Music. New IbrA.—Mad. If. Cliegaray. Signor Dagioli. * IPi'iicAesfer. Po.—Iter. C. Walker. Rev. H II. Doyd.IIqn J. M. Mnson. Hun. It. Y.Conrad. Gen. l^>o. II. Il.lioe, Esq. Charle.dnn.-J. L. I’etigru, Esq., 0. Mills. Esq.. J. P. Por. chor, Esq , H. C King, Esq. Inwd5—sal F IR SA! J!—Tiie westerly half of Lot No. 2 Yamsicraw, being tlio Wharf now occupied by thoCliarleston Steam Packet Company, measuring une hundred foot on tho River, and running twtek about two hundred feet to Canal-stroet. Tlio property Is now under a loose which will expire on the Urst of November next. ir not sold at private sale previous to the first Tuesday Id February, it will then bo offered at auction at tho Court llouso. Apply to dol5 COHEN A F0SDICK. SELECT CLASSICAL SCHOOL. r | MIK subscriber, for the past six year* Principal of the Tallaliassce, Florida, announces STAR CLOTHING EMPORIUM. Nn. 147 Bay Street. . yjs* All persons of tasto and refinement—-thosehaving |Ss due regard for comfort and personal appearance, may |T‘Jat nil tlmrn select any and every article for their ward- ■JuLrolie, frein one of the largest assortments of the Very Best Goods In this country; eltlier In Ready Made Garments «r made up to measure In uniquo stylo, or Furnishing arti cles of every description and quality too numerous tu men tlnn Call and see. PRICE A VEADEH. GROCERIES, Ac. C OFFEE—150 bags prime Rio, 75 do. Jamaica, 60 dn. Java. Si'iuk—10 htid* Torto Rico.lOdo. St. Croix. 6do. New Orleans. 100 bbl* Crashed, Powdered, nnd Clarified. Mm.A.-sm—25 lihds Cuba. 75 bbls N'ew.Orh'nns. Fuu'ii—150 bbls Bnltiuioro,76 do. Canal. 50 do. Hiram Smith’s. Barov—16 casks Pldladelphia Hams.500 Baltimore Bagg ed. 30 hhds Hides. 20 ob. Shoulders. IhiooMK—40 dozen, painted handles. Bl'CKKre—200 dozen, painted. Soap. Cavdiim avu .Stauih—60 bnxes Nn. 1 nnd Eamlly Soup. 60 ilo. Pate do. 75 do. Adamantine Caudles. 25 do. Sperm. 25 do. Star. 160 do. Patent Mould do., 40 wholo and half Iwixes Starch. Toiiaoto—350 nkgs various brands nnd qunlltln*. I.kmi'x SyrI'I’.w:.—50 boxes lemon Hvrup.»10 cases Wal nut nnd Tomato Catsup. 10 do. Brandy Peaches. I’oMR'nc I jqi’ium—75 bbls Phelps’ Gin. 50 do. N. E. Rum. 75 do. Rectified Whisky. 30 do. Extra >>M Monongahela do. lYixm—20 quarter cask* pure Malaga. 8 dn. choice Ma deira. Received, aud for sale by jylS MrMAHON A DOYLE. FASHIONADLK TAILURING. i M D. MURPIIV, 21 Bull-ilrat. would respectfully inform hinfrtend* nnd the nubile generally, that be bn* received his spring styles for gentlemen, among which will be found ns rich and fine fancy Cassimeres, Vestings. Ac., a* hare ever tev»n brought to this market. A1I orders executed with dispatch, and in the best style of workmanship. Gentlemen are respectfully invited to call and judge for beiuselvcs. mlill X nofair Academy, near . , to tlio citizens of Savannah that he will ojten In this city, nn Tuesday, Novomher 1st. a Select School, for boys. In struction* will bn given In all the Classics the Mathematics, the French Language.and in all the brandies nt a thorough English Education. Youths will Im prepared for college, or fitted for mercantile or other business. Tlio scholastic year will consist of ton moutlis, divided Into two terms— August nnd September being vacation. Tlio tuition fee for any, or all of the above studies. Is fixed at $80 per yesr. A graduate ot the College of New Jersey, at Princeton, with seventeen years’ experience in teaching, tho subscri ber fools warranted In appealing with confidence to the citizens of Savannah forpntrennge. As a stranger, lie Is permitted to refer to Bishop Elliott for character and qualification*, nnd take* pleasure in ap pending the following certificate from his late iiatron*. WILLIAM S. BOGART. Savannah, September 22d, 1853. TO TIIE CONSUMERS OF MANUFACTURE ED SAWED LUMBER. ' PUR Subscribers are now prepared to receive order* for X Flooring and other descriptions of Plained Lumber, at the Savannnh Plaining Machine, situatod on the canal, at the western extremity of the city of Savannah, between /.iibly and Margaret strect*. Order* for nil descriptions of Plained Lumber furnished at the shortest possible notice, and manufactured in a superior style, which cannot fail to please tiie consumer. Work done by their maclilno will compare with tlmt of any now In use The" *iih*Orihcrs Itnvu succeeded in arranging for a constant supply nfse- Icrted seasoned Lumber, by which no disappointment to builders neod b© approbondod. Every facility will Im ex- tended In obtaining matcelal for all part* of a building. Tbe Saw Mill, now being completed in Uie same building, will bo in operation In tho course of one month, when or dors for every description or Sawed Lumber will bo oxecu- tod with despatch. Apply to R. A. ALLEN A CO., or Jv2(l—eodt’in WHJJAM KINE. Agent. PORTE MONK AIES, POCKET BOOKS AND FANCY GOODS. T HE attention of tho trade, and other*. In want of Porto Monnaies. Pocket Book*. Hankers’ Case*. Dressing Ca re*. Portable Writing Desks. Backgammon and Chess Boards. Chessmen. Pearl. Shell, and Silver Card Cases, Work Boxes. Cabas. Needle Books, Money Belts, Cigar Cases. Portfolios, Razors and Razor Strops, Travelling Flask*, nnd fincCutie- r.v.togelbor with a largo variety of Fancy Good*, which will bo sold at tlio lowest rate*. F. II SMITH, I'orle Monnale and Pocket Bonk Manufacturer. nng21—eodlm 205 Arch at., below Sixth, Phttedetplite. CRANE A RODGERS H AVE in store, and offer for sab on accommodating torms. tin* following, vis: 20 lilxls Porto Rico Sugar, 10 do Muscovado do, to do N Orleans do, 50 bbls crashed do, 60 do refined A B and C do. 25 lihds Cuba Molasses, 100 bbls N O Hvrup. 50 do New Yoik do, 200 bags Bio Coffee. 50 do Java do. 25 lihds Bacon Side*. 10 do do Shoulders, ino half bbls Ij»rd. 600 sacks Salt, 100 boxes Snap.various brands, 100 do fancy do, for toilet use.tuglO READY-MADE CLOTHING FOR SPRING ANI) SUMMER. , WM. R. SYMONS. I Murat a\n Tsimn. No. . . k 17 IyhUakJr ttrnU. roqmctfiiRy solicit* the/fllUffm. Intlcntlnn nflil*friend* and Vim public In geii-l Fill III Loral, to tils large slock of itendy-ma m Cloth-Li/ l!!i/ ing. Hultablo for the present nnd coining season. It lias nil be n made up under Ills personal superintendence, nn I for style nnd durability of workmanship, la Inferior to none to be found In the market. Tim following enmprUo a portion of tho stock : Frocks nnd Sacks of bluo. black and colored cashmere cloths ; black, brnb d’ote Frocks nml Hacks; linen duck, drill and fancy linen F'rocUa aud Sacks; India gras*, silk nnd hrown linen Sacks; black and colored nl|>aca F'rocks and Sacks. Pants of fancy F'renr.h cassimeres. black doe-skin cassl- mere, black drab d’eteand spring tweed casslmcro. whlto duck nnd fancy linen drill, together with a largo lot of cot ton drill nnd duck Pants, for summer wear. Vests of black satin, black barathea, nnd fancy silks, fan cy and white Marseilles, figured and stril**! linens. Also, a large stock of Furnishing GimhIs. such as stock*, gloves, suspenders, cravats, collars, silk, gauze, merino, and cotton undershirt*, strlpo silk and cotton sock*, silk and gingham umbrellas, etn., etc. The whole of which lie offers for sale on accommodating terms, and at prices as cheap a* the cheapest. ap13 T.ituiuwrx. August 2IHh. 1853. Mr. Wii.uam S BooAirr. principal of the Delair Academy, being about to remove to .Savannah, for tho purpose of es tablishing a school in that place, tho undersigned, having had children under Ills care, lake pleasure in recommend ing hint ns a highly competent teacher, nnd worthy Chriit- iau gentleman. It Is with much regret tlmt they have heard of his In tended removal from this vicinity; as. besides tlirlr kind permnal relation* towards hint, they believe that III* place as a teacher can be with difficulty supplied, and that hia removal tlierforc will Uo regarded as a public loss George Whitfield. Francis Kpiies, John Parkliill, Thomas F. William*, George Galphin, Oliver S. Burroughs, Francis II. Flagg. Turb itt It. Belton, George T. Ward, Win. It. Hayward. Benjamin F\ Wbltner, John J. Maxwell. William M. Maxwell. J. Steven* Maxwell,' F/Jwanl Footman. Arthur M. Randolph, J. George Anderson. Janie* J. Archer, »ep24—trwSt DYING AND RENOVATING. 73 1’nrk-tt., rear of the Court Hovte. .SamtmaA. Oa. EatablUhml in 1N3B. L ADIES’ Silk and Woollen*.Shawls, Table Covers, Ac., clean®! and dy®! various colors. Ladies* Bonnets Bleach®] and Pressod in a fashionable style. Kid Glovrs Clean®!,ami Gentlemen’s Garments Cleaned, Renovated or maybe required. Alldonein tbo samestylo which hns generally so much pleased iny patrons and friends.— Terms moderate. Persons sending parcels by Hamden’* express, railroad »r steamboats, are requested to write mu tier mail, so that I may know where to call for them and which way to send them back. Cost of freight each way for small parcels will be almut 26 conts. All orders punctually attend®! to. *'* * ■' ‘ \LF3 ap!12—tufo4 ALEXANDER GA1X0WAY. LAW SCHOOL OF HARVARD COLLEGE, T HIS institution affords a complete course uf legal edu cation fur the bur In mnr of tlio United Stales, except ing only matters oftnorely local law andpracllco ; and also a systematic course of instruction in Commercial Law for those wlio propose lo engage In mercantile pursuits. Tho Law Library, which Is constantly increasing, con- gOOKS.— 1 The Old House by the River, by the author of the Owl Creek Letters. Modern Flirtation*, a novel,by Catherine Sinclair. Passion and Principle, a domestic novel, by Mrs. Grey. Flirtations In Amorlca, or High Lifo in New York. Tlio Adventures of a Bachelor, or a man iu search of a wife. T^e Silver Bell, or Uie Heir of Motcouibe Manor, by Dr. I*. II. mblnuon. Gndy’a lady's Book for July; Graham’* Magazine do; Arthur's Magazine do; Peterson'* Magazine do. Itanium’s llliulrat®! Now*, No. 25, Furthor supply of Echoes of a Bell; received by June22 . J. B. CUBnEDGE. T HE MASONIC MANUEL.'by Robert Macoy, poeket edi tion, beautifully Illustrated and In the most eoareni. •nt form ynt published, Ateo, tho Uasonie Lyre, a collection of llasonle Song* and Ode*, suited to every occasion in lodge or celebrations. Both new works recently publUhod. and highly worthy ths attention of the Craft. Just received andfor*al#at the Book Store of 8.8 SIBLEY. n °8 ' ; 135 Congm*-ejreet Simms’ Swo; W IBOmEWlLUAMaIhu ne.I.kl Bteim.' Sword • and Distaff, or Fafo Fat.and Forty of the South at “ * eSfmm*. the dose of the Revolution, W. GUmore I Marts De Bemlere,* tale of the Crescent City, by W. GD- IMI.Im Ulmmi j, Domwlte Medicine and wW Hureefy, revised by Dr. Henry H Smith ~ • ==- Jfohn lUndolph of Roanoke, and oUier BketchM of Char- K‘ ’orkMIUoo; iyZo. j SUNDRIES. OH BBIS winter strained and bleached whalo Oil. 200 bags prime green Rio Coffee. 50 bags old government Java Coffee. 75 • Iaguyra Coffeo 40 do Maracaibo do. 100 bbls K PIioIim’ Gin. 40 do P A H Conn’t River do 2i) *• domestic Brandy. 60 do New England Rum. 60 bbls and 100 krgs prime Is>af lanl. 60 bhd* prime lla®>n Sides, 20 do do Shoulders. 200 dozen painted Buckets. 20 hhds prime St Croix Sugar, 16 do Porto Rico do. 20 •* prime New Orleans Sugar. 20 bbls butter, sugar, nnd roda Cracker*. 80 “ Stuart's A, B. nnd C clarified Sugar. 40 “ crashed and powdered Sugar 80 boxes Roadetl’s 6s and Rs tallow Candles. 100 <• Star Candles. 300 do No 1 palo and family Soap. 60 M Segara, of varfoui brands. For rale by WM. JR. SYHION8, i Offers for sale, a large assortment of Cloths, Cos- Islninres and Vestings, consisting In part of Uie fol lowing article*, selected bv himself during the past summer In Isindon and Parts, which ho will make up to or der In the best style of workmanship, and at the shortest notice. His stock of Readymade Clothing and of F'urnish- Ing Good*, for gentlemen's wear, is very large nnd of the best quality and style—tho whole of It made this fall under his own instiectfon. and will be sold at the lowest prices for cash i ” '■ u " t J cash or approv®l credit :—French black, blue, brown and olive Cloths; fancy French and English Cassimeres; fancy Silk Vesting, super, fancy Silk Plush Vestings; black Bar athea Silk Vestings ; super.folack Doeskin Cassimeres; Me rino nnd Silk Undershirts and Drawers; whlto and fancy Shirts nnd Collars; Canton Flannel Shirt* and Drawers: and fancy Kid Gloves; Neck Ties, plain and embroidered; Merino and Cotton Socks: Scarfo, Satin and Burabailn Sock*. uo5 If Wbltftker-atrrat. »ep20 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. IL SMITH'S FLOUR, CRACKERS, foe. QH »BU* U. Smith's Flour OLF 20 half bbls choice Canal Flour 20 bbls Sugar Crackers 20 half bbls do do 20 bbl* Butter do 20 hair bbls do do . 20 boxes Soda do 20 half bbl* F'nllnn Market Bcof, a choice nrticlo 50 bbls Crashed Sugar, landing from brig Augusta, and for solo by Jy 17 IIOUMMBF3 JOHNSON A CO. L '~iqi:ors and winfm- c FISK’S METALIC BURIAL CASE. WE are conslantly receiving theso valuable Cases, and have them always In readlneoato be delivered at the shortest notice. I. W. MORREIJ. A CO N. B.—We are permitted to Inform the publlo that w liavo received from Mr. Ratmosd, of Now York city, a.le ter signed hy the different member* of the United 8taU ,. r . Ohtrd. Ihipuy A F’rench Brandy; 10 Imlf pipes, assort®! brands. low priced French Bran-ly; 30quartor casks Ihmiestic ilo,50 bids do do. 76 do P A II Ryu Gin, 160 do K Pliolpn’ do. fl pipes Holland Gin. 10 bbl* Virginia Apple Brandy, 8 do pure Goor . let- .. . „ , . States Senate, who were appointed to tako charge of the body of tho Hon. llreniY Cuir, decca*®l, (which was encfo»®t In one of F'bk’h Melalic Cases.) and who went with it lo Kentucky; thpy say to Mr. Ratmonu, th*t the Case answnr®l the pur- jkisi) fur whlcli It was Intended, and lueutswitlithelrapnro- (latlun.niid they cheerfully roouninend It to thu public as being su|HTlor l« any oilier Oise for tiie transportation id the dead. Tim tetter can bo seen by Railing on 6-1)14 I. W. MORRELI. A CO STOVES, STOVES. Tho subscriber lias Just received a largo number ol Cooking and Parlor Stoves, which lie will dispose ot .. :on accommodating term*. Among them may I hi do, 30 do old Westminster MonongaheU .to, 20 dootd Penn- found the following: Conking Stoves, The Republic, Lady ol * “* * Uio lnke, Air Tight Premium. Queen of the WezL Empire . tuple Brandy, fi ....... iria Peach do, 200 do N. O. Whisky, 60 do white Baltimore *yl vania Mountain do do. 100 do N. E. Bum. 25 quarter cask* Madei ~ ** -*-*-**- *- n 1 ira Wlue, 16eighth do choice dodo, 20 quarter do Port * '* ' *0110,1 * L " “ **”— do, 2 hajf pipe* do do, 20 quarter cask* Brown Sherry Wine, 40 teukote Champagne do. For tale hr aulO WEBSTER A PA1JIE8. •pNOLBII TOOTH BRUSHES—A wry joperior artlcfo ol 11 EngUth Tooth Brushes, mono factored expressly for the ... • - *- r, and direct from London, for rale by .W. W, XJNCOIJt. Monument Square, JunelS TftOR'SALB—Alight one bore# Carriage, with pole, built Premium. Eastern Premium, Parlor and offleo 8tores.— Union Cottage, Cylinder, Shoot Iran, (air ttgbt) square and oval. Six Plato. Box Stores. Hollow Ware Pots. Kettles. Ovens, Spider*. 8auee Pans, Ac. Ac. Plain aud Japaoned Tin Ware, for sale, and manu factured at short notlco. Order* for Roofing, Gutters, end U»il«™, •tUoUrf lo wilt ptmcla-m^ ^ ^ Noe. 10 and 12 Barnard street. _ to order by Brower A Son. New York, end bee been ue®l but little. .It cqn be sera (ft the Carriage Repository ofMr.UeorgoW.Hardcastle. ' mia ■ ' bcRANTO^, JOHNSTON A 00, ^ bbls supcrQno Howard-*t Idee, 80do do Shoulder*, T7MSHING AND JOCKEY CAPa—Received by teto arri- X? rate,ftnewaupply. Tboee in want will please sail at 147,Bay-et . may26 PRICE A VKADER. T>VTTI!R,"CHEESE, An.—20 tuba new Mar^ Butter, 6f J3 boxee Cheeod, 28 bbl* Hiram Smith’* ftopr, (O.boxe* HtanrliHr. landing oar ataamer Slid for jele by » ±V *1- talns now nbout 14.000 voliinifs. It includes a very com plete collection of American and English Law, nnd the prin cipal works of the Civil and other Foreign Law. It is open to students, and warmed and lighted for their use during both terms and the winter vacation. The first term of each academical year begins in tho test week of August, nnd the second term in the te*t week of February; each term continues twenty week*. Students arc admitted at any period of a term or vacntlnn. The foe* are $50 a term, and $25 for half a term. For this sum stu dent* have the u*m nf tbe I aw Library and text books, and of tiie College Library, and may attend all the courses of nubile lectures delivered to the undergraduates of the University. The Instructors of the Iaw School are Hon. Joel Parker, Lfa I).. Royal I Professor; Hon. Thuophilun Parsons. LL. Ik, Dane Professor; end Hon. FMward G Lorlng. University Lecturer. Instruction is given by lectures, reciUtieus and examinations, and moot courts. For further Information application may be made to either of thednstruotors. JAMES WALKER. President. Cambridge, August 1,1853. dlaw3wis srpfl NEW ROOKS. R eceived by s. a. hiri-ey, Auguatio, m.t: Milo* Trer.icnhere, or tho Ixivo Test, by Annetto Mario Mallfard. author of Zlngra tlio Gypsey, Philosophy oT Sir William Hamilton, Professor of Logic nd Metaphysics in Edinburgh Uulversitr, for tho use of ■cliools ami colleges. Abelard and Flolse, a romance.byO. W. Wright Pyscomnncy, Spirit Rapping* and Tippings exposed, by Professor Charles G. Pago. M. Ik Barnuni's illustrated Nows; Gleason's Plctoral; Popular Educator; Majarim of Arts, Ae. For sate at tho book store ot 8 ti. SlIlIJiY, fc'UtH 135 Coogn-as-street. NEW BOOKS. T ^HE Sword and the Distaff, or Fat. Fair ami Forty, a sto ry of the South at the close of the Revolution, bv the author of the Partisans, MeUichampI, Catherine Walton, Ac. Ac. The Heavenly Home, or the Employment* and Enjoy ments of the Saints in Heaven, by Rev 11 Harbntigh, A. M. Poenif. by Meditatua; Book of tho World, No 10. Or •-— J Book of the World, vol 1, bound. The Half Yearly Abstract of the Medical Sciences. No 17. The British and Foreign Medloo-Chlrurgical Review, No 1. Received by augl2 J. B. CUBBF.DGE. EPISCOPAL PUBLICATIONS. J UST received, a variety of publications of tho Now York Protestant Episcopal Society, Tract*. Church Cate chisms. Sabbath School Service, and other cheap aud valu able Publications. F'or sale at the Book Store nf 8. 8. SIBLEY, auglO No. 136 Congre**-»treet. UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA—MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. T HE Annual Course of Lecture* in this Department will commence on MONDAY, November 14, and will ter minate in the ensuing March. JAMES JONES. M. P., Professor or Practice. J. C. RIDDELL. M. P., Professor of Chemistry WARREN STONE, M. D.. Professor or Surgery. A. H. CRN AS. M. D., Professor or Obstetrics. A. J. WEDDKRHURN, M. D.. Professor of Anatomy. GU8TAVU8 A. NUTT. M. I). Professor of Materia Medic*. THOMAS HUNT, M. D„ Professor of Physiology and I’atbol- »Su WINDOW GLASS. P PORTER’S ALKAIJNE WINDOW GLASS, I* superior In brilliancy of surfacean t polish to all other, and never aUlm nr rusts; withstands all climates, and Is packed with great care, suitable for shipping. Dealers smfotlwr* will consult their interest by sending their orders to the sole agent*. FRENCH A RICHARDS, . ang20—dfim . New Drug Warehouse. N. W. oorner 10th and Markat-«t«., Philadelphia. The rooms for dissecting will bo open from the third In October to tho First of April "’■Jell day In ... .......... ...... The F'aculty are Visiting Physicians nnd Surgeon* of the Charity Hospital, and attend thi* institution from Novem ber to April. The Students accompany the Professors in tliolr visits, and thus enjoy extraordinary practical advan tage*. free of oxpeuso. There or* almut one thousand patients prescribed for dally In this Hospital. The number of patient* 1s nearly twenty thousand, in th* year. TH0MA “ July 28—w3m A LBATTA WARE. A SUBSTITUTE F OR SILVER.—Tbe at lx. tontlon of tho publlo la respectfully called to the Above named ware, aa being a aubUtute. wh(ch for use i* warrant ed to be equally aa good. It te a harder metal than silver, consequently will bear rougher usage. It Is a combination of perfectly pure metats. and teaairee from corrosion as silver. Flvery article will be warrant®! to retain its origin al color. It consists In part of tho following: table and dessert forks, tea. table and dessert spoons, Ac., just re ceived and fur sale by ** may?- J. P COLLINS, 100 Bryan-strect W RAPPING PAPER, Ae.—150 reams Wrapping Paper, large, middle size, and small; 30 cases Matches; 10 large, middle size, and small; 30 case* crates Glass Flasks, quarts, pints, and hair-pints, re cored and fur rale by aepU MoWAHON A DOYLE. THOMAS HUNT, M. D., Dean. /~10FFEE—300 bags fair to prime Rio Coffee. 60 do 8alnt U Domingo dp, 25 do old government Java do. for aale by P NE SHIRTS.—Those Ip *ant or a fin* ■blrt. to fit wall and bandiomely mad*, cart b* accommodated at No 14T Bay-*t, maylO PRICE A VCAPKR. *#pl5 WEBSTER A PALMES. /-10IINED BEOT, HAHB, Acquit rewind JO h-lf And 8 j)U)UB—20 bUi frMh Hlntm Bmltb’. Flour, 2A AoGtt)*. : ' J. V. CdyHEHAT A OO. U bbla Geo Haw*’ Corned aug!7 cor. &oaybton and Draytoa streets. B ACON—20 cask* Bacon Sides, 20 doShouldara, air Mghl reeelred per steamer Rtal* of Gwrgte. For tfI*by ‘ .a#p20 . : .MoMAHON A DOVLE. ' iwwnAaHAi s w. B acon and eluoh—20 SS 99S lo do SSEn,. 2A bbl. Elmir, Uadio| tmu .tcrtt.hip Bl.te at tt«b' '• ,1 > ‘ <*» 'A DIE SINKING AND ENGRAVING,*I I N ALL ITS BRANCHES,—Business cards, with appropri ate device*, embossed lna now style. In plain and Amoy B..I. .1 ...... .1... J.1I .1.1 _ 1 ... ..... colors. Seals of evnry description, with or without presses Envelopes printed with name. hnelno*| and address, labels, bill heads, manufacturer's ticket*. Ac.Tall executed In tbo ncatost manner and at prices 25 per cent, below any simi lar establishment, In comfcquenco of bettor and Improved facllittesfor tbe execution of sucli work. N. n.—All order* by mall promptly attended to. Good* *ent to any part of tho country. _ , , „ . T. B. CALVERT A.CO.. Envelope and Seal Press Manufacturers. IM# Sinker*. Embcft. *ors ami F^ngravera, 48 South 3d-«t., Phltedelphte, . GAS WORK, LAMPS, foe, A RCIIER A WARNER, Manufacturer*. No llOChestiut- street. Phltedelphte.respeetfoHr solicit the pttonb m ot purchasers, to tliolr assortment or chandeliers, hraikete, prmbiuts.nnd overy doscriptlon of gas burners; alio every variety of lamps, girandole*. Ao. we warrant our good ®|iinUn quality, and our prices allow as any oUi«r,e*tab. bailment in tbe country. f Tlio Trade *uppli®l with burners, mercury, caps.braM ting*, air pumps, Ac., at reduced price*. D , , ARCHER A WARNER. , • ’> • FJIls 8. Archer, | William F. Milker, • ‘ Redwood F. Warner, j .Wm. O. B. McrtlU. lodiung-glass WAREHOUSE. lliCterfnu/iJnzJW™ thurth^rik ride, 1‘hiladetphia. IX7F, Inrurin morclmnt* and residents of this vicinity, that T 7.. V>e most complete Msorlinent 0f-Kaat*l. PlM. W*U ' and Ovnl Glasjei, rfolieit style*; for private uie, or all kind*' for country rate, with Portrait and Picture Frame*, Ac.,win be found at our establishment. • . ■ • I/mg experience and Inrge facillUea enable a* to sell th* best goods at lowest prices. DJinenalnna being gi ven, we will give MUmates for any free ftom breakage, at any point, teed Mirrors, delivered Order* solicit®!. French Plato Glass, for 8tore«. DweUli turn iirice*. apIO—end T NEW CARPETINGS. HK subscriber ha* Ju*t rocclvml per late arrival*, n - l irK .° i’" 1 frt, * h " ,ock ot ,ho tfohcst and newest stylos oi \ el vet. Tapcstrv. Brussels, threo-ply Ingrain andVenl. tlan ( of which are offered-on the moatdoii*. alibi term*. Willi a tell assortment of Oil Cloth*, tablo Covers, Hal. ting. Ac. ’ ’ I tirclinser* are requested to make an early eiaralnatlor a*strong inducements will be held out to cash buyer*. R. B. WALKER. 190 Chestnut-street, — - *• * n -phU. ; mh!7—lawtf below 8th. South side, Pbltedelph! BLINDS AND SHADES. ■ ~ tV.- , ,, Take Notice. 111 .1 r hl, A on .' ,! A. he bM 7" the best matorinl* by wholes k '" ; ’ sal- cbenper fur Cash tlmn others pay fortnferforkrtlcleaby '• ' *•«*’ retell, and can. therefore, sell superior Venetian Blind* and • • • y?»dM.a*_clieapaaoUiera ask fur inferior article*. Patetod Wl , ciff-snssoUmrsaik for Inferior article*. •Painted Wlmfow8hades In great variety, of beautiful derii •"Iierinr quality, lluff and *“ ‘ isdo Trimming*. Fixtures .. eaullfol design* and . ot • j w-r v — "hit® IJnen Shades, Blind and Shado rrimmlng*. Fixtures, Ac., wholesale and retell, at , '7 the lowest cash prices. Store Shades painted and lettered ..tu w to order. Reed Blind* at manufacturers’ prices. Old Blind* painted to look as good a* new. V ' will be convinced thai he veils a aui antcc* fullsattefactlon. A liberal dl “ IEe tturiy to plea*." BKNJ. J. WIIXIAMS, *• urate. apl6—eod No. 12 North ath-streeLPhlli WAPIIKNK. A H FRRI’ARATION. for restorl ng grey hair fo Its original color. It 1* guoranteed by the Proprietor, bat If the Patient Is grey, lie M n have his hair restored to • . - * ' Its original color by using l/irol’s Walipeno. For Pain by . W. U. jj.VCOteN, Monument Square.. ■; UDll. Ft, BACON, Ac.—200 bbls superfine Howard street • . - - w • A Flour. 60 hlids prime now Bacon Sides. 20 do do Should-. .. > ers. 30 bbijsnd 50 krgs I.eaf Lanl. landing *nd for sale by • SCRANTON, JDHN8TON A 00. T OTHKLADiFN.-We would respectfully call thoattoa- tlon of the laities ofSavannah. and sourronodiog coun- iry, to the following new and beautifolgood* whleh w* have Just racnired. via: silk Parte mantillas. laced gimpmaotlL ms, black nett scarfs, col’d. neet scarfs, tediea cravat* and tie*. F reneb worked collar*, lac®! cape*, chemisette and un- ' dor sleeves, oonnet ribbon, gauze cap ribbon, black velvet 1, b . bon 'A "Mteires light kid gloves, bteek nett mitts, col’d. »llk nnd lisle gloves, with a large variety of other artlcfoe too niiinurous to mention. Please call and bm for yo“ sclvos ; all or which will be loldun the best poeaible ter hy MhlQ AnMNAT"~““ <.) nlM 1 «1 r c TU8r BECEIVED.—We have Just ree*lrad, a fresh *ap r ply nt Udies’ merino, gauze, itlk and cottoo Verts, ,1 Misses and infant’s merino vests, gents silk, merino, snare ■, • r-< and cotton vests: also, a fine assortment of linen eambrie • .]• '•' handkerchief*, ladles’ and misses’ white and browfc.efltton ‘ '.j*' „ IlfllB. wh{l, ami tlll-lf .Ilk l) n n. I. I.n Lnn nnl I • ^ hose, white and black silk do, gents white, brown an^’mTx- ed half hose, gente white and black ailk do do, togetlier '• wilh n large assortment of white and colored linen earn* brie handkerchiefs, colored and black ailk cravats, Stocks and ties, for sale low by • • , mh26 • li. AIKIN A $ .r o,;: CHAWL8. Ac—Su|ier. and common crape shawls plain - » O and embroidered. Vandyke eollats beautiful goods, as sorted pnrasols. plain, striped aud checked glare Mika, turn; • mor do, bareges, tissues sad grenedinea, colored and whlto ; , , V jaconet Slid organdy muslloi, a- large asrertmenVof Irlah ' . .. , lloeus, French printed cambric*. *" ‘ ‘ * • , M, PRENDEROABT A^/V", „ ®P ft . 178 Broughton-*treeV w S PRING AND SUMMER SILKS—A nt* t( atrijies and plaid, new pattern ginghauu- tisanes, ladies' colored and black umbrella* and' iilk.glmp to suit all shades of silk* and bafegeft 1 mantilte*. slrawls, points and scarfs, white and \ ing silk scarfs, white lace and colored affle and colored crape shawl*, black swan ilq and tissues, black and lead French gfoghaq , m»lt3, "■“■aadM L ADIES’ DRESS GOODa-Prlnted otgaaAieft li.rqw j.con.u Uwm. tUauM, Vukf. <n to "™, r ""'“ Mmblfa, In'll, Hilo, Innd ud dKitUd wli. mull, Dftniook tod umbrio mo3l„ .UkMdllsio > ln.lM. *c„ lb, ul. to th, lo».tpri^S ” "J" *P 13 t ' BnnW;t MOBOiS. , „ T ub younu MAnooNKBU, bjBwr^B.o<»)dti«. a : further <upntj Jut ncelnd and brwK ,t tb.bonk . - - Moreof 101,5 H 8. BIBUT, 1U CajltoMt. . T.’.VCiUSH MCKria ANUBdUOX—ddo. Ju,—rt-lt; : . . ±-l lurgllah rtckle., A dusbottle.MrorUd8,U0M| jMt tb. j iui rr^-.,. ^"Brrutub, - , j . rbiBsoornoN—Th. «n» WSmftS XJ dissolved, by mutual consentin' the.Upj I consent oo _ ED WAR] Sarabnsh.lBth February, 1858?’^" 'nECDYED PER FLORIDJ it glare XL glare ellka. brown rtl . . dotted and figured 8wfo* muslin*.' bhw lawns, pillowcase eotton.geata colored' for sale at the lowest prices, by . M tpWea i fa. Olitec . ftu■ itni cfa /•; - **f’ r i' fl ■ Vmatt drtltMWffuSwrir-.CT sT. X» .ttio, Mdb C Pludp.' do, to do N. 1. bS, Udu Bdb- 1 * - ,ial ii r v'-^r •l .-rMi'ii^Sj ,1'tej'i<1%