The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 18??-1856, October 15, 1853, Image 3

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»< J > l '‘* ! * v ' u? **'- rt) **** , <jjg^ , • 1 V.:.;.r!Wi . ' ■ ,v ,, WJWlW' IrrVW.-; IftiM'?. w'cngM I LVUOUR DVSINBISi rpHI advertiser, a gentleman of steady and energetic X buatneea habita, la desirous of forming a connection with aoma capllalfat In th* abora buriae®*, which to dally baoonlaff ao Important aa ttam In tha commerce of thfa aityeadBtale. Matin «Uyan4Btnla. Moatraapaotabla and aattotoatory ratoran eoa, with further particular*, given on addrwstag 0 JLum- bor, at th® office of tbtopapar. Jytt »X m x rtrt*N daBtarad aart« ■ i—* «w board. bla term*. Tha building atanda In cioaa proximity to tha U commodious, and In all raapacta edmlra- ently often to prevent |W"ESf£r I»pplji« #*>. I CTSfUaclly the prico por railroad track, .. r r _ bly adapted to tha purpoaea for which It to dunned. Tha itandhaa long baan known aaooa of tha beat for a caner- ”1 country trade to be found in tha interior of Georgia. For further partleulara apply to, or addreea tha aubacri- bar,at Milan float Office ; or lr more convenient, apply per* tonally to Ueura. Nevitt, Uthrop k Stabblna, Savannah; or to Meetra. Dakar h Wilcox, Auguata. ootO—*lm W. B. surra. ay The Augusta Constitutionalist will publiah the abora daily for one month, and charge thia offlco. both coal and wood, , ton or coni, and the delivered on board each lp2Sj t 2f“ld & all the ration, required, or for H S |i H^S5f»Sf at hi* option—separate bide are re- ■ h *y*i .t,, nusntitV to be delire red. not often- ISIS—* b, tb. tailor I e IrtlltDt. . . , | A .hIa. Inin hnnil with I SsflSSM* “ rSS.'siS? l"n.» > "“il r r uVo SSm .-reullon oflha I •PfjfflSSwfW'.c‘Ob". «»“' 1 b.”"i” i, ‘'' 1 *° ‘"p, 1 ! 4 Ie “ 4 ’!! 10 ^Ln’for''la binri at »U time. ; anJ any ^owIncarreJ on * te ^ the contractor. to**** 1 *^ mMriatwtont, Inspector, or other; person S* IftSa house establishment. w.ll be- •!- SStt3&& «W «•*“ ,or th - or fuel •** ^ulrtor »npf rintendent. or inspector, will be allow- tb« ration,nor th.tlm«.th«t upon for the delirery, without author!- Mn ,i|t a tin? the ration for the crew of ,ultl3fS«bfS»ln3 ,n,l qii.Utj.ptno.-l ortho Inspector of the District, or UtW^Spu mJ t» 5m«.t to i—rform that tt” 44 !-ikUlTwlllb« poil for ration. anil fuel which Kt*i, tomS. <n't«ra.m«nt of the qonllty, qnaatl- ‘“Kno'tttoarticle. on e»cH rural, .prat- i'.,.. J.te of tb. Irttrarp- ^orjrroftb® Ugbt Honra^ ni r ’^ ro ^ [ gnp , t u g ht.. -JJjXliDWWTKK GOODS, ft. ..branWr bo. now oranoS a ter™ ul Obolco J utortmmt ofn.w .trl. of fill itnil wlot.r (fwnla. 5C;„,«f"rao.bin,l Enqll.h bUck nnJ f.noj Srtl Alb. plain I,Irak lira .kin Caralmon!,. Km- kllinloCra.ioi.rraollli • btrgo ..rt«t)r of Francli I nraOniln—r.°l th. latrat .tjlo .ml pattran. Abo a I ?A.—rirtT of Vratlng*. conslrtlmr of flgur-1 black ami I Scuto'rr.pbla blrak U.t[n. bgureil blank anil f.aor I iSral sttlnn rat .Ilk VVlrat.. 4«. Tb. wbolo of which Iniiinp.rat up to onlor In the moit frahonablo ■ V.ralrara.™«-btlagt.nn.. LR _ 8YMo!(g Draper an'l Tailor. 17 Whltaker-»t. TLnoypr. p.tfSIXS. «c.—2U bbU soft-shell Almonds, 7ft I A. tm<* Raisins, 50 bills butter and sutpur Crackers, 50 I Vote do do. 50 do Brcft'i, UO boxes So«Ia Biscuit, 60 bbia I vtR»m.25d> I’ecan, Rraril and English Walnuts,landing ILuMtisbr ocS HOLCOMBE. JOHNSON dc CO. |t ipiESudGeotj. kid Glore*. toniies (iauntlets. Ladies, 1 JjGnti »od Chiltlrens’ Hosienr, Bonnet Ribbon^ Kigou- ■ JjdMtiud Cnu'lrens Hosiery, sonnn luunon, tuguu- I kiC«hiMre Scarfs, neetlle-worked Collars. Loco do., uee- I fr-nArdCWmlsetts. Lace do.. EnglishThruatl Iaca, Va- I Indoosiiio., emb’d L. C. Hd’kfs. H. S. do., conled bor- I fcn l«. imt recelred, snd for salo by ■ - 1 Hawirr a moroak. KtS —20 kegs seloctod Goshen Butter, 25 bbl* _ J) iwl(sting i’utstoes. 100 bo*fc now Scaled Herrings. I aWiHiwu Smitli’s Flour. landing from steamer, and 1 sole by oct5 SCRANTOM. JOHNSTON k CO. i QtE.—500 barrels lime, daily ox pec toil per brig Mnzat- U Ua. will be sold low if applied for immediately. *'IJ.Y h BRIGHAM. KE1J.Y k CO. [^ffOLCnOS.-Tbe law linn of Corn-lot it lUmsosR I* ]) this disy iliwoWod. Hr Coorn hss removed to the office formerly occupied “ ** “ IkCo.’e - 11, J. k. Ouinrd, Esq., orer T. M. Turner AC ]fr. BissGDt sill continue to be found at his office over I ti FrpaVtiHtn ReiuUng Ri I finmnlr, October 4Ut. 1 I tTBF GEORGIA FLOCIL—250 bbls Etowah Mills, from 111 in«but; 200 bags Cunningham’s Mills do do, re- ■ ■nludforisleby ■ ■ SCRANTOM. JOHNSTON k CO. IT0UK3 OF JOIIY C. CALHOU.V—The second volume, _ JV rontainiug tire speeches cf John C. Calhoun delivered IHoc*of Representative*and lathe Senate<if the I tod States, edited by Richsr.1 K. Oralle. received and for |Mby sepll S. S. SliU.EY, 13fl Congress st. WAF AND STARCH.—*5 boxes No. 1 pule and family 0 »ip, 25 do pearl starch, landing and for sale by I rigid HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k Ins JY GOOt®—At Reduced Prices—fhe subscribers are U Wng the balance of their Summer stock of Dry Good* I Hkthg of Rareges.Priated JKuQQtsauilOrgaadiea.French I ftabrai sad Ginghams, i’rinte.l ami Plaid India Silks. Al* I Khmmer Quilts. linen narnbriclIondkorchieGi, N WCol- I krv te.,»t * great reduetionfrom former prices. I jji DEWITT k MORGAN I HILLER'S HA SH. AC.—20 trorces Miller’s Hams : 15 Pl.onMert ; S bbta. Beef I laps; JO bbls LeafLard*-' Landing from sclioonorWood. I Ir^s and lor sols by ■ — Holcombe, Johnson a cjo. U ULWfc. viiacaww. —w ooxes tneern; xo ooia. Better Biseuit; 25 barrels Sugar Biscuit; 50 barrels ■tort's L Sagar; 50 do. do. B. Sugar ; 60 do. do. C.— ■ittimg from iteomer Alabama, and for sale by HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO. IfOLJSSEt—70 hhds West India, 100 bbls New Orleans, i M do Portland Syrap, 50 do New York do. fur sale by CRANE k RODGERS. IRAOJN —landing per steamer State of Georgia, 20 casks e Sides, 15 do Shoulders, for mite by HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO. WHITE SHIRTS.—Just received a new assortment. Al« » new supply of colored shirts. For ssie by PRICE k VEADER. |R’3l. fOlLV AND FLOUR.—300 bags Cora, and 50 bbls Flour, hrdiog per ichr SatilU and for sale by BRIGHAM, KEIXY k I AGING RODS—Guaging Rot la. Out Sticks, Spirit Proofs, o a.—. - . .■ * - Bale" ' J Bung Starts, Spickits ami Faucets. For sale low by J. P. COLLINS. 100 Bryan-st. I OODEN WARE —Tubs. Buckutt, Sieves. Wash Hoards, Flaur Buckets, Pastery Boanis. Bread Trays, Dry *“ 1“ **ts, Ac. Receiveil ami for sale by J P. COLLINS, lOOBryan st. pHATHAM MUTUAL IX)AN kVSSOCLlTION.. — Apply at this offlco. WAYANKAH MUTUAL LOAN .ASSOCIATION.- toul»._Appl r at Uiia office. shares aplB 5 shares ap!22 IPfoBGU FLOUR—200 bids Etowah Mills. 100 Cunning. ■U am Mills, just received ami for ifalu by |J»“L HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO. COUNTRY ■TORE FOR RBNT. L Tb# iub«crib«r baa Just erected a new Store at I a K. Clarke’s old stand, In Naytondarilla, (tha flv# J mile poet on the Augusta and “—*‘ v —'■*" /which ha offers to rant to a . Waynesboro’ Rail- good tenant on Aurora- S TO RENT.—A commodious brick edifice on 8outh Broad street. Possession given 1st November next.— inquire at this office. TO RENT—Three tenements in Gordon Btoek, well mpplied with water and gas pipes, closets, drawers, —and other modern improvements, basement pbstoring hard Quished. Possensfon given 1st November noxt. Ap ply to octl3 EDWARD G. WILSON. r a. roar. • r. x. doxbaw. FORT d( DUNHAM* * _ VACTUUS AND O0NUI3310N UKACHAN18, Savanna*, On. I0W T, aoWXAHD, JOHXT. aowuxo.j*. HOWLAND 41 CO n GENERAL COMMISSION MEHCIIANT8, 112 Bny-sfmd. 9a*m*uk. U. K. WASHBURN, A«’t„ SlEltCUg BUIPl’lNQ AND COMMISSION SAVANXAU, as. IllANT, WILLIAM P. YONGNj, FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No, 04 BajHifttt, Sacannak, O’HEAll & BTONRY. FACTONRS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS North Ctoaiurrcial Wharf, Charlatan, South Cantina, law or tux tirm or ukukx. o'uxam a oo. BANCUOFT & BRYAN, GENERAL AGENTS AND BROKERS, Fpr the Purchase and Sale of 8tocks, Bonds, Exehango and ■— i it, n.. O.MH..L Jan24 Real Estate, 117 Bay-street, Savannah. WILLIAM II. DA8HBR, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELIDK AT LAW, TrmtpviUe, Lownda county, Ga. Will nracUso in Thomas, Lowndes. Clinch, Ware, Appling. TeUklr, Irwin, Laurens, and Pulaski counties. Georgia; and In Jefferson, Madison, Hamilton, and Columbia coun- ties, Florida. feb'23 TO RENT—A wharf store. Apply to octll t TR RENT —A brick liouao on Jones street, on a full lot. Possessiou given immediately. Apply to octll T. J. WALSH. TO RENT—A Room CO by 30 Teet, In Sorrel’s build- ing. corner of Bay and Bull streets. It is suitalde for u* coinmilieo room or drill room. Rent moderate. Ap- sly ut -his office. June 20 t TO RENT—Three of the fire tenement houses, on the corner of Abcrcorn and Jones street. Inquire of sepU A BONAUD. t TO RENT.—Tho store Immediately under our office, well suited for a graiu and feed store or for storage of cotton. Apply to seplg ROWLAND k CO. IT) RENT.—A small comfortable House in a re* 5|3 spectable and central part of tho city. Rent $300. Big Possession given on the 1st Novomber, or soouer if irablo. Apply at this oOlce. aug28 OFFICE TO RENT.—The offico over Webster k 'alines store, occupied for tlin past year by Messrs, ‘ort k Dunham, a desirnbla place for a Factor and ion Merchant. Will bo rented for a term of years on reasonable terms if applied for soon. sepffiO WEBSTER & PALMES. VALUABLE! PLANTATION FOR SALS IN BAKER COUNTY, OA. fO. The subscriber, desirous of removing from tho Stato •yof Georgia, offers for sale his PLANTATION, lying on lie waters of the Ccolawahaee, five miles west of Albany, s<ljoining tho lands of Paul Tarver, Dr. NichoUs, and oth ers; containing 3,125 acres, more or less. There are about 800 acre* of open, cultivated Land. The land is situated so that it can bo easily divided, and U two purcliosers appear, the subscriber will divide it so os to suit both. Any one desirous of purchasing, would do well to ad dress “ Moore k Edwards,” or myself; at this placs. JOHN J. RAWLS. Macon, Ga., August 30,1853. ocll—tf My on tho place, will show the Lands to any person calling for that purpose. J. J. R. FOWLTOWN PLANTATION FOR SAL El. The undersigned offers for ssje his Plantation, lying the month of this celubrated creek, in the county "■ of Led, adjoining tho village of Pnimyra.and five miles from the city of Albany.containing 1,300 acres. 700 in cul tivation, all necessary building* and a gristmill,nesriy new. Here is a market for everything, good society, church, school, daily nut Ac. Such as are willing to give a liberal price for a choice plantation, possessing unusual advanta ge*. are invited to cad ami see it. L. U. MERCER. PiLWYKA, Ga., Aug. 15,1853. eodtNol—aug23 wm. r. Williams. Tiunnsrs ouvtm. jack brown. WILLIAMS, OfUVKH & BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT J.AW, Bueva Vitta. Marian Comity, Ga., Will practise In tho counties of Murion, Macon, Houston. Stewart, Randoloh. Muscogee, Leo, and nny adjoining counties where their services may ho required. jan20 FF.nuiNANl) MOULTON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSEI.IXJK AT LAW. Wiuhiiifikn Citjl, l>. C.. Will practise in the various Courts of the District, and at tend to tho prosecution of claims ugaiust the Govern ment. J ii iio22 on, a. f. cooper, Office under Mrs. Schnider’s. west of Liberty square. Mont- gomery-streot. Residence corupr of Perry and Drayton- streets, opposite the Catholic Church. june22 JOSEPH GANAIIL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Comer of Bay ami Whi(atcer-*trcde. JAMES O. A. CLARK. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office—175 Bay-street. Saeannah. Genrrjirt. WALTER S. NOTT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. No. 09 Bay-street, Sacannah, Georgia, Mcq.uF.EN McIntosh, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jadiumnlle. «a. JULIAN HAKT11IDGE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, comer qf Whilaker-tt. aiul B-ty-tane. Savannah. GEORGE TIIOUP HOWARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, comer of Whitnker-st. ami Bay-lane, d'aunnnak. Ga. THOMAS T. LONG, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR GENERAL E. DIST. Office, comer Bay and Barnard-streds. Savannah. THOS. J. NUCKOLLS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Columbus, Georgia. WM. II. F. GURLEY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSEI.I.OR AT LAW, No. 14 Watt-stmt New York. JOHN G. FALLIGANT, wnoLxsaLK .txn kkt.hl i.v WINDOW BIJNDS, WINDOW SASH AND PANEL DOORS. “ ideifo Wat Side Monument Siptare, Sar,tnnah,Ga. Blankets, white, red and cotton Flannels, bleached and brown Shirtings, bleached and brown Jeans, striped Shirt ings. Marlboro* Plaids and Stripes. Kentucky Jeans, Scotch Plaids, Tweeds, cassimeres Satinets, Broad Cloths. Georgia Kersey. Schley’s Plaids and Unsays, striped ami plain Osna- burgs. Bed Ticks. Apron Chocks. Marseilles Quilts, Furni ture Dimity, a large stock of tho above goods on hand and fur sale at the lowest prices by nets Dewitt & Morgan. ATLANTA MILLS FLOUR, FROM SUPERIOR SOUTHERN WHEAT. T HE undersigned, agents for tho ahovo’mills, expect to ber - ,, - r --- * liflieil witli ooo or two car load, a week of this Superior Hour, which they will sell from tho Railroad De- it arrives, to dealers and bakers on favorable term% pot. a CRANE k RODGERS. ^ NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS. ItOBINSON & CAMP, Drapers ami Tailors, and Dealers In Fine Ready-made Clothing. J Are now receiving and opening their stock of Fall and Winter Goods, consisting in part off blnck and funcy colored French and English Cloths: French, English and American Ca«l-' meres, of ail kinds and colors ; Vestings of silks, satin*, cashmeres, cut velvet, and embroidered patterns; Over Coatings, such os fine English beavers, Norway do., Esqui maux or double-sided, flno kerseys, and pilot cloths, all of which will be innde and trimmed in our usual style, and at the shortest notice. Our Ready-made Clothing is manufretured by one of tho first houses in Broadway. New York.and comprises all that Je Cm ana fashionable. We have our usual large supply of Furnishing Goods on hand. Everyth’ requisite for a gentleman's wardrobe, together with tn. ,'xs. valises, and carpet bag*. Also. India Rubber Good*, such as ennts clonks, ponchos’ leggihs. and capes. All of which we offer as low. and on as good terms as can be had elsewhere. Gacdrv’8 Bcildimis. next to tho Pulaski House. oct4—eoddt BLANKETS, DOMESTICS, &C. AT VERY LOW P1UCES. TYTE take pleasure in calling the attention of planters to VY our very extensive stock of Woolen and Domestic Goods, many of which wo purchased before the groat od- vnnee in wool, and will therefore sell them correspondingly Ion, consisting of— 40 bales London Duflll anil colored Blankets, 50 do brown twilled Kerseys ; 10 do block do, 30 do browu domestic Goods. 25 do striped and white Osnaburgs. 10 do plain red Flannel; 6 do twillud do, 15 do shirting Stripes, 10 do Schloy’s Georgia Plains. 15 cases Louisiana and Marlboro' Stripes and riaids, 5 do plaid Linseys, stripes and plaids, 5 do Satinet ami Kentucky Jean*, fi do Scotch and domestic Ginghams, 30 do bleached Shirtings and Sheetings 29 do English and American Prints, 50 doten Negro Caps; 100 pieces Carpeting, 150 Ruggsand Matts; 200 Carpet Bags, 300 Negro Head-handkerchief*, 1000 dozen woolen and cotton Hosiery. Planters and merchants visiting our city during tho fall ami winter will find it to their interest to look trough our stock, os wo are di*po*ed to sell at a small advance upon TURNS. octfi AIKEN k BUI BWME BIO COFFEE—100 bags, landing per schr James I Haute, wd for wle by 1-51! HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON & CO. CfoAR—25 hhils prime to cboics Porto Rico Sugar, land- u iW wl for u!a h. * ’ ^juodforssleby - HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO. WW GEORGIA FLOUR—200 bags superl ai notr.from new wheat, just received an nerfine Georgia • — — -unit, just received and for sale by JJ5". SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. IMW BU - , R bbU re-boiled New Orleans Molasses, 1 rtor «’«n d for sole by OGDEN k BUNKER. I Vl'dMOh2r^i' r, Tzr m bb ^ |,llc *P*’ G,n ’ 6 pipe* Swan P'pre Utard, Dupuy Co. Brandy, I ' i, cask* Henry Legnr do. « 20 slghth* do do do, 10 do do United King- »*» 1 COHEN" k FOSDICK. IP '{‘j*® HILT—ISO bill* Baltimore, Georgia. Gene- ,Md Wnm Smith’s Flour. 200 sacks Salt, for sale 1 u,!! •-ntmpage Oder.a very choice article l“ rrom *t«*mer State of Geogj^for sale by^ iiutui HOLCOMBE JOHN33N k CO. JJ«JDfoMrU)Dll_ 160 bbls, just received and for sale fimvra~ -5^ CRANE k RODGERS. HaSifSs^^-^hbto crashed and powdered, and oo clarified Sugars. For salo by W. W. GOODRICH. DRY GOODS! DRY GOODS!! FOR FALL AND WINTER. K EMPTON k VERSTIIJ.E have now opened a largo and well selected stock of Fall and Winter Dry Goods, which they assure their friends, ami the public generally, is difficult to bo surpassed, either in variety or quality.— Their purchases have been mado upon such advantageous terms also, a* to afford great inducements to public patron age. In addition to a complete and handsome supply of Dress, Fancy and House Goods, ** well a* a general assort ment of all other kinds of good* in their line, may ba found : 8-4,0-4 and 10-4 Duffll Blankets, 8-4,9-4 and 10-4 Twilled do 8-4.9-4 and 10-4 Grey do 10-4,11-4,12-4 nnd 13-4 fine Bed Blankets, Also. Crib and Cradle Blankets. And, for negroes’ wear, a large stock of Plaids and Ker seys. at prices as low as they can be bought any whore, of the following style*: Schley** heavy Twilled Kerseys, Superior heavy English Kerseys, a splendid articlo Imitation Georgia Kerseys, very heavy Kondall Kerrey*, and tho old style Cablowarp do. Also. grey, white and black imitation Georgia Plains, Striped do. Schley’s heavy Georgia Plains of last year's make, and the best article of the kind in this market, at their store in IVaring’s Kongo, 72 St. Julten and 105 Bryan it. ocU> BROWN St HARRIS, BOARDING. LIVERY AND SALES STABLES, wwrr irnosn sthect. savannah, oa. ARRIVAL OF THE ARABIA. Llyerpools l#ptt gie N*w York, Oct.ll Tb® Arabia, vrUhLWerpoM flat** of September 24th has arrived. She reports the inlo of 10,000 bales of cotton for tho throo previous ditj8—the market ruling favorable to buyers. Passenger* by tho Arabia report despatches receiv ed at Liverpool on the eve of sailing, stating that a portion of the allied fleets had sailed for Constantino ple to protect European* from tho fury of the Muailo- ion. Pennsylvania Election. Philadelphia, Oct. 12. Tho returns coming In show that the recent elec tion has resulted largely In favor of the Democrats, not only in tho election of the candidates or that par ty but in tho majorities given. Letter from Hon- Jefferson Davis. Washington, Oct. 12. Tho Hon. Jeflbraon Davis has addressed a letter to the Sentinel newspaper, in which ha denies the exist- euco of a “ Free Soil Party," and rocogniaes the or thodoxy of the “ Softs." New Orleans Cotton Market, Ac. New Orleans, Oct 11. Tlio sales to-day aro barely 700 bales, with mid dling at 9j. Market closes henry. Flour has declined 2J cents. Twenty thousand bushels Cora brought 70 a 73 cants. Charleston Cotton Market. Charleston, Oct. 12, P. M. # The sales for the week foot up 2,400 bales, ut figures ranging from 84 to 11 cents. The market closed to day in a drooping condition. Tho range of quota tions on the better qualities is full 4c, luwer than some time last week, while for the lower grades the market is heavy and quotations nominal. Itcccipts' for tho week are 7,000 bales. Stock on hand, exclusive of that on shipboard, is 19,000 bales. LATER FROM EUROPE. ARRIVAL OF THE CANADA Liverpool, October 1. ORDINARY’S OFFICE, Coraeroflkiy iiml Wliitnknr-strects. Office hours from 9 A. M., to 2. P. M.; nud from 3>*. !\ .1*. to «, I*. M. DANIELL A COOPER, ATTORNEYS AND CUUNNEUJJRS AT LAW, Atlanta. Georgia. A. SHORT, MASTER BUILDER. Will take contracts for Building and Work in Masonry of every description. Ka-tidi-tice first dour west of St An drew’s Hall. Broughton Street. ROOFING. Tho subscriber is prepared to lay'Tin Roof* on correct prin ciples, and from lixteen years’ experience, feeli assured he can give satisfaction. Prices very low. Best reference given. J. J. MAURICE. J utters snd Conductor* made to order. M. WHIT SMITH, ATTORNEY AND COUNNEUJtR AT LAW. Alligator. East Hnriila. Will practice in tho Eastern and Southern counties. ' Refer to Col. ti. B. Sibley, awl It. II. Hilton. Ewj.. Havannah,Ga. J. W. PATTERSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Fir/yth, Monroe County. Ga. J. II.* HAYNK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Srarl/irnugh. St riven County. Practices in the Eastern and Middle Circuit* of Georgia. Jy28—3m S. W. BAKER, ATTORNEY AND CoUNSKLIim AT LAW. M'inticellii. Jefferson Comity. Florida. Reference—Hon W. II. Klexino, Nuvnnunh. Ga. feb3 th: m. norwooh. c. o. wnsox. NORWOOD «Si WILSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Savannah. Ga., Will practice in all the Count ies oftlm Eastern Circuit. Bu siness committed to ilmircare, will receive prompt atten tion. Office on Bay *t reet. over Wkihtkr k PaUtia’. wnxiiJt b. rtimroi, joiin x. miukn. FLEMING «k MILLEN. The undersigned having nnitml In the practice of lsw. will attend punctually Dinnvbn*ine*sentnisto*l to their care. Office corner of Bay ami Whifakcr Street*, over JIe*sr*. Swift, Denslnw k Co’s. THOMAS HUGHES HINES, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Trnupnlle. Georgia. Will practise In the Circcuit Courts of Thomas. I/twndes, Clinch. Ware. Aupling and Inrin.Georgia; and in the Cir cuit Court* of Jefferson, Madison nnd Hamilton, of the Middle Circuit of Florida, nnd In Alachua nnd Columbia counties in tho Eastern Circuit of Florida Will attend to tho claims of all persons before tho Departments at Wasli- ington. Boston, Oct. 13. The Royal Hull steamship Canada, with Liverpool dates of the first, has arrived. Tho cotton Bales for the week had reached 34,000 hides, ot which specula tors took 3,000 and exporters 5,000, at the following quotations, viz: . Fair Orleans...,.,, .fiji | Fair Uplands <5)i Middling Orleans^ .5J1 | Middling Uplands, 5>j being a decline on ail quotations, as compared with last previous quotations, of from 4 to 4d, Holders arc pressing upon tho market. Western Canal Flour has still advanced to 18 to 25d. per hbl. In Rico the demand is good, and prices stiffer. Sugar is quiet. In the lluvre Cotton market, the Hales of the week had been five thousand bales, under a large declino upon all qualities, though felt most in fair and mid dling qualities. The money market Is tighter, with an advance in the rates of interest of five per cent. Consols have met a further decline, and little business transacted in American securities. The French question .--till cpntinucs open. Russia and Austria are perfectly united. Spain.—Gen. I’oinhkll has been appointed Gov ernor of Cuba. Will cotaaBUM her regular trip* bn th* lfitb toil paekst brig CLU JfyeThumpaon. master, having a part or bar oar |iMU, will bar* dispatch aa abavr Forfoight orp mm*, 1> r.$a#io«o- appiyto * ' - 'mUY " OGDrofi? k»iuliADBCFHfA-Th* ootlS — —— -^CTi HbOaiit. Barton^winhav* dispatch for tlio abovoport’ [night or pautge apply to ROWLAND & 00. 'NEW YORK—Georgia Line—The regu- d_*r p«°ket uchoonsr P. R. BUllTON, Caplato Lfn^o, ra...w«va dispatch for the above port. bales cotton, to complete cargo, nr passage apply to ootM . ROWLAND * 00. Agent* New York—Sauirros k Tsttmy. BOSTON—Hie flno bark FLIGHT. Calhoun, master, will hare dispatch as above, For freight or passage apply on board, at Telfalr’a wharf, or to oetia BIUGHAM, KELLY k OO. # LIVERPOOL—The iplendid American ship NQEM1E. Capt. Johnson, will meet with dispatch aa For freight or passage apply to oct8 , PADELFOLD, KAY k OO. SEW YORK—Tho packet sebr. JAMES G. fcKlNO, Walnwrlght, master, will have quick dispatch »re. For freight or passage spnly to 18 OGDEN k BUNKER. NEW YORK—Tlio mckot schr. J. B. COF. ,F1N, Hectlv, master, will have quick dispatch aa For freight or passage apply to 90DEN k BUNKER. BOSTON—The regular packet echooner O. jLOKNEN. Snow, master, will hava quick dispatch as For freight or paHsagu apply lo OGDEN k BUNKER. KV, ijnie. ma.tur. will 1ib!vo tS—TE—V afoivt*. For freight or passage apply to oct8 'OGDEN & BUNKER. 8 balMdo twine IW poios unnoy caow,500 ooils Keatocky Rope. aepO Valaabla Farrt Lota-At Prir*to MMf 'V v Eleven ten acre lota, situated on Lover’s lane, being part' of Mlllen’e farm. A plan of the lota buy be seen at onr counting room. Term*—one-third cash, DalsnoO In two oqaal annual instalments, with Interest, and secured by mortgage on property, ■ ■ BY T. J. WALSII. Furniture. On Wednesday, lTIh Inst., will be eold, at No, 31, Jones street, oommeneing at 11 o’eloek,. All the Fashionable Furniture In paid bouse, consisting of mahogany and mr.ple chairs, mahogany sofiu, centre ta bles, extension dinning tables/ lounges, book-ease, work, stands, muslo stand, waabstond, Wardrobe, bureaus i also ono superior piano forte and stool, espets, Ac., and various articles of kltohsn furniture. Terms;cash. Administrator’s Sale. On Tuesday, fith December, will bo sold. In tho front of tho court houM, between tho legal hours, Lot and Improvements, No. 10, corner of South Broad and Whitaker streets. The lot Is subject to ground rent i f $67 00 to the city. The improvements consist of a double tene ment dwelling. In th® basement of which Is an office, draw- lug room, pantriee and bathing room. On the first floor 1s two large and elegant parlors, with a spacious verandah. Inclosed with Venetian blinds. Tn the second etory is four bod rooms, with an enclosed verandah, all lighted with gas. There are spacious accommodations for kltohsn and servant rooms, carrisgo bouse and stabln in a brick building In the rear of the dwelling. On the lane, ln{ the yard u a fine pump aud good water. Also, a yellow woman, aged about 45, n good cook and washer. The abovo property is eold by leave ol tbe Ordinary, aa the property of U. M. Rogers, deceased, and by order ol the administrators. Terms will be declared at thoeale. nriatj of oniMBMtel' such aa applss, pstn, i choice roees and mm port of tho Fair Lawn five* 4 ‘ Lot toZflD) ftp, Dtebv tvthtog.Deitr ward/i Movements in Savannah, being tb® property o! M. Oavonangh. Sold by permission of the Ordinary of a . mw ey ^nwwivn wmiunimijerutaan county, and by order of guardian. Terms—One-third cash, one-third on twelve months credit, and the remalnderon two yean credit, with Interest from day pf sale. Payment secured by mortgage on the property. Purehoeer paying for all necessary papers. * — NEW YORK—Union Line—The packet Sinai bark EDWARD, Ctipt. I'attorsnn. will have Immedi ate ilupalch for the above port. For freight or pimsiigo ap ply to octl OODEN k BUNKER. On Tuesday, November 1st, in front of court liouso, within the usual hours, will be sold, A lot. on Thunderbolt road, containing six and a half acres of land. It is well located for a resldenco, being out side tlio city limits about 100 yards, relieving the occupant from city taxes. It has a flno view of tho User nnd road. Tho above nlll bo treated for previous to tho day of salo by npplyiug at tho counting room. octfl PHm. Whit. Coro ,t print. »»]o—Jmt receive imhi e. indlhrMlomiotatoaultpiinbum TertnicMb. .Owoent-Undlng tw .ehr North flUU. 100 bblo RoModftto Bpilnutto Cemont,for Mlotow. storrUfoor . „ ljiK'»o'lI iim--No*I»r.dingperrabrO.tra.Ct,from , ?|,! ™. tTorlJone., to bbU N. E. Bom, for rot, low,. .0(17 . yblo.JJ.Botiatb.tota.t I' SiU—Lot No. 18, mb- Utolni latbrUpfoot. .ttootod oo OotoootMnet I oUo, M No. lt, oontointog do bp ISO foot, rito.todoo tbo oo. nor of Droyton raid Umor-rtrooU. If pot prortouty Ik. w»ed of bj prirolo rate, tbo oboro lot. irill t» wU ot pub- llo auction in front of tho court house, on Tuesday, 8u> of September next. Terms at sals. angfl- Roromlaie Cement—Now landing per schr Cataract. 100 bbls Hydraulic Cement. maylT FOR DKMRY’S FERRY AND INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS.—Tho steamer liuviug been ruueutly overhauled, repaired, and puintod, will iiihko regular wcukly trip* betweeu tills city nud Doinry’s Ferry, leaving lieru every tkilurduy oveuing at 4 o’clock, ami touchlug regularly at all tbe intermediate landings. Thu Oregon Iras been thoroughly refitted under the Into Steamboat Law. and Lor accommodation* for pas sengers are both ample and comfortable. She 1ms been placed on the Hue particularly for the accommodation of tho planter* and tnerchauU on the river. For freight or passage apply ou beard, at Union wharf, nr to KINl'HLKY k THOMAS. Agents. Savannah, October 1st. 1853. nctft—dfitwlm FOR FALATKA, E. F„ Tbuching at Darien, Brunswick. St Marys. Jacksonville. Mid- lUtburn. (Black Creel:.) ami 1‘icolata. - , The new nod sujierinr stoaiiumckct* ST. Jg&.i.if^-b/J.lDlINN. rant, .las. FltKKHOH.v. and WILIJAM OAsniN; Capi. Tlios. Siiaw, wilt leave for tlio above places follows: The St. John*, cm Tliuradny morning. 16th lost., at 10o'clock; ami the Win. Gaston,no Tuesday morning, 2fltli inst., ut io o’clock, anti will coiitiuun to leave at llie same hour erery Thursday and Tuesday thereafter. The latter boat carrying the United State* Mail. For freight or l>n*Knge. having ImmDoBn stateroom accommodations, ap ply on board, at Dillon’* lower wharf, or to J. 11. GUNDY, Agent. JCJ-The St. John* will go to St. Augustine every fourth trip, commencing (leaving Savnnnahj on the 29th instant. *ept4 Olilo Election. Cot.UMBL'g, Oct. 3. From returns thus fur received of the recent elec tion, it is clear that the Democrats have succeed. JTew Orleans Cotton Market, Ac. Nkw Uui.ka.ns, Oct. 13. P. M. Up to noon to day the market has worn a quiet ap pearance, only 5(10 hales having changed hands, with middling nt 9j. The Catuultis'news came to hand at 4 o’clock. P. M. Rio Coffee is dull. Exchange : Stirling 8 j a 9. B Y THE STEAMER OF SATURDAY, wo have received and are now prepared to show, nn additional supply of those very handsome pearl case portmonie*. with card ca' sc* attached ; also, cigar case* of the latest and most ap proved stylos; for salo by nuglfi A1KIN k BURNS. Tho English Soldier in United states Army. Tlie a<l- ventures of Mr. and Mrs. Sandboys, wlm canm up to I/in- dnn to enjoy tliumselves, by II. Miwhuw and Geo. Cruik- siiunk. The Knicklebury* on the Rhino, by W. M. Tlincka- ray. Faust, a Romance of the Secret Tribunals, by (». M. Reynolds. David Cuppnrllcld. tho younger, by C. Dick ens. Life and adventures of Charto* Ciiestorlieid, by the author of Petticoat Government, .Uo. tbo History of ^t. Giles nnd St. Jnmes. by Douglas Jerrold, Ks«|. J. Fonlmore Cooper's Novels The Golden Eagle, or the I'rivateor of Sovonty-Slx. hy Sylvanu* (sibb. jr. Tlio Countess of Ikf. Gmrny. or tbe fall of tha French Monarchy, ay Alexander Dumas. D.tnnim's Illustrated News. Gleasons Pictorial. For sale No. 135. Congress-*!. in Health and Discaso, by Thus Butt. M D. Practical Mineralogy. Assaying and Mining, witli a de scription of the most useful minerals, nnd Instructions for assaying and mining, according tn the simplest method, hy Frederick Ovormnn. Mining Engineer. Tl»® Microscopist, or a complete manual of the use of tho microscope, for physicians, students, ami nil lovers of nat ural science, second edition Improved and enlarged, with illustrations, by Joseph H. Wytlies. M I). A Treatise nn Operative Opthalmic Surgery, hy II. H. Walton.F R CS, In England, first American, from the first, l/indon edition, illustrated hy lftfl engravings on wood, edited hy 8. Litteil, M I), author of a Manuel of the Discaso oftlm Eye. Received by septa J. w. ctmnEDQK. GEORGE N. NICHOLS, Owens* Building. njgstsUr. Pulaski Mouse, Having mado large additions toliiscstalilisliinont.eonlinue* to do BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, in ids usual neat and handsome style, and on accommodating terms. PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Hartford, Conn. The undersigned, Agents oftlm above Company are prepared to toko risks against Finn on Building* and their contents. Also Marini Ska Risks, on tho most favorable terms. BRIGHAM. KELLY k CO., Agent*. P sssnrtment of fresh Green and *»*• Just received and fur sale by W. W. GOODRICH. lu 15 do .Shoulders, v | P* f 'teamer, a-' ' - _.y choice, just r, and for sale by ■BaLTIVood CRANE k RODGERS. Jp that, itsdlijt 1 '! 0 '.fisltimore Flour, new ■ • Mutt'* ““* n ,* cbr l- C^imn Hertx, and for salo IWSSiurt JOHN8TQN * CO. Hb2S t K!r k lso ss-riteiftsiSTST— »jt28, *** by ROWUND k Co. ■ ^ bills, from New Wheat. forms by —JOHNflON k CO. nuw btnillng at White- ’L -tu briK Ary ’’ frnm !kv * tl ' n » a «’l fot sale (KIDEN k BUNKER. IL ! *^»lu b rf n£S* n . d no,r toniliug at White- 12. bri 8 Ar K f >. from Boston, and for sale OGDEN k BUNKER. 1'J‘tos klUi inTn bb . U , -' f)anon M iU*. 150 bags At- Ismrirv 'T 80 **** Cunningham M1U*. ■ «tt D chelcs, just received and for salt b< CRANK* ROM - , from 2? ’io Shoulders, 10 caaks Hams, w, b / ,n ‘teamerNute of Georgia and schr Leoeen^ s- "**’■* '"‘.ANk fc (V'ffiUdTbT p-— .» ..w,ra,,ra. , (M, bUn,ii„„ i'* 1 '"* ®'»nipelled to close S , «sUW.2S“r °f F. /(NSBAUM * CO., w. BAUM * CO., would the late firm to make intine- them E^WiS nf .V' wl *° ibo 1st* firm to make ir r. “'thment having claima to prexent I M**'* G. It, MITCHHIJa, WTCanor-r *wecessor to F, 7*>g1>auin k Co. f l "ur; 60A,^*®-. 100 bbU' KaiUmoro H ' te tew, I1.I,. 1 . 4 - ,,u RmlUl', .1..; m ,|„| ,A "l*ni, On. {„ , * X-; too do ad* r,„. W u b i’!? .ibifilmoro Howard street *o pure Genesee jv• — —lauilLii . ' --- 1 'i wtHn-roton do; 50 do r*"l*nndo.- 'W adamantine do; l‘<'» °o do tailgate's Btarch- for sale by H|»7JVPn WEBSTER k PALMRi. bareges, tmunet rib- silk IvT W! V'.k net mits and gloves, la- 7Ji. h ' *"W SSJE"' "oen raiohrio li,|kr«, *«., ter READY MADE CLOTHING, FOR FALL AND WINTER. fTHE snbscrilmr respectfully solicit* the attention of his A friends and the public in general, to his extensive as sortment of Ready-made Clothing, comprising a* it does a variety of every articlo for gentlemen's wear, suitable for the present and coming seasons. The following comprlso a portion of tho stock on hand : Overcoat* and Hurtouts of black and blue bcavor cloth, Black and brown mohair cloth. Norway and Labrador coatings, Devonshire, kerseys, and pilot cloths, talma cloaks, Black cloth dress and frock coats, Blue and brown cloth business frocks, Grey and check cassimero business suits, Black doe-skin cassimero pants, French fancy casslmere pants, Grey snd mixed twood cassimero panto, Black and mixed satinet panto, Plain and plaid kersey punt*. Embroidered and plain blnck cassimero vest*, Figured and plain black silk rests, Ilush velvet vests. Figured black and fancy cashmere vests, together with an extensive stock or Furnishing Goods, such ns linn white shirt*, silk and merino undershirts, merino Canton flannel* and 'jean drawers, riding gauntlet*, Mack, colored and white kid gloves, stocks, cravat* and scarfs, neck-ties. suBpenders etc., the whole or which is offered for I sale low, by WM. R. 8YMON8, Draper k Tailor, oct4 17 Whitaker stree JOHN QUIN, AUCTIONEER AND COMM WON MERCHANT, 153 Broad-street Columbus, Ga.. Will transact the above business in the usual manner, and pay strict attention to nil consignments entrusted to his care. He would respectfully refer to the following per sons : Hon. Alfred Iverson. Major John H. Howard, War- ham Cromwell. Esq., LowlsM. Durr. Columbus, Ga.; Wm. P. Yonge, Abraham Backer. Savannah. fini—june3 n. P. HORTON. O. It. RIKKJIA5. HORTON & RIKKMAN, WttOLXSAI.R AND HKTAII. DKAI.KK* IN WATCHES, JEWELRY. SILVER-WARE, FANCY GOODS, 110 Brnughton-xtreet. JOHN It. COCHRANE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Dublin,Ltnrens county. Ga., iato junior partner of the firm of A. k J. CnaiiMNK, frwinton. Ga.. will attend promptly to all business entrusted to Ws earn Partic ular attention paid hi collecting. Reference—Dr. C. B Guyton, F. IT. Rowe, Dublin,Ga.; M Marsh, Savannah. may7-—dftwly Wm. M. I/iwton, R. Wajnwkihut Bacon. Wm. M. Tayi-oh, Jo-kj-u T. Dim. WM. M. LAWTON & CO., 8F-A ISLAND AND UPLAND COTTON FACTORS, No. 13 South Wharf, Charleston. S C. aug23—2aw4m EDWARD U. HARDEN, ' TRANSPORTATION AGENT. W. k A. RAILROAD, RinggoUt. Wiitkar County. Georgia. W ILL attend to Hm purchasing on commission.-Corn. Wheat and Bacon. The Ringgold Iwqir.t being situa ted in a region of country abounding in grain, it can usual ly be purchased upon more favorable terms than at almost any otlier point upon the W. At A. Railroad Orders covering the cash, witli limited or discretionary instruction*, will receive prompt attention. Persons order ing grain will please forward sack* with order. References—Dr. Ricliurd Wayne. Mr. Win. M. Wadiy. Sa vannah. mnylO 9500 Clialieiitfc. IIOnENSACK’g WORM SYRUP. A N article founded upon scientific principles.compound ed with purely vegetable substances, being perfectly safe when taken, and has net»T been known to fail in curing tbe most obstinate chsps. Worms can never exist when this remedy is once used, from the fact that it not only de stroys them but removes nil tho slimo and mucus which may remain. The Tnpe Worm. This worm is tho most <|jfilcult to destroy of all that In habit the human hody. It grows to an almost indefinite length, and becoming so colled and fastened in the lutes tines nnd stomach *k to produce Fit*. St. Vitos’ Ihince. Ac , which Is tlio cause of many going to tho grave, not believ ing that tbeao complaint* have thotr origin from the tape worm ; consequently they do not use tho projier medicines for their disease. To those who aro afflicted with tills aw- fill foe to health. I recommend the use of my Worm Syrup ami liver Pills; the Syrup hi he taken In dose* of two tn- ble spoonfuls three times a day. then toko from five to eight of iny liver Pills, to dislodge and pass the worm, fly strictly following these direction*, the inostolistinntoeascs of tope worm can lie speedily cured. Rotiiul or Stomncli Worm. This worm is usually found in the small intestines, nnd Is tlio worm most common to children, yet It is not entirely confined to them, a* adults have frequently been known to suffer with thorn. The symptom* most prominent while affected with tills worm, are lmrdnes* and fullness of the tielly, slimy stools, looseness of tlio bowels, picking at the nose, a tduelsh streak underthe eyes, Ac. If you.or nny ol your children have nny of the above symptoms. Motion- sack’s Worm Syrup can safely bo depended upon—by using it you have a certain, safe and speedy cure ; snd if after using it according to the directions tlio patient is not re stored to health,and the worm* thoroughly eradicated from tho system, you can rest assured there is no remedy tieyoud tlio grave, as for fail, there Is no such word a* fail with those who use my Worm Syrup. Ascarldra, nr Ninnll Thremt Worms. These worms, to which Die human sytcin Is llablo. are most troublesome of all other*. They are generally to lie found in the rectum, and if allowed to remain, from tho Ir ritation they produce, lay the foundation for serious disor dors, such oa inflammation of tlio bowels, nnd other de rangements nf tlio stomach. Tlio hcsland safest medicine that, can 1»e used is Holiensnck's Worm syrup. Such Is Dio BONNETS! BONNETS tl 60 o so* just received at tlio TRIMMING AND 'GENERAL VARIETY STORK, 139 llronghton-st.— _ t Country Merchants Milliners, and tho public goner ally,aro Invited tn examine this stock. It consists of 50 different styles elaborately trimmed, Parisian, blond, gimp, rich colored silk, satin, crape and other choice and much admired styles; flat* and hat*, ombroMorcd satin hoods ; a great variety of crape embroidered blond linings. Pori* silk lace shape*, extra rich spring bonnet ribbons, straw dress do, white ana > trimmings, dress do, white and colored laco, gimps and gal loons, do do silk fringes. mantles, plain bareges, shell and other combs, hair imiis. curl* and plaits, ribbon plaits, ’ flowors, feathers and wreathe*, bonnet silks, Jet and fancy . wristletts, buttons, steel trimmings, wpliyr worsted, braid. Red Ash and Kennel Coal, ‘ I N quantities to suit purchasers, on tha wharf or deliver ed to any part of the city. I»pf« ■*«* Prices by |\f6L’RSiv- ( r--_ D«wrrr a moiuian. CLfcffl^frDUdns; V* U, ». Msck1LW black tfonslln 2* »* fa uSLj nolh «- *> Alpaca*, mourn- torn* neiilK^ 0 * *«- Just received and wJHHMs It ultra „„ , l*WlTr k MORGAN. JOHNHOlf . CO* SS** p S' i d£S D i di# muslin* ST* «nd IWh cam. rad pl»ln slm.. ~ •““Fratmh an- 0*Wm*WKOAH. city. _ — ALSO— Black Jnek. Upland Oak, Live Oak, Ash, Pine nnd Llqtit Wood. BY TUB BOAT LOAD OH AT RETAIL. For the convenience of persons residing In tbe iipjier por tion of the city, boxes for order* are placed at the stores of Messrs. J. M. (taper A Co., W. W. Uncolo. and W. 0. Dick- son. snd at the office of tho •* Morning Nows." In order to ensure iffbmptnc** tn 'applying orders, these Imxes aro ex amined dally atO A. M.. and 3o’clock. I». M. Particular attention wilt be given to furnish lawful mea sure. and purchasers will confer a favor by iinmedlatelv ro- imrtlngany instance in wbieh my tenmstoM should fail Jo deliver tho qmmlity ordered.' Haring in.vlo anangcnients for a regular supply of the abovo articles, and for tlralr prompt delivery. I respfotfally u“k a contlonancc of the favnra nr my former customers, aud the patronsgo of consumer* of foci. Ree l Gauo for shipment, supplied at short notice „ J T. THOMAS, _ ft'cerew h, It. RKMKftsirr, Furry Wharf, opposite the Gas Works. septiM)—If T INEN COATS AND"PAN*fS—An sddltfoSi'TunDly re JA cctved and for Bale at 147 Bay street, hy PP 7 . “ n FRICK A VEAPRR. flWfm AND C,\8SD(KKES. ~ V and Rn“‘“ .. __ ,. . --—.—.—. -Black and colored French ind Kncllsli Cloths, black and fancy Gassltneres, plain plnld Tweed*. Kentucky Jeans, eto. received and for JL ' nKNRY UTHROP k CO rehooner smnmKOo. fans, with a grrat variety of other goods usually kept In fancy establishments. Smoking caps, sllp|ters. children’s hahtiments. such as robe*, Rack* marked with new pa( terns for tiraldlng. Mr*. Dovta, oasis tod hy competent milinors from New York, will attend to the trimming department, nnd will en deavor, with skill and taste, to pleas* sll who may favor her with order*. Fancy nnd other bonnets cleansed, bleached wl pressed. Pinking done. Five bonnet maker* wanted immediately, who mnst perfectly understand their business.ap!30 CO-PARTKRSHIP NOTICE. The undersigned have associated theinsolvee to gether, under tho nnina and style of Murphy A Da- vanny, for tho transaction of general Boot and Shoe business, having Die stand on tho corner of Congress snd Whlteknr-slroets, formerly occupied by M Prendergnst. Thoy are now prepared tooifer to their friends and th* public, a well selected stock nf Ladles’ and Genllo- men's noots, Shoes. No., which they will sell cheap for cash. “■- MURPHY A DKVAN”" J3y jRPinr A DEVANNY. DRY FEET PREHFJtVEB THE HKAI.TH.-Jnst received, a fow case* water-proof Boot*; also, a lot of thick pegged Boots, together with * flno as sortment of Gentlemen’* and Ladies’ over Show, some of a nowand approved style, which will bo sold at low R. FL4NIGAN k CO., 1 Off Bryan-street. All in want will ploase call and judge for themselves, deell DANIEL CROMLAY, _ FAHHIONABLK BOOT MAKER—Gjrwro/Jfctniok. Wlm and Bull-streets.— 1 Tha subscriber desires to in* I form th® public that he has opened a® above, where ' he fa prepared to ®xe«at® order® for Roots of the finite ssS r OPPOSITION LINE. PALATKA, F1.A., AND INTERMEDIATE j~fadSSL.l'l.ACES.—leaves every Satunlny morning i o’clock.—Tl o regular stunm packet WKLAKA. Capt. N. King, will leave as above. For freight engagement*, up* ply uu hoard, or to S M LAFF.MKAU, Agent. N. II.—Tire fare to Brunswick i* reduced to $4. nug'26 Private Bale.—Lot No. 12 and Building, on Stone street.— Tlie lot is fee Minnie. 60 feet front hy 80 deep The dwell ing is two stories high, and well finished. Will 1m> sold low If applied for by the 20th tost. oct7 At Private Halo—Two tiro non* lots, ono mile from tho city, for sale low, if applied for immediately, on ucconimo- ■**.Hng terms. scplB At Private Sale—Grey. Hard Brown, aud Brown Bnck in quantities to suit purcliosers. auglo At Private Sale—300 bushels Tennossc® Coru, to lots to suitpurolrasors, Just roceived. augft Private Halo.—21 barrels choice Butt Pork, in lot* to suit purchasers. Landing and for sale. July 28 A Desirable Building Lot for Sale. Lot No 9. fourth tythlng, Anson ward.- For particulars, Inquire \t tho counting room. jyl6 Improved Essencoof Uoffee.—We have Juitwcelredfrom tlie manufacturers In Philadelphia, and will continue to keep on band for sale, Augustus Hummel’s Improved Bs- sence of Coffee. Thia la the best composition of Coffee ever offered for sale, and Coffee made from tlie Essence Is mneh more wholesome, more delicate, finer flavored and colored, K rfoctly clear, and In every resjwct superior to tho fiueat o Coffee, and in use will provo a nett saving 75 per cent over Coffee prepared In tlie ordinary manner. Try it and *“ “ J m/yir sen If It docs not. At I’rivnlo Salo—5 kegs Bed Stone Mill* Powder, 2 do Hazard & C'o’s llFG HG Powder. 13 do Dupont's N P Pow der. for sale low to clave a concern. lunolO ' Class 122 : 01 13 70 22 50 2 35 37 63 7 40 23 Also. Extra Class 72: 3 C4 60 13 31 42 34 73 44 27 62 30 Holders of prizes will please call for the cash, or renew at E. WJTilINGTON’S. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAM.; S»W.teWS>^BiP ISABEL, Wuuam Rotusf, Cotnmandai between ifavannah, Key West and Havana, connecting witli tlm tlio Pacific Flail Steamship Company’a line for Gal< ifornla. , TIii*a|iliindid sea steamship will lmreafler leave Savnnna for Key West and Havana, on the 16th and 30th of each ' month, aud from Havana for Savannah on the 8tb and 22d of each mouth. • Tlie Isabel will connect at Havana with the U. 8. Mall Steamship Company’s line to Asptovrall.and the Paeific mail line from Pnnaina to California and Oregon Passengers will ho landed at the railroad wharf at A spin* wall free. Transit nt tho Isthmus at tho passengers' ox- pense. • Tho Isabel will also connect at Havana with the U. 8. mall Htenin Company’* lino at Now Orleans. Ticket* for Key West and Havana can bo had of 1 OOIlKNS k HERTZ. Agents at Savannah. Ticket* for New Orleans, AspSnwall and San Francisco, can be had by applying to MORDKC; Janl3 GREENE AND PULASKI LOTTERY. GREGORY k MAURY. Managers. Class 123. draws on Momlay, 17th Instant, In thia city. Hales close at 3 o'clock,P. M {MITTAL. $7,640. 75 Number Lottery—14 Drawn Ballot*. 03“ Tickets £2—share* to proportion. ttate or passage in targe, niry si To Darien *3 O') | St. Marys 4 50 Jacksonville C 00 I N. B.—Freight consigned to It. I OPPOSITION LINE. Change of Departure—Fir I'alalka, Fla.,and all the interme diate landings on the mute.. The superior new Stenni-packntWKLAKA, , | Cnutntn N. ivj.vo. will, until further notico, leave every Sati'kday, at 10 o'clock. A. M. Kate of Passage in large, airy Stnto Rooms, as follows: •*“*"* To Plcolata 88 00 Palatku 8 00 Black Creek.... 8 00 •iglit consigned to ft. ft. Duke, for Ocala, will bo re-shipped free of nil charges at Palatku. For freight or passage apply on board at tlie Charleston Steam Packet Company's wharf, or to fabto _ 8. M. LAFFITEAU. Agent. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. /hr I’alalka. E. F\. ria Darien. Brunswick, St. Marys, Jackson ville., MiilUrhurg. Black Creek nml PicoUUa. . Tlie superior Steam Packet WM. GASTON, Ji i 11 ^ / sllgjw r “ l' 1 T. K. Siiaw. will leave on Tuesday Morn ing. at lM o'clock, and will continue to leave every Tuesday. Tlie Riles of Passage by this Boat, areas follows s To Darien $3 00 Hf. Mary* 4 60 Jacksonville 6 00 Pieolata 8 00 Palutka 8 00 Black Creek 8 00 For freight nr passage, apply on hoard at the Cliarleston Steam Packet wharf, or to mav31 CLAGHORN k CUNNINGHAM. AgenU. U.VUPETM—CAHPETS—CAllPETAt W E hare llii* >1 ty o|M.‘ned a now and sjilcndid assort ment of cur|M!t*. consisting ol— Ilvntp, Dutch, Vciictlnit, Htnlr, Three Ply, lu&rAlii, nnd ili'usscla Carpet*. Also, a very Imndsome assortment of Velvet and Chenel, Rug*, Hemp, and Cocoa Mats. Drugget nnd Floor Oil Cloths, all ol which will be sold at tho lowest price*, by sep20 AIKEN k BURNS. KALI. TRADE OP 1833, T f) MERCHANTS AND WHOLESALE PURCHASERS OF DRY GOODS.—Our arrangements for tho Fall Trade will he completed in a few days, when we will be prepared to submit to your ln*|>ection an unusually complete assort ment of general toy Goods. Hosieiy. Trimmings. Haber dashery, and .Small Wares, Ribbon*. Ac. M. I'RENDERG AST * CO., 178 Bniughton-streot. opposite Ht. Andrew’s Hall, west side. • nng27 NEW GOODS—PALL TRADE—183.3 j D sWTIT k MORGAN are receiving by tlie steamers week- ly their fill nnd win.ur Goods, tn which they respect fully soliciyliUention; Plain and figured black Hiiks. colored glace nud dueapo do Plaid and brocade Silk of tlio newest stylo ® Plain French Mouslin de I-nine*. French’ and Eng. printed do Silk and Wool Plaids for children** wear, plaid Raw Silks Plain and plahl Poplin*, very rich. French printed Cambric Dark Calicos, Mourning dn, Irish Linens. Arc. sel Itibero’* new hulldiny. Congress-street. HUDSON, FLEMING & VO., Factor® nml Coin mission Merchants, No. 94 Bay street. Sarannah. Ga., T ENDER their service* to planters, merchant* nnd deal ers. In tlie salo of Cotton nnd all otlier country pro duce. lining connected in business with Dorms, Itonso.v k Co., nf Charleston, the establishment of an office In this •:ily will afford our friend* choice nf markets. Strict ntten linn will be given to bmiuess, and tlio mm il facilities af- orded customers. J. R. HUDSON. ) 0 .... . W ft Ft.KMI.N0, j* nvn,, ' l «h- LAMBETH HOPKINS. Augusta. .1. J. COIIKN. Charleston. sept 8—tf HUSKY KISH L UJ.PAUTNERHUIP NOTICE.—The undersigned has thin / day associated with him Mr. Hkmrt C. Kino, of Glynn _ day associated with him Mr. H«*RT C. Kino, of Glynn ounty. with wliom ho will continue thoFACtorngennd Coin nissioti business in this city, under the firm of Ill'Ll. & Kino janl’J JNO. 11. HULL 210 Bay-street. ^tL’NDBIFX—75 tiarrets rituart’s Crashed nod Powdered ■J sugar ; 80 do. do. A. B and UClarified sugar ; 23 hhds ’rim I’orto Rico, and 10 hhds. Ht. Croix sugar ; 50 Casks juarts and pints Ilyas* I/mdon Porter ; 00 bbls. Tread- veil's soda biscuit: 30 bbls. and 75 keg* Prime Is«*f tard ; »0 nmts su|terior old government Java Colfeo ; 40 bsgs lagnyra and 80 Ptinte old Rio Coffee ; 6 Pipes medor swan iin ; 60 boxes Roys Isnnon Hyrup ; 20 barrels Winter ^trained and Bleached Whaln Oil; 300 boxes No. 1 Pale tnd Family Soap ; 20 tierces superior sugar curled Ham* ; >0 boxes white 60 do. colored Cheese ; 100 boxes now scal- d Herring* ; 100 do. A'laniantino Caudles; 80 do. Iteadel’s i* and 8* Tallow (kindle* ; 60 boxes Pearl Starch : 40 boxes Jround Coffee ; 20do. do. Pepimr ; 60 do*, painted Buckets J00 reams wrapping nnd 100 Cap nnd Letter paper. land ing and for sale by Sepl27 SCRANTON. JOHNSON k CO. N EW BOOKS—Received by H. H. Hibley.Octolwr 4.1863. —The Mud Cabin, «»f tlio character and tendencies of ilritis|i institutions, by Warren Islinin. TU« Forged Will or Crime and Retribution, Ivy Emerson . iieuittn: Fslitli’s J/'gncy. by tho author of Adelaide Lindsv. The White Cruiser, or tho Fate of the Unheard Of, by Ned ' Buntline; I’utnain's Magazine, for October. The Knickerbocker; tlie Lindon Journal, j Industry of all Nations. JunoHuton, or tho King's Advocate, at-'cottish historical J romance, bv James Grant. Tho Rudiments of the Art of Building, represented in five i section*, edited by John Buttock. Violet, tho Dsnscme, or Courtship and Wedlock, hy tho author ol tho Gilt, Aic. Tlie Rebel Hcout, a romance if tlm American Revolution. ; by Anna Ashland. For sale at 186Congrcss-st. octft astonishing power of my medicines over Aacarndie*. that ’ J~\RE88 GOODS—Barege do brine*, solid colored mouslin t defv any one to produce a ca«o where my Worm Syrup sJ de Uines. printed French de lalnes. black and a variety mlorod French tnerlnos. colored plaid and brocade silks, plain colored do. plain black do, black watered nnd black terr any one to produce a en“o where my Worm Hy irf fiver Pills are recommended lo be used they will euro. All that is necessary Is to use tlie syrup in accord ance* with direetlons on each bottle ; nnd In case a gentle purgative is required in order to allay the Irritation they R reduce, tlio Liver Pills, hy their sympathising action and eattby operation upon tlio bowels, is tho most pleasant medicine that can Iw taken. •d ilo. raw Milk iilsld. printed French Cambric*, bombasines, ilpsciis, mourning de lalnes, etc. Received and for salo by »ep29 HENRY LATH HOP k CO. R ELIGIOUS WORK8 —The Yoing ri.YlVtin'n ; tlio w to tho good; tho Corner Ntone. by Jacob Abbott ; t IIORENSACK’D LIVER FILLS. No part of tlio system I* morn liable to disease than the being supplied with numerous blood vessel* nml nerves, and If diseased, the blood of course flowing thro* j Knowledge ; Hare on Justification ; The Pat’rlare'hs ; He- nll ports of the body, produce* liver complaint*, Joundlco, rious Call, by Wcslley ; 'Hie First Woman ; Morris’s Her- bilious affections,dyspepsia, src. - >*•« -- ■■ »-• »«-—•- Lf '*— Wise : Infants Progress , Christian Theology ; Imitation of CUrlyt; _ the Comforter , Fulfilment ef Prophecy ; Helf Aver Complaint, Is attended witli chill*. *uec«“dod by fever, severe pain In tho region of the liver, vomiting bitter tasto, yellow furred tongue, nulse full and tmunding. the pain in the side is in creased by pressure, should the left lota bo nffocted, Ihe pain Is generally in the left shoulder, with a short dry cough, tlio skin becoming of a sallow appearance, and tho stool* clay colored. Till* disease ran ta cured by the use of Ho- tansack’s IJv«r Pills, as they act directly upon the seat of tho disease, and then operating upon the hnwel* they ex pel all tbo corrupt and vitiated ma’ter from the system. Dyepepiln. Tho symptom* of Dyspepsia, nnd it* various diseases are dizziness in tlie head, heartburn,oppression after eating moats, sourness arising from the stomach. Ate . and some times general languor of the wholo body, from this it will bo seen that the disease owes Its origin to a disorganized state of tbe Liver and Hlomncli. Hotansack’s Liver Pill* fa tlio very medicine to effect a permanent and lasting cure, as they net hy changing the certain morbid actions of the svstem Into a healthy action, and rendering tlio Wool pure and healthy. To Feznal®*. You will find these Pills nn Invaluable medicine In many complaint* to which you are subject, to obstruction* either total or partial they have boon found of Inestimable bene, lit la restoring nnd purifying tho Wood and other fluids so a* to cure all complaints which may arlso from femnl® lr- regular!Dos, an headache, dimness of sight, pain In th® side, bnck, Ac. These Pills are tlm only safe and effectual remo- dy to care the following complaint*. Gout, Nervousnesz, Molancholy, flick Headache. Giddiness. Rheumatism, dl*. trussing Dreams, IMmnes* of flight, or In fact any of the dl*. ease* that arise from affections ot th® Liver, Impurity of the Blrod, or constipation of the Howell. Medlrnl Evidence We, th® unudertlgned Physleiana, having bad th® rcelpt of their manufacture submitted to us for Inspection, say, that the Ingredients of which they ®re composed make® tbo.n the best Pill in us® for all diseases of the Liver, Itn. purities® th® Blod, Ac. GEORGE WOOD, M. D. P CROWLEY. M 1>. U BOWEN. M. D. nr Purchase none but tho*® having th® signature “ J. N.'HOBENSACK,” an all othsrs are worthless Imitations. Jgent* wishing Bi'p* p^i!i U°U| m -- ^SS5S5 teiaASaHlWtttelaUMtf.CI — , .^.itley... ...... , . umns ; Ufa of Rev. T. Ware ; Women of the Bible ; Church Polity ; Tlio Italy and the Mind ; Benson’s Ufeof Fletcher, Memoir of Mrs. Rodger*; do do Lucy Richards : Death Iks I Scene*, by D. W. Clark, I). D. ; Christian Perfection. For sate hy fl. H. SIBLEY. Hepl29 No. 135 Congress-st. L ife under Italian dehpi/tihm.—i*»rcnxo iienoni, or Passages In tho Life of an Italian. Houth Carolina in tlio Revolutionary War, talng a reply flheridan’s Ufe and Memoirs, by Thomas Moore. Ltngurd’* History of England, a now and cheap edition, to 13 volume*. General Baron Jomlnls’ History of the Campaign of Wa terloo. A Memorial of Horatio Orecnoiigli. by Turkoman. BoIsmontN Hallucinations, a rational history of appari tions, visions, dreams, etc. Mrs. Lea's Habits and Instincts of Animals, Birds. Rop- tiles snd Fishes Tlm Fawn of the Pslo Faces, by Bruce. Collier’s Shakespeare, vol. 6, cheap edition. Young Americans’ Library—IJfo of Webster. Geratwcker’s Journey Round the World, a new suppl sep22 W. THORNE WILLIAM CANARY 0A0m BY THE I.AHT STEAMER— A variety of now and taautlful pattern* of canary [Cage* just received. Those desirous of a hand some Cage, and one proof against Jfffra.liave only Ito makennuarlycallforachoicofrom a fine a* '•ortment. mh28 J. V. OflLUNfl. 100 Brynn-at. i TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS REWARD—My negro man. Sam, runaway last Saturday night, tbe 26th, He fa ruthor light complected, about fire feet ten In* ,che« high.and be formerly belonged fo Hr. Holiday, In Chatham county. Ho wa® aold to Mr. Wright to Saran nah. of whom I bought him. Twenty dollar* reward will b® paid for this boy lodged to any Jail or ssfa placojwher® I can get him. Jo** DAVID ALLEN, McIntosh county. named T0H, about forty year* old, stout and chunky ,built, and ha® a mark membllng a feather or arrow eomnwndBj£iUrtTwee of the weekend rumtoy ap^to® hlburoent IJmR—' ofSSmr nfelffwM liS! fitafaY^ 4 * 1 L®ofi 6oanty, Florida, Sept 12, Extra Class 73, draws ot Wilmington, Del., on Fatunlay 16th October. camsL. $40,000. 78 Number Lottery—14 Drawn Ballot*. nr Ticket* $10—shares In proportion. Tickets either singly or by tlm pnekngo for sale to Bay lane,Savannah. Oa., next to Robinson «Canir octlb Life and Fire Insurance. CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE COBI- PANY, HARTFORD, CONN. Capital, and surplus over $250,000. Aljmxn Gnu President. J*s. C. Waikuct. 8cc’y. Tills Company will l**uo Policies on tho Joint Stock principle, and upon the Mutual plan, thus comhtnlng the benefits of both systems at tlm option of the insured. Tlio strength, ability and well invested capital nf tlie In stitution aro, in my opinion unsurpassed by any Lifo Insu rance Company In this Stnto or Union. [L.S.J signed R O.P1NNEY, Comptroller nf Public Accounts, State of Connecticut. tfS~Slaves Insured. Californian aud Australian risk* taken nn reasonable, terms. The subscriber is also Agent for the following Fire Compa nies : Euultable Fire Insurance Compnny OF LONDON. Authorized Capital ....$2,600,000 Capital paid to $1,000,000 C. E. Hsiiwarr. K q., ) IIknhv l.unisM, Esq., >Trustees, Now York. ItnURMT DlllOS, j Farmers’ Fire liiaitraiico CoinjMvny. Capital $200,000. Granite Fire Immraiicu Company. Capital $200.01)0. Knickerbocker Fire Insurance Company. Capital $160,000. New York and Erie Fire Insurance Coinp'y. Capital $160,000. These Companies having a cash capital, safely invosletl In bond and mortgage, arn prepared to odoct Insurance against daniago by fire,on all kinds of property on reason able terms. For insurance In olther of the above named Companies, apply to A. WILBUR. General Insurance Agent, nml Agent for tho abovo Companies, sept 20—ly office 129 ('<ingros«-*t. CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY. CAKItIGES. BUGGIES AND HULKHS—A general assorlmeet. just roceived.—Tlie sub- now prepared to offer to the public. Carrlagi scrihers r .. t — ... .... „...., PliRtons, Buggies. Carryalls. Ac. fresh, from some of tlie most popular Establishments, nnd Builders at tlie North. Thu selection* were made hy one of tho firm, with strict reference tn tho requirement* of this mnrket. They aro determined to keop only such articles to their line, ns they can confidently rocominond And warrant, feel ing assured that they will bn sustained In nfforing a hotter and finer doss of work, than has boon usually kept In this mnrket. The Public arc most respectfully requested to call, oxnm- Ine. nnd satisfy themselves, whether they are in earnest, by an examination of their stock air All kind* of Repa'rlng duno a* heretofore. L. fl. BENNETT k CO., July 31 Corner West Broad nnd IViy-st*. 1*1 A NO FORTES. THE suhscrltar* sole agents for A. Stod- fart k Co’s., and Jonn It. Dunham’s Piano Fortes, are always supplied witli nn as sortment of them favorite nnd justly colobrated iiistru- monts. For durability they can ta fullv warranted, whilst their superiority of tono and touch I* evident and acknowl edged hy tho most casual ohsorver. es well ns the critical connoisseur. Tlio ladies nro respectfully Invited to view these instruments. An nrrrangement having tarn effected witli one of our most eminent Pianist* for tlie purpose, thoy "inalso be onabled to judge of tlie tone. F. 7/JGIIAUM k CO.. Market-square. Of Secondhand Pianos taken to exchange, also tuned and repaired. Jel7 the olist ructions at tlio entrance of my store, conse quent upon tlie putting up of an Iron Front, nro now suffi ciently removed to enable them to gnln easy access to tho Interior, where they will find tlio shelves well stocked a* usual, with Crockery. China. Glass nnd fltono Ware, family Hardware, wood and willow Ware. Tin Ware nnd Table Cut lery ; together with a great variety of Limps. lanterns, Wick*. Fancy nnd House Furnishing Goods, which will be sold at moderate nnd just prices, by J. V. COLLINS, nug'26 100 Bryan-strcet. 20 do Cider Vinegar, 60 do Stuart's Clarified Sugar, 75 do do Crushed and Powdered do, 300 taxes No. 1 Pale nnd Family Honp. 100 tags Rio Coffee. 160 Mil* K. Phelps nnd Rose Gin. 40 do P.fc II. Connecticut III- do. lauding nnd fur sal® hy ig*?.4 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. T.MtKNCH Printed Cambric* In medium nud dark color* 1? very beautiful, just opened and for sale hy ■u*4 DkWITT k MORGAN. C ONGRESS WATER—Now landing from hark Exact, war runted to ta genuine and recently bottled. A supply Is kept always in Ice. W. W. LINCOLN. je.’>0 Monument Square. UlW~ilECF.lVV.R-—In storeimfl'foraato, ROD bblsTlioml oaton Ume. COO husliels white Corn. 200 do Maryland Oats. 100 luindle* Northern Hav. Apply to nug30—tin % N. WINKLER. Williamson's hulldlng. B ACON SIi)FX—Twenty toids. Ribbed Sides, ton Clear do landing and for sale hr se|ifi. HOI/30MBE, JOHNSON k CO. I)U1TEft7UHF<l , HB_ AND FlXiUR—80 kegs Ooahtn But- __ tor, 60 boxes do Cheese, 50 bbls Hiram Smith's and Genesee Flour, recelvod per steamer, nnd for salo by nug31 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. infants' Waists and Ceps ; Cashmere Scarf* ; Ribbon* : ladles’, gentlemen’* and children’* Hosiery ; nnedleworkod Trimmings, Cambric and flwlss Bands ; embroidered and linen cambric Handkorelitcfs. Just received and fur sale at the lowest prices, by *o27 DkWITT k MORGAN. P LAFl) and striped mourning gingham*: ®l‘o, a new stylo of French gingham*, Ju*t received and for salc stylo of French ginghams, hy nugifl A (KIN k BURNS. ppolnted *gcnt for the stave Invaluable publication, fa prepared to receive subscriptions. The next volum® will commence on tho 17th flept. GEO. II. MITCHELL, nuglO Successor toF. Xogbaum k Co. C 10RN.—800 bushels prlmo white Uuitimore Corn, for / salo to ntigJl o arrivo. Appl prime >ly to OGDEN kBUNKER. I NJ/jUR—50 bids Baltimore Flour, to store and for sale by 1 sop23 BRIGHAM. KELLY k CO. *ep21 . V. C0NNERAT k CO. gRANDIEfl—I.inding fromT8at terly—10 cask* snjierior (fognac Brandy In store, 10 halfwit pea O D A Co’* do, 10 quarter casks very old Jean Tsiuis’ tors do, various brands, for salo by sepil 16 halves and quar- V. CONNEBAT k CO. A NCHOVY FACTE, French Mustard, Caper*, flardinei and Ollveg. for sale hy Jane24 A. BONAUD. M 0LASSE8.—200 bh’s pflmt N. 0. Uolanaet, for tale to arrive. Apply to aug20 OGDEN k BUNKER. B BUTTER, CHEE8E, Ao —80 keg* selected Goshen Bat ter, 60 taxes English Dairy Cheese. 20 half bbls Georg® Haas' F M Beef, landing from stoamer, and for sale by aug!3 HCRANTON. JOHNSTON A 00. CjHIRTS, flHfRTfl.—Jnst received a now supply, of various hJ fashion* and qualltfa*. Jyl4 PRICE A VEADER, 147 Bay-rt. Ayf OLAS-3hs._50 bbl*. Portland Syrup j 60 do. oholo® N ivi O. do., for sal® by *ugl9 WER8TER A PALMES. ■pU'ITER AND CHKEflE—Just received per at®*m*r Au- jD gusto, 5 kege cholco Goshen Butter, 10 caries Dairy Cboees®. for sale tor DAVID (POONNOR, auglT Corner Broughton and Drayton-alroet*. TWENTY DOLLARS RK1VARD.—Itanaway from ftfc'E.—40 casks Smalt RIciTfer sale by ihc snbecritar. on th® lfllh of Attgoat. * rt®gro man XV anglfl MoMAHON A DOYLE. JRDECAI k CO, Agent®,Cliarleston UNITED STATES MAIL UHB. Now York and Savannah Stenmahl] Days of Leaving Savannah for New York. Tlie Augusta Capt. Lyon.. Saturday, 8ept. Tlie Florida (’apt. Woodhull... .Fatunlay, *• The Alabama Capt. Ludlow......Wednesday, “ .. These ships are the Inrgest on tho coast, unsurpassed In speed, snfoty or comfort—making tholr passages to 60 to 00 hours, and are commanded by skllfol, earofiiland pollt® of ficers. They offer a most desirable conveyance to New York. On the completion of the Knoxville to the antumn, this line will bo semi-weekly—railing each Wednesday and Saturday. Chblu passugo $26. Steerage, $9. PADELFi )RD, FAY A Co., Agents to 8ovannab, 8AM’L U MITCHELL, JunrS M Broadway. New York. 8UMME1 iUEMENT. 8 10 14 FOll PHILADELPHIA—FAIUC REDUCED. 71* tail on Saturday Afternoon, June 1HA. at 4 o'clock. Tho Win side-wheel steamship OSPREY, 1000 /NMivKitnns burthen, J.Bkxkrt,commander, will leave as jhjx nnnexd schedule every other Saturday. FRO* rtlXRMKTO.V. Juno. June 26 July " July 1 August August 1 from rmuDKirnu. Sept 17l Juno 4 October... 1 June 18 October'...161 July 2 October.. .2011 July 1« Novoinhor..l2lljuly 80 Novemtar. 23 August 13 September.. 3|IVceiiilKjr..lO||Augu*t 27 Cabin passage. Fteeragn Sept 10 Sept 24 October.... 8 October..., 21 November. 8 November. 19 December.. 8 ..815 0 Through ticket* tn New York 17 This shin has been thoroughly overhauled nnd furnished witli now boiler*, nnd a largo nnd elegant dining saloon on •leek, with every arrangement that can add to tlio comfort of pa**eiiger*. In Philadelphia, this ship occupies the same wharf aa the l.iveriHsil steamships City orGInsgow nnd City ofManchei. ter. at tho foot of Queen street, and Central wharf,Charlca Freight on all perishable articles mnst bo pre.pald. For freight or passage, apply to II. F. BAKER A 00., Accommodation wharf,.Charleston. , „ SAMUEL T. PERCE, J«""7 Agent, Philadelphia. UNITED STATES MAIL LINK* ,Through in 60 to 66 linura.-A>io York and Charleston Steam Pack**—I ear* Adger’a Wharves every Saturday ** - * , ■ - - ----- -aturdajr Afternoon, and each alternate Wednesday. On Saturday the new «ud splendid 8toainshiisi JAMES AI)GKit, Cnptain J. Dicrikbo:*, 1,500 tons MARION. Captain M. Bkrrv, 1,20C ton*. SOUTHERNER! Gantoln W. Fromm, 1.000 ton*, will leave each altormato Weduesd y, having boon nowly ooppenf and guard* raised, I* now to complote order. For freight or passage, having elegant slate room accom- niodations, apply at the office of tlie Agent. _ JRY MIBSKOON, Corner East Bay and Adger A Son’s Wlmrve*. N. II.—A new ship will bo placed to the line to conned with the Southerner on Wednesdays. feblO UNITED STATEN MAIL. From Macon, Ga., to Tnllnhassee, Fla. Railroad to Oglethorp—Stages to UMahasse*. mw ooniinenced on tlie tlth lust., running three times a week via. Newton, Ralnhridgo. and Quincy, and three time* a week via. Tliomasville, Dnncantville, &c. I’sMNcugcrs hy this route will leave Macon at half pout 8 o’eloek, A. M.. hy Railroad for Ogtnthorpe. Tlio Htagos leaving Oglcthorge either way at 11 o’clock, arriving atTnU lahassee, nt 10 o'clock on tho evening of tho next day—tlm® hy either route 86 hour*. Monday, Wednesday nnd Friday, by Nrtrtnn. Bntobrldo® and Quincy, to Tallahassee returning, leave* l*ailahassee on Sundays, Tuesdays nnd Thursdays, at 10. P. M. On Tuesday*,Thursdays, and Saturday*, hy tho way 'I Oil lit IVI 111 lll.iil.if. .ii.t.11 ...I. If. ■ 1-* TlinnuisvIlktelretumiiigsai’ne'routoonMondaya.Wwtoes^ava 's.atlO. P. M. * and Friday/ Tiirmigh from Oglethorii* toTallahaasee by either route in .16 hours—frnm Macon to 88—nnd from Savannah to 60 hours. I>jf this,route Pasaenper* to"ytog. Savannah by 8 o’cloo Tral — w tor t „ UIW rCars, will arrive at Tallahasseo to 60 hours. It fa a Iso decidedly the tail, cheapest and most expeditious rout® for travellers to Apnln$hlroln end West Florida. Far/- from Macon to Oglethorpe $1,75 ; from Oglethorp® to Tallahassee. $10,00, ' L. C. F11* w. Agent nt Oglethorpo, A. A. Kisiikr, •' “ Tallahassep. »«Uf30 F. K. WRIOnT. Proprietor MACON AND WESTERN RAILROAD. Mali Train. . leaves Macon dally, at 8 o’clock, P. M. “ Atlanta “ •< flV •* P. M. /CONNECTING at Atlanta with (lie Trains of the Western \y and Atlnntlunnd LiGrnngo Honda, and with tho Day Train nf the Georgia Rond, and at Mae* l with the Day Train* of tlie Central and South-western<ls. l'assengor will arrivo In Maoon at 12U.and at Atlonta at IX, havlu® the remainder of tho night fur rest. Passenger* going South, via Montgomery, (Ala.) whf lo»rn Savannah at* A. M„ will arrive nt Montgomery to for- ty-elglit hours, including all stoppages, tnd only ten hours staging. AccoinmrolatlnnTralns.Trl-Weekly.will lea re Macon ®vert Monday, Wednesday and Friday, nt 8 o'clock, A. M. Re. turning, leavo Atlanta erery Tuesday, Tliursday and Satur day. al7K A. M. Till* Train will connect with th® Night Train of the Georgia Road at Atlanta, and with th® Night Train of tlio Central Road at Macon. 1’assenger* by th® up. ward Train can dine at Griffin. Mxw.v, May 17.1862. EMERSON FOOTE, Snp’t* 8mo Jy 21 SOUTH-WESTERN RAILROAD. P ASSENGER TRAINB leave Maoon daffy at flX A. M,: arrivo atOgletliorpe 10J 4 ' A. if.; arrive at Oolumhu* 1 o’clock, P. if. -e Leave Columbus daily at 9 o’clock. A. M.,andOf]*ttlwp® at UX A. M.; arrive at Macon at 3X F.M# Connecting at llacon each way with Central R R train to Savannah, Augusta nnd Miltalgevillo, and with Macon aud W. trains to Griffin, Atlanta, Dalton, Chattanooga, Nash ville. Ac. Connecting dally nt Columbus, hy fast line of coaches, 28 to Opelika, thence fit mile* hy M. k W. P. R. B. to Montgom ery; Ala. rannectlng at Oglethorpo with Tallahassee and Eutkula mall stages. Passengers breikfast and dine at Fort Valley. GKO. W. ADAMS, Superintendent. M* mx, Aug. 20,1863, qugll PLASTERING, AO, T IIE undersigned having commenced buriMM on bla «— * ‘ * **• * _ own account, respectfully tender* his service* to th* public. He will contract for Pfato nnd Urnatnegtallflaa- raring, Rtoco Work, Ao . Ac., nt the usual prices, and will in every case warrant work executed by himself, or under his supervision. Builders nnd others contemplating build- »edntractlng with Ing, would do well to call upon him before contracting with others. Orders left at hi* residence. Jone*-it.,corner of will be promptly attended to. jnlylB—ly VALENTINE BRUNNER. H AY -25 bundle* prim® Etotefn H®y, landing from brig Phllura, and for aal® by BRIGHAM, KELLY It CO. Cutt«ra. ifratty Pan«, French end English Basting Spawns, Skimmers, Soup tadle*. Ao .tortra- eetved and fur sale by JuneS J. P. COLLINS /Cashmeres, Meusiin de uiws,' puld Kpil y In all color*, eaahmere Plaids, Saxony color plain and brocade Silks In new stylea, blnrtt 811i* to all width* and qualities, black Sktln de Chene, attd a gnat va riety of other artlelea for ladle*' dresses, Jnst received and ro,«te.„h.te...,pri».b, nwmkuomM/ . tj«CHVSU W L*JT StliKER—Iteirdottu ' XV and n and &aaaookma*Uo*,i>ctf gloves and ifllt® i till as, wash blood, gras* elotb, N W oollara and el long lawaa.BlriU^y diaper, «e,forjalay Junel8 READ SHEER—For cutting bread of an ness, slicing smoked beef, euttlnff eold *1 knlfo ran ta regulated to cut any t_ nn X to X ot an Inch. For eale by *ag6 J, P|.( A N additional lupply of Louisiana r ” Juft received; also, a how style of P * leh a pr~ " ** • which a premium ^. to whloh we Invite the warn